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File (hide): 1705567628200.png (316.68 KB, 800x800, pl9IR0d.png)

No. 1859737

No. 1859750>>1861229

File (hide): 1705568427754.png (38.5 KB, 598x379, 0GSLPfp.png)

No. 1860312>>1860420>>1866270

File (hide): 1705611546098.png (184.62 KB, 720x1181, 1705562815465.png)

But what's wrong with being anti porn?

No. 1860420


No. 1860423>>1860434

File (hide): 1705621264554.jpeg (303.87 KB, 1170x2206, IMG_7522.jpeg)

No. 1860431

Imagine telling to a Metis person that she's guilty of Whiteness.

No. 1860434

Why are men so emotional?

No. 1861229

but they are creeps. all male kpop fans i’ve seen on Twitter seem incredibly adjacent to incel-ish politics (look at the user’s name) and are only on the ride for their asian fetishism. they prop up these young girls as their real-life waifus

No. 1863408

Racists can talk all day on how the black race is inferior and all blacks have to die, but if I tell him to drink bleach I get banned for a week. Why do I even bother with twitter? Can't even screencap the comment anymore

No. 1864257>>1864267>>1864301>>1865589

File (hide): 1705903526698.jpeg (936.39 KB, 1284x2260, IMG_3922.jpeg)

No. 1864267

I’m like 99.9% sure that there are no gendies in Gaza. They’re not privileged enough to where people would make up issues such as tranny ideology, kek.
Imagine being in the middle of a war and your main concern is people getting your shitty pronouns correct because you’re uber special and need praise.

No. 1864301

Women and girls. There. Also why is it always "folks". Just say "people" at least

No. 1865301

File (hide): 1706015388832.jpeg (812.21 KB, 1170x1715, IMG_5422.jpeg)

His forehead to midface ratio is the most convincing pro abortion argument I’ve ever seen.

No. 1865321>>1865324>>1865336

File (hide): 1706017799271.jpeg (34.37 KB, 872x272, IMG_6450.jpeg)

After wishing death to everyone who support Israel.
God, I can't wait until they're grown up and have to start paying their own bills.

No. 1865324>>1865559

Israel sucks.

No. 1865336

Kek the melodrama. This person has never truly suffered or faced any substantive hardships.

No. 1865543>>1865550>>1865560>>1865578>>1865604>>1866267

File (hide): 1706039454331.jpeg (972.38 KB, 1170x1863, IMG_7589.jpeg)

kek op’s whole twitter account also just screams corny to me

No. 1865550

Ugh were your lingerie and just enjoy yourself! why do you have to be a pickme about it!

No. 1865559>>1866224

Both sides suck. No smoke without fire

No. 1865560

all that for a man who probably wears decade old cottonworlds and will cheat on you smh

No. 1865578

This is nice if the man puts in equal amounts of effort to stay fit, groom himself and wear nice clothes and just generally actively puts in effort to be as attractive he can be to her. That's rarely the case.

No. 1865589

I don't know which tweet gave me an Aneurysm.

No. 1865604

I wonder what she sees before going to bed. For some reason I suspect that the effort isn't being matched.

No. 1865661>>1865663>>1865687>>1865688>>1865715>>1865718>>1866157>>1866175>>1866177>>1866194>>1866426>>1866518>>1866530

File (hide): 1706050001938.jpeg (79.06 KB, 607x624, 87643939022323.jpeg)

Some in the comments have pointed out that having children didn't prevent her from being abused in a nursing home and moids in the comments are shifting goalposts by saying the abuser wouldn't have been caught if it weren't for the hidden camera the kids have hidden.

No. 1865663

i am commiting suicide before i turn 70 this is scary

No. 1865687>>1866629

That idiot must not realize how many people throw their grandparents and parents in nursing homes, often times barely visiting them. Having children doesn't guarantee you'll have people to take care of you. And elderly abuse is not exclusive to white people.

No. 1865688

joke is on him, I lead a very unhealthy lifestyle and will be dead before I reach my 70s. meanwhile his ass will be working until he goes to a nursing home because our generation won't retire and his kids will hate him anyway. so who is really losing here, huh?

No. 1865715

Even if you have 5 kids and act like the perfect tradwife your chances of ending up in a nursing home only go up. Moids die first usually so they dont give a fuck about your old age, then the more kids you have the less money you had to save up. Living is a curse from birth to death.

No. 1865718

>elderly woman is abused by retarded caretaker moid
>muh childless women!!1!

Absolutely retarded. Having children does not guarantee caretakers and even then it’s the children that send their parents to nursing homes because they don’t want to have the burden of caring for someone else. Their children will want their own lives in adulthood too. Why is this so hard for moids to understand?

No. 1865722>>1865745

Tfw you thought you were going to lose your job for being unhinged in front of your boss but there’s been 2 death threats and 1 physical altercation in the last 2 weeks so being a mildly unhinged but competent worker is fine actually(wrong thread)

No. 1865745

Sorry friends I’m retarded.

No. 1866131>>1866150>>1866583

File (hide): 1706087824035.png (414.23 KB, 1080x2155, Screenshot_20240124-061127.png)

I'm so tired of this bullshit. Israel and Palestine have been at war for ages now and no one gave a crap, I'm tired of boycott this and that, talk about it share it. Fuck OFF. And I bet these are all retarded 14yo, kids need their internet access restricted holy shit. Sorry nonnas twitter is so retarded with all this is making me lose braincells

No. 1866150

the thing is, this is the exact same brain-rot with all other issues they obsess over for a few months and then quickly forgot. they think it's like cancelling a celebrity.

No. 1866157

Males seething about childfree women is a beautiful thing, I love it when they're so blatantly desperate because they have no power.

No. 1866175>>1866178>>1866199>>1866204>>1866230>>1866518

I mean this is a fear I do have, when I'm old I really don't who I will rely on. even unattentive kids would be better then trusting my life with a stranger.

No. 1866177>>1868173

Every woman I saw in the nursing home seemed to have children. Moids are losing power and it's wonderful. Also, I'd love to see the abuser moid b*rned alive. What a scum.(b*nned f*r b*d w*rds)

No. 1866178

I get sad knowing my parents put my gma in a nursing home when she was most vulnerable. Depresses me everyday.

No. 1866194

I think anyone who thinks you’re dumped in a nursing home as a punishment has never had to take care of their elderly loved ones. If you have a relative with dementia someone has to be around them 24/7 day and night to make sure they don’t set the house on fire or run away or poison your kids. Even if they’re able minded, someone still has to be around constantly to make sure they don’t fall or help clean them up when they inevitably have an accident. And home health aids can cost thousands to ten thousands of dollars a year, especially when they’re around the clock.

The problem with nursing homes is they’re for profit and deliver the most minimal care to pocket money. The staff gets paid like ass and there’s little to no vetting process so you end up with stories like these or Billy Chemirmir.

No. 1866199>>1868256

My grandparents have 4 kids who love them and with whom they have a very good relationship and they still ended up in a nursing home. I visit my grandmother regularly and most people there have kids. Conservative family-oriented community too. Our society just isn't built in a way you can assume you'll be able to take care of your parents, especially now that most households need two full-time incomes and especially if/once they get dementia or otherwise need a lot of medical help and attention things get difficult. In the past a lot of elderly care relied on the woman working for free and that being economically feasible.

You're better off saving and investing all that money you save from not having kids towards being able to afford professional care if you need it.

No. 1866204>>1866225>>1866230

People really forget the fact that you could also get abused by family, or anyone actually, as you get weaker. It's not about having kids or not. It's not worth it if you got a big ass family if everyone forgets about you or abuses you

No. 1866224

based, people cling onto one side and become fanatical about defending their side when both sides are fucking retarded.

No. 1866225

still I would trust a direct relative over a stranger.

No. 1866230>>1866237

This is something I think about.
Plus, isn't it shitty to basically tell your kids "now you have to take care of me because I had to take care of you" which is translated to "I wasted my youth on your asses and now you must pay me back" which is why there's always a lot of drama about who takes care of the elderly in many homes. Specially if that elderly person is like, very sick, has a terrible attitude all of the time and so on.
The best bet is to take care of yourself and to save as much money as possible so life as an old woman isn't an issue or is at least tolerable.

No. 1866237>>1866364>>1866540

>The best bet is to take care of yourself and to save as much money as possible so life as an old woman isn't an issue or is at least tolerable.
Okay, but you still need someone to take care of you, no matter how fit you keep your body. It will fail. For instance, my grandfather was a strong man. He jogged every day and ate right. However, he still got cancer and was basically bedridden for the last 6 years of his life, in constant pain and agony.

No. 1866267

these LARP accounts are never not hilarious, guaranteed this person doesn't even have a boyfriend or husband kek

No. 1866270>>1866383

It’s so disheartening that both the left and the right try to push pro-troon and pro-choice into the same category. Just trying to erode women’s rights

No. 1866326>>1866329

File (hide): 1706110168760.png (966.71 KB, 600x1921, ped2v.png)

I am 100% certain that the person who runs this account is a pedophile.

No. 1866329>>1866336>>1866343

Why is Sam Emerson from The Lost Boys censored?

No. 1866336>>1866343

I censored it, cause the actor looked underage to me.

No. 1866343>>1866349

He was underage in that movie, the actor was 16 in that role. That one is especially sick because the actor Corey Haim was sexually abused at 14 by an old pedo scrote and the trauma of it basically ruined his entire career since he got hooked on drugs and was even homeless at one point. Really sad actually

No. 1866349

I mean, I don't watch movies with kids cause in the back of my mind, there's a big fear that the children are probably getting molested behind the scenes. I really just avoid movies other then a few pop-corn flicks.

No. 1866364

That's just bad Luck, cancer will kill anyone, but when you take care of yourself, you get to live for a bit longer.
Like, my uncle had a shitty diet, was sedentary as fuck, was an alcoholic that stopped drinking alcohol just a few years ago, was addicted to cigarettes and stopped smoking only right after the surgery to remove the tumor because it was an emergency. And he died in 5 months of suffering horribly every single day.
Taking care of yourself will always be better than just slowly killing yourself.

No. 1866383

This. At the end of the day, both sides hate women so much that they would rather pretend men are women than allow women to have their own spaces. At this point, women will continue to have abysmal health and wellness care. It's so exhausting.

No. 1866426>>1866504

the reactions to this are dire. My mum takes good care of her mum, because granma helped her big time during pregnancy/when us kids were small, and I plan to do the same for mum as she helps me. It's just a few years of effort, they fly by…

No. 1866504>>1866514

>It's just a few years of effort
I’ve become my mom’s care taker in the past year and I can tell you it isn’t as easy as you’re making it out to be depending on how sickly the person is.

No. 1866514

nta but due to my mother's health issues, I sort of had to become my mother's caretaker. It was not a choice I had, but it was my responsibility. I guess it's fine for me. I eventually ended up getting a job that I could work from home, but I missed out on a lot of things that most people do in their 20s and even early30s. It's not easy, especially with relationships, but I can make due.

No. 1866518>>1866540

As another nonna mentioned, the issue with nursing homes is that they prioritize profits. Unfortunately, this allows terrible people to gain access. In an ideal world, there would be thorough checks in place for both nursing homes and anything related to children, to prevent potential abusers from entering. This would involve extensive background checks and psychological evaluations for all staff. However, even in this perfect scenario, I understand how lonely it could feel without the support of family. It would be one thing if your family can't take care of yourself due to an illness, but if your family simply abandons you, I can imagine how much it would emotionally devastate someone.

No. 1866530

There should be actual death sentences for people who abuse the elderly. I hate this so much

No. 1866540>>1869534

During one of the episodes of redfem, Jen Izaakson provided a rather depressing example. She discussed separatist communes and highlighted that while most people left these communes due to various challenges and an inability to sustain it, a few women stayed behind, hoping that new women would eventually join and support them and take care of them when they got older. Although a small number of younger women did join, their hopes were not realized. As the founder of the commune and other members aged, they struggled to meet the needs of the community, and more young women chose to leave. Eventually, these older women were forced to pool their savings to move into nursing homes or, in some cases, reach out to their families whom they had not been in contact with for three or four decades, seeking care from them.

No. 1866583

Unfortunately I can tell you from my own circles there are plenty of fully grown adults who think this way. I just find it all so mentally draining. I hate how extreme it's all getting. I've seen both blatant antisemitism and people wanting gaza flattened. They all accuse the other of propaganda when anyone with a brain can realize that everyone uses propaganda in any conflict.

No. 1866611>>1866612>>1866615>>1866676>>1866722>>1866785

File (hide): 1706130259897.jpeg (724.55 KB, 1170x1354, B89C30B9-71A4-499B-AF5E-C47942…)

>guy posts memorial post about dead brother
>"hey let's take a second and appreciate all the MEN out there, can i hear it for the MEN"

This isn't even that bad of a post but it just pisses me off

No. 1866612

the funny thing is, the vast majority of gazan men would consider this incredibly shameful, to put in the category as helpless victims.

No. 1866615

>but remember the poor men wah wah wah
All these problems are created by male ego and male violence, those poor poor men go fuck themselves.

No. 1866629

>And elderly abuse is not exclusive to white people.
They probably meant because POC have in their culture that they take care of their elders, which ignore that some elders can be a pos and in some places they have to live with them because buying a house on its own is expensive as hell.

No. 1866676

Men are literally the ones who started it in the first place lol.

No. 1866722>>1866756

Not saying I at all condone what’s happening to them, men included, but let’s be fucking real here; when you see hamas etc it’s all dudes.

If they’re so called freedom fighters for their country, how come the women that live there aren’t being shown being allowed to take up arms and outrage? I know why

not here to racebait or start beef I hate this whole situation it’s awful no one should suffer but y’all get me

No. 1866756

It's like when you see refugees, either in camps or on planes/boats etc, a lot of the time it's all men. Men start wars and women and children are the ones who suffer for it.

No. 1866778>>1866800>>1867723

File (hide): 1706140901436.jpeg (145.54 KB, 1465x957, IMG_0089.jpeg)

Kek. Troon wants to do the Starbucks boycott but can’t change his coffee routine

No. 1866785

Who do they think started this dumb ass war that dragged in women and innocent children though?? All war is created by men. Cry me a river

No. 1866800

sounds like an autistic who cant break out of his schedule

No. 1867655>>1867717

File (hide): 1706211302994.png (726.75 KB, 1079x1459, 1000000419.png)

Does he want praise for wiping his ass as well? Please grow up, you're really showing the male socialisation.

No. 1867717

>needing endless praise for doing basic tasks
God this is pathetic, if the troon flag didn't already tell you that this is a male then this tweet would kek

No. 1867723

lol if you have a legitimate caffeine addiction just buy a fucking keurig at home or something. it's just a fat fuck starbucks consoomer

No. 1868114

File (hide): 1706264984323.png (65.78 KB, 606x468, fuckyou.PNG)

Look I don't want to get into a Gaza/Israel discussion but they CANNOT just fucking make this shit up. It's true, lesbians and gays and women get murdered in Palestine because people in Palestine don't tolerate them. It's just the fucking truth and it's pissing me off that they're trying to rewrite history so it can fit into their black and white view. They can't or don't want to face the fact that the oppressed state has also been murdering people over religious beliefs for centuries. It's insulting to pretend that a population doesn't support honor killings because it's being bombed by another nation right now.

No. 1868161>>1868164>>1868165>>1868171>>1868173>>1868174>>1868281>>1868387>>1868417>>1868432>>1869321

File (hide): 1706270117173.png (155.96 KB, 516x680, scared moid.png)

Swifties are doxxing moids who spread Taylor's revenge porn AI pictures. They already made tons of moids deactivate. Never thought i would say this in my life, but based Swifties.

No. 1868164

I hope Taylor Swift will sue him and set a precedent because this shit is insane.

No. 1868165

kek based, swifties might be batshit but at least they're putting it to good use at the moment

No. 1868171

I can finally say those Swifties are based. Fuck men for their degenerate behavior. Of course like the moid he is, he's making it out to be some grand "war" where he has to make a "tactical retreat." What a fail male. Go fight in an actual work. Fly your ass to one of the waring countries and make tactical retreats there, retard.

No. 1868173

hoping taylor puts her billions to good use and sues him until he ends up in the streets. >>1866177
lmao this redtext

No. 1868174

Wtf I love Swifties now.

No. 1868183>>1868281>>1868387

File (hide): 1706272331915.png (337.48 KB, 534x487, gay midge.png)

faggot moids on the other farm are coping and seething because they know their days of making AI porn of their 15yo cousins are over

No. 1868256

my grandparents had a care home that ruled. great food, lots of activities, pretty decently staffed. but yeah as mentioned, too many of them are understaffed or scummy. we actually had to move my grandparents around a couple times before we found one we liked. there's nothing inherently abusive about putting adults in what amounts to nice college dorms full of nurses and visiting them.

there are bright, well decorated, nice homes out there. organizing elderly care like this is actually a great idea and we should look into improving it, maybe through grants and subsidies (age comes for us all, therefore its a worthy public project) as well as much harsher penalties for elder abuse and fraud.

No. 1868281>>1868387

Women should learn to use the very technology that harms them to destroy scum moids.

No. 1868387


Learning from Swifties, it would be cool if many women could form a group and go after every retard who dares to post AI porn. Getting humiliated publicly scares and traumatizes the moid.

I hope these uggos got embarrassed in front of their family, friends and workplace so everyone in their real life circle knows what degens they are

No. 1868417>>1868818

this moid in particular is an absolute degen.

No. 1868419>>1868428>>1868435>>1868441>>1868456>>1868475>>1868684>>1868722>>1868747>>1868814>>1868841>>1869136

File (hide): 1706298329223.png (1.86 MB, 600x3583, xr42w.png)

>make a post about asking men to care of themselves and dress well
>ugly unkempt reply actually "that's gay" and then also wonder why they can't get girlfriends.
it's all so tiresome

No. 1868428

These are all just super basic pieces too, they’re so fucking stupid.

No. 1868432

Good luck doxxing him, based queens. Hope he gets what he deserves.

No. 1868435

They're fucking retards about it too, a good outfit enhances masculinity. Top left is perfect.

No. 1868441>>1868447>>1868477

You can't see much of the outfits but they look like basic grown man clothes. What does those twitter scrotes wear, tracksuits? Shorts and little boy caps?

No. 1868447

Wait let me guess…fursuits.

No. 1868456

So a nice pair of chino slacks and a sweater is gay? tf

No. 1868475

these dudes would lose their minds if they saw how some masculine manly men a few decades ago dressed

No. 1868477>>1868640>>1868691>>1869136

They wear cargo shorts with some video game t-shirt and legend of Zelda cap. Alternatively, dirty sweatpants and plain shirt. Both options effectively make women stay away from them.

No. 1868640

I remember reading horror stories about men having to be talked into wearing slacks instead of jeans for their own wedding. Women put so much more effort into dressing up and looking nice, it's unreal.

No. 1868684>>1869074>>1869089

File (hide): 1706316060140.jpeg (315.22 KB, 1125x1408, IMG_0041.jpeg)

>modernist soulless capitalist fashion
What’s stopping them from dressing like a hot coal shoveler on a sinking ship?

No. 1868691

Males over 16 need to be permanently banned from wearing graphic tees jesus christ if you’re gonna wear nice slim fit t-shirt, have big tits that show off the curvature, chestlets disgust me.

No. 1868722

I love that this implies that homosexual men dress better when most of the time they don't either kek. God forbid a man find a happy area between looking put together and looking casual.

No. 1868747>>1868764

File (hide): 1706319793031.webm (155.81 KB, 588x432, Moid_PSA.webm) [play once] [loop]

The two anime profile pic replies are exaclty what I thought they were gonna be LMAO You know these men are going to die alone

No. 1868764

The "nooo putting any effort in your looks is gay" and the "actually I am the woman" guys have the exact same shitty taste in anime and by now it doesn't come as a surprise to anyone

No. 1868814

File (hide): 1706324808728.jpg (43.56 KB, 564x564, 4a4fa9a0a14fa483bf9455c054fce7…)

how do these moids dress!? nothing on that list is even slightly revealing. Do they live their lives in black tees and jeans? do they never wear a sweater? Wait until moids find out how men used to dress in the 80s.

No. 1868818>>1868830>>1868932

what did he do outside of the AI thing? It wouldnt surprise me if everyone involved had creepy AI CP and thats why they are so scared of the swifties.

No. 1868830>>1868832

Making graphic AI porn of a woman being gang raped in a stadium isn't enough?

No. 1868832>>1868932

i know, i just want to know what else he did if he's well known for being a degenerate

No. 1868841

It's because they are fat, bald and weirdly shaped so that clothes don't fit them.

No. 1868851>>1868853>>1868933>>1874536

File (hide): 1706327783853.jpg (228 KB, 720x1054, 1000002385.jpg)

Did they ever find out what ugly faggot runs Poo_crave? None of their posts are funny and most of them are weirdly vulgar, misogynistic shit about women. Very desperate and embarassing account. Ewww

No. 1868853>>1868860>>1874536

File (hide): 1706327954142.jpg (181.77 KB, 720x967, 1000002386.jpg)

It has over 150k followers and is literally just creepy misogyny and calling ugly men hot

No. 1868860>>1868864>>1874536

File (hide): 1706328401278.jpg (Spoiler Image,221.97 KB, 720x1415, 1000002388.jpg)

Edited a screenshot of 20 year old Olivia Rodrigos account to make it look like she was liking gay porn

No. 1868864>>1868866>>1874536

File (hide): 1706328537797.jpg (147.83 KB, 720x1001, 1000002389.jpg)

Applying gay male memes to 20 year old Bella Ramsay, he sounds like a 37 year old man. Mind you most of his posts are women, and the few of men are about how he wants to have sex with them.

No. 1868866>>1868869

File (hide): 1706328685380.jpg (201.23 KB, 720x1070, 1000002387.jpg)

Saying 20 year old Tate McRae needs facial feminization surgery. 150k followers mind you.

No. 1868869>>1868960>>1874536

File (hide): 1706328816525.jpg (101.08 KB, 720x668, 1000002390.jpg)

Gay men think the sexual harassment of women is soo funny exdee

No. 1868932>>1868940

he comments on random celebrity's photos from tweets from pop-crave and wishes they would do race-play porn or how much he wants to fuck them. also his account is mostly retweeting from various accounts.

No. 1868933

At this point we need to bait them all into posting something about Taylor Swift and then unleash the Swifties.

No. 1868940>>1868968

Are you saying on his main? I just wonder what his handle is because he talks like he is mentally handicapped and none of this shit is normal ewww

No. 1868960>>1868963

This is elon masks fault tbh, in the past no one would have cared about that account. But now with the fact that anyone could access a blue checkmark we have so many parody or low-quality accounts getting traction and being put on the forefront. The amount of people who I have seen mistake with poo crave with pop crave is alot and that leads to false info being spread and people actually believing the news posted by poo crave because they mistook it with pop crave.

No. 1868963

Stupid autocorrect I meant Elon Musk not Masks but that is pretty funny I'll start referring to him as Elon masks from now on.

No. 1868968>>1868973

File (hide): 1706340503719.png (442.96 KB, 828x1336, q6QpHZw.png)

He's a twitter "comedian" who makes offensive jokes and posts about how much he's attracted to(fetishizes) white women and even made fetishizing comments about Arab women recently during the gaza war.

No. 1868973

None of this surprises me. Very flagrant thing to do when you have so much on the internet, i genuinely hope they make annexample out of him and at least scare the majority into cutting this shit out. I know it will only push it underground, but for the love of God we should not be seeing abuse porn viral on social media.

No. 1869074>>1869136>>1869137>>1869172

At my previous job I once saw a guy who was dressed like he was from a 70s blaxploitation movie, I thought that was the coolest shit, moids have zero creativity.

No. 1869089

It's tragic when hot coal shovelers dressed better than modern men.

No. 1869136

This is so depressing, hope they die alone. At least the comment about mariachi fashion was about an interesting aesthetic.

disgusting, that's what toddlers wear

I keep seeing a guy like that at my mall and if I wasn't shy I'd compliment his fits, they're really colorful and creative

No. 1869137>>1869268

I would instantly fall in love if i saw a moid with the balls to dress like he was living in the 70s. Men are super selfconscious and too afraid of stand out, that's why they are used as cannon fodder for wars kek

No. 1869172

There was a guy like this who came to the library where I worked to check out CDs and his music taste was also impeccable, men who have true flair for dressing and styling themselves but aren’t gay are so rare and they stand out like beautiful exotic birds kek

No. 1869268

I know one but he also wears a mustache and that's so ugly

No. 1869306>>1869316>>1869322>>1869403>>1869614>>1870094>>1872228

File (hide): 1706375440793.png (178.12 KB, 550x587, BUT WHAT ABOUT THE GAYS.png)

>be war
>most victim's are women and children
>reach out to the world for help
>zoomers take notice
>"oh good! maybe this will help us to reach the call for hel-"
>the true victims are the twans
>wont even call you a woman but "menstruating person" not realizing how degrading it is in arabic when translated
i mean im glad people are speaking out for the war but using it for oneselfs agenda is pretty gross

No. 1869316

And queer is a slur, good job insulting people in a war zone who might be thrown off a building by their own community if outed.

No. 1869321>>1869766

I wish the dox was real but it’s not. His real name is the muslim equivalent of Adam Smith. There’s thousands of asians in his age group alone with the exact same first and last name as him. The Kirawontmiss dox is fake too. The swiftie behind all the doxxing pretended to dox a Palestinian woman earlier this year because she mocked Taylor’s music but all the swiftie account did was repost old pics the Palestinian woman had deleted. When did that become doxxing? Am i a boomer?

No. 1869322

I cannot fathom the insane victim complex one must have to even do this. Not to mention, how disconnected they are irl. Women are children are the main victims of this war. Wtf is going on. I hate how much 'queer' culture has ruined people's brains online. Brainrot is beyond real

No. 1869403

File (hide): 1706383188927.png (1.11 MB, 2064x994, OC4PdFz.png)

I knew this would happen. I knew Americans couldn't help but make it about themselves. Recently, black freepalestinian twitter supporters are angry that there isn't enough being done to address the issues of Afro-Palestinians face. They accuse people of being racist for posting pictures of "white-passing" Palestinians as innocent children. It feels like something a right-wing comedian would make up, but it's actually happening

No. 1869534

very depressing to read about

No. 1869614

>Twitterfags forgetting that "gays" get murdered by Palestinians too
I can't with these stupid ass gendies thinking that a country that's mostly muslim will suddenly become accepting of queer uwu people and terminology like "menstruating person" during a fucking war.

No. 1869766

I had a feeling it would come out as fake

No. 1870042>>1870179>>1875967

File (hide): 1706443449210.png (360.88 KB, 603x2179, Screenshot.png)

leftist men and libfems will joke about how their gonna geocode landlords and police everyday, but then act like the biggest pacifists if we advocate for executing rapists and pedophiles.

No. 1870094

Tbf I think that site has existed for a while now

No. 1870179>>1909918

File (hide): 1706462289602.jpeg (643.73 KB, 1012x1687, IMG_6811.jpeg)

I hate sheltered leftists, this is always virtue-signaling from retards who have never even been in close proximity to real violence. They should be subjected to viewing senseless gore and the aftermaths for the victims and loved ones. All crimes are not equal, many are not rehabilitatable, what the fuck is hard to understand.

No. 1870249>>1870265

File (hide): 1706467651592.png (270.65 KB, 602x668, srdewesvf.png)

No. 1870265

The reason working class people in Britain don't want to vote for Labour any more is because of the grooming gang scandal. It didn't just happen in Rotherham, it happened in many towns in the north and the midlands with a Labour MP and Labour run councils.

No. 1871829>>1873718

File (hide): 1706613083805.png (625.96 KB, 604x1080, vsqad.png)

>average hasan supporter

No. 1872228

Almost certain the posts on there are fake. None of them write like Palestinians and nothing about it speaks about anything remotely Palestinian. It is clearly "queer" zoomer larpers, something about it is creepy.

No. 1873671

File (hide): 1706770246507.png (547.4 KB, 620x2652, GV4b1.png)

Doesn't matter if your pro-Palestine, if you don't want to see people posting gore of dead and multitailed children, you aren't doing enough.

No. 1873718>>1873775

They're right. 3mil in LA is like the equivalent of 300k in rural Texas or Idaho. Believing in rights for people does not mean you have to live in squalor, this loser has sat in front of a computer screen 8 to 10 hours a day being a dancing monkey for years, it really isn't a big deal that he can afford a nice house which doesn't just house him, but his family as well. It sounds like pure jealousy and adolescence. He doesn't have to live like Grimes, then everyone would say he's poverty larping. Tf

No. 1873775>>1873801

The fact that he chose to live in LA despite not needing to leave his house is kinda telling though.

No. 1873788>>1873791>>1873796>>1873807>>1874536

File (hide): 1706782745468.jpg (116.2 KB, 720x553, 1000002476.jpg)

So interesting how desperate, ugly gay boys can only get attention from the sexual harassment of women

No. 1873791>>1873796>>1874536

File (hide): 1706782901777.jpg (138.72 KB, 720x875, 1000002477.jpg)

This is no different from the fake porn ai, gays like this arent bullied enough for being weird freaks. Still only posting about women.

No. 1873796

I can smell those replies. Makes me shudder.

No. 1873801

Telling in which way?

No. 1873807>>1873815>>1873822

I'll admit the first time I came across this account, I saw some stupid diarrhea post or whatever and thought it must have been satire on how asinine news reporting is on celebs. However, as I began to look into the account, it really did seem deranged with how it targets women.

No. 1873815>>1873822

Moids love to try to conceal their derangement under the guise of satire.

No. 1873822

To them, peak humor is the harassment of women but the moment you call out their own behaviors you're suddenly a bigot and a homophobe. Truly delusional behavior from the chronically online.

One scroll and its talking about women saying sexually degrading things, women having hard-core sex, women penatrating themselves with dildos, women being necrophiliacs, etc. It rarely mentions men and when it does its the textbook "unfff fuck meee" desperation. On paper it's no different from any other form of misogyny but they're too self absorbed to accept objective reality and take accountability.

No. 1873837>>1873843

File (hide): 1706785747813.png (14.75 KB, 543x203, Sin título.png)

Of course Miss Brave Transwoman number 897435 goes back to being a man after seeing how people treat women. And just online, these people would not survive a week of being an actual woman.

No. 1873843

>after seeing how people treat women
More like how people treat trannies. I guarantee you they did not treat him like a woman. Men can not simply live the experience of women and claim that people treated them as such. If anything, I would believe he got a lot of asspats and creeps calling him brave and stunning for his minimal effort while fetishizing him.

No. 1873971>>1873978>>1873989>>1874003

File (hide): 1706797996227.png (377.84 KB, 592x668, 5xe8XfJ.png)

well this was surprising

No. 1873978

no fucking way kekk

No. 1873989>>1873994>>1874003>>1874013>>1874109

why do all trannies look exactly like this

No. 1873994>>1874001

not a tranny surprisingly enough.

No. 1874001

holy shit what an uggo

No. 1874003

The og owner of that acc sold it a few years ago and now is managed by this freak, she's an insane southern baptist.
She's just an ugly woman.

No. 1874013

She doesn't even look like a tranny

No. 1874099>>1874173

File (hide): 1706810419912.png (2.89 MB, 2041x3518, bmCmTY8.png)

Absolutely fucking deplorable.

No. 1874109

AGPs skinwalk women they're attracted to or know

No. 1874173

File (hide): 1706814969406.jpg (204.61 KB, 1200x845, FOei03FUcAElDXn.jpg)

Any leftist that wants a civil war needs to read a history book. It would be more like a repeat of the Spanish Civil War than it would the first American Civil War.

No. 1874288>>1874303>>1874705

File (hide): 1706824760352.png (133.53 KB, 1170x546, fucking little shithead.png)

Little scrotelings are ridiculous. From birth until death.

No. 1874303>>1874306

i really don't understand what's going on here
>ripping my hair out
wear it up?
>biting me
if he has enough teeth to bite he's too old for babywearing, right?

No. 1874306>>1874311>>1874313

not for the tradthots, apparently

No. 1874311

bizarre. looked it up and apparently the first teeth erupt between 9-13 months and that goes until like three years old. no way a child needs to be strapped in 24/7 at that age. i'd bite too

No. 1874313

tradthots have been passing out weird input lately claiming babies need to be attached to mom 24/7 and anything less is neglect. It's no wonder they seem to have the worse mental health, they probably think CPS is going to get their kids because they took an extra minute to change their pad

No. 1874536


This is literally sexual harassment and both slander since that account is imitating pop crave and because of that some people actually end up believeing what is posted on those tweets. I hope a celeb sends him a cease and decist. They way he is talking about these femsle celebs is vile and he sounds like a coomer.

No. 1874676>>1874706

File (hide): 1706843863451.png (321.37 KB, 609x850, qwed.png)

>talking about war correspondence as if they were kpop-celebs
the fandomization of this war might be studied someday.

No. 1874702>>1874734

File (hide): 1706845736416.jpg (33.27 KB, 735x435, 1000007698.jpg)

They're so close

No. 1874705

He's honestly probably irritated from being strapped to her 24/7. I don't think people realize that children are still their own people and have their own dislikes and boundaries like adults do.

No. 1874706

>fandomization of war
this is such a good way to put it ong

No. 1874734

I'm hoping in 50 years, the 41 percent will be 100 percent.

No. 1875280>>1875284>>1875299

File (hide): 1706896236445.png (367.27 KB, 592x661, ySbozj8.png)

I dispose police abolitionists so much.
I live in a crappy third world nation, where the police force is corrupt. My friends and I have personally endured harassment and leering from cops, one of my cousins was beaten by a police officer who faced no consequences for their actions. Despite all of this, I still know that a police force is necessary. I remember the chaos and lawlessness that plagued our nation when there was no police presence. It was overrun by violent gangs.
People in my nation advocate for police reform, but we are not retards. We understand that without a police force, the situation would become so much worse.

No. 1875284

And of course the pfp is some black pedophile(racebaiting)

No. 1875299>>1875313

Any woman who want to abolish police and prisons is beyond naive. There isn't enough justice for women and children now but what do you think would happen if rapists, wife beaters and pedos couldn't go to prison at all? You want them lose in your community? And any man who thinks like that is a massive walking red flag.

No. 1875313>>1875324>>1875326

I understand the thinking behind social reform causing less crime but how the hell are you supposed to reform pedos and rapists? They deserve a bullet not therapy

No. 1875324

Yeah some criminals just can't be reformed, they just need to be kept away from potentional victims or sentenced to death. Because otherwise they will offend again, again, and again.

No. 1875326>>1875328>>1875456

they can't be 'reformed' but they can be sent to prison and get raped every night for the rest of their dumb little fucking lives, though

No. 1875328>>1875456

Yeah, that's what I was trying to imply with a rhetorical question

No. 1875456

I don't believe in prison punishment either, I say prisons should be 20 years max or death penalty.

No. 1875625>>1875630>>1875634>>1875640>>1875641

File (hide): 1706921734010.png (580.51 KB, 771x672, dignifai.png)

It's just made in bad taste and they're already mimicking the "this is what you look like black or chinese." misogynist. There really needs to be laws about this because it's going to be just as easy to remove clothes than add it. Men can't bear not having the ability to control women.

No. 1875630>>1875634

File (hide): 1706921964205.png (584.7 KB, 777x716, dignifai2.png)

samefag for the profile https://twitter.com/DignifAI you RARELY see this done to men because they don't receive sadistic pleasure from it

No. 1875634

men should be dying in war not being cringe and annoying online

No. 1875640>>1875656

I don't get this hatred towards e-girls. It seems silly to chalk it all off as "lol they're cringe".

The e-girl aesthetic is built on the male gaze—men created e-girls yet they despise them for it.

Is it becuase they know that they'll never have a chance with them and seethe that they find they attractive at the same time despite being too tsun tsun to admit it?

No. 1875641>>1875762>>1875964

Moids purposefully seek out egirl twitter accounts and wank to them and then have the nerve to act like they’re morally superior kek. Someone should make a porn site that secretly records the scrotes browsing it and then uploads the feed of their sweaty ugly undignified selves

No. 1875656

They're the same ones jacking off and funding them, but that would mean they couldn't virtue signal about how they just want le trad waifu!! I believe lack of sexual availability comes to a play too since they're cucking themselves so hard they get repressed anger out of it. Women are the center of men's minds and once the parasite comes to self realization they do everything to bring women down, and why trad pickmes don't prosper since men don't actually care about any of that stuff they claim to.

No. 1875762

kek I support this

No. 1875872>>1876025

File (hide): 1706943720783.png (212.27 KB, 600x1216, Sr4V2.png)

This is a reply to a post by a woman showing a group of women who got engaged during university. Of course, loser moids in the comments are accusing the women of having insane standards for expecting them to find love and claiming that only white people get married early.

No. 1875964

They purposefully made it to teach the AI to
make undressed pictures of women more easily and are ironic with the holier than thou purpose. Moids should burn.

No. 1875967

'Bad crimes I don't like' Rape is not one of the 'bad crimes' but the only crime that can never be excused or have a understandable purpose (you can kill in self-defence, steal because of poverty etc., no such equivalent for rape) and is only done out of egoism and cruelty. Can we bring back a-logging here please? also the fact that this subhuman bring up pedo apologist Foucault is very telling

No. 1876025>>1876108

Is it not incredibly racist to imply education is a 'white' only thing?

No. 1876108

Yes. But black men will say the most racist shit you can think of if they think they can use it as an excuse for their bad behavior.

No. 1878792>>1878881>>1879166

File (hide): 1707182912965.jpg (153.55 KB, 1178x1536, 1000002614.jpg)

At the scene of the crime there is always a mentally retarded gay man. Why is that?

No. 1878881>>1878977

old, had to google her; she's fucking 12
burn the men

No. 1878977

Not only 12, but that's his daughter

No. 1879166>>1879178

kek look at the ratio. Does this fag have a subscription so he's trying to ragebait everyone or is he just disgusting for the sake of it? Now you can hide your blue checkmark if you have a subscription.

No. 1879178

It's obviously just attention baiting but these men truly need to be put down.

No. 1879180>>1879208

If you need more than one Twitter account and one of them isn't a genuine professional account out of necessity you are a LOSER. "add my priv" oh so we can be subjected to the schizorants and whinging you're too afraid to do on main? Everybody in there is only there to take screenshots, please find a hobby or two.

No. 1879208>>1879218

Kek I still don't get the point of those. Just make a discord where you all talk, what's this obsession with putting your entire life on twitter of all places

No. 1879218

Narcissism. People with "big accounts" use it to be edgy and try to manipulate generally.

No. 1879366>>1881520

File (hide): 1707228790290.png (352.76 KB, 599x641, Screenshot.png)

anyone else getting these weird ads?

No. 1880885

File (hide): 1707335779270.png (283.91 KB, 603x684, arweh.png)

>the redditfication of twitter

No. 1880927>>1880942

File (hide): 1707339008226.jpg (178.98 KB, 1080x1146, X.jpg)

Typical moid tweet. I love all the people going against him.

No. 1880942

I'm pretty sure everyone woman's biggest nightmare is being raped and killed by a moid, but go off.

No. 1881520

I'm pretty sure this is a joke disguised as an ad. There's a joke about Ayo Edebiri being Irish.

No. 1881564>>1881573>>1881619>>1881633>>1884585

File (hide): 1707403250010.png (140.34 KB, 1060x415, dbFIVLm.png)

genuinely what the fuck is wrong with liberals.

No. 1881573

They suffer from such insane brain rot

No. 1881619>>1881642

Why do Twitter warriors do everything else under the sun except come to Africa and put their money where their mouths are? If you're "for the culture," why not go straight to the source? I swear we don't bite over here kek. I never see them take vacations, volunteer, or even put out links to charities?

No. 1881633>>1882573>>1883650

This might be the worst case of white guilt I've ever seen good god.

No. 1881642

>I never see them take vacations, volunteer, or even put out links to charities?
They do do all those things. They money launder with "charities", engage in sex tourism/buy child prostitutes, and "volunteer" by "building schools" that have to be torn down and remade by actual laborers.

No. 1882573>>1882639>>1882927

File (hide): 1707472462739.jpeg (94.78 KB, 700x1032, 4w3RbvF.jpeg)

virtue signalling

No. 1882639

Why does this post bother you? Are you this disconnected from reality just because you've never experienced this? Depending on what area they are in, cops do fuck with you. It isn't "virtue signaling". He was doing a nice thing. God forbid you have to understand that they have this reputation for a reason.

No. 1882927

He didn't even post that himself. Sometimes people just have good intentions, shocking I know.

No. 1882931>>1882938>>1883666

File (hide): 1707504255346.png (374.33 KB, 658x657, ra8Pdwq.png)

>pornsick gay male humor moment

No. 1882932>>1882938>>1882941

File (hide): 1707504281107.png (1.35 MB, 1125x1806, GgnkQRz.png)

No. 1882933>>1882938

File (hide): 1707504302921.png (888.32 KB, 1125x1264, baDQV1C.png)

No. 1882934>>1882938

File (hide): 1707504338065.png (885.57 KB, 1125x1731, yRgoqBH.png)

No. 1882938

this is so weird and creepy, it's like he keeps posting this hoping it goes viral. Then these fags will get mad when a male celebrity says something homophobic after they basically sexually harass the guy for years on end

No. 1882941>>1883244

why did he post this 4 times? is this a glitchy bot?

No. 1883244

A faggot who daydreams about being molested obvs.

No. 1883650>>1883689

How is it white guilt when op is a black women? I think she’s just insecure about her own skin

No. 1883666

>that guy
i have n idea who that it but he looks 30 at least

No. 1883674>>1883676

File (hide): 1707569696437.jpg (165.75 KB, 900x755, 1000002659.jpg)

Not going to screenshot but just saw a long haired conventionally attractive lesbian make a tweet with a screenshot of a man hitting on her that said "all i’m gonna say is: any man attracted to me has to be at least a Little gay"… every year we tread closer to delusions like none seen before

No. 1883676

Could you imagine a masc gay man posting a convo of a woman showing attraction to him because she isn't aware he's gay with "every woman who is attracted to me has to be at least a Little lesbian" like come on ladies get it together you're making us look so bad acting stupid as fuck on the internet connection.

No. 1883689>>1883692

Because the person who posted the screenshot is probably just a retarded racesperg who malds if anyone's ever nice to women that happen to be black.

No. 1883692>>1883729

I'm over it. I know it's just poltards and that creepy pedo crossdresser but im tired of seeing it everywhere.

No. 1883729

that's not what the post says, it's use of "womxn" that bugged me.

No. 1884585

>black womxn
So typical

No. 1884725>>1884742>>1884750

File (hide): 1707662595814.png (595.66 KB, 597x2835, MF.png)

The response to this post is fascinating because on one hand you have gay men, faghagS and fujos, in their usual stan twitter humor and discussing ships, On the other hand,you have radfem-adjacent accounts pointing out Foucault was misogynistic pedophile who wanted to remove the age of consent.

No. 1884742

even the quote sounds pedophilic, no wonder fujos eat it uo

No. 1884750>>1884769

Retards like actual retards no fucking brain whatsoever see an obvious pedophile and say "omg gay iconnn".

No. 1884769>>1884793

If anything they sound like your average homophobe saying that all gay people are pedophiles.

No. 1884793

Oh I get what you mean, they indirectly imply that it's normal as a homsexual to be exclusively attracted to little boys. It's so bizarre.

No. 1884844>>1884848>>1884862>>1884864>>1884876>>1885277>>1885427>>1885500>>1886688

File (hide): 1707670105303.jpg (670.54 KB, 1080x1869, Screenshot_20240212_053904_X.j…)

>check twitter
>algorithm gives me the 4th post of this retard foaming at mouth over generic gooner eyecandy asian game
>blocked for calling him porn addict
I swear to god this moid's entire personality is defending Stellar Blade by owning the imaginary retards in his head. Same goes with any post by anyone else on twt that I've personally seen discussing this game, it's usually centered on the sex appeal, how MC is proportioned exactly like the actress and how their imaginary SJWs and feminists are "h*ckin triggered!!", fucking reddit. Game isn't my cup of tea but like come on… these brainrot moids act like panting dogs.

No. 1884848

maybe the Puritans were right all along.

No. 1884862

I keep seeing men insisting there's all these feminists screeching over this game when I've seen exactly zero women acknowledge its existence. Anita Sarkeesian really lives rent free in their heads.

No. 1884864

At least Bayonetta looks fashionable and cool in all her main costumes. This character has been compared to her several times because of the gameplay similarities and because of the whole "hot female protagonists doing cool combos while providing 99% of the fanservice" thing going on, but that character has an ugly costume and looks boring as hell. As for this guy, I've seen him sperging a few times here and there and I wish he would calm the fuck down. I went from not caring at all about that game to not wanting to hear about it ever again because of this discourse. He should change his icon because Firion is my husbando and should never be associated with this kind of retardation.

No. 1884876>>1884951

I thought this was a porn screen shot. jfc

No. 1884951

My brain refused to process it at first, I thought it was a picture of weird shoes (like clown shoes type shoes) and then I had to really look at it for a solid minute to realize it was a butt. Maybe I should go to bed.

No. 1885277>>1885296

Ken doll pussy

No. 1885296


No. 1885427>>1885504

How did this get past censors?

No. 1885500

File (hide): 1707709899378.png (470.64 KB, 485x700, pedo 2.png)

The ''feminists were fired'' part is 100% just a marketing campaign to make westerner contrarian coomers feel like they are owning da libs by buying an overpriced shovelware game that will rot in their steam's library. The studio's prior game was Nikke:goddess of victory, which is infamous for having overly coomer female character designs and ass jiggle physics, and also tons of pedoshit. Why would two feminists work on this shit? it sounds made up, specially since they didnt give any reasons as to why they were fired. Men are so easy to trick, reminds me of NFT bros selling poorly drawn coomery anime waifus for thousands of dollars.

No. 1885504

it's a korean game, land of the coomery pedo games lol

No. 1885518

File (hide): 1707711698549.jpg (118.14 KB, 598x688, hjeojeo.jpg)

>I think this is really good for any of us nonblack ppl to read and understand their experience better

Speak for yourself.

No. 1885667>>1885687>>1885757>>1885866>>1891612

File (hide): 1707726898539.png (77.76 KB, 909x659, sfedsf.png)

No. 1885687>>1885754>>1885866>>1885869

aidens have the worst humour

No. 1885754>>1885869

This was so bad it didn't even register as humor when I read it.

No. 1885757>>1885762>>1885866>>1885869

I'm confused. I don't get it, maybe cause I'm not into Egyptology.

No. 1885762

File (hide): 1707741326973.jpg (270.24 KB, 1080x1383, tweet.jpg)

Samefag but because of you I found this tweet. Thanks a lot anon.

No. 1885866>>1890467

>Make a joke that looks straight from a bad written fic
>Is a tif

Now it has sense.

"Ancient Egyptians believed that when a person died and underwent their final judgement, the gods of the underworld would ask many detailed and intricate questions which had to be answered precisely and ritually, according to the Book of the Dead. Since many ancient Egyptians were illiterate, even placing a copy of this scroll in their coffin would not be enough to protect them from judgment for giving a wrong answer. As a result, the priests would read the questions and their appropriate answers to the beetle, which would then be killed, mummified, and placed in the ear of the deceased. It was believed that when the gods then asked their questions, the ghostly scarab would whisper the correct answer into the ear of the supplicant, who could then answer the gods wisely and correctly."

TL;RD: Egyptians used scarbs to help the decease to reach "heaven".

No. 1885869>>1886133>>1891612

File (hide): 1707751279149.png (336.65 KB, 598x558, genshin.png)

Nevermind, is Genshin shit.

No. 1885984>>1886768>>1887846

File (hide): 1707758966354.png (164.92 KB, 1208x570, XPYLJuN.png)

I hate this account so fucking much.

No. 1886133

I played a bit of Genshin at the desert part… it still doesn't make sense to me wtf

No. 1886426>>1887948

File (hide): 1707794949125.png (25.24 KB, 598x330, breakingtwittertos.png)

>You'll see gorish pics of dead Palestinians against your will wherever you like it or not, or else you're a privileged person.

The qts are even more stupid.

No. 1886688

I made the mistake of looking up discussions of this after seeing this post and I feel so defeated. Do they really think this is somehow an own to the evil feminists? At least 2B was aesthetically pleasing imo, this protag's design is so… boring.
Also them being obsessed with how the model it's based on looks is creeping me out. Especially considering Korea is the thriving capital of the world regarding any kind of plastic surgery you can possibly imagine.

No. 1886731>>1886739>>1886744>>1886750>>1886976>>1886984>>1887133

File (hide): 1707825693218.png (375.4 KB, 606x660, AWEVG.png)

No. 1886739>>1886749

This is so funny kek

No. 1886744>>1886862

yaoi baby

No. 1886749

I honestly think it's terrifying more then anything.

No. 1886750>>1886888>>1911669

99.9% chance this was made by an Indonesian.

No. 1886768>>1886805

Kek why are twitter and tumblr obsessed with yaoi Jesus rn

No. 1886805

It seems to a bizarre fusion of Queer/Poc HC's + The ongoing Gaza conflict.

No. 1886862>>1886869>>1886986>>1888003>>1908715>>1909917

Muslim asian girls write the most deviant and grotesque wattpad yaoi stories.

No. 1886869>>1886976

another nonna said it best, but it sounds like you just have some kind of bias/assumption that no muslims are into freaky porn stuff so seeing some of them engaging in it publicly on social media makes you think it's a big thing specific to them or that it must have some special deep reason.

No. 1886888>>1887004

why do you say that?

No. 1886976

That’s the opposite of what I said. Everyone knows they engage in degeneracy as much as any coomer (arguably, maladaptive sexual behavior is more likely in repressed groups with no access to healthy sex education but whatever). It’s the religion induced dissonance that creates stuff like >>1886731

No. 1886984>>1887017>>1887055>>1908720>>1908729

Why do some muslims love sharing images like this without thinking about it critically, just like “this image criticizes western women and uplifts us, reshare” even though they’re on their phones posting badly drawn religious messages all day. Blogpost but I was friends with a few muslim girls who seemed really cool and nice but then they’d repost images that insult westerners (we live in a western country), support cousin marriages, judge western women, and lately they repost 4chan-esque memes that make fun of the holocaust. And somehow, they all feature this terrible low effort art style, which baffles me the most at why muslims love this particular art style. I can’t be the only one who’s seen this. Every take drawn in this style is insane yet the muslims I know eat it up every single time without even thinking of what the image is trying to say

No. 1886986>>1887017

I mean, it's obvious as to why. They're oppressed af. Indonesia, malaysia, etc… Most of them do this in secret. It's nothing new

No. 1887004>>1911669

File (hide): 1707844173851.png (499.67 KB, 1232x649, 8S3aSmE.png)

Indonesia/Malaysia has a significant number of weebs, who are also Muslims. likely every fan-art you have ever seen of "x as Muslim," like picrel came from Southeast Asia, there's a general of style they tend to have as well.

No. 1887017>>1887154>>1908723

File (hide): 1707844951834.png (302.89 KB, 598x1076, ohno.png)

They're willing to ignore the homophobia in MEA as long as they can hate Israel.

No. 1887018

File (hide): 1707844965391.png (198.5 KB, 1376x600, AEKQMzp.png)

This actually made me want to look it up myself, and it's Occam's razor. Philippines and Thailand are at the top, while the rest of the results consist of South American and European nations.

No. 1887055>>1887118

They may be "nice" to your face but honestly behind closed doors Muslim women are the most judgemental, critical and hateful to "western" women, they see them like trashy whores. A lot of these "Muslims" are hypocrites though. A lot of them will trash western women whilst thirsting over K-pop boys (very sinful/haram) who are definitely non believers and most likely hate Islam (South Koreans in general don't like islam and are generally racist to SEA). And I don't get the anime obsession either. Depending on the sect you follow, it's said in the hadith people who draw images of living beings will be cast into hellfire on the day of Judgment hence most Islamic art is calligraphy.

No. 1887118>>1887123

muslim women who post cringe memes like picrel are so oppressed by the muslim men in their life it’s all a massive cope. they have to pretend they’ve committed themselves this lifestyle because their better than “western sluts.” ironically, muslim men don’t support female literacy and education in any case kek

No. 1887123>>1887133>>1888120

there's literally 500 million of them, from different nations and sects, you can't generalize them like that.

No. 1887133>>1887142

you don’t need to whiteknight for muslims on lolcow.farm of all places kek, but I’m not even generalizing all muslims. I’m referring specifically to muslim women who post art like >>1886731

No. 1887142>>1887960>>1908734

I'm an ex-muslim nonna, I am aware they can be "catty"(frankly the men are like this as well) but I still think it's wrong to generalize.

No. 1887154>>1887274>>1887460>>1887835

File (hide): 1707852483528.jpeg (1016.03 KB, 1170x1685, IMG_6068.jpeg)

I don’t see what’s wrong with this, all they said was they don’t think all those people deserve to die for being homophobic. Regardless “palestine is homophobic” is a stupid counterargument, it doesn’t change the fact that the majority of the people killed are women and children. If some gay person cried about moms and children and babies being murdered and people said “lol they would hate you for being gay though” it’d be obvious how ridiculous it is.

No. 1887274

>religion glorifies moids above all else
>most loss of lives are women and children
Surely these things are not related(bait)

No. 1887460>>1887538>>1887835

File (hide): 1707872982203.jpg (185.16 KB, 1080x1175, Screenshot_20240213_214050_Gal…)

> "All they said was they don’t think all those people deserve to die for being homophobic"
> "Regardless 'palestine is homophobic' is a stupid counterargument"

NTA, but my problem is that "LgBtQ/qweer" leftoids generally are fucking hypocrites. They will threaten you with rape and death for saying you don't want to share a bathroom with a tranny and making people lose their jobs for retarded shit like being BiGoTeD on Twitter, but for fucking islamic fundamentalists like Hamas and Taliban who actually kills gays and troons they go all "ugguu misunderstood owpressed poc victims" and "muh anti-colonial resistance". If ""trans genocide"" (sic) is sooo real, shouldn't Palestinians be considered as genocidal as Israelis?

No. 1887538

And probably most of them think the sex change that gay people have to endure in MEA is a "gender euphoria" because is that or being killed for being gay.

No. 1887835

lefties love throwing women and gays under the bus to protect their uwu precious fundamental islamist.
Trust me, they wouldn't even care about dead palestinian babies if it was 'brown on brown' violence and not evil YT jews.

also fuck unrwa, it wouldn't believe anything they put out

No. 1887846


No. 1887932>>1887937>>1887944>>1887948>>1888014>>1888079

File (hide): 1707916522421.png (326.44 KB, 540x737, 54664545.png)

i hate leftist men so much they care about arab women so much they post gory pictures of their bodies for online gotchas

No. 1887937

Given the amount of gore porn out there and the attitude of the moids that consume it, I’m gonna say he has those images for reasons other then for gotcha posts.

No. 1887944>>1887965

Literally what are they supposed to do? They aren’t politicians or organizers. Any protest or condemnation isn’t going to end the war. Neither will this retard’s chronic posting of gore or watermelon emojis

No. 1887948

See >>1886426 now is fine to post war gore photos for "awarening", as long you call the poor victim a "martyr".

No. 1887960>>1908734

There have been weird tradthot-sounding posters lately that try to insist Muslim women and girls are all "just as bad" as Muslim men and deserve to suffer. They also post general racebait targeted at women who aren't white, and get angry when told to fuck off. Might just be the schizotroon, but I feel like some twitter tradthot may have posted about LC and sent a bunch of retards here.

No. 1887965>>1887985

Billionaires have a lot more power than the rest of us. I think it's completely fair to criticize them for not using it to help people.

No. 1887966>>1888010>>1888036>>1888283

File (hide): 1707919948033.jpg (101.91 KB, 750x1334, 1000007990.jpg)

Reposting this here because it's just so absurd this isn't my screenshot, I got it from Google images

No. 1887985

But they weren’t being criticized for not using their billions to help people? They were being criticized for being western women at a ball game having a good time as opposed to… this fine gentlemen using the corpse of a young girl for good boy points on the internet.

No. 1888003>>1888007

True, they remind me so much of the catholic girls I used to know who were incredibly homophobic irl, but spent much of their time online sperging about their ‘sinful gay babies’. Religious people tend to be massive hypocrites when it suits them and are often just as ‘degenerate’ as the ‘sinners’ they rail against.

No. 1888007>>1888090

yeah I knew them too, we were in the same group chat as Albert Einstein, again it's to do with averages and whose most online.

No. 1888010>>1888015>>1888036

So hilarious how these people think their online crusading and "activism" actually accomplishes anything substantial considering they're just tweeting into an echo chamber of FREE PALESTINE and watermelon emoji display names kek

No. 1888014>>1888147

Am I supposed to stop my life because of a war in a third world shit hole? I dont get why the irsael-palestine war has been getting so much media coverage when I remember them being at war for actual decades. Why do people pretend to care now?

No. 1888015>>1888036

But nonnie, they're raising AWARENESS. Don't you know there's a war going on??

No. 1888036>>1888283

File (hide): 1707925013947.jpg (94.38 KB, 1179x730, tumblr_6ff752d7fbc3c3d6ae166db…)

This resume it all.

No. 1888079

Pls bro pls retweet my exploitation of the dead! Just admit you like watching gore because you are numb and detached from the absolute mediocracy of your own comfy privileged life.

No. 1888090>>1888117

>we were in the same group chat as Albert Einstein
No need to snarky, just cause I criticized religious people.

No. 1888117>>1888603

I dislike religious people as well, but I don't have to resort too "they don't actually believe in anything/are secretly degens" to prove my point.

No. 1888120>>1888124

Nta but as an ex-muslim and someone who was forced to study this shit for 20+ years, she's right. All sects are the same at their core, they're hypocritical about their religion as well and almost don't believe in it but force themselves to do so because of peer pressure and it being the norm, but their acts vary. Some go too far like sunnah who kill those who leave the religion and shia who self harm in its name, to sophi who dance and pretend it's the same as praying because they don't want to be committed to the rituals but they like the spiritual part of it. There's also quaranists who only believe in quran and think hadith is bs, and many other sects who believe in different interpretations, but they're all equally retarded.

No. 1888124

The funny thing about Quranists is they don't actually exist, cause literally every aspect of Islam comes from the Hadith(including the method to pray) rejecting the hadiths would be creaing a new religion from scratch.

No. 1888147>>1888167

Because now Israel can be called "colonizers/white people/oppressors" and you know how Gen-Z is so against "oppressors". But also love to ignore or remember that Palestine's main religion is Islam.

No. 1888167>>1888270>>1888346

Zionism makes me seethe, but I fully agree with this. Privileged, liberal westerners want to root for the underdog and stick it to the oppressors, because by doing so, they distance themselves from the fact that they too, fall closer to the category of “oppressor” than the “oppressed.” They lack critical thinking, so their thinking is all black-and-white. However, the Israel/Palestine conflict is complex and requires nuance to actually understand. Extremism from both sides (militant zionism vs jihadism) is how we’ve arrived at this conflict. Twitter activists for Palestine do nothing for actual Palestinians, they do it to feel better about themselves

No. 1888190>>1888205>>1888221>>1888245

File (hide): 1707934003558.png (221.91 KB, 532x411, real.png)

Is it alright to talk about Mastodon and Pleroma here? I feel like all these splintered communities are just nuts.

No. 1888205>>1888221>>1888245

File (hide): 1707934826957.png (133.92 KB, 496x428, swag.png)

No. 1888221

I've heard that it's infested with the worst typss of degens.

No. 1888245>>1888246>>1888249>>1888263

Why is it full of unironic pedophiles, genuine question. I swear I've read of an instance getting purged because of cp was it pawoo or something? I might be misremembering

No. 1888246

>Why is it full of unironic pedophiles
It was created as a leftist alternative to twitter.

No. 1888249

yeah pawoo was nuked for hosting cp. I hate moids so fucking much nonnies, we are never getting a free speech alternative to twitter because moids will run every single alternative into th ground by posting cp and being degends. Freedom of speech should be a right reserved for women.

No. 1888263

File (hide): 1707937704304.png (39.98 KB, 763x229, reddit.png)

I guess the main issue is that most instances are relatively small, so they are only really accountable to the standards of whatever niche group they're catering to and up to whatever they can legally get away with.

No. 1888270>>1888273

File (hide): 1707938298272.jpeg (261.45 KB, 1125x549, 7PmOL0u8gN.jpeg)

Imo they actually hurt the cause because they're always saying the stupidest shit like picrel

No. 1888273>>1888274

KEK this has to be satire

No. 1888274

I hope you're right nonnie. Poe's Law strikes again

No. 1888283>>1888289

File (hide): 1707938879233.png (610.98 KB, 606x1021, 1707487214290.png)

I posted this in the fandom thread but it fits better here, A really interesting thing I'm seeing is that these people are applying the type of online activism that was mostly used for Black/Asian Americans and gay people on a people that are so far-removed from those issues, like the rhetoric on the Arab/Muslim side of Twitter , "innocent Muslim women and children are being murdered" (and some anti-Semitism). And that's all that's needed to get 1 billion Muslims to condemn it. On the Western side, it's about how "queer/black Palestinians are suffering" or "X invention was actually made by a Palestinians somehow." Again This type of activism is again mostly used for American minorities and gay people. Seeing it applied to anyone outside those groups makes you realize how kind of dumb it was in the first place.

No. 1888289>>1888343

Someone in that thread called it “the fandomization of war” or something like that which is actually pretty profound. I keep thinking about how true it is

No. 1888343>>1888358

Kek, that's absolutely right. Including picking "a side". Did you know XYZ is a proshipper, TERF and also a zionist??? You have to identify with the current acceptable fandom identity where your husbando matters just as much as your opinion on this war. And god help you if you don't perform your support enohgh for both.

No. 1888346

I think most of them think Israel was created to annoy the Palestines after WWII, when the problem began way before than WWI. You have also that British colony added more fuel to the fire between the extremists.

So now we have people claiming to respect Palestine and helping Palestinians while showing their lifeless bodies and calling them "martyrs" to feel better about themselves and not thinking in giving these people some privacy at least? We can see the problem with statistics and destroyed buildings, not dead bodies.

No. 1888358>>1888515

nta but zionist has definitely become this boogeyman term overnight. most of the time they don't have any proof either, just like with TERF and proshipper. It's so weird to see it develop in real time and at such a quick pace, especially considering the actual situation. Yet it's used the exact same way as the other terms when trying to slander some random twitter user they disagreed with.

No. 1888515>>1889054>>1889410

File (hide): 1707952694235.jpeg (763.64 KB, 1850x1343, GGPDiadXsAEzH5v.jpeg)

>artist living in Israel think this is both Hamas and Israel's government fault for doing nothing but try to prove who has a bigger dick while people are dying.
>Young kids at her post:

No. 1888539>>1888658>>1888674>>1888675>>1888679>>1889218>>1891463

File (hide): 1707954203294.png (348.89 KB, 598x649, hypocrite.png)

Someone should tell them that Che Guevara was homophobic as Hell and he supported to send to labor to "non-believers, homosexuals and aids patients to work there".

No. 1888603

>are secretly degens
They aren’t ‘secretly’ degenerate.

No. 1888658

File (hide): 1707964625280.jpg (95.73 KB, 1500x1500, 1000002769.jpg)

Maybe he knew something we don't

No. 1888674>>1888688

Ariana's face is so punchable and I'm sorry to the other actress but the green paint is atrocious

No. 1888675

God Ariana is so botched sorry for double post

No. 1888679>>1888689

che guevara also raped his maid. I hate how moids get away with everything

No. 1888688

I think its genuinely wild how low-effort the costuming and makeup for this movie is. A cosplayer could layer dimension with an airbrush better than whoever was painting her green.

No. 1888689

I always forget this and immediately feed bad for joking about him

No. 1889054>>1889211

I saw this happen with my russian art mutuals when the ukraine war started. They didn't make pro-russia comments at all, but for these people it's like a switch in their brains, soon as they're told there's an enemy they will attack blindly whoever for simply being born in the wrong country.

No. 1889166>>1889180>>1889182>>1889217

File (hide): 1708001269048.png (304.91 KB, 600x932, DRaSylHtAHe.png)

why does twitter recommend stuff just to scare me

No. 1889180

The capybara is just enjoying it's time and these degenerates are thinking about weird fetishes.

No. 1889182>>1889197

what is it about that actor that has people acting so gross and retarded? he's nothing special

No. 1889197>>1889228

why is twitter recommending me troonie posts? Is it because I've liked a few radfem posts?

he's white and tall.

No. 1889211

Funny how for Sochi 2018 people were against Putin's anti-lgb laws, but the attack against Ukraine? Forget Putin, let's hate the whole country, even the civilians that are against Putin.

I swear these kids are just parroting what they see to pat their own shoulder, you don't see them posting about other tragedies because none of them are showing dead bodies for "awareness".

No. 1889217>>1889219>>1889226

When did it become so socially acceptable to post your disgusting kinks online? I remember when we had LJ kink memes (you can ask a random person to write you a fanfic with two fictional characters based on your kinks) but they were so mild compared to this.
Gay men and tifs/tims have no issues saying what degenerate shit they like, with their whole as pfp attached. it's so weird

No. 1889218

I dont know the other woman, but they both look so bad. I mean, Gamora is green too, but she looks incredible in Guardians of the galaxy. Why are they so lazy with this movie?

No. 1889219

The normalization of kinks is disturbing. These degenerates yell about how it’s just consenting adults in the privacy of their own bedroom, but then post the most disgusting shit on social media. They must get off on forcing unwitting people to see it

No. 1889226

I have a theory that the only trickle down economics we get from the elite is cultural trickle down because they’re typically the ones running entertainment/advertising and scrotes are gonna scrote regardless of their class so they’re all pornsick losers creating media with soft core porn/fetish references which normalizes porn shit in normie spaces. Add to that that being (a) “trans(vestite)” is a fetish that’s now celebrated people are more comfortable then ever about alluding or wholeheartedly discussing their degeneracy and the whole “sex work is work” bullshit that scrotes love and use as a shield against mockery for them being abusive rapist losers. I’ve even seen hosts/guests on talk shows and the like joke about their disgusting fetishes in vague testing the waters kind of ways. There’s no social boundaries any more, they got tested to their breaking point and that’s where we are, the boundary is no more.

No. 1889228>>1890464

Outrage gets more user engagement than anything else so The Algorithm is designed to detect your views/values and show you posts that will get your dander up. So yeah, if you engage with radfem content, you will be shown posts from and about the most degenerate parts of the TRA-sphere. It's best to just completely avoid looking at the feed of aggregated "for you" content and only look at content from accounts you follow.

No. 1889410>>1889531

>check the location
>lmao just check the location
Who wants to bet half of these people live in America? America is one of Israel's biggest allies politically yet I doubt anyone is going "check their location" for American artists being Zionists. I've followed Vaporotem since I was 13 via DeviantART and I hate how people are going after her because of a country she was born in.

No. 1889531>>1889587

Vap herself said she was used for hate since she went online, but now the hate is stronger from people that have no idea how the whole deal started or believe in the news or other pro-Palestine tweets showing one side of the story, no wonder why most of them call her "colonizer" or "zionist"

No. 1889587>>1889829

File (hide): 1708030730209.png (107.3 KB, 725x800, vaporotem.png)

On Tumblr she got a callout once solely for being Israeli when all she does is post Sonic fanart and OCs. I read her thread about Oct 7th and even as someone who thinks what Israel's military is doing in retaliation evil, her thread condemns what Hamas did to random civilians and blames her country's government. I don't understand why these idiots are able to process that if someone can live in America and be against Trump, then someone in Israel can not support what the IDF is doing. America is just as complicit in this conflict by funding Israel but USA keyboard warrior zoomers don't get that.

No. 1889617>>1889622>>1890340

File (hide): 1708031658776.jpeg (853.98 KB, 972x1796, IMG_7879.jpeg)

moids will do shit like this and still cry about why nobody cares about their poor “male loneliness epidemic”

No. 1889622>>1890434

>dismissed my pleadings
For sex. You dont need sex. Why don't you spend time taking care of your child instead?

No. 1889829>>1898359

File (hide): 1708041136288.png (244.25 KB, 501x738, vap.png)

Ah yeah, the infamous "Tumblr list" thing. She had shown over and over that she's against her own government and the IDF and Hamas trying to show who has the bigger dick while civilians die.

>America is just as complicit in this conflict by funding Israel but USA keyboard warrior zoomers don't get that.

They DO get that, but they don't want to admit it or are too young to even vote yet.

No. 1890340>>1890398

I'll never be able to take people seriously when they say they need sex, they instantly sound retarded to me.

No. 1890398

Same. They have hands, do they not?

No. 1890417>>1890437

File (hide): 1708090577045.jpg (710.43 KB, 2845x1867, OORJYrUtt7.jpg)

No. 1890434

exactly. people don't need sex, fundamentally. why is it so hard for moids to stop being awful?

No. 1890437

KEKKK this has got to be one of the most legitimately retarded xitter users I’ve seen. The username is just the cherry on top

No. 1890464

thank your for your reply nonnie

No. 1890467

Thank you for the educational reply anon, I knew scarabs are popular in Egyptian culture but I really did not know all of that. But….why must the scarab be a homosexual?

No. 1891200>>1891201

File (hide): 1708150792444.png (2.17 MB, 1083x1751, eww.png)

I don’t wanna be seen like this

No. 1891201

That's just a KF stereotype, not an LC one

No. 1891240

File (hide): 1708153679788.jpg (36.98 KB, 610x814, GGWQ8BBWwAADydQ.jpg)

Hmmmmm wonder why that is.

No. 1891241>>1891242>>1891266>>1891553

File (hide): 1708153800562.jpg (142.08 KB, 828x843, 1000002794.jpg)

No. 1891242>>1891248

this has to be peak porn brain-rot.

No. 1891248>>1891251>>1891300

Would love to see the artists face because I have a really strong inkling I know exactly what they look like

No. 1891251>>1891516

I would be surprised if it wasn't a TIF or gender special, who started out with Hetalia or countryhumans

No. 1891266

This person seems to be Spanish speaking and it makes me wonder if they're Argentinian.

No. 1891300

Me too, my bets are on either

a) Sid Vicious skinwalker tif

b) the dark academia looking tifs who get round glasses frames

No. 1891355

File (hide): 1708165944727.mp4 (8.27 MB, Changzhou_d69b2f.mp4) [play once] [loop]

anyone else getting these bizarre Chinese ads

No. 1891463

I hate to say it but I'm with the Che account. This movie looks awful.

No. 1891516

It made me think in that TIF that was RPing as an alt-Adolf/Hitler-kin… I wish I was kidding.

No. 1891553

A while back I found a whole community of fujos and yumes in the 'WWII' (their phrasing, they only drew and wrote about nazis) fandom. It was pretty global, a lot of them were from asian countries.

No. 1891612

Why the fuck would a pharaoh be embalming a corpse? There were dedicated morticians who performed these tasks because it had to be done to an autistic detail since Egyptians cared about the death and afterlife process. Why the fuck would a scarab "crawl under your skin?" Scarabs don't fucking do that IRL, quit using "The Mummy" as your "source" for Egyptian customs. God I fucking hate TIF humor

If it really is a Genshin thing, god help me.

No. 1891783

File (hide): 1708200399230.png (117.13 KB, 744x1055, 6r415.png)

No. 1892055>>1892059

File (hide): 1708220006467.png (75.06 KB, 520x767, 1000002624.png)

Extremely sheltered, egocentric wome whose entire online personalities are eating disorder tweets and being cunts occasionally interspersing retweets of graphic photos of mutilated and dead children cannot possibly think they look like activists, right?

No. 1892059>>1892066

Most of people retweeting graphic photos of mutilated and dead children think they do look like activists, but they aren't. They would donate or go to protests, but they prefer to break Twitter's rules for points.

No. 1892066

It's so weird when it's someone who has a really rude or edgy persona, like not even posting text information just photos of bloody dead children with short captions. You don't look like you're spreading awareness babes you look like you like gore.

No. 1892151>>1892152

File (hide): 1708229153486.jpg (100.54 KB, 716x992, Screenshot_20240218-005653.jpg)

Notice how the idiot himself admitted that female characters are intentionally sexualized by their own media, while people just happen to feel attracted for shirtless males by chance

No. 1892152

No. 1892159>>1892314

People who use Twitter to constantly unironically respond to other people's creations with some form of "I thought of this first" dont even realize how delusional they are omg

No. 1892314

Wish I could have even an ounce of their confidence. What makes them think anyone cares about their useless thoughts like that

No. 1892981>>1892989>>1898359

File (hide): 1708291862083.jpg (420.38 KB, 1080x983, twittercomic.jpg)

Saw this stupid thread of comics by a porky pickme whining about her self esteem issues.

No. 1892989>>1893034

its not a troon? bleak if so

No. 1893034

File (hide): 1708295453649.jpg (1.16 MB, 1125x1693, 24366.jpg)

I don’t think so.

No. 1893343>>1893346>>1893462

File (hide): 1708318574485.jpg (133.14 KB, 1169x1031, 1000002838.jpg)

You can already tell from his header, @, and pfp that he's like an old man version of Jack in the redscare thot threads, but God his Twitter is even worse. Says he's 6'6 (doubt) handsome (doubt) and has "Bachelorette s17" in bio for some reason. Useless pointless human being, also he sounds like he's 65.

No. 1893346>>1893347>>1893357

File (hide): 1708318896974.jpg (224.46 KB, 720x1280, 1000002836.jpg)

Posts the gayest shit imaginable as to be expected but also pics of very thin 15-17 year old girls from tiktok

No. 1893347>>1893348>>1893580

File (hide): 1708318945456.jpg (109.83 KB, 720x744, 1000002839.jpg)

Doubt x

No. 1893348>>1893349>>1896894

File (hide): 1708319004164.jpg (169.51 KB, 720x1114, 1000002837.jpg)

No. 1893349>>1893355

File (hide): 1708319042234.jpg (62.05 KB, 471x680, 1000002834.jpg)

Also posted this yassified image unironically because hes definitely at least 55 years old

No. 1893355

File (hide): 1708319706669.png (1.02 MB, 500x750, 1000002833.png)

Like okay grandpa

No. 1893357>>1893359>>1893769

He has great taste, posting real cuties kek

No. 1893359>>1893675

Now you know damn well them pics ain't real

No. 1893462

Donkey? Does he mean mule? Fucking retard.

No. 1893580

>almost went on a TV show
Keking at the fact that he has that in his bio and wasn't even in the show. He's a loser.

No. 1893675

I see Tom Welling. Not sure who else.

No. 1893769

nta but that's clearly some random hot dude.

No. 1894893>>1897247>>1898302

File (hide): 1708438137916.png (825.24 KB, 1080x2276, 1000003775.png)

Someone made a thread implying that Lovecraft was a closeted TIM

No. 1895553>>1895570>>1895589>>1895610>>1895627>>1895652>>1895663>>1895671>>1895956>>1898359

File (hide): 1708473825525.png (1.95 MB, 1170x1985, Screenshot 2024-02-20 at 6.04.…)

Fat people are so fucking obnoxious to no end

No. 1895570

This shit is so weird to me. Being fat in America does not make you some oppressed minority it is literally more common to be too fat than skinny here

No. 1895589

People who make their weight the center of their online presence are so weird. They should find actual hobbies.

No. 1895610

Oh my god, this is hilarious. Not everything’s about you fatty

No. 1895627

This is like how they were claiming fatphobia is racist and equating themselves to black people lmao

No. 1895652>>1896390

The oppression olympics never end. Let's do trannies for Palestine next. Maybe autists for Palestine? DID for Palestine? On and on the list goes.

No. 1895662>>1895663

File (hide): 1708480505373.jpg (103.02 KB, 1140x760, Aug. 6 artist Profile courtesy…)

The lady in the picture is Phoebe Wahl, a children's book author and illustrator. Her books are really cute, but she's annoying as fuck. Pic related is her before she blew up, after she gained weight she started self inserting by drawing mostly fat women in all her books

No. 1895663

Fuck, meant to reply to >>1895553

No. 1895671>>1895956

Imagine being part of an 'oppressed group' that could stop being oppressed at literally any time simply by not overeating. Imagine if the main cause of your suffering is having MORE resources than what you need. What a ridiculously privileged, luxurious existence this retard lives.

No. 1895956>>1896401

way to make it about yourself.
the "fat fucks 4 palestine" shit is especially tasteless considering people in gaza are facing major food shortages right now

No. 1896002>>1896034>>1896060>>1896336

File (hide): 1708511756454.png (113.04 KB, 1043x488, Screenshot.png)

No. 1896034

fucking trannies

No. 1896060>>1896098

Me when I play rhythm games on my phone and someone calls me, ruining my perfect score.

No. 1896098

No. 1896336

Does this retard know you aren’t obligated to answer calls?

No. 1896390>>1896472>>1898359

File (hide): 1708534956647.jpeg (95.53 KB, 777x659, 1708441710166.jpeg)

No. 1896401>>1896471>>1896498>>1896630

File (hide): 1708535214486.jpeg (139.59 KB, 1073x598, 1HQn9op1zt69cP5QvTZjrdL5TqZD-4…)

That's when you know the "Free Palestine" and "From the river to the sea" just became in a trendy fade and not a serious thing between two countries. You never saw "Fatties for Ukraine" or another country/disaster before.

No. 1896471>>1896498>>1896512>>1897209>>1897355

File (hide): 1708538112006.png (272.48 KB, 475x611, 0GWXKX9.png)

I had the same conclusion, when I saw picrel, being reposted unironically.

No. 1896472

File (hide): 1708538178656.gif (1.27 MB, 250x256, IMG_4837.gif)

No. 1896498>>1896584

The fandomization of the gaza/israel conflict is real. It's like virtue signalling has just been growing in intensity for years and it's culminated in everyone jumping on this golden opportunity to virtue signal the hardest and punish anyone who doesn't join in. It comes across as totally disingenuous, though I'm sure a lot of the empathy is real it's still extremely cringe 'babby's first cause' shit.

No. 1896512>>1896516

Thinking of that Palestinian anon who has family in Gaza rn. Her sister was dying because they didn’t have any insulin for her and anon was praying that her sister would die soon rather than suffer. Imagine being that anon, watching her old home being destroyed and her family in pain, only to see Americans post the flag with Hatsune Miku or some dumb shit like this.

No. 1896516

what post was this?

No. 1896584

it's the new "kony 2012". plus ça change…

No. 1896598>>1896601>>1896625>>1896889>>1896917>>1896919>>1896930>>1897023>>1897044

File (hide): 1708547198604.jpeg (584.69 KB, 1170x1902, IMG_6141.jpeg)

Sick of all the self pitying manosphere accounts and how many likes and retweets they get. I wish they’d all kill themselves.

No. 1896601

>the second "story" is men participating in violence

No. 1896625

Godspeed to that biker gang, I hope they keep trying until they succeed

No. 1896630>>1897036>>1897402

It's just a bunch of brown babies to use for virtue signaling then dropped for the best big thing. None of these people actually care, and I think some of them don't actually have the maturity nor the ability to actually handle the horrors of war either so they explicitly avoid it and keep it like a fandom so their little hearts don't hurt.
Back in the day at least some people admitted war was too much for them to think about, now all those people are told to care or they're monsters so nobody is admitting they can't handle it which I think is resulting in more kids turning it all into a comic book with bad guys and good guys. And seriously, where are or were their parents. It's crazy how few of them seemingly had a single conversation with their parents about war. America has been in wars constantly, the Gaza conflict had been ongoing for ages, and Ukraine happened before this too. Not to place the blame entirely on their parents but I really think a lack of parental guidance leads to this shit. They were raised to think like Twitter instead of at least a unique perspective their parents have mixed with their own thoughts. It's far easier to disagree with parents and think for yourself than the crowd unfortunately

No. 1896889>>1897020

Women's scary stories are about being molested or almost raped or murdered and men's scary stories about women are just My Bitch Ex Gf. Stfuuu

No. 1896894

>pic is Apollo from Blood of Zeus, a Netflix western anime

No. 1896917

>average women's scary stories about men
>raped by a family member as a child
>assaulted by random moid while going back home from work
>followed by random moid as a high-schooler while going back home
>getting hurt by a moid at a bar or party
>getting stalked by moids
>getting a pet threatened/hurt/killed by moid
>getting kicked out of the house by moid
And so on, but hey, did you know women are mean sometimes?! That makes moids very sad!

No. 1896919

Men are sooo victimized by women, so scawy

No. 1896930

Funny how these stories only come out when they need to compete in the oppression olympics with women knowing damn well they can never win.

No. 1897020

This. Men's scary stories can never come close to what women go through.

No. 1897023>>1897061

Men's scary story: "One time a woman rejected me."

No. 1897036

They are mentally stunted. They spent the majority of their lives online. The would absolutely not br able to handle real war situations. It's pathetic when you see nothing but watermelon emojis on their profile, as if that does fuck all. They do not care. It's the same kind of people who hate on JKR because it's the 'right' thing to do, when they have zero context.

No. 1897044>>1897185

doesn't an MRA TIF run this account?

No. 1897061

"I held a door for a woman and she didn't thank me".

No. 1897087

File (hide): 1708578737225.png (549.5 KB, 751x658, 39GHA.png)

All of these people are ugly degens though.

No. 1897185>>1897195

I don’t know. Wild if true.

No. 1897195>>1897204

I'm thinking of someone else, the owner of "men are human" is a gay MRA but he interacts with another account that's been posted a few times here, she's a "gay transman MRA" who also openly ships spideypool

No. 1897204>>1897206

File (hide): 1708587853655.png (210.28 KB, 725x508, JdLJ9Lk.png)

samefag, found her, her handle is AcidKritana and she also writes wattpad stories like picrel.

No. 1897206

How many fucking mafia books/fanfictions does there need to be?

No. 1897209>>1897355

there worse than this in that fucking area.
saw a sharehouse with a "miffy for ceasefire" poster in the front window. unbelievably tasteless

No. 1897247>>1898062>>1898302

I hope somebody asked OP what the name of Lovecraft's cat was

No. 1897355>>1897361>>1897370>>1897373>>1897402>>1897404>>1897429

File (hide): 1708605401174.jpg (185.58 KB, 2048x2048, GE-igf-WcAAwgIi.jpg)

You guys are gonna have a field day with the "draw your comfort characters holding the watermelon/palestine flag" trend with twitter artists

No. 1897361

Lmao this is insane

No. 1897370

makes me laugh every time.

No. 1897373

Holy shit the contast is bad on this. Miles and his features barely stand out.slight blog, I'm all for understanding the horrors the Palestinian people are going though but as a black burger I refuse to associate myself with watermelons even before this whole thing came to a head. By doing so is the definition of virtue signaling. Having Miles holding watermelon with this big grin is a…choice

No. 1897402

File (hide): 1708609780104.jpg (15.68 KB, 262x275, 1705255260681.jpg)

I remember how back in the ol' days, people knew that minors would find gruesome pics of whatever situation happened, so told them to feel free to block or mute or whatever if that trigger them. Now? "If you don't RT this dead kid, you support IsraHell" or you have to use the same watermelon emoji, the "Palestine free" phrase or draw stuff even if they end being looking racist like >>1897355

The word "activism" is not what it used to be thanks by these people and their "hollier-than-thou" attitude by the cost of Palestine and Israel civilians.

No. 1897404

File (hide): 1708610155734.png (124.95 KB, 609x1142, kek.png)

Not only the image is supposed to be trolling, but the second user is right, people are babysitting Palestine without doing nothing but drawings to feel better of themselves. Yes, there are pages with donations and sim cards, but how many of the same people have donated to these orgs?

No. 1897429>>1897458>>1897783>>1897793

File (hide): 1708612103048.jpeg (182.35 KB, 1100x842, water melon.jpeg)

It's like we've come full circle and what was rightly considered racist in the past is now woke so it's ok.

Note" I'm not intending to be racist, post racebait or offend anyone with this image, I just want to highlight the similarities between "woke" art and racist depictions from the 1930s. What was rightly condemned as being an offensive and racist stereotype in the past, is now considered progressive.

No. 1897458>>1897783

The artist got shit for accidentally invoking this imagery, but I've noticed the same thing. Social justice activists online are putting on an elaborate LARP to "look woke" but deep down they're just as ignorant as conservatives. So many go mask off racist when a non-white non-western person disagrees with them too.

No. 1897783>>1897876>>1898047>>1898060>>1898252>>1898854

File (hide): 1708628290533.jpg (85.64 KB, 720x838, 1664332163781.jpg)

I think one funemdnetla issue is their obsession is with trying to "draw races" right, they've gotten into their heads that default look for anime characters is white(it's not) so what ends up happening is all the non-white cahracters in these western seires always end up looking like exxgrated racial caritcutes to emphaiss that they aren't white, while the white characters they draw are just drawn as more asehtcially pleasing, it's shooting themselves in the foot, like think about the fact that a lot of characters that people HC'd/assumre are black in anime,are just supposed to be dark-skinned japanese people,

No. 1897793

I didn’t know the watermelon was a Palestine symbol so when I first started seeing it in art and shit I legitimately thought it was just antiblack racism

No. 1897876

Implying anything is average in their series is such a strawman

No. 1898047>>1898058>>1898062

File (hide): 1708643087954.png (462.46 KB, 1000x563, Simon Brezhnev.png)

Any Okinawan Japanese character that have a tan: THEY'RE A POC!!!

This character, who is also a Russian character too: UH THAT'S A RACIST CARICATURE!

No. 1898058

File (hide): 1708643633373.jpg (54.48 KB, 396x333, 5cb9f000.jpg)

tbf that happens with white people as well in anime, when they have to emphasize a racial traits to bring the point home they aren't Japanese, like picrel, you can clearly tell whose meant to be Japanese, whose meant to be a black woman and whose meant to be a white man.

No. 1898060>>1898252

Why do they care so much? It's so weird. Must hurt to wake up every day and be a victim for no reason with all that reaching.

No. 1898062>>1898077

Kekk. It always proves the people who never read his work tbh.

I keep forgetting they think tan asians don't exist. lmao

No. 1898077>>1898086

File (hide): 1708645018006.png (295.28 KB, 535x400, foreigners-in-anime-1.png)

They know they exist, but they still think they're not Japanese but from West Asia for "representation".

No. 1898086

>TK from angel beats
He was so great.

No. 1898252>>1898854>>1902249

File (hide): 1708654759725.jpg (761.81 KB, 1170x1614, loudwindow.jpg)

What I love about this is that guy isn’t even black, he’s filipino. So a lot of black users think he’s a weirdo now for repeatedly making tweets acting like he’s the arbiter of good representation for them

No. 1898302>>1898340

File (hide): 1708657620909.jpg (3.84 MB, 2432x4587, insanity.jpg)

Samefag as >>1897247 I regret checking. What the fuck is wrong with these people?
It's so sick how you can tell both these people arguing with her are moids, not even from the TiM lovecraft obsession, but because of the way they speak to her, call her a child, and attack her intelligence.

No. 1898340

Just vile. OP's thread and replies to the 'shitposting' picture reek of pedophilia. Wonder how many of the upset troons think 'misgendering' violent rapists is a cardinal sin

No. 1898359>>1898466>>1898870

I'm Palestinian and I wish these westerners would stop hijacking the current situation to make it about themselves. I disagree with most of the reactionary whingers in this thread, but it's been so fucking offensive and mind boggling to see westoids with constant access to video footage of children getting ripped to shreds by bombs and and countless other horrific war crimes, and the only thing they can think of is "how can I cram my cartoon blorbo into this????" I swear ""leftist"" westoids are just as dehumanizing to non white people as the guys they claim to hate.

why are twitter artists addicted to oversharing every single personal aspect of their lives and relationships? you couldn't waterboard this out of me.

No. 1898466

If you don't me me asking, where are you living right now and do you have any family in Gaza?

No. 1898851>>1898895>>1898901>>1899299>>1899316

File (hide): 1708709732967.png (140.42 KB, 592x783, unm.png)

Almost felt bad for this random male. Should've known better.

No. 1898854

This is actually hilarious

No. 1898870

>I swear ""leftist"" westoids are just as dehumanizing to non white people as the guys they claim to hate
They're just generally unempathetic. It's more important to demonstrate they support a view that's popular in their circle than actually, I'm not even saying help, but think about real people and what they're going through. It's pure virtue signalling and aggressive self-assertion in meaningless arguments on twitter, doesn't have anything to do with morals and humanity.

No. 1898895

I only feel bad for actual little boys and babies, once they reach puberty they're all pornsick.

No. 1898901

it's obviously fake and made up for engagement how can you be so naive

No. 1899299

This reminds me recently of that string of videos a couple days ago from mardi gra where a dude was wasted fucking a really gross old woman and because the first video shared showed her riding him, there were hundreds of comments saying he was raped and acting outraged that it was filmed. Then the next video showed him on the side of her talking dirty and rubbing his cock on her back of his own accord. People are so fucking dumb. "If this was a woman you'd all know its rape!!!" meanwhile dude is all in.

No. 1899316

File (hide): 1708737413008.png (723.7 KB, 699x1038, Jacksweeney.png)

Avg man can obviously overpower a woman kek I don't feel bad for moids, it's usually if they regret allowing it they word it like it's forcible. (there are obvious exceptions)

No. 1900797

File (hide): 1708838648218.jpg (212.08 KB, 720x1256, 1000002973.jpg)

Woman abandons her 16 month old baby to starve to death in a playpen alone while she vacays for 10 days. All this man has to say is that she isn't fuckable.

No. 1901255>>1901261>>1901294>>1901354>>1902159

File (hide): 1708885243949.jpeg (163.6 KB, 1290x1258, IMG_0389.jpeg)

>retarded zoomed creates callout list of voice actors that are zionists
>doesnt do her research at all
>considers empathizing with both sides to be Zionism
>calls out Cristina Vee for Zionism because she said she feels bad for the Israeli women and children too
>Cristina Vee is in fact, not a Zionist, she just isn’t the most vocal about Palestine
>Cristina Vee deletes twitter due to the death threats she received from being accusesd of supporting genocide
>When retard-chan apologizes, all her followers are telling her she did nothing wrong by falsely accusing a woman and trying to ruin her life
I’m ethnically Palestinian and I’m 100% convinced accounts like this are run to make Palestine look bad

No. 1901261

The west is such an absolute shit show. It's so ridiculous that having an opinion one didn't agree with gets you death threats or worse

No. 1901294>>1901413>>1902184>>1904388

The worst part is that these idiots are retweeting posts and propaganda from real neo-Nazis and fascists who are using this conflict to spread anti-Semitism and fascism. There was this video which was being shared by wokies like this Idiot, it was some 1930s Palestinian nationalist talking about the issues of Palestine, it was from an account called "Palestine for the Palestinians" (or something similar) turns out it was being run by a stormfront user and that the Palestinian nationalist was a fascist sympathizer, not to mention Russia, Iranian and Chinese state accounts using this conflict to further their agendas and hide their crimes against humanity.
I'm genuinely afraid that we might get a newer generation of Fascists and anti-state actors in the west who fell for this propaganda campaign.

No. 1901354

Like a true coward, the piece of shit deleted her twitter due to backlash

No. 1901413

>and Chinese state accounts
Kek I’ve come across accounts like that and they scare me by how cult-ish they sound.
>“Free Palestine but also there is no Uyghur genocide!”
>”Stop talking about Uyghurs! Stop talking about Hong Kong! Stop talking about Taiwan! Stop criticizing CCP!!” “It’s all lies spread by sinophobic western propaganda!”
>Silence when people bring up child slavery in China-owned mines in the Congo
And it’s not even just from mainlanders but also communists living in the west. Capitalism is hell but I’m glad I didn’t go for the communism pill if this is the type of shit people are gonna try to indoctrinate me into. I may look into it to see if there’s truth to their claims, but at the end of the day these people white-knighting so hard for a powerful government sound no different from the bootlickers they make fun of.

No. 1901715>>1901937

Is the Twitter app nonfunctional half of the time for anyone else?

No. 1901937>>1901948

are you Pakistani?

No. 1901948>>1901956


No. 1901956

well it's been happening a shit ton here, it's technically banned for a while.

No. 1902159>>1910109

Cristina Vee should get cancelled for making sure only her and her little circle of union VAs is picked for any project she gets a sniff of. I am so tired of her and Tara Strong being in everything. Union VAs made the medium so stale, only them and their youtuber buddies can join the industry at this point

No. 1902184>>1904388>>1907790>>1909852>>1912542

File (hide): 1708940545711.png (1.56 MB, 1325x1536, vU9bdFH.png)

picrel are some prominent accounts, 3 of these men are openly white nationalists, 2 are republican trump supporters, one is an state Iranian shill, the other is a Russian state shill, and the woman is also a fascist whose more covert about sneaks into radfems discussions, but despite being open and blatant about their 'problematic' politics to the point of never even attempting to hide, their posts are the ones all these "activists" are retweeting, because they probably do have direct.

No. 1902249>>1902891

I thought he was Indian. Regardless Kekkai Sensen has the best male characters ever.

No. 1902875>>1910109

File (hide): 1708982884698.jpg (515.21 KB, 1125x1682, withholding bitch.jpg)

I hate engagement farming like picrel. “Guess what stupid factoid I just realized! Oh my god it’s so embarrassing you guys haven’t figured it out yet.” The only one embarrassing here is her pathetic attempt at engagement

No. 1902890>>1902892>>1902923>>1902952>>1902957>>1903879>>1904388>>1905046>>1910109

File (hide): 1708984183608.jpeg (229.38 KB, 750x751, IMG_0327.jpeg)

Idk if this is the right place to vent about this since it’s all over all social media today but I’ve seen a lot of it on xitter, but the fact that so many people (wokies) are glorifying that guy Aaron Bushnell who self-immolated for the Palestinian cause blows my mind. Self-immolating for any political or social cause is fucking stupid I’m sorry, the government is never gonna see someone set themselves on fire and think “wow! I’m so moved, we better do something now!” No they’re just gonna think “what a retard” and laugh and use it as fodder against that cause. Like, especially the guy being ex-military, he probably had severe mental trauma and was already suicidal or something. I seriously don’t know why online leftists in western countries are supporting other lefties killing themselves for a foreign conflict/genocide that individuals are literally never going to change. These people are so out of touch with reality and so eager to make a political statement and be radicals or whatever that they’re willing to destroy themselves and others on their side in the process.

No. 1902891

I think he is indian. But for some reason, westerners think tan skin = only black american

No. 1902892

>25 year old moid
having a son is the most pointless thing on earth. They really want to use this guy as a martyr for the palestine war. it's not like that's gonna do a single thing

No. 1902893>>1902896>>1902910

File (hide): 1708984465058.jpg (51.74 KB, 735x506, 1000008763.jpg)

No. 1902896

'nice guy' all over again

No. 1902910

I swear this is stolen from a 2013 Tumblr post, even the woman looks like a stereotypical "feminist with danger hair and granny glasses" from back then.

No. 1902923>>1902931>>1902932>>1903032>>1903053>>1904388>>1912556>>1912576

LC is of course extremely anti moid and largely pro Israel it seems but I just watched the video of him killing himself and it moved me a lot. Perhaps because a young close male relative of mind khs recently and it seemed pointless, and this death is for something bigger but even it seems pointless and I think we’re going to see a genocide play out entirely until there are no ethnic Palestinians left btw. What also got me was that the cops pulled a gun on a man who set himself on fire instead of putting him out. We live in a death cult hell

No. 1902931>>1902937>>1902992

>pro israel
is the userbase though? I've pretty much only seen pro-paleatianian or anti-both posts

No. 1902932

Is LC largely pro-Israel? I know we have a handful of very vocal racists who complain about brown moids but we also have a lot of “jooz” discourse as well. Anyway I feel bad for this moid’s family. But if you’re gonna kill yourself, you might as well do it this way.

No. 1902937>>1902940

Ayrt, I am a “both sides” person myself to a certain extent because I hate Islam and hamas but I don’t support genocide or the IDF. I think I got the impression the user base here is pro Israel because of the amerifag thread, once there was some anti-Palestine baiting going on there and when I posted it on /meta/ 2 of them followed me over to call me a hamas supporter lol

No. 1902940

there's just a handful of very loud jews here and they're quite easy to ignore tbh(racebaiting)

No. 1902952>>1903000

this shit is hilarious to me. Lefties praising this man on twitter as if he ended the conflict kek. To me, all I see is a retard. Israel does not give a fuck you killed yourself bud. He wasn't even Israeli. Do burgers (who are fucking obsessed with this war) really think that them killing themselves will do anything?

No. 1902957

Any person who commits a public suicide to call attention to a political cause is ultimately doing nothing to help the issues they claim to care about, all it does is give surface level valor to a person who is very mentally ill. Traumatizing bystanders and the media so that people remember your name doesn't garner valuable attention to real victims of the wars taking place. It would have been more beneficial and brave had he tried helping real people, like working in a shelter to rehabilitate injured people around war zones. Or doing literally anything else. I'm sure there's organizations out there that would have appreciated and used someone with military experience. Also everyone else is right about governments not giving a fuck, this won't move government leaders or soldiers who love slaughtering innocent people.

No. 1902992

It's less pro-israel than it is anti- palestine-sympathizing. Most people just seem to be tired of the narrative around it and don't want to exhaust empathy on a bunch of degenerate woman-haters in some 3rd world hell-hole across the planet from us. Fuck Israel but also fuck Palestine and its entire shit Muslim culture. They should blow each other up tbh.

No. 1903000>>1903011

>Israel does not give a fuck you killed yourself bud. He wasn't even Israeli.
He was in the military. The whole thing was clearly more of a message to the US than Israel.

No. 1903011

US military sees this and thinks "Wow, this one was very mentally ill. Anyways-" like they do with everything.

No. 1903028

File (hide): 1708994664269.jpeg (948.9 KB, 1242x1791, IMG_0438.jpeg)

Retard zoomer now has defenders speaking up after she deleted her account

No. 1903031

File (hide): 1708994721359.jpeg (283.6 KB, 1242x573, IMG_0439.jpeg)

Has she considered not having dumbass kids make dumbass callout posts with zero research??? Absolutely brain dead app

No. 1903032

ayrt, I’m pro-Palestine and I’m Arab myself, I don’t at all have a problem with Jews either, I just don’t support Zionism and ethnic cleansing. it just was disturbing and sad to see this knowing it isn’t going to change anything and that most likely it’ll just be something IDF supporters point and laugh at, I’ve already seen the zionist comments under posts related to this guy being like “you should follow him and do the same lmao” to anyone mourning his death. it just felt to me like something that doesn’t help anybody and makes westerners fighting for the cause look unhinged. idk I’ve just seen so much horrible painful, traumatic stuff that Palestinians have posted and expressed going through, so seeing people that don’t have to suffer the same doing something like that by choice just hit me hard and was very upsetting. I also wasn’t trying to derail the thread and get into an argument about this issue, this is just kind of the only place i know I could say anything about it and not risk losing friends or anything bc I know enough about how online lefties are

No. 1903053>>1903421

I don’t think lc is pro-Israel more than it’s anti-moid and severely misinformed about how Israel treats women. Palestine doesn’t treat women well either, don’t get me wrong, I lived there as a kid and I talked about it before in other threads. But Israel does everything Palestine does to women and worse, just not on their own women and they don’t do it for religious reasons, rather just for sick kicks

No. 1903421>>1904033

so Hamas parading around dead, very obviously raped, israeli women on October 7th was not for sick kicks? Is that a traditon of islam?

People need to remember, that this is still a war and men on all sides commit atrocious crimes against women.
I really hate that both camps, pro-isreal and pro-palerstine, purposefully ignore the treatment of women on the 'wrong' side.

No. 1903801>>1903808

File (hide): 1709046480806.png (287.86 KB, 688x750, 7Vk1Kgv.png)

No. 1903808

I don't think this tweet is serious.

No. 1903868

And she never gave an answer.

No. 1903879>>1904165>>1904945

File (hide): 1709049909118.png (Spoiler Image,485.74 KB, 800x533, The Burning Monk.png)

I'm glad Twitter wasn't a thing when Thích Quảng Đức did the same in protest for the persecution of Buddhists by the South Vietnamese government.

No. 1904033

Oh no, they definitely do it for sick kicks too, under the guise of religious reasons. Sorry, I wasn’t very clear on that, I’m not defending hamas at all. I think the entire war is disgusting and that the people defending hamas are retarded. It’s just that Israel does the same thing, but they are somewhat progressive towards their own women, so it’s largely ignored.

No. 1904165

>I'm glad Twitter wasn't a thing
It honestly just depends on a country's privacy laws. Just last year an iranian troon burned himself to death on a busy shopping street in Germany and yet seemingly nothing was spread, meanwhile in the US everybody is allowed to film anything and anybody.

No. 1904249>>1904267>>1904269>>1904297>>1904307>>1904326>>1904369>>1904374>>1904377>>1905054

File (hide): 1709068039106.jpeg (674.01 KB, 1170x1542, IMG_2950.jpeg)

I don’t like how so many people are dogpiling on this pregnant sahm right now. Is it suddenly okay to berate women in that state if they’re rich?

No. 1904267>>1904270>>1904309

Isn’t she like some kind of alt right trad?

No. 1904269

Shes a tradthot

No. 1904270>>1904276>>1904284

she's a mormon and even if she was explicitly political she wouldn't be alt-right, she'd just be part of the right.

No. 1904276>>1904281>>1904284

Weird that she’s a Mormon when she’s wearing that outfit, it goes against their personal religious rules of modesty very brazenly.

No. 1904281>>1904284>>1904290

not really, it's not that revealing and she's likely a member of one of the more liberal sects.

No. 1904284>>1904291>>1904299>>1904376>>1904584

File (hide): 1709069346268.png (1.57 MB, 1128x1046, Screenshot 2024-02-27 at 2.30.…)

Yeah is she actually mormon? Her clothing is extremely against the rules. Especially the picrel
Nonnie they literally have to wear underwear that goes right above the knee and covers their shoulders

No. 1904290

There are no “sects” besides the fundamentalist polygamist ones. It is weird because members of the LDS church are supposed to be wearing their temple garments, and are supposed to wear clothes that cover their garments. This outfit would explicitly not cover her garments. The most liberal Mormons are gonna be the ones who hike up their garments and show a little knee. No true believing Mormons will be out there showing shoulder unless they are in a bathing suit since that’s one of the few times they’re allowed to not wear temple garments is while swimming.

No. 1904291

>face caked in makeup
>dressed up
>cooking from scratch while heavily pregnant
This is so funny

No. 1904297>>1904304>>1904306>>1904354>>1904377>>1904404>>1904422>>1904584

File (hide): 1709069617369.png (144.38 KB, 728x660, Screenshot.png)

She's never not pregnant or a fresh mom, so technically one would never be allowed to criticise her. Women are simply rightfully tired of tradwife teen mom homemaker shit being glamorized and pushed onto them. It's basically propaganda. People only whiteknight her because she happens to be an attractive mixed model but other than that she's hardly different from the usual white "pregnant and barefeet in the kitchen" cows, except she's mormon on top of it (the religion who allowed you to have several wifes until just a couple years ago).

No. 1904299

I don’t think she actually is, this is behavior that would make her not allowed to go to the temple which is important especially for married members. And it’s not like she’s just drinking coffee on the downlow, something that’s easy to hide and lie about in a worthiness interview, she’s openly showing herself like this on public social media. She’s just a particularly strange grifter.

No. 1904304>>1904310>>1904323

but has she ever pushed getting pregnant and marrying early in her videos?

No. 1904306

>the religion who allowed you to have several wifes until just a couple years ago
Untrue, polygamy has been banned by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints for over 100 years. It has been an offense worthy of excommunication for generations. The polygamist fundamentalist offshoots are not recognized/condoned by the official LDS church and they have very small numbers to boot.

No. 1904307>>1904313

People keep trying to get people outraged about her and keep trying to attach different types of agruments, meanwhile i've yet to hear ANYTHING she's doing wrong, or promoting or anything. I'm open to it, but it feels like so many people for so many reasons wants us to get mad at this lady and pretend it's about some deeper meaning.
The anger is targetted at her, not even the husband, even when people pretend it's some shit about the husband, the focus is her.

No. 1904309

is there any proof of this? I'm so confused by why this lady keeps popping up here and on LSA when I've yet to see anything she's doing "Wrong".

No. 1904310>>1904358

Just because you don't outright say it, doesn't make you showing it harmless.

No. 1904313>>1904323

Everybody forgets that her tiktoks are literally her job. She is making money by posting these "aesthetic" videos. I've seen people say she is promoting white supremacy with her videos kek. Tradwives are obnoxious and annoying but the people complaining don't give the same energy to other TikTok content they think is "aspiring young women to want to achieve this" like OF tiktokkers

No. 1904319>>1904323>>1904337>>1904340

Promoting that glamorous soft/kept life is dangerous. Chances that you will end up in poverty and/or abused as a teen mom/wife is close to always.

No. 1904323>>1904333>>1904338

lol you dont need to be stating things out loud for it to be propaganda.
she's clearly presenting the 'being at hom pushing babies and baking for your husband" shit in a positive manner.
yep. Statistically, marriage is a net negative for women financially, but especially if you do it early

No. 1904326>>1904329

I'm confused, she's openly rich and I'm supposed to believe she does all the house chores while dressed up like that?

No. 1904329>>1904357

You’re also supposed to believe she’s a Latter Day Saint kek

No. 1904333>>1904336

I don't disagree with you but people forget that these videos are fake. All social media influencers show what they want to show, this isn't real life. She does her makeup and picks out her outfits purposely for each video she's making. She wasn't about to bake cookies for her husband and thought "oh, let me film this randomly!" It's fake, she sets up everything to be as aesthetic as it can be. It's about as real as reality TV imo.

No. 1904336>>1904344>>1904349

Girl that just makes it more deliberate and sinister. It is propaganda.

No. 1904337>>1904343

again, she's a professional model and already earning some money on he own.

No. 1904338>>1904343>>1905432

>being at hom pushing babies and baking for your husband" shit in a positive manner.

What's wrong with this if that's what you want? I think 22 is way too young to be a mother to three children, but there's probably enough young women out there who want that for themselves. It's not a negative to be settling into family life before 25 as long as you've got your backup plans (she makes TikToks for a living, she's an influencer and a model so it's not like she needs him for money). All the content I've ever seen from her is just her making stuff from scratch. I think she's got a natural passion for cooking and she's monetizing it.

No. 1904340

That term is so stupid, same with the "sprinkle sprinkle" stuff. It's all just rehashed from old sugarbaby/trophywife tumblr blogs.

No. 1904343>>1904350

She might have modeling (but that is shortlived and paying badly) but her underage and dumb adult viewers only get shown the pretty pregnant married baker.

No. 1904344

>Married pregnant woman cooking for herself and her husband is propaganda.

She's not pulling a ShoeOnHead or pearly things pickme rant, she's literally just portraying her homemaking skills while pregnant.

No. 1904349>>1904356

Again I don't really disagree, but the dogpiling on her when every influencer does the same thing is weird. Kids shouldn't be online if they can be so easily tricked into thinking thinking influencers are real and not just people making money

No. 1904350>>1904356

Most women want to get married and have kids, I'd rather them consume this content than the OF boss babes shaking their ass on the clock app. She's not telling anyone her way of living is superior, she's not telling everyone to go quit their jobs and be housewives, all she's doing is posting her cooking videos. If you're a dumb adult who thinks shits sweet that's on you, and if you're a minor you shouldn't be on TikTok long enough to be influenced by her anyways. Until someone posts videos where she's condemning career women and calling them empty egg cartons or whatever the tradwives do.. it just seems like people are dunking on a pregnant woman cooking in her kitchen

No. 1904354>>1904359

Kek wtf the idea of being 22 with 3 kids staying at home would be a hellish nightmare, even as a kid I never dreamed of shit like that. Girls don’t naturally dream to be mothers and slaves to the household. It’s a sinister precedent for them to say that as if it’s fact.

No. 1904356>>1904361>>1904364

People get shit for way less. Kids will always be on the internet, according to that logic we shouldn't be allowed to criticize any online personality.

This is the 2nd time (you?) randomly mentioned her being better than OF boss babes even tho that has nothing to do with her… Farmers have always been anti sex work, you're barking at the wrong crowd…

No. 1904357

I remember some time ago somewhere on LC someone posted about some mummy blogger, there was some controversy about her fucking oven kek, the type who lives in a rural area and did everything from scratch and an anon said she was actually married to some super rich guy ao everything essentially amounted to a larp. My point is: that larp was so much more believable than this. So she is rich, even tho she is rich she does the house chores (or does she just bake pastries?), even tho she does the house chores she dresses up like she's going to an event sometimes in revealing clothes, even tho she wears revealing clothes she's from the LDS church, oh and also she's a model cause models are known for having a lot of free time and could easily raise three kids and do the house chores.

No. 1904358>>1904361>>1904366

With that logic, you could argue that almost anyone's life is 'harmful' and shouldn't be showcased. What is so horrible about a woman being a stay at home mother?

No. 1904359

Yea, the only time I dreamt about being trad was when I was a literal prepubscent girl that still played with baby born. Once I started developing crushed and watching mtv trad life went out the window and I simply wanted to be free hot and single lol. I can see church girls loving that trad dream and they can keep it.

No. 1904361>>1904366

This nonnie says it perfectly >>1904358 if it's that sinister then we need to worry about every person ever. Your logic would mean a single mother working at McDonald's is influencing young women to strive to be a single mother working in fast food. Come on now.

No. 1904364

I'm a different anon. I'm aware LC is largely anti-sexwork. I'm just saying I'd rather see a pregnant woman making homemade Oreos over a woman bent over shaking her boobs at teenagers for pocket change.

She's not even shoving tradwife values down anyone's throats or demeaning women who choose differently for themselves. You're just triggered at her existing which is pretty sad. Though, I will say that I think 22 is far too young to be pregnant and with multiple other children.

No. 1904365>>1904366>>1904368>>1904370>>1904372

people can't recognise blatant tradwife shills huh. this is the "unu what's wrong with worshipping my nigel" shit all over again

No. 1904366

Being a teen wife and mom is simply a negative thing, anon, no idea how to make you understand that. Pair that up with showing an unrealistically easy and beautiful life, worse. It absolutely makes young girls believe that this is a much better life than getting education and working normally. And because she only is an innocent mommy who's showing her cooking nobody would ever stop kids from consuming that content. Plus one can only guess which related content will get recommended to you if you start out watching that.

Are McDonalds workers filming themselves? Usually not. Do they do that while dressed like a beautiful actress? Definitely not. Are millions of moids pushing for women to become fast food employees? And so on, it's completely different.

It feels so hopeless.

No. 1904368

Honestly, who the fuck cares about what a grown woman does with her man? If they're both happy and being treated well it's absolutely fine to "spoil" your scrote. It's only an issue if you're "spoiling" him in hopes he'll treat you like a human being. Screaming tradwife at every woman who's seemingly happy being a homemaker is just pathetic. Most tradwives can't even maintain a home, that's why they go so hard with their pickme antics.

No. 1904369>>1904376

Everyone’s trying to come up with strawmanny reasons for why she doesn’t deserve to be treated kindly even though she’s pregnant. I don’t care kek I adhere to the belief that women should be treated as kindly as possible during gestation, no matter what their personal beliefs may be.

No. 1904370

I think some just find it odd how so many want people to be outraged about this. What is it about her in general that makes people want us to talk about? It doesn't even seem interesting. It's just a pretty lady cooking some shit.

No. 1904372

Who mentioned anything about men? The original post is about how everyone’s bullying this pregnant woman all because she’s rich and doesn’t have to spend time doing actual ‘tradwife’ stuff like regular cooking and dealing with the big messes that little kids make, she’s allowed to do her little fun hobby tiktok’s because she’s not bound by other responsibilities and instead of just letting her make her dumb tiktok vids everyone feels the need to come up with reasons to make her feel bad for doing something cool like making oreos at home for her kids.

No. 1904374>>1904380

I have no dog in this fight and know nothing of that woman but the issue is that this shit is just so performative and unrealistic. Like look at me all made up and pretty doing housework peacefully in a tidy white home cooking for the hubby. It’s so pointless and only serves to project unrealistic standards as if actually being a mom is anything like that. Cue the trads who share that stuff around and project it as the perfect ideal lifestyle, it’s retarded. If I had to choose between seeing this and onlyfans videos I’d delete my social media which I did years ago.

No. 1904376>>1904379>>1904380>>1904392

What are people actually saying? I have never watched her content but there's another trad woman on tiktok/fb she's blonde that does the same videos with her 3 kids. People in those comments don't lambest her for making the videos usually laugh at the literal content because of how unnaturally posed she is for vanity reasons while making things from scratch. It's the funny juxtaposition of being so traditional but worrying about angles and filming yourself for validation online. The blonde even started leaning into it and making the poses more contrived and exaggerated which endeared people. It's all for engagement and people make comments oh must be nice having a partner that's rich enough you get to film videos and make things from scratch.

This tho seems a bit off and maybe fetish related since she's pregnant.

No. 1904377>>1904461

I'm so tired of all the fake outrage over this woman. She's literally just a mom who cooks. If you go on any cooking community (whether that be tiktok or recipe blogs) you'll find literally thousands of other women who are also moms that cook. They've been around forever, and influencers making sure to look unrealistically nice in their pictures and videos is nothing new either. There is quite literally nothing special or unique about this woman to warrant all of this discourse.

No. 1904379>>1904385

Something gross; her BD is Lucky B Smith who’s a known pregnancy fetisher. Yuck.

No. 1904380>>1904394


>the issue is that this shit is just so performative and unrealistic

It's the Internet. She's an influencer. Ofc it's unrealistic. The only people who'd think it's realistic are children and retards. Kids grow out of it, retards can't be helped no matter what.

There's people saying she's got a lobotomy and then there's anons in here accusing her of being a tradwife propaganda machine.

No. 1904385

Well there you go, and must be why the baiter posted this (>>1904374). Uses his tell too much
> I have no dog in this fight

No. 1904386>>1904426

>Everyone’s trying to come up with strawmanny reasons for why she doesn’t deserve to be treated kindly even though she’s pregnant.
>everyone’s bullying this pregnant woman
She's pregnant not disabled? Her pregnancy shouldn't make a difference here. If being pregnant makes you so vulnerable then quit constantly posting yourself for millions of people to see.

No. 1904387

File (hide): 1709072789751.jpg (255.34 KB, 2340x2340, 1000011897.jpg)

Someone needs to invent a DNA specific virus that targets libfems, gendies, and troons.

No. 1904388>>1909852>>1912542

It'd be funny if it wasn't so sad how usually the twitter teens will send death threats if you accidentally RTed someone who is a problematic in their eyes, yet the amount of very very very thinly veiled antisemitism I've seen proudly shared is mind boggling. All you have to do is change "the jews" to "zionists" to whatever antisemitic trope and they'll eat it up. Actually I take it back, it's terrifying to watch.
Now it might have been misinfo but I'm pretty sure he left behind 2 children. I'm sure they'll be terribly comforted by him killing himself in a way that will be forgotten in about 3 days.

No. 1904392>>1904443

Seen tweets saying she is promoting white supremacy, promoting capitalism, promoting unrealistic standards. As far as I know, she just bakes shit in fancy outfits and makeup. I don't think she even says anything about how this is the life women need to lead or shit like that, but if I'm wrong then feel free to correct me. People see a very rich woman baking shit and freak out that the kids are getting influenced. Imo, tradwifery is retarded, and the people who think that they can be just like this tiktokker are retarded because they can only lead the same life if they are rich. Which is a problem with every influencer who has ever existed kek, so I'm not sure why she is singled out when the cows in the tradwife thread are actually trying to spread how every woman needs to be like them.

No. 1904394>>1904413

So everyone knows and agrees that 22 yo mom of three domestic goddess sexy Mormon model is bullshit? Thank God, I was worried for a second.

No. 1904404

>3 kids at 22

No. 1904413>>1904420>>1904434

File (hide): 1709073778074.gif (599.11 KB, 498x350, IMG_2726.gif)

unfortunately the tradthot defense squad is out in full force it seems

No. 1904420

I think its funny that anon keeps putting words in people’s mouths in order to make a bad argument

No. 1904422>>1904436>>1904448>>1904457

3 kids at 22 is insane, no woman should be subjected to that kind of fate. Fuck the anons who keep saying "ummmm she's just a wholesome mother what's wrong with that????" and most likely playing obtuse about what's supposed to be read between the lines here. When is propaganda ever blunt and on the nose? Propaganda is supposed to be subtle and sneaky, otherwise it would just be preaching.

No. 1904426

>don’t post yourself while pregnant because everyones going to bully you for being a tradwife even though you’re hormonal and everyone knows that
so should pregnant women just crawl into a box and hide because you guys can’t resist looking for reasons to judge women for every little move we make?

No. 1904434>>1904437

being a married mom and cooking doesn’t immediately make a woman a tradthot

No. 1904436

okay so what do we do about this? Scream at her? Constantly post about it? I don't get whats the point of all of this. Why all this anger at this random lady? She's not going to stop, so where do we go from here? it's not even milky or entertaining. It's the most generic tiktok bullshit ever.

No. 1904437>>1904439

No one said this

No. 1904439

But she used the term tradthot in reference to the users defending this young lady

No. 1904443>>1904457

>promoting white supremacy
Is she not black?

No. 1904448>>1904453>>1904454>>1904463>>1904474

>3 kids at 22 is insane, no woman should be subjected to that kind of fate.

She literally chose that for herself. You don't have to agree or approve of it, but unless we hear about her being forced to marry as a child bride, this is a decision she made for herself. She was not subjected to it. That's an insult to the women that actually did get forced into these positions.

No. 1904453>>1904471

That doesn't make it any less of a sad situation, mormons are retarded.

No. 1904454>>1904471

>t-that's literally an insult to the women who don't have a choice!!!
We need to bring back gatekeeping on this site pronto

No. 1904457

She's half black.
Nobody is playing obtuse. I'm just not losing my mind over what children might be influenced by. They see any tiktokker and want to be just like them. In school, kids constantly answer the "What do you want to be when you grow up?" question by saying YouTube, twitch, TikTok star etc. What should we do? It's not a specific problem to just her. And at the end of the day, she isn't even being particularly egregious about it by telling young girls they need to be just like her. I'm sorry that children think she's pretty and want to be like her, I hope they grow up and realize it's not possible unless they are also filthy rich. When I was a kid I saw celebrities and wanted to grow up to be an actress. But I grew up and realized the chance of that is so slim, and I don't even want to be constantly nitpicked and criticized like celebs are.

No. 1904461>>1904476>>1904788>>1905063

File (hide): 1709075923558.png (684.71 KB, 500x613, njveju5UKa1tjr19yo1_500.png)

I'm convinced half the malding is from former tumblr girls upset she's married to model Lucky Blue Smith, who used to get posted everywhere. She's a model herself, too. I'm not into her content, but it's far from trad mormon propaganda or whatever to make your own cereal. She doesn't even talk about her religion or politics, from what I've seen. She does far less than any of the actual tradthots I've seen go viral, about the only thing that stands out is her being mixed race and the husband's former popularity. I wonder why those people don't rage about Muslim women running cooking accounts and wearing hijabs.

No. 1904463>>1904467>>1904471

What age did she get married? Just curious

No. 1904467>>1904473>>1904492

18. Sus. But I'm not sure what we should do about that. Why isn't the hate directed at her husband? I'm supposed to hate a woman who was groomed because she is indirectly influencing young girls?

No. 1904471>>1904482

It does. Because she isn't crying about it. I wouldn't want three kids at that age (or any age), but hey if that's what she's into, why should we be offended for her? If you're so worried about the children being influenced or something, I'd say keep them off the Internet period. Adults getting influenced? They also need to be kept off the Internet.
It is though. I'm not going to cry over this rich first worlder who dresses up and posts to TikTok everyday when there's women and girls even younger than her with more kids getting their asses beat by their husbands who are twice and three times their age.
I have no idea, but I overall think she got married too young. I just don't care that much because she's not complaining about her life or anything. I'm not going to sit here and feel sad or upset about a woman's situation when all she's not appearing to be distressed by it. If it comes out she was a teen bride who got forced into this all, I'll feel differently.

No. 1904473>>1904486

You don't have to hate her or watch her idk why you feel peer pressured so much to form an opinion. Her and her husband are showcasing her various pregnancies for people to gawk at. You can spend your time watching something entertaining if you want I doubt her audience is children

No. 1904474

Are you a lost libfem?

No. 1904476

Apparently their daughter’s name is Rumble Honey and their son’s name is Slim Easy. What the fuck kek

No. 1904479>>1904481>>1904483>>1904485>>1904497>>1904613

I’ve never heard of Lucky Blue or Nara before this thread and I looked them up and why the FUCK are their kids named Rumble Honey and Slim Easy?? Rumble???? That’s why people under the age of 20 shouldn’t have kids, these retards named their kid Rumble.
Also he has a kid from a previous relationship from when he was a teenager named Gravity. They’re not even cute weird names, they’re just fucking strange.

No. 1904481

Sounds like they gave their kids cool zany names for a cool social media career they've envisioned to exploit off of.

No. 1904482>>1904488

>I'm not going to cry over this rich first worlder who dresses up and posts to TikTok everyday
Obviously you are, since you're so invested in anons criticizing her.

No. 1904483

Those names are just abusive kek

No. 1904484

Maybe she chose this situation or whatever but we can still make fun of her retarded choices in life.

No. 1904485>>1904491

File (hide): 1709076768742.png (40.91 KB, 688x211, lucky-blue-smith-siblings-Goog…)

I think it's a family tradition

No. 1904486>>1904490

Kek I don't feel any pressure. I'm just in the conversation that a different anon brought up, she's being posted all over twitter for how horrible she is. But according to other anons, not seething about her means we must be thradthots

No. 1904488>>1904500

Because they're making stupid "points" and are seething over a non-issue.

No. 1904490>>1904496

Oh no an anon thinks an anon is a tradthot I'm a zoomer that puts a lot of emphasis on labels so this has cut me to the core I did not want to be a tradthot but now that an unknown has called me one I must live this life.(infighting)

No. 1904491>>1904498>>1904522>>1904889

Lucky, Starlie, Pyper, and Daisy are all fairly normal sounding names even if they’re uncommon. Gravity, Rumble, and Slim are literally retarded kek.

No. 1904492

I don't see why anyone should hate on LBS either. They're practically the same age. Not everyone who gets married young was groomed.

No. 1904496

So I can't add in to the conversation about this woman because my opinion is different than yours, and that means I'm now a zoomer because I'm replying to anons who are replying to me? Okay kek.

No. 1904497

KEK missed opportunity for Slim Shady

No. 1904498>>1904503>>1904505>>1904526>>1904528>>1904531>>1904584>>1904670>>1904786>>1904986

File (hide): 1709077260666.mp4 (5.55 MB, 576x1024, Snaptik.app_731737131425435166…) [play once] [loop]

Slightly unrelated but I feel like naming your child Frosty should be a crime.

No. 1904500

It probably won't be a "non-issue" for her a decade from now. "She isn't publically crying" or "but what about xyz" are also not good arguments either.

No. 1904503

All of the Gen A and B kids have retarded names so I think their children will survive kek

No. 1904505

Why do all these influences move their hands like James Charles it's so obnoxious how performative they are I bet Rumble and Slim will grow up with a plethora of mental issues.

No. 1904522

>Pyper America
>Lucky Blue
Nah, Nara's definitely continuing Lucky's family tradition lmao

No. 1904526

is this trolling? i cant tell anymore

No. 1904528

Pear Bubble Smith…

No. 1904531

I miss names like Veronica and Eden and Dorothy like can we go back to old lady names? They’re so much cuter than fucking Rumble

No. 1904584>>1904632

Look; I've seen some of these videos. If her lifestyle is so amazing and her epic awesome choice at age 18, then why does she look so miserable all the time?
Not here particularly, but what the fuck are those names? Also she sounds like she needs to blow her nose. And to whatever anon above said she has a good backup plan of being an influencer and model… kek.

No. 1904613

poor kids but id be lying if i said i didnt find those names funny as fuck

No. 1904632

She probably just looks ugly when she smiles

No. 1904670

Why did she lift the drink can into frame while strategically covering the labels and then not drink from it and set it down again. Mental illness.

No. 1904785>>1904805

I'm gonna honest, I don't think there's anything wrong with attractive people having more babies, too many uggos in this world.

No. 1904786

Her stupid fucking husband with his stupid fucking toothpick

No. 1904788

He doesn't look like that anymore

No. 1904794

I think the problem with Nara and lucky is that having children back to back to back with no break is insane. It’s bad for the mom, and could be bad for the baby, and it’s the lack of consideration that both of them have towards Nara’s body is scary. And then having that many kids close in age gets glamorized on social media, I see it all the time on mommy account on insta, with women commenting on how they’re doing the same with their kids. There’s no break for Nara to recover from pregnancy and childbirth, and it really makes me side eye lucky as it shows he doesn’t care about his wife’s safety. That or they’re just gross and have a pregnancy fetish

No. 1904805

pretty people can still have uggo babies

No. 1904889

Lucky is a name that you give a three-legged-dog, not a person.

No. 1904945>>1908491

Please stop comparing this to that retarded American. It’s not the same and it never will be.

No. 1904986

I'm so grateful I live in a country with naming laws that exist specifically to prevent causing children distress over being named something turbo retarded.

No. 1905046>>1905073

I think self-immolation is a terrible idea, especially in the west since nothing comes out of it. I just can’t help but tear up at his last moments. Out of all he ways to go, he suffered such a slow death. Bombings would have been more merciful.

No. 1905054

It’s modern trad propaganda but much of the outrage is the fact that she’s mixed (black/white) and living a clean luxurious life with a rich white man. The racial subtext is clear in the discussions online. A lot of people believe she doesn’t deserve a life like that, or mixed women “belong” to black men or she’s a tool of the government to force (black) women into the home. Similar to Taylor Swift,I’ve been trying to block all content of her because I don’t want to get into anymore discussions with her

No. 1905063

Because the Muslims will doxx you and kill you. Mormons just wag their fingers at you(racebait)

No. 1905073

He deserved it. He burned himself alive for muzzies who would rape his mother and sister. I hope he felt every lick of flame.(infight bait)

No. 1905174>>1905295

File (hide): 1709136645365.png (104.39 KB, 751x370, HQ1O4bj.png)

I'm mostly neutral about Nara, what I don't like seeing way too many people seemingly project everything they don't like onto her, like calling her a Zionist because she once did a photo shoot in Israel years back.

No. 1905295>>1905388>>1906098

I wish twitter could be more open about just hating a woman for no real reason instead of going through all these loops about how they’re actually not a bad person for hating her. Her videos are dumb and I don’t like them, but I’m not gonna pretend to be morally better for disliking her because she’s “ackshully an evil Zionist witch in a harmful religion promoting dangerous ideology so it’s okay for me to be a hater”

No. 1905388

File (hide): 1709149754161.jpg (156.67 KB, 1125x449, ethical hater.jpg)

When the tweet in picrel went viral, I wasn’t sure if it was serious or not. It’s exactly the problem you mention

No. 1905432

I just know if we were back in the foot binding days in China, you would be saying this. This is why liberal feminism fails, all of your rhetoric depends on "but its MY choice!"

No. 1906094>>1906096

File (hide): 1709194148380.png (48.42 KB, 601x425, 92ASDF.png)

Mind you, El-Salvador had one of the highest femicide rates in the world, where thousands of women were not just brutally beaten, raped but regularly murdered without impunity. that has been reduced by 80%, as well as crime in general.

No. 1906096

She’s a stupid bitch who loves Stalin. Don’t take anything she says seriously. She even admitted once that she was bullied by Twitter into changing her political views.

No. 1906098

They always fixate on women. Any flaw is an excuse to criticize and pull apart anything and everything a woman does. While their cancelation of men are more straightforward and barbaric, it's like they flay and peel women apart so much more slowly and with a lot more intent. Being able to hate on women with a "free pass" or excuse to flex their misogyny is something savory for them.

No. 1906298>>1906354

File (hide): 1709207939483.jpeg (358.38 KB, 1322x1763, IMG_6619.jpeg)

When do you think they’ll start realizing?

No. 1906354

keking at the wolf in sheep's clothing admitting to his incel thoughts. Nothing probably changed, but I hope it peaked others.

No. 1907591>>1907595>>1907633>>1907641>>1907646>>1907648

File (hide): 1709304458006.jpeg (821.52 KB, 1170x1760, IMG_6322.jpeg)

You hear that guys? No jacking off until the genocides are finished.

No. 1907595>>1907601

based we need to shame men more

No. 1907601>>1907606

we should shame men more, but that op is a woman

No. 1907606

we should shame coomer women too

No. 1907633

The response is funny but to answer her question: no. Stop posting your kinks willy nilly with your names included like it's the most normal thing in the world to share with everyone. Coomers are retards.

No. 1907641

What's wrong with the replay? Coomers should always be shamed.

No. 1907646

somehow is making me care even less about the ‘genocides’

No. 1907648

but what if genocide is my kink?

No. 1907790

Do you have any proof of this woman being a fascist?

No. 1908428>>1908684>>1908692>>1909614>>1909724>>1909731>>1909917>>1910330

File (hide): 1709349282983.png (155.33 KB, 715x745, shutitdown.png)

Do social media "protests" even work? The video being QRT is about attending local protests, but this girl tries to guilt trip people who may be using social media as normal tomorrow.

No. 1908491

You're right. Now Twitter is angry that others used the "rest in power" in him.

No. 1908668>>1908675>>1908974>>1909513

File (hide): 1709366770742.png (141.69 KB, 750x397, AnEVEne.png)


No. 1908675

Put them in labor camps. Make them learn to behave like real people. No more, please

No. 1908684>>1908691

Ive seen fedora tippers laughting at the concept of praying for a catastrophe but that is far less annoying and fake than whatever they fuck this is. At the very least prayer is silent kek.

No. 1908691

It makes them feel psychological superiority on par with crack to them since they have no real healthy forms of dopamine high

No. 1908692>>1908701

Israel in shambles after 10,000 westerners stopped using twitter for just one day

No. 1908701

It's disgusting that instead of doing the very few things they actually can such as basic education and donating to verified establishments, they somehow trick themselves into believing condescending and trying to control other people on the internet is Activism

No. 1908715>>1908736>>1908978>>1909607

many muslim girls are forced to be terminally online thanks to sexist double standards on how much outdoor engagement she's allowed to have. Victims of circumstance. I would have been so normal if I was allowed to go out and have friends in my teen years.

No. 1908720

because being too detailed makes the characters look "human" and too close to god's creation and thus committing a sin (drawing humans is implied to be the same as creating people)

No. 1908723

leftists defend this but are the first to harass first world lesbians for not gargling cock and balls

No. 1908729

speaking as someone raised in those environments, they do hate you and think less of you just for being western. But many envy the western lifestyle for its freedom. A typical case of Inferiority Superiority Complex

No. 1908734

exmsulims aren't tradthots

they have no problems generalizing you

No. 1908736>>1908978>>1909607

Same, I could have been a happy normie but that's haram, allegedly.

No. 1908974>>1909404

Stalin threw sex workers and anyone involved in pornography in the gulag. These people need to read a fucking book.

No. 1908978>>1909607

I guess that makes three of us

No. 1909404>>1909479

Wasn't porn and prostitution banned in every communist country too?

No. 1909479

Well yeah, they were considered following "bourgeoisie decadence", and most pimps and brothel owners were shot or sent to labor camps, much to the horror of Western Marxists who were horrified at the sheer violence and "reactionary nature" of the Eastern block.

No. 1909513

Marx rather famously believed prostitution should be abolished. Engels had even more scathing critiques of prostitution and women's status as property, like he wrote an entire book about this. I swear 99.9% of online commies have never ever read a book. They genuinely think communism is just never having to work, getting free things, and having access to women as a public commodity.

No. 1909607>>1909797

I was raised very strictly Catholic in a very religious country and I can relate. I was a fucking weird teen because I was too online and literally wasn't allowed out of the house. Sending love to you Muslim nonnies.

No. 1909614>>1909643

Why is Hawaii in here? the fire from last year?

No. 1909643>>1910117>>1910208

Native Hawaiians are being priced out into homelessness because of inlanders, especially by billionaires. Hawaii used to be it's own nation until absorbed by America in 1959. Something along those lines

No. 1909648>>1909652>>1910539

File (hide): 1709427085050.jpeg (503.38 KB, 1170x2959, IMG_8325.jpeg)

So rape jokes against woman hostages are fine for leftists if it’s from a side that they don’t like? I’m not even a pro Isreal either but this is just weird.

No. 1909652

typical leftist

No. 1909724

oh look it's the insufferable nonbinary actress who plays an insufferable nonbinary character on that terrible sex and the city reboot. she's a total cow, gets mad if you don't like her character, makes dramu about interviews she doesn't like etc.

No. 1909731

Wonder how many people outside that side of twitter even heard about or noticed this. These days social media bubbles are strong and things go crazy viral for some people while others never see anything about it. If social media protests ever worked then those days are finished

No. 1909797

thanks nonna, we appreciate it.

No. 1909852

File (hide): 1709447689317.png (516.15 KB, 598x764, Screenshot_24-03-03.png)

recently Anya Parampil retweeted this meme from a straight up Chinese state shill account, that tries to get RWers and Tankies to side with China.

No. 1909915>>1910107

File (hide): 1709455507786.jpg (57.45 KB, 710x744, XVWhnDq.jpg)

The ugliest scrote I know liked this tweet. If he ever gave into this delusion he would look like shrek in a skirt

No. 1909917>>1911669

The EU just resumed funding to UNRWA so apparently all the boycotting worked
the best ao3 writer's personal accounts are completely in malay or indonesian. yaoi's strongest soldiers
as annoying as social media protests are we got to this point because of accounts like canary mission unironically doxxing people and trying to get them fired from jobs over mundane statements about israel. as far as I'm concerned they can both fight each other

No. 1909918

Can I get a source for picrel please? I want to read more

No. 1910107

is this by a "TIM" of some pornsick libfem, who will likely end up dating some troon.

No. 1910109

Non-union VAs are uniformly shit actors hth

Shit, what did their agriculture have in common? I need to know now. The bait works.

Sad men self-immolating instead of shooting up places is good and we should encourage it, not discourage it.

No. 1910117>>1910208

Ayrt, i was aware of that but the fact that theyre comparing that to ethnic cleansing is pretty wild kek

No. 1910208

It's a complicated case because on one hand, you have wealthy Americans driving up prices and on the other hand you have unchecked immigration(mostly from Filipinos). So the native Hawaiians are in a tough spot. However, it's worth noting that most Hawaiians don't want independence (last time I saw a statistic about wanting independence, it was 6-8% at most). cause achieving independence would be impossible considering that about half of them live outside of Hawaii and many are of mixed heritage. What they desire is more local sovereignty and the development of industries that are not heavily reliant on tourism.

No. 1910330>>1916939

Technically instagram but it's the same slacktivism topic; Apparently that mother that was dying (she has passed now) and was trying to get her song to go viral to leave the earnings to her song wasn't pro-palestine. So you saw this weird mix of people trying to decide whether or not to support her (tbh I have never seen actual proof of her alleged evil beliefs) even tho the support is for her 7 year old son. I think it's unintentionally an almost perfect way to see what people's morals are like, because I've seen people trying to discuss if one 7 year old is really more deserving of money than all the other dead kids. It's bonkers. I hope that kid never finds the comments.

No. 1910539>>1910546>>1910695

I don't see where the alleged joke is here that you're referring to. What makes it funny to the Qter is the fact it's a very obvious and ridiculous bit of israeli propaganda, and showcases just how much they're grasping at straws to play the victim.

No. 1910546>>1910590

Are you stupid? You realize the 'propaganda' part is fake right? And the joke is in the fake community note where they're essentially trying to say she was too ugly to rape.

No. 1910590>>1910695

I didn't read that bottom bit, but you're still not disproving my point. Propaganda is fake, how do we know the community note is a "joke" and not israeli bots working overtime

No. 1910695>>1910727

People have been downplaying or even outright denying the sexual violence committed by Hamas against Israeli women and girls since the attacks started, because it gets in the way of their political agenda, that Hamas are all revolutionary freedom fighters and not Islamic terrorists. And make no mistake, Israeli soldiers have committed rapes against Palestinian women as well, and that gets swept under the rug by Israeli supporters as well, for the same reasons. Unfortunately most people don’t really care about wartime sexual violence unless they can use it to push their political beliefs, no one wants to admit that men on their own side are capable of raping women on the other side because it would be inconvenient for them to do so.

No. 1910727

Would you mind sharing more about this? I can't seek it out, its too much. The videos and images of the girl who was raped and murdered and then paraded around was way past my limit. I would like to know more but it's really hard to find simple text sources like this without being exposed to graphic images and videos that are going to make it hard for me to dream without nightmare

No. 1910898>>1910907>>1910985

File (hide): 1709532258766.png (25.63 KB, 717x256, J2Fl21.png)

No. 1910907>>1910985

I didnt even bother posting the aella gangbang here I was speechless

No. 1910985>>1911005

i just hope she showered afterwards….

No. 1911005

You know she didn’t

No. 1911326>>1911370>>1911387>>1911753>>1911948

File (hide): 1709563879005.png (379.69 KB, 659x608, aOFxZqk.png)

when your terminally online and believe what shit you read on online.

No. 1911370>>1911817

What do you mean anon? Lindsay was with Samantha Ronson for a bit, I remember it clearly.

No. 1911387>>1911817

how old are you? lindsay's gay relationship was EVERYWHERE back then. even eminem mentioned it in the "We made you" video

No. 1911669

File (hide): 1709584249217.mp4 (7.24 MB, 480x854, BsbHPvH.mp4) [play once] [loop]

I do think there should be an Indonesia/Malaysia thread because the more I read up about them the more I'm fascinated by their adaption and mixing of other people's culture. So they have the usual Islamists who want to LARP as Arabs, but you also have types similar to most latin-american. There are Ameriboos and they have a very strong punk scene over there(vidrel). also each of the hundred ethnic groups hates each other for one reason or another.

No. 1911753>>1911817

??? This actually happened, did you go to sleep? I remember this like it was yesterday.

No. 1911816>>1911819>>1911823>>1911829>>1911848>>1911986>>1911987>>1912791

File (hide): 1709594925487.jpeg (305.31 KB, 1158x1432, IMG_0145.jpeg)

One of the weirdest discourses I’ve encountered

No. 1911817

kek. I'm glad people are calling anon out. There's no way they are over 18 being this retarded.

No. 1911818

The sheer ignorance of some users just makes me wish the death internet theory is actually real because there's no way a human being is this fucking retarded.

No. 1911819>>1912791

Of course it's a pitbull

No. 1911823

>Black furry

No. 1911829

What? I knew a white autist with a parrot fursona with dreadlocks who is to say the pitbull is black

No. 1911848>>1911853>>1912791

>gorgeous strong features
Which ones, their ballsack shaped block heads, oily rough skin, gaping rashy maws, or tiny yellow goblin eyes? Furry shit aside pitbulls are hands down the ugliest dog breed. The most inbred gasping sweaty pug is more beautiful

No. 1911853>>1911877>>1911897

No. 1911877>>1911893>>1913380

she's right tho. some dogs are just ugly kek

No. 1911893>>1913380

Agreed, especially that one nonna was bitching about kek. Not even cute in an ugly cute way.

No. 1911897>>1913380

Fym meds everything she's saying is true

No. 1911940>>1911945

File (hide): 1709607429346.jpg (248.13 KB, 946x1748, 1000003174.jpg)

No. 1911945>>1911979>>1917824

File (hide): 1709607643091.jpg (274.98 KB, 946x1733, 1000003175.jpg)

A secondary species.

No. 1911948>>1912193>>1912701>>1913372

I have been TELLING all of you that we have been raided by literal children who pretend to know everything about pop culture and will argue with you until they're seething about things you were vividly, acutely aware of and tell you it never happened when they were still pissing their diapers and sleeping in a crib at the time. So annoying.

No. 1911979

You know what, these men deserve to be scammed. Let “her” cook.

No. 1911986

Woke furry twitter discourse is nuts. If it's not slapfights over which kind of cartoon animal porn is/isn't okay, race and Covid vaxx topics come up constantly.

No. 1911987

The reason why this is getting backlash is because there is discourse about the killmonger cut being the default haircut for black male characters. Not saying the video related was what started this, but it's true, even though i do like the art. I think people just took it too far in this instance.

No. 1912193

I don't care that they don't know anything it's when they say we should leave the online communities we built because we're too old and they find it creepy. Get fucked kek.

No. 1912542>>1912555

File (hide): 1709661166976.jpg (221.72 KB, 1056x1137, rrL2YMv807FHk3C.jpg)

This shit has an actual impact as well. I think there's more anti-Semitism in the West since the end of WW2. and again it's mostly fascists using this conflict to normalize it. For example, under a post about Palestine, they'll link some infographic about Jews running the banks and all the bad stuff. The worst part is that it's actually working; there are Jews who aren't even Zionists or Israelis being harassed over this.

No. 1912555>>1912570>>1912601>>1912603>>1912632

Anti semitism is such a stupid term. Jews are not an oppressed group, they are blowing the legs off little kids right now with drones. Also, Arabs and Palestinians are Semites,
so how come you never see hate crimes against them labelled as anti semitism? Why should Jews be considered a protected class because of something that happened 80 years ago, when that same group is committing genocide against another people right now?(racebaiting)

No. 1912556>>1912562>>1912574>>1912924

>lolcow is pro Israel
Lol no we aren’t. There’s one Jewish person I know of on this board, he’s an autistic tranny who also likes spamming CP in his spare time. Interesting that there’s been so many pro Israel shill posts the time he’s been lurking here.

No. 1912562

Most of LC is in the middle on this conflict, I've seen plenty of posters condemn both the IDF and Hamas. Politics aren't black-and-white like Twitter makes it out to be.

No. 1912570>>1912593

Jews did not coin the term antisemitism, you absolute retard. It was coined by the Germans to justify their “racial superiority.” I don’t really care if you think Jews are oppressed or not, because you’re retarded regardless, considering you seem to think every single Jew is personally flying to Israel as we speak to volunteer to the IDF and murder Palestinian children. Not every Jew is Israeli, or even a Zionist. Now get the fuck out of here with your black and white takes, twitterfag(infighting)

No. 1912574

Nah, I've seen many different takes here and I'm fairly pro Palestine myself. i just think the social media zoomer response is retarded to the whole conflict and shows how terminally online people are

No. 1912576

We have like two vocal jewish spergs who screech in every thread, that isn’t representative of lolcow

No. 1912593>>1912599

Israel is a western colony too and their government sterilizes non-white jewish women. Acting like it's a representative of all jews is like saying Nazi Germany is a representative of Europe or all white people agree with MAGA. There are anti-Zionist Holocaust survivors who see parallels to what's going in Gaza to what they went through.

No. 1912599>>1912625>>1912638>>1912681

nta but what about the fact that more then half of Israelis are from Mihrazi backgrounds? including some of the largest Zionist party supporters?

No. 1912601

How is this stupid if there are people who hate specifically jews and are bothered by them being present in the politics of their country/believe in antisemitic conspiracy theories and so on? It's not a big rarity and it doesn't even have anything to do with Palestine. Also jews were discriminated against up until late 80s at least in the USSR and Socialist Yugoslavia, and 80 years ago is not 800 years ago: it's not enough to forget genocide of such a scale, plus there are still people who survived concentration camps.

No. 1912603>>1912630

How are you seriously replying this to a post with a screenshot that uses a very VERY common antisemitic conspiracy trope ("the holocaust happened but it didn't the way the jews said it did"). Also you might want to look up the meaning of antisemitic because it's specifically hate against jewish people. Your reasoning is basically the same as "it's not -phobia when I'm not scared of them!".

No. 1912625

>genocide and sterilization is okay because they’re Mizrahis!
Lol what the fuck are you implying. Israel’s military is funded by the west, they’re a western colony. 62% of Israelis identify as right wing, which means they support the genocide in Gaza. Ashkenazim are also overrepresented in politics and the upper echelons of the military.

No. 1912630>>1912674

File (hide): 1709668225795.jpeg (188.41 KB, 1242x707, BAED1C36-E3C1-49E0-81F0-A1B466…)

No. 1912632

How is this racebait lol. Pedo troon must be a mod here.

No. 1912638>>1912697

don’t give a fuck about muh mizrahi or whatever. it’s totally irrelevant. dna isn’t a right to stay on a land nor does it give you a right to steal it from others. there’s plenty of people on european land with no european dna, and nobody would agree with native americans coming along and slaughtering white americans and forcing them off their property just because the natives ancestral roots in america are a couple millennia older. jews muslims and christians have always lived together in that area, for over 1000 years. murdering people is wrong, taking hostages is wrong, carpet bombing large areas full of civilians in order to get one or two terrorists who haven’t even had a trial yet is a war crime, not sure why people can’t agree on this.

No. 1912674

File (hide): 1709671172577.jpeg (56.96 KB, 828x234, IMG_0660.jpeg)

Wrong word, retard(infighting)

No. 1912681>>1912697

Mizrahi are mistreated because of their Arab identities. Look up how Ethiopian Jews are treated via sterilization.

No. 1912697

Mizrahi jews are not Arab, even if they may have culturally assimilated to Arab populations. That’s like calling Persians Arab. The majority of Israeli Jews have Mizrahi heritage.
I don’t understand your point about “dna” because Mizrahi Jews have always lived in the Middle East, until many were forced to flee due to Arab persecution. That’s why so many of them are also Zionists. It’s an inconvenient truth to those who want to oversimplify this conflict as “white colonizers killing brown people”(racebaiting)

No. 1912701>>1913372

I'm in disbelief. This was an iconic moment in history that could have taken a brief Google search.

No. 1912791>>1912864>>1912947

Can an American explain what’s up with the black person/pitbull comparisons? I see it often online and it feels weird?

No. 1912862>>1912863

They did DNA studies that found modern Palestinians and Lebanese Christian people are genetically closest to biblical Jews.(baiting)

No. 1912863>>1920405

File (hide): 1709685032730.jpeg (66.28 KB, 595x818, 49FAC6F4-24E2-4B66-A535-B6C171…)

It’s pretty strange to see Slavic Ashkenazim murdering people who are literally direct descendants of the biblical Jews who lived during Jesus’s time, who simply converted to Islam or Christianity.(baiting)

No. 1912864>>1913367

Same reason why black people always get compared to monkeys. Americans are obsessed with race, and love to dehumanize races they don't like whenever they get the opportunity. Now, as to WHY black people commonly own pitbulls anyway, it has to do with the fact that a lot of black people live in low-income areas, where people are more likely to rely on big, scary ass dogs to protect their homes. I've seen it in poor, Latino neighborhoods too.

No. 1912924

This may come as a shock to you, but multiple anons can believe the same thing.

No. 1912947

some pitbull owners are convinced that the public's very legitimate dislike of their dangerous, uncontrollable murder machines that have been selectively bred to maul is the exact same thing as anti-black racism

No. 1913343>>1913348>>1913448>>1913805>>1913881

File (hide): 1709734374773.png (120.11 KB, 893x349, 3ynoiGX.png)

No. 1913348>>1913369

This is a MAP account isnt it

No. 1913367

They also consider it part of their shitty american gangsta culture to own pitbulls. Dog fighting isnt a far off thing from them. the more aggressive, the better. it's why you see pitbulls in rap videos, not french poodles or dalmations.

No. 1913369

looked it up and not really, just really naive anarchist.

No. 1913372

You know gen z doesnt research anything, despite the fact they have complete access to google and other forms of information. They're so braindead

No. 1913380>>1913384

The only people who sperg about dog's looks that way are bestialfags

No. 1913384>>1913386

the only people correlating looks of dogs and humans are retarded furries. pitbulls are ugly beasts bred to kill.

No. 1913386

>the only people correlating looks of dogs and humans are retarded furries.
Yeah, like the one waxing about their skin texture and paws and shit. No one normal thinks about that.

No. 1913398>>1913403>>1913423>>1913455>>1913744>>1913901

File (hide): 1709739139026.png (184.82 KB, 735x544, 1RXYnZz.png)

No. 1913403

I actually really hate this too. Just sing the fucking song.

No. 1913423

They're right, changing the pronouns is precious snowflake shit lol

No. 1913448>>1913889>>1914469

Twitter anarchists are so hilarious with the random things they want to "abolish", like the nuclear family, how would you even do that when it's something people naturally get into?

No. 1913455

This isn't a hill I'd die on but I don't see the big deal with this. Cover songs are often reinterpretations, if you don't like it then listen to the original.

No. 1913744

Yeah I always found this a silly insecure "NO HOMO" thing to do. Just sing the song, it's not that serious.

No. 1913745>>1913766>>1913878>>1913904

File (hide): 1709758254633.png (395.57 KB, 1080x1766, 1000009072.png)

They're talking about a 14-year-old girl who killed herself over fake porn made of her. The article mentions Photoshop instead of deepfake, but the topic is still related.

No. 1913766>>1917823

kek i love it when men say ''uwu dont blame all men for the action of a few uguu'' then go and blame all their problems on entire races, religions and women.

No. 1913805

The coolest and happiest kid I know doesn’t have a bedtime so maybe they’re onto something

No. 1913878

"Women ruined the internet wahhhh" The internet was fine and being used for it's intended purpose until Reno v ACLU, when stupid moids got the green light to post what ever disgusting shit they wanted.

No. 1913881


They do have a point, even though they made themselves sound stupid. How many children have their lives ruined because they are forced to live with people entirely unsuited to be parents? There's a lot of feminist literature about how the family propagates the patriarchy. The idea that "there is no alternative" to a nuclear family is a patriarchal lie. The mother-child bond is important but why should a child be the property of their sperm donor?
One alternative proposed in Aldous Huxley's Island (a book about a utopian community) is a "mutual adoption club", basically adults that are vetted to be good parents, and the child can choose to move to a different family whenever they want. This would cut down on child abuse if parents were properly vetted. It may be hard to imagine in our current society, but we can hope. Inb4 "eugenics", if a woman has a child with a pedo moid then yes the child should be taken away

No. 1913889>>1913902

The nuclear family is not natural at all.

No. 1913901

This is the dumbest shit. I'll instantly unfollow that talentless hack.

No. 1913902

Isn't the best sturcture of a straight family; grandma, her daughter, daughter's spouse and then the children?
The nuclear family structure is generally very isolating and disconnects family members from each other.

No. 1913904>>1914018

>men can use AI to create porn of any woman and it's horrible
>women ruined the internet
wtf is wrong with men. Cant they just die?

No. 1914018>>1914039

awww yeah those slut whore cunt bitch WOMINZ ruined the internet by complaining about child porn and degeneracy ugh

No. 1914039>>1914562

It’s so fucked how we get banned for mens’ degeneracy, I truly cannot stand them.

No. 1914452>>1914453>>1914469>>1914480>>1914527

File (hide): 1709814013622.jpg (93.75 KB, 987x1063, 1000009084.jpg)

Huskies bot leaves due to amount of zoophiles and pedophiles on the platform

No. 1914453>>1914469>>1914480

File (hide): 1709814042122.jpg (147.55 KB, 1290x1358, 1000009086.jpg)

No. 1914469

Jesus christ men are abhorrent

>Twitter anarchists are so hilarious with the random things they want to "abolish", like the nuclear family
And tradthots like you are too. The nuclear family is not something people "naturally" get into. That's why all animals in nature are all monogamous and men never commit infidelity. Go back

No. 1914480

>out and proud zoophiles
I feel like I'm too jaded, why am I not even surprised there are men who publicly tweet about how they want to fuck animals. I just hope they're on a list somewhere

No. 1914527

It's more than just sex? If these retards truly loved their pets, they wouldn't be doing that with them. Fuck these scrotes.

No. 1914562

Fuck me, I meant ‘blamed’.

No. 1914834>>1915300>>1915302>>1915312>>1924521

File (hide): 1709839747275.jpg (502.01 KB, 1080x1139, Screenshot_2024-03-07-20-21-23…)

Anybody else literally feels repulsed when they see this woman who constantly fights with radfems cause she's a TRA libfem who wrote thousands of tweets about how period blood is a disgusting biohazard and said that she prefers swallowing her husband cum to being exposed to the "disgusting biohazard" in public bathrooms because "women wash their blood stained panties in public bathroom sinks"(who the fuck does that) and it's literally an assault according to her. Her interactions with radfems invoke the demon in her especially when they mention her disgust of period or call her a cum swallower. I haven't seen someone more disgusting than her in a long time. She is the most libfem to libfem ever, she even has the looks that match her mind

No. 1915276>>1915337

no pics because it's cruel and exploitative but has anyone else gotten pictures of starved palestinian children in their mere bones in their tl? i'm pro palestine and i want the war to cease but i'm sure there's another way to let people know that children are going through a famine, seeing pictures of before and afters and things like that feels so invasive,

No. 1915300

Her profile info is embarrassing, imagine building your personality around hating menstruation and women while being a woman yourself just to be given high fives from the dregs of men online. Truly pathetic.
Why though? doesn't seem like a "fem" at all…

No. 1915302

No, because I muted her after the first tweet kek. Protect your peace, nona

No. 1915312

File (hide): 1709859643178.jpg (263.41 KB, 1080x1183, Screenshot_20240307_200050_X.j…)

I've never heard of her, but she is quite stupid from a quick scroll through.

No. 1915318>>1915364

File (hide): 1709860167585.jpeg (874.76 KB, 1170x1549, IMG_7084.jpeg)

Lmao https://x.com/thisiskashmir/status/1765759912523505916 For anyone who wants to see the vid but basically the fat dude’s not into the woman because of her “features” then runs away because his moid chat keeps calling her a man.
(And no I don’t agree with picrel’s take kek I think it’s moids being moids as usual, like when weebs think any girl who doesn’t look like a moeblob is a man)

No. 1915337>>1915343>>1915427>>1915467

Palestinian anon here, you’re right, and it’s fucked up. I understand the need to show people the hell that’s going on in Gaza, but the courteous thing to do would be spoilering the photo and giving a warning about what you want to see. Lately I’ve been getting tweets that say “OMG CHECK OUT THESE JJK LEAKS” with sensitive content filters, and when you open them, it’s dead kids.

No. 1915343

They pretend showing graphic photos of dead children is activism and not wanting to look at them is "complacency"

No. 1915364

Damn I feel bad for her. When people call black women men it's usually just plain old racism or colourism amongst black people but it's already got to be about the poor troons right?

No. 1915427

>Lately I’ve been getting tweets that say “OMG CHECK OUT THESE JJK LEAKS” with sensitive content filters, and when you open them, it’s dead kids.
is this posted by activists or trolls?

No. 1915467

ayrt, these poor kids can't even rest in peace after dying in such a brutal way. shock and outrage is not gonna help your cause, it's just distasteful.

No. 1916239>>1916258>>1916259

File (hide): 1709907804465.png (410.9 KB, 1125x1389, retard fight.png)

Self-reflection and personal accountability are ableist and dangerous now fyi

No. 1916258

like I can kind of get what she means since people who are noticeably off (autists, visibly disabled, etc) might get shunned by others for reasons beyond their control which isn't really fair but calling it "incredibly dangerous" is just kek. most of the people who are interacting with this are just terminally online normies though

No. 1916259

Well, if your standards are VERY low, then you never risk being single.

No. 1916489>>1916504

File (hide): 1709922632148.png (430.67 KB, 598x702, Screenshot_24-03-06.png)

Ah yes, the best way to get back at a misogynistic scrote is to go after his wife, that'll show'em.

No. 1916499>>1916506

File (hide): 1709923046408.jpg (168.12 KB, 1080x426, 1000016442.jpg)


No. 1916504>>1917820

She herself is a racist, misogynist pickme, kek. If she was uninvolved, I'd feel bad, but otherwise, I'm not bothered for the same reasons that no woman with a brain whiteknights Shoe0nHead or Pearl here.

No. 1916506>>1916519>>1916609

wonder if they'd apply the same concept to those who lived under Arab occupation.

No. 1916519

Black and brown people can’t be colonizers, silly nonnie. It’s biologically impossible(racebaiting)

No. 1916546>>1916565>>1916574>>1916595

File (hide): 1709924903667.png (255.99 KB, 592x832, z_.png)

I don't have a funny comment for this.

No. 1916565>>1916668>>1917610

File (hide): 1709925829702.jpeg (189.1 KB, 828x491, IMG_0690.jpeg)

Of course it’s a tranny

No. 1916574

Did he use white-out for a shitty sketch? Nasty ass furry.

No. 1916595

Sometimes I wish I never knew how to read English.. I thought this was a cute art of a pet…ofcourse its a troon too

No. 1916609

Some do actually, see: RSF and Sudan

No. 1916668

Short for zoo sadism. That "queer love" involves getting off on pain caused to animals

No. 1916919

My radfem twitter account just got banned without giving me any reasoning behind it whatsoever. Racists, rape apologists and sexist scrotes are allowed to wish or threaten rape and death upon women on the app, and nothing happens, but calling out their degeneracy and harm they bring upon women will get you lynched. Elon Musk has ruined Twitter and he is a representation for what it has become, he’s a misogynistic swine, a supporter of pedophilia and sexual assault. All the shit he’s allowing on there is crazy, but draws the line at someone writing “you should rip yourself” not even using the word suicide or kill. Fucking degenerate cockroach of a man he deserves nothing, can’t believe he’s a billionaire that fucking ugly pig.

No. 1916939>>1919321

File (hide): 1709943304876.jpeg (24.64 KB, 237x237, swine.jpeg)

Cat Janice. I hate, HATE how some assholes tried to play the oppression Olympics with a kid grieving, saying "He's going to be ok, he'll have a family! Palestinian kids either are homeless or dead". Grief do not work like that and is almost as stupid like "don't be depressed, people have it worse and they do not complain"

No. 1917610

All I can read from this profile is "PLEASE look at meeehhhh!! Won't somebody look at meeee!!".

No. 1917820

At first I felt bad and angry cause Elijah is such a subhuman scrote so I feel pity for her, but you're right. She's probably just as awful and hates other women.

No. 1917823

I never see them cape this hard against sexist men but the second you generalize all men…

No. 1917824

Kek men are such retarded apes

No. 1918838>>1918847

File (hide): 1710072611089.png (725.79 KB, 1080x1237, 2ISrrMB.png)

No. 1918847>>1918849

File (hide): 1710073311601.png (277.07 KB, 507x369, IMG_7139.png)

Troon is obviously retarded but so is the person it replied to. Why the fuck would trump care more about long covid than Biden kek?? Also long covid is literally just ME/CFS but people with long covid don’t want to be associated with ME/CFS patients, meanwhile they’ve gotten way more attention than ME/CFS patients ever have??? Fucking retards

No. 1918849>>1918855

long covid is modern "chronic Lyme disease" i.e a result of bad lifestyle factors such as drinking, a bad sleeping schedule and a poor diet, so It's easier for a human being to accept that their issues are caused by an illness rather than admitting they have a problem and making drastic lifestyle changes.

No. 1918855

No, it’s a legitimate condition but it’s just ME/CFS, and so is chronic Lyme. People wanna be special so bad without admitting that they have ME/CFS that was triggered by covid or Lyme disease, they desperately don’t want to be compared to ME/CFS or consider they have it due to how marginalized ME/CFS patients have always been. A lot of people were athletes prior to becoming ill or just healthy in general.

No. 1918863>>1918865>>1918869>>1918879>>1918882>>1919343>>1919410

File (hide): 1710074422757.png (604.09 KB, 660x677, Screenshot.png)

what is this shit?

No. 1918865

>what is this shit?
Aging goals

No. 1918869

Just the regular girlboss trite.

No. 1918879>>1919115>>1919345

I really hope this is a real person and not some AI troll. She looks fab.

No. 1918882

Just another total woman victory.

No. 1919115>>1919343

I think it is AI. For example, is that sconce in the background mounted to the wall or hanging from the ceiling?

No. 1919321>>1919948

Apparently all she did was follow either the IDF or another official Israeli account on twitter. That's it. She just followed them. But that means free for all regarding shitting on a woman that was busy dying from cancer. And now shitting on her in death.

No. 1919343

>bracelet/necklace tectures
>wine glass
>parrot sign
>people in background
Easy once you look for it

No. 1919345

File (hide): 1710094630131.jpeg (252.31 KB, 828x1700, IMG_2889.jpeg)

It's AI. it's more obvious in other pics the account posts, look at how none of the writing is legible in this.

No. 1919410>>1919489

I hate these AI pics, I wanted this person to be real

No. 1919489

same, i'm heartbroken.

No. 1919948

File (hide): 1710123426726.png (34.58 KB, 598x356, posers.png)

And now they're shitting on Ukraine war film 20 Days in Mariupol for not mention Palestine, when I bet most of them had the Ukraine flag in their nicknames. Posers. Posers everywhere!

No. 1920405>>1920782

File (hide): 1710157409135.png (18.34 KB, 304x383, FXqde4a.png)

I can cherry-pick too! Funny I've never seen you "blood and soil" race-obsessed autistic faggots (pro-pali and pro-zion alike) be coherent and argue that the land should be for the 900 Samaritans that still exist, lmao. And even they are mixing with jewish women nowadays, because, guess what, inbreeding sucks.(responding to bait)

No. 1920782

it's actually the opposite, the Samaritan have all left their communities(cause of it's insane standards) and converted to secular Judaism, while the Samaritan men are marrying eastern european mail order brides.

No. 1920796>>1920864>>1920971>>1920991

File (hide): 1710181678634.png (33.5 KB, 681x381, 01.png)

No. 1920804>>1924555

File (hide): 1710182032721.png (21.22 KB, 743x162, 02.png)

the person is a RW Fascit btw

No. 1920864>>1920873>>1920955>>1920968

Why is it so hard for people to acknowledge that both things are bad but happening in completely different contexts and are thus uncomparable?

No. 1920873>>1920955>>1920968>>1924556

because if anything else, this entire conflict has shown that a lot of people really hate jews. There seems to be some sort of sick glee they get from comparing it to the actions of the nazis specifically. I mean none of them are talking about or comparing it to any of the other current conflicts ongoing in the world. They'll give it some lip service at best, pretending they care, before they go back to tweeting shit like that. Honestly every day I see something that just makes my jaw drop by how blatantly antisemitic it is.

No. 1920955>>1920968

The person who posted this is a racist anti-samite, and people like him are using this as a tool to further spread Fascism. I'm on the pro-Palestine side btw but it is genuinely depressing to see so many people(progressives, leftists and feminists) retweet propaganda from people who are again Fascits and Racists, I don't think they are trying to be evil, but they are extremely naive.

No. 1920968

File (hide): 1710195750194.jpg (133.02 KB, 770x680, tumblr_nlefhwG4kg1qlrz08o1_128…)

Adding also the ones that use "colonizer" or "European" to downgrade the Israeli civilians or be pro-Palestine when most of Israeli tried to vote against Bibi but he won thanks by the real Zionists and the votes went to the right rather to, ironically, the left.
I repeat this over and over, but they're so into "poor POC" that ignore that Israeli in general are not white neither and they're also against the whole situation, but they choose the easier target (common civilians) than the real guilty (Israeli government). Like they support Palestine but ignore Hamas.

No. 1920971>>1920972>>1920977>>1920985

of course what's happening in gaza is terrible, but this is incredibly retarded
nazi germany holocaust victims ONLY (does not include other civilian deaths from the war, such as bombings): 17,000,000
gaza civilian deaths (mainly from bombings): 31,000+

No. 1920972>>1920977>>1920985>>1921007>>1921008

File (hide): 1710196043093.png (35.19 KB, 402x546, Screenshot 2024-03-11 182945.p…)

dropping the sources of these stats

No. 1920977

File (hide): 1710196265788.png (28.73 KB, 939x94, Screenshot 2024-03-11 183154.p…)

samefag. just realized the 31k+ estimate includes combatants and israelis

No. 1920985>>1921007>>1921008

And let's not mention that Jewish weren't only the target at the holocaust/genocide. It was anybody but a good German >>1920972

These people think only Palestinians live in Gaza when there are Israeli and other Arabs living in there.

No. 1920991>>1921145>>1921183>>1921225>>1924557

File (hide): 1710196955896.png (17.43 KB, 598x214, shitatsatireindeed.png)

Well, no wonder why some people do take him seriously.

No. 1921007>>1922839

The fact is, this is very much deliberate, it's much constructed to question/reduce the harm done in the holocaust, while being woke enough that countless leftist will retweet it.
like just today I saw an alleged leftist, retweet this pro-Palestine guide that framed Amin-Al-Husseini(a Nazi collaborator) as a legitimate leader trying to resist zionism.

No. 1921008>>1921225

It's crazy and sad they are even comparing the two, since like anon >>1920972
said, the stats speak for themselves. Germans kill anyone (even their own people) who would not cooperate with Hitler's plans. These watermelon emoji activists need to read a god damn history book.

No. 1921145

Adding the adjective white is just a way for liberal men to show how they really feel about women.

No. 1921183>>1921192

If women started clowning on men en masse online, specially on Twitter, do you think there would be less retarded men being so vocal about shit like this? >>1920991 I understand it could be dangerous though.

No. 1921192>>1921225

I see more and more women of color calling out this kind of bs, since it's usually espoused by white men who just want to be misogynistic, so I think it's becoming less acceptable among women, at least

No. 1921225

File (hide): 1710209624678.jpeg (38.57 KB, 680x383, 297.jpeg)

I said it a lot, but they would support Black September in Munich '62 in their naiveness even if they ignore that there were Israeli athletes being killed, not someone from the government. I swear these kids cannot understand the root of the problem and just justify their hated on something they have no relations with to be "an activist". No, you're not an activist, you're just doing what Internet is telling you is "right" to do, like you probably did with the Ukraine flag in your nick before you change it to Palestine.

I feel like picrel these days.

You would be surprised how many WOC would agree with >>1920991 if he wasn't a moid. Misogyny doesn't know bounds.

No. 1921411>>1921429>>1921539

When I happen to see a misogynistic or racist tweet, the site shows me more of this type of content. But when I interact with tweets criticizing or making fun of troons, Twitter shows me accounts that defend them.

No. 1921429>>1924558

It is unironically, by some, considered more socially acceptable to be racist and or misogynistic than it is to be transphobic.

No. 1921539

Yeah its unusable. I regularly tap that I'm not interested in those posts and like misandric and anti- things all of the time but somehow these users keep creeping back on my feed despite me clearly only liking the opposite. It doesn't seem to matter how often I click that im not interested in those posts, its definitely deliberate.

No. 1921647>>1921650>>1921653>>1921778>>1921824

File (hide): 1710238895651.jpg (123.39 KB, 720x1020, 1000003348.jpg)

Gay men are so self absorbed and delusional. It has nothing to do with homophobia, you just don't give. You don't have the vocals, the talent, the ability, the range. People don't dislike artists like Troy Sivan because they are homophobic, its because they genuinely suck.

No. 1921650>>1922669

its because modern moids are prudes and insecure. They dont have the balls to do what freddy mercury did in his time.

No. 1921653>>1922669

We don’t need it. They have Harry styles

No. 1921778>>1921786>>1922669

Aren't they saying that most male celebrities don't put on a show like Beyonce because it might be seen as effeminate and "gay", not that homophobia is stopping gay pop singers? Also,
>you just don't give
I know this is the twitter thread but can you keep their speech over there

No. 1921786

Samefag but when I say "most male singers" I mean the modern, new ones

No. 1921824

Well, we actually do have Ham Smith but look at his messy ass

No. 1922062

File (hide): 1710265712224.jpg (265.02 KB, 1080x2323, 024064543.jpg)

"girl talk minors"

No. 1922669

Can you please name one male performer who can put on a performance like talented female performers? Harry Styles sucks, Lil Nas x sucks, etc. There are no more george Michaels alive and Sam Smith is an abomination who wouldn't know taste if it crawled out of his ass.

No. 1922671>>1922672>>1923423

File (hide): 1710295530316.jpg (99.47 KB, 720x657, 1000003362.jpg)

>guys is my aesthetic thinspo PowerPoint bad teheh

No. 1922672>>1922673

File (hide): 1710295559563.jpg (53.19 KB, 873x479, 1000003361.jpg)

This shit is bambisleep sissy hypno for girls

No. 1922673

File (hide): 1710295604655.jpg (25.37 KB, 1170x198, 1000003363.jpg)

Why do they always ask questions they know the answer to for attention

No. 1922839>>1923386>>1924476

File (hide): 1710306320936.png (784.58 KB, 477x1215, Screenshot 24-03-12.png)

>I saw an alleged leftist, retweet this pro-Palestine guide that framed Amin-Al-Husseini(a Nazi collaborator) as a legitimate leader trying to resist zionism
found it.

No. 1923235>>1923246>>1923378>>1923714

File (hide): 1710338293057.jpg (31.66 KB, 640x310, 1000009269.jpg)

No. 1923246>>1923290

i knew stonetoss was a closeted homosexual

No. 1923290

Homosexuality and misogyny are often not mutually exclusive

No. 1923378>>1923380

I thought him being half Puerto-Rican was a joke but no, his dad is a German latino and his mom is Puerto-Rican.

No. 1923380>>1923381

>german latino
lol. i bet grampy ran off to argentina back in '45

No. 1923381>>1923830

not all german hispanic are Nazis, most were Catholics who immigrated.

No. 1923386>>1923392>>1923404>>1924476

For a moment I thought this was a joke picture because that just looked like ryan gosling to me

No. 1923392>>1923404

kek wtf it does look like him

No. 1923404>>1924476

File (hide): 1710350081602.png (81.96 KB, 239x288, EBCfpCg.png)

That's Amin al-Husseini, he came from the al-Husseini family that had ruled Jerusalem for 150 years, He was the grand Mufti of Jerusalem and during WW2 he collaborated with both Fascist Italy & Nazi Germany.

No. 1923423

Knowing Wonyoung is THE current thinspo icon says enough, you only really know that if you spend time in ED spaces.

No. 1923714

definitely much better to visualize men with the same breast size as you, fatty

No. 1923830

yeah but stonetoss himself is an unironic nazi, it's not a stretch to assume he might be a chip off the ol' kraut

No. 1923918

File (hide): 1710379634442.jpg (98.2 KB, 720x802, 1000003383.jpg)

Time is a flat circle

No. 1923963>>1923973

File (hide): 1710382467911.jpg (175.59 KB, 720x770, 1000003388.jpg)

The self proclaimed neurodivergent bitches trying to gatekeep a fake word to describe lying in bed all day… I wish all these people would shut the hell up

No. 1923971>>1923973>>1923990>>1924011>>1924098>>1924459>>1924462>>1924785>>1924857

File (hide): 1710383250023.jpeg (692.48 KB, 1179x1582, IMG_3016.jpeg)

fucking hell. i assume the girls were actually talking about CC but either way if we start getting some retarded newfags from this it's even more over than it already was.

No. 1923973>>1923976

While being lying in bed all day for depression sucks, the way they treat it like "normal people cannot understand this" grinds my gears. "Neurotypical" people can feel too, Chloe.

Tumblr, except 4chan have their standards.

No. 1923976>>1923993

other people guessed tumblr but i doubt that's it personally.

No. 1923990>>1924800>>1924802>>1925359

I've jokingly described lolcow as "4chan for girls" before too, I didn't think people used it as an actual descriptor

No. 1923993

Considering most of the users are TIFs or women and with bad luck you'll find TIMs, I don't think any sane male would use Tumblr.

No. 1924011>>1924802

moids in the replies are like “just lurked the cc/lolcow threads these females are cringe amirite!!?” and there are other scrotes genuinely saying r/femaledatingstrategy and r/2xchromosomes kek

No. 1924098>>1924955

okay but what animals were they talking about?

No. 1924457>>1924490>>1924798>>1925344

File (hide): 1710409376455.jpg (49.93 KB, 960x660, 1000002394.jpg)

Have you ever seen that ape brained and extremely misogynistic thing that gay men do where they post [graphic video or image of woman masturbating squirting piss everywhere juxtaposed with mundane caption] on Twitter and all the comments are retarded terminally logged in faggots that are like "okmgggggg brendannn laughing emoji laughing emoji keyboard smash crying laughing emojix6 keyboard smash". Like why don't you just die at this point, your life is pointless.

No. 1924459

>"Internet communities I wouldn't want to go near and that aren't for me, obviously"
Then why the fuck are you searching for them?
Can these retards just leave us the fuck alone?

No. 1924462

File (hide): 1710410171952.jpg (67.25 KB, 1024x536, rHlx3CX3RCXzhXTxnPX5ejpEmjXQjL…)

Proof of the invasion

No. 1924476>>1924508>>1924790

>he collaborated with both Fascist Italy & Nazi Germany.
That doesn't mean anything since the enemy of your enemy is not a glowing ideological committent but a political practicality. Do you expect peoples oppressed by 'Allied' imperial/colonial powers to not align themselves with the enemies of their oppressors opportunistically? Why should they treat a non-enemy as an enemy over their literal enemy and occupier?

No. 1924490

Or when faceless snark accounts that scream of rude abysmally lame gay boy are like "I'm a Trans woman" to try to cancel out their weird misogynistic obsession with shitting on women all while referring to other Trans people (you know, only the ones without penises) of being "Winnie the peg" and "stapling a banana to their vagina" etc and call enbys "pears" because they're fat women with masectomies or flat chests. You're telling me you expect respect or this random claim to protect you from criticism but you yourself hate Trans people if they aren't ~amab~? No you're just a gay misogynist as far as I'm concerned and you don't deserve the avoidance of accountability you're fishing for.

No. 1924508>>1924790

The thing is, he was a British collaborator. His elder brother was probably the previous Grand Mufti allowed Zionists to settle and he fought with the British against the Ottomans, so they assumed he would have allowed the same. Also he was extremely anti-Semitic even by Islamic standards. He called for the extermination of all Jews and said they were the enemies of God

No. 1924521

I remember seeing this woman. She is also a loud liberal Arab Muslim who waves her identity card around. While period hate is not as strong compared to other cultures, it’s still considered impolite to mention it publicly. Like eating in front of fasting relatives (because people knowing you are on your period is rude).

No. 1924555

I’ve been seeing right wingers and islamists make this point for several months. People who are vocally anti-feminists love to wave this card around while they have done nothing for their fellow women and even activists harm them

No. 1924556

It feels like a lot of bigotry was just boiling under for years and now post pandemic people are just out in the open. People are more anti-black and anti-women before. I fear what’s going to happen in the future

No. 1924557

International woman’s day was originally for working woman, especially those who died in the factories. In a weird way, I bet you this person only thinks of white upper middle class women when you talk about women. In no other context do they ever mention other women as women. It’s like the only image/model of a woman in their mind is that a white woman and they compare other women to this image

No. 1924558

Because most trannies are their fellow (white) men and men feel solidarity in their violation and degeneracy.

No. 1924785>>1924789>>1924984>>1925317

File (hide): 1710424747186.jpeg (217.68 KB, 828x794, IMG_0734.jpeg)


No. 1924789>>1925312

of course RFH is in those comments

No. 1924790

Anon, it’s as >>1924508 said. Read a damn history book on the subject you’re trying to claim as an anti-imperialist messiah next time, or else you just look like a retarded twitterfag

No. 1924798>>1925756

What type of mundane captions?

No. 1924800

my brother saw me use LC one time and he did think it was 4chan even though it was the girltalk theme kek

No. 1924802

This is how people would describe it to me before i was familiar with the site kek

But nona, didn't you know r/femaledatingstrategy is literal murderous fascist propaganda that totally harms men?

No. 1924857

Seems fake to me

No. 1924948>>1925020

File (hide): 1710435669562.png (487.04 KB, 596x630, Nayib Bukele.png)

Kinda wild that an open dictator is just active on twitter, posting like he's some media figure.

No. 1924955

kek no idea, maybe they mean CC and elsie?

No. 1924984

man can these retards shut up? also the amount of moids in the comments who know what lolcow is… begone scrotes

No. 1925020

How many times did he put this through the yassification filter

No. 1925312

RFH is mad at us because that schizo anon accused her of secretly being cerbmin

No. 1925317>>1925321

I envy lipstick alley for the fact they can just shut the gates whenever the retardation becomes too much.

No. 1925321

Isn’t LSA overrun by gay moids larping as black women? Not sure how well that’s worked for them

No. 1925344>>1925756

Haven’t seen it with female porn but when I reinstalled twitter recently I found a faggot who kept posting disgusting gay scat porn with mundane/meme captions and hashtags as a “””joke”””” needless to say I uninstalled twitter again

No. 1925359

Doja Cat posted about her thread on twitter and said LC is like a mix of 4chan and lipstick alley for girls iirc.

No. 1925756

A variety of stupid shit like "just made sandwich" or "work in 3 hours" with a graphic porn clip of a woman squirting piss everywhere. Gay men inherently have autism.

The kind of gay men think scat is hilarious have an extra chromosome. There are a lot of gay-run parody accounts like that retarded drbobby or whatever that pretend to be women but they're fags and just parrot shit like hehe poop poopy pussy clit hehe women are gross hehe.

No. 1925978>>1925979

File (hide): 1710510028705.jpg (202.51 KB, 720x1307, 1000003428.jpg)

Love that women are finally sick of being doormats for misogynistic gay men. Any woman that said gay men shouldn't be in the girl chat (the one rule was that you had to be a girl, they removed it and added a bunch of gay men) was removed btw.

No. 1925979>>1925983>>1926073

File (hide): 1710510124664.jpg (118.93 KB, 720x626, 1000003430.jpg)

This was considered an unreasonable and homophobic opinion. Gay men really have become an extremely entitled and manipulative clique and are only harming themselves by calling warranted criticism to their pathetic and shitty behavior homophobia. So insufferable.

No. 1925983>>1925987

Is there a single moid who doesnt want to invade and ruin female only spaces? God damn not even being a faggot changes anything

No. 1925987

The women that are pointing this out are being ostracized. Gay men who spend too much time on twitter are extremely delusional.

No. 1926073

A lot of women's mistake is believing that gay men somehow aren't as narcissistic and misogynistic as straight men. Gay men are still men.

No. 1926370>>1926381>>1926515

File (hide): 1710527759219.png (691.11 KB, 887x767, tweet.PNG)

there is a big difference between a hijab and wearing cool veiling & jewelry from time to time

No. 1926381

Of course the women who don’t even wear the hijab always talk over the ones who do. I fucking hate liberal Muslims with every ounce of my being. Why do these liberals never talk about the consequences of not wearing the scarf?

No. 1926515

KEK literally took a screenshot of this tweet this morning meaning to post it here. I swear these people are obtuse on purpose. Yes retard, wearing a head covering as a fashion accessory that is seen as a statement piece isn't a tool for women's oppression. I don't know why they're so in denial over hijabs when it's literally against the law in some countries for women to not wear them

No. 1926867>>1926870

File (hide): 1710550731760.jpg (141.66 KB, 720x684, 1000003437.jpg)

Snatched my like back when I read the screenshots and he just said "has anyone ever told you you look like Nicole doshi? She's a famous actress [heart eye emoji]". She's mad as hell but the resemblance is there im sorry but women we lost this one lol

No. 1926870

Oh she does porn…nvm men always lose

No. 1927429>>1927933

File (hide): 1710597140120.png (153.34 KB, 599x549, x8usdEg.png)

>leftists male reaction when women leave porn behind

No. 1927933

Leftist men argue in the comments that sex work is still better than Burger King fry cook whenever a porn actress dies

No. 1927970>>1934282

File (hide): 1710633751387.jpg (188.94 KB, 720x1107, 1000003467.jpg)

Men think its cute and quirky to talk like actual serial killers on twitter. Degrading women is SO meta and funny to them

No. 1928184>>1928217

File (hide): 1710641142580.jpg (238.17 KB, 1080x823, 1000016575.jpg)

Therapist is right lol. How does this have 41k likes?? I'm so sick of these retards expecting therapists to bow down to them and tell them only what they want to hear. Why go to therapy then?

No. 1928217>>1928222

dying at the person pointing to historical polyarmory as justification kek. historical polyarmory in the real world is almost entirely old, rich moids forcibly taking multiple young girls, subjugating women, while also killing, excommunicating & castrating as much of the 'competition' as possible.
but sure. that's totally healthy.

No. 1928222>>1928231>>1928237>>1928275>>1928356>>1928422

I don't think humans were meant to be monogamous tbf because of concealed ovulation and other things like that.

No. 1928231

even then concealed ovulation seems more naturally suited for a polyandry and monogamy than polygamy. and yet polyandry's incredibly rare and practiced pretty much only in select himalayan communities that require self-imposed population control due to the landscape.

No. 1928237>>1928275>>1928478

File (hide): 1710647447758.png (268.47 KB, 720x1422, IMG_20240316_215031.png)

I'm reading about it now thanks nonna

No. 1928275>>1928284>>1928296

Reading this >>1928237 wouldn't this be proof that humans are meant for monogamy? Or maybe I'm retarded kek but my understanding of reading that seems like concealed ovulation kept moidies around, instead of them fucking as many women as possible.

No. 1928284

Yep, keep moids around while also fucking multiple moids. It's basically evolutionary paternity fraud. See also (mainly because it's funny): semen displacement hypothesis.

No. 1928296>>1928297>>1928323>>1928326>>1928478

File (hide): 1710650213383.jpg (149.97 KB, 1471x321, cuck hypothesis.jpg)

Your reading is correct.
OP Nona was and is referring to a different section of the wikipedia article (which imo doesn't check out logically. I'm still reading the source to see if I can make it make more sense.)

No. 1928297>>1928304

If humans are "meant for" monogamy, why is cheating so common, and why have there been so many restrictions on women in order to encorce it throughout history?

No. 1928304>>1928307

I'm not saying that we are supposed to be monogamous. I'm saying that this particular argument that we aren't doesn't make sense to me as stated.

No. 1928307>>1928317>>1928323>>1928364

I think it's like:
Fuck a bunch of men without them knowing -> moid assumes because you had sex you're automatically pregnant with his kid -> moid more likely to stay.

No. 1928317>>1928321>>1928322

nta but it kinda ignores the fact how much sex can be a gamble for women, it's not just as simple just asking a man to have sex with you and if you have multiple sexual partners, the chances for diseases dramatically increases, Renate Kelien(a feminist biologist) talks about how a lot of male biologists are often "nuerotic men" injecting much of their pathologically in their work and research, I think the same seems to apply here.

No. 1928321

Reminder that STDs evolved because we fucked a lot though (opportunistic viruses and pathogens), also human females should be the ones chosing the male partner (and that's why rapist moids need to die)

No. 1928322

sex being a gamble for women would facilitate these sorts of mechanisms though.

No. 1928323>>1928327

tbh women are evolved to be devious, sneaky, and commit paternity fraud sounds like something invented by incels and religious fundies
this also assumes most males regularly left their partner to routinely copulate with other males and evolved with the self control and foresight to think they should continue taking care of the partner because there's a remote possibility they 'won' instead of immediately freaking out upon the initial discovery and then trying to kill the other men and also their partners. the male propensity towards violence and lack of impulse control makes this seem kinda unlikely.

No. 1928326>>1928364

File (hide): 1710652144231.jpeg (893.47 KB, 3279x2208, oh5kItS.jpeg)

I don't have that much knowledge about genetics, but in the context of tribal societies, what would qualify as 'superior genes'? Based on my research, tribal societies tend to exhibit a high degree of homogeneity, with most men and women possessing similar physical attributes and appearances due to the selective pressures of their environment.

No. 1928327>>1928334

you're assuming they're already 'partnered up' though. if you're all intermingling in a tribe or whatever and the trapper moid is out setting traps while idk skin tanner moid is back at camp it would be easy. plus this doesn't contradict male mate guarding, it's aiming to fool him about paternity precisely so that he doesn't chimp out and kill you/your offspring.

it sounds like something incels would make up because they're all terrified of the simple truth that one gender can't be evolved for polygamy and the other for monogamy.

No. 1928334>>1928344

you people weren't living in single homes back then but large family units, everyone knew each other, it also ignores the fact that nowadays, men cheat far more on their partners then women.

No. 1928344

and which gender experiences more nagging, shaming, negging, guilt tripping and policing of their extrapair attractions, from both men and women?

No. 1928356>>1928369

File (hide): 1710655831641.png (217.98 KB, 744x442, someone call maury povich.png)

concealed ovulation and partible paternity are retarded, 1 moid and 1 lady should be together and have their offspring and not go sleeping around for the purpose of reproducing more offspring or employees or whatever the fuck they're having kids for and having a slew of baby daddies who will provide for you and your litter. Thats literally what this is.

No. 1928364>>1928369>>1928372

File (hide): 1710656820669.jpg (499.81 KB, 2880x1511, theevolution-1891035230.jpg)

You're correct that that's what the wikipedia article is saying. But that doesn't make sense. What does that have to do with concealed ovulation? Couldn't you just as easily fuck another moid even when it's obvious you're ovulating? That could be the case if you automatically got pregnant that first time you were nutted in during ovulation, meaning that your primary mate would knock you up as soon as you started ovulation pretty much every time, but that's not the case.

The source makes much more sense than the wikipedia summary.
>females who did not advertise ovulation would have minimized the capacity of their mates to monitor their reproductive cycles and guard them during ovulation”
This is the missing piece. Wikipedia does a weird thing where it implies that women wouldn't be able to mate with other men without concealed ovulation without stating why. The confidence thing still doesn't really make sense though, but the source states that hidden ovulation times confuses the issue of paternity, so the primary mate is less able to determine if a baby is his or not. The article also neglects to mention in the "Cuckoldry Hypothesis" section that the source it cites disagrees with the idea that concealed ovulation evolved in Homo erectus. Instead, the source states that it's more likely that our Hominid ancestor (the ancestor we share with chimpanzees and gorillas) most likely also had concealed ovulation, and that it had a unimale social structure like gorillas. Cheating in a unimale society with an extremely dominant alpha male has, for obvious reasons, massively different implications about monogamy in modern society than cheating in a multimale society would.

The theory does make sense; I think it assumes a lot and it definitely isn't the only possible thing given its assumptions, but it's not necessarily wrong. I think there's definitely something to the female choice aspect of it, but that's not saying much when female choice in reproduction is so common in animal species. I also feel like it's hard for me to contextualize because I don't know how "truly" monogamous other purportedly monogamous animal species are.

"Superior genes" said in this way is extremely hand-wavey and doesn't mean much. Usually, it is used to mean "genes that will be more beneficial to the survival of the species," but people usually determine which genes fit into this category by looking at what genes are selected for, which is a circular argument. Small populations can easily breed itself into shitty situations, as the gene pool they have to work with is very limited, and individuals of a species often make poor decisions regarding evolutionary fitness (e.g. dumbass female birds fucking bright red male birds because they're wired to notice berry-colored things). But generally, you can think of "superior genes" as genes that make an individual more likely to create successful offspring (e.g. genes associated with sexiness, strength, healthiness).
If you're curious about the topic, I recommend reading about selfish genetic elements. I haven't read Richard Dawkin's "The Selfish Gene," but it's about how many genes select for their own reproduction and survival. An extreme case of this is cancer, which can be viewed as cells developing a massive competitive advantage over neighboring cells for their own survival, and then they thrive, leading to death of the host and death of their population. Some have drawn comparisons to capitalism ("late-stage capitalism")
Not sure how relevant this is to whatever your broader question is, but I hope this is interesting to you.

No. 1928369>>1928371>>1928374

why should they though? if that's what they "should be" doing then they would have been doing that naturally no? it's kind of hilarious how much you're (intentionally or not) shilling male interests here down to joking about getting paternity test.

yeah I guess you could do that, I think some animals do have orgies around that time. I think it's to lessen mate monopolization, like with a visual indicator the males will know and fight each other over it, this emphasises female-driven mate selection.

No. 1928371>>1928376

NTA but how is monogamy in male interest if thats not even what men desire in their lives

No. 1928372

>you can think of "superior genes" as genes that make an individual more likely to create successful offspring (e.g. genes associated with sexiness, strength, healthiness).
Again, I'm not knowledgeable about genetics, but from my research of tribal and indigenous people's, most oft there cultural standards probably wouldn't qualify for "sexiness and strength". On average, they are much shorter and while physically fit, aren't that much stronger then an average fit able bodied man.

No. 1928374>>1928376

yeah and men shouldn't rape and murder like every woman they see but they choose to go against nature all the time, just like via having 2 million baby mamaz

No. 1928376>>1928378

making sure every sub-par male is automatically provided a wife for free is absolutely in the male interest (this doesn't stop the male from wanting more, but nothing really does, theyre bottomless pits by design). there's a reason genetically fit men aren't whining about le degeneracy of le modern woman or asking for government supplied gfs- like andrew tate and his 'polyamory for men but not for women'. the effects of an actual free sexual market where women are free to choose and are pretty disastrous for men (not that I care).

well… if you want get into it, rape and murder is male nature. having "2 million baby mamaz" is male nature. this is not to excuse it, but they're no more moral than nature or genetics are. your argument is humans should be monogamous and mate for life, but that's not really what we evolved to do- males or females.

No. 1928378>>1928384>>1928390

I majored in sociology (and have also conducted my own supplementary research). Regardless of whether sociologists are feminists or non-feminists, they agree that the oldest and most naturally occurring human sociological structure in the world is the tribe. A tribe can be described as a linked heritage of families, where everyone in a tribal society is related to each other. This leads to a cultural homogenization, and the tribal society can be structured in various forms, such as feudalism or nomadism. concepts like polygamy will be observed in settled societies but tribal societies have developed fail-safes to address this. For instance, if someone cheats on their spouse, they are likely to be kicked out (and potentially face dire consequences). This social factor serves as a check on people's behavior. Arguments of "genetically inferior" >>1928376 people don't hold as those individuals would simply die off.

No. 1928381

woaah look out we got a big bad sociology major on lolcow.farm

No. 1928384

We don't have barriers to reproduction anymore though. We don't live in nomadic tribes anymore and males have quite effectively bypassed female-driven mate selection, which has lead to tons of men who naturally wouldn't have had a chance to reproduce and spread their genes. Most men aren't supposed to reproduce by design. Now that their inferior male offspring is left holding the bag and women aren't forced to mate with them, they're having a crisis.

No. 1928390

You're supposed to reply to the post, this looks ridiculous and kind of cowardly standing on its own. It has no context.

No. 1928422>>1928425>>1928429

the monogamous system is the best one to raise kids in. We are not monkeys anymore

No. 1928425>>1928428>>1928429

true, just scroll through r/breakingmom and see what a great system it is.

No. 1928428>>1928430

It is not the mothers fault that men refuse to control themselves and are constantly rewarded for destructive, indulgent, and hurtful behavior

No. 1928429>>1928893

Actually we do know the best system, the nuclear family is recent and unnatural and the "poly" system would be a disaster, but the best system would be a joint family system, where a few women(with familial bonds) help each other at all times.

No. 1928430

Right. I wasn't blaming the mothers at all.

No. 1928432>>1928446>>1928450>>1928454>>1929150>>1929160>>1929170

File (hide): 1710665796259.jpg (130.44 KB, 720x529, 1000003476.jpg)

We need to start taking crochet needles from these women

No. 1928446>>1931430

I'm so over the giant baby/toddler aesthetic ew. Riddled with coquette bows and terrible hemlines, how tacky, what a trainwreck. These women need to take a shower and move on with their lives.

No. 1928447>>1928452>>1928468>>1928579>>1928598>>1931430

File (hide): 1710666853282.jpeg (462.36 KB, 828x1304, IMG_1691.jpeg)

This 11 year old boy was murdered trying to save his mother from her abusive stalker ex who she broke up with over 15 years ago and even got a restraining order against him. She had alerts set up because he was released like 2x already and would immediately go back to harassing her. On his final time getting released he broke into their home and attacked her. The little boy tried to help her because she was pregnant but he gets stabbed and dies. The mother is now in critical condition and may lose her baby on top of losing her son.

All the men in the comments are talking about how women (black women) are at fault and need to choose better men. Even though she did everything right and left him it’s still magically her fault that he stalked her and the system kept releasing him. Honestly don’t know how 21st century women from any race
Can stomach their male counterparts. A man can literally be the cause of a little boys death and the mom will still be blamed. Ladies please stop talking to men and just shoot on site.

No. 1928450>>1928455>>1930305

sue me but I think it's cute as a cardigan over a t shirt.

No. 1928452

It's funny because from what I've seen, these same guys also insult black women who do "choose better" or who stay single and focus on their careers or family or friends. And it's insane to blame the mother for what happened to her son when she left her stalker before her son was even born. She did the right thing and moved on, why didn't her stalker stay in prison to begin with?

No. 1928454>>1928471>>1928477

I think the cardigans would be cute on top of a shirt and baggy jeans tbh.

No. 1928455

Ew kek I disagree

No. 1928468>>1928479

I've said it many times: a stalker is prime reason to wait and kill someone. Sorry if you live in a no-gun for law abiding citizens zone.

Your only hope (because men never ever get over women who reject them) is to end him when he steps onto your property. The police will do nothing; any jail sentence for stalking is short and only serves as motivation for him.

No. 1928471>>1928483

These sets go for hundreds of dollars. I saw a woman selling crochet cardigans like this for over $400

No. 1928477>>1929164>>1929419

I do too OP lacks taste the only thing bad about it is the underwear instead of shirts and the person thinking mocha and cinnamoroll are bunnies

No. 1928478>>1928480>>1928488>>1928490

File (hide): 1710668536845.mp4 (2.94 MB, 320x690, 1701712243764.mp4) [play once] [loop]

One of the reasons I can't buy this is that I've seen plenty of women in poly or FWB relationships where multiple male partners are guaranteed but it never works out. The man is likely seeking a non-committal casual sexual relationship, while the woman initially believed she desired the same. but she ends up developing sincere emotions and the man fails to reciprocate those sentiments.
like this polywoman here, she desperately wanted a baby while her male parnter didn't. She found a random guy to be the sperm donor, and her husband genuinely doesn't seem to care either way.

No. 1928479

I’m starting to think this too! It’s insane because all it takes as a woman is to just walk past the wrong man and you have a stalker for life. Men know this shit and still blame us. So we should just shoot to kill

No. 1928480>>1928486>>1928490

File (hide): 1710668581432.mp4 (18.67 MB, 1080x1920, Sarah Stroh.mp4) [play once] [loop]

No. 1928483

damn that's crazy. If it weren't for those stupid crochet panties I'd say good for them.

No. 1928486

File (hide): 1710669195593.jpeg (243.18 KB, 803x975, IMG_1692.jpeg)

I can’t listen to her talk she sounds insufferable but this poly talk reminds me of this insane tweet I just saw

No. 1928488>>1928514>>1928515>>1928541

That's one specific example, it doesn't prove or disprove polyandry. I want to make it clear I'm not defending reddit polycules or whatever, I just disagree that only one half of a population is "meant to" be monogamous.

No. 1928490>>1928498>>1929192

Parents in poly relationships are fucking weirdos. All poly relationships are at least somewhat weird but I don’t really care about the ones who aren’t involving their kids in their weird ass lifestyle. It’s not the same as coparenting when separated and it’s not the same as two moms or two dads. It’s gross and weird. Poly parents should feel bad about their dangerous and stupid decision to raise a child in a fucked up environment.

No. 1928498>>1929192

And they often get their kids taken away because they're weird sex pests

No. 1928514>>1928521>>1928522>>1928535

File (hide): 1710672604289.png (1013.73 KB, 1010x1038, 1677777251670.png)

Here's another one then, clearly she found the best mates for her offspring.

No. 1928515>>1928519>>1928521

Sometimes I get miffed when people imply all women get attached after sex, or develop a emotional bond or whatever else. It's never happened to me with someone I knew I was going to be with casually. I've never had any 'sincere' emotions about any dude I slept with. Though all this is very offtopic, and I agree about polycucks being a disgrace generally.

No. 1928519

nta but it's more common in women more then not, and it's not about sex and more about the relationship it's self.

No. 1928521>>1928545

I really don't see how pictures of fat redditors mean that women didn't mate with multiple partners. It's men who have fanatically enforced monogamy throughout history.

It's ironically very moid like to think dick changes you on some fundamental level.

No. 1928522

>everyones holding a cat
Okay I hate the idea of a poly parent but that’s kind of cute I can’t lie.

No. 1928535

Harmful theory on some occasion men who stick around in polycules like this are instead after the children

No. 1928541>>1928546

>it doesn't prove or disprove polyandry
alright, show me an example of a poly couple with actually attractive men,

No. 1928545

literally no one is saying that, just that people usually do prefer long term monogamous relationships, having multiple partners is a fucking hassle if you want a genuine romantic interactions. if you want to be poly that's on you, have fun with that and it's fascinating people.

No. 1928546>>1928552

Uhh… my argument isn't that poly couples are actually hot and sexy. My argument is that it's impossible for only one half of the population to be monogamous.

No. 1928552>>1928557

you keep repeating this, most people want one long-term partner. some people want more then one and those are polymerous people, which you are basically advocating for.

No. 1928557>>1928558

Saying monogamy isn't natural isn't advocating for polyamory. I'm just talking about natural mechanisms. You may as well say I'm advocating for having sex a few times during mating season or paternity fraud or raising children together after mass male die offs. The majority of people definitely experience extrapair attractions.

No. 1928558>>1928565

it is advocating for polyamory and again attraction and pairings aren't just about sex, even in societies without marriage, you weren't just linked to a single male but his family, they and your family helped raising of your children, I feel this whole premise is based off nerds being autistic about people and not realizing what humans are like.

No. 1928561

People that aren't monogamous aren't themselves and they're different depending on who they're interacting with. I'm calling them shallow and fickle and they'll be attracted to whoever gives them the attention their craving at that moment.

No. 1928565>>1928567>>1928569>>1928601

If I were going to advocate for any kind of mating strategy, I'd probably advocate for alphafux betabux tbh. Sperm quality increases in the presence of competitors and dicks are literally shaped like shovels to scoop out competitor's sperm. Furthermore if it were natural for women to be monogamous there wouldn't be so many restrictions and laws placed on female sexuality throughout history starting from Biblical times.

No. 1928567>>1928576

Sperm competition isn't sperm becoming stronger because women are fucking around them lol, it's that if a woman was to have two males cum in her within a window enough that it the woman was to conceive the "stronger" sperm would win and all that means is that the sperm that conceived was optimal just because it got there first. That's like thinking a way to avoid downs syndrome is to fuck all around you if you let one man spunk in you. We're not primitive anymore. If you haven't noticed we don't live in caves without technology anymore. Are closest evolutionary cousins still aren't living in social groups are size, you can chill out worrying about reproduction. I can assure you humans aren't dying out by poor sex practices or not being whores.(derailing)

No. 1928569

in the context of ancient Israel it does make sense, remember feudal societies where families were linked through extreme control, the eldest male was not just given cultural importance but legal control, it was more like a military camp then anything comparable to a family unit.

No. 1928576>>1928581>>1928588

No, males who think they're being cheated on literally produce higher quality sperm. Males are designed to compete for females and be paranoid about cheating. Most of the societal codes you described, including punishments for being "whores" (but no such punishments for males) are reflective of this. Where did you even get that I was worried about people dying out? I was talking about gene quality.

No. 1928579>>1931430

Moids will blame literally everyone except the man that fucking killed them. It's kinda crazy how black men get all the media attention about cop violence but black women getting murdered, raped, trafficked, ect everyone is quiet. I HATE MEN.

No. 1928581>>1928596

Gene quality isn't improved by intentionally sleeping around. That's a way to introduce a high risk of infection and illness. Gene quality is improved by good health practices, diet and fitness. What's the evolutionary advantage of an insecure man?

No. 1928588>>1928594>>1928596

Men getting cucked doesn't improve their spunk quality maybe turns the freaks on and make them shot a larger load but mens sperm is constantly regenerated and reflective of their current health state. Them producing more of a load to increase their chances of reproducing doesn't mean they've suddenly got Chad sperm. Fucking 3 autistic poly men is in no way ever going to be more optimal than a woman choosing to reproduce with an obviously handsome healthy fit male. What a bizarre fantasy that if you had 5 comic book guys from the simpsons fuck you over Rainier Wolfcastle the comic book guys offspring will somehow by better. I'm sorry I had to use simpsons characters to illustrate stereotypes but I'm very hungover

No. 1928594>>1928596>>1928597>>1928615>>1928627>>1928884

File (hide): 1710680112073.webm (11.74 MB, 720x1280, 1664943616276.webm) [play once] [loop]

either a possible troll or a poly loser fucking 3-5 mediocre-looking/ugly people and coping

No. 1928596>>1928604>>1928609

That he's ready to counteract any potential cuckoldry?

Where do you get this stuff, that suddenly it's Chad sperm, I said men anticipate getting cucked because their nature is to compete, not that they're all good competitors. Sperm quality isn't about genes it carries, it's about speed and size. They all try to increase their chances and all think they deserve a chance to reproduce even if they're literally retarded. It's a hierarchy so naturally some lose. Obviously a genetically fit man will produce fitter offspring, to use your analogy it's more like you sneak off to fuck Rainier and then lie to comic book guy that he's the father. Obviously it's optimal for all women to try to aim the highest, males try to counteract that.

I never once advocated for it, I just said monogamy isn't natural for either gender and science reflects this.

No. 1928597

All their stomach pouches look like they get more action than their genitals.

No. 1928598

A black woman in my city was murdered the other day by a nonblack moid who she didn’t have any contact with anymore but dated in the past, doesn’t even matter if the woman makes the decision to leave

No. 1928601>>1928606

Based. I used to read into niche escort forums and most of the women were complaining about how they can't fuck their boyfriends anymore without thinking "damn, I could've been getting paid for this." There's literally no difference in performance between Johns and beta Nigels. The average guy has no business reproducing.

No. 1928604

Yeah that's what nomadic women were doing going off to find a hot man to get satisfied with. We've got language now and means to not cling to the first man to offer protection we can shop around and then settle with an optimal male.

No. 1928606

Yeah if there's any group of women we should be raising up and hoping the produce more of their kind is escorts. Can't see any drawbacks there.

No. 1928609

regardless of 'science'. in the real world, this doesn't mean we all suddenly get to be giga stacies who only get to have kids with the handsomest man while getting waited on hand and foot by a reverse harem. if polyarmory's suddenly normal and legalized it will revert to what usually happens in through recorded history with polyarmory. women and girls being subjugated en masse by a small handful of gross rich old men while all the handsome young guys get sent off to die or be castrated.

No. 1928615>>1928794

File (hide): 1710681348467.jpg (49.48 KB, 540x720, 20100524121122!30434_114180275…)

God damn, that last guy looks like a Jasper jumpscare.

No. 1928616

Dating and shopping around isn't polygamous though.

No. 1928621>>1928623

File (hide): 1710681488198.jpg (304.05 KB, 1080x1775, Screenshot_20240317_091313_X.j…)

It's all so tiresome, nonas. Fetish this and fetish that.

No. 1928623>>1928626

File (hide): 1710681679387.jpg (Spoiler Image,159.4 KB, 1940x1212, gooseworse-1418086958132174855…)

gooseworx does have a shit ton of freaky fetishes. He's a mentally ill degenerate tranny deviant

No. 1928626

What a nasty tranny. It's so blatant that he's not a woman that it's not even funny.

No. 1928627

The last guys stare, wtf

No. 1928632>>1928643>>1928656

You aren't born monogamous and imprinted on to someone. You choose a mate to reproduce with and start roots.

Even back in those early cultures, it was women raising children together. Midwifery is the oldest occupation as raising children is so resource heavy. We're the only mammals whose females completely shut down their ability to reproduce aka menopause. Because the evolutionary advantage was for experienced women to share their knowledge and help bringing up the generation. There would have been a man to take on the paternal role and maybe grandparents knocking about but they wouldn't have had more than one regular sexual partner cohabiting together.

No. 1928637>>1928643>>1928644

>We're the only mammals whose females completely shut down their ability to reproduce aka menopause
Nta but Orcas do too, and help the daughters raise their babies. If they have a son they stop reproducing altogether because even orca moids are useless.

No. 1928640

some of you need to take a break from the internet, the hell is this discussion

No. 1928643

Sorry my post >>1928637 was for >>1928632

No. 1928644

I thought maybe whales did but wasn't sure. I love whales lol emotionally intelligent angels.

No. 1928656

Orcas have menopause too

No. 1928720>>1928732

File (hide): 1710686373733.jpeg (178.99 KB, 1151x959, 7350A32B-B769-45B3-BFC3-2CAF4D…)

No. 1928732

I never said I was, but it was my major.

No. 1928733>>1928740>>1928817>>1928829>>1928868>>1929214>>1929427

File (hide): 1710687439750.png (465.74 KB, 660x596, V893G.png)

>Chinese Uyghur girl does a cutesy japanese inspired make-up trend
>clueless Americans: create an entire narrative around her being a self hating asian trying to be white
Being American should qualify as a form of mental retardation

No. 1928740>>1928766>>1928801>>1934617

I've never met another country in my life so focused on race like America

No. 1928766>>1928795>>1928806>>1928825>>1928832>>1928874>>1928878>>1928881>>1928897

What other country hides their racist genocidal history like American

No. 1928794

Kek Jasper on the homepage

No. 1928795

Saudi Arabia?

No. 1928801

It shows here too, lots of race sperging yesterday. They don't even realize how programmed they are.

No. 1928806

America is one of the few countries that will actually discuss race and the bad things they've done openly. Any country or ethnic group that has had even a little power in their local sphere has a "racist genocidal past" they just won't talk about it and aren't ashamed of it

No. 1928817>>1928821

i mean she does look very white but her pics also look very edited so idk

No. 1928821

I think the point is it shouldn't matter or even be interesting. Americans zone in on these things like race autists

No. 1928825

Japan, Spain, Italy

No. 1928829

How is this tweet calling her a self hating asian? And honestly, this doesn't really look like any sort of Japanese style. I think she probably is trying to mimic Americans.

No. 1928832

This is the most historically ignorant post I've ever seen on lolcow kek

No. 1928868>>1928894

File (hide): 1710697704386.png (1.71 MB, 1080x1988, 2lFn8XR.png)

and this is what she looks like more naturally.

No. 1928874

what planet do you live? everyone outside western europe denies their genocides or then claim it should have opened more.

No. 1928878

Did you confuse the twitter thread for actually being twitter?? Or are you just that retarded to belive that

No. 1928881

We’re all racist genociders at heart.

No. 1928884

Last dude is giving confession tape after killing and eating each one of these ugly freaks

No. 1928893

Yeah, no. Im glad we don't have this system. Childfree women (in the family group or outside) have no intention or obligation to take care of your rugrat offspring just because you wanted to have some. If we are shooting for the moon then children should be raised by 2 lesbians in a monogamous loving nuclear family without moid influence and also without burdening the rest of us. Not all women should have to be caretakers just because we live in muh tribe or muh family or whatever. That's also retarded and unnatural.

No. 1928894>>1928959

Confused because she didn't change her features (besides the obvious editing touch ups) just added blue contacts with lighter toned hair. I know in China there is a "white girl aesthetics" trend but it surrounds more consoomer and lifestyle trends popular in America like Lululemon, Stanley, Brikenstock, as well as thinking that us burgers live like Mean Girls or something

No. 1928897>>1928900>>1928904>>1928905

when did we commit genocide do you wanna provide an example instead of just making dumb statements

No. 1928900>>1928901

Second most historically ignorant lolcow post

No. 1928901

I can’t stop laughing kek

No. 1928904>>1929061

What do you think happened to the native Americans when the Europeans sailed over and took control of what is now the US?

No. 1928905>>1929064

You're the reasons Native Americans made casinos

No. 1928921

File (hide): 1710700826806.gif (131.05 KB, 1059x95, Dontgetbaited.gif)

Ignore the amerimutt

No. 1928959

Anon, the American in the tweet is retarded and thinks all Chinese are Han in appearance.

No. 1929061>>1929071>>1929125

They survived that shit thats why theres rez babies still.

No. 1929064

Native Americans didnt invent casinos they were gifted the casinos so they wouldn't have to work. Casinos are of the European persuasion, nonna

No. 1929071>>1929080

Do you also think the Holocaust wasn't a genocide since there are still Jews, anon?

No. 1929080>>1929087>>1929098

Yes. Their genocide attempt failed. The whole purpose of genocide is to eradicate what you're trying to get rid of, and they weren't capable of doing that, hence why there's still jews not only globally but also from Germany, the very place they tried to exterminate their Semite brothers from. Calling that a genocide like saying that Palestine is a genocide.

No. 1929087>>1929099

Genocide just means mass killing with the goal of eradication. It does not mean you have to actually, completely wipe out a race for it to be a genocide.

No. 1929098

Holy shit, you’re so retarded. The Jewish population of Eastern Europe was eradicated, which was the entire point of the “Final Solution” to the “Jewish Question.” That’s why most Ashkenazi Jews now live in America or Israel, not in Eastern Europe where they originally came from. It seems like you have no historical knowledge or understanding of genocide whatsoever

No. 1929099>>1929105

Yeah and sure they killed a bunch of people but around 60 million people die yearly, and only 6 million Jewish people (5 millions non-Jewish civilians and soldiers also died but they don't count because they weren't the target) died throughout the entirety of the holocaust, which went on for about 5 years, which is only about 2 million people a year. Is that really that big of a dent in the population? Because numerically it sounds like its not. Especially when you factor in how there are still 16 million Semitic individuals in the world, which is about 6.5 million more than there even were when the Holocaust started. I may not be a Historian or anything like that but the math on this makes enough sense to me.

No. 1929105>>1929109>>1929120

You are deranged. The Holocaust was the most deadly genocide in recorded history. That’s a fact.

No. 1929109>>1929121

>you are deranged because the Jewish population is still alive and well and the genocide against them failed
Listen I get you're referring to the people who died almost 100 years ago, but they've been dead for years, and their descendants are still here.(bait)

No. 1929120

File (hide): 1710709189915.png (85.32 KB, 1366x308, rookie numbers .png)

Are you sure about that? You think 5 million is the most deadly genocide in recorded history? Because the Turco-Mongol invasion would beg to differ. I wonder why the Holocaust gets so much more attention than the several other extremely lethal wars against oppressed groups.(ban evading baiter)

No. 1929121>>1929122

Jannies you know very well this isn't bait. Just because you don't like when somebody provides new information to you doesn't mean that the information is shared for the purpose of upsetting anyone or attempting to infight.(ban evading baiter)

No. 1929122

No new information or worthwhile discussion was contributed. Please fuck off and take your retardation elsewhere.

No. 1929125>>1929132>>1929138

? like 50 million naitve americans died and are still dying out lol

No. 1929132

Pretty sure that was the same baiter who doesn’t understand what genocide means

No. 1929137

Hitler killed himself so he wouldn’t be held accountable for his crimes against humanity.
I know you think you’re being clever by pretending to not hate Jews, but your language gives you away. Go back to /pol/

No. 1929138

So close! It was actually only 12 million, and that was between 1490 and 1900. Also if you really think Native Americans are dying out maybe try visiting New Mexico, Virginia, California, Utah, Nevada, Louisiana, Oklahoma or literally any other U.S. state. Obviously next to no pure-blooded Natives exist anymore because immigration has destroyed the possibility of that even existing, but that doesn't change the fact that there still are Native Americans.

No. 1929150>>1929164

The worst part of this is that Cinnamoroll and Mocha aren't bunnies, they're dogs. Fake fan alert

No. 1929160>>1929331

Imagine the feeling of crochet riding up into your crotch

No. 1929164>>1929168

They work better as bunnies than dogs

No. 1929168>>1929535

I never understood why Sanrio made them dogs, or why cinna was a boy when he coded so much as a girl, but Japanese toy companies are often weird and confusing

No. 1929170>>1929330

>We need to start taking crochet needles from these women
Once you take them away who will you give them to? Men? Or would you rather crochet, a largely female hobby, die out? That tweeter did nothing wrong besides make some ugly yarn underwear, the cardigan is fine and takes a lot of skill to even make (not that you would know. you don't even know that it's a hook and not a needle). It's disgusting how males and trannies keep trying to monopolize female dominated hobbies or kill them altogether because they're mad women have a creative outlet and can even independently make money from it. I wish I could say more to you for even having the nerve to say some stupid shit like this, but I would get banned for alogging.

No. 1929172

Bye, retarded faggot.(responding to bait)

No. 1929192

File (hide): 1710712379259.jpg (89.33 KB, 1125x827, 0r5456.jpg)

remember this

No. 1929214

File (hide): 1710714116454.jpg (1.94 MB, 1989x3000, IMG_20240317_232400.jpg)

Imo she doesn't even look that white, it's just basic kpop makeup. Some other Uyghurs look like they have close to no asian in them, like people from Afghanistan, Turkey or even more western european.
And this is how "arab" their region looks like, it would be nearly weird to see all stereotypical Asians live there. Most people just have no idea how far across the continent China reaches.

No. 1929330>>1929355

Anon she meant those women in particular, not all women. Calm down.

No. 1929331

No. 1929355>>1929365>>1929393>>1929567

And "those women" would be referring to women that crochet. Anons use of the word women and not a general "crocheters" or even "people" is very telling. But keep shaming women so that they no longer feel comfortable (creatively) expressing themselves
There are troons and males subjecting innocent women to their ugly, hairy, atrocious, CRUDE faces and bodies in literally any crochet community they can find expecting gooch licks and ass pats just for being males and ~twans women~ who crochet, but some girl on twitter making sanrio clothing is who the crochet "needles" need to be confiscated from. Sure. Not to mention those men usually are subpar, if not terrible, at crocheting.

Usually no posts on here bother me ever, but I cannot take this sort of callousness.(derailing)

No. 1929365>>1929391

File (hide): 1710728717800.jpg (1.15 MB, 1284x1188, 1006754357.jpg)

I don't think OP literally wants those women's needles taken away anon..

No. 1929377


Wow you're so original, here, take all of my money, actually you know what, have my car too, and since your joke was funny, just take my boyfriend and fuck him. Fuck my boyfriend because your joke was so good. You are the funniest person on the internet and in the world. I can't think of anyone else who's even a little bit funnier than you. You know what? Just put your clam in my hand. Fuck you're so funny. I bet your boobs are huge because you're that hilarious. I'll work both at the same time for the Queen of comedy. Shit gorl I'm still laughing so much that I'll just swallow your wow this copypasta is sexually inappropriate annnnnd post.(responding to bait)

No. 1929391>>1929550

If crochet needles actually existed maybe you could, low-IQ mentally deficient beast.
It's always "just a joke bro!" when someone shuts them down

No. 1929393>>1929395

if you make retarded shit you should get sent to jail for many years. This post counts as an offense as well. The officers are on their way to you, Nonna.

No. 1929395>>1929401

Call me retarded for not wanting women kicked out of own communities if you want. Just remember, this is how it always starts. First they do temperature check. Then once they see that women are willing to let it slide, they move in. Be complacent if you want to, I won't. Crochet is already under attack of AI, I will not watch males take over next.

No. 1929401>>1929402

NTA and I don't want to be part of this weird af discussion but a lot of knitting and crocheting is already done by troons infiltrating those communities

No. 1929402>>1929417

Yeah, that's the point. Troons and men are taking over crochet and that's a big problem.

No. 1929417>>1929418>>1929421

and someone saying they find a woman's crochet work to be ugly is related to this how?

No. 1929418

Stop being lazy and read the posts back. I'm not spoon-feeding you a discussion that's less than 10 hours old.

No. 1929419>>1929422

>OP lacks taste
A crochet string bikini is disgusting for one hygeinically and two these sets go for hundreds of dollars. $300-$600. Please.

No. 1929420>>1929464>>1929470>>1929535>>1929589>>1934635

File (hide): 1710737379347.jpg (949.52 KB, 1170x1652, age gap hat.jpg)


No. 1929421>>1929430

Now when did I call it ugly you revisionist drama queen. Some sanrio rip cardigan is not the issue here. I hate when people take pastel childish shit and make it lingerie, very ddlg and looks stupid, and it's worse that they charge rent prices for it generally.

No. 1929422>>1929424

>A crochet string bikini is disgusting for one hygeinically
You can add a fabric lining to anything made of crochet, then it's not much different from any other underwear.

No. 1929424>>1929426>>1929494

Crochet panties ugly as

No. 1929426>>1929429

I can't tell if you didn't finish your sentence or what

No. 1929427>>1929548

Why lie omg?? Some of you are so delusional. She's not even getting hate, but she's obviously doing westaboo.

No. 1929429>>1929432

Are you retarded or do you just pretend you don't understand slang when someone calls something you're defending dumb and overpriced

No. 1929430>>1929431

ok retarded/tasteless/overpriced whatever, you were criticizing it, right?

No. 1929431>>1929435

Why does that bother you? Why are you so defensive?

No. 1929432>>1929434

You're getting irate and rude just because I said I didn't understand? Your post didn't even use slang, it just looked like an incomplete post.

No. 1929434>>1929440>>1929494

'___ as' is slang and has been for like two decades at least

No. 1929435>>1929436

I'm not, I was saying that criticizing someone's work isn't pushing them out of a hobby.

No. 1929436>>1929437

I agree with you. Also my sentiment in the initial post was just thinking kawaii crochet panties were nasty, not that there was something fundamentally wrong with the cardigan. The prices they sell them for are incredibly steep generally so congrats to them for getting a bag through highway robbery.

No. 1929437>>1929439

>The prices they sell them for are incredibly steep generally
You must not be familiar with handmade crochet pricing.

No. 1929439

I am. Why are you getting condescending over a grandma hobby.

No. 1929440>>1929444

Well I'm not familiar with it. Still, there's nothing wrong with crochet underwear as long as it's lined regardless of if it's ugly or not.

No. 1929444>>1929448

Do you know where you are? Get over it kek

No. 1929446

Only because you're so easy to rile up. How old are you?

No. 1929447

>angry tiktok teenie

No. 1929448

I was just responding to the part of the post talking about hygiene. Idk why you're acting like a dickhead.

No. 1929453

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No. 1929454>>1929573>>1929744

File (hide): 1710739415245.jpg (162.98 KB, 720x811, 1000003482.jpg)

Men are embarrassments

No. 1929464

lmao bald, and I don't think anyone cares if a grown man is fucking old guys twice their age

No. 1929470

Making himself look like a pedophile to anyone who isn't too logged in

No. 1929494>>1929510>>1929531

Correct me if I'm wrong, but the slang has never been "___ as", it was always "simple as" and it's brit speak. Never seen any other adjective except for simple so your post did come across as incomprehensible kek

No. 1929502>>1929508

File (hide): 1710744088672.png (306.77 KB, 542x358, tweet.png)

I should just write a book because I see so much discourse amongst men and women about men and women and nobody is putting the pieces together.

This tweet specifically made it very evident to me. So many women unable to express a very normal feeling in words, and so many men confused and angry.
So many women poisoned by libfeminism who can’t cope with how “sex positivity” and the misogyny surround it effects their sense of self. So many men saying “women irrational whores” and demanding the end to our rights. They’re all so fucking in the dark it drives me crazy.

No. 1929508>>1929526>>1929530

um, what does this mean? what feeling?

No. 1929510

You are wrong and it's funny that you think it can narrowly only apply to one word. Did you google it or something?

No. 1929526

I’m confused too.

No. 1929530

Feeling dread and anxiety over being used by a man just for sex.

No. 1929531>>1929536>>1929544>>1930497

As an australian I can guarantee any adjective can be and is used before 'as'. If you think 'simple as' is british and the only way to use it… you're basing this theory entirely on the norf fc meme, aren't you?

No. 1929535

we need gnc male representation nona

of course he looks like that

No. 1929536

She googled that shit and took it as law kek

No. 1929544>>1929592

>Australian slang
Well no wonder no one understood it. Who cares about Australia?

No. 1929548>>1929607

Op also lied that she was a uigar or however the fuck it’s spelt just to illicit more sympathy. She got nothing but love and support.

No. 1929549


Thread has reached 1100 posts. The thread will be locked and you will be unable to post in it shortly after it exceeds 1200 posts. Please begin preparing a new thread and post a link to it when it's created.

No. 1929550>>1929560

You need to crochet yourself some meds.

No. 1929560>>1929567

You thought this was life ending micdropping sigma shit huh

No. 1929567>>1929573>>1929574

You thought THIS was. Take a chill pill retard. I bet all the shit you crochet is fucking ugly anyway. They should take all your crochet supplies away and give them to Dylan Mulvaney.

No. 1929573

I feel like in his head, he doesn't even think he's lying. He's probably one of those lousy fathers who doesn't really know much about their children, so he's just picked up on little things and made his own assumptions.
I made that post and that anon isn't even me. All of this is over now, no need to drag it out.

No. 1929574

I dont crochet and I wasn't the anon you replied to. I also think that anon is retarded.

No. 1929589

Imagine seeing someone wear one of these in the wild and know nothing of fandom culture

No. 1929592>>1929600

I hate when people try to save face with ‘who even cares’ when they get proven wrong.

No. 1929600

It's always the same retard asking a thousand questions, relying solely on Google for information and saying anyone who disagrees is lying, taking things too literally, refusing to use any sort of common sense or deductive reasoning. This is literally young zoomers in a nutshell, they are so exhaustive and they don't even care.

No. 1929607

Nobody was bullying that girl at all and all the comments were impressed by the attention to detail in her westaboo aesthetic. There was nothing "race obsessed" about it, I dont understand the fragility at all. The dirty orangey nose blush, the harsh blue pinpoint lenses, the hair, the nose filler–its very "Asian American inluencer in 2019". It's not a big deal.

No. 1929685>>1929688>>1929695>>1930142>>1930156>>1930992

File (hide): 1710760009216.jpg (124.12 KB, 720x912, 1000003486.jpg)

The way stn Twitter talks about musicians and entertainers is fucked up and pathetic. At no point should you be so comfortable talking about women you don't know like this, but especially in such a misogynistic way when they're already in one of the most toxic and dehumanizing environments of our time

No. 1929688

i agree, but why is that woman dressed up as a child

No. 1929695>>1929725

That’s a cute dress where can I buy it?

No. 1929725>>1929731

?? Why would we know

No. 1929731

I figured I’d shoot my shot

No. 1929744>>1929746

Maybe I'm too jaded but this sounds like a weird fantasy he has in his head where he inserts multiple of his projections and fetishes like height differences, women being evil whores, tomboys not into wearing feminine clothing… It comes across as so horny.

No. 1929746

I’m never too nice to my dad because he’s a piece of shit and I know if I had access to his comment history Id end up in the market for a hitman

No. 1929751>>1929754>>1929794>>1931342

File (hide): 1710765722438.jpg (227.84 KB, 1080x992, Lego.jpg)

I hate these types of posts because you have all the people in the comments going "hurr hurr he dodged a bullet!" Maybe she dodged a bullet because who wants to date some manchild that plays a children's video game all day? Maybe it's a step up from watching porn all day, but does he have any actual hobbies?

No. 1929754>>1929761

One time I saw a post about how a guy "dodged a bullet" after his date left because he called a photo of her cat a "hecking chonker" and people were saying she was offended on the basis of weight being a sensitive topic for women but I'd bet money she left because of the cringe ass reddit speak.

No. 1929761

>people were saying she was offended on the basis of weight being a sensitive topic for women
What a reach. More like the woman didn't want to deal with a pedo redditor as her boyfriend.

No. 1929794>>1930281>>1930283

I once went back to a guys place and saw funko pops and that was all it took. Made an excuse, left and ghosted him. They were game of thrones funko pops which made it even worse.

No. 1930142>>1930191

She's 35 and famously hates cutesy stuff so even with the crude language OP is right, and is probably also joking.

No. 1930156>>1930282>>1930992>>1931578>>1931610

i hate gay men into kpop so much. theyre so willing and happy to call any woman over 25 a "hag", and at the same time they gleefully describe their underaged idols as "cunty", "mother" and you have to pretend its not creepy because theyre gay men!!! how can they sexualize girls when theyre not attracted to them???? and of course they dont belittle their western tim idols like arca and sophie.

No. 1930191

Yeah I'm sure she'd totally be okay with once again getting called ancient (but it's just jokes!) in favor of 14yo newcomers who all combined can't sing half as good as her…

No. 1930271

File (hide): 1710797630759.png (377.52 KB, 659x832, Screenshot.png)

I know that this is the 50th Palestine post here and believe me, I think most of them while naive mean well, but this one genuinely made me mad. If I knew this person in real life, even as a closer friend of mine, I would go up and ask them to stop treating this like some fantasy. because they are treating this horrific ethnic cleansing like the plot of some bad fan-fiction with their statement. Mothers and their children are not resistance fighters, they are women and children who never wanted any part in this. You can donate some money, write some letters to your congressman or even draw some cringe fan art of Shadow with a watermelon. but please don't comment on war and treat this like some meaningless flash in the pan issue in the West just to feel better about yourself.

No. 1930281

Based nona. Funko and game of thrones? Fucking barf.

No. 1930282>>1930992

Guys started getting heavily into kpop around 2019/2020. It's so irritating. Why cant men leave a majority female hobby alone?

No. 1930283

Good for you. probably thinks there's nothing wrong with GOT either.

No. 1930305

This. But better dead than wear a wool lingerie.

No. 1930497>>1931129

As an Australian, it does look weird outside of verbal conversations. Also comes off as very bogan-y in general

No. 1930992>>1931240>>1931299

>female majority hobby
Girl groups have always been for men first and foremost and only recently has that started to change, although the scrotepandering is still heavily present.
Faggots and the faghags who copy them are extremely obnoxious with the dehumanising way they speak about women especially about the women they supposedly "stan" however it is true that it is extremely cringey and gross that a woman in her 30s is still pedobaiting.
Faggots start seething the minute a woman doesn't pander to them and has autonomy over her creative direction and life. It especially pisses them off when a woman chooses to pander to other women instead of being a cardboard cutout "cunty yass diva mother" who gets all the hot moids they can live through.

No. 1931129

also australian but i always thought it was a new zealand thing. beached as bro style

No. 1931201>>1931214>>1931296

File (hide): 1710860985772.png (295.55 KB, 662x564, V82Nca.png)

No. 1931214

these people are fucking insane

No. 1931240

>however it is true that it is extremely cringey and gross that a woman in her 30s is still pedobaiting.
DA and agreed but idols don't choose what they do, say or wear. Even when Irene from RV got mad about her styling it just resulted in MUAs and stylists shittalking her which leads to less fans/less stocks/less investments. I remember reading from a music industry insider that MVs are advertisements directed at companies looking for a model to advertise a product for young people. The "face"/"visual" of the group gets pushed for screentime and then a company picks that idol to be the face of a product. And idols agree to this because they get the most money from product adverts. Like 300k–500k usd for one ad. Idols to me are like wind-up shop mannequins, just models that perform.

>Girl groups have always been for men first and foremost

Kek real I remember when a kormoid got mad that fangirls thought girlcrush/innocent/classy concepts were for them as fangirls and not for moids. His comment had a lot of upvotes too. Insane.(kpop)

No. 1931296>>1931311>>1931323>>1931477

People who support palestine are exactly as evil as those extremist groups. wtf

No. 1931299

>Girl groups have always been for men first and foremost and only recently has that started to change, although the scrotepandering is still heavily present.
I agree with you on that. I am talking about men who are getting heavily into boy groups, which is super odd to me as a woman.

No. 1931311


No. 1931323

I support Palestine, I don't support the retarded Islamist group Hamas that got them into this mess and I despise the even bigger retarded westerners who support them.

No. 1931329>>1931344>>1931378>>1931411>>1931450>>1931474>>1932095>>1932235>>1934241

File (hide): 1710872036499.jpeg (795.51 KB, 1170x1520, IMG_9271.jpeg)

I’m so sick of hearing that word

No. 1931342

So many moids have no hobbies besides vidya and Lego and have the nerve to call women ‘basic’

No. 1931344

"cunt" and its a woman being degraded in public

No. 1931378>>1931407

It’s sad to see her humiliated this way. It really doesn’t look warm where they are either. She always looks cold. He’s such a fucking sadist I swear. He has narc cult leader vibes like Roch Theriault or something. Just loves humiliation.

No. 1931407

Tbh she's not a trafficking or grooming victim, no one would blame her for walking away and she knew exactly who Kanye was before this. I don't feel bad for her. She's getting a check, lots of publicity (like Julia Fox) and probably writing a tell all book after she leaves him.

No. 1931411

She dresses like the randomize button on a Sims character.

No. 1931430

I never understood why woman feel such anger towards other women for liking cute things or pastel colours in general, get over yourself.

All this vitriol and anger a lot of black men have towards black women is just because they feel like they are stuck with the least attractive and desirable women, but also need them around for when they fail at having relationships with white/latina women.
For real anon, i can't take this shit anymore.

No. 1931449>>1931451>>1931455

File (hide): 1710877485801.png (487.18 KB, 1169x939, ERt0CpQ.png)

No. 1931450>>1931474>>1932095

File (hide): 1710877554944.png (374.24 KB, 420x560, Apex_1710820143809.png)

Another recent fit, it looks like her vagina is uncovered.
I feel so sorry for her… I hate that just because she's over 18 this somehow makes this okay, her eyes always look so desperate. At this point I'd wish for some random police officer to be brave enough to stop them and get them in trouble for public indecency. But sadly because he's a male celeb he can do whatever he wants. If she ever breaks free, she will do a tell all like Cassie and everybody will act uwu surprised how could this happen??? It's so tiring…

No. 1931451

I'm sorry, but are they saying people should let minorities drive drunk because they're minorities??

No. 1931455>>1931482

that’s an obvious joke, don’t be retarded

No. 1931474>>1931491

I know she's an adult, but I don't get how her family doesn't intervene for her. Assuming, they would have a problem with seeing their daughter/sister/relative being yoked around naked in public by a psycho

No. 1931477

As if IDF and their shills don’t rape Palestinian women and make fun of their sexual assault. Get for fucking real, it’s not the case of 'muh evil Palestine supporters'.

No. 1931482

NTA but this is Twitter, it's hard to tell

No. 1931491

her father spoke against it in an article >>1910212 which led to her covering up for a day. then i guess she just forgot about it?

No. 1931578>>1931610>>1934304

gay men are a special type of infuriating different from straight men in a way that's almost worse. even worse that they think they have the right to speak on how a woman chooses to present herself.

No. 1931610>>1931693

obviously gay men are less of danger, but they are the most annoying and unfunny demographics of humans imageable.

No. 1931693

my gay manager sent me an instagram reel riddled with misogyny making fun of women who wore makeup and all i could wonder was if i came across as the type of person who would humor that shit. i just know he prides himself on standing for "women's rights" kek. it's just as insulting as when my boss mansplains gundams to me

No. 1932095

humiliation ritual shit, skin crawling

No. 1932173>>1932589>>1932898

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lmao, I fucking knew this would happen.

No. 1932235

she looks like she's wearing a sexy patrick star cosplay

No. 1932519>>1932522>>1932589>>1933428>>1934815

File (hide): 1710957594756.png (148.59 KB, 894x916, jx71v.png)

The context of the original post was a a 9 year girl who was killed by her father for making a tiktok without her hijab.

No. 1932522

>but hijabs are a choice. They are not oppression
RIP to that poor little girl. Fathers and brothers kill their own wives and daughters all the time and it boggles my mind how anyone can pretend nothing is wrong with that vile religion/culture

No. 1932589

what does the first one mean? like does she want people virtue signalling on twitter to name drop all those countries on a thread or something?
people on twitter are so fucked in the head tbh, independent of what religion you agree with or not, you shouldn't be arguing over a little girl getting murdered and especially not going "ermmm whatabout the usa lol?" to victimize yourself and feel like the center of the universe

No. 1932898

The country that split into two because the black arabs were enslaving the other black people there? The country were you can still buy a black slave? Kek

No. 1933428>>1934951

Why are they not allowed to talk about how harmful Islam is to women though? How its a boys club where women are often put into second rate, dirty prayer areas in a mosque because they aren't worthy of the main area? Women are regularly killed by their dads and brothers. I know the islamophobia that happens in countries like the USA causes unneeded violence and shouldn't happen, but Islam itself causes unneeded violence. Im honestly tired of the fact that you can't talk about anything in a productive way. You can never learn how to streamline your intent or make it heard in any meaningful way, you're just shot down immediately even when girls are constantly being killed by their own family. Straight up femicide, of course it's all religion but the catholic church currently doesn't exactly have a high rate of "honor killings" at the moment. You should be able to advocate for these girls without being told that you're a bigot, that's insane.

No. 1934032>>1934039>>1934124>>1934125>>1934126

File (hide): 1711054085431.jpeg (286.48 KB, 1264x1915, IMG_2531.jpeg)

My favorite discourse right now
>twt users complaining about the ethics and expensiveness of door dash
>one user recommends buying frozen food instead to save money
>users claim they’re unable to as they have depression and anxiety
>claim buying frozen meals supports cheroot capitalism
>implying someone should buy frozen meals instead of door dashing takeout to save money is ableist and supports white supremacy
I’ll dump some of the best takes

No. 1934039>>1934056>>1934125>>1934161

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No. 1934056>>1934068>>1934125>>1934161>>1934953

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No. 1934068>>1934125>>1934161

File (hide): 1711055156506.png (37.86 KB, 789x418, IMG_2529.png)

No. 1934124>>1934157

As a mentally ill poorfag they're so full of shit lmao, it takes like 30 minutes max to steam frozen vegetables and also put chicken tenders in the oven, there's also services that shops provide that bring your groceries to your door for I think a 15% fee (not sure if that's available in the Us). Also rice is cheap as fuck and you could make a easy dahl or curry that'd last you all week, and you could even make a month's worth of damper with a bag of self-raising flour to replace your wonderbread. I'm so sick of this forced helplessness, just say you're addicted to Mcdonalds and Starbucks.

No. 1934125

Can these people not cook? Genuinely, I can't understand this level of a lack of shame to unironically admit that you can't cook.

No. 1934126

Yeah, all of these takes are retarded. All of them should continue ordering delivery and go broke. This is the level of mental retardation they're at. Ordering delivery is incredibly expensive, but they can't buy rice, beans, and chicken and some other simple ingredients to feed their lazy asses for multiple days. Sure, enjoy your $30+ per meal and whine about how you're so depressed and can't cook.

No. 1934157

Walmart gives you free delivery for ten bucks a month with barely any item upcharge, you just have to tip the driver. You can buy groceries for a month for one person for the cost of 3-4 days of Doordash or Uber Eats meals. This discourse is pathetic, takeout meals should be a treat, not your daily source of food. No wonder everyone in this country is massive.

No. 1934161>>1934177

I keep seeing this shit on my feed and I refuse to believe it's not bait tbh

No. 1934177>>1934190>>1934217

File (hide): 1711060705143.jpeg (490.19 KB, 1242x1114, 9A4C2476-356F-4047-BC96-F84DE7…)

not a bit, there are countless of these types of twitter and many of them are also chronically ill munchies who have spent the last 4 years posting about COVID every day

No. 1934190

And since when people with allergies are safer ordering food than cooking their own and knowing exactly what's in it and how it was cooked?

No. 1934217>>1934223>>1934240

File (hide): 1711062422739.png (46.14 KB, 922x459, image_2024-03-22_100415618.png)

Can she not even make eggs on rice? How is buying fast food more helpful for that specfic intolerance when nearly none of the food used is fresh and have been frozen. Unless she's somehow only eating salad, in which case she's risking bacterial infection. And how does she make it to the door to pick up her food and then carry it back to wherever she eats it if she can't even make it to the kitchen?

No. 1934223>>1934226>>1934229

File (hide): 1711062758663.jpeg (386.08 KB, 1242x857, EF98242D-6826-427C-A95E-6CDF69…)

OP of that tweet apparently is completely bedridden and can’t even go outside on her balcony because of COVID air.

Now they’re saying that the people doordashing food are homeless and it’s their only meal in weeks, we are reaching parody levels of leftism

No. 1934226

Okay, they can go to church or food banks then. They have a phone or laptop to post on Twitter all day long, but they can't find much EASIER avenues to access food? Seriously? This is embarrassing to read

No. 1934229>>1934231

how do these people think homeless disabled people got food before food delivery? the amount of mental gymnastics people do for food delivery is bizarre. Also someone who is too disabled to do basic chores is typically qualified for Medicaid and can get a caregiver. The only situation I can think of where doordash is ~needed~ is if someone is holding you hostage while starving you-in that case call the police not fucking burger king

No. 1934231

I don’t see anything wrong with occasionally getting doordash, if you’re sick or postpartum that’s fine. it’s the need for some people to have every choice not just validated but put on a pedestal that’s infuriating to me. No one’s taking your delivered treats away, just be honest that’s not not a smart way to save money!

No. 1934240

Literally one of the items is just… most fruit and vegetables. Why can't she eat those? Also, you can type on your phone/computer, but can't do "cooking gestures?" How does eating an apple require "cooking gestures?" They sell pre-boiled eggs, and eggs in a carton so you can just pour it into a bowl and make scrambled eggs in the microwave. If you're incapable of doing those things, then you should be living in a group home or something.

No. 1934241

The scowling old lady in the background is sending me

No. 1934282

Is it any wonder why some women hate having large breasts?

No. 1934304

Also gay men believe that women's only use is objectifying themselves and churning out shitty pop music for them to consume. They think they'd know how to be women better than women but know absolutely nothing about the experience of being a woman.

No. 1934617>>1935846

Because it matters? Because it’s the first trait people see and judge you by? Even with decades of colorblindness ? Not like the French are any better. They’re hypocrites.

No. 1934635

God forbid a generation with access to porn and hyper sexual media is not only bored but repulsed by it. Millennial men will become the gross old creeps we were warned about

No. 1934815

Isn’t this that woman that kept getting into slapfights with other twitter users because she just could not stop sperging about how gross she thinks menstruation is?

No. 1934930>>1934934>>1934935>>1934936>>1934940>>1934976>>1935447

File (hide): 1711122661514.jpeg (629.08 KB, 1170x1424, IMG_6609.jpeg)

Is this cracka serious

No. 1934934

I cant believe these people are real

No. 1934935

I don’t think I’m a retard but I’ve reread this multiple times and for the life of me I cannot comprehend her logic

No. 1934936>>1935042>>1935110>>1935238

Isn’t frozen food a good thing for disabled people?! It’s a lot easier to make than a meal from scratch. Im confused.

No. 1934940

How do these people actually exist IRL?

No. 1934951

What will it take for people to finally understand? When it’s too late? When their grandkids are subjugated?

No. 1934953>>1934966

Why are self-hating liberal white women like this?

No. 1934966

no sense of identity or pride in themselves.

No. 1934976>>1934993

Buying a $6 frozen meal is capitalism but buying $20 doordash not including the tip isn't???

No. 1934993

They'll talk in circles to defend spending $40-100 on doordash weekly

No. 1935042

No you don't understand it's such an excruciating task to take the plastic off and put it in the microwave, and it's not as greasy and tasty and high calorie as their ubereats fast food! They're literally starving and disabled!

No. 1935055>>1935878

File (hide): 1711129028626.jpg (61.59 KB, 720x290, 1000003531.jpg)

Why are men on Twitter always like "we obsessively only talk down about women as A JOKE you retarded bitch. We use women and their sexuality and bodies as a FUCKING JOKE get it theyre masturbating stupid cunt." LOL

No. 1935110

Extra confusing too because there are more high quality frozen meals like Factor popping up that are actually good. Not everything is kids cuisine.

No. 1935238>>1935658

these people are seriously saying that they all have a specific disability that makes them unable to eat frozen food or leftovers, but they can consume endless mcdonalds tendies

No. 1935447>>1935877

No matter the topic, they somehow always manage to include a dig against white women…

No. 1935658

I can definitely sympathize with being so exhausted and dizzy all you can put yourself to do is fast food but at least I don't pretend like I'm owed free food delivery kek. Even in college when I didn't have a kitchen and missed the time the cafeteria was open I'd just get an 88 cent noodle bowl and eat some fruit on the side or something.

And honestly? If you're struggling financially and the first thing you do with 40-100 bucks you get donated is to piss it all on doordash you deserve to be poor

No. 1935846

It doesn't matter. It's fake groups invented by the government, literally. It's not like actual foreign ethnicities making subsocieties, which do not fit along those racial lines at all. Americans don't even understand the concept of ethnicity, or culture and language, because they're so obsessed with race and get confused trying to equate everything to a handful of uniform groups.

No. 1935877

Extra points if they’re a white woman themselves.

No. 1935878

Why are you protecting their identity?

No. 1936194

File (hide): 1711206208592.png (99.17 KB, 660x834, vV_MHB.png)

This is the strangest discourse I've ever seen.

No. 1936195


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