File (hide): 1705567628200.png (316.68 KB, 800x800, pl9IR0d.png)

No. 1859750>>1861229
File (hide): 1705568427754.png (38.5 KB, 598x379, 0GSLPfp.png)

No. 1860312>>1860420>>1866270
File (hide): 1705611546098.png (184.62 KB, 720x1181, 1705562815465.png)

But what's wrong with being anti porn?
No. 1860423>>1860434
File (hide): 1705621264554.jpeg (303.87 KB, 1170x2206, IMG_7522.jpeg)

No. 1864267
>>1864257I’m like 99.9% sure that there are no gendies in Gaza. They’re not privileged enough to where people would make up issues such as tranny ideology, kek.
Imagine being in the middle of a war and your main concern is people getting your shitty pronouns correct because you’re uber special and need praise.
No. 1865301
File (hide): 1706015388832.jpeg (812.21 KB, 1170x1715, IMG_5422.jpeg)

His forehead to midface ratio is the most convincing pro abortion argument I’ve ever seen. No. 1865321>>1865324>>1865336
File (hide): 1706017799271.jpeg (34.37 KB, 872x272, IMG_6450.jpeg)

After wishing death to everyone who support Israel.
God, I can't wait until they're grown up and have to start paying their own bills.
No. 1865543>>1865550>>1865560>>1865578>>1865604>>1866267
File (hide): 1706039454331.jpeg (972.38 KB, 1170x1863, IMG_7589.jpeg)

kek op’s whole twitter account also just screams corny to me
No. 1865661>>1865663>>1865687>>1865688>>1865715>>1865718>>1866157>>1866175>>1866177>>1866194>>1866426>>1866518>>1866530
File (hide): 1706050001938.jpeg (79.06 KB, 607x624, 87643939022323.jpeg)

Some in the comments have pointed out that having children didn't prevent her from being abused in a nursing home and moids in the comments are shifting goalposts by saying the abuser wouldn't have been caught if it weren't for the hidden camera the kids have hidden.
No. 1866131>>1866150>>1866583
File (hide): 1706087824035.png (414.23 KB, 1080x2155, Screenshot_20240124-061127.png)

I'm so tired of this bullshit. Israel and Palestine have been at war for ages now and no one gave a crap, I'm tired of boycott this and that, talk about it share it. Fuck OFF. And I bet these are all retarded 14yo, kids need their internet access restricted holy shit. Sorry nonnas twitter is so retarded with all this is making me lose braincells
No. 1866194
>>1865661I think anyone who thinks you’re dumped in a nursing home as a punishment has never had to take care of their elderly loved ones. If you have a relative with dementia someone has to be around them 24/7 day and night to make sure they don’t set the house on fire or run away or poison your kids. Even if they’re able minded, someone still has to be around constantly to make sure they don’t fall or help clean them up when they inevitably have an accident. And home health aids can cost thousands to ten thousands of dollars a year, especially when they’re around the clock.
The problem with nursing homes is they’re for profit and deliver the most minimal care to pocket money. The staff gets paid like ass and there’s little to no vetting process so you end up with stories like these or Billy Chemirmir.
No. 1866199>>1868256
>>1866175My grandparents have 4 kids who love them and with whom they have a very good relationship and they still ended up in a nursing home. I visit my grandmother regularly and most people there have kids. Conservative family-oriented community too. Our society just isn't built in a way you can assume you'll be able to take care of your parents, especially now that most households need two full-time incomes and especially if/once they get dementia or otherwise need a lot of medical help and attention things get difficult. In the past a lot of elderly care relied on the woman working for free and that being economically feasible.
You're better off saving and investing all that money you save from not having kids towards being able to afford professional care if you need it.
No. 1866230>>1866237
>>1866175>>1866204This is something I think about.
Plus, isn't it shitty to basically tell your kids "now you have to take care of me because I had to take care of you" which is translated to "I wasted my youth on your asses and now you must pay me back" which is why there's always a lot of drama about who takes care of the elderly in many homes. Specially if that elderly person is like, very sick, has a terrible attitude all of the time and so on.
The best bet is to take care of yourself and to save as much money as possible so life as an old woman isn't an issue or is at least tolerable.
No. 1866326>>1866329
File (hide): 1706110168760.png (966.71 KB, 600x1921, ped2v.png)

I am 100% certain that the person who runs this account is a pedophile.
No. 1866364
>>1866237That's just bad Luck, cancer will kill anyone, but when you take care of yourself, you get to live for a bit longer.
Like, my uncle had a shitty diet, was sedentary as fuck, was an alcoholic that stopped drinking alcohol just a few years ago, was addicted to cigarettes and stopped smoking only right after the surgery to remove the tumor because it was an emergency. And he died in 5 months of suffering horribly every single day.
Taking care of yourself will always be better than just slowly killing yourself.
No. 1866540>>1869534
>>1866518>>1866237During one of the episodes of redfem, Jen Izaakson provided a rather depressing example. She discussed separatist communes and highlighted that while most people left these communes due to various challenges and an inability to sustain it, a few women stayed behind, hoping that new women would eventually join and support them and take care of them when they got older. Although a small number of younger women did join, their hopes were not realized. As the founder of the commune and other members aged, they struggled to meet the needs of the community, and more young women chose to leave. Eventually, these older women were forced to pool their savings to move into nursing homes or, in some cases, reach out to their families whom they had not been in contact with for three or four decades, seeking care from them.
No. 1866611>>1866612>>1866615>>1866676>>1866722>>1866785
File (hide): 1706130259897.jpeg (724.55 KB, 1170x1354, B89C30B9-71A4-499B-AF5E-C47942…)

>guy posts memorial post about dead brother
>"hey let's take a second and appreciate all the MEN out there, can i hear it for the MEN"
This isn't even that bad of a post but it just pisses me off
No. 1866612
>>1866611the funny thing is, the vast majority of gazan men would consider this incredibly shameful, to put in the category as helpless
No. 1866629
>>1865687>And elderly abuse is not exclusive to white people.They probably meant because
POC have in their culture that they take care of their elders, which ignore that some elders can be a pos and in some places they have to live with them because buying a house on its own is expensive as hell.
No. 1866722>>1866756
>>1866611Not saying I at all condone what’s happening to them, men included, but let’s be fucking real here; when you see hamas etc it’s all dudes.
If they’re so called freedom fighters for their country, how come the women that live there aren’t being shown being allowed to take up arms and outrage? I know why
not here to racebait or start beef I hate this whole situation it’s awful no one should suffer but y’all get me No. 1866778>>1866800>>1867723
File (hide): 1706140901436.jpeg (145.54 KB, 1465x957, IMG_0089.jpeg)

Kek. Troon wants to do the Starbucks boycott but can’t change his coffee routine
No. 1867655>>1867717
File (hide): 1706211302994.png (726.75 KB, 1079x1459, 1000000419.png)

Does he want praise for wiping his ass as well? Please grow up, you're really showing the male socialisation.
No. 1868114
File (hide): 1706264984323.png (65.78 KB, 606x468, fuckyou.PNG)

Look I don't want to get into a Gaza/Israel discussion but they CANNOT just fucking make this shit up. It's true, lesbians and gays and women get murdered in Palestine because people in Palestine don't tolerate them. It's just the fucking truth and it's pissing me off that they're trying to rewrite history so it can fit into their black and white view. They can't or don't want to face the fact that the oppressed state has also been murdering people over religious beliefs for centuries. It's insulting to pretend that a population doesn't support honor killings because it's being bombed by another nation right now.
No. 1868161>>1868164>>1868165>>1868171>>1868173>>1868174>>1868281>>1868387>>1868417>>1868432>>1869321
File (hide): 1706270117173.png (155.96 KB, 516x680, scared moid.png)

Swifties are doxxing moids who spread Taylor's revenge porn AI pictures. They already made tons of moids deactivate. Never thought i would say this in my life, but based Swifties.
No. 1868173
>>1868161hoping taylor puts her billions to good use and sues him until he ends up in the streets.
>>1866177lmao this redtext
No. 1868183>>1868281>>1868387
File (hide): 1706272331915.png (337.48 KB, 534x487, gay midge.png)

faggot moids on the other farm are coping and seething because they know their days of making AI porn of their 15yo cousins are over
No. 1868256
>>1866199my grandparents had a care home that ruled. great food, lots of activities, pretty decently staffed. but yeah as mentioned, too many of them are understaffed or scummy. we actually had to move my grandparents around a couple times before we found one we liked. there's nothing inherently
abusive about putting adults in what amounts to nice college dorms full of nurses and visiting them.
there are bright, well decorated, nice homes out there. organizing elderly care like this is actually a great idea and we should look into improving it, maybe through grants and subsidies (age comes for us all, therefore its a worthy public project) as well as much harsher penalties for elder abuse and fraud.
No. 1868387
>>1868281Learning from Swifties, it would be cool if many women could form a group and go after every retard who dares to post AI porn. Getting humiliated publicly scares and traumatizes the moid.
>>1868183>>1868161I hope these uggos got embarrassed in front of their family, friends and workplace so everyone in their real life circle knows what degens they are
No. 1868419>>1868428>>1868435>>1868441>>1868456>>1868475>>1868684>>1868722>>1868747>>1868814>>1868841>>1869136
File (hide): 1706298329223.png (1.86 MB, 600x3583, xr42w.png)

>make a post about asking men to care of themselves and dress well
>ugly unkempt reply actually "that's gay" and then also wonder why they can't get girlfriends.
it's all so tiresome
No. 1868684>>1869074>>1869089
File (hide): 1706316060140.jpeg (315.22 KB, 1125x1408, IMG_0041.jpeg)

>>1868419>modernist soulless capitalist fashionWhat’s stopping them from dressing like a hot coal shoveler on a sinking ship?
No. 1868747>>1868764
File (hide): 1706319793031.webm (155.81 KB, 588x432, Moid_PSA.webm) [play once] [loop]

>>1868419The two anime profile pic replies are exaclty what I thought they were gonna be LMAO You know these men are going to die alone
No. 1868814
File (hide): 1706324808728.jpg (43.56 KB, 564x564, 4a4fa9a0a14fa483bf9455c054fce7…)

>>1868419how do these moids dress!? nothing on that list is even slightly revealing. Do they live their lives in black tees and jeans? do they never wear a sweater? Wait until moids find out how men used to dress in the 80s.
No. 1868851>>1868853>>1868933>>1874536
File (hide): 1706327783853.jpg (228 KB, 720x1054, 1000002385.jpg)

Did they ever find out what ugly faggot runs Poo_crave? None of their posts are funny and most of them are weirdly vulgar, misogynistic shit about women. Very desperate and embarassing account. Ewww
No. 1868853>>1868860>>1874536
File (hide): 1706327954142.jpg (181.77 KB, 720x967, 1000002386.jpg)

>>1868851It has over 150k followers and is literally just creepy misogyny and calling ugly men hot
No. 1868860>>1868864>>1874536
File (hide): 1706328401278.jpg (Spoiler Image,221.97 KB, 720x1415, 1000002388.jpg)

>>1868853Edited a screenshot of 20 year old Olivia Rodrigos account to make it look like she was liking gay porn
No. 1868864>>1868866>>1874536
File (hide): 1706328537797.jpg (147.83 KB, 720x1001, 1000002389.jpg)

>>1868860Applying gay male memes to 20 year old Bella Ramsay, he sounds like a 37 year old man. Mind you most of his posts are women, and the few of men are about how he wants to have sex with them.
No. 1868866>>1868869
File (hide): 1706328685380.jpg (201.23 KB, 720x1070, 1000002387.jpg)

>>1868864Saying 20 year old Tate McRae needs facial feminization surgery. 150k followers mind you.
No. 1868869>>1868960>>1874536
File (hide): 1706328816525.jpg (101.08 KB, 720x668, 1000002390.jpg)

>>1868866Gay men think the sexual harassment of women is soo funny exdee
No. 1868968>>1868973
File (hide): 1706340503719.png (442.96 KB, 828x1336, q6QpHZw.png)

>>1868940He's a twitter "comedian" who makes offensive jokes and posts about how much he's attracted to(fetishizes) white women and even made fetishizing comments about Arab women recently during the gaza war.
No. 1869136
>>1868419This is so depressing, hope they die alone. At least the comment about mariachi fashion was about an interesting aesthetic.
>>1868477disgusting, that's what toddlers wear
>>1869074I keep seeing a guy like that at my mall and if I wasn't shy I'd compliment his fits, they're really colorful and creative
No. 1869306>>1869316>>1869322>>1869403>>1869614>>1870094>>1872228
File (hide): 1706375440793.png (178.12 KB, 550x587, BUT WHAT ABOUT THE GAYS.png)

>be war
>most victim's are women and children
>reach out to the world for help
>zoomers take notice
>"oh good! maybe this will help us to reach the call for hel-"
>the true victims are the twans
>wont even call you a woman but "menstruating person" not realizing how degrading it is in arabic when translated
i mean im glad people are speaking out for the war but using it for oneselfs agenda is pretty gross
No. 1869322
>>1869306I cannot fathom the insane
victim complex one must have to even do this. Not to mention, how disconnected they are irl. Women are children are the main
victims of this war. Wtf is going on. I hate how much 'queer' culture has ruined people's brains online. Brainrot is beyond real
No. 1869403
File (hide): 1706383188927.png (1.11 MB, 2064x994, OC4PdFz.png)

>>1869306I knew this would happen. I knew Americans couldn't help but make it about themselves. Recently, black freepalestinian twitter supporters are angry that there isn't enough being done to address the issues of Afro-Palestinians face. They accuse people of being racist for posting pictures of "white-passing" Palestinians as innocent children. It feels like something a right-wing comedian would make up, but it's actually happening
No. 1870042>>1870179>>1875967
File (hide): 1706443449210.png (360.88 KB, 603x2179, Screenshot.png)

leftist men and libfems will joke about how their gonna geocode landlords and police everyday, but then act like the biggest pacifists if we advocate for executing rapists and pedophiles.
No. 1870179>>1909918
File (hide): 1706462289602.jpeg (643.73 KB, 1012x1687, IMG_6811.jpeg)

>>1870042I hate sheltered leftists, this is always virtue-signaling from retards who have never even been in close proximity to real violence. They should be subjected to viewing senseless gore and the aftermaths for the
victims and loved ones. All crimes are not equal, many are not rehabilitatable, what the fuck is hard to understand.
No. 1870249>>1870265
File (hide): 1706467651592.png (270.65 KB, 602x668, srdewesvf.png)

No. 1871829>>1873718
File (hide): 1706613083805.png (625.96 KB, 604x1080, vsqad.png)

>average hasan supporter
No. 1873671
File (hide): 1706770246507.png (547.4 KB, 620x2652, GV4b1.png)

Doesn't matter if your pro-Palestine, if you don't want to see people posting gore of dead and multitailed children, you aren't doing enough.
No. 1873788>>1873791>>1873796>>1873807>>1874536
File (hide): 1706782745468.jpg (116.2 KB, 720x553, 1000002476.jpg)

So interesting how desperate, ugly gay boys can only get attention from the sexual harassment of women
No. 1873791>>1873796>>1874536
File (hide): 1706782901777.jpg (138.72 KB, 720x875, 1000002477.jpg)

>>1873788This is no different from the fake porn ai, gays like this arent bullied enough for being weird freaks. Still only posting about women.
No. 1873822
>>1873815To them, peak humor is the harassment of women but the
moment you call out their own behaviors you're suddenly a bigot and a homophobe. Truly delusional behavior from the chronically online.
>>1873807One scroll and its talking about women saying sexually degrading things, women having hard-core sex, women penatrating themselves with dildos, women being necrophiliacs, etc. It rarely mentions men and when it does its the textbook "unfff fuck meee" desperation. On paper it's no different from any other form of misogyny but they're too self absorbed to accept objective reality and take accountability.
No. 1873837>>1873843
File (hide): 1706785747813.png (14.75 KB, 543x203, Sin título.png)

Of course Miss Brave Transwoman number 897435 goes back to being a man after seeing how people treat women. And just online, these people would not survive a week of being an actual woman.
No. 1873971>>1873978>>1873989>>1874003
File (hide): 1706797996227.png (377.84 KB, 592x668, 5xe8XfJ.png)

well this was surprising
No. 1874003
>>1873989>>1873971The og owner of that acc sold it a few years ago and now is managed by this freak, she's an insane southern baptist.
>>1873989She's just an ugly woman.
No. 1874099>>1874173
File (hide): 1706810419912.png (2.89 MB, 2041x3518, bmCmTY8.png)

Absolutely fucking deplorable.
No. 1874173
File (hide): 1706814969406.jpg (204.61 KB, 1200x845, FOei03FUcAElDXn.jpg)

>>1874099Any leftist that wants a civil war needs to read a history book. It would be more like a repeat of the Spanish Civil War than it would the first American Civil War.
No. 1874288>>1874303>>1874705
File (hide): 1706824760352.png (133.53 KB, 1170x546, fucking little shithead.png)

Little scrotelings are ridiculous. From birth until death.
No. 1874303>>1874306
>>1874288i really don't understand what's going on here
>ripping my hair outwear it up?
>biting meif he has enough teeth to bite he's too old for babywearing, right?
No. 1874676>>1874706
File (hide): 1706843863451.png (321.37 KB, 609x850, qwed.png)

>talking about war correspondence as if they were kpop-celebs
the fandomization of this war might be studied someday.
No. 1874702>>1874734
File (hide): 1706845736416.jpg (33.27 KB, 735x435, 1000007698.jpg)

They're so close
No. 1875280>>1875284>>1875299
File (hide): 1706896236445.png (367.27 KB, 592x661, ySbozj8.png)

I dispose police abolitionists so much.
I live in a crappy third world nation, where the police force is corrupt. My friends and I have personally endured harassment and leering from cops, one of my cousins was beaten by a police officer who faced no consequences for their actions. Despite all of this, I still know that a police force is necessary. I remember the chaos and lawlessness that plagued our nation when there was no police presence. It was overrun by violent gangs.
People in my nation advocate for police reform, but we are not retards. We understand that without a police force, the situation would become so much worse.
No. 1875324
>>1875313Yeah some criminals just can't be reformed, they just need to be kept away from potentional
victims or sentenced to death. Because otherwise they will offend again, again, and again.
No. 1875625>>1875630>>1875634>>1875640>>1875641
File (hide): 1706921734010.png (580.51 KB, 771x672, dignifai.png)

It's just made in bad taste and they're already mimicking the "this is what you look like black or chinese." misogynist. There really needs to be laws about this because it's going to be just as easy to remove clothes than add it. Men can't bear not having the ability to control women.
No. 1875630>>1875634
File (hide): 1706921964205.png (584.7 KB, 777x716, dignifai2.png)

>>1875625samefag for the profile you RARELY see this done to men because they don't receive sadistic pleasure from it
No. 1875640>>1875656
>>1875625I don't get this hatred towards e-girls. It seems silly to chalk it all off as "lol they're cringe".
The e-girl aesthetic is built on the male gaze—men created e-girls yet they despise them for it.
Is it becuase they know that they'll never have a chance with them and seethe that they find they attractive at the same time despite being too tsun tsun to admit it?
No. 1875872>>1876025
File (hide): 1706943720783.png (212.27 KB, 600x1216, Sr4V2.png)

This is a reply to a post by a woman showing a group of women who got engaged during university. Of course, loser moids in the comments are accusing the women of having insane standards for expecting them to find love and claiming that only white people get married early.
No. 1875964
>>1875641They purposefully made it to teach the AI to
make undressed pictures of women more easily and are ironic with the holier than thou purpose. Moids should burn.
No. 1878792>>1878881>>1879166
File (hide): 1707182912965.jpg (153.55 KB, 1178x1536, 1000002614.jpg)

At the scene of the crime there is always a mentally retarded gay man. Why is that?
No. 1878881>>1878977
>>1878792old, had to google her; she's fucking 12
burn the men
No. 1879366>>1881520
File (hide): 1707228790290.png (352.76 KB, 599x641, Screenshot.png)

anyone else getting these weird ads?
No. 1880885
File (hide): 1707335779270.png (283.91 KB, 603x684, arweh.png)

>the redditfication of twitter
No. 1880927>>1880942
File (hide): 1707339008226.jpg (178.98 KB, 1080x1146, X.jpg)

Typical moid tweet. I love all the people going against him.
No. 1881564>>1881573>>1881619>>1881633>>1884585
File (hide): 1707403250010.png (140.34 KB, 1060x415, dbFIVLm.png)

genuinely what the fuck is wrong with liberals.
No. 1882931>>1882938>>1883666
File (hide): 1707504255346.png (374.33 KB, 658x657, ra8Pdwq.png)

>pornsick gay male humor moment
No. 1882933>>1882938
File (hide): 1707504302921.png (888.32 KB, 1125x1264, baDQV1C.png)

No. 1882934>>1882938
File (hide): 1707504338065.png (885.57 KB, 1125x1731, yRgoqBH.png)

No. 1883674>>1883676
File (hide): 1707569696437.jpg (165.75 KB, 900x755, 1000002659.jpg)

Not going to screenshot but just saw a long haired conventionally attractive lesbian make a tweet with a screenshot of a man hitting on her that said "all i’m gonna say is: any man attracted to me has to be at least a Little gay"… every year we tread closer to delusions like none seen before
No. 1884725>>1884742>>1884750
File (hide): 1707662595814.png (595.66 KB, 597x2835, MF.png)

The response to this post is fascinating because on one hand you have gay men, faghagS and fujos, in their usual stan twitter humor and discussing ships, On the other hand,you have radfem-adjacent accounts pointing out Foucault was misogynistic pedophile who wanted to remove the age of consent.
No. 1884844>>1884848>>1884862>>1884864>>1884876>>1885277>>1885427>>1885500>>1886688
File (hide): 1707670105303.jpg (670.54 KB, 1080x1869, Screenshot_20240212_053904_X.j…)

>check twitter
>algorithm gives me the 4th post of this retard foaming at mouth over generic gooner eyecandy asian game
>blocked for calling him porn addict
I swear to god this moid's entire personality is defending Stellar Blade by owning the imaginary retards in his head. Same goes with any post by anyone else on twt that I've personally seen discussing this game, it's usually centered on the sex appeal, how MC is proportioned exactly like the actress and how their imaginary SJWs and feminists are "h*ckin triggered!!", fucking reddit. Game isn't my cup of tea but like come on… these brainrot moids act like panting dogs.
No. 1885500
File (hide): 1707709899378.png (470.64 KB, 485x700, pedo 2.png)

>>1884844The ''feminists were fired'' part is 100% just a marketing campaign to make westerner contrarian coomers feel like they are owning da libs by buying an overpriced shovelware game that will rot in their steam's library. The studio's prior game was Nikke:goddess of victory, which is infamous for having overly coomer female character designs and ass jiggle physics, and also tons of pedoshit. Why would two feminists work on this shit? it sounds made up, specially since they didnt give any reasons as to why they were fired. Men are so easy to trick, reminds me of NFT bros selling poorly drawn coomery anime waifus for thousands of dollars.
No. 1885518
File (hide): 1707711698549.jpg (118.14 KB, 598x688, hjeojeo.jpg)

>I think this is really good for any of us nonblack ppl to read and understand their experience better
Speak for yourself.
No. 1885762
File (hide): 1707741326973.jpg (270.24 KB, 1080x1383, tweet.jpg)

>>1885757Samefag but because of you I found this tweet. Thanks a lot anon.
No. 1885866>>1890467
>>1885667>>1885687>Make a joke that looks straight from a bad written fic>Is a tifNow it has sense.
>>1885757"Ancient Egyptians believed that when a person died and underwent their final judgement, the gods of the underworld would ask many detailed and intricate questions which had to be answered precisely and ritually, according to the Book of the Dead. Since many ancient Egyptians were illiterate, even placing a copy of this scroll in their coffin would not be enough to protect them from judgment for giving a wrong answer. As a result, the priests would read the questions and their appropriate answers to the beetle, which would then be killed, mummified, and placed in the ear of the deceased. It was believed that when the gods then asked their questions, the ghostly scarab would whisper the correct answer into the ear of the supplicant, who could then answer the gods wisely and correctly."
TL;RD: Egyptians used scarbs to help the decease to reach "heaven".
No. 1885984>>1886768>>1887846
File (hide): 1707758966354.png (164.92 KB, 1208x570, XPYLJuN.png)

I hate this account so fucking much.
No. 1886426>>1887948
File (hide): 1707794949125.png (25.24 KB, 598x330, breakingtwittertos.png)

>You'll see gorish pics of dead Palestinians against your will wherever you like it or not, or else you're a privileged person.
The qts are even more stupid.
No. 1886688
>>1884844I made the mistake of looking up discussions of this after seeing this post and I feel so defeated. Do they really think this is somehow an own to the evil feminists? At least 2B was aesthetically pleasing imo, this protag's design is so… boring.
Also them being obsessed with how the model it's based on looks is creeping me out. Especially considering Korea is the thriving capital of the world regarding any kind of plastic surgery you can possibly imagine.
No. 1886805
>>1886768It seems to a bizarre fusion of Queer/
Poc HC's + The ongoing Gaza conflict.
No. 1887004>>1911669
File (hide): 1707844173851.png (499.67 KB, 1232x649, 8S3aSmE.png)

>>1886888Indonesia/Malaysia has a significant number of weebs, who are also Muslims. likely every fan-art you have ever seen of "x as Muslim," like picrel came from Southeast Asia, there's a general of style they tend to have as well.
No. 1887017>>1887154>>1908723
File (hide): 1707844951834.png (302.89 KB, 598x1076, ohno.png)

>>1886984>>1886986They're willing to ignore the homophobia in MEA as long as they can hate Israel.
No. 1887018
File (hide): 1707844965391.png (198.5 KB, 1376x600, AEKQMzp.png)

This actually made me want to look it up myself, and it's Occam's razor. Philippines and Thailand are at the top, while the rest of the results consist of South American and European nations.
No. 1887154>>1887274>>1887460>>1887835
File (hide): 1707852483528.jpeg (1016.03 KB, 1170x1685, IMG_6068.jpeg)

>>1887017I don’t see what’s wrong with this, all they said was they don’t think all those people deserve to die for being homophobic. Regardless “palestine is homophobic” is a stupid counterargument, it doesn’t change the fact that the majority of the people killed are women and children. If some gay person cried about moms and children and babies being murdered and people said “lol they would hate you for being gay though” it’d be obvious how ridiculous it is.
No. 1887460>>1887538>>1887835
File (hide): 1707872982203.jpg (185.16 KB, 1080x1175, Screenshot_20240213_214050_Gal…)

>>1887154> "All they said was they don’t think all those people deserve to die for being homophobic"> "Regardless 'palestine is homophobic' is a stupid counterargument"NTA, but my problem is that "LgBtQ/qweer" leftoids generally are fucking hypocrites. They will threaten you with rape and death for saying you don't want to share a bathroom with a tranny and making people lose their jobs for retarded shit like being BiGoTeD on Twitter, but for fucking islamic fundamentalists like Hamas and Taliban who actually kills gays and troons they go all "ugguu misunderstood owpressed
poc victims" and "muh anti-colonial resistance". If ""trans genocide"" (sic) is sooo real, shouldn't Palestinians be considered as genocidal as Israelis?
No. 1887835
>>1887460>>1887154lefties love throwing women and gays under the bus to protect their uwu precious fundamental islamist.
Trust me, they wouldn't even care about dead palestinian babies if it was 'brown on brown' violence and not evil YT jews.
also fuck unrwa, it wouldn't believe anything they put out
No. 1887932>>1887937>>1887944>>1887948>>1888014>>1888079
File (hide): 1707916522421.png (326.44 KB, 540x737, 54664545.png)

i hate leftist men so much they care about arab women so much they post gory pictures of their bodies for online gotchas
No. 1887948
>>1886426 now is fine to post war gore photos for "awarening", as long you call the poor
victim a "martyr".
No. 1887966>>1888010>>1888036>>1888283
File (hide): 1707919948033.jpg (101.91 KB, 750x1334, 1000007990.jpg)

Reposting this here because it's just so absurd this isn't my screenshot, I got it from Google images
No. 1888015>>1888036
nonnie, they're raising AWARENESS. Don't you know there's a war going on??
No. 1888190>>1888205>>1888221>>1888245
File (hide): 1707934003558.png (221.91 KB, 532x411, real.png)

Is it alright to talk about Mastodon and Pleroma here? I feel like all these splintered communities are just nuts.
No. 1888263
File (hide): 1707937704304.png (39.98 KB, 763x229, reddit.png)

>>1888245I guess the main issue is that most instances are relatively small, so they are only really accountable to the standards of whatever niche group they're catering to and up to whatever they can legally get away with.
No. 1888270>>1888273
File (hide): 1707938298272.jpeg (261.45 KB, 1125x549, 7PmOL0u8gN.jpeg)

>>1888167Imo they actually hurt the cause because they're always saying the stupidest shit like picrel
No. 1888274
>>1888273I hope you're right
nonnie. Poe's Law strikes again
No. 1888283>>1888289
File (hide): 1707938879233.png (610.98 KB, 606x1021, 1707487214290.png)

>>1888036>>1887966I posted this in the fandom thread but it fits better here, A really interesting thing I'm seeing is that these people are applying the type of online activism that was mostly used for Black/Asian Americans and gay people on a people that are so far-removed from those issues, like the rhetoric on the Arab/Muslim side of Twitter , "innocent Muslim women and children are being murdered" (and some anti-Semitism). And that's all that's needed to get 1 billion Muslims to condemn it. On the Western side, it's about how "queer/black Palestinians are suffering" or "X invention was actually made by a Palestinians somehow." Again This type of activism is again mostly used for American minorities and gay people. Seeing it applied to anyone outside those groups makes you realize how kind of dumb it was in the first place.
No. 1888343>>1888358
>>1888289Kek, that's absolutely right. Including picking "a side". Did you know XYZ is a proshipper,
TERF and also a zionist??? You have to identify with the current acceptable fandom identity where your husbando matters just as much as your opinion on this war. And god help you if you don't perform your support enohgh for both.
No. 1888346
>>1888167I think most of them think Israel was created to annoy the Palestines after WWII, when the problem began way before than WWI. You have also that British colony added more fuel to the fire between the extremists.
So now we have people claiming to respect Palestine and helping Palestinians while showing their lifeless bodies and calling them "martyrs" to feel better about themselves and not thinking in giving these people some privacy at least? We can see the problem with statistics and destroyed buildings, not dead bodies.
No. 1888358>>1888515
>>1888343nta but zionist has definitely become this boogeyman term overnight. most of the time they don't have any proof either, just like with
TERF and proshipper. It's so weird to see it develop in real time and at such a quick pace, especially considering the actual situation. Yet it's used the exact same way as the other terms when trying to slander some random twitter user they disagreed with.
No. 1888539>>1888658>>1888674>>1888675>>1888679>>1889218>>1891463
File (hide): 1707954203294.png (348.89 KB, 598x649, hypocrite.png)

Someone should tell them that Che Guevara was homophobic as Hell and he supported to send to labor to "non-believers, homosexuals and aids patients to work there".
No. 1888658
File (hide): 1707964625280.jpg (95.73 KB, 1500x1500, 1000002769.jpg)

>>1888539Maybe he knew something we don't
No. 1889166>>1889180>>1889182>>1889217
File (hide): 1708001269048.png (304.91 KB, 600x932, DRaSylHtAHe.png)

why does twitter recommend stuff just to scare me
No. 1889197>>1889228
why is twitter recommending me troonie posts? Is it because I've liked a few radfem posts?
>>1889182he's white and tall.
No. 1889211
>>1889054Funny how for Sochi 2018 people were against Putin's anti-lgb laws, but the attack against Ukraine? Forget Putin, let's hate the whole country, even the civilians that are against Putin.
I swear these kids are just parroting what they see to pat their own shoulder, you don't see them posting about other tragedies because none of them are showing dead bodies for "awareness".
No. 1889217>>1889219>>1889226
>>1889166When did it become so socially acceptable to post your disgusting kinks online? I remember when we had LJ kink memes (you can ask a random person to write you a fanfic with two fictional characters based on your kinks) but they were so mild compared to this.
Gay men and tifs/tims have no issues saying what degenerate shit they like, with their whole as pfp attached. it's so weird
No. 1889226
>>1889217I have a theory that the only trickle down economics we get from the elite is cultural trickle down because they’re typically the ones running entertainment/advertising and scrotes are gonna scrote regardless of their class so they’re all pornsick losers creating media with soft core porn/fetish references which normalizes porn shit in normie spaces. Add to that that being (a) “trans(vestite)” is a fetish that’s now celebrated people are more comfortable then ever about alluding or wholeheartedly discussing their degeneracy and the whole “sex work is work” bullshit that scrotes love and use as a shield against mockery for them being
abusive rapist losers. I’ve even seen hosts/guests on talk shows and the like joke about their disgusting fetishes in vague testing the waters kind of ways. There’s no social boundaries any more, they got tested to their breaking point and that’s where we are, the boundary is no more.
No. 1889587>>1889829
File (hide): 1708030730209.png (107.3 KB, 725x800, vaporotem.png)

>>1889531On Tumblr she got a callout once solely for being Israeli when all she does is post Sonic fanart and OCs. I read her thread about Oct 7th and even as someone who thinks what Israel's military is doing in retaliation evil, her thread condemns what Hamas did to random civilians and blames her country's government. I don't understand why these idiots are able to process that if someone can live in America and be against Trump, then someone in Israel can not support what the IDF is doing. America is just as complicit in this conflict by funding Israel but USA keyboard warrior zoomers don't get that.
No. 1889617>>1889622>>1890340
File (hide): 1708031658776.jpeg (853.98 KB, 972x1796, IMG_7879.jpeg)

moids will do shit like this and still cry about why nobody cares about their poor “male loneliness epidemic”
No. 1889829>>1898359
File (hide): 1708041136288.png (244.25 KB, 501x738, vap.png)

>>1889587Ah yeah, the infamous "Tumblr list" thing. She had shown over and over that she's against her own government and the IDF and Hamas trying to show who has the bigger dick while civilians die.
>America is just as complicit in this conflict by funding Israel but USA keyboard warrior zoomers don't get that.They DO get that, but they don't want to admit it or are too young to even vote yet.
No. 1890417>>1890437
File (hide): 1708090577045.jpg (710.43 KB, 2845x1867, OORJYrUtt7.jpg)

No. 1891200>>1891201
File (hide): 1708150792444.png (2.17 MB, 1083x1751, eww.png)

I don’t wanna be seen like this
No. 1891240
File (hide): 1708153679788.jpg (36.98 KB, 610x814, GGWQ8BBWwAADydQ.jpg)

Hmmmmm wonder why that is.
No. 1891300
>>1891248Me too, my bets are on either
a) Sid Vicious skinwalker tif
b) the dark academia looking tifs who get round glasses frames
No. 1891355
File (hide): 1708165944727.mp4 (8.27 MB, Changzhou_d69b2f.mp4) [play once] [loop]

anyone else getting these bizarre Chinese ads
No. 1891612
>>1885667Why the fuck would a pharaoh be embalming a corpse? There were dedicated morticians who performed these tasks because it had to be done to an autistic detail since Egyptians cared about the death and afterlife process. Why the fuck would a scarab "crawl under your skin?" Scarabs don't fucking do that IRL, quit using "The Mummy" as your "source" for Egyptian customs. God I fucking hate TIF humor
>>1885869If it really is a Genshin thing, god help me.
No. 1891783
File (hide): 1708200399230.png (117.13 KB, 744x1055, 6r415.png)

No. 1892055>>1892059
File (hide): 1708220006467.png (75.06 KB, 520x767, 1000002624.png)

Extremely sheltered, egocentric wome whose entire online personalities are eating disorder tweets and being cunts occasionally interspersing retweets of graphic photos of mutilated and dead children cannot possibly think they look like activists, right?
No. 1892151>>1892152
File (hide): 1708229153486.jpg (100.54 KB, 716x992, Screenshot_20240218-005653.jpg)

Notice how the idiot himself admitted that female characters are intentionally sexualized by their own media, while people just happen to feel attracted for shirtless males by chance
No. 1892981>>1892989>>1898359
File (hide): 1708291862083.jpg (420.38 KB, 1080x983, twittercomic.jpg)

Saw this stupid thread of comics by a porky pickme whining about her self esteem issues.
No. 1893034
File (hide): 1708295453649.jpg (1.16 MB, 1125x1693, 24366.jpg)

>>1892989I don’t think so.
No. 1893343>>1893346>>1893462
File (hide): 1708318574485.jpg (133.14 KB, 1169x1031, 1000002838.jpg)

You can already tell from his header, @, and pfp that he's like an old man version of Jack in the redscare thot threads, but God his Twitter is even worse. Says he's 6'6 (doubt) handsome (doubt) and has "Bachelorette s17" in bio for some reason. Useless pointless human being, also he sounds like he's 65.
No. 1893346>>1893347>>1893357
File (hide): 1708318896974.jpg (224.46 KB, 720x1280, 1000002836.jpg)

>>1893343Posts the gayest shit imaginable as to be expected but also pics of very thin 15-17 year old girls from tiktok
No. 1893349>>1893355
File (hide): 1708319042234.jpg (62.05 KB, 471x680, 1000002834.jpg)

>>1893348Also posted this yassified image unironically because hes definitely at least 55 years old
No. 1894893>>1897247>>1898302
File (hide): 1708438137916.png (825.24 KB, 1080x2276, 1000003775.png)

Someone made a thread implying that Lovecraft was a closeted TIM
No. 1895662>>1895663
File (hide): 1708480505373.jpg (103.02 KB, 1140x760, Aug. 6 artist Profile courtesy…)

The lady in the picture is Phoebe Wahl, a children's book author and illustrator. Her books are really cute, but she's annoying as fuck. Pic related is her before she blew up, after she gained weight she started self inserting by drawing mostly fat women in all her books
No. 1895956>>1896401
>>1895553way to make it about yourself.
>>1895671the "fat fucks 4 palestine" shit is especially tasteless considering people in gaza are facing major food shortages right now
No. 1896401>>1896471>>1896498>>1896630
File (hide): 1708535214486.jpeg (139.59 KB, 1073x598, 1HQn9op1zt69cP5QvTZjrdL5TqZD-4…)

>>1895956That's when you know the "Free Palestine" and "From the river to the sea" just became in a trendy fade and not a serious thing between two countries. You never saw "Fatties for Ukraine" or another country/disaster before.
No. 1896471>>1896498>>1896512>>1897209>>1897355
File (hide): 1708538112006.png (272.48 KB, 475x611, 0GWXKX9.png)

>>1896401I had the same conclusion, when I saw picrel, being reposted unironically.
No. 1896598>>1896601>>1896625>>1896889>>1896917>>1896919>>1896930>>1897023>>1897044
File (hide): 1708547198604.jpeg (584.69 KB, 1170x1902, IMG_6141.jpeg)

Sick of all the self pitying manosphere accounts and how many likes and retweets they get. I wish they’d all kill themselves.
No. 1896630>>1897036>>1897402
>>1896401It's just a bunch of brown babies to use for virtue signaling then dropped for the best big thing. None of these people actually care, and I think some of them don't actually have the maturity nor the ability to actually handle the horrors of war either so they explicitly avoid it and keep it like a fandom so their little hearts don't hurt.
Back in the day at least some people admitted war was too much for them to think about, now all those people are told to care or they're monsters so nobody is admitting they can't handle it which I think is resulting in more kids turning it all into a comic book with bad guys and good guys. And seriously, where are or were their parents. It's crazy how few of them seemingly had a single conversation with their parents about war. America has been in wars constantly, the Gaza conflict had been ongoing for ages, and Ukraine happened before this too. Not to place the blame entirely on their parents but I really think a lack of parental guidance leads to this shit. They were raised to think like Twitter instead of at least a unique perspective their parents have mixed with their own thoughts. It's far easier to disagree with parents and think for yourself than the crowd unfortunately
No. 1897087
File (hide): 1708578737225.png (549.5 KB, 751x658, 39GHA.png)

All of these people are ugly degens though.
No. 1897204>>1897206
File (hide): 1708587853655.png (210.28 KB, 725x508, JdLJ9Lk.png)

>>1897195samefag, found her, her handle is AcidKritana and she also writes wattpad stories like picrel.
No. 1897355>>1897361>>1897370>>1897373>>1897402>>1897404>>1897429
File (hide): 1708605401174.jpg (185.58 KB, 2048x2048, GE-igf-WcAAwgIi.jpg)

>>1897209>>1896471You guys are gonna have a field day with the "draw your comfort characters holding the watermelon/palestine flag" trend with twitter artists No. 1897402
File (hide): 1708609780104.jpg (15.68 KB, 262x275, 1705255260681.jpg)

>>1896630I remember how back in the ol' days, people knew that minors would find gruesome pics of whatever situation happened, so told them to feel free to block or mute or whatever if that
trigger them. Now? "If you don't RT this dead kid, you support IsraHell" or you have to use the same watermelon emoji, the "Palestine free" phrase or draw stuff even if they end being looking racist like
>>1897355 The word "activism" is not what it used to be thanks by these people and their "hollier-than-thou" attitude by the cost of Palestine and Israel civilians.
No. 1897404
File (hide): 1708610155734.png (124.95 KB, 609x1142, kek.png)

>>1897355Not only the image is supposed to be trolling, but the second user is right, people are babysitting Palestine without doing nothing but drawings to feel better of themselves. Yes, there are pages with donations and sim cards, but how many of the same people have donated to these orgs?
No. 1897429>>1897458>>1897783>>1897793
File (hide): 1708612103048.jpeg (182.35 KB, 1100x842, water melon.jpeg)

>>1897355It's like we've come full circle and what was rightly considered racist in the past is now woke so it's ok.
Note" I'm not intending to be racist, post racebait or offend anyone with this image, I just want to highlight the similarities between "woke" art and racist depictions from the 1930s. What was rightly condemned as being an offensive and racist stereotype in the past, is now considered progressive.
No. 1897783>>1897876>>1898047>>1898060>>1898252>>1898854
File (hide): 1708628290533.jpg (85.64 KB, 720x838, 1664332163781.jpg)

>>1897429>>1897458I think one funemdnetla issue is their obsession is with trying to "draw races" right, they've gotten into their heads that default look for anime characters is white(it's not) so what ends up happening is all the non-white cahracters in these western seires always end up looking like exxgrated racial caritcutes to emphaiss that they aren't white, while the white characters they draw are just drawn as more asehtcially pleasing, it's shooting themselves in the foot, like think about the fact that a lot of characters that people HC'd/assumre are black in anime,are just supposed to be dark-skinned japanese people,
No. 1898047>>1898058>>1898062
File (hide): 1708643087954.png (462.46 KB, 1000x563, Simon Brezhnev.png)

>>1897783Any Okinawan Japanese character that have a tan: THEY'RE A
This character, who is also a Russian character too: UH THAT'S A RACIST CARICATURE!
No. 1898058
File (hide): 1708643633373.jpg (54.48 KB, 396x333, 5cb9f000.jpg)

>>1898047tbf that happens with white people as well in anime, when they have to emphasize a racial traits to bring the point home they aren't Japanese, like picrel, you can clearly tell whose meant to be Japanese, whose meant to be a black woman and whose meant to be a white man.
No. 1898060>>1898252
>>1897783Why do they care so much? It's so weird. Must hurt to wake up every day and be a
victim for no reason with all that reaching.
No. 1898062>>1898077
>>1897247Kekk. It always proves the people who never read his work tbh.
>>1898047I keep forgetting they think tan asians don't exist. lmao
No. 1898077>>1898086
File (hide): 1708645018006.png (295.28 KB, 535x400, foreigners-in-anime-1.png)

>>1898062They know they exist, but they still think they're not Japanese but from West Asia for "representation".
No. 1898252>>1898854>>1902249
File (hide): 1708654759725.jpg (761.81 KB, 1170x1614, loudwindow.jpg)

>>1897783>>1898060What I love about this is that guy isn’t even black, he’s filipino. So a lot of black users think he’s a weirdo now for repeatedly making tweets acting like he’s the arbiter of good representation for them
No. 1898302>>1898340
File (hide): 1708657620909.jpg (3.84 MB, 2432x4587, insanity.jpg)

>>1894893Samefag as
>>1897247 I regret checking. What the fuck is wrong with these people?
It's so sick how you can tell both these people arguing with her are moids, not even from the TiM lovecraft obsession, but because of the way they speak to her, call her a child, and attack her intelligence.
No. 1898359>>1898466>>1898870
>>1889829>>1895553>>1896390I'm Palestinian and I wish these westerners would stop hijacking the current situation to make it about themselves. I disagree with most of the reactionary whingers in this thread, but it's been so fucking offensive and mind boggling to see westoids with constant access to video footage of children getting ripped to shreds by bombs and and countless other horrific war crimes, and the only thing they can think of is "how can I cram my cartoon blorbo into this????" I swear ""leftist"" westoids are just as dehumanizing to non white people as the guys they claim to hate.
>>1892981why are twitter artists addicted to oversharing every single personal aspect of their lives and relationships? you couldn't waterboard this out of me.
No. 1898851>>1898895>>1898901>>1899299>>1899316
File (hide): 1708709732967.png (140.42 KB, 592x783, unm.png)

Almost felt bad for this random male. Should've known better.
No. 1898870
>>1898359>I swear ""leftist"" westoids are just as dehumanizing to non white people as the guys they claim to hateThey're just generally unempathetic. It's more important to demonstrate they support a view that's popular in their circle than actually, I'm not even saying help, but
think about real people and what they're going through. It's pure virtue signalling and aggressive self-assertion in meaningless arguments on twitter, doesn't have anything to do with morals and humanity.
No. 1899316
File (hide): 1708737413008.png (723.7 KB, 699x1038, Jacksweeney.png)

>>1898851Avg man can obviously overpower a woman kek I don't feel bad for moids, it's usually if they regret allowing it they word it like it's forcible. (there are obvious exceptions)
No. 1900797
File (hide): 1708838648218.jpg (212.08 KB, 720x1256, 1000002973.jpg)

Woman abandons her 16 month old baby to starve to death in a playpen alone while she vacays for 10 days. All this man has to say is that she isn't fuckable.
No. 1901255>>1901261>>1901294>>1901354>>1902159
File (hide): 1708885243949.jpeg (163.6 KB, 1290x1258, IMG_0389.jpeg)

>retarded zoomed creates callout list of voice actors that are zionists
>doesnt do her research at all
>considers empathizing with both sides to be Zionism
>calls out Cristina Vee for Zionism because she said she feels bad for the Israeli women and children too
>Cristina Vee is in fact, not a Zionist, she just isn’t the most vocal about Palestine
>Cristina Vee deletes twitter due to the death threats she received from being accusesd of supporting genocide
>When retard-chan apologizes, all her followers are telling her she did nothing wrong by falsely accusing a woman and trying to ruin her life
I’m ethnically Palestinian and I’m 100% convinced accounts like this are run to make Palestine look bad
No. 1901294>>1901413>>1902184>>1904388
>>1901255The worst part is that these idiots are retweeting posts and propaganda from real neo-Nazis and fascists who are using this conflict to spread anti-Semitism and fascism. There was this video which was being shared by wokies like this Idiot, it was some 1930s Palestinian nationalist talking about the issues of Palestine, it was from an account called "Palestine for the Palestinians" (or something similar) turns out it was being run by a stormfront user and that the Palestinian nationalist was a fascist sympathizer, not to mention Russia, Iranian and Chinese state accounts using this conflict to further their agendas and hide their crimes against humanity.
I'm genuinely afraid that we might get a newer generation of Fascists and anti-state actors in the west who fell for this propaganda campaign.
No. 1901413
>>1901294>and Chinese state accountsKek I’ve come across accounts like that and they scare me by how cult-ish they sound.
>“Free Palestine but also there is no Uyghur genocide!”>”Stop talking about Uyghurs! Stop talking about Hong Kong! Stop talking about Taiwan! Stop criticizing CCP!!” “It’s all lies spread by sinophobic western propaganda!”>Silence when people bring up child slavery in China-owned mines in the CongoAnd it’s not even just from mainlanders but also communists living in the west. Capitalism is hell but I’m glad I didn’t go for the communism pill if this is the type of shit people are gonna try to indoctrinate me into. I may look into it to see if there’s truth to their claims, but at the end of the day these people white-knighting so hard for a powerful government sound no different from the bootlickers they make fun of.
No. 1902184>>1904388>>1907790>>1909852>>1912542
File (hide): 1708940545711.png (1.56 MB, 1325x1536, vU9bdFH.png)

>>1901294picrel are some prominent accounts, 3 of these men are openly white nationalists, 2 are republican trump supporters, one is an state Iranian shill, the other is a Russian state shill, and the woman is also a fascist whose more covert about sneaks into radfems discussions, but despite being open and blatant about their '
problematic' politics to the point of never even attempting to hide, their posts are the ones all these "activists" are retweeting, because they probably do have direct.
No. 1902875>>1910109
File (hide): 1708982884698.jpg (515.21 KB, 1125x1682, withholding bitch.jpg)

I hate engagement farming like picrel. “Guess what stupid factoid I just realized! Oh my god it’s so embarrassing you guys haven’t figured it out yet.” The only one embarrassing here is her pathetic attempt at engagement
No. 1902890>>1902892>>1902923>>1902952>>1902957>>1903879>>1904388>>1905046>>1910109
File (hide): 1708984183608.jpeg (229.38 KB, 750x751, IMG_0327.jpeg)

Idk if this is the right place to vent about this since it’s all over all social media today but I’ve seen a lot of it on xitter, but the fact that so many people (wokies) are glorifying that guy Aaron Bushnell who self-immolated for the Palestinian cause blows my mind. Self-immolating for any political or social cause is fucking stupid I’m sorry, the government is never gonna see someone set themselves on fire and think “wow! I’m so moved, we better do something now!” No they’re just gonna think “what a retard” and laugh and use it as fodder against that cause. Like, especially the guy being ex-military, he probably had severe mental trauma and was already suicidal or something. I seriously don’t know why online leftists in western countries are supporting other lefties killing themselves for a foreign conflict/genocide that individuals are literally never going to change. These people are so out of touch with reality and so eager to make a political statement and be radicals or whatever that they’re willing to destroy themselves and others on their side in the process.
No. 1902957
>>1902890Any person who commits a public suicide to call attention to a political cause is ultimately doing nothing to help the issues they claim to care about, all it does is give surface level valor to a person who is very mentally ill. Traumatizing bystanders and the media so that people remember your name doesn't garner valuable attention to real
victims of the wars taking place. It would have been more beneficial and brave had he tried helping real people, like working in a shelter to rehabilitate injured people around war zones. Or doing literally anything else. I'm sure there's organizations out there that would have appreciated and used someone with military experience. Also everyone else is right about governments not giving a fuck, this won't move government leaders or soldiers who love slaughtering innocent people.
No. 1903028
File (hide): 1708994664269.jpeg (948.9 KB, 1242x1791, IMG_0438.jpeg)

Retard zoomer now has defenders speaking up after she deleted her account
No. 1903031
File (hide): 1708994721359.jpeg (283.6 KB, 1242x573, IMG_0439.jpeg)

Has she considered not having dumbass kids make dumbass callout posts with zero research??? Absolutely brain dead app
No. 1903421>>1904033
>>1903053so Hamas parading around dead, very obviously raped, israeli women on October 7th was not for sick kicks? Is that a traditon of islam?
People need to remember, that this is still a war and men on all sides commit atrocious crimes against women.
I really hate that both camps, pro-isreal and pro-palerstine, purposefully ignore the treatment of women on the 'wrong' side.
No. 1903801>>1903808
File (hide): 1709046480806.png (287.86 KB, 688x750, 7Vk1Kgv.png)

No. 1903879>>1904165>>1904945
File (hide): 1709049909118.png (Spoiler Image,485.74 KB, 800x533, The Burning Monk.png)

>>1902890I'm glad Twitter wasn't a thing when Thích Quảng Đức did the same in protest for the persecution of Buddhists by the South Vietnamese government.
No. 1904249>>1904267>>1904269>>1904297>>1904307>>1904326>>1904369>>1904374>>1904377>>1905054
File (hide): 1709068039106.jpeg (674.01 KB, 1170x1542, IMG_2950.jpeg)

I don’t like how so many people are dogpiling on this pregnant sahm right now. Is it suddenly okay to berate women in that state if they’re rich?
No. 1904284>>1904291>>1904299>>1904376>>1904584
File (hide): 1709069346268.png (1.57 MB, 1128x1046, Screenshot 2024-02-27 at 2.30.…)

>>1904270>>1904276Yeah is she actually mormon? Her clothing is extremely against the rules. Especially the picrel
>>1904281Nonnie they literally have to wear underwear that goes right above the knee and covers their shoulders
No. 1904297>>1904304>>1904306>>1904354>>1904377>>1904404>>1904422>>1904584
File (hide): 1709069617369.png (144.38 KB, 728x660, Screenshot.png)

>>1904249She's never not pregnant or a fresh mom, so technically one would never be allowed to criticise her. Women are simply rightfully tired of tradwife teen mom homemaker shit being glamorized and pushed onto them. It's basically propaganda. People only whiteknight her because she happens to be an attractive mixed model but other than that she's hardly different from the usual white "pregnant and barefeet in the kitchen" cows, except she's mormon on top of it (the religion who allowed you to have several wifes until just a couple years ago).
No. 1904307>>1904313
>>1904249People keep trying to get people outraged about her and keep trying to attach different types of agruments, meanwhile i've yet to hear ANYTHING she's doing wrong, or promoting or anything. I'm open to it, but it feels like so many people for so many reasons wants us to get mad at this lady and pretend it's about some deeper meaning.
The anger is targetted at her, not even the husband, even when people pretend it's some shit about the husband, the focus is her.
No. 1904323>>1904333>>1904338
>>1904304>>1904313lol you dont need to be stating things out loud for it to be propaganda.
she's clearly presenting the 'being at hom pushing babies and baking for your husband" shit in a positive manner.
>>1904319yep. Statistically, marriage is a net negative for women financially, but especially if you do it early
No. 1904356>>1904361>>1904364
>>1904349People get shit for way less. Kids will always be on the internet, according to that logic we shouldn't be allowed to criticize any online personality.
>>1904350This is the 2nd time (you?) randomly mentioned her being better than OF boss babes even tho that has nothing to do with her… Farmers have always been anti sex work, you're barking at the wrong crowd…
No. 1904361>>1904366
nonnie says it perfectly
>>1904358 if it's that sinister then we need to worry about every person ever. Your logic would mean a single mother working at McDonald's is influencing young women to strive to be a single mother working in fast food. Come on now.
No. 1904364
>>1904356I'm a different anon. I'm aware LC is largely anti-sexwork. I'm just saying I'd rather see a pregnant woman making homemade Oreos over a woman bent over shaking her boobs at teenagers for pocket change.
She's not even shoving tradwife values down anyone's throats or demeaning women who choose differently for themselves. You're just
triggered at her existing which is pretty sad. Though, I will say that I think 22 is far too young to be pregnant and with multiple other children.
No. 1904366
>>1904358Being a teen wife and mom is simply a negative thing, anon, no idea how to make you understand that. Pair that up with showing an unrealistically easy and beautiful life, worse. It absolutely makes young girls believe that this is a much better life than getting education and working normally. And because she only is an innocent mommy who's showing her cooking nobody would ever stop kids from consuming that content. Plus one can only guess which related content will get recommended to you if you start out watching that.
>>1904361Are McDonalds workers filming themselves? Usually not. Do they do that while dressed like a beautiful actress? Definitely not. Are millions of moids pushing for women to become fast food employees? And so on, it's completely different.
>>1904365It feels so hopeless.
No. 1904376>>1904379>>1904380>>1904392
>>1904369What are people actually saying? I have never watched her content but there's another trad woman on tiktok/fb she's blonde that does the same videos with her 3 kids. People in those comments don't lambest her for making the videos usually laugh at the literal content because of how unnaturally posed she is for vanity reasons while making things from scratch. It's the funny juxtaposition of being so traditional but worrying about angles and filming yourself for validation online. The blonde even started leaning into it and making the poses more contrived and exaggerated which endeared people. It's all for engagement and people make comments oh must be nice having a partner that's rich enough you get to film videos and make things from scratch.
>>1904284This tho seems a bit off and maybe fetish related since she's pregnant.
No. 1904380>>1904394
>the issue is that this shit is just so performative and unrealisticIt's the Internet. She's an influencer. Ofc it's unrealistic. The only people who'd think it's realistic are children and retards. Kids grow out of it, retards can't be helped no matter what.
>>1904376There's people saying she's got a lobotomy and then there's anons in here accusing her of being a tradwife propaganda machine.
No. 1904387
File (hide): 1709072789751.jpg (255.34 KB, 2340x2340, 1000011897.jpg)

Someone needs to invent a DNA specific virus that targets libfems, gendies, and troons.
No. 1904388>>1909852>>1912542
>>1901294>>1902184It'd be funny if it wasn't so sad how usually the twitter teens will send death threats if you accidentally RTed someone who is a
problematic in their eyes, yet the amount of very very very thinly veiled antisemitism I've seen proudly shared is mind boggling. All you have to do is change "the jews" to "zionists" to whatever antisemitic trope and they'll eat it up. Actually I take it back, it's terrifying to watch.
>>1902890>>1902923Now it might have been misinfo but I'm pretty sure he left behind 2 children. I'm sure they'll be terribly comforted by him killing himself in a way that will be forgotten in about 3 days.
No. 1904413>>1904420>>1904434
File (hide): 1709073778074.gif (599.11 KB, 498x350, IMG_2726.gif)

>>1904394unfortunately the tradthot defense squad is out in full force it seems
No. 1904457
>>1904443She's half black.
>>1904422Nobody is playing obtuse. I'm just not losing my mind over what children might be influenced by. They see any tiktokker and want to be just like them. In school, kids constantly answer the "What do you want to be when you grow up?" question by saying YouTube, twitch, TikTok star etc. What should we do? It's not a specific problem to just her. And at the end of the day, she isn't even being particularly egregious about it by telling young girls they need to be just like her. I'm sorry that children think she's pretty and want to be like her, I hope they grow up and realize it's not possible unless they are also filthy rich. When I was a kid I saw celebrities and wanted to grow up to be an actress. But I grew up and realized the chance of that is so slim, and I don't even want to be constantly nitpicked and criticized like celebs are.
No. 1904461>>1904476>>1904788>>1905063
File (hide): 1709075923558.png (684.71 KB, 500x613, njveju5UKa1tjr19yo1_500.png)

>>1904377I'm convinced half the malding is from former tumblr girls upset she's married to model Lucky Blue Smith, who used to get posted everywhere. She's a model herself, too. I'm not into her content, but it's far from trad mormon propaganda or whatever to make your own cereal. She doesn't even talk about her religion or politics, from what I've seen. She does far less than any of the actual tradthots I've seen go viral, about the only thing that stands out is her being mixed race and the husband's former popularity. I wonder why those people don't rage about Muslim women running cooking accounts and wearing hijabs.
No. 1904467>>1904473>>1904492
Sus. But I'm not sure what we should do about that. Why isn't the hate directed at her husband? I'm supposed to hate a woman who was groomed because she is indirectly influencing young girls?
No. 1904471>>1904482
>>1904453It does. Because she isn't crying about it. I wouldn't want three kids at that age (or any age), but hey if that's what she's into, why should we be offended for her? If you're so worried about the children being influenced or something, I'd say keep them off the Internet period. Adults getting influenced? They also need to be kept off the Internet.
>>1904454It is though. I'm not going to cry over this rich first worlder who dresses up and posts to TikTok everyday when there's women and girls even younger than her with more kids getting their asses beat by their husbands who are twice and three times their age.
>>1904463I have no idea, but I overall think she got married too young. I just don't care that much because she's not complaining about her life or anything. I'm not going to sit here and feel sad or upset about a woman's situation when all she's not appearing to be distressed by it. If it comes out she was a teen bride who got forced into this all, I'll feel differently.
No. 1904483
>>1904479Those names are just
abusive kek
No. 1904584>>1904632
>>1904297>>1904284Look; I've seen some of these videos. If her lifestyle is so amazing and her epic awesome choice at age 18, then why does she look so miserable all the time?
>>1904498Not here particularly, but what the fuck are those names? Also she sounds like she needs to blow her nose. And to whatever anon above said she has a good backup plan of being an influencer and model… kek.
No. 1905174>>1905295
File (hide): 1709136645365.png (104.39 KB, 751x370, HQ1O4bj.png)

I'm mostly neutral about Nara, what I don't like seeing way too many people seemingly project everything they don't like onto her, like calling her a Zionist because she once did a photo shoot in Israel years back.
No. 1905388
File (hide): 1709149754161.jpg (156.67 KB, 1125x449, ethical hater.jpg)

>>1905295When the tweet in picrel went viral, I wasn’t sure if it was serious or not. It’s exactly the problem you mention
No. 1906094>>1906096
File (hide): 1709194148380.png (48.42 KB, 601x425, 92ASDF.png)

Mind you, El-Salvador had one of the highest femicide rates in the world, where thousands of women were not just brutally beaten, raped but regularly murdered without impunity. that has been reduced by 80%, as well as crime in general.
No. 1906298>>1906354
File (hide): 1709207939483.jpeg (358.38 KB, 1322x1763, IMG_6619.jpeg)

When do you think they’ll start realizing?
No. 1907591>>1907595>>1907633>>1907641>>1907646>>1907648
File (hide): 1709304458006.jpeg (821.52 KB, 1170x1760, IMG_6322.jpeg)

You hear that guys? No jacking off until the genocides are finished.
No. 1908428>>1908684>>1908692>>1909614>>1909724>>1909731>>1909917>>1910330
File (hide): 1709349282983.png (155.33 KB, 715x745, shutitdown.png)

Do social media "protests" even work? The video being QRT is about attending local protests, but this girl tries to guilt trip people who may be using social media as normal tomorrow.
No. 1908668>>1908675>>1908974>>1909513
File (hide): 1709366770742.png (141.69 KB, 750x397, AnEVEne.png)

No. 1908715>>1908736>>1908978>>1909607
>>1886862many muslim girls are forced to be terminally online thanks to sexist double standards on how much outdoor engagement she's allowed to have.
Victims of circumstance.
I would have been so normal if I was allowed to go out and have friends in my teen years. No. 1908734
>>1887960exmsulims aren't tradthots
>>1887142they have no problems generalizing you
No. 1909648>>1909652>>1910539
File (hide): 1709427085050.jpeg (503.38 KB, 1170x2959, IMG_8325.jpeg)

So rape jokes against woman hostages are fine for leftists if it’s from a side that they don’t like? I’m not even a pro Isreal either but this is just weird.
No. 1909852
File (hide): 1709447689317.png (516.15 KB, 598x764, Screenshot_24-03-03.png)

>>1902184>>1904388recently Anya Parampil retweeted this meme from a straight up Chinese state shill account, that tries to get RWers and Tankies to side with China.
No. 1909915>>1910107
File (hide): 1709455507786.jpg (57.45 KB, 710x744, XVWhnDq.jpg)

The ugliest scrote I know liked this tweet. If he ever gave into this delusion he would look like shrek in a skirt
No. 1909917>>1911669
>>1908428The EU just resumed funding to UNRWA so apparently all the boycotting worked
>>1886862the best ao3 writer's personal accounts are completely in malay or indonesian. yaoi's strongest soldiers
>>1908428as annoying as social media protests are we got to this point because of accounts like canary mission unironically doxxing people and trying to get them fired from jobs over mundane statements about israel. as far as I'm concerned they can both fight each other
No. 1910109
>>1902159Non-union VAs are uniformly shit actors hth
>>1902875Shit, what did their agriculture have in common? I need to know now. The bait works.
>>1902890Sad men self-immolating instead of shooting up places is good and we should encourage it, not discourage it.
No. 1910539>>1910546>>1910695
>>1909648I don't see where the alleged joke is here that you're referring to. What makes it funny to the Qter is the fact it's a very obvious and ridiculous bit of israeli propaganda, and showcases just how much they're grasping at straws to play the
No. 1911326>>1911370>>1911387>>1911753>>1911948
File (hide): 1709563879005.png (379.69 KB, 659x608, aOFxZqk.png)

when your terminally online and believe what shit you read on online.
No. 1911669
File (hide): 1709584249217.mp4 (7.24 MB, 480x854, BsbHPvH.mp4) [play once] [loop]

>>1886750>>1887004>>1909917I do think there should be an Indonesia/Malaysia thread because the more I read up about them the more I'm fascinated by their adaption and mixing of other people's culture. So they have the usual Islamists who want to LARP as Arabs, but you also have types similar to most latin-american. There are Ameriboos and they have a very strong punk scene over there(vidrel). also each of the hundred ethnic groups hates each other for one reason or another.
No. 1911940>>1911945
File (hide): 1709607429346.jpg (248.13 KB, 946x1748, 1000003174.jpg)

No. 1911945>>1911979>>1917824
File (hide): 1709607643091.jpg (274.98 KB, 946x1733, 1000003175.jpg)

>>1911940A secondary species.
No. 1912542>>1912555
File (hide): 1709661166976.jpg (221.72 KB, 1056x1137, rrL2YMv807FHk3C.jpg)

>>1902184>>1904388This shit has an actual impact as well. I think there's more anti-Semitism in the West since the end of WW2. and again it's mostly fascists using this conflict to normalize it. For example, under a post about Palestine, they'll link some infographic about Jews running the banks and all the bad stuff. The worst part is that it's actually working; there are Jews who aren't even Zionists or Israelis being harassed over this.
No. 1912555>>1912570>>1912601>>1912603>>1912632
>>1912542Anti semitism is such a stupid term. Jews are not an oppressed group, they are blowing the legs off little kids right now with drones. Also, Arabs and Palestinians are Semites,
so how come you never see hate crimes against them labelled as anti semitism? Why should Jews be considered a protected class because of something that happened 80 years ago, when that same group is committing genocide against another people right now?
(racebaiting) No. 1912674
File (hide): 1709671172577.jpeg (56.96 KB, 828x234, IMG_0660.jpeg)

>>1912630Wrong word, retard
(infighting) No. 1912697
>>1912681Mizrahi jews are not Arab, even if they may have culturally assimilated to Arab populations. That’s like calling Persians Arab. The majority of Israeli Jews have Mizrahi heritage.
>>1912638I don’t understand your point about “dna” because Mizrahi Jews have always lived in the Middle East, until many were forced to flee due to Arab persecution. That’s why so many of them are also Zionists. It’s an inconvenient truth to those who want to oversimplify this conflict as “white colonizers killing brown people”
(racebaiting) No. 1912863>>1920405
File (hide): 1709685032730.jpeg (66.28 KB, 595x818, 49FAC6F4-24E2-4B66-A535-B6C171…)

>>1912862It’s pretty strange to see Slavic Ashkenazim murdering people who are literally direct descendants of the biblical Jews who lived during Jesus’s time, who simply converted to Islam or Christianity.
(baiting) No. 1913745>>1913766>>1913878>>1913904
File (hide): 1709758254633.png (395.57 KB, 1080x1766, 1000009072.png)

They're talking about a 14-year-old girl who killed herself over fake porn made of her. The article mentions Photoshop instead of deepfake, but the topic is still related.
No. 1913881
>>1913343They do have a point, even though they made themselves sound stupid. How many children have their lives ruined because they are forced to live with people entirely unsuited to be parents? There's a lot of feminist literature about how the family propagates the patriarchy. The idea that "there is no alternative" to a nuclear family is a patriarchal lie. The mother-child bond is important but why should a child be the property of their sperm donor?
One alternative proposed in Aldous Huxley's Island (a book about a utopian community) is a "mutual adoption club", basically adults that are vetted to be good parents, and the child can choose to move to a different family whenever they want. This would cut down on child abuse if parents were properly vetted. It may be hard to imagine in our current society, but we can hope. Inb4 "eugenics", if a woman has a child with a pedo moid then yes the child should be taken away
No. 1913902
>>1913889Isn't the best sturcture of a straight family; grandma, her daughter, daughter's spouse and then the children?
The nuclear family structure is generally very isolating and disconnects family members from each other.
No. 1914452>>1914453>>1914469>>1914480>>1914527
File (hide): 1709814013622.jpg (93.75 KB, 987x1063, 1000009084.jpg)

Huskies bot leaves due to amount of zoophiles and pedophiles on the platform
No. 1914469
>>1914452>>1914453Jesus christ men are abhorrent
>>1913448>Twitter anarchists are so hilarious with the random things they want to "abolish", like the nuclear familyAnd tradthots like you are too. The nuclear family is not something people "naturally" get into. That's why all animals in nature are all monogamous and men never commit infidelity. Go back
No. 1914834>>1915300>>1915302>>1915312>>1924521
File (hide): 1709839747275.jpg (502.01 KB, 1080x1139, Screenshot_2024-03-07-20-21-23…)

Anybody else literally feels repulsed when they see this woman who constantly fights with radfems cause she's a TRA libfem who wrote thousands of tweets about how period blood is a disgusting biohazard and said that she prefers swallowing her husband cum to being exposed to the "disgusting biohazard" in public bathrooms because "women wash their blood stained panties in public bathroom sinks"(who the fuck does that) and it's literally an assault according to her. Her interactions with radfems invoke the demon in her especially when they mention her disgust of period or call her a cum swallower. I haven't seen someone more disgusting than her in a long time. She is the most libfem to libfem ever, she even has the looks that match her mind
No. 1915300
>>1914834Her profile info is embarrassing, imagine building your personality around hating menstruation and women while being a woman yourself just to be given high fives from the dregs of men online. Truly pathetic.
>libfemWhy though? doesn't seem like a "fem" at all…
No. 1915312
File (hide): 1709859643178.jpg (263.41 KB, 1080x1183, Screenshot_20240307_200050_X.j…)

>>1914834I've never heard of her, but she is quite stupid from a quick scroll through.
No. 1915318>>1915364
File (hide): 1709860167585.jpeg (874.76 KB, 1170x1549, IMG_7084.jpeg)

Lmao For anyone who wants to see the vid but basically the fat dude’s not into the woman because of her “features” then runs away because his moid chat keeps calling her a man.
(And no I don’t agree with picrel’s take kek I think it’s moids being moids as usual, like when weebs think any girl who doesn’t look like a moeblob is a man)
No. 1916239>>1916258>>1916259
File (hide): 1709907804465.png (410.9 KB, 1125x1389, retard fight.png)

Self-reflection and personal accountability are ableist and dangerous now fyi
No. 1916489>>1916504
File (hide): 1709922632148.png (430.67 KB, 598x702, Screenshot_24-03-06.png)

Ah yes, the best way to get back at a misogynistic scrote is to go after his wife, that'll show'em.
No. 1916499>>1916506
File (hide): 1709923046408.jpg (168.12 KB, 1080x426, 1000016442.jpg)

No. 1916519
>>1916506Black and brown people can’t be colonizers, silly
nonnie. It’s biologically impossible
(racebaiting) No. 1916546>>1916565>>1916574>>1916595
File (hide): 1709924903667.png (255.99 KB, 592x832, z_.png)

I don't have a funny comment for this.
No. 1916565>>1916668>>1917610
File (hide): 1709925829702.jpeg (189.1 KB, 828x491, IMG_0690.jpeg)

>>1916546Of course it’s a tranny
No. 1916939>>1919321
File (hide): 1709943304876.jpeg (24.64 KB, 237x237, swine.jpeg)

>>1910330Cat Janice. I hate, HATE how some assholes tried to play the oppression Olympics with a kid grieving, saying "He's going to be ok, he'll have a family! Palestinian kids either are homeless or dead". Grief do not work like that and is almost as stupid like "don't be depressed, people have it worse and they do not complain"
No. 1918838>>1918847
File (hide): 1710072611089.png (725.79 KB, 1080x1237, 2ISrrMB.png)

No. 1918847>>1918849
File (hide): 1710073311601.png (277.07 KB, 507x369, IMG_7139.png)

>>1918838Troon is obviously retarded but so is the person it replied to. Why the fuck would trump care more about long covid than Biden kek?? Also long covid is literally just ME/CFS but people with long covid don’t want to be associated with ME/CFS patients, meanwhile they’ve gotten way more attention than ME/CFS patients ever have??? Fucking retards
No. 1918855
>>1918849No, it’s a legitimate condition but it’s just ME/CFS, and so is chronic Lyme. People wanna be special so bad without admitting that they have ME/CFS that was
triggered by covid or Lyme disease, they desperately don’t want to be compared to ME/CFS or consider they have it due to how marginalized ME/CFS patients have always been. A lot of people were athletes prior to becoming ill or just healthy in general.
No. 1919345
File (hide): 1710094630131.jpeg (252.31 KB, 828x1700, IMG_2889.jpeg)

>>1918879It's AI. it's more obvious in other pics the account posts, look at how none of the writing is legible in this.
No. 1919948
File (hide): 1710123426726.png (34.58 KB, 598x356, posers.png)

>>1919321And now they're shitting on Ukraine war film 20 Days in Mariupol for not mention Palestine, when I bet most of them had the Ukraine flag in their nicknames. Posers. Posers everywhere!
No. 1920405>>1920782
File (hide): 1710157409135.png (18.34 KB, 304x383, FXqde4a.png)

>>1912863I can cherry-pick too! Funny I've never seen you "blood and soil" race-obsessed autistic faggots (pro-pali and pro-zion alike) be coherent and argue that the land should be for the 900 Samaritans that still exist, lmao. And even they are mixing with jewish women nowadays, because, guess what, inbreeding sucks.
(responding to bait) No. 1920804>>1924555
File (hide): 1710182032721.png (21.22 KB, 743x162, 02.png)

the person is a RW Fascit btw
No. 1920968
File (hide): 1710195750194.jpg (133.02 KB, 770x680, tumblr_nlefhwG4kg1qlrz08o1_128…)

>>1920864>>1920873>>1920955Adding also the ones that use "colonizer" or "European" to downgrade the Israeli civilians or be pro-Palestine when most of Israeli tried to vote against Bibi but he won thanks by the real Zionists and the votes went to the right rather to, ironically, the left.
I repeat this over and over, but they're so into "poor
POC" that ignore that Israeli in general are not white neither and they're also against the whole situation, but they choose the easier target (common civilians) than the real guilty (Israeli government). Like they support Palestine but ignore Hamas.
No. 1920971>>1920972>>1920977>>1920985
>>1920796of course what's happening in gaza is terrible, but this is incredibly retarded
nazi germany holocaust
victims ONLY (does not include other civilian deaths from the war, such as bombings): 17,000,000
gaza civilian deaths (mainly from bombings): 31,000+
No. 1920977
File (hide): 1710196265788.png (28.73 KB, 939x94, Screenshot 2024-03-11 183154.p…)

>>1920971>>1920972samefag. just realized the 31k+ estimate includes combatants and israelis
No. 1920985>>1921007>>1921008
>>1920971And let's not mention that Jewish weren't only the target at the holocaust/genocide. It was anybody but a good German
>>1920972These people think only Palestinians live in Gaza when there are Israeli and other Arabs living in there.
No. 1921007>>1922839
>>1920972>>1920985The fact is, this is very much deliberate, it's much constructed to question/reduce the harm done in the holocaust, while being woke enough that countless leftist will retweet it.
like just today I saw an alleged leftist, retweet this pro-Palestine guide that framed Amin-Al-Husseini(a Nazi collaborator) as a legitimate leader trying to resist zionism.
No. 1921008>>1921225
>>1920985It's crazy and sad they are even comparing the two, since like anon
>>1920972said, the stats speak for themselves. Germans kill anyone (even their own people) who would not cooperate with Hitler's plans. These watermelon emoji activists need to read a god damn history book.
No. 1921183>>1921192
If women started clowning on men en masse online, specially on Twitter, do you think there would be less retarded men being so vocal about shit like this?
>>1920991 I understand it could be dangerous though.
No. 1921225
File (hide): 1710209624678.jpeg (38.57 KB, 680x383, 297.jpeg)

>>1921008I said it a lot, but they would support Black September in Munich '62 in their naiveness even if they ignore that there were Israeli athletes being killed, not someone from the government. I swear these kids cannot understand the root of the problem and just justify their hated on something they have no relations with to be "an activist". No, you're not an activist, you're just doing what Internet is telling you is "right" to do, like you probably did with the Ukraine flag in your nick before you change it to Palestine.
I feel like picrel these days.
>>1921192You would be surprised how many
WOC would agree with
>>1920991 if he wasn't a moid. Misogyny doesn't know bounds.
No. 1921647>>1921650>>1921653>>1921778>>1921824
File (hide): 1710238895651.jpg (123.39 KB, 720x1020, 1000003348.jpg)

Gay men are so self absorbed and delusional. It has nothing to do with homophobia, you just don't give. You don't have the vocals, the talent, the ability, the range. People don't dislike artists like Troy Sivan because they are homophobic, its because they genuinely suck.
No. 1921778>>1921786>>1922669
>>1921647Aren't they saying that most male celebrities don't put on a show like Beyonce because it might be seen as effeminate and "gay", not that homophobia is stopping gay pop singers? Also,
>you just don't give I know this is the twitter thread but can you keep their speech over there
No. 1922062
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"girl talk minors"
No. 1922671>>1922672>>1923423
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>guys is my aesthetic thinspo PowerPoint bad teheh
No. 1922672>>1922673
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>>1922671This shit is bambisleep sissy hypno for girls
No. 1922673
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>>1922672Why do they always ask questions they know the answer to for attention
No. 1922839>>1923386>>1924476
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>>1921007>I saw an alleged leftist, retweet this pro-Palestine guide that framed Amin-Al-Husseini(a Nazi collaborator) as a legitimate leader trying to resist zionismfound it.
No. 1923404>>1924476
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>>1923386>>1923392That's Amin al-Husseini, he came from the al-Husseini family that had ruled Jerusalem for 150 years, He was the grand Mufti of Jerusalem and during WW2 he collaborated with both Fascist Italy & Nazi Germany.
No. 1923918
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Time is a flat circle
No. 1923963>>1923973
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The self proclaimed neurodivergent bitches trying to gatekeep a fake word to describe lying in bed all day… I wish all these people would shut the hell up
No. 1923971>>1923973>>1923990>>1924011>>1924098>>1924459>>1924462>>1924785>>1924857
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fucking hell. i assume the girls were actually talking about CC but either way if we start getting some retarded newfags from this it's even more over than it already was.
No. 1923973>>1923976
>>1923963While being lying in bed all day for depression sucks, the way they treat it like "normal people cannot understand this" grinds my gears. "Neurotypical" people can feel too, Chloe.
>>1923971Tumblr, except 4chan have their standards.
No. 1924457>>1924490>>1924798>>1925344
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Have you ever seen that ape brained and extremely misogynistic thing that gay men do where they post [graphic video or image of woman masturbating squirting piss everywhere juxtaposed with mundane caption] on Twitter and all the comments are retarded terminally logged in faggots that are like "okmgggggg brendannn laughing emoji laughing emoji keyboard smash crying laughing emojix6 keyboard smash". Like why don't you just die at this point, your life is pointless.
No. 1924459
>>1923971>"Internet communities I wouldn't want to go near and that aren't for me, obviously"Then why the fuck are you searching for them?
Can these retards just leave us the fuck alone?
No. 1924790
>>1924476Anon, it’s as
>>1924508 said. Read a damn history book on the subject you’re trying to claim as an anti-imperialist messiah next time, or else you just look like a retarded twitterfag
No. 1924802
>>1923990This is how people would describe it to me before i was familiar with the site kek
>>1924011But nona, didn't you know r/femaledatingstrategy is literal murderous fascist propaganda that totally harms men?
No. 1924948>>1925020
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Kinda wild that an open dictator is just active on twitter, posting like he's some media figure.
No. 1925756
>>1924798A variety of stupid shit like "just made sandwich" or "work in 3 hours" with a graphic porn clip of a woman squirting piss everywhere. Gay men inherently have autism.
>>1925344The kind of gay men think scat is hilarious have an extra chromosome. There are a lot of gay-run parody accounts like that retarded drbobby or whatever that pretend to be women but they're fags and just parrot shit like hehe poop poopy pussy clit hehe women are gross hehe.
No. 1925978>>1925979
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Love that women are finally sick of being doormats for misogynistic gay men. Any woman that said gay men shouldn't be in the girl chat (the one rule was that you had to be a girl, they removed it and added a bunch of gay men) was removed btw.
No. 1925979>>1925983>>1926073
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>>1925978This was considered an unreasonable and homophobic opinion. Gay men really have become an extremely entitled and manipulative clique and are only harming themselves by calling warranted criticism to their pathetic and shitty behavior homophobia. So insufferable.
No. 1926370>>1926381>>1926515
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there is a big difference between a hijab and wearing cool veiling & jewelry from time to time
No. 1926867>>1926870
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Snatched my like back when I read the screenshots and he just said "has anyone ever told you you look like Nicole doshi? She's a famous actress [heart eye emoji]". She's mad as hell but the resemblance is there im sorry but women we lost this one lol
No. 1927429>>1927933
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>leftists male reaction when women leave porn behind
No. 1927970>>1934282
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Men think its cute and quirky to talk like actual serial killers on twitter. Degrading women is SO meta and funny to them
No. 1928184>>1928217
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Therapist is right lol. How does this have 41k likes?? I'm so sick of these retards expecting therapists to bow down to them and tell them only what they want to hear. Why go to therapy then?
No. 1928217>>1928222
>>1928184dying at the person pointing to historical polyarmory as justification kek. historical polyarmory in the real world is almost entirely old, rich moids forcibly taking multiple young girls, subjugating women, while also killing, excommunicating & castrating as much of the 'competition' as possible.
but sure. that's totally healthy.
No. 1928237>>1928275>>1928478
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>>1928222I'm reading about it now thanks nonna
No. 1928275>>1928284>>1928296
>>1928222Reading this
>>1928237 wouldn't this be proof that humans are meant for monogamy? Or maybe I'm retarded kek but my understanding of reading that seems like concealed ovulation kept moidies around, instead of them fucking as many women as possible.
No. 1928296>>1928297>>1928323>>1928326>>1928478
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>>1928275Your reading is correct.
OP Nona was and is referring to a different section of the wikipedia article (which imo doesn't check out logically. I'm still reading the source to see if I can make it make more sense.)
No. 1928307>>1928317>>1928323>>1928364
>>1928304I think it's like:
Fuck a bunch of men without them knowing -> moid assumes because you had sex you're automatically pregnant with his kid -> moid more likely to stay.
No. 1928323>>1928327
>>1928296tbh women are evolved to be devious, sneaky, and commit paternity fraud sounds like something invented by incels and religious fundies
>>1928307this also assumes most males regularly left their partner to routinely copulate with other males and evolved with the self control and foresight to think they should continue taking care of the partner because there's a remote possibility they 'won' instead of immediately freaking out upon the initial discovery and then trying to kill the other men and also their partners. the male propensity towards violence and lack of impulse control makes this seem kinda unlikely.
No. 1928326>>1928364
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>>1928296I don't have that much knowledge about genetics, but in the context of tribal societies, what would qualify as 'superior genes'? Based on my research, tribal societies tend to exhibit a high degree of homogeneity, with most men and women possessing similar physical attributes and appearances due to the selective pressures of their environment.
No. 1928327>>1928334
>>1928323you're assuming they're already 'partnered up' though. if you're all intermingling in a tribe or whatever and the trapper moid is out setting traps while idk skin tanner moid is back at camp it would be easy. plus this doesn't contradict male mate guarding, it's aiming to fool him about paternity precisely so that he doesn't chimp out and kill you/your offspring.
>>1928323it sounds like something incels would make up because they're all terrified of the simple truth that one gender can't be evolved for polygamy and the other for monogamy.
No. 1928356>>1928369
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>>1928222concealed ovulation and partible paternity are retarded, 1 moid and 1 lady should be together and have their offspring and not go sleeping around for the purpose of reproducing more offspring or employees or whatever the fuck they're having kids for and having a slew of baby daddies who will provide for you and your litter. Thats literally what this is.
No. 1928364>>1928369>>1928372
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You're correct that that's what the wikipedia article is saying. But that doesn't make sense. What does that have to do with concealed ovulation? Couldn't you just as easily fuck another moid even when it's obvious you're ovulating? That could be the case if you automatically got pregnant that first time you were nutted in during ovulation, meaning that your primary mate would knock you up as soon as you started ovulation pretty much every time, but that's not the case.
The source makes much more sense than the wikipedia summary.>females who did not advertise ovulation would have minimized the capacity of their mates to monitor their reproductive cycles and guard them during ovulation” This is the missing piece. Wikipedia does a weird thing where it implies that women wouldn't be able to mate with other men without concealed ovulation without stating why. The confidence thing still doesn't really make sense though, but the source states that hidden ovulation times confuses the issue of paternity, so the primary mate is less able to determine if a baby is his or not. The article also neglects to mention in the "Cuckoldry Hypothesis" section that the source it cites disagrees with the idea that concealed ovulation evolved in Homo erectus. Instead, the source states that it's more likely that our Hominid ancestor (the ancestor we share with chimpanzees and gorillas) most likely also had concealed ovulation, and that it had a unimale social structure like gorillas. Cheating in a unimale society with an extremely dominant alpha male has, for obvious reasons, massively different implications about monogamy in modern society than cheating in a multimale society would.
The theory does make sense; I think it assumes a lot and it definitely isn't the only possible thing given its assumptions, but it's not necessarily wrong. I think there's definitely something to the female choice aspect of it, but that's not saying much when female choice in reproduction is so common in animal species. I also feel like it's hard for me to contextualize because I don't know how "truly" monogamous other purportedly monogamous animal species are.
>>1928326"Superior genes" said in this way is extremely hand-wavey and doesn't mean much. Usually, it is used to mean "genes that will be more beneficial to the survival of the species," but people usually determine which genes fit into this category by looking at what genes are selected for, which is a circular argument. Small populations can easily breed itself into shitty situations, as the gene pool they have to work with is very limited, and individuals of a species often make poor decisions regarding evolutionary fitness (e.g. dumbass female birds fucking bright red male birds because they're wired to notice berry-colored things). But generally, you can think of "superior genes" as genes that make an individual more likely to create successful offspring (e.g. genes associated with sexiness, strength, healthiness).
If you're curious about the topic, I recommend reading about selfish genetic elements. I haven't read Richard Dawkin's "The Selfish Gene," but it's about how many genes select for their own reproduction and survival. An extreme case of this is cancer, which can be viewed as cells developing a massive competitive advantage over neighboring cells for their own survival, and then they thrive, leading to death of the host and death of their population.
Some have drawn comparisons to capitalism ("late-stage capitalism") sure how relevant this is to whatever your broader question is, but I hope this is interesting to you.
No. 1928369>>1928371>>1928374
>>1928356why should they though? if that's what they "should be" doing then they would have been doing that naturally no? it's kind of hilarious how much you're (intentionally or not) shilling male interests here down to joking about getting paternity test.
>>1928364yeah I guess you could do that, I think some animals do have orgies around that time. I think it's to lessen mate monopolization, like with a visual indicator the males will know and fight each other over it, this emphasises female-driven mate selection.
No. 1928374>>1928376
>>1928369yeah and men
shouldn't rape and murder like every woman they see but they choose to go against nature all the time, just like via having 2 million baby mamaz
No. 1928376>>1928378
>>1928371making sure every sub-par male is automatically provided a wife for free is absolutely in the male interest (this doesn't stop the male from wanting more, but nothing really does, theyre bottomless pits by design). there's a reason genetically fit men aren't whining about le degeneracy of le modern woman or asking for government supplied gfs- like andrew tate and his 'polyamory for men but not for women'. the effects of an actual free sexual market where women are free to choose and are pretty disastrous for men (not that I care).
>>1928374well… if you want get into it, rape and murder
is male nature. having "2 million baby mamaz" is male nature. this is not to excuse it, but they're no more moral than nature or genetics are. your argument is humans should be monogamous and mate for life, but that's not really what we evolved to do- males or females.
No. 1928378>>1928384>>1928390
I majored in sociology (and have also conducted my own supplementary research). Regardless of whether sociologists are feminists or non-feminists, they agree that the oldest and most naturally occurring human sociological structure in the world is the tribe. A tribe can be described as a linked heritage of families, where everyone in a tribal society is related to each other. This leads to a cultural homogenization, and the tribal society can be structured in various forms, such as feudalism or nomadism. concepts like polygamy will be observed in settled societies but tribal societies have developed fail-safes to address this. For instance, if someone cheats on their spouse, they are likely to be kicked out (and potentially face dire consequences). This social factor serves as a check on people's behavior. Arguments of "genetically inferior"
>>1928376 people don't hold as those individuals would simply die off.
No. 1928432>>1928446>>1928450>>1928454>>1929150>>1929160>>1929170
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We need to start taking crochet needles from these women
No. 1928447>>1928452>>1928468>>1928579>>1928598>>1931430
File (hide): 1710666853282.jpeg (462.36 KB, 828x1304, IMG_1691.jpeg)

This 11 year old boy was murdered trying to save his mother from her abusive stalker ex who she broke up with over 15 years ago and even got a restraining order against him. She had alerts set up because he was released like 2x already and would immediately go back to harassing her. On his final time getting released he broke into their home and attacked her. The little boy tried to help her because she was pregnant but he gets stabbed and dies. The mother is now in critical condition and may lose her baby on top of losing her son.
All the men in the comments are talking about how women (black women) are at fault and need to choose better men. Even though she did everything right and left him it’s still magically her fault that he stalked her and the system kept releasing him. Honestly don’t know how 21st century women from any race
Can stomach their male counterparts. A man can literally be the cause of a little boys death and the mom will still be blamed. Ladies please stop talking to men and just shoot on site.
No. 1928468>>1928479
>>1928447I've said it many times: a stalker is prime reason to wait and kill someone. Sorry if you live in a no-gun for law abiding citizens zone.
Your only hope (because men never ever get over women who reject them) is to end him when he steps onto your property. The police will do nothing; any jail sentence for stalking is short and only serves as motivation for him.
No. 1928478>>1928480>>1928488>>1928490
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>>1928237>>1928296One of the reasons I can't buy this is that I've seen plenty of women in poly or FWB relationships where multiple male partners are guaranteed but it never works out. The man is likely seeking a non-committal casual sexual relationship, while the woman initially believed she desired the same. but she ends up developing sincere emotions and the man fails to reciprocate those sentiments.
like this polywoman here, she desperately wanted a baby while her male parnter didn't. She found a random guy to be the sperm donor, and her husband genuinely doesn't seem to care either way.
No. 1928486
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>>1928480I can’t listen to her talk she sounds insufferable but this poly talk reminds me of this insane tweet I just saw
No. 1928514>>1928521>>1928522>>1928535
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>>1928488Here's another one then, clearly she found the best mates for her offspring.
No. 1928521>>1928545
>>1928514I really don't see how pictures of fat redditors mean that women didn't mate with multiple partners. It's men who have fanatically enforced monogamy throughout history.
>>1928515It's ironically very moid like to think dick changes you on some fundamental level.
No. 1928594>>1928596>>1928597>>1928615>>1928627>>1928884
File (hide): 1710680112073.webm (11.74 MB, 720x1280, 1664943616276.webm) [play once] [loop]

>>1928588either a possible troll or a poly loser fucking 3-5 mediocre-looking/ugly people and coping
No. 1928596>>1928604>>1928609
>>1928581That he's ready to counteract any potential cuckoldry?
>>1928588Where do you get this stuff, that suddenly it's Chad sperm, I said men anticipate getting cucked because their nature is to compete, not that they're all good competitors. Sperm quality isn't about genes it carries, it's about speed and size. They all try to increase their chances and all think they deserve a chance to reproduce even if they're literally retarded. It's a hierarchy so naturally some lose. Obviously a genetically fit man will produce fitter offspring, to use your analogy it's more like you sneak off to fuck Rainier and then lie to comic book guy that he's the father. Obviously it's optimal for all women to try to aim the highest, males try to counteract that.
>>1928594I never once advocated for it, I just said monogamy isn't natural for either gender and science reflects this.
No. 1928615>>1928794
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>>1928594God damn, that last guy looks like a Jasper jumpscare.
No. 1928621>>1928623
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It's all so tiresome, nonas. Fetish this and fetish that.
No. 1928623>>1928626
File (hide): 1710681679387.jpg (Spoiler Image,159.4 KB, 1940x1212, gooseworse-1418086958132174855…)

>>1928621gooseworx does have a shit ton of freaky fetishes. He's a mentally ill degenerate tranny deviant
No. 1928643
Sorry my post
>>1928637 was for
>>1928632 No. 1928733>>1928740>>1928817>>1928829>>1928868>>1929214>>1929427
File (hide): 1710687439750.png (465.74 KB, 660x596, V893G.png)

>Chinese Uyghur girl does a cutesy japanese inspired make-up trend
>clueless Americans: create an entire narrative around her being a self hating asian trying to be white
Being American should qualify as a form of mental retardation
No. 1928868>>1928894
File (hide): 1710697704386.png (1.71 MB, 1080x1988, 2lFn8XR.png)

>>1928733and this is what she looks like more naturally.
No. 1928921
File (hide): 1710700826806.gif (131.05 KB, 1059x95, Dontgetbaited.gif)

Ignore the amerimutt
No. 1929080>>1929087>>1929098
>>1929071Yes. Their genocide attempt failed. The whole purpose of genocide is to
eradicate what you're trying to get rid of, and they weren't capable of doing that, hence why there's still jews not only globally but also from Germany, the very place they tried to exterminate their Semite brothers from. Calling that a genocide like saying that Palestine is a genocide.
No. 1929087>>1929099
>>1929080Genocide just means mass killing with the
goal of eradication. It does not mean you have to actually, completely wipe out a race for it to be a genocide.
No. 1929098
>>1929080Holy shit, you’re so retarded. The Jewish population of Eastern Europe
was eradicated, which was the entire point of the “Final Solution” to the “Jewish Question.” That’s why most Ashkenazi Jews now live in America or Israel, not in Eastern Europe where they originally came from. It seems like you have no historical knowledge or understanding of genocide whatsoever
No. 1929099>>1929105
>>1929087>>1929092Yeah and sure they killed a bunch of people but around
60 million people die yearly, and only
6 million Jewish people (
5 millions non-Jewish civilians and soldiers also died but they don't count because they weren't the target) died throughout the entirety of the holocaust, which went on for about 5 years, which is only about 2 million people a year. Is that really that big of a dent in the population? Because numerically it sounds like its not. Especially when you factor in how there are still 16 million Semitic individuals in the world, which is about 6.5 million
more than there even were when the Holocaust started. I may not be a Historian or anything like that but the math on this makes enough sense to me.
No. 1929120
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>>1929105Are you sure about that? You think 5 million is the most deadly genocide in recorded history? Because the Turco-Mongol invasion would beg to differ. I wonder why the Holocaust gets so much more attention than the several other extremely lethal wars against oppressed groups.
(ban evading baiter) No. 1929214
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>>1928733Imo she doesn't even look that white, it's just basic kpop makeup. Some other Uyghurs look like they have close to no asian in them, like people from Afghanistan, Turkey or even more western european.
And this is how "arab" their region looks like, it would be nearly weird to see all stereotypical Asians live there. Most people just have no idea how far across the continent China reaches.
No. 1929355>>1929365>>1929393>>1929567
>>1929330And "those women" would be referring to women that crochet. Anons use of the word women and not a general "crocheters" or even "people" is very telling. But keep shaming women so that they no longer feel comfortable (creatively) expressing themselves
There are troons and males subjecting innocent women to their ugly, hairy, atrocious, CRUDE faces and bodies in literally any crochet community they can find expecting gooch licks and ass pats just for being males and ~twans women~ who crochet, but some girl on twitter making sanrio clothing is who the crochet "needles" need to be confiscated from. Sure. Not to mention those men usually are subpar, if not terrible, at crocheting.
Usually no posts on here bother me ever, but I cannot take this sort of callousness.
(derailing) No. 1929365>>1929391
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>>1929355I don't think OP literally wants those women's needles taken away anon..
No. 1929391>>1929550
>>1929372If crochet needles actually existed maybe you could, low-IQ mentally deficient beast.
>>1929365It's always "just a joke bro!" when someone shuts them down
No. 1929453
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No. 1929502>>1929508
File (hide): 1710744088672.png (306.77 KB, 542x358, tweet.png)

I should just write a book because I see so much discourse amongst men and women about men and women and nobody is putting the pieces together.
This tweet specifically made it very evident to me. So many women unable to express a very normal feeling in words, and so many men confused and angry.
So many women poisoned by libfeminism who can’t cope with how “sex positivity” and the misogyny surround it effects their sense of self. So many men saying “women irrational whores” and demanding the end to our rights. They’re all so fucking in the dark it drives me crazy.
No. 1929535
>>1929168we need gnc male representation nona
>>1929420of course he looks like
that No. 1929573
>>1929454I feel like in his head, he doesn't even think he's lying. He's probably one of those lousy fathers who doesn't really know much about their children, so he's just picked up on little things and made his own assumptions.
>>1929567I made that post and that anon isn't even me. All of this is over now, no need to drag it out.
No. 1929685>>1929688>>1929695>>1930142>>1930156>>1930992
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The way stn Twitter talks about musicians and entertainers is fucked up and pathetic. At no point should you be so comfortable talking about women you don't know like this, but especially in such a misogynistic way when they're already in one of the most toxic and dehumanizing environments of our time
No. 1929751>>1929754>>1929794>>1931342
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I hate these types of posts because you have all the people in the comments going "hurr hurr he dodged a bullet!" Maybe she dodged a bullet because who wants to date some manchild that plays a children's video game all day? Maybe it's a step up from watching porn all day, but does he have any actual hobbies?
No. 1930271
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I know that this is the 50th Palestine post here and believe me, I think most of them while naive mean well, but this one genuinely made me mad. If I knew this person in real life, even as a closer friend of mine, I would go up and ask them to stop treating this like some fantasy. because they are treating this horrific ethnic cleansing like the plot of some bad fan-fiction with their statement. Mothers and their children are not resistance fighters, they are women and children who never wanted any part in this. You can donate some money, write some letters to your congressman or even draw some cringe fan art of Shadow with a watermelon. but please don't comment on war and treat this like some meaningless flash in the pan issue in the West just to feel better about yourself.
No. 1930992>>1931240>>1931299
>>1930282>female majority hobbyGirl groups have always been for men first and foremost and only recently has that started to change, although the scrotepandering is still heavily present.
>>1929685Faggots and the faghags who copy them are extremely obnoxious with the dehumanising way they speak about women especially about the women they supposedly "stan" however it is true that it is extremely cringey and gross that a woman in her 30s is still pedobaiting.
>>1930156Faggots start seething the minute a woman doesn't pander to them and has autonomy over her creative direction and life. It especially pisses them off when a woman chooses to pander to other women instead of being a cardboard cutout "cunty yass diva mother" who gets all the hot moids they can live through.
No. 1931240
>>1930992>however it is true that it is extremely cringey and gross that a woman in her 30s is still pedobaiting.DA and agreed but idols don't choose what they do, say or wear. Even when Irene from RV got mad about her styling it just resulted in MUAs and stylists shittalking her which leads to less fans/less stocks/less investments. I remember reading from a music industry insider that MVs are advertisements directed at companies looking for a model to advertise a product for young people. The "face"/"visual" of the group gets pushed for screentime and then a company picks that idol to be the face of a product. And idols agree to this because they get the most money from product adverts. Like 300k–500k usd for one ad. Idols to me are like wind-up shop mannequins, just models that perform.
>Girl groups have always been for men first and foremostKek real I remember when a kormoid got mad that fangirls thought girlcrush/innocent/classy concepts were for them as fangirls and not for moids. His comment had a lot of upvotes too. Insane.
(kpop) No. 1931378>>1931407
>>1931329It’s sad to see her humiliated this way. It really doesn’t look warm where they are either. She always looks cold. He’s such a fucking sadist I swear. He has narc cult leader vibes like Roch Theriault or something. Just
loves humiliation.
No. 1931407
>>1931378Tbh she's not a trafficking or grooming
victim, no one would blame her for walking away and she knew exactly who Kanye was before this. I don't feel bad for her. She's getting a check, lots of publicity (like Julia Fox) and probably writing a tell all book after she leaves him.
No. 1931430
>>1928446I never understood why woman feel such anger towards other women for liking cute things or pastel colours in general, get over yourself.
>>1928447All this vitriol and anger a lot of black men have towards black women is just because they feel like they are stuck with the least attractive and desirable women, but also need them around for when they fail at having relationships with white/latina women.
>>1928579For real anon, i can't take this shit anymore.
No. 1931450>>1931474>>1932095
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>>1931329Another recent fit, it looks like her vagina is uncovered.
I feel so sorry for her… I hate that just because she's over 18 this somehow makes this okay, her eyes always look so desperate. At this point I'd wish for some random police officer to be brave enough to stop them and get them in trouble for public indecency. But sadly because he's a male celeb he can do whatever he wants. If she ever breaks free, she will do a tell all like Cassie and everybody will act uwu surprised how could this happen??? It's so tiring…
No. 1931491
>>1931474her father spoke against it in an article
>>1910212 which led to her covering up for a day. then i guess she just forgot about it?
No. 1932173>>1932589>>1932898
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lmao, I fucking knew this would happen.
No. 1932519>>1932522>>1932589>>1933428>>1934815
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The context of the original post was a a 9 year girl who was killed by her father for making a tiktok without her hijab.
No. 1932589
>>1932173what does the first one mean? like does she want people virtue signalling on twitter to name drop all those countries on a thread or something?
>>1932519people on twitter are so fucked in the head tbh, independent of what religion you agree with or not, you shouldn't be arguing over a little girl getting murdered and especially not going "ermmm whatabout the usa lol?" to victimize yourself and feel like the center of the universe
No. 1934032>>1934039>>1934124>>1934125>>1934126
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My favorite discourse right now
>twt users complaining about the ethics and expensiveness of door dash
>one user recommends buying frozen food instead to save money
>users claim they’re unable to as they have depression and anxiety
>claim buying frozen meals supports cheroot capitalism
>implying someone should buy frozen meals instead of door dashing takeout to save money is ableist and supports white supremacy
I’ll dump some of the best takes
No. 1934177>>1934190>>1934217
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>>1934161not a bit, there are countless of these types of twitter and many of them are also chronically ill munchies who have spent the last 4 years posting about COVID every day
No. 1934217>>1934223>>1934240
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>>1934177Can she not even make eggs on rice? How is buying fast food more helpful for that specfic intolerance when nearly none of the food used is fresh and have been frozen. Unless she's somehow only eating salad, in which case she's risking bacterial infection. And how does she make it to the door to pick up her food and then carry it back to wherever she eats it if she can't even make it to the kitchen?
No. 1934223>>1934226>>1934229
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>>1934217OP of that tweet apparently is completely bedridden and can’t even go outside on her balcony because of COVID air.
Now they’re saying that the people doordashing food are homeless and it’s their only meal in weeks, we are reaching parody levels of leftism
No. 1934240
>>1934217Literally one of the items is just… most fruit and vegetables. Why can't she eat those? Also, you can type on your phone/computer, but can't do "cooking gestures?" How does eating an apple require "cooking gestures?" They sell pre-boiled eggs, and eggs in a carton so you can just pour it into a bowl and make scrambled eggs in the microwave. If you're incapable of doing
those things, then you should be living in a group home or something.
No. 1935055>>1935878
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Why are men on Twitter always like "we obsessively only talk down about women as A JOKE you retarded bitch. We use women and their sexuality and bodies as a FUCKING JOKE get it theyre masturbating stupid cunt." LOL
No. 1935658
>>1935238I can definitely sympathize with being so exhausted and dizzy all you can put yourself to do is fast food but at least I don't pretend like I'm owed free food delivery kek. Even in college when I didn't have a kitchen and missed the time the cafeteria was open I'd just get an 88 cent noodle bowl and eat some fruit on the side or something.
And honestly? If you're struggling financially and the first thing you do with 40-100 bucks you get donated is to piss it all on doordash you deserve to be poor
No. 1936194
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This is the strangest discourse I've ever seen.