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No. 1629342
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On one hand she's right to call out these creepy moids for insinuating that women they hate should get an OnlyFans. On the other hand these gross creeps are literally the target demographic of her "work" because these moids get off to women being humiliated in porn. Porn is inherently humiliating to moids and no amount of "sex work is work" mantra is going to change that.
No. 1629599
>>1629342>Porn is inherently humiliating to moidslibfems seriously need to wake up already. under every other seemingly innocent selfie of a young girl would be comments like "she's gonna make one soon". Especially mentally ill or "alt" girls.
scrotes do not view you as human. From implying, and suggesting to coercing sexual slavery on you is what they do.
No. 1630938
File: 1689096410780.jpeg (638.06 KB, 828x1339, DB715F16-38E3-4791-9EB8-B50E19…)

This woman is getting torn by retards for her
TERF vest. From what I can tell the woman is a lesbian and participates in women speak events. No. 1630948
>>1630938i am not a
terf, but thats pretty punk, really cool
No. 1630984
>>1630966I get what you mean but it’s also possible she did it to try and get attention from other TERFs? I imagine it’s hard to find other lesbians that aren’t giving in to the troons
No. 1631076
>>1630938I didn't read the post properly and thought this was made by someone protesting the Women Speak event because of how cringey it looks. Jesus.
>>1630966Yeah this is just one big attention seeking endeavour. I'm a radfem leaning lesbian, but if I saw her in public, I'd avoid her like the plague.
No. 1631176
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>>1631138>>1631164it's the american suffragette flag
No. 1631598
>>1631176Huh, never knew the American's had a different flag to the green/white/violet one.
>>1631414Same. I hate that both the US and UK suffragette flags closely resemble gendie flags (non-binary and I think the other one is genderqueer). I know there's only a finite amount of colours, but I still think that was done on purpose.
No. 1632879
File: 1689274423270.jpeg (206.81 KB, 1080x1228, IMG_3392.jpeg) full context the person this faggot scrote is replying to is explaining that the reason women aren’t overly welcoming with men in most cases is due to the fact that it gets falsely misinterpreted as flirting when they are simply trying to be polite. Instead of actually listening to her points he retorts as if she is in the wrong for not owing these creepy men any more attention, but considering that he used to be mgtow his retardation isn’t a surprise.
No. 1635566
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No. 1635661
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Disgusting use of AI
No. 1635936
>>1635661I saw another tweet of this with that picture and the moid was asking "would you smash or pass" and it had alot of likes. Really disgusting, this was a random woman on the plane who went viral and now moids are sexualizing her without her consent.
You know I just realized something disturbing and this is from I've seen irl too and that's that moids absoluteley hate when women act sexual but instead love it when a woman isn't into them or is minding her own business so they can sexualize her or force their sexuality on her.
Men's sexuality is basically just defiling things,pedo tendencies, dominance, humiliation, pain,only wanting bodies not found in nature etc etc nothing to do with actual attraction and very different from the attraction that women have for men.
Because why would you treat someone you are attracted to this way, most men act like catty bitches towards women too almost like they're all closeted fags.
No. 1636751
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I hate twitterfags I hate normie women I hate all these retards that cape for men when they will never give us that same grace
I don't even think Henry Cavill looks awful now but that's probably because we romanticise ruggedness in men compared to women being expected to look like their 16 year old selves throughout their whole careers. By the /r9k/ incel definition, he "hit the wall". No. 1636759
>>1636751kek, for me he looks better than ever, losing his hair, amazing, I like bald man, gamer, nice thing, I like nerds, not trooned out by now, fantastic. What I find mostly annoying is that people won't let other people find someone attractive because they think that someone looks horrible. I think that, for example, Chris Evans looks like an unemployed dude that takes dogs for a walk while being too small taking too many steroids, still, there are women/men who like him and why not? It's not like he raped or killed people, so if someone finds him attractive I would never tell them to not feel that way. I also think that women that haven't done a lot of facial surgery look amazing, I like women that look natural. Look at Linda Hamilton for example, they completely blurred her face in Chuck, but I think she looks amazing, because she doesn't care and I think that's the best thing we as women can do, not caring and stopping to judge women for not being part of the beauty industry. Someone doesn't want to shave or get fillers, nice, bake her a cake, not insult her like she owes anyone having skin like a child for 70 years.
(I'm sry, I'm drunk, I might have misread what you wanted to say, kek)
No. 1636767
>>1636764wow ur so deep
nonnyanyways balding moids are disgusting and we should all cooperate to find a cure or make it illegal for balding men to go outside without a bag on their heads
No. 1636776
>>1636764>Anyway, no one compares to a beautiful blue sky on a cool day, we’re all ugly maggots crawling on the beauty that is earthnonna, I love what you have written and it's exactly how I feel and if I would be looking for a relationship I would ask you if you are single and need a girlfriend, kek.
>>1636767Why cure baldness? Sry, I like bald men more than those with long hair, it looks clean and nice and if they have an nice face you see more of it.
No. 1636907
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>>1636883Aint nobody looking at that hairline
No. 1636926
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>>1636760The context of the Cavill thing was that rightoid scrotes spent entire days gossiping and nitpicking about Margot Robbie's looks and insisting she's just average, so Cavill was used as the male version for satire
No. 1636933
>>1636926>DDsBarbie is pretty slim though, and why would she need to be sexual stimulating? Do men actually know what Barbie is and what she looks like, or do they just hear Barbie and envision whatever they think is the most sexually attractive? And I know DDs aren't that big
I have them so.. but people for ages have been using double Ds as a placeholder for really big titties so I feel safe in assuming that's what he means. Anyway, what he's looking for is porn, not a movie about a literal doll.
No. 1636935
>>1636933Samefag but also
>hollywood starlets can be beautiful but not too sexyMegan Fox, Angelina Jolie, Jessica Alba, Marilyn Monroe, Scarlet Johansson. Literally all women that are known for being sexy.
No. 1636967
>>1630948If you’re not a
terf then you’re retarded tbh.
No. 1637127
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>nb communist
of course
No. 1637159
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>>1636926>>1636751It's funny how shoe is mad at some random woman for not wanting to fuck Henry Cavill, but keeps quiet about a bunch of men insisting Margot Robbie is old/ugly and that Barbie (a children's toy) should look like a porn star "for accuracy".
You'd think being 30 and bald would tamper the pickme tendencies just a bit, but I guess that's the path she chose. Anyway, I think the OP of the Cavill post is actually being too kind. Cavill is an ugly square-shaped roided gorilla who escaped from the zoo. Even in his heyday, he really wasn't shit. I've seen hotter men just walking down the street.
It's hilarious how many women are
triggered by these sorts of statements about this man and rush to the defense of m'gentleman. Meanwhile, so many men sit back and call women hideous sub-6s for daring to have lines under their eyes.
No. 1637165
>>1636907This is a guy you sometimes see at your local McDonald's. His parents are meth addicts and he has a bit of a habit himself, but at least he knows how to fix a car. He drives a lifted truck, has vomited out the side of the window a few times and once pissed off a balcony. Kicked out of 12 bars, committed some property damage, has a warrant in a few counties. Domestic violence charges, but he promises he's a changed man. He's experimented with sexuality a few times while under the influence, but doesn't like gay men. Goes to Tijuana every 6 months to "party" (smoke crack and rape prostitutes). He's technically living under an alias and dodging child support, but he needs it to be known that the kid definitely isn't his, that whore baby-trapped him anyway, he was young and the court ruined his life. You know his name, not his story etc.
No. 1637229
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Nobody cares about your high school trauma. Grow up.
No. 1637796
>>1637229Being ridiculed for being feminine is peak male socialization, probably more than any other experience. Not every man I know did sports or was into leadership or whatever they think male socialization is, but I’ve never met a man who wasn’t made fun of at some point for doing something “feminine.”
These idiots think male socialization means that you internalize every message without resistance. It’s like saying female socialization to comphet and passivity isn’t real because some women end up lesbians or CEOs. Socialization is about what other people do to you, not how you interpret it.
No. 1638629
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My favourite thing in Twitter is weeb coomers who talk like Sephiroth, they're great to laugh at.
No. 1638720
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>>1638654He's such an emotional weeb coomer lel
No. 1639129
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"Too glamorous and striking for it to be true". So is he implying Bella has the beauty of a transgender because she is too glamorous and striking and natural women can't? Why can't they just say she's pretty and go instead of making it about themselves?
No. 1639628
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So this blew up on feminist/radfem twitter, and I'm wondering if it's odd that I don't see any issue with this(also people on twitter are really armchair analyzing her entire life and relationship). and I'm also wondering if these people were ever children. Like when I was a kid, my mother would drag us to these local south asian folk music gatherings even though none of my siblings, barring my eldest brother, liked it. But we went along anyway. Even then, she would complain that we weren't being "happy" because we didn't enjoy being there, but we went for her sake and I'd assume this was a very common experience for most people.
No. 1639785
>>1639628problem with these sort of stories are that they are one-sided. It's always hard to judge when you only hear one part of the story. I normally take the woman's side in family conflicts but the "I faked illness and curled up in bed" part sounds kinda dramatic kek.
I don't think draging your kid along to an event they don't want to go to is bad though. I'm gonna sound old but I think focusing on something boring for 2 hours can be healthy for some kids because it can teach them patience as long as parents don't regularly drag them along to these events I don't see the issue.
If the woman has partaked in her husband's and kid's hobbies then they could at least pretend that they wanted to go just to make her happy, but we lack so much context here that we just don't know
>>1639659>for all we know the mom was a bit paranoid over their reaction or maybe she downplayed it and her husband and son were straight up annoying her until she gave up.exactly. I know sensitive people who cancels plans just because it wasn't meet with the exact same reaction they expected and then immediately assumed that the other people didn't care. On the other hand I also know people who downplays everything that happens to them even when they are mistreated.
No. 1640554
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Imagine being as annoying as this racial-guilt ridden loser, like I thought this was some parody but nope he's 100% genuine.
No. 1640585
>>1640554took me so long to recognize who's in the pic kek
>jesus, only whities here, now that's slightly racist! let me quickly call my only black friend!should they also invite a poor person to balance out the wealth in this pic?
No. 1640679
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sooo much of twitter is just nonstop engagement bait and people feeding into it through QRTs. every twitter user should be given a rundown on what a bait tweet looks like and how to (not) respond.
No. 1640759
>>1640679I hate it when people criticize someone's talents just because they hate them as a person.
Ezra is a good actor and I kind of hate these double standards of people hating on his works or acting just because of his scandals or him being a shit person. There are so many male actors who have done horrible things yet they aren't criticized like this.
No. 1640810
>>1640759Ezra doesn't really seem to have a crazy defense squad online unlike his older contemporaries, or
online bots plus he was never really popular enough to construct a solid PR narrative and image based on his softboi art image before the allegations came tumbling out
On top of that, he was actually arrested and it made international headlines. But yes, he was talented, just seems drug fried these days. You're supposed to wait until like your 40s-50s to start acting so cuckoo crazy high on psylocibin, not 30
No. 1640964
>>1640810>Ezra doesn't really seem to have a crazy defense squad online unlike his older contemporariesthat's because his fans were mostly young women who are much stricter about holding moids accountable vs. male capeshit fans or older pickmes like deppfags.
but it's true that he was a great actor, frankly can't think of anybody young who's better than him as kevin.
No. 1641334
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Thousands of replies and likes for a screenshot of a reddit title, which itself is an incredibly basic question. Truly a new level of garbage content.
No. 1641571
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This shit is so fucking gay, this man is in his late 30's and he's obsessing over 20 year old hot young men having sex, Yeah sorry 21 year girl don’t want to date middle aged men.
No. 1641584
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this case happened in poland. its a video of a man shooting another man and then shooting himself in the head. this is the caption this dumb african moid came up with. the woman is the gunman’s ex and the guy on the ground is her fiance. men are demonizing the woman for checking on her fiance instead of her crazed retard ex who will rot in hell. im even more affirmed in my moid hate these days
No. 1641779
>>1641584What I find fucked up is how she kept screaming for help for I don't know how long but the person behind the camera was too busy filming this instead of calling the police.
Also I've noticed that African moids tend to particularly be very sexist and homophobic on Twitter. I use Twitter often and whenever I stumble upon some sexist and trashy tweet majority of the time it's written by a African moid.
No. 1641919
>>1641571From his twitter bio
>36 year old Babyface Cutecel that looks 16Kek
No. 1642111
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Elon musk is changing the twitter logo to picrel. Apparently the change is supposed to happen tomorrow. I only wonder if he's trying to kill Twitter on purpose or if his own ego makes him think any of this is a good idea.
>More changes are coming to Elon Musk's Twitter, as the billionaire owner of the site announced plans to replace the company's iconic blue bird logo with the letter "X."
>An interim new logo is expected to go live sometime on Sunday, Musk said, as he announced that the URL "" would now automatically redirect users to Twitter.
>"X will be the platform that can deliver, well….everything," Twitter CEO Linda Yaccarino wrote Sunday on Twitter.
>Musk has hinted at changing Twitter's name to "X" since last year when he was days away from officially owning the company. "Buying Twitter is an accelerant to creating X, the everything app," he said on Twitter.
>Musk's vision for an "everything app" has been compared to platforms like the ubiquitous WeChat app in China. No. 1642250
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>>1642111I don’t think it'll ever catch on.
No. 1642291
>>1641571Their misery genuinely bring me joy, hurry up and kill yourself
>>1642111He obviously gets pleasure from having the power to work people up, average internet baiter
No. 1642417
>>1642111>>1642396People have been claiming he's killing twitter on a monthly basis since he acquired it but has it really lost any significant amount of the userbase so far? It's like how people will claim FB is dead even though it literally has three
billion monthly users.
No. 1642423
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Yoshiki will save us from Muskrat.
No. 1642475
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Scrotes want everything to cater to the coom gaze even children's movies and toys.
No. 1642620
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>>1642475This is the real "Ken" look women want.
Not the dumpy one they put in the movies.
In case you were wondering.
No. 1642660
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>>1642475>desexualizedHow is Margot Robbie's Barbie desexualized? She has quite a few sexy looks on the movie and on red carpet / photoshoots related to it. They even zoomed on her ass in the movie.
No. 1642760
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>>1642660These really are not sexy. They're very cute, fashionable, and appropriate considering the movie is about a toy. Short doesn't equal sexy imo.
No. 1642811
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>>1642798It's not supposed to be "sexy" in all cases
But I do question why Kim was allowed to wear croptops to school
No. 1642899
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>>1642798No it's not, at least not on those outfits. A dress being short or something having a crop top doesn't automatically make it sexual. It's stuff that you would see on a real Barbie. I just don't see anyone getting sexually enticed by it.
No. 1642900
>>1642832She was a highschooler
By the time I got to middle and highschool we were having teen pregnancy epidemics galore. They forced khaki and polo uniforms on us
No. 1642904
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>>1642899Here's an example of what 00s barbies wore as well, at their "skimpiest". Crop tops and miniskirts
No. 1642920
>>1642900Yeah, a crop top on a highschool aged girl doesn't seem too far fetched.
>>1642911 Some of y'all are so weird and unpleasant
No. 1643126
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The copium is strong
ellen page makes me sad. she just wanted to be a tomboy.
No. 1643561
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No. 1643578
>>1643563Well what did you expect with
X Æ A-12's dad being the owner now? Kek. Fo real though they better change it because it's mad ugly. Hope the backlash to it will force them to reverse the decision.
No. 1643585
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>>1643561I half agree, like I really do think many of the great early scientists and biologists who figured stuff out were autistic to an extent but were using their autism for good, now 90% of them are obesseded with sonic lore or speed-running.
No. 1645438
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Why are they so obsessed with trooning dead people
No. 1645830
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3000 people liked her tweet. If there was any justice in this world all of these people would all by rounded up and executed
No. 1645946
File: 1690440627572.png (572.01 KB, 1194x994, Screen Shot 2023-07-26 at 11.3…) this from pixielock's retweets (of course) and is this not just infantilizing autistic people? A few of the qrt's are basically "when I realize that person is autistic, I don't think their behavior is annoying anymore". Saw one person even imply being devout to a religion is autism, cause they're relying on the church to navigate life and yknow, neurotypicals wouldn't do that!
Like jfc how do they not see the hypocrisy.
No. 1645963
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>>1645100>>1645923What are you talking about, the people of the Aztec Empire were different from the people that the Americans dealt with, it's like comparing Imperial Egypt to backward parts of Europe before the Romans, they had large scale agriculture, highly populated cities, methods of government, armies and organized religion, its how the Spanish took them over as quick as they did, cause they just replaced pre-existing feudal structures.
No. 1646009
>>1645946what is this person on. speaking from personal experience young people are just as capable of being dicks towards autists when they show symptoms. its clear that this person and everyone who rt it aren't autistic but just like the "young people are so progressive and gonna save us" narrative.
>"when I realize that person is autistic, I don't think their behavior is annoying anymore"I hate this shit so much. you should try to be polite towards anyone regardless if they are autistic or not. if they talk about something that bores you then just suck it up because it's basic manners. being rude is not going to make you look better just because the person wasn't autistic.
Also if a conversation is truely awkward or something then find a way to change subject or leave. This is also regardless if the person is autistic or not
No. 1646030
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I hate both sides involved in this.
No. 1646258
>>1645946outside of the "young people are will save the world" undertones, all zoomers know is what fake tiktok autism is like. Kids are still incredibly brutal, just in a different coat these days.
Anyway the infantlizing is exactly why many high functioning autistic women especially will refuse to expose being autistic even if it seems it could be beneficial. Autistic men thrive on getting babied and apologized for though.
No. 1646469
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>>1646382>You're basically calling the North American natives backwater retards compared to the Mesoamericans.No I wasn't, but they were less advanced in terms of state and methods of government and population
>Also it wasn't just the pre-existing societal structures that made the Spanish come in faster, it was the fact that almost every tribe hated the Aztecs with a passion and helped the Spaniards. They hated the Aztecs but they all followed a similar religion as them(one that had blood sacrifice but to a lesser degree) however Spanish had an easier time with the Aztecs was cause the Aztecs had an already established feudal system that the Spanish were familiar with, where local conquistadors(and later Viceroys) could take the role of the high-king and the people could stay in the same position, this made colonization far easier.
No. 1646909
>>1646799When will he run out of money to pay off all his lawsuits and dwindling twitter hosting fees
I'm waiting for the day
No. 1646992
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>Why white people don't want to be ally with us against racism?
No. 1647833
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No. 1647865
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Can you just watch the movie.
No. 1648294
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I want to beat up Elon with my bare hands. I'm seriously worried about the Asian artists I follow leaving twitter because many of them also left Pixiv or stopped updating their accounts there long ago. Poipiku also doesn't show any posts that require you to follow the OP or to be followed by the OP anymore because of all the changes with the API, which is also what some anons were saying about Nitter not working like it used to: No. 1648390
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That’s not what gender expression means.
No. 1648488
>>1648406I don't agree that males are not safe after 35 when compared to women, what science usually says is that both sexes have the best childrearing years at around 25 to 38.
It's certainly not teenagers, they are prone to risky behavior and mood swings that would result in terrible childcare/death of the child and their bodies aren't mature enough to give birth and it often results in complications. At least a teenage male would just ejaculate so he might even be more suited for reproduction than a teenage girl but you don't see women routinely thirsting after barely pubescent boys and it's not widely accepted around the whole world like men thirsting after 15 years old girls is.
I don't understand the male obsession with young girls, it doesn't make any biological sense.
No. 1648495
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No. 1648657
>>1648495yeah… but are they
actually women?? feels like when people say more and more women are getting into STEM/game design.
No. 1648829
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i hate the world sometimes
No. 1648913
>>1648879They can induce it in themselves through the use of a huge cocktail of hormones and constant milking. A man walked into a doctor's office and claimed he was feeding a baby his milk, they measured how much he produced (but not the quality or any health indicators of the infant), and off of that alone, the NHF declared that it's completely safe to feed to an infant as its only source of nutrition.
>>1648829They didn't even test it for drugs or the thousands other things that breast milk gives. We literally know that breast milk conveys proteins that help create a baby's inner clock.
No. 1650133
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being a homophobe complete with using a historical slur in a clearly derogatory manner is so woke and quirky when you put the word white in front of the slur
i genuinely don’t understand how “reclaiming” a historical slur is empowering in any capacity, reading tweets like this it feels like people are just starved to throw slurs around and will find any loophole they can for an excuse to do so.
No. 1650135
>>1649212I hate when they post gacha shit too but I like when people post their food, especially when they recommend restaurants I would like to go to once I visit Japan.
>>1649141Not always. The artists I follow don't hesitate to delete their art or lock their accounts if they're worried about plagiarism. What you said seems to apply more to Western artists who draw fanarts of popular stuff to then make prints and sell them in cons.
No. 1650204
i know that but we’re not wokies acting like we’re above everyone else and like we eternally have the moral high ground, are we?
No. 1650794
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she's right though.
No. 1650826
>>1650794That account doesn't even post delusions anymore, just stuff that
triggers the owner and his incel followers kek
No. 1652025
File: 1691000945244.jpg (721.23 KB, 2386x1836, HrqhkzOi6xrtiNwV.jpg)

leftist moids just waiting for a woman to say the "wrong thing" so they can unleash their full misogyny, mind you the woman they are talking about assaulting is a former labor party MP and a long time activist.
Also I always wonder how many of the people who advocate for "punching nazis and right-wing" would ever actually do it, especially if said "nazi" was a man bigger then them.
No. 1652473
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Stolen from ovarit. It never ceases to amaze me how men can always find a way to idealize other men, no matter the shitty situation they have created. The have to actively suppress the knowledge that from 2000-2015 almost every man under 40 thought he was way too special and important to ever get married, and children were an unthinkable burden that only a psycho bitch would want. Now all they ever wanted was a loyal tradwife and 5 kids, HONEST. It just didn't happen because REASONS. And ofc it's not like they have spent 20 years levelling up at work and saving for that family.
No. 1655185
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Faggots love projecting
No. 1656725
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Ok but did she have to announce her gross taste in men
No. 1656881
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No. 1656894
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>>1656887I was thinking the same thing, she followed with this.
No. 1657772
File: 1691494914138.png (174.74 KB, 646x685, capture.png)

This is why I really do loathe the term POC, cause it is a reductive narrow view of everyone's identity and history, I genuinely bet the artist isn't even aware that most Asians, Middle Easterners and North Africans all have this characteristic, are we "whites" then by his definition.
No. 1657784
>>1657772Send that retard a picture of Zinedine Zidane and ask her if he's white or
Answer: he's 100% a native African man. No. 1657938
>>1657772So white people after a shower are sweaty, while
poc are… still sweaty? But happy? What the fuck does this mean
>>1656881Even if this thing actually happened, a woman doing what only a woman can do in a female bathroom would be completely fine. If you're uncomfortable with periods being mentioned/seen in women's private spaces then you're a fucking man or a NLOG.
No. 1657950
File: 1691510314022.jpg (56.17 KB, 445x621, White_red_1.jpg)

>>1657938It means that some white people get super red after showers but some brown people get more blushed (for lack of a better term) or less red. I'm gonna be real and say I don't get the outrage over that tweet tbh. Obviously it doesn't apply to everyone but that's life.
No. 1657989
>>1657984The issue I had with the post was that is framed it as a "white people" thing and that us
POC's don't have this, when I know for a fact from experience that's bullshit, I wasn't angry cause of white people, I was angry cause I hate American stupidy regarding race.
No. 1658269
File: 1691527231983.png (59.14 KB, 652x238, capture.png)

I looked up Elon Musk vs Zuckerberg fight just for the fun of it and this was one of the first videos I got shown, it was two teenage boy fighting in a parking lot and one getting bodyslammed to the ground and visibly bleeding(I don't want know what happened but I'd wager he's dead or brain-damaged) there was no nsfw spoiler or censorship(even though I had that own) like what the fuck is wrong with twitter.
No. 1658300
>>1658269muskrat left up multiple graphic videos of the dead Allen shooting
victims for 48 hours and then called a journalist investigating shooter a conspiracy. those videos contained footage of dead children and a man next to his dead child screaming with half his face blown off. he doesn't care about gore on his platform
No. 1658669
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what the hell.
No. 1658689
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>>1658672You need to go eat something, those anons didn't even do anything…
No. 1658917
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>>1657886Do you….do you need a stepmother?
No. 1660819
File: 1691739703966.png (413.71 KB, 1065x695, Screenshot.png)

Imagine being so utterly "ironically" gay porn-sick, that you pretend an adult woman is an underage boy and think its "epic and hilarious", when you just casually admitted you meme'd yourself into being a gay pedophile.
No. 1660825
>>1656881>>1656894Assuming she did not just make up a woman to get mad at it's still very bizzare to just assume that it was a "
terf" freebleeding on purpose(?) and not an accident?
>>1657938exactly. this just sounds like someone wanting an excuse to go "eww period icky" without being called a misogynist
No. 1660827
File: 1691741692083.jpg (31.41 KB, 640x486, femboys-with-vaginas-v0-fz7ihx…)

>>1660819A weird intersection between pornsick misogyny and "ironic shitposting" where they cannot even admit they're just into women.
No. 1660842
>>1660830still weird as fuck of her to just assume "
No. 1660854
>>1660847Idk either, I live in a country where trashy slavs are common and their kids keep getting victimized by foreign men. Maybe their broken home structures and their families being less likely to be able to interfere makes them easier
victims. Though the trad stuff isn't true imo, I had a Lithuanian bf and neither him nor his male or female friends were trad although they were religious.
No. 1660866
>>1660854>Maybe their broken home structures and their families being less likely to be able to interfere makes them easier victims.Definitely a factor when it comes to IRL abusers
>Though the trad stuff isn't true imoI'm not saying they actually are but that's how Eastern Europeans are often stereotyped by terminally online western creeps
No. 1660868
>>1660866Yeah I agree anon, the stereotype is still believed even here weirdly enough. And yeah, there are irl offences in my country and I think their parents not being around usually puts them in more danger. I know married men who prey on slav kids that are younger than his own kids. Ive seen them attempt to rape teens and I've seen several of their women die on news because they dated these
abusive men and the
abusive men took advantage of them not having families to stick up for them. A woman for example was missing for two weeks while her foreign bf beat her up and trapped her in a hotel room but no one even searched for her, she only managed to escape when the man forgot to lock the door once and she needed several reconstructive surgeries for her face.
No. 1660875
>>1660868Poverty breeds desperation which makes people more vulnerable to abuse of any sort, pedos and traffickers prey on people who are young (inexperienced, emotionally immature, idealistic, dependent on parents = no power) and from shit homes (also no power) because they can't fight back and are easy
victims. Most of these kids grow up watching people in the West live completely different lives so it's as easy as a pedo telling them he'll buy them stuff. I'm sure EU Slavs have it a lot better but that's what it's been like for me and my peers growing up.
No. 1660876
File: 1691752666648.jpg (43.47 KB, 740x386, b5c8fa5120dc75f81016a4a1dfbbf6…)

>>1660866I have never heard of that stereotype, until recetly, I'm not western mind you but in my country we stereotype EE as cold, grey, filled with depression and old soviet era building crumbling apart
No. 1660909
>>1660854Lithuania is usually considered baltic rather than slav isn't it?
>>1660847>>1660854Rant but I kinda hate how people stereotype slavs and it never ever gets called out like most other ethnicity stereotypes get. What are the "slavs", like it means nothing when you use it like that, what nationality are those people? Some slavic countries are similar but overall we don't have much in common aside from maybe a few words and grammar (but you wouldn't lump Italians and Spaniards together culturally because of their similar language right?). Our cultural and genetic heritage is just too different, a Czech and a Russian and a Slovenian have very little in common. Not seeing a difference is just being uneducated, it's like saying Chinese are culturally the same as Japanese.
No. 1660943
File: 1691759903255.jpeg (505.62 KB, 828x1374, 288FD7D6-0AB8-45E2-B85B-D043F8…)

>>1660819>>1660843There's actually some context behind this particular post, there are some terminally online Indian and Asian men making these 'historical white femboy' posts and memes as a way to reclaim their manhood, I've seen a few of these posts/memes my self, they even have a few historical "black femboys" as well.
No. 1660977
>>1658300I don't know what made the
victims so different because there were genuinely disturbing amounts of people online and opinion writers from legitimate newspapers crowing about how it's a moral obligation to show that poor family's dying moments. With of course zero sense of respect towards the deceased and zero regard for their living relatives' wishes.
So so so many terminally online freaks only saw that family political props for winning arguments. Not as humans at all. I've never seen that sentiment be so widespread before.
No. 1661115
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>China introduces a frankly sensible policy on screen usage for minors
>twiter commies absolutely lose their minds
No. 1661247
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No. 1661296
File: 1691786919346.jpeg (731.71 KB, 828x1348, IMG_1760.jpeg)

two viral responses i loved to this whining moid. why ARE moids upset? i recall seeing a tweet from a moid under a tweet about sofia vergara’s 2nd divorce saying “this is why men would rather play golf instead of getting married these days”. this moid needs to play golf instead of finding womens tiktoks to get mad at
No. 1661298
File: 1691786991153.jpeg (712.31 KB, 828x1342, IMG_1761.jpeg)

>>1661296the second viral response
No. 1661300
File: 1691787067486.jpeg (586.74 KB, 828x1328, IMG_1762.jpeg)

>>1661298same moid whinging about another random harmless woman’s tiktok. these moids are so bitter towards women
No. 1661308
File: 1691787695411.png (190.23 KB, 594x683, funkpopminimalist .png)

>>1661300Did you see his excuse for hating on the programmer lady? He tried to spin it as if the issue was that she should have gone for a minimalistic set up even though if you googled minimalist computer setup, something like her set up but in white and grey would pop up. He is seething really hard. Moids are trying really hard to be sneaky and slick with this misogyny. You will never really read/hear them outright say women are trash or what not, they hide under the guide of satire or try to gaslight into thinking they were critiquing something else, whilst conveniently implying that men are innocent angels who will never do such things, engaging in consumerism is a big one.
No. 1661321
File: 1691788412859.jpg (152.71 KB, 1024x678, b8a90d75b304444b4ba0fc057c0af5…)

>>1661308>consumerist wasteDoes the original video pan around to a wall of funko pops or something? All I see is a desk, chair, headphones, keyboard, plants. Functional items. The average moid setup looks like picrel.
No. 1661323
>>1661173>After that, the CPC has plans for their alleged "actual communism". Who knows what that entails.Shutting China off from the rest of the world completely, basically. They're planning to take over Taiwan and their chip manufacturing business and completely isolate.
>>1661256Because those traitors are high ranking officials who probably have a ton of shit they can hold over the heads of people opposing them. China's entire system is based on corruption through and through. But in the big picture it doesn't even matter if some Chinese millionaire transfers their wealth over to properties in Canada, if the CCP really wants to freeze someone's assets they can do it immediately even if they live abroad since even now they will basically hold your bank account and investments hostage until you return back. They did it to Jack Ma and Alibaba because he got too cocky and spoke against the government's economical policies and was disappeared immediately with Alibaba being practically taken over by the government despite being one of the most profitable companies in the entire world at the time.
No. 1661435
File: 1691796123713.jpeg (117.57 KB, 1170x873, IMG_1979.jpeg)

>>1660825It’s just embarrassing to watch a grown woman act like a child over menstrual blood, calling it a biohazard (which it isn’t) and acting like it’s some uniquely gross bodily fluid that modern cleaning techniques could never hope to clean properly. I just don’t understand how these types of women survive every single month.
No. 1661444
>>1661435Well, blood
is a biohazard but it's not so bad that you cannot just use soap and water (unless you work in like a salon or a doctor's office, obviously). We've all had to touch period blood before, and it's not like we sanitize and disinfect our hands and vaginas after, nor are people with bloodborne illnesses doing that when they cut their finger or something.
No. 1661561
File: 1691805123424.jpeg (297.58 KB, 828x1362, IMG_1916.jpeg)

always a gay moid at the scene
No. 1661812
File: 1691821838130.png (472.61 KB, 650x828, Zvqt0bq.png)

>Your xenophobic and anti-Asian if you make fun of weebs
No. 1661869
>>1661812>>1661857ironic weebs are so sensitive they will never experience real bullying for being into taiwanese cartoons but they wanna feel the
victims anyways
No. 1662040
>>1661999but that's not driven by xenophobia or racism but rather this almost childish mentality that as RW gamebros are more and more into Japanese stuff, western game devs have to shit on Japanese stuff as inherently
problematic or too sexual compared to western games, which really ends up damaging their own image
No. 1662061
>>1662054Somewhat related to this on the issue of localization, English dubbing is also getting worse and worse, English dubs for 4kids and Funimation are no doubt a huge reason why a lot anime is even popular. the sailor moon and dragonball franchises would be as unknown as dr.slump if not for the original english dubs that were created to localize it, and there was a method to their process, Dragon Ball was made more "macho" and given a new rock OST, while for Sailor Moon sexual lines and innuendos were removed, but now as you said there's weird agenda pushing, where they try to sneak in their twitter politics or memes that will be dated with in a month
Dubs and character casting are getting worse, by far. There are so many whiny former theater kids. It's so goddamn unbreedable.
No. 1662083
>>1662061I didn't say there's "agenda pushing", I said they went in with an agenda. Meaning that they already have a bad opinion and want to validate it i.e. "this must be degenerate because it's made by Japanese people" and then only looking for more reasons to be offended by something they wouldn't find that out of place in a western-made game. I genuinely think that all those "ironic joke VNs" everyone was making at some point was due to the xenophobic assumption that a game format developed in Japan is a solely a silly porn genre since due to the major language barrier everyone in the US has been at the mercy of that "stupid Japanese coomers" narrative.
Also I don't know how you can say that there's "pushing politics" just now when in the American anime dubs of the early 00's they were literally editing crosses and Christmas trees from the scenes in order not to offend Christians, made Sailor Uranus and Sailor Neptune into "cousins" because lesbians evil, turned effeminate male characters into women because gays bad too and cut entire episodes out just to censor them. Those """twitter politics"""" are pretty rare in most anime dubs these days and that "non-binary hoes" line is already notorious and one of the only clear examples that I can even think of.
No. 1662099
>>1662064In the late 90's/early 00's it was openly accepted to hate the Japanese and make inappropriate ching chong nuke jokes about them like that. Over time that narrative morphed into "ackshually japs are disgusting because they're all talentless perverts" so it's really just a continuation.
>>1662087This flanderization of characters in the dubs happens all the time now and contrary to the "it's le twitterfags" thing I feel like it's more often than not localizers getting petty about characters they don't like personally so they ruin their writing just to make everyone else hate them too. It's so common with male characters popular with women in particular, you constantly see people making corrections about official translations in game dialogue for example.
I honestly get the logic behind removing the headpatting thing because it is a weird mechanic in such a seemingly non-sexual game and I don't understand why it was put there to begin with but it's 100% true that if a Japanese game included fucking a druid that turned into a bear it would be put on the spot and banned everywhere. Remember when Rule of Rose was absolutely eradicated from the west because some Italian gaming magazine was spreading rumors that the game was about raping and beating up kids or something when nothing of the sort happened in it?
>>1662094They really do sound like annoying overacting theatre kids, god damn.
No. 1662107
>>1662099ayrt, two points. One, the localizers being petty and being twitterfags put into two overlapping circles is basically 1 single circle. Secondly, nothing about the headpatting thing was sexual, or that out of the ordinary for the tone of the game considering the fact you can marry people off in the game including the player character. And then have children (that you send to war as one does). Basically every line Camilla says is more sexual then that minigame.
>>1662090Yes, it was one of the earlier implementations of Live2D. It's quite impressive how badly the localizers dropped the ball on FE:fates. I hate Soleil with a passion but what they did to her character to try to make her "better" in the English copies of the game is even worse somehow.
No. 1662135
>>1662128I'm guessing you're talking about American localization?
>they did away with most of the cringey and pervy humorHumor is subjective, if localizers decide to remove entire lines or scenes or alter the script to that extend it will always be a downgrade. If I don't want to watch an anime that has panty shots and fanservice what do you think I'll do? I'll just avoid it entirely instead of watching the anime and hoping that localizers will remove entire scenes. And that's what most people do as well so there's really no point.
No. 1662204
>>1662061I dont know if this counts, but the English localization for Final fantasy 16 is some of the worst in a long time. I still enjoyed Clive's english voice quite a lot, but the random f bombs thrown into the game felt extremely out of place in other wise decent dialog. I dont understand random stuff like that or pushing agendas a few games are doing now when they are localized in the states. I used to watch older anime only dubbed like Trigun, Cowboy bebop, etc, but now English dub for both anime and games have gone way downhill.
Everyone thinks they can be a voice actor now too since they all have tik toks.
No. 1662215
>>1662197You're right but it was already easy to spot inconsistencies back then. In my country stuff got localized before the US so we're not talking about the same anime exactly but it was easy to notice an episode lasted 15 or 20min instead of 25min because of the number of scenes they could remove sometimes. Or there was shit like Shaolan in CCS coming from China but being called Lionel of all things.
>>1662204Not surprised at all because my friend is a huge FF14 fan, she showed me how the English localization is utter nonsense compared to all the other languages and it seems like the localizers for FF16 are the same ones. It seems they removed and added random shit like Dion and Terrence being childhood friends.
No. 1663424
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No. 1664097
File: 1692003631763.png (431.95 KB, 598x860, Screenshot 2023-08-14 at 08-54…)

>be gay male couple
>publicly post your decision to use surrogacy
>act like a victim when people find it repulsive
How is this "hate" but gay men seeing women's bodies as incubators for sale not hatred? This is the same logic as the sex industry viewing women's bodies as commodities to be bought and sold on the market like a piece of meat. This has made the local news here and it's actual clown world shit.
No. 1664845
>>1664097call me homophobic, but gay men make me sick. They always like faggot
victims, when everything they do is stolen from women.
No. 1665025
File: 1692078130601.jpg (351.65 KB, 1228x1228, F3cqP9WasAA2xcz.jpg)

>Breadtubers dismissing a popular working class anthem just because it made one remark against fat people.
No. 1665103
>>1665025Sometimes I find myself getting annoyed by stuff like this too, but then I remember nothing calling itself the left in the core of the world-system matters.
The "left" in the United States refers to the left-wing of liberalism. (The same could be said of the right, albeit inversely.) These people are clowns, and should be approached with the same seriousness one would attend a circus
No. 1665166
>>1663424Muslim men (cavemen):
>Islam is the religion of peace and respect!! Of course women can study uwuAlso muslim men:
>Women aren't human and I'm going to make memes out of itI hope they all get decapitated, and then have their skulls raped by animals. That's all they deserve.
>>1664097I wonder why they always put two naked faggots and a baby as the poster children of same-sex parents and never lesbians… and even in these pictures they never include the actual mother, it's like they're not even trying to hide the fact that they hate women and the only reason they approaced one is to use her as an incubator for the child they will inevitably molest.
(I get it, but it's alogging) No. 1665902
File: 1692147735140.jpeg (263 KB, 1170x740, IMG_5099.jpeg)

>”terrified of sex”
exploiting women is bad
No. 1665937
>>1665902I have tinfoiled about this ages ago on lolcor but I have noticed that implying you must be a puritan or sex-repulsed for criticising sex scenes in movies became a common thing to do after the metoo movement and I doubt it's a coincidence. Lots of actresses spoke up about how exploitative sex scenes are and how hack directors uses them as an excuse to violate actors. So takes like that tweet feels like a psyop to switch the conversation from misogyny to sexual repression. A woman can say she thought a sex scene was odd and then a thousand men and porn sick women pops up and start ranting about how her mindset is dangerous because we shouldt make sex taboo yadda yadda yadda and these people are so vocal that no one gets to hear that the woman was actually worried about if the actor was harmed.
Full disclosure I don't mind sex in movies and art. It's a natural part of life and I do agree it shouldnt be made taboo. But many sex scenes are just gross and you can see the director only added it so he could have some actress he has a boner for act out his fantasy.
If you are going to add a sex scene in a movie then the actors
has to know exactly what the sex scenes entails and how nude they are going to get before they agree to take a role. Actors should be allowed to stop filming if they get uncomfortable and directors are not allowed to change the agreed terms of the sex scenes. I have read some instances where actresses talked about sex scenes that werent uncomfortable. Of course these instances involved female directors kek and had coaches(I forgot the specific term) that talked with both actors beforehand so they knew what they should do and what was going to happened. And of course they where shot in clever ways that made the sex look real while requiring as little as possible skin contact between the actors.
So sex scenes that doesnt violate the actors can be done, but it's
very rare and frankly I rather have that we never see a sex scene in a movie again than risk another actress gets assaulted.
>>1665929>who cares what people younger than you think about sexyeah its super weird how much these people seethe over younger people not liking sex scenes. They specially takes offence when a young woman doesnt like sex scenes. Feels like another psyop where they try to pressure young women into sex.
This tweet doesnt say it but several similar tweets often seethe about teenagers who hates sex scenes too. Even though it's completely natural for teenagers to get awkward or embarrassed whenever sex is mentioned. But these people are trying to tell teenagers that they suffer from religious extremist brainwashing that they need to unlearn just because they dont like sex scenes. Most people get more comfortable with the idea of sex the older they get so teenagers should be allowed to just be uncomfortable with sex without a bunch of adults accusing them for being religious lunatics No. 1666405
File: 1692207365559.jpg (350.59 KB, 1080x2458, XefhsheJKzGpAxM.jpg)

Muslim twitter is wild,like I don't even think these guys are actually racist they are just completely ignorant.
No. 1666815
File: 1692234569714.jpg (64.3 KB, 609x789, 4B5wSNK.jpg)

The hate against rachel zegler is so misogynist. I'm tired of people calling women narcs because they refuse to take the bullying. And rachel maybe a quirky theater kid but that doesn't justify the hate. The world loves taking women down a peg, while wanting us to baby men
No. 1666818
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>>1666815just disgusting, it's like their mad she's upset when they are literally bullying her.
No. 1666823
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>>1666818samefagging again, of course they have to throw in random women while insulting rachel too. This reminds me of the forced Anne Hathaway hate.
No. 1666902
>>1666861exactly, they think they have a right to project all their thoughts and use her as a punching bag but as soon as she reacts she's a narc.
also yeah she's annoying but being a theater kid isn't worth garnering mass hate. let alone calling a disney prince creepy when people have been making jokes about that for decades.
No. 1666905
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why do anachans talk like pedophilic scrotes
No. 1667364
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>>1666861>Like literally what even is the point? Shitty stupid people with nothing better to do and nowhere to direct their energy.touching the poop/cowtipping is of course unfunny and retarded but we are literally on a hate thread
nonnie, pot kettle and all of that. also "bullying" lmao maybe if it was a rando being doxed but she's a wealthy celebrity with security, i promise you she'll survive the mean tweets
No. 1667725
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the people who tweet/retweet shit like this are the same people who get nervous ordering a pizza on the phone
No. 1667744
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I've posted her b4, she's making a game with most of the voice talent from the MGS series now. She's constantly posting crazy shit like this, she needs to curate her online presence a little better.
No. 1668068
>>1665937Not even a tinfoil to me.
>several similar tweets often seethe about teenagers who hates sex scenes tooThey call them “puriteens” yes. We should’ve never taught men woke discourse buzzwords, it’s so obvious but I just wish they would be upfront with their degeneracy since women are so willingly gullible about them i guess…
No. 1668078
>>1668075Adriana Lima
No. 1668111
File: 1692314278972.jpg (Spoiler Image,158.65 KB, 1200x630, unnamed.jpg)

>>1666905Sorry to kpop post but I feel really bad for women like models and Korean celebrities because if they gain weight to have an average women's body, people immediately think they look "fat" in comparison to their old body and peers. And I'm pretty sure that pic of Adriana was post pregnancy too, so she can't even gain baby weight lest she be criticized.
No. 1668431
>>1668370>above average weightWhere do you live right now? Fucking yemen? Is there a famine going on over there? This sort of demented attitude is why stuff like this
>>1668430 happens. This is a healthy weight for a woman and a good weight to have a baby and anyone who isn’t a demented bonelord thinks so
>inb4 “fatty!” I’m 5’6 and 120 pounds so according to you, yeah. Enjoy your reduced lifespan, thinning hairline and osteoporosis.
No. 1668564
File: 1692362488208.jpeg (764.31 KB, 1513x1139, IMG_2268.jpeg)

>>1668431She looks beautiful but most people really underestimate what medically already counts as overweight. I live in central Europe. Again, she's pretty anyway. And calm down nona, being underweight is also not good.
No. 1668611
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Imagine justifying and mocking a boy being robbed and beaten cause you think he looks goofy
No. 1668646
File: 1692369256807.jpeg (136.68 KB, 634x951, lima cannes festival 2022.jpeg)

>>1668564in the picture you posted (her appearance at Cannes, May 2022) she's super pregnant. you're being weird or maybe you just aren't following her, but either way you're wrong, she's not overweight right now.
No. 1668651
File: 1692369381965.jpg (274.47 KB, 1192x904, adriana lima aug 2023.jpg)

>>1668646her vacation picture from today and a picture with katy perry she posted a week ago. she's not medically overweight lol
No. 1668680
>>1668658I want to give that poster the benefit of the doubt and assume they just don't follow her. the pictures of her looking bloated during pregnancy were very popular and can dominate search results.
sorry for derail, I thought I was in celebricows for a second to be honest lol
No. 1668888
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>>1666405Reminds me of this, I came across a nice story of a Nigerian girl who won some contest but the comments are an unironic tribal conflict between two Nigerian ethnic groups over her ethnicity, it's so wild and utterly racist, I don't even know what's going on but they were sharing pictures of mutilated bodies during this.
No. 1668902
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Why is Elon so retarded?
No. 1668912
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No. 1668925
>>1668912This shit is so retarded. If the original women speaking can tell the men and butch women apart, then why would they be "trans men"? You can tell who's trans, after all- right?
Tras can't decided what they even want to fight for.
No. 1668972
>>1668959Girl disliking a movie about an old hag character who attempts to kill a woman because she's hot and young and a weird prince whose love/kiss brings her back to life isn't abnormal. I'm sorry but no one has to like everything and I'm happy that the scenerio is being changed.
>>1668948 she literally did good advertisement for the movie by saying they've made the character stronger so people who would be less likely to watch it(like most adults who can see how stupid the story was) would give it a chance.
No. 1668986
>>1668974I'm not. Plenty of old tales about princesses are good because they don't have weird corpse kiss moments that makes most kids uncomfortable.
>>1668975I've always hated snow white as a kid because of it and I remember her being the least liked princess when I was a kid, this stuff creeps most kids out.
No. 1669312
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The kids are not alright
No. 1669470
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No. 1669564
>>1669552I wondered that too but I think nona just saved a screenshot that was posted by that account it would be funny if an account like that secretly hung out on a “bad” website like this.
No. 1669611
>>1669470Judy Garland was horribly abused in Hollywood. The
victim blaming is unreal.
No. 1669750
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No. 1670086
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>>1669979>>1668838According to Benjamin Franklin, only English and German protestants are white, everyone else is naturally swarhty including Swedish people.
No. 1670108
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>>1670086Benjamin Franklin was a fat retard irl shitposter. This is a fact his contemporaries would actually agree with.
No. 1670798
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This was regarding a video on how low-caste Dalit (untouchables) women were not allowed to cover up their breasts and faced fines if they did so. It was a form of humiliation, misogyny, and caste-based hierarchy aimed at showing these women and their communities that they were the lowest of the low and unworthy of covering themselves. and so of curse this user had to mention that the West is just as bad, even though no one had even mentioned the West.
No. 1670801
>>1670798Indians on the internet are kinda weird in a way because if you mention India or anything about it just once, they will swarm you and tell you how great India is/the west is bad, and oh, they will also tell you they are from India, of course.
Indians are like vegans or Arch users, I swear, even though they seem to be pretty ok besides that.
No. 1671043
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I hate trannies
No. 1672016
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I rolled my eyes so hard they almost rolled into the back of my head. Black women are always like this kek. Because the dolls have big lips?(global rule #7)
No. 1672246
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I don’t know what anything means anymore
No. 1672447
>>1672246she is saying that a sex repulsed person is someone who don't want to have sex. While a sex negative person is against the idea of other people having sex.
I think the third paragraph is implying that there is nothing wrong with being a sex repulsed because you are asexual, but it's wrong to be sex repulsed
and sex negative at the same time
No. 1672536
File: 1692674764574.png (55.09 KB, 343x327, Screenshot 2023-08-22 at 06.27…)

How do people write shit like this on their twitter/twitter bio and not feel immensely embarrassed at how brainrotted they are? I just scratch my head at this. Wtf does any of it mean?
No. 1672603
>>1672536that is a dissident right account. they are extremely annoying, gay and autistic
>>1672584 sums up that corner of twitter
No. 1674151
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So a few weeks ago, I saw a video on Tiktok video on witter featuring a very young girl, who looked about 13 years old with frizzy red hair and braces, smoking a bong and then making a creepy smile. I remember the comments, were loads of African men commenting (almost all of them had flags from African countries as well) and making weird but not outright sexual comments in bad English. It was really kind of bizarre and I assume this just a fetish thing.
No. 1674729
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What Did We Do to You to Deserve This?
No. 1675534
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>>1661298Super late reply to this, but the funniest thing about all this, is that the video wasn't from tiktok, it was from Douyin and made bu a Ukrainian girl who married a rich Chinese man and lives in China. She makes humor content for a Chinese audience.
No. 1676504
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Trump is back on twitter kek
No. 1676568
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Please no.
No. 1676680
File: 1692954524589.png (84.28 KB, 680x245, ee9.png)

>>1676568Calling anything and everything slutty is so fucking cringe, there have to be better ways to word whatever OP meant.
>>1676602True, that and the rise of "old man yaoi" is annoying as fuck. Get those disgusting moids off my social media feeds
No. 1676895
File: 1692974368614.webm (296.85 KB, 1280x720, 40356_2.webm)

>>1666405words that should never go together
No. 1676901
>>1676680>Calling anything and everything slutty is so fucking cringeCan I piggyback off that and express my hate for "girl-X"? Like girl dinner, girl math, etc. It drives me up the fucking wall that it's usually normal-ass women that make up these terms. Why are we causing our own segregation and second-class citizenry? TF? And the worst part is that these terms are used/created by grown-ass women who are all 20+, come on. I don't love getting older either but referring to yourself and things you do as "girl" at a certain point is cringe. Especially if you're doing it to show how UwU qUirKy you are and perpetuating the stereotypes that make us feel bad about ourselves.
Plus, trannies coopt and use those "girl-x" to validate their "girl-ness" and that's the biggest crime of all. I don't have a problem with sharing relatable stuff many of us do a la "#justgirlythings, but this feels different and insidious. It's performative in a way #justgirlythings was not.
No. 1677143
File: 1692993464669.jpeg (577.33 KB, 1170x1814, IMG_5116.jpeg)

>be mtf troon
>”I’m tired of men always dominating the scene”
No. 1677161
>>1677152my guess is that they know or experienced that they'll get judged extra hard as a woman, so before doing something new or difficult in front of a (male) audience they kind of joke like that to get on their good side and soften the blow in case they do something wrong
i was a volunteer firefighter when i was younger and while training for scba i was the only girl among over 50 guys. the entire time i felt this weird pressure that if i were to perform badly, i'd basically cause all women judged as weaker, slower, simply inferior, so i pushed myself beyond my limits. some women might react like this to hostile male environment while other women opt to give in to their negative expectations and at least get treated "nicely" (like a helpless child or pet) in return.
No. 1677534
>>1677152I see merit to that idea, but in my case she's just definitely a confident outgoing normie, honestly kind of a Stacy in a lot of ways. She's just a bit willfully vapid.
>>1677161This I can get more behind, though. Actually that's exactly why I got trained on said hazardous equipment, because my boss at the time who was training me on it saw me scared and struggling and said, "it's okay, I'll ask [male colleague] to do it." He wasn't saying it in a mean way, but I realized only men were trained to use it and I wanted to take one for the team. I tried again and executed my task perfectly in one go out of pure spite lol.
No. 1677624
File: 1693034169257.png (414.33 KB, 1080x2092, Screenshot_20230825-232657_(1)…)

>>1677554On that note, here's one cis woman caping for troons on the topic of transbians wanting more F/F content in fandom like the creepy fetishizing males they are.
>TIMs seethes how majority of fandom content are aimed towards the female gaze with a plethora of M/M content, calling such phenomenon as "misogyny" (because not catering to your girldick is literally a crime against you as a true and honest woman kek)>TIFs offended because they're shitting on their expression of being heckin valid gay transmasc men, and calls this kind of antagonism "terfy">troon in the bottom tweet cannot help his male socialization compelling him to mansplain to this TIF what TERF actually means "uhm ackshually terfism is when those academic feminazis bitches write mean papers about us!!!">TIF calls out on the TIM disregarding the OPPRESSION they feel, hence the qrt>TIM had to respond with "well we have it worse though!" proving the TIF's point>cue this Handmaidenest of all Handmaidens, Caper of TIMs to make this absolutely retardation of a tweet comparing straight women and TIFs enjoying and creating their own female gaze content while staying in their own lane to.. incel and right wing gamer moids threatening violence and rape to feminists My god! I fucking hate this dyke bitch so much fr. They are not even the same fucking thing! I've never seen a bigger handmaiden than this woman even though she's a lesbian. All her pages and tweets are constantly caping for the poor oppwesed transwimmin. It's actually fucking weird when you go on her page and all she retweets and talks about is the oppression of trans woman. Only Trans Woman. Fuck those trans men! Because "transmisogyny" is the biggest humanitarian crisis this century has ever seen guys
sobs How much of a gender traitor do you have to be that you're siding with literal males over literal females?? Holy fuck!
No. 1677641
>>1676901AGPs love using those girl x terms, so maybe it's a display of handmaidenry. I mean maybe these handmaidens copy the terms AGPs use instead of the other way around. Because this kind of language definitely became more popular around the same time troons did.
>>1677143As always, troons piggybacking off of genuine concerns actual women have and effectively discrediting those concerns, see
>>1677258 No. 1677654
>>1677624Let's see this Benjanun fellow.
>Constant tranny caping>Male aggression>Seething hatred and jealousy of FTMs >Autistic hyperfixation on anime lesbians and video games>A trapfag>Absolutely no selfies or any photos of their life everYeah it's totally a cis lesbian and not a larping scrote.
No. 1677681
File: 1693038131914.jpg (435.08 KB, 1080x2099, laura mixon report on requires…)

>>1677673Samefag, deleted and reposted screenshot of article. Sorry for phoneposting
No. 1677682
>>1677624It's such a retarded comparison on the level of it pitting game studios against fanfictions writers. Fanfiction writers owe nothing to anyone, it's literally a genre of people posting some shit they wanted to write in their free time. Saying "write your own" has never been more fitting than shutting up transbian coomers
triggered by cute anime men.
No. 1677704
>>1677691Oh, yeah. You could be right. I skimmed the Mixon report and it was all whisper campaigns, emails, and written threats so none of "her"
victims saw the real deal.
I haven't been to KF in ages and just going off memory, thanks for reminding me of that.
No. 1677825
>>1677624Does he not see the irony in talking about 'afabs' exactly like a seething incel while claiming women are the incels??
Anyway TIMs whining about lack of f/f in fandom is my absolute favourite thing. They all spent their teen years being typical scrotes watching porn and playing videogames while actual fangirls were learning to write and draw for their ships. I've never seen a TIM who's actually decent at these things and they're obviously jealous of all the women who are much better at it than them and get much more attention for their art/fic. Double if the women are lesbians or bisexuals who are drawing m/m instead of pandering to them.
No. 1678156
File: 1693076856601.png (345.67 KB, 599x1653, 112.png)

Good to see, twitter users have their priorities straight
No. 1678164
>>1677825>>1677827This is why I will always keep sexualizing my favorite fictional male characters. It's a great way to gatekeep TIMs in fandoms. They're the same people who would play FF games as teenagers who would call the main characters "gay" and "pussies" for being bishonen and having personalities beyond being unga bunga. TIFs are annoying as hell but significantly less. I barely ship any F/F pairings and the only one that TIMs got obsessed with is Bayonetta/Jeanne, so I'm glad that they seethed when
Bayonetta and Luka kissed and became a couple, they're a really good pairing too imo, good luck finding a TIM who ships Nana/Hachi for instance.
No. 1678197
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>>1678188Is this the nana you're talking about? Not only are they super conventionally pretty and young looking, it's also yuri-baiting. It's a pretty style but let's not act like the female characters are.
No. 1680030
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I hate this britbong coomer and I'm glad his coomer tranny friends are being exposed for being pedos
No. 1681200
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How can you type this out and not feel immediately disgusted as a "lesbian"
Her obsession with forcefem and the fact that she loves the company of other MtFs and is more sympathethic to their transwimmin experience more than butch TIFs who troon out makes me believe she's just a bihet calling herself a lesbian for woke points. Not the first time she's used identity politics to promote her work and get away with psycho behaviour.
No. 1681213
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>>1681200Found on kiwifarms so screenshot is old but yeah of course she's dated the ugliest and manliest looking fugly troon. Such a lesbian. LOL. Wouldn't be surprised if she's e-dated a bunch of her other gross troon sycophants too. Also found on Wikipedia:
>"2013, Sriduangkaew said that she had earned her bachelor's degree "some twelve years ago" and that she had not been fluent in English at the time" This puts her to be at least 22 years old at that time, meaning she must be at least 44 years old now. Imagine being a woman in your 40s and being this embarassing. Omg.
No. 1681467
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>>1681408I have noticed Asian TIMs unironcally spout this.
No. 1681903
>>1681503Being slighter with fewer European features doesn't make you less masculine. Once you get past the implants, facial feminization, and mini skirts the Adam's apples, boxy shoulders, large hands and absence of a waist-to-hip ratio become obvious. Ladyboys aren't so uwu small and girly when you realize that SE asians in general are shorter and smaller than most. The average height for a Thai moid is just 5'4".
>>1681508People had been clocking Nikkietutorials years before he was outed. He's over 6ft tall and has a low, masculine voice. His ability to pass for so long came from being socialized female by his nutjob mother and being fat. Fat men have higher estrogen levels.
No. 1681993
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pictures you can smell
No. 1682064
>>1682004John Wolfe would be such a miserable secret internet boyfriend. All he would do is complain about how he doesn't have a million subscribers and how stupid everyone around him is kek
He does charity streams where he dresses up as a female character when a certain goal is hit. Did you see the response video where he whinged about transphobia costing him subscribers because people mass unsubscribed after his Lady Dimitrescu cosplay? I thought he might troon out after that whole thing. Why do you think he won't?
No. 1682094
File: 1693355620694.jpg (349.33 KB, 718x1149, Screenshot_20230829-223145.jpg)

Yes I am sure she is weeping in one of her mansions that a troon got like 10 lines in the Barbie movie.
No. 1682161
>>1682146Yes!! He started growing his hair out about a year ago, maybe two? It even looked nice when he was keeping up with it, but it's been looking worse and worse lately. He and Kimmy don't seem like the kind of couple to have two kids (to me), so I think if he's going to troon, it'll be within the next few years. He's also been talking about how dissatisfied he is with his channel (and has been doing other videos to avoid let's plays), so that might be the midlife crisis that
triggers it.
Okay I actually just checked and the thumbnail in his newest videos shows his hair past his shoulders…
No. 1682169
>>1682162I'm not sure if it was an actual meltdown. An anon mentioned he's "probably partially peeved" about manly (and his peers) doing better than him.
>>>/snow/1802129Another anon mentioned he unsubscribed from manly "recently" but doesn't specify when
>>>/snow/1802460And yet another anon mentioned that his co-op channel with MrKravin was deleted with no archive, but he's still subscribed to MrKravin
>>>/snow/1802387Was there an actual meltdown on twitter or something that I missed?
No. 1682402
File: 1693391256621.jpeg (1.14 MB, 1170x1933, IMG_6187.jpeg)

>tranny in leading role
the troon barely appears (more than he should since he shouldn’t be in a barbie movie at all but still) and given that barbie is a by women for women i’m p sure jkr would be excited about it doing well since she’s a feminist
jkr lives in trannies’ minds rent free yet they’re trying so hard to paint it out as the opposite
No. 1682586
File: 1693409520431.png (21.5 KB, 591x247, Screenshot 2023-08-30 162950.p…)

I swear there's been a huge uptick in posts about IQ/eugenics, I never saw this kind of thing before and now it's everywhere, even though I've never interacted with that kind of content before. Seems like the kind of thing elon is all over so wouldn't be surprised if he was pushing it.
Though half of it like picrel comes off like the same old gifted kid trauma discourse repackaged for right-wingers.
No. 1683769
File: 1693516464040.png (197.9 KB, 582x816, cope.png)

Right wing twitter version of "former gifted kids". They failed because they were just too smart.
No. 1684201
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>>1683769Manifesto-chan's words stir within my heart. In short, eat shit stupid retard sex. Moids identify as smart just like their brothers who identify as women, they think their ego-fueled delusions should be treated as reality and have a mental breakdown/narc rage/delusion cope over the problem not being them when they fail at every turn and nature/reality stands in opposition to their delusions. It really is scrotes sewing vs reaping kek.
No. 1685168
File: 1693647178571.jpg (362.6 KB, 1218x1399, Ie8hhadxspZVCj.jpg)

Have Americans never eaten cereal mixed with bananas before?
No. 1685201
>>1685168putting fruit in cereal is very normal t. ausfag
just add strawberries and honey, it's the best
mind you that might be odd if your cereal is already sugar-packed and processed so I can see the confusion. twitter burgers be like WHAT IS THIS well it's cereal how it should be served not out of a box with fucking marshmallows and wood chips kek
No. 1685511
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I’m gonna be completely honest I don’t believe the “she popped out in 3 minutes with no tearing”…
No. 1685747
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Hope this isn't considered racebaiting but I keep seeing these tweets saying that only black lesbians are allowed to call themselves bulldykes or even just dykes which is funny because I've don't recall ever seeing a black lesbian get called a bulldyke (not saying it doesn't happen, I'm sure it does, but usually I only see overweight white butch lesbians with buzzcuts get called that, I certainly don't think of it as a racialized slur, most people refer to black butch lesbians as studs).
No. 1685818
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Guess the flag in this “lesbian”’s bio
No. 1685847
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>>1685818kek this reply to the tweet in question is gold
No. 1685901
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Redacted the graphic image of the young lady giving birth because that’s not necessary imagery to share, but 1) men are not wholesome 2) I really will never understand what is empowering about subjecting yourself to suffering and giving birth in an unsafe, unsanitary environment. I genuinely do hope that this whole “home birth” boom for sahm’s/tradwannabes does just result in happy, healthy babies being born and not trauma from extreme disaster.
No. 1685914
>>1685901It's so bizarre to me unmedicated births are being pushed onto women by claiming it's empowering . Like going through the most painful thing a human can do and denying something that will help you and your baby is now bad? It's like some moid psychop so they can get off to women in pain
For reference I've seen multiple stories of men forcing their wives to have an unmedicated home birth and then later admitted it's because they liked watching her in pain
No. 1686114
File: 1693734042720.png (521.16 KB, 600x1093, 1662912485181.png)

>pic of a cheerleader and football player making out
>random degenerate on twitter adds a caption implying cheerleader is a femboy
>TIM sand fujos join in projecting degenerate fantasies onto them
No. 1686190
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No matter how hard you pander to these people, nothing will ever be enough. Most of the quote retweets are even worse No. 1686491
File: 1693765153457.png (22.33 KB, 675x270, review.PNG)

>>1686190People are saying this is a
terf dogwhistle like a
terf would ever say their bar is owned by an AFAB and operated by queers. I looked on google and they were getting review bombed, but it seems like some people (and people who actually went to the bar) were leaving 5 star reviews to make up for it.
No. 1686644
>>1686190lol no mater how hard you try to be woke and inclusive they will always turn on women. doesn't matter how hard they self flagellate.
>>1686491they might as weel go full
terf now kek
No. 1686700
>>1686644that's why I am openly a
terf. it doesnt matter what bs snowflake language you use and how inclusive you are, they will always eat themselves and bitch at you. I am proud to be a lesbian woman and I will exclude men and cont to gatekeep.
No. 1686718
File: 1693779310791.jpg (174.2 KB, 1072x1101, F5EbymxXUAAxwMU.jpg)

>>1686682The owners actually didn't make the sign, an enby bartender did which makes this whole thing even more stupid. I saw people saying the bartender was trying to say "we're one of the good queers!" which doesn't make any sense to me. Idk, I don't get how this stuff works anymore.
No. 1686889
>>1686190It's like TIMs believe they are the only kind of kweer persons that matter. Why don't more kweer people realize that TIMs are just narcissists who want everyone to figuratively and literally suck their dicks, and stop supporting them? This kind of thing is what should peak people. But since they are both trans and 'women', they win in the oppression olympics and thus are allowed to say whatever they want without repercussions.
I hope one day the bar changes that "AFAB owned" shit to "female-owned"
No. 1687037
File: 1693803355010.png (58.17 KB, 699x298, Screenshot 2023-09-04 at 07.54…)

>Default primary custody to fathers to prevent child abusethis dude can't be serious. scrotes have rotten chimp brains
from this thread for context: No. 1687370
File: 1693838418246.png (1.51 MB, 828x2148, IMG_1697.png)

bieber stan having a normal one
No. 1687538
File: 1693848222956.jpeg (659.97 KB, 828x1282, IMG_3755.jpeg)

original post is a girl who collects animal bones or whatever. she said she found a dead stray kitten and moved it into a bush to decompose for a month to collect its bones. thats gross to me but ok whatever. the audacity of this degen retard to tell this guy that ppl like him are the reason why “humanity is failing” all bc he’s jokingly suspicious of this hobby while having the name “urtoddlergf” is enraging. her bio also reads “hard kinks no TW” and she proudly refers to herself as a toddler in her pinned tweet holy shit can she kill herself pls
No. 1687587
>>1687037If these rules were put in place, women would be even less likely to get married and the fall in marriage stays are caused by womens rightful reluctance to get tied to someone with no backup plan so he makes no sense.
These incels really would rather get literal government to make rules taking women's rights away so women would have to marry them instead of just going to gym and fixing their shitty personalities so women would willingly date them
No. 1687651
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do these people ever just shut up
No. 1687675
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Are we doomed
No. 1687881
>>1687516I'm well aware they're healthcare professionals, but the interventions of a midwife is not the same as a physician. And even so that doesn't take away what I said about home birth being practiced in many places around the world.
>>1687512Back then more women died in hospitals than at home with the midwife because the male doctors were pigdisgusting and didn't wash their hands in between touching corpses and delivering children. Sure she survived childbirth with a cesarean being in a hospital, but then she died less than a week later because of some filthy moid.
No. 1688746
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I wish this was satire
No. 1690346
File: 1694108098330.png (136.29 KB, 603x1094, Screenshot.png)

a few weeks ago this same woman was talking about how males should be killed en-masse and human beings die hand in hand and now she's going
>"divine motherhood is beautiful guys"
The readfem-to-tradthot pipeline remains undefeated,
No. 1690419
>>1690346>the ability to reproduce is what keeps men from killing us allokay so why do men not kill everyone sterile or post-menopausal? i hate men as much as anyone but this is retarded. it also shits all over the childfree like we're worthless.
that "divine maternity" shit irritates me because even a cockroach can reproduce. do something useful with your fucking brain and you won't have to gain your sense of self worth from the hypothetic ability to shit out kids for a psychopathic moid. men really are parasites though.
No. 1691576
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As a math student this shit makes me want to a-log
No. 1692284
File: 1694266128851.jpg (162.83 KB, 614x703, F5Xb4ZJXMAE1pV_.jpg)

prison abolitionists are insane.
No. 1692299
>>1692287Retarded virtue-signaling? Did anyone even mention
her specifically? The original tweet didn't. So why is she bringing it up as if people are using her rape/sexual assault as a specific example to put rapists in jail? Why do some women just come out of nowhere to defend moids like this, at the cost of other women's safety.
No. 1692304
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>>1692284This isn't even the worst prison abolitionist take this month btw, these are some people who argue for revolution and how all rich people should be killed.
No. 1692531
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No. 1692554
>>1692531Her attacker is probably some random guy who catcalled her while other women are asking for literal violent rapists to be put down, she's using her random experience to make it seem like most
victims don't want something bad happening to their attacker. She doesn't even say rapist because she probably wasn't raped.
No. 1692560
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>>1692542Close, they believe basically in that that whole 'socioeconomic factors forcing x,' but unironically, cause a French pedophile wrote that in the 1970s, after he made fun of a family for grieving their daughter getting raped and murdered and frequenting child brothels in Tunisia
No. 1692682
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Niche “radfem” twitter accounts are something else. also lmfao at calling yourself pureblood german when you have brown hair and green eyes.
No. 1692814
>>1692284i'm for prison abolition if that means we get to kill rapists on sight. true anti-state shit right there.
>>1692286you know, it makes sense. these are the kinds of people to apply terrible things someone's parents did to their own character. if your dad was known to have killed someone, if you don't speak out about it at any time you're reminded or asked, you're JUST as terrible for enabling your dad's behavior.
No. 1692880
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Lesbian is when woman wear pant
No. 1693671
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>>1692284>>1692304Its still going on, I really have no words, one of the articles mentions how "domestic violence intervention" was used against aboriginal and mauri people, cause they had such high rates of it, that the police would come and arrest the men and this "devastate" as these communities.
No. 1695956
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Why is this account still up? Funniest thing is that this guy is Indian or Latino. Can’t stand these brown right wing moids who make a career of slandering Africans
No. 1696274
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The whole account’s full of shit like this wtf
No. 1696525
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I can't believe this isn't a troll-post, gay moids truly are something.
No. 1700214
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There is just some downright evil and illegal stuff you can come across just casually browsing on twitter. So this zoomer radfem made a joke post about state-mandated slavic bfs (this was a parody of a RW moids post about Ukrainian gfs). Most people thought she was dead serious, and I was casually browsing the QRTs and comments, laughing until I saw this post, which was suspicious as hell. I clicked on the account, and it was filled with tons of photos of young boys wearing revealing clothing. Some looked to be AI-generated, some were illustrations, but many were real. It made me sick, so I reported it, but I wish there was a way to report this shit to the authorities, cause this freak for sure is a paedophile IRL as well.
No. 1700292
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>>1700214Also, this is what the guy on the right actually looks like, just some random tiktoker that she probably googled. Again, as a parody of RW moids wanting Ukrainian war-brides
No. 1700392
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No. 1700508
File: 1694977380853.png (283.29 KB, 604x786, happened.png)

So, I think know this is a problem with Twitter in general, but radtwt is just really bad at falling for clearly made-up stories on Reddit. Like, I know moids are well moids, but this is very obviously some kid doing creative writing, but radfems fully buy into it and will write whole essays on these made-up stories.
No. 1700937
File: 1695016085372.png (213.98 KB, 391x560, twitter.PNG)

Excuse the shitty screenshot, but I swear some of these people genuinely have a mental deficiency. Why are they acting like Ida B. Wells is some hidden, unknown figure? I feel like most Americans have heard about her at least once. Not to mention the republicans of the 1800s/1900s are not the ones we have today.
No. 1700965
>>170050890% or more of Reddit is made up stories. Most of the site is literally people telling each other the lie they want to hear.
Even harmless videogame subreddits are like that. This is why I stopped using that site long ago.
No. 1701170
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>>1700937Are they aware that until the mid-20th century, the American Republican Party was progressive and socialist-leaning? Most modern Republicans would probably call them communists if they were active today.
No. 1701197
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>finding Indian street food disgusting and unhygienic is racist actually
mind you, children in south asia get hepatitis due to these foods, cause the men wipe with their bare hands and only wash with water
No. 1701998
File: 1695147198870.jpg (171.2 KB, 981x1185, F6VtdrzW8AE9xSV.jpg)

>mormon tradthot complains about a lewd cosplayer posing in a room with stuffed animals
>turns out she herself has a Patreon where she sells pictures of her cosplaying as sexualized underage characters and wears maid costumes in a room full of stuffed animals
>her twitter account is full of racist shit, religious LARP garbage and insistences that slavery isn't "that bad", people just "don't know how to work hard"
I really despise these hypocritical tradtards. They're the same as the libfem e-girl cosplayers they hate so much, just fetishistic pickmes simpering for crumbs of coomer male attention and pennies. The only difference is that the tradthots hate themselves and other women (especially those of other races) and worship men so much that they push false, retarded ideology.
No. 1702095
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>>1702028>The problem is when they use their younger looking appearance to appeal to pedos by deliberately acting/sounding like a child and sexualizing themselves in such state. It's even more annoying IMO when those who do just that swoop in to accuse others of doing it. After looking at both their accounts (before the trad one locked), the person complaining about it being fetish content appears to purposely pander far more to pedophiles than the one she's calling out. She doesn't just happen to look younger, she actively tries to look like a child, edits herself to that end and cosplays loli characters. All this shit does is poison the waters so that any woman with
valid complaints will get lumped in with them.
No. 1702337
>>1702164Weebs, not all women that like anime. Work on your reading comprehension,
No. 1704058
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The video is 2 teachers talking about the decline in academic performance and behaviour standards in their students over the years. There were multiple quote tweets like this which is just nuts. I don't use the term echo chamber often but that's what these people are in.
No. 1705020
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>>1704661you mean shit like vidrel
No. 1705120
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Sometimes women can be so fucking stupid when it comes to moids
No. 1705190
File: 1695484029042.png (25.12 KB, 595x257, stupid.PNG)

Everybody in this screenshot I hate. If you have to do a baby night time routine (feed, bathe, sleep) to make your boyfriend stay home, maybe you don't need to be together. And everyone was in the quotes saying she drugged him. I guess melatonin is a drug now? It's literally just body wash and spray.
No. 1705330
File: 1695490306342.jpg (66.5 KB, 585x640, Screenshot 2023-09-23 102843.j…)

It's like women are taught not to have any standards, while men just want to feel oppressed in their persecution complex that being a man is hard because they need to make 3 figures. No. 1705941
>>1705120Every time I got too comfortable with a guy who I thought was ok, they would feel comfortable enough to tell me what fucked up thing they've done irl like one
sniffed his cousin's underwear while she stayed over, one
sucked the family dog's penis as a child, and another admitted to
jerking it to his other irl girl friends' Instagram photos (I don't have IG so I was safe. SO, I think I am ok not being friends with them.
No. 1707570
File: 1695697569838.png (2.65 MB, 2000x2000, 20230925_193903_0000.png)

Moids continuously inserting themselves into women's spaces where they don't belong and aren't wanted, and they wonder why 'terfs' get mad at them for doing shit like this. Saged for the Fandom screenshots that are in there, didn't want to spam the thread with a lot of screenshots so I just compiled them.
No. 1707677
File: 1695712640939.jpg (31.71 KB, 1080x341, Screenshot_20230926_001430_Chr…)

>>1707657I was mostly referring to one conversation in the compiled screenshots when saying moids, but yeah, a lot of spicy straight women in there too, going through the actual quotes there's just so much brain rot and TIM's using this to say "You're transphobic if you don't think men can be lesbians!" The whole thread is a mess and what's even funnier is OP's 'pronouns'
No. 1707941
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OP is getting dogpiled for this but she’s right
Twitter “lesbians” spend all their time talking about men (whether 2d or 3d) and “ironically” post about them romantically 24/7. Most of them just throw on the label while actually being straights behind the screen
No. 1707998
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>>1707941I assume that at least 90% of self-declared 'sapphic women' online are straight because many of them seem to identify as such solely for the purpose of identity, similar to the radfems second wave who fetishized lesbianism but were all straight in reality, picrel is Robin Morgan who still identified as a lesbian till the 2000's, doing the well known lesbian practice, of having sex with men.
No. 1708047
File: 1695754161976.png (198.83 KB, 1000x333, Relate genitally.png)

>>1707998another example of old school polilez cringe, this time from Mary Daly (highlights not mine kek)
No. 1708071
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>>1708047The funny thing about this academic idealisation of lesbians, is how many working-class lesbians tend to be 'male-identified' and 'assimilationist'. Lesbian women are statistically overrepresented in fields such as prison guards, security guards, and police officers. Regardless of your opinion on these fields, they are still occupations that systematically enforce the status-quo, sometthing academic feminists fight against.
>>1708061Its from auto-biography and yeah there are tons of parts that are unintentionally hilarious, like this scene with her son blake, who she tried to turn him into a idealised "progressive male feminist prince". She also took him to interviews with feminist colleagues, where he would have to give statements about patriarchy when he was 12. he also wasn't allowed to watch TV or read comics. Also his biological father was gay and ran a magazine called "The Effeminist and he was well-known for having sex with young men and so even though he attended a super progressive school, he was still mocked and teased because of his parents. Consequently, when he was a teenager, he rejected all of that, joined the baseball team, and did not spend much time with either his mother or father. However, they reconciled when he was older, and now he sponsors her boomer radio show.
No. 1708491
>>1707998>doing the well known lesbian practice, of having sex with men.My sides. Isn't it what the internet is? People identifying as what they aren't. Most users on lolcow are men.
>>1708047Gay and homosexual weren't and still aren't neutral terms and even more in her time. She isn't saying that anyone can be a lesbian, she is criticizing men labeling women and equating lesbians to gay men. Some of you really wants to be butthurt for no reason.
No. 1708567
>>1708562I agree with you, there's also plenty of gay moids I assume. But tbh the "most users of lolcow are men" statistic comes from an old hyperinflated poll from a previous admin, I wish the new admins could remake it
I also tend to think the most inflammatory anons must be either mentally ill or men (who are also mentally ill). The ones who I fight over minimal things or the ones posting obvious bait.
No. 1708714
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This has to be bait
No. 1708777
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no comment
No. 1709291
File: 1695906895367.jpeg (226.76 KB, 828x875, IMG_6343.jpeg)

kek moids are so fucking retarded and delusional. the likes…everyone on this planet knows that men are the most violent and homophobic creatures there are. they’re the ones who actually lynch and torture gays and trans but sure women are worse bc they call you gay on twitter
No. 1709540
File: 1695923254365.jpeg (528.52 KB, 828x1337, IMG_4399.jpeg)“Words can’t express how much this enraged me” I’d be enraged too if I was a piece of shit using the case of a child’s rape to further incite a race war. The black guy in the mugshot shown is from a different case, the actual perpetrator was a white male. We all know damn well the scrote who posted this doesn’t give a shit about that poor girl.
No. 1709551
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>>1709540>blue checkElon lets shit-tier racebait accounts like that stay up, but gets people banned for even just lightly disagreeing with him or his colleagues, or making fun of the babylon bee (picrel). He unbanned an account that posted a still from CP, too. "Free speech platform" for easily
triggered moids, shitty bot accounts and groomers lol
No. 1709864
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No. 1709870
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>>1709864I hate this old retard so much. They need to take away her internet access. Her and her followers are mentally ill and love to peddle this religious garbage especially at women.
No. 1710271
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>>1709864>>1710266There's a kernel of truth in her statement; it's just being twisted by her reactionary ideas. I do think an average person who lives their lives well and has the means to support themselves and their families is probably far happier and fulfilled than most celebrities. for e.g(which she might disagree with) is a 42-year-old debt-free celibate woman who changes tires for a living and has 2 cats is also worth more than most celebrities imo and probably happier with her self as self.
No. 1710339
File: 1696003644970.jpg (147.97 KB, 1846x568, Vdmlobbosj61.jpg)

Would you believe me if I told you this woman used to be a well-respected progressive feminist writer, and now he's chumming with right-wing nutjobs
No. 1710366
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>>1710349Well, it's not just feminist and radfems, this has been happening with a lot of socialists and communists these past few years. I'm talking about true believers who have dedicated years of their lives and are now praising Tucker Carlson and some going as far as calling him a socialist. I think it's just that since far-right is more willing to debate and give others a platform, it can seem like they are more sane they actually are.
No. 1710383
>>1710349>I sort of saw this coming and got my doubts about a lot of them sympathizing with right wingers and the "they're the only ones who give us a voice" excuse felt fake as fuck, This
Now even if I believe in radfem things I just don't want to be involved in any political movement ever
No. 1710562
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>>1710339She is interesting to say the least.
No. 1711157
>>1709864This is how you can tell that trads just fundamentally hate women, not "modern lifestyles" or feminist beliefs. They hate women out pure envy and a complete lack of self-esteem.
Beyoncé married a man much older than her, stayed despite being constantly cheated on, never divorced, and has three children with him. She is also very feminine.
In theory, that's exactly what trads should want; but they still rage because Beyoncé lacks the essential element of traditionalism and that is being subjugated. I assume a dog on a leash would be a better role model for girls according to this crazy bitch.
No. 1711322
>>1707998This is the most drying of the vulva "lesbian" content male worshipping spew I've ever read in my life, but the coping of the last paragraph is off the charts even for a straight woman. This was definitely written by a "male-identified" lesbian woman whom mothers children and regularly has sex with men as all lesbians are known for doing. The coping of "I'm objectifying men ackshually" is a dead giveaway.
>>1708047Wtf does this quote even mean, can someone break this shit down for me? A lesbian is a woman who is woman-identified who rejects loyalties to men while female homosexuals give allegiance to men. What does it even mean? So are female homosexuals not lesbian at all but lesbians are lesbian?
>>1708071This woman is just an insipid elaborately coping tradwife. "cultural imperialism" wasn't invented by themselves, absolutely delusional. The remainder of the passage is literally a racist white person being hyperaware of surface level foreign customs and Japanese culture topkek. She absolutely missed the point of why its not exactly progressive and sophisticated to be an expert of Shakespeare, Susan B. Anthony and whatever else pretentious and commonplace conservative eurocentric trad shit she's flexing over teaching her white washed child. Why bring up cultural imperialism then ensure your child gets a cookie cutter, "culturally imperialized" education while acting boastful and proud flexing about it? What a trip.
>>1710271The scenario you paint is completely based nonna, middle aged tradwives could never.
>>1711249Hey I know her! An anon mentioned her on the conspiracy thread she has a conspiracy podcast complains about radical feminism quite a lot because its too rigid therefore she takes a weak choice feminism stance with powerful arguments of "I want to shave because its comfortable and wear makeup because I like it" coping. Her critique of feminism and radical feminism boils down to "purity politics" of policing what other women do with the introspection and critical thought of a gnat, its burying its head in the sand and calling anyone who criticizes your retardation twitter cancel culture due to being terminally online. She has an interesting cope for being an anti-feminist NLOG which honestly intrigues me. No idea who the fossil she's talking to is though.
No. 1711332
>>1711322>Wtf does this quote even mean, can someone break this shit down for me? A lesbian is a woman who is woman-identified who rejects loyalties to men while female homosexuals give allegiance to men. What does it even mean? So are female homosexuals not lesbian at all but lesbians are lesbian?The idea is that lesbians are the ultimate rebels to the patriarchy because they don't have relationships with men, don't have offspring, and are therefore the most radical and revolutionary class of women. Now, some of the early radical feminists may have actually been genuine lesbians, but most were just fetishizing the concept and spent their lives as celibate straight women (which they should have called themselves in the first place) or were having random sex with left-wing men at that time. What's really interesting is how that idealization was very different from reality. Yeah, loads of lesbians don't take shit from men, but they are "male-identified" in that they are overrepresented (compared to straight women) in occupations like the police, guards, or construction, where they work with men and likely have to get along with them. They also reproduce and have kids, most are very regular women at the end of the day.
No. 1711382
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No. 1711426
>>1711332>but they are "male-identified" in that they are overrepresented (compared to straight women) in occupations like the police, guards, or construction, where they work with men and likely have to get along with them. Isn't this just stereotyping butch/dyke lesbians (presumably) as being pseudo/proxy men though like troons do? Males didn't invent construction being a "male" trade and they certainly don't lay claim to it. I enjoy renovation and strength training but am femme and not "male-identified". Don't troons and tradtards usually make the argument that there are preset rigid male and female hobbies and jobs one should religiously abide by?
>They also reproduce and have kids, most are very regular women at the end of the day.Except for being hated by all of society for being a "failed woman".
>>1711382>Many women imprint on themIsn't this a 4chan moid brainrot talking point? How did this idea manage to make its way into a pornrotted animal abusing womans thoughts on twitter?
No. 1711430
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>>1708071Funny story about Ti-Grace Atkinson,(the woman in the Vietnamese pajamas) was a radical feminist who advocated for violent revolution against men and said that all women should be Valerie Solanas. Well In 1971 a Catholic woman, slapped or attempted to slap Atkinson when she made vulgar remarks towards the Virgin Mary and Jesus. This one slap/attempted slap made Atkinson rethink her entire ideology on violence and sisterhood, that's how far removed many radfems were.
No. 1711530
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I need to know the amount of mental gymnastics needed to write "if a man has a vagina he's a woman" (and to think it's wrong)
No. 1711753
>>1711551uhhh what radfem logic? the entire basis if radfem logic is that biological sex shouldn't dictate anyone's interests, personality or social mores.
saying women who choose to work in fields traditionally occupied by men are "male identified" is basically the opposite of radfem logic. it's the sort of gender roles radical feminism specifcally seeks to eradicate. a woman remains a woman by birth, no matter what sort of labour she does or who she associates with.
also the absence pf femininity does not equal masculinity. a woman that doesn't shave or does manual labour or joins a male-dominated field doesn't seek to be a man. she just doesn't ashere to social expectations of female behaviour.
there absolutely are some women who try to be masculine but it's very offensive to call gnc women and lesbians male-identified. it's troon logic not radfem
No. 1711868
>>1711551>This is something that academic feminists would probably disapprove of and consider as working directly for the patriarchyWouldn't gestating and birthing the young of a male be more "disapproving" than wanting to keep the peace in a world infested with male violence since its working directly for "the patriarchy". "The patriarchy" is literally women who contribute to this cycle of male worship and maternal labor despite spewing about how heinous males are and calling themselves "feminists" like
>>1707998 and
>>1708071 passages in the picrels of delusional het women.
Also some of my timber floorboards are due to be replaced and I'd rather do the job myself than pay for a contractor. I guess wanting to maintain my house makes me "male-identified" but birthing a males offspring and having stereotypically female jobs/gender roles that appease males and fulfil feminine stereotypes doesn't, topkek.
No. 1711902
>>1711781>>1711753NTA, but it is radfem logic. Any lesbian, hell any woman who isn't a polilez is considered male identified to some degree in the first place. The way they seek to eradicate gender roles is by enforcing a gender neutral uniform by 70's standards, can't be too masculine or feminine. Both jobs that are more common with women or men are considered male identified, it depends. What some women who claim to be radfems because of anti troon shit say nowadays isn't what radical feminism is. If you actually read the literature, so much random shit is considered male identified and there's no way to win. The "personal is political" thing goes pretty far. Giving another woman a handkerchief is male identified if the person in question was originally a butch, but it's not if it's a femme. The femme is considered male identified for doing anything too feminine, because it's automatically considered pandering to males. The butch is required to adopt more feminine dress and behavior to compensate. It depends. Plus working in law enforcement is definitely considered male identified in general due to it being seen as serving patriarchy and capitalism, even if it wasn't such a male dominated field.
The topic of children is more divisive oddly enough.
No. 1712049
>>1711895Lesbian couples can have children, I wouldn't call this the same as gestating and birthing a moids offspring seeing as the women are the parents of the child and the moid is only being used as a stopgap till parthenogenesis kicks off, lel. Whether the child is mal or female isn't relevant, one can't choose the gender of their child anyway unless you mean like how people in China committed mass femicide. Assuming a moid is still somehow the parent is sick in the same way adoptive children aren't considered "real". Its delusional germline-led narcissism.
Having a child doesn't make one automatically male serving, the context matters. Putting aside your entire life for a moids child, for the moid themselves to prosper while you stagnate and are used for your body and labor, while humiliating and dehumanizing yourself in the process for the moid is far more patriarchal than simply fostering a child. Though I see little point if the offspring only has the DNA of one of the mothers and some random moid; at that point you may as well adopt but everyone is narcissistic of genes so there's little point to pointing the finger at a small minority of women who are compared to the behemoth of the remainder of the human race who care little for children unless its their germline.
>>1711902So there's no way to not be "male-identified" kek, good to know. The most hyper-femme lesbian is still more feminist than any political lesbian for not partnering with men. To think a woman partnered with another women (with or without kids) is somehow more male-identified than a anti-shaving, anti-makeup tradwife "political lesbian" is peak delusion.
No. 1712126
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>>1712113Reminds of Jo Brew, the head of Women’s Declaration International(the largest radfem organisation currently running) and is a political lesbian who still lives with her husband and their kids.
No. 1712164
File: 1696176299827.jpg (120.88 KB, 750x905, tumblr_ce13c0738ccee64b205aa07…)

imagine being proud not only of your technlological illiteracy, but also of being fleeced by a bunch of corporations. subscription services are a scam but they're too addicted to consooming to do that
No. 1712202
>>1712191studios and corporations make bank off streaming services, not artists. the recent strikes show that. creators get a minuscule amount of stresming revenue, if even that, and they're liable to see their shows being entirely locked away without notice.
Piracy is the sole reason some media survives because the studios who have streaming rights vaulted them without asking the artist.
most people who pirate shows do it because the streaming model is increasingly terrible in terms of user experience (no account sharing, ads on paid accounts, paying extra for exclusives, having to subscribe to 10 different setvices bc of exclusives etc).
most people don't mind paying for content if they're guaranteed easy access, a comfortable experience and no ads.
the inly wzy to stopi this current cinsumer-hostile, scammy subscription model is to stop paying. inform yourself on the current media economy instead of calling others stupid.
No. 1712226
>>1712220exactly. if copyright laws weren't so fucked and corporations weren't determined to give the worst user experience possibble out of greed, we wouldn't need piracy.
the way things are right now piracy is a public service lol.
No. 1712230
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>>1712164Not just the tech-illiterate, many zoomers are literally losing their ability to read and write as well
No. 1712237
>>1712164Torrenting doesnt even need technlological knowledge nowadays, I just got a download manager (to copy-paste normal links, it makes the download x3 faster) and with it you can download torrent files as if they were direct links.
(Yes I know leeching is bad, but isn't like I torrent more than once on a year)
And you can find pretty much any stream-only series for free by just typing it on Google, with a good adblocker and a pop-up blocker most of these websites are harmless.
No. 1713202
>>1712529Gender and sex was used interchangeably before trannies. Sex-selective IVF is illegal in my country as it is de facto genociding/discrimination based on sex that sets a pretty horrible precedent imo. It would be naive to think people wouldn't use it to commit femicide as they always have historically.
>>1712164Most Zoomers don't understand tech under the hood despite using it 24/7. Having some basic knowledge of debugging is a massive leg up as a zoomie and apparently also knowing how to operate such complex technology's such as WinRAR and Utorrent. You're not "30 years old" if you know how to use the internet (as if 30 is old and as if becoming older and therefore wiser and knowing of superior ways of acquiring shit is somehow an insult). Running a single line of code in PowerShell gets you full access to the Spotify PC client free of ads, pirating everything ever from PDFs of books, to APKs to videogames and movies without paying shit to data laundering, surveillance ad companies like Google is vindicating kek. We are owed free cloud storage by Google, we are tracked 24/7 by their GPS system across borders and across the internet. Being proud of tech illiteracy and paying out the nose for subscriptions like net neutrality never happened as a Zoomer is borderline luddite cope. Being a tech literate Zoomer with older siblings who taught you about technology feels good. This isn't a generational divide, zoomers can be tech literate and millenials can be tech retarded; it's laziness and affirmation of ineptitude.
>>1712556It's a problem in my country too literacy and numeracy rates are dropping and truancy is increasing. It's still being blamed on covid, 3 years later kek. The excuse media unironically come up with is all children and young people want to become e-celebs. I imagine like how autism suddenly caught fire in the last 5-7 years suddenly with antisocial gremlin children and adults as an excuse for their horrid behavior ADD will (if not already has), too.
No. 1714545
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No. 1714556
>>1714545This is legally sexual assault in the UK (rape by deception) and US states (all except 11) have a trans panic defense law (a subsection of this) but idiots online continue to give terrible advice to each other
No. 1714562
>>1713221You aren't owed technologies, period. There is talk of zoomers feeling as if they're "owed" technologies and entertainment on demand ITT and this is no different from that entitled thought. Choice feminism has killed all critical thought in you. Giving the population the option to choose the biological sex of their child is sick and twisted and not at all comparable with a woman aborting a down syndrome fetus or one with abnormal limb formation humanely. The logic of aborting a fetus because it's male can be so easily twisted and flipped on its head and used to abuse women and girls that it bares no need mentioning. Yet still
>>1713737 anon mentions this obvious reality.
>Would you still support the woman if her choice was to solely become a "boymom?" No. 1714808
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100k likes… at least i hope this tweet wakes some women up.
No. 1714933
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So this doll artist called Moonlight Jewel created a custom Lagoona doll with a redesign. Her doll is blue like the original and twitterfags are calling her a racist now because of it? Also blue is def the better color because its a better contrast with the pink outfit.
No. 1715254
>>1713737>Would you still support the woman if her choice was to solely become a "boymom?"yes. if a woman wants to abort a female fetus, she should be able to. no woman should be forced to gestate a child she doesn't want. abortion on demand means abortion on demand.
>>1714562this isn't a matter of what anyone is "owed," it's a matter of governmental interference in reproductive health matters. i don't believe the government should be allowed to intervene in women's reproductive choices. abortion is not abuse unless it's being forced on the woman (which i am obviously against). it's unfortunate that on a societal level this can lead to negative outcomes, but i'm not willing to restrict women's reproductive freedom for any supposed societal benefit.
No. 1715385
>>1715254But we weren't arguing if a woman "should be forced to gestate a child" we're arguing if they should abort one based on its gender. My country has very generous abortion laws but abortion predicated on gender selection is explicitly forbidden. Abortion should be "on demand" for
victims, of medical necessity, the mentally ill and/or children only.
You aren't entitled to this technology on the basis of being female as much as you aren't entitled to IVF and any other technologies simply for existing. Idiotic choice feminism has caused brainrot if you think every women ever should be entitled to horrific technologies like gender selection. We have an entirely different view of government which indicates to me that you are probably American since you are completely distrustful of abortion legislation regulation or from a moid theocracy. The government protects the right to an abortion for
victims absolutely with no to very limited life threatening limitations and for most women up to 20 weeks, which is a large enough window for a humane abortion in most circumstances. It should also be noted that most women who have abortions have them early and are in no danger.
Complete anarchy of the entitlement of reproductive control is selfish and cruel, hence why heterosexual women use the misnomer of "my body my choice" in choice feminism rhetoric. No one forces women to have unprotected sex with moids. Women who consent to sex with a moid know very well what they are doing and they know that this isn't about "their body their choice" otherwise they would not have sex with moids. They simply don't want to give up moids or see them as the problem and therefore turn to technology as a backdoor. The government also ensures these procedures are administered in the first place, unless you can safely perform an abortion on yourself kek. Little even have the knowledge of their own bodies and technologies so why would you trust yourself or people around you without government regulation? The unfortunate truth is you aren't owed an abortion, males will always prey on you, they will always undermine laws, undermine female autonomy and so you have to take precautions to avoid being in a position of victimization. You must hold them accountable instead of wanting complete and utter chaos to match their complete and utter violent male rape/sex obsessed chaos. Most abortions are not medically required, most are done so by heterosexual women who weren't victimized, who aren't in medical danger. The reality is, this could be taken away in the blink of an eye so why would you play a losing game in the first place?
No. 1715425
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>>1715385>You aren't entitled to this technology>Complete anarchy of the entitlement of reproductive control is selfish and cruelThere is nothing unethical about about taking a pill and removing a clump of cells. You are fucking stupid.
>More than half a million women had medication abortions in 2020 in the United States, and fewer than half of 1 percent experience serious complications, studies show. Medical interventions like hospitalizations or blood transfusions were needed by fewer than 0.4 percent of patients, according to a 2013 review of dozens of studies involving tens of thousands of patients.>A 2018 review by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine found that abortion medication ended pregnancies 96.7 percent of the time in gestations of up to nine weeks. No. 1715538
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This is so stupid
No. 1715558
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Giving the 'Spanish is a colonizer's language' argument for the Latino discussion is retarded, especially since it's not ever about the few actual indigenous people who still speak their native tongues (and should be respected and persevered), but rather a handful of American diaspora who can't speak Spanish and justify their laziness by invoking historical oppression.
No. 1715934
>>1715385>But we weren't arguing if a woman "should be forced to gestate a child" we're arguing if they should abort one based on its genderif you're preventing a woman from accessing abortion on the basis of her reasoning for doing so being "unethical" or "inhumane," then you are forcing her to gestate a child she doesn't want. it's as simple as that.
>Abortion should be "on demand" for victims, of medical necessity, the mentally ill and/or children onlyhow can you argue that you aren't saying women should be forced to gestate children if you're also saying that most women don't have the right to an abortion? it sounds like you think of pregnancy and childbirth as a punishment for women who have sex you don't want them to have. i also believe women should stop having sex with men, but i don't put ideological purity over the health-related decisions of the vast majority of women who want (that is, need) abortions.
No. 1716124
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when the dissident right failmales start to agree with the wokies because old white men’s patriarchy actually protects women too much pt. 1
No. 1716125
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and pt. 2.
No. 1716130
>>1716124>>1716125Men love liberal politics when it saves them from paying and leaves women to foot the bill for raising their unprotected sex trophies.
Cannot imagine why this man was cheated on /s
Sad to hear that female casewomen and admins are such naive pickmes, but I'm sure they welcome any male with open arms who claims to care about his kids versus the typical deadbeats they're so used to processing. Sad.
No. 1716138
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>>1716124>DMV shaniquashope those judges wrung him out for all he's worth
No. 1716860
>>1716130>raising their unprotected sex trophies. But they're the womans "unprotected sex trophies" too. If you don't want them it's easy; don't fuck men.
Idiotic libfems are men's right activists who support the abuse of women and children by pushing the idea that a rapist can be "taught" not to rape, and that male violence is a social problem and that a violent male can be taught not to beat others. It's no shock that they defend violent males equivocating them to humans(women). The old punitive scrote sees women as property and proper broodmares and therefore the child as part of the males property should be paid for accordingly.
The "ultra feminist shaniquas" see women as cannon fodder ergo empowered broodmares who's assault, torture and abandonment by males is a minor byproduct of the womans own "choice feminism" and "teaching men to behave". They see this as all apart of shattering the patriarchy by succumbing to the patriarchy and broodmaring then being abandoned by your brooder. After this, the male will be empowered to become a good brooder by shattering
toxic gender norms, and he subsequently won't be punished by forcing him to father the child properly, as forcing him to be a good brooder would be "enforcing the patriarchy" and is encouraging
toxic gender norms and "
toxic masculinity".
On the other hand the old scrote judge sees women as weak broodmares who's brood need to be paid for and accounted for since the male owns both his broodmare and his brood/offspring.
Both sides see women as broodmares who's choices are insipid and pointless, and therefore beyond criticism because they're doing what they're designed to do; broodmare a males offspring.
No. 1716972
>>1716901Yes? liberal feminists advocate for troons(mens rights), mens rights to coom and womens rights to sell themselves and make masochistic decisions of their own bodies through "choice feminism". They are stealth MRAs and one side of the coin of womens oppression, they outright lie about male biology and gas light society into believing male violence is socialized. I'd argue that liberal feminists have more in common with MRAs due to their insidious effects. The other side of the coin being tradtards who are fossilised conservative moids who aim to protect womens broodmaring as they will never not see women and children as property.
Am I wrong? This is the typic liberal feminists see women as public property and conservatives/tradtards see women as private property expressed in legal form.
No. 1717272
>>1715385>But we weren't arguing if a woman "should be forced to gestate a child" we're arguing if they should abort one based on its gender. My country has very generous abortion laws but abortion predicated on gender selection is explicitly forbidden. Abortion should be "on demand" for victims, of medical necessity, the mentally ill and/or children only. Why? Women should not lose our right to bodily autonomy because of the ultimate sin of hurting your feefees by touching a peepee. You've pedaling misogynist trad talking points. Rape exceptions don't work, since proving rape takes fucking years and most
victims don't report. Medical necessity has no actual definition and results in women being forced to go septic before being allowed abortions. Aborting pregnancies of mentally ill women is a violation of their rights and reeks of eugenics, and children are still forced to give birth under anti-choice laws.
When women are forced to give birth, their lives are in ruin. They lose careers and career advancement opportunities, are stuck with debt from the pregnancy and birth, are saddled with childcare, and suffer the absolute indignity of having their right to determine what happens to their own bodies stripped from them. You're playing right into the hands of men who want to subjugate women, though I doubt you're smart enough to pick up on that.
No. 1717584
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does this feel misogynistic to anyone else or am i just being a crazy harpy
No. 1718163
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kek a family, a gym, some random steak, and also a second secret family!
No. 1718251
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Tell me I'm not the only one who thinks this is a really weird way to talk about a kid?
No. 1722497
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old milk, but still disturbing
No. 1722553
>>1718176I encourage all men to be this delusional. It just means more 4/10 scrotes blowing up the one undeserved good relationship they get with a woman way out of their league, because she is a lazy 85 pounds instead of the hard working 79 pounds they deserve.
>>1718251I'm glad for every inappropriate, obsessive woman who doesn't breed. It's one less kid hauled to look at dicks at drag shows, or pimped out at drag shows.
No. 1725223
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Implying moids driven by their need to coom is a good thing is such a retarded take, also is she implying that the Wild West was a good thing?
No. 1725362
>>1725223Gross, does she realize how disturbing the implications of her statement are or is she too focused on the "muh sex work" dickridding?
>>1725339Ikr?? They could be investing time and braincells on something useful and positive but no, they rather defend human trafficking, abuse and the porn industry I guess, these people are beyond fucked up
No. 1725836
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I just know a moid probably posted that, but always gotta add terf narrative for more hits!
No. 1727486
>>1725863Screenshots are sent to these gimmick accounts, they don't screenshot the tweets themselves
>>1726967Prostitution and porn are banned in all communist countries kek I don't get it
No. 1727635
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>gay scrote says something dumb
>quote tweet saying women should be killed gets 140k likes
No. 1727917
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i don’t think disney releasing a movie about rape is a good idea
No. 1729291
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No. 1729399
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>>1727917>>1728765Ares x Aphrodite is vastly superior, and it will also make Incels seethe as a bonus.
No. 1729425
>>1729291Calling little girls sluts because of football.. dumping all of that
toxic industrial waste into Thames is still showing in the Y chromosome I see.
No. 1730207
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Apparently this is not a for-sure thing and will only be tested in New Zealand and the Philippines, but he's still retarded
No. 1730209
>>1730207Samefag but really what I don't like is how Elon acts like he figures out all this shit on his own
>It's the only way I can thinkYou literally have hundreds of people working for you, even after firing like of the most twitter employees.
No. 1730645
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No. 1730679
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Women r doomed
No. 1730700
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>>1730697Same anon but this Shikkaru is a woman in a lesbian relationship?! Internalized misogyny moment, probably surrounded by men
No. 1731521
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No. 1731555
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>>1731521>white TERF>"evil white woman privilege">black TERF>nothing but racial slurs>Hawaiian girl wants a trans pedophile to leave her alone on Tumblr>more racial slurs, hence picrelTrannies put more emphasis on women's races than a KKK member.
No. 1731562
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>>1731555Samefagging, because this is a
twitter hate thread, I decided to post a screencap that's relevant.
No. 1732069
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>Palestinian family doesn't want Taliban supporters in a pro-Palestine rally
>QRTs are filled with Muslim(mostly south asian) dispora men calling these people Liberals and saying how only the "Islamic Ummah" can truly liberate Palestine.
It's all so tiresome.
No. 1732071
>>1731562>truthIs this troon openly admitting that
1. he knows he's a man LARPing as a woman
2. he's a racist /pol/fag tier piece of shit?
No. 1732073
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>>1732069The account with the handle 'Xavier' is a major cow for ex-Muslims cause of his retarded takes, and even other Islamists make fun of him. He embodies every stereotype about South Asian Muslims. He's an Indian man with bad facial hair and an unfortunate face, who is really into the concept of Islamic identity and "Ummah". Just a month ago, when a black woman shared her experiences of facing restrictions in Dubai, he commented, 'We don't tolerate Western degenerate behavior.' Again he neither an Arab nor has he ever been to Dubai. He simply comments on every issue in the "Muslim community" with full confidence, and they constantly clown on him. And he absolutely deserves it, but it's bizarre when someone fails to realize how much everyone hates them.
No. 1732101
>>1730721>beatrice is the ennouch witchholy shit i didn't know this. I've never read Umineko but wanted to do it for the longest time. I guess the fandom is completely infested by troons now, the wiki is full of troon-friendly language like "assigned male at birth" and "gender dysphoria" as well as calling an obvious male "they". To top it off it turns out that Beatrice
is the product of an old scrote raping his own daughter in typical Japanese moid VN fashion, it's no wonder so many scrotes and especially trannies are attached to this VN.
No. 1732339
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>>1732073also he posts memes like picrel unironically.
No. 1733919
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The evee is the only good part of this tweet. The replies were other gay men saying they also like stank.
No. 1734174
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I hate Islam so much.
No. 1734352
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>>1734174btw here's her eternal award If she converts, I'm sure everyone here is familiar with the famous 72 virgins reward for Muslim men but there's actually a reward for women as well
>“And round about them will be (served) boys of everlasting youth. If you see them, you would think them scattered pearls(indicating they will pale skinned)”This isn't a hadith either where Muslim can claim that it's a matter of debate, This is from the Quran and in the Quran it states that the reward for Muslim women is being served by pale skinned ageless beautiful young boys.
No. 1734737
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How can you be a pro-trans "radfem" and also have an edtwt?? These people are insane LMAO I hate edtwitterfags so much, why hasn't twitter banned these retards already
No. 1741870
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of course, it’s always the same with these tards…