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No. 1860057

previous shits of those dumb of the ass: >>>/ot/1853574(use the catalog, there was already another thread)

No. 1860181

It took me a second to realize OP photo's not Light Yagami

No. 1860187

Matsuda best boy.

No. 1860191

File: 1705603648150.jpg (185.27 KB, 1021x1013, 1698280826418646.jpg)

Why two threads?

No. 1860196

Double the dumbassery

No. 1860199

woah. one for each cheek.

No. 1860200

Oh, naive child.
The reality is that you study hard AND get a low wage job.

No. 1860228

What would you name opposite gendered twins? (This is for sims, I'm not sourcing names for real life flesh children from farmers lol)

No. 1860235

do you guys think actors who play romance will have hookups and roleplay as their characters while having sex

No. 1860238

joke's on me, I studied hard and got a low wage job kek

No. 1860243

I caught a creep taking pics of some girl's butt in the bus, fortunately it wasn't me but damn i can't begin to imagine how much easier it got for them after the smartphone became commonplace.

No. 1860264

File: 1705608502278.jpg (73.99 KB, 735x894, 1000015292.jpg)

Looking up gender neutral names on pinterest and seeing this… What the fuck lmfao. Who the fuck voluntarily wants to be called 'nibling' ? And we already have a gender neutral term for mom and dad… it's parent. I'm getting too old for this shit.

No. 1860278

Half of these sound like STDs

No. 1860286

I thought some of them sounded like cleaning products

No. 1860287

How can Ren be applied to say mom/dad? the fuck?

No. 1860295


No. 1860299

i feel like gunt is a gender neutraL trerm

No. 1860306

I'm eating pumpkin soup while watching a horror movie. Life is good.

No. 1860315

File: 1705611680723.jpg (230.28 KB, 812x1024, wondrous (sophie a.).jpg)

mfw when i realize i can block pt and snow using cold turkey but still get my female friend (although anonymous) fix by using ot

i love reading the posts of other nonnies and posting about small things that make me happy too! and i dont know why it took me so long to realize there IS balance!

the gossip boards are really bad for my mental state and make me susceptible to mindless scrolling. ot lets me pop in, read and share a thought or two, then go on with my life.

No. 1860327

Speech impairmentcore

No. 1860333

I've only been browsing all the off-topic boards and while this place can get catty and stupid with the infighting it's much better. the cow threads are honestly the worst part of the site and they've slowly been getting worse with the total lack of information archival and upkeep and proliferation of retarded nitpicking. plus the ana-chans lurk around in every thread calling normal people fat and it's annoying

No. 1860341

Are there any other flying objects that are round-ish and cast bright light to the ground, other than the obvious?

No. 1860344

Weather and/or spy balloons?

No. 1860345

mom/dad=parent, son/daughter=child, brother/sister=sibling, grandmom/granddad=grandparent, godmother/godfather=godparent, girlfriend/boyfriend=partner, fanboy/fangirl=fan???? they claim that normal people pointlessly gender things but be fucking honest people already use gender neutral terms all the time, they just have to invent new pointless words to feel speshul lol

No. 1860349

I've heard nibling in the mid 00s when they are pregnant but not sure on the gender but the rest, tiz, sounds dumb af

No. 1860353

i'm watching the mamamax exposed videos, the fact people even took him seriously in the first place is wild, his ugly ass thumbnails, how he'd instantly turn into making gross, "i'll sexually humilate you" shit to other moids when he was mad at them. The weird voice, kek. It's so weird.

No. 1860355

this has to be satire, gave me a hearty kek. Sprong and lairde are my favs

No. 1860370

So true

No. 1860382

I'm going to be customizing some clothes for the first time since high school, so excited!

No. 1860395

same nonny

No. 1860397

the voice irritates me so much. i can imagine him sitting in his room recording the video and then enhancing his voice through a software kek. he’s such a try hard and i’m not surprised he got called out for his shitty behaviour. he can rot

No. 1860447

I wish I had your experience, /ot/ is making me feel worse than the cow boards. I might have to leave permanently.

No. 1860454

What threads do you frequent on /ot/?

No. 1860486

>Caln = King/Queen
This has to be bait. There's no way. The word monarch is right there you can USE IT

No. 1860525

File: 1705631383312.jpg (104.24 KB, 864x612, 20240117_205908.jpg)

There are only two prerequisites to unironically enjoying nightcore and they are 1.) Be underage or 2.) Be super autistic. There is no exception.

No. 1860526

That image scares me

No. 1860533

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No. 1860539

Anyone else keep getting suggested videos of that vietnamese woman dating a german guy?
Im getting so sick of seeing her first on my insta and now shes on my youtube

No. 1860544

My friend told me she listens to nightcore and shes pretty normal and goes to parties and stuff so idk how that happened

No. 1860545

Yeah, I think its because I watch the shorts about the American girl x Italian guy. The way people talk about him is weird but I think he's cute, I doubt his personality is anything like that in his native language

No. 1860547

Like one or two songs here and there or frequently? Aint never seen a bitch who totes around a bunch of nightcore hits be anything but aggressively autistic

No. 1860550

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I love nightcore specifically S3RL ("youre my poke girl in this poke world, i won a gym badge but you won my heart")

No. 1860551

thats not nightcore thats just rave music

No. 1860552

And that is valid and acceptable but you have autism

No. 1860554

File: 1705633011433.jpg (182.38 KB, 959x1675, 20240118_215637.jpg)

I'm scared!

No. 1860555

No. 1860557

Haha silly men.

No. 1860559

Secretively. Ive never seen her do it in public or even in front of me.

No. 1860572

File: 1705634165957.png (1.09 MB, 1333x745, it's time.png)

No. 1860586

is this real??????

No. 1860590

I like how there are two #165 dumbass shit threads

No. 1860592

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No. 1860604

i would fuck Light for 3 days straight
I say that i would fuck him because i know he wouldn't, autistic gay ass

No. 1860607

what the fuck is the point even

No. 1860608

We already use the term monarch

No. 1860618

i don't. how do i know which thread to use?

No. 1860622

this one obviously because the threadpic is cuter and dumber

No. 1860623

use this one when you're angry and the fairy cow one when you're happy

No. 1860628

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No. 1860630

What manga is this? It’s a nice style

No. 1860632


No. 1860636

File: 1705636317811.gif (1.04 MB, 275x275, 1678200490786.gif)

well, it's Death Note…
i know that no one cares about him but i'm sure that Matsuda enjoyers would find Souichi from RahXephon cute too so i'll throw him here

No. 1860637

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Who else has seen this man's tweets and feel like you're in a generated simulation every single time you see his videos. I wasn't totally sure he was not a man with downs being held at gunpoint to post until I saw his cameo

No. 1860639

that anime is forever tainted by yandev

No. 1860648

File: 1705636860192.jpg (342.54 KB, 805x649, 419028.jpg)

fuck yandev! i found out about his old cringe nickname just some months ago, moids ruin anything anyway it's just a matter of time
he can only wish he looked as pretty as picrel

No. 1860656

hello yes85667@gmail.com

No. 1860659

File: 1705637594491.jpeg (44.68 KB, 749x846, IMG_8825.jpeg)

>23 minutes ago

No. 1860661

Currently obsessed with these videos where they cover modern(ish) songs in dead languages

No. 1860664

these are awesome.

No. 1860666

I love hearing the sound of old-English, I really wished it stayed around instead of the bastard language we ended up with.

No. 1860669

You can blame the French for the current state of modern English kek

No. 1860672

there are only handful of languages in this world as inconsistent as English, Czech, Maltese, Vietnamese e.t.c but English had to be the world's global language.

No. 1860676

Another Old English one for emosisters. Most of his videos seem to be in Latin with a few other languages sprinkled in.

No. 1860678

whats a dream you gave up on

No. 1860685

bottom looks like onision

No. 1860686

I forgot ehentai was a site and now I want to forget again

No. 1860687

it's great for artbooks

No. 1860691

When I was a kid I wanted to be
>fashion designer

in middle school
>manga or cartoon artist
>voice actress

in high school
>medical industry ala nurse or doctor
>gossip reporter

>graphic design
>criminal justice

No. 1860693

I know they have non hentai stuff but I have catholic amounts of guilt admitting I ever used that site kek

I'm not even really into anime anymore but it holds a certain… memory for me

No. 1860695

lol anon what kind of shit were you into?

No. 1860696

Honestly i'm fine with those sites but i never understood something about hentai doujins and manga, do they seriously have to scan physical copies of them to upload and translate them? Are they actually sold physically? I can't bring my mind to imagine it, but these things existed before the digitalization of everything

No. 1860697

becoming a programmer or engineer because i am too retarded

No. 1860698

they have existed for decades and japanese people still hold physical comikets

No. 1860699

their tagging sucks, i blame them if i had to scroll through even more disgusting content

No. 1860700

probably acting or being a famous singer

No. 1860701

Living or having a romantic relationship with a man

No. 1860702

samefag i meant living with a man, i am not suicidal okay

No. 1860703


No. 1860706

I'm excited to get lipo

No. 1860707

File: 1705639557604.png (92.19 KB, 863x583, 3018371032_02.png)

I'm sweating but I made it.

No. 1860708

Being happy

No. 1860709

Doujins are usually sold at cons in physical form IIRC, scanned and found by translators online. Sometimes artists publish nsfw art directly to pixiv but most doujins start off in physical form.

I feel like Japan and East Asia in general has an obsession with consuming and producing physical media. Just look at the amount of versions j-pop / k-pop CDs have and the prominence of physical record stores.

No. 1860711

I want to order food but its a snowstorm right now.

No. 1860712

Is everywhere having a snowstorm right now

No. 1860715

Idk how to play this but I'll download the app and try

No. 1860716

thank god, i am so tired of not owning anything. Look at HBO pulling out shit out of their catalogues just because.

No. 1860717

not caring about being happy or not seeking it out is the first step to real well being

No. 1860718

Being a good artist.

No. 1860720

My coworker was raving about this one painter on instagram, and pulled up her work to show me. It was thoroughly mediocre but I tried to act impressed. Then she backed out of the post and onto the profile of the artist, revealing that 95% of the posts are the artist posting stud thirst trap reels of herself KEKKKKK. Then she quickly closes the app and nervously says
>”anyway idk what all that is about though hahaha”

No. 1860722

Not OP but it's easy, you just match colored tiles. I wonder if it's possible to clear the whole board if you're really fast.

No. 1860723

Doesn't that make kind of sense (outside of the degenerate hentai content) though? They would just have more things to sell and maybe it works there because they're more used to it, while here we rely more on cracked stuff or maybe don't usually care that much about the creators or artists and just want other kind of personal items

No. 1860725

Piracy is also important for this reason. Showtime yanked a bunch of their content like HBO did awhile back. But if you know where the pirate sites are, well…

No. 1860726

File: 1705640124465.jpg (16.28 KB, 275x275, 1591142012645.jpg)

>Becoming a musician
>Become a computer programmer
>Being an artist or a good one at that
>becoming a fashion designer
>Having a "dream" career
>Being pretty and getting a glow up
>Having a romantic relationship with a moid
>Being extroverted, socialable and having a lot of friends.
>Becoming a Veterinarian
>Running a successful forum

No. 1860727

File: 1705640229521.jpg (34.99 KB, 735x679, 21fa67c2ebf8ad2d24869448e6a6df…)

i was trying to find that parody of Blooby where the gay twink gets reverse raped and found it on a hentai site and made the mistake of looking at the other parodies, inshallah scrote-only disease wipes half of them off the planet.

No. 1860728

I don't care if you couldn't become one of those things nona, you sound fun and sweet

No. 1860730

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I'm so slow lol but its fun lmao

No. 1860731

Congrats nonnie thats crazy

No. 1860732

70s movies look really good. All movies should have piss colored tint.

No. 1860733

i think i know who you're talking about, glasses with a black haired neck length bob right? and i think recently maybe, she did a face reveal for her boyfriend and he was ugly ofc and she made another reel of him pretend crying and pouting and she pretend comforting him with some caption above like "when my boyfriend's face reveal comment call him ugly". the bf is somehow so tall and yet fat and he's super hairy i remember.

No. 1860738

being a fashion designer, i'm lucky if i can end up even a seamstress now

No. 1860743

Thank you ♥ Please don't laugh but I spent an hour every night practising kek

No. 1860744

I hate pedos and lolicons for ruining the term cute and funny. Those are a perfectly normal sequence of words that have been tainted.

No. 1860745

File: 1705641122994.jpg (82.86 KB, 900x661, 20240117_022334.jpg)

I know we hate men here but all of my work husbands have been unmarried 38-45 year old kind of weird but humorous men and it has always been the best dynamic I have ever had at work ever. That's the only thing I could miss about work. Getting the job done super fast with some dude built like donkey kong and then fucking around the entire time. Nothing evil about it. There was one in particular I really vibed with that one replaced the coat hanger in our closet with a suction cup dildo and it wasn't removed for like three years and every time I see one he's all I think about. Now he's got no hair on his head and smokes weed alone every day bothering nobody. Some men are ok.

No. 1860746

actually understanding french because the french seem mean. maybe there is no point in continuing.

No. 1860748

do you mean it in a general way or is "cute and funny" actually ruined by them in some specific way that i'm not aware of?

No. 1860749

The phrase cute and funny is used by pedos to refer to little girls, real and 2d and is often shortened to "cunny".

No. 1860750

I'm sorry but they all sound super annoying and unattractive.

No. 1860751

dont let them win you retard

No. 1860753

the dildo weirdo sounds like a sex pest

No. 1860754

oh shit I spent years thinking cunny was just slang for cunt or vagina


No. 1860756

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what the fuck
Same?? Not that it made much sense anyway

No. 1860758

It's mainly used in weeb spaces; I used to be interested in vtubers a couple of years ago and spent a lot of time on /vt/. My mistake.
I get that but it's annoying to be looking at my cat and thing "oh she's so cute and funny" and then be reminded of lolicon degens.

No. 1860759

Moids don't know english, here's a proper translation to understand what they actually want to say:
Makes me forget about my useless existence

There you go, you can use cute and funny agaiin nona, not your fault if moids don't know how to express themselves

No. 1860760

it's also used by the pedos on /tv/ whenever they posr child models/actresses

No. 1860763

It technically is. The say the loli pusc is a "cunny" and it evolved to cute and funny as code. Also same with any man who knows "it tastes like salty milk and coins" or whatever that phrase is

No. 1860764

They weren't. They weren't loud, obnoxious, rude, etc. They were literally just normal people having fun. Otherwise I wouldn't have tolerated them.

No. 1860771

It’s so good for art books and the like but damn does it have endless amounts of degeneracy, and sadpanda is worse I just hate moids.

No. 1860781

>"it tastes like salty milk and coins"
I never understood this and I've been lurking on moidchan since forever

No. 1860782

File: 1705644694830.jpg (1.13 MB, 4096x2731, 20240119_011135.jpg)

Extraordinarily fuckable neckussy

No. 1860783

why doesnt my mom just hang up on this fucking faggot

No. 1860784

A girl was raped by either an uncle or her father icr and he distributed cp of her, a lot of it I think?, and in one video he forces her to fellatio him that's what she said. I really hated typing that by the way

No. 1860785

RED light therapy reversed my brain damage

No. 1860788

Holy shit I did not know that. I thought it's just what moids say to refer to the taste of a vagina. Fucking vile…

No. 1860791

Nope. I (thankfully) can't remember details but it was a really little girl forced to swallow semen. Things like this get lost to the annals of time and people seem to forget that there are a lot of pedophiles on 4ch.

No. 1860795

it's a 4chan meme abotu vaginas, anon is making shit up for some reason

No. 1860800

Actually you're the one making that up. The meme originates from that video. It literally came directly quoted from cp. Are you underage? You must be, zoomers love to pretend none of this stuff existed just because they can't find it on the very first Google page.

No. 1860803

abotu vaginas

No. 1860810

your larp is terrible and low quality

No. 1860811

It's actually scary how zoomers refuse to believe reality just because they can't easily access it from some wiki-style infodump archive. I truly think they dont know or even believe that the internet used to be just html pages, gore, and copious amounts of cp and lolicon. A zoomer will say "show me the cp or I don't believe you'.

No. 1860813

This is so disturbing because it isnt a larp and the meme has even been talked about on LC in the past because some girl made a song referencing that meme.

No. 1860814

I need an oldfag to come online right now the kids think "salty coins and milk" is a meme about vaginas and not a degenerate reference about cp.

No. 1860815

It's funny you are bringing nyanners song because if salty coins and milk was totes from cp and not a shitty 4chan ancient screencap she would be turbo cancelled. You are retarded.

No. 1860818

I had never heard of salty coins and milk period so thank you for informing me

No. 1860820

Ewww wtf is wrong with his hands I hate old men

No. 1860822

The headlines originally speculated he had some sort of health condition but it turns out he just wiped blood from a paper cut all over his hand and went out in public that way

No. 1860824

I dont think most people knew it was from there? Because like most memes thar are created and spread on 4chan, why would regular people know? All the imgur screenshots are deleted but before that became an XD funny maymay hehe it was considered a dark humor joke akin to dead baby jokes. She did get "canceled" several times for her weird loli pedoshit so I don't understand why people find this hard to believe. Old internet has been erased.

No. 1860827

I met a girl in the mental hospital when I was 12 who was csa'd (she was younger than me) and she said similar shit

God that's awful

No. 1860829

File: 1705646618001.gif (411.25 KB, 500x253, 0caebd.gif)

unistalls discord

No. 1860832

File: 1705646696317.jpg (218.03 KB, 720x1431, Screenshot_20240119_014334_Duc…)

It became popularized by the vagina meme, which was a reference to the cp video. It's hard to find a lot of oldlore stuff that was this niche on surface level searching for me atm, here you can see them discussing the little girl that anons worshiped and memed 8 years ago, one anon asks if she's the same little girl "salt coins and milk" comes from, the anon that responds to them mentions the vagina meme because they are unaware of the original "loli" meme the vagina ref stemmed from. I'll look for more but im dead serious, this info used to be super accessible before search engines broke.

No. 1860836

File: 1705646972327.jpg (191.88 KB, 750x1334, ueeowkvxcszz.jpg)

Here is one of the old edgy memes posted referencing the original "salty coins and milk". Meta memes were made because 4chan has always been edgefags trying to out-edge eachother. A bunch of niche pastas that never took off were made, but the vagina reference did instead because teehee puthy.

No. 1860837

File: 1705647071454.jpg (276.61 KB, 1125x817, IMG.jpg)

I did not want to believe anon either but I guess it is true.

No. 1860838

File: 1705647180300.jpg (114.76 KB, 720x924, Screenshot_20240119_015321_Duc…)

Yes. Here is the meme that became popularized (1/2)

No. 1860839

File: 1705647274152.jpg (59.05 KB, 720x540, Screenshot_20240119_015310_Duc…)

(2/2) and here is a comment under the post of the meme screenshot, referencing it's initial origins. It's scary how not only can men really erase how fucked up they are online, but they can make random zoomer girls defend them even just because they can't google cp.

No. 1860847

to be honest I've been on 4ch for about 13 years and I had no idea about the origins of the term, I thought it was just nonsensical. That's pretty disgusting.

No. 1860849

i'm a zoomer and i always stayed away from 4chan so sorry if i didn't know about this whole thing but even if it's sad i have no issue believing that it originated from cp.
Why would those retard creeps make a meme simply out of >>1860838 or something like that, it's not even funny in the slightest, they could have replied "fork" and "cinnamon" and nothing would have changed and i fully believe >>1860827 too
Of course it had to be a reference from cp because that's twisted and special to them

No. 1860851

this makes me want to die, lord, i hate moids, i hate men, i hate males, ugh.

No. 1860855

jesus christ, men need to die

No. 1860856

Thanks for being reasonable. Whenever an "anon" on here gets really aggressive and claims you're larping about something so dark and serious (like why???) it feels like re-traumatizing yourself all over again having to trawl crevices on the internet to "prove" it was a thing. It makes me resent a lot of new posters here, why are they so in denial about reality? Is their worldview and experiences online that small and trusting?

No. 1860861

It gained traction specifically from men on 4chan because they thought it was hilarious they inversed their favorite dark joke of the moment. So when they shared it and everyone laughed and started copying the 4chan users and referencing it, they had no idea they were referencing the sexual abuse and distributed cp of a little girl, they just thought they were fitting in and being quirky. Meanwhile 4ch users weren't laughing with them, they were laughing at them for quoting cp.

No. 1860869

Yeah i'm really sorry about that, i get how awful it is.
I don't know what's wrong with them, you're clearly mentioning something serious that scarred you, it's not like you're doomposting or whatever.
I would have been more shocked to learn about this if i knew less about pedos but anyway, may every one of them die horribly and soon.

No. 1860878

File: 1705649227205.jpg (50.88 KB, 500x500, 20240117_022455.jpg)

Lol cunt can't just say "oops sorry I was wrong" it just got real quiet.

No. 1860879

I’ve only ever heard it from the nyanners song, I know lolicon dogwhistles like the ouhhh or whatever and certain emojis and it goes under the radar and normies just won’t listen to explanations. Reminds me of how allegedly (I can’t remember if it could even be confirmed but I believe it) Soren and the woman she skinwalked had ~aesthetic~ images of little girls but an anon recognized them to be girls who were the victims in CP, Soren also had other references to CP a regular person wouldn’t just know. I used to be into that cutesy dark aesthetic and pictures of little girls crying or doing something edgy were extremely popular and I have seen one of what looks like a really young girl looking at a monitor which has porn on it go around on pinterest and tumblr. The origins of those images could be so evil and somehow they make their way to teens on tumblr who reblogged them without a second thought because it fit what aesthetic they were going for. Similarly theres this discord “prank” where someone is told to send an innocent looking image of just a kid eating popcorn, but because that is a frame out of a CP video that is fingerprinted the discord account gets banned. Pedos are all evil but there is something especially sick about the ones who get off on spreading what looks like something innocent to normal people.

No. 1860882

i want a guiness

No. 1860885

File: 1705649647823.gif (287.25 KB, 400x400, pig.GIF)

I want guiness pig

No. 1860888

her and i can share a little guinness

No. 1860891

i have this probably awful habit where i read ot like a morning newspaper and oh my god reading this thread today was the worst decision. it makes me want to die or rather disappear from the world completely, i hate men and they all deserve to die.

No. 1860904

Yeah and you were a teenager, like many you didn't know or didn't comprehend the gravity of reblogging those things and just thought those pictures are just 'cute'. You don't think of those things as a teenager, and don't have that ability to discern exploitation from aesthetic. A lot of those pictures that got popular on tumblr were of cp victims, yeah. We didn't know because we ourselves were often just kids and teens. Then you get older and realize a picture of a crying little girl of the age of like 6 smoking a cigarette is very weird, who was taking the photo? And then you begin to notice that a couple pictures of a specific little girl doing "edgy" shit like smoking or drinking a beer are reblogged by really sus accounts, and you find articles about how she was an abused toddler in Russia adopted by a single man that has hundreds of cp content of her online dating back decades ago. It becomes a really weird rabbit hole, connecting dots and finding out that the naivety of young women helps peddle these images all over online under the guise of some dumb aesthetic. I automatically assume anyone who gets super aggressive or in denial about it is either a man or a young coquette who is too ignorant to understand the whole "tip of the iceberg" thing.

No. 1860906

New Hazbin episode has a song called "Loser Baby". All I can think of is the song "Loser" by Beck.

No. 1860909

File: 1705651291626.jpg (76.7 KB, 950x922, 20240117_224556.jpg)

In a the time of chimpanzees
I was a monkey

No. 1860915

Don't believe everything that you breathe

No. 1860917

i'd been sick with typhoid and already my tummy ached and reading the thread gave me a deeper pit in my stomach. i'd rather read through threads and threads of racebait than this infodump no matter how much more educated on pedophile dogwhistles it's made me, i was dumber, naive, and less miserable before.

No. 1860921

File: 1705651584658.jpg (9.88 KB, 234x184, 20240101_065105.jpg)

You'll get a parking violation and a maggot on your sleeve

No. 1860927

Soy un perdedor
I'm a loser baby, so why don't you kill me?
(Get crazy with the cheeze whiz)
Soy un perdedor
I'm a loser baby, so why don't you kill me?
(Drive-by body pierce)

No. 1860936

File: 1705651931424.jpg (10.81 KB, 335x335, 1692896655858310.jpg)

And my time is a piece of wax
Falling on a termite
Who's choking on the splinters

No. 1860937

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Saving up your foodstamps
And burning down the trailer park

No. 1860939

Wtf, what century are you in?

No. 1860946

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No. 1860948

Samefag, I hope you feel better but Jesus how the fuck did you get a Victorian era illness? I couldn't even read past the word typhoid, Im so in shock. Hope you don't get leprosy or some shit next.

No. 1860951

wish we had domesticated more animals into being small and cute pets by now, where is my miniature pet elephant

No. 1860952

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Wait it's you. Hi girl.

No. 1860954

This shit is why we have deformed animals like pugs and munchkin cats now.

No. 1860956

There is nothing I want more in life (besides happiness) than to cradle a baby panda and tout it around in a baby harness

No. 1860958

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Nothing funnier than when a manic bitch says "I don't care" or "I don't give a fuck" when they're like one consequence of their actions away from a half-assed suicide attempt

No. 1860970

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hi, i'm still cold

No. 1860974

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I love those ridiculous edgy black and white tattoo prototype spreadsheets that artists do. though I have no intent to tattoo something like this on my body

No. 1860976

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They have no blanket layers in Mongolia?

No. 1860977

They get those ugly rubber ducks except it says FAGGOT

No. 1860980

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i just don't have my comfy stuff and the assigned sleeping place i was used to…

No. 1861001

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nonnies do u like spam

No. 1861006

Being able to do a standing backflip

No. 1861010

Based stout enjoyer

No. 1861012

Say So is such a banger why'd Doja have to go schizo on us

No. 1861017

i love say so and kiss me more, they always end up in the top 5 on my spotify wrapped.

No. 1861020

*country, but even then, typhoid is a rare case in my country as well.
kek nonnie, it's not a Victorian era illness, you just have to live in a place with abysmal waste management and disposal, but i don't even know how i got it, my home isn't disgusting, i stopped having street food or anything from sketchy areas, my college is in a good area even then i avoided anything that wasn't packaged and it was only the very day before i contracted a fever that i'd gotten tea from the cafeteria and that's not how typhoid symptoms work, i steer clear of public toilets, i don't eat fish, i'm going insane, how did the fuck did i get typhoid? did flying poo poo particles infect me or something?

No. 1861034

i love it give it to me please

No. 1861049

you have to be unhinged to be a pop diva

No. 1861065

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here u go nonnie i prepared it just for u

No. 1861067

anyone remember the time someone posted some artist's butch oc and anons started dogpiling her because it was "draw a moid call it a girl" or whatever until someone posted the character topless or something like that? and if so does anyone remember what thread that was in. kek that was some serious retardation

No. 1861073

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retard scrotumite posts about tardsite of his country, said tardsite festering with gore with users all failmales that are shit at studying and post creepshots of women's garments laid out to dry.

No. 1861075

report and ignore, newfag.

No. 1861076

I'm not gonna open on it, cause I know it's gonna be filled gore and cp, but the only thing I know about that site is that apparently that's where the whole "gio scotti towelboy" meme,came from, Indian moids fantasizing about being gay pedophiles.

No. 1861082

it's not gore or cp, it's not a ss of the site, just the threadpic the scrote used for his shit thread, and damn, you're right, it was some indian moid that made an entire pedophile fantasy off some pretty girl's video bc short hair!=male FALSE

No. 1861099

Duplicate thread, use the existing thread: >>>/ot/1859933

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