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No. 1853600
>>1853574Anyone else so screen addicted that you have this moment you actually see your room in your peripheral vision, then you actually look around your room realising there's tonnes of other things you could be doing? Lots of little hobby things, or books, or birds out the window that you could be watching or meals you could be making etc. Sometimes I feel like I could live in a windowless 2x2m box and have largely the same experience as I'm having now.
I've made, and I think continue to make the mistake that what I can see on the internet is more interesting than anything I can experience outside, but that's not true. It's just easier to access the interesting things online, sitting on your couch. I think I'll go for a walk today.
No. 1853618
>>1853613Samefag but my teeth could even be beyond saving in terms of appearance, dentists won't do whitening if your enamel is too thin. Although, no dentist has actually mentioned my enamel so maybe it's not a big deal.
Anyway, all of this is why I shut up when people make fun of British people for having bad teeth.
No. 1853627
>>1853618Honestly I've always found making fun of someone's teeth to be extremely rude and kind of indefensible since teeth are largely tied to class and overall health
I could get behind bad breath or something but roasting people for having 'ugly' teeth is something an american with shitty fake veneers would do (and they don't have teeth, they have little nubs!)
No. 1853711
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shit is already changing for the better this year nonas I can FEEL IT
No. 1854058
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>>1854023Now people go around calling themselves "main characters" unironically
No. 1854093
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>>1854088Gen alpha girls are currently vandalizing Sephora stores and fighting grown adults over retinol and several other expensive makeup and skincare products like toners and antiaging creams, they're mega fucked
No. 1854123
>>1854100because tweens are already on social media which is horrifying.
Smartphones and unlimited access to the internet is not something tweens should have. Millenial parents are being extremely retarded getting kids into devices way too early.
No. 1854126
>>1854088Nonnie millenials were just as made fun of as zoomers now until most passed peak online retard age. Watch zoomers bitch and moan about Gen A in 10 years.
>>1854100Eurofag but yeah it's here too. I'll see hordes of 12 yr olds looking more fashionable than me kek. I can't imagine no kids having an awkward phase anymore though, surely they exist.
No. 1854143
>>1854126Millenials didn't turn out well at all and now we have middle agers being very retarded, still in arrested development and raising their kids horribly.
t. Millenial
No. 1854174
File: 1705256454089.jpg (37.99 KB, 600x550, 20240114_000529.jpg)

People act like typing kys means you're mad or fuming or shaking with rage. A simple kys is timeless, classic, elegant. Its as simple as typing ily. Your heart rate can be at complete resting. Kys.
No. 1854181
>>1854154>>1854166I recall very correctly that there were maybe not literally
millions (sorry autists) but definitely thousands from those K beauty youtubers like Michelle Phan and Promise Phan
No. 1854197
>>1854178Hey just because they can't read and they're being sent to school in diapers at like 7 doesn't mean they won't have a bright futu..
Make up and consoom shit aside, what teachers are describing atm isn't just the whole 'shitting on the young ones' cycle playing out.
No. 1854205
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>>1854183There just might be one
No. 1854283
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Til bella hadid and gigi hadid are sisters and idk how i never realized despite both being 'hadids'
No. 1854323
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Is picrel cute in all black? That's what I think I will wear today. I hate wearing heeled boots tho (feels too overdressed)
No. 1854372
>>1854287Good to hear I'm not the only one. Fitted clothing is actually the term I was looking for. I understand the coziness appeal of sweaters but for me normal tops are also cozy and more stylish on top of that.
>>1854317I don't, I actually like wool and soft materials. It's probably because I'm picky with how my hair looks like this anon
No. 1854394
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I think I am going to attempt picrel except I don't own brushes lmao wish me luck
No. 1854444
Is it just me or has there been more bait the last couple of days?
>>1854394You mean the eyes, right? Not the eyebrows, right?
No. 1854646
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>>1854628We looked over the evidence and decided its true
No. 1854740
>>1854699There's the people who go all out 'he was the purest soul to ever walk the earth, he wus actually asexual and mentally 5 etc' and then there's the people who overlook glaring lies that were featured in Leaving Neverland because every accusation is auto guilt to them. Two extremes that I equally wanna make fun of
The antithesis to this guys mj worship is a woman on youtube who makes mj pedo criminal profiling content where she tried to fake being an expert and later admitted she has her own csa history (?) so the credentials lie was all for a good cause. Like just make your vids without pretending you're a criminal profiler and then going on a mad rush to delete the trail of evidence where you lied about your education, your job, your day to day life. Like did that really help the cause
No. 1854742
>>1854738now I'm scared
No. 1854763
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Summer from fishtanklive season 2 is unsurprisingly among us, and a shaytard
No. 1854803
File: 1705275400440.gif (133.19 KB, 220x185, think-smart.gif)

>>1854770Go outside then you can go back inside. You literally can't "go inside" without going outside first so you have to go outside so you can go inside.
No. 1854853
File: 1705278529466.jpeg (682.4 KB, 1170x1817, 541DD663-F476-4034-A00B-5E1CD0…)

>>1854763I went to her blog and then from there I went to the fishtank live tag because I couldn’t imagine it having much of an audience on tumlr (it doesn’t) so tumblr is just giving me posts about actual fish tanks. And whatever this is
No. 1854868
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>>1854811Waiting for one mjclownworld anon to step up and do the thing
No. 1854871
File: 1705279609224.jpg (216.59 KB, 1280x960, Mitsubishi Fuso Rosa Bus.jpg)

this is a real kindergarten bus. it was for sale in the US from a Japanese car importing business. $13,000 approximately. I really want to know who bought it and what they're doing with it.
No. 1854875
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>>1854853tumblr search just be like that
No. 1854891
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>>1854869Big Brother type show with husbandofags who change for every new character of the month, the only updates they get from the outside world is the new male characters that come up in media, the winner is whoever can stay loyal to some fictional moid for the longest time
No. 1854911
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>>1854909I don’t know the clown lore but I know MJ fans can be really autistic and interesting. I have a whole list of retarded MJ fans i’ve seen that I can sperg about. Like the one on TikTok that thinks he was a troon femme fatale.
No. 1854912
>>1854770Did you end up doing it?
No. 1854930
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>>1854903ahaha ofc not
nonny No. 1854958
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I had no idea
No. 1855008
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I always imagine some nasty chris chan type getting out of this
No. 1855048
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I think I'm turning into one of those people who needs to like someone's personality (or persona and characters if it's a celebrity) in order to find them attractive and that's why I rarely find the majority of men attractive and have an extremely low sex drive. So I realized I'm normal basically. It has to be a persona or character specifically though because mens' true personalities are dogshit. For so many years I thought there was something wrong with me because physically nobody looked appealing and I never had real life crushes, even men with "ideal/conventional" features looked plain or even grotesque sometimes and trying to get off felt like licking my elbow, but it turns out I'm just only into characters.
No. 1855056
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Breaking news: the most manipulative lying freak you know is lecturing people about how they shouldn't say retard while throwing bitch around left and right
No. 1855067
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I actually liked wingwomen a lot, I was about to skip the mandatory sex scene when it actually ended up being plot relevant and the relationship between the protagonists was pretty nice. aka I projected a lot because my best friend and I are kind of like the main characters in some way because I love her platonically
No. 1855096
>>1855082Holy shit nonna that just scared me
(more) celibate
No. 1855132
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>>1855128it all ends at 37
No. 1855149
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It's always so tragic when someone who is usually really funny is going through a dry spell where everything they say sucks and is not funny.. but you ride it out and support in hopes they'll go back to being hilarious again.
No. 1855156
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Anons, (without searching!) what year do you remember the ASL ice bucket challenge happening in? I need to see if it's just me.
No. 1855201
File: 1705300354938.jpg (156.28 KB, 1078x1070, 20240115_011341.jpg)

A woman watches Hackers or serial experiments lain once and starts acting like the most cringe person youve ever met
No. 1855213
I also thought that one 50 cent harry potter thing was funny
>>1855207and u dont seem to understaAAaAand
No. 1855217
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No. 1855220
File: 1705301350691.jpg (233.57 KB, 1284x2778, 20240115_014853.jpg)

>>1855214Anyone who gets this tattoo that isn't a 60 year old gay man with a humiliation kink needs to be avoided at all costs indefinitely, no exceptions. This is a plague. This is worse than a Harry Potter tattoo. And before you tell me the 60 year old gay man needs to he avoided too, he is likely a polite and professional man who will never bother you, he just wants a man in shiny black boots to step on his face and ash cigarettes in his mouth in the privacy of four walls.
No. 1855233
File: 1705302014419.png (119.17 KB, 796x410, 1000014751.png)

HOLY SHIT. True devotion, if he's not willing to sell his organs for you on the black market he is not the one.
No. 1855248
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Sometimes, gods walk among mortals
No. 1855257
>>1855249Wow, that's horrifying but I'm not surprised. The description of the smaller head sewn onto the large body was really unsettling, I could picture it. When I renew my license in 2 years, I am not donating. The united states can't even manage recycling plastic and paper, they definitely are not properly managing """"organ donation"""".
>Stephen Gore, the owner of Biological Resource Center Incof course that's his last name.
No. 1855265
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I just got lectured by a 30-year-old they/them for making a 9/11 joke.
No. 1855273
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I dreamed there was a show called BYECEPS where formerly muscular people that gained a lot of weight during the pandemic or stopped working out for other reason got help to get back into it.
No. 1855324
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Just wanna remind you all to do your usual pap test if you haven't already if you're due. Also that if you've never done one and you're at the age you need to go get one done. Be safe nonnies
No. 1855332
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No. 1855391
>>1855390What happened
No. 1855401
>>1855397I feel you
nonnie, its really overwhelming for me as well. Currently I have everything deleted and it helps. Even lolcow can be a lot when its just go-go-go on boards sometimes.
No. 1855414
>>1855401yes i am also planning on deleting everything, i feel like thats the only way. any social media now feels so pointless and soulless just like
>>1855403 said. i'm glad u managed to escape it. there was also a good thread that i'm trying to find currently, it had helpful tips on how to spend less time scrolling… i remember it felt really inspiring and calming to read
No. 1855454
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Why do pretty women do this? I just don't get it
No. 1855465
>>1855459Women whenever they score an attractive man: Omg I'm so lucky, I hope I'm good enough for him, and I'm really thankful, I love him
Men whenever they score an attractive woman: Holy shit a hot woman likes me? Does that mean I'm actually not that ugly? I must be a Chad! I bet I could do even better!
cheats on her with a minor No. 1855542
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No. 1855568
File: 1705332509859.jpg (1.23 MB, 4032x3024, guraist.jpg)

I was thinking what would happen if you had met your partner later in life? How would u guys react? Ngl, id be pissed because what took his bitch ass so long to appear in my life lol
No. 1855581
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>>1855412>>1855417aw thanks so much nonnies !! this really warmed my heart. i'm taking your advice and i hope we'll be able to have a conversation soon kek
No. 1855593
File: 1705333680498.png (1.1 MB, 1208x911, gggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg…)

>>1855585>>1855573She is free and ready for bed
No. 1855609
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>>1855606persian cat baby from calico critters/ sylvanian families
No. 1855644
>>1855612People are so fucking annoying about this. If you call in sick it’s
>nooo you’re so selfish and lazy and unreliable! You’re letting the team struggle when you’re not even that ill waaaa!You don’t call in sick?
>waaa you’re so selfish some people are immunocompromised stay home you irresponsible piece of shit you’re literally killing grandma!!People should just do what the fuck they want because you will be bitched and moaned at no matter what, especially since covid.
No. 1855645
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To the other anon who also wanted to fuck a shadow figure, we might have a chance with those 10 foot tall Miami shadow aliens
No. 1855667
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>>1855129It's true though, sudden infant death happens. I also know of a woman who had a child and the baby died at three years old, it was suddenly and she was devastated afterwards.
There's lots of stories of people losing their children that just happen when they least expect that to happen.
No. 1855678
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Tell me
No. 1855683
File: 1705340085422.jpg (231.76 KB, 1116x549, Tumblr_l_1292556937280469.jpg)

It's all expenses lately because I'm not getting paid a dime to do this internship and I'm broke as HELL nonnies. As hell.
Spent 43€ at the vet last week, this week it'll be another 100€, my hairdryer blew up last night and that'll be another ~50€ to replace it. Pretty sure my car's clutch is about to finish breaking, make that +200€, plus 40€ for gas. Can't I just find a rich moid already goddamn.
No. 1855720
nonnie, but unfortunately I'm eurofag and I don't think they ship here (and if they do, it's probably super expensive rip). I'll probably end up getting a random no name brand one from amazon and hope for the best, maybe some post christmas 2nd hand deals too?
No. 1855789
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>>1855731they both have the flushed away look though. especially with that tom petty "full moon fever" di's got goin on kekk
No. 1855813
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I hate lazy newfags so fucking much. They are always so entitled, too.
No. 1856051
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roach hair on a perfectly fine looking butler
No. 1856129
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fucking kek
No. 1856139
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i need to listen to that murder on the dancefloor a thousand times so it gets off my head, i'm not even watching that retarded movie
No. 1856144
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I genuinely don't understand how people do squats while keeping their feet flat to the ground
No. 1856174
>>1856169>>1856153It takes practice, Slavs and Asians who've done it from a young age have no issue, I am neither but I am no stranger to squats so it's simple for me.
Also yknow, could have bad balance naturally, some bodies are made unbalanced.
No. 1856202
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Hilarious when an autist says to "read the room". You have been incapable of doing that your entire life ma'am
No. 1856224
File: 1705369315000.jpeg (162.58 KB, 720x972, pick 3.jpeg)

3,5,9 for me. I'd host the first IRL lolcow mooovie night in my home theater and you all would be invited
No. 1856231
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I dont know anything about kpop forgive me but shordy in the middle is so bad it's crazy(leave that filth out of lolcow)
No. 1856304
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That first sip of cold water after exercising hits like crack.
Also, if exercising releases endorphins, why does it make me feel like butt?
No. 1856316
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Sometimes they look blue but the color can look different depending on the lighting, like here
No. 1856320
File: 1705372707402.jpg (Spoiler Image,657.9 KB, 2865x3569, 1691848382171808.jpg)

>>1856274>>1856289I get called a personalityfag whenever I post my boyfriend (picrel) once a month or less, but I don't care because I otherwise don't talk or post like that
No. 1856331
File: 1705372950892.png (Spoiler Image,341.11 KB, 595x842, 1699461254163840.png)

>>1856328And you won't detect any of my other posts ever because I set myself up with this for fun. I love posting him just so anons can tell me he's a cow. My love is strong, resilient. Free.
No. 1856393
>>1856386Sorry your man is disapointing
nonnie, I bet it smells so good and you did a good job
No. 1856426
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We all know that one person that is so contrarian on purpose because they want to be different at all costs to the point that it makes them look like they are suffering from a brain injury most of the time
No. 1856433
>>1856072>>1856074>>1856093I feel this so hard
specifically about the otome games thread, I hate that it's so inactive. I got really into them this past year and desperately want to discuss them with nonnas but it seems like there are barely any anons frequenting that thread, like even the old
otome games thread that recently got locked was 7 years old and not even close to being full. I get that it's a niche but I feel like it's something more nonnas would be into.
No. 1856434
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>>1856305i remember being 16 and being crazy in love with her
>wtf 2019 was five years agoi want to kms
No. 1856440
File: 1705377621043.jpg (75.68 KB, 1080x1779, 20240115_225841.jpg)

I want a lifesize bear plush bf except built like a big dicked oxen and then I'll pour diet coke on it and suck it out of it and when I smack it against the wall it will make a loud thud
No. 1856450
File: 1705378232254.jpg (336.26 KB, 1600x1200, 16012024011002.jpg)

>>1856437those are pictures of her from five years ago, i had no idea what she looks like now until five minutes ago. now she looks like picrel.
No. 1856485
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I am not going to listen to a stupid bitch soapbox some overemotional and reactive shit. Ever.
No. 1856490
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Where did the anons that want to have sex with cars and robots go
No. 1856494
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Okay coach, got my jockstrap on and I'm ready to wrestle.
No. 1856499
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god damn, if i was autistic i'd think about it
No. 1856525
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No. 1856528
File: 1705384130151.png (Spoiler Image,784.26 KB, 800x600, __tanigaki_genjirou_golden_kam…)

Thinking bout her
Thinking bout me
Thinking bout us
And who we gonna be
I opened my eyes
(It was only just a dream)
No. 1856549
File: 1705385293784.jpg (111.79 KB, 800x922, cc83184536be29f3afc.jpg)

>>1856535Don't you ever say something like that again to my dear nona
No. 1856550
File: 1705385371495.jpg (56.85 KB, 640x480, 20240116_010105.jpg)

>>1856549I have never felt a solidarity like this here. If no one got me, the one woman posting from a remote temple in Malaysia got me.
No. 1856557
>>1856553They call out for our attention
But only to tell us our schools are getting shot and our entire ecosystem is obese
No. 1856563
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>>1856550Love you always, nona
No. 1856572
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blocks ur path
No. 1856583
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>>1856573She must be an ancient priestess and if her connection is spotty, she is being sloppy. Nona to nona telepathic conversation now.
No. 1856588
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>>1856572He won't be blocking it for much longer, sisters.
No. 1856616
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>sews mouth shut and chews out own tongue to atone for making girlfriend deaf
Ideal boyfriend. Most men would've called you a narcissist if you got mad and then ghosted.
No. 1856620
>>1856475in my room
>>1856477its usually the same people that host, if they can't host there's no movie night. Tunesday still happens regularly though.
No. 1856643
File: 1705393004242.jpeg (992.35 KB, 828x1334, IMG_8761.jpeg)

I saw this dude at the store. What do u think he was shopping for??
No. 1856663
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>>1855683nevermind about the car nonnies, I just crashed it
No. 1856671
>>1856663that sucks
can you do something other than this unpaid internship? They should be illegal.
No. 1856756
>>1856667yep I'm fine, thankfully it was a light hit but it broke the wheel bearing, I have no idea what I hit, so it's not worth fixing it considering what a piece of junk that car was.
>>1856671I work at a pub from time to time, but it's low season now so the internship is the only thing I can do atm I should end it around May, hopefully I can find a more stable job quick
No. 1856800
File: 1705412901939.jpg (35.11 KB, 564x609, kot.jpg)

>influx of zoomers hits the site
>they start shitting on board culture, baiting, and overall being shitheads, all topped off with dogshit tastes in pretty much everything
i hate them so fucking much go back to tiktok you little vermin shithead
No. 1856810
>>1856806Fast food is boring and not even real food, anon. And anyways the only way to eat fast food is to stick to their protein options as much as possible while avoiding the carbs and sodas, and at that point, why bother?
I'm talking about rich foods with fats and carbs. Dieting fucking sucks. Sorry but all super skinny people I have seen and known ate like birds, were on some kind of med that made them less hungry, and were not foodies for a reason.
No. 1856844
>>1856817Way less than what you remember.
The only adult size 0 I knew had anachan tendencies but thought she ate normal if not big meals. Once at a restaurant she took a tea plate, put a scone with some fruit on it, and proceeded to act like she consumed some devilish meal.
No. 1856851
File: 1705415104622.jpeg (295.94 KB, 1470x980, ABD37292-B8BD-4C50-97B6-B81BBC…)

>>1856844I definitely would go to chilis etc and eat normal sized portions like pic related but the difference is I’d eat something small like a tuna packet for breakfast and then for dinner I’d have a huge portion. I’m fat now because instead of eating like that once day, I’m eating like that for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
No. 1856862
File: 1705416018861.jpg (270.05 KB, 1437x1080, 1670963528277.jpg)

>>1856859whooper with onion rings
No. 1856872
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>>1856785Not gonna lie, I kind of like that blingee said zoomers not welcome
No. 1856873
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>>1856870rattle rattle go back into the catacombs skelly
No. 1856878
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do americans really eat their burgers with milkshakes?
No. 1856930
File: 1705419386840.jpeg (53 KB, 800x420, faggot.jpeg)

>>1856927if only, they are invading yume stuff lately
No. 1856942
>>1856930My husbando's world is a bunch of fantasy fairies and demons and that common shit, crossdressing is a typical anime trope that's used in it, but I think they'd all raise brows if a moid started identifying as female, or that's just my personal headcanon, and I will ride by it
Any new anime based shit that came after 2019 max is full of troon shit
No. 1856956
File: 1705420687257.mp4 (27.35 KB, 498x278, BVMBawAAqbz2.mp4)

just did a massive poop
No. 1857001
File: 1705423019185.png (706.65 KB, 1000x462, 41%.png)

>>1856995he was trooned out very recently. pic rel.
>he was one of the top characters japanese yumes whaled for in gamewas he really that popular? there is barely merch of him
No. 1857017
File: 1705424342651.png (430.58 KB, 760x445, Screenshot 2024-01-16 at 12.00…)

>>1857001how is that proof of him being a tranny? because he's pulling out a chair for anzu to sit in? like i said, i used to play so i'm not sure what the current state of things are but pretty much every knights member was super popular with fans compared to other units. a poll from 2022 shows that he's in the top ten most popular characters as voted by fans:
>was he really that popular?i said it in a different thread before, but when the game used to have rank events there was an arashi yume who spent so much money to be the #1 ranker in his event that she said all she could afford to eat for the next few months was plain white rice kek
No. 1857029
File: 1705425105072.png (109.04 KB, 1027x726, 7b632e7305d6b8c4dbb6fe54a7fdee…)

>>1857017i think they just assume that arashi is a troon because the english website changed his pronouns from he/him to she/her after the fandom caused a stink and then the english team felt pressured to change it on the official website. that's why gendies think he's a canon troon.
No. 1857045
File: 1705425636317.jpg (17.37 KB, 480x365, copium.jpg)

>>1857017>tfw all of my favourite characters are in the top 5 least liked charactersgod damn i must have shit taste. It explains why it took me so long to find yume media that has characters i like.
No. 1857058
File: 1705426107524.jpeg (222.7 KB, 800x1002, IMG_7363.jpeg)

>>1857050him!!! he is so cute, i love redheads. and i didn’t even know there’s an english version, omg i will download it today then. thank u for telling me nona!
No. 1857061
>>1857058there is a thread on /m/ too
nonny, have fun!
No. 1857072
File: 1705427256073.png (964.18 KB, 720x900, IMG_7123.png)

>>1857048It has the stripes in order and everything. Of course they had to make the make-up obsessed man into a woman, because that’s what women are: shallow, make-up obsessed caricatures.
>IT’S MA’AM No. 1857094
>>1857083mitsuru is one of my favorites too, too bad his character is always surrounded in controversy
>stage actor turns out to be a sex pest creep>original voice actor is accused of fraud and arrestedit's so unfortunate kek
No. 1857106
File: 1705429713162.png (851.21 KB, 1000x462, qte.png)

>>1857094Yeah, it sucks. He might be actually cursed. It doesnt help he's already a pretty unpopular character trope either. At least he exists, you seriously dont know how hard i had to swim through shit to find a yume game where the male characters arent all just chuuni sparkly bishies, which is funny considering the game is known for its turbo edgy 2deep4u story.
No. 1857148
File: 1705434025176.jpeg (2.8 MB, 3024x3765, DF9C6DBF-4424-4547-A4FD-E15F21…)

I don’t care that he’s cringe, the amount of joy this little thing brings me is immeasurable
No. 1857209
File: 1705437244053.jpg (587.96 KB, 1125x1068, 8.jpg)

Dirty dishes when you just get done with them and they’re on the table aren’t gross at all but the moment they get into the sink looking at the crumbs or sauce left on them disgusts me. Please why can’t people just scrape and rinse off their dishes.
No. 1857223
File: 1705437939383.png (230.96 KB, 473x353, tumblr_inline_ninwa89Elz1qeanj…)

Talked to a friend about a couple of comic story ideas I have, and I realized two of them had a killer & cop type of characters as mains and the third doesn't have an edgy concept but still have a cop character… makes me wonder if I got some sort of issue or I'm just your regular edgelord in denial.
>best part is that she absolutely loved my ideas and the characters
No. 1857259
File: 1705439498677.gif (Spoiler Image,4.31 MB, 400x300, IMG_5360.gif)

I’ll have a little drinkypoo with you nonny.
No. 1857275
File: 1705440071791.jpeg (52.42 KB, 657x431, IMG_5361.jpeg)

>Pinot grigio
My girl!!! That’s not only my drink of choice but I’m drinking it right now!
No. 1857281
File: 1705440348940.gif (2.73 MB, 500x282, 6a1b9133eb8175059a17f03698bbe5…)

>>1857275Lucille Bluth and Mallory Archer are my spirit animal. RIP Jessica Walter
No. 1857300
File: 1705440971463.jpg (41.97 KB, 564x628, b3380e3f39621d8a4d148c6e0ea34e…)

My neighbor went for a walk with his fine ass again. I don't even need to imagine him shirtless because he's always showing off, today he was wearing nothing less than a (very) cropped blouse so that literally everyone can see his abs, he's such a hoe. Why is he like this? What does he gain from edging me this way? He thinks I didn't notice the fact he's always pulling his blouse up everytime he's right in front of my house, that little manwhore
Love me a cuba libre
No. 1857310
File: 1705441315470.jpg (104.54 KB, 750x1003, 56s6o80gnska1.jpg)

>>1857211Men weren't kidding about protecting their junk back in the day. Makes fantasy armor almost look realistic.
No. 1857319
File: 1705441443932.jpeg (213.08 KB, 861x1148, IMG_5362.jpeg)

Nonnies if you had to try one really fucked up drug which one would you pick? I’d do PCP angel dust.
No. 1857330
File: 1705441668578.jpg (142.38 KB, 473x496, vm5031vni18a1.jpg)

>>1857319i'm already addicted to shitposting
No. 1857335
>>1857293It's sooo nice during the winter months. It's not that hard to make from scratch too. Pretty much the only thing that excites me in the months before Christmas is Lidl stocking it lol.
>>1857316It's ridiculously expensive in stores here, 20 euro or so for a small bottle. To my surprise, they had it at the duty free while I was visiting a friend for Christmas for 15 euro for a litre iirc. It's the only spirit I can drink without overdoing it, vodka is cheaper but I can always taste it in mixed drinks… I prefer my cinnamon mouthwash flavour drink.
No. 1857336
>>1857319I've done most things but for something I've never touched I wanna get morphined up. It seems like heroin but cleaner?
I'm also curious to try viagra to see if it does anything. I've a pretty low libido.
No. 1857340
>>1857336When my dad was in the hospital after a heart attack, as soon as they gave him morphine he said “oh WOW. I feel great. WOW. I see why people get hooked on this stuff”
kek so I’m assuming it’s probably really relaxing and makes your troubles melt away
No. 1857358
>>1857319I'm past my parting days but I used to follow this Dutch channel called Drugslab. It was people in their early 20s taking drugs and giving frank responses while on it. Sponsored by the gov too. They had this one thing called 6-APB that was like MDMA but lasted way longer, was smoother and not as bad come down. If I had a festival that didn't have any scumbags and felt safe I would love to do that.
Also they made DMT seem fun. Never could get any. Here's the video [Put on subs]
No. 1857374
File: 1705443242581.jpeg (13.25 KB, 275x119, 378CC1C9-ACA2-498B-A88C-BA908B…)

Listening to weezer cuz a girl I’m into likes it like a middle schooler trying to impress their crush…
No. 1857387
File: 1705443771990.jpeg (1.34 MB, 1170x2157, IMG_5363.jpeg)

>>1857339Hell fucking yeah I’ve never heard of this before but I’d love to try it.
No. 1857423
>>1857396The worst is when a well meaning friend comes over and says
>You know you look really highThanks, bitch. Now I'm high and paranoid af
No. 1857447
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>>1857440He's here! You've summoned the Hatman
No. 1857455
File: 1705445492508.png (2.46 MB, 1508x962, sped art.png)

>>1857158is she dating a make a wish kid whose dream is to sell his art before he dies of leukemia? imagine pickmemaxxing by travelling twice a month to comic con just for this scrote to sell his dog shit art. He has to be a bored rich kid, there is no way this shit sells.
No. 1857478
>>1857396[Warning story incoming]
During the first lockdown I used to sneak out to my friends apartment at night. It was only like 10 mins away. We used to chill with her roommate, get drunk and play Mario Party or Mario Kart and it was awesome. A small light in a dark time.
Her roommate worked in tech and she said she could get us drugs off that darkweb. I was spooked at first but said fuck it I have nothing better to do. She had a bunch of testing kits so it was mostly safe. So it became a ritual that I would slip out under cover of darkness and get all messed up and play loud music and vibe.
One of my best memories was when my friend got her VR headset off her brother. We got all messed up on ketamine and I watched this video. It was back when AI could only recognise dogs so it was super weird.
We've all moved away now. We still keep in touch but I miss those weird days.
No. 1857485
File: 1705446186985.jpeg (747.37 KB, 1120x1411, 1692984504414.jpeg)

All of the drug talk is reminding me i will never go to a 90s rave. Why live nonnies. I am a hikkineet, but i would kill to party in the 80s or 90s. Feels bad being born after all the cool shit.
No. 1857492
>>1857447Man, reminds me of when I used to lurk deliriant Discord servers. It's depressing to see a bunch of kids egging eachother on to take a drug that is proven to cause early-onset dementia.
Watching this vid, makes me feel weird that the loser who ran the original 700 Club died, but he was a cluster B mess who would have psychotic episodes and bawwleet the server then make a new one the next day… Of course he also turned out to be grooming kids into more than drugs.
No. 1857497
File: 1705446448026.gif (7.33 MB, 500x281, 1dee7c01-82cf-4fba-9401-33293c…)

>>1857478Follow up meme (Yeah I'm a sad bitch)
No. 1857503
File: 1705446583780.png (556.77 KB, 800x543, rave fashion.png)

>>1857487i looked at some photos of old raves vs new ones and the new ones just look like glorified bachelors parties with all the women dressing up super slutty while the men look plain and boring. Give me cute shirtless acidheads or this pls
No. 1857510
>>1857505i envy you
nonny! millenials got the very last moments of joy from life before phonefaggotry and social media took over. I heard even normie zoomers dont party anymore because they are too afraid of being cringe.
No. 1857511
Sorry to post a TikTok here (i came across it from a YouTube video discussing spiritual drama), but honestly I think this is how women should start acting whenever anyone mentions an embarrassing past relationships.
>"Hey, remember when you and x were together?
>"Nooo, I didn't even like him. I only dated him because he manifested me and accessed my sexual energy field to glamor me into a relationship."
No. 1857541
>>1857510Yeah it was pretty awesome. I started about about 2 years before the Bebo/MySpace generation. You could be a mess and you wouldn't go viral.
However if everyone has cams now less fucked up stuff wouldn't happen. On the other hand my friend in Berlin went to a no camera rave in the forest. If you had a phone out someone would immediately ask you to stop. No security just the locals. She said it was the safest she felt ever at a festival. Must be the culture.
Idk maybe moids can be educated into being decent people, kek?
No. 1857561
>>1857552If we enforced no cams then no troons would should up. Otherwise how would people know they are heckin
No. 1857566
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Me vs microsoft the battle continues…
No. 1857570
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I've been getting into Women's Japanese Wrestling recently. If we had this shit growing up instead of those bimbos in WWE I would've loved the sport a lot more.
No. 1857592
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>>1857566you know what must be done. Godspeed
No. 1857614
>>1857595It's pro wrestling. It's all fake.
Idk I'm just saying if we had that level of talent in the west wrestling would have been a neutral sport. All the 90s and earlys 00s were just full of bimbo models. My bro's held the TV all my childhood
No. 1857801
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Speaking of beans, has anyone ever bought these bean medleys? I'm always so suspicious of them whenever I see them in stores
No. 1857932
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>>1857891Mood cause I hated wiping the poop out of my little scroteling’s ball wrinkles ngl
No. 1857951
>>1857945the taste of the water i'm drinking now feels so different than the one i used to drink in my riverside city.
How much better can bottled water be? All that time stuck in plastic and transported in whatever way
No. 1857965
>>1857951>How much better can bottled water be? All that time stuck in plastic and transported in whatever wayTrue, I guess it's literally picking your poison. Sucks that even water has
toxic chemicals in it, wtf are we supposed to eat?
I guess I could just get one of those water jugs that filter water, but aren't those made of plastic too? And I like warm/hot water sometimes so what should I do then? Microwave it? Then I'm just gonna have microwave radioactive waves in my water. And no water tastes quite like my tap wate
No. 1857976
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i cant believe zac effron aged like shit. How do you even end up with such a disgusting unappealing body type?
No. 1857984
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She's such a baddie I love this movie
No. 1858007
>>1857975Can't believe this anon made me feel bad about posting on a place where i can be anonymous by calling me american…
I grew up in a place that had very good water quality so i never found an issue with it until i've started feeling like i'm gulping down rocks here.
Having to buy water in glass bottles sounds like such a bother, they are so heavy and cost much more, ugh. Maybe it's time to look into water filters.
No. 1858014
>>1858008Some of you are so autistic that you're crippled and I will not be explaining pop culture lore to you exhausting hoes
>>1858006Everyone knows that was a lie, its commonly debunked.
No. 1858018
>>1857965I drink bottled water exclusively because the tap water in my city is so awful that it's just beyond saving. I bought one of the jug filters and it worked for a little while then broke the filter prematurely, checked on the company's website and they designate my area as having some of the worst quality water so it'll wear excessively on the filter compared to other regions. And I know they're not just making it up because I went to a good quality zone to see a friend and the water there was like silk.
I don't think you should worry about microwaves lol they're not like, a solid object that can become embedded in your stuff. They're waves, on the same spectrum as radio and light.
No. 1858023
-Sent from Disney Channel original star Zac Efrons iPhone
No. 1858024
>>1856499Gunplas are fun to build though. What's stopping you
No. 1858035
>>1858007kek sorry
>feeling like i'm gulping down rocks here.Literally also my experience in my shitty part of the city, the tap water here is hard and tastes awful. Good luck finding a pleasant alternative.
No. 1858043
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>>1858024Fuck you, i've built picrel because i liked the character, i didn't want to have sex with the robot.
But i'll admit, i've thought about that post for too long and now i feel like i would want to lick those smooth thighs, only if it was life sized though No. 1858054
File: 1705468244992.jpg (43.73 KB, 828x652, 4fp37o.jpg)

I'm really sorry Nana, excuse me. Basically if you look at the timeline for all of his plastic surgeries, none of them are cosmetic. He has had at least 2 implants in his chin, one before he claimed he hit his chin although i guess it could have been filler. There are tons of youtube videos debunking his story about hitting the fountain btw it just isn't plausible and is super convoluted.
No. 1858072
File: 1705468662961.jpg (383.86 KB, 1372x1969, 20170909144241c84.jpg)

>>1858043If we're talking about sexiest mobile suits, for me it's the Sinanju
No. 1858076
I wonder if
>>1858054 >>1858014 is that one sperg that was bumping the celebricows thread trying to defend zac effron honor because nonnies were making fun of him for getting bullied as a grown man
No. 1858085
File: 1705469065074.jpg (74.33 KB, 818x864, 1692890004839.jpg)

>>1858081i feel robbed as a zoomer, where did all the qte alt boys went
No. 1858090
File: 1705469180479.jpg (37.16 KB, 637x634, 20240116_201453.jpg)

>>1858082They ask to be spoonfed the most obvious shit it's so confusing and then they make the weirdest tinfoils out of nonexistent overlaps. I can't do it anymore
No. 1858092
>>1858085I'm a cursed zoomer, born too late for real alt boys, born too soon for tiktok cringe eboys
All the boys i grew up with seemed to be allergic to having fringes or hair longer than 2 cm
No. 1858095
nonny, same. I was rabidly horny as a teen and could never get a bf because they were all so plain and boring and had terribly dogshit taste in videogames. Eternally seething of being robbed of qte nerds, qte alt boys, and overall qte men that werent porn addicted.
No. 1858104
File: 1705469587275.gif (77.96 KB, 400x316, unnamed.gif)

All it took to be cool and get a hundred billion MySpace comments was a piercing and false eyelashes it was gr8
No. 1858110
File: 1705469781441.jpg (32.46 KB, 335x499, tn-500_harlan4.jpg)

>the altboys in question without vampirefreaks filters
No. 1858113
File: 1705469851275.jpg (77.25 KB, 480x640, 2273462791_bd91139293_z.jpg)

>the qt altboys in question
No. 1858122
nonnie, i'm a nerd with a real nerd hate
No. 1858125
File: 1705470191318.jpg (58.92 KB, 612x408, gettyimages-620094872-612x612.…)

Actually I feel very blessed to have been a part of Chris Crocker era
No. 1858130
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Im waiting for someone in the British royal family to troon out. My bet is on Andrew, to escape the Epstein accusations.
No. 1858135
>>1858123You're a brick wall and you're trying to prove your own martyrdom when im telling you that there was literally no support for rape
victims. Cp was posted on CLEARNET child. Traded on MySpace bulletins. You keep trying to act like choosing to be a discord kitten makes you the patron Saint of suffering. This is why most of us don't bother trying to tell you anything, you refuse to envision a time before you through anything beside Aesthetic glasses.
No. 1858136
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>the qt alt boys in question
No. 1858141
File: 1705470436454.jpg (47.58 KB, 640x420, tokio-hotel.jpg)

were these guys popular in america?
No. 1858150
File: 1705470699862.jpg (31.15 KB, 550x535, World’s-Smallest-Violin.jpg)

>>1858138>>1858139>>1858143I'll let you all play pretend like the 2000s were "better" just because you were too young to know what was going on
>>1858145Exactly. They're psychotic omg. "But at least they're qt alt boys" omg they really are debilitated mentally.
No. 1858152
File: 1705470739835.jpg (76.44 KB, 1200x1800, Rainbow-Sherbet-Punch-2.jpg)

Have you guys ever had party punch? Apparently this is a common thing at kids birthday parties but I've literally never heard of this in my life but I also didn't go to any parties as a kid. Only my own.
No. 1858161
File: 1705470832871.jpg (270.81 KB, 720x489, Strawberry-Sherbet-Party-Punch…)

It's rainbow sherbet with soda. I guess like a root beer float.
No. 1858172
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No. 1858198
File: 1705471370407.jpg (155.13 KB, 938x1200, -hpzCwglbz1kbTrqYNdaTb9Hp5UplZ…)

>>1858189If you aren't committed enough to take your femboi out on his leash twice a day and buy him his Amazon seifukus do you even want a real altboi
No. 1858201
File: 1705471436887.gif (1.91 MB, 480x270, giphy.gif)

No. 1858205
File: 1705471497180.jpg (39.41 KB, 715x677, 20240116_014233.jpg)

>>1858202You're either too old or too young
No. 1858217
File: 1705471726968.jpg (664.85 KB, 1913x3000,…)

>>1858213I miss when he looked like this
No. 1858220
File: 1705471832814.jpg (80.24 KB, 750x835, 75bx3wein8q61.jpg)

>>1858204Man crawl back into your fetid little hole
No. 1858221
File: 1705471868896.jpeg (125.65 KB, 720x1600, big and stinky.jpeg)

>be tranny
>get hit on by popular youtuber with gf
>''tehehe those cissies straight men are choosing me over their cis gfs i am so much better than real women tehehe terfs be seething''
>youtuber starts going on and on about how BIG and STINKY your BIG man feet are
>release the screenshots out of spite
No. 1858227
>>1858222My bf has had it rough please be kind
>>1858225It caught on pretty fast that getting into the emo aesthetic as a dude would get you underage girls so yeah
No. 1858250
File: 1705472684058.jpeg (1.97 MB, 1170x1419, IMG_3890.jpeg)

>>1858220How is this not tacky?
No. 1858261
File: 1705473016708.jpg (37.96 KB, 650x650, 1680042666051.jpg)

>>1858250भवतः जीवनस्य अन्तः समीपे अस्ति। भवन्तः एतेषु सभागृहेषु अतिदीर्घकालं यावत् गन्तुं अनुमताः सन्ति। भवतः समयः समाप्तः भवति। वालुकघटिका क्षीणः भवति यदि वालुका। न किमपि त्यक्ष्यसि, न कश्चित् त्वां स्मरिष्यति, न कश्चित् शोचति
No. 1858268
File: 1705473274232.jpg (74.4 KB, 770x960, 20240101_073652.jpg)

>>1858264त्वं रजःबिन्दुः असि। भवतः स्वागतं न भवति। yoy भवतः जागरणे वितृष्णां अरुचिं च विना किमपि न त्यजतु। भवतः विनाशं प्रार्थयामः। भवतः विनाशाय वयं बलिदानं कुर्मः। त्यजन्तु दुर्गन्धस्य दुर्गन्धस्य लघुचित्तस्य च दुर्गन्धयुक्तः पशुः
No. 1858275
File: 1705473478139.jpg (28.58 KB, 520x319, 20240107_100214.jpg)

>>1858270भवन्तः अन्तरराज्यमार्गे 107mph वेगेन मार्गेण अधः लुठन्तेन उड्डयनेन अर्धटायरेन शिरः च्छिन्नाः भविष्यन्ति यदि भवन्तः एतत् लज्जाजनकं दुष्टं निरन्तरं कुर्वन्ति
No. 1858278
File: 1705473555045.jpg (Spoiler Image,334.2 KB, 2477x3093, 1692801780312667.jpg)

>>1858272What surgery will make him look like this
No. 1858282
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No. 1858295
File: 1705474117811.gif (Spoiler Image,2.42 MB, 640x640, 1694183862240937.gif)

>>1858289It's funny how all the losers come out of their lonely caves like roaches to make fun of us roided muscle-crackhead enjoyers.
I'm feeding my pig carcinogenic protein dust by the spoonful and he let's me punch him in the jaw because he's too poor to buy his own MEGA BIG-BOY PROTEIN EXTRAVAGANZA CHUM BUCKET from Decathlon. I don't have to worry about when to dump him because his heart will give up on him before I do.
You will be buying diapers for skinnyfat faggot with your own retirement money in a couple decades but MUSCLEPIG will already be six foot under & STILL mogging your faggot even as a skeleton.
Imagine being too scared to drop kick your Nigel becuase he might fucking die. Couldn't be me! Mine is already dying. A heart attack wouldn't be out of the ordinary in an autopsy situation.
Bucktooth Becky's stay seething over the PIG-PUNCHING Stacy. #mindset
No. 1858299
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>>1858282अस्य मर्त्यकुण्डलस्य विदां कुरुत। वयं तव चितायां हर्षेण नृत्यामः।
No. 1858300
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The demon who hates women but worships men, shows cruelty to all women who she unfairly perceives as her enemies, but acts like an obedient dog for rape apes. If you knew her, you would know how cruel and vicious she is. Now you and your entire bloodline will be cursed as punishment for your stupidity.
No. 1858311
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Do any of you remember when an anon got really mad after she discovered Tom Hardys MySpace pics and asked if he was autistic
No. 1858316
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I feel warm when I'm naked and cold when I wear clothes
No. 1858325
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Oldy time diets were wild kek
No. 1858329
>>1858321>>1858323kek the comments "THE SEWERS ARE SPEAKING YIDDISH"
"From this moment onward I can’t see how the world can become funnier"
No. 1858330
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>>1858324An unfunny person who doesn't have my true, unmatchable swagger will reply to this post with "very cool" but I won't do that.
No. 1858334
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Why are ALRfags so fat?? I thought cows were supposed to steer you away from becoming like them
No. 1858344
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Why do you keep posting Tom petty lyrics
No. 1858380
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>>1858377He was a kitten with malformed legs that wound up dying.
No. 1858384
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I don't know why Gene Ween has a scar on his face in the movie Its Pat.
No. 1858392
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nonnie, I have been wondering about it for days. Not all the time though, just periodically.
No. 1858405
>>1858334Knew someone who loved to watch ALR while she binged on processed food and would constantly point out her dark knuckles as she was on diabetes medication. It’s so jarring to see how much overweight people hate each other under the guise of wanting to help them or offer
valid criticism but its just pot calling the kettle black and feeling smug about it because they’re not as big
No. 1858412
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Who’s your celebrity lookalike anons? Mine is Norma Jean
No. 1858442
>>1858439sounds horrible
nonny, i’m sorry
No. 1858497
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>>1858141My god the two in the middle were absolutely adorable back in time but apparently they all took the neanderthal pill and now look like this. Ugh I’m going to vomit why real men so ugly nonna WHY ?
No. 1858545
>>1858439i have it too
nonnie.. it's fine honestly (if it's partial, i presume complete phimosis has to more annoying). when i first realized it i was a teen, i totally freaked out, worried i had a malformed/non-existent clitoris. kept googling frantically 'why cant i see my clit' and phimosis never came up for some reason..? it's super common idgi
No. 1858570
>>1857387My ex went on one ayahuasca retreat, previously having been someone who never tried hard drugs, and it changed him as a person to the point where I was afraid of him and couldn't be around him anymore. Some drugs are obviously dangerous in that they could straight up kill you, but after watching what ayahuasca did to him literally overnight I would never want anyone I loved touching it.
It was the craziest thing I've ever seen. I spoke to him before he went on the retreat, he did ayahuasca, and came back an unrecognizable stranger. Absolutely terrifying.
No. 1858575
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>>1858544Ew to me he looks like a bum with that disgusting beard, Heidi should take him to the groomer + they both have puffy faces now, buccal fat removal when ? Yeah the other two already looked like they had Down syndrome so who cares about them. Bill dresses like a Disney Channel series villain lmao
No. 1858585
>>1858575Ew this angle is so much worse on him. Never mind lol
>buccal fat removal when ?kek come on that never looks good, it's a procedure for old people with jowels and it should've stayed that way. It only makes round-faced people like him look sick.
No. 1858639
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>>1858585sigh I think extreme forced starvation or euthanasia is the only cure for them so… Fuck twink death
No. 1858648
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i just ordered two burger king combos because it was half the price
No. 1858689
>>1857889I don’t see enough Melanie Martinez slander.
This song is her most retarded, all of her songs are really retarded but this one quite takes the cake. the “showw and tell…
why can’t you fucking hear me” has me rolling my eyes to the back of my head. She sounds stupid saying fuckers, you can tell she’s trying to be so edgy but it sounds contrived, most of her audience is kids and I would know because my little sister was a fan when she was 8 and all her songs are like LDR where they glorify pedophillia/sexualize childhood x 4. I can’t believe she was into that, all the kids in her school were, it was gross. Glad she turned into a certified fatass after that.
No. 1858693
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I have very low buccal fat naturally and it makes me laugh that celebrities are currently shilling out for cheeks that my peasant ass has naturally. In a few years they’ll be out of fashion but for now I get to be smug about being the uwu beauty standard.
No. 1858714
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Popular nonas, how the fuck do you do it? No matter how much I try to socialise, act natural but still making sure to fit in, ask questions and listen to people and memorizing who they are as people so I can match their energy I still end up an outsider. Wtf do I do wrong when it feels like I'm following all the social rules?
No. 1858744
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>>1858719Dw cabbage patch chan. Maybe one day you’ll have YOUR turn to be the beauty standard x
No. 1858747
>>1858693Kek me too. I look like a corpse, this is the worst trend. I'll be truly happy when they make dark eye circles trendy, so we can all look like zombies.
I really hate these stupid trends, I remember my friend complaining about the big ass thick eyebrows trend cus she was bullied for having it naturally and now everyones just overdrawing their brows and mocking thin brows when it was fashionable not long ago and women were pressured to have them. Everythings just so empty.
No. 1858761
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>>1858707i want you to become my ghoulfriend
No. 1858767
>>1858759…this actually made me realize something. When I was in high school I was in a really bad place emotionally and going through a lot of tough shit at home so I stopped giving a shit and just did whatever and I learned later on that during this time I had a lot of girls that looked up to me, people saw me as this cool, aloof leader and most of the guys crushed on me and I had absolutely NO CLUE at the time and even if I had I wouldn't have cared less. I kinda lost all of it after my mom became even more emotionally
abusive and I started hanging out with
toxic people that completely broke me down. So back in the days I wasn't all that different from who you describe yourself, maybe people are just attracted to people that don't care? I mean, I would find myself attracted to you as well kek
No. 1858809
>>1858796a lot of normie women are now branded with the
terf label not because of radical feminism, most are libfems or conservatives that simply criticized troons. Trannies chimping out and trying to cancel dissent is really backfiring.
In general tranny fatigue is growing but is not necessarily from a
TERF perspective, most normies don't just don't like them and are exhausted, many people who virtue signaled hadn't peaked yet but the pendulum is kinda swinging against other things too, like LGBT and woke in general.
No. 1858820
>>1858796>>1858799Troons have always been a thing in anime, but people call/ed them "traps" instead.
>>1858809As much as I'm glad to see the pendulum slowly swinging against troons (going way too slow though) I'm so fucking upset over the damage they did to the LGBT community. But I've slowly seen more people pointing the fingers at TRAs for how they fucked everything up, so while we won't have an official full "peakening" at least more and more are becoming disillusioned.
No. 1858840
>>1858420>looks just like youYes I posted a donkey because I look like a donkey. If you want to insult me please do it in English and be more funny.
Doen alsof je tweetalig bent, is niet bijzonder
No. 1858948
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Guess who actually remembered to take the chicken out of the freezer
No. 1858959
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Is anyone else here 30+? I feel like it's just kids around lately.
No. 1858989
>>1858976It's okay
nonnie, you can still join our knitting circle
No. 1858990
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>>1858962>>1858971>>1858975Thank god, well met fellow adults!
No. 1859000
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>>1858976You're a youngster but you're allowed in our adult ladies club too nona
No. 1859031
I've made my peace with being the cool aunt.
No. 1859065
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>>185895932. it feels like I should stop posting already but seeing so many nonas around my age makes me feel better.
No. 1859071
>>1859032i'm turning 29 this year myself in may and it's so weird now when i realize how old i am now. i like it though, i am so much more mature than i was when i was 21, but i find my patience with people is pretty thin. at least when i tell everyone i'm busy and to stop bothering me with stupid drama, they actually believe me kek. mainly because it's true.
>>1859039we need more older anons on the board. we used to have a ton of 30+ anons posting here years ago and then they all left. it's nice to have a more mature perspective.
No. 1859074
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I am millenial sped, i grew up on chans and forums, were else is someone like me gonna go? the only real alternative is just to not be on the internet.
No. 1859155
>>1859121I did ballet as a kid and a little camogie (Irish super violent hockey). I had a rough patch in my early 20s but since then I just walk, stretch and in my spare time canoe. It wasn't until Covid that I joined a proper gymnastic gym. It's super fun, you can jump off really high stuff into a foam pit and not get worried about getting injured.
It took be about 6 months from joining the gym to be able to do a kinda backflip. I can't do it properly but I know the next time I get drunk I'll try do it lol
No. 1859161
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Getting a cat is the one thing that made my mental health ten times better, no amount of professionals or meds have helped me as much as getting my little dude, and I realized now that I'm probably coming off as a crazy cat lady to people that don't know me while my friends are so understanding and just happy that I found something that grounds me. I used to have really bad night anxiety for some reason but now that I have my cat in bed (and him occasionally letting me fall asleep while hugging him) it's mostly gone away, I still have the occasional bad night but it's like once a month instead of four times a week. I just love him so much nonnies, he's the prettiest and kindest little man
No. 1859333
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Angry dildo reviews so funny. Why is your face attached to your rants about plastic cocks.
No. 1859342
File: 1705539152850.png (Spoiler Image,393.61 KB, 1234x750, nsfl.PNG)

>>1859339samefag i found his profile and he has more dildo reviews. i could have gone my entire life without knowing that some scrote shoved
this thing up his bunghole
No. 1859364
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>>1859356here it is just for you nonna
No. 1859374
>>1859372Oh, ew. Its
No. 1859447
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No. 1859522
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Dear God almighty, the men that you have created that are meant to live gainful or at least average lives are on Twitter posting "im like a lesbian for dick" and harassing women
No. 1859557
File: 1705549187934.gif (1.53 MB, 360x202, dXtzop2.gif)

Who up rotating a perfectly rendered cube in their mind?
No. 1859561
>>1859293It’s very, very common for her fans to refer to her as Norma Jean instead of Marilyn Monroe.
>>1859294It wasn’t really supposed to be funny though, someone responded to a question of which celebrity they look like with a picture of a donkey so I agreed that they look alike. Please stop samefagging
No. 1859570
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Art salt anons genuinely hyping and defending circa 00s yaois is making laugh way too much
No. 1859600
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love this picture
No. 1859622
>>1859609In her case she was kind of forced to do a makeover (including unnecessary plastic surgeries) and change her name, which she went along with but didn’t actually want to do. She hated the public persona that she was told to do, and preferred being called Norma Jean. Her makeover and name change had a lot to do with her pedo husband who she married when she was a teenager in order to get away from her
abusive foster parent who was sexually abusing her. The pedo husband forced her to do all of that. Her fans call her Norma Jean typically because who she really was, if you know her backstory and personality then you know she hated fame, her makeover, the way the public viewed her, and she hated being called Marilyn
No. 1859627
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>>1859559I can’t think of any others though! I can’t imagine!!
No. 1859636
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I got murder on my mind
No. 1859711
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Butterfly by Crazytown is my guilty pleasure song. What are yours, nonas
No. 1859712
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Me listening to Spotify on my bed while dissociating after a hot shower without paying hundreds of dollars to sit in a room with annoying gold statues and a gong
No. 1859716
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>>1859712rich people are so dysfunctionally fucking retarded I swear to god