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No. 186181
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Cartoons have taught me that if you put a bow on a person they're automatically a girl.
No. 186184
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Nobody would've guessed you don't pass.
No. 186185
>>186184Plenty of cis men pluck their unibrows, why this want-to-be-woman can't even do the most basic of personal hygiene routines…
Also I feel like all of them need to have have "IF YOU'RE AN UGLY MAN BECOMING A WOMEN WILL NOT INCREASE YOUR ATTRACTIVENESS AT ALL" flashed constantly in front of their faces for a period of at least a year.
No. 186203
>why are so many men becoming women? Has this always been a thing?It's another form of inceldom/sexism. They're men who aren't successful in some way and aren't mentally healthy, and they also fetishize and idolize women. To them women= everything is handed to you and your life is easy and and you're automatically beautiful and everything in women's lives is funny pretty stuff with no obligations, so they become women to escape their shitty lives. It doesn't work, and they spin out of control and wind up on SSDI in shitty apartments soliciting sex from chasers.
It's on the rise because everyone 15-30 is chronically depressed and lonely.
No. 186204
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Some more delusional men
No. 186205
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No. 186206
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No. 186219
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No. 186221
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No. 186222
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No. 186223
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No. 186259
>>186238To be honest I don't consider these guys as really trans. Real trans people are generally pretty normal and functional members of society unless they have very bad dysphoria but even then they try to keep other areas of their lives together. Their focus isn't on how transitioning will make them pretty or how their lives are shit now but will be SO much better once they've switched gender. Their ideas of what they'll get out of transitioning and how society will treat them both is they do and don't pass is a lot more realistic.
That rant aside, yeah it's pretty much the autism-trans link, fetishism, and lingering fucked up female stereotypes. Shit I'm female but I would inject chemicals and mutilate my genitals if the "insta-social-aceptance, cock-carosel-then-sette-at-30, insta-beatiful-with-effort, never-have-to-work-and-everything-is-handed-to-me" female actually existed and it meant I could be her.
No. 186271
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>>186269The worst is that they egg eachother on. Some of the makeup is horror, some of the people giving out "advice" on how to pass look straight outta Silence of The Lambs.
No. 186272
File: 1491846393213.jpg (99.13 KB, 567x568, 1nrjlqNEOlI.jpg)

>>186224Cannot unsee
>>186271Just about as delusional as incels kek
No. 186285
>>186259>autism-trans linkThere needs to be some serious investigation into this. Many pesticides are low concentration nerve agents, and maybe that's still too much for little boys.
The number of trannies is increasing way too fast to explain them away as weirdos. Something changed two or three decades ago, and I bet if they pin this down, they'll pin down autism too.
No. 186299
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>>186259>mrw people say there are normal transDo you really think that fucking their bodies just to be able to wear dresses is normal then you're just as fucked up as they are. They're even claiming they have "female penises", like how crazy must you be to believe in this shit?
No. 186300
>>186292It's disgusting and sexist how MtFs try mold themselves into ridiculous caricatures of womanhood. It's a fetish for them.
Why more feminists aren't calling them out, I have no idea.
No. 186301
File: 1491867225029.jpg (189.97 KB, 1080x720, so kawaii.jpg)

when he tries to do a cute half smile in every photo but ends up looking mentally retarded
No. 186302
File: 1491867312521.jpg (114.86 KB, 1024x768, ftm.jpg)

The FtMs seem to do a better job passing
No. 186315
>>186300Modern liberal feminism is a fucking joke.
Men in wigs have more authority than us in that shit movement.
Literally any "choice" a woman makes is feminist, and fuck looking at why or the underlying issues.
It's such a hot mess.
No. 186327
>>186302That's more biology than effort. Plenty of women, especially ones in their teens/20s can pass as boys or effeminate men even without HRT. Or at the very least, they can make themselves androgynous. You'd be surprised at how much some makeup, a masculine hairstyle and male clothing can do.
Males? It's impossible without HRT by the time you're an adult for 99.99% of men.
No. 186354
>>186204he could be an ugly grandma
>>186219jesus fuck why is it wearing hooker makeup
No. 186362
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not from r/transpassing, but here's a "trans girl" from tumblr.
No. 186368
File: 1491939682741.jpg (222.47 KB, 1080x720, 03Zih9d.jpg)

>>186301Holy damn how can he be on HRT for like almost two years but still looks like this
No. 186389
>>186368at least this one is making an effort, even if it falls flat. hell of a lot more than
>>186222 or
>>186206 are doing, and i've seen worse makeup on genuine females posted here…
No. 186390
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No. 186391
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No. 186392
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No. 186393
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No. 186395
>>186392>>186393Horrible wigs, weird cheeky-sexy facial expressions, clownish makeup that most actual women learned not to do after like two years of doing it…
Honestly the image of a woman that these transpretenders put out is just so disturbing to me. You can tell what they actually think of us lol. They're like putting a girl's face through a scanner a hundred times. And they always look like sluts.
No. 186396
>>186368She has unfortunate genetics, I mean those lips wouldn't look good in anyone.
>>186395I thought about this a lot. I don't wanna blame perception of womanly aesthetics but…
No. 186449
God I'm finding this thread so fucking triggering. How can these knobs aspire to be women when they can't even shape their eyebrows? If any m2fs are reading, you will never pass but for fuck's sake at least practise basic hygiene rituals.
>get your eyebrows professionally done and maintain them, nothing is more manly than wild slug brows spilling over onto your eyelids
>stop wearing lipstick because it accentuates how thin your man lips are and it's fucking hilarious
>wash your damn hair, when have you ever seen a biological woman walk around in public with stringy, greasy strands of hair stuck to her face?
>also just growing it out to shoulder length and hacking off the ends yourself isn't enough to look feminine, have it professionally done (with layers to hide your massive jawbones) and if growing your hair longer than that is too hard maybe being a woman isn't for you?
>stop wearing ugly glasses that you've clearly bought from the men's section of the optician's, get some from the women's section or wear contact lenses there's no excuse for that
>shave every inch of your body or at very least bleach it, if the average woman had thick, black hair where you have it (hands, chest, feet, face, back, thighs…) she'd immediately get it waxed off. If you're going to pretend you're a woman, you may as well feel some of the pain of being one.
>learn how to apply makeup? it's not that hard?
No. 186464
>>186302At least before the Tumblr era, I noticed a lot of transwomen say that testosterone was "poison". For the intense changes it makes, I understand how devastating that would be for a dysphoric person. HRT treatment for FTMs is so much more successful because unlike estrogen for MTFs, testosterone will change not only musculature and fat distribution, but bone structure and lowers your voice.
Most MTF are so unfortunate with those large facial features and stature that aren't going anywhere no matter how much hrt they take. They can't go backwards. Even if they get good fat distribution on their body, the brow bone and jaw are so unforgiving. Their heads are just so massive next to cis-women. The receding hairlines going on in these photos is even worse.
>>186449Even though I believe we should let trans do whatever they want with their own body, your tips are spot on. The people posted here seem to have never socialized normally with a biological female nor understood them.
No. 186467
>>186449>Implying being a woman is based on how well you shape your eyebrows.This is how trannies think.
These delusional fucks never were and never will be women.
No. 186478
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No. 186494
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These weren't exactly posted on r/transpassing but they are from other subreddits related
No. 186510
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>see this post>well ftms do always pass better>NOPE>>186499Again with the fucking dumb 'cute' faces.
No. 186518
>>186478With different brows, lighter eyeshadow and a hairstyle that was less square, it might work better? The dark eye makeup makes the brow bone look too strong, the hairline makes the face too square and the eyebrows throw off the rest of the look. They're just accentuating masculine features here.
>>186449I think a lot of them just have ~a look~ in mind for a woman (usually red lips and black eyeliner) and won't stray from it even if it doesn't suit them. In my experience, a lot of them still hold stereotypical views of women and try to conform to that instead of something that would work better. The traditionally feminine looks were made to emphasize womanly features. It doesn't really work if you don't naturally have those features. I think that not being born as women makes them desperate to fit the traditional look so they can prove themselves but very few MtFs suit it. Whereas woman will usually go "eh, I don't look good in this, let's move on", I feel like MtFs have really tied their identities into the idea of being traditionally feminine and pretty.
No. 186519
>>186518I often wonder how many of these trannies have a porn addiction since they tend to wear the kind of clothing and makeup you see in more ~demure~ porn.
What fucks me off is that it seems like they aren't trying to emulate women they know, just some male fantasy they've seen somewhere. It's like they think they can be a better woman than actual women.
No. 186520
>>186519>It's like they think they can be a better woman than actual women.I've seen this actual comment from a mtf before, it was just embarrassing. It's amazing how some people can transition into women and still hate women.
Some of them might actually pass with a different style but they all push each other into long ugly party city wigs, stripper heels and cakey makeup. It literally does the opposite of what they want it to do and it starts to look drag queeny.
No. 186525
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>>186520I've seen many transwomen say this then throw shit fits when people still clock them as men
No. 186531
>>186497With facial feminization surgery and better eyebrows, they could pass for a cute lesbian. It looks like their hair is real and thick? That is helpful.
>>186519I have a MTF childhood friend who is a very nice, humble person, but after she started networking with other trans rights advocates, her friends list is full of all these fetishizing weirdos who are deep into tranny porn" and defining their womanhood by how sexually available they are. They are so obsessed with their "lady dick" and think they are superior to biological women because they have one. There are just too many that fall into that demographic and they look masculine and awkward as fuck. I saw a lot of the promoting a trans porn company called Grooby Girls, which is filled with the worst looking Tgirls I have ever seen. And again, they all have cocks.
I honestly feel very different about trans people who are dysphoric and want to make every attempt to adapt the body as close to a typical woman's(SRS being their goal) and other trans who indulge in cartoonish gender stereotypes and aggressively flail their cocks around.
No. 186545
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>>186531what about the ones that don't try at all, anon
No. 186547
>>186531>>I honestly feel very different about trans people who are dysphoric and want to make every attempt to adapt the body as close to a typical woman's(SRS being their goal) and other trans who indulge in cartoonish gender stereotypes and aggressively flail their cocks around.Agreed. It might be time to start calling some for what they are: Fetishist crossdressers
I have no issue with someone who actually wants to pass as the opposite gender, but basically trying to look like a blowup doll and fucking anything that moves…uhhh yea, most people aren't going to respect that behavior no matter what your gender
No. 186556
>>186545I remember seeing a few transwomen go apeshit over this person claiming they were a joke to the trans community
>>186551Oh its totally a pissing contest the people who shit on mtf the most are other mtf and insist that their "bitchiness is part of what makes them female" they are fucking disgusting. Never had these issues with ftm.
>>186552Fucking THIS!
No. 186575
>>186552Yes! They behave and reason just like misogynistic man they always were. No change at all. No desire to get on our level or relate past the superficial. They clearly are not legitimate, medical transgender because if you ask if they were born an average, biological woman with no dick, they'd probably say no.
The mtf friends I do have a cool with me because at no point have they ever made me feel like we are not equals nor do they minimize biological women's voices when it comes to reproductive rights, sexual harassment or rape. They acknowledge that we grew up differently for most of our lives and faced different issues.
I think if we could research into the actual fetishizers lives, they all have bad relationships with women or their moms. It's almost like a "Well, I'll show you, cunts!" or a desperate need to escape their past as a nerdy, unpopular, underachieving male.
No. 186576
>>186575*Sorry. If you asked if they WISH they were born a biological female.
-same poster as above
No. 186618
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No. 186666
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No. 186672
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These people are so desperate for identity and acceptance
No. 186687
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No. 186706
File: 1492132396709.jpg (Spoiler Image,96.78 KB, 540x719, tumblr_ood9wzRA2g1w9u9kro1_540…)

what the actual fuck
No. 186814
>>186518I think your latter comment may have a lot of merit, I mean its not
easy to admit you are a Plain Jane or regular ol' ugly woman but perhaps trans people really take it to heart. I think all women try to/want to be beautiful on some level but maybe it takes on extra importance to a trans person to not just pass but to pass and be attractive.
No. 186873
>>186478>>186670Male or female, they both have enviable hair!
>>186608>> i can definately see the attraction for these ugly beta males.Same, I like being female but can somewhat see the attraction. It's like an unusual way of getting a fresh start in life.
>>186792I can see that. I'd think the same, but that she could improve her appearance with some weight loss and better hair/makeup.
>>BTW, to anons saying that MTF's can't pass as women, I've seen a few who really do pass and look great!I recently had a change of heart on the whole transgender issue. I was really disgusted by them until recently when I realized the ones that I dislike are crossdressers (fetishits), and not actually transgendered. Many of them who pass dress like normal women, and not like some weird blowup doll fantasy.
No. 186876
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The fucking face. Imagine this coming at you at work. A ratty partywig and the greasyface.
No. 186904
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No. 186906
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pre-hrt and them titties
No. 186919
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No. 186920
File: 1492220986382.jpg (1.23 MB, 2320x3088, CXyApBw.jpg)

idk if I look from afar it looks quite okay but the bones give it away and I can't unsee it anymore
No. 186922
File: 1492221061660.jpg (176.22 KB, 960x1280, lVxnSp1.jpg)

>Hi folks. Been on HRT since 10.9.14, I've largely passed without a problem until recently. I started working at a new job and all of a sudden I'm getting misgendered… by my coworkers. I drive buses. Patrons are fine, drivers not so much. Literally another driver tried to stop me from using the women's bathroom. Christ, I was livid… What gives? Is it my hair, my old glasses, the trainee 'uniform'?
No. 186923
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Last one for now. This one made me laugh because his expression is so stupid
No. 186927
>>186922This is another one who just looks like an ugly fat woman
>>186920This one kinda passes to me too. Like they actually tried.
No. 186967
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No. 186968
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No. 186969
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Once again it would be okay if not for the bone structure, it gives it away instantly
No. 186970
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No. 186971
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No. 186979
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Not from reddit, but I just have to share this beast of a "woman" I met once
No. 187001
>>186203There's a very controversial book about it, which splits them up in real transsexuals (those who've felt dysphoria from a very young age, the two year olds throwing a tantrum when they're not allowed to wear the fairy princess dress) and into autogynephiliacs. The latter only "realize" they're trans later, when they can't have satisfying adult relationships, and instead of wanting to do a woman, suddenly they want to become one. They can be incels, but very often they're also serial monogamists who leave a trail of failed marriages and fatherless kids in their wake. There's a different psychopathology at work than the gender dysphoria that true trans people experience.
The book is The Man Who Would Be Queen by Michael Bailey.
You can see how this manifests online: true transsexuals just want to live a normal life as the gender they identify with, the autogynephiliacs are screeching about how they're better women than real women and about how feminists are transphobic for not indulging their fits.
No. 187006
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>>186478The manic look in their eyes gets me every time. Reminds me of this, but this woman is acting.
>>187001Sage for samefagging, but chapter 9 of the book, "Men Trapped in Men's Bodies" is free online: line: "What's the point of being a sacred cow if you don't moo?"
No. 187014
File: 1492311522880.jpg (255.06 KB, 1103x1440, lZ5Z3if.jpg)

I present to you, submissions from the Translesbian Memes, a Facebook page for Autistic(almost all identifiy on the spectrum), dick-obsessed Anime fans.
No. 187015
File: 1492311738351.jpg (54.51 KB, 500x625, cwiJUZr.jpg)

>>187014Several of their "memes" are about being real-life futanari and going on angry, violence-filled rants against TERFs.
No. 187016
File: 1492312696841.jpg (243.3 KB, 960x1280, gpwDMM6.jpg)

>>187014>>187015I'm sorry, it's a Translesbian, neurodivergent, anime and dick-worshipping, anarchist Facebook page.
No. 187023
>>187022Also, a lot of people are really transphobic, but it seems like most of the vitriol is reserved for feminists who just disagree with the notion of gender but don't actually hate transpeople.
Meanwhile, the people who actually hate and commit violence or even kill transwomen? AKA men? No big deal…
No. 187029
>>187022It pisses me off a lot. Had a mutual complaining about TERFs once. Went the the blogs they linked, and ended up following them all because I actually agreed with everything they had to say. I don't hate trans people, either, but I admire a gender critical outlook on the way that feminism is heading at the moment.
>>187026Usually the latter. I'm a lesbian and I'm now very nervous around MtF trans women because (as an active member of our GSA, where I help with fund raising and welcoming new students) I've been called transphobic for refusing to date a trans girl. Not even all of them, but just one. The entire time I had to deal with the situation, it felt like they were coercing me into sex and I had to deal with the social pressures telling me I'm a transphobic shitlord because I don't want to be expected to suck the dick of an obnoxious mansplaining bitchy asshole who never shuts up about how catty he is (as if that's some inherently feminine trait we can all bond over). Disgusting.
No. 187050
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Apologies if this is in the wrong thread, but i am fucking done with transwomen.
For context-the article was about a doctor who is performing FGM. Anyone who actually knows what FGM is knows how damaging it actually is. I will post link if you want to see the bullshit in all its full glory. this twanswoman goes on a rant about how him being circumcized is FGM, when other commentors say its not the same thing but are not dismissive of circumcision, he claims THEY ARE not only being dismissive but blames them for changing he topic from being about FGM to circumcision. Like the dissonance is unreal.
No. 187056
>>187050>article about FGM>trans woman with penis thinks it's their time to shineI'm tired of women being removed from their own movements and issues.
We can't talk about birth control, pregnancy or menstruation because it's transphobic. We can't discuss FGM because men are circumcised. We can't talk about misogyny and sexism perpetuated by some trans women.
No. 187058
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>>187050>that doesn't give cis people the right to exclude trans women from the definition of female genital mutilationIt's literally called FGM to differentiate between the circumcision or mutilation of a penis. Why is semantics more important than the actual issue of children suffering FGM?
I did appreciate some of the replies though
No. 187060
>>187055Totes believe onision would be this insufferable if he transitioned (although he wont, he might just start saying hes a woman without hormones and surgeryso he can proclaim lesbians are evil for not wanting to fuck his girldick.)
>>187056Exactly. I have the transmovement now. I got annoyed when they tried to stop calling girls girls in primary school because apparently thats cissexism.
>>187058Thanks for posting these, most of the replies were overly polite to the douchebag. Even those who disagreed were like "oh we understand why you are angry" like i wanted to say fuck off. Being trans should not mean they get a pass on saying/doing stupid shit especially the amount of transwomen who liken black women to being "gorillas" and other monkeys when people point out they are biologically men.
No. 187063
>>187050>Trans women are born womenNo they are not. I fucking hate these self-obsessed transwomen who try to bend reality to suit their agenda. You were not born as a woman, you were not raised as a woman, you're a man. No amount of plastic surgery and stomping your feet changes that.
>>187056I reached my limit when during the aftermath of the women's march people suggested that we should refer to women as "womb carriers" when talking about abortion issues because not all women have wombs!!! You're excluding trans women who, after all, are more women than cis women because they CHOSE to be female! uwu
No. 187077
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>>186919Woah, it's Michael Cera
No. 187082
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No. 187083
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No. 187088
File: 1492386645768.png (367.99 KB, 452x468, WHEEZING.png)

not from the subreddit but a tranner who replied in that translesbian FB group
No. 187099
>>186280literally this senpai
thought i was ftm when i was 16, actually got a qualified psychiatrist to take me through it and make me understand that fucking up my body for life isn't the answer to my deep seated self esteem issues
so fucking glad i'm still a girl lol
No. 187104
>>187063yep transwomen should never be allowed in feminist spaces. they have no idea what being raised a woman is like and the unique issues we face.
also some other anons were talking about how trans women invade feminist spaces and censor our language about our own anatomy because it's "transphobic". i was going to go to a women's reproductive rights rally (in my area a bill was to be passed decriminalising abortion, didn't get passed in the end) and the event organiser asked for "no gendered language, no uterine/vaginal imagery" because that's "transphobic". it literally INFURIATED me. now we're being censored by people who proclaim they're on our side as well. why do trans women hate women so much? it's honestly so disgusting i can't bear to be around them.
also as a lesbian transbians can honestly go fuck themselves with their mangled cocks, i'm not interested in your sweaty, huge, rough body at all and honestly kill yourself if you try to coerce me into sex by crying transphobia.
No. 187124
>>187104One of my mtf friends, who has lived as a woman since her teens, got very upset that other transwomen were doing this at Women's March so she made a post criticizing their refusal to acknowledge a biological fact. Sure enough, she lost several mtf fb friends that day and had to block a few because she dared to stick up for ciswomen. They hate the fact that she doesn't go into convulsions after saying "vagina" or "uterus".
Isn't it weird how the latter group screams that they are women and always have been but they feel we have less authority by default, even when it comes to organs they DO NOT HAVE. Now they're creating cloying terms like "shenis" and "girl-dick" to erase our autonomy even further.
Holy shit. These autistic betas stomping all over women even in places where we are supposed to be safe makes ME feel dysphoric. It's so weird because I have mtf friends that I respect and care about deeply, and then there are those body snatchers that are dominating nearly all discourse. You don't see transmen ever doing that to cismen.
No. 187125
>>187124I used to follow a lot of MTF radical feminist blogs on tumblr. Some were detransitioned, most not.
They simply felt more comfortable being considered women in our current gendered society. That's perfectly understandable, that's what radical feminists are trying to fight against and they understood that.
Like "gender" is definitely real in our society but it doesn't have to be. But you have transtrenders fighting tooth and nail to keep it a thing and they don't even realize they're just making society even more sexist and divisive and shitty.
No. 187128
>>187124regarding your comment about transmen, in my experience a lot of "trans"men and "non binary" teenage girls may not be dicks to men, but are JUST as bad in feminist spaces. "Not everyone with a uterus is female uwu" "men can have periods too" etc. Like, maybe so, but those people are a minority within a minority and it's stupid to revolve feminist discussion around them.
But it is a lot less because being a transman has really fallen out of style in the tumblr youth. Now all those who identified as a transman for attention and asspats identify as "nonbinary" which i think we can all agree is completely laughable bullshit.
No. 187133
I saw a post on Instagram in the transwomenarewomen tag about protesting BBC presenter Jenni Murray, who criticized trans journalist India Willoughby's privilege and blatant sexism on Women's Hour. This article and the comments about the controversy are pretty thought-provoking. we eliminate biological makeup and gendered socialization, what IS a woman? What is a man? How can a middle-aged biological male who transitioned AFTER they attained success(and had been exclusively socialized) as a man have equal or more say about being a woman than a ciswoman who had been socialized as female since birth?
No. 187134
>>187133youre asking questions that has one simple answer
These people are mentally ill. Some of them aren't mentally ill and have a fetish, or think it's "cool" to be trans. The questions you're asking aren't worth thinking about because its giving credence to their illness/phase/fetish.
No. 187136
>>187124>These autistic betas stomping all over women even in places where we are supposed to be safe makes ME feel dysphoric.To be honest that's the case with most FTMs. The have such a deep resentment towards anything that's female due to femininity constantly being evaluated and guarded by men so that in order to liberate themselves they want to become men. Or at last anything but women.
>>187133>what IS a woman? What is a man?Women have female chromosomes and a female reproductive system. Men have male chromosomes and a male reproductive system. It's just that easy. Intersex people rarely fall inbetween since it's a genetic defect and not a real gender, and most of the time intersex qualities are awfully small. Tumblr like to play it up like they're the true androgynous goddesses uwu but in reality most intersex people have a natal gender with some defects in their biology such as testicular tissue in their ovaries.
> How can a middle-aged biological male who transitioned AFTER they attained success(and had been exclusively socialized) as a man have equal or more say about being a woman than a ciswoman who had been socialized as female since birth?They can't. That's the point. They have no idea of what it's like to be born, grown up, raised and living as a woman. Therefore they shouldn't be allowed to female spaces or have any say when discussing women's rights. They can't possibly identify with anything else than the fantasy stereotype they've created of women.
No. 187142
>>187133It all comes down to physical sex. Gender as tumblrites describe- how you dress, how you "feel", how you "identify" doesn't fucking exist and downplays the very real issue of SEXism. I can dress more masculine and still be a woman. A man can dress feminine and still be a man. In the end it comes down to your genitals and whether or not you actively want the genitals of the opposite sex because your mind rejects your own. Even in that case, trans women shouldn't be allowed in women's spaces because they were still raised with all the privileges that come with being a male and will never understand modern women's issues, which mostly have to do with bodily autonomy and sexuality and reproductive rights.
That was really interesting. Thanks for linking
No. 187151
>>187145Thank you. Try saying this anywhere and you're labeled TERF scum and are practically crucified verbally. It's insanity.
What's going to happen when all of these people get bored of their fetish or for those who went under the knife and on HRT realize they didn't actually want to transition after all? I find the abundant number of "trans" people really disturbing. It's supposedly a minute minority but you wouldn't guess that with all the people playing dress up and oppression olympics on the internet.
No. 187172
>>187151I wouldn't say "get bored". I think the best way to kill their dreams is them realizing they won't be a "hot" chick when they transition. I read a story about a woman who said her husband's friend admitting to being trans, but wouldn't trasition because he (a balding 350lb man at 5'7" whose highest paying job was as a truck driver) couldn't be the vision he had in his head: a hot brunette with huge fake tits. The reason MtFs outnumber FtMs is because they don't want to be women, they want to be hot and desired and think that they'll go through life on "ez" mode, get to be sluts, and get to be bitches (as women all are, naturally) without social consequences.
We all know it's bullshit, but they still do it, and they still invade feminine spaces. They usually realized they've ruined themselves for life once they see they aren't going to be a hottie and experience the simple life.
No. 187202
That's true, because I myself have led a more privileged life than my other female friends. But there are certain things that a mtf will absolutely never experience growing up, such as catcalling by grown men from a young age and men saying women should be flattered, or the hyper sexualization vs control of our bodies. Perhaps that is something they experience as an adult after transition, but they can't realize the psychological effect that would have when you are a 12 year old girl. Growing up as a boy, whether they feel like one inside or not, has it's own unique challenges and peer pressures. I could never say I know exactly what growing up male is like, despite all my firsthand observations.
It's like, if you gave the average mtf the chance to back and be reborn as cisfemale, would they do it? I don't think most would, especially given how many are obsessed with their penises. I have only met a couple in my life that said "I wish I had been born an average girl and not have to deal with all this(having to transition)"
No. 187203
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No. 187209
>>187203>every single trans girl is gorgeous >don't tell a trans girl how she vents about terfsSo much delusion. They think they're fucking beyond reproach. Untouchable.
I've seen some cute, passing mtf before , but the vast majority look scary, massive and unrefined.
No. 187217
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>MtF, 34yo, 4 months HRT, and feeling pretty androgynous and cute. I'm hoping after this point though the stronger feminization sets in. (no makeup - just wokeup - hard mode gif☺️)
No. 187218
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No. 187219
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No. 187220
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No. 187221
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No. 187222
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No. 187224
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No. 187231
My apologies
No. 187254
>>187252*just don't want
No. 187270
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>>187063>>187076>>187104>>187117>>187124>>187126>>187133>>187134>>187142>>187145>>187202>>187252(saged for no contribs, but see responses like this makes me feel less alone. I feel a bit bad because I dont think saying that being born a girl and "transitioning" into a girl is a hateful thing to say but apparently it makes you as bad as a nazi in some peoples eyes. Also even though I dont share a lot of the same views as terfs I have never come across a terf which advocated for the death of trans people. Transpeople and their allies on the other hand…I will spoiler the next pic which are tweets because I understand to some people they will be upsetting)
No. 187273
File: 1492498798467.jpg (Spoiler Image,493.29 KB, 275x5406, tweets.jpg)

>>187270Here are the tweets. I find it ironic you have anti-fem pro-trans people like shoeonhead who tweets over and over again that "nobody should be threatened for having an opinion uwu" but I dont see her condemn this. She probably finds it funny. This is the reason I left the LGBT "community" and also why I stopped being an SJW.
I also used to be part of a bdsm community-which is full of MTF who dont want to be women but "little girls" and have some truly fucked up ideas about how women who were abused as kids "actually enjoy it" To the other anons who mentioned how they are not sure MTF do it because they think life will be on easy mode-they sort of do (sort of as in depends how they turn out after hormones) I find a lot of them are insecure too-I once pointed out on a post of a woman who was clearly a man, not in a nasty way-got a lot of insults "oh you must be a fat ugly dyke" etc I said i didnt even think the person was ugly i never commented on that just said its clear to see from their face that they are a man. Que the "even if you were a 10/10 there are transwomen who are prettier" and about a dozen "roastie" comments. Funny thing was this wasnt even the lbgt board it was fucking /tv/ kek. Saged for blogpost.
No. 187276
>>187273That's absolutely terrifying. They always talk about cold-blooded violence, sexual assault(such a girly thing to do,eh?) and mutilation against women, but where is the vitriol against men who would torture them? Rape them? Throw them from rooftops or mass-murder them in front of their families? Keep them from a job they are legitimately qualified for? They don't reserve half as much hate to those that have the most power.
>which is full of MTF who dont want to be women but "little girls" This is one of most disturbing trends: grown adults, even middle-aged with adult children, referring to themselves in diminutive, youthful term, as if WOMAN is too uncomfortable. 50 year olds referring to themself as a "girl" and becoming fixated ott feminized, younger image is so creepy. Like the kissy face dork in
>>187217 It's like, bitch. You're not 14. You look like a pre-menopausal lunch lady.
No. 187285
>>187203so basically
>hey maybe don't tie a woman's value to her looks because that's actually pretty sexist>DON'T TELL A TRANS GIRL WHAT TO DOSee, this shit is annoying as fuck. Being trans doesn't wipe away the misogyny you picked up while living as and being socialised as a man. You can't move yourself into a group, retain the negative views you have of it and still expect to be wholly accepted.
No. 187286
>>187281I hate the way lesbians are treated as transphobic for not wanting somebody with a dick. Like what is the plan really? Are these people just going to harrass lesbians until they feel obliged to sleep with them? Are they going to call that a win at the end of the day?
It's all come full circle. Women fought for their right for bodily autonomy and the right to speak up about their issues and now it's going to get taken away in the interests of "acceptance". People think it's a step forward but it's a step back.
No. 187287
>>187202Exactly, how is it bad to plainly state the truth ?? Growing up with brothers as a woman will just show you a world of differences. Sure, not every girl experience the same thing, or sometimes it's just the addition of a million tiny things that shape us.
Even if that seems ridiculous, any tiny gesture change our outlook on life as women growing up.
All of my brothers have bikes and started driving them at 16 while I was never allowed to. I was always scolded for not visiting my grandmas enough while my brothers were just assumed to not be family oriented. They could fail classes and get into fights with less consequences than me.
Once our computer was riddled with viruses from porn and I was shamed to death until they realised it was from my bro and it got swept under the rug. They could fuck their gf at home but I wasn't allowed to spend too much time at my boyfriend's place until I left home.
I don't care if that makes me a TERF, even though I never identified with them, but a trans woman will never know how it feels to simply be treated differently, assumed to be more demure, have different expectations on you, be the whore and the madonna at the same time the moment you reach puberty.
No. 187288
>>187287All of this. Even when my father was a self-professed liberal and black sheep of his conservative family, my sister and I were always treated differently from my brothers. Simple arguments quickly devolved into gendered insults and dismissiveness of our views. Household chores were gendered and my brothers weren't even expected to learn to cook for themselves.
Here are even more screenshots of militant trans-sanctioned violence and narcissistic savagery:
https://terfisaslur.comThese ARE NOT the regular mtf of the past who actually wanted to be real women and live alongside us as equals. These are hateful, jealous men who want control not just over their own disastrous lives, but our lives as well.
No. 187289
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>>187288Look at the name of that Facebook group: TERF infiltration of the Feminist movement
>infiltration >FeministAs if Feminism was not started by biological females. They're claiming it as being theirs all along and define its purpose. They have their own fucking movement. Why do they have to hijack ours? It's misogynistic erasure of female empowerment.
No. 187291
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>gender abolition is both encouraging genocide and white supremacy.
No. 187296
>>187294At this point it just feels like literal retardation. I mean, that's the only thing I can figure out. They are literally retarded and think they can change the definition of biology to suit them. I honestly am beginning to detest anyone who says they're trans, like actually full on hate them just on that snippet alone. I don't want to feel like this, but holyfuck, this current influx of tranny BS just makes me worried about the future.
I got incredibly salty over this new Dove commercial for 'new moms' which features a transwoman. Fuck that. You are not a mother you man in a wig.
No. 187300
>>187273The one shaming someone for making vulva cupcakes stands out to me (though they are all stupid). Women are constantly being shamed, criticized and insulted based on their vaginas and vulvas, there's genital surgery and so on, but these people take a cupcake defying society's view on vulvas and make it about them and how they are oppressed.
Maybe it's a stupid example but transwomen with "female dicks" (ew) can go to any novelty store and pick up a bag of "fun pasta" shaped like their genitals. Female genitalia however? Nope.
No. 187309
"Woman Is The Nigger of the World"
Lyrics: John Lennon & Yoko Ono
Woman is the nigger of the world
Yes she is, think about it
Woman is the nigger of the world
Think about it, do something about it
We make her paint her face and dance
If she won't be a slave, we say that she don't love us
If she's real, we say she's trying to be a man
While putting her down we pretend that she is above us
Woman is the nigger of the world, yes she is
If you don't believe me take a look to the one you're with
Woman is the slave to the slaves
Ah yeah, better scream about it
We make her bear and raise our children
And then we leave her flat for being a fat old mother hen
We tell her home is the only place she should be
Then we complain that she's too unworldly to be our friend
Woman is the nigger of the world, yes she is
If you don't believe me take a look to the one you're with
Oh woman is the slave to the slaves
Yeah, alright
We insult her everyday on TV
And wonder why she has no guts or confidence
When she's young we kill her will to be free
While telling her not to be so smart we put her down for being so dumb
Woman is the nigger of the world, yes she is
If you don't believe me take a look to the one you're with
Woman is the slave to the slaves
Yes she is, if you believe me, you better scream about it
We make her paint her face and dance
We make her paint her face and dance
We make her paint her face and dance
We make her paint her face and dance
We make her paint her face and dance
We make her paint her face and dance
No. 187354
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>>187351Not weird at all.
No. 187355
I'm so happy that we as a society are bringing back Victorian-era freak shows. I mean look at
>>187217 and
>>187224 , just think that you could've lived your whole life without witnessing that
No. 187356
>>187273Why are so many of them so obsessed with their dicks? Why are they so ready and willing to use their dicks as an instrument of violence against women? It's fucking sickening, men are a disease.
>>187310“The Black Woman is the Mule of the World”
But that's from Hurston/Walker. But yeah, that made me kind of squint my eyes, too. Intersectionality wasn't something people gave a shit about back then. Black women were only as good as their support for black men and their attractiveness/exoticness to everyone else.
Speaking of black women, there's this black trans woman named Amiyah Scott who everyone praises and after seeing how she treats and talks about women (despite the fact that most of the people who criticize her in the black community are black men – but wouldn't want to insult the men she wants attention from, right?), I'm pretty much done with the trans community as a whole.
I remember seeing a tweet a long time where she said something along the lines of, "I'm better than you bleeding bitches!" on twitter when 95% of the harassment she receives is from black men. It just cements to me the fact that most trans women see womanhood as competing for male attention (she was a gay man before transitioning). It's so fucking disgusting. They're hurting the feminist movement… for what? Because they're sure they do femininity better than we do? Congrats, you can get laid by the same men who have established such rigid gender roles that you feel the need to transition and live as a woman to escape them.
I tried to find the tweet, but I can't seem to find it, and searching her twitter didn't yield anything. I'm guessing she deleted it, or I just can't find it.
No. 187359
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Not to derail but is it worth making a tumblr thread for delusional trannies? Because seriously the ones on there make the ones on here pale in comparison, they also seem to be a hellva lot creepier
No. 187487
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No. 187488
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No. 187489
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No. 187490
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No. 187491
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this is what nightmares are made of
No. 187495
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>>187493For reference
No. 187498
>>187495yeah.. look at her talk. that grill is messed up also had her kids taken away from her by social services and had claims against her about molesting her children.
No. 187501
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>>186184>>186480i really tried. liquify + clone stamp tooled the shit out of it. looks weirdly like my sister now.
No. 187519
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These people are on the same level of delusional as Chris-chan
>>186525Fucking Gigi, one of the few who've pulled off the bimbo look but it took half a mil and the death of their Mom
No. 187544
I just came across this great article from that Feminist Current website linked earlier. Really sums up my own feelings about trying to be a liberal, inclusive person who respects freedom of gender expression, while being logical and not allowing myself to be bullied into submission.
I can't believe THIS well-worded and considerate piece would be labeled hate speech and deserving of the most revolting, violent threats. reminds me that I totally forgot how the group that is almost as hated as "TERFS" are the transwomen labeled "Truscum" because they acknowledge the existence of fakes and fetishizers delegitimizing their condition.
No. 187549
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>>187507>>187504thank you very much!
>>187501here's another quickie. this is actually really fun
No. 187551
>>187544Some of the comments are even better:
I don't know. I'm trying to figure out the psychological dynamics going on with Dolezal and Jenner. As this story of Dolezal continues to unravel, I believe she is going to be the proverbial fly in the ointment, not the ointment. I think she has some kind of Narcissistic Personality Disorder or Munchhausen Syndrome. Obviously, she is also a very shrewd woman. She is also bold and calculating. After all, as a white woman, she sued Howard University, an historic black university for discrimination. Then, while pretending to be black, she gave a lecture on black hair and announced she was going natural. With that in mind, I think she was knowledgeable about the colorism discrimination that permeates the African American Community, and how it could be used to her advantage. I'm speaking here about skin color hierarchy. There is a very painful history associated with this- as I'm sure some of you are aware of. In some cases, if your skin was darker than a paper bag, you were denied access to social clubs, fraternities, sororities, positions in entertainment, etc., etc. I am very much aware of this phenomenon because I've experienced it. Dolezal pretending to be an African American with white skin and blue eyes would make her the center of attention in an African American Institution. She would also be a major curiosity among whites. If you are a narcissist, it's a perfect role.
Now about Caitlynn Jenner. I happened to stumble on a YouTube video by someone who calls herself "Freelee The Bananna Girl". Apparently she is a Vegan or special diet advocate or something. She has the body of a child, but that's another subject. In her video, she was debating whether a skinny girl's body was more desirable than a curvy one. She attempted to solved the matter by concluding that all women had vaginas. What transpired next were angry comments from transgendered advocates calling her transphobic. Why? Because all women don't have vaginas! Say what now?! So, she basically apologized for having a vagina. Now this is an example of how this debate is getting insane. I feel the same way about Caitynn Jenner. Women are expected to walk on eggshells to not to offend the dignity of Caitlyn Jenner's womanhood. If they dare not accept it, they will be hounded by accusations of transphobia, and the usual demeaning sexists nouns. You will probably hear the usual, you're jealous, too. In some cases this may include threats of bodily harm. Women are expected to not question any of this, while their own womanhood is violated, EVERYDAY! This tremendous pressure for women to acknowledge Transwomen, is not applied to men to accept Trans Men? You should ask yourself, why? Why must women, yet again, discount their own suffering to benefit another. Why are our issues and spaces disrespected. When is Chaz Bono going to appear on Esquire?
Furthermore, it is important to acknowledge here that there are other victims in all of this. We can see how the 3 ex-wives in Caitlynn Jenner's life have been rendered persona non grata. While he played the part of straight, white, Republican male, he used them in his masquerade. He impregnated them and produced 6 children. But that is of no consequence. If he abused them that is unimportant. Women born female don't matter here. His son Brody's girlfriend is disregarded when Jenner commandeered her name, Kaitlynn,as his own. This dismissal of women was also exhibited when Laverne Cox pleaded for the convicted felon, Luis Morales, to received medical services. The purpose, so he may transition into womanhood. Morales is now known as Synthia China Blast. He is in prison for the rape, murder and abuse of the corpse of a 13 year-old girl. Ebony Brown, the victim, will never see womanhood. But that doesn't matter, because real women's lives don't. We saw yet another example here with Christopher Hambrook also know as Jessica Hambrook. He was a transgendered woman that was placed in a Toronto women's shelter where he proceeded to rape women. When he was convicted, transgendered activists advocated for him to be put in a woman's prison. But again, the women that he rape with his penis lives are irreverent, and so are the lives of the women in the prison.
As I said in the beginning here, there are some things that are psychologically perplexing. And, as women we should demand that this issue is debated further. And puh-leeze, this is not transphobia. This is about having a frank discussion, something women should not be afraid to do. Womanhood is being sold as a cheap commodity. It's as though there is a yearning to embody the essence of womanhood- not out of the love of women; but, because "some" "not all", think they can do womanhood better- than an actual woman. It's some kind of grotesque competition or monstrous vanity. Many years ago on one of those trash talk shows, they featured on a bevy of drag queens. At one point you had drag queens screaming at the women in the audience that they looked better than them. What is all of this really about? Obviously I'm not an expert on human behavior. But I wholeheartedly believe there is something here that needs further investigation. Whatever it is, Rachel Dolezal also fits in it… somewhere.
Lee > Buster Brown • 2 years ago
I do think there's some kind of fetishization and idealization, and then devaluation and hatred, that MRA's, rapists, stalkers, porn-addicts, misogynists in general, etc. and some transwomen may have in common.
It's not limited to women. If you listen to racists and homophobes, their obsession with the object of their hatred is often coming from some kind of jealousy (else, why the obsession with something/someone you don't like?).
So, I guess what I'm saying is, yes, I think many MRA's and other woman-haters actually want, in some sense, to be women, or at least what they imagine women to be. This is something feminism is dead-on about – that men would be so much happier if they were able to explore the 'non-masculine' things they are so afraid of/attracted to. They try, instead, to extract those things they do not allow themselves to have from actual human beings and it doesn't work and they get angry.
Laur > Lee • 2 years ago
"It’s not limited to women. If you listen to racists and homophobes, their obsession with the object of their hatred is often coming from some kind of jealousy (else, why the obsession with something/someone you don’t like?)"
The fascination may not be limited to misogynists, but misogyny itself is almost always sexualized. When men who transition talk among themselves, many times they are honest and say when they first started wearing women's clothes, they always got erections, or that their sexual fantasies as men were often based around having a vagina and breasts. I'm not bold enough to say a fetish is what's going on in every single case, but having spent time around transwomen, it's become clear to me that for many, many of them, that is a large factor.
The men with sexual fetishes usually want to declare themselves "lesbians" after transition. There is another group of men who has issues with being gay men, and transition so they can be "straight." This isn't something I'm pulling out of my ass: there is research on this, almost entirely done before trans gendering became a taboo topic to look honestly at.
The website discusses men's fetishes in more detail.
No. 187608
>>187509Their ideal just works against them imo. A bodycon dress and hooker makeup will just make a masculine bod and face more obvious.
If they aimed for average they'd probably actually look cuter than when they aim for cute.
No. 187611
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how about this one lel
No. 187612
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>>187611For some reason my first thought was Beans from Even Stevens
No. 187615
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No. 187617
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No. 187626
>>187594This is why the mtf friends I have are low-key "truscum", but they are forced to walk on eggshells around the rest of the Trans community and we rarely hear their voices in public. They can never outwardly say what they really want without retaliation. It makes me sad when my friends get lumped in with the disgusting sociopaths because my friends have struggled all their life with this and are just trying to good, loving people.
A little OT but ever notice how popular Tgirl porn is with men, yet when a transwoman goes through all the feminization surgery and SRS, suddenly she is not sexually desirable anymore? Like if she blends in and has no dick, these Tgirl-lovers have no more interest or kind words. I feel like the trans community resents those that fully and convincingly transition in to their identified gender, even when they keep chanting trans women are no different than natal women.
No. 187627
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No. 187634
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No. 187638
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No. 187643
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>>187611That is some Code Lyoko head there.
>>187638Actually, she doesn't look that bad if she would learn better angles and makeup.
But did she honestly expect them to kiss her ass when she asked for their opinion? They are literally trying to help her so she doesn't get clocked.
No. 187644
>>187643I'm kind of impressed how much HRT helps. I mean he still looks like a dude and most of it is makeup/styling but still, it's a noticeable difference.
There's a few MTFs who started HRT in adolescence and it's really impossible to tell that they were ever male. But they probably looked a little feminine to begin with.
No. 187735
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No. 187736
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No. 187737
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what the fuck
No. 187789
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No. 187790
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No. 187807
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No. 187813
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>>187790How'd I do, guys? I couldn't manage to get rid of the discolouration from the stubble unfortunately.
No. 187844
>>187813>>187820>>187842Wow, these are actually very good. These would be great to take to an FFS doctor.
FFS can do wonders, but it so expensive.
No. 187855
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No. 187910
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No. 187911
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No. 188483
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>>187910came out looking taxidermied oops
No. 188499
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>>187854now he looks a lot like an ex ftm i know
No. 188503
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>>187615>>187633needs a hairline revision
No. 188527
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>>188483>>188499>>188503You're good anon!
Gonna post more if you want to have some more fun
No. 188528
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No. 188529
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do they think they look good when they post these
No. 188530
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another one
No. 188531
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and another
No. 188532
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last one
No. 188535
What really makes me sad it's to confirm that the conception of being male is the problem, I mean
>>186552 this is so fucking true. We don't see that much FTM doing videos about "passing" and how to be a man as MTF doing shitty quality videos about being a woman, because they were educated as males.
I think real transwomen have to be considered in feminist movements but I don't know they should be the center of it. After all, they are transwomen, not women. We have a lot of struggles in common but NOT the same. I would never
have the audacity of telling what how to be a transwomen and so it really
triggers me when a transwoman says she know how is the experience of being a woman.
No. 188553
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>>188531Making these edits is strangely entertaining.
No. 188724
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>>188722It still looks better than before. I guess some are just impossible to go as female. Btw posting some more
No. 188725
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No. 188726
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are these for real
No. 188728
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>>188530this one came out cuter than me wtf
No. 188762
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No. 188763
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No. 188842
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>>188790Their hands and their jaws mostly, but a lot of them dress like hookers and it disgusts me so much. Posting some more
No. 188843
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are those hairs on chest
No. 188844
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No. 188845
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the jaw
No. 188846
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And funny enough, I didn't even have to change that much. Now they sort of look like Mira without an extra chromosome.
No. 188910
>>188846Wow. Maybe there is hope for this one if their body is also passable.
>>188849I was thinking that too. Passable as a PCOS woman.
No. 188919
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No. 188921
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No. 188935
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This is what it looks like when I fuck around when making Sims characters
No. 188976
>come into thread to laugh and shitpost>end up feeling bad for these peopleWhat do you even tell people like
>>186184assuming they have gender dysphoria how do you help them cope with the fact that they will never ever pass?
No. 189021
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No. 189022
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No. 189023
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No. 189029
samefagging but:
>>187911such potential to be cute as a dude, dang
No. 189032
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No. 189085
>>188842>>188843>>188921These look like very mannish looking women to me. I don't know what the rest is doing wrong.
>>189021>longish hair>has a soft nose and small jaw>wears make-up and appropriate clothesBut why does this person still look like a dude?
No. 189086
>>189085Agreed on the manish looking women comment.
As for
>>189021I'd guess it has to do with subtle differences between men and women such as the forehead indentation and area between the nose and upper lips. I think if he/she got fillers in the forehead and chin, possibly some upper lip injections and changed eye makeup they'd look very feminine and passing.
>>188919This person would make a really gorgeous female with a little surgery and makeup.
>>188789They are probably "regressing" to when they were younger and wished they could have lived those days as a female, like they felt inside. That's my guess at least.
No. 189127
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r/transtimelines also has a lot of delusional folks lol
And why do almost all MtF trans seem to be so mainly before and suddenly "I'm a girl"
No. 189128
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No. 189129
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No. 189130
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No. 189134
>>189127>>And why do almost all MtF trans seem to be so mainly before and suddenly "I'm a girl"my random guess would be that they want to force themselves to accept their biological sex? maybe laziness to deal with facial hair? don't want to be judged by peers?
idk what other reasons there would be tbh
No. 189149
>>189129Ugh! Why do these burly men want to look like 10 year old little girls instead of a woman their age?!
>>189127I heard one reason is that they try to overcompensate because of the internal dysphoria, so they try to adhere to manly stereotypes. But if they not only look the part, but act the part by perpetuating misogyny and taking advantage of being a gross dude-bro, I will not accept them. You betray us as a man, but want to be our sister now? Fuck that. I'm down with awkward little effeminate dudes who mean no harm and didn't throw us under the bus while living as male. I will support their transition. But the others will always be snakes to me.
No. 189205
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No. 189206
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No. 189207
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No. 189208
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No. 189301
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No. 189302
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No. 189303
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No. 189304
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No. 189309
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>>189303>>189307Fuck, cannot unsee.
No. 189458
>>189451Absolutely. There are so many FTM's who later de-transition because they realized their motives were just misogyny. They thought being a woman meant being weak, emotional, petty, materialistic and makeup/fashion-obsessed, and they thought, "but I'm not those things, so that must mean I'm a man." Only when they realized that none of those traits or their opposites inherently define whether you are male or female, they went off the hormones and just let themselves be the women they are.
Similarly, I have seen MTF's speak constantly about how "they always loved 'girly' things", how they "knew they must be a girl because they loved dolls/cute clothes and their friends were all girls," how they were bullied by peers, or pressured by their parents due to them not being "masculine enough," (as in the case of Laverne Cox) and in general them idolizing hyper-feminine examples of performed womanhood, giant boobs and butts, Barbie hair, and so on. Though with MTFs that also has a lot to do with fetishism wherein they are sexually aroused by the thought of becoming or dressing like a woman, as studies have shown.
Much of the time it comes down to really shallow, superficial, and stereotypical ideas of what defines a man or woman.
No. 189462
>>189451Nah, mtf trannies are fetishists. Gender roles or not, men will always fetishize women and turn womens struggle into a joke. Not fitting the male ideal isn't the issue, they just want to get their rocks off.
For ftm trannies, it will probably help to get rid of gender roles.
No. 189464
>>189451>>189458I think it became popular to blame society for everything. It is exactly the lack of society and healthy parenting that is the cause of most of the new age disorders imo. I don't think we should normalize mental illnesses either, not to mention encourage people to have them. This doesn't mean we should shame them ofc.
Trannies have a body image disorder. Period. Just like people with ED and anorexia nervosa. But for some reason treated completely differently.
I have no problem with people transitioning but the high suicide rates post transition indicate that it may be not the preferred treatment method. Besides, transitioning feels like a coup-out to me:
>I haven't been successful as my biological gender, so let's try the opposite one>>189462How can you fight for equality while treating the genders differently?
No. 189478
>>189451>The pressure society puts on people to adhere to the two gender ideals is crazy and drives people literally insane. Precisely. You got it my sister.
I used to be hardcore into trans rights. For years. For the longest time I also considered myself trans since early teens and way before it became the next trendy thing to be. It wasn't until last year (I'm nearing my 30's) when the trans movement started gaining momentum and they went full psycho with the mainstream. The fetishist MTF trannies coercing lesbians into sex. The excessive amount of fakebois and transmen acting out their gay men fantasies. The nonbinary snowflakes spouting out the most misogynistic shit ever ("I'm not a shallow bimbo like all the other women so I MUST be a man!"). Parents putting their very underage kids on hormone blockers. Everything.
It was too overwhelming. I got into multiple arguments about the legitimacy of transgenderism and every time I tried to look for scientific articles to back up my claims, I couldn't find any. Scientists simply didn't find a waterproof biological explanation to confirm that transgenderism is a biological disorder. It was simply not possible for a male brain to be in a female body or vice versa. The whole idea of transgenderism is based on the existence of traditional gender roles and like
>>189458 said, misogyny.
I have multiple post-op trans friends and I'm afraid for their future. So many trans people kill themselves rather than detransition after they realize they have a mangled body they can never fully repair. And I also fear for all my friends who are going through the evaluation and I simply can't convince them to rethink this because "being a transphobe" is the worst thing you could ever be now.
No. 189491
>>189478honestly being trans is just extreme body dysmorphia and we treat it how we treat the other extremes, ignore trying to fix the psychological aspect and just give them what they want. look up stuff where people claim to be amputee and then -actually- get amputated. psychologists have to deal with this shit all the time by giving in and the idea of transphobia is just perpetuating the problem.
the thing that pisses me off with this, is that people who push the idea of trans being a medically diagnosed disease are the same people who push how sex and gender aren't related at all, so which is it? you can't "transition" on a fucking spectrum, with their logic trans people shouldn't need to do anything.
gender and sex shouldn't be differentiated, most of the time when people refer to gender, they are referring to gender roles, which are fucking stupid, every sane person can agree, but you don't need to add some special snowflake meaning to that. and you damn sure can't push that -and- push that gender and sex are the same just for transpeople.
on the topic of mtf, while for many it's a sex thing(it still probably is regardless), a study showed that a lot of mtfs have body image issues that stem from their infant circumcisions explicitly, which is just another reason to ban that shit as well.
No. 189558
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No. 189559
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No. 189560
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No. 189564
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I'm a trans person who had extreme gender dysphoria since childhood, started hormones at sixteen (now twenty-one), and am fairly well-adjusted and successful in life. I'd never say this IRL, but I (and a lot of my friends) would probably agree with a lot of the more controversial/rational opinions expressed in this thread.
Feel free to ask me anything about the condition or my experiences.
pic – main moderator of /r/asktransgender (drewiepoodle). Dude is a giant creep both online and IRL. Tried to lure a teenager to his house with hormones. Actually thinks he passes and is """stealth""".
No. 189565
>>186185This goes for FTM trans too.
I've met a lot of transmen who don't come across as trans (Not in a passing way but in a "If you're trans, and thus experience body dysmorphia, why are you dressed like a girl today?" way) but identify as such that are butt-ugly.
I really think the trans thing is such a trend with tumblr girls lately for two reasons
>Overall uncomfortable with their bodies being seen as women, not because of dysmorphia, but because they don't want to be sexualized>Ugly as fuck so their only option is to be a man (isn't this why Pixyteri is having those issues because she feels so masculine?)The first one I can related to
>Be 11>Get D cup tits>First boyfriend dates me soley for having boobs and tells everyone this>Hit on by creepy old men in public because they can't tell i'm 11 with my boobs>Almost get raped at 16 for someone else who views me as more 'mature' because i have big tits (he was almost 30). He did back off but it was scary. It was less him actively wanting to rape me and more him not understanding that no, i did not really want it, i was just flirting because i thought i was cool. Dumb kid shit>Molested at a young age at well but don't wanna think about those details>First REAL boyfriend at 18 was sexually abusiveSo at 17 until I was 23 I thought i was trans or "gender fluid." I had a lot of moments where I thought if i had been born a boy life would've gone better for me.
It wasn't until I regained some of my confidence in my body in my 20s that I started to be comfortable with the fact that inside and out mentally and physically, i am a girl.
It's this reason I'm extremely against transitioning for teenagers unless multiple psychiatrists and doctors agree it's the best solution, especially in the case of FTM.
I wish the trans community as a whole was more open to discussing this because I think a lot of newly transboys are people going through issues with their body that are unrelated to being trans.
I always trust a transgirl more because there's nothing trendy about a guy risking getting beat up or worse for wearing a dress.
I think a lot of the girls posted in this thread fail at passing in terms of some things (like eyebrow plucking) because they might have a very wrong idea of how much work goes into being a woman, even for women born as women. Being a transwoman is twice as much work.
No. 189566
>>189564His body and hair make him passable if you're not paying attention. The glasses help too. But if you look close, his lack of makeup gives all of it away.
Also that's fucking disgusting, what the fuck? Luring a teenager in with hormones?
No. 189567
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>>189566This is part of the conversation, I'm not sure if there's more but I think he deleted a lot of his posts.
No. 189570
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>>189568That's okay, I get the impression that this is how a lot of people feel when it comes to trans issues.
>The only people I have issues are these creeps like that one you posted, that put some lipstick and want magically to be a woman. Also guys like Danielle Muscato that only want to lurk in female bathrooms.It really boggles my mind how an individual can go through their entire lives as a successful, happy, family man, only to suddenly have an epiphany that they were really "women" all along.
I've met quite a few of these people in real life, and I've listened to their stories. Most of them never really experienced dysphoria as children or teenagers, and the catalyst for their transition often seems to be (reading between the lines) some kind of masturbation-induced self hypnosis.
I'd feel sorry for them if they didn't have the annoying habit of ending up in positions of power (because of a lifetime of male privilege) where they're able to effectively dictate the transgender narrative to the rest of society. They also tend to be loud, obnoxious and rude, and often have a severe lack of social awareness.
No. 189575
>>189564Don't worry. Despite some of the harsh comments by myself and others, it seems the general consensus is that gender dysphoric people that have gone through years of soul-searching and therapy to reach their conclusion to transition are in a different league that most posted here. Before trans became a catch-all term, most of these people were just Sissies.
I do have a question though. What sort of difficulties have you faced trying to discuss the infiltration of transtrenders and Sissy fetishists trying to speak for the whole transgender community? Or is it just not possible to safely bring it up? I have a couple mtf friends that much to scared to speak up about it for fear of being ostracized and losing their biggest support base.
No. 189578
>>189577Pure elitism.
Xe is aware enough to notice some of the problems concerning the community but not all of them.
No. 189805
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No. 189806
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No. 189807
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No. 189809
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No. 189848
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No. 189873
>>189127because they were never trans to begin with. Very few 'transgender' people are actual trans who deal with day-to-day dysphoria. Betamales turn to emulating women because they think their lives will be better as women due to failing as men in society. They think women have it easier so they switch teams. Being trans has become disgustingly trendy.
I have empathy for real trans-women because they suffer day-to-day, but these beta males have made being trans a total laughing stock by making a mental illness trendy and a 'lifestyle'.
No. 190030
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No. 190031
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No. 190032
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No. 190075
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No. 190101
>>190030This one could honestly get that androgynous sort of look really easy, I don't think it's as terrible a pass as lots of the others.
I think he'd probably only need hrt and maybe a little bit of surgery and would be fine.
>>189873>>189878>>189958I 100% agree with these, and I think that anyone who thinks a mental illness or anything that causes suffering is fucking trendy is a terrible person who shouldn't be supported at all.
No. 190374
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No. 190375
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No. 190376
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No. 190377
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No. 190378
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No. 190379
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No. 190418
>>190377This one looks like a kinda cute dyke
>>190376I'd say they pass, but damn they should remove that goddamn stache and get a nice haircut as well
No. 190432
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No. 194899
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I miss this thread
No. 194900
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No. 194901
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>I feel really good as a non-girly trans girl
why the fuck change though
No. 194903
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No. 194904
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No. 194907
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the sad part is, these men think they pass because no one says anything and they're so wrapped up in their fetish they don't realize they make people uncomfortable but people have to be polite. just… the complete lack of self awareness is sad. the worst part is how every lesbian event (not like there's any anymore tbh)just "queer femmes" now and it's just full of guys like this. also, they all dress alike, in a specific way that's kind of hard to describe
No. 194926
>>194914I remember reading an article written by a femininity coach(?) for transitioning MtFs and she said that when she went shopping with her clients they would always pick out the most garish and inappropriately sexy clothes.
Literally a part of this woman's job was to get them to wear normal women's clothes, kek.
No. 194948
>>194926>>194933Trannies fetishizing femininity, more news at 11.
I really don't understand how I ever supported the TG movement. It's so fucking stupid I'm amazed that it's still gaining momentum, mostly because of bullshit fallacies like the image
>>194907 posted.
>Gender is a social construct but also you can be born into a wrong gender >Gender doesn't matter but however gender is 100% my identity>Female and male are just the same, except not because I was born with a female brain since I like makeup and titties teehee!!!>I hate being female because all the social shit that is included (being a second class citizen, sexual harassment, objectification etc.) is shitty, so I must be a man!>You can't be transracial you idiot, but transgender? Of course! You totally know how it "feels" like to be the opposite gender despite growing up and going through socialization and puberty as your natal gender. I mean I watch enough my little ponies to know how females work! No. 194966
I'm not saying they'd pass, but all of these people would look a great deal better if they just GOT THEIR EYEBROWS WAXED. What woman would walk around with a big unibrow that swallows up her eyelids and the top half of her eyes? It just goes to show that despite the fact that they feel like they're women, they STILL don't feel the same pressures that women feel. I was bullied so hard as a child for having dark leg hair, can't imagine the abuse I would have gotten if I had two big slugs on my face like they do.
>>194933Wow the start of that video enraged me. What's wrong with a woman coaching people who VOLUNTARILY go to her and pay her to teach them how to not look like shit and dress in tacky, fetish wear? Do they think female babies are born with lash extensions, perfectly glossed lips and a pair of heels? We're all taught by someone how to be feminine (our mothers, our grandmothers, in a lot of cases strict fathers too…) It actually brought a smile to my face at the end because that woman is offering so much more than picking out outfits. She's showing people life skills (how to apply makeup, how to walk, how to pick out a pair of glasses) and giving them the female friendship that they missed out on while growing up that would have forced them to adhere to a certain standard.
When I was younger, I did ballet. Almost everyone I knew did. It taught us how to stand up straight and keep our chins up because even having BAD POSTURE is considered unfeminine. We did character and it was how I first learned to walk in heels (nope, walking in heels didn't come naturally to us, shocker). I bought hundreds of girly magazines that taught me everything from how to insert a tampon to how to achieve the "perfect smokey eye". I learned how to dance by watching MTV and I learned how to walk in a feminine way by watching models on the catwalk. We had compulsory home economics (cooking, cleaning, sewing and childcare) and personal development (how to shave your legs, videos of women giving birth, how to apply makeup, how to deccorate your home and plan a wardrobe) because I went to a girls' school. My parents didn't allow me to chew gum, I wasn't allowed to wear glasses, I'd be told off for not sitting straight or not keeping my legs closed or talking in a certain way, I wasn't allowed to whistle, I was berated for biting my nails, I wasn't allowed to cut my hair… Can't believe these people claim to be "more of a woman than cis women" when they've had a COMPLETELY masculine upbringing and refuse to even let kind cis women help them.
You want to "pass" as a woman? Then you need a fucking coach to force you into rigid gender norms that mummy and daddy didn't drill into you for the first few decades of your life.
No. 194984
>>194948Yeah, I myself recently woke up to how fucked up the whole transgender movement is. I still support them in the sense I don't think they should be discriminated against, but I strongly feel that being "transgender" is not a real thing and the whole movement is such a trainwreck. Like you pointed out, I don't see how it's so different from saying you're transracial. That's simply an illogical double standard.
The thing I hate most is this fucked up mentality many transwomen and allies deep in the koolaid have that transwomen are more women than cis ones because they "worked for it". Um… fucking excuse me? You're seriously that self-involved and ignorant that you think you're the only ones who've had to "work" or suffer to be female? Like yeah, fuck you. That is so disgustingly dismissive of what ciswomen go through. You're basically saying any discrimination women face or the awful biological shit we go through (agonizing periods, pregnancy/childbirth and avoiding it) mean nothing. Of course, if you bring up pregnancy and periods, you're being insensitive cis scum.
The say gender is a social construct, but… it's not. Why does gender logically have to be anything more than male=penis, female=vagina. I'm very curious how many people who still call themselves trans if men wearing women's clothing was more normalized.
No. 194991
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What the hell
No. 195004
>>195002That's why before taking hormones or getting surgery counseling is required (not sure if it's required everywhere, but at some places it is)…
Btw read some stories, how real trans people who are unable to transit end up.Spoiler alert, they fucking kill themselves.
No. 195007
>>195004Yeah but the ones that transition end up killing themselves sometimes too.
Or they detransiton because they realize that cosplaying as the opposite sex didn't make them feel better.
No. 195008
>>195002Wtf are you talking about, anon? Where the hell in my comment did I say anything about surgery? I was talking about what the woman helps them with in the video, which is dressing and doing makeup in ways that make them pass for female better, that has absolutely nothing to do with surgery. If anyone needs their head checked, it's you.
>>195005>incredibly manipulativeIt's being real. You're not the one effected by it, they are. So yeah, I'd say when it comes to what they want to do with their bodies, they should get the final say after years of therapy and being certain of their decision, not people who can't possibly fathom what they're going through.
No. 195012
>>194933I can't believe the arrogance of some of the people in video.
I think the difference between Monica and the people making comments at the beginning, and the presenter is that Monica seems to actually give a shit about trans people as individuals. We can all make sweeping statements of how things should be, how other people are wrong, whatever, but how many of those people are actually doing something meaningful for another persons life?
I don't know how to feel about gender identity stuff sometimes but I found myself really touched by this video. I can't imagine how great it must've felt for those guys to be really pampered, taught, taken seriously and honestly look great afterwards. It must've felt really validating to walk around with the beautiful Monica and be one of her gal pals.
No. 195021
so what do you guys think of what's happening here? popular women-only spa has generated controversy after transgender clients were allegedly refused service.
Recently, Body Blitz Spa, which operates two locations in downtown Toronto at 471 Adelaide St. W. and 497 King St. E., allegedly refused to admit a transgender woman to one of its facilities.
Weronika Rogula, who identifies as a gender non-conforming queer, is friends with a transgender individual who was recently denied entry to the spa.
On their personal Facebook page, Rogula said they’ll no longer be patronizing Body Blitz because of its anti-trans policy.
“They do not welcome trans women in their women-only spa and so I am done giving them my money (benefits) and encourage you to do the same,” Rogula wrote on Friday, June 9.
“Women-only spaces should not be for cis (someone who identifies with the sex they were born as) women only, but all women including trans women who are women. We know this and so should they. Bye bye blitz.”
No. 195024
>>195008>they should get the final say after years of therapy and being certain of their decision, not people who can't possibly fathom what they're going through.I'm an ana-chan, and I don't think doctors can fathom what I go through either. Does that mean they should support me? That the health care system should pay for lipo to remove all fat from my body?
That's a shitty argument
No. 195034
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No. 195035
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No. 195036
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this fucking guy
No. 195039
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Legit feel bad for Colin that this is his son
No. 195043
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No. 195045
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I wasn't gonna post anymore but this one
No. 195146
>>195021All the enraged MtFs are likely pedos who just want to wave their dicks around where there are minor girls. The no penis rule is totally fair.
On a tangent, why the hell are MtFs so obsessed with keeping their penises even after transition?
No. 195888
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No. 196383
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"Okay TERFS, have at it"
No. 196396
>>196383 Does he call himself a lesbian and talk about his
girl dick too?
No. 196404
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>>196398Nope, not even that. You just have to say you
feel like a woman these days and that's it.
No. 196406
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>>196396He actually does. And he uses his dick as a threat too
No. 196409
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>>194984I feel confused about this. I do think gender is a social construct I mean the part about what is really be a female and why are those things considered female? same with male. I think everybody should live his "gender" in a not binary way but that is impossible because people like this. They get theirs mouth full with "gender is a construct" stuff but they are the first ones to try to define what a "REAL WOMAN/FEMALE" is. I still support tg movement but I lost my jammies when this kind of stuff happen and it's clearly a lot of ignorance and misogyny since this delusional dudes took over the movement. Like always, heterosexual males are doing what they know best: feeling entitled to make everything about themselves. Funny how they want to be close about what is the experience of being a woman/female but they don't want to give up their internalized misogyny.
>>195318>I feel like some of these people are confusing MtF with sissy fetishSame. Trans people struggle a lot about "passing" and stuff but this people just try to justify themselves and his fetishes with being trans to gain empathy. What drives me mad is that I think only "MtF" (biological men) are doing this.
No. 196436
Have you guys seen this?, what I learned during the social experiment that followed is that Jacob and Alok, like many gender nonconforming femmes, live in a world where admirers applaud them for their radical politics on social media, and people they're attracted to associate with them because of their slayworthiness and social capital, but refuse to make love to them, or at least fuck them well.
Refuse to make love to them! Poor babies.
No. 196466
>>196436They're not cute and they look dirty. That is enough for me to say "Hell no".
I would consider going for a trans or non-binary person if they pleasant to look at, hygienic and were not self-absorbed douchebags looking for praise all the time. I like femme cis-men, butch cis-girls and sometimes fully transitioned people fit the bill too, but "suck my gurl dick" flabby balding fuckers with bad fashion are always repulsive to me.
No. 196599
File: 1498579787312.jpg (102.27 KB, 614x767, MU5fY_2kYc1XU6_o5SjAImPWPkB7vE…)

saw this in progresspics and got extremely triggered. why do they have to come for my safe spaces…
No. 196601
>>196550Exactly. They don't understand that you don't need to like certain things to be a man or women. Of course there are the ones who really suffer from body dysphoria but the few mtf I came to speak (mostly online, I just know one irl) just want to feel better with their bodies and know they're not women but have that shit going on in their heads. While I believe they should be treated mentally instead of fucking their bodies, I don't know if there's a more effective treatment available to them right now.
But these guys who just want to go into women's bathrooms and be called sexy and they get off in the mirror while watching their bodies. Was reading an article yesterday where one of them got off breastfeeding his child. What the actual fuck. And they calling themselves girl makes me sick.
>>196599This guy makes me wanna throw up.
No. 196627
>>196530Underrated comment.
>>196606Now that's disgusting. So he got injected with milk??? And tries to breastfeed? What the fuck child abuse anyone ? He definitely gets off to it.
No. 196637
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No. 196641
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i think second pic is still manly but tbh i'd probably rather seeing second pic over the first picture.
No. 196647
>>196606I was expecting something really horrible based on all the frightening gynephiles covered here, but I think there is a big misunderstanding about that person's wording. It looks like they are describing getting off on the comforting euphoria during the act of breastfeeding your baby, not in an explicit sexual or abusive sense. It's like a high for some people. I breastfed my babies and I know the feeling. It's not about getting horny, although some moms can get confused. Being a mammal, natal males do have mammary glands that can be stimulated medically or manually to produce normal milk, just as adoptive moms can take do hormones therapy to nurse their adopted babies. It seemed there was doctor supervision and birth mom was having trouble producing milk, so there was still nutritional and immunological benefit.
I don't know. A married transwoman on regulated therapy who is serious about being as close to a mom and being dedicated to childraising as they can doesn't disturb me like these monsters
>>196637 . I draw a big line at transwomen l who wish they had been born female from the start, and dangerous, misogynistic beings who see me as their punching bag or potential dumpster.
No. 196700
>>196606This is taboo topic. Biological women can experience sexual arousal and orgasm from breast feeding. I'm really side eyeing this writer because of how they tossed it in there for shock value, and also how they said breastfeeding "validated" their womanhood. I think I judge them pretty harshly for a lot of things, but not necessarily getting off on breastfeeding.
I wish I didn't have to think about this at all, though.
No. 196998
>>196966I'm not a mom but I just imagined my mom getting off to breastfeeding me and it makes me want to puke.
I'm sorry. It's not normal. Some woman might be pedophiles.
No. 197076
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No. 197330
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Very pleasantly surprised by all the gender critical discourse here! My friends would kill me if I dared say some ugly guy in an ill-fitting dress with shitty makeup isn't a woman.
No. 197335
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This one looks like the lovechild of Sheena and Mira.
No. 197336
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Does it disturb anyone else that these grown ass men call themselves "smoll girls" and shit like that to constantly infantilize themselves?
No. 197337
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O i am laffin
No. 197412
>literally getting a mans haircut when you want to pass as a womenwhy ?
and what is it with ftms and lobe gauge earrings ?
No. 197414
>>197340Real women can actually have the appearance of a "smol" girl so it's not creepy at all.
Tranny guys on the other hand…
The meaning of smol girl also has nothing to do with "missed girlhood" which could also apply to female trauma victims without a good childhood, if you really wanted to get into that subject.
No. 197422
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not from the subreddit but
that no effort to pass though
No. 197533
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Who wants to speedily run through some games?
No. 197665
File: 1499533141199.png (109.83 KB, 1321x674, tranny.PNG)

Tranny who thinks they're better than ciswomen with a good dose of "not like the other trannies"
No. 197666
>>197665This seems to be a huge problem in the transtrender community–"oh, I'M more trans than they'll EVER be!" motherfucker, it isn't a competition. If you're honestly upset about other people experimenting with being trans (it's worded horribly, i know and apologize for that) then you're in the same boat of "I'm more trans than them" and thinking you're better just because you've transitioned. I have a friend who has been trans for six years now and he still hasn't been able to get the full top surgery–does that make him less trans just because he couldn't afford it like you?
(sage for lowkey rant.)
No. 197673
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>>197665blergh. no male socialization my ass. "acting like a laayyyydeeeee" the biggest strongest stone butch is more of a lady than that anon lmao. im not even kidding. Id rather hang out with butches than transwomen, even the super femme gay guys. I just have more in common with them.
No. 197681
File: 1499547225985.gif (473.94 KB, 200x150, disgust.gif)

>>197665>transgender """women""" who shame women for discussing sexism, oppression, and patriarchal societieswow amazing how they still act like dudebro redpillers; really makes you think about that male socialization he claims not to have
>would rather be gendered as a man because of "what women have become"Yes please tell me more about your body dysphoria, kek
No. 198085
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saw this, thought of you <3
No. 198136
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What do you guys think about this? I think it's fucking hilarious!
Here is his "neovagina" btw don't click if you're eating food No. 198148
File: 1499904710914.jpeg (93.39 KB, 307x300, In_the_Court_of_the_Crimson_Ki…)

>>198136This is all I see
No. 198162
>>198136Is that the head of his penis in there?
I dunno, on one hand I feel bad for him that he wasted so much money for an even bigger identity crisis, but on the other hand…why didn't he do more research? What the fuck? You're literally trying to pass the point of no return, and you treat it so blase like that? He deserves every painful reddit post.
No. 198194
>>187855So this creepy guy linked his instagram on reddit complaining about being refused the entrance to women's bathroom… It's a goldmine of cringe tbh.
Here's a video of him dancing in public, on a table, in his girly underwears. Also bonus point for calling a woman a "hater bitch". No. 198251
>>198212Look how he crunches his eyes shut to get tears lol ridiculous
Also, what the fuck No. 198296
File: 1499994766379.png (173.21 KB, 630x313, Clipboard01111.png)

>>198194Jesus, I feel like I'm watching an episode of Ja'mie Private School Girl.
Is this account really not some sort of satire?
No. 198299
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>>198196Exactly, facial feminisation surgery would probably be the most important thing to me if I was transitioning.
No. 198303
>>198194kek he posted like six videos on instagram complaining about the "hate comments" on the bathroom shit and "why would you want to hurt me"
fuck off
No. 198306
>>198303I had to turn this off after the "I have small breasts, I smell like a woman, I have pheromones."
He is the most infuriating person in this thread.
No. 198327
>>198306lmao "I wanna look like you"
he doesn't even try, he thinks that putting on earrings and wearing bras suddenly makes you a woman.
the least he could do to try to pass more would be growing his hair out, putting on makeup, fucking anything other then whatever he is doing.
No. 198331
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Apparently he had a wife and once he started to take hormones they separated.
Can you imagine one day your SO suddenly telling you they feel like a woman cuz their pheromones told them so.
No. 198354
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No. 198362
>>198359Uh What? Yeah, they're bonkers (you are too) but most of these baby boomers just thought transgendered people were transvestites or cross dressers. Since its gotten mainstream of course there's going to be older people who convert because they see it as a way to go permanent with their delusions (the same way YOU want to)
Bitch shut the fuck up. You're no better than these freaks. I love how y'all look down on others for not being passing. It's serious gatekeeping shit
But seriously, as much as I hate trans people, I support what you're saying as well. I'm all for it GO ahead and castrate yourselves lol. The ones who don't mutilate themselves are pussies who aren't passing and Yes they should just KEEP going. Self castration-> suicide -> win for everyone
No. 198403
>>198168"b-but non-natal vaginas are just like natal ones!!!1!! They can even feel better because we're tighter and lubricate less!!"
delusional men
I do have to wonder why they believe that their nu-pussies are just like actual vaginas? Have they never really experienced any IRL? Real vaginas don't fall apart or get moldy.
No. 198405
>>198136What fucked me up wasn't the 'vag' picture (though that's a whole different level of disgusting), it's how fucking out of touch with reality these people are.
>smells like shit (well, like normal female genitalia)Uhhh what? Vaginas do have a scent to them but it's not supposed to be bad… I can just imagine the insane amount of infected pus and festering wounds he has down there if it smells that bad.
>all that self-loathing and regretI feel really, really bad for him and trannies in general. Taking all those hormones, doing
that with your body…
No. 198420
>>198404not the same anon but sometimes they can grow hairballs inside.
yum yum! totally fair for lesbians to get guilt tripped into interacting with because you shouldn't turn down penis but especially have no excuse for Real Wymyn Pussy!
No. 198423
>>198136>necrosis between the labia minora and majoraabsolutely disgusting
I don't find this "hilarious" though. I feel he was a confused person with a mental illness and surgeons took advantage of that. I feel sorry for him. Imagine having to live with that hellish neo-vag for the rest of his life.
No. 198490
>>198405>Uhhh what? Vaginas do have a scent to them but it's not supposed to be bad…Neovaginas often smell like shit because literally, they're oozing shit. They transplant intestinal tissue onto them to maintain moisture. The tissue creates mucous, but not the same kind that natural vaginas do, obviously.
Intestinal mucous smells fucking rancid. Like shit. Gee whiz I wonder why.
I mostly feel bad for this poor fucker. He was clearly a dude with a mental illness. If he wasn't fucked up then, he sure is now.
No. 198538
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No. 198541
>>198516"Very beautiful! If u ware walkin down the street I could easily mistake u for a real wuman.
Also you look like my 9 year old step-sister. Rock on, gurl <3 <3 tee hee
Hughs and kisses,
Suzie xoxo"
It's so cringey to think that a grown man made this post. Like I don't think I've even seen actual girls try this hard to be cute.
No. 198548
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>>198209The other trannies think he's a nutty attention whore too. He's been stopped by security twice and alleges his drink was spiked, all within a couple of weeks.
No. 198564
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This was in the trans girl tag on tumblr.
No. 198575
>>198562shame about the nose, lips aren't good but not the worst part either
>>198516She's pretty. Wouldn't misgender/10
No. 198705
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No. 198706
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>>198548The latest from the crazy man
No. 198708
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>>198212God, and his friends giving him asspats just for the sake of being progressive "You're more of a woman than half of the women there" god NO.
Stop treating trans like fucking retards you give a participation trophy to. Women are constantly shamed for every little thing, starting from middle school. As a pale latina woman, I had to start shaving very early on because god forbid I had a stache and hair on my legs.
And now those entitled fucks just want to get hormones and instantly get treated not as women (because that would imply they better not have hairs, cellulite, a broad frame or whatnot) but better than how we're treated on a daily basis and since our childhood ?
Yeah you better learn to pass you sickfuck, since you want to live the life of a woman.
>Transwomen don't want to be women they just want to be trans No. 198709
File: 1500284431506.png (511.29 KB, 822x1462, image.png)

>>198541That's a /lgbt/ meme. They're not actually being serious. If that was in response to a picture of someone, they were mocking them.
No. 198710
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>>198516This girl passes really well, holy shit.
No. 198732
>>198728>>198729Men would love it if women cat-called them. They'd feel like God if random women suddenly started wanting to fuck them.
Men have the exact opposite problem, most men have never had any female ever initiate contact with them, they have to put a lot of effort into attracting females, it's very difficult for most men. And if they don't have a job that makes enough money, or aren't attractive enough, some of these men have no luck at all with the ladies.
This bothers them a lot because men really want sex, they have 1000x higher sex drive than women, and they go crazy like Elliot Rodgers if they don't get it.
Incels have far more to complain about. Try to imagine things from there perspective, they are starving, and they see a bunch of whiny women actually complaining that they have an extremely valuable asset (their pussy) that can be used to get whatever they want from men.
>>198732>Men go crazy like Elliot Rodger if they don't get sexElliot Rodger is hardly representative of your average man. you have the time, I suggest reading this. It's his 135 page long butthurt autobiography about how emo he is. It's pretty hilarious.
No. 198756
>>198708>early in his transition
…who is gonna tell him that was probably a sarcastic whistle?
No. 198784
>>198763>Does anyone else think that autism and transgender issues go hand in hand?Yes, there's a positive correlation between transsexuality and autism:>Like more men are into being trans than women and men are also know to have the autistic gene more than women.There aren't reliable statistics on the number of trans men vs women. If you ask a gender therapist, you'll find that the majority of the people they treat are mtf. If you go to a LGBT support group on a college campus, you'll find that the majority are ftm.
No. 199176
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this was on r/transpassing
No. 199212
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>>198136Honestly this makes me sad for this person and this whole thread makes me wonder if it would be better if transgenderism was treated like a mental illness and they just got therapy for it. I feel like so many focus on the physical attributes and they end up wanting more and more but it is never enough and they end up more depressed.
Kinda on topic, here's a pic of Gigi Gorgeous awful tit job. Poor Girl should have got fat injections first.
No. 199226
File: 1500633086802.jpg (118.82 KB, 750x640, tramp.jpg)

>why a disproportionate amount of male to female trans people. Is it because female to male trans people can pass more easily?That's part of the reason, an mtf is going to look like a man in drag, an ftm generally just looks like a slightly short man. iirc the fetus starts out female or something, and becomes male? So it seems like there's always "room" to become more male, but not the reverse.
So you're more likely to notice mtf, but even then there's still just way more mtfs in general, which you kinda touch on.
It's acceptable for women to be masculine but the reverse isn't. IMO it's because "masculine" is already defined to be objectively superior. What we consider masculine is really just capability, confidence, strength, etc., so these traits don't really affect a woman's attractiveness.
OTOH, "feminine" is objectively inferior. Vulnerability, dependency, being emotional. But these things are just cute when paired with a cute face. Sadly, men don't have cute faces.
No. 199235
>>199226No. Sex is determined at conception. You can't create a y chromosome necessary for a male child out of thin air if the sperm that met the egg was carrying x which does not carry the genetic code for producing males.
The reason feminine is inferior is because femininity was created specifically around traits that make it possible to groom women into submission.
No. 199241
>>198136as much as i like to make fun of the men in the this thread, this really just make me depressed and sad for him, i wish he would have gotten more therapy. srs is a huge decision that irreversible and most of these 'ladies' or mentally ill people need to understand it wont magically solve all your problems.
one thing i always think about is the fat acceptance movement and the 'love your body' thing that feminism and tumblr love, if they think fat people should love themselves even though theyre fat, why dont they have the same message for these men to love themselves even though they are men?
No. 199258
>No. Sex is determined at conception. I never said it wasn't…
> femininity was created specifically around traits that make it possible to groom womenof course, that's why I used quotes. It's like calling successful black people "white"
No. 199341
File: 1500685328038.png (23.11 KB, 906x155, transsssssphoiccccc.png)

cry so sad
No. 199355
>>199226this really isn't true. women who are too masculine are not treated better and it's not acceptable. be more aggressive and you're a bitch, be less girly, you're a tomboy or a dyke, and in the business world, being a strong woman is much worse than slotting into place like you're expected to. not that it's not hard for men to be feminine. men also have a lot of hurtful expectations.
tbh this thread just brings to light all the issues men have that they think women don't, but it's the same for us too. just because men as whole are in a position of power, doesn't mean that they're not being forced to slot into their own roles, they just don't become disadvantaged by it in the same way we do. both men and women are expected to do certain things, be a certain way, deal with and accept shit that is totally unfair…
No. 199480
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No. 199496
>>199480other than how unlikely it is that a mtf even looks half decent
>thinks you'll ever be hot enough to make a straight girl question her sexualityif i don't like women what makes you think i'll make an exception for you? your shriveled up or mutilated cock? retards.
No. 199505
File: 1500782320432.jpg (Spoiler Image,97.28 KB, 680x680, IMG_0762.JPG)

>>199501I wish I never looked at even 1 of those images but curiosity got the better of me.
After reading other posts in this thread about how they get infected and shit, I'm certain you have to be mentally fucked to do that yourself jfc
No. 199527
>>199525lol, no.
saged for lol
No. 199601
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No. 199602
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cause picking your babies gender is so cool guys.
No. 199604
File: 1500846976995.jpg (60.74 KB, 576x576, 18119026_1194711330658189_1612…)

>>199602If we're going to post nuts parents, we have to talk about this chick: this bearded woman is posting about drugs, partying and then suddenly gets pregnant and is whoring the baby out whilst preaching about their organic farm. Madness.
No. 199765
File: 1500985595261.jpg (Spoiler Image,26.84 KB, 700x240, Sex-reassignement-surgery-resu…)

Results from one of the best Thai surgeons.
Your thoughts?
No. 199797
>>199765There's no labia so I assume plenty of men would like it better than the real thing lel
>doesn't get wetno thanks
No. 199803
>>199765the skin around it looks weird.
I'm pale af and i dont know how girls with darker skin rly work but is the skin around it usually that much darker?
that skin also looks wrinkly. it really looks like ball skin.
No. 199804
>>199797>>doesn't get wet>no thanksGross men would probably love that. Those prostitutes in porn movies are all paper dry when they're fucked which is why they end up with so many vaginal fissures and infections.
*in case the trannycave is built with intestines they are… moist - with rectal mucus. And it smells like it too. And causes infections because it's sewed together with leftover penis skin.
No. 199825
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Dance moves are of course the very first things I think about when I consider the difference between men and women. Very important.
No but really it's like he wants people to laugh at him so he can be a victim No. 199878
>>199827He is overall creepy imo
The first time he was posted here someone commented he was going for the "sexy, teenage girl" look instead of trying to act like a woman his age. These guys are fucking jokes, but the sad/scary thing is that others go with his delusions. Just imagine meeting this guy on gym where you're fully naked.
No. 199879
File: 1501109867354.png (147.23 KB, 716x414, kek.png)

some more I found
No. 199880
File: 1501109882188.jpg (713.18 KB, 3024x4032, u5L5VDS.jpg)

No. 199891
>>199804Can confirm personally it does not cause infections. The smell goes away after a few months when the bowel intestines realizes it doesn't have to push out shit and using mucus to lube it. The first few months you have to flush out the vaginal canal twice a day to flush out gunk, soon you only have to do it once a day or one every other day after a year. It's been a year since post op for me and there is no smell, the gunk isn't forming anymore(by gunk I mean the brownish mucus that was previously used in the bowel). It doesn't cause infections, idk why you are saying that. The doctors make sure to monitor progress the week you are in the hospital to make sure no infection is form.
Sorry just throwing my two-cents in.
No. 199905
>>199902I can't speak for penile surgery, so this is only based on personal exp of being born with MRKH. If you don't dilate it won't close it, but it makes sense very difficult since you won't be able to take very large objects. Like any vagina, there is still muscle outside the intestine that was sewn in. Honestly it's only horrifying the first 6 months, after that it's just like any vagina minus the periods. Basically MRKH patients can get the same surgery as MTF patients by use of the bowel intestine.
>>199899In all seriousness, may I ask what you are doubting?
No. 199908
>>199906I guess it's pretty disgusting when you boil it down to what it really is, but as long as you keep it clean you're good.
Also some more things, you're first bowel movement after surgery is he most painful thing in the fucking world. I am not kidding. Imagine having a rock slide past what is pretty much a wound cut in half, and nothing just stitches holding it in place. You will bleed slime for a few months, and if you try to push things bigger than your canal can take you will bleed slightly. You'll have a c section scar above your groin that will barely fade
No. 199922
>>199891Thanks for your input. As a ciswoman, I find this all very fascinating. I was reading about wildly different experiences from transwomen who had this particular surgery. Some are basically complication-free with no foul smell or discharge and they are happy. Others had disastrous, horror movie results and were warning that this method should only be your last resort if the inversion method fails/not enough penile tissue.
>>199911That's Mayer Rokitansky Küster Hauser syndrome, where a biological female is born with underdeveloped or absent vagina(full vaginal canal), cervix and uterus. The external genitalia look normal and she can have functional Fallopian tubes and ovaries, so it is usually not diagnosed until mid-teens due to delayed period. People like to forget that it's not just mtf that need these surgeries or can be helped by research from mtf patients. These therapies are used for bio-women too. Same thing with research of ftm therapies being useful for disorders or illnesses that bio-males may face.
No. 200017
Artificaly made
Also let's rephrase it as " what you have is not a canal"** since vagina is the entire outside of a females reproductive system.
Obviously it's not a real vagina, seeing as it has to be created with non reproductive organs and there was no vaginal canal in the first place.
No. 200290
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No. 200291
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No. 200365
File: 1501334548447.png (346.83 KB, 1352x2152, tranny story 1.png)

Just posting this here
No. 200366
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No. 200534
>>200051I think they misread in the worst way. I almost did it, too, until I re-read it and saw the post was from an actual woman sharing her experience and not a wannabe.
>>200369LOL. NO.
You can't even name the parts right let alone ID a butchered nightmare when you see it. That's an 'attempt,' to put it nicely; not a vulva.
No. 201037
File: 1502049928569.jpg (54.49 KB, 478x640, xNgUHUAl.jpg)

more from transpassing
No. 201038
File: 1502049959717.jpg (63.67 KB, 578x768, LRHRSKw7P5rSG2jjorP02rYlotFX7m…)

the tranny is the left one of course
No. 201039
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No. 201040
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No. 201041
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No. 201061
File: 1502059491926.jpg (60.74 KB, 720x960, 6NP79mj.jpg)

>>201037Pic related, wish trannies would stop thinking this hairstyle is flattering. So many of them wear it to hide their receding hairline, but it just makes their jaw look huge.
No. 201064
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what the fuck is this
No. 201067
File: 1502062202677.png (247.21 KB, 771x882, roboncwc.png)

I can't clear the image field so have something barely related.
No. 201190
>>201172If you don't use it, then you're the bigot. I hate how they're making everything about them and them only. Lesbians must have sex with their dicks because they're "women", women become "child carriers" and "uterus bearers" not to hurt their special feelings, and they're even saying that goths and drag queens shouldn't use gender neutral/women's clothes because "that is transphobic for us, who are real women!!!111"
I hate them!
No. 201497 lesbian youtuber made a video basically discussing her preferences (ie. doesn't like dick) and she's being attacked by trans activists. It's depressing that a lesbian can't even comment on the massive amounts of homophobia in the trans community without attracting massive amounts of vitriol. I honestly don't understand how we got to the point where a straight man in a dress is considered more oppressed than an actual woman. are some examples of nice tweets she got in response:
Lesbian always meant women who love women, TERFs are the ones trying to "redefine" it to exclude trans women.
You're a terf. Making shit like this literally puts trans womens' lives at risk. Take it down!
it aint homophobic to say trns women are women and that u should accept them as women… taggin terfs so that they watch this, i see you grl
No. 201499
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>>201497Ugh. All this anti-terf, pro-male bs is killing me. They're literally on some incel-teir shit these people.
side note: official radfem thread when?
No. 201506
File: 1502384623633.jpg (272.55 KB, 1276x1174, IMG_0184.JPG)

Not from r/transpassing but found this lovely conversation in Kat Blaque's video. I think in the "cis people don't understand gender." Watched a couple of videos to see if i can understand the other side of the argument, but ended up just hitting peak trans again
So much for intersectionality amiright?
No. 201654
File: 1502479331034.png (126.33 KB, 500x523, good-good-let-the-hate-flowthr…)

Here we have trannies blowing a gasket at an article being published about a differing opinion! "Should the T be dropped from lgbt?" was written by a gay cis man, and yet there are commenters lamenting about TERFs anyways lol.
No. 201764
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No. 201871
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No. 203971
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No. 204089
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How I missed this thread
No. 204090
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No. 204091
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No. 204092
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No. 204093
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Also this guy, I think he was already posted but he posts so much asking if he passes but he changes nothing every time
No. 204897
File: 1505782888189.jpg (Spoiler Image,39.68 KB, 480x640, sVACZQ1l.jpg)

>>186179For a change I've been searching some of the people posted here before to check if there were changes… I guess not kek
First the op image, couldn't find a face but I found a body after 9 months HRT
No. 204899
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>>186205Also this guy's shoe size, isn't this too much
No. 205014
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No. 205015
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No. 205016
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No. 205017
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No. 205056
File: 1505898556800.jpg (1.11 MB, 1944x2592, image.jpg)

not from reddit but from /lgbt/
>>186923looks kinda like PT from the thumbnail tbh
No. 205110
>>205105(Not the same anon) I get what you say and you're right but I think
>>205058 meant that some of these guys think that by only throwing a dress they're automatically "passing" and girly and do nothing more, expecting to be praised.
For example, the guy on
>>204093 keeps posting his face on r/transpassing but it's been a few months and nothing changed, it's like he's waiting magically to become girly. But if you check
>>204906 you can see some "improvement".
No. 205112
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No. 205113
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No. 205114
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No. 205115
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No. 205116
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No. 205169
File: 1506013370270.jpg (219.73 KB, 648x572, kwVeR0h.jpg)

>>205114well, you definately look somehow… shadylookinass…
No. 205410
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No. 205411
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No. 205412
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No. 205503
>>186316ftms can be just as misogynistic as cis men. usually they aren't, because living as a woman for the early part of their life (or at the very least being socialized as female) for the most part has made them more prone to sexism and most of the time, more easily able to sympathize with women. sometimes, though, ftms try to be super misogynist just so they come across as manly. it's really really nasty and i wish they could find ways to live as men other then belittling women.
>>186395the reason why trans women act like that with the exaggerated image of femininity is the same reason why some trans guys are so misogynist (and sometimes super macho) is to overcompensate in gender roles to "prove" that they're a member of the opposite sex. it seems really stupid to people who aren't trans, but sometimes they worry that the only way to be seen as a member of the opposite sex is to be over the top with gender roles, because if they try to be more normal and low-key about it people might assume them to be their birth sex, which is the exact opposite of what trans people want
>>187022pisses me off too. i disagree with terfs and the shit they say about trans people, but i think it's over the top that people say stuff about wanting to kill terfs and rape terfs and such-and-such with their blood. i think it's totally cool to criticize terfs for the shit they say, but that doesn't justify being stupidly violent and misogynistic.
No. 205610
>>197695late reply but that's not cool, you sound like a robot
Even if they are an attentionwhore it's a totally different thing to make a joke like that and sinks down to shitty incel levels
No. 206432
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white guys are so fucking weird
No. 206433
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No. 206435
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No. 206436
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No. 206437
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No. 206486
>>206435do they really think this is okay?
>>206437could pass if not for the huge jaw
No. 207336
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No. 207516
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>>207326If this is the best
>>206437 then I don't want to see the worst, it's like a disproportionate body and it freaks me out
Some more pic btw
No. 207517
File: 1507252626470.jpg (179.57 KB, 1197x1080, i2kUy5t.jpg)

No. 207518
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No. 207520
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No. 207523
File: 1507252771713.png (154.25 KB, 275x384, fcqpjqbbbjizszdc08ss_8320.png)

>>207518only noticed this after posting, but is this amazingphil on drag kek
No. 207641
>>207614There is a huge difference between being mean on an anonymous image board and targeted harassment. I don't care what is being said here at all, I care that it's being said next to hundreds of stolen pictures of already mentally fragile people.
I know my comment isn't going to shame anyone into being less shitty. I was just really disgusted the same way I would be if you all were jerking off to leaked revenge porn nudes. If being mean on the internet is cathartic for you, being a self righteous white knight is cathartic for me.
>>207619The person I knew is in their work uniform in their photo here, not posing naked as Tara Dikoff witch goddess of the haunted forest.
No. 207642
>>207641Believe me, we're not jerking off looking at those oh-so-feminine troons.
You can't expect privacy when you're posting your face publicly on reddit.
No. 207646
>>207557>shaming mental illnessexcept you know, they don't think it's an illness and they want to be accepted as the opposite sex. letting these crazy fucks think they pass is giving in to their illness, and all the things you're talking about.
>ooh but their feels are hurtwell yes, and their feelings are also hurt when you refer to their 'identity' by labeling it as an illness because all of these fucks who choose to try to live as women will attack you when you mention it's an illness.
No. 207650
>>207644I am genuinely not trans, but I can't prove a negative to you so keep using that to disregard anything I say.
>>207646Where did I say tell them they pass? I said they're still human and it's not right to treat them like sideshow freaks. All of this discussion would be fine without the pictures. It would even be fine to leave half these comments where the images were actually posted to slap some sense into them. it's not about hurting their feelings, it's about othering them to the point they only feel safe with each other.
No. 207654
>>207645>These don't all appear to be from RedditI browse transpassing for keks and the majority posted here are there too, do you really think people would lose time tracking their shit accounts when everything is posted in one single place lol
>>207650>I said they're still human and it's not right to treat them like sideshow freaksReally? Because the last time I checked women are still human too but these fucks have no problem entering in women bathrooms and spaces or claiming they're ~lesbians~ so they can coerce women to fuck them. It only goes one side, right?
>to leave half these comments where the images were actually posted to slap some sense into them. Good luck with that, they're instantly removed because god forbid we tell them the truth. They will never be women and people like you are the reason they keep living in these delusions
No. 207675
Last comment I'm going to leave here since it's clear the few rational people in this thread appeared to have left long ago.
>>207654>people like you are the reason they keep living in these delusionsIf you actually think breaching these people's privacy and ridiculing them in your anonymous safe space helps them more than advocating for mental health reform and showing them compassion, you're more delusional than they are. Be an asshole, but why don't you admit that you just enjoy feeling superior to them because you feel no empathy toward them and view them as less than you instead of hiding behind that bullshit? I could at least respect that.
You're cowards and creeps, the lot of you. At least GC feminists can separate the rhetoric from the people and work toward creating a world where feminine males aren't pushed into changing themselves. You would all prefer they kill themselves without dealing with the root of the problem in our society.
No. 207687
File: 1507342373382.jpg (97.88 KB, 456x810, tumblr_oxefmto2HP1t98j42o1_540…)

>>207675The thing, they don't want to be treated, they only want to be validated in their bullshit. Body dysphoria is real, but they're approaching the problem completely wrong and demanding people comply with their delusions. They're claiming biology isn't real now, they're punching 60 year-old women for believing in biological differences, heck, they're shaming women when they talk about "vaginas", they're raping women in prisons, what's next?
I don't want these men near women in bathrooms and locker rooms, even more near young girls. I don't want to see their ~lady penises~. I don't want them demanding lesbians to have sex with them, and calling them terfs and biggots when they don't want to, even making rape and death threats.
Fuck off, you and your bullshit. I'm not showing compassion for someone who thinks that putting on a dress, some makeup and making a whole with their penis makes them a woman and if you say otherwise, they'll punch you.
Hope you never find one of these in your bathroom.
>Last comment I'm going to leave hereFucking finally.
No. 207719
>privacy on redditlolwut
They get called out on their delusions and misguided beliefs in plenty of other places such as No. 207729
fuck autocorrect
No. 208942
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No. 208943
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No. 208944
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No. 208945
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No. 208946
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No. 208947
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No. 208948
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No. 208949
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No. 208950
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No. 208951
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No. 209056
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from tumblr.. just why
No. 209141
File: 1508187419306.png (985.51 KB, 640x1136, 1508186493752[1].png)

not from reddit but…
No. 209186
File: 1508224200835.jpg (79.86 KB, 629x718, Capture.JPG)

No. 209318
File: 1508358125529.png (451.01 KB, 455x810, tumblr_oxzd90qKTF1vzvptso1_540…)

Not from reddit but this guy broke a player's leg when he played with women, I'm so fucking glad he was denied, he's like 100kg
No. 209330
>>209318I'm glad they reached that decision. Does anyone here remember the trans dude doing the MMA shit? It was a fucking shit show.>Current state of research indicates that even though some trans women have less muscle strength and bone density than cis men, both are still higher than in cis women prior to medical treatment. The researchers concluded that this may be due to a difference in lifestyle, not some innate biological difference in trans women.[9][10]What a bunch of morons.
No. 209357
>>209330I remember! It left me mad for days!
Some people even pointed out, that while they might not be as strong as men, they still have higher testosterone… a woman with higher testosterone in her blood while doing sports is doping! If doping is not allowed this should be neither, nothing discriminating about it.
No. 209358
>>209348It's fucking genius.
Want to beat up some women? Take some estrogen pills for a bit and enter a comparative womens league. People will trip over themselves to defend you.
No. 209374
>>209348It's so ridiculous. Just looking at them tells me that most trannies could kick my ass without breaking a sweat. Those fucking shoulders.
And that 'Fallon Fox' mma fight was a horror from start to finish. He broke her orbital bone. That's damage that you see in domestic abuse cases, not in female mma competition.
No. 209386
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No. 209391
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>>209386no. fucking. way.
no. NO. NOOOOOOOO. it has to be a joke. satire. a lost bet. please tell me this isnt meant in an honest way
No. 209433
File: 1508455882824.jpg (244.13 KB, 1139x1280, TheMaggieDown.jpg)

>>209391I wish I could say that. I wish all of these men were just having a laugh.
No. 209466
>>209463>isn't there something like obese people don't produce as much testosterone anyway? It's a bit of a circular relationship. Low testosterone is going to make it easier to gain weight, and diabetes will hamper your testosterone production.
But the dudes issues are already so severe that I'm not even sure if HRT will even have a significant impact. It's not like he's a skinny fat dude treading the line, he's just fat-fat.
No. 209553
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No. 209560
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No. 209589
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No. 209590
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>two month after FFS
>face still manly as fuck
No. 209591
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No. 209592
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Am I the only person who sees a man? I mean, he has boobs and shit but that's definitely not a woman's body and even without seeing his face I know that's a man.
No. 209593
File: 1508627263826.jpg (Spoiler Image,45.96 KB, 404x542, Uliz1PUkGyOGNOrdh43uZKT8MW_oNX…)

>>209592same for this one
No. 209595
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No. 209596
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No. 209597
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No. 209598
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No. 209599
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No. 209602
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>>209592>>209593Almost every feature is different between men and women and it's even more noticeable at a healthy/normal weight. So in those pics is there any body part at all which looks female? No basically. We're able to see these differences instinctively which would probably appear subtle to aliens. I think I read somewhere that humans are quite sexually diamorphic compared to a lot of other species.
No. 209609
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>>209606It's an awful situation that upsets me a lot.
It should be ok for them to do that but the moment you say "hey maybe hormones and surgery are not appropriate for a lot of these guys, what's wrong with them being feminine gay (or not) men?" you are officially labelled a transmisogynist / radfem / nazi / insert slur here. When their transition is over many of these people will be extremely unsatisfied and full of regret, because that's what it's all about: the transition. That's why their suicide rate is so high, because that transition eventually ends. It has nothing to do with prejudice and their entire community knows that deep down, as do the mental health professionals and surgeons.
However I'm apparently evil incarnate if I'd rather people don't get sent down this dangerous and risky route. It's really easy for a lot of people to stand back and virtue signal about this stuff by supporting it unconditionally and treating all people with different opinions like we're subhuman, but they're not the ones picking up the pieces.
No. 209659
>>207694dat tranny smirk
dat autogynesmile
No. 209725
>>209678So distinctly unstable masculine looking creepy in every way.
God damn, if I was trans, I'd want people to criticize me twice as hard so I could look and behave passing. This is what tumblr style hugboxes do.
No. 209735
>>209678God what an emotional rollercoaster. At first I cringed, then it got creepy and finally the kiss made me physically gag. He also probably ruined that song for me forever. Ew.
I keep seeing videos from this guy, most of them were him manically dancing and being a confident transwoman enjoying herself uwu
He also filmed himself having a breakdown in some kind of venue when a security guy responded to complains about a man in the women's bathroom, all with loud fake crying and two tumblrinas affirming him how much more of a woman than many women out there he is. I think he has a son that is a transboy too, he seems to be legit though.
This guy has some Stephonknee Wolscht-level delusion.
No. 209953
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>>209938idk, he used to be cute but he looks nothing like a woman. he has a very masculine face and a low voice.
No. 210064
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>>209590I am a biological female and only look marginally more girlish. Feels bad man.
No. 210161
>>210074I have girlier nose/mouth and no five o-clock shadow but similar jawline, deep-set eye etc.
>>210097obviously, but still.
No. 210631
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No. 210632
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No. 210633
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No. 210635
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No. 210636
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No. 210637
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No. 210638
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No. 210692
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No. 210718
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>>210632haha I was going to post that one. Unibrow and nose hair. Classic.
No. 210726
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No. 210727
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No. 210728
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No. 210729
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No. 210731
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Had to look and hear this guy at Blizzcon
No. 210812
>>186971Oml, its as if Neville Longbotom decided to become trans
Anyways, I have a small story to share that's on topic. When I used to work in a coffee shop in the city, I once referred to a manly looking dude as a sir, and he angerly told me that I should not assume people's genders and that he referes to himself as a she……nothing…nothing about him showed that he identifies as a woman until next time when he showed up wearing horrible blue eyeshadow and purple glitter…..
No. 210849
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No. 210850
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No. 210851
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No. 210852
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No. 210853
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No. 210854
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No. 210934
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>one year on hormones
No. 210936
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No. 210939
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No. 210940
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No. 210991
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No. 210992
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No. 210993
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No. 211520
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No. 211521
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No. 211522
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No. 211523
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No. 211524
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No. 211525
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No. 211599
>>211594I wish I knew, my womyn. It's pretty hard to find people who are willing to discuss it irl (well, people who aren't equally as sexist and disgusting anyways…), so maybe you'd be better off looking for some radfem-y friends online?
And to answer your second question: again, I wish I knew. As long as men are raised to be entitled and shitty and we're raised to believe we have to bend over backwards to please them no matter how much it hurts us, it probably won't :/
No. 211613
>>211581I’m not “transphobic” because I’m not scared of trans people, I don’t hate them, and I don’t want them dead/criminalised. Just think they’re mentally unwell and think society’s encouragement of it is fucking cruel. Which is clearly true, because these men look like idiots, are permanenty mutilating their bodies, and are actually being massively sexist by reducing my existence to makeup and hairstyles (which I also dislike). So your weak attempt at insulting us for what is a pretty solid point of view is fail, go back to Tumblr if it
triggers you.
No. 211630
>>211592rofl so you have no understanding why some women would think that a mtf who puts no effort into actually looking feminine would rub actual women the right way?
take that shit somewhere else summerfag you look retarded
No. 211637
>>211592>you guys got banished>guysDid you just assume my gender, you bigot!! I'm a cowgender and my pronouns are cow/cower! Learn!!
Now I'm curious about what you were searching for to come here
No. 211649
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>>211521looks like a cheap adore delano
No. 211651
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>>211649that beard shadow
some more
No. 211652
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No. 211653
>>211618THIS. I have various trans friends but honestly I don't get the whole SJW pro-trans mentality BS.
Now we are being told that we are "transphobic" if we don't want to date trans people who have genitals that we may not prefer? As a woman, I don't want to be told I have to be attracted to trans men with vaginae or trans women with a dick. I'm so sick of trans SJW bullshit.
LASTLY, I think it's funny how SJW are all pro-transgender but against transracial. Why is it ok for trans people to claim another gender but not OK for people to claim another cultural or racial identity? Doesn't make sense to me.
No. 211654
>>211613Hear, hear!
What really gets on my nerves is how trans women scream and yell that they are just as much "WOMEN" as us cis women but they are NOT and NEVER will be "women." They are trans women, but not women. Makes sense?
No. 211666
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>>211653>Why is it ok for trans people to claim another gender but not OK for people to claim another cultural or racial identity? Doesn't make sense to me. Something, something blackface.
SJWs bitching about cultural appropriation set precedent that different races/cultures shouldn't mix or imitate each other.
Gender appropriation isn't really a thing. I know it's been said a million times in this thread already, but transsexuals are just delusional men.
No. 211730
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>>211649He looks like a Hotline Miami sprite in drag
No. 211733
>>211666Remember when men in dresses used to call themselves transvestite? Now they're bloody transgender and calling themselves women. It's such a joke. I hope the transracial/transethnic movement takes off so that people will finally realize how fake and silly the transgender movement is. Transgender people are transvestite s and need to stop mutilating their private parts.
No. 211757
>>211753Coincidentally he posted this today on r/transpassing'm gonna repeat myself, but what the hell!
No. 211758
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No. 211785
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>>186179>>211733Love how this freak wannabe posted on a Buzzfeed article about female sex toys whining he can't use them cos he has a dick. 3 girls commented in support of him and called him woman. Ugh, I can't deal with this BS.
No. 211786
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>>211785Sorry here's the whole picture. MtF wannabe is blue.
No. 211974
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big batch coming
No. 211975
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this one isn't exactly bad, what made me post it was that he is taking hormones for four years but you can clearly see his face is mainly as fuck, despite the boobs
No. 211976
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No. 211977
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No. 211981
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No. 211982
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No. 212183
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No. 212184
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No. 212345
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No. 212347
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No. 212349
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No. 212350
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No. 212528
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No. 212538
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No. 212539
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No. 212540
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No. 212541
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No. 212678
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>>212579sometimes I need to read twice because the delusion is so much in some guys I'll mistake them for MtF too
No. 212679
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No. 212680
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No. 212681
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that beard
No. 212682
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No. 212683
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No. 214549
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how much can you brag kek
No. 214550
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>>214549this guy loks like this, there's no way this actually happened