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No. 214812
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No. 214931
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>>214929I should add that this dude is 6'3" and feels terrified because a woman stared at him while he was washing his hands in the women's washroom.
He's also a conservative and evangelical Christian. No. 214950
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>>214931>He's also a conservative and evangelical Christian.Is there even a religion out there that is ok with this trans shit that doesn't require a horrible misinterpretation?
No. 215188
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No. 215189
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No. 215190
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No. 215191
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No. 215192
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No. 215513
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tumblr is a fucking goldmine
No. 215514
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No. 215515
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No. 215516
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No. 215517
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No. 215518
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No. 215553
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#trans goth milf
No. 215557
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There was a thread on Reddit that posed the question: "Transgender women, if women decided to go by a new name (they let you guys them have the word women) would you push to be called that too?" They all said yes. Lol. Losers
No. 215565
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>>215558It's just insane. They're biological men so why exactly do they insist on being a part of feminism. We have a hard enough time passing bills on our own. Wouldn't it make more sense to convince their bros to be more accepting of them?
I know this thread is all fun and games. But I think it's so fucking creepy. Think about it
They copy our every move. They silently read our narrative to understand what periods are like, what labor is like. Yes, anything you've ever posted about your period. About your experience during labor. A trans person has read that and has used that to qualify their experience. They WILL hijack your story to sound more educated on woman's rights.
The thing that bothers me is that these Mtf never advocate for women's rights. Even someone like Blair white who benefits from intersectional feminism will never acknowledge actual women's rights . Lmao. I hate trannies
No. 215637
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>>215583Damn anon I feel you. One of my friends is trans and post-op and now I'm supposed to see him as a woman, the funny thing is that I dream pretty often and all my dreams are with him as a man. My unconscious knows kek
Image not related to my story, just to add something related to the thread
No. 215671
>>215518Kek looks like he's dressing up as a woman as a costume.
Actually a lot of these do.
No. 215752
>>215637>>215583>>215566>>215565they justify this by saying 'but i FEEL like a woman'. They make it seem like it's all about pink (costume) clothes and makeup, flamoyant body language and their dumb fake whiny voices.
Being a woman is much more than that. It is when you get sexualised as a kid/teenager and even as a grown independent woman by a man, it is the phycial pain you often feel, the mental torture than men make you endure, social stigma, being scared to walk alone, and so much more. Which they will NEVER understand.
they are fake disgusting copies.
No. 215783
>>215771Wouldn’t be surprised.
>>215752Honestly I’d guess this behavior is because they are scared of being viewed as male so they take on the most stereotypical female personas hoping it will make them pass better. A lot of passing trans act and dress like normal women, so I really think it’s insecurity causing this.
No. 219427
>>219359it's some delusional cyclical logic though. if they have some innate thing that makes them feel/know they're a woman, why do they have to take so so many tips from social roles or females' experiences? it always turns into why are you a woman? because i do all these woman things. why do you do those things? because i'm a woman. Tautological and delusional.
The gender dysphoria explains this but the logic they create in order to feed and legitimize their gender dysphoria does not hold up. It's sad. From an outsider's perspective it really reminds me of the ways that people will feed and sustain their eds with warped versions of logic meant only to serve and legitimize the ed.
No. 219479
>>219359yeah but changing/mutilating the body isn't the cure – doctors don't let people with anorexia/EDs continue to starve/otherwise harm themselves, (ethical) plastic surgeons screen red flag type clients for BDD and try to divert them away from surgical options, we call the people who want to chop off their limbs "because they shouldn't be there" mentally ill, etc etc etc
the issue with gender dysphoria (imo) isn't the biological sex, it's the gender roles that end up dictated to you depending on your chromosomes. breaking down the walls of the "act like a man" and "act like a woman" boxes so people can express themselves however they like is the cure, not blocking and replacing hormones or chopping bits off or having new bits stuck in you. attempting to modify your biology will never be successful because SRS won't give you a "new" body, it's just the same body, now mutilated, and this can actually be quite damaging because up until that point everything's been feeding into their delusions, and when reality finally hits, it hits hard.
best case scenario for people with gender dysphoria would be counselling to reconcile the "just because i have penis/vagina doesn't mean i have to conform to the stereotype" thing, and helping them establish a positive support network of people around themselves.
trans ideology is really regressive, imo. i mean, changing yourself to fit societal ideals is easier than changing society's ideals, but all this bullshit just reinforces the stereotypes and makes it so much harder for actual healthy change to come about
No. 219683
>>219467Make peace with being a crossdressing/feminine male, drastic change in philosophy, really confront his definition of identity and why it's excessively wrapped up in appearance and labeling of the body, figure out why his body map seems wrong and try to rewire it. and even if all that doesn't work, you're not going to find out what WILL work by spending all your energy and resources on feeding your delusion.
i'd imagine it's similar to escaping ed body dysmorphia rather than something you could call conversion therapy. start with the disconnect between your mind and body and your problems with how you perceive your sex or how wider society perceives it.
No. 219689
>>219669“Would you fuck me?
I’d fuck me”
No. 219748
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I guess I'm going to slightly vent here because it's trans related.
So I've been enjoying a game called Life is Strange and its prequel. It's basically a high school romance drama game. I ventured into the /vg/ general dedicated to LiS universe and instead of discussing characters, in-game references, theories and whatnot there's a tranny or two encouraging others to start their transitioning. One poster even called out on that, saying that most trannies end up commiting suicide and that while it being a personal choice, (s)he has no right to encourage others to make life changing decisions just because they think they can become a qt video game character.
It's sickening. I know that they do this so that they can validate their own life choices, but this should be stopped. Most trannies don't even look remotely good, even after 4+ years of transitioning and they delude others that their life will be easier if they become a kawaii girl which they clearly won't.
I normally don't even care about trannies but this is a mental disease. They completely butchered the game, their fanfic is horrifying and just showcases their poor mental state. I mean, they draw my favorite character which is a biological female with a penor and write freely how some of the female characters are girl with penises. What is wrong with them?
I've played so many hours some of my favorite games as a male character and never wanted to become a guy so what gives? What the hell is going on?
No. 219786
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No. 219787
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No. 219788
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No. 219789
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No. 219790
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No. 219791
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No. 219793
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No. 219794
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No. 219801
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This shits insane lmao
No. 219805
>>219748yeah, it's happening everywhere now, particularly bad on /r9k/, there's always someone saying "JUST TAKE HORMONES AND BECOME A QT GRILL ALL YOUR PROBLEMS WILL GO AWAY" they're just preying on robots vulnerability cause i'm sure some do listen
and then they laugh about it in other threads
also i've noticed that they do that to a lot of vidya female characters, it's a product of too much porn and wanting to get plowed by their favorite character i think
No. 219820
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I found this on radfem tumblr recently. This non passing transwoman got misgendered (by accident, it sounds like) and wrote this dramatic, creepy blogpost about how violated he felt. No. 219830
>>219805Who cares about robots though?
Those morons want to whinge about women having it on easymodo? Then they can find out the hard way of what it's actually like and fuck their bodies in the process for all I give a shit. What a valuable lesson.
No. 219840
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>>219805So let them have a taste of their own medicine. They see the most popular girls on instagram, pretty looking fit girls in their early 20s that dedicate a lot of their time to looks, and they conclude that being a girl === being on easy mode. You really have to be stupid to change your gender just because you like a game character or want to live their lives. A trans, in particular older trans person won't be treated like a qt biological high school girl.
No. 219852
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Kinda OT because it's not from transpassing, but still from reddit. Just some normal thoughts from an amab, no different from a cis girl's :))
No. 219853
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>>219852same guy getting butthurt when people didn't kiss his ass
No. 219857
>>219856ntayrt but
>amab - assigned male at birth >afab - assigned female at birth which is really dumb imo bc it's not like your genitals develop as you pass through the birth canal lmao, but then again, trannies can't into biology, so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
No. 219859
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>>219856assigned male at birth
when they need to say male for…all the reasons we have the word male in the first place, but the ideology forbids it
No. 219871
>>219857>>219859I see thanks. I should have googled it before asking, sorry.
But this such a weird label. It's not as if there's a sorting hat when a baby's born that assigns the child female or male against their will.
Also that post
>>219852 is terrifying. I'm not surprised and I wager that a lot of trannies harbor the same hatred in varing degrees over other women.
No. 219873
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>>219871Yeah it makes no fucking sense. They have elaborate justifications for why being "assigned" male was oh so arbitrary, yet they have to keep referencing it when issues having to do with their male bodies come up. Like it was just a huge coincidence that society calls them male and their bodies have the traits that the word male describes. It's just a big coincidence, not the entire point of words in the first place.
They're the real gender binarists. They seem to think "male" and "female" have some intrinsic meaning in a vacuum, rather than simply being labels used to describe traits observed in the physical world, just like AMAB or whatever word of the day.
The map is not the territory you jabronis. Your being male doesn't have to mean anything at all beyond the basic dictionary definition. You're the one who thinks being male means you need to dress and act a certain way, yet you think WE'RE your enemies?
No. 219945
So glad this thread exists.
I know most of tumblr is cancer but I like to follow a few themed blogs here and there, sometimes from my recommended. When I click onto one and see any mention of pronouns in the bio section, I click back. If I see anything about TERFs and it being a TERF free blog, I block the user. I mean, Christ, if your gender is the most interesting thing you have to say in your bio or most important to you, you must be a very bland person.
Laineybot is a prime example of this. Wrapping herself in flags all day and spouting off about her agender bullshit every two seconds? Nah. Hard pass. These identity politics are cancer and I want no part of them when I just want to see pink shit on aesthetic blogs or nostalgia posts on 90s blogs.
On another note, it’s sad how I can clock sooo many mtf just based on their icon on Twitter. Imagine how sad that existence must be. To take all the efforts to get surgery, hormones, new wardrobe, wigs, makeup, and use angles and shitty lighting in your pics and STILL be clockable in a 73x73 pixel avatar. Sounds like a tragic waste of time to me.
No. 219946
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>>219525This is so true.
Gigi gorgeous is a prime example. Thousands upon thousands spent on their appearance but without makeup its so clear theyre just a confused man who's had too many surgeries.
No. 219949
>>219946>>219947>they/them pronounsbinch, he's a man. doesn't matter how feminine he looks, he
is a man and since you know that, these vague pronouns aren't necessary.
No. 219950
>>219945Man, came here to write exactly this. I'm so fed up with this bullshit. It's fucking biologically wrong and the shit they say or demand others say(PRONOUNS LOL)is so obviously veiling their own misgivings and doubts about what they're doing. They're trying to convince themselves as well as anyone else willing to listen.
I like spotting trans people…. trans spotting. It's a nice little detractor from the horrible influx of it all. No one does it well. You are not a woman! You are not a man! you are a monster!
No. 219960
>>219852Jfc this is literally shit serial killers have said about why they murder women. And our modern society just encourages this shit.
Strong women build other women up. All these fucking trannies just suffer from sexual perversion and being ugly.
Newsflash: if you're an ugly man you can't just will yourself into being a beautiful woman.
Besides, there's just as many unattractive women as there are men. Fucking trannies crying about genetics as if there are no women who didn't win the genetic lottery. No wonder they fall for this shit and no wonder women didn't wanna breed with them when they were men. They're all ugly AND stupid and their genes are worthless.
No. 219984
>>219982That Dubai drama, too.
Shit was just too much.
No. 220003
>>219984What happened in Dubai?
Let me guess, the mean old transmysoginists didn't let him board the plane cause they saw him as a man just playing dress up?
No. 220013
>>220010Goddamn did he intentionally fly to a notoriously transphobic/homophobic Islam nation JUST so he could be a victim??? He can't possibly be that stupid can he? I'm neither "gay" nor trans and you couldn't pay me to visit the Middle East.
That ending was infuriating. He was so smug he was able to have so much of his girlfriend's family's money spent on him and that smile he made after saying "the White House" was weird. I didn't pay attention to Gigi before but I think I hate this asshole more than any other YouTube celebrity (including Onision)
No. 220019
>>220013It is honestly a shame that you weren't on yt when this first dropped because shit was wiiiilllldd lmfao
The comments were a goddamned mess and so was social media. You had first world muslims rushing in to play the #notall card and people of all ethnic backgrounds trying to pretend as if Islam is a super inclusive, LGBTBBQ friendly religion.
Cultural relativism is a plague.
No. 220025
>>220019It makes me cringe how quickly people will turn on their own beliefs for a boy on youtube with lip fillers and a weave.
No matter how backwards Islam is, at least they have the balls to not put up with this trans bullshit. Off the building theto go.
No. 220030
>>220010lol @ this idiot going to the Middle East, too bad they didn't throw him off a fucking roof
'I sobbed and sobbed and I needed justice'
oh lol fuck off and get out what a loser
No. 220060
Here's gigi being a cunt about being rich
And here's gigi doing the creepy thing trans people do which is try to co-opt a biological womans body and experience (called a friend who had a baby "a surrogate") God the second one is clickbait because those mentally ill cokeheads dont need to buy a child
Anyone else get tila tequila vibes from gigi, as far as exploiting the mental health of an heiress?
No. 220077
>>220013I just watched a super old video of gigi before transition when he was in high school and he was basically whining about how his school took away his phone because they have rules regarding electronics. He acted entitled throughout the whole video and it seems like he never grew out of the entitlement.
He probably thought "it happens to other trans people but it WON'T happen to ME". Probably felt like his looks and money would give him privilege there. Seems like an example of mtf expecting the whole world to play along with their mindset and being shocked that it doesn't work that way.
I don't condone unfair treatment. Just pointing out that you can't expect the harsh world to adjust to you, trans or otherwise.
No. 220213
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>>219982Kek Gigi hasn’t had SRS, Still has a dick and just tucks it between his legs and tapes it to his asshole like drag queens do.
>>220060>“I’ve never felt so fishy”Please just die.
No. 220247
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>>220060…look at this spoiled fucking prick. Gregory “I still have/sound like I’m Garglin’ Gonads” looks like the linebacker he is when he’s not in charge of the camera, to no one’s surprise.
No. 220250
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No. 220283
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No. 220284
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No. 220451
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Does this double as a trans-hate thread? Because wew I just got this gem shared onto my Facebook by the fakest of fakebois.
No. 220460
>>220247lmao Gigi claims that his shoe size is 37 and that his weight is between 55-60kg. And that is a lie because most people his height, esp. a man would not look like he does.
funny how these people lie so much to themselves
No. 220478
>>220283 supposed to be dressed like a handmaid? He's wearing a weird white thing on his head. Gross.
No. 220484
>>220479I know right! Looking at models with what he claims to be his height and weight they all have around 37-40 in shoe size, and they all have feminine bodies (small bones, not much muscle or fat etc etc) so he is probably lying about his weight aswell.
Knowing that so many beautiful women exist to make liars like him and the rest of the men we see on here insecure and jealous makes me so happy.
No. 220490
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>>220478Yep, found his Reddit account and it was for Halloween.
Apparently he's 'genderqueer' rather than trans though.
No. 220726
>>220225I hate Gigi. At minute 8:19 he says large nipples are disgusting.
Normally I dont watch his content but people in the bg reddit community were offended at this
No. 220728
>>220726Wow, all that surgery and he still doesn't even remotely pass. Didn't realize men were that ugly.
his real name is Gregory btw, jsyk
No. 220788
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>>220749The flappy bird lips just make his mouth look bigger.
No. 220841
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Some delusional autogynophile with the worst makeup I've ever seen was trying to follow me on Instagram
No. 220845
>>220801I hope this is still on topic, but why even do these mtfs go on to get hormones and srs?? I mean, is this a form of self hatred? I'm a gay woman and i feel as if a lot of the trans people, if not all hate themselves, so they get hormones and pretend they are the opposite sex, instead of just being gay.
It's like, being a tranny is somehow better than being gay, so it's still a form of anti-gay stigma and self hatred imo.
No. 220851
>>220845Probably because of all the positive media trans people get. You've got Bruce Jenner, you've got the whole bathroom shitstorm that happened, you've got all the tumblrinas that will fight for you no matter what you did wrong, etc. Being gay isn't shocking enough anymore, trans is the new bi.
Plus the grass is always greener on the other side I guess. Somehow they think chopping off their dick and fucking up their hormones will make them more accepted in society and give them a better life than living as a gay person. Hilarious.
No. 220942
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No. 220943
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No. 220944
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No. 221208
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I wish people would stop involving children in this.