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No. 1868663
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sometimes I am so tempted to post a picture of my face and delete it five seconds later only to realize someone would save it within those five seconds and repost it to humiliate me and anons would nitpick apart my looks until I wanted to kms
it might encourage me to stop posting here and be a better person though
No. 1868688
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I look at listings for baby toys and imagine playing with them. Not alone, like my real childhood, but together with someone who has a good sense of humor and creativity. In my dream we have fun and feel safe and okay. I fall asleep thinking about it.
No. 1868701
>>1868698Whose computer have you stolen and why are you trying to put a hit out on them
>>1868663There is literally no reason to do this. Even having the impulse is so attention whorey like what do you even have to gain from it.
No. 1868710
>>1868698Do it
I believe in you baby
No. 1868911
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pic unrelated i read a few entries of my bfs diary and it was funny
No. 1868983
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My boyfriend told me he thinks he’s asexual and I want to be supportive and understanding (especially because I have issues with intimacy myself as a result of trauma and other stuff) but I’m on the verge of having a breakdown. He used to have a really high sex drive and talk about how sexually attractive he found me all the time. At first he said he goes through periods where he has a low sex drive and periods where he has a high sex drive but now he’s saying he doesn’t want to have sex at all. I want to be woke but I can’t help but feel like he’s starting to lose interest in me and this is just an excuse
No. 1869327
>>1869308I never really felt like thats what a child is. Especially because love isn't required to get a woman pregnant. And I've heard so many stories about people being together for over a decade in perfect harmony but it's not until the child is born that the men show how little they really care. I'm scared to put my body through physical torture just to be abandoned. I'm scared that I'll stupidly think
oh he could never do that to me and then do exactly that to me.
>>1869320 You're absolutely right nonna. A child is a huge burden, and an inconvenience that cannot help pay bills or clean up around the house or cook meals for him. The child won't be a secondary housewife or best friend or pet, just a sinkhole.
No. 1869332
>>1869288A lot of people see dating and marriage as a means to an end, and that is having children. Did you not talk about children when you first started dating?
>>1869308>Because a child is a living breathing creation of your loveA man who truly loves a woman wouldn't want to put her through the stress and pain of childbirth.
No. 1869344
>>1869337>love and family Reproduction has never required love,
nonnie. And it is not a negative statement at all, it is just the truth. A child
is an inconvenience. It is disruptant. Men only want children to 'carry on their legacy', not because they want to feed the child, change its diaper, soothe it when its crying, and so on. My concerns about putting my body and cognition under duress solely for the purpose of shitting out the child my husband asked for just for him to leave me aren't unsubstantiated.
No. 1869380
>>1869361>>1869373There have been a lot of times I've felt immense despair at how many men are far from my wishes and can't see women as anything but pleasure dispensers, or want kids but then also want the woman to do all the work while he just feels smug about how "trad" he is. It's grim because I cannot feel happy with a relationship that's just for sex and it's like that's all any guy is willing to commit to. I'm not at all deluded about how rare what I'm looking for is.
I have met a guy who has expressed some similar sentiments as me though, and seems to have a mindset of serving his family's happiness rather than them serving him… I like him and he gives me hope, but of course I'll have my guard up as I get to know him better. When I was a teenager I was battered by a guy and I have no desire to put up with an inadequate man in my life ever again.
>>1869363I don't disagree that it's back breaking work or never annoying. Don't get the wrong idea, I'm not one of those terminally online romanticizers who thinks babies just sit pretty all day as you live a cute aesthetic lifestyle kek. I just think it's worth it. When I say you shouldn't think of kids as an inconvenience I don't mean that you should be ignorant to the very real and very harsh hardships, but that you should overall see it as meaningful and not
just as the biggest chore in the world.
I guess it also depends on if your goal in life is to be as comfortable as possible, since if you just want to minimize pain then it's not a good path. All I can really say is that to me it's not easy but it's worthwhile. I'm a romantic at heart and maybe it sounds sick but I find personal meaning in lots of painful situations
No. 1869428
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I don't feel bad for men, especially ones that die because of their own retardation. If you're driving like a retard, you're gonna die like one.
No. 1869438
>>1869433I authored this post
>>1869359 verbatim stating that I am not anti-children or against reproduction at all. I am against women being used by men for our reproductive capabilites and then abandoned. That isn't nihilistic or anti-birth. It's a reasonable concern based off the behaviors of basically all men.
No. 1870024
>>1869747I've been where you are, but with the added stress of bpd: it does get better
Nonny. It really does.
No. 1870097
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Started taking new meds to fix my hormonal imbalance and now my hyperfixation towards my husbando is gone. On one hand, I'm glad the grip is finally loosened and I can focus on other things better. The downside is that I feel a bit empty and now I don't have my little before sleep bedtime scenarios to look forward to at the end of the day.
No. 1870146
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My hormones changed slightly and I'm having violent sexual fantasies about a specific kind of man again. It's inescapable and I hate it so much. Life was going so well before this and now I feel like ruining everything.
Men are a genuine hindrance to achieving happiness for me.
No. 1870552
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I’m a fan of a semi-obscure dark comedy visual novel and ended up coming across a video made by a guy that tried to ‘analyse’ the characters. He ended up excusing and downplaying a lot of the actions done by the male characters. He missed the point that all of the characters, especially the male characters, are bad people to some degree. Instead, he focused more on a male character’s anger issues over the fact that he’s literally a sex offender. Another male character is dismissed as being a boring, but down-to-earth guy, when he’s obviously meant to be a parody of a ‘nice guy’ who only befriends the women so that he can fuck them and crosses basic boundaries, which the YouTuber dismissed as ‘being an impressionable young man in an environment where women’s boundaries are regularly disrespected, it’s only natural he’d do the same’. Also he doesn’t go into depth with the main female character’s psyche, and conveniently doesn’t afford her the same excuse about her being conditioned by her environment to be a narcissist
No. 1870565
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me and my friend/roommate kissed while drunk and we are both in relationships. we agreed to not bring it up to our boyfriends but still thought it was funny
No. 1870589
>>1870578Aw, nona, it's okay. I can't say I've ever been in a similar situation but as a fellow avoidant person, I understand the mentality that brought you here.
If it were me, I'd tackle the issue this way: tell the doorman you have "some packages" in the mailroom. Don't tell him how many you think there are, don't try to give any kind of explanation or justification, just act casual. I'm assuming that the doorman will tell you that there's a bunch of packages that are too much for one person to carry. Just be like, "oh yeah haha, is it okay if I take a couple up right now and come back for the rest?" If you'd rather space out the trips, ask if you could come back and take more throughout the week or whatever makes you feel more comfortable. You can use the excuse of an illness or whatever if the doorman or mailroom guy asks you directly for the reason why you left the packages for so long, but don't say it unprompted. Act unbothered and people won't question what you do. And let yourself enjoy all the stuff you bought!
No. 1870591
>>1870584>>1870587>>1870589Thank you guys, I know I'm being stupid about it. Straight up all I needed is for a few other anons to tell me that I'm being ridiculous. No one in my real life knows about it because like I said it's just so stupid that I'm too embarrassed to tell anyone KEK. It really isn't a big deal but I let it get out of hand because I waited so long, so now it just feels embarrassing. It's a few minutes of maybe feeling uncomfortable, but then I can have all of my cute stuff I ordered. Thanks again. I'm gonna go tomorrow.
>>1870586Have you never in your life been stressed out about something irrational and stupid before? I prefaced it by saying I have a shopping addiction and it's embarrassing to go pick up a shitload of packages after months of leaving them there LOL. Be nice
No. 1871123
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I wouldn’t mind having a gay cutie husband.
He wouldn’t bother you for sex and you get to take a cute guy to events
No. 1871138
>>1871123Their relationship is so weird lmao. I feel like they are in a open relationship.
>>1871132It's that youtuber glitterforever17 and her actual gay husband. My memory is hazy when it comes to them so this may not be the correct information but from what I remember after her divorce she ended up marrying a gay guy from Eastern Europe named Slava. He is open about being gay and she knows that too but they are still married some say she married him to help him escape from his country. Both of them troll and bait so much that it's hard to tell what their actual relationship is like
No. 1871139
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i want to have an exclusively physical relationship with a japanese man
No. 1871142
>>1871135That's fair, anon. I can understand that.
>>1871139Also fair.
No. 1871150
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>>1871139Tsudaken is already married and has kids, sorry anon!
I get it though. No. 1871160
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I love to watch caving videos on youtube where men die horrible deaths. I dont know why, but it makes me happy
No. 1871211
>>1871203No I'm brown. Nobody can guess where I'm from as soon as I leave my country and it's hilarious. Meanwhile in my country everyone can guess well enough to discriminate against me in most workplaces and treat me like a drooling retard with an extensive criminal record as soon as they blink in my direction. Go figure.
>>1871201This is not a flex, it's a neutral statement, I just remembered that because of the anon saying most Asian men are sluts. Besides Japanese guys I can't confirm this but this is enough of a hint that the anon is correct imo.
No. 1871264
>>1870578How the fuck did your complex manage to fit 20 packages in the mailroom just for you?
Maybe go get them a few at a time instead of all 20 at once. Just get them.
No. 1871286
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My dad has probably killed people(he was in the special forces during the war on terror) I know that for a fact. He's also trained other men to kill people. I like to imagine that the people he's killed were all evil, but there had to be some who didn't deserve it. I will never ask him about this, but it will always be in the back of my mind.
No. 1871434
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Reading Jillian's thread I remembered how a few weeks ago my best friend asked me about some series that lots of people watched back then when I was a kid and it's just so weird to be considered weird for not having watched that much TV back then.
I just wasn't interested, I honestly have a hard time being into most pieces of media, I literally used to only get obsessed with a handful of things and I would re-watch or re-play whatever it was until the disks got all fucked up for all the uses.
I would wake up at 3 am to watch obscure as fuck anime japanese cartoons because those were the only ones I liked to watch, I would only read the most random books too.
I used to think I was a hipster but even hipster shit wasn't interesting.
Being truly autistic is just weird, I know I'm a weirdo with the most random of interests and with the shittiest taste in the whole world, but I can't help it, it's like, whenever I try to listen to something or watch something new, I feel this weird disgusting feeling that's visceral, my body tenses and I even feel nauseous sometimes.
This is why I usually can only watch new things after weeks or even months telling to myself that I will totally enjoy the new thing and that I won't hate it or that I need to focus on it to learn something new.
I wish I was normal.
No. 1871569
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months ago i promised an anon i would stop drinking red bull but they released a sugarfree version of the different flavored ones so i started buying them again. i'm sorry to my liver, my kidneys, and that anon. amen.
No. 1871863
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I'm a big sinner, I think it's the pinnacle of art. I LOVE doomed relationships, creepy pairings, and seeing my favorite characters suffer. It's so beautiful I can't breathe.
No. 1871914
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I was a horrible child, and my younger brother was an angel. But as an adult, I am the angel and my brother has turned into a horrible son. Growing up I could always tell that my brother was my parents’ favorite child, even though they tried to hide it. But now I am by far the one they like better. I am very smug about this and am enjoying being the favored child.
No. 1871993
I just had a moment where I thought
>We really poo and pee out liquid that should be painful. Why when we bleed is it painful?
and also
>People really are removing parts of their bodies, literally peeling back their faces to "Lift them". Added mc donalds fat to their asses. Lifting their lips. Removing fat from their cheeks and inserting it into their forehead.
The though of what plastic surgery is nuts when you think about it. Imagine having a mother like Kylie, Khloe or Kim? You literally have your mom old features.
It's like you opening up Sims 4 after a year of patches and shit, and going, "Man I don't feel like updating my mods or the game" so you are playing a broken game. You only know what you are missing when you go onto reddit or the site and see, "Oh shit, they literally added some dumb shit".
Except one day you look at your mother, and her nose is a different shape, her eyes, her lips and you look at you knowing the features you have aren't all your dad, but Patch 1.0 of your mom.
Your mom is on 4.5 and she keeps updating.
You can never catch up until you literally get surgery. It's like a horror movie.
I know that it's not common for us normal folks to change our features, but holyfuck the fact it's even possible is both amazing and fucking scary.
Like imagine being simon cowell's kids? Seeing that frozen face and looking at yourself?
No. 1871997
Nonnies confession above
>>1871993 reminds me how I didn't know men had a butthole until grade 7. Just never thought about it. Thought they peed and poo'd one stream. No joke.
No. 1871998
>>1871993and to further expand on my point, the thought you can even cut shit off of yourself or add things is crazy. Unless it's harming you, why do you need too?
Think about going to the doctor to get your arm skin to roll up into a dick? or cutting off your stinky penis to have it stuck inside of you? Whats the point?
People are sucking the healthy fat out of their cheeks to look like the spider from that kids spider show. Why? doesn't that shit hurt? When the wind hits your cheek pads doesn't that shit go through that artifical thin skin? And Drake's nose job freaks me out. In fact its weird how good nose jobs freak me out more than MIcheal Jackon like nose jobs.
Like even when you change the Sims features in the game, they still have a shimmer of awareness, like when they move around and go, "Gooba Zeebo" and look at the huge ass or shrunk down nose you gave them, it's not joy.
It's "Holy shit, you've made me different". I just can't wrap my head around what we've become as humans.
Well what some have become. If artifical fake people in a goo goo gaga game are subtly freaked out by their changed features, why aren't we?
And then people lie about it.
>>1871997Two things that constantly make me have those moments is the poo/pee thing and the fact that we bleed every month.
I always assocate things leaving our bodies with pain, if you bleed out then it's pain, I get cramps but it's so odd to think about.
Human bodies are so interesting, like why are we shaped this way? Why do we have a head, two hands and two feet?
Look at your face, how goofy do we look with just two eyes and nose?
We are goofy looking.
No. 1872006
>>1871998We are nothing but self aware animals
nonnie. Crazy to think about.
No. 1872030
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I wanted to get myself round glasses seeing how they're popular but literally every girl my age that wears them barely reads any books and poses as a nerd. It's very NLOG of me so I had to confess.
No. 1872344
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Back to periodically deleting nearly my entire collection of anime screenshots because I don't really like anime anymore. Why the fuck did I have so many? The time I spent tediously capping these things in fucking mkv player mortifies me. I'm glad I was so passionate but why the fuck did it have to be on something I no longer enjoy at all and that not only made no difference to my overall life but stunted my maturity?
No. 1872545
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I’m glad I decided not to kill myself even though things are still hard
No. 1872549
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>>1872382kek it's so weird to see anime as a mainstream normie thing now that I don't really care much for it. I was always either ahead or behind the trend curve in the worst way.
the funny thing is that the 3d men I'm attracted to do kind of resemble my old 2d husbandos. so history did regurgitate itself but my god I was such a fucking nerd, I had a side interest in live action shows like gossip girl or supernatural but nothing was as intense as my weebiness. I kind of miss it in a way because I was so clearly immature and carefree and reality has bitchslapped me in the face hard since 2017, even if it was fucking embarrassing
No. 1872587
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>>1872580>>1872545Glad you nonas are still here!
No. 1872632
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got myself into a predicament and am probably going to be baptized into the Mormon faith because I feel like I can’t disappoint people who are nice to me, wtf is wrong with me
No. 1872876
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I owned this exact shirt when I was 11 or 12. Picrel from the bad fetish art thread which means this is apparently fetish art, but it wasn’t spoilered. I will just in case (it appears sfw though just furfaggotry)
No. 1872931
>>1872883I don’t know
nonnie there are too many things in nature that are far too intricate and flawlessly created for them to have just been borne from some omnipotent ‘big bang’ kek. Not only that but biblical texts existed long before bibles were printed on a large scale
No. 1872966
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>>1872947>>1872962tradthot! tradthot in the dungeon!
(infighting) No. 1872997
>>1872993Its not that God is
allowing it, its that His male children choose to fall in line with demonic, sinful behavior. Even the children who think theyre 'christian'. God puts out all of the tools necessary to raise functional, Godly men; but there are many men who reject it. Its like saying God 'allows' car crashes. All of the training and tools for driving safely is provided to every citizen, however there are many who choose not to pay attention, and choose not to drive with care. It is the individuals fault and the individuals choice to commit crime.
No. 1873055
>>1872993Same. That and other reasons. God has the power to take away all human suffering and he does nothing. He could've made a world with no evil and free will simutaneously, as retarded as that sounds. If he couldn't do that, then he would not be all powerful imo.
Christians are always like "you can't have good without evil" but if God is all powerful…you can. Christianity never made sense to me, I'm sorry. Maybe there's something I'm missing. I don't care if others are Christian though.
No. 1873070
>>1872636I contacted the missionaries to come give me a BoM and they were too nice and soft and sweet I want them to get their good boi points for a convert. And I went to church a couple times and everyone was really nice I’m in too deep kek. Also somethin kinda happened that made me be like wait real shit???
>>1872848I’ve never been much into Christianity but the Mormon doctrine of the fact that they don’t believe in the trinity vibes with me a lot more than “god and Jesus and the Holy Ghost are all simultaneously the same creature” also they don’t really believe in a prototypical hell which is neat but also I can’t believe in the Bible or any of those stories literally but I also wanna join their little book club cause literature is neat and I’m weirdly good at (and interested in) analyzing literature
No. 1873089
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This little creature boy is like the only good thing to come out of Christianity. That and Hildegard de Bingen. Everything else pales in comparison.
No. 1873095
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And never forget the Sexy Twink Apostles
No. 1873110
>>1873099Good thing I'm not a priest or pastor and never have been, just stating facts
>>1873105I can only say this as an orthodox woman but that just sounds really fucking boring. I already know it would just end up being some white feminist community college level literature that'll degrade women to our ability to reproduce
>>1873108Do you think going to church is like being in a barn…its not the 1800s
nonnie(infighting) No. 1873112
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>having equality between the sexes sounds really boring
No. 1873115
>>1873095>a huge woman hating faggot surrounded by microdick males who submit to his will and feed his narcissistic egosounds about right about any religious scrote
>>1873110>orthodox woman>not being reduced to your ability to reproduce by your own religious peers alreadyyou're delulu
>>1873114yes because anything woman centric is automatically pornified. you sounds like a fucking scrote.
No. 1873121
>>1873110Ah yeah, being considered equal to men is so boring, it'll just turn into some stupid feminist shit and that's bad because uhhhh….
Anyway abrahamic religions totally don't see you as a walking incubator for your man! That's why their holy texts say that women are just inferior submissive extensions of men that can have children!
>>1873114Doesn't really matter as long as they submit and know their place. Pornification is bad when it leads to violence and exploitation. Desire to be devoted and admiration are a different thing and men absolutely should feel that way towards women.
(infighting) No. 1873124
>>1873115So were you not capable of reading the part where I said it would be pornified by men. That no matter how it is originally authored and brought about, that men will still abuse it with their behavior? Read the whole post next time. Also, its considered inappropriate to comment on the fertility of others or to ask questions like 'when are you gonna have a baby' because its the will of God to make a couple parents.
>>1873121I'll ask again because I still have not received an answer; what makes you think that a new religion being borne at this point in history is going to result in immediate equality?
>>1873121>as long as they submit I'm sure that could be true, however what would make them want to do that? What incentive would they have to do that? Because going to heaven belongs to a different religion, so what would be the goal with this one? What would be the prize that would make men want to convert to it?
>>1873118It's not very Godly to say things like that to another women either, also I'm not on the internet without a chaperone kek
No. 1873128
>>1873124>men will abuse it with their behaviorSo why is it you worship a male and a male-made religion if you think they are incapable of behaving?
>im not on the internet without a chaperoneOh nonono
No. 1873133
>>1873124yes because the chance of going to heaven is surely stopping moids from committing crimes and instead they just do the crime and ask for forgiveness (which will be granted as long as they convert like a good christian) after committing the most heinous crimes against humanity. you're so sheltered it's tragic.
>>1873132god doesn't exist and you're worshiping an imaginary scrote that might make scrotes not do scrotish things. you're on several layers of delusion.
(infighting) No. 1873137
>>1873133When did I ever say that the chance of going to heaven stops men from committing sinful acts? I already stated in my previous post
>>1872997 that even children of God who think they're 'christian' still make choices to commit heinous crimes because they believe they know better than the word of God. I've lived a long life and I am certain I wouldn't still be alive if God didn't exist and was gracious enough to relieve all of my ailments. You're entitled to your opinion and your freedom to practice whatever belief you may choose, however that does not mean I am wrong or delusional for having my own beliefs.
No. 1873140
>>1873132>the men on earth are incapable of behavingThis is what I don't like about Christianity/Abrahamic religions. It excuses harmful behavior by saying that we're sinful and we can't help it, instead of actually making someone take responsibility for themselves
before they hurt somebody else. I still think moids are capable of behaving, they just don't want to. That's not sin, that's just males being evil because they're allowed to be.
No. 1873141
>>1873124You're being dense on purpose to justify your love for your male-centric religion (that is not boring unlike a hypothetical woman-centric religion would be!) so I'll explain quinckly. Religion where you worship a female god or godesses. Men are taught to submit to godesses and to women like the parasites they are. Prize is a good blessed life, chance to marry and have kids, chance to go to a heaven. Mayyybe if this existed men would try to see women as people but who knows. This was just a fun scenario I thought up though.
Tbh I think nothing can bring equality now. Men used to believe in spooky spirits and gods a long time ago and that served as some sort of education, rule and explanation for the world. Now none of that works. I myself was raised christian but as an adult with an education in a world full of information I struggle to truly believe in a sky god that loves me. The delusion just doesn't work, especially if the religion I'm supposed to believe in tells me I am inferior to a literal ape who regularly rapes and kills people like me.
No. 1873151
>>1873140DId you read the whole statement I made? I never said that they 'cant behave' for no reason or because they're made that way. Nobody is made that way. I verbatim stated that they choose to commit sin of their own volition. I've said in multiple of my above posts that they make the decision to go against the word of God because they believe they either know better, or are more powerful. Stop being obtuse.
>>1873141What ape? Jesus isn't a primate…you're calling me dense when not a word of that sentence flowed coherently.
No. 1873152
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>>1873151>what ape? Jesus isn't a primate…Kekking all the way to the bank
No. 1873500
>>1873482It's sad you have to steal food, but I'm really happy you are saving so much money,
No. 1874192
File: 1706816301183.png (268.9 KB, 756x312, my thoughts.PNG)

sometimes I crave validation that people are reading what I type on this site, more so than anywhere else. I know it's retarded and unwanted, but i had a dream lolcow had likes and dislikes.
And I loved it. I need to stop wanting validation. Even on this site I want it.
No. 1874197
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>>1873828Rumor has it that there's a new rash of bling ring type break ins. I'm sure many people who live in LA know where celebs live without Google, but it's not helping their case.
No. 1874667
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My friend has been seeing this guy. They’re not officially boyfriend and girlfriend, but they’ve gone on a couple dates. Today I heard the guy talking about how he found another girl in his class cute, and I told my friend about it. I’m kind of regretting him now. If she confronts him about it he’ll inevitably ask her who told her that he said that and I’ll be dragged into it and our whole friend group will collapse
No. 1874669
I find the female reproductive system and pregnancy and childbirth all very fascinating and beautiful on a physical level, and I really want to observe it close up, but I don't have any desire to ever become pregnant myself. I know I technically could, I have all the parts, but for some reason I just have always had the gut-level instinct that it was never meant for me. Sort of related, I have no real maternal instincts, I don't get coo-y over babies at all. Not that i hate kids, because I think they are interesting little creatures, but I don't seem to have any natural instinctual pull towards them like a lot of women describe having.
Because I think the whole process is beautiful but will never do it myself, it leads me into having fantasies about having a pregnant wife (played in my fantasy by my current crush, yeah, I know). I imagine tending to her needs and rubbing her belly and watching her body change, and also I picture her holding the newborn baby, which would be so cute. When I'm stressed I often daydream about this fantasy, and idk why. You'd think if I was so enchanted by this, I'd want to have a baby myself. It makes no sense to me.
No. 1874919
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>>1874669Nona I can kinda relate from the opposite end (please don't call me a tradthot for this). I'm in my 30s already and while I don't mind children, I have never wanted them for myself. I feel like I also have no matronly instincts, no desire to get married and start a family and so on. I've always felt like pregnancy seems dangerous and traumatic and I hate that it can happen involuntary, but a while ago I stumbled upon a book for midwives about sexuality during pregnancy and labor and it kinda blew my mind because it explained some of the more positive and strange effects pregnant women can experience. I guess I'm a bit fascinated by how we are just a product of evolution and things can sorta work out when you find someone you love and let nature take its course. Now I find myself fantasizing about being pregnant and my nigel being super attracted to my changing body the entire time, doting on me, being so excited for the baby and so on kek (basically picrel). I know irl it doesn't turn out as idyllic for a lot of women though, and I still have no desire to actually have a baby.
No. 1875318
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I fantasize about meeting my online friends but I'm too embarrassed about being fat
No. 1875461
nonnie here, said I'd give an update. It was easy. I brought this behemoth of a reusable target bag down and lugged them all up. The guy was super nice, didn't make any sort of comment. Thanks again to everyone who told me to suck it up and do it. Some of the stuff I think got burried in these big package bins we have because they're so old, but, loads of the recent ones were salvageable.
No. 1875582
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>>1875521I thought Holden was a girl the first chapter, very disappointed when I continued reading. I would like to see a gender-swapped Catcher in the Rye sometime, but I guess Fleabag fills that need somewhat.
No. 1875683
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I went on my first date with a guy today and I was having so much fun that I told him that I love him without realizing how inappropriate it was. I feel so, so, so embarrassed about it. Especially since I'm worried that maybe the way I was acting came off as horny (I wasn't, but what if it looked that way…)
He was really nice about it and just gently said that he really likes me but that's going a little too fast right now, and the rest of the night went really well, but I still feel so cringy about it and like I made a fool of myself… I'm worried that he's going to think I'm unhinged. I've been trying to play it cool around him for weeks and the rabidness just slipped out, I really like this guy and idk I feel so dumb and autistic. I don't really understand how relationships normally progress and it makes me feel so awkward…
No. 1875771
>>1875683Just play it cool
nonnie. Like pretend you meant it in a "i love you homie, i'm having THAT much fun" and no one will bat an eye. Sounds like it went well
nonnie, no stressing now
No. 1875911
>>1875683No harm no foul nonna, don't bother stressing. I laughed when reading your post because it reminds me of an old fwb story which will be my confession: I had known this guy for a month, and we had been regularly having sex for like 2 weeks at this point. I invited him over 1 night and we ended up having sex (shocker). Midway through, he started giving me oral and I said "oh, I love when you do that" in reference to something he was doing with his tongue. I guess he misheard me because he immediately stopped what he was doing, looked up, locked eyes with me and said "I love you, too." I still feel the fire in my cheeks when I recall it, that's how strongly I felt second-hand embarrassment. As soon as he said that I responded with "That's
not what I said," in the coldest most autistic way possible (looking back, I did say it too harshly but it was just such a shock to hear him say that after knowing me for less than a month that I said it reflexively). After that, the arousal was dead for both of us. He ended up getting so embarrassed about it that he left 5 minutes after that remark, and we never spoke again. He's the reason why I really enunciate my words in the bed nowadays. It sucks because he was really good in bed!
>I don't really understand how relationships normally progress and it makes me feel so awkward…Anon this is what works for me as a fellow autist:
>First date: something short, less than 45 minutes. The reason you want it to be short is so that you can get a good feel for if you feel a spark. Keep the conversation light, make it an opportunity to learn more about each others' hobbies, dis/likes, aspirations, etc.. Even if you get along well during the date, keep it short so that it leaves him wanting to learn more about you. Usually the moid will ask about seeing you again either at the end of the date, or the next day via text or call. The ideal first date is something like meeting at a cute cafe/boba shop/ice cream parlour.
>Second date: This should be 3-5 days after the first date, no more than 7. It should be something between 1-2 hours long, but not more than 3. It should be centered around an activity that you can do together, like taking a walk, going to an art gallery, zoo, or garden; something where you can gauge each other's personalities based on the conversations that come out of this shared activity. E.g., you can learn a lot about someone just by the way they interpret and talk about art. During this date, you should hold his hand at some point but don't make it a big deal. If things go well usually they ask if they can see you again either at the end of the date, if they don't: you ask, just to gauge their reaction.
>Third date: Ideally, this one comes 4-7 days after the second date, or at least no more than 10 days after, and it should last no more than 5 hours. This date should be more formal, so that you can gauge more of his manners, sociability, and ability to dress for such occasions. The ideal third date is dinner at a nice restaurant, preferably not a chain, and one that you've already been to in the past (I've gone to the same seafood restaurant for like 10 third dates at this point). Conversations for this date should be geared more towards if you feel a connection with him, not just a spark. Ask about his views on topics that matter to you, his plans for the future, more about his personal life. After the dinner, if it went well, suggest you go to a different place just for coffee or dessert and keep the conversation going. When you're finished the date, go in for a kiss and see if you feel a sexual spark with him.
If you want my 10-date playbook or more advice let me know and we can talk about it in the autism thread (or maybe the dating thread on /g but I don't know which one is more applicable because my dating advice is really autistic) because I don't want to derail this thread, but I do want to help you because I was in the same boat and it sucked so hard for me for like 2 years until I learned what I was doing.
No. 1875968
>>1875771Unfortunately I said it with a little too much sincerity to pass off as a casual comment… gahhh
>>1875911I appreciate the offer for help nona, feel like our relationship is a little different though. We've known each other for only about 3 weeks but spent a lot of time together due to being involved in the same activities and friends with the same people (and each other). We just didn't go on a date until recently.
In our culture it would be expected that we wouldn't be sexually intimate for a long time, and honestly I prefer it that way. So yeah our situation is a little atypical I think
No. 1876266
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I go out of my way to drink caffeine and eat high fiber food that will make me shit because I still believe that it detoxes me and is the reason I'm skinny.
No. 1876768
>>1876299Post about this in the dog hate thread, you'll find a sense of camaraderie.
>>1876271Being 5lbs heavier is better than having tar lungs and stained teeth with no enamel. I was afraid to quit smoking for the same reason, but I only ended up gaining 4lbs and I realized how much smoking contributed to my feelings of breathlessness and fatigue.
No. 1877426
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want so badly to go to a gatsby themed soirée in full flapper regalia and dive into the pool at the end of the night
No. 1877507
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I think all my male relatives on the father's side are involved in prostituting women and female family members. I made a fake profile and started messaging them to figure out the truth. They're denying having anything to do with it when I call them out for making rape jokes. I was raped as a child and had "nightmares" about rape, and had physical pain and discomfort in my lower area for 20 years. Nobody dares to discuss anything. I will try to make friends with them online or anger them to get any information out. I don't care if this scares them.
No. 1877618
>>1877600Me too, sometimes. I wonder if having sex would also somehow activate the hormones my body needs to grow proper breasts and hips. I remember my older sisters going through a sort of secondary puberty like that.
>>1877603>something that most people start having in their teenage yearsI don't know about the other anon but that doesn't really make me feel better. Then again I doubt those girls really had fun experiences losing their virginity as teenagers. It probably sucked.
No. 1877624
>>1877618Unironically complaining about being a virgin is something Chris-chan would do. At least that ugly scrote had the gumption to pay someone for it.
>That doesn't make me feel any better!>Responds by shaming other women for losing their virginity as teenagers as a cope.>Believes having sex will physically transform her body.Like, come on.
>>1877604I don't mean to be rude, but if you seriously believe that having sex transforms you into an adult woman you don't just feel mentally stunted, you are mentally stunted. If you want to lose your virginity so badly then go out and have sex or pay a gigolo. You're not a
victim of your life you're an active participant in your life.
No. 1877660
>>1877588No but thank you
nonnie I have an appointnent with the psychrtrist on the 15th so hopefully they'll help
No. 1877932
>>1877910You genuinely think that was a woman?
>>1877918Same hat.
(scrotefoiling) No. 1878144
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i find baja mali knindza very attractive. there is something very oofy doofy about him, but handsome at the same time.
No. 1878193
>>1877905No. Why would i want to look at myself? I like women who dont look like me personally.
>>1877919Kek, agree
No. 1878491
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I kinda hate my hair. I don’t even mean it in a ‘I wish my hair looked healthy’ sort of way. I have 2a/2b hair kinda like pic rel but more frizzy and whenever I try doing 90s style blowouts or try to keep it healthy by using the cgm it just kinda looks bad regardless. Maybe it’s because I have a small, round face. I might just keep it in a claw clip of high ponytail with bangs and side pieces 24/7
No. 1878600
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I can’t cum unless I imagine myself as Goro Akechi, which makes having sex really fucking awkward. I have to screw my eyes shut and imagine I’m being manhandled in my white prince costume by Ren or Maruki or Sae. Sometimes it’s a stalker I’ve acquired through my minor celebrity status as Detective Prince.
My partner thinks I have a sensitive chest but really it’s just because I’m imagining being Goro Akechi being bullied for having a sensitive chest and it gets me off. I need help, is this normal female sexuality? I literally have to have a sexual avatar or proxy to be able to climax. A persona, if you will.
No. 1878624
>>1878600you remind me of this autist from 4chan who cannot function in social situations unless he imagines himself taking on the persona of a Pokemon. Like he envisions each Pokemon with personality traits and tries to copy their overall demeanor, I think he said Greninja was a frequently used one and that was the mysterious cool guy persona. He was going to a party and asking for advice on which Pokemon he should skinwalk the personality of and mentioned that there was a fan-made fakemon that he thought was a good candidate because he imagined it as an outgoing crowd pleaser, "but him not being real hurts him."
I don't have a screenshot of his post but there's probably one floating around somewhere. This is extremely abnormal btw but I don't think you're alone
No. 1878634
>>1878624fucking terrible news, thanks for the reply
nonnie. I’d ask how to not be sexually autistic but I just know the answer will be “therapy” and there’s no way I can tell another human face to face that I can’t cum unless I’m pretending to be an evil anime twink.
No. 1878650
>>1878641It’s not necessarily the bit about Goro Akechi that I’m worried about disclosing, it’s more that I can’t talk about sex or intimacy IRL at all anymore which may or may not be related. I tried with my best friend of 24 years last week to gossip about sex like we did when we were younger, and I was literally nauseous with how disgusted I felt at the thought of myself having sex. I had to pretend I was Akechi again.
Anyway, thank you for being kind.
No. 1879176
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>>1879170I know my post was mean-spirited but it's my honest confession. At the same time though if you can't afford an antidepressant that costs less than $20 dollars for a months supply, at that point get off LC and get to the unemployment office.
No. 1879555
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I can't ever seem to save more than 1200, something goes wrong.
No. 1879706
>>1879639Me too
nonnie it reminds me of old tf2 machimina
No. 1879885
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>>1879176I'd just assume most depression posting anons have already tried the starter med that they put absolutely everyone on at the very first mention of depression.
If you cycle through enough meds and nothing works they'll give you ket now. On a scale of ssris to ketamine infusions, I think anons are closer to the ket end of the depression scale.
No. 1880123
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I have no desire to celebrate my 27th birthday next month. I failed at being an adult and I have nothing to celebrate. I don't think I'll ever celebrate a birthday again. All the good years are gone for me.
No. 1880143
>>1879092It is cruel, but it would also just make you sound retarded because SSRIs and therapy just don't work for a lot of people. Not to mention that a lot of people who think they're just depressed actually have more going on with them like bipolar, in which case you need to go on even heavier meds which have even more side effects. Also this
>>1880097 is true, I was put on all kinds of crazy medication like antipsychotics that made me suicidal when it turned out I was just a sperg.
No. 1880223
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>>1880055you mean it
doesn't come off?
No. 1880224
>>1880123Drop the pity party, woe-is-me attitude, it's cringe as fuck. Your life has barely even started, go make something of it.
Cool pic btw
No. 1880241
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I have had gender dysphoria throughout my life and I’ve managed to keep it under control by immersing myself in radfem spaces, but there’s this one issue I have that just eats at me. I’m bisexual, but I feel like I can’t fuck men as a woman. I am doomed to never fuck a man ever again. There’s something inherently disgusting about the idea of being a woman in a relationship with a man, and it has nothing to do with how women are typically conditioned to take on the submissive role. Even if I was a dominatrix, I’d feel uncomfortable fucking men as a woman.
For the most part, I’m content with repressing this part of myself, but to be honest the idea of being a stone top lesbian for the rest of my life makes me want to kill myself. No offense to anyone to enjoys being a stone stop but it’s so unfulfilling.
No. 1880302
>>1880224I had multiple chances and I still failed. It's over
>>1880225Doubt it, I failed at school and struggle to find any job. I'm years behind my peers
>>1880229maybe I'll get drunk alone
No. 1880824
The coonsomer thread does the opposite for me. I go there to watch rich people buy dumb shit and place them in draws/shelves and seethe with jealously if I see something I want. There was an woman who had so many delicious smelly beads you put in your clothes, I wanted them so badly. I could already taste the smell. Then the weird girl who moid cooks for her because she can't, something about her makes me like her and I know i'm supposed to be so disgusted and judgemental of those people but i'm not.
No, thats not true, when I see the anime shit, my eyes just glaze over like all anime shit, it does not connect to my mind palace. Oh and flavored water stuff. I can actually afford those single packages of koolaid or some shit, so it's like been there done that.
I see nonas call shit I like tacky and it's like, "Wow". I don't know that whole thread is just like me watching my favorite show but like chunks of it.
I don't have money to hoard and if I did have money, i'd probably not hoard shit, I'd spend it on other shit.
No. 1881357
>>1881292Me too
nonnie. It’s comforting to chat here even though it’s also kinda not kek. I’m doing dumb community oriented stuff that makes me feel marginally better but it’s so hard and I mask so much that every interaction is tiring.
No. 1881391
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>>1881360Ignore the troll.
No. 1881749
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I want to skinwalk Kirei Kotomine.
No. 1881756
>>1881360aw, I'm sorry
nonnie. you sound lovely and sweet.
No. 1882600
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I like shota, just not in the sexual way. It's the only real alternative to ''angsty bad boy that hates you and wants to put you in a cage while licking your tears and spitting in your face''. It fucking sucks that moids get so many options and women have to choose between maledom garbage with a bad boy or shotas with personalities that range from genki, cute, tsundere, nerdy, shy, etc. The personalities of the female protagonists are also so much better, instead of the typical 'kind perfect girl that can do no wrong and is completly submissive to moid's whims' they are actually more stoic and even nerdy and undesireable. Ofcourse, I am only talking about the ones made by women, the ones made by men suffer from all the problems of generic romcom for moids and the shota has the personality of wet cardboard.
No. 1882603
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>>1882601She's fucking awesome, I adore her style and how she draws animals and dragons. I am hoping for an anime adaptation someday.
No. 1882658
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>>1882600Did you have rec of straight shota media by and for women ? I follow some cool female artist on Pixiv and Twitter but except for Yankee shota to otaku oneesan and this beautiful manga about a depressed woman who play football with a kid that I forgot the name I don’t know any. I hate shota porn, I just want sweet romance or cute content featuring non threatening young males, it would be so nice to have a funny slice of life like asobi asobase but with boys.
No. 1882702
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>>1882658nta but does something like Gokusen count? which features a romance between a 23 year old homeroom teacher and the 17 year old main-male character, however they only agree to get together when he's graduated university.
No. 1882717
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>>1882600I totally get you. Stuff like this is honestly so cute. Also, the dynamic is fantastic. I also liked the story of RG Veda from clamp a million years ago, but they sadly never finished it. (I'm pretty sure, since clamp never finishes anything)
No. 1882718
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not a fan of pitbulls but i feel a certain kinship with them. me and them are very much alike in some ways.
No. 1882727
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>>1882702Thanks but I’ve already read it and watched the anime, it was great by the way, the female MC was so different from what we usually see ! Also I don’t think 17yo and more really count as shota, except if it’s Hani from Ouran high school host club lmao
No. 1882733
>>1882718I think they shouldn't be bred the way they are anymore, and their violence is the fault of shitty human backyard breeding/abuse for dogfighting purposes.
The mentally ill people who foam at the mouth about them instead of acknowledging how things got so bad are just that. In reality, most people should have to pass a test before they have the right to own/breed dogs.
No. 1882737
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>>1882658>>1882730Watashi no Shounen by Hitomi Takano.
There's also this webtoon My Loyal Shapeshifter but it does use the "uhm actually he's an adult in a little body" excuse but the male lead does grow up halfway the story.
No. 1882743
>>1882734Arguably, no modern pet animal "should" be bred, there is little to zero reason for any of them to exist. I think it's all fine as long as PTSD-tier, hair-
trigger aggression and/or "locking" jaws aren't a thing. I have the dog hate thread hidden because it had some crazies the last time I saw it.
No. 1882746
>>1882733I agree. Some of the mentally ill people who foam at the mouth of them act as if the pitbull is actively planning nefarious acts with human sentience when it's just a dog. When it comes down to it, most of these shitshows regarding attacks happen because of shit owners who shouldn't even have such a high-level dog. Nobody should own a pitbull if they're not able to physically handle them but people get them anyways because they either don't care, think they're harmless, or adoption shelters pass them off as a different breed. This goes for any high-level really, rottweilers, malamutes, huskies, etc. Especially huskies the amount of people who buy huskies, keep them in their small houses, don't exercise them, and think it's cute when they go schizo and screech at every tiny thing are insane. I say 96% of the population shouldn't own or breed dogs.
No. 1882751
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I feel so bad because I've accidentally stepped on my cat so many times that he's scared of feet. If he is laying by my bed and i step next to him he gets up and moves and almost even flinches and it's just I would never hurt my baby on purpose. I haven't stepped on him since I realized but it's seriously so hard when he's always following you and has a long bushy tail he can barely control. I know he loves me I wish I could tell him I would never do that to hurt him. Side note, I looked up accidentally stepped on cat and some Chinese cat abuse story came up and now I'm sad.
No. 1882759
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>>1882658I want to recommend The Troubles of a Fortune Teller. I don't know if it's by a woman but it is very cute and doesn't get lewd. It's short and translations for it are deader than dead, though.
No. 1882778
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>>1882737That's it ! The one whose title I forgot! It was a really great story and the art is beautiful too, I loved it so much.
>>1882759I see thanks, Yankee shota to otaku oneesan translation is dead too I’m so mad why my lazy ass haven't already learned Japanese ugh
(offtopic) No. 1882787
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>>1882778I know you are all talking about pure wholesome series with no smut but in terms of female authors there is that one yaoi author who made Demon Evelogia and some other series. It does contain smut since its yaoi.
(spoiler) No. 1882896
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>>1882658>>1882730The closest equivalent I can think of is "20 Year Old College Jocks," but it has the flaw of being a Korean manhwa. so it suffers from horrible art, retarded characters and unimaginably un-sexy scenes. I would really like something like a Watashi no Shounen, but with the boy growing up to be a handsome young man and an romance with the female mc, It could be a reverse gendered usagi drop.
(offtopic) No. 1882954
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>>1882658I like a Bride's Story and Magus of the Library
(offtopic) No. 1882974
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>>1882954Thank you nonna, I’m gonna read this, the boy look absolutely adorable and the plot is interesting.
(offtopic) No. 1883008
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>>1882658Bitou Lollipop has the shota type love interest. 17-18 year old girl living independently as her parents study to become doctors. She befriends the junior high son of her host family, typical shoujo drama. It definitely isn’t porny shota just a slice of life romance between an older teen girl preparing for college and a younger teen growing up.
(offtopic) No. 1883020
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>>1883008Nonna you're the first person I've spoken to who knows this manga, it was my first completed series when I was a pre-teen, it greatly influenced my tastes later. It given me a soft spot for younger/smaller boys and after that, Switch Girl and Lovely Complex I had difficulties to like many shojo heroines. For others who don't know bitou lollipop, go for it!
(offtopic) No. 1883060
>>1882751Don't feel bad nona. You can't shelter your cat forever. Eventually your cat has to learn that in the real world, feet are dangerous. It sounds like he already learnt his lesson. In the future, if you step on him, kneel down to his level and put your face close to his and say something like "I'm very sorry for stepping on you, it was wrong" but make sure he understands what you mean. You may have to say it 3 or 4 times for him to comprehend it fully. Afterwards maybe you could give him a treat or two to really show him that you didn't mean any harm.
>>1882751>I looked up one thing and something unrelated and horrible showed up.Are you using Google by chance? Switch to DuckDuckGo if you can. The search engine is better.
No. 1883088
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Whenever someone posts my posts in the funny screencap thread I feel really elated… I love knowing I made my fellow nonas kek… I feel like a comedienne or like picrel. I should be in LA writing for comedies but alas, only the girls on LC appreciate my God-given talent of comedy…
No. 1883155
>>1883077He's cute to me, but nonas would probably destroy me for it.
He's lanky and baby faced and
I have a bad racial fetish for men of his ethnicity.>>1883078>>1883114I'm not even turned off, I'm that low. But he dresses well so maybe he's different.
No. 1883495
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Usually I always text my boyfriend before bed to say goodnight and tell him I love him, but for the past few days I haven’t because he did something that pissed me off. I’ve been waiting to see if he’ll do it first. He hasn’t.
No. 1883776
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No. 1883801
>>1883798Thank you my sweet
nonny, she's really beautiful so I appreciate it
its also cool knowing I have a celebrity lookalike, I never thought I had one but yeah happy to be on meds now ! kek
No. 1883802
>>1883801I am glad you are doing okay, I hope you continue your meds so you can be happy and settled, I mean this because I have a bipolar family member, be safe
No. 1883815
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>>1883812>the one cow with the corndogumm excuse you
No. 1884012
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I’ve been pescatarian for two years but for the past week or so I’ve been getting the most intense cravings for meat in my entire life. I need it like I need oxygen. No matter how much I eat I’m always fatigued and when I smell my roommate cooking bacon it’s like a demon literally takes over my body
No. 1884149
>>1884075If it helps, I was such a new fag a few years ago, I kept putting “sage” in the wrong field, kek. We all make mistakes, but dont let the stress get to you.
I also had no idea what a husbando was and asked that thread if my husbando could be a real person.
Embrace the learning curve!
No. 1884180
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>>1883890I don't mind my posts existing, my autism will always feed this machine.
No. 1884254
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>>1883956I though my unhinged days were over but I'm just worse than before. I came here to confess something else but I'll keep it to myself.
Horny is a curse, I hate this shit.
He reminds me somewhat of picrel No. 1884345
File: 1707620644367.jpg (Spoiler Image,79.27 KB, 500x700, fbd8e1731225c22be13e27469a92a8…)

>>1884319Suraj Sharma, but only when he was younger.
At some point he decided to maintain a slight beard and now he's much less eye-catching. It's depressing to hate beards so much but be attracted to men who grow them so easily.
Spoiler so as not to spam the thread with him.
No. 1884400
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>>1883088Me too but then nonas in that thread call it stupid
No. 1884438
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>>18844341. i've done it to men too
2. this particular they/them has an (unsuccessful) onlyfans, so even if i did 3, it wouldn't really matter. but really,
3. nobody is going to make porn of a woman that looks like this. most of the uggos that cross me resemble this lady to a tee or they have that generic "oval face" some people do. it's fine.
No. 1884440
>>1884438Weirdo bait fuck you, the cruelty of the world makes me feel better about my public crying fits. Seeing this justifies it.
Stop posting random women to be harassed by scrotes.
No. 1884458
>>1884455I meant to say,
i not
u, sorry nona
No. 1884461
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>>1884456yeah, i'm pretty sure i said that in my post. not going to stop doing it btw it makes me kek to see them get laid into. don't be an annoying tra retard online and you'll never have to worry about petty people like me
No. 1884462
>>1884438>nobody is going to make porn of a woman that looks like thisThere are men who
pay for porn of Shaynus. You have no idea what they’ll do to this poor woman’s likeness.
No. 1884469
File: 1707633694188.jpg (56.29 KB, 1142x884, 28ajs1lkchd61.jpg)

>>1884463>picrel>>1884464i'm not the one who said petty first? and ten seconds of searching this woman's profile i found
>complaints that female only events exist because she as a nonbinary person is never respected within them>long brag tweet thread about convincing her younger, middle-school aged sister to start T and general tranny support >OF links so who gaf if some scrotes on 4chan are calling her dumbass ching ting ping right now, she's annoying and totally insufferable. and it makes me giggle, relieves my stress, and nobody is being hurt…this will be the last time i reply to this btw you all have fun working yourself into a tizzy over literally nothing
(stop this dumbass bait) No. 1884481
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>>1884469>nobody is being hurtWhy are you people like this at least own up to being a terrible person.
No. 1884497
>>1884496samefag but keep in mind I am specifying
women, men don’t really matter because they’ll be unaffected by it
No. 1884500
>posting a tif to the /snow/ thread >okay>posting a tif to 4chan's /b/ >somehow offering a woman to hordes of wolves to get raped and abused it makes no sense but…nonas will be nonas. the worst thing that happens is someone calling them slurs anyway, it isn't like their faces are being stapled on porn clips. even if they were, there's a chance of that happening without me around (especially when they're already selling nudes) so…not my problem, really
No. 1884503
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>>1884493>wahhhh lolcow didn't think me posting pictures of random women on a website filled with potential rapists and school shooters was based!! wtf they're probably all fat and hurt!!!you're such a fucking loser holy shit lmao go back to 4chan to try to get a male to give you attention. bet you don't think doing that is anything at all because you post your cunt on /soc/ or discord on a daily basis expecting some scrote to talk to you.
No. 1884580
File: 1707644546580.jpeg (59.23 KB, 750x750, Pineapple-Candles-Easy-DIY-Cra…)

im an aging NPD woman. when i was younger i took a lot of care in my appearance. i was already good at reading people. anything would be handed to me. now? my family hasn't trusted me in years. my friends don't share intimate things anymore. therapy but keep coming back to the same shit. im a lesbian and single for years. only moids ask me out because they're fucking retarded. and real low-tier guys it's humiliating. i burnt so many bridges when i was younger. and now i keep trying my best. but all the women in my life can tell im a phony loser. my only hope is changing my name and moving to another city or suicide.
tl;dr narc flew too close to the sun, lost
No. 1884600
>>1884416I haven't had sex in years and I'm getting horny as shit after insisting I don't need it. Trauma does not keep the sluttery at bay. I am down bad wanting to be railed. Keep wanting to manifest my ideal to come around and sweep me away, but thus far it's been unsuccessful. I don't want to be fucked by just anyone so it's hellishly frustrating
Praying we both are relieved of our never ending horniness with a beautiful stranger soon nona
No. 1884675
>>1884546I think you lack reading comprehension. Also, try doing a reverse image search on it and you'll see where it's from. if it was an image from someone she disliked, how is it against the rules to repost an image from public social media here? For the record I think the anon vendettaposting pictures on 4chan is pathetic and mentally unwell but I don't know what you think the mods are supposed to do about that lmao
No. 1884782
>>1884442Lol this is not zoomers you retard, this is a oldfag infact this is how a farmer would act. Have you been here years ago to see how anons acted like here. This psycho cunt dark energy is exactly lolcow behavior.
Also of course the mods are doing nothing about it because they are too busy banning people for not saging in the celebricow thread or for making "twittery jokes".(whatever the fuck that means)
No. 1884804
>>1884796So you've been here since 2018/2019.
No one said it wasn't a bannable offence…the reading conprehension on this site. Racebait is bannable yet it happens all the time dumbass.
Of course it was bannable but anons still had that very psychotic catty behavior at the time which that anon reminds me off.
No. 1884810
>>1884804Let me double-post
*just like racebait is bannable but happens all the time same goes for vendettaposting
No. 1884818
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>>1884804>we’ve been sharing photos of random enbies with guys on 4chan to make AI porn of them for years newfag! Are you sure about that
No. 1884941
>>1884345Lol we have the same brainrot
nonnie, you should post more pics in /g/
No. 1885603
>>1885592I am a modern day muse
>>1885594Well tbf, they're not graphic. They're more like pin-ups
No. 1886194
>>1886060me too
nonnie, I am just too pretty and kind, its not my fault other people hate me.
No. 1886230
>>1885688>>1885689In anons defense, some gay men are already have feminine enough voices that they can very easily mimic a women's one.
In response to anon, i presume you have never seen one irl, you'll know straight away. So many of them utilize filters and ratios to successfully imitate women, i don't blame anyone for not clocking them right away. I feel like the best way to know is their sense of humour and they tend to be severe pickmes in ways that women are, such as bragging excessively about men wanting to fuck them or sleeping with married men; Most women who aren't sex workers or mentally ill would be too ashamed to say such a thing or would go the trad route. I feel like another red flag is when they never post themselves not in full glam. I also wanted to add they are more conscious than agps whether or not they pass or not, to the point they will not troon out if they feel they can't trick anyone.
No. 1886339
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if only you knew how many people i'd happily kill just to look like her
No. 1886356
File: 1707790607887.png (312.52 KB, 517x562, superstar!.png)

>>1883088I just got posted again… that's my fourth time this thread… I just feel so popular and funny and perfect…
>>1884400Don't worry nona. It's difficult being a superstar.
No. 1886388
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>>1886382Yeah? Well you know what? I'm rubber and you're glue and whatever you say rubs off me and sticks to you! You know what that means, right? It means
you're cringe! Ha! How's that feel, anon? You probably are crying right now as you read this, and good! How's it feel to be cringe, Evian - I mean, anon?! You won't ever be invited to my super model documentary hour.
No. 1886417
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>>1886403Stop avatarfagging
No. 1886498
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>>1886491They're fat bitches for not bringing back dumass shit I warned you that I wanted you a great mod, you troll the janitor and you fuck the janitor I warned you that I would return here to LOLCOR by my next presence We're helpless Nothing comfortable You're doing nothing You're not doing anything You're not using anything You're not using anything You hurt us you are the worst than you are the worst I want to go home, and I want everything to be normal again, and it unleashes my hellish world, I still feel like I'm back and there's nothing yet please please please please please please please PLE Correct the sight I'm begging for you please give me GIVE US SHITPOSTING BACK MODERATOS WHY DO YOU LEAVE US HALF DONE WHAT IS THIS JUST REMOVE /OT/ IF YOU CARE SO LITTLE YOU RUINED MY VALENTINE'S DAY ALONE AND YOU RUIN EVERY SUBSEEUQNET DAY SINCE THEN CORRECT YOUR MISTAKES AND RETSTORE /OT/ TO ITS SHITTY GLORY ITS NOT RIGHT ITS JUST NOT RIGHT THINK ITS FUNNYY?? I SAID IT ALREADY I WARNED YOU I WANRED YOU PERFIDIOUS MODS AND YOU DEVILISH JANITORS AND YOU FUCKING APPARITION OF AN ADMINISTOATOR I WARNED YOU THAT NORMALCY WHOULD RETURN BY MY NEXT PRESENCE HERE ON LOLCOR.FARM
No. 1886721
>>1885695I kind of get you, anon. People (men) were so evil and rude when I was fat, and now those same people treat me so differently. I look down on others because I can see how much I’ve ascended in their mental hierarchy, and I know that they wouldn’t have given me the time of day in the past, so I think: get a taste of your own medicine. Men who used to deride or grope me as a joke now treat me respectfully or flirt with me. I act disgusted. I refuse to engage in casual friendly conversation with any men as policy because I don’t want them to think that they’re worth the kindness or attention of a slim young lady. I don’t listen to their opinions and usually ask the nearest woman what she thinks instead whilst in earshot. I’m only nice and patient to women, because only women were nice and patient to me.
I don’t think badly of ugly or fat women, just the men.
No. 1887026
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>>1886846nonnie I’m right here. I just want a gf who will appreciate my yandere qualities
No. 1887554
>>1887174Its called the new gen nlog phenomen (and yes i coined that term in this post. You see back in the day nlogs were basically the no-makeup, i like football, i have only male friends, sporty athletic or video-gamer girls but since times have changed now those nlogs do not exist anymore and now we have the new generation of nlogs who love garbage or rapey men who were created solely for a male audience ro a reason. The new generations pickmes qualities are: simping for random men from seinen genres (the bad kind of seinen), simping for redpill men, faking sexuality, watching coomerbait echii anime which involves girl characters of a certain age… etc etc.
I miss the old nlogs, they were harmless and atleast they were productive and fit. Meanwhile new gen nlogs are….ugh literal neckbeard bitches.
No. 1887556
>>1886846Ew don't compare Light fans to your scrote shock value garbage.
There are ton of normie death note fans meanwhile the majority of berserk fans have been incel men, and i have even had the displeasure of meeting some of them and they looked exactly how you think they do.
No. 1887564
>>1887537Omg hey nona… it's Valentines day here you know… just saying…
>>1887174>>1887556Kek that's alright, i totally get where you're coming from and honestly i'm one of those losers that find Guts kind of relatable so i shouldn't feel that way for Griffith fans but i can't help it
No. 1887570
I hate living in antarctica, i can't access lolcow on my pc so i'm forced to post from my phone now and i get messy with the replies, i'm so sorry ugh
>>1887556Sorry to hear that, i stay away from moids both irl and online but that's also why i would feel that way only towards women, don't really care about the general audience of a series
No. 1887596
>>1887570You live in antartica no joke? that's so cool
nonnie, I have so many questions. Im guessing its for work?
No. 1887610
>>1887596I'm joking about the location kek but it's still a sort of remote area.
I'm there because of work, yes, wish you well nona.
No. 1887639
>>1887603>>1887610Lmaooo please- I thought it was so cool I called my dad to tell him about how there was
nonnie who lived in artartica from my imageboards and how cool the internet is. Gosh I'm a sperg lol
No. 1887769
>>1886721Yes anon! You get me. I self-censored and said people too, but really I meant men. I’m a lesbian so all this male attention just passed me off. But men treat me existing as a fatty in their presence was the biggest sin I could have commited. Not to mention the amount of shit I dealt with from male bosses? Losing weight and suddenly being treated like a person was crazy. I went from being treated as an offence just by existing to seen as a human. It was difficult to accept.
I’ve had some specific scenarios where I’ve run into old female friends who treated me like a disposable friend when I’m as fat and never kept in touch with me. We stopped talking only because I stopped initiating contact. But then when they met me again when I’d lost weight and kept clinging onto me, asking me for my number, we should hang out again, why’d we ever lose touch, all that fake crap. It pissed me off so much because I’d always been the one to reach out first. Now that I was thin I was suddenly worth their time? Fuck off with that bullshit. Brushing them off like they used to do to me felt so good ngl.
Basically weight effects how you’re treated in society a lot more than I ever realised it did. Gaining the weight back and going back to being treated as a sub-human was incredibly depressing.
No. 1887797
I invited a troon to an event just to gawk at him. I don’t know why I decided to but it will be interesting
>>1886691Being deathfat is one of my biggest fears. How do you even get so big to the point you can’t even walk comfortably?
No. 1888209
>>1888198Funny enough I think similar about mine making me look mean. I feel like they make me look flat, emotionless and bitchy. The only thing I can really do to fix them is brow gel them which is a pain in the ass. I swear it's some kind of birth deformity to be born with such a shapeless brow line as a woman
I guess we all want what we don't have
No. 1888518
>>1888192As someone with bushy brows who wished I had super thin eyebrows as a teen, don’t sweat it. Trends go round, the arch will fade and soon the thick flat look will come back around for a more sophisticated overall style. Just embrace it, it’s fun to change things up sometimes but embracing your natural appearance is such a boon as you get older.
>>1888389When ever anyone is bothering me I just lower my brows and people scuttle away terrified, it’s like having a super power kek
No. 1888559
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I feel like a junkie because I take my Xanax when I’m in a lot of physical pain and don’t wanna be awake anymore. I don’t have access to painkillers and ibuprofen and acetaminophen and naproxen and aspirin are completely ineffective on me. That also makes me feel like even more of a junkie too because my tolerance builds up so quickly as well so I have to take three xans and take several weeks long breaks to make my tolerance go down.
I wish I could stop being in pain
No. 1888570
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I’ve successfully rotten my brain and objectify men automatically into “fuck” and “wouldn’t fuck”. When I see an attractive guy it’s instantly me calling him a slut in my head repeatedly and thinking of him fucking me and how many people he’s slept with and him begging on his knees for a crumb of pussy bc attractive guys are literally meant purely for fucking and breeding so there are better genes in the world and how he’d just love to fuck me because he’s such a fucking slut for being attractive, kek
No. 1888825
>>1888812Don’t be dumb, of course I’m not into someone who acts like that video. And wtf do you mean by “mommy energy”, do you think personality is linked to physical features or something?
To be honest I don’t understand the question, it’s like asking someone to explain why they like redheads or short women or men with brown eyes. It’s just a phenotype that makes my brain light up. Also I’m not a lesbian.
No. 1888839
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>>1888779He had cool undertones so I was wondering how his dick looked, I imagined it kinda purple. when I fantasize about having sex with men, I like to imagine myself pulling their hair, his hair was like this so I’d probably just smack his head while in missionary (I. Like missionary I think it’s the sexiest position idc what the kinky retards say) I also saw a guy who looked like John Redcorn. I am so horny lately
No. 1888842
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>>1888839The face on this man sigh
No. 1888850
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This is the anon with the boyfriend who admitted to missing his ex. I know this is psychotic but I am going to catfish him to see if he’ll cheat. I started a Tik Tok account using pictures of a girl who looks similar to his ex (I’m using photos of a moderately attractive woman from edtwt with a couple hundred followers so it’s more believable) and typing in a way that’s much different than I usually do. I’m going to make a couple posts over a few days because if the account is too new I feel like he’ll get suspicious.
No. 1888855
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>>1888839>He had cool undertones so I was wondering how his dick looked, I imagined it kinda purple. that how dick colors work? i'm asking seriously i truly don't understand and am kind of scared now
No. 1888944
>>1888888Yeah being gay is clearly not a choice. I can’t imagine being attracted to a
man ass
No. 1889030
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>>1888855>Is that how dick colours work?No anon it is not normal for a penis to be purple. Usually the penis will match with the rest of the person's skin tone. I reported the post you're responding to because I thought it was obvious bait because of the purple penis bit because no rational person is gonna imagine a person's penis as being purple. Unfortunately the farmhands thought I was wasting their time. I stand by my bait accusation because who the hell is talking about Zayn Malik from 1D and also John Redcorn from King of the Hill.
No. 1889051
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My ex broke up with me in December and I've been trying so hard to improve my life, grow from it and get over him. I know healing isn't linear or whatever but I just can't anymore. He's just moving on so easily as if I never existed. The breakup was super ugly and I hate that this is how it ended. He was so cruel and cold and I've never seen him like this before. He used to be so sweet and gentle towards me. He didn't let me know that things were wrong and just ended it without much of an explanation. He basically gave me no closure. We haven't talked in two months. I know he doesn't "owe" me anything since we broke up but him not wishing me merry christmas, a happy new year or a happy birthday really hurt. Gonna get some booze tonight and SH again. I just can't do this anymore. I know that someone like him isn't worth my pain but fuck it hurts so bad.
No. 1889066
>>1888888I agree, i despise the idea of anal idk why straight moids think it's cool but i almost feel pity for gay moids because that's the only way they can kinda get into another moid kek.
At least with pegging you avoid a lot of nasty stuff, i can't imagine wanting to put your actual own dick in a place like that.
No. 1889484
File: 1708027090876.gif (4.5 MB, 360x234, IMG_6521.gif)

I feel so dumb! I was approved for Emgality, an injection for migraines. My boyfriend helped to inject me today, and I felt such panic. I busted out sobbing while he patiently waited for me to calm down to inject the medicine.
I know it was a lizard brain reaction, and I know this medicine is going to help me long term. It took an hour to inject the 2 doses, and in the end it wasnt even that painful! It was fine, a little discomfort and bruising. Periods are more painful! Vaccines are more painful! Shit, even migraines are more painful. Ugh im an idiot
No. 1889515
>>1889484It's okay nona, I also take an injectable prescription and almost fainted last time I used it. I had finally gotten used to using it after months too then they had to go and change the applicator and amount of fluid I need to inject every week because of shortages. Just a slight change and I'm turning green and needing to lay down or risk passing out kek.
>>1889508$20/hr is practically nothing nowadays depending on where you live and this is coming from someone who also makes that much + benefits. Still better than selling naked pictures for the price of a cheeseburger though, hell even working at the grocery store for minimum wage is better than that. At least you mostly keep your dignity intact
No. 1889634
One thing that makes me feel extra sad and like a horrible person is how weirdly cold and distant I would act with my dog when she was older and dying, more than 10 years ago. She was my best friend when I was a child and I don't know what changed later. I had a bad period in life and looking back, it made me worse as a person in overall then and later, but what did it have to do with a poor dog? I wasn't abusive with her or anything but I wasn't especially kind either, and I wasn't warm. I feel so bad for her I still think about it from time to time and cry. I don't think I can forgive myself.
To be honest, things like that make me feel like I deserved being bullied. I mean, it was done by shitty people and for shitty reasons, and I never tried to actively harm anyone, but I wasn't a good person and I didn't even try to be one. I'm sure some people disliked me because they could see how disagreeable, self-absorbed and fake I was, and I didn't even realize it.
No. 1890286
>>1890061SAME! Bugs are like normal animals but tiny. There's so many species of bugs that it's like the jungle but in your garden and spiders are like big cats to me, they are a powerful predator who is sneaky.
I once saw a pink locust in my garden.
No. 1890476
>>1890462>I want codependency. I want intensity. I want passion. I want to care about someone sincerely and have them care in return but I want it to be all consuming and desperate.I want this too. Every man I've dated has been fine going through periods of not talking to me or spending time with me. I ended up dumping them, despite our relationships being "healthy" because it was so fucking boring and passionless. I would love a man who would willingly spend all his time with me and give up everything and everyone in his life for me. There's nothing more boring than when a guy decides that other things in his life take priority over me, or when he gets too comfortable that he thinks I'll never leave him. I want him to be so desperate for my approval that he simply cannot think of or want anything else.
No man has been able to live up to that standard, so I'm happier being single and enjoying my own company.
No. 1890591
>>1890451Are you me? I genuinely can't develop feelings for someone unless there's some level of toxicity involved. I'm unable to romanticize the relationship if there isn't. I still miss my exes who were incredibly
toxic and treated me like shit, but I don't miss the nice ones at all
No. 1890598
>>1890576Just remember he hates women nona
Although that may cause your horny to take an even more corrupt turn
No. 1890615
>>1890524Idk how to get out of it. I've just decided it's better off being single cuz the guys I ended up giving a chance all sucked and the last relationship was the most
toxic of em all
No. 1890629
File: 1708105635694.jpeg (83.27 KB, 736x725, IMG_6676.jpeg)

I just found out what before we got together, my boyfriend was sexting with his friend’s 52 year old mother when he was 17. I feel bad for being so disgusted because I guess he was the victim in that scenario but if he’ll fuck her he’ll fuck anything. Plus he always hangs out with his friend which means he inevitably still interacts with her
No. 1890636
>>1890629Yeah that's a tough one. He is the
victim but he's probably still interacting with his friends mom and still has a crush on her. I won't say dump him but proceed with extreme caution. Does he have any other coomer attributes?
No. 1890649
>>1890629That's weird as fuck and I think you should ask him more questions. First of all that woman is insane and mentally ill. But he's also crazy for staying friends and also just interacting with her regularly. I think you should see if he's still interacting with her/
is really buddy buddy with her. It's like if he doesn't truly realize that that was weird and fucked up then idk it feels like he'll have a warped perception of other things too (another anon said he might be a cheater but that could be true, I feel like you don't go through something that freaky and come out 100% sound in mind and unaffected). Take care nonna and stay safe.
No. 1890662
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>>1890589no I normally hate them, it's his accent and his
>>1890598 woman hating ways. I'm not usually like this but in his advice videos he's also oddly reasonable and defends women when men are being shits so his misogyny is just kind of hot.
No. 1890666
>>1890662Comedians are scary and manipulative nona don't get in too deep
Just let the horny flow and fart it out
No. 1890670
>>1890629He'd be a
victim if he were a girl but it's not grooming when the kid is male and the "groomer" a woman. Especially at 17. Don't underestimate how much different their sexuality is from womens'.
>>1890642>just jokingsuuuuuuuuure
No. 1890689
>>1890673I almost had some empathy until reading
>>1890642. He's going to cheat on her with a man anon.
No. 1890692
>>1890629it's very unlikely a 17yo made the first move, let's be real. male sexuality is definitely shitty and different from ours but this is still a much older adult preying on a teenager, moid or not. he needs to ditch the friend and his mum. how old is he now? if he is a
victim (and sees himself as one), he needs to stop talking with these people. if he likes it or doesn't care, then drop this idiot.
No. 1890694
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>>1890682a very small minority compared to the scrotes into milfs
No. 1890695
>>1890642samefag, just saw the other post.
victim or not he's a pos, drop him
No. 1890709
>>1890673It's not about empathy anymore, he already cheated by flirting with another woman's mood "as a joke". He's no good and needs to be cut off.
>>1890692As a moid who still willingly goes over to that house, he most likely does not see himself as a
victim. It probably turns him on and the gross ass mother probably lightly flirts with him. But OP stayed with him when another woman DM'd her about her moid flirting with another man, so she'll probably stay with him until he gives her a baby or incurable STD and then drops her.
No. 1890732
>>1890629He isn’t a
victim, he was almost legally a grown ass man and could’ve literally pummeled her frail old ass if he didn’t want it do bad.
No. 1890739
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>>1890732Reminds me of this 17 year old asshole moid who had to be at The Function because he can't be left alone or else he fucks his girlfriend with no condom and yet I have to excuse his otherwise rude behavior because awww he's just a wittle boy! Any male who is already having sex like that is a man.
No. 1890746
>>1890629Anon I don't want to speak too much based on my own personal bias but I dated a guy that was definitively groomed and it ruined him. Even if I were to give your bf the benefit of the doubt and be super generous and kind in how I interpret the situation (ie assume he is a
victim and may still be grappling with that by continuing to associate with the woman) my advice is still to not be involved with someone like that unless it is well and truly behind them in their past. It's not worth it.
No. 1890848
>>1890451>>1890462>>1890591You sound young or have low self-esteem. I used to be in such a
toxic codependent "intense" relationship and the breakup was so awful I couldn't function normally for a year because I had depended on that one person for all my emotional needs. It felt like I had lost myself over the course of the relationship and when that ended I had to find that person again.
No. 1890905
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Anon with the bisexual boyfriend who was sexting a middle aged woman before he met me here. I broke up with him today and unfollowed him on everything. Not because of the grooming thing, but because he flirted with a guy as “a joke”, begged me to let him start an Onlyfans for weeks when I clearly said no multiple times, didn’t post me on Valentine’s day after I posted him twice, reposted a meme about missing his ex and didn’t apologize to me when I got upset about it or delete it. To be honest after everything I still feel kind of bad, he was so physically affectionate when I saw him today and I handed him the letter before he left and told him to open it later. Part of me is always going to miss him because the good parts were so good, but the bad parts were so bad.
No. 1890979
>>1890905good job
nonnie, i was so annoyed and concerned for you
No. 1890990
>>1890989Samefag but
I wish I could gain some weight to look like that but unfortunely I am not built like that at all. I also love when women give birth and have a stomach pouch thing, my cat has one and I think its so beautiful. Honestly I think every women looks great/beautiful.
maybe my confession is just i love women lol No. 1891105
>>1890829>My ex experienced statutory rape when he was 11, cried hysterically on the floor when he told me about it, then I find out he was bragging about it to women he was sextingHypersexual women who were CSA
victims tend to do that sort of thing too, sadly.
No. 1891262
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I'm a socialist radfem, but everytime I see a photo of gay men with a surrogate baby, I feel I become more homophonic, and at the same time I feel I become "tard-ish" cause I wanna scream "the baby belongs with a mother and no one else"
No. 1891611
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i want vr and ai stuff to advance like hell so i can have a chance at living out my twenties/youth. i'm 24 already (25 this year!) and it's obvious to me i will spend the rest of my twenties clawing my way out of poverty unless i get very lucky. all my life up until this point has literally been me feeling ugly, being poor, and gritting my teeth against this thing or that thing.
No. 1892047
>>1868574I feel so bad for the girl who thought she “won” my ex. Fast forward a few years
>has his baby, not married>she never left the panera we all worked at 19 >boyfriend has chipped teeth, bald, and a cringe metal beard>he has an insta for his records, follows all ethots publicly >she looks so worn out; looks a decade older with sagging cheeks and dead eyes>kid is autistic>house is a mess and cheap stuff>she never used her cosmetology degree>never travelled out of that small town>its clear he cares about the kid, not herDamn, I wish you listened. I wish you took my warning and focused on your career. I wish you got to open that spa you spoke of. Now you never will, because you chose the “bad boy “ cokehead with the blown out nose. I get the appeal, but there’s a reason I dumped him.
I feel so bad for her kid too.
No. 1892109
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>>1891878>>1891897>>1891915Kek here's the email. Moids.
No. 1892223
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I only emailed him back because he asked too if I used his cc like a few months ago and totally accidentally did and didn't realize so I aplogized, etransferred and emailed him back that I did not curse him (I was angry and bitter when we broke up and said I hope he thinks of me but not like a real witchcraft curse) and he emailed me again picrel and I'm about to call his city and wellness check him if he keeps emailing me this shit bc fuck me man, he broke up with me because he told me he wanted to fuck other girls and now he's being whiney and dramatic bc now he's realizing he regrets it, stupid ass.
The confession: I emailed him back kek
No. 1892227
>>1892223Maybe you
are a witch after all
No. 1892407
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>>1892223>I can't enjoy mushrooms because I see your face everywhereit sounds like a curse indeed
No. 1892551
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I don't want to find love anymore but i still have my sexual desires and there's this moid i'm attracted to that i want to fuck but i wish i had the will to ask him to wear a mask when we do it kek.
He's not ugly but i have a thing for masked men, wearing that would accentuate his built body and that would also help me to see him just as a moid and not someone i could fall in love with as well.
If he refuses he's a bitch.
Also if he falls in love with me or gets romantic, he's a bitch. Let me sexualize you. I'm not a good person anymore.
No. 1892576
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i feel like a terrible person for admitting this but i am disgusted by my own mother. she was promiscuous when i was growing up, sleeping with my friend's father and pretending that we were going to spend time together when really she would drive us someplace where she could up with her other affair partners and afterwards would make me swear to secrecy. this only stopped when she met her third husband, an abusive and extremely ugly moid. sometimes i would have to put in headphones so i wouldn't have to hear her loud moaning when they had sex. their relationship was extremely dysfunctional but no matter how badly he treated us she always came crawling back to him even when he would throw us out of the house. if i ever said anything she would scream in my face, beat me, or destroy my belongings. i moved out as soon as i could and eventually they divorced but she had many relationships with men afterwards before marrying again, which i believe she only did because she needed money and is getting too old to attract men as easily as she could when she was younger. she lacks self control with everything from food to shopping and in numerous ways she still behaves like a teenager. she used to sleep so much that she often forgot to pick me up from school. she was a neglectful and abusive parent in other ways too numerous to list. i do love my mother but every time i see her or correspond with her i remember the past and am instantly overcome with revulsion. as a result of this i avoid her as much as possible and sometimes it makes me feel so horrendously guilty.
No. 1892665
>>1892576My mom was the same but she’s still with that ugly
abusive husband that threw us out. Don’t feel guilty anon she sucks.
No. 1893134
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Before i realized how popular picrel was and what it was about, i used to genuinely enjoy it and i would spend whole days listening to it because it made me feel nostalgic of times i never had and i was also depressed. If someone would find out that i really liked this i would feel embarassed now but i'm not sure why.
No. 1893175
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i have been unhingedly lusting over a guy i went to high school with over a decade ago who lives in a distant state. we follow each other on instagram but dont interact at all and even when we were in school together never exchanged more than a few words. the demonic whore in me is determined to somehow wheedle my way into his awareness and make him obsessed with me
No. 1893387
>>1893175i'd read a manga about this
nonnie…. rooting for you
No. 1894221
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>>1891359I get what you're saying, but for me, it's more about the capacity to do harm. I would never trust any type of men, be they straight men, gay men, white men, black men, or Asian men, with a group of children. That's why even though I have gay male friends, I'm not too fond of seeing gay male couples adopting a baby or getting one through surrogacy. I feel it is kind of unnatural and it is also unsettling to me.
No. 1895401
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I'm currently so into the trope of "jungle-man romance" like tarzan and george of the jungle, i just find it sooo cute even though i know it's cringe af kek
No. 1895692
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>>1895665I unironically got into DnD because the dices are cute, I'm just lucky I found a group of people to justify buying the dices, right now I only have two sets and I want a third one to make the perfect most cute, kind of citrus inspired dice set that matches with the cute ass fuchsia organza bag that I'm using to carry my dices.
But now I'm also into trying to find a cute figure to represent whichever character I create, which is something else I love to do, I was thinking of a hello kitty figure that's slightly bigger than the current hello kitty figure I use, or a figure of the Virgin Mary or an angel, whichever I find first, maybe just an irregular fake pearl.
Like, the fun of DnD is that it has so many things that are interesting, that once you find a group to play with it's even better.
No. 1896487
>>1895665It's nothing to be ashamed of, I got into it thanks to Critical role and other smaller budget DND campaigns online (like Teamfourstar's Takahata101 had a DND campaign The Unexpectables). I used to play locally the last two years but the person who DM'd for us was overwhelmed with the work it implies admittedly so we stopped in May last year after he total party killed us. I have Dm'd myself because I like murder mystery who dunnit scenarios so I did small one shots with that group but with the amount of work I've got this year, I have decided to drop the idea to do a real campaign based around the world I started crafting. DND is fun if you find the right DM and players to connect with, it's like doing a play with a lot of improv mixed in most of the time.
The aspect I really love (as much as I understand people's love for pretty dice) is making different characters and acting in different ways thanks to them, whereas it's playing my PCs or doing NPCs, acting is fun to me. One aspect I will confess to is that I'd love to make my own dice but I have no space for another crafty hobby nor the money.
No. 1896576
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whenever I get nervous about posting some wack ass shit I just think about Kirby chan, 'cause at least I'll never be THAT bad, right? Thanks girl.
No. 1896582
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I used to be addicted to nosespray for years. I can't really remember for how long but at the peak of my addiction I used the spray at least 10 times a day. It got so bad that I couldn't really breath without it when I haven't used it for too long. Only most recent cold that graced me with a runny nose helped me to get rid of it because I guess all the moisture that came with it kind of cleaned my nose and I never used the nosespray after that. For my stuffed and runny nose I used tablets for those symptoms and it helped. The addiction got really expensive at some point because the brand that I used stopped the production for a while so I payed once about 10€ for a 15ml bottle of it (always bought like 5 or six of these for two months) because no other spray did it to me like this one kek, usually they cost about 4€. So annoying and unhealthy, super happy that it's finally over.
No. 1896658
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I think I might be pregnant. There's a very faint but definite line there on the test I took today. I think it has colour, but if it's an evaporation line I guess I'll find it out in the next few days, and if I get a definite positive, I'll share it with my husband and keep the baby. Literally took one instance of unprotected sex if so.
It's weird. If there is a baby, it's just me and him or her right now, sitting together. There'll be a scan, and I'll tell everyone about them, and I'll feel them grow and move inside me, a little teeny tiny separate human being inside me. I'll have to give birth (nightmare stuff, knock me out and MacDuff it) and this Christmas I'll be sitting at home with a little baby in my arms. If the little second line shows up again, my entire life is about to change forever. The way I am now won't exist anymore and I'll become a whole other thing, a different person who lives a different way and thinks and sees the world differently.
No. 1896921
>>1896916anon have you tried discussing it with mom nonnies
>>>/g/310088 ? i imagine that must be a thing that's difficult to discuss with people around you with fear of the judging you
No. 1896922
>>1896916I'm also not a mom but I heard that it's common to have intrusive thoughts and such when you have a child because all your hormones are crazy, you need to take deep breaths and talk to someone irl about this so you don't feel too bad about this whole ordeal.
Just remember you gave birth and that it's not an easy feat that just happens, life is not the sims, so just try to meditate. Maybe you could grab a stuffed toy or something so you can shake it? You may be just very tired and frustrated about something.
No. 1896925
>>1896916why don't you take this to your containment thread like
>>1896921 said. most of us here will not be able to relate or or offer advice
No. 1896931
I want to write femdom stories but I would be self-inserting as the man. I don't think I could write f/f stories knowing how lesbian relationships are fetishized, but this is more than about disliking the idea of men reading those.
>>1896916Intrusive thoughts like that tell you what you're scared of, not that you would actually do it. You are trying your best to be a good mother. You do not want to actually hurt your child. These worst-case scenario thoughts appear but are simply brain noise, like intrusive thoughts in general.
No. 1896974
>>1896956dont worry, i hope you find help there
nonny. Ignore the anons there was an influx of bait and they are a bit agitated.
No. 1897068
>>1897059if it makes you feel any better I was constantly bullied growing up for my looks and even had girls sing "this girl is a lion" whenever I walked past in 7th grade so no I was not always pretty
nonnie but thanks for assuming so
and my fiance left me to tell me he wants to fuck other women but its whatever i guess