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No. 1876179
>>1876173You can still save it
nonny! Even if it’s late. The other day I didn’t do anything all day until 11pm, then I decided to get off my ass and post stuff on eBay. Took less than an hour and I got $300 out of it. I’m sure there’s something even just cleaning something that can put you on a good track
No. 1876183
>>1876179oh my gosh are you me? i did this last night too! (listing stuff after a meh day)
im just so upset because i had my day planned, started off good, then when i went to have my first meal sat down and started scrolling lolcow and lost my momentum. i think i need to just cold turkey block it again because i cant find a balance and im supposed to be studying and doing things good for myself!
you are so sweet. im just so frustrated with myself, why my brain chooses to run to this unfulfilling, mindless content. i feel so terrible each time.
but thank you, i will just breathe and get back to what i had planned. it doesnt have to be ruined.
No. 1876215
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My mam just texted me to ask when I would be over to help with Sunday dinner tomorrow. I agreed a while ago but I completely forgot. My dumb ass has be out all day with boozey brunch. Ugggh this is gonna fucking suck. She's really well meaning but I'm gonna look like such a queen goon with my half functional hungover ass next to my sister and brother with their married with kids asses.
I know I'm gonna get concerned looks, just give pissed off looks I'd prefer that.
No. 1876303
>>1876259im sorry if im giving unsolicited advice, i am never good with these things and gauging whether or not advice is wanted so you can yell at me if this is too much!
ill be brief and say that forgiveness, gratitude, and self-compassion were the biggest stepping stones for me personally regarding this behavior. i am still on this journey but they have improved these feelings.
you were born deserving of love. you still are deserving of love. is there something creating tension? do you have trauma? it is a long journey and you will as though you have to “play delusional” in telling yourself mantras and that you are worthy and should not feel ashamed, etc.
but the opposite has done you no good. whats the harm in treating yourself like you arent a burden?
No. 1876429
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I've been out of the gym for about a month and will probably have to wait until late February to go back because of my messed up wrist and this flu thing I caught. I'm getting better but reee let me lift (without feeling like I'm dying).
I also know the doms will suck ass
No. 1876432
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I've had bladder issues for while and the chicken finally came home to roost. Peed myself in the queue in the shop like 20 mins ago. Didn't even notice until I felt it in my shoes. I was wearing black leggings so I don't think it was that noticeable but still. I'm so fucking done. I'm not leaving my house until this is fixed. I'm in the queue for a private specialist but it's early April.
Fuck this, fuck my life, fuck everything, fuck. Fuck fuck fuck
No. 1876466
my friend was giving me unsolicited relationship advice last night and i'm so fucking annoyed. she told me i should go on hinge, fix my hair, put on makeup and find a normie guy to buy me food and drinks and snacks. and to drop this esoteric younger art student boy i've been like super casually flirting/talking to over dm only, saying it won't go anywhere..mind you this bitch has NOO serious prospects, just bums who she meets on okcupid, sexts, then avoids when they try to fuck. i never mentioned i needed love advice once or ever, i do have sex for like 3 months out of a year with like one person but if i really wanted some normie bf (or any bf) i could get one, it wouldn't be hard for me. i never complain about wanting more sex or a bf…i'm more focused on moving out of my current housing, maintaining my friendships, getting my money up/more freelance work and managing my chronic illness/depression. i'm broke but i don't need some finance bro off of the apps to buy me anything
it was total projection on her part. she was saying if she lost weight she could get a bf (she's like 400 lbs) bc she's successful in her career and she seems richer than she is and is well connected. but at the same time she doesn't want one rn bc she doesn't want a chubby chaser and since she's not her best self the kind of energy she would attract would be negative blah blah blah. like describing her nonexistent ideal man that she doesn't have and shading me because (once a year) whenever i become attracted to a man i get feral and nervous when we're together. whatever. i was drunk and was pantomiming throwing this boy off a balcony at a party. he's crazy and into me and rowdy like me so he didn't really care and everyone seems to want to cringe on my behalf.
ughh i feel like this all sounds like cope but i'm just super blown that she had one glass of wine and was trying to lecture me about how i should spend my early/mid 20s, now i feel insecure and like i'm missing something bc i'm not having casual sex/going on hella dates. i'm really just rarely attracted to anyone enough to hook up with them idk
No. 1876482
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Just saw gameplay of the silent hill 2 remake and I’m not sure how to feel with how resident evil-y the combat is looking. It also looks a little buggy like the RE remakes. Praying it’s still decent but it’s not looking good
No. 1876491
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>>1876482I don't think it's going to end well, nona. I miss the nuance and atmosphere of the old games. Konami does their IPs so dirty.
No. 1876492
>>1876482The Silent team at Konami have bungled literally everything they've announced for the big Silent Hill universe. Expect the worst.
This mad Twitch/Live service game is what put the nail in the coffin for me.
No. 1876506
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i am so sick of bdd. i have had moderate-severe bdd for 10 years and it's gotten so much better (was agoraphobic for years and phobic of the wind) but it still comes up. i'm so terrified of ageing and it goes against my true beliefs of ageing not mattering and older people are beautiful and full of wisdom. i look like a complete alien picasso puzzle face. i know that's not fucking real but i just think i look WRONG and i want to look right and i don't know how. i get horrible sensations in my face constantly reminding me of decaying and the microexpressions i'm making causing wrinkles. i just want to not give a shit about any of this anymore.
No. 1876507
My sister who’s always been a huge fatty is losing weight, and I know I should be happy for her, but I’m not. I always prided myself on being the prettier sister who’s bitchy and awful, and she was the fatty who was sweet and likeable. But now that I’m getting older, I don’t have that crazy fast metabolism or an eating disorder anymore. I’m not a hamplanet right now, but I’m not the skinny girl I used to be when I was an ana-chan. Today, she was able to fit into one of my shirts. This sparked some shit in my brain and I feel like all my recovery has gone down the drain. I haven’t eaten anything solid in two days, and the only reason I drink things is because my medication needs calories. I know it’s dumb bullshit that my parents put us against each other, but my weight is the only thing I have going for me. I’m not smart, pretty, or kind, I’m just not fat. I’m gonna go look through the proana thread to make myself not feel like this is my best option
No. 1876551
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The allergic reaction I had to my psych med escalated after I stopped taking it when the symptoms worsened 2 days ago and I was afraid I'd end up in the hospital at 3am. Woke my dad and convinced him to watch movies with me all night. The entire time he kept yapping how I was a crybaby and to calm down like I wasn't experiencing sheer fear and terror my throat would close up.
My lymph nodes are shot. It's hard to speak, breathe and eat. I managed to find an online remedy via someone who had a similar reaction claiming that if you just dose yourself periodically with ibuprofen and benadryl it will fix it. I really can't afford a $500 urgent care bill for a steroid shot. Fuck.
No. 1876617
>>1876507Other nonnas are ragging on you but I honestly kind of get it but I still don’t condone your salt. Being bitchy and mean and having no personality outside of being skinny is definitely something you should work on, but I somewhat understand the body issues. I’m sure everyone praised you for being thin, because women are judged for not being thin, which is evident by the way you talk about your sister. Instead, try to remember that your sister has been dealing with everything you’re feeling for the first time, she’s probably felt for her entire life. I was also the fat kid, and while she’s had time to grow numb to the weight judgement, you were pampered and valued for being thin, so gaining weight hurts more. That’s probably a feeling she knows more than you think. Maybe instead of lashing out at your sister, you can ask her how she stays in shape? Maybe you two can even work out and meal prep together. But I agree with the other nonnas, you need to get that salt in check and find things to add to yourself other than skinny.
No. 1876689
>>1876317>I still remember the mocking of trannies and saying stuff like "tranny janny."i mean, that still happens. there is however an actual troon on the staff team (he's a large part of why /qa/ was removed – could not handle the soyjak heat) and he seems to love hiring trans janitors.
otherwise 4chan has always been a place for socially malcontent men, troons tend to be socially malcontent people, it's not that crazy that /tttt/ is site wide
No. 1876731
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I wish I could be an extroverted confident stylish wealthy adventurous career woman but I will always be a scaredy cat high inhibition broke loser womanchild
No. 1876754
I'm afraid to talk about this to anyone because they might not understand and think I'm being dramatic. My cat was put down, there was a lot of vet malpractice that made the situation much more traumatic than it had to be. The anger has been a decent distraction, but here alone in the house with nothing left to distract me, I can't avoid how much my schedule revolved around her. It is breaking me. I go to close the bathroom door so she won't knock stuff over, and then I remember I don't need to do that anymore. I have so much more free time I don't know what to do with, during her dinnertime I just stood in the kitchen for 20 minutes like a loading screen because I couldn't process that she isn't coming. Going to bed is hell because I normally stayed awake until I felt her jump into bed next to me and started purring, now I just stare at the ceiling and feel this aching dread. I open the door and look at my feet to make sure she isn't trying to dart out, then I remember she'll never do that again. I know I need to update my mental scripts to accommodate her absence, but I think my brain is resisting because I don't want to accept she's gone. I don't want to live in a world she isn't in, I don't want to get used to it, I don't want to move on, I don't want her to become a memory. All I want is for her to be back in my arms, not ashes in a box. She was everything to me. I don't know how to exist without her. But there's nothing to be done anymore. No matter how hard I cling to her memory to keep her alive in some way, it won't bring her back. The futility of all this makes it feel even worse. The world seems wrong now, distorted somehow. I think part of me died too.
No. 1876792
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>>1876754I'm sorry for your loss. Cats are very special.
No. 1876903
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i hate when my moid or brother ask me to hang out with their friends and then they spend the whole time talking and ignoring me when i say anything. the fuck is the point of me being there. i am not your decoration, retards.
No. 1876939
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"The hairdresser really fucked up my hair so I don't want to be seen by anyone right now, could we maybe take a rain check on the first date for a couple of weeks?"
While I understand the feeling, I also wanted to hide when a hairdresser fucked up my hair a few years ago. But at the same time… it's fine if you changed your mind and just wanna cancel it altogether, bruh. It was you who asked me out anyway.
No. 1876974
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You will literally be disgusted to your very marrow by a man and he will genuinely believe you're in love with him or admire him the entire time you are wishing he'd get flung out his car. You will be tolerating him by the skin of your teeth gritting the whole time nearly giving yourself tmj as a means to an end and he thinks you find him sexy and desirable and will get some ego high from it even though he's a creature of which you hate. It's insane.
No. 1876993
>>1876614Buy a self-help book regarding the art of conversation, watch video examples of successful social interactions, learn how to plan engaging dates with friends, be more open to others. An easy way to make friends is to join a club, class, or any group-activity that regularly meets for some length of time. Research proximity theory. You'll find your people soon anon don't give up hope.
>>1876939>rain check first date for a couple of weeksKEK. This is pathetic behaviour. You dodged a bullet anon.
No. 1877060
>>1877043He sounds self centered and has no clue any of the effort you put in, he sounds stupid. Sorry
nonnie your effort went unnoticed like that, men are just so dumb. I know you made it just lovely.
No. 1877066
>>1877063>maybe he doesn't like celebratingI hate celebrating too but its not hard to be appreciative to your gf after she went through the effort. Plus they've been dating a few years, its not her job to read his mind. I'm sure if he said anything
nonny would respect that.
No. 1877081
>>1877043Has he even done this much for you? You sound like a very giving person, you need to find someone who can appreciate and reciprocate that or else you will just be miserable.
>>1877072His girlfriend is showering him with love and affection, what's not to like? Do you know how many people would kill to have a girlfriend like her? Stop making excuses for retards.
No. 1877104
>>1877043Is he depressed? My ex seemed normal enough, little cold and used to have random glassy eye stares. We were at a bar one day and super drunk. He dropped some heavy stuff but thought it was normal to have those feelings. Men are emotionally retarded they can't express themselves at all.
But also you did a lot of work doing all that stuff from him. Don't invalidate that.
No. 1877107
>>1876507>My sister who’s always been a huge fatty is losing weight, and I know I should be happy for her, but I’m not. I always prided myself on being the prettier sister who’s bitchy and awful, and she was the fatty who was sweet and likeable.This sadly isn't an uncommon mindset, even though it's bad/
toxic. I remember it being said in the unpopular opinions thread that there are women who think/function something like this and don't want the "fat friend" losing weight, and a bunch of anons suddenly got extremely defensive and insisted it never happened, anyone who said it did was projecting, fat women never get petty concern trolling for losing weight, etc.
Take solace in the knowledge that you are honest about these unflattering feelings, but as others have said, do work on your feelings because they're deeply unhealthy and will harm both your sister and yourself.
No. 1877124
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I want a boyfriend so badly, for years I've been acting tough and calloused, saying "I don't need a man" and all that but deep down I crave intimacy so much nonnas. I want a face to kiss, a hand to hold and a strong chest for me to lay my head on after a rough day at work. I want to show my feminine side to him, be "submissive" and not get judged or be taken for granted.
I'm almost 24 nonnas and I still haven't had my first kiss or even held hands romantically…I just want to love and be loved, I'm so ready for it but fate can be so cruel. Whenever I craved love it was always taken from me, telling me you are not deserving of love even though I did nothing to guarantee that. I just want a bf, is that so difficult?
No. 1877129
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>Haven't left my house since New Years.
>Occasionally talk to my mailman but that's it with IRL chat
>Happiest and most stable I've been since my teens
What is this? This shouldn't work but I feel great.
No. 1877135
>>1877131I'm not full neet, I have a part time job in call center. I feel the same around people. On Discord or games I feel fine, chatty can talk whatever. In person I freeze up. Total deer in headlights mode. I don't get it. Humans are supposed to be social. It should have been breed out of me. Idk.
Good luck on your interview nona. Hoping you get a cool job with cool people
No. 1877137
>>1877115>>1877117Read the OP post again. Does that sound like a man who respects her? Women in general would save themselves a lot of stress and heartache if they left at the first sign of disrespect, emotional retardation, or ingratitude from a man, instead of sticking around for more and wasting years of their lives.
>I’m guessing the only long term relationship you’ve been in is with your fictional husbandos and your satisfyer?No, but why is this even an insult? Do you really think settling for a guy like
>>1877043 is better than being single? I can feel the stress and misery radiating from her post.
No. 1877152
>>1877063He never asked for anything, and tends to play the “birthdays are just a day” act. However, when he says that it’s usually in reference to people throwing birthday bashes with their friends. I know he will feel hurt inside if the people closest to him don’t celebrate or acknowledge him.
>>1877081He basically does the same deal for my birthday, dinner, gifts, sweets. However last year for my birthday we both started new jobs. Time was flying because of it, and my birthday snuck up on both of us. We didn’t do anything last year until a week later. Which is fine with me, I understood why since our jobs were stressing us both out and it was making a month feel like a week. Buuuuut, I don’t know I felt weird about that situation regardless.
>>1877104He is depressed for sure and has a bit on his plate. I wanted him to know that he’s loved however. I asked him what was bothering him last night and he just says “I don’t know”. So I told him I’ll be here for him if he ever does figure out what’s bothering him and he can talk or just vent to me if he needs to. He went to work early this morning and been dry texting me as well. I try to communicate at least.
>>1877137I was just about to tell
>>1877124 to enjoy being single while she can. It sucks trying to guess if someone secretly hates you, or if they’re dealing with something they find hard to open up about. Also just being in love with them makes you hold out and just hope that their mood/energy will turn back to positive. If you do get a boyfriend keep that “I don’t need a man” mindset in the back of your head, it can save you from being confused and miserable
…oh, also it’s somewhat off topic but another con about having a boyfriend is that if you move in together he’s going to try to push some ugly minimalistic home decor on you, mine (and some exes) fought to have only black ikea furniture…idk why but that shit bothers me and I gotta warn you not to let any man do that to your living space
No. 1877176
>>1877115>trying to be rational and productive with menIt's not going to work, it never will.
>>1877102 Is absolutely right.
>>1877137>>1877148>>1877161This! Women should immediately leave at first signs of disrespect, instead of wallowing in misery. Stop making million excuses for men and mentally gymnactics your way into blaming women.
No. 1877213
>>1877175Good morning nonna! Those fuckwits slammed stuff for another hour and a half. Didn't throw rocks (this time) but I think they got the hint after like three Blue Man Group songs and some ancient folk recreations
my speakers only face their house's direction so the based older lady on my other side doesn't hear anything. Don't wanna be an asshole to decent people! They've done this many times before and they'll probably do it again, they're so disrespectful and I don't know why they moved into a place with established quiet hours when they don't follow them. Nonnies, do not let males move in next door to you, your quality of life will plummet by proximity alone.
No. 1877218
>>1876948>>1876945Thank you anons, I appreciate it.
My pet is a small rabbit so I’m scared putting him under again to remove everything entirely might be too much for him. I’ll call back my vet tomorrow when they open up.
No. 1877227
>me: mom we’re out of toilet paper, could you buy some when you go out?
>her: UM IDK IF I HAVE ENOUGH MONEY?? (she has like 60k in the bank and recently bought herself a 20k car that she paid off in full) proceeds to go on a long incensed rant about how she NEVER ran out of toilet paper before i got here (not true, she’s told me plenty of times casually “oh fuck, i’m out of toilet paper!” over the years) plus blames it on my period (my periods are short and i’m so stressed out from being here that i have gone months without even having one) that i’m using too much, i need to grab a wet rag and some soap and just use that
and this situation is supposed to be so much better than paying my own bills and rent for an apartment. and she’s literally an angel for taking me in. and somehow i’m also…spoiled, somehow, despite being screeched down every time i ask her a simple question. i really do despise her kek. i am so fucking tired of living with this retard but i have no other choice, it is this or homelessness. i hate the way she acts so holy over that, yes kicking me out would tantamount to killing me, no the “sink or swim!!” shit no longer applies, this isn’t 1987 you can barely survive alone on a fucking data analyst job
No. 1877304
>>1877290Also, I'm being treated like a child having to live at home..all over again. It's infuriating. Like none of the two years I just spent living on my own ever even happened. My stepdad is constantly and throwing his weight around at me, to "listen to him" while at the same time giving me 3 hour long incoherent lectures where feels the need to remind me I'm 25 and how women my age "already get married and have children". wtf
I despise my brother for never having to deal with any of this. Even though he is easily the biggest loser here. He is 30 now, but never moved out even once nor even wants to. Nor cares about working anything else except minimum wage. Yet no one ever says anything to him. I achieved so many things yet am forced to carry a single fuck up like a scarlet letter by everyone around me.
No. 1877351
>>1876930I honestly think I am very much like an npc with no personality traits, I just go with the flow. I don't feel strongly about anything. I do not have any hobbies, I have tried several but honestly I never get into anything. Not particularly fond of music, can't even say I have favorite genre/musician. I don't like movies. Not food motivated. Not even sex motivated. I know virtually nothing about sports. I have 0 celebrity knowledge. Most of the things I like (games, books) I know surface level, if you ask me what is my favorite book or the last thing I played I will not recall any details. Not the sharpest tool in the shed either, not a complete idiot but definitely far from smart. How did I manage to get married will always be a mystery, and for the record I do not think I am depressed, I have been this way since childhood.
What can I say? I am a boring uninteresting bitch lol like I said I am aware of it so I just avoid getting too close to people, but now that someone told me face to face about it I feel sort of ashamed? I want to develop a sense of self but honestly I've lived like this my entire life so I do not know where to begin or what to do.
No. 1877371
>>1877328I'm fun, I can party but they are getting stupid waisted and acting like it's normal. We had to stop the taxi so one of them could pee in a bush and another vommed in the bathroom in the pub. No one reacted like it was weird.
>Dinnae can't handle the sesh lass?No fuck this, this is dumb and pure degeneracy
No. 1877400
>>1877378Yeah whatever, bet your idea of a good night out is waking up in bush covered in vomit with half your clothes missing and phone stolen. You are probably fucking Irish or low land Scottish
Inb4 racism ban. I don't care. You're lucky England tried to civilise you. We should've kept Hadrian's Wall up and let you rot
No. 1877404
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I bought these platforms yesterday and i wanted to wear them so badly but the friction caused by the leather is hurting my feet. What do i do now? aw, this sucks so much
No. 1877417
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>be me
>graduate from uni
>as a fucking teacher
>go around asking for job because "we totally need teachers *everywhere* there's literally not a single teacher to be seen
>say "fuck it" and always tell in interviews that I don't fucking teach elementary school students nor kindergarten students.
>no one hires me
>focus on studying other stuff in the meantime
>talk to friend of family about wanting to get a job because I need the experience to do what I actually want to do
>"okay anonita! I will help you out"
>he works at a school were I used to study at
>send CV and never hear from him again
>don't want to be pushy or seem desperate
>mom talks to me today
>"lady who works at the school you used to study at said that they have to hire just-graduated high school students because there's no teachers in the whole ass country
>consider suicide again
Then why the fuck does everyone keeps fucking rejecting me? What the fuck is the point? I fucking graduated to be a fucking high school teacher because I don't have the tools or knowledge to teach toddlers or elementary school students because you have to fucking study to do that shit.
I refuse to be a retarded teacher that doesn't know what she's doing and that's just there to fuck around and find out I FUCKING REFUSE because what's the point in that? This is why the educational system doesn't fucking work, because everyone is waiting for the same 3 to 5 teachers to fucking die in order to hire new people and because when those people die, all you have is tired as fuck students that don't want to get a career in teaching because those tired as fuck teachers are just waiting for the sweet relief of death in order for their souls to be free from the never ending torture that is trying to solve all of the problems that these just-graduated high school students, teachers that are working where they don't fucking belong and people that are too retarded to do the shit they studied for so they teach in order not to starve; did, because they know that if they don't do it, no one will fucking do it because parents are also extremely retarded too.
I hope I don't fuckimg wake up tomorrow because I'm sick of this shit.
No. 1877443
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>>1877414Pop a xannie or a vodka lexotan if you are feeling the britney vibes. No anxiety, smooth evening. Everyone is happy.
No. 1877453
>>1877431theres not a huge pressure to hang out, i just dont want to be seen as rude & standoffish. since we're hosting i think it would be wrong to stay in a separate room the whole time
>>1877441normally it wouldn't be hard to make myself scarce but the superbowl takes up like all afternoon and evening, that'd be like 3 movies back to back if there was anything good in theaters lol
>>1877443im anticipating many solo trips to my garage to smoke
No. 1877621
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the last time I had friends to spend my birthday with was 8 years ago. It feels pathetic to be 25 and only have your mommy and daddy and grandparents to celebrate your birthday with you like you're a toddler because you turned out too mal-adjusted to have any friends. The amount of shame I feel on birthdays is overwhelming. I know they feel sad for me that I don't have any friends and it's nauseating to be pitied like that.
No. 1877672
>>1876754Sorry to hear that. When my cat passed,adopting an older kitty from the humane society made me feel a little better.
>>1877152Your bf sounds like something is going on at work or he wants to break up.
No. 1877743
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>>1877398Book a spa day for yourself.
No. 1877797
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>>1877795Shut the fuck before I put you in one of these and roll you off a canyon
(infighting) No. 1877800
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>>1877797Haha starfish baby, makes me want to put a baby named Patrick in a pink starfish blanket.
No. 1877801
>>1877798case in point, mere minutes later another baby post. every other post now is about normie shit like this. I understand I can't control who uses lolcow so I'm not trying to personally attack anybody but i am venting because this is the vent thread and I am sad that I don't relate to most anons on here anymore.
No. 1877811
>>1877798Believe me,
nonnie, downs syndrome children aren't any better, plus they tend to have a bunch of other physical issues.
My best friend has a brother with downs who has a bunch of random shit like his heart on the right side and who knows what else, right now he's getting a bunch of tests and shit done because of a pneumonia that's killing him because he just can't tell you whenever he's sick but he also can't even cough properly or even blow his own nose, so now he has a hole in his throat that's constantly causing other infections and so on.
An autistic child can at least learn some important words with enough therapy and proper stimulus, and I'm pretty sure they also have less physical issues.
No. 1877814
>>1877811Thats true, although if my baby did come back with down syndrome I would be aborting it because I dont think its fair to put a child through that sort of thing, along with any other genetic carrier issues. I just wish we could test for autism, yknow?
The videos I watched of non verbal really freaked me out.
No. 1877838
>>1877832Yeah but I'm venting not asking raising advice/discussion
>>1877833This is a coincidence as I am your mother, hello daughter and granddaughter
No. 1877848
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I miss dobson and nemu. Lolcows just arent fun anymore. I really miss the pre 2016 internet and i wish every polisperg would go back to fighting about it in the dinner table rather than on my TMNT forum.
No. 1877863
>>1877861>because choosing to assist in the continuation of the human race is actually quite selfless and sacrificial of any mothers own joy and sanityproviding new
victims to moids isnt selfless, its quite selfish actually
No. 1877877
>>1877865I wouldnt call carrying a child a small or trivial thing
>>1877866If we're being honest, many of us who end up here arent mentally sound and probably have grown up in horrible households and their opinions on life and children would reflect that. Also I think some women here just love to argue and snip at others, you see it often over really mundane stuff.
I'm not interested in policing what other people do so I dont really care if they post anti child or motherhood stuff, I just ignore it for the most part unless they reply to me.
>>1877870I think she is meaning ones who specifically reply to posts around babies/motherhood rather than childfree women just doin' their own thing separate to that
No. 1877892
>>1877886I hate that too, I don't know who the fuck is smoking that shit, I just now that I'm allergic as fuck to the smoke and that I wake up almost every day with my eyes as red as a bloody tampon, with my throat hurting and my nose and overall face more congested than the traffic of a Monday at 5pm.
I don't want to become addicted to nose drops anymore, I hate them and those weird shivers they send to my brain.
My hypothesis is that the neighbor that's next to my apartment (an old lady) needs to smoke weed because of her cancer, so my family and I don't say anything directly in the group chat because we don't even want to hear the "yeah my mom has cancer and this is the treatment we can afford" or whatever discourse that would make us seem like huge assholes.
No. 1877927
>>1877926she said providing new
victims to moids. How am I illiterate for getting domestic violence out of that
(infighting/derailing) No. 1877933
>>1877929i'm NTA, but I agree that having children is kind of selfish and brain-dead. If you ask most people why they are doing XYZ difficult thing, they usually say "to make the world a better place for future generations" but human history is just full of cycles, not a linear path of improvement like most people believe (because humans by nature like a story with a beginning, middle, end). Humans have been saying that probably since we developed speech and we still have not succeeded, just falling into the same predictable centuries-long cycles.
And then if you ask parents why they have kids, it's because
they wanted to make a person with their and their partners genetics, just due to ego and instinct.
having children makes very little sense if you stop and think about it while putting aside your biological urges and inaccurate human-constructed narratives.
(infighting/derailing) No. 1877965
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man, I'm trying to improve my life but it is hard when I have never, ever seen the fruits of my labor; case in point, I grew up fat, sick, feeling like shit. when I lost weight and started working out, getting muscle in college, I never actually felt better. it's ridiculous, like, how do people have the vivacity, the energy for doing anything not strictly necessary? even if someone gave me disneyland tickets I'd genuinely rather would just stay in bed and it's not for the lack of desire, it just I feel exhausted after walking a few minutes and sometimes I even get dizzy. it's ridiculous. and I resent myself because I do have one good friend I've known since I was a baby that still wants to hang out, but I keep brushing her off.
No. 1877975
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I have a few months to get all of my shit sorted out and then I'm going to have to live in my car for a while. It feels weird but it will be nice to not be tied down any more. I never thought I would be homeless but here we are.
No. 1878063
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>>1876551It got worse again. My lymph nodes and throat are throbbing. ER is too much money. Like the other night but worse. I'm just watching tv until the morning. I'm in worse pain than I was the other day. It's important to keep my body active, keep swallowing and breathing.
My dad told me if I went to the ER he wouldn't go with me, which broke my heart. So I postponed it to the morning with the urgent care appt. I asked him if my life was really that worthless and he never gave a definitive answer.
Please anons, pray I survive the next five hours okay, I need a fucking epipen jab. My dad trivializing my pain is really the nail in the coffin, he says "because you're yelling in pain there's no way it can be that bad". Holy fuck it's the worst I've felt in a long long time and seeing him undermine my pain hurts. It feels like my neck is being wrung. Over and over. It's harder and harder to breathe. I'm woozy as fuck. All this over medication that was supposed to help me! Pray for me anons jfc
No. 1878064
>>1878052Have you had your blood tested for deficiencies? I used to feel tired often for seemingly no reason too but because I didn't think that was good enough reason to make an appointment with my GP, I never addressed it. Found out I had anemia by sheer coincidence when I was on the ER for something unrelated and they tested my blood. Apparantly it was bad/serious enough because they immediately set me up with emergency appointments for the next week so I didn't have to go on waiting lists to see specialist doctors. Not in a million years I could've guessed I had anemia but apparently it's pretty common in women and goes undiagnosed often.
I'm not saying it's anemia for you too.. but if you haven't addressed your exhaustion, please go talk to your GP about it. Learn from my mistake.
No. 1878083
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>>1877115>She should’ve just killed him immediately for wronging herYes.
No. 1878091
>>1878082I've got a few hours till I scheduled an appointment at the urgent care. My throat feels better since I've applied compress to it but is still tight. I have nobody else I can go with. At this rate I just want the pain to stop.
I don't want to be roped into $8k of medical debt for the pain to stop, my insurance hasn't sent me a card yet, I'll take less than $1000 of urgent pay debt over this just waiting a few more hours not to hear my father chastise me
No. 1878158
>>1878139I've got an hour to go. called my psychiatrist to let her know I'd had an adverse reaction and she doesn't open till 8am either, hopefully before she calls back they'll have diagnosed what's wrong and administered me a shot. I'm shaking and on the verge of crying again.
After this I'm never touching lamotrigane. It used to work for me and now it's almost killed me. Holy fuck.
No. 1878170
>>1878158Ntayrt but omg glad you're still alive
nonnie, I really feel like you should er but were you taking it before and just suddenly got allergic? I knew it could cause rashes/flairs but holy. I really hope you get care
No. 1878186
>>1878179Seconding this
>>1878182 anon. Men are just retarded assholes, don't know why you lot put up with them
No. 1878194
I didn't sleep a wink and was tossing and turning all last night. Have a long day today and I'm already exhausted. Fuck me.
>>1878179You meant to say ex-bf, right? He's lucky enough to have you present in his worthless life, how actual dare he think that he has any right not to adore every facet of your body and mind.
No. 1878195
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Me trying to be happy and supportive of my friend who's living my dream life. It's like a fucking dagger in my heart every time she talks about it holy shit. I want to kill myself why why WHY couldn't I have had a normal loving family to support me, or at least not be afflicted with such awful anxiety that I can't function on my own. "You ever feel like nothing good was ever gonna happen to you?" yeah every goddamn day of my shitty fucking life. I want to disappear. I wish I was someone else.
No. 1878198
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i don't understand why some nonnas choose to encourage the moids that post on here and act like their gross behavior is funny. it's disgusting. what do you get out of it? he isn't going to pick you and he never will. the moids that infest this place like filthy vermin hate all women, including you, yet you choose to degrade yourself by giving their ego a boost.
No. 1878209
>>1878196You seem to like giving the benefit of the doubt. What do you think is the benefit in him stating that? How do you think the OP would be expected to react and behave in response to being told "You are not [socially accepted concept of attractive], but I am attracted to you", with the added (imagined or justified) concern of being seen as "schizo" or "BPD" if she doesn't bend and kiss his toes for that statement? Why would a normal, loving partner not just say "Yeah, I think you're hot (because I am attracted to you)" with no retarded caveat attached? She didn't ask if she had an hourglass shaped body, or what other people might think of her body. She asked if
he thought she had a nice figure.
Same guy will be upset when she doesn't want to have sex with him after that, it's transparent and very dumb.
No. 1878217
>>1878104Yup, all I do is go out to work and come home most of the time. Occasionally I'll go out places with my mom and/or sister but besides them I don't have any friends to go anywhere with so I stay home. Sometimes I'll go out on my own but I feel like an imposter even though I like being able to do what I want free of judgement and take my time browsing.
Idk how to change either, I've tried looking on bumble bff because I'd probably get out more if I had people to spend time with but the girls on there were just too normie and have way more life experience than me. I guess just forcing ourselves to go out more might work, like go visit a local café and go for a walk around the neighbourhood or something similar where it wouldn't be that high stakes. Maybe if there's an event that interests you you could try attending that as well?
No. 1878234
>>1878170It happened when I tiered up. I went from 100 to 150 mg and a few days in my teeth and mouth started burning. I initially dismissed the reaction as bad dental hygiene and a passing side effect, since I do have awful teeth. As it turns out swelling in the mouth can be a precursor to a nastier version of the infamous rash. This is a pretty atypical reaction, I can't seem to find a lot of people online who've experienced similar, but it happens and can be fatal.
I dismissed the mouth pain and drooling and when it escalated to cinching my throat and I noticed a rash on my chest and red acne like bumps on my skin, I stopped taking it. By then the damage had been done and my throat nearly closed. Two out of the last three nights I have not slept at all or barely slept out of fear I'll suffocate in my slumber. My dad has repeatedly trivialized what I'm going through. I practically considered contacting someone who I know has an epipen to borrow hers out of desperation since I have no epipen myself and really can't afford one.
My doctor was closed the day I went off and she just got back to me, got jabbed with a steroid at the urgent care about an hour ago. It wasn't an epipen steroid but it should at least help a little. Me and psych are having a video call later.
No. 1878244
>>1878238The problem is he was trying to neg her to make her think "I'm so ugly, and he's the one who's still attracted to me despite my unattractive, flawed figure", kek. The tactic is clear.
Even the men lowering their standards don't tell the women they do it with that they're unattractive, and it's not "lying" because unless they resent them, they don't think in terms of "She's ugly but whatever", but "She's aight, not bad, pretty cute". The only exception to this is when they actively want those women to be "humbled" and feel bad about themselves. Stop playing dumb.
No. 1878250
>>1878244I don't think that was negging, just avoiding the honest truth he clearly didn't want her to know. If he tried to neg her he would've said that from the start instead of dancing around the question and refusing to give her a straight answer like anon said he did.
She kept pressuring him for an answer she knew she wasn't going to like after the first time he wouldn't give her a straight answer, and he's dishonest and with a girl he isn't attracted to, they're both stupid.
No. 1878254
>>1878249Samefag but my last grocery trip was with barely any list and I think that also fucked me up. I wouldn't have all this sugary shit to eat if I planned properly.
I have to eat a lot of protein to compensate for the lack of carbs, but it's also difficult because I have a hard time eating too many meat and eggs (mentally, not physically) due to previously being vegetarian.
No. 1878255
>>1878238>Should he have lied to her face then?There's a huge gulf between lying and malicious honesty like "You're no hourglass but I'm still attracted to ya [tongue out emoji]". Like idk if I were in his shoes and didn't want to lie I'd probably say something like
>"Who gives a fuck about figure? I love you for your [insert thing here]">"Babe, I love you. What's this really about?">"I don't know much about figure, but I like yours because I like you.">"Hm… I don't know. How about you put on something that makes you feel awesome and ask me again? [winky face]"Are these perfect? No. I'd probably end up on the couch for some of them. But any of them are infinitely better than what he said. That's about as much benefit of the doubt as I'm willing to extend to a moid who is a social retard at best and a negging asshole at worst.
No. 1878267
>>1878182>>1878186>>1878188>>1878194>>1878197>>1878201>>1878204>>1878209>>1878214Thank you nonnas for your advice, I'm currently moving my things into the guest bedroom and told him we should talk, he has made some
sus comments in the past that I looked pasted because he said he was joking and he's sorry but this time….
No. 1878270
>>1878267Scrote "jokes" are rarely jokes, they'll just claim they are to escape consequences. Good riddance to bad rubbish and glad for you standing up for yourself. You got this
No. 1878314
I wish my dad would take care of himself. He doesn't eat properly, he stays up extremely late, and he smokes weed. The smoking weed part wouldn't be so bad if it weren't for the first two things. He constantly complains about feeling tired, in pain, dizzy, etc. etc. but if you ask him to eat he'll say "I will, I will" and then NOT eat until very later. This morning he was home, and I asked if he was feeling alright and he said that he felt terrible and had an upset stomach and diarrhea. On top of that, he can't remember the last time he ate but still went ahead and smoked weed yesterday. I don't get it, why is he not taking care of himself but still has time to smoke weed and play MMOs? He constantly claims that he's going to die soon and that he won't be around for long but does nothing to better himself so he'll have a healthier and longer life. He gets on my ass about not eating but won't eat himself. It's tiring. It's upsetting too. I just want my dad to be healthy, I just want him to take better care of himself so he'll feel better. It hurts because he's been doing this for years and still won't change. He's getting older and I know doing this is really bad for his health.
No. 1878333
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Not really an angry vent but a sad one, the lolcow movie night thread just made me feel shitty because it's Gnomeo and Juliet and my mom really loved dumb kid's movies (we watched monster house like 20 times together) and I grew up and didn't spend as much time with her as I should and we argued alot but when we got along she would talk about how much she wanted to watch the dumb gnome movie and I never found time to watch it with her and she didn't know how to watch movies on the internet. she got lung cancer and went downhill fast after we hadn't been in contact for 6 months and I thought she had more time and I was going to download it for her when she was dying at home but I was too late and now I feel like a shitty human being for not watching it with her.
No. 1878410
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I hate how wound up I get my these wasters. These were some comments on a video of a woman running from her boyfriend and trying to hide under a car and a man who was standing right there did nothing at all to help as she was kicking and screaming for help. But wah wah, what about the poor men of the world? You had one bad experience and now you'll happily watch people get kidnapped. It does bring me a sense of peace and joy though knowing that I am genuinely a better person than these men will ever be. Mind you there were a lot of sane and normal comments but these are always at the top despite having not even a fraction of the likes.
No. 1878446
>>1878410The way men comment on violence against women is deranged, like pure incel tier shit.
The way men with open profiles will spew the most horrendous shit and you click their profiles and you see him posing with his daughters.. I feel so sorry for any woman who comes into contact with men like that. The fact they can trick a woman into birthing their children makes my skin crawl, I can only imagine how awful they are to their wives and daughters behind closed doors.
No. 1878484
>>1878472>skirtJust a few posts right after
>>1878406 too.
No. 1878489
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i cannot stop sulking like a child today. i woke up hopeful that today would go well and then i slept in and skipped ballet because i got my period. i figured ill get up again and do online classes and instead walked my dog and did some cleaning and felt happy! but the moment i got hungry i ate so many fucking carbs and pretty much hit my calorie limit which isn't much becase im short and on a deficit. and now one two of my keys are broken somehoe so i need to order a keyboard because its hard to do classwork missing them and i already tried cleaning them.
i just feel guilty and like its all my fault. my period is no excuse to eat like a pig nor is it one to skip workouts and classwork. part of me really wants to do things, the other part of me feels so sad that i want to curl into a ball and watch a nice fairy tale movie. or perhaps read my kindle or organize my laptop. i dont know if i want to go on another walk or do yoga but i also iknow i should. i just feel guilty. i feel like ill never improve as a person and i just want to cry forever because i hate myself and in these moments cant grasp that maybe its temporary as always and im a decent person but i do not feel as such
GOD. ii just cant believe myself. i fucked it up again. couldve been productive.
No. 1878508
>>1878462Source criticism is awful as well, aren't it taught in school anymore? When I was in school they almost hit us over the head with a stick to always double check the reliability of our sources.
That said, it's not only a zoomer problem but I see it a lot more with them. Probably because they so strongly want to believe whatever they are standing for is right - since a lot of zoomers seem to really want to make some sort of difference in the world no matter how misguided and unnecessarily aggressive their approaches can be - and base their entire persona on it so having to admit their sources are wrong will crumble their entire ego.
No. 1878535
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>get stuck in a circle of catastrophic thoughts
>nothing happens
>100% sure something bad will happen to me, I get diarrhea and insomnia from anxiety
>nothing happens
>nightmares about abuse or getting in huge debt with insurance company, I just know I will get punished at some point
>still nothing happens
When will this shit end? I live in constant anxiety regarding health or being abused or stalked or somehow losing my apartment and my job and now also intrusive thoughts about getting in debt for something I did almost 5 years ago but even a lawyer told me I have nothing to worry about and it's closed but I'm still worrying. She told me this at the start of 2021 and now it's 2024 and nothing happened but I'm still scared. This paranoia will kill me. I have no joy jn life, I can't spend money on anything besides food because my brain tells me I need to save as much as possible in a case I lose my job or I will get sick or it will turn out I will have to give that money to some institution. I'm actually scared of telling my therapist about my way of thinking because she will probably try to rationatlize it to me but I FEEL I'm right
No. 1878538
>>1878406Yeah, you're right. It's like they're always in combative state also kek They're ready to call you a retard before they fully read and comprehended your post.
>>1878462Surely, it didn't happen in all countries?
No. 1878560
>>1878508>aren't it taught in school anymore?I'm 20; when I was in school we were taught to find reliable sources but we also had teachers (usually progressive gen x or millennial ones) who would be blatantly biased and thus lenient if something supported their social beliefs. Some teachers would drop the "reliable sources only" stance in favor of "lived experiences," so like some random person's blogpost about being a minority gets put on a pedestal for instance. So overall we were told about sources but you are right that there's an emphasis on "social justice" and that gets specifically taught in school.
>>1878462I was taught phonics as a kid, but I vividly remember hating it because it was really annoyingly structured and inflexible, same with math lessons. Maybe I was just an autistic outlier about that stuff but you were forced to go at the pace of the slowest kid so even if you already knew how to read chapter books and do arithmetic, you were handicapped by being required to do it in baby steps like awkwardly sounding words aloud a single letter at a time instead of just reading the word normally because you already know it, and writing stuff like
>8 + 7 is like 8 + 2 + 5 and 8 + 2 is 10 and 10 + 5 is 15! instead of just saying 8 + 7 = 15. If you wrote that without "explaining how," you would lose marks, so you were forced to waste time elaborating on minutiae you already understand.
No. 1878572
>>1878566No I probably said it wrong, I meant she will try to talk me out of this and try to prove me my line of thinking isn't rational
But my brain just tells me it is and it's also fueled by my constant fear of getting punished. I'm such a fuck up in life and I cannot believe that despite being such a loser I could be that lucky and not get punished for any of my dumb decisions or for a lack of action. I see people way less fortunate than me and I'm no better than them so I'm just waiting for my punishment because I don't deserve to be that lucky
No. 1878583
>>1878572>I meant she will try to talk me out of this and try to prove me my line of thinking isn't rationalSo tell her that: "I have crazy anxious thoughts, but they feel real to me and trying to convince me that they aren't rational won't work. I need another way to help deal with this."
If your therapist has experience with people who have severe anxiety, then she will have had clients are all "This all feels TRUE." before. Like, her first attempt to help you might be taking the tack that "maybe you aren't a fuckup in everything?"
Stepping back a bit, clients go to therapist for help with issues that they say they don't want help with all the time, e.g. "Im an alcoholic and it's messing up my life, but I'm not going to stop drinking, so what else can I do to get my life together." or "My boyfriend is trash, and he makes my like so difficult, but I love him and will not break up with him, so what can I do to make my life better."
No. 1878599
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I hate moids so much, my brother thought it would be hilarious to touch his balls then wipe his fingers on my shirt, once I had screamed and taken off my shirt then proceed to wipe his fingers on my bare shoulder. I scream about it and of course according to my mother I’m the one in the wrong. I hate boymoms.
No. 1878620
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>>1878560I fucking loathed phonics and hated being told "sound it out". Silent letters always gave me trouble as a kid. Then there are words that are not spelled like they sound like colonel. Kansas and Arkansas both sound different despite Kansas being in Arkansas. Learning phonetics later on really was interesting to me especially when my professor told us being good at spelling wasn't an advantage.
No. 1878651
>>1878560That's fucking terrifying how your not being taught how to vet sources. Jesus christ, that must have been implemented by some shitty political party full of cunts.
I remember getting taught the basics in the 90s and if you caught on quickly you got separated into groups and books were colour coded to each groups levels etc. The maths thing seems tedious but getting the fundamentals and showing working out is very practical to build on later. I'm in my 30s and still break down numbers to smaller ones to do simple sums. The more shit you put in your head other shit falls out you need to remember the basics so you can troubleshoot harder problems
No. 1878659
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My lawyer just gave me a deadline for turning in my bank/cc statements by the end of this week. My ex sued me for the property we used to share together because he needed to pay his daddy back for the down payment, not that he was breadwinning by being a cashier. The statements are to prove what monies from the property sale I am credited.
I don't know why but I am having a difficult time sitting down at a public library to try to pull all these statements I need to prove what I paid. I think I'm subconsciously avoiding the frustration. It's bullshit, nons. He is a snake who told me during our relationship that it was okay for me to take on debt to pay for mutual things like furniture and groceries and renovations, yet now he is playing it up that he paid the mortgage all by his lonesome (which is only true for a few months out of the 2.5 years we paid together fyi) and that this prior agreement never existed. Add insult to injury that he lived with me for several months in my apartment prior to us going in on the property and I never asked him to pay a dime.
I cheated on him because he was a selfish, narcissistic scrote who put our (now my) sweet puppy in a crate all day while I worked two jobs to pay down my debt while he gamed after coming back from his dipshit cashier shift. He never cared about making the holidays nice and wouldn't participate with me. He would yell at me for eating a portion of his frozen chicken nuggies when I'd come home at 3am and no one had made dinner for me because he didn't give a fuck–ignoring the fact that he worked at a fucking grocery store and could have bought food for both me and him anytime. He never cleaned or did anything to help me. He only ever did performative shit (nice engagement ring, a beach trip here and there) because he knew if he didn't do that shit I would have left him even sooner, and the only reason why those things happened is because he could buy or charge for them and he didn't have to lift a finger of effort since I coordinated and gave him the literal ass roadmap. I can't even bear to type out the other shit that would encapsulate what a complete pig he is because all it does is call into question my mental sanity for having put up with it. Covid lockdown disguising his habits and giving alibi for his true nature? My aversion from living with my shitty family? Mental illness? Desperation? Doesn't matter, cause either way I am paying price for this awful mistake.
He's out for blood because he knows I cheated, and because he's a desperate cashier who needs to recoup that money.
I hate him.
Legitimately, I hope he suffers an extremely painful death for all of the shit he has put me through. He used to say how so many exes of his cheated on him, and all I can say is that I hope the future women he cons continue to do the same. One day his rich daddy won't be around to pay fancy lawyers to attack women who want nothing more to do with him. I hope he feels it hard.
No. 1878667
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No. 1878722
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My bf loves rap and I autistically hate it. I hate when people talk instead of singing, I hate the lack of good melodies and progressions, I just fucking hate this form. I don't want to put him down for his taste but I don't know how to politely decline when he tries to send me another shitstain subhuman rap song. I listen to it every time because I want to at least give it a chance and be fair to my bf, but I always end up with disgust on my face
No. 1878725
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My boyfriend unironically thought I was a pedophile, and for some reason, he was okay with it. It started with a discussion in which I said that nobody wants to talk about it, but most people find some teenagers attractive. People are hardwired to find sexually mature people attractive, and teenagers are sometimes sexually mature. He agreed, and that was the end of it, until today, in passing, I mentioned a man at my uni being decent to look at, but so boyish that he looked like a kid. My bf said "So he looked like he was 12-14?". I immediately felt disturbed and corrected him, because by "kid", I meant he looked around 15 or 16. So, for months, he thought I told him I found 12-14 year olds attractive, and didn't question it. I don't know what to think about this. I don't like using the term "the ick", but I'm feeling it now.
No. 1878728
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I feel like absolute pure shit saying this, but I’m a radfem and whenever I spent time around women I just don’t… enjoy it… For a long time I didn’t have any friends and all I wanted was friendship, but since I have hung out with/talked to girls it seems like all they do is just trigger me and slip in some weird b-wordy behaviour. It’s like I’d genuinely rather be by myself now upon realising what a whole lot of them are like, I really wasn’t missing out on much. Just simple things like not inviting me out for precisely no reason, constantly talking about their boyfriends, weird behaviour - it just makes me feel weird, idk. Especially because one of the girls I know acts like a chameleon and pretends she’s radfemmy around me but not to this other girl. I feel like a moid attempting to understand this behaviour
No. 1878738
>>1878732It’s okay
nonny. I wouldn’t have wanted to sit in a pub listening to a girl speak about how she wants her boyfriend to get her pregnant at 18 and how cute he is repeatedly whilst blowing vape smoke in my face anyway.
No. 1878753
>>1878737I disagree. I slept with someone 19 when I was 30. The sexual energy was fire and the young are eager to please because they don't have the experience. Outside of that, we had little in common.
But the difference between women and men is that women don't seek it out. I get propositioned by younger men all the time. Older scrotes are predators who solicit young women to take advantage of them.
No. 1878759
>>1878743Genuinely not bait but glad you enjoyed the image
>>1878745Idk it’s just sad bc one of these girls was supposedly a
terf and I got super excited bc I’ve never met a
terf irl. But she was literally saying to me today nonchalantly how she copies people around her and she doesn’t even know who she is as a person, so I genuinely think she just decided to latch onto what I was thinking. All in all I genuinely think I prefer being alone, but I never get the chance to be anymore
No. 1878760
>>1878748>I don't ever want to touch a gun in my life.It's normal to feel this way
nonnie but I think of it like, okay if I was the first person in the world to know what a gun is I wouldn't want to use it, but since they've been around for so long and everyone else is using it I should have to learn. It's kind of like how it was okay to not know how to use the internet in the 90s, but now if you don't know how to use the internet it's just kinda cringe. If all the violent criminals know how to use a gun, it only makes sense that you should learn how to use one for your own safety and peace of mind. I recommend you look at firing ranges near you or contact your local chapter of the NRA, usually you'll find a lot of gunspergs who are super excited to help you learn how to use a gun and being around them will slowly alleviate your anxiety around guns. Also when you do finally buy one I recommend you shop around and find a cute one, I like Kimber's
Amethyst Ultra II, just for the fact it looks really cute and its lightweight.
>>1878758At this point I just report it for obvious infighting bait.
No. 1878771
>>1878753I’m basically 30 and I’ve been propositioned by both minor and non minor teens. It’s weird whether the kid is 17 or 19. They look like kids still. So I can’t agree with you. Having little in common with the 19 year old would make me feel like even more of a weird pedo, at least if we had a true friendship and shared interests they could maybe feel like a peer in some way. Your situation would have made me feel like I had just used an overeager kid for my own pleasures which is what scrotes do and I don’t wish to emulate scrotes.
>>1878741>honestly so are they a little youngerI forget about the cow yourself thread where one nonna admitted to raping a 15 year old but then I read shit like this and it hits me like a war flashback
No. 1878781
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I do paid surveys for extra cash. Today I was doing some news video honesty rating survey, with a quiz after each vid to prove I watched it. Some idiot uploaded an anime clip instead of one of the news videos, so I got disqualified. Fucking lol. Tomorrow somebody is going to log in and wonder why their survey had an almost 100% fail rate.
No. 1878789
>>1878783Nta but just because you’re not particularly strong doesn’t mean everyone else is kek. There are also 15 year old scrotes who can win against grown women.
I don’t have much of an opinion (I am in aforementioned age range of 18-20 and have been involved with older women and men so that would make me a hypocrite) but it’s cringe to see anons bend over backwards to act like it’s much different than scrotes who fuck teens.
No. 1878808
>>1878802Thank you
nonnie, I am trying so hard and LC is my only refuge. I really appreciate you. I have anxious attachment so this is painful.
No. 1878814
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You know when you think someone is funny and you defend the retarded but harmless shit they say when everyone else is annoyed with them and then they say that one thing finally that proves they're so stupid they aren't even worth the gum under a shoe and you will never see the same way again? Lol bye
No. 1878815
>>1878808I read this book called "Attached" by Amir Levine & Rachel Heller. The book is about attachment styles and relationship science. Reading it actually helped me a lot with understanding my own attachment issues and what
triggered my neuroses. I recommend it to people that suffer with anxious attachment style.
No. 1878830
>>1878814This but when I have a crush on someone. I always fall for the goofiest women.
>>1878826Curious as to if this anon thinks 30-year-old women are old too. And if you like barely legal teens are you ok with men who do too?
No. 1878840
>>1878834But you mentioned men jerking off to barely legal teens, not overpowering them? I wasn’t talking about relationships here.
It’s just an odd argument for me, I guess I’ll never get it. It’s always inconsistent, I’ve seen discussions like this before and anons also think lesbians can’t date teen girls. What’s the distinction here? I know women who can overpower grown men, I know men who are frail, so there’s obviously more to it than pure physical strength. But oh well, I don’t want to continue the derail, I’m just trying to understand this way of thinking.
No. 1878841
>>1878835i am convinced that all of the anons who defend post wall men are doing it because they are offended in behalf of their ugly post wall nigels kek
>>1878840again, men and women are different
>I know women who can overpower grown men, I know men who are frail, so there’s obviously more to it than pure physical strength. oh so you are an MRA, makes sense why you are so dead set in defending moid's honor on lolcow. I bet you think women can rape men too.
No. 1878857
>>1878763>>1878760What kind responses, thank you anons! You're completely right, I'm sure that taking some training courses with people more knowledgeable. I guess it would be like exposure therapy, the more you're exposed to something the less fear you have.
>Kimber's Amethyst Ultra IIThis is a very nice gun, even the name is pretty.
No. 1878886
>>1878885>moid lingooh the irony
nonny, dont you know moid comes from 'femoid'? Better not use kek either since thats moid lingo too.
(infighting) No. 1878913
>>1878910> I just asked if that logic still applies if a woman is stronger than a teenage man. I’m not saying it’s common, just wondering about that specific case.anon please 14yos murder 25yo grown women. Its not about height, moidlets are just built to be physically stronger.
> My original question though was in response to the anon who said something about men jerking off to barely legal teens. They’re not physically present to overpower them.what does that have to do with anything? that doesnt mean they cannot overpower them physically just because they arent present.
No. 1878932
>>1878927Perfect, thank you
nonnie, appreciate you. I can do that right now too
No. 1878933
>>1878913Oh nona please, you can’t genuinely think that there isn’t the rare strong woman.
>that doesnt mean they cannot overpower them physically just because they arent present.So, men can’t jerk off to 19-year-olds on their screen because… they would overpower them if they were hypothetically present. Ok. Either way I’m done with this discussion, as I said I don’t have an opinion either way I just wanted to understand. Still don’t kek.
>>1878921Of course, I never implied otherwise, I was just interested in opinions that helped my particular situation. I genuinely am really crushing on this woman so anons believing it’s ok is kind of what I want to hear.
No. 1878950
>>1878917Sorry I didn't know about this one.
>>1878918You're responding to two different anons. And I am taking deep breaths I'm on a walk and it's mostly uphill.
No. 1878963
>>1878941I literally said I don’t have an opinion either way, I’m also bisexual. You’re weirdly antagonistic about this.
>>1878949No, it was a little while ago when I was looking for advice on the matter since my friends are really against it. Not looking for validation but since the topic was up I thought the difference in opinion was funny.
No. 1878994
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Anon who had awful allergic reaction to her medication is alive! I'm alive, I'm alive! The urgent care doctor was quick and to the point but he also tried to initially convince me to take the meds orally to which I responded that I needed a fucking muscle shot in my hip. The first 10 hours thereafter were a gradual climb. By the time I ate dinner the steroids washed over me and the sensation of clam flowed back into my body like a lazy river. Limbs tingling, throat loosening, heart warming, stomach gurgling, sneezing, all my motor functions finally are mine again. On the downside, lot of drooling.
Psych and I had a call and we're kicking lamotrigane to the curb, probably going to replace it with something else. I'm not really up for Vraylar knowing if I lose my insurance I couldn't pay for it, but we'll explore options in a couple weeks when the next appointment falls. I'll take withdrawal till then over not being able to breathe.
This really sucks. Up until the last dosage increase it was helping me by far, I took it in the past, stopped for a few years, not due to an adverse reaction. Tiered up to 100 mg fine and then hit an abnormal wall at 150. Not to trivialize anyone who has gotten the rash but I literally would've taken a milder version of the rash over my throat and mouth swelling shut. If I'd taken it one more night like I planned before I had an ominous feeling it'd worsen, I'd probably have been dragged to the ER needing to foot a $5000 bill or some shit. Thank god it's finally resolved and may it stay resolved and pray it never happens again
No. 1879028
>>1879017kek nona the drug they gave me at the urgent care to counteract lamo was a steroid. I think lamo is an anticonvulsant originally. but it would be funny if it was also a steroid being muted by a steroid
>>1879003I've heard of some bipolar people taking 200mg twice a day (400 mg) and I always swore that was too high a dose for bipolar, but I guess everyone's built different (I don't have epilepsy). my doctor kept telling me that she didn't want to tier me above 200, I said I thought 100 wasn't strong enough and begged her for 150. Kind of wish I'd listened to her and just stayed at 100, added a support drug, but I may as well have had the same reaction eventually. I'm a recovering
self harmer and I really fear that it's changed my bodily chemistry over the years. To some drugs (both pills and narcotics) I have mule tolerance, but others fuck me up hard. I was on a fairly docile potion of lamo and buspirone for a couple years that worked swimmingly for me till I had an abrupt mental breakdown, lost my insurance, and that spiraled into two years of hell. So I tried to get back on lamo without yet adding buspar thinking doc would add it after this dosage and… cue allergic reaction. I'm thinking of testing Abilify because it's cheaper than the other options she's thrown on the table, the only thing I fear is weird antipsychotic fugue and weight gain.
>>1879006I've got history with respiratory shit. not an asthmatic but I've been short of breath since I was a kid. When I fall severely sick it's almost always centralized to my chest and lungs, and I have the nastiest gag reflex. So of course… the first time I have a severe allergic reaction… it's my problem area.
>>1879013My dad who I summoned to help me with the whole thing was being an utter scrote about the hospital debt that it'd accrue, I've got a complicated situation with the insurance, and I'm jobless right now. I see where he's coming from rationally, but god I was fed up with his emotional dry well of a passive aggressive asshole reaction by the end.
No. 1879029
>>1879011>>1879015Nothing that bad, just four LTRs and two hookups. When we started to discuss this he basically said that my concerns were entirely logical whereas his issues were irrational and that there is no reasonable justification he can provide for why he feels this way.
He told me that in time I'll get over this and realize that he was only holding me back. I know that he didn't have the best childhood so he has problems with withholding intimacy but still, we were best friends. We shared everything. I know it's unhealthy to feel this way but I wish there was way I could solve this or get some actual insight on the matter. We were each others equals in many ways. I know that there are parts of personality that come off as abrasive but even having that be wholeheartedly accepted by someone with whom I finally thought I had a connection, it's a special kind of pain.
>>1879020I wish I could be calm about this but I just can't bring myself to relax. All of this is exacerbated by the fact that a month ago was his birthday and I decided to do his part of the chores for him and while I was cleaning I found his journal lying around. It was filled my interests and things that I'd like others to do for me like, bring hot cocoa when I am feeling angry or trying this particular restaurant. In my previous relationships I was never shown this sort of care and didn't mind doing these things myself like making my own personal blend of coffee. Not only did he go out of this way to learn all these things about me even though most of what was written was mentioned offhand but he was always so respectful and caring. He has a good circle of friends and he's well-liked wherever he goes. It feels weird having to write all of this out but right now my brain is barely working and I don't know what to do.
>>1879027Honestly I thought this was the case as well and I wish this was the truth but he said he was breaking up with me because the problem was his to bear, it had nothing to do with me and therefore it's a form of abuse to be with someone whom you may begin to resent for something they had no control over. He had therapy and took medication but it didn't work and he said I didn't deserve to be treated this way so he was ending it as amicably as it he could.
No. 1879034
>>1879029You will be okay
nonnie, I am getting through an ex and just try to remember that the universe will always give you what you need and try to distract yourself. Not now doesn't mean forever, you're still young.
No. 1879038
>>1879009I was sad about a similar thing for a month or two and years later am with a guy who basically worships me and the ex still sends a yearly "hi…" message. Whatever you think is peak treatment is only so because its your first decent guy, so you're catastrophizing and imagining its rarer than it is. Keeping notes on what you like is normal. You'll also realize he's not that great if he bitches out so easily. You'll have to sift through some bad dates but you'll be fine in the end.
Also, try the dedicated relationship thread in /g/, newfags
No. 1879087
I want to die there is no meaning in life what’s the point in having a job when you don’t have money a lover when you always feel lonely what’s the point in living if you’re just going to die what’s the point in making things right for them all to go wrong
WHAT IS THE POINT IN THESE COGNITIVE ABILITES IF THEY JUST WANT TO FUCKEN KILL YOU. IF YOU YOU ARE AWARE OF ALL THESE THINGS THAT ARE UNATTAINABLE. It’s really boring in here actually rn. so many creative interests and so little drive or interest for that matter. There is really nothing that interests me. Clothes? Music? Art? Humans??? It is all this shallow vessel to consume Ignorance to ignore the fact life is pointless. Let’s get outta here. Point? To be happy? To have procreate? It’s all going to end up being dust anyways
I feel an unwavering feeling of self doubt and being stuck, I want to die. Be gone. There is no point in being on the hell hole. Why must we procreate into a world full of what ifs. Global warming, war, famine, diseases, corruption, theist goes on I feel as if there is owned to the massacre that is life upon the masses. The process of procreation is beneath us. At this point in time with ivf, AI, and technology there will be no pint in the future for natural life’s not nit will be overrun by AI. There is no reason for our existence. Why would anyone want to live or bring the into this death trap of an existence. Why is there a possibility but no guarantee of an amazing, satisfactory life you can be dead in the noun of an eye there is no idgaf I’m trying too hard. Being alive is disgustingi wan to die. Procreation is disgusting. We are more eloved than that back to my AI point. It’s disgust it’s primal. I hate peopl that can’t say what they want. I may hav trouble sometimes. But not to the extent that some people do, they can’t tell you what you.. they want
No. 1879105
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No. 1879154
>>1879144I’m sorry
nonnie. I’m glad you get it though. It’s indescribable and sounds so silly to other people, but it made me feel like my hardships had some kind of meaning at the time. I wonder if it’s the same impulse that drives people to turn to religion that made us choose fictional characters.
I’m finding it hard to come to terms with the fact that it was all just senseless misery and the world is dull, evil, and lonely. Nobody cares about you in the way you desperately need them to, but at least I could pretend that my husbando did. No. 1879171
>>1879047They’re so full of fucking excuses. I’m the one at work most of the day, i’m too tired, I never learned how, I fixed a leaky pipe once and mow the lawn occasionally which is an even amount of labor as multiple daily-weekly chores. And they’ll pull those all out when you just like, ask them to clean up their beard trimmings or put empty food packages in the trash. The bare minimum. But women can’t have those same excuses, when a family has a dirty home it’s always shame on the mother.
I’ve lost hope with moids! There’s a greater chance I’d meet a leprechaun than find one that’s smart, attractive, not pornsick and not shitty.
No. 1879216
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I fucking hate time wasters on selling platforms. I wish there was a monetary punishment for leading a seller on for several days and requesting additional labor from them just to either ghost them without even a thanks or write back a half assed "hmm maybe I buy it or maybe I don't I'll decide later lol". And then they also start a random unrelated casual conversation like I am responsible for entertaining them? Like I give a shit about what's trendy in your kid's friend circle. honestly kys you selfish pos
No. 1879220
>>1879193Thank you
nonnie. Your comment is making me cry haha. I hope so too, so much. Have a lovely day wherever you are
No. 1879226
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Why am I looking at art schools again like I'm ever gonna really apply. lol. lmao even. I had resigned myself to being an aimless loser I really wish you would stop talking about art school it's killing me inside.
No. 1879249
>>1879245While all that is true and definitely a privilege, remote work can be less productive and more socially isolating. The lack of separation between work and home can also erode boundaries, especially if you don’t have a separate room or work space.
>>1879241 Can you look into hybrid work?
No. 1879288
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"it's an image board we're SUPPOSED to be mean to each other you babies!!" no. It was never this bad before you're insane.
No. 1879482
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I will try to stop being negative. It feels so cringe but I think I need to start writing out and saying positive affirmations every day, I'm so tired of being crippled by anxiety and feeling like a ghost in my own life. I'm not sure how it will go but I also bought an anxiety workbook, I've tried traditional therapy twice before and it did nothing for me, I just want to live my life, I'm getting older and I'm not sure how long I can stay living at home, if I ever get kicked out I will probably be homeless and kill myself. Doing simple things shouldn't be this hard. I have to start believing in myself because no one has ever been there for me, so I'm gonna try dammit.
>>1879473I got a retarded ban as well, I guess you're no longer allowed to all caps scream in the vent thread of all places, we all must type calmly and politely now.
No. 1879493
>>1879028My local non profit Christian hospital doesn’t charge people who are out of work. Typically my insurance only covers 75% of ER bills, but the hospital themselves told me that since I’m unemployed I won’t be responsible for any cost at all and wouldn’t be even if I didn’t have any insurance to cover any percentage. They also treated me extremely well and everyone was extremely kind.
They actually recently went through a restructuring process cause this chain of hospitals used to be terrible kek (was still not for profit and christian). With super mean ass nurses and stuff. I remember googling about them when I got home cause I was surprised how great they were when a few years ago they sucked so bad, turns out they got like an entirely new board of directors with new goals being basically patient comfort above all else and lots of staff sensitivity and kindness trainings. It paid off.
No. 1879560
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Made a coffee at work just to realize my almond milk has gone bad. The expiration date isn't even until the end of the month either what gives… I don't even have time to go to the grocery store until the weekend either ugh
No. 1879566
I realize that being mentally ill has made me a difficult person; I’ve always turned it inward so it presents as self-harm, hatred, and suicidal attempts but I will never take away how painful it must’ve been for my family. And beyond that I know I’ve fucked up in other ways I probably can’t even see since I’m seeing it from the inside. I’ve become avoidant now that I’m living on my own, especially when I’m struggling, but I honestly do make an attempt to reach out to let my close family know that I love them and want to be part of their lives. I feel like despite all this, I will always owe an apology for distancing myself.. even if it’s my attempt at shielding my family from my illness. Logically I know that they have every right to feel the way they do but I wish just once that they would reach out to me, just giving me the benefit of the doubt that I am struggling. My actions don’t exist in a vacuum, I have learned to distance myself because I grew up the eldest daughter, gifted-to-burnout-to severely mentally ill, I know they hate to see me hurting but no one thinks about how it must feel to be on my side of things. Ignored, invalidated, and then expected to show up and demand love and support. I will never be able to convince anyone that if I could just get better, I would. I’ve started wondering if all they really want is for me to fake it. I’m not useful to anyone so I might as well not exist. I feel so lonely and it hurts. Sorry for the huge wall of text
No. 1879659
>>1879615Put that mania to work,
nonnie! Way to go
No. 1879681
>>1879603This is why I've forbid my sister from casually talking to me about her moid KEK like unless it's something serious or you're telling me that you're going out somewhere I don't want to hear it idgaf
>>1879632This has happened to me with almost every single friendship I had growing up, it makes it hard to trust people when you know they're going to drop you like a hot potato as soon as a moid comes around
No. 1879780
>>1879354Samefag but it turned out they got what I meant and weren't dissuaded.
I'm glad, but I still wish I wasn't so terrible with speaking.
No. 1879784
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Change is genuinely so stressful to me I fucking hate having to buy new shit I just want the same phone/puter whatever til the day I die reeeeeeeee! Am I actually autistic this is seriously so distressing to me I hate change I want to cry
No. 1880006
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am i retarded? i'm going out to get lunch with a guy and then we're going to his place after, later this week. when we talked about where to go for lunch, for some reason i suggested our fucking campus food court (think like mall food court essentially - not dining hall). i feel kind of stupid for not thinking of somewhere off-campus. like, this almost feels a little TOO casual. i wish i let him come up with it, because i probably could have done that. too late now, i guess.
No. 1880106
>>1879245I like being able to socialize and having a reason to get out of my bed and house every single day. I get so lazy when I am just stuck in the house. I dislike being holed up. It's straining but I need it.
>>1879249I could try, but tbh remote just might be my best bet at the moment.
No. 1880201
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Why do I always have to ask my uni friends to meet up or hang out? At a certain point I'm tired of being like, "hey if you're not busy I would love to meet up but no pressure! UwU" Like. You know what!? Maybe sometimes, yes pressure! Can somebody be excited to see me for a change? I know that people are busy but I'm tired of doing the initiative (and I'm busy too but I make time, tf!?). I don't mind reminding people that it's been a long time since we met up, but I wish that they wanted to make plans of their own volition and not because I ask them to. It's the sincerity of it all. I want someone to be happy to see me of their own accord, not because I remind them they're a hermit and that it would be good to upkeep our friendship.
I have half a mind to just not initiate contact and see how long the radio silence continues, but I know it's also not good for me to be bitter and resentful like that. My character flaw is thinking people care about me just like I do about them and usually it's not the case. In some ways I've become chill about it (compared to high-school me), but in other ways I can't let go. I just want reciprocity. Once or twice. A crumb. Come on!!
No. 1880220
nonnie same
No. 1880246
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To cut a very long and fucked story short.
Get essentially thrown out of shared tenancy flat by abusive ex partner (too afraid to return for a couple weeks. Get spare key from letting agents and go in to retrieve phone as has all my banking etc on. Phone was in ex name but I'd been paying it to him monthly.
He has blocked the phone up in some way. Neverless I take it to stop him giving it away etc so we can maybe come to an agreement where I keep paying him. He insists to everyone I sneaked in and stole from him, blocks any attempt I have to enter flat and retrieve belongings. At this point locks have been changed due to my "theft" fast forward way too fucking long and I managed to enter a discussion about buying the phone and I give it back to him in good faith to restore. Occurs to me I would be better off getting a new contract than paying his demands of rest of phone so I say I'm not bothered about it anymore but please can I get into flat to collect everything that's mine. He flipped his shit at this and after showing me how he had downloaded my entire icloud told me in my opinion quite obviously he was going to sell the phone with all my personal nudes on. So having reported this to police I somewhat understood that as he never stated that intent explicitly they couldn't charge him. Anyway after some back and forth I receive this and call asking if this was enough of a threat and to please not send out officers if I'd be told the same shit again. The response was "oh no this changes things" only the police told me they would simply go talk to him but apparently revenge porn has to be about making it public? And not an idle threat to one family member. No mention of this in any info online (scotland law) I don't really necessarily believe he would do this but I'm constantly sweating, panicking and breaking down at my work right now because he used this as means to control me before and nobody seems to care. How fucking explicit or specific does it have to be to co stotute a threat.
No. 1880251
>>1880242It's amazing the treatment these golden children get. I moved in with my guys family in order to save to buy, and the badmouthing we got off his aunt yesterday for not doing all the housework, everyone's washing, cooking everyone's dinner and not paying rent. Now my partner isn't working and hasn't been for a few months. Awful mental state and his family constantly goad him for being useless and unemployed whilst his unwashed brother has slept on the couch claiming benefits and oddly enough not paying rent for years. We stay in one room and I won't eat any food that I didn't pay for despite bring constantly nagged to eat by his mother. House is literal hoarder levels dirty. Like obese father getting piss puddles and actual poo on bathroom floor) his dad even said yesterday to his face and in front of a friend that my man should have just died at birth.
anyway fuck them none can explain why his brother lives full board rent free but we are expected to pay. I wouldn't mind at all but it's not one rule for us.
No. 1880349
>>1880246If he has your belongings and isn’t letting you get them you can call the police to have an officer escort you in and get your things. Make sure to report what you have just incase he hides items of yours and you can have him charged with theft. For the nudes part look into government websites that are used to database photos and report them as revenge porn so they can have a file on him. You can also report that he’s using your nudes as a way to extort you because of the phone payment and threatening your family by saying he’ll print them and show up to your moms house to plaster them there. Look into how your state manages these laws and after this all blows over file a restraining order against him so people can see how much of a piece of shit he is on his record.
Here’s a link for a website that might be able to create a hash to take down your images if they’re posted and here’s another link incase you have both been together for a while and sent photos of yourself while underage No. 1880599
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not replying back to a girlie who needs me sorry I'm working so hard all I wanna do is hit you back but I have 0 stamina
I actually hate this cause I know we're copacetic I'm sorry to neglect you babes
No. 1880682
>>1880633This is my everyday at this point. In the US cars can turn right even on red so they use it as an excuse to race up to the turn and take it without looking. The amount of times I’ve nearly been run over on a well lit crosswalk, with the crosswalk light on and wearing high vis (literal fucking neon vest) and still almost been hit is way too high.
How much trouble would I be in if I had a rock to throw at them for attempting to murder me or a spray can to mark them as an attempted murderer? I was thinking of setting up a website and naming and shaming them, it’d be what they deserve since they treat life so cheap.
No. 1880705
I want to vent about a personal horrorcow. I'm tired of being the only one to know about this shit.
>found out about the "pediverse" community on mastodon
>checked it out out of morbid curiosity
>tons of trannies/men, but also one female user who self-identifies as a MAP, hybristophile, pedosadist, zoosadist, etc
>used to hang out on twitter (nsfwtwt and others)
>left twitter after spamming gore of animals being stepped on/crushed to her friends
>used to self-identify as a "femcel", but stopped because CC and LC are full of transphobes (kek)
>identifies as "transage" 6 year old, made tons of posts crying about not being attractive enough for pedophiles as a child
>posted shout-outs to zoosadists mentioned on kiwi farms
>justified zoosadism by saying "animals can have kinks too, and some humans are such attentive, caring owners that they can clue into that, so it's not unethical" and said she hoped a man jailed for raping at least one child and brutally raping/killing/torturing multiple puppies, kittens, etc is safe and happy
>posted SFW pictures of various "child models" and idolized them, complained about how hard it is to find CP on the clearnet, etc
I didn't take screenshots when I should've, as a lot of what I saw ranged from sick to just pathetic. The community I saw her on got deleted, so I don't know where she or the rest of them are now. She's mentioned being afraid she'll end up exposed on lolcow or KF, so there's a chance she'll see this, but I don't really care. I hope people she knows IRL find out and ruin her life.
No. 1880725
>>1880668Nonnie this means it worked. You did good
triggering all those coomerino moids. Keep fighting the good fight, oh beautiful anon.
No. 1880745
>>1880732sounds like
nonnie is gay anyway
>>1880729anon i understand totally. but i truly believe that our undesirability is not because others find us ugly but because we believe that we are. i have seen ugly people win everyone over with charm and personality and by making the best of a bad situation. but when others like us feel ugly, we cut ourselves off from others and don't allow ourselves to be vulnerable, and i think people assume that means we want to be left alone.
also if you really want a gf, i found that women are a lot less shallow but you have to be very forward. i know it's scary, but it's worth it. a year ago, i managed to find someone cute to love me though even though my arms are truly disfigured, i have loose skin from weight loss, and i'm aging badly. we're still together! i don't feel ugly around her.
No. 1880760
>>1880745Your partner must love you so much, you totally don't sound like you hate yourself despite costantly repeating how uglyass you are.
I'm sure he's thrilled by your absolute body confidence.
(pointless infighting) No. 1880766
>>1879306>>1879196Honestly, you're not missing anything. At least 95% of the ones who seem "nice" will still switch things up once they have you hooked.
>>1879306It's like this over the whole internet. Zoomers are always looking for a fight, a way to virtue signal, or a way to status signal even on anonymous image boards.
No. 1880770
>>1880768Shit, you're right. It's a "lesbian".
Tis is an ugly teenager talking about her best friend.
(pointless infighting) No. 1880773
>>1879473You're not alone, I've also been here for years and got the exact same ban in this thread. I had the audacity to write a couple of sentences in caps because I'm at risk of being homeless and going through a stressful period. Apparently this is a grave mistake and we can't show any ounce of emotion even in the vent thread as
>>1879482 said. Some people just can't realize we're not all retarded neets whose only achievement in life is being a janny on an imageboard and we have actual lives that don't consist of scrolling this place 24/7. That's okay though, just accept it as the hilarious seething it is and don't let it ruin your mood.
No. 1880787
nonny. Where is the guy from? I remember a few years ago I got harassed by a scrote from 4chan and I had to throw away my computer and everything, it scared me so much. I never used 4chan again after that.
No. 1880795
>>1880785Can you stalk him back? Post his info on Craigslist? Perhaps even report him to the police?
You could also post misleading information on your social media.
No. 1880805
>>1880793That's so bad, I'm sorry
Nonnie. Did he send you any kind of files/links? Maybe he put some kind of virus/spyware in it? Or did you tell him your socials?
No. 1880834
>>1880800No, I didn’t take it to anyone. I just factory reset everything on my pc then left it in my cupboard for ages. I was very mentally fragile as I was a child at the time and I had lost a parent a year or so prior so I was very unwell, hence the reason I was using 4chan. I was scared what these adults were capable of doing to me, especially if they knew where I lived, as one of them lived about an hour’s drive from me.
>>1880805No, I didn’t tell him/them any socials or anything like that, so I suspect they put spyware on my computer via a file or website they sent me
No. 1880861
>>1880745Thanks anon. I want to have hope, but it’s so hard because I’m a pretty realistic person and I just don’t see it in the cards for myself. It would be hard enough to find a non-troon SSA woman, then she’d have to be my type, then she’d have to actually find me appealing, and with each step it becomes less and less likely. People say to try dating apps but when you’re as ugly in the face as I am, that’s a complete dead end, plus, I just can’t connect with people over text.
>>1880764Kek yeah i don’t know about women either. And yeah you got it right I’m bi not les, but I’m really not interested in dating moids in general so yeah I’m limited to women which is slim pickings nowadays when every cute GNC woman has a gender identity or has hopped on testosterone.
>>1880821That’s what I’ve heard, yeah… it also feels hypocritical that I myself am pretty picky (not necessarily attractiveness-wise, for some reason I crush on women who aren’t conventionally attractive, but it’s still a pretty specific physical type). I also just feel like I have no appeal even in my personality or style. I try so hard to be stylish or cool, but I just always look retarded in any clothes I wear since I have short legs and have no charisma that could make up for my ugliness.
I try to convince myself I can live a full life without ever feeling love or even the romantic/sexual touch of another person but I just don’t think I can. I’ve been crying at night lately because I’m so lonely and touch starved and I just wish I had a woman to give my love to. Because I have a lot of love inside but nowhere for it to go, which is so painful it can be excruciating…
No. 1880867
My mom has talked about dying a lot lately and it freaks me the fuck out, it's not like she is sick or saying it in a depressing way - she just says things like "with the way the world is going I'm happy there I don't have to live much longer", "[my niece] is 20 now and [my nephews] are 18! If I'm unlucky any future great grandchild might turn 20 before it's my time!", "It's good my apartment renovations ended up looking so good, I don't mind living on for another few years with this", etc. with a huge smile and a laugh, or laughing emojis if it's through text. It's quite morbid. She says she is fine when you check on her, so idk what's going on and if tell her to not say that she just laughs and waves it away.
She's in her early 70's, but she's fairly healthy (she has mild chronic obstructive pulmonary disease that mostly affects her when she walks uphill), she has a very active social life, are in two associations and mostly pretty energic. Loves going out in nature either to just wander or picking mushrooms and berries. Pretty much all women in our family lives until we're over 90 (grandma died just two years ago), so it's not like she's gonna drop dead anytime soon.
No. 1880893
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I just wanna cry my lungs out in someone's arms (preferably my mom's or my bff's) and tell me everything is going to be ok, but I hate crying in front of someone so guess I'll do it alone. I should study too…
No. 1881068
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I can’t believe I got dumped for playing video games with another guy.
No. 1881077
>>1881068You're free now,
No. 1881116
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>need to work out
>feeling too exhausted to work out
>give up and just take a shower
>feel energized, could exercise just fine
>can't get dirty cause just showered
Every time, every fucking time. I'll just start exercising right after taking a shower, I'll take a hundred showers a day if needed.
No. 1881130
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I know it's a privilege in a way and I am lucky, but it still weirds me out a bit that so many women say, "all women are harassed, it's a universal female experience". I can't relate. It has never happened to me. The last time a man spoke to me this year he was just trying to get by me in an aisle and he cracked a joke about being worried that I'd beat him up if he wasn't polite. I was wearing a mask and normal clothes. I've heard similar before and nobody has tried to pick a fight with me. I am kind of…big (tall, muscular, wide bone structure) and sometimes I just wonder if I don't count as a woman sometime–and I am ashamed of this intrusive thought and I don't believe it at all. However, I'd be lying if I didn't feel bad about being so accidentally scary? I try make myself as small and unobtrusive as possible. The last time I had any confidence I was 15 and still fat and…I realize that I probably will never have any.
No. 1881176
>>1881108I could not believe my eyes. Just right there under the table. It looked like he was taking screenshots and then sending them via chat to somebody. With all the regional directors in the room???
I guess what surprised me is he seemed like the really serious, normal type compared to all the other autists in the branch.
No. 1881200
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>"women with bushes are unhygienic, it's disgusting"
>"actually pubic hair prevents infection, reduces friction, and is more hygienic than having it completely shaved"
>"oh really i had no idea"
moids are so fucking stupid, where the fuck do they get the audacity to open their big mouths about shit they literally know nothing about and act like their opinions are the ones that matter the most
No. 1881208
>>1881173I used to be like this and I did find a man that wanted to marry me. I realised that my problem wasn't that I was 5'11 and lifted weights, it was my social demeanor. I'm shy and anxious in social situations and I cope with this by acting aloof and disinterested.
>>1881200Hanging hairy, sweaty balls are far more disgusting than an unshaved vagina could ever be.
No. 1881260
>>1881254once I complained about how an ex cheated, I immediately got comments saying "Instead of blaming the man you should've just worked out" which was odd considering I didn't have a single picture of myself but literally had abs when I was dating this guy because it was in college and I was on 3 sports teams. When I pointed this out he claimed the other women just have better personalities/more in common, then when I pointed out the other woman was the sterotypical morbidly obese kai gendie tumblr girl who was unbearable they claimed that me getting mad at them for blaming me for a man cheating on me was proof I was just crazy with nothing to offer so what else was he supposed to do than cheat on me….because I got mad at being blamed that a man cheated on me kek
and no one would dare blame a moid if a woman cheated, regardless of her reasoning
No. 1881291
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having to be off my old psych med cold turkey till I change to the new med in a week is turning me into a fucking loopy cunt, I'm alternating dreams between the world disintegrating around me salvador dali style and extremely kinky sex dreams
No. 1881356
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I’ve my dog for over a year (rescue, she’s 10). She’s never shit inside a house. Not even once. She’s had like a handful of accidents where she peed in her dog bed cause I slept in and didn’t let her out in time - my fault. Well today I take her to my parents and walk her around to see if she’s gotta go before going inside, she doesn’t need to, nbd she always asks when she does. Well 30 min after arriving she just pops a squat and eyeballs my mom and squeezes out a turd - thankfully my mom noticed and was like “excuse me dog what are you doing? No!” And she dropped her turd on the tile and not the carpet like she was fixing to. But wtf? I took her out after and she took a huge dump. But she didn’t indicate she wanted out at all, she just immediately chose to get schwifty. We visit their place all the time. It wasn’t diarrhea or weird poop just a normal turd. Dogs are somethin else kek
No. 1881374
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dreamt i had a healthy family life, a steady work life with no great pain, a great social life and with my childhood friend, a genuinely loving romantic life??? there was one part there where we recorded a video and it was on the same level as those dead-wife flashbacks in movies.
i'm a fat and very ill neet who is isolated and on the internet alot, no irl friends and very few online friends and my mother was very abusive. not to mention my childhood friend, he was an internet moid from the balkans who i met on minecraft like 13-14 years ago and never met IRL because of my neetdom and my mental illness- he was a shithead but i used to bpdsperg at him alot. hurt him bad last year. (but i'm over him)
a sad life but not a selfpity fest just pointing out the irony… lol. i feel like i peeped into another timeline nonnas. i actually woke up and said "what the fuck" aloud
No. 1881376
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My colonoscopy came out clear and I'm so happy! But the procedure itself was terrible, there were moments when I thought I would pass out from pain. But I wanted to go through it anyway because I don't have insurance and if I asked them to stop the procedure I would have to pay the price anyway, and it was a lot. Also I don't get it, if everything is all right there WHY does it hurt so much so often and my belly is constantly bloated? I always thought my belly was fat, but turned out it's just bloated all the time; after I drank 4 liters of that disgusting shit that clears your guts in preparation for colonoscopy, and I shat and farted it all out, my stomach got totally flat in one day. What the hell. I thought I was fat.
No. 1881385
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Unfulfilled sexual tension! Spent all day fantasising again and now I feel worse
No. 1881499
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I was about to cook some cube steak yeah I know cube steak for breakfast is weird but I don't have much else in my kitchen that I can cook quickly to make a breakfast for myself, but my brain has fully convinced me that it has rabies so I can't eat it. Keep in mind I ate some of this same meat last night. Now I'm just weighing it I should waste it or eat it anyway despite knowing how much anxiety it will be causing me later. I'll just throw it outside in the forest for the animals to eat and make myself a egg sandwich.
No. 1881503
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How do I deal with narcissists who not only has an unbearable attitude, but also sucks up to the profs, which in turn lets them get away with being a shitty person? This bitch in my uni's a fucking roach. She's loud in class and also makes weird ass noises in the middle of a discussion just to ellicit a reaction from people. Not only that but she's grade conscious as well but ALWAYS uses chatgpt (too obvious), and sneers at anyone who raises their hand when its not her or her hugbox during lectures. Then she whines to other people about being the victim, and of course some people believe her. Lets not forget that she also openly calls our korean classmate stupid and useless, Takes her food and tells her to not to be mad or tell the prof, even when it's shown that our classmate didn't like what she did. Oh but don't question it, it's just the way she is! How dare you not consider HER feelings? Bitch's so petty, she took a photo of me and my friend returning library books, planning to tell on us (childish ifkr?) because we "didnt do" the reading asignment we were given us at the library (she did it just to get us into trouble. We looked for copies online because the books are a pain to carry) The prof nagged at us for it.
But when the roach's friend returned her books because "she looked for something else to read" (that's her only reason) the prof praised her for it. I fucking hate how our boomer professors believed her sap story, and makes it obvious that they think anyone against that bitch boolying her. She cried because people didn't like her raunchy attitude and that's it, she gets the pass. But don't mind her being a snitch and getting others in trouble for no reason and DO NOT criticize her for talking shit and being shady because that just means you're assuming things about poor wittle her.
Fun fact: She got caught having sex in a public area in her dorm building AND got kicked out. Worst part is the land lord gave her money just so that she and her moid can get tf outta there and afford to hump each other at a motel KEK. What does she do while she does damage control? Tell people that she's planning to get a dorm at our uni (which didn't exist, because our uni does not provide any for our major) what's embarrassing was a student asked about it and it wasn't available. She's staying with one of her friends now cause she has no choice kek.
She truly feels like she's the center and victim of the universe, when she's the one constantly whispering, talking shit for no reason and drawing attention to herself. Our profs aren't helping either. They make it obvious that they are on her side, even when she's previously said terrible things about them online and irl. istg boomers are so dense.
I'm from a SEA country. Im SEA too and where im from, people here tolerate ratchet attitudes. It gets excused for being "real". Bitch isn't real, In fact, the mental gymnastics she does is insane.
Basically, while me and other people are carrying on with our lives, she still does petty shit just cause she couldn't get over the fact that some people don't like her horrible personality. Because anyone that disagree's with her are "Pulling me down!" Let's not get started on her posts on facebook about de ebil haturz. One peek at it and you can tell bitch's still playing the victim. FFS if she lived anywhere else, she'd get bullied for being an unbearable cunt. As much as it angers me, I worry more about my friends, who are lowkey being ganged on by her, her circlejerk you call her friends, and some profs. Some teachers make shady remarks about my friends who mostly just listen in class, while that bitch still gets to make weird comments, loud noises, and a pass. Doesn't help that some of my profs are lowkey racist to the korean student too. Its so fucking unprofessional ugh. Shit's messed up and i hope it jus gets better soon fr. It's been like this for over a year.
No. 1881554
God, I hate living in the city. If it’s ever even somewhat nice out, I can’t open my windows for long because everyone is taking advantage of the weather to do yard work. Mowers, weed whackers, leaf blowers. Ugh. In the summer, the air reeks of hot garbage. I can’t go half a block without a few people hassling me for a dollar or a cigarette. I really don’t care about being close to shops, restaurants, and bars. Only cheap crap to buy, shitty food, and I don’t drink. I don’t understand the assertion that city dwellers are more progressive when everybody here lives like rats, all on top of each other and spreading disease.
No. 1881561
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No. 1881614
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>Cook a nice hot meal for my husband's little brother as a nice gesture
>Won't take a break to eat, he's so video game addicted that he doesn't even look up when I bring the food to his desk
>Waits for food to get cold before eating it, doesn't say a word to me
Why do I even bother cooking for him? And then if we don't feed him he just sits there and drinks cola and monster energy all day. The icing on the cake is that he hasn't slept in over TWO DAYS. I'm not exaggerating. We go to sleep and wake up and he's still at the PC. He just plays this shitty video game all day without sleeping or eating.
No. 1881617
>>1881523glad I'm not the only one
it's weird because I know I'm mature now but I can't help that feeling,weird shit
No. 1881621
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Everyday I come on TikTok and I’m reminded that this feminism stuff is only a lolcow thing. This homeless man has a history of crime against women and gofund me blocked him getting 400k that was raised for him and yet the comment section is 99% women saying he deserves the money because “it was all in the past”
No. 1881631
>>1881602I'm the same, I can't get rid of
toxic mentality of vulnerability = weakness and I never let anything show. I guess it's because I was too vulnerable and sensitive when I was younger and I'm going the opposite direction as a coping mechanism.
No. 1881634
>>1881130Nona, ill take what u said as face value and assume ur actually considered ugly or too manly.
I hate the "all women get catcalled, harassed etc" thing becuz women are not a monolith. It is something we bond over like periods, but women are not defined by it, just like periods. Ugly women do get harassed too, but i know pretty girls who also never got harassed simply becausr of the places they hang out etc. Not getting harassed does NOT show anything about your looks, let alone womanhood. You are a woman and you experience misogyny. Maybe not in terms of sexual oppression but you probably still suffer ridicule from not fitting the submissive uwu petite standard, and you still might experience people looking down on your intelligence because of your gender.
Even if you ABSOLUTELY deal with any amount of misogyny, you are still a woman. And men wanting to fuck us or not is not the indicative of whether we are woman enough.
Ok also im also an ugly woman (tall for my country, extreme skinnines due to anachanism and a LOT of hair loss due to the same reason - i have the hairline and bald spots of a 35 year old man. Im 23). If ur straight and wanna have sex or have a relationship, u can still find a bf. I did, even though im sure im much uglier than you. If youre a lesbian, ur market is even larger.
Im 90℅ sure ur just a average "big" woman and not hideous. But even if u are hideous, i hope u relate to me and my words
No. 1881661
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>>1881379Reminds me of those women who tart themselves up to go online and complain about other women or do some shitty ‘feminist’ lecture
No. 1881702
>>1881621This is why I hate most other women unironically, we are never getting out of patriarchy because of these idiots who refuse to wake up from their delusional dreamy slumber of current day “equality”.
> toxic people can bring out the toxic in others This one sounds like she’s partnered with a moid with a DV record and THIS is what he told her. It reeks of cope. If he has a history of abuse he will abuse you too, you retarded pickme traitor. Considering the majority of women still ride for moids before other women I think it’s fair to say that feminism is doomed. Most young girls I see on antiporn subreddits who seem so close to getting it claim to be men and will get you banned for being a
>>1881662If it was a homeless woman then scrotes would do the generous favor of offering her money after they rape her. Then they’d claim that they did a good thing because they helped a homeless woman through prostitution.
No. 1881735
>>1881621How can men ever claim that women live on easy mode when some homeless fucktard get free money
because he’s a useless waste of space, he doesn’t even have to take his clothes off!
No. 1881751
>>1881631It's frustrating, like I tend to overcompensate and then my boyfriend wants us to go somewhere just because I said I wanted to go there, but then I feel needy for having him going out of his way. And I feel like I can't be open with him or just leave a simple random text while he's working, because I'm thinking about the fact he's busy, but I want to talk to him about random things. I'm being so reserved. I told my boyfriend I'm purposely putting myself in situations where I can't be vulnerable and I'm crying about the fact, he asks me what I need from him and I just break down more because it makes me even more ashamed.
I'd like him to be more confident and dominant, but then I think about the huge negative of having a more dominant boyfriend would be abuse. His little hangup is thinking if there were a fire, I'd be the one to go into it, mainly because my field of work has me trained to run towards danger. Like, he's aware I have this sense of hyper-independence and his view of it is that I'm more masculine than him.
No. 1881784
>>1881732Was he always like this? How long has it been like that? Somehow fuck with the internet so hes forced to interact with you, if it doesnt change then you need to leave. Either youre raising a son that will think this is how you can treat women, or youre raising a daughter who will think that its okay to be treated like this.
You need to leave, if not for yourself then for your kid/s
No. 1881791
>>1881732Idk how women keep falling for the SAHM meme in 2024 tbh. You should always find a way to have your own income no matter what.
>>1881784He probably started showing his ass once he trapped her with the baby. Scrotes tend to do that.
No. 1881804
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Seeing Enty of Crazy Days and Nights exposed and then seeing his pathetic underlings and worshipers rush to defend him insofar as to claim Scientology is conspiring against him reminds me that women will never have any solace when accusing men of abuse.
All this fuckery to defend some fat bald man who steals internet gossip from other sites and reposts it as if it's his own. I hope he's sued into oblivion and never knows peace again.
No. 1881806
>>1881732Seconding the suggestion to get a WFH job, even entry level. Make a new bank account, don't tell your husband about it. You'll need $50 or so to start a new checking account, but you need to start financially disentangling yourself from him ASAP. Explain the gap on your resume however you need to, tap friends or whoever for letters of recommendation and just get some data entry type job. You can even offer to relocate for a full time position depending on what job you can secure. This will be a much better use of your time than hitting up Discord scrotes. Once you have built up a bit of income, divorce him, don't ask, just serve him papers. Being a SAHM is an emergency. You don't need a man to romance you, you need income and security for yourself and your child. If there was no child, my advice would be different, but you have to understand you're in a bad position right now and you should try to escape from it immediately.
No. 1881809
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>>1881804The initial tweets exposing his identity said he had more
victims, I remember. Fuck this faggot. I'd post in celebricows but he's not technically a celebrity No. 1881849
>>1881838Even if she ended up alone, its one less person she has to do shit for as a sahm. I know its easier to say since I'm not in that situation but I would choose to be alone getting child support over staying with such a pathetic excuse of a man that I'm having to pick up for. If they had shared custody she could go out with friends and actually live life instead of sitting at home desperately hoping he looks at her. She even said herself she has no time to get out of the house.
Nona if you can join mum and bub groups and go do things with other women in your area. Join Peanut or bumble friends.
No. 1881851
>>1881732How long has this being going on? If it's a relatively new behaviour, it sounds like he's going through a difficult situation at work and doesn't have the energy to do anything else once he gets home. While it's a shitty thing to do, playing WOW or video games in general is a low effort way of relieving stress. Try talking to him and find out what is happening at work. If necessary tell him to look for another job.
If he is a decent man, and I'm assuming he is because you married him and had children, you should think twice before throwing away your relationship and becoming a single mother. If it's work that's making him miserable then he probably feels increased pressure from needing to provide for his family.
No. 1881855
>>1881816Once women stop being pickmes and falling for the defective males ruses, this shit will end. But they won't ever stop because the gayopp of needed a husband and kids to be a complete woman is just too strong for most of them.
>>1881851KEK. Man some of you guys are hopeless. A decent man wouldn't just stop being decent because he's got the sads from work. He's just showing her his true nature.
No. 1881893
>>1881732How was his life before you started living together? I mean, did he live like a responsible adult?
He probably is tired/stressed out but he also seems childish and egocentric. I'd say he's resentful because he works and you "do nothing" from his point of view.
No. 1881905
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>>1881851Women will come home from a full day of workplace abuse and still cook a meal, give blowjobs, and do the kids’ homework. Leave the “muh job” excuse in 1950.
>>1881893>you "do nothing" from his point of viewNo doubt about that. Most scrotes have lived their whole lives on the unpaid domestic and emotional labor of their mothers to their partners. That’s why when a scrote get divorced without a new young thing lined up to baby him, he becomes a depressed mess eating canned chili, drinking alone, skid marks in his underwear.
No. 1881918
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having a very teenaged problem because of my retarded adult braces. i have a powerband that turned BRIGHT YELLOW because my mom literally won't stop using turmeric in every dish and inb4 someone tells me to cook myself i literally do but we switch sometimes and i love her but it's like she doesn't know any recipe that doesn't include it. omfg i'm so embarrassed. i'm seeing a girl in two days and i have these dumbass braces in this state i'm soooo sick. i'm borderline about to cancel because i was already dreading it and scared of spilling my spaghettis everywhere in front of her and now my braces are yellow as fuck. am i sharon from braceface right now. god this is so humiliating.
>mfw i get blinded by the bright ass yellow elastic in my mouth after looking in the mirror
No. 1881933
>>1881855I said "I assume" because I'm trusting anon's judgement. It could be possible that he's another ape man child that was able to hide his true nature until she was tied down. Nothing in her post indicates this though.
Some of you have zero experience with relationships and it shows. This thread is now a circlejerk for the terminally online and probably forever alone to screech "BASED!" at each other like an autistic celebratory ritual because some poor anon was looking for advice. Long term relationships have times when they're great and times when they're not. As long as the relationship hasn't crossed into being
abusive, it's preferable to try and talk through the issue. Divorce also isn't a fun day out, if anon and her husband are miserable now, it will get ten times worse during a divorce.
No. 1881941
>>1881933>As long as the relationship hasn't crossed into being abusiveNeglect is
abusive. Cheating is inevitable if he continues to disengage from his family life. But sure, tell a woman with child she should waste more years of her life *~manifesting~* a man to change even though he has zero motivations or consequences.
No. 1881955
>>1881934Because it's true. Very few of the replies to the OP were helpful or genuine because these people lack the maturity and social awareness to know how to appropriately respond.
>>1881941Understand her options. Keep in mind that all we have is what is written in her post.
Is this a new?
No -> Divorce because she's never going to be happy and he's never going to change
Yes -> Why has his behaviour changed?
He was hiding his true nature -> Divorce
He is stressed and tired from work -> Can he find another job? -> Are you prepared to lower your standard of living so he can have a less pressured job? -> Are you prepared to get a job?
Yes - Talk it through with him
No - Divorce
No. 1881963
>>1875189If this nona is here. Turns out you may be right. I went to my doctor and they said it sounds like seizures. I'm booked into get scanned and see a specialist next week. You might have saved my life.
This is gonna suck but a least I know I don't stink
No. 1882009
>>1881975>>1881977Thanks! Yeah if it wasn't for this anon-ness of this space I wouldn't have been able to ask anyone. Like you can't just go up to a friend IRL and ask "do I smell bad?", "how about now?", "I defo smelled something, please stop trying to make me feel good I need to know" everyday without sounding crazy.
My doctor said if it's caught earlier it can be pretty treatable. So here's hoping.
No. 1882030
>>1882016I had this with my ex-bf. He had a hard stressful job tbf and I'd always listen to him, comfort him and he even cried around me. I supported and listened to him always. Whenever I opened up to him about my problems he gave me some hugs and like listened but never empathised. Lots of "I'm sorry", "that's wild" or a shitty hug. Half the hugs he'd feel my butt a little like he'd think penis is a solution to my problems. It's like women's feelings are just hysteria but his are real.
I confronted him about it after I dumped him and he used the excuse that he didn't know how to deal with that. We were together three years, fucking learn instead of thinking with your dick.
No. 1882065
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>>1882041I watched BladeRunner 2049 a while ago. Ryan Gosling is a robot man who comes back home to his hologram waifu and she listens to him and talks about his day. Sometimes I want just that. Cool guy chats to me, listens to me and because he's a hologram I don't feel like he's just listening me so he can try have sex with me later. I'd make mine a bit snarky, maybe an English butler thing going on. I just want someone to talk to without it being a prelude to sex.
No. 1882071
>>1882043For moids it's just pull the happy stick and it releases good chemicals. They don't get it at all.
>do moids genuinely think thisI've had bfs who can think beyond their penis. I don't know if it's genuine or they are better at hiding it. Not sure which is worse kek.
No. 1882102
>>1881963omg now i'm getting scared because for the past months but especially these past few days/weeks i've been smelling this weird nauseatingly sweet scent that seemingly comes and goes out of nowhere, no matter where i go. since i'm a retard with psychosis i just attributed it to a sign of "bad news" because i've been coincidentally getting bad news everytime it happened to me. so now when i feel it coming i try not to breathe in and let it pass or i'll smell it and "manifest" something kek. it's like babypowder but sweet i don't know how to describe it. at least it's pleasant. unfortunately i can't afford even a visit to a generalist let alone a neurologist so i'm really hoping it's nothing. i'm a total hypochondriac spaz and an anon scared the shit out of me when she said
it's a sign of having a tumor. i really hope it's nothing serious for us both anon and i'm sincerely saying that. wishing you health and safety
No. 1882138
>>1882088 , join us on the dark side of husbando bots.
No. 1882207
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>>1881809NTA but THIS scrote is the one trying to control women’s weights? The fucking nerve to even have physical standards for women when you look like this. The woman in picrel is so far out of his league it’s not even funny.
No. 1882240
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No. 1882246
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The absolute calm and serenity of knowing someone has ruined their future beyond repair but are too horrible of a person to realize
No. 1882262
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My boyfriend reposted a meme about getting in a mood when you put your playlist on shuffle and a song that used to be you and your ex’s song. I asked him if he missed her and he said “kind of.” I’m not gonna lie I’m about to blow my fucking brains out
No. 1882277
>>1882207nevermind this is the fucker who had the audacity to constantly be slut and looks shaming actresses well over the part of the last two decades of him running his blog?
I always knew he had to be hideous but he really is such a sad little toad.
No. 1882283
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My pussy's too small for my bf
No. 1882286
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I am honestly the most depressed I have been in a long time and I don't know what to do to improve my situation. I've been trying to find better work, eat healthy, exercise and use the internet less, but damn I am still depressed as shit. I don't even know what would make it better in life. I don't even know what I want.
No. 1882309
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i wish there were social programs (in the us) for young people/people fresh out of college to get them on their feet. i'm talking 21 ~ 26, that early - early mid twenties demographic…i'm not as well-read on politics and economics as i'd like to be, but maybe a stipend of ~$700 monthly if you have a degree and/or a guaranteed shitty gov job in your field (that paid just enough to let you get your own tiny apartment or whatever) would be great.
it just pisses me off that you don't get shit, NO help whatsoever unless you shit out a kid or are a drooling sped, if you're trying to better yourself and dig out of the hole being born into poverty causes you are just fuck out of luck
No. 1882317
>>1882315>I'd be happy even if I got government help getting a job.>I have some skills but I am an utter sperg when it comes to job interviews and I shoot myself in the foot every time I open my retard mouth.same holy shit. i get interviews so i can't be an issue with my resume, i pass take-homes and hackerranks so it can't be a problem with my skills (and even if it were, i do love my field so i'd be excited to plug up my many gaps wrt it off the clock), it's just me kek…companies do not like
me because i am poor at selling myself…you don't have to apologize at all, i feel very seen. game is so stacked against people without charisma or social skills
No. 1882381
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>>1882370you can't prompt for anti-woman/female/etc. quotes but you can't prompt for picrel either kek
No. 1882426
>>1882369you're right don't let the 4chan tranny jannies tell you otherwise
nendoroid plushes and taito plushes are superior
No. 1882505
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Couple years ago I was looking for thick warm socks for my outside nightshift job. Came across a very cosily branded website called nordic socks which claimed high quality.. well nordic socks. Very pricey but I consider it to be a good investment for my needs. Order a few packs and wait a suspiciously long time. Do a little research and see this is a common complaint, still need socks and turn to amazon for a set of similarish ones. Socks eventually arrive and I don't initially have any issue until they shrunk like fuck after only a couple months, very loose threading inside too. Look on website a year later or so and see the amazon set I bought are now being sold. Then a bit later I get on temu and find them all at a fiver a set. Now I keep commenting whenever one of their stupid ads comes up (often) and don't think I'm getting anywhere with it though If I can warn just one person to not be scammed then its worth my time. They face a reply back once asking me to prove it and they'd give me free socks, can't even prove shit as Facebook page won't allow customer uploads of the shoddy quality.
Anyway the socks are worth a quid each all day and I'll keep ordering them from temu. Just going to be more careful about this shit in future. So much china drop shipping around
No. 1882661
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>>1882246none of this is a joke.
No. 1882697
>>1882686>planned obsoleteIt's absolutely this. I'm not saying they used to be real hardy but Apple got caught a while ago slowing down older phones so now they have to work off making them out of like rice paper so they break faster.
If we're going off phone wish lists I want smaller phones. I can barely get my thumb halfway across the screen. I have to use both hands to do anything. At the very least put most of the clickable things on one side.
No. 1882711
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>>1882686Something needs to change seriously. Phones keep getting bigger and thinner because they are used for literally everything now but it would be better if there was more separation. Tablets and laptops can be for fun and browsing, phones should only be for calls and texts, using the internet or apps on them should be so clunky that it makes you want to put it down
No. 1882741
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Weaponized incompetence is such a sad, pathetic thing that men do to women. Even worse is when women record their boyfriends and post it online to show how retarded they are. I had a reel pop up randomly showing a dude buying some pads for a period and some chicken wings because the gf asked for 'pads with wings' HURR HURR, Boyfriend is so quirky
The saddest part was, in the comments both men and women were defending him going 'aww, he tried his best!' Like wtf- that is a GROWN Man. Men need to be educated about women's period products, especially if they are dating a woman. Not saying it should be 100 percent on the women to teach them, but I could never date someone this retarded. Even my own father knew about this stuff and when I got my period, he would ask me if i needed products like heating pads, pain killers etc. Men are not stupid on this shit. they just choose to be.
There are more fathers posting online about how it's not cute to be dumb about women's periods, and they are fine with buying their daughters stuff on their period because they know it happens to every single woman in existance.
No. 1882889
>>1882872Drag is female blackface. Exaggerated features, making people laugh for acting out feminine stereotypes. It's sexist as pink shit.
I hate it and I don't like that my gay friends think I'm supposed to be cool with it because I'm a woman.
No. 1882905
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I want to die because of being a NEET all over again. I hope I get job offer from somewhere soon because the anticipation is horrible.
No. 1882920
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this is a vent but if anyone wants to chime in with advice i wont be offended or upset in fact it is very welcome.
i wont get into the backstory of things but at my current place in life i have made so much progress. but what tends to happen is i have one very productive day and the next i feel tired, aimless, ruin my mornings and then struggle to gain momentum and kick the sadness. i want to be kind to myself but i also hate that i have these days so many times a week of self care/low productivity.
i know not having a work routine is part of the problem, and i have online classes. i have very good grades compared to last semester but i dont know why i self sabotage like this wheni have things i could be working on that i love or assignments i could be doing to keep up my good grades.
life excites me but then i also feel overwhelmed and frustrated and so fatigued and sad. today it is just very hard to get going, to find joy in anything. putting it into words sounds pathetic i guess. i just wish i was better at productivity like i used to be. but sometimes i just cry and struggle to keep up with these new habits.
i wonder if its just loneliness and decision fatigue
No. 1882925
>>1882920I find if I make myself a schedule for the day I'm way more productive since I have self-imposed time limits to do stuff before I have to move on. They look like this for example:
>6:30 - Get up, get ready, make bed>7:00 - eat breakfast>7:30 - read or check news>8:00 - study XYZ>9:30 - wash floors, vacuumetc, etc.
It really helps me from being paralyzed by choices since I already have the day prepared in my mind now I just have to follow through. Of course I can't always follow it exactly if something takes longer than I expect but a general guide is better than nothing for me
No. 1882935
nonnie my issue with this is some days it actually makes me feel terrible because i cannot be mindful with tasks and rush rush rush to get them all done. or sometimes i get overwhelmed by the lengths of my to do lists. but the issue with that is now, which is having less productive days than productive since i stopped to do lists.
however i think the time part is really helpful and maybe i can implement that but give myself some flexibility.
No. 1882970
>>1882935well you're only human nona, you're gonna have some days where you can't get to everything. having days where you aren't running on a schedule is good too, you need to have some balance.
>but the issue with that is now, which is having less productive days than productive since i stopped to do lists.I'm like this too, but even if you do a little bit it's better than nothing at all. at least you can rest at the end of the day knowing you worked on assignment or studied part of a chapter and that's less you have to do the next day.
No. 1882972
>>1882700Trigun is just another shounen series that's forgettable. The cliche philosophical messages interspersed between nonsensical "comedic" moments created a strange divide in its integrity. It doesn't help that Vash's whole philosophy of pacifism versus Knive's warmongering was incredibly basic and lacking in any substance. It felt like such a forced and boring binary. Anyway, I think I can further extend and say anyone who praises a lot of shounen series is fundamentally incompatible with me (or the two of us).
t. shoujousei supremacist
No. 1882994
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I wish I could quit the internet, everything is so retarded now
No. 1883005
>>1882920did you figure out what medications were best for you
nonnie? missing any vitamins at all?
No. 1883027
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>>1883013i agree especially the ones from this brand, i was so disappointed when eating them. milk chocolate pocky remain supreme
No. 1883049
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When will I get over all these negative feelings? I know I will never get closure for how many times you hurt me and broke promises during our relationship, how you treated me like complete trash. I hate you for it, I really do. You opened up so many wounds that had begun to heal from my abuse with your shitty behavior and now I'm so afraid of how unstable I might end up in my next relationship, makes me wonder how fucked up I am because of you, how dirty I always feel and that I might be really fucking disgusting because I'm not perfect. I know I will probably act like a scared little girl whenever they will show any appreciation for me, because I will worry you will either expect so much more back or it's just some half-assed love bombing before you turn around and stone-wall me again for your entertainment. I hate you so much, and I hate myself. I can't believe you chased me just to mess with my head once I gave you a chance, and then just leave me a mess. I will die alone, I will never get married and I will never stop feeling dirty because of the both of you.
No. 1883068
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I give up on friendships now that I'm almost 30. This woman (now former coworker) wanted us to be friends so I thought I'd give it a shot since I haven't had a friend since HS and.
Turns out she only wanted someone to vent to/trauma dump since she was having her first depressive episode in her entire life. I also refuse to believe she "doesn't have time" to answer one fucking text. It's not like you need to be available 24/7 but she's fucking lying that she doesn't have time considering she's been on "sick leave" for a YEAR (without being ill), her kids are in school for 5-8 hours and her husband is a truck driver.
Shs texted me the last time on February 1st if we could hang out, told her I was ill so I'd let her know on Monday. Answered her on Monday and she read the message and hasn't replied. It's Friday 10pm.
I'll be honest I'll just let the whole thing fade away because I shudder whenever I remember her disgusting birth stories about either her fucking relatives or hers. And not to mention so far in every story she acted like she was the victim but was actually so fucking passive that it made me wonder if she's a bit mentally delayed. She was held in a hospital for 10 days because she came to the ER for what she thought was a heart attack (turned out it was a panic attack) and apparently none of the doctors or nurses "wanted" to tell.her why she was there or what kind of test they were doing. When I asked her if she asked the staff what was going on, this bitch answered no. 10 days and she didn't bother asking one person. Then acts like she was held hostage while legally being allowed to leave and literally phoning her mother daily.
Yea I think I'm done. At least it felt nice to complain.
No. 1883081
>>1883068I get this. I'm 32 and everyone I try to get to know is either mom mode, negative fun or psycho. I used to go out for drinks with the mid 20s girls in work but things would start simple then like 5 drinks in they'd want to go hard. I'm too old for that. I just want to bitch and brunch not go clubbing on mandy. I tried joining the local tennis club but everyone is super cliquey. I thought that died out after school. Making friends with cool people in uni was super easy, wtf happens once you leave there?
It's crazy that she was in hospital that long and didn't know or ask. Isn't hospital super expensive in the states?
No. 1883098
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can't believe i'm posting about "my friend keeps trying to bring this troon along to our outings" for the third time. part 1
>>1839314 and 2
>>1866222. i finally found out why she keeps pushing him on me and it's hilariously stupid. for some background, i am an avid reader, love browsing bookstores, etc. i used to be subscribed to book boxes in the past to make some extra cash by reselling special editions and merch but i since stopped because it was getting annoying and i just don't enjoy browsing book social media to check what's cool since my tastes usually don't match theirs and i find booktok/bookstagram cringe. nevertheless, i still have special editions of books i enjoyed or that have sentimental value to me in my home library. the troon happens to really be into a certain book series and i happen to have a pretty box set of it that is sold out and only sold for high prices online. somehow he found out that i have this box set and he was eager to get it from me but for some reason he didn't just want to ask or something, and my friend didn't ask me about it either, so their plan was for me to become friends with him and then stuff happens and i give him the box set? i don't get it. i just find it so stupid that that was the reason for the whole troon shebang. what a boring resolution. anyways, thank you to all the nonnies who read my previous posts and joined me in my misery.
No. 1883123
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I am 12,000% done with being short. It fucking sucks
>Can't reach the top shelves in my house without needing my step ladder. Everything is designed around 6'0 moids.
>Every time I try to wear cool business outfits and heels I look like I'm trying on my mum's clothes.
>Even then petite is designed for regular sized skinny girls not short. Nothing fits right.
>Get age checked going into every bar even though I'm 25.
>Get called cute all the time because I'm small. Fuck you I'm an grown ass woman.
>Can't eat anything because I get fat super easy.
>If I swear my friends (mostly moids) laugh because it's funny when small girls swear. I've heard they say I'm in Chihuahua mode when I'm drunk and pissed off. Fuck you, my anger is as valid as anyone else's is.
I hate being 4'11". I'm seriously considering moving to a country with shorter people so I won't stand out as much.
No. 1883158
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These ads have been popping up around Dublin. The place is called Cosmetic Fairies. Please God let a meteor hit my city. I don't care if I'm in the blast radius.
No. 1883160
>>1883103it's insane how weirdly entitled people get to your stuff when they know you sell shit. i made profit because i knew the worth of my special editions, not by running a charity and giving my expensive books to random people.
>>1883139right now i find it hilarious but i bet once realization sets in i'll feel really shitty about her doing something like that. or planning to do it, rather.
>>1883151kek i'm glad my other friend's conspiracy theory ("he's an agp transbian and wants to get with you, anon") didn't come true!!
>>1883152i just told my friend that i wasn't planning on selling the series because i like it a lot. i live 3 hours away from her now so i don't have to worry about her stealing it or anything. our friendship is over either way.
No. 1883166
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Does anyone else have horrible anxiety about their pet dying, even when you're looking at your pet and see that they're totally fine? My cat is 14, but totally healthy. Today she was licking my hand and my brain just kept going "she's dead she's dead she's dead" even though I was literally looking at her and seeing that she was alive and totally fine. Eventually I had to just go to a different room because the more I looked at her the more I could feel my heart hammering and my breathing go weird. Once I wasn't looking at her I felt fine. I've only had something similar once before, a year ago, where seeing a bin bag on the street gave me a panic attack because I convinced myself there was a dead person inside even after I went up and opened it and saw there was nothing inside. It felt like I was seeing a corpse overlayed on top of an empty bin bag, even though I knew nothing was there. Is this like… normal for anxiety? Has anyone else experienced this / something similar?
No. 1883180
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I feel sick and can't sleep reee
No. 1883182
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>>1883162>>1883164>>1883175>>1883169It's a magic chair you spend €250/h (and they recommend 6 sessions) to tighten your parts. site tries to justify it for post pregnancy women. Whatever. That ad is still gross af.
No. 1883196
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>>1883158Tightness bs makes me wonder why we don't fight back with pic related
No. 1883208
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>>1883123I'm in exactly the same boat as you nona, I'm glad to hear from someone who is also as short as me. It really does fucking suck, I have to carry ID with me everywhere to prove my age if I need to and clothes are fucking annoying. sending you hugs
No. 1883341
nonnie have fun pegging your totally straight bf. He's definitely not sucking dicks of old dudes on Grindr or contemplating trooning out.
No. 1883361
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I hate dumbass books like this because it offers an unrealistic amount of attention to the parents and thats not what children are looking for or stimulated by in a childrens book. Kids usually wanna read about other kids not the kids gay dads or gay moms
No. 1883363
>>1883335Guess I’m a freak of nature because I’m a lesbian that also likes anal penetration.
This is weird logic, you believe pegging is “gay” even if a woman is doing it to a man because… “penetration in the anus is bizarre and harmful” as opposed to vaginal penetration? I don’t think something being bizarre makes it gay. It feels good to some people, especially men because of their prostates. If they’re attracted to women and like the feeling then they’ll like pegging, if they’re attracted to men they’ll like being penetrated by a penis. Really weird way of thinking here sometimes, especially in regards to sexuality.
No. 1883370
>>1883365huh. well mine is. I actually feel much more pleasure inside my vagina than from my clit. I guess I'm wired weird.
>>1883368it's crazy there is that much variation, vaginal penetration feels amazing to me and always has. I always assumed the "women get no pleasure from penetration" was just a radfem anti-PIV claim taken too far but I guess some women really can't feel any pleasure inside.
No. 1883373
>>1883372you dont really need a book to learn about something like that though. Are there books about straight parents relationships? No kek, and even if there are, those aren't the books that kids have fun reading and want to read in class. Childrens books arent meant to be serious intellectual education on complexities of sexual relationships
nonnie lol they're meant to be fun
No. 1883385
>>1883372>it's meant to be used as an educational resource for young children that may not be exposed to the concept of lesbianismhow necessary is that in grade school? Not very.
>If you stepped outside of your small circle for a moment and recognized not everyone leads the same type of life you doEven if this was about two straight parents relationship I'd still think its weird, but straight people also don't feel the need to do this
>You unironically sound like one of those people that think a child needs a mother and a father to turn out okayWhen was any of that alluded to in my post…all I said is that picture books that are targeted towards children such as the one pictured above offer an unrealistic amount of attention to the parents and thats not what children are looking for or enjoy to read about in a book thats meant to stimulate them.
>>1883377I'm not a tradthot and I have no hatred for lesbians? My post wasn't talking down to lesbians at all, it verbatim said that the book offers the spotlight to the parents when thats not what children want to read about, whether they're gay or straight
No. 1883392
>>1883388You're the one who thinks 5 year olds wants to read picture books about parents relationships. Thats a much more retarded take. The issue with it is that it offers an
unrealistic amount of attention to the parents alone. Why can't an author just write a good childrens book with an interesting funny storyline and include two mothers without making it the central point of the whole book? I'm sure someone has to be capable of it
(infighting) No. 1883397
>>1883395there's only one person who uses that word here and she must vpn hop to avoid all of her perma-bans
>>1883396I love the word gunt I can't lie. It sounds like it looks.
No. 1883421
>>1883361I think this book is meant to show children that mom x mom type of families also exist and are okay. I met some girl with two moms once and I don't think this book is offensive or anything, it might help children understand that their moms also love them and cherish them like any other parent would
>>1883158Jfc this is real hell world
>>1877090That's fucking sad to hear. /cgl/ is so garbage nowadays
>>1883098Why is your friend bonding with a shitty troon and using you as means to give him what he wants? What the fuck is wrong with her. I would think you would be more important than him but whatever
No. 1883424
>>1883421Why would you need a picture book to help you understand that your mom loves you? I have straight parents and i didnt need some random book to tell me how they were feeling about me. That being said; you can absolutely still include gay parents in a childrens book or any book, it's just not interesting or necessary to make it the primary focus.
>>1883422All of them really, because the primary issue from my perspective is that this book and other books that center the parents (whether its about divorce or illness or whatever) give an amount of attention to the parents that is undesirable for a 5-8 year old listener to give their undivided attention to. But I see this more with books about gay parents and woke content where the straight parents are super virtue signally and its just fucking annoying. I don't get why a book needs to be about an interesting cohesive plot instead of being made up of 30 different ideological standpoints that need to be fit into a 13 page picture book.
No. 1883458
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So, i was feeling a little sick this morning while i was babysitting, and since it was very early and the child was still asleep, so i laid down on the couch and had a small 20 minutes nap. i woke up feeling a little better, and i just stayed on the couch with my eyes closed.
I was thinking about you the whole time, thinking about inviting you on a date, going to a café together, eating sweets together, admiring your beautiful little face, feeding cake to each other in a cutesy way, buying small souvenirs for each other, having my first kiss with you, getting our cute matching compromise rings. I'm in my mid 20s and never once in my life i thought i'd be the hopeless romantic type, but i guess it's something you taught me how to be. You made my stunted non-existent love feelings blossom on it's own depraved way, and i can't get over them.
I was smiling all the time while fantasizing about all that, my love for you is so strong that, even thinking about such innocent things like these, got me in the mood for unholy things. It truly feels like everything got worse after i told you how i felt and everything that happened in 2022, but i also know that it's my fault, you asked me to be there with you, and, again, due to my anxiety and broke ass, i can't play with you, play games you recommend me and always forget to watch the stuff you recommend me so we can have topics to talk about. But even then, i can still notice you are different with me since i told you all that stuff, i'm so sorry for falling in love with you like this and for being a huge mess, all i wanted in life was to be someone you could count on, be someone that would make you happy, someone you knew would be there for you whenever you needed, but i hurt you, the only person in my life i did all i could to protect from myself. I don't think i can ever forgive myself for hurting you.
If i could have one wish in my life i'd wish to go back in time to 2022 and just throw myself in your arms, not caring about any shit situation i was in back then, i'd be honest with you about my hardships and would give you all the love i couldn't give you when we first met. I know we often talk about taking time to heal and that everything eventually goes away, but it's been almost a decade with me having those feelings for you. I'm tearing up typing all this. I truly feel like my heart will always be yours til the end. I'm so lovesick.
No. 1883471
>>1883419Samefag I'm back and in a better mood so I'll answer.
enemas are supposed to soften the caca. Google says it also lubricates the passageway. Idk if they actually work, my mom would give them to me when I was very young and I don't think I ever left it in enough to tell if they work. Anyway, I was just gassy as fuck earlier and that explains why I felt so sick. I still feel nauseous but not as much.
No. 1883473
I force myself to do things that should be considered fun, but I never feel any joy from them.
>Go out with coworker to haunted Halloween attractions, meh, would rather have stayed home
>tie die shirts with family, meh, i would rather have napped
>attend family thanksgiving, everyone is happy but me, for no discernable reason
>treat myself to some sort of treat, like a donut, milk tea, every other Friday. Doesn't feel worth the drive
tis is literally going to be my life for the next 60 years, huh. No meds work, no therapy works, just nothing but endless "meh" punctuated by unimaginable emotional pain
No. 1883494
>>1883488No, dude, everyone already gave you answers, you're just repeating yourself just for the sake of keeping this boring ass conversation going on and on, you don't even argue back on americans letting technology raise their kids, you just want to focus on stupid bullshit, thinking books will indoctrinate kids when american kids can barely read. You know the problem: ipads and iphones, porn, unrestricted internet access. Don't pretend kids are reading books.
Now answer me this: why do you think the snake wanted its tail to be the face and the face to be its tail?
No. 1883498
>>1883494When did I disagree about Americans allowing technology to raise their kids? That was the exact issue I was stating when I brought up the fact that a child would have the ability to search for this content to begin with.
>dont pretend kids are reading books Do you think kids arent still required to go to school?
No. 1883499
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I, somehow, keep attracting people whose "type" doesn't really match my appearance (e.g. person likes blondes, I'm Asian). I start feeling like I'm not enough and it's ridiculous, since I understand there are many factors that bring people together. I guess these feelings are remains from past relationship trauma. I also wonder if this is life's way of telling me to stop being an insecure bitch.
>>1883458Wishing love for you, nonna.
No. 1883550
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I had four interviews this past week. Didn't get a single one.
The one job that is showing any interest in me is treating me like a clown. "Do this phone interview. Do these tests. Get PERSONAL contact information from your references. Then you can have a virtual interview, and then we might do a physical one." All of this shit for a fucking call center.
I really need a job, but job hunting is absolute hell. I'm trying my best, but it's not good enough.
No. 1883619
>>1883612Ok I got it wrong, it was a menhera exhibition
He took bloody maxi pads and stuck them on stuff
He's a gay dude who created the comic "wrist cutting menhera chan", it got popular, then he said menhera is a bad word and to call it yamikawaii and tried to copyright the terms. He also made NFTs and is a total shitter.
No. 1883636
>>1883635Damn I was there not too long ago
When are your periods due? You should see in your medicine cabinet if you have medication that are bad for babies
No. 1883637
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aaaaaaannd I got ghosted by a landlord again. I'm now apartment hunting for a long ass time and while I always get invites for the apartment viewing I get NEVER a call back if it's gonna work out or not. Fot example the last viewing I had last sunday was actually really great, I had the viewing with the current tenant, had a great talk with her and how I could move straight in when she would move out and such. She said that she would give the landlord three people to choose from and I would get a call back even when I wouldn't get the place. It's now almost a week later and I've not heard anything from it back. I know that people that had to wait two weeks or longer for a place to get but it was said "as soon as possible" and I do not think they mean a whole ass week by it. They thing is that it's emotionally so exhausting to have to wait every week for a call because I have viewings at least twice a week and I'm sick of carry the stupid phone with me all the time so I wouldn't miss a call. My period cycle is completely messed up because of the stress and my current one was so much heavier that usual as well. I just want a new place to stay. It also sucks when you view a place and you see yourself in it with all the decorations and such and then boom, nothing. And if anybody wonders: I'm a single female in my early 30s with a fulltime job and a perpetual work contract. No pets, non smoker and no children.
No. 1883641
>>1883636I'm so sorry anon, how did everything turn out? I have a benzo prescription that I've been taking daily for years so that's good (in this case kek). I'm supposed to have my period in 4 days, I really hope it comes. Btw I'm not
>>1883638 lol
No. 1883643
>>1883641I stressed like crazy and did like two pregnancy tests, they both turned out negative and I got my periods late by two days.. Never had been so happy to get them
I think if you have zero symptoms by now you should be fine, maybe try doing a pregnancy test if you're really worried
No. 1883645
>>1883635maybe you just haven't gotten it yet due to stress. there's been times where stress made me not get mine at all.
>>1883640you don't have to end a pregnancy purely because you smoked very early into it kek, plenty of smokers stop as soon as they learn they're pregnant. some women smoke their entire pregnancy and still manage to give birth to health babies
No. 1883653
On this board here lately I’ve seen a few conversations revolving around the idea that “no one hates women more than other women”. Essentially saying that terminally online women are worse than terminally online men. And respectfully, you bitches are so dumb. Anyone who thinks like this truly has no clue what even the average man thinks of women. Yes some women can be heartless, evil people. Absolutely. But they’re nothing in comparison to the evils of men.
Like aside from the fact that men are the rapists, murderers, and pedophiles of the world by the vast majority- just looking at average men, most of them don’t see women as human beings. We are all females first to them, human beings second.
I have the displeasure of being in a group chat of finance bros. These are relatively normal men, good looking, fit, with money. They’re not the stereotypical ugly, unhygienic basement dwellers you think of that hate women. These men are guys you’d go on dates with, take home to your families, and they don’t even hate women because they barely view us as human beings. They talk about going to other countries to fuck prostitutes and treat these women like animals. They brag about their hookups and “side pieces” in the most disgusting ways, sharing stories of putting girls at risk by sleeping with multiple girls in one night and manipulating them into not using protection. Stories about pointing lasers at strippers in Mexico clubs to pick out which one they wanted to buy for the night, and then joking about how little money it took to get these women to do heinous things. And of course they have pictures and videos they share to back everything up. Doesn’t matter if it’s of the strippers, the prostitutes, their oblivious girlfriends, the side chicks, they see them all the same. These are just average men who will never say they hate women, because in their minds they don’t. There’s nothing to hate, they just don’t respect us or view us as worthy of even considering enough to hate.
So no, I don’t care that the edgy pol guy you talk to sometimes “isn’t so bad once you get to know him”, the women you get into arguments with on lolcow sometimes that hurt your feelings still will never be worse than men.
No. 1883661
I remember as a teenager I used to watch these super misogynistic videos ; you know telling stories about a woman who divorced a guy and left with her money for example ; the "redpill" type of content
Anyways one day I saw a video about women in entreprises ; it told the story of some type of company that went to shit, because the staff started hiring more women. He was explaining how they would be busier arguing, being pretty, gossipping and having mental breakdowns than working. All the story backed with how "emotional" are women while men are "rational"
Well, I was a dumb teen with 0 life experience so I forgive myself for actually believing any of that was grounded into reality and wasn't just pure misoginy.
Today I'm a healthcare student and it so happens that more and more of the staff is female in this field. And they are doing a great fucking job at it? Not only are they really competent technically and in terms of diagnoses, they also are good teachers and mostly very empathetic with the patients.
To be fair, the few people who are "problematic" in my current internship are men. I mean, all the doctors are very competent and knowledgeable, but it so happens the only one who will make staff reunions awkward is this one dude who is super arrogant and talks to people like they're stupid. The only one who isn't quite competent is some dude, but it's more because he is from a third world country where he got his degree ; still.
Anyways, growing up I'm only becoming more and more feminist. I probably still have some internalized misoginy to eradicate but yeah, how could I have believed any of that bullshit?0
No. 1883680
>>1883661I will stan female-majority workplaces until I'm blue in the face. My country recently got a new cohort of young female doctors and all of a sudden I'm being treated with care and concern, tests are being run "just in case", I'm addressed calmly and respectfully. Ten years ago I was sent home with painkillers for every ailment and told my pain wasn't real or I was just making it up. I was a child with appendicitis they barely caught until it got deadly because they kept sending me home with more painkillers and telling me the vomiting is just period cramps. My current workplace is about 60% female and the men are the ones who are cliquey and catty. My female colleagues are normal adults who do their job and go home and talk to you like a fellow human with no ulterior motives.
Scrotes and scrote-aligned women on lolcow need to touch some serious grass if they think women are nearly as harmful as XY rape apes.
No. 1883688
I hate my sister but I still feel bad for what I did to her
Basically she kept failing in school, so my parents decided to get her a place so she could go study abroad ;
She ended up partying and playing video games so much she ended up failing 5 years in a row, causing me to be stuck living with my parents very far from my uni (I have 3 hours of commute everyday) since well they can't afford paying for two places ; that's why I hate her
I just really don't feel like she's a "big sister", she acts like a teenager - about every issue - in spite of being 25. I never really liked her.
Because of resentment and jealousy, I ended up telling my mom about her party lifestyle and giving my mom her instagram so she could see for herself what her dear daughter had been doing with their money. My mom who is very religious freaked out and decided to put a camera at my sister's appartment's doorstep so she could check when she gets home and who goes into her appartment.
Well ever since that camera has been placed, my sister lost a bunch of weight and started having acne. I can tell she's a mental health wreck. So I feel kind of bad for doing what I did.
If she was worthy of an older sister, she would have done her best at school, gotten her degree, she would have been employed for two years by now, wouldn't be a burden anymore and even been helpful to the family. Instead she's whining about not getting to get home when she wants to.
I don't think she really feels bad when she sees my huge bags from having to spend so much time in transports and such. I guess the harm she did to me is greater, it's just less direct. So I try not to feel too bad. I don't know exactly how I should feel about what I did though.
No. 1883700
my brother, who doesnt care about anyone else but himself is sick. mom wants me to suggest to my dad to get him a cbc and check his platelets. but my dad is clinically evasive to anything hospital related, even though he's the most health obsessed in the family so even suggesting a check up would cause him to get angry at us. ironic now since he forced me to study medicine. anyways, i dont want to talk to my dad about this, i hate conversations like this especially if its him im talking to.
my mom even had the audacity to ask if i care about my brother, and i really wanted to say no, that my bro have stressed me the fuck out during highschool and college, when all he had to do was do the bare minimum of maintaining his curfew and making sure he tells us where and when the place he's going to and the people he is with but no, he was an asshole about it and i had to be the third parent because either parents were in the diff spectrum of parenting style, father being totalitarian while my mom is permissive and coddling towards him. im tired of being my brother's keeper knowing he had been the golden child in the family, its only when he got older that they gave me the spotlight, but instead of the coddles and gushes, i get expectations for being the eldest daughter, of taking care of my parents, of my brother, and the nephew, and just responsibilities im burdened with. i dont care about my brother, if hes sick then its his fault for becoming morbidly obese and dismiss any concern regarding his health, if he gets scolded for smoking then he doubles his consumption, like a kid throwing a tantrum but needs up to rub his back or his knees or give him temporary medication for the swelling. but hardly listens to my mother pushing to get a cardiac panel until he needs it for school or the constant push towards exercise from my dad until he could hardly breath from walking up on the stairs at home.
No. 1883732
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>>1883720And of course there’s trannies and cross dressers on there begging for people to edit their photos so they can jerk off to them. My related vent is that I hate being alive during this stage of technology. I’ve had creepshots taken of me before, so I hate confronting how a lot of men likely view me deep down in contrast to how I give most of them the benefit of the doubt.
No. 1883760
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nonas, i am another, different anon with teeth issues due to not brushing them regularly from depression fatigue/not leaving my house, though i will also say that the issues are of the purely aesthically displeasing kind, they don't hurt or anything, they're just ugly. i've taken for granted how much my teeth health is just plainly stronger than all of my immediate relatives - i've never had a single cavity all my life despite being a sugar fiend since birth and whenever i went to the dentist when i was underage, i was always in-and-out in like 15 mins, top - always included cleanings too. but i now i am here, with ugly teeth. on that note, i throughly reccomend everybody to get a hand mirror to really zoom in on yourself, didn't even realize my teeth were that bad from my regular sized wall mirrors
No. 1883762
>>1883760oh I'm scared
nonnie, I always had good teeth too but depression is killing me. my poor teeth. sometimes I just want to cry for them.
No. 1883785
>>1883771I get you
nonny. I think my kitty is used to me being a hikki so he sees me there and wants to be with me, my mom told me he cried all night when i had to leave for a day lol. But he needs to know i am busy doing stuff to pay for his stupid expensive food and his toys he gets bored of in a week.
No. 1883788
>>1883765Anon same! I'm looking after my sister's cat for more than a year now and it's the most obnoxious cat in the world: doesn't poop in her box ever, only on the floor in the hall/bathroom (and pretends to bury it with the invisible kitty litter), yells in godawful voice, yells like you're beating her up even if you just slightly unintentionally stepped on the ends of her FUR because she's always somewhere under your feet, stomps on you like an elephant (my cats are really delicate in comparison), digs with her claws in your thigh to help herself get onto your lap aarrrrghh
Plus she ignores when there's already another cat on your lap and yells near you before making an attempt to somehow get there and leave claw marks on your thigh or shoulder
I love cats but she's so goddamn annoying!
No. 1883791
>>1883787i hope you feel better
nonnie, hotlines are ok, you might find yourself enjoying a texting hotline or crisis chat support instead. I prefer those
No. 1883880
I'm not autistic nor i like autists, but i think I empathize with the frustration of being told that you're "living your life wrong" when you're just minding your business.
It's not the first time they've said it to me but this time it offended me more because they told me "i don't want to get depressed" sorry??? excuse me??????? I'm naturally introverted already but i'm going to give a breakdown of my life. I live in a very poorly conditioned place and with how hot it is, there is a minimum of 6 to 8 hours that I just can't be there. This forces me to be in other (communal) places of this house, or displace someone of their room. Both shitty. To make matters worse there are not a lot of third places here, and those available are dominated by addicts and thieves. Yes, I could go to the nearby park… To be harrassed by bums (already happened several times) all this taking into account that it is summer, and it is 40° celsius in the afternoon. The places where there are no bums are obviously pay, but here it comes the second part: i'm poor. I don't have "going to cafes every other day" money. I have food every day, I can study and have clean clothes, and i'm very gratefull for that! Yet i can't pretend i'm not poor, and most nice and safe places are expensive.
Also there is nothing nearby. Yes there are a few places here and whatnot, but their quality has dropped a lot since the pandemic, and they are simply not worth what they are charging (and i don't have the money for such frivolities either) so no i don't think i should go to an ugly and overchaged place (the actual nice places are far beyond my scope), expending money that i don't have or go to be harassed by homeless under the unbearable heat only because seeing me trying to do what I can with what I have while taking up as little space as possible offends and depresses you. Sorry but this is my life. It could be better, sure, but it can also be much worse i'm mostly fine with it. If your worries and attempts to help don't come with a money deposit i don't care, i'm not depressed i'm poor!!!!!
No. 1883936
>>1883929Nobody's ever cared about me on the internet or IRL.
I don't wanna get into it out of fear of not integrating or coming off as autistic or getting bullied.
No. 1884186
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been having an awful week; started off my new years' resolution right and went to the gym every other day for all of january and some of feb until i contracted food poisoning. stopped having violent shits mid yesterday but now i'm constipated but desperate for shitty carbs since im undernourished. woke up with a leg cramp and went back to bed. then had a traumatic nightmare about an alternate reality where i told the world about my two last sexual assaults. no one believed me and i was silenced, i lost my voice (common theme in my dreams) and i tried to respond by typing but my keyboards were all sabotaged by the friends of my assailants. i want to heal but i dream of revenge, i'm in a healthy, loving relationship but it doesn't erase the abuse i had to endure to make it this far. i want to get better.
No. 1884203
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Fucking hate that POTS is the current diagnosis du jour for munchies. These people are so fucking exhausting.
No. 1884208
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>leaning on my finger as to prop up my head in a weird position (my nose is pressed against my finger so my head doesn't snap down – i don't feel like holding my head in this position, so i just use my finger as a prop, see picrel)
>mom walks by door
>goes into a fussy yelling fit in which she disconnects the electricity in my room
>have to apologize to get it turned on again
if anything happens to her i hope she knows she's fucked kek. i am not taking care of this retard in old age
No. 1884230
>>1884151i have been in your situation. the only one who genuinely helped me was my therapist, but i didn't have anyone else to reach out to. talking to someone who was my parents age/older than them was very validating, because someone with their "perspective" could be like 'yeah what they are doing is fucked up and not normal at all'.
when i was younger i talked to my doctor a couple of times a month. seeing a health care professional was the only thing that got me through it. and writing anonymous rants on here lol.