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No. 1896176
Post random things you hate and why. A picture of the thing you hate is always appreciated. Commentary is fine (positive, negative or neutral) as long as you don't come here to start a retarded infight with your personal issues.
Please don't vent about your life here. For venting about your personal life, your family, neighbors, boyfriend, coworkers etc. use the vent thread. For advice with your personal daily life use the advice thread. Keep the borzois in mind. Thank you.
>>>/ot/1842811>>>/ot/1842811>>>/ot/1842811 No. 1896482
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When I run out of white paint. How shall I paint with no white???!?!?!??
No. 1896632
Some of the clips I’ve seen of Shera (sprinkle sprinkle lady) are funny and I agree with some of her opinions, but this is why I dislike her, she doesn’t realize how sick she is to encourage women to marry pathetic old men. She creeps me out sometimes.
No. 1896795
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I hate the "men think about the Roman Empire almost every day" meme because NO THEY FUCKING DON'T. The only reason why they think about the Roman Empire to any degree now is because they were memed into doing so. There's not a shred of authenticity or genuine interest, they just want to larp as big-brained, dark triad, INTJ strategist uwu sigma males or whatever the hell faggot shit they're on about now. Oh look at you pontificating about the intricacies of the Roman Empire, you really think you're going places, huh? You're not Julius Caesar. You're not Augustus. You're not Trajan, Hadrian, or Marcus Aurelius. You stock shelves a few times a week on night shift and the only reason why you even do that is because Mommy said you better start contributing rent or she's going to kick you out of the house. But don't give up on your hopes and dreams just yet! Your manager may promote you to cashier one day when you learn to wash your ass and you aren't a complete sensory assault on any human being who has the displeasure of standing within a 10-foot radius of you. But keep reminding us that you think about the Roman fuckin Empire almost every day even though the only opportunity you had to learn about it organically was in 9th grade history class but you were too busy yawning and scratching your balls to care. This is just repackaged "ex dee so random xD" shit from the mid-2000s but for the most insufferable brand of moid. Fuck this tired ass meme and every loser pretending it has any semblance in reality. The only things the average moid thinks about almost every day are porn and video games.
No. 1897927
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I hate shoestring fries especially frozen ones. Might as well have no fries.
No. 1898020
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I hate Calvin & Hobbes and this post perfectly shows why, the three comics have the same joke but C&H has to be smug and smartass, and that's 99% of the strips.
No. 1899205
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whatever fucking autism is behind people hoarding FOUR HUNDRED usernames on rentry, of all places.
No. 1899212
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I hate when people, especially moids, say they didn't mean it. They're grown up, why can't they just be accountable and apologise? It's not that hard.
No. 1899219
>>1899212Men are never ever held for their own actions. When they are kids, 'oh boys will be boys' when they do something evil. When they are grown men, they are told they are just under stress and not 'normally' like this.' Men will never take responsibility, because women keep babying them
It's even worse when you see the married women post online, saying shit like "My husband never does chores. he sucks at them" regarding weaponized incompetence.
No. 1899402
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Brands, companies, corporations, chains etc pissing me off so bad as of late
No. 1899415
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>>1899402It's not even a new thing..
No. 1899425
>>1899224I disagree with
>men need to held accountable and learn empathy for womenBecause it implies men are violent rape apes because we don't teach them not to be. They're like this when they're born. You don't need to teach little girls not to rape. And the onus isn't necessarily on women to not raise rapists, but of course they should still teach male offspring manners. They will never learn empathy, their violent and primitive nature just needs to be punished more harshly in society. I agree with
>>1899219 that women are too gentle, kind, patient, and empathetic towards men.
>Men will never take responsibility, because women keep babying themIf anything, we should be teaching women not to have empathy for men.
No. 1899433
>>1899425I have to respectfully disagree. Men DO need to be held accountable for their own actions because that's part of growing up and being a good person. Oh, I think a lot of us are losing empathy for them except the pickmes and thads that keep enabling their behavior.
>>1899402That just looks so gross
No. 1899446
>>1899425Yeah bitch, any excuse to
not teach men how to act like human beings. "Just be mean back" oh so they can rape and decapitate us all okay
No. 1899471
>>1899446NTA but I highly doubt that anon is a boymom who refuses to teach her kid manners, and she literally said
>but of course they should still teach male offspring manners. The actual real solution is to stop procreating with men full stop, or at the very least only have daughters, because males are broken. They were not socialized to be this way, they are not this way because their mother failed, they have been like this in every society and culture and situation since the beginning of time. There is no fixing them.
No. 1899479
>>1899471I am not kidding, some of you are genuinely so stupid it boggles my mind
>stop procreating with them full stopHave fun in your Gilead being raped while chained to a radiator and forced to give birth anyway
No. 1899493
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The fact that kirbyanon is a permanent etching on my mind and anything with Kirby reminds me of her
No. 1899533
>>1899517You sound very male with the incessant rape apologia.
>you think that a mass refusal to procreate with men would do anything besides increase human trafficking?As opposed to y'know still being human trafficked against your will anyway. What the fuck are you even trying to argue? You're a disgusting rape apologist and your intimidation tactics won't work. If you're so hell bent on this becoming reality sacrifice yourself to moids and use your own body.
No. 1899537
>>1899533>rape apologist I'm so confused how it escalated so far because I don't think women should be raped at all. I contribute so much man hate to this site.
>The actual real solution is to stop procreating with men full stop, or at the very least only have daughters, because males are broken.I'm just saying they won't let it happen. It's terrifying but it's true. I don't find the thought exciting, it's just true. They'd try to force a China-tier "kill all female fetus" type situation if women stopped giving birth to males. Girl I don't want this wtf I'm talking about how violent they are and how they'd refuse to submit any sort of control to women just because that's been reality since idk how long?? Rape apologist my ass
No. 1899570
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My best friend isn't here with me and also like .. .how much schizophrenia I have haha.
Some things are egg stories. Damn man, it really is all being told stories while I deal with dirty water.
So much of stories isn't what I'd like to hear, esp about police work and the way society is going
People maybe should just shit in the backyard haha(word salad, take your meds )
No. 1899835
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That gaming headphones are always the most garish, eye-offending, bulky pieces of shit ever. I'm not one for minimalism but holy shit gamer tech is so ugly and extreme.
No. 1899845
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>>1899836I don't buy them anon, why would I buy that stuff when I've expressed how awful it is? I know I can find better stuff (I have) but the majority of gamer shit is just ugly, picrel.
No. 1899867
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>>1899850Samefag, a retarded radfem I follow posted this and promptly deleted it. All she did was pour water from a water bottle on her bullies. Op outing herself as a high school bully here
No. 1899885
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No. 1899900
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>>1899885came here to post this
No. 1899909
>>1899900sorry, context for those who don't know; surrogacy is illegal in Spain, so this man
bought a child from one of their former colonies
No. 1900292
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I usually keep a hand sanitizer on me so I got one of the B&BW ones, and Jesus they smell SO strong. Its almost unbearable. I usually appreciate a strong scent but holy fuck…
No. 1900378
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>>1899900Sameanon as
>>1900359, I found the post, everyone in the comments is horrified and worried for the baby and calling it out as trafficking. Good.
No. 1900409
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This video. I hate this video and I feel angry each time I come across it
No. 1900670
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moids using their dick as an analogy or talking about penetration CONSTANTLY. Go in any male dominated community and you will see "on my cock" "straight to the cock" "im fucking all of you" It's always MUH DIIICK. SHUT UP. Ape brains constantly thinking about what and how and when they should be using their minuscule shriveled penis. It's why I do not believe in pickmes saying that they fit in more with the boys because they just always talk about cocks. GAY.
No. 1900728
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I hate square parquet flooring. Square parquet flooring is the most obnoxious and stupid type of flooring I've ever seen in my whole entire life. Why is it that every apartment I go to see is full of the worst possible type of flooring imaginable? Why is it that everything built between 1950 and 1980 is a love-letter to ugly ass parquet flooring? It always has this horrible piss yellow sheen to it that clashes with every other colour and you can't even try to fix it because most times they'll just stain it a different ugly colour that is also incompatible with everything. It's like the people who designed parquet flooring thought to themselves "hmm what can we do to make renters hate their lives even more? how can we create an atmosphere in apartments that is so gaudy and un chic that it will be an eternal reminder to their impoverished lives? ahh how about we rip off herring-bone flooring (whih is actually pretty!) but make it squares!!! and they will be the colour of a diabetic's piss as well!" If you're wondering "what is parquet flooring?" first of all I envy you so much that you've never had to experience the pure unadulterated shit that is parquet flooring, and second of all I hate you for not having to live in a parquet-floored shit hole, and thirdly you're so lucky and you don't even realize it. I'll explain: basically, it's this ugly pattern of criss-cross wooden squares. "That's not so bad" you might be thinking, but then that's probably because you're a full on idiot. Picrel is an example of parquet flooring, in the picrel you can actually see the spiritually-disabled gorilla/man hybrid placing down the parquet with his fur-covered sausage fingers. He probably gets off on making things ugly and horrible. When I saw that picture I got so angry I wanted to beat that gorilla man contractor with his hammer. He's sick for agreeing to do that. Inb4 "oh he's just doing his job!" no he is complicit in a crime against my eyes. He is just as bad as the people who designed parquet squares and he's should be punished. Parquet flooring makes me feel like I'm going crazy I look at all the criss cross apple sauce bullshit going on and I get physically ill it's like watching a violent television show or rubbernecking a car accident. A lot of people that are forced to inhabit parquet-infested homes are often desensitizes to the ugliness of it, they might even delude themselves into thinking they like it, but that is like how anorexics will always see a hambeast in the mirror even if they're Lucindamaxxing. I just hate parquet floorings. If you took ever cell from my body and lined each DNA strand back to back that chain of DNA would be 67 billion miles long and if you were to inscribe "HATE" on each of those minuscule cells the sum of HATE would not even amount to one millionth of the hatred I feel in my heart and in my God-given soul towards square parquet floors. I fucking hate it. I hate it. I hate it. God willing I will live to see the day when square parquet flooring is eradicated from this Earth. Amen.
No. 1900758
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I hate mothers of retard children who want to force everyone else to birth retard children as well. Misery loves company I guess. Personally I think it should be mandatory to abort all foetuses with Down’s syndrome. No I don’t care how uwu pure and kind hearted they are.
No. 1901199
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I hate this threadpic from the diet/fitness/health accountability thread. It's just so obnoxious.
No. 1901346
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>>1901199Same but because of picrel
No. 1901660
>>1901534I agree, I feel like the Stacey archetype isn’t actually ideal for me because it would require flattering and tasteful makeup, nails done, hair styled and colored, expensive quality clothing etc. I’d rather be a “natural/minimalist” beautiful woman with simple clothes, clean unpainted nails etc
don’t get me wrong though I’m neither irl. I am a broke little toad.
No. 1901856
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“Oh you’re just an incel” “you’re mad cause you can’t get any girls” they do get girls and it makes me sad because they talk about women like this and they’re normal dudes not basement dwellers. Idk why I thought any different before but I feel like it’s a terrible response because half the time when a man is saying vile shit about women, he’s got 3 who would wash his feet for him.
Listen to how this guy talks about women, HE HAS A GIRLFRIEND AND I hate to say it but he’s actually attractive, why are incels popular I don’t want to leave the house if these monsters who “sit there and watch porn like it’s a tv show”(he literally said he does that) and work out are walking around us like regular humans wtf. Tbh I think this guy is. a lolcow No. 1901874
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>>1901534it should be looking giga roided. Trying to look appealing to scrotes is not stacy behaviour.
No. 1901893
>>1901856>>1901880Kek I found the video, his mom is begging him to delete everything and his scrotoid steroid brain turns it into "Posting about gay would you rathers and slutshaming women is literally what I was made to do bro!" All the comments are telling him it was the right choice too.
No. 1902275
>>1902265>IDC if it's rehoming or euthanizing>since I'm a good personAin’t no way you said this in the same breath. Thinking of killing a cat because of your retarded sister isn’t a good person thing.
It seems to me it’s your sister fault, a cat just reacts to how he’s treated if he’s making all this mess chances is because he’s unhappy and uncared for. If she doesn’t care for him, please rehome the poor cat.
No. 1902356
>>1902265So it’s not really the bastard cats fault but your retarded sisters for refusing to socialize and contain him.
Get childproofing for your door, you can get things that prevent the door handle from being leveraged or turned depending on what style of handle it is. Keep your cat in your bedroom and start refusing to clean up after her cat - it’s not your cats fault, she’s tucked up in your room. If your sister/family starts letting your cat out, violating your boundaries, get a door handle with a key lock and go that route. If they won’t work with you to find an acceptable solution they need to let you take precautions as you see fit.
No. 1902365
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having tedious hyperfixations, as in for everyone else. I CAN'T stop listening to __________ I need to let it run it's course. I know I'm annoying but I have a process. I hate and fucking hate even more that it is something outside my current control. I say current because I tard wrangle myself all day every day but when I'm driving the hour to work every day I'm going to make it worse. idk how not to hyperfixate and it's bothering me. but I also hate that it's so so comfy to have such an ingrained routine. 3 years is a bit much though. nothing can replace it, nothing comes close.
No. 1902376
>>1902368hate to agree (because I tried to rationalize and) rehome them both. to someone trusted PLEASE don't cop out and put them on gumtree or some shit. these creatures live for a long time and remember, do them a solid and help them have better lives outside you and your sister. your house sounds too tumultous.
hope you're okay though if shit is that cooked at home. sorry to be harsh but like that is a truly hateful situation and the easiest and best for you guys is rehome them. and move out obvs but god forbid a young person wanting independence finds it these days.
good luck and god speed nona
No. 1902648
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i can deal with weeb tattoos when they are from a series that someone has loved for a long time, but getting a big ass tattoo like picrel from some fotm sports series…
No. 1902721
>>1902648Looks like the shit I’d draw on my arms with marker in school as a kid. Terrible.
Taking this opportunity to mention I drew that KH2 water Organization XIII guy’s guitar on my arm and when I went home my mom was so disappointed saying “why are you drawing things that look so inappropriate…”
It looked like a fat dick I guess but I didn’t know at the time lol
But more related I really hate moids especially with an arm full of video game tattoos (especially “retro”/Nintendo shit). Consoom and manchild all in one.
No. 1902737
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I hate parents who complain about their kid being a picky eater when they don't introduce actual good food to them. My niece started eating cheetos and nachoes when she was 2-3 and now she can only really eat chicken and french fries. Food starts from the home. You can tell the saltiest parents on ig feeds where the parents show their kids eating a huge variety of foods, including vegetables. Their excuse is always 'WELL MY SON HAS AUTISM. NEURODIVERGENT'
No. 1902846
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I hate filing my nails. I usually do it listening to something with a headset on but the friction?rubbing? itself still bothers me. Something dry rubbing against another dry thing makes me feel awful and it got like this only maybe a couple of years ago.
No. 1902989
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They just had a neopronouns clue on Jeopardy. The pronouns were something along the lines of ze/zir/zis. Between this and them having a question about the podcast Maintenance Phase there are some very annoying clue writers
No. 1903162
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>>1902365And I would share in your hyper-fixation suffering if you were to share the song… I know what this feels like, I was in the top 0.001% of Spotify listeners for a certain song that I played over 20k times last year.
No. 1903257
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I am so tired of trannies projecting onto Bladee and Ecco2k. It’s so disturbing and disgusting. Their autism has even spread to Wikipedia. Noone can be GNC anymore because some troon has to come in and make creepy comments about being an “egg” and make estrogen jokes. Ecco just sang in a high pitched voice and had a long wig once but that’s enough for him to be trans in their eyes I guess. The lyrics in Ecco2k’s songs are clearly about the racism he faced as a child but troons love to spin them to fit their dysphoria narrative. I’m so glad I don’t engage with their braindead fanbase and just enjoy the music.
No. 1903837
>>1903827You were clearly watching it to notice this though
I side-eye when a youtuber I like pretends their female audience doesnt exist, it makes me watch their words more carefully
No. 1903911
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>>1903901I asked a classmate once if they liked any Japanese music (because they talked constantly about having a military husband and being in jpn with them and wore weeb shirts etc) and they said it was super weeaboo to only care about Japanese music but they listened to babymetal
No. 1903925
>>1903894I was so disappointed when my (at the time) only Japanese female friend said she played it. “They’re so cute!”
And so many Japanese women play FGO which isn’t as egregious on the lolis and the characters aren’t your literal STUDENTS but is still bad
There is some pushback on this pedoshit in western world but Japanese legit do not see anything wrong with it
No. 1904658
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>>1903892Samefag, realized something else I hate regarded music:
I hate the extremely common “um erm will I be safe if I go to the (metal/hardcore band with moshpits) concert alone?” from nlogs, and I hate infinitely more when it’s a tranny male saying it.
NO, you will not be in danger in the pit as a male.
NO, you will not be targeted by the unfortunately extremely liberal, extremely pro-tranny band and fans.
I hate finding a band I like only to learn they are pro tranny and go as far and not wanting “pro-LBGT” at their shows. Fine bitch I’ll steam your songs for fractions of a penny and never buy your tickets and merch.
No. 1905121
>>1904658there's been a huge increase in people wearing tranny/lgbtqwhatever pins and patches at concerts recently too, they care more about publicly announcing who they like to fuck instead of bands they listen to and it's pissing me off.
idk if you use reddit much but they have a sub for musicians who are right wing (ok i get it) or have tenuous connections to anyone in the scene (so 90% of artists) and it's really funny watching them reee about Fenriz of all people putting mean lyrics in his songs thirty years ago. the subculture is cannibalizing itself.
No. 1905724
>>1905121I browse Reddit metalcore and hardcore subs and they are shitholes lol I’ll try to find that one
I’m so glad I’m not in America. The good thing about Japanese bands is they don’t encourage idpol shite in their songs or social media or on stage. I honestly dread going back. I think I’ll just have to stop going to shows when I do until everyone grows out of it. I really hate them that much and don’t feel welcome.
No. 1905757
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Not milky/interesting enough for a thread but Colleen the shoujo manga youtuber is so goddamn annoying and insecure. She recently went on a Twitter tangent about a blogger not caring to watch her videos and how it just drags her name down because they complained about the accuracy of her videos in the past. Pretty sure she also sent the anonymous ask to the blogger in question to try getting them to watcher her video, too. How chronically online do you have to be to act like a celebrity (kek) manga expert and get pissy that older, bilingual people have read more manga and don’t watch YouTube videos
No. 1905827
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>>1905724i’m so fucking tired of trannies in punk and emo bands. it makes me fume when i think i finally found a band with women only for it to be a hulking trannies in a skirt. they are also violent. i don’t want to go to shows knowing that they’ll be there and if they find out i’m terfy they might assault me. their entitlement is the opposite of punk. i swear they have taken over the screamo scene
No. 1905872
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>>1905724kek found it, /r/IsItSketch/ it's somehow worse than i remember now they're whining about bands being on SPLITS, put out by their labels, with people they don't like. jp metal might be wacky but their fans are so respectful and actually there for the music and vibe. 'murica is alright depending on the state, the further north you go the more idpol zoomers there are ime but at least it's not mooseland. i will never forgive them for harassing hoest off the entire north american continent.
keep going to shows don't let the trannies and posers get you down, a pit is the perfect place to body 6'5 Lilly with the beard. keep me with you in spirit.
>>1905827even if they somehow find out you're a
terf or think your patches are ''
sus'' they're too pussy to actually harm you in public, you know these people are all bark and no bite. they might cry to their twitter followers but i'm pretty sure every moid in the venue would jump in if a woman was getting assaulted. stay safe, keep rockin.
No. 1906044
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>>1905872>>1905827I think like we should have a thread for "modern punk" cringe, cause it's infested with idpol, so much pointless LARPing but also attracts so many pathetic swords, recently a punk bank got into controversy because one member poisoned the other member with estrogen, so he would look less masculine and he could steal his girlfriend.
No. 1906177
>>1906165>>1906168Everything you listed was pop music in both posts. I'm going to recommend some songs for you because I want you to like some modern music: "Burden You" by Pity Sex, "I Let the Sorrow Fill Me" by Goodbye, August, and "The Lovers" by Pure Bathing Culture. These are all songs of different genres produced in the last 5 or so years.
>>1906176Kek nonna don't be mean to her she is just frustrated with generic radio pop methinks.
No. 1906186
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I hate the retarded culture we live in where people think this is funny or acceptable
No. 1906194
>>1906176Since when is edgy moid shit like machine girl and dg 'pop'. Anyways i like Jun Togawa, The carpenters, Bauhaus, King Crimson, Janis Joplin. I am by no means a music connaisseur nor i am trying to larp as one, i just genuinely cant stand modern music and it makes me sad it's so bad. Even the music from 80s flop movies made with the budget of a sack of potatos mog the shit out of modern music.
>>1906177I am dorry i didnt like any of them. Oh my god sorry
nonny but i absolutely despise that earrape mixed with quiet emotionless vocals that's so popular nowadays, i need passion in my music. I forgot to add i fucking despise nirvana and that type of whiny shitty music kek. I wish i were a musician so i could explain better why i hate all that music, but i swear they all sound the same to me.
No. 1906197
>>1906186Disgusting tattoo and dogshit execution, literally no redeeming features. Also
>find post >click through to who it’s on> tranny symbol in bio Well, colour me surprised: it’s on either a self-hating nlog TIF or a garden variety violent misogynistic TIM. Plus ça change.
No. 1906211
>>1905827just gotta say i love you for using that punk azumarill pic
>>1906155agreed. ppl can't even compose anymore
No. 1906213
>>1906194Kek it's okay
nonnie I like the Carpenters too my favourite song by them is "Goodbye to Love" because even though it's popular it makes me really sad and I wish Karen Carpenter lived forever but she died too young because nobody wanted to admit she was an ana-chan even though she was bordering on Lucinda levels I miss her every day and I wish she is in Heaven so when I go to Heaven I can say "Hi Karen I really liked your music" and she could say "Hi anon I'm glad you liked my music do you want some cake? In Heaven we can eat everything we want and always be thin" and at first I wouldn't accept because of my own struggles with ana-chanhood but then she'd say "Come on anon, you don't have to Say Goodbye to your Love of cake in Heaven!" and then we would both laugh at her funny pun and we would have cake and she would sing Goodbye to Love for me and I would cry but I would be crying happy tears this time because I finally met Karen Carpenter.
No. 1906252
>>1906222I liked Given Signs, but i feel like all their other music would sound the same. They all still struggle from the same, having very emotionless vocals and very mellow boring tunes that imo dont communicate much. I feel like our styles are just very different, but thanks
nonny for trying. I am just happy that i am born in the age of piracy and acessibility so i can listen to music from older decades very easily.
No. 1906727
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>>1906558looked him up, I expected a kind of fugly British guy, but this is literally a troll.
No. 1906729
File: 1709234439926.jpeg (644.52 KB, 1170x880, IMG_9303.jpeg)

How Pinterest is cluttered with yassified male gazey edits of already pretty women
No. 1906731
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>>1906729It would be less of an issue if it were explicitly stated things were edits or the app logo were visible, most uploaders don't care
No. 1906780
File: 1709238497367.jpeg (198.75 KB, 813x1200, IMG_9309.jpeg)

>>1906743it's hard to find real candids or closeups between yassified mods. all I want is eye makeup references and the pinterest algorithm is trash
No. 1906904
File: 1709249720844.png (269.59 KB, 762x700, A visual.png)

The reason ballpoint pens are called ballpoint pen is because they suck balls. Fountain pens are the only good kind of pen. It fills me with neverending rage that I'm forced to use ballpoint pens in my day-to-day working life.
No. 1907366
>>1907361I'm not trolling. It's just always funny when I see anons try to get on an anon for caring about appearance when this is the type of site it is. I think the true spirit of this site has been lost anyway though.
>>1907362Some skincare, but not all. Skincare is genuinely helpful if you have bad skin. You just have to be smart about what products you choose to buy and educate yourself on what everything does.
No. 1907369
>>1907365also, no one cares you care about appereances but you arent less shallow than a troon wasting 500 usd on coom figurines
No. 1907373
>>1907365Bad skin doesn't always just mean acne though. It can also mean stuff like hyperpigmentation/scarring just as an example.
>>1907368I agree with that, I also prefer "cheaper" brands. I think the expensive, fancy products are when you start to get into gimmick and scam territory.
No. 1907384
File: 1709285110968.jpg (1.77 MB, 1074x1800, 207025fgsdl.jpg)

I hate that art is so hard to find. Sure, there are sites like artvee but it's only for copyright-free art and it's terribly tagged. I wish there was something more like a booru for non anime art. The lack of proper art archiving is something that irritates me.
No. 1907642
>>1907332>>1907337Damn LC is the only place where I'd use money to take care of myself and bitter anons will take it to mean "SO YOU WANT TO LOOK GOOD FOR THE MALE GAZE YOU WHORE"
Also I'm gay and ugly and I'd use it to become a femme stacey and attract other women anyways. Not everyone here has radfem brainrot and has moids on their mind 24/7.
No. 1907652
File: 1709306819491.jpg (17.67 KB, 286x286, Mega-Ball-Magic-Multi-Pack-LOL…)

LOL dolls. I was watching a video of someone opening one of the sets and while the dolls in general already look terrible and creepy, one doll straight up had massive hooker boots. And they're supposed to look like babies proportion wise. How can any mother get this for her daughter and not think it's beyond fucked up?
No. 1907658
>>1907652there's degenerates who wear dress like that and read to children on libraries, the world has always been fucked up
No. 1907664
>>1907659that's a thing i hate too, i can't believe how many girls on my generation liked Bratz and their shitty direct to video movies, the tv show was already nightmare fuel.
like i also hated the barbie fans but when there's really only so much girl toys you can sperg about in the playground i guess that's what made me befriend barbie autist back then.
No. 1907703
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Vests. Dykish vests.
No. 1907749
File: 1709311727549.png (945.45 KB, 872x517, straight_from_le_reddit.png)

I hate cringe-ass redditor geeky themed weddings or any weddings that incorporate any moid shit such as swords, axe-throwing etc. They usually look tacky and feel disingenuous to me. Its always usually a stupid thing that mostly the moid likes that makes it look like the idea of getting married has to be made appealing to him like when you try to make a picky child eat vegetables by cutting them into fun shapes.
No. 1907759
>>1907747I run daily, it's free. Anon is just making excuses not to excercise.
>>1907754>getting your nails and hair done>stacykekkkk
No. 1907775
File: 1709312424952.png (234.31 KB, 1170x1288, 1687673444094.png)

>>1907770a chad is a super buffed up scrote that doesnt give a shit about what society thinks so it only makes sense that a stacy is also a buffed up freak that doesnt care about dumb shit like getting her hair done because she's above that shit
No. 1907782
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>>1907749This reminds me, early 2010s wedding trends were something else
No. 1907784
File: 1709312749286.png (101.37 KB, 790x757, giga stacy.png)

>>1907779i mean i dont understand why the female counterpart of chad cares about that shit? chad doesnt care about getting pedis and his skin being all uwu sparkly, why should stacy?
No. 1907797
>>1907784I guess the meaning of Stacy has changed over time and it has a different meaning here (I've seen anons describe themselves as Stacies as a good thing…as if a Stacy would use imageboards lol).
Stacy would definitely care about getting a mani/pedi and she'd always get her hair done. They were vapid and extremely dumb bombshells. It had a negative connotation, unlike Chad.
No. 1907908
File: 1709317371840.jpg (61.16 KB, 960x928, 1692559979633.jpg)

>>1907906>makes moid incredibly uncomfortable because they cant fap to it>no woman gets hurt or humilliated>made for and by womani would say yaoi is a pretty stacy past-time, yes
No. 1907932
>>1907749>idea of getting married has to be made appealing to him like when you try to make a picky child eat vegetables by cutting them into fun shapes.I love the way you phrased this, fucking kek nona. I have so-called "nerd wedding" to go to this year and I can't wait to see what cringe will unfold.
On-topic for things you hate: when ugly moids dress up as Link. Look at that bald, eggy, works in IT looking ass motherfucker in his hat, we all know you don't have hair and you're a fucking disgrace to the Hero of Time, sod off!!
No. 1907944
>>1907931Sexualizing men isn't porn addiction. It's sad you project lowly and
abusive moid habits onto Stacy hobbies that only benefit women.
No. 1907964
File: 1709320128694.jpg (26.56 KB, 618x680, 9da.jpg)

>>1907953Exactly. And a real Stacy wouldn't pay attention to what other women say to bring her down. A Stacy is happy and proud of being a woman who enjoys herself at the fullest without bowing to men and bringing other women down. A Stacy will lift because it benefits and tones her body to her liking, and a Stacy will choose to pay attention to insanely pretty men because she deserves it and she knows it. Real Stacies aren't bitter about other women enjoying themselves, anon.
No. 1907991
>>1907964>A Stacy is happy and proud of being a woman who enjoys herself at the fullest without bowing to men and bringing other women downAnd that includes grooming yourself and taking care of your appearances and health. Which was the whole point of the original post
>>1907238that was shitting on the moids spending frivolous shit instead of using that money to groom and take care of themselves. But anons had to start an infight that it must mean you're a vapid whore only looking pretty for the male gaze, lol.
No. 1908093
>>1908073zoomer girls also have to work 3 jobs to still live in poverty, vape and eat fast food, are prescribed a ton of medication and deal with
abusive porn addicted moids since they could date and you came to the conclusion it's their skincare aging them?
No. 1908114
>>1908109Anon stop. We are living in the worst job market since the great depression/recession and historically the worst wage/price of living ratio, and despite all this people don't want to admit that the economy is the problem and the older gens will just tell them that they're just not trying hard enough when most of them got jobs that can get an apartment, car and groceries and most of the younger generations can only dream of that
As far as dating goes we're living in a time where men are just as
abusive, creepy and cheating like usual but also expect the zoomer girls to financially support them and gaslight them into accepting porn, cheating, etc. the only thing remotely similar is smoking and drugs always being a thing. But to deny the world is worse for zoomers trying to make a life for themselves is blatantly bullshit
No. 1908116
I hate fillers and plastic surgery in general, and this video is a perfect example of why. It makes women look worse 9 times out of 10
No. 1908131
>>1908129>arent wasting their hard earned money into retarded skin and haircare anon…
>i mean that all of that has nothing to do with expensive skincarethe point was that skincare was aging gen z instead of the increasing amount of stressful lifestyle, then I gave examples of how stressful it is for the younger generation
No. 1908283
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names like emberlyn and haleigh
No. 1908323
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Ftm grill just dropped
No. 1908447
File: 1709351113454.png (Spoiler Image,154.07 KB, 474x477, tumblr_88f5683d8b127ba41e38c85…)

>>1908383>>1908437FTMs are weirdly obsessed with Christian imagery as an aesthetic thing. Also, I'm sure many of them latch onto the Creation of Adam/being made in God's likeness/first man idea as a metaphor for their transition. Troons in general romanticize the idea of creation myths because they believe they are creating themselves, in a sense. Also, it just visually works for a masectomy since two hands under
two breasts. I think picrel is one of the pics that made it really take off on Tumblr.
No. 1908448
>>1908447God it's so stupid, genuinely
so stupid.
No. 1908547
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>>1908447tbf I think it mostly comes from Japan, people in Japan don't care about Christianity, the way MCU doesn't care about Norse religion, both however like the superficial aesthetics and popular iconography, without even actually understanding it.
No. 1908840
>>1906023tinfoil: it's used to
sus out who is submissive enough to the mainstream media
No. 1908959
File: 1709375447582.png (50.01 KB, 300x368, 1681125835478.png)

Inspired by the talk in this thread, I hate when people thinking if you hate wearing makeup and/or keep your natural hair, you must be dirty. it's like the female body must be marked and made up in order to be seen as acceptable. Who cares about basic skincare or regular exercise if your aren't conturing your face exactly like an e-girl? And its mostly women who harass you for not following the social rules. If I was younger with no experience of the 90s, I would have thought I was trans just for hating this suffocating pro-bimbo/tradthot culture we live in now
No. 1908999
>>1908959I could go on and on about this. I hate that as a woman 'taking care of yourself' means to wear makeup, to shave, style your hair meticulously. None of this is taking care of yourself, none of this helps you live healthy or improves anything. I get that for some, you have to do it, like if you work front desk in a bank or something, you gotta put some shit on. I feel for those women. But to act like it's some moral failing, or a woman is 'letting go of herself' for not following these meaningless, utterly irrelevant, useless, stupid beauty rituals, god I hate it so much. A woman existing in her natural state is shameful and dirty, and you need to do allll these things to 'become' acceptable. I hate it so much, and yes women perpetuate this too, because they feel uncomfortable when they see you not conform and contort yourself to this bullshit while they do.
One time, I attended a wedding with no makeup and unshaved arms, as how I am all the time. I dressed up and everything and I was cornered by my female family members who berated me and forcibly put a lipstick on me, it was so humiliating and I did feel like shit, like "wow, I'm probably ruining this wedding with my bare face and I should've just worn something to not cause a scene", which, I shouldn't think this way, but that's how it goes when you don't conform. Like, existing as you are has to be some 'statement', like not doing these things
are the action, and not neutrality.
No. 1909012
File: 1709382672438.jpeg (856.96 KB, 1242x1282, IMG_1993.jpeg)

I actually hate this thread pic it is pissing me off so bad why does it look like a down syndrome parrot with a biiiig chomper tooth from far away when it's tiny in the catalog I just wish better thread pics were used on here now my day is fucking ruined because of the ugly parrot shit
No. 1909017
File: 1709383290255.jpeg (571.42 KB, 858x1053, IMG_1994.jpeg)

>>1909014All I can see is a retarded fucking parrot it's 8 in the morning and my entire day is ruined because of it
No. 1909023
File: 1709383832023.jpeg (50.74 KB, 794x595, IMG_2771.jpeg)

>>1909012>>1909017it's a frog plushie. If you don't like op pics make threads yourself.
No. 1909034
>>1909025>day ruined>harass plus belittlejfc overdramatic much? no one is harassing you. get a grip
>>1908959i feel this. i also hate that people say a woman who doesn't dress up is masculine. i just don't dress masculine, just bc i wear jeans and tees doesn't mean i'm trying to be like a man
No. 1909039
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Another thing I hate is when autists can't comprehend non-literal language like hyperbole or sarcasm. Makes me roll my eyes hard.
No. 1909138
>>1907749It's just not something timeless. Like with all trend/fandom shit, eventually your tastes will change and it will have less significance and importance as your life evolves and you gain more experiences that overshadow the old. They're going to feel very foolish. These folks will be wanting "vow renewal" weddings in a few decades where they can have less embarrassing memories and photos.
People with geek tattoos are in for a rude awakening as well.
Just imagine if your parents had Bugs Bunny and Tweety Bird weddings, or Pink Panther. I'm sure things like these happened, but it was way less common for this reason. Brainrot just got people thinking this shit is not cringe.
No. 1909141
>>1908999>I was cornered by my female family members who berated me and forcibly put a lipstick on me, it was so humiliating and I did feel like shit, like "wow, I'm probably ruining this wedding with my bare face and I should've just worn something to not cause a scene"I mean you definitely should have been less of an autist and read the room well enough to realize that a wedding event
may be an approved upon time for women to be dressed up for the occassion. Although someone cornering you in a room to force lipstick on you is fucking hilarious and wrong. Yeah, you should probably conform at someone's wedding or not go because it's about them and not you.
No. 1909228
File: 1709397708849.jpg (41.03 KB, 645x380, Sphynx-4-645mk062211.jpg)

I hate hairless/near hairless cats (like the sphynx and cornish rex) and dogs (like the Chinese crested) so much and they should be considered animal abuse, who the fuck thinks they look cute? They're not only hideous looking and ugly as hell, they're also extremely prone to skin infections and sunburn because they don't have a coat of fur protecting them. They should be treated on the same level as those flat-faced muzzless animals. Breeding them should be outlawed.
No. 1909238
File: 1709398512155.png (355.03 KB, 603x421, "white passing".png)

>>1909160in the past few years, there's been a trend of defining blackness not by genetics, but by how well someone adheres to ghetto stereotypes. The black women who dress up in other aesthetics are often mocked or harassed , labeled as white-washed/oreo/eurocentric. It's nonsense, and I secretly wonder how much of this trend is influenced by the popularity of gender logic.
No. 1909244
>>1909157no one expects men to wear makeup. He can be well dressed and groomed and come with a moisturized face and no one yells at him. But I have to slather on layers of Kardashian makeup as to not
trigger other women? It's the cultural double standards that annoys me
No. 1909270
>>1909268I wasn't talking about men. I was talking about the fact that it isn't an unreasonable expectation to throw on some blush and mascara for a formal look at a formal event.
If you don't like it then you shouldn't attend instead of being an autist towards the person who invited you.
No. 1909281
>>1909275Samefag like seriously look at
>>1907749. Men need concealer more than anyone else in the world.
No. 1909311
>>1909288Just now? Nonnies on this site spend their time way too immersed in the 0.01% internet discourse that they forget that in the real world shit like this
>>1909299 is so fucking common even in the current year. I wore a regular clean pantsuit to a formal family event without makeup and my normie sister was pissed that I was "dressed like a man".
No. 1910266
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>>1910239You mean you don't want your purebred show puppy to have a name like Grabo Testarossa?
No. 1910334
>>1910289I get it tbh, I have to be in a certain mindset to watch sad movies and shows or else I end up crying for weeks and won't function normally. And this
>>1910293 too.
No. 1910380
>>1910343The push that even the bad guy has to have a tragic backstory so don’t be mean to the poor uwu
victim is getting annoying too. Sometimes a bad guy is just a bad guy because he does bad things, he doesn’t have to have a redemption arc or be absolved for being a piece of shit. It goes to show what kind of sheltered life those privileged enough to create entertainment lead though, they can’t fathom a world where things are just bad or people are just bad. Add to that, that it’s not about entertaining people for them any more but about activism. Just make entertaining shit, current media is such a moral slog these days.
No. 1910623
File: 1709508090466.png (143.7 KB, 363x400, shisen_kowai.png)

People with poor social skills who know they have poor social skills but make no effort to improve their social skills and then continue to complain and whine about their poor social skills.
No. 1910675
>>1910235I hate when people name their pets celebrity/historical figure puns like Meowly Cyrus, Ruth Bader Ginspurrg, Piggy Smalls, etc.
Also my fam knows someone who got a puppy in early 2020 and named it Corona because hurr hurr covid. I wonder if they changed its name after a few months of the incessant bullshit.
No. 1910693
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>>1910680nta but I hate that now I'm hyper aware of "millennial humor" because it reminds me of the passage of time
No. 1910737
File: 1709518215361.jpg (230.18 KB, 2048x2048, 1000003154.jpg)

So many young men are getting this haircut thinking they look like Leon but they just look like Stuart from madtv. I need this to stop. Idk if it's kpop boy overexposure but the men getting this lately are not the men that suit it. It's like seeing a masculine white woman with a hime cut.
No. 1910822
>>1910737This was a popular haircut in the 90s and even then I would say it didn't really fit many men tbh.
>thinking they look like LeonThis reminded me of something I hate. When people unironically think they are just like some character, make their life's mission to larp them and tie their whole personality to that character. Cows like Stefany make me cringe too much to keep up with the milk. I hate this so much that it extents to cosplayers sometimes.
No. 1910867
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Yeah and this woman who was raped as a child and developed schizophrenia which disabled her completely at 19 is just making shit up according to spiritual people and their "suffering is not real" philosophy
No. 1910919
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I hate people like this so much. Creators don’t have to support anything just to cater to you.
No. 1911406
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i really don’t care for the prep school girl look on grown women.
No. 1911436
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I hate the way kids cartoons try to make the female animals sexy. It always made me so fucking uncomfortable aespecially when the animal doesnt have a human body. I feel like the people who animated this shit are zoophile furfags.
No. 1911486
File: 1709573742301.jpg (223.17 KB, 909x2048, GHpvn7DWQAArBCX.jpg)

The actual fucking audacity of Indonesians and Saudis.
No. 1911664
>>1910919with a low view count, you can ignore it and claim you didn't see it. The only way for this nonsense to end is mass ignoring
>>1911406Kinda wish I could dress like a prep for life, but I don't have prep money
No. 1911696
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No. 1912742
Latching onto the video in your post
>>1912629I hate how moids are free to travel around the world, pursue whatever dream they have, yet at the same time get to enjoy the cushy safety of a family. The guy you posted has really interesting videos, it seems as if he's traveling all year long, but then suddenly a short while ago he posts his wife and two babies. How is that possible? He really gets to do whatever the fuck he wants while she waits for him and takes care of everything. As a woman, I can never have this. I have to decide, either one of the other.
Also, I hate that I can't travel to interesting non-touristy destinations on my own because it always means risking rape and/or murder, meanwhile murican moids can do "I'm alone in Pakistan at night with no money and all hotels turn me away lol"-vids and will still be fine.
No. 1912763
>>1912757This video is pretty good, talking about how moids tell you to just work hard and you will get what you want, then they have a whole wife backing them up, doing all their work for them.
I also feel bitter about the security aspect of this. If you try something risky as a woman and fail, then you're simply fucked and have nothing. If a man fails at pursuing his dreams it might suck but he likely still got his wife and kids. Meanwhile men wouldn't accept an immature woman who's trying to reach some goal, they expect her to be stable and live for him.
Same for the opposite way, as a woman having kids is the final decision, you will never get a way out but as a moid you can change your mind whenever you feel like it and just do something else.
No. 1912769
File: 1709677815584.jpg (231.31 KB, 1080x1538, GHtv9e5a0AAH5oX.jpg)

Even having a moid won't protect you. Fuck this shit
No. 1912771
>>1912769>Vincente and Fernanda were gang-rapedNo
they were not, what is this shit?
she was!
No. 1912845
File: 1709683500524.jpg (134.41 KB, 680x680, 1000014437.jpg)

>>1912769Kind of unrelated, but middle aged and wrinkly old scrotes seem to think they're convincing when they say that older men are more useful to young women than men who share the same youth. Men tell everyone that they get smarter and stronger, or that they age like "fine wine" when they get older. But I never see men actually grow smarter with age, only men that were smart since youth in the first place. I rarely see middle aged and older men physically stronger than their younger counterparts. Scrotes love to bring the caveman, hunter/gatherer period to cite all their little theories about sexual selection and the kind of male they think women should want, but using their own logic of women needing men that are able to protect them; This case goes to show that older males are too out of shape and sluggish to properly defend women. Males cannot have it both ways when they insist that their role is to protect women, but think that women should waste their time fucking wrinkly, past-prime and out of shape scrotes that are too physically incompetent to practice their own purpose of "protecting their tribe". It is time for middle aged and even older scrotes to just admit that they're fucking useless, and that women should not be recommended to date them if they want a male that's
useful to her safety.
No. 1912958
File: 1709691998915.png (1.2 MB, 1183x789, 20240203021427.png)

I hate in manga/anime when male characters get to have varied faces, old, young, different eyes, noses, eyebrows, jaws, wrinkles, while female characters are all just different kinds of "pretty" with more or less the same generic pretty face (when they look different it's super rare or it's a minor character). I get that moids are retarded pigs who need every female character to be coomable, but at the very least give them more than ONE pretty face. Pretty women in real life don't all have the exact same face, just take inspiration from real people if your retarded monkey brain can't come up with anything. I used to watch anime as a teen but now it genuinely makes me angry, like it's fucking lazy and insulting
No. 1912989
>>1912958I agree. I think anime styles with realistic and varied features look so cool too, so it's a little disappointing.
Also, that pic using multiple screenshots for the women but only one for the men says something. Im not sure what though
No. 1913292
File: 1709728062518.jpg (202.59 KB, 561x640, Izzzyzzz_Merch_medium2.jpg)

The fact that this is what passes as androgynous/GNC nowadays. Saged because I feel like a petty bitch for pointing it out and being annoyed by it.
No. 1913468
File: 1709743782619.jpg (265.24 KB, 925x1669, muh gnc.jpg)

>>1913292Anons calling her and this guy GNC comfirms we are currently getting invaded by tradthots.
No. 1913631
File: 1709753000015.jpeg (32.56 KB, 1150x185, IMG_4306.jpeg)

I hate seeing this copy and pasted everywhere. retards who think they are smart use it more than anyone. If someone disagrees with them then they are automatically an idiot, even if this “disagreeing” is stating a fact. I’ve seen an anti vaxxer who thinks vaccine give kids autism use it. I’ve seen redditors use it. It’s fucking everywhere in political discussions. You’re not smarter than everyone. You’re not the 1% of people with a 300 IQ. You’re an obese schizoid Reddit tranny with 100,000 karma.
No. 1913822
>>1913764Not to
victim blame but those childish mannerisms make me think he is too retarded to travel anywhere alone.
No. 1913835
File: 1709762653666.jpeg (500.94 KB, 1170x1605, IMG_9722.jpeg)

M*n with an asterisk
I feel like puking
No. 1913875
>>1913817Read about the rape in delhi (a major city) where a 22 year old woman was gang raped
with a metal pipeon a bus and died from her internal injuries. She was literally bleeding out and crawling on the street, asking for help and people walked over her like she was trash. She wanted to became a doctor and the men told her it was her fault for being out after dark without a husband. I hate india like there's no tomorrow. I learned about this story 5 or so years ago and it fully changed my perception on the country.
The men who did this to her are still on the streets and not in jail.
It made me look it into further on how bad the women there have it.
No. 1913937
File: 1709768352705.jpg (220.5 KB, 1048x1200, FpYSGc_XoAwIfjO.jpg)

Adult Bluey fans.
No. 1913949
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>>1913292>The fact that this is what passes as androgynous/GNC nowadaysI'd like to know who thinks this so I can clobber them. She looks like every other feminine white woman with the they/them label.
No. 1914526
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I hate contemporary “poetry.”
No. 1914651
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>>1914609Pretty much. He's also an organizer kek
No. 1914684
File: 1709832797050.png (1.38 MB, 1280x1280, bi0XIWu.png)

I have no idea how people can make stuff like this and not realize how racist it comes across.
No. 1914687
File: 1709832898491.png (2.64 MB, 1080x2183, 8N1wybZ.png)

>>1914684these are creators of these comics btw.
No. 1914897
File: 1709842280192.png (333.2 KB, 618x618, 1709832797050_1.png)

>>1914684The sceptical look that the girl gives the brunette guy doesn't match the rest of the story. If you remove the text from this panel it looks like brunette guy is harassing a random couple
>>1914687Everything about blobby is so lazy i can't believe that 3 people worked on this you would think at least 1 of them would put effort into it
No. 1914966
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Yeah yeah it's my fault for being on /x/ in the first place but Jesus Christ I despise how retarded moids are.
>muh demonic possession is totes real cuz… c-cuz women with tattoos!
>instead of like, actually evil people like pedophiles (96% male) or rapists (97% male) or mass shooters (99% male)
No. 1915144
File: 1709852651720.png (811.63 KB, 1080x2065, Screenshot_20240305-193017~3.p…)

I hate this annoying retards animations and his profile picture,it makes me irrationally angry for some weird reason.i find it funny he calls himself a professional.
No. 1915314
File: 1709859811787.jpeg (67.26 KB, 948x948, grosssss.jpeg)

celebricow normies seeing ugly degrading shit like this and going ''omg so cuteee uguuuu she looks so good!!1!'' this fucking shit is disgusting and i have no idea who this bitch is. And yeah i know the og character has a similar outfit, but she could have choosen literally any other character, she definetly choose this one because she has to degrade herself to men
No. 1915317
File: 1709860114937.jpeg (205.84 KB, 1024x1323, Megan_Thee_Stallion_(cropped).…)

>>1915315yes i am sure a woman who dresses this tastefully choose to whore herself just because she likes the character lmfao
No. 1915368
File: 1709862419046.png (477.25 KB, 960x540, mgid_arc_imageassetref_shared.…)

>>1915325I hate this, being called jealous in response to
valid criticism about attractive women. I know the only goal is to dismiss any
valid point and get on people's nerves, and it works on me because I have a short temper
No. 1915425
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when the movie i want to watch is so obscure it doesnt have a single seeder
No. 1915922
File: 1709887190928.jpg (686.1 KB, 1638x2048, 1000003215.jpg)

Just ruining the vibe of the space with weird shitty naked faceless art of women
No. 1916048
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No. 1916225
>>1916123For real, every time I see someone on here whining that the evil lolcow
femcels are shaming them for wanting to fuck men or do tinder hookups I just roll my eyes. Literally one of the most normal things on the planet is women having sex with men yet they want to act like a
victim because someone told them to shut up and get some self respect instead of crying about needing dick kek
No. 1916273
File: 1709911092623.jpg (40.98 KB, 708x354, toodiscourse.jpg)

>>1916225it's literally picrel. they're so online they forgot no one outside of lc is gonna shame them for being a woman who dates men
No. 1916491
File: 1709922770353.jpg (34.84 KB, 200x200, book.jpg)

i hate storytelling and humans obsession with it. i only care about objective reality. i hate movies. i hate fiction. i hate imagination and "creative" media. i hate most art. i only read non fiction and listen to music performed by attractive people but dont enjoy the music itself
No. 1916501
File: 1709923062030.jpg (62.83 KB, 275x275, 8tJyG3H.jpg)

i love storytelling and human´s fascination with it. i don't care about objective reality. i love movies. i love fiction. i love imagination and "creative" media. i love most art. i listen non fiction and read to music performed by ugly people but love the music itself.
but most importantly, i hate >>1916491(you)
>>1916493she has none
>>1916494she has some
>>1916495it is.
No. 1916538
>ariana, dua lipaI suppose but there's definitely more mature female artists still making great music
No. 1916544
File: 1709924894247.jpg (237.04 KB, 2048x1366, please anon.jpg)

>>1916538>taylor>noplease. Some of you clearly dont listen to music made before the 00s if you think this shit isnt trashy and sexualized as fuck. Go listen to Karen Carpenter or something.
No. 1916564
File: 1709925815967.jpg (1.08 MB, 3225x2034, taylor-swift-performs-at-the-t…)

>>1916557NTA but stop playing dumb, this sort of thing would (correctly) be considered trashy for other singers lol
No. 1916624
File: 1709928267892.jpg (124.49 KB, 730x700, Janis_LGB_Still4-730x700.jpg)

>>1916600do you think female singers popped out yesterday? ofcourse if you are some turbo normie who only listens to shit like taylor swift you will think that, but it's genuinely disrespectful to all the other talented female musicians who, unlike her, didnt have to whore themselves out for moids to get a career. Female artists having to whore themselves out to moids is a new concept.
No. 1917720
File: 1710006322376.mp4 (3.47 MB, 480x854, Civ4ba2.mp4)

gay male humor and faghags who let gay men walk over them.
No. 1917931
File: 1710022389419.jpg (115.4 KB, 1080x996, 1709960680246.jpg)

Not everything has to be about the Palestine/Israel conflict, specially when is a summon pattern and is a video about Chinese products.
No. 1919207
>>1919197It makes you based and lucky. Asexuality is not a sexual orientation but it is a real phenomenon.
(unless you masturbate or sexually fantasize about them)
No. 1919233
File: 1710088353143.jpg (91.05 KB, 736x736, cc6563bf3f4cb8021034139057987c…)

I hate forks! I hate how they take a considerable amount more of time to wash just because you have to get in between every fork stem to make sure you clean all the food there. You woulda thought some cleaning company woulda made some sort of gadget to make cleaning them faster. Scrub Daddy if you're reading this…
Also, I dislike that these cutlery look like butt plugs.
No. 1919279
File: 1710091587548.jpeg (235.35 KB, 941x941, IMG_1915.jpeg)

I know this type of shit has been posted a thousand times before, but I hate performative social media activism. It’s just to make people feel as if they’re actually doing something without doing anything. These morons really think not drinking coffee or not having a burger is going to stop a war. All people participating in this cult behavior suffer from mental retardation.
No. 1919291
>>1915314Her body is completely covered except for cleavage which is barely scandalous for stage fashion. It’s a strong, comedically manly and flamboyant character, which is a morally tame, unprovocative cosplay choice for popular anime. Of course you’re disregarding a nice, normal woman you don’t know anything about as some bitch because of your severe madonna-whore complex.
>>1915335Megan doesn’t even look like she’s had surgery or fillers. Blindly insulting her doesn’t make your scroteish, prejudiced reaction to her appearance sound feminist.
No. 1919293
>>1915371 >shouldn’t discuss or talk about sex, wear makeup, dress slutty is a moid-ey view>how?! literally how, all those things benefit moids and moids only.Women do enjoy her music in a haughty, character based way, as she doesn’t pine for men and is generally praising herself in those popular songs. Otherwise, they find her person, catchy music and performances fun. Her audience concept is women partying together. Her style of raunchiness is relatively inconsequential within the sub genre and the inevitable male attention is technically a secondary buffer.
Sexual music palatable to women does encourage the notion of personal ownership over their sexuality. Obviously the subject matters but in Megan’s popularity is an image somewhat of prioritising personal pleasure. Society won’t stop engaging women in sexual activity. Not talking about it has always benefited men as they will not refrain from talking about it themselves. Then society’s approach to sex is by their design. The only reason you can call it degrading is
because men have dictated the cultural narrative of sexuality so far. The madonna-whore complex exists to create a sexual underclass that conveniently includes all women because the goalposts change as they please. Consider that you have called this woman a dog and prostitute because even with comedic, fashionable intention, she was willing to let her greatly female audience see a portion of her breast skin and the silhouette of her body.
No. 1919300
File: 1710092923668.png (63.3 KB, 803x290, Quote by Ursula K. Le Guin.png)

I really hate the whole "feminist spirutuality" thing. The divine feminine, astrology, women's intuition, dianic wicca/goddess worship, really any woo shit being touted as "for the girls" frustrates me because it's relegating women to the realm of irrational make-believe, which does not threaten men's perception of us at all. Whenever I see it, it always makes me think of picrel. I like to joke/speculate about astrology for fun, but when women take that sort of thing really seriously and also defend it as being somehow feminist, I just feel disappointed.
No. 1919320
File: 1710093929807.png (1.02 MB, 640x932, JmzxhZu.png)

>>1919300I used to believe the same thing. I'm not saying that 'spiritual woo woo' is correct, but from my perspective, I think people are not in need of faith rather they are predisposed to it. It is in our nature to be religious and seek higher ideals. No matter how much of an atheist you are, you will find some other substitute to scratch that itch, often in politics, so astrology and spiritual woo is while not an Ideal situation, is still least awful.
No. 1919684
>>1919373the "-sexual" suffix isn't about actual sexual arousal. when it comes to attraction, it means the biological sex of the people one likes. homosexual = same sex, heterosexual = other sex, bisexual = both sexes. If you're dating a person of the opposite sex without fucking it's still a heterosexual relationship.
the "asexual means not fucking " bullshit is frop tumblrtards and it's stupid.
No. 1919710
>>1919684>the "asexual means not fucking " bullshit is frop tumblrtards and it's stupid.I thought it's the other way round with them insisting you can totally be a 101%
valid ace even if you fuck, and masturbate and have fetishes. Wonder why they never split up into "No attraction" and "Literally non-sexual".
No. 1919756
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I HATEEEE unprofessional business owners. Ones that can't take criticism and get offended at everything instead of just using it to improve their business. People who aren't necessarily businesses but offer services (e.g. hair stylists, artists) are also very guilty of this. If you cannot be professional, if you will talk shit and be rude, you do not need to be running a fucking business. It's also a symptom of being an antisocial, entitled retard. And it's always people who overcharge for their shit. Stuff like that completely ruins things for people who actually know how to run a business.
No. 1920185
File: 1710136936739.jpeg (195.37 KB, 750x564, IMG_1298.jpeg)

I fucking hate drug addicts. They are filthy selfish disgusting assholes who deserve no sympathy. They chose to use something they most likely knew is dangerous and yet they do it anyway. The war on drugs and the cartels would be over if we put these sad fucks out of their misery. I can't afford a car in my beutiful sprawling city of Walmart and strip moll so i have to take the 3rd world buses and trains in the first world most richest country and bestest first worldest and equalest country called the U.S.!!! Its always full of poor drug addicts risking everyones helth by cookin fety, carlessly leaving biohazard litter everywhere and being agressive towards every gender equality and not at all targeting wuman during schizo episodes!
Retard speak aside idk why public transit is treated like a fucking joke here when it is amazing in places like Japan and is incredibly important and useful especially with the climate change and our general fucking of the environment. So why the fuck are drug addicts allowed to soil the already struggling and sparsh public transit we have.
No. 1920192
>>1919756Who is this picrel?
Anyway, on the subject of business owners, I absolutely hate grifters using AI to churn out cheap garbage to slap onto T-shirts/other merch. It’s rampant in the POD industry and it all looks like shit. I blame Tim Ferris and his jerkoff contemporaries for encouraging exploitation and corner-cutting as the foundation of any “passive income stream.”
No. 1920370
File: 1710154345456.jpg (70.02 KB, 1024x1280, oogolkuetqyb1.jpg)

I seriously cant stand vtubers and their fake squeaky voices and their fans are the most cringy lowlife parasocial tards on the internet. Also I think of how /jp/ got ruined by peopled spamming vtuber shit and it was never the same after that. Fuck it makes me mad genuinely
No. 1920434
>>1920422I unironically like the word
unalive, it's hilarious to me. Also fun that it was redtexted recently. Has delulu been redtexted yet? I will find out as I'm posting this.
No. 1920466
>>1920455I would never use it towards a serious subject but I like using it towards myself. Example: I want to
unalive. Or in a funny context. Example: Gross scrotes should
No. 1920492
>>1920466using it jokingly is completely different than someone discussing suicide in a serious context and choosing to use such an infantile word. it's like someone saying that they're going to
unalive themselves because a scrote spammed photos of nikocado avocado's asshole again and someone saying they're going to commit suicide because they're experiencing actual suffering.
No. 1920512
>>1920422What I hate even more is retarded tiktokers coming here and using
unalive instead of using a euphemism that's been used on imageboards for over a decade - commit sudoku, kek. I get that it's more humorous but
unalive sounds just as retarded in a serious context when you don't have to censor yourself.
No. 1920645
File: 1710173128974.jpg (566 KB, 1696x1360, uTRyZDucgYqSBi.jpg)

This has to be one of the most dystopian things I've read about.
>Julie Loving, 52, gave birth to her own granddaughter
>People were amazed at the power of medicine, touched by the strength of a mother's love, and overjoyed for Breanna Lockwood, who welcomed her daughter home after years of fertility struggles.
No. 1920649
>>1920192Sorry anon, I thought I explained who the pic was but I guess I forgot.
That's Suzie from NailCareerEducation. She makes informative vids about doing nails and sells nail supplies. Another YouTuber reviewed a beginner kit she sells and had some
valid criticisms (products don't do as advertised, slow drying, doesn't come with necessary tools). Suzie saw the review abd called her unprofessional and inexperienced, and said that the results she got was because she didn't buy a product that was not yet available at the time. Pretty sure that everything Suzie said has been deleted now cause this was years ago, but I've disliked her ever since.
No. 1920665
>>1920645>is 51>her daughter struggled with infertility for yearsImmediately judging, you just know she had her daughter young and her daughter too was barely an adult yet already panicking about becoming preggers. I will never understand this. And I'm so glad that in my country all this artificial pregnancy shit is forbidden.
It's weird how the US is very religious too, yet somehow with completely different standards and morals. You not becoming pregnant might just be a sign of god…
No. 1920667
The fact that threads about only discussing trannies are allowed on both ot and snow (and the hidden board) meanwhile its been years now and the mods wont bring back the pinkpill threads in ot. Its really telling how this is becoming a tradthot site
No. 1920674
>>1920669How would you feel if we moved all the tranny threads on the hidden board that has 2 posters a month maximum?
No. 1920803
File: 1710182002806.jpg (280.79 KB, 720x1274, IMG_20240311_212746.jpg)

State sanctioned rape exists so women in prison will put on more makeup. Read this shit. "Groomed and obedient." They give special treatment to agp navy seals in men's prisons but women are housed with MALE GUARDS who get to decide whether they eat today or not. Holy shit. State sanctioned rape for buying a little weed. The guys with long hair get private security and women get state sanctioned rape. Institutionalised rape. I'm going punch the wall
No. 1920996
>>1919300I genuinely don't mind people who only do tarot readings and birth charts for fun, as many women in my country do. I also side-eye moids who get irrationally upset over crystals and astrology but believe in MBTI and sigma male rhetoric. But there's a line to be drawn, and some women are so terminally online that they start sounding like unmedicated schizophrenics with their Wicca/divine femininity/twin flame theories.
Semi related but I hate it when crazy women use feminism to excuse their harmful weirdo beliefs like unironic witchcraft, antivaxx crunchy tradwife shilling, ewhoring, knowingly sleeping with married men, etc.
>>1920887I've had experiences with older male and even female doctors being pretty blatantly dismissive and annoyed that I'm coming to them with my health issues, as if it's my fault they have to do their job, so I get those who hate doctors for that reason. But the solution to that is not to be an essential oil luddite endangering yourself and your dependents, it's being loud, persistent and changing doctors until you get treated. I'll automatically assume anyone who turns to naturopathic woo woo instead is a retard who never learned basic survival skills.
No. 1921559
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I hate this man like I hate him. I don't even know much about him. I just hate him.
No. 1921686
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I don't know if there's a term for this, but I hate how in movies they'll cast these frail, delicate women to perform these extravagant "kung-fu" sequences that only serve to show off their bodies
No. 1921860
File: 1710254716798.jpeg (212.58 KB, 1170x656, IMG_0050.jpeg)

This type of tumblr post. Where’s the funny? It’s even worse when all the people I follow reblog the same unfunny post
No. 1921877
File: 1710256087740.jpg (414.53 KB, 1466x1610, 1000004366.jpg)

I hate the story Wuthering Heights so damn much it's unreasonable because i know its objectivly a well written story. It really started when a webtoon had a character from our world recommend it as a love story to a character from a medival fantasy world. I had to drop the webtoon right there because and the more I thought about it the more I came to realize how much I disliked it. It's really annoying now because there's a big trend where a bunch of webtoon adaptations are based on novels inspired heavily by Wuthering Heights.
Im just looking for a new webtoon between a noble lady and servant like "The Lady's Butler" but they just keep coming out with "Wuthering Heights but Heathcliff is from a secret noble liniage that he takes back and Catherine gets raped by her abusive husband" and those changes just add onto the shit pile, I don't care that they have """happily ever after""" endings the author gaslights you into thinking it's a good thing these two got together after all that shit at least Emily Brotnë stuck to the ending that made sense
No. 1922000
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>>1921686No, seriously. I wish they'd cast ripped sexy woman for once. I want to see more buff tall chicks in movies. the little old pedowood directors could never handle anything besides hiring ogre faced men and sexy cute same face petite women, I literally thought Scarlet Witch and Black Widow were the same damn person…
No. 1922017
File: 1710263927190.jpg (6.7 KB, 224x225, 1000009689.jpg)

I fucking hate how hypocritical men and incels are. They constantly complain about "whores" and how ruined modern women are but if they encounter an actually genuine and sweet woman that is not overly sexualized they destroy her life. I loved Agatha and it's the kind of content I'd like to watch from women. They made her quit the internet with their harassment. For me a girl that makes content like Agatha does is relatable.
No. 1922256
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>>1921721this was one of the first results when I searched for it.
No. 1922313
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>>1922229you forgot the most infamous example
No. 1922356
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>>1922331it's because moids will not do the bare minimum of pretending to care unless you shame them into it, even if you're dating/married. I'd argue this is even a pre-internet thing- I've seen jokes about the man rolling over and falling asleep 5 seconds after he nuts in old tv shows. As for the casual sex "aftercare" idk maybe they're just really dumb
No. 1922392
>>1921686I thought Atomic Blonde was pretty good at a realistic take on this. She doesn't overpower guys with spinning kicks. Charlize Theron fights smart. She takes off her heels when she enters a dodgy place and uses them to stab bad guys. She hides behind doorways with her gun pointed at the entrance. In a later fight scene she has to fight super dirty to get the win against assassins. She's literally grabbing everything she can so smash over the guy's heads.
It's unpleasant but I prefer that over fanservice flips.
No. 1923426
>>1923103Hard agree. My beef with beards is that they are just gross to look at from afar and if it my Nigel I don't want hair anywhere near my mouth and nose region.
With tattoos people always jump to attacking someone if they say they don't like them by claiming they must be conservative religious retards or something but no its because people who get tattoos are always the same kinds of unhealthy.
They waste money on a self harm procedure and are trying to tell some message to strangers in eyesight that didn't fucking ask.
It's always "I like this thing" wether it's metal bands, naked ladies, or video games. Or they use the fake excuse "I got this one for my dead relative/pet" no you got it for yourself to feel quirky because you're too lazy to have and actual keepsake and maintaining it takes time and effort that scarring yourself doesn't
No. 1923440
File: 1710352500618.png (624.79 KB, 1080x993, VE9U1cC.png)

I fucking despise police abolitionists, Listen, I'm not naive, I and my friends have experienced harassment and catcalling from cops and my cousin was brutally beaten by cops who faced no punishment. I am well aware of the potential for abuse by cops. but unless a society has strong foundations we absolutely need cops. Living in a failed show let you know exactly what it's like without them, mass lawlessness, crime, looting, rape, and murder. I went through this experience as a teenager, with our house barricaded house, huddled up with my family, constantly fearing for my family's safety.
No. 1923450
>>1923103A beard means "dont fuck me, I'm a raggedy used up whore." It means my body is too sensitive against DHT and I'm going bald. They're literally pubes growing out of his face where saliva and leftover food marinate inbetween showers which is at least 2 weeks for a man. It's a biohazard. Don't bother doing "skincare" when your man can give you rashes with a single kiss.
A male should be hiding his five o' clock shadow with foundation and getting electrolysis. Beards are a source of shame and symbolise loss of youth. I instantly lose attraction to a male if I see him with beard growth. He hits the wall instantly. There's a reason fags call their girlfriends "beards" and it's not what you think. Many shitdicks will grow them so as to pass as straight. They literally symbolise hidden gay tendencies. It's the most repulsive thing up there along with being hiv+ and have a violent criminal background. I look past men with beards, they just blend in with the background. They're all 60 year old uggos to me regardless of actual age. 0 attraction. Zero. Negative, even. (I'm middle Eastern so I have to worry wondering whether they'll blow themselves up or not.)
No. 1924640
File: 1710419893179.png (905.85 KB, 1200x675, police-graphic-Yellows-1.png)

>>1923492cops are misogynistic rapists all across the globe. they terrorize civilian women and treat female officers like they are property to be shared among the other moids in the department. it is no coincidence that cops are notorious for beating their wives. law enforcement may serve a purpose but it's been my experience that cops are useless, impulsive, violent, reactionary, and overwhelmingly retarded.
No. 1924649
File: 1710420252817.jpg (267.8 KB, 1006x633, cops.jpg)

>>1924640next time you see a moid with a badge remember there is a significant chance he has sexually assaulted a woman before and would think nothing of doing it to you
>Mendez, the officer who filmed her, was allowed to resign instead of getting fired. Although he pleaded guilty last August to invasive visual recording, a state jail felony, he will be allowed to apply for judicial clemency. If granted, clemency could allow him to expunge his record and return to law enforcement. No. 1925406
File: 1710460723260.jpg (667.81 KB, 1080x2738, Screenshot_20240315_014644_Chr…)

I hate kiwis and their retarded fucking forum lingo so much. Instead of simply saying "her and her husband" and leaving it at that they must drag it out for the next three fucking paragraphs and cram as many le quirky puns in there. Shut the fuck up your "clever word play" is not funny, we get it she's a fat fucking landwhale and her husband like scat play
No. 1925644
>>1925407Social media in general made everyone so damn insufferable. You have the teens that stalk people over dumb shit, the podcast bros who feel the need to insert their insane views on women any chance they get even when it's not relevant to whatever is being discussed, the pearl pickmes, the fear mongerers on both ends of the spectrum for food and medicine, its impossible to even live your life without a million people tell you you're doing it wrong. You got pets? Unless you have 6 different mansions and professionally made meals you're abusing them, regardless of how you raise your kids there will be someone who thinks you're abusing them, if you're in a relationship regardless of what you do people will tell you you're abusing them or doing it wrong. Diet fear mongering, flipping out about how people spend their money and effort even when it doesn't even effect them negatively, etc
Although the only thing I'm glad about is how many women are turning on men and less afraid of being single because of social media. Even if it's niche it's nice to see moids be called out
No. 1925713
>>1925609Why do we need more fags (effeminate men)on TV? Can we get gnc woman with a normal straight dude? I feel like there is no gnc representation for straight or gay women, while men get all flavors of the sherbet.
I want two gnc women together for once.
or heaven forbid gnc woman with a femme womsn No. 1925817
File: 1710488883025.jpg (34.68 KB, 381x367, 565486715656.jpg)

Bitchy and rude comments you or any woman gets for wearing makeup in any capacity from all sides, any political spectrum men or women. You wear makeup, did you wear lipstick? Well to some men you're a fake vapid plastic whore trying to trick men into giving you attention so anything you say is invalid and to some women you're a vapid dicksschluping pickme trying to put down all women for male validation so anything you say is also invalid. I hate that you can't win.
No. 1925837
>>1925817Those aren't two diametric sides both that you described are misogyny just male misogyny and pickme misogyny. Seriously, anon
>dicksschluping pickme trying to put down all women for male validationWth lol, disgusting. You can criticise
>>1907336makeup for it's obvious problems without being a misognistic monster. There's plenty of posts up thread about this.
No. 1926020
>>1925837I know that, I was pointing out how to some women and men wearing makeup or saying you wearing makeup always is a cause for some weirdly bitchy comment and that it is annoying to hear, especially from women, online. The dicksschlupping pickme part was a bit of an exaggeration for comedic purposes but I have seen posts both on here and off sites that fall in line with that as if wearing makeup is a grand sin for women to do and they are traitors for doing so, now I'm not saying you can't ever criticize the issues regarding makeup, its culture, its industry, or the social dynamics surrounding it because those issues absolutely do exist and you'd be a fool not to see those problems and an even bigger fool to be unable to discuss these issues in a civil manner.
>>1925910I should've added the word online, I was mainly talking about the online reception of makeup
No. 1926036
File: 1710513407308.jpg (485.61 KB, 720x1920, 01.jpg)

>>1926015>>1926026Their usual rhetoric is that if proper community services existed, there wouldn't be criminals in the first place and if there was someone really bad, they'd be placed on a list and people wouldn't interact with them
No. 1926039
>>1926013They are literally like a gang here they basically terrorize us. The cops in my town specifically have made the news more than once for corruption and I've personally been a
victim of it. Easy for you to say we should all shut up and be grateful until shit happens to you. Hope it doesn't because I'm nota piece of shit
No. 1926042
>>1926013cops have been known to sexually assault women and girls who are
victims of rape, take nude photos of deceased women, force women to pull over to secluded areas and rape them, and share graphic sexual images of their female colleagues among numerous other transgressions. if they are caught, their fellow cops do their best to cover for them and ensure that they avoid any consequences. are we supposed to blindly trust men who have the power to do this to us?
No. 1926045
>>1926036these people live in a different reality. yes, it would be wonderful if we didn't need cops and daddy govt to watch us, but thinking that the average person (especially men) is great and wonderful and wouldn't hurt a fly if given the proper resources is naive and dangerous. as pathetic as it sounds a lot of people associate goodness and righteousness with the law and only control themselves because they fear the consequences. guys would gather together and go around gang raping women, and if another male tried to stop them, they'd kill him. if the law changed tomorrow and murder became legal you'd see murders explode in numbers. look at how old perverts justify preying on 18 year olds: "it's legal!!!11 there's nothing immoral about it". i don't live in the USA but every country should have high standards for cops, make them take serious psych tests and evaluations, and have severe punishments for those who abuse their power. it'll never happen, of course. i lived in a shithole for some time and as bad as cops were there, they were at least still somewhat obliged to follow the law. real criminal psychopaths make their own laws, or follow none. you need to pick between bad and worse, that's it
No. 1926049
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I hate how heterosexuality in women manifests as addiction, I specifically mean having a crush on a moid. I don't think it can exist without it being an addiction and "I will do everything for him", " I would die for him", "he's god" type of thoughts. My mind immediately remembered these reddit nsfw posts where real women post their nudes with captions like "brainwash me", " I'm your cum dumpster" and not only there… The ss are from a person who spent the entire relationship posting "men can't love women", " men are soulless, all the same and only want sex but not love" everyday on an account specifically dedicated to this. Horrifying. It always manifests itself as these type of thoughts of wanting to be completely taken by the moid. I fucking hate it. Acting obstuse about rapey behavior?
No. 1926083
>>1926036>some weirdly bitchy commentWho? Up thread there's some excellent discussion on makeup ctrl f search for the silly stacey discussion where anons are talking about nail grooming and fake eyelashes. Some supporting makeup framed it as an extension of personal hygeine lel as if slathering iron oxide and heavy foundation on is hygienic. Some defending makeup ended up pivoting to skincare instead which is also estimated to be one of the most marked up industries in the world kek. There's also some contention of bar soap being used as cleanser; it's a surfactant with a tolerable enough pH for the face so yes, it can be a cleanser. Women sign up to be ripped off when they buy into the marked up skincare and makeup industries. That's enough reason to steer clear imo no further discussion needed.
>>1926036>>1926037No amount of restorative rape forgiving ""progressive"" male justice will justify rape and make me see it as a "deprivation crime" like progressive sociology professors and anarchist advocate tards spew. Rapist moids should be shot in the head on the spot and their prison abolishinist collaborators should be imprisoned when their
victims speak out. I also add that I live in a country with some of the most lenient and progressive criminal justice laws in the OECD with a heavy emphasis on restorative justice and guess what? We also have one of the highest rates of SA, child SA and domestic abuse in the OECD. Restorative justice doesn't work and you can't teach a rapist not to rape.
No. 1926103
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>>1926083We know what rapists really deserve but many men subscribe by "all men are brothers" and don't actually care all that much since it doesn't effect them and they care more about impressing men than they do treating women like human beings
No. 1926414
File: 1710529233354.mp4 (3.79 MB, 480x854, wsNV3gn.mp4)

>>1926389The thing is Trump is less hated than ever before(even with wokies), like a few months back the official Democrat account on twitter posted this video to make him seem bad and the reactions were just 'okay, he's kinda funny' People hate Biden though, even before the conflict, but now after it he's is more hated by zoomers than Trump ever was No. 1926416
>>1926234I agree, and I understand. I feel like people who complain about that sort of thing offline are making a big deal because you'll rarely meet someone who'll say that sort of thing to you to your face unless they're an asshole. I do think it's stupid when someone acts like a
victim/martyr for choosing to wear makeup but I can sort of get where they're coming from because I too would get pissed if I posted a photo online of me in makeup or said I put on makeup online and had people jumping down my throat for it.
Doubly so if I realized that shit rarely happens to the moids who do wear makeup, and are even applauded for doing so No. 1926470
>>1926414Trump is absolutely repellant but I think what a lot of entertainment people can't stand is that they inadvertently gave him a platform when he was running in 2016 and increased his chances of winning significantly when they invited him onto late night shows as a joke. I absolutely think the guy is gross as a person but he is at times surprisingly funny and knows how to work a crowd. In a way Biden really doesn't anymore. Underneath that however he is a stunted and selfish typical scrote manchild narcissist. The problem is his supporters and people who are on the fence see the humor and memes first and the neoliberal pseudo left side of hollywood is so obsessed with insulting him to the point where none of the jokes are funny, especially since he was out of office for 4 years. Given how Biden's numbers are slipping there is a chance he may win again.
>>1926434Biden can be funny, at least funnier than Hilary who was really tryhard, but it's fewer and further between. The problem is that it's obvious he has some kind of dementia and is slipping. Plus his politics don't align with most liberal or leftist zoomers and his VP is a former cop, many zoomers are pissed off at the way the DNC treated Bernie Sanders and boycotted voting for Hilary or Biden because the democrats are obsessed with running the "safest" (read: blandest) candidate so they can attract the neoliberal and moderate boomers who'll be the ones at the polls over millennials and zoomers.
No. 1926526
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>>1926513But why did they put an R there…I feel even more retarded
No. 1926649
>>1926621yes kek
>>1926645There's stuff I can't fit into either but I'd never say that to someone wearing it because that's fucking weird and shows you have zero social skills
No. 1926871
>>1926837I just assume it's a child or mouthbreather typing, either way nobody worth engaging with. If you see any of the following
>'what ab u or other ppl' type speak>HELPPP >frrrr>skull emoji or crying emoji99% chance it's a retarded kid.
Source: I use Pinterest a lot and am forced to look at comments sometimes.
No. 1926890
>>1926434I'm a lefty myself but the 2016 Trump hate train from loud online liberals always felt like smug posturing. Not genuine fear or dissatisfaction but snarky Jim from the Office camera-smirk attention seeking to make them look cool and "on the right side of history".
Trump is an imbecile who shouldn't be in charge of a pair of hamsters but imagine how unlikable the "right side of history" crowd must have been that Trump's tweets made him seem more charming in comparison. People really need to learn tact. Nobody will agree with your soapbox yapping if you're annoying and unlikable, and the solution isn't to double down and be even louder.
No. 1927007
File: 1710558523161.png (1.49 MB, 1762x998, Screenshot (22).png)

I love to HATE these retarded, lard guzzling moids. Just screaming at each other about problems they and the moids before them inflicted on themselves, digging the ditch deeper and deeper. A moid who wants to fuck his daughter, a moid who "allegedly" raped a woman on stream, a panhandling pathetic 500lb spine fused cretin. A closeted tranny chaser and two sperg moids who are seconds away from drooling all over their keyboard due to lack of brain activity. Fat fuck 4 numbers will continue to claim disability to the very end (no longer than 2 years, hopefully) while shoving franchise partnered goyslop down his throat as he wipes the Mountain Dew off his oxygen cannula. Or maybe he'll finally make a smart decision and just off himself while he can still move his arms. His 20 year old girlfriend, not even half his age, is extremely traumatized and previously abused by her father. Now she is essentially trapped as a fuck doll and house slave in his rotting, dilapidated home with not a dollar to either of their names. I pray she will soon be free to experience life the way it should be when we are blessed with his death. Speaking of death, stream rapist livestreamed his friend passed out and dying of alcohol poisoning as they giggled and drew on his corpse face. This bumbling, swollen faced, rosacea ridden alcoholic gropes women's breasts and asses as his jaw hangs slack leaking Jager and saliva. OnlyUseMeBlade, rapist and accessory of murder, does not deserve the peace that comes with a quick death. He deserves to have his hands sawed off and preserved in a jar on his mantle as a reminder until he drinks himself to death through a 3 foot long bendy straw. Line the rest up for the firing squad and don't take your finger off the trigger.
No. 1927328
>>1926616They want
you to feel guilty for how
they feel about themselves. It’s very manipulative.
No. 1927458
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This YouTube channel popped up when I was searching for stuff about the potential Tiktok ban. Everything from her style to those lolsowacky thumbnail pics is so fucking obnoxious.
No. 1927684
File: 1710611818288.jpg (63.22 KB, 1080x858, Screenshot_20240316_185610_Duo…)

Oh my fucking god I hate this voice in Duolingo, it's like getting stabbed in the ears
No. 1927793
File: 1710618542701.jpeg (23.8 KB, 256x328, IMG_1881.jpeg)

>>1927684Isn’t her voice different depending which language you’re learning? My favourite voice/character is the French Duolingo lesbian
No. 1927911
File: 1710628693329.png (931.43 KB, 1000x667, kepi.png)

I don't like this style of French military hat. Specifically the shape.
No. 1928758
>>1928748i don't automatically hate all trannies too, anon. i feel empathy for the ones who actually make an attempt to live as a woman, and they get full respect from me if they acknowledge the difference between themselves and bio women. a lot of them are just trying to live life.
agps are the ones that deserve full hatred.
No. 1928831
>>1926871>either way nobody worth engaging withbasically this. the response you'll get will probably be a retarded overused word and not even properly responding to your comment
>I use Pinterest a lot and am forced to look at comments sometimesI also use Pinterest, but after seeing the amount of I swear to god bots (because those "people" just have 5 words in their vocabulary) I just didn't bother looking at the comments anymore. I really think they're bots. C'mon now they all repeat the same shit
No. 1928841
>>1920370Oh my god same nonna. I don't understand the charm to even be a vtuber, it's fucking retarded.
>yuusss guys uwu bounces virtual weird looking animu girl boobs squeaky voice let's see what game shall we play >.< moans fortnite????leave /jp/ alone reeeeeee
No. 1929119
>>1920434As someone who struggles with suicidal ideation "
unalive" is fucking funny to me
No. 1929806
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Everything about picrel
No. 1929838
>>1929806>daddy satanYeah, you showed those prudish christians, I bet muslims will love you for this!…
Genuinely fuck the west, I can't take this degeneracy anymore.
No. 1930120
David Paton of Pilot returned to sing “Magic” as the Ozempic jingle at Abbey Road.
We’re living in hell. No. 1930126
>>1929947The YouTube search is absolutely useless nowadays.
It's been super complicated for me who looks for YouTubers who don't post shit anymore (but that I still enjoy a replay of) because their stuff is buried under so much crappy suggestions I really wouldn't bother ever watch. I don't know if the typical search symbols like quotations for "must contain that word" and minus for "all results including that word" etc. like on Google search work on YouTube. One would have to test it.
No. 1931709
The lengths men will go for their shitty “dark humor”. Women are made fun of for trying to be special and unique with astrology but men do the same thing except they try to outdo each other in how deplorable they can be.
>An hero, a synonym for committing suicide> The term originates from the memorial MySpace page of 7th grader Mitchell Henderson, who committed suicide on April 20th, 2006. The term comes from a spelling error from one of the comments posted on the memorial page.> Someone hacked Henderson’s MySpace page and gave him the face of a zombie. Someone placed an iPod on Henderson’s grave, took a picture and posted it to /b/. Henderson’s face was appended to dancing iPods, spinning iPods, hardcore porn scenes. A dramatic re-enactment of Henderson’s demise appeared on YouTube, complete with shattered iPod. The phone began ringing at Mitchell’s parents’ home. “It sounded like kids,” remembers Mitchell’s father, Mark Henderson, a 44-year-old I.T. executive. “They’d say, ‘Hi, this is Mitchell, I’m at the cemetery.’ ‘Hi, I’ve got Mitchell’s iPod.’ ‘Hi, I’m Mitchell’s ghost, the front door is locked. Can you come down and let me in?’ ” He sighed. “It really got to my wife.” The calls continued for a year and a half. No. 1931728
File: 1710894570351.png (99.22 KB, 288x242, ugh.png)

The way my compsci class is filled with moids. I lived 19 years in peace attending all-girls primary and secondary schools, and literally did not interact with any moids apart from my dad and brothers (and doctors and shopkeepers and all that, but you know what I mean) because I never really had a reason to, but now that I'm in college, I've been surrounded by moids for 2 miserable years. They stink and are so fucking boring. I never speak to them unless they speak to me first. Of course I have to talk to them because they're in the same friend group as me. My favourite part of the day is when I sit at the lunch table with just the girls and the moids have fucked off somewhere. Other days, the moids in the friend group join us. Those days are annoying. I just wish all-girls colleges were a thing too. My friends are in different classes, so sitting in class alone surrounded by moids is the most depressing fucking thing ever. I feel so alone.
No. 1932448
File: 1710954944166.jpg (75.8 KB, 720x383, IMG_20240320_173553.jpg)

This retard. If I call your boyfriend out for being a bitchboy and you scream at me, I'm having an affair with him and revealing it to you on the wedding day. She gets punched twice in each eye if she cries. The moment you let a man get between us everything is fair game.
No. 1932490
>>1932448RUTHLESS lmao
protecting your girls from settling with betas, one at a time. You are a true hero.
No. 1932677
>>1932667It's like my pessimism must be hard edged out by my tendency to joke and if I can't make the darkest situation into a joke then I've failed at life
Meanwhile everyone else thinks wow anon is an insensitive little bitch
No. 1933025
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>ugly girl becomes pretty before she gets the hot guy
Just let it be ulgy chick x hot due dammit!
Only slightly related but the variation where it's studious glasses girl gets the ut only after she looses the glasses and conforms to beauty standards
No. 1933040
File: 1710982896651.jpg (4.39 MB, 4396x5767, ewlmfao.jpg)

Modern hollywood scrotes being so ugly. Also, so many men not fully shaving their facial hair. This is disgusting.
No. 1933081
>>1933075i do find pretty boys hot but just dicaprio specifically was never that hot to me even if he's attractive
>>1933076oh i don't find him hot i was just asking nona what she found hot lol
No. 1933093
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Ba-da da da da!
No. 1933138
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No. 1933142
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>>1933138Holy shit he looks exactly the same
No. 1933422
>>1933408I can tell you that at least one person who is using it frequently is
that person, the one whose posts are constantly deleted. He's obsessed with saying all women are disabled, makes him feel better about the fact that hes a creep with cp on his computer and not a tiny e girl men want to have sex with.
No. 1934180
File: 1711060762261.jpeg (1.22 MB, 3024x4032, IMG_2273.jpeg)

>>1900728I can't deal with it anymore my medicine isn't working right I'd rather live on fucking cement than retarded shitty fucking ugly bullshit fucking nasty square parquet flooring I fucking hate it so much I hate it so fucking much you don't understand how much I hate it hate hate hate
No. 1936201
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>‘Only his name on the birth certificate’
This is it, this is reproductive exploitation of women at its peak.
No. 1936206
File: 1711206981578.jpeg (198.5 KB, 1124x1447, IMG_0585.jpeg)

I fuckin hate Chikin Nuggit especially this little unfunny faggot. Why do the cute animals have to be pronoun beings. Why do they have to have relationships (literally all of them except the mean character of course is some shade of gay) and almost every short has to do with their relationships, why can’t they just be cute funny cartoon animals. Nothing can be untainted. I hate them so much.
No. 1936212
>>1936201Infuriating. How many horrible news I read about men not perceiving as their child conceived by surrogate mothers as human being,
pimping them. News don't even mention words as women or mothers, obviously nameless, just surrogate. Creepy as hell.