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No. 1936396
Post random things you hate and why. A picture of the thing you hate is always appreciated. Commentary is fine (positive, negative or neutral) as long as you don't come here to start a retarded infight with your personal issues.
Please don't vent about your life here. For venting about your personal life, your family, neighbors, boyfriend, coworkers etc. use the vent thread. For advice with your personal daily life use the advice thread. Keep the borzois in mind. Thank you.
>>>/ot/1896176 No. 1936413
File: 1711219296427.jpg (112.88 KB, 736x1126, 9b5b8f4e11c87e3023d4af956c2800…)

Idk if this will make sense because I suck at explaining, but I hate that on here anons make it seem like you need to constantly assert if you think a bad thing/person is bad. Like you could post
>I like the dress Ariana Grande is wearing in picrel
And someone will respond
>Yeah but Ariana is an anorexic bitch with fried blonde hair and she's a home wrecking whore who licked donuts
Like ok, we already know that kek. It's like I'm on twitter where you need to constantly say you don't support something or someone will sperg or rant or accuse you of supporting person/thing.
No. 1936468
File: 1711222238883.png (609.38 KB, 663x678, IMG_197.png)

I also hate capitalism and psychiatry, but this is far more cringe.
No. 1936513
>>1936413I get what you're saying, and yeah, agreed. With some celebrities I wish anons would just make a document or webpage to link to outlining their opinion of why _____ is bad and evil and how anyone who enjoys the products of their labor is also bad and evil so that celebricows would be shit up with people recounting a celebrity's entire list of public sins.
Another thing I hate is when people bitch and moan about how musicians aren't attractive enough or can't dance. Obviously everyone has the right to an opinion and their own taste, but like…ok? Good thing musician in question chose to pursue music as their career, not dancing or modeling!
No. 1936930
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When you are trying to follow a super popular tutorial for a program thats a few years old, and you dl the program and they completly butchered the UI and it makes it extra hard to follow the fucking tutorial
No. 1937952
File: 1711328242632.gif (359.05 KB, 220x188, 1000003272.gif)

That everyone is typing "ts" now. I will never be able to read that as anything besides transsexual STOP IT.
No. 1938005
File: 1711331283242.png (482.58 KB, 493x640, HATRED.png)

I hate my stupid shower faucet. Inb4 "ohh you are lucky to have a shower I have to wash in the rain and muddy puddles" I know I'm lucky to have a shower but guess the fuck what it's still shit. I hate this retarded ass faucet so bad it's insane. Every morning I wake up and I furrow my brow and I scream out to God I say "My Lord God on High, why have you forsaken me; to lead me into this hell-like apartment with this foul and repugnant faucet?" and the Lord answers back in typical scrote-like silence. Sometimes I lie awake at night and think that the devil is testing me and that maybe I'm already dead and the weight of my sins led me to this eternally dreadful shower situation. I hate this shower faucet so much the hate burns under my skin like fire and it torches my soul. I wake up and I go into my bathroom and I just stare at this shower and I hate it so much it's unreal. HATE HATE HATE. All I feel towards it is HATE. Real rabid rancid repugnant retarded hatred. I hate this shower faucet and the stupid fugly (fucking ugly) knobs and it's stupid retarded fucking dumb shower-plunger (thing that makes it go into shower mode) and it's retarded atmosphere. I hate the fact that every morning I have to look at this piece of dog shit shower of mine and I have to mentally prepare myself for 10-15 minutes every day before I get in it so I waste even more of my life every goddamn day I have to wake up 10-15 minutes earlier than I should because I need respite from this dumb shower faucet. "Why do you hate the shower" okay first of all PICREL if you notice for some reason I guess they thought I was made of thumbs and had a million arms but there is TWO knobs not just one. That means I have to pretend to be some sort of mechanical engineer or medieval alchemist and twiddle with the knobs to even get it working right. Every shower I've ever used before this one just has one knob that works on continuum from cold to hot and I always set it right in the middle for a beautiful relaxing temperate shower, but oh no - not this one, this one has to have two fucking knobs like it was designed for octopuses or some stupid retarded gay fucking dumb shit fuck I hate it. I am NOT an octopus I am a human being with TWO arms, one is for my loofah and one is for knob, why do I have to co-ordinate my movements to try and turn on my goddamn shower. Second of all, even though there is two knobs (one for hot one for cold) only the fucking cold one seems to work. I have to twist the hot knob for maybe 30 rotations for even just a smidge of hot water to come out of the shower-head meanwhile if I so much as look at the cold knob the wrong way suddenly I'm transported to the barren Arctic and fighting for my life against mirages of polar bears and fucking belugas. So every morning I'm fighting for my life like Dana Brooke in the ring trying to out-wrestle the cold beads of hard water. I am going crazy even just thinking about this dumb shower because today I wanted to shower for a brief moment and then I returned to reality and realized that I like all my digits and I don't want to see them frostbitten away, or boiled like some sort of seafood medley ingredients. I hate this stupid shower so goddamn much it's unreal how bad I hate it. So in this shower I'm either being boiled alive, sans seasoning, or there's some sort of plumber-conspiracy to cryogenic freeze me for some unknown mysterious reason. Every day I think about my old showers and I want to cry tears but I save the tears for in the shower so that the Devil doesn't see them and thinks he's winning because he is NOT winning I do NOT concede you CANNOT win against my Satan because the Lord God is on my side I've read the Book of Job I know what this is all about. You think you can get the best of me? You can't. I suffer and struggle through my daily showers and I lather my loofah and I tense my muscles and sometimes I scream but I make it through it every goddamn day I make it through my showers. I just want a normal shower I've called plumbers before, not that I trust them after experiencing this, but I call them and I ask them and they go "oh it's an apartment so we'd need the landlords permission" well my landlord is a fucking dunce he is a dotard he is a senile old retarded man with diabetes what the hell is he gonna do? Be a fucking man and do this for me. Make my shower better, plumbertard. But no, no no no it's all too difficult for them they can't risk their precious little license by doing unapproved work. What happened to our freedom? What happened to helping each other out? What happened to living la vida loca? They make me sick. It all makes me sick. This world makes me sick. I'm thinking about tomorrow's shower and all I can see is red. Hot red like the shower trying to boil me alive. Hot red like the hell that I live in every morning between 8:30 and 8:45. Yes it only takes me 15 minutes to shower, mind you it used to take me only 10 minutes because I love our Earth (I'm worldly and I want to save as much water as possible and I also don't pay for water it's included in the rent so really I could waste as much as I wanted but I don't even do that because I'm respectful towards the municipal water services) but now I have to waste those 5 minutes cowering in the bathtub, naked, dancing around the either freezing ice cold water or the burning scalding water that comes out of the shower-head while I fiddle with the knobs - because, even if I get the temperature perfect the first time, guess what? It fucks up on its own without me touching it. The worst is when I'm shampooing my hair and then suddenly scalding water is trying to burn the hair out of my head or I'm liable to get pneumonia from the Antarctic stream above me. Sorry this is a long rant but I just I'm going crazy about this stupid faucet and the shower sometimes I think about just going to a motel in the mornings and just using their shower because I know they have better ones there. Please keep me in your prayers. I endure.
No. 1938012
hate surprise untagged piv when im trying to read my yaois
>>1938005longest post ive seen here that wasnt a google link to a pic of hall & oats
No. 1938773
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I haven't watched the ATLA live action, but I hate how unrealistic everyone looks from the photos and videos I've seen. Zuko's scar doesn't look like a scar, it literally looks like eyeshadow.
No. 1938782
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>>1938773Samefag but to continue my point, the clothes don't look lived in or worn at all. These people are constantly in battle and being roughed up, but their clothes look pristine like a cosplay. Especially for people like Sokka and Katara, I feel like surely some of their clothes have to be pieces passed down from older members of their tribe. They should be a little tattered.
Honestly, Game of Thrones kind of had this problem too. Sometimes their clothes looked too nice and neat.
No. 1938788
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This faggot. When I was in middle school I saw his original design and then was immediately disappointed that a cute design was wasted on a trap. Now with Strive, the trannies will literally not fucking stop talking about him and have single-handedly ruined GG for me. At least I wasn't too attached to the series and there's other fighting games I like better.
No. 1938840
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>>1938773>>1938784dude the fucking wig they plopped on Yue, jfc
No. 1938866
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I hate that sims 3 isn't optimized (or whatever techy word you would use) for Mac! In sims 3, the lashes are fucked up, you can't even swim or interact with water, and the game doesn't fit the screen no matter what resolution I use! These are genuine, known issues just because Mac OS isn't compatible with the game, and the worst part is EA doesn't update sims 3 anymore.
No. 1939010
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How anyone could see what cosmetic surgeries entail and then choose to do that is insane. I went down a rabbit hole of looking at subcision and then threading for the jawline and what the fuck. Also to go through all that and then have the risk of coming out botched? and facelifts themselves are just so ugly. I was looking at before and after pics for facelifts and they literally all look like picrel. Why would you want that
No. 1939040
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>>1938840Tyler Perry wig department nonsense.
No. 1939069
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>>1938840This makes me so angry, especially compared to the M. Night movie version. Like, this is below average cosplay shit.
No. 1939075
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That when I doze off for an hour I wake up and a random video on YouTube is trying to turn me into a coding sleeper agent in spite of the fact that I've never looked up similar content on this device. I fall asleep for like a half hour to two hours and wake up to some elaborate coding tutorial trying to teach me to develop software
No. 1939476
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>>1939279I don’t know why denis villanueve’s blade runner remake is regarded as just as good as the original. The original is one of the most stunning movies ever, every scene took my breath away and the remake does not compare. Ridley Scott may be an old retard now but back in the day his movies were truly special. The practical effects definitely make a difference. I know so many people who have seen the remake and not the original, mostly scrotes who adore ryan gosling and thirst after Ana de armas. I literally could not care less about the “muh perfect ai girlfriend isn’t real” plot
No. 1939497
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>>1939279I also hate that those actors are crammed into everything nowadays. I’m not a Florence Pugh hater but she was an awful choice for princess irulan. She has a very girl-next-door type look but keeps being cast in blonde bombshell roles. They had anya taylor-joy who isn’t really a classic beauty but she looks like she belongs in dune unlike Florence, she’s tall and thin and blonde too. Why didn’t they pick her if they just had to have every popular current actor in the movie
No. 1939600
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It's fucking everywhere, I shed more hair than a fucking long hair cat and dog together, my hair is everywhere, everywhere, everywhere, other people shower in my house and they have my fucking hair in their asscracks, how is that normal?
No. 1939603
>>1939279I watched it with subtitles and the dialogue is so shallow that half of what Paul says can be subtitled as either (Paul says prophet shit) or (Paul doubts himself) the Fremen are either talking about how they believe he's a prophet or they doubt him… I think the only conversation that couldn't have been replaced with Peanuts trombone sounds was the conversation between the Bene Gesserit leader and Florence Pugh's character.
>>1939497 She's so plain, she's made for more normal roles, what is she doing in a movie full of actors that seem like they were chosen for having kind of weird faces. They should have swapped her and ATJ's roles IMO.
No. 1939609
>>1939267So, what you're saying is they basically pocket the entire budget?
>>1939605For real. She got that zoomer bloated and ipad stare. So many of these new actors look out of shape and brain rotted.
No. 1939778
>>1939476ntayrt, but finally someone with a working brain. I'm lucky enough to have seen both parts at the cinema and Blade Runner 2049 was just so boring, heartless, without a feeling, I can't describe it, but something missed
and you have Jared Leto in it, horrible as it can get… The costumes were boring copies, the story was so basic like most things you get in sci-fi today and the worst part is, I didn't feel a thing. While the original Blade Runner made me feel so many things, from hope to despair, the new part, just nothing, just a clean, dry desert instead of a blurry rainy city. And when you see what they did to make the original Blade Runner come to life, the models they build and everything, sure, Scott is an annoying pedantic prick, but his final cut of Blade Runner is just a piece of art, especially if you've read the novel and know how different the movie is from the original idea.
No. 1939899
>>1939887I hate that stuff to. What I do is when they say "Fair" or "
oof" or some stupid shit like that, I play dumb and feign ignorance and ask them something like "What do you mean?" but in a really nice tone. Usually they explain it better or something and I end up saying "Oh, never heard it used that way before! Weird" with slight judgement in the tone but still sweet. It works best on people you see often like co-workers or friends of friends, people that you have to train like dogs to improve your experience in this short life.
No. 1940773
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Gluttons, and how everyone loves to suck their dick and stroke their hair and pretend like what they do is acceptable. No, you’re not beautiful after eating yourself up to 500 pounds. You have mental and physical illness, and you need to be held accountable for your actions. We need to go back to sending fatties to fat camp instead of just slapping a bandaid on their insecurities by taking them for more food.
No. 1940918
>>1939069The actress was later cast to play Asami in Legend of Korra.
>>1938773Their outfits belong in the stage play episode of Avatar.
No. 1941279
>>1941253>5 mile hike while doing a 22 hour fastAnons will probably just call me fat, but that sounds unhealthy.
I hate how there's so much bad diet and exercise advice on the internet. It just leads people to replacing their unhealthy habits with other unhealthy habits, especially when the advice is telling people to not eat or drink at all for prolonged periods of time.
No. 1941384
File: 1711592458716.jpeg (598.45 KB, 1170x2266, IMG_1114.jpeg)

This is hyper specific but there’s this woman whose son was killed on spring break and she posted a memorial post for him this year that tried to make light of him taking pictures of random women/girls on the beach and objectifying them. The moid was only like 12 or 13 when he was doing this rancid behavior and yet this woman is so tormented with grief that this is somehow worth sharing? I almost had the urge to comment how obscene to make light of her son taking pictures of women without his permission. I don’t care if he was killed, that’s not okay. But boys will be boys right? And also note she said they could hardly get any photos off his phone bc it was locked, which basically outs him as a porn addict.
No. 1941443
File: 1711595689078.jpg (323.22 KB, 1426x2048, 1000003584.jpg)

"I'm the only one on this train with [purposely tattered looking crumbling cathedral tattoos delineating on my torso and up my breasts]"
No. 1941733
File: 1711630592790.png (26.85 KB, 997x102, amsospecial.png)

I fucking hate comments like these when people start telling their life story under youtube videos.
"I am very special and you neurotypical can feel good about yourself for helping someone as different and unique as me"
just comment "good video" and fk off
No. 1941784
>>1941734I miss when the personal struggle sharing on YT was mostly kept to being under heavier video topics. Now it pops up under vids where it doesn't make the slightest bit of sense.
Click on something lighthearted cos you fancy something cheerful.. comment section is full of people who also needed something cheery but they're offloading exactly why they need cheering up..
No. 1941790
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>>1941787The only soul mates that matter is Sakura and Tomoyo.
No. 1941793
>>1941587This is what I hate about MAL. It's annoying that whenever I'm looking at reviews and retarded moids are hung up on the fact that it's a shoujo/josei. When they like the manga it's "hurr durr this is good for a shoujo/not like other shoujo/how is this a shoujo" and when they don't like it they blame it on the fact that it's a shoujo, which is fucking annoying because shoujo isn't a monolith nor is it a genre. That said this mindset isn't exclusive to men since a lot of women regurgitate the same shit
including anons here>>1941637Have you read Yona of the Dawn or Prince Freya? Those are both ongoing action focused shoujos (that are really good!) but they also have romance subplots. Romance is definitely not the focus in either of them but I don't know if that's still a turn off for you. In a similar vein I'd also recommend QQ Sweeper/Queen's Quality, which is an action/supernatural manga, though like the other two it also has a romance subplot.
No. 1941813
File: 1711639572217.jpg (2.03 MB, 5464x5464, Here's the Truth About Fine Li…)

Maybe just me but while I am theoretically ok with tattoos I hate the thin line "minimalist" ones you see a lot of now. These don't look like art, they look like you missed while wiping your ass.
No. 1943644
File: 1711816929727.jpg (481.94 KB, 761x1263, 1000016874.jpg)

I am fucking SICK of moid caping "feminists" who think that non-white men are incapable of misogyny and sex based violence or should be exempt from punishment because… they aren't white?? What kind of backward ass logic do they operate on, for fuck's sake, your precious moc do not need your virtue signalling activism, they all sound like "b-b-b-b-but muh violence against moc bad" in the face of women's struggles.
No. 1943719
File: 1711821129150.png (371.65 KB, 662x803, Screenshot 3-29-30.png)

>>1943644The recent responses to the guy assaulting women by libfems and shitlibs has almost made me give up. It reminds me of the Rochdale case where liberal would rather the police and public ignore the grooming and rape rather than make 'POCs look bad'. This coddling of men of color is one of the reasons I can't get into Angela Davis because she would literally tie all the bs black men do, to either white supremacy or capitalism and frame them as
No. 1943741
>>1943719Yeah, well the liberal blue side basically doing a catch and release program, or not catching these pieces of shit men at all isnt helping. I've had friends say they felt racist for hating black men for this reason. "Why are they allowed to do whatever they want because they are black? i dont get it. I hate that I feel this way now"
Harming a woman is harming a woman. The real
victims here are women. None of this violence is acceptable by men
No. 1943744
>>1943644I would watch this.
>the mc has to be a black woman or elseWhy do they -always- make it about race?
No. 1943772
File: 1711825069841.jpeg (367.17 KB, 1170x1781, IMG_9950.jpeg)

I hate these terrifier movies and the popularity it gets. It’s just another torture porn movie for moids to cream their pants while watching a woman die in the most gruesome way imaginable while all the other men in the movies get a quick death, how innovative.
No. 1943921
File: 1711836402188.png (818.94 KB, 795x1604, jesus christ .png)

i hate so much contemporary poetry. what even is this? how did this get published?
No. 1943923
File: 1711836585599.png (3.73 MB, 1170x2132, uncanny faggy.png)

this troon popped up on my phone and wow i really cannot overstate how much i hate this horrifically ugly look. and she truly thinks shes passing…
No. 1943974
>>1943968Kek sorry I thought it was common terms
>Crab bucket mentalityBasically "if I can't have it, you can't either." It comes from the phenomenon of how when you're catching crabs, you can put them all in a bucket where any of the crabs can climb out at any time, but as soon as one tries to escape the bucket the rest will pull him back down in.
>Tall poppy syndromeSuper common in former realms of the British Empire. Basically, if one poppy grows above the rest, it's considered an eye-sore so they'll cut it down. It basically means that if you're successful or do better than your peers, they'll try to bring you back down to their level and discredit your accomplishments. They want everyone to be on the same level, so going above and beyond is considered disrespectful.
No. 1944373
File: 1711852709607.jpg (8.43 KB, 247x250, 1000005884.jpg)

I hate when people post about characters but don't post any official art or fanart of the characters. It's an imageboard! I know everyone else in the thread understands who that is in the context of whatever media but I don't and want to know more!
No. 1944447
>>1941719Ayrt and I see what you mean. I read "marginal" a long time ago and was impressed by how a yaoi/shoujo had so much lore in it and really enjoyed it. I'm craving stuff like that so I go for older shoujo mostly, but gotta say sailor moon was a disappointment. And while not really shoujo, I enjoyed "Reimi, nobody's girl" and "princess Sara" and "Emily of new moon". That kind of stuff really appeal to me with the focus on friendship and family/found family and the tragic storylines and hardships the main character goes through, and ofcourse the drama. And the best part minimal to no romance. The anime adaptation of "le miserables" or whatever it's called in French was also decent but I need to rewatch it ro refresh my memory.
>>1941793I did hear of Yuna, it's on my list to watch at some point, but didn't hear of the other one, seems interesting, thanks for the suggestion!
No. 1944455
File: 1711865330661.jpg (66.57 KB, 516x723, 263192867_318859220089646_6681…)

I hate those creepy uncanny ai image videos that show up on tiktok complete with ai voices telling bizarre fake stories.
They're so unnerving
No. 1945044
File: 1711911156276.jpg (157.28 KB, 1227x905, IMG_6718~2.JPG)

There's a special place in hell for people who try to make small talk with you when you're wearing headphones. Fuck off! I'm trying to listen to my music, not your stupid voice. I have multiple coworkers who do this shit. I'll be in the break room with headphones on, watching something while I eat my lunch when some headass from a different department walks up to me and comments on what I'm eating or asks what I'm watching. None of your business! I don't know you and I don't care what you think.
No. 1945200
>>1944445it won't be taken seriously until moids start falling
victim to having their images used in gay AI porn. that's when the push for legislation will begin.
No. 1945265
File: 1711918344448.jpeg (467.59 KB, 828x807, IMG_0126.jpeg)

Fuck off honestly. Trannies are what are fucking up the fashion in general. As if the fetishists weren’t already enough.
No. 1945746
>>1945503I don't know how new you are to GC, but usually dysphoria is caused by something. In females, there are many contributing factors. First, a person might have a weak sense of "self," a feeling common particularly among autists, people with unresolved trauma, or BPD. Then you have narrow expectations of what women should be, which vary between cultures; a woman might feel like she's better off being a man because she doesn't meet these (usually unreasonable) standards. I can't speak for you personally, but that might be where some of body dysmorphia you're feeling comes from. Finally, there's a sense of social alienation and a desire to "belong" to a community, which is a natural desire everyone has on some level.
Thinking about these things won't make you automatically adore your body, but it may help you understand what you're feeling. Above all, transitioning is a fool's errand; there female aspects of your body and person that are immutable. It's better to gradually come to terms with your innate self than it is to waste time, money, and headspace on what is ultimately a futile endeavor.
No. 1945921
File: 1711982769077.jpg (101.57 KB, 1067x1690, average-generic-male.jpg)

>proven to be genetically designed for violence
>unpredictable behaviors due to easily aroused aggression
>known to be especially dangerous to women, the elderly, and children
>hating them for being dangerous is not allowed even though it's widely accepted as fact that they are
>apologist campaigns to explain away behavior
>huge fanclub of delusional pickmes that display Stockholm syndrome
>generally hideous and incapable of training as a group yet skilled as cute
>shilled as good for protection but is actually more likely to kill you and your kids than an attacker
>laws controlling them often not enforced
Pic unrelated, was talking about pitbulls
No. 1945997
>>1945921I fucking hate them so much it’s unreal. Don’t forget the psyop that makes women think they’re cute despite being hideous.
I would gladly unload on one if it approached me without a handler on the street.
No. 1946047
File: 1711988658143.jpg (105.94 KB, 700x700, As-A-Child-This-Was-Not-Your-R…)

>>1945960>They aren't meaning any harm Sure, until the behavior crosses the line and you're stuck dealing with the emotional damage from having to behave like an adult from the time you start elementary school
No. 1946065
>>1946053Fair enough. But the original poster said that emotional incest was just shaming doting moms and as a
victim of it I wanted to clarify that there's a difference between the entire broad term and hyperspecific scenarios on social media that may or may not be exaggerated. Seeing it being brushed off like that just made my skin crawl I guess.
No. 1946180
>>1946124yeah it always has to be the blandest shit imaginable and chances are it has some gendie shit sprinkled on top of it because it's sooo cozy and everyone is heckin'
valid and no feelings are hurtied because being inoffensive is it's main selling point. thanks, i'm not going to play your kawiwi farming sim with a bunch of aiden and transbian love interests and i won't read your cozy fantasy quest book that is barely different from some gendie friend group's dnd campaign either.
No. 1946705
File: 1712015805934.png (2.5 MB, 1170x1906, get fucking shot.png)

No. 1946710
File: 1712015954200.jpg (34.96 KB, 500x500, artworks-000401173581-j441x3-t…)

I hate when I see a post on here that's well written and normal in getting its point across in an infight but everyone is shitting on it in the replies because then it makes me feel like a schizo.
No. 1946851
>>1946845I'm pretty sure it is. You didn't deny
>>1946733 and it's the most recent post getting shit on the most.
No. 1946914
File: 1712030778460.jpeg (76.63 KB, 637x954, IMG_6894.jpeg)

genderbends that turn a male character into a scantily clad bimbo or femme fatale. pic related, i don’t care about jjk anymore, but gojo would not fucking wear something like that if he were a girl
No. 1946942
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No. 1946959
File: 1712034802894.png (1.16 MB, 878x1188, fucking yikes.png)

This level of delusion should receive immediate institutionalization.
No. 1946979
File: 1712037879172.gif (726.31 KB, 210x130, IMG_5002.gif)

>>1946942nooooooo not 1927 metropolis. leave the classics alone i swear to fuck
No. 1947050
>>1945921>huge fanclub of delusional pickmes that display Stockholm syndromeImagine when you find out about /g/ and the dozens of moid thirst, moid vent and moid apologia threads on this board kek.
>>1945997>We all hate how cute moids are right my fellow misandrists?Performative misandry.png
No. 1947198
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Wokies and this abomination of a flag they came up with. The standard rainbow already included everyone. Putting the brown and black lines on the flag is so fucking retarded. It gives me secondhand embarrassment. They're trynna be 'inclusive' but the flag was ALREADY INCLUSIVE. It's like they're saying "aw the poor wittle black and brown people need our help uwu they need us to stand up for them uwu let's include themq1". Ugly, retarded ass flag. Anyone who uses that flag is immediately branded as low IQ in my mind.
I hate how race and made up genders are everything a person is nowadays. Can we go back to the days when people were judged on their fucking PERSONALITY?
I want to drill common sense into these fuckers heads.
They'll label me boring for being a 'lame cis' when they all have copy-paste tiktok personalities.
And sometimes I wish I was white, because at least they have more of a chance to be seen for who they are on the inside. Meanwhile being not white means on one side you have a racist seething over your existence and on the other hand you have some libtard feeling all sorry for you as if you were it's little pet and thinking your only personality traits must be related to what colour your skin is. Man the world is fucked. All this tranny shit, race shit, what's next?
No. 1947214
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>>1946047unrelated to your convo but I hate seeing images like your pic unexpectedly. just minding my own business online and some therapy infographic rudely unzips me with an insultingly ugly cartoon. Like damn, I know it shouldn't have been my responsibility but it was! What do you want me to do about it now!!?
No. 1948028
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>memes about older "evil" women taking advantage of younger men
>Comment section filled with moids commenting "I wanna be a victim"
No. 1948230
>>1948185nta but i would like to see how you would deal in a situation like that.
>>1947811I hope you're alright and that you can have good things that can distract you from the bad ones.
No. 1948307
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eyes roll so hard they fall out my ass
No. 1948391
nonnie, how else are they going to sell their $400 course on how to “heal your inner child” and fix your whole life (limited time introductory price before it goes up to $600)?
No. 1948504
>>1947996have fun on your empty imageboard
>>1948185no? I hear russian every time I go outside thanks to colonization. it's annoying when westoids fangirl over it because "muh great russian culture so foreign so mysterious" but I can hold back from sperging most of the time>>1948288>Why come here to complainthis is a things you hate thread. you're not wrong but a permaban was unreasonable
>>1948230thank you
nonny ♥
saging for offtopic and kind of derailing
No. 1949426
>>1947055No it wasn't. It was a joke that subverted violent dogs for moids. You know it was; there's a picrel that's the punchline. Regardless it's mocking men but I'm glad the assertion of pickme handlers was proven right by their outrage kek.
>>1947061>>1947662>>1948015To those curious this is evidence that this board IS full of pickme handmaidens. Muh reading comprehension is always a get of jail free card. Males aren't violent, males don't have a pickme fanclub of apologists we didn't take it to heart, we're not apart of it. It was all about shitty violent dogs I swear!
No. 1950013
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Elves. They're either cringe or coombait.
No. 1950022
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>>1950013Great now you made Hermie sad. Hope you're happy with yourself. Poor elf just wants to be a dentist and you come in here and call him coom bait. Great job.
No. 1950024
>>1950021I've never seen one I liked.
>>1950022He just proves how shit elves are if they have to practice being elves, you don't see humans at human practice.
YWNBAD (you will never be a dentist)
No. 1950028
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>>1950013I should mention that I also hate orcs, which are just fantasy ugly bastards that exist to rape elves.
>>1950026I'm glad I was able to entertain with my elf hate tism.
No. 1950159
>>1947662>Jesus fucking Christ. That's it, this is proof some you don't even read but skim and then immediately reply in anger. Sometimes, I wish the Admin and Mods would make a sitewide cow themed reading comprehension test and then release the average score.They are defending men, stop gas lighting.
No. 1951288
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Im not even a hardcore JJK fan (just a casual watcher), but I kind of hate Gege as a writer. It's like every plot point, event and decision is just from him thinking "you know what would be funny?". I think how I feel about Gege must be how people feel about Isayama.
No. 1951359
>>1951304Tolkien characters are fucking ugly AND cringe
No. 1951370
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Fucking hate how british people constantly feel the need to vaguepost or shit on Americans
You literally have a dish named faggot shut the fuck up biiiitch!
No. 1951404
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Twitter groypers. After Elon musk took over they've been everywhere.
No. 1951408
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>>1951406It's so jarring seeing a man over 25 act like that. Like you do realize you aren't award winning actress Rachel McAdams in Mean Girls… you're a grown man… why are you enunciating like an actual child? You look crazy
No. 1951521
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This abomination.
No. 1955086
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I hate men who get a woman pregnant and have the bright idea to just vanish, as if that will solve anything for them. Retards.
No. 1955165
>>1955086Japanese fuccbois have such a distinctively uniform, sexless and unattractive interchangeable look.
Every Asian dude I've met who looks like this is a creep. Every time. They're always the ones who come up and start nanpa'ing in broken English. Far moreso than your typical computer geek student or whatever.
No. 1956389
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Douchey psychfags. At least STEMfags study actual sciences. Psychology is just a "social science", yet there's all these turtleneck-wearing assholes who think they're masters of understanding human nature because they read a bunch of half-baked, outdated theories by dead pedophiles who wanted to fuck their mother. A five year old listing facts about the sun knows more of what they're talking about than the average psychfag with anyone they "analyze". Yeah, sure, not all of them are like that. I'm sure there's some psychfags that are legitimately intelligent and really are like wizards at understanding people. But IME, psychology is a good magnet for the worst quality people, almost like they WANT a psychology major because they think it'll teach them to manipulate and fuck with people.
No. 1956553
Atsumu Miya from Haikyuu. I actually have a bag I did last year for him but I wanted to do a bigger one using those cute zakkamart totes with the ruffles and bows on them but I may just have to scale back a bit. It takes like 40ish badges to fill one of those out (smaller bags about 24 or so) but finding that many of the same badge seems near impossible. It's not that he's from an unpopular series, it's just the merch aftermarket is more scarce than other popular franchises which combined with his popularity = $$$$. If I weren't in sort of a rush I'd just collect what I want slowly but I decided to go to this con on a whim and it's next month so I need to get everything together fairly quick kek
No. 1956810
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>check the replies to a random ass tweet
>sees some accounts who have (normal) feminine name, no tranny flag in display name, no coomerish retarded usernames
>checks their account
>it’s some flavour of subhuman trannoid, with a common tranny bio and common tranny tweets and likes (femboy “jokes”, porn, openly talking about fetishes, cat girl bullshit, obsessed with pink etc)
rule 29 and 30 of the internet are fucking real. I’m done. Is this a fucking psyops ?
No. 1957250
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I hate picrel or every excessive neurotic “beauty” routine that has become extremely normalized among young women. We have to stop this shit, half of it doesn’t do anything anyways and you’re just wasting your money. Men can’t even wash their ass so why the fuck are women expected to own red light therapy beds and do medspa treatments at home?!
In fact the most infuriating part of seeing these routines is that you know the woman’s ugly ass moid uses 3-in-1 body wash and probably still jerks off to other women on the regular. Fuck this shit and this is more controversial, but fuck the women pushing these routines onto other insecure women/girls.
No. 1957261
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>>1957250What if this is the reason why zoomers are aging faster than millenials and Gen x. Zoomers are obsessed with putting all these damn chemicals on their face. Then you have Gen Alpha brats huffing down some shit called Drunk Elephant? Yeah, the next generation is gonna end up ruined in the face and skin. I thought the Drunk Elephant shit was an online thing. Nope. Little relatives are staying for a while, and guess what they asked for? If we have any Drunk Elephant. The
No. 1957298
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>>1957250>mouth tapeLmao OK, I guess it makes sense doing this as a toddler before puberty so it helps a bit with the mouth breather face, so I kind of hope this list was made by a 9 years old child kek, but I really doubt you can get these results from putting tape on your mouth to go to sleep and not getting plastic surgery.
Maybe instead of doing the most retarded shit online, people should just workout, eat a salad and look in the mirror until they find something they like of their faces.
No. 1957345
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>>1957250Ever since a
nonnie posted this here, I hear this song every time I see these bullshit beauty neuroses. For fuck's sake, "LawLesS ForGeT tHe FillEr" GET AN ACTUAL PERSONALITY. Learn a skill! Everyone will get old and ugly, so cultivate shit that actually sticks and matters!
No. 1957869
Mild annoyance but when people reply to the thread like
>>1936396Can someone actually explain why they do that, it just annoys me when I go to see who they're responding to and it's just that like why, and I've been noticing it happening more often
No. 1958184
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That social media trend where straight couples paint each other. It feels so insidious—the women paint their boyfriends/husbands with care and actually try to make the painting look like him even if they aren't good at art. Meanwhile the men put in zero effort and actively make their girlfriend/wife uglier than she actually is and use "I just suck at art lol" as an excuse. It's like a public humiliation ritual where the man can neg his partner in a socially acceptable way. Like I just know some of those women went and cried about how ugly their nigel painted them later, I know I would if I put love and effort into mine just for him to turn his around and it looks like picrel
No. 1958187
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>>1958184Sorry to samefag but wanted to show another example, like what the fuck is his painting? It doesn't even resemble a human being
No. 1958207
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>If you liked book by [Japanese] you'll like
No. 1958575
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These stupid ads piss me off so much, it's unreal.
No. 1958728
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I hate that the only high quality fashion/store keeping game there is is Style Savvy franchise and it's only on the switch/NDS and not PC. Besides the Sims, everything else is fucking mobile shit.
Why aren't their any great games about owning a clothing store, selling them to customers, customizing the store/the clothes etc.???
I can't even find games like those Prision architets kind of games that are like the blocky style, where you can build a fashion store and manage it.
I hate the lack of those kind of games after the NDS. This game I loved so fucking much, I love the style and art style, plus the music. These Fashion Designer games often had licensed great music, or some on NDS had random songs I never heard.
Even the bratz games on gamecube/PS2 etc. were great and had some cute music. I'm just so fucking mad. I remember I'd play Saints Row three and I'd play it like it was a fashion game, lol. Every single time I went to a story mission, i'd drive to one of the stores (i love those stores, and their unique designs) and I'd buy a new outfit/change my clothes and watch every single cut scene just to see how cute my girl looked.
I'd love a game that focused heavily on fashion but also on shooting/shit. Like GTA with indepth character creation and even a dating sim aspect.
No. 1959135
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Estupida. her body was insane though
No. 1959143
>>1958207Norwegian Wood is so boring. From my understanding that book is like the Japanese version of Catcher in the Rye, famous for cultural relevance due to it being a coming of age story in a specific time period. I think that book is only good if you’re a Japanese person.
The only interesting book he’s written is 1Q84 and even that is
sus because he describes a 17 year old girl’s breasts and then made her
have a sex scene with the adult male protagonist. No. 1959440
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People who tailgate on picrel roads, but don't drive past once they reach a passing lane. Why are you still riding my ass? You have room to get around now! Are you magically blind to the new lane until I double-tap my brake lights and wave you over? I legitimately don't understand.
No. 1959546
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next threadpic please
No. 1959648
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People who put filters on their babies/toddlers. Or those weird accounts that repost edited images of other people's kids.
No. 1961142
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I consume a lot of stuff about Dobermans online because they're one of my favorite dogs and I hate how, regardless of if their ears are cropped or not, all people have to talk about IS THEIR FUCKING EARS! If you see a video of a cropped doberman, the comments are all gonna be a debate about whether or not it's ok to crop. If you see a pic of a natural doberman, the comments will all be about how it has floppy ears and still debating how whether it's fine to get them cropped. We get it. They're such cool, multifaceted and sweet dogs but their ears are all people wanna talk about. It's like the fucking plastic surgery debate for dogs. JK but all jokes aside, doberman's are literally the only dog I've seen this happen to even though other dogs go through similar things, even some that are arguably worse.
No. 1961151
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>>1961142Samefag. Pugs are literally deformed but when you see videos of pugs online, the comments aren't a bunch of people talking about breeding practices. It's people saying they're so cute.
No. 1961152
>>1961142Aww, dobermans are precious. And you're right, it happens with rottweilers too but no one talks about ear or tail docking in rotties.
>If you see a pic of a natural doberman, the comments will all be about how it has floppy ears and still debating how whether it's fine to get them croppedThis is the wrong way to talk about natural ears. The objectively correct way is to say "Awww look at their cute little satellites!"
No. 1961275
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>>1961237They crop ears by cutting off some of the ear, sewing the edges and holding the ears up until the cartilage harden. Some people believe that it has benefits (dobermans are working dogs, its thought that it lessens the chance of their ears getting injured. Some people also say that it lessens chance of ear infection but tbh I think if you clean their ears regularly it's fine), some people disagree and feel that it's unethical to put a dog through a surgical procedure that cuts off part of their body and is purely for aesthetics for most people.
Me personally, I guess I don't have strong opinions about it. If I get a doberman and they're not already cropped I'll probably leave them natural since it really is mostly a cosmetic thing, BUT if someone gets their dobermans ears cropped by a veterinarian, keep them on pain meds and does the proper aftercare then I'm not gonna call them cruel or an abuser tbh.
I think people do it to make dobermans look scarier which makes sense when you consider that they're a common protection breed. With floppy ears they're very sweet and elegant looking, like (nearly) monochromatic dalmatians.
No. 1961281
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>>1961275Samefag, this is one of the ways that they keep the ears up if anyone's curious. It's some sort of foam rod inserted into the ear, and then the ear is taped around it. They have to stay like this 24/7 for 6-9 months so the dogs are basically like this from puppy to adult.
No. 1961861
>>1961779I know you're likely doing this because I said pugs are deformed. They ARE deformed, that doesn't mean I think they're ugly. They can be cute, as o demonstrated here
>>1961151 . You do not have to call doberman's ugly.
No. 1961990
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I hate when political correctness ruins a cozy hobby space. Historical costuming and re-enactment sucks now because tutorials for every "problematic" garment needs a 20 minute (poorly researched/echo chamber approved) wokescold history lesson before they even get to the how-to process. And the double standards are wild. Oh sure, we can dress Tudor all we like and celebrate the misogynist who killed most of his wives because his inadequate sperm couldn't produce an heir, but god forbid those same people want to dress in Civil War-era fashion and reenact those battles. And I'm so sick of the tranny historical revisionism. No, the multiple categories of males who didn't fulfill moid social roles is not "trans representation", it's evidence that you didn't study beyond the point in which your dick got hard. Fuck off.
No. 1962029
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>>1961275Their ears look like my rottweiler's. I cannot imagine why people would want to cut off these floppy, velvety delights. They remind me of little pigtails, or a short female haircut a la Edna Mode. My rottweiler has his full tail too.
An actually good argument to not maim these animals: It makes it harder for other dogs to interpret a cropped/docked dog's body language and it could get them into situations.
Just imagine if your parents sliced off your eyebrows and it made your eyes look meaner, it would be harder for people to interpret your facial expressions and it would do a resting bitch face no favors. You'd probably have a harder time making friends and would be misunderstood in social situations often.
No. 1962042
I hate the yume/fujo/fujo wars on here and other female-centric online spaces. Maybe it's because i love all three but i just don't see the point, it strikes me as incredibly childish. I use to like reading points made by each side because they pinpoint things i wasn't able to articulate (why i think BL is better and more varied even though i prefer GL, the history of genres, why we need more female characters..). There's a breed of anons who are incapable of arguing for their taste without implying the other kind of woman is defective/misogynist somehow. It reminds me of schoolgirl drama, like i get second-hand embarrassment from the tone of these posts, even if the points are correct. The more i read them the more i feel it's a thinly veiled battle for dominance in a feminine hierarchy. It's almost never about ''objective'' qualities like writing, variety, art, always about 'gaze' this, 'coomer' that, 'scrote pandering' etc. (All euphemisms for 'bad woman'). I'd take any retarded ship war or lore infight over this dull hell.
No. 1962463
>>1962029I like rottweilers as well, they're my second favorite! I think their long tails are really cute.
The expression thing is something I hadn't ever thought about!
>You'd probably have a harder time making friends Im actually genuinely getting sad thinking that some dobermans have been rejected other dogs, aw. They're such sociable dogs too.
>>1962023Scottish people have clans? Thank you for giving me something to research
No. 1964158
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When I see a fashion/outfit picture and they're posed like this. Straighten your back, stop with the ghoulish posture.
No. 1964245
>>1964158You're so right,
nonnie. I do it because I instinctively try to hide my chest, but it's better to be a little booby than emulate the hunchback of notre dame.
No. 1964261
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>>1964239i think it's funny if it's done to make fun of wiggers. i don't really see it on tv outside of that scenario
No. 1964657
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The way old people take pictures of themselves
No. 1964745
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There's people out there opening one of the cutest, girliest games in the whole ass appstore and complain about the events of the game being "too girly" maybe plag DOTA if you don't want to play girly games?
No. 1964751
>>1964675She's into
baby monkey torture so I think it's fine lol
No. 1965205
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I hate seeing women I know/knew posting their wedding photos with jumpscare-level ugly balding, fat dough-faced men. Yeah, sure, love and loyalty and inner values and there isn't a huge line of 30-something good-looking guys to be picking from, but please blink twice, sis, if you need to be saved from the ogre
No. 1965277
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vidrel are all the reasons why I hate gay men.
No. 1965579
File: 1713231759398.jpeg (33.68 KB, 347x302, IMG_5360.jpeg)

>”bro said”
>”bro had to”
>”bro really”
>”bro just”
>”bro should”
No. 1965583
File: 1713232313824.jpg (229.25 KB, 1200x900, Crying-girl.jpg)

Men with pfps of little girls. It's probably not that deep, but I find it weird. Someone on kiwifarms has picrel as their pfp, and another one has JonBenét.
No. 1965588
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I hate Gordan Ramsey. I can feel my mind wanting to be attracted to him, but his weird naked mole rat face is ruining everything.
No. 1967020
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this is just a random one that appeared on my youtube suggested but I hate this type of react content. where you're watching someone's blank face while they're watching a tiktok or whatever. are you not embarrassed while editing this? why not just show the tiktok, then cut to you after when you start talking? what does shoving your face into half the screen and blinking at the camera add to it? i literally have to turn off the video when someone does this I cringe too hard.
No. 1967633
File: 1713372126538.jpg (157.21 KB, 2340x2340, 1000014324.jpg)

So sick of these self-pitying woe-is-me posts made by moids/pickmes trying to make a case validating this behavior. They don't understand the real problem. No matter who you are, being a self-pitying, bitter, resentful dork doesn't do you any favors. Neither does the "me vs them" mentality.
No. 1967738
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I hate doll people and Disney adults . To me this screams trauma
No. 1967762
I hate how communities around trauma glorify hypersexual traits and behavior, it seems like somewhat of a manipulation too with these hoards of women supposedly fucking dudes all the time to get over their abuse. It drives me to suicidal ideation sometimes because I’m the opposite and it’s like oh so even in these spaces that understand trauma I’m a weirdo outcast for not being some fun kinky slut? Like oh sorry my mental illness doesn’t make me more appealing to men, I guess I’m just a boring prude and no one cares when I’m not being the appropriate result of broken sex object.
>>1967633Woohoo more evidence that men don’t see women as individual humans with complex emotions and experiences. It’s projection because the opposite is true, the average woman guaranteed has a tougher life than these bored incels who think they’re so dark and brooding for having depression.
No. 1968928
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>>1968513You like listening to old scrote’s opinions?
No. 1969164
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>>1969030Dunno what you’re talking about specific but heres a fact handmaiden: Misogyny leads to women being oppressed and murdered whilst misandry hurts men’s feelings. These “double standards” are double standards because they are not the same.
No. 1969201
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People re-evaluating their decision not to have kids because of a fucking idyllic cartoon dog show for toddlers
No. 1969380
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>>1969277His eyes had heart pupils I guess.
No. 1969522
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These tights, what the FUCK am I looking at
No. 1969528
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>>1969522That's so weird, I don't get it, wouldn't it make more sense to be in any case tabi? It would look less disgusting if for some reason someone needed to wear sandals with tights.
No. 1969566
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I don't care if this is some publicity stunt, it's a pornsick comment that was extremely unnecessary.
No. 1969719
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>>1969522remember the toe sock trend of the early 00's? I had some knee high rainbow striped ones as a kid and they're made for the ultimate flip-flops-n-socks wearing experience.
No. 1969953
File: 1713477511934.jpeg (563.91 KB, 1242x1242, IMG_2688.jpeg)

I used to do this when I was 15, but I hate those over edited snow selfies where ppl make their eyes huge, faces tiny, and skin inhumanly pale. I hate it even more when an adult does it. Teenagers are gonna be stupid, but as an adult, why the fuck are you still doing that??
No. 1970602
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this message by pornhub
No. 1970657
>>1970656if you read it pornhub is basically crying about texas’s age verification laws because it “impinges the rights of adults” and have the audacity to imply age verification
harms minors, when they host cp. they’re not even trying to hide it.
No. 1970727
File: 1713508273400.png (432.48 KB, 328x618, FUCKOFFFUCKOFFFUCKOFF.PNG)

Gas pumps that blare advertisements at you. I literally can't say what I wish would happen to the people who proliferated this without getting banned for a-logging, so please use your imagination.
No. 1970750
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>>1970727press the top right corner button to mute it. I think that's the one, try the others if it doesn't work. a real hero had scratched a little audio icon with a slash out through it next to the button on a gas pump I was using once and it seemed like it couldn't be true but it worked.
No. 1970970
File: 1713531398092.gif (978.29 KB, 500x281, 236c1b00ab1d5d205ee51e1e39c799…)

i hate that crazy women are widely considered to be just as harmful as crazy men. it's true that some unhinged women are genuine abusers who hurt children and other women, but most of the time when i see moids complaining about a crazy bitch it's just some bpd nutcase or spurned pick-me who set her destructive sights on a moid who wronged her and pretty much deserves whatever hell she unleashes on him. it's rare to see a woman take out her hurt feelings on groups of innocent people like moids do.
No. 1972071
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That in certain threads anons argue and bait over the EXACT same things. I don’t know how they keep it up.
No. 1972537
File: 1713628134203.png (436.72 KB, 667x500, MB.png)

I despite fat tall men, they effortlessly burn thousands of calories simply by existing. How the fuck can you get fat when you have that going for you.
No. 1972547
>>1972537Not only are Males biologically inclined to be less fat, but
tall people (in theory) should also be inclined to be less fat because of their body's larger fat distribution. So when you realize that being tall and male doesn't stop scrotes of walking around with apple bodies, you wonder what the point of their existence even is. Imagine how much food resources has to be consumed by a male that's tall, to the extent where he's fat. That's gotta be a copius amount of food, or maybe just junk food. You see a fat, tall scrote? That is a walking sign that lots of food has been unnecessarily eaten by him, or that the stupid fuck may have a preference to fast food in his diet.
No. 1972563
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>>1972537>>1972547tbf it's moviebob, this is how much he eats.
No. 1973729
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Artists on spotify using unedited/edited anime pictures of artists that didn't draw for them or not as their profile picture or album covers.
Ugh, it's not discord or your account with personal playlists, imagine if you had to buy picrel as a physical album. Graphic design is my passion.
No. 1974585
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Speaking of AI, I hate this
No. 1974591
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>>1974585The most depressing thing about AI technology is that our dignity isn't even safe after we die. Feels like hell.
No. 1974596
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Tranny memes are so horrendously unfunny it's genuinely impressive.
>Self-neglecting behavior stemming from insecurity portrayed in a le quirky ha ha manner + projection onto some random character they're autistically fixated on
>Random character they're autistically fixated on + Trans rights!!
That's all there is to it. Nothing of substance at all
No. 1974600
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Got an Amber alert in the middle of the night and it woke me up and scared the shit out of me. My phone was next to my pillow so it screamed right in my ear.
Apparently some dirtbag scrotoid just stole a car without realizing that there was a sleeping kid inside. I hope the kid turns up okay. I hate men so goddamn much, at least check the fucking back seats before you steal a car. It's not even a nice car, it's some piece of shit from a decade ago. Was it worth it to endanger a kid's life and get a class two felony over a hooptie worth two thousand bucks you retarded moid?
No. 1974603
>>1974571How is it the AI's fault that she killed herself? it was the moids who did that.
>>1974585Yeah this is pretty fucked up, why did they feel the need to do that? they are so dense
>>1974591This has been a thing for a while, even black mirror made a whole episode about it.
No. 1974613
>>1974602Turning any dead woman into a computerized greeting card is heinous but it's especially degrading that it's Marilyn. The spokesperson sounds like a tool too
>While Marilyn Monroe can never be replaced or duplicated, Digital Marilyn opens exciting possibilities for multiple generations of fans to engage with her in a whole new way, fostering a deeper connection and appreciation for her enduring spiritThey're not selling a character based on Marilyn, they're selling the poor woman herself.
No. 1974636
>>1974596This could be easily mistaken for a
terf meme.
No. 1974885
File: 1713793472989.png (8.72 KB, 512x512, unnamed.png)

Shop. It's nothing actually wrong with the platform, but a LOT of online stores now host their checkout page on there. Because I have an account with Shop, now if I add something to my cart on a random online store and don't buy it, they'll start emailing me to remind me that I have shit in the cart. It took me a while to understand how stores that I have no account with had my email.
No. 1975679
>>1974932Ntayrt but I think you're thinking of a different kind of pass lane. There's some where the double yellow goes dotted where the person trailing is meant to pass and some where they add another lane with signs for the slower driver being advised to go in the right lane.
A lot of the time the person tailgating will just be too much of a hothead asshole to pass. They'd literally rather stay mad and deserve to get laughed at. Sidenote, People take this shit a little too seriously sometimes. If you've ever considered break checking someone you deserve to get rear ended and I hope you're ready to get in trouble from my dashcam footage.
No. 1975700
File: 1713834030184.webp (42.15 KB, 800x461, IMG_5454.webp)

I hate the “Ladies! Don’t judge a book by its cover and give the dysgenic fugly retard a chance!” Thing the media tells women and especially girls. It’s fucking diabolical to manipulate women into believing they are they are enforcing Hitlers eugenics program because they are shallow bitches who aren’t attracted to the elephant man. Like yeah no shit what’s the problem? We evolved to find people with genetic problems ugly for a reason. I dont want to destroy my gene pool because i felt bad for some ugly retard and gave him a chance. If these fugly retards were smart, then they would stop crying about how shallow the evil females are for not wanting their offspring to be cursed with the same shit and would instead Learn to enjoy their lives single instead of crying about society. This trope always for some reason never has and ugly guy and an ugly girl too. It is ALWAYS an ugly freak and a hot or pretty women. At best she is an outcast and somehow relates to the retard because she’s TOO NERDY AND NOT GIRLY ENOUGH!!! Picrel is actually repulsive to me. All men are entitled to hot wives no matter how genetically fucked they are but women are not allowed to feel physical attraction because then they are hitler.
No. 1975729
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>>1975700yeah, picrel is the only actually realistic version of this trope i've ever seen.
No. 1975735
File: 1713836585130.jpg (126.86 KB, 1080x510, STOP.jpg)

i hate these scammy "interest free payments!!" that klarna and paypal are offering, i will never fall for your tricks. i will never get a paypal credit card either. be gone.
No. 1975739
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This book was utter infuriating garbage and I assume the series is too
No. 1975751
>>1975739sally rioney is utterly vterrible. badly written, boring characters, endless navel gazing, fake ironic detachment.
i bet it's only popular bc self-obsessed booktok tards and wokies see themselves in those vapid chacters and their perpetual handwringing over mundane shit.
No. 1975982
File: 1713858291734.mp4 (6.97 MB, 1d5JblGDK4LZx4a5L.mp4)

watching this, I sorta of get why lesbians hate bisexual women.
No. 1976330
File: 1713885577370.png (511.19 KB, 956x964, 1709084183994.png)

I hate the constant Palestine spam. I hate how many attention whores jumped on the topic hoping it will propel them to activist stardom. This literal genocide has been turned into a fandom at this point by people who didn't even know what Palestine was less than a year ago, and the saddest part is that it will get dropped in a few years as soon as a new "trendier" geopolitical issue comes around.
No. 1976348
>>1976330It's kind of funny to see how those going nuts about the war with Ukraine slowly went from having both of Ukraine's and Palestine's flags to only having Palestine's flag.
I'm also sick of this shit tbh, even in cute videogames you see people putting shit like the free Palestine slogan, like, friend, you won't get asspats in the cute videogame, just keep grinding like everyone else.
I couldn't help but notice though, most of the people with Palestine shit also have a bunch of other slogans, their sexuality and pronouns kek.
It's impressive how there's some sort of grifter time-line, and you can see who hasn't been active in a while because it's:
>BLM>Covid>Ukraine>PalestineFrom least active to most active.
No. 1976407
>>1975982>>1975984What makes you say that? Tbh, to me, this all sounds understandable and an example of what happens when bi women have not had their own spaces (so I'm glad they were able to talk about what was on their minds on the podcast). Whenever I came across bi women who described themselves as "bi lesbians", more often than not it came across as just a shorthand for "Leaning towards women" or "I relate to women more" or "I want a gf so bad" or "I want to still be included in the lesbian community. Am I???" Like yes you always have been. ♥ But yeah I don't see bisexual cheaters as a thing but can understand their fears around being seen negatively due to the stigma against bisexuals (who wouldn't?) and it sounds like that first speaker's exgf was insecure if she made her feel so bad about her own orientation, I've met/dated many bi women and they are loyal (anecdote: before all of this "bi lesbian" stuff became popularised, one gf said to me that she had decided she was a lesbian (as a way to show loyalty to me). I thought that was sweet but reassured her I already loved her as she was, I think she felt surprised at that. Also she had told me she previously had boyfriends and they didn't treat her well, so I can see her in that woman identifying with being a bi lesbian in the podcast).
Their fears about "not fitting in" and fears of rejection are normal, especially when, as a bi or lesbian woman, these small communities can be your lifeline to other homosexually-attracted women that you have unspoken permission to be attracted to, that is liberating for a lesbian or bi woman who is used to repressing that side of herself in the straight world. For a bi woman struggling with the need to belong within her peer group, that may propel her to identify as lesbian over bisexual in order for her to find a supportive subculture. I think the key here is for adequate recognition of bi women (which I think this podcast's purpose is for) in order to not feel isolated or invisible in the most commonly viewed "straight or gay" world (which can lead to continual pressure to deny one's bisexuality). It makes sense to me how their choices would have been influenced by multiple factors. I could go on for hours, but basically don't feel down, Nonna.
>>1976206Kek same. MTFs/M2NBs are just straight men who found a method that works for avoiding responsibility with the added bonus of forcing others to engage in their fetishes, doesn't matter how far they go with the larp to prove they're a ~reel waman isnide~. Despite HSTS being the poster child for trannies, the "heterosexual male fetishist" is actually way more common and what we are seeing the most when it comes to criminal activity (preying on girls and women), in 2015/16 over 60% of MTFs surveyed were attracted to women, no doubt that number has gone up since. I even left twitter bc these freaks kept trying to flirt with me knowing they had their trannyism to pwotect them (and wouldn't stop either). Actually disgusting. I hate these fetishtic moids so muchhhh, can't say more though or I'll get banned for a-logging teehee.
No. 1976440
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Breaking Bad fans
No. 1979255
>>1976440>>1976442Breaking bad is one of my most favourite shows of all time, but making a raging narcissist the main character was a hideous missight because so many moids latch onto Walter for that exact reason. But at the same time, it's the ultimate moid litmus test, if they love walter and think skylar is a bitch, there is an 100% chance he is
No. 1979301
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Passport bros
No. 1979370
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I'm so tired of degenerates acting like vanilla sex where nobody is feeling pain is somehow bad and you're a puritan if you are not into that garbage. It has become worse with the twitter and reddit migrates who were too
problematic for the gendies but are the same type of edgy infighters as microaggression seeking TIFS. The ryona shilling in 4chan was already disgusting (reason why I only go there to download stuff), and now I keep running into it every other day on lolcow too. Maybe it's time for me to give up on as a whole.
No. 1979427
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>Incel terms for women used unironically on lc
How the site has fallen
No. 1979544
>>1979432Men can rape men though
good. But women can never rape men.
No. 1979612
>>1979566It's so reddit of them.
>my (22F) bf (35M) won't wash his ass, never messages me anymore and ignores me while I can see he's online playing Overwatch with his buddies>when we do talk he calls me a fat ugly whore and tells me to lose weight so we can have sex again even though he weighs 800lbs and the smell wafting from his fupa fat rolls makes me gag>but I swear other than this one little thing he's a perfect bf I want to marry him soon!Like why are you complaining to us then? Stay with him then if you like it so much, surely if he's so perfect you can talk to him about it instead of internet strangers. Sorry I mean
>YTA you need to communicatesince nonnas with such perfect Nigels won't accept any other response
No. 1979639
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The South Park episode Craif and Tweek should have had the reveal be Crab People. They're the reason in the metrosexual episode, it would have been a perfect time to bring them back and they fucking didn't they were just like , "well the Japanese choose who's gay" fucking cop out ass bullshit
No. 1979792
>>1979566It seems they do this because they don't want to
really leave, for whatever reason (low self-esteem, no savings etc.). They still need to be told 'this guy sucks' because they can't fully suppress their discontent. Sometimes it's borne out of genuine confusion ('do i stay? Am i in love?') but they treat these threads and their friends like emotional airbags, they want relief before running back to what hurts them.
No. 1979921
>>1969539I loved the video game recs too, or whenever authors like I think either Yukimaru Moe or Sakai Mayu talked about whatever music they listened to while drawing this or that exact panel.
>>1972978Hatta Ayuko in Ima, koi wo shiteimasu.
No. 1980292
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>>1980284Literally not even what I said and even with that typo you could not have gotten that out of my sentence
No. 1980300
>>1943644Ironically racist
Liberals really think of MOC as babies
No. 1980532
File: 1714113547445.jpg (62.33 KB, 680x591, GA8ERIWbQAAOcZf.jpg)

>>1980464it's a meme, this k-on girl that gets posted whenever someone talks about brazil. and there's tons of edits for different states/cities where she's holding local food or whatever
No. 1980541
>>1980448yes, it’s a normal “ironic” thing for zoomers to bring up, same with gooning
>>1980464Other anons are right, one I see pretty often is “
insert band mentioned, wtf is a bad song” and then a bunch of emojis. It’s basically only a thing in ig reels (and I assume tiktok) comments. I think it also came from that retarded American “wtf is a kilometre” meme. I just hate repeated meme phrases like that in general.
No. 1980796
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This image pisses me off a little whenever I see it.
No. 1980877
>>1980582and majority of the time they only put down women for leaving for
valid reasons but will defend men completely abandoning their wife and kids over bodily changes, meeting a new coworker (who isn't even interested) or gets upset when the wife calls them out on their laziness instead of working 3 jobs and accommodating his video game and porn addiction
No. 1980921
File: 1714147730624.jpeg (Spoiler Image,217.86 KB, 1197x1189, IMG_7437.jpeg)

Whoever made this because they’re retarted Also the weird racial element
No. 1980971
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There are now posters defending muslim terrorist scrotes on farm. Wtf. Where are they even coming from?
No. 1981010
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>>1980977As a burger, I distinctly remember being taught in school that there are 7 continents, and Central America is a thing but not its own continent, kind of like the Caucasus. I think of North America as Canada, US, and Mexico only, but I think Central America is technically a part of North America? I’m curious what anons from other countries are taught
No. 1981045
>>1981009I agree. Sorry, I deleted my post that you replied to so that I wouldn’t get a samefagging ban for posting about geography right afterwards kek
>tinfoil thread I just hide the tinfoil thread now after I got called a ~zionist~ for not validating their conspiracy theories about everything being a jewish psyop. I mean, it is the conspiracy thread tbf, but that genuinely pissed me off because unlike /pol/tards seething about da jewish cabal, or even watermelon emoji zoomers posting their free palestine fanart on twitter, I actually do engage in rl anti-zionist protests and organizing. I’m tired of the terminally online with their black-and-white extremist thinking
No. 1981071
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>>1981010It's not just the U.S. either. It makes me mad because people just scream over each other and insist that THEIR way is right instead of realizing that different countries conceptualize the world/are taught different things and both can be "correct."
No. 1981208
>>1975700The original film worked because they weren't willing to be delusional and make a woman attractive to him smh.
>>1981177>>1981187Same, it's not worth dating when you are ugly at all and looking at how desperate ugly women who won't let go of the fantasy act makes me feel so embarrassed.
No. 1982570
File: 1714254122207.png (35.84 KB, 767x394, Skärmbild 2024-04-27…)

>>1982551Nowhere on Earth is 170 cm short for a woman.
No. 1982583
>>1982330>>1982338>>1982357>>1982551Kek npc gathering. Also
>170 cm being a bare minimum to be a runway modelWut. Only nepobabies are allowed with such midget height. Any exceptions to this rule are "plus sized model" meme tier.
No. 1982593
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>>1982583>midget heightsorry you got bullied in school for being a mountain
No. 1982803
File: 1714265519423.jpg (6.31 KB, 269x187, images.jpg)

I think we should stop congratulating people for supporting people with personality disorders. Nobody gives a shit that you're the #1 punching bag for your annoying partner. I am that bitch on reddit, I will tell you to leave. Bonus points if they've already had children with these miserable fucking people. If you're not medicating yourself or working on yourself and you have borderline or bipolar you don't deserve a human punching bag.
No. 1983644
File: 1714334552936.jpeg (121.2 KB, 840x952, ff91193bcf6ae7b6394c9d42e811e7…)

oh boy, i hope this isn't going to start another infight, but having to deal with political spergouts makes this board weirdly hostile sometimes. i am russian and i get it, some of you have been personally victimized by our government, but what does this have to do with random russian nonnies on lolcow? it's a moids' war, go swing your fists at reddit or 4chan, idk. i've had to hide the eastern european thread cause it's full of aggro spazzing on steroids instead of local milk or cultural banter. hell, someone even referred to nalanvy as an "angel" in there, which i hope was in jest. maybe i misunderstand the point of /ot/, but imo this is a mongolian basket weaving forum to be enjoyed as a moid-free space? can't the general political issues be contained in dedicated threads or the whole ass websites made specifically for that? pro-ukrainian nonnies, i get it, but i just want to let you know that out of all the russian lolcow users probably zero had anything to do with this war or voted in the current government. idk, it's all very sad and i just want to be friends.
No. 1983742
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I hate how East Asians are allowed to be racist as fuck against others even in foreign countries. Like, what do you mean these Chinese fuckers denied Nigerians entry to a shop while living in Nigeria? We need to start curbing them and stop allowing this crap. I specifically mention the Asians because, most of the time, it's them doing this shit. Japs are allowed to deny entry to foreigners, but if anyone else did it, people would get mad.
No. 1983762
File: 1714338751051.jpg (16.2 KB, 275x206, 1649994202583.jpg)

>>1983742Them, Afrikaners, the Indians, the Arabs, and now East Asians in Africa. What I particularly hate about these foreign groups is that they move to Africa, a continent that's the motherland of the black race, and get a fiercely angry attitude at being surrounded by black people. These foreigners hate black people, yet they keep moving there and putting themselves in a position to constantly run into black people. Why the actual fuck don't they stay home in to remain in their own element? Back to Europe, back to the middle east, back to India, back to East Asia. Back to their self-proclaimed superior races and countries. Nope. They hate black people, but cannot seem to get
enough of them. The resources of their origin. Their labor. Their reproductive capabilities, even. It's confusing and creepy of these foreigners. It reminds me of when white americans complain about diversity, while they sit in a continent that never actually belonged to the Caucasian race in the first place. Why do Europeans, Indians, Arabs, and Asians move to places that are foreign, and get mad when such places are naturally different? It is an incomprehensible behavior, yet it comes from the so-called "intellectually superior races". You'd think they'd use their superior intellect to succeed in their superior countries, but nope. They hate black people and Africa, yet cannot seem to stay the fuck away despite everything they may have going for them.
No. 1983975
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holy shit speak normal
No. 1984025
>>1983791This is my (very limited) impression. I'd say it's a mixed bag. People complain about how strict chinese business owners are when it comes to maintaining rules. Folk stories about how scary they can get. Some resent them for 'stealing work'. Overall the chinese presence is judged as either good for local economy or yet another exploiting force. One thing i've noticed though, is that they're more appreciated than americans/europeans, especially when it comes to nationwide economics. People just seem to think they're better than the previous 'handlers' for things like infrastructure, commercial deals. This makes rich white immigrants seethe to no end kek, they often state Africans are retards for preferring anyone to the West. This malding also extends to Russians and South Asian countrymen.
I wouldn't be surprised if the Chinese had horrible reputations in certain areas, like
>>1983826 said there has to be abuse if you consider the gap in income.
>>1983762> putting themselves in a position to constantly run into black peopleThey don't. Most rich immigrants thoroughly isolate themselves and make sure to never mix with locals. I've known rich white/MENA kids who were born and raised in Africa and didn't speak a single word of any african language. It's purely to make money, and not like poorfag illegals who have to actually learn some words, meet different people, integrate eventually etc. There are average chinese/euro/american immigrants who don't quite behave like this though. Clerks, hippies, small business owners, scientists etc.
No. 1984136
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>>1983744Valid nonny, same. I have a coworker like this. Multiple times a day “sorry I stitched you up on this one” about something she had nothing to do with. Bitch… what?? She will even text me after work apologising for things at work that weren’t even a thing and/or nothing to do with her. What is this behaviour?
No. 1984156
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I hate when my bangs don't want to cooperate, especially if I'm wearing curtain bangs and I can't curl them correctly. A bad bang day is the worst that can happen to a person.
No. 1984960
File: 1714417297939.jpg (15.38 KB, 235x287, 3cc22f83f078a69b7b52a1c1fa1f86…)

i hate that all cute sandals have heels or thick soles that give them height. i'm already taller than most people, i dont need or want to be another 2 inches taller. but i want to wear cute sandals that can be dressed up, not boring ugly flats.
thinking about it maybe i just hate being tall
No. 1984992
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Restaurants and cafes that don't have a menu anywhere. How the fuck are you going to attract customers if they can't even see what's available to eat? I ran into two of these just this weekend, they both had websites that didn't work so I figured they'd have their menus posted on their social media accounts—nope, nothing there either. The one place I couldn't find anything at all, the other I found the menu but it was in someones google review photo. How is this good for your business? I don't fucking get it kek
No. 1985067
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>>1984969Let her at em' nonna, she'll splat 'em and rock 'em and sock 'em!
No. 1985219
>>1983644Understandable, nonna. As much as anons like to shit on twitterfags here, I’ve noticed an uptick in anons acting like every member of some group of people are literally satan (whether it’s russians, jews, muslims, etc)
when people of whatever group they’re attacking probably having nothing to do with the reason why anons hate them in the first place. Very black and white thinking. Also, cute hetalia art btw!
No. 1985720
I hate it when people use English words in non English conversation. You don't sound smart, educated or interesting, you sound like you've been glued to your laptop from birth.
>>1983644I'm sorry nonna. There's plenty of retards but also a lot of people who realize that people aren't their government and being judged by your nationality is horrible.
No. 1986042
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I fucking hate that I pay for cable but have to subscribe to individual channels, and those individual channels don't have their own shows on demand. Like i'm paying for MTV which just plays reruns of the same 3 shows 24/7 (literally. picrel is todays schedule), and they don't even have all their classic MTV shows on demand. They just have the same 3 shows and the most recent seasons only on demand.
Also hate that I pay for amazon prime which used to mean 2 day shipping but now that doesn't seem to be a thing anymore, and i have no idea when it stopped. Anything i look for has at least a 2 week eta. There's also ads on prime video so it's not like I'm paying extra for that. why the fuck am i paying $100+ a year for this shit?
No. 1986249
I hate most hardcore gamer moids, I can understand enjoying a game but the way some of them get so autistic about it will always be retarded to me. Literally why do they even care about shit like speedruns, completionism and their stats in games enough to suck each other's cocks over it and discuss it for hours, it's so useless and boring. It makes more sense to me to discuss a game's story (if it has one) for that long, not really the game mechanics or that side of it. I genuinely couldn't care less about gameplay outside of as a fun casual thing to do so I never understand moids who become obsessed with it and act like I'm weird for not dedicating my time to mastering a mostly completely useless skill. It's even worse if they're bums and care about that more than actually fixing their life.
>>1984964yeah she sucked
No. 1986385
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passport bros
No. 1986463
>>1986418kek even though I can't stand this guy, the comedian Jim Jeffries has a joke about this where he talks about how creepy it is when he and his wife drop their son off at their gym's daycare and the girls there say "oooh look it's my boyfriend, my boyfriends' back! He loves to give me kisses!"
And he says "Imagine you go to drop off your little girl, and it's just me and my mates standing there going 'Mmm yes that's my girlfriend…she likes to give me kisses! Enjoy your workout, don't worry about a thing!"
No. 1986517
File: 1714516016069.jpeg (28.8 KB, 270x480, oklnELFDpBwguAR6U3QrvqECiBiiZI…)

A lot of businesses' price gouging deserves to be lowballed, it just sucks when your business is already well below market price and idiot consumers still don't think it's enough. I charge almost half the price that a lot of people are charging in my area for esthetician and masseuse work and then get frustrated and start cursing me out when I won't do basically free work after supply prices. I can definitely see why a lot of business owners get frustrated and either shut down/falsely inflate prices if it means to stop being cursed out by people who literally want free luxury services
No. 1986875
>>1986385Other than the obvious misogyny, it's so funny how passport bros are so blind to the fact that
they're the ones being used by these women.
Not gonna specify, but I unfortunately live in country that passport bros love (old single White scrotes can be seen walking around in the same vicinity of a child beggar). The women here don't date these scrotes because they're more trADItionAL and suBmissIVE—it's because they're
gold diggers plain and simple.
Not that there's anything wrong with that. Local women gold dig from local men here all the time—hell, young
men who aren't even gay also enter transactional relationship with other men. It's nothing new.
And yet these tools delude themselves into thinking these women are in love with them. Yeah, with their wallets no doubt lololol. If they weren't such sex pests I wouldn't mind having their wallets milked by their "trad" waifus.
No. 1988416
File: 1714681663241.jpg (Spoiler Image,528.66 KB, 2400x1080, 1000023387.jpg)

Sorry for the shitty screenshot of my mobile. Im not logged in my youtube so I got recommended this live stream called miami swims week greatest fashion show and this looks so degrading. Like you can see that 80% of the models aren't even wearing a bikini but are just walking nude with either paints on there but or a piece of cloth glued to there chest. It honestly disgusts me, i feel so bad for the models. Fashionshows are honestly just evil and always degrade women
No. 1988420
File: 1714681755342.jpg (55.52 KB, 1280x720, nnsg.jpg)

I can't stand it when people are unable to recognise obvious parodies/hoaxes/trolling/fake stories. I'm shocked at how many people to this day seem to be unable to recognise that Nyan Neko Sugar Girls is a joke series.
No. 1988424
File: 1714681864619.jpg (Spoiler Image,646.56 KB, 2400x1080, 1000023389.jpg)

>>1988416Like am i stupid and is this actually not a real fashion show but some weird degrading sexual shit done in public?
No. 1988436
File: 1714682648310.png (Spoiler Image,268.62 KB, 273x414, n102.png)

>>1988416>>1988424tfw a moidy gacha beach volleyball game has more taste than that
No. 1988612
File: 1714692330468.jpg (522.67 KB, 5770x5770, 42332-sil-t-fal-professional-t…)

>>1936396Teflon pans. They are very finnicky, you cannot use iron wool or metal cooking tools because they scrape the surface and leach PTFEs into your food. Even if you take perfect care of it, you have to throw it away in 5 years anyway. I would just season a cast iron or just deal with the extra scrubbing if it means that I get a pan that lasts.
No. 1988768
File: 1714703815017.png (11.26 KB, 295x85, pain.png)

I thought the jokes about EA support being bad were blown out of proportion, but turns out they were right. Had to use a different browser, wait 60 minutes in queue, deal with their ESL support for 2 entire hours just to fix something that is a common issue. At one point they made me retake a screenshot because my taskbar wasn't visible.
>>1988711Went to check it out to see for myself and I got flashbacks of trying to find cool things on deviantart and seeing a bunch of similar 3d fetish spam pics. Crazy how obvious the detailed tongue makes it.
No. 1988776
File: 1714704293309.png (775.75 KB, 1080x842, Screenshot_20240502-194018~2.p…)

Scrotes raving over this supposed incel uprising lol.
No. 1988835
File: 1714708171272.png (494.77 KB, 800x800, Whatifalthist_appearance.png)

>>1988776And he looks like this, another to add to my list
No. 1988859
File: 1714709204212.png (2.2 MB, 1242x1742, z3bzjomgq5ja1.png)

Booktok discussion in the fandom thread made me remember this pic, but am I missing something? Are people really buying poetry like this? I'm admittedly not someone who even reads poetry regularly but this sucks. Idk maybe her other poems aren't duds but this is literally just Instagram vent post type shit
No. 1989801
File: 1714774331373.gif (860.21 KB, 320x253, 1234455567.gif)

This gif
No. 1989822
>>1989801i always associate with tryhard reddit/
twitter types congratulating each other on how funny they are
No. 1990232
File: 1714817160279.png (248.47 KB, 478x637, transitional stays.PNG)

>>1990149It really depends on the corset. Most modern corsets are based on the Victorian wasp-waist corset, which are uncomfortable no matter how you look at it because of the cinched waist and firm boning (back in those days they used whalebone but steel bones are used now). But something like Regency short stays in picrel are intended for bust support, not cinching, and are decently comfortable when fitted correctly. However, most people arguing themselves blue that corsets are totes okay gaiz don't know anything about corsetry or historical underwear. Any modern woman who dislikes wearing bras would've disliked corsets for the same reasons.
>>1990157Ugh are you talking about SnappyDragon? I can't stand her videos.
No. 1990244
>>1990241>BernadetteAh damn, it was bound to be one of them. (Don't like her much either.)
>How many historical youtubers bring the medical corset thing up?Several. Historical youtubers who spend more time online and making videos tend to ree the hardest about "muh modern misconceptions", corsetry especially, while youtubers who spend more time in irl reenactment spaces are usually chill and have a more nuanced view on garb.
No. 1990326
File: 1714827353417.mp4 (6.85 MB, 808x1298, VID_25820712_092955_443.mp4)

I fucking hate deathfats. And no, not because of their weight, just because they're always such whiny and defensive/aggressive fucks. Video related of course… her name is bombergurl on Instagram and always has visceral reactions to anyone who doesn't think she is a bbw kweeeen. I'll samefag with some screenshots, she has a-logged a few times funnily enough whilst actively killing herself by being a deathfat. Oh yeah, she also has an onlyfans which I presume only fucked up feeder/fat fetish coomers will pay for.
No. 1990343
File: 1714828497756.png (623.9 KB, 600x450, 1702726430100.png)

>things you hate
Moids thinking that "misandrist" women are like that because of some boyfriend issues. I'm sure every other anon has been told a "sorry he hurt you" by some offended scrote. The thing is, I am capable of talking moids into contemplating suicide or even just doubting their self-worth. Scrotes are surprisingly easy to revenge and break down, so my mind is less because of exes that I rarely think about, and more because research led me to just want more scrotes dead. If I'm like this because a scrote "hurt me", then probably a few hundred scrotes got pushed over the edge of the cliff thanks to my endless a-logs to moids from when I was a teenager.
No. 1990362
>>1990358tayrt. you're right
nonnie but I'd be lying if I said seeing it doesn't make me feel some sort of misery myself
No. 1990621
File: 1714845801228.jpg (237.84 KB, 1070x770, 000000.JPG)

idk if this is the right thread for this but I somehow came across this post on reddit and it made my blood boil
how the fuck do women stay in relationships like these?
you're throwing away life wants and needs for a retarded scrote, nonnas here really opened my eyes to how incredibly toxic most men are
I loathe men like these and I hate seeing women be weak and not leave, I know it's more complicated than it may seem but you can smell shitty men a mile away
No. 1990706
>>1990621So much of it on reddit (I didn't want kids and he gave me an ultimatum to have at least one for him so.. or I did want kids and chose him instead because I didn't want to lose him) etc. The thing is.. even after that big of a sacrifice the ultimatums typically just keep on coming. That's the shittiest part of an already bleak situation. It's a life of more ultimatums if you give a man the message that you're that fucking scared of losing him you'll give up anything else you had planned for him.
Usually followed by shit like not agreeing on where to live and you being uprooted to wherever tf he wants. Or his relatives moving into your house without you having a say. Always more ultimatums
No. 1992285
File: 1714980160839.jpg (26.47 KB, 500x400, 594a21e2-a504-4831-aced-11e125…)

People who never developed reasoning skills past middle school and think in black and white terms like little kids. Online this is pretty obvious but I'm always taken aback when some dumb bitch is looking me in the eye arguing like a toddler and thinking in terms of "all X good, all Y bad". Just say you're having an autistic meltdown bestie, it's okay.
Yesterday I overheard two women complaining about boomers. I overall agreed with them until one got all huffy and said boomers were spoiled because they had wonderful childhoods and their parents coddled them, ironically sounding like a boomer herself. Have they never met a boomer? Economically they had it real good, but so many of them are all kinds of fucked up because their parents were awful and going to therapy was a massive shame on the family. Boomers can be awful but to say they were all raised well??? Come on.
Another time a guy who clearly had a thing against girls from a neighboring city just continued making shit up and grasping at straws to justify his hatred for them. The same way some of y'all sound when you talk about a celebrity or group of people you strawman against. Gave me secondhand embarrassment, if you missed nap time just say so. Damn.
No. 1992292
>>1992285>The same way some of y'all sound when you talk about a celebrity or group of people you strawman againstyou lost me here. most criticism against celebs and groups and people
usually men done here isn't made up. if something factually wrong was said you can point it out
No. 1992360
>>1992313But the blanket statement doesn't even make sense and is just tacked on because the woman in question was running out of things to say. Most boomers had terrible parents, not happy spoiled childhoods like she said. British boomers grew up with postwar rations, boomers worldwide were beaten as kids, girls were treated terribly compared to boys, the way many kids were raised then would get you in jail today. The main reason they're so mentally fucked is terrible parenting, maybe also lead paint.
I don't get what you're trying to say really. There's so many things you can criticize boomers for without just making things up in bad faith, which was the point of my post.
>>1992292I'm not talking about men or genuine criticism though, I'm talking about people here who have an obvious vendetta against an individual or group and are just saying unhinged things to make them look bad.
>racist anons who hate XYZ racial group to a point of obsession and think everything bad in the world is their fault>Florence-chan>anon who said all millennials were pickmes responsible for trannies existing (or something)>another who really hates Japan for some reasonWay too many examples.
No. 1993028
>>1992656it just grosses me out, at least cover it up with a ski mask or something? we understand to cover healing surgical wounds and everything because they gross out the public yet having disgusting leaky puss filled craters all over their face is fine apparently and it's actually us who is bad for not wanting to see that shit, especially when they work in food service or something like what if your puss leaks all over the food? gross
they should all be sent away and put on acne medications until they heal honestly, I mean this in the nicest way possible. there's no way that isn't a public health hazard
No. 1994215
File: 1715105776910.jpeg (39.6 KB, 400x400, IMG_6984.jpeg)

Any Twitter scrote with this pfp, idk what he’s supposed to be from but they’re always very rancid.
No. 1994222
>>1994215He's the mc to blue archives anime.
Surprising moids use him as a pfp now considering for the first couple of days they were seething about him being too handsome.
They wanted either fat bastard or big boobed lady
No. 1994276
File: 1715111338172.png (603.74 KB, 721x800, harem_woman.png)

These Japanese stock images.
No. 1994566
>>1994556samefag but there's still people out there with serious medical issues where catching that sort of thing becomes a problem, see
>>>/ot/1988680so it depends on each person's history
i honestly don't get why random strangers in masks bothers others if they're not forcing it on anyone tbh No. 1994606
File: 1715134049666.jpeg (340.89 KB, 955x2048, IMG_3352.jpeg)

I don’t know whose bright idea it was to make a 4chan related dating site, but congrats! You’ve officially made a site gathering some of the worst women for some of the worst men!
No. 1994618
File: 1715135178290.jpg (229.83 KB, 922x2048, GM60kJbWEAET-ef.jpg)

>>1994606I keep seeing people call it the
femcel dating app. wonder if any nonnies have signed up yet… go find your racist 4chan moids but if any of you mention lolcow on your dating profile you're a retarded fag ♥
No. 1994622
>>1994618A bit curious to make female friends this way but women who browse 4chan are so hit or miss, even more than LC
The one in your pic is definitely not up my alley, for example
No. 1994655
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>>1994634I made an account to observe, I’m not touching a single one of these women with a ten foot pole.
No. 1994668
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>>1994665I can’t make threads cause I’m shit at it, but if someone does, link it. This is fed/pick me central.
No. 1996185
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"The city is a character itself"
No. 1996222
File: 1715236331976.jpeg (63.2 KB, 640x510, IMG_5978.jpeg)

when people bully and harass cringe but harmless female autists online. strange how everyone online loves to self diagnose autism and "raise awareness" but the second a nerdy husbandofag has fun and posts it her comments are a hellscape. i know this is lolcow but atleast noone here goes after them on their own social media pages. one of my favorite autists was bullied into deleting her account and im pissed
No. 1996226
File: 1715236855039.jpeg (1.18 MB, 1284x1149, IMG_1282.jpeg)

>>1996223i searched for her account to show you and found her new one i'm overjoyed kekk. her instagram handle is eva_skycastle_artworks. she's still getting bullied but she gets commissions to draw characters in the spongebob universe. her love for spongebob is so sweet
No. 1996487
File: 1715266010642.jpg (102.32 KB, 500x500, 1000011094.jpg)

Hate seeing this torture porn being peddled everywhere. 'Haha, this is fucked up but I jerked off to it anyway' no one cares, stop referencing it. Yes I haven't read it, yes I never will, I still hate it anyway
No. 1997793
File: 1715351578656.jpg (232.98 KB, 1438x1649, 20240510_142937.jpg)

I hate having to be scared of my face being on a picture because scrotes create shit like picrel
No. 1997846
>>1994215>>1994217The Blue archive fanbase is actually so disgusting you would think the gacha itself has loli rape in it or something (it doesn't). It's your run of the mill gacha experience with the typical cute girl archetypes in anime(big boob girl, sporty girl, maid girls, lolis, etc) but the way men have latched on to the loli characters in particular has made that fanbase somehow worse than other media with more graphic content. It's also insanely ironic that the main theme of that game is genuinely that adults should protect children and about being a responsible adult (the main character in that image is a teacher whose main role is helping his students), yet the fanbase is full of pedos due to how it still panders to them with fanservice and actively encourages them, effectively contradicting its own messaging in the process. I don't really like his design (way too bland) but at least it wasn't a middle aged ugly man like he was predicted to be.
>>1996422I especially hate this shit when they act like only men have it hard and women are never lonely. Women have it so much harder than men especially if they're non conforming in any way, we are scrutinized and put under a microscope for every little thing while men get away with so much in comparison because "boys will be boys" and men don't have to look good and be young to be considered human in society. Looks, hobbies, the way you behave, women have a much higher standard to meet in comparison to the average man, every woman is expected to be groomed and to fit into a box in some way, even when they are loser NEETs or mentally ill, they still have to fit into a specific aesthetic otherwise they're worthless. Men will say mentally ill women have it easier but what they really mean is the mentally ill women who are still palatable and pretty to them. Meanwhile, a man can be mentally ill, ugly, etc and no one gives a shit as long as he hasn't diddled kids (and even then they can still get away with it sometimes). They don't experience the same pressure about having to have kids or not either and being told they're expired at 30, and all their "friends" just wanting to secretly fuck them. The latter is especially abhorrent and contributes to their retarded mentality that they're soo much lonelier than women, because they seem to think just because women have men that would fuck them and leave them or only care about their body, that somehow they're LESS lonely. As if someone only wanting to fuck you and nothing else isn't just more lonely when you're looking for genuine companionship. Men will never experience the depths of loneliness women can reach, a loneliness from both being alienated by a patriarchal society and its standards and also being dehumanized and seen as an object when you're just looking for human connection.
>>1996484They try to act like it's TERFs calling real women trans for being masculine but they can't handle a woman being masculine themselves without saying they're "trans coded" or look like tranny
>>1996487I hate when men reference this too, I've also never read it but it's always those rancid men who think being a porn addict makes them "cultured" and who think it's normal to bring up hentai in public conversations.
No. 1997854
>>1996487I fell for the meme because I was curious about what everyone was talking about and it's honestly not that insane? It's just realistic to some extent, but it isn't that horrible if you compare it to the average little girl simulation that has hyperrealistic art and has ryona and biological father rape. You know, the stuff the average moid masturbates to.
I still hate it and I hate the fact that moids masturbate to anything that even implies the suffering of a woman or girl.
I hope anyone that unironically masturbates to shit like that not only becomes infertile but also experiences genital necrosis.
No. 1997857
>>1997793This was just bound to happen, moids were already making porn of us by badly photoshopping our faces on prostitutes, now they just can make the pictures move more efficiently.
Everyone should just delete their pictures off social media already, if anything, everyone should've started doing so the moment Artificial Intelligence was even announced.
No. 1997908
>>1997893You could just….
not react. That pressure to laugh or respond sounds kind of like a people-pleasing impulse. You’re not obligated to fake giggle if you didn’t actually find something funny.
No. 1997928
>>1997881I am, because in the end this was just going to happen at some point, but
>noooooo, anon is being paranoid about posting her pictures online!>Just post some selfies on Facebook!!!>Why won't you post your pictures for everyone to see???>Why haven't you made your profile public yet????I just knew this was going to happen ever since social media was a thing because I know that your average moid thinks with his dick and only thinks of finding any way to see any women or child naked.
No. 1998059
i HATE the sound of people eating. so fucking disgusting it makes me want to vomit. ive seen this video on tiktok of nara smith making her midnight snack and the sound of her eating it makes me so uncomfortable and disgusted. can't believe some people enjoy listening to this shit
No. 1998090
>>1998059The gum chewing typing trending sound was my personal hell on earth, I'm glad it died out. Surprised no one ever said the sound was
triggering or something
No. 1998171
File: 1715368168145.png (789.87 KB, 2000x1125, static-assets-upload5173622772…)

As a support main, I hate when league players will see that you walked away from them and aren't close enough to help, engage with an enemy anyway, and then question mark spam ping you when they end up dying. I was just in a game where me and JG were chasing someone, I turned around because I didn't think we could catch up and went to go clear lane, jg ended up dying then pinged me and said "i cant go in if you're not following me"….so why did you go in? And not to mention the countless times I go to ward and my ADC starts a trade without me then blames me when they die. Im literally not in lane wtf did you expect.
No. 1998216
>>1998193kek no, I just like to collect animal bones, they look pretty once cleaned and whitened
But another thing to add to the list: it fucking sucks how long the whole process takes
No. 1998285
File: 1715378402161.png (233.77 KB, 328x436, haveing.png)

I don't believe in personality types or zodiac but i hate how i always get INFJ because i just see the cringiest stuff about them, give me something normal for once it's about duolicious, sorry
No. 1998399
>>1998171I feel you anon. I played a different mmorpg and when I tried tank's role I've encountered the same thing many times. Some retard always thinks he's too cool to finish one group of mobs with other players and runs into the next one where he's instantly killed. And then he's pissed because apparently I have to follow specifically him.
>>1997893>>1997971Was typing pretty much the same until I saw your post. It's really enough just to make a small smile, only the most retarded won't get a clue. There surely are some people that may be secretly offended by you not finding them absolutely amusing and charming but it's their problem and they should be humbled more.
>>1997846>those rancid men who think being a porn addict makes them "cultured" and who think it's normal to bring up hentai in public conversationsIt's one of the things I wanted to write here today and completely forgot when clicked on the thread kek, I hate it when men think their fetishes, fantasies and so on are such a big deal and such a huge part of their personality. I remember texting with this one guy I dated briefly and his longest text to me was about his favourite porn actresses and things he "collected" watching porn (certain details he would save screenshots of). Did he genuinely think it made him more interesting? And I noticed it with some other guys I used to talk to: it's like they feel like they're letting you into their marvelous inner world and you should feel honored and excited but it's just nipples, tits and dicks everywhere and everything is covered in coom and you want to get out as quickly as possible without accidentally touching anything.
No. 1998806
File: 1715434544267.jpg (78.79 KB, 1080x818, 1000014965.jpg)

This fucking annoying faggot.
No. 1999631
File: 1715485882093.jpeg (383.3 KB, 2048x1536, IMG_5669.jpeg)

How whenever I search something on youtube, i get a bunch of result that are 100% irrelevant and is usually rage bait. I don’t want to see troon White youtard. THAT IS NOT WHAT I SEARCHED! IT NOT EVEN CLOSE!!!!!
No. 2000398
File: 1715535541781.jpeg (252.07 KB, 1390x772, IMG_5699.jpeg)

I hate the psychotic vitriol against parents, childrens and babies online(mostly on Reddit). It’s for some reason normal for people online say the most psychotic shit about how they hate and want to punt babies or beat toddlers and hate breeders(interesting how breeder is targeted at women more). These people are ironically more annoying and whiny than actual babies. This is especially common on Reddit. Maybe I'm just more sensitive to it because i now have a 1 year old niece that is so sweet and cute and i love her to bits but it feels so offensive when redditors call kids “crotch goblins” and other things.
No. 2001023
File: 1715582593366.jpeg (97.96 KB, 843x843, 2C27EFE3-9979-4210-B445-9BC991…)

I hate when boomers leave unrelated unflattering pics of themselves on online reviews. Same with zoomers who just post memes instead of Photos of the actual product or moids who post themselves wearing women’s clothing.
>>2000398If they replace newborn with redditor it would make more sense. Reddit users are giant fucking crybabies.
No. 2001035
File: 1715583732484.jpeg (366.41 KB, 2048x2038, F0raTXBXwAAZDYa.jpeg)

This fucking "relatable comic" artist. I get so angry whenever I see this ugly creature with its exaggerated expressions and the punchline of the comics is almost always uguu I'm so pathetic and weird!! I can't do things the average person does!! I just can't stand these adult children that woobify themselves so much. It's not cute or funny
No. 2001489
>>2001483Samefag they also come off as having some sort of superiority complex over anyone who actually watched the popular thing while it was popular too. It's just kind of annoying since they're the type to consider themselves uninfluenced or see others as sheep /nps etc for consuming the thing, when in reality the only sheep behavior is molding your opinions over everyone else's, and it's actually
harder to form an opinion while something is very popular and accepted by everyone else, so it actually makes you less of a sheep if you can actively form your own take while surrounded by everyone else's. Not so much after the hype died down and no one cares anymore(or are even actively hating on it sometimes).
No. 2002240
File: 1715676874064.jpg (753.64 KB, 2880x2880, 20240514_105053.jpg)

This recent trend of button noses. Girls are mutilating their perfectly balanced elegant noses to look like they came straight out of whoville. She looks like a pig now.
No. 2002340
File: 1715687698186.jpg (91.39 KB, 704x484, IMG_20240514_145022.jpg)

The new bumble advertisements.
No. 2002358
File: 1715689496131.jpeg (151.8 KB, 763x709, IMG_9253.jpeg)

>>1994606>~16:1 male to female ratio kek And undoubtedly most of the women are fake profiles. You can see a lot of the profiles on duoleak. Null also found some kiwi farmers’ profiles on it on stream. I don’t hate this at all, I think it’s hilarious.
No. 2002377
File: 1715692012847.jpg (2.5 MB, 3464x3464, Picsart_24-02-20_10-22-15-537.…)

>>2002240I hate this too, it looks so uncanny if it isn't natural. Literally getting your nose chopped up or injected with filler and risking breathing problems or blindness to look like a poor imitation of a tiktok filter
No. 2002384
>>2002240Yes, and they all go to the same shitty clinics in Turkey and end up with huge philtrum which is literally the opposite of the look they’re going for.
>>2002377Is this Blair Walnuts? She was always annoying but lowkey entertaining in chaotic way, ever since she got a nose job it’s all she talks about.
No. 2002390
File: 1715693954952.webp (27.76 KB, 350x429, azusa_full_4.webp)

>>1997846>The Blue archive fanbase is actually so disgustingWhat a shame. I don't know much about the game but some of the girls look pretty cute. Picrel is one of the non-coomerish designs—the hair, flowers, and skirt are so cute. The game should've gone the yuri route.
No. 2002654
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>>2002340I just came across this one… and if I told their marketing department to kill themselves?
No. 2002859
File: 1715721409913.jpg (88.56 KB, 850x850, __hifumi_and_azusa_blue_archiv…)

>>2002390she's cute yeah and there's other cute ones. funnily enough she gets shipped by some people with another girl due to their roles in the story so it's funny you mention yuri.
>>2002392I keep seeing this generalization thrown around on here but not all BAfags hate yuri as proven by how there's still plenty of yuri fanart of the characters
No. 2002873
>>1936396It might be a basic thing to hate, but I hate apple to an unreal degree. Apple products are worst in every way imaginable. I work a job that does free diagnostics on products people bring in, and generally help people with hardware/software.
My coworkers have iphones, customers bring in shitbooks, and I have to deal with icloud on a day to day basis. Apple as a company is the best argument against capitalism, because it can thrive in a market of willing ignorance by offering shitware at extraordinary prices.
Every time someone brings in an apple product I legitimately hate people more. And it's not just normies, although they are more likely to buy apple products, I've seen some NEETs who unironically shill iphones. I sincerely hope apple, as a company, goes bankrupt in the next 10 years.
No. 2003009
File: 1715729911159.jpg (157.46 KB, 720x948, IMG_20240515_023452.jpg)

>women enjoy thing
>thing becomes hated
No. 2003065
File: 1715735012787.png (437.46 KB, 412x559, image.png)

These dolls are so fucking ugly that everyone died
No. 2003087
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>>2003065God, I hated those, but not as much as LIV dolls. God, they’re so ugly, and I always lost their hair so they were bald most of the time.
No. 2003104
>>2003065I loved MyScene but they were really a flash in the pan.
>>2003087These dolls always struck me as retarded looking because they looked cross-eyed. Just hideous. Playlime inset eyes are 9/10 times soulless and freaky.
No. 2003189
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Tactical bros
The biggest faggots who are also low-IQ,greasy,ugly,insecure and extremely obnoxious.their obsession with firearms and other weapons is so fucking autistic and retarded its hilarious.its also funny how they want you to take them seriously.bunch of shit-eaters.
No. 2003202
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Everyone calling thos scenecore. This is clearly 77 powerpop. I miss myspace powerpop so much. These faggots used to break their bones skateboarding outside a chilis in between making the best ringtone samples imaginable. Now they groom 13 year olds and try to be Bladee
No. 2003277
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I hate Keffals so much
No. 2003281
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I hate gay men, Palestine, and israel
Literally could not give less a shit. Congrats retards
No. 2003299
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>>2002475I have to disagree on the big boobs part, clothing retailers definitely do not cater their clothes for big breasted women. Like anything with a tailored bust area looks absolutely ridiculous when you have bigger breasts, even if you pick a larger size. The top in the pic doesn't even fit the fucking model kekk.
No. 2003812
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Female shotacons complaining about their gay male counterparts is so funny. No self awareness
No. 2004066
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Needy Streamer Overload. I played it and I actually liked it, but the fanbase completely ruined my enjoyment of it. I swear to god that every single Ame fangirl is a retarded consoomer pickme of the highest degree