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File: 1709773137555.jpg (56.75 KB, 452x678, images-1.jpg)

No. 1914022

Thank you for being my nonny and I hope you have a nice day (March 8th 2024) let's continue this yearly tradition!

No. 1914033

File: 1709773666871.jpeg (32.41 KB, 400x416, IMG_8532.jpeg)

It's international women's month now Nona
even better.

No. 1914049

File: 1709774165335.mp4 (2.36 MB, 480x852, lolcow dot farms meetup.mp4)

happy women's day to all the stacies reading this

No. 1914127

File: 1709779598091.jpg (59.26 KB, 720x524, IMG-20240306-WA0035.jpg)

Love ya nonnas

No. 1914317

where did you get that video?

No. 1914320

File: 1709795954240.jpg (17.2 KB, 563x422, d83nd02mf.jpg)

happy women's month! sending every nona hugs and kisses

No. 1914339

File: 1709798553818.png (1.17 MB, 1244x895, thegang.png)

Hope all my nonas have an excellent day, stay based, stay terven.

No. 1914340

File: 1709798767325.jpg (59.96 KB, 564x667, us.jpg)

Love it

No. 1914375

when was this made, cause it's wonderful.

No. 1914404

It's from one of the doodleboards.

No. 1914409

File: 1709808221149.jpeg (82.9 KB, 436x614, IMG_9375.jpeg)

> Life in this society being, at best, an utter bore and no aspect of society being at all relevant to women, there remains to civic-minded, responsible, thrill-seeking females only to overthrow the government, eliminate the money system, institute complete automation and destroy the male sex.
>It is now technically feasible to reproduce without the aid of males (or, for that matter, females) and to produce only females. We must begin immediately to do so. Retaining the male has not even the dubious purpose of reproduction.
>The male is a biological accident: the Y (male) gene is an incomplete X (female) gene, that is, it has an incomplete set of chromosomes. In other words, the male is an incomplete female, a walking abortion, aborted at the gene stage. To be male is to be deficient, emotionally limited; maleness is a deficiency disease and males are emotional cripples.

I like to think that Valerie Solanas would have been a farmer if she was still around.

No. 1914413

considering her history and ideas, she'd more likely be on Onlyfans selling "force-fem POV" videos

No. 1914415

She would be a legendary manifesto-chan who gets banned a lot.

No. 1914418

and If Dworkin was alive she'd likely have a fat positively blog and calling herself queer despite being in a relationship with a man.

No. 1914419

I'd like to think she wouldn't fall for the bullshit of the queer movement. She saw through patriarchal bullshit very clearly and wouldn't approve of the misogynistic, pornified, pedo-friendly queer and trans movements of today.

No. 1914423

most libfems realize that but are retarded in other ways and considering Dworkin was insistent on calling herself a lesbian despite being straight, it wouldn't be too out of the question to consider she'd end up a spicy straight.

No. 1914425

To be honest, this sounds the same as most trans-queer academics ranting about how cis-hetero-whiteness is the root of all evil and how a handful of pretentious degenerates will rise up against them.

No. 1914446

Don't derail.

No. 1914470

File: 1709815450181.jpg (228.43 KB, 750x1299, BillyBigBalls.jpg)

As he should.

No. 1914499

Probably a crossfit event

No. 1914601

Good. Hate seeing and hearing men congratulating women on IWD. Almost all of their speeches contain "Keep being beautiful". I want notable women who cares about maintaining and expanding women's rights.

No. 1914959

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No. 1914979

File: 1709846191202.png (692.17 KB, 1185x993, IMG_8546.png)

No. 1915213

Is it march 8 in Europe now? If so, congrats to you all!

No. 1915259

To you too nonna!

No. 1915771

it took me 3 hours to paint my sign for my local protest…but I'm still not sure if I wanna go, because I know nobody there

No. 1915851

I hope you go and have fun and make friends with some cool women, anon!

No. 1915918

File: 1709887082410.png (92.33 KB, 843x385, cachedImage.png)

Happy IWD ladies, remember what you’re fighting for

No. 1915925

Let's fucking go!

No. 1915933

got my period on international womans day and told a girl her boyfriend hit on me. go women

No. 1915964

File: 1709889446069.jpg (103.51 KB, 1080x1350, GIGFlwFaYAAhitS.jpg)

I need to express how much I love our terven queen on this day. I fucking love her. So funny, so devoted to women's rights, and never backs down. Actual quote from her twitter.

No. 1915969

>Men will die out

No. 1915971

File: 1709889924217.jpg (203.61 KB, 1058x604, cheers.jpg)

What an uplifting reddit post. To our glorious future, nonitas!

No. 1915985

File: 1709890654688.jpg (23.89 KB, 521x264, 1000003233.jpg)

Every man on Twitter is about to post this screenshot

No. 1916009

>as she laughs and drinks wine made from a male work camp

No. 1916062

First male I heard today get asked
>"have you congratulated the women in your life today on international women's day?"
and his respons was of course "didn't know that was today, is there even a men's day???" they're so predictable

No. 1916107

Should I bring something to work? My colleagues are mostly women, I think it'd be nice.

No. 1916120

>is there even a men's day
Every day of your miserable useless life yeah

No. 1916129

Yes. My co-worker bought us treats for IWD and it was so sweet, lifted everyones spirits.

No. 1916144


No. 1916147

It's a beautiful day to be the very best of the sexes. Happy IWD to you all! No matter what, being born a woman is to exist with a superior state of mind and identity <3

No. 1916169

This is just an elaborate fetish fantasy.

No. 1916172

File: 1709900671302.jpg (169.66 KB, 640x338, 1000003242.jpg)

Meanwhile men are reposting this and unironically believe it to be true. Worry about yourself ladies

No. 1916175

I thought he meant that his dick is the size of an ant.

No. 1916179

>men will get weaker and submissive….most men will become wage slaves that only live to work
As opposed to what? Redditors are fucking IT wageslaves who haven't picked up anything heavier than a grocery delivery in the last 5 years. That's fine as long as most of the politicians are still male I guess lol

No. 1916193

No. 1916295

As a non native English speaker I've always hated this dialect. Retarded shit. Please speak normal English for us non natives nonas.(racebaiting)

No. 1916559

File: 1709925581773.jpg (45.51 KB, 563x619, 87cfe9364bb4b838461ec4a491e7e8…)

Happy Women's day nonnies
I got my mom flowers, she's going to be so surprised hehe

No. 1916598

Believe in yourself nonny

No. 1916769

Kek a moid asked me this today and i straight up told him i don't know and i don't care

No. 1916811

Oh nonnies, I went to my local protest with my mother and my sister and just as we arrived I spotted a small group of women with radfem signs and a huge labrys flag and immediately said to my family: "These are my people, I'm going to march with them." And I did! And we sang/shouted many anti-prostitution and GC things (women don't have dicks, rapist dicks go to the electric blender etc…). I even marched with a random old lady by my side who wasn't even a member of the group but she was determined to stay there behind the labrys. It wasn't my first march but last year's was the first protest I went to in my original city after a long tome and I didn't spot any other radfems. I'm very happy that I've found some, they were so nice! I'm excited to join their group, almost all of them must be in their middle 30s, which is great. I only wished my cold hadn't ruined my voice, I always have a good time shouting at these things. Happy International Women's Day!

No. 1916814

Based irl radfems and I'm happy you found them

No. 1917187

Congrats nonas we made it

No. 1917189

silly and poo are honestly so fucking based. It's rare to see female artists being openly terfy.

No. 1917192

We need a silly poo banner

No. 1917201

I love everything about this

No. 1917202

This sounds like the coolest thing ever. I'm so happy you got to experience real women power

No. 1917203

Having a man speak for IWD is everything wrong with society. Glas he stepped down

No. 1917206

I love this video so much, God bless these women. Turned my shit day into a great one. I need more of this

No. 1917207

>The male is a biological accident: the Y (male) gene is an incomplete X (female) gene, that is, it has an incomplete set of chromosomes. In other words, the male is an incomplete female, a walking abortion, aborted at the gene stage. To be male is to be deficient, emotionally limited; maleness is a deficiency disease and males are emotional cripples.
This lives in my head rent free. Men are pathetically incomplete

No. 1917213


No. 1917215

These animations are always so well done. Insane how underrated sillypoo is

No. 1917221

i love this so much

No. 1917222

Holy shit I love everything about this. It's giving Aqua 1997 vibes, but better.

No. 1917226

i find the overly sexualized bimbo characters they put in everything extremely cringe and off-putting but the jokes and animation are top notch, idk how they have the time to draw all that

No. 1917228

File: 1709964418484.png (121.2 KB, 360x223, soapanon.png)

Kek even soap anon made it

No. 1917231

They long for the old world

No. 1917232

File: 1709964864113.png (120.49 KB, 297x289, image.png)

omg that's amazing, an icon through and through
this also made me laugh, that plus null on one of the troon's dartboard

No. 1917259

File: 1709967940285.jpg (1.2 MB, 3170x2377, newFile-3.jpg)

The male is a biological accident: the Y (male) gene is an incomplete X (female) gene, that is, it has an incomplete set of chromosomes. In other words, the male is an incomplete female, a walking abortion, aborted at the gene stage. To be male is to be deficient, emotionally limited; maleness is a deficiency disease and males are emotional cripples.

No. 1917260

Oh my fucking GOD

No. 1917261

File: 1709968023043.gif (272.65 KB, 300x100, sillypoooo.gif)

Silly poo I hope you like this banner

No. 1917264

this is so cuteeee

No. 1917267

I added it to the banner thread if anyone wants to vote for it kek

No. 1917283

this feels troonish.(troonfoiling)

No. 1917288

its a valerie solanas quote you uncultured fuckwit

No. 1917289

You WISH you retarded ape

No. 1917292

the one whose fantasies involved troonism being enforced?

No. 1917299

don't respond to this weirdo i'm 99% sure it's fatsoc-chan and she spergs out at any mention of dworkin or solanas

No. 1917305


No. 1917317

nta but I can acknowledge that she had a tough life and did a great act. However, I must also acknowledge that she had some questionable ideas that seemed to align with an elaborate femdom fetish fantasy.

No. 1917323

No. 1917325

Femdom is not a fetish it is a lifestyle that would restore world order and cure the ozone damage and evaporate all microplastic

No. 1917341

File: 1709973993675.jpg (230.2 KB, 946x2048, 1000003273.jpg)

No. 1917367

File: 1709976926339.jpeg (216.24 KB, 1170x1165, IMG_2196.jpeg)

I don't care if women's day is over. every day is women's day to me

No. 1917372

Women are literally the centre of the universe and the default sex. Why would we need a day?(baiting on the literal thread topic)

No. 1917376

Then stop acting like dick is the centre(responding to bait/infighting)

No. 1917377

Then stop acting like you're made for loving men, stop having crushes

No. 1917383

Shut the fuck up omg you aren't going to turn all women into asexual lesbians just because they can acknowledge this

No. 1917386

Why are you infighting on women's day we should all kiss on the lips instead

No. 1917387

Happy women's month, I wish my life was more like vid rel. If someone watches it please let me know

No. 1917395

How about instead of trying to force intimacy with complete strangers on a board meant to help women escape the constant barrage of men trying to force intimacy with them you just act normal.(infight bait)

No. 1917401

No. 1917408

ilu nonny sending you lots of kisses
that video was absolutely soul healing, thank you nonna. i'm happy for those based ladies and hope their persimmons dry perfectly!

No. 1917412

You don’t know me faggot(retardation)

No. 1917421

File: 1709981787009.jpeg (188.19 KB, 1000x1333, IMG_9382.jpeg)

FFO that lovely video may I humbly recommend picrel for similar vibes but French? It’s on Netflix.

No. 1917426

Thank you for posting! I hope to lead a happy life like that one day. What a happy little video

No. 1917443

Thank you nonnas! You have no idea how much I love these japanese nun videos. You can find more under the name "nun's seasonal calendar" and "nun's cookbook" and "diary of a nun's abundant kitchen" from NHK international. The head nun also has a small YouTube channel entirely in japanese under the same same of the temple (it's mentioned in this video)

No. 1917460

Whoever said only the most extreme anons are left in this website was right. Jfc

No. 1917550

Something tells me that one anon thirsting over MatPat crying in the youtuber thread was one of them

No. 1917559

Iconic, legendary, beautiful, masterpiece

No. 1917591

keklmao based. can't help but worry about the moids coming here to bait and troll since it was linked on moidfarms' front page also what's the song ? is it original ? can't find it anywhere.

No. 1917631

Song is a remix of www.blonde girl by Jenny Rom

No. 1917651

File: 1710001667314.png (38.82 KB, 206x177, sillypoo.png)

It's annoying seeing kiwiscrotes write shit like "wtf I love women now" under their posts, but they give them interactions and views so it's okay. They have a special place in my heart; I love my fellow terfs

No. 1917686

File: 1710003928596.png (1.04 MB, 1920x1080, 5d5ef918-c1de-46a8-abbc-fe0e80…)

They probably only know this as an old meme but it made me especially happy to see because it's from my troon-infested autistic hobby.

No. 1917690

File: 1710004065951.jpg (356.07 KB, 1058x605, blondiegirl.jpg)

Anyone here know which reference is this? I got the rest of them except this one. It reminds me of Space Channel 5 but I'm unsure.

No. 1917702

Glad my workplace is celebrating National Woman's Month and using the suffragette colors in all the intranet posts and papers about it.

No. 1917755

yes smooch is a classic!! It's too bad about our hobby being troon ground zero but luckily there's a ton of women into rhythm games too. I've met so many cool women from going to arcades and cons

No. 1917756

File: 1710009422144.png (1.1 MB, 1366x768, 1653954325825.png)

Based and correct

No. 1917807

I agree, the misogynistic scrotage in their comments is revolting, they all updoot each other too. But engagement is engagement I guess

No. 1917816

It's great but it's frustrating that the main audience seems to be right wing men in reality. I guess those are the only areas of the internet where you can be open with this sort of humour.
I went to sillypoo's twitter and realised a mutual who never spoke about politics in any dimension followed them, it seems like women who are sympathetic to this kind of sentiment and don't want to make it their entire personality have to keep quiet.

No. 1917818

Their first mistake was adding kiwifag stuff in the video like Keffals, they didn't have to.

No. 1917944

That was one of the best parts tho

No. 1918012

File: 1710026162756.jpg (181.28 KB, 1080x573, Kekkk.jpg)

>I will be abandoning them tomorrow.

No. 1918016

thanks nonna !

No. 1918860

File: 1710074334921.png (241.12 KB, 1028x727, 151712.png)

No. 1920152

File: 1710134047192.png (188.25 KB, 361x615, image.png)

This is an "on this day" page that lists the famous women born or died that day from scientists and suffragettes to notable female celebrities.
Among today's women I recognized Nina Hagan whose birthday is on today, the 11th
It would be fun to keep posting women and women's rights things past IWD. Nonas continuing to post their favourite ladies from history would be pretty cool too. Spread the knowledge and love of women throughout of the year in a world that ignores our accomplishments and history until they are forgotten by society.
And positive pro-women stuff as well would be nice

No. 1920210

This is my first official introduction to SillyPoo… I think I'm in love

No. 1920215

The bar is on the floor for some of you

No. 1920479

Be proud of your fellow ladies instead of being jealous nona

No. 1921554

>you're soo jelly

No. 1945267

File: 1711918397556.jpeg (87.32 KB, 394x692, IMG_6930.jpeg)

It's the last day of women's month :((no emojis)

No. 2435958

No thread for 2025. You can tell how far this board has fallen. Sad.

No. 2435993

Just read a headline where a 340 lb fat bitch willfilly smothered her 10 year old 90 lb foster kid to death by sitting on his head. Some of you would probably say it was deserved and restorative justice or something equally insane and fat-brained I guess. Heppy woman's day(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 2436031

>killed a male
Nature is healing

No. 2436033

Learn to spell first

No. 2436039

How tf did you do this with your picrel

No. 2436042

Woaw I did not expect that

No. 2436055

Typo.(ban evasion)

No. 2436238

Share all tranny L's in >>>/ot/2405643 in celebration.

No. 2436245

File: 1741510159692.png (113.51 KB, 512x512, 51.png)

Not to be edgy, but am I the only one who viscerally hates this holiday? No matter how I recontexualize it, it still feels weirdly objectifying and patronizing that this day exists. Also everybody is always pissed off during it, women around me are mad that they dont get gifts, and men are mad that they are pressured to do it. In the end everyone is irritated and it rubs off of me. The worst part - nasty men always you this occasion as a reason to troll me with "i hope you stop being bitter hag and find a man with strong cock". Bluergh.

No. 2436249

Yes. It's just performative activism and men chimp out even worse

No. 2436254

Atleast it's for actual women who face horrors each day. Its just a novelty day same like mothers and fathers day. Negative Nancy's need not apply

No. 2436255

I'm sorry to hear you both have negative feelings toward it. If you removed any input or reaction from men whatsoever, how would you feel then? IWD's primary purpose is to promote the achievements of women in history, and those today who otherwise wouldn't get a spotlight. With the way things are going in the west nowadays, I feel like it's more pertinent than ever to ensure people (girls) are taught about the contributions to nearly every industry women have made. I worry we'll be moving into a time where women 'have always been the homemakers' and nothing else.

>The worst part - nasty men always you this occasion as a reason to troll me with "i hope you stop being bitter hag and find a man with strong cock". Bluergh.

disgusting and always remember it's total projection. those are lonely bitter men who want you to be as miserable as they are, but you never will be, because having no man is a blessing not a curse.

No. 2436256

>women around me are mad that they dont get gifts, and men are mad that they are pressured to do it.

That happens in your country? Where I'm from corpos just put up virtue signaling "you go gurrrlll!" posters on their billboards. The majority here seem oblivious that it's an actual holiday month.

No. 2436265

Is it really a holiday? Where I am women protest for their rights in the street, and I forgot about it yesterday so I was about to be stuck inside the huge crowd outside and had to take another way to go back home to avoid violent cops.

No. 2436267

classic american capitalism reconceptualising any event as an opportunity to BUY STUFF

No. 2436289

File: 1741513866769.png (812.3 KB, 1072x866, sillypoo.png)

No new Sillypoo video

No. 2436292

Im eastern european
I tried of thinking about it in feminist lens but it still doesn't sit right with me because that's not how society treats it. It still feels dehumanising. I dont wanna be told be told that something cool done…is cool for a woman. Its icky. I get that I am irrational on that part.

No. 2436316

File: 1741516166143.jpg (63.47 KB, 1210x250, Pasted Graphic.jpg)

let's let them cook nonny

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