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File: 1709885156878.png (822 KB, 1080x1027, 1000020037.png)

No. 1915879

dumbasses 4 life

previous thread: >>>/ot/1859933

No. 1915887

If you abandoned the old thread you can't post here I'll arrest you

No. 1915890

File: 1709885642997.jpeg (295.35 KB, 750x516, IMG_3927.jpeg)

No. 1915891

hello sweet dumbass shit ♥ ♥ I miss you!!!!!

No. 1915894

File: 1709885783431.jpg (36.01 KB, 438x600, 1000020115.jpg)

Hands up punk

No. 1915895

File: 1709885829694.jpg (481.91 KB, 1439x1768, IMG_20240308_191902.jpg)

Some moid shared this in a server I'm in. I fucking hate men just say you want to date a child.

No. 1915906

File: 1709886344278.jpeg (123.82 KB, 1200x630, IMG_3879.jpeg)

You’ll never take me alive, copper

No. 1915911

"Autistic girlfriend"for these retards means hot teenager with a mind of a 3 year old who wuvs you vewy much.


No. 1915921

I might have gotten banned from a Telegram group for telling a coomer moid that I was gonna cut his balls and make him eat them oops

No. 1915976

Bulma and ChiChi have been freed from their creator, we can now re-claim them

No. 1915979

Damn meanwhile the monkey torture community lasted years

No. 1915990

You all are still alive? Damn

No. 1915994

File: 1709890940962.png (790.14 KB, 720x1346, IMG_20240308_003550.png)

Should I cop this?

No. 1916001

No this is heinous

No. 1916005

But I want to be a shein girlboss

No. 1916008


No. 1916021

She's about to throw her back out by how hard she's sticking her ass out

No. 1916023

File: 1709892271244.jpg (18.92 KB, 604x413, tZzoP9_-px7ZlBMP89-O55pYnZ6FOd…)

>plus size

No. 1916030

I need to do my workout but I'm stuck online, nonas please inspire me to go become a buff Stacey instead.

No. 1916033

I like how the word girliepop sounds

No. 1916036

I slept the whole morning and I can't sleep now, fuck me. Also I need to get up and pee but it's so cold and my bed is so warm. someone shame me and tell me to get up and pee I don't want a fucking UTI.

No. 1916044

I’m going to the gym right now, come be my workout buddy nonna!

No. 1916046

Hell yeah, swole sisters in spirit!

No. 1916067

How can someone misspell pretentious so many times. like sound it out

No. 1916076

No. 1916089

File: 1709895415762.png (673.43 KB, 720x1452, 1000034898.png)

kek she's gone back to her actual pronouns but now makes coombait shit female ocs fucking bleak and kekilicious

No. 1916090

2 anons even pointed it out to her bur she didn't listen kek

No. 1916094

File: 1709896175797.jpg (94.04 KB, 1024x768, 1000003238.jpg)

She is the Ass Blasted

No. 1916095

I'm really worried about uni stuff, so ended up having a real long and overly vivid dream about falling in love and dating on of the TA's. We didn't have any extended interactions, and he's only a few years older than me, but now I actually feel I might develop a crush on him just because of this dream.

No. 1916097

The BL to mtf porn to regular coom pipeline is crazy

No. 1916098

Why do you guys vague post about lolcow happenings, I want to laugh at it too

No. 1916099

it's in unpopular opinions

No. 1916102

Hell yeah what's up retards

No. 1916108

After you read it grab your honorary pin and tell us whose side you were on.

No. 1916110

please nonnie, clearly she's disabled from the weight of her ass implants and can only walk like a granny with an invisible cane

No. 1916112

Nah those aren't implants. I can see someone throwing their vertebrae into distress to make it seem like they have ass from a mile away

No. 1916113

File: 1709897212180.jpeg (151.46 KB, 1078x338, IMG_2076.jpeg)

No. 1916114

Oh wow you guys took some obvious bait. How embarassing.

No. 1916115

I hope to God and pray that it was bait… it was just so realistic…

No. 1916121

>mtf porn
you mean ftm porn, and it's a great disgrace on my part that i can even correct someone on that.
>BL porn
it's so weird when i see my old screenshots of her stories where she answers her followers questions and her OCs had some characterization or story to them, her blue haired character(christ i can't even remember his name) has just been so neglected in favour of making shitloads of Karo porn. truly scrote porn brainrot.

No. 1916122

Nothing about this was realistic. I'm getting secondhand embarrassment from this entire interaction, you talked this up like it was real only for it to be fake as fuck.

No. 1916124

>Talked it up
Where kek

No. 1916131

File: 1709898165540.gif (25.84 KB, 255x217, 112.gif)

Nonnies of the world
Spice up your life
No more moids just the girls
Spice up your life
Nonacitas of the world
Spice up your life


Shitpost to the left
If you're having a good time
Sage it to the right
If you know that you feel fine
Nonnas to the front
Ha ha go roooooounnnnnnnnd

No. 1916132

Collective iq of some of you makes me surprised you weren't kidnapped as children and sold as bbq pork sandwiches

No. 1916133

You're posting in a thread called dumbass shit and you are surprised we are dumb. What.

No. 1916134

I literally dont care about Toriyama dying can everyone shut the fuck up and stop pretending he wasn’t a pedophile

No. 1916135

Going to the doctor for insomnia I wonder what will happen, honestly idec as long as I can just sleep normally again.
Oink oink
These are the best types of posts, love you nonnie

No. 1916138

Oh this has nothing to do with this thread specifically

No. 1916139

File: 1709898655004.gif (5.81 MB, 320x320, 44_1.gif)

holy shit!!!! i can be a dumbass again!!!

No. 1916149

Who is the dancing man, I like the art style

No. 1916153

Kek my mistake. And I also remember her old instagram, I didn't care about her ocs that much but her art used to be so pretty and detailed (or maybe it just seemed that way to teen me) now it's these weird blobs. Her colors and compositions are still very nice but it's obvious that her first priority is coom. It's good that she realized that that's what she wants I guess. I feel like a lot of women start out with BL and then find it difficult to draw girls again (I can't exactly tell why), even though that's what they really want so they draw ftms first before switching fully.

No. 1916158

File: 1709899673920.mp4 (591.5 KB, 480x360, 5435.mp4)

NTA but he's Paul von Oberstein from Gineiden!!

No. 1916160

I wish it was Oda instead

No. 1916165

File: 1709900044152.jpg (139.59 KB, 946x2048, 1000003241.jpg)

Reminder that if you really want to go out, you should take some really bad people with you. Otherwise you wasted the opportunity of a lifetime.

No. 1916167

File: 1709900326050.png (779.82 KB, 932x702, 1000020162.png)

ty I have never heard of this before

No. 1916174

dumbass shit just came back and immediately the feds arrive

No. 1916180

Posting in an epic thread

No. 1916182

I'm not the feds I'm just saying what anons seem to forget. If you aren't ready to take a couple dozen sex offenders out with you then you aren't ready to go. Stop thinking about suicide and self immolation and start thinking about how funny it would be to watch a rapist get obliterated.

No. 1916189

I need something like this.

No. 1916290

File: 1709912256543.jpeg (1.8 MB, 1284x2006, IMG_2727.jpeg)

It’s so funny when straight women think someone wants to steal their scrote and it’s the most average or ugly man ever

No. 1916298

If this is legit it’s definitely a self esteem issue. It’s like that shitty meme where some women will befriend uglier girls to make themselves look better in comparison but instead they use their bf’s KEK it could just be a bait video for engagement. It’s a common thing on that accursed app.

No. 1916300

Times like this make me wish I had tiktok so I could leave a comment saying I'd rather kill myself than let a man that ugly touch me kek

No. 1916303

File: 1709913165573.jpeg (48.92 KB, 1080x1531, Messenger_creation_15e2584b-ae…)

Yesterday night I decided to revisit old Chris Chan sagas through the documentary because I needed background noise for a project I'm working on. The next day - after spending all night working/listening, I frantically started overexplaining old Chris lore to my friend like a hyperfixated, sleep deprived adhd retard that I am. She then laughed and drew me as I act like a genuine unmasked idiot in front of her. It wasn't my greatest moment. Picrel

No. 1916309

A lot of people have made videos about him, which one should I watch?

No. 1916312

File: 1709913591971.jpg (175.54 KB, 1000x949, 1_fdd2d466-9292-435a-8431-abe0…)

Can't wait to be rich so I can spend all my money on thousands of dollars of gel polish.

No. 1916313

He kind of looks like Jack Black

No. 1916316

Its my 4th time attending classes this seminar and I’m already recognizing faces. This is so weird… i must look like an alien to these people suddenly appearing at the end of semester

No. 1916334

I thought he looked more like an autistic Mr Beast

No. 1916360

being able to recognize people from behind is a strange concept to me somehow, both in college and a school with a uniform, it was weird in school bc what do you mean that despite 100s of other girls having the same uniform and hairstyle and hair colour and skin tone as me you still managed to recognize me? or in college where you're wearing something different everyday and it's do i have some unique style or smtg that makes me recognizable to people?

No. 1916372


No. 1916374

im going to just keep making dumbass shit threads until they give up and stop trying to autosage. i’m not going to be meek for some autistic imageboard owners kek

No. 1916419

I finally understand why cillian murphy is so ugly to me. He looks like a corpse at an open casket funeral.

No. 1916433

Okay so which thread do I use, this one or the other one with the cat picture OP

No. 1916457

Im addicted to mango juice, its so fucking sweet and posibbly artificial but my body can't get enough of it!!!

No. 1916485

This is the legal dumbass shit thread. The other is a remake to evade autosage. Pick your poison

No. 1916532

new ones are gonna keep getting made until you take this off autosage

No. 1916533

File: 1709924240110.jpg (37.7 KB, 390x259, mrs officer.jpg)

The other one is locked now

No. 1916552

Dammit, now we will never score!

No. 1916568

Actual image of me posting in this thread

No. 1916611

File: 1709927726240.jpeg (110.06 KB, 1241x1236, GHjM8zZXoAAOMOP.jpeg)

No. 1916614

File: 1709927905814.jpg (384.53 KB, 828x928, IMG_20240308_164023.jpg)

found in a pickme thread

No. 1916652

chinese propaganda music has more artistic merit than taylor swift's music

No. 1916658


No. 1916662

I am touch starved

No. 1916696

File: 1709931711579.jpeg (107.23 KB, 612x510, IMG_0691.jpeg)

back again after #1.66 was locked

No. 1916698

that grass has ass, and you're about to eat it

No. 1916700

Mr Beast is already the autistic Mr Beast.

No. 1916758

Mmmm tasty, join me then

No. 1916766

no thanks i'm a vegetarial

No. 1916874

im sad everyone cone back

No. 1916880

File: 1709938541039.png (863.19 KB, 700x420, 1992.png)


No. 1916948

wow, i leave for a few months and come back to best /ot/ thread being on autosage. what is this, racism against dumbasses???

No. 1917138

yes they hate retards

No. 1917224

12 hours and we haven’t even gotten 10 more posts. Fuck yoh mods.

No. 1917237

File: 1709965460256.jpg (29.1 KB, 553x554, image1-1.jpg)

How I'll treat him (my husbando)

No. 1917239

based husbandbeater, tag yourself i'm top right

No. 1917254

Good evening I hate men wearing feminine clothing irl since they will troon out but chuckle happily and draw my husbando wearing those boob window tight fitting tops because fictional men good.

No. 1917338

idk why I always thought that Phil Collins was Australian. He's not.

No. 1917359

Learning AI so I can make revenge images of moids who make AI porn images of women

No. 1917622

File: 1709999621094.png (2.62 MB, 1300x928, image.png)

agoraphobia will not stop me! I'm getting sushi for lunch today without being escorted!
It will be extra delicious for the effort

No. 1917635

File: 1710000520126.jpeg (45.97 KB, 320x240, 2728267C-3DDC-4F3D-B37D-DC1DEA…)

wait, have the three guys from snapcube trooned out at the same time?

No. 1917697

File: 1710004585519.png (1.08 MB, 1085x545, IMG_309.png)

she's literally me

No. 1917722

File: 1710006422230.jpg (462.97 KB, 720x963, qmyqh5mkd0871.jpg)

>Get to sushi place bursting to go to the washroom
>Grab menu and place it on a seat
>In the two minutes I'm in the washroom 3 troons have taken my table and my menu.
Thankfully there's a spot (beside them unfortunately) but one of them is blatantly spilling his shit onto my side
I didn't ask to be tested like this

No. 1917781

I don’t care if they’re not creepy about it or don’t make it their entire personality. When I was in high school (like 15 years ago so pre gender shit) there was a straight guy with a Mohawk who occasionally wore red heels and somehow made it work with his look. I thought that was kinda cool even though high heels are retarded. I’d rather see men cripple themselves in them than women.

No. 1917785

Fuck yeah nonna, I hope your sushi is extra delicious

No. 1917996

I always found those sonic dubs unbearably unfunny and i wanted to die when my old friends wouldnt shut up with the "piss on the moon" shit. Tranny humor is the worst

No. 1918103

im too sad to sleep !! i would rather stare at my phone all night than be alone with my thoughts

No. 1918104

It's 4am and I should've been asleep hours ago but I found some rare nsfw of my husbando and have been brainrotting over it for hours

No. 1918148

Thank you!! It was an absolutely delicious special roll of sweet potato maki topped with a bunch of salmon sashimi and some chili sauce. The place totally filled up for lunch but I was lucky enough to get a spot and enjoy my food and cruise the threads.
I even managed to get tea on the way back! Thankfully the store was entirely staffed by really sweet women so I'm super excited to go back once I'm out of tea again. Maybe I'll work up the courage to study there cause you can get a pot of tea for under 5$ and work all day which sounds lovely

No. 1918783

dating women because they'll appreciate my big labia minora unlike men

No. 1919272

me if using unnecessary commas in typing was a crime

No. 1919515

File: 1710102384765.jpg (19.62 KB, 400x269, d59cd8e1803b12a822745c310649d4…)

whaddup farmers who wanna be my GIRLFRIEND. You will have to support me both financially and emotionally but I will make cute drawings of us. Serious applications only.

No. 1919518

provide drawing samples please, we will need to know your style to make an informed decision

No. 1919520

Oh fuck I didn't think anyone would respond I'm about to go to sleep. Maybe later bb

No. 1919571

File: 1710104933075.png (7.6 MB, 2800x2052, 1000035150.png)

nonnies look! i made a keychain of Tsukasa!!!

No. 1919777

File: 1710115621111.jpg (135.17 KB, 1080x904, 1000052961.jpg)

Why was I recommended this?

No. 1919927

When a moid with a buzzcut thinks he has a chance with me but I'm weetarded and misandrist

No. 1920139


No. 1920191

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No. 1920199

File: 1710138703368.jpg (241.09 KB, 702x975, 1000035194.jpg)

i totally get itabag and consoomer husbandofags now, everytime i look at Tsukasa's cheeky little face i feel better, i don't even feel bad about missing out on college events

No. 1920208

i saw a dream where mods merged some boards and made new ones and also shayna was there and I have never bothered with shayna idek why she is hated here kek(i've been here for years i just never bothered with shayna out of the cows)

No. 1920217

Good evening, I hate men, I hate how they dismiss every piece of evidence and flock towards their male criminal friends, I hate how they bond over their lack of empathy, I wish they were all dead

No. 1920268

File: 1710145587508.jpg (33.34 KB, 412x412, c48997c2ce8e2acb9e4b1904b05d80…)

I'm bored as fuck and considering using the friend finder thread but I cannot carry a conversation to save my life, I have nothing to even talk about since all I do is go to work and then wallow in bed, repeat ad infinitum.

No. 1920423

Damn so sillypoo is no longer based. She always drew women as bimbo blow up dolls anyways.

No. 1920446

i didn't quite like them from the moment i saw a board saying smtg like "microblading 30% off for all employees" in a burger joint in their waka laka video, the depiction of the female alien was off too.

No. 1920469

you can only use pink, purple, and magenta in your supposedly terfy or misandrist animations featuring hyperfeminine women enough times before people realize you don't do it to be satirical but bc you really don't know how to portray women any other way.

No. 1920522

this place is so depressing with the fun threads autosaged, this is the lolcow dark age

No. 1920548

File: 1710167643944.jpg (60.26 KB, 443x619, janny.JPG)

how dare you imply that this dark brooding atmosphere is undesirable, lolcao is a place for serious discussions and keks will not be tolerate any longer

No. 1920733

this is kyoot. how'd you make it?

No. 1920773

File: 1710180782375.jpg (82.52 KB, 1300x1300, sed.jpg)

No. 1920781

i had a keychain of Indira Gandhi that i didn't really like, so i just took it apart, it's just an opaque white bit of acrylic sandwiched between transparent bits of acrylic with glue and the metal triangle holding the three pieces together, so when i took it apart it was just a printed photo of Indira Gandhi that i could take out and replace with Tsukasa, i didn't even need fancy paper for it, ordinary printer paper looks good too.

No. 1920979

File: 1710196323423.jpg (16.51 KB, 350x350, d9bd7d7c7300310c1e307b7e786623…)

I've been starting to think I may have bpd but I'm not hypersexual or very impulsive. I do get really obsessed with people and go hot and cold/mood swings. idk man. My brain is probably just rotten from basically being a neet.

No. 1921068

apparently a bunch of minecraft youtubers (the new ones) are being cancelled over sexual assault allegations and i'm all for it
my heart goes out to victims though

No. 1921129

it makes me sad. why would the employees want to kill fun!

No. 1921327

File: 1710213709616.jpg (63.61 KB, 1170x1039, 142.jpg)

I'm a dumbass for sure

No. 1921551

File: 1710230259460.jpg (259.03 KB, 713x643, IMG_20240312_021610.jpg)

No. 1921553

I have like 5 boxes of kandi beads what should I make

No. 1921557

earrings and bracelets!

No. 1921558

what the other anon said, go to a park and rip off some kids

No. 1921710

Look to your mothers and aunts for beauty standards, not celebrities. My mom is one of the most beautiful women in my eyes and sometimes I want wrinkles and blemishes and nasolabial folds just to be like her

No. 1921727

File: 1710247992161.jpg (1.38 MB, 2168x2164, moitie despair wojak.jpg)

i just know the attractive men you want to fuck thread is bound to die, i just know it will and no one will even remember it to try to necro it

No. 1921734

File: 1710248391422.jpg (159.97 KB, 564x1456, c4f69fe1528dbcd6888763920c3e33…)

i don't know how to cope with the passage of time and aging so i shall be posting my cringe memes straight from my pinterest boards, starting now

No. 1921746

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No. 1921752

got my coffee, am ready to receive cringe pinterest memes

No. 1921753

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No. 1921760

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No. 1921768

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No. 1921772

samefag, nonnies that (rightfully) feel annoyed by zoomers trying to become part of game fandoms without playing them first are wrong in assuming it's a recent phenomenon brought on by live streaming and let's plays, bc the obsession i had with Diabolik Lovers and the black haired blue eyed duo from Touken Ranbu was spurred on by mere pngs.

No. 1921773

File: 1710250831619.jpg (Spoiler Image,97.96 KB, 564x1010, 3ab30ace42e16c918051c4916b5c4e…)

too cringe to leave unspoilered

No. 1921789

File: 1710251419718.jpg (97.62 KB, 564x823, 09acd37547ae828b08c541ab426c5f…)

No. 1921792

File: 1710251526663.jpg (22.18 KB, 612x408, istockphoto-1330174085-612x612…)

No. 1921793

File: 1710251574408.jpg (29.17 KB, 564x451, bed8a8d0dc60ae5c68c5069fdb4829…)

in defiance of troons trying to taken women's day, here is an ancient post "misgendering" Grell Slutcliffe.

No. 1921794

too bad

No. 1921803

File: 1710251997176.png (32.54 KB, 306x720, the undead.PNG)

i'm sorry, that came out meaner than intended. i just don't understand any of your memes.

No. 1921816

I really miss this style of stupid but genuine weeb humor. I feel like I am in middle school again. GerIta was the shit

No. 1921822

it's okay nonnie, divided by cringe memes, united by lolcor

No. 1921947

That's because men keep getting uglier.

No. 1921949

File: 1710260443190.jpg (133.86 KB, 736x720, 1000020562.jpg)

Those memes were cringe as hell

No. 1921966

File: 1710262018459.jpg (54.62 KB, 1280x720, 98eyq9w8ht.jpg)

No. 1922037

I posted there once and all the anons told me the guy I posted was ugly but I thought he was attractive so I just accepted I don’t know what an attractive man looks like and just posted all the men I thought were attractive in the unattractive man thread and no one corrected me so I’m never going back, sorry

No. 1922068

File: 1710265979474.jpg (83.46 KB, 1200x675, 2GtQN2p.jpg)

i know that as well, it's depressing bc you can tell the end times are nearing

No. 1922160

File: 1710272069583.jpg (100.04 KB, 1024x834, 1699419882690.jpg)

>think a woman is cute and has cute style
>its a lolcow
i truly belong here

No. 1922709

File: 1710297414824.png (50.59 KB, 1781x359, a0785564-212090.png)

Seeing posts like these on a site like this is giving me whiplash, like isn't this entire site sinful? It's at least full of sinful material, do they even use the other threads? (this is from /g/ and we all know what kind of stuff gets posted there) This is verbatim something I'd see my old fundie relatives say and they would not like it here.

No. 1922794

I actually like the attempt to force board culture and eliminate chit chat in cow threads but /ot/ used to be so fun and it’s become a ghost town. I don’t have actual irl friends or social interactions so I used to love coming here to be silly and earnestly respond to other anons. I’ve been here for way too many years so I’ve seen multiple waves of everyone leaving but I feel like this is the slowest and deadest it’s ever been. Sad!

No. 1923269

File: 1710341639080.jpg (29.41 KB, 640x360, 20ec20d44e380ddea28a3f857aaf8b…)

i'm such a cartoonishly dishonest person, bc why did i spend 30 minutes trying to print or open this password protected pdf file instead of just trying to guess the password through the clue given in this murder mystery

No. 1923345

File: 1710345635900.jpg (15.53 KB, 640x320, 10346381_10150445977179964_626…)

I shipped him so hard with Madam Red and was so fucking pissed with what happened especially cause she was one of my favourite characters. Now I love to hate the guy and how he annoys all the other guys by being a horny gay man kek
I found a couple of funnies from my old drive from a quick peruse

No. 1923346

File: 1710345675932.png (74.69 KB, 660x330, Tumblr_l_8109069662303.png)

No. 1923350

File: 1710345843263.jpg (48.57 KB, 320x320, certified dumbass.jpg)

I heard a tornado siren and I just stood there in the middle of the garden squinting at the sky trying to figure out if the weather looked tornado-y until the siren stopped.

No. 1923357

File: 1710346068138.jpg (167.74 KB, 1200x1247, Tumblr_l_16494309365191.jpg)

post flooding so waiting it out, this has me in stitches and I'm glad you're ok nona!

No. 1923507

File: 1710356689266.jpg (470.84 KB, 1011x899, 1000006734.jpg)

i kinda get why americans are like that tbh if i had alligators in my country i would also develop a superiority complex probably.
>why should i care about foreign countries haha they don't even have any alligators there t. me if i was a yank

No. 1923922

My friend keeps sending me the monsters inc hugging gif when I'm sad and I just die of laughter because all I can think about is Shaynus. If only she knew

No. 1923931

File: 1710380699333.gif (260.07 KB, 220x145, IMG_9146.gif)

Who keeps bumping old ass thread across the boards!!

No. 1924711

File: 1710421769167.gif (3.96 MB, 480x362, ibdw9.gif)

No. 1924862

File: 1710429555848.jpg (147.77 KB, 640x512, 1000020853.jpg)

I really love simplistic messy on purpose art like this but how the fuck do I do it

No. 1924897

There’s no attractive male celebs left. Nepotism has selectively bred them out. All the attractive men are on meth after being passed around by fags and traumatised as children. This means they age like shit. Justin Bueber is a good example. He was abused by Pedo Diddy and now he looks like he gives rimjobs to truck drivers for $4 and hasn’t slept in 80 months. If it weren’t for diddy he would have aged gracefully. Now we all have to sit around and pretend that fucking Tuberculosis Calamity is attractive because he is a fag who doesn’t mind sucking the right dicks. All our beautiful straight men are traumatised. We have Jacob Elordi, he’s aging like shit because he’s probably being bummed as well, we have ATJ and that’s literally it. All the hot men have aged out. We had brad Pitt, old as fuck, Christian bale, old as fuck, so many previously hot men are old as fuck. Our eye candy is in dire straits and things must change. We must demand change and be more homophobic so we can stop the fags from destroying all of our beautiful men.

No. 1925445

Despite disliking trannies (and honestly being ok with gay men as long as they're not being catty towards women) I've been watching FX's Pose and enjoying it. It's made me cry multiple times every episode. Although it is of course preachy with the main character practically harassing men at a gay bar and fighting against a white lady for a salon he didn't even really buy. Plus the show keeps trying to push the one in vidrel as this exotic, irresistible, never-before-seen beauty but it's not working because he's kind of ugly. It is especially obvious when they put him next to real women.

No. 1925527

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Samefag but after watching this I would like to learn more about lesbian culture and communities. It just doesn't seem like they have the same type of communities as gay men.

No. 1925596

Sorry for conversing in mundane thread

No. 1925607

God I wish I knew, whenever I try, it all just looks like the doodles of a schizophrenic toddler.

No. 1925615

File: 1710471181798.png (53.53 KB, 202x205, sims3.PNG)

Rate my sims family

No. 1925617


No. 1925620

-12 out of 10

No. 1925625

File: 1710471682655.jpeg (119.29 KB, 940x946, IMG_0400.jpeg)

Finally I have found the dumb of ass thread

No. 1925631

>Tuberculosis Calamity
first of all, kek, second of all, he was so pretty in CMBYN, he looked like he was gonna age promisingly
>Jacob Elordi
he needs sunscreen so bad(as does every moid), only 26 and he's got forehead wrinkles, and he insists on this stupid fucking smirk on his mug, smirks only work in writing esp those shitty "dark romance" books that everyone shills on TT, instead of enemies to lovers it gives annoying male that thinks he's proven you wrong on smtg.

No. 1925638

The decline of Justin Biebers looks makes me sad. I think he purposely avoids looking good to not have to relive the creepy admiration and grooming directed at him when he was younger. The best looking moids were all famous in the 1980s-2010s, zoomer and millennial men aging like shit, the styling in this era is horrendous, i have daddy issues anyway and women in my age range left to pick up the crumbs and witness absolutely pitiful specimens like Barry Pugface

No. 1925643

why did walt have another child if his first one came out retarded

No. 1925647

File: 1710473257361.jpeg (Spoiler Image,51.01 KB, 492x564, IMG_2201.jpeg)

Okay I'm going to bed now nonnies goodnight everynona before I go to sleep is there anything anyone wants to tell me

No. 1925648

This is a polycule. Right to left bisexual, trans, trans, lesbian. The dwarf on the bottom is asexual. The cat is neutered

No. 1925649

you're gonna have a good sleep and a good day tomorrow

No. 1925650

Starfiretard be like

No. 1925652

yes. it was me, i loved you

No. 1925655

File: 1710473549783.jpeg (37.81 KB, 540x540, IMG_2202.jpeg)

Sorry I responded to your post with initial hostility because I misread it because I'm tired
Meet me in the dreamscape tonight and we can dance like old times

No. 1925657

do what you want it's still gonna happen that way

No. 1925658

No sorry I took it back already I realized my error I love you

No. 1925659

you're cute nonna, sleep well okay

No. 1925661

File: 1710473817659.jpg (30.02 KB, 652x678, 70a.jpg)

i'll be there, waiting

No. 1925663

Okay I will you too sending you kisses and hugs mwah

No. 1925664

i like the lolita sim

No. 1925708

No. So, you have the mother and father in the middle. The mother, Sara Hardin, well she's happy with her life as mother and a elementary school teacher who's well known in the town of Lucky Palms but she wants to be and do more for herself with the mastery talent of piano she gained from practicing since she was a child. She wants to break free from the kind neighborly elementary school teacher she's been pigeonholed into. Surely there's more to her skill than providing backing music at talent shows.
You have the father, Dan Hardin, on the side who's a hard-ass with a heart of gold. He doesn't understand his teenaged children all that much, but at least he has his youngest to bond over sports. Dan will never admit it , but he is jealous of his family. They all have something going for him, his wife's a masterful pianist, his daughter's a writer, his son has had more dates that puts him to shame, and his youngest has the potential to become a MVP. Surely, there's time for to make something of himself, right?
The teen daughter, Britany Hardin, has a taste for the finer things in life which her frumpy middle class parents simply do not understand. She wants to leave the dreary and dryness of Lucky Palms and live her dreams of being a talented rich gothic horror romance novelist aristocrat in either Moonlight Falls or Midnight Hollow with her cat Victoria Duchess. A cup of tea in one hand, and the hand of a vampire in the other. So she works hard at the bookstore, saving up to move out… and purchase dresses, and new antique dolls, and rugs for her room. A good writer has to have the best environment after all.
Her younger brother, Dean Hardin, is a piece of shit who breaks hearts as easy as he breathes. He has dreams similar to his sister minus the talent and hard work aspect. Practicing his charisma he wants to be the heartthrob actor of the century, a true ladies man, and would take the word manwhore as a compliment. In the future he will sleep his way to the top Bridgeport's socialite community and become an actor who later dies of a drug overdose in his apartment.
Finally, there's the youngest sister Avery who's existence allows the two parents to breathe a sigh of relief that perhaps they'll have one child who won't be a complete mess in adulthood. Avery has dreams of going pro in soccer, a sports legend if you will. With sports you don't have to think about stupid things like math, or homework, her stupid older brother, or that stupid girl at school who can't seem to leave her mind. Those dreams are faraway so for now she contents herself with her soccer, ballet, or that sweet basket ball hoop her dad bought her last Christmas.

No. 1925878

File: 1710501046538.png (587.32 KB, 672x372, image.png)

never got the attraction to ted bundy but I think i see it now kek taylor herself isn't even my type so this feels unexpected

No. 1926095

Blessed be the local idiot who ran down an Waffle House sign

No. 1926154

There are too many twitter tourists here right now because of that stupid fucking post on twitter and it's making the board so insufferable.

No. 1926159

What post on twitter? I stopped using around the time muskrat limited tweets

No. 1926173

File: 1710519356186.jpeg (19.84 KB, 275x182, IMG_2206.jpeg)

This one, basically just a bunch of quote replies saying "ITS LOLCOW ITS LOLCOW!!!" like holy fuck shut up. It was posted 2 days ago and already theres an unholy amount of twittertards here shitting up threads

No. 1926208

They just stole that line from Doja cat didn't they

Newfags please read Da Rules before posting thank you

No. 1926221

I thought the same thing. I'm going to have this thread opened in a different tab all day today and post a lot here instead of going onto the board because I cba with newfags today. At least dumbass shit is hidden by autosage. It's like El Dorado.

No. 1926226

The thread pics for many of the Finnish threads are funny as fuck

Also the language sounds funny, no offense finnanons

No. 1926228

The newfags will get bored eventually when they realize how dead this place is and learn that 4ch moids come here and bait… they'll realize it's not worth it for them… I hope.

No. 1926238

File: 1710521664102.jpg (145.29 KB, 1920x1080, 1e80c2ddc9bba28d5ea791bed765e5…)

>went on the news thread after seeing it pop up on front page, ended up doomscrolling for 30 minutes
big mistake big mistake big mistake i now hate myself and the men around me

No. 1926252

File: 1710522584238.jpeg (57.86 KB, 396x594, IMG_0424.jpeg)

They were so cute together

No. 1926260

Do you really think lc is dead? I don't think so I like lc

No. 1926265

It's less active than it used to be, and doesn't feel quite the same. my favorite time in LC history was a little before the pandemic to a little after, probably 2019-early 2023 was my favorite era, I've been a lurker since 17-18 but only started posting in '19

At times I tried to vow myself to stay off the site entirely but that always fails for me so I just scroll a couple hours a day max now and if I fall into doomscroll mode i punish myself and clear my history entirely

No. 1926270

I used to lurk here a lot but only started really browsing and posting after PULL died. Rip my beloved PULL. I still really like LC though I always have the site open on my laptop. It's a lot of fun.

No. 1926274

Were you in the PULL discords or any of the associated gossip discords that spawned from the shutdown of the site? i swear all of them turned out to be absolute shit shows, they went through at least 3-4 iterations before I gave up

No. 1926284

why does unpopular opinions get to gain like 4 million comments within 24 hours but dumbass shit is rattling our tin cup trying to break 300 after like a week

No. 1926287

Kek yes I'm still in the PULL discord just for the hell of it, I never go on it I'm just in it to see how bad any potential fire can be. It's full of gendies and scrotes, and it's mostly for Kpop discussion now.
Cuz newfags can't distinguish between real posts and bait so they shit up the thread with garbage posts. I still love the regular show sperg out from last thread though.

No. 1926294

kek the kpop discussions were the worst, especially the thread dedicated to nitpicking everything blackpink did. I'd join just for shits and giggles but it was genuinely disturbing how much some of the users grasped at straws in their disdain of the girls. kpop is so boring and so passe nowadays but there's no good western gossip discords

Shhh the newfags don't know this thread exists

No. 1926310

my apple vape tastes so good right now

No. 1926325

mine is cherry menthol

No. 1926337

ouu my last vape was black cherry, i loved her

No. 1926347

yeah i have to quit soon though its not good for us but the nicotine makes me feel so alive during my neetdom

No. 1926351

I wish I could vape, vape nonnies, i had bad popcorn lung whenever I tried so I just stuck to stress smoking cigs

No. 1926355

I had to quit cigarettes because they banned my brand in my country AND they banned menthols… and I would never put a full flavour king sized cigarette up to my lips like a barbarian

No. 1926366

>banning menthols
That fucking sucks nona, how evil of them

No. 1926371

File: 1710527792075.png (510.18 KB, 621x566, my pride and joy.png)

What's worse is their official reasoning for banning 120s was that "women are too stupid to realize that cigarettes are bad for them and because women buy 120s more than men, it is because they are being tricked into doing so by the tobacco companies." I hate this paternalistic evil and corrupt government inshallah they will meet their comeuppance soon when the winds of the revolution blow. Picrel is what I need so badly right now.

No. 1926377

I’m still using a juul like a dork but want to try something else because pods have gotten insanely expensive. I used one of those fat Smok sticks for years but it was such a leaky pain in the ass I think I’d rather stick with disposables. Any disposable vape recommendations? I don’t even know where to buy them (am in Texas but with access to NM). Part of the reason I switched to juul is because some new law a few years ago made it hard to ship e liquid to Texas reeeee

No. 1926393

File: 1710528510931.jpg (85.24 KB, 608x811, 7f86be6b1cbb23819eb550f69946d2…)

I swear Indian is the only race I know where ALL of the men are fugly but the women are pretty at worst. I've literally never seen an attractive Indian man or an ugly Indian woman. It's also the only accent where I feel it's annoying with men but very satisfying to listen to with women.

I'm not race-baiting or being prejudiced either (if I was, it probably wouldn't be in this dead ass thread kek), I've felt this way for so long even before I know anything about Indian men.

No. 1926396

dont do disposables nona they eat up way too much money, most disposables will last for less than a week and cost more than just buying juice thatll last a month or more

No. 1926397

Not raceibaity either but I swear I have this problem with attracting black nerds and I don't know why. They're never cute black nerds either… I also have this problem with attracting fat dudes and hicks with light hair and eyes. None of these are my type especially if they're not attractive. I'm not particularly ugly nor overly pretty and I'm not fat. so I don't really get it. I'm attracted mostly to tall dark haired guys who are white/asian/hispanic so I don't really understand why I attract the opposite of my type

No. 1926402

Also every time I attract a guy who is my type there is something severely wrong with him. It's starting to seem like I can't exist in this world without ending up with someone I find uggo

No. 1926407

im getting fried chicken in 2 hours im soooo excited im gonna get two spicy centre breasts and im gonna get a medium taters and a lot of spicy mayo and its gonna be soooo good im really excited nonas ive been craving fried chicken since last friday when i had fried chicken (same meal) i just love fried chicken fridays its been a tradition for me forever

No. 1926471

don't, just don't, when you single out a group of women to compliment them it makes you look pathetic and dishonest, also, i'm guessing you've been catching up on the news thread, haven't you?

No. 1926522

There's nothing wrong with me complimenting women, anyone who thinks there is just seems insecure. I'm not "singling them out", I'm talking about Indians. But sorry, I forgot on lolcow you cannot say women are pretty. You must only call them fat and say their nasolabial folds are too deep.

No. 1926525

Saying "all woman of [x race] are so attractive!" seems retarded though, and now you're trying to infight about it so it kinda confirms our suspicion that it was racebait

No. 1926529

How is that infighting? Do you think infighting is just disagreeing with someone?

No. 1926532

Kek I'm not gonna infight with you anon just bless up and have a good day

No. 1926556

I wasn't trying to infight in the first place kek. I thought saying that Indian men are not attractive may seem like racebait which is why I clarified, but I didn't realize saying I think Indian women are pretty was going to be offensive. But if you or that other anon thought it was racebait then I'm not really sure why you replied, whatever. Also, it's like people (including jannies) forget that the whole point of racebait is racism. It's not call women of a particular race, while not insulting other women, attractive.

No. 1926558

File: 1710534272792.jpg (12.85 KB, 275x275, im angry but its a cat.jpg)

I ran out of goldfish crackers picrel

No. 1926574

>away for a while
>this thread has 50 new posts
are we back?

No. 1926579

nona I'm confused do you not have a smoke shop around you? I also live in texas but there's literally a vape shop on every corner and online stores still ship here, it's not hard to get at all kek. Anyways if you're going disposable I recommend elf bar or funky land, but it would be way way cheaper to get a refillable and some cartridges. Smok was always leaky for me too. uwell caliburn and vaporesso xros 3 have worked well though. Also I recommend shopping online, elementvape ships here but you have to pay $7 extra and provide ID when they deliver it. Sucks but still way cheaper than the markup in smoke shops or gas stations. Speaking of, don't trust those offbrand gas station vapes they're always like 30% more expensive than they should be and shady chinese knockoffs

No. 1926595

idk i just decided to keep this thread open on a separate tab today and use it for once since i saw a retarded infight on unpopular opinions

No. 1926605

the rest of the website sucks rn

No. 1926606

File: 1710536403616.mp4 (1.04 MB, 480x480, piglet wakes up to cheerio.mp4)

No. 1926610

yep i blame that retarded twitter post i feel like it brought a swarm of actual retarded people on for the past 2 days its been pissing me off

No. 1926677


No. 1926686

File: 1710539403820.jpg (Spoiler Image,543.65 KB, 2728x1816, l5v7jnk46ou21.jpg)

I wish I was an isopod… imagine finding a single french fry or strawberry and being like "cool that's breakfast, lunch and dinner for the next week"

No. 1926690

I keep all the threads I follow open in separate tabs, was just surprised to see this one being active again

No. 1926700

File: 1710540420568.jpeg (199.27 KB, 698x994, IMG_0438.jpeg)

I'd protect her from Evan's psycho fangirl squad and steal her for myself if I could

No. 1926701

Evan Peters?

No. 1926706

File: 1710540709413.jpeg (149.96 KB, 828x807, IMG_0437.jpeg)

kek no that's Chris Evans girlfriend turned wife who's hated by his squad of fangirls who managed to attachè to one of the most bland white men in Hollywood. His deluded parasocial fandom constantly makeup outlandish lies about her that were shown to be false and claim gross shit like saying she's related to Nazis.

She probably deserves better than him, but I don't blame her for taking the MCU bag. But she has this role in the show Warrior Nun where she's super cute and I actually like her.

No. 1926719

File: 1710541598712.png (66.3 KB, 1017x148, Screen Shot 2024-03-15 at 6.26…)

more proof our lolcor is being over run by actual faggots from twitter who come here to browse and post their retarded moid takes fuck this i wish that person on twitter who made that tweet chokes today fuck

No. 1926768

tbh lolcow has been full of moids long before that tweet but I agree. why can't we have nice things, why do moids love to come to places not meant for them

No. 1926770

Yeah but I've always assumed it was like a 20/80 ratio and at least the ones here didn't go on about it like that retard in the screenshot. I just hate that theres a swarm of newfags right now because of that Tweet.

No. 1926829

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I've been refreshing every board for the past 20 minutes. I don't know what to do anymore.

No. 1926849

File: 1710548865295.jpeg (62.75 KB, 369x369, IMG_0371.jpeg)

lc and cc are goners at this point I should just quit imageboards entirely like I've tried to 10,001 times in the past cuz we are fucking doomed

No. 1926855

File: 1710549565377.jpeg (2.24 MB, 1663x3218, 7B56E670-45BF-4BB7-A91A-4ADC59…)

No. 1926856

I only learned of cc in like 2020 honestly, I was never on 4chan either. cc is always dead though like i check it everyday but there's never any worthwhile threads. at least on lc i have my fun threads on /ot/ with a lot of new posts everyday and then my cows on /w/ and /pt/

No. 1926858

samefag to ask if cc was ever any good? like was it different pre 2020 and did i just miss out on it or was it always kind of slow and boring

No. 1926876

cc is slow as hell and less organized than lc but the jannies aren't so banhappy

4ch fucking sucks in general and women should avoid it, it's a moidhell and pol infects every board. I only lurk the archives and troll there, no point for serious conversation

No. 1926880

its too bad about cc because i really like the layout and everything but its just so slow i never see anything interesting there, even if i post nobody replies besides

No. 1926881

>cc is slow as hell and less organized than lc but the jannies aren't so banhappy
the downside is their jannies delete random, non-rule breaking posts instead

No. 1926893

yeah to be honest i dont like the post deletion aspect, it makes reading threads really hard when 1/4th of all posts are deleted so theres a bunch of replies to nothing

No. 1926948

srethgifni era sdnahmraf

No. 1926998


No. 1927006

.esnes sekam lla ti

No. 1927008

dnahmraf pus

No. 1927010

hbt ti eveileb i

No. 1927059

i bet this moid is from that different(or same) tweet with some retard going "ooh i ust luv learning about niche imageboard culturr!!!" which was just code for "i am going to colonize the fuck out of this ib", the specific words this tard uses tries to look like a lil goody two shoes Nice Guy remind of it. funny that the post that gets him to reveal himself is one complimenting him.

No. 1927088

I think we shouuld post more moid hate to drive them away. its the equivalent of firing a gun to keep the rent low

No. 1927091

true, i'll look thru what i have

No. 1927096

i know it's fucking annoying. the "tee hee idk if im allowed to post here !!" shut the fuck up and cut yourself. i hate this stupid shit. im actually happy dumbass shit is autosaged and 'hidden' right now because its one place where they wont be able to find us.
we need to make a dedicated and coordinated plan for this to work right we should brainstorm

No. 1927119

Sometimes I think about the ending of the neon demon and wonder why

No. 1927152

rockstar games has such good advertising team kek i have never played video games and dont plan on it but ive watched that gta 6 shit like 100 times because it is just entrancing

No. 1927185

Buying juice was certainly more economical than juul. Maybe I should look into a nic salt vape since I like getting a kick in the face without making big smelly clouds.
There’s a smoke shop near I want to go to asap but I’m always hesitant to buy disposables I’m unfamiliar with. I’ve seen so many sold in bulk on websites like aliexpress and I don’t wanna get some weird disease or heavy metal poisoning from them lmao. I used to order all my coils and juice online but when laws HAPPENED a few years ago some places stopped shipping to Texas and I just moved to juul and it was so convenient I never got another vape. I’m old but had to unexpectedly move in with my mother recently so things are a bit complicated unfortunately.

I’ve seen websites that sell elf bars (or whatever they’re called now) and ship to Texas (or at least don’t explicitly exclude Texas) and I’m assuming online is cheaper than b&m so maybe I can have some delivered to my sisters place hmmm

No. 1927218

Wonder why they ate her or wonder why the other girl threw up and killed herself? thats honestly one of my favourite movies I know it’s not perfect and it’s widely unliked but I love creepy slow burn movies that are aesthetically appealing and have very strange scenes for seemingly no reason

No. 1927247

As cliché as it is, this song's been hitting me in the feels lately. Wish I could drink to it but alcohol dehydrates the skin… And my forehead wrinkles have been getting worse lately :'(

No. 1927407

last night i went to a concert and got pretty drunk and kept shouting (to the rhythm of the songs playing) that i love being female, "female power", being a true woman is dope, etc. because i was surrounded by hulking troons and i needed them to feel as uncomfortable as they were making me feel. also interesting how between the women/men's bathrooms, the only one with a "people of any gender expression can enter here" was the women's

No. 1927450

There's multiple theories but my favorite is that theyre vampires or a cannibal coven who ate her to preserve their youth

I've become more of a slow burn movie fan. It's nice to see my attention span stretch out a little

No. 1927483

theres so many fucking racebait on /ot/ right now its been annoying me. lc is NOT 4chan. why do newfags come here to larp being an edgy 14 year old 4chan poltard.

No. 1927491

bait is unironically coming from 70iq poltards who believe in "jewtunnels" and whose idea of compliments is racial slurs, and their stupidity makes me feel marginally less offended by how gross their comments are, but it's still gross

please can they go back

No. 1927498

also I miss when the tinfoil thread had less antivaxers and antisemitism in it, conspiracy theories always have that problem but it's gotten 100x worse with the influx of poltards

No. 1927501

holy shit same. i hate all these anti vax losers in that thread. we get it you think vaccine scary and evil we get it. we don't need 500 posts about the vaccine. covid was 5 years ago lets try and move on. if its still like this in 2029 ill be annoyed

No. 1927508

sure im afraid of needles but I'm already autistic! who cares? it's just a jab so I don't get sick 1000x over

why would the government care about installing some alleged LE 5G CHIP in a vax when theyre constantly monitoring us through our technology already?

No. 1927544

Kek that’s my theory too, that they’re some coven attempting to preserve their youth and beauty, and gain some of the charisma that Jesse had. I love movies like that, especially ones with female antagonists

No. 1927558

I want more female centered movies that focus on the deranged side of womanhood. obsessive, weird, crazy and diabolical female characters please

No. 1927573

Same here, what are some of your favourites so far? I really like May, Raw, Excision, Ingrid Goes West, Like Me, American Mary, Look Away. Like Me is kind of bad and doesn’t make a lot of sense, but I kind of liked the random aimlessness to it

No. 1927695

do you ever wonde r what the sun thinks when it rises every morning?

No. 1927722

Of all of those my fav is probably Ingrid, I haven't seen all of them yet

No. 1927768

File: 1710616487806.jpg (59.72 KB, 1500x1001, teletubbies-sun-baby-101223-20…)

idk probably googoo gaga

No. 1927783

wyhs no one here

No. 1928014

File: 1710635683008.jpeg (52.61 KB, 688x270, A097E312456D.jpeg)

fuck marry kill go

No. 1928029

>Newfags please read Da Rules
Bold of you to make that statement while redditspacing kek
On that note, I had a horrible thought that newfags who showed up at the start of covid might actually think they're not newfags anymore… Covid really is the summer cow season that never ends

No. 1928069

Kill ginger men

No. 1928078

kill myself

No. 1928112

if someone showed up at the start of covid they've been here 4 years. that seems like a while to me but what's the newfag cutoff point in your opinon?

No. 1928221

I don't remember redditspacing being considered a crazy rule breaker. I've only been banned for it once kek

No. 1928274

File: 1710649697240.jpeg (60.88 KB, 750x750, IMG_5678.jpeg)

hi high high high high high hi

No. 1928362

to think that this thread wouldve already been more than halfway full had we not been autosaged again for god knows what reason

No. 1928382

the high is almost over time to take meds

No. 1928383

File: 1710659273936.jpg (186.64 KB, 850x1200, 1696797283195436.jpg)

how do i embrace the cringe

No. 1928591

I personally don't count covid season because the start of it was seriously worse than typical summer cow season. Newfags didn't integrate at all during that time honestly worse than most summers I'd experienced and anyone learning to integrate with their nonsense didn't learn the culture along with those assholes clearly not wanting to integrate but be their own main character and do what they want. The rules just started being ignored and laxxed on plus a huge chunk of the main userbase took a break when the culture of the site got unbearable which honestly made things more shit for a while until admins started cracking the whip a bit more and we're barely back to normal now but it's still shaky. I left for like 8 months at one point personally because it was just absolutely unbearable, tumblr user migrations like during the onision years were never as bad as the migrations we've gotten from other sites like during covid where dipshits keep advertising the site on tiktok and twitter.
Ordinarily someone probably would leave newfagginess behind after like a year of lurking then another year of actually posting but with covid season being as bad as it was, I've been seeing lots of people acting superior to "newfags" while clearly still acting like one themselves. It's just thrown everything out the window.
It's not against the rules iirc, it's just obvious you're not from around here so it can effectively become personality fagging if you're the only one in a thread doing it. It's also extremely obnoxious for most posts, especially those who double space under the quoted post imo

No. 1928845

File: 1710696066507.jpeg (216.56 KB, 1600x1486, IMG_9797.jpeg)

the myth, the woman, the dolphin

No. 1929095

The only male streamers that are watchable are the ones with girlfriends. There have to be other indicators that they are somewhat well-adjusted too, I just noticed that the few I watch have at least this in common

No. 1929227

Trying to figure out if there's any st patty day themed movies and coming up blank

No. 1929308

File: 1710722664330.jpg (100.57 KB, 736x736, 23984634d7ba564a3bb11db4db3fdd…)

Idk why people aren't nicer to customer support, retail and fast food people when they have an issue they need to resolve. A lot of the time, if you're nice to them they will be more lenient and you can get your way. If it's fast food, they might hook you up too. In general, most problems don't require anger or frustration. Some kind words and patience work everytime.

No. 1929334

Word on the streets is that Charles died or Kate did, either a death or they're announcing something big from the palace tomorrow or in the next few days

No. 1929387

I hope it's Charles if anyone's dead

No. 1929529

File: 1710746283627.png (18.52 KB, 126x183, 1657394525750.png)

I saw a nona post this a while back and I thought it was funny, only just recently did I realize that picrel was from fucking Ouran High School Host Club of all places kek (since I was reading the manga). Does anyone know if recent prints still have the abundant usage of "tranny" still in it? I was reading scans from an edition printed in 2015 and I'm curious whether it's still there considering how troon shit has taken off since then.

No. 1929533

File: 1710746676652.jpg (166.65 KB, 640x853, 1000021242.jpg)

I love being in love I love my friends I love when I wake up and get to take a few minutes to just enjoy the comfort of being all cozy and warm in bed I love my frizzy hair because it's mine and I love drinking tea and spiderwebs covered in dew I love crying and laughing and screaming and feeling everything

No. 1929936

File: 1710778628363.jpeg (31.92 KB, 241x377, IMG_0666.jpeg)


No. 1930799

File: 1710834653448.png (1.03 MB, 1274x1428, xy.png)

i once mixed up malding and molting somehow and thought people were just telling others to shed their skin to be mean

No. 1931088

File: 1710851856140.jpg (160.55 KB, 1464x1080, cover3.jpg)

>shit take
>"oh, I wonder what kind of person would say this"
>idol gacha player
every time

No. 1931212

File: 1710861459207.jpeg (109.92 KB, 802x1133, GDbyiKhb0AAWVm3.jpeg)

Segu Ishida has recovered from his man-with-breast-implants brainrot and is back to making cute boys again, i can't find the degen shit he made tho, i wonder if i wasn't the only one unfollowing him for that shit and he noticed he was losing followers and promptly deleted it.

No. 1931217

File: 1710861637370.jpeg (18.79 KB, 400x559, 5niery.jpeg)

nevermind, just found it

No. 1931273

File: 1710868934233.jpg (75.29 KB, 720x540, 1531432455100.jpg)

n-no you don't understand moids in tiny little bikinis, nipples protruding, are peak sexy

No. 1931310

File: 1710871296205.jpeg (110.67 KB, 1000x1000, IMG_0727.jpeg)

mfw dst are autosaged and I accidentally went into one from 2 years ago and not this thread

No. 1931542

File: 1710882606557.gif (33.98 KB, 90x130, 1000021394.gif)


No. 1931549

File: 1710882775917.jpg (66.13 KB, 550x412, cat especial.jpg)


No. 1931562

File: 1710883429125.png (966.77 KB, 1080x1448, 1000021397.png)

There's a fucking tapatio man funko? Is nothing sacred??

No. 1931570

File: 1710883752835.jpeg (252.74 KB, 2048x1080, image0.jpeg)

was randomly thinking about that unconventional attractions men go to dennys photoshop for no reason

No. 1931881

No. 1931900


No. 1932020

Sleep is for chums and I'm a chum

No. 1932179

File: 1710936071796.png (1.14 MB, 1080x1190, 1000021429.png)

what the fuck is up my dumbass shitters, you are looking very uwu this morning

No. 1932234

File: 1710940886019.jpg (63.67 KB, 735x663, 3ffd725f5d82beff6cf4c62e047d70…)

i made Macncheese from scratch all by myself, does this mean i get US citizenship?

No. 1932428

File: 1710953845637.png (25.21 KB, 478x315, IMG_5907.png)

Owo thank uwu

No. 1932584

File: 1710960340992.jpg (43.95 KB, 960x540, beans shot.jpg)

Cheers nonnies! Let's toast to (((insert here)))

No. 1932673

Egg egg egg egg

No. 1933309

File: 1711003131444.gif (717.21 KB, 220x220, talking-fast-talk.gif)

I keep my phone on mute when I'm scrolling in bed, so I sometimes watch videos I come across with no sound on (trying to read lips instead or just guessing what people are saying). I noticed that without the sound, I focus more on how someone's face (or their body) moves when they talk, and I discovered there are some people who have absolutely infuriating "talking faces". It's the same feeling as when you hear someone chew with their mouth open, but instead of hearing the sounds they're making I get annoyed at the way they move, if that makes sense. Some people with annoying talking mannerisms:
>Destiny (I hate how his lower jaw moves to the sides like he's a grazing cow)
>the nonbinary woman who complained about her husband identifying as a straight man (frantic nodding, twitching and jerking, mouth movements annoying af)
>Shayna (loose ass bottom lip always hangs down on one side exposing her lower teeth)
>Heather Sparkles (can't pinpoint it exactly but something about her mouth and eyes bother me)
Luckily I don't get annoyed by anyone's talking face irl because there is so much more stuff to focus on during a face-to-face conversation, but this type of turboautism probably wouldn't go well with being deaf

No. 1934189

Lipstickalley being more antisemitic lately making me very sad

No. 1934269

File: 1711065375787.jpg (7.25 KB, 204x204, 1000021558.jpg)

I can't sleep, someone tell me a bedtime story

No. 1935787


No. 1935788

wow, not a single post for a full 24 hours

No. 1935939

Is the lesbian pedophile (who stalked me on this website because she thinks I'm a bad person) who pisses in pampers and has rape kinks, wished to be a straight woman and hangs out with male and female "maps" on social media, gonna see it if I post it here? Hello are you still shitting yourself(I'm scared of awakening the demon tho)
Why are other women personally offended by having their masochism or retarded sexual behaviors(in this context a literal real pedophilia and child sexual exploitation) called out(integrate)

No. 1935958

File: 1711189044493.jpeg (33.74 KB, 828x450, 34E4E4B9-76F0-4CCA-9AC8-8B47F5…)

gave in to the urge and called some ytuber a cocksucker for her video on Zapped, idk if ill be pinned or get deleted but whatever, she needs to know

No. 1936076

File: 1711200785549.jpg (179.9 KB, 600x996, la femme sauvage.jpg)

> The savage woman
From a costume book of 1562.

No. 1936232

File: 1711208874833.png (2.27 MB, 1079x1342, 1000021435.png)

I can't stop crying to the beach boys wouldn't it be nice. It's so simple and sweet and the harmonies are so joyful. Oh to be in love like that and loved in return…

No. 1936249

File: 1711209729803.jpg (81.23 KB, 660x741, 1000021701.jpg)

"You know it's gonna make it that much better, when we can say goodnight and stay together" like bro what. i simply cannot take it.

No. 1937199

File: 1711285003387.jpeg (181.54 KB, 908x976, 1698604595575.jpeg)

Why are all the cats on one side of the table and all the other creatures on the other? Is this segregation?

No. 1938052

File: 1711333514145.png (252.27 KB, 280x400, image.png)

is it possibly?

No. 1938054

File: 1711333662876.png (109.1 KB, 1025x720, image.png)

Also wtf were these the first results when I was trying to figure out if bunnies were in the Maus universe?

No. 1938058

I ran out of threads to read

No. 1938080

what the fuck

No. 1938444

File: 1711373379957.jpg (70.28 KB, 735x724, d94af2b6aff7240dfaff512df18f51…)

No. 1938445

File: 1711373440750.gif (204.12 KB, 230x131, pray lucille.gif)

Then put your energy in shitposting here nonnie, I beg you.

No. 1938653

File: 1711386740104.jpg (51.31 KB, 310x311, 1000021532.jpg)

I edited this picture of the corn pops man. Good luck, nonnies

No. 1938655

File: 1711386810544.jpg (261.77 KB, 750x394, FotoGrid_20240312_085406248.jp…)

No. 1939237

File: 1711441787729.gif (19.04 KB, 220x204, look of astonishment.gif)

watching a video of me showing something and seeing my hands and realizing i have fat hands syndrome

No. 1939565

File: 1711469084781.jpg (69.14 KB, 431x567, 8QkNoOn.jpg)

i feel like i need another snack but there's now 3 unfinished snacks on my desk drawer.

No. 1939573

File: 1711469390722.jpg (109.6 KB, 736x906, p1HPSGv.jpg)

this should be a banner.

No. 1939704

File: 1711478409667.png (1.05 MB, 1016x1009, 1000021973.png)

Im trying to clean my room but I'm listening to Whitney Houston and keep getting distracted by fantasies of tender steamy sex with my husbando. Hope all my farmers are doing good on this fine Tuesday evening. Clink clink.

No. 1939705

listen to jesus music while you clean your room in the movie room nona

No. 1939709

I'm gonna think about sexing my husbando even harder now.

No. 1939713

that's fine with us come jam bish

No. 1940956

File: 1711565103039.png (94.55 KB, 344x342, 1654185570813.png)

>seeing this meme right after i found it in my phones gallery

No. 1940979

File: 1711565883856.gif (2.87 MB, 300x250, download.gif)

i found this when trying to look up a dance and think it truly captures the dumbass spirit

No. 1941011

File: 1711567828232.png (167.02 KB, 476x450, 1000036756.png)

>remembering how I was alogging when i should have been nonnying

No. 1941795

File: 1711637917124.jpg (425 KB, 1000x744, 1000021063.jpg)

Makeup is so faggy i hate it, women look so much cuter barefaced I will bomb the makeup companies. Fre yourselves sisters

No. 1941823

File: 1711642074141.jpg (36.29 KB, 785x506, whale.JPG)

hey did you know there's a species of whale where the males grow tusks that clamp their mouths shut? i just found out and i'm spreading the word.

No. 1941837

not a currently living species, that’s crazy though. what’s it called?

No. 1941847

strap-toothed whale

No. 1941990

File: 1711651163671.jpg (45.79 KB, 720x672, 9e2968c5cab5fe1fe2cb11b0407b67…)

Fuck sanic, I am leaving this place, nothing is making me feel better. see you later.

No. 1942636

File: 1711730517172.jpg (124.93 KB, 800x800, 1711721795448346.jpg)

posting test

No. 1942653

did you try unplugging it and plugging it back in

No. 1943287

I’m lonely and drunkish and feeling hopeless and bumping all the /ot/ threads I reasonable can.

No. 1944096

File: 1711843368185.jpg (114.86 KB, 1242x1078, 20230523_195205.jpg)

i love watching nonnas fight in the fandom discourse thread

No. 1944140

kek same, their fights feel less serious than other infights so it's fun to watch

No. 1944661

File: 1711894239560.png (458.11 KB, 640x898, IMG_3101.png)

Why are shitposters so hated by this administration? Why are we chased away with torches and put in prison? Was there a shitpost war while I was away?

No. 1945307

One thing I really hate about being on autosage is that dumbass shit haters will bump as many threads as they possibly can after the new one is made so no one can see it. Thats precisely what happened when this was made.

No. 1945312

File: 1711920784401.gif (185.44 KB, 381x480, flip happy.gif)

I hope you feel better today nona

No. 1945619

I understand and agree with the desire to cut down on random chit chat in cow threads but shitposting in /ot/ is half the fun of lolcow. Baiting is dumb and annoying but shitposting is fun for everyone. This used to be one of my favorite threads on here and always had fun conversations. Sad!
Things are still pretty shitty but thank you and I appreciate the cute Hello Kitty! Hope you had a nice Easter.

No. 1945624

according to farmhands there's dumbass shitters who troll and spam other threads so we are probably on autosage 5ever for other users bad behavior, it's not looking good for us…

No. 1945639

File: 1711940814958.gif (142.16 KB, 480x432, hearts 2.gif)

It was pretty good thank you for asking. Overstuffed with food and smoking some hash that had built up in my grinder.
I hope you have better times coming your way soon

No. 1945659

File: 1711943245970.webp (Spoiler Image,155.13 KB, 1776x1332, gag.png)

i'm doing this movie report on Queen of the Damned and in between trying to bump up the word count and doing research i found out there's a Interview TV series and the man playing Lestat is a post wall roidpig, retchhhhhhh, even the director behind the technical bomb that Queen of the Damned was knew to prioritize Lestat's sex appeal. #NotMyLestat

No. 1945754

File: 1711961946131.png (1.06 MB, 1080x1498, 1000022554.png)

What the fuck is this

No. 1945769

File: 1711965418649.png (122.12 KB, 702x305, kek venus popup ad 00s vibe.pn…)

I got this one kek.

No. 1946961

File: 1712035097850.jpg (28.58 KB, 612x408, 1000022629.jpg)


No. 1947011

No. 1949289

File: 1712183728903.gif (191.28 KB, 220x220, smile-smug.gif)

Hi guys

No. 1949479

File: 1712194295699.gif (1.11 MB, 642x444, bird-sleep.gif)

hallo nonnie

No. 1949878

Fuck the mods

No. 1949886

why cant this be unsaged. its been 6 months

No. 1949912

Who's the faggot that wrote free palestine on both of the doodle boards. Throw a BLM in there while you're at it

No. 1949913

autosaging dumbass shit is a violation of the constitution

No. 1950208

Did you know that an Oreo dipped in water tastes exactly the same as an Oreo dipped in milk?

No. 1950444

File: 1712253253227.jpg (22.67 KB, 330x307, 1000022875.jpg)

I'm trying really hard to not be weird about this girl, you should be proud of me, I didn't post my schizo love rant and saved it for my notes instead. But god I want her.

No. 1950457

It’s hard not to eat a whole box of 30 pc wings. I’m better off as a fat faggot though

No. 1951153


No. 1951155


No. 1951158


No. 1951160

File: 1712286781517.jpg (96.37 KB, 1042x831, e658ca2add8c785d54c82e5be7abb6…)

I'm your bb? Didn't know you felt that way nonette..

No. 1951169

File: 1712287544047.jpeg (23.02 KB, 275x265, IMG_2459.jpeg)

ntayrt but picrel

No. 1951174

File: 1712287773304.gif (68.63 KB, 350x234, EOBZ.gif)

No. 1951316

File: 1712293726956.png (36.19 KB, 620x584, spilled milks.png)


No. 1951468

File: 1712304521631.jpg (67.93 KB, 800x1200, secretalliance.jpg)

love this webtoon so much kek, androgynous and pretty gigachad defeats the pathetic womanfacing stalker virgin ##shame he was such a chauvinistic slut even if he learnt his lesson#

No. 1951493

File: 1712306416335.jpg (56.52 KB, 564x564, 1cae3c0a3cb58cef8464ace1d1892d…)

it pains me that LC is home to so many good discussion boards especially in relation to males but i always have to see myself out bc i get the iching feeling to alog and i feel so so angry that i can't change anything at all

No. 1952067

If I'm forced to listen to the fucking Jojo Siwa song one more time I am blowing my god damned brains out.

No. 1952169

No. 1952230

I swear I saw a bbl irl today. It was weird as fuck. My gross male coworkers acted like monkeys, but I guess that is a reason why women do it. It reminded me to take calcium pills and continue working on my upper body strength. Her arms and legs looked weak af.

No. 1952752

Im considering writing my manifesto and posting it to reddit in the form of fictional desperate diary entry vignettes since that's all my mind can produce in terms of decent writing at the moment, maybe it would go viral

No. 1952771

File: 1712370974618.jpeg (206.29 KB, 1493x1080, Dummy.JPEG)

Spot the difference

No. 1952871

File: 1712380437319.gif (878.73 KB, 220x220, crying-sobbing.gif)

I miss you guys

No. 1952914

bye world

No. 1952920

How I see nonnies in this thread

No. 1953506

File: 1712423857919.jpg (51.99 KB, 735x675, Tumblr_l_354821270965526.jpg)


No. 1954347

File: 1712468789845.jpg (105.97 KB, 540x720, cr.Annie Stegg Gerard.jpg)

I'm so sorry nona

No. 1954700

File: 1712500278178.png (80.84 KB, 346x518, 1000023178.png)

What the hell is wrong with the duolingo owl

No. 1954703

nonnnie he looks like that for me too im so scared i havent opened the app what the fuck

No. 1954970

File: 1712517956115.jpg (51.66 KB, 500x500, 1000023003.jpg)

I just understood that joke about the drummer from Def Leppard only having one arm. It has taken me literal years but I just got it. Pretty funny.

No. 1954982

And samefag I am so sad it has been a month and we are still in the same dumbass shit thread. You mfs and your no attention span havin asses. Not even halfway full shaking my head in disappointment and DISGUST.

No. 1955625

File: 1712560081724.jpg (20.23 KB, 460x468, d1a.jpg)

usually i would complain about lc being slow but any time it's busy now is because of arguments and shit. this is nice actually

No. 1955780

I remember seeing this image when I was like 11 or 12, I have been transported a decade ago

No. 1955783

I want to fuck my husbando so bad I am a full yumejoshi and would sacrifice all my mortal possessions to be with him

No. 1955978

have you tried putting an electric heating blanket over a big pillow, if i'm falling asleep and dissociating real hard i can almost feel like he's real. have not humped the pillow yet but it might happen tbh

No. 1956698

File: 1712639638651.png (132.84 KB, 1080x461, 1000023392.png)

wait so this is the chadification anon lol

No. 1957352

File: 1712686941693.jpg (109.73 KB, 679x1000, 81CPg26GQ2L._AC_UF1000,1000_QL…)

i will never shut up about this downgrade, if you wanted a cookie cutter black haired blue eyed ikemen guy you should've started off with it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111 also their entire arcs about "not hiding parts of yourself" mean fucking nothing when he cuts his hair short and his piercings close up!!!!!!!!!!!!!the emotional journey was worthlesss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Hori is also a masochist retard, even in my handmaiden days i hated that

No. 1957715

File: 1712714068034.jpg (42.17 KB, 735x731, 482bc13266ede7059c52de47df7476…)


No. 1957720

I HATE this picture she's NOT STUPID!!!!!!!!!!!!

No. 1957908

File: 1712736963473.jpg (86.29 KB, 736x426, 1000023645.jpg)

I will literally never stop posting here. You can't keep me down, my autism is too strong. cerbmin can eat my shit. Look at the little caterpillar feetsies ♥

No. 1957914

what a cutie

No. 1957923

File: 1712738478418.png (23.61 KB, 160x160, 1623176882697.png)

I left for a couple of months after being relentlessly banned for my unrepentant nonny behaviour and I can't believe that they did to dumbass thread what they did to funposting, tragic the current state of affairs

No. 1957951

File: 1712741772578.gif (298.2 KB, 480x420, love.gif)

those adorable footsies!

No. 1958886

File: 1712813836354.gif (4.75 MB, 640x584, 1000023932.gif)

>picky eaters should die

No. 1958941

File: 1712819607732.gif (21.81 KB, 340x270, 1712490768693.gif)

nona don't cry.. here, sending you hugs

No. 1959006

File: 1712828156386.jpg (620.7 KB, 1200x1448, 20240411_023444.jpg)

I accidentally made erza miller

No. 1959013

Those are the cutest little piggies but those spiky little fingies are a little spooky ngl

No. 1959016

I read this over like 7 times trying to figure out why it sounds off and only realized after posting that I wrote “little” 3 times

No. 1959300


No. 1959523

The only time I didn't hate seeing that stupid "girl dinner" meme was on a video of a lady praying mantis eating male. I love bugs.

No. 1960021

I miss this thread, this was the true pinnacle of /ot/ and faggot mods and pissers had to censor it

No. 1960058

File: 1712897893218.gif (729.99 KB, 300x100, 1000024117.gif)

I don't care about shayna at all but this made me laugh

No. 1960066

File: 1712899240960.gif (317.9 KB, 500x500, sprite seal.gif)

sprite seal…

No. 1961384

File: 1712973646395.gif (1.57 MB, 552x277, TARDigrade.gif)

my brain feel like mash potato can i string together ONE coherent thought please, what the fuck

No. 1961431

Oh my goodness!! The fingies!!!

No. 1961432

And toes too!! What a cutie

No. 1961438

File: 1712980308822.jpg (3.15 MB, 3272x2454, gettyimages-107254454-1--7fe75…)

i don't even care if this little fucker is the only thing that survives the heat death of the universe it's adorable

No. 1961798

File: 1713007335012.gif (4.51 MB, 396x215, tremble.gif)

They're gonna unsage and leave us one funposting/retarded shitposting/dumbass shit general board to be silly right nonas? Right?????

No. 1962180

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

No. 1962902

File: 1713078156670.png (1.16 MB, 1080x1078, Screenshot_20240412-134808.png)

I don't want to post this in the husbando thread but I immediately thought of the Shadowfag when I saw this

No. 1963030

File: 1713090255207.png (3.68 MB, 1920x1080, forthedumbassnonnies.png)

This is random but I don't know where else I'd post this but I wanted to show you nonnies, I was watching old episodes of Criminal Minds and look how much this actress looks like Gabbie Hanna!!! It's crazy how similar they both are, maybe she's her aunt or something cause they look so alike!! I miss you guys

No. 1963093

same nonnie, i'm missing the casual chats we had esp the highlights of YMCA sing-along and posting interior designs and aesthetically pleasing bedrooms and that nonnie who posted part of her room which was super cute

No. 1963228

I've been watching reba and it's so fucking annoying if the lady my husband left me for was up my ass that much I'd go cuckoo and burn their house down. This show makes me never want to get married and have kids

No. 1963325

>Reba mentioned

No. 1963334

File: 1713110277431.jpg (233.66 KB, 1202x1104, 1000024424.jpg)

No. 1963348

the fur is supposed to be on the boots, speaking as someone from the hood in that song's era

No. 1963350

File: 1713110801299.jpg (67.23 KB, 1080x745, b08c584e1f9_ed3b54d9_1280.jpg)

some of your nigels before they moved in with you

No. 1963408

File: 1713112417969.gif (614.33 KB, 370x208, fse95q4g7rrc1.gif)


No. 1963413

File: 1713112582321.jpeg (18.72 KB, 275x263, 1702491355641.jpeg)


No. 1963468

I know, but she's just an old gal, please understand

No. 1963601

What is it with people on YouTube/ Tiktok asking for song names when it is clearly in the title and/or thumbnail of the video. To think I used to hate when people asked for names of songs with clear lyrics you can google or not checking the description

No. 1963636


No. 1963639

can you please post the lyrics to songs that don't have lyrics anywhere on the internet in the comments. i will transcribe them and you can post them.

No. 1963951

sometimes i can't hear/understand the lyrics or it's not anywhere online

No. 1964065

File: 1713139349842.jpg (16.68 KB, 334x285, 083908ue08h02.JPG)

i went to the park

No. 1964361

File: 1713165699627.jpg (43.09 KB, 550x550, 6b92835acb70da7f8c86b86b981eed…)

i have to get up in 3 hours but i'm too amped up to go to bed. help me. put me out of my misery.

No. 1965709

I don't care about lyrics thing but when the song name is in the title or on screen why are you asking in the comments I don't get it.

No. 1965716

I get if the song doesn't have lyrics or it's obscure or the lyrics aren't clear but I see so many people asking "song name??" for popular, older songs with intelligible lyrics to anyone who is fluent in English. Lot of the time I don't know the song either and I answer them by googling the lyrics for them.

No. 1967269

File: 1713355113159.jpg (37.6 KB, 454x487, 1000024423.jpg)

2 more hours and then I am free…my feet hurt so much and I can't decide if I want to eat pad thai again or have nachos. Decisions, decisions.

No. 1967581

File: 1713371023683.jpg (127.31 KB, 1500x1000, 1000024869.jpg)

I went with nachos.

No. 1967689

i hate being in prison

No. 1968139

File: 1713387697634.png (1.38 MB, 1125x1132, 1000024934.png)

I have no explanation

No. 1969664

my vape died

No. 1970391

File: 1713489188912.jpg (1.78 MB, 3319x2116, International_Space_Station_af…)

I want to go on the ISS but only if I could bring a friend. And I don't want to do science (except maybe the radio stuff) I just think it'd be fun to be in orbit for a few months away from Earth.

No. 1970417

File: 1713490019760.jpg (14.02 KB, 194x259, images.jpg)

i want this cake for my bd but i don't have an oven to cook it >>1969664
i wish i was your vape sometime

No. 1970696

File: 1713505222072.jpg (11.46 KB, 294x243, FgRVQzlWAAEFpiT.jpg)

i thought this was a weezer cake at first nonna

No. 1972123

ill cook it for you. i wish you were my vape too

No. 1972584

File: 1713631615062.jpeg (118.53 KB, 1170x1621, so much cute.jpeg)

Eternal thanks to the nonnie who once posted this picture, it's just too perfect.
I'll fish you out nonnie

No. 1972657

File: 1713635812637.jpeg (114.02 KB, 892x1200, IMG_5526.jpeg)

i was too lazy to draw male ryona so i read a fanfic instead

No. 1972659

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You know what you have to do nona

No. 1972675

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i'll try my best nonnetta

No. 1973785

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I really wanted this beanie baby because it has the same birthday as me but the lady I bought it from is a tard and sent me the wrong one, and another one was even missing from the order, what the hell man…

No. 1974031

i'm sorry, my grand father just died so i may have messed up my orders

No. 1974876

I'm attracted to anime husbandos and real women but never 3DPD moids and rarely women characters what sexuality does this make me

No. 1974891

autistic lesbian

No. 1974998

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sup nonnies its that point of college where i'm wishing ill-being on each and every one of my professors

No. 1975750

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No. 1976110


No. 1976135

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This isn't real. I'll wake up soon. This can't be my life forever please wake up.

No. 1976227

good morning did you sleep well

No. 1976231

I have an oncology midterm next week and I can barely motivate myself to study someone threaten me

No. 1976324

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watching Mikan and Tsukuro's Japan vlog and realizing me and my friends conversations play out just like theirs

No. 1976337

You better study or I’m going to have my cat leave a big stinky poo in your bed!! He’s fat and stinky so you better watch out!! He bites too! He’s missing some teeth cause he used to be homeless but he gives big bites and leaves stinky drool on everything he nibbles on! You better study or I’ll aim him at your toesies!!!

No. 1976361

He sounds adorable

No. 1976478

Does anyone miss the early 2010s and 2000s where people would just enjoy or dislike content and not go on 10-page-long autismo rants about how uwu pwobwematic characters are, like they're fucking characters, get a job or study. I do

No. 1976931

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Where did all the cool nonnies go. Why can no one be chill now. Everyone on the internet is so bitter and has a chip on their shoulder, I hate it. The people who say it was always like this have brain damage or are newfags. Oh to be a deep sea squid…

No. 1977242

I found an artist who draws nsfw of my very underrated and unknown husbando, I will now bypass social anxiety and befriend them, the only anchor left in this horrible real world

No. 1977636

me too nonnie we'll get through it together

No. 1977853

Agreed, also is that a real squid? He’s so tall

No. 1977919

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what's your flavour of misery? mine's knitwear design.

No. 1978476

Hell yeah it is. This one is just a baby. I have a morbid fascination with the deep sea it's so scary, how the fuck does shit live down there? It just ain't right.

No. 1978806

this picture makes me a new kind of honry, like i get chills everywhere when i see it

No. 1979271

men: hehe women who ride cock carousel and hit wall r so salty that me grog have $ and date hot younger woman with fertile eggs
also men: women r nothing but leeching whores who only want me 4 my monees >:(((
I fully support sugar babies draining these mens wallets and leaving them with nothing

No. 1979329

Omg he looks like something from a video game, or an alien, that’s so cool. I’d love to see all the creatures that live in the depths of the ocean.

No. 1981665

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Is it just me or does this orange kind of look like Megan thee stallion

No. 1982039

My friend and I decided to check up on how the people in our grade back from high school are doing and one of them has now become a mtf troon posting porn fantasies like "choking a girl to death in missionary to watch the light leave her eyes uwu"

No. 1982966

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Can't believe the mods really considered have that good moid thread but when we ask to bring this off autosage it's radio silence

No. 1983352

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me when

No. 1983437

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why am i having a rebellious teenager phase when i'm already in college, why am i like this

No. 1983602


No. 1983637

just found out that bald men’s heads get greasy. idk i assumed it would be dry since there are no hair follicles but i was wrong. apparently they get so greasy they gotta carry tissues with them, and when they may down, the pillowcase gets so greasy it’s almost wet. what the fuck.

No. 1983728

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He just like me fr
Ages and ages ago, maybe in one of the bunker threads, some anon said her sister had to wash the pillowcases a lot bc her husband was bald and left grease stains everywhere…disgustang.

No. 1984075

Aww yeah, well I like skinless men (and the mods thought I was shitposting in the good moid thread kek), thanks Robbie Williams, for making a bunch of girls weird with one video

No. 1985785

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the semesters almost overrrr~~~~! yknow what that means~~~!! dropping a scathing review on that one wretched professor

No. 1985799

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i'm almost excited to do it, i can't form the sentences right

No. 1986134

My teenage zoomer cousin is getting into scene and while I dislike what zoomers have done with millennial aesthetics and trying to recreate them, she still looks pretty cute with her hairstyle and she's having fun so I'll take it

No. 1986574

I have a hot fit bf with nice hair, but we both don't want children. I'm thinking I should make him donate his sperm to a sperm bank. There's a huge shortage of sexy moids in the world.

No. 1986639

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I have a concept idea to enjoy any fictional character, or fictional world even, to the absolute maximum. You've heard of shifting, which consists of greasy tiktok kids claiming they can visit fictional worlds, but this goes a step beyond. Rather than to convince yourself that you actively shift between worlds, you can use that method temporarily to trick your brain into creating false memories of a life in whatever fictional universe you want.
>being a NEET
>replicas of in-universe objects
>a diary
>something to make you sleep a lot
>VR headset
>life-size cutouts of the characters
The process takes about a year.

It's very important that you find a way to live as a hikikomori. Your room will essentially become ypur brain-washing chamber. You need to avoid stimuli thay isn't related to the fictional universe you chose and avoid anything that could break the immersion. What you're gonna do is try to find yourself in a semi-conscious state as often as possible, in-between sleep and consciousness. You will then use the items. For example:
>walk up to the character cutouts in faint lighting regularly to train your brain into knowing what its like being in front of the characters
>handle the in-universe objects a lot to emulate being in the universe and using them
>use the VR headset to access the world of your choosing (easier if it's a game), or program a special VR room before starting this process
>dress like someone from that universe would
>use character.ai to pretend you're texting characters on their phones (you can establish that you and the characters are acquainted by setting it as a prompt at the start of conversations)
>when conscious, realistically journal about your experiences in that fictional world (just make shit up)
>tell yourself that you've been there a lot, and do it every day

This "shifting"-like behaviour has to be done consistently for about a year. Then, one day, you will try to remove everything from sight that has aided you throughout this process. From then on, you will convince yourself you have those memories. That VR experience? Yeah you were in the fictional world. The stands? Yeah you saw the characters, man isn't it funny how you have that height difference with some of them? The objects? They're not in your room anymore, but you do remember using them back in that world! If everything goes well, you will start dreaming of your "memories" and your brain will pretty much accept that you've in fact been there. You can also give yourself PTSD, for example if you are a LOTR fan you can trick your brain into thinking you survived a dragon attack.

No. 1987410

The fuck is shifting shit is just using your imagination lmao

No. 1987661

My chin is so fat compared to my body. Contemplating that cheek/chin surgery that makes you look like a ghoul tbh

No. 1987667

So basically, just make up shit in your mind until you think it actually happened?

No. 1987769

I <3 hate <3 moids <3

No. 1989395

I'm contemplating starting a gofundme pretending to be a just-turned-18 ftm who wants to get top surgery in her aunt's backyard and needs money for it
Anyone have a more compelling story than this

No. 1989878

Pretend to be a black or indigenous mtf victim of terf police violence in Detroit or another shitty crime ridden city. Say your fleeing violence from a white terf or something. Fake a drug addiction say you have pets. Ingrain yourself in woke spaces before ebegging. Talk about getting stalked and robbed by le ebil police. Remember to complain about cis bitches and yts to really sell the grift. Remember that trannoids hate females, cops, yts, Christianty, zionists, and rehab. Incorporate various boogeymen into the grift.

No. 1990438

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I was motivated to get shit done but it's raining and I just had tomato soup I just wanna chiiiiiiiiiiiiill

No. 1991371

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Wait…eminem…m and m….marshall mathers…whoa……..

No. 1991852

What are your favourite soups?

No. 1991854

tomato soup(it's the only soup i've ever had other than corn soup)

No. 1991863

I want to become an online sugar baby, create AI images of "myself" (I'll train the models using my own face except extremely edited), and send them to him for money…yes I have a job and am in college but I'm just greedy because money gets me beautiful things

No. 1992179

I hate sounding like a moid. I hate my voice so much and I can just blame it on an ethnic intonation/timbre or something but I'm tempted to take those mtf troon feminization lessons even though I'm a real woman. I fucking hate my voice

No. 1993526

Any I can put egg. If it can't have egg then it's unworthy

No. 1993603

Wild rice and dumpling!!!! But I can't find it in the store and even if I could it would probably have chicken which I can't eat and I totally failed at making dumplings at home the one time I tried. I'm really so sad I just want to eat it again.

No. 1993610

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Pining for a random nepo scrote that I've only seen on Instagram. Someone slap some sense into me please and tank u

No. 1993674

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I'm gonna play the shit out of planet zoo when I get home. My energy and mood has been all over the fuckin place today I can't wait to just zone out in peace.
slap stop it. Get some help.

No. 1994244

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idk if crazy hornyposting is really allowed in the husbando devotion thread but I don't like the other one, I don't wanna read about anyone's fucking """nigel""" wtf. Nigel is a joke term to me so seeing everyone on here call their bf that is fucking retarded. Your stupid boyfriend is not a "nigel", nigel does not exist. And dead thread so I'll just hornypost about my special guy here, I want to turn him inside out and kiss his sticky flesh and make a 10+ hour sleepy time aid of him crying and screaming. Wearing his skin isn't enough, nothing will ever be close enough. I wonder how long it would take to fill up a bath tub with someone's tears. I wanna kiss him so bad.

No. 1994525

Hey husbandofriend I miss the batshit insane hornyposting too. It's rather milquetoast lately. I'm too shy to post now because nobody's going bananas over how they want to give their guy third degree burns or some crazy shit like that. Even if it wasn't always relatable at least it was passionate. Making him cry until he's dry heaving is beautiful btw, wring him like a sponge. I would also kill for a compilation of mine crying and sobbing, especially framed by a black eye (that I gave him), maybe he gets a little orbital trauma and the tears mix with blood from a busted capillary. I would lick it straight from his beautiful lashes tbh. Hope you dream about your sweetheart crying in your lap tonight.

No. 1994569

Both of you making me horny rn
I want to see mine's insufferable grin and constantly positive fun-seeking attitude just destroyed and broken to tears, I want to hear him begging and pleading for me to touch him, and then have his sweet smile return after I give him affection and he's all mine mine mine

No. 1995996

when I was 11 I had a crush on herobrine

No. 1996680

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i have 11 days to study an art movement and make a heavily personal artwork based off of that for a final, i'm writing my will already

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