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No. 1930878

Previous thread: >>>/ot/1811472

A thread for sharing things that are too nasty to discuss in polite company, aka TMI (Too Much Information). Do you have a weird habit? An embarrassing health issue? Just want to admit something gross? Feel free to post it here.

Things could get unsightly in here, so remember– the hide button on threads is there for a reason.

No. 1931391

my latest shit came out around (estimating) 5-6 inches long and the end of it looks like the tip of a dick. it literally looks like i shat out a long dick. nearly clogged the toilet too.

No. 1932009

Got picked up and held for the first time since I was a little kid today and it felt so thrilling I'm still riding the high also I feel skinny

No. 1932447

My toenail cheese smells like peanut butter because I eat so much of it

No. 1932881

I have pica and I love tasting the wall (I don’t eat the bits, just like the taste.) I have a wall that isn’t painted and isn’t a popcorn wall and another wall downstairs. Of course I am so shamed of it, my mother even sees the carving on the wall in my room the biggest is around 4 inches (you can’t see it behind my bed)… She says nothing because she knows I will pay for the damages and that I my mental health has not been the best these last years. I know I lack iron in my body, I now take iron pills and they help not to have bad cravings. Of course I don’t really swallow the wall pieces to avoid health and stomach problems and I looked up the consequences, it made me have less cravings. I even had the tendencies to eat sand when there is construction, but the bacteria makes not taste it.
Typing and oversharing this makes me realize how crazy my form of eating disorder it…

No. 1932901

Finally its back. Anyway i took a huge shit today. Everytime i feel lighter and refreshed.

No. 1932902

Didnt mean to reply woops

No. 1932911

it's okay we're shit sisters now

No. 1932924

whenever I take a massive unbroken shit that impresses me I have to resist the urge to take a pic and show my friends. but damn, the human body is amazing sometimes

No. 1932929

also I've been transitioning to a plant protein-based diet for the past few weeks and I can't stop farting and it's sO PUNGENT. hoping and praying my body adjusts soon. farty queen

No. 1933067

Sometimes I get weird cravings for raw meat, which is funny because I otherwise really don't like the taste and texture of red meat, but recently it's turned into a craving for human connective tissue. Like mmm mesentery, yummy.

No. 1933660

My vagina ripped giving birth to my baby and I just have a dangling bit at the edge of the entrance of the canal that just hangs out and I just have to live with it now I guess

No. 1933688

I have that from my hymen and I've never given birth it's like my pussy is sticking it's tongue out I think it's cute

No. 1933694

These unbroken logs are always so fascinating and also always like the easiest dumps ever. I’ve legitimately take a dick shaped shit that was nearly 1 whole foot (12 inches) in length, a couple times. Lots of smaller 5-8 inch long in my life but the foot long poops were insane. Disgustingly awe inspiring. I always try to make my moid come look but he knows me too well and I can’t fool him into looking at them anymore, sucks.

No. 1933695

I had to quit my plant based diet cause in addition to rancid farts the gas it was giving me was so painful I was actually spending multiple hours in bed doing gas-relief yoga and crying tears. I don’t think all humans are meant to be vegan kek

No. 1934088

I always feel like I have a hair on my tongue and I have no idea why. It’s not my cat, because it happens even when I’m away from her for days at a time. It’s not hairy tongue or anything like that, I brush my teeth and I use a tongue scraper. I just can’t get rid of this feeling of a tiny hair on my tongue. Half the time nothing is there, but there will occasionally be the tiniest, thinnest piece of lint and my gag reflex is so sensitive I almost puke.

No. 1934102

I think I'm starting to get hemorrhoids. I don't even spend that much time on the shitter, i have no idea how they came. I hope I can just safely ignore the problem and it goes away on its own because I'm too embarrassed to go to a doctor and show them my mildly disgusting asshole.

No. 1934114

If it's any consolation, I have them because I do spend too much time on the shitter and they usually go away on their own. Very rarely they bleed though.

No. 1934155

Your diets are not on point, you need to figure out how to eat better and remove the solid waste swiftly at least once every two days

No. 1934162

so every month a few weeks before my period, either 2-3, i start getting horrible discharge. this has been happening since i was a teen. i had a pap smear this year and was fine, and i had a pap smear a few years ago when i was around 20 because i was worried and nothing bad came back. is it normal?? it's clumpy and smells but doesn't really itch. i always thought it was yeast infection but i guess not? usually it lasts until my period but sometimes goes away beforehand for a few days. it's annoying because it lasts for so long…

No. 1934173

I have a yeast infection because my bf rubbed his face all over my vag directly after trimming his facial hair and it fucking sucks

No. 1934174

Is it bad that when I see a guy I find attractive the first thought that comes into my mind is that I want to r word him? Like there’s no reason why I shouldn’t be able to have him?(we don't self-censor here, type the word)

No. 1934185

you want to retard him?

No. 1934193

keksimus maximus

No. 1934202

I have a weird numb/rough patch on my lip and a stinging tip of my tongue but I don't think it's herpes. I got tested last time I had these symptoms and the results came back negative for both types. I think it's because I have a tooth issue but I just took antibiotics for it. I feel yucky

No. 1934220

I poop every day, why do you think I spend so much time on there

No. 1934236

Just popped a huge pussy boil with my boyfriends electronic tweezers without him knowing

No. 1934242

Drink more water and get better sleep. I had horrible hemorrhoids when I was working 70+ hours a week, it was hell. I just wasn’t taking care of myself. Mostly it was not drinking water, when I made an effort to do that I got a million times better. Doctors were useless it’s not that kind of problem, they will also tell you to drink more water and you’ll be like “wtf I pay you to tell me this???” But it’s literally just a regular hydration thing for most people.

No. 1934244

What are electronic tweezers

No. 1934255

Like tweezers you tinker electronics with. I’m ESL kek idk

No. 1934261

Oh I only know tweezers in relation to plucking stray hairs and I was trying to figure out what that meant for my eyebrows.

No. 1934587

I absolutely love the spicy tonkotsu ramen from one of my local ramen places but it gives me the most horrendous, shaky, sweaty, hold-onto-the-bathroom-counter-and-walls-so-I-don't-blast-off-into-space diarrhea every time. I think it's a combination of the spicy pepper and the fatty/oiliness. The ramen is so good that I can't give it up, though. I've started taking half a dose of metamucil right before eating it and a half dose right after to try and "bind" everything together, it seems to help.

No. 1935200

I'm taking antibiotics for a sinusitis and it's giving me the worst diarrhea I've ever had. Every time I eat something it just goes straight through my digestive system.

No. 1935565

Those last few days of a period where it's just oxidized blood is so nasty. There's literally black shit coming out of my cooter.
Speaking of, I appreciate that there's so many silly words for vagina.

No. 1935570

Me but with the spicy chicken from Popeyes. I just can’t give it up I get it every time I go there even though I know I’m going to wake up at 3AM sweating with my stomach bubbling and guts hurting kek

No. 1935641

I've had diarrhea three times in the last month, like the sweating and on the verge of tears kind. Idk what the fuck is going on because I drink plenty of water, eat fairly healthily, and I haven't even been eating spicy food. Send help nonnas.

No. 1935645

You keep ingesting small amounts of feces

No. 1935704

Period shits are killing me slowly, I always feel like I'm dropping 3 kilos of shit every single time. My stomach hurts so much too, like I got punched and it made me want to projectile shit everywhere until my stomach stops feeling like a huge moth is flapping its wings inside my intestines.

No. 1935864

Could you be developing lactose intolerance?

No. 1935945

I have good hygiene, I clean myself carefully every day, but I keep getting what looks like dead skin buildup on my nipples or rather "in" since they are flat/inverted type. Currently I use lotion with chemical peel in it every now and then, but I am worried this might be dangerous. It doesn't seem to be hyperkeratosis. I can't find anything on Google it's all just vomit-inducing nipple surgery shit and advanced cases of skin conditions. I'm wondering if my bras' synthetic material is at fault, since it all began when I started wearing bras from what I remember… But going braless is not an option, so I just don't know what to do.

I'm starting to wonder what the hell is wrong with other people's spicy foods because I presumably have IBS but spicy doesn't bother me even though everyone else seems to have so many horror stories about spicy food shits. Also you all need to start drinking peppermint twice a day.

If you are around 20-21 you might be developing lactose intolerance like another anon said. We rarely hear about it but many people start having gut problems around this age. Also drink some peppermint

No. 1936047

>be me
>develop tiny white bump on chin
>trying to pop it does nothing
>eventually i give up since it's barely noticeable anyway
>months pass
>one day i notice it's become slightly painful
>get high and decide it's time to end this
>squeeze and squeeze and squeeze until i feel a pop
>out blooms a white ball of pus
>feel both disgusted and satisfied
>the next morning it's filled back up
>repeat the squeezing procedure until more pus comes out
>by night it is full once more
>squeeze again until at last it has finally emptied
>now have gross scab

No. 1936533

I'm makig period blood tea for my garden today, I hope everyone likes it.

No. 1936537

That's smart for magnesium

No. 1936933

I’ve been sitting on the toilet too long just scrolling and my period blood ran backwards into my ass hair and congealed into hard gummy clumps and I don’t have a bidet so I tried to get them out but the only way forward is to rip out my ass hair or soak my entire ass in the tub at 3am, it’s like bubblegum, I regret so much, I didn’t know this could happen

No. 1937292

Whenever I have trouble sleeping, I think about my male OCs getting gangbanged raw by men (usually has some sort of military flavor to it). It always works in the end as I sleep after it.

No. 1937296

Why is every post related to shit and shitting? Are you guys trying to LARP as 4Channies? Eeeeeew sister.(hide threads you don't like instead of posting in them, it's the TMI thread ffs)

No. 1937306

Everyone knows girls don’t shit teehee
>ewwww sister
Talk normal

No. 1937308

My vitamins are making me constipated and I'm sick of it, but I need to take my iron so I must suffer

No. 1937402

I'm feeling this, started taking iron recently and the blood burps and stomach issues are making me reconsider if iron-deficient anemia really needs fixing or not, kek.

No. 1937684

I read that cats learn about each other by smelling each other’s buttholes so now when they insist on barging into the bathroom with me when I take a shit, I hold out the butthole-wipe toilet paper for them to smell. I wonder what they’ve learnt about me

No. 1937698

Eat more fiber, drink more water, take docusate sodium (it draws moisture into your stool so you can pass it easier). Your body doesn't become dependent on it so it's safe to take regularly.

No. 1937703

start taking magnesium supplements they can have laxative effects

No. 1937993

I used a 1.5 year old lush bath bomb tonight that used to be dark purple (I cut them in half and remember what it looked like when I used the other half 1.5 years ago) and it turned the water dirty rusty oxidized blood red this time. I’m on my period and it really looked like I just expelled an entire week of blood out my vagina. Still smelled mostly nice though. I threw the other one out though cuz it smelled rancid.

No. 1937999

KEK oh my god

No. 1938569

Ramen nona here, spicy food typically doesn’t bother my stomach but it’s this one specific broth at this one specific restaurant that doesn’t sit well with me, I think it’s the oil in it that makes it worse

No. 1938599

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Got invited out tonight for a relative's birthday and it's at this one restaurant where literally every single time I've been there in the past I get hit with a wave of explosive diarrhea right after the meal. I either have to go blow up the bathroom at the restaurant for 20 minutes or painfully hold it the entire trip home depending on the timing of when it hits. Currently praying to any god up there my organs decide not to hate me tonight

No. 1938615

this is why I stopped eating out in public kek does the place have go-to bags/doggie bags to take home?

No. 1938633

probably isn't something that's rare to do but i guess it fits the thread, whenever i wanna go to sleep i masturbate until im tired, and it usually works.

No. 1938634

can you take something before like imodium?

No. 1938639

Same, it rocks. I pass out so easily afterwards and feel so rested haha

No. 1938651

i hate when i pass out intensly masturbating, i want to set everything up and get all cozy in bed so it feels good when i wake up.

No. 1938658

I’m currently trying to gain weight and I take huge shits multiple times daily. My roommate and I go through toilet paper so quick it’s insane

No. 1938659

I did this all the time before my nigel moved in with me, now it seems like it would be awkward.

No. 1938661

tell him maybe you can help each other out, like all nice couples do.

No. 1938669

I don't mind eating out if it's like breakfast or a little treat but I hate going out for dinner, it's like my body just decides to act up for no reason kek. I can't really take it to go because I'm driving there with my family in the same car so we all have to leave together otherwise I'd excuse myself early

This is what I was planning to do KEK it has to be better than nothing

No. 1938686

get a bidet

No. 1938859

I wish but I live in a dorm. My friend has one and it’s amazing especially on your period

No. 1938908

Last night, my pussy felt like someone rubbed mint on it. Im wracking my brain trying to figure out why it was doing that, the only thing I can think is that it was chilly and then I turned on the heater, so maybe the temperature change made my vagina fell minty? I masturbated and fell asleep like right after the sensation started so my memory is pretty hazy.

No. 1939378

I ate a lot of fiber yesterday and took an adderall today and I cannot stop shitting. Send help.

No. 1939381

I recommend you wipe with regular toilet paper, but then finish wiping with the wet wipes. You're not supposed to flush them, but if you only use one, you'll get clean and the pipes can definitely handle it.

No. 1939404

samefagging but update did NOT end up shitting for once thank god kek i think taking imodium before leaving did the trick so i'll have to remember that for next time

No. 1939426

hey nonnie i have heard that if you go for a walk about 30-60 mins after you eat it helps your gut release all the gasses casually so you might actually not feel or smell them since youre not backed up with gas

No. 1939437

i was too tired to masturbate yesterday and im so horny right now.

No. 1939814

i like playing with that little goopy discharge, thats like slime/snot.

No. 1941521

I’m a no gallbladder girlie that was tootin up a storm today when I had a quiche that didn’t sit right with me. My boyfriend had to go out to help his brother with something and was coming home right when he had expected that I would be cooking dinner.
He came home earlier that I thought and was was walking upstairs about a minute after I had been destroying the bathroom. He sniffed the air a few times and was like “Mmmm what’s for dinner? I smell maple bacon? Honey chicken? It smells sweet and savory”. When I denied being able to smell anything he kept smelling the air insisting that I must be cooking something.

No. 1941650

Spending my birthday on the toilet, ass like napalm from yesterday’s dinner. It wasn’t really even that hot and the restaurant didnt seem too sus. Also on my period so what a lovely combo of pain and bodily secretions.

No. 1941669

i push out blackheads on my face with tweezers almost every day. some of my skin is peeling and damaged due to that.
i've had horrible teeth since infancy due to sugary diet and neglect, never have brushed consistently since.
i pick up joint remains from the street too, and nowadays don't even bother to take the weed out and roll it up, i legit somked one that was lying next to dog shit yesterday kek

No. 1941671


BTW i had a friend who doesnt have a gallbladder either and found out after years only that she had celiacs also. Maybe it didn't sit right because of the flour. Just putting this out there in case it applies.

No. 1941682

I miss having boils, it’s awfully painful but the squeezing and having pus and blood literally drip down my fingers was somehow satisfying. It was so fun too. Spent around 10 days with it an open wound (this did suck) because no matter how much I squeezed, it just wouldn’t heal. So I covered it with a gauze, let the fluids coming out crust a bit and fuse with it, and then pulled. This finally got the core out (very big, hard, solidified thing) and after cleaning it and shoving some salt inside the horrible gaping hole (it was December 31 and didn’t have access to any disinfectants, this surprisingly didn’t hurt at all) it finally started to heal. Yay!
Got a couple more of them in my back and another one on my face. Learning about the gauze thing meant at least I could heal them faster and go through the super satisfying bit of pulling the hard core out. Overall one of the nastiest and somehow pleasing TMI experiences I’ve ever had. Got visible bullet-hole scarring on my back and the side of my face where it was so badly swollen people couldn’t even look at me without gasping, wincing and calling me football looking kek. It literally changed the shape of the side of my face. Sighing fondly at those memories

No. 1942109

I ate two bags of Lily's Gummy Bears in one sitting and now I'm facing the consequences on the toilet. I've had high fiber keto bars before, I thought this wouldn't affect me like this?

No. 1942116

KEK NONA that’s so funny

No. 1942117

Oops, I did it again. Posting from toilet, send help

No. 1942777

I'm pregnant and ate a whole head of brocolli because I was craving it and my God girls the smell of these farts are horrendous.
It hurts to try and hold them in but I can't escape how bad they smell.
My husband is home in 3 minutes and I'm worried I've gassed the house. Oh shit he's here now fuck

No. 1942783

kek! Good luck nona, I'm sorry for your plight. Those brassicas are no joke!

No. 1942788

Nona crack a window!!

No. 1942798

if your husband complains you should fart inside his mouth

No. 1942802

Awww he’ll be fine! If not let him carry the baby in his belly…..oh shoot he can’t then he shouldn’t compare

No. 1942803

fart on his pillow

No. 1942812

I hope it kills him

No. 1942842

He didn't notice and I left the door to the apartment open to air it out a bit but warned him to stay away from me and not to follow me if I bolt to another room. He's asleep now and I have my ass facing away from him.
These farts a vile lmao by far the worst farts I've ever had, this gas was not worth the craving being satiated

No. 1942849

I ate a ton of cauliflower for dinner the other day and woke up at 2:30 am with the worst gas and bloating I've ever felt in my life. I was genuinely writhing on the bed from pain and the farts were never ending. Cruciferous vegetables are no joke.

No. 1942867

I was just thinking if I could be safe eating cauliflower instead of brocolli in the future, thank you for answering my question lmao.
This is straight up sulfur

No. 1943255

Oh my god, I just had a cauliflower crust pizza today, cause I’m trying to eat healthier, and my farts have never been so bad. I feel bad for my cat, she likes to curl up under my sheets but I won’t let her cause I’m afraid she’ll choke

No. 1943562

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Nonnas, listen to my shameful, gross confession. I have a pair of in-ear headphones, the bluetooth kind that charges with its little case. There's some pins that connect to the earbud when they're inside the case, kind of like picrel. I thought the battery was on its way out, because I'd leave them to charge only to find them still at low battery more often than not. Anyways, I decide to see what could be causing it. Turns out the inside of the charging case was so caked up in layers of old, greasy earwax that the pins were completely clogged, as well as the ports on the earbuds themselves. They weren't making contact because of the layer of earwax that I'd allowed to build up over the three years I've owned them. I did notice the inside of the case was getting a little gross, but it didn't look that bad, so I kept getting lazy and not cleaning them… I went through five q-tips in the process. It was so fucking nasty

No. 1943584

One time I was having lunch with friends at a small ethnic restaurant when I felt I was suddenly getting my period (I sometimes have an irregular cycle) and it's really, really heavy. The place was so tiny it didn't have a restroom for customers and I was unfamiliar with the neighborhood so I had no idea where the closest public one would be located, so I put my handbag on my lap to hide what I decided to do - I took a few tissues and snuck my hand under my oversized shirt into my pants and quickly pushed the tissues into my panties to hold me over. I pray that I never have to do this again because that tiny tissue was absolutely destroyed by the time I made it to a bathroom to put on a proper pad and the blood had gotten all over my inner thighs working its way through my pants. Like I gave birth to a massacre.

No. 1943794

One time i was pooping with my earphones in my hand. while i was wiping i accidentally got a bit of poop on my earphone because i was zoned out and didnt notice i was using the wrong hand. I washed the poop of and from the side of the earphone, didnt use too much water since i wanted my earphones to not get water inside. I kept using it till i lost them

No. 1945370

When I was a bmi 13 anachan, I'd sit down to pee and my thigh gap was so large that flecks of pee would splash up beyond and onto my thighs if my pee stream was too strong. Idk I just randomly remembered this

No. 1945407

This makes no sense. Sounds like you’re just bragging kek.

No. 1945413

One time, I was listening to music in the shower by putting my phone on top of the toilet tank. I went to change the song and I knocked my phone into the toilet. There was nothing in the water, but it still grossed me out. I put on a glove and took my phone out, then I took off the case and soaked it in hot soapy water. I thoroughly wiped the phone itself off with clorox. It wasn't damaged at all, and I continued to use it for like a year after that.

No. 1945443

? Sorry you can't understand lmao

No. 1945559

This only upside to this med giving me gastric issues is how fucking musical my farts are

No. 1945563

I seriously hate when my stomach is all fucked up but then I need to pee but I can't, so I hold my pee and then when I can finally pee, it feels like I'm basically emptying my insides and I feel my stomach and bladder.

No. 1945966

so, yesterday i went to a family meeting, weather is getting pretty hot in here so i wore a pretty light white dress, it was somewhat transparent but from my perspective it didn't show much other than the skin on my arm and collar bone.
my uncle grilled, me and my cousins had fun and i took some pictures with them and just now im realizing that the black thong i was wearing was quite visible, like it wasn't completely out there but you could definately see the straps and a bit of the front, im now feeling really awkward thinking of my boy cousins because if they were just looking at my underwear the whole day they probably got horny for me and that's just feels wrong.

No. 1945998

I love peeing in the shower. Sometimes I wait with peeing if I know I'm going to take a shower soon, it's just so much better.

No. 1946032

id occasionally pee in the shower until i bought a rubber mat to help with slipping, ill take the trade-off

No. 1946120

I’m trying to do the fattest shit right now it’s tearing me apart feel like I’m in labour

No. 1946128

Phew I’ve done it it’s absolutely fucking huge like the size of a Guinea pig

No. 1946150

Me too, love that shit

No. 1946239

im a disgusting slob. i didn't do laundry yesterday and this morning i was in such a rush to get ready i ended up putting on the same sweater and pants that i wore yesterday on my hike. i stink so bad right now im so embarrassed. i just hope i doused myself in enough body spray that it's not too noticeable to anyone else.

No. 1946953

I burped from acid reflux but I think there was actual stomach acid because my throat and nose burned for 5 minutes. It also tasted like Taco Bell even though I haven’t eaten there in a while.

No. 1946956

i was cleaning my belly button and it smelt like the old fish food i used to feed my pet beta when i was young. nolstalgic scent

No. 1947931

Love picking my nose and getting out giant dry bogeys

No. 1948125

me relaxing when I know I have a rock hard poop to let out but i feel nothing to release yet ughhh i gotta eat some chia seeds or somethjng. any nonnies know any foods that can get your bowels moving without it having a fucked up laxative effect that ruins your stomach, prune juice works but it hurts my stomach and ginger tea/coffee is just a no

No. 1948148

Docusate sodium, drink plenty of water, you should be able to go in 12 hours.

No. 1948150

omgggg nonnie I have this medication right on my bedside table and it thankfully hasn’t expired yet when I thought it did, thank you kek

No. 1948152

Wait this was me mere hours ago, though I had to go to the pharmacy. It started working almost immediately even though the bottle said I'd feel an effect in 12-72 hours.

No. 1948153

sometimes i like to drag the edge of my credit card over my nose to see the grease that collects

No. 1948480

Prune juice. Just make sure you’re near a toilet when you drink it cos you will shit yourself.

No. 1948494

I have a weird skin tag (???) on my anus; no idea what caused this, I'm celibate so I'm sure it's nothing sexually transmitted. Is this cancer? help I'm scared

No. 1948542

It probably started as a hemmorhoid. I have one because of that and it’s really ugly and makes it difficult to wipe my ass. I once contacted a skin tag removal clinic about getting it removed and the woman sent me a bitchy and disgusted email back because apparently she’s far too important to remove ass skin tags.

No. 1949688

Does anyone else tuck their tampon string inside so they don’t pee on it and fumble around for it later or am I just a freak/genius

No. 1950603

One time my nigel farted near my air purifier and it changed color for a split second indicating the air was mildly polluted. Since then I always try to fart near it to make it change color but it never does

No. 1950616

Anon that wasn't the air purifier changing color, that was his ass particles tinting the air!

No. 1950623

It's extra funny because the light was literally green

No. 1950631

Idk if you can get it in all countries but Wype toilet gel is the best thing I've used for cleaning effectively (bar a bidet). Having children has given me the worst hemorrhoids, they seem incurable too?

No. 1950702

My cat pissed on my felt hat, I put it on a bucket to soak with vinegar and water mixture. When I drained the water it was dark yellow, ew.

No. 1950759

I overdosed on broccoli today and now I understand what the anons going on about rancid broccoli gas upthread were talking about. Holy shit.

No. 1950764

that reminds me, I went through a period where I would eat 1 head of garlic roasted cauliflower per day and little else. My farts could clear a room

No. 1951257

I had the most random ass explosive diarrhea ever. I feel like I just dropped a whole ass kilo in that toilet.

No. 1951261

sometimes a good diarrhea is beneficial, everytime I shit a lot I feel so skinny.

No. 1952559

should your feces smell like the food you ate a few hours ago? does that mean you didn’t absorb it or something? a bunch of answers on google are conflicting

No. 1952577

I had a similar experience too, except i had to do it in the best buy restrooms before my chemical peel appointment. I could have done it in the office, but they would know it was me.

No. 1952625

My poo smells like iron. Hated it at first but now I like it. Looking forward to my next iron poo on the loo

No. 1952671

One of reasons your shit smells like iron could be that you are bleeding internally. The smell of iron could be coming from blood.

No. 1952696

Nah nona, don't worry. It's just that my doc gave me some iron pills for my anemia, so that's why

No. 1952700

Good to hear that isn't serious.

No. 1952717

Thanks nona, it'd be terrifying if I really was internally bleeding or something

No. 1952728

I've had trichotillomania my whole life and pretty much every day I pluck my armpit hairs obsessively close to the mirror lol. I guess it's like a convenient compulsion to have since I don't have to shave my armpits anymore - also because I used to pull my lashes and eyebrow hairs A LOT and it made me feel so insecure, but since I switched to pulling pit hairs that's pretty much stopped! I am genius

No. 1953510

I had a boil on my mons pubis like 2 weeks or so ago, I left it alone and now it's a hard lump under my skin. I tried to squeeze it last night, I think some pus came out but I'm really not sure. I hope it goes away

No. 1953859

first time i've been naked in my own room for a while, i feel free!!! until i look in the mirror and realize i'm fat

No. 1954091

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Pulled my finger out of my pussy and it was covered in this

No. 1954579

I haven't gotten a regular pimple in over a decade i get those painful cyst pimples that never goes away and leaves scars. I also get them frequently even when I'm not on my period

No. 1954615

I take silica and it stopped me from getting cysts anymore

No. 1954629

Like the stuff in those little packets to keep food fresh?

No. 1955825

I do this, tuck it inside the outer lips so it’ll be safe from pee

No. 1956674

I went to watch the eclipse in a field and brought my Tinklebelle because I was drinking lots of water. I'm still not used to peeing standing up so I kept splattering onto the pavement and onto my shoes. The third time I took the device out of my pants before it fully emptied and piss ran all down my legs. Thank god they were black pants, but I still felt disgusting.

No. 1956678

I thought you meant the fairy

No. 1956704

got my yeast infection treated turns out my "blood clotting" from previous periods was just discharge

No. 1957616

My period isn't due for a couple of weeks but during the eclipse at work I had high anxiety and bled a significant amount like menstruation? But it stopped after the eclipse was over and I haven't bled since. Spooky

No. 1957662

I have these underwear that are made of some super hyper smooth synthetic-type fabric and I always wind up squishing and poking and playing with my labia through them while I'm watching TV because the fabric makes the whole area feel like some sort of squishy stress toy. it's not even masturbation it's just that my hands love the smooth plump squishyness of it.

No. 1957665

Hey, I got my period on eclipse day too!

No. 1958616

the pressurized splort of discharge that happens when getting up from sitting or laying feels interesting and i don't dislike it. i talked to other women who say it happens to them but what is the reason for it. is it like, gravity.

No. 1958822

this only happens to me very occasionally, and when it does, it incites pure panic for me because it's usually so much and so thin that it can soak straight through my underwear and into my pants. I wind up clenching my thighs together and hobbling at breakneck speed to the nearest bathroom so I don't flood everything I'm wearing below the belt

No. 1958824

This only happens to me if I’ve gotten really turned on and horny over something. Is my vag malfunctioning?

No. 1958945

I’m convinced that nobody in the world has farts that smell worse than mine. Except maybe someone who literally eats shit.

No. 1959094

Pretty much every time I sit down to go to the bathroom, I first take a swipe of discharge with my finger and smell it. Lately I’ve been sad because ever since I got covid 4 months ago, my discharge smells different. It doesn’t smell bad or anything, but my old smell was much nicer and I used to like huff it kek. I don’t think it’s gonna come back at this point. Fuck covid. I can’t taste chocolate anymore either.

No. 1959097

samefagging with another weird confession. I’m always curious what other women’s (healthy!!!) discharge/pussies smell like. Like are they all different or is it more or less the same. Obviously this is a question I will never figure out the answer to kek. “Can I sample your pussy smell?” Kekkkkk

No. 1959103

I think I have an infected pore in my nose that I can't get to heal because it tends to crust over and I hate having things in my nose. I always end up picking it out. Lately, the area has had a tendency to crust over so much that it will tend to pull out multiple nose hairs when I pick it off. Someone tell me I am an idiot and to stop fucking up my nose hairs by picking my nose.

No. 1959106

My new boss cancelled my existing work from home arrangements so now I have to save my scheduled 8am every second day shits for the office so I can still make it to the office in time for a 9am start. Am contemplating changing jobs just to accommodate my shitting schedule.

No. 1959235

I had a cold for like 3 months straight. It's gone now but my nose is like a toddlers, fully crusted over with boogers and snot 24/7. I constantly have to pick it because blowing it just doesn't get it all. Luckily I have acrylics on right now and they're long enough to really reach back there and clear it out. It's so satisfying to scrape a giant booger out of the very back of my nose.

No. 1959268

You can sample my pussy smell nonna

No. 1959346

I can’t even really process that this just happened, but I farted as a I was peeing and the air from the fart sprayed pee out of the front of the toilet bowl and onto my legs and pants. Epic fail moment.

No. 1959349

got radioactive hot farts 2nite

No. 1959452

I’m obsessed with earwax removal

No. 1959457

Every time you touch it your potentially reintroducing grossness that could result in an infection not just to that pore but any other raw areas in your nose. Don’t put your fingers in your nose! If your hand must go anywhere near your eyes/nose/mouth wash them first, there’s a reason little children are told to wash their hands before eating and not to pick their nose.

No. 1959459

I was hoover butting the toilet because I was wet from the shower, and I peed so hard and from so high up that the water (or pee?) splashed on my butt. Gross.

No. 1959612

being on my period always feels like im sitting in a puddle. tampons feel unsafe and cups also feel weird because what if it gets lost inside of me

No. 1959633

how cavernous is your cooter

No. 1959668

this is for the nonnie would recommended the colace, ily mwah i feel better (this was two weeks ago i think)

No. 1959855

Omg nonna me too, idk what it is but just poking it and squishing feels so relaxing, i sometimes want to even do it while in public but that would just be wrong and i have tried to replace the habit with other stuff, like actual stress toys or drinking water but i do end up doing it from time to time, specially when I need to go to the bathroom.
I'll never stop buying super smooth underwear.

No. 1959867

I get these too on occasion, my suggestion is to hold a damp, hot towel on it 10 minutes at a time. Should help it come to a “head” then you can squeeze it. Sucks, it happens sometimes though.

No. 1959933

I've thrown up five times in the past two hours. I want to die especially because the only thing I ate today was the food provided at work (which had fish). Now this job is not only hell but also literally poisoning me.

No. 1960016

anon… it can't get lost. its not like it can float up into your lungs or something kek. An unaroused vagina is only like 3.5 inches long.

No. 1960068

so hungry
kek i mean i dont want it to suck up too high and get like stuck in my cervix or something, that sounds like absolute hell

No. 1960094

The opening on your cervix literally is the size of a pinhole, anon!

No. 1960095

that reminds me, last year an anon had one stuck inside her for several days and had to go to the ER

No. 1960098

literally how. was she just panicking too hard to take care of it herself? My mom tells this story of her friend who she convinced to use a tampon who the panicked so hard that she was convinced she couldn't pull it out and was gonna die, and had to go to the ER where a female nurse pulled it out normally in 2 seconds flat kek

No. 1960103

what about the sides surrounding my cervix? can't like the lip of a cup get wedged against the wall of me and the side of my cervix

No. 1960109

can't remember all the details but she did try different methods to get it out but it just..wouldn't? like every few days she returned to i think the vagina thread and vent thread with an update about it, nothing seemed to work

No. 1960114

I've wondered about this. My aunt worked in a gyno office and she told about this poor woman who once came in and stunk up the entire place. Had a tampon stuck in there for about 2 weeks. She said they had to open every window in the building once they removed it…

No. 1960124

This has reminded me about the time I forgot I already had a tampon in and then stuck another one in. I went to lay down for a bit and I felt so unbearably uncomfortable like my pussy was stuffed and full to bursting, so I thought maybe the tampon had gone sideways? It never had before, but I’d never had this sensation before. I went to take the tampon out and I could still feel it, so I opened my legs in the mirror, planning on spreading my pussy as wide as possible to see what the problem was, and I saw a tiny bit of white string sticking out? So I pulled it out and it was another tampon. I was horrified.

Another time while having sex with my ex the condom fell off and got stuck inside me. For a little while we were both frantically searching for it as we thought it had fallen off in the bed. Somehow I just got the initiative to stick my fingers inside myself and after a few seconds I pulled it out. He just said “that was disturbing” and then we never spoke of it again. I agreed it was disturbing, as I heard of condoms breaking but never falling off and getting lost in a vagina. I thought what would have happened if I hadn’t of pulled it out? Then recently, I heard of women “giving birth” after having surgery on their wombs, to things like rubber medical gloves and gauze. The woman’s reproductive system goes into a sort of “labour” and they feel terrible pain and get the urge to push.

No. 1960681

when i was a kid i would sometimes try my old grandma party dresses, i guess that awoke something on me because now whenever i see an old 1930s - 1950s movie i get extremely aroused like soaked and incredibly hard nipples for the setting, the fashion and i guess some of the men look good too, it's weird because i never see one of those movies by myself, it's always around my family.
this doesn't happen with newer movies that depict that age, i have tried but it's not the same.
whenever i watch it's a wonderful life during christmas season, it's like the horniest day of the year for me

No. 1960729

there’s no toilet paper and my sister took the whole box of pads into her room. noone is home to bring some so i’m stuck on the toilet. why is my family so retarded? it should be common sense to leave toilet paper and pads in the actual bathroom but they get pissy when i move them there. JFC

No. 1960735

>was gonna wipe her shit caked asshole with a pad

kekk wtf anon

No. 1960745

i’m also on my period. i escaped btw i used makeup wipes and prayed for the toilet not to clog

No. 1960753

im just now picturing your toilet getting clogged and the first thing coming out of it is a bunch of shit and blood in a really satanic way, lmao.

No. 1960757

ohh that’s what you meant I thought you were gonna use it as a last resort because of the lack of toilet paper kek. if the bathroom is big enough you should find a way to hide some, you should buy one of those lockboxes online that’s big enough for toilet paper/pads and put stuff in there and keep it in the bathroom or your own room. my sister got one for her food when she used to live with us because my beastly fat retarded brothers would eat every single piece of food in the house

No. 1961378

Some guy asked if I knew what boofing was. I just laughed and went yeah? What you wanna boof then polish off the evening with some jenkem? He took that as permission to boof some coke before I even knew what was happening he did it casually like he was putting his wallet away. Got out of there so fast

No. 1961391

When I flush my ears out with warm water mixed with hydrogen peroxide chunks come out and they fascinate my gf, hers are always clean

No. 1961418

When I was a teenager, I actually did use pads to wipe when I had no toilet paper.

No. 1962066

When i was like 12 i loved anime. I was on this online horse rpg game website and one time a random user messaged me and send me couple of animes to check out. She said they were gay animes.. the only gay anime i knew was Gravitation but the shit she send to me…. One was about an incest relationshit between a father and a young son and the other one was about some soldier raping a priest bloody. The blood splatter traumatized me kek. But i send the incest crap to couple of my cousins and thought it was spicy, i was an idiot. How are these things even legal omg.

No. 1962079

He seriously stuck some coke up his bootyhole in front of you?

No. 1962101

Yup he was otherwise normal before that it shocked the fuck out of me. I've never been around hard drugs beyond weed

No. 1962126

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I’m on my period and I just masturbated then ate a full block of Gouda and 2 chocolate bars

No. 1962140

No. 1962334

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Yesterday I had one of the absolute worst diarrhea cases ever and it all happened at work. I was all fine until lunch break when shortly after I got some stomach aches after eating my food (which was nothing unusual bc I eat it most of the time and I have been fine). When break was over I went back to my workplace and I could feel that I had to shit immediately because the stomach aches got worst and yeah, I knew it wasn't a fart that wanted to get out. Anyways, the toilette situation at work sucks big time. We have three options and all of them have a downside. Option 1) is a small one without a window, so shitting there without the possibility of air your stinky mess is a big "No" from me. Option 2) has a window but is right next to some offices, where you hear everything what is going on inside and people can see who goes in and out. Option 3) Is the one that has a window and is far away from everything so you can fart as you want BUT it's the toilet that is with the women changing room, so people come and go there all the time. I always go to the third option bc it's mostly quiet when you have good timing but around breaks you will find a lot of people there. So bc it was shortly after break, I found myself with two other coworkers of mine who went there at the same time. They started to chat which took quiet a moment, all this while I was sitting there ready to shit my soul out. So they left and I took a quick shit because I knew that around 1pm another department had a break and I didn't want to get caught shitting and farting like crazy.
I could left without being seen and I thought that I would be okay for the remaining hours at work but nope after ten minutes or so I got stomach aches again and I had to shit as well. This time it was too busy to leave again so I was holding it for over an hour while I got super gassy. A really big and gross fart left my ass and I swear at least two coworkers have smelled that one. When I had the chance to go to the toilette again, I had to fart like crazy so before I could sit down I farted and shit all over the toilette seat because of it. Took a quick shit again and cleaned the entire toilette before I left. Back the workplace I felt better for a moment but it came back a third time. Thankfully around that time at work most part time people have left, so you won't meet as many people while in the bathroom but having to go three time to shit bc of diarrhea at work was the absolute worst thing ever. At home everything was fine and only felt a bit of pain in my stomach after everything but the toilette business went back to normal. I still don't know what it was but I hope I have to never experience this type of shit ever again at work. Fuck that.

No. 1962376

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I seriously hate when I hold my pee for too long (as in when I don't go pee every 30 to 45 minutes approx.) And when I go pee, I can feel my bladder actually emptying itself and my organs almost sighing in relief because I don't have that pressure anymore.

No. 1962424

One time many years ago I had to piss in a water bottle and I always remember how disturbingly hot the bottle was. It's genuinely disgusting and bizarre feeling HEAT and knowing it's your urine.

No. 1962450

Don’t wanna get banned for scrotefoiling but how the fuck do you manage to piss into a bottle? Do you mean a cup, esl-chan?

No. 1962458

You hold the opening of the bottle right up to your urethra in order to piss directly in it.

>t. a person that's been on many roadtrips.

No. 1962459

You can direct your pee stream either just standing far enough away or parting the labia a bit and pulling in the direction you want it to go

No. 1962490

Ayrt, I put the mouth of the bottle on my urethra. It was still kinda uncomfortable and I had to do a weird bend to spread my legs. And I'm not ESL this is my native language.

No. 1962555

I have a cyst on my upper thigh and hurts while walking fuck me

No. 1962559

Have you used hibiclens on it yet

No. 1962639

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I just had to leave a birthday party to rush home and poop because I didn’t want to ruin my friend’s bathroom. I can’t say I regret it though because I was socializing for 5 hours straight and had enough

No. 1962795

the fact that most women are iron deficient is such a cruel joke. I started taking iron so I maybe stop being cold and dizzy all the time and it's destroying my stomach. I'm so bloated it's painful, can't wear anything but elastic waistbands right now kek. probably gonna go fight for my life in the toilet in a bit and leave still feeling bloated. maybe being anemic is tolerable over this

No. 1962988

Kekk I wish I was more like you nonnie

No. 1963685

I have yeast infection and athletes foot. The cream tubes look the same and I accidently used Athletes foot cream ON MY VAGINA

No. 1963694

To be fair in both cases you use an antimycotic since both yeast and athletes foot are fungi so you probably didn't do anything too horrible to your vagina.

No. 1963836

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Sometimes, when I go pee, I sit on the toilet and open and close my legs like when you're using the leg abduction machine at the gym, because then it feels a bit weird how my pussy lips open and close, it also makes a weird squelch sound because it's usually when I'm about to take a shower that I do that.

No. 1963920

I have recently picked up a bad habit of humping/rubbing pillows against my crotch and like that's how I learned to masturbate and i used to only do it only my room but now I just can't help but do it with most pillows on most rooms, whenever i feel I'm enough out of sight i just grab the nearest pillow and hump it for a while.

No. 1964233

I used to do this when i first learned to masturbate, when i was really young. It was chronic lmao, i'd do it anywhere when i had the chance (was alone). On the topic of masturbation, I know it's a dumb meme but has anyone seriously masturbated with a cucumber/eggplant/phallic shaped produce of any kind? I don't have any toys and I'm starting to get a little desperate, the only reason I'm not considering it is because of pesticides maybe that don't get washed off even with a thorough clean.

No. 1964240

I had some ground beef that was a day past its expiration, it was slightly gray but didn't smell off so I cooked and ate it. But it tasted a little weird and now my stomach hurts. Am I going to die?

No. 1964251

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Not so gross but just kind of silly and stupid, I have keratosis pilaris (harmless genetic skin condition where skin has tons of tiny bumps, also called strawberry skin or chicken skin, picrel) and I've always felt insecure about it and tried to smooth things out to little avail. I also hate shaving and suck so bad at it, dunno if it's a skill issue or just my skin being sensitive but I always get messed up ingrowns and irritation and stuff.
A while ago my nigel told me "this is going to sound really weird, but um… I really like the texture on your arms… like the little bumps and the hairs. It's like a stim toy." He is autistic. This is too dumb to share with anyone but I genuinely feel better about my body and have stopped caring about beauty standards because he has these odd appreciative takes on random details like that

No. 1964252

I once grinded upon an uncooked hotdog, I was like 10 years old doing that, since then I've not done anything like that except masturbate using a hairbrush and water bottle

No. 1964255

i know this is the tmi thread but i wasnt expecting that when i opened this

No. 1964258

no but hairbrush handles are elite. it's gotta be the way they taper, and they're usually the perfect size

No. 1964268

I've been considering that and ruled it out bc it seems way too hard. Wtf isn't it painful??

No. 1964277

Hard like difficult or hard like to the touch? kek I mean it depends on how big it is whether it's uncomfortable or not for you. Usually they're soft plastic or wood and the smooth taper makes it not painful

No. 1964288

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I used to had a toy that was shaped like a lobster, I never actually put it in because I don't really need penetration to orgasm. I would just hump it thinking it was some husbando's dick kek. Since it was made of this 100% polyester fabric, it was hard and could vibrate, it was basically the ultimate vibrator and I would use it almost all of the time to hump it.
Needless to say, the poor thing always ended up covered in weird transparent goo and I always had to get up and clean it up. It was an annoying process, I ended up throwing it away one day because the battery ran out and I needed to perform an open lobster carapace surgery to change the batteries.
Sometimes I kind of want to get something like that again, but idk, I feel like my fingers and imagination have been enough for quite a bunch of years already.
It looked kind of like pic related, I feel bad about buying that thing and using it in that way, but tbh, I was a retarded teen.
I wonder just why was it that there were so many vibrating stuffed toys being sold back then, thinking about it it's kind of a random feature to add to stuffed toys unless you're a cat or a dog.

No. 1965525

I'm so sorry nonnie. It was truly one of the most unhinged things I've done. First time I've ever revealed this part of my past lmao.

No. 1966101

Drank four cups of coffee and had beans for lunch I’m loving my farts right now

No. 1967102

Can’t stop farting

No. 1967197

I installed a bidet toilet seat and I seriously can't stop blasting my ass full of water. My colon is so clean. I'm going to end up picking up my biome or some shit I bet but seriously unleashing a fountain of water from your ass feels so hygienic.

No. 1967337

It’s absolutely pointless for me to be at work today, I can’t concentrate on anything. I zoned out through this whole meeting. I need to go home and give myself at least 5-6 orgasms. This always happens to me at least a few days a month and it’s torture. Forget the concept of menstrual leave, I need horny leave. I am a useless employee when I’m going through this anyway.

No. 1967415

We have unisex toilets at my new work place and there has been discussions of having single sex bathrooms again because everyone thinks the men take pipe clogging shits. For once, moids are useful for something.

No. 1967417

Are you like… supposed to get water all the way inside your colon?? I thought bidets and bidet seats were only for cleaning the outside…

No. 1967422

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Casually freebleeding at home because I hate how the cup makes me feel terribly constipated and pads make me feel like I'm wearing a sweaty diaper and I will absolutely refuse tampons because they are the spawn of Satan.

No. 1967457

I never understood freebleeding. do you just sit on a towel or something? how do you not get blood everywhere and ruin your pants?

No. 1967475

nta but for me I just sit on a towel (Or maybe two depending on the intensity) and wear a pair of underwear I'm not planning on wearing while going out

No. 1967478

The first time it happened it wasn't intentional. Now it is. Google says it's okay.

No. 1967490

Personally I can feel when a gush is coming and I either go to the bathroom really quick or grab a tissue for the way.

No. 1967506

>tampons are the spawn of satan
lmao wtf does that mean?

No. 1967513

ayrt, I have light flow except for the second day of my period, I just wear a pair of black underwear I'll toss in the laundry at the end of the day. My washing machine gets them clean enough. Sometimes I get some on my pants but rarely enough that it would even show on the outside (thick fabric) so technically I could do this in public as well.
Just joking, to me personally they feel so uncomfortable that I've never been able to use one. Like inserting a roll of sand paper.

No. 1967955

Damn I wish that during my "heavy flow" days I could just wear underwear for the entire day. For like 2 days I have to wear a maxi pad, a layer of toilet paper, two pairs of underwear and if I move weird it still passes through sometimes.

No. 1968605

for like months now, my laugh lines have been dry and flaky. i have pretty dry skin normally, and my skin gets pretty flaky in winter time plus i’m getting old so i didn’t think much of it. i often burn my face with retinol because i’m retarded and that causes dryness and irritation too. when the flakes got a little more intense i tried using different creams to moisturize it and shit like eye cream and exfoliators to increase blood flow and hopefully decrease their appearance and dryness (again, i am retarded). it has not gone away yet, so i get fed up and google what to do because i can’t be the only one. it turns out this doesn’t happen a lot and one of the few results said it was candida or a yeast infection. well, i got some nizoral to try because i was desperate and put it on like a face mask and washed it off after 5 minutes. it’s been like 3 days and i have not gotten a single flake since. A FUCKING YEAST INFECTION ON MY FACE THIS WHOLE TIME. MONTHS.

No. 1968619

ntayrt but i'm glad i'm not the only one with this problem. i go through so many steps to make sure nothing leaks similar to what you did and it never works. no matter how many extra long nighttime pads i wear, no matter how much tp, no matter what laying position, even if i stay completely still a ton of blood still comes out. recently it got all on the sides of my legs from top to bottom and i could feel (and see) some more dripping out on the floor when i walked to the bathroom.

No. 1968874

Have you tried using menstrual cups overnight?

No. 1969101

When I was a kid my tooth was about to fall out but when I twisted it it stayed. I walked around like that for the rest of the day and then I managed to get it out. Also as a kid I had a wound on my knee and when I would wear pants and leggings the scab would cling onto them so I ripped it off every day for a week until I told my mom about it, she looked horrified and got me band aids kek. For some reason I never told my parents about injuries.

No. 1969127

my period is so fucking heavy and messy. this morning i found a blood clot on my sink counter??? how the fuck did it get there?! there was no blood anywhere else, just one clot on the counter. i'm assuming when i pulled my tampon out while half asleep last night it mustve somehow went flying off it or something? either way it was so gross. i really want to try options other than tampons but pads aren't enough for how heavy my flow is.
how often do you typically need to rinse out a cup? would it last through the night with an extremely heavy flow?

No. 1969545

I feel the same way about tampons. They make me so nauseous and nearly pass out.

No. 1971569

Idk why but I want to feel wind against my pussy. I wish I could go outside naked and feel the breeze all over. I think it would feel so nice. Maybe this is my animal brain talking trying to get me to spread my pheromones on the wind kekk

No. 1971786

No it's really nice, I go out in a hammock and sun my vag and air it out through some thin clothing. It feels so good. Do it.

No. 1972018

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Watching a video of a guy interviewing a doctor, the doctor is talking about parasites. He tells of a pacient who he found out had a dead ascaris in his bladder. How did it get there? The pacient used to practice unprotected anal sex and the partner had worms, so the worm crawled up his dick during the sex.

No. 1972032

This is why sometimes I like to come back from the beach without underwear, I take a shower at the beach club and then I put on some dress of a nice length, usually under the knee or maxi, and then I enjoy the breeze.
I wish I had my own house, with no neighbors so I could just spend a day or two being naked at the garden, that would be fun.

No. 1972040

sometimes I’ll spot an intact seed, typically sesame, sticking out ln my poop and I enjoy digging it out even though the shit feels disgusting, it’s just so satisfying to squeeze the seed until it pops. I washed and ate one as a kid once. I wouldn’t do that again but I don’t know, the way seeds come out all hydrated and plump feels so nice to squeeze between your nails. The inside is perfectly white and looks intact which I think is neat.

No. 1972043

thank you for spoilering this that was considerate, I shouldn't have read it

No. 1972048

You dig it out..with your bare hands?

No. 1972052

Im sorry anon, spoilered with love. You’re probably the first person to ever learn this so we’re now bound in some type of way forever.

No. 1972072

I have a glasses fetish

No. 1972079

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this is the 3rd time i read about anons touching their poop

No. 1972093

Like the shampoo?

No. 1972095

Haven't pooped in days. Have no urge to. Why is it like this? I used to take regular, full bodied shits daily and my bowels just don't care anymore.

No. 1972097

Grind up the seeds and make your own civet coffee

No. 1972105

tom nook looks like a sad poop. tom dook.

No. 1972117

No. 1972391


No. 1972592

Why is it so much more difficult to hold in your farts/fart quietly on your period

No. 1972597

I have chronic hemorrhoids and tend to shit blood a lot and it stresses me out but the doctor says as long as there's no other symptoms it's fine. I get flare ups whenever I'm stressed and constantly have to use the suppositories.

No. 1972632

Cause ya buns are sweaty and/or bloody, and the wetness makes those toots really slap outta there

No. 1972633

I had the worst diarrhea in years last night, not just liquid poop but straight up chunky water, and every time I thought I was done more kept pouring out. Weirdly I had no stomach ache or other symptoms and my diet is so plain and predictable these days that I have no idea what caused it. I literally just felt like I had to poop really bad suddenly and then was like…boom diarrhea lol

No. 1972637

Your immune system got triggered and emergency evacuated something, saving you from a more horrible fate.
What the fuck lol

No. 1972638

Samefagging but you need to see another doctor and maybe a butt specialist.

No. 1973061

yes, i saw people used it to kill fungal acne so i figured maybe it would do the same for my FACIAL YEAST INFECTION WTFFFFFFF i still don’t know how this happened nonnies

No. 1973248

Had one of those suction vibrators that did wonders but gave out. Recently bought a mini wand vibrator and came to find my clitoris is far too small for it to feel good at all wtffff

No. 1973341

Damn that’s awesome nonna, after reading your post I started googling fungal acne and mine looks so similar to the photos, and it’s around my mouth and laugh line area like yours was too. I’m going to try that, thanks so much!

No. 1974807

I scrached calculus out of of teeth with a craft knife because the dentist will see me in 4 MONTHS the earliest (and that's just a checkup where they will even remove it afaik). Probably damaged my enamel.

No. 1974974

I’m cleaning my depression room and found so many dead (and 2 live) roaches. I’m completely disgusted with myself, I’ve been living in this absolute filth for so long, I didn’t even realize because my floor is covered in dirty clothes The only reason I’m not completely infested is because I have a cat, and I assume she chases and kills these roaches for fun. God, this is disgusting. I’m so embarrassed.

No. 1974977

You're actually cleaning, that's the hardest part. I'm proud of you. I hope you inspire me to do the same.

No. 1975440

File: 1713821468569.jpg (11.15 KB, 550x550, d-happyface-emoticon-smiley-me…)

I love when I orgasm and it makes my body move uncontrollably. Like a spasm. I basically get them everytime (unless I've been masturbating everyday, then the orgasm is dull) and it always makes me feel picrel.

No. 1975461

File: 1713822474606.png (89.11 KB, 1296x318, star crossed lovers ?.png)

are you that anon's ex ?

No. 1975611

lol no they're not so extreme that it's like a seizure. More like my whole abdomen contracting and uncontracting and my legs tensing a little.

No. 1975612

Samefag but what's the context for that? Assuming it's snow cause of the ban. Shayna thread?

No. 1975772

Currently experiencing a sharp pain in my butthole. Wtf causes that.

No. 1975773

you got the hemmies, drink more water.

No. 1975775

No hemorrhoids, butthole smooth.

No. 1975777

umm..butthole muscle cramps maybe?

No. 1975778


No. 1975779

Sometimes hormone changes can cause a stabbing feeling in your asshole. Particularly around your period

No. 1975787

Why the fuck are butthole cramps the worst fucking thing I've ever experienced, feels like im birthing an mpreg baby

No. 1975789

I actually am on the end of my period right now

No. 1975790

Yeah its good fun, when you're pregnant you get this thing called "lightening crotch" which is the same and isnt just vagina but also stabbing pain in your asshole lol. Womanhood is suffering

No. 1975803

>when you're pregnant
when? neverrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

No. 1975921

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I spray this on my legs and booty after a shower and I no longer get random assne and leggne. I think I will order a case

No. 1975924

I will use this advice

No. 1975933

Smellin my pussy fangers and they stank

No. 1975938

Thank you for posting this cause I keep getting shoulder acne, I gotta try this stuff

No. 1975960

my stomach is crying for help after the 5th bowl of 2 serving buldak ramen, tuna mayo salad and egg since last thursday hello. diarrhea and indigestion like yin and yang help me nonnas

No. 1975965

sometimes I fall asleep after masturbating and the next morning my fingies smell exactly like a can of pickled carrots and green beans. I bet the jews did this.

No. 1975981

No. 1976245

I caught myself in the process of passing out into my mould-clogged sink that doesn't drain. Close call.

No. 1976672

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Anon why?
Sounds like my friend who has had a broken toilet for literally over a decade because her deadbeat lazy ass dad didn't want to spend money on getting the septic fixed and let the problem last too long. You have to pour water into the toilet to "flush" it, it's that bad. What's your excuse?

No. 1976747

Got too tempted and pulled the scab off of a wound, but it was too early and now I'm bleeding again. It hurts like shit too because it's a bit infected

No. 1977013

Welp. Something that I ate this evening didn't suit my stomach. Don't know if that's the ketchup that's been open for a while, my wild garlic pesto that I made four weeks ago or the rhubarb and vanilla yogurt dessert I made Friday. I almost think the combination of the three made me feel nauseated so much I had to evacuate it down the toilet by throwing up stat.
Guess all three are for the bin, before I intoxicate myself. I hate throwing food away..

No. 1977229

hemorrhoids can be internal silly

No. 1977251

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So glad the nonnas are talking hemorrhoids because for the longest time I thought mine were getting bad until recently when I decided to check myself out down there, and now I know that on top of the hems I also have a pretty nasty anal fissure. The ring is broken so to speak, and my butthole looks like it has a little tongue sticking out. After a shower I make sure to put some vaseline on it and tuck it in inside, that way it's not rubbing on my underwear and hurting. I did some jogging for the first time in years today and the pain it caused me was pretty awful. Is this something you should get fixed or is it gonna like calm down on it's own?

No. 1977288

At this point you need to see an doctor before your whole anus prolapses wtf.

No. 1977307

she should see a doc but her asshole isn't gonna fall out kek

No. 1977502

I don't want to discourage you from going to the doctor because you probably should. But I healed my 6+ month fissure by never wiping, only using a bidet, eating a high fibre diet and drinking as much water as possible. Also never scratching it because it was itchy as fuck all the time. This is after I gave up prep H, vaseline and some weird chinese ass cream because they weren't doing anything other than temporary pain relief. After even more time giving my butt a rest the ugly scar from the fissure fully healed when I was so scared it never would. I will never go back to my old ways. My asshole will always be slightly dirty and pain-free idec. Good luck anon

No. 1977592

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>my wild garlic pesto that I made four weeks ago
please anon you didn't eat that…..

No. 1977683

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I don't really pay attention to my period blood on my pads, but today the stain was shaped clearly like a hand pointing upwards with a clear index finger, and from the index finger came a pretty straight line.
It was kind of cool, I hope I don't forget about it so I can draw it.
I will do a rough sketch of how it looked like on the pad. It was kind of like pic related but the hand was neat looking and the line was straight, as if it was done with a ruler.

No. 1977711

Nta but if you never wipe they how do you dry your ass after the bidet?

No. 1977797

I just watched a video about people dying from leftover pasta, please be safe nonna. I hate wasting food too but when in doubt, just fucking freeze it

No. 1977829

Jfc nonna what caused that?

No. 1977942

File: 1713947279382.png (111.01 KB, 280x389, 748b66eb3ae6fd640bc73f0b681314…)

Either me straining like hell on the crapper or my IBS and chronic diarrhea. No, it was not butt stuff. Either way my poopies are the shape of an elongated crescent now. I guess it took me this long to notice because I'm used to a lil' bit of blood in my stool from the hemorrhoids, but apparently it's more likely it was the fissure bleeding as it formed. Fml.
Thank you for the advice, nonna. Definitely gonna start changing my diet, not eating between meals is gonna be my first course of action so I can minimize the times I'm going to the toilet. I'm thinking I'm at least gonna go to have it checked out and evaluated, see if it's not the start of ass cancer or something idfk. The surgery they do to correct it can in rare cases leave you with complete loss of bowel control and that scares me more than chronic ass pain tbh. My internal hems already have my butthole smelling rancid on occasion, I couldn't deal if I smelled of shit 24/7 that would probably be a one way ticket to Sui-town, or my only career option for the rest of my life would be working on a pig farm or something.

No. 1978075

>No, it was not butt stuff.
Kek nonnie I didn’t think it was, my first assumption was IBS or chrons. I’m sorry though, I hope it gets better or if you decide to go the surgery route is goes well. My sisters ex had a fully prolapsed anus that would sometimes “fall out” and he’d have to wait days for it to go back in on it’s own, it seemed so scary and painful. He got his from lifting weights that were too heavy for him. I think he did end up getting surgery on it but then went back to lifting and blew it out again kek

No. 1978124

My stomach has been so upset since friday, I keep pooping and dropped about 8lbs in bowel weight. Stomach bug maybe?

No. 1978401

I had such rough sex 2 days ago I'm still bleeding from it. Not much but there's still fresh blood when I wipe, I'm not a virgin so idk what happened. Don't regret a single thing though.
Did you eat out or try anything new? Feel better nonna.

No. 1978408

Idk what you did but you should make sure you don't have a tear or something wrong with your cervix anon

No. 1978442

Thanks nonnie, it's pretty light but if it's not calmed down this evening I'll check it out.

No. 1978847

i love picking out the ingrown hairs on my legs that grow under my skin and making like a hundred scabs in one sitting. sooo satisfying. i just did this and i still have chills

No. 1978848

this is so real

No. 1978871

I used to pluck the fuck out of my hair it didn't matter whether it was ingrown or not. I don't really do it as much anymore but sometimes I do with stray hairs and it's so fun

I'm deranged

No. 1978907

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Got a built in retainer once and the ortho never taught me how to properly clean it, nor cleaned it for me during monthly visits.
The roof of my mouth was getting painful and inflamed, my breath smelled no matter how well I brushed my teeth and I ended up just ripping the retainer out at home. A huge amount of leftover food was building underneath it. It was so bad, it left in indent on the roof of my mouth and my ortho never questioned when I went back and it was gone.

No. 1978956

Next time you go to the dentist see if they can clean out the gunk. That's what mine did after a year and a half of buildup when my bottom retainer fell out. I've given up on trying to replace it and I think it further maligned my teeth.

No. 1978994

anon that was god telling you something…

No. 1979341

my foot hurts and I have to put medicine that reeks of garlic on it every night for like 2 weeks. i shower every day and the stench still lingers. considering laying it on the train tracks and waiting for a train to come tbh

No. 1979344

for some reason my sneezes smell of shit

No. 1979619

Sinus infection?

No. 1980297

if you do, consider scratching out the brand names from all of your clothes and items on you to become the next isdal woman

No. 1981541

I absolutely blew up the bathroom at Ulta and I feel so embarrassed. And of course as I was leaving a girl who worked there walked right in to the stall I left, ugh. I’m so sorry Ulta employee, i tried to courtesy flush a few times. I don’t know what happened but halfway through my leisurely walk in the store my stomach made the most horrifying sound and I got the “gotta go NOW” feeling and I had absolutely horrible diarrhea, my body wanted whatever it was OUT. I had an iced coffee and kale mushroom egg bites from Starbucks earlier, which I order all of the time and never have a problem.

No. 1981586

>in a college study area by myself, used the bathroom and it was clean
>another girl shows up for a while then disappear for a bit, probably in the bathroom
>go to use the bathroom a few minutes later and there's a nasty shit and unflushed tp in the toilet
>return to the study area to grab my stuff and they've already left
I swear she looked over at me when I got up to use the bathroom, we were the only people there for over an hour. She knew what she did.

No. 1982012

I have ibs and I’ve definitely ruined a few peoples days because of it. I’ll blow up the bathroom, and I carry spray with me to soften the blow, but it’s still bad. It’s worse when the person after me is a kid, or a mother with her children. I actually had a little girl start crying once the bathroom door opened. I’m sorry four year old at target, you didn’t deserve that.

No. 1982076

I piss in my menstrual pads sometimes.

No. 1982114

Ok you win

No. 1982223

Cotton, polyester, doesn't matter, underwear is no match for the thickness of my pube hair. I literally just shaved and it's still sticking through the fabric.

No. 1982253

Well yeah when you shave you make the end of the hair sharp and the stubble pokes through. If you let your bush grow it would not do that, it would be soft and curled.

No. 1982258

Nta but that's not true. Bushes poke through underwear.

No. 1982261

My bush would still poke through. I've shaved less and less as an effort to space things out since I'm not sexually active right now nor trying to be. I've always had thick body hair. Not fond of cosmetic procedures but lasers 1 of the few things I'd consider doing because I find my excess of body hair to be a nuisance

No. 1982277

then you need better underwear because that's honestly odd unless you are shaving and making the hair sharp.

No. 1982366

It happens to me as well. Trimming and better quality underwear are the answer.

No. 1982505

9 days since period start and still producing vile brown sludge. I hate this

No. 1982688

I was in an on/off relationship with an ex for 2 years. We were long distance and it was always me who broke up with him. After a few months of no contact he'd always message me again and I'd take him back because I felt bad for him (he was a mentally ill loser).

I'd always know when he was about to message me again after we went no contact because I'd get really bloated. Idk I just had to fart a lot like a pretty concerning amount more than normal which is when I knew he'd be back in about a few weeks. My farts would never be wrong. Probably half a year after we finally really broke up I got concerningly gassy again which made me suspicious. I checked my socials and he really did try to message me again through alt accounts.

I obviously never told my friends but I did tell them whenever I had a feeling he'd be trying to message me again and I was right. Maybe was my body telling me something bad was coming my way?

No. 1982703

This is hilarious

No. 1982707

you have a gift. treasure it

No. 1982716

File: 1714262583226.png (512.43 KB, 508x462, Capture.PNG)

I'm looking for shit for my sims husbando on Simsfinds and I get the weirdest ads…

No. 1982737

Please click that link and repost it to the quiz thread

No. 1982742

Nona's gonna get a megavirus if she clicks that shit

No. 1982752

i also get the worst youtube ads, i might as well have every diagnosis according them

No. 1982792

For the love of God use an adblocker. Brave + uBlock.

No. 1982822

Same anon, this makes me want someone to make a weird ad thread

No. 1982834

There’s the advertisement hate thread in the catalog.

No. 1982865

nah nothing will ever top the anon who picks seeds out of her shit

No. 1983049

Haven’t most people tried this when there wasn’t a good bathroom option nearby?

No. 1983074

when i tried doing this the piss went right through the pad

No. 1983372

I made crispy pork belly with a Chinese chili garlic marinade, I then ate it with Laoganma crispy chili in oil and chiu chow chili oil. It was delicious but now my ass is on fire.

No. 1983537

there is no fucking way you only lose 2/3 tbsp of blood for your whole period I refuse to believe it. it feels like that's how much I bleed per day. I'm curled up on the floor from pain just free bleeding on some old rags and I swear there's more than 2 fucking tablespoons of blood there

No. 1983575

Kek 2/3 tablespoons?? Who even said that? I bleed like a cup of blood a day for three days.

No. 1983718

I've looked at multiple anatomy illustrations and photos, but (and this will probably sound REALLY dumb) the bit where my urethra should be is totally smooth? I've taken multiple photos of my bits to compare but I haven't spotted the typical urethra dent. I've only seen a faint line from my clitoris to my vaginal opening.

I also have to put in quite some effort to even see my vaginal opening, if I don't ..it is just not visible. At all. I also have a (what seems to be) perineal raphe?? I can easily pinch the perineum skin like a crab claw.

What is this, am I anatomically incorrect or are these normal things?

No. 1984382

I have some sort of pimple thing underneath my tongue, gross. It has a white head and I'm hoping it doesn't end up popping.

No. 1984554

I've got really dark body hair all over my body. From my face to my toes I'm just covered in hair. I don't have any hormonal problems I think, I'm just a monkeygirl. My body hair is darker than my male family members, my sister's boyfriend, guys I went to school with, ect ect. Besides my hairy hairy body I'm actually a cute an attractive woman, but Jesus Chris what did I do to deserve so much hair?? My thighs and stomach have pube level hair btw. I bought an ipl machine and have been targeting my legs and stomach for a few weeks now, I think I'm seeing a difference on my calfs but my thighs and stomach are still dark, kind patchy though so idk… I'm ipling every other day so hopefully it'll work. I'm to afraid to get my face bc I heard that it can have the adverse affect. I bought the ulike air 3 in pink incase anyone is wondering.

No. 1984775

I don’t mean to assume, but this might just be your race. I’m a brown girl and I have the same type of body hair you describe, and it’s just my genetics

No. 1984794

I used to be like this. Religiously used IPL on legs, underarms and moustache (lol) for 6 months and for the last 10 years I get like 6 hairs on my legs a week. It’s worth it. I would shave every few days and zap the day after so the roots were visible to the machine. My monkey legs used to be so bad omfg - like literal carpets of pubes. After an hour of shaving my legs used to itch and I’d get ingrown hairs the next day so it never even got to stay smooth for longer than like 12 hours. Don’t give up!!!!

No. 1984797

My urethra is just above my vaginal opening too, its not really visible unless I really spread, its like hidden above the folds/hymen of my vaginal opening.

No. 1984806

I'm actually a white woman and am an outlier in my family lol. Most of my family is blonde or have thin and light colored body hair. I'm the only one who has thick dark hair. I'm thinking that maybe it's because a grandparents marrying native Americans in the 1800s, and I inherited their hair genes? But that's just a theory.
Did you also use it on your chin, cheeks, and side burns? My peach fuzz is very dark dispite me not touching it so I'm very scared to go over those places with my machine.

No. 1984816

Native americans are usually pretty hairless, its more likely they had kids with a spaniard

No. 1984817

>maybe it's because a grandparents marrying native Americans in the 1800s
no idea why you think that. native americans famously have very little body hair, even the men.

No. 1986597

File: 1714522840286.png (494.51 KB, 640x547, IMG_6177.png)

>havent shaved in 5 years
>shower once a week
>dont get my hair or nails done
>dont have a gym membership
>never been with a moid
>sometimes masturbate 15 times a day
>used to eat my own cum when i was younger (no idea why i did this i just stopped one day when i realised how gross it actually was considering i rarely shower)
>have to shit before i go anywhere because of ibs
>piss myself all the time bc i have retarded kidneys

No. 1986624

Anon, why.

No. 1986632

Damn anon kek you're a whole menace

No. 1986680

this is basically me but without the cum eating and masturbation part, and i never shaved once in my entire life.

No. 1986685

Based no-shave nonnas

No. 1986704

Nta but shaving is so stupid and pointless

No. 1986707

My pits take longer to get stinky when I stopped shaving them, my bush makes it comfortable to go commando, and my legs repel immature moids. Body hair is great.

No. 1986723

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imo shaving bumps/pimples are much worse than hair. I only trim my bush because I don’t want pee hairs.

No. 1986726

And it will cost $50 every 3 months to waste money on products to keep it smooth. The pubic region was not designed to be bald.

No. 1986730

>T. non hairy anon with blonde, light, almost imperceptible body hair

No. 1986736

Some of us are just braver than you retard stop making excuses for yourself. I'm a darkhaired Asian from one of the countries with nightmarish beauty standards for women and I still don't shave outside of the most important events like funerals or when I'm part of somebody's bridal party.

No. 1986737

I'm gonna be honest 90% of the time eating shaved pussy is hell too, it just feels bad with the bumps and stubble literally grating at your face. Lesbians should be bushed and not just because we've desisted from male expectations. Do your partners a favor.

No. 1986743

I'm a lesbian and I shave the lips and thighs just so it's convenient, hair on top is sexy but doesn't get in the way

No. 1986744

I have some italian ancestry so i am hairy as fuck and i do not shave, i only trim the longer body hair. It also helps not to wear revealing clothes.

No. 1986746

Getting a stray pube stuck on the back of my tongue kind of blackpilled me

No. 1986756

you're right, the sandpaper stubble is the worst. just a trim is good. I used to shave sometimes but I'm clumsy and razor nicks on the vulva are hell, plus I've grown to like my bush. she's cute

No. 1986770

What about waxed?

No. 1986790

Calm down dumbass you ain't getting a medal for this kek

No. 1986818

Sometimes I marvel at my long turds, not believing that came out of me after taking a shit.

No. 1986885

Why do people always assume that women that don’t shave have blonde hair? And then get weirdly bitter about it?

No. 1986890

Blonde women do have body hair and it can be dark. I'm blond and most of my body hair is very light peach fuzz but on my lower legs I do get thicker, darker hair. I haven't shaved in five years.

No. 1986922

Because the bitter anons assume that anyone who doesn't shave has light enough hair to disguise it. They literally can't fathom a woman who doesn't mind having visible body hair and assume that we're all either hairless enough to get away with it or are getting stopped in the street constantly because our legs doth offend.

No. 1987098

This is what mine is like too and I also don't shave my legs—it's definitely visible on my calves, not so much anywhere else besides my pits and bush kek

No. 1987217

Mine is dark and wiry but the women who are convinced nonshavers must be downy and fair will never bekieve it because they can't conceive of not giving a fuck kek

No. 1987666

I been having the fartiest farts that anyone ever farted this week

No. 1987765

Was eating mushrooms and remembered this
>love replacing pasta noodles with long enonoki mushrooms
>cooked some, ate rather quickly
>next day go to take a shit
>push but bootyhole dont close, don’t hear splash, feel a “hanging” feeling
>look down between legs
>indeed the shit is hanging there
>shit is just a cluster of the long mushrooms packed into shape of my intestine, unbroken, hanging out my ass
>have to grab and pull it out manually with toilet paper (it slides out easily)

Mushrooms have chitin, always chew mushrooms

No. 1987772

Did you just swallow them whole??

No. 1987815

No way but there were enough several cm long pieces to do that

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