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No. 1969469
thread rules:
>no racebait >no infighting >don't reply to bait >rest of /ot/ board rules apply >farmhands are always watching previous thread:
>>>/ot/1961074 No. 1969573
>>1969568>>1969564where am i supposed to find a photo of a cow expressing anger on its face
>>1969561thats way too much work for an LC thread
No. 1969578
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No. 1969582
>>1969561>>1969564Nobody cares, we've used generic corporate art and 3 second templates for these threads too. If you know how those are made, you're not going to try and make an argument about muh soul and art.
The point of this thread is unpopular opinions, nobody's selling shit kek
No. 1969595
>>1969593Chill out
nonny just let it be. People will always complain
No. 1969598
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>>1969591I do make threads and nonnas love them because I
am that guy
No. 1969601
>>1969590I legit would love to see
nonny making an effort and paint something, like, in good faith. I will celebrate it and be proud of her and will use it for cool things if she does, no need to feel ashamed, any handmade art is better than ai slop
No. 1969639
>>1969544artpoors when they’re
triggered by a robot generated image kek
No. 1969670
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everyone hates the Disney live actions remakes, and I typically am too uninterested to bother watching, but I think the 1996 live action remake of 101 Dalmatians was good. the book was still better though.
No. 1969677
>>1969662Nowhere did I say the Nigel nona needed to be coddled, I said nonas being cunts when someone's is hurting just to be cunts is embarrassing. Someone asked for a recent example and I pointed to the vent thread.
>>1969669>>1969667My point
No. 1969709
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>mfw I tell nonnies to stop being pussy bitches
Suicide more like for the weakacide
No. 1969723
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>>1969709weakcels vs the ones who do it. why can’t they just smile and then they’ll be happy?
No. 1969775
>>1969768It’s not being controlling to say that acting like a piece of shit to someone who’s suffering is horrible and unreasonable
>>1969770No, because it’s not really about her nigel. It’s about how
she is feeling after her nigel’s death. Nobody’s looking for a whole funeral pyre for her scrotoid. She’s just venting about a horrific change in her life. Is that really difficult for you to understand? What the fuck is going on here?
No. 1969799
>>1969793This isn’t 4chan. This is lolcow. If you want 4chan behavior, go back to 4chan. But acting like anons shouldn’t
vent in the
vent thread is just next level retardation. If you wanna shitpost, go back to /r9k/.
No. 1969821
>>1969817Stop asking people to leave the site because they think you're cringe.
It's cringe.
No. 1969864
>>1969846Yeah and it's embarrassing to see nonas viewing it as fun being cunts when fellow nonas are hurting
>>1969851Judging by all the replies since my original opinion, people do care that I've called their cunt behaviour embarrassing
No. 1969917
>>1969904so because you
can’t be a bitch anywhere else you choose to be mean to struggling users in the vent thread of all places when you could just go to /snow/ or /pt/?
No. 1969941
>>1969922being a “bitch” isn’t embarrassing. I pray one day you unlearn the effects of female socialisation.
No. 1969955
>>1969932Why do they complain when people say theyre embarrassing if that's what they are aiming for?
>>1969941Being a bitch to people unnecessarily is embarrassing though, which has been my whole point from the start
No. 1969959
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>eavesdropping mods watching this infight go on for more than an hour
No. 1969971
>>1969633I've said this before a long time ago, but anons in the vent thread genuinely seem to think its a advice thread or something where they NEED to tell other anons what to do and they will get upset if you tell them that their advice is bad or not applicable to you. I've literally had two anons sperg out at me before for saying that I was not going to do what they told me to kek. When the GIOYC thread was made I thought it was completely unnecessary but tbh maybe some anons need it.
Also, I honestly genuinely think that the vent thread and lolcow is more aggressive now because of newfags. In general, newfags come here thinking that this is basically a site meant for Regina George LARPing so they lay on what they probably think is bluntness super thick. Or they think that that because this is a gossip site you need to infight in basically every post. They're just unnecessarily being assholes in every post and it's been fucking up everyone's enjoyment of the site. And also doing all of this while attempting to put on a feminist front because they also think this a feminist site. The over combative-ness is also why newfags now will just infight when someone tries to correct them and get them to adhere to our culture and rules.
I'm sure there's a better way for me to put all of this but basically lolcow now is less discussions, more infighting.
No. 1969982
>>1969973It's a samefag shitting the thread up in a vain attempt to have unpopular opinion thread locked as revenge for the dumbass thread. It's been months now. If you check on meta every few days it's the same tired posts
Cunt can't hide his devices stupid fucking autocorrects
No. 1969984
>>1969947>This isn’t twitter, tiktok, 4chan, being mean and petty is a fucking staple for this website.It's easier to get banned here than every other site.
Thinking this site is hardcore edge is really pathetic, what's next, posting a "we are nonnanymous, we don't forgive and we don't forget" while wearing cow head masks?
No. 1969996
>>1969988obviously we're not talking about you if you aren’t one of the anons who tell users to commit suicide
nonny. no one is telling you how to act we’re just saying that if users wanna act like a so-called ‘bitch’ they’re gonna get called annoying and rude
No. 1970005
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I love my nonnas, even if we fight sometimes ♥
No. 1970078
>>1970073no, thats literally the opposite of what my post is saying. i am saying that being mean is perfectly fine in literally any other thread on this whole website, but it is unncessary and
cruel to respond with mean words to someone who is already suffering and venting in the proper thread. i don't get how its not clicking for you.
No. 1970094
>>1970082Don't reply to a suicidal vent by saying kys. That's just spastic behaviour. Call someone a dumb cunt by all means. Nitpicking vents is also tiring. It's pretty fucking obvious when someone is just baiting for engagement and because they're thick and ignorant as fuck negative attention is their speciality. Like if a vent
triggers you into being a spaz channel the thoughts into a post in another thread figure it out, literally use your brain and then your contribution could actually spark discussion instead of fighting. Honestly are those covid years why newfags are a new breed of retarded? Give us a millennial and zoomer board.
No. 1970120
>>1970104Best era was when Venus escaped Margo and Margo turned out the be real cow behind it all
>I'm going into the river All of my keks were had. And can you believe this was going down at the same time as Onision Billie saga. 2014-2016 LC was the
goated era.
No. 1970135
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A lot of moms think it’s cute to be lazy and show they’re struggling and it’s not. The need cps calling on them.
No. 1970173
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I dont have a side in this argument but I am gonna say this: lolcow hates men, so if you're gonna post about your nigel, you better be ready for someone to say something really mean or brutally honest. It's just the way it is.
No. 1970196
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>>1970179AYRT and I did not say anything to the widow anon. I'm just saying that lolcow is not a kind place for scrotes, so it should've been expected that somebody would've said something like "kek glad he's dead". Anons here are hesitant to even believe that moids can be raped, so I feel like it should be expected that anons are going to bully other anons' nigels. It's just the natural order of things here.
No. 1970223
>>1969968Newfag that doesn't get it. Hostility on image boards is aimed towards outsiders and those don't respect board culture, while being friendly to other anons. There has always been a sense of solidarity and community between image board users because it takes a certain kind of person to be on an image board and often anons don't fit in anywhere else.
>>1969979Mods on image boards are rude because anyone breaking the rules is not following board culture.
>>1969985And 4chan was a ripoff of 2chan.
No. 1970226
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>>1970203I don't know who you're confusing me for, but I just said I never interacted with the widow poster.
>>1970200>why is it necessaryI dont think it was necessary either, I just know that somebody's nigel getting alogged or bullied in any capacity is bound to happen. There are a total of several times that I witnessed anons wish for something like another anon's nigel getting his testicles chopped and removed, how so many anons don't know the "drill" by now is a bit of a surprise.
No. 1970278
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>>1970230>"You're so mean, you must be a man! Mansplainer!"I'm sorry he hurt you.
>>1970232If my memory is correct, they focused their hate on the nigel by specifically saying they were glad he's dead.
>>1970236You're saying that I'm autistic because I don't "comprehend loss" but can I ask you this? What is more autistic? Saying that you're glad someone's husband is dead because he's a moid, or going on an obviously misandric imageboard to vent about any male in your life, and still failing to understand that your nigel is going to get shit Again, I never even said anything to widow poster, so whatever beef you have is not gonna be with me.
No. 1970289
>>1970279For goodness sake no one here is the one who shat on that random anons nigel, I don’t troll. I just don’t give a fuck when people do because I’m not a whiny baby. Your on and on about it “not being okay” and moralfagging is gratingly twitter-esque.
>>1970283No one said that.
No. 1970293
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I hate how the 4b movement is becoming well-known online now as it spawns retards like picrel. The 4b movement shouldve stayed as something that women discovered naturally, not the next propagated kool feminist movement.
No. 1970296
>>1970289Actually yeah, that was the question in the post
>What is more autistic? Saying you're glads someones husband is dead because hes a moid, or going on a misandric imageboard to vent about any male?And I answered the question
No. 1970307
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Everyone fighting right now is a massive retard, there's no point continuing to drag this on especially when the widow supposedly already replied and it should have ended there. People who nigelpost in the vent thread will get bitched at, people like to vent to non-enities in a thread that will only exist for a month at most and ae typically not attention seeking (people like romanianon are exceptions), some people need to learn how to read a room- all of these are by-products of the environment and sperging about it isn't going to make the change you want.
No. 1970310
>>1970306dude, the woman was venting because she was grieving. you going like
>reeee im glad hes dead!is essentially saying that you are glad she is suffering through emotional trauma. but of course you need that explained to you, because you don't understand context clues or any response that is given to you without a tone indicator.
No. 1970311
>>1970281>autistic malethe kind of intelligence it takes for your responses.
>>1970283I guess, but like my original point: if you're looking for a place to vent and gain sympathy about a dead husband, posting it on a forum that's known to hate men is probably not a smart idea.
No. 1970316
>>1970278Let me spell it out for you
>anon vents about how her moid is treating her like shitAppropriate response: Tell her to dump him
>anon vents about her moid doing something relatively trivial like blocking the toilet or eating the last serving of cake or somethingAppropriate response: Joke about it
>anon vents that her moid has diedAppropriate response: Express condolences and offer advice if you have any
This is the most basic shit imaginable and if you fail that hard at it, you need to spend more time outside learning to interact with people instead of being terminally online.
No. 1970339
>>1970321>a kindergarten lesson about empathy isn't what I needYes it is. Lack of empathy is a sign of low IQ and psychopathy.
>Lolcow is not known for being very empathetic towards malesNewfag. LC was created by a man and men initially weren't banned here. It was purely a site for cows and men were welcome to post here. Men, specifically robots from /r9k/ were banned from outing themselves at a later date. LC is not the female version of /r9k/, it is not a feminist website, it's a gossip board that exists because moot banned pt threads from /cgl/. /cgl/ is the cosplay and j-fashion board on 4chan, cosplay and lolita fashion are social activities. Farmers have been venting about their boyfriends since /ot/ was /b/.
No. 1970393
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>>1970318I agree, but not all anons are going to take that advice.
>>1970319>Shit English write better do better be betterTake your own advice, brainlet
>>1970334>sorry no one wants to pick you ugly and girls don’t like pickme boys we think they’re gayWow, anon. Thank you so much for this experience. You know, for the years I’ve been lurking and posting, I swore that I already understood what true brainlet users appeared like, but you? You just changed the whole field. Thanks to you, I finally understand what it’s like to encounter a genuine, homemade, free-ranged, pedigree-certified retard. Hormone-free, just pure retardation. I can’t even be offended, I’m just grateful that I got to experience this moment with you.
>>1970339>Yes it is. Lack of empathy is a sign of low IQ and psychopathy.I’m gonna stop you right there. I am telling you right now that the matter of whether or not lolcow anons need to be more sympathetic and less brutal on other anons’ nigels is not what’s important.
Look at this site. Lolcow is a gossip imageboard, where anons dig information, congregate, and absolutely shit on any celebrity, any cowish behavior, or any-fucking-body they don’t like. That’s the way it is. That’s the way it’s always been. If you want this board to do a psychological factory reset on how they approach shit they don’t like or feel like trolling, that’s not going to happen. Call it low IQ or psychopathic as you like, but lolcow is still going to be that man-hating, tranny-bashing, celebrity-nagging, tradthot-bullying, cow-shaming website it is, and because that includes anons willing to cop and evade a ban just to a-log someone else’s nigel, it is what it is. And you don’t know my life. “Learn sympathy” isn’t a lesson I need to hear, so you might as well drop the larp as some patronizing psychologist that thinks they know everything. Even if I was a sociopath, I’m still not one of the anons who told the widow that it’s good that her husband died, so you wouldn’t even be talking to the right person.
>Newfag.Standing in front of a mirror with that one.
>LC was created by a manNobody cares. Not anymore. Keep up with the times.
>and men initially weren't banned here.Nobody cares. Not anymore. Keep up with the times.
>It was purely a site for cows and men were welcome to post here.And now moids ARE banned and universally hated across the site.
Keep up with the times.
>Men, specifically robots from /r9k/ were banned from outing themselves at a later date.Okay.
>LC is not the female version of /r9k/It’s not.
>it is not a feminist websiteNever said it was.
>it's a gossip board that exists because moot banned pt threads from /cgl/.Okay.
>/cgl/ is the cosplay and j-fashion board on 4chanOkay.
>cosplay and lolita fashion are social activities. Okay.
>Farmers have been venting about their boyfriends since /ot/ was /b/.Okay, and the man-hating and the trolling anons do not fucking CARE. It’s not important that lolcow was created by a moid, and used to have moids free to roam. It doesn't matter that farmers have always complained about their nigels. Man-hating is now all across this board, so anons are gonna man-hate when they get a chance to, and scrotes are gonna get banned when the mods spot them. Do you think anons are giving a shit and thinking about the moid creator of lolcow when they wish death on scrotes? Do you think these little drops of lolcow trivia is going to change their minds? It’s not. As lolcow is a forum known for hating men RIGHT NOW. It doesn’t take rocket-science to realize that you probably shouldn’t look for sympathy about your moid on here because of the way it is NOW.
Keep up with the times.
No. 1970397
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my unpopular opinion is that dogs and cats both suck. i never understood how someone could hate one but make a bunch of excuses for the other, because they both have horrible qualities. they both smell horrible, their hair gets on every inch of the house and all over your clothes no matter how much you wash them, if they get sick at any point they'll vomit or shit inside the house and you have to deal with cleaning it up, and specifically with cats its insane how they poop in a box inside of your house and people are just okay with inhaling that and will try to convince you "it totally doesn't smell!!!1!1". i guess my hatred for pets is more than the average person because i'm a turbo autist germaphobe that needs obsessive control over my environment but fish or reptiles are much more appealing to me as pets because at least they won't fuck up the rest of your house and won't subject you to incessant meowing/barking
No. 1970432
>>1970425They're just arguing in bad faith. They want to shitpost but don't have the threads for it so they troll anons and anyone that mentions being in a heterosexual relationship
triggers their inceldom
No. 1970437
>>1970393>Standing in front of a mirror with that one.You are the newfag because your behaviour stands out as not being native to LC which is why you are being called out. If you had always been here, you posts wouldn't be so obvious and no one would have a problem.
>Nobody cares. Not anymore. Keep up with the times.No one would browse a site created and run by a man if they hated men. Once again your newfaggotry is on display.
If this is how you feel why are you even here? You clearly hate the original userbase and what the site actually is.
No. 1970813
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It’s ok to be a pick me if the man is fine enough. I’m throwing every woman under the bus for him.
No. 1970818
>>1970813Being a pick me for a celebrity is pretty stupid
nonnie. You have 0 chance of getting picked, there's no point in fantasizing about it.
No. 1970821
>>1970817>Probably but I’ve never had a cute bf or attention from one. If a cute guy gave me a chance I’m dumping all my friends if thats wat he wants.We're never beating the
femcel allegations
No. 1970830
>>1970566yeah and if you say anything that slightly goes against the norm then you get heaped on. i hate female socialization so much
>>1970579you asking if it's bait proves her point lmao
>>1970625i've noticed this in every female dominated place on the internet and irl
No. 1970866
>>1970831These retards are probably '
femcels' from tiktok that came here to live out their little
femcel larp. We're not that kind of place so they need to get the fuck out of here and back to tiktok where they can beg for their beloved moid attention
No. 1970937
>>1969627Sorry to dredge the whole vent thing back up but if we're being real, the reason why anons get so asshole-ish in that thread compared to other threads is because many farmers like getting on their high horse, feeling holier than thou, and feeling as if they are smarter or better than other struggling anons even though all of our lives suck in different ways. I guess that mentality is inevitable on this type of site though. Gossip is literally for people who lives suck to to judge other people and convince themselves that they're better
I say this as someone who likes the cow boards and thinks they deserve a revival, before anyone spergs at me. It's cope.
No. 1971019
>>1970104For me it was
>>1970112Anything from late 2020 onwards was garbage thanks to the influx of newfags
No. 1971020
>>1971011Imagine if you could be ugly and free to live with no societal expectations.
>>1971014I must have attracted a fedora-tipper
No. 1971028
>>1971001They want to do the same thing, but "better this time" in an attempt to heal or undo the pain/trauma of the past. Some of them also end up that way because they were raised in poverty and older men tend to hoard wealth in many parts of the world.
It's sad IMO, but it's their choice. I'm not bothered by it, up until some people (desperate old men, especially those in Hollywood, and coping pickmes) start insisting that this condition is somehow normal or biologically hardwired into all women, that attractive young men in their 20s (some in even their 30s) "look gay" or "look underage", etc. It's a pathetic cope.
What's most normal is to be attracted to handsome young men with full heads of hair, and nothing will change that.
No. 1971031
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>>1971023>retarded normies keeps perpetuating ignorant nonsense about astrology >really thinks it’s only about birth months and sun signs >thinking they’re against the grain even though they know that it just scraping the surface when it comes to astrology Sigh. I can’t take you plebian skeptic bitches anymore. We aren’t in 2016 anymore, yes you can believe in the supernatural
No. 1971034
nonnie I meant imagine a hypothetical scenario where you don’t have to live with unrealistic societal expectations and being free from them
No. 1971057
>>1971045spiritual vs material fulfillment
nonny, duh
>>1971046let me love astrology, stop bullying me and support me for me.
>>1971050most people don’t know their birth time, i’ve read you could try asking your mom or parent about your birth time or your moon/asc/part of fortune sign and asteroids are not going to be accurate. i was able to get my original birth certificate that showed my birth time so you could try doing that if you have extra money to shell out because it costs around $50 to get it (i had money around the time because it was christmas, god i wanna go back to that time), depends on where you live I’m a burger so it was easy for me to get it in a few days to a week.
No. 1971076
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this is pedophilic in every context(keep fujo/antifujo in the containment thread)
No. 1971139
>>1971128I'm making fun of the way you were typing and you know it
>>1971132It's the ability to condescend 3 different anons about how much more enlightened and less materialistic you are whilst using astrology as an excuse to bitch about the stars making other women ugly. The bimbo dog meme and Twitter one liners are so typical that they're all like clones of each other
No. 1971149
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>>1969469Based OP using AI for image OP
>>1969544you can call it, evolution
>>1969556stay true to yourself nonna, if AI is part of you, be proud of it.
>>1969561>muh souloh shut the fuck up, you know that word was never supposed to be used unironically.
>>1969564well if there used to be many and we simply won't ever ran out of them.
>>1969568to AI
>>1969593They have to understand that AI art is Art.
(baiting) No. 1971158
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>>1971142lol no. moids are the ones getting into more accidents and are at fault for more car crash deaths across almost all age ranges. women only have higher accident fault rates when they're older (which is probably cuz there are more old women than old men)
No. 1971164
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I think having revenge fantasies about your highschool mean girls is pathetic. So many pieces of both documentary and fiction is just people venting about some girl in highschool who said something rude to them (90% of slasher movies). I think it's time for us to admit how misogynist and victim blaming this stuff is because I came across this show called Mean Girls Murder.
90% of the show is just grown ass women gossiping about their dead teenage classmates. Then they try to frame their friends getting murdered as "karma" for them being mean girls. When women get murdered all the time and attackers rarely care about how "mean" they are it's just a power thing to them.
It's crazy how scrotes can be school shooters or dictators but still get humanized but a teenage girl is mean and then they get sensationalized.
No. 1971170
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>>1971142this isn't unpopular. What is unpopular is that men are fucking terrible drivers. The people who usually almost hit me are always fucking moids. And don't me started on the street racing moid autism and the road rage. Also most recorded fatal car accidents Ive seen online, its always a man at the wheel kek
No. 1971192
>>1971154Yeah, I caught the last minute attempt to reduce a subject you're masturbatorily bragging about being sooo complex into a patronising, fake nice pat on the back for ugly women you're rooting to accept they're ugly out of the goodness of your heart the first time. It was skincrawling, still is
nonnie. The constant atheist Redditor neckbeard dig is like the astrology version of tradwives trying to bring back caveman antics as cute girly feminist lore, stop
No. 1971208
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>>1971204>those with really good genetics and certain aspects in their birth chart, naturally attract and grab people’s attention. I just wish ugly people would stop fighting the ugly and accept it. Ugly women should stay ugly and stop trying to level up and deal with it, it looks weird>NOOO WTF UNASCENDED BITCHES I DIDN'T SAY THE STARS RELATE TO WOMEN BEING UGLY OR HOT WTFFFF HOW ABOUT ANOTHER TWITTER MEME GUIS No. 1971217
>>1971213NTA but why are you so hostile. Let
nonnie enjoy her stars or whatever the fuck.
No. 1971235
>>1971227Keep larping as spiritual and deeper than everyone else while calling women ugly and autistic every 5 words
>>1971229It sure beats low effort bait from newfags who think this is a Twitter 2.0 and spam their fave tweets instead of sentences and memes from there to communicate in place of having a sense of self
No. 1971248
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>>1971235I personally think astrology (and that anon) is retarded but what the hell is this whining about "the site turning into a group chat"? What constitutes as acceptable posting to you then? Attaching a reaction image just for you Ms. Minimod
No. 1971250
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>>1971243Never been there, chinguuuu
No. 1971260
>>1971248I didn't say the site is turning into a group chat because of reaction images. It's that this personalityfag's memes are directly pulled from Twitter and Tumblr as is her whole baity persona which
>>1971208 shows. Nobody else in this thread or even on the board acts like her consistently enough to get called out for it, and I'm not the only one who said something. She's frantically posting and deleting and posting bait over and over right now
No. 1971263
>>1971258this reply is
GOATED beyond yapping belief nonna
No. 1971284
>>1971281>Not knowing a “common” lolcow term because you don’t make this website your entire life Mad, hating, and ugly. Quit yapping already,
(infighting) No. 1971300
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American accents are sexy
No. 1971848
>>1971844Idk, nonna, I lived surrounded by Cubans in Ethiopia for 4 years but I never spoke like them. Maybe it wasn't for long enough? My cousin catches accents like the flu but ends up speaking in this weird ass way that's a mix between our original accent and the accent of the country he lives at, this is the second accent he has managed to catch. There's also this putative cousin I have that uses to live in Guatemala and spoke like someone from there, but now live in Chile and speaks in that weird ass chilean accent that's impossible to understand. I also had a friend who moved to Spain and would speak like a Spanish person, it was just bizarre to see.
I don't get what makes people speak like that, is it really just involuntary? Or is it social pressure?
No. 1971867
>>1971860>They do videos asking the women after if they felt safe.Right, because the woman who just got filmed being flogged (or whatever other kinkshit you watch) is totally going to tell those same people that she felt anything but safe. Moreover, women in porn will often say they're fine with it while they're still working in the field, but once they leave will point out how horrible an experience it was and that no woman should have to go through what they did.
>not all people who watch porn are men.Okay, they're still contributing to the sexual exploitation of women though.
No. 1971879
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>>1971860Masochism in women is such raped behaviour. They should be sadists instead.
>They do videos asking the women after if they felt safe.That's just to alleviate men's guilt. Porn industry will send actual straight moids to get fucked in the ass by gay moids and won't pay them until they said they liked it. The porn industry would make YOU sign a contract for gonzo porn and make you eat your own shit and make you say you liked it. Stop embarrassing yourself by pretending you're okay with shit that degrades you.
No. 1971953
>>1971948There's two types of women when reacting to Ed Sheeran:
The women who will openly admit that he's deformed looking and unattractive, and pickmes who will
say he's fuckable just to look like the nice girl who gives moids a chance.
No. 1971970
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>>1971959>omg stop calling them pickmes! I hate you! It's unreal!bitch bitch bitch, a diary isn't that expensive. Don't let your tears smudge the ink on the paper
No. 1972024
>>1972013ime most women like that usually fit into one or more of the following categories
>external female expectations (gets the "thou must have kids" conditioning from family or culture)>exposure to r/childfree and similar online spaces>bad relationship with mom or abusive parents>grows up taking care of siblings and/or is designated babysitter at family gatherings>trying to be edgy and go against the grainprobably others, but these are what i've seen
No. 1972053
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>>1971979>The maternal love you feel when having a childWell, a fuckton of hormones hijacking your system in addition to the decrease of gray matter in the hippocampus can have profound effects on the psyche for sure. Be it unconditional "love" or post-partum psychosis. Motherhood can be beautiful for some for sure, but I prefer control over my mind. I respect good mothers, but even the good ones make my heart ache.
Sometimes I think that whatever I do, I can't repay the love and sacrifice my mom had to raise me. Emotions are too troublesome.. life is too short, all humans end alone at the end no matter what they do or how they cope. There is that.
No. 1972058
>>1972050Sometimes I have tantrums in public and if I fall asleep on a plane I often scream really loudly in terror while I’m asleep so I don’t mind if a kid does it. It will usually
trigger one for me too. I get it.
No. 1972062
>>1972053nta but this overscientification of every single human emotion and action there is is just intensely autistic and it only further reiterates that you don’t really understand
feeling emotion
No. 1972069
>>1972053>Sometimes I think that whatever I do, I can't repay the love and sacrifice my mom had to raise meThat’s nice of you anon. I’m a little shit and I can’t help but think that my mom will never be able to make it up to me for the life of suffering she inflicted upon me and for her handmaidenry that caused me to have an
abusive scrote father that she would defend over me and allow him to verbally, psychologically and physically abuse me. I will never forgive her for her blatant immaturity and lack of a backbone and always being willing to place all the blame on me, for accusing me of insane shit like “manipulating” her when I was a toddler/kindgarten age, for constantly telling me I was lying about things I absolutely was not lying about. I’ll never forgive her for being poor, or for breeding with an
abusive narcissistic misogynist man who bullied me my entire life and from whom in inherited terrible genes prone to all sorts of autoimmune issues. I’ll never forgive her for always prioritizing my scrote father before me, I think that’s really what it boils down to. She’s made it clear she loves him more than she loves me - she’s directly said so.
No. 1972070
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>>1972053You sound like her!!
marry me plz No. 1972075
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People were way to harsh on her. I don't think what she did was okay, but the people who called her evil were being so dramatic.
No. 1972082
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>>1972075i think what she did was smooth brained considering she could’ve just handed her baby right over to the hospital no questions asked and they would’ve released her home once the placenta was out. I Don’t know what her and the mom were expecting to get away with when the mom verbatim said “lexie!! i told you about this!! the girls on the news who kill their babies!!” it’s just like ok why would you need to talk about how she shouldn’t kill her baby if you insist she wasn’t pregnant? And at this point everyone who lived in her town has come out saying that she was very visibly pregnant
No. 1972092
>>1972062>you don’t really understand feeling emotionYeah, that's what I just typed.
>>1972069Anon I hope that someday you can make peace with being dealt such a shitty hand at life. To not expect her to make up for it or care about giving her forgiveness or not altogether. Just be free. Well, we all gonna be
free eventually anyway kek. Cheers to that.
No. 1972122
>>1972118nta but no they’re not funny. not for actual rape
victims who then are written off as liars because there are women who think it’s funny to lie
No. 1972144
>>1972140probably because it is an evil thing to murder a fucking baby the moment after its born? is that really hard for you to understand?? she literally could have aborted it whenever she wanted to and chose to commit an evil act instead, now shes facing the consequences. such is life
No. 1972150
valid. I guess I should've clarified and said that mens fixation on the crime was what weirded me out.
No. 1972253
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I don’t believe any Asian woman who says this.
No. 1972255
>>1972156So the only thing you hate about it is that it’s now mainstream and you’re willing to change your beliefs to avoid being mainstream? Are you retarded or something? Can’t you just live your life without desperately trying to avoid being mainstream? It’s just as stupid as desperately trying to be popular. Normies are cringe, doesn’t mean you have to throw your life and freedom away for an
abusive moid.
No. 1972293
>>1972144>>1972139>>1972099>>1972112If she wasn't allowed to get an abortion, this is a natural reaction. People crying "evil" are complicit with forced birthing, and hate to accept reality. It doesn't look like she did this for fun or money. Life and death are just two sides of the same coin.
The fault rests with her mother and church for blocking abortion as an option and making her live in delusion up until the last moment.
No. 1972427
>>1972344 The good king would die some day and there would be no way to ensure that the next one is good too, its a disaster waiting to happen.
Humanity has to stop being willing slaves. With good intentions, humanity keeps coming up with systems of governance, but its to our own detriment. If people are forced to be good they will keep looking for ways to circumvent that. Instead of improving the exterior as collectivists we should improve the interior as individuals, grow inwardly and be good because we are free to do so, and not because a good law demands it.
No. 1972508
>>1972307>what are the chances her mother told her her mother does not legally decide what happens to the baby though, because she’s not the babies legal mother. she’s the grandmother. she doesn’t have any say in whether or not the baby is allowed to be put up for adoption. also, if you think she was gonna make her keep the baby, then why would she refuse to be honest about her daughter being pregnant and in labor at the hospital? why would she admit that she had to talk to her daughter about not killing her baby? and if she
really didn’t want her to kill the baby, then when did the mom not give a shit at all when she heard the baby was dead kek? youre just pulling phrases out of your ass and it sounds as if you’re not completely understanding how complicit the mom is in this crime as well. if anything, her and alexee worked together.
No. 1972524
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I don’t think he suits Shadow. But maybe it’ll work out like it did with Mario?
No. 1972555
>>1972075You can’t reason with the tradfags on here, they seriously think being a mother makes them more superior than troubled, mentally ill girls and older women and that “AS A MORHER I WOULD NEVER DO SUCH A THING” well yeah, it’s almost like we can’t expect women under a patriarchy to make logical choices when we don’t know her situation. People are not intelligent godly perfect arbiters of free will and know every rational action to take, we don’t why she didn’t decide to give away her baby, we don’t know her own personal reasoning behind it because no one would make a logical choice when you have raging hormones going through your body, in massive amounts of pain, traumatic background, stress, helplessness, etc. Criminalizing women being mentally ill, uneducated about bodies, their reproductive system, motherhood, parenting should tell you all you need to know. You need to get the fuck out of your limited perspective and try to understand why a woman would do something like that without trying to say “what she should have done”, rape apologists use hypotheticals to deflect from the main problem which is that we fail women all the time and they resort to doing retarded things that they shouldn’t have done.
No. 1972571
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>>1972552“She’s pornifying herself”
No. 1972575
>>1972555>get out of your limited perspective and consider why she might do something like this well it seems as though she’s severely retarded if she’s so ‘uneducated about bodies’ that she sat around pregnant for 9 months with 0 notion that she was carrying a baby even though you can feel them moving around inside you, and then also didnt realize that she was giving birth, and thought that she could get away with murder in an open hospital?
>rape apologists alexee was
not raped, in fact she’s still with the guy who impregnated her.
No. 1972581
>>1972419>women being obsessed with drawings of fags kissing is in no way comparable to men cooming over depictions of sexualized violence towards womenI wasn’t trying to compare the two, I know they’re not the same thing at all.
>a pornsick woman is not threatening like a pornsick moid is because there's little risk of her acting out violently as a result of her brainrot.I know, I didn’t claim they were? Can we not do that thing where you inject random arguments I didn’t make just to have something to argue over? I didn’t make any of these claims and I wouldn’t, I don’t disagree with you. I meant it could be harmful to men because it sexualises them, and that’s good because it gives them a taste of their own medicine. That’s all I meant.
No. 1972606
>>1972602>>1972603It doesn't harm fags directly, but it does make some of them seethe that women are objectifying them.
>>1972602Most IRL fags don't like yaoi because it's made for women and the guys act too much like they were written by women, they look at bara roidpigs instead.
No. 1972651
>>1972620Nta but male homosexuality should be studied because it's very weird, it's usually something that can somehow be acquired, how is that even possible? Specially considering how there's moids having sex with women and then coming out later in life with a bunch of random paraphilias, it's bizarre.
And yeah, I know there's women that have to lie and have kids in order to please their families, we're always taught to deal with it and just smile and wave at people.
But shouldn't moids' dicks just not work at all if they're in front of something that's not arousing? A dick can't penetrate if it isn't aroused at all and we all know how gay moids despise women's anatomy, specially the gay moids that are born gay.
Moid homosexuality shouldn't be behind doors because we all know what happens when they can't show off and be unhinged, but I do think that it should be properly studied without biases because what the fuck and how the fuck are moids.
No. 1972660
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>>1972618*male homosexuality
Fags are gross, especially catty bottom fags who try too hard to compete with women for “masculine” straight men (calling women fish should be a death penalty).
Lesbians can do whatever they want.
No. 1972682
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Bella is a beautiful, talented, and kind-hearted model. I'll always whiteknight her.
No. 1972694
seems very sweet but her public image is also meticulously managed, the majority of her personality is virtue signalling and of course the same is to be said about basically every other female burger celebrity. shes definitely cute but i often feel like she'd look better if she had been allowed to keep her original nose
No. 1972708
>>1972707and samefag but
>moids dont like butchy girls like her thats not true at all, men pretend to have high standards but will jerk off over anything
No. 1972711
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>>1972708explain picrel to me. btw she’s literally so me. also men hate straight women as well yet they fap to them, they generally don’t like butch/tomboyish lesbians and only the fake ones in porn that still act hyperfeminine
>>1972707well duh
nonnie she’s obviously pushing an agenda like all celebrities are but can we really argue that the toilet is full of shit and piss, if you catch my drift?
No. 1972888
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>>1972876IME black gay moids are normally okay. White gay moids are typically insufferable and need to speak less. Think about every shitty trait you know/heard about women as a gender, and imagine it rolled up into a person. That's most gay white scrotes I've met. Lesbians are either the coolest people, or psychopathic. Bisexuals? Always whores and neck-deep in their feelings.
No. 1972949
>>1972944True but a lot of my friends bfs were pedos
(My ex friend got cheated on with a 17 year old girl)and even do crazy shit like forcing them to do drugs but just because I’m a woman who is their friend I can’t joke about being depressed or be sad sometimes? I just don’t like how most women have a higher standard for their friends than the men they lay down with.
No. 1972951
>>1972949>a lot of my friends bfs were pedos Why would you want to be friends with those people in the first place? Anon,
you should have the high standards and dump friends who willingly date pedophiles, not wait for them to dump you over some jokes.
No. 1972959
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>>1972949Anon, I don't think your friendship went to shit because your friends were women, I think your friendship went to shit because your friends were fucking losers (double entendre). If you think gay scrotes make better friends than women because the women you personally knew were nothing but two-faced, pedo-dating losers, that says more about your life than it does about fags and women in general.
No. 1972983
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>>1972963>all of the women and girl friends that were ever made have been boring unless they had untreated BPDyou know what? I'm just gonna let you live your truth. If I had the world's shittiest luck to experience absolutely NO fun/interesting girls/women as friends throughout my
entire life, I
might see how having a gay scrote for an only friend would be ideal.
No. 1973114
I'm fine with ai art, because I pirate shit all the time and ai art isn't theft, it's piracy at worst, but it's people who commit theft by stealing, scamming, and grifting that are in the wrong.
Saying ai art bad is like saying guns bad, they don't miraculously destroy things without a user, and that user should get clowned for being shitty. But it's not gonna stop. Even if you magically remove it with witchcraft theives, scammers, and grifters will keep on theaving, scamming, and grifting art the same way they have since humanity first made art long before ai became the recent boogyman.
No. 1973116
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I like browsing here because everything is slow and is more comfortable to read. I feel like anytime I go on Twitter and Instagram I’m bombarded with so much content it feels very overwhelming.
No. 1973138
>>1973125I was homeschooled and for me it was awful. Terrible for my development. I've tried to tell people about my personal experience but I always get shut down. Truth is, most parents/people are not equipped to homeschool.
Also this sounds more like a social class thing for you.
No. 1973498
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>>1973481NTA but I think it's hilarious when young women freak and lose their shit at young men getting fucked by older women because "noooo she's grooming him", meanwhile most young men would definitely fuck an older woman if she's hot and letting him hit it. Little Women of Gen Z Field need to stop accidentally being misogynistic when they claim that older women can't get sex.
No. 1973697
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>>1972711that was drawn/made by a lesbian, it's autobiographical and ironic lol
No. 1973761
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This movie wasn’t very good, I saw everyone hyping it up and it had good reviews so I was exited to watch it but it was kind of a let down. The plot was cool, I like seeing new ideas for horror movies instead of the same shit paramount and blumhouse pump out twice a year. But it was so predictable and it really dragged on for about half the movie. I liked the inclusion of bohemian grove but again it was very predictable where that would go when they mentioned it and his wife dying and him being desperate for views. I always feel out of the loop when new movies get so much hype and fanatics around them, the posters people are making are also very cool, but it just wasn’t that good. A decent one time watch maybe but nothing to go ham over. feels like parasite all over again
No. 1973792
>>1973587Government "indoctrination" is definitely preferable to a new generation of muzzie terrorists and christian tradfags who think women shouldn't vote growing up at home.
Regardless, parents aren't teachers. Teachers study fulltime for 4 years to become teachers for a reason.
No. 1974252
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I could be completely wrong, I'm not familiar with all her lore as such, but I'm convinced Dogisaga is heavily exaggerating her issues. She might be mentally ill, but the weird stuff she's making is not a product of insanity in the same way people normally mean when they talk about schizo art.
I don't feel any legitimate schizo energy coming off her drawings/comics. They look like they were made by a relatively skilled artist who was drawing that way on purpose. Some of the political issues she fixates on feels like they were picked to be funny and bizarre on purpose. Everything she's putting out feels too deliberate and 'perfectly weird', I guess.
What I'm not sure is whether she's someone with some other type of mental health issue who desperately wants to be a schizo in a munchausen's way, who really believes it and wants to come across as a 100% authentic insane person, whether it's meant to be some kind of artistic persona (probably an attempt to skinwalk nekojiru who is clearly a huge influence) and she's assuming her audience is in on the joke, or whether she doesn't care and is just a troll out for attention.
No. 1974273
>>1973498They literally think it's the same as older scrotums and young women. It isn't. All non-child males are aggressive ape neanderthals and are a danger to the older women themselves, not the other way around. And they tend to think both situations as bad, but scrotums are usually ignored, because it's an expected behaviour from them, no outrage follows, they just shrug it off, topkek.
>>1972926Insane. Might be true, i believe you.
No. 1974333
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>>1974258I'm not convinced her comics about mental health are sincere to be honest, some of them are clearly jokes with the punchline being that mentally ill people are using their condition as an excuse to be lazy or a bad person.
She had a tumblr where she posted pretty blatant sjw parody comics about 10 years ago, it's possible all her comics are this sort of parody (of various different groups) and she's just gotten better at making them convincing over the years.
The more of her work I see the less convinced I am that any of it is serious to be honest. Is there any evidence her ex-husband really existed?
No. 1974358
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>>1974333Checked out her website on the wayback and
wow, she had a lot to say about a lot of things.
No. 1974381
>>1974377What is cozy about waking up freezing and having a bajillions bugs bothering you
>>1974378I was gonna mention that if you're into getting high it would also probably be fun, I'm not into that though.
>>1974380Larping as what?
No. 1974384
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>>1974358She seems to have been really into chan culture in the past and was a regular user of an 8chan board about mental health called /rtd/. Supposedly she was married to a neo-nazi involved with kali/acc type stuff but they broke up because dogi found out she was part aboriginal, and then she had a change of heart and became an anti-racist and also transgender.
I wouldn't take anything she says at face value to be honest, since a lot of her recent comics look pretty similar to her old sjw parody stuff. It's really hard to tell her real opinions.
There's some things I've found in old her archive that seem like they were breaking character but who knows, they might also be part of the joke.
No. 1974388
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>>1974383What are you talking about
nonnie? Hiking doesn't require you to be filthy and you're actually looking at interesting stuff, plus I don't have to lug and set up a bunch of shit I just need my phone and water.
>>1974385Same vibe.
No. 1974394
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>>1974393lolcow camping trip 2024
No. 1974398
>>1974358Kekkkkk i don't like the
look of the characters but this is so true. 'Men of color' really are like this it's unreal
No. 1974417
>>1974415Never been on one that intense
nonnie, I go hiking in the winter sometimes but even then it's only a couple of hours rather than an entire day.
No. 1974427
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>>1974423Accepts every guy's cock there too.
No. 1974476
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>>1974423Isn't this just Shinji to the other Eva kids?
No. 1974492
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ugly man psyop killed the unconventional male attraction thread and threads dedicated to unconventional looking males and I hate the OP of that thread and the anons who encouraged that infight thread to exist. i have a distant memory of /g/ having jerma and adam driver threads that were active, feeling so nostalgic and it’s all fucking dead and rotten and boring
No. 1974503
>>1974500anons now assume it’s embarrassing and uncool to find an unconventionally attractive man (fictional or nonfictional) cute and I love ranting and talking about these things it feels like bonding with other nonnas
>>1974498>tfw they actually greenlighted a sims movie with large church bell sized jaw margot robbie to haunt our screens again as filmbros have said, cinema is dead
No. 1974513
>>1974507oh come on it wasn’t every anon lusting after someone that evil
>>1974510and when we want to lust after someone who is cute and conventionally beautiful
like ATJ there’s always some anon trying to make fun of people for finding him cute or turning it into an infight, it’s always a lose-lose situation.
No. 1974527
>>1974515?? have you not been in here in the last few weeks? posting about him turns into infightsespecially when they include his wife in it kek
>>1974520it’s not hurting me I want husbandoposting to be widely accepted again
No. 1974543
>>1974500the first thread was created because some faggot was upset about anons thirsting for anime characters they thought were ugly in /m/, so poster(s?) mostly spend their time in that thread trying to bait /g/ and /m/ anons into infights by posting random moids of the month that are popular here.
>>1974510>embarrassinganyone that seriously cares about what terminally online women on this website/tumblr/instagram find hot are just as embarrassing. lusting after alastor or whatever his name is isn't committing eugenics against anons' precious STD ridden perfect beautiful 3DPDs. we should all be shitting on men for having zero grooming standards and being mentally defective but i guess it's more fun to pick on women instead.
No. 1974580
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In Deltarune, Krusie (Kris x Susie) works so much better than Suselle (Noelle x Susie). The game gives us implications that Kris himself is at least interested in being friends with Susie and does like being around her, regardless of what words you make him say. They're already at the point where they troll each other for fun, and it's implied that Susie would be Kris' first choice to go to a carnival with. Susie was an asshole to Kris at first but their relationship grows so naturally, it's impossible to not see the good chemistry they have. There's even that tea segment in Chapter 2 where it's implied AGAIN that Kris really likes Susie, based on how much the Susie-based tea heals him.
Then you have 'Noelle x Susie', which honestly just feels like an effort to repeat that 'Alphys x Undyne' thing. They just don't really have a solid chemistry and relationship like how Susie does with Kris. Their interactions together are more like that cliche, awkward girl with crush interacts with crush thing. Susie with Noelle feels more like a trope, Susie with Kris feels more like a real relationship even though they're still just friends.
No. 1974635
The issue with kids and animals in public spaces isn't the fact that they're there, it's the fact that parents and owers are too retarded to listen to their children or pets and are too irresponsible, having kids and pets knowing that their lives aren't compatible with taking care of a human or an animal.
Like maybe a parent should just know that if the child hates staying still for more than a few hours, a very long ass 12 hours trip on a plane isn't a good idea, or going somewhere with lots of noise and people knowing that the child gets overwhelmed and moody, and that going to the beach only makes the child feel miserable.
Which means that parents should just actually listen to their kids instead of dragging them around, just because they're new to this whole being alive thing doesn't mean they shouldn't at least decide what to do for the weekend, it's part of growing up.
I particularly barely notice that there's kids around some place unless they literally bump into me or are so so distressed that I can't help but notice them, so it's a bit weird to me how there's people out there getting mad at the idea of children going outside at all.
I also think about this when it comes to pets, I barely notice a dog or a cat unless the animal is right in front of me or making sounds of distress, which means that yeah, maybe everyone should take their pets to places where they know that the animals won't suffer, because animals like people also have personalities, and some animals prefer being in noisy places while some animals prefer being at home.
Anyone that has a child just needs to actually learn about their child, and anyone that has a pet should actually observe their pet and learn about what the pet likes or dislikes.
But that's just too difficult and everyone prefers to just get rid of one thing or another.
No. 1974637
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>>1974580From what little I remember playing the most recent part of Deltarune, I assumed Kris
or whoever else is inside Kris' body is becoming obsessed with Susie or at least seems to feel that he need her for something he's planning on doing
if the ending with Kris/??? specifically bringing a sleeping Susie into wherever that black void is taking them is anything to go by, at least. It's been a while since I played it so I could be wrong though.
With Noelle and Susie, I've assumed a while ago that it'll be canonized at some point, mainly cuz I always got the vibe that Toby Fox has a thing for girl/girl pairs, and also cuz if they aren't then fans might accuse the games of queerbaiting.
IMO, Susie doesn't seem to even know that Noelle has a thing for her and, to me, reacts more like a socially-inept loner making friends for the first time when she and Noelle have that ferris wheel convo.
My unpopular opinion is that
Susie and Ralsei would be cute together. No. 1974647
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>>1974492The driver and jerma threads stopped being active long before that thread was made? And people are still posting in unconventional attractions idk what you're talking about. They roasted my husbando and guess what, I still post about him because it's fucking lolcow, who cares. Oh no the anonymous internet people are mean how scary.
No. 1974934
Women who won’t date younger guys that they are attracted to are annoying. They pass up on getting good bfs just because “any guy under the age of 30 is just a baby to me”. I can’t wait until women grow out of this stupid mentality.
No. 1974940
>>1974934>They pass up on getting good bfs just because “any guy under the age of 30 is just a baby to me"That's a
valid reason not to date someone though. If a guy doesn't appeal to her for whatever reason, then clearly that's not a good boyfriend for her. Many people don't want to date people who they feel are immature compared to them. Some of you guys just need to accept that everyone is different and will have different preferences, it's not a crime that a woman doesn't have the same standards as you
No. 1974944
>>1974934That woman's joke about younger men not having wrinkles and it making her think she needs to get Botox is a sad reality for some women. Certain women just have a sort of "daddy" kink or abandonment issue and feel insecure/bitter/unprotected about younger men's youth.
Their preference and personal stuff is their business, it just gets annoying when they start barking at other women and calling them creeps for being 28 dating a 23 year old when they are 24 and their scrote is 45.
No. 1974956
>>1974934This is pathetic.
>>1974948It's pretty much insecurity. It's the same reason why women date ugly scrotes. They can't stand being the older one, or the less attractive one in the relationship. I don't get it, because if I was ugly and had a hot young boyfriend, my confidence would be through the roof. I would fucking love to prove that decent men who treat women right don't give a shit about looks or age, and it's the balding fat mentally ill or old incel types who actually care this much.
No. 1975099
I had a debate about this topic in class today. When it comes to providing end-of-life care for the elderly, who have lived far beyond the average life expectancy and are no longer intellectually capable, we must eventually take this seriously. Instead of spending a ridiculous amount of money and life to just lie down and waste away, I wish more people would be open about assisted suicide. What sort of life quality does a dementia-ridden, bed-bound person have? Rather than being dehumanized and potentially being abused, they ought to be handled with dignity when their time comes to an end. Given that family members, including your own children, may turn against you, it is imperative that you make plans for old age and other unanticipated health-related situations. In the era of advanced Alzheimer's and dementia, we really need to start taking the idea of dying with dignity more seriously. The individual is just existing; they are not alive. Seeing a parent or grandparent lose themselves is incredibly painful and harrowing for both the person and the family. Additionally, supporting a population that is rapidly approaching death at the expense of other citizens is not very sustainable (this will become a problem in the future). Under the guise of providing healthcare that sustains life, the medical industry is prolonging pain and suffering for human beings. I'm a Christian too, and I believe God is merciful and understanding.
No. 1975487
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People who smile with a lot of teeth creep me out. I don't know if it's because I'm a miserable, cranky bitch or because the teeth read as aggression to me.
No. 1975589
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>>1975581All tradthots would be SAHMs but not all SAHMs are tradthots. Am I getting close?
>>1975561This this gif work better?
No. 1975744
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>>1975743Yeah, don't be absent minded either like this cat.
No. 1975764
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I think conventionally attractive cows are uglier when they’re awful people, but ugly cows who improved their lives aren’t as disgusting to look at than when they’re in their cow says. Picrel comes to mind, with the top being a conventionally attractive lolcow who gets uglier with time, and the bottom being a graduated lolcow who’s now happier.
No. 1975894
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>>1975881>It makes me laugh tying college chad to his dorm bed and taking degrading pics of him while he moans about his gfWait, so you got cheated on, AND you helped some college boy cheat? Wow you got the full experience, anon.
No. 1975903
>>1975867it depends whether you're friends with his gf. like ariana grande for example was literally eating dinner with spongebob and his ex, being a fake ass hoe. now if you don't know the woman, you owe her nothing, she's a stranger. but people who sleep with friends' partners are absolute trash.
I still wouldn't do it because if I am the other woman now and I catch feelings for him I'm fucked because he will cheat on me too though.
No. 1975996
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People get pissed off seeing older women have babies because they can’t use “women need to have babies before 25 because their eggs will dry up” scare tactic to baby trap young women
No. 1976271
>>1975996I agree that women shouldn't throw out their youth early to care for kids but having children in your 50s shouldn't be lauded either.
Early 40s is as high as I believe women should wait. Mid 30s being most ideal, imho.
No. 1976438
Single moms are usually terrible parents and use being a single mom as an excuse to suck at parenting
No. 1976475
File: 1713892734510.png (165.73 KB, 275x270, i hate my puter.png)

post the most unpopular opinions representative pictures on your hardrive/gallery so next OP pic isn't AI.
No. 1976481
>>1976469With how many shithead kids exist out there I wish more parents would verbally reprimand them when they misbehave. It would be
abusive if it was unprovoked, but the kid was misbehaving.
>>1976476>beat meimplying this woman does beat her children? What a wild accusation, your mother should have raised you better.
No. 1976508
>>1976495Because children love crying and thinking they’re the
victim even though they were in the wrong. I’m telling you, children even as young as that toddler are not stupid and do know they aren’t supposed to be misbehaving and sometimes they do it because children like being disobedient sometimes. Maybe if you would stop viewing children as angels that can do no wrong and actually had your cervix dilated to the size of a basketball to birth a whole human outside of you maybe you would be able to empathize with her but you can’t. My mother was a single mom and while she did create emotional issues for all of us I would definitely say some of the methods she used on us couldn’t be blamed at all, sometimes children are shitheads that need to be told no and to shut up
No. 1976515
>>1976438She just sucks as a person. I know great single moms and horrible married ones.
>>1976474So her child will behave better after hearing a few rude words or what? How is this supposed to help? It's not discipline if you just express your anger without any filter, and you certainly don't set a good example of emotional regulation and healthy communication. It's just dumb to be this immature with your kids and expect them to have stellar behavior by default. And it's ridiculous this grown up woman decided to make a video complaining about her child to the internet. She's a big child herself.
No. 1976553
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The newest Godzilla movies are so soulless and uncreative it's shocking how many people praise them.
No. 1976567
>>1976438Don't curse at your children and call them things like "motherfucker".
Her kid probably acts up because she beats her, and then she beats her more thinking it's the "only way to discipline her (and it happened to me so it's ok, nvm that I'm a single mother with anger issues now)".
No. 1976627
>>1976579Samefag also her response to the back lash was to say anyone who doesn’t agree with how she raises her child can give them her address and she will come beat them up….definitely violent with anger issues
No. 1976654
>>1976459NTAYRT but just because both parents are shitty doesn't mean you're not allowed to call out how shitty the mom is? as someone who grew up with a single mom, i attest that its easier for them to be horrible parents because theres no one around to hold them accountable for the things they do. also
>shirked his responsibility of fathering his kids so this poor woman doesn't have to struggle you're saying this as if this is the case with fathers who are present KEK..
No. 1976664
>>1976657nayrt but
>go do drugsyou’re not cool kek
No. 1976676
>>1976666NTA and i’m surprised that this really needs to be painted out for you but this has nothing to do with her race, and you’d know that if you lurked this website more and understood that bad,
abusive mothers of all races are a regular topic of discussion across basically every board on this website besides /m/.
No. 1976735
>>1976706kek you really believed that was an actual woman who said that? good god stop falling for easy bait
>>1976683go and call CPS on her then, moralfag
No. 1976760
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>>1976746stole this from vent thread
nonnie but I’m trying so hard not to alog to this response right now
No. 1976774
>>1976767I hope she fights you. I hope she breaks your fingers so we can be free of you.
No. 1976796
>>1976765And then they almost never hold any of this pressure or accountability on to the scrote that made her a single mom. It’s almost like she’s breaking under the pressure because she likely doesn’t have help from anyone else, she seemed young and impressionable, of course she isn’t going to be fucking Mary Poppins. If I had to wake up every single day handling a child while the man who insisted that his 5 seconds of lasting inside of me should dictate involvement in my sexual/reproductive activities and then hits the road when the child is actually born and he’s running around acting like he has no child or baby mother I would be extremely angry like that lady. Not entirely defending her but like seriously. Tradthots have absolutely zero emotional intelligence because they think having a child grants them privileges and speaking rites on things they have no idea about and unfortunately society gives way more credence to women who agree to.
>>1976768It’s the epitome of pickme shit and these trad-chans never get called out for it. It’s also interesting they implied they are a lesbian but somehow can’t understand how a woman would be in that very situation trapped with a baby all because of a man. So fucking tiresome
No. 1976814
>>1976804In most single mother households shit like this is already happening. I’m sure most girls in
toxic single mothers house holds know the experiences of their dead beat step dads coming in to molest.
No. 1976840
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>>1976824I really wish this became a militant
terf website so you fuckers can finally go away and feel not wanted, like ew at these explanations. You’re supposed to be a woman, you know better
or maybe not because you’re a penis-haver No. 1976845
>>1976840So abusing your daughters is
terf behavior? Do little girls not count as females who deserve the same protections as women?
No. 1976858
>>1976851You’re claiming that woman is
abusive to her child and who knows if she is, congrats you started another infight about parenting and motherhood you’re so original and smart look at you!
No. 1976885
>>1976869cause she’s calling people who disagree a lesbian
>>1976873it would make sense lolcow is full of lolcow moms. Hey moms of lolcow, why don’t you go parent your child instead of posting all day on a website forum. Who else has the time to spend all day on here? Or maybe get a fucking job so you can know real frustration instead of projecting your sympathies on an
abusive woman.
(infighting) No. 1976911
>>1976902When the response to
>If you don't want kids, use a condom or don't fuck moids. Don't have a child just to abuse themis
>UMmm do you realize we HAVE to take dick and it's ENFORCEDERINO??? OMG STOP MORALFAGGINGThat's pretty much what it is.
No. 1976933
>>1976754"Child welfare anons" share their opinions and argue just the same as those who defend this woman. If it means they're forcing their opinions on you, you're doing the same because you won't shut up either.
>1 minute video does not summarize this woman’s entire life storyAnd yet this woman's white knight(s) has already made up a backstory that makes her a poor
victim and her child a literal antichrist. I'll never comprehend why some anons think infantilizing women is a good idea.
No. 1976949
>>1976936Yeah, we're definitely "pressured" to birth worthless men's kids and abuse them. Women are never responsible for anything. Very intelligent.
>>1976925>I swear downBack to twitter
No. 1976952
>>1976942if it mattered enough mods could confirm i’m not even in this discussion, stop using cringe tiktok lingo and being schizo.
>>1976943also never quite understood this rhetoric. it’s just a forum, are mothers just banned from spaces? that being said i do hate the natalist mommyposters who complain about the shitty husbands they decided to let squirt up there and the life they made for themselves.
No. 1976954
>>1976945Do you have brain problems?
>another “close your legs and take responsibility” narrative as if we live in a vacuum and aren’t pressured to fraternize sexually with men and become mothers. I can’t keep explaining the obvious over and over again or I’m seriously going to alogMeanwhile
>you can’t really blame an absent father for the present mothers choice of behavior, and that if she didn’t want to be a mother she could’ve gotten an abortionis what I'm saying. You really must be negative IQ.
No. 1976973
>>1976970I made this post
>>1976824and it seems like a lot of anons are misinterpreting it or having issues comprehending what is being said.
No. 1976987
>>1976971According to retarded ESLs and coomer scrotes, yes