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No. 1969096
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>are you romantically interested in them or do you like the distraction you get from your life while you chase their validation
No. 1969367
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What is the point of this company telling people to use their templates just for them to mock it up in a proof for you before printing and not even use the templates properly? Why the hell would you tell people to design with the cut line and bleed area in mind just to plop the designs onto their supplied templates and not even extend them to fill the template? Actual retards working here I swear. Picrel is kind of what I mean if anyone is wondering kek
No. 1969392
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I’m praying and hoping the jannies lock that obvious bot-farming fujo thread where someone is taking intel on user interaction. Of course, those retards go to it like pigs running to eat their slop and can’t let one thing go. Lock that mfing thread, do something right and lock it. Wouldn’t be surprised if it was a janny starting shit to have an excuse to ban the same suspected tards that shouldn’t have been openly accepted here in the first place which is fujos.(take it to /meta/)
No. 1969399
>>1969393cruelty for the sake of being cruel is just sad, but i hate when anons go
>ree aren’t we women why are we being mean!!! you’re being like a moid!!!like women are all meant to be dainty sweet flowers. it’s upsetting but if i want to be comforted I’m not going to go on an anonymous lolcow vent thread. Let’s be honest, it’s not all women here anyways so the people you’re talking about might not give a fuck about being empathetic to women or whatever and are just trolling scrotes/trannies.
No. 1969403
>>1969396100%, its probably just very mentally ill nonas spreading misery where they can
>>1969399It is scrote behavior though, cruelty for the sake of it is a moid trait. Its mental illness/low IQ unable to put aside the compulsion to bite at someone whos in pain.
No. 1969465
>>1969440she’ll live
>>1969460fujos aren’t dangerous just like spiders aren’t dangerous but they still make me wince every time i spot one are definitely a handicap to my sanity
No. 1969515
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>>1969511Shotashit is banned here, yes
No. 1969577
>>1969558Stay strong nona.
Any little bit of booze makes me overeat like crazy
No. 1969611
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im so tired of being unlikable. i cant make freinds or experience camraderie anywhere. its like everyone just can feel my spirit and are repulsded by it. i just want to die
No. 1969705
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I got away from my abusive (physical, verbal, sexual) ex and he sort of disappeared, his online presence vanished and none of our mutual friends ever heard from him so I had no idea what became of him. They also stopped being so fond of him after I opened up about the abuse.
Today he suddenly rejoined our online friend group and dropped a video explaining where he'd been. I left the group immediately. But as it turns out, he got in a car accident and he was harassing/stalking another woman and made + showed her a really violent song he made about her (lyrics about dismembering her and sexual tones and stuff), got arrested because she reported his behavior and filed a restraining order, was released and is now e-begging everyone for money because he's too poorfag to fix his car troubles or get a lawyer to "get revenge" on her by exposing her "lies" or whatever (even though he included the song to show that it's apparently not that bad, and it was absolutely disgusting).
He also mentioned me in the song, expressing rage that I wouldn't have sex with him when we were together.
I just feel awful about all this. I naively hoped that he'd just moved on and lived a normal, calm life during his disappearance, but he's still displaying violent and rageful tendencies and harming women. I don't know the woman he's fighting with or have any way of contacting her but I feel awful for her. I feel worried that he might come after me, either out of "revenge" or to beg for money; we live in different states but he knows where I live. But at least I have people who will support and protect me, I hope that woman is okay.
No. 1969721
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The American big wigs are flying over tomorrow and we have to demo all the stuff we've been working on. I've always been terrible at presentations but now I've got to show off my project, in person, that barely works to 30+ important people.
My deck looks like shit. I learned to code not design and I'm so bad at that.
God I hope someone stabs me on the train on the way in. I can't do this.
No. 1969808
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I suggested to buy tickets for a friend after mentioning I want to go to the cinema and he said he'd be up for watching 2 movies in a row, meaning I just spent $70 in one day.
Can't even complain too much because he bought us tickets last 2 times, but damn does it hurt.
$25 for a single 4DX ticket is insane.
No. 1970095
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The last leg of social media has fvllen. I hope my phone magically rolls back this new update like it always does, like ew gross get this shit out my goddamn face please
No. 1970233
>>1970130>>1970115>>1970121>>1970127I basically force myself to eat oatmeal in the morning. Before the baby I'd easily gobble up pickles, yogurt, fresh apples, canned peaches and pears, green beans and sweet peas but now I basically gotta force myself to eat them.
I had this issue before where I'd forget to eat as in I'd get hungry and think
>ah I'll go eat hen I finish this thingAnd suddenly it's been another hour. It got a little better with the baby forcing me to keep a timeline and a schedule feeding, even having dinner because if I don't male it my husband will waist all our remaining $10 in the bank on some food when we have the ingredients.
No. 1970275
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>PMSing for like 2 weeks (abnormal for me) but no period in sight
>finally decide to use my brand new BRIGHT WHITE towels and rags that I've had for months
>take a shower
>drying off vag with BRIGHT WHITE towel
>mfw bright ass steaks of red on my BRIGHT WHITE towel
Just my luck, right? At least I caught it so I could wash it immediately, usually I would just throw the towel in the laundry basket.
No. 1970286
>>1970239I swear to the gods, teenage moids are actually getting worse because of unsupervised access to the internet. I had teenagers yell at me randomly when I was on lunch one day. like, just something random?? Teenage moids should be put to death if they display any sort of verbal or physical violence towards women. i have no hope for gen z or gen alpha.
So sorry this happened to you. I swear, they go after women unprovoked more now.
No. 1970326
>>1969379I feel so stupid that my stress is peaking with this again.
I keep checking my emails waiting for a reply.
I know a big chuck is probably the pregnancy hormones but if shes rude again in this email I'm gonna end up crying, I wish there was anyone else I could contact but its literally just her in the department I need to interact with.
No. 1970380
>>1970331Millennials overcorrected and now think any negative emotion is
No. 1970395
>>1970259I'll try that put, thank you. I hope it gets better for you.
>>1970251>>1970248I was thinking about the protein powder but since typing this out and thinking about it, i think it's a depressive spell from my husband's job issue finally catching up to me.
His job went from
>rent is half a month's paycheck>rent is 25% a month's paycheck>rent is 75% a month's paycheckBy getting a better job than when we got the apartment but that job being a scouting scam that fired him after a month. And yhe new job not being as much but really the only thing around.
I have had WiC the entire time and notably that has become more important now than before and my meager paycheck has gone to bills and in in the process of applying for food stamps because WiC doesn't cover any meat. My baby is 7months so I can use the baby food WiC provides but I know breastfeeding is important for his health but I haven't fed him jar food during lunch, just at the morning and dinner. It's all boob inbetween because it's more convenient.
I do feel better talking about this.
No. 1970398
>>1970326I'm sorry to hear that she's being rude to you, nonna. I've had to deal with shitty doctors and nurses and even having never been pregnant myself, it can be so stressful. It feel like you're 'pestering' them if you email or call them a ton, but if you need something, what the hell are you supposed to do?
I hope it goes well for you.
No. 1970481
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wanting to get back into study despite leaving school without achievements many years ago, looking at answers from locals around me
>"school's not for everyone, i just got an entry level job and now i'm earning heaps!"
>"i didnt knwo what i wanted to do so i put study on hold and got a job!"
>"realize your potential! i just started working!"
>"i dropped out and just worked!"
No. 1970493
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>>1970475This reminds me of when I saw a man unironically comment that female cartel members are worse and more violent than the male ones KEK Every single famous cartel execution video feature exclusively men doing the murdering and running these violent groups. And women are often the murder
victims along with men in the videos. Literal retard statement.
No. 1970515
>>1970500the moment you sleep, she’s coming for you
No. 1970556
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I forgot who/where this was said, but moids are really so fucking ungrateful. I have this acquaintance who is simply unable to accept how good his life actually is. He was able to study and start working without needing to help at his house, he didn't need to collaborate financially.
There's also not an ounce of empathy in his body. He's unable to listen to anyone without talking about himself and how unfair life is to him.
He's mentally stuck to his ex of almost 10 years ago, who got to be happy and successful after they broke up. He envies her for being charismatic and talented, while he's addicted to self-deprecating jokes which nobody can stand. Of course, he never managed to date anyone else after that.
Surprisingly, he's actually good enough at his job to be hired abroad. However, he obviously isn't using this opportunity to improve himself or to just enjoy life. He'd rather complain about the lack of weebs where he lives.
He also prefers to seethe because a friend of his got a high paying job with the help of her family. He has a decent paying job too and got an opportunity most of us would like to have, why the fuck does this bother him so much? He'd accept it if a family member could help him get a better job. It's all so ridiculous.
No. 1970557
>>1970553getting a gun would be good
nonnie, but finding even just one female friend would be better, i mean it’s fun that way. for the record we exist, i spend all my free time in the woods and love exploring.
No. 1970563
>>1970557yeah i mean in an ideal world i would have a friend, but to be honest i like being alone more and i find it refreshing. Becuase no one would want to be friends with the actual me so id have to put on an act of some sort (depends on the person, with some old friends i would be ditsy and submissive, others i would be normie, etc) the whole time and it's just exhausting, and I am a misanthrope and don't like many other people anyway.
I think I should get a gun too, but I'd need to take a few classes to learn how to operate it and idk when i'd find time for that and how i could hide it from my family. At the very least i'd have to buy a fucking gun safe which is not cheap otherwise my idiot brother would be clambering to put the thing in his mouth. It's just all so difficult, the one thing i kind of actually want to get out of bed to do has too many roadblocks to even get started and only because i have two X chromosomes.
No. 1970574
>>1970553I got a pistol from the store Acedemy, go there and get a tent or some other outdoorsy stuff.
If you do the thing where you sign up for a credit card to get a sale on it just remember to cancel the card once it's paid off.
No. 1970611
>>1970248According to lolcow, in order for "permission" to reproduce you need to be
>Never have financial issues, ever. Look into a crystal ball and make sure these things don't change either>Take better care of yourself than every person on the planet no exceptions I'm so confused, when abortions and birth control lolcow had nothing but support for women facing pregnancies in tough situations, now anons are being even MORE harsh on women who face unexpected pregnancies in imperfect situations. What changed?
No. 1970622
>>1970618Me too. I remember when the abortion bans were happening I pointed out majority of the people protesting or acting as if it's the 3rd Reich or something are being dramatic and got absolutely destroyed by farmers because "why won't you think of women with accidental pregnancies??? Many women will struggle with being forced to have kids!!". It's weird because now there's an extreme amount of harshness of now more than ever of people screaming their damn heads off demanding all parents be 100% perfect in every single way possible.
Ngl you'd think with the amount of women losing their shitting and killing their babies from stress people would stop screaming their damn heads off at women and telling them they're bad moms for every little reason
No. 1970658
My sister vents me to me so much about her life, her friends, her work. And that's fine and I'm happy she looks to me as someone she can vent too about her stresses but at the same it'd be nice if it was a two way street. I have literally no one I can vent too or open up too about things bothering me, I used to have her for that but over the years she's gotten so judgmental and honestly kind of rude about it. She always says she never lets people vent about stuff they can control, which makes sense but at the same that's 90% of what she bitches about. I can't vent about my alopecia because that's in my control to fix, I can't vent about my anxiety disorder because that's my fault it's so bad. Her best friend can't vent about her PCOS because that's in her control to fix (no it isn't, at all.) But my sister can vent about how she's stressed about all the plans she makes (stop making plans,) how she has little free time now because she got a dog (why'd you get a dog,) and that her friend is mad at her for telling everyone at her workplace something her friend told her in confidence (why'd you blab about your friends personal business?) That her stomach hurts all the time because she's always eating foods she can't eat and won't stop drinking (entirely her responsibility.) It just seems unfair. I remember the last time I was crying about something upsetting me, a situation with this cat who has neglecting owners, the cat used to always come around and I had no clue what to do, I couldn't let him in because I had an elderly sick cat at the time, I called the SPCA and they couldn't do anything about it, so I was crying and I really wasn't meaning too but it was hard seeing him outside all the time sleeping under cars in the rain and living like a homeless cat. She got so mad she just said "I have problems going on in my life too" and left the house. That was years ago but since then anytime I tried to vent she just looks for ways to make the problem my fault, so I don't bother anymore. It just sucks she looks at my life or her friends lives as entirely controlled and problem free minus the ones we cause but her life is just so much more complex so she's allowed to be upset about her problems and no one else is.
No. 1970674
>>1970661She also never said anything about planning to have a baby either. You just assumed her situation, demanded 100% perfection at all times and declared her a bad mother for not meeting unrealistic expectations of finances and self care but never as a character as a mother
Newsflash - I'll happily take any poor mom who skips a few meals for herself if she's a good mom than rich moms with private chefs who let rich moids abuse their kids or send them off to some boarding school to get raped. Some of the best moms I met were poor (at least when they first had their baby), some of the worse ones I met were exactly what lolcow expects of rich and on top of self care
No. 1970680
>>1970649In what world will Redditors be sane enough to even allow that kind of discourse to happen? This is a vent thread and I was venting. I am not trying to say you can't complain about men. I'm just saying that the anons that have nigels shouldn't be dogpiled.
Like holy shit get a grip; I don't even have a fucking moid in my life. I just think it's sad to see the treatment women have towards one another for associating with them even as an anecdote. What even was the post you were reading???
Hate on them. Yes. Please. Absolutely. But if someone is just mentioning something mundane as the thing I quoted, people need to take a step back in their life. I'll fucking screencap it if I have to.
No. 1970702
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Nonas, am I just an insane cranky old woman, or has it all become even worse?
I curate my followers, mostly just a few friends who are like me, and a lot of artists. The trannyslop comes in anyway. It's everywhere. I can't go a single day without seeing some fat moid calling himself a woman, or someone's art of anime boy #3984 with zippertits in a wheelchair, or inevitably seeing a take from a 26 year old with ae/aer pronouns. I try not to gaf, but it's EVERYWHERE. Joining discord servers for niche interests? 16 year old he/they/it DID system spamming the chat with retarded comments. Obviously I need to go outside, but I live in a pretty liberal city, and my friends are all tras. The only places left that aren't like this are insane in other ways (right wing tradshit all women are whores, or churches).
I wish I could return to that libby mindset as a young tra who thought making everything fat trans and disabled was actually epic. Maybe I'd be happier.
No. 1970809
>>1970553Bear spray and a knife will provide safety against animals and humans, not as good as a gun, but easier to get and won't cause you problems at home.
>>1970571Depending on what animals are in the woods a gun might be even more important.
No. 1970861
>>1970553I go hiking by myself very often and as long as you go out on nice days and stick to routes with a lot of other hikers and dog owners nearby you're fine, woods are quiet enough for other people to hear you scream. Even in the middle of nowhere it isn't extremely dangerous because those places are usually completely deserted. Why would some serial killer rapist hang around 4 hours away from civilization lol.
Being a man wouldn't do shit to help you if you meet a mama bear ready to rip you into shreds, and getting a gun is way overkill. Bring pepper spray and you're good. If you're still scared despite it all and live close to a big city you can try, there are plenty of hiking groups there.
No. 1970865
>>1970863the lorde/lena/jack powerpoint lives free in my mind
>>1970857>>1970859it's very repetitive and dropping 31 songs at once is insane, i wish she'd been more brutal in cutting stuff down
this album also solidifies in my mind that she had a full breakdown which is why all the matty healy stuff happened. she needs to go to the woods again with a guitar and piano and smoke weed rather than hanging out with ugly jocks men who can only use synths
No. 1970885
>>1970674>She also never said anything about planning to have a baby either.What a retarded fucking argument kek. Anons were dunking on her for being this financially irresponsible but taking responsibility of a child and a husband. If it was unwanted she would've said so.
>I'll happily take any poor mom No you fucking wouldn't you upper middleclass retard. Having dumb parents who make shit decisions like this sucks.
No. 1970918
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It's depressing seeing males around my age go the bearded skinhead route. Damn, my generation already hit the wall. Brutal.
No. 1970924
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How do adultier nonnas deal with this? I'd go to jail if I touched this guy but he looks old enough to be my father. Are gen alpha males hitting the wall?
No. 1970927
>>1970920What? I think abortion should be possible at all times so women don't make awful decisions like having children when you're only one minor emergency away from being unable to afford them or being otherwise devoid of foresight.
>majority of people get out of that situation anywayYou're living in fantasy land.
No. 1970928
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I have a (small) yt channel and my latest video got more viral than intended so now I've gotten a bunch of really fucking stupid and rude comments an I just wanna cuss them out but then I'd be the one to get in trouble
No. 1970935
>>1970927We're dealing with a recession right now. Do you not remember the amount of people that went broke during 08 then quickly recovered 1-3 yrs later? I surely do. I'm going to assume most of you are fairly young and haven't seen recessions
As for the anon running around bashing her to death for having a baby isn't going to accomplish anything. If people want to make abortion legal/use unlucky women as pawns for their abortion argument why not help fight for support then instead of non stop bashing?
No. 1970966
>>1970935It's those "it will work out someway :)" retards that end up stuck in poverty due to their lack of planning and poor decision making (you know, like choosing to have kids during recession instead of when you're more stable) and then end up inevitably burdening their kids with their misery. It's true there are a lot of things you can hardly prepare for, but one partner having job issues should not put you in a state where you have to rely on foodstamps while having to care for a newborn.
And I'm not using anyone as pawns either, you're the one who brought up abortions in the first place. If you do not have solid savings and a remotely good paying job, you shouldn't have children, it's not rocket science.
No. 1970980
>>1970966Nta or any of the on going discussion, but I was actually coming here to lament about the fact I want a child, but refuse to make one
because of my financial situation. It’s depressing but I am aware I am not in a good position to bring a kid in the world.
Even physically, I am struggling to find a migraine medicine that works and am on a waitlist for a specialist appointment. It wouldn't be fair to the kid that II have these terrible migraines for hours and sometimes days in a row.
I also grew up poor and with a mother who was mentally unwell to be a mother. It’s not an easy path, and I cant allow myself to continue the cycle. Sure, there is no “perfect” time to have a kid, but there are comforts a parent should have for their children.
I hope to be a mother, but I cannot be one right now without feeling selfish.
No. 1971002
>>1970973I grew up around poor and lower middle class Europeans and I can't think of a single family where that applied after the now 3 recessions I lived though. Their financial situations just got worse with the years but they adjusted to the new even lower standard.
But if your experience is like that, again why not just wait the years until you're stable? In your example, why would you choose to give your first kid a life in poverty, especially when you're sure you will be more secure later on? You're saying it as if the life of the first child doesn't count kek. It's never just the financial issues either, like a snowball those create even more issues in other areas.
>>1970980That's honestly a noble mindset, I'm wishing you the best, especially for your migraines.
No. 1971090
>mother gifts me a miniskirt >says people will think I look like a whore when I wear it (paired with tights, mary janes, and a huge sweater?)At least she was sheepish when I called her out on this. Endless nonsense.
>>1969093I was an art kid and still had to do this. That's just what being lower working class means.
No. 1971092
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>>1970924The worst part is that the scrotes who don't go bald know what they have and become community dick through their 40s with massive egos (especially if they're also still in good shape, those guys are the WORST… "ethical nonmonogamy" lmao)
No. 1971094
>>1970959"FWB" is absolute bullshit, how are you even benefiting?
And he's not your friend, he probably hates you and would disappear in .02 seconds when he finds a girl he actually wants to date and not just scam for free sex
No. 1971115
>>1970924It's so sad but unfortunately the majority of moids do go bald at some point. Personally I'm trying to come to terms with the fact that my nigel probably only has 5-10 decent hair years left at most. His hair usually covers it but whenever he pulls it back I cringe a little bit at his receding hairline. I'm trying to cope by enjoying his hair while it lasts and consoling myself with the fact that the rest of him is still extremely attractive to me.
I completely understand nonas who would never date a balding scrote though, this one is special to me but I can't deny it's bleak.
No. 1971118
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i broke my pussy by jerking off too much with my vibrator
No. 1971121
>>1970959What’s your benefit if only one of you is a booty call. Why does he get to decide on any random day whether to reach for your number or for porn. Train your dog if you’re gonna keep one.
>>1971094The psyop is insane. Orgasm gap is no different in FWBs, 9 out of 10 times she’s in a “situationship” and he’s in a free escort.
No. 1971127
>>1971115My moid is his late 30s (before anyone starts an infight over age gap relationships, I'm also in my 30s) and is balding. It's been happening for a while and it seems to be progressing very slowly. I'm not sure what I will do when he eventually does go bald. I don't hate shaved head moids and generally think it looks better than the alternatives but I don't find them particularly attractive either.
I guess it's another reason why being straight is a curse. Even if you find your perfect Nigel, he will eventually go bald.
No. 1971134
>>1971120hardest thing I'll ever have to do while ovulating. I really need to buy one with different intensity settings
>>1971117that stuff can give men ED, so straight women really have to either deal with soft dicks or receding hairlines. bleak as fuck
No. 1971135
>>1971117Any tips on getting him to do this? I've tried to nudge him towards this by making some comments about it before but the pills stop moids dicks from working apparently and he finds the topical stuff too expensive to be worth it. Ideally I would want to find some way to make him think it's at least partially his own idea and for his own benefit. I would never go along with it if he would ask me to change my appearance or shave or something for him and he knows this.
>>1971127I feel you nona. My nigel has a skull shape that wouldn't suit being bald at all either. I'm particularly into full, long hair on males so that makes it sting a little more.
No. 1971138
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My doctor's appointment to get prescribed Naltrexone (anti alcoholism meds) got pushed again by three weeks. Why is everything so fucking slow here? I'm barely keeping myself together. I'm broken, give me pills so I can function like a normal person. Therapy doesn't work, AA definitely doesn't work (fucking cult), just give me the pills so I can make a base to work from.
No. 1971194
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>>1971135This scrote meme is too real. They all regret not doing something sooner. Make him browse r/tresless, there's so much room for improvement but it only works if they start fast.
No. 1971219
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i feel like i'm losing my friend to religion (mostly islam). For context i live in a contry where there is a lot of second generation immigrants, espacially where i live, there is a lot of muslims, a huge part of my highschool friends are muslims and for years it wasn't a big deal, we would smoke, drink, go out, walk for hours at night. But recently, two of my best friends started wearing the hijab. They don't go out anymore, we can't go to bars or go for drinks or coffee anymore, the only place they go at night is a bubble tea and yeah that's nice but it's exhausting to go to the same place everynight. We used to go to really cute bar with nice extoriors but now we onl play cards inside. I know we don't need alchool to have a good time but i sometime wish i could get wasted, especially when i have good news. Recently i went on a trip with a non religious friend and we drank beer every night, going to bars, walking along the water, it was so nice i really missed this.
The breaking point for me is that one of my very best friend has been talking to a guy for a few months and she's already thinking of getting married. I know that's how it's done for muslims and she's an adult but i'm scared for her, the dude seems nice but he also refuses to listen to music because it's haram. We want to go abroad for a few weeks, we're looking for a destination and she suggest we go to Malaysia because it's, well, a muslim contry. She doesn't have any friends beside me, she only hangs out with her cousins and i don't have a lot of friends myself but i fear she's gotten deeper into religion because she is surrounded by other muslims. I really wish i appreciated our last night out more.
feeling like picrel
No. 1971230
>>1971228That's adorable,
nonnie. I wish I could try your garlic bread. I bet it tastes good.
No. 1971255
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tried to fix things with my ex boyfriend but the times i try to be genuine and apologize i’m called retarded, insulted, and yelled at. i genuinely don’t see why i tried anymore. i feel like shit now
No. 1971294
>>1971255just LEAVE HIM
You're better off alone than with a man who doesn't respect you.
Trust me.
No. 1971396
>>1971255He's used to
toxic shit then, some people are like that. Always drawn to something destructive, they don't feel like they deserve anything good (even if they complain about mistreatment) and it's not convenient when you try to be a bigger person. They expect the opposite because it's a comfortable level for them. Either more familiar or more excitable. It sucks when you realize that about someone you care about but it's really not your problem, you can't fix that, you can't help them, you shouldn't waste your time there. And if he tries to come back one day claiming he's changed, don't believe him.
No. 1971490
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Why FUCK is weed illegal where I live, my retard country will never legalize it. It’s not a miracle cure and it does have downsides but it’s been better help than antidepressants ever have been for me. Can’t smoke because I’m applying for jobs and companies might test for it for some goddamn reason.
No. 1971688
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Idk where else to post this, I asked my dad to buy me slippers for my birthday so my feet won't be cold and he bought the most expensive old lady clogs imaginable and he was so excited about the design, bless him. They're also super hard so they make a loud clop clop sound when I walk… I should have asked mom instead lmao
But it's not like anyone else will really see them so it's fine and I still appreciate the gesture kek
No. 1971690
>>1971494>>1971511Just let him go. He isn't worth shit. Sorry that you wasted your time though.
>>1971685Nah, it's completely fair for women to want to vet guys before they meet in person.
No. 1971710
>>1971688Bless your dad. Mine did the same thing many moons ago when I asked for a "cool studded leather belt." First he took me to a department store and had me try on various belt sizes regardless of thr style to find my measurements. Then I come home one day to the tackiest, authentic leather rhinestone cowboyesque belt ever. I was like uhhhh thanks dad as he was absolutely beaming as I put it on with my jeans and it fit perfectly.
Later found out from mom he spent like $200 on it and it was a mutual d'ohhhh (should've asked mom.) We will go to our graves without insulting the belt lol.
No. 1971717
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>>1971707it's people pissy on a friday and moids moiding. you are gonna be ok schizo-chan.
No. 1971760
>>1971721You’ll still not know for sure you will enjoy the date. It’s so easy for your mind to fill in gaps about people with what you want to see, but in-person dispels any of that. And you will never be exposed to their manners. If I based it off it chats, I probably wouldn’t have ended up with the guy I chose. But in person, he knew just how to unlock the most fun side of me and he was extremely attentive and gentlemanly.
You really can’t blame people for dropping off texting after a while. They are there to go on dates now, not in a year, and they’re not there to make needy texting buddies who lose their shit if you’re busy one weekend.
No. 1971762
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I found out recently that Marlon Brando had molested his daughter Cheyenne. I'm really horrified and disgusted. That definitely had a role in Cheyenne's suicide, poor girl. Marlon was a subhuman abuser who got away with too much.
No. 1971766
>>1971762Why can't it be called more attention to when moids have a hand in a woman's death? It's so much more monumentally fucked up than the average case if a
victim would rather be dead than alive and kill's herself because of the abuse but it's constantly overlooked when it happens
No. 1971770
>>1971767Not OP but I remember reading people around her denounced her because she was mentally ill but I believe her. Brando also objectified
POC women like her mom and she was mixed so it wouldn't shock me if he went after her as some kind of power grab. I hate men.
No. 1971782
>>1971770But Brando's mother wasn't mixed, all his ancestry was European, are you sure about that
nonnie? I just checked on ethnicelebs
No. 1971790
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>>1971782Cheyenne's mother was French Polynesian and Chinese.
No. 1971814
>>1971805I wish I was a
femcel tbh. Or at least a based independent Stacy. Being heterosexual is actually a curse.
No. 1971820
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not really that deep of a vent but im always mildly annoyed in any gendie thread when asexuality is brought up and either its retards talking about "hurr durr acshully u can be asexual and be sooo horny have dirty stinky sex all the time lol!! u r SO valid my fellow masc fem bunself kings!!" or its nonnies saying "asexuality isnt REAL you're PORNSICK and want ATTENTION!" i dont think its at ALL lgbt or "queer" because its literally the absence of sexual orientation. but its just lame the most SIMPLE TERM of not wanting to fuck still gets so jumbled in the name of inclusion and not "gatekeeping". i love romance and kissing is pretty okay, but i adore physical affection like hugging or holding hands. the idea of sex with a man or woman just has never been something ive wanted. it makes me feel grossed out the same way i felt as a kid when my parents kissed. It was just kind of nice having a term for it that was super simple and straight forward. Ugh. only dated one boy in my teens, ended for reasons completely outside the realm of sex. sometimes i worry if ANYONE is going to date me again if i dont want to have sex. because its not just like, a low libido or medication effecting me, its something i cant really change. i cant imagine someone going the rest of their life without having sex again for just me. and id rather kill myself than have any form of an open relationship. sometimes i hope im just a super late bloomer and will one day wake up wanting to finally lose my virginity. im only 20 but i just dont know if theres hope for me, nonnies.
No. 1971827
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I don't want to learn French, I don't want to, I don't want to REEEEEEEEEEE. I fucking hate French. I just want to learn Russian, god, I motherfucking love Russian. It sounds like birds chirping during a beautiful spring day, it's so satisfying. I would marry a Russian in a heartbeat so I can hear chirps or whatever right in my ear, goddamit. Fuck French, they all sound like cows!!11!!11!!!1! Just search videos of cows mooing and you will learn how to pronounce their "U" in a heartbeat!! Cows invented French, the first baguette was a cow!!!!!! REEEEE
Why do I need to learn French to get a job, I swear… fuck Putin!! Fuck Putin for ruining the chances of Russian being an useful language for jobs!!!!!! Fuck youuuuuuuuuuuu bald man!!
no offense to frenchies i'm sorry… i just want to learn funny bird language…
No. 1971828
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>>1971811No, it was about russian boys bullying and beating up asian girl in a classroom while people around them, including a teacher, just look, and maybe only a couple of girls react but don't intervene
I've seen the dead old man video recently too, it's fucked up, sorry you saw it. I wish there was a built-in morbid curiousity blocker for a brain haha
I'm going to pinterest to cleanse my soul now
No. 1971829
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i was in such a horrible mood but i ate a massive bucket of chicken and now i feel a little better. time to get drunk as fuck
No. 1971842
>>1971756/m/ is most wholesome board, idk where you post about your show but you should do it in a niche thread, those have the nicest discussions
>>1971827i want to be annoying and share some cool french songs to you to like our difficult but nice sounding language !
>peur des filles - l'impératrice (i discovered it on here actually !)>Magnolias for Ever (cover by emma peters)>Rome - Solann>qu'importe - Juliette Armanet>C'est une belle journée - Mylène Farmer>Amigo - Lous and Yakuzaidk if we have the same taste in music but i tried at least kek (all by female artists just in case)
No. 1971851
>>1971820>im only 20That's incredily young
nonny, and it's completely normal to feel like this at your age.
For example, I'm in my late 20s now but identified as asexual until I was 19. I hated the thought of sex, never had any irl crushes, couldn't even read smutty scenes in fanfics or anything because it weirded me out and felt disgusting. Back then, I NEVER looked at anyone and thought "damn I wanna fuck that person" or even just "I want to date that person".
But, all of that changed when I found someone I had an emotional connection with, and since then I've felt differently about sex in general. It stopped feeling "dirty" after experiencing what doing it and really wanting to do it in a romantic relationship is like, because it isn't just fucking each other like animals. The cuddling afterwards, saying sweet things to each other, joking around and laughing during it, etc makes the entire experience nice.
You're still growing up, don't worry too much. Once you find someone special things might change for you like they did for me.
No. 1971890
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I can't receive or make calls on my phone. I have restarted it, turned on and off airplane mode, took out the sim card, and cleared caches. Nothing works. Stupid part is I can still text and use internet. Wtf, I hate this so much. Just randomly did this 3 days ago.
No. 1971892
Facebook is so toxic for boomers, I rarely go on anymore but I just scrolled by to see the most retarded fucking posts reblogged by my extended family. One of my aunts is posting doomer shit about the housing crisis, inflation, how different (better) things were when she was in her 20's and 30's, how hopeless Canada is. My moid second cousin is posting weird redpill trad shit, for some reason he has a hate boner for male Taylor Swift fans, young women with unconventional ways of styling (tattoos, hair dye, piercings,) how men do hard jobs and women don't blah fucking blah. (He spends his time on the couch on facebook drinking beer so I'm not sure why he feels so bold to post about strong men like he's one of them.) And then my female second cousin, his wife, posting trad shit. Like dumping on women half her age who get interviewed for those mgtow videos, where men go up to "interview" drunk women and make a compilation of 19 years olds yelling "men aint shit!!" to be like "Look! modern women are ebil!!!" Reposting Candace Owens being a woman hating cunt for no reason, farm life videos, more shitting on feminism and women half her age. Like shut the fuck up, according to those trad moids you are low value because you're 40 pounds overweight, have tattoos, short hair, and spend allllllll day on facebook. Jfc
No. 1971956
nonnie I think you just dodged a serious bullet and should probably block her.
No. 1971974
>>1971951While I don't actively self harm and more and the last time I did it was 4 years ago now, when I was 21, I feel similar. The urge for me has never gone away and if it wasn't for the fact that I have a boyfriend that would find out near immediately, then I would've relapsed by now many times over. Only the embarrassment and being unable to hide it is keeping me from it.
It sucks, anon. I wish I had advice for you but I hate to say I don't. Just hang in there <3
(no emoticons) No. 1971992
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I just feel so ashamed because I ate 3 large marshmallows today. When I say large I mean ginormous. I was trying so hard to cut back on how much sugar I eat anf i was doing good, but I have such a bad sweet tooth. It's especially bad that I don't eat for most of the day and sugar is what I reach for first because it's always the easiest. I literally haven't ate anything but marshmallows and water today. At least I'm not longer around desserts now since I'm back at home. I'll try to make myself something good for dinner.
No. 1972367
I just now realized that despite his abuse so many years ago, he never made me feel as worthless as you made me feel. No wonder I'm hung up on all the hurt feelings you left me with, it's not about me not getting closure but because of all the gaslighting. He might have been the one to sexually abuse me, but you were the one who made me feel dirty again. Both of you are years and worlds apart, but the hurt you left me with intersect.
I wish I could ask you this. I wish I could ask you how it feels that while he forced himself on me at least twice a day, you were the one that made me feel like a dirty rag worth absolutely nothing. I want to ask you this and I want it to sit with you, because I know that unlike him you aren't actually evil - only selfish and self-important. But I know it wouldn't affect you all that much, you would shake it off as me being crazy and confrontative, you would go to your new girlfriend and love bomb her for a couple of days until you convince yourself you are actually a martyr and go back to your usual ways, or claim I was being abusive as a way to make her desperately want to please you, just like you did with me about your other ex.
Oh I wish I could say it all to you, I want to see you be taken aback by it. And you would be taken aback, you would feel bad for at least a moment. But the payoff in the long run wouldn't be worth it. And it upsets me.
No. 1972369
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He hasn’t responded in 7 hours.
No. 1972377
>>1972217it's garbage
t. forever alone who had a relationship
No. 1972400
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Glad I can finally get emotionally over a retarded scrote.
We know each other from our friend circle, and when we got drunk we smashed two times. He's pretty cute, and I liked him in spite of his autism. He even asked me to move in as a roommate when shit started to go south with one of our friends not pulling their load–I declined cause I hate living with men. I started catching feelings and confessed one night that I liked him, to which he responded that he isn't ready for another relationship (I didn't ask that..) but we can still keep it casual, blah blah blah copout have your cake and eat it too excused to still leave the door open for free sex. I was pretty disappointed. On top of that, he became distant and I was not sure why and apparently he started to 'work through things' with a poly woman in our group which of course made me seethe cause the fucker rejected me with a bullshit excuse. I like her too yet she's not better than me or anything. But that doesn't matter. So I put on a mask and was working on disconnecting from him.
I was talking to his best friend about this (who I fucked, teehee~), and apparently the reason he got distant with me one night is that he thinks I'm a "transphobe." His friend picked him up while he was drunk and almost tore something from his truck because he was so infuriated by some "transphobic" thing I allegedly said, which was probably just that people cannot change their chromosomes. That's why he pulled away from me.
The actual tea is that I found out this scrote wants to be a woman but gets furious when people remind him that his clearly masculine, older man ass is never going to pass at this point even with pills and surgery. Apparently he even took his sister's bc pills when he was younger and blames his slight gyno on that.
Hilarious! To think I shed tears over this delulu man. It has helped me so much, I hope he troons out.
No. 1972433
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suddenly remembered that i'm ugly i didn't even look in the mirror or at photos of me cmon man can i get a break. now if you'll excuse me, i'm going to drown my unhappiness in explosive amounts of anger and hatred, i'm going to make a male ryona and rape drawing of scrotumites.
No. 1972448
>>1971916>>1972047Early 30s and I've never really had a crush or desire to have sex with somebody else, I just don't consider myself asexual
as a husbandofag. I've been told repeatedly that I'll eventually find someone I'll want to love but at this point I don't think it's possible and I'm just built differently, some people are just wired for celibacy and that's OK.
No. 1972455
nonnie, also i just realized my period is 3 days away so that's probably the source of my misery. i'm still making that ryona drawing of that scroteling that called me ugly in the 8th grade tho(he's an adult now, it's free reign)
No. 1972458
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>alone for majority of the workday
>my ass: calm, serene
>other workers come in
>ass: LET 'ER RIP!!!!!!
why must my body betray me
No. 1972464
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cp bump don't scroll
No. 1972477
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I hate my country so much. Today I was warned by the morality police that the dress I wore over my jeans is too short 3 FUCKING TIMES. That the front of my hair is showing. What the fuck can I do I'm already out I'm trying to get home if you stop holding me off. I hope you all die I hate you so much. I hate that black clad women with face masks have the power to arrest me and send me to jail. I was so scared and I am so ashamed of myself that I didn't stand up to them.
No. 1972479
>>1972477i'm sorry
nonny, i can't imagine how it feels but please don't put yourself in danger and try to stand up to them, i hope you can live freely one day
No. 1972491
>>1972478Thank you nonna you don't know how much it means to me. I'm typing with tears in my eyes. Your country is so beautiful please never let the islamists take full control like the do here.
>>1972479Thank you nonna. I wish I was stronger. This country needs strong women who aren't scared of prison. I wish I was that woman.
>>1972484Thank you nonna. I will try my best.
No. 1972511
>>1972210Most men are lazy as fuck and want the women to literally do everything. Do what
>>1972502 says and he'll want you to pay for it or split 50/50 as well. Even through a dating app a guy should want to impress you. It's ok, the trash takes itself out.
No. 1972544
>>1972539Saying "hi (insert comment about the random shit on their profile)" and then 4 messages later "wanna meet up" isn't pulling the scrote along lol. If he's still useless at making suggestions and planning the date after that you can ditch him, but like
>>1972502 said, Bumble specifically exists to give the woman control. Use Hinge if you don't like that.
No. 1972607
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I found this behavior at a child's funeral very distressing:
>Woman showing up in tight fitting, short, shiny club wear (winter funeral) which her fat was oozing out of
>Scrote doomscrolling AND had headphones in the whole 45 min service
I wanted to kill the scrote in particular. What the fuck is WRONG with people. It's a fucking CHILD'S funeral. Like why did you even come if you don't respect the person? Imagine wanting to take attention away from a dead kid by showing up in that gypsy attire. Chavs are absolute subhumans and I'm glad the Tories are finally coming for them.
No. 1972692
>>1972679That’s rough Nona. Breakups often aren’t due to logical reasons so confusing and asinine is right on the money. There isn’t going to be closure because there’s nothing he can say that will give you the emotional comfort that you want. I’d write how you feel in a journal or something, that helped me so I wouldn’t ruminate so much. No point ruminating over things already committed to paper.
Maybe get a new vibrator though.
>>1972687Currently pimply. It sucks. Consider getting prescription strength stuff for your skin. If you can’t see your doc there’s telehealth services. 20% azeleic acid is OTC now as is Differin. I feel like I wasted a lot of time and money on stuff that didn’t work. If you drink energy drinks or take b vitamins quit because they cause acne (my current reason for being pimply, I need the b12 but my skin hates it).
No. 1972693
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My life is better than most, I'm studying full time and working part time, but I wish I had enough spare time to go to the gym. I'm not a morning person (literally can't function) and the only gym I can afford closes before I leave my night job. I'm tired of studying, I just want to game, draw, gym, and sleep. I miss being a pathetic neet.
No. 1972751
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i cut off my family today and told them i won't come back until they set aside their differences. it's immature and i didn't want to do it but it's literally the only thing i can do to get them to stop fighting each other because they've burned each other down to resentment and the only thing they agree on is me. nonnas it hurts so bad, i miss them so much. i'm such a fucking idiot if this doesn't work. they're not often good people, but they're my people and i love them and i already miss them i just want to shrivel up and die in a corner, or ugly cry in the middle of the desert. i said i'd do anything to get them to stop fighting and this is the only thing i have left but it hurts so bad. any nonnas who are on good terms with your families please do something nice for them and tell them you love them
No. 1972770
>>1972769pop lock and drop it
pop lock and drop it.
No. 1972843
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nonnies i am so sorry for this rant but im fucking furious and have been for years over this. i fucking HATE these retarded fucking "mp3s" being sold in stores, they fucking pride themselves on having a measly 3 hour battery life and they always fucking cost like 50€. WHO THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU ARE. these bitches think they can pull this shit because today's technology went downhill and there's no longer a market for mp3s or whatever because everyone is too busy sucking apple's dick over the newest iphone which will kill itself within 3 months. these fucking LOWLIFE WHORES have NOTHING on my old walkman, this motherfucker lasted for OVER 15 YEARS before breaking, had a battery life of MINIMUM 3 DAYS, AND ON TOP OF ALL OF THAT COSTED LESS THAN 15€. these USELESS, WEAK, PATHETIC FAGGOT mp3s will NEVER EVER be what the old walkmans were. i fucking wish the "omg frutiger aero 2000s y2kcore uwu" fags would invest all their energy into pressuring sony to start producing their mp3s again instead of inventing new genders and getting into catfights on twitter. "b-but anon, you can have spotify and deezer and youtube music on your phone and-" SHUT THE FUCK UP!!! KYS!!! do you honestly fucking think an APP on a fucking smartphone could EVER compare to literally being able to hold an entire collection of music in the palm of your fucking hand, without the fear that it'll get taken down for copyright, or that the artist will delete it, or that you'll lose your internet connection, or or or….. I'M NOT PAYING A FUCKING MONTHLY SUBSCRIPTION THAT COSTS AS MUCH AS A FUCKING OLD WALKMAN ITSELF JUST TO BE ABLE TO LISTEN TO MUSIC!!! i hate this gay fucking earth i hate the corporate technology faggots who took this joy away from humanity i hope all their fucking "smart" technology fucking blows up and kills them. i don't care if it's alogging, i need these fucking humanoids to feel the pain that i do everyday. i'm genuinely so fucking close to bombarding sony with emails begging them to stop being fags and go back to making their walkmans again. and yes, i may be a dramatic retard but you would be too if you knew the joys of this little music machine.
picrel is the model of my old sony walkman, model nwz-b173f. rest in peace angel, i miss you every day and more and i will love you forever and a day. i wish i could get it fixed but it's likely that no-one fixes these anymore. i still pray that somehow, someday it'll magically start working again and that life will be good.
No. 1972858
>>1972843Hehe I think about this often. I still have my old mp3 and it's working, even though it was one of the cheapest ones in 2008, fucking Transcend T. Sonic. Only there's something with earbuds jack so you have to slightly press your finger onto plug to make the second earbud work but it's probably fixable. I's amazing this thing still works.
But anon, can't you use free music player app? I use my phone as an mp3 now basically, it has a lot more memory and I just download whole discographies from torrents as I used to and listen to them through some random player app that doesn't require subscription.
No. 1972874
>>1972843kek that's like how every "smart" word processor costs $300 when a $20 Alphasmart from the 2000s runs off a single button battery, can hook up to a modern smartphone and is made up of enough plastic to survive getting thrown off a cliff
I still have a sansa clip as a backup for when I don't want my phone around
No. 1973002
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>>1972605you retain water when you are dehydrated. being hydrated is the only way to shed "water weight". you should be drinking more water.
No. 1973312
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i don’t know how this keeps happening but a bunch of my enemies are fucking killing themselves!! FUCK YES!! like 5 of them already wow
No. 1973395
>>1973148Are you sure it was that? Maybe you ate something that was expired and you didn't notice, how were you feeling a few hours before puking? Sometimes I don't notice when I begin feeling sick, then it gets really bad.
But if it was truly just a mental thing, try to train yourself in mental gymnastics or glance at the pictures and close the tab/app/whatever else, so you don't have to feel uncomfortable.
I actually avoid social media because while I sometimes like to see others into my husbandos, sometimes I feel bad about not looking like the self-inserts of others and it makes me wonder if maybe I'm not pretty enough for my huabandos. But then I remember that in the end, I'm myself and they would like me anyways.
No. 1973678
its the things i can't tell my closest friends or even post anonymously on lolcow that eat me alive. the little things about the fear of aging, being alone, being with a moid, having kids, never having kids. i know i have to feel in order to live, but sometimes i just pray for the empty numbness to come and waste away the days, attention span shortening, forcing myself to pay attention to one piece of media at a time, being utterly disinterested in everything, the desire to go to work, the desire to go home once im there, not talking to my coworkers, fucking up and saying something weird when i try to talk to my coworkers
pointless post in a sea
No. 1973684
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I don't know, i hated being the younger one in a family full of misogynistic women that always whined about not having men to help them and doing nothing on their own.
I care about my family but i'm so tired of how they don't even care to do the important steps to get better, i've been through so much and i had to rely only on my self to get better, it was so difficult but i'm not blaming them for not helping me.
I just wish that now that i'm trying to help them they would actually do the right actions other than just telling me i'm right, i have no idea anymore, even they tell me that they just repeat themselves, i want to see them happy for once without getting issues from stupid moids just because they don't want to be separated from them.
What even is the point of involving me and asking me for help when they just go on doing the same things for years, what am i supposed to do other than trying my best as i keep seeing them withering away. I hate this, but i know that i'll keep trying forever, i just really want them to be off those stupid things that pain them.
No. 1973791
>>1972858i would do that but i'm an image hoarder and the amount of music i download would fucking blow up my storage space, plus my phone battery would die within 2 hours since i listen to music all day every day. the battery life is what i miss the most about the walkman tbh.
plus i don't even have my own phone right now kek, it broke and i don't know if it'll be able to be fixed>>1972988i fucking despise the fact that you're right
nonnie. i've been scouring amazon and my local shops for a while but i haven't been able to find anything reliable yet, even in my technologically retarded country most shops have stopped selling anything wired (this is another rant on its own i fucking hate this bluetooth shit). i'm keeping my fingers crossed though
No. 1973847
>>1973818a flat face is like a blank canvas, you can paint whatever you want onto it almost no matter what and it still looks good.
if you have large ugly features like me it all disappears and looks fucked up the second you move your head 10 degrees to the side, meaning you look like shit at all times because no one is ever looking at you from the "right" angle
No. 1973857
>>1973824Me too nona. I literally can't enjoy media with girls/women in them because I get depressed that I'm not as pretty as them. I'm not even directly comparing myself to them, it's not like "I wish I had X and Y features like her" it's just that I'm hit with how ugly I am. And if they happen to be ugly my mind just jumps to "that's how bad you look too" and I once again get depressed.
It sucks because I hate men and generally prefer things women create but my mind is so fucked up and I'm so insecure about how I look that I automatically cast myself as "beneath" these women. Sometimes I wish I was blind so I didn't know how ugly I was. My mind is so poisoned, it feels like I will always be like this. I'll never live or enjoy anything, because my brain is always going to hyper-focus on this stupid shit. It makes me suicidal because I can't escape these thoughts and people don't get it and think it's just pure vanity. It's not vanity, it's this mind poison that takes a choke-hold on you, like an eating disorder, you can't just "eat a burger" or "stop thinking you're ugly".
No. 1973911
The worst specs of a moid I fucked:
6 foot 5, obese, MICROPENIS, katana on wall, vaped and had a BMW. It was around 10 years ago and the memory invaded my mind and I literally stopped in my tracks while on my morning walk remembering this kek. What about you guys?
>>1969096Wow rude. The more stressful my life is the more I obsess over a crush though, true.
No. 1973927
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I hate having anger issues as a woman. It makes me want to explode the entire fucking planet alone with my frustrations and anger whenever I get mad. I can feel everything including the stress, anxiety, in my very bones and it probably causes me a lot of inflammation and body pain. I hate being a woman because I’m constantly begging and hoping someone will help me and nobody does. Why can’t other people just be like me and have some natural empathy and be able to know by nonverbal intuition that somebody needs a helping hand, why are people so fucking hopelessly retarded and piss me off so much
No. 1973944
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almost crying thinking about living and dying in this body. calling it dysmorphia seems like a cope lol, this is just my hellish reality. i want out. i wish my body hadn't developed this way.
No. 1973994
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am I actually fucking retarded, lately everytime I wash my hair like I always do, with same fuckass sulfate free shampoo i do, there's like 1.5L of shampoo still left in my hair after it dries. What the fuck is this shit, I feel like an actual mentally retarted person right now, I haven't changed shit, could it be my layers making it weird? No idea but can you imagine taking a shower in the morning, then 8h later you run your hands through your hair and it feels greasier than shayna's.
No. 1974216
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>>1974208NTAYRT but I once read that men will be more attracted to their girlfriends or wives if they know that other men also want their girlfriends or wives. But think about that for a second. Think about how male-aligned it is to feel attraction towards a woman
based on how much other men want her. The sexual feelings of
other males play a part in a moid's attraction to his woman? Doesn't that seem a little homoerotic to you? How is it that even when moids are straight, they're still so gay? Then you have the white scrotes of 4chan and pol that make endless paragraphs seething and obsessing over black men and how they use their penises. Even when men hate other men, they're still so fucking gay. I feel like this is going to attract someone that will tinfoil that women are the only humans capable of being truly straight. Sorry for the derail, but I wanted a moment to call men gay.
No. 1974226
At this point the only reason I wouldn't be pleased if my father dropped dead next morning is because my younger siblings would be sad. That's it. He's exhausted all the love I've had for him and clearly he has none for me. We live together but only because the pressure and disapproval he'd recieve from the rest of the family if he kicked me out would not be ideal for his reputation, otherwise I'm sure he wouldn't give a fuck if I was out there rotting on the street.
I myself could leave, I'm grown, I'm capable, I have a job, but that would doom me into renting for the rest of my life and never owning a home, which is a realistic goal for me if I take out a loan and suffer through living here for another 5 years. Now we're stuck together and I can feel him resenting me more each day until he finally gets to get rid of me. When I move I doubt we'll ever talk. Every holiday in theast 6 months I didn't get a word for him, not even my birthday. My family organized a dinner for it and the whole time people were giving me well wishes he sat in his seat glaring. This silent treatment started purely because I didn't let him degrade me and call me a disgusting animal for not having brushed my hair before coming into the kitchen one morning after I had just woken up, after which of course I also got choked for talking back.
I'm so fucking pissed off because when I bring this up to the rest of my family they assure me he surely does love me, and that all I need to do is be kinder and more docile around him when he's acting like a psychopath, as if anything I do could appease a man that calls me a bitch after he drunkenly bumps into me. This man hates me, and he feels no remorse for anything he's ever done to me, I hear it in the way he speaks to my siblings when I'm not in the room. My mother died when I was very young, and since then I've not known a moment of peace or felt any warmth from my leftover parent, only disregard and abuse for the only female in the home. I will spit on him tonight as he sleeps and hope some day soon he doesn't wake up.
No. 1974234
>>1974231It was on The Jenny Jones Show "Same-Sex Crushes". Turns out it had been lost media for a long time. Honestly disturbing that the moid went out of his way just to kill a man that only had a crush on him. Literally the most tame thing and he couldn't even handle that.
>>1974216I always thought it was a competitive thing with them. Like non-stop everything is a competition to them.
No. 1974268
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>be me
>Always schizo level anxious, get panic attacks when eating
>Avoid eating too much food, just eat regular stuff
>Lose 3x the weight because my metabolism is already extra fast cause thyroid issues
Just get me out of this neverending hell, I'm not supposed to be scared of meat and rice I feel like a fucking freak. If I don't eat 3x my usual intake I will lose weight again but I'm tired of overeating then feeling bad I can't keep this pace anymore, I want to kill myself I just want to look and feel normal again. Give me my fucking meds already for the love of God
No. 1974293
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>>1974168I literally just said this to myself like an hour ago. It’s like your entire energy and life force is restricted because you’re a woman, it fucking sucks, you’re always taught to neutralize or downsize your presence and suck the cocks of everyone you meet just to survive and be liked while men can be absolute drains and still be desired, worshipped, respected. One of men’s worse nightmares is being relegated to the role of a fag or woman which is basically a cuckold, women are just female cuckolds of the world and I wonder when that on a grand-scale can finally change because I’m truly tired of living in the late stage period of patriarchy where they’re living on the rewards of their worldly destruction and selfishness where they get to party and relish in their independence, degeneracy, hedonism, and fuck trannies because men can transcend reality and biology to be “better women” in the comfort era of late stage patriarchy for men. They already pretty much destroyed the entire world and now trying to destroy the very fabric of life itself holding on a thin string tied by a person with Down Syndrome. I can genuinely empathize on TIFs with this though, they’re trying to escape a life that is truly oppressive and trying to have entitlements and freedoms men are able to have when they will never be able to trample and dominate other people like TIMs can.
No. 1974295
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>mfw looking through the available cats at a shelter and some of them are labeled as a "long timer"
Breaks my fucking heart. I hope they find someone who loves them soon
No. 1974331
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My comfort youtuber cosplay group (stuff I watched a lot in 2012) deleted their channel and I haven't recovered since.
No. 1974353
>>1974334Leechblock can block specific sites., look into learning how to use your host file to block a website.
No. 1974362
>>1974302I'm not skelly by choice, my hormones are fucked, meds could literally help me
>>1974319Everyone in my family has high cholesterol too, regardless of weight, we simply got a tendency. It happens
No. 1974386
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i wanna know what it feels like to be a man in sexual situations where you clearly dictate and control the situation and have way more power and respect and be able to take away and hide said power to pretend that you were a victim of “nonconsensual” activity. if i said this to any normie they would combust and call me all sorts of names but the truth is that a man can walk away, push her off, berate her, even beat her and turn the whole town and her family against her if he wanted to evade rape and assault. women have a whole hoardes of people, the legal system, government, everyone against her very word if she was raped, berated if she were ever to turn away from men for the rest of her life. but no consent becomes a “egalitarian” lesson for both genders when we know which sex is the most rape-apey, sex-obsessed one where they’re able to repress their sexual urges to feign the victim and turn it all the way up to get what they want like a fucking vampire trying to fool itself into human society pretending to be human but drinking blood at night. i fucking hate it, i swear i feel like i’mqthe only one who can see this bullshit and it’s offensive to point it out
No. 1974459
>>1974416I agree that men can’t be raped, they have every means not to be. Completely agree and it infuriates me that faggot is pretending to be misguided and a sensitive man that is “scared” and women are pushing his boundaries ughhhhhhh make it fucking stop
>>1974429THIS THIS THIS. I hate when men pretend to not be predators and put on a sheep face faking sensitivity, he puts these women in awkward and humiliating situations where his stupid ass seriously isn’t man enough to know what she wants and to take control. So fucking annoying, socially and physically weaker scrotes weaponize this tactic to control situations because they will always be predatory just like the chads they hate.
No. 1974530
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>>1974521nta but I got the idea to go on it a few seconds ago and saw this shit. I heavily regret my decision
No. 1974643
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I don't mind programming if I'm working on some sort of retarded personal project but when it's for coursework I usually find it dreadfully boring. I should've gone to art school
No. 1974646
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I am SO glad Konami decided to rework him!! I was worried they were gonna keep the ugly gruff James. I never thought that fucking Konami would actually listen kek Hoping they ditch the shitty RE style game play too. I’d be so upset if this game turns out bad.
No. 1974676
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>>1974667Yes but he looks closer to his original model now.
No. 1974683
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I wish I had a cool outgoing friend to go out and do stuff with, but I am a dum dum and boring. I live in such a neat place and I don't even get to experience it. I am never beating my agoraphobia/sad/gad/everything.
No. 1974687
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>>1974646>>1974676Preposterous. Look at those got nasolabial folds.
No. 1974721
>>1974693Solidarity, sister.
>>1974705It's spoilered precisely because it's a huge ass spoiler for the entire plot.
No. 1974742
>>1974691Yeah, idgi either. Honestly always assumed people wanting James to be hot were mostly people who didn't play the game.
>>1974693I don't think he was ever meant to be likeable. He used to be universally seen as a bad person.
No. 1974814
>>1974787>>1974796guess what, the second i emailed 2h of work he's sends me a pic and message like "got your coworker to do part 1, you can just do part 2" LIKE FUCKK OFF now i did it all for NOTHING, why the fuck wouldn't he say that when the coworker started working on it instead of when he's done with it??? and why make me do it at all if you already had someone to do it for you fucking fuck off im so mad, i was genuinely gonna work tomorrow because i thought i'd be fine after i got proper rest today but i think im gonna pretend to still be sick because fuck them imma just play video games all day
AND HE JUST EMAILED MORE CHANGES NOT IN THE SPECS i'm going to commit heinous crimes nonas
No. 1974868
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This year things haven't been really good, recently some stuff has been happening and it's been making me feel like I shouldn't exist. Like my life is unnecessary and I should die, stop existing, stop being a thing so I can stop harming the world.
Like I was going to write exactly what is bothering me right now but that's too hurtful to even type out. I'm writing this and I don't know how to type.
I love my bf and my bf loves me but he has a cousin who said he can't sleep at night because my bf is with me and the cousin has anxiety because he thinks I'm not good enough and that he needs to keep my bf safe from me. I've never talked to the cousin other than a group chat where he mentioned cumming inside his asian gf. I don't like the guy. He barely knows me.
I keep thinking maybe I should really die and leave my bf alone. Like I don't see myself getting integrated in his life with a cousin like that. Everyone else in his family is so supportive of him being with me but the cousin. I'm not okay. I think I should die because of they only knew I'm fat, ugly, autistic, depressed. The cousin says I'm too much trouble for my bf. My bf tries to tell me that I'm good enough and that I've made his life better and can't think of a life without me.
I have deep attachment issues and guilt and shame and everyday I keep thinking that the world would be better without me. My bf feels devastated when I say that. And it's a little spiral of me feeling like I'm not a good person then I make my bf feel sad because he thinks I'm good but then making him feel sad proves the cousin's point. That I'm bad. So it makes me feel like I should die.
Sorry for the stream of consciousness type of post. I don't know how else to explain this.
No. 1974890
my piece of shit teacher isn't getting back to me on whether he received my fucking email about not being able to make it to the rescheduled exam. in other words, im scared ill get screwed over because of his incapacity to read/reply to emails even though i sent it days in advance. god forbid a uni teacher check their damn inbox during end of semester huh.
>>1974868sounds like cousins just some weirdo PUA type seething about your nigel having gotten a gf who genuinely cares for him. dont let discount andrew tate manipulate you into sabotaging yourself. you're infinitely more worth it than he'll ever be.
No. 1974900
I miss being embraced. I miss being embraced. I miss being embraced.
>>1974887I feel the same. Sending you love.
No. 1974925
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>be me
>go to a doctor's appointment
>doctor's a cutie and around my age, he's nerdy and kind, just my type
>he's very talkative, while I'm dead inside from previously fighting my dad and being sick for a while + depression
>i try to smile, talk or interact, but again, I'm too dead inside, I barely manage to smirk a bit
>he's clearly uncomfortable with my distant and cold attitude despite still acting nice towards me
>get my meds
That was so embarrassing, might kill myself later idk
No. 1974933
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>>1974691I literally never said I wanted him to be “attractive” I just hated the remake model they gave him. You guys jump to conclusions way too fast. I just like the game.
No. 1974958
>>1974868Didn't you post about this same thing 18 days ago in the advice thread?
>>>/g/389172 I guess that's why you are posting here in the vent thread because it's more about how you feel worthless and suicidal than it is about what you can actually do, but the same advice you got then still applies now. The cousin is a faggot.
I know it feels real to you because you are mentally unwell but this cousin is not a real problem. He is nothing. He is an annoyance at worst and your boyfriend should make sure you never meet him. You need to develop some self-worth. If you didn't have the cousin issue to focus on you would find some other illegitimate reason to hate yourself. Find out why you have such a low opinion of yourself and address that.
No. 1974990
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>>1974958The thing is just thinking about causing pain to the cousin (his anxiety about my bf being with a depressed girl) makes me feel ill. Like I need to run away because the only thing I can do is give pain to my bfs family. This is rooted in the sense that I always thought my brother was suffering because my parents gave me more attention because I did well in school. Idk. I always wanted to die so others wouldn't suffer, but dying and talking about dying hurts my bf so much.
I can't pull with this judgement when I judge myself do harsh for being ugly and pathetic. Also they make videos together. He can't cut his cousin off. I feel like yoko ono. I don't want to cause this pain. But then again calling myself ugly and pathetic also hurts my bf and proves the cousin right. Idk. I'm sorry. I woke up feeling suicidal about this.
No. 1975004
>>1974319>>1974362It's cause the fat is in your bloodstream instead of clumping together in your subdermal tissue
I've known of a lot of natty skinnies with sky high triglycerides, often old men
No. 1975005
>>1974990Sorry anon but caring about the cousin's feelings is fucking retarded. Wallowing in self pity is equally as stupid and more likely to get your boyfriend to get fed up with you than if you tough it out and tell the cousin to fuck off. Your bf tells you he loves you, so just believe him instead of becoming suicidal over such a non-issue.
Would you care if one of your COUSINS (not even a first degree relative like your mother, father, sister, brother) disliked your boyfriend? Would you despise your boyfriend because of it?
No. 1975027
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>>1974990LMAO you're not causing pain to that cousin get real anon.
You're mentally ill and it's messing with your perception of your life and relationships with other people. Sorry if that hurts to read but you need to hear this.
No. 1975046
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>>1975032>>1975027Here's where it gets messy, I'm going to post this out of self hate.
I met my bf through watching the cousin's videos where my bf is featured. I messaged him. We hit it off. My bf never had a gf before so he's not the smartest when it comes to relationships. The cousin really thinks I'm going to fuck up my bfs life because he's sensitive and can't deal with strong emotions (he's autistic and has meltdowns sometimes). I'm guessing the cousin feels iffy because I used to be a fan. Maybe. Idk. My bfs mom also died last year and the last words he told the cousin were "take care of him". So I guess the cousin sees me as an obstacle to my bfs happiness even though he has expressed to him multiple times that he has grown and matured because of me and wants me in his life forever. He has had this talk with the cousin but the cousin is stubborn.
No. 1975125
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>>1973216>>1975102Men fear the nut-kicking strong-legged Stacy because half of them look like this. Strong muscular legs on women are super hot, I'm doing more cycling just to reach your level m'nonnies
No. 1975147
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i seem to do better in life when i take my medications but i feel like a digusting sheep helping big pharma get bigger when i take them. i think i am overmedicated but when i go off them i end up drinking heavily to manage paranoia and anxiety blah blah blah. the only med i like is the one that bumps me into a (hypo)manic episode so i can at least feel euphoric for a fleeting moment before i end up getting 5150'd. people like me should be euthanised because i am useless taking psychiatric "medication" and eating goyslop. average dystopian modern life enjoyer.
No. 1975195
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I hate when it's a perfect beautiful day outside because I am so depressed and exhausted and just want to sleep. After today the weather will likely be horrifically hot until October so it's like the last day of beautiful spring and I'm so sad. I was supposed to go outside today. I'm supposed to do so many things but I'm so tired. I just want to sleep and dream about being somewhere else.
No. 1975197
>>1975147If you don't like big pharma, why not consult with a herbalist? She'll be able to find local native plants that works for managing your issues. I don't know where you are or your personal medical history, but based on alcohol helping your paranoia and anxiety, I think you would benefit greatly from a daily turmeric supplement and either a chamomile, milk thistle, or hibiscus supplement. Along with the turmeric, one of those three should help you but they all work in different ways so you'll need to try them all and at different times. Your cycle will also affect how you are absorbing stuff so keep that in mind.
And also, if you're going to try stuff, although St. John's Wort is great and works on its own for a lot of people, that stuff affects every other medication in the world, so be real careful if you take anything like birth control or heart medication.
No. 1975217
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I like my calmer self but I miss all the creativity, honesty and pent up emotion my unhinged self had. She seemed to have everything and hid her pain well until she tanked it all. It was exhausting to be that way. She really was something, not always something good, but something memorable. My current self is just a lost little lamb gallivanting in the field wondering what and where she's going to go next and how she's going to redefine her life. I hate being mentally ill and having trauma and I wish sometimes I'd just die but I'm too jovial and cowardly to actually attempting killing myself again. Life is so boring and uneventful now. Fucking sucks.
No. 1975247
I’ll save up 2000 and move the fuck away from here. I won’t have to write “DO NOT SPEAK TO HER” on my hand so I’ll remember not to speak to her anymore, because every time I try and talk to her she spits venom. Hate towards anything I like (“that’s just so basic” so what, just wanted to share my happiness), hate towards any attempts I make at being social (“everyone there is a genderspecial” I know and I fucking hate that but it’s better than staying at home friendless), hate towards my accomplishments (“that’s not even impressive” cool I’m not going for an award), indifference towards me having a great day, hate towards my friends (straight out mentioning how much she dislikes them).
I fought so hard to be by this family member’s side because I genuinely loved her and we used to have a blast together. I don’t know what happened. She doesn’t have any friends, I’m the only person around her and she will still rather die than be supportive at anything I do. Just venom venom venom. I try to take steps to improve my life and she will just put me down.
She reminds me so much of her pedophilic rapist father who assaulted me, who once told me “If I end up completely alone so be it”. It’s just better if I leave. What a shame. I’ll miss watching series together, sewing costumes and bonding over our rabbits. I’ll miss sharing dumb BL headcanons about our favourite ships and drawing them together kissing— she was always so excited about that but last year when she said she’s actually a lesbian she suddenly started shutting this all down and calling me disgusting for still being into it LOL, which fine, cool, but like. I don’t know.
I miss how it was. She won’t even say hello in the mornings to me. Meanwhile I’ll do the cooking, cleaning, shopping… and if I try to talk to her I just know it’ll be something hateful. Trying to talk to her goes nowhere, she just says “I’m not into any of that anymore” “I don’t feel like doing X ever again” “I don’t want to spend time together” “I’m okay I just think all of what you like is stupid”.
Oh well. There’s just one thing I can do.
No. 1975292
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today I became what I hate most; the group member who doesn't show up or contribute.
I didn't realise I'd been put into a group (or that we even had groups) and so I accidentally missed two group-focused tutorials because I was sick. So ofc because I didn't know I had a group I didn't contact them to let them know that I was, in fact, sick - NOT a bad group member by choice. I received a (passive aggressive ngl) email asking if I even plan to contribute. oof.
I've fixed it now and will resume my usual stance of leading every discussion and doing the majority of the work to prove I am NOT a piece of shit group member!
No. 1975354
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Forever in awe at how useless my coworker is. Fucking cow just left for the day and didn't even do the ONE thing she's been asked to do to help me out on days where I bust my ass covering for our manager when she's off while doing my own work too. To top it off she also showed up late today after our boss sent out an email reminding "us" (meanwhile it was actually directed at her) what our operating hours are because she shows up late and leaves early constantly. I don't know why he doesn't just fire her ffs
No. 1975370
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>anon you're so young having all these skills!
>anon why are you so behind everyone else your age?
No. 1975382
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Am I just bound to be a femcel from now on? I'm not horribly upset at being single for a while, but I genuinely think I'll never be able to find someone I actually love again.
I was betrayed in my previous relationship and now I feel like anyone I'd want to date long term again will eventually hurt me. Not to mention the shitty population of singles out there. The 0.01% of women on dating apps are bihets and gendies, and the men are ugly, balding, and faggots or coomers in disguise. The ones that aren't those things don't share the same values or interests as me, and I doubt they'd be interested in me anyway because I'm fucked up. I'm decently attractive and intelligent, but I'm also mentally ill, have no drive when it comes to being a wageslave and am functionally a NEET.
It's not even like I have super high standards. I just want someone attractive who isn't retarded and loves me and only me. God why couldn't I have been born a basic bitch
No. 1975462
>>1975382If you've had sex you're disqualified from being a
femcel like the rest of us
No. 1975476
>>1975462can you shut the fuck up? like having sex (something literally any woman can do if they sink low enough) is some sort of enlightening experience for women
you can no.longer be a virgin and be a
femcelfemcelness is deeper than that
No. 1975478
>>1975476Nta, femcelness is not that “deep”. If you had sex you’re not a
femcel, its as simple as that.
No. 1975483
>>1975382Yeah sorry but I have to agree with
>>1975462if you had a relationship and sex then you can’t really be a female incel.
No. 1975486
>>1975479My mother is helping (since the babyshower and dinner is at their house) and has already asked once on my behalf. Its pretty much dead air. In the group event I made and asked about numbers for dinner I had 2 people like the post but didnt tell me if theyre coming lmao. Would I take that as yes they will be eating dinner with us?
There is 25 people invited, so its the difference between a meal for 4 vs a meal for 29.
If everyone said no I wouldnt be upset or anything, but the lack of reply and unable to have a set plan is something thats always ticked me off in general.
I think my preg hormones are making me more irritable too.
No. 1975489
>>1975483any woman can have a "relationship" and sex
Why don't actual virgins have it?
Because they don't find any QUALITY ones
It's the same for a female non Virgin
She tried one of the garbage proposals that the virgins declined
They have the same garbage pool to choose from
It's the same misery
No. 1975515
>>1975502She's right though. Women can't be incels like men because they could find some low value scrote and fuck or date him if they really wanted. Most
femcels are just women with standards, their celibacy isn't ACTUALLY involuntary. I guess lesbians have it harder, but even then there are usually some sped or gendie lesbians out there who would be up for dating them
No. 1975528
>>1975522>i-i dont careIn that case, concession accepted. If you’ve had sex you’re not a
femcel, not matter how much you cope about it because of your failed relationships
No. 1975532
>>1975528So if a woman had sex once 10 years ago and hasn't found a partner ever since she isn't a
femcel? You're retarded
No. 1975533
they just wantt to think they're so special and unique lmao just let them i guess
they know deep down how fucking stupid they are
No. 1975542
>>1975539Y-you dont understand
nonny, its akshully about EMOSHUNS and a fulfilling relationship! My last ex was a gigadork so technically I’m a
femcel since he didnt fulfil my needs!
No. 1975546
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>>1975195I feel this nona, but you got to get out in the sunlight and get vitamin D. Even if it’s just enjoying a coffee outside on a doorstep or balcony. You deserve your time in the sun.
No. 1975547
>>1975541What do you mean "shouldn't"
if having sex is some kind of freeing experience why shouldn't they..?
Do you mean you're actually… taking pride in your "
femcel" status..?
Is "
femcel" the new "virgin tradwife"?
Are you a… pickme?
No. 1975549
>>1975545Share your best lay’s number. I’ll give him a whirl, maybe then I’ll join your imaginary
femcel circle
No. 1975665
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I hate when I eat pasta and my stomach bloats for hours and makes me feel so fat, but the food is so good and it’s with the meat sauce that makes it taste so good. I miss my natural thigh gap so much. Wish I could survive off of only drinking smoothies
No. 1975680
I'm so lonely. Time to go back inside my head.
>>1975675you gotta invest in some earplugs anon
No. 1975704
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That was the last time I smoke weed. Nothing bad happened besides the terrible paranoid dissonance between me and other people. I'm just sad because I used to get so giggly and carefree
No. 1975712
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Me: I’m gonna look up cute Kuromi decor on twitter as inspiration for redecorating my room! Surely, this is a reasonable thing to search for!
Someone’s Kuromi themed proana/shtwt page: posts the deepest self harm cuts that I’ve ever seen in my life and I’ve interred at psych wards before
Me: Jesus Christ…
No. 1975723
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>>1975712my condolences nonna that sounds horrifying
No. 1975752
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>be into thing
>meet someone else who is into that thing
>she is annoying and likes it in the wrong way to me
>cant consume thing without her living in my head rent free
great. now what.
No. 1975766
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oh yeahhh(wrong thread)
No. 1975793
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My parents are a totally different culture from me and we speak different languages. Imagine an ESL couple from a country you don't understand or relate to at all… That's how it is for me. They genuinely feel like foreign people and it makes me really sad because we love each other, we just really struggle to communicate on every level.
We can both kinda speak each other's preferred language for basic everyday things but it's impossible to communicate any abstract ideas to them. I mostly can't easily discuss my ambitions, emotions, or beliefs, and sometimes I can tell there's a miscommunication but it's really hard to resolve because it's hard to express anything meta (e.g., I would love to tell them that I've noticed they often say things at me instead of talking with me, but when I tried to describe this I sounded retarded and they clearly didn't know what I was on about).
Add the fact that we have extreme cultural differences, grew up in different halves of the world, and the fact that they're much older than me (dad is 43 years older and also has autism), and it just feels like they will never really understand who I am. I don't think they can really describe me as a person… They love me, but they don't know me. Of course we both continue to try to learn from each other and improve our language skills but it will literally never be the same as other families. I will never be able to joke with them the way other people can with their parents. I have no concept of how they lived and they can't relate to my life at all. I have an easier time talking to the parents of other people I know. I have an easier time talking to complete strangers.
Just feels really lonely sometimes since I feel like it's sort of a niche issue. This situation happened because my parents are immigrants who didn't strongly assimilate and I grew up without much culture being passed down besides superficial stuff like a few foods. I was also abused and isolated from my parents by an outside party for much of my childhood (they don't know and I could never explain this to them; it would just confuse them and break their hearts if I tried). It feels so messed up that we love each other and yet it feels like there's an impassable chasm between us.
No. 1975888
>>1975875thank you
what kind of things do you think i could do to help myself? genuine question
No. 1975967
>>1975877You could live for 500 years and still have shit you
want to do, but can't do because you're so decrepit you can't even move without multiple people helping you and all your friends/peers have died so you have nobody to talk and relate to. Technology improves so much but your feeble mind can't even begin to understand it and most of your memory is lost. Gee, sounds great!
No. 1975985
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I hate allergies so damn much. I'm tired of my eyes getting puffy, watery, sore, red, itchy, as well as getting hives on my eyelids. What honestly sucks the most is that I'm the only one in my family with terrible allergy symptoms. I would be happy for just watery eyes and a runny nose. It's fucking irritating.
No. 1975995
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I have been placed on a performance improvement plan at work because I have depression and ADD and I keep fucking up everything that I work on. I just feel like work is a neverending cycle of getting hired, fucking up, getting fired and rinse and repeat. I know I will never find anything I will be good at or that I like
No. 1976167
>>1976124I think it's pointless. The invaders should be shot on site. That's how a serious country would protect it's borders. I would mandate a machine gun put on every beach. It would save millions of dollars. OR they could do what Australia did and tow the invaders back to whence they came. It's literally so simple.
And the invaders have already said the flights to Rwanda will not deter them from enriching the UK. Nothing will stop the future doctors and engineers from looting the UK dry and raping white girls.
No. 1976255
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>>1976251Oh shit, racewar. Bongs vs. literally everybody else like the gold ol' days.
No. 1976256
>>1976255gif has me dying
>>1976251can’t tell if you’re a kiwitard but if you are pls go back to kiwifarms
No. 1976323
>>1976263Why the fuck would she have a baby with this man? He sounds like he wasn't really hiding the fact that he's an
abusive tool either. The two of you should go out somewhere without him and get a treat, I'm sure she'd appreciate getting to eat something good without him hovering and commenting
No. 1976350
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>unhappy when I thought he wasn't going to reply
>unhappy that he replied
Wow I love my attachment issues.
I'm rarted…
But they feel bad for different reasons. One makes me feel sick and disappointed, the other makes me feel scared. Let me out! What the fuck!
No. 1976386
nonnie, I will. I texted him if he wanted to see me tomorrow, he probably sees it coming tho.
No. 1976387
>>1976364It isn't the woman's fault for getting abused, but it IS her fault for choosing to bring a baby into the relationship who will also get abused. It's like a mentally ill person neglecting their pet. Is it the person's fault they're mentally ill? No. Is it their fault for choosing to keep a pet they can't take care of? Yes. It's the same for abused women. If they decide to have a child it isn't just their own life they're fucking up anymore, they're also dooming their baby to have a shit father and be subjected to his abuse.
>>1976370Yup, and the friend is going to have this same energy towards their kid when it inevitably gets picked on by her moid.
No. 1976704
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Someone in my friend group has decided she needs to figure herself out and now wants to be a she/they named Poush.
No. 1976713
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about to get some fillings and I'm very scared! i almost cried and had to get extra numb stuff! please say nice words to me cuz I'm trying not to cry!
No. 1976718
>>1976713Your teeth will be so happy and mouth will feel so fresh and clean, do not worry too much, it WILL be over eventually. Just remind yourself that
nonnie, good luck
No. 1976917
>>1976718thank you nona, it's over and it was easier than expected. i still have a lot of dental work that needs to be done so I'll be back in a few days for more.
if anyone here needs motivation to brush their teeth, floss, and eat better during their depression phase here's your sign. just fucking do it or you'll end up like me getting 8 fillings in a month. it sucks. brush and floss and drink water after having sugary stuff.
No. 1977005
>>1976834I’m 30 and sadly everyone about me is like this too. I’ve gone to animal rights events and the amount of extremely normie women in their 35-40s who have told me “they are genderfluid because sometimes they feel masc” or who have “they/she” on their Instagram is massive. It’s not even a “hobby” that attracts trans headcanons or whatever, IMO
>>1976827 needs to go outside and actually interact with people to see the absolute state of things.
No. 1977045
>>1976827I don't think it's a zoomer thing. I'm in my 30s and my friend named her girls Conchobhar (Conor) and Eoin (Owen) for some fucking dumb reason. Both extremely masculine names. She's a little bit hippy but not a gendie. It's everywhere now.
Mild rant but it's also dumb to use traditional spellings where the letters make sounds that are different from English when you're in an English speaking country. Especially when they are pronounced the same. I've got one and it sucks.
No. 1977154
It sucks feeling so unneeded all the time. Not good enough for a job that isn't soul and body crushing, not good enough to be loved by my parents as my siblings are, not good enough of an artist to get any attention, not pretty enough to be liked by anyone, not sociable and fun to have friends… Wish i wasn't mentally ill at least, then it would be slightly easier to deal with everything, like most people are average and all that, i'm probably too, but i see myself as the worst person ever over every little mistake. Wish it was easier to deal with everything, but it seems it's never getting better. Nothing makes me feel better. Trying to fix my situation just makes me feel worse because nothing ever works, i'm so tired of rejections or ignoring. I hate that everyone has to work, it shouldn't be this way. It shouldn't make me want to kill myself. Everyone needs superworker for 0,25 cents, if you are not perfect with lots of experience you are out of luck and should go starve somewhere. Like there are jobs in retail and mcdonalds, but i'd rather die, i can't talk to people without sounding like a retard. I wish i was killed by an asteroid or something, i'm too much of a pussy to kill myself.
No. 1977184
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Need this with someone rn
No. 1977688
>>1977657They found my Instagram. Seperate account, not at all similar username, never mentioned by name, no links to tumblr, never mentioned if different email for logging in etc.
Bitches be crazy
No. 1977830
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I banged a widower tonight (his wife died 3 months ago) and I really wanted to steal his wife's necklace but I didn't. I even took a pic of it. What a beautiful necklace… I texted him that I stole it then blocked him. I did not take it I just wanted to freak him out. It was in the bathroom… it should've been mine. Also he texted me a retarded wahhh muhh waaiiife sad text before I did the schizo stealing text sooo. Karma
No. 1977836
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I never buy nice things for myself because I'm working class and just stick to purchasing things I need but decided to treat myself because my house isn't very furnished and I found a really cute lamp on FB marketplace. I wanted something that could sit next to my bed (I don't even have a bedside table yet, just a stack of books and shoeboxes) so I can read at night instead of endlessly scrolling on my phone. The lamp was nearly $100, some lady delivered it, I paid her in cash, took the lamp upstairs and the shade slipped off and shattered into a million tiny pieces. I cried, I'm still so upset. I feel stupid getting emotional over an inanimate object but I could've paid a bill with that money, gotten myself a nice dinner, bought other furniture for the house. I'm so careful with purchasing nice things but didn't even realised the glass shade was detached from the rest of the lamp. I still have the base of it, and maybe will buy a new lamp in future but right now I can't even look at it. It feels like such a waste, and I'm just so cut up.
>picrel, it was a red glass so this is how I would've looked if I had actually had the chance to turn it on.
No. 1977885
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>>1977868>internal braThis?! This looks so painful and frankenstein like, I didn't even know this was a thing. Sorry I'm not judging you nonna I have like half tuberous breasts that are barely an A cup so I'm not too happy with my boobs either but this looks like it could go so wrong so horrifically. I agree with you about getting a lift after having kids though, I'm thinking of doing that if I ever have kids.
No. 1977896
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>>1977885Yes like that, but it would be a absorbable mesh instead rather than silicone. With the mesh internal bras, it slowly dissolves and your body replaces it with tissue and produces more collagen. I like it more than a regular lift cause you don't need an implant
No. 1977979
>>1977918I hate apathetic doomers in general. Being optimistic and hopeful may not solve all your problems but poisoning the well by being a gross doomer is guaranteed failure. I make it a point to shame them as much as possible when they try to share their super deep and edgy thoughts on the world.
My ancestors rebuilt my whole community after WW2 and made it nice and livable, until doompilled gen X cynics started slowly chipping away at everyone's sense of community and picking apart the morals of the time by using America (lmao) as a positive example and whining how we have no freedom. Then those same cynics had kids who they taught that nobody owes you anything and we're all gonna die soon anyway so it's actually okay to be a greedy, selfish asshole and fuck over other people for personal gain, because they were stupid enough to get fucked over so they deserved it. Now the nice place I grew up in is a shithole full of skeevy hicks with criminal backgrounds and the nice people all moved away somewhere else. Now I have to bribe a doctor with money to even look at my mom, a service that was and should still be free. Great! Thanks for the freedom!
No. 1978044
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just spoke to someone
No. 1978327
I hate having a job, it's not even part time but I just hate working so much. Only option now is to be a fucking waifu to some lonely retard with too much money or get on tardbucks. I just hate working so much, I don't even feel like a person. I've never held down a job for over 6 months, am I doomed?
>>1978295I hate this shit so much. Especially when they say 'muh trauma made me interesting', so you're saying you're a boring loser but not actually because you've ~been through something? It's just people with no personality trying to have a tragic backstory and smash it in your face because they have nothing else interesting about them, no actual opinions or even real curiosity about anything.
No. 1978400
>>1978393I think speaking to your therapist about it is really your best bet. Try to find the root cause of it, it could fit in with your regular therapy too assuming you're looking at the root cause of your anxiety. I hope you can find a way to make it better
nonnie. Also would anyone be interested in a thread (maybe on /g/) about attachment styles and how to deal with them? I have avoidant attachment and it's ruining my social life.
>>1978398I like that picture No. 1978488
File: 1713968980657.jpg (114.27 KB, 1059x793, Eyz9PKaWEAcG_uT.jpg)

just checked /r9k/ and page one has a screencap of one of our funny redtexts
please stop
No. 1978491
>>1978489why tf would you
want to entice them? no
No. 1978496
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>>1978489>>1978492Here you go, nonnitas. I think this is hilarious, personally
No. 1978510
>>1976263TBH the best part about being fat is how people get so, so bothered just by the simple fact of your existence. Like they'll be hyperventilating and just completely seething about it and meanwhile you're just vibing and doing your own life.
That being said, you can't have pickmes as friends and she probably uses you as emotional support. But then once her baby comes she'll be nowhere to be found when you need her or even just want to hang out. That scrote sounds beyond cancerous, hard to respect any woman who would put up with him, much less have a fucking child for him.
No. 1978578
>>1978532I'm just saying, it's unnecessary to try to call-out specifics anons.
>There's no infighting going on you stupid bitch>you stupid bitchKek
No. 1978581
>>1978539can you ask for more time
nonnie? i think you should contact your school asap and ask them for an extended deadline, explain your circumstances. if that doesn't work just do your best and even if you fail i'm sure the situation can still be fixed somehow
No. 1978754
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When I moved to my new apartment I was first terrorized by a smoker who lived downstairs and loved to turn my bedroom into a gas chamber every evening, but he thankfully moved away. Then two couples came in, both with newborns. There's also a mom next door who has a toddler that throws tantrums every morning and evening.
The tantrums are annoying but the babies were nbd at first. Sadly one of the new parent neighbors also has a loud, annoying ape living with her who doesn't seem to know how to use his inside voice and sounds like a troglodyte hockey hooligan. He loves doing some strange aerobics-type exercise and stomping around on my ceiling to drum and bass every morning at 8AM sharp, which inevitably wakes his baby who then starts to cry. He also lets his alarm blast for 10 full minutes each morning before bothering to turn it off. I've never even seen the man, only heard him, but I hate his guts anyway. Wish that woman didn't reproduce with such a disgusting worm. I just want to get some damn sleep.
No. 1978772
I'm gonna fucking snap. So I stayed up all night to do the entire research and presentation to our group project since it was due the next day, and they all thought it was due 2 days later (EVEN THOUGH MY PROFESSOR EXPLICITLY SAID THAT PRESENTATIONS WERE STARTING ON MONDAY).
Well my groupmates were complaining that all the information wasn't on the slides, like some high school tier, copy and paste bullshit, so they didn't know what to say (EVEN THOUGH I TOLD THEM TO READ THE FUCKING ARTICLES I REFERENCED AND INCLUDED KEY INFORMATION ON THE SPEAKER NOTES!) They decide to ask the professor to present on the next day we meet, and fortunately he allowed it.
Cut foward to today. And they've completely butchered my project, and vomit words all over the screen. Whatever. If they want to spoon feed the audience, we'll spoon feed the audience. I've finished formatting this new presentation, and tell them to take a look at it, and then they say that we have too many slides and a lot of the information isn't important. Excuse me? The slide count IS A SUGGESTION, AND WE WE'RE FINE WHEN WE WENT WELL BEYOND THE SLIDE COUNT LAST PRESENTATION! So then they start cutting key information about our topic, and make the slides even more congested than they already are. Do kids not know how to make presentations anymore?!? My groupmates were all the same age as me, but JFC! It's like these kids take no pride in their work, and have follow the rubric to a T. Maybe it's just me caring too much about the chosen topic.
The worst thing is that all my other group mates will probably have easier time finding jobs once we graduate since they all have experience, while I've focused on being a good student and submitting quality work.
Sorry about the word vomit. I've literally isolated myself from all my friends and family because I'm trying to finish all my final projects, but if I didn't say anything to anyone, I definetly would've snapped.
No. 1978789
>>1978770Kek what's with autistic moids taking it personally when people don't want to listen to them sperg about shit nobody else cares about?
I hope that these next 4 days will be tolerable for you nona. Just know that this is only temporary.
No. 1978814
Nonnas, My older brother took care of me when I was very young - our family was extremely abusive and it's thanks to him I was able to escape it. He took me to college, helped me with homework when I was younger and so on. Even today I live with him and he cooks for me, helps me out if I'm out of a job with CV editing and applications. He has never raised his voice at me, he never gets mad, he never says anything mean or unkind, anything I don't understand he'll explain. He even cooks for me 90% of the time despite having a more stressful job with longer hours.
I don't lust after my brother or anything, but I feel as though i will never, ever, ever trust a man as much as I trust him, and I think it's unfair if I meet a man for him to get mad about the fact I'm close to my brother and spend a lot of time with him. Is this wrong? It really annoys me how men will call it out and act like I'm "weird" for feeling this way about my own flesh and blood and someone without exaggeration who saved my life in a way. They get jealous.
The other, slightly weirder thing is that I don't like the women he dates usually. I think they're often just trashy (tattoos, drugs and that kind of thing) or they're very obviously after him for money (he has a good job). This is one area of his life where I think I could help him, because he doesn't see how transparently exploitative or toxic some of these women are, and I don't want them in our house besides.
No. 1978849
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People who value social intelligence and care about worldly issues and reject those that dont. So funny. No one cares about a stranger’s issues for a good reason. Everyone who does is an inhuman self righteous moralfag or doing it soulessly. Self positive others negative moralfags need to be excommunicated from life and so do the social harmony upkeepers.
No. 1978862
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>>1978855you just do the same thing they do with wagies and normies, you poison their water supply and by water supply with rich people we infest the drug market with laced drugs, they get addicted to it because of the increased effect, they share it with all of their friends like a rat sinking its teeth into poisoned bait to bring it to the rest of its pack and they’re all gone. downside: more drug overlords due to new drug market
t. gus-chan
No. 1978863
>>1978855>murdering rich people isn't going to make us all less depressedNot with that attitude.
>>1978853You're not doing a very good job at being suicidal if you can't even be arsed to meet your maker your by own hand. It means that you don't want to die at all and the instinct is still keeping you alive, regardless of what this world is throws at you. You might as well be an immortal capitalist at this point.
No. 1978870
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>>1978855Murdering rich people will only make us less depressed if we can steal and redistribute their wealth, and even then it's never enough because society(TM) will find ways to build new hierarchical structures to replace the ye olde elites same as it ever was
source: nihilism-chan
No. 1978892
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I hate that I have such a different taste in music compared to my friends. I have just found an event I’d like to go to but I’m the only one who would really enjoy it and it makes me sad. I blame dating a European guy when I was at uni for introducing me to all kinds of edm, most britfags my age are elder emos. Life is so unfair /dramatic
No. 1978902
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Is my immune system too weak or are men just ridden with disease? I feel like male microbiome just attacks mine. When I'm alone I'm healthy and my skin is perfect with no effort. The moment I start kissing with a dude and his face touches mine, I get breakouts on my cheeks and jaw. I was observing it very carefully and there's literally no other changes in my life style other than getting closer with a dude. I also got tonsil/throat infections after deep kissing and it was terrible. And the one and only time a man touched my genitals (with his hands only) I got a terribly painful vaginal infection that lasted for almost two weeks with literal PUS coming out of me, and one month later my pap test still showed some inflammation on my cervix. I never had anything like this before or after. And the guy just inserted his fingers in me. Am I unlucky to meet dirty/sick scrotes or is my body just weak? I honestly feel like my body is telling me not to date scrotes. The guy I started dating recently (not the one who gave me infection just from fingering me) is very nice and takes care of me, but I get that shitty breakouts just from kissing him. His "natural" smell (pre shower and cologne and other stuff) isn't very pleasant to me. I'm afraid to even think about having sex with him, or with any other male ever
No. 1978935
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It's so unfair that girls imitate hentai and waifu trash to be appealing for guys but guys never even try to be cool and attractive like their fav shounen protagonist let alone something actually for female gaze like shoujo or BL. Moids don't deserve anything.
No. 1978999
Oooooh I have a petty ass personal friend related rant, and I'm not comfortable ranting anywhere except here:
Picture this, big friend group. But it seems like NOBODY talks to each other when they have problems. I've posted in here before about shitty roommate. I kicked them out for having the emotional intelligence of a child (to briefly sum it up). Well, shitty ex-roommate is dating someone else in the friend group. Shitty ex-roommate left the group chat unceremoniously after I kicked them out of my place, although I was the only one out of 5 or 6 people to have a problem with them. Their partner apparently doesn't like me now, for reasons I can only imagine, and is not talking to me or interacting with me. Four or so months later, the partner appears in the group chat, rants about how nobody has contacted him or wanted to hang out with him so he can assume that nobody wants to be friends with him.
This is a man who is over the age of 25. Instead of contacting anyone privately, he decided to just dramatically announce his departure in the group chat. After talking to other friends, they confirmed that he hasn't reached out to them either. So, he hasn't reached out to anyone but got mad that nobody reached out to him. I'm sure he also thinks that I fucked up the friend group because I kicked out his shitty partner. What makes me mad is that he hasn't communicated any of this to me - I had to learn from other people he was pissed. Then, finally, after he reached out to the group chat, I responded to him, explained I haven't contacted him because I heard he was pissed at me, which he confirmed, and told him that if he ever wants to talk about the situation, I'm available. That's it. And I haven't heard anything since. The ex-roommate wanted me to "acknowledge" their feelings after the fact, claiming that they couldn't pretend to "be nice" after our friendship was broken. Finally, and way later, I agreed to hear them out, and they just sent me a voice message telling me how they feel, less than a minute and a half long, and it pissed me the fuck off. You felt unheard and misunderstood? You hinted at suicide and implied that people always say "it's all about you" when there's a conflict, which means that you've been told multiple times how your behavior comes across and you've done nothing for it. I already got out of an abusive relationship, I'm not going to spend one more second dealing with someone like that.
I've said my piece to the ex-roommate. I've had other conversations with people in the friend group about ex-roommate, and literally everyone understood and accepted why I kicked them out. They have their own issues with ex-roommate. But yet, it seems like nobody in the friend group wants to say anything because they don't want to offend this other friend.
Personally? Fuck both of them. If they want to be that way, they can go fuck themselves with their fake "I feel misunderstood and unheard" bullshit. I regret being friends with them, showing them any goodwill, or helping them with anything. I don't know how to end this vent, yay.
No. 1979017
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I find it so embarrassing as an adult to be jealous of another person especially when that other person is just another dime-a-dozen female gendie with diagnosed autism and a “crippling illness” along with an ebeg link in their bio (kek) with loads of followers and attention yet you can’t even grab anyone’s in real life’s. Yet here I am being envious because things seem to come easy for these people but not me, it makes me so frustrated I want to cry. Things are so unnecessarily difficult for me and I never get a break from it, I wish I could tear my brain outside my body and throw it in the trash. Why do those freaks get everything and I get nothing, seething rn
No. 1979033
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Had to fight for years to get a laparoscopy because of periods that were starting to take over my life. Had doctors and gynecologists dismiss me for years. Finally got a doctor that listened and put me down for one. A few months later I got a call back and have a nurse explain the procedure and question me further…tries to make me cancel my laparoscopy and gaslight me into thinking my pain was a nothing burger and just normal for a 35 year old. Had the procedure yesterday turns out I was riddled with endometriosis and my right ovary was twisted and stuck around the fallopian tube. I'm glad I stuck to my guns and didn't listen to the nurse because she really did make me feel like I was just a little bitch complaining about nothing and I should just have a herbal tea and paractemol.
No. 1979155
>>1978902Anon you told him to wash his hands before fingering you right…? There is literally no shame in making a man go and wash his hands kek
I make my boyfriend do it before we do any cuddling or anything just in case we have sex. I think the tonsil infections are strange but breaking out a little bit is normal if you're rubbing your face on someone else's and don't use an exfoliant in your skincare routine.
No. 1979182
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I fucking hate this,this is why people buy fast fashion from Shein one is gonna buy this lmao the stain though.whats with people selling used clothing online 10x it's price???retarded as hell.
No. 1979226
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>>1979224why? at least in my experience, most clothes for girls/women growing up had either hearts, flowers or tacky phrases like pic rel. A funny clown is 10 times more fun and insteresting than ''grll power''. I also like that it's pastel blue, growing up in the 2010s most clothes were beige and boring.
No. 1979259
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>>1979249I don't like to be so negative. I don't fuck with bitches who can't tell me what they were doing in 2001 accurately.
No. 1979306
>>1978889Nonny please don’t beat yourself up, it will make things 10 times worse. I am a fellow shy introvert who has the exact same conversation with myself every time I’m in an awkward social situation. You might have some social anxiety but don’t over think it. Honestly thinking is what the problem is. I live in my head too and I can tell you 99% of people don’t think the same way about you, as you do yourself.
Practice some small talk, you’ll be fine once you get to know them.
No. 1979333
>>1979306Thank you
nonny, I really appreciate your words. And I'm so sorry you have to deal with this shit too, words can't describe how painful such situations are.
I also told myself "alright, just stop overthinking it and try to act naturally" but I've never failed so hard in my entire life, the people definitely noticed something was way off and they were laughing awkwardly (multiple times!), it made me feel even worse and guilty for being such an idiot. I am 100% sure they think I'm the world's biggest dumbass, I saw them laughing, I saw their confused faces. The worst part is that I have to see them again in just a few hours and after last night I'm so scared. Just thinking about it makes me cry. At this point I'm seriously considering either getting tipsy or taking anxiolytics if this will make my worries evaporate. I can't deal with this anymore, I haven't eaten and I haven't slept because of how much this is stressing me out.
No. 1979368
I feel like Im ok looking but when I smile I feel like I look like a trollface, also when I was a kid my mom made me feel like my smile was really ugly and made me feel bad for smiling naturally in family pictures. it really sucks to feel like you look hideous expressing happiness..
>>1979297Was probably some dork who has no creative talents at all
No. 1979413
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>>1979403I feel this so much. It hurts.
I used to watch Doreimo as a kid and I loved it like crazy. I haven't thought about it in a while and they recently made a remake (?) thing or continuation for it's anniversary. Watched the trailer and there's a POV a literal child handing the viewer a classic confession love letter pic rel and some more shots/angles that just do not sit right with me. Childhood ruined moment.
Death to all pedos.
No. 1979428
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>>1979403>>1979405This. Also when lolicons make media for lolicons it often ends up looking innocent that some impressionable girl might take one look at it and think: "Wow! This looks like cute! Just like my magical girl anime shows, I'll watch it!"
Which is what happened to me when I watched picrel. I watched the ED and saw the character designs as cute and innocent, but no—it's just lolibait slop. But could've you blamed younger me? Look at it—it's an appropriation of shoujo design.
No. 1979447
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I feel stupid using the word ‘triggered’ - but I am genuinely triggered by anything relating to animal abuse (pretty normal response I think). If a news story or video has discussions of self-harm/suicide/any other sort of abuse it usually comes with some kind of warning, but for whatever reason the same doesn’t apply to anything relating to animal abuse. It really bothers me that as much as I’ve tried to filter and curate all my social media to avoid this kind of content it inevitably pops up without warning. Ive even asked people in my life to please not talk to me about that kind of stuff, and people seem to just ignore it and continue to forward me stories about really horrific abuse. And then it fucks up my day and I can’t stop thinking about it.
No. 1979457
>>1979400I agree so much
nonnie. Shitheads have turned every normal thing into a fetish, you are never safe regardless of how you conduct yourself
No. 1979478
>>1979333Honestly I feel the same in some situations, it’s horrible. I know my anxiety is 100 times worse if I am due on, and I really struggle with certain personality types.
They might have noticed you but think of it this way; would it be more awkward if they asked if you were alright? (It would for me). I cannot do small talk ever so I try to smile and nod but listen intently to overtake my own intrusive thoughts. If I feel overwhelmed I might try to focus my attention on something I can touch/smell etc. or go to the bathroom., but ultimately you can’t decide how someone perceives you, nor do you know how they truly feel (unless they tell you). Try not to punish yourself for having a bad experience, at least you did it!
No. 1979729
It honestly sickens me thinking about how so many men navigate their sexual urges. Thinking back on it, when I asked my ex if he watched porn, he said he stopped when we started dating. I don't even care what kind of porn he watched, it was fucking porn. It disgusts me just thinking now that we're over, he's looking at porn again. Even when he talked to his BFF about going on vacation next year, he's like, "it'd be nice for us all to go to this state" bff says "I don't want to third wheel" ex "whoever you're porkin will come along with. That'll be nice." Like men just want sex, they count down the days since they last got laid. An emotional connection is less important to them. If they even get a girlfriend, that's a bonus. They just want to fuck someone. I hate men, but I want to have a strong emotional connection with one and raise a family with him. This is stupid.
>>1979468Oh yeah I forgot to tell you, I always loved you…
No. 1979851
>>1979840i think cats dislike velvet, maybe you can get them reupholstered. and put a nice blanket on top of them in the mean time. i'm sorry
No. 1979870
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>>1979840Only one thing to do, anon. Make your granny proud
No. 1980011
>>1979873anon what did you do for them to prompt this unnecessary harassment, we gotta know because sometimes you might have been provoking the wrong people when you knew you should have stayed away from them. not
victim blaming just really curious
No. 1980029
>>1978902I remember giving a massage to my boyfriend and I had goo all over my hands. Like my hands were ridden with dead skin just from massaging him.
I think men really have no idea how to wash themselves.
No. 1980065
>>1980011that's the definition of
victim blaming tho
No. 1980122
Next thread btw: