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No. 1975022
Step right up and ask your stupid questions here!
>>>/ot/1950875 No. 1975025
>>1975022based AI op
stupid question: which AI did you used to make that?
No. 1975034
File: 1713804359912.jpg (195.39 KB, 1024x1024, a very sophisticated pigeon 1.…)

>>1975025Bing create. It's okay, better than google, but they deliberately fuck up your requests a lot (because they'll add secret words on the backend just like google) so you have to constantly dodge them trying to add stuff to your requests. I love playing with AIs though, so I was thinking of running my own from one of the ones you can download now.
No. 1975043
File: 1713804642507.png (169.8 KB, 1023x682, 1701040763139.png)

>>1975039I'm sorry
No. 1975101
File: 1713806702782.jpg (6.34 KB, 300x168, kjweyrih843bs.jpg)

>>1975090It's free and less bad than the others I've tried.
>>1975098 No. 1975112
>>1975065i did met one on middle school one time, he was pretty much the star of PE class and dodge ball, he would always play soccer on recess and weirdly enough he was my rival on art history class, we both couldn't draw as well as other kids but we were pretty much experts on the theorical parts.
wonder where he is now.
No. 1975129
>>1975081Ah man, now that you mention it. There was this one insane girl from England, Emily? She would selfpost a lot, and I suppose we ended up just feeding into their charade. I miss reading about actual munchies. I remember actually visiting KF just for their munchie threads, but their appallingly retarded user base wasn’t worth the trouble.
Ref medfagging (and this doesn’t really apply kek but train of thought etc) someone in one of the old Ashley threads said she was a mortician and talked about a recent body she’d worked on and how the brain had sort of melted inside the womans brain due to extreme anorexia. It was super interesting. I think she said she’d written, or at least she recommended a book of mortician stories, but I digress.
No. 1975171
>>1975162it can and i have seen awful awful shit done with it but microsoft just donesn't want everyone to know their incriminating evidence generator is hiding in plain sight.
>>1975164>midjourneyai bros are so pathethic they'll rather pay for a discord bot rather than pay someone to make a drawing for them.
No. 1975185
>their incriminating evidence generatorDamn I'm gonna be in so much trouble for my yaoi
No. 1975187
File: 1713810948053.jpg (91.88 KB, 680x680, high baddie.jpg)

>>1975164>made with intentionYeah nona, because this picture, which was made with so much intent, is a work of great art. Kek, I used to make silly pictures with microsoft paint and now that AI exists, I make them with AI and microsoft paint.
>>1975181The people who control the AI servers believe that AI shows too many white people and men, so it will secretly add words on the back end to diversifiy your results. So if you type in "Homer from the Simpsons eating a taco," it will add words like "black/racially ambiguous/woman/Indian/Asian" and really fuck up your picture results. You can catch it at this because one, it will often return stuff like a blackface Homer Simpson, and two, sometimes if you add "holding a sign" to the end of your request, it then writes whatever secret words it's adding onto the sign.
No. 1975200
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>>1975190Fuck you're right, I should have picked any of my other shitposts because this one is amazing.
No. 1975332
>>1974747Hey bulgarian anon from last tread, I'm so excited, i hope you see that, I'm bulgarian too!
I'm so sorry you had to go through that, it wasn't fair, i hope you are feeling ok now, people are shit
No. 1975534
>>1975514jesus THIS is pathetic, why do you want women to rush to have ex with a miserable moid ? 28 is not old and you're retarded if you think so
>>1975504it's never, better stay a virgin than be one of those people who can't stop talking about their ex and how much they regret ever having sex with them. Virginity is a made up concept by men that think being penetrated changes a woman's DNA
No. 1975570
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My ex's balls are really long like picrel. What causes low hanging balls? He must be infertile.
No. 1975576
>>1975570I thought it was just how some are built? like how some of us have long labia or low-hanging breasts.
I find it disgusting on a man though. Really unattractive.
No. 1975584
>>1975534So you're over 28, eh?
>>1975570Genetically low collagen levels usually cause extreme hanging. Though did you only see him when it was hot out?
No. 1975597
>>1975593When did
>>1975504 mention anything about men. You seriously wouldn’t even perk up a little if someone was like “I’m 35 and have never kissed anyone”? There’s nothing wrong with that but you gotta admit it’s unusual and makes me wonder if maybe they’re just really introverted or what
No. 1975599
>>1975593I don't shame her, you made that up because you're addicted to being mad. But if a woman wants a sexual partner but still hasn't accomplished it by 28, there's something mentally off. It's easy to have sex as a woman, so if she's trying and failing for that long, it's usually autism or phobias.
Of course, this is in western cultures. Obviously it will be different in places where women are killed for sex outside of marriage.
No. 1975624
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>>1975599NTA it doesn't take extreme autism or phobia to be picky about sex. She doesn't need to prove her mental status by having terrible sex. If I was a zoomer I'd be a volcel until I'm 30 holy shit your dating pool is FUCKED. Normalize female wizardry.
No. 1975635
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>>1975572it is lmao
>>1975576actually? it was unnaturally long. stretched out on purpose? he had tattoos, so who knows.
>>1975584the rest of his skin looked good. i thought it was from pulling on it continuously.
No. 1975698
>>1975689Well, it's been quite a few years for me, so I don't remember everything, but I'm a huge baby about pain and so I was pretty miserable about it for like a week until I ate a burger and all was well. As for sleeping gas, I didn't say anything crazy, but I always cry when I am anesthecized for whatever reason, so I cried uncontrollably upon waking. I was going to leave that out because I don't want you to be scared, but that sucked too. Maybe make sure you bring someone you trust with you in case you babble, but you also might not. But the pain, well, I don't know, I've broken my jaw before and wisdom teeth removal definitely hurt less than that. They give you a lot of pain meds to deal with it too. The peak of pain is like the next 2 or 3 days after the removal I feel like.
No. 1975709
>>1975698i have someone nice to bring with me and i will probably cry too kek. i am a baby with pain and react weird to things. thank you for the honesty
>>1975705thank you, i'm gonna be very on top of the pain meds and salt washes
No. 1975724
>>1975624But being voluntarily celibate is different from being involuntarily celibate. If you chose not to have sex, that's one thing because it's a personal decision no matter your reason. But if you want and desire sex, but are unable to accomplish that by 28, then I have only seen that happen in women with autism.
>>1975634>you'd actually WANT sex withCompletely true, men are bad at giving orgasms and women are statistically unlikely to have them with one night stands, but I have never seen a normie be an involuntarily a virgin past a certain age. The desire to have a partner becomes so strong that they move to a place with attractive men, or else they settle. Which leaves only the women who are so odd that they aren't able to acquire a partner. Which is usually women who were raised very religiously or that have autism.
No. 1975730
>>1975724I disagree. A virgin woman is choosing not to have sex every step of the way - not necessarily by rejecting men, but because she could request sex at literally any time and she would get it. If she really, really desperately wanted sex, nothing about her personality or appearance could prevent that from happening if she asked for it. But not every woman is willing to settle, not every woman has the courage to take steps to have sex, there are a million mental roadblocks for us when sex is risky and our self esteem can be so fragile, but finding a willing man has never been the issue.
On the other hand it's possible for a man to have never met a woman willing to have sex with him, and his virginity is genuinely involuntary.
No. 1975799
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Why do some people (men) think asian/non-white trannies pass better?
No. 1975817
>>1975799I think there's a number of reasons, but the big ones (esp coming from white americans) are that
1) Non-white people overwhelmingly do not have obvious beard shadows like white people do. Men are retarded and face-blind (see above poster) and rely largely on things like deep-voices, exaggeratedly and unmistakably male body proportions, and beard shadow to determine sex.
2) They're less familiar with what sexual dimorphism is like in other races. The markers really aren't that different, but many americans, especially older and rural ones, have had very limited interactions with non-white people, asians especially. (racial face-blindness, like other nona said)
3) Trans celebrities tend to pass way better than your average tranny. Americans do not ever see footage of the average trans foreign person; they see one viral clip of a top 5% ladyboy or a transgender brazilian model and assume that that's representative of the norm.
No. 1975818
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>>1975809AI was more accurate in it's infancy, giving us this visual for trannies
No. 1975822
>>1975809whichever anon who keeps swooping in and creating threads with AI images before anyone else gets a chance needs to rest their
trigger finger and look at something other than a screen for a while, it's so eerie and weird
No. 1975848
>>1975823Surgery pain is massively overstated ime. I also got my wisdoms out with just local anesthetic, and I was fine. The procedure itself was pretty uncomfortable but only mildly painful, even though one tooth shattered (not just split, which can be normal) and had to be extracted piece-by-piece.
The recovery was easy and I didn't feel the need to take a single opiate. Rotating tylenol and ibuprofen was more than enough. I regularly suffer through more pain due to period cramps, and I would consider my period pain levels pretty average.
Imagine the feeling of stubbing your toe somewhat badly. The stab of pain that forces your attention to shift, and the aching and throbbing that follows and slowly fades away. Recovery from wisdom tooth surgery is seriously on the level of waiting for your toe to stop hurting after the initial stub.
No. 1975856
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Am I a retard if the threadpic pissed me off so much that I spent twenty minutes drawing with a mouse in MS Paint out of pure rage?
No. 1975886
>>1975856So cute, this would make a much better threadpic.
>>1975884Yeah, I think most women have fuzz an their checks to varying degrees. I certainly do
No. 1975932
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So lesbians that are lurking, what do vaginas generally smell and taste like?
No. 1975942
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>>1975940I dont sit there and taste my own vagina. That would be weird.
No. 1975971
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>>1975958You're gonna catch yourself a ban with that scrotefoiling. Since when was it moid behavior to not want your own cum or even discharge in your mouth? Are you one of those discharge-eating anons who said their discharge tasted like oranges?
No. 1975975
>>1975971NTA but I thought anon was asking lesbians what vaginas tasted like, not if anons eat their discharge? How did we get here?
>>1975886>>1975869>>1975863>>1975861>>1975860>>1975859Aww, thank you nonas ♥
No. 1976035
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>>1976033Well it's not gonna be Russia.
No. 1976040
>>1975799they only ever see the 1% HSTS who makes it big because they pass well enough. They don't see the hulking troons of other countries because those are hiding in the shadows. Just like chinese media is more likely to see edited pics of famous troons like hunter shafer and not the random creeps online
they also don't get that "ladyboys" are literally boys, and not grown men. you could get a pre-pubertal skinny 14 year old boy from any country to pass decent enough because he's not an adult man yet so he won't look like an adult man
No. 1976129
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>>1976038>humans are typically attracted to what's familiar so in general everyone thinks their own country is the most attractiveabsolutely not, i know the men of my country are not that attractive bc well duh i live here.
No. 1976133
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>>1976038I was gonna disagree about finding men from my race attractive until you mentioned yellow fever. Yup, you got me.
No. 1976156
>>1976062Some of them are handsome but I regret to inform you that most start balding early or turn into emaciated ghouls by 30. Less likely if they're athletic but those ones only care for their sport of choice and you'll always have to be his cheerleader fangirl but never the other way around because the autism is too powerful. The hot ones sadly know they're hot and act like cocky assholes because of it.
t. Swede
No. 1976360
File: 1713887539748.png (1.6 MB, 1080x2175, 1713128506360.png)

Why are moids so goddamn greedy?look at this shit.
No. 1976535
>>1976526 said, but also could be caused by mental illness
No. 1976871
>>1976813Just un bebe
>>1976502Probably had a single mom and hated her, typical fatherless behavior, that’s why those moids are so horny for older males’ approval.
No. 1977125
>>1977064>>1977043Go to your doctor to check if you have a hormone or thyroid problem if
>>1977121 hasn't/doesn't work.
No. 1977139
>>1977043going for walks every day and cutting back on snacks, basically what
>>1977121 said
No. 1977192
>>1977147Are we talking about a girl?
>hit younger brotherHow else will the little shit learn?
>poison fatherHe probably deserves it, I mean it's not like you'll really do it right~
>gore and male ryonaCommon and normal young women interests
>low self-esteem and anger issuesCommon and normal young women problem
>>1977147Deviations of female temperament short of lobotomized sex kitten is so unnecessarily pathologized. Most of the time bitches be angry and out of control because they have reasons to be angry and to feel powerless, give them some coping skills and a support system, not scarlet-lettering them with stigmatized sexist psychiatric diagnosis.
No. 1977197
>>1976529Unfortunately I remember a lot
>thief ex friendShe stole my harry potter notebook in middle school which had my english homework so I got a big 0 for it but whatever, I really liked that notebook though, also she started treating me like shit after that and never gave a reason, we just stopped talking then
>retarded pen stealer She stole my pen and pretended to not know me the following day, she wanted to be a psychologist to cure gays
>helmetShe was nicknamed helmet because of the shape of her hair, basically the boys being racist as always, she later straightened her hair. I didn't have anything against her until she stole $1 (it was a lot of money ok, you could buy good lunch with it) which she borrowed from me and lied to my face when I asked it back, telling me the uber tard boy stole it.
>uber tardHe legit had something wrong with him, he'd do anything you asked him to do. He put his finger in the fan just cus some boy asked, and then just exclaimed calmly "it's bleeding". He said he wanted to be gynecologist to have access to women which made even a male teacher go "wtf dude" and lecture him in front of the whole class
>smartassShe tried to steal $1 which she also borrowed from me but was unsuccessful trying to play dumb, as at this point I was already well versed in playing-dumb tactics. I still will never forget she tried to pull that crap, also she has the name of a famous actor as a surname so it's hard to forget her
>landwhaleObese boy who sat behind me and kicked my chair. No one liked him.
>balding at 14 He was a nerd incel, the popular girls would use him to study and this studying happened in class before the test so I could overhear him explaining shit to them and got good grades thanks to that kek.
Recently I heard from a friend that he got hair transplant. He legit look like some couching retard or a bitcoin entrepreneur
>steroidsthe blond dude who was a fucking moron and had a lisp and got on roids and also got in a fight with a public school boy and this boy waited for him everyday for almost one week outside with a knife, but sadly there was no bloodshed and he still lives despite the roid abuse
>terroristA guy with an arabic name who everyone called terrorist. He made a bet with other boys where kissing me would be the loser's punishment
I hope he gets shot>biggest chester bennington fanGirl who everyone remembers cus she got pregnant at 14/15 and also claimed to be a goth but only listened to likin park and was obsessed with the vocalist, she became friends with the girl who stole my harry potter notebook. The thief ex friend would speak so loud that this is how I found out the goth girl was pregnant. When it became public, the school made a 1 day sex education class that no one paid attention
>artsy dude named after some classical musicianMet him a few months before dropping high school. I had lots in common with him but I was too retarded to properly speak with others at this point so I told him to fuck off over something petty. He liked to steal traffic signs and had huge earplugs
>gollumBug eyed kid everyone called gollum, even one of the teachers called him that, he kinda deserved but this teacher was always disrespectful and would make comments that were def not proper for a man his age towards his students, in short he was the typical "cool teacher", probably a pedo too.
Going back to Gollum, he once spread some white slightly transparent liquid on the back of my shirt for no reason and when I confronted him he said it was just a prank and it was just glue. My friends said "I don't think this is glue" but didn't elaborate, yeah, years later I don't think it was glue either but I'd rather not think too deep on it
>random loserThere was this other boy who was a raging homophobe and thought he was hot shit. He got no social media presence for some reason.
>fucked spineGuy who used to wear some medical contraption to fix his spine. I used to cut paper in very small pieces and put over his head so he'd walk with that shit around and it'd fall everywhere, sometimes I'd put in his bag and clothes too, he became friends with steroids and terrorist during high school or the last year of middle school idk
>ancient egypt girlThere was a girl in middle school who was obsessed with the mummy and imhotep was probably her husbando, she was kinda annoying cus she was the teacher's niece. She talked about the mummy for like an entire year kek imhotep is so devoted!!!! Did you know that in ancient egypt…
>eurobooShe'd swear she was from denmark. To be fair, one of her parents or grandparents was really born there but moved here as a little kid, but neither her or her parents spoke the language and she made it her whole personality while knowing next to nothing about her beloved country. She was annoying and stole my puzzle book and throwed it to her boyfriend as if it was a ball while I run after them trying to get my shit back like a fucking retard. I barely remember her boyfriend though I just remeber thinking he was ugly and getting disgusted at the thought of her holding his hand. Also I went to her birthday party and it sucked assssss, they had fucking pineapple in the cake, sick stuff. I hid parts of that disgusting cake everywhere in her house cus I hated her.
No. 1977284
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Is it possible that i got some kind of heterochromia growing up?
I don't think anyone noticed it when i was little but in these years my right eye looks always slightly of a lighter color than the left one, so weird. I have greyish blue eyes so maybe it's just something stupid going on with how it looks.
No. 1977311
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>>1977305Feel like I'm the only person on the planet who loves these kek
No. 1977320
File: 1713913825115.jpg (105.09 KB, 640x506, tumblr_bf153ab9d6255a23054b926…)

young zoomers may not relate so don't bother replying, but was anyone else obsessed as a kid with looking at M & A rated games on Newgrounds? I played the shit out of all of those slapped together sim date hentai games, in particular I liked sex kitten sim date, and to be honest Slutty McSlut is still funny to me, picrel
No. 1977326
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>>1977305I haven't had these in years but i feel like i was born to eat them. They're like powdery milk tablets.
No. 1977339
>>1977320I loved these stupid ass games but I didn't understand a single thing because I could barely read English, so I would mostly walk around and try to understand as much dialog as possible, I also loved the money autism, I should play these games again and see if I can finally know what's going on and why is it that there's a bunch of sex kitten games.
I guess this explains why I like degrees of lewdity so much, it scratches the itch of a dumbass sex RPG that sex kitten left.
No. 1977347
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>>1977305These are like Crack to me, I avoid them like the plague and I'm glad I'm a poorfag because otherwise I would binge again.
No. 1977350
File: 1713914876095.jpg (116.5 KB, 682x460, Elf_Sim_Date2.jpg)

>>1977320yes. i didn't know otome existed so i'd play these weird scrotal hentai games as a kid.
No. 1977426
>>1977320Millenial here and YES
I didn't really care for anime artstyle exclusively and I ended up playing westoid-looking poorly drawn lesbian meet n fuck games where you're this motorbiker stoic gal and have to spend time in some American West town after your bike breaks down on some desert road…and you end up seducing all the girls in less than the day it takes for your bike to be repaired. These kinds of games were really crass but sort of funny
No. 1977523
>>1977354Well, I think I got to learn something considering I'm here KEK, the hobo can be a great teacher if you listen intently I guess.
>>1977426I remember that one too, those games were so weird, I can't believe that knowing about them was what made me learn about dating Sim games, after googling for a while I managed to find deviantart and then I found out about Pacthesis and her games.
No. 1977559
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Can someone tell me why black helicopters keep flying above my place?it doesn't help that their pretty close too
No. 1977790
File: 1713930134215.jpg (15.92 KB, 480x480, 1000019747.jpg)

Would it be weird of me to put a watermark on the study material I will show to a company that may hire me? It's just that I haven't seen clear examples of class structures or even study materials that aren't paywalled and it's making me feel paranoid. I'm just very paranoid, I don't want them to steal the stuff I've been making and then just send me off.
Like, I have this ominous feeling considering the previous English teacher left and took all of the shit she had to open her own English school.
So, would it be weird?
No. 1977809
>>1977796What will the views do for you, money? It's hard to turn a youtube or influencer "career" into a real career.
If you're doing it for the love of education or spreading a message to the impressionable youths, go ahead. But again don't expect it will necessarily take off.
No. 1977953
>>1977796Generally no. Some countries have laws that makes it illegal to advertise directly to kids, and ads pay differently depending on content. For example houses or car ads pay a lot more than toy ads - and you ain't getting any car ads on kids videos because it's irrelevant to them (the algorithm knows it). kids stuff usually have more regulations and is punished harder if you break the rules. You often can't build a community at all (no comments allowed on youtube for example) which you need to survive as a small time content creator, you make no friends and IF you do manage to get a community it will all be immature kids.
Even if kids love your stuff, they have no money and the parents would rather buy them a peppa pig or elsa doll from their local target than to go out of their way to buy from a small content creator.
The views simply aren't translating to profit. Think about how tiktok videos can have millions of views yet make the creator pennies, while a youtube video got rich from having literally 1/100 of those views.
And again to make it even more clear: youtube kids channels earn a lot less in ad revenue, and get most of their profits from selling merch. Are you willing and able to start toy production? To put in effort to build a brand and advertise it?
No. 1977973
>>1977043Stop drinking your calories. If you're large to begin with you can often cut your calories in half simply by switching to drinking water and still eating whatever shit you want.
In general you do NOT have to exercise to lose weight. You simply have to eat less - not starve yourself - just eat less. If you're in a 100-200 calorie deficit every day you WILL slowly lose weight over time. A can of coke is about 140 calories, so if you're a soda drinker and have let's say 3 cans a day, switching those to water puts you 420 calories back.
Exercise is still very good for you, and building muscles will allow you to burn calories faster, but you don't ever HAVE to do it to lose weight.
No. 1978588
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Does cola Zero have caffeine?
No. 1978753
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Europoors please confirm if this is true
No. 1978762
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>>1978753The males of my country are a disappointment as usual.
No. 1979094
File: 1714009569239.jpg (57.5 KB, 720x438, homopaths.jpg)

this is going to be the most retarded question yet, but how do i stop being attracted to men with "gayface"? i'm not attracted to them because of their gayness lol it's actually all men who look and act straight, at least to me? but everyone else says "oh ackshuyally he's gay". and they're saying it as a fact, not even an insult. i just want to fall for someone obtainable for once. it's not like i go out of my way seeking men like this out i literally don't see a difference between straight-passing gay men and actual straight men. i didn't know "gayface" was even a thing until recently.
even when some of these men dated women in the past someone chimes in to tell me the relationship was apparently fake and that some gay men just do that, so even looking through someone's dating history won't help kek
No. 1979265
>>1979225I've definitely tasted my own juice. I feel like it's a normal curiosity and something a lot of women have done. Especially if you get ate out, I wanted to see what they were tasting
and also to make sure I was still good after being on meds or eating poorlyOnly somewhat related, but honestly when all if the komaedachan stuff was happening we were all being a little dramatic. It really wasn't that weird that she was eating her discharge, it's not too different from eating your own juice. I
No. 1979280
File: 1714024575863.jpg (8.03 KB, 249x243, bugs.jpg)

why do you live?
I am turning 23 soon and i still don't know what i want to do with my life. I only keep myself alive to watch old movies and draw.
No. 1979338
>>1979280I'm 30 and I have been asking myself the same question since I turned 20. In fact, I'm pondering on this right now since I feel like nothing I do is worth anything. And there doesn't even seem to be a way for me to feel like things I do matter, no amount of money or recognition can fill this void.
>>1979322Quite a lot, both intentionally and not, and while I did assume that some things were a result of pattern recognition like the nona above explains it, some other things were completely out of nowhere. I don't really think much about it though, because it makes me wonder if life is just a shitty matrix that I'm stuck in. Never really had the joy other people who (allegedly) manifest experience, so I just brush everything off as a curious coincidence.
No. 1979339
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wtf does this mean?
No. 1979380
>>1978719>Is big-boned a myth?No, it's true. It's easily proven becasue even at the same height and weight people have different body shapes because their bones and fat distribution are a bit different. 2 women can be the same height in total, but one has long legs and a short torso, and the other the opposite with short legs and a long torso.
However "big boned" doesn't ever present itself as fat hanging in layers on top of the body, that's just a cope. Most fat people who say they're "just big boned" probably do not have particularly big bones, and if they do you can't tell because they have so much fat it's practically no longer relevant to their frame. The big 3 that make you look larger are wide set hips, a large rib cage, or wide shoulders. Even if you're at a low weight they make you look wider, but it's not all bad even then - wide hips are considered hot and you nearly always get a nice waist curve from it, large shoulders can make you look toned and muscular in an attractive way.
No. 1979387
>>1979339The more extreme people's views are, the closer they all become.
For example woke leftists who claim to be pro-race and pro-gay have gone so far that they now advocate for segregation of whites and blacks (to "protect"
POC from white people), and that gay same sex attraction is bigoted and transphobic and must be "unlearned".
No. 1979529
>>1979404Are you sleeping well? That means solid sleep where you aren’t being woken up throughout. Do you drink coffee or partake in weed? Sometimes too much over a prolonged period of time can start to show. Is it genetic? Some people just have dark bags. Is your thyroid/endo system healthy? Thyroid problems and similar can cause darkening around the eyes.
>>1979504If they are majority women I can think of two reasons:
He was looking for easy hookups in the area, or he played the numbers game (knew a guy who sent hundreds of women in an area a message fishing for hits just so he could have sex) and you were the winner.
>>1979515Don’t let yourself have the ability to be distracted. Remove your phone or go offline and don’t allow yourself to make excuses. You know what you’re doing and it’s within your control to break the habit and choose better.
No. 1979545
>>1979534>adderall and bupropion together?not a doctor but I think that would be too simulating for a lot of people. isn't bupropion like adderall-lite?
I'm functional with some minor stress management in spite of my issues so I gave up on brain pills because I don't like the side effects.
No. 1979583
File: 1714052710444.jpeg (138.08 KB, 475x484, IMG_0169.jpeg)

what kind of cat is this and why do they always have this look of retardation?
No. 1979601
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Did turning Feminist movements and issues into Minority/LGBT movements/issues ultimately diminished the good it did for women? Or am I looking to much into it?
No. 1980206
File: 1714080760251.jpg (29.48 KB, 1000x499, jaw-misalignment-treatment-ort…)

I just noticed that my front two upper teeth aren't aligned with my nose and the rest of the face. Did my teeth shift overnight because of sleeping on one side of the face or did I just never notice until now even though I look at myself in the mirror everyday? I wish I never knew this, now it's triggering my autism. I've had orthodontics when I was a kid so idk how the hell did this happen.
No. 1980293
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>>1980261>>1980256I'll go with Borzoi if only because au can't understand lioness
No. 1980378
>>1980372because it takes a long ass time to write a whole new thread recap every time.
or maybe just make it yourself
No. 1980668
File: 1714129177023.jpg (214.82 KB, 726x616, Screenshot_20240426-125252_Tel…)

Is this true. Do Zoomer boys not love the pussy?
No. 1980712
>>1980679The only thing that works for me is to literally put my phone away and out of reach. It needs to be so far that getting it would be more of a hassle than continuing what I'm doing right now. If you don't have the room to do that leave it in your car or let it run out of battery. Mine lets me do a focus mode where only some apps are available and I can even put it into greyscale or make it so it won't allow me to change back to normal outside of certain times and that helps sometimes.
>>1980709Kek what about the time after work? Maybe anon wants to stop wasting the little free time she gets
No. 1980720
>>1980679Like other nonas said, taking up a hobby really helps. Reading is a go to for me because it's nice to give my eyes a break from screens since I work at computer all day. I also find if I schedule my time and keep myself busy I spend less time playing around on my phone—you could also install one of those apps that locks you out of other apps after X amount of time so you can't get on it again that day if you use up your time allowance
>>1980685>Post something transphobic on all your favourite social media and get bannedKEK
No. 1980733
>>1979678Based on the way you phrased things initially and from learning your ulterior motive you could come off as creepy or weird so tread carefully. You made it sound like you
had to take a different train from usual and it just happened to be his train. But you're actually doing it on purpose just to talk to him. (Just curious, why do you want to talk to him for 20 minutes? Workplace crush? Need to pick his brain about a promotion or something?)
If you want an airtight excuse to ride with him, talk to him at work or while you're leaving work for the day and just say something like "it's probably nothing but there's a guy that's been creeping me out on my normal train lately, can I ride with you on your train today?" Perfect excuse to want a ride buddy and take a different train.
No. 1980795
>>1980791Which boy though, this is important
I spent a similar amount but on music so no ranking
No. 1980919
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25 isn’t too old to improve my skin, right? i feel like i’m wrinkling up already and it worries me, i have a faint line on my forehead (and i love smiling so my laugh lines are visible always) so i keep thinking “well wtf do i have to preserve here”
No. 1980935
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>>1980919Not too late and wrinkles isn't anything worth to stress about, if you don't have acne there isn't anything to improve. You could just include a good quality sunscreen to use daily.
>(and i love smiling so my laugh lines are visible always) That's very beautiful; I strive to be that than the lady who never smiled because she didn't want lines
No. 1981122
File: 1714155666173.jpeg (27.63 KB, 281x306, image0.jpeg)

Can self harming long term and nerve damage change your bodily chemistry? Although blood tests, EKG, other emergent or required tests I got came back fine, papsmear came back fine, I can't help but feel like something else is wrong with me.
No. 1981220
File: 1714159738291.jpeg (98.64 KB, 513x759, 330D819C-A908-46BE-9C0B-B8B349…)

I have a lot of fat on my face along my jaw like picrel. Is this babyfat or jowls? I’ve had this since I was a teen and I’m in my late 20’s now.
No. 1981501
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What is this supposed to be?
No. 1981537
>>1981346Last time I was on there, I got dogpiled because a few anons misinterpreted an unpopular opinion i have as bait. It could just be a matter of perception. Deadass I think that thread should just be "bait allowed" since some people can think of off the wall shit to say but isn't
quite bait.
No. 1981557
File: 1714180807482.jpg (29 KB, 500x332, url.jpg)

Is there a website like nitter but for tumblr? i deleted my own account but i still wanna lurk on my favorite blogs
No. 1981559
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>>197953450mg vyvanse, 300mg bupropion, 40mg prozac, and 60mg buspirone for a year now, I have "elevated liver enzymes" but docs don't seem worried about that. This combo makes you 500x horny so beware.
No. 1981591
File: 1714184126572.gif (3.18 MB, 640x640, scrutinizing.gif)

>>1981585why would that be bait? unless it's you and you're trying to draw attention to it
No. 1981601
>>1981593Ntayrt but i'm assuming you're referring to things like the
Sabrina Carpenter witch post and it bothers me too
No. 1981817
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Anons if somebody says "Yeah I could use your help" instead of I don't know, a more certain phrase, does that mean they're probably not going to pay you?
No. 1981831
File: 1714218863117.png (Spoiler Image,1.22 MB, 768x1261, IMG_20240427_055007.png)

Do men actually masturbate to this creepy shit? Please. I'm perplexed.
No. 1982281
File: 1714245293433.jpg (112.92 KB, 1080x588, Screenshot_20240427_210954_Fir…)

Is it even possible to get results like that with contour irl, without looking straight up dirty?
My jawline is undefined despite having low bf%, just lame genetics. It looks similar to the pic on the left. I know the pic is most likely edited to a degree and she seems to be turning her head to make the side more prominent, but still, would something similar to this be possible with just makeup? I just want a nice jawline lol
No. 1982290
>>1981087i don't wear them at home or outside home
>>1981148nta but keeping a washable fabric something between your bare bits and the surface helps. i usually have a nightgown or loose/breathable shorts so i'm not parking my bare ass on the sofa.
No. 1982324
>>1982306If he's meant to inspire lust, then sleek body with just enough muscle to look healthy/strong. Nice forearms, well-groomed fingernails. Smells good. Non-threatening posture. Doesn't make you feel disgusted when he puts on his bedroom eyes.
If he's meant to embody male lust, then exactly what
>>1982321 said
No. 1982333
>>1982306It's from an moidsekai, but I actually kind of liked this one idea that had Lust be a misanthropic shape-shifting pickme that would turn other people into insects and frogs to show how real love isn't real, it's just about wanting to fuck.
That was a female character, but think it'd work with a male character as well.
No. 1982432
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>>1982306If he's supposed to be hot and make you feel lust, then he should wear something slutty like pic related.
No. 1982643
File: 1714257617616.jpg (57.49 KB, 922x1200, terminal 7 brain cancer.jpg)

How does that one saying go? "If a guy likes you enough you'll have trouble keeping him away" or something to that effect. I was trying to look up an exact phrasing but all my search engine keeps recommending is retarded listicles and magazine clickbait.
>the state of search engines in current day
Wish I knew a way to get around it
No. 1982756
File: 1714264346955.jpg (134.38 KB, 1024x1024, 1000006889.jpg)

>>1980196>>1980293>>1980673I remembered via
>>>/2X/23003 that the British and Americans had 2 seperate flags, I think the hyena lends itself more to yellow and stars
(don't post ai outside of the containment thread) No. 1982968
File: 1714284891822.jpg (18.7 KB, 360x360, raf,360x360,075,t,fafafa_ca443…)

Do you believe in reincarnation? Do you believe that you or a person you know is the reincarnated soul of somebody that was important?
No. 1982983
>>1982968No but I want to.
>>1982981I don’t remember details or recall emotions since it was pretty boring and so long ago. You don’t know why you don’t remember anon?
No. 1983150
File: 1714303776883.png (Spoiler Image,241.79 KB, 390x419, 1714303193823.png)

>>1982432First one is Envy from FMA
>>1981831Genuinely terrifying
No. 1983158
File: 1714304510371.jpg (48.59 KB, 810x456, Moms-Drooly-Onahole-Based-on-M…)

>>1981831It's apparently based from the fucking McDonald's ad too. And of course the first comment on the post was saying they want one of the daughter.
No. 1983217
>>1983158Fuck this picture gives me trauma because i remember all the japanese moids who made nswf art of of the…..girl in the middle drinking cola.
Idk why japan didnt use a actaul family for their mcdonalds ad instead of thus anime shit that they knew would get lewded by pewdo-weebs.
No. 1983275
>>1983217Was it really japanese miods? I remember that it was the western moids because they were praising the ad for being "based" portraying a "traditional family".
Don't even know why that was a big shock, i understand americans have some trans and gay ads but most of them still portray mother/father/son/daughter families, all around the world…
No. 1983305
>>1983275Honestly id rather have some fattie gay do a ad than some shitty anime pic that looks like AI and got sexualized by both japanese amd westerns moids.
Japan knows what kind of society it is so there is no way they didnt know those pictures would get lewded by actual freaks.
No. 1983320
File: 1714317532145.jpg (45.71 KB, 679x543, 81TVqpe9rhL._AC_SX679_.jpg)

Any ideas for storage boxes with lids that would look nice on a bookshelf that aren't fabric boxes? I can find plenty like in this picture, but I want something in another material if possible.
No. 1983354
>>1983326I think you can write a manifesto without a dramatic death, you just have to actually
do something to bring the reality of your manifesto into this reality.
Say, you don't want to keep seeing children online, then you have to report their accounts, block them on sight and advice others to not engage when they see children online. It sounds dumb but it's kind of like that.
Or maybe you don't want to see any digital art anymore, you can delete your social media and make art irl, maybe you could make something cool like a sculpture made of computer parts and so on.
Or maybe you're sick of men and you don't want to interact with them anymore, make a clear statement and maybe find a way to move out of your town and make it clear that you won't talk to men.
The thing is that a manifesto means you will actually follow your words because you truly believe in what you're writing, which is why the popular manifestos from nowadays are made by psychos that have killed people, they believed in the words they wrote and they tried to make the reality they attacked in their manifestos.
No. 1983358
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>>1983305>than some shitty anime pic that looks like AIIt doesn't look like AI at all, at least imo. If anything it's MHA style. It reminded me of it so much of it I ended looked the artist up and yeah, the artist seems like they're a Shounen Jump fangirl.
No. 1983432
File: 1714325248598.png (1.02 MB, 1080x720, 1000015996.png)

Anons with a nice, independent life despite Depression and no medication for it: what do you to keep yourself going? What is your motivation or cope to keep getting up in the morning?
No. 1983446
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>>1983430I think it probably just looks better in action and with q bit more stuff thrown onto it.
Pic basically has the bottom left top.
No. 1983462
>>1983450No, it's more lewd this way
>>1983435This lmao, this type of clothing can favor a beautiful male body just fine.
>>1982432 looks nice in it. Nice shoulders, nice flat stomach, you can even appreciate his waist. Are you sure you aren't just enjoying female bodies more and that's it? What cuts will flatter the male body on the pic more, in your opinion?
No. 1983463
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>>1983456It is, Nashitaka wore it, too.
No. 1983479
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>>1983446I fucking love when they wear arm sleeves while being shirtless underneath, I feel like it just adds more flavour compared to just simply being shirtless. Its also better than the typical open Hawaiian shirts they're usually made to wear.
No. 1983486
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>>1983463Yukimura from Sengokua Basara is another example
No. 1983488
>>1982432 all look too weak and lankly, zero masculinity, they don't even got dicks, these models resemble a teen's body way too much imo. I don't understand how could anyone feel attracted to such a poor display of sexiness, it just looks like a teen boy on sexy clothing
>Are you sure you aren't just enjoying female bodies more and that's it?Now you calling me gay because I don't like these shitty outfits on men? Lmao
No. 1983512
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>>1983494This poor mf doesn't even got any beef at all, nothing to grab or squeeze, look at those stick thighs I've seen anachans with beefier bodies, literally what's there to get horny for??
No. 1983515
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Is there any interesting story about how unsafe anal sex is? One that can make the casual moid disgusted no matter how many precautions one takes.
No. 1983527
>>1983512>>1983488Do you know why models are all very skinny and tall?
It's to look at the clothing, which is why the images with characters wearing it in action look fine.
No. 1983567
File: 1714330956943.gif (4.23 MB, 320x564, IMG_8847.gif)

anyone excited for tiktok to be finally banned? what do you guys think will happen to the users, where will they migrate to? twitter, tumblr?
No. 1983583
>>1983570>Do DND characters sleep?Depends on species. Humans sleep for eight hours, elves trance for four hours. Some don't sleep at all.
>what do the players do while their characters are roleplayingThe players roleplay/act as as their characters. Some players explain what their character is doing instead of acting.
No. 1983626
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>>1983512Why you hating on him
No. 1983680
>>1983664Lol, nona, you're cute. So when you're playing pretend with your friends, the rules dictate that you have to play pretend sleep every so often. But, it doesn't take as long as real sleep, you announce you're going to sleep, describe the conditions under which you do so, the DM rolls some dice, and then moves the game forward to the next morning. But you have someone pretend to stay awake, because the DM rolls dice which decide if your party is attacked while you're all sleeping. If no one is pretend awake, then you all have a disadvantage to responding to the attacks. A disadvantage will determine how the number you roll on the dice during the attack are added or subtracted.
No. 1983700
File: 1714336757376.jpg (91.32 KB, 1024x651, depositphotos_53688749-stock-p…)

Does anyone know where I might be able to download student literature for free? I'm doing a couple of summer courses but I'm not willing to spend all that required money on the long list of literatures they want me to get, especially when it's noted that they might add more.
No. 1983734
File: 1714337961731.jpg (23.91 KB, 461x282, Dt75VxCVsAEMLbq.jpg)

>>1983706Thank you nona! Looks like I might be able to get everything I need, at least for one of the courses so far! Now I'm gonna study female super heroes in pop culture (and hoping for zero tranny mentions) without having to completely empty my pockets
No. 1983963
>>1983952Alcohol that tastes good (at least to beginners) are super sugary. Maybe mike's hard lemonade, cayman jacks, flavored soju, and pink whitneys will be more your style. I still haven't graduated from these. I almost always drink socially though
I do like black coffee, I think I pavlov'd myself to like the bitterness. I hate it when its diluted with milk/cream/sugar because to me it just muddies up the flavor even more
No. 1984007
File: 1714355692102.jpg (113.83 KB, 853x480, 608748c36808c697e21036c9c523f8…)

Where are those nonas who were rambling about slutty clothes on men???
No. 1984061
File: 1714359756307.jpg (63.79 KB, 736x692, 1000013939.jpg)

If you had multiple gay moments with more than one friend before, does that really mean you're kind of gay? At what point during hanging out with the same sex officially means you're gay?
No. 1984084
>>1984078just wait until they say
g'day (aussie) or
good day (british) and you'll be able to tell.
No. 1984137
File: 1714365962672.jpeg (326.09 KB, 1170x1069, IMG_6583.jpeg)

Ok I know I’m a little bit stoned right now but they misspelled “recipe” on this box right
No. 1984160
File: 1714367456336.jpeg (1.14 MB, 1170x1308, IMG_6584.jpeg)

>>1984153It’s chicken bone broth hahaha
No. 1984178
>>1984174Both were indian, one was a kid maybe 13 that shoved past me when I was standing facing a zoo enclosure. I was pretty much up against the wall looking over and he shoved in between the wall and my stomach causing me to be knocked backwards.
Second was an Indian man watching me go through one of those metal swing door things to exit the zoo and he reached out and stopped his side from swinging while looking at me which caused it to stop and swing backwards into my stomach.
No. 1984338
>>1984266The disparity in suicide by race accounts for population so it's not due to being a majority of the pop, should be noted that the true disparities (not accounting for the fact they use more violent means) starts when they're older/eldlerly, like 65+.
In my opinion there are many factors.
- White males facing less adversity in life means that they are worse at dealing/coping with issues than oppressed groups. This is found in education where girls, particularly black, do better with a teacher who is mean to them (simplified) vs white boys who do a lot worse, so could also be a factor here.
- Other racial and/or ethnic cultures value family more, they keep in touch with each other and have large support groups, also means more people you hurt if you die.
Since we're talking about primarily older white males here, certain groups also have more of a respect your elder type culture where children kinda have to continue interacting with their parents. It's found that when parents divorce when elderly (grey divorce?) the kids almost always only visit their mother.
- Even links to cultural ideas of suicide, example, Hispanics are more likely to follow a religion that demonises suicide.
Suicide is always a complex issue.
No. 1984358
File: 1714391144377.png (150.26 KB, 766x908, suicide rates.png)

>>1984266>>1984338I looked it up and the countries with the highest suicide rates are surprisingly eastern european, southern african, latamerican and polynesian.
No. 1984490
>>1984358Now these ones are way less complex, shit country = suicide. Also countries where there's less access to birth control, males leave their families behind whereas women don't want to hurt their family by killing themselves, I should've noted that my original post
>>1984338 was western based.
>>1984464Has all of the issues a lot of Africa does, wealth inequality, lotta aids, lotta rape, good literacy rates though. It's landlocked and population dense so less sociability. But we should consider how bad Africa is at record keeping.
No. 1984570
>>1984559We can't upload pdfs directly
What do you want to swap?
No. 1984608
File: 1714404175177.jpg (671.6 KB, 1056x2089, help me find request.jpg)

>>1984570I see, thank you. I was wondering if any nonnas here had the Vampire The Masquerade Taste of the Moon, or Laws of the Night pdfs? I can swap any other pdfs.
No. 1984988
File: 1714418264878.jpg (83.62 KB, 736x868, bracelet.jpg)

I'd love to make myself a bracelet like picrel but I'm too stupid to figure out how it was braided and I can't order it to have a closer look and return it then, kek. Please, someone help me or lead me to a place where people know shit about braiding and making bracelets.
No. 1985027
File: 1714419968565.png (36.4 KB, 766x1000, cece propeller hat.png)

How do you know if you are being cringy? Is it possible to tell if your humor is actually funny or just embarassing when you don't have an audience?
No. 1985030
File: 1714420064543.mp4 (2.18 MB, 540x960, da796d856d984369b0b0ae07440aca…)

>>1984988I don't recognize that pattern in particular, but pinterest is going to to be your best bet. Here's a tutorial on one that's similar. Mute your computer though, it has loud annoying tiktok music laid over it.
No. 1985464
File: 1714452513025.jpeg (55.45 KB, 735x586, IMG_0644.jpeg)

>>1985373i mean there was ldshadowlady and asking alexandria
No. 1985944
>>1985899There is penis enlargement surgery, it's just expensive, dangerous, and has a high chance of failing. There's a couple ways to do it. Surgeons can put fat or dermal fillers into it, they can expand the girth with a penuma implant, or they can cut the suspensory ligament.
>>1985786If he's just a lover, dump him and find someone who satisfies you. If you actually want him as a boyfriend and he's actually perfect in every other way, then I think you can get over his small size.
Plus, small dicks are easier to take vaginally if you're having a dry day, which is bound to happen eventually in a long term relationship, or if you just want to get him off with a blowjob they're easier on the jaw. No. 1986067
File: 1714493339069.jpg (79.7 KB, 825x550, Mink-on-rocks-in-the-wild-825x…)

What should I name the mink that lives under my office?
No. 1986265
File: 1714504912735.jpg (75.99 KB, 828x821, Tumblr_l_673276676635975.jpg)

Anons I'm losing my mind. If you have a gender critical/terf IRL bestie how the FUCK did you meet them? How do you meet women who won't cut you off for thought crimes? I'm nit joking when I say my entire friend group is full of gendies and TRAs. I'm not super close with these people so I know without a doubt they'd immediately cut me off if they knew I was gender critical and hated trannies. I know two women calling themselves lesbians who are dating AGPs. It drives me crazy but I feel like every single peer in my city is either a blue haired pronouned stoner retard or a rightoid who hates dykes and faggots and don't believe in abortion rights.
No. 1986614
>>1986353>>1986438I mean it might be related to where the cliteris is in her body relative to her bladder.
If the Piano Teacher and my own represssed sexuality in my teens taught me anything it's the thing about women who don't masterbate tend to be more sensitive to the nerves of the cliterus on the inside of the body.
No. 1986628
File: 1714524601996.jpg (Spoiler Image,271.27 KB, 1600x1187, 1000006936.jpg)

>>1986620I'm sorry my phone refused to autocorrect it.
You do know the cliteris is a muscle that goes deeper into the body than just the tiny hooded part? It's also right next to the bladder but it also just depends on where a woman's insides rest because they aren't the exact measurements on diagrams, some women get nothing out of penetration because of that.
No. 1986646
>>1986578It's still weird. 99% of hentai is rape and hentai has way too many underage characters. Why can't he use his imagination like a normal person?
Not sure if there's research but I imagine hentai has similar if not identical affects on his brain as live-action porn.
No. 1986696
>>1986695 said. factory work or retail work at a chain place. no mom and pop shops or local places have as strict a structure.
No. 1986877
>>1986705>>1986713>>1986710I had in mind something more like airliners or computer science. Or at least i read there's an advantage in getting hired when you’re a woman pilot. Idk how it works in CS or if it's even the case anymore.
I aspire to be a pilot but i think I'd have feelings of guilt about it? And I guess I wonder how to not? I get it's a matter of equity but it also makes me doubt my own ability if that makes sense.
No. 1986919
nonnie, I've been wanting to break up for months now, I need to get up the courage to do it.
No. 1986954
File: 1714564836376.jpeg (117.03 KB, 1280x720, IMG_0776.jpeg)

Do portable washers work well? And do you have any recommendations? I live in an apartment building and our laundromat is covered in roaches.
No. 1986960
File: 1714565327623.png (2.79 KB, 250x200, IMG_3954.png)

Threadpic is all so wrong… there multiple Texas carbons! Not to mention all of the single bonded and triple-bonded oxygen atoms without a labelled charge, which would be pretty unstable in that formtion
No. 1986967
>>1986248Thats definitely projecting from delulu people who want that person to be gay rather then live with the reality this guy is straight (therefore boring in their eyes).
It's similar to when straight women will try to claim rainbow flag privilege being bi or lesbian becasue they fear men rather than actually like pussy
No. 1987091
File: 1714576478018.jpg (37.63 KB, 424x600, 1000012912.jpg)

How can I start making music at home without any instruments?
No. 1987345
>>1987336Because a lot of us are mentally ill and not to mention it attracts a lot of teens
No. 1987387
>>1987385it's not literal
nonnie, in the context of the conversation it's very clearly a pass and I want to go with it
No. 1987389
File: 1714593854142.jpeg (182.95 KB, 736x736, IMG_0304.jpeg)

how do you guys feel about this crossaint and cookie combo, the “crookie”? any of you tried this yet?
No. 1987419
>>1987389I tried it and liked it.
It is a lot, though.
No. 1987457
(don't bump threads newfag) No. 1987476
>>1986877Being a commercial pilot sounds nice tbh, I'm teaching English at a small flight school and there's only one female pilot that's studying with other 6 male pilots.
Sadly most people seem kind of uncomfortable with the idea of a female pilot, even at that school.
But I think it's amazing to have women learning such things, specially if they're really into flying.
If you seriously like the idea you should give it a try, I think it's worth it, plus cabin crew members also have to learn how to deal with survival stuff, so no one can really say that you need to be strong in order to be a commercial pilot.
If anything, cabin crew members should mostly be men considering they have to deal with all sorts of crazy people.
No. 1987517
>>1987493Yeah, you don't have some sort of information on a flight ticket like
>flight to Miami featuring Anonancia Martinez, pilot, and her co-pilot Anon MarquezAnd once everyone is on the plane they already paid for their tickets, and it's illegal to leave the plane so, yeah.
It's just not common because people have this dumb belief that piloting is like some manly man only man's club, and while it tries to be like that, you can just do your best and enjoy being a pilot. As long as you're good at it, no one will say no to you.
Plus as far as I know, it's not like you will have to lift heavy shit or repair a plane with a toothpick and a broken rubber band, if anything, the cabin crew kind of does that sort of work because the job of a pilot is to make sure to know how to take off and how to land without killing everyone, it's more about learning the proper controls and mechanisms of a plane, and the physics required to be able to use it properly so when something bad happens, you know how to make sure not everyone dies.
No. 1987612
>>1987558Work is a synonym for job in certain areas, it has the same meaning as "were you busy at your job?"
It does also work as both a verb and noun but more commonly a noun in this sentence.
No. 1987808
>>1987784I hope isekai heaven is real.
Not the comedy/edgy/villianess ones, the slow life ones where I would get to eat good food and be OP and shit.
No. 1987833
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Would anyone else use a general collecting thread in /m/? There aren't any threads like that in the catalogs. come on, I want a thread i can talk about my mechanical clock collection
I bet some of you collect stuff that's not anime merch.
No. 1987927
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>>1987870maybe too obvious, but you could hang out all the time with someone who treats you like a weird little dog to tote around because they can’t stand being alone.
No. 1987937
>>1987931NTA but
>Not in the secret group chat >The secret chat where they make a bunch of inside jokes and later reference them in front of youThat shit hurts
No. 1988028
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CAN ANYONE LINK ME THE ARTICLE ABOUT HOW "TWO SPIRIT" WERE COIMED BY TWO WHITE PEDOS? Also can anyone LINK me that multipart(?) Or long-ass article about the shifting goalposts of trans ideology that was written and narrated by a gay man who knew and worked alongside trannies in the 90's? I believe that same gay man was on the podcast "gender: a wider lens". Please help a nonuschka out!
No. 1988038
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>>1988028Interesting how they all acknowledge it was an invention of the 90s but refuse to name individuals. Hmmm wonder why
No. 1988061
>>1988056Don't be mean,
nonnie, anon's prefrontal cortex is finishing it's development process.
No. 1988116
>>1987870Everything the other anons have said, plus: you're treated like an afterthought when you're together, you're treated like their private Uber who drops them off and picks them up but isn't ever invited to join in, you're ignored when you speak, they introduce you to their other friends/boyfriends/family with a smirk or eyebrow waggle and this person you've never met before knows all about you somehow, you're edited badly/not edited at all in group photos, you get used as a prop for when they need an ego boost (aka ugly fat friend but it doesn't matter if you're actually ugly or fat or not, they see you as inferior so you get treated like
>>1987927 said). They expect you to fawn over them at all times, but only compliment you on something they know you hate (like saying you look good barefaced when you have awful acne), they think it's weird when someone outside the friend group has a normal interaction with you, you get excluded from everything they do and they make sure you know it.
I had a lot of shitty friends in school and college. Treat your friends the way they treat you, nonna. You'll figure out if they're real friends or not very soon. This stuff happens out of insecurity, so don't be afraid to use their own insecurities against them.
No. 1988133
>>1987870Talking over you, not giving you as much room to speak or being impatient to move on from your subject even though you definitely weren't talking much or often.
Or at least, that's my experience. I ditched those people.
No. 1988606
>>1988583THANK YOOU
No. 1988642
>>1988616It sounds like you have endo because those were my exact symptoms. I would be curled in half on the bathroom floor and vomiting the first day, and then it got more bearable with each day.
Two things made a major difference to me: One, I had to switch to organic cotton reusable pads. I ended up having a mild allergy to the ingredients used in the bleaching agents for pads and tampons, and when I used them, I was absorbing the chemicals though my vulva and it was causing the cramp pains to be unbearable. So I switched and it made a major difference.
And the second thing I have to do is in the day before my periods start and during the whole time, I have to cut out sugar, fried foods, caffeine, and chocolate/candy as much as possible. Which sucks because there's nothing I want more in the world than an iced coffee milkshake during my period.
>>1988606Awww, thanks nonita. I knew it had to be him because for a time, he was in absolutely everything and he was always the fat funny friend.
>>1988635Tried to break up a fight during a party and when I turned my back she got me right in the shoulder blade. I didn't even know she had it on her, I'm lucky she was drunk as it bounced off the bone after only penetrating a little bit. Shot was because of a hunting accident. Family friend brought his young son bird hunting with us and he was an idiot who didn't know how to handle a gun.
No. 1988675
>>1988645Based on my symptoms, my gyno recommended a pelvic exam. Then, she said she was pretty certain that I had it because she could feel thickened tissue and scar tissue. So she then recommended a laparoscopy for a formal diagnosis and while it was a surgery, it was incredibly minor one that was outpatient that didn't leave a scar.
However, there's no real current treatment besides birth control so unless you would really like to know just so you have a name and answer (which can be incredibly comforting for some people to be able to know why they have to go through so much pain), I would recommend treating it like endo but not bothering with the laparoscopy. If you would like to go the hormonal route, birth control can help many women. If you prefer not to go that route, I recommend doing what I did by switching to organic cotton pads (which come in both reusable or disposable) and avoiding anything fun (sugar, fried foods, caffeine, candy, and sometimes milk) during the days of active bleeding. With those two changes, I never vomit anymore and I take ibuprofen every six to eight hours on the first day and I'm able to go to work without anything beyond some very minor pain. The remaining days don't even need ibuprofen to function, there's just some minor pain.
Really rarely, if I slip up and eat a bunch of sugary or fried foods the day before my period, I'll have to fast the first day of bleeding in order to avoid the horrific cramping. With me, there seems to be a direct correlation between having food in the stomach and intestines, and how bad the pain is. I suspect that because prostaglandins control both the movement of the uterine tissues and water absorption/intestine movement in the GI tract, that having the body digest food during the first day makes the cramps stronger as the body uses the prostaglandins from digestion to increase the strength of the cramps. Or maybe because a full stomach and intestines leaves less room for the uterus to thrash around, I have no scientific evidence either way, I only know what has worked for me.
No. 1988896
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is this too ambitious for someone who has never done papercraft before?
No. 1988929
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>>1988866Head-Banging (smashing your forehead into a wall) was a trend in the Instagram mental illness community for a little bit.
>>>/snow/1842350 and other pro-ana community threads from around that time.
No. 1988982
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Anyone here has taken Strattera? What was your experience? Took it for the first time today and I'm sweating as if I have been lifting weights for an hour…image unrelated
No. 1989286
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I'm an eurofag and i don't understand some words. Why do some people call it Latin America instead of South America?
What is North America if South America is Latin America? Is it just America? Why couldn't United States of America get a normal name like Canada?
People from the United States call themselves simply American? Feels as if a French person called themselves simply European.
No. 1989292
>>1989286>Why do some people call it Latin America instead of South America?It also describes countries in Central America + Mexico.
>What is North America if South America is Latin America?The US, Canada, and parts of Mexico (I think you forgot Central America exists, it's the little land bridge)
>Why couldn't United States of America get a normal name like Canada?tbf, multiple countries have a similar full name, like Mexico for instance. Though in most cases it's aspirational like Democratic Republic of Congo lol
>People from the United States call themselves simply American? Feels as if a French person called themselves simply European.There's no better option; 'United Statesian' sounds like shit
No. 1989295
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>>1989286Latin America is called like this I think it was because it isn't just south America, it's central America and south America, and they all speak languages with a common root, the Latin.
No. 1989298
>>1989286>Why do some people call it Latin America instead of South America?“North America” and “South America” are the names of the
continents. “Latin America” is not a synonym for South America but a cultural-linguistic/geopolitical grouping of countries. Mexico is in North America, but it’s a part of Latin America because it’s Hispanic. Latin American countries speak Spanish or Portuguese, both Latin languages originating from the Iberian peninsula, which is why they’re called “Latin America”
>Why couldn't United States of America get a normal name like Canada? People from the United States call themselves simply American?Because MURICAAAA
No. 1989312
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>>1989295>>1989293>>1989298Thank you nonas, i'm smarter now.
>>1989292>Democratic Republic of CongoThey still know what they're doing because they didn't call themselves Democratic Republic of Africa, they win.
>'United Statesian' sounds like shitKek i'm italian and even if it's not very common, we have a term for that which is "statunitense" but it sounds retarded so when you just use "americano" some people feel like correcting you because you're talking about US and not America as a whole idk but yeah i forgot that Central America was a thing btw.
My solution is that the US changes name to something more original or that the entire continent of America gets a new name.
No. 1989760
How do you use loose tea without loose tea bags or those metal tea strainers? I hate drinking the chunks
>>1989644Maybe they get royalties from the shows? Idk
No. 1989784
>>1989777Arguably less management than styling, growing and maintaining real hair + conforms to beauty standards more. You'd have to understand all the history with and stigmatism in and outside of the black community against natural coily hair to really get why a lot of black women choose to wear wigs.
I know for me personally, wigs aren't my favorite but I wear them regularly because I find them less frustrating than dealing with my own.
No. 1989798
>>1989777Honestly Braids are more popular, Wigs just started getting popular with younger black women, back in the day wigs were seen as a old lady thing or a preformer thing.
Now lacefronts are more regular, but I and a lot of black still wear Braids, or traditional weaves (with leave out or sewed in), even dreads and natural hair has made a big jump in our community.
>>1989784 is spot on. Black hair is harder to manage and because a lot of hate towards our hair AND trying to fit beauty standards/discrimination a lot of black women now have damaged hair from these pratices, like Perms and Hot combs at a young age.
BUT it seems those things are less popular now, but Lace fronts are a new-ish thing for regular wearing and younger black women.
No. 1989800
>>1989784I learned that if you wear it naturally you might be discriminated against at your job? That's so strange and unfair, i don't understand how that can be an accepted thing.
But why do you say that it is easier to manage? Why is your natural hair considered to be more difficult to manage? Is it because of the curls?
No. 1989813
>>1989784 said, plus African hair is more easily damaged than other types of hairs. You'll even see black women wearing silk bonnets at night, which helps protect the hair from damage.
No. 1989821
>>1989798I didn't see this reply in time so i'm replying again. Honestly, I became very curious about this and started watching videos of the girls applying their wigs on tiktok. It looks like so much work but i looove when they cut the initial cap that covers their hair (the lace front you mentioned), and i love watching how they style the baby hairs! Also i've seen lots of braid styling tiktoks, the different patterns are so gorgeous, i wonder which is cheaper? The braids or the wigs? I suppose the wigs are because you need the extra products like the glue and little hair net?
I'm sorry that your natural hair is discriminated against, i can't comprehend how that's a reality. And thank you for explaining!
>>1989802 what's the logic behind saying "you should learn to mind your business" in the "stupid questions" thread? i will keep asking questions as much as i want if i don't know the answer to them. Stop being hostile. I came here to ask precisely because lolcow is anonymous and i can be sincere with my ignorance
No. 1989829
>>1989814Honestly both. Braidng is a skill and it's very time consuming. However, if it's real hair it's cheaper and if it's weave it depends on the length style but braiding hair is like $1 in some places.
While wigs, are more expensive especially custom made ones.
>>1989802Nona I understand your response but I think this is legit someone asking.
No. 1989832
>>1989829I tagged the wrong person I meant,
>>1989821 for the first response.
No. 1989847
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Yeah it depends, Like I guy i used to mess with had a sister, who could do this for like $150 but her weave/wig installs are extremely expensive and she did it all out of her house.
And this can take up to 3 or 4 hours depending on who you go to.
And braiding hair is very cheap. I knew a girl in high school who did her own jumbo box braids and made bank doing the girls hair in school.
No. 1989858
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>>1989813>>1989814>>1989823>>1989829>>1989832>>1989839Thank you all for the answers! This is my last question because i don't know if maybe it's truly upsetting that i'm asking, i don't want to irritate anyone. But do you ever see someone and wonder "is that a wig or their natural hair?" Or can you tell immediately? For example, i learned about 1c-4c hair, but today i saw a basketball player named Angel Reese, and I don't know if this is her real hair or not. Would you be discriminated against if you wore this at the office? Or would your boss think (horrible thing to say), that this kind of hair is "more presentable"? And if this is a wig, how is Angel not scared that it could come off when she runs and jumps during a game?
Okay i won't ask anything more. I never wanted to racebait and i never thought your hair is a sensitive topic, i thought it was a matter of pride with how much content of it i see on tiktok. With styling, wigs, and all that glam. Also i have to translate everything in my head first before i type it, i don't mean any harm at all i want to say again that i'm asking here because it's anonymous and i don't have to be ambarassed about not knowing
No. 1989872
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>>1989858>But do you ever see someone and wonder "is that a wig or their natural hair?"No, not a majority of the time. Black girls learn to spot a wig/weave just from being exposed to them so much, and wigs are pretty obvious IRL because you can usually see the lace. What specifically tips me off about your pic is the baby hairs and sideburns. And it stays on cause wigs have little combs inside to secure it + her wig glue is probably super strong.
>Would you be discriminated against if you wore this at the office?Nah, but my workplace is really relaxed. It's not a style I would wear for work though.
I don't think your questions were offensive btw anon, they seemed genuine to me. I think that anon was just stirring the pot.
No. 1989889
>>1989858Yeah some black women in moistly southern states have faced discrimination. Kids too. They get told afro textured hair is too disruptive.
>>1989877Lmfao they're going to end up banning you for race-baiting.
No. 1989890
>>1989886I'm assuming that
nonnie is a bit too terminally online because i swear every other day someone on the Internet (usually a troll) asks black women this question
No. 1989895
>>1989890Oh I see. Very interesting thanks for your input nonna. I figured anyone with 2 brain cells and a modicum of curiosity about others would have contemplated this at some point but I wasn't aware it was a Thing
No. 1989913
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>>1989892I get to monkey around in my home with AC while you get to monkey around in a shack you can’t scratch yourself with or you’ll end up in the hospital with tetanus. Black women win versus typical rabid slav foaming at the mouth to use every boring anti-black stereotype imaginable: zero wins. I would suggest you stop being high and mighty when Hitler would have thrown way more of you in the ovens if he had the chance.
(racebait) No. 1990599
>>1990461Might just be that 'take everything else for granted because I've got a gf/bf now' thing. Annoying but not uncommon esp if you're youngish. How are her break ups?
I've had two friends diagnosed with it over the years. The thing that stood out with both (pre diagnosis) is that we all kinda have that 'first love' ott reaction to a break up or to a serious break up later on. But they'd have this my world is ending, suicidal reaction to any relationship ending. It didn't have to be their first love, their longest relationship or that serious of a relationship. Sent into crisis every time
No. 1990666
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>>1990658Generic early Italian Renaissance scholar, sort of like picrel. I'll make one of those weird little square beret things that they've got and the clothes underneath will be standard ren fair closet cosplay stuff (big linen shirt, leggings, almost-period ankle boots, etc). I don't really like the standard ren fair outfits for women so I thought this would be a fun, somewhat-period alternative.
No. 1990729
>>1990666NTA, that might work but you'll need to line it because the fabric needs more weight to look decent. It's just for a ren fair so there's no need to be autistic with the accuracy here but you do need to consider the weather, you're going to be boiling if it's warm.
No idea if it's a faux pas to repurpose your commencement gown for this, but it's not like anyone will find out and you can't exactly wear it casually, so go for it.
No. 1991157
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Is Timothee actually bi/gay or just extremely French?
No. 1991174
>>1991172i dunno fully lesbian women generally don't have het sex that often even if they're closeted, except for the boomer ones which makes sense because of the time period they grew up in. timmy's fem/fay shit is pretend to hide how gross he is, see
>>1991164you should see the videos of him before he got famous, all that shit is fake
No. 1991175
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I get the right but what does start the dry with a bang mean?
No. 1991182
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I am so sorry for being musically retarded, but can somebody PLEASE explain to me what 'Come As You Are' and 'Smells Like Teen Spirit' are supposed to mean? Nirvana fans say Come As You Are is about heroin, being yourself, an ex girlfriend, or even murder. So wtf is it about? Then fans are also confusing about SLTS because they say it's about Kurt dissing his own fans, but also say that it's about the deodorant? Fans also swear that it's not meant to have a meaning at all? What the fuck are these songs even talking about? Do they even mean anything at all? I am so confused.
No. 1991183
>>1991179samefag, simultaneously, her babies didn't
have to be conceived via traditional sex kek, they could've easily been insemination cause i can't imagine her feeling a real desire to let that rape ape lay hands on her
No. 1991204
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>>1991175I think the 'R' in "DRY" is supposed to be an 'A', making it "Start the day with a bang."
No. 1991367
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What could I use to make my books in a bookcase row elevated? So that it looks like picrel. Other books are only of limited use, the bookcase rows are too short to put two next to each other to put the entire row higher.
No. 1991519
-boundary issues
-social anxiety
No. 1991555
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What conclusion would you come to about this person? Something about them feels so artificial to me
No. 1991576
>>1991570manlets exist in all races kek, if you're that bad at clocking troons then it's best to step back and wait for more evidence
>>1991555usually ive found people to rattle off their interests in quantities like this to have little to no hobbies, especially any that arent about their fandoms. id judge that listing off this many without any prioritization means she's also a very surface-level consumer with cheap analysis, just in it to skim off the shiny aesthetics. why did you ask this? im just curious
No. 1991581
>>1991573I'm not sure if its a woman or not since they use "any" pronouns. Which game nona?
>>1991576>listing off this many without any prioritization means she's also a very surface-level consumer with cheap analysis, just in it to skim off the shiny aestheticsGlad you said this because this is exactly how I felt. I asked because I wasnt sure if I was just reading too much into it, but it feels like they're into these type of series/game for the aesthetic or to say "yeah, i'm into x, y, z" without really enjoying it beyond the surface level. Obviously I could be wrong since I also like a lot of stuff listed there but I don't think I would ever list it out like that or lump in general stuff I liked with things I love.
No. 1991602
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Do you ever wonder if the color of your pajamas affect the quality of your sleep?
No. 1991620
>>1991160No, this is male cat psyop
>>1991243Get a husbando
No. 1991643
>>1991581>it feels like they're into these type of series/game for the aesthetic or to say "yeah, i'm into x, y, z"I agree but even if they're actually into everything they listed what stands out to me is that it's supposed to be a list of their interests and it's all just media. I guess warhammer and model kits are more like actual hobbies, but it still gives the impression that this person bases their sense of identity around the media they consume, and that feels very juvenile to me. Not everyone has creative hobbies and that's okay, but listing all these games and anime is like something I would've done in middle school.
Then again, I wouldn't write anyone off solely based on that list, they could still be a very interesting person irl.
No. 1991652
>>1991625They are useless at best and
abusive at worst. They are not protectors of the citizens contrary to what you think. I've called for help a couple of times and they never show up, but I see them harassing random homeless people minding their own business everyday on my way to work.
No. 1991954
>>1991905There's special jewelry for bigger bellies? Cool, I didn't know that! Thanks
nonnie! I asked my question because I also love body mods and am currently working on my ears. I go to a reputable piercer so his piercings aren't cheap, which motivates me to take care and not give up on them that easily. I was thinking that it would suck for someone to get a navel piercing that doesn't heal as easily as an earlobe, only for it to close up or something when she gets pregnant. Body mods are a time and care investment!
No. 1992020
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Why does every moid who has ever listened to a podcast want to become a CEO? Why is the Venn diagram a circle?
No. 1992057
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nonnas have you ever been so ignored by your family that they don't take pictures with you anymore or call you for family events? im not feminine nor social and spent my teen years in my room so ik i brought it upon myself but feels like i failed or something
No. 1992204
>>1992057>im not feminine nor social and spent my teen years in my roomSame and I avoided my extended family. I think they hate me now or think I hate them. They ignore me. But they were always too normie for me, I have never known what's wrong with me but could never get along with them or most people.
I hope you are still close with someone in your family. (I'm close with my parents at least.)
No. 1992465
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Why do ballerinas wear leg warmers? Don't you sweat a lot while dancing?
No. 1992487
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>>1992465Picrel is a professional ballerina’s leg. Bones muscle tendons, no fat. Makes sense they need something to keep warm especially during a rehearsal where there might be some downtime.
No. 1992492
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>>1992465A lot of dancers wear them before or in between classes to keep muscles warm/warm up faster. I think the trend now is trash bag pants instead of leg warmers
No. 1992504
>>1991555Weab, "NPC"/generic lemming zombie who follows what's trendy in mainstream weab internet culture of the past 10-15 years. Incredibly boring and normie, lacking individuality. Possibly could indicate a young person I guess due to a lack of personality, and trendfollowing but that's stretching, being a drone pressured by peer pressure and the need to conform is not limited to any age.
I know almost everything on this list and don't even watch anime, haven't touched anything weab in years or would identify as a weab but this is all fairly mainstream pop media of the past 10-15 years with a few strange regional outliers like that identity V chinese game, if that's what that title is but I don't know off by heart. It's really the only thing that tripped me up in that list, it's definitely the only game that is less popular on that list of mainstream games since it's literal target demographic is less wide. If I recall it's a dead by daylight clone with nightmare before Christmas/Coraline artstyle. But even that's fairly mainstream, and blew up a bit a few years back considering how incredibly popular social deceit like games and survival team based games like Dead by daylight are now ala deceit and amongus. This is the list of a mindless trend following zombie devoid of personality and individuality. But they're also a weab zombie.
No. 1992517
>>1992492Nta but former company dancer here and trash bag pants aren’t just a trend, they have always been more popular among the more serious dancers. Dance studios are cold as fuck. No one wears leg warmers in classes esp for classes where you have uniform standards but I’ve heard that they can help for injuries because they keep your ankles/feet warm. I doubt it will do much but I’m gonna try to wear leg warmers for my Achilles tendonitis.
Also for people wondering, it’s a status symbol among dancers to wear the most mismatched clothes possible (not like the pink Pilates Princess trend) because it shows that you’re professional enough to bypass the uniform requirements. I can’t find a picture but imagine someone wearing their hair in a sloppy bun, an old dance intensive t-shirt, trash bag pants, mismatched leg warmers, and canvas ballet shoes with their tights not rolled down fully. Basically looking a hot mess indicates that you’re a top dancer.
No. 1992571
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>>1992064The garlic bit is interesting. I'll try it, thank you
nonnie. I was holding a warm towel to my eye yesterday to dull the ache but the stye seems even itchier today. Here's to hoping it goes away with your advice soon, this is the cherry on top to my recent stressors.
No. 1992585
>>1992469Cut the screens, get informed, get hobbies and go out. Most interesting people are interesting because they know something, know someone or go places in my experience.
Most people find me interesting because I know weird fringe shit and they’ll often seek me out to discuss tinfoil theories because chances are I have something nuttier to share or a perfectly reasonable explanation. A guy I know just goes out and talks to people, he just goes into places and chats and now somehow he’s making friends with celebrities. Another friend I have is constantly going out and trying things, she does dancing and improv, she goes to science and research events (because her hobby is literally researching how to research better), hiking and solo traveling, she’s big into her hobbies and she’s not posting it online for content.
You should try to reflect on what and who you yourself find interesting, most of being interesting is being interested. Lean into the things that actually interest you in an engaging way (not a passive way such as viewing things) and if you have none pick one to try out. Seek out experiences, a lot of life passes people by these days because it’s all online but it’s different seeing a tiger in person then on a screen, it’s different seeing someone dance vs dancing yourself. Be an active participant in your own life, not a bystander watching it pass you by.
No. 1992701
>>1992609Yeah because those women with the aesthetic thing are probably beginner dancers honestly aside from some influencers who are rich or get gifted cute clothes from brands. Cute ballet clothes were not a thing until like 5 years ago and even though I see professional dancers in expensive leotards, their actual warmup clothes always look like a mess because that’s the style. The rats nest bun as you put it is also a thing only professionals can do because instructors will get mad at you if you aren’t properly dressed including your hair. You have to have a hairnet for your bun and can’t have any flyaways for instance.
Also another random thing I can point out as a dancer is that if you see a grown woman in a baby pink leotard she is probably not a lifelong dancer because I’ve noticed that most of us avoid that leotard color since the baby pink color has an association with little girls (3-4 years old) and is the frequent color for that age range regardless of the dance school you go to.
>>1992520>>1992535 No. 1992977
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>>1992837>>1992935Makes sense, i just try to be the old lady i never had and yeah it came from a moid kek, thank you.
No. 1993704
>>1993658>what if my future husband thinks I'm lying about being a virgin? a ton of women don't bleed the first time, if your husband cares about that he's retarted.
losing your virginity isn't as big of a deal as you make it out to be, it's more a psychological thing than physical for most. i bled a bit (like the spotting at the end of periods) and it was a bit uncomfortable the first time but it shouldn't feel like stabbing at all. the most important thing is finding a person that you trust will respect your body, do it gently and care about your well-being. you'll probably feel stressed regardless, it's normal, the only thing that matters and you can plan is finding the right person for you.
No. 1993748
>>1993739Those are both incredibly
valid reasons to miss work
No. 1993749
>>1993664In my experience it's some kind of discomfort but not cramp-like. I'd advise you use lube if you're afraid of any kind of pain.
Also even if you break your hymen that doesn't mean your first time with a man won't hurt. Just take it easy, communicate with him and lube up
>>1993738You're in the stupid question thread
No. 1993752
>>1993739When you call off say you have a "family emergency". Don't mention the visiting hours just say he's in the hospital if you want to elaborate on what the emergency is. Don't overshare details because bosses do not alway have your best interest in mind and they might do like
>>1993750 said.
No. 1994401
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Why are people shaped like this???
No. 1995127
>>1995117Things like tagging in group chats. Or just talking irl. My name comes up last, after everyone else. Example being:
>What do a, b, and c think? (C being me)>Did a or c go to…And so on.
I didn't use to think about it, but some other things happening made me start observing this.
Edit forgot to sage*
No. 1995131
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What do you use to wash your face after eating and before brushing your teeth? Hand soap or face soap?
No. 1995183
>>1995159Story time: I had a weird obsessive crush on this one loser moid for a few years and I went through a weird phase where I would obsessively ask sanic totem about the guy and if we were meant to be together and if we were soulmates. Sonic 9/10 times would tell me to jerk off. If I worded my questions a bit more vaguely sanic would sometimes say yes. One time I asked if I should get over him and I believe sanic said yes, or said to jerk off which was probably sanic telling me to fuck off and stop thinking about it. Anyway I'm over that fugly scrote now kek.