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No. 1950943
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Alright nonas i need to download a Sony Vegas that is from this current age but i don't know where to look, last time i tried i almost got a virus and got too scared to try anywhere else, i only trust you.
No. 1951076
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whats the source of this image? i swear there are many like these and of different people. They are so funny.
No. 1952615
>>1952606woah i had no idea you could mass dl thread pics with jdownloader. Thank you
No. 1952798
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>>1952786I'm not playing it anymore but i really enjoyed FFXIV, especially the Shadowbringer expansion but i'd suggest to not interact with anyone because there are some psychos there, the blacklist system is awful and just to let you know there are tons of people who just play it to make nsfw imvu pictures of their modded characters, it's insane.
The beginning is super boring but it gets more enjoyable, it's the only MMO i've actually liked, played when i was trying a bunch of them and needed something to distract me.
No. 1952900
>>1952896Unpopular opinions
continues to attract the worst posters
No. 1953055
>>1953049It's not if they're smarter or dumber, just that in order to get to these positions they either have to already come from money(therefore just marry other men with money) or need to take years of education/training and therefore are older and can see through manipulation tactics. Women are also brainwashed easily into ~love~ memes and think finding a bum will pay off in the future when in reality most men will just leave and go for a woman they actually want once they're financially able to
I also feel like these moids know that these women will end up having to work extra hours/pick up an extra part time job to pay for them since a lot of these moids are cheaters, so the more the woman is out the home the more opportunity it is for the man to cheat while claiming everything the woman worked for is his.
No. 1953110
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Why are there so many retards on Mumsnet
No. 1953171
>>1953110Kind of unrelated but I hate when people misspell israel as isreal, it's such a pet peeve. I don't think I've seen any other countries name misspelled as much except for people confusing serbia with siberia
To answer your question, it's probably because mumsnet is normie central. Like facebook comment sections.
No. 1953294
>>1953110You don't need any qualifications other than a woman + has had sex to be a mother, and quite frankly raising children doesn't leave much room for actual deep thought, so they'll very easily land on "there are good guys and bad guys and nuance is not real" way of thinking.
The internet also means everyone shares their opinion on everything, even things they are just not qualified to talk about.
No. 1953497
>>1953488I mean I will say the French, in particular monarchy have had a lot of rumours with no evidence that has tried to paint them as debaucherous as to defame them. That itself indicates that being found to be deviant wasn't positive.
It could be a part of the romantic side of France mixing in with the sexual side of romance which initially has been quite tame but has ramped up as people have become more horny on main.
A part of the issue is France being at a forefront of European Arts in history, we've seen what romance writers can be like now let alone when you couldn't get cancelled because your romance protags were 20 and 18.
It's an odd stereotype, but I think a factor is Americans seeing things that aren't considered sexual in certain European countries (like France) and clutching pearls and over-exaggerating.
No. 1953513
>>1953488They think they’re enlightened for normalizing incest and pedophilia, and that people against those things are prudish and repressed, see this anons defensive response
>>1953497A lot of French media and philosophy etc revolves around antisocial sexuality such as pedophilia, incest, dubious consent, extramarital affairs and promiscuity.
No. 1953518
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what would you tell your younger self?
No. 1953523
>>1953497>durrr dum americans and their puritanical bs!!The French are NOTORIOUS for deviant sexual behavior and there's no denying it. The age of consent there is literally 15. Agreed with
>>1953513 that so much of French media surrounds or casually permits or promotes sexual deviance, remember that whole Cuties standard in 2020? Not to mention that cheating is rampant lmfao.
No. 1953525
>>1953514because dumb stuff like
victim goated sus fr are all redtexted and they’re just normal words
No. 1953688
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does anyone know what song the "go suck a dick/suck a huge or small dick" vine is parodying? picrel. it plays at my job all the time and it's eating at me
No. 1953737
>>1953513>>1953523This and recently a ton of people in france supported some director that was outed as a pedo rapist (forgot his name but he was discussed in celebricows a while ago). Like fervently defending him, acting like he's some baby being mistreated because he's an
arteeesstt and how everyone should overlook his crimes because art.
No. 1954077
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Would browsing lolcow with my robot husband me against the rule? He's not a man but men are robots so it's wrecking my brain.
No. 1954100
>>1953840>>1953836It was only like 160 dollars which is not a lot imo. And like he could have just got her a $2 snack or given her 5. if it was like 400, 20 would be ok and even then it's sort of pushing it.
idk maybe im just retarded
No. 1954101
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>>1954099You girls wanna see my picture
No. 1954747
>>1954706Anyway, disregarding miss angry pants. Any type of hobby is a fantastic way to make friends, and courses for self improvement, like self defence or women's DIY courses.
Any team sport.
You can make a lot of generic friends there but a genuine friendship will require a bit of personal work on your part, find who you really gel with, and meet them separately.
No. 1954867
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I have a couple of these small wooden boxes, what should I use them for and how should I paint them? I originally bought them to be memory boxes for my vacation but they’re too small
No. 1954915
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>>1954674Definitely, I want to date a merman, I wonder if he would have two dicks, I think that would be pretty neat. I also would date something like a dragon boy or a bird boy.
No. 1954946
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>>1954867Make them into fake cakes and then keep them or give them away as gifts.
No. 1954954
>>1954706ATAYRT, and I've completely given up on having any friends because literally
no human being is trustworthy, you never know who could be stalking you, keeping too many tabs on you, and one thing I became afraid of was finding a friend and then realizing they were sent just to find out information on me.
No. 1955270
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i've lived a very boring life. never skipped school, got straight A's, never been to a party, never will be to a party because I have no friends, never gotten drunk, never done any drugs, never had an adventure of any kind, now I work an office job and just eat sleep work and repeat. What can I do to spice up my life while not losing my job or getting arrested? I'm up for any off-the-wall suggestion you can come up with. Throw anything at me. I'm so boring that I can't even figure out anything myself. I was driving home today and seriously contemplated driving full speed into a tree and ending things. I can't take this boredom anymore or I will quite literally wind up dead. Please give me ideas of crazy things to do. It could be small crazy or big crazy, as long as I don't lose my job or go to jail.
No. 1955305
>>1955292She's never been drunk and you want to send her to trip in the woods. Anon do not listen to her.
If you're so bored talk to your coworkers and befriend them. Then you could go for dinner and stuff. A coworker and I were talking about movies one day and she took the initiative to Google the local theatre and we had tickets booked the next day. It was very cute and cool.
No. 1955321
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Retarded question incoming: why is it that absolutely all magical girls have wedding merch? Like wedding rings, trading cards with the girls wearing wedding dresses and so on.
No. 1955338
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>>1955327>>1955321Yeah i mean, magical girl genre is popular in otakus and those gross lolicons ones, to me it feels even more gross because the characters are usually barely teens so putting them in wedding dresses like that feels disgusting, at least this PreCure figure feels more lesbian than made for pedomoids
Also there is a magical girl thread in /m/ if you want to check it out
No. 1955439
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Does anyone know how to make my brioche rise? I've fried a few recipes. This one is the brioche recipe from the King Arthur website. Idk, they just don't rise.
No. 1955451
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>>1955361I'm from the USA and shoving cake all over your friend, sibling, spouse, etc face thats seen as incredibly disrespectful and gross kek. Ruin the cake, get them all dirty, make them feel uncomfortable. I've never had that done to me and I've never seen that been done to someone else (mostly because I don't know any mexicans)
No. 1955535
>>1955513So why are they always surprise pikachu when they get pregnant? Like “I didn’t know I was pregnant!” Of course they’re going to get pregnant when they’re having unprotected sex? Either they’re missing pills every day or they’re not on BC at all thinking simply pulling out will help but they teach you in sex Ed at age 12 that that doesn’t work? How do so many women get accidentally pregnant? I’ve been irresponsible with the pill and never gotten pregnant so I think there’s something wrong with me.
I’m off the pill now but not having sex.
No. 1955722
>>1955715We met in person very recently
>>1955718He sent me some music and a couple of random messages that I can't read into so I just reacted to the music and didn't reply at all. Not sure how to engage him without overthinking.
No. 1955723
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Anons, has anyone here bought Vivaia shoes? I see their ads everywhere and I'm tempted to buy a pair as I find it difficult to buy summer/spring shoes (I have feet that are wide in the front and very narrow at the heels, so I just walk right out of flats and sandals also hurt my feet. But I obviously cannot go into the office wearing Birkenstocks or something), but not sure about the quality
No. 1956021
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What kind of spell magic can I do during the eclipse?
No. 1956033
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>>1956028Game sphere? Magic 8 ball?
No. 1956077
>>1955699Been talking to him more. I get the feeling that he has no filter, and he's smart but sorta insane maybe sadistic. I don't think he even knows or cares that I find him attractive. He just talks about random shit with me as he would with male friends. Maybe he's ridiculing me, I don't know. He doesn't seem to care about his appearance other than shaving and showering and not eating junk food.
Not sure if I should continue trying with him. What would nonas do?
No. 1956171
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I accidentally called my mum a normalfag while we were arguing. She asked me what the fuck does that mean and I just didn't know how to explain so I went to the bathroom and here I am.
Wat do?
No. 1956287
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Bluey is considered to be better than shit like Dora and SpongeBob for a kid's show. Seen some clips, and so far I can agree. But it's still a kid's show, right? It's like My Little Pony. It's better than Cocomelon, but it's still for kids, right? To all the anons here who unironically watch Bluey without the presence of children forcing you to, how do you watch this show without the guilt of feeling like a massive autist?
No. 1956357
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>>1956354samefag but kek this video and the description makes me laugh, interesting how trends ebb and flow
No. 1956432
>>1956287"Critics who treat 'adult' as a term of approval, instead of as a merely descriptive term, cannot be adult themselves. To be concerned about being grown up, to admire the grown up because it is grown up, to blush at the suspicion of being childish; these things are the marks of childhood and adolescence. And in childhood and adolescence they are, in moderation, healthy symptoms. Young things ought to want to grow. But to carry on into middle life or even into early adulthood this concern about being adult is a mark of really arrested development. When I was ten, I read fairy tales in secret and would have been ashamed if I had been found doing so. Now that I am fifty I read them openly. When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up."
- CS Lewis
It's okay to like a kid's show, anon. I've watched some episodes because I like the characters. They are really well written. And the show is funny. That's it. It never occurred to me to feel guilty about it.
Also, would you judge adults for reading Harry Potter back when they first came out. They were and are solidly written kids books, that's it. Should any adult reading them have felt guilty about it.
No. 1957346
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Do any of you anons like listening to music while browsing the boards? If so, what kind of music do you listen to? Any playlists/mixes?
No. 1957374
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>>1957346I'm too lazy to post a whole playlist, but I'll give examples. When I'm casually lurking, I listen to songs like Wet Dreams by Odetari and Nimstarr. When I see an infight, or if I'm IN an infight, I put on shit like Last Resort by Papa Roach.
No. 1957382
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>>1957378>I love you nonnaOh, you ❤️
(emoji) No. 1957386
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>>1957346Hell yes. I like listening to gloomy music and shoegaze, like Slowdive.
Also related to the sillypoo gif, how did normalfags and gendies found the video? I was listening to the song, www.blonde.girl, and I decided to read some comments and I scrolled down and it was someone stating they're genderfluid but they love the song, and some replies were like: "omg same, as a trans person-!!!!!" and "stay strong trans sisters". Picrel
No. 1957427
>>1957424Depends, are you from a country that uses chopsticks regularly?
>second question Weird, but I guess it's not impossible.
No. 1957432
>>1957400Thanks! Slowdive ftw! Also what's your fav band?
>kiwifarms/4chanNonna this is the main target audience for the video though, along with lolcow, cc and other imageboards/forums since Sillypoo are both imageboard autists.
I'm pretty sure they first advertised on here then on the other websites (and Null actually linked their video on the front page of KF)
The first 2 days it was just us, then the normalfags came saying "idk what is this, you have to be deep-into-the-internet-terminally-online to get this" then the gendies saying "wehm uhhhmm this is transphobic… support trans women!!"
>makes them incapable of watching the video and seeing that it makes fun of them>I saw a comment under one of their other videos where some tranny who actually watched the video whined because they became way too self-aware from the hidden insults. KEK there were comments under the video saying "guys I THINK this is transphobic…." lol well yeah isn't it obvious?
Hopefully the boost they got from the YT algorithm will peak some people
No. 1957448
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Do men really think Anna Kendrick is hot im so confused she has face of bird. This is a joke right?
No. 1957449
>>1957432 >Nonna this is the main target audience for the video though, along with lolcow, cc and other imageboards/forums since Sillypoo are both imageboard autists.It’s making me realize that we could have been promoting trannies on this website all along, how can we confirm or prove that the sillypoo girls aren’t just men or trannies? I didn’t even think about that until now. I guess we’ll see in due time, sometimes these people seem cool one minute and then the next this website or kiwifarms especially could be making a thread about them being frauds or some shit. I enjoy their cute videos but I can’t fully place my trust with online creators anymore. The fact they posted it on 4chan/kiwi of all places puts a bad
handmaiden-y flavor in my mouth that tastes like gargled unwashed dick and balls.
No. 1957458
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>>1957386This is a crossover with the oldweb thread from /ot/. Chip is a 13 year old girl that has a neocities website through which she ended up entangled with a neocities cow which lead her to lolcow. Sadly right now she loves hanging out with 4channers. She loves to mention lc randomly
No. 1957464
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Should i just treat the hot couples thread as a hetero shipping thread or is there specifically a thread for hetero shipping
No. 1957466
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>>1957458>>1957459Thanks anon, I wasn’t really here/was way too busy to be around that time. We really can’t have nice things and by we I mean women kek, everything is so co-opted you can’t really trust anyone. Gotta click unsubscribe now, it’s such a barren wasteland finding female-appropriate content nowadays
No. 1957476
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Should I give in to my cravings and order a sushi roll & veg tempura for dinner despite being broke? Or should I make this coconut chicken bake thing from tiktok?
No. 1957515
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Um, really stupid ? today but can medical offices block you? I have an appointment tomorrow and I haven't gotten a confirmation call. I've been trying to get ahold of the office for a while and it's been on hold. then after a while it hung up after beeping. I then tried to call again and there was just beeping, as if it was off the hook or busy, and it automatically hangs up. it's been several minutes and it's still not going through. I think I got a voice mail but when I tried to listen to it, there was nothing in the message.
I then grabbed another phone with a different number to call and the beeping doesn't happen on it–the call goes through to the waiting music. what is going on?
No. 1957573
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When people say they're doing a sugar detox, do they mean processed sugary foods like cake etc, or ALL sweet stuff including fruit? I can see the health benefits of restricting sugary foods but swearing off blueberries and mangoes sounds like an absolute nightmare. Can you actually detox from sugar if you make an exception to fruits and berries, though?
fwiw I'm not considering this, simply was curious. The idea of being less dependent on sugar sounds great but fruits and berries are full of essential minerals and vitamins, so wouldn't abstaining actually be worse?
No. 1957676
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I rent a room in a flat, there are 4 more people living here. When I tried taking a shower, I picked up the picrel and it disconnected from the shower hose. Fell apart basically. I didn't even use any force. It is 2am. What do? I know the flatmates by face but I don't have their names or contact info.
No. 1957684
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>>1957676actually here's the irl pic
No. 1957871
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If you had a boyfriend or a husband and he wanted to gift you with a song: would you rather he sing it to you, or get a musician to do it?
No. 1957902
>>1957881That's literally the most heterosexual female fantasy ever. You're good
No. 1958046
>>1955270If you have irl friends or coworkers around your own age (that are good company) try going with them to clubs on the weekend. If that's not for you there's quite a few quieter bars or speakeasies (sometimes attached to clubs) around where I live and were good for cozy solo nights where I didn't want to get too drunk or drink at all.
I also suggest going on walks about once a day, I always do mine in a busier & nicerr area of my city and there's often events going on or I see flyers for events that I end up making plans to check out later on. Lots of opportunities to talk and meet people as well but that's really easy to avoid in case you're less social.
These are all suggestions based off of my own area so I can't promise you'll find the same thing but I hope it helps point you in the right direction at least.
No. 1958257
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>>1958253AAVE has nothing to do with the phrases “up 1000”, “up by 1000”, or “+1000”. There, is that dumbed down enough for you?
No. 1958271
>>1958257Reread my original response
>>1957773 where I already clarified that which was exceptionally clear to those already fluent in English. Maybe we need a reading comprehension captcha to prevent illiterate retards from posting here and starting pointless infights kek. Alright, I’m done for real, enjoy embarrassing yourself, ESL-chan
No. 1958284
>>1956822Still seems pretty invasive and I honestly don't know if such a service exists where I live, but thanks for the suggestion.
>>1956823>>1956830I started making efforts to lose weight, although I'm afraid they'll get saggier unless there are certain exercises that might help with that?
>>1956842Yea, I know they would sag and I noticed they did a little fairly recently. As a teen, I had this habit where if I gained 2kgs I would lose 5 kgs the moment I had something stressful coming up like a test or a more important exam and was severely unhealthy and vitamin deficient (was in the 51 - 54 kg range at 175 cm). In the last 3 years, I got to 65 kg and noticed that my boobs hang a bit lower that how they used to and I don't like it. Unfortunately, I am severely scared of surgeries and I don't know if I will ever be provided this type of service because where I live, boobjobs and big boobs are all the rage and medics would probably look at me like I escaped from the psych ward lol.
No. 1958305
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>>1958298“we up” is literally aave though? can you please stop shitting up this thread and move on. who cares?
No. 1958314
>>1958308You can scroll up its right there
> “City girls up by 1000” is basically a variant of the american slang/african american vernacular english (AAVE) phrase “we up” which means “we’re winning.Yeah no one has ever said “I’m up 200” in to their friend while playing scrabble, and 1970s baseball announcers were totally using AAVE when they said “3rd inning, Red Sox up by 2” and actually the origins of the phrase is fucking dead body counts because you know black people be murdering amiright
No. 1958322
>>1958143No, I paid for my own food, he paid for his.
He made me pay for my own food again, I just can’t stand it. It makes me feel like an ugly worthless piece of shit. I genuinely never want to see him again I’m done.
>>1958037I don’t think he likes me. It was my birthday a week ago and he said he’d take me out for my birthday but in the restaurant, I offered to buy the drinks assuming he was gonna pay for the food, then he let me do that then when we finished our food he suggested we pay separately. Then he said he’d take me to an arcade and buy me a drink there and pay for any games I wanted, but then we got to the arcade and he paid for the drinks and refused to take money out….also while we were in this shop he spent £7 on a gift for his mother but couldn’t buy me a £14 lunch…
No. 1958326
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>>1958321There’s no explaining the dialectal nature of language to this one kek
No. 1958491
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What language is she speaking?
No. 1958494
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how come whenever you ask men what the first thing they would do if they woke up as a woman is be a whore? why do they want to fuck a bunch of dudes so bad? i don't even think they understand what they're implying…
No. 1958754
>>1958744It shouldn’t feel like burning in my experience
Maybe you should ask this question on /g/ though?
>>>/g/253921 No. 1958808
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I keep waking up at certain hours of the night with anxiety, and I don't know how to fix this. I take my pills but it doesn't work. It also comes with feelings of suicide sometimes. What should I do?help.
No. 1958977
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I'm in the US if it matters for this: Is it generally within the rules to be drunk on a college campus? Not actively drinking or with any alcohol on my person, just intoxicated before showing up.
I'm not even going to class but rather to a seminar tonight and made plans to meet up with friends who are going with me and we'll probably drink beforehand and we're curious if we would potentially not be allowed on campus if staff notices we'd been drinking (even if we're just buzzed and not obnoxious about it). Sounds paranoid I know but better safe than sorry right kek
I'm sure it depends on the individual school to a degree but I can't say I'm ever running into the problem of drinking before showing up to a school to know if this is a common policy or not.
No. 1959001
>>1957449AYRT, they are women because their antics have been documented on here(probably on KF too? I'm not sure, didn't check). And no, they're not frauds nor men LARPing, they are a duo and I heard their voices in some videos, check the thread
>>1957459 posted for more info
>>1957458Oh yeah I know her because of the thread, but I didn't really make the connection that the chipkid account from YT is the same Chip from Neocities.
Poor kid
No. 1959069
>>1959011One, these videos only show the people who give stupid answers. For every person who thinks that cows give chocolate milk, they cut out the ninety-nine people who know that's not true. And two, every village has an idiot. Everyone knows this. But USA is so large (333 million), that you figure even if only 1% of people are idiots, that's still 3.3 million people who are the village idiot.
Plus, the government has always trained people to not think for themselves in school, but George Bush passed a law in 2001 that punished average to smart students and really turned schools into glorified baby sitting camps. Our schools are so bad that it's the law that schools have to let the mentally disabled sit in normal classrooms and constantly disrupt the workflow.
No. 1959074
>>1959011I grew up in one of the states with the worst education according to a bunch of news articles and studies, but even then we learned all this shit. And like
>>1959069 said, there's always the retards that disrupt shit.
No. 1959080
>>1959011here's the thing
why would Americans need to know about countries other than America, the only country that matters?
No. 1959083
>>1959069>that's still 3.3 million people who are the village idiot.Kek, good answer.
>>1959080Speaking about that…
No. 1959228
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I always thought I had a medium/low libido but reading stuff made me wonder, how much is low? How much is high? Expecially in long term reationship ( >6 years). Is it considered high libido wanting to have sex with your partner 6 times per week?
No. 1959311
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>>1955441Thanks for the advice. I used some newer yeast, and it rose a but more. I find that with this and the previous recipes I tried, they all come out kind a brittle, like a scone rather than a hamburger bun. I will continue to experiment.
No. 1959335
>>1959228>6 times per weekAhh I remember being young. I would describe myself as high libido when I have the urge most days of the week.
>>1959282Like an image viewer or more sophisticated image editor? I use JPEGview, it has some basic editing.
No. 1959432
File: 1712864844587.png (1.57 MB, 1000x1156, lenkagamine.png)

Are shotacons (women) seriously sexually attracted to young boys?
If a male likes little kids even if they're fictional I wouldn't question it being a real sexual thing for him. But women aren't sexually degenerate in the same way men are, for the most part. Women can really obsess over things they find cute without the sexual aspect, so I've just never known if shotacons are seriously sexually attracted to young boys or not???
The few times I've seen a shotacon (in my weeb circles) they only interact with "appropriate" posts, there's nothing explicitly sexual going on at all from what I can see. But if I see a male lolicon they always interact with posts that are if not straight up sexual, clearly innuendos or hinting at being sexual… I just don't know.
No. 1959450
>>1959335just an image viewer with basic editing like cropping and rotating and things like that
>>1959423i looked at that one but its not free, its like 10 euros
No. 1959533
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>>1951076kym claims 4chan; some guy uploaded this one to /b/. check the watermark for more, it's hilarious
No. 1959986
>>1959340I often use instant yeast, too, as I did in this case. I agree bread is a more intuitive process than just following a recipe. You really do have to judge the dough yourself, whether it's underhydrated or doesn't have enough gluten. It can vary depending on the weather.
I don't have live yeast, but I do have some sourdough starter, which I have to assume is similar. I find the starter takes much longer to rise, so I let the dough rise overnight when using starter. And it tastes different. I hear live yeast has its own flavor compared to instant yeast, also.
No. 1960246
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Is it ok to tell a moid to get raped and mauled by a pack of pitbulld?
No. 1960254
>>1960252It's good that you stood up for yourself. You did the right thing,
No. 1960256
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>>1959581>the resistancelol. Do your part, shitpost to fight the admin menace!
No. 1960267
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Serious question: are sociopaths (or people with ASPD) more likely to be incesteous? Are people on any Cluster B more likely to be incesteous?
No. 1960423
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>>1960418autosaged in a valiant but ultimately fruitless attempt at quality control
No. 1960475
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Is there specific a name for this little cat? What do I google to find more?
No. 1960484
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>>1960475i thought they were called applecats but I guess I'm wrong
No. 1960526
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>>1960475Search "fruit cat" or "fruit cat meme" on pinterest, click on one fitting result and it'll show you a bunch of related images
No. 1960537
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is this thing just a cutesy version of the venus symbol or does it have some other meaning?
No. 1960664
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>>1960526Thank you, you have been a true
nonnie today ♥
No. 1960762
Pickmes cannot truly be in a relationship because of how they act but NLOG CAN, they are one in the same yet not, the male they keep matters!!!
No. 1961130
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I usually get paid weekly on Thursdays but I did not receive anything yet (Friday night) I asked one of my coworkers that worked the same day/time as me and he got his yesterday, when is it a good time to notify this? and what should I say? First job not getting paid under the table so I'm really unsure
Thanks nonnies
No. 1961173
>>1961136You think so? Its 11pm so maybe I just email them tomorrow or look for my boss when I go to work.
You are a saint nonna!
No. 1961397
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After realizing how many confessions moids made about wanting to fuck their mothers or sisters, I have a question. What is the likelihood of a male relative feeling incesteous towards you or another female family member? Like, how exactly common is it for them to feel like this? Because all the incest confessions and the fact that "step sister" porn is very popular is making me even more wary of moids.
No. 1961399
>>1961397Not to trauma dump or whatever but I’ve been SA’d multiple times by male family members growing up by moid cousins and nephews and even now at my older age they’ll make inappropriate comments towards me
So it’s more likely than you think nona
No. 1961404
>>1961397It's actually very common, cousins can also be attracted to you. My hypothesis is that moids think that you will be an easy target because girls never want to cause drama at home, plus they're weak, so it's not that difficult to assault them or to coerce them to do intimate or even sexual stuff, plus the proximity makes it easy for them to creep on girls, because they're family, therefore your brain tells you that it's okay for you to let the moids help the girls bathe and change their clothes, this proximity makes the girls have a hard time to discern what's weird as fuck and what's normal.
So yeah, it's a matter of having more opportunities to abuse girls, just make a post asking moids if they would assault or abuse a woman or even a girl if there were no repercussions and if the
victim in question was living in their homes, they will say yes.
No. 1961414
>>1961401You too. I'm sorry that your family is such a disaster. Just like the other anon, you also deserved and still deserve better than those
abusive subhumans.
>>1961404>>1961407I believe the both of you, that it's quite likely and very common for moids to be fucked up like that. When your knowledge of male nature reaches this point, I don't get how anyone would want to have a son.
No. 1961420
>>1961404They're easy targets since a lot of families aren't willing to alienate molesters/disown them, predators know this and use it to play
victim and avoid consequences
No. 1961503
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has anyone's male cat tried to hump them? he is neutered and know animals are animals but i still feel oddly sad and embarrassed. it started happening when we were cuddling and he suddenly started meowing a lot and kneading me while also trying to bite me…then it progressed to the obvious.
anyone have any advice? is this naturaL??? why cant i have a normal male in my life
No. 1961611
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Anything on Charlotte Dobre? I just want to make sure, I just found her channel
No. 1962141
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When you stretch like toe touch are you supposed to be trying to relax your muscles? Or tense them? Or it doesn’t matter?
No. 1962295
>>1962279Associates aren't really offered by my school so I'd probably have to move to earn one. Just curious, why healthcare, is it just because they need more people? Tbh I've always been steered towards tech-oriented stuff because people think I'm too socially awkward to work with others.
I don't really feel keen on higher education as a whole though since I'm really needing to start having some income to support myself. Unless I had a clear goal I feel like I'd just be wasting time and money again, and as it stands I can't really afford that.
No. 1962375
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Next time my mother says she's sad that she doesn't have grandkids, can i call her cockblocker? everytime i started seeing someone she would freak the fuck out and blow up my phone and threaten to take me out of college.
No. 1962732
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Who is this??
No. 1962848
>>1962842first is just a standard pick-me relationship with a wife/mom and her manchild. second would be
toxic and codependant with a lot of cheating and dead bedroom. i've seen the second one before…
No. 1962852
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>>1962849>>1962850Hoo boy, here we go again.
No. 1962892
>>1962854glad to, they became my personal cows until i moved. i became friends with them through a mutual without knowing what a mess everything was and they both poured out all their emotional BS to me for a few years. they remind me of lori and kevin on crack(some weeb cows if you don't know).
>mommy issues guy is one of those "soft boy" herbivore "harmless" moids who is actually just a borderline predator>daddy issues girl is standard issue pick me ddlg type who wants to cater to a pornsick fat redditor>she moved across the country to live with him>both isolate eachother from their friends>have no chemistry and fight all the time>he manipulates younger girls into obsessing over him and sleeps with them then uses them for emotional support until they find out he's dating someone or lose interest in being strung along emotionally for months>won't sleep with his own gf>she sleeps around with random guys she meets on tinder in their house/bed while he is at work but then feels bad and tells the guys she regrets it and is really, truly in love with her bf>she also posts her own nudes all over the internet for some reason>repents by cutting/starving herself>they had been doing this for their entire 4 year relationship up until she found recordings he'd saved of him talking lovey with other women>both confess to everything(sort of) she blames herself entirely and so does he>they become poly>he still won't have sex with her, but will with other women/men>both of them get extremely jealous making drama with the people they brought into their relationship>try to get me and other friends involved in poly/threesome/orgy situations>move a random girl into their house to date and then try to evict her/get a restraining order on her when the gf finds out her and the bf have been sleeping together without her permission??>he gets a random girl pregnant and tries to hide it by trying to get a restraining order on her>tries to get someone in our friend group to run away to another state with him and "start over">she tells everyone>basically rinse and repeati still ask a friend about them from time to time and they're still doing it 3 years later. they are apparently engaged now and i have no idea why.
No. 1962899
>>1962853>Israel is the one who started this round of attacks back in octoberUh anon that's blatantly untrue, everyone knows Hamas made a bloody attack on Israel at a music festival.
Don't come for me, I'm not in support of either of them, just stating the facts.
No. 1963114
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how do people have relationship after relationship? how is it possible to find people who are interested into you as much as you are into them so consistently?
or do they just grab whoever?
No. 1963134
>>1963114Relationship hoppers get into far less gratifying relationships and don't tend to last as long, I could find a relationship tomorrow if I didn't care about who I was in one with.
Usually people grow of it, I've only known young adults and teens who relationship hop, it's a sign of immaturity and insecurity and if you're unlucky, you get a baby out of it so don't worry about it.
No. 1963144
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>>1963114it's extremely easy for a woman to find a moid if she has few standards and doesn't care what he looks like. terminally online moids complain about how they can't find a decent woman but the truth is most single moids really don't care about anything beyond how attractive you are and if you're willing to take care of any children they may have so they don't have to do it.
No. 1964005
>>1963980>normiesomeone whose hobbies are watching tv shows, scrolling tiktok and going to the gym. They probably have a decent friend group and know all the cool restaurants in town. Not terminally online, not mentally ill. if they are a "gamer" they have an xbox for FIFA. milquetoast political views that follow popular opinion. For me a defining feature of a normie is conformity. When confronted with a weirdo their reaction is somewhere on the spectrum from indifference to revulsion, and they seem disinterested in trying new things especially if the people around them aren't doing it. Honestly it's not a bad thing to be a normie and they're probably happier than the average user here kek. I have a couple of normie friends and they keep me sane
>stacyincel meme, I can't take the term seriously because it reminds me of the gigastacy edits
>bitchself explanatory? It's just a gendered form of "asshole"
No. 1964047
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>>1964005Just a question, where would you place yourself on that spectrum? Since "
femcels" don't really exist, what should women of lolcow background call themselves?
No. 1964122
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Nonas who mastered stoicism and remain unbothered no matter what people (online or IRL) say, act or think about you, how do you do it? How did you tame your emotions and spirit to be so untouchable? People always claim that it's easy to not care about what others think or say, but it's clearly not if so many people are neck-deep into their feelings. So again, how do YOU remain stoic?
No. 1964140
>>1964122Know yourself and accept the things you like and change the things you don’t, it’s a lot easier to ignore others opinions about you when you know they’re wrong or you’ve accepted the flaw.
Don’t lie to yourself, you can lie to others but be honest with yourself, it makes life easier when who you want to be and who you are aren’t at odds.
Mostly it’s practice. Have you ever been in a highly stressful shit yourself panic moment and an eerie calm has settled over you? You want to try to capture that but in a healthy controlled way. Practice breathing techniques, affirmations (silly but what you’re trying to do is teach your brain to reflexively have a dialogue you control instead of others), find your zen in moments of self hatred as best you can. All of this will take practice, the goal is to practice outside of the moment you want the response to happen so when the moment happens you know what you want to do and can engage those tactics. Then you practice every chance you get.
No. 1964214
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Which bug species do you think would have the most TERFs if they were all turned into humans?
No. 1964218
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>>1964214The Stacy honeybee
No. 1964237
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>>1964214mantis and bees are both really good but I'm going to say the indian walking stick. they're parthenogenic, meaning females can have all-female offspring without mating. aside from the rare intersex (usually infertile) bug they're a fully female species, so trooning out would be impossible for them. feminist stick bug utopia when
No. 1964260
>>1962882My ex would harp on about how they're curvy and curves = sexy therefore it's a no brainer that I don't get it and that I must be in denial. He also went on about how there's so much variation between nuances like toe shape or length and that you can do "erotic" activities like licking or sucking.
Honestly I don't think you can really fully understand the other side, you either get it or you don't.
No. 1964267
>>1964214probably tarantulas because:
"sexual cannibalism, females of many spider species devour their mates after procreation, either for sustenance or to keep their reproductive options open. Female spiders are usually much larger than their male counterparts and thus have a strong physical advantage."
No. 1964367
>>1964332if you're unsure whether there's enough milk for a thread but just want to discuss them there's the /snow/ personal cow thread
if you have enough documented milk, there's a thread in /pt/ where you can ask people to write OPs :
>>>/pt/913498 No. 1964485
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>>1964474These are the exact same ones I bought
No. 1965117
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>>1965112bitch you want this hair
No. 1965126
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>>1965117Why are you attacking her so hard for just answering the other person's question?
No. 1965135
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>>1965096they unironically think picrel is what peak genetic material looks like.
no, but really it's an old racism thing. it's not really more complicated than that.
No. 1965140
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>>1965129You should try being less cruel.
No. 1965170
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>>1965140Do you know where you are?
No. 1965207
>>1965200I don't use this site as much because I usually post on cc except when I'm banned there. I've been banned from cc like 30 times though, usually because I get accused of being a moid/tranny. I just caught another permaban with no reason given, but I do post there too much anyways so whatever.
I must say the moderation on lc is a lot better. I only got banned here once like 8 years ago and it was deserved. (I had posted in the anti-hybristophilia thread calling a murderer hot.)
No. 1965213
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>>1965212Of all the ones, you picked the
No. 1965665
>>1965618>it’s selfishNo duh, everything we do in life is selfish.
>suffering There’s a lot more to life than that, it’s hardly important at all really.
>why not adopt? Or own pets?These questions make it obvious that there’s something truly deficient in antinatalists. A dog or an FAS child from the orphanage are not replacements for creating your own family with your loving husband and having your kids and those loving bonds. What is even the point in raising someone else’s kid? We inly go through that process at all out of love.
No. 1965670
File: 1713242242459.png (37.54 KB, 350x320, 343.png)

is anyone going to make a new unconventional attractions thread or are we going back to using 'men you're ashamed to say you'd fuck"? were the two ever meant to be separate? (some of the ones i want to post I'm not even ashamed of tbh but they don't belong in any other thread)
No. 1965677
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>>1965665>for creating your own family with your loving husband and having your kids and those loving bonds.Most people's genes aren't that special, no one
needs to create a whole ass child because you think that's the only way to create a deep bond. That's so weirdo bpd narc shit.
>What is even the point in raising someone else’s kid? We inly go through that process at all out of love.Oh God, this is like the ultimate tradtard speech lmao, so those who adopt a child because they couldn't have biological children should just fuck off? And those children that got sent to orphanages should also just get over it and never have loving families? Which is funny as well because how come there's orphanages at all if giving birth is all about *~love~*? I'm pretty sure most of those kids don't go to an orphanage just because. And accidents happen, sure, illnesses can fuck up entire families too, but most of the times the kids, sometimes newborn babies are dropped off at some facility because for one reason or another, the parents can't take care of the child.
I usually don't really care about these arguments because in the end, no one knows what's going to be the best outcome for them, but it's dumb to say that you
need to give birth to a child in order to give them a happy and safe home full of love, that's a gross and retarded statement.
No. 1965819
>>1965200I think only once and it was right after i posted about having to stop using lolcow for a while because of work on the dumbass shit thread, i was actually so sad because it was the last day i could use it and had no idea when i would have been able to do it again.
Can't remember what it was for, something stupid that i didn't mean seriously or that was taken in the wrong way.
No. 1965834
>>1965823It depends on your comedown symptoms. Also, to manage the rage during their peak, there's a couple different things you can try. Chewing black pepper twenty minutes before you take the adderall, tylenol or ibruprofen with the adderall taken along with a source of protein, or L-theanine (200 mg with initial adderall dose and then 100 mg every four hours).
I too get pretty extreme rage from adderall and realized I had a problem when I tried to fistfight someone in a store for trying to steal from me.
No. 1966644
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So if you take the character test and get Shinji Ikari as a result, should you be worried?
No. 1966877
>>1966835She only knows how to complement women’s looks using stan twitter lingo, only “crushes” on masc presenting women bc fems tend to
trigger self-comparison (not their fault but still)
No. 1966942
>>1965352>>1965665This is proof that the
terf to tradthot pipeline is real. Calling others failures or mentally ill as if you don't sound like a asperger aspd brain damaged moidlet.
You're only value in life is breeding because you have nothing else to offer.
(infighting) No. 1966970
>>1966951Here is a summary for the mentally challenged:
Anon says how her boyfriend made her want to have children, other anons say that's weird, then anon replies telling them that people who dont want to have children are depressed genetic failure trannies, then anon proceds to talk about doing eugenicim if her baby is not perfect, anon talks about how important having children and a husband are and thats its so much better than adopting a FAS orphan (calling all orphans as having FAS is so nasty) or adopting a pet. And that you can only feel love if you create your own child with a husband instead of those icky orphans or pets.
This prompted that anons reply to her. Was your what? quenched now.
No. 1966987
>>1966942> terf to tradthot pipelineAnd who's said she is/was a radfem? Smells like bait.
>>1963637> They do it a lot in places like BrazilBrazilian nonna here, the troons death statistics from here are fake.
No. 1966999
>>1966970I dont think anon made an opinion about adoption vs. blood children that was fairly intelligent, but you and
>>1966955>>1966942Are looking way too deep into it. Is her weird comment about having a boyfriend and rude take on adopted kids really enough to say she's a tradthot? What if she still wants to work? We have no idea what her marriage would be like, so I feel like you and the others are being rather pedantic, so much so that your reactions made ME feel mentally challenged.
No. 1967213
>>1965827Have you tried email them? Their support is so shitty too. Most ewallets have chats with bots and humans to resolve problems but paypal not.
>>1965823What if you switch medication? Modafinil do wonders for me
No. 1967293
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I don't want to derail in the Ugly Man PsyOp Thread but I do want to know what's the deal with the Hetalia author? Are they a TIF? One of those female authors who uses a male pen name? Is it a meme to tinfoil about his/her sex? I never got into Hetalia in spite of it being all the rage back in the day, but I'm kinda curious.
No. 1967579
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How do group pics happen? Is someone just like "Guys, let's take a picture!" and everyone starts posing or some shit?
No. 1967749
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>>1967650what's wrong with the classic little dashes or dots? too sparse? I guess sometimes it looks more like drawing stubble than natural body hair.
Most people don't have thick enough hair to see from a distance so it doesn't really fit in a drawing. If it's a stylized drawing a few lines suffices unless you want to get artsy like picrel.
No. 1967756
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I also like it when the body hair and head hair are a different color from the line art. kinda takes away the harshness and the heaviness of drawing it in black like the line art and lets the hair be softer
No. 1968227
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Anons who do all-nighters; how the fuck do you do it without getting sleepy? It's like those gamers who stream their playthroughs for like 12 hours straight. How the fuck are you not tired? How do you stay THAT focused? Are you taking drugs?
No. 1968408
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Need some visually appealing movie recs. Something like scarface with really nice bright colors. Preferably pre 90s, i don't like how modern movies are so grey and desaturated.
No. 1968409
>>1968389no thats het shipping
yume is usually an oc or just the pov image, jp artists are really autistic about this
No. 1968412
>>1968389samefag to add, if you mean stuff like gudako x arjuna (for example), that isnt seen as yume even though guda/gudako are considered self insert characters
i think a good measure is if the character has a canon name or not
No. 1968456
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>>1968408along the coast is one, it is a documentary, but just completely gorgeous. there would be no wes anderson without this film, i promise you. i would also recommend anything by jacques demy, of course, and purple noon is another beautiful technicolor french film.
and some weird little bonus movies i love the color usage in: morgiana, messiah of evil, tekno lust, and the velvet vampire.
No. 1968464
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>>1968408Rebels of the Neon God
No. 1968486
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what causes this splotchy thing in people's eyeballs? (not mine)
No. 1968580
>>1968486i have this. it’s called surfer’s eye and it’s from
being out in the sun a lot without wearing sunglasses. mine used to get so red and inflamed when i would go to beach or even if i would walk around outside on a bright day without a good pair of sunglasses on. they gradually fade away over time if you wear sunglasses and keep your eye moisturized as mine is barely noticeable. they offered to remove it surgically when i went to get it examined but i declined since i did not hear good things about the laser surgery.
No. 1968691
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can i get in trouble now if 4chan moids stalked me 10 years ago?
No. 1968713
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>>1968696So she's saying that Japanese guys are better at dicking women down than Korean guys, when she only slept with ten Korean dudes compared to forty Japanese ones? Not even a fair sample size, she better whore it out some more so she can be more accurate.
No. 1968855
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Is it normal/common to experience getting worse at your job the longer you stay in it? If not, what could be behind it? Burnout, boredom, ADHD?
No. 1968860
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>>1968408Any Wong Kar-Wai movie
No. 1968866
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Any astrologyfags think it's fucked up that the ruling 'planet' Cancer gets is the moon? All the other signs get an actual planet. Sure Leo gets the Sun instead of a planet, but it's the SUN. Cancer could have gotten the Earth, but nah Cancer just gets the fucking moon. That's fucked up.
No. 1968947
>>1968915"I love him, therefore he must be a good person. If he is a bad person that would make me a bad person. I can't take that damage to my ego and self identity so I will deny that he is a disgusting pedophile and focus on how much I love him. The fact that I love him makes him a good person." It doesn't actually make sense. Watch the movie
Bastard Out of Carolina if you want to be driven insane by an extremely realistic portrayal of this behavior.
No. 1968949
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what do you think will happen when the weebs who have moved to Japan, children attend Japanese schools?
like Its nit be nice to live in Japan as a tourist or expat, but it seems awful to grow up in Japan, especially as foreigner, like I don't think I could ever meet the academic requirements, the insane work hours and I don't think I'll date/marry a Japanese man, I'm sure there are some decent Japanese men out there, but most of them are probably turbo porn addicts who are 99% shorter than me
No. 1969434
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God this is gonna sound troonish but where can I buy goth underpants? I hate boring ass underwear and don’t want to fork over $25 for a single pair. Is there no aerie or pink for edgelords?
No. 1969538
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>>1969364If you do that, Coco Chanel herself will claw her way out of the ground, sniff you out like a hound dog, and snatch you back to the underworld with her.
No. 1969609
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Does zodiac signs being associated with certain traits have a basis in reality?
No. 1969623
>>1969600A physical book? Yes, they would most likely refuse it. You'd have to go to your local stores and speak to the manager directly and hope they like you, the book, and have approval from corporate to add books themselves.
For an ebook, you'd need to use a service that puts your books in Barnes and Nobles et al. catalogs for sale on their sites. There are places that do that, but I don't know anything about them.
No. 1970136
>>1970097Big cities have pickpocketing issues if they're tourist hubs because tourists carry a lot of important valuable things and are too busy gawking to pay attention. The best fix is prevention, wear your bag at your front, don't look like a tourist (if possible), be aware of surroundings. This is the type of crime that won't affect you if you do these things.
Pickpocketing is usually a opportunistic crime though you do have certain groups out an about doing it as basically their job.
No. 1970246
>>1969844I started to write up this whole long thing, but the long and short of it is that the people who control America want Israel to get what it wants, and America is a powerful military force. Iran supports Palestine (kinda), and Russia has said that if anyone threatens Iran, then they're going to step in to protect them.
So basically, it's just really powerful people imposing their will on all of us, resulting in another proxy war. Which is weird because we were already in a proxy war in Ukraine.
No. 1970252
>>1970081I lost all of them. Everyone seems to get to 30-35, realize they've accomplished nothing and their life is meaningless and so they try to fill that void with a baby. Which then takes up 120% of their time and make them think they're superior.
I have nothing against good moms, it's just that formally party people who become parents really do seem to think it makes them better somehow. Like Erica, I saw you do coke off of Lena's ass because the back of a toilet was too dirty, and now you hand your 10 month old baby an ipad whenever she cries, you're not more enlightened than everyone else.
No. 1970519
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nonas, if you were going through a rough time, what words of encouragement would be nice to hear? i recently found out my cousin is struggling pretty badly (just multiple shitty things happening continuously) and i'd like to send her something saying to hang in there and that i'm here if she needs to talk. i'm kind of shit with words and even more shit at comforting people
No. 1970873
>>1968696Lived in both Japan and Korea. Can confirm. Btw based on her accent, she is a Dutch bitch.
>>1969222It's not like Japanese men simped her. She was used as a free sex machine. In my experience, white women in Japan are more slutty than the ones in Korea. Japan is a very lonely place, so thirsty foreign women easily open their legs.
No. 1970875
>>1970636I think Zolpidem works better than melatonin, since melatonin is a sleep hormone naturally produced by the body and hasn't got a fast effect (it takes 2 hours for the body to start getting the signal "sleep" once foreign melatonin is ingested and therefore when you wake up you might be very groggy).
Half a pill of Zolpidem seems to be working reliably in cases of mild insomnia and guarantees at least a few hours of good sleep.
No. 1970957
>>1970944Plenty of adults wake up at 5 but if you don't have a reason to do so then yeah don't.
Why are you asking, are you a NEET or WFH or something?
No. 1970994
>>1970975>eveningsHah I wish I had a social life, that would probably tire me out quick so I can sleep earlier. I’m usually watching movies with my sister or gaming, I study while I’m on campus before coming home
>>1970981>>1970983Just curious but what time do you guys sleep? Is it a full 8 hours or do you wake up tired normally
No. 1971391
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How to learn to like yogurt?
No. 1971472
What is a cute anniversary gift?
>>1971391Vegan yoghurt is so good, not as sour
No. 1971476
>>1971448I don't believe in age limit as far as "aesthetic", but my general principle
>trendy hypersexualized fast fashion fads cringe
>authentic personal style/genuine appreciation counterculture based
No. 1971567
>>1971448devil's advocate to this reply
>>1971554Maybe your dad is trying to protect you from appealing to pedophiles if you truly do look young and wear floral girly dresses. You might accidentally be wearing age play / ddlg fetish type clothes. I feel gross typing that but it's weird for a father to tell his daughter she's dressing "too young" especially when you are fairly young, he must have some kind of moid reason for it. Or maybe he's gross like the other anon said
No. 1971611
>>1971601I also dress kinda granny/cottage chore with bright florals and cardigans.
I'll be honest the fact your Dads said the pedo thing would make me side eye him a little bit.. dressing feminine like you do does not equate to dressing childish
No. 1971627
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>>1971601Maybe the skirts are too short? I think that would be a retarded reason anyways but I'm trying to understand how is wearing basically Mori, something considered a pedobait style. Do you also wear these short frilly socks that Lolitas wear?
I honestly think you shouldn't change your style for the sake of other people unless you go out wearing, idk, thong denim shorts and weird bdsm shit like a celebrity that's desperate for some recognition from the media.
No. 1971657
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Are crumbl cookies even good? Or are they just overhyped cookies that taste way too cakey and eggy
No. 1971772
nonny i see it now, maybe it will become ww3
No. 1971978
>>1971957Don't completely show her your true self immediately in the date
nonnie, but also don't try to withhold your spediness completely. You won't know if you and her click unless she responds well to the inital small doses of sped-ness. You don't wanna come on too strong, but don't be a different person! Regardless, I hope it goes well for you and you have a great time!!
No. 1972009
>>1969844The other anons had good replies, I just wanted to add that war is good for business if your business is war. War is a for profit enterprise, it’s an incentivized activity for profit, so any reason is a good reason to go to war and fob off peace talks for as long as a country has a population to send off to die.
Current conflict is at an all time high because America is collapsing economically, something that will cause a global problem, and the elites solution is to start wars to justify sanctions/military actions that seek to keep any alternative global powers from rising. They’re shitting themselves at the prospect of BRICS (economic alliance between Brazil, Russia, Indian, China; with parts of the Middle East set to join and I think the S is Syria) and are going off the rails in an attempt to maintain USD supremacy.
No. 1972142
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why. is self immolation the popular method of seeking attention now? what happened to just being funny or talented? also her burned himself up because of trumps financial hobbies.. like imagine caring that much about a random guy
No. 1972158
>>1972154It's like I said here
>>1972148Think of when people (especially moids) kill themselves in a way that's "flashy". Like throwing themselves into oncoming traffic, shooting themselves during their livestream, or that one dude who actually waited for his mother to get home just before he killed himself right in front of her (I forgot his name). The point is, people like that want attention to their suicide, to get more people thinking and talking about them. What they believed. It's a massive and pure form of guilt-tripping, but with PTSD from innocents included. It's bad enough that suicide is committed, now imagine how much coverage committing suicide via fire in public would get. That's the logic there, I think.
No. 1972374
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Anons who have personal experience with either question, please answer:
1. After weight loss, did your breasts get saggier?
2. If you've had a breast lift, did you lose sensitivity (particularly in the nipples)?
No. 1972399
>>1972374Lost over 10 kilos
on ozempic and yes, my breasts dig get saggier. They look deflated now. But at least shirts fit well now, and I always hated having big boobs.
No. 1972558
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>>>/ot/1972536>jews aren't a raceSo can somebody please tell me what the fuck even are they? As a kid, I thought jews were white because of random white kids and dudes with curly hair playing jews in movies and shows. Then I thought that it must be like muslims. Being a jew is about religion, not about race, right? So just like how there's muslims of all races, any race could be Jewish. Then I learned that's NOT how it works? So being Jewish IS a religion and DOES have a race factor, but they're not just white people with bigger bird noses? But I spotted some muslims online saying that the jews are genetically more related to Europeans than 'native' muslims?? So if jews aren't white, and aren't just pale-skinned arabs, then…what the fuck even are they?
(racebaiting) No. 1972569
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>>1972558Jews originally came from the Levant region and were spread throughout the Mediterranean. They mixed local population to varying degrees but still retained their original identity and culture. Here's an example of what I mean, the Sassoon family were an Indian Jewish family who used the internationalism of the 19th century to amass wealth. They (along with minor Jewish trading families) moved to England and married prominent European Jewish families because their ethnic ties were stronger and during the 20th century (especially after WW2) in the West, Jews started mixing with gentiles to the point that now it's the norm.
No. 1972615
>>1972558Jew refers to two groups: 1) a follower of judiasm, and 2) descendants of an ethnic group from the levant (most of whom followed judiasm) aka Hebrews.
There is a huge overlap between group 1 and group 2 but still they are actually two different groups, just most members of group 2 are also members of group 1. The first definition is why you can have black jews and arab jews and asian jews. The second, that group is white as fuck because they intermingled with Europeans. They like to pretend that they aren't white because they spent centuries being oppressed, but that's like the Irish saying they aren't white or the Slavs saying they aren't white. Both of them spent centuries being oppressed by other Europeans as well, but would get laughed out of the room trying to say they aren't white, these days.
For a bit of history, 'white', as a racial group, was literally created in the 1700s so Europeans could group together against the non-white people they fucked over during colonialism. They needed to come up with justification for why it was ok for them to be exploiting, murdering, enslaving, and conquering the non-white people of Earth and calling themselves 'white' and deciding white people were better than non-white people was one of the reasons they came up. Whiteness was tightly constructed back in those days. The Germans, French, Irish, Jews, Slavs, etc were not actually considered white back then, (because they were pathetic, degenerate mongrels not good enough to be white) it was just Anglo-Saxons and Teutonics, aka, English. But the concept of whiteness has slowly expanded and now includes all Europeans, even though interethnic tensions remain.
No. 1972668
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>>1972558>can't even ask a question of what Jewish people are without being banned for "racebaiting"at this point, it might as well be never allowed to talk about race in any capacity on here. how the fuck are we ever gonna have talks like this if every race-related topic is baiting now.
No. 1972719
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A close friend is naming her babygirl Cereza, Am I wrong for thinking it's not the best idea ? I also am a Bayonetta fan, but I feel she's too sexualized to name a little girl after.
No. 1972758
>>1972627If you’re just pursuing sharing your art for the attention: do lewds. Otherwise keep going and hope to get lucky, the only way to get lucky is to churn out work (or have enough to pay for advertising/traffic). If it’s for money do furry art. Just make sure you keep your lewds “acceptable” because you don’t want to get lucky and have people turn on you because they found questionable content you’d drawn in the past.
It helps to be consistent (my stuff really took off when I was posting content every day, replying to people just to say thanks and leaving comments on other peoples stuff) and to keep up with popular stuff/stuff you actually like (because other people who actually like something too seem more inclined to share then if it’s just something popular ime, especially if it’s niche/yet to gain traction in the mainstream).
No. 1972984
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Can you guess their crimes? no cheating
No. 1973306
>>1968893It's a way to deflect guilt from association. For example a parent coddling their pedo son might see his pedoism as related to how they raised him. If they raised a pedo, and pedophilia is wrong—deep down they might think
they're the cause of his pedophilia.
Another scenario would be a mother finding out her husband has been abusing their daughter, if she never noticed anything suspicious obviously she's going to feel guilty—she's a bad mom. But instead of confronting that guilt, they get consumed of it and want to get rid of it via denial. There's this documentary on YouTube of this exact scenario.
No. 1973518
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Anons, please help an ESL nonna, what the fuck cleft eyes means? Is this some kind of insult? Google wasn't helpful
No. 1973771
Has anyone had a positive experience making friends as an adult? I can't seem to connect to people and trust them the way I used to, I just want a best friend again nonnies.
>>1973719Depends on where they were injecting it. If it was right in the elbow crease or hands I'd assume it was drugs, also if there were a lot of visible injection scars.
No. 1973821
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do i steal a talenti pint from the freezer? there's two in there. i have two roommates and none of us talk to each other so its not like the owner will know it was me
No. 1974043
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Anons who have been to jail or prison, what was it like? What were the best and worst parts of it? How did you cope with being in there? How much did it change your life when you got out? Would you say that you became a better person after all that?
No. 1974177
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Does anyone have a "How to braid your own hair" tutorial for retards with zero fine motor skills? I want to be able to do pic related so I can feel like a fantasy medieval princess that doesn't have some unknown disease that's probably polio and who has a cozy life.
No. 1974182
>>1974177You can't mess this up
nonnie I believe in you. If it's messy at the back you can make pigtails first and then start the braids.
No. 1974456
>>1974260Your mistake is thinking all bad acts are evil and should be treated the same.
I define 'evil' as using/abusing/exploiting/harming people solely for personal pleasure and/or gain.
People who treat other people badly because they can't handle negative emotions and take them out on other people and refuse to change this about themselves, can be evil and or they can just be assholes, depending on just how badly they treat other people, e.g cutting someone off in traffic vs killing someone's dog.
And people who treat other people badly because they can't handle negative emotions and take them out on other people and see this as a problem and take steps to fix it are not evil, they are just normal. I would not call these types of people evil. But they may have still done somethings that are others find unforgivable. Like if a person drunk drives and hits someone one and paralyzes someone for like, goes to jail, gets out gives up drinking, does whatever they can to make some amends to the person they hit while realizing that they can't ever actually make it up to them and goes on to be a good person, is that person evil? I wouldn't say so.
Just become someone is deserving of love, doesn't mean that you are the one that has to give it them. There are tons of people out there who love to simp for pedophiles. They can give them 'love.'
And you need to define what exactly you mean by love. You can define love as "wanting the best for someone, wanting them to be happy, wanting them to grow as a person." Sending someone to jail is not incompatible with loving them. You can acknowledge that pedo needs to be locked up and still hope they can find some kind of decent life in jail and grow to become a better person, aka, one definition of love.
No. 1974470
>>1974456thank you & to all the other nonnies who replied…i wish i could think critically about these things, or perhaps i need to articulate better
i feel empathy for the child them (the pedophile) that may have suffered from their own abuse and then pursued the cycle of hurt, but i dont feel bad for the adult them, i dont love them and their actions certainly make me sick and i hurt for the children ive had my own experiences as a child but i think its not so much that as it is understanding when its okay to judge/love others when learning how to do it to myself properly
you did answer my question though! ive never really had any self esteem or love for myself so im trying to grasp the idea that “everyone is lovable or deserving of it” when monsters exist.
but i guess its a matter of choosing where to extend that love and empathy as you and others said. maybe innately they are lovable because they are human, but much less so once they choose to hurt others in that manner
No. 1974539
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How do you not let it ruffle your feathers when you're talking to a normie and they do that passive-aggressive mannerism with you for no reason? Why do normies even do that?
No. 1974660
>>1973771I've made actual friends from work and I'm turning 31 this year. Then one of my work friends added me to a group chat with his other friends and I ended up becoming close with some of the people in the chat as well. I think making friends as an adult is a matter of circumstances (if there's a place for you to meet new people or not) and putting yourself out there by being approachable and open yourself. If you're super reserved and keep to yourself people are going to find you hard to approach.
>>1973802Yes. Guys who brag about their size tend to think brainless thrusting is all it takes for women to enjoy sex with them.
>>1974572It can mean many things but if the biting is gentle it's most likely just playful love biting. S/he's playing with you nonna.
No. 1974747
>>1964127>>1964247>>1964167TL;DR it depends on the context.
Naming your child Gypsy Rose isn't a slur because odds are you love your child and want to name her something you like. If you name your son Adolf Hitler I'd assume you're a Nazi and you admire Hitler, not that you hate your child. For that reason I also think having old shows with good characters named Gypsy, like in Gilmore Girls, isn't
problematic unless it's a minstrel show-tier caricature, which it usually isn't.
Older and some younger Roma people from the Balkans call themselves gypsies often (as in "I am a gypsy woman") but obviously if someone yells at me on the street and tells me shoo you dirty gypsy then yes it's a slur and I'd personally throw hands.
By the way the people in My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding are Irish Travellers who are also called gypsies but they're a completely different ethnic group unrelated to Romani. Roma people came from India and split into many different communities that are very different in culture from one another, so generalizing all Roma people from all countries is pretty ignorant since we don't really share one single culture and don't all experience equal levels of discrimination. I'm Bulgarian and did get bullied a little growing up, but nothing serious, meanwhile I don't even want to know what Romani in Germany or the UK have to deal with.
No. 1974852
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>>1974694thanks for unlocking this memory nonna kek
No. 1974899
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>>1974879they have been saying she's racist for ages bc they made up that the gremlin bankers or whatever are secretly jewish stereotypes despite the fact england is actually tolerant of jews (picrel is from this, meanwhile american trannies believe that just bc we share the same language that we all have the same views. when i learnt that 85% of americans believed in jewish stereotypes i was like "that explains a lot." because how else could they project the shit they do onto her? like jfc, i have never even read hp but they still somehow make it their whole life despite claiming they hate it. overall it's literally a case of making shit up to get mad about, trannies are just delusional and wish she was secretly a bad person because that means they don't have to improve their own selves and can continue blaming others for their own mistakes in life.
No. 1974945
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>>1974879No the racism accusations are not legitimate. It comes from ridiculous attempts to extract malicious intent on her part for characters in the H P books. They are literally just making things up to be mad about.
picrel sincere list from reddit that is so ridiculous it could be satire. No. 1974975
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>>1974945That sub is laughable. I looked up if they had anything to say about her Strike books and saw this. Someone who had actually read The Running Grave corrected their misinformation and got downvoted. Because who cares about the actual facts?