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No. 199004
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>>199002Damn OP, starting the thread off with a masterpiece of an album.
Speaking in Tongues by Talking Heads is also among my favorites.
Other than that I listen to a lot of Pink Floyd and Radiohead. David Bowie is also always nice.
Sometimes stuff like Kate Bush or even Peter Gabriel really does it for me.
As for more recent artists, I enjoy Tame Impala and Franz Ferdinand.
No. 199014
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where my metal meme fiends at
No. 199017
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Don't know if I posted this on lolcow already but this one is my favourite album, Colour Green from Sibylle Baier. It's a shame she only did this recording and never tried to sell it.
No. 199069
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>>199053black, power, thrash, and a little bit of sludge and doom metal. my taste in bands is very sporadic but just a few of my favs are burzum, mayhem, acid bath, gwar, leviathan, helloween, king diamond, danzig, summoning, and demons & wizards.
some non-metal genres i like are dungeon synth, horrorcore and cloud rap (or whatever the fuck these are called), 80s post punk, crust punk, classic rock, psychedelic rock, and hardcore, if anyone gives a shit.
what about u, friend?
No. 199101
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Ys by Joanna Newsom. Divers is a close second (tbh all her albums are amazing), but she's a genius and I feel so lucky to live at the same time as her.
No. 199123
>>199096thank you! i've only listened to like the first 3 songs on dopethrone and really need to check out the rest of electric wizard's discography.
>prog any bands or albums u'd recommend? :)
>>199081yesss carousel and squeeze me macaroni are fucking great
No. 199142
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I listen to pretty much every genre and I like to think it's because I'm "~so cultured and open-minded uwu" but I'm really just indecisive and can't pick which genre I like the most lol. Pic related is what I've been listening to lately.
>Upstream Color Soundtrack - Shane Carruth
>Blade Runner Soundtrack - Vangelis (electronic)
>Scum Fuck Flower Boy - Tyler, the Creator (hip hop)
>In the Mood for Love Soundtrack - Various artists
>The Red Album - Baroness (progressive metal)
>Get to Heaven - Everything Everything (indie pop)
>It Follows Soundtrack - Disasterpeace (electronic)
>Frozen Niagara Falls - Prurient (noise, ambient)
>Visions - Grimes (dream/art pop)
No. 199270
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i listen to a lot of new wave mostly, ranging from the more traditionalish rock sounds like the cars to more poppy new wave artists like duran duran. bowie is one of my all time favorite artists, and in addition to aladdin sane (which i know is like, baby's first bowie album) and low i really love station to station and diamond dogs. oddly enough even though i listen almost exclusively to 80s music, i'm not a huge fan of bowie's 80s albums and mostly prefer his older stuff. they aren't bad but don't have as distinct of a sound with the exception of scary monsters.
occasionally i listen to 60s music too, not anything specific like garage rock but pretty much anything 60s…motown, psychedelic, the girls in the garage movement, etc. if any of you guys like 60s psychedelic rock specifically, you should definitely check out the cambodian psych out movement! really quality stuff
No. 199275
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>>199129what's your favorite bowie album anon? iggy pop also has some great songs
No. 199331
>>199275I love all of his eras (except for the 80's one)
But if I had to choose:
-The rise and fall of Ziggy Stardust (of course)
- Aladin Sane ("Time", "Cracked Actor" and "Lady Grinning Soul" are great)
-Low (inspired by some German electro bands like Nu/all the bass parts are fantastic)
Bowie had so many different style that everyone can love at least one of these.
No. 199376
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Lots of great albums and artists in this thread. I couldn't really name an all-time favorite album or artist, but right now I've been listening to Majesty Crush's Love 15 (pic related) non-stop. It's probably my favorite shoegaze album, along with Pinkyshinyultrablast by Astrobrite. Would recommend both of them to someone who is interested in that genre.
>>199307Not that person but seeing the term /mu/tant makes me super nostalgic. I used to browse /mu/ all the time around 2010 but, like most 4chan boards, it went to shit.
No. 199386
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Any Stromae fans? I find him very innovative and his tunes are very funky. Pic related, Racine Carree is my favorite album of his.
No. 199394
>>199331you basically mentioned all my favorite tracks of off aladdin sane.
i'm actually reading a book about the making of the album low from the 33 1/3 series and its super interesting! they talk about the more technical aspects of making the album as well as shenanigans bowie got into while making it. its only 100 pages and its a tiny little book, probably half the size of an actual book. worth a read if you really like low!
No. 199450
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This is my favorite album. I love the atmostpere and i relate to most of the lyrics. He also has a comfortable voice to listen to. It's EDEN - i think you think too much of me
No. 199493
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>>199475I like LP's Lost on You album, she has such a unique voice and her vocal range is impressive. Not a sour tone there. Another favorite is Infected mushroom - return to the sauce, but that's more psychedelic electro.
No. 199605
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Her career started with Tricky then she went solo after their romantic relationship ended. This is her most recent album from 2008. Her voice is ethereal. Enjoy!
No. 199610
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Call me edgy but god do I love NIN, and this album specifically
No. 199746
>>199736>tfw his Planetarium collab with Dessner and Muhly (plus Mcalister, but I don't know him) only has four tour dates and they've already endedI hate this. I was abroad the last Planetarium and Carrie & Lowell tour and it's probably going to be a while till his next tour. I just want to see him live one day!
Also, this is a great thread. I feel like my musical tastes constantly clash and it's hard for me to narrow down my absolute favorite songs or albums.
No. 199794
>>199610My nigg
They're fucking awful now tho since the new wife got involved
No. 199799
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Some old faves, lately into doom/stoner rock like ruby the hatchet, the sword etc
No. 199914
I mostly listen to industrial, ebm, noise, post-punk, deathrock. new wave, punk (all genres except pop punk, especially hardcore and folk), shoe gaze, and hip hop.
Favorite artists are probably:
Einstürzende Neubauten, NON, Current 93, Rowland S Howard, nick cave, black flag, rudimentary peni, siouxsie, pat the bunny, skinny puppy, joy division, the Jesus and marychain, preoccupations, Anasazi, cabaret Voltaire
>>199069I like post-punk and crust. Can you recommend good crossover thrash or thrash in general? I like it, but I listen to mostly the punk side of it like dri.
>>199142> prurient Nice!
No. 199950
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>>199914ooo good taste anon. what's your favorite siouxsie and the banshees song? also, since you mentioned joy division do you like new order too? i know they're a bit different
No. 200065
>>199950Dang. I don't know if I have a favorite Siouxsie song. Juju is my favorite album though. I used to play a lot of Halloween and Spellbound when I used to DJ.
I love New Order. Age of Consent is one of my all time favorite songs to dance to. I'm really glad that they didn't keep the name joy division as their sound changed without Ian's dreary influence.
Do you like Siouxsie and Budgies other project, The Creatures? It's definitely poppier than the banshees. Or have you listened to joy division when they were still punk, Warsaw? Walked in Line and Ice Age are classics.
No. 200670
>>199142fuck yes, everything everything! are you as hype as i am about a fever dream?
get to heaven is such a good album.
No. 200684
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Here are some of my more recent favourite albums
No. 200759
really hard to pick all time faves bc i usually just pick an handful to listen to and rotate em. so i'll just go with what comes to mind in no order:
CORRUPTED, earth, noothgrush, dystopia, saint vitus, sisters of mercy, melvins, kate bush, danzig, misfits, acid king, sleep, today is the day, sarcafago, black sabbath, motörhead, fistula, brainoil
No. 200760
>>200684fuck anons on this thread really coming through with great taste. Yes to all of these!
I was expecting everything itt to be just pop chart stuff lmao for once im glad to be proven wrong on this site
Interesting post-punk seems to be popular amongst farmers
No. 200761
>>200760 again,
>>200759 you also have great taste
No. 200788
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i'm obsessed with chelsea wolfe right now. other than her i mostly like rock and vk, like dir en grey, plastic trees, malice mizer, miyavi, king dude, joy division, placebo, that kind of thing. i don't have a favorite album but i've been listening to dir en grey's arche album a lot recently
No. 200792
>>200788>miyaviwhy, i haven't heard that name in 10 years….
>>200759>melvins, sarcafago, acid king, danzignoice
No. 200840
>>200790ty anon <3
>>200792miyavi's new stuff is a bit poppy but it's fun. the day 2 mix album really shows off his guitar skills in a new way.
No. 200856
>>200850I wonder if Ville ever got inspiration from japan. I know he said he has western metal influences from type o negative and stuff but when i hear and see his music videos, they instantly remind me of jrock especially in his younger years where he's wearing makeup and looking quite feminine.
>>200852Pleaseee do anon! I've only ever heard it live and will kill to hear the studio version
No. 200858
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>>199002my faves are caravan palace, cibo matto, Gorillaz… anything miho hatori tbh
pic related
No. 200994
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I'm all over the goddamn place.
Somebody save my headphones.
No. 200996
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No. 203380
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My absolute favourite. This and everything else Barrett did solo.
No. 205357
Took the other day a closer look on ladytron since I really liked some of their songs and god I felt in love with the Album Light&Magic. Love all songs on this album a lot but this one is my fave.
>>203380This is a good one!
No. 205566
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i got into The Brilliant Green around last year. their album Los Angeles is such a great find. it gives off the vibe of around this time of year, late summer/early fall on a lazy late afternoon
No. 205582
>>205545>Nobody likes this version of Metallica for some reason :(Decrease in skill imo. Lack of energy, compare live concerts from back in the day to now (not entirely surprising, this happens to a lot of bands once a member sobers up). Plus they take so long in between albums you generally expect more from them.
I wouldn't say I hate them but its not something I'll tune into generally.
No. 206073
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No. 206360
>>206356Thank fuck someone's finally posting real music ITT, woot woot
Here's another dope rap song courtesy of my boy F. Dizzle <3
No. 206546
>>206545sage for samefag but this album has the most relatable song titles:
1. i need a cup of coffee and some bread for wake up
2. today i'll try to be happy
3. scrolling tumblr all night
4. everybody dance except me
5. we should eat pizza
6. i think we should break up
No. 206548
>>206545>>206546I like them. The genre is called chillhop (or jazzhop or lofi hop), and they always have aesthetic images and titles, it's part of the genre, not just exclusive to In Love with a Ghost.
I really like chillhop tbh.
No. 206552
>>206551Oh, that playlist, including the one I mentioned, have vocals lol I usually like when there are some cute japanese/girly vocals (usually hate dudes singing, hate Jooji stuff tbqh lol I only like medicine out of his work), but this one is mainly vocals-free. I love the first one.
I am kinda anxious right now and haven't accomplished anything today because of it because I could barely leave my bed, I wish I was smoking and listening to chillhop with you, anon lol
No. 206553
>>206552listening to it now (just got to the song you rec and i dig it) - i can deal with some light female/mostly wordless vocals, im just not really into hard lyrical stuff. sound bytes can be cool tho - sweven by idealism or save me by i eat plants.
i feel exactly the same way about joji and medicine haha. we have really similar tastes! you just set me up for the whole afternoon
aww anon there's no reason to be anxious! when i feel that way i tell myself, 'i can choose to suffer or choose to make the best of this.' it helps me to think that the anxiety is just some stupid thing going on inside my mind that i'm imposing on myself, and i really do have the power to shut it off if i try hard enough. whatever it is you have to do, you can do it!
No. 206557
>>206553Thanks, anon, that's super kind of you <3
I did some breathing exercises and ate and I am feeling a bit better, now.
Glad you enjoyed the mixes!
No. 207004
>>206854>king gizzardmy man
I still love Nuclear Fusion. It's so good on the ears
No. 211857
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my favorite band is definitely Skinny Puppy. but only stuff from before Dwayne died, because IMHO their new music is trash. I think it lost a lot of it's magic when Dwayne died, when Ogre (and Key) lost their young angst, and when they switched to more digital equipment. it makes me really sad but I still fucking LOVE them and think they really did something amazing. I think Ogre has a real talent for writing lyrics. I seriously respect their political and moral views…I have Key on IG and I'm so tempted to send him a message because he doesn't have many followers and I suspect he would easily be able to respond… but I'm just waiting for the perfect thing to come to my mind to tell him or show him or ask him.
I can't really choose a favorite album, but I think it'd be a tie between Mind: The Perpetual Intercourse (pictured), and Cleanse Fold and Manipulate. their 80s albums are the best, and their shows from that era are too.
No. 215452
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I like most genres of music, but lately I've been listening to Beach House, Grimes, Alvvays, and SZA.
I have David Bowie, Bjork, the B52s, Radiohead, Kanye West, Blood Orange, and the Clash on Apple Music, it's fucked up.
No. 215984
>>211254Thanks to you anon I found something new to listen to.
Also thanks to you I've found another singer since she was in my suggestion list.
Really like her voice and style so far.
No. 219097
>>218657what a coincidence that I stumpled on this song a few days ago too and I didn't even know Kimbra (except for the Gotye song)
I really love this song and checked out her other songs too but they all seem a lot different from this one.
No. 221274
What a classic :)
(Hope this is how you embed.) No. 221277
>>199386Have this album, got my mum into him, too. Are the rest as good? His videos are great and memorable, as well.
>>221274Don't what I'm doing here guys.
No. 221278
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Even though it's a common opinion, I think this shit is so fucking good, it beats just about any other album just because of the god tier poetry, sound production and consonant as fuck composition and instrumentation. Wall and Wish you were here are also dank.
Lately I've been listening to FMJ's last three albums a lot because he's also high quality.
inb4 dad rock
No. 225386
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any other braindance/idm anons here? <3
No. 225885
>>225386Mark E Smith with Mouse On Mars
[Von Südenfed]
No. 226184
this is a bop and a half
>>226172same, her lyrics are so fuckin clever… she's charming tbh
No. 226215
>>226184those lyrics stand nowhere to clever
>>218657wow man, thanks, this is bomb.
Plastic Love for y'all
No. 226259
>>226224and? is this like a bad thing now?
also I just noticed
>>226215 was already posted before, so something different from le yt suggestions girl: an album I can't get enough of
No. 226262
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No. 226269
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My all time favourite will always be massive attack. I love trip hop from this era but have never found anything that gives me the same feeling as for example karmacoma or inertia creeps. I love the rhythm and sound so much and my YouTube recs never bring me the same. Sigh
I also like Blue Foundation, Portishead and Royksopp.
No. 226280
>>226269Other trip hop anon, here. What about some lovage?
But talking Massive Attack, I sure love that new EP with Young Fathers, Voodoo in my Blood. Gives me shivers.
No. 226301
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>>226269Ooof, this fucking album
No. 227666
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so I keep a dnb playlist and have kinda morphed it into nostalgia (old school happy hardcore/breakbeat) and now all the rec'd songs on spotify are just Gammer remixes. Anybody got any good old school/breakbeat/dnb/hardcore?
No. 227973
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had to post used to love them back then, tell me I'm not the only one
No. 242450
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when Villians came out last fall, i just kinda randomly listened to it because i thought the cover art looked cool. it's been a slippery slope since then because i listen to QOTSA almost exclusively now. going to see them in a couple weeks, my first concert ever and i'm so stoked (him kicking that photographer was lame tho)
otherwise i like post-punk, goth/art rock, synthwave, industrial metal, and a lot of 80s pop. music has been a big part of my life since i was young though so i can find something/someone i like in just about every genre
No. 261860
I've really enjoyed Kali Uchis lately.
>>242450I was 15 when Like Clockwork came out and it blew my mind, one of my fave albums and bands ever. I hope to see them in concert one day.
No. 261993
>>242450Have fun! I've seen them twice and it was good.
Rated R and Songs for the Deaf are my fav albums by them
No. 262122
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Very eclectic, but these are the albums I've been listening this month. I couldn't make a collage of more than 10 pics but I've also been listening to Post Malone's beerbongs and bentleys, and Heart's Dreamboat Annie.
(Stupeflip is a French band, mixing rap,punk,electro vibes and every album takes place in a world they created, (baguette fag here))
No. 263095
>>262618Tommy Heavenly6 or Aural Vampire?
Halloween-y song by Tommy: No. 264072
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any gorillaz fans? i just listened to now now. its…alright i guess. i still love humility, but the only other memorable song was magic city imo. more recent album releases by them are so lackluster. the promoted single(s) are usually good, and then the b-sides are so bland and forgettable.
No. 264111
>>264072what the fuck happened to Murdoc?
Is this what becomes of people who eat ears on toast?
No. 264128
>>264124My bad, I really haven't been keeping up these past couple of years.
All of this Pornogrind and Onkyo-Kei isn't going to cringe at itself, you know. I'm doing God's work.
No. 265493
i've been enjoying kas product lately.
>>242450i love qotsa too. i wish josh homme would kick me in the face.
No. 270775
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>>262512god, i have the hugest crush on young mike patton even though i'm not into men. it's honestly just bc of his talent combined with the fact that i'd never have to actually be with him or fuck him, lol.
have you checked out disco volante and the OU818 demos? disco volante is my favourite mr bungle album of all time and the OU818 demos feature a lot of tracks off california, and iirc a few off the self titled release.
did you know mike patton once retaliated against his fans booing the melvins when they opened for him by taking a laxative, shoving a turkey baster up his asshole, and firing his liquid shit into the crowd? king buzzo is a lot better at telling the story than i amspoilered for disgusting, but he's a real one for that, for sure
are you a fan of any of his other projects? i'm not hugely into faith no more but angel dust is a masterpiece in my eyes, and i think their sound almost definitely had a huge influence on the nu metal scene.
No. 280161
>>270775Same, tbh. Who wouldn't fall for his "i don't give a flying ape shit about your excuse for music" schtick and his talent is unbelievable. I love him, i want him to spit in my face and piss in my shoe just so he can drink it. (read somewhere he did that once on a stage, not sure if it's true or not but i think it's it possible when it come to him)
I did. The first one i came across was Bungle self-titled when i was a teenager and it took me some years to get to like Disco Volante. It's so raw and not that approachable as the rest of his Bungle work, glad i took the time to get into it. Still, California is my fav - soothes and makes me anxious at the same time.
Omg, have to look it up. Hilarious.
Not so much. I like individual songs from his other projects rather than whole albums. Tomahawk have some good songs so do FNM (angels dust is the best one, without debate and I agree with them influecing the nu metal scene), Peeping Tom is meh and Fantomas is pure madness.
Try to give a listen to the Irony Is a Dead Scene from The Dillinger Escape Plan. It features Mike and it's not so bad imho (Pig Latin got me kinda hooked up on that one), also look up Cardiacs, you might like them if you're fan of Mike's work. A Little Man And A House And The Whole World Window is a good start, so is Sign to God.
(also sorry for my english, i know it's shitty)
No. 280627
>>275322Sometimes I randomly click on recommended youtube videos while listening to music, most of the time it's some boring stuff but sometimes I come across brilliant bands. It's so fun to find like a hidden gem amongst the rubble.
How do you like to listen to music? By genres, bands, albums, songs? I listen to music by bands, by this I mean I have a handful of bands that I absolutely love and I listen almost exclusively to their songs. It's not because I am some exclusionist, it's because I don't want to waste my time listening to music that I don't absolutely love. So I just stick to what I know best.
No. 342400
>>342008Yes, I loved this video so much when it came out!
I return, here's a meme edit that I've had stuck in my head for about 3 months now
No. 342428
>>342406 sorry for doubleposting)
my most listened to songs atm are :
Glass Animals - Life Itself
Carpenter Brut - the whole of his Trilogy + Leather Teeth
Scorpions - Someone to Touch ; Rythm of Love ; Passion Rules the Game
Dire Straits - Telegraph Road
Zombie Hyperdrive - Red Eyes ; Ghost Blade ; Citadel
Dance With the Dead -
>>342406 ; Get Out
The Smashing Pumpkins - The Everlasting Gaze ; Knights of Malta ; Monuments
Priest - History in Black
The Buggles - Lenny ; We Can Fly From Here
Audioslave - Wide Awake
My Chemical Romance - Surrender the Night (not ashamed lmao)
Billy Corgan - Zowie ; The Spaniards
Sports - Panama
Pink Floyd - Marooned
Pearl Jam - Even Flow
Darius Rucker - Wagon Wheel
Beastie Boys - So What'Cha Want
Powerwolf - Prayer in the Dark ; Demons are a Girl's Best Friend
Velvet Revolver - She Builds Quick Machines
Frank Zappa - Broken Hearts are for Assholes
Tokyo - Tokyo
Beach Fossils - Sugar
Mustasch - Hound from Hell
I'd absolutely love to see what your most played songs have been recently ! plz share
No. 342732
>>342400thank you for this anon! i laughed heartily.
Here's another indie christmas song from the 00s.
No. 343562
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I mainly listen to EBM/aggrotech/electro-idustrial.
My faves are Nine Inch Nails, Agonoize, Acylum, Ayria, Icon of Coil, Zeromencer, Oomph!, Skinny Puppy, Das Ich, Celldweller, Jesus on Extasy, Kidneythieves, Aesthetic Perfection, God Module, The Retrosic and Depeche Mode tho not all their albums fit.
Also some post-punk like Sisters of Mercy, Bauhaus, The Cure, The Jesus And Mary Chain, Flowers For Agatha and My Dad Is Dead.
As you can figure out from this easily, I'm a goth. But I feel so ashamed of my musical tastes since they're not exactly gothic, they almost all are industrial. It was a huge divide thing between goths and rivetheads and now I'm a person who identifies with goth first and I mostly listen to industrial so I feel like I'm not a "true goth"/
There were always a ton of elitists in the subculture and it gets to me so bad. I personally think that gothic and industrial are a huge same pool, but it still gets to me that I'm not that incredible real life vampire uber-goth.
My ultimate guilty pleasure and my favourite album to this day is A Fewer You Can't Sweat out by Panic! At The Disco. I also unironically listen to Ke$ha sometimes.
No. 344763
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Seeing so many beloved artists on here!! Here's a few of my favorite albums, I can never pick one lmao. I like everything from indie rock to IDM to black metal BUT I'm a huuuge sucker for experimental/avant-garde and drone specifically so any recs are welcome <3
No. 344771
>>344763too bad i cant post more than one embed here tbh
these guys used to tour with polvo and sun city girls and the like. found em cuz SCGs guitarist said they were the tightest live band he had ever played with (high praise, considering)
thinkin fellers union local 282
i like em because every album, and even from song to song, is totally different and surprising. if you hate one song, try the next one
No. 344773
new (for me) band that i just got shilled. the emo kinda vox might be a turn off for some, but i think he actually has a pretty voice and does some interesting melodies, especially given the underlying.
the compositions themselves and musicianship really reminds me of if trout mask was done in the 90s. good balance of tech, melody, noise, and twinkle-star guitar parts
No. 345339

>>344896yea arab on radar is sweet a heck too.
tho i prefer the guitar work of the chinese stars myself. it hardly even sounds like a guitar
but both of them have that super dance-y and fun vibe thats really lacking in modern rock music. they were fun as hell to see live bc everyone actually danced and had a good time. recently every time i have to go to/play a show, its just a bunch of people trying not to spill their beers, with their phones up in the air recording it. doesnt matter that their phones will record the worst possible version of it, they do it so they can post it on their soc media to let everyone know how exciting their life is. blegh.
theres no "edge" to guitar-based music anymore, its just a tradition now. some of the popular bands (at least near me) are even technically "good", but they lack any sort of edge/intensity/fun. no wonder no one gives a hoot about rock music anymore. so sterile
heres an electronic act ive been listening to a lot en lieu of exciting rock music. as dumb as it is a lot of the time, the interesting stuff is coming from the underground synthwave stuff rn imo. its just too bad theres hardly any "scene" for it in the traditional sense. it mostly exists as an internet phenomena
No. 346014
>>345671>>345917Thanks anons! I have a big playlist of different sad/pathetic girl group songs I'd love to share but I can't figure out a way to share it anonymously.
This is another relatable favourite though it's a lot more upbeat and stupid.
No. 347976
>>346014Maybe you can just list out the tracks by name with no links? I'd love to hear more of what you got but I get wanting to stay anonymous.
OT but I've been thinking about making a playlist thread where we can share lists and possibly contribute to others. What would you guys think?
No. 349241
>>345987yeah i do
check out danger incorporated, shinigami and corbin
No. 353964
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if you like hip hop, rock or electronic peep my favourites playlist > hope you find something you like. feel free to recc me something too.