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No. 1993489

If mods think this is too similar to the employment thread >>>/ot/1962884 they can delete it. I thought it would be nice to have a thread for discussing wagie jobs (retail, food, service sector stuff for a low wage) specifically.

No. 1993493

I'll start I suppose. Got a job at a grocery store recently, most of my coworkers are 17 year old boys I have nothing in common with. They literally always have earbuds in and take every opportunity to slack off but management is so desperate for workers they never get punished for it. The older people are nicer but they also have real lives so it's hard to relate to them too as a shutin loser

No. 1993519

I think this is a reasonable thread. It should stay up.

No. 1994152

Should I lie about my job experience in order to land a waitressing job? Might fib my resume…

No. 1994160

Are you the bored autistic anon that was in the stupid questions thread asking if a restaraunt would hire you if you didn't have experience? They hire retarded 16 year olds with no job experience all the time. It's not even worth the effort to stress about getting a waitressing job, like seriously. Just apply. Lie or don't it really doesn't even matter.

No. 1994170

Is anyone working gas station nightshifts? How is it?

No. 1994177

pretty much exactly what >>1994160 said. i worked in a restaurant when i was a teenager, they really don't care about your job history as long as you're personable. the only waitressing job i can see you needing to lie about your experience in order to land the job would be like a high end fancy restaurant, but even then i think they probably care more about your personality and appearance

No. 1994186

I work in retail only part-time because I would be suicidal if I worked more than 6 hours a day (I tried working 10 a day in the past and it landed me in the psychward). Honestly I kinda like it. Yes, working minimum wage in a dead-end job sucks. Yes, customers suck. But I really enjoy the routine, being on my feet the whole time and getting to be around people. I'm an ex-NEET so I'm feeling pretty accomplished working this job for almost two years now and I even moved into my own appartement in the meantime! I'd say one of the worst parts is how many people quit and all the new people you have to explain stuff to you barely know yourself. But I really like most of my co-workers even though soon everyone who was around when I started here will be gone soon. Bittersweet I guess but whatevs. I secretely call us the "losers club" kek

No. 1994226

I got a relatively nice job but had to quit so in a month I'll be back in retail hell. My last job was awful, I was a cashier for 35 hours a week and we were so understaffed I couldn't leave the cash register so the days felt so long. Really the biggest problem was the lack of staff, it could have been fine if we had more people and could switch tasks a bit.

No. 1994228

Yes. Server jobs always try to put newfags in the host position instead of server because they make less.

No. 1994343

What a coincidence, I just started working as a janitor again last week because I couldn't get anything better. It's minimum wage but apparently they didn't want to spend money training me so I've literally been on my own since day 1. It's pretty chill

No. 1994358

I used to like being a closer with 2 cashiers on, it became absolute fucking hell with just 1. At least before we could rotate and take breaks or let someone go early if they had things to do. I’m glad I quit because things sound so much worse now

No. 1994388

I've been working in fast food for a little over a month now and honestly I don't dislike it, although it does get very stressful at times. The thing is that I feel like a nuisance because I'm slow, and it's normal since I'm still new ish but I kinda doubt I can get much better. I'm slow even at things I've been doing forever like washing the dishes or cooking, so I wonder if I'm never gonna be able to become fast. I hate inconveniencing my coworkers…

No. 1994405

I just started cashiering at the grocery store so I often have to look at the chart they give us for the fruit and veggie codes to enter. Often customers will interrupt me and tell me what the vegetable is. Um, yeah I know what a zucchini looks like you don’t have to tell me. What I need is the code

No. 1994526

Customer deadass left a cart right in front of the emergency exit and trotted off. God damn how are customers so fucking stupid and why are they so bad at just saying in plain fucking English what they are looking for. Every single time I get asked to find something I confirm with them 2 or 3 times because otherwise I'll have misheard them.

No. 1994533

I hate that, sometimes items won’t have a barcode so I’ll have to search it up online and customers will go: ‘Oh, it’s x price.’ It’s not the price I’m looking for, it’s the barcode so I can enter the item in.

No. 1994602

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This summer I'm gonna look into trade school. Not sure what I want to do yet, maybe electrical or welding. I just want to make some good money and not get into student debt. Union would be nice. I'm trying to get the hell out of healthcare, I can't do it anymore. If there's any blue-collar nonas out there with advice for me, I'd love to hear it.

No. 1994617

I thought we already had this thread? Not the employment thread, literally another wage slave thread somewhere in /ot/

No. 1994619

I'm sorry for doubting you wagie jobs. I want to go back to retail or food so bad. I work in an office now and hate it, so boring and sitting in a chair for 8 hours a day makes me feel disgusting. Plus I'm gaining a ton of weight despite eating the same. I think I'm meant for a job where I'm on my feet, the customer service part sucks ass though

No. 1994624

"just join a trade" is kind of a meme for a reason, unfortunately. I haven't tried to get into it myself, but i have multiple friends who were smart, did really well in high school, aced the math test given to tradie applicants, and were STILL rejected from apprenticeships. I'm not saying this to discourage you but to warn you that it could be a LONG time before you get something.

No. 1994633

That's fine I just want to have literally any kind of skill set. Rn I only have "prior experience" at jobs anyone off the street can train into within two weeks, plus a couple certifications relating to a field I no longer want to work in.
I felt the same when I momentarily lucked into a low-impact semi office job. I realized everyone around me only worked maybe an hour or two out of the day and the rest was just fabricated busy work. Stressed me the hell out weirdly enough.

No. 1994667

I also work an office job and have for years now and it makes me want to commit. I have to be high otherwise I'm miserable and a bitch to customers. I work an entry level position so that means I deal with every phone call for an incredibly large company. Every person that walks in the door and am not allowed to leave my desk unless I ask someone to cover the phone. I'm putting in my two weeks soon to doordash.

No. 1994705

I burn around 600cal ever shift. Sitting all day honestly hurts, idk why offices don't normalise standing desks.

No. 1997154

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went to the bathroom after I clocked out this morning. as soon as I entered I made eye contact with a girl who I think is new, idk, only seen her once or twice. she had an extremely concerned look on her face then glanced behind her but didn't say anything, so I proceeded to my favorite stall 'cause I gotta pee. before I can close the door, I hear it. then I looked back at her to confirm I understood now. the person in the next stall just let out a snore. anyway, I shut the door and stuff, then I hear the lady from personnel who I had noticed walking this direction from a distance enter, then knock on the stall next to me.
>"is everything okay?"
>"!?- oh yeah, just diarrhea"
> "ok do we need to call anyone for you?"
> "oh no honey, I'm diabetic and all, just gotta get my stomach settled."

No. 2004439

Why do the pissiest customers always show up in the afternoon towards the end of my shift? Maybe if you don’t like that it’s so crowded here you should shop somewhere else’s? Or come in the morning? I don’t even tell people their total anymore unless they pay with cash because every time I tell them how much their groceries cost they make some comment about how expensive they are and I’m left to just awkwardly try and empathize. I do agree that they’re expensive but I can’t do anything about it and having to feign empathy for dozens of people a day is exhausting

No. 2004476

I think they say these things because they feel like they have to. The whole needing a verbal script to say. A lot of people are uncomfortable with not talking so they will blurt out the most obvious thing. It might help to reframe it this way so your empathy doesn’t activate. I’m autistic and didn’t understand this for a long time so I was similarly burnt out constantly trying to make people feel better. When I switched to nodding or not responding to their quips it usually gave the same result as trying to empathize with them. If one of them got fussy about this I would just say “sorry sir, hard of hearing, what was that?” they usually just drop it at that point. these jobs pay too little to be constantly drained by emotional coddling that isn’t even appreciated .

No. 2004518

Yeah, smiling and nodding is basically what I’ve been doing. The other customer ism that gets annoying is when they come up to my register and say “you looked lonely so I thought I’d keep you company” as a joke. Funny the first time, not so much the dozens more times

No. 2004571

I work in construction as a project manager, working my way up the office lader. its cool but you basically only work with men.
If you want to work for a union I recomend the Elevator Union, they usualy have the highest salaries. Alternativly, I know you said you wanted to get out of healthcare but coding isn't a bad job.

No. 2004581

Did you need any courses for project management? I do flagging and am looking to get into the office

No. 2004905

Not really. Just know how to use Excel & MS Project. You should be able to learn everything as a Project Engineer or Coordinator

No. 2004923

Food wagie here, and I swear to God couples ordering together are the fucking worst. And I'm not saying this just 'cause I'm a femcel, they literally go:

"What do you want to order?
"What do you want to order?"
"You first.
"No, you first."

Whhhhhyyy. Stop holding up the liiiiiine.

No. 2004926

I'm in the opposite direction. Most of my co-workers are older women with old kids, with or without their Nigels. Honestly it's kind of comfy being surrounded by a "motherly" environment. But man, I cannot relate to them when they start talking about marriage and what Junior did yesterday.

No. 2004928

Would it be considered rude to ask one of them directly?

No. 2004949

They'll most likely just go: "Sorry, I'm still picking."

No. 2009243

I hate when customers don’t bring the trolleys back, they just leave them in the middle of the carpark where they get stolen. Then they complain that there’s never any trolleys…

No. 2009259

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No. 2009261

does anyone else have a 50’s+ female coworker that is high drama and especially hates young women.. I feel like ever wagie job I’ve been to there’s one.

No. 2009274

>>2009261 kek I just replied to >>2004926 "This environment always resulted in workplace bullying for me" before even seeing this post. The middle aged and up people have largely been awful at every wagie job I've worked, including the managers.
When I worked fast food I found it extremely annoying that so many of the customers clearly had never worked a fast food job before

No. 2009337

lol yes. There was this one woman at a job I worked at who was at least in her forties and would brag about her boyfriend all the time to literal teenagers. She also bragged about being a “day trader”. If you’re making so much money at the stock market why are you working here for 10 bucks an hour with 19 year olds? This was in 2020 too and she’d also constantly spout her conspiretard theories

No. 2009359

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Anyone else have customers give them religious stuff? Got picrel today kek

No. 2009388

Yes, I keep being given pamphlets about the rapture and how it’s definitely happening this time. I just chuck them out after they leave.
That’s pretty funny, thanks for the recommendation.

No. 2009392

All the time lol. People often say I look like I need it. I think it's because I have a lot of piercings. Im not religious but I like collecting the stuff people give me, I keep them in a little box. My favorite one was a miniature pocket copy of the entire New Testament. It's smaller than my palm, it's so cute.

No. 2009399

I used to have an older woman at starbucks do this. She was really nice, dont get me wrong. However I had to tell her we couldnt accept religious papers of any kind.

No. 2009400

I hope there's a special place in hell for people who leave carts out. Usually on curbs or in the middle of a parking spot. There's no excuse to not bring it back to where it should be.

No. 2009402

I just got hired as a cashier and the amount of people who use cash is appalling to me. I know cash is still king, but nothing is stopping you from using a tap on your phone/card. It goes by so much faster and doesnt hold up the line. I have to count cash slowly or I get in trouble if my drawer is off at the end of the day.
Also, gotta love how the customers who pay in cash are the ones always in a rush.

No. 2009407

Some people don't want their purchases tracked.

No. 2009422

All we sell is food though. I work at a cafe

No. 2009425

Some people are paranoid as hell and think the government is tracking their every latte and sandwich purchase. I'm also a cashier wagie and I agree with you though, I prefer when everyone just does other payment methods. The worst is when someone tries to pay for am inexpensive item with a 100 dollar bill. I always refuse it.

No. 2009427

I can handle cash just fine but what drives me nuts is when people try to pay with checks. So fucking annoying! Bring REAL money next time!

No. 2009429

I wish I could refuse it so bad. I have to accept all bills, even 100 dollar bills on an order under $5. I hope there's a special place for those assholes, and the ones who lick their cash before handing it to me.

No. 2009430

I think I got the same one! I also like to collect found papers. The other interesting one I have is a sticky note someone put on a cereal box calling for a boycott lol. I plucked it off and pocketed it before the customer could notice. Funniest part was the listed source being TikTok. I’ll try to find a pic

No. 2009431

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We get the same few (older) regulars paying in exact small coins every time. Loaded up coin purses, fat full of coins.

No. 2009434

The last time I went to a cafe I paid with cash and the cashier shorted me $10. You'll get used to counting more as you work, but honestly it's better to be able to count in case someone mishandles your own money in the future. I felt like a nuisance going back in but I wasn't going to pay triple for one item.

No. 2009435

>Some people are paranoid as hell and think the government is tracking their every latte and sandwich purchase.
My mom would use cash rather than her card when I was younger because she was worried my father would yell at her or beat her up because he tracked everything she spent. I just remembered that because of your post. But I'm sure some people just use cash because in their mind that means they didn't "actually" spend money, because the money in their account is the same after that purchase.

No. 2009436

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No. 2009438

I dont mind the coin purses, but I had a dude pay me $9.75 for an order in all quarters. I took as long as humanly possible to count it. I dont mind $1 in change, but more than that, you can suck a big cock

No. 2009439

>some people just use cash because in their mind that means they didn't "actually" spend money, because the money in their account is the same after that purchase.
Yeah I do something similar. I'll set aside cash to use as for lunches or yard sale outings and just pay for things with it until it's gone.

No. 2009441

Isn't the Let them Eat Cake a misquote or am I suffering the Mandela effect?

No. 2009442

I like their printables, I'm a little tempted to put some out too

No. 2009447

Correct, she never said that lol

No. 2009456

Please don’t lol. Corpos suck but saying “source:TikTok” will not convince the actual adults doing the grocery shopping

No. 2009458

Thank you, kind anon.

No. 2009533

Yeah, I know it's "classist" to say this but anybody still working at a wagie job in their 40s is there for a reason.

The absolute worst managers when I worked in retail were the middle-aged moids who had a "business degree" from some shit tier college and wanted to wave their dicks around about how being a junior retail manager was serious business. The managers who had been promoted from the floor were usually a lot easier to get along with.

No. 2009538

Yeah, if you're trying to stick to a budget this is actually a good strategy for keeping track of how much you're spending on small purchases. You take out cash once a week and when it's gone it's gone, instead of using your card and losing track of how much you've spent. But I've been a retail cashier so I understand the inconvenience from that perspective

No. 2010114

YES omg there’s a guy who comes in a lot and has given me pamphlets/church invitations before. yesterday was the 3rd time he asked if he could give me one, and it was at the end of my 15 minute break. I was like “man, you’ve already given me like 2 of those before.” He seemed caught off guard by that, but I asked him if he was targeting me or something.

No. 2010415

Moid fast food and retail managers are so fucking unbearable. 90% of them are ugly fatties with awful hygiene who constantly try to flirt with underage staff, can't make a schedule for shit, can't pick good hires for shit, etc. female managers can be kinda annoying at most but at least they don't spend their spare time sexually harassing teenage girls and understaffing during rushes and overstaffing during slow times

No. 2010803

I feel so bad for bank employees. That kind of job seems like it used to be more respected, but now it looks like wageslaving with a suit jacket. Every time I go to a bank they either need 20 minutes to do the most basic deposit with a line of eight customers, or I'll see some boomer with an expired license shrieking at the teller because they don't know how to withdraw money from an ATM.

No. 2015358

Have you ever shit talked a customer and then realized they definitely heard you or could have definitely heard you? happened to me today (entitled bitch definitely deserved the shit talking let me tell you) and waiting to get in shit for it almost feels more pathetic than it felt having to just let her be shitty and disrespectful to me for no reason.

No. 2015361

No because if they've disrespected me I will call out their behaviour to their face and refuse to let them purchase like this transaction is not going through.

No. 2015374

I accidently did not mute my self going oh my god in an annoyed tone while some customer was giving off to me on the phone and heard it and went nuts and my manger had to give her a voucher but I didn't get in any serious trouble that bitch was annoying

No. 2016018

psycho old asian dude came in and started yelling at our all woman retail staff today. swearing and screaming then acting normal then screaming again. had to threaten security on him (security guards are useless and just stand outside our shop peaking in at us doing nothing all day) he came back in acting all polite to ask my coworkers name, which she gave him, then he asked her surname which she refused. all because we couldnt print out a measurement for him because its done manually. shit like this happens every few months and its ALWAYS an old asian guy losing their shit over nothing

No. 2016021

tbh anon my female manager absolutely under staffs us on days we need it and then has everyone rostered on a random tuesday. she also either doesn't show up for her shifts or comes in hours late and leaves at like 2pm. working with women has its own issues but it's absolutely preferable. like yes your female coworkers talk shit about you and if you piss them off they will try to make your job harder, but there's still a good sense of camaraderie

No. 2016120

At a hotel I worked both housekeeping and breakfast service. One day I was behind the breakfast counter telling my coworker how this one hairy guest who was a regular left so much hair on his sheets I had to literally sticky roll them when I cleaned it as a stayover and I was thinking of just straight up changing the sheets because it looked like a dog had slept there when suddenly a guest sitting in the lobby laughed and I realized I was speaking loud enough for everyone to hear me and I had even said the hairy guest's name and company and that was very likely a coworker of his sitting there! I wanted to die but it was very funny. I was also scared I'd get in trouble but nothing came of it.

No. 2016246

> but there's still a good sense of camaraderie
if ONLY. working with normie het women is honestly starting to blackpill me like damn if you dare to leave your legs unshaved they will go and steal your fucking lunch boxes kek.

No. 2016301

Me sitting there with my mega hairy legs sticking out of my too short work pants while my two coworkers talk about how often they shave and one of them says she feels like a monkey when her stubble comes out…

No. 2016303

I’m shocked that there are still people who don’t know the bare minimum of English (am burger) to get through a simple transaction. Middle aged man didn’t understand “cash or card?” And didn’t know what “chip” meant either. Have you never bought anything in your life???

No. 2016331

it really is like that, remember when i was standing there with my hairy pits under my sleeves when my coworkers call their previous coworker a "fucking butch dyke" for having hairy pits.

No. 2016333

Yeah don't be a little weird around them or you'll be delegated to bring the butt of cruel jokes

No. 2016339

I might come across as crazy but you need to snap at them. Most women get freaked out when you randomly start acting like an abusive scrote out of nowhere. Then they start respecting you the way they respect the men they work with. I used to deal with bullies but in college I started screaming in people's faces and it works 100% of the time. You can do it for like just 5 seconds and it's enough. Also they're literally scared of body hair so just approach them while airing out your pits and they'll move out of your way.

No. 2016369

You know what, I'm ashamed and sick of being chronically bullied well into my 20s and I'm going to try this next time somebody wants to pick on me.

No. 2016475

Tempting advice, nona. I respect your system even though it seems like you developed it out of necessity and that's sad.
you have to butt into the convo and remind them you all don't get paid to shave for work then pull your pant leg up and show your hair as an example. they could be jealous of your freedom and the time you save

No. 2016483

Unfortunately this is true. A lot of people don't consider anger/sociopathicness to be a "real mental issue". It's straight up insane the amount of employers that will happily take a lazy angry moid over a slightly awkward woman who does her job. Being a piece of shit gets you places

No. 2017113


My boss is mid forties and has a bunch of shitty ideas based on internalized misogyny and thinks that not shaving is unhygienic and thinks she can mandate shaved pits in her dress code and here I am, her employee of nearly a decade, unshaven and rolling my eyes like please TRY and tell me to shave my pits I will be on my way out of here so fast lol

No. 2017320

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No. 2017368

Queen shit

No. 2017384

When I worked retail I disliked that my manager was super strict about hair, tattoos and piercings - and come to find out her sweet baby angel daughter was a gendie completely coated in tattoos, with a shaved head, testosterone mustache, facial piercings and oversized gauges like it was still 2012. Maybe she just did it because we were the only ones she had control over.

No. 2018098

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I got another one

No. 2018142

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This happened a few years ago but to this day it pisses me off. Tell me who’s in the wrong
>work as a check in/gate agent at the airport
>it’s busy as hell and there’s only me and one other girl checking in a flight of 200+ people, already running behind with lines almost out the door, because two of our other coworkers had to go to the gate to board a different flight
>third coworker, a boomer, who was supposed to be helping us check in passengers, was in the back on her phone the entire time
>literally for a good hour she was standing off in the distance just yapping to someone on the other line
>I texted my boss who was in his office about the lazy coworker and asked him to tell her to get off the phone OR get someone at the gate to help us
>she comes back angry asf, he must’ve told her it was me that complained because she starts screaming in my face, saying that she had family in puerto rico and she was worried about them because of the hurricane
Like ok? Why did you even clock in? Why didn’t you just stay home and try to figure things out from there? Am I being selfish or unreasonable bc I don’t really care?
I get that shit happens and I am not the type of person that makes a low wage job my entire life, but at the same time I feel like a cuck doing all the work while she gets paid to talk on the phone

No. 2018167

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I use to work at a popular fast food chain and while my experience there was better than most jobs I've had I could not believe how many customers would get mad about the stupidest shit. This white boomer couple even had the audacity to cuss out one of my teenage coworkers because the line was too long. This job made me hate boomers so much kek

kek I do this too! My favorite thing I was given was a large pamphlet talking about how Jesus was actually black complete with a very nice illustration of a black Jesus on the back. I also like taking pics of religious and schizo rambling signs on the street and printing them out to paste in my journal.

No. 2018389

Wagie in a small town and I fucking HATE how every regular customer expects me to be kept up to date on their life. Non-wagies genuinely believe that cashiers pay close personal attention to whatever inane small talk they make. I'm nodding along to your story about your kids fighting because I'm making your order and I'm paid to be here, not because I'm truly invested. Anyone else exhausted by this shit?

No. 2018461

Nah anon i would have done the same. All she had to do was say "sorry there's an emergency with my family which is why i was on the phone" and it would have de-escalated the situation.

No. 2018494

Creepy ass shura pipi

No. 2018497

I have to clean the tea canisters at the end of each day. I have 10 mins to do it. My boss asked me to do it 15 mins earlier than usual. I said no prob, since we were closing shop early.
This white women gets pissed at me because I am taking her teas away. It was exactly 13 mins earlier than usual. But technically 3 mins earlier to her. shut the fuck up bitch. She complained to my boss about me, but nothing happened. i hate these entitled customers.

No. 2018502

Bank work seems so miserable. People were extra tense and stupid when it comes to how to utilize their own money. I'm always extra nice to bank tellers, because it's usually only 2-3 of them dealing with huge lines of retards.

No. 2018576

Most are spending money they've earned illegally. Some through drugs, but others just through cash work that isn't paid to the IRS. Something like 20% of tradesmen probably are breaking the law this way.

No. 2018792

>mandate shaved pits in her dress code
for males too? lol

No. 2026535

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They just keep coming

No. 2026609

My male coworker takes the same bus as me and we got off work at the same time and he would not stfu holy SHIT, take the hint you pathetic faggot. I had my earbuds in and I was glued to my phone screen and he was even trying to ask me how I like the Starbucks egg sandwich like shut the fuck up you don’t care, it’s just an egg sandwich, you just want to fuck me and I don’t want that yet you’re still up my ass. I feel so violent towards him

No. 2026765

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>be me, 26 year old working in a small bar.
>recently divorced coworker, in her mid-late 40s, joins the workforce despite being rich because she has no friends.
>isn't very well liked because she overshares and it makes people feel awkward.
>after a few months, we all find out she sends nudes and messages to the youngest male coworkers (younger than 20) about how she wants to fuck them and take them to sex parties to have threeways.
>Other male coworkers find it funny but when speaking to them alone they are uncomfortable.
>As I get on well with one of them, he offered to help me with something I put in the group chat I couldn't do on my own.
>Same woman offers to help later but I say "no worries CougarChan, male coworker will help me instead as he's in town".
>Has now taken it upon herself to sabotage me and talk shit about me at any opportunity as she thinks me and male coworker have a thing going on.

No. 2027333

Worked in this one shop and this fat ugly 5 ft tall ogre looking barrel-chested wall eyed hunchbacked bucktoothed pasty skinned manager used to be like this. So obsessed with peoples tops being long enough, deathly scared that someone might wear a crop top, obsessed with peoples jewellery and length of their skirts. But would dress like she was going to the club every day. She absolutely hated attractive women more than anything in the world.

No. 2027334

Samefag, she was also a rabid Depp supporter and would not shut her yapping during the trial. As I said, hated beautiful and attractive women. The most attractive woman who worked there would only do 1 day a week as she had another job, had this arrangement for years before the barrel chested wall eyed little ogre showed up, and she was hounded every day about doing more than that until she left. After that she focused her dead-fish-on-ice-at-the-supermarket eyes on me and bullied me relentlessly until I left. As I said, 5 ft tall with the most pathetic short little T rex arms you’ve ever seen. I wish HR would let you solve disputes by fighting because I could have absolutely pummelled the living daylights out of her without breaking a sweat. It would be like one of those pathetic inbred little micropigs going up against a wild boar. Yet thanks to capitalism she was able to bully me into submission because I didn’t want to be belittled at work every day and I am a normal person who likes to resolve disputes and not live with constant conflict. So I found another job and left.

No. 2027337

I’m sick of boomers. Can you imagine the tantrum she would have had if a millennial or zoomer coworker did the same? She’d never in a million years be sympathetic. I say fuck boomers, give them the same amount of empathy and understanding as they give us, which is precisely none
I tell you what, there’s nothing I love more than going into a shop or restaurant and encountering a boomer at work. I always find something to chimp out on them for so that they know how it feels.

No. 2027385

Most boomers, despite their insistence otherwise, have not had a wage slave job since their teens, if ever. They don't know how it works now and the workload current workers have because back in their day they had five people to do the job of one. Some of them simply never worked because they didn't have to.

No. 2027403

They are the worst generation to ever exist. I hate how we have a zoomer hate thread and not a boomer hate thread.

No. 2028416


I’ve seen her only ever hire 1 dude, and she was very reluctant in doing so. Based, although that’s where it ends with her lol I doubt she would have expected him to shave if he wanted to wear a tank top

No. 2028421

sounds like an absolute devil but I cackled at your description. I don’t understand how people can exist like this, like just constantly and obviously seething. It’s fucking weird.

No. 2028429

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My biggest wagie regret is not saving the D&D Chick tracts I found in the shampoo aisle…

No. 2028450

nothing anyone says makes fucking sense
>I'm not tipping! tipped workers should just fight for a living wage
certain cities have tried this and all that accomplished was making shit so expensive, instead of just an extra few bucks as a tip (that you dont even have to give if service was bad) you're forced to pay damn near double for everything, could've just paid an extra 5 bucks but nope they wanted to be little cunts about tipping now they're paying 40 bucks for a small thing of pasta
>inflation control is liberal propaganda !!!
most conservative politicans voted in favor of inflation control, similar to how they think animal rights are for pussy libs when its mostly conservatives demanding death penalty for animal abusers (rightfully so)
>businesses can't raise wages theyll go bankrupt and burgers will be 100 dollars!!!
thats simply because no one holds them accountable for wage distrubution. just cut out the higher ups million dollar bonuses every other month and boom you wont need to inflate prices so your workers dont starve
>muh ebt, section 8, medicaid, WIC, etc
corporations not paying their employees enough are the true tax leeches since they rely on the government to make sure their employees dont starve or go homeless instead of just paying them the min of whats needed to live, in fact walmart and other corps literally encourage their workers to apply to those things kek, why are so many places paying low enough that those workers even qualify for those things anyway? back in the day the only way to get those things is if you're a single mom working min wage, why the hell are so many jobs that require certifications and single person households paying low enough for people to qualify

No. 2028457

How come in developed countries fast food cashiers get paid like $20+/hr (and get a month of PTO) but the fast food there is cheaper than in the US where they get paid $10/hr at best?

No. 2028477

no one ever gives a clear answer, they'll claim it's because it's for kids and retirees but makes no sense because retirees still have bills and a lot of teens and young adults need to pay for college, car, etc? also how insane is it to create jobs in the first place with the idea that the workers are being financally supported by someone else? like if I underpaid anyone I hired for help around my house just because I expected them to be supported by someone else I would get called a crazy karen, why is it ok if corporations do it?

No. 2028483

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Just here to say that I definitely don't miss fast food.
>managers are stoners that vape the fuck out of their office while two employees are scrambling to close the whole restaurant
>also got managers acting like they're above treating new employees with respect (acting like employee is a retard for not knowing everything even though they've only been working for two weeks)
>managers who think you must be an entitled brat for just asking for your check, after your shift on the mother fucking payday
>managers who give such little fucks about you that they'll ask you to come in for your second shift five minutes after a car accident, but then say that you're all a "family".
>managers who play favorites to the point where it's unfair (asking everyone if they want to go on break EXCEPT for you or another person)
>managers doing shit like that, and leaving you unknowing of why because all you ever do is show up, work, and leave
>bitch manager gets a good-bye party, so you have to stand there and pretend to like her because there's cake
>coworkers "coming out of the closet" AT WORK as if anybody fucking cares or couldn't already tell
>catty bitches who can't wait to tell their friends or the whole restaurant about how "bad" of a worker you or this other person are because you arrived a few minutes early instead of twenty
>trainers snapping and screaming into your ear in front of everyone because they're mad that their meek voices weren't loud enough in a busy restaurant
>coworker acting like it must have been you who's out of line, even though the redneck is screaming cusses, slurs, and jumping around like a shit-flinging monkey because he miscounted his own change
>teenage coworkers regularly trying to get anyone else to do their job, and getting mad at YOU when you politely tell them to piss off
>managers not letting you clock out on your own because they want to make sure you stocked first, even though that's exactly what you've been doing since you got there
>but will freely let their favorite employees leave whenever the fuck they want
>nobody is safe, everybody gets talked shit about no matter how nice they are in the restaurant
>customers coming inside the restaurant fifteen minutes before official closing just to order a cheeseburger and shit around instead of going in the drive-thru for that shit (do these people like to watch us clean?)
Ironically, it wasn't really the customers or the labor of the job that made me abandon doing fast food. IME, it's the managers, the coworkers, and the paycheck that will make or break how long you last. I don't miss any of those retards, they can kiss my fuckin' ass.

No. 2028487

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>serving a boomer at fast food job
>POS is messing up and I tell him "oh, one second sir"
>Boomer moid replies "No, hurry up."

OOOHH I wanted to throw hot oil in his face so bad

No. 2028499

God this is why public facing jobs genuinely make me want to hurt people

No. 2028506

I'd go slower on purpose

No. 2028532

this. it's the only way.

No. 2028575

You can't react or apologize either. Just slow down

No. 2028666

Be the change you wish to see nonnie.

No. 2028696

Yep, I hate hearing the umpteenth story about how they know hard work unlike us evil zoomies and millennials and then start talking about how they were able to get by via walking into the nearest shop and were able to make rent, college money, and enough for a movie or something on weekend. Now getting a job is indeed doom scrolling and takes months to a year to get an employer to even look at you twice, or you have to have connections and play all sorts of weird life hacks when it should have just been "you apply, you interview, and if you fit then you're hired". Oh and how they were able to work one job while going to school, now unless you have someone supporting you financially in order to pay for school, dorm/apartment/etc you'd have to take out loads of loans for that

No. 2028808

Oh she was. Honestly I’d probably be a drug addict or kill myself if I was that ugly so props to her.

No. 2028841

Was looking forward to a day off after an extremely busy half term, working alone while short staffed, but this morning my manager decided to take pictures of everything I forgot to do (such as collapsing a cardboard box) and post it into the group WhatsApp and berate me indirectly. Now I’m in a foul mood and feel like wallowing In misery all day.

No. 2028861

The way Walmart encourages their employees to apply for EBT knowing that it will be used to purchase groceries from Walmart is kind of gross when you think about it.

No. 2028882

Imagine building a whole system around gov handouts kek yet it's starving parents who are the leeches

No. 2029033

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Does anyone else work or use to work at Starbucks and have people reference your job like it's the greatest job ever, thinking it's fun and has great pay, without realizing it's still a dehumanizing fast food job? It pays barely above the state minimum wage where I live and the same as working at McDonald's and you still work with either teenagers or people who can't obtain a regular job. I've had salaried white-collar workers tell me they're jealous of my job.
Also ~75% of your coworkers will be sanctimonious virtue-signalers who believe everything shown to them by a social media algorithm without question.

No. 2029052

it takes all the power in my body not to sperg about the starbucks union and how fake it was/is. starbucks is on the cutting edge of corporate PR for every facet of their business including convincing people their workers are soooo happy and they're suuuuch good bosses and such a greeeaaat company. it's all marketting.

No. 2029980

i have a coworker like this, extremely misogynist and a male worshipper and hates pretty women while looking like cross dressing shrek (i won't compare her to fiona because fiona is actually cute)

there's this one girl who lives rent free in her head, she doesn't even regularly work with us but sometimes comes to do some shifts and yet she always wants to bring her up to insult her about something mundane she said, like how she want so take it easy next weekend or something else retarded. she'll be insulting the way people tie their fucking shoelaces, she's pettiest, most bitter pig faced little shit i've ever met. but only towards women, she legit once said "men are so lovely" like she's obsessed with men and sucking their dick.

No. 2030000

I feel this nonna. All my coworkers are trannies.

No. 2030109

Next time she does it, just casually mention how nice and pretty you think that coworker is. Watch her desperately try to mask her seething.

No. 2030210

How are we simultaneously constantly hiring new cashiers but also always short staffed?

No. 2030230

50 something year old high drama coworker walked out on the job again and gets to pick her own hours because she doesn’t like a younger girl that started working with us. How tf is she still allowed to work at this company

No. 2030416

I hate working with middle aged moids. I work agency and yesterday I got booked to work at a hospital I had never worked in before. I thought I would be working alone but they put me in with an ESL middle aged moid from India. I spent the whole 9 hour shift standing around him because he wouldn't let me work without giving me specific tasks that were way below my training. We also could barely communicate due to language barrier. He decided I was brand new without asking me and told all the other caterers that I wouldn't know what to do, which essentially trapped me with him instead of moving between wards like I was booked for. Fucking unreal. And chefs are the worst too

No. 2030475

Cause most places rely on understaffing for profit. It's no longer about getting a job and supporting yourself, it's about how far the company can screw you over to make money

No. 2030495

literally this. "Labor is your biggest expense!" was something my boss told me nonstop when I was trying to work my way up from an entry level position and become a manager. There are people who get paid six figures to look at spreadsheets all day just to find ways to cut labor costs (ie. fuck you all over) and increase "productivity" (ie. make the service you provide worse). If you ever get the chance to kiss ass and move up it's very blackpilling.

No. 2030499

God he's retarded. Be as incompetent as you can and play dumb when you fuck up, say the moid told you to do it, and look on the bright side, you're being paid to stand in a kitchen instead of working. If you don't think of the bright side you're going to start thinking about the knives.

No. 2032110

Working as a wagie with normie het women as your managers while being gnc and autistic or adhd is a special version of hell on earth.
t. went from 4-5 shifts a week to 1 shift a week without warning for the last 6 weeks despite my work ethic being good
We got a new moid boss in charge of them now and I’m trying really hard to show him I work hard just so I can get more shifts, but he isn’t the one making the schedule. Fml

No. 2039559

I am a cashier and I get really irrationally upset by people ignoring me. They don’t say hello back to me when they walk in, they don’t say hello when they come to the till, they don’t say thank you, just treat me like an automated scanner. Makes me so fucking depressed. This job is degrading enough as it is. They should just replace me with AI and make me redundant already.

No. 2039570

Do you say hello to them? When I'm a cashier or a front desk person I find that the customers typically just mirror my energy so I put on my smiling-voice and act like I'm happy to see them. works with 95% of them, there's always a couple who don't respond though. and usually your manager makes you act that way anyway kek

No. 2039580

Yeah. I say hello/hi/alright every time someone walks in, I say goodbye every time they leave, and I say hello again when they come to the till to pay for stuff. Always in a cheerful tone which I can fake if necessary. Sometimes people even crane their head away so they can avoid any chance of even making eye contact with me. Just makes me feel like utter shit.

No. 2039609

What country? Could be cultural.

No. 2039619

wow that' so rude. that would drive me insane. I would be asking them questions the whole time and staring at their face until they talked to me. I would lose my mind from thinking I had become invisible if they NEVER talked to me

No. 2039623

No. 2039650

sometimes when i walk into a store and the cashier says hi from across the store i assume theyre talking to someone else because we're at like opposite sides of the store and i don't say anything back, and then i realize i'm the only one in the store and feel bad about it. but i've also said hi and responded to people and then realized they were in fact talking to someone else or on the phone and that's just embarrassing kek

No. 2044376

I have an interview soon for Costco and I'm worried. I worked at a dollar store before which was smaller and I didn't have to do a lot of lifting. The job offer I got was pushing carts and working as a cashier and I'm worried I might not be physically strong enough. The till lines were long at my last job but Costco just seems like hell. The lines are longer there and customers buy so many heavier items in bulk. I'm socially anxious too and my last job was harder because of it and I felt like I pissed off all my coworkers. I desperately need a job but I'm so scared of fucking up god. I wish I could get over myself

No. 2044386

You don't have to lift all the heavy items by hand, they have carts and forklifts (not that you're using a forklift). Don't sweat it. All the customers at costco roll up to the checkout line with a cart and you scan the big items right on the cart with a hand scanner, you don't have to lift them up onto the conveyer belt or anything.

No. 2044400

don't worry about it too much nona. i'm not sure if it's the case in all costco's, but the ones i've been to usually have 2 people at the till, one to scan and one to load the groceries back into the cart. if you can't lift the heavy items maybe you can be the one who just scans? and like >>2044386 said, they have hand scanners as well and in my experience customers won't lift the super heavy items out of their cart anyway so you can just scan them without having to lift them.
good luck! costco would be an awesome job, from what i've heard they pay well, have great benefits and you're guaranteed to have holidays off!

No. 2047231

I hate having to deal with condescending customers that keep insisting that I can do something for them when I can’t, as I would get fired if I did. No, you can’t pay for something over the phone and no I don’t care that a different store will do it for you, go shop there then.

No. 2050560

What are the least soul-sucking wageslave jobs? An example of an inhumane, meat-grinder wagie job is fast food.

No. 2051226

Working at the airport
I got paid $13 an hour but they gave me a cute uniform and customers respected me 99% of the time.

No. 2051237

working at a bookstore (it's the best retail job) or working in guest services at a museum or botanical garden (you get to look at the art/plants/etc.)

No. 2051283

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What is it with customers having to ask me over and over again on what the price of the meal is or what's it made of (chicken, beef, fish)—IT'S ON THE FUCKING MENU SIGN READ IT, THE LETTERS ARE ALREADY BIG ENOUGH. Are the majority of people illiterate now or something?

No. 2051285

I've always wanted to do that. Are you allowed to read the books they sell though for free or not?

No. 2051293

Is being a server worth it? Or should I just work at a grocery store for the employee discount? After working a slew of hellish food service jobs I want to be more selective for what will (god-willing) be my last wage-slave job.
I mean ideally I'd find a part time job in the medical field until I graduate, but I don't want to spend a bunch of money and time studying for a cert while I'm already taking classes. If anyone has any advice there, I'd appreciate it as well.

No. 2051295

i think people who ask retarded questions either think it's some kind of power play to make an underpaid worker use up their energy explaining something simple to them that they already understand or they're looking for attention and the only people they can interact with are retail and food industry employees. i saw a documentary about depression once where an old woman said she looked forward to going to the grocery store because it meant she got a chance to speak to the checkout girls. alternatively, those people really are just stupid.

No. 2051301

Highly dependent on your boss and the bookstore. Normal wagie rules apply, usually it's a no-go except in times of extreme slow business and only when all your side-work is done.

No. 2051309

working at a grocery store would probably be less stressful than working as a server but you won't be bringing in the same tips you'd make tending tables. i worked at a grocery store for a couple of years and it was a decent job (i'd work in one again if i needed to) but just like any other service role where you interact with the public you have to deal with entitled retards throwing tantrums and creepy moids who think you being polite means you're interested in them. i didn't receive any kind of employee discount though so i assume that varies by chain.

No. 2051312

Sometimes it's a power play as someone else said, but there are a LOT of people out there who read at the level of 6 year olds and are borderline retarded in general. I don't know where you live, but 1 in 5 Americans have low literacy skills. When I worked retail I was genuinely shocked at the number of people driving around by themselves when they clearly belonged in a group home because they were too stupid to be alive unassisted.

No. 2051327

This is my experience too, so many customers can’t fucking read. Most of our signage is in Spanish too so there shouldn’t be an excuse

No. 2051329

This made me a little sad to read, because when I get chatty old lady customers I often work faster than usual so I can get back to my phone…

No. 2051335

My 54 year old coworker is so toxic, she decided that she likes me (maybe because I’m almost 30) but she constantly starts drama with the literal teenagers that we work with. She’ll call them little bitches, whores, and for what? I don’t understand her anger. Is it her being bored? Jealous?

No. 2051346

If you’re in your last stages of medical school you should definitely choose retail, preferably if you can find stocking positions where it isn’t too front-facing. Servers apparently can be paid $2 and hour and then supplement their salary with tips and the philosophy behind gaining tips is just too time-consuming and it depends on how generous customers are and too much prejudice/bias goes into that, retail at least are starting to pay $15+ state adjusted salary, more willing to work around your schedule if you firmly tell them you’re in school, less fast-paced than restaurant serving unless it’s during the holidays. Make sure it’s not an understaffed store as well, if you have a car make sure it’s in one of those nice areas where you know they have lots of employees there because if it’s understaffed it will burn you and destroy you. Always check out these places when you go to an interview and see what it looks like on the inside to give you a nice feel, check everything and see if they put enough money into the place to make it decent enough not just for their customers but for their employees. There are at least some benefits to retail unlike serving you’re just an overglorified bartender that serves food. Department stores are great for this because they are huge and offer a variety of positions that are customer service or in the back (fulfillment can be boring but at least you aren’t dealing with retarded NPCs and sometimes if you work in those clothing stores it’s cute seeing what people order and shit). Now for grocery stores/supermarkets idk about trader joes but would recommend because it seems like a pretty small store and while it’s getting busier because of their wide selection and low prices compared to other commercial stores it’s not too huge or overwhelming like Walmart or target. Inbetween Walmart and Target, make Walmart your last choice for applying. Try to avoid working in deli/prep foods at all costs, just don’t. If you live in the East Coast, Publix seems good but they have low-pay and they might start you as a bagger which can be annoying to some who have already worked at other grocery stores. Working in the mall is especially good if you need more of a lenient schedule because sometimes they only schedule you for 4-6 hours, depends on the position but that’s usually the basis. Sorry for yapping anon!

No. 2051407

just pick whatever has a shift time that lets you get enough sleep.

No. 2051464

It's only worth it if the place has good enough customers, prices, reputation, and LOCATION to bring in at least 100-400/day tips. Managers have power issues they decide to flex on whoever is least liked. Owners will be absent and look the other way when shit is bad. Family owned is always way worse than corporate since there's no benefits and no hr or someone over manager for issues. There's too many failing places with incompetent staff who treat new and old employees like shit. I didn't know just how retarded customers are until working in food. They'll come in 20 minutes before close if the manager allows it then sit for an extra hour because your money is stuck in not pissing them off even though they're the inconsiderate one. People get surprised how much they order in drinks or food then take it out on you. Find an hourly job for consistent pay.

No. 2051537

Ungrateful. Chatty old ladies are the best. They're so wholesome.

No. 2051730

Thank you for the advice anons!

No. 2051922

Just got a job working at a pet store out of desperation for needing a job and not laying around on my useless ass at home not producing something. It seems fun thus far but I have no idea how my rotted brain is gonna remember everything I'm learning here. I wish I'd asked for 40 hours out the gate, but I'd rather work my way up to 40 from 25-30 knowing how hard it's going to be on my body after 7 months of not working. I just wish I'd started job seeking sooner but instead I was stuck in medication switching hell, I just got so sick of unemployment I'd rather I'd work thru the pain than be at home feeling creatively bankrupt

No. 2052654

I hate how rude customers are, they all expect me to drop everything for them even when I’m helping other customers. They’re also so needy, like needing to be shown where every single item is on their shopping list and what the prices are (even when there are prices listed or if not they can use the fucking app/website). This is a supermarket not a boutique on Avenue des Champs-Élysées and I’m a shelf-stocker not a personal shopper.

No. 2052820

I feel that when people go into an establishment they see the staff there as their staff for the duration of them being there, which is not the case. You are there to help run the business, not be their personal assistant. Americans especially but basically all entitled people worldwide.

Like the other day a woman shouted at me because a seagull took the ice cream I made her. Apparently that’s my fault because there isn’t a sign warning that there are seagulls. So that’s how she sees me. I’m her assistant and I didn’t do my job protecting her. I’ve had other people get angry with me because they order multiple ice creams and then don’t know how they’re going to carry them back to the beach. Bizarre. Like EVERYTHING is your fault when you work in service. I’ve also been blamed because I couldn’t understand what a nonverbal autistic child was asking for and his father barked at me “just give him what he wants!” When the child launched a meltdown and started screaming and punching the glass. Like sir that is your child if you cant understand him then how do you expect me to?

No. 2052845

Dear god. Working low-level customer service jobs truly shows you how low functioning the average person is.

No. 2052858

I always wonder what these people do or did for a living themselves.

No. 2052956

a lot of them sadly just forget what it was like to work low level jobs and transform into bitter middle aged adults who hate you. I've seen it happen with older relatives, cool people who worked at hotel/food prep jobs when I was a kid over time get a bachelors and a house then suddenly detest the young people taking their burger order and call them names for asking to repeat the order

No. 2053560

caregiving or some other entry-level job they never leave

No. 2054690

just popping in to complain about old ladies thinking 10c is a suitable gratuity, like mam you just spent 17$ on custom lattes I think you have a better grasp on the times than to think you’ve been generous in leaving me your garbage change

No. 2054722


She’s mad to be on equal level (co-working) with girls she feels are beneath her (because age) aka she’s a bitter old Betty

No. 2054731

The number of times people barge in and interrupt other customers with their demands is insane like, why is your time more important than the person you’re interrupting. It’s so rude and I always make a point of loudly apologizing to the interupted party on behalf of the interrupter lol

No. 2054745

why do these wagie job applications require you to have 2-4+ years of experience and also do these strange assessments and video interviews?? nigga i’m going to get screamed at by a bunch of fat beluga whales wanting their china made/microplastic crap, it’s not that hard to do

No. 2054772

Does anyone have tips for the online application retail types of jobs? I really want to work at VS PINK or somewhere similar and I have no idea how to try and hack my resume. I was in "bigger" roles previously, but I just want to work retail for now. I see teenagers working there, so I feel like my resume should attract some bites, but nothing. I'm 27 for reference and was in project management for 3 years (at different companies) after I graduated college. I had a wagecuck job before from 18-24.

No. 2054938

Take off the project management experience and replace it with something less verifiable to fill the gap(For example nanny, club sports coach, gig apps like InstaCart). And consider taking off the college degree depending on what and/or where it was. Worked every time for me. You will be a shoe in to be used and abused at a $15/hour retail job.
Also how did you get into project management?

No. 2055712

A woman got angry at me today because there was no water bowl for dogs outside. When I asked my boss about it he said he gave it to his GF for her dogs. I said are we getting another one he said no he can’t be bothered. She said something like “why would you advertise yourself as dog friendly?” As if they’re doing us a favour by bringing their dog? I’ve had to mop dog piss up off the floor before so by being dog friendly it’s US doing THEM a favour. I’m literally so fucking tired.

No. 2055713

Plus we never said dog friendly. We said dogs are ALLOWED.

No. 2055715

I'll be real, when I was a wagie I never allowed dogs in the store. Dog owners are next level entitled and have mental problems. Why are you bringing your mutt into a random store? Keep that shit at home. If you bring a dog into a store or restaurant or mall it's an immediate signal to me that you're retarded and that I shouldn't respect you.

No. 2055718

They’re unbelievable. I see parents leave their pushchairs outside and carry their baby cos they don’t want to take up space. But some annoying cunt will happily push their Fur baby around in a massive dog buggy not caring who’s way they get in. Or let them walk around off lead when there’s food. Or bring some massive unmuzzled thing with “nervous” on its lead when there’s children around. I hate them. And when it’s a hot day the streets stink of piss because everyone has to drag their dog into fucking clothing shops and pubs and restaurants.

No. 2055883

one thing i am glad about my shitty wagie job is that at least the institution we're working for lets us wagie workers leave early on specific holidays so tomorrow we get to leave early too and our actual employers can't actually do anything about it, like sometimes some managers have tried to protest it but since it's a "gift" from the customer the workers get to leave and we still get full pay from those days.

No. 2056755

Omg today I was doing some tidying behind the counter and when I looked up there was some scrote huffily rolling his eyes at his gf like I was ignoring him. I didn’t even know he was there. Say something then you retarded fucking moid. Say “hello can I get-“ you huffy queeny little bitch. Why can’t people just be normal.

No. 2062248

Servers. Bartenders. What do you make?

No. 2066093

A fucking decrepit old moid walked into the staff only bathroom and left his piss dribblings on the floor and refused to flush. I fucking hate working in a gas station and my boss is begging me to stay but I really hope I get this new job as a barista because there's a butch barista there I wanna have sex with.

No. 2071334

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I hate my job's clients. They come in here with a big chip on their fucking shoulder because they know they'll be paid for the technically generous act they're doing. But it honestly makes me sick that money is the only reason why any of them ever do it when they show their ass and expose themselves in their dumb little small talk. You should be coming here because you genuinely want to, not because you want to get paid a quick 70 dollars or so because you forgot to buy your girlfriend a fat ass Walmart teddy bear for her birthday but cant use your own money because you never planned to pick up a skill for a better job. Then they get a shitty attitude when their dumb no-water habits makes their bleeding too slow for their childish impatience, or when they starve themselves and get pissy when their protein reads too low, or when you don't smile and say "thank you so much miss majesty" at least fifteen times in three minutes of interacting with them, never wash their hands before coming in here, don't know how to get the fuck off the phone, or never do anything about their brick-layer calluses on their fucking hands. Fuck you, you bitches and fags. It's mostly the scrotes that act like this, but the women manage to disappoint me as well.
>"how long have you been working here?"
How long are you gonna stay on that phone?
>normally it's faster than this…
My fucker, are you mad at yourself? That's YOUR flow. You (barely) passed the test, but I can tell you only drank some water before showing up because you never drink it at any other time. Take your tag and go wash your fuckin face, beer breath.
And lord don't get me started on the fact that the vast majority of people can't just show up on time and learn to check themselves in on the kiosk if they're JUST IN TIME. These fuckers will have a history of being here 20 times and they still can't be bothered to take some initiative with plenty of kiosks. The only people that should be waiting at that front desk are: inspectors, deliverers, NEW clients, and people that are looking for a job. It really puts shit into perspective on how dumb the average person really is. How is the average person this bad at figuring out a routine or pattern? And what also gets me is that the clients that act so immature and personal are fairly often people like teachers, or nurses from somewhere else. Does not being at your job and filling the role of a "customer" do something to the human brain that makes them emotionally or intellectually more than half their age?

No. 2076761

>Have to call off
>Most coworkers just fuck off into the gentle night until next shift
>Decide to do things properly
>Fill out call-off form
>Manager "doesn't see it"
>Decide to call store to "officially" call off
>Call 5x times
>No answer
I hope the next bankruptcy tanks this place, holy shit.

No. 2081927

My job is so boring I want to commit suicide. I can’t take it anymore. I find it impossible to be polite to customers. Everything they do and everything about them pisses me off. They’re so annoying and stupid. A woman had a go at me today because she was walking past and it was windy and rainy and the wind blew rain from the tarp at her. She came storming in like “does it usually do that?!” In the most horrible degrading tone. I’m sorry but I’d like to put a bullet in her head. I want to die. I hate working so much. I’d rather live with a scrote who beats me.

No. 2087421

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I swear to God, customers get pissy over the littlest thing. Fuck you, it's not my fault I can't let you borrow one of our plates—I'm not the one who made that rule, my boss did.

You can tell the most basic thing on the calmest, most polite way and they'll throw the most passive-aggresive hissy fit over shit that I DON'T HAVE CONTROL OVER.

These BPD fuckwads make me want to kermit so bad if it weren't for the money (and even that is shitty).

No. 2087514

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Working in retail and getting sexually harassed by customers makes me wanna cry, I’m ugly too like a 4/10 at best so wtf do they even want from me?

No. 2091413

I hate my job.

No. 2094842

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>Group of four comes
>Has to take their order
>All keep talking at the same time of what they're ordering
>Don't want to get confused and fuck up their orders (like last time)
>I say "hol' up, one by one please", start to take the sole woman's order first
>Woman gets pissy and decides she won't order anymore after writing one of her friend's order

What the fuck??? All I said was to take their orders one by one?? What was she so mad about? Is it my tone? Is there something about the way I deliver my words as being unintentional rude? (I wasn't even trying to be rude).

For Christ's sake, I just wanted things to be orderly.

No. 2094894

Bizarre things my 53 year old grocery store coworker has done
>is possessive over our male coworker, calls the girls that she thinks crushes on him whores because she said he’s like a son to her (??)
>calls our shy Colombian coworker a troublemaker and said you can’t trust Colombians (she’s Puerto Rican idk if there’s a known beef? lmao)
>said our old boss was going to probably kidnap and rape our young coworker that was accusing him of being creepy.. wait for it
>then cried for him after he got fired
>never asked me my relationship status and went ahead and told her work “son” that I like him and then told everyone we were dating (I am married lmfao)
>has a plush toy that she has never paid for and calls it her special little baby, never brings it home
>has a one sided beef with another coworker and has to leave early when she comes in
This bitch is crazy, I have never met anyone like her

No. 2094913

She's a boymom. She better not have a bio son.

No. 2096171

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i currently work for a call center. obviously i hate it. i applied for another position in the company that isn't customer service at all. i just had the interview this past monday. i felt like it went well but i have still been freaking out over it. there are 2 positions open and they want to pick people fast is what they told me. so i will know tomorrow. i really hope i get it. i will cry if i don't.

No. 2096236

I’m rooting for you so hard nonna!

No. 2096577

thank you so much nonna! I got the job!!! maybe posting here, manifested it for me. I'm so so happy and grateful. I hope you all get the positions you want too!!!

No. 2096590

Congratulations! I hope you’re much happier with your new job.

No. 2096946

dealing with customers over the phone seems so much easier than dealing with them in person. Can you work from home?

No. 2097087

My new manager isn’t qualified and always shows up late and leaves early. He literally never worked in our department before but I guess he was picked as department head because he’s charismatic and a man, and his competition was an autistic woman who worked here longer than anyone else. I hate this place

No. 2100159

I really, really just want a job where I'm not sweating to death daily. I work in an essentially lab environment and have to wear a double layer of PPE (waterproof gowns, gloves, head covers, shoe covers), and I'm starting to lose my mind. I'm drenched in sweat daily since we're all in there busting ass for a solid 7 of the 8 hour work day and the work area is hot.

No. 2101810

I hate my job so much. This useless stoner has no call no showed several times and they won't fire him even though he is still within his 90 days probationary period. Yet, my old favorite coworker was fired for way fucking less and she had medical conditions that she had to miss work for that she could easily excuse, and it wasn't even that often. This retard never has an excuse and they just keep him. Even I almost got fired during my probation period because I got sick, but had an excuse. This is so actually fucking retarded because no one really likes him and he isn't a great employee either.

No. 2102136

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I wish they'd make me do less front end work. I am constantly on the front fucking end. just because I'm the customer service oriented one doesn't mean I don't get people burnout can yall please assign me to something else every once in awhile? please?

No. 2103466

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(deleted and reposted for spelling, mods be kind)
>90 day review
>boss is singing my praises
>nothing negative to say, no specific areas to improve in
>almost everything is a 3 out of 5
cant even be mad at my boss b/c my last 3 jobs have been just like this. you know they just straight up dont give 5s (even tho you will always be scored out of 5) but even when there is nothing they can ask you to improve upon you are still scored a 3 because there is "always room for improvement" to get the 4.
literally never called out and never been late, but wouldnt you kno thats only a 4/5 at this job and a 3/5 at my last job too

No. 2103488

It's funny how this works. I don't get it. Maybe the managers are sexist or attracted to him, or non-confrontational and think he might have too much audacity and will argue back or something.

No. 2103490

Witnessing people pile on the "weakest link" at work is so shitty. This happens everywhere I've worked. Humans are weird.

No. 2103543

My guess is that it's so you don't have a standing to demand a raise or promotion. If you're the perfect employee, surely you deserve more or are irreplaceable to the company.

No. 2127339

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How do I stop being rude to people as a cashier? I literally cannot stop. I try to be nice but I have such contempt for people. I go home every day guilty about all the times I’ve been rude to people.

No. 2127458

no cause why do people do this? and then they're shocked when the person gets fired and gets replaced with someone useless and crappy. Like you made the umpteenth complaint over nothing about the quiet awkward gal, she got fired and now the office serial sexual harasser took her spot and your workload doubled, way to fucking go morons

No. 2128104

Whenever a cashier is rude to me i just wish her good luck with her career as i walk away with a smirk on my face.

No. 2129149

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I'm going back to work after a 3 day "vacation" and god I feel so much dread already. I wish I had the guts to just stop showing up but I've been working here for longer than a year and don't want to be an asshole + plus I don't have any kind of backup plan. I've been going on indeed applying to other jobs but it all feels so hopeless.

No. 2129226

so cool anon wow

No. 2129266

I hate this fat fuck moid who has works at my job. He constantly flirts with underaged girls who come in and can honestly hardly walk, he will get on his knees because his ankles cant take his own weight for too long. He sits in the breakroom with his shoes off watching tiktoks at full fucking volume. He leaves everywhere he goes dirty and unorganized and he takes 20 minute breaks instead of 15.

No. 2129311

working in Customer service you slowly realize how mentally unstable most of the population is

No. 2129344

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be me working at a shitty fast food joint. business is slowly dying so they only have one of us working at a time with a half hour overlap, with only 3 shifts a day: open, mid, and close. girl working mid shift (who i had friendly interactions with up to now) brags about how she's quitting and says "yeahh im not gonna do any of my work today lol what are they gonna do fire me???". she leaves me with the entire days worth of dishes and sits in the back on her phone her entire shift leaving me to deal with customers. picrel

No. 2129435

I actually love my job for a wagie position (working at pet store) but the one thing that makes me understand why the salary is higher is just how much maintenance animals require. I've had animals all my life but you never realize how much waste they produce and how dirty they are until you're working with a bunch of them or a dog comes into the store and shits on the floor kek

No. 2129510

I would have flipped out at her. Why not? She’s leaving anyway and it’s not like you’d have to deal with the resulting awkwardness. You should have said exactly this to her.
They’re not even that bad they’re just annoying and don’t pay attention to their surroundings. Every now and then you get some pompous fuckwit like >>2128104
Who let’s face it is probably ugly and working some worthless cutthroat email job and will be made redundant during the next cuts, so it’s hard to feel inferior to them even when they desperately want you to.

No. 2129582

This has never happened to me because I have never needed to pack refrigerated lunch to work but do people actually eat their coworkers lunches? I see people complain about this all the time online and how they find clever ways to trick their coworkers into eating hot peppers or laxatives, but wtf lmao it’s so odd. I can’t imagine not going crazy over someone eating my food without asking even once.

No. 2129590

I pack my lunches for work and it's never gotten eaten but we have a drawer where people keep snacks that don't need to be refrigerated and pretty often someone complains their chip bag is emptier than they remember or something so yes people do eat their coworkers food. I think I just don't pack anything that seems worth eating to anyone.

No. 2129770

ugh you're right nona, i just tend to be too non-confrontational and didn't really get properly angry until i was actually doing all the dishes by myself after close

No. 2129817

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Had a sweet toothed thief. Only ever stole sweet/prepackaged/choc things. Realized after a while that white choc was the one sweet item that was safe. I brought in milkybars (like a child kek) one friday to share. One guy ranted about how gross white choc is and everyone else ate one..

No. 2129820

It’s kinda crazy to think about how when I was in hs in 2012 and working at my first grocery store job, my manager would always take my phone away from me if I got caught looking at it to check the time, or how I wasn’t allowed to wear a sweater/jacket when I’d bag things next to the door in the winter. I kinda wanna find her and ask her why she was so retarded and bitchy

No. 2129828

Anyone else have a crush on their boss?

No. 2129829

No. 2129869

My first job was the same, no phones and no jackets. Store was kept really cold but their ugly as sin patterned blouse uniform (that somehow got uglier and thinner every time it was updated) represents the store so must be seen in all it's glory. This was before gendershit really took off but the mens uniform wasn't either as ugly or as thin so would've been nice to have that as an option att. Probably can pick now.

No. 2130004

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I am gonna TWEAK
Tell me if I’m being sensitive
My boss won’t give me last weeks paycheck until I finish my current shift, despite there being nothing going on. No customers no tasks etc
Am I wrong for getting upset over this? It’s literally my money??

No. 2132198

Sometimes at work there will be some middle aged woman getting belligerent at me for not giving in to their demands and I’ll go get one of my male colleagues and he will say the exact same thing I said, sometimes in a way that’s less polite, and their attitude and demeanour will do a 180 and they’ll immediately accept it and walk out. It’s fucking infuriating. And I’m sorry feminists but it’s ALWAYS an older woman. Men do not do this, if I tell them no and explain why they will not argue: WHY are middle aged women like this? It’s so degrading.

No. 2132221

They think you'll take the money and quit on spot. It happens all the time

No. 2132233

I always vastly favour women and assume the worst of men in every situation but unfortunately nonna, those older women are inevitable. They are what happens when a insufferable pick-me grows up but doesn't mature. They keep jealously picking on young girls and simping for random men
Pick-mes never really disappear

No. 2132246

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Fucking rednecks stop fucking coming and fucking shit up. No one fucking cares you repeatedly voted against good wages and increase of jobs in your community and are now shocked you can't find a job to pay your bills. Don't fucking bitch and cry about evil blue cities this and that but will happily come here and reap off our labor laws your claim to hate. Make your bed and lay in it

No. 2132285

Older women have internalized misogyny, especially if they grew up in patriarchal/trad households therefore are less trusting of other women

No. 2132368

I feel for you nonna but I have the same experience with 50% of older men and women kek especially at the library. I had a 50 year old man throw a dummy case at me because I told him the movie was already checked out and on a hold list of about a hundred people but when my brother who worked there came out he was suddenly oh yes sir no sir even tho my brother is even younger than me (but much larger granted). It’s lame and gay.

No. 2132427

Pretty much, I get the Karen meme and all but there's about an equal amount of both genders karening. Men are typically just more scary cause they're violent and actually act they're going to fucking shoot you over the memorial day sale or some stupid shit, women will just whine and ask to talk to other people

No. 2132611

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What businesses are good for dumb wagies to start? My current job just has me doing the same tasks in the same order every day. I’m good at it but obviously i get paid shit. sometimes they crack the whip on us despite purposely keeping a skeleton crew and not giving us breaks I just can’t take it anymore.

Pouring one out for the old heads idk how people can work these jobs for 10+, hell even 5+ years.

No. 2133644

sandwiched between different bosses all with different expectations and diff ways of wanting things done and even though I'm adhd as sin I feel like I'm gonna lose my goddamn mind juggling what they want from me because at my last job it wasn't this complicated and I had far less responsibility… I am trying my best but I just don't feel like I'm doing right by anyone

No. 2133843

I hate working with the general public so much. I hate them I hate them I hate them all. My life is constant degradation and misery. I try to be nice and put good karma and energy into the world in the hope it comes back to me but it never works. I refuse to be sweet to a person who is trying their hardest to demean me for something that is beyond my control. Why can’t people just be nice. Why must people have such contempt for those they deem beneath them? I’m sorry I’m a loser and a failure and a simpleton that has to work a min wage job at nearly 30, I’m sorry I’m not a girlboss lawyer or a genius that never makes mistakes I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry.

No. 2134712

I'm in a city in a state line and I agree. They'll vote against workers rights then when it sucks to work in their state they just drive to the other side and work there leaving everyone who works in their own state to suffer

No. 2134803

Really confused why I keep getting rejected from a company that I have experience in but the actual version of it??
Example: Let’s say I worked at a McDonald’s inside of a Walmart, that McDonald’s is owned by Walmart, but I want to go to a corporate McDonald’s and get their benefits but keep getting rejected. Why???? I LITERALLY have experience and no availability limitations.

No. 2134809

depending on what the demographics are in your area, dog walking for rich people, or something else that exploits how much they are willing to overspend on their pets

No. 2134818

i wanted part-time from maccas next to studying and got rejected after an interview. pathetic tbh. they rely on the child labour of high-school students and negative IQ individuals. my guess is they don't like it when you have expectations of proper hours, rosters and wages. i made a comment that was actually a joke about 20 hour availability during my available work hours because the manager kept saying they only want people with full time availability. they sold our information to someone. did you also have to talk to an AI assistant?

No. 2134825

Did you have to take one of those preliminary survey things? I was auto rejected from several companies because I didn't pass them, CVS and Walgreens are the worst of the lot.

It boggles my mind why low wage jobs need to waste personality tests and surveys on their potential workers when theyre not paid dirt anyway.

No. 2134834

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our data is being sold to advertisers

No. 2134839

Probably through applying for fake job listings. It's like how out of all the retail jobs I applied for I really wanted a position at bath and body works and then I realized they reposted the job listings like four times after I applied. They probably were never real to begin with.

No. 2134847

Companies get major tax benefits by doing this, it's such a scummy thing I wish the government would crack down. I read an article recently that said (IIRC) that over 45% of job listings on popular websites were fake listings.

No. 2134903

Why would we fix anything when bootlickers can just claim people aren't trying hard enough or "there must be something really wrong with you if you're getting rejected from McDonald's"

No. 2150235

watching this moid gamble away his money in front of his kids for scratch offs never cease to depress me

No. 2150563

Reminds me of a regular who comes in at least once a week and spends hundreds of dollars on $20 scratch offs in a single day. He mentioned winning big ($50k+) twice last year but he STILL does this often. I just wonder how people dig themselves into that hole to begin with.

No. 2152040

i hate my job so much, customers really do treat you like shit. i've had so many make rude comments to me about the selection and the prices and every fucking time i have to say "sorry, haha, i don't make the prices!" they for real act as though YOU built the place, made the rules, and chose how things work. no, dipshit, i'm working minimum wage and hate half the rules here anyway.

No. 2152104

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Noted! could only do medium to small dogs cause I’m wimpy but I’ll see if I can make it work! Thanks Nona. Gonna make some cutie lil flyers with snoopy on them. Everyone loves snoopy.

No. 2152426

i feel paranoid but i swear my manager has it out for me. i've worked there the longest out of anyone (she came in from a different location) and since i talked to her about a small accommodation (i am on disability) she gives me one shift a week. we got a new register system in may and i never got trained on it so i feel retarded that i've worked there the longest and don't even know the new register system. she gives me such weird mean girl bitchy vibes. i'm pretty sure she tried to gaslight me into thinking i got my shift schedule wrong, it was the same twice in two weeks (friday 11-4) and i distinctly remember thinking "oh okay, same shift twice" but when i got there she said i worked from 4-9 and she didn't change it. i feel crazy. i wish i took a screenshot of the schedule. all of this because i fell apart for a couple months after my 16 year old cat died.

No. 2152950

She's definitely trying to get rid of you. I'm assuming if you've been there the longest, you're getting paid higher than most of your co-workers. You need to start taking screenshots of schedules, emails, texts, anything and everything job-related. It really sounds like your manager is trying something called "constructive dismissal," basically it's when they start treating you like shit and being an ass to you to try and make you quit, that way they don't have to fire you and pay severance or benefits.

Something similar happened at my last wagie job, I had been there for 3 years and by the end I was making $19/hour when everyone else was making only $14/hour. Head-office ended up calling me in for a meeting and claimed I stole from the store. What had happened was I was leaving one night and closed the registers, but forgot to buy something I had, so I texted my manager something like "hey, is it okay if I just pay for this tomorrow when I open instead of re-opening the closed tills now?" and he said it was fine. Turns out, he reported me to head office for stealing. He went through the CCTV and reported me for stealing, even though in the CCTV for the next day after I opened the register I bought the thing I "stole." I was fired even though I had all the proof. I ended up getting a lawyer involved and we settled out of court. Turns out he had been planning this for months because I was making $2/h more than him.

Management in retail environments, especially wagie shit, will always try to fuck you over and get rid of you. There's a reason people say "your boss isn't your friend."

No. 2153123

Thinking about my first grocery store job and how my boomer manager (the same one that would confiscate my phone) told me to follow people out to their cars so I could get the cart from them and it was so humiliating because the customers would be like “why are you following us?” but I didn’t have a choice. If I ever see that old bitch again it’s on sight

No. 2158630

I had a guy go apeshit at me the other day because something went up by 10p and it wasn’t labelled, and I didn’t notice, and I’d been on shift for about half an hour serving customers the whole time. They just save up their rage and resentment and take it out on retail workers because they see us as beneath them.

No. 2167964

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I hate when customers try to walk out with their items before the person they’re with pays for them. Especially because they always get angry when I say they can’t do that. I don’t understand where they get this idea from, what business lets you take items out of the store before they’re paid for? Literally none.

No. 2168170

I work in a cafeteria that amongst other things sells oatmeal in the mornings, one moid walks in and looks at the oatmeal, grabs the smallest paper plate he can find (next to the pastries), fills it to the brim with oatmeal and rolls his eyes saying we should get bigger plates. There are large bowls right next to the pot of oatmeal. Pissed me off, use your eyes. We also have signs everywhere stating where to go with your dirty dishes but they're scattered fucking everywhere.

No. 2168423

Customers who insist on asking for your name really creep me out. It always gives me the impression they're looking for a scapegoat to complain about when something goes wrong, especially if they plan on writing a review. I'm glad I don't have to wear a nametag at my work because they feel so dehumanizing to me.

No. 2169359

>It always gives me the impression they're looking for a scapegoat to complain about when something goes wrong
That’s exactly what they want. They literally want to ruin someone’s life over a petty grievance.

No. 2169382

Me and my family do that a lot in grocery stores, no cashier over the years lectured us. Must be a cultural thing.

No. 2169427

I don’t mind as long as the person who is paying stays in the store.

No. 2169539

>I want the cheeseburger without cheese
>Do you mean you want a hamburger?
>NO, I said I want a CHEESEburger without CHEESE
>That's a hamburger
>I meant CHEESEburger without CHEESE with the CHEESE on the side
>Brings out the hamburger with the cheese on the side
>Can you cut the cheese and cheeseburger in half

No. 2169645

I think it depends on the type of store too. If its like a grocery store they're usually more chill, but with retail its better to be safe than sorry. When i worked retail one of the scams would be one person hangs back to "pay" (they'll use some form of credit/debit card that doesn't have enough funds to pay) while the other person with the goods sneaks off. If you're distracted enough you might not even notice that the other person slipped off with the goods before the one "paying" also abandons ship and leaves. And you're not allowed (and shouldn't) chase them down, so now your manager is bitching at you for 'allowing' merchandise to be stolen.

No. 2169738

I don't complain about being a wagie often, but this sucks. I'm about to go into work in 1 hr with a fever, sweating my ass off and shivering, and coughing up nasty shit because I couldn't find anyone to cover my shift. Already passed out trying to take a shower but it doesn't matter. It's fucking September and I have called out only ONE other day in 2024 (in January), so it's not like I'm lying or abusing the system. Guess I've still gotta go in and spread my germs and scare the customers because there is no way out of this.

No. 2169942

>that one coworker with BO pits
>that one coworker with bad breath

No. 2170062

Harassed and got cursed out at work today by an unruly customer and I managed to not cry! Accomplishment.
One of my co-workers and both of my bosses often smell like mildew, it's so gross. I think they don't dry their laundry properly or something.

No. 2170226

Update, worked the shift, still have an on-and-off fever and no one to cover for me tomorrow either. So dizzy, tired, and coughing my lungs up. I'd be better by now if I just had one day to fucking rest. Just one.

No. 2170581

Just don’t go in nonna. Tell them you’re too sick and that’s that.

No. 2170582

Why is it your responsibility to find someone to cover your shift when you're sick? Your boss should be doing that.

No. 2170645

No wagie job I've ever worked at had managers do that. They only ever scheduled around vacation time, not unexpected time off. I was always expected to beg my coworkers to volunteer to take my shift.

No. 2170684

That's insane. They’re called managers for a reason. What happens when you're so sick you can't do it yourself and can't go to work either? You get fired?

No. 2170689

I’ve had a colleague offer me gum twice. Am I the bad breath colleague? I brush with an electric twice a day, floss, use tongue scraper and mouthwash. It makes me so paranoid.

No. 2170746

I read this tip that was like "do not work at a job for more than 4 years unless the wages increase" but this is the best paying job I've had in my entire life, and it's been hard finding a job with the skills I have now that pays better. I feel like as long as I have my health insurance and work set up with this job, I'm going to be okay. I can ask for a raise every year, so why not just get incremental raises rather than say fuck it scorched earth and find a new one?

No. 2170988

Retard called and interrupted my sandwich to ask if we would take $10 off our service if he paid in cash. No? What kind of dumbass question is that? We're not a flea market.

No. 2171558

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I was a retard at work today. Disappointed in myself.

No. 2171669

God same like can they really not wait like 30 seconds for the other person to pay before they start taking their shit? Same with the people who just tap their card and leave before the payment goes through, nobody has any patience these days.

No. 2171742

I got approved for evening hours so I won’t have to interact with my obnoxious moid boss who can’t comprehend personal space. I’m so excited to be left a l o n e

No. 2171798

It’s okay nonnie I’m always retarded at work, it makes me feel bad most of my colleagues are competent and have to hold my hand sometimes

No. 2174523

I believe my job is sexist. Because all the new male employees get trained in various roles and receive full-time hours with benefits, while the women are stuck in mundane roles like cashier, only working part-time without benefits. The men get more opportunities to learn and grow in different positions, while the women are not given the same chances. And you just stand there as a cashier for hours with back pain while a room temp IQ mood gets to run around doing and learning everything and getting the company perks. I strongly believe they would not hire a woman for any role other than cashier here.

No. 2175529

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I hate that it's always the workers getting lectured by the job if the customer or client is basically a retard. Some dude was standing at the wall on his phone, while me and the other workers assumed that he wanted to talk to someone before we went to go get his tests done. 15-20 minutes later, one of us got tired of him being there and finally asked if he needed anything. This man told us that he didn't know he could go get his tests done. Not during any point within those 15-20 minutes did this nigga think, "hm, I should probably ask these ladies to check if I'm okay to go." This was even after he was already checked in, and was told that it was okay for him to start. I laugh about it to my old coworker, and all I get is an ear lectured off about not being attentive enough. Like come the fuck on, at least laugh with me at how stupid they are. This is the second time I got yelled at for someone not listening to either me or another worker.

No. 2176837

>be a cashier at a slow retail store
>get lectured for leaving the register to do a task, even though there's another cashier and literally no one in the store
>get lectured for using the inventory device to read the news and play sudoku during the long stretches with no customers
>expected to just stand at the register and "watch the front" (literally stare a door & wall) for almost 40 hours a week, doing nothing
>never trained on any new skills & never put in different roles that i know how to do
>just stand and stare for hours
Am I completely weak? Is it not inhumane to expect someone to just stand up straight looking at a door for 8 hours a day? I think that's an actual torture or at least an interrogation tactic. I don't know how some people say they did this job here for 5 fucking years. I'm a month in and I mentally can't stand it anymore. Is this what all cashiers do? Even fast food was better than this. Oh, yeah, and I always move the relief mat slightly behind the register to lean against it because standing for hours with the low setup hurts my back and this guy nags me to move it back even though the store is EMPTY

No. 2177113

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You know how customers asking for your name gives you the heebie jeebies because you have a gut feeling that the motherfucker is gonna try to put the blame specifically on you if something goes wrong with what they want? I got bored and went through my job's reviews on Google, and I found several photos taken of the staff from people who had to wait in line or must've been walking around to use the restroom/get a drink of water. These photos aren't even taken with consent, they're straight of pictures of staff members working and being busy with their jobs. Yet here these motherfuckers are taking pictures of us like we're zoo animals. I thought I didn't like people before but now that I have this job, it's teaching me to kind of fucking hate people.

No. 2177427

I agree it’s torture. I’ve worked at a store like this, they would get 3 customers a day but you’re still expected to stand up straight and alert for up to 8 hours a day like a soldier. And i would work alone. I got fired when one of the upper managers came in on Easter weekend and saw me doing a crossword. They kept hyping it up as if it was going to be reeeeeally busy but it was just as dead as always. Also they would force you to ask for everyone’s email to spam them with marketing and ads and get salty when you didn’t get enough. Like how do you force someone to give out their private information? People know what it’s for, they’re not stupid, they don’t want to deal with spam from some piece of shit waste of space store that should be closed down just because they got 10% off after spending over 100. Fucking retarded. The store I work in now is much more understanding and lets me do crosswords as long as everything is clean. But they’re also a much busier store so I don’t even get time to do them most days. I don’t mind, as long as I have stuff to do or I’ll go insane.

No. 2177982

im working 16 hours and 45 minutes this weekend… Only going to get paid for the 14 hours 45 minutes, fuck you taxes

No. 2179222

one time an old man put his hands around my neck to remind me what a chain was. So glad I'm out of that shithole what a waste of time, and at the deterioration of my own body too.

No. 2179237

put in my two week notice and my hr called me, what do I do

No. 2179530

Tell them to fuck off

No. 2179552

I would talk to them just to see what they're contacting you about, but they can't make you not quit or anything so I wouldn't worry about it

No. 2179750

I just got a new super comfy set of hours at my job. Normally I worked 6am-2pm only on the weekends but now I work every night from 6pm-10pm. I really only “work” from 6-7, and spend the rest of my shift on my phone or cleaning things up to make myself look occupied. It’s almost too comfy and I’m afraid management is gonna be like “yeah we actually don’t need u around and you’re getting paid to do nothing” kek

No. 2179754

> It’s almost too comfy and I’m afraid management is gonna be like “yeah we actually don’t need u around and you’re getting paid to do nothing” kek
depending from where you live that is an actual tactic some workplaces use to get rid of people

No. 2179758

tbf I asked for these hours just because I hate waking up at 5am but I guess I’m more worried about them telling me to go back to my old schedule, which was absolutely ass.

No. 2180139

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I love and hate it simultaneously when no equipment wants to fuckin' work, so I gotta get creative to get shit done fast.

No. 2182269

got hired at subway a month ago, i worked there for literally not even a week it was 5 days, anyways it was barely 5 days and my crappy boss fired me. i got hired super quickly bc some employees were going back to college after summer so i was hired within 3 days of asking for a job. this boss kept telling me oh we’re gonna get you trained, you’ll learn quickly etc. well the work i did for 5 days was rlly simple, it was just food prep, cashiering, and making orders it was simple as fuck. i enjoyed it and hey its money. the problem started when i asked my manager for a new schedule going into the next week. she ignored my texts and i try calling her, which she doesn’t pick up but then she immediately texts me back, telling me that her boss hired his sister and there’s no more hours for me. like, okay? so thats it bitch? why the fuck did you hire me and just let me go after not even a week. i feel like i was just a quick placeholder. now its been slightly over a month, haven’t worked since and i was excited for that crappy job just because i quit my previous job in january. its just a shitty little sandwich shop job but it was easy and i was getting paid plus we got tips….
the store was so filthy and tiny and they definitely didn’t follow safety regulations properly though. i’ve been going back and forth over reporting their dirty asses. also saw my manager leaving her own reviews on the store on google kek also she has a petty criminal record

No. 2182329

Report them, you will feel better and it's not like you are using them as a reference anyways

No. 2182374

Get a grocery store job, it’s a super comfy job if you don’t want to work too hard but just want to make some pocket change.
Also give that subway a bad review lol

No. 2182535

My first job was working in a grocery store as a bagger and I'd hardly call them a comfy place to work. I had to get carts in the intense heat and chilling rain, constantly lift heavy things and guests would want help with their groceries then stand there and watch while I did everything. Cashiers didn't have it easy either, they're on their feet the whole shift, even a woman who was heavily pregnant and ready to pop was not allowed to sit down. Grocery stores are also noisy and full of entitled people and screaming children. First job I ever had and honestly one of the worst. I used to hear the beeps from items getting scanned in my sleep. Not deterring anon from getting a job at one if it's one of those bougie chains but my experience was horrid and I was paid $7.50 an hour.

No. 2182753

lol does walmart count as a grocery store? it's more of an everything store I guess. that job was hell. a few people kept messing with me and bullying me until I left. wish we had some cozy little grocery stores here.

No. 2182806

I was expecting my new position’s salary to come in today but I am basically still getting my starting salary after 4 months of working with a Senior Retail Associate title.. then they shouldnt have promoted me and made me work more than I should!! Im so angry nonnies

No. 2182812

also, same anon - if Walmart has rejected your application and you're thinking of trying again, google "how to pass the walmart assessment test". might help to add which department you're applying to, but anyway, the test is dumb and it rejects a lot of really great hardworking people. I watched a youtube video of a girl taking the test and passing, then just answered like she did, and boom, hired. they didn't even want to interview me, they just emailed me a job offer. iirc one of the answers they didn't like my first time around was one I chose for safety reasons, because the instructions said to respond however you would at your previous job (my designated area at my previous job was the one with all the glass). just thought I'd share, since it can be one of the best paying options in some towns, unfortunately.

No. 2187253

applied to the post office as a postal processing clerk, the pay actually looks decent and the description of the job is sorting and organizing mail in a warehouse im not complaining. but i have to take an online exam so i hope i pass that, then they still have to consider me. hoping i get it

No. 2188094

i just finished the assessment and checked my score and im “ineligible”. i cant retest until exactly one year away so september 30 2025 im just going to go rope now

No. 2188552

Grocery store jobs are comfy as long as you’re not on the front end. I work at a grocery store deli and it’s pretty chill, especially the night shift. The front end manager is a demon to her cashiers, though.

No. 2188555

Apply to the TSA and then write back, pls. I’ve been eyeballing it on indeed but haven’t gotten around to actually applying. The pay is super nice for a job that doesn’t require a college degree.

No. 2188563

I'll agree with you on that at least. I worked one day in the bakery and it was nice, but transferring at my store was a pain so I just left. Now I'd like to get rehired in one of those departments but you have to do one of those shitty video interviews that's graded by a robot to apply.

No. 2188575

Just realized my CV had a "lorem ipsum" on it for about 40 job offerings, considering applying again with fresher work samples and a correct CV this time lol, or alternatively killing myself

No. 2188622

Damn do you work at Whole Foods or some yuppie grocery store? I never even had to do an interview at mine, they just asked for my availability kek

No. 2188669

No it's a normal grocery chain in my area, it's just competitive because it's supposedly one of the better chains to work for.

No. 2188687

Maybe it’s also a regional thing. I work with a lot of retards (myself included) and there’s no way 99% of the people at my store would’ve passed an ai interview lol

No. 2188705

That could be it. Idk even when I got hired back in 2013 I had to do two interviews for the position which is hysterical considering I was paid minimum wage.

No. 2190092

nayrt but that's how Target is in my town. I heard you "gotta know someone" just for a cashier job. sucks. I applied for a seasonal position as soon as they opened applications last week, hoping to get hired then offered a regular position once we're out of seasonal season. they're not even gonna look at applications for "1-2 weeks" according to the lady I spoke with on the phone. by then I expect my application to be brushed over if it didn't get automatically rejected. this isn't even a big city , but there seems to apparently be a lot of competition to work at freaking Target

No. 2190363

I just started working as a cashier at a small family owned restaurant. I had two days of training, so today was my sixth day there. It’s minimum wage but the hours are good, especially since I go to college part time. The manager is very nice too. There are three people running the restaurant at a time. One cashier and two cooks. Dealing with the public hasn’t been too bad, I may be retarded but I’m not as bad with people as I thought I was. I can make small talk and I try to act as friendly as I can. My issue is that we get phone call orders. What I like to do is get a scrap piece of paper while on the phone and write down the order, repeat it to them to make sure everything is right, and then put the order in the system. I do this because sometimes people want to add a drink or an extra sauce or something like that. If I put the order in but they change their mind and ask for a drink later, I would have to start over since adding the drink by itself would be more money. I can’t modify orders, so I’d have to delete what I put in, do it again, and then get the drink in so that it’s a lower price. That works most of the time, but tonight before closing we suddenly got really busy, and I got overwhelmed. It’s a very small restaurant so it feels overwhelming when I suddenly have like 5 people in front of me at the register, waiting for me to take their orders. They make me prioritize phone orders, so what I did today was answer the phone, and I wrote down two orders like I usually do, only before I could put those orders in the people in front of me at the register start ordering. So I think, okay, I can get this person’s order quickly and then put the phone order in. But then more people start ordering and it all piles up on me, I get nervous and I fuck up more. So then the two phone orders were backed up, which was my fault. To make things even worse, some crackhead walked in and started talking gibberish. That wasn’t my fault but one of the customers waiting on his order rolled his eyes.

I know I just started working here but I feel like I’ve fucked up every day that I’ve worked here and I feel like a retard. I’ve thought about working somewhere else but this job is super close by, the hours are good, and I don’t want to risk having to deal with shitty managers or coworkers. I don’t want to feel like a quitter either, that’ll just make me feel even more like a loser. Does anyone have any tips about how to handle being busy?

No. 2190393

Being on LinkedIn means weirdo men in your field will add you to drag on a pointless conversation knowing it is a NETWORKING and JOB SEARCHING application

No. 2190420

Don't feel bad, it's always difficult getting into the groove of a new job. It's a good idea to write things down. Don't be afraid to say something to customers waiting to order. It's not a life or death situation, and if you say "I just need a moment to finish this, and I'll be right with you", they should understand.

No. 2190618

Don't worry about the entitled guests who act like you need to drop everything in order to serve them first, if you simply acknowledge them with a smile it makes them calmer. It's difficult because you're still getting the hang of the job but soon you'll be knocking out orders easily. Don't give up anon, just be patient with yourself.

No. 2190631

My 2-10pm rotating shift job makes me miserable because all the progress I made towards building a friend group is falling apart due to not being able to hang out with them anymore.

No. 2191341

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No. 2191383

I had the shittiest job orientation of my life. Greentext for ease.
>told that it will be held from 10-2
>me and some other girl show up
>we start doing computer work
>other person shows up, old man
>we had to be held back for this old man because there wasn’t enough working computers and because he showed up late
>ball finally gets rolling, does a store tour
>lady doing the orientation kept getting stopped by customers and other workers needing her attention
>more computer work
>at 1:05 she tells us to take a 15 min break
>we come back
>she’s not there
>other dude comes up and is like “oh she’s at lunch”
>she comes back 10 mins later and we do more computer work and it’s like 1:45
>it’s fucking long, no way I’m leaving at 2 and my mom was my ride and she’s sitting there
>had to lie about finishing the work
>orientation lady once again busy with customer
>”okay go down to your department and tell them i’m busy”
>go down, department people are cool as fuck, got my schedule and left
>never got a name tag
>never told how to clock in
>never got a required piece of equipment

No. 2191521

this is a low wagie thread

No. 2191596

fast foodanons: how do you not eat so much free or discounted food

No. 2191647

I want to know this too. I worked a froyo job one year and I gained 10 lbs. This skit reminded me of it

No. 2191799

Would it be considered race baiting if I said I hate working with 40+ y/o Puerto Rican women? They’re genuinely so high drama and unhinged. This isn’t a Latino thing because all the older Mexican/Colombian women I work with are so kind and maternal.

No. 2191816

i used to work at shake shack idk if its changed but back then they did not give you free food. They only gave delivery drivers and the mailman free burgers and fries. The only free thing we got was soda. Shake shack already costs so much money so the discount barely did anything. Plus we were always busy so you had to be strategic if you did order food from there otherwise you'd be wasting your whole lunch waiting for your burger. However when i worked at 711 we used to lie and say the pizza was out longer than it was so instead of throwing it out to have a fresher one we would eat it same with the pastries. The amount of movement you do in fast paced environments like that evened the weight out for me. I was drinking so much coffee and slurpees. But I was also working in the back refrigerator where I was lifting heavy beer boxes all day. So i stayed pretty fit.

No. 2191960

Eventually getting sick of the food

No. 2192229

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I feel like such a retard at my fast food job since there are a ton of tasks that I can't do at all or can't do well because I'm too short or weak (I'm 5'0" and the smallest out of everyone). Every day I have to ask people to help me with simple things like moving a box or reaching stuff off a shelf, it's humiliating and annoying because I have to hunt down people to bother instead of just keeping to myself and getting things done. Today I accidentally ruined like $100 of critical product because I couldn't hold up a 50 lb case and now we're going to be short on it for the next month. I have nice management and nobody gives me a hard time since they know I'm trying my best and they try to accommodate in how they delegate tasks, but in this kind of job it's inevitable that everyone needs to grab/carry stuff.
Yeah I know wagie work isn't that deep but it still makes me feel so down about myself that I genuinely put in effort and yet am an objectively worse contributor as well as more easily worn out than the men who don't even care at all but simply have a 1 ft and 100 lbs advantage. I wish there were more options for wagie jobs that don't require physical strength (everyone recommends "data entry" but I've yet to find a real non-scam wagie job that you do on a computer)

No. 2192512

Samefaggies for this. Nonnas, am I overthinking this or was it really that shit in your opinion? I have to go back tomorrow for my first official day I think and I’m not excited. Dreading it even.

No. 2192521

No. It’s common knowledge amongst latinos that Puerto Ricans are the stupidest nationality.(racebait)

No. 2192561

i actually ended up veering into orthorexia territory when i worked fast food. it was easy to lose weight moving every moment of my shift which probably fueled it, but i started to get really put off seeing all of the ingredients and calories in things and the way it was all prepared

No. 2192635

Try to go for “healthier” options. “”””Healthier”””” does not mean healthy in the slightest, but not pure slop. For example if you work at something like or similar enough to McDonald’s you can have like bunless burgers, no salt fries. Drink water if you’re allowed to during your shift too so you won’t feel so hungry. For me, stress + coffee made me not want to eat either, but don’t starve yourself.

No. 2193389

Where's the low af but not lowest wagie thread then

No. 2193471

Kek it’s so funny too because one coworker in particular tries to make it out to be a competition and talks down the Colombian women we work with as if Puerto Rico can compete with Colombia in soft power.

No. 2193482

Mexicans are definitely the worst Latinos though.(racebait)

No. 2193619

Started my new temporary wagie job today and ughh not enough hours. I know it’s only temporary because I needed something while I move but I don’t want to jump to another job and have it be a pain in the ass during tax season. Murica.

No. 2193625

I wish I had work ethic because I showed up 30 mins early and instead of punching in early and getting extra money I’m sitting outside kek

No. 2193675

Nicotine and caffeine

No. 2193677

>Drink water if you’re allowed to during your shift too so you won’t feel so hungry.

what a dystopian sentence

No. 2193691

I work at a grocery store and I have gained so much weight.. I swear I think half of my paycheck goes back to the store.

No. 2193719

worked at chipotle and what helped me was just getting tired of eating the same food almost everyday, we could eat little portions of food all throughout our shifts, so by the time we got a break or clocked out (you could take a meal or several home) i was already sick of it. i quit in january and haven’t eaten it at all since. i never even ate chipotle until i started working there tbh

No. 2194024

I finally caved and got a sorting job for Amazon. My 10 year career got derailed and I ended up working in event services at a venue/sports arena just to have some income. I like physical work, and the job has a lot of down time since it's set up and takedown. My supervisor when I got hired was a himbo former college rugby player, so he definitely pulled his weight and was just like a decent quiet understanding dude. He moved on to do the same job in a bigger city a few hours away.
The fucking little lazy manlet dipshit baby who still lives at home with mommy who replaced him has made an otherwise chill job fucking awful. He will give himself the easiest most bullshit fluff tasks pulling up tape and moving around drapery while we are stacking hundreds of pounds of barricade. I am always the only woman on shifts and now have sciatica. This is also a part time position so I have no fucking health care. I hate this motherfucker so goddamn much. I can tell he knows I can see his bullshit so he has taken to micromanaging me, which is insane because I am 1000 times more efficient than his lazy ass. I just know I'm going to get barely any hours compared to last year with him in charge too, they just hired a bunch of new people because of course.
I did Amazon for a bit in between jobs a few years ago, picking Fresh orders, and it was pretty miserable, but I had done Instacart shopping before and was really good at that.
I hate that this is where I am in my life, but I need to feed myself and my pet. I have so many skills and so much experience, I can only assume my scary ethnic name is holding me back as I have applied for hundreds of jobs in the last year and only gotten a handful of interviews, none of which turned into anything. I'm just going to be happy to make more than like fucking $4-500 a month.

No. 2194595

Why are customers so unbelievably stupid? I’m so depressed just thinking about going to my 8 hour shift today. This is just some of the most common complaints I’m looking forward to dealing with today:
1. No, me, the teenage/early 20s cashier at the store did not develop the store’s app. Obviously, even the manager of this entire store has 0 control over software development or corporate decisions. Let alone the high school/college cashier you’re bitching at. Imbecile.
2. You don’t deserve a discount just for showing up. This store is already cheaper than anywhere else. We’re not selling essentials. There's no reason you should get a discount outside of the 1% back with our loyalty program and the ones we advertise.
3. Yes, I have to scan things individually because we sell things that can vary in price but look very similar. It literally takes 2 extra minutes and you clearly have nothing to do.
4. You don’t know your a password to log into our app? It’s too much of a hassle to reset it? Sucks being a moron I guess.
5. The app isn’t confusing at all. You’re just stupid. I wasn’t even trained on it, had never seen it before, and I was instantly able to navigate it my first day on the floor. They couldn’t make the app less idiot proof.
6. Yes, you have to bring your ID to buy alcohol. No, it’s not racist. No, you can’t just get your purchase denied and then say you’ll sit in the car while your friends purchase it for you. Obviously.
7. I have a $20 fee for every creepy customer interaction.
I’m done with being treated like crap just because I’m a girl working a low-wage job, when, in reality, I’m way smarter than these people. Even though I work here. The customers are so bad it’s driven me to acknowledge something I literally haven’t been able to admit since childhood; I’m not an idiot. I work in an extremely wealthy area and somehow these people are complete morons. They also completely change their attitude the second a male coworker tells them the exact same thing I just said.
Seriously how does one get a decent non-wagie job when they don’t have family or university connections to hook up them up? I actually have a degree that I did well in but it was useless. I’m already planning on starting a technician program in the spring but I need something to do until I graduate that program to pay the bills.

No. 2195395

any other barista anons here? i work at a coffee chain that has the most insufferable culture ever and i swear to god everyone working here is drinking the company koolaid. like if you go on our subreddit, unlike basically every other restaurant subreddit where the employees are constantly bitching about their job as they should, you will literally get chastised by internet strangers for daring to be mean to customers and not being peppy and cheerful enough off the clock. all of my managers are too cool stoner dudebros who act like we are serving on the front lines when all we're doing is serving overpriced drinks. it doesn't help that we are forced to chit chat with every customer like we're bffs instead of normal small talk so now we get a bunch of weird regulars who use us as their replacements for having actual friends, which is scary because our staff is mostly young women.

No. 2196950

Most retarded thing in the world when the work/customers aren't even bad but management chooses to make the job hell by being bullying assholes. It literally doesn't have to be this way Jessica, you run a bakery not an Urgent Care Center, nothing is so serious you need to be a massive bitch 24/7.

No. 2197455

Just had a retarded fucking man get mad at me for not telling him the price of an item when he didn't even ask me about it specifically. And he had an opportunity to ask me too! I shot right up and asked him what he needed assistance with and he hung his head in shame when I showed him the price of what he was looking at was there the whole time and left after I asked him if there was anything else he needed help with. Go be a jackass somewhere else.

No. 2200252

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just called out of work and it's the shitty manager today. get fucked

No. 2200265

I'm getting addicted to calling in

No. 2200374

I've been slacking off more now that I've realized how hard it is to get fired.

No. 2201095

I've walked to the bathroom multiple times on shift for small extended breaks without telling anyone and surprisingly was never reprimanded. But for retarded small inconveniences like looking away to work while a manager is talking to me? Threatened with a write-up.

No. 2206078

I work at a grocery store and it’s so obnoxious how men (almost always esl foreign men) walk in and instantly ask me where everything is without even looking themselves. Then they walk away and never even say thank you.

No. 2207836

I had an old woman do this to me before and I started getting annoyed until I noticed she was practically blind. I think she still had some vision but she couldn’t see dick. Was asking me for a birthday card for a 5 year old and a load of other stuff. Not sure why she was even on her own, I think she needed a community carer or a relative with her but oh well. I’m not saying those scrotes are blind I’m just saying I felt guilty for not paying more attention and just assuming, so now I always give people the benefit of the doubt before writing them off as lazy and entitled (even though they usually are)

No. 2207861

Why is it so easy for someone in USA to get fired and then re-hired somewhere else, but anyone in Europe and specifically Southern Europe seems to have trouble getting jobs even after getting fired and having experience?

No. 2207873

Labor laws aren't the same. In European countries labor laws are supposed to be more advantageous for employees than for employers, but that also means it's risky for an employer to hire someone and regret it, it can be hard to fire or let go of an employee. Companies often prefer to be shortstaffed instead. I had a very, very hard time getting a part time job when I was a student and I know if I were in an at will country I could have found several of them whenever I wanted, after reading things like how shifts work in the US, how you can ask for more or less hours whenever you want or you want or you can ask for someone else to cover your shifts if there's an emergency. I had classes in uni one Saturdays out of two, never knew when exactly because my teachers would tell us at the last minute, and that was a huge problem because you can't just ask someone to cover for you whenever you want. Same thing when looking for a mandatory internship so I didn't even graduate when I was supposed to, and same again when looking for jobs later. So now I have a shit job but I'll keep it until my employer lets me go, so now I'm praying for our client to not renew our contract next year so I can earn unemployment and have enough time to look for something better.

And depending on where you live it's almost impossible to get a part time job as a minor, I know it would have helped me a lot as a teenager to prepare for uni and start saving for textbooks and a laptop that actually worked but no, the only ones I knew who did that had their parents in the same company and were pushed there by them, and they had special contracts.

No. 2208202

goddamn that sounds like hell…and here i thought looking for work in burgerland is stressful

No. 2208316

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>Making the customer's order
>Half way through
>"Ohhh sorry can I change that?"
>"Yeah sure no problem"

No. 2209084

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Anyone else almost can't stand it when customers or patients ask you how your day has been? Even if I'm okay with helping them, I always feel disgust when these people ask me how my day went or how my early morning is going. I'm perfectly fine with coworkers starting small talk and asking me how I'm doing or feeling. But when a customer does it? I really just want them to shut the fuck up from talking to me.

No. 2209273

I hate it when they smugly say “I bet you’re busy today!” Like don’t try to be my friend, I hope you fucking die.

No. 2209278

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Kek or when they speak up and dump a random story on you or try to joke with you just because they're listening to what you're saying with a coworker. What is up with strangers and these weirdos wanting to act like they're friends with staff so fucking bad? Like holy hell, stay in your place.

No. 2209297

i put in my two weeks at my retail job today pray for me

No. 2209426

It is hell. A friend of mine has been unemployed for more than a year and has been looking for a job as soon as she was let go of by her former abusive employer and it's been so long that she can't get any more unemployment benefits. All just because nobody wants to give her a chance and train her like they would train anyone else. I'm worried about her because it already happened to her as soon as she graduated from uni. Another friend only managed to find a job after leaving our country and now that she has been in an at will country for a few years she can find whatever she wants whenever she wants.

No. 2209442

our fast food franchise was sold off to a new guy and everything is getting worse… a bunch of my fav coworkers already quit but i struggle getting a new job so i'm stuck working with drooling retards (and the 2-3 good people who are left).
we're already constantly understaffed but the new boss wants to hire even less people per shift. it gets so stressful, i spent the last shift taking breaks to cry in the bathroom because it's too much for me. my work is right next to an event venue that has concerts and festivals so it's always extremely busy. and now we're also open an hour longer and i'm getting 9 hour shifts for those new opening hours without anyone ever asking me. i'm on a student contract!!! they know i have classes at 8am on monday and yet i'm getting shifts until 3 fucking am. i had an agreement where i'd mostly get sundays off but with the new boss that's out of the window.
hell we didn't even have 9 hour shifts before but i guess too many people quit so they don't have anyone else.
i can tell my studies are suffering so i'm trying to switch to a less stressful job but i'm getting no replies no matter where i try. i'm searching for new job listings as i'm writing this.

also this is such a minor vent but my hair gets so greasy after working the fries station, i swear it gets into the air. i need to wash my hair twice to get everything out. why can't i be a barista or something less gross.

No. 2209444

the amount of tragic life stories customers have dumped on me while i'm just trying to clean tables or ring up their order is insane. had a repeat customer who always ordered a black coffee, complained about how x item is cheaper at y place while i rang him up and then spent hours in the lobby trying to catch me while i'm cleaning to tell me about his dead wife. go call your son, why are you telling me. and yes he has a son, he told me that aswell.

No. 2209451

people kept telling me that you'll get tired of it but after a year i'm still eating chicken nuggets and fries any chance i get, so no idea. we even get a monthly free lunch budget so i always feel the need to eat at work to save money on food those days. to no surprise i gained weight since starting

No. 2209523

The best feeling in the world is taking advantage of the fact that your job "needs" you. If your bosses know not to shoot themselves in the foot by firing you over stupid shit, and they see how it's more difficult to find someone to fill your position than let you keep the one you have now, you can get away with a lot of shit. I feel like this is the most power I'm going to have without being a manager or supervisor or some other niche job title. I can straight up say "hey, I have a bad attitude today, I didn't sleep well, and it's affecting my rapport with clients" and they can hem and haw but ultimately let me go. I try not to actively fuck my job over though, I don't do it when we're short staffed or anything.. but god it's nice to have a little freedom. I'm sure this won't last very long and I'll have to work in an industrial setting within 10 years to make the same amount, but I'm going to soak this up for as long as I can.

No. 2211843

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>waited an hour for a customer to come in and pick up her order
>she finally decided to show up 10 mins before my shift ended and asked me to remove certain items from her order and refund her (she literally could have done that on her own in the app)
>insists on standing next to me shoulder to shoulder as I log into the employee computer to grant her wish
>starts asking annoying questions about what days she can order but not pick up, and something about her coupons
>I just “idk girl” in the nicest way possible
>insisted on getting her receipt printed out even though she had it emailed to her
>examines the receipt for a solid two minutes before giving me the OK and fucking off
damn bitch like do u not see my eyes are red and I want to go home and sleep?? If she were an old lady I’d kind of understand because boomers be like that but she looked around my age and her passive aggressive attitude and obnoxious questions had me questioning my own sanity.

No. 2211873

One time our store caught on fire and as I was trying to evacuate people they asked if I could ring up their purchases before leaving.

No. 2213502

I hate how rude some customers are. They don’t say ‘hello’ or ‘please’ or ‘thank you’, they just stare at you blankly the whole time and ignore you when you speak to them. I also hate how many customers don’t know the pins to their own credit/debit cards, how could you possibly not know something as basic as that?

No. 2213539

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>There you go. Have a good day
Yep yep yep, totally normal order.

No. 2213552

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I thought I was the only one who couldn't stand this question. My hatred for it is borderline autistic. You're a stranger and you don't care about me or how my day is going, so don't ask unless you want to open a can of worms. Sometimes I just downright ignore the question and smile and ask if they need any assistance. Sometimes I say what I honestly feel and they don't even notice half the time. Sometimes I feel cheeky and say "do you want the honest answer or the socially acceptable answer?" and sometimes I'm just too tired to fight it so I just follow the script like a robot. I wish it wasn't the default greeting.

No. 2213561

The 60 y/o deli manager at my store has such a passive aggressive attitude with me idk why.. maybe because I’m quiet and he perceives that as bitchy idk

No. 2214042

I literally can't stand the weird clique-y "peaked in highschool" late 20's-late 30's weirdos at my store. Does anyone else have these? Is it just a retail thing?
Jessica you're a mother of 2 you NEED this job and you need to keep it because you've got nothing else lined up bitch, holy shit.

No. 2214048

I work in a cafeteria. I see a lot of people. I know most of them make 6 figures, because I am a government contractor. Why are they complaining to me about prices??

No. 2214115

I've heard similar stories about people like that from those who work in healthcare so I wonder if it just happens in women dominant fields

No. 2214226

>they're catty because they're women
lol walk into traffic scrote. anyway.
It's just that nursing or low level certificated healthcare jobs don't require intelligence, but offer the importance of a "hero's job." Being a cop is the male equivalent, and those workplaces are even worse. They get the social reward of doing objectively important work without having to be particularly bright or talented.(scrotefoiling)

No. 2214230

Do people really say this? They can't work because "the vibes are off"..? Sounds like shit a 15 year old would say to get out of group work.

No. 2214235

Dunno, I worked at a grocery store with tons of zoomers and never encountered this. Then again many of them were cigarette/vape dependent. Smoking on break probably helped kek

No. 2214294

had an interview with my local coffee chain, the hiring manager said she’ll schedule me for a day to come in and feel around the store, observe how i work, really hope she schedules me soon bc i only have $400 in my bank account rn kek not to mention my credit card debt sigh pray for me nonnas

No. 2214302

Any millennials still working frontline retail are gonna be the losers of their generation. Dumb, annoying, and failures in their own way.

No. 2216475

>Closing up shop
>Closing with aspie new girl
>She's sweet, but one of those hyper-literal types.
>She asks SM if she should log out the computer we use to clock in
>It takes 1000 years to boot up, so we try not to lock each other out.
>He (uncharitably as usual) interprets this as "should I clock out".
>Snaps at her, "Uh, you want to get paid right? What do you think you should do?"
>Everyone just stares at him
I know that expecting a certain level of decorum from wagie job managers is delusional, but goddamn I can't stand my snippy ass store manager sometimes. He's so unnecessarily rude, to the point that the non-retarded customers point it out.

No. 2216481

Love it when disgusting old men have to go out of their way to treat you in an aggressively dismissive way when they don’t find you attractive. I just give them extra shitty service and act blank and indifferent when they complain, winding them up to a fury probably further irritating their enlarged prostates and shedding the last remaining hairs on their bald heads, taking years off their lifespan because they handle stress like an autistic toddler. Annoying middle aged men is my bread and butter and I’d probably kill myself if I couldn’t work retail without it.

No. 2216519

My boss is mad at me for not staying on saturday even though my manager sent me home due to no work?? What the fuck

No. 2217320

I may not know you anon but I love you.
Why are managers or even supervisors like this. I had one yell at me from across the store for putting a few products on the wrong rack (not that she'd told me which rack to put it on..) and it was so loud multiple customers looked over startled. So embarrassing. I also hate when they start making up rules that never existed before that moment and get mad at you for not doing them.

No. 2217355

Anyone work at target? Im thinking of accepting a seasonal position offered post interview.
To be clear, I have another job as an office manager and am just looking for part time physical labor since im losing weight and feeling better.
Any insight appreciated!

No. 2217364

If that doesn’t work out you should look into being a personal shopper for a grocery store or with instacart. I lost so much weight doing that and it’s the easiest job in the world once you remember where everything is located.

No. 2217459

I used to do it occasionally when i lived out in LA but now my new area is not very lucrative with instacart. I was a top 3 shopper in LA for a while kek!

No. 2217778

I work in front desk service and the population in my city exploded post pandemic because it's cheap and touristy, reaching half a million people just in the city itself. Of course the number of front desk workers hasn't increased and this means extremely long eternal lines, barely no bathroom breaks, short and late lunch breaks and doing overtime. Plus, people being more angry and aggressive than usual due to longer waiting lists and lines. My favorite is expats/migrants bitching about wait times when they are the cause of this oversaturation kek.

Anyway the population will only triple in the upcoming years. I like the benefits and the pay isn't too bad (still wagie tier but on the upper end) but I see myself ending up like a diapered amazon worker in 5 years. Maybe it's not easy for americans to relate but how do you cope with out of control overpopulation/demand?

No. 2217885

late 20s people are zoomers these days nonna your days are numbered and you will be cringe too

No. 2219920

If you have any advice please tell me.
I work in a super clique-y wagie job, to the point where my own managers don't even talk to me. I'm super anxious so I basically go in, do my job, talk to nobody, and then leave. What's weird is that all of my coworkers are like, SUPER close with our boss. Like texting each other constantly and going out for drinks. There was this new girl and we started talking and she was friendly but then over time she started getting friendly with the clique and then she would give me really weird looks when I tried to talk to her. I'm not even joking working here is making me suicidal but it has really good benefits. Other people in other departments are pretty okay and say hi to me, but my own department is kind of rude. I don't want to switch departments because I like the job I do it's just the people make it kind of difficult.

No. 2220330

Nonna this is my exact situation right now, I transferred from another store because I moved and my new department is cliquey as hell. I got along with basically everybody at my old store who wasn't an idiot. Out of my three managers two could care less about the clique. One is cool and nice, the other one is kinda fake but is nice when not under pressure. The third is the typical 50yo drama queen like the ones in the thread. She definitely doesn't like me but also doesn't seem to hate me. I think my work ethic just threatens her position. I don't talk about dumbass gossip shit instead of working so the rest of the clique probably thinks I'm a stuck-up bitch. They all also mainly speak Spanish so it's hard to build relationships to begin with. Manager #3 also is suspiciously buddy-buddy with another woman of her age in my department. And as typical of a clique, the rest of them make fun of her behind her back when she's on one of her dramatic micromanaging + yelling escapades.

No. 2220359

Tempted to get another wagie job for the holiday but I just know if I do it I'll spend all my paycheck on clothes (the second prospective one is a clothing store)

No. 2220370

i use to love retail and now i hate it. how hard is it to get a remote job?

No. 2220405

I knew multiple people who literally got fired because "they didn't like their vibes" kek. I hope all the "vibe check" retards get fucking lynched

No. 2220462

Difficult to impossible. The job market sucks right now

No. 2220539

Late 20s-30s is not a zoomer anon. The OLDEST zoomer is like 27/28 right now.

No. 2220548

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Transfer and hopefully you’ll like the new department or transfer to a different store entirely. You can also call (if your job has one) ethics and possibly to HR but be careful for that last one. If you can’t do any then try to find another place to work/get unemployment using mental health as a reasoning. It is never, ever worth sacrificing your mental health for corpos that don’t give a shit.

No. 2220643

>oldest zoomer is 27/28
>not late 20s

No. 2220650

Nice nitpick, the op literally said late 20s to late 30s. The literal oldest zoomer is hardly late 20s. Late 20s to late 30s is a 10 year gap that the oldest zoomer is barely part of.

No. 2220845

I literally cant even get one of those WFH customer service phone jobs where you get verbally abused all day for $12/hour

No. 2222991

Not really related to the thread but I got kicked out of a house share for the same reason and ended up homeless. I literally did fuck all to them they just didn’t like me because I’m quiet and reserved and prefer to spend time in my room.

No. 2223662

I really need to get a job where I'm not held hostage by customers when I need to use the restroom. I've been holding it for an hour already and I even locked one of the doors but it's not helping. My stomach hurts so bad, here's hoping I don't shit myself from holding it for so long. I don't think I'll be able to go until my coworker gets here in another 30 minutes.

No. 2226482

I fucking hate people who wait right outside the door for you to open, trying to pry the door open or banging on it loudly so they can consoom. Fuck off. It makes me want to alog.

No. 2226900

I hate customers. “You’re so busy here! That’s a good thing for YOU though right?” No you dumb cunt, it’s good for my boss. Jesus Christ.

No. 2226902

Same holy shit especially when they're like "why was the door locked?" like I don't know, because we weren't open yet you illiterate piece of human trash?

No. 2227076

Exactly. I could give a rat's ass if we're doing good business, I get paid the same either way. My bosses take multiple vacations a year, meanwhile we only had a Christmas bonus a couple of times and can't afford decent health insurance or a vacation.

No. 2227536

Why is this so hard for them to comprehend? “Oh but your boss pays your bills and you won’t have a job!!” and I can get another job in a matter of days. I’ll actually be relieved for the extra time off.

No. 2230074

If I ever manage to leave this cursed place, enjoy having a dirty and dusty store because no one ever seems to clean except for me. Fuck you for extending our hours and fuck you for taking away our Sundays off.

No. 2234628

mom of the year let her feral child on the loose who destroyed an entire aisle. mom asks us "why did nobody tell me he was running around? speak to him in a patient voice next time"

No. 2234855

If I hear one more garbage english language kpop song on our radio I'm gonna guillotine the next mean customers head

No. 2234886

Ew, they play kpoopslop in stores now?

No. 2234915

…did you just wake up from a coma from 2015 now?

No. 2234919

nta and saying this as a customer but they play kpop a lot in the several Starbucks I go to. It's either that or old American jazz music so you get Frank Sinatra songs and then Black Pink songs with no transition fairly often.

No. 2234971

I barely go shopping, maybe a few times a year. And when I do, I don't really notice the music.

No. 2235137

In my store they only play the shitty English songs like Dynamite or that Just Like Magic song. It's all boy groups too which makes it more loathsome. I like some kpoo songs but the English originals are low tier garbage. Also our radio has gotten super redundant.

If I hear that fuckin' "you make me complete!" song one more time i am gonna go to the singer's house and smash his head in with a rock. Same thing with that "dancing with the shadows" song. They were playing female pop artists less than a month ago and now all they're playing is crappy moid singers with the occasional sprinkle of a decent song. What cheapskate at corporate cancelled the company Spotify sub to make shit so repetitive.

No. 2235141

This has happened with a feral retard scrote and his father who won't control him. He has pushed and shoved two female coworkers of mine now. Luckily he's not a groper but I hate that his father lets him roam the store. wrangle your tard

No. 2235245

so the bitch ghosted me kek 2 weeks later and absolutely 0 response i even left a message asking if i’m still being considered and got no response i fucking hate this

No. 2235290

How bad are remote customer service positions? I just need something part time for some extra cash. Is it tolerable? Depends on company?

No. 2235514

Very hard to get a legitimate job that isn't a scam

No. 2235905

>entry level job that they can pay south asians to do for $5 an hour
You first problem is finding one. And if by some miracle you find a legitimate one, yes it's going to suck

No. 2236479

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came here for this exact question. retail is killing me and I'm not looking to make a lot

No. 2236918

You guys how do I get a job? I made a resume based on some believable lies and created an Indeed account. I need money and something to do so bad. The problem is I am very stupid and need to be handheld through everything. I'm not joking. I am very stupid. But I need a job. What should I look for, fast food? Retail, security? I want to begin my working life nonnas.

No. 2236928

Most security jobs need a certificate but you should look in fast food/retail if you want a first job. If you have some extra money do a traffic control/flagging course and you'll make a living wage.

No. 2236952

Work at a chain that hires visibly special needs employees. Can be fast food or retail. Those managers are guaranteed to have handheld those employees.

No. 2237724

childcare, library work, and cashier were the easiest jobs i've ever worked. fast-food can have a learning curve because of the pace, lack of training, number of tasks you need to learn, and understaffing, but it's like impossible to get fired as long as you show up and attempt to do your job. i mean there's a reason half the time you get fast food they fuck it up

No. 2238541

>Shows up a week later

No. 2240500

On my local subreddit, someone shared how they keep applying to jobs, but no one’s hiring. The responses are just a list of places with hiring signs in-store or online postings. It’s completely out of touch. The author of the post already said they’re applying but aren’t getting any responses. I’ve applied to several of the jobs they’re mentioning and it’s radio silence. I even had a perfect interview for a freaking cashier position (and was freshly showered, well-dressed, I blew out my hair) at one of the jobs and it was the best interview of my life, and they still never called me back. Yes I dumb down my resume when applying to wageslave jobs. I’m seriously considering resorting to joining the military to get a real job.

No. 2246669

KEK so true nonna, also
>"i'm struggling with money and bills rn"
>never shows up to work/calls out all the time
>never stays late when asked

No. 2246727

my shitass fuck ass fucking psychopath sadistic sociopath disgusting fucking torture chamber idiot moron retard job is going to have a nice little wellness day field trip because obviously i and everyone else wants to take a hours long bus ride with my evil fucking asshole coworkers to go to some bumfuck nowhere shitass place to have some QUALITY TIME TOGETHER AS A WORKING TEAM for a whole damn day that takes even more than our regular work day to have nice little activities together as if we don't fucking hate each other and would rather try and kill each other in some sort of battle royale setup instead of going and visiting some rural fucking micky mouse plush museum aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalkQYOIDAUSYHFISDAJHFLSDIHFPSOIGUPIRSDUGPDOIFSUGJLDIFSHGLDIFJHVLKJDSZHFLDSKJGHDLKJFHJFDSHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHSJKFFGSKUH I HATE MY JOB I HATE THESE FUCKERSSLIHALDHSFIHDSIOGUHFDGIHGIUH

No. 2246839

That's awful and scary. I wanted to quit my current wagey job, but I'm scared of how long it will take to go somewhere else

No. 2246898

we have new albanian coworkers who don't speak the language and always turn on the worst fucking music (yes we're allowed to listen to music on youtube after we're closed for delivery) and when i try to change it to a song that i like one of them immediately switches it back. and i can't do anything because they don't understand the fucking language. it's either shitty albanian music or a party music playlist with only the most generic radio songs, bonus if they're bad remixes of those songs.
i'm gonna kms on the spot next time i get a shift with them
the girl who works with me also keeps making mistakes and gets mad at me when i try to correct her which is so annoying because i have to deal with the customer complaints afterwards.

No. 2248653

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Why do so many people really believe that taking a 30 minute break vs. a 20 minute one is selfish for a shift that requires you to stand up, walk, or run around at all times during at least seven hours? We're technically not even allowed to sit on the clock even when it's dead in here. So if you take a thirty, that's only thirty minutes out of at least seven hours that you would actually get to rest your ass and feet. Taking thirty minute lunches isn't selfish or lazy, that's called being fucking normal and even mindful that people need to rest when they're working, especially when their job requires manual labor. I know people with remote jobs who get lunch breaks for one hour, but it's selfish for a person who does manual labor to want half of that? I can't believe we are reaching to the point where people judge their coworkers for wanting ten more minutes to rest their fucking feet.

No. 2248660

I just graduated with a BS in sociology but I couldn't find anything in my field. I'm currently working at Walmart. I'm $40000 in debt.

No. 2248676

work at the post office instead. what's Walmart even paying these days?

No. 2248691

I make $15 an hour. I was just desperate for something. I'll apply to the post office soon.

No. 2248711

Do it sooner rather than later, the process can take a while (I once waited 5 months to get hired just because of the backlog of applicants + covid delays, I've worked for the post office in a couple states). Sometimes it's faster. There's no interview. Just go through all the application steps and fill out the forms correctly / do everything in the time frame they give you once you start getting a response from them (you only get like three days to do certain things) and you will be hired. Show up to work, do an honest job, don't rush, and you'll make money. The union just made the contract better for new hires (although they completely failed to get anything good for the older regulars which is fucked and I hope the union members vote No on it and send it back to arbitration reeeee they should be getting way closer to what UPS gets.)

No. 2248713

After church Sunday boomers are the absolute worst customers. Cheap, rude, and entitled all in one.
So last time there was an elderly woman with a moustache that was flabbergasted we didn't have our competitors brand and when I explained to her that there were no truly incompatible products except for oil based, which isn't used much anymore, she didn't believe me and just left.

The nearest location of that competitor is an hour away. I suspect she went across the street to our second competitor and got told the same thing. Why do boomers complain about my generation being entitled and whiny again?

No. 2249051

hate when customers try to joke with me and get upset when i cant make snappy jokes back at them. im not paid enough to learn how to banter and i do not think nearly quickly enough to say something funny in return even if i wanted to. accept the fact that i at least laughed at your shitty joke and move on, most people who work here would've given you a blank stare so you're damn lucky you got me as your cashier anyways…

No. 2249276

I have an AA in communications and nobody hired me either or wants me even for an unpaid internship so I went back to retail too. I tried to apply for a couple government jobs as well but got rejected or nothing. Could apply to be a 9-1-1 operator which a lot of cities have applications for but I think I'd rather kill myself than have to hear emergency calls all day when I already have ptsd kek

No. 2249282

I applied to 20+ places and only got 4 interviews. I believe a lot of the listings are bullshit, especially if you see them reposted. I saw one bath and body works job for 2 diff locations posted 3x to LinkedIn and despite having years of retail experience and working at a similar company with a similar demo they never called me back and kept reposting the job. Companies are trash and do this on purpose.

No. 2252836

i keep being accidentally rude to customers i feel so bad. we have to id everyone for alcohol and cigarettes here regardless of how old they look (people HAVE gotten fired for this) so if i ask for id and they make a comment about it i automatically say "yeah we gotta id everyone sorry" before i even process what they said because of the amount of complaints i get. had an old guy say "wow thank you" when i asked for id and i just automatically said my line about iding everyone before i realized that he wasnt complaining about it. sigh. sorry for calling you old…

No. 2256047

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>TFW you're a fucking retard and you still get an Employee of the Week award from your job's meeting (that you missed because you slept in).

No. 2256052

youre a god among us.

No. 2256968

working at a pet store is a fucking trip but I'm starting to fucking resent it because they don't pay me enough to deal with this circus show. it both mentally and physically exhausts me and while it's better than being unemployed which makes me wanna kms I can't stand the fucking upper level managers constantly putting all this responsibility on me when I'm not getting manager pay. like I basically run the front end and deal with all the customers yall don't want to deal with while doing the animal care, cleaning, and now I'm trying to improve my merchandising because all my mental issues make me terrible at merchandising, but you give me scraps type situation

I'm fucking having private breakdowns, work life balance seems nonexistent and I'm back to cutting myself on and off and trying to quit. I know I wasn't like this when I started and it's so fucking frustrating to me that not even cute animals and higher pay can save me

No. 2257006

I work every single day of the week, 6am-11am, and 6-2 on Sundays, 38 hours a week, and I decided that I’m going to call out tomorrow to catch up on sleep and my mom (who is unemployed and has been on disability for over 15 years now lmao) is like “why??” “Don’t you want to make money?” bitch you wake up at 12pm everyday and you think doing the dishes, doing laundry, and microwaving frozen dinners is a job.

No. 2257158

You work every day of the week? Is that even legal? Where I live you can only work a certain number of days in a row and then you have to have a least one day off.

No. 2257276

ntayrt but my job has worked me 5 days in a row a week no breaks. I thought that wasn't legal but I guess it is

No. 2258337

It's perfectly legal to work all 365 days of the year as long as your job is paying you overtime once you go over 40 a week. I knew a guy who worked every single day each week to take care of his kid and his job would always cut him off right before the 40 hour mark so they wouldn't have to pay him overtime or give him benefits like a full-time employee. The work culture in the USA is truly evil.

No. 2258338

Samefagging to say my personal records have been 14 and 8 days working in a row. I would not recommend it, but it's very easy for it to happen if you work more than one job.

No. 2259253

huh isnt 5 days a week just a standard work week? how would that be illegal lol

No. 2259435

I stand at work 8+ hours. I'm thinking of leaving. Love my coworkers but the job pays shit, and they are taking advantage of me.
I work hard, so I always end up with double the tasks. I want to leeeeave. I am looking for another job that is M-F. I dont care if I have to work nights anymore. I just need my weekends off again.

No. 2259488

I fucked up today by mixing up two different orders and I feel like the customer is probably going to blab about it to my manager later. In my defense I haven’t worked here very long and they were both fish orders, two different types of fish but still fried fish. I feel like a retard

No. 2259713

Anon said every day of the week so I assumed it was 7 days, no break.

No. 2260020

how the fuck do i stop job hopping why do i either hate everything immediately or it turns to shit after a few months? why are managers genuinely the worst type of people ever and why do they always have a stick up their ass when it’s the lowest bottom barrel wagie work?

No. 2260309

yeah but the anon i replied to said 5 days

No. 2261789

anything 30 hours or more in a week is legally full time in the US, so they should have at least given him full-time benefits.

No. 2261791

where do you work? those are weird hours, you should quit

No. 2261871

A lot of companies simply don't offer full-time benefits. At big companies, you have to work 35+ hours a week over the course of 12-15 weeks to be considered to be promoted as a full-time employee, but you won't automatically get it. This is what I've observed in my decade of working.

No. 2272768

Has anyone here tried those apps that let you pick up retail shifts at random stores? It sounds horrible; basically singing up for a bunch of first days with no training, and the store knows you're completely disposable.
You obviously wouldn't be able to help with anything beyond checking people out. I've been hesitant because I know things like being marginally slower at using an unfamiliar POS system, not knowing where items/sections are, being clueless about sales and rewards programs, etc. leads to mean customers. Honestly, my mental state is not such that I can handle a customer cussing me out and/or calling me a retard right now. But I could use some money until I can hopefully find a job where I get treated like a human. Am I overthinking it??

No. 2272789

I don't know about those job postings but I would say give it a shot. Just say, "Sorry its my first day!" When people get pissy and that takes care of the situation 90% of the time. It sounds like a great way to earn some extra bucks and to just not give a shit about customers. They might stick you on a job no one wants to do though. If you are in California though maybe try some fast food places with flexable hours like Starbucks or something? They got the $20 an hour pay raise plus tips and I know they used to pay for college if you could work 20 hours a week or something.

No. 2272808

Have you ever signed up for a regular temping agency? I used to do that for years and whilst it's hard at first, pretty soon you learn the things to say to make people less mad at you like anon said
Also eventually you learn the patterns of different workplaces and how to adapt, I don't know about that app but through agencies I became a regular at a few different places which helped too. I now know too much about too many places, everywhere is gross and you should trust no food vendor.

No. 2273713

they strip away your autonomy. thats why your honest contribution can only be short lived and devoided of any soul. and thats why they feel so godamn powerful. when someone takes their autonomy and the only way to get it back is to have it over someone else. sometimes socializing is just a xerox.
as long as you can do the job hopping, do that. having a career in 999-99999% of cases is not worth it. they have the same system, the same way they make your feel, only with more at stake.

No. 2273745

What are some side hustles or online jobs I can do? Everything is saturated nowadays.

No. 2277817

Working at Walmart makes me wanna die I can't lie.

No. 2300145

I hate this time of year for family gatherings specifically- because people will ask where I work, or if I'm still working at [retail store] and I have to embarrassingly tell them that I (still) work at [retail store]. I didn't intend on staying with the company for six years but then COVID happened. My goal was finish my last semester, get a new car, and search for a new job. I got to the new job part and then the world went to shit. I was going to work in the hospital but I had to rethink my life because I lived with my immunocompromised parents at the time. The hospital also outsourced the position I was trying for a few months later too. And then when everything calmed down and I moved out+transferred to an area with a better job market I got hospitalized a month in and had to wait months for tests and test results. Next thing I knew half a year passed after I told myself I would job search after settling in.
I should consider myself thankful that this job pays my bills and gives me my health insurance, but it feels so embarrassing to be at my age still working at this hell-hole. I went to school with a bunch of over-achievers who probably work way better jobs, I also feel I'm capable of much more but I'm so lost on what to do with my life. I wish I could just make a cutesy lie and go "oh I'm job searching right now!" because it sounds so much better.

No. 2300753

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Went into work and nothing but fuckass Christmas music has been playing all damn day. Old or new, all cheesy the same. The playlist isn't even that long, I had to listen to the same Alvin and The Chipmunks song twice with not much time between. fuck fuck fuck, why couldn't they just fucking keep on the goddamn 80s on 8 for SiriusXM?! I have to stand through 22 more days of this Christmas shit?!

No. 2300817

retail xmas music needs to be banned

No. 2302654

Have any of you gotten in trouble for telling a manager how to do a job? This bitch went crying to HR and the store director and my own team lead because I told her how to do MY department's job, a job she does not do but HAD to do because the store director TOLD HER SHE HAD TO. She fucked up my job by doing a shit job working in our department, I told her how to do the job, she gets upset because my job that is literally running on a LITERAL TIMER is MAKING ME STRESSED because what she did actually wasted a huge chunk of the time (I got slightly snappy with her) it was at the end of my shift but my coworker told me her bitch ass ran to tattle on me to my team lead, HR, and the fucking store director too. Now I'm worried there's a chance I might get fired kek.

No. 2304000

fuck that lil bitch

No. 2306509

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Has anyone else made it to the point of being content with getting fired from their job because even though they need you, you're tired of all that the job entails? I'm not saying that I'm gonna quit and walk out today, tomorrow, or anytime soon but if my managers pulled me aside right now and told me they were letting me go, my honest reaction would be the same as beating fnaf and getting that pink slip telling you to GTFO. I would not complain. I would not be complaining at all.

No. 2306539

I had to work at a store years ago where the girl that was there before me was obsessed with keeping the radio on at all times on the same fucking channel. Had to listen to the same shitty songs on repeat for weeks for 8 hours every single day. I can't imagine how much worse the christmas songs would be. I don't understand why stores have to have music on every single day and it's always the same shit music too.

No. 2306717

On my last retail job, I sang along to some of the Christmas music to keep myself sane because it was so damn repetitive.

No. 2308170

I fucked up so bad today. My first order was a guy who paid for two egg rolls with a 50 dollar bill. Either I didn’t count the money right when I clocked in (I was supposed to have 5 twenties) or I fucked up and gave him an extra 20 dollar bill. He was talking to me while I was giving him change so I guess I wasn’t paying enough attention. He later said that I had given him the wrong change (missing a 20 dollar bill) so I opened up the register and gave him the other twenty. I feel like a retard and my manager just texted me asking what happened since I was short changed. I hope I don’t get fired, today was bad enough as is. I’m still kind of new at the job but this is probably the biggest fuck up so far fml

No. 2308210

Sorry that happened nona. You should check if that $50 is real. Paying for an inexpensive item with a $50 or $100 bill is how counterfeiters launder money.

No. 2308437

I may have it "good" overall but I'll be honest, working sucks. There's always some dumb ass bitch coworkers, misconstruing, and anxiety over fucking something stupid and insignificant. I'll be taking more breaks next year because fuck these retards.
I pray crypto shoots up or something because at this point it's my only chance at not slaving away. That or having a man provide, or winning a lottery.

No. 2308567

The store I work at only plays the same 20 awful nu-country songs on repeat and now that it's Christmas they added in 10 bland nu-country covers of popular Christmas songs. I never realized anything could be worse than Christmas music, but now I know. Can't wait for this month to be over.

No. 2317299

My colleague arranged a Christmas night out for last night (Saturday) in the group chat about a week ago, listed everyone by name she wanted to invite, and deliberately excluded me. THEN she rang me THREE TIMES last night at fucking 1 AM trying to get me to cover her shift for the next day. I’m actually flabbergasted. I had no idea people actually acted this way.

No. 2317310

And coming back to this, do you know her response when I said no? “Okay no worries” DID YOU HEAR ME APOLOGISE YOU STUPID CUNt?! WHAT WORRIES?

No. 2317570

my jaw dropped irl. i think we all have that one coworker that does shit like this and is shameless about it while simultaneously barely pretending to be sorry. what a bitch.

No. 2317949

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Guess who's still a retard and got to be 'Employee of The Week' after STILL skipping the meeting yet again?

No. 2324151

i've been a NEET since my husband got stationed somewhere and i miss serving/bartending/catering/wedding planning. i miss all of my friends and having that shared end of day 'ah fuck, it's over.' but i know it's probably bullshit? idk when i was managing FOH i loved it and they called me the 'fun manager' bc i wasn't an asshole. but i should probably stick to desk forever and die

No. 2332254

Kek you're hilarious ily nonna wishing you eternal success at your job

No. 2332546

What I dont understand is why the FUCK am I getting up every morning to go to school to study to become a wagie when wagecraft is what fuels the anthropocene and kills us all? Is working existentially the right way forward?

No. 2332562

If you really wanted to, you could drop out and quit your job right now and go to India and learn the ways of yoga and meditation to escape the cycle of samsara. You're not gonna do that though. Instead of focusing on the existentialism of working, make a plan for yourself and try to improve your own life. I used to do the same thing as you when I was younger - I projected all my problems onto society at large because I felt overwhelmed and frustrated by my own inaction. The reality is that unless you win the lottery, you're gonna be working until you retire, so you might as well plan your life out and try to figure out ways to make it easier and more enjoyable for yourself. Join a hobby group, refine your skills, find creative outlets, start working out, ect. You're really lucky that you get to study, a lot of us didn't have that luxury and we still found a way to make it through life.

No. 2334833

>my old retail job
>rude to a customer
>one of them tells me off
>I ring them up
>they try to short change me
This was on a different level of petty. Yeah obviously I shouldn't have been a cunt, but was it really worth attempting to steal money and get me in trouble? Usually people write a strongly worded email or review. Although that doesn't usually go anywhere kek.

No. 2334991

If they’re rude to you then you’re expected to turn the other cheek, but if you’re any less than kissing their ass they go scorched earth. I had an argument with a customer once because she was refusing to leave 20 minutes after closing time (she could tell I was annoyed and was deliberately dragging it out) I ended up actually shouting at her and swearing at her, and her father came In (Loser adult daughter with her parents) and demanded she leave, and she rang the head office and left a review on google about me and said she’d never shop their again if I “still worked there” and neither would her friends and family. Luckily they took my side. Like Jesus Christ lady I want to fucking go home! I was there for almost 10 hours at that point.

No. 2340312

Kek my job has a really passive-aggressive, wimpy "scared of confrontation" culture, and I just heard my coworkers bitching to our manager about how I took a 41 minute lunch today kek. It was genuinely because I lost track of time but the funniest part is that my manager won't say shit to me. At this point I have to believe people are intimidated by me because they're always so scared to talk to me or tell me anything. One time my manager had to talk to me about my call-ins (I live 45 minutes away and my car was having major difficulties) and she started tearing up when she said that her higher ups would consider terminating me. It honestly used to make me really sad that everyone seemed to be put-off by me but IDC anymore.
As an aside, does anyone think the uptight retards at your same level who act like people slacking on a random monday is the end of the world? It makes me laugh like honestly kek you're not a manager so why take it so seriously.

No. 2340357

Is the manager a millennial? At my final retail job, the manager was a millennial and he could not manage for shit.

>does anyone think the uptight retards at your same level who act like people slacking on a random monday is the end of the world?

It depends what you mean by slacking off. I used to have a coworker who would never do any work, like he'd just sit in the back all day and play games on his phone. It was always really annoying having to work with him because it meant I'd have to do double the work that shift. I don't mind sitting down when there's no customers or chatting, but I remember one day I kept a tally of how many customers he helped and how many I helped, and it was 13 to 61. He got fired a few weeks after that because he was such a bother.

No. 2340379

Ayrt, my manager is a zoomer a few years younger than me who hasn't, to my knowledge, pursued any higher education. And to answer your second part, I'm talking about my own experience working so by "slacking off" on a Monday I just mean working a bit slower than a high traffic day and during really slow periods of the day with nothing to do sitting in the bathroom for like 5 minutes on my phone or taking a couple extra minutes on my 15s. The people who never do any work at all whatsoever never last in my department, so.

No. 2340388

>As an aside, does anyone think the uptight retards at your same level who act like people slacking on a random monday is the end of the world?
They act like they personally built the business with their bare hards, and you working at a normal human pace when there are 3 customers present means you're an ungrateful bitch who doesn't appreciate THEIR tenacity and grind kek

No. 2340428

It's so funny when they try really hard to cozy up to management but everyone sees through them and nobody takes them seriously. It has to be some kind of mental illness to have nothing else going on in life except looking forward to clocking in and living in a delusion kek.

No. 2340486

I never worked under a zoomer, but I assume they're even worse than millennials when it comes to management. I prefer having Gen X managers because at least they still have some business etiquette. I want a boss that acts like my boss, not a boss that tries too hard to be my 'friend' just to fuck me over later on.

No. 2340491

my boss and supervisors want me to get involved in meetings the other people in my positions don't attend. In some capacity it feels like they're preparing me for possibly a higher paying job, but I honestly worry I'm thinking too much of it. I need something tangible to point to and say - "so, am I a supervisor or what?" or "so, I'm getting a raise for this, correct?".

No. 2340556

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The job market is so bad right now, I've spend the last month trying to find work and the only responses I've gotten were rejections. Otherwise, crickets. I've submitted 24 applications and have six more to send out today. I have years of retail experience in varying departments and nowhere will hire me. I know a lot of places have "ghost listings" so they can build applicant pools for positions that aren't open, but it's still discouraging feeling like my years of experience were for nothing.

Zoomer managers are a mixed bag in my experience, you'll find some overly-sensitive ones but a lot of them will shamelessly ladder-climb or get whatever they need out of the job and fuck off kek, which I personally have more respect for than the "we're more than coworkers, we're family!" types, which are typically millennials. One of my favorite bosses was 21, and it was very funny seeing him no-nonsense our department into the best in the district, then get reminded his age when he showed me a video on his phone that unironically had Subway Surfers footage playing alongside it.

It sounds like you're being groomed for leadership, which is a good thing. People don't really use "groomed" this way anymore but I can't think of a better word, basically they see potential in you. Don't overthink it, but keep showing up to the meetings.

No. 2352023

I JUST got a new job at a grocery store stocking shelves after l only working my last job for a month and I hate it even more than my last job. The customers are kinder and less creepy but I literally just reface the shelves for 8 hours and it puts my body in extreme pain (that was also a reason why I had to leave my last job but this is worse). I have a degree but can't get any job other than work for literal retards. I thought it would be worth it because of the employee discount but it's still too expensive for me to shop there. I have to go in for 8 hours today and tomorrow. God help me. Fuck my life. Also my coworkers all hate it and are bitchy to me because of it, the first day the manager of my department rolled his eyes and muttered at me "How do you not know where that is," when it was literally my first day on the floor and I've never been to the store before?

No. 2352417

I'm also a grocery store wagie and I hate it. the nice thing about it is that it's nearly impossible to get fired from. I show up late often and will take 20 minute bathroom breaks a few times in the day. it's also the only job ive ever had where I can wear my AirPods.
this job definitely attracts retards and crazies. can you ask to be moved to a slower part of the store like the seafood dept or bakery?

No. 2352887

got new job in customer service. its all online too which is nice. i'm still getting yelled at by people but at least im not getting bullied by coworkers.

No. 2355161

That same guy was being mean to me again. He even threw a box at me. It didn’t hit me, and I don’t believe he intended to, but it was aggressive. He wasn't just being rough witht he product, it's hard to deescribe but you undeniably know when a pissed off person throws or slams something in your direction. He is an angry person – I overheard him muttering to himself when I was clocking out the other day.
I’m not the type to be annoying or ask a lot of questions. On my first day, I figured out that I could locate things by checking the store's website, so I've hardly had to ask anyone for assistance. Over four shifts with him, I’ve probably asked a total of four questions. I'm basically a mute. I've done nothing to piss him off.
Later at work, after spending six hours facing, I asked over the walkie-talkie if my department had anything else for me to do. Dead silence. They were just talking to each other before I asked. I ended up leaving a note for my department manager about both the box incident and the walkie situation, and left early. Our department managers are rarely present, so there was no one to speak to directly.
I don’t know what’s going to happen next, but I’m prepared for them to make the work environment hellish and awkward, side with everyone else, and tell me it didn’t happen. I’ve dealt with serious workplace bullying at another job before, to the point where I quit even though I loved that job and probably would’ve pursued a degree in the field. Ever since then, I’ve decided to be a tattler.
I'm goong to take your advice and ask to be transferred when they call to talk to me about it. I'd rather work in the bakery, anyways. Technically, I’m supposed to wait six months before I can transfer departments, so I’m not sure what they’ll do about the situation. I don't want to just wait because I applied to every other grocery store and a bunch of other entry-level jobs in the area, and this is the only one that responded.
Sorry for the long post, IK no one really cares about someone else's work situation but…where else would I say this…

No. 2355163

You sound really done with this place so it's not going to last anyway. Look for a new job where people treat you better.

No. 2359762

got fired from my food service job because they said i was no longer a ‘good fit’ I’m so tired of working jobs that are basically popularity contests disguised as real work, where hard workers are pressured out because their vibe isn’t right. are there actually jobs wherein hard word and willingness to learn translates to success?

No. 2359997

>are there actually jobs wherein hard word and willingness to learn translates to success?
Not in the wagie world. Most wagie jobs are, like you said, popularity contests in which the participants are high-school-minded socially-stunted losers that think trying hard is "cringe" and that being lazy is "based."

You're better off going into work that's more labour based. When I worked as a hotel cleaning woman, I enjoyed it way more than retail. Even though it was harder and more physically demanding, I thought that the work environment was way better and my employers recognized and rewarded my hard work.

No. 2361422

By design with these types of jobs, you're a dispensable pog. Food service in particular is a meat grinder for the soul. Typically, the people who “rise to the top” of food service are uniquely ruthless and unrefined. "Hot cheeto girl" types often thrive in food service because they’ve got the aggression to bulldoze through everyone. The only woman I know who rose to the top of food service who wasn't like that was a rare, true female autist who wasn't good enough at social cues to understand that everyone hated her and how often customers were being mean to her.
I am too deep in a 4-year college now, but if I could do it over again, I would have told my younger self screw what everyone else says and to go to trade school and become a dental assistant (then hygienist) or some other medical trade. Or become a math teacher. Not glamorous jobs, but you WILL get hired in those fields and they have to be better than working food service/retail. I'm studying 2 degrees at once (a hard science and a business field) because I'm so afraid that I won't be able to find a job in the current market, I feel like I'm in too deep (Only 1 year left) to switch to something else now so I'm still trying for a white collar job. If I'm still under-employed a year after graduating I guess I'll live in a car doing food delivery. Then when I run out money or will doing that I can use the car to give myself carbon monoxide poisoning. I've done my time working wagie jobs since I was in high school, my soul can't handle it anymore.

No. 2365567

I'm really not in a good mood today. I may be smiling and helping guests but I'm calling them lazy and retarded in my head.

No. 2370925

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What I like about my job is the agreement between multiple people that at some point, sooner or later, we're gonna get the fuck out of here and go our own way. Hats off to whoever worked here for years, but some of us don't hate ourselves that much. Abandoning ship feels kind of fun when you know even the best employee is gonna do the same.

No. 2370945

I applied for a wagie job at the "bakery" in the back of a grocery store, wish me luck nonnies.

No. 2370949

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Good luck nonnita. I hope you can become a lovely bakery-girl.

No. 2370950

Thank you nonna ♥

No. 2370975

Whatever happens at least you get to come to work to the scent of fresh baked bread.

No. 2370977

>wasn't good enough at social cues to understand that everyone hated her and how often customers were being mean to her.
I have known a few people like this at jobs and they were truly blessed.

No. 2373991

What kind of job nonn?

No. 2377227

my retarded ass manager who is a creep that orbits around me is now bitching about our new district manager, and for the dumbest reasons.
the way he introduced her:
>yeah she acts like shes on the real housewives of new jersey (what?), in her introduction email she was telling everyone she was married as if we would want her
and I checked the email and it was the most normal introduction where she briefly says "I have been married for x years and I am a proud mother of 2 young children" and then she went on to talk about her experience with the company.
like how much of an incel faggot do you have to be to take this as "yeah she thinks we all want her"??

No. 2377317

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>I used to have a coworker who would never do any work, like he'd just sit in the back all day and play games on his phone.
I'm dealing with this right now and I'm so close to losing it. The second he shows up he's immediately glued to his phone like his life depends on it and if it's not his phone he'll search out people to talk to every 5 minutes while everyone else is expected to do the actual work. I can't even cope with the idea that he'll get fired one day because despite the constant slacking he is still buddy buddy with basically all the higher ups in the department.

No. 2385758

I hate gamblers so much, I just want to be left the fuck alone but these addicted retards stay for hours on end getting their fingers dirty and spend hundreds of dollars in a single night.

No. 2385763

I'm having to reconcile with the fact that I am going to be asked leadership questions by new coworkers because I am one of the "OGs". I am having to reconcile having more of a relationship with my leaders because most of the people they depended on quick or were fired kek RIP me. I will know my shit's truly fucked if they ever come to me to tell me I'm going to be training someone.

No. 2385837

I have the easiest job in the world. I work at a grocery store blocking shelves and making sure everything looks neat. I walk around for 8 hours a day doing It, while listening to music and podcasts in the background. I'm kind of shocked that I get paid more to do this than the much more stressful jobs I've had in the past kek. Obviously I don't plan on doing this for the rest of my life, but it's def an easy way to save up money.

No. 2385840

Tch… they call your facing "blocking" where you work? Over here it's called zoning.

No. 2386724

How do you get to listen to music? Customers don’t ask you questions????

No. 2386756

i would die walking for 8 hours a day i am fat

No. 2386760

huh im jealous i worked a grocery job and it was one of the most gruelling and terrible jobs i ever had. But i guess it depends on the country and store, maybe where you live those types of jobs are easier or maybe it was a very tiny story or maybe you let your coworkers do all the work but for me it was so gruelling. The amount of physical labor, not being allowed to sit down, warehouse work, cleaning, cooking, hospitality with customers etc that i had to do was intense, picking up 30kg of stuff like fifty times a day and moving it to the warehouses or taking it out of the warehouses, plus a abusive boss….

No. 2386764

anon is probably one of those scumbags who has her coworkers do all the heavy physical labor for her while she does nothing and stays on the cash register.

No. 2386772

>not being allowed to sit down
i also worked at a grocery for about 2 years and what the fuck is with this? it feels like theyre literally trying to torture us

No. 2386774

She could have AirPods and use transparency mode

No. 2386787

honestly i wish i had a answer for this but i think it has something to do with classism they view people who go for these jobs as lower class or degree-less so they view them as human horses and mules to do back-breaking slave labour. Fuck i still have joint issues from that job. Do you have joint or back problems too?

Also i hate the retarded customers who only see you at the cash register once and think that's what i/you only do, like they don't see me when i a short light-weight woman is packing all those heavy products in the warehouse as my back feels like it's about to give out, nor when im cleaning the over or mopping the floors. Retail is hell, but it depends on the country and store, in some places it's better.

No. 2386922

yeah lmao, but zoning makes more sense in a way.
I only keep one AirPod in, I don't listen to it at high volume. It's nice because once one dies I just switch it for the other.
>maybe you let your coworkers do all the work
I am the only one with this role, so there's no coworkers to rely on. All I do is make the aisles look neat.
I used to work a more physical job in the store, but after a year I threatened to quit so they stuck me here. Our cashiers have chairs and the people that stock the shelves usually work overnight so there's no customers or management around so they do fuck all and they can snack, listen to loud music, sit, and shoot the shit as much as they want.

No. 2386929

It's a cultural thing. It has to do with Protestant work ethic. It's very common in countries with large populations of Protestants, specifically countries that were at one point part of the British Empire.

No. 2386933

anon my country is catholic and they do that, it has nothing to do with which religious sect you belong to. It has to do with workers rights and way of living.

No. 2386935

Many things can be true at once, anon.

No. 2386937

nta but I watch a lot of yt videos of western tourists in southeast asia and it's common to see the cashier or street vendor sit back on their phone or just be super chill in general, and the comment section always shames them for not standing up or not smiling the whole time. the protestant work ethic thing makes sense

No. 2386947

You're a special kind of stupid.

No. 2386956

Middle school tier comeback. Draining low-wage jobs are universal.

No. 2386960

Don't kick the autist.

No. 2387585

I agree that it's insanely easy but I don't wear earbuds because, if I even had wireless earbuds, I don't think it would work out because customers ask me where shit is every few minutes. It's so mind-numbing to organize shelves for 8 hours straight. I asked for shorter shifts or at least more time in between shifts and they did not grant it. It feels inhumane to expect someone to do this job for 8 hours straight like I'm not a gorilla, I'm a human who needs stimulation. At Trader Joe's you get to switch positions during your shift which has to be more stimulating, but none of them responded to my application. Also, as an introvert, I find the constant interaction draining. I know that's pathetic, but some people want to keep conversing or make me feel like an amusement park tour guide or something showing them around the entire store and asking me about the products when I literally just stack the shelves. Not to mention the weirdos you work with. Honestly my patience is wearing thin doing working class jobs I just don't have the mental stamina to be a wagie anymore. Wtf? Back in the day people used to be able to get "real" desk jobs with just a high school diploma.

No. 2391701

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>talk more with a coworker
>she's brutally honest
>will warn you about different managers, shitty workers, and patients you need to watch out for
>I have the intuition that she said some unflattering things to about me whenever I would screw up here and there
>but says I'm overall good at my job even if some things can be improved
>even says I'm one of the only people that can keep up with her
>despite being one of the best workers, she's always in trouble with management for basically just calling them out on being stupid assholes
>while I was off, she was caught by an eavesdropping snitch for pointing out a TIF coworker's real gender and having a no-nonsense approach about trannies in general
>managers were about to fire her because this was the "final straw"
>so she quits before they can even get that satisfaction
>didn't even get to say goodbye
>MFW I found out
Despite all the benefits, I can't wait to leave.

No. 2392111

About the earbud thing, just try it out. A lot of customers walk up to me and ask me things too but I only keep it in one ear and I can still hear all my surroundings. It’ll make your work day go by so much faster. Start an hour long YouTube video and next thing you know it’s time to go on break, or time to clock out.
>and asking me about the products
LMAO they do it at my workplace too, like how tf am I supposed to know kek google is free
>Back in the day people used to be able to get "real" desk jobs with just a high school diploma.
I considered going back to school to get an associates degree for a random meme healthcare job but I am so insanely lazy. Working from home and just doing customer service seems chill but most companies seem to source those jobs out to Indians.

No. 2392237

>wanting to leave my extremely exhausting wagie job after they dipped my hours but not having enough savings and the last time I was unemployed I almost killed myself
>they say im about to get promoted
>but the raise is minimal

Looking for "better" jobs while I'm still employed is equally exhausting so what the fuck should I do and the economy's down the shitter. I should've tried to get a better job. I have an associates but nobody's gonna fucking care about having one in communications, most stupid fucker jobs only want a bachelors. I should've continued school. I relinquished myself to this garbage fate by making retarded decisions.

No. 2397664

working at retail has unironically made me hate cashiers more. My coworkers were just terrible people in general and now whenever i see a cashier acting like a hostile karen towards me or any customer i get pissed off. I unironically hate cashiers after having worked as one, also the ones who are on the cash register the most do least of the physical labour so why you acting like a bitch for while your coworker is slaving away.

No. 2397805

I hope that wherever she ends up going, people will be able to recognize her worth. Sane people are rare these days.

No. 2407251

>In my first week of deli job
>Obese moid shows up during the busiest part of the day and asks for a white roll with tomato sauce, mozzarella, a diced Southern fried chicken fillet, pepperoni, more mozzarella, mixed peppers, onions, and jalapenos, toasted
>Basically wants a pizza on a bread roll
>Has to remake it because the sheer amount of melted cheese got stuck to the tinfoil in the oven
>Can barely wrap the sandwich because of how bulky it is from all of the ingredients
>Supervisor yells at me and tells me to do it again because it looks too messy
>Has to make the hambeast's pizza sandwich again
I hate fat moids. Who tf even thinks up a sandwich like that.

No. 2407263

Maybe I'm hungry but that kind of sounds good right now kek. What did you do with the leftover? When I worked in food service we used to just take the reject food and eat it on breaks.

No. 2407281

We're not allowed to eat anything we fucked up cause the store considers it "stealing stock." We just put the failed attempts in the food waste bin.
Honestly it smelled incredible and probably tasted great, but the sheer volume of ingredients, especially the cheese made it hard to make. Especially because it was lunchtime and I had to work as fast as I could. It probably wouldn't have been as annoying to make without the insane amounts of mozzarella or the fact that the queue was a mile long and others were waiting to be served.

No. 2407543

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I was applying randomly to anything I think I could do (mostly restaurant jobs) and suddenly this woman gets in contact asking me for my curriculum and some questions (availability and education) and I answer her after like 30 min because I had some trouble with my curriculum no I didn't actually, I made it from scratch in those 30 mins because I honestly didn't expect anyone to get in contact and definitely not that fast (applied yesterday) as my curriculum on the job website is trash I apologize for the long waiting (she can see I saw her message) and answer her questions, shortly I try sending her my curriculum but I notice half of it has placeholder text I didn't see before… so I go back and make a new one. It's barebones. I have no experience I can actually prove. I send it anyway (10 min later) because I already answered this lady and showed interest. I'm so stupid.

No. 2407554

Update: she wants a videochat tomorrow at 10 am and I said yes even though I rarely am up before 11 am.

No. 2407589

Good luck nonna. I believe in you!

No. 2409534

Thank you so much nonna, the HR lady called me to say I got the job!

No. 2420760

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I just got an interview for a receptionist job taking place a week from now. Any advice for how I should prepare? For context I've only worked retail and security, and the job is at a courthouse/sheriffs office, so the environment is professional but not corporate. I'm planning on just being really smiley and friendly and saying I work well under pressure kek but any other advice would be great.

No. 2421215

I got a new job and I worked my first shift today, and it really illustrated to me JUST how much fucking work I was doing at my old job. Like damn I was really doing everything but crawling under the table and sucking those people’s dicks… for them to spend $88 in the restaurant and give us a three star review because the music was too loud.

No. 2421216

If they ask about experience, be sure and use any high school/college clubs or classes! Like if you took a typing class, or were a treasurer of a club, or anything like that. Also talk about the administrative work that you currently do at that job- filing paperwork, keeping track of clients/ customer records, etc. also talk about how your current job gives you a good eye for detail due to the security stuff.

No. 2421339

If you have any experience with programs like Microsoft Excel or Google Meet mention it

No. 2422525

Thank you anons! Fortunately, I had to use computers and write reports every day at my last security job, which I think helped land me the interview.

No. 2423689

White Baby Boomers and Indians really are made for one another.

My last five years of wagecucking have involved me seeing pathetic wealthy white boomer who should've long ago retired bragging about about his wealth, and his employed visajeet on a slave tier visa immigration contract just praising him so much.

No. 2430993

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The interview went alright I think. I had three interviewers at once, which was weird, but the one that walked me out told me I did a good job, so that's promising. I have all my toes and fingers crossed kek.

No. 2433385

A customer at my store yelled at me for dropping an empty box and said I'm "fucking everything up" and (sarcastically) "I'm doing a great job," when I've gotten minimal sleep over the past few weeks because my mother's cancer.
Actually, something like this happens almost every day I work, but it's always because of something that's their fault, typically them not knowing how to read, how the loyalty program they signed up for works, or how to navigate our app.

No. 2433387

Nobody with money brags about having money for many good reasons. I've only seen middle middle class and lower middle class people do this to try and prove something to themselves. He's an insecure liar.

No. 2433436

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I liked my first day on the job and thought it was easy but my coworkers think I'm a fool or that I like working because my lunch break was 20 min long instead of taking the whole 1 hour. I didn't want to go back to the locker room to get my phone because every time I have to go through the metal detector and it's so annoying and without my phone what am I to do for 1 hour? Watch tv? I get bored with long breaks and rather take 15 min every 2 hours because your back starts hurting at some point from standing on your feet too long. Also the food suck, the rice was undercooked and the meat had to much of whatever nasty spice they put on, the "juice" was awful too but I had two cups because I needed something strong to wash that awful spice off my mouth. The sweet bread was the only thing good about the food. Tomorrow I am taking full advantage of the bread. And the tiny olive oil packages, Imma steal at least one every day. Everyone is eating the chocolates in the kitchen, I just want the olive oil, I deserve it!

No. 2433866

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>work at a male revue
>one night a thembie comes to the show dressed like boy george in a skirt and lipstick carrying a paddle. Shes with her gay best friend.
>dancer runs past her and she smacks him hard on the ass with the paddle.
>dancer gets pissed and quickly tells her off before running off to continue the routine.
>Thembie is furious and immediately looks for the manager. Based off my co-workers reaction the dancers either told someone off before or hes just kinda a dick, so I give some benefit to the thembie on that one.
>Manager listens to her and somewhere in the conversation calls her “ma’am” to which she freaks out and goes “its they/them!”
>shes in a skirt and lipstick
>shes not kicked out, I assume whatever needed to be resolved does so she goes back to her seat.
>within minutes she starts bawling and her gay friend has to console her, this goes on for what feels like half the show
>funny how the group all about boundaries and consent doesnt respect the boundaries of others

No. 2434928

Had the worst day ever at work yesterday. It was shockingly busy. I should have known it was going to be bad when my first customer was a man who ordered ten sandwiches at seven in the morning. After that there was not a single moment that we didn't have a line of customers, it was absurd. Every single time we reached the end of the line and I thought "Finally, I can start topping up the cold counter or loading the dishes in the dishwasher" someone else would turn up a few seconds afterwards and of course another line would form behind them so I'd get none of my other tasks done. My shift finishes at four but I didn't finish till it was almost five because I had to start all the cleaning and the other tasks super late because of all the customers. I was alone to do it too because my colleagues left earlier than me, I was the only one on for the whole day. I almost cried.

No. 2434939

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kek I love this gif and post

No. 2434941

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I hope you get a new job soon nona

No. 2436083

Lol its actually one of the more enjoyable jobs Ive had. Half my coworkes are women my age so we generally get along. Plus about 95% of our guests are women here to see a show so they dont waste my time with mundane small talk.

It used to be way more toxic when some gen X pickmes used to work there though. They start drama and act possesive over dancers who barely even knew they exist

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