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No. 2004332
Post random things you hate and why. A picture of the thing you hate is always appreciated. Commentary is fine (positive, negative or neutral) as long as you don't come here to start a retarded infight with your personal issues.
Please don't vent about your life here. For venting about your personal life, your family, neighbors, boyfriend, coworkers etc. use the vent thread. For advice with your personal daily life use the advice thread. Keep the borzois in mind. Thank you.
>>>/ot/1936396 No. 2004445
File: 1715801461544.jpg (144.32 KB, 842x1043, Screenshot240515183926.jpg)

sometimes i swear to god youtube intentionally shows me videos that are precision crafted to offend my aesthetic sensibilities. the bottom one bothers me especially, because it’s a very subtle difference, but she unmistakably looks really cool in the racer top.
No. 2004683
>>2004332fucking tarot readers on every fucking social media possible, schizoposting, entertaining their own delusions in front of the camera and inviting desperate strangers to join them and fuel this fucking echo chamber or perpetual limerence. they can't even read tarot cards or know shit about occultism. they will pop up in your feed diagnosing you with whatever 5 seconds in and then sprinkle some compliments to keep the cognitive dissonance going. I swear they make up every fucking thing they "read from the cards". and unsolicited readings are like the 1st no-no of tarot. I keep blocking all these schizo bitches. they're everywhere!
I also hate men (who doesn't) - they piss EVERY FUCKING WHERE!
No. 2004687
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I'm starting to hate maximalist decor. Yes, even when it's done competently (from an interior design perspective) and follows a cohesive aesthetic like picrel. It's funny because I've done a complete 180 on that opinion, I used to adore cluttered rooms, trinkets, going thrifting every week for things to add to my collection. Now I'm only realizing that every additional object you own is another thing to keep track of, to keep clean, to keep safe etc. and how much of a pain in the ass that is. Especially when you make the mistake of spending decent money on some useless piece of decor, good luck trying to resell that shit for even half the price you got it from. Unironically I wanna start living like a redditor now, owning objects is really not the road to happiness.
No. 2005000
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disney adults in general, but especially ones who barely afford it. i can’t imagine spending money i don’t have on going to the same theme park repeatedly instead of like going to europe. but it’s even worse when they are also the kind of people to fall for the consumerist “monetizing nostalgia” shit and don’t even spend their money going places. just on plastic junk their families are going to have to throw in the trash when they die.
No. 2005022
valid points but it would still mean spending money on food and airfare and hotels they would so so much rather spend on plastic crap and apparently star wars themed fur suits???
No. 2005937
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When moids act like being a cat lady is a bad thing kek
No. 2006026
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>>2005945These girls want to be farmers without actually being farmers. They like the aggressive radfem energy, but are too scared of actually being radfem because it means that they have to be rude to troons and will make 10 posts about how they totally think trans women are women. They want to larp being separationist feminists without having to give up on moid attention. They like the subversiveness attached with the
femcel label, but don't ever want to act in a way that makes people think they are mean, aside from saying racial expletives half heartedly every now and then. They will beg for forgiveness after they get called for it and sob over the discord call. They want to larp as a bpd chan without actually being one. It's pretty sad and they should give it up.
No. 2006035
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>>2006026>larp as a BPD chanAre normie women now so wannabe for the nature of this board, that they skinwalk BPDchans apparently? It's a special kind of annoyance I feel when normies suddenly want to be like the same "outcasts" they have or would have bullied just ten years ago. Shows how superficial normies often are. What comes naturally or is a lifestyle to others is going to be a trend for them, and for what? Because they wanna feel like they're the next fuckin' Jodi Arias or something? I guess it's like when people started calling themselves nerds for average things, even though being a nerd wasn't as cool as it was 30-40 years ago. Deleted and reposted this opinion because I can't stop making damn typos.
No. 2006161
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>things you hate
Women who are old enough to be your mom, yet speaking like a teenage valley girl to appeal. I would say older people in general, but it's mainly women that unironically do this. Forty is too fucking old to be talking like you're still in highschool, my ma'am. It's bad enough that it's everywhere with my own age group, I don't need to hear it from women that are old enough to have a master's.
No. 2006201
>>2006194I mean I get it kind of my dad was emotionally
abusive and I often called him by his first name and most certainly not at any age did I call my own father, daddy. I think it’s a deep rooted trauma response sort of thing combined with porn brainrot when it’s not pure Pickmeism
No. 2006209
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I fucking loathe styrofoam and markers. Even seeing them sparks insane amount of hatred in me, but mostly the sound/feeling of them.
No. 2007559
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The fucking flag. So this year we're adding the intersex colors? You can bearly see that it's supposed to be the lgbt flag.
They kill my will to go to pride every year a little bit more, meanwhile we do need pride, especially now that the right wing retards got elected
No. 2007594
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femboys and their online "culture"
No. 2007645
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>>2007616I THINK it's supposed to be the fields of our countries flag? It's hard to tell tbh,but I assume it is since the theme this year seem to be the elections
No. 2007923
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>>2007895i posted the pic and i agree in part, i would've picked out a more normie, slightly looser fitting tank top for her, but still with a high neckline. point is, everything that emphasises the shoulders looks better in my book.
>>2007896well i'm sorry but the makeup ain't helping.
No. 2010108
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Twitter/tiktok meme replies making their way here (this was in response to some random vent)
No. 2010408
>>2010113It's going to be so bad, especially since so many zoomers see this site as an
femcel watering hole and instead of being a deterrent during the height of the creepshow art era. I'm going to keep the farm hands in my thoughts and prayers and i hope they are organizing multiple hell weeks.
No. 2010450
>>2010444if its overconsumption it's definitely an issue, even just looking at the target or walmart site right now I see them charge 40-200$ for basic plastic storage supplies, organizers, etc when I see the exact same thing on aliexpress or something for less than 5 bucks, I wouldn't even mind paying a few extra dollars for being able to pick it up on a whim at my local store instead of waiting a month for shipping, but I see like 200-8000% markups for "profit" and none of the excuses make sense
>it's for shipping prices rising!still plenty of affordable shipping options that haven't changed in price much
>it's for labor costs rising!no?? they're not paying their employees crap either, they keep their stores understaffed and workers underpaid. at least have recepts if theyre gonna pull that card
>muh shoplifting anyone who believes this is a clown
No. 2010561
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>things you hate
Parents that treat their kids like a Circus attraction and tell literally any and everybody about their kid's business. Their health problems, what they got grounded for, what they're insecure about, specific things they personally need, and even their fucking puberty. Parents coined "stranger danger" yet seem willing to overshare when their son's balls dropped or when their daughter got her period. It is so particularly evil when parent's do this shit, I don't care if the parent is sharing this with another family member because relatives don't have to know everything about you. Guarantee these same parents never tell everybody their own personal shit like how often they really want to divorce. Nope. But they treat their kids like tourist attractions like they're not human enough to deserve some privacy. It's sick, it's wrong, and that's how you end up with children who (in the future) never tell you jack shit.
No. 2010590
>>2010561Worked with a guy who had all daughters and.. sole custody. Why would he come into work and tell us about how one of them got her period at a really young age and he'd often 'catch her' washing her sheets because she'd leaked during the night. Or about the time she even leaked at her grandparents house! or that his 12 yr old is probably a lesbian because she doesn't seem girly enough to be straight.
Acted like a saint for being a step up single dad but then he'd brag about them essentially raising themselves, being 'well trained' to cook and clean and he'd ask if his eldest giving pretty typical teenage pushback is proof she must be bipolar like her mom. If you enagaged with him in any convo about the kids it'd quickly become.. well haha I could reeally do with a woman at home for this stuff.. if only I could meet one.. nudge.
No. 2010593
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I hate being woken up by earthquakes.
No. 2010612
>>2010590those poor girls. i've often thought fathers are mostly useless when it comes to raising daughters even if they love them and aren't
abusive. stories like this pretty much reinforce that view.
No. 2010617
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>watch video on insta about some guy using his cats hair to give to birds for their nests
>Normies in the comments are unironically bitching about birdfags being knowledgeable and warning them to only do it under specific conditions
Normies are so fucking retarded holy shit. I’m not a birdfag but who complains about people WANTING to inform other people? Some of them even complain about the information with their name, face, and businesses attached. Even going as far as to make fun of people who are just trying to look out for the animals? Like where am I? The internet has taken such a hit since the piece of shit pandemic where now the retards have been let loose and have a mouth piece too
No. 2010628
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>>2010561When normies will never be granted the opportunity to gain millions on exploiting asians, being a dementia politician on their death bed with unfettered access to top state secrets or being born the silver-spoon child of this dementia politican who spends his time snorting coke off the back of his own cousins he abused and trafficks the only thing they can do to claim their prize possession as a cope so they don’t kill themselves by swerving themselves right in front of a semi-trailer in the middle of the freeway otw to work from the crushing realization that they are tools who have nothing else to look forward to but to fuck, breed, and be redditors is by churning out babie for the same system that is built to crush their souls and dreams. It gives the normie that 18 year of bourgeoisie taste of life author to be able to dictate the fate of their own creation and that is why reproduction is a powerful tool that should have never been left in the hands of normtards and men begging for kids they won’t even acknowledge or care for. It’s the very reason why female authoritarianism is the only way to go for the end goal of peace and fairness. That’s why the word “author” is in the word. We have let men be the authors of our own lives for way too long
No. 2010696
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>things you hate
Overweight people who complain about being fat, but don't try or act retarded about losing weight. If you're trying to lose weight, newsflash, eating fast food all week and drinking a smoothie on a Friday isn't going to be effective. I know a relative to swore that she was going to lose weight, and that was back in 2013. Well it's been over ten years, she's still like 200 pounds, but she still "swears" that she'll lose weight. Kek, girl you had a decade.
No. 2010700
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When non-black people who don't hang around black people ever start using aave and use it fucking incorrectly. You don't sound cool confusing dab with dap kyle, fuck off. You're not part of the in group. An honourable mention is when non-americans people feel the need to say y'all because they want to give of the aura of a sassy woman and it just sounds wrong because they fucking live in the middle of Europe and i am not even a burger fag. It comes across are really cringe and try hard. Picrel, honestly reminded me of brad taste in music when i saw it kek. Spoilered to protect your vision.
No. 2010723
>>2010696I’ve become fascinated by the level of delusion that most fat people are under after having to live with one. Like I had a friend who was fat, but she ate normal when we hung out and she said I just must have a lot faster metabolism than her. I knew metabolism excuse is BS but I just accepted it as her being 2 inches shorter than me or maybe having a secret health reason for the weight. We became roommates and I found out she only eats sweet breakfasts drowned in honey or syrup or sausage and eggs, then grabs like 10 sugar laden processed snacks before lunch and has lattes with yet more sugar, and just in general has really large portions of everything. Yet she would claim not to be big on sugar and limiting her intake. Then when we would hang out with her family, all of them
and their dogs were fat, and they would eat piles of meat and cakes. My mere presence apparently made them feel guilty as they would always comment on how skinny I was and how they must be fat because the vegetables in the US are lower calorie, despite them not even eating any vegetables kek. If you ask them to keep a food diary they will somehow forget that bag of chips and entire sleeve of cookies they polished off and omit the latte thinking it has no calories. And they meme themselves into believing the sad wilted iceberg leaf on their burger is a serving of vegetables
No. 2010742
>>2010700i dont like the spread of y'all its started appearing in the uk a few years ago and has joined the likes of "driver's licence', 'feds', 'cell phone' etc so it will probably be here to stay
one of my friends tried to start saying y'all, i have and will always associate it with cowboys, so i reacted to her post with the cowboy smiley emoji then posted a cowboy gif
No. 2010910
>>2010742>fedsActually in London that has been used as slang for the police for as long as a remember. Idk how it is for the rest of the south of the UK. I think i will bully anyone who says cell phone though.
>>2010886I'm not sure why they got upset lmao.
No. 2011037
Fandoms. Especially those ones related to the entertainment business. 99% of the userbase is terminally online, prone to start drama/petty bullshit slapfights and about as easy to get along with as a beaten mule with the Taco Bell trots.
>>2010617>The internet has taken such a hit since the piece of shit pandemic where now the retards have been let loose and have a mouth piece tooThey've always been around ever since the dawn of the Internet; used to be relatively easy to avoid them up until social media gained popularity.
No. 2011061
>>2010696For fucking real. I had a moid friend who would constantly whine about being fat and never reaching his goal weight, and blames it on his "food environment" because he still lives with his parents and they always buy processed shit and junk food, so he "can't control himself" nor make his own meals because muh ADHD. The worst part is that he actually does get more exercise than your average obese fatty because he bikes to work everyday, and yet still can't lose weight. I can't imagine how much food he must be stuffing his face if he's still obese when he
>has moid metabolism>6 ft 3>bikes 16 km to everyday Such a waste of space.
No. 2011107
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I hate this stupid shit cartoon from Russia. I wouldn't even hate it but in 2014-2016 there was an epidemic of people saying "Omg Momen was my childhood!" but that shit never aired where I live. So that means they're fucking lying. Inb4 "what about VHS!!" nobody and I mean NOBODY is buying their 6 year old Russian VHS tapes of some dumbass cartoon from Europe. So I know they were lying about it and what pisses me off is I don't even get WHY they were lying. So what if you found out about Momen when you were a teenager? Why are you trying to pretend it was a big part of your childhood? I've kept this grudge for 8 years because these Momen people were so fucking annoying they would bring it up always and do fan art of the stupid white dog character and the ugly Russian boy character with the big nose and stupid hat. It was such a big thing. I guess I don't hate Momen but I hate liars and pretenders and specifically people that lie about shit and say it's from their childhood when really it was from 2014 Tumblr fanart circles. Whatever though.
No. 2011145
>>2011129Okay but I'm not Finno-Swedish and I don't live in Finno-Swedeland or Russia so why would anybody around me know about this stupid cartoon? It's not full of value it's full of lies and deceit as well as deception. It makes me sick. I hate all the liars that were around me when I was a teenager lying about that cartoon, those trust issues they gave me still pervade my spirit even to this day. Also I don't know if semi-colons and underscores mean different shit in Finno-Swedeland but to us normal people it seems creepy and weird. So. Again like I said I don't hate Momen specifically I just hate it because everybody pretends it was sooo well-known and sooo global and sooooo worldwide so much so that everyone's parents went on Russian eBay to buy VHS copies of it, when in reality that's all lies because again WHO would know about Momen besides people from Russia or Finno-Swedeland or whatever?
>>2011136Me too it's driving me insane. I lurked forever before I started posting and even then I felt like I was doing it wrong. It seems like people that joined after the pandemic don't want to lurk or integrate at all and it brings down the quality of the site, especially in /ot/ and /m/. I guess the cockroaches don't like to infest /snow/ because I find that the same as it's always been, and /w/ has always been by retards for retards so there's not much to say there.
No. 2011154
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>>2011145nta but moomin are very famous in europe, even though it was not as popular in the uk people have still heard of it and would recognise a moomin
disney even tried to buy the franchise but were turned down as 'they would ruin it'
No. 2011157
>>2011148>The Mormons aired in Europe obviouslyOkay but I'm not from Europe? I'm just saying that Mormons weren't a thing where I grew up, it didn't air on TV, there wasn't any VHS tapes, nothing. Youtube didn't exist when I was a kid, so these liars that say "Oh Mormon was my favourite cartoon character growing up!" had no way to even know what Mormon was or anything. They found it from the Mormon x Ugly Boy fanart on Tumblr that started getting popular in 2014-2016 and then they pretend like it was real cartoon and not the dirty fanart of the Mormon thing and the Ugly Boy. It just pisses me off because
why are you lying about knowing what Mormon was when you were a kid when obviously you didn't know what it was? Why are you pretending? It's weird and antisocial.
>>2011154>They're sooo famous in EuropeOkay but I'm not from Europe and there's no Europeans around me because they all stayed in Europe just like the Mormon cartoon did. That's my point. If I lived in Finno-Swedeland or Russia or European then I would obviously know about the Mormons, but I didn't grow up there so I didn't know about them and only found out from seeing reblogs in 2014 on Tumblr. I'm okay with admitting that because I'm not odd or peculiar. Some people are creepy though and like to pretend they grew up with it when they didn't, and that's what I hate. So again I don't necessarily hate the Mormons but I do hate the liars that say they knew what Mormon was when they were kids when they definitely did not know it until they say weird fanart online circa 2014.
No. 2011175
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>>2011160Samefagging, but do asian people like Moomin too? Drew Snorkmaiden while I was bored in lecture once, and an Asian classmate came up to me to tell me that she loves Moomin and liked my drawing.
No. 2011179
>>2011157i have a feeling you're deliberatly being obtuse
>Finno-Swedeland or Russiayou keep saying this despite the fact it has been pointed out to you, multiple times that, moomin are from finland written by a fenno-swedish woman
No. 2011183
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>>2011180Thank you for understanding and verbalizing what I meant to say. I can always trust you Slavs to understand me and my spirit. I have no problem with the actual Momen cartoon. If you watched it because you're European or Russian that's fine. But my thing is when you are half-way across the world WHY are you lying about seeing an obscure non-released cartoon from the 90s in the early 2000s before Youtube made it easily accessible? Like it's weird. I hate people that lie about simple shit like that. And it was like they ALL started liking it and "knowing about it from childhood!" only AFTER the fanart got popular on Tumblr so I know for a fact they saw it on there and then were embarrassed about liking a Fenno-Swede cartoon from the 90s meant for 5 year olds so they had to pretend that it was such a big part of their childhoods when it wasn't but that's cringey to me. Why be embarrassed about watching the Momen cartoon as a teenager if it's as good as you're all saying? Why lie? Ugh.
No. 2011205
>>2011157>MORMONSSTAHP please it's so hard not to spam emoticons this is making me seriously emotional kekkkkkk
>MORMONS is not a real cartoonbitch stop trolling kek
>>2011145>semicolon creepy and weird;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; you never seen the crying Winnie the Pooh memes? they're made very scary and creepy in fenno-sweden to scare off amerifags that also fear moomin. sorry MORMON kek
>Moomin=no valuebitch I'm crying rn I hope the Groke comes for you at night and gives you sleep paralysis kekkeke
(ban evasion) No. 2011262
File: 1716251196545.png (483.33 KB, 1080x1512, 1713999874557l-1.png)

Seeing blatantly pedophilic stuff going viral on twitter has been extremely depressing. Gooning and child gf in particular is what's bothering me.
No. 2012566
>>2010590kek sounds like my dad, he told everyone i
gasp made out with my boyfriend at the time i thought it was so shameful but really it's like I was 15, I could've been doing a lot worse. And he was a hoe.
No. 2012581
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I hate when butch lesbians style their hair like a 12 yo edgy boy would do. I general, I think that very short cuts (not counting buzzcuts) do no favours for women unless they have very square jaws but I particularly hate these hairstyles, I think they only suit little boys and look unflattering to anyone who's grown up. Moids look tryhard in these, women look bad.
No. 2012607
>>2012601Never said that men look better, I said that it's a different kind of bad lol.
Since when saying "tryhard" means looking better, it gives off "I didn't grow up and I'm still a pretty mama's boy who acts good at the hair salon to get icecream" where in women it throws me off real bad because of all styles they decided to go with the little boy look which is unfortunate as shit.
Waffles and pancakes, holy shit.
No. 2014006
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>things you hate
The kind of bitch at work who thinks they're the manager when they're not, and try to breathe down your neck about shit even the managers themselves don't give a fuck about. Jesus christ, do these people have a clue of how disliked they really are? Why are they like this? I think people like that were the kind of kids in school who wanted to be on the same level as the teacher and went tattling for everything.
No. 2014284
File: 1716383517704.webp (25.99 KB, 602x752, Randall_weems.webp)

>>2014006i've worked with people who acted like this and all of them had completely miserable lives outside of work. i guess pretending they were in control at their jobs made them feel better about clocking out and returning home to their dumpster fire of a life.
No. 2015379
>>2010700I feel "y'all" in euros specifically is probably just subconsciously feeling the need to differentiate between singular and plural second person. I think I do that myself when writing online sometimes just out of habit. Does it really sound that cringe?
I do think it's kinda weird when random AAVE words become a trend/meme and every parrots it around for a couple weeks and then just forget about them like it never happened.
No. 2015534
File: 1716432130812.png (44.63 KB, 736x258, Screen Shot 2024-05-22 at 10.4…)

I saw this as a "perk" and I hated it immediately. How is "employee of the month" a benefit? I hate employers. I feel like nobody wants to talk about how no employers are willing to offer benefits anymore.
No. 2015736
>>2015724>"75% of life is showing up: I think it's just showing up for yourself and the things that count, and when you're entering a situation instead of thinking "what can I get from it," think "what can I give to it," or "what can I bring to it?" Having that mindset will really change things for you, because that self-seeking attitude, that's not gonna get you anywhere"To me this was perfectly articulated and very understandable but maybe I'm valleypilled and I've just been around this type of speaker for too long.
>>2015729I didn't know all that I was just poking fun at people who hear "like" a few times and immediately discredit the person speaking.
No. 2015763
>>2015749>You should be focused on giving your all in your endeavors instead of focused on thinking how they can benefit you: a self-serving attitude isn't an asset.That's basically what she said. I got my PHD in valley-speak to English translation so you can trust me.
>>2015751I'm not, like, gonna, like, argue with you, but, like, have a good, like, night.
No. 2016574
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I hate my small barrel curling iron. Fuck you past me for buying one that doesn't create big waves. I've been wanting a larger one but money wise there hasn't been a good moment. Pic related is all I want.
No. 2016930
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I hate face shaving.
No. 2017342
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>>2017104girl she remodeled her whole face
No. 2017346
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>>2016930Either the shaving has already caused damage of these girl suffered severe acnea and are dooming themselves for a new round of infection and break outs
No. 2017361
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>>2017360Don’t worry I only do this to really cute ones who already model professionally!
No. 2020899
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This specific genre of lolicon art freaks me out, because it's always obvious they're referencing real pictures. They also try to border on "cute and innocent"
No. 2022079
File: 1716774260955.png (1.96 MB, 1280x2139, 1000003715.png)

Evangelion. Girls pretend to like it to impress whatever weird dork they have a crush on and gays pretend to like it because of the faggy pics of shinji looking 14 (googled and he is 14) in the tight bodysuit. Trash. Garbage. Nonsense. You are not Asuka, you're just a cunt.
No. 2022145
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>>2022079Based. I actually watched it and as a teen, too. It was mostly 14 yo crybaby (shinji) with daddy and mommy issues falling in love with a clone of his mom (Rey) and some adult woman who eventually makes moves on him so he'd actually save the world, but he doesn't save the world and everyone dies except him and the girl he hates who hates him back (Asuka), and somehow this is all about how relationships important, no relationships bad, but alsi otaku bad, anime bad, go outside good, but the fans of the anime are the people being criticized by it and they made it a weeb and otaku classic and the author started drowning in money to the point were he's making tons of new stuff (rebuild movies) to cash off it, but sure it's deep or whatever because 14 yo boy masturbates to comatose 14 yo girl and it's sooo shocking, and there's a gay angel. And all of this is because humans kidnapped one of the angles and cloned him for the evas they ride as weapons for war, but the angels are trying to retrieve him because technically humans are in the wrong here. I kinda cheered when their world came to an end because all of them were so insufferable. Oh and there's the blonde scientist woman who keeps blabbering on about how men and women are different and her mom is dead or whatever but she's dating Shinji's 50 yo dad because he used to date her mom? And she used to see them making out when she was a kid? Ok. There's this one mega pretentious analysis in my language about it that explains how the message is basically "life good, death bad" but symbolized by Christian and Jewish imagery and philosophies, even though the staff said they used it because it looks cool and never meant for it to have symbolism. This is a "deep" anime that no one can even agree what it's actually saying, because it's probably not saying anything. It's picrel imo.
No. 2022156
File: 1716778977941.jpg (410.02 KB, 1080x1133, 1000018337.jpg)

Memes made by males
>Rape haha pedophilia lol uhhh racism! Uhhh nazism! Hahaha!
No. 2022159
File: 1716779138146.jpeg (65.83 KB, 600x450, IMG_3876.jpeg)

I can’t believe Britbongs worship people this hideous.
No. 2022223
>>2022218I am not the ugly cartoon rat boy!
>>2022219Actually I do have autism but thank you for your kind words instead of mean cyber hate like what I have received so far.
No. 2022305
>>2022263One of the Girls Defined announced recently that she’s pregnant and she’s due in June, and there were bunch of blogposts about their June babies and how they took them to Pride the second they were born. Who cares about this shit.
Also the pathetic attempts at armchairing. We theorize about some cows here a lot, but they talk about them like they’re their distant relatives and they’re oddly invested in them, it’s weird at this point. Funny how you can have websites with strong guidelines against cow tipping etc. and we’re the evil ones because we say retard on here, but pc Reddit attracts the most psychotic weirdos.
No. 2022506
>>2022390You’re right and you should be able to say it here, especially when we have threads dedicated to hating weebs and talking about how they pander to moids to achieve true nlog/cool girl status. I’m tired of women saying they like anime like eva or coomer shit to impress moids or fit whatever -core zoomer shit is trendy at the moment. Weebs before were able to call people out and gatekeep but everything is so commercialized that if you say you spent any money on a franchise or series it makes you better than the people who don’t buy merch but have actually enjoyed it. You see it all the time in the consumerism thread with kids buying up figures from older series that are niche yet complain when it’s from a
problematic series or something like picrel. I just want anime to be seen as a plague on society again so fandoms can heal from the damage normie men and women have done to it
No. 2022512
>>2022506I know I'm right kek I hate how they're so sensitive about shitty anime like I havent seen dozens and dozens of posts whining about "normie women" being posers and pretending to like it for attention.
>>2022453You aren't "just like Asuka" just because you're a cunt.
No. 2022591
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>>2022512dont care didnt ask
No. 2022593
>>2022390This. They hates
nonny because she told them the truth
No. 2022777
File: 1716820436819.jpeg (395.68 KB, 1534x2048, IMG_4459.jpeg)

I hate women who do this shit. Not everything has to be an ~aesthetic~ you dumb consoomer
No. 2022793
>>2022780Its a steamdeck
>>2022786>radfem out of no whereHonestly it sounds more like you need to get off those places, you sound a little traumatised
No. 2023956
File: 1716891257184.jpeg (417.04 KB, 1170x2068, IMG_5387.jpeg)

I hate food influencers. There is some good food content out there but 90% of them are just
>OTT facial expressions
>“LoOk aT that CheEsE pULl”
>”I’m just gonna dip thiss in the sauce and OH MY GODDD”
>table manners of a literal dog
>all of the same overpriced overhyped “trendy” food places
No. 2024445
File: 1716920722764.jpeg (30.82 KB, 475x317, IMG_4873.jpeg)

When people post a trope’s existence as a defense for ugly design decisions, as if white haired anime girl is any less retarded than the magical negro
No. 2024471
>>2022079I liked it because it was retarded also the opening theme is fire. Same with "Beautiful world".
>>2023956The facial expressions and the moaning are always so gross. At least they've stopped saying "food porn"
No. 2026021
File: 1716970215983.jpeg (110.8 KB, 980x618, Neon-Genesis-Evangelion-980x61…)

>>2022079Evangelion looks good, the story is good, the colors, the shadowing, the contrast, the gnostic undertones, the horror, the rawness of what the characters are experiencing, the whole thing is an aesthetic experience. You're the cunt because you have shit taste and you're sexist kek.
No. 2026031
File: 1716972004178.jpg (49.29 KB, 620x895, impressing the moids with kawo…)

>>2022079>Girls pretend to like it to impress whatever weird dork they have a crush onNow this is a moid ass take
No. 2026035
>>2022506Kinda OT but god these tiktoks make me cringe
I actually do think it's worse than a teenage girl is owning Sonico figures over an adult because she's literally the mascot of a porn game company, it would be like a teenage girl collecting playboy bunny or pornhub merchandise
And secondly MFC only banned loli/shota figures for a VERY short amount of time and even then it was only nsfw ones (they're no longer banned on the site by the way) anyone with eyes can clearly see that it's a lolicon figure.
No. 2026039
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>>2026035With that being said I do think women who delude themselves into believing stuff like sonico is 'actually for them' are unbelievably cringy but also pretty hilarious in a pathetic way.
No. 2026041
File: 1716973620919.jpg (Spoiler Image,145.9 KB, 640x569, BCDD5585-6-BC5-460-D-8-D75-BFF…)

>>2026039Example of 'empowering female gaze' art made by and for women according to these people by the way.
No. 2026084
>>2026039kek, Kumi Koda was a cool gyaru not an anime moeblob, what is their point ?
>>2022145I hate NGE for the push it gave for moe culture to take over. I know it was kind of an accident and the series itself isn't any more "moe" than whatever "girls in space" series from the 80s, but I feel like there's a lot of creators and series that got done dirty by the post-Evangelion context to a point where overall, Evangelion took more from us than what it gave.
No. 2026409
File: 1716997432937.jpeg (Spoiler Image,99.49 KB, 600x832, IMG_8222.jpeg)

>>2026396It’s pretty funny how they’re almost riding on fujo bandwagons by saying ‘NO WE’RE JUST LIKE YOU GUYS’ no, you pick mes are nothing like us kek.
At most a few items in the group actually fall into female gaze but all of them are BL anyway (pic rel).
No. 2026436
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No. 2026503
>>2026497No, you dont
> the male gaze is the act of depicting women and the world in the visual arts and in literature from a masculine, heterosexual perspective that presents and represents women as sexual objects for the pleasure of the heterosexual male viewer.Since the femgaze is the genderbent version of the male gaze, it doesnt have anything to do with women.
No. 2026590
>>2026548nta but I think you really did misunderstand something important. this is the
things you hate thread. she was just saying she doesn't like people who act like women can't be in femgaze content. she was not saying women need to be in femgaze content or that it's not femgaze if there are no women in it.
No. 2026622
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>>2026594No. That's a whole new idea from what she said. She was talking about one specific thing. You are adding entirely new things to what she said. Don't be like picrel, get a grip. Don't come into this thread if you can't handle people describing one specific thing they dislike (literally what this thread is for). It's not an attack on you or what you like.
No. 2026840
>>2026836I'd say it's easy enough to spot the difference in treatment from covers alone. Male gaze will at best, feature the man's arms/body but it'll be mostly just the women.
Female gaze will have the man in frame, but the cover is still mostly the woman, with him at the back like am accessory
No. 2026870
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>>2026857One Room and Tawawa on a Monday?
No. 2026883
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>>2026874>these outdated statistics are true!!!Kek
No. 2026903
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>>2026874>caping for moids this much You know what you are
No. 2026973
File: 1717027275984.png (Spoiler Image,554.91 KB, 1066x423, ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww…)

>>2026968except male self inserts are generic faceless men while self insert for women are big titty bitches that look straight out of a male hentai manga. Hell, they are all in front of the men and show more skin too. You cannot expect straight women to find this arousing unless they are beta pickmes who get off on getting desired and oogled like a sex object like some weird irl kikomichan
No. 2027132
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I hate the anon that jacked my idea. I just know they’re not going to be as good as me either kekk
No. 2027572
File: 1717082670773.jpg (27.95 KB, 546x545, 00b04fa3a4bc35c1390a43dcffc798…)

when faggots wanna cry about something "never being able to fly in 2021-2022-2023-2024-any modern time". Who the fuck cares if zoomers would think it's offensive if it came out today? Why is the particular media being "offensive by modern standards" jerking these faggots' dicks so much? Why does that have to be the litmus of why they like something? Be happy that it came out thirty years ago and shut the fuck up already.
No. 2027632
>>2027622think of literally any media that's at least ten years old, has a dark/offensive humor, or wasn't afraid to depict dark subjects and scary imagery, and there's always going to be some faggot going "OMG this would have
triggered so many people TODAY!". I've seen people saying this about
Tropic Thunder.
No. 2027820
>>2027793I didn’t say that anyone should live just for the happiness of others, I said that it’s selfish to put someone in the position of finding you with your brain all over the walls of your old room. I first just thought of family members but really, that can be anyone. Your roommates, your landlord, whoever has to clean your whole scene up, a lot of people. Idk I just find it to be a solemn final act of selfishness. And not only all of that; but many people who commit suicide don’t reach out for help, so you really can’t logically blame the other people in their lives when they aren’t the one who quite literally pulled the
No. 2027913
>>2027906ntayrt i've just been watching so far but i dont think she means its only self centered because of other people, just that suicide is a "self-centered act" which to be frank it literally is because suicide revolves around
yourself kek
No. 2027928
File: 1717097475044.png (87.22 KB, 1324x514, definition.png)

>>2027918ayrt im a burger and heres the definition of the word selfish. literally
concerned chiefly with ones own profit or pleasure which is exactly what being down so bad to the extent where you kill yourself is. i don't know about you but i would consider that being chiefly concerned kek
No. 2027930
>>2027920That’s not what selfishness is though dumbass
>>2027923I’m not suicidal. Nice try, cock breath
(infighting) No. 2027932
>>2027920just ignore them, they're probably suicidal and unstable and you somehow
triggered them. people who are suicidal have such low self esteem they think they're doing the world a favor by offing themselves. if you call suicide selfish it will not compute to them because they are too miserable to understand that someone would be troubled by their absence and/or they are too emotionally numb to understand that someone could be traumatized by seeing their corpse. I'm speculating on a lot but I'm positive it's futile to argue with them.
No. 2028693
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There are so many fucking libfem groups on mfc
No. 2028962
File: 1717158544667.jpeg (891.11 KB, 1125x2064, 6C6C9006-828F-49E1-957D-6D5EEB…)

i hate this thread. all this effort and gushing over some sucking the dick of some scrote who didn’t seem to make her cum are full of women praising her and gushing right along. and men of course. is there no hope for women
No. 2028969
>>2028745Even worse when it's
itchy, fuck!
No. 2029377
>>2029365i know what you mean, i love
toxic romance and watching fictional people slowly implode from self destruction. its just juicy drama where no one has been actually hurt
No. 2029418
>>2027910>>2027913>>2027899>>2027779Things I hate: these retarded anons
>>2020899I don't hate most of that genre of art itself I just hate the people behind it. Whenever I see well drawn or cute moid art of child characters they're always pedos and it sucks. I always think to myself I wish I could take their drawing skills and make it so it's genuinely only innocent kid drawings rather than anything with a pedo undertone or made by a pedo. Have to keep practicing I guess.
>>2022079Kek. There's something to be said about the pickmes who pretend to like specific media to appeal to men but Eva is not one of them. Especially when it's way too mainstream these days to be impressive at all that you watched it.
No. 2030830
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All I can think of when I see plush hammocks is all the bugs roaming around on them.
Also it's just a fugly way to display plushies.
No. 2030999
File: 1717292300053.jpg (39.07 KB, 640x629, 1000003804.jpg)

Words can't describe how much I hate this line. I hate Carrie
No. 2031054
Retarded rant that no one will understand but me incoming. I hate how the metal "community" spreads the lie that metal style screaming is safe and pretend there's research behind it or something. When all the research is made by biases metalheads or even metal vocalists who don't want their literal business ruined by exposing it's dangerous. How else are they gonna sell lessons or promote the vocal "technique"? I don't mind the sound, in fact I love it and think it's cool. I just hate how they'll never admit it's actually harmful and causes vocal damage. You can hear it in singers who sing and scream and have to switch it mid performance live, their singing sounds very raspy and hoarse. The reason is they're actually using their vocal cords to make the sound. "False cords screaming" doesn't exist, the false cords don't move or make sound at all. And "fry" screaming literally uses a tiny hole in the vocal cords to be made, it definitely hurts the voice. And what I also hate is all the crook vocal coaches on youtube who take the info from their fucking comment section and run with it as facts. Then claim to understand and be experts in this because they reacted to some metal songs, and claim to even starting to teach it when they can't even make it themselves. They just want to cash in on a new untapped market, and the retarded metal fans fell for it because "wow someone high brow noticed us!!1!1!1! We will get soooo popular and accepted in the mainstream now!1!1!1!". Attention seeking idiots. Again, I'm not against the teaching and learning of it, but the lies spread around it. Just be honest to your students and let them know what they're getting themselves into ahead of time. So when they start losing their voices they don't get shocked, and if they don't want that to happen they can refrain from it all together.
Another unrelated topic is how some "vocal coaches" lie about smoking and drinking and claim it doesn't affect singing, then list 1 or 2 outlier singers as proof. Those are 1-2 out of millions who did damage their voices with all the drinking and smoking (along with shouting/screaming at times) like, idk, every rock singer ever? It's basically a marketing strategy at this point.
>do what you want as long as you pay me to teach you! And if any problems arise because of any of my bad teaching, it's ok! I know the magical fix I swear! Just pay me more!
No. 2031084
>>2031054today's metalheads are as cringe as punk larpers
imagine needing "vocal coaches" for a vocal style that resulted from people trying to sound as disgusting and aggressive as possible without giving a shit about vocal health
No. 2031583
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>>2031556Have you tried this cool new pro-feminist contraceptive?
No. 2031662
File: 1717309650350.jpg (420.11 KB, 1079x825, Screenshot_20240602-032509_You…)

Fuck this shit
No. 2031722
File: 1717311442628.png (228.67 KB, 574x637, IMG_3419.png)

> be me
> cozy quiet hobby blog
> extensive blacklist of current events + buzzwords + politishit to curate a peaceful algorithm
> inevitably end up having to unfollow 70% of the people I follow anyways because it’s only a matter of time before they reblog some god awful crap or post their shitty opinions
le sigh
No. 2032137
File: 1717347595997.png (78.12 KB, 990x302, RETARDED.png)

People that type like this. Why? I don't get it. So retarded.
No. 2032163
>>2031868I never watched the show, but we had one of the Moomin books in my house when I was a kid (early 90s). I thought it was creepy and sad and upsetting and I didn't like it.
It's hard to put my finger on exactly why, and no offense to any Euro or Japanese nonnas who had it as a part of their childhood, but something about the Moomin stories doesn't translate to American culture, and they come across as weird and unsettling.
No. 2032223
File: 1717353110077.png (4.83 MB, 3264x1801, LOL.png)

I hated this bitch so much I am so glad he ended up alone
No. 2032926
File: 1717385349666.gif (615.49 KB, 165x239, 1000029586.gif)

I actually fucking hate how videos are nowadays always with some sped talking on social media as close as possible to the lens of the fucking camera.
It's so annoying and uncomfortable, I hate having to look at some rando fucker's fuck face so close that you feel like that person is going to fucking clash foreheads with you like an angry goat.
I don't hate closeups of cute animals and insects, but people talking directly to my face and either constantly looking right into the camera or looking away and the BAM fucking looking right into my fucking soul with those soulless eyes that most social media addicts have is so disturbing and unnerving, I don't get it, why not get a fucking selfie stick? That's kind of what they're made of, it's like everyone forgot they exist so you don't showcase your bepimpled ass face and awkward eye contact bullshit.
No. 2033326
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I refuse to give her even an iota of attention
No. 2033393
File: 1717404351036.jpeg (525.25 KB, 828x1151, IMG_2583.jpeg)

I stopped using Mumsnet so much because if you post an even slightly unconvincing or extreme dilemma no matter how true it is, you will be hounded and doxxed on r/MNTrolls where a bunch of scrotes and spastic Mumsnet rejects (who got their MN accounts banned for being unable to be civil or integrate) who will speculate about why your very real life situation is made up. Even if it is proved that you were telling the truth, they will double down and call you an attention seeker. wtf.
No. 2033416
>>2033412>why does a 13 year old boy have a gf to begin with NTA but you’d be surprised. Went over to my friend’s house the other day and her 11 year old sister was talking about inviting her “boyfriend” over. She said some shit like “6th grade love is sooo romantic” and we both cringed. Kids do stuff like that at every age but it’s never serious. Many of my family members/friends had “boyfriends”/“girlfriends” in middle school.
Are they gonna last? Highly highly doubt it
Should they be fucking? Absolutely not
No. 2033421
>>2033418Maybe she wanted to die
I think about dying all the time and if euthanasia were available I might have done it on a really bad day
No. 2033429
File: 1717408859739.jpg (365.51 KB, 1080x1901, 1000006639.jpg)

Pick mes that are literally saying shit "haha we are no better than men" it's popping up more and more on my IG
No. 2034038
>>2033418this is an insane conclusion to jump too when it’s much more likely she was traumatized?? why do people just jump straight to concluding a woman has bpd when even women with bpd are mostly just
victims of trauma? like literally there is no hope for women.
No. 2034095
File: 1717442352595.png (219.24 KB, 983x440, annoying.PNG)

No. 2035466
File: 1717518627599.jpeg (14.33 KB, 275x183, IMG_7761.jpeg)

>>2033432The whole thing was a public BPD meltdown meant to make her mother and sisters feel guilty for not accepting her old moid boyfriend. She should have woman’d up and either left him or slashed her wrists. I’m glad she’s gone, useless attention seeking cunt.
I say that as someone who also has treatment resistant depression. She was a fucking loser. I’m glad natural selection took her out before she was able to breed. If you identify with her you’re a loser as well.
No. 2036616
File: 1717575232558.jpeg (120.65 KB, 750x873, IMG_3001.jpeg)

>>2035889>it’s been 5 yearsIt’s scary how fast time is moving now. I hate it
No. 2037550
File: 1717630454812.png (978 KB, 1170x1519, dude shut the hell up im tired…)

i can’t stand these memes
No. 2037561
File: 1717630700235.jpg (Spoiler Image,117.15 KB, 843x1004, Judith With the Head of Holofe…)

I met a man today at a bbq who unironically thought that women who get beat by their husbands shouldn't be able to divorce them. Same guy complained about his "crazy ex-wife" and brought up manosphere podcasts because ofc. I can't believe people this retarded exist. Spoiler for Judith my beloved
No. 2037745
>>2036702You'd be surprised at how retarded the general public is and how the majority of people actually do not know how to clean properly.
What employers mean is that they don't want someone braindead.
But they cannot say that outright so they post stuff like your greentext instead kek.
No. 2038513
File: 1717695505317.png (14.55 KB, 322x156, 1000030456.png)

I actually hate this shit so much, you could be at the most random and retarded place ever and someone is going to be like
>trans rights
>trans rights?
Kill yourself already you fucking losers, Jesus Christ, like why is everything about their retarded shit, of course their dumbasses are going to be accepted everywhere, because they're fucking everywhere and you could get your server/blog/career fucked if you don't automatically say "yes" because then you will be considered worst than the son of Satan, Hitler and Mohamed after a disgusting threesome in which they bathe in the blood of kittens and puppies.
No. 2039233
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I hate whatever this card is. It’s so gross
No. 2040538
File: 1717822966077.jpeg (85.65 KB, 735x908, IMG_1417.jpeg)

>leaving grocery store
>spot small kid no older than 5 walking around with an iPhone in his hand with TikTok opened
I fucking hate how normalized it is to give your kid a tablet or a phone and allowing them to watch tiktok slop unsupervised. How are normies not worried about how their children are going to turn out?
No. 2040549
File: 1717823915695.jpeg (29.52 KB, 758x510, GOxX7PubcAIekOb.jpeg)

>>2040346Thank you for reminding me why i don't go there even if their milk can be more interesting than here.
No. 2040714
File: 1717843070746.jpg (370.05 KB, 1920x1536, bright-and-colorful-children-s…)

Hate how easy it is to cheat on taxes and goverment payments in my country! One degenerate Tif is registered as an employee in a foreign company because she has conncetions. She doesn't do any work for them but they pay her insurance and social monthly payment to our state because they get some sort of benefit from it… The payments to our gopverment is A HELL LOT OF MONEY becaically 60% of my pay as a small business. So she doesn't have to pay anything to the goverment and has tons of money because of it.
I hate that especially because she's a Tif dating a troon and her art is ugly and everything she makes looks the same. Autistic bitch still draws a tree like a green cloud on a brown stick ale people pour their money on her possibly because shes trans… i can't explain it otherwise why would anybody want this crap art. I wish i could report her but it's impossible the way she has that arranged.
No. 2040772
>>2040346Sexual predation is sexual predation.
Bet these are the same people side-eyeing adult women who report sexual harassment because of their age and how they should have known/just deal with it.
No. 2040775
>>2040733Autistic men are like pets.
Entertaining, can make good hobby companions, but at the end of the day are self-serving animals incapable of considering your interests so it does not mean you date and fuck them.
No. 2041076
>>2041051I'm sick of seeing and hearing graped on youtube. Exclusively used by the people not saying anything awful, who are being respectful to the topic. The actual word raped only being used by people making edgy jokes. Censoring working out great.
Esp now that some bot or whatever tf it is mass spams alot of popular youtuber comment sections saying that they love raping and torturing kittens. Where's the filter suddenly gone when that's showing.
No. 2041084
>>2041076personally the word rape does
trigger me (I have ptsd) but grape is disrespectful, they could say sexually assaulted instead. the same for
unalive. there is a respectful way to say suicide without using the word like simply saying someone passed away.
No. 2042029
File: 1717914406649.jpg (62.7 KB, 559x645, 1000003876.jpg)

Circle lenses in general are stupid and completely destroy your eyes but men in circle lenses are an actual abomination omg its so disgusting
No. 2042049
>>2042038But you
do sound bitter. If you want to be alone that's fine, but soapboxing about it or arguing with people and looking down upon them for being social and craving love and affection is just so snide and rude. Everyone has become so brazen with how little respect they have for other people, if you want to isolate that's fine but you can't expect people to not point out that it's isolation if you voluntarily share the info when you have no reason to. If you want to be left alone, stop engaging with people.
No. 2042081
>>2042038Same. I hate the "I hope one day you find the love.." part. Like you're not better than me just because i'm bitter about something in one instance. It's not your place to hope for me or wish me anything. Like don't you have your own life to deal with and think about? How does the person know i didn't experience "pure joy" i might experience it every day, but that doesn't mean i'm also not angry about something else.
They don't mean it really that they wish i was happy, they just want to sound better than me, like they achieved another level and i'm just a silly baby who will achieve that one day. If they really meant it they wouldn't say it like this.
No. 2042739
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No. 2043641
File: 1718000299434.png (40.18 KB, 258x248, i hate youuu.png)

i hate how zoomers never smile in photos anymore and instead do this weird dead eyed pucker kissy face i dont even know what its called
No. 2043678
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Women who tell their friends' secrets to their husbands.
No. 2044674
>>2043781Well said. It was hard to find a way to phrase it without sounding like a scrote, but this is a symptom of the average woman not being able to retain her own identity once pairing up.
Meanwhile men will just decide not to tell their wives that their best buddy is a RSO, just to avoid the drama.
No. 2044746
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I hate when I have a bad day at work and check lolcow and none of my favorite cows are posting so Im left by myself with my own thoughts
No. 2044780
>>2044659I don't usually let it just autoplay after it's done with an album, but it always stays in the same genre for me the few times I've done it.
I just use the website because adblock works with it and I'd never pay.
No. 2044806
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>>2044794Understandable. Her music has been like that for as long as i have known she as existed. I personally enjoy her music. I am really irritated at the one troon with the eating disorder is being shoved in all our faces as representation of female beauty when he looks like an ana-chan Vladimir Putin.
No. 2045077
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>>2044878i appreciate when men have bowl cuts because it signals that they're probably crazy and i should go out of my way to avoid them even more than the average moid
No. 2045091
>>2041076>>2041084I thought it was just because youtube demonetizes videos for using certain words even in educational videos.
I hate google
No. 2045306
>>2045289Echo chamber?
>>2045297Same but those moids are talking about how they should be able to fuck underage girls on my fyp while I'm reading cute fanfics
No. 2045419
>>2045413true and i'm sorry to hear that, i tend to pity those types of anachans tbh
i knew one who would had the same reasoning but subconsciously did it so she'd be "untouchable" as well
No. 2045752
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Not trying to racebait at all, but my entire life I've always hated when white people eat tomato sauce and then you can see it around their mouth. It's like a pete peeve, it disgusts me.
No. 2045964
File: 1718167315418.jpeg (15.9 KB, 559x549, tired.jpeg)

>Read supposed ""femgaze"" smut doujin for women
>Written by an actual woman
>Guy doesn't look repuslive and there's pussy eating and fingering involved—no blowjobs
>"Oh yeah, dis gon b gud"
>Later. Pages and pages of focusing on the girl's retarded ahegaos, tits, and ass. Most bone breaking poses imaginable
>Seeing first person POV panels from the guy's first perspective.
>Most of the time it doesn't even show his fucking face—just the girl's
>Get a few crumbs of the guy's appearance
>The comments are like: "ZOMG, my pussy's a waterfall right now!! Finally, hentie for women!!! Peak femgaze!!!!!"
Why is female heterosexuality so inherently cucked.
No. 2045988
>>2045964It hurts. That’s why I only really read yaoi nowadays, but even then there’s
cuntboysand genderbending…
No. 2046014
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Forgive me for saying this but she could literally rape someone with those toes
No. 2046106
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average r/funnymemes post. yes keep destroying her gum and teeth health for a lie
No. 2046665
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I hate Nate from Devil Wears Prada. He was being a hater from the get go. This movie didn't teach me that you shouldn't change for money and opportunities, it taught me that once you start moving up in the world men will hate on you and try to bring you down.
No. 2046685
>>2046665He annoyed me so much. Fuck that selfish faggot.
>wah wah you forgot my bdayJesus, what are you? 12???
No. 2046713
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>>2046665when I watched this movie with my teenage nieces I made sure to teach them that nate is a whiney faggot who doesn't deserve Andy and only stressed her out further every time she got home. He got so uneasy when it was clear she was upgrading her life, an exact low value male blueprint.
I also let them know in the book she doesn't take his ass back, and that those friends who were happy to take her freebie purses and stuff were immediately eager to make fun of her for answering the phone… for the same job that let her get those freebies.
On top of the one night stand mistake with the fashion faggot, and the general life lessons regarding boundaries and dealing with bitches and career politics, this movie is primo teaching material for young women if its supplemented with the right analysis
No. 2046865
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>tiktok of some girl showing off her “Gen Z corporate” office
>has enamel pins and plastic figures and plushes
>Sure that’s perfectly fine
>refers to herself as just a child
Home girl was clearly in her 20s. Wtf is this need to label yourself a child? The self infantilization is so rampant i hate it so much. It’s like the “I’m just a girl”. Just please shut the fuck up.
No. 2046896
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I'm watching the anime adaptation of DEAD DEAD DEMONS DEDEDEDE DESTRUCTION and it has reawakened my hatred of Inio Asano.
No. 2046917
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>>2046865Overconsumption of media that focuses entirely on kids and teens (anime, YA novels) meaning they can’t conceive the idea of having a life and goals and adventures after age 16.
I don’t know if it’s confirmation bias or if there really is less interesting stuff to watch with real adults.
No. 2048438
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No explanation necessary, I hated him from episode one. And I hated how he was getting pushed as hot.
No. 2049156
>Finally find a somewhat decent josei smut—no maledom garbage, female lead is relatble and isn't a passive crybaby>The male lead is older and uglyFucccckkkkk thhiiiis.
No. 2050854
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>>2050747it's because Elon wanted to hide his coomer habits
No. 2051134
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>>2050939Russian doctor handwriting is next level illegible
No. 2051421
>>2051382There was a grandmother at my local gym/pool who was babysitting her preteen and teenaged grandsons over the holidays and brought them into the locker room with her. The oldest was
at least 12, could’ve been a pudgy 14. This is a locker room where women walk around completely naked and she thought it was a good idea to take a
teenage boy in with her.
No. 2051559
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>>2051382Speaking of bathrooms, has anyone here been to a male bathroom as a woman? Like not just as a TIF (like, you can also share your experience) but as an actual normal woman walking into a men's bathroom, not to do anything sexual but just to pee. I have done it twice, one out of curiosity and the second one out of necessity. First time no one was there before and after so no1curred, second time the bathroom was empty at first but then a shit ton of men started pouring in and I had to hide for over 20 minutes, it was awkward as fuck, a cleaner had to come and rescue me lol I remember him being very shocked and praying in spanish. The women's bathroom was full with a big line outside and I needed to pee so bad, shits insane I tell ya, women's bathrooms should definitely be bigger than male bathrooms since we do way more stuff in there that takes way longer
No. 2051568
>>2051559No, I can't imagine going into one. I'd rather piss myself than go through something so awkward kek.
But since we're talking about mens bathrooms, I've never understood why they need urinals. You use a regular toilet at home, but in public you need special toilets AND regular toilets too??
No. 2051572
>>2051559I've used the mens' restroom before in an emergency, it was very busy but the womens' had a long line as usual so I had no choice. It was completely uneventful.
I'm GNC and sometimes get the "this is a womens restroom" from older ladies so I had a brief phase of using only 1-stall bathrooms, but I'm not retarded enough to go into the mens' by choice kek Also I hate the trend of unisex bathrooms, they're in so many public spaces here and I'll never get used to washing my hands next to a moid
No. 2051583
>>2051559I had to use one once at the end of a soccer game, I don't remember what was going on exactly because I was very tired kid, I was like 13 years old when that happened, all I heard was that "there are no bathrooms for women" and I remember everyone being very mortified because of this, the women would all huddle together and grab their kids tightly, my mom held my shoulder so hard that if it wasn't because I was wearing winter clothes it would've hurt.
It was a bunch of people doing lines to go to the bathrooms, I'm honestly surprised I managed to hold it for so long even before the game was over.
I don't know why but I remember running too, and my mom always telling me to look down kek.
It was a whole experience, I honestly hope I never have to do that again.
No. 2051621
>>2051606>The funny thing is everyone seems extremely uncomfortable with itGod.
So if that's the case why are people not getting rid of this? It's so anti-human by design, as in, what the fuck were they thinking
No. 2051718
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Fuck this little faggot mutt I'm going to assassinate him like JFK
No. 2051749
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>>2051718Retarded fish over Sam????
No. 2051861
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Idiotically-long "reviews" or "documentaries" about video game franchises. Fuck, I just wanted to find if there was something about System Shock, evidently I have to sit through two and a half HOURS of some overweight idiot who thinks he's fucking Ken Burns if I wanna glean any information about the making-of. Not once do these retards ever dig up any new information. Nor can they speak coherently. If I have to sit through one more 20-something-year old stumbling over pronunciation and then going "ooh, I butchered that name"…
No. 2051880
>>2051861I agree that video essays are annoying and that
System Shock 2 is a good game.
>>2051807This is why I stay inside and don’t wear sunscreen. I hate anything slimy on the skin like lotion, makeup, etc. I’ve heard people talking about “moisturizing” their skin after taking a shower, but I don’t care and am not going to do that. People recommend their lotion for my eczema and are like, “This isn’t lotion though!” Well it’s still something annoying touching your skin and I don’t want it.
No. 2052541
>>2051817Is the protection OK? Since I got tattooed recently sunscreen has become mandatory and I need to protect it with a 50 spf cream.
>>2051880I don't live in a very warm country (June has been exceptionally cold this year) and during summer I try to stay in the shadow as much as possible. I never managed to build a skin care routine either, I just hate slathering shit on my face.
No. 2053130
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The only times I've seen men get bullied for their appearance they were either extremely fat or extremely ugly, no one gives a shit about men not being "perfect". They don't get a billion products and tricks marketed towards them to make them more attractive, they get so much "ugly" representation in media. Ugly men are already normal and accepted by society. The only shit they're unhappy about is not getting laid. But they refuse to actually change anything about themselves to be perceived as more attractive, they only know how to complain, complain, complain about women
No. 2053843
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I hate videogames made with an anime style. No matter how interesting your game might be, if it looks like this I'm not playing it. I hate how Xenoblade, modern Fire Emblem, and Genshin Impact look. They're clearly made for coomers in mind. Even recent pokemon games kind of have this style and I'm not super thrilled. The only one anime game I'm ok with is Persona, it compensates by having very good characters and stories.
No. 2053881
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>>2053130Kek reminds me of the discourse these wojaks generated. There will never be a need to validate men's feelings in such a general way.
No. 2053960
>>2053843I like anime artstyles but I also hate the recent stuff, it looks porny, sterile and boring, it's impossible to take anything seriously.
While Xenoblade may not be the worst offender it's crazy how the art style basically regressed. Same with Guilty Gear Strive somehow looking boring as hell and completely soulless compared to Xrd even though Xrd was already pretty close to that generic anime style I dislike.
Also I miss the hybrid semi-anime styles from the PS2 era so much.
No. 2054056
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I want to join a yoga studio, not a political cult ffs
No. 2054082
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>>2051718number 1 ♥ love him
No. 2054152
>>2054062I always thought of it more like priming a lawnmower, or rolling an orange before cutting it to squeeze, or like how a hydraulic system needs fluid. I'm definitely going to think of it that way the next time I write or draw something explicit though kek
>>2054056I hate when it gets misspelled as HIPPA, especially in doctors' offices. It's H I P A A. But it's already the law and yoga shouldn't have anything to do with health insurance either way, so what activism are they doing? It's just more virtue signaling.
No. 2054203
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>>2053843>Even recent pokemon games kind of have this styleMan Pokemon is the biggest red flag for how bad coomerbrain art style has infected Japanese games. Remember when Pokemon was touted as a game where you go on adventures, crawl through caves, canyons, jungles, surf the ocean, etc.? So it made sense for the player characters to wear NORMAL clothes? And the gym leaders were dressed according to their personality? And now look at them all. The female designs are all infected by coombrain while the male designs have become faggy, femboy shit.
No. 2054316
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>>2051718i'm consistently surprised Pochacco is ranked so high
i think the new ghost character is cute though, glad to see him gaining traction
No. 2056051
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I hate it when they compare PT to Chris-chan. I think he’s way worse than her and she doesn’t deserve the forced “female Chris-chan” title.
No. 2056376
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Political compass ""memes"". And wojaks in general
No. 2056440
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>>2053960the art style and redesigns in GGST are so terrible, even the select screen has no style or soul to it. it kills me inside to know this is their highest selling game and that they admitted to wanting to kill off everything that made the franchise more unique in the past, which included boiling the art style down into this horrible, retarded art style where the female characters look identical and have fat thighs while the men are roided and ugly, and that it worked. the current state of fighting games is such a shame, there is no hope for them.
No. 2056783
>>2056687I hate when British people (not accusing you of being british just speaking in general) complain about their summer weather, every time I hear about the "devastating heat waves" it's like balmy spring day temperatures
>w-we don't have AC!!then get one? not like summers will be getting colder any time soon. Or just go outside it's not nearly hot enough to kill you
No. 2056963
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I fucking hate the fact that most “femgaze” het doujins look like picrel and that the women are naked, have triple f cups, and look like their design has the most effort out into it. Usually they’re degraded to hell and back with focus on their body instead of the moids we’re supposed to be fapping to. I seriously don’t get it at all, especially since the bulk of the women reading this type of content usually don’t have perfect bodies irl. Like I’m flat and have never seen one of these doujins with a flat protag or even a character that doesn’t have a pornstar bod. I just don’t get it, why can male self inserts be plain, a beta, fat, even grotesque but women even in works for us always have to look perfect? This is why I gave up with yume content and returned to my fujoshi roots.
No. 2056969
nonny. It sucks. There is 0 content for women where the male love interests falls in love with a woman for things other than her looks. This is why i either watch/read BL or draw
monster womenxbishies No. 2057034
File: 1718857807344.jpeg (30.5 KB, 508x604, Sakimi'…)

>>2056963Sakimichan's art has downgraded over the years but I'll definitely respect her autism creating
genuine femgaze art.
It's sad that she's probably the
only artist I can think of that does stuff like picrel.
No. 2057076
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>>2057013Nope, you ain't using them correctly. Stop using JanitorAI and other shitty sites and use a front-end like SillyTavern. It gives you complete control over everything. Even lets you customize it to make it look like a dating sim, if you so choose. You can also add CSS and Javascript shit now so you CAN turn it into a dating sim. The only difficult thing is finding a proxy for one of the LLMs (ChatGPT, Claude, etc.), but they're pretty easy to find if you know where to look.
No. 2057088
>>2057087Ahfrhaf hey I deleted the post 'cause it was just gay 4chan shit, lol. Honestly you gotta just google them, because a lot of the time they're
mentioned on shitty /aicg/ threads on 4chan, or even on subreddits. It also helps to join the SillyTavern official discord and keep your eyes peeled there
No. 2057350
>>2057330You sound like one of those scrotes who insist that they're straight even when they get rock hard by the sight of a penised "woman".
It's okay to be gay
nonnie, flat-chested butches with deep voices exist.
No. 2057390
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Is this a fucking Venus Angelic scrote sex toy head? Whatever it is I hate it and hate even more that it was a sponsored/targeted ad AT ME because I don’t look at anything that should be filtering me into the category of people who would get this nasty shit.
No. 2057402
>>2057390Yup, looks a lot like her. Creepy
On another note, I fucking hate temu
No. 2058126
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Can't stand this stupid shit in picrel. I actually fucking despise it. It's not funny.
No. 2058131
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>>2058127i am shocked too along with the other books and him calling the real life actress sue lyon a nymphet, term he himself came up with
No. 2058842
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This is the shit that I really fucking hate! It's impossible to get good haircare advice videos right now.
Every now and then I change up my look. I want to bleach my hair and dye it ginger. Youtube would be my go to for aftercare advice and product recommendations. It's impossible to find that now.
Half of the videos are from Brad Fucking Mondo or are of TikTok compilations of him and the other half are wannabe influencers who are desperate to eat his ass and get a feature in his videos so he can berate them. I'm tired of all this shit, it's literally all pickme adverts.
I get so frustrated. While it's easy to avoid the moid, sometimes I'll find a video from some lady that looks promising, but 5 mins in she starts pleading with Brad Mondo not to come at her for messing up… at that point my blood starts simmering. Most of the time the look aren't even achieved, so I've wasted my time.
Reddit is sometimes helpful for advice, but I'd love to see something visual for help. I'm tired of how saturated youtube is with this fucker. Is there some way to filter him out?
No. 2059000
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No. 2059479
>>2059472I haven't reported anything. Just yesterday an anon posted this,
>>2058009 . It wasn't spoilered when it was posted, but spoiler or not I don't get why men are an irresistible topic. As for the "butch anime girl", if you mean the post I'm thinking of, that was just Nanami. It's genderbent but at first glance it does look like a regular pic of Nanami.
No. 2059680
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Men really don't have any kind of ability to extend humanity to the rest of the world, do they? Or at least the reddit flavor don't.
No. 2060010
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I hate the orange cat meme. I hate how retards go “they’re almost always male so yeah!” I feel like that meme/identification only began popping up because people started getting schooled on how calicos are almost always female, so insecure moids had to say orange cats are a calico’s LE QUIRKY male counterpart which isn’t even necessarily true because female orange cats make up almost a whopping 20-30% of orange cats in general and tend to be healthy. Meanwhile, male calicos make up less than 1% of calicos and are a result of an XXY mutation that makes them sterile. Every cat video has every cat in any color acting silly but the moment it’s orange, idiots go ORANGE BEHAVIOR even if it did the same thing as the last cats. TL;DR: orange cat meme is a great example of male WHAT ABOUT ME-ism and attention whoring.
No. 2060595
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No. 2060598
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Every fucking gaming channel is like this now. Every now. Why do so many gamers support trannies? it's insane. why they do act like living in the US is some death sentence as a mentally ill tranny when they are the most accepted here? I hate trannies so fucking much. it's insane. I hate them and the gamer men who support them so easily since trannies dont affect men, only women.
No. 2060780
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Kiwifarms has way better cows, but the users are fucking unbearable. Putting aside the misogyny and childish language, they somehow manage to derail every single thread. A thread I'm reading has like 40 pages, AND ITS ALL INFIGHTING. With the tiniest drops of milk here and there. Stupid attention whoring men on that garbage. It's like 4chan meets Reddit
No. 2060896
File: 1719141580883.mp4 (1.79 MB, 852x480, bossmanjack.mp4)

>>2060780the only kf cow i like is the crackhead gambling addict. Nick rekieta is so fucking boring, he's like kiwifarms shayna.
No. 2061068
>>2060979This reminds me of my country wanting to stop selling weapons to Saudi Arabia after one male journalist got murdered - meanwhile the fact that worse happened and is still happening to countless women there never bothered them one bit… Feels like a country's perceived stability or "they need help!"-index is solely based on how (un)comfy the moids living there are. I also came across this popular travel youtuber who praised fucking Afghanistan for being sooo friendly and the people being sooo much happier - but he also admitted that in his many weeks there he only saw one(!) woman outside. "Humans/people/citizens" simply nearly always only refers to moids, woman are just an afterthought.
So, why should we give a fuck about moids starving to death or getting shot if they do barbaric shit like happily "marrying" girls barely out of toddler age? Why should we let them come to better off countries? To me they aren't any better than soldiers, terrorists, rebel fighters, whatever.
No. 2061100
>>2060979Same. I could give less of a fuck to be honest.
>>2061048Kek I get it though
No. 2061134
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I hate what they’ve done to furbies. I will never forgive them for giving them these hideous anime eyes. They look like AI generated images of trolls now.
No. 2061149
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>>2061134I like the melancholy furbies, they have real personality.
No. 2061290
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>>2061134I am more offended by
>eyes don't blink anymore>mouth doesn't move anymore>no personality mechanics that have been a Furby staple since the beginning>RGB LEDs in ears to try to make up for lack of personalityLiterally a huge cheapo downgrade from Furby Boom and Furby Connect. Nothing beats the 90s furbies for me honestly, Hasbro should just remake 90s Furbies if they can. Fuck the Furby regretsy hell though, most modded furbies and furblongers are fucking hideous. Vanilla furbies with outfits, accessories, and small modifications are great.
>>2061149I haven't seen too many good images of the 2005 Furbies besides your pic and picrel. I have a couple of them myself and they tragically stopped working a long time ago even with fresh batteries.
No. 2061330
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>>2061290It's from a Japanese account I found on Twitter, they post cute stuff.
No. 2061399
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>>2061149>>2061290>>2061290>>2061330Im OP and I feel very moved by these beautiful vintage furbies. Thank you, nonnas. But at the same time it increases my hatred for these disgusting acid troll abominations they are forcing on us now. Picrel is quite literally vomit inducing.
No. 2061515
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I know this is rage bait but it’s sometimes depressing when people bring up valid issues and some retard (always a male) has to come and be an absolute faggot about it.
No. 2061627
>>2060979nobody says you MUST make a statement, just shut the fuck up if you don't want to. just be quiet instead of posting whiny self-victimizing comics on tumblr and doing performative virtue-signaling "activism" OR bragging about how much you don't give a shit. leave people who are struggling alone if you don't care enough to get involved. it's for the best
>moids are bombing each other over stupid shit moids are bombing women and children you fucking retard. i know it's hard to care about women when all your shriveled up brain can think of is men but you should at least try. i hope you and
>>2060983 and whoever else is kissing your ass for this retarded take gets torn to shreds in a shelling. you are not unbothered cool and edgy, you are insufferable stupid cunts. nobody cares about your opinion or lack of thereof. kill yourself
(infighting) No. 2061855
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>>2061399Yeahhh, I didn't think we could do worse than the Furblings yet here we are. Thanks Hasbro!
No. 2061938
>>2061935nta but i wasn't talking about STEM shit because thats not what i consider to be important, thats been oversaturated with limp wristed faggots since 2011. i'm talking more about the medical field (for humans and animals), childcare, banking, education (for both adults and children), the science of farming and food growth/hunting, you know; actual
important stuff
No. 2061943
>>2061938>medical field (for humans and animals), its not that it's oversaturated it's that it's corrupt, plenty of medical pros are quitting and struggling with finding and keeping good paying jobs, hospitals leave places understaffed and fire like crazy
>childcarecant be serious
>education (for both adults and children)do you live under a rock?
>the science of farming and food growth/huntingkekk
No. 2061947
>>2061943if you dont have anything constructive to add to the conversation then i dont see why you feel the need to respond. i am aware of how there are less and less people every year going into childcare, banking, education, and agriculture because i am an active member of not just my community but society in general. come on
nonny>>2061945i didnt make any post claiming that business or tech are useful? im ta from this post
>>2061900 . a different anon decided to respond on my behalf without disclaiming theyre nta
No. 2062151
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peplum tops. it doesn't matter how beautiful you are or how nice of a body you have, nobody on this earth looks good in a peplum top. their creation was a mistake.
No. 2062166
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>>2062151If you have fridge body these absolutely look better.
The one you posted is hideous.
And unfortunately many peplums just look like patterned potato sacks because people do not pay attention to the fit.
No. 2062168
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>>2062043I hate when people post corrections and don’t even bother to look up simple acronyms
No. 2062507
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I hate it so much when people tie hoodies around their shoulders or waist
No. 2062964
>>2062938I'm more of a
>it dependsPlenty of people have gotten away with a cig habit and no sunscreen and have lived full lives without cancer.
But it depends.
Not smoking and wearing sunscreen in certain contexts will exponentially better the chances.
The real problem with lolcow-as it always has been-is that there is no nuance.
No. 2063168
>>2063153…clearly none of you had a blackberry circa the late aughts where the glass touch screen would shatter if you so much set the phone down on the table too firmly.
Even with earlier droids, if it rained outside even with the case on I would panic about the phone getting wet.
Smartphones today are tanks compared to what they used to be.
No. 2063371
>>2063343i don't care about hailey bieber but
>bitter older women seething and frothing at the mouthcongratulations on your pregnancy but you sound like a moid or a pick-me
No. 2063416
>>2063343I don't get that either. I don't want children, but a wanted pregnancy is something that's really special. You're creating a child who you will love and nurture and who will hopefully grow into an admirable person through your guidance. So it makes sense that you would subconsciously touch or cradle the little person you're growing inside you.
>>2063394These are not comparable at all. Online is not real life, so while newfags suck, they're not going to make it so you can no longer go to the public park or walk outside alone.
No. 2063440
>>2063371I was only making that observation because all of the women who were commenting negatively on that video are over 50.
I'm sure there are young women who think the same, but since I didnt see any on that video I was specifically talking about I used old as an identifier.
Also because I find it sad that women that would have gone through motherhood already would shit on another mother touching her stomach, I could understand women who are young and havent had children yet not "getting it". Maybe its a generational thing since my grandma made a comment about me touching my stomach and how "back in my day we didnt touch our stomachs" which just sounds absurd to me.
Seething over someone touching their pregnant stomach is bitter.
>>2063415No, I dont. I actually look forward to aging. See above.
>>2063403Yeah I saw that too, the video was of hailey walking down off of a bus so it makes sense you would put a hand over your stomach to protect it if you arent using that hand to hold a railing.
No. 2063447
>>2063416Yeah and although its obvious I didnt realize exactly how heavy it would be. Walking around any amount of decent distance kinda hurts even if you have a band on.
>>2063444Idk where they would put their arms when resting, it feels awkward to have it either side of the body. That makes me sad if it is a generational thing, if they tried to ignore being pregnant when others were around.
I think its really cool that women can grow a whole human, its such an amazing thing the body can do. Making somebody from your own body. Wild.
No. 2063545
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These little shits that can sometimes hurt when you move them around
No. 2063560
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I fucking hate this. Spoilered because it’s revolting and so disrespectful to Amy’s memory. There is so much footage and so many recollections of her saying she wanted a family, but I feel like that doesn’t make it acceptable to produce uncanny, cruel AI generated images of what it would look like if she survived.
No. 2063567
>>2063557Seething about amerilards while you live in your country where you have to make sure you don’t scrap yourself on a piece of metal or it’s practically over for your life. And who would have thought the same people who live in the very country they are criticizing and talking shit about would have
first-hand experience about living in the country?? Americans lie about many things but they aren’t lying that it’s going to absolute gutter shit and there are places and states in america that honestly mirror a third world country. America is not some big homogenous tribalist blob it has many different areas and cultures so it tells me a lot that you’re some foreign faggot that needs to shut their trap when you clearly don’t know a goddamn thing about our country
No. 2063585
>>2063574nta but
> America is always living rent-free in these countrieswhat does that mean? is it like an idiom
No. 2063604
Personally I hate how the same “is america third world” debate keeps getting repeated. It’s retarded
>>2063585Yeah, it’s an idiom to “live rent-free” in someone else’s mind. Anon is saying that people from other countries obsessively think about america
No. 2063676
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Third worldies who have to listen to Amerilards for the umpteenth time whining how their country is a third world shithole because they can't budget properly or live within their means is literally picrel kek
No. 2063691
>>2063676i never understood what the hell was so wrong with this scene in parasite. like obviously if you fucking smell bad because you don’t shower people aren’t going to want to smell your shitty stink? i don’t get how it was supposed to be some
rich people bad example when really it was a more like take a fucking shower you gross pig
No. 2063990
>>2063691Are you in picrel?
>>2063699L take
No. 2064698
>>2064681i'm actually scouring them looking for gossip sprinkled between the schizobabbling but am instead stumbling across lolcow worthy sentiments like someone saying kim k is a succubus
not all the conspiracy alley threads are total schizo babbling but most of them are. my favorite thread that's way tedious to read through but is funny is that one user who posted for 45 pages about how grimes is a gangstalker whos using tarot readers to target her kek
No. 2064711
>>2064702i saw an argument in some other thread that the mods should be able to ban for mental unwellness and i'm kind of in agreement, but then the site would lose some of its charm
i do buy certain theories about the carters (jay's alleged mistress and her mysterious death, his proximity to pdiddy another) but i cant stand the way fonts drench everything in proto religious panic bullshit
No. 2065430
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>Things you hate
I hate when anons in the funny cap thread can't stop themselves from acting retarded. Nobody cares if you personally don't find something funny. Let it go, it's one post. Why do you feel the need to let all of us know that you don't find it funny by sperging out in the replies? Picrel is usually how it goes down in that thread.
No. 2065435
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>>2065430My fucking sides. Anon got so pissed her post got called cringe and unfunny she took the time to open mspaint and make this shit. I don't know why anons have such an aversion to ignoring comments they don't like.
No. 2065484
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>>2065479Read the highlighted sentence retard
No. 2065486
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Was watching a video of someone putting together a cold plate of peel and eat seafood and faggots couldn't contain their sperg against white people and MuuHHH SeAsOnInGssSS!!!
Not everything needs to be doused in butter and cajun'd to have taste you fucking plebs. If you cannot enjoy seafood on its own then you don't like seafood, don't make your shit taste other peoples' problems.
No. 2065505
>>2065494I think you're just pissed off that nobody agrees with you.
>>2065498Thank you for your kind words and anime gif, but no, it isn't okay! I'm tired of my favourite thread being derailed by spergs that can't contain their mental slowness for more than 10 minutes at a time. I just want to see funny caps.
No. 2065521
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>>2065511ooo that makes me want some butterfingers now. i used to love butterfinger blizzards kek
No. 2065540
>>2065535i didnt post it kek otherwise i would have been banned for selfposting. So desperate to win online slapfights you are willing to ss my post and then post it there to try to discredit my
valid point while also proving it. Keep your infights out of the funny caps thread, its not hard.
No. 2065548
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>>2065519>I-I'm only adding cayenne to my crab legsLmao, quit taking it personally.
You know damn well the type of fags I'm referencing and it only applies to you if the shoe fits.
>>2065527You could do with less salt and butter though.
No. 2065551
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>>2064825I find some conspiracy theories interesting but there are also ones I think are delusional and laugh at.
"Coven families" and "Disney breeding labs" for example sounds like the plot to a b-sci fi horror
No. 2065571
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>>2065551Two other hilarious ones: claiming Trump is a time traveler and comparing Teslas logo to a womb (although with Elons obsession with breeding maybe it is intentional)
No. 2065588
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>>2065551the transvestigation one cracks me up because i imagine them looking at random women on tv and going thats a man
No. 2065592
>>2065584If you could read, I said that spices are healthy for you nona and they replied to that. Nice try though
>>2065582I don’t want to get banned for rattle rattle again……
No. 2065600
>>2065592No you definitely replied to a post talking about butter and spices and now you're hamfisting your eating disorder into an infight about spicy crab because you wanted to quack about your dietary choices. Sorry the food discussion
triggered you.
(infighting) No. 2065631
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>>2065629grimes gangstalker lady thinks low view nobody tarot readers are interconnected to grimes because of a hand gesture
No. 2065647
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Hate how every farming sim released nowadays looks like a Stardew Valley (the bad Harvest Moon) clone.
No. 2065656
>>2065486nonny how can you not love cajun fries!!
No. 2065838
>>2031722This is the way. Except for me, I no longer blog. I do miss having an art blog, but I feel so much more free. During my days, majority of my phone use is for listening to podcasts while I work. I picked running again, and (while I wish I could do more) I try to read and doodle on my own time. If I feel the need to talk about it, I'll call my sister or text a friend.
It's been a hard couple of years but I'm happy that I'm slowing breaking out of my phone addiction. My next step is to downgrade my phone to a Nokia after my smart phone dies.