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No. 2036807
no bait, board rules apply
valerie solanos is my honorary spirit guide
>>>/ot/2022906 No. 2036833
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>scrolling f/f tags
>countless futa and/or dickgirl fics
No. 2036881
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wish ppl weren’t so weird abt grief and respecting the dead bc im so sick of ppl looking at me like this when i make a joke abt my dead sister. it’s how i cope, you’re not even affected!!!!(integrate)
No. 2036903
>>2036778How the fuck am I being patronising? I'm autistic myself, I'm trying to be clear and concise. I AM proud of anon. Shared how I myself deal with shit like that, was meant as a "Please don't give up, don't let this hobby be ruined by someone who doesn't get you and how you learn."
For fucks sake.
I hope anon finds comfort in pottery, despite shitty and frustrating teachers. That they build their own knowledge base if the teacher can't help.
This site has been turning so damn
toxic the past few years, it's incredibly frustrating.
No. 2036920
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Is my chin receding, I want to cry
No. 2037000
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>>2036920Your jaw has already recesed, lol. That's how it developed. You have adenoid face, do you suffer from sleep apnea?
No. 2037003
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>>2036920I'm sorry but this reminds me of picrel
No. 2037019
>>2037000Damn. That's wild. Yes I have nasal issues which cause sleeping problems. I sleep with my mouth open. I think that can cause recessed chins
>>2037009No thanks. Dont wanna look like every other botched idiot on instagram. Lmfao. Plastic surgery is fake and retarded.
>>2037004You can try to get admin to delete the post please
No. 2037045
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>>2037003That is the type of scrote these anons defend daily.
That is the type of scrote these anons are willing to marry and procreate with thinking they peaked in life. I’m so tired of straight women honestly. I would kill myself if I had this jaw, no lips, acne, witch nose kekkk this is the kind of bitch trying to infight with me on /ot/ I’m almost dying of laughter
(baiting, derailing) No. 2037075
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>>2037060she looks like a chinless tranny, cry more
(baiting, derailing) No. 2037095
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>I'am married, Hun. He loves me and I don't even have to work. You probably have to sell yourself on OnlyFans for $2 to get even a crumb of attention or you probably do it for money to go get botched at the plastic surgeon.
Men will fuck animals and dead rotting corpses, you probably remind him of a fish with the type of blowjobs you give him chinlet kekkkkk(ban evasion, infighting)
No. 2037106
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wew /ot/ has the best cows
No. 2037112
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Back hurts. Titties sore. Period late. Peeing a lot.
No. 2037134
I had to put my cat down last week and I honestly am thinking about another one. Right away. Not because I’ll ever forget her but because I really need something to care for. It wouldn’t be the same though.
>>2037045>witch noseanon if I were retarded enough to post myself here I’d show you a witch nose, you
wish you had a witch nose.
No. 2037137
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I glo under the sun
No. 2037150
>>2037136I had this happen to me too nona!!!! I was so entirely convinced I was pregnant, I was researching abortion clinics and planning to set up an appointment. My boobs were sore, I felt nauseated in the morning, all that shit. I cried sometimes because I was so sure I'd have to get an abortion. A few days later, my period came kek.
It's just hypochondria making your mind read too much into harmless things your body is doing. Boobs hurting is a common PMS symptom, and stomach aches and nausea are normal stress responses. Stressing yourself out over this is making those sensations worse. Take a test if you really want to know, but I'm sure you're totally fine.
No. 2037155
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>>2037137well i glo under the moon
No. 2037197
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>>2037183I've always said I would never date a moid unless he's infertile or has had a vasectomy.
No. 2037203
>>2037183And this is how women end up with an accident baby
>>2037190Clearly anon isn't talking about trying to conceive dumbass kek
No. 2037240
>>2037180Dude yesterday I was watching a short where people asked 100 moms if their kids were accidents and a few of them said “abortion failed” that shit is BEYOND scary
>>2037183I wish that was me so fucking bad, even though my periods are weird I unfortunately still get them even though I’m a fatty
>>2037218But it’s ALWAYS the ones who don’t want a baby who get pregnant. Isn’t that fucked how it works?
No. 2037331
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>Find out my brother in law was able to get my sister a cozy job where she can work from home and get benefits
>happy for her but now thinking about my situation
>Im still struggling to finish school and living with parents
>still struggling to find a job
>still struggle with social anxiety
>feel like a loser because I didn’t work hard enough before and am suffering for it
>considering killing myself again
I know there’s no point in looking back but I genuinely wish I could go back in time and slap myself into motivation. I don’t want to give up but maannnnn it’s coming to get me and I have no where to run
No. 2037391
>>2037218Get your fertility checked, that’s bizarre. Or your bf should. Something isn’t working correctly because that’s crazy imo for that length of time.
>>2037331I feel this, it’s never fun to see someone close to you get an “easy” out when you’re barely keeping your head above water.
>>2037381Everything doesn’t have to be a performance. Just doodle in your free time a go from there. Get some supplies or whatever programs you need. If you enjoyed that much at some point it it will probably bring you some peace.
No. 2037400
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I haven't been this mentally fucked up in a while, and it's all my own fault for letting myself become a hikikomori NEET loser who's drowning in grief or some shit. Holy fuck why can't I just be a robot or something?? Like, bitch get over it, it's not that bad pull it together you are embarrassing yourself right now!!
No. 2037472
>>2037322Hmmm good tactic but for me it’s a game and for him he really doesn’t care
>>2037390already did
No. 2037633
toxic, infighting, and/or getting onto the screencaps thread
No. 2037684
>new girl to the friend group develops romantic interest to a mutual who I used to smash
>mutual wanted to be in a relationship w/ me but I rejected cause I did not think he was a good match for me outside of providing dick
>shame on me for going this far with someone I would be too embarassed to actually date, he should have stayed a friend
>friend group got pretty close to me and almost kicked mutual out for being a dumbass towards me
>but I told them not to
>played coolgirl towards his behavior and moved on so we all could have a good time
>things chill down
>mutual moves on somewhat but sometimes I entertained casual encounters just cause I was bored and wanted safe dick
>when new girl comes into the group, she immediately crushes on mutual and acts super jealous towards me
>like she hates me but I never even said anything or did anything offcolor to my knowledge
>did not even mention my prior relations, but assuredly she was told by mutual or others
>she glares at me during hangouts even though I try to be friendly yet she actively ignores me
>did I mention she is poly and already has a husband she is cucking with kids even so who even knows why she is having this reaction towards me over another scrote????
>mutual has poor boundaries and flirts when we all hang out
>my being nice is seen as encouraging it even though I am like that with everyone
>new girl seething
>I ask mutual to please tone down flirting, and with group pressure he does
>comes out later that he still had feelings and thought I was trying to make him jealous when I'd flirt with other men when it was just me moving on
>sometimes when we hang or go out we all give each other styled hair and makeup looks
>she throws a tantrum when I make the error of messing with mutual's hair during his bday and isolates herself from whole group
>even though other women in our group touched his hair too
>back off cause yikes
>on another occassion they invite me out but our whole friend group did not show up
>just her, mutual, and then another set of friends who paired off
>I felt like a third wheel and was sad, so I left early, but it felt like they staged it on purpose at his behest
>starting to think mutual is getting off on a girl acting desperate over him and treating me like shit to get me back
>I still try to be nice in my irl and online interactions with them to keep peace but they largely ignore me
>they happily take from me when I offer to buy group drinks or if they need favors though
>I leave for a business trip
>in a matter of weeks almost all of friend group chat is ignoring me and acting like I don't exist except to talk down or correct me when I reply to something
>because I have not been able to hang out, attend group events, or participate much in the group chat due to being away for work
>and homegirl has been busy poisoning the well cause she wants me gone
>she posts that they are in a relationship
>congratulate them and say they are a cute couple
>my comment is the only one out of our group's that she has no reaction to
>it makes me want to call her and a few others out to ask what their fucking problem is and if I should just remove myself since I have only ever been nice and considerate for these assholes
>withhold my chimpout since I know she has positioned herself in the group whether I like it or not and lay low hoping her psychotic ass will clash with another girl that will hopefully make everyone see what a retard she is
Honestly, what a fucking pickme bitch and I am so mad that she is spoiling the first hobby friend group I made as an adult when I don't even want her fucking moid.
Moral of the story: Show no mercy to men, should have gotten the group to vote him off the island when I had the chance.
No. 2037756
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i have nobody to blame but myself. you can't fix schizos. friendship will not fix them. when someone warns you they are bad news, don't reply with how they're nice to you. it will only get worse. you are not a schizo whisperer.
No. 2037773
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Had a party of 6 Mexican men that took off without paying. I should've trusted my gut feeling that something felt off about them where one of them was being impatient and asked if they could smoke inside. Called my boss about what happened and said that it was "my fault" for not giving out their check which I was about to but they took off because I told them to smoke outside. They left a fat mess and I'm still waiting for the cops to show up. I fucking hate working here as a solo waitress with no manager around and having to deal with bad eggs like them. Glad to hear that it's closing down by the end of this month. I hope these pigs scrotes get caught and get their asses thrown in jail. Fucking hate men and I'm itching to a-log.
No. 2037785
Theres a very in-depth video on youtube, it's like 4 hours of television broadcast The day of 9/11. With like monitoring of the planes, showing the exact moment each plane was hi-jacked, reactions to the planes being hi-jacked, phone calls ect. Down to the exact second.
I watched up to the second plane hitting the second tower. I was already feeling depressed and horrible, but holy shit do I feel super-duper depressed. I feel like i'm kind of a wuss being so traumatized by 9/11 in current day. Especially when people joke on it.
But that video, watching all the normal commercials the day of and them talking about mundane things, seeing exactly when the watching the planes slowly approach on a map, while people on the plane called their love ones, or gave updates. It just got to me.
I don't know why but the second plane made me want to cry, it's just crazy it really happened.
No. 2037843
>>2037824I'm not caught up because I was waiting for a friend to catch up to where I was and she never did so it's been left in limbo for me. I know a little of the spoiler but I refrained because I'm pretty behind. For you to understand though (there's more to it than this but), denji the main character has a mission of touching boobs for the first time, same with a kiss and so on. Main point of contention was that makima, a superior of his, manipulates him with that. It's kinda the whole point for her to be calculating and manipulative but casuals don't care. There's also this character himeno that denji has a moment with where she drunkenly kisses him (I'm stretching it, she voms in his mouth) and then she drunkenly asks him to have sex, but it doesn't happen. She also offered aki a cigarette (people really cite this, this manga is set in the 90s btw) when he was underage and she was his superior, and people consider her to be a groomer for these things.
which makes me sad that she's only known for being a groomer when I think she's a great character The current spoiler people are pressed about right now is that
asa gives denji a handjob and he busts in her hand–look I'm so behind that I haven't even gotten to asa yet but she's a work partner like aki and not a superior like the others Nonnas more caught up can probably explain better, but even when you're just like 40 or so chaps in like me, you can understand the tone of the manga and the mind of the mangaka. The reactions people have seem so overblown really because fujimoto is not trying to make some complex and sensitive commentary. It's fucking chainsaw man. It's not just with this, it's also the principle of it. Moralfagging is so annoying. Addyharajuku comes to mind, you can find her in the consoom thread.
No. 2037844
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I don't understand how at my fattest (well my fattest was 230 lbs.. I've never been 193 lbs so still my fattest) that's when I actually start getting hit on by guys. I mean 90% are creeps or fugly old toads..their thirsty looks haunt my dreams…yet I've noticed the shift of attitude from guys my age. This male attention never happened in my adolescence. So it's all new to me kek.
But it could also be that my general mood is happier and I've been told I've got good vibes or radiate good energy lately. I'm pissed because I've always thought I was intimidating or ugly. But men are simple creatures. If you wear a hairstyle that suits your face your immediately treated diff in my experience. Whatever. I'm focusing on self betterment, and then I'll give moids the time of day when my primary objective becomes marriage.
>If I lose more weight and the attention lessens, then so be it..I won't sacrifice my health for external validation. Some if not most of it is unwanted anyway..I can feel their lewd thoughts in their gaze. Plus it's men.
No. 2037850
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>>2037844I’ve had the opposite problem. Now that I’ve dropped a lot of weight I get stared at and approached more often. It’s kind of scary how different people treat you when you look a certain way. I consistently get hit on by zoomer moids too which is really weird. Being physically perceived is so uncomfortable. Good on you for better yourself
No. 2037856
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I think I’m getting to that point where making friends is hard. It’s always been hard for me because I’m weird and autistic, but even then I always had a ton of internet friends. I feel kinda ignored in my online friend group and I have a couple work friends irl but that’s all. I can’t even make online friends anymore. I’m 22 and I guess it’s over in that way. It’ll be just me, nigel and my cat.
No. 2037863
>>2037391no it isn't bizarre, i've been doing it for ten years and i'm not infertile. like
>>2037416 says, there are only a few times it's even possible to conceive and if you're not a total idiot it's really easy to avoid.
No. 2037869
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>>2037850>It’s kind of scary how different people treat you when you look a certain way.Yeah exactly. It's jaded me a bit kek. Also I don't even possess the hourglass-goddess body shape. I'm a literal fat rectangle with barely any curves. So idk what it is about my appearance that's attracting these people.
>Being physically perceived is so uncomfortable.agreed kek
No. 2037873
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I can't sleep and I am in misery. Send help.
No. 2037877
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>>2037873why are you in misery, go take a shit and get back to bed. put some 90s spiritual windchime music on. flip your pillow over. i'm tucking you in psychically.
No. 2037913
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Retard vent but cmon. How the fuck do you integrate into Discord communities(or any online space) about media you like or niche hobbies you have(because IRLs find these things bland or weird) without kissing a group's ass? I'm starting to think it's just a personality issue and I don't really fit in (yes I know it sounds like "le highschool nobody understands me") but god damn, I'll go with the flow of conversations and get only 1-2 interactions out of it. This shit legit has me pressed over being ignored but I want to talk to people too, it makes me wish I was a clueless kid again since both online and IRL that naive bubbly demeanor was more appealing. I've given up with just about any other platform for a sense of community in my spare alone time. How do I do it
No. 2037918
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>>2037779Yeah you're right. I'm just mad that I could've seen it coming since I've been working here for years and dealt with shitty customers before. That and my boss having the audacity to say it was my fault for not giving out the check?! My boss is also a moid too who couldn't give two shits about this restaurant since it doesn't make enough money. Like what you just said, they would've still walked out or worse threatened me. A week ago I've dealt with a black moid who made a whole commotion about him using our hand sanitizer and that it accidentally got squirted into his eye because of the pump's buildup. I best thing I could do is call an ambulance for him but no he wanted the manager for compensation and then proceeded to film me. Funny how both of these incidents happened after coming back from my day off. I wish I could be making this shit up. Also to add to it, the police wouldn't do much when it comes to theft or robbery even though we have cameras and previous break-ins before which they never caught the culprit or probably don't bothered trying at all.
>And it’s not as if some women don’t dine and dash either.Usually it's men that are the problem for committing most of the crimes and are reason why what's wrong with society. Wish we could just cleanse them off to be more civil, well-adjusted, behaved and respectable human beings.
>>2037811Exactly. Some people just don't understand how struggling it is to work as a low wage worker and to feed off of tips as crumbs. It's mentally and physical draining depending on how much you get shit thrown at you and be this wage slave meat shield to your boss or higher-ups.
>Inb4 work somewhere else that pays betterI wish it was that easy since some of them need some sort of requirement. Even if you submitted resumes, they'll brush you off or put you on the side until someone quits.
No. 2037986
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The more I spend time here the more I wonder if I'm truly straight. Like some of the sexual posts, not even the fetish ones but things that are supposed to be normal sound completely deranged to me, same with the romantic ones.
No. 2038041
>>2038016the worst thing about all 3 of those is they will gaslight you and overcharge you while not really fixing the problem.
After one mechanic punched a perfect hole into one of my car parts to suggest I needed a 7k repair, I started hiring a mechanic for an hour to audit the mechanic while I'm at the mechanic.
No. 2038056
nonny even after being on the lead poisoning BC, good for you!
No. 2038124
>>2037844I wish I could make a chart to explain social reactions towards my body as a fellow fluxchan who's experienced life in stages +/- 100 pounds.
>At my fattest, 200+Men hit on me but it was usually not in flattering ways. I tended to attract men who wanted to smash but did not want real relationships with me. The men who did want relationships were often beneath me. Even when you are an obesechan with a pretty face and good hygiene and styling and education, uggo men who who don't care still think they have a chance because being fat as a woman is the worst trait to have in their eyes so they irritatingly considered me at their level. Generally, the public treated me like an unremarkable person. Never invisible, just did not get pretty privilege much and would sometimes get passive aggression for existing. Sometimes seeing professionals for problems was annoying because they would just blame my weight for everything. I never had health problems or disabilities from my weight, but I represented a totem for what people hate towards fat women so there was no escaping that. My career was not doing so well because people believed stereotypes about me being lazy or undermotivated when I never was those things. So I unfairly had promotions dangled in my face to get me to overperform and go beyond scope, but I would never receive any kind of reward for the effort due to the weird doublethink.
Friends probably treated me the best at this weight because they saw me as no threat. The fat, funny friend who at the end of the day was not going to make them feel like shit about themselves. Definitely at my second-most insecure which did not make for attracting very nice people to me.
>Less than 200 but above 160 aka "smallfat"The weight where I am treated at the most extremes. It can either be really good or really bad. I would lean towards mostly good, because my confidence and happiness is best on the lower end of this range.
People don't fuck with me unless I am having an insecure day to allow it. The most men hit on me, thankfully cute ones among them, but because I am not thin they still treat me the same as someone with obvious insecurities or they believe they can get one over on me if they play their cards right. Plenty of people say and believe I am beautiful, my weight is not so extreme to make me stand out. This weight helps accentuate tits, ass, thighs which is popular right now. However, I noticed when I piss people off that they resort to the fat namecalling all the same so clearly people do notice it as a flaw. The public actually treats me pretty well too, I get a lot of glances and attention is at an all time high. I got promoted the most in my career at this weight–hate to say, but male client and male boss attention.
Friendships suffered the most though, and sometimes other women express jealousy. The threat is that men and women do find me desirable, but because of the weight they subconsciously view it as unearned. Their thinking of
Yeah, you're pretty and men think you're sexually desirable but you are still fat at the end of the day so don't think you are in any place to feel prettier than the next person. People get MAD to see me being unaffected by all that but I know it's more about my lack of reaction towards their opinion about my body, and not my body itself.
Which brings me to final category…
>Less than 150, average weightTreated absolutely the worst here.
Isn't it ironic? At my least fat, most fit, and most eating-disordered this is where everyone decides to treat me the worst!
A fucking punching bag yet invisible to most at the same time.
I got hate from people smaller than me and bigger than me because I fit neither categories.
I got fat shamed the most here which is absolutely bananas. I would be curious to know if other anons have had similar experiences? Granted I am extremely insecure at this weight but it still blows my mind how I am treated. Wtaf.
No. 2038131
>>2038120>have to schedule meeting them like 9 months in advance and even then you barely have anything to discuss because they will only be concerned with their Nigels and childrenRead this again. Have you realized how bleak this is for them? This is why as a woman I am scared of getting married and starting a family because the life you once had is literally dead until your kids are grown and even then it won't ever be the same. You don't have freedom. You also better hope the Nigel you pick is a good one or else that is a special hell too. Either go through a rough divorce or deal with bullshit.
Idk, I get FOMO around that sometimes but grass is greener. I am close enough to my married girlfriends to see the shit they deal with in their relationships behind closed doors and waiting to see how complicated a new baby is going to make it for them.
I am in no rush or desperation. Single women are happier and live longer, the odds of a happy marriage and family are not in our favors.
Men are the ones who profit most because women take care of them and then birth offspring who will help them into elder age too at our physical and mental toll expense.
Remember this.
No. 2038158
>>2038124yes, i have similar experiences!! but it's weird, i've never been fat and i'm in a country where the average weight is considered overweight, so you'd think i would get more attention at a lower weight. but weirdly I don't?
I got the most attention from men when I was 18/19, recovering from an ED. I look back at photos and gag, I looked so unkempt (shitty hair, awful clothing, basically still hated my existence) and bony, totally devoid of a shape. Guys would actually come up to me and say I was hot, and a few mutuals wanted to date me. It was so bizarre because even at the time I knew I didn't look good! It was as if the low weight cancelled everything out??
Later, when I got into a shit relationship and gained some weight, I was about 123lbs. Here I started to get fat-shamed, yet when I look at photos I was nowhere near chubby?? I got ignored a lot, and at my highest weight (132lbs) a lot of my mutuals openly joked about my weight. People who had lusted over me started saying I was "too thicc" to do certain sex positions and that I must be really unfit. I was pear-shaped, and still had a flat stomach. It makes me so angry to think that I received so much hate, but I think that was because a) so many anachans in my old friend group and b) people thought I'd 'fallen' so I was apparently fair game to bully.
I went back to 120lbs or so for my final year, started dressing better and looking after myself. I looked kinda hot, and I got a lot of attention from men, especially richer guys. Probably because I was putting myself out there more and knew how to 'market' myself, idk. The only time I ever got looks in public was when I wore this tiny dress and super-high heels lmao.
Nowadays I get basically no attention and am ignored by most people. I'm skinny and the fittest I've ever been, but I don't always dress well, and I cba with makeup or hair most of the time. If I go to a bar I usually get approached by a decent-looking guy, but most people think I look boring and 'innocent' (gag). I think guys in my area prefer a specific look, as I've noticed only women who have everything on show get hit on in public. I hate that sort of attention so just hide away… and I have brown hair and glasses so I'm the antithesis of 'hot young woman' to them lol
No. 2038197
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why is lc full of so many retards these days? when i say retard i don’t mean “anon posted something i dislike so she’s retarded” i mean a genuine lack of reading comprehension and/or ability to entertain hypothetical scenarios and/or understanding that their one-two personal anecdotes don’t disprove a general pattern. i really hope people are being stupid on purpose just to fuck with me and aren’t genuinely incapable of thought because it’s been very grim lately
No. 2038213
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>>2038206it’s not a specific infight it’s more like whenever i disagree with an anon (or when anyone disagrees with anyone else here, it hasn’t been just me) the person takes what i said in absolute worst faith, interprets it in the dumbest way possible, and gets pissed off. i’m pretty sure i’m being clear too
>>2038203probably. there has also been a serious spike in racebait. not genuine questions about race but really blatant /pol/shit like “arabs stink”
No. 2038239
>>2038225if you just search
femcel or even lolcow you’ll find her. or someone like her. also is using “kek” considered cringe because thats almost impossible to prune from my lexicon atp
No. 2038473
>>2038310i am sorry
nonnie what is your major? i wonder if it works out for me because computer science subjects are very literal with their logic
>>2038412will have to disagree nonna due to the fact that the professor stated in the instructions to include all sections to receive full credit and did not specify that we could exclude any section
No. 2038500
Im retarded. Yes he’s harassing you but I don’t think it’s sexual in nature. My two retarded cents.
No. 2038526
>>2038511> doubt the co-worker constantly asks the male co-workers O-obviously? I just don’t see how it’s
sexual harassment if someone is pestering you about dumb shit like this. They should be reported but idk I don’t want that term to be diluted.
No. 2038636
>>2038124I don’t have one for weight, but I have one for hair. I found your post really interesting and insightful so I wanted to share something I had experience with.
From best received by others to worst:
>Long, light pink hair Treated the best by women, lots of positive attention from children. Everyone assumes that you must be outgoing so they will approach you with as if you’re a very confident, extroverted person which seems to make them treat you better. As a result of this, it can be intimidating to a lot of men so they will opt to leave you alone. Occasional handful of perverts or “alt” guys hitting on me, but mostly positive. Women are so complimentary, say they wish they had the confidence to have pink hair, nothing but kind. Made me feel the best by far.
>Long brown hair with blonde highlights Most popular with men. This is the default “hot but not intimidating” color to men. Men always treated me the best with this color. As respectful as men can manage to be, and I only had positive assumptions made about me. Women are mostly neutral and I didn’t notice any strong feelings from them one way or another.
>Long blue The favorite of children. I think blue hair is peak fantasy for kids for some reason, so kids go absolutely crazy for blue hair. They always wanted to touch it. Old ladies love this color too, I got sooo many compliments from sweet grandmas and it made older women talk to me so often. I loved that part of it. Semi frequent rude sexual comments from men that weren’t men to be flirtatious, just nasty.
>Any length of red Women and men both split 50/50. Some women were really nice and assumed I was laid back and they’d get along well with me, some women had the perception I was a pick me type. Some men assumed it was a red flag, some men that like red heads would treat me more positively as a result. Most divisive by far.
>Long blonde Very overly sexualized by men. Both men and women assumed negative things about me with long blonde hair. Men would assume things like slutty and dumb, women would assume things like narcissistic and stuck up. Overall I liked having blonde hair but people treated me very poorly, and men were the most sexually aggressive when I had blonde hair.
>Short black Men hated this, and would frequently tell me. Women were stand offish, and would opt to not interact with me much at all. Out of everything this is the color that made people avoid me the most. I never had long black hair because this happened after a chemical cut, so no insight on long black hair.
>Anything else “unusual”Split dyes, green, orange, yellow, rainbow. Unless you’re interacting with other weirdos, people will treat you so poorly. In little day to day things people will see you as lesser and treat you as such. Not holding the door for you, having little patience, dismissing your opinions, etc.
No. 2038663
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Really tired of "horror" fans, especially scrotes, pretending this stuff is equal when as replies pointied out is not.
Its from a horror film
Spoilered because these just popped up on my twitter from mutuals and is gory even in thumbnail form
>The first images are of naked women chopped up/sexually degraded by the killer
>The guy got complaints so posted the second one of men killed in the film
>Not only are they not sexualised which was what people are complaining about others also pointed out he posted the first with only female victims and is doing this to try and save face
Really not surprised 4B is becoming a thing
No. 2038676
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I wish I was dead. I wish killing myself didn't hurt anyone, I wish I wasn't too much a coward to go thru with it. I'm just so tired, burnout, and exhausted. No motivation. Soul crushing job with no hope to escape. Too tired everyday to try and change careers. Too misanthropic to see the good in the world. I want to die. I want the pain to stop.
No. 2038778
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I talked with my friend about Disney princesses and she mentioned how she's glad more girls get to see themselves in princesses now because movies are getting more diverse.
It triggered a memory from my earliest childhood that made me really sad and made me realize I never could identify with any princess-type character (except Fiona kek) even when I was as young as four. I always thought it was "not for me". I never knew why, just that it wasn't for girls like me. Princesses were pretty, girly and special and I wasn't. I remember when I watched Cinderella I wanted to be the girl mouse that helps her make the dress because I couldn't be Cinderella. Nobody told me so, I just realized that I thought I wasn't pretty or good enough since I was a toddler. The only female Disney character I related to was Alice in Wonderland, that's it.
I still don't know why I thought that and still do. I still look at beautiful women at my work and on the street and feel like a completely different genre of woman. Like they're pretty princesses and I'm a goofy homely goblina.
No. 2038830
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Did any of you have a traumatic childhood but turned out to be normal people? I'm afraid that the things I experienced will catch up with me. I was exposed to violent pornography at age 10 and was addicted to it for the next 5 years, and when I think about it now, it scares me sensibly.
No. 2039019
>>2039017I'm sorry but reading this after seeing the minion meme on main page from the amerifag thread and wondering what that is about is really funny
nonnie kekk
No. 2039037
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Ok but I would unironically watch this show if the characters were female. I'm low-key so angry that there aren't too many cozy adult swim type shows centered around a group of girls.
No. 2039053
>>2038689There is only one person and they are suicidal too so I don't want to
trigger them.
>>2038961Nonnie I 100% relate so much. I can never view men the same way anymore. I wish I could be innocent again. They terrify me so much. I wish so badly they weren't like this.
No. 2039057
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No. 2039059
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I have to work with some moids who constantly criticize my ideas or chime in just to say negative unrelated stuff that have nothing to do with what I'm pitching. Most of them are whiny cunts tbh, and today I finally flipped a shit on one of them. I got defended and it feels good but now I'm instinctively feeling guilty for speaking out of turn and arguing.
I've been extra angry to everyone today and have been speaking my mind for what I think is right but I am so constantly wrapped up in looking mean or heartless or being a bitch and I fucking hate it. I'm 31 years old and I feel like I'll never be able to let go of female socialization and just let myself be a bitch when I'm entitled to. I feel like in the end I'll still look like the bad guy, simply because I'm a woman, even though they're the whiners and naysayers, and I'm the one trying to actually get shit done. That sounds so full of myself but it's the damn truth
No. 2039078
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>leave 3DS at a store for them to repair the dead pixels on the top screen
>go to the store to pick it up today
>dead pixels are gone, but there is clearly a scratch underneath the screen along with tiny marks on the corners of the screen as well
>go back to the store and guy explains it happened when he opened it with a knife
>reluctantly agrees to fix it with the warranty they give out
Are you kidding me? When someone brings something in to be fixed, you don't return it with another defect. You know what? They didn't even bother to clean the smudged up screen, the random dried up crud they left on the top of cover, or the marks on the hinges. I feel insane because this feels like such subpar service. I sincerely hope they can fix it this time around because this is laughable.
No. 2039081
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This is probably the loneliest I’ve felt in my life and I have no reason to. My friends are good to me, the jobs I work are bearable and pay the bills and I get along fine with my family. I just want a hug. All I’ve been craving is proper connection with someone that I can have physical contact with. Not even sex if anything the thought of it has repulsed me for the past month. Just a hug, but not a little 3 second friendly hug. I want to be properly held for hours on end with no sign of it ending any time soon. I feel like that would solve half my issues rn.
No. 2039115
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>>2038663Probably more fit for the confession thread but I would give anything to be able to make a horror movie with only cute moids getting killed by a female killer. With stunning visuals and focused on the male suffering.
No. 2039155
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I have randomly forgotten my phone password and I'm stuck waiting for it to intuitively come back to me as I never write down the passwords for my phone or computer. I just prefer muscle memory for these things and I thought it was safer that I didn't have my password for it laying around, until now. My brain is not firing up for some reason. Now I'm waiting 15 minutes for it to unlock to try again. Pray that it comes back to me nonnies.
No. 2039166
>>2037986samefag someone analyze me I feel crazy, just random examples but posts about how it's weird to not enjoy a man's smell, weird to not enjoy male pubes, weird to not like giant male asses, talking about wanting to suck male nipples and huge pecs and thighs are so alien to me. I don't want a man with any body hair, scent, body fluids, noticeable ass or anything like that. Ideally they should look sexless. I don't think I actually even want to touch them to begin with, but I don't mind looking at them sometimes, (only the face though I dislike seeing the bodies, it's okay if they're covered up maybe). Is there something wrong with me? Am I even attracted to men?
No. 2039187
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It makes me rage slightly when I see that one BlueChew commercial with the women who laud about their new and improved “mayn” while exhibiting their breasts like shiny chew toys.
But then I kek when the next commercial is a testosterone boosting pill. Porn was a mistake.
No. 2039188
I feel I wasted my life and the more that the years pass, the more I feel miserable
I'm 28, I suffered a very heavy trauma at 15 that made me dissociate so bad I remember every detail of my 13 to 15 years and then there's a hole till this year. Legit I remember shit because pictures are there.
>Omg you're 28 nona you're young
That's not the point.
I lost my "carefree" years. I lost the years were you are kinda allowed to do pseudoadult things while having only school as a responsibility. I lost my early adulthood years in a psych ward, I lost my first dating years to psycho men who legit used me (one was a bippie who kept me in a chokehold and also used me for money because he claimed his depression didn't let him work, I hope he ends up on the news) and I feel that I lost almost everything. I lost my formative years.
Sometimes I think that I was happier when I was depressed because at least I wasn't aware of all of this. I also know that the pandemic warped our time perception but this is too much….
I wish I could go back and do everything better and actually do something, my meds made me black out for years…I feel robbed. I now act like a teenager in my 28s, I like indulging in my teen hobbies, watching anime, playing games, I listen to my younger millennial music and I don't even drive, mostly because my meds are driving-safe for me and others and I feel so fucking late…
People my age are buying houses or getting stable jobs and I'm here like nothing…I don't know how to be a person…
All the jobs I've had in my life were lonely jobs or remote working because I don't like "adults" and even talking about work outside work hours makes me sick but ofc that's what people my age do…
Please how do I not end it all..
No. 2039237
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>felt fine the rest of the day
>goes into bathroom a few minutes ago
>feels mouth getting tingly
>starts having slight trouble gaining breath
>feels throat slightly closing and it goes in waves the tightness stops and then starts
I honestly don’t know if I’m allergic to something or having my first baby asthma attack kek, just greatttt and I don’t even have an inhaler. Might die tonight ig, see you on the flip side
No. 2039251
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stayed up all night. 4:44am. going insane.
No. 2039261
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I hate pride month so, so much. I dread it every year. Nothing makes me feel ashamed to be a lesbian but the spicy straight brigade gets me pretty close. My coworkers the other day–two straight girls–were laughing about how the keychain one of the girls was wearing was so lesbian coded and she literally said "lesbianism is crazy…" like it's so fucking quirky or something. Fuck off, you DATE EXCLUSIVELY MEN. one of them told me she thinks making out with women at clubs is hot but she'd never date one. But she calls herself queer. They all know I'm a lesbian, or at least gay in some way, because I've talked about my ex. It just made me feel so gross but maybe I'm overreacting. Sexuality isn't something you can consoom. When will it fucking end.
No. 2039263
this is retarded but i need to get it out. i am from the u.s. south and u all know we are known for our bbq. there is this bbq restaurant that recently expanded in my city so i went to try it for the first time. everybody raves about it, i keep seeing people post huge platters that cost hundreds that they buy there. and holy shit, i had the worst brisket of my entire life there. it was dry, bland, grey, literally like an over cooked steak, but that is NOT how brisket is supposed to be. i had to cut it into pieces with my knife and you should be able to just pull it apart with a fork, the meat should be super tender. a good bbq place should have good brisket, that's the one thing they should get right. if they can't get brisket right they're not a bbq place. but so many people rave about this restaurant and eat this slop, like all the sides were horrible, everything overpriced and bland but covered in pepper. i just can't believe it. native southerners thinking that this is actual bbq and spending so much money on it. i feel like the only sane person in a world of crazies here. tasteless retards. they make me feel like a gourmand in comparison
No. 2039331
Ok, had a first fight. I'm in Italy, but for a limited time.
Walked with my Italian bf and kinda told him most Italians I know are the most nationalist people I've met and it's a bit too much. He got all up into saying how Italy was building cultures while we (Central Europe) were still rolling in mud, moved on to saying how they had all the inventors, huge cultural impact and so on. I told him my country has a rich history and but he had to top that and started bragging about more stuff, kinda putting other cultures down. Eventually I got a bit angry and told him 'well sorry for being from a shitty country, that's what you Italians think'. He hugged me, I thought he was sad about making me angry. I told him not to be sad but he was like 'nope I'm not sad' so I was confused and we walked in silence.
Then we saw a bird, a wild parrot, that got hit/got injured foot and was in the middle of road. I took it and put it on the side in the grass at least, thought about calling animal service (that's what we do in my country, it's very easy and they even help pigeons). I love animals very much and at home I've rehabilitated a few birds. But here I didn't have many options. He was kinda borrd standing around. I asked him maybe you should go if you're bored when he started checking messages and only then he started helping me look stuff up. We couldn't really do anything though.
Then when we sat he started telling me how sexist his colleagues were and why does he think women should work. We had this conversation before so I kinda did tell him I know, I know why women should work. It's the most basic feminism. After than we did have a but of a nice walk.
Then at home we were kinda starting to touch each other and I moved his hand five or six time to my chest, to my nipples, but he put it away all times. Then he kinda lay on me so I couldn't really move or touch myself and I got frustrated, stopped anything. When we lay down I told him I like being touched there and he moved every time and it made me frustrated.
He said he was sorry. I felt bad and was very reassuring. He said what a bad night it was, I said not all was bad, we had a walk in between that was pleasant, I was just happy to see him. I said I still like him, he was like well I'm glad, but didn't really say it back. When normally he's the one that says he loves me. I was very nice and reassuring at the end of the night, we hugged a lot and so on.
But he was very short and cold in messages when usually he's really loving.
For me, one bad night isn't that significant. Every couple has that. But for him, I think I'm his first proper relationship, it feels like it's worse. I'm not sure if I should give him space because me being nice at the end of the night might have be seen as too desperate. If I should return the more neutral energy and only write after he's normal again.
But honestly I was thinking of working in Italy for like one or two years but after hearing what Italians think of my country my own pride is hurt and I feel more sceptical about it. My country has about same amount of economic wealth, is safer and has better working conditions than Italy. So them being condescending all the time does make me feel irritated.
No. 2039345
>>2039332I'm from Czechia, and from the capital Prague. Italian's are 30th on the HDI and we're 32nd, not a very big difference. I will earn more than him when I get back. But Italians just seem to think I'm from some poor Russian village and it's honestly so grating after some time. I'm in Rome - I think Italy is lovely, here I'm complaining bc it's a vent thread but there's equally as much stuff I like. But there's also lot of things that are worse than what I'm used to - it's much less safe to walk at night, there's trash everywhere and now in summer it stinks, groups of paki moids just drinking and catcalling on every step, public transport doesn't work, most people can't find any job, they don't treat wild animals very well. There's a lot of very ugly commie block buildings that we also have on the perifery, but they have no parks or forests around them, just a lot of homeless moids. I like Italy but they seem so delusional about their country, really living in the past. I wouldn't tell it to him straight like this, no way. There's a lot of things very lovely about Italy. But just, please stop being so condescending about my culture. Especially when you're this close to me and should know me better.
No. 2039354
>>2039345nona I dont think its much of an Italian problem as it is a male problem. Most males I've met are incapable of respecting current cultures/races for what they are and have to one up one another. Somehow their own women are either the worst/best but they themselves are never the problem.
He sounds like a stupid idiot and I would break it off as soon as I could tbh kek
Especially because a guy who cant be bothered to squeeze my boob when I lead him there is never going to amount to anything in my eyes. Ive been there and never again
No. 2039369
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>>2039354>as it is a male problem. Most males I've met are incapable of respecting current cultures/races for what they are and have to one up one another.It’s not just a male problem. I don’t know why anons on lolcow always have to have each issue a sex issue. Women are just as capable of being xenophobic, jingoistic, and racist as men are. No. 2039483
>>2039331>>2039345>But honestly I was thinking of working in Italy for like one or two years but after hearing what Italians think of my country my own pride is hurt and I feel more sceptical about it. My country has about same amount of economic wealth, is safer and has better working conditions than Italy. So them being condescending all the time does make me feel irritatedI had the same issue but on the other side of Europe, in a country that definitely wasn't building cultures until recently kek. But now they're doing very well which makes them think they're better than everyone else in Europe including Italians. Especially Slavic countries are seen as dirty, poor and uncultured.
>But Italians just seem to think I'm from some poor Russian village and it's honestly so grating after some timeIt's sadly not just Italy and most Western and North European countries will have this exact attitude because they're quite frankly ignorant and uneducated. I've been called Russian a lot and most people can't point out my country on a map yet they go there on vacation kek. So stupid.
>>2039387This is true, French people can be weird but if there's one thing they won't hesitate to do it's shit talk France.
No. 2039534
>>2039485Idk about Romania but at least most slav countries in the center-ish I personally know are safe, immensely more than western big cities. My country is also mostly atheist so it's apprehensive of any religious immigrants, be it Christian or Muslim. It just feels like zealotry and I wish we can avoid religious nuts screaming about women being made inferior by god and wanting to stone gays for some time, although with the Ukraine war it's inevitable there will be a rise of these sentiments with religious immigrants.
I haven't travelled further east very much. I heard very good things about Slovenia, safe and beautiful nature, and some baltics like Estonia (that's also atheist).
No. 2039549
>>2039485It was never an asylum seeker or hijabi woman (kek, as if) bothering me in western countries, it was local drunks, chavs and creepy catcalling men who definitely weren't foreign.
>>2039531Slay, good for them
No. 2039563
>>2039331 >But he was very short and cold in messages when usually he's really loving. For me, one bad night isn't that significant.
That night sounds like a speedrun through issues that'd usually be spread out over months though, and even then would be cause for second thoughts on what you're doing together.
No. 2039594
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>>2039585>i’d go ever further to say that men don’t find gore in itself sexyThey do they have studied this
No. 2039689
>>2039684I have tried using ChatGPT but it only helps after I've done the bulk of the work to fix the detail, it cannot do the majority of the work for me.
I was actually looking IRL for someone to do this for me even if it would be unethical. Now that you've mentioned fiverr I will definitely look for someone, hopefully I can afford it
No. 2039698
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Everything and everyone is pissing me off so bad right now I feel like I’m going to freak out. It’s narcissistic but I really do feel like I’m better than most people. At least I put in the fucking effort and try to bring my best every day. Can’t stand lowlifes who are always bitter and angry despite doing the bare minimum. Take a look in the fucking mirror you losers. Your trauma and mental problems aren’t my fault and I’m not going to be guilted into feeling sorry for you.
No. 2039722
>>2039716I'm gonna be honest with you nona, I am not really a fan or at least not yet. I had refused to check them out for years and years, but I am a big Ween fan and there's a lot of overlap between those communities. So I was trying them out today, right now.
What's your favorite king gizz album? I'll listen to it!
No. 2039730
>>2039715Damn, that is kinda rude. At least you know not to bother bringing it again.
Maybe it's the autism but it gets under my skin when I extend some social courtesy (like taking a small portion or giving a reasonable excuse) lest I look rude and then people just… don't reciprocate
No. 2039790
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why is it so hard to find high quality bluetooth headphones that actually work. i'm gonna cry, this is ridiculous. like i am WILLING to drop some cash but i can't find anything that's easy to use and works i'm so fucking annoyed. guess i'll buy some more cheap wired headphones and an adapter for my gay ass phone
No. 2039827
I worry I am becoming my mother, and that's not what I want for my life. My entire life, my mother has never been able to hold a job. She's got an awful temper and a big ego, so she'll jump from job to job each year and will quit and spectacularly burn every bridge for the tiniest reason. I love her deeply and she's a wonderful person when not encaged within a stifling environment, but she's over sixty with zero savings or retirement and has already frivolously spent through both of her inheritances.
I went to college and then got a job related to my degree and I've been doing it for ten years now. But I hate it. Every three years or so I try to escape and so end up taking 4-8 months off. Either I relax and pursue my hobbies and live from my savings, or else I pursue other work that makes less than minimum wage. And it's been three years since my last break and I can feel the desperate need clawing inside me to take another extended break. During these times, my work quality goes way down and my metrics slip below first place in the company. I have stress nightmares about the fact that me not giving as much as I can makes innocents suffer just because I'm not giving my peak performance. I keep fantasizing about giving my two week notice and leaving to go live in the city I've always dreamed about, but what would I do? My skills are very specialized and most cities either pay very little for them or don't have any place for them at all. After going twice and paying off two enormous student loans, I'm unwilling to go back to college and take out more loans.
I fear that deep inside I'm just like her. That no job or career will ever make me happy, because I'm fundamentally incapable of being happy while working in a hierarchical job. And I don't want to end up at sixty with no money and no career.
So what do I do? Do I just stay in a job that has given me PTSD, but that I'm one of the best in the US at, or do I say fuck it and let the chips fall where they may, even if it means that I possibly can't be happy anywhere?
No. 2039832
>>20398191. i am too scared to do this
2. i fucking hate apple headphones they hurt my ears so much.
No. 2039863
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>>2039715I brought homemade marzipan treats to a gathering before and the uncultured swine started spitting it out because they'd never had marzipan and got the "heebie jeebies"
No. 2039938
Bailing on plans because I feel so poorly mentally and physically. It will never not be super embarrassing to do this.
>>2039675Idk if there’s a sims thread where we talk about this further but I totally agree with you anon. If you go into sims 4 groups of any kind there’s a bunch of just.. tech illiterate consumers who kiss EA’s ass and coomers now. My personal high lights are people who can download mods but still take photos of their screens. The cracked version of the game is a life saver.
No. 2040032
>>2039959do this
>>2039988 or just check lunas thread in pt
No. 2040070
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I'm super tired of watching a decent youtube review when the commenter says bullshit like 'unalive.' Like, use a thesaurus and come up with a synonym. They want to claim 'oh youtube will demonetize or take down my video' but it's the most retarded word I've ever heard and I hate gen z so much for making unalive a thing becuase of tiktok and IG.
No. 2040105
>>2040099NTA but what truth? Just talk like a human being and not a 5 year old when making a video.
Unalive is a dumb word, and I immediately not take anyone seriously who says it.
No. 2040107
>>2040105NTAYRT, but it irks me a ton as well. How hard is it to say "passed on/away" "no longer with us/here"?
Unalive is only funny ironically but even then barely.
No. 2040225
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I want to make an ita bag of my husbando but I fear my friends will silently judge me, also there arent many anime events near me where I could take it.
I have been wanting to make one since 2018 but I always find excuses not to… and its a pity because I feel it would make me really happy
No. 2040249
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I’ve been absent for a minute but why the fuck is 80% of the husbando thread this fucking CREATURE? Where are the hot husbandos? What mental illness compels nonnies to want to fuck this? This is even worse than the fucking husbando thread picrew take over. It’s so over
No. 2040279
>>2040253Charliefag… is that you?
No. 2040283
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not to be homophobic on pride month but why do gay men think they have the right to call vaginas disgusting when they literally rim other men's dirty poopy buttholes
No. 2040297
>Mini doc about femcels in my reccomended>"Kek I wonder what they'll do">The women in the video seem pretty chill and have similar decorWish I could find a
femcel friend group.
>>2040283I hate gay men so much. They think it's fine to be sexist because they're ~totally one of the gurlzz~ when they don't have a personality besides being fags.
No. 2040318
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Losing respect for my own mother. she continues to enable my abusive brother, let him trash her home, break her plates and glass cups when he's fiending for weed (she's supporting his habit, he doesn't have a job) my sister and I keep telling her to kick him out but she won't despite constantly complaining about him and how he treats her! He's violent (used to hit all threes of us when he was younger) and has actually told me he came close to wanting to kill her?? I even told her this and she's still letting him live with her, is this boymom brain? is she retarded? This is an incredibly frustrating situation and I feel bad for telling her I don't want to hear her vent about him if she's not going to do anything about him and his treatment towards her or let my sister and I help her.
No. 2040327
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I was watching this video talking about the sapphire kid that popularized a lot of the general looksmaxxing retardation a few years ago and noticed that this was basically teenage boys getting a small taste of what it's like being a girl child/teen/young adult/etc. Comments flooded with sympathy hoping that all these young boys are okay and that they deserve support. Girls and women have been expected to simply cope for millenia doing shit to our bodies that's infinitely more dangerous and deadly than bonesmashing but it's excused as girls just being naturally obsessed with their looks to the point of mental disorder (picrel) I'm feeling a little salty right now is all. I kinda want boys and men to suffer an iota of what we do on a global and historical scale but I also don't want any children to suffer at all and just because we all had to suffer doesn't mean boys should too. I just wish people had the same energy protecting girls from self destructive social contagions of beauty standards the way I'm seeing in this niche situation where it's affecting boys for once instead
No. 2040381
>>2038757>I got mercilessly dragged for my chin on here (it's the internet.)It’s because you shouldn’t really post your face here even if it’s half of it. I saw your chin but I scrolled past all the discourse.
>No family members ever said anything. My best friend of 15 years has never commented on it.Don’t feel betrayed, proper alignment of the jaw and tongue posture is taken for granted and is something no one ever really talks about. At all. I think the only reason it’s brought to light more now is because of mewing memes and looksmaxxing, but the average normie doesn’t know that. The way I found out was going through a tmj rabbit hole and realizing I would mouth breathe and hold my tongue in the wrong place without proper pressure to the palette. Otherwise I would have never known. No one told me growing up. Regardless, they were looking at you and seeing you, not looking at you and thinking “ugh her chin is weird smh can’t even breathe right.” It’s not an abnormal feature unless you are scrutinizing your face. One I scrutinized my face I realized how permanently fucked it was and how this only happened because of my development. Before that I didn’t mind, it was just my face. I don’t know what kind of fix there can be or how willing you are to fix it. Dentists are retarded and only an orthodontist would have probably pointed something out. If you have issues breathing then it’s a perpetual issue anyway. I grew up with allergies that forced me to mouth breathe at times and I still struggle with breathing sometimes. If this is such an issue for you you’d have to get braces with bands to fix the alignment but that’s the most you can do. I think you need to accept yourself. I had to do the same and it really isn’t the end of the world. I promise no one is looking at you and profiling nasal issues and cross bites. Recessed chin solidarity nonna.
No. 2040391
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Having to suppress your raging anger makes me appreciate Valerie so much. I can’t punch or hit a moid like he deserves so I have to find better coping mechanisms
No. 2040392
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>>2038757Don't even fret for a second about getting dragged here, bitches are delusional and make shit up. I posted my hand writing once in the appropriate thread and it had my hand in it, and someone here saved the photo, and posted it in a different thread just so multiple people could tell me that I had the ugliest hands they'd ever seen. I couldn't stop chuckling over this because I've had two hand modeling contacts. Just an absolute swing and a miss with the bullying, lol.
No. 2040406
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>>2040392>bitches are delusionalAnon she literally has no chin..
No. 2040420
>>2040403I was going to reply sarcastically and explain that I have giant tranny hanny orge hands that have smashed entire villages and caused blindness when seen, but we're getting raided by moids and I don't want to get caught up in the coming bans, so no. Apparently the natural shape of how my nails fit to my fingers is the ideal, especially for close up work, and combined with my bone structure is what got me the major contracts.
Besides, how can a woman even have tranny hands? This is like the gendies and their gendered brains all over again.
No. 2040432
a while ago a hobo moved into my neighborhood. he came out of prison and took a random train, ending up here, and just stayed. nothing to his name, just the clothes on his back. at first people felt sorry for him.
he denied any help like housing from the local government, because it would mean he would have to work on overcoming his addictions. he is miserable, understandably, and doesnt have the mental fortitude to get rehabilited, so he chooses to live on the street and continue using substances.
i could write an essay about how "the system failed him", but currently i am going to write about how he makes everyone's lives hell. he just stole someone's trash bin and tipped it over my fence, which prompted me to open lolcow at 4am and start writing this post.
people give him food and because he gets more than he eats, he throws it over people's fences to dispose of it. he hangs his clothes on people's fences, which i personally tried to be understanding of, because he has no wardrobe obviously, but i can see how that can be annoying, especially if you have dogs. someones dog pulled his clothes off the fence, and then he terrorized the dog's owner for that.
now, i have a dog too. big "guard dog" type. he hates my dog, because my dog barks at him whenever he throws shit over our fence. he also hates my friends dog, down the road, for the same reason. when i say he hates them, i mean he screams at the dogs while intoxicated, saying "bastard i will kill you, i will kill you!". he punches the fence and kicks it. he comes up to the dogs just to provoke them into a fit of anger. i think it's a form of entertainment to him, like most of his shenanigans.
other times, he seems like he likes animals. he lamented over roadkill, while intoxicated, and howl-cried as he buried it in someone's front yard. he tries to befriend the neighborhood dogs, pets them through the fence and gives them food. and i thought that's sweet.
however, a few days ago, my friend whom i mentioned above, told me to not believe in innocent and good intentions, because her dog ate a sausage from him and was shitting blood after. coincidence, or maybe not. nothing stops him from acting upon his threats of killing our dogs, and putting glass shards inside the food, or something.
i try not to be paranoid, and i try to see humanity in him. however, he is not sane, and he is unpredictable. it's this uncertainty of his behavior that makes people feel unsafe.
i never saw him sober. sometimes he is sober enough to hold a very basic conversation, which usually goes like: "im sorry for telling you i will kill you and calling you a whore yesterday at 2am, sorry for waking you up, didnt mean to". and he only knows he did that, because the police took him to jail to sober up and be released. not because he remembers it. in times like these, i want to feel empathy, because that is the real person speaking and showing remorse for his actions, and not the toxins in his brain. yet the next day he does it again.
whether he is a good person or not doesnt matter. he puts people in danger, when he e.g. starts fights with random people, says disgusting things to scandalize women, throws bottles at passers-by or at windows, etc.
once he accused me of stealing his shit, and threatened to kill me as soon as id leave the house, only to find that very thing the next day and say "hehe i found it, was there all along sowwyy :3". what if he never found it?
his brain is fried to the point that speaking to him is like speaking to a child. a child that throws some very terrible tantrums. most people avoid speaking to him, but i tried to make him feel human again. i didnt think ostracization will help a guy like him. its clear that he is 1. bored and 2. acting out against a society that antagonizes him. i told him we are worried about him. because a lot of people are, even if they're scared of him.
i actually felt bad for the guy until recently, when he attacked my 15 year old neighbor and she narrowly freed herself from his grasp. a horrid thought struck me- what was he in prison for? that was when i started getting thoughts of the "i hope he overdoses" sort. maybe im evil, but i just want him gone.
yes, the police knows about him. he never does anything big, so he only gets arrested for a month at most, for threats or for harrassment. we have a restraining order against him now (most of the neighborhood does), but it doesnt matter as he keeps violating it. even the cops are annoyed with the system, because theyre powerless against him unless he does something bad. no preventative long-term imprisonment. they can't even institutionalize him in a psych ward without his consent.
oh, and did i mention he has hiv?
No. 2040459
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>weird sexual jokes about a 12 year old sleeping
>people calling them out
>more than one reply is “ok but what if I’m also a minor?”
WHAT that makes it even worse you retards
. Ffs Young zoomers are a plague. The amount of weird sexually charged jokes towards kids made by teens online is so fucking weird. Instagram is also full of these people.
No. 2040504
>>2040472Literally, it’s genuinely concerning. I don’t know if they’re suffering from porn sickness or what. I encountered an extremely
sus video on the reels of several men surround a toddler with popsicles they’re holding at a ditch length. It was so fucking weird and I’m not sure if it’s some kind of fbihoney pot or the poster things pedo baiting is funny.
>>2040474I don’t understand how careless some parents are that they don’t monitor their retarded kids internet usage. Im so tired of seeing their retarded opinions online and I sure as hell don’t want to see them get comfortable sexualizing children.
No. 2040511
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>open twitter for the first time in a month
>algorithim throws post of 13 year old using ket for her birthday
>very fat for 13
>13 piercings in her nose/mouth area alone
>open her profile
>"shedtwt, drugtwt"
>posts about drinking and doing drugs
>chronically online
>check replies on post, many other children in a similar situation
Good fucking grief my heart is hurting for these babies. I can just tell their parents are useless, selfish morons if their kid is this bad at such an age. And the worst part is I've come across so many minors like this on spaces like twitter, instagram or discord… these kids are messed up and instead of help by their damn parents they're being enabled by vile internet communities. Subhuman fucking parents
No. 2040556
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>>2040539She could get a palate expander installed if it really bothers her to help with her mouth breathing, but it isnt like this
No. 2040672
>>2040670I've spent my entire adult life perpetually stressed and miserable about my weight, which has fluctuated up and down maybe 10kg within a healthy BMI range, and I've never been treated any different as a result. I think so long and hard about how to get my hair cut and coloured thinking that if I just get it right, I'll finally be pretty, but again I've never been treated any different. It makes no difference if I wear makeup or not, or whether I dress feminine or casually. It's soo fucking pointless, but maybe that's because I'm not actually glowing up or down I'm just hovering around average at all times.
You should take care of your teeth though, you need those no matter what other people think of them.
No. 2040676
>>2040670Glow ups make sense up to a certain point but after that it just becomes self-bullying disguised as perpetual self-improvement. My younger sister has fallen down the Wonyoungism rabbithole which is glow-up culture on steroids. She's just torturing herself at this point but if you tell her anything different she'll scream at you.
>starving herself>never enjoying any sweets ever because 'sugar is bad'>getting up at 5AM for no reason>forcing herself to exercise even while sick because she's so scared of being ugly and fat>spending hours doing her hair and makeup and picking out outfits while her broccoli-haired male peers put on a pit stained Marvel T-shirt and still get simped for by girls>spending hundreds on Dior because it's more coquette than essence>she's exhausted and miserable and her grades aren't that much better because she has to spend hours primping in the mirror and doing skincare, time that could be spent reading and studyingBaby it's not working, they lied to you
No. 2040720
>>2040670I didn't try to glow up intentionally but there were times I was treated like an empty space or a repulsive creature (sometimes even getting weird comments about my appearance from adults as a child, for example, being mocked for thick dark eyebrows) and later would get called ugly and so on as a teen for having short hair and bad skin (not even a severe case of acne) and wearing glasses. I was always thin and I used makeup since I was 12. There were still people who found me attractive/pretty though, so I'd get polarizing opinions, and looking back, I wasn't
ugly at all. Later something changed and I guess I looked much better than before, and I haven't heard anything negative about my looks since then. I started getting more of a positive attention. Surely graduating from school played a huge role, it's an extremely
toxic place filled with extremely insecure people. That's the thing. It all depends on people that surround you. If they're filled with shit they'll find a reason to spill it on you, regardless of what you look like or how smart, talented etc. you really are. And ime superficial changes don't affect the way you feel inside. I don't think I fully got rid of that insecure "ugly girl" feeling, sadly. Plus, I have two close people that put a lot of time and effort into their appearance but they're not happy at all and it doesn't seem like looks help them much with anything because they don't really interact with other people anyway (aside from work) and it doesn't help them with their personal life (which is important for both), they both didn't have even one long-term healthy relationship despite being over 30 y.o., never lived with anyone. Honestly I don't know what changes except for some people noticing how pretty/hot/etc. you are. They don't respect you more or anything, moreover, it can even make some people hostile to you for no reason.
No. 2040770
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>>2040748I wouldn't know cause my teen years and childhood was awful and worse part of my life. Adulthood by comparison feels freeing. But I still feel unbelievably suicidal and depressed about missing what everyone calls the best years of your life. Doesn't matter cause even when my home life sucked I was bullied relentlessly for being chubby and awkward. I wanna die.
No. 2040787
>>2040748Probably lucky but as an adult I haven't dealt with much death (small family, grandparents died when I was a teen and my friends are still kicking) and I don't have health issues. Any depression I feel is usually circumstantial and out of something I can either control to make better or written off because I cannot change it–and I have the regulatory tools now to handle my emotions better thanks to experience and no crazy hormones.
Childhood and teenage years were honestly vile. Compounded by the fact of having limited freedom and narcissistic parents who controlled what I could think, feel, and even how I could react. I did not have the emotional intelligence to flesh out and protect myself against the wrongs that were put upon me even if I knew intuitively that matters were not right. No one took me seriously because I was
just a kid. Every day was living at the mercy of whatever shitty adult was taking the reigns of my life that day. I had no power to do the things I wanted nor given the opportunity to advocate for myself.
I guess if one had a loving, gentle family who were consistent and made them feel safe and considered their children's wants and needs then yeah adulthood would seem like a shitshow comparatively speaking.
No. 2040790
>>2040787sorry anon. I guess we all experience each end of the bargin. As an adult, I feel more alone and schizophrenic than ever, I've actually been to hospital twice due to psychotic induced anxiety. When I was a teenager I was able to be in a band with a (very shit) ex of mine, which is fine looking back but I do realize it was
toxic and sad. I gained a lot of bad traits from this but I still think the DMT effects you feel as a child (proven) and the hopeful creativity you feel as a teen is way better than being an adult.
I hate workind 9-5, I hate pretending I like new bars, I hate trends, I hate losing people as the years go by, I hate trying to 'improve my health'
I miss the nonchalant decades of my youth, where everything felt like a dream, even if some days were a nightmare, I would rather relive all of those days than live in the pure psychotic, depression that I am stuck in now.
No. 2040955
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Met my mother today and it was exhausting. Seemed uninterested, didn't ask anything about me and just radiated her usual negativity. I mentioned that I was tired to which she responded in a condescending 'From WHAT??'. I told her her that I went to the gym in the morning and then she tried to one up me by saying she's not tired even though she has been up and running since 5am. I happily told her about my change in my job, to which she remarked that it seemed like a step back for my career. Told her about how proud I was of my boyfriend (he's trying to switch jobs and has been interviewing the past few weeks) to which she remarked that it's a wonder he's getting interviews given he only did a bootcamp instead of doing a degree.
I came home completely burned out. I WANT to have a relationship with her but at the same time it's SO fucking draining. Anything I do is not good enough. I cannot mention if I'm happy about something because she will just berate me for it. I cannot tell her if I'm sad or tired because she is the one who is entitled to these emotions, not me, I have it easy. It all just makes me want to not tell her anything about my life because it's like I'm giving her ammunition that she gets to use against me
No. 2041162
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>>2041146Reading this like it was written by warsan shire
No. 2041230
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I’m doing a program and my roommate is super nice. I came here to make new friends and we haven’t really had any time alone together and it’s made me sad. We were supposed to go out with someone in the program tonight but my roommate canceled on me. I feel bad but I’m really disappointed, I want to go out with her but she’s dodged doing activities with me. She goes out of her way to talk to me so I don’t think she dislikes me it just makes me sad because I’m so lonely and I haven’t been able to build up the relationships I wanted to. I’ve been consistently told I’m intimidating and it seems to really put off nicer people. My roommate says something about me being really pretty and asking if she had to put makeup on to go out for drinks? I thought it was really weird because I don’t like clubbing, I just wanted to do dinner and a cocktail or something. I think I’m nice enough but I seem to have this affect of putting people off in some way and I just don’t know why. When I ask they always say I’m completely fine but then still avoid me. I just want friends.
No. 2041350
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>>2041132This shit made me see red ladies. Don't date balding men holy fuck. I feel so disposable and ugly and I'm not even bald.
No. 2041354
>>2041350Yeah just block him and move on. Could be he's treating you like this to see if you'll chase him and give his hairless ego a booster. Don't give him the satisfaction.
Also don't date baldies.
No. 2041359
>>2041177Men think women are as bad as they are. This guy was telling on himself, the only reason why he'd shave and clean up would for stepping outside the relationship and not the front door.
A random accusation like that is a confession.
No. 2041363
>>2041253No, he really gave me that mean disgusted scowl-like sideeye. It shocked me for a second because it came out of nowhere and was so hilariously over the top.
>>2041268Probably around 40. He'll probably die by a heart attack soon with that shit temperament.
No. 2041482
>>2036807>>2041452>>2041481moids will literally say anything to hit you
if he barks anything more tell him you'll get checked bc he might've given you an std (imply he's dirty)
No. 2041501
>>2041498>>2041495I am going to get checked out just in case because he can be rough and i said as much and he sort of backtracked and said it's probably just him and it meant we aren't compatible and I asked why he could figure they out in 2022. An annoying bald prick.
Think I might focus on emigrating instead of getting a boyfriend.
No. 2041519
>>2041516If you can't smell anything weird you should be fine
Stop letting this retard upset you
No. 2041563
>>2041532>Basically any time I experience a negative emotion I eat a gummyTry to get out of this habit if you're able. Ashwagandha is a great herbal supplement to take for its energetic effect but you should stick to the same dose at the same time of day to avoid negative side effects and to properly dose yourself. If it's only been a few weeks, keep trying for at least 6 months because from experience that's when the body will be under the herb's full effect. It is an aphrodisiac, so that side effect may persist for you as long as you're on the herb. Depending on the dose, I'd recommend taking it twice a day, once when you wake up, then once in the afternoon 6-8 hours after your first dose (ashwagandha's effects peak 2-4 hours after ingestion, so if you wait 8 hours you can ride the high again). If you want to stop taking ashwagandha because you don't like the side effects, but you still want to feel calmer and heighten your cognition and ability to focus, I'd recommend trying ephedrine. It's illegal in the USA, but legal in most other countries. It's a drug that similar to amphetamine, but it's a lot lighter and there's no come down. It's a common nootropic amongst students and athletes. It can also help you lose weight if that's something you struggle with.
No. 2041564
>>2041532I really recommend getting off ashwagandha and checking out Russian nootropics. Ash can cause thyroid issues and anhedonia. Herbs are kinda a bust for treating psych issues because they often have these side effects or they're contaminated and liver-
No. 2041611
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>>2041228MGM is just as bad as FGM. FGM was called female “circumcision” just a few decades ago. I don’t know what the fuck your false logic came from, if you’re a misandrists who thinks female bodies are inherently more valuable than male bodies then you’re too far gone.
(bait) No. 2041621
>>2041615> the most miniscule shitMGM completely removes its
victims capability of feeling sexual pleasure,
No. 2041625
>>2041617KEKKKK anon you're killing me
>>2041621It literally doesn't kek. Let me guess, you think they also need to use lotion to jerk off? Don't know a single circumcised man who has trouble getting off
No. 2041651
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This is so dumb.
>oh my god she’s a predator !!!
That dude is almost 20, can they quit it with this shit? They act like this is just as bad as some old fart dating an 18 year old, who sincerely cares? A bunch of grown adults who need to go worry about paying their overdue rent than a woman who’s dating a legally aged man
No. 2041678
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No. 2041695
>>2041694dont cry
nonny i will get you a mr clean body pillow and you will get over him
No. 2041720
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My honest reaction when a faggot mouths off about boys getting circumcized.
No. 2041732
>>2041728Yeah the equivalent of FGM to men would be to cut off their entire dick. But nooo they need to be considered
victims. The only difference is that circumcised men don't get dick cheese, which is an improvement tbh.
No. 2041745
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women dont have penises, therefore we cant rape. Otherwise i would be a dahmerette.
No. 2041754
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>men who realise how much they’ve been harmed by mutilation are gaslit and mocked when they speak up about it because American culture is barbaric
based americans
No. 2041756
>>2041754Proud to be an American. I really want a daughter one day, but if I happen to have a boy I am at least happy he will be circumcised. Wish that
actually would make him unable to receive sexual pleasure like that anon says though KEK
No. 2041779
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>>2039059>I'll never be able to let go of female socialization and just let myself be a bitch when I'm entitled toOhhh yes you will. I was in a position similar to you at my job and lemme tell you, there is NOTHING like telling a bunch of pube-bearded scrotes with unwashed hair and ZERO leadership skills that you're not going to do what they say. You won't look like the "bad guy", you'll look like a fucking alpha female telling all the little betas and gammas to shut the fuck up.
No. 2041803
>>2041788Women are the most impacted by male circumcision because women are the main targets of male violence.
>>2041795What's happening in Gaza doesn't seem very meek.
No. 2041805
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>big fat stupid fucking bait discussion about how the first line of male circumcision is as bad as female circumcision of all types and how male circumcision is "worse than rape" turned a sperg about Jewish scrotes
Mods are clearly asleep. How many do we even have at this point? Like two?
No. 2041809
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Fuck off and go chew on your precious baby foreskins after I fry them like funyun chips
No. 2041909
>>2041892Men don't like plastic surgery, makeup, etc because those women intimidate them. Typically those "fake bitches" are women that also have a lot of confidence, and carry themselves in a way that isn't inviting to insecure scrotes. It has nothing at all to do with their attraction level, because like you mentioned we see their attraction represented in pretty much every form of media.
They love looking at fake lips, bbls, and implants. They just don't like the type of women that typically have them don't pay them any attention.
So it all ends up being really confusing to young girls, and that's the part that's most upsetting. They hear their male peers berating women for having these things, and then their bfs end up following a million OF thots that don't look anything like the "natural" style they pressure their girlfriends into adopting.
No. 2041957
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My coworkers are all in relationships and im the only single girl there. Its makes me feel a bit like shit hearing them talk about their bf/husband and knowing i haven't dated in years. It makes me feel extremely strange. Like normal people like them are in relationships of course and im just a loser struggling to meet ppl/make connections and feeling self conscious in my party of one
No. 2042020
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I voted for the first time today and I want to fucking kill myself, I showed up sleepless in my baggy depressed NEET fit and once inside the room I started unfolding my paper while walking into the cabin (as opposed to once inside) and that made the admin guy upset, and once I voted I walked the wrong way out, kill me kill me KILL ME
No. 2042115
>>2042020If you're embarassed, so many people come through on voting day, you've long been forgotten.
I couldn't vote because I couldn't find my ballot, first time I ever missed the opportunity to vote oops
No. 2042125
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>can't eat spicy food due to stomach issues
>don't wear gold jewelry because I prefer silver
>have hobbies that aren't preaching my evil cult religion and talking shit about everyone within my line of sight
>hang out with normal people that are not part of the cult
>"ew anon you're so whitewashed and weird!!"
God forbid I'm not some copy-paste stereotype and actually have some individuality. And what the fuck is the term 'whitewashed'? We were born and lived our entire lives here, not in our parents' shithole, so why do you expect me to act like I was? kek. I'm not the weird one.
No. 2042170
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I hate living with people with no sense of hygiene who shit up communal spaces, forcing me to go full ocd on my own surrondings so I could maybe get rid of recurring pinworm infections but even being a hygiene freak myself is completely useless against them when the people I live with don't care. my mom just woke up, came to the kitchen only wearing underwear, fully put her hands inside her underwear to scratch her ass and then grabbed the juice carton I just bought to "see what it is". And then when I called her out on it she literally just says she didn't do it, even when I just saw it happen in front of me with my own two goddamn eyes. And let's not even start with my dad who finds washing his hands after using the bathroom emasculating or something
No. 2042174
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>>2042170Your roommates are giving you PINWORMS?
No. 2042187
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>>2042184I'm washing my hands all the goddamn time, I'm wiping down everything I own. But it doesn't matter when I have to use the same laundry, bathroom, kitchen as people who very demonstrably don't give a fuck. It's exhausting and I feel gross all the time
No. 2042229
I've been crushing on my (also lesbian) friend for a year or so, ever since I realized she was acting obviously flirty with me. She ended up kissing me last September drunk at a party, and we hooked up for a couple of times afterwards. She said she was attracted to me, but we agreed to keep it casual. I can't see myself dating her, either (for issues too spesific to share here, the TL;DR here would be that I know some aspects about her personality would make any romantic relationship not worth it).
We talked about last year a while back, and she told me that while she thought the sex was good and she wouldn't mind hooking up some time again, there was so much going on in her life that she hadn't just thought about it for a while. I took it as a clear sign I'm more invested than she is (especially since I asked her to hang out a few times near winter, and she always came up with excuses but didn't ask me to see her once). Plus, I'm pretty sure she's interested in another girl.
Last night I ended up at her place with a mutual friend (girl 2), and I ended up sharing a bed with friend 1. She started spooning me as soon as the lights were off, and I slept the entire night with her arms and legs wrapped around me. She kissed my hair at one point, as well. It feels so fucking pathetic to know that none of it probably matters and I'm just reading too much into it. I loathe myself for having it affect me this much.
No. 2042285
>>2042170Do you live with a lot of pets?
Pets, particularly cats, are usually culprits.
No. 2042288
Is my bf's mom a narc or is this bpd? None of her kids can stand her, one even went no contact. She's always throwing jabs at my bf and reminding him of how horrible he was to raise as a kid, always complaining to him about how he is, but at the same time says she loves him, is proud of him, and whenever they're in public she forces him to be physically affectionate (only forces him, never his sisters). She has gotten into countless arguments with his sister, and would always kick both of them out but then take it back, until his sister actually left for good. She started a big argument over some photos at the sister's wedding.
With me she acts very nice but one time lied about how the sister disliked me because I did X embarrassing thing, and told the story to a room full of people, making it seem like she was defending me from the evil sister. It scares me to think that one day I might have her as a MIL.
No. 2042297
>>2042288She's definitely a boymom.
Watch out if you want kids because she will goldenchild a boy and not favor a girl grandchild. She sounds like a narc, many narc women prefer males.
No. 2042336
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My old roommate was back for the week. We got wasted and on the uber home I admitted I'm an alcoholic. She said the same thing too. We're both in pretty deep. She's barely holding on and I'm not much better.
While we were drunk I told her to text me if she has any problems but I'm such a useless fuck I'm worried I'm just going to encourage her or worse. I'm in the hole I don't want to drag anyone else deeper.
We were both barely able to stand getting in the uber so I'm hoping we can just ignore it and live in our separate holes for a while.
That said if I was to message her about it what app should I use? Signal has a screenshot blocking thing right? If people find out it's bad end for me.
No. 2042363
nonnie. I've been in AA and hated it. Cult shit. I have a appointment on Thursday so I can get prescribed Naltrexone. Hopefully that will make a functional human. Hands up I have no power over myself, I'm a useless bitch
No. 2042447
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Having sore throat, fever ande feeling like a soul is leaving m body rn
No. 2042489
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No. 2042561
Went out with a girlfriend today, and she brought along a really cute German guy friend of hers. Dude was clearly trying to get into her pants (she wasn't interested lol), calling her "darling", offering to buy her drinks, etc, just classic horny moid shit. It was hilarious to watch her ignore him but it made me both mad and a bit upset. Even though I could guarantee he has some damning flaw/is like all of the other scrotes and I hate when moids are only nice to women for sexual reasons… I felt left out, and unappreciated. They had good chemistry and the guy basically treated me like a dude for our entire meetup. I shouldn't want the attention of a guy who only respect women who serve his interests but it feeds into my own complex about being othered and ignored. Idk nonnas I'm happy being single but I hate feeling ugly, and it's been ages since a guy treated me with respect. I'm not even unattractive, just not the type most men seem to go for (brown hair, glasses, typical geek-girl shit)
No. 2042568
>>2041957I feel you
nonnie, it's the same for me. It's awkward and isolating at times but having heard the stories about drama on both sides of each couple, especially for the girls, I'm becoming more comfy with my single status. There might be more than you think who envy your singledom!!
No. 2042628
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being friends with a man is all fine and dandy until he randomly goes mask off and says the most misogynistic shit you've ever heard
No. 2042668
>>2042657nah not a yeast infection either
No. 2042717
>>2042584Oh I see. I was just wondering because you said he said he treated you like a bro, so I thought you meant friendly but not romantic. Im sorry you experienced that.
>>2042578Anon didn't say he ignored her in the original post.
No. 2042788
Love my dad bless his heart but I'm so damn jealous of his extremely fast metabolism, he's like a big burning machine. He's physically bigger than anyone in our family (not fat, just very sturdy and tall). He eats whatever and in any quantity with 0 problems, no bloating or reflux. He hasn't experimented constipation in his life, he downs two servings of whatever with a 1lts water bottle and he still eats some ice cream like one hour later, he gets to eat what he likes with no repercussions, when he gets anxious he eats even more but quickly recovers from the gained weight. I feel so cucked fucking hell I'm literally unable to overindulge because my body literally doesn't allow it, I'm way smaller than him and I feel frustrated at the way my body can't handle big proportions or simply digest faster. I'm always getting reflux and indigestion over random shit, constipated 24/7, cannot even drink much water without getting bloated, when I get anxious my appetite completely disappears making me look crazy in less than a week, so I gotta force-fed myself so I don't waste away, eating feels like a chore to me while he finds it extremely fun. My life is miserable in that sense, it's caused by thyroid issues but still. I wish my stupid metabolism was way faster, the fuck you taking so long for? Bitch hurry up!!!
No. 2042829
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>>2042797This sounds fake
No. 2042865
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>>2042829God I wish it was. He didn't say it out loud but he was only in there for ten minutes and afterwards the search "r34 gifs" popped up on the house's Wi-Fi search.
>pic: mfw I heard the door lock behind me and I realized what he was doing No. 2042887
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>>2042853I can’t trust your guys’ metrics on male attractiveness anymore. For all we know he could look like this
No. 2042913
>>2042867Thank you nonna, guess I’m coming back to swearing off moids forever.
>>2042881It’s funny because I was blunt and direct but rather polite, and he seemed really offended and passive-agressive in response. Obviously he voted for them because of ecological reasons blah blah blah.
>>2042887KEKK anon, no, I wouldn’t be half as butthurt if he looked like dollar store Paul Dano. I can’t find a reference right now, but he had very sharp jaw, head full of hair, nice eyes etc.
No. 2042920
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>>2042910art style aside they're all written far better than woman in other gachas…you can't slot a single one of them into a waifu archetype. maybe don but her cheer is more crackhead hyped up on amphetamine than genki gf. also, their large busts aren't even pronounced or noticeable maybe 90% of the time
No. 2042944
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>>2042927taste is subjective, but even from an objective lens, i just think the designs are overall pretty bad. there's always so much shit tossed on the character that serves no purpose outside of making them distinct…like picrel is just me typing 'gacha anime fantasy design female and male holding blades' into bing. with a little bit of polishing (juuust a little) they could slot into genshin or honkai easily.
plot-wise, i doubt there's much of a plot? it's a gacha game meant to appeal to as many people as possible so they probably aren't doing anything more special than rehashing tepid tropes everyone is comfortable with and has seen already. it also needs to never ever reach eos so i bet lore drops always add new shit without resolving old shit but it all fits together because the glue is sparkly far-reaching, broad-stroking nonsense and the foundation's nonexistent anyway.
No. 2042973
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If I ever have a NDE I'm going to come back with a wild story about how I met God in heaven and spend two years selling it to Christian retards and touring it pretending to be enlightened and blessed and saved. And then after I get an amount of money I'm content with I'm gonna tell them I made it up.
No. 2042974
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Shit happens and then you live.
No. 2043019
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>>2041880We should be psyopping men into getting testicle implants. Like, ew, who the fuck wants to date a scrote with uneven, asymmetrical grapes? Oh, you don't even chemically exfoliate them? How long have you been
No. 2043040
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>>2042910be nice limbus is the best gacha to come out in years and all the women are great, the men too. pmoon literally refuses to pander to waifufags but the shit they did to the old story artist was fucked
also fuck canto v
No. 2043075
>>2043058deep breaths
nonnie, you’ll be ok
No. 2043300
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>>2043040love faust…i should really pick it back up tbh life's too short to deny myself something i actually want to play, controversy aside
No. 2043354
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I fucking hate teamers in roblox outlaster. It's actually so stupid how much it breaks the game its not even fun if like 5 people are voting random ass people off regardless of how well they are playing the game or what alliances there are. Like 1-3 person alliances should be the cap because anything over that just makes it unplayable these 13 year olds suck ass at obby and cant play basic team games. I hate roblox I hate roblox I hate roblox I hate roblox
No. 2043451
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i can't fucking deal with the anons in the celebritycow thread why is everyone such a retarded normie, why is everyone using twitter speech and gender neutral pronouns, why is everyone running in circles about the same few un-milky topics, why is everyone arguing over semantics for like 20 posts?? i might jump ship and stop checking it altogether, everything on there is stolen off fauxmoi anyway
No. 2043488
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I don’t know how many of you guys saw my other post but I mentioned how my ex (who has a history of tracking down my social media accounts) showed up at my graduation ceremony and sat there watching me even though he’s not a senior. Well today I got a follow request on my private Twitter account and I noticed it was one of like 10 girls he follows. He’s sending his flying monkeys after me pray for me nonnas
No. 2043522
>>2043505I would be too. Try to reach out to any domestic violence resources in your country for advice. Also, read up on osint (open source intelligence), (like this video: and ways to hide your identity, so to cut down on ways he can find your social medias.
No. 2043524
>>2043488Block any weird accounts and start carrying a weapon
nonny, I pray they just leave you alone
No. 2043530
>>2043528i'm not sure why i got banned on cc. it seems like they just ban every regular eventually.
i was making troll posts on 4chan so fair enough. but those bitches deserved to be riled up, so it was overall just for me to mess with them.
No. 2043601
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WHY IS LC ALWAYS SO DEAD WHEN I'M AWAKE? I try to engage with various posts and then you all disappear
No. 2043704
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As a Eurofag, the amount of far right parties that won in the European elections worry and scare me
No. 2043750
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>>2043704I would encourage you to read about these "far right" parties and find out if they really are far right. These days anything from wanting to deport rapist immigrant moids, knowing that a man in a dress is not a woman, to thinking that paedophilia needs to remain a crime is labeled as far right.
No. 2043763
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real insightful ty
No. 2043926
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'Kweer' communities are genuinely deranged, I have to get this out of my system. I recently broke up with this girl, we were just too incompatible and I wanted to be single. She was a part of our city's queer community, I'm completely removed from it and she would tell me the shit that goes down there and honestly.. holy shit, man. I thought this shit only existed on the internet, not going to lie. And not in my fuckass Islamic country? It's deranged. All posh richfags, of course. 'Lesbians' dating trannies, gender discourse, the same phenotype of dyed hair and ugly piercings and makeup, how did this shit end up here? Like.. do none of you have real problems? A job? A hobby? It's so fucking embarrassing. These early 20s getting into the most asinine, bpd ass drama… I was shocked, honestly. I have never felt more normal. Literally all of them were some flavor of tranny, not one normal person. All embarrassing druggies with eds. I know I sound full of it, but I got out once I realized. The amount of… navel gazing, selfabsorbedness, and you know how people go 'teehee im mentally ill', just so fucking weird, they preach to not romanticize mental illnesses but do just that. This one 'lesbian' dating a tranny who would not stop talking about how much she loved women and pussy, give me a fucking break. Her tranny was a sexual assaulter too, and bragged about sa'ing girls. Fucked up. I somehow ended up with the most normal girl there and she was a themlet with substance abuse issues and some undiagnosed pd, I always referred to her as a girl though and she didn't correct me. I am never dating or trying to make irl friends again. God, I hope they all grow out of it. And I hope the tims die. I can't believe this shit actually exists, and here? Like idiots… we are in a third world ass muslim country, no one takes your asses serious. I was excited to see other exmuslims but girl, I am not associating with these disconnected, richfag retards. Get a fucking job, fuck.
No. 2044056
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I read the latest update of a comic I follow where there is a really sweet love confession between two characters, I usually just smile and enjoy the read but this time I just…broke down. I loved the chapter, but it really hit me how upset I am over that I can't find someone that is that sweet to me. The people that get romantically interested in me are either the weird, stalkery types or abusive and gaslighting types. I can't attract anyone normal for the life of me, and it's really making me lonely and wonder if something is wrong with me. I just want someone that holds me, protects me and gives me a kiss on the forehead every now and then.
I have a close friend that is in a similar position, she only attracts weird and crazy women but the normal ones aren't interested. Why are some of us like this? What did we do wrong?What are we doing wrong?
No. 2044069
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My new bf is lovebombing me showering me with expensive presents and trips and time and acting really insecure asking me 1000x to be "his forever" and already told me he's falling in love with me and wants to marry me it's making me scared and grossed out. Why do I only date assholes that treat me like an option or simps that treat me like a queen why can't I have a normal guy that treats me like a person? I'm not a little girl I'm not IN LOVE yet we haven't even had a serious fight and it's only been a few weeks
No. 2044082
nonnie I doubt it's your fault! I've experienced the same thing and it really got to me, but someone told me that
abusive/creepy types cast such a wide net that they're bound to find someone in the end. Maybe you're an empathetic type who struggles to say no to people? I suspect the dating pool is just trash atm, but you'll find someone soon
No. 2044097
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>>2043978what exactly do you like about the videos? do you imagine yourself getting pressed? are you attracted to the machine? im so confused by your existence nona
No. 2044100
>>2044090You don't have to go if you don't want to,
nonnie. You really don't. I bowed out and didn't get on the plane before and the world didn't end. If you really want to go I think you owe it to yourself to try but don't force yourself.
No. 2044112
>>2044097I just enjoy watching them. I don't know how to explain it. It feels good? I'm not imagining myself in any position. I just feel good watching them. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. How do regular women explain porn?
I have a BF and I don't get much pleasure from sex. It pushes some buttons but it doesn't really work. I love him and he's trying but I'm just messed up.
I'm not autistic or anything. I've been checked. I'm just weird
No. 2044174
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>>2044157Mods should red text aro ace I swear, is this shit the new fujo why the fuck are there twitterfags everywhere now saying this unironically
No. 2044190
>>2044121damn what a piece of shit. i'm sorry
nonny, i can imagine how bad that must've stung in the moment. i'm praying he balds at an expedited rate
No. 2044211
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why does my mom want me to go manic when she's upset?
when she's upset, when she feels bad, she comes to me and starts talking about things that she knows makes me panic, and she knows when I panic I'm really likely to go manic because I have bipolar disorder
why does she want it?
what does she get from seeing me cry?
she just watches
sometimes you can see her smile a little bit
what does it mean; is she bipolar as well? is she gaining a sensation of control of herself by forcing me to feel feelings against my will? why does she watch like that? she scans my whole face and body and just watches, it feels so frightening
I'm so tired, I'm so scared, I just want her to stop but if I don't let her do what she needs to do, she tells me I'm being abusive, so I know not to say no or try to leave because I don't want to make her feel even worse, but I'm so tired, I just want it to stop, I'm really sorry, I know it's awful of me to complain like this when she feels so bad, I shouldn't feel bad when she feels bad, I need to be strong for her, but it's really hard to be strong while I'm manic because I just can't get my thoughts in order, so I become more useless to her, and everyone else, so it isn't helping her to do that, but she won't stop and I can't control my brain long enough for her to get tired and stop naturally, I always break before she stops, she stops right after I break, so if I was just a little stronger I could keep it together longer and I could be more helpful, I'm not helpful like this, all I can do is what she wants, I can't actually make anything better like this
I'm so sorry
No. 2044219
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>>2044027u dont need to do all dat
nonnie No. 2044234
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Mom when I was growing up:
>for fucks sake anon you need to do something about how fat you are
>you are so fucking stupid you don't understand anything
>oh my god you are so retarded
>why can't you be more like your siblings that are 10 and 13 years your senior
>the only good thing about your looks is your eyes, at least they're pretty
>seriously nobody actually likes you
My mom now that I'm an adult:
>out of my children I'm pretty sure anon is the most intelligent one
>all my friends love you so much, they are obsessed teehee
>i can confidently say you are my prettiest child
I don't like that she compares me to my siblings, but even if she didn't whatever praise she gives me falls on dead ears. Damage is already done and I don't know how to not hate myself. No, she is not a narcissist. She's just…odd and a little unstable.
No. 2044263
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being an adult addict is actually so humiliating like just be normal. Holy shit. t’s literally not that hard to just not shoot up random shit from god knows where into your body. There’s literally no logical reason for me to do this, like at all. No suffering justifies this. I don’t even know why I’m doing this anymore it’s actually so fucking retarded. I’m sick of the cycle of wanting to get clean but turning back to any sort of substance that distracts me from my own life. I started using as a teenager to not have to be present and live my shitty life but I want to back. I want my shitty life back if it means not doing this to myself. I want to be present and enjoy my life and not be fucking tweaked out all the time. If I keep going this way I’ll be dead in a few years. Fuck this.
No. 2044268
>>2044211>what does it mean; is she gaining a sensation of control of herself by forcing me to feel feelings against my will? Yes, this! She does it to feel power and control by making you spin out. Anon, anon, please if you can, find a good therapist to help you deal with this. Or find an online support group for people with emotionally
abusive parents, run by a psychologist not some rando life coach. Your mom is dick and probably a narcissist. Even if she's just emotionally
abusive, she is using you to self regulate. She is using you as narcissist supply, tl;dr - your mom makes herself feel better by making you feel bad. When she does that, she feels better about herself by knowing she has power and control over you and that's why she does it when she feels upset.
>I just want her to stop but if I don't let her do what she needs to do, she tells me I'm being abusive, She's lying. It's not
abusive to want someone to stop
triggering your bpd. She does this to guilt you into not leaving or saying no.
>I'm really sorry, I know it's awful of me to complain like this when she feels so bad,Anon, your mom has really fucked with your perception of how relationships should work. In a healthy mother daughter relationship, your mother would not want you to feel bad just because she does. She would want you to be happy and feel good, even if she felt horrible. Your mom is cruel and mean.
>I'm really sorry, I know it's awful of me to complain like this when she feels so bad, I shouldn't feel bad when she feels bad,She's deliberately trying to make you feel bad. That's the entire point. It's not an accident that you end up manic.
>I always break before she stops, she stops right after I break, so if I was just a little stronger I could keep it together longer and I could be more helpful,No, you breaking is the entire point. That's what she wants. That's why she does this. She will keep going until you break. If you managed not to break, she would try to find another way to fuck with you.
Read this book: It's Not You: Identifying and Healing from Narcissistic People by Ramani Durvasula. It should help you identify if your mom is a narcissist or just emotional
abusive and provide advice on how to handle both situations. Free download: narcissistic supply works
"The narcissist uses you to regulate their emotions by controlling you. This gives them a sense of power and it gives their self esteem a boost. The narcissist seeing they have power over your emotions is narcissistic supply. It makes them feel superior. Seeing your weaknesses and pushing your buttons helps regulate their self esteem. They cannot regulate their self esteem on their own. To regulate their self esteem they need narcissistic supply. They need narcissistic supply daily all day long. And it takes more and more for you to supply them. So they vacillate back and forth between hot and cold. It may seem to you like they have a Dr. Jekyll Mr. Hyde personality. This hot and cold treatment is what causes the trauma bond. But for the narcissist it creates a honeymoon like stage again. You will see in a relationship with a narcissist they are never happy and there always seems to be something wrong with every move you make. You are damned if you do and damned if you don’t. The narcissist is supplied by having control over your emotions. Seeing you jump through hoops to please her. It tells her how special she is. And it gives her a sense of power and control. Like she is God."
No. 2044285
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went off the rails and agreed to hang out with a guy i’ve been talking shit about for literal years because i thought he was an annoying little worm man but it turns out he was just incredibly nervous to be around me because he thinks i’m cute and we are actually somehow fantastically compatible and i cannot stop laughing at myself
i thought i was going to go on a very weird, bad date with a man i have been lightly antagonizing for years and surprise!!! i’m actually obsessed with him
i slept over at his house two nights in a row! we have only kissed (MOUTHS CLOSED)! i feel like i am losing my mind but he’s so cute and funny and interesting and NICE and he treats me like a whole entire person and not just a thing he wants to fuck! this has never happened before and i am apoplectic
No. 2044286
>>2044234Ugh, I relate, just for different aspects. My parents didn't care so much about looks, but they made it clear that I annoyed them with my stupidity. I specifically recall my parents bragging about how impressive my college graduation was only after four years of encouraging me to drop out at every difficulty.
The reality is that a lot of people have to put down others to quell feelings of inadequacy, and some adults are low enough to knock down their own children.
I hope your parents didn't pit you against your siblings too much; it sounds nice to be able to affirm each other's experience.
No. 2044411
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>>2044256I suppose makeup is better than going under the knife for it like she suggested. still , i agree but you have to be delusional to not understand that a minimum of makeup (unless ur perfect like bella here) is necessary in society. most women would be treated badly and have fewer opportunities otherwise. not that its a good thing or anything , the opposite , but its not like we can do shit about it considering nothings going to change anytime soon
No. 2044423
I met what I thought was a girl into the same type of fandom stuff I’m into, and they mentions that they’re a lesbian with a low sex drive, which I can relate to a lot. We chat for a while about our lives and preferences, I followed them because we had a really good chat, the account looks safe from a few scrolls, just retweeted sailor moon art and other anime. They mention they do ASMR of the scenarios I like, so I naturally check them out. Just from the voice alone, I know it’s a tranny. There were no red flags at all, not even a trans flag or pronouns in bio that would give me a hint that I was talking to a man. Now, he keeps retweeting shit about tranny’s being disgusting to women and I can’t unfollow now because it’d be too obvious that I unfollowed because he’s a tranny. Ugh, it’s rough. I have a reputation to uphold too, so I can’t go full terf on him.
No. 2044448
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>Republican governor of my state who to this day tries to take away reproductive rights from women is pro tranny
>Said he spent a week with them to see how they live and backed off on restricting trannystuff
>Rule proposed requires psychiatrists, endocrinologists, and medical ethicists to have roles in creating “gender affirming care” for clinics and hospitals
I cannot wait until Mike Dewine and his failed abortions of a family get shot JFK style
No. 2044508
I don’t know how to feel about this, but I guess this could go into the vent thread. I met this girl today, and I still can’t stop thinking about her. I’ve seen her around my university for a while, and we spoke a few times, but it was always just a few words but today we spent the entire day together, and she is the loveliest person I have spoken to. We talked for hours about anything and everything, and we found out that we share a bunch of interests and artists that we like.
She is so genuine and bold in the way she talks, and I really don’t believe in all of this love at first sight bullshit, but I think for the first time I felt like I wanted to get close to someone and get to know her better. I was never that interested in dating, and I never even thought I’d be brave enough to consider dating another woman, but she convinced me that I would a thousand times over. I thought I got hit with a rock over the head when I heard that she’s seeing a guy currently. I still want to be her friend because she’s the greatest girl ever, but I’m going to be graduating soon, and I don’t know if I’ll see her around. Sorry nonas if this is cringe, but I’m alone in my room and I can’t stop thinking about her!!!
I was also surprised that she knew a bit about a certain gorl lol. I really hope she’s not a farmer cause I’d be embarrassed if she saw this.
No. 2044536
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I think I need to slink off to the woods and hide like an injured animal. But oh no I have to talk to people all day and be a smiling automaton. Ladies is it rude to just go insane and ghost everyone?
No. 2044577
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normalfags are so weird. why does it matter? christ
No. 2044626
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I wish Left Eye and Amy Winehouse were still alive
No. 2044697
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This sounds batshit insane but I genuinely believe the freak I dated when I was younger tricked me into participating in a Satanic binding ceremony. He kept telling me that he would give me a vial of his blood and asking me if I would drink his blood and I eventually gave in and tasted a little bit of his blood when he got a papercut. He is into the occult. Ever since we broke I can’t fucking get rid of these guy, he stalks me everywhere I go
No. 2044698
Well, I just got out of a toxic friendship. I had a friend of some six years, since I was 15. The thought had been in the back of my mind sometimes, like a little voice telling me that my friendship was toxic. I never listened, of course. Because when things were good, they were good. But when they were bad? It would become a downward spiral of depression, self hate, talking about self harm and EDs. It’d start with a vent, and it would just spiral downward (which now that I think about it, said friend would be the one who’d usually talk about suicidal ideation/wanting to self harm/starve first).
Anyway, the whole situation was something like this:
>friend breaks up with online girlfriend of four months (mind you, I think my friend had gotten WAY too attached to this girl too soon anyway, so I was kind of half-expecting something like that to happen. I was still happy for them, she seemed nice) >friend messages me saying that gf broke up with him
>I try to be supportive. I tell my friend that I’m sorry that happened, and point out that his girlfriend told him it wasn’t his fault since she said that she wanted to focus on her mental health and she still liked him and they could remain friends.
>friend can’t be friends with her because “it hurts too much”. Okay then
>I also point out that him being able to get a girlfriend means that he’s not an unlovable piece of shit (his words, not mine)
>friend tells me he’s seriously considering suicide, to which I say not to. This was not the first time my friend would talk about wanting to commit suicide/starving/self harm either
>friend tells me to make new friends because apparently, “all we had in common was bitching at life” which honestly hurt to hear from someone I knew for six years and still considered a friend
>I say, “you’ve never given me a reason to not be your friend”, which was true because we’d get along fine when things were good
>friend sarcastically responds, “I hope you’re okay with the pressure of being the only person I talk to” (I wasn’t but I didn’t say anything since I was worried that he was gonna kill himself if I said something and then that would be my fault)
>I was worried that my friend killed himself for a few days after, until I saw his status showing up as him playing a video game. Okay at least I don’t have to worry about my friend killing himself
>two months pass. Friend does not message me and I don’t message him either out of fear of confrontation and just being emotionally drained
>friend then messages me with “are you alive?” I put off responding for a day, and then respond with a “yeah”
>some small talk. My responses are pretty short, admittedly
>”sorry for ghosting you for two months” is the last message he sent me. I kept putting off responding since the days blur together for me
>find out a few days ago that my friend unadded me
>I close the DM and change my username so this whole situation is basically done with now
I feel guilt and relief. I feel guilty because I was a coward and never really told him exactly what I was feeling, never told him “fuck you I have my own issues, I’m not responsible for you staying alive or not”. I got off easy and it feels unfair. Like I was rewarded for being avoidant which I know is wrong too. The relief is self explanatory.
My one takeaway now is that I need new friends. Exclusively biologically female friends because this friend had trooned out too, because of course he did.
I haven’t cut myself since mid January. I haven’t starved myself all year. I don’t want to be like my friend and I think this has been a wakeup call. I need to go ahead and finish trudging through school, and get a job at least. I don’t want to be a college dropout wagie who plays vidya all day, never sees the sun, lives like a slob, and dumps all their shit on one person
No. 2044710
>>2044697If satan exists, so does god. Get one of those cross necklaces and tuck it under your shirt you’ll be fine.
If it doesn’t work, call the cops
No. 2044711
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My mood easily falters when faced with any sort of disharmony. I try to do everything to avoid it but my efforts are not enough at times. Still, I'll try to keep demonstrating politeness to everyone I encounter.
No. 2044771
>>2044744Thank you for the kind words nona, I have a tiny sliver of hope of making friends but it really does feel like I've missed the opportunity of making meaningful friendships. What I really want is a group of girl friends to hang out with in person, I've never had that. I'm an adult now and friendships are all a one to one thing and people are busy with their own responsibilities, on top of the fact that I find it hard to relate and speak to the average woman.
> decent autist moidsI have had just about enough of dealing with scrotes online, it would've been okay if it was a group of them that drags me out of the house often but like I've said, it's all online and one to one… I don't feel like I belong, and I won't, because these are scrotes.
> autistic womenChances are, they're in their hobbies and not going out of their way to meet people. I tried engaging in my own hobby communities further, but alas I only stumble across tims pretending to be women. Other cases would be one real woman in a community being a discord queen bee. I am just so tired… Maybe I'll try to force myself to pick up a fujo oriented game and befriend gendies.
No. 2044790
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Why is it bothering me that this virtual moidlet professor doesnt seem to like me..not him but my mathematics prof too that is also a moidlet.
I've noticed that older women (but not younger or same aged women for some reason hmm) and ESPECIALLY MEN are turned off or feel like they need to one up me when I express myself and thoughts. It's like this newfound confidence and assurance with my self is a repellent for scrotes kek. I'll admit…I am still a sucker for external validation but I am working on that nonnies.
>be me
>always shy kid but still had friends
>enter highschool
>almost drop out
>becomes neet shut in until i start college
>isolated for 5+ years limited social contact
>>in college.
>suddenly social butterfly
>finally peeeeople
>depresshyun is gone
>self esteem is rising as im more confident about my looks and abilities
>start a 6 week virtual course
>first couple classes the vibes when interacting w prof are normal. nothing of note
>says in the beginning hes available whenever if we have questions or run by him our assignments if we're unsure about stuff
>one class something shifts..
>email him if we could do a virtual office hour thing
>oh srry uh uh my weekend is super busy
>hmm ok.
>rest of classes he does this weird polite british fake smile thing when i say something and is curt with any feedback
>wtf what did i do
>this chud in class keeps bringing up cringe rightwing talking points
>prof is obv liberal leaning centrist…but for some reason tolerates and even entertains this guy
>is it bc im colored? kek
>ngl i do distracting things while in class bc my attention span is fucked from neet years
>me picking up from the prof on all those psych techniques people watch from yt or self help slop when you're trying to distance urself from someone or idk how to say but " when trying not to feed an attention whore's thirst for the spotlight."
>ignores me when i write stuff in the chatbox
I'm not an attention whore. I've always been a wallflower kek. I hate that when I finally feel good about myself and feel comfortable in being wrong when i vocalize retarded (always felt intellectually inferior) takes or just speak up…thats when ppl interpret that as smugness. Then again ive been told i sound sarcastic a lot when in casual convos. I can't win either way. I get rejected if I'm quiet and unassuming and if im bubbly and extraverted.
on a happier note this student in my class is going to share a slideshow on why troons shouldn't play in women's sports. hopefully she doesn't frequent this cursed site..kek hi nonna, happy peakening..
sorry for reposting my comp is glitching out.
No. 2044977
It's actually insane how fucked up my country's concept of "evil" and "degradation" is.
"Naturally, draft evasion, dancing in public, feminism, cannabis and psychs, homosexuality, being weird or slightly unconventional is western degeneracy! Why, of course we're proud of our fatally alcoholic, economically stagnant, fascist, pro-dying-in-a-war (which we know is filling our thievish politicians' pockets), unreasonably xenophobic, corrupt-to-the-core, highest-rate-of-female-death-from-DV country! We loooove our veeeery traditional values!"
Wtf, am I crazy? It's society thats nuts, right? I'm not libwashed (i think), but do people really uncritically believe harmless shit is actually bad for you? Like realistically who do you hurt by DANCING AT A STOPLIGHT? And why do you get sent to the military for some completely harmless shit like that? (I know it's annoying but that punishment is way too far taken)
pls no bully, ik its going to look obvious where I'm from, I'm planning to leave this place as soon as i can
No. 2045000
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I feel terrible for saying this, but my sister acts like such a retard and it's driving me crazy. The affects of unfettered access to the internet are apparent. Her speech is somewhat delayed, she's constantly screaming, and she's still reading picture books despite being almost twelve. Of course, my mother doesn't care at all. My sister's friends are all like her, so I doubt she genuinely has some sort of intellectual disability.
No. 2045043
>>2045004It's not that she enjoys reading them, it's that she can't read anything else. She never reads if she can help it. She doesn't watch television either.
>>2045038She does have somewhat of a lisp. It's not just that, it's the way she speaks. Her vocabulary is more like that of an eight-year-old's.
No. 2045044
After the way my mother acted around my wedding and then my baby shower, I'm on the fence on having a 1st birthday back in my home town.
I have such little tolerance for passive aggressive bullshit, her behavior for both events nearly ruined the whole thing for myself and it was super embarrassing having multiple people asking what her issue was.
Her issue with the baby shower was me not wanting my druggo aunt (mums younger sister) there.
The night before my shower the other aunt told drug aunt about it and drug aunt had a melt down.
I had told my mother multiple times leading up to the baby shower that I will never see drug aunt again, she does not exist to me anymore, I will never see her and my child will never see her. Mum knowing this told drug aunt that I had invited everyone and that it must be a mistake that noone contacted her (I literally have her blocked on the 1 social media platform I have). There is so much drama around drug aunt I could write a whole other vent, she is the worst person and perpetual victim even though she has done so much awful shit like stealing $28k from a 3x stroke great uncle she was getting a pension to look after (not sure if I did at the time it was happening here). Drug aunt had a boohoo over being excluded and told mum "things like this is why I would go on drug benders".
Tldr drug aunt didnt come thankfully, mum stayed inside for the whole baby shower to the point people were asking what her problem was, it was embarrassing. And then a few days later mum tried to swing it as if it was me and her vs drug aunt. Bizarre.
I moved a few states away while my husband does his uni and we were planning on moving back to my hometown when he was done so our kids can have my parents in their life. My mothers behavior has really made me question if I want that to be my life going forward.
I'm an only child, I dont know if thats her issue and its just projecting into toddler tantrums from my mother or what, shes never actually said what her problem is. I dont have the energy to chase her for an answer, especially when it will probably be "what there is no problem".
I dont even know if I want her in the delivery room when I give birth. I dont even know how to approach this topic with her, I already know she will just do that passive aggressive tantrum shit of one word answers and immediately go on the defensive no matter how much I flower up the language.
No. 2045054
>>2045000Your parents are the problem and unfortunately the pandemic fucked a large population of young children who for years did not have access to education and socialization that they needed and were instead left at the mercy of idiotic and/or neglectful parents like yours.
They will be so far behind and stunted. Part of me thinks the government planned for this idiocracy of a retarded gen who were brought up on ipads and cannot critically think outside of what an influencer sells to them.
No. 2045055
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I cannot contribute to meetings at work bc of my goddamn anxiety and so everyone thinks I'm retarded and I'm treated as a child. I also feel like my work is looked down upon. Meanwhile my coworker whose work is not any better than mine acts like she's God gift to humanity and everone treats her like she's the hardest working human on the planet. I cannot play the game
No. 2045064
>>2045055not sure if you want advice but I'll give it anyway. This is a meeting performance problem, right? I suggest you take notes throughout the week about what you you are working on, focussing on completed tasks and small victories or good ideas you have. Keep a notepad nearby and every time you finish something for the good of the company or create something for the good of the company, write it down. This probably happens more often than you think. When meeting time comes simply read your notes when it's your turn and talk all the stuff you did for them. Sitting there silently because you are anxious is the worst thing you can do, it makes your bosses think you're not doing anything (even though that's wrong and they could look for themselves and find out what work you're doing, they usually won't and they base their whole opinion of you on your performance on the meeting.) You have to treat the bosses a little bit like they're stupid, sorry to say.
I did this and got rapidly promoted so I hope it works for you. Brag about yourself a little.
No. 2045129
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Fuck. I slept in today and only had 20 minutes to shower and get ready for work. I somehow made it but I feel disheveled. Its nasty outside and I didn't grab a raincoat because I didn't have time to check what the weather was like, I just threw on a light sweater and leggings and ran out of the house. My tea tastes like shit because I didn't really pay attention to how much milk/sugar I put in. There's so many people at work and so much to do and I just want to go home and be left aloonnnnnnneeeeeee.
No. 2045177
>>2045171Finding glasses is so hard I know your pain. All the glasses are huge rapist lenses or harry potter style where the fuck did the normal ones go? I don't want to look like a GEEK. All the fucking zoomies just look like fucking retards with their giant frames. I WILL NOT ADJUST MY TASTE TO SUIT TRENDS I HATE THE OLD LADY GIANT FRAMES THEY ARE STUPID! I fucking hate it I literally was going to order glasses online but I'm a retard and forgot so my prescription is probably expired I have to check reeee.
>but apparently the lenses are too thickWhat the fuck ever you can pay for thinner ones I thought? Also what about frames where it's just the upper part and the bottom is frameless? I think that is pretty. I had a cute light pink pair like that and my loser faggot dog chewed them to pieces
No. 2045187
>>2045177>you can pay for thinner ones I thought?They are thinned out already, my prescription is like -5 with astigmatism so there's also other bs they have to consider
And yea, the big ones are the only ones they had, the ones with top rim only had all thick af top rim which was ugly as hell. I think I'll try to save up for lasik or some shit because I can't deal with this crap anymore, I don't hate my face but the glasses always made me look fucking retarded
No. 2045273
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quick vent i'm so scared i may have said something wrong to my friend she's taking a while to respond and i'm kind of freaking out. i took too long to clear up something that could be misinterpreted… i hope in the time i took to do it that i didn't vex her and she's just like casually doing something else right now. seriously one of the last people i would ever want to upset
No. 2045291
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I'm beyond fed up with myself. I'm going to be 30 in six months but I still have the emotional responses of an immature teenager. I'm never going to get better. I am once again wishing I could remove the part of my brain that makes me feel emotions so I can just be a robot and carry on with my life alone and unbothered by anything instead of having to stop everything I'm doing for multiple days because my mood tanked over something that wouldn't even matter if I was able to act my age
No. 2045328
I'm heartbroken. I have been saving and planning this special trip for more than three years now, basically is some kind of dream trip for me. It took a lot of effort and sacrifices to get to this point and it’s what kept me going most of the times when I felt like I couldn’t do it anymore.
I have many friends but I’m closer to two of them. Everyone was happy for me when I broke out the news except for them. One got insanely jealous and started questioning me from the first moment, questioning the places I’m going, the hotels I’m staying, even the activities I’m supposed to do. I already told them they were making me feel like I took the wrong decision and that I was hopeful they would be happy for me but to this day there wasn’t a question about the trip, not even to wish me luck (I’m going away for a few months).
The other one didn’t say a word except to remind me how long I’m going to stay away, asking me if I don’t think it’s too much. Mind you, I was planning this trip for more than three years now and they know it. This is someone who’s asking me, while they can’t be in the same place for more than three months or say they feel trapped.
For the first one I already had in mind they would feel jealous because it always happens (I know what I should do, being emotional dependant is hard) but for the second one…I felt like they wanted me to do: guilty and insecure. And it’s making me feel terrible. I know I shouldn’t care but I do, I always care too much.
I just hoped they would support me in this because it’s pretty important for me but knowing, seeing and feeling that their feelings come first again broke something inside me. I would have never done this to them, ever. I always try to validate their feelings and supporting them and I think they took me for granted in this one.
I feel like such a childish person because I couldn’t stop crying since two days ago, do you know that numb feeling you start to feel when something goes so terribly wrong that you need to shut yourself off? That’s what happened to me. I talked with them, I told them how I’m feeling and they dismissed it because they say they want good for me and it’s coming just from worry but…I don’t know, I’m just too sad at this moment.
No. 2045492
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tired of being nice to people just to get treated like absolute shit. what is wrong with people these days. i just got laughed at for being a little anxious and i tried my best to be a good sport about it but it hurt inside and i started crying where noone could see. its like everyone is shitty to me for no reason. is it because they can sniff out the autism? i want to give up and stay in my room all day playing games. i try to stay optimistic but im no longer hopeful for the future and i dont see joy around me anymore. i feel like a doormat and a punching bag for anyone to take out their feelings on
No. 2045502
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>have PCOS
>have hypothyroidism
>Somehow still freakily underweight no matter what I do
I'm tired of people calling this a flex, how am I suffering from not one but TWO conditions that cause weight gain yet I actually lose it if I ever skip breakfast?? Is this some kind of joke??! Every advice related to these conditions is about losing weight there's almost no resources for someone like me, pls tell me birth control will help me gain weight cause I'm actually losing my fucking mind atp this is some bullshit and my ass hurts
No. 2045515
>>2045502Samefag will I suffer from insulin resistance as well? I had some problems with hypoglycemia and weird sugar levels months ago but I'm not diabetic, though it runs in my family. Still, the endo literally asked for glycemic exams
again which makes me believe maybe there is some fuckshit regarding me and metabolic issues
No. 2045551
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There is something so nauseating about finding out that you aren't a man's type after you're already dating him. You have brown hair and then he mentions that he loves blondes in passing conversation. You're built slim and then you find out he prefers women with big breasts or curvy all around. You dress comfortably and assume that he likes you being natural and then you find out he likes sexy or hyperfeminine things. The worst part is race, finding out he doesn't even like your ethnicity sexually, and when you find out he watches porn you find out that all of these women have things in common - none of them look like you. They're everything you're not in various ways and to be honest, it's not the obsessing over men's standards that bothers you, it's thinking why the fuck is he with me, then?
I genuinely believe men get with women that aren't "their type" so they can exert some sort of control over trying to change and mold them into their type. But why? Why do they do this? Why be with a brunette if you find blondes so beautiful? Why be with a woman of a certain race if you don't find that certain race attractive? Why do all these things just to mess with our heads? Males are evil. They're uneducated and misguided but beneath that, they're just evil manipulators. Celibacy seems to be the only way to free ourselves from these horrible creatures and keep our self-esteem and dignity intact.
No. 2045593
>>2045583He had no social media beyond Facebook and even then the vast majority of his friends were male friends and relatives. The females on his friendslist didn't really have any set "type" and were people from the same school college etc as him.
Doesn't really change my point unfortunately, to have a woman think she's so special and then she finds out she was never really your ideal physical type. I just don't understand it. Every woman I know is very direct about their physical attractions and don't expect their men to change yet it's never the same way for us. They never appreciate our natural beauty. I fell in love with my natural brown hair again after dyeing my hair since I was very young and then found out soon enough that he doesn't really like it that much. It was one of a few things that made me leave, I'm just venting and sperging about the past here.
No. 2045602
>>2045569My levels weren't that high to begin with, they're already normal by now so maybe that's why I didn't get the worst parts of it
>>2045572They've been checking me for months now, searching for everything and anything, regular bloodwork and exams, nothing came out besides PCOS and random hormonal/thyroid/glycemic problems. I recovered my gains months ago but a schizo breakdown ruined my streak
No. 2045701
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I wish I wasn’t an autoandrophiliac. To preface this I’m not a tranny, have no desire to transition, know I will never be a man, and that this is definitely born out of being a porn and raised gooner. I’ve been like this since I was 13 maybe where it initially started as a desire to be seen as a cute submissive effeminate man who crossdresses definitely through anime and yaoi porn. I knew that even back then if I trooned out I’d still have a vagina, and if I ever got surgery it wouldn’t be a real penis and it was a point of frustration for me all throughout middle school. I’m an adult now and I constantly wish I was a cute gay asian man dating another cute gay asian man through this insta acc that posts pretty asian men being lovey dovey/touchy with each other. Also I saw a video of an attractive white twink getting a Chinese visa with his cute bf and it just made me so fucking jealous. And don’t even get me started on gay porn featuring this type of men which I’ve learned to avoid because it makes me envious beyond belief. This is embarrassing I know but I needed somewhere to vent about my peculiar fetish
No. 2045733
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My fiancé proposed with a ring that looks like this pic and while itis unique, and beautiful, and exactly something I would love… I don’t love it as an engagement ring. I don’t know what to do. He put in a lot of effort to get something unique for me and I totally see his vision in picking out the ring, but I honestly wanted something more simple.
He asked me a million questions about rings and he did listen. He got gold, he got diamond, he didn’t get a cut I didn’t want, he didn’t get a diamond dust ring, or gems on the band. I just didn’t think about specifying that I wanted simple because I did partially want it to be a surprise. But I’ve always preferred the look of classic solitaire rings and that’s not this. I feel so bad.
No. 2045741
>>2045739You're not stupid at all
nonny, you deserve to be happy and express yourself however you want to. I hope you have fun and rediscover yourself!!
No. 2045761
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The test results came in and it looks like I am officially a BPDemon according to my therapist. I don’t know what to fucking do. I have to isolate myself from society and become a celibate and live in a cabin in the woods like the Unabomber so I don’t destroy everything around me
No. 2045772
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i hate being around people. i feel like they can see every flaw when they look at me. being autistic does not help i feel like such an ugly fat blight on society 24/7
No. 2045804
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Nobody ever fucking values me or gives a shit about me like I do for them, no matter what. They love to pretend but no one really cares.
I know this is because I invest too much in people who are mentally fucked up, lack the capacity to care about me, and are empty pits for me to throw infinite affection. I know I'm just recreating the relationship with my mother over and over and over again where they like to believe they love me when they can't. I know.
But even if I dated someone normal they couldn't return my intensity, nor would they accept it. This is as good as it gets and it's garbage.
It's not even as if I can earn the love, it just feels hollow.
>ohhh you're so skilled and I love how you love me and earn money to buy me things teehee
Shut the fuck up. I love you with my entire life force but shut the fuck up.
>inb4 this is why you aren't loved
Clearly I never flip out at my loved ones. The people I adore are deeply wounded as well and I cannot harm them.
I don't even know what I want.
No. 2045814
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>>2045761BPD remission rates aren't that bad, get help and build self-awareness and you can get better. Avoiding dating for a while might be a good idea but no need to Unabomber! No. 2046040
I've accepted it. I've fucked up tremendously. I chose a field of study where there is an over-saturation of new grads, potential interns need to meet impossible standards just to be hired, and I have no interest in what I study anymore. I chose this subject because it was the only thing I was moderately good at in school and was something that can make me money (because if I got a job that DIDN'T make me enough money, my parents would have been on my back). Once I started university, I saw so many other students who seemed like they already knew everything there was to the subject and were only there to get a qualification. It was demoralising as hell. Slowly the material got harder and any interest I had in the subject diminished. It came to a head at the beginning of this year when I realised that I indeed have no passion for this. Even worse, entry-level job prospects for my field are grim. The few jobs that I've applied to require you to rewrite your resume after submitting (goddamn lazy fucking recruiters), complete tasks that take half an hour to one hour, and record a video of yourself answering a question with 1 minute of prep time. I don't have an answer to the stock-standard question of "Why do you want to be xyz role?" because the true answer is "MONEY and lying in the bed I made". All that hoop jumping later and I still get a rejection email, if I'm lucky to receive one anyway. I guess my lack of passion really seeps through the screen.
I have half a year left before I graduate. I have thought about delaying my graduation by another half a year (to mid-next year), but I would really like to leave my house as soon as possible. I have been living with my parents all throughout my studies and I am at a breaking point. They feel so suffocating. I feel like I can't do anything without them breathing down my back, questioning my every move and decision. I have made nearly no friends in uni because I couldn't be assed to make the one-and-a-half hour commute to-and-fro every single day. I instead watch my lectures at home. I never go out. I hardly make contact with my high school friends either. I only meet them once a year. I cannot, CANNOT live like this for much longer. I NEED to have contact with people, have a social life, AND BE FUCKING INDEPENDENT. I can't do that while living here. I need to move out of this house, out of this city, hell, out of this fucking COUNTRY.
I've also thought about adding a different major to my studies, but that will take another two years at least, and again, I don't want to live here. I've thought about dropping out and doing a trade instead, but my parents will be absolutely livid (how dare I not get a degree! It's the pinnacle of achievement after all!). Graduating and studying a trade afterwards would be difficult too. I've thought about so many things and I am going insane.
My decision is to continue with my studies full-time. I don't think the job market will get better next year, and I'm absolutely positive employers can detect when I'm bullshitting. I'm an awful liar. I'm just so fucking scared as to what will happen if (when) I don't get a job quickly after graduation and my dad becomes absolutely livid. I guess at least then he'll force me out of the house, and I don't have to be under his watch anymore. But god, it really feels like my life is fucking over.
No. 2046070
>>2045814This. Working actively on your BPD do make it better. It's not easy but it's doable.
BPD mellow with age and stability. My advice to younger BPD
nonnie is to nuture stability and make sure to know how to handle the abandonnement and empty feeling.
When you start to feeling that :
- distract yourself, don't give into it
- always know that it will pass. Sometimes in 5 min, sometimes in 2 days but it will pass and you'll feel fine again. You just have to hold on until then. Don't give in to despair or you'll spiral.
No. 2046284
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>Make giant pot of delicious creamy pasta
>Eat two spoonfuls
No. 2046437
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>me desperately holding myself back from responding to obtuse morons on lolcow because it will do nothing but shit up the thread
No. 2046875
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>leader of a group of 7 members (me included)
>they send me their parts
>35 year old sends me screenshots of a wikipedia page in a word document. the page is not related to the investigation topic.
>the rest send me their wikipedia or chat gpt generated answers, not even trying to paraphrase, summarise, or edit
>i have to clean up this mess
I get why professors complain about students so much. This shit is egregious. We are quite advanced in the career for them to still do shit like this. They will never learn.
No. 2046955
>>2045551Because retarded women will be ashamed of themselves when they find out and twist themselves into pretzels trying to become his type. They'll lie awake at night thinking of ways to change themselves to be more attractive for him. If men were more insecure and were reminded of their place more often they'd just be grateful to have anyone at all. They're materialistic, shallow cockmonkeys. Every woman who actively desires male attention or goes out of her way to meet male tailored beauty standards contributes to this problem.
>>2046788I've heard the field is still decently paying from people around 25-30, and I know about 10 computer science majors. I'm not sure if they specifically majored in software engineering or something. They did all mention having difficulty getting their first job, but every job after that was easy for them. Do you know anyone at all that can put in a good word for you? Unfortunately, word of mouth recommendation trumps everything else. Any job in your field at all will work in your favor, even if just for a year. Your life isn't over, I promise.
No. 2047055
Service management/support has become so shitty it's absurd, both as a customer and as an employee. It's so bad it feels like the Twilight Zone.
This morning, I e-mail HR to tell them an issue about my tax elections not updating. I clearly spell out the issue but the stupid bitch that took my ticket literally just copy and pastes a guide on how to update them (That isn't even correct btw) and then immediately closes my ticket, without even asking me about it or anything. I considered online chat support but have had very crappy experiences there as well so gave up on that - Some very heavy ESL Indian dude on Ebay chat support who clearly wasn't actually reading anything I was writing and was just copy-and-pasting scripted responses straight from his training manual. People in corporate in general don't seem to know how to read or write because I've always had technical questions at work very poorly answered no matter which one I've been at.
I worked in customer service, so I have seen how hellish it is, but older middle-aged women on them are some of the rudest old bitches ever. I called the shitty vendor my apartment uses for their shitty smart devices, because my guests couldn't even get into my apartment with them, and the woman on the other end repeatedly starts saying something like "You need to contact Bravo". I keep asking what Bravo is and she just keeps saying that over and over like a broken tape-recorder.
Now, I went to get my laptop fixed. Both the keyboard and the screen were damaged. I finally get the laptop back and they did not bother replacing the keyboard at all, just slapped a different colored key in place of the damaged one. Said they couldn't find the same color. Lies! I can clearly see it is available on multiple different places online. Tested it when I got home and it didn't work. They said it had been "working perfectly". Bullshit.
I despise the whole system so much its unreal. This is all what a profit-driven business model results in - earn little money and get shit service, pay loads of money and still get shit service. You can't get quality anymore because everything is complete shit, everywhere, at every level and every background.
No. 2047123
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i want to fucking kill myself one of my favorite artists trooned out and is now drawing gross troon shit why the fuck is this contagion everywhere
No. 2047142
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>be me
>animator by profession
>flipping between frames causes motion sickness
No. 2047279
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It's so funny watching maladjusted always online people just fritter out and entirely incapable of talking normal or interacting with people in a regular way. People in their mid 20s to mid 30s deeming it extremely important to share these word salady, pseudoschizophrenic opinions and takes that literally no other person alive cares about and clutch them deeply to their chests and act like everyone else calling them weird is the problem. Is this latent schizophrenia caused by reblogging lolita quotes on tumblr all night in your teens? How are you in your late 20s and talk to people in real life like you think you're a 19 year old? What happens to you that causes you to think your echo chamber can translate in real life? Whyyyy are all these people practically speedrunning the "okay grandma lets go inside" meme before they even hit 30 kek. There's something so deeply pathetic about only being able to communicate in deepfried retarded memes, videos of fat women, and vagueposting when you should have at least the basic social skills to distance yourself from such embarassing things that do nothing except devolve your brain into this hyperaffected sludge. I'm not saying be normal I'm literally just saying don't be a complete miserable fucking faggot. Yes I'm talking about a specific subtype of person no this has nothing to do with LC.