File: 1505652875966.png (86.09 KB, 755x454, hewantedit.png)

No. 204724
File: 1505666949064.jpg (11.08 KB, 200x200, sexy hapa boii.jpg)

It's Eurasian Tiger?
The guy who claims he's so handsome women stop and stare at him in the street.
No. 204725
File: 1505667380752.png (651.79 KB, 1135x541, therealone.png)

Price is right!
No. 204799
File: 1505711528689.png (288.08 KB, 1242x567, self portait.png)

The famous redpill comics author reveals his inspiration.
Just lol at his narcissism.
Also what kinda name is Tenda?
No. 204821
File: 1505742351166.png (348.13 KB, 547x479, jddjd.png)

Why did you delete your youtube channel Tenda?
I reuploaded his video so everyone can hear it's the same voice as Eurasian Tiger. No. 204824
File: 1505750220182.gif (981.61 KB, 280x218, tumblr_m070m4GRX91qha0cy.gif)

>>204724>>204725>>204799It's not just that he's not remotely good looking. He doesn't even look that fucking Asian!
Women don't like you because you're a mouth breather and you look like a whole foot. Not because you look
sooooo Asian.
No. 204839
>>204824I dunno he looks pretty Asian to me, but you're right, he's ugly af.
Buddy seems to have crazy delusions of grandeur, too. I'd bet that's also turning off women.
No. 204841
File: 1505763500066.png (40.46 KB, 917x411, wifewontputout.PNG)

>>204839Even his own wife won't fuck him. The only woman who wants him is Persephone.
No. 204893
>>204841>on top of sharing a bathroom, I think there are things that just interfere with how sexually desirable I see her asHow does sharing a bathroom relate to seeing her as less desirable? Did he find out girls actually poop?
Guy sounds and looks like he has a room temp IQ.
No. 204922
File: 1505791643247.png (56.21 KB, 1066x184, shit poo.PNG)

>>204893He's one of those men who can't stand the fact that women poop and menstruate
No. 204930
File: 1505794804806.png (104 KB, 872x842, tenda.png)

I did some googling and found pic related as further evidence. But I can't find the referred comments, which makes me think he deleted them.
No. 204931
File: 1505796188578.png (39.75 KB, 636x488, trying to be professional.PNG)

Tenda Spencer aka Eurasian Tiger aka ArtistInStarving
He uses many different pseudonyms, Daniel Oniat, Raymond Herels, John Bettendorf to name a few.
Tenda runs the r/hapas subreddit and hates asian women-white men relationship and has been on a crusade since 2014 to expose these relationships.
He also draws the redpill and blackpill comics
Reddit: hapa blog: His lookism account: EurasianTiger Youtube channel: his voice in the ET videos to the video posted in
>>204821 In that video he introduces himself as Starving in artist. This is proof Eurasian Tiger and StarvingInArtist is the same guy. The drawing he made in the video is on the Artistinstarving deviantart page and reddit submissions. The original video and youtube channel where the video first was uploaded was deleted around 1 day after this thread was made. Probably because Tenda was nervous about someone connecting the dots.
Reddit: DeviantArt: His twitter: No. 204933
File: 1505797889530.png (245.03 KB, 948x720, mailbox.png)

>>204931Another proof that Eurasian Tiger and StarvingInArtist is the same.
In the
>>204821 video at 8:58 you can see an email inbox belonging to Eurasian Tiger.
Bonus conversation with Persephone in the bottom right.
No. 204957
>>204931>>204933It's ArtistInStarving (not starvinginartist)
I mixed up the words a few times. Sorry.
No. 204968
File: 1505831457746.jpg (50.79 KB, 660x330, hoy it's dahve from eevblog wi…)

He looks like EEVBlog guy but uglier
No. 205054
File: 1505890214407.png (186.95 KB, 1856x1066, qKdoNp7.png)

Eurasian Tiger posted this picture on his vanity subreddit r/eurasiantiger yesterday. No one knows why.
No. 205072
File: 1505921844029.jpg (475.05 KB, 640x1136, bBmm5UB.jpg)

>>205062Holy shit, I didn't even catch that the first time
>creates entire board for wmaf incels to cry on>touts the superiority of amwf relationships>cucks am in amwf relationshipwew lad
No. 205080
File: 1505926450419.png (19.95 KB, 989x173, sohandsome.PNG)

Eurasian tiger had a meltdown on his subreddit. He thinks people want to kill him because of his relationship with Persephone. He thinks his kids are in danger. This is the first time he mentioned he has kids, but it’s probably bullshit since his wife doesn’t have sex with him.
ET keeps complaining about his controlling wife. His wife won’t let him dress nice because that makes him too attractive and all women want to fuck him. He’s very unhappy about being controlled by his wife.
In the thread ET also brags about being rich. If he’s so rich, how come he can’t afford a house with 2 bathrooms? No. 205104
>>204719This whole thread is amazing.
Been following this guy for a while and had an idea Bettendorf was a decoy name.
He's obviously living out fantasies with an online persona he's been crafting for years.
His reddit drama and persephone affair is getting pretty fun atm too.
Think once people start exposing him big time he might An Hero.
No. 205135
File: 1505975599582.png (303.08 KB, 2444x1364, NcyzUQu.png)

He also posted this at the same time as
>>205054Makes me wonder if posting these was Persephone's idea since she's an attention whore.
No. 205141
>>204824>He doesn't even look that fucking Asian!You know 99.9% of Asians don't look like plastic Korean pop music icons right?
Most of them look pretty similar to him actually.
No. 205193
File: 1506025628153.jpg (853.83 KB, 2328x8000, Xhe3XoV.jpg)

Tenda Spencer wants this pic deleted so I'm posting it here.
No. 205196
>>205193lol, these two are going to end up suicide bombing some event with high WMAF participation. They are both so demented and obsessed.
ET has finally found his white woman to give him validation but it turns out she is toxic and is egging on his mental illness lol.
This stuff is absolute gold, where did you get this nugget?
No. 205198
>>205196Persephone is pretty sub par looks wise. Apparently she was rejected by a Russian and a Greek ex on account of her being, you know, insane.
What a surprise the only men thirsty enough to put up with her shit (clinically neurotic, crazy, making videos about wanting a cuckolding relationship) are Asian men.
A race of bottom feeders.
No. 205200
>>205193her face reminds me of Quasimodo with one eye lower than the other lol.
Her boob job is fucking horrendous as well.
Even if she managed to sort those things her voice goes through me like a dentists drill, literally the most annoying voice and for someone so insane her talking style is mindnumbingly boring. It's extremely difficult to make it past the 10 second mark on her vids.
No. 205203
>>205198>>205199Same story every time with these fucking weebs isn't it? Rejected by their own group and their resentment and self hatred manifests itself in terms of wanting a kawaii azn bf.
It's always funny when their relationships inevitably implode too.
Just ugh. The older I get the more I hate weebs.
No. 205206
>>205204Can't speak for Greeks but Asian dudes are very different from what your ordinary Italian or Spanish girl would consider an attractive man.
That's the exact reason she goes on YouTube I'd imagine. Literally no one cares about "having an Asian boyfriend" outside of weeb circles in North America that exist exclusively online anyway.
No. 205233
File: 1506074307654.jpg (178.71 KB, 1024x768, 2007.jpg)

Old pics of Tenda from 2007
No. 205250
File: 1506084591574.jpg (370.14 KB, 768x1024, lookin supreme.jpg)

Here are all the pics of Eurasian Tiger No. 205265
File: 1506090780700.jpg (7.08 KB, 300x200, chad warden.jpg)

No. 205276
>>205233How did you get these unless you're Tenda himself?
Guys, I think he's well aware he isn't a stud, or at least a super stud. I mean it's the internet and trolling is his thing.
No. 205300
File: 1506119718830.png (607.26 KB, 812x576, The mole don't lie.png)

No. 205427
>>205193But Persephone does seem slutty… just look at her instagram. She says her MIL hates her because she's white but I think its because she's such a thot/crazy.
>>205080Relationship with Persephone? Who does Persephone post pictures with on her Instagram? No wonder the MIL hated her ass, ~for being ~*~*~whyte~*~*~~.
No. 205433
File: 1506235588789.png (1.11 MB, 1713x1113, Tenda Spencer is Eurasian Tige…)

>>204821Made a compilation of screenshots from the video. The vid is all you need to prove his identity really.
No. 205435
File: 1506236039109.jpg (471.92 KB, 768x1024, wG7Yf5g.jpg)

>"Persephone go on r/Alt_Hapa and tell them how handsome I am"
No. 205444
File: 1506249467014.jpg (581.05 KB, 704x500, PjUXcdK.jpg)

No. 205446
File: 1506251291206.jpg (20.25 KB, 320x320, um.jpg)

>>205349Yumi King is actually cute though…
>>205444This guy stole a woman from another man?
Btw, anyone know how old this woman, Persephone is? She looks wayyy too old to be posting pics like this one…
No. 205454
File: 1506255728689.jpg (324.07 KB, 1024x768, 5tRTenj.jpg)

No. 205455
File: 1506255772546.jpg (296.14 KB, 1024x768, pgIammW.jpg)

No. 205456
File: 1506255809474.jpg (580.7 KB, 1024x768, dgOvv9w.jpg)

No. 205457
File: 1506255841485.jpg (341.64 KB, 1024x768, 0jlTaEM.jpg)

No. 205458
File: 1506255876164.jpg (514.8 KB, 768x1024, m76sgDq.jpg)

No. 205459
File: 1506255896090.jpg (352.3 KB, 1024x768, 2dWOfkT.jpg)

No. 205460
File: 1506255931075.jpg (314.39 KB, 1024x768, fGJgLdg.jpg)

No. 205461
File: 1506255957267.jpg (362.87 KB, 768x1024, KWO9NFp.jpg)

No. 205462
File: 1506256010912.jpg (398.61 KB, 1024x768, jSCXwYy.jpg)

No. 205463
File: 1506256060556.jpg (385.2 KB, 1024x768, wEwD0DT.jpg)

No. 205464
File: 1506256106430.jpg (599.92 KB, 768x1024, 8IFbYQS.jpg)

No. 205465
File: 1506256139573.jpg (463.3 KB, 768x1024, HIif48G.jpg)

No. 205466
File: 1506256172180.jpg (214.45 KB, 1024x768, mO6doVL.jpg)

No. 205467
File: 1506256190953.jpg (401.73 KB, 1024x768, s1x3CvO.jpg)

No. 205468
File: 1506256251746.jpg (472.05 KB, 1024x768, xP5h9Rt.jpg)

No. 205469
File: 1506256291565.jpg (235.77 KB, 768x1024, BQUk7ID.jpg)

No. 205470
File: 1506256416424.jpg (357.09 KB, 1024x768, g98ffnu.jpg)

No. 205471
File: 1506256451647.jpg (288.77 KB, 1024x768, 38PsTiK.jpg)

No. 205472
File: 1506256507858.jpg (339.68 KB, 768x1024, Q5ZgEez.jpg)

No. 205487
File: 1506270196197.jpg (590.82 KB, 666x500, rFthzM1.jpg)

No. 205488
File: 1506270242002.jpg (759.98 KB, 500x666, w2cRwjq.jpg)

No. 205489
File: 1506270279223.jpg (39.62 KB, 722x449, 8xjtz3f.jpg)

No. 205490
File: 1506270310728.jpg (21.57 KB, 622x183, 6zloj0G.jpg)

No. 205491
File: 1506270618241.jpg (671.23 KB, 666x500, MtDDCjj.jpg)

No. 205493
File: 1506271047635.jpg (379.36 KB, 878x461, H3aLoJf.jpg)

No. 205496
File: 1506271598194.jpg (590.22 KB, 666x500, acPAfCJ.jpg)

No. 205497
File: 1506272257135.jpg (611.92 KB, 666x500, WG7Zh14.jpg)

No. 205498
File: 1506272333199.jpg (106.89 KB, 1440x2560, ao1B5OS.jpg)

No. 205500
File: 1506275484000.png (16.63 KB, 863x204, 9S2PGT5.png)

>>205492Nah it’s Lulu_ritsu, one of Persephone and Tenda’s enemies. Lulu was one of the first to reveal that Persephone was using a shitload of sockpuppet accounts on r/hapas to spam her own videos and defend herself.
Unfortunately Tenda managed to get her account banned.
No. 205505
File: 1506285222331.jpg (562.34 KB, 846x425, pUwmxTO.jpg)

No. 205514
File: 1506289521940.png (79.43 KB, 750x1200, IMG_1592.PNG)

Pussy bitch hahahahaha.
No. 205525
>>205523He didn't wreck that marriage between persephone and her cuck. That dude (Kim Du Han) was a thirsty loser who was quite happy to accept his "wife" cheating on him. And unlike PULL believes, he deserves zero sympathy since he quite happily egged on his wife's pathologies towards WMAF couples, Asian women and Eurasian kids.
In short that joke of a marriage was doomed from the start.
The absolute nutjobs in amwf relationships on all sides deserve each other.
No. 205526
File: 1506294605826.jpg (658.22 KB, 500x666, UKqylse.jpg)

When the superincel gets white gf for the first time and needs to brag rolf.
No. 205530
>>205528It is homewrecking, but really it's not as if he homewrecked some decent white family so I don't really care tbh. Like I said the people involved in these pseudo relationships are all gutter tier. There's a reason persephone's Greek and Russian exs both bailed on her not long into a relationship.
The best outcome here is that Tenda is publicly humiliated and commits sudoku, Persephone eventually succumbs to AIDS and Kim Du Cuck goes back to Gookland where he belongs.
No. 205533
>>205531At the very least it's a good insight into how non white men's thirst for white women means they have no concept of standards.
Persephone isn't even hot in Greece. Let alone a place like Scandinavia.
No. 205539
>>205537Misses the point spectacularly. Persephone isn't "
problematic" because she "attempts to speak over non white women's voiced" or any sjw claptrap. She's a lunatic because that's par for the course for just about any white woman who openly tags content with "AMWF". They're all terrible. She's just the most egregiously obnoxious and bitchy because she's bitter about past breakups.
No. 205551
He's tapping out lads. might be true but I've learned to doubt everything he says.
Seems suspicious that this happens and the Persephone affair all come out now just as the net was closing in on him.
Also some dude in the replies urging him to 'take out a few Nazis' with a car before he goes.
No. 205554
File: 1506309773269.png (227.48 KB, 977x1905, LOL.png)

>>205551Was just about to post this. Capped in case he deletes. He makes a giant TLDR wall of text about why he's quitting the internet, conveniently after being called out lol
No. 205555
>>205554He always knew he'd be exposed.
I think this may be part of a contingency plan he had been formulating in this event.
He is careless.impulsive and driven by his ego which is his downfall but he is still obsessively focused on his autistic goal and obviously has at least some planning/cognitive ability.
Otherwise listen out in the news up around Maine and NY for some freak going Elliot Rodger 2.0
No. 205557
File: 1506310377971.png (888.19 KB, 1726x1018, freelancer.png)

No. 205560
>>205559he probably did the illustrations for the book.
He does fantasy art for a living, yet another ironic twist to his character profile as he always larps as a chad online and makes fun of 'nerds' lol.
No. 205567
lol what made you buy it?
Is it ethical to fund this mans insane shitposting lifestyle?
No. 205575
>>205541The Japanese guy leaked her nudes to her Russian ex, yeah.
There's a bunch of videos about her ex relationships, and posts too, not sure if she's deleted any of that stuff. The only people who come away looking normal are her Greek and Russian ex-boyfriends, who both dumped her.
>>205532>"amwf community" These exist? Lol.
No. 205580
>>205554I wonder how Persephone will react if this is true. Is she gonna go live in Maine with Tenda's schizo brother too?
She seems completley obsessed with Tenda. But like she said in her new video, Tenda doesn't believe she's actually in love with him. He thinks Persephone is just trying to use him and take advantage of him.
No. 205605
>>205602Yeah that's what I get, they already have countries where they are 99.9% of the population and non-Koreans/Chinese have next to no institutional or legal rights. Why not just move there? It's sort of the same with America and Europe. I get why Europeans are pissed off with mass immigration, because that's their actual homelands, but America has always been a land of immigration.
You can't expect to move to a place like America and not have at least some mixing basically. Asian men honestly seem like giant babies sometimes.
No. 205611
>>205605Life might actually be shittier for these guys in Asian countries though, as Asian Americans. Because they look Asian, if they break any social codes or speak oddly, they will be ostracized by a lot of people (many people in Asian countries have a difficult time grasping the concept of "Asian American" or "Asian _____(insert another non-Asian country here)).
Even though foreigners in general have few rights unless they gain permanent residency or dual citizenship (depending on the country), at least obviously non-Asian foreigners are expected to not speak the language perfectly, to not follow all social order etc. Basically if you are a native English speaker and learn even 1 sentence in the local language you will be praised if you aren't Asian (race). If you are a native English speaker but look similar to the locals, you'll be seen as a weirdo if you forget even 1 sentence. Plus, these guys are weird anyway. It's hard to imagine them having an easier time in an Asian country…
No. 205618
>>205596Whoever made this is a genius. lol.
I really hope tenda sees it.
The steam would be spewing out of his ears.
No. 205646
File: 1506377497319.png (218.18 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170925-180606.png)

No. 205647
File: 1506377556508.png (217.3 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170925-180932.png)

Looks like the schizo brother
No. 205650
File: 1506378741457.png (235.52 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170925-183038.png)

This kind of checks out with him saying his mother died.
No. 205657
>>205654>One of the girls at Acadia kept referring to me as "Zeet". I don't know if this was supposed to be a play on or a mockery of my nickname "T" - or perhaps also a reference to the zit-like mole on my forehead. I don't know if she was a staff member or patient. She was a little cute, but I held her hands and they felt rough and manly, leading me to think she was a transsexual.
>She says to me "You belong in Chi-na, on the trading floor, because you're mentally fast". I think back, "Yeah, I know". I had been thinking precisely that myself (I'm half Chinese and half White). But how did they know what I had been thinking?
>Several days pass, and the participants in this plot will not tell me what date it is, and they start playing games with me about what date it is. I try to tell the date from the expiration dates on the milk cartons I get with my meals. A male staff member comes by my room and takes my temperature by holding the thermometer in the air, leading me to think that since such advanced technology is being used, dozens of years must have already passed. I sheepishly ask what year it is. The girl who called me "Zeet" asks me, "How was your first 40 days?", a reference to the 40 days Jesus spent in the desert. Shortly later, however, I figure out that at that point only about 8-9 days had passed since this incident began.
>Because they were using exotic techniques to mess with my body and my brain, including messing with my body temperature, I wonder if they suspect me of being a terrorist. I think that depressing a person's body temperature in this manner is one of what are euphemistically referred to as "enhanced interrogation" techniques. I consider making some phone calls and telling people that something September 11-related is going on at Acadia in order to grab their attention and make them listen to me, but I decide against it No. 205659
No. 205668
File: 1506383474332.png (149.29 KB, 1649x1038, no gay marriages.png)

I guess he was right about the dad being an extreme right wing Christian.
No. 205671
>>205657"Another female physician comes to inject me with something and is wearing perfect makeup and clothes as if it was one of the greatest moments in her life."
What a savage sheeeeeet! On a another level than EurasianTiger
No. 205683
File: 1506386552129.png (159.38 KB, 1529x1050, avngingandbright.png)

Tenda also went by avngingandbright. There's probably some funny stuff that can be dug up by searching it in google. Here is a post from 2009 where he glorifies white women.
No. 205686
File: 1506387323873.png (292.97 KB, 1746x2185, couchsurfing.png)

No. 205712
File: 1506393183538.png (869.12 KB, 750x1334, IMG_1129.PNG)

>>205709Even though she "loves" Asian men, she still prefers the half white kid, roflllllllll.
No. 205722
File: 1506403996138.jpg (60.84 KB, 1024x574, ClsDh1jUgAAazbM.jpg)

>>205654If this is ET's brother, this definitely confirms his claims of his brother being a threat to himself and others
No. 205728
File: 1506410069752.jpg (777.85 KB, 500x666, L6CSd3V.jpg)

No. 205736
File: 1506416004760.png (9.15 KB, 255x173, hmm.png)

who is John Bettendorf then?
No. 205740
File: 1506417752877.jpg (78.33 KB, 225x225, Jl21yuX.jpg)

No. 205741
File: 1506418027227.jpg (614.31 KB, 666x500, pwrVn9Z.jpg)

No. 205747
File: 1506419025743.jpg (591.3 KB, 666x500, JgvoQgv.jpg)

No. 205748
File: 1506419978180.jpg (234.69 KB, 1944x1262, bMN0P3t.jpg)

>>205746This is an image board. You can post the picture directly
No. 205750
File: 1506420430159.jpg (25.79 KB, 737x423, aMGMnK7.jpg)

>>205748This is from the comments under the drawing he made. He didn't think about "that". How many months has "that" been going on?
No. 205751
File: 1506420762830.jpg (586.65 KB, 500x666, hlSmIMi.jpg)

No. 205752
File: 1506421094793.png (23.59 KB, 478x266, mommy.PNG)

Will Tenda finally get to cummy in mummy?
No. 205755
>>205744Just read about this.
What an utter cunt ET is. Artfullounger seems like a decent guy too, and he went after his sister of all people. Fucking coward.
Can the government please just shut down and imprison anyone involved in "Asian American activism" pls?
No. 205756
>>205754So you are saying that she chose the russian looking hapa boy because he is whiter?
He doesn't look Asian to me at all, this whole "women reject me because i look Asian" baloney is just him not accepting that his personality sucks. But now that he found his bottom of the barrel white girl who wants him, i am curious to see if his self esteem issues will improve. They are both insane, no wonder noone stays with them.
No. 205757
>>205756>russian lookingPlease don't insult Russians.
>"women reject me because i look Asian"It is partly his personality, but all women have a preference for their own group on the whole. It sounds shitty to say but women who have a powerful preference for Asian men tend to be… abnormal. Just look at /pt/.
No. 205758
>>205757>It is partly his personality, but all women have a preference for their own group on the wholenot asian women according to r/hapas.
i dont know if im going to get bashed here for saying this but asian women do seem to be white worshipping and self hating of their own appearance. their outmarriage rates is something extraordinary.
No. 205763
>>205759hahahahaha this holy nice notice
>>205760yeah they are equally white worshipping i guess. but the difference is asian women get white men because they can fit into a beauty standard of being "small" and "feminine" but asian men cannot fit into the white standard of masculine beauty.
No. 205767
>>205764>to date someone they genuinely like and won't get a status boost out of.Yeah but if you look at AMWF tags, the girls involved do feel like they're getting a status boost in the sense they're dating someone generally considered undesirable, and as a result they have a "holier than thou" mentality about it all. In fact that's Persephone's whole schtick to begin with, and it's something other WFs in such relationships do as well.
>obviously amongst weeb circles that's not gonna be the case.Tbh outside of those same "weeb circles" Asian men aren't going to have much luck to begin with.
My advice would be to ask other Asian girls out. 90% of these men don't even seem to bother considering women of their race as viable romantic partners to begin with so it just… baffles me that they have the audacity to complain about it in the first place.
Purely on large numbers and averages, there's never going to be a point in history where White women prefer Asian men to White men.
No. 205768
>>205767Maybe not a "status boost", on second thoughts but they feel morally superior to other White women because they're dating men who most White women don't find attractive. Remember that fat weeb who went to Japan and started randomly kissing Japanese guys to "prove" that Asian men were attractive? That's the sort of attitude I'm referring to.
Also, what's the deal with people in IR relationships always presuming to speak for everyone in their group?
>"We Asian men feel like this.">"We White women love Asian men!"etc.
No. 205770
>>205768>Also, what's the deal with people in IR relationships always presuming to speak for everyone in their group?It's a coping mechanism. A lot of people in interracial relationships feel uneasy about them on some gut level, especially women because they're the ones who are going to have to have the mixed kids who will be fundamentally different to them and may or may not have identity issues.
So it's a way of normalizing their own behavior in relation to others. It's easier to believe "hey, I'm not just a statistical anomaly whose family will always be a bit different and odd! All the women like me love asian men, it's totally normal!" than it is to come to terms with the fact your own children will have no resemblance to you and won't identify with your own group.
There's one group of people who blacken all interracial relationships and that's needless and unfair, but there's another group of people who pretend whatever pairing happens to flatter them the most is all smiles and roses and it's just like dating and having kids with a white guy, which is bullshit.
These relationships are significantly more difficult to maintain than relationships with someone of your own racial background.
No. 205771
>>205770>These relationships are significantly more difficult to maintain than relationships with someone of your own racial background.The successful marriages of Tenda and Percy prove you so right lol. Their cheating proves that it doesn't matter if it is WMAF or AMWF, because at the end of the day, if the participants are bottom of the barrel, the marriage will be a joke anyway.
Both Tenda and Persephone are 2/10 at best, in both looks and personality.
No. 205779
File: 1506428708784.jpg (304.14 KB, 1009x931, IMG_1185.JPG)

>>205776I don't want you to like me. Just make lots of beautiful white babies and it's good.
No. 205783
File: 1506429898321.jpg (63.27 KB, 619x553, RvfxYPa.jpg)

Someone is angry.
No. 205784
>>205783Like I said, if you want to fuck with her, dox her and mail this shit to her dad.
She'll get disowned. I guarantee it.
No. 205789
File: 1506431105877.png (13.44 KB, 862x118, kim.png)

>>205788He didn't seem so happy about it a few months ago
No. 205790
File: 1506431136781.png (7.75 KB, 690x95, angry husband.png)

No. 205801
>>205789>>205790lol, that's what he gets for being a thirsty toady for a bitch like persephone.
Back to being an incel, Kim Du Cuck. I'm sure you'll occupy your time with lots of League and Dota!
No. 205809
File: 1506434804436.jpg (62.38 KB, 600x650, RvmFuKe.jpg)

A little something from her troll times on fb ;)))
No. 205811
>>205809They are both cucks, ET is clearly too beta to make a decisive move and Kim is too beta to dump her. On her video she mentions that they still live together.
Clash of betas rofl.
No. 205831
>>205830Someone from a country bordering Greece has been calling Persephone.
She mentions lolcow. She’s been reading posts here about doxxing her and contacting her dad. If that happens, she will go to the police.
Also she doesn't care if you contact her family since they already knows she's a slut.
Persephone and Tenda have become closer despite everything that’s been happening the last few days.
Kim and Persephone are living together but they are not together romantically anymore.
Kim has nowhere to go since he cut ties with his family and is stuck in a foreign country where he doesn’t speak the language. Persephone is letting him live in her house for now.
No. 205835
>>205756>>205757He looks Russian to me too
>>205810How old is this woman exactly…why is she posting nudes online?
>>205712I like how this guy doesn't show his gf/wife's face kek.
He also looks way too old to be even taking these kinds of pics, like Persephone
No. 205842
File: 1506449063333.jpg (23.25 KB, 639x236, E1cEKZh.jpg)

Elaire made a video about ET being doxxed and the latest Persescandal.
Persephone attacks pilleater the moment he appears lol.
No. 205847
>>205825>Blogposting isn't allowed but I'm speaking from personal yeah, you're on a weeb spinoff site, with a huge population of weebs, but you're totally not like the other women who date asian men, even though a huge majority of them just happen to coincidentally be obsessed with anime, kpop and other lowest common denominator entertainment for social malcontents.
You're completely different to all that, amirite?
No. 205849
Persephone, I'm Serbian and I can speak Greek. If your family finds out about your pornographic social media, your strange obsession with Asian men, your complete lack of shame and your internet notoriety (including your complete posting history) it isn't going to end well for you. Probably best you stop doing this shit now, quit while you're ahead.
Greece is a small country, the town where you live even smaller. People will know and people will talk. It isn't America where weird girls stripping obsessing over some ugly κινεζου is accepted by people's families. You'll be even more of an outcast than you currently are with nobody to turn to.
Like I said, this isn't a threat, it's just an accurate reading of the future if you continue down this path. Everyone thinks they'll be the one who gets away with it, but you won't, and Greece not being America or Western Europe, I don't think you want this permanent stain on your reputation, unless you're even more trashy than I assumed.
No. 205851
>>205848I lol'ed so hard at the
>"In one hour I'm going to be at the cyber-crime department here to report your acts."You could only fool someone unfamiliar with that part of the world with that. I'd be surprised if there even was a "cyber-crime department" in Thessalonica, the police in a lot of Southern European countries attitude towards anything other than serious crime is basically "sort it out yourselves, don't involve us".
Still, shows that the troll who threatened her hit a raw nerve. She genuinely doesn't want her family finding out about this shit, and for good reason.
No. 205853
File: 1506451645223.png (145.13 KB, 989x253, gonna call the internet police…)

>>205849Looks like you made her angry lol
No. 205854
>>205851Also the:
>"We Greeks blah blah blah" jingoismIf you're proud to be Greek, stop dating ugly gooks and disparaging your own men. You're persona non grata among Greeks who are actually proud of their ethnic background for this reason, you self-hating, k-drama watching womanchild. You think any kid you have with an Asian male is going to be accepted as Greek or even European?
No. 205857
File: 1506452001688.jpg (134 KB, 500x500, topkek.jpg)

>>205856Both she and her beloved Tenda are nobodies and noone would care. Add the fact that they are both notorious trolls and i doubt that if the hypothetical investigation ever took place they wouldn't also be guilty for harassment and doxxing, wasn't it last week that Tenda harassed ArtfulLounger's sister and doxxed her on reddit?
They are sucha trainwreck.
No. 205863
File: 1506452480165.jpg (681.53 KB, 666x500, J5rKJhQ.jpg)

The textbook definition of an alpha male chad.
Persephony has serious brain damage to want that thing.
No. 205869
>>205868Dunno, but i am sure he will air all her dirty laundry once the hapa boy and her start fucking and Kim becomes enraged by being cucked of the hypocrite of the century.
Preorder your pop corn everyone.
No. 205874
>>205870The kid would just get bullied. No one thinks Asians are cool or good looking in these parts of Europe outside of extreme-minded people like her with issues and Persephone knows it deep down.
>>205869One of the few things Greek police are strict about is illegal immigration/visa overstayal/those kinds of things. If he doesn't have a spousal visa, and he has no language skills, no job, no work visa or no student visa, then all it takes to get his ass kicked back to Korea is a call to the police department.
How does that sound Persephone? You wouldn't be facilitating an illegal immigrant would you?
No. 205880
>>205868They're married. They're not in love anymore but still living together. Persephone doesn't want to divorce Kim because then he would get kicked out of Greece.
Also because other Greeks would think she's a whore for getting divorced 3 times.
No. 205881
>>205870>i dont know if im going to get bashed here for saying this but asian women do seem to be white worshipping and self hating of their own appearance. their outmarriage rates is something extraordinary.Both asian men and asian women would choose an equivalent white woman/white man respectively over an asian woman/asian man. You just see it less often with asian men because they just aren't that attractive to white women on average, and even then something like 25% of Asian men in America marry White women, which isn't insignificant at all.
Instead of obsessing about which sex is the more "treacherous" (ridiculous to begin with), how about asian men try and put asian women first for a change? For all their shit, these asian subreddits miss the fundamental point that white men and women generally prefer each other as long term partners.
No. 205882
>>205880>Persephone doesn't want to divorce Kim because then he would get kicked out of Greece. Why does he want to stay in a country where he speaks none of the language, has no friends, cannot communicate with the locals, has no job, no future etc?
Is he really that much of a loser? He emigrate to Greece of all places for a 2/10 white girl? And these are the same people call white men racial fetishists…?
No. 205883
>>205882In all fairness I'd give her a 6/10 on looks alone.
Her plus her personality makes her a 2/10 though.
No. 205884
>>205883>I'd give her a 6/10 on looks alone.LOL.
She's nothing special in the Balkans, trust me.
No. 205885
>>205881>white men and white women prefer each otherOnly in white countries but that's due to the fact they are the majority of the population ; where those stats come from. Try taking stats from Asian countries and watch white supremacists have a shitfit and then start to question origins of the statistics because whoopsie; it didn't suit their agenda.
Basic shit.
No. 205887
>>205882Kim has doesn't have much to go back to in Korea. Persephone forced him to burn all bridges with his family. He uprooted his whole life to move to some shitty southern European country so he could be with his wife.
Then Persephone goes and stabs him in the back by having an affair with a mentally ill hapa.
No. 205890
>>205500I exaggerated to see how he'd react and he got really upset lmao.
He is a loser and now persewhore keeps messaging me and avoiding answers.
Can her stalker call her parents and record it for us? Just murder her too if you can
No. 205891
>>205885>Only in white countries but that's due to the fact they are the majority of the populationIt's actually deeper than that. If you look at cohabitation rates for example, whites should be cohabiting with non-white partners at far greater rates than they currently do, if you're taking population proportionality into effect.
Preference for the ingroup is a universal thing. Not sure why you think whites alone wouldn't have it?
>Try taking stats from Asian countries and watch white supremacists have a shitfit and then start to question origins of the statistics because whoopsie; it didn't suit their agenda.What's this rant about? Nobody said anything about asian countries, just that most white people would prefer to have a white partner for LTR and marriage.
No. 205893
>>205891More of x = x is more likely to be included. If you take statistics of WW from Asian countries into "long term partner" crap, you'll find… woah most of them are mating with Asian males. Same with any other country, Middle East as well.
What's so hard to understand?
No. 205895
File: 1506455103370.png (85.09 KB, 847x569, Things arent cool.png)

>>205889I think Kim is upset about their marriage falling apart.
Persephone on the other hand is already ready to jump on the next dick.
No. 205896
>>205893There aren't significant numbers of Whites in permanent residence in any Asian country, hence sexpatting.
Asian men are physically undesirable to most white women, there are studies that control for this.
Also sup Tenda.
No. 205898
>>205896We are talking about statistical inaccuracies, which you are ignoring because it fits what you want.
>there aren't any etc… excuses. You know that if you're a white person in Asia, the Middle East or anywhere that isn't "the west" you are more likely to racemix, due to the fact there aren't that many white people in the first place.
No. 205904
>>205901 of White Brazilian women marry White Brazilian men, despite Whites making up 47% of the population.
The Japanese population of Brazil, for what its worth, doesn't even exist anymore as a coherent ethnic group, they've been interbred with other races that much.
No. 205908
File: 1506456146971.jpeg (22.02 KB, 398x500, 9a6.jpeg)

Great news.
I heard on a discord I'm a part of that people are keeping an eye on any potential future employers he may have and have prepped a dossier with posting histories, particularly shitty comments, racial abuse, pictures etc to send to them in the event he gets employed by anyone reputable.
Normally I wouldn't sympathize with measures this extreme but he's done enough to deserve it imo.
Next up is the rest of the Asian American subreddits apparently. I can't wait.
No. 205913
>>205912>he wants to do things to avoid that happeningThere's nothing he can do short of changing his name entirely, and even that will be discovered eventually.
He wanted internet-wide fame, now he's going to have to deal with people like 8ch /b/ stalking him for at least the next half decade.
No. 205917
>>205914>Or is it just Brazil where they already have a high mixed race population from centuries ago where they can just classify themselves as white?Even in terms of self-identification, the majority of Brazil is non-white (52%).
Like I said, the truth is grim for Asian men and necessitates fantasies about maternal white savior figures. I can understand why this is more comforting than reality :ʌ)
No. 205918
>>205917>self identificationWell there's your problem.
Sorry you don't have any other country since you're wrong.
No. 205919
>>205918>Well there's your problem.There's no problem. Just 47% of the population marries into each other's group over 80% of the time.
If mixing were purely about population proportions, you'd expect "White" Brazilians to marry "Black" Brazilians at about 6 times the rate they do.
If mixing were purely about population, Asian women wouldn't outmarry more than Asian men in every single Western country in the world :ʌ)
No. 205922
File: 1506457383028.png (16.44 KB, 586x297, natalityfiles.PNG)

>where did I say it's purely about population?
Right here.
>that's due to the fact they are the majority of the population
The thing is it doesn't even apply to the US. 90% of births to non-Hispanic white women came from non-hispanic white men, despite non-hispanic whites making up just <70% of the population.
Not everyone outmarries at the rate asian women do, my hideously ugly friend.
No. 205933
>>205931>Yeah I'm using your example that YOU believe to show why you're wrong,You asked me to provide you an example of a non-white country where whites still marry each other more than they marry non-whites. I gave it to you. Then you mocked the idea Brazil had a white population at all, now you've accepted it, but you claim it's an exception to the rule and asked me:
>Why not try other countries where they are less than 20%?This "20%" standard is a goalpost shift from your previous standard. So what countries are you specifically referring to here Tenda?
>>205932They think you like them because you're loosely linked to things like an interest in anime. It's sort of like how creepy asian guys will swarm any white woman on OKC who says she likes anime.
No. 205934
File: 1506458803110.png (85.83 KB, 1095x619, no china.png)

No. 205935
File: 1506458944481.gif (986.82 KB, 500x277, tea_spitting.gif)

>>205933>They think you like them because you're loosely linked to things like an interest in anime.Jokes on them. I haven't watched anime in years, the stuff is boring compared to a good book.
>>205934He's in his THIRTIES and he's still doing this?
No. 205938
File: 1506459073027.png (766.36 KB, 1919x2500, 1501623674649[1].png)

not surprised so many hapas have mental issues, pic very related.
No. 205946
>>205943He's actually right here in this thread. The thread chain above with the autistic argument about interracial marriage was almost certainly him vs. a /pol/tard.
>>205926>>205885>>205901>>205914>>205918>>205920There's just something really obvious about his style of posting: using the term "boi" for example, and ebonics in general. When he wants to act tough he pretends to be black.
But most tellingly, the sort of topical arguments he gets bogged down in are - paradoxically - attempts to "prove" that non-Asian women desire Asian men in large numbers. It's something he's particularly obsessed with. Well, that and BBC porn if the reddit leaks are anything to go by.
I'm not sure why he always does this since a big part of his act on reddit was always talking about how asian men are generally dealt a hard hand by the powers that be (the white man, the jews etc).
No. 205947
>>205946>When he wants to act tough he pretends to be black.I thought I was the only one who had noticed this. It's some weird thing I've noticed among Asians in general (especially the ones on the more
PROBLEMATIC subreddits), whenever they want to be the tuff dawg they start LARPing as a black dude. Hence all the "Uncle Chan", "woke asians" and "mastah" stuff.
One of the funniest things is watching how quickly any "black/asian" alliance on reddit fizzles out as soon as an example of a black guy with an asian girlfriend is posted, or whenever some news story about a Korean store clerk being beaten up and robbed comes up. Then it's all "fucking niggers!" this and "asians are always victims of them!" that.
>>205945Yumi's boyfriend is clearly punching above his weight with her.
No. 205948
>>205946I'm not Tendies, you can ask a mod. I at least deleted some of my posts.
And no, I was not saying anything about Asian men being desirable at all, just the legibility of the statistics. In general, they are really autistic about whites being pure(even though they can't get them themselves).
No. 205949
File: 1506460804158.png (18.13 KB, 901x180, asshole.PNG)

No. 205964
>>205962Persephone doesn't have a "stalker". She basically thinks everyone on PULL, here and elsewhere who makes fun of her is all one person, and that this one person got hold of her phone number and started calling her.
She fails to realize she's an e-celeb now. She has a level of notoriety that makes these things common.
>>205956You can't reason with Persephone, she genuinely believes people are jealous of her relationship with ET.
>>205962Yes. It's too over the top and ridiculously violent, sounds like an attempt to muddy the water and then call in the mods. Nobody actually hates Persephone, they just pity her or laugh at her.
No. 205965
>>205962don't know about that, just got here from reddit. That stupid whore posted a screenshot to this place and now everyone on /hapas, /alt_hapas /CCJ2, and other subreddits know ET's true name, phone number, etc.
If lulu
triggered et's final meltdown, Persephone pulled the
trigger of his death
No. 205966
>>205959Tenda seems to genuinely enjoy art. On his art accounts he is happy, positive and encouraging.
He needs to stop with the hapa shit and focus on his art.
Much better for his mental health.
No. 205967
Something I'm curious about. How did Persephone ever get involved in the whole AMWF shilling shitposting? I know it started on subreddits like /r/aznidentity and what have you, but how did she get involved? It seems like a really random thing for a white woman to care about.
>>205965If you're telling the truth then fine, but try to keep implication of violence out of it.
If you want some satisfaction, just sit back and watch the slow-motion trainwreck that is her and his life.
No. 205969
File: 1506462235024.jpg (948.56 KB, 1920x2560, IMG_1394.JPG)

>>205967I think she's just an extremely insecure woman who used Asian men for validation and you know of course they gave it to her. I mean check out her amazing fans.
No. 205970
>>205967>How did Persephone ever get involved in the whole AMWF shilling shitposting?Japanese ex or Kim Du Han whining about his lack of dating options. Combine this with the fact Persephone seems to exhibit Cluster B traits, particularly histrionic ones in that she needs to be the center of attention.
While neckbeards exaggerate the degree to which women "invade" male-only spaces, there's a grain of truth to the fact some histrionic women use these lonely men as ways to receive attention and, as a result, feel secure and positive about themselves. That's basically what she did. Plus she gets to feel like a righteous person in the process (standing up against the ebul whyte man).
No. 205971
>>205967Someone linked one of her videos where she parrots ET's rants, many users kept saying how much of a "goddess" she was and to make her the subreddit's mascot.
Then Lulu_ritsu made a post denouncing all the white worshipping, specifically called out the persephone videos and then Persephone herself made an account pretending to be someone else insulting lulu and saying she was jealous of her "perfect life" of some shit.
Lulu and smoky from r/hapas summarized the beginning of the persephone adventure here No. 205973
>>205969Fucking hell that is creepy.
Cindo18 is a middle aged man with fucking grandchildren ffs!
And the other dude posts shit like this, while also being middle aged. No. 205987
>>205982To me it sounds like ET has done the classic thing of mixing up truth and lie together in his online persona. It's actually very common, since maintaining an online persona crafted from nothing requires enormous time investments and constant reference to backstory to make sure you don't slip up.
Here he's just taken parts of his own life as template and just invented things on top of that.
No. 205988
>>205984It's possible that he did, but again it sounds like he's too busy being out of touch with reality to bother with this sort of stuff. I started reading that document the brother wrote about his mental hospital stay and it shows you just how truly out of touch with reality he is, it's wild. He basically said he worked overnight stocking shelves in a Walmart and then one day he felt something was wrong and he thought he was the Antichrist, thought he accidentally
triggered an apocalypse and killed millions of people, and went back to Walmart to tell his boss to have him arrested for
triggering a false apocalypse. Then the cops were called on him and he thought the cops were doing mind control on him and took him to a mental hospital. A guy like that sounds like he's dealing with a lot of his own problems then going on an image board to dox his brother.
No. 205994
>>205847Don't know why you're being snarky. I'm not defending these Asian lunatics and their delusional opinions.
>>205982But he posted about his dead bedroom marriage on Reddit as starvingartist. Why would he lie about having a wife on his artist, non-hapa related account? Maybe his wife lives in China or something.
No. 205995
>>205994Where's that? I've never seen that.
Sidenote, if he's in China he's got a WeChat. I'm not going to bother looking on my personal account.
No. 205997
>>205995It's here
>>204841, but he has deleted the post. He mentions that his wife is from a traditional culture (Chinese wife?) and talking to a woman online who sounds a lot like Persephone.
No. 206005
File: 1506468531816.png (36.29 KB, 1065x268, Untitled.png)

>>206002Seems so. I thought he wasn't married either, but he could be. Here he talks about why he married a Chinese woman. Also the thread title lol
No. 206007
>>206006Reddit only indexes like 1000 posts.
Boolean strings in google is your best bet.
You probably have to manually search.
There's this magical thing called Ctrl+F.
Have fun with that. I highly doubt you're going to get what you're looking for.
No. 206013
File: 1506478718460.jpg (635.77 KB, 666x500, ClEL7om.jpg)

No. 206037
>>206023Yeah I don't get the American thing in treating "Hispanic" as a race.
Over half of Hispanics in America are White, which is to say they're significantly more European than Native (80% or more).
OT: I get some of the anger about immigration btw, but immigration from East Asia is far more dangerous to America in the long-run than from Latin/South America.
No. 206044
File: 1506504808692.jpg (742.53 KB, 500x666, BUNrN3p.jpg)

No. 206046
File: 1506504942912.png (7.6 KB, 875x89, relationship based on sex.PNG)

>>206043Tenda doesn't care that she's a psycho. All he wants is a woman who will suck his dick
No. 206066
File: 1506511626440.jpg (601.97 KB, 500x666, W5BzByY.jpg)

No. 206068
File: 1506511732413.jpg (366.38 KB, 888x379, JQ2QCWF.jpg)

No. 206074
File: 1506512587220.jpg (58.79 KB, 685x385, hussein-khavari.jpg)

>>206072he looks exactly like an afghani that was notorious for killing/raping a few girls in austria. he could probably sneak into europe and pretend to be an afghani and get asylum lol.
No. 206088
>>205969>>Cindo18I feel bad for his wife and kids. I'm pretty sure they are Asian and not white either…yet this guy is posting "you're gorgeous" on photos of a half naked woman.
>>derenek>>i pull some hot chicks and I think you are very attractivePersephone literally just showing her ass
>>2,449 following
No. 206097
File: 1506518382607.png (71.16 KB, 894x563, cuck.png)

>>206094He claims to work as a freelancer audio transcriber. Probably doesn't make much money, I agree.
From this video description No. 206105
>>206093She's got either narcissism or she's histrionic or she has some kind of fame complex.
She sees a group of people who feel marginalized and she threw herself right in the middle of it, and she makes fake accounts to sympathize with her and create drama. Her Asian husband didn't get her as much attention as she wanted so now she's going for the king of the marginalized group, who broadcasts and also enjoys being in the spotlight.
And even now, she's throwing herself in the middle of everything and interjecting herself into everything, trying to call her "fans" and sensationalize everything happening to her, and she's still not getting the praise and attention she wants so she keeps pushing further, even telling everyone on Reddit where the goldmine of personal details ended up. Calling her an e-celebrity is a complete joke. If the number of followers and subscribers she has makes her a celebrity, then my cat's instagram page is more famous than her.
So what. You're a less-than-average-looking blonde white girl and you fuck asian guys. Who fucking cares.
What was that quote she has? "Not attractive enough to fuck white guys so she fucks asian guys?"
She definitely fits the bill for that.
No. 206106
File: 1506525019144.png (300.64 KB, 1000x768, lol.png)

I tried to turn him into a chad on facetune but still looks like a turkroach. I think the right image is how he imagines himself in the mirror. A photoshop wizrad could do better.
No. 206111
File: 1506527113907.png (304.86 KB, 1000x666, moderu.png)

moderu materiaru
No. 206114
File: 1506528733708.jpg (146.66 KB, 960x720, IMG_7937.JPG)

Is this him or the brother?
No. 206127
File: 1506535331675.jpg (213.19 KB, 2514x1437, z.jpg)

ok i found his family tree from an online obituary. it looks like his father had a chink brother and sister, but im guessing they were adopted because they look pure asian from fb accounts.
it makes me think he lied about having no strong asian male figure growing up because his japanese adopted uncle Tadashi seems like a normal/social person from his fb.
No. 206144
File: 1506544650019.jpg (308.76 KB, 1000x768, qqq.jpg)

>>206106Fixed the eyebrows on the after. Men look better with furrowed eyebrows not high arched like women.
With some surgery he could potentially become attractive. A lateral canthoplasty to extend his short eyes and shape them upwards. A nose job to fix his bulbous tip. Fillers for his hollow temples. And a proper eyebrow grooming.
No. 206145
>>206144>>206144*but still not white hahahahah
sorry Tenda
No. 206149
File: 1506546169060.jpg (237.19 KB, 1004x678, 1.jpg)

>>206146oh anon, there is no "wife".
No. 206154
File: 1506546669991.png (192.64 KB, 1756x781, hmmm.png)

>>206151ok so i found this in google cache. maybe youre right.
>I've been talking to another woman online, that is amazed that my wife seems completely asexual towards me, given my looks.does he really think hes so handsome hahahahahahahahaha.
No. 206158
>>206157Don't generalize, she did try to give him a handjob but he lost interest.
Anyway, whats the deal with her, where are her social media?
No. 206159
>>206155>>206157maybe /pol/ can help
im sure someone there can navigate chinese social media
i know they are pissed off at tenda for spamming AMWF porn on the board. they already know about him and dont like him.
No. 206162
>>206155>>206158Behind the great firewall.
Everything is wechat. You don't need Chinese to use it.
No. 206167
>>206117>>206118>>206124The people on /cow/ are saying they found it here.
Something fishy is going on. Is Tenda doxxing himself?
No. 206174
File: 1506551458506.png (27.96 KB, 907x385, wife.png)

ET says his wife uses an app called Palfish
No. 206214
>>206213Persephone is an ugly predator and liar. It so obvious that she doesn't love him and her video was a gigantic clickbait in order to give her the thing she craves the most: attention.
Only someone like Tenda, a married incel with no experience with women would fall for an average (at best) mentally ill white girl. She still lives with her husband. Do you really think they don't fuck? Tenda is being cucked by Kim who is way more attractive than a weird looking, hair receding eurasian psycho.
As for his wife…something must be really wrong with her if she stays.
No. 206216
>>206214Stop white-knighting that ugly Korean, yellow fever-chan.
They're both assholes.
No. 206219
>>206193yeah his jaw is decently shaped. its the only part of his face i didnt fix. rest of his face is messed up though.
since his mothers family is apparently sooooo rich (do you guys remember hearing him say many times on r/hapas his mother comes from a rich family) getting plastic surgery should be no prob.
No. 206227
File: 1506597351649.png (413.05 KB, 1036x1122, giraffeboy.png)

No. 206235
>>206229google reverse image search says this is not his penor
**but probably an accurate representation
No. 206255
>>206238Actually, anon google
reverse image searched a penis
No. 206281
>>206276It's not hard. That account is him.
I've located 3 people trying to track him down on various places on the internet and those people are friends with that FB account you mentioned. Some are friends with tenma's deleted account. Some people wrote public posts on FB with his full name and they are friends with that specific account.
If you compare those people's friends lists, which are public, and do a quick comparison to see how many FB friends those random people have in common you can learn a lot.
No. 206282
File: 1506626735678.png (164.04 KB, 1597x331, tenda-is-mad.png)

someone is going crazy on /pol/ spamming AMWF in every thread like this one.
Tenda must be mad. Now that he abandoned his website and r/hapas he can spend all day everyday spamming 4chan.
No. 206290
>>206282Is he talking about Emma Watson? Because her "Asian" ex was a WMAF hapa, William Adamowicz.
I've seen that spammer before and he constantly changes his tune. I also don't believe he's Tenda, he's just some autist from /r/asianmasculinity (redundant, I realize).
No. 206291
>>206290I noticed they did the same with Joseph Schooling. Trying to pretend he's a full-blooded Asian with a blonde girlfriend even though he's WMAF and wants to become a naturalized US citizen because Singapore has treated him and his family so shittily in the past.
Also it's interesting that this effectively reveals that Tenda != the AMWF spammer on 4chan/elsewhere. That doesn't actually surprise me. Tenda's obsession with white women was always born more of mommy issue pedestalization than racial nationalism and Sinocentric jingoism, as it is with r/aznidentity, r/asianmasculinity etc members.
No. 206328
>>206326I have two leads but they're going nowhere. If you download the app and sign up you can search the teacher bios. One theory is that he's in Brisbane like his FB says. There's a girl who went to the same college he did and teaches at University of Queensland. Then there's another theory that he's in Beijing like he says. There's 2-3 girls that could be plausible for that one too. The Queensland one has me the most intrigued right now.
Words I've been searching:
澳洲 (Australia)
No. 206354
File: 1506665447260.png (127.21 KB, 1433x782, tenda.png)

Found a random Chinese website information about Tendie Spencer:
>Columbia '08 grad: degree in art history and a minor in archeology
>Member of Phi Beta Kappa (Fei Tao Fei Society?)
>Attended National Art School, New York Special High School (one of the five elite schools of La Guardia Art High School)
>He has worked at the Academic Office of Columbia University - is responsible for postdoctoral applications translation in image)
No. 206358
>>206354this reads as some kind of weird meme magic situation to me
>"Tendie" Spencer>AMWF supremacist>Women of all races lusting after his superior afghani beauty>Grad of one of Americas top collegesI think I might send in a story tip to Daily Stormer. I think this is the kind of strangely amusing story they would pick up.
No. 206367
File: 1506676493496.png (140.56 KB, 1453x985, tendies.png)

so he actually does seem to live in Australia (or did at least in the past) No. 206370
File: 1506677243515.png (24.48 KB, 645x411, conrad.png)

his middle name is conrad
No. 206374
>>205493Creepy asian men goes White women.
Creepy White men goes asian women.
No. 206379
>>206378Ive only watched 5 minutes of the video but if you are getting to the point that he has "doxxed" himself it could be true.
I reckon either he posted his own personal information/photos himself or someone who personally knows him and recognised his half face from his youtube videos.
There was literally no link to his online identity and his real name/face. And where the hell did those old photos come from? Its all pretty dodgy IMO. Is he planning to shoot up a school or something :s….
No. 206383
File: 1506693492054.png (173.32 KB, 1500x433, qq.png)

>>206376>he was a handsome child>handsome fucking delusional hahahhahaha
levels of elliot rodger delusional hahahahahhaha
No. 206389
>>206383Holy shit
Brooklyn anons don't go to school/work tomorrow
No. 206410
>>206406Does jerking off online at MotherOfTigersP (ROFL at the name) even count as cheating?
Although his hand is about to fall off at this point.
No. 206415
File: 1506709023752.png (63.63 KB, 641x596, hamoura.png)

Looks like the greek hamoura is angry at him, this autistic romance is so funny, i do want to see him apologise and try to win her over, after all she is the only one who ever wanted his eurasian ass.
No. 206426
>>206418i think she is also playing "mind games" with him telling him she loves him like… seriously come on…
maybe some american should email a hospital and tell them to do a welfare check on tendie spencer. if what persephone says is true it seems like he is getting ready to do something - leaving reddit, exposing his face - signs of someone tying up loose ends to say goodbye to the world?
No. 206449
File: 1506717378892.jpg (293.45 KB, 693x400, tendies-hit-the-floor.jpg)

>>206383artistic rendition if he were actually >handsome
No. 206451
File: 1506717685536.gif (104.62 KB, 304x350, tendies-hit-the-floor.gif)

>>206449and a gif for contrast
i wonder if he has lived his whole life under the impression he is a beautiful man. he is an artist grad from Columbia right? shouldnt he be trained to know beauty when he sees it? lmao.
No. 206462
File: 1506720681989.jpg (284.54 KB, 952x1232, compare.jpg)

>>206376These two fucking lunatics deserve each other, but it was an interesting vid from the drama point of view. She does make her case about the pics being posted by ET himself.
>>206451What does he look like in profile? Why is the length of his face so varied between pics? Look at the shadows. He actually has a recessed chin. His jaw is wide but weak, and he has a large overbite I think. The selfie angles and expressions are all highly rehearsed to hide this.
No. 206499
not too familiar with this drama but why would tendies doxx himself? is he trying to steer his wife into divorce? does he realize he just fucked up work prospects from fucking himself over on google searches?
>>206462if elliot rodger and chief areola had a son…
No. 206532
>>206497>she offered to go to the cybercrime departmentDoes that even exist?
Shouldn't we all be in cyberjail then?
No. 206579
File: 1506830402579.jpg (169.23 KB, 844x991, n3PrfE9.jpg)

Clearly connected to another White weirdo named BBCTakeover/Jankinoff on Lookism.
Eurasian Tiger and that mentally ill White guy both share a love for BBC.
No. 206586
File: 1506835265867.png (561.13 KB, 1036x1122, giraffeboy.png)

now to sit back and wonder what is tendies masterplan for doxxing himself.
No. 206588
>>206583I thought she said she blocked him. ??♀️
Further proof that this a load of bullshit.
No. 206592
File: 1506844457165.jpg (7.33 KB, 393x61, ouou.jpg)

>>206579Looks like that Eurasian Tiger's weirdo friend calls himself Legalize Rape on youtube and keeps posting White hating comments to the Eurasian Tiger channel. people are serious creeps always talking about bbc just look at the Legalize Rape channel.
No. 206611
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No. 206612
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No. 206613
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Bonus comics at that weibo account.
No. 206615
File: 1506871402669.jpg (607.15 KB, 666x500, HP7sxFB.jpg)

He is doin it wrong
No. 206623
File: 1506874154424.png (15.63 KB, 913x206, sw.PNG)

Thanks. I found the post in the google cache
No. 206625
Any Chinese anons here?
>>206622 is working hard & needs your help
No. 206629
File: 1506878256919.jpg (41.91 KB, 540x360, 1.jpg)

>>206610astor&ivy has a facebook page too with some pictures of Tenda from 2011
No. 206630
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No. 206631
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No. 206632
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No. 206639
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No. 206640
File: 1506881268778.png (95.96 KB, 474x393, 2.png)

No. 206647
File: 1506883941741.png (474.51 KB, 640x544, 069a8d0307c204005e75fac0624f06…)

in 2009 He made racist drawing cartoons on vnl and vvn forum is a white nationalist websites it most hardcore neo-nazi websites.
No. 206648
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No. 206654
File: 1506886220060.png (8.72 KB, 767x195, cartoons.png)

>>206649 has admitted several times that those are his drawings.
No. 206661
File: 1506890902254.gif (46.74 KB, 186x186, 1506890604395.gif)

>>206610doing gods work you are anon. like i suspected, he has a receded jaw and an underbite. He probably thinks he can hide it from front facing pictures because his jaw is wide.
>>206640interesting theory about multiple personality disorder. he really needs help, whatever he has.
No. 206665
File: 1506892368461.png (22.67 KB, 566x505, the chad profile.png)

>>206610I knew it would be bad, but not like that.
No. 206666
>>206661He refuse to get help. ET is sychotic bipolar mentally ill narcissist compulsive liar. When something
trigger him he lose his mind.I think only the ugliest and most bitter/pyschopathic hapas are part of that subreddit.
No. 206675
>>206668Hello Tenda,
How are you? I hope everything is well. Please don't do anything crazy, it would be a waste of your talents.
A fan
No. 206681
>>206677You can't be serious right?
>>206679 read the thread. Why are you fan of him?
No. 206684
>>206682Dude serious ?
I seen him post on different sub reddit with his different username and and his well know name (Eurasian tiger/eurasian writer). Why are you playing dum?
No. 206703
>>206701are you breaking my balls?
are you fore real?
what a deadbeat
No. 206710
File: 1506905649172.gif (770.29 KB, 245x245, 1502669453685.gif)

>>205454>>205455>>205456What the fuck?
It looks like he photoshopped himself in all of these.
And how the fuck can he shit on Elliot Rodger when he behaves exactly like him in these photos?
No. 206725
>>206711omg is that the Varg from youtube who all the paganfaggots on /pol/ worship giving him shit in those comments? lmao!
Is this real life?
Also someone make an account there and cap his oldest posts, want to study his mental state when he made an account there and I don't wanna get put on a list.
No. 206739
On Saturday Sept 16, 2017 Eurasian Tiger release a video on his YouTube channel . The video is called How to
Trigger Hypocritical White men with Asian girlfriends (Classic ET Video) Sunday the 17 of September Eurasian tiger came out on /pol/ - Politically Incorrect made a statement about a pictures of him. He denies that not him.
^ even came to alt_hapa and try to call out alt_hapa and try blame that sub reddit .He think atl_ hapa is behind the attack.
He had 4 day. He wasn’t worry because people didn’t get pictures up his face up close.He play it off .
He face got reveal online on Friday, 22
at that time he was caught off and knew something happen was off .He went online again and knew he was screw.
On the weekend he two day. He realize time was up for him.He made his final decision
He release his last thread on September 24, 2007 on Sunday night : title of thread
Sooooo my life is officially over (not because of doxx attempts) so I'm going gonna retire from /r/hapas No. 206741
File: 1506930168020.png (47.38 KB, 750x337, 70uRJUkwQ9GeyaNO2T4tqw.png)

On Saturday Sept 16, 2017 Eurasian Tiger release a video on his YouTube channel . The video is called How to Trigger Hypocritical White men with Asian girlfriends (Classic ET Video)
No. 206742
File: 1506930253866.jpg (1.49 MB, 2520x921, 1505653236139.jpg)

On Saturday Sept 16, 2017 Eurasian Tiger release a video on his YouTube channel . The video is called How to Trigger Hypocritical White men with Asian girlfriends (Classic ET Video)
The evidence pictures that is proof
No. 206744
>>205120Ah, cheers. That's really fucking sad.
>>205104Ah, fuck no. I don't want him to commit suicide, I want him to get the therapy, that he so desperately needs. Him and his acolytes.
No. 206764
File: 1506951889913.jpg (152.46 KB, 1280x720, SPLC-Intelligence-Files-Groups…)

>>206579A parallel to eurasian writer aka eurasian tiger.
Bbctakeover aka jankinoff aka supportlocalsluts uses bbc to promote black and white couples.
Early 30's yr old, white male, british born, former white supremacist on stormfront, turned male feminist, wealthy stock market investing parents from white italian and irish stock, born again catholic, husband to a black female, may or may not have a half black child.
Hates orientals but worships a future white and black race united as the new biracial master race, will align with any individual or group [muslim males] that supports whites mixing with blacks and attacking the white race in promotion of a biracial white and black master race.
Promotes bbc in extreme measures, willing to use psyop tacits from his psychology background.
Alleged claims to have mafia and gang connections.
Uses red pill, incel and pua forums to subvert topics on a long term basis using alts in promotion of male feminist oriented topics with a heavy left marxist foundation.
Will conspire with other local british and europe based individuals who come from well to do families with the same principles on attacking any conservative, traditional white or pro white values.
Very much a like to eurasiantiger with both having shared parallel purposes, known long internet histories, common male feminist values and common social niche connections with the use of bbc as a tool against the white race in promotion of race mixing, both are in the same age range and have used lookism, reddpill, reddit, different chans for attacking white males.
No. 206765
File: 1506951974394.jpg (244.79 KB, 688x688, RWsP2LZ.jpg)

I been watch ET since started his first youtube channel around May of last year. I remember everything what he said on his youtube channel.
ET get high on AMWF because it make feel good. for it doesn't matter.
No. 206766
File: 1506952038332.png (20.83 KB, 911x256, poorkids.png)

>>206743Hopefully none of his 3/4 Asian kids are girls if this is how he thinks about Asian women.
No. 206768
File: 1506953678906.png (448.39 KB, 1046x478, 11e5404f012ef3f5057c148632b4d0…)

No. 206772
File: 1506956034954.png (39.5 KB, 555x331, 0fdb6154d35059082d679ad6144c90…)

No. 206776
File: 1506956356623.jpg (10.5 KB, 303x213, Danley-and-Wife.jpg)

another messed up hapa kid for life, no?
No. 206777
>>206776Is this the event from last night?
hapa reddit over projection family issues to their agenda. Every race got some bad apple .they blame women fault because guy happen does some crazy shit. she couldn't read the sign. nothing do with race.
No. 206779
>>206776Why does this have to be a wmaf thing?
A man is an incel and marries a foreign woman thinking things will get better.
They have kids and don't realize that many asian women stop putting out after they're done having kids.
Incel is unhappy with his sexless marriage on top of everything else in the world he's unhappy with because masking his problems with pussy was only temporary and it didn't work anyway.
Hmmm sounds like someone we all know.
No. 206780
>>206779 stop reading stop hapa reddit.
That place no back up agurmenet or no sense of logice. most of theory are bunch of snowflakes.
No. 206783
>>206779>>206780>>206781I don't see any chicken tenders on TV but I see an old sexpat's carnage and body count. You are fucking insane to take sides with a lefty loon who had gone postal.
Fuck tenders, he is a bitch but no fucking way will I take the bullshit view of giving some old fucker a free pass. That old fucker killed. That old fuck's last partner some dog face ethnic bitch. Period.
God you fucking pussies don't help the White cause.
No. 206786
>>206784Fuck off you White cuck.
When some half gook makes too much sense, you close your fucking ears.
I want my WHITE RACE to stay fucking true and noble not dogged on by some 3rd class brown ugly fuck machine breeding half nasty gooks.
You fucking cucks belong on lolcow for life.
Fuck even 8/pol/ makes more fucking sense.
Fucking shitheads.
File: 1506959530007.png (14.66 KB, 624x85, rCZxJ63TSFmOnuWeffuVjw.png)

on the subreddit Live event: Las Vegas Mandalay Bay shootings.
Sept 2 on a Monday.
1 hour ago ET post he be off on the forum.He talk about the tragic event from last night. He keep mention Elliot Rodger.
No. 206791
File: 1506959925245.png (8.37 KB, 444x67, ufTBTYNoQLWfqMTKrHlQzQ.png)

He know that hes finish he doesn't have enough time .
No. 206794
>>206793He wants to cockblock because he is a married incel and his asian wife wont give him any sex.
He is jealous.
No. 206795
>>206793For fuck’s sake. Literally.
Now can we go back to finding tendie’s wife? I just need to see this chick.
No. 206813
>>206809I’m not going to compromise myself to send it. It’s not that important to me. I’m just nosey as fuck.
I figured out some people who would have interesting opinions about it if they ever found out
No. 206818
>>206808>>206803>>206795>>206794>>206793>>206792LOL you perma-incel cuck.
Learn the 14 words you silly cucks.
Time to embrace White power.
8/pol/ is the light.
1488 is your god.
my father bearded red-haired British-German father. blue eyed, glasses wearing, skinny tall around 6 feet and 3 inches.
Thing i did during my years.
I denied I was Asian for almost ten years and identified as Italian or Russian.
Cut my hair very short to retain its light color, up until two years ago; my hair becomes more brown when short, very, very dark at longer lengths and when wet
I would avoid looking at myself in the mirror after taking a shower
I did not look in the mirror for a three year period between 2012 and 2015
Gained sixty pounds in a summer to look less Asian – lost seventy pounds in one summer three years later, to again, look less Asian, based on different comments
I used to believe my mother gave birth via immaculate conception or divine intervention and that God ordained me to be white to fulfill a plan for divinated white supremacy
I would fantasize about using a razor blade to cut and deepen my eyes
I believe God had chosen me for my looks and I bought lottery tickets expecting to win, like Rodger.
I would vomit profusely after developing body dysmorphia as an attempt to cover up my Asian appearance; my vomit was colored unusually due to the large amount of supplements I was taking to maintain a weight that I thought would cover my Asian appearance
Plagued by nightmares for twenty five years about my mother crashing our car into a body of water before drowning. Dreams have ceased since writing this blog.
I screamed at an AMWW couple out of anger, after seeing one in a bar, again, like Rodger.
I would smack an Asian student in the face in an attempt to dominate him
I made fun of a popular Asian student at my school anonymously and hurt his reputation to cover my own insecurity
I would sing fake Chinese songs in an attempt to impress my friends
I would write long winded emails to my father about how I though blue eyed and blond haired people were angels – after which he never bothered correcting me
I posted profusely on very hardcore Neo Nazi forums
I was a prolific author of insanely racist Neo Nazi cartoons
I had befriended a violent neo Nazi who went over my Facebook and criticized me for having too many friends of color and too many Asian female friends – my cousins.
On seeing a photograph where I looked Asian, I would immediately delete it and go into a dark depression
I never looked at photographs of my parents – either because I was ashamed of the fact that I was half Asian, or because WMAF made me subconsciously uncomfortable (likely the latter)
To this day I have not taken a photo since 2012 out of fear of looking too Asian.
More if I can remember. My fear is my pain will eventually dissipate and I’ll forget. I need to continue
triggering myself to the point that I can effectively keep producing material that will help people No. 206828
File: 1506975787553.png (723.14 KB, 551x958, withnbspmarilou-danley.png)

No. 206837
File: 1506977054427.png (124.59 KB, 819x533, 3ee.png)

>>206827Documenting your mental illness and spewing how much you hate white men and asian women doesn't help anyone.
Your life mission is nothing but selfish narcissism, creating a cult for your own ego fueled by young incels in order to direct your own hate and feed off the energy of confused young men and you have the audacity to claim it's a support group. Your only power in life is through your concocted alter ego online where you try to make a whole demographic pay for your own inability to get over your past. Biggest fucking beta in the history of the internet! Your autism is archived for eternity for any descendants you might have to swell with pride as they read you crying in post after post and spamming bbc porn everywhere. I hope someone pins all your posts to your gravestone.
No. 206839
>>206764we need an online index of these characters that use porn on incel forums to push interracial mixing.
Their psychological profiles are fascinating.
No. 206841
>>206838He’s so insecure that he can’t even handle who he actually is and has resorted to this escapist persona because there he thinks people actually like him. He’s been doing this over a decade, he’s probably trained his neuropathways down this pattern of hatred and deplorable behavior so much that he cannot even find enjoyment in real life. meanwhile he pushes his own wife away into a dead bedroom because he’s not mentally available in real life and his natural reaction is to blame her. Same for his family and friends and eventually his kids if they exist, and then he’s going to pass this unhealthy behavior onto them, because we all know children learn by watching.
What a sad existence. I hope you change your ways before your children become you and grow up to hate you in the same way you hate yourself and your father.
No. 206848
File: 1506979565004.jpg (40.9 KB, 351x359, idk.jpg)

What the fuck happened to this thread?
No. 206864
File: 1506985307494.png (19.52 KB, 773x413, white girl.png)

Tenda's embarrassments from His name there is Leebyunghun
No. 206865
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No. 206868
>>206864LOL I've seen him shittalking Indians as 'currycels' on psl forums before. Literally all of his hatred for other guys and whole races comes from sexual jealousy! what a cuck!
Why are hapas so jealous of other males?
Plenty of losers don't go as crazy as these faggots when they get rejected.
Elliot Rodger(PBUH) was the exact same…
No. 206873
File: 1506986501866.png (10.67 KB, 794x286, uglywife.png)

>>206870Yep it's him. He's quite well known in the PSL-sphere.
No. 206874
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No. 206887
File: 1506989117163.jpg (28.74 KB, 450x450, 1500518903074.jpg)

ayy lmao
No. 206890
P: I dont know his wife and wont even bother,if she was pretty he wouldnt be hiding her. If you want to keep posting about him and have fun keep it up, i just came here to make clear that i have nothing to do with him anymore.
I am personally ashamed to even have said hi to him.And no, its not because he is eurasian, i know plenty good eurasian people both male and female, its because he has the ugliest personality on the planet.
But my revenge is that i write this and u can screenshot it, and he can never get to say shit about white women again, because i was serious about him and wasnt playing games and he fucked up because do you want the honest truth?
1) he is too coward to tell his wife the truth and she is the typical asian woman who sees him cheating and she is too sloth to do anything.
2) he is too coward to tell his+her family that he wants a divorce because he says they will disapprove and disown him
3) he is too coward to be in a real life relationship with me
He is saying things to purposely hurt me and after i tried to set boundaries nothing ever changes.
I dont regret telling how i felt because it was the truth and at the end of the day i dont fool anyone. I have had bad boyfriends and good boyfriends but he is the biggest most passive and indecisive coward you can ever imagine, he is literally afraid of his 90 year old granny and an 80 iq old maid unshaven cunt who is too disgusted to even touch his cock.
So ET if you read this, i dont hate you.
Enjoy your life masturbating at and crying in the shower.
I have way more balls than you ever will. After the things you told me today, you are worthy as much as dog shit under my shoes would worth and thats who will u remain.
No. 206893
File: 1506989960067.gif (863.91 KB, 160x270, 1465332766759.gif)

>>206886Tenda rejected by YET ANOTHER white woman!
Good going numbnuts, enjoy incel life for the coming decades.
She even offered herself straight up and his big internet balls shriveled up inside him in seconds when shit got real. lmao.
What a fucking omega!
Tenda should never sully the name of Elliot Rodger again, ER had watermelon ball compared to this pathetic eunuch cuck!
No. 206906
>>206899Hey persephone, are you going to start another channel sometime?
I hope you learn to read people better in future, Eurasian Tiger is one of the most crazy dysfunctional people online, not exactly good boyfriend material.
No. 206917
>>206906No, i am not going to start another channel. I dont want that freak to ever find me or stalk me. I have better things to do than give chances to an incel too scared to be a man.
I honestly believe he will "hide" all his cheating from his wife and she will pretend she didnt know.
I am certain at this point that his goal was to make me kill myself because he hates white women and he wants to take out his anger about his shitty failed life on someone and i was the only one who was there and he doesnt have the balls to confront his asian trash family or white trash family so he did it the cowards way: he took it out on me.
But i wont die for anyone, especially a human garbage. All he says about other people is in fact about him. He hates wmaf because he and his wife are the failed sexless, loveless wmaf otherwise why does a married man have a blog called longing for death?
I was married twice and none of my husbands ever posted depressive cancerous shit like that day in an day out. Nice marriage.
I had so many things i could post that could burn him from dick pictures to sex chats to whole collection of photos taken the last months. But i deleted all of them weeks ago and wont play his game.
I dont doxx people and today is the last time i ever bothered with him. I wont give him the satisfaction that a white woman was so upset at him that doxxed him.
He is the most ungrateful person i have ever met, a true poisonous snake paying back kindness with evilness.
I wont pretend i am a victim since so many people warned me and i still wanted to try. But he is mind blowingly lame.
At the end of the day he is just inferior to other men. Because i made it 100% clear that i wanted to try being with him and he didnt have the balls to put any effort. Any other man would have given it a try, thats why he gets cucked by white and indian men and bitching about it on the posts i read earlier here. Because those men dare to actually be with a woman.
ET if you read this, dare to try to find me and kill me like u threatened me so many times. But oh wait your granny doesnt let you do shit and your adorable wifie will be upset.
No. 206920
File: 1506993561047.gif (1.76 MB, 219x186, Kim-jong-un.gif.0c48d8f925e266…)

>>206917lol Persephone I used to think you were annoying and attention seeking but this whole saga has completely changed my opinion of you!(I still hope this isn't a big troll plan by ET)
Excellent analysis of ET tho. He wants to act hardcore on the internet but he can't dp it irl because his granny says no. lmao.
No. 206924
File: 1506994747906.png (33.57 KB, 420x294, e0e0bc73ead6f70c6faf2c14955e25…)

>>206917why are roasties so insane?
such a sperging porcupine bitch.
No. 206929
File: 1506996631660.png (675.86 KB, 723x544, FStngCiFT6CtaO9_jrFd7pIpDqMbsf…)

Hapa sub reddit forum a fucking cancer . Fuck them. Look how they attack disable half Asian women.
No. 206974
File: 1507002673481.gif (625.42 KB, 399x299, 5EACB619-6836-445A-80EA-AE61E2…)

@ this entire thread
No. 206986
File: 1507005975471.png (905.85 KB, 1346x543, ad457ffa34402017814cf26e4e022b…)

His drawing collection from 2009 when He made racist drawing cartoons on vnl and vvn forum.
No. 207040
>>207035Honestly I’ve seen uglier hapa guys than him with plenty of emotional baggage who ended up getting together with decent looking blondes.
His issues with women run deeper than looks.
No. 207068
>>207064i think its one of his multiple personalities
eurasiantiger hates afwm and promotes bbc and interracial for whites
his other half tendies is still a WN and secretly promotes 1488
No. 207110
>>207107I feel like I’m the only one on it D:
I’m getting really close tho
No. 207125
File: 1507061865088.jpeg (42.33 KB, 600x357, 390EC094-FAF5-4BF4-BC8D-13FEDA…)

Half this thread lol
No. 207140
File: 1507067893087.png (422.03 KB, 600x445, meme.png)

Persephone to Tenda be like :
(since weeaboo etc)
No. 207142
File: 1507068502929.jpg (642.4 KB, 500x666, GkEOqwl.jpg)

Tendie is the biggest loser on earth. He even managed to make the only white girl who was mentally ill enough to want him, ditch him for real.
No. 207146
>>207145Do you have any pictures of the wife?
or any more pics of Tenda?
No. 207159
File: 1507077549420.png (157.21 KB, 1324x541, 377b1321332713762485a57d69025b…)

No. 207161
File: 1507078370887.png (231.1 KB, 750x683, IMG_7969.PNG)

Looks like tenda finally got white pussy to like him at some point….. but even then he left that behind too.
It says something about him moving out in 2011 and leaving his cat behind. Maybe getting married and moving in with his wife?
No. 207163
File: 1507081076078.jpg (533.36 KB, 666x500, ajWZKcV.jpg)

No. 207188
File: 1507097757318.jpeg (59.78 KB, 490x656, 347DAAD7-916C-4DBB-9709-450094…)

Somebody make this a meme. Lol.
No. 207191
File: 1507097991520.jpeg (58.89 KB, 466x1042, FA648956-8450-4484-832F-BFEB18…)

No. 207192
File: 1507098060766.jpg (75.93 KB, 720x540, 1470247_orig.jpg)

No. 207193
File: 1507098146587.png (577.89 KB, 818x460, 26Qf0o9.png)

No. 207194
File: 1507098241360.jpg (253.36 KB, 1080x1350, 17438577_1874935652752155_3106…)

No. 207219
>>207169So you think he lied to the Greek goddess about being married to a bottom of the barrel wife?
>>207217Tenda probably "doxxed" himself. He finally decided to show us his 11/10 handsome Eurasian face. He wants us to feel pity for his poor upbringing and being bound to an old ugly chink wife in a sexless marriage when he deserves so much better. Poor Tendie.
No. 207240
>>207233I don’t want to post it unless I’m certain I would feel bad if I was wrong but this person checks all the boxes off.
She was on PalFish when tenda was posting about it and she posts relatively affectionately about things he did etc.
I need proof before I post her. Either a wedding picture or something we’re they are both wearing rings which is also tough because some Chinese women don’t wear wedding rings and the ones who do will sometimes put them on their middle finger instead of their ring finger and the other cultural complexities go on from there.
It’s also hard because everyone that’s from her generation is an only child for the most part and they all call their friends brother and sister which was misleading so I kept clicking on her “brother’s” profile only to realize that he wasn’t related to her, etc etc etc.
This is a lot harder than snooping around on the internet for people in the states, guys.
No. 207248
>>207243There’s actually some people in this world who post nice things on the internet about him, believe it or not.
By people I mean plural. Multiple people. I know I was shocked too.
No. 207261
>>207259Use the search function. All of these websites have a search function. Don’t bother with PalFish there’s not enough there to get you going.
Everything you need to get started is located in this photograph.
>>207188You have to sign up for either a QQ or a wechat to get access to these sites.
No. 207265
File: 1507140319205.jpg (32.47 KB, 504x377, invisible.jpg)

WAW1.4: How Men Cope With Not Being Goodlooking
No. 207273
>>207265So Tenda is part of your crew?
Your crew runs the FACEandLMS youtube channel is that right?
No. 207283
File: 1507145409554.jpg (565.32 KB, 1399x1690, Charles Osgood.jpg)

I will not recommend any further harm be done upon our friend Tenda by any anon in this thread.
Our friend has informed us of what has been happening in the past two weeks.
We have very prominent contacts in the United Kingdom and internationally.
Tenda is a good man.
We are willing and able to provide Tenda with support to the fullest extent possible with powerful representation if required.
One of our many projects includes the infamous channel know as:
I will strongly suggest the link not to be removed.
Provocation will not be viewed in a favourable light.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 207337
>>207334why you post that?
that shit is stupid bro
No. 207341
>>207273Those guys need to do an episode on Tendas face.
That brutal blackpill would smash all of his false looks confidence cope in front of him forever. lol.
No. 207346
File: 1507157955825.jpeg (33.97 KB, 720x405, 84B908CA-7749-4523-82BC-1F8479…)

I think this might be the wife.
No. 207353
>>207346poor woman.
I guess she does prove Tendies point, asian women will date any weird mentally fucked incel.
No. 207361
File: 1507159374018.png (164.01 KB, 998x258, sluthate_episodic2.png)

You were warned.
No. 207364
File: 1507160041273.png (969.77 KB, 972x970, Lk5unFG.png)

Thank you brother for this opportunity to make all these cuckold white subhumans learn the meaning to be browned turds on the grounds
No. 207375
>>207353You clearly don't understand the culture.
Arranged marriages are common, and when you have no skill to hold your own ground in life how are you supposed to leave?
No. 207380
File: 1507165888745.png (93.71 KB, 1267x704, wtflol.png)

breaking news: Tenda and Granny are fighting, Tenda is sure it's because his Granny is jealous of his handsome recessed mandible. Stay tuned for more autism at 10…
No. 207384
I can’t even
No. 207389
File: 1507169035363.png (317.01 KB, 1026x540, 3cd847b06676f0a577644b829fdb64…)

No. 207419
>>207346What's her name? where did you get this from?
she is so ugly!
No. 207421
I realized she’s not the wife. I found her wedding pictures. Apparently Chinese brides will wear red dresses and I didn’t know that so when I saw pictures of her in a red dress I didn’t think anything of it but when I was combing through her stuff I realized it was wedding pictures. The husband wasn’t tenda.
No. 207427
I figured out his chinese name. Excitement to ensue.
No. 207428
File: 1507183712108.png (104.71 KB, 550x324, 3cd847b06676f0a577644b829fdb64…)

He started his nazi phrase at 2009 to 2011.
He around 33 year.
No. 207430
File: 1507184812144.png (215.86 KB, 2134x1004, 5KFfmj8.png)

Tyger talking to Elliot Rodger
No. 207434
>>207380Isn't it weird how there's always some AMWF poster on /r/hapas ready to immediately respond to him, to affirm his prejudices and to confirm that they, as an AMWF child never faced any of these difficulties and grew up with a completely blissful home life? It's almost as if these posters are just sockpuppet foils created for rhetorical purposes.
Not to mention that a good chunk of the /r/hapas userbase comes directly from /r/asianmasculinity and /r/aznidentity.
No. 207444
>>207441I'm surprised anyone falls for it, it's just so blatant. If he were a bit more tactful he'd do stuff like work in sockpuppets with dissenting ideas on tangential topics that also, or end up necessarily agreeing with him on his main points.
But every sock is verbatim:
>"yeah I'm an AMWF girl who only dates asian guys because they're awesome and white guys are creepy and white guys into WMAF are creepy and my parents were awesome and my dad was an alpha male who was head of a Fortune 500 company who had 50 white girlfriends before he turned 12 and taught me the value of Chinese/"Asian" culture and my mother loved me a lot and was a part time VS model and oh I also support all of China's claims in the South China Sea btw"I'm amazed anyone falls for it. It's a shame Ribbit superadmins virtually never check for samefaggotry.
No. 207446
>>207346I know this isn't his wife but didn't you say
>>207225 she was 5-6/10? Seriously?
>>207417You've been here for a week, learn how to quote.
No. 207461
>>207446Yeah she looks better with makeup on and I’m not really attracted to women so I really just don’t pay that much attention to it unless the girl is straight bangin and I was trying to give her the benefit of the doubt.
I’m not really helping myself here lol
No. 207464
I never thought about that .
Dam you got me on that one :)
No. 207475
>>207474I don’t think there’s a wife unless she’s even more insecure than he is.
I’ve been looking for two or three days.
On the upside I think I’m kinda sorta learning how to read chinese!
No. 207476
somone his dad pictures.
>>207475chinese language sentences arent easy to translate but words are easier
No. 207500
>>207497Hide yo kids
Hide yo wife
And hide yo husbands
No. 207536
That's the point. I want to inflict as much emotional pain on as many people as I can, the same emotional pain I experienced when I was denied for my race - the same thing my mother willingly contributed to.
He's referring to an incident where a woman turned him down for being asian 8 years prior. By the time he made this post he was already marrired.
2015 post. The date back from 2007 event when he was 23 year old. No. 207539
File: 1507266290943.png (51.5 KB, 682x281, d9uaVeWfQtiR9UUzzZBFOQ.png)

ere is an example of his father's racism in this link, it also touches on his own white supremacist beliefs. They discuss the historical links between white supremacy and orientalism. I'll include a quote that illustrates how recently he identified as a white supremicist. Note that stuffeurasianslike was opened in 2011. In such a short span of time he went from being a white supremacist to hating white men and asian women. No. 207540
HalfAsianTruthTeller 04-05-2010, 02:49 PM thread Observations on
There is one thing he loves. White people and white pride. No. 207541
File: 1507266485289.png (39.48 KB, 767x292, 1JHKsh3tQ2m349FprB-JOg.png) join in Join Date: Jul 2013 username is Johnn yMangoes
thread Thread: Ask a former 60lb anorexic anything VOMIT No. 207543
File: 1507266639616.png (230.26 KB, 677x431, 5.png)

One of his hobbies is writing suicide notes, September 2, 2014 My Final Letter
No. 207549
>>207536I sincerely hope that he’s on a list somewhere and someone in the government is watching his every move and will be ready to act the second he takes his little internet hobby to IRL-land and do something stupid trying to get on the news.
Those girls probably didn’t even reject him because he was asian it was probably because he’s an autistic creep who doesn’t know how to manage his condition in social situations and was trying not to take no for an answer until they felt like they had to say something hurtful.
The only person that could fall in love with someone like him is more insecure than him and someone who he thinks he can easily manipulate. What’s her face is a prime example. If he’s married, which I entirely and highly doubt at this point, his wife is naive and has very low self esteem and willingly has no idea about tendie’s internet life.
No. 207741
File: 1507400923140.png (85.98 KB, 575x545, IMG_3159.PNG)

Wish I never started this thread. I'm addicted to this milk.
IMO there is and was never a wife. I don't think he's simply too delusional to see how less than average he looks. Dude lies too much about everything just to keep this weird narrative going.
Also, is that his real name? Why does he use his parents surnames in a hyphenated way, while his brother has a "J" middle initial (according to people searching sites)? If their parents bothered enough to give them similar first names, why wouldn't they make the rest congruent?
No. 207778
>>207741I don't know either why he uses his mother's maiden name. Especially since he hates her so much.
Tenda's middle name is Conrad btw.
No. 207805
File: 1507457141492.jpg (83.67 KB, 720x960, jankinoff gf.jpg)

Go Get A Life You BBC Cucks
stop being racist jankinoff, your 1st gf u posted on puahate was nothing to look at
u lost your virginity to that subhuman female
bbctakeover aka supportlocalsluts aka jankinoff was a virgin at 23
u sinful bbc worshipping cuck english man(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 207811
File: 1507465924557.jpg (519.56 KB, 1500x1500, the supreme cuck.jpg)

No. 207814
File: 1507469938082.gif (1.91 MB, 331x197, d91.gif)

keep em coming anon
No. 207821
File: 1507476227765.jpg (406.37 KB, 982x1600, cuckpillcomics.jpg)

>>207819Another edit of one of his dumb webcomics. They all make so much more sense like this.
No. 207877
>>206839Jankinoff/SupportLocalSluts/BBCTakeover is likely to be a very dangerous British man and is seemly able to compartmentalize himself.
He seems to go into a fit of violent tirade against Trump supporters and people with conservative values.
Some might say he could be as dangerous as Stephen Paddock in turns of being able to snap.
No. 207881
>>206579>>206592>>206764Jankinoff aka BBCtakeover, personally I find your white liberal fetishization of the black man disgusting, you are the closeted racists types that view African men as walking penises. It's repulsive and they actually do more harm than good for race relations, you also hold the Black man to a unrealistic standard that can cause people to lash out against Black people. White liberal fetishization of African men is just as responsible for the turmoil that they face as black men with white racism is and thats a fact.
It amuses me how you think that just because you are a self confessed leftist you can immediately fetishize black men…What a strange jump to make, it makes me wonder what skeletons are lurking in your closet… My theory is that openly racist white men also fetishize African men and they are just what happens when the racist liberals step out of their closets and so far nobody has been capable of proving me wrong. Get over yourself.
No. 207903
>>207899Nothing good. :/
I might have not done it right.
No. 207929
>>207924I don’t think it’s him. There’s a pic he posted where you can see his thumb in one of his dick pics. (Btw Jesus Christ that guy looks so gross) This guy has short fat and stubby fingers and his nail beds look damaged as if from hard labor or something.
Tenda is a graphic artist. Look above at the pumpkin carving pictures and the picture of him in the restaurant where you can see his hand and thumb. His hands are slender and almost feminine with nice nail beds.
Unless you have very convincing proof that this account is him I don’t believe you.
No. 207932
>>207930At this point, unless I want to take measures that would compromise my anonymity, I’ve searched all I could and at times I felt like I was the only one looking.
At this point I’ve joined the “he has no wife” camp.
No. 207945
>>207932Then why isnt he dating Persephone?
I think she is the only one who is mental enough to find him attractive.
No. 208012
File: 1507611704991.png (83.67 KB, 832x656, screenshot1.png)

No. 208013
File: 1507611719372.png (70.92 KB, 838x672, screenshot2.png)

No. 208027
File: 1507626186160.jpg (98.24 KB, 641x261, Untitled3.jpg)

>>207398Tyger and EurasianTiger are both the same. I don't know why he denies it. I guess it's because it's his longest standing identity yet, it gives him hope and a reason to go on to be able to LARP as an Asian male supremacist.
By the way, here he is as "Tyger" the spammer on /int/ saying stuff about white crimes against minorities, and coincidentally on his Liveleak account on page 3 I found that he has similar videos uploaded. No. 208028
File: 1507626269349.jpg (146.41 KB, 838x508, Untitled23.jpg)

>>208019Good, I reported him for making these comments earlier, calling for white genocide.
No. 208039
File: 1507633224307.jpg (33.07 KB, 480x480, 17881055_405100913204659_30949…)

Going bald and not being able to grow a beard is pretty bad. No wonder ET was so jealous of TerryTV, Terry is better looking and can actually grow facial hair.
No. 208044
>>208040This. He just hates successful people.
Terry just seems like a genuinely all round nice guy and doesn't seem to have the problems that Tendies made up and attributed to hapas.
No. 208051
Why do you think he’s got an Ivy League education but is in love with a dumb camwhore? He likes to feel powerful over people.
I’m quite sure his “wife” if he has one, is too smart to fall for his bullshit and he doesn’t like that.
He wants a blonde bimbo who is so mentally unstable that she will objectify herself for him and shut up and do as she’s to and be willingly manipulated.
The one thing he’s never had is the ability to get any girl he wants and he associates this ability with power. He has wanted power and the ability that comes with it for so long that he’s objectified women entirely and thinks about them like they’re objects.
No. 208054
>>208051Funny thing is the whole "my career/education should entitle me to attractive women" is a more Asian attitude than a Western one.
In fact mentally he seems far more Asian than Western in general.
No. 208055
File: 1507643709047.gif (965.66 KB, 381x216, 1478997539755.gif)

>>208052Good luck promoting anti-WMAF on a platform which is situated in Silicon Valley. Lol probably half the mods are married to Asian women.
No. 208061
one of those hapa freak back up ET video by having a back up channel of having his video. I report it for hate speech toward interracial.
Eurasian Millienial Ng No. 208113
File: 1507660762355.png (3.73 KB, 393x80, look who's back.png)

Looks like Tenda's love letter worked. Persephone took him back.
No. 208126
>>208122They think they’re celebrities.
You’re killing me.
No. 208136
>>208122His lifelong dream was to find a white girl with big tits to be his mommy.
Deprived people become extreme, in a similar way that someone starving themselves to lose weight ends up eating even the ice cubes from the fridge.
Plus they have so much in common: both psychos, both hate WMAF, both sociopaths, both attention whores…match made in hell lmao.
No. 208139
>>208138I second that.
IF he ever dares to meet her.
No. 208143
EurasianTiger Humble Brags On /r/Incels Describes Himself As A "High IQ Eurasian Chad" try prove he not incel by talking like middle schoolers talk about sex. wife’s family takes care of me, probably because I am a foreigner and I love their daughter very much; she is a virgin and believes in true love No. 208145
File: 1507680532090.gif (4.19 MB, 500x281, B7BBFB23-FA9F-4E29-8C68-4C1465…)

>>208137What tenda and persephone think they look like
No. 208146
File: 1507680566529.gif (1.59 MB, 320x181, FD1AC9FC-2723-4C3B-B36C-5A2265…)

>>208145What tenda and persephone actually look like
No. 208152
File: 1507688509192.jpg (167.94 KB, 598x959, 9eabdce3289a34fb62803c0b5d270a…)

No. 208175
>>208013>>208012If Persephone's Korean husband's family have been racist cunts to her, why does he continue pushing the narrative that Asians are just passive victims of racism and never the perpetrators?
Also why does persephone care about WMAF so much anyway? She's a white girl. Did that Russian ex someone mentioned run off with an Asian girl or something, and that's why she's been reduced to bottom of the barrel Asian men?
No. 208180
File: 1507713291881.jpg (178.63 KB, 616x400, Untitled5225.jpg)

>>208174Lol you crazy. The guy is obviously a hyper handsome male model heartthrob.
No. 208184
>>208175No proof.
Also 100% has nothing to do with race but instead them knowing she's a drama queen cunt. But of course she's the poor little victim, and its just her race and totally not her beautiful and loveable personality that cheated on the dude!
No. 208187
>>208184She cheated bc mah ninja Tendie agreed with everything she wanted.
She wanted to be mod? Done
She wanted to parasitize on his channel? Done
She wanted to be worshipped? Done
He even went as far as to name her MotherOfTigers (hella creepy btw) in a way to excitely declared that he found his white mommy/dream gf.
persephonie is first and foremost a narcissist attention whore.
Feed a narcissist with supply and they will walk away from the last victim and leech off to you.
No. 208188
File: 1507716887278.png (715.12 KB, 500x666, WHITEWORSHIPPER.png)

No. 208194
File: 1507717352454.png (340.95 KB, 845x500, garbage.png)

No. 208197
>>208194He should be crowned king of cringe.
How will Michael Fassbender perceive the news though, i mean you can't compete with Tenda unless you also come from the mental asylum.
No. 208200
>>208193>wreckedI think their "marriage" was doomed from the start. Kim Du Han was a fuckup and so is Persephone. Both of them managed to make even PenusAngelic's creepy AMWF relationship seem marginally more normal, and that's some achievement.
So yeah, Kim Du Han's relationship with her is hardly disproving what "grandwizardVA" is referring to when he says such relationships are fucked up.
No. 208202
>>208181No, his looks are part of the equation too.
Dude is ugly. There's no easy way around that.
No. 208206
>>208202Who is ugly? Kim?
Imo Tenda is much uglier.
No. 208207
>>208206Both of them are ugly. Tenda is uglier, but then again another WMAF hapa posted ITT, TerryTV, is much better looking than either of them. So it can go either way.
>>208205Yep. Perse needs to be sectioned because she's genuinely crazy and toxic. But I'm sure Kim Du Han's family ascribed her failings to her Greekness rather than some individual thing, which only served to make her hate them even more.
Koreans are cunts too btw.
No. 208209
File: 1507718698109.png (14.21 KB, 844x193, means.png)

When you tough like ER but that white blont bitch decides she wants eurasian d:
No. 208210
>>208209He writes public love letters like a lovesick school boy. It is embarassing but also funny.
I see him under a totally different light after this.
No. 208215
File: 1507719265536.jpeg (63.52 KB, 450x338, kek.jpeg)

Do you think that they will end up fucking?
Can he do it?
No. 208218
File: 1507719431595.jpg (12.25 KB, 331x152, dankek.jpg)

Hopefully one day she will be angry enough to post his dick pictures on ratemydick and he will get his 2/10.
No. 208220
File: 1507719665151.png (26.59 KB, 737x121, 61.png)

He wrote this a long time ago from one of his alts for another blond woman.
It's a good indicator of what he thinks about when he jerks of at MotherOfTiGErsPerse
No. 208228
File: 1507724134274.png (73.94 KB, 300x256, nick-young-confused-face-300x2…)

>>208214don't speak for us black guys ever again you trump supporter
File: 1507726004177.png (141 KB, 493x303, ET.PNG)

>>208228>us black guysHey ET. Stop using the same pics, even on 4chan you're conspicuous.
No. 208238
File: 1507726932670.jpg (182.66 KB, 429x534, 1432237537103.jpg)

>>208222Tenda only ever rejected white supremacy because he could never fit in, but God forbid if he had a son that looked white… Uncle Adolf would be proud.
No. 208241
File: 1507728612443.png (63.72 KB, 485x769, image.png)

>>208238I honestly don't think he even likes Asians in the end, he only sucks up to them out of necessity, but otherwise exhibits behavior hostile to them. The few times I've seen him get into a argument with a full Asian and his go-to one-up is to resort to his half-whiteness. Going by his logic 75% white must be even better. Remember this is the guy who used to bully Asians in school.
No. 208267
>>208266Dude that's nasty. And with her attention whoring the upcoming video would be "I am pregnant with ET's baby".
One way or another she will get those views.
No. 208278
>>208273Non-white female selling herself to Whites only?
>>208275No news.
No. 208293
>>208287Oh, are you feeling defensive?
Did some pretty White girl bullied you?
Hence your self-imposed “race traitor” ways you seem quite proud about for some strange reason.
Your own self reference to your "pussy" was really left of field.
Are you trying to get back at her somehow..
Isn't love just love without an agenda?
No. 208357
File: 1507779628762.png (128.59 KB, 983x833, ban.png)

>>208351He's really active right now. And now that Tendie has that white bitch Persephone he doesn't have to suck up to black women anymore.
No. 208723
File: 1507862108873.jpg (93.31 KB, 503x1024, 20248167_10213596113086082_696…)

I think I found a pic of ET's wife!
No. 208724
>>208723Stfu. Where and how did you find her. I’ve been looking for weeks.
Btw your Reddit trolling has me keking for days
No. 208727
File: 1507862835071.jpeg (141.97 KB, 750x612, CE5B630F-B9AF-40EA-BFB9-F3BD71…)

No. 208730
File: 1507864056996.gif (103.47 KB, 220x123, FC2D7925-2EE0-4964-90E8-57FBF0…)

>>208728You’re killing me.
Also he needs his lap bitch to prove he has a big dick.
No. 208731
File: 1507864221567.gif (131.11 KB, 220x154, FD860791-ADA8-47DF-A65C-69BDBB…)

>>208729Persey’s probably looking at it on her computer screen like
No. 208736
>>208733He probably doesn’t even want to fuck her. He’s just projecting so he can convince himself that he wants to look into those beady psychotic eyes.
Also, ot, but newfag here, is the other thread going to be unlocked at any point?
No. 208742
>>208740Plot twist: his wife leaves him for a white man.
I would die from laughter
No. 208752
File: 1507873982297.png (108.27 KB, 430x383, wut.png)

>>208727>>208693so was persephone pretending to be fighting with ET and come on here posting?
do they think we are all asian girls here? ill do a timestamp with my masterrace pink nips so tendie/pers will fuck off thinking that only asian women and white men think AMWF is fucking disgusting.
i assumed the majority of posters here were females from western countries/europe (and a minority of non-whites born in those countries). No. 208753
>>208745I'm sure her massive ass has plenty of surface area to absorb bucket loads of cum
>>208748You must be Tendie himself. What's wrong? In denial that you're married to a not so "super cute hot pretty chinese girl". You pathetic little mutt
No. 208768
File: 1507881413990.png (10.24 KB, 557x77, an7Q3d4yQPCl8syRVNDAww.png)

few hours he to be cock blocker to Daniel (Hide in my room) youtuber. He try go online and warning girl about Daniel.What a low level dick move.
No. 208770
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He thihk hes all high and mighty because he think hes right bout his stupid agenda. Most of hapa reddit are bunch of incel. Daniel get fucking laid
No. 208775
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He never had a wife. That's why the sexpat accusations never hit home like the small dick jokes. Why address something that doesn't apply to you? WMAF mainly triggers him because it reminds him of his own failures in China.
No. 208781
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No, those pics are almost 10 years old. He's just trying to lean on those nerdy classmates to look alpha for the photo.
No. 208782
>>208753I am pure Aryan Swede with a Cambodian wife.
Or maybe you're Tendie himself? You have like one million posts on reddit, 10k alts, do "art" and yet have time for a wife? HAHAHAHA.TENDIE TENDIE TENDIE. MY SWEET TENDIE TENDIE.
No. 208812
>>208782straight white male get off lolcow now
also AFWM is just as disgusting as AMWF
No. 208818
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>>208752Perse also thought PULL was full of mean Asian girls even though most of the posters are white American, mixed etc. lol
I don't doubt this thread has attracted male posters that out themselves like the idiots they are but if they think we're all either just Asian girls or male posters, I don't even know what to say to that. As if other Westerners wouldn't find their personalities and antics disgusting.
No. 208820
>>208752>do they think we are all asian girls here? Yup. They assume we're either asian girls (less common) or white guys (more common) who are pretending to be girls as part of some wider, more elaborate strategy to demoralize them.
On sites like TRP they call this psychology a "cope" (short for "coping mechanism"). It seems applicable since in the case of ET and a lot of asian men on reddit, since they've turned white women into Madonnas who are going to save them (and Asian women become the "whores" by contrast) - to me this makes sense as their only exposure to white women is basically through the weeaboos with asian boyfriends who get posted there (e.g. Persephone), so they assume this is what white girls in general are like. Asians aren't the most sociable of people so they tend to come up with broad brushstroke generalizations about people based off of one or two anecdotal experiences.
Simply put they believe that all white women are these kind, gentle creatures who want to help downtrodden asian men like them, and the only thing that stands between them are cruel asian girls. It's a sort of confirmation bias.
I'm white but I'd be interested to get an asian girl's take on all of this, since among my old con friends none of the asian girls cared much who asian guys dated (they all had white or hispanic boyfriends). Therefore I'd be really surprised to hear if this were a common thing, I've simply never heard an asian girl complain about it, even subtly.
>>208757I'm uncomfortable with this. ET is an asshole of the highest caliber but his wife has done nothing to anyone, you should leave her out of this.
No. 208824
>>208723>>208757How did you find it though?
I don't particularly hate her for rejecting him.
No. 208831
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Found this on 4chan and it made me couldn't stop laughing, seems topical.
No. 208840
>>208831So this…. is the quality… of uncherrypicked weebs/koreaboos…. woah!
No wonder these guys think Venus or Kanadajin are some sort of models.
No. 208847
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>He's still doing it!
That anon above was right, the easiest way to trigger him is to post WMAF or mock AMWF couples, he can't resist the desire to shoot back and reveals himself immediately.
No. 208851
>>208820I've noticed that even when white girls are racist, they get less vitriol from Asian guys on Reddit than Hapa/Asian girls do.
Chloe Bennet was dragged multiple times through the mud for being a hypocritical Asian activist and dating a white guy despite being super white-passing herself and they routinely roast Asian-American women with the most savage insults for things no one else gives a crap about. However, posts about racist white women only receive luke-warm reactions and far less outrage. It's also common for them to claim white women make better Asian allies than Asian women. I wonder what they think about quapa girls. I guess, they only like pure whites.
No. 208856
>>208851It shows how sheltered they are, their only exposure to white women is through pre-qualified selection of online personalities or people who like asian men - obviously it's going to paint a flattering image.
I mean really, you can find black women saying the same thing about black men, white women saying the same thing about white men etc if you dig hard enough on social media, since its a clusterfuck of every conceivable different view by definition.
Everything they claim asian women say about asian men I've heard white women say (small dicks, unmasculine, anti-social, creepy, weird etc), but never heard a single asian girl say.
No. 208857
>>208856>small dicks, unmasculine, anti-social, creepy, weirdIt's all true though. Even red-pillers are more in touch with reality with these guys.
>I'm doing something… fairly weird.
>I'm making a business card, and my mother, fiancee and I will be carrying them. They will have links to Asian subreddits (not /AsianAmerican) and pro-Asian websites. When we see an Asian male or female in public, we will silently hand them a card and walk away.
>I know it seems silly, but I'm super desperate to spread Asian pride. I've learned so much in my Irish pride groups and I'm determined to spread Asian pride just as hard. My Irish groups support me on this as well. I'm super excited and though it may be silly and some may say I don't belong here for being a hapa… I disagree and I want to spread the messages of Asian masculinity and Asian pride against white washing as far as I can. I think if people knew all I do to masculate Asian men and fight against stereotypes and the sexualization of women, they'd stop saying I don't belong…
>But dammit, I belong here and it's time to represent!Bear in mind that this guy is claiming to be an AMWF hapa with an Irish mother, but you can tell he's lying right off the back because he uses the term "Irish pride groups" rather than referring to anything specific. If he'd bothered to do his research he'd know that there aren't really any "Irish pride groups" on the same scale or level of funding as Asian American ones, and the ones that do exist tend to be things like working men's clubs concentrated in Boston, not some catch-all "pride groups".
Now all of this goes back to a point that a Reddit user called "Logic" was making recently about how people shouldn't take anyone on /r/hapas claiming to be a hapa at their word. His whole thesis is that the majority of the users there are either full-Asian explicitly or full-Asian men pretending to be hapas: No. 208865
>>208857>small dicks, unmasculine, anti-social, creepy, weirdIt's all true though. Even red-pillers are more in touch with reality with these guys.
>I'm doing something… fairly weird.
>I'm making a business card, and my mother, fiancee and I will be carrying them. They will have links to Asian subreddits (not /AsianAmerican) and pro-Asian websites. When we see an Asian male or female in public, we will silently hand them a card and walk away.
>I know it seems silly, but I'm super desperate to spread Asian pride. I've learned so much in my Irish pride groups and I'm determined to spread Asian pride just as hard. My Irish groups support me on this as well. I'm super excited and though it may be silly and some may say I don't belong here for being a hapa… I disagree and I want to spread the messages of Asian masculinity and Asian pride against white washing as far as I can. I think if people knew all I do to masculate Asian men and fight against stereotypes and the sexualization of women, they'd stop saying I don't belong…
>But dammit, I belong here and it's time to represent!Bear in mind that this guy is claiming to be an AMWF hapa with an Irish mother, but you can tell he's lying right off the back because he uses the term "Irish pride groups" rather than referring to anything specific. If he'd bothered to do his research he'd know that there aren't really any "Irish pride groups" on the same scale or level of funding as Asian American ones, and the ones that do exist tend to be things like working men's clubs concentrated in Boston, not some catch-all "pride groups".
Now all of this goes back to a point that a Reddit user called "Logic" was making recently about how people shouldn't take anyone on /r/hapas claiming to be a hapa at their word. His whole thesis is that the majority of the users there are either full-Asian explicitly or full-Asian men pretending to be hapas:
No. 208868
File: 1507911095768.jpg (112.54 KB, 686x356, 1507837462226.jpg)

The Yellow Incels just did a multiple man AMWF raid on 4chan. Mods deleted it pretty fast. I'm disappointed in how weak the average /pol/fag's knowledge is of these raids.
No. 208869
>>208868they've been doing this for years constantly, nothing new.
>>208865>I'm making a business card, and my mother, fiancee and I will be carrying them. They will have links to Asian subreddits (not /AsianAmerican) and pro-Asian websites. When we see an Asian male or female in public, we will silently hand them a card and walk away.Is this nigga serious? lmao!
Any normies who actually look up the links will start trying to bleach their skin immediately in cringe and embarrassment.
No. 208872
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>>208869Tenda gets called out all the time now. I think his schizo mind actually believes we don't know he's there.
Protip: silence means yes.
No. 208874
>>208869The proper word is nigger, you BBC worshipping cuckold.
These dirty race mixers pop out from everywhere like fleas on shit.
No. 208879
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EurasianTiger and co made me want to muhdick Asians.
Got a problem with that? Take it to them.
No. 208886
>>208865>When we see an Asian male or female in public, we will silently hand them a card and walk away.that is the most pathetic thing ive ever read
>>208868/pol/ has more important things to tend to than AMWF annoyance threads
No. 208888
>>208831Dear god why does it seem like %80 of all amwf couples on the internet have a mentally ill, psychotic, weeb, ugly, or fat as fuck white girl in it?
Like a good decent amount of the cows here are white girls that are delusional and think they’re asian and that Japan is so fucking awesome, and then there’s theses narcissistic hos like persephone who just plain make white people look bad.
This makes me wonder what people think of me and my husband when we walk down the street because we’re an AMWF couple. I don’t think I’m asian and I definitely don’t aact like these hos.
Eurasiantiger is bringing disgrace to the already shitty reputation that AMWF couples have on the internet by letting that narcissistic psycho in his life, creating all this drama and publishing his and her dirty laundry.
I just want a quiet peaceful life and not worry what people think about me and my husband holding hands and this whole situation is just making it worse.
No. 208890
>>208888>Dear god why does it seem like %80 of all amwf couples on the internet have a mentally ill, psychotic, weeb, ugly, or fat as fuck white girl in it?Because people with self-esteem generally marry someone of their own race and want to have children that resemble them in some way. Not to mention a wife or husband they can relate to, in-laws that are less likely to be racially hostile, less chance of culture clash, less chance of kids being pitted against their parents on racial grounds.
Especially if you're white. I mean there is literally no upgrade if you're a white man or woman. Why do you think so many Asian men and women spend their lives thirsting for a white partner/spouse to begin with? They're clearly not that satisfied with the way Asian people look, so why would any white person want to muddy the same genes that these Asian dudes worship?
No. 208891
>>208889Also this.
Asians just look so different to white people, and other Caucasian people like Hispanics and Arabs. People who don't like themselves want to look into their partner and see someone who doesn't remind them of anything about themselves.
Weeb social scenes are full of self-loathing, mental instability and worse. It's no wonder these relationships are so fucked up.
No. 208895
>>208891White people will disagree with you strongly.
Hispanics and Arabs are not even the same thing.
This is just Jewish logic.
A Jewish person pretending to be White.
No. 208896
>>208895Semitic people are stil Caucasian, and more closely related to Europeans than East Asians are, who are just about the most alien people on Earth from a white person's perspective (culturally and physically).
>This is just Jewish logic.>A Jewish person pretending to be White.Tenda my son, you're too obvious. Too easy to pick out of a crowd. Especially on a board with comparatively low traffic like this.
Aren't you meant to be in your thirties? Don't you have a career, or hobbies of any kind?
No. 208898
>>208896Excuse me, having a different opinion
doesn't mean you can try pulling that card of you must be this person or that person when you disagree.
Address the matter at hand.
No. 208899
>>208898>doesn't mean you can try pulling that card of you must be this person or that person when you disagree.We already know you've been coming here regularly, as your reddit comment history shows. No one else has a vested interest in disrupting these threads. No one else is as
triggered by WMAF and obsessed with lionizing AMWF as you are (and perhaps some of the yellow incels from other subreddits).
Don't even bother. You're not going to convince anyone.
No. 208900
>>208896Address how White and Black communities have been affected by Jewish influence.
It has been very damaging.
I fail to see how this even helps White women have White husbands.
You have Black women who themselves are in support of what Eurasian guy says.
Where do the Black women stand? they face alot of racial issues.
No. 208901
>>208889I’m definitely not a weeb. I can’t stomach anime and I don’t like the music. I wanted to learn French before I met my husband!
>>208890None of this makes sense or applies to me… what the fuck is “upgrade” that sounds so dumb.
No. 208903
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This is what happens when you race mix(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 208904
>>208899You don't like Asian people that is your business.
What do you say about Black women who agree with that hapa?
You are not just going to call them black incels and be done with it.
Listen, if you are White female, have a White husband.
Races stick with other races.
No. 208906
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No. 208911
>>208908If you want a White husband, why do you even care about Asians at all.
The only people that want to play race games are people with mixed race parents or in a mixed race relationship.
Sadly, White women have alot of problems with supporting your own White males race mixing.
No. 208913
>>208912Just like chatrooms.
I doubt you can seriously be a female at all.
No. 208924
>>208723This Youtuber FactzKnight seems to have leaked the wife's pic.
Is his agenda to promote White male and Asian female relationships?
How are White women going to address these kind of problems of White men promoting race mixing over the interest of White women.
Are any of the White women in here willing to go for FactzKnight?
FactzKnight is no different to EurasianHapa.
No. 208930
>>208929The total global White population is below 9% compard to 27% five decades ago.
How is this helping the White population?