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No. 208335
Old thread:
>>>/ot/204719/r/hapas and /r/aznidentity thread:
>mod of /r/hapas and poster on /r/aznidentity>obsessed with white women>claimed to be a handsome Ivy League grad who moved to China to be with his "wife">cheats on his "wife" with an ugly Greek weeb who has a husband>spams AMWF porn on 4chan and other sites>pretends to be a black man on lolcow>calls his detractors butthurt white boys No. 208342
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No. 208345
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No. 208346
>>208342we might be getting some posters from aznidentity since they posted about us yesterday, so a plastic surgery monster that strips for incels is the best they can get
No. 208347
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>>208343Don't talk to me or my wife's boyfriend ever again.
No. 208350
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>>208347"AMWF couple tend to be very attractive and healthy"
"With AMWF it's two attractive people with good genes"
No. 208375
>I have not an inch of regret calling her a sundried potato, a bitch, crusty dried mayo and a feta cube.KEK
Eurasian Housecat is the only dumbass besides Kim Du Cuck who likes Persephone. Anyone who sells their nudes for a dollar is nasty.
No. 208378
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No. 208391
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>>208388>>208389jankinoff was former forum buddies with spencer was a mod on lookism and jankinoff was a bbc troll who ran alt games
kwoppa is alt by jankinoff/supportlocalsluts/bbctakeover for the purposes to shit on asians he dislikes so much
jankinoff's reddit hapa parody account
the reddit kwoppa account uses alot of lookism terminology, similar syntax, liberal references and his dislike for asians account open on 12/06/2017 open on 08/06/2017
jankinoff was true to his word in wanting to take over r/incels, in the form of a self hating alt
he has done this act before with pretending to be different self hating whites on lookism the british cuckold who loves the black dick
No. 208402
>>208345Lol at timid beta Tendie boy bullying anybody. He was number 1. most likely an RPG nerd himself. number 2. bullied heavily himself. As a matter of fact didn't he already confess on to getting mercilessly bullied?
The guy is a joke. Everything between him and Elliot checks out.
No. 208404
>>208402Jankinoff! It is morning in London.
You miss your RuneScape soulhealing sessions.
No. 208406
>>208387I was never active in the feminism-related Asian subs, but whenever anything related to Asian women's issues popped up (even if it wasn't political at all) these guys were attracted to it like flies to shit and were constantly trying to make the topic about them and their penises.
And god forbid you mention you have a white boyfriend because these guys will stalk you, send you abusive PMs and so on.
No. 208407
>>208406All that soulhealing has turned into sin.
Needs more runescape.
No. 208409
>>208408EurasianTiger (the guy you're replying to) thinks you (and everyone in this thread) is this guy:
>>208391Who apparently plays/played Runescape a lot and posts on reddit.
No. 208416
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Why don't you go make another thread of your mascot STPeach on 4chan?
No. 208417
>>208378Wait what
Tendie’s follower assaults girl and she blames him?
No. 208418
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>>208415Hey, Tendies thinks I'm a fellow incel!
> calls themselves Mongoloids> thinks slavs are top tier No. 208419
>>208416>>208418why did you not commit suicide like you planned jankinoff
is that why u needed religion brother
No. 208422
>>208414natalie_ng from
EasternSunRising sub reddit? she is @toomuchmochi on twitter.
No. 208423
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>>208416they post about that twitch hoe at least twice a day. she's slightly better looking than Persephone
No. 208425
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>>208414>pink>boysdo boys even use lolcow? this is a 95% female forum as far as a know (the rest are gay men that like to gossip).
No. 208432
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>>208425That's true but I think there are more guys in this specific thread who came from /pol/ and other websites just to troll. Can't even discuss flakes and crazy people without guys butting in and spamming the threads.
No. 208433
>>208423I wouldn't go as far as saying Persephone is repulsive, but she wouldn't turn heads anywhere in Europe, not even in the poorer Balkan countries. Haven't been to Murka so can't comment there.
She's also on her what, third marriage now?
No. 208434
>>208425lol'ing at that pic
waste of good genes though.
No. 208436
>>208425This is one of the reasons international marriages never appealed to me.
Imagine not being able to see a trace of yourself in your kids, or worse, being in a position where there is conflict between their father and mother's races and they pick their father's side. From where I'm standing America looks like a racial tinderbox ready to explode.
No. 208439
>>208437>"self-hating, dyed-hair… asian mom"Most young asian women dye their hair some shade of brunette in my experience. Hardly an indication of self-hatred.
>>208436>>208437That's the root of all of this bullshit. They're both white-worshipers, so I don't know how they get off to accusing each other of worshiping whites when it's clear that, asian man or asian woman, both would pick an white partner of equal worth above an equal asian partner given the chance.
In fact it's a long established running joke among my community that Asians "want to be white": Whether it's wanting white partners romantically or for marriage, wanting half-white kids, ingratiating themselves into old timey white people stuff like classical music and wine-tasting as much as possible.
From an outsider's perspective it seems to be an issue specific to asians too. In LA there is no other ethnicity that has this gendered hatred of each other like asians do.
No. 208442
>>208439What's annoying as a YT is that they project this shit onto us and make it our problem, when these mental issues are entirely their own. Bluntly put I don't give a shit if they feel inferior, it's not my problem and I'm surprised that so many whites are there ready to asspat, because the more you encourage these types of people, the worse they get.
I mean FFS, most white people don't even find Asians physically attractive anyway, average white dude would say they're too shapeless and childlike and average white girl would say they don't look masculine enough.
No. 208444
>>208439>They're both white-worshipersYup, it's obvious to outsiders but they're in so much denial, it's not even funny.
Both the male aznidentity crowd and Asian American feminists want to continue dating white men / have success with white women but still want to label themselves as proud Asian American advocates while accusing the other gender of being self hating white worshippers and blaming them for their own respective issues. Their lack of self-awareness is incredible. Both of them are so convinced they're absolutely in the right and the other gender is in the wrong. They actually deserve each other lol.
No. 208449
>>208444Anyone who has spent time with AAs in LA knows this. I can't emphasize enough how hanging out with Koreans and Chinese here gives you insights into just how widespread these really dysfunctional ideas they have about race and dating and each other (other Asian males/females) actually are.
And then when they're called out on it they just blame white people for somehow gaslighting each and every one of them. It's bullshit. Even among my community, even though European features are highly prized, there's nothing like the same level of hostility between men and women for dating out.
No. 208458
>>208425You know what's hilarious? Most of the girls calling out ET and /r/AZ are probably white women
>>208438She's attention seeking and stupid
No. 208466
>>208464I think it's a function of his white-worship, he finds it difficult to believe that white women could ever dislike him (despite his endless posts over the past decade complaining about how no woman wants him), so anyone who finds his crazy as fuck behavior to be, you know, crazy - is either a white man or an asian woman.
It's a coping mechanism of sorts, mixed in with a bit of madonna/whore shit for good measure. White women are the altruistic madonnas, and asian women the wicked whores.
No. 208467
>>208466Hi Jankinoff.
Past dinner time in London for you.
No. 208469
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Is Tenda actually here in the thread?
No. 208471
>>208469I would assume so. Is anyone else ITT intimately familiar with "lookism"? It seems to be a red pill or MGTOW forum of some kind. Reading the old thread it seems like Tenda was a mod there, hence:
>>208465Is probably him.
No. 208473
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>>208469Is Jackinoff only on lookism and reddit? Why would he post in this thread? I think it's just Tenda.
No. 208476
>>208473From what I can glean, the guy accusing everyone of being Jackinoff is Tenda, they used to run lookism together, or one of them founded it or something?
I have no idea who Jackinoff is, but the fact he has caused Tenda this much buttrage makes me want to track him down and invite him to this thread tbh.
No. 208477
>>208474Seems to be a forum where judgemental incels whine about facial features and Chads?
Anway, I hope the mods ban the off-topic trolls. This thread isn't about Jackingoff nor a stupid incel forum.
No. 208481
>>208477So r/incels but website form?
There’s too many pockets of weird shit to keep track of. I have a hard enough time keeping track of regular social media outlets as it is!
No. 208484
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Tenda tell us about that time you ate a white girl's stinky pussy
No. 208486
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>>208485Probably Tenda himself.
No. 208499
>>208498Whatever you say Jankinoff.
You were always an odd one.
Always going about how you were digusted with White women.
I mean you are a Brit!
Remember you used to keep talking about how you found god who cured your sins.
No. 208501
We both know where you stand with White women. I don't believe you even like them very much, so lets not pretend you can even tell the finer points about them.
No. 208502
>>208501I'm not your old forum buddy Tenda. Believe it or not more than one person follows this drama. If you're so concerned that these threads are being gamed by a single individual, then you can ask the mods in /meta/ to investigate.
>the finer points about them.>finer pointsReverse tramp stamps of dubious design quality, a face that looks like a corpse and someone coming up on their third divorce are not "finer points". Persephone is not physically attractive to most Greek men or even European men.
It's cool you're "in love" with her now, but that doesn't change the fact she's an undesirable woman, physically and in terms of her succession of failed marriages.
No. 208504
>>208502You don't know Lookism forum well enough, if you did you will know about the catfishing, trolling and doxing.
Jankinoff was always an A grade asswipe who had always had a word about how crap White women were.
No. 208506
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>>208502I really hope him and Purse-phone (why does she even pronounce it like that? It's not correct Greek pronunciation) get married and he moves over there.
If he thought Anglo society was 'bad' when it comes to 'cultural insensitivity to asian men', just wait until he meets southern europeans…
No. 208507
Nothing changes.
What is funny, you would even call those females sluts and go on about rants how shitty White women are.
No. 208508
>>208506Remember Jankinoff.
You had your fair share of posts on Lookism trolling Slavic guys.
No. 208510
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>>208505I think it's Persephone egging him on to be more 'alpha'
No. 208512
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seems like the aznidentity and hapa creeps are here. Don't get drawn into their boring race debates. Focus on the lolcows.
In other news, Tendas reddit asain male supremacy gang get called out bigtime by a mod on the main asian american subreddit: whole troll network is being exposed lol.
No. 208513
You have been trolling every known race and religion from the day you first started. Go to sleep, it is night time in London. What is the deal with the recent Islam thing? You are going to get heat in London for that stuff.
No. 208515
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>>208512I only skimmed the whole post but did they really harrass her just because her boyfriend is white? lmao
No. 208520
>>208519There’s no wife lolol.
I have a long-winded theory about this. Maybe I’ll post it later.
No. 208525
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Tenda stop shitting up the thread and go masturbate to your own reflection
No. 208526
>>208522Go outside, Tendies!
>>208520His wife is actually a cum filled dakimakura, he's been living in his mother's basement all along?
No. 208527
If Tenda impregnates Persephone while she's still married to Kim Du Cuck will Kim be financially obligated to support the child?
No. 208532
>>208531He exists. He came buckets all over her ass last night didn’t he?
No. 208533
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this nigga actually thinks that women would get jealous over him hahahaha
No. 208534
>>208512That picture made me laugh.
And fucking hell, that link. This is what happens when you let men into female only spaces. Do Asian women even have any spaces of their own where they can discuss their issues, or do dickless Asian dudes just try to co-opt them all?
No. 208536
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>>208515Yeah, it's a common thing. There's a whole imgur full of these sorts of abusive comments they gang-up on random asian women online with.
>tfw you used to think asian dudes were chill No. 208541
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>>208539Let's not be too charitable here, they're generally ugly and effeminate too.
No. 208543
>>208541ET loves talking about how WMAF hapas are ugly serial killers and AMWF hapas are gorgeous supermodels.
Both are vaguely Asian looking with a Neanderthal brow, thin lips, and weak chin from their white side. Sad.
No. 208545
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>>208512>When you're so crazy you think you're "at war" with the women of your race>When your idea of gender relations has been so warped by your sexlessness that you make /pol/ look like advocates for women's rights>>208536This isn't all asian men, mind. Their standard argument is if they don't represent Asian Americans, then how do they have such high sub-counts?
But that ignores the fact that ethnic grievance politics is attractive to losers by default. People living comfy middle class professional lives with families simply aren't going to be overthinking how their Asianness relates to everything from how they lost that DOTA game to why they're a 30 year old virgin in the first place, so ethnic-related subs aren't going to hold an appeal in the first place.
That said there do seem to be more of these people proportionally among asian men than other races. Racist white men exist, but we tend to be at the top of their totem pole.
No. 208546
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>>208525What is it with hapas and Narcissism?
No. 208547
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Who knew that the 9/10 “god” with astonishingly good looks was an angry birds character
No. 208549
>>208546Don't try and segue this into a discussion about hapas, Tenda.
Whenever a hapa exists who doesn't conform to your own expectations of failure, you attack him. Case in point piling on TerryTV because he's popular with Korean girls. Tenda, it has nothing to do with your hapa-ness, your parents were just of low genetic quality to begin with, whereas Terry's were actually good looking. Hence why he can sexpat with the best white Chads in South Korea while you have to resort to bottom of the barrel Greek girls that not even Greek guys want.
No. 208550
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>>208549Whenever a hapa exists who doesn't conform to Tendie’s own expectations of failure, god kills a kitten.
No. 208551
>>208549Wasn't there that other NEET hapa who got his gf stolen by a white dude that they attacked?
I remember him looking really nerdy and his past relationship seemed to have ended badly, but he had a whole history with nothing but Japanese women which enraged the fuck out of them.
No. 208552
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>>208549Tenda hates Terry because hes actually attractive, fit, and popular with women despite being WMAF. Hes so jealous, its funny to see
No. 208554
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>>208552He makes terry tv look like a supermodel and underneath that mask he looks like that freaky looking guy from the goonies
No. 208555
>>208552God he is such an unpleasant, odious person.
This is why being sympathetic to these people gets you nowhere. Same with the full Asian guys who harass women who won't date them. The more you asspat, the more shameless they become.
>>208549Terry could be popular with any group of women because he's good looking. That's what this comes down to. Tenda isn't attractive by western or asian standards, and a lot of asian guys are not attractive by western standards either.
Honestly I'm tired of pulling punches here, why is there an expectation on us that we can't have physical preferences but men can be completely merciless about how we look while looking like an emaciated League of Legends addict?
I'm not a harsh person but I'm tired of asspatting men who just use the emotional support to become crueler and more entitled.
No. 208556
>>208553He has delusions of grandeur. Narcissistic Personality Disorder?
Tendie called Terry a sexpat for working in Korea when he moved to China to find a "wife" to cum on lololol
No. 208561
>>208560You want to feel bad…… want to…..
Then you start laughing.
No. 208578
>>208574In a warzone like Ukraine no less.
Pretty sure by their own standards Ukrainian men are well within their rights to beat them half to death for doing this.
No. 208581
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>>208574ET and aznidentity will drool over any white woman who gives them attention.
Notice how AMWF always includes Slavs. They have to resort to mail order brides lolol
No. 208582
>>208581Couple of Korean students got beaten to death in Russia's Far East some years back for getting drunk and mouthing off about Russian women. Look it up.
Russians don't fuck around with this shit.
No. 208590
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>>208589Non-lolcow user detected.
No. 208609
>>208590Okay I’m reading the kanadajin thread right now.
I’m learning so much!!!!!
No. 208611
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No. 208613
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>>208598He's trying squirm his way out of this by any means necessary. Too bad when his head hits the pillow tonight there is going to be nobody else but him and his thoughts.
No. 208615
>>208611Yeah, speaking of that, isn't it strange how he's now shitposting 24/7 in the US and supposedly still married?
No. 208617
Does this dumbass not know what reverse image searching is?
>>208611It's not too late, Tendies!
No. 208620
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>>208617Tenda really thinks only guys/incels would talk shit about him on an anonymous imageboard.
No. 208626
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i came buckets
No. 208632
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ET rather have black child than white asian child.
No. 208639
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No. 208640
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>Asian father abandoned him
>drug dealer
>murdered Versace and at least four other people
No. 208646
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>>208632Here's audio proof of that too. It's just so unbelievable a person would say such a thing while being (allegedly) married to a Chinese woman. The narcissism of wanting to show off a child as some kind of virtue signalling is so insane. Shows how monstrous he is - far, far worse than either of parents (allegedly) were.
No. 208648
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>had white wife and hapa children
>chokes wife, bashes her head against the ground
>probably abuses his own children
No. 208649
>>208646There’s no wife.
He’s still a virgin.
Last night he claimed he lost his virginity to a black girl whose father died on 9/11
No. 208653
>>208646I get the impression he's an unreliable narrator regarding what his parents were like. There are a number of reasons I feel this way, but I'll give you two clear ones:
1) He's extremely sensitive. He mentioned being
triggered by one of his old grandparents "racism" upon his return to his home state, since she said if he was looking for work, perhaps he should try being a waiter in an asian restaurant. Now this is a bit ridiculous (and kind of funny), but it's the sort of thing you should expect from older people and doesn't sound like it was malicious in any way. In spite of this, Tenda reacted to it furiously. Raging about what a racist his grandmother was. This tells me that by extension, other claims of "racism" he makes are dubious at best.
2) His claims about his mother. Didn't his mother die when he was a kid? How could he have been privy to all of this close knowledge about how "self-hating" she was if this was the case?
No. 208654
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>>208648How about this dude?
No. 208657
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>>208653Tenda Spencer's mother died in 2000. Tenda would've been around 15 at the time.
According to him the "self-hating" was dying her hair and marrying a racist white man.
No. 208660
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30+ year old loser who thinks Ukraine was in Africa marries a 17 year old Ukrainian girl
so alpha, so superior
No. 208680
Okay y’all.
Theory time.
Tenda has no wife.
Maybe someone can help find a timestamp for me but the period between this post(the last post he made before he “got on the plane): this post(the first post he made after the dox: roughly 17 hours. At the time I was tracking two theories: 1.) he was in Beijing as he stated and 2.) he was in Brisbane, as his Facebook profile states.
I looked at the travel time to his small hometown from both, and also assessed the theory that he could have landed in Boston and drove, which would have taken 3 hours. The flights from Beijing to his hometown and the flights from Brisbane to his hometown were roughly 24 hours long, as he stated, WITH two flight connections and layovers. The problem is, that by the time he made the post, it sounded as if he had been in his hometown for at the very least, 6 hours or so. This is long enough to get somewhat settled and see enough family to gather complaints to write about and pretend that he was unaware of the whole trump kneeling scandal. When he posted, the plane to his hometown had landed roughly an hour or two earlier than his posting time.
I only have found proof of him living in china, or at the very least BEING in china, between late 2010 until 2014.
I think he moved to china, he had trouble dating, and then he went back home to Maine and started freelancing and NEETing. He left his profile saying he lived in china until he had some friends from Columbia try to get in touch with him for a trip and then he probably made some bullshit up about being in Brisbane, a city large enough to be impressive, but far enough from Sydney to where ex classmates wouldn’t bother going there to see him.
Of course my flight theory could be wrong if he bought in-flight WiFi. At the same time, things like transit to and from the airport weren’t mentioned in his post. I know from first hand that the Beijing airport is at least an hour away from anywhere expats like to live in Beijing so there’s that too, plus checking in, customs, luggage, etc. the journey as a whole just takes longer.
I think he lied about being in Brisbane to is IRL friends and lied about being in Beijing to his online audience. He’s been in Maine, wifeless, this whole time.
He merely posted that son story, post-doxing, so that if by chance, some person In Maine were to have seen the doxing and then see him in real life, that person wouldn’t be able to call him out.
I also have theories about his /u/artistinstarving main Reddit account posting in r/deadbedrooms and r/suicidewatch
Theory 1: he’s gotten bored of trolling hapas, incels, and white supremacy boards and was testing the waters out to see if he had trolling possibilities there
Theory 2: he wanted Percy to feel bad for him and planted the posts. If this were true he would have “accidentally” given her his main Reddit account, either by showing off his deviantart or by some other way, and if she went through it, she would have seen he was having “marital issues” and he would gain sympathy points with her.
In closing, there is no wife, he made up traveling to save embarrassment and has been living in Maine for 2-3 years, and he posted in deadbedrooms to either get sympathy or to test the waters.
And also why the fuck would sharing a bathroom make you less attracted to your wife? Fucking stupid.
No. 208683
>>208681You sound very racist.
What is wrong with a couple of Muslim gents?