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No. 2050698
thread rules:
>no racebait >no infighting >DON’T reply to bait. REPORT AND IGNORE. >rest of /ot/ board rules apply >farmhands are always watching prev:
>>2045615 No. 2050725
nonny the last thread is tagged properly?
No. 2050741
>>2050646>video game esque songWhich one?
>song length Anon, I was saying my friends thought I was weird for listening to the full songs, not that I think that about myself. I don't care about the length of a song as long as I enjoy it, and the longest songs I've listened to are 23 minutes but they eventually start feeling short because I get used to it. Here's the song I linked
>>2050582>>2050671>they're metal vocalistsThey also have rock side projects and Tool and Opeth stopped doing metal for ages and are more rock oriented now. Idc about CT voice that much, but there are tons of videos on the faith no more guy and his vocal skill, MJK and MÅ both have amazing singing voices and keep improving with age, even opera singers and voice teachers are pleasantly surprised with their singing talent. They don't just scream, if you listened to their music you'd know. Opeth's In Cauda Venenum showcases Mikael's talent, where he hit lots of head voice high notes despite being a baritone and in his 40s, same can be said about Tool's Fear Inoculum and MJK.
>placed 86That's compared to thousands of metal singers in the world, why wouldn't that be impressive?
>>2050711Based af, you get me. Elsia Rosselli and Lucia Miccinilli are brilliant and talented composers and artists. I will not accept any slander of my queens' hard work.
No. 2050749
>>2050741AYRT and iirc it was 'buscaras' by sam medina. Extreme autotune and video game esque digital tracking. Your friends might be weird for not being able to listen to 3min of a song but this has clearly rubbed off on you to the point where you think it's 'unique' to be listen to an entire extremely short song. It's not. Your friends are obviously outliers who don't enjoy music at all.
>They also have rock side projects and Tool and Opeth stopped doing metal for agesYes and they suck at other vocal styles and objectively are not accomplished singers. Getting 86th on a list of metal singers specifically is not, like you previously implied, being acknowledged as one of the world's best singers overall. That's being acknowledged as pretty low on the list of famous metal 'singers' who don't sing by any real definition of 'singing.' Initially the conversation was about rock not metal and you claimed rock singers were widely acknowledged as some of the world's best singers, but you didn't name a single rock vocalist (only metal vocalists) and imo being 86th on a list of metal screamers specifically is not 'acknowledged as one of the best singers in the world' by any standard. Can you mention specific songs if you want people to acknowledge that the singer from Opeth is one of the world's greatest vocalists because even as an Opeth fan in my youth I think he's okay but not amazing.
No. 2050771
>>2050756Yeah but seeing people repeat it over and over again out of context and slapping it all over their accounts and whole insta accounts with just different anime pictures with impact font text "adult human female" makes it feel like they're just parroting another internet brainrot. At best it just makes them kinda sound like dorks to me.
>>2050763It's not really about it as a definition, more about it as a "meme".
No. 2050777
>>2050774That is
not more succinct kek
No. 2050779

>>2050749Had a feeling it's Buscaras but wanted to be sure. It has a funny back story. They made the original rendition of the song, vidrel, for a korean spanish CGI show, and some guy who worked on the remaining OST insisted to put his name on the opening song and copyright it, so they couldn't release it for decades, until for some reason they changed the instrumental. I downloaded the song just in case before it gets taken down or something because it's the only officially released version of the song for now, and I was bothered by the instrumental at first but I warmed up to it eventually for the nostalgia and because I finished rewatching the show a while before the release. I'm hoping they'd release the original version one day, but until then I'll enjoy what I have for now. I think the singer is capable and you can hear his real voice and talent "bleed" through the autotune, and if I'm not mistaken he has other projects where you can hear his voice properly. The autotune was used to fit the sci-fi robotic tone of the show the song was made for.
>MikaelThis song, it's fairly new and he does an amazing job imo, couldn't find a live performance though so sorry for studio version. I've heard some older live shows and I think he sounds good there, like on the live version of "Harlequin Forest". I sing so I find his style very interesting when trying to replicate it, since I have a bit of a low voice and his range is a bit closer to mind than other male rock/metal singers. And he's one of the only 3 male vocalists I actually like the high notes of. Another thing to point out is this the Swedish version, because he sounds better in it imo since it's his first language and singers find it easier to sing in those than im English. Notice how he uses the "cry" (switching between his chest and head voice quickly) to hit high notes, that's a good healthy way to do it and I actually got to use it more because of him. Also pay attention to the "oooooooh" head voice notes in the backing vocals, and remember this is a 40 something guy who smokes and drinks and still sounds like this. The bridge also has some beautiful head voice notes. There's some rasp in his voice though which could be either natural or intentional (I know how to do it intentionally so I assume he's doing it that way) or could very much be vocal damage catching up to him.>>2050752It's really as simple as I explained in the post you replied to. But I personally find metal screaming "beautiful" in its own unique way. It's just so "raw" and feels like "return to monke" but like musically, so freeing. I don't actually do it because I don't want to lose my voice for now, but might attempt it one day just for the fun of it. I know the damage but I kinda don't care, it's just the perfect thing to go berserk with. Bel canto is good as a basis for any style out there so that's why I'm interested in it. But it also sounds very serene and calming and it's a good way to learn how to sing loudly but still sound beautiful, something I struggle with as well as only being able to sing quietly. If I raise my voice it blows up unfortunately. My range isn't bad so far, D3-A5, but I still want to tap into lower and higher notes later on with proper training, since real bel canto starts by building the chest voice before the head voice. I kinda want to "collect" all vocal styles and do them all just for the fun of it, and it's because it's so satisfying to be able to sing a song from start to finish the way it's originally is on the studio version and nailing it, it gives me a sense of accomplishment. It would even feel better if I could scream an entire Cattle Decapitation song or sing and scream a Jinjer song or older Opeth song. It pumps me up with energy and makes me feel "alive", literally only good thing about my life tbh.
No. 2050784
>>2050774Yours sounds worse, but I actually think it's pretty cool when XX alone is used as a symbol of women in a visual sense or when naming stuff.
Kind of unrelated, but I think it's cute how women on radblr call each other gyns.
No. 2050813
>>2050779Is what you linked the original song? Because the one you linked is almost entirely autotune too. I just think it's funny you were shitting on electronic/digital music but so many of the songs you posted in your 'top 100 most listened to songs' are basically pure EDM/digital music. You said you mostly listen to rock but I couldn't find much rock in there. Then you said rock vocals are impressive but only named metal vocalists.
Re: the vocals on the Opeth song you linked, the singing is just okay. It's very thin in the higher register, although his tuning is good. I smoke and drink and can hit very high soprano notes very cleanly, it's not impressive and I don't believe smoking or drinking damages your voice noticeably unless you're an unhinged addict. I know multiple male singers irl better than this and none of them are on any 'best singer' lists they're just regular local musicians. Vocal fry (most of his technique) isn't an in-demand vocal skill for singers and is often considered damaging for the voice if forced (although vocal fry is actually a relaxed state of the vocal chords). I listened to a live recording of Harlequin Forest too and again it's fine. Nothing impressive or unusual. Nothing I would write home about as great singing. I'm still curious though since you mentioned rock vocals requiring great technique, you still haven't mentioned anyone who's a great rock vocalist… do you have any rock vocalists you think are world-class vocalists?
I am not here to tell anyone not to like metal, I sometimes like metal too and I know some very talented musicians I used to play with who now do metal. I'm just not sure what about these older metal bands (who are still active in many cases) makes you think there's no good or original music being made now. You seem to be listening to mostly very recent music (from the last 20 years) but at the same time deriding music made recently which makes no sense to me. There's tons of music currently being made in all the styles you seem to like and you seem to mostly listen to music that is very recent so idk where the 'old music better' opinion is even coming from in your case except, as you said, living in an environment where you have limited access to modern music.
No. 2050827
>>2050825For the first half (roughly) of their adult lives and then they don't anymore.
'Women menstruate' shows that you know menstruation is not the definition of being a woman but a corollary of that. Adult human female is much more accurate.
No. 2050847
>>2050819honestly it was just because your comment sounded kinda troll-y even if you were just making an accurate factual statement. But you know that.
A normal person would never think a woman who lived long enough to go through menopause and stop menstruating was not a woman anymore so it's kinda weird to make the definition but that goes for the person who wanted to use mentruating in the definition of woman in the first place so… all reterted all the way down I guess.
No. 2050856

>>2050813When did I bring up electronic music or EDM other than that it gets mixed with everything these days? I do hate when a music track is only electronic/EDM/Dubstep, but when there are guitars and vocals and some interesting melodies with some synth -which I don't mind- it can be good, but without all of that it sounds weird and I dislike the way it sounds. And yeah, that's the original song, I think the high notes are part of the singer's skill and not entirely autotune, as I explained the autotune is more of an artistic choice to fit the sci-fi themes of the show the song was used for. Couldn't find anything by the same singer unfortunately but there's the full English version that was on itunes for a while before being taken down.
>vocals discussion Vocal fry
is damaging to the voice though, because it makes the vocal cords move in ways that are unnatural.
I think Mikael is one of the best at the game, he's currently my favorite male singer. Idk if you know this or not but he's self-taught as well with some choir singing background from school but that's about it, I think it's impressive he can do all of that on his own, and I'd say the stuff he does aren't that easy and take time and control over the voice to do, idk why are you so dismissive of it, what would you consider an impressive vocal performance? Don't tell me that you're one of those people who think high notes=good singing or that he needs to break into an opera song with obnoxious amounts of vibrato to be impressive?
>who are the world class rock singersThe names escape me because I haven't got the chance to listen to some of them, but I've seen lots of praise for Axl Rose (I don't like his stuff though) and people like Freddie Mercury and the such.
>20 years isn't oldIt is? But I already showed stuff I listen to from 30 years ago, 40 years ago, 50 years ago and so on, and again, that isn't my most listened to songs, that's my "music I recently discovered" playlist that I manually made. My most played looks different but won't be an accurate representation because I got a new phone last year and moved all files and the most listened to playlist was reset, so now it just looks like a mishmash of my "discovered recently" playlist.
What recent 2020s music sounds exactly like the stuff in my playlist that you've heard of? I'm curious to know. I want something like the Sambomaster song specifically, which I discovered because of the "help me find" thread here.
No. 2050861
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Any woman who ever liked this rat needs to permanently resign from life.
No. 2050862
>>2050847there was no need for twittertard recation gifs. the " not all woman menstruate" reply was factual and made sense in context. this isn't twitter, there's nonneed to assume bad faith or protroon sheanigans.
>>2050855it does if you know what that is, but most people don't. i'm not a massive fan of ahf but it at least has the merit of clarity, it can be understood by the greatest number which is useful in a debate.
No. 2050877
>>2050873BC is what
triggered my PCOS to get very bad in the first place. BC should never be used for PCOS imo. I took bioidentical cyclic progesterone (prometrium) on top of myo-inositol, metformin, and NAC and keto/IF diet before my periods started normalizing, I also ended up developing mild hashimotos and had to be put on low dose synthroid and Ozempic also helped (I know this will be controversial here because people see it as an appetite suppressant drug but it did not suppress, actually increased, my appetite, and was the very last thing I tried after everything else and seemed to increase the efficacy of the other drugs I was taking which already were working)
No. 2050936
>>2050928Me too and in my area most of the women are single mothers with
toxic baby daddies and they’re happy. I don’t even think for one moment their lives being terrible even crossed their mind, theyre kind of like dogs because they can’t have conscious thinking even if they tried. As long as they have some “good dick” and weed/alcohol they’re happy.
No. 2050966
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Tuxedo Sam is the cutest Sanrio character. It’s sad he’s not part of the main lineup.
No. 2051107
>>2051103Bingo. Majority of porn stars are women who got into such because they were living in poverty and/or
abusive situations, the economy made it extremely impossible to move out and be able to support yourself. Even in the sex work thread majority of discussion revolves around women wanting to leave SW or how they got into it because of an emergency situation. Even a lot of girls who try OF are normie women who are living with someone
abusive and trying to make the funds to move out. It's very rarely privileged women who have other financial options just getting into it to be cool or something like bar tender anon keeps trying to push
No. 2051501
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Fuck this guy and all "historian" moids (men don't know anything about history). I'm convinced the only reason why moids shill Herodotus "the father of history" is because he's basically an isekai self-insert for wannabe male historians. Does he get some stuff right? Sure. But NOT about the Persian empire, which is the only fucking thing I care about.
No. 2051515
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Seattle residents are fucking weak. Reddit keeps recommending me their forums and all they do is complain about the weather and finding passed out junkies in random places. I for one would simply pull down his pants and take photos of his little weenor.
No. 2051576
>>2051564Societal pressure and it's consequences. It's not really their fault. Women have to look put together in some places just to be accepted in society and work at their job. Plus being clean and wearing nice things is enjoyable on a personal level. The amount of effort you put into your looks doesn't always correlate with the amount of male attention you get, you can get catcalled even if you put little effort into to your looks especially if you're naturally pretty so of course they might as well stacymaxx and get the full benefits along with the bad.
Getting old is really the only way to become invisible.
No. 2051610
>>2051607I don’t know any women who do sex work so idk. I quit and get fired all the time, I’ve had like 4 different jobs this year. Do you know what I do? I apply for somewhere else and get another job. Most sex workers wouldn’t wanna work at Burger King or some shit because the money isn’t fast enough and can’t work around their
toxic life style.
No. 2051613
>>2051610There's literally prostitutes in the sex work thread proudly declaring how they'd slave anywhere else or work in literal sewage if it got them out of sex work. Also weird you swear up and down all sex workers are on drugs no exceptions and then admit you don't know any kek
>I apply for somewhere else and get another job.So now not only do you deny the fact American employers power trip and fire way too much but also deny the fact it can take months to get a new job in most America's and that majority of employers ghost? Kek
Listen - you can think it's stupid, you can look down on prostitutes and everything else. Denying the main economic issues has got to be the most counterproductive thing I've ever heard in my entire life
No. 2051625
>>2051619ntayrt but if i’m a retard who can pay her rent without stripping in one of the most expensive cities in the U.S. i guarantee you can too. i believe in you
No. 2051628
>>2051623You realize majority of women, if they get fired and can't find another job fast enough to make rent and end up getting evicted, majority of them have the option of living with parents, partners, friends, family, etc, right? Most sex workers have zero support systems, most normie women if they get fired, evicted or whatever else can just move back in with mom and dad. Hell even if a woman wanted to return to college most normie women have some sort of support as in maybe someone will pay her rent, maybe someone will let her live there for free, etc. that's not the reality of women looking to sex work to survive. Maybe try educating yourself on these sorts of situations rather than immediately dismissing them as too lazy and stupid to do anything?
No. 2051642
>>2051633Do you ask each woman individually what she does when she's struggling? Most poor women I know always have family and friends she can couch surf with. What exactly are "other solutions" if a woman is a day away from being evicted with zero money?
>>2051636This was literally her reply when an anon told her to do just that because "only stupid people think you get jobs by applying online"
No. 2051655
>>2051646Yet you're just as credible as everyone else, at the same time when you're desperate you'll try anything, especially when multiple boomer-esque people swear on their lives that's how you get a job
>>2051648You know you're privileged when you never had to use these things. Medicaid only covers medical care, food stamps requires steady employment in most states and most section 8 rentals not only require employment but most states have 2+ yr wait-lists. Also job corps isn't available in a lot of areas
>>2051650That's… What she was doing… Applying online constantly, when she complained about not hearing anything back (like most people do nowadays) an anon called her stupid and told her to go in person
No. 2051657
>>2051655>food stamps require steady employment Lmao since when? As soon as I got a job they took me off food stamps because I made too much
>jobcorop isn’t available everywhere Then move. Jobcorp will pay for your greyhound ticket to live on campus. I’m from detriot but I went to jobcorp in Cleveland Ohio and they paid for me to get there.
No. 2051662
>>2051657Food stamps in most states require employment,job%20if%20it%20is%20offeredAlso you literally admitted to being taken off as soon as you got a job but think she can just walk in and get it ?
>Then move. Jobcorp will pay for your greyhound ticket to live on campus. I’m from detriot but I went to jobcorp in Cleveland Ohio and they paid for me to get there.Proof? Everytime I tried to use job corps I got ignored constantly
No. 2051670
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>>2051662The fact that you used “well jobcorp isn’t in my area!” Is just proof you’ve never even tried. They want to see you trying to get a job but you don’t need to have one to get ebt.
No. 2051674
>>2051671>it's just literally the most common job adviceFucking
so? If you really need a job, you would pay attention to all forms of getting a job. Online and in-person. Go in person, apply online, and apply online at least ten times a day. Most common advice? The real advice is to quit acting like a fucking quitter.
No. 2051681
>>2051673Probably because if you're getting assaulted either way it's better to do so when you're making more money and have your own rules
>>2051670What state is this? Mine requires paystubs to even finish the application.
literally does just that>WOWWWW I CANT FUCKING BELIEVE YOU LISTENED YOU GOD DAMN FUCKING THICK BRAIN STARVE THEN DUMB CUNTFurther proof anyone who has an irrational hate for people who just are unlucky are typically not very intelligent
No. 2051693
>>2051674>Fucking so? So the whole thing about her taking advice from LC was wrong. Do you not know how to follow a discussion?
Anyway, why are you assuming anon didn't apply to any jobs online though? She did say that she applied to jobs online.
No. 2051699
>>2051691How retarded do you have to be since like 20 damn people told you she was doing just that
>Muh employment agenciesI'm convinced you're too stupid to try these programs or you had a good experience and dismiss others. Here job agencies straight up tell you they have no jobs kek
No. 2051726
>>2051720Yes? That's how homelessness and starvation is. People, quite literally just let themselves die
>>2051722Interesting how fast anons will go from "all gen z girls do porn" to "most women don't do sex work!!!". Either way you bring up the same exact thing anytime this has been brought up for the past few years, even when anons went out of their way to spoon feed you loads upon loads of evidence and explanations you don't even bother and just repeat the same thing
No. 2051751
>>2051740Sounds great to talk about how better you are than survival sex workers until your tent gets raided and you get beaten and everything else
>Inb4 prostitutes get killed too!!Yeah but at least in those cases you can afford to move, you can afford a safe hotel room and everything else, when you're homeless on the street you can't even sleep in a safe place
No. 2051757
>>2051751Sleep in your car then and work until you can find a roommate on Craigslist or something
>BUT WAHHHHH I DONT HAVE A CAR!there’s always gonna be an excuse huh?
No. 2051845
>>2051833>are you implyingI said straight out what I mean dumbass
>Most sex workers get raped all the time.So did I. At least sex workers get paid. At yet some women in my position get lucky and find a man who is ok to marry and simply live in a gilded cage
>I’m talking about able bodied healthy womenAnd I was responding to a post about women who were disabled and/or with no support systems so why did you reply to me with your bullshit?
No. 2051869
>>2051867So then why does it matter what side they picked? She’ll get shit either way. Point is that disadvantaged women with no support systems are demonstrably
not doing fine, like anon tried to claim.
No. 2051888
>>2051883If you’re able bodied enough to handle
abusive johns/tricks, pimps, can take take dick 8 hours a day and are smart enough to deal with people trying to scam you then you can get your ass in a wheel chair and roll your ass down to Burger King and fill out an application. You can’t be that dumb if you’re able to be street smart enough to sell ass. Usually the sex workers claiming they can’t work because of their “disability” claim their disability is anxiety. If you cna deal with the harsh life style of sex work you can work retail.
No. 2051889
>>2051886If you can understand why women in 3rd world countries will sell themselves, you can understand why women in similar collapsing economies sell themselves too
>But they don't have education!!A lot of countries like Thailand actually have multiple education programs for women and Americans even send volunteers there for the purpose of educating women
>They don't have rights!!!As if America doesn't have a million loopholes for child marriage, abortion, wage gap, etc
Surely why aren't you screaming your damn head off at them to sleep on the streets, join the programs, and everything else?
No. 2051899
>>2051897Well for starters, if you'd let me respond before making up my response that would help
Secondly, because of the lengthy job process a lot of people need money ASAP, women escaping abuse can't exactly afford to live on the street until an employer decided to respond, imagine if a woman was trying to escape an
abusive relationship and needed money ASAP for life saving medication and employers are just ghosting left and right that would be fucking insane. I remember running away from my
abusive parents at 17, I quickly went to the shelter luckily but imagine if they hadn't accepted me, nowadays all shelters are full and have exclusive qualifications. Of course I guess getting revenge on evil whores not trying means more than trying to have debates on making a better country for the next generation I guess?
No. 2051905
>>2051904I don’t hate them. I just see them as adults who made the choice to do sex work because it’s quick money, I don’t see them as
victims but you want me to see them as
No. 2051938
>>2051934>omg you’re obsessed Typical lolcow deflecting tactic, what next you’re going to say I’m a scrote?anyway kek
You want me to believe that sex workers are just people doing it because they need a place to stay or money for medication but that is false. Most of them are just drug addicts or attention whores. If they wanted a real job they could get one. The end.
No. 2051946
>>2051943Except online SW wasn't even mentioned in the conversation about survival
>Muh statisticsYou pulled up statistics about street workers, lot lizards, etc. can you pull up a SW anon who mentioned drugs? I haven't even seen drugs mentioned, it's all just girls who are desperate for shelter, food, bills, etc, you know, the people you claim apparently don't exist
No. 2051947
>>2051945I respect anyone who has never harmed me, so I respect sex workers but I don’t think sex workers are in their situation because they can’t find a job. They’re in their situation because they’re crack heads. I don’t need to make up some fantasy in my head that sex workers are innocent college girls who can’t find jobs to respect sex workers. The problem with most people is they need to come up with some
victim story to be able to respect people who lead terrible lives, I can accept them for just what they are and respect them.
No. 2051949
>>2051932ayrt nutella isn’t an american food though?
>>2051944i’ve never tried nutella and jelly hmm
No. 2051970
>>2051966Sorry anon there's way too many resources for you to not educate yourself. We're entering a recession but thanks to people like you who will deny it's even happening it won't ever get fixed lol
>>2051967There was one on reddit that was posted in the previous thread of a woman claiming she'd happily work at McDonald's if it meant she could get out of sex work, there's also loads of sex workers on lolcow complaining about the same thing
No. 2051991
>>2051947There are literally billions of people in the world, retard. Not every sex worker is a crack head or attention whore. Your ignorant beliefs aren't the whole of reality. There are more reasons than crack and attention. Why admit so openly that your world view is so limited and that you completely lack any compassion or understanding for women in difficult circumstances? Because you've never been in them? Because you
have and because of a mix of luck and hard work you managed to pull yourself out of the gutter? Was your mother a drug addict or something? Sounds like you just have a vindictive hatred of drug addicts and are completely incapable of looking at the world outside of your own stupid mind.
No. 2051995
>>2051986If you’re getting into sex work because the economy is bad that doesn’t make sense. 1. Most sex workers don’t make much money 2. The scrotes buying sex services are also broke and they don’t have the money to pay for it. That’s why the strip club industry is dying.
If the economy is bad scrotes don’t have the money to pay for sex.
No. 2052005
>>2051995>Most sex workers don’t make much moneyYeah on onlyfans, which no one was referring too. Just a quick look at escort pages I see normie looking girls charging 400-800 a session, even if they see 1 person every other day they're making more than most people in the US
>The scrotes buying sex services are also broke and they don’t have the money to pay for it. That’s why the strip club industry is dying. If you want to seem credible you should really include more aspects than just a narrow subset of SW. Sex work is a huge umbrella, it's not just stripping, not just onlyfans, not just escorting, etc. if it made no money no one would do it, desperate women who could make more money doordashing would've just chose doordash anon. Why are we even having this discussion if you believe sex workers aren't selling anything and no one is buying? You're not making any sense
No. 2052026
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>>2052021You think drug dealers don't invest in education or business or anything like that? Like come on, you think these people are just able to buy lambos and mansions because they're pissing their money away on drugs?
No. 2052045
>>2052041You don't have to be rich or have rich parents to simply just have parents nice enough to let you stay in their house. There's women in trailer parks who have parents that allow them to couch surf, if your parents kick you out at freshly 18, shelters are full, family doesn't help, and jobs aren't replying what are you supposed to do?
>Inb4 just starve and be homeless then!!That's the point… It's often times between prostitution and homelessness, not much of a choice, especially women who live in high crime cities where they're going to be trafficked anyway if they're a young attractive homeless woman but not see a cent of what they make
No. 2052059
>>2052056Job corp, church charities, YMCA
Lots of places that don't have to deal with taking dick. But boy you seem plenty sure your stawomwen ends up sucking dick, kinda weird
No. 2052062
>>2052059>Job CorpYou've already been explained why it doesn't work out for multiple people. There's been multiple people being reported to have been ghosted by job corps in 23-24
>Church charitiesYeah food pantries, almost no church charities will help with shelter, the ones that do you often have to "qualify" for, aka do drugs, be battered, have kids, etc. and on top of that a lot of those have wait-lists
>YMCAAgain going back to wait-lists and qualifications. Due to the recession that you don't think exists almost all charities resources are being exhausted, shelters are completely filled and there's no spaces
No. 2052064
>>2052061How about we try this again instead of psycho sperging
What do you suggest women do who have no place to sleep, shower, etc and are in the process of finding a job?
No. 2052076
>>2052075You shat on my suggestions so why should I care?
I have no fam, I have no friends, I own my own house, so it can be done.
No. 2052085
>>2052077My conclusion wasn't to say "welp just give up and suck dick ladies" my main point is that we shouldn't even be arguing about this in the first place and instead be looking to fix economic factors that push women into SW. Affordable and available housing needs to be pushed, ghost jobs need to be eliminated, we need to push for living wages, social security programs like EBT should update their income requirements, etc
Also charities and such need to be held accountable too. These places shouldn't be ghosting people or turning away non-felon, non-addict normies just because. I've also heard a lot of horror stories of these places pushing people to get unaffordable apartments, to sell their car in a car dependent area ,etc
No. 2052095
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>>2052091Where did you get this information?
No. 2052106
>>2052098We're talking about lower income women who are in the job search process, it's not that hard to figure out. Also aren't about 20-30% of young women unemployed?
>>2052100Glad it worked out for you since everyone is a carbon copy of you apparently
No. 2052118
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Imagine being a wage slave that only gets two days off per week and choosing to spend your Sunday this way.
No. 2052119
>>2052114>Restaurant I can't believe the millionth time the statistics of most major restaurant corps only hiring like 5% of applicants and you will still repeat this
>Nursing homeMost nursing homes also not only have terrible hiring rates but high turn over lot of nursing homes not only don't hire CNAs but fire them very easily
No. 2052127
>>2052124I'm actually a backer of UBI, and want to promote safer spaces for sex workers to exist
I just think your 'all poor girlies are destined to suck dick' a bit misguided.
No. 2052134
>>2052127It's not me, it's the anon who's chimping out because she has no other response when people are trying to explain to her why women in unfortunate situations resort to sex work, she thinks we're just demanding all poor women to suck dick for some reason
>>2052128Well for starters, when discussions arise about how bad the economy is, maybe try not shutting it down by calling desperate people stupid, lazy or blatantly denying main economic issues?
No. 2052163
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Fetishes you're ashamed of is the funniest thread on the site
No. 2052188
>>2052165Yeah and you can’t run a flight of stairs without your heart crying for help, so are you really winning? Also, “eating whatever you want” shouldn’t make you fat, people get into bad eating habits because junk food is addictive for the brain, like drugs. It was designed that way so they could fucking take your money. You would think the fattest nation would be eating the best but they aren’t, it’s just samey junk. Whereas Europeans and Asians eat what they want and aren’t nearly as fat.
I’m in an anachan weight range but I genuinely do have a fast metabolism, which seems to be a sore topic for hamplanets because they want to believe everyone other than them is actually miserable and “it’s good I’m not skinny because I’m not starving myself!” Too bad kek, you have a lack of executive control AND bad genetics.
No. 2052225
>>2052210This is exactly it. Americans are too obsessed with blaming the less fortunate for everything instead of fixing issues. In other countries if you're fat and swearing you're trying everything you immediately get your hormones and thyroid checked, and then put on correct medications. In America you're lucky if you get anything past basic vitals and birth control (which makes you fatter with PCOS). I've literally met women who have PCOS and their doctors haven't even explained to them what metformin is there's no fucking excuse for that
This doesn't just apply to weight btw, just seems like the out of touch "experts" just think suffering people are too stupid for their own good until they're in that situation
No. 2052236
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>>2052230I'm going to go out on the limb and assume you don't ask for the medical history of every woman you meet but there's definitely a good sized community of women with PCOS who are skinny and fit. It almost feels like most zoomer women have it nowadays for some reason. There were some women I was even shocked had it because they had such fit and feminine bodies
That being said if you don't get properly medicated you are going to struggle with weight. If I see a woman with PCOS struggling with weight my first thought is that her obgyn probably just threw her on BC and she isn't getting actual hormone balancing medications
No. 2052253
>>2052244So you what about someone said to the other anon
>>2052230 who said PCOS is caused by being fat? I’m sensing a logical fallacy here.
No. 2052266
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>>2052254What, are you saying fat women can't be prostitutes?
No. 2052282
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>>2052274You people complain about everything
No. 2052291
>>2052276This was my dinner tonight
Two baked drum sticks-400 calories
Two baked potatoes-200 calories
A table spoon of sour cream-60 calories
Cheese cake-400
All together about 1379 calories . Idk how people eat these tiny 300 Calorie meals through out the day. I’d rather to save all my calories for dinner.
No. 2052306
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>>2052300Pic related was my dinner last night which is 910 calories. 1400 calories is barely any food idk how people space out meals and feel satisfied. I’d rather just eat a large big meal at night.
No. 2052321
File: 1718596165059.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.42 MB, 1284x1143, IMG_3382.jpeg)

>>2052313Pic related is what I ate for dinner. Including a slice of cheese cake. You would consider this one meal a binge? People who hate on Omad are clueless.
No. 2052322
My day of eating today (not dieting, underweight)
A jar of peanut butter (co op 340g is 2097.8 calories??) throughout the day
Bar of sugar free chocolate idk.
Cheesy spinach, I had seconds and ate half the pack (450g), probably something like 135 calories for for the spinach and 500 calories for the cheese
Blueberries, like a bowl, probably 200
>>2052306That is not 900 calories. Does the American government pump your food with shit to fatten you up? That is not normal.
No. 2052385
>>2052383Yup exactly no examples because anyone who talks against Omad has no idea what they’re talking about
>>2052384Same. I’m not in the mood to waste my time eating oatmeal or a protein bar when I’m not even hungry.
No. 2052387
>>2052378>under 15001500 isn't the magic number, everyone's calorific needs differ based on weight, height and excersise. If you're on the taller side or excersise regularly you're closer to 2000 than 1500.
I'm not against omad btw it's just bullshit that you think people go hungry throughout the day by eating 3 meals.
No. 2052390
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>>2052388This doesn’t mean much if you don’t know the serving size of these dishes. I don’t wanna eat a tiny bowl of pasta for dinner or some shit like pic related for breakfast. I’d rather not eat at all.
No. 2052416
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the irony of an american telling me, someone from latam, that my country is a functional democracy absolutely does not escape me. lol fucking lmao.
No. 2052418
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>>2052416Most Latin American countries are democracies.
No. 2052460
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>>2052459Unless you consider manicures and pedicures to be art, sure. NTA though.
No. 2052531
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Capybaras are not cute and I am sick of how oversaturated capybara imagery currently is in things like merchandise and media. They are boring animals devoid of any interesting characteristics. Guinea pigs are cuter and look less retarded.
No. 2052563
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>>2052553Feminism lost a lot of the public support it had ten years ago. Feminists kept hating men, and so men, especially young men, lost a lot of respect for feminism.
(male) No. 2052571
>>2052563Punishing people for pointing out inconvenient statistical trends won't make them go away.
Especially since a culling is coming according to the actions of most governments (drafts, stockpiles, emergency planning). They won't be appealing towards what women want during that time.
No. 2052577
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>>2052572This because I fucking wish feminists were more misandrist. I remember peak Tumblr feminism always included cutesy moid mental health awareness things, male body positivity, support for men who lost custody, etc. all if it fucking useless because no matter the millionth mens mental health thing feminists would attend or spread moids would still run around and swear feminists hate men. Like why are you even helping people who are running around telling everyone you hate them? So embarrassing could never be me
No. 2052608
>>2052605Women trooning out has now become as common as men.
>> because you make a spiteful comment doesn't make it true.
And considering women are 40% more likely to be mentally ill than men
>>'s quite a few attention seekers. Do you think you could apply that to any other societal trends?
No. 2052614
>>2052605it's funny how he got his list ready. Those papers might be pure garbage, as the majority of pro-trans ones ended up to be.
>considering trooning is the final stage of manosphere ideology.Never will not be funny to me, topkek. Right wing moids are so degenerate, just as degenerate as the other moids they condemn, yet they try so hard to never notice it.
>>2052612Is it unpopular though? They all sound trashy to me too, brrr.
No. 2052659
>>2052608>women also troonHU-WHAAAAT!?
is your point?>could you apply ‘women being more likely to have depression and anxiety as opposed to substance abuse’ to other social trends?Kek you tell me, could you maintain a consistent argument or trail of thought?
No. 2052952
>>2052580Left wing ideology is rooted in materialism. This is the only sane ideology.
The traditionalist religious right believe in signs and stories- but none can agree on which (as they are not materialists), they discourage progress, instead wanting to go backwards but not so far back that they become the primaries who existed right up until their god started catching on. These people created thousands of fields of science to try and prove their gods existence yet with every single attempt backfiring they only became more hardline in their rejection of material reality. This is unhinged behaviour.
The liberal right believe in the wonderful market system that does not only collapse every 60 years due to its own logic folding in on itself (a system built on endless accumulation that is destroyed by over accumulation) but survives only due to this logic having metastasised into its process (prosperity, recession, depression, investment) like a retarded ouroboros. Again unhinged
No. 2052976
>>2052592Left wing people are depressed and anxious more. This is not a mental illness but a normal reaction of someone with empathy to the capitalist world system and all the torment it brings. This is also what is lacking in right wingers.
mentally ill right wing people do not consider themselves to be mentally ill much like anorexics or transgenders or people who stand on the road shouting about aliens do not consider themselves to be, as they are living their lives in truman show world where they are so self assured in their delusions they ignore a whole language of side eyes, nervous laughs and embarrassed looks when they speak in company.
This is crucially why there is so much literature on mental illness in leftists as despite being more justified they are more self aware and have sufficient people skills and attention span to entre a study
No. 2052989
>>2052975jealousy of what?
>>2052976no way you grouped anorexia and transgenderism together
No. 2053008
>>2052975Sadly true of the modern left. The left has degenerated into dragging everyone down to same level in an attempt to create equality of outcome, instead of equality of opportunity.
>>2052989But it's true
The anachan thinks she's fat when she's not, the tranny thinks he's a woman when he's not.
No. 2053131
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>>2053105I'm a med from the iberian peninsula, a spaniard, and we do look nearthental too, ever heard of the Berid phenotype? We have almost as much neardenthal dna as the Welsh (a lot). Big aquiline noses are extremely common in Spain and I'd dare to say they are more frequent in the Mediterranean european, african and middle eastern countries than in any other place of the world. Pronounced brows are common too. I have both things, like most of my family, and I find them very attractive on other people, specially on women. My unpopular opinion is that I find anglo women super hot, I will never stop saying it.
No. 2053146
>>2053125Yeah I agree. There are some women on /g/ who always talk about certain races of men and I’m like huh. The only exception to this is Britain, I live here (2nd generation immigrant) and I agree with the anon that says certain populations must have had more incest because I’m SURE there is something wrong with their genetics. My theory is that the proof is in the high rates of blue eyes: the factors that should most heavily influence this trait is low UV rays in the environment + some amount of incest as it is recessive. In Scandinavia this makes sense because they’re so far North, they also look healthy and don’t age nearly as bad despite probably having
less melanin. But the British have such high rates of blue eyes most likely due to their interbreeding, just like their haemophilia probably, and bad aging. Binge drinking probably doesn’t help that one though. I used to wonder why American white people look so much better.
No. 2053157
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>>2053149An aquiline/roman nose is pic related, not to be confused with the hooked/hawk nose or the greek nose, also very common in the Mediterranean
No. 2053179
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>>2052531You’re jealous because you’ll never reach their level of zen. No Guinea pig will ever like you more than a capybara.
No. 2053188
>>2053165>French, Spanish, ItalianThose three languages don't sound anything alike, you need to find better bait or download duolingo
>And Spaniard men speaking their language sounds like the linguistic equivalent of talking in a tranny falsetto voice (thank god Latinos took their language and made it sound sexier)Spanish takes its vowels from basque, which literally sounds harsh as fuck, like most spanish speakers from historical castillian areas. Falsetto is a singing technique that helps singer achieve higher notes, it's has nothing to do with someone's accent, let alone an european spanish accent that naturally sounds dry as fuck. Your hate boner on romance languages and european people is a bit sad
No. 2053198
>>2053146>2nd generation immigrantI feel like you’re just lashing out because brits want you to go home kek. I’m a burger and I promise the average American white doesn’t doesn’t actually look better than Brits. In terms of “inbreeding,” their gene pool is actually pretty diverse, like
>>2053160 said. If you want an example of high inbreeding, perhaps you should look to regions of the world like the Middle East where cousin marriages are still extremely common. I actually find it a bit strange how quick people are to shit on the looks of British people compared to Americans, when Hollywood is currently flooded with British actors who obviously are attractive enough to get roles
No. 2053293
>>2053179Guinea pigs
>domesticated>raised as pets for hundreds of years>meant to be companions for humansCapybaras
>so retarded they just sit there with the same blank stare all day>people perceive this as "zen" rather than them being retarded No. 2053309
>>2053105>I don't know why the rest of the world is so obsessed with trying to "look white". It's because of the simple fact that Europeans are wealthier, and they understand PR. They pick out people who actually look good to represent them in media, not the average person. Instead of seeing through the tricks and/or following suit with their own demographic, many people of other groups stupidly fall for the larp, get pink fever so strong that they ignore when a person is ugly as long as they are white, and start trying to "look white". There's a reason you will see more women along the lines of Kaya Scodelario or Emma Watson (and not Maisie Williams) representing the UK. People still call Brits ugly because not only are their royal family too ugly to cope about, their media execs didn't realize the international game soon enough. You can still find their older media showing their real average faces.
Some people of other groups assume that if they procreate with a white person - literally any white person with no sense of discernment for pretty white features vs unappealing ones - that their children will come out more attractive. Those people should be punished for inflicting a life of suffering and insecurity on their kids due to their bad choices.
No. 2053457
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>>2053445You're doing the right thing. It would be nice if we could just tell men they're doing the wrong thing and to leave young women alone, but they do not care and will never do that. The only way to fight the old moid psyop is for women to take action, by avoiding geriatrics and shaming women who don't.
Women who date older are genuine morons tbh. They have short sighted, self centred thinking, they don't mind throwing older women (and their older selves!) under the bus if they think it gives them extra leverage in a relationship. I'd rather fucking kill myself than give an older man an ego boost by dating him and validating his delusions about aging like fine wine/women aging like milk.
Reminder to mock male pattern baldness at any opportunity btw
No. 2053468
File: 1718673805582.gif (1.01 MB, 220x220, IMG_1237.gif)

Mods will never autosage this thread and they are going to ban us for doing the same thing they told us not to over and over like a sisyphus loop. They had to get rid of the revolutionary power of the dumbass shit thread and keep this shlop to stop us glorious shitposters from taking over the retard jannyoid race
No. 2053520
>>2053502This doesn't even make sense as an insult. You're the one who has spent time shitting up the site out of autistic frustration because the mods autosaged your aspergers chat room thread.
>>2053517Smells more like discord with a faint hint of troon.
No. 2053526
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Smells Like Scrote Spirit
No. 2053532
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No. 2053561
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I understand that doctors are the people who have to help the baby out of the mother during childbirth in 99.9% of cases, but it still makes me kind of mad that virtually all babies are technically first held by a man in a suit than their own mother or father.
No. 2053585
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>>2053578I'm just gonna give birth in a hospital parking lot so if I'm truly dying they can come and help me but otherwise I can flip off the billing department from their window and expunge that baby out for free right on the monsanto treated hospital grass, no Dr. Scrote telling me to lay down and push on command. He can go tell his father when to push his turd out.
No. 2053642
>>2053592The American flag is hideous.
Look at this shit
No. 2053654
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>>2053642The american flag is gorgeous. And no, I am not american. The american flag is so sexy japanese moids turned it into a sex symbol in the form of bikinis. I have never seen anyone want to fuck any other flag, which proves the american flag is beautiful and you are just jealous.
No. 2053679
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>>2053673I agree the american flag is clownish but to be honest it is quite fitting and I still think it looks iconic.
No. 2053704
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>>2053654>>2053696Reminded me of pic related
No. 2053725
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I just realized that OP forgot to add that this is thread #135. My unpopular opinion is that even if it's superfluous, I like having the threads numbered. Makes it feel like these threads have meaning and weight.
No. 2053739
>>2053737What places? I also know in lower income countries a lot of infant deaths simply aren't reported, especially during homebirths where there's often no record of the woman ever being pregnant to begin with
That being said I feel like the majority of parents online acting like they're better are always bluffing or lying. I even caught my husband telling other women to brush babies gums as soon as you take them home and I was like ?? We didn't even do that kek
No. 2053744
>>2053739For example Ontario Canada has a much higher rate of home births than most of Canada/the US iirc and the government provided stats show that infant mortality and maternal mortality is especially low for the home births (it is low overall though for hospital births too and I know hospital births are likely to be higher because it includes medically complicated pregnancies). But also I think Ontario has pretty strict licensing standards for midwives. I knew a couple women who moved there to get licensed as midwives though and it's a booming industry there so idk.
I also don't really listen to the weird shit parents say online about how perfect they are because it rarely seems to be the truth if you actually know parents irl.
No. 2053779
>>2053769Well she was just playing with them which I found it stupid at the time but I'm not kidding when I say those seemingly uninterested men ended up being desperate for her. People say if you make the first move the guy will lose interest cause you seem too easy for him but that's not the case here
>>2053770Look it can work, and she didn't even sleep with most of them. The catch is that she was smart at choosing her men, she didn't deal with any of the more infamous fuckboys in my area cause she knew they were danger zone but I think you guys underestimate how dumb average men are and how easily they can be swayed by the slightest hint a cute girl likes them
No. 2053782
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>>2053777People who don't respect societal norms aren't usually the most stable bunch
No. 2053799
>>2053793I meant when visiting America, they typically learn basic restaurant norm and regulations
>>2053795Nta but in these sorts of situations you have to rely on businesses not being corrupt in America which isn't going to ever ever happen. Some restaurants or corporations advertise "paying a living wage so you don't have to tip" and all it accomplished was making loads of extra fees, making the food super unaffordable, etc. they'll use rent going up by 20 dollars as an excuse to make $15 dollar plates into $30, you really think they aren't going to use employee wages as another way to price gouge?
No. 2053872
>>2053868My point is yes you see some Asian girls making fun of white women online here and there but white women are
abusive to Asian women irl
No. 2053884
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>>2053827I don't want to engage in the race discussion, but that video reminds me of the case in picrel. Race was a factor here obviously, but I also think envy played a large role.
No. 2054006
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Taylor Swift is doing her job as a pop star, people are just salty she’s really good at it. Not good as in her music, good as in the business. The people who care that she’s monopolizing the pop industry need to listen to other music.
No. 2054132
>>2054126100% truth. idgaf about mom minutia as long as the kids are happy and healthy and both mom and kids have a functioning support system.
>it's all just other moms using the "rules for thee not for me" thingthe number of ladies who brag about doing home births on social media but admit in private that they went to a hospital is astounding. it sometimes feels like they're trying to pull others down. weirdly competitive.
No. 2054140
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Making fun, belittling and harassing female sex workers as a woman makes you no better than a misogynistic man. You are tearing down another woman for absolutely no reason (the idiots who keep clogging the sex work thread with anti-sex work derailment) but to feel better about yourself for being an “authentic” feminist.
No. 2054166
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>>2054140I feel like the issue is that anti-SW seems to be more about shaming women in bad situations instead of helping prevent sex work in the first place. In the 80s-y2k era of sex work it was exactly how anons described (outside of single mom stripper/college girl types), druggies, women who have some form of mental illness and want attention, etc
from what I've seen a lot of discussions late majority of women getting into SW in todays world are simply just suffering from the economy. It just seems like there's been a weird blame-game instead of just discussions on how we can fix the issues. I don't mean this just in terms of SW btw, there's been a weird hatred for tipped workers, college kids, people who work 100+ hours a week and take short cuts like getting fast food over cooking because they're too exhausted to, etc. basically what the blood sucking elites want is to focus on other poors instead of them
No. 2054199
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>>2054197It was a typo you fucking
tard. I deleted it for a reason.
No. 2054230
>>2054226Kek that’s what I was thinking. Is nonna just letting them full pelt scream and doing nothing about it?
I also find it really annoying when kids run indoors. Stompstompstompstomp. Plus it’s dangerous.
No. 2054239
>>2054229It's almost like you can disapprove of sex work without disparaging the women in it.
>>2054234>cum dumpsMisogynist.
No. 2054285
>>2054248A lot of men also have more job opportunities for sustainable blue collar work, any young moid can walk into a construction site and get a job to support their family, blue collar jobs are notorious for laughing off women
>>2054245this, it's all about calling women stupid for not doing x y or z but disregarding the fact or straight up just foaming at the mouth
>WhY dOn'T yOu Go On WeLfAReas if social programs, or hell most "programs" in general can be kinda exclusive to qualify for
>>2054270can't steal a house, light bill, water bill, insurance, medications, etc. Food is easy to figure out its all other bills
No. 2054294
>>2054281men have a lot of advantages as hiring people simply just see them as brutes ready to work. Moids can have literal sex offender charges and no qualifications and get paid 30$ an hour to build houses or mow lawns. I've met several moids who had their good paying jobs handed to them by friends and family all because they see young moids as an easy pick of workers. Hell I built my own house and still don't get taken seriously in the blue collar field yet hectors friends son can just waltz onto the site
>>2054291no1curr about your low quality baiting as if this hasn't been explained a million times
No. 2054308
>>2054297they're not, or if they are it's not enough. aren't like 40-50% of young women unemployed? top of that the ones that are almost all of their entire paycheck has to go to bills. Of course shitty economies don't effect everyone equally, but those who end up in sex work are simply being more effects or have more disadvantages than average. Even just reading the last post on the sex work thread there was an arab anon who lived in a racist area who was trying to get a job but just couldn't, a lot of other posts seem to involve unlucky situations that most people (thankfully) won't get into but the economy can make these situations worse or almost impossible to come out of if you don't make lots of money quickly. I'll see if I can find them
No. 2054318
>>2054297some takes from the SW thread
> I live in a very conservative area and my legal name is middle eastern so I get applications thrown out a lot
>I've done this many, many times, the age old "we'll call back", even used the interview set up, I did get interviews but either got ghosted or baited in switched (spent all the time doing the interview just for them to claim they're not hiring)
>I'd scoop shit out of toilet water with my bare hands 18 hours a day if it got me out of this, too bad employers cant be bothered to email me back
>When I was homeless my city ate up the "poor men don't get help" meme hard, a lot of women's shelters got shut down or turned super exclusive (the only available women's shelter here only allowed you in if you were addicted to drugs), other programs will scream at you about how you don't need help if you e beg everyone in your life first
>so i am in dire straights and i need rent money bad, i need like all my rent by the end of the month my family isnt helping and i am looking for a straight job but man i am out of luck i guess, just the worst things are happening to me, i lost my job, my car broke down. Anons how did you start selling ass? this is my last resort.this is just few, I've also seen anons claim they did SW to pay for her sisters insulin, one was pregnant and was stable for a while but had the financal situation flipped unexpectedly, etc
No. 2054324
>>2054315families are simply just more supportive of men. there's always the age old stories of families letting useless moids stay home forever and make him 3 meals a day, a lot of girls get kicked out and aren't offered as much support, even by the same said families. Also if the man is disabled enough he can just milk that shit by going to a home for disabled people, if a woman isn't able bodied enough to work but is too "abled" to qualify for benefits (easy to do since a lot of women get neglected by the health system) then yeah. I've met moids who literally were able to get a cyst drained, get opioids and qualify for short term disability, meanwhile there's women who have whole ass c sections, or almost die in child birth struggling to keep a job, nevermind paid leave, etc
a lot of it can be traced back to sexism in society, but hating desperate mentally ill women isn't the answer, those women probably think they're trash and that they deserve all the rape and assault in the first place, it's like a form of SH
No. 2054352
>>2054246Nta, it’s still intentionally scrotey objectifying language, just be honest and admit that you’re trying to be punchy and rude because the transfer of money doesn’t change the meaning whether your referring to prostitute or a “slut” or abuse
victims. Of course people will have an issue with the language that you choose to use. Why dance around and try to ‘matter of fact’ it?
>>2054248Wtf are you even saying right now? Most people regardless of sex would not want to be raped and you actually have no idea how men approach “sex work”. You believe that when targeted in the same ways or really put in the same situations, men just turn it down unlike silly little women?
No. 2054371
>>2054360You haven't provided clear evidence at all. The one report you did post
>>2054308referred to summer labor markets for only a small period of time, and for only a narrow band of ages (16-24 year olds). It even says at the end of the report "Unemployment among youth rose by 826,000 from April to July 2023. About 7 in 10 of the unemployed youth were looking for full-time work in July 2023, little different from the prior year… The youth unemployment rate, at 8.7 percent in July 2023, was little changed from July 2022."
This isn't an accurate picture of unemployment across the entire country and all age ranges. So let's see some actual evidence from this year.
No. 2054378
>>2054371>You haven't provided clear evidence at all. The one report you did postbecause you haven't asked what exactly is an anedote since both of things I've stated are pretty common and well known on lolcow
>The youth unemployment rate, at 8.7 percent in July 2023, was little changed from July 2022."that's still ungodly high
No. 2054409
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>>2054387No, you are dodging the point. I'm not stupid. You'd rather I focused on the emotional, anecdotal side of your argument because you're hoping I'll get distracted by that and not ask you, once again, for concrete evidence. Such as picrel. I've highlighted the unemployment rate for 1960 because 1960 in the middle of one of the most prosperous periods in US economic history. The unemployment rate for both teenagers and 20-24 year olds
combined averages out to 11.7%. That's HIGHER than the "evidence" you posted. One of the most prosperous periods in the US has an unemployment rate for young people that's higher than today.
You don't know what you're talking about anon.
No. 2054411
>>2054397You are just projecting. Some people are just hypersexual, maybe it's because they were sexually abused but by the time their brain develops they are enclined to make themselves available sexually. Their brain is also not as developed as yours. For example instead of thinking "It would be so awful to objectify myself by offering my body to strangers" they think "It would be nice to have some extra income by doing this activity". They're just not having meta-thoughts about every single activity they do. Myabe that's a good thing and they're less mentally ill than other people. But there is no point to offer these people this much empathy, they don't see themselves as
victims. Then in the future when they can profit economically or socially from crying about what they did, maybe they will convince themselves they felt bad about the whole ordeal
No. 2054414
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Ice Spice is ugly and her music is ass.
No. 2054443
>>2054201I know these types of women exist because one of my friends is the type who constantly (privately) complains that people just 'shouldn't bring kids' to various public spaces, that she absolutely hates kids in public, etc. except she's polite enough not to actually say anything to the parents but the attitude of some people is there. It's weird because she actually seems happy for her friends who have babies and even says she might want kids herself but she genuinely thinks it's the worst thing ever for kids to be out in public and 'being a nuisance' and I'm like where do you want them, locked up in a cage? I think part of this might be how many parents let their kids openly misbehave but she's gotten mad just for kids being 'underfoot' at outdoor festivals in parks before even though they weren't really misbehaving.
That being said even though I always rather liked kids (not babies but older children) I've noticed an uptick in really really badly behaved kids in public whose parents literally don't give a shit. The last time I was at the airport some 8-10 year old kids were literally pulling on my hair, trying to grab my drink out out of my hand and jumping on my luggage and their mom who was right there and saw them just stared dispassionately and didn't do or say anything.
No. 2054451
>>2054409unemployment is one thing, but regardless of rates those unable to get jobs (or at least full time ones that pay enough, which underemployment is also a thing)
that being said, my post that called "mostly anecdotes" was referring to medical discrimation of women and the fact families are more willing to help men than women, which is true
No. 2054459
>>2054140Women who act as pimps or groomers deserve to get called out and mocked, I'll never respect that shit. Vulnerable women like
>>2054318 just trying to make ends meet don't deserve it, though, and I can't get behind people bashing them.
The problem arises when some claim it's a good/
valid line of work. No one should have to sell sexual acts to live, shit is not glamorous and it's stupid how it's pushed for poor women but never poor men (and even if we bring up the brute strength aspect, no one suggests sex work/OF/whatever to men who are physically weak/disabled or anything).
No. 2054465
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latto looks just like trisha paytas
No. 2054472
>>2054462probably, it's just feels like talking to retarded boomers seeing some of the anons giving "advice" to escape poverty
>job job job and if you can't get a job you're stupid!plenty of people are struggling with finding stable and sustainable employment, it's unfortunately just the world we live in, I assume escorts who resort to this are simply in more dire situations that require more money and fast, possibly having kids, rent due, etc?
>welfare, EBT, gov programs, etcthese sorts of programs, especially government ones have loads of requirments most single, CF, able bodied women won't qualify for
No. 2054475
>>2054069The weirdest standard that I keep coming across lately isn't even about kids while they're kids. It's how there seems to be no cut off age for when a grown mans actions aren't immediately assumed to be his mom fucking up in raising him. No age where he's his own grown person and not just a product of something his mom 'probably' did wrong with no proof to back up the vague knee jerk reaction of there always being a fall guy bad mommy to blame
Seen it used for men so old that I would think their moms might be dead already and still getting blamed for a mans actions.. in the fucking grave with no proof and a few other kids that turned out just fine.
No. 2054484
>>2054478that would require
1)those places to actually hire, from what I know both of these chains have low hiring rates
2) these are mostly tipped jobs, which just goes back to the previous argument of anons having tantrums about tipping and the fact tipping has decreased a lot. Even just seeing things about doordash which use to be a solid 1k a week or so if you work full time you get people foaming at the mouth about how "I DONT HAVE TO TIP YOUR BROKE LAZY ASS SHOULDNT BE RELYING ON MY TIPS". It's like everything you do as a poor person is wrong No. 2054497
>>2054489you think the average john is gonna care if his escort is visibly autistic? or even shy, hell they probably fetishize shyness. Johns aren't going to fire you for being slightly awkward or shy, majority of entry-level jobs will though
also - referring back to the sex work thread an anon mentioned she was facing a bit of discrimination for being arab, being "seductive and charming" isn't going to fix racists who are running the hiring process lol
No. 2054502
>>2054006Every old music vid I click on
> I can't believe people think taylor swift is better than 'insert old artist'And it'll be an artist who is either dead rn or barely seen anymore cos.. that old. They didn't even 'compete' for fame in the same decades. Why tf are people like that
No. 2054528
>>2054514>Those women aren’t successful escorts thoughmost survival escorts aren't successful, they just get by, a lot of them do face bad situations like getting robbed and such. But this also just goes back to
>actually get the job>job has full time hours and enough pay to cover rent, bills, and food, even higher bills for child care if the woman has kids (which is like thousands monthly nowadays)>job also doesn't fire you quicklyyou can blast me for this, but a lot of it simply just isn't reality for a lot of people, even those with steady employment are taking out multiple CCs for bills, didn't CC debt reach like 1 tril this year? nevermind payday loans, borrowing money, etc
No. 2054537
>>2054530there can be multiple factors, programs, prostitution, etc
also a lot of moids actively choose to be homeless, I've seen moids be able to couch surf their entire 20s and no one says anything but I've seen women get accused of mooching for even staying a night at someones house
No. 2054549
>>2054548samefag post is here
>>>/ot/983207for those interested
No. 2054581
>>2054575she never said she wasn't the problem, it seems like she admits to her socialization issues (?), but her social skills seem to just get her fired constantly. Although it isn't unlikely for someone in US to be fired constantly for minor reasons like being slightly awkward or not talkative enough, I've seen anons in the employment thread admit similar things
although, what do you think is the real reason for SWers complaining about constantly being fired?
No. 2054596
>>2054587I'd hate to admit it but she's pretty well spoken and sane sounding at least, I doubt she's a junkie or drunk and the reasons she listed for getting fired didn't even remotely hint at drug use. She also mentioned completing EMT courses which I highly doubt someone "too stupid/drugged up to hold down a simple job" would be able to complete
It could also be pure bad luck, it's not unusual for American employers to fire over stupid reasons and sometimes literally "no reason at all"(which typically is a discrimination reason) and lower end jobs like fast food or healthcare have been known to do such. i remember during COVID they were promising "sign on bonuses" and then just end up firing all new hires before they qualified for the bonus. There's almost no regulations at all on employee termination so someone being fired constantly for minor reasons in the US is pretty believable
No. 2054643
>>2054435A loong time ago I had friends that were on fetlife and they went to events that were listed on there, every city has their own events. Everything from just big meet ups in bars to bring in the newbies to then sex parties at private houses or rented dungeons.. plenty of cities have whole done up dungeons that you can rent for massive bdsm orgies. Some of it was the kind of shit I would've associated more with particularly freaky gay guys.
Holy fuck the flashbacks to all the drama I heard about second hand like.. why are you in this community? So many "don't judge em" affairs, poly people somehow having affairs.. ie keeping new partners secret when there's no reason to? With the fallout of poly cheating being uglier than even a normal affair because everyone in the group has to pick a side then and basically that means abandon whoever is the hurt party, because breakdowns aren't fun to be around. A woman who was cheated on being suicidal over a guy who was always kinda fucking around anyway. Her being sectioned and.. he announces that the affair partner is expecting a baby.
The old men 'doms' who it turned out.. were abusing those half their age sub gfs and not just in the kinky way. Who would've seen that coming a whole mile away! Young women would join the community and typically within a couple years be completely disillusioned, fucked over, chewed up by the whole 'eww fuck those boring vanilla people' bs. Whereas the men stuck around forever getting older and older and looking for whatever naive new wannabe cool n free girls would join next.
Being part of seemed to be consist of always being aware of some not very well.. quite young woman being abused and turning a blind eye to it because it's not cool to speak up and ruin the illusion that it's a fun time. The amount of real abuse was through the roof but abused women would just disppear and the same old abusers would carry on with a stream of newcomers.
No. 2054686
>>2054656It's a perfect set up for those men. Even in situations that could've done with police involvement, ig good luck being taken seriously no matter what he did to you in that setting. The women would just dip after their abuse never to be seen or checked up on again. The abuser man would stay and prey on someone new and bystanders would act like oh well exciting party next week. Such a sense of community
Think the worst story was of a registered sex offender still being invited to all these events even when word got out. He started showing up to events with women who were quite learning or developmentally disabled. And not just mildly. Nobody knew where he was finding them to bring them along. Man was breaking all these terms of being registered, wasn't even meant to be on the internet.. silence. Fucking unreal.
No. 2054692
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>>2054680>muscular but not too muscular body with nice mantisThis?????
No. 2054725
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>>2054692My mind went straight to those giant praying mantis aliens that some people report meeting during abductions.
No. 2054753
>>2054740im the op and there’s nothing quirky about sucking dick it’s clearly an unpopular opinion that
triggers a bunch of prudes and performative polilez women
No. 2054781
>>2054647Similar goals + similar time frame + similar circumstances, etc. it's also extremely important people understand how one person "makes it" won't be how they make it. For example I have a family member who has a literal "rags to riches" story where he grew up on a poor farm and all of the kids ended up successful, the richest one worked for a company, starting 20 yrs ago that paid for his college, nowadays that same company hasn't changed the wages for his position and removed all the training and education benefits, one has a wedding business, which if she hadn't built her wealth already, would be flopping right now because weddings are dying + unless you're already a well known, well reputable brand it's impossible to break into the field. Others all had tuition reimbursement which seems to be a thing of the past
It just feels frustrating especially since there's not a lot of regulation on predatory programs that end up scamming a lot of poor people. Even in trade programs there's literal incentives to fail a certain amount of students like that shouldn't even be legal. Of course no one wants to talk about how to fix these things and everyone would just rather demonize poor people who fall
victim of these sorts of things
No. 2054791
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>>2054764Glad to see the women in STEM program continues to churn out research minded women. We're all going to make it.
>>2054766I'm pretty sure you're either a virgin or trolling now. Because when you're going to town on a pussy, you do end up licking the urethra a lot.
No. 2054813
>>2054800Started with an anon saying that oral sex on a man isn't wrong. I don't know why anons on this damn site care about the way other anons on this site have sex.
Here's my unpopular opinion, everybody should have sex the way that they want to without pressure of what they should or shouldn't do. At the end of the day it is
your relationship, who cares what other people think about the way you want to have sex.
No. 2054822
>>2054797 > the man was grunting like a fucking gorillaWaiting for someone to be like, umm sorry you can't make men grunt like a gorilla
nonny. My nigel grunts like a silverback
No. 2054824
>>2054813nta but maybe not
everyone should have sex however they want to kek
No. 2054830
>>2054793>>2054798Delusion level over 9000, no moid would stay around without reciprocation. You will be able to get men to clean their dick for the right incentive (or just find a clean dude in the first place), but you will never get one to one sidedly give you oral without asking for the same.
>>2054811It's hilarious cuz oral will involve some peehole licking regardless of whether the recipient is a man or a womam, as demonstrated by the diagram in
>>2054791. Anyone who is that
triggered by peeholes should stick to using hands only.
No. 2054874
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Women should have their own matriarchal names. I've thought about this a lot. Think about the way men have patriarchal names that are given down to all of their children which the male children pass down to their own kids. A last name that can be looked up through records to see previous generations. A last name that enables you to find your father, his father, his father and so on. Women should use the middle name in the same way. When I talk about this I get the usual, "hispanic cultures already do that" literally no they do not or "my middle name is Marie, after my grandma, so it's the same thing" so you can look up 'Marie' in a record book and find your great great great grandma? "my husband took my last name teehee" you mean your husband took your FATHERS last name? like no it's fucking not the same in any way, get a grip? I'm talking a name that is recognizable and specific to your female lineage that's given to all of your children that is passed down to your daughters' children as well. A name that you can look up in a record and see distant female relatives living a country away who share your same semi-unique matrilineal middle name. I sperg out about this and get nothing but poorly thought out cope as to why women can't have their own names. Nonnas be real with me please, am I actually just retarded for thinking this way or are other people retarded for thinking that having a matrilineal name is completely beyond reasonable reality? I feel chronically misunderstood in this. picrel
No. 2054889
>>2054874ok but consider
the name a woman is born with
is her name. a woman is the owner of her own name just as much as any man.
No. 2054894
>>2054873No, because I'm the one who used "polilez lesbian" in this post here
>>2054779and never participated in or saw any dating argument. I didn't call a bunch of anons anything, but that one specific anon.
>>2054870You literally think sex works like in porn, so yes
No. 2054902
>>2054874Matrilinieal names make a lot more sense than patrilineal names, the mother takes 99% of the reproductive brunt and is pretty much always certain. Patrilineal names and patriarchy itself stem from scrote insecurity.
Also related to that, men should pretty much never be allowed the last word on naming a baby.