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No. 2054897
thread rules:
>no racebait >no infighting >don't reply to bait >rest of /ot/ board rules apply >farmhands are always watching prev:
>>2050698 No. 2054937
>>2054914Naming nonna here, I think it's ultimately up to the individual there's no reason people can't simply do whatever they want for any reason under the sun. I just also don't see why we can't have a normalized cultural equivalent of the patrilineal last name. My ex and I got to the stage of talking about having children one day and I mentioned wanting to give any children I have my middle name to be passed down using this convention
only IF those theoretical children wanted to pass it down and he completely shot it down with, "that would be insanely weird to for all your kids to have the same middle name. That's a huge no for me." We broke up for unrelated reasons but this is something I'm autistically passionate about and will not budge on. Imagine telling a man that giving all his kids the same last name was weird and a "huge no for me" when discussing family planning. He'd absolutely shit himself kek
No. 2054948
>>2054944Beans specifically but also in some cases too much fiber fuck a lot of people up. Beans are one of the most common FODMAPs that people can be sensitive to. It's not because 'they never eat them' it's because their gut can't process them properly.
That being said though tons of people get sick from fast food with 'the same ingredients' as home cooked food they can eat just fine, so it's likely not the beans.
No. 2054975
>>2054955By the very nature of the phrase "maiden name" existing acknowledges that there is a cultural and historical expectation of women's last names never having belonged to us in a way that is comparable to a male on the simple basis of our sex. I'm not even talking about last names being changed here, men can keep using it as a patrilineal heritage. I'm arguing for the inclusion of matrilineal names taking up the middle name space as a record of a woman's female lineage.
>>2054957We're talking middle names here, not last names nonna. I think it's sweet that you and your husband took up a new last name together. If you have kids, those kids are assumed to pass down that last name, but only if they're male right? I have no issue with this, I'm only saying that women should ALSO have a middle name that is passed down as well.
No. 2054976
>>2054975Oh my bad
nonnie! I'm kind of floating in the middle of the discussion I think kek. I would love to pass my middle name, it's actually been passed down through 4 generations of women in my family.
No. 2054983
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>>2054976No you're okay don't apologize! I think that's so sweet I love that the women in your family have a name like that. Here's picrel that I posted in the last thread for context
and because I know some nonnas might see these and wonder wtf we're talking about No. 2054999
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I don't care what people say, I'll always like Trisha Paytas. She is a fascinating human being. Pop trashy culture perfection. Before anyone calls me a stan twitter faggot, I've been watching her since she was friends with Drew and Shane. I remember watching her Fat Chicks music video when I was 12 and being wowed despite not understanding what she was saying well.
No. 2055052
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>>2055036Because she has said some "offensive" jokes in the past. I think people are just salty that she was able to build a career and become rich off trolling and baiting people for years.
No. 2055077
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Fast food is fucking gay
No. 2055106
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>>2055087trisha has a BPD and an unstable identity, so it's no surprise she might have unironically felt that way (it's like entertaining a passing thought, imo). it's funny how she used to get into something, make it her identity for a while, capitalise off it through content, and then move on to the next thing after people got mad at her. her did videos were one of the best troll arcs ever.
No. 2055129
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A lot of women who tell girls who aren't white they "can't" or "shouldn't" wear or enjoy certain things are just jealous that they're conventionally attractive.
No. 2055142
>>2055135>>2055118I will believe you if you know other people
in real life who have BPD and you see the same things in her, but if she and the internet is your only exposure to BPD and/or you are taking her word for it I think you got duped.
No. 2055168
>>2055152Oh, maybe, admittedly I didn't pay much attention to the loli discussion. Whenever I check the thread it's just
>dick sucking is great>prostitutes are whores>fat people have no excuse>there's no excuse not to have a job in this economy>kill all homeless people>dick sucking is greatetc.
No. 2055187
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I think most races look best when they're in their "own aesthetic" but OFC, there's always exceptions. Many people are so pretty with bodies so right that they transcend styles. Wigger boys never look okay though.
No. 2055189
>>2055180>sheltered nonny, i’ve lived in 3 different countries over the course of 32 years kek i’ve seen many
many women in my life and that’s how i formed my opinion, which i know is unpopular, which is why i posted it in this correct thread. this gets reiterated every conversation; this is not, and never has been, the debate thread. if you really think something is bait, then report and ignore. don’t be a retard.
No. 2055201
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>Nooo this is impossible, there's brown skin
No. 2055210
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>>2055177its about the face anon not about the race. picrel has a cute face and would easily look good in lolita fashion
No. 2055218
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>>2055213You need to get your eyes checked anon
No. 2055221
>>2055210 this look isn’t particularly special on her though. like yeah she
can put the clothes on, but do they match her color palate? no kek.
No. 2055235
>>2055225I thought Italians get pale when they're not in the sun. Just kinds hairier.
>>2055224Okay then I don't know what it means to be white. Never mind. I'm gonna go with the opinion that anyone can look good in anything if they're attractive enough then.
No. 2055238
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>>2055231Rihanna still looks gorgeous tho
No. 2055241
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>>2055206If you're really interested on that topic, it's basically that Japan really likes European cultures and history, and Japanese teens and young adults were very into emerging goth culture in the 90s. Lolita is their own spin on it, it's basically a love letter to the Victorian and Rococo eras. "Sweet"/non-Gothic Lolita came about a little later. Some Japanese Lolita brands have even used white models to show off their stuff. I've seen some black models for fashion shows and photoshoots, too.
I'm sure the one weird anon will insist it just doesn't "look good" for the sake of her point like with any other photo in the thread that contradicts her, but it doesn't really matter. It's just short-sighted and culturally illiterate to assign specific races to specific fashion styles.
No. 2055249
>>2055235Anon Italians have olive toned skin, typically with green undertones, a red head would have very pale almost translucent skin with pink/redish undertones.
No. 2055250
>>2055233no she didn’t…? all she said was
euuu neuu breunn skenn>>2055238mommy
No. 2055255
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>>2055238Her looks definitely took a hit after pregnancy
No. 2055261
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>>2055230>>2055250It is from the site, though?'s another one. Like I'm sorry most of the fashion/art world disagree with your whole "Every race has specific styles they can and can't wear" autism, but there's no need to get
triggered about the whole thing.
No. 2055274
>>2055266Boomer lolcow anons
triggered by slang.
No. 2055283
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>>2055155Here we go again with the "Yes, I failed art history" anons
No. 2055297
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>>2055286There are a number of paintings of black and white women in similar clothing styles if you go digging for them. Idk why anons like to remain so ignorant about this stuff, kek
No. 2055298
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Woah huh, when did this turn into a ginger-slander?
No. 2055306
>>2055293I didn't say olive undertone, I said olive
skin tone specifically in regards to Italians. But go ahead, make it about you.
No. 2055312
>>2055306I mean I have mediterranean ancestry lol which is where I got at least half my naturally red hair genes from, have you not actually been to the mediterranean? There are redheads there.
Also I've never heard of 'olive skin tone' and 'olive undertone skin' being two different things, since when have they been?
No. 2055315
>>2055303i already explained why even though those ladies
can wear batsheva it doesn’t mean they should, it only because the cuts are unattractive but at least on the second woman i can see that it just doesn’t match her yellow undertones (she seems more like a warm spring), but we’ve also been talking about the coquette style fashion
No. 2055345
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So would being a ginger with "olive" skin look like this? Please hold my hand to guide me.
No. 2055350
actually retard. I. Am not. That anon.
No. 2055410
>>2055402i stated my opinion, making it a
statement kek. also, okay? this is not the let’s agree!! thread
No. 2055444
>>2055437ntayrt but i stand by my color critiques, also i just said that the one batsheva dress at the beginning looked like a 50s mom dress i didnt ever say that > “everything was 50s fashion”
also i didn’t say the concept of light haired italians blew my mind i said the idea of a deep olive skinned woman with bright red hair sounded unattractive to me
No. 2055448
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Depeche Mode weren’t gay-looking, men only said that because they were jealous that there were a band of young men that took care of themselves and knew how to style themselves to appeal to the women of that generation. When Depeche Mode got shit when they first came onto the scene, it was definitely seething men that women preferred these barely 18-year-olds with youthful features that could objectify themselves. Men should put a little mascara on anyway. Also, inb4 someone brings up Andy Fletcher, notice how nobody ever called him the ‘gay one’, but he is the ugly one of the group?
No. 2055462
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>>2055448Nonnie I’m a fan and they were absolutely gay looking, especially Martin who wore leather fetish wear, harnesses, etc. which were hugely popular with gay men in the 80s. Not to mention he always had his nipples and ass out. Yes more straight men should be sluts but those things are commonly associated with gay men to this day.
No. 2055473
>>2055464im sorry i thought you were accusing me of being a lesbian, but i wasnt trying to force anyone to do anything this is the
unpopular opinions thread i posted my
opinion in the correct place. its ok if you disagree but calling me a man and insulting my opinions isnt going to magically change my thoughts
nonnie No. 2055477
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>>2055468I love Martin’s 80s style but I can admit he dressed like a flaming faggot kek. It went beyond the band just taking care of themselves and having a cohesive style.
No. 2055488
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>>2055472its fine if you disagree with me but i stand by my opinion and im just basing my opinion off of the color season palates im familiar with, i never claimed to be a fashion employee or any kind of intellectual on clothing but i do feel like i have a pretty ok understanding of what looks good and what looks bad
No. 2055599
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>>2055593No, you don't get it.
Your comfort is less important than
my opinions. Picrel is how you should be dressing everyday. If I can see the shape of your body my blood will boil in my veins and my brain is gonna melt and you're gonna be the reason I died. Think about what I want! My ideas are the only correct ideas!
No. 2055621
>>2055612i mean i''m lurking and this outfit
>>2055210 is about the same as a skims suite, if you want to compare tight material
No. 2055676
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>>2055649I know this post is meant to racebait, but unironically, sure. A woman that's pretty and thin can look good in pretty much anything.
>>2055210 could even wear a potato sack and make it look chic IMO.
No. 2055814
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>>2055556I love gym wear and gym tights, but i fucking can't stand the ass crack pants like picrel and they have the nerve to be like "hurrdurr it's support for your butt" like nah it fucking ain't, you just want to see women's butts
No. 2055869
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Domestic trucks and SUVs should require a special license to operate. My country already has special license classes for motorcyclists and commercial truck drivers, they should have another class intended for large domestic vehicles too.
>>2055847I genuinely think males should get their licenses later than females. All young people have a higher rate of accidents, but men already have nearly three times the at-fault fatal accident rate as women and this is exponentially higher among men until their late thirties.
No. 2055966
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Baron is gonna rise from the ashes and become the next Hitler. Bookmark this prediction and mark my words, there’s always an authoritarian figure that rises during the times of extreme economic disparity and decadence. I’m not a nazifag but like seriously we keep going in loops. Sidenote look a trump getting mogged by his own son kek
No. 2056035
>>2056020That's how pretty much every country works in the modern era, including every first world country. Your poorest people have electricity, are connected to the sewage system, and have running water. Hell, your tap water is even drinkable.
No. 2056043
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>>2056035Parts of America resemble the third world.
No. 2056074
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>>2056063It made national news because it was the most egregious example for a serious and longstanding problem in my country. No. 2056083
>>2056079You should be filtering that. The government purposely doesn't test for some chemicals because although they know they're either
toxic or cancer causing, it would cost billions to completely renovate the system to filter them out.
No. 2056086
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>>2055983Who’s gonna tell her?
No. 2056100
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>>2055983The richest 10% of Americans own 66% of America’s household wealth.
The richest 1% of Americans own as much of the household wealth as the poorest 90% of Americans.
The richest 0.1% of Americans own 5 times more household wealth than the poorest 50% of Americans.
America is one of the most economically unequal countries in the world.
No. 2056121
>>2056108> Extreme economic disparity isn't "Well some people are really really rich".When the richest 0.02% of Americans own more wealth than the poorest 50% of Americans, that’s extreme economic disparity.
> Please go and live in an actual third world country for a year I’m not interested in living in America
No. 2056240
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>>2055685I'd rather we bring back 60's Bollywood clothing and makeup
No. 2056243
nonnie the third world has no telephone towers at all I'm sending this reply from 90s dial up Internet that I mailed to a carrier pigeon strapped on a cow I hope it reaches lolcow on a timely fashion
Do send a smoke signal if it arrives
No. 2056252
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>>2056218third world countries have phone poles… it's an old ass technology
No. 2056254
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a lot of women in the sex industry think that women who try to get degrees and fuck men for love are idiots and a lot of ex sex workers like the sprinkle sprinkle lady are feeding this mind set to normie women. Normie women are eating it up and that’s why most modern dating feels like sex work.
No. 2056267
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I can't believe all of you entertain bait of someone using the term "loli fashion" unironically. This motherfucker has no idea what (s)he is talking about and probably visited cgl for 5 minutes to bait and shitpost here. Shameful.
No. 2056272
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>>2056243you guys get carrier pigeons? man im jealous. over here i need to send my manslaves running across mountains to hand deliver my messages to the lolcow server
No. 2056273
>>2056121You need to compare the purchasing power too. As was said before, in a 3rd world country, depending on the country, the bottom 50% may not have enough purchasing power for anything other than immediate necessities.
>>2056125Nato chooses who joins, it's not a matter of not asking or not having an interest in joining.
No. 2056294
>>2056288Absolutely. They're so disconnected from the reality of other place's issues. I lived in a first world country for a while and let me tell you:
1. Yes, their lives really are
that good and easy
2. So much so that they can't even fathom what it's like to not have all the basics that they have. Not a clue of what it means to be really poor and the way it affects not just daily life, but also the culture of a whole country.
No. 2056299
>>2056278I’ve seen so many ex sugar babies and sex workers telling women college degrees are a waste of time and you’re a pick me if you fuck attractive men. Maybe is a misery loves company type of deal?
No. 2056304
>>2056296Calm down,
nonny. I’m a ~first worlder~ and they’re right, anons here are out of touch
No. 2056344
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>>2056340It is true. There are still plenty of places in the USA where rent is under 1k a month. The people complaining about rent usually want to live in popular cities.
No. 2056353
>>2056347>if I was AmericanBut you’re not, so you’re just talking out of your ass about what you think it’s like to live here for the (you)s. Here’s the attention you ordered
No. 2056374
>>2056362>Americans have the right to find work in whatever state they want.NTA, and I’m also a burger, this is silly. If you can’t get a job good enough to live in an expensive city on your own merits, then perhaps you
should consider living in Ohio where you can get by on less
No. 2056392
>>2056383The people saying America is a third-world country are first-worlders with first-world standards.
The people saying America is a first-world country are third-worlders with third-world standards.
No. 2056412
>>2056405Golly gee whiz, you’re todally right Aynon, can you Imagine the way Bridish people speak?!?
Like oh my gosh, why do Bridish people tawk like that!!!
No. 2056444
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Can all of you please stop sperging so I can be a lurker and click random links on the front page in peace.
No. 2056469
>>2056458>>2056450America obesity rate - 42.1% rank 13
UK obesity rate - 20.1% rank 86
No. 2056520
>>2056374This is retarded and lacks common sense on how countries and civilizations work. The city is the central point of culture and provides an abundance of jobs, it’s been like that since Ancient Rome and it’s never going away. No one wants to live or work in the middle of bumfuck nowhere full of opioid addicts, normal humans want to be surrounded by other people and jobs that can supply them with food to eat and clothes to wear and things to see and do, that’s why people go (or tbh used to) go to places like NYC, LA, Atlanta, etc. What is with you shitty ass trashy bitches wanting everybody to live in a roach-infested hoarder’s paradise working a back aching 9-5 and accept it in the ass like you?? It exposes your crabs in a bucket mentality and unwillingness to see the insurmountable problems that are piling up right in front of your doorsteps, “if
I have to suffer than so do you!” Go fuck yourself honestly.
No. 2056530
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>>2056514Hetalia america/alfred-kun is her husbando and the map makes her horny.
No. 2056540
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Im from LA and every time we see Youtubers and Z-list "celebrities" moving in to West Hollywood white-walled modern shipping container-style "houses" we all laugh. If you're smart, you move to a suburb just outside of LA and then commute to where you wanna go. That's why we have a billion freeways, dude.
No. 2056564
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>>2056542You can get those things but they’re not going to be in la, nyc or Atlanta. You go to a quiet lower middle class suburb in westland Michigan and get a nice condo. If you get a roommate you’ll pay 500 each.
No. 2056581
>>2056564>westland Michigan Not your point but that's actually a good area.
People meme about Detroit being dangerous but it has a lot of good food and concerts, an amazing 100-year-old farmers market, etc. Living just outside it near Ann Arbor is really nice.
No. 2056597
>>2056583College and education is important but you’re shoving people who have no interest in actually learning anything through a system where they must acquire something that shows they are qualified enough for employment, you’re not going to get quality out of that very system just a lot of artificial competitiveness. Both are
valid, but one is heavily promoted (college) because it’s highly profitable to do so. The only motive people have is their future survival and status, not anything beyond that
No. 2056613
>>2056603Ayrt (deleted and reposted to add more), I’m literally gen z,
nonny. I’m also the anon up thread who lives in an expensive city with a roommate. I honestly enjoy life now, even though I’m worried about affording my own house in the future with housing costs rising. However, if you don’t even try to improve your living situation, you never will
No. 2056625
>>2056611that has nothing to do with what I was saying
nonny, I never even mentioned immigrants. I'm saying there's no reason you shouldn't be able live on labor without having some specialized skill. and you don't know how many people I've met who do have a skill like being an electrician and still do uber and doordash on the side just to pay bills. for someone obsessed with going to college you still seem to have comprehension problems
No. 2056627
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>>2056620Do what your parents desperately want you to do
(infight bait) No. 2056631
>>2056600they destroy independent business to create wage slaves
>>2056592working in a restaurant isn't doing nothing. and it's about a
liveable wage not luxury. a person who works full tims should be at least paid enough to feed and house themsleves
No. 2056700
>>2056629I get it that reading through whole exchange of posts is tiresome, but how else can one reliably tell who actually deserves the ban?
Farmhand sense of justice leaves something to be desired, they often judge a single post by its form leaving out broader context.
(take it to /meta/) No. 2056735
File: 1718834839383.gif (1.6 MB, 400x360, 1658088916568.gif)

This is literally the exact same delusional housing crisis infight than a month ago. All I had to do is go through threads and search for "nyc".
>>2021962>>2022021>>2022062>>2022128Roommate anon get a fucking grip.
No. 2056746
>>2056740It’s about the ugliest man ever who is also short who is very shallow and only dates model types. He meets a fat girl and ignores her at first because she’s fat but then something happens to his brain that starts seeing women as beautiful on the inside. So in his brain the fat girl whom he previously ignored is now hot. It just shows how ugly men have the privilege to be picky like that.
No. 2056762
>>2056709>>2056712Mediterranean mostly. Fish, seafood, pasta, antipasti and steak. Sometimes we offer specials and serve traditional Croatian food like Strukli since that is where my parents come from who were also restaurant owners.
>>2056711>>2056742Exactly. I've seen all kinds of terrible workers in my life. Anons here have no idea how difficult the job can be.
No. 2056858
>>2056853Yeah so I think we should ban VPNs too. It's kind of sad that I have to share this website with creeps like you. This is kind of the whole issue with moderation right now: the tools they have to stop anons like you aren't effective. I think farmhands need more intensive tools to moderate the site and keep it functioning well.
>>2056856Most likely prolific baiting, infighting, racebaiting, etc..
No. 2057123
File: 1718866024138.jpg (38.14 KB, 1080x1126, Tumblr_l_122165903353084.jpg)

People who poop every single day are weird. Especially if it's the same exact time every day.
No. 2057125
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>>2057123You're just jealous
No. 2057128
>>2057125theres something i dont like about this
>>2057123nonna you should be pooping like 3-4 times a day
No. 2057133
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>>20571291 eat = 1 poop. Simple as
No. 2057247
>>2057167I have the type of lactose intolerance that is
triggered by some type of milk protein. even alleged lactose free things make me shit water.
No. 2057346
>>2057344then maybe ballsack? but i don't want to say "balls" it's yucky
>pussilanimouskek what is this word i've never heard it before. english is a joke
No. 2057354
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Glazing honey on chicken is GROSS.
No. 2057374
I don’t have much respect for anyone is customer service anymore. Not being elitist, they’re just genuinely almost all assholes. “But I get yelled at by Karens all day, I deserve to be a miserable cunt to everyone.” Boo hoo, take it out on them then, not the polite people who are interacting with you because they literally have to. Self checkout is so popular now because nobody wants to deal with terrible CS. I was in the drug store the other day, two lines for the self checkouts, and the cashier was wide open, no one in his line. He said to a customer in the self checkout line, “I’m open to check you out,” and he said, “nah, I’m good” lmao if you pay peanuts, I guess
No. 2057431
It's actually not that surprising or contradictory that so many Neo-Nazis are transgender, brown, fat, homosexual, complete losers or all of those things if you think about Adolf Hitler himself. Who would expect some balding failson with one testicle who dropped out of art school and groomed his half-niece when she was 17 and he was in his 30s to go on to become a historical figure with actual power? It's kind of a fairy tale for the shittiest moids of the world, masquerading as a testament to some innate superiority (a powerful delusion to soothe the bruised egos of those who feel terminally inferior, which makes the way the party rose up all the more ironic - Hitler carried heavy shame around his own ancestry and worshiped Greece instead). This isn't even delving into his coke addiction, Nazis in general being on drugs and loving to crossdress, Ernst Rohm's faggotry, etc. The veiled degeneracy and hypocrisy needs to be understood as part of the picture. It literally makes perfect sense that Neo-Nazis are dysgenic, because those are the kinds of people who are truly drawn into all of that. It's like they unconsciously see what's actually going on, and seek their own level.
Like other ideologies of its sort, Nazism was born from a distinctly scrotal inferiority complex and a longing for a boot to lick, but retards don't look past the veneer and just think "Omg so scary, racial purity, big bads". Nietszche was an unironic cuck who kept getting mocked and humiliated in life, too.
No. 2057466
>>2057443>not excited to see how all these test tube IVF babies actAssisted reproductive technology like IVF only exists because too many people feel incomplete (or are pressured by their loved ones who hold such beliefs) if they haven't made babies, just saying.
>children of alfiesWhat are those? Google gave me a few restaurants with that name and not much useful information.
>why so many people my age don’t have kidsIf you're a western millennial/zoomer, it's because we have some of the worst economic conditions of any currently living generation. Our society is downright hostile to raising children right now and hopeful parents have fewer support systems than generations before them. tbh I wouldn't want to raise children in our current hellscape system where children get exposed to elsagate content and some see porn before they're even out of gradeschool. Even if I raised a child with no such mobile devices, there's always a risk that their friends show them something. Also the world is extra on fire in some places and extra flooded in others. And teachers let kids troon out in school without telling the parents. I could keep going, but our current environment sucks ass for raising children so a lot of young people reasonably don't want to put their hypothetical children through it.
No. 2057483
>>2057465NTAYRT but
>you kek you guys have to remember that anons will lurk and then bring topics that catch their attention back up, and recently that seems to be the topic of having children. i guess there’s a wave of newfag oldfags.
No. 2057487
>>2057481yeah, life is always going to be hard. there’s never going to be a “good” time to have kids, really. over the last 100 years every single decade was overrun with reasons for people not to have children, yet they all still did despite the struggles that continually were bestowed upon them, and that’s why we’re all here and why lolcow exists
nonny’s! but i understand your fears. it’s better to not have children than to have a child and be horrified, anxious, and maladjusted in front of them for their whole entire life
No. 2057491
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My unpopular opinion is that men need to be shamed for their looks. Men have no excuse to be fat. Men dont give birth, they dont have hormonal changes like women do, and can survive in single digit body fat percentages %. Imagine going through a traumatic experience for your body to give life, feed that life with your own body and nutrients and being pressured to look eternally 20 years old but your scrote gets to sit on his ass all day while guzzling down beer and getting bald.
No. 2057526
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Dasha is gonna be held in the same regard as Marilyn Monroe 50 years from now
No. 2057530
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>>2057520>follow the money>newspaper clippings>fake check>cutesy handwritingsome sort of project detective prop wall that got taken out of context and is spreading through the mansosphere I assume? men are so predictable
No. 2057541
>>2057499>Why would men bother putting in effort when they’re going to be rewarded anyway?How would she have taken away the reward? Divorce and custody? So if we divorce them for getting fat and ugly then they'd scream how women are inhuman, its all a trap.
Men should stay fit and compete against eachother even after having their first kid, and women should have kids with whatever best man is available. As nature intended.
No. 2057546
>>2057520This is cringe and this is coming from someone with a fuck document (ages, dick sizes, height, hair and eye color, ethnicity, all related social media info, experience, color coded by how well they pleased me)
I'd never attach my face to such a thing
No. 2057553
>>2057546especially when she looks so haggard and tired, every male that's come across this photo just regurgitates the phrase "thousand cock stare".
your fuck doc seems based though, when something might happen you have a full profile to give of each of these men, hell you can refer a friend to some of them.
No. 2057629
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This shit is so lame and the people who wear it are always embarrassing
No. 2057643
>>2057616I think anyone who disagrees is probably the creator of a little monster
>be me, aunt to a 7 year old>her mom calls her a menace, jokes that she's "evil", always talks shit about how hard she is to deal with>I take care of her for 4 days while parents are visiting sick relatives>play games, show interest in her favorite things, go on walks, let her talk about her favorite movies, treat her like a small person>her behavior was perfect and she was pleasant to talk to, didn't even make a fuss about meals or cleaning up>mom arrives to pick her up, comes through the door radiating stress energy>immediate tension, attitude change, exasperated sighing from the mom and shriek-whining from the kidjust love your kids and they'll be easy as fuck to deal with, they are biologically programmed to seek your love and approval. idk how people fuck this up so bad
No. 2057658
>>2057643You’re absolutely right, but there’s a certain kind of kid, usually a product of their environment, who are basically little tyrants. They always get what they want no matter how awfully they behave. The more awfully they behave, the more they get out of it. They don’t care about anyone besides themselves, they’re nasty to animals and other children and absolutely anyone they can get away with being nasty to, and they ruin every event they go to by making it all about themselves and their pathetic wants. They’re also materialistic, lazy, weak, immature and all round pathetic. The parents cause this, they don’t motivate their children to do anything cos they’re not interested, they just pacify the little shit with more toys and sweets. These kids need tough love but their parents don’t care enough to administer it because it’s hard work, but the more they do it, the better the kid will be in the long run. Sorry I get so angry whenever this little cunt pitches a fit because he’s not allowed to eat sweets until he throws up or get another piece of plastic crap for his hoard, instead of playing and frolicking with other kids or using his imagination. I am not an expert but they literally just need to be told no. They need to be stood up to. It’s women who endlessly coddle their sons and protect them from the fathers discipline that cause this and it infuriates me. They’re just raising more
abusive nasty men in the world and I hate them for it. Then they seethe because nobody else has any patience for mummies special little Prince. Fuck that little ass hole, I was smacked as a kid and I was never half that bad, and if it was good enough for me it’s good enough for him.
No. 2057673
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"milf" should be spelt MYLF. you can still pronounce it the same
No. 2057674
>>2057667He’s like 9. I don’t think he’s capable of farm work and if he were at summer camp he’d spoil it for all the other children. He just needs his parents to start telling him no. He will tantrum about it at first but he will get used to it eventually. He needs to be taken into shops and not bought every silly useless thing he sets his eye on that he doesn’t need. He will have like 5 of the same toy in different colours and stuff like that. They need to
>improve his diet, he eats ridiculous amounts of sugar>get rid of most of his toys, he’s living in an absolute hoard. He needs to be told he has too many toys and must give them to less fortunate children >parents to set boundaries and stick to them instead of letting him bully them into changing their mind>parents to give him consequences for bad behaviour, doesn’t have to be smacking, but he must have privileges revoked, sent to his room, whatever, instead of “giving him a talk”. Punishment doesn’t stop until he sincerely apologises>made to do homeworkIn less than 3 weeks he’d be like a different kid. They just have to not give in to him whether he cries, screams, spits or hits, whether he makes a spectacle in public or not. I don’t have kids and I’m no expert but somehow I instinctively know this is true.
No. 2057705
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Junji Ito manga is not scary and the stories aren't particularly well-written. His work is just (very) well-drawn.
No. 2057781
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>>2057705its not supposed to be scary but sort of captivating horror. Tomie is a dark triad stacy tho
No. 2057859
>>2057835Why do you feel bad for them? Most Russian women hate other women and girls
No. 2057881
>>2057871The moment one of their daughters comes to them and tells them they’re being molested by their scrote she’s gonna call her a lying whore and they also don’t like
poc women. They don’t deserve empathy. Mean and shallow women’s
No. 2058163
>>2058157You are my queen. I’m in the midst of learning how to draw rn so I can exclusively draw sexy men.
>>2058159You’d be surprised. Men flip out over men more sexy men in fiction and when women are attracted to men that aren’t uggos. Either way, their reactions don’t matter. What matters is changing the status quo where female sexuality can breathe.
No. 2058316
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>>2058310It's annoying because gay moids don't fucking care. Sometimes it's sad watching women put so much effort into defending moids when they would never do the same for them.
No. 2058451
>>2058434I think sibling is way worse than cousin and most people would agree. Being realistic most people's family lineage will include cousin marriages at some point especially if their family hailed from places that experienced periods of relative isolation.
But it's still weird to me.
No. 2058479
>>2058462I did but I also felt weird when I kissed another girl for the first time. It's just societal shame programming.
No. 2058549
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>>2058540word but i’m not sure this would be an unpopular opinion here
No. 2058559
>>2058540I agree fully and think the "am I a lesbian or did porn disconnect me from my sexuality" question could be boiled down to a flowchart where the only question is "would you eat another woman's pussy?" because I feel like the "women soft kiss girls" subset of pornography
victims would probably say no
No. 2058564
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>>2058558Nah, I disagree. If a fag is into yuri porn, there has to be some aspect of his mind that's attracted to the concept of the female gender. At that point, he's not as gay as he says he is. Kind of like when anons here swear that straight women can read yuri fics or watch women-on-women porn and still be "straight". Nah, if you're thinking about the opposite gender or a concept of it in any sexual way and you like it? Game over. I could use husbandofags as an example. Lots of husbandofags aren't in relationships and don't like moids IRL, but they're still attracted to the
concepts of the male gender. So there's some aspect of their brains that are straight even if they don't and have never dated a moid IRL. I already got into a 1v3 for this, but I'll put it out there again just because my tummy says so.
No. 2058566
>>2058558True, honestly I also find most fictional women unappealing because they’re like poor caricatures of women, even in some series written by women, I always feel like something is missing from the reality of how amazing women are. In stuff made by men this is obviously far more egregious and the women are all like shallow facades of people, with lists of traits that are stereotyped to us like “cute” “spunky but pretty” “mature and sexy” “the crazy one but she’s also sexy” etc. and often don’t really look like human women.
Then in real life I’m awestruck and feel magnetized to women around me. I feel like they’re interesting in ways you can almost never find in stories, and beautiful in ways you can’t see in games or on tv.
Meanwhile fictional men are more often written to be intriguing, they’re good looking in 2D, and IRL they’re… well, men. Anime in particular erases all their gross moid traits (which has the double effect of the art erasing everything truly beautiful about women).
No. 2058567
>>2058553AYRT, I can't say for sure nonna. I was also drawing boobs and women I found beautiful at a young age kek and I initially had the same worry as you, I thought at first maybe I was just a coomer because I grew up on video games and I was in denial about a lot of things regarding liking women. I think it's unfortunately very easy for women to be subconsciously conditioned by porn even if you're not directly watching it - it is rampant in games, movies, most forms of media etc. The question that helped me separate "Am I actually bisexual or just pornsick" is: Can I imagine myself in a healthy, long-term loving relationship with a woman? I thought yes immediately. Nothing would put me off from that and it felt right to say that and then I started thinking of dates that we would go on or gifts I would give her. My answer to that question felt no different than if it was asked about a moid instead. Sorry if that doesn't make much sense but I'm just trying to explain it how I figured out the difference there.
>>2058555You prove my point perfectly about how this weird obsession with being "gay for girls uwu" is leaking into just overall appreciating and having empathy and passion for women as a whole. Like how rotten and sexualized as a society do we have now where showing deep appreciation for women is now linked to wanting to fuck them? It's crazy. Why does the absolute bare minimum for woman to woman communication - appreciating and supporting each other - have to be linked to sexuality? I just don't get it nonna.
>>2058559I agree. It doesn't even have to be something specific like oral but the entire notion of "would you genuinely want to give another woman sexual pleasure, without your dumbass porn addict boyfriend being involved in any way" is a good way to filter it out. I always found it so strange how they would yap on about wanting to kiss muh soft feminine girly girls but would get scared at the concept of putting their mouth or doing anything to arguably the most feminine part of their body, that's how I knew it was performative as fuck.
No. 2058739
nonny from the tyranny of backwards seats!!
No. 2058801
>>2058794You forgot to mention how hideously ugly and deformed I am. Oh, and make sure to depict yourself as the Stacy and me as the Becky.
>>2058798I don't understand your question. Could you please rephrase it?
No. 2058846
>>2058831again, i know it’s hard to accept, but there are women who are
retarded and trying to mimic men is a big waving flag of that
No. 2058890
>>2058888They don't go here. They avoid this website and 4chan because it's le
problematic. It's more likely that it's the other type of retard that lurks here.
No. 2058906
>>2058721>You can like something for the dynamic or for the art, not everything has to be sexNTA but the OP of the opinion literally said
>and get off to 2d menso that implies enjoying it for sexual purposes, unless she means something else by "get off". I have to agree with the other anon because not only are they still getting off to the concept of dick but they also very rarely feel attraction towards women irl (which is the main point of being lesbian, it's not solely just about not liking 3D men)
No. 2058914
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Literally every online support group for victims of people with cluster B personality disorders is full of projecting narcs/sociopaths/borderlines/etc. My ex said he thought I had BPD, yet he was the one who cheated on everyone he’d ever been with, threatened to kill himself when the girl he dated before me didn’t answer his texts, changed his style drastically every two months, went insane if he didn’t get female (or sometimes male) attention for 2 seconds, skinwalked me, and had severe identity issues. I saw a post on one of those subreddits for loved ones of narcissists by a guy who kicked out his middle school age daughter from a previous marriage (surprise surprise, her mother was also a narc according to this guy) because she was being rude (you know, like every preteen girl) and that meant she was a narc. I had this need to moralize and armchair diagnose everything and everyone, some people are just assholes
No. 2059022
>>2058987? its not either/or
If the mustyness of a wet loofah or rag disgusts you, there are wash nets. they dry very fast and dont retain moisture plus rinse well, I do lather bodywash all over by hand and then exfoliate with the net.
No. 2059078
>>2059037Nta but I've been using an exfoliating rag on most of my body everyday ever since I was a young child and my skin is normal. In fact, I honestly rarely use lotion anywhere but my hands (separate health issue). Also with all the BO stuff, I've also have had a really strong body odor for a majority of my life. It's not an issue for me anymore but before I figured out how to manage it, I tried EVERYTHING including not using a rag. I still had odor issues.
People just have different skin types and needs, it's weird to try and tell people what they don't need to do imo. You only know your own body and there's nothing wrong with someone doing something in a different way from you.
No. 2059085
>>2059076Samefag anytime I see a person getting uppity about wash cloths they’re always white.
No. 2059094
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>>2058987I use one of these with shower gel
No. 2059191
>>2058791Disprove what i said then
>>2058798Maybe i should've specified, but i meant that men are not empathetic the way women are to men. Men never cape or fight for women the way women do for men.
No. 2059228
>>2059216Yeah I do laundry once a week but still I buy new underwear for myself twice a year? I thought it was normal to buy new underwear at least once a year.
>>2059227Well yeah I get tardbux and I win on scratch tickets a lot so I have enough to buy new underwear twice a year. It's like $40 for 6 pairs here.
No. 2059341
>>2059318Thank you!! I thought I was going crazy!! Someone even called me a freaking troon just because I buy underwear more than once a year! Don't get me wrong I feel bad for people with no money that can't afford it, but for me I just want to have nice clothes so if my underwear gets stained or stretched I like to buy new ones!! It's not like I'm throwing out underwear that's in perfect condition that I've only worn once or anything, it's more like I just buy to replace the old stuff I have! Everyone was treating me like I was a freak so I'm happy that you understand where I'm coming from. Why should I have to wear 18 year old underwear like
>>2059213 does if I can afford to buy a new pair? I don't get it.
No. 2059356
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For the anon who said they were surprised the male politards weren’t simping for Baron.. KEK
No. 2059376
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>>2059371Is this him by happenchance?
No. 2059483
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Sorry but this is a fat body type
No. 2059529
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>>2059483No, she just had a curvy body type. She had a 22 inch waist and she would be a size 2 in modern sizing
No. 2059530
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At the beginning of her career when she was known for being a curvy pin up girl, she was still pretty small
No. 2059546
File: 1719047324775.png (548 KB, 892x837, Catch Up (@CatchUpFeed).png)

This is overweight too for that matter
No. 2059548
>>2059545I'm not American kek.
>>2059546You have zero idea how weight works.
No. 2059623
>>2059546She is overweight but I wouldn't say to a concerning degree. I'd say this is just chubby, and people are probably saying she's not overweight because she just has a slim waist and most of the fat here is going to her legs and arms. She is very beautiful regardless.
Twitter arguments about women's bodies are fucking pointless, though. Our hormones fluctuate and stressful lifestyles happen, pregnancy can change a lot too. Twitter should really be discussing how to send men with "dad bods" off to do hard manual labour until they stop looking like sloppy pigs and make use of all that excess testosterone.
No. 2059626
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>weightsperging again
gotta tag an ed bitch’s body check with #bodypositivity cause of this
No. 2059634
File: 1719054917117.webp (21.58 KB, 640x481, roger.jpg)

You really do have to play into stereotypes to get people to like you.
I mean, I won't do that, because it feels like a discredit to myself, but I've observed it myself
>be younger, in early teens, super autist, don't understand social conventions or 'reading the room'
>dress scruffy, come off as shy because i am, dishevelled
>people who aren't mean take pity and treat me like a pet, have patience with me, have sympathy
and then ffw to now
>still an autist, love seeing others, but often fails to read the room, can come off as stiff and robotic
>not an inch of shyness, i take up space like i deserve, not scared to talk to anyone
>put effort into how i dress, and my appearance
>people find me more off putting, less likely to trust me, other women are a lot colder to me
Like genuinely? People like it when you play into stereotypes. Act like what they expect to see. I feel like people can tell when something is 'off', but when they can easily pinpoint it, i.e. you dress like an autist and hang your head, they're less likely to be scared of you. But when they can't pinpoint it, when they can't put you in a box? That's scary.
No. 2059651
>ITT lolita/fashionfags being retarded about skin colour and weight as usual>>2059588Some of these kid's behaviours are probably just them acting out because their parents gave them a phone instead of attention and their online "friends" are so
toxic kek
No. 2059686
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>>2059554Fat density is a huge thing btw. I've met people who I could've sworn were chubby/overweight but ended up being just the high end of the healthy BMI and vice versa. Example - she's 130 and 5'2. Technically healthy weight but looks chunky. That lady has a flat stomach, skinny face, etc, might be overweight BMI wise but who knows
Either way appearance>> number
No. 2059703
>>2059697nayrt but i don't want to wear the same clothes to lounge on my couch that i wore while using a public bathroom or whatever else i did outside that day. idc as much about visible dirt, but like
>>2059699 i don't want to get sick.
No. 2059705
>>2059546The cheapest, easiest bait on Twitter is "Is this blond plus-sized model walking down a runway
No. 2059709
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>>2059682>picrel would be considered a tif by modern standards Actual tifs tend to be fat anyway so this comparison doesn't work.
No. 2059719
>>2059703>>2059699That's fair, but how do you know it's the germs sticking to your clothes that are making you sick and not the ones that you pick up then and there when you're breathing the same air? I don't think I've ever gotten sick from continuing to wear clothes I've used public transport or went to other crowded places in.
>>2059684>and therefore washing off all of the good bacteria that helps their immunityThis is also what I was wondering about, if it's about not getting sick then wouldn't being overly concerned with hygiene be counterproductive in a way?
No. 2059726
>>2058556It’s such a retarded moidy take, especially when there are
valid things to criticize the woman in question on. I think anyone who calls women ugly/fat like that shouldn’t be allowed to complain when men make comments on women’s appearance since they literally act the same way.
No. 2059748
>>2059745Why do I see so many people claim "women are unable to take accountability for their actions" but then it's an irrelevant situation of that not even happening? I'm convinced it's just become a buzzword like "cope" that people use against women but aren't quite sure what it means
That being said, it's actually men incapable of taking accountability. I always see women apologizing for mistakes, apologizing for other women's mistakes, etc. men very rarely admit to their own mistakes and will straight up deny if another man did anything wrong unless it affects them
No. 2059758
>>2059752I feel this way every time I see those videos where the woman's husband is an absolute manchild and she (rightfully) exposes it over the internet…but then when people tell her to start planning to leave/divorce she gets mad and defends him. Or when you hear about women who aren't financially well-off having multiple baby daddies/multiple pregnancies when she's not even married to any of these men. Just overall really retarded behaviour and I'll never understand it unless it's an
abusive situation.
No. 2059764
>>2059761Can you give me an example a woman not taking accountability then and how it needs to be fixed?
>>2059757I'm almost convinced incels roam here disguised as radfems just so they can get their rocks off getting a free pass and shit on women with other women
No. 2059815
>>2059803I like you
nonnie, in the last couple of years people with realistic and balanced mindsets are becoming rarer on this website and it's refreshing to see comments like yours. Have a good day ♥
No. 2059848
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my most unpopular opinion (especially in rf spaces) is that women aren't ackshully innately superior to men morally…women simply do not ever really get the opportunity to be scum. same with degeneracy, there's so much content pandering to male sexuality in all sorts of warped and sick ways, this can't be said for female sexuality. anyway if you compare female rulers in history to male rulers, it's not as if they're all benevolent queens -– they also do what they must to ensure the longevity and prosperity of their people as a male would. or they try to. female socialization is simply so restrictive and caging that the natural human impulses and instincts in the female body are repressed. females are actively taught NOT to be ruthless, NOT to be ambitious, NOT to be machiavellian. men get wayyy more leeway to be mean and evil. and being evil is how you win at life, so of course they lean into it
No. 2059853
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>>2059817Ngl I imagine the average lolcow user to be an anachan that dresses like pic related.
No. 2059876
>>2059757NTA. Why not find likeminded women, raise money over some time and live in a separate place together, sustain the land/yourselves, etc? You don't have to sacrifice a million straight woman. If you are a first worlder, you can already pursue the life you claim to dream of.
If women really wanted it, they would. Even the "blackpillers" don't want it, it seems like they just want to complain.
No. 2060026
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>>2059981I wish that was true in my circle. Literally all my friends and acquaintances are with their average income nigels because "they're funny" or "loyal" or other bare minimum qualities like giving them attention or thinking of them. And then I meet them and literally pic related. I wish rich chads on all my friends but it's a pipe dream with how brainwashed they are.
No. 2060066
>>2055129> you deserve to be whitekek
No. 2060079
>>2059981Haven’t noticed this in my circle, but tbh moids most of the time give you absolutely nothing in relationships. They lack empathy, they are rarely supportive despite being crybabies themselves, you can barely count on them or expect most of them to stop watching porn, all of them are misogynistic in one way or another. Most old marriages I know are unhappy because men just stop putting work after some time and turn into sacks of potatoes (and that’s if they’re not
abusive in some way). Money is the least you can expect from scrotes.
No. 2060095
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I love hairy men and every day on this site I'm persecuted without respite…
No. 2060121
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Hufflepuff is cool. Hufflepuff > Gryffindor.
No. 2060126
>>2060098See, it's happening already
>>2060100I refuse to believe this, there must have been some holy hair on his chest. God doesn't make mistakes.
No. 2060131
File: 1719087934497.jpeg (33.11 KB, 356x605, Cristo en la Cruz - Colección.…)

>>2060105No, he'd definitely be sugaring everywhere to fit his godly image. He needed to be beautiful also. Shame i can't find him without a beard. He probably didn't shave it because it meant "wisdom" (kek) or something, bad choice.
No. 2060173
>>2060149I think most of the people with such extreme hatred of dogs usually are dog attack
victims or someone close to them was. Usually people don't just hate one specific type of animal that much for no reason. I thought all the pitbull stuff was fearmongering until I found out how many people they kill or disfigure for life with no regulations put in place to stop it, then I changed my mind (I still think they are super cute but I get why people have vitriolic hatred for them and call them evil looking).
No. 2060314
>>2060173The sad thing is that there really are just people who despise animals without "good" reason. Sometimes, they're sadists with violent thoughts (like with monkey haters, they use certain "justifications", like explaining that monkeys are pests in certain countries - even if they don't personally live in said countries, but the facade kind of falls apart when you notice them fixate on monkeys to a ridiculous extent, obsess over very specific/named monkeys featured on social media and talk about wanting them to get hurt, listen to them fantasize about wanting to torture monkeys for days on end, and share abuse content), and sometimes it's some sort of weird jealousy ("why should any animal, let alone this one, be loved by anyone when i feel so unloved in my life"). From my own experiences with that sort of thing, I don't think the people who've been attacked are most of the same ones foaming at the mouth and having violent fantasies.
No. 2060487
I kind of think it’s funny when tradwives age out of their scrotes preferences and he cheats or finds a younger girl. They’re always so fuckin cocky about being little Mrs perfect wife that I kind of enjoy watching their lives crumble. I know the proper response is “aww she was groomed I feel bad!”, I feel no empathy because they’re so damn annoying and I don’t care if they’re young.
No. 2060509
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>>2060503Yep she makes a ton of comments about not being equal to her husband. Oh well she’s making her bed because she’s never going to listen to anyone.
No. 2060511
>>2060432The real reason LC is "completely ruined" is because people can't recognize bait (like your post for example) and they take it time and time again and go on for hours instead of just stopping for a moment to report it and ignoring it. This thread could probably be renamed "the bait and hook" thread at this point.
>>2060505Baiting is when you post a purposefully controversial comment in hopes that other anons will start a fight about it.
No. 2060515
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>>2060513Tch, you sound like a scrote.
No. 2060536
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>>2060527You don't have to be glued to the TV to know what a very popular show is, anon. If someone didn't know what
Spongebob is or never watched Lion King, I would think they're fucking crazy unless they're foreign.
No. 2060540
>>2060536I don't think Ed, edd, and eddy was as popular as lion king.
>>2060537No. I went to public school.
No. 2060544
File: 1719105036463.jpg (78.18 KB, 500x375, Edg,_Edge_and_Edgy.jpg)

>>2060524Eddy anon here, she's probably thinking of the anime spin-off.
No. 2060550
>>2060548Does it really make someone a loser if they
weren't watching it? I thought it made them a loser if they were.
No. 2060552
>>2060551So I guess the art style was different in the show? Or at least the trailer. So the picture in
>>2060515 is probably bad fanart, that's why it looks creepy.