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No. 2065021
Discuss the Pink Tax, gendered marketting, fast fashion, industries that prey on women's insecurities( make-up, fashion, cosmetic surgeries), "self care" culture centering around consooming, streaming services and subscriptions, black friday, etc. Anything that relates to consooming stuff we don't need through some form of marketting campaign or FOMO that only benefits big companies goes here. Also discuss how to live a consoom-free life, how to not fall for advertisement, etc.
Some questions
>have you ever felt influenced by marketting or FOMO to buy something?
>have you ever felt like you needed to buy things to fit the beauty standards shilled by corporations?
>do you often find yourself justifying your useless purchases by claming its "self care"?
>do you think its possible for a woman to be truly beautiful without consooming(using make up, shaving, wearing fashionable clothes)?
No. 2065067
>>2065021>have you ever felt influenced by marketting or FOMO to buy something?nope. i've never once bought something because of seeing it in an ad. consoomers disgust me and I hate how hypocritical everyone is with how they'll say they hate the rich but then if they had money they'd just do the same shit aka indulge in consooming and not help anyone else
>do you think its possible for a woman to be truly beautiful without consooming(using make up, shaving, wearing fashionable clothes)?of course. if you look good from birth you don't need any of that, but even for "average" or "ugly" women, you can look just fine without any makeup (sometimes makeup even makes you look worse). I think the ones who need it the most are men and in general they are the ones who should be striving to look beautiful for women and not the other way around. I also think they're typically much uglier than even the ugliest women.
No. 2065097
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i have been seeing so many ads for full body deodorant. if you bathe regularly and aren't suffering from some kind of odorous medical condition you shouldn't need to douse yourself with a spray. it feels like yet another product designed to make women feel insecure about how they smell and to make unhygienic moids believe spraying something on their genitals is an acceptable substitute for a shower.
No. 2065107
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>>2065097ugh, reminds me of the whole market of pussy deodorants and creams. I have never in my life smelled a stank pussy but i remember gagging over ball sweat stank at the gym.
No. 2065120
>>2065049I use men's razors and sometimes body wash and soaps, because they often have more fresh/minty smell than the ones targeted for women, but men's shampoos are shit and I'm convinced they're partially to blame for the baldness epidemic.
>>2065055Eh, I'm not so sure. Moids pay less attention to quality fabrics, so it's easier to sell them shit. Though, I'd argue men's leather bags are usually better quality and cheaper, not to mention more ergonomic than women's ones. Also, moids rarely buy stuff secondhand, so it's easy to find some really nice quality clothing in second hand stores for cheap. I got several wool/cashmere jumpers that way.
No. 2065136
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>>2065117even the ads for men's old spice products use a black woman in them
>>2065128reminds me of secret claiming their body deodorants are gynecologist approved when any decent doctor would recommend you make an appointment if you're experiencing an unusual odor
No. 2065152
>>2065097I feel like these are advertised so much because of how common obesity has become. Like how everyone kinda knew dusting powder was used for thigh chafing
>>2065052I've been using a Schick Hydro 5 for like a decade and it rarely ever cuts my skin. Also the cartridges last an insanely long time, IDK if this might sound gross but I can't even remember the last time I swapped the cartridge, it just works.
No. 2065164
>>2065117Not sure why but black women are always
victims of this type of psy op. And I don’t mean this in a racist way. It’s just every time I see a woman promote using stuff like soap on the vagina or long videos/threads about „female hygiene“ it’s a black woman. While women in most cultures acknowledge that the only thing the vagina needs is water, black women tend to go the extra length for some reason. Again I’m not saying this with any ill intend.
No. 2065169
>>2065138On top of that, it's 4/5
would recommend it. Meaning that it's not a solid direct endorsement, but a conditional or hypothetical recommendation which imo casts doubt on the product
No. 2065210
>>2065164>While women in most cultures acknowledge that the only thing the vagina needs is waterAre you talking about the vagina itself or the vulva? Because nothing should go up the vagina, water being fine. The vulva can have a mild white soap for cleansing.
As for the comment about targeting black women, I remember reading an article about that. It has to do with societal expectations among black women, both beauty and hygiene. Black women have been and are constantly horribly stereotyped as "not woman enough" and their femininity is shamed no matter what they do. So they disproportionally end up buying more scented menstrual products and vulva washes than other races of women. It doesn't help that there is an education disparity either, but that's what I read was a possible factor for why you see those products target black women. You're not tinfoiling at all: it's definitely a psy op
No. 2065491
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>>2065097I thought normal body spray was meant for this? There's male and female body sprays on the market already, feels like this is just a more chemical repackaged version by a deodorant brand instead of a perfume/candle one.
No. 2065507
>>2065491This photo
triggered me. I love the PINK body mists and lotions, but lord, it's hard not overcomsuming with how many scents they put out. I love using them, though. I use the leftover bottles that are cute as planters.