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No. 2048127
File: 1718320664099.mp4 (623.27 KB, 720x1280, I WANT MORE.mp4)

Are we ready for the Stanley girlies meltdown trying to sell their collection in order to replace them with Owalas keeek
No. 2048340
>>2048186Yeah, I've noticed a boom in "collection" videos in the past years.
>>2048218I see, the coomer shit makes even more sense now.
>>2048318I think what she meant is people in the pandemic maybe started watching thing they didn't use to or playing games, and decided to attach their personalities to these new found interests and invest ridiculous amounts of money in a very short period of time. But idk, maybe I understood her wrong.
No. 2048485
File: 1718340253572.mp4 (11.73 MB, skincare.mp4)

skincare consoomerism is so fascinating to me kek
No. 2048553
>>2048485Serious question doesn't it go bad, or only start to go bad from when you open it?
Also you can tell those babies have no clue what they are doing, but at least they are just using bubble, and not DE.
No. 2048564
>>2048238>comprehensive and curated story through the itemsKekkkk.
God I wish figurefags and buyfags would just fuck off to /m/ and leave us alone, really…
>>>/m/192563>>2048485>smoothie time!!1!1I gagged.
No. 2048985
>>2048485These women either played potions too much as a kid or not enough, I can't tell kek. Tbh a lot of consoomerism stuff on tiktok in general reeks of people needing more play in their lives and healthy ways to occupy themselves. It's obvious in the fiddly packaging and multi-step products that the act of using it is meant to be satisfying rather than just the results.
Seeing kids slathering all this crap onto their faces in a clear imitation of tiktoks etc that they've seen is pretty depressing though, little girls shouldn't be doing that (and their mums shouldn't let them either), their skin shouldn't be a concern at all.
No. 2049436
>>2048485And everyone in this video is a young adult or a literal child. You don't really see older women consooming this many products (they typically stick with a few). I'm sure there are some abuelas or gen x but it's not like some epidemic like the sephora kids or whatever. The whole "start early or you'll age prematurely!!!" has really gotten stuck in young minds.
>>2048966Enough money to buy hundreds of coom figures, but won't use any of it to take care of his teeth. He looks disabled, then again all trannies and coom anime fags are.
>>2049069nta but I agree
No. 2049924
>>2048485I love these compilations, I watch them every time I'm tempted to buy something. The thought of having all that crap sitting in my space gathering dust and going rancid is enough to make me buy as little as possible.
>>2049069Agreed. Curating a collection, learning more about what you collect, doing repairs or making stuff for your collection -like making doll clothes or furniture- is completely different from spending thousands in a matter of days to fill your shelves with crap you don't even really care about.
Consoomerism is now a replacement for a personality, it's weird as fuck to see even normal hobbies like reading and watching TV turn into someone's entire life. 'Can't wait to make this my whole personality/aesthetic/life!!!!!' every time a new mediocre show with ugly moids or a new ~spicy~ romantasy drops is insane, it feels like living in a particularly shitty Black Mirror episode.
No. 2049958
File: 1718461542571.jpg (73.82 KB, 1200x1200, nendo.jpg)

What is the market like for second hand nendoroids and other anime figures in the west?
I have a collection from when I was a big seasonal anime watcher. I don't bother to follow seasonal anime anymore and I want to scale down my collection.
No. 2050876
>lolicon figures
>rack of children's clothing
>foam tiles meant for kids
these jojifuku idiots are all the same. of all the "aesthetic" coomers, i think they are the creepiest group.
No. 2050931
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No. 2050938
>>2050933It's fine if you're ya know, buying them for actual children. What I'm curious about is if overseas Jojifuku women actually know that it's ageplay or are they just really stupid?
>>2050934Yeah I can even understand an adult buying stationery or plushies of the designs, but the actual clothes just make everyone who wears them look like a particularly sweaty ageplayer.
No. 2050940
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>>2050930That is so many self harm scars omg…
No. 2050942
File: 1718511517930.jpg (111.09 KB, 600x900, TK-2018-06-03-007-001-Harajuku…)

>>2050938>but the actual clothes just make everyone who wears them look like a particularly sweaty ageplayer.i think they can be styled well if done by a non pedo. Pic rel is really cute imo, it reminds me of early 00s Fruits magazine.
No. 2050944
>>2050942What are you talking about this outfit is dogshit kek
Just because it's worn by an eleven doesn't mean it's less ageplay.
No. 2050949
>>2050948Well for one she's wearing a top from a clothing brand meant for kids which makes it pretty much on par with that bizarre tradthot woman who would get kids tops she got out of the dumpster.
Also most fruits outfits were never good to begin with.
No. 2050951
>>2050942I get the other anon, there's something about kid's clothes, specially when you know that the brand is for kids, that makes the person wearing the clothes look weird.
I think it's kind of the fact that even tops are just not made with adults in mind, so the cut is different to what an adult would wear, she could be small enough to wear a size xs for children, but her torso just has different proportions.
No. 2050955
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>>2050952Why? Majority of fruits outfits were done by teenagers so it's not like it's surprising that they were bad (and it's not even like I expected them to be good either, since teens usually don't have great fashion sense)
No. 2050959
>>2050958I think you're misunderstanding, I'm not insinuating that people in fruits were ageplayers I just think (like most teens) the vast majority of them had bad fashion sense and most of the outfits were bad. I do think however regardless of if you're Japanese or not that wearing kids clothes like mezzo piano is pretty ageplay in the defense of some of the tiktok girls they might just genuinely be stupid enough to think that it's not a fetish thing while in Japan it's pretty much only used for obvious fetish fuel.
I just don't get why they chose kid's clothes in particular since cute clothing isn't a rare thing in Japan.
No. 2050971
>>2050958This. That woman clearly has a pretty mature aesthetic, its just meant to be garish and colorful.
>>2050959i think you are part of the problem for turning something cute into a fetish. You are no different from the moids that sexualize mezzo piano in the first place. For all we know that woman could have genuine nostalgia for a brand she grew with and is using it to compliment her colorful aesthetic. Its not comparable to the pedo larpers who wear randoserus and shit.
No. 2050983
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>>2050971>for turning something cute into a fetishAnon…I don't think I have to explain myself to why jojifuku which literally started in a porn studio is obvious fetish wear.
>For all we know that woman could have genuine nostalgia for a brand she grew with and is using it to compliment her colorful aestheticIt's possible, but it's pretty equally possible that it's just being worn for ageplay reasons.
It's fine to like cute things, I wear lolita and collect dolls and plushies but when you're wearing clothes meant for children then I think raising some eyebrows is reasonable.
No. 2050985
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>>2050983if you wear lolita (esp. sweet) then you can't really call out someone for wearing something that is childish and immediately assume they're an ageplayer when lolita prints are littered with extremely childish motifs.
No. 2050989
>>2050985I don't wear AP, also you're still comparing clothes meant for adults to clothes meant for children.
You don't need to be a body checking ana ageplayer to wear lolita like you do with jojifuku kek.
No. 2050990
>>2050983but the girl in
>>2050942 isnt wearing jojifuku though
No. 2050999
File: 1718514334683.jpeg (45.03 KB, 600x720, most AP is uggo ngl.jpeg)

>>2050994>should I remind you a lot of people wear AP (or other type of garish sweet OTT) and ageplay? I'm not surprised there's a lot of ageplayers who wear AP considering prints like dreamy baby room kek. Truly BABY master race.
>the chances of being called an ageplayer is much higher when wearing OTT sweet lolita than wearing a garish outfit with a mezzo piano shirt.Obviously, I'm just pointing out that's pretty reasonable to assume someone wearing mezzo piano is into ageplay due to the style associated with porn studios in Japan.
No. 2051008
File: 1718514623975.webp (50.74 KB, 640x640, EC8led4_d.jpg)

>>2050999I will never get why AP is so popular, they release a ton of tacky and garish things, they seem to attract the worst consoomers in the lolita community too.
>>2051003I can believe she could be wearing for bodychecking.
No. 2051014
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>>2051008>they release a ton of tacky and garish thingsBecause that's what's popular, just look at those hideous wedding dresses BABY makes for rich Chinese women for another example kek. But agreed none the less, on rare occasions they'll put out an absolutely gorgeous piece like pic rel though.
(derailing) No. 2051019
>>2051016If you're talking about actual kids who wore mezzo piano in the 2000s then yes obviously
But if you're referring to stuff taken in more recent years then it's pretty obviously women sexualizing it to sell to men.
(derailing) No. 2051029
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>>2051021Ironically I don't even see that many moids (outside of bisuko) who give a shit about jojifuku, they're more into jirai kei for porn.
>>2051024Kek I respect, personally they're my favorite brand and the sweet side of my wardrobe is mostly baby and meta with some more sweet toned IW here and there but I can see why they're too much for a lot of people.
No. 2051033
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>>2051021I haven't honestly seen many men care about jojifuku. Most of the people reposting images like picrel are teenage girls on Pinterest and Twitter.
(derailing) No. 2051038
>>2051035>but if I was a taobao lolita I'd wear that shit on the daily. taobao lolitas kinda gross me out, the ones that buy a ton of things, you're no different from someone who buys from shein.It's funny too since they get super pissed at people buying stuff from shein even though buying on bulk off of taobao is basically the same shit?
>>2051036I can believe it but I'm also curious to hear the source on this claim.
No. 2051041
File: 1718515957821.jpg (564.42 KB, 767x1111, ichigo mashimaro.jpg)

>>2051038>I can believe it but I'm also curious to hear the source on this claim.they literally wear mezzo piano clothes in official art. pic rel. I used to like the anime when i was 14 because i thought it was made by the woman because on the focus on the cute clothes, but no its by a pedo scrote.
(derailing) No. 2051042
>>2051037They're not saying that men aren't pedos, just that men jack off to anything that women do and a lot of women will pander to them in that way.
It's not like female ageplayers are a rare thing anyway.
>>2051041Ah ok makes sense.
No. 2051043
>>2051037how am I putting the blame on women if I'm saying the men sexualize what women do no matter what we do?
>How do you explain that men arent wearing dinosaurs tshirts for womenmen never do anything for the female gaze, they don't care what women think because they don't listen to us. a male pickme who actually fishes for female attention in a niche is as rare as an unicorn.
>>2051038most normies don't get sweatshops are a widespread thing in china and think it's just shein so taobao lolitas think they're fine as long as they don't buy things from shein because muh design steal. like taobao lolita brands don't steal designs.
No. 2051061
>>2051057ayrt, agree with you, I was strictly referring to
>>2050956 who was referring to
>>2050942, whose shirt isn't too badly fitting to my eyes
No. 2051090
File: 1718519707967.png (399.85 KB, 547x515, 1694626995503.png)

>>2051029semi-related but what even is bisuko's deal? is he a faggot or is he just a weird kind of agp who acts like a faggot to attract underage fujos? he's clearly a pedo sex pest but I truly don't understand any of the choices he makes.
(derailing) No. 2051101
>>2051075I think it just comes from 'special weeby snowflake syndrome' I had a friend trying to convince me a while back that jirai kei wasn't actually fast fashion because it's lasted a couple of years and fast fashion only refers to replicating celebrity wear (to be fair she didn't deny that most of it is probably crappy sweatshop clothes however)
I honestly don't get why a lot of lolitas recommend people starting out with taobao (or bodyline back in the day, which was worse honestly) rather than encouraging people to save up for second hand brand which they'll have an easier time reselling if they wish to later on.
>>2051090Just your typical misogynistic gay moid but with an emo flavor.
No. 2051638
>>2051117why do you think in extremes? it's entirely possible to have less than 20 key pieces and cycle through those. I'm not wearing it to take photos for instagram so I don't care repeating outfits I like wearing.
>>2051127not really, a lot of lolitas use the hobby as inspiration for sewing, drawing and diverse types of handicraft that can be used in the fashion. I have 4 brand pieces, 1 taobao piece I bought secondhand and all the rest of my things are handmade either by me or other people or thrifted and upcycled into something wearable. but of course I would be called ita because I'm not decked in brand or taobao.
No. 2051818
Posting her to avoid the off-topic. Seems like she got ride of the cluster she had before, but she still does the Shein clothing haul.
No. 2052174
>>2051043>>2051075It seems a lot of taobaolitas like to pick and choose which brands are acceptable to consoom. Can't buy a drink from Starbucks because of genocide, but buying from Taobao brands that boasts about using Xinjiang cotton is justifiable to them because the consoomer goods are cute!
>>2051117I hate the weekly releases. Most of the time, they are lower quality designs than what they used to be when the release schedule was less frequent, but also it gets to the point where there too many dresses for a niche fashion style compared to people who would wear such things.
>>2051873It seems some people's hobby is just hoarding craft supplies instead of ever actually using them.
No. 2052715
>>2052435I don't think you understand that nobody here gives a shit. Them neurospecial folqxz who hoard mountains of crap aren't exempt from being discussed here just because they have a sunflower lanyard and no common sense. There's plenty of discussion here about old people hoarding shit, old people throwing away all their holiday decorations and buying new ones every single year, parents who buy their kids hundreds of dollar store presents just to have a mountain of stuff for the kids to unwrap on camera, beige moms who spray paint their kids' toys for views, retards who have walls of naked child figures and virtue signal about not knowing they were from lolishit animes, autistic sneakerhead moids, obsessive restocking/refilling/aesthetic home tiktokers who live on single use plastic-wrapped useless items, and more. It doesn't matter if you have a diagnosis for your retardation, if you're a consoomer, you get talked about here.
If they can buy shit, they can have a productive hobby. I don't care if they live their lives online, they can make art or write or discuss the FOTM series they're obsessed with without consooming.
>>2052434>Media enforced consumerism that extends to become a part of your personalityYeah, this is insane. It goes beyond just media, have you seen how cultish aesthetic stuff is? I get teens being retarded, but there are grown women asking if they're allowed to watch Breaking Bad if they're cottagecore. It's fucking bleak. Kids who base their personalities on liking black and reading romantasy have BPD levels of a lack of personality and sense of self. No wonder they think that buying funko pops will add an exciting layer of intrigue to their personalities.
No. 2052871
>>2052715>Kids who base their personalities on liking black and reading romantasy have BPD levels of a lack of personality and sense of self. maybe it's because they're kids? it's adults who are the ones twisting their minds. there are more than a handful of grown zoomers and millenials who are just like this. there are way too many grown women in these threads who love raging at literal children whose consoom levels should be managed by their parents, sorry you all have a complex over aging.
>>2052798it's on purpose, it's more profitable to companies. it's honestly bleak, to many people it's more "worth it" to just throw something out when it breaks and buy a new one, rather than learning some life skills by repairing or repurposing broken items
No. 2052935
File: 1718646897313.jpeg (1.45 MB, 1125x1625, IMG_2262.jpeg)

I’m not one to talk but we have bookcases of physical media too.
No. 2052938
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>>2052935Here’s the full photo.
No. 2052940
>>2052130I found a very good thrift shop fairly locally which just has a bunch of absolutely random shit. They often take out zippers or buttons from donated clothing if the clothing itself is unsellable. I like going there, even if I find just a couple of random pieces I will use later or need for a current project. I usually get zippers from there because they're dirt-cheap, like 1/20th of a price for a new one and they work and the most you have to do is pick off some leftover thread from it being unpicked (they have to anyway, because textile recycling they do requires taking that out)
What bothers me about that place is that it seems to me they just stock a ton of completely unsellable junk. Mugs and pins and t-shirts from conventions or places no one's ever been to, books that genuinely no one would be interested in, not even a library, hoards of cassette tapes both video and music (don't they degrade over use and you can't check if they're at all working unless you watch them in entirety?), broken children's toys…
I get it. Maybe it can be reused in some way, like you can customize it or use it for crafts. But most people simply won't bother. I see the same unfortunate pieces of trash every time I go, waiting for their lucky day, but I've been going for two years now and it seems to me that I see some of those items more often than I see some of my friends.
No. 2052957
>>2052940Samefag, but around where I live, convention/event trash in thrift stores is just fucking inescepable.
I can go into any random thrift store and pick up like 5 marathon/blood drive/beerfest t-shirts at any of them. And they cost just as much as any other t-shirt.
Why would anyone even make these, who wears them after the event is over? I maybe get concert merch, but… do eauropean people really get like, free shirts for doneting blood? By the amount I find in thrift stores, most of them must just get dumped straight into the donation bin. Maybe give people a nicer free meal or something, that's much more useful after losing blood.
Also it makes me laugh, but also drives me insane in context, how often I find custom stuff from US/Europe in thrift stores. Shirts commemorating someone's granddad or dog or whatever. Why make these? If it's sentimental, why donate these? Why offload trash no one will buy onto poor people, even if said poor people can't even shop at most thrift stores anymore, because some thrift shops would have the same prices as buying new for some clearly worn stuff??
No. 2053087
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>>2050364none of these women are super milky on their own, but it's funny seeing how so many of them are severely overweight/obese and hoard hundreds of loli figures, posters, etc. do they need to pedopander because they're disgusting to look at?
No. 2053090
File: 1718654211896.png (3.18 MB, 1643x1457, kisskissfuckitup.png)

>>2053087and i mean in addition to hoarding a metric fuckton of generic kawaii stuff like sanrio goods, i feel like they consoom to feel better about their looks
No. 2053102
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Dude made his entire living room into a manga library. No. 2053214
File: 1718660098036.jpg (26.77 KB, 474x316, oil-spill.jpg)

>>2053196>I’m sure that ‘vegan leather’ indirectly killed more animals than an actual leather bag would havePlastic is made from petrochemicals and the damage the petrochemical industry has done to the environment is beyond comprehension.
No. 2053351
>>2052938>>2053129I'm glad to see other nonas think this isn't so bad either kek. If the power goes out or if your internet is down, you'll still have plenty of entertainment. At least he's actually watching the movies and has interest in them. Sure it's still consuming, but at least it isn't completely mindless like the people on TikTok who buy anime figures (not reading or watching the source) for clout.
>>2053143Spot on. That's what is the difference between consuming and "consooming".
>>2053231I posted the jojifuku video because I wanted to comment on the creepy consooming of children's clothing and products that some women will obsessively purchase to pander to pedophiles. I was not expecting the thread to immediately devolve into lolitas sperging and derailing. Not going to share any more of those vids again. Any time jfashion is mentioned in the threads it happens. No problem with the anime hoards personally but the days infighting about fruits is retarded.
No. 2053459
>>2053447>Am I being too sensitiveDefinitely not, it is really creepy.
>>2053452This is a good idea. There's also some schools that have a "clothes closet" and the clothes go towards low-income kids. Sometimes Facebook marketplace is alright, just vet the profiles to see if it's a mom that has kids.
No. 2053494
File: 1718674686640.jpeg (414.92 KB, 1080x2340, PuIgB2B.jpeg)

>>2053129He does read them, but apparently some of his hoard goes unused. Going off the reddit post, I'm not surprised if he just has them to boast about the size of his manga collection
No. 2053568
>>2053452I think I’m gonna either save them for her younger cousin (who will probably fit in them by the time she outgrows them), or give them to one of those donation groups, like
>>2053459 and
>>2053536 suggested. But god, this is so disgusting. Mezzo Piano is not cheap outside of Japan, most people have to get it second hand in my country. I can’t even imagine the moms of girls who wore those clothes trying to do a good thing by not wasting their daughter's clothes, only for it to be collected by some freak.
No. 2053601
>>2050930>"making an outfit with my rarest mezzo piano pieces">those creepy shots at the endYeah she's weird. She also has a boyfriend and this makes it even weirder imo
No. 2053607
>>2053601I also need to know why these freaks are so obsessed with randoseru. These backpacks are so ugly and the only special thing about them is that they come from Japan, you would think they would go for something like idk loungefly or whatever they're called. Like please this shit is weird
No. 2053613
File: 1718681702297.png (651.68 KB, 1024x899, dl-0-1024x899-2370103860.png)

>>2053607they think they look like this when they wear them
No. 2053615
>>2053601>creepy ass musicYuck
>she also has a boyfriendis this boyfriend way older than her?
>>2053607oh sweet naive nona. exactly what
>>2053613 said. it used to be commonly used by school children. it's part of the jojifuku larp.
No. 2053683
File: 1718687266027.png (802.84 KB, 862x780, 1TEXOnS.png)

They're collecting earplugs over on reddit.
No. 2053692
>>2053632>>2053615haven't seen him yet but she mentions him in this video as "her man"
No. 2053728
File: 1718691623067.jpeg (70.24 KB, 300x317, IMG_5183.jpeg)

>>2053714picrel is your ass
>>2053692It could be hypothetical. If not, her boyfriend has to be some pedophile. These types always have some old reddit neckbeard as their boyfriend.
No. 2053735
>>2053714you sound like a boomer who is mad kids have things you don't get involved with.
>>2053726it sounds like poorfag cope tbh so I think she is not consooming anything.
No. 2053756
File: 1718692998808.webp (2.65 MB, 4000x2252, rate-my-collection-v0-sooazdac…)

>>2053607Not trying to defend the jojifuku freaks, but Loungefly bags are even uglier and tackier. Can't fathom why anyone would hoard hundreds of these cheap pleather glorified children's backpacks
No. 2053761
File: 1718693590229.mp4 (6.55 MB, 608x1080, Organization 1.mp4)

I'm to upload shorts only because longer videos are very heavy kek
No. 2053762
File: 1718693744630.mp4 (10.14 MB, 720x1280, Organization 2.mp4)

No. 2053768
File: 1718694012784.mp4 (13.57 MB, 720x1280, Organization 3.mp4)

No. 2053774
File: 1718694278871.mp4 (8.5 MB, 720x1280, Organization 4.mp4)

No. 2053776
>>2053761I hate those plastic containers with a burning passion. They look tacky and make the space look so cluttered. And they will look like shit in not even a year.
>>2053762Her kitchen looks expensive, but it seems like she doesn't cook. I feel so bad for her kid, being surrounded by terrible food all the time. She eats as if she's broke and only has 10 minutes to cook at the end of the day.
No. 2053780
File: 1718694844067.mp4 (9.03 MB, 720x1280, Organization 5.mp4)

Part 1
No. 2053785
File: 1718695215321.mp4 (11.51 MB, 720x1280, Organization 6.mp4)

Part 2
No. 2053789
File: 1718695411351.mp4 (15.33 MB, 720x1280, Donation 1.mp4)

Do not turn up your volume
No. 2053796
>>2053187Yeah, because everyone consooms hoardiang is actchually gooood guyyyyys. This thread is inch away from becoming reddit with "LET PEOPLE ENJOY THINGS YALL" shit. His manga library setup looks cheap, cluttered, and dusty, wow what an accomplishment!
Healthy amount of funko pops to own is 0.
No. 2053820
File: 1718697499860.mp4 (4.03 MB, 360x640, Final Boss 1.mp4)

sorry for the quality of this one
No. 2053823
File: 1718697699240.mp4 (9.01 MB, 720x1280, Organization 7.mp4)

No. 2053834
File: 1718698307648.mp4 (1.76 MB, 720x1280, Books 1.mp4)

No. 2053835
File: 1718698446763.mp4 (1.61 MB, 720x1280, Books 2.mp4)

No. 2053838
File: 1718698641293.mp4 (2.55 MB, 720x1280, Books 3.mp4)

>>2053834sorry, another one of her room because I refused to believe it was real kek
No. 2053851
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No. 2053865
File: 1718699900320.mp4 (14.02 MB, 720x1280, Beauty 2.mp4)

No. 2053876
File: 1718700666991.mp4 (7.69 MB, 1080x1920, Beauty 3.mp4)

No. 2053886
File: 1718701407748.mp4 (1.81 MB, 720x1280, not sure 1.mp4)

No. 2053897
File: 1718702543553.jpg (81.99 KB, 736x552, 9680c5efd2767ded1b689eec996da4…)

>>2053890>>2053102>>2052935There's been more complaining about being shamed than there has been actual shaming. Look at how much shit these two own. None of the rooms that have been posted are normal, what are you doing with ~2500 DVDs or hundreds, ~1000 volumes of manga you don't read, or hundreds of nsfw anime figures and sanrio plushies? There's no curation whatsoever. That's just consooming. Buying 40 books you don't read isn't much better than buying 40 cups you don't use. Even something like picrel which is kind of ugly and cluttered to me, is completely normal (for westerners) in comparison to those and probably a regular amount of consoom vs the insanity that is being defended. You're being shat on for thinking buying literally thousands of items is normal
No. 2053898
File: 1718702608311.mp4 (7.51 MB, 720x1280, Fashion 1.mp4)

No. 2053950
File: 1718709061215.jpg (239.18 KB, 1080x1440, wujzpk11uo9c1.jpg)

Do people keep their rooms dark and dim because you'll see all the dust and grime if you have bright lights on it?
No. 2053957
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No. 2053958
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OP is 20.
No. 2053967
Sage for ot but I fell hard for consoomerism when I was younger and today I'm finally cleaning up at least a part of it! I shudder to think whats in my drawers but I'll be happy to get rid of the mindless impulse buys. It'll take some work but in a few days I should have a clean, organized room that I won't feel embarrassed about.
>>2053958It's not that bad, looks like any teenagers room.
No. 2053984
>>2053742It's summer, the over sensitive kids who take everything extremely personally are going to shit up the boards for the next few weeks.
>>2053835The way these are arranged makes me think she got most of them for the covers, not the contents. Booktok is depressingly full of people who don't read.
>>2053886This is a whole other level of mental illness. Most hoarders would be content with showing the clothes the tags are attached to.
No. 2054356
nonnie. If you haven't seen Hannah Alonzo's videos yet, I'd highly recommend them. At first, I didn't really get that the stupid things influencers did was rage-baiting, but this video pointed out some strategies. She has a whole section on food-rage-bait, which is what this person is clearly doing. Food rage is very effective since people are very sensitive to food waste.
Also, has anyone else started tempering their reactions to consoom videos and the like? Now that the curtains have peeled back and many of these creators' goals are blatantly to get people to react emotionally, I don't want to give them what they want. Has anyone else started practicing being more stoic when handling social media, and if so do you have any tips or tricks?
No. 2054490
>>2053950If you took away the posters this would be cluttered but normal
>>2053958Same with this, ugly but normal. Can’t believe some of you think owning thousands of figures/cds is ok but not these
No. 2054521
>>2053761>Most generic looking To-Do List possible>"I thought this was so cute!" How? It is practically plain.
>>2053780Why is she labeling the containers? Is she too retarded to see that the container labeled "lipsticks" is full of lipsticks? Also I can't imagine any reason to have more than 1 of some of these products at a time, like what is she doing with 5 things of primer?
>>2053967Happy for you, anon! It feels good to declutter!
>>2054356For the most part, I only react to these videos on lc. It does make sense that a lot of these are rage-bait (though it seems there are plenty that are genuine and not from influencers), but I have to wonder if the food stocking videos like
>>2053768 aren't also targeted at people with disordered eating? I've read that sometimes they spend a lot of time organizing food because they think about it a lot, but it gives them something to do that isn't eating it.
No. 2054672
>>2054457Normally it would make sense, but it looks like she got Amazon-tier markers just to have a lot to show off, and I doubt she uses even 10% of them.
>>2053950This is ugly, but not even that bad and its a fairly tidy desk. Not sure why you posted this.
No. 2054900
>>2054545this isn't the "decor I think is shit" thread, this is the
consoomerism thread. there is a difference between people owning things that you see no value in and consooming. somebody's room that still has their shit from their teens because they live with their parents is literally not consooming.
>>2054672are those not ohuhu markers? they're popular copic dupes and cost a fraction of the price. iirc those big sets are pretty affordable, makes sense if the person is an artist but it's probably another "organize my desk with me asmr" normie.
No. 2055040
Lip product hoards especially gross me out because it's so hard for me not to imagine the bacteria festering after even a single wear or swatch.
No. 2056073
>>2053761what kills me is the cards on the walls that all come from a pack. the whole point is to curate meaningful or cute cards photos and tickets over time so that you have a wall full of familiar pictures and memories. it's so fake and hollow, instead of decorating for themselves people decorate to fool the internet into thinking they have a personality.
it might have something to do with everything being digital nowadays, but it fucks me up how quick teenage decoration mutated into building a movie set bg for your SM videos.
No. 2056153
>>2053958>>2055989Yeah this is the consumerist thread, not "bedrooms I find personally embarrassing" thread. On that note
>>2053897 this one is also pretty cringe but most of what they have is shit posters on the wall, I want to see real hoarders that buy a shit ton of useless crap. Not some random girl with plushies on her bed and bad taste in decor.
No. 2056888
>>2056571I'm with you
nonny don't let them silence you.
No. 2056905
>>2053761There's no way this isn't rage bait. The constant zooming in and out can't be appealing to most people.
>>2056153Then post better examples of consoom instead of whining about every example posted itt.
No. 2056956
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>>2056909squishmallows were such a bizarre trend, it's like the stanley cup of 2020. they're much less popular now, but i remember seeing multiple women with dozens of just these frogs
No. 2056986
>>2056928They're pretty soft and I think they are generally cute, but not worth being obsessed over.
>>2054900I have no idea what brand the markers are, I don't really use markers much anymore. I'm all for dupes if they're decent, I just assumed they're shit because I've had friends irl that have bought giant sets of markers in carrying cases like that from Amazon and they were all terrible, definitely quantity over quality. Seems a little excessive though.
No. 2057278
>>2057159The vast majority of her perfumes are cheap, low quality but trendy, or body sprays. If you're judging her based on the thumbnail, don't, because it's so much worse than you think.
This is insane poorfag levels of hoarding, the kind where they fixate on one 'rich people' thing to obsess over to prove they have money. Buying every Kayali perfume when she could have either gotten a much nicer vanilla perfume for less, or even stuck with the VS and Sol de Janeiro sprays she's also hoarding since they're about the same quality and smell almost identical, is an insane waste of money. There are a lot of nice perfumes in there but they're rotting away while she collects yet more shitty Tiktok perfumes.
And she has samples. I also have a lot of samples, which is why I don't have an entire perfume mausoleum. Just the samples and travel sprays (for reference travel sprays are normally 10ml of perfume, which is enough for an entire goddamn MONTH of daily use if you're not drenching yourself in it) are enough to keep her going for the next few years.
Also, I don't know why she doesn't sell decants. She has a weird fixation with having whole collections and different sizes of the same perfume to display, but she even said she's keeping perfumes she hates for the packaging, so why not sell the contents if she's not going to use them anyway? She could make back a decent bit of the fortune she's spent if she did that.
No. 2057371
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Gotta… bing bing wahoo…
No. 2057907
kek at the ongoing salt about physical media. nona doesn't quit.
>>2057159i haven't seen so many perfumes before. most of these look like knockoffs too. there's no way she's using all of these. we know why men hoard cologne (they think it "attracts" women), why do these women collect so much? is it really for themselves if they own so many? how can they enjoy this many.
No. 2057918
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>>2057907idc, i'm pretty sure many of those anons defending it are just pickmes, just look at the replies in this thread. moid owns a fuckton of manga? it's based. woman owns a fuckton of books? she's a booktok poser who doesn't read anything. either way it's hardcore consooming. pic to get back on topic
>inb4 someone says this isn't consoom because it's a curated collection of memorabilia for a game they love No. 2058329
>>2057918A few months ago I ended up donating a bunch of my old love live merchandise from when I was a teenager. I only had a tiny fraction of what this guy has and I felt so regretful and embarrassed going through it all because it was all worthless junk to me now. I can't imagine dealing with that big of a collection.
>>2057371Physical switch games are particularly bad because it's commonplace to not even have the full game on the cartridge anymore. So you can't even use the excuse that you care about preserving physical media when half of these plastic cases probably just have a slip of paper with a download code in them.
No. 2058638
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>>2054356I actually watched this one and half the videos she moralizes about are clearly jokes. Women really aren't allowed to ever be funny, and the only humor we're allowed to do is millenial obnoxious sarcasm and yelling "I'm joking! I'm joking btw this is a joke!" otherwise we're taken super seriously and have useless video essays pointing the finger at us. Men are not scrutinized like this. So annoying
No. 2058784
>>2053850I agree with everyone annoyed with posts needing validation for their own hobbies and interests, especially when most of those that keep coming up literally have their own threads. But the back and forth arguing is worse. Just report people who are off topic and ignore them.
And people who get redtexted for ot, its literally fine, we all fuck up and get got at some point. No need to further mess up one of the few (potentially) decent non cow threads on this site.
No. 2058902
>>2056909Kek you are so right,
nonny! She is merely maintaining physical media so she'll be entertained in case the internet or the power goes down!
No. 2058932
>>2058784It’s cringe and at this point it looks like one anon samefagging because she’s still butthurt about being told by nonas that some people have interests that include media. Nope can’t have things you actually use, you got to watch paint dry and grass grow like she does. It’s been days, get over yourself.
>>2058902 absolutely retarded.
No. 2058970
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>>2058932it's definitely not samefag, i sure as hell didn't post that i'm one of the anons shitting on the anons who think that reddit moid owning 2500~ dvds is normal. thinking that doesn't mean i hate media or even owning stuff, i literally posted
>>2058376 sorry you can't comprehend multiple people think defending men who own literally thousands of copies of dvds and books they don't read/watch is embarrassing as fuck. pic unrelated
No. 2059129
>>2058996> multiple people think defending men who own literally thousands of copies of dvds and books they don't read/watch is embarrassing as fuckwhy are you/others caping so hard for two redditors who don’t watch or read their shit? one literally posted he doesn’t read everything and there’s no chance anybody watches 2500 dvds. nobody’s even saying you shouldn’t own things, just that. seriously, why would anyone be mad at any of these posts unless they also don’t use their stuff? do you have a hoard of books you don’t read
No. 2059135
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I thought the miniature stanely cups were overkill until the video reached a certain point and my jaw actually dropped. Also the fucking eggs just going loose in some container too big for them kek.
>>2058970>>2059129Stop bringing up men or suggesting pickmeism let nonnas have opinions holy fuck.
No. 2059147
>>2059140What do you expect, it’s summer which means we’re going to get our yearly influx of people who don’t get what this thread is for
On the bright side though I guess fads like the Stanley/Owala/whatever other plastic junk that’s popular are going to die down a bit until the next school year starts. On the downside there is going to be a lot more competition at thrift stores so that’s gonna suck
No. 2059153
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posting more consoom rooms to get on topic again. these are all the same exact jacket
>>2059135i didn't say anything about being a pickme in those replies and the two original reddit posts are literally men's rooms, let me call them consoomer retards holy fuck
No. 2059157
>>2059135Kid's refrigerator? Does this mean she has more than one? Why the hell do these people have more than one, and one of them being specifically for the children? I get having a freezer or a second fridge in a garage for long storage purposes, but not one specifically for their kids
On an unrelated note, I can't take the brand "Smeg" seriously. I keep thinking of smegma and I hate that.
No. 2059168
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Should we create a bad interior design thread separate from this thread so that discussions focus on consuming, and not tasteless decor?
No. 2059171
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>>2059161dropped image. bjd collectors really fascinate me, i know their dolls all cost from hundreds to thousands of dollars and that people going into cc debt is really common. pretty sure any milk is hidden away in their communities though
>>2059168i think it's fine as is, they've always been posted in here. usually they're mostly extreme rooms though
No. 2059267
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>>2059175May not be true "consoomer" for these threads but there's something to be said about someone presumably going into debt buying something so they have something to brag about to others. It reminds me of those people who buy the cheapest designer items so they can feel rich and show others how ~expensive~ they are.
No. 2059303
>>2059135I usually put the eggs in their container where she put her butter and keep the butter in the box when not in use. Weird. And the kids have their own fridge? Wow.
>>2059168There’s a sad beige mom interior design thread but might be dead. Sad because I enjoy discussing interior decorating as well.
No. 2059322
>>2059140Reviving the sustainability thread might be the ticket, or perhaps there's a similar thread floating around the archives about permaculture or just modern lifestyle malaise.
I remember the first consoom threads having those kinds of "you must own nothing and like it" posts, but they died down quick. None of the nonnas admitting they have stationary hoards or gatcha husbandos are getting dogpiled, because they aren't defending it so who cares. If I can't hate on anime figs and fast fashion here, is there anywhere on this godforsaken earth a woman can be free?
No. 2059382
>>2059135This is consooming. Buying lots of little plastic things to store things that likely already came in a container. Do they do any of this before social media or did this dumb level of “organization” start when they created a TikTok?
>>2059316It’s not, but anons have different definitions of consoom, some definitions being really retarded. It’s weird teenager bedrooms have been posted twice this thread. A tasteless decor thread would separate that. Even though it would probably only be 2 nonnies shitting it up.
No. 2059391
>>2059362Selling stuff, especially for what it might be worth, is a pain. I know some older people who started selling/getting rid of their things and I think it's very thoughtful of them to do that so their kids don't have to deal with it and they might leave them more money.
Because I've seen situations where the kids don't want to deal with the amount of stuff left behind and think it easier to dump it or donate it even if they lose out on money.
No. 2059395
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>>2059384free him
My 2 cents about the book hoarding : what makes it cringe isn't necessarily that some books go unread, the cringe is that it's all about being perceived and 'flexing' on people
- wanting only new or pretty books or all the collection bc you care more about the cover than the content
- doing something retarded like flipping the spine so it's all beige
- most of all, posting your books to the internet to give yourself a certain air
Picrel is the absolute height of retarded book consoomerism No. 2059424
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Please tell me I'm not the only one who hates this. $35 for a used $4 book w/ a few stickers ripped off the original artist, that came in a 50 pack on Temu for $1.57. 3 measley "Annotation" tabs that come in packs of 500 for $1-4, and a single highlighter that came in a 6 pack for $1. Go to a library. Every book you haven't read is a "blind date." Read the synopsis on the back to find something interesting. Sweet Jesus.
No. 2059442
>>2059303>There’s a sad beige mom interior design thread but might be dead. Sad because I enjoy discussing interior decorating as well.Just bump it with a relevant picture and discussion about the topic
>>2059168Yes make the thread
No. 2059625
maybe we need 'consoom appreciation thread' for all defensive nonas who have panic attacks if they have one beige/white space in their homes? or maybe 'minimalist hate thread'? I remember one about beige aesthetic but I think it was not really popular? Some time ago there was a minimalist trend and people were flexing about owning less than x items.
this thread was made to shit on collectors and trend chasers or for people to quit their spending maybe we need warning in the op that it is not about you you can have your plastic husbandos or 100 copies of that one shitty game lol
>>2056909question for plushie collectors - do you wash/clean them from time to time? or they can change shape after machine washing? I wonder if they can become full of dust ater time.
>>20537746 vaseline containers, I guess vaseline nona was wrong lol you can hoard everything if you really want to
No. 2059854
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>>2054457Sageblog but I have these markers and some of them do look like they are the same shade until you use layers and layers of different tones. It's the same thing with color pencils.
Still, is better to have a good amount of markers than having the full color range. You'll end having colors that you won't use and colors that will dry faster.
No. 2060640
>>2060625definitely dubious about how reasonable her friend's spending is. if anon's friend is complaining about being broke and being unable to afford medical bills frequently then 23 dolls plus accessories is definitely unreasonable
i assume the original post is about bjds because of the mention of having extra heads as a separate thing.
No. 2060702
>>2059776Doll collectors have their own brand of consoomer stupid. There are people who will pay $1000 for one old damaged bratz. And if you join the BJD discord you see dozens of post talking about being in debt and several talking about being in debt to their parents, despite urging from other people to never take on debt to buy a doll. And doing non refundable deposits and layaway plans where you pay for a $1000 BJD over the course of 6 months is extremely common even directly from the retailer. It’s bizarre as fuck, even in other female dominated consoom collections like plushies, lolita clothes, or anime figures aren’t this bad and the creators don’t accept layaway.
>inb4 it’s not every doll collector!!!1!Then this isn’t about you so stfu.
No. 2060883
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I bet this girl thought she was beating the consoom but in a roundabout way this is even more consumerist. To be fully honest part of me finds this kinda cute like putting effort to make it nice with the milk and whatever extra add ons but then part of me is confused because why is is plastic cup and sticker the important part. You can still feel like you have a little treat even if it’s in a normal cup. Not even a coffee tumbler like a stanley type or those startbucks cups had effect she needed to go straight to the source. The crack must enter the bloodstream immediately. Anyway, everything is drenched in consoom, from the station with those same syrup pumps everyone has, the coffee maker, and even the sticker maker. And part of the appeal of a little treat is the experience of finding a shop or going somewhere regular and getting it, the vessel is secondary. So who knows, she probably is still going and getting something else but thinks she’s saving money by putting her homemade coffee in a single serve cup.
No. 2060893
>>2059399Agreed. That fridge looks more like a snack vending machine than a fridge. It only lacks the small pre-packed crisps and some "healthy" granola bars.
And even the stuff that's whole foods comes out of some plastic, I can imagine how "healthy" those kids are.
Surely, a Mom doesn't have to cook six to eight hours to meal prep for their kids, but some food is done in less than two hours and is way better than something that comes out of plastic.
No. 2061052
>>2060883It would be cute like for a party, but every single day? It kind of loses its charm tbh.
Isn't it more special if you have your coffee in a pretty cup? Or in a cup that has some sentimental value like a gift from grandma or from a friend.
No. 2061107
>>2061071Yeah, she'd save more money than going out for a coffee if she just used a normal reusable cup (a normal ceramic or whatever new reusable cups that exist now) for her drink and used one of her stickers on it and still "manipulate" her weird ass brain into thinking she's drinking out.
Still I don't understand how it's come to the fact that people feel weird about not spending money on Starbucks or similar outside coffee/snack joints. I only ever spend some money on coffee to go if I have a train to catch to go away for a few days (that way I don't have to clean my coffee pot etc.).
No. 2061180
>>2060681Can YOU read? No one should pay for medical bills. If I make $100k a year for 20 years, 23 dolls around $350-700 (standard branded BJDs, assuming they aren't recasts which are $60-200) are $8-16k. Given working for 8-12 hours a day for years on end, don't you think a person deserves a hobby or well extended collection? BJDs are often collected by artistic people who paint faces, trim/style wigs, and sew clothing. Yes, 23 dolls is a lot, but so is owning a new car for $55k or $500 PS5, not including $60+ games that may line a shelf and not touched in ages, but no one shits on men for that. I think it's beyond cruel healthcare is free for low income people, but a single chemotherapy for someone who got good grades in high school, studied their ass off in college, and makes decent money after all of that planning and intellect, now has bills $100k+ each, more than a years salary, that may or may not be covered, and only to a certain % after a 20k deductible is paid ASSUMING she has good insurance. I don't blame her for horder tendencies. Sometimes you want to spend on YOURSELF because all you do is think about others when you're not stressed out from a disease you didn't ask for. A single ambulance cost me $3k and $1.2k for the emergency room. I couldn't pay for it with all of my savings and I NEVER fucking spend on myself. Medical bills or tangible item? Guess what I pick?
No. 2061249
>>2059135>all that fucking butterWhy? What the fuck do they even use with it in that whole ass fridge? Like maybe for the eggs, maybe to sauté a few of those spinach leaves, but there is no way they need that much butter.
>eggs not in an egg holder even though this bitch has a lazy susan and sliders for everything else>even the yogurt gets stored on the walls of the fridge?>why does she need a plastic and carton version of the same orange juice?>so much fucking yogurt>she has fancy holders for herbs like the cilantro and dill but not for all the fruit she just throws unceremoniously into the bottom drawersWeird, stupid fucking people have too much damn money.
No. 2061313
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to balance things out for the salty consoomer nonas here's some moid collector's room full of GI joes. all the photos he posts are deep fried but he has youtube videos where you can see all the stuff he's collected, but you have to stare at his face
No. 2061617
a friend of mine isn't as bad as the people in these videos, but she's definitely stuck in a consoom cycle to fill the void created by being mid-30s with no relationship, shitty dead-end job/no career, no real passions, etc, probably also fueled by bipolar or borderline. idk if this belongs better in a different thread, but i think she represents the audience of these kinds of videos and the person who dreams of having one of those crazy cluttered consoom rooms. as someone very minimalist and with great financial discipline, i wish i could say something to her, but it would be rude because we're not that kind of close. so i'll vent here and hopefully other nonas with my mindset will commiserate.
>was an alcoholic, spiraled herself into a bankruptcy at 30 between spending on that and impulse purchases (but is many years sober now so good for her)
>bounces around from job to job for whatever will pay slightly higher, ends up trapped in a cycle of shitty jobs she hates but can't escape because her resume has no focus. can't get past a certain wage point becuase she'll self-sabotage and jump from a good job over an extremely petty reason and have to take a lower-wage one again.
>constantly stuck in a cycle of being behind on her bills and taking out payday loans and impulsively spending beyond her means. if she's single, she promotes an OF and even sad shit like footfinder and even does cam shows when she's really desperate, then drops it as soon as she has money again. recently escalated to doing customs and videos to hustle up more. we live in a place where sex work is literally paid and taxed work so she could be making decent money for this if she enjoyed it.
>moved from a more expensive state to a cheaper one to save money, now just spends the extra money on garbage, still has no savings
>apartment has gone from cutely decorated to hoard spilling out of her room into the shared space. always amazon etc boxes all over the place, most unopened. everything she bought and got over the dopamine high from is piled on racks/bookshelves and tucked into any weird corner she can find all over the house. her room is 100% walls and floors covered with stuff, most of which isn't nicely organized and little of which is recently dusted. (luckily, i'm not her roomate)
>constantly goes to walmart/ulta/etc high and buys stuff she doesn't need because she's super susceptible to aggressive advertising, convincing herself she needs it or it's useful or will be her next obsession. if she stays home and has any cash, she does the same thing on offerup/facebook marketplace because they're such good deals. takes out store credit cards so she can buy more things because they're the only credit cards that will approve her, treats the money like it's not hers yet.
some recent consuming sprees of hers:
>adopted a dog. decided she needed a baby gate for it, went on offerup to avoid spending a lot of money on one. instead bought 3 gates for a total of the same money, most of which didn't end up working (and she can't return), has now bought a total of about 5. spins herself up into doing needlessly complicated shit like keeping the dog in a baby pen in her (connected) bathroom behind an open door with a dog gate over it. has definitely spent at least $500 if not double that within 2 months of having him on things like a ramp so he can sit closer to her when she's at her desk. tried to adopt another dog because the dopamine hit of dog #1 wore off, that failed, tried to foster a dog, that failed, then literally the next day dropped dog #1 off at paid daycare because he was "too noisy" while she worked from home.
>decided she was going to start an edibles business and bought large-scale equipment like drying racks, a dedicated dehydrator, silicone molds, etc before even having any sales in the works. sunk weeks and tons of materials into testing instead of following one of the many recipes on the internet. ended up with a good product that people were willing to buy, but the phase ended and she stopped making them. too much of her money in general goes to weed (and i say this as a stoner myself) but she loses interest in any attempts to subsidize the cost (has worked at dispensaries, this hustle, etc) and seeks illegal weed when she can't find it cheap enough legally.
>sold a bunch of personal items to catch up on bills as usual, found out she was getting a $150 bonus from work, got a tattoo with the money before payday even hit despite still having payday loans and 0 savings. has gotten at least 4 tattoos in the past 2 years this way. she strictly goes to apprentices for the cheap rate, but has been lucky to get good work because she likes basic flash designs.
>decided she was going to get back into sewing, sunk a lot of money into fixing her vintage machine, and had the bad luck of going to the store when they were doing a closing sale and bought entire bolts of fabric. i bought some thrift store chairs that needed reupholstering and she jumped to offer to do it before even asking, and now she's had one of them sitting in her living room for the past 6 months because the phase ended. never takes advantage of having solid sewing skills either, like making her own clothes, despite being into a fashion style with heavy DIY roots.
>decided her hair was super damaged (it wasn't), actually damaged it with her friend's MLM nonsense brand (which she started for a moment to peddle as a side hustle but thankfully stopped), then got a series of 3 progressively shorter haircuts one after the other. took out an ulta store card to buy overpriced shampoos that did nothing for her and she'd use a few times before abandoning. she decided she had an immediate need to dye her hair a costume color despite this, and i had to talk her out of spending $30 on low quality hair dye when the pro brand was $13 at a different store because she only had the money if she could use the store card. she got frustrated when i tried to tell her to wait until payday when she had that much, and ended up buying it for her as an early birthday gift so she didn't fuck up her hair and her finances. managed to convince her to try some generic brand salon products instead of continuing to buy overpriced ulta nonsense at least.
>is goth, so every halloween, gets completely lost in the consoom and buys everything she can get her hands on that's got a spooky motif. at least some of it is useful items, but you're way past the point of too many when every wall of your room has them hanging like tapestries and the rest of the house has them hanging over the windows instead of curtains AND there's multiple on your bed. even the bathroom isn't safe and is completely themed after one movie, complete with multiple funko pops above the toilet where they belong, kek
No. 2061626
>>2059694It's probably c) they film themselves restocking the fridge several times with the same food, mixing it up a bit so it doesn't look like it's from the same shop. Same goes for the 'restocking my X's fridge' videos. It's all the same milk getting poured out of a carton, into miniature bottles, out of miniature bottles, into the original carton, and into a different set of aesthetic containers, then put into a different fridge.
>>2060702>being in debt to their parentsKids should be stopped from getting into expensive hobbies that they can't fund themselves. Relying on loans is going to fuck them up so bad in later life.
>>2061617This is a nightmare, holy shit. It's crazy to think that your friend is an influencer's dream, willing to buy anything and everything they shill to the person's own detriment.
No. 2061679
>>2061617I liked reading this, would be down with more consoom in the wild reports.
The first two bullet points are a cycle I see a little of a younger version of myself in, and your friend is a pretty good specimen of zillenial death urge consoom spiral in general.
I genuinely think people like this need to start thinking more about their lives as a completed project and confronting the inevitability of their own mortality. I mean that in the nicest way possible, it does not have to be a bummer if you do it with guidance and are honest with yourself about what you actually care about.
Blog, but I was about as retarded as your friend until a bunch of people in my life died in short succession and it made me turn to philosophy and other such gay shit to think about what I was doing with myself. A lot of the looming terrors of my life that I was avoiding by spending and drinking became manageable this way, so instead of fucking around moping about climate change and my art degree or whatever, I became an electrician and now I install solar panels, a job too useful and too straight forward to get away with nonsense at.
So, to answer your question, I guess you could assassinate some of her family members and see if that sparks something?
No. 2061872
>>2060883This is kinda cute ngl
No. 2061879
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Idk why people are so mad at the consoomer nonnas itt. They add to the conversation, it's fun. At least it's better than that retard obsessed with vaseline.
No. 2062031
>>2061617Sadly I think she just switched alcohol addiction to buying addiction. No impulse control or dealing with the root of her problem… maybe you can send her some info about this? If she is familiar with addiction therapy/methods/cycles maybe she could try and seek help again?
Now that I think of it I wonder If a lot of consoomerists are just addicts, and especially young ones are just frying their brains in search for dopamine hit that is more acceptable than typical stuff - alcohol, drugs, porn (popular with men, all that gooner stuff). Could be a tinfoil theory, but they are setting themselves for a life or
toxic coping and often showing that way of life to their kids.
No. 2062047

not sure if this video has been posted yet, but it's an interesting conversation about how "self care" has been heavily commercialised. it's strange that self care = buying tons of skincare, scrubs, and overpriced waterbottles, instead of things that would actually improve your well-being like taking a walk, exercise, or reading an educational book.
>>2061986you definitely weren't there, that vaseline anon's biggest sperg was about how buying scented chapstick was "giving into patriarchy and anyone buying chapstick is brainwashed or a pickme". it was blown way out of proportion and really extremist. some women want to have chapstick that also smells good. it's not that complicated and there's no conspiracy.
>>2062031>Now that I think of it I wonder If a lot of consoomerists are just addicts, and especially young ones are just frying their brains in search for dopamine hitthat's usually the root of shopping addiction. it's to constantly get a hit of dopamine. there's often underlying depression or some people are unmedicated ADHD. shopping addiction is even more normalized now that addicts are literally getting famous from it when they post their hauls on social media. most don't see it as an addiction.
>>2061617>even the bathroom isn't safe and is completely themed after one movie, complete with multiple funko pops above the toilet where they belong, kekkek at the funko pops above the toilet. why do so many do this? it's gonna get covered in gross particles. anyways, does this movie happen to be beetlejuice? kek
No. 2062059
>>2062053I'm not even these anons
>>2061879 >>2062005 there's plenty of nonnas that think it's retarded to seethe over a woman owning 1-2 chapsticks. we aren't angry over it kek just pointing out how ridiculous it is to criticize that of all things. we don't give a shit about men.
No. 2062065
>>2062063So if someone has crusty dry lips and there was a choice between purchasing vaseline or scented chapstick, both that have about the same function, you should pick the vaseline because…it's less targeted marketing? kek
Just live and let live, let people use what they want, especially something so mundane.
No. 2062087
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>>2061994it's really sad she uses her parents' kindess to waste her life away being a burden as opposed to a springboard to get her life in order
anyway here's a reddit collage from the same user in reverse chronological order, everything i didn't include is 90% various consooms and 10% le redditor stuff and oversharing … some people have really depressing messed up lives
No. 2062094
File: 1719229862672.png (372 KB, 704x498, reddit consoom.png)

>>2062087bonus shamelessness
No. 2062097
>>2062078what does that have to do with chapstick being unnecesary consooming? you can be better than men by just drinking water you dont need to buy trash
>>2062090>caring about looking ''pretty''kek you are the reason makeup hoarders exist
No. 2062121
>>2062050She's so obnoxious, every video of her feels like a lobotomy.
I've had some many women recommend her channel to me but it's empty, surface level, commentary with shit tier jokes.
No. 2062216
>>2062087Kek it’s ok nona I give a fuck. Honestly this is pretty depressing, if she makes $20 an hr I think she could easily pull herself out of the cc debt hole especially if she’s working at it with her nigel if she quit consoomer spending for a few months. There’s around $6-700 worth of merch in that image alone, not counting the stuff in her office. I really think credit card debt is way too normalized, I have a friend with a couple thousand in cc debt and every time we go out she spends more on her card and has to buy something from every store we go into, even if we’re just window shopping. I really don’t want her to dig herself deeper into debt, but the only thing I can do is suggest free options like taking a walk or going to free events
Anyways my personal cow is kind of similar to these but to an insane degree. Obese and bad with money and loves shitty anime merch, she came into a lot of money (around 150k) a few years ago and instead of putting anything into savings to take care of her kids she started renting an expensive big house, quit working, bought a fuckton of furniture, bought tens of thousands worth of Jujutsu Kaisen/shounen giant resin statues, eating expensive food and ordering takeout all the time, constant hair salon and nail trips. And she wasted everything, a few months ago she had to move back into an apartment and trash or sell almost all the furniture for pennies on the dollar because it won’t fit in her new place, and has resumed ebegging while using her kids as a way to get sympathy.
No. 2062332
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My husband called me heartless because I sell my things and take lowballers. I grew up without a lot of money but my mom now hoards stuff like crazy. The satisfaction of having less clutter in the house is worth the trouble.
No. 2062480
>>2062267This is the most retarted and privileged girl ever. It genuinely makes me mad when people say stuff like this after lazing around all day
The bl stupidity reminded me of this personal cow I check on sometimes. She buys so much shit she acts like opening packages is a chore and is constantly selling shit she accidentally bought three times. She's got teenage daughters and genuinely has a gay porn themed basement.
No. 2062483
>>2062480samefag but she said she spent over $100,000 on yaoi in 2.5 years
No. 2062530
>>2062083Anons have just noticed some stick-up-the-ass lurking again. That pirate image was ugly but at least we didn't have mega autists around shaking about someone owning something they don't like. I purchased one from a local maker that's a woman, not all of it is "chemical crap from the patriarchy" kek.
>>2062087>self-induced diabetes>ham handsSounds like she's using the shopping to cope with other problens.
>we like many others had to max out a card during covidAnd I'm sure most of these credit card purchases were anime figures. They always want to blame the economy, the pandemic, etc. when in reality they're just spending money that could go towards bills and saving into products.
No. 2062562
>>2062480>>2062483Holy crap. That room legit looks like a store.
>It's insured up to 100k but it's well over that My god, I didn't think the NEET danmei autist upthread could be beaten. I kinda want these two to meet now kek
No. 2062572
Insane. I can’t help but wonder how the daughters feel about mom’s obsession.
No. 2062608
>>2062530Nobody was talking about the vaseline autist until an anon started seething about her again while defending consoomers
>>2062483Does she have a job??? I’d hope she just spent her own money
No. 2062650
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My sister's consoomerism is so bad that when she stopped buying shit for the sake of saving for a house, one day she bumped into the delivery driver that always comes to our house to drop off her shit and pointed out that he hasn't dropped anything off at our house for months.
Anyways, i remember going to vegas and trying a slot machine for the first time and it was the most boring shit ever, how the fuck do those elderly New Jersey ladies get hooked?
No. 2062655
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>>2062650gambling is the worst type of consooming because you get literally nothing in return
No. 2062659
>>2061679>I genuinely think people like this need to start thinking more about their lives as a completed project and confronting the inevitability of their own mortality.agree with you completely on that and i feel the same way. it's just much harder to face that when you've reached a big age and have nothing to really show for it. a lot of my friends are in the same boat as she is in terms of lack of direction and are spiraling quickly towards midlife crises, and i think it's common everywhere for our age group right now. part of her problem is being that kind of chameleon personality that blends into whatever her friends are into, so she's inspired constantly by everyone. like i travel a lot and she tried to have a phase following that, but realized how expensive passports are and had to balk. she needs to find her own identity and become comfortable being alone before she's going to fix any of this.
congrats to you nona for getting your life together though, that shit is difficult!
>>2062031i'd love to do that, but there's a high chance it would ruin our friendship. i'm in the exact opposite place in life (long time married, own a house/car im happy with, career i enjoy, partner who pays the bills, financial freedom to pursue my hobbies esp because i have tight financial restraint on impulse/unnecessary spending otherwise) so it will definitely come off like telling someone with chronic depression to just take a walk and they'll cheer up. getting to where i am in life took a lot of effort, but people seem to take me giving advice as being condescending or bragging unless they come to me for it first. i really dont mean to make this sound like "all my friends are jealous of me", but a mutual told me that this particular friend has said negative things in jealousy when upset about her own situation. i agree with you that having an addictive personality type is part of her problem too; she's kind of just replaced drinking with smoking more weed.
>>2062047Jaws, actually, lol. a book or a themed shower curtain isn't weird, but it's odd to be greeted by a over-the-toilet rack of soulless-eyed funko pop sharks when you open the door
i don't have enough to write a greentext about it, but my father in law also ended up in bankruptcy in his early 50s solely because of buying nerd shit. he took out a credit card with some best buy type site that did just nerd shit (boomer behavior lol) and fell completely into the consoom cycle. every available wall of his room and the common spaces of the house were covered in floor-to-ceiling bookshelves packed with as much garbage as would fit. the usual suspects of funko pops and walmart-tier shitty action figures (since this was at the start of the funko pop heyday) but also whole series of tabletop RPG books. anyone in that hobby can tell you that those are fucking expensive and have a million versions and supplemental materials to collect, so most of it went to buying that stuff and not even secondhand. also hoarded copics and art supplies because he's a legitimate freelance artist, only to switch to digital coloring and stop using 90% of them.
at least his story ends well, he had the bankruptcy and realized he'd fucked up at way too big of an age over something way too dumb and sold/donated/got rid of all of it when he moved from that apartment. now he's extremely particular about only keeping one bookshelf of items that have high sentimental value to him so that he can't overconsume and forces himself to get rid of something if he wants to add something new that wasn't a gift. he still hasn't figured out how to solve the root of his problems, but at least he has enough money to survive now.
No. 2062660
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>>2062480I'm also amazed by the mcmansion hell nature of her house. The builder took the big decorative pediment that is supposed to go over a big decorative entry way and just slapped it over regular little doors and empty walls. Modern architecture is such a farce.
No. 2062696
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>>2062406Apparently, this could be an influence of hgtv channel home decor shows - where they put books on shelves, but unable to show the spines with names, because of copyright
No. 2062891
>>2062659You seem like a good friend, and like your appraisal of this woman's situation is coming from a place of clear-eyed analysis rather than judgement. You're also correct that your circumstances and personality are different enough that any advice you give is probably going to made her feel hard done by. I know I often did.
Ultimately she's only gonna find her grit in her own time, which sucks for you because who knows if and when that will happen? I certainly hope she realizes, like I did, that you can toughen up and still be curious and flamboyant and have stupid hobbies.
Also apprenticeships pay well, traveling electricians make good money, and union pensions kind of rule, just saying.
>>2062710You're singing my song. I love my friends. I wish they respected themselves more. I think they see me having a million hobbies and they assume I'm still more or less living like they do and I used to, but I don't pay shit for things anymore, and I gave up everything that was too expensive or made me lazy in other ways. They just grumble about how nice it must be to be making trade money, but its way less than they think.
People go on Target hunts because it kind of feels like an outing. They buy crafting kits because it pretty much feels like making something. I get it, I'm genuinely not judging. You think I always feel like going to my community garden plot to hose off squash bugs? You think woodworking wouldn't be 10000 times easier if I just gave in and bought fancy tools and new lumber? But it'd be way less satisfying, and I wouldn't get to be so smug about the results.
I think people just want to feel useful and appreciated, and when you find that its easier to only get trinkets and silly stuff you really do love and ignore the rest. But we live in a set up that makes it impossible not to feel completely neurotic about this stuff.
No. 2062921
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I used to collect LPS figures. Had a massive collection, hundreds of dolls (gens 2.1 and 2.2). Recently donated all of it to a little cousin. My aunt sent me pictures of the kid playing with the toys and it brought me more joy than the collection itself had in years. (picrel not mine)
No. 2063075
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>>2062921i still have my collection from childhood and the ones i bought (partially stole with my then klepto bf) as an adult. i love these things
No. 2063100
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>>2062053unless you have a collection of chapsticks this big, I don't get how having one lip balm means you're a consoomer, it's not even milky to have one so your comment doesn't make sense in the context of the thread. it's just vaseline in a tube, yes drinking water helps but it doesn't fix dry lips. it's ok to criticize the makeup industry, I don't wear makeup myself. you're big time misdirecting your rage though. I would stick to the black pill thread in /2X/ if I were you. your comment legit sounds like you're defending men and calling women vain for taking care of their lips.
No. 2063111
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>>2061428It's possible to wear a watch on either arm. Watch consoomers sometimes wear watches on both arms simultaneously (which they call "double-wristing" apparently). picrel.
>>2062015I think part of the issue is they're buying dolls for the stock outfit instead of the doll itself (both rainbow high and pullip fans seem to be like this) and this is related to either the brand not selling fashion packs or the cost of buying the stock outfit being roughly the same as just buying the doll itself (such as secondhand pullip outits being priced at $75, when it's common to be able to get the dolls NIB for $125 or so)
No. 2063217
What happened to the nonna that was making a thread on Addy Harajuku? People are still waiting for it
And of course, she has a Randoseru. Fucking creep
No. 2063229
>>2063217It's really weird to me the way she jumps and prances around excitedly while mentioning it's a Japanese children's backpack. Does anyone else know what I mean? I can't put it into words, just weird
No. 2063289
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>>2047817oh god the crucifix adjacent to all it's degenerate shit. i'm an atheist i don't know how degens like this even dare to associate with god.
No. 2063620
For anyone suggesting a pro consoom thread there is already a buyfag thread on /m for this
>>>/m/192563 it would be nice to see it more active. A "positive consoom" thread would probably just be redundant with this thread.
>>2062581>>2062569KEK she is married to the father of her children. She's also my personal cow (zoomers used to call her a pedo for liking that one campy yaoi manga I can't remember the name of rn and she would make videos threatening them with lawsuits kekkk). Her collection has increased so much since the last time I've seen her videos though, holy shit. She's able to afford this because she's a war vet that got honorably discharged or w/e for some injuries and her husband seems like he's pretty high ranking in the military from what she's said. She also worked/works at a piercing studio as a receptionist which explains the amount of piercings. Oh, and apparently her daughters are banned from entering the yaoi dungeon but they're into sailor moon and shit themselves and she is enabling them to become hoarders like her.
Reading this over I feel like I know way too much about her but she's really open with her personal life so it's not like this info was hard to find.
No. 2063767
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>>2063217I don’t know who this is but she reminded me of ita bags. Is that still popular? Consoomerism indeed. It’s usually for one character but it just looks really junky and not in a maximallism way. Pin consoomers too seem to have waned or maybe the also stopped showing it to me.
No. 2064202
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I'm slathering on caramel apple lip balm in honor of the thread.
No. 2064242
>>2062087People who collect funko pops are immediately smooth brained imo.
>>2062050Ruining that beautiful staircase in that older house is actually depressing.
No. 2064284
>>2064203how is it derailing to talk about consoomerism in the consoom thread?
>It's just moisturizer, owning 1 moisturizer is fineIt's really not, it's just more unnecesserary garbage you dont need . All make up is trash consooming that wouldn't exist if big companies didn't live off creating insecurities in women.
(derail bait) No. 2064630
>>2064592honestly there was more discussion about it a few threads ago. I previously posted a list of youtubers who make anti consumption videos, most of the youtubers just cover the same topics like trends, disingenuous influencer marketing, people buying to cope with life, telling people to not buy stuff in excess etc, as well as some documentary style channels that cover the impact of fast fashion and stuff like how fast food became so big, if I can dig it up I'll update and repost it. unfortunately there's very little content on people actually rejecting skincare and makeup, but people do seem to recognize that they are industries that profit off of inventing insecurities. look at Sephora kids, that is the most extreme result of this and literal 8 year olds are scared of wrinkles, it's fucking depressing. if adults are so susceptible to it god knows how psyopped literal children are
and I think the best thing anyone can do whether they think they have consoom problems or not is to install adblockers and the youtube ad skip extension. it's honestly baffling how few people use them, especially for youtube, and would rather just pay for youtube premium, I even have friends who don't spend tons of money who do that instead of just installing an ad skipper? anyways even if you don't really have issues buying stuff, it doesn't really feel good to have ads spammed in your face 24/7 even if it's not something you would want, it's still taking up mind space and i honestly hate it
No. 2064902
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>>2064533>>2064563>>2064566>>2064592Made it a thread so we can keep discussing it over there:
>>>/g/409345 No. 2064903
File: 1719391188182.jpg (74.54 KB, 736x658, lololo.jpg)

>>2064592It reminds me… there was a huge trend with make up couple of years ago - every influencer and make up company had constant new releases, usually this included like 4 different make up palettes. It was peak consumerism and creating FOIA. It was a vicious cycle - youtuber would review all of them (often sponsored video) and they were ALWAYS advertised as special limited edition that would never come back (a lie, this is a marketing trick)
But i think it kinda died down around covid?
at least for me the moment when people were over it was jeffrey star and his new make up every fucking week, and veeeery unfortunate timing of his 'cremated' palette during pandemic lol
But I think covid kinda made consumers to turn to skin care routines or home decor stuff? I am interested in other nonnas opinion on consoom trend shifts.
No. 2064916
>>2064915it’s literally on topic though. consoomerism is pushed through marketing. you could argue that being anti makeup for feminist reasons is off topic but posts like
>>2064903 is literally just focusing on the consoom part.
No. 2064944
>>2064850Only on lolcow would a retarded
nonnie claim chapstick is makeup and shame women who use it. Men use chapstick
No. 2065014
>>2064944lol someone was saying sunscreen was consoom too. Sorry I don’t want to sunburn or get skin cancer!
Like I get what some people are trying to say about how society makes us want to consoom to keep up our physical appearance but calling things like chapstick and sunscreen consoom is just dumb. There’s a huge difference between having a horde of ugly plastic figurines that are just collecting dust and buying chapstick so your lips don’t crack as bad.
No. 2065655
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nonny nonny nonny
For the nonna that made this thread:
I think your thread was very interesting and I would love to continue this discussion, but you should remake it and rename it something different to consoom/consumerism and similar as to not make mods raise their brows, I think that's the reason why it got shut down. The name was too similar even if the topic was more distinct. If you remake the thread (I hope you do) please link it, it was interesting. Maybe something like pink tax thread would work better. Also link the consoom thread on the op description for more general discussion
nonny nonny nonny
No. 2065659
>>2065640please also request over in /meta/ anons
>>2065653I don't think it should just be pink tax, maybe Anti-advertising/anti-marketing thread? The current discussion is about pink tax and it makes sense since there's way more shit targeted towards women, but I'd like to also discuss the normalization of shit like doordash, buying new shit instead of repairing broken things, etc
No. 2065837
>>2065700>>2065655I second this with that name change.
Nonny come back and make it please
nonny No. 2066195
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>>2065655I wanted to respond to one of the nonas in that thread who was talking about full body deodorant and asked do non-armpit places even smell. armpits and crotch have apocrine sweat glands that secrete a fluid that interacts with skin bacteria to cause a strong odor. there are also some apocrine sweat glands around the nipples. hence the cleaning yourself joke about 'tits, pits, and naughty bits'. the sweat glands on the rest of your body are eccrine sweat glands and do not excrete the fluid that so malodorously interacts with your skin bacteria. this is why whole body deodorant is not necessary.
No. 2066258
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>>2066214that's because there used to be an ozone layer lol
No. 2066457
>>2066401Yes, but why is she so scared of skin cancer in particular? Why not be scared of lung cancer and move to somewhere with few cars and little pollution? If she works a non-remote office job and has to largely sit in an office all day, that's not good for her health either right? Skin cancer is the easiest thing to push because the "solution" to skin cancer as well as fear of aging, is a product that you slather on your face several times a day. It doesn't require a lifelong lifestyle change, like finding a new job or changing your diet or starting an exercise routine. Again the existence of sunscreen is not bad, you should wear it if you're going to be under the sun for hours. But people, not just on lolcow, acting like sunscreen is a necessity at all times even if you're indoors all day and that they're immune to skincare marketing, are being disingenuous. The fact that you see so many fat westerners who have skincare routines while largely neglecting themselves is proof, if they're concerned for health the best thing to do is to eat healthy and exercise.
Though I am veering into a different subject now, fat acceptance is also a product of marketing, it's easier to sell shit food to fat people because they eat more and have certain hormone imbalances, and to sell them products by making them feel bad about themselves, then sell them other products by making them think being fat is healthy
No. 2066584
>>2066195Can i reply to this and add that most body odor is caused by bacteria and the only way you can treat it is by using actives like benzoyl peroxide and salicylic acid. That's why you have people on tiktok using that the ordinary toner and claiming that they don't wear deodorant anymore.
>>2066214White people weren't living in places like Australia and the southern regions of the US where there is far too much sun exposure for what they have evolved to handle. They have light skin for a reason, to better absorb the little sunlight there is a many European regions. People native to areas with intense sun usually are evolved for such an environment and have eumelanin that gives far greater of protection from the sun, hence why you never hear of South Asians or Africans dying of skin cancer.
No. 2066766
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The sunscreen propaganda is very retarded and even got to some of the nonnies. I feel like some of you just haven’t been following the conversation about it properly that’s why you don’t get the criticism. Nobody is saying sunscreen doesn’t protect you from skin cancer. We know it does and that it’s a necessity when spending hours outside in the sun. But nonnas you also need to stop being delusional because these people are NOT obsessing over sunscreen due to their health, it’s because of wrinkles. They’re scared of aging not of skin cancer.
These people claim you need to wear sunscreen every single day and reapply it every 2 hours. Fine, but just imagine how much that costs because those tiny 50ml sunscreen bottles are not cheap. They also insist you absolutely have to use it and reapply n regardless of your UV index. You can have an UV index of 0 and they’ll still claim not wearing sunscreen that day will destroy your skin kek. Even if you only go outside for 2 minutes to take out the trash, people will still insist you have to apply a bunch of sunscreen for those 2 minutes of sun exposure. I saw many even claim that you need to wear sunscreen and reapply it every 2 hours INDOORS as well and at NIGHT too because of the blue light from your phone kek. These people are mentally ill
No. 2067381
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>>2065655>>>/ot/2067373Remade the thread and had to change the description and title to appease the mod overlords, I hope nonnies find it useful enough.
No. 2067662
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>>2066242>on days where the UV index is 3 or aboveThats almost every day
No. 2067666
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>>2067662That's only for June, and because it's higher in summer. Even then there are days with low UV. Obviously it varies by place but for Chicago there are multiple months where the UV index is almost 0
No. 2068337
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No. 2068593
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The moral highground people have against fast fashion just because they avoid "shein and temu!!!!" But bought the 275 dollar k-12 dress is so hilarious to watch. All that activism goes right out the door when melanie martinez merch comes out that's obviously made from a sweatshop. The same material used for it is the same thin polyester those "Space Babe" holographic jackets had. Also despite the reviews about this dress falling apart the same day of purchase, it sold out kek so much for raising awareness about slave labor
No. 2070511
>>2068593looks about right, like the same quality if not worse than hot topic costumes/merch. or a cheap shein knockoff of the actual dress in the movie
>>2070316yeah you just know they'd be able to afford at least part of a proper gaming pc if those horrifying (and huge) prints weren't purchased.
No. 2071842
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This makes me so mad. I feel like so many people justify these 'shopping sprees' by pretending and saying they got shitfaced drunk when in actuality they fill the void by mindlessly purchasing shit from Temu and SheIn, to then go woke on twitter about how slavery in the past was bad or some contrived shit.
No. 2072317
File: 1719765482980.jpg (2.71 MB, 2828x2828, Fatcat.jpg)

Speaking of buying 30 at a time, is the Garfield movie the end of the obsession of buying heaps of someone's old vintage garfield collection? It just never sat right how multiple people all of a sudden have tons of dusty old vintage garfield that probably didn't a touch a single newspaper comic or comic book. A lot of people forgot anything made of Garf now is cash grab media for babies. These are the same people who think the garfield phones that washed up on shore is creepy and interesting when it's just a load of mass produced phones that never made it to retail warehouse. The memes are solely to blame for people thinking Garfield is the left wing mascot or a ticket to being alternative.
No. 2072418
>>2072251I don't remember his handle and can't find it but he has a twitter where he admitted to all of this and posted more pictures and videos of this room.
>>2072310Sadly no, he's some guy from SEA and he talked about slowly exposing and conditioning his wife to the fetish so she wouldn't get grossed out by it.
No. 2080062
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Bracing myself for this becoming the next bandwagon everybody tries to jump on. Only there's barely any merchandise except the makeup and some thousand dollar Dollfies.
No. 2083653
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This person is 40.
No. 2084854
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Fresh from mfc
No. 2084959
>>2083653Apart from the coomer anime figures this would be fine as a display wall imo. I know it's the consoom thread but my personal opinion is that people are allowed 1 "hobby" wall without me judging them (am judging the coom figurines tho)
>>2084258I'm guessing female, what male puts up flowers garlands, jack skellington and handsome anime men on the wall?
No. 2085498
>>2083653those diplomas on the wall, I'm guessing
femcel with all that disney crap, age checks out for loving jack skellignton.
No. 2087035
Not that interesting but I'm fascinated by how all her purses are almost exactly the same. What's the point
No. 2087112
>>2087035I thought at first this was Brooke because the setup is strikingly similar and I am pretty sure this woman has all the exact same shit, except is obsessed with a different style of purse.
>fattychan handsevery time
No. 2087395
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This just popped up on my youtube. I don't want to trash talk her, since some of her videos are decent, she is somewhat self aware, and isn't doing things in a deliberately obnoxious way. But it's just too much. Nobody should be buying more than 1-2 premium dolls a year, even if they can afford it. There's no point, they don't even have time to fully appreciate what they get. It's like using a beer bong on a $200 wine.
No. 2088067
>>2087669You can search the title of the video from the image on YouTube!
>>2087703It doesn't belong to them. It belongs to Japanese tumblr.
No. 2091452
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>>2084854>>2089508Moid confirmed, found his MFC profile. Of course he is also an "age regressor" and into cub furry porn. Barf. No. 2096888
File: 1721444352036.jpg (Spoiler Image,283.37 KB, 1800x1200, 1721323453804u-0.jpg)

No. 2096934
>>2096919Elaborate? Looks like he still has his anime coomer collection and is still posting naked photos on twitter.
>>2096888Next time put a warning in the description kek. Melonpan is a perfect candidate for this thread though
No. 2097440
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Hopefully the sister will be able to use her own dresser's shelves in a more curated manner
No. 2101729
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buying 5+ copies of the same album so it "charts"
No. 2101746
can someone help explain how to get quick reply back its gone
(unintegrated) No. 2102075
I'm obsessed with how cheap and ugly the furniture is
No. 2102110
File: 1721779365832.png (1.45 MB, 1125x2436, IMG_2611.png)

>>2097608He also got fired from his banking job as well but that was before YouTube used the ban hammer. Yes the only article detailing the firing was found on 9gag. No. 2104911
File: 1721946696042.png (372.93 KB, 812x408, underc.png)

Apparantly "underconsumption core" is trending on tiktok, sounds exactly like what a platform that is notoriously full of overconsumption needs, as a reality check. No. 2105072
>>2104911I wish I'd saved this underconsumption video I'd seen where she had an absolute fire hazard of a charging cable that was mostly bare mangled wire, and wrapped it up and tape with some "I don't need to buy a new one, yay underconsumption" caption. I feel like no matter how good a trend is philosophically, there will always be absolute idiots spoiling it. Same brand of retardation has existed in r/frugal for years. Also have seen influencers buying copious amounts of clothing from thrift stores but labelling it "underconsumption" because the clothes are being worn one more time before getting thrown in a landfill afterwards.
Hopefully the trend can still manage to be a force for good even if some people are too consoombrained to grasp it.
No. 2105164
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How long would it take to even use up a quarter of these perfumes?
No. 2105249
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>>2105072This girl is such a dumbass. I'm glad the comments are calling her out because this is unironically a fire hazard.
No. 2105315
>>2105246Cool, go to the litany of other threads about coonsuming/collecting
>>2105273Part of "underconsumption" should be learning how things actually work, not just slapping tape on shit and immediately filming, god these people are braindead
No. 2105377
>>2104911oh no not a return of drinking from jars lol incoming consumption of le fancy 'cottage/hipster - core' mason jars
I just dont trust online trends, I can see it becoming a 'flea market haul' 'my hoarder grandma moth infested fashion' and 'i am not like girls with stanleys uwu I spend money on 'eco' products!' and it is not underconsumption, this is normal life when you are not an aspiring influencer, not enough content for them imho without twisting it like
'clean girl' trend? and I swear there was someting like that before.. some sort of 'normiecore' trend? or am I hallucinating at this point, all this trends are sometimes too much to follow
No. 2105498
>>2104911>underconsumption coreIsn't that just a reuse/no-waste/sustainable lifestyle?
Also, this will likely turn into "buy this product, it's good and will last for 999 years" real quick. It's tiktok after all.
No. 2105632
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>>2105377It was called normcore and it trended like 10 years ago. No. 2105687
>>2105571Nta, but if you want to try perfumes you can go to a department store or perfume store and ask for samples. If you tell them you're young and can't afford much the right employee might even give you lots of free samples. You can also try emailing a perfume house (include your address) and say you saw a promo of their perfume and would like a complimentary sample. It might not always work but the staff usually read lots of complaints so usually they'll just be glad to make someone happy.
And as others have said, you should test them out and make sure you like them before investing in perfumes. See what your samples smell like 30 mins, 2 hours, a day after spraying. That way you'll know how long it lasts and if it consistently smells good on your body chemistry.
No. 2106106
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No. 2107902
Of course Brook is a ~recovering~ shopaholic though
No. 2107904
>>2107902Posting the other parts for posterity
No. 2107946
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>>2107902>>2107904>>2107906I still remember her "revolutionary tumbler organizer", which explains why the old thread pic was a Patchy the Pirate meme.
No. 2107988
>>2105596Nothing they're just ugly and silly
No. 2108147
>>2107904>idk why 'im obsessed with lunch boxs because it's all over tiktok retard
>yes queen to a fucking cup ???
>the fucking burp while showing pink cutsy shit KEEEEEEK
>>2107906the way she justifies every single thing she buys is kind of sad tbh
I'm never smoking again while browsing this thread, i dreamt with her voice
No. 2108786
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Am I starting to buy too much online? I've bought 16 different things from Amazon total from the past two months, including shit I probably could have gotten from the store like rice flour and OTC meds. Oops.
No. 2108869
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>>2104955The worst IMO is "whimsigoth", which is never "goth" or alternative anything, just regular mainstream junk from 20 years ago that somebody found at a thrift store.
No. 2108950
File: 1722187643643.jpg (1.14 MB, 3676x2959, 1000013661.jpg)

>>2107902Brook is off her rocker. There are multiple sold listings on Poshmark over the past few days of that Hello Kitty blanket, with the lowest price being $80 and the highest $175 USD (before tax + shipping). For a cheap, soulless, synthetic blanket that's nearly identical to the dozens she already has.
Also, delusional justification that she doesn't promote overconsumption. "I don't promote overconsumption, I just show off my large piles of products I overconsume to millions of impressionable tiktok viewers". It's difficult even to hate watch these videos, she's too infuriating.
No. 2109181
>>2108869words mean nothng anymore
quick reply has disappeared, can someone help me get it back?
No. 2109313
>>2107902Consoomers who are obsessed with cheap shit stores like Marshall's and TJ Maxx are debatably worse because those places just sell 99% garbage no one else wanted. She's like the female version of my dad.
>>2108950>This item is soldLmao. All that for a shitty blanket from a discount store. People are actually spending x10 the original price for a retarded blanket? I like how they covered up the price tag because the sellers know it's a massive rip-off. I almost want to get in on this grift, it seems too easy. These people are beyond saving.
No. 2109387
>>2108869kek "whimsigoth" is "random shit I like but also I own a piece of clothing with bell sleeves"
>>2108786Well are you online shopping in excess out of boredom or did you happen to just buy a few items that you needed online? What you named sound like necessary items and nothing to do with consumerism
No. 2109540
>>2109384No, go fuck yourself Bertha.
>>2109387Most of it is shit I need but alot of it is things I don't. I think I'm feeling a lifestyle creep since I recently got a higher paid job. Just spend $17 on two bars of dubai chocolate today just to try since I was curious because of the Tik Tok fad. It was mediocre.
No. 2109791
>>2105443I think Google lied to you. Perfumes normally come in 30ml, 50ml and 100ml bottles, body spray does tend to come in larger sizes though. So using your calculation, with 50ml as the average size, it'd take her a mere 13.7 years to use all of that up. It'd still be rancid and, tbh, using up those specific bottles probably WOULD take her 50 years, because collectors have this weird need to buy a full size bottle of everything that catches their eye instead of trying the fragrance in store like a normal human being, and the perfumes in this pic will soon be buried behind a host of newer perfumes that she also doesn't use.
>>2105571Samples are your friend. 1ml of perfume can go a long way. If you fall in love with a perfume that's way out of your price range, look up the notes on Fragrantica, look for perfumes with similar notes that are more affordable. Some perfumes have similar notes but they just don't work on your skin, some have similar notes but smell completely different, which is why it's a good idea to test them in store first so you don't waste your money. You might also be able to get decants online for a fraction of the price. 7-10ml is the usual size for a purse spray, which normally sell for almost the same price as a 30ml bottle, so if you can get a cheaper 10ml decant from a trusted online seller you're saving a lot of money.
If you have issues with longevity try spraying the perfume over unscented lotion.
You could also look into hair perfumes, which tend to be a bit cheaper.
>>2108786It sounds like you bought normal stuff that you needed anyway, it's only consooming if you have Brooke levels of OTC meds and a warehouse of unopened bags of rice flour.
No. 2110035
>>2109916Also the newer ones with lids in two parts tend to leak/not actually be airtight/gather rust inbetween the screw-on ring and the insert.
I do a lot of preserves each year and I never bought a jar. I still have some from my granny. A lot of them are from reusing stuff I already had. Sometimes you do have to buy jar lids still, because well, they warp or rust or stuff, so of course you throw them out.
I really liked a certain type of jam a few years ago and it was a nice thing that jam actually came in glasses with plastic lids. So I kept every glass and they look just like regular (albeit thicker walled and heavier) glasses and at every occasion with a lot of guests I pull these out and all of my relatives are basically drinking out of the same glass I acquired just by virtue of liking raspberry jam an unhealthy amount at a point in my life.
Also the jam glass with product inside cost like… about what a glass of that type in a dishware store would cost. So I got to indulge my sweet tooth and I have a bunch of sturdy glasses which I can use for basically forever now.
Sorry for jar autism.
In general - it's better to buy stuff in glass because most countries have a much better percent rate of glass recycled than that of plastic.
No. 2110284
>>2109540Ayrt and same as
>>2109725 fuck outta here retard consoomer
No. 2110757
>>2110601I was here then and it also doesn't matter, we need to keep s standard or the thread will become
again consoomers united.
No. 2111611
>>2109826Why are you getting rid of interesting books? And can't you sell them in bundles on ebay or something so you get a bit more of your money back?
>>2110035I never understood the craze around Ball jars in the 2010s. Etsy was packed with thousands of sellers pray painting masses of Ball jars for every event imaginable in every color possible and charging insane prices for it. It's a fucking jar, you get them when you buy jams and pickles, no need to go out and spend a fortune on Ball jars specifically. Now it's getting trendy again because it's not consooming if it's a cute jar that you bought new but looks like it was recycled.
>>2110303Yeah, and there's so much emphasis on consooming blankets, decor, slippers, shit that's made to be used for years or at least months. I can't wrap my head around boo baskets. What's the point of buying all that stuff when you could put the same amount of money and effort into an afternoon with whoever you were going to give the baskets to? Buy some Halloween cookies, bake them together, make popcorn, make some silly Halloween crafts together, have a movie marathon, done. It's much more memorable and fun than piling endless amounts of tat into a basket and offloading it onto an unsuspecting
I have a lot of seasonal decor that I built up over years. All of it has sentimental value and a good deal of it was inherited from my grandparents and great grandparents. I don't give a shit if it's mismatched, it decorated my grandma's table when I was a kid and now it decorates mine. There's nothing special about stockpiling plastic for a month, throwing it out, and repeating the process the following year.
No. 2113334
>>2110303It's probably the only time of year I actually get anything for decor or homewares, as I am a goth.
But every year it all gets uglier and tackier and lower quality for bigger prices.
At this point it's a struggle to find something that's aesthetic enough and will LAST longer than the month of october.
So it's a lose/lose anyway. People overshop on ugly shit they use for a month and people who like the aesthetic year round can't find anything that looks nice and is good quality.
At this point I just make most decor myself and only buy stuff like an occasional mug, plate or rug.
No. 2115610
>>2110035Just an FYI if you're water or pressure canning the lids should be new each time because if the rubber sealing ring becomes compromised you're inviting food-borne illness right in. The collars and jars can be reused pretty much indefinitely (until they crack or constantly fail to seal)
saged for canning sperg
No. 2115889
She comes from the Brook school of "decluttering"
No. 2121187
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anyone else think this is extremely sad? It doesn't seem healthy and probably is a result of an underlying lack of fulfillment in life. I would bet this man would be much happier and mentally healthier if he had to work in a factory or farm
No. 2121227
>>2117092Seriously. Just buy the one you want from ebay or something.
>But it's $30 for a $10 item!Chances are you'll spend over $50 trying to chase the one you want and end up with a bunch of space-eating plastic you don't want, so if you're gonna buy it you might as well fork up a bit extra upfront.
No. 2121459
>>2121318Her content has gotten kind of weird, it's like she finally wants to be a grown woman and looking good but she's trapped within the confines of her terminal doll autism to really grow up.
She is apparently so autistically obsessed with dolls she'll harrass store employees for the store's doll displays, etc. She has apparently been cited as crying and "threatening" some staff from a doll showcase for some cardboard cut out of some Winx character.
She's kind of based for beefing with the annoying faggy dollfags though. They hate her guts and tbh I can't help but feel vindicated that she's probably THE top doll influencer and was born to parents who owned/owns a toy store. She's probably mentally ill but she still stunts on the annoying catty dollfags.
No. 2121533
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Jesus Christ…
No. 2121551
>>2121537I mean, I can justify having one for therapeutic reasons, but fourteen??? And these dolls are expensive too, easily $350-500 for the cheapest ones.
I did some snooping on her account, and it doesn’t look like she collects these for any trauma reason. Never had a miscarriage, never lost an infant, she just collects them cause she’s a massive dollfag.
No. 2123521
>>2121533Ngl when I was younger I thought the monster versions looked cool.
Wouldn't have a collection, but one hyperrealistic monster baby would have been cool af to edgy teen me.
No. 2123753
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>>2123567Babies grow up in a blink of an eye and then their clothes do not fit anymore. If they use baby clothes from thrift stores, then that's good.
That's why I can't understand why some brands sell baby clothes that expensive, to be used like two months or so.
No. 2123817
File: 1722928927371.mp4 (18.74 MB, ssstik.io_1722927693761-.mp4)

while this isn't the worst type of consoomer on here, i need to vent because this video kinda drove me mad kek
>her own bathroom with dozens of skincare products
>probably wastes lots of water
>says she will travel to Japan to hoard more
>lathers herself in stuff that makes he smell good
>puts on warm pjs in the middle of the heatwave with her a/c turned to "freezing" so she can snuggle in the middle of the summer
i watch her for a while and while im used to the level of consoom, the "im turning on the a/c not to cool myself from the heat but to treat myself" made me furious. like she was starving herself in japan last year cause she wouldn't eat meat for whatever reason but hoarding plastic and using resources for no reason is ok somehow.
it's not like im going to blame global warming on some rich girl but fuck the level of unawareness for the enviroment I HATE IT. these people really don't gaf about the future of the planet cause they are the ones that can afford it when everything turns to shit for the rest of us
sage because i felt like this was the best thread to post this and i wanted to vent. also i dont want to go to her comment section and be labelled a "hater" or something
No. 2123964
>>2123817>"I'm so excited cause autumn's coming!">it's early august and the sun is burning down…it's crazy how I knew she's this type of girl before she even said that.
Why are murican women so obsessed with smelling like some bakery thing, it's always vanilla, coconut or chocolate. Before these videos started becoming a trend, it also never crossed my mind that I should only use products with the same type of disgustingly sweet scent for my entire body including hair, so that I stink extra intensively…
I have to admit that I have one of the japanese masks she also showed here because it does work really well, but shampoo or body wash is something you have to use so frequently in such high quantity and you just wash it down the drain anyway, so it's really useless to spend extra money on it just so that you have it from a japanese brand.
You also often hear that many americans are struggling badly, so why is having an a/c so common? Here I know nobody who has one, it's seen as absolute luxury, only supermarkets cool down so that the food doesn't rot but everybody else simply sweats a little. Is that really so bad, why do they hate summer so much kek
No. 2125864
>>2121557>It's like raising or nurturing children wasn't the goal, just having an infant to hold and look motherly with was the entire appeal of having kids.I think this is why it instinctively turns most people off on an extreme level. Some women who actually procreate act this way, and the results are horrible.
>>2123964>You also often hear that many americans are struggling badly, so why is having an a/c so common?It gets so hot and humid in some places that the house and everything in it starts to rot and rust without the dehumidifying aspect. I can't afford to run it most days, so everything I own is stored in plastic bins outside on the dark side of the house. All my electronics, sewing machines, and everything else will be ruined eventually, and I just had to come to terms with it. People don't generally talk about it because it's a poor people thing, and anybody with money just runs the AC.
No. 2126327
kek at the awkward "kiss". anything for that ad money, i guess!
No. 2133778
>>2123964Fragrances go through trends, just like clothing and cosmetics. People don't want to wear the same sort of scents they associate with their parents and older generations. New aromachemicals get developed and perfumists want to develop products with them. The current trend is for sweet fragrances that seem vaguely edible. Kicked off by Baccarat Rouge 540 and further popularized by Cloud, which made BR540 more accessible to average people.
I'm not a fan.
No. 2133857
>>2123964It gets to over 110°F (~43°C) in some places here nona. A/C is a necessity in these places, during the summer a lot of kids and elderly who don't have access to one die from the heat. Now because of the homeless population growing, homeless people are just dying on the sidewalk.
>>2133778>The current trend is for sweet fragrances that seem vaguely edibleReminds me of the mid 2000s Jessica Simpson edible beauty and fragrance line
No. 2134078
>>2125864Where do you live that running the ac is
that expensive? Like how can you own multiple sewing machines and shit but be too poor to run the ac? Sorry, as an ex-poor that shit just doesn’t add up.
No. 2134956
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>>2134078It's at least an extra $200 per month to run a window unit 6-8 hours per day, and "summer" is at least six months of the year. So it's a situation where I can spend at least $1200 yearly as preventative care, or $100-400 yearly to replace whatever died. I assume central air is cheaper, but true crap ass buildings in the south have one window unit.
No. 2135474
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People who buy the same overpriced figure over and over again truly fascinate me kekk
No. 2135518
File: 1723656566549.jpg (1.39 MB, 1069x2442, 8283774.jpg)

>>2135474I hate this ugly scrote so much kek, his personal instagram gives me second hand embarrassment. His anime collection is really weird because he just buys it to store it all away in boxes, not to sell or display. I have no doubt that he does it just to try to appeal to and lure in terminally online teenage girls.
No. 2135749
File: 1723662414807.jpg (263.33 KB, 1079x2117, Screenshot_20240814_210332_eBa…)

i don't get how china can get away with selling the most cheaply made crap at high prices like they have been doing in the past several years. the piece of junk you're seeing in pic related is going for almost TWENTY DOLLARS. hello???? that thing would fucking collapse if you put a hefty book on it. it will be malformed within a couple years time. not to mention it would cheapen the look of any space you're in. something that cost 50 cents to make, shouldn't cost more than a few dollars to buy. there are beautiful old IRON book stands with amazing designs out there that you can buy secondhand literally for almost the same price as this junk. you could, i can't, because the delivery price to my country is double what the actual item would cost. which angers me even more that i can't even turn to this made in china shit.
No. 2135883
File: 1723665911263.jpg (511.6 KB, 1080x1647, 727374.jpg)

>>2135749>i can't even turn to this made in china shit.Nona, have you not checked sites like Aliexpress? Including this listing, half of the shit sold on Amazon and Ebay nowadays is just marked up garbage that is also sold on cheap Chinese sites. The people who fall for these listings are usually just technologically illiterate or middle aged, my mum constantly does despite me having warned her so many times. I found the same item on Aliexpress for £1.19, but you can probably find it even cheaper if you look around for other listings, this is just what I found from reverse image searching on google.
No. 2136372
>>2136130Yes and I feel your pain! They really live in another dimension. The thing is, they don't think they're giving you a walkthrough of their shopping addiction, because consoomers with that level of brainrot see 'buying a new kawiwi pink coffee machine to go with my sleek silver coffee machine and my beige coffee machine' and 'buying another new purse to match the impulse purchase coat I found online' as two completely separate things. They honestly don't understand that it's all part of the same shopping addiction. I feel for you with your Jojo friend, I have a consoomer friend who loves cutesy girly things and hoards tat to the point where she can't open the curtains, but EVERY TIME she gets a new job or has a mental breakdown she tosses all of it out, down to the last glitter gel pen, purchases a new business casual adjacent aesthetic from Tiktok or Instagram, and immediately tosses all of that the second she gets comfortable in her life, then goes back to the glittery pink dust trap she lived in before. For some reason she's always whining about being broke, can't think why.
I have another consoomer friend who went in the other direction and routinely gets rid of all her stuff because it's not minimalist enough. She purges her wardrobe like every other weekend because she never wears half her stuff, but she doesn't wear it because she keeps purging all her shit all the fucking time, she hasn't had the chance to wear her raincoat during a heatwave so off it goes, and now she's going to get rid of all her summer clothes because it's rainy. Fucking insane shit. She also gets rid of her furniture since you don't need that many chairs to sit on, apparently, so nobody comes over because we all have to stand awkwardly around her overpriced chairless table and eat off paper plates because she only has one set of crockery. It's pure mental illness.
No. 2137326
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Imagine winning this and the "prize") have the half of the products she's placing on the bag.
No. 2137938
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No. 2138041
4000 Squishmallows. Jesus fucking Christ.
No. 2138045
>>2138041Almost makes this person's 837 seem not so bad.
No. 2138093
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These people have the thinking skills of toddlers
No. 2139010
>>2138759Nona with OCD here.
Granted, I have a pretty big collection of dolls, clothes and art prints, but over the years I decided to keep only things that bring joy or whatever.
I have two quite big merch collections, which at a certain point became an obsession. For me, it's the completionism. When I used to play games more, I HAD to get every achievement. When I started collecting merch of a character I HAD to have the full collection of everything released. I would complete book sets I didn't actually enjoy just so that I'd have a full set and godforbid the publisher would change and the size/cover design would change and not look as good as a set.
Nowadays, I still have most of it, even though I donated a lot of clothes and still working on sorting through it. Gave away a ton of craft supplies too, sold off books and dolls and merch I wouldn't genuinely ever touch again.
I played with the idea of being a minimalist, because I've become envieronmentally conscious over the years, but being a genuine minimalist made me feel miserable.
I maintain a generally minimal aesthetic these days, 90% of my purchases are second-hand/overstock shops with 10% artist-made, save for shit like underwear or socks.
I find that while I genuinely enjoy having less unnecessary shit I will never use, I also enjoy keeping a curated collection confined to a single place. Like, One bookcase, one doll display, one itabag, one art print wall, that's it. If it goes above - reconsider and sell some shit.
While I genuinely downsized A LOT, it also helped me realize how poor quality mosted of what I owned was and also how to re-invest that money into things I genuinely enjoy. It's a hard balance to stick out with, liking cute shit and not drowning in it. I am, for example, slowly replacing some shitty clothes in my wardrobe for vintage better quality ones and so and so. I still own a lot of stuff, but keeping it in contaiment and setting limits is key for me. Like sure, I can buy a cute make-up bag for storing stuff, but I HAVE to also replace an older uglier one by either recycling or donating to charity.
No. 2139017
>>2139010With the last point, samenona.
It's not that I'd donate a shitty beaten-up thing. Those I take apart and remake and recycle. But for example, I didn't have a particular aesthetic taste for years, so most of that I owned was random mismatch tuff. Someone can enjoy my poor buying decisions of Joker merch and space-themed pencil cases and the money goes to charity and recycling initiatives in the city, while I feel more joy being surrounded by things I personally enjoy.
No. 2142590
>>2139010>Collection OCDBig fucking mood. I passed on consooming the Pokemon Star cards back in the day, not only because they were considered pretty expensive back then, but also because most of them were ugly. I only wanted a couple but "if I'm getting some of them, I better get all of them". Biggest mistake of my fucking life since one of those pieces of cardstock can sell for like $3000+. The Japanese print of that card sold for I think $40k but it could go for $100k easily now. Absolutely insane. And I could have gotten the English one for like $15 back in the day if I put my OCD aside.
TCG consoom is just the worst.
No. 2142661
>>2138093What really gets me about this one is that the Bath and Body Works subreddit is FULL of horror stories of lotions going bad, especially the body cream, which is the type that she's showing in the video. It's got a short shelf life, IIRC it can last about a year or less before it turns into vanilla scented diarrhea. And no, this minor setback does not stop anyone from obsessively consooming the latest releases of mediocre body care items with the same recycled scents.
If anynonna here is struggling with hoarding crap, the subreddit is well worth a read. There are tons of regretful hoarders talking about how their candles are so shit nowadays that they literally explode, how their 50,000 body mists all expired and smell like ass so now they're display only, how their plug in scent things don't work and half of them leaked their juice all over the place before they were used. No matter what they collect, it's crap, and they band together to find ways to use their collections regardless- which is great, if you own it you might as well use it- but also use that to justify buying more shit. 'Well, if my candle erupted like Mt Vesuvius and almost killed me in a house fire, it's a great time to invest in a candle warmer and that means more candles!!!' no it means it's time to stop buying things that don't work and start reevaluating your priorities. It's amazing blackpill material.
No. 2142784
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>>2142780an example of the hoarding when it comes to lush
No. 2142956
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>>2142780My ex bff was so obsessed with lush she imported a bunch from UK and they sat in a box faded and scentless. She was also one of those lifestyle lushies and used body wash to mop her floors and clean her clothes. I remember when I was over she kept asking me if I could smell rose jam in her room. I also recall they’re the reason she went vegan too. It’s absolute insanity.
No. 2143376
>>2142972You're allowed to like things nonna, we're not going to crucify you for buying Lush kek. It's the consoomers who hoard mountains of products that we have a problem with.
>>2142784It's crazy how that level of hoarding is accepted, not just for Lush but B&BW, Drunk Elephant, and all that stuff. I don't understand how anyone can justify buying that much personal care stuff, don't they feel disgusting smearing expired lotion on after their expired soap showers?
Sure, everyone goes a bit overboard during sales events, kids go crazy with their first paycheck, you might buy multiples of the same item if you have to travel for hours to get your hands on it, but even so, there's a difference between splashing out and hoarding. I always get whiplash when people post their birthday treats in those subs and it's all stuff that's already in their massive collections. How is it a treat if you already have 10 full untouched sets of it sitting on your shelves?
>>2142956I love Lush but the whole point is to USE their items quickly while they're fresh. Why go to the trouble of importing things if you're not going to use them?
And this isn't a Lush exclusive thing but using normal soap to clean clothes is a terrible idea. Laundry detergents aren't soap, they're made to work with washing machines, normal soap will leave a disgusting residue on clothes.
No. 2143425
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>my peter griffin funko pop is folk art, actually
No. 2143449
>>2143376>Why go to the trouble of importing things if you're not going to use them? She imported them because there’s a super secret Lushie workshop in the UK that brings back “retired” items for a limited time. Idk if it’s still a thing though.
>>2143425It’s called not making media your entire personality. There’s better things to collect and unsold funkos go in their landfill anyways.
No. 2143796
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>>2142956Lush is shit anyway for doing a practically fetishistic misogynistic "stunt" to "protest animal testing" like they aren't flooding the environment with pollution and shitty microplastics from their useless products.
No. 2143869
>>2143425wouldn't the "modern folk art" equivalent be making the funko pop character out of clay and painting it with cheap acrylics, or drawing it and putting it on your wall or something… not plastic
toxic crap made by a corporation. even a shitty acrylic charm made by an artist would be better, if you're going to buy aliexpress tier garbage at least then it's skipping the corporation part.
No. 2144131
>>2143425It's like that tweet about the terminally online thinking that cushions are bourgeoisie, except with fucking Funko Pops of all things. I guess I'm a moron for not understanding how a scrote with a trust fund making shitty music is related to Funko Slops being considered 'art'. They both have the artistic merit of a used floor wipe, and they have the same target audience.
>>2143796Lush don't use microplastics, they're biodegradable glitters, but your point still stands. This shit is creepy and completely unnecessary. Lush staff get paid shit wages, are overworked and blamed for lack of sales when the prices are jacked up in the middle of a recession, and they've stopped doing a ton of their more unique scents and focused on the cheap citrus and candy scents. There's a new collaboration out every other day, the quality of their items has plummeted, and they treat their staff and customers like shit. I love some of their products but the company itself is the embodiment of adorkable wholesome uguuu on the surface, raw sewage underneath.
No. 2144214
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>>2143425I swear the people who type shit like this are never actually poor. Always the most privileged middle classes white american you will ever meet.
No. 2144294
I really dont see the point in having all this skincare and makeup. Even if you collect stuff like plushies/figures etc you can sell them years later because they dont go bad like these sorts of items.
Unless you are running your own beauty business from home (which even so, this may be too much) I dont see the point in collecting stuff like this.
No. 2144370
>>2144317Same, I feel like I have a lot of makeup but I use 3 of those transparent makeup drawer thingies.
TBF I shouldnt have used this example because there are youtubers who have 3/4 times the amount this woman has. This one is constantly doing declutter videos iirc she had almos 5k lipsticks at one point
No. 2144527
>>2138093>>2142780Why you made me remember her?
No. 2144548
>>2144294>>2144370>>2144386I do think is mostly because certain brands have different textures and what not, but having tons of make-up when they do expire makes me feel is a big waste.
No. 2144711
>>2144214Exactly, these people are never actually poor, just bad with money. They only think they’re ‘poor’ because they can’t afford shit like
>>2144370 but want to and think that’s what oppression and classism means.
No. 2145285
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No. 2145332
>>2144214She has two phones, okay. But the machine is confusing, what's the purpose of that thing? Does it like, clean the whole phone? Does it protect it and only one person can have access to the phone inside?
I also don't understand the first things she attaches to her water bottle, why put your lip balm in a place that will make you surely lose it? Why a small compartment for her rings and not something for the hairclaw? (which gets damaged more often) she doesn't even have a case made of fabric for her sunglasses??
No. 2145406
>>2144527What the fuuuuuuck that's vile, bacteria can grow on soap.
>>2145332The point of the video is to get people to comment 'I love that, link?' and then she gets commission.
>>2145285This is claustrophobia inducing but I have to give her props for the cute displays. I've been in this thread too long, the bar is in hell.
No. 2145781
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>>2145332Is a phone uv sanitizer to clean your smart phone if you're lazy enough to not wipe it out with an alcohol towel.
No. 2145987
>>2144370the way she pronounces givenchy is sending me. i showed the lipstick drawers to my boyfriend, he made the same point i keep thinking. not all these colors are gonna look good on her. i've figured out my undertones recently, and i ONLY buy makeup that is suited to my (cool) undertone.
>>2144386all the dirty makeup brushes in this one disgusted me. just have a couple brushes and clean them, its like she buys new ones each time she dirties one up.
No. 2147529
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>>2142780It’s because they have good sales and there’s limited edition scents. I only buy hand sani from them though.
No. 2150826
>>2150747Kek me too. One of my friends barely talks to me anymore
probably because she has nothing interesting to say and when she does, it's to tell me what makeup/skincare/clothes she bought and I have to act like I actually care. She'll even videocall to show me her makeup/skincare routines as if I seriously care.
No. 2152062
addyharajuku defending a 25yo embarrassing his gf by insisting on displaying naruto figures as decor in a living room…
No. 2152466
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Coonsomerism from Fast fashion is a problem, but she's throwing stones to a glass house knowing how many expensive shit she has just "because" (ie the figures she bought second hand without knowing which Anime is from).
>>2152087Totally. These days the cheaper figures are so ugly and bad, a bootleg look better.
No. 2154860
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>>2154643lmao the inbreeding-induced tard rage is jumping out
No. 2154888
>>2154860which british chav stole ur bf
nonny? spill the milk on her
No. 2159861
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Your collection says you have daddy's credit card and live near a department store
No. 2159924
>>2159898The perfume subs (especially r/FemFragLab because it's poorly moderated) are full of people posting similar pictures to this one of their collections of the same few TikTok viral perfumes captioned "what does my collection say about me?"
They're thinly veiled attempts at getting compliments like "you're a sweet girly girl" or "you smell amazing" and they all get mad when they got comments like "you live near an Ulta or Sephora" and "you use TikTok." But there's literally nothing else to say because 9/10 of these collections are literally the same handful of extremely popular perfumes in TikTok and at least five other people at any given time have posted pictures of their almost identical collection also asking people to make assumptions about them off of perfumes that don't say anything about their personality other than they're easily influenced.
No. 2160022
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Are any other nonas decluttering/minimizing their amount of possessions? I haven't done it in a while and it feels like a fucking relief. Totally felt for consoomer shit for a while where I thought I needed a bazillion different clothing items. I solemly vow to not buy more shit I don't need after this declutter is done. You can't fool me anymore, marketing demons!
No. 2161386
>>2160518Your husband sounds annoying and controlling. Of course you can sell and get rid of gifts that you didn't even asked for.
>>2161112Proud of you nona, aside from clothes, beauty products is the number one item that is pushed on us women through influencers etc so it's easy to consoom to much. Makeup goes bad anyway so there is no reason to have a lot of it unless you're a makeup artist.
No. 2161762
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I wasn't sure if I should post it in the tiktok hate thread or here, but anyway. What kind of autism forces someone to not only collect their favourite type of discontinued crayon but also make a shrine to it?
>>2160022I'm pretty good tbh. I realised pretty early I hated having clutter and growing up, seeing how fast fashion and cheap shit has fucked up the environment, I manage not to buy much. Also not having clutter makes cleaning easier.
No. 2161856
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>>2160022i'm steadily getting rid of stuff. sorry for being a downer but i personally don't do it to feel happier, my dream was always to have a nice house full of ongoing craft projects and activities for guests, but i've accepted that neither me nor my family could ever afford one, and we all have to move very often, which is extremely annoying, so having a lot of nice things isn't practical. people are impressed with how neat and minimal my living space is, but it's just that i don't feel like decorating a place i don't own, or even unpacking all my boxes.
i think this is the main reason a lot of younger people are into minimalism, while people who own big properties can hoard anything they like without a care in the world.
No. 2161877
>>2161833ayrt I checked out some tiktoks of hers and she seems to collect lots of things and makes cute craft projects that I'd buy tbh kek. Kinda ironic to say that after I posted it but she is creative. I'm kinda split as on one hand she makes nice stuff and on the other it's sort of curated hoarding. At least she repurposes stuff to make her crafts which I appreciate.
>>2161856dunno what your circumstances are nonna, but I hope you manage to realise your dream to whatever extend you're capable of.
No. 2161932
maybe she wouldn't be so messy if she didn't have five million products.
No. 2162254
This account is a gold mine. Hundreds of dollars on shit that looks exactly the same as crap she already has.
>>2161913The full size bottle on the bottom right is Fame by Paco Rabanne. It's fairly expensive iirc, and has vanilla as a prominent note (like the majority of the other perfumes in the picture).
No. 2162352
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>>2160022Yeah honestly between this thread and a few video dissecting overconsumption/FOMO/marketing I've started cutting down on the excess that I have. The easiest is daily hygiene products, hardest has been clothes (although I'm selling them so that's been a nice incentive). Over the LC downtime I got into depotting makeup and that's been cool because you realize pretty quickly that a lot of new releases are the same shit you already have. Crazy to think back on those 2010's makeup collection videos that were so normalized where the youtubers had Ikea dressers JUST for makeup
>>2159861Fishing for compliments yet the second you say they're clearly a sucker for whatever Tiktok tells them is in suddenly everyone's on your neck about being judgemental
No. 2162481
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Halloween is my favorite holiday but I really fucking hate how consoomer it’s become. There’s literally no need to buy multiple new Halloween decorations every year. Whatever happened to just re-using decorations? It’s also exhausting watching people flock to whatever target/tjmaxc/marshalls garbage that goes viral on tiktok and watch other retards buy out the stock just to resell it for a high price.
No. 2162488
>>2162254women like this uphold our economy, apparently
>>2162400I don't want to be mean but the woman in the video sounds fat (and her wrists are suspect). Women who might feel inadequate in some way might try to compensate for their perceived flaws.
Couldn't get through the whole video it just kept GOING and GOING.
No. 2162590
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idk if off-topic but i'm fascinated by this type of "youtubers for girls" who make dozens upon dozens of the same anti-consoomerism slop videos repeating the same obvious points (consumption isn't identity, plastic bad, debt bad).
most of them are ex-shopping addicts and i can't help but wonder, had they been hot and charismatic, if they wouldn't love to be in the place of these influencers with the long nails and the amazon links.
since they can't they indulge in watching these tiktoks instead of making them, and repeating the consoom bad mantra, which provide them numerous advantages such as
>vicariously living through the influencers' lives and purchases by scrutinizing everything about them
>easy moral high ground without having to do anything
>easy way of feeling knowledgeable without having to read anything
>hijacking other instant gratification addict's impulsion to mindlessly binge all her anti-consoom content which means consuming the original influencer's content (consoomception with this one) aka easy views
thoughts ?
No. 2162593
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>>2162587 >>2162565 you are right, consoomers have no hobbies and can only derive pleasure from increasing doses of mindless instant dopamine.
No. 2162689
>>2162590Making the same content over and over again is easy and this type almost guarantees engagement. She can hop on trending products but also complain about it which people love
>>2162629I think i watched the same video or similar vid and yeah all it did was make me tempted to buy some of the stuff kek
No. 2162699
>>2162590>>2162606I skimmed through some of her videos and it looks like she picks apart specific trending items and talks about why they're not necessarily the best thing ever. It makes sense to have videos for different types of consoomers, it's easy to fall into the trap of thinking that one specific type of consoom is OK, like restock consoomers deciding that having an ice freezer is OK because we all need water to live.
Also, they seem to be pretty low effort videos and get a decent amount of views. If she makes this many videos about trendy items and brands one of them is bound to go viral at some point. Creators like her aren't just churning these out because of altruism lol.
I understand what you mean about these videos showing you even more stuff you didn't know you wanted, but the whole point of these popular items is that they DO look amazing and necessary on the surface. Except they're not. Do you really need another designer bag to boost your self esteem? No, you need to get off the internet and see a therapist. Do you really need an expensive trendy perfume to fix your life? No, you need to stop spending and get your shit together. It's a trap to make you think you're fixing your life with a simple shopping list, when all you're doing is hoarding crap and digging yourself into a financial hole that you might struggle to get out of. Consoomerism is basically an MLM with no compensation plan.
Personally I don't really care about de-influencing videos, I can de-influence myself by watching consoom compilations because they all look so grotty and sticky that it makes me feel a bit sick. Even the uwu luxurious minimalism consoom videos look like they smell of cheap stale room spray and have crumbs under the furniture.
No. 2163043
>>2161762I honestly find her autism charming and it doesn't seem like it has completely taken over her life like the autists who get 1000 Miku items to cover every inch of the walls within a month of discovering vocaloid.
It's a stupid interest, but she seems aware enough and sends off the rest of the crayons. Plenty of people pay a shit ton of money for old used stamps, this ain't so bad.
I also can't help but wonder if these people who get big on tiktok would have been less bad if they weren't on tiktok and play it up for the views. I looked her up and she says "I briefly had a PO box open and got sent over 400 of them" and in the video posted here her total is 473 - meaning without tiktok she wouldn't even be over 100 crayons. This stunt has been super great for her as a brand and she knows it.
No. 2164031
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>>2162590This describes a lot of youtubers who have found a comfortable niche shitting on easy targets. Just string together some clips and article headlines, add some basic commentary and collect your views.
No. 2164066
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No. 2164079
>>2162590> i can't help but wonder, had they been hot and charismatic, if they wouldn't love to be in the place of these influencers with the long nails and the amazon links.this is just nasty. pretty women can also be destroyed financially by shopping addiction without deciding to become influencers.
shawna's videos are repetitive and it seems like she's actively fighting shopping addiction tendencies and the videos are also to convince herself, which isn't necessarily a bad thing. she might be better off spending less time online in general and talking about stuff rather than activites, making your online brand talking about consumption does seem unhealthy.
No. 2164211
>>2164031I've been watching Future Proof myself, but at this point I am considering unsubbing. The guy is boring, sure, but he sensationalizes every topic and fearmongers while having the most basic facts incorrect. He's just "everything is bad forever because I said so and NO, I am too smart and researched to provide any advice or solutions" and more research comes from the actual comments. And in almost every comment section there are people disproving his claims and offering more meaningful solutions.
Hell, Shelbizlee has been on my nerves for a while. Her every video is the rehash of the same things over and over, zero new information or suggestions.
At this point I only enjoy Climate Town because at least he provides actual resources for how to deal with government reps and such on every topic he brings up. He's also actually funny.
No. 2164242
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If you think about it a lot of TikTok housekeeping/hosting/decorating aesthetics match the Martha Stewart craze of the 90s-2000s. She’s the OG lifestyle blogger.
No. 2164295
>>2164211The coffee video was particularly infuriating to me. The thumbnail is complete clickbait and the video contains no real detail on how climate change is pressuring arabica growers, i guess that would require actual research. And the rest of the video is basically an ad for mudwater. Where he reads off their marketing materials completely uncritically. He never questions the idea that coffee is unhealthy when consumed in normal doses, acts like "adaptogen" is anything else than a marketing term and keeps talking about the supposed healthy adaptogen buzz, while his own screenshots clearly show that mudwaters main ingredient is black tea… which has caffeine.
The videos have just really gone down hill and I don't think they are worth watching anymore.
No. 2164315
>>2164295AYRT, the coffee video was what tipped me off first. Because well, disposable coffee cups, monoculture farming and shit, but he very much missed the forest behind the trees. Like, do you actually KNOW the exact reason we have a coffee/chocolate shortage? Maybe bring up the change in climate and recent uptick in plant disease and also the favourites of talking points in all climate videos… the fucking bees??
The scooter video was just. Pointless. Because he spoke from a perspective of Canada and countries that use specific company scooters. Around where I live, scooters are very common and widely used, the main issue is assholes not knowing how to keep their fucking heads safe. What was even the point of that video, really. People who like scooters still use them. No damage done to the Future or something, really, since a lot of countries use those for quicker communal transport.
But what pissed me off was the water bottle vid. My guy. Water bottles still can leach BPA. A can contains so much less plastic than a bottle and aluminum is actually recycled much better in a lot of countries, if not most. So sure, you still have a bit of plastic, but much more of the package is recyclable AT ALL, and in case of aluminum, recyclable forever. There is still much smaller amount of plastic than using bottles, but he talks like cans are the cancer itself and should be abolished as well.
No. 2164810
>>2164622I completely agree with you. You don't need to wear lip liner, two different lipsticks, and like three lip glosses or lip oils at the same time. It just ends up looking muddy.
No. 2164994
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>>2162590Hmm funny this youtuber got recommended to me, I assumed its because I watched one of pic related's videos who does similar content but she does a few more topics BUT she is very judgy and screams at the camera which a few commentors call her out on but she can occasionally be funny. I was surprised to find out this creator you mention, as you just said, shes an ex shopping addict. I watched a few of her videos, they were pretty monotomous.
I will confess I do like watching haul/collection videos / restock videos for asthetic reasons but dont envy them but i'm also not pretending I have the moral high ground. One tiktok which was featured in Hayley's video iirc is of a woman who has a whole room of bath and body works and she was throwing a fit over it (not sure if genuine or just for the camera) and I was like, WHO CARES?!
I think your comments here certainly apply to Hayley (pic related) the part about feeling morally superior (she really doesnt hide that fact) I dont think she's envious though. The creator you feature-I got the feeling from her videos that her addiction made her depressed and thats why shes decided to go down this route, I dont get the feeling that given the choice she would want to be an influencer.
I wanted to add in regards to video quality I feel this way about a lot of anti-mlm channels. I'm fascinated by mlms and how they work and the drama but the channels that are dedicated to them(and theres quite a few)-all the creators are SO BORING and monotomous. The only good/interesting anti-mlm videos have been by people who are mixed topics channels and they have a real documentary feel to them.
No. 2165104
>>2164810How do people even live like that. When I see this much colour, texture, clutter in such quantities, I start getting uncomfortable and dizzy.
All those open containers, clear plastic, doesn't visual clutter overwhelm them?
Not to metion the amount of dust they must be breathing in daily.
No. 2169818
>I literally looked up on ChatGPT what the Bible said about witches
No. 2169863
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>>2169818>Chat DBTKek I think she would actually benefit from that might help with her unchecked hoarding and newly acquired religious delusions. Also someone tell her jack-o-lanterns are also satanic. Seriously, her IQ can't be over 80 she just sounds so extremely dumb and airheaded no matter what she's talking about.
No. 2169870
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I know there are a few doll people here. I desperately wish there was an active non-bjd doll message board out there. Pic related is a $150 aliexpress doll some instagram scammer was selling with an AI pic, and consoomers on plebbit are actually saying they want to buy it. jfc.'s wearing rainboots, ffs. The scrote didn't even pay the extra 10 cents to put it in knockoff Disney prince boots.
No. 2170007
>>2169818Oh she's
actually retarded
No. 2170104
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>>2169870how do people fall for this shit?
No. 2170319
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I don't really have much of an opinion on red scare as a podcast and I hate to sound like a penny pincher but…$47 for a baseball cap? And whats really crazy is that people do spend this much money on it kek
No. 2170402
File: 1726728786161.jpg (206.33 KB, 650x400, Richmond-Felicity-Avenal.jpg)

>>2169870Goth Ken? I thought this was a bootleg Noel Fielding
No. 2170772
>>2169818This is so retarded it's nearly a work of performance art. She thinks these things are evil, but she's selling them to other people? Isn't that being just as evil? She's literally doing the devil's work for him then, for her own stupid profit. Also, this is pretty rich considering she's had tons of sex and a child out of wedlock and I'm pretty sure the Bible also warns against her level of materialism (the whole camel fitting through the eye of a needle thing and all). Also lol that she got this from "chatDBT."
>>2170743Maybe she'll start buying tons of Precious Moments stuff.
No. 2171040
File: 1726773125383.png (2.19 MB, 1026x1010, my god this is ugly.png)

I love healthier food and I like beef tallow chips but oh my fucking god they need to hire some more attractive influencers for their tiktok advertisements.
No. 2171042
File: 1726773211763.jpg (524.72 KB, 1699x2124, Casey_Neistat_@_SXSW_2017_(332…)

>>2171040KEKK she looks like this faggot
No. 2171260
>>2164031i like edvasian he's actually really funny his videos make me laugh and i learn about trends i didn't even know about
>>2169818is brook schizo ?
>>2171074maybe i'm ugly but i think hannah alonzo is gorgeous. maybe its because i think she looks like a girl i went to school with since elementary who was always considered the most beautiful girl in school. also that in my school you weren't considered pretty unless you had long hair, were super basic, and had a button nose (i'm from rural america).
No. 2171361
File: 1726784885934.jpg (409.89 KB, 1152x768, Basement_it_department.jpg)

>>2170402the it crowd <3 is it controversial to say moss and roy had a great hoardcave going
(no emojis) No. 2173409
>>2169818How are skeletons satanic but Frankenstein isn't. Her overly justifying why the one isn't a witch kek. Whenever people decide random shit is satanic they pick and choose the weirdest things
No. 2173819
File: 1726936878307.mp4 (1.1 MB, 576x1024, FDownloader.Net_458002288_8805…)

No. 2174347
File: 1726956080883.jpeg (140.79 KB, 1170x824, IMG_3059.jpeg)

>>2174040Kek someone brought up the skeleton thing in the comments. She needs therapy.
No. 2174376
>>2173819That's such a random selection of crap. Hoarding at its finest.
>>2174347Her brain is completely fried. I'm curious to see where this Bible thumper arc will take her. Maybe her house will be full of Jesus statues with little Hello Kitty ears and pink loincloths, who knows.
No. 2174538
>>2173409Wait, why are ghosts bad? Are they satanic now too? Was she always this strangely religious or is this new?
>>2174394My theory is that it's nostalgia/revival of the early 2000's when Juicy Couture stuff was popular?
No. 2174563
>>2173409I truly think she's just using this as an excuse to advertise what she's selling online. I kinda tinfoil she just posts all of this to make money on tiktok and then upcharge on depop to make even more money. or that's how she justifies her spending to herself at least.
>>2173829yes, unfortunately. it made my parents ban it and get rid of all my pokemon stuff when I was autistically obsessed with it. never recovered.
No. 2175342
>>2173409If she is born again christian anti witch and skeletons, she should stop celebrating halloween all together? lol of course not, consoom is her religion.
Maybe she should start spending money on religious stuff, like angels and Mary fugurines? I bet she could find hello kitty on the cross neon sign or something like that.