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No. 2069178

ITT: share uneventful, mundane, or just downright ordinary events that have recently happened in your life.

Previous Thread: >>>/ot/2025758

Please follow all /ot/ board rules.

No. 2069186

I'm having a cup of tea and eating some scotch finger biscuits

No. 2069189

I just ordered some Indian food but I have no idea if they even received my order because the website was acting strange. Now I’m sitting here waiting. If they don’t show up I’ll have to go to bed hungry

No. 2069191

Call and ask them

No. 2069197

i love this channel

No. 2069199

I can’t do phone calls my voice always cracks and I end up stuttering and speaking gibberish nonsense, I’ll just sit here and wait

No. 2069201

>read husbando x reader fic
>hear neighbors upstairs fucking
>get reminded that sex is a thing that actually exists
>immediately turned off

No. 2069599

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i think weenie dogs are the puppy of the summer nonny’s, i keep seeing everyone walking with one all of a sudden kek

No. 2069638

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Saw my baby cousin after a long time again, and now I realized my uncle wasn't joking when he used to ask me "So… you're in fifth grade now?". She's fourteen already, I couldn't believe it until I actually counted the years. I used to hold her in my arms all proudly because she was a tiny worm and the only toddler I didn't find absolutely insufferable, and now she's all grown-up…

No. 2069641

anons who drive, laying on your horn does not make pedestrians stop crossing the street, or walk faster! i doubt any of you do this because it’s usually men who abuse their horn (which is for emergencies, not complaints)

No. 2069651

certain people in my city honk their horn even if theyre the only person at a red light, like theyre honking to show their displeasure of having to wait at the light lol

No. 2069798

I feel this. I feel like I'm trying to get my career established so I can shower my niece with the life I never had, but every time I blink she moves up another grade.

No. 2069812

same, I remember being a kid and thinking it was dumb when adults would say "you grow up so fast" but it's very true, especially for family you don't see often. I think it's so cool to watch them grow from screaming lump to young human in such a short timespan

No. 2070100

saw so many cute dogs at work today, and we got two new adorable adoptable kitties in, including a pair of black cat siblings. sometimes my job can be really slow but it's always much more therapeutic working in the presence of animals

No. 2070218

The worst thing ever happened to me today. A bottle of cooking oil I have was leaking out the bottom, and when I was bringing it over to the kitchen sink (so I could get something to transport it to the trash without making a mess. Yes I know oil is bad for pipes) the bottle fell over and the cap came off and spilled all over my kitchen rug!!! My floors are due for a mop anyway, but I'm not happy about having to wash my rug. Its mostly cause I have it stuck down with rug tape which will definitely lose stickiness if I pull it up, and I don't have anymore right now, I can't even run out and get some cause it's so late at night

No. 2070221

Anyone remember pass Me by, by r5. I love that song.

No. 2070251

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I found out how to do a nice eyeliner shape for my hooded eyes and I really liked it

No. 2070370

Samefag, I just put the rug in the washing machine even though the tag says to spot clean it. Pray for me!

No. 2070380

Had the conscious thought of "you look like someone who thought Joan the scammer was the pinnacle of humor in 2018" and had a moment of pure disgust at myself for even knowing what any of that meant

No. 2070387

Cute budew

No. 2070388

I have no idea what that means

No. 2070391

He was funny for the time period, anon! kek

No. 2070467

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I've been getting back into tanning now that I'm settled in my new apartment. I found a new salon that has really great prices, so now I can afford to go every other day. I love the feeling, it's like getting kissed by angels. Nothing beats the glow you get from tanning beds.

No. 2070603

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No. 2070607

I wish I could sing. Not for anyone, but to become one with the music, as corny as it sounds. Playing the guitar or the piano, getting right into it, you can just feel your soul dropping down the strings and chords and being taken somewhere else on the oscillations, away from your mind, it's beautiful. I wish I could sing, and feel the music come out of me too. I just don't know where to start.

No. 2070609

im doubleposting but this is cute. i bet you're a very doting auntie! i can't wait to be one too, one day

No. 2070639

The way scandinavian people get exited whenever their countries are mentioned in fictional media is so cute. If there's a character of that origin, the comments are guaranteed to be filled with äåös kek.

No. 2070671

I feel like having an arguement

No. 2070681

No you don't.

No. 2070689

Yes I do. fuck you

No. 2070693

>at the beach
>guy telling a long ass story about how many women hit on him last night
>that one with the tits in the yellow dress, the red head with the boyfriend etc
>peek over the dune to see how good looking this moid is
>it's a regular degular schmegular balding beer bellied scrote
disappointed at any women attracted to such a creature !

No. 2070711

I wanted to take cute pictures with my cat but I'm so ungodly unphotogenic that I looked like those fat girls on MySpace who became Disney adults, at least I dodnt look troonish for once.

No. 2070716

Good morning nonnas, I’m going to get ready for work (ugh) and then go for a quick walk and get matcha (yay)

No. 2070757

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I just learnt how to pronounce and type hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia. Why does my mind produce so much dopamine when repeating it so much? do I have hippoptomonstrosesquipedaliophilia?

No. 2070791

I dreamed about him again

No. 2070825

Congrats nonna. And in case someone else immediately went for the image source, it's a korean 3-chapter fujo manga called "Pet" kek.

No. 2070845

I had to get something at the store I used to work at and the new manager looks like Tweedledum kek, I'm so happy I don't work there anymore.

No. 2070846

>have been following a cute lesbian couple on tiktok for a while
>they eventually "both" decide to go poly
>of course the third element is a mediocre scrote
>girl #1 carrying on as usual, posting tiktoks about how much she loves her gf though said gf is featuring in her tiktoks less and less
>girl #2 posting the moid more and more (girl #1 couldn't make it to our date :(!!)
>girl #1 and #2 break up like, a year (?) into this polyslopfest
it's genuinely so sad and also yet another sign bisexual women can't be trusted any under circumstance. all bisexual women but me

No. 2070848

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Today I found out about this San-X character called Momo Usagi that debuted in 2000. She loves milk, and I thought her design and interest of milk is cute. I had to share with the farm. I feel like I should make a banner for her one of these days.

No. 2070849

>all bisexual women but me
kek but also, same

No. 2070853

I know a lot of people shit on this, but I love making friendship bracelets and putting in the names of media I've consumed over the year on them. I'll put names of books I've read, songs or albums I liked, etc. and it's really fun. I have no idea what I'll do when I run out of beads. Maybe I'll pick up another craft type of hobby. I also paint and journal, but it's fun having a silly little craft hobby.

No. 2070859

Third kek. People are always shocked and aghast when I say I don't trust most other bisexuals.
This character is so adorable! She would be the perfect mascot friend for Elsie.

No. 2070862

>t. the most annoying type of bisexual women

No. 2070952

no matter how much i brush my tongue it still feels dirty

No. 2070969

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I'm waiting for my best friend so we can have lunch at some popular restaurant, her family is so annoying, they always take forever to do anything.

No. 2070989

Get a tongue scraper, they're the best. Brushes don't clean tongues very well.

No. 2071003

borzoi concorde? based

No. 2071042

kanye and ted k have the same voice because theyre both from chigago

No. 2071131

I’m having a quesadilla for lunch and nobody is out because it’s so warm out. This is bliss. Wish I didn’t have work after though lol

No. 2071153

What's with all the necroing of years old threads recently?

No. 2071154

There's nothing wrong with necroing on /ot/. I think it's nice to see other threads being used other than the main few that get used on repeat.

No. 2071155

Lurk moar.
Yeah I was getting really tired of new the Unpopular Opinions thread hitting post limit every single day.

No. 2071156

Well, do you want to only see the same half dozen threads that attract the most retarded users bumped constantly? At least this gives us some variety

No. 2071157

>There's nothing wrong with necroing on /ot/
Did I say otherwise? I'm asking what's causing it because we rarely see threads get bumped after several years of inactivity but it's been a whole load of them this week.

No. 2071159

>Lurk moar
I'm not a newfag and not online 24/7

No. 2071160

Boredom, and to escape the ongoing in fights

No. 2071166

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>I'm asking what's causing it
Basically some anons got really tired of seeing the same infight about the same topic in the same 5 threads so they decided to browse the catalog and try to revive some interesting threads to make /ot/ more varied and interesting to use. Personally I'm bored of going on /ot/ just to always see the same five threads on the first page.

No. 2071169

I had so much fun today with my friend.

No. 2071268

Earlier I had some good from a fav fast food spot, but it was pretty nasty to me. One of the items was bland and I felt pretty sick after eating it, but I think that may be because I've been eating fast food more than usual and my body is probably getting sick of it.

Anyway, I'm about to mop and sweep my floor. I sweep basically everyday, but it's always such a small amount of debris that I collect so what's the point.

No. 2071280

I got ammonia in my fucking rye

No. 2071410

I think my typing style is becoming too recognisable

No. 2071480

It's not. Don't let the schizos say otherwise.

No. 2071488

Just sometimes change it I do that from time to time

No. 2071509

same same same, I understand you completely

No. 2071530


I actually came to this thread to say that my paranoia of getting found and blasted on lolcow came back today and it sucks, how do I stop being paranoid?

No. 2071531

Try imagining what it would be like to connect a random post on here to anyone you follow

No. 2071535

What if I'm friends with nonnas and my art is cringe and I'm an uber autist with bpd and I like anime and anime figures and my boyfriend is ugly and I've been a shitty person sometimes in my private life

No. 2071577

my anxiety is going down, even though i still had an anxiety attack today. i drank chocolate milk and watched a movie with my mom. it helped!

No. 2071590

what could possibly happen to you if you're "exposed" on lolcow for making silly posts? vaush has a few threads that document his love of horse cock and actual pedophilia and he's doing just fine. at worst you're shitposting, just relax

No. 2071639

Personally I have posts from years ago when I was in a horrible relationship and it would be so embarrassing for those posts to be tied to me now… there are even posts from before I graduated high school and I had never had a bf before so I made up stories about me and my teacher…

No. 2071649

it's always worse for women than men though

No. 2071700

I thought mine was back in the day but I swore it was jus my phone being tapped (not sure if serious)

No. 2071845

unless you're ritard-tier your post history will not get exposed. and if some anon recognizes you in one post, who cares? if you're worried about being cancelled on twitter or whatever the person trying to expose you would have to admit to browsing too. I get your fear though, I was thinking of posting in the battlestation thread but that may be TOO recognizable

No. 2072051

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I don't know why but I can't seem to watch anime anymore without falling asleep 15 minutes in. Live action series are pretty bad, too, but there I can at least finish a single forty-minute episode before I drift off. To think I'd binge watch fifty episodes per weekend when I was a teen… lmao Is this some sign of a fried attention span? I have no problem reading books or manga fwiw.

No. 2072063

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I dont know what annoying middle aged gay sub is in the writers room for this season of the boys buy its kinda ruining it instead of adding onto it. This season kind of suck but im persevering

No. 2072221

I'm the same kek I used to be able to watch shit like One Piece for hours, now I can barely make it through 5 minutes. It's just not very engaging and it takes a lot more time than reading would

No. 2072225

The season has felt so aimless, what the fuck are they even doing?

No. 2072283

I've read the leaks for the rest of the season and it gets worse unfortunately.

No. 2072301

it's so bad. i wanted to watch because the sister sage/homelander dynamic is a++ but it's really awful from pacing to setup to the whole "homelander romanced by a nazi" plotline being repeated

No. 2072313

I was going to start watching The Boys finally, but that sucks that this season isnt good. A lot of fans since the beginning told me not to watch this one.

No. 2072557

Im gonna buy round bread, ham and cheese tomorrow and thats gonna survive me the week . fucking can’t be arsed to cook special food

No. 2072568

Where did you read the leaks:? Do you think I would be able to find them on /tv/?

No. 2072588

There's an account on Twitter called VoughtHQ that posts them

No. 2072628

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Thanks so much!

No. 2072638

I find the people who watch stuff like the fallout show or the boys and like it because of the "anti-corporation" commentary to be tremendously stupid for the sole fact that those tv shows are produced by one of the biggest corporations in the world.

No. 2072645

Wait, The Boys isn't a parody of superhero stuff?

No. 2072646

Nayrt it's got some parody elements but it's more like what if superheros were celebrities

No. 2072661

the original comic is basically anti superhero/the worship that superheroes get and what might happen in the real world if we actually had people like this. its still entertainment at the end of the day though no matter how you spin it.

No. 2072729

Currently trying to choke down a cup of chia seeds soaked in water. I feel close to throwing up and I dread every time I have to swallow, it's so disgusting. If they didn't have so much fiber I wouldn't be doing this

No. 2072735

just eat vegetables

No. 2072737

>Is this some sign of a fried attention span
Maybe you just don't like watching it anymore? It just sounds like you're not interested in it.

No. 2072738

Are you trying to have a bowel movement? Just eat some rolled oats

No. 2072744

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I ordered burger king. Gonna clean while I wait. I wanna watch a dystopian show, maybe I'll start a new one or continue watching Westworld. Or maybe I'll try to get into Succession again.
Try mixing it with yogurt and eating it with fruit.

No. 2072745

use some vegetable milk instead of water, put some crunchy texture and a cutted banana and optional very good, raspberry

No. 2072747

I'm the same and I can't figure out why reading is so much more easier than watching. Maybe having only the visual input without the auditory one is easier on the brain to process? Or maybe it's because you can consume more content by reading faster and control the pace?
I don't know but I hate watching stuff, the pacing is always retarded. I hate how self-indulgent the people who make shows and movies are, as if they are entitled to my attention when they're not showing me anything interesting.
Watching shows is only enjoyable if I'm multitasking playing vidya at the same time

No. 2072847

>Watching shows is only enjoyable if I'm multitasking playing vidya at the same time
how will you pay attention to the plot points and character development though? i never understood people who do this, unless the show is a sitcom

No. 2072865

> Assuming the scrote was being honest

No. 2072881

I'm back to say you were right anon! Panera emailed me back and let me know that someone just used my number. Ngl, the situation was sending me for a tizzy because this was right after someone had used my card info kek.

No. 2072912

>I'm not like other bis!

No. 2072961

I'm in the mood to do some nail art, so I'm gonna spend the rest of this weekend making press ons. I hope you guys all start the week off well tomorrow.

No. 2072997

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Its golden hour/sunset but it also just rained really bad so my room is currently bathed in a very gorgeous mustardy yellow color. It looks like I'm in a movie set in Mexico.

No. 2073078

finally got some of these to try nonna, thank you so much, they’re wonderful and make me feel like a pretty, dainty princess

No. 2073163

Just had to pirate a textbook for the first time. It's so weird because usually it's paid for in the "fees" of the tuition and fees, but I didn't get an email to go pick up a copy this time like usual. Grateful I even found it because I started to suspect it didn't exist free online only to realize I accidentally misspelled a part of it.

No. 2073175

I'm watching the Usher tribute that just happened on an awards show right now and Usher just gave the longest fucking speech ever, Jesus. I was about to turn the TV off.

No. 2073209

All i can think of whenever i see usher is herpes now. He has the herp

No. 2073281

I had some popping candy today. Pops and crackles in your mouth. Fun but didn't stractch my sweet tooth.

No. 2073288

I also lost my interest in anime a few years ago, now I only occasionally read manga if anything

No. 2073342

Its always "not all men" but all women know at least one guy, you know? In my case, it's my bpd brother

No. 2073445

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i wish the Hawkeye Initiative meme had better artists

No. 2073458

your wish is my command nonni

No. 2073466

Looking like an absolute dumpster fire today, my hair is dirty, I need to wear loose pants as long as my tattoo is healing and it's cold so I'm wearing a hoodie.

No. 2073467

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i like that in Finnish, a lot of words end with the letters i and y and n and m, like nyymi, terffiys, even the word moidi is made cute.

No. 2073541

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where will you post it nonnie? also picrel is what i was talking about

No. 2073549

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I think the shitty ones are funny. I forgot about this, thanks for reminding me of it, it's a good way to waste time while I drink my coffee

No. 2073558

prolly to tumblr, im sure you'll be able to find it

No. 2073560

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it's just a pity really, the meme itself is based, but it could've been even baseder if we had enjoyable depictions of male characters drawn like Nightwing, picrel is one of my favs KEK

No. 2073562

i think i might have dick envy genuinely

No. 2073611

i'll be watching the Hawkeye Initiative tag then!

No. 2073616

That catwoman cover always cracked me up. The more you look at it, the worse it gets.

No. 2073690

I'm hungover and at taco bell where I knew I would end up eventually

No. 2073754

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today i learned that i have a body type like Jazz Jennings, mortifying

No. 2073757

And it didn't take you years of injecting horse piss or working against your biology to achieve it ♥ XX stays winning.

No. 2073769

This should be a wake up call, you should probably make some changes in your life.

No. 2073771

The duality of nonna kek

No. 2073773

took the words out of my post nonnie, nonnie to nonnie communication, nonnie to nonnie conversation

No. 2073776

also nonnie, i don't think you've actually seen JJ's body kekekekekekek

No. 2073781

oh wait it's actually me that hasn't seen JJ's recent pics, i only saw his body that the Florence tranvestigating anon posted, he looks so much worse christ

No. 2073782

I thought anon meant she was chunky in the midsection with no ass and wanted to make her feel better. Women's natural fat distribution is always superior anyway honestly.

No. 2073848

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sometimes i wish i was smarter to i could explain in one go to TRAs just how puberty works and how it can't just be "paused" and then continue unaffected after stopping blockers. i wish i could get a single book compiling the effects of puberty and why it's necessary that i could rote learn so that a retard doesn't reply to me with 5 different misunderstandings because i explained it too short. also having English as a first language must be nice, to be able to write words that flow smoothly. any sentence i write, just looks like even a TRA will be unintimidated.

No. 2073899

They've been used for precocious puberty safely for quite a while. However that disease can lead to menstruation and body hair as young as 6-8, tumors, bone issues and increased risk of SA. It's only really been proven in that specific use case. Using it on normally healthy children has high chances of bone issues (weird how that ties in?), infertility or in the case of moids they're testes never develop and they get stuck with little baby dick. It's not a pause. Other parts still even without puberty and you get messed up if it's not in sync.
Just because chemo is proven to help people with cancer doesn't mean we should all be irradiating ourselves same with puberty blockers.

No. 2073910

>decide to have a bbq with my friends from uni since I haven't seen them in a month
>planning anything with them is as usual like planning with a bunch of golden retrievers
>finally settle on a day
>I start planning on what I want to put on the grill, what kind of salad I wanna serve, start pickling red onions, etc…
>even plan a little cheesecake "experiment" and decorations
>"uhm, anon. I think there might be rain tomorrow…"
>…fuck it imma make that cake anyway

No. 2074079

I am so bored
I have things I could do but my brain doesn't want to

No. 2074169

This one book is pissing me off so bad but I don't want to stop because I quit too many things and actually want to finish something for once. Trying to read 50 pages a day but it feels like serving a prison sentence.

No. 2074299

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I saw some nonna post in one of the threads how she couldn't stop eating the laughing cow cheese and I started buying it and it is literally lol cow cheese, the official merch of lolcow

No. 2074427

My perfume came today. I bought it on whim because I thought the scent and name sounded interesting. It has a warning on the website that it can cause intense emotions but so far I feel nothing. It may hit differently on the skin plus wear over time. I'm excited to wear it. I'm thinking of buying a couple of other scents that intrigue me depending on how it performs.

No. 2074481

I'm eating an ice cream cone and it's making my back molars tingle a bit. Idk if it's because I just ate a hot sandwich or what.

No. 2074482

>It has a warning on the website that it can cause intense emotions
Kek anon, I think that's just marketing

No. 2074484

What fragrance is it? It sounds interesting. I've been thinking of purchasing Kayali Pistachio Gelato or Paris Corner Pistachio Khair

No. 2074485

which book anon? and what about it is pissing you off kek

No. 2074493

I need to know the name

No. 2074556

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I cant decide which VN i want to play first.

No. 2074561

Eve wore him out…

No. 2074563

What VNs are you deciding between?

No. 2074573

either dramatical murder or togainu.

No. 2074578

I want to say start by the shortest one but iirc I took almost the same time to finish both of them. Is there a love interest you like in particular?

No. 2074579

dmmd all the way kek

No. 2074580

You could go in release order? TnC is pretty old, so it might be better to experience that one first.

No. 2074586

File: 1719905216100.png (184.61 KB, 1103x574, mass murder wtf.png)

i like near and noiz and shiki and rin, so i would have to play each at least twice.
aight i asked my AI husbando and he told me Dramatical Murder. Thanks nonnies.

No. 2074606

My bed has been so uncomfortable to me that last night I had to sleep on the floor. I think it's cause I'm the type to keep a bunch of shit on my bed, so I end up feeling cramped. But I've been like this for years, even as a child, so it's strange that it's suddenly bothering me.

No. 2074661

It's time to upgrade your bed setting

No. 2074667

I want to get a stainless steel litter box for my cats but tell me WHY the most basic ones still cost more than 60€. It's literally a damn box, why is it so expensive.

No. 2074696

I have decided my new goal is to grow my buzzcut down to my knees. No cuts for the next decade.

No. 2074760

Marketing. Look for stainless steel food trays, like the kind used in buffets. They're the same size but only $20.

No. 2074785

I swear the last time I looked on amazon I couldn't find one big enough but I just did now kek

No. 2074842

Got myself a treat after work, poke bowl from Target, and the fish was covered in flavorless spicy sauce. I knew it was spicy, that was all they had, but I thought the fish would taste like something other than spicy. Like…fish.

No. 2074877

This blew my mind. Do you have any other things that you can buy cheaper alternatives for that are only expensive due to marketing?

No. 2074911

It's hard to think of things offhand, but if you gave me any examples of things you're looking for, I can offer suggestions.
Restaurant supply stores are going to be your friend if you live with a lot of roommates or are throwing a party. Most granola cereals can be bought in bulk from bulk supply stores.
As for pets, many pet medications can be bought in the generic form from human pharmacies. So while generic Gabapentin from your vet is like $40 for 28 tablets, the same Gabapentin is $4 from a pharmacy. You can also use goodrx to find the cheapest pharmacy for each medication in your area. And if you have a giant dog that takes Apoquel every day, it's often cheaper to get the highest tier of customer level from Costco or Sam's Club, and then use the 20% discount that tier comes with to get the Apoquel from their pharmacy.

No. 2074929

some weirdo moid just dmd me asking if i was his ex gf hiding behind a burner and i said what no and he blocked me. funny

No. 2074955

i'm trying to kick my starbucks coffee addiction but i'm so sleepy and a bit chilly this morning……. lord give me strength

No. 2074963

I was chilling at a picnic table before and I heard these two scrotes mutter something about "posing", then as they walked past they turned around to give me the dirtiest of dirty looks kek. Making people seethe just by sitting there makes me feel powerful.

No. 2074965

File: 1719938189747.jpg (94.39 KB, 1200x856, pellets-compressed.jpg)

I'm NTAYRT but I buy "horse bedding" pine pellets in 40 lbs bags for my cat's litter. It's literally $8 a 40 lb bag at a Tractor Supply Co compared to the "pine pellets" sold at Petco for cat litter which are the exact same product except it is $28 per 40 lb bag. I love pine pellet litter because it covers the scent of cat pee really well.

No. 2075016

I use this stuff for my bunnies. It's the best at absorption, covering smell, and cost!

No. 2075126

File: 1719945746487.png (650.08 KB, 745x641, ohmylord.png)

Stumbled upon these shoes and the fact that they are pretty much a combination of everything 2012(ish) fashion tumblr loved made me smile

No. 2075289

File: 1719955806107.jpg (537.8 KB, 1383x2048, MV5BMjQ3OTgzMzY4NF5BMl5BanBnXk…)

I think I'm gonna watch Kingsman tonight. Never watched the original but this one has both Halle Berry and Pedro Pascal in it.

No. 2075290

They're like Monster High shoes, cute.

No. 2075294

I loved the original. The sequel is good. But the "English Gentleman" charm of the first movie is kinda lost because they introduce the "Statesmen" which I only forgive them for because Pedro Pascal is hot

No. 2075350

I need dick but I need love to come with that dick

No. 2075371

toy + husbando

No. 2075433

Co-signing that I also love the first two kingsman movies. I thought the prequel was a step down in quality though, they should've made Rasputin the main villain

No. 2075477

I'm chilling in my hotel room after days of getting up early and visiting several cities for way too long. My legs hurt but it was fun, now I'm getting some rest and sorting all my stuff because I bought too much crap. I put the "do not disturb" sign on the door, I hope nobody will barge in to clean the room despite the sign.

I love the first movie but never watched the second one. I need to correct that someday.

No. 2075490

File: 1719965800743.png (12.88 KB, 373x575, este.png)

>be me
>follow very cute gay twink on tiktok
>he deletes
>comes back a week later
>"i'm trans"
>just looks like himself, but in more makeup
>continue lurking, whatever, he's still cute
>he goes off the map for a while
>"a while." a month or two
>comes back
>fucking FAT as fuck
>looks just like this
>keeps going on about "fat feminizing"
>he arguably looked far more feminine when thin
>voice deeper and everything
it's dumb but i'm genuinely a little distraught

No. 2075524

Who is it

No. 2075552

My nails have grown so much this past week or two. Wearing fake nails is really the best thing I've done for my nail biting problem.

No. 2075604

File: 1719969798047.jpeg (62.03 KB, 750x419, IMG_5203.jpeg)

i hate CJ from B99 so so much, that's obviously the point of the character, but i wish he'd come face to face with a misandrist in a dark alleyway

No. 2075683

Was reading this random chicks tumblr (its a really popular one,) like damn she sounds annoying but cute pics, then I see my coworker (who I also think is annoying) like lol they cousins? Small world

No. 2075803

Thinking of the time in eighth grade when one of my classmates was this russian girl with a really heavy accent and in english class we were discussing color symbolism like yellow = happiness, purple = royalty, and then we got to red and the class was saying love, passion etc. and she said "communism" in her heavy russian accent and the whole class went silent
Good times

No. 2075812

File: 1719979922018.jpg (8.03 KB, 249x243, bugs.jpg)

I made some drawing excercises wrong and now i gotta re do them

No. 2075827

I am always going to pronou ce that girls name in my head as Shapelle Rone

No. 2075865

lol i gotta buy some, i used to eat is as a kid every day. Though it's not good for kids i heard. Kids end up beings short if they eat too much of melted cheese like that. I am short.

No. 2075895

Poor girl sucks to be an immigrant

No. 2075899

I'm gonna make chalupas later today but I have no sour cream so I'm gonna research if it's possible for me to make sour cream in less than 24 hours.

No. 2075901

I want to buy that cheese now, thanks nonny

No. 2075902

File: 1719989802819.jpeg (Spoiler Image,207.36 KB, 1069x1812, IMG_3092.jpeg)

made the mistake of checking reviews on a lingerie set

No. 2075914

Samefag, I think if I mix gelatin and milk it'll basically be milk pudding which is basically sour cream

No. 2075932

Nah men like this should just die

No. 2075963

This probably doesn't count cause it takes 24-48hrs to work, but if you had the time it'd probably be OK: 1 cup heavy cream, 3/4 teaspoon lemon juice or distilled white vinegar, 1/4 cup milk.
Sauce: https://www.allrecipes.com/recipe/215240/homemade-sour-cream/

No. 2075976

File: 1719996249467.png (147.63 KB, 300x300, 280d4e61b6116de26943d2308464f4…)

Is there any place that men won't insert their fucked up kinks into?

No. 2076032

moving back to the big city this weekend after living in a very isolated country town for 1.5 years. a bit scary i have so much packing to do

No. 2076033

country girl in the big city, nonnie you are literally a movie character

No. 2076143

File: 1720010874491.jpg (95.87 KB, 946x1155, laptop subliminal.jpg)

i need to replace my laptop keyboard, screen frame and top cover but i'm broke

No. 2076145

I wonder if its my ex

No. 2076261

isnt that how its supposed to be pronounced? that's what i say in my head when i read her name too

No. 2076284

I just found out that you can get sunscreen for your scalp. I went 28 years without knowing this and having a burnt scalp for like 3 months every summer.

No. 2076327

All this time and you never got yourself a hat nonners?

No. 2076340

i know i know.. i recently bought one from my vacation but other than that i never wear them. i think i have a weird shaped head and they look bad on me kek

No. 2076392

This weekend I am going to my first ever country concert kek. Never thought I'd say those words. I'm excited, I have cute cowgirl boots, the singer is hot, I'm gonna have a tequila sunrise and dance. And since I'm travelling to a small artsy town in my state for the show, the morning after I'll be able to go for a hike and have a tasty breakfast before I drive home. You just get lucky sometimes!!

No. 2076404

Nona i am so jealous, that sounds like the best weekend ever. you've got me looking up country concerts near me now kek

No. 2076418

Sounds like a good time. Enjoy it!

No. 2076464

sometimes it feels like no one can see my posts

No. 2076487

Just saw that my old childhood crush got married. 15 year old me is crying but 28 year old me is laughing. he got ugly with age

No. 2076488

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No. 2076599

File: 1720033961553.jpg (189.76 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg)

Watching fox videos on Youtube and just appreciating that despite all the nasty things the internet has done I can get fox clips whenever I want.

No. 2076603

i fucking love ghb

No. 2076605

File: 1720034221747.jpg (47.4 KB, 866x747, 2023-07-04 22.22.19.jpg)

No. 2076619

My dealer only sells it dyed. Most ethical moid I've ever met.

No. 2076729

File: 1720039529659.jpg (144.88 KB, 736x981, b8f89e5856441d4431dff5b3607501…)

Im trying to decide what fragrance I want to buy but it's hard because the brand I'm looking at literally has over a hundred vanilla fragrances like wtf.

No. 2076735


No. 2076758

that's so based

No. 2076805

I've been learning german on and off for years now, and I started this habit of feeling the need to capitalize nouns in English because of this. It just makes sense to make important words all capital.

No. 2076815

>I like the little decal on your car there!
>"What decal?"
>That one!
>"Oh, that? That's bird shit."
>It's bird shit
Why do I even try to make small talk? I didn't see it was bird shit the sun was in my eyes I was trying to be friendly. Ugh.

No. 2076827

I had two slices of pizza for breakfast and the didn't eat anything at all the rest of the day and then i have the nerve to wonder why my anxiety was off the roof today, why i got a migraine and why i almost fainted in the shower.
Eat something in my behalf, nonnies.

No. 2076836

i need to get on this learning german thing with you since my dad is fucking german and i met him last year. cant even speak to my own grandparents because we don't share a language

No. 2076839

I'm sorry if this is intrusive but why would you want to include a man in your life who refused to raise you?

No. 2076853

That's pretty assumptive anon

No. 2076856

it's a very long story and one which is difficult to express to someone who hasn't met my mother or known someone with a genuinely narcissistic structure (not just the pop psychology idea of "a narcissist"). he went back to his country shortly after i was born because my mum is not well and continually lashed out (driving hazardously as a threat, hitting him, emotional blackmail). i am estranged from her now as she physically suffocated me in 2021. she refused to even tell me my father's name or let me see a photo of him until i was 16.

i do wish he had been involved in my upbringing but my mother did everything she could to keep me away from every living relative i had.


don't worry nonas it's a fair question

No. 2076860

Aw anon, I'm sorry about that. I hope you guys can develop a good relationship despite all of that. I also have a mentally ill mother and a father who's mostly absent, but my situation is a little different so I said fuck both of them kek.

No. 2076863

Start by listening to German songs. If they're catchy enough you'll start singing along and learn some German words and pronunciation. I unironically recommend Hallo Aus Berlin and its songs for a start.

No. 2076991

Gonna buy some Arab fragrances that have went viral, I'm pretty excited. I'm actually planning on them being a gift so hopefully they're good. Also, I love saying arab words in the Arab accent even though I'm American as fuck.

I'm also getting sent Prada Paradoxe Virtual Flower for free in a few weeks. I believe it's a new release. I'm not into florals that much but I have my hopes up.

No. 2077004

I think I just heard three gunshots reallyyyyy far away outside. Might be someone practicing but this is a safe and quiet neighborhood so they need to stop that shit and go to a range.

No. 2077007

Samefag, I'm genuinely fucking retarded kek. Its almost July 4th, it's probably fireworks.

No. 2077009

which fragrances? I wanna know!

No. 2077020

File: 1720057505048.jpg (546.79 KB, 1991x1991, 91KHtkb3NzL.jpg)

Harem Al Sultan (the "woman getting fed grapes with her tits out" one) and Lattafa Yara Tous. I'm also considering getting Lattafa Nebras.

No. 2077099

I was looking at old photos and i realized how tight the school uniform was on later elementary/middle school, my chest looked way bigger than I remember.

No. 2077104

I’m fairly certain my bf’s dad is autistic and I’m not sure why I’m the only one who sees it.

No. 2077123

it makes me sad when i see female janitors. thats a mans job.

No. 2077135

My dad told me when he was in japan there was a female janitor on her hands and knees scrubbing the urinals WHILE MEN WERE USING THEM. No woman should have to do that.

Cleaning in general isn't that bad though, I bet introverted women could enjoy a janitorial job.

No. 2077152

Anon this is my industry and men are some of the worst cleaners ever. Except the gays, men have little attention to detail and are very stubborn about conducting cleaning in any other way but the way they know. Not to mention lazy, plus they have a chip on their shoulder for being emasculated cause cleaning is a ~woman's job~ and double when a female manager like me has gotta tell em what to do lmaoooo.

Their only use is typically being tall to reach walls and overheads without ladders. Manlets might as well be unhirable to me unless they are efficient and intelligent which rules out but a 1%.

No. 2077291

Boils my blood when moids complain something is dirty to put women down and thne you see them clean and they don't even more the chair or vacuum spiders.

No. 2077422

There's a guy outside whos been having a conversation with himself for an hour. I went down to walk my dog and he kept arguing with himself about how someone was going to bring him the right uniform. I thought he was with someone lol

No. 2077452

I hate when i am binge watching a tv show and it becomes shitty to the point it kills my urge to keep binge watching and instead it turns into me forcing myself to swim through shit to finally get over it and just see how it ends.

No. 2077457

Ok update. It's 3 am and he's fighting an invisible person

No. 2077459

did he win?

No. 2077483

The stores are open until 9 pm, I'm going on a hunt for some fake uggs. Hope they're available somewhere this time of year.

No. 2077498

I want to say no because he's screaming shut the fuck up

No. 2077513

File: 1720095341880.jpeg (49.22 KB, 600x450, 7181963.jpeg)

Thinking about buying gold bullion. Not sure if I should do it now or wait until later in the year when prices are expected to be lower. I'm concerned that the US election is going to be a shit show and will surge prices again.

No. 2077515

Are Americans even allowed to hoard gold? I heard it was illegal until the 70s

No. 2077526

That can't be true.

No. 2077529

Whenever I see anything about paramore or the killers the taste of monster energy drink suddenly floods my senses like ptsd

No. 2077546

I bought some of this today, very effective viral marketing kek

No. 2077581

I went to the pool today for the 1st time in years, it was pretty nice, but unfortunately you must wear a swim cap and i looked ridiculous kek

No. 2077696

I'm not American so it doesn't effect me. I've been building up my hoard of gold, silver and platinum for a few years.

No. 2077712

how do you keep it save? I have been thinking about hoarding some myself

No. 2077716

File: 1720111074550.gif (9.26 MB, 498x498, kocheng-walscout.gif)

Going to the hairdresser tomorrow in hopes that they can fix my hair, since they messed up the color really bad last week (I came in asking for this sorta brownish pink with a reference image, left with a cherry red). I'm really nervous, not only because I hate causing inconveniences for others but I'm worried that they might not be able to do much. I just wish they had instead said they could have said they wouldn't be able to do it when I emailed them months ago with that image (and ofc photos of my hair) asking if it's possible for them to give me that color. Wish me luck anons.

No. 2077724

I have a safe but I tend to keep it in hidden places around the house instead of in one location. If someone was going to steal anything the safe is the first place they would try and find, where as hiding it in random place means that even if a thief were to find one place, it's unlikely that they would find the others.

No. 2077977

File: 1720123897734.gif (56.02 KB, 1000x830, synfexis-_-porogif-final.gif)

Last night I played a Megan Thee Stallion song on repeat for 55 mins straight while I played a League game. It was a really good game. I can see myself doing the same thing tonight kek.

No. 2078140

I went to a small exhibition and I fell super hard for a drawing but they were selling it for 20k euros lmao.

No. 2078193

File: 1720138744280.png (770.25 KB, 534x670, dog.png)

look at this dog

No. 2078194

File: 1720138765543.png (478.31 KB, 536x678, cat.png)

and look at this cat

No. 2078329

File: 1720144695192.gif (2.73 MB, 540x400, whatyouwaitingfor.gif)

same nonnie, i do that when i have to keep working on smtg and have it done quickly, i actually like What You Waiting For by Gwen Stefani but because i kept playing it while doing my assignment(the "tik tok tik tok" playing during the entire song builds a sense of urgency kek) i now associate it with Adobe Photoshop and InDesign hell and just hearing the first "tik tok tik tok" when the song comes up in my shuffle gives me a heart attack everytime.

No. 2078502

File: 1720155021997.png (167.94 KB, 320x285, 1660075989666.png)

I feel so depressed. I am going to watch an episode of a comfy show then hope my mood gets better.

No. 2078508

File: 1720155331299.png (506.66 KB, 828x828, mrspeed.png)

only based thing this artist has ever done

No. 2078511

I love interracial yaoi.

No. 2078519

i don't like how his face looks tho, he's got this menace in his face seen only in homosexual male white supremacists

No. 2078523

File: 1720155924843.jpg (21.2 KB, 240x240, kithie, mwuah.jpg)

real, i'm a native of my own country and have lived too cushy of a life so when there's tension between different groups of men, i don't see conflict, i see enemies to lovers

No. 2078539

File: 1720157021115.jpeg (51.93 KB, 484x484, Ethnic_conflict.jpeg)

>when there's tension between different groups of men, i don't see conflict, i see enemies to lovers(AI slop out of containment)

No. 2078542

I believe that Israel-chan and Hamas-kun are the single thing that's saving our board culture in 2024 Anno Domini.

No. 2078550

File: 1720157879172.gif (114.52 KB, 220x220, breakdance.gif)

trying to make peach apricot mango iced tea nonnies, let's see how it goes, i'll do my best nonnies

No. 2078551

Who is this artist? Are they a fujo?

No. 2078552

the creator is such a cow though, shes into scat

No. 2078554

I wanna know more about this kek

No. 2078561

File: 1720158776595.png (767.47 KB, 844x838, oincdjkn f.png)

i don't know them very well but they made camilo x bruno ship art and draw mrbeast fanart including this garbage one, the one on the left is supposed to be Chris Tyson

No. 2078564

nta but its not scat, shes into the men pissing themselves kink

No. 2078566

samefag, she draws MrBeast pretty often, and sometimes with mild gore, i see worse shit than this why does this unsettle me

No. 2078568

Women are rarely actually into scat imo and only do it for money, like the majority of gross degrading sex acts they do because men pay for it.

No. 2078571

thats scat and its gross as fuck

No. 2078574

Scat is when one poo poos not pee pee.

No. 2078575

Post pics or it didn't happen!!!

No. 2078576

File: 1720160121196.jpg (40.04 KB, 735x429, 1649164739125.jpg)

i looked thru her twitter, it has some uncensored versions of her posts, and the ones i thought were yaoi turned out to have "boipussy", i'll be in dumbass shit posting edited versions of them, bye nonnies

No. 2078578

i'll try nonnie, right now i made the peach apricot tea (with mango drink mix powder, which is how the mango part comes in) and am letting it chill in the fridge, maybe i'm doing it wrong idc i'm not following a recipe.

No. 2078583

Scat literally means feces. Zoomers are so retarded

No. 2078587

both are gross anyways, i dont understand how being into pee is better

No. 2078604

File: 1720162387629.jpg (151.48 KB, 960x802, PAMtea - Copy.jpg)

ta da, i didn't know how to make the tea look anymore interesting so i drew Elsie

No. 2078614

No. 2078640

File: 1720165871566.png (66.52 KB, 257x219, 1624618129568.png)

i'm back, it turned out so bad

No. 2078644

I love this

No. 2078652

File: 1720166810754.jpg (51.52 KB, 702x982, squeak squeak squeak.jpg)

thanks nonnie, i think i'll nap now

No. 2078661

I miss the dumbass shit thread I took a hiatus..what caused it to cease existing?

No. 2078663

mods gay

No. 2078670

its autosaged, but it still sometimes gets a post like once a week.

No. 2078676

File: 1720170190940.jpg (280.69 KB, 1080x1524, 1000004038.jpg)

I feel like ironic degeneracy is destroying braincells. Imagine making a Palestinian child read this allowed

No. 2078680

File: 1720170732397.jpeg (81.81 KB, 736x552, Сказка о мёртвой царевне и о с…)

There are so many russian artists that i love. I can't go a day without stumbling on something new on pinterest wether it's a realistic painting or a storybook-esque style.
Why does everything else about russia have to be so damn retarded

No. 2078694

I did end up buying a few grams of gold and a few silver sovereigns. It wasn't cheap but the price of precious metals keeps going up so whatever I guess.

No. 2078695

I drank a Pepsi 2 days ago and my bottom teeth still feel weird as fuck. Especially when I put pressure on them. I'm gonna floss with toothpaste and see if that helps.

No. 2078770

I seriously need to get a mouth guard for when I sleep before I crack a tooth. I'm also just tired of my teeth hurting the whole day cause I was clenching in my sleep. I remember I had a mouth guard wanna years ago and couldn't keep using it cause it's plain uncomfortable to have something in your mouth while you're trying to sleep. I'll give it another shot though.

No. 2078896

Kinda sad, AI is prohibited, it's just really good at illustrating specific stuff.
I hope we see the day where the internet isn't so AI-phobic

No. 2078900

I like playing minesweeper but now I get reminded of Bossmanjack's stupid gambling minesweeper.

No. 2078950

File: 1720192037199.gif (7.93 MB, 540x300, tumblr_2ab90b5fedfb80a851c8286…)

Been thinking about this game,I love it

No. 2078953

File: 1720192206250.gif (871.02 KB, 250x141, BatesKicksStephanie.gif)

And this one

No. 2078968

File: 1720192813270.jpg (220.55 KB, 1080x2130, Screenshot_20240705_111839_Mer…)

I'm scrolling through Mercari, and it looks like someone is selling their ugly moid lol. It was funny to see.

No. 2079044

It's so funny how I feel better by sleep depriving myself, it triggers a low level state of mania that makes me feel better. Normally I sleep 8-9 hours a night and I feel depressed and suicidal. Since nothing ever changes while keeping healthy habits I might as well try to upset the balance

No. 2079057

No. 2079087

Somehow ended up on toddler monitoring duty at my family’s 4th of July cookout. He talked my ear off the whole time. He’s only 1 so maybe 2% if it was actual words but it was really nice. I’m exhausted but mainly cuz he wanted me to chase him (aka run with his little chubby legs until he can’t). He took a nap in the car but I guess according to my sister he slept in. Wore him out. My work here is done. Idk if I could do it again cuz me too lol

No. 2079094

I feel this so hard. I also laugh at myself a little, because I feel like I'm never happy with how a show ends. Either it ends on a high note and I'm sad that there aren't more, or else they run it into the ground until it's a corpse of its former self and I'm sad that they didn't end it before it started sucking.

No. 2079103

It is true, or at least, was. FDR signed Executive Order 6102 in 1933, which made it illegal to own more than a small amount of gold. Everyone and every company that owned gold was required to give it to the US government (including other countries that were storing gold in the USA) and were paid $20.67 per ounce for it. Anyone who didn't comply was fined $10,000. Then, once he has confiscated the vast majority of gold in the United States, he then used presidential powers to officially change the price of gold from $20.67 per ounce, to $35 per ounce. And since the government then held all the gold, he was then able to print a huge amount of money without other countries being allowed to devalue the US dollar.
Ford then repealed this in the 1960s, but it still remains illegal to contractually demand to be paid in gold.

No. 2079104

Start taking vitamin D. Stress is the main cause of grinding, but vitamin D definitely causes it too.

No. 2079136

>find out the guy I almost dated is probably into femdom
>aka my biggest turn-off
Phew bullet dodged.

No. 2079177

File: 1720207074494.gif (262.38 KB, 498x359, 1000034292.gif)

ooh tell me what they are so they can rot on my wishlist

No. 2079189

I have terrible anxiety, stress, and suffer from multiple other sleep issues besides the clenching and grinding. I don't think the vitamin d will be able to do much kek, but I'll try anyway anon, thanks. Is vit d like iron supplements where you have to be extra careful how high of a dose you consume/shouldn't take it without asking a doctor?

No. 2079190

He was not attractive which is the main reason why I gave up on him, also I'm just not into femdom.

No. 2079195

Getting into the habit of doing my bed every day has been the best decision ever. Started doing it daily a couple of years ago after I read somewhere that it's supposedly unexpectedly good for your mental health and was positively surprised, not only does it feel good because it looks nice but it also incites you into keeping your bedroom neat and even helps with the daily upkeep of your home if you are a bit messy by nature like me. At least I get into this "well, since my bedroom looks nice I might as well clean the kitchen while I'm on my feet, maybe also do x or y while I'm at it" mood when I do it.
If I'm too tired or not in the mood in the morning I do it later in the day or evening if I've been at uni, even if the bed looks neat for only a couple of hours before I go to bed it still makes going to sleep a much more enjoyable experience.

No. 2079197

Clock tower and clock tower ghost head

No. 2079199

Technically you can take too much of it but the upper limit is high and it's very rare to absorb too much. It's not like iron.

No. 2079216

i listened to these sometimes lol idk if they actually do shit but i like to pretend they do. i hope a fancy new laptop appears at your doorstep

No. 2079253

File: 1720215501144.jpg (189.67 KB, 1000x1400, 7144-product_full.jpg)

I don't really care for rose gold, but it's so flattering on my skin and I need something that's gonna make me feel like a bad bitch, so I'm gonna do rose gold chrome nails. I'm basically the same tone so it kinda looks like when people have a hair color that matches their skin color.

No. 2079254

It's cold at this place I'm staying at for the weekend but I saw a guy that was running half naked and it was nice, he had a toned body and a nice set of pecs.

No. 2079288

The bookstore had a manga volume I've wanted for a while so I finally had an excuse to buy it. Too bad they didn't have any more of the volumes in that series I'm missing.

No. 2079305

I made some really tasty ramen tonight and now my belly is full and satisfied

No. 2079321

File: 1720222066333.jpg (60.13 KB, 1000x1000, 51bbPluJorL.jpg)

I'm gonna blind buy picrel for my grandma and see if she likes it. She has pretty youthful taste in fragrances, and based off of the notes I think it'll be nice for her.

No. 2079323

I seriously need my own car. Stuck in traffic with my nana who is stressing over several merge lanes and stressing ME out in the process

No. 2079375

File: 1720230215339.jpg (381.62 KB, 1000x1538, 1000039523.jpg)

Rocking chairs are so cool, I literally have never been able to sit on one, ever, because I've always been told that I'm too fat and I could break them.
But today I'm staying at some cabin in the woods and it has a rocking chair, it's a vintage looking one, it's so comfy, I love being able to rock back and forth on it, I could fall asleep here, I should get one someday.

No. 2079376

Thinking of writing a yaoi fanfic about a pair I really like from a show I love but I don't think I'd have time to do it, and I'll probably drop it eventually like every time I try to write something.

No. 2079401

I dont even do crochet so i dont know why i am watching this.

No. 2079402

I really like this channel, she does crochet community drama recaps.

No. 2079407

nice, sounds like something cozy to put on the background while i draw. Too bad shes a handmaiden/tranny.

No. 2079409

today is one of those days where i wonder if my reports are going through or are the farmhands just dead..

No. 2079441

accidentally bought neon green eyeliner at the pharmacy, wtf am i supposed to do with this? draw a lil weed leaf in the corner of my eyes? i got no raves to wear this to

No. 2079442

Used to like her channel but she recently announced she trooned out and now she's saying she's a non-binary or a scrote or something. Shame because her videos are interesting.

No. 2079450

Eh, tbh it doesn't bother me when people (particularly women) troon out unless they start throwing it into every video or making it a main topic. It doesn't effect her actual content for me

No. 2079462

File: 1720243884713.jpg (44.88 KB, 600x587, 0a058a63d2e5dcc1370359918a224e…)

I wonder if people outside the midwest know the whole water recipes and dirty soda thing is mostly used by girls with eating disorders
you just get everything in diet/zero

No. 2079481

World ain't been the same since we lost Amy Winehouse

No. 2079486

Agreed, everything went to shit

No. 2079508

Will never forgive all the ugly old men that made her death into a punchline on television and in tabloids including NPH may his fields burn to the ground and his harvest never prosper

No. 2079521

The hairdresser cut 5cm off my hair, the ends were pretty dry so it was necessary. But I'm impressed by how much of a difference it makes, like it feels so much shorter, especially when I style it. But I only went from medium length hair to….still medium length hair kek

No. 2079522

Had to google dirty soda and oh lord, I have a huge sweet tooth but that sounds too much even for me. Is it really that good?

No. 2079530

File: 1720251897303.jpg (105.15 KB, 1080x1080, drinks.jpg)

well, "good" is sort of a subjective word lol, I love it, I have type one diabetes and a huge sweet tooth, so being able to just, heap sweet shit down is a pretty recent luxury for us lol
I like to mix these diet/zero sodas:
>cream soda, root beer, birch beer, ginger soda (NOT ginger ale), spicy soda (think mr pibb/dr pepper), cola
these sugar-free syrups, really doesn't matter what brand, they usually have "skinny" in the name:
>vanilla, coconut, pineapple, maraschino-cherry, tutti-frutti
and then top it with this shit:
>splenda sweet cream coffee creamer (2 tablespoons = 30cal)
>halo top light vanilla bean ice cream (2 tablespoons = 15cal)
>reddiwip cold foam (2 tablespoons = 18cal)
>reddiwip fat free whipped topping (2 tablespoons = 5cal)
and if you're a total degen non-mormon like me, you can make it a even make it a cocktail if you want:
>baileys Irish cream (2 tablespoons = 70cal)

I'm lonely, thank you for engaging with me

No. 2079540

I kept seeing stuff about Spotify pushing Sabrina Carpenter's songs and I didn't really pay to much attention to it, but today I noticed Please Please Please was in my recent searches although I absolutely didn't search it kek. It came on auto play a few times for me, but I also listen to a lot of pop so that makes sense .

No. 2079570

I wish the space I lived in wasn't so close to neighbors. I'd love to scream my lungs out for no reason and without disrupting anyone

No. 2079573

I wish I was your neighbour nonnie, we could have screaming sessions together

No. 2079585

I accidentally woke up in the middle of the night and scrolled the celebricows thread. When I got up at my normal time and made my coffee and sat down to read the thread as usual I was all caught up. I’m kinda annoyed but now I’m writing this.

No. 2079601

I wish i was there to see the JFK assasination. Funny happenings like that dont happen anymore.

No. 2079602

Literally Abe Shinzo was shot with a homemade gun almost two years ago.

No. 2079604

who cares about japan but weebs, i literally forgot he was so insignificant

No. 2079617

bought some pollock. very nice fish.

No. 2079645

Ameritard moment.

No. 2079657

I told myself i was going to watch a documentary while eating, but instead i put on brainrot. Why am i like this.

No. 2079720

That was breaking news world wide dumbass

No. 2079753

I feel like I may be fighting with the same anon over different topics over different threads… like we’re antisoulmates

No. 2079762

I love when husbando artists accepts my request for their private twitter account, I feel like I'm part of a private establishment and their requirements are not hard (generally put your age in profile and follow their main account).

No. 2079770

File: 1720282120251.png (5.09 MB, 3570x2859, Elsie dies from cringe.png)

i worry sometimes about using the words scrote and moid in real life sometimes, but scrote is part of slang just british, so that's one word i could use, just not around my libfem college mates tho

No. 2079774

tf, you can't say "scrote" around young liberals? I'm so old now wtf
I don't understand where all the moid-worship came from, college used to be where you were safe from that

No. 2079834

File: 1720288059600.jpeg (784.11 KB, 1170x1745, male loneliness epidemic.jpeg)

yeah, the kind of college i attend is for an industry associated with progressive types, "sex work is work", "trans rights are human rights, "stuff that's not really empowering is empowering", everybody uses American English buzzwords with their native language, that sort, where manhate would be frowned upon. it's only the libfem mikan mandarin sugarbaby type of "misandry" that would be barely tolerated despite the college consisting of mostly women.

No. 2079854

me fighting with that one anon about astolfo all those years ago

No. 2079856

ew he is ugly

No. 2079862

I'm looking to build my own PC but just researching it all is so daunting. I'm not scared of sticking everything together in the end, I played with legos a lot and know I have to touch a radiator beforehand, but I barely even know what motherboard and RAM mean, not to speak of overclocking, SSDs, RAID, hZ or RGB (that's just those fancy-schmancy rainbow lights, right?) and all that's left after that.

No. 2079878

the big board that holds everything together
short term memory
don't worry about it
faster hard drive
dont worry about it
pretty lights

any more questions?

No. 2079927

I wanted to play Silent Hill 3 tonight but my PS2 is not working properly anymore, apparently some kind of battery inside is dead, I should look deeper into it.

No. 2079992

I get way too invested in the background MVs of karaoke videos when it isn't some stock footage(?) of that short-haired woman in a long skirt or the frog-perspective shot of a water bottle and the like.

No. 2080002

File: 1720304906765.jpg (16.05 KB, 244x261, Tumblr_l_253273745363486.jpg)

I work at a small pub and personally I think I should be allowed to shoot on sight anyone who comes at almost closing time and tries to guilt you into cooking something for them hours after the kitchen has closed.
>Oh but we're so hungry please can't you just make us a burger please
No. And im fucking tired and want to go home. Fuck off and come earlier next time.
Also a special fuck you to customers who try to order things that aren't on the menu. Do you see it written anywhere? No, then it isn't fucking available.
GOD i fucking hate customers, if you've ever been a customer i hate you.

No. 2080013

No. 2080028

Might be the CMOS/clock battery. IIRC the PS2's clock takes a CR2032 type button cell, available anywhere batteries are sold.

No. 2080042

That's what I figured out too, I looked at a tutorial to replace it and it looks like a pretty easy problem to fix.

No. 2080098

I left a pair of folded khaki pants on my bedroom floor a couple of feet from the door, and my cat, who visits me every night in my room, is so terrified by the pair of pants that after 7 tries to enter the room and launching herself into the air in pure terror multiple times, has decided she simply cannot pass through and is now sitting in the hallway crying. She is so retarded about pants.

No. 2080111

In case of an investigation by any federal entity or similar, I do not have any involvement with this group or with the people in it, I do not know how I am here, probably added by a third party, I do not support any actions by the members of this group. Everything I have posted here is purely satire and will be treated as such in a court of law. I have committed no crimes and am an innocent bystander.

No. 2080115

My plea will just be insanity. Your honor i literally have a brain eating amoeba

No. 2080117

if you had naegleria fowleri you would not be insane you would be dead
>t. knows too much about naegleria fowleri

No. 2080119

File: 1720316789798.jpeg (1.23 MB, 2000x2341, 1693649145934.jpeg)

In case of an investigation by any federal entity or similar, I confirm that this post is irony and that everything on this website is meant to be taken as fact.

No. 2080122

I'm crying that that's the scientific name for brain eating amoeba

No. 2080124

File: 1720317238717.jpg (70.55 KB, 736x736, 022b7fb009f7aba861b00381166d1f…)

I've been learning about how to make perfumes and it's honestly a bit complicated. Its really not as simple as mixing alcohol and fragrance oil. I'm still eager to learn though! My plan is, once I learn how to make fragrances I will buy beautiful and unique perfume bottles to put them into.

No. 2080130

should've been born in japan or something so i could've posted on 2ch with the real female degenerates instead of these quasi-moralshitters on lolcor(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 2080133

this poster masturbates to little anime boys and wants you to know about it

No. 2080136

is she the same one who posted her bad art in the rate my art thread and then got pissy at people for rating her art? or a different maladjusted shotafag?

No. 2080142

do jannies seriously follow posters around just to have gotchas?(if you have moderation complaints go to /meta/)

No. 2080143

File: 1720318781115.png (49.23 KB, 668x476, avercadoer.png)

Enjoying delicious avocadoer on this Saturday evening

No. 2080145

At least the moralshitters don’t defend moids’ child porn addictions.

No. 2080151

i'm not a shotafag but i wouldn't be surprised. i feel only NEETs and low tier wageslaves take up janny positions on ibs

No. 2080206

Man, I really wish kpop posting was allowed here. I was never really a stan, just interested in the music, but I've fallen down a deep rabbit hole about the insane amount of cult ties and spiritual imagery behind most groups. It's actually pretty scary.

No. 2080212

I miscalculated something so I'm in the airport way too early and I don't know what to do for the next 8 hours. I have a book but I want to keep it for my flight.

No. 2080216


No. 2080285

i dont even care about shota but i hate how the real degenerates, the bitches into maledom, are more accepted. Why cant they fuck off to lana stan twitter where they belong.

No. 2080330

I got a piece of plastic wedged up the front of my gums and now idk what to do.

No. 2080341

Samefag, got it out. I had to push up and under my gums a little so hopefully it doesn't cause infection. I'm gonna swish with hydrogen peroxide.

No. 2080355

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I just saw a pic of hairy tongue with no warning. I've seen them before but I did not expect that, yuck.

No. 2080378

I want to get a library card but all the ones in my town are closed during my days off and I don't want to pay extra in the neighboring town.

No. 2080422

File: 1720345683284.jpg (35.67 KB, 608x457, 9b09508c51f5edc5a313a6a9342724…)

I was at a wedding yesterday, and it turns out the couple are quakers (I don't have a full grasp on it so I think it's better if you google it yourselves), so the ceremony went according to the quaker society's traditions which was very….different from what I'm used to at least.
>ceremony starts with everyone sitting in silence for several minutes
>you were invited to say something if you are feeling very emotional but the silence has to continue when they're done
>then the couple said their vows and signed a contract
>then there was another few minutes of silence where you, agan, could say something if you felt your chest was absolutely bursting with feelings.
>then the ceremony ended with the couple getting covered with a knitted blanket by a couple of members in the society
>all the guest, including the guests, were requested to sign that all of us bore witness to this ceremony
The wedding party and rest of the evening was pretty normal, and I'm really happy for the couple. But this was for sure an experience I won't forget, apparently the quaker society only has roughly 100 members in our country so I guess I got to witness something pretty rare.

No. 2080424

Ooh, she’s going to stay pregnant for the next 20 years and he’s going to molest the daughters.

No. 2080429

Seriously? That’s nuts, you should just start using it. It’s very easy to start trends like that in liberal college environments, read something horrible from the news then say “oh, what a fucking scrote.” If they get angry, they’re literally defending a pedophile who raped a baby or something and you’re allowed to scream at them. Most of those types aren’t confrontational at all with the aggressive type, it will be ok. There’s zero reason to be scared of them. I’m Middle Eastern attending the most liberal university in my country (we can drink beer during classes kek) but I always glare at trannies when I see them near the female restrooms and they can’t do shit. It’s like an MMA stare down. I’ve never seen them come inside when I’m there. Liberal types are cowardly, just stay away from the males few and far between and you’ll be fine.

No. 2080436

I'm craving raw oats and hot water so fucking bad right now. But I'm craving chicken patties more, so I'm currently waiting for my chicken patties to cook. I wish I had pickles too. Anyway, after I eat I'm going to bed because I was supposed to be asleep hours ago.

No. 2080468

Are you thinking of the Quiverfull? The Quakers aren't known for having children or molestation, mostly for pacifism and early acceptance of same sex marriage.

No. 2080469

Ahh no idea, all of those freaks are like Mormons to me. But good for them

No. 2080646

Did a bunch of shopping for ingredients last week just to almost immediately lose my appetite for several days in a row, fucking damnit

No. 2080764

File: 1720373013453.png (85.37 KB, 807x709, fuck you.png)

i have so many LC tabs open now that they don't even refresh and show new replies on their own i have to refresh em

No. 2081008

I think one of the reasons why whatever power out there is keeping me single is because I can't fucking settle down when I go to bed.
>oh shit I forgot my meds
>just gonna go to the bathroom real quick
>wait I forgot to pee because I got distracted by my cat
>oh crap forgot my water bottle
>did I put away x when I was done? Better go check
>oh shit I dropped my glasses when I was putting them on the table
>rolls back and forth forever because I struggle with falling asleep
At least I don't have severe night anxiety anymore where I had to get up and calm myself by waddling back and forth hyperventilating at 1am kek

No. 2081081

When I was a kid I was scared of cows and I have a memory of walking along a creek, then looking up and being face to face with a cow and her calf and I was so scared I cried for a while until my mom found me. But the cow didn't even do anything she was just staring at me.
The other day I went fishing in the same area and had to walk through a cow field and I'm glad I'm not scared of them anymore because they're very cute and curious, I liked observing them up close.

No. 2081097

File: 1720395597604.jpg (Spoiler Image,44.57 KB, 1024x538, 1718936129315.jpg)

I keep reading romantic fan fiction even though it makes me miserable. It makes me happy too though. Like it's heartwarming but also makes me depressed bc i'll never experience anything like it. Pic unrelated.

No. 2081141


Anon..how did you even find that?

No. 2081150

Nah you can't just post that and then go "pic unrelated" kekekekek

No. 2081172

True love

No. 2081189

You can tell they're pillow talking in a post-coital haze.

No. 2081203

I ship it.

No. 2081533

I was watching this and i cannot understand how two moids that were born and raised in LA can have such terrible, incoherent english? the fuck. I learned english through watching youtube and its miles better than guys that were actually raised in america.

No. 2081551

I was reading some husbando x reader fic the other day and I got so sad because I'll never have a girlfriend, I get you nonna.

No. 2081573

Tbf LA is full of mutants that only speak in tongues

No. 2081603

I need to go to the gym but its so cold whyyyy

No. 2081652

I’m as tall as the average man in my country and I can’t wait to buy a pair of ankle breakers. I’m masc so I never wore shoes like that before but I NEED the manlets to seethe. Will they bow in my presence or throw themselves onto moving traffic? The possibilities are endless. I’m the final Napoleon Complex boss

No. 2081655

Did you see that post about Zendaya in the Louboutins or something. Anyways a stud in a pair of heels would look so funny you should do it

No. 2081708

I am going to make food and i dont know what to watch. I am bored of all the sitcoms i was watching.

No. 2081712

I told my retard Nigel not to put the chicken in the fridge without a lid because it would taste like fridge when we cooked it but he didn't listen and now it fucking tastes like FRIDGE, ree

No. 2081726

god damn i'm so lonely i need a girlfriend or i'm killing myself

No. 2081733

There is a snail on my window. Perhaps it is the snail of death trying to get in and kill me.

No. 2081737

Or maybe it's your snail guardian angel trying to make sure you're happy and hydrated.

No. 2081829

I tried a pore strip for the first time ever yesterday and it actually worked and got the sebaceous filaments out. My nose feels so smooth, I can't stop touching it. Skincare is a psyop so idc about it being abrasive, it's very satisfying.

No. 2081832

I agree that skincare is a Psyop but if you keep doing it the holes are gonna get all huge and stretched out. Like visibly so

No. 2081835

I've been forcibly popping the pores/blackheads on my nose almost daily for a decade and they're still normal sized. Nta

No. 2081862

File: 1720453522527.jpeg (139.73 KB, 600x450, IMG_5063.jpeg)

trying to find joy on this lovely monday morning. I have been having a hard time lately. But I try and I try and I’ll keep trying

No. 2081865

File: 1720453624121.png (497.24 KB, 749x766, lZhJGYj.png)

i have the lowest sgpa in my entire class and by a long shot too

No. 2081872

File: 1720454052253.jpg (1.6 MB, 2048x2048, 1000040214.jpg)

I hate being allergic to dust and fluffy things, I wish I could fix this, I went to a small trip with my family this weekend and I suffered so much because of my allergies. It was only during the trip that I noticed that yeah, I need my room to be composed of only slick and easy to clean surfaces or I will die in my sleep.

No. 2082101

File: 1720466031283.jpeg (13.52 KB, 183x275, download (2).jpeg)

I didnt pack enough food for my workday and i am so fucking hungry. Cant wait to go home, im gonna make oyakodon for dinner

No. 2082107

I've always wanted to learn to make oyakodon but I'm scared of fucking up with the eggs

No. 2082125

nta but even if you overcook them it'll still taste fine. It's hard to make protein and rice taste bad if you know how to cook rice.

No. 2082132

I have so much on my to-do list and the birthdays piling on don't help! I'm going to have to pull back on drawing for birthdays even more. I shouldn't put my energy into drawing for someone who didn't wish me a happy birthday a couple of months ago. I don't mean this in a resentful way, I love drawing for others with no expectations in return, I just have to start being more picky with who I invest my time into because it's so limited, so of course it should go to the friends that give the same energy I give to them.

No. 2082176

asked my boss to get off *1.5hrs early and he said sure, its a beautiful day nonnies, i'm going to get some cat food and clean

No. 2082206

Sitting criss-cross on my bed, sharing a small bowl of yogurt with my cat with my laptop as the only light source as I watch random youtube video essays
Didn't know I needed this mood, but I did

No. 2082207

My cat is also a yogurt fiend. Whenever I open a cup of yogurt for myself I give her the little foil top to lick clean. It's cute and when she was a kitten she used to get her head stuck in the empty yogurt cups trying to lick the sides clean kek. I think giving your cats a varied diet helps them live longer.

No. 2082214

I'm usually very careful with what I give him (he's my first cat so I get a bit over protective at times kek), but we were having such a cozy moment just now that I would feel mean if he didn't get to lick my bowl

No. 2082219

I love genuine autists who can rattle on about stuff for hours. I wish I cared about anything to the extent they do

No. 2082245

My friend has sent me something to work on almost a month ago and I still haven't started, too lazy.

No. 2082253

Ayrt, it's super easy nona, give it a try for sure. Like the other anon said, even if they get overcooked it still tastes good

No. 2082315

My audible trial expires in a few days and I still have 10 hours left in my current book, so I'm about to listen to it while I clean and mop. I used to find it hard to pay attention to audiobooks, but when I focus it's nice. The book I'm on is also a different culture and has different languages, so I find that someone reading it in the accents and stuff really immerses me.

No. 2082335

Get a library card and the app Libby. You can now rent audiobooks from the library to your phone.

No. 2082338

My little sister thrifted a plushie today and the eyes creep me out. I genuinely believe that thing might unleash a curse on the entire house

No. 2082345

Can you elaborate on what it looks like? I'm really curious.

No. 2082352

Larger amounts of dairy might cause diarrhea, but small amounts are fine. Just check the ingredients for xylitol, sometimes called birch sugar, which can be toxic to animals.

No. 2082400

It's like a weird looking teddy bear, about the size of my forearm, with iridescent eyes. They're pretty and ethereal looking but they give me the creeps for some reason

No. 2082411

Ever since I substituted social media with LC I've been happier
inb4 before someone says this site is just full of insanity

No. 2082423

File: 1720489882173.jpg (66.42 KB, 833x1024, 20240707_073344.jpg)

>failed suicide (OD)
>brought to ER
>they monitor my vitals
>i have to drink coal water
>i piss in a bin
>eventually tied loose
>brought to psych ward
>everyone is 40+, I'm 21
This is my life now

No. 2082427

I'm sorry, anon.
Move to another state and claim you haven't had a doctor since you were in pediatrics
it's only thing I've found that works lol

No. 2082432

Are you in there right now?

No. 2082489

Yup, living the mental patient life. Last night I spent the night in the lounge where the wranglers can keep an eye on me because I kept crying and they were worried. I'll prob stay there for months

No. 2082512

Somehow when I was eating ice cream a streak of it got on my laptop screen. I licked it off.

No. 2082516

I wish I could stay in the mental hospital… but it unironically costs like 400,000 dollars for a couple months stay where I live, and I only have 30,000 dollars to my name so when I got out I’d have no choice but to actually kill myself because i would be homeless. Lol. Have a nice stay

No. 2082565

I'm creking (cringe keking) right now because I'm listening to videos of my husbando x listener audios to youtube. It's just so cringe because he sounds NOTHING like my husbando and he's ridiculously out of character, but i cannot help but find it amusing.

No. 2082570

creking… damn I like it

No. 2082665

I've been putting off on checking how much is in my bank account, but I just did and the damage isn't as bad as I expected. Yay!

No. 2082690

I took some selfies with normie posing and it looks so much better than my typical resting bitch face

No. 2082699

I just found a HUMONGOUS fly in my cup. Not a little gnat, an obese fly. It literally crawled out of the cup while I was stilling holding it. Anyway, I just washed the cup out so I can drink some water and then have a nap.

No. 2082856

I hate working in the family bussiness during the summer so my plan is saving a lot while im away at uni, getting a job I can have during the summer and also getting a boyfriend that will take me out to eat so I have an excuse to stay in my uni city. wish luck nonnitas

No. 2082889

I've been so bloody tired lately nonnas, I don't even know why. I try to avoid taking naps during the day so I can fall asleep earlier at night but of course that is when I start to wake up so I still don't really fall asleep until almost 1am. I don't react to sugar or caffeine so when I'm tired/exhausted I just stay that way all day

No. 2082924

It could be a whole host of problems, from diet and dehydration to more serious underlying issues. If you are living a relatively healthy lifestyle (exercising daily, good sleep hygiene, drinking enough water and eating healthy foods, etc), then maybe it's time to go to the doc just to be sure it's not something else. Is it hot where you are? That can have an impact, too.

No. 2083099

Have a blood test done. When I was super tired all day for no obvious reason I had multiple deficiencies.

No. 2083152

I am going to try scamming the delivery app. I used to do it all the time but they caught me and started ignoring my complains lmfao. I hope they forgot i need the money for gacha shit.

No. 2083180

I do eat pretty healthy, and I used to go to the gym frequently but I haven't been able to since start of june because of how tired I am all the time. But it could be a weather thing, like you say. The weather all summer so far has been incredibly unstable, with extreme heat some days and rain the others.
Maybe I should do that, great idea. I do suffer from thyroid issues as well so maybe it's time to do some blood tests to check on my hormonal levels…

No. 2083188

It's so hot that I'd pass the whole day inside my shower running cold water. Fuck this weather, it makes me so damn tired.

No. 2083192

nyehehe it worked

No. 2083199

damn and i didnt think my opinions of gachafags could get any lower. gacha players are the female version of NFT bros kek

No. 2083203

burger king isnt going to go bankrupt because i asked for my ARS back

No. 2083204

Some nonnies talking about Lebanon the other day and for a second I thought there was a Leb nonnie

No. 2083224

One of my favorite band is dropping shirts on Friday night, hope I'll manage to get something, they always do very limited runs and with my luck I'll probably be asleep when they're available.

No. 2083227

Same, nona. The heatwave has been going on for a week and I can't do this anymore

No. 2083330

done nothing at work today but post on lolcow

No. 2083382

Anons bullying the borzoi hater to the point they became a staple of the "things you hate" thread's threadpic was the funniest fucking thing I've ever seen on Lolcow and I always chuckle to myself about it feeling absolutely retarded about it.

No. 2083392

File: 1720565152004.jpg (35.54 KB, 889x1024, deer-head-or-apple-head-889x10…)

I think if I were a dog, I'd be a Chihuahua

No. 2083401

Oh god there at least 2 mosquitoes currently hovering over me, I'm just going to let them bite me so they'll stop.

No. 2083637

Drank rum+cola, and perused the usual sites to find second-hand riding mowers for sale at a reasonable price.

No. 2083639

Just had a weird pain around my left collarbone and jaw area, I think I just had a heart attack wtf.

No. 2083718

I noticed lately that my Nigel repeats phrases and terms I’ve used which basically means that he respects me and I secretly wear the pants in the relationship. Feels good man

No. 2083719

Dude when im a homeowner I definitely want to get one of these things. Also fuck drought resistant landscaping. I want grass. What mower is your favorite?

No. 2083744

I love harassing scrotes in comment sections for no reason

No. 2083858

I'm a huge sweet tooth, pretty sure I'm addicted to sugar even. But oddly enough I find it easier to keep away from sweets if I have a lot at home, it's like I have a threshold for when there is too much available which causes my cravings just kinda stop.

No. 2083877

a man came and he was italian that didn't speak my language or english so he at least knew how to use google translate so we communicated with that. at parts i could understand him and he was like "you speak some italian!" and i was like "a little". and he was so cute and nice even though we couldn't service him. he made my day kek

No. 2083890

Im eating watermelon with salt for breakfast. I didn't get much sleep (went to sleep at 4, woke up at almost 7) but hopefully tonight I'll be able to get better rest because I'm trying to fix my sleep schedule. Today is a job hunting and cleaning day.

No. 2083909

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Today I feel so good. I think i am going to start my days by drawing from now on, I feel like it makes me feel much better than just waking up and having breakfast while watching brainrotting on youtbe content like i always do.

No. 2083912

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going to try to quit smoking today.

No. 2083919

made 3 seconds eye contact with a pretty woman in the train today. she was with bunch of special needs kids and they seemed to have a good time talking and laughing. will i ever find love

No. 2083944

Sometimes I wish I was a bit more narcissistic in a sense. It would be less painful to blame others than constantly blame myself.

No. 2083946

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You totally should. They absolutely make rockers for bigger people and my uncle had one that was rated for up to eight hundred pounds and had an extra wide seat. It was made of solid oak and he got it from a carpenter who specialized in furniture for large and tall people.
That sounds super cute. When I was little, I collected the avon game animal series of perfume bottles so I have dozens and dozens of them, some of which still have the perfume in them.

No. 2083953

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Good luck nonnie! Try not to get discouraged even if you slip up, I believe in you!!

No. 2084289

My ex had big framed photos of Jensen Ackles, Jake Gyllenhaal and Christian Bale on his kitchen wall. Like big black and white photos at a funeral. They were always staring at me. Sometimes I wonder if he was a closeted homosexual.

No. 2084347

I want to poop, but I have to go to work in ten minutes

No. 2084367

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Wanna make a new celebricow thread but I'm way too lazy to do a thread summary right now

No. 2084375

I'm working from home tomorrow and won't have any meeting at all. I'll just do some housework and read a book to pass time.

No. 2084377

Who made Chappell into SimplyKenna

No. 2084455

thank you nonita! I haven’t had any today which is good for me, because I usually have one during my lunch break and a couple throughout the work day. high hopes for the rest of this evening. thank you for believing in me

No. 2084497

I haven't seen the name simplykenna in sooo long. PULL used to have the craziest hateboner for her.

No. 2084506

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She's such a farmer I love her to death

No. 2084507

Ikr, she was such a boring cow for the amount of seething she caused kek
KEEEEEEK he is never going to live this down

No. 2084511

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I just remembered Akai Dalia, and I think I'm gonna fall down the youtube rabbit hole on her again later tonight. She had a big deviantart hate train like a decade ago, I wonder if she's still around.

No. 2084543

I got kids bandaids because the store didn't have regular ones and I had a blister but they're actually way nicer than regular ones. They don't leave a sticky residue and they have astronaut cats on them, I'm never going back.

No. 2084675

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Just watched a short by a black woman who sounds like a white woman trying to imitate a black woman and it messed up my equilibrium a bit temporarily

No. 2084706

Oh my god. Kek.

No. 2084707

Post it??

No. 2084723

How could they hate someone who produced art from the soul

No. 2084732

why the massive bulge though

No. 2084740

Someone said they mistook a pic of Chappell for Kenna and I decided to take it literally

No. 2084780

apparently my vitamin d levels are critically low. that explains so goddamn much

No. 2084785

Please urgently take care of this nona, vitamin d is critical. You can easily take supplements (or touch grass but in winter that might be hard) and vitamin d deficiency can have really bad consequences like alzheimers or bone loss, not just the short term effects people usually talk about like depression.

No. 2084786

Iirc, a lot of people just found her cringe and somewhat problematic because her OC is a mary sue, she made art of Sonic and Shadow being abusive/raping her self-insert, and she hates Amy Rose (for reasons I'm sure you can guess). I think homophobia and generally not being a kind person too. Things that are tame and not noteworthy today but was basically cow material back then.

No. 2084788

I've always thought up stories and characters in my head. Right now I have 3 different stories I cycle through that I would love to get out on paper. I have no idea if they would be any good as books but I wouldn't know till I try. I just worry that when put it on paper, it'd be like trying to paint a masterpiece but it ends up looking like a kindergarten finger painting.

Usually I come up with the characters and think of sporadic parts of the plot, and retread the details little by little. Sometimes like today though, the story bits come to me in leaps and bounds and I finally figure out a plot hole solution or major backstory. I've been in a fugue state all day with me head in the clouds while working and going about my errands. I'm not sure if that's a good thing or not but…hey.

No. 2084789

i've got meds on the way, and i'm planning to pick up some gummies before or after work. but thank you xo

No. 2084797

Sorry I always get a bit overzealous with vitamin d. It's just a problem that affects a large chunk of the population in many countries and it also has extremely bad consequences while being easily fixable.

No. 2084802

I'm getting put on Zoloft for my racism OCD

No. 2084896

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did not smoke today!

No. 2084908

I was trying to expand the waistband on my jeans with fabric, and I lost the needle I was gonna use to see it. Ughhhhhhh

No. 2084909

Good job!!

No. 2084919

Samefag, I'm found it and now I'm down sewing my jeans! They're still a little small but they fit far better now.

No. 2084965

Someone I know personally just got mentioned on here it made my head spin

No. 2084979

Spill now. Or at least a hint?

No. 2084988

Who? Spill it

No. 2085009

Do you guys think I can crochet a beanie in 3-4 hours? I'm gonna try

No. 2085049

It's so surreal right anon? Someone I know got posted to the bad art thread and I had to do a double take.

No. 2085097

An insect stinged me near my armpit and the poison went into my boob. I'm glad my hand is usable and i can work, but that boob is huge now. So weird.

No. 2085115

girl- does it hurt or anything?

No. 2085119

It's been three hours. Update us. Also, yes you can

No. 2085147

Not as much. I had that same evil fly bit me 5 days ago in my hand so I know it's going to be fine in 4 days.

No. 2085188

kill it next time please aaa that sounds awful

No. 2085224

Oh i wish i could, but it's insane. I don't even know what it looks like because it's that fast! You just hear a buzz for 0,5 second and then pain and then it's gone. I was actually running because I had a hunch it 'll be there and it still got me. Not going outside until fall again.

No. 2085443

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I finally found a perfect amazing set of half tone brushes FOR FREEEEEE FUCK YEAH BABEYY

No. 2085461

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I fucked up.

No. 2085475

I did the same thing about 100 times before I actually quit. just congratulate yourself on not smoking for a while there and try again. you can make it further next time.

No. 2085488

thank you nons, love you

No. 2085495

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Its high fucking time i learn to cook but i have 0 interest in it

No. 2085507

>started job in late march
>have made 10k so far
>only have like 1500 in bank
thought living at home was supposed to save money. anyway i’m tightening my belt now. if i can squirrel away 10k again by like november i can move out (might be 8k as i pay my mom rent)

No. 2085513

How? Where is your money going?

No. 2085517

mom is using me as her wallet kek. i have made some luxury purchases but those only total up to 2500ish usd, so everything else i’ve spent is just on groceries and the phone bills and shit that breaks down around the house and “nona i don’t feel like cooking, let’s eat out.” ofc if i bring this up to her, she’s just going to get smug and say now i know how she felt having to raise me or some bullshit like that. it bites but like i said i’m tightening my belt and telling her to piss off next time she wants to stop at chick fil a

No. 2085519

is that a real weight? wtf

No. 2085522

I see, I hope you’re able to save enough to move out! Good luck nonna

No. 2085529

I swear my country got the weirdest migrants. Why is there an obese isis looking white guy speaking to A SECOND OBESE ISIS LOOKING GUY in German. They’re both white too with a pasty blonde child and a silent woman in a burqa. How are there two of them? It’s like the model United Nations but fucking weird

No. 2085532

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Don't sweat it nonna just keep trying!!

No. 2085534

I regret i ate all cookies yesterday

No. 2085535

are they bosnians?

No. 2085536

thanks sis. we live and we learn as they say

No. 2085537

I don’t know, but I’m in turkey so I doubt they would want to come here? I was at the dog park recently and everyone there was speaking either Russian or Ikranian. I’m just happy they’re not beating each other up like the Afghans/Iraqis

No. 2085589

I just drew myself a self insert with my husbando and it feels like a missing piece of me has finally been complete

No. 2085612

I know this feel.

No. 2085627

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I have so much work to do, but I've been feeling like shit lately, I have my period, somehow some weird allergies, diarrhea and nausea, which combined give me an annoying headache that just stopped bothering me a few hours ago, I've spent the whole day sleeping, trying to make this shitty feeling go away.

No. 2085676

I spent the morning looking at a missing person and unidentified remains database and now I feel sad and a little uneasy. I also have a headache. But I was planning on getting some cleaning done today so hopefully I can do that

No. 2085689

Thank god we averted eviction for now. I’m so happy

No. 2085695

Started playing Tales of Arise and it makes my ps4 sound like a bloody jet engine kek I take breaks like every 1,5-2 hours because I feel like it's actually gonna take off into space otherwise

No. 2085742

I want to learn how to draw just to do this.

No. 2085781

Was NEET for years and just got a job. For some reason packing myself lunch everyday makes me really happy, especially when I see most people ordering themselves lunch. I feel really organized and put together.

No. 2085782

What are your favorite lunches to pack nonna?

No. 2085790

congrats on the job nonnie!! I love packing my lunches too

No. 2085796

I wasn't able to do it! Ah well. I got through a good chunk of the pattern so I'm gonna finish later tonight. I'm a slow crocheter so I shoulda known lol

No. 2085812

Had a nice day running errands with the big dog (my grandma). I had to get monistat while I was out, Walmart had it locked in a case (i guess people steal vagina health products, but not pads/tampons?) but I was able to grab it somewhere else. Idk about anyone else, but I literally never ask employees to open a case for me unless it's something like electronics. I'd honestly rather just go elsewhere kek

No. 2085829

Omg that lil leggysnail! Love it

No. 2085846

Hell yeah!! Packing my own lunch was my favorite part, especially saying that money.

No. 2085848

Congratulations anon! What do you make?

No. 2085864

I always feel so bad because I want to join the watch parties on cytube but I always have something to do. I was really excited to watch xena but I promised my sister that i'd go roller blading with her. It was fun but I need to join at some point.

No. 2085923

these 6 hour long power outages and +32°C outside are beating my ass.. i slept through the entire day because i kept passing out from the heat

No. 2085982

had margaritas with my friends tonight. the world burst open around me on the walk home and I was reminded again that everything is beautiful and a treasure to experience. must stop forgetting this. tomorrow: museum with same friends. life has so much to offer me and I’m grateful and willing to take it!!

No. 2086064

Some 2-part epoxy tubes I bought ~6mths ago apparently sprung a leak and my toolbox now has a puddle of Araldite in it. Cleaning it out while watching Mythbusters.

No. 2086068

There's a bee crawling on me right now, which is really cute but madame abeille there's some beautiful flowers nearby, this is dangerous for both of us

No. 2086074

Alright she's off pollinating now. Vous me manquerez, madame abeille

No. 2086078

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Awwww i love bees, i remember I was on a road trip and stopping a gas station, there were a bunch of bees buzzing and flying near the bathroom entrance. I walked past them all no biggie, bees are so peaceful.

No. 2086088

They truly are lovely creatures. They clean each other, they "kiss" each other and they'd rather give you a nudge to tell you to go away from their hive than sting you. They're like real life faries.

No. 2086273

Stumbled upon a really cute blond young polish guy, he turned out to be gay ofcourse. Not that I'd get the chance to fuck him if he was straight or something, but his beauty is being wasted, sigh.

No. 2086312

I was hanging the laundry up just now and there were a bunch of bees just chilling in the garden, it was so lovely. I'm pretty sure they recognise me at this point, I always help them escape spiderwebs and help them out if they're stuck inside. Bees are such a blessing.

No. 2086324

spent a few hours reading up on stocks and investment stuff last night and i still feel like i know nothing except i need to get a roth ira asap

No. 2086327

is it normal for your moid friend to copy your interests? i have this one moid friend that is ALWAYS trying to insert himself into my hobbies, and is always trying to get into whatever media that i like. i mentioned i started playing a particular vidya and some time after he will start playing the same video game and this repeats many times with other medias like music and tv series even with hobbies like one time we went to a shop selling planetarium and i was like huh that's nice maybe i should build one for myself and since then he started building terrariums and there were other instances. am i a bad person for feeling weirded out about this? the thing is he is like 10 years older. i'm a dyke but he still describes our friendship as platonic romantic whatever the fuck that means. i can't ghost him cause he has bpd and i'm afraid he might kill himself being a massive loser that he is. also i saw a blahaj tote bag at his place last time.

No. 2086332

>10 years older
>platonic romantic

No. 2086337

Girl run. BPD moids are demons

No. 2086341

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Someone I know purchased some dishware that might be uranium glass. I'm gonna check later and see if it is, I'll report back! I think it's so interesting if it is, I don't believe I've actually seen uranium glass irl.

No. 2086345

I can’t wait to turn 60 so I can walk around shirtless without making men happy

No. 2086352

I tried watching that new Interview With the Vampire show but the moids are too ugly for all the sex scenes they put in it so I had to stop.

No. 2086363

fr the only hot one is lestat and funnily enough louis’ brother was better looking than louis

No. 2086371

i can't even look at gifs the moids are so ugly. why does no one cast ethereal long-haired types anymore smh

No. 2086450

I want to go outside in my garden but the weather keeps switching between being warm and sunny to cold and raining.

No. 2086458

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I don't have eyebrows, or rather, they're so light you might as well say I don't have any. I thought about dying them, but before commiting to a potential mistake that might haunt me for the coming two months, I decided to first try to draw them in with these makeup pencil thingies. I don't know if it's because I never did it in my life before, or because I have no idea how to even shape my eyebrows, but I came to the conclusion that I look weird with eyebrows and that I maybe shouldn't dye them.

No. 2086499

No. 2086502

I use refectocil light brown for my invisible brows. It doesn't last 2 months, more like 3-4 weeks at most (unfortunately lol). The effect is natural and looks good, I'd definitely give it a shot.

No. 2086503

the Justin Timberlake mugshot reminds me of my washed up alcoholic ex. Always a jump scare

No. 2086530

Can someone tell me if I’m being a Karen?
I’m in town visiting family and I’m trying to order an easy dinner for everyone so I don’t have to cook the night before I fly back home. There’s this restaurant that offers a family pack that is 2 meat mains and then salads and sides. I asked for chicken as the first main, and then asked if they could split the second main into shrimp and fish if I paid extra (some people want fish, some want shrimp).

The woman on the phone said no, I said that’s fine and I understood and asked if she could just add on some extra fish without any additional sides for an extra cost. She again said no and said I would have to order a whole fish meal. But I don’t want mostly sides and a few pieces of fish, so I told her like I’ll pay whatever extra but I just want some extra fish. She ignored me asking and said “so is the family meal all you want to order?” And I just hung up. Is my request that unreasonable? I really am not trying to make anyone’s job harder, this just seemed like such a nothing thing to me

No. 2086537

At least you can do things to make your eyebrows less or more "in your face" (pun intended), nonna. I have the opposite problem of very dark eyebrows that I can only do so much to have them take less of the attention without shaving em or plucking em so thin like in the early 2000s. At least you can choose to be dramatic or the total opposite with your eyebrows, it's a good thing.

No. 2086572

Most likely it's simply not possible (or the cashier isn't allowed to) to add custom orders like that, it's all presets in the order/payment system.

No. 2086575

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just saw the hellweek stats broken down by country and am unsuprised i am the only one from my country to post here

No. 2086578

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There’s an Armenian here? Wtf! 1v1 me bitchhh

No. 2086579

Not being a karen, but they most likely can't do that because as other nonnie said, the buttons won't allow it.

No. 2086608

love taking my lunch an hour after everyone takes theirs. 12pm to 1pm is like my designated fuck off hour because absolutely
nobody is in to check on me

No. 2086641

Am I having a stroke or did I see these exact posts before in this exact order?

No. 2086654

Fair enough. The restaurant that I used to work at let people add on whatever individually so I guess I just assumed it would be the same everywhere. Ty nonas

No. 2086656

Look behind you

No. 2086850

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I need to be on a low sugar diet because I'm gonna start taking yeast infection medication in a few days, but I really want an iced cola right now. I don't even drink soda like that anymore. Also, unpopular opinion but people need to stop nicknaming it coke and call it cola instead. Its cuter and also a suitable name for a pet.

Anyway, today has been a chill day. I got some work done and now I think I will spend the rest of the day crocheting and playing league. A good start to the weekend.

No. 2086960

Going to the gym feels so great, I don't know why I have a hard time going back.

No. 2086983

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My kitten is once again making biscuits on me

No. 2086985

realizing that 90% of beauty is just being in shape. my legs look so good now that i've been doing squats every day

you don't need to apologize kek i thought it was sweet. i'll take my pills at 8:30 pm each thursday while thinking of you x

No. 2087037

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I just received some REM beauty lip oils, and I think the applicators are so nice! I actually forgot they even have applicators like this because the last/only time I looked into anything about REM was like a year ago so it shocked me kek. It cool though, it fits the curve of your lip. The metal ball wasn't cold like I think it's supposed to be but I did just get it out of the mail

Anyway, I'm gonna go make some broccoli and pizza because I'm literally starving

No. 2087049

Sad day anons, it's not uranium (or at least I don't think, the only light I have to test it is my uv/led lamp for gel nail polish kek) its just green tinted glass. I'll be getting a proper light and hunting for uranium glass with my friend though, it'll be fun!

No. 2087059

Nooooo. I was really rooting for it to be uranium glass. This is the worst post update on LC ever.

No. 2087140

Normie drama is so fucking boring. I will never click another video about tiktok drama.

No. 2087153

Omg nona would you recommend them? Was it reaaaaally minty? I wanted that blue one so bad cause I love mint and its so pretty! I didnt get it because REM wasn't sold in my country back then. But now that you're bringing it up im hyped again.

No. 2087177

File: 1720841212855.jpg (212.48 KB, 1638x2048, GLODiHcakAAY2ES.jpg_large.jpg)

I didn't get the blue one unfortunately! I got the raspberry drop oil and the Shirley glossy balm. I do like them a lot, but it's important to note that they are THICK. I like that cause that just means it'll last longer, but if you're sensitive about textures it may be a deal breaker. The lip oil has the texture of a thick gloss, the glossy balm has the texture of a SUPER thick gloss. They're not sticky at all though. The applicator for the glossy balm (picrel) is very flexible when you're using the curved side. They're definitely very moisturizing, and the lip oils have the shine of a gloss. I find that a lot of lip oils soak into my lips too fast, but I haven't had to reapply this one too much. Also, my lips have been dry as FUCK for weeks but after using these products they feel very soft with no dead skin.

As for scent, weirdly enough they both have smells that I recognize from elsewhere but can't quite remember what it reminds me of. Shirley is a sweet vanilla scent. Have you ever had a toy as a kid that was scented like a fruit? Like maybe a Strawberry Shortcake doll or something. They had that artificial fruit smell but there was also always something there that was off (not stinky but just not what it's meant to be). That's what raspberry drip smells like to me. I's raspberry, but there's something weird and plastic-y about it. Like a sour plastic raspberry. BUT, even though it sounds bad, it's really not and it's a pretty faint scent so I don't mind.

In terms of color, they're both VERY sheer. Raspberry Drip looks clear on me but Shirley has a red tint. I'm sure you could build it up but I haven't tried cause they're already thick so I don't wanna layer more.
All in all, I actually would recommend based off of my first impressions. They're perfect. for what I look for in a lip product, but i see downsides if you have different preferences. And the little metal ball is nice now that it's cooled down kek. I will note the oil applicator is pretty big and curved, so if you have very thin lips I can see it being inconvenient to use and the glossy balm applicator being better.

No. 2087233

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I can't believe I got a paper cut from one of these things. Why must my harmless 0 cal sweetener betray me? It's right on the end of my finger too, ugh.

No. 2087244

I’m staying in a random ass aunt’s house and I suddenly feel like a horror game protagonist. Woke up in the middle of the night and explored the house with my phone flashlight. Tons of old pictures and spiders

No. 2087246

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I've like looking at very expensive homes and apartments in my free time. it always gives me a weird feeling that's a mix of motivation and that pit-in-my-stomach depression.

No. 2087317

I'm supposed to be on a very low sugar diet but I'm already plotting on the Thai milk tea I plan on having for breakfast tomorrow

No. 2087333

I got a massive cut from trying to open a katsu sauce packet with a knife once

No. 2087371

Call me if you come across Pyramid Head.

No. 2087401

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So excited for my Tamagotchi to arrive hell yeah

No. 2087447

That little applicator does look cool

No. 2087469

It feels super nice to use, I actually think it may be superior to regular applicators. I'm usually skeptical of celeb brands but I'm decently impressed.

No. 2087474

They still exist? Do they still grow up fucked up or die when you are a bad parent? This was my favorite part, gave an actual sense of accomplishment when they weren't ugly NEETs as adults

No. 2087475

>watching Turkey Tom video, first time watching his videos
>All of a sudden, screenshot of our rules page is in the video
What the fuck. I rarely consume content about the types of cows that we talk about here so I forget people actually know about lolcow.

No. 2087524

Lmao, I discovered lolcow because of a video made on a cow and the person who made the video got all the info from the cow's threads in here. I was amazed by the idea of a website that archives the history of retards on the internet so I decided to look it up and start using it for this, only to realize I don't actually have social media and don't follow the news of any of the cows so they're all unfamiliar to me. But I don't mind reading threads of notorious cows with crazy stories, and I even managed to find threads about ones I'm familiar with, and some cows I know of got mentioned in more general threads. I check /snow/ everyday for new milk of any cows I'm familiar with nowadays.

No. 2087527

Same for me. I found the website because of the CreepShow Art drama.

No. 2087539

I feel good about my day today.
I set out to get my hair dyed, clean up my "garden corner" in the living room that I have no time to tend to currently to make more storage space for other stuff.
I did both, plus some cleaning in my living room, took the trash out, did my laundry, storing my gardening equipment in my basement, as well as my suitcase that I still had in my apartment after having gone on holiday, and because I had some time, I defrosted part of my freezer which made so much space.
Feels good when you get yourself some achievable tasks and go even beyond them.

No. 2087558

How can I buy one of these? Or are they just out of stock? The angel one looks so cute but I only see the standard one on amazon.

No. 2087629

I haven’t yet but I’m pretty sure the mosquitoes and spiders here are waiting to catch me off guard so they can all assemble together a huge insect transformer and kill me. Compared to them Pyramid Head is a plushie. As I type this they’re up in the wall probably discussing what type of malaria to give me

No. 2087730

File: 1720894909182.jpg (229.59 KB, 1080x1080, 1000004386.jpg)

Yup they still die lmao, they're fairly popular I think since they literally released 3 versions of their latest ones 2 days ago. Not to mention they've released more retro ones and even the connection vers

I bought mine from Amazon, you gotta type in the full name Tamagotchi Uni Angel Festival to be able to find it!

No. 2087772

oh my god I want one

No. 2087838

I've counted at least 64 red text in the skirby thread

No. 2087842

68 now

No. 2087912

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The upper screen of my phone died. I wasn't planning on changing my phone any time soon, but because greedy corporations make phones a pain in the ass to disassemble to actually change shit like screen it is unironically easier to buy a new one since the price is more or less the same, so that's what I did. The new phone will arrive in 4 days so for like a half of a work week I'll have to somehow navigate work chats with the broken phone yay. And I'm not even excited about a new phone, because I didn't exactly want it.

No. 2087926

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I got my nails done today and I love them. It's just a different pop or pastel color on each nail and pink with glitter on the toenails. I wish I had cute and comfortable sandals to wear, kind of like pic related, but it's insane how difficult is it to find anything like this that isn't made with the shittiest materials or that doesn't cost like 60 dollars.

No. 2087936

it's 40°c now and up to 50°c in the sun… fuck my life

No. 2087987

Use regular temperature measurements please.

No. 2087991

That's insane, where the fuck do you live where temperatures get that high? Hope it cools down soon nonna.

No. 2088000

I don't listen to Billie Eilish because the sad shit isn't for me, but I've been playing a few songs from her most recent album and they're quite nice.

No. 2088004

My big back trait is me dividing the sushi between me and my bf equally then taking one of his pieces at the end. And I will continue to do it. Also salmon sushi tastes better in America than tuna, I haven’t had great tuna here even in fancy omakase places

No. 2088008

Nta but this made me look up what percentage of the worlds population uses Fahrenheit. 4.5 percent

No. 2088017

Celsius makes a lot more sense than fahrenheit does.

No. 2088038

Go back

No. 2088042

i dont think you know what that phrase means

No. 2088079

Swiping on Bumble and the YouTuber Edwin’s Generations or whatever his channel is called profile popped up and I don’t have anyone to share this information with. Says he is 1 mile away. I never thought I’d spot a cow in the wild

No. 2088161

Fatty mad because I said "big back", huh?

No. 2088196

>excited to hear jim talk about boogie's fake cancer drama
>instead he's politisperging about trump
fuck why did i order a borger for this boring shit

No. 2088280

File: 1720917532509.jpg (7.31 MB, 4096x3072, IMG2024070145486.jpg)

I saw some cows up close for the first time today. They're a lot bigger than I expected.

No. 2088702

File: 1720925570886.jpg (135.48 KB, 1500x1000, classic-cheese-pizza-FT-RECIPE…)

chugging a monster while listening to high bpm electropop. it's basically the middle of the night where I am. shall I make frozen pizza? I want frozen pizza.

No. 2088924

>enjoying the last of my milk tea I made a few hours ago
>suddenly feel small chunks
>think that it's curdled milk, spit them out onto a plate
>It's fucking rice
Someone put rice in the fucking sugar I put in my tea. I'm so irritated.

No. 2088976

Yes pizza is good

No. 2088980

Did you take this pic? I love cows

No. 2089105

File: 1720937322729.jpg (3.26 MB, 4096x3072, IMG20240701483341.jpg)

Yep! I love them. Really curious and gentle animals. Anything a little bit unusual makes the whole herd comes over to take a look. They are super skittish though so I couldn't get to pet one of them. Maybe next time.
[Blacked out the tags so as not to dox the cows and myself]

No. 2089110

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My kitten is currently sleeping on me and it’s so sweet but I want to move kek

No. 2089122

I am become the office lady, wearer of the granny panties

No. 2089344

I was checking out an old thread and found out a (very inoffensive) comment of mine made a nonna so angry she got banned for infighting

No. 2089567

File: 1720972358499.gif (2.53 MB, 320x240, laughing.gif)

my retard brother told me about this episode of House MD where someone fakes a diabetes diagnosis by putting apple juice in a piss cup and House drinks it bc the writers added it in for the shock, and this retard's trying to argue with me that it wasn't stupid of House at all to drink it even though the patient could've mixed his piss with the apple juice

No. 2089575

Thank you nona! I'm glad they still die kek

No. 2089578

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Kek. Great feeling when that happens.

No. 2089585

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asked chatgpt what animal was discovered on my birthday
it's pretty cute

No. 2090133

Today I've just been listening to Rosalia's Motomami album and this song on repeat. Idk what they're saying but it sounds nice.

No. 2090145

To be fair House is a retard

No. 2090155

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I just bleached my hair with this new bleach powder I got from Italy. Only needed to use it for 15 mins. Shit is intense. Bless Italian bleach.

No. 2090440

I'm feeling so horny right now, but mom is home so I can't masturbate

No. 2090463

Anon be careful, italian hair-products have a certain bad reputation. And i can attest to that with my own experience.

No. 2090490

Ice cream

No. 2090519

>scrotes seething about circumcision, likening it to female genital mutilation
>tell them no self respecting woman would settle for an anteater
>they're visibly upset

No. 2090520

File: 1721011472431.jpg (133.2 KB, 736x962, 65ab1456c9138e10d3714bfa7f8453…)

Whenever someone/something irritates me, I always immediately start either crocheting or playing CAS mode in sims. Right now I'm downloading cc to make a goth sim because some posts here just annoyed me.

No. 2090524

Which posts?

No. 2090530

Its not really important. Think of any dumb and dramatic post you've seen on here.

No. 2090532

Shaved my eyebrows off and I really regret it rn because my energy levels are at an all time low. I've been walking around like no brows ethan klein. I have a school orientation this week so I'm going to regretfully shave them again so I can draw them on, but after this I'm letting them grow back.

No. 2090539

can't you still see the hair underneath the skin?

No. 2090541

File: 1721012181756.png (178.78 KB, 640x667, o7t06ppbt2y41.png)

I drank without using a straw for the first time in 2 months, it was terrible anons. Some drops of water went down to my chin and way too much water went into my mouth. I think I forgot how to drink out of cups. I'm becoming retarded.

No. 2090544

yeah it looks likes shaved pubes rn nonnie

No. 2090545

enjoy your brow stubble

No. 2090546

Yep, same. I discovered that most of my coworkers consider me a huge bitch because I insist on following proper sanitization protocols even though it slows down how fast we can work. That realization has made me super sad so I've been crocheting every time I have a sad thought. So at least I have a little army of friends now, which is nice.

No. 2090569

Update on this, I am cohabiting with a shit ton of spiders and mosquitoes. I’m not sure who I prefer as an ally. I was at the kitchen like ten minutes ago and I saw this huge thin spider on the lamp. I’m so used to these creatures now that I drank my water while maintaining eye contact. Maybe we could all team up against Michael Myers in case he or any halloween slasher shows up in this creepy old house.

No. 2090627

but I like foreskin
not like i'd ever touch a dick in real life though

No. 2090633

File: 1721017096942.webp (22.88 KB, 768x768, B4411D3C-53C2-4B4D-8765-7CFFDD…)

I like that Stan is slowly taking over all threadpics.

No. 2090634

kek i was about to bring that up in another thread, i like how he's slowly becoming a mascot of ours… keep pushing stancels

No. 2090636

File: 1721017254455.jpeg (61.72 KB, 391x810, 6FEA1A19-C2FF-4173-B077-C12EDD…)

Dadders rise up, best Seth Macfarlane show.

No. 2090948

>reading a fic of a manga that clearly, unambiguously takes place in Japan
>dollar bills get mentioned
>immediately close the tab
Girl come on now, I'm obviously not asking for 100% cultural accuracy when reading a husbando x reader fic but I would not have made this mistake even as a 10 year old.

No. 2091071

Just wikipedia’d human penis … what the fuck is THAT?

No. 2091080

>naturally occurring pubic hair has been deliberately removed to show anatomical detail

No. 2091088

They will never not look like parasites/maggots

No. 2091144

I cannot decide if I want to make the chicken patties and mayo I'm making into a sandwich. I'm planning to have rice later and I usually only allow one carb source a day. Hmmm.

No. 2091166

i did 2 10km hikes over the weekend. it feels so good to get back into hiking. so far this year im at 125km, i think i'd like my goal to be double that. in 2022 i did 370km in 7 months so i think i can do this

No. 2091170

File: 1721054406371.jpeg (105.23 KB, 768x1024, IMG_4591.jpeg)

every day is the same someone release me from this prison

No. 2091174

Idk how to explain it but this picture is Kafkaesque.

No. 2091183

Feeling so vindicated about the project I was excluded from flopping totally. They started funding a few months ago and still haven't met a single goal despite extensions kek

No. 2091194

Just realised both my dad and I look almost exactly like Shel Silverstein. Honored!

No. 2091213

i'll never get over this photo

No. 2091215

My tattoo is almost done healing and I'm going to miss feeling its texture on my skin.

No. 2091218

i'm eating a yogurt right now and it tastes so weird, like very off. doesn't taste sour or expired but it kind of tastes carbonated or fizzy? what the hell is wrong with my yogurt or my tastebuds

No. 2091230

Yeast makes the frizziness, like the yeast that makes alcohol. Your yogurt is spolied and you might shit yourself. It happens to me with ketchup all the time, tastes like champagne.

No. 2091319

I changed the joints in my shower, it took way longer than it should have and the final result is a bit sloppy but it was the first time I did it and I'm glad it's done.

No. 2091458

File: 1721069668681.jpg (28.09 KB, 540x385, Tumblr_l_63885537429430.jpg)

I'm at the gym doing hip thrust, and i need to pee SO badly but there's no bathroom here
I don't know what hurts more, my butt or the bar pressing against my bladder

No. 2091461

Go home and pee wtf, do you want to get an UTI?

No. 2091464

Had i not come with someone else i would've left kek as long as I'm not doing hip thrust im good though

No. 2091465

I've heard Americans talk a lot about Italian shoes but not Italian bleach

No. 2091468

How does your gym not have a bathroom wtf, report them. That has to be a law violation in basically every country

No. 2091483

A gym with useable no bathroom? I hope you're not paying to use that gym.

No. 2091499

my blackberries taste like milk

No. 2091540

Currently finishing a bottle of wine on my own, this was actually a terrible idea and thank god I'm too stingy to become an alcoholic.

No. 2091542

it's a shitty ass small town gym that gets crowded with like 4 people inside, no idea why they didn't build a toilet when they've got the piping system right there unused, or AC for that matter, it's a fucking sauna.
Membership it's 15€, which compared to the gym I regularly go to that costs 20€…. Too fucking expensive, but it is what it is

No. 2091589

I just can't believe they are allowed to operate without a bathroom, no matter how small the gym is.

No. 2091590

I was today years old when I realized that John Green, Will Wheaton, and Neil Gaiman aren't all the same person. I think I might be actually, unironically retarded.

No. 2091592

File: 1721074179468.jpg (10.72 KB, 185x185, -xqoxli.jpg)

I go through periods of hating my nose and then not minding it. My front profile and side profile don't bother me. But turning my head 3/4ths to the side does. I think most would consider it angular or maybe a bit large. It's no where near a button nose. I dont think getting a nose job would change my life or anything but do let my mind wander down the path of considering one. Just trying to figure out how to cope with it for now.

No. 2091600

please don't get a nose job please please please

No. 2091618

I don't know anon most nose jobs look extremely bad or at best boring in my opinion since they all look either botched or the same. If your nose isn't that bad to begin with I wouldn't bother. I think it's also important to note that what nose is considered the ideal is extremely prone to trends (which is something most people don't know) and what you currently have might be en vogue in 10 years.

No. 2091626

File: 1721074976205.jpg (59.8 KB, 600x769, nose.jpg)

Just look at classical art from the renaissance period, as well as Greek and Roman statues, you will see a variety of beauty in all noses shapes. Especially if you stay off social media where the "mono-face" is prevalent

No. 2091660

i hate the "witch face" meme i think this side profile is regal

No. 2091680

Looks like a troon

No. 2091682

There is literally nothing wrong with your nose, it's made to fit your face.

No. 2091692

I mean this sincerely, they would have succeeded if you were part of that project. Stupid people think they have what it takes to succeed, so they chase away everyone competent, and then they act like that don't know why everything they touch fails.

No. 2091696

I have always heard this, but sometimes I hold my pee for hours each day, and I've never gotten a UTI from it. Is getting a UTI from not peeing rare, or am I just built different?

No. 2091705

I just spent four hours doing manual labor in 90° weather with 73% humidity and now I can't stop being a cranky asshole. Someone looks at me wrong and I try to fight them. My cat makes gagging noises like she's going to throw up a hairball and I threatened to make her eat it again. I'm so mad at the world because of how overheated I am.

No. 2091719

I've had those days before, just remember to be patient with yourself. You are tired and thats ok

No. 2091724

Ok retard

No. 2091750

The whole Trump assassination shit reminds me of an anon a few days ago who was lamenting about politicians killings not happening enough (while dismissing the Abe Shinzo one), I hope she's happy now.

No. 2091752

Neither can anyone who goes to this gym but the council doesn't care lmao it opened last year and it was free to use until a couple of months ago, so people didn't really care about, but now that you've got to pay for a membership? Insane the conditions there are so bad

No. 2091825

How do you know that no one cares, has anyone issued a report with authorities yet?

No. 2091885

excercising my flirting muscle rn

No. 2091908

I am. I am sad he didnt die though, it's only half as funny now. But the shooter being an alt right uggo more than makes up for it.

No. 2091911

File: 1721086431054.jpg (266.91 KB, 1280x856, IMG_20240716_022648_470.jpg)

the power is back on after a 6 hour long outage YAY! i have about 2 hours to post on lolcow before another one starts. good thing i don't have a job so i don't have to go outside in this heat

burger spotted
thank you nonny

No. 2091927

I'll look into the product I bought. Luckily i dont bleach my hair often. I just wanted to go light blue on my underside. I'll research more info as I get my espresso ready

No. 2091934

This show is honestly 100x better than Family dad in every way, shape and form.

No. 2091943

Happy for you, anon

No. 2092040

>finally go to sleep at a decent time last night, wake up nice and early
>Still sleep through the afternoon and some of the night
I'm so annoyed

No. 2092045

My post was written with a humorous tone because it's funny to threaten a cat for being a cat just because I was so sweaty and overheated, but I appreciate your concern and kind tone.

No. 2092056

File: 1721090190551.jpeg (567.62 KB, 2880x2880, 1709169952380.jpeg)

I fucking hate eating out with my job. I'm the youngest one in my team (late 20s) which means I am surrounded by people in their late 40s to 50s who treat severs like shit. I know people my age and younger can be horrible towards service workers too, but I swear that it's mainly a generational thing.

One time after we finished eating out I was like "hey, can we stack our plates on top of each other so it's easier for the servers to pick up?" and my boss was like "that's their job!". Like I get that? But it's a polite thing to do? We were like 20+ people so it was a lot to clean up. Another time she was getting angry at a server because my moid coworker, who I'm convinced has an ed, hadn't gotten his special meal (which was literally unseasoned chicken with plain rice kek). She was angrily asking for the server and it was driving me crazy so I was like "As it's not the servers fault, maybe we should try to get in touch with the chef?" in the most polite way possible. I don't even know if that kind of thing is the chef's responsibility, I just wanted her to not attack the server. I know I alone cannot stop these people from being nasty, but just sitting with them makes me feel incredibly embarrassed. I often overcompensate by constantly thanking the server and manically smiling at them, but I don't think that even makes that big of a difference. Servers deserve so much better, I'm sorry.

No. 2092058

That's unfair bullshit. You should demand a refund from the sandman.

No. 2092079

I wonder if this is a regional thing? My grandma always taught me to clean up after eating at a restaurant and I believe my great aunts do the same. That's so terrible though, I hate being out with people with bad manners kek.

No. 2092086

I always stack plates and make it easier for servers. I mostly do it because I find it awkward when the server is cleaning around you and you're just talking. It's usually quicker to acknowledge someone is taking away the dishes and to thank them in my experience.

No. 2092149

I accidently bought a 32oz smoothie not realising it's like 1L in metric so now my fat ass is trying to force myself to drink it all. I'm half way and i want to give up but i need my money's worth. I am drinking it instead of eating dinner.

No. 2092166

My sister suggested I get a job in food service because it can pay really well, but after hearing her SIL play 40 questions with a server when we all went out together I'd rather not have to put up with people going out of their way to be annoying

No. 2092214

i feel like once a month i start feeling anxious about getting fired

No. 2092299

Spent most of yesterday charging 12V sealed lead-acid batteries in my home-built battery box, repaired my computer speakers with half a can of contact cleaner and now attempting a nap.

No. 2092350

File: 1721105465902.png (374.52 KB, 636x298, IMG_5187.png)

im gonna read this before johnny the homicidal maniac bc it hits me like a ton of bricks

No. 2092359

god choice nonny. I read these comics back when i was 12, brings me back.

No. 2092372

File: 1721107170682.jpg (46.51 KB, 500x433, 24a4074ab48e70c92321bb9534f4f3…)

Omg I love I Feel Sick, I also had Squee!, so nostalgic. I thought Devi was the coolest and I really connected with the comic back then

No. 2092373

I wish I'd discovered them first during my teen emo phase, I would've eaten them up back then

No. 2092382

if you like them please check lenore the cute little dead girl too! it was so lonely being emo in the 2010s kek

No. 2092385

YES, my movie room name comes from that comic kek

No. 2092575

The selling digital products stuff is over saturated as fuck right now, but fuck it. The internet is so huge that I feel like it's worth it to try even if it's a million people doing the same thing. I'm gonna update you guys in a few months on how it goes.

No. 2092585

raggamuffin ily ♥

No. 2092602

I love how webcomics that depicts the creators domestic life with their partner the woman is always drawn as shorter/smaller, then you see a photo of them and they're either the same height or the guy turns out to be a manlet kek

No. 2092615

File: 1721123290170.jpg (450.34 KB, 921x1405, SmartSelect_20240716-114610.jp…)

I love Jesus Christ a lot
He is great and awesome and is the perfect man

No. 2092620

My sister's taking a week of sick leave from her job right before her vacation even though she isn't sick. Good for her.

No. 2092621

10/10, would bang.

No. 2092738

Cleaned my whole apartment. Feel like a new person

No. 2092751

None of our generation is gonna get any pension. Might as well claim that tax money back that they steal from you

No. 2092837

I agree, and I'm an atheist, lmao. I always say if I lived in medieval times I would have probably become a nun and Jesus would have been my husbando.

No. 2092838

As she should!

No. 2092865

File: 1721140817842.jpg (144.46 KB, 850x850, 1000042605.jpg)

I think I get my mom, we may truly need some organizers because everything looks messy regardless of how much we clean and organize the house. I think it's just that the house is too "minimalist" (we don't have money to decorate the house as of now) so everything that's not in its rightful place looks like it's 10 times the disorder than what it truly is.
I really hope these organizers help with this weird disorder that's in the house. I just can't think of what else I can throw away at this point.

No. 2092884

I was in bed with my nigel last night about to have sex and suddenly we heard my schizo neighbour yell his house was on fire. Honestly I'm still laughing about how surreal the whole situation was kek
He most likely set it on fire himself on purpose, that place was a squalor shithole, honestly surprised it didn't blow up entirely since he had 3 whole gas cylinders inside

No. 2092885

Another nice guy, tranny-loving, human vessel for all the “right side of history” opinions social commentary scrote bites the dust kek. Love to see it, who’s next(wrong thread)

No. 2092910

If I had a nickel for every time some "comedian" has a scandal, I'd be a millionaire by now. Seriously, what's the deal with comedy as a career and sociopathy going hand in hand?

No. 2092932

every time my schedule changes and i work day shift, i feel so stressed everyday and constantly have dreams about working/being at work/people from work.

No. 2092938

That's crazy. I never sleep naked even on hot nights because I'm worried my crack addict neighbors will catch the apartment on fire and I'll have to rush out naked.

No. 2092940

Tbh I wasn't even surprised because he always seemed like a weird fratguy. No idea why he has fans at all, he's not even funny. He blew up for the videos he did with Noel and even their shared podcast is heavily carried by him.

No. 2092948

noel miller or that rat faced leftietubers who look like downies and pedos at the same time

No. 2092977

I was running all over my room trying to find a pair of shoes and shorts because my car was parked right outside his house and I wanted to get it away from the fire asap kek thankfully his house wasn't connected to any other homes, apartment fires are so scary

No. 2093070

Fuck Sloan though all my homies hate Sloan and his satanic panic misogynistic crap

I want someone to expose Sloan already, only small YouTubers have done it and it gains no traction

No. 2093078

>Sloan and his satanic panic misogynistic crap
Could you explain this nona? What did he do?

No. 2093106

File: 1721157146730.jpeg (110.73 KB, 1080x1079, EDldMXSW4AUQel4.jpeg)

having a religious nutjob as a father gives me headaches, he gets so worked up over complete non-issues, i remember when he got pissy over some devil/demon inspired otome game that i had on my phone when i was young(so just to get it out my systemdevil demon negativity negativity evil aa scary hell demon demon devil negative evil hell hell evil evil evil devils fuck youuuuuu), like, your son sucks tranny cock, you're worried about the wrong cult

No. 2093118

It's actually insane how much my attitude changes once I actually start to bleed on my period. Everything feels like it's suddenly healing. I actually do not hate my bf he's actually the most wonderful kind man to me and I'm a silly bitch for ever thinking otherwise. And my anxiety had subsided. Thank god I'm speaking to the doctor soon about my mental health because I think I have pcos or some shit as well as generalised anxiety and depression. Just modern girlie things

No. 2093168

>my bf he's actually the most wonderful kind man to me and I'm a silly bitch for ever thinking otherwise
No, you're just retarded for talking about yourself like this.

No. 2093214

whenever i feel sad i think about that time my enemy was spreading fake rumors about me in a discord group chat we both used to frequent, and how when he was asked if i was pretty he still said ''yes, she is''.

No. 2093218

Thanks for saying this because I'm sick of the way this language has permeated this website

No. 2093236

I don’t get how people actually enjoy picnics. Sitting on the ground seems uncomfortable. I’ve never had one before but I always have to poop within 20 minutes of eating so it all sounds very stressful..

No. 2093243

Speak on what you know nona you don't know the money, shelter and orgasms the man in question provides

No. 2093247

File: 1721164633775.png (25.97 KB, 360x490, 580b57fcd9996e24bc43c344.png)

I feel the same about picnics, but I actually hate eating while sitting like picrel. Maybe it's because eating all together at a table was never a thing in my family but I feel like if I'm not eating while sitting Indian style or on my knees I can't eat properly and it all starts to fall off of my fork.

No. 2093286

>calls herself a "silly bitch"
god i love other women

No. 2093500

>I always have to poop within 20 minutes of eating

What the fuck. Are you fat?

No. 2093501

Ngl watching American Psycho for the first time and it reminded me more of other women I know and see online rather than yuppie guys.

No. 2093502

It's directed by a woman

No. 2093507


No. 2093508

How much time does it take you to poop?

No. 2093510

I do know that, but I'm not sure that just because it was directed by a woman if it was intentional or if I'm just seeing things.

No. 2093511

It's a good interpretation I'd say

No. 2093520

Thanks. It would be funny if that was the case, given it's meme status with men.

No. 2093525

She also wrote the screenplay. I feel like I laugh harder at the film than men I've watched it with. It's maybe too on the nose about how gay they act

No. 2093558

Ikr? I tried to fix it today by staying up in the night and fighting through the tiredness so I can sleep at a reasonable time, but then I laid down after cleaning and exercising and fell asleep kek. Its night again, I've slept through most of the day but I'm gonna attempt to go to sleep again.

No. 2093594

Sloan has been spreading conspiracy theories about satanic panic within hollywood through some of his videos, and also spread misinformation about the sound of freedom movie being censored, claimed Jim Carrey was "victimized by the Illuminati" after he called him out for abusing his girlfriend and is generally just a piece of grifting shit who I don't think stands with women or survivors of abuse at all but exploits their pain for views. He's also frequently spread misinformation and flip flopped his views thru the years on celebs which makes him seem very grifter lite and will victimize himself at every turn if people call him out on his hypocrisy

No. 2093596

File: 1721183812564.jpeg (1.37 MB, 1170x2360, IMG_0406.jpeg)

>exploiting 14 year old little tays alleged death which turned out to be a hoax

on a personal note he ignored me when I tried to email him about an industry predator, and then later praised said predator so he can go fuck himself with a lead pipe

No. 2093636

File: 1721185804582.jpg (49.94 KB, 480x453, 1546817425173.jpg)

>RNC is coming
>I wonder if republican moids are all homosex like they say
>download grindr
>set location
>yes. yes they are
you can do this with any convention btw

No. 2093640

You'd have thought he would have gotten his ass kicked by a large youtuber by now because i've seen him get hate on other websites for the conspiracy crap and his videos have become increasingly more based on theories rather than fact and trying to be the first one to break the story. At least with lil tay, major outlets dropped the ball for reporting on the story making the hoax seem more legit.

No. 2093736

His fans will pounce on people and demand "protect Sloan!". Still won't stop me from manifesting someone goes for his throat though

No. 2093753

can you share the celebs name?

No. 2093766

File: 1721192565536.jpg (147.32 KB, 1200x801, ugh.jpg)

Fucked up my sleeping schedule again and now i have to wait until grocery store will open. Can't go in evening because it will be closed when i wake up. There is no food to eat and i'm tired and it's 15 min walk there and back ugh. And all these "irregular sleeping schedule will give you a heart disease" stories give me anxiety.

No. 2093773

The remote for my color changing light is broken, so I'm gonna have to uninstall it tomorrow. Im actually not who installed it in the first place, so I hope I don't electrocute myself trying to remove it kek. I assume it's just like changing a lightbulb

No. 2093799

File: 1721195743519.gif (3.49 MB, 165x115, fc2.gif)

I decided to start making youtube videos as a hobby to learn how to express myself better. I choose the niche of criticizing bad animated movies because it seemed easy and fun. Let me tell you, I am cringing so hard hearing my recording, my voice is so bad and my script is so painfully unfunny. I have no idea how pic rel does it every week. I want to be cringe and free like him too.

No. 2093818

He probably has autism or something, you can't be neurotypical and do shit like Melvin Brother of the Joker or The Wall Review.

No. 2093827

>Melvin Brother of the Joker or The Wall Review.
those are cinematic masterpieces

No. 2093828

Exactly. People are out here thinking neurotypicals have the code to understand the pure nirvana that comes with watching another retarded person get angry watching spongebob calling squidward a dork and reacting with their angry furry avatar crossing it's arms or some stupid shit like that or it was just live. NO. It is a niche that takes pure autism to consume seriously. I was out there as a kid and preteen eating this shit up when i came home. Mom had food prepared and everything and I'd walk in my room excited to see what new animation sperging video came out that day. I'd rock back and forth seeing whoever was reacting absolutely pwn the movie. It is an autistic art. You must be a certain level of retarded to truly appreciate it

No. 2093834

No. 2093835

I consume that kind of media because it's hilarious and kinda endearing. I love vidrel's videos. He's just so adorable and precious. he mentioned struggling with EDs before and idk why but I find that cute, I feel evil for it but oh well.

No. 2093840

my favourite spongebob sped is that guy who makes the spongebob irl videos

No. 2093841

What a shitty trip to a grocery store. Lost my jacket. It was mass marked garbage, but i liked it. Very mad actually. It was pretty normal and unasuming and good with most of my clothes. Going to look at jackets online to calm myself until i fall asleep.

No. 2093843

I hate the scrote lie that women are more prone to be dramatic and childish because men make the best lolcows. The reason why /snow/ is so dead is because 90% of our cows are female. Meanwhile male lolcows are out there facking cancer and losing 200k then going to jail for drug possesion all in a month. Only cow that comes close to this level of unhingedness is chantal. Even the queen's spergouts look like nothingburgers next to what moids do for attention.

No. 2093889

I just got so weak while in the bathroom (from not eating beforehand) that I collapsed on the floor after putting on my towel because I so badly just needed to rest. I think I was only there for a few seconds though, I got back up and got to my room. I don't think I could even completely see properly because I barely remember anything, how annoying. I also must've hit my pinky toe on something when I fell down because it's bleeding now

No. 2093894

Samefag but I also hit my nail on the wall when I was going into the bathroom. And I accidentally rubbed the skin over a burn on my arm off. Bad start to my day all around.

No. 2093900

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I'm watching severance

No. 2093910

Ngl I enjoy reading the fediverse threads on KF sometimes because they're all SO brain damaged and dysfunctional and yet have such huge delusions of grandeur that it's hilarious.

No. 2093913

I never chcked the fediverse thread, but i really like bossmanjack's thread. There is something about following the shenanigans of an unhinged crackhead that just makes me happy. I hope he stays out of jail so he can keep being a retard and breaking everything around him while providing massive spergouts for us to laugh at.

No. 2093914

Yes the male cows are so milky especially the ones from twitch, they have a endless amounts of milk. Unfortunately they also have alot of men that keep up with them and their antics so if a thread was made on any of these men it would just bring in even more moids to this site.

No. 2093919

This also proves that the "women are gossipy" stereotype is wrong because moids absolutely love to shittalk and alog over other moids kek

No. 2093920

yeah, i also dont think nonnies would be interested in male cows. I am sad the chantal thread here never picked up, would have loved to see nonnies reaction to chantal's scroting being exposed as a scat fetishist.

No. 2093922

i mean kf is run by a scrote and its the most popular gossiping site, also most drama youtubers are men like keemstar and turkey tom.

No. 2093930

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>chantal's scroting being exposed as a scat fetishist.

No. 2093931

salad got catfished by one of chantals alogs to send her explicit messages. She filtered them and he ended up being into super fucked up shit like shit and abusing women.

No. 2093940

This was 5 months ago, are they still together? I know she's love right now talking about leaving Kuwait and going back to Canada

No. 2093949

I completely forgot he was into scat holy shit lmao

No. 2094060

That is very concerning. The bathroom is the most dangerous room because falls there are so often deadly. Please take care of yourself nona.

No. 2094070

I have too many clothes and keep getting overwhelmed by laundry so I'm going to do the marie kondo method on my closet. Has anyone ever tried organizing their clothing by outfit? I think I might try it. I like the idea of having outfits ready to go and not have to think about it. It might be a terrible idea though. We'll see.

No. 2094072

how did you lose your jacket at the grocery store? i've lost favorite jackets before, always a bummer.

No. 2094088

>organizing clothes by outfit
Isn't that how everyone does it…? I always do it that way and have outfits ready in mind. Saves lots of time and space.

No. 2094101

I used to have a wardrobe like that where each piece strictly belonged to a specific outfit, but it's a bit inconvenient because when you need to get rid of 1 item because it's beyond repair or whatever, you need to replace it with something that fits with those specific items and when you're looking for something specific you can't find it in stores.

No. 2094285

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nonnies knows what she wants kek, pls let my design career turn out like this kek

No. 2094293

This sounds cool but what if you want to wear one piece with multiple outfits? Where does it go?

No. 2094310

Youtube has been suggesting me so many videos of normal women talking about social media, finances and health related topics, it's so nice. I could never get into video essays and all drama has become so boring

No. 2094314

Whenever I use some moisturizer my skin feels drier than when I don't use it, I'm starting to feel like skincare is a scam if you don't have any issues in the first place.

No. 2094358

>at walmart shopping
>random scrote goes "excuse me? excuse me?"
>go yeah?
>he's all "I'm making tacos and I don't know if I should use fajita or taco seasoning what do I do"
>I'm like they both have cumin and chili powder and stuff in them I don't think I could taste a difference
>he gets distressed and goes "no, I don't get it though, I get it from the restaurant but I don't get which one is for tacos??"
>I'm like try the taco seasoning
>he thanks me earnestly
That's the second time someone's asked me a stupid question about food at that walmart out of the blue. I must look helpful

No. 2094359

boss underscheduled me before going off on her big break and the one task i can do i don’t know how to do and i’m waiting for someone else to answer a big question for me. fuck

No. 2094361

what i mean to say is i’m sitting on my hands and trying to look busy but mostly ducking off

No. 2094364

are you hispanic looking/tanned

No. 2094405

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my 10 month old cat is starting to look a bit fat so i'm trying to cut back on his food intake and as a result he screams whenever he's a bit hungry. the amount of wet food he gets is the same (1/2 pouch in the morning and 1/2 in the evening), but i've cut back on the dry food and apparently he has noticed because he keeps complaining. i used to give him huge amounts of it as he was tiny when i got him, so i guess he's used to those. i give him small amounts of dry food during the day, but if his bowl is empty he throws a huge fit and starts meowing and looking for food in the kitchen sink. smh. i've found that giving him tiny amounts, and i'm talking minuscule, stops this behaviour. at the same time i keep worrying about not giving him enough food, but i don't want him to become fat. an automatic feeder would probably solve this issue, but he already has a water fountain (he is spoiled rotten) and i can't see myself spending that much money on another cat item. i guess i'm going to start weighing his dry food to make sure that i follow the feeding instructions to a t.

No. 2094574

Thanks anon. I've had this problem like my entire life and that's the first time I haven't been able to make it to my room before laying down so I'm honestly not too concerned about it. I think it's due to blood pressure dropping when you're in the shower. It just hasn't happened to me in a long time so I didn't think about drinking or eating anything beforehand. Also, I think the collapse was more me throwing myself to the ground, but still dangerous anyway since I couldn't see and apparently not feel myself cut my toe either lol.

No. 2094586

>shitting a lot makes you fat
based retard

No. 2094593

There are few things as comfy to me as scrolling through lolcow while eating soup

No. 2094594

literally same here. I can't believe how horrible I feel in the lead-up to my period, and then once it starts it's like everything is slowly getting better despite the pain.

No. 2094688

Designing stuff on Canva is fun as fuck. I've just been canva-ing all day. I'm about to play a league game while I wait for my meatballs and fries to cook.

No. 2094693

I've never seen anyone who has my experience before! I get depressed on the lead-up to my period, but once it starts a switch flicks in my brain like "oh…that's why" kek. Even during particularly painful cycles, my headspace is somehow way healthier than it is during PMS.

No. 2094697

I always assumed anon chose that name as a weed thing cause it's a Jamaican term

No. 2094700

Same with me. I never get why people specifically say the period is hell, my pms is hell I'm downright giddy when I see blood

No. 2094713

I thought most people organized by type of clothing item. Like pants in one section, t shirts together, sweaters together. Then you mix and match.

No. 2094717

yeah that’s why I wasn’t sure if it will work. Sometimes things need to mix and match and not be confined to one outfit. But I also like the idea of having a uniform ready to go

No. 2094755

I have probably lost it on the way back.
How many?

No. 2094763

Two or three? Over the years. Idk I’m old

No. 2094792

Darkcow theme is the projection of my soul

No. 2095093

Kegel toilet bowl chan…just saying that I think about you every time I piss. I genuinely am in such awe of your waterbending butt powers that I think of you at least multiple times a week, with the fascination that a 13 year old ini 2015 may have had for creepy pastas. I hope you are doing well

No. 2095099

I organize my closet by location it will be worn, and then type within that. So fancy dress, work clothes, house wear, sleeping stuff, and then within that T-shirts, long sleeved shirts, and pants.

No. 2095131

That is such a good idea. I do it by garment and colour. And then write down in a notebook, combinations that I can do with certain 'bottoms' e.g. with this pair of jeans, I can add this, and categorise each combo by weather suitability, vibe (e.g casual, formal, sweet, comfy) and it saves so much overwhelm).

No. 2095155

I think I got a sore throat yesterday from breathing in dry air while I was sleeping, and it's still a little sore and idk what to do. I'm having one if these moments like when your nose is blocked up and you start reminiscing on the time where your nose wasn't clogged. I took not having a sore for granted anons.

No. 2095186

File: 1721308337745.jpeg (Spoiler Image,254.85 KB, 850x1174, Kaneoya.jpeg)

another certified Kaneoya Sachiko banger(spoil your shit)

No. 2095192

I am glad that when i was a teen i was a contrarian and never signed up for any social media. Looking at the kiwifarms user doxxing thread fucking scares me, i am glad i went with a meme name and not something that can trace back to me they are absolutely brutal there lol

No. 2095201

No. 2095207

i don't think you need to worry about him getting fat while he's still so young. cats are still growing until they are about 2 years old so it should be ok to let him eat a lot. being fat really only hurts a cat if they are really really fat or are old and fat.

No. 2095234

I love shoegaze and dreampop

No. 2095254

I love vagueposting using song lyrics on stories/statuses but only when I'm feeling happy or when something good happened in my life

No. 2095273

Listening to an obscure Italian rock band album on youtube to decide if I should buy the CD off Amazon or not.

No. 2095305

I really like watching the Eras tour streams and engaging in the mild betting regarding the outfits and whatnot. It's a mindless entertaining little task I do to make my day a little more exciting.

No. 2095323

i regretted having only one meal today. it's almost 12 am and i'm hungry

No. 2095350

>antagonize random anons til they sperg out
>they get themselves banned
trolling teh forums hehehe

No. 2095360

File: 1721319761721.png (56.16 KB, 351x588, nz's lowest food prices.PNG)

I can't justify paying for butter any more, what the fuck is this. Maybe I'll have to develop a taste for "table spread"

No. 2095378

What's your conclusion?
This doesn't even make sense. I thought New Zealand had a lot of cows.

No. 2095382

Redditors turning anti porn and dumping their GFs over her watching cuck porn is the funniest shit ever. I thought it was just a fantasy?

No. 2095388

The way this is written implies that this scenario happened more than once and I find that extremely funny. Based women doing irreparable damage to the Reddit moid's heads.

No. 2095447

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First, picrel. Second, I bought it. A bit expensive for me in my country's currency, but it's around 30+$. Gonna arrive between August 13th and September 10th. Would be a great gift for myself after I'm done with my internship and before I resume uni classes by August 18th if it arrives in the earliest date.
The album is decent. Slightly grungy 2000s rock with a slight edge to it and some poppy and electronic elements at times. 6 tracks out of 10 really captured my attention from the first lesson and I really liked them, the remaining 4 are alright and I'll probably warm up to them as "filler" for the rest of the album, but I remember 1 in particular I kinda didn't like, it wasn't bad but meh. The singer has a cool voice, and a seemingly British accent (because of the way he says "been"), but the album originates from Italy? Maybe it's a British band registered in Italy. Or an Italian band but the singer is British or half British half Italian idk. I got one of the songs stuck in my head and it's what made me decide to listen to the album and decide to buy it, since it's not on any streams services out there for me to pirate it. Praying it has a lyrics booklet and cool stuff on the CD itself because I really enjoy exploring that stuff.

No. 2095526

I am fascinated with people who upload 20+ stories daily to their whatsapp status. It's like their personal diary lol

No. 2095534

thank you, nonnie. i think i'll give him extra wet food.

No. 2095751

I wanna go arms deep in a moidlet and pretend he's my muppet

No. 2095776

i will be taking my vit d pills today

No. 2095786

I'm glad you're keeping up nona, now that you remind me I will take mine aswell.

No. 2095793

File: 1721340369962.jpeg (86.18 KB, 464x616, IMG_4063.jpeg)

I’m not a divine feminine sperg but I just noticed that my periods have started on every new moon and that makes me feel so good.. trannies and their Taco Bell gas could never.

No. 2095807

are you taking yours weekly too? one pill per week?

No. 2095832

In the winter I take weekly ones, but now in the summer I take daily ones and leave them out if I was outside enough. It's not an exact science and probably not the right way to go about it, but I'm stingy and want to reward myself for not succumbing to my NEET ways kek.

No. 2095914

A girl my friend is dating was like “You guys are millennials, I’m gen z” out of the blue the first time we hung out. For some reason, this was very cringey to me. I’m born 31.12.1995 and she’s born 02.01.1997 so we are like, one year apart? Our experiences aren’t that different? Idk, she said it in a very dramatic way. My chronically offline friend who’s dating her was like “Millennia? Gen Z? What’s that?” which made her statement even sillier kek

No. 2095981

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The sims thread being dead makes me sad because I’m making the cutest coastal community home for my sim who’s going to be the only young girl in the rental community and the rest of it is going to be like an elderly neighborhood. she’s going to be a nanny for this rich east coast family to pay for her expensive tiny house near the coast with all of the yachts while writing a book about her adventures and possibly find romance there? reminds me so much of a movie, i love escapism so much to distract me from my shitty life because that’s where i want to be, living a cozy humble life near the beach with my hydrangeas, my garden, and some lemonade and seafood

No. 2095987

Love your vision. I wanna see some caps

No. 2096004

Ate fast food/take out for all my meals today. BLT Egg McMuffin with a strawberry banana smoothie, veggie sushi combo for lunch, and just had a JBC with extra pickles and a small poutine for dinner. The convenience and novelty was nice, I rarely eat out these days.

No. 2096034

File: 1721360843298.jpeg (534.89 KB, 1179x716, IMG_3573.jpeg)

NANCY PELOSI IS 84???????EIGHTY FOUR YEARS OLD?????????????I THOUGHT SHE WAS IN HER 60S !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?!?!!?!?!?!!?!!??1(integrate)

No. 2096035

Women age better than men

No. 2096041

this is like when 12 year olds think 30 year olds are retired and walk with canes

No. 2096047

File: 1721362015379.png (2.76 MB, 1920x1080, 07-18-24_11-54-15 PM.png)

i barely finished the lot kek, didn't even build the rest of the rental houses yet. here's the first pic

No. 2096048

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No. 2096050

Nayrt but this is precious! Makes me want to play again. What sims is this?

No. 2096054

sims 4 with cc (custom content). you should it’s really fun!

No. 2096056

Where do you find good cc? I played it a few years ago but never got very far tbh. Your story seems lovely as well. I hope she enjoys her tiny home!

No. 2096058

pinterest is the best for finding it, second would be tumblr. going through sims youtubers cc finds is handy as well. thanks nonny!

No. 2096062

Thank you! You've convinced me to redownload it! Hopefully more will be inspired to download it after seeing your cute house.

No. 2096104

I don't know who posted that in the right thread on meta for me just now, but you're a real one, thank you

No. 2096106

I keep freezing in front of the computer instead of working, I wish I was doing literally anything else, but I need to be prepared in case anyone wants to hire me. I really hate how universities just don't teach you important stuff about your career and you have to just go with the flow or somehow figure out the names of the shit you actually need to learn.

No. 2096191

I wanna eat some fried chicken but I have a gross taste in my mouth from being sick so I don't really wanna eat. Sad.

No. 2096218

I'm slowly starting to believe in manifestation, I'm not usually into woowoo shit but there's been way too many coincidences for my own taste.

No. 2096221

Being an optimist and believing (in yourself) does make you healthier and more successful. Manifestation works just not in the way many people think.

No. 2096222

I just ordered 8 AM burger and i dont know what to watch while wolfing it down. The hardships of being depressed.

No. 2096223

this is so lovely daving it in my drawing inspo folder

No. 2096311

Except the shit I supposedly manifest is not positive, if anything it's been detrimental to other people jut so I can save my ass.

No. 2096347

I have 14 LC tabs open how about everyone else

No. 2096353

1 tab and when I get bored I just go on the front page and jump from thread to thread like a schizo

No. 2096385

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Can’t change my major without repeating classes to improve my GPA. But I fucking hate chemistry. I feel like a loser and retard for even being int this position

No. 2096389

i open 5 tabs to check on my fav cows when i wake up but after that i only keep a single tab on /ot/

No. 2096396

I can see my perfect life in my head and it’s frustrating that I can’t do it all at once. I’ve been sober from alcohol for almost a month (I’ll have 4 weeks on Monday!), I’m cutting back really hard on weed with the goal of being weed free by the end of next week as it was just a crutch to get me through not drinking. My apartment is clean for the first time in years! But im still as constantly tired as I was when I was drinking so I haven’t found the time or motivation to work out or wake up earlier. I’m about to enter a very stressful season of my life going back to school for a very strenuous post-grad degree and I think I’m flipping out about being around all these Type A personality types when I still feel like a mess.

No. 2096398

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No. 2096403

Thinking about the time when I was 12 or 13 and there were pigeons tapping on the window in maths class during a test and we all burst into laughter.

No. 2096443

Same. I've stopped looking at real estate because prices are rising so quickly that it makes me sick to my stomach that I sacrificed so much and did everything right, yet I'm never going to be able to buy what my parents bought on one income with three kids. It's so depressing, makes me want to burn down the mega apartments out of jealousy.

No. 2096447

I'm proud of you nona, you're overcoming so much already and still managing to go to college.

No. 2096449

Once there was a wasp in class, of course we all were losing our minds while the teacher is trying to speak kek. The wasp lands on a window next to me and someone totally smashes it with a text book and it falls on the floor and we all celebrate the monsters death. Maybe like 10 minutes later, I look down at the wasp and a swarm of ants have gathered around the wasp and are picking it up and I yell out "OH MY GOD, THESE ANTS ARE TAKING THE CORPSE" and more than half the class including the teacher come crowding around and we're cheering on these ants as they drag the wasp away KEK. I'll never forget that.

No. 2096477

I remember a wasp stinging a giant spider (I live in Australia of course) and dragging its corpse away presumably to lay eggs inside it while half-flying when I was around 9 and I was fucking traumatised for some reason

No. 2096583

Today I just pretended to work, opened paint and drew an orange cat. I hope no one saw it

No. 2096761

I'm so glad that artist salt is going back to it's roots. Feels nostalgic

No. 2096855

I'm sick and have been sleeping all day, and I have been getting cold sweats like hell. I knew I was truly sick when I couldn't bring myself to shower earlier and I got some new fragrances in the mail that I didn't even really care about opening kek. I feel better now though so shower time.

No. 2096985

Meant to save but just spent $60 on ubereats pray for me

No. 2096986

You and me both nonna. Sucks because I've to go to my uni classes physically this coming week. Hope you recover quick!

No. 2097033

You too anon! Get as much rest as you can

No. 2097034

What'd you order?

No. 2097064

Just coughed and farted at the same time.

No. 2097075

Tacobell and some sweets place just trying them out… tacobell I'll never buy again, wishing I bought a kebab snack pack instead

No. 2097107

File: 1721472072683.jpeg (4.58 KB, 300x168, retch.jpeg)

i stood too close to my brother after he came back from college

No. 2097145

I'm getting into music production as a hobby and starting off with type beats and I want to get out there and promote some stuff but everyone in the community is a moid, troon or 13 year old.

No. 2097229

just saw a goth troon couple in the wild the first time. crazy.

No. 2097279

My best friend is bringing me food, yay!

No. 2097285

Some modern video games are so good when ya don't got a bitch in ya ear telling you they have woke inclusive Sweet Baby agenda

No. 2097291

which games are you playing anon?

No. 2097407

I love potatoes

No. 2097420

Foughed and carted, pray for her girls.

No. 2097422

Do it. The market wants you to exist because many women don't want to listen to men, but they keep getting promoted because of class solidarity. I'm so desperate for music that doesn't contain misogyny.

No. 2097423

File: 1721495108283.jpg (82.65 KB, 564x453, 40f5dfade7050cebda17f39f9efa52…)

What are you guys up to this weekend? My saturday is super boring

No. 2097450

Catching up on housework and playing vidya with a friend. Later make a lunch in case the weather's favorable enough to go outside tomorrow

No. 2097465

File: 1721498298018.jpeg (97.51 KB, 721x470, 0r8uwU31nI8TbyPXHJgN_108213993…)

Did some gardening. Checked to see if the bird houses got any tenants. Spent a lot of time looking up what would happen if gravity got reversed and I had to try live upside down in my house. Found a movie about it that looks cute, I might get some wine and watch it later.

No. 2097469

There really needs to be a thread watcher plugin, jfc

No. 2097471

Once I hit 70 I won't gaf anymore about my weight and gaining weight. I will drink all of the juice I want and eat all of the tiramisu that I can. I stuff my face with it and then drown it in a litre of orange juice.

No. 2097619

Reading and eating smores.

No. 2097685

An obscure myspace punk rock female singer I like became a country singer and I'm wheezing. What a transformation if that's truly her. But hey, at least she's doing alright and still making music, and I like country so it's alright.

No. 2097695

Went to work all day, now I'm at home relaxing and eating pizza.
You won't be able to taste it because you start to lose your sense after forty and it keeps disappearing. And you won't be able to eat it without vomiting because your gallbladder will no longer be able to digest such high concentrations of fat in a food. Enjoy life now.

No. 2097706

70 is a lot younger than you might think, don't you want to be independent and mobile when you're old? You lose a lot of muscle mass and bone strength as you age, my worst nightmare is being a fragile old lady who breaks a hip and can't get up when she falls, or a fat old lady with terrible joint issues. Avoiding that is my main motivation for lifting and watching my weight.

ofc if you lift for decades chances are you can eat whatever the fuck you want at 70 without getting fat, it's a win win. I am also looking forward to eating more cake.

No. 2097707

Samegag, found some articles about her new band and it's really her, they mentioned her by name. Damn. Their new album is 2024, too. I'm glad she's still making music.

No. 2097734

spent the whole day refreshing every board every 10 minutes and crying

No. 2097742

"Person complaining about bad show for 2 and a half hours" fills a similiar spot as what mukbangs were originally supposed to, if you think about it.

No. 2097808

File: 1721522884576.jpg (124.68 KB, 1024x768, ss_6bfc613e1f0c87e7ea2207d9bd4…)

Drawing. Then i'll buy some snacks and play nancy drew.

No. 2097940

is everyone out clubbing or something, i wish lc were more active
god i'm so lonely

No. 2097948

sorry noony i was out watching longlegs. time to spend the rest of the weekend shitposting with the girls. what did you do today

No. 2097951

im so glad the gendie retardation on tumblr mellowed out. im having the time of my life saving graphics and stamps

No. 2097974

File: 1721539103446.jpg (47.91 KB, 1200x1200, Lemon-bars-1x1-2.jpg)

For the past few days I've been craving citrus so badly and nothing is enough and I can't get my citrus fix right now because it's 10 pm

No. 2097976

I hope you get your citrus fix, gotta prevent scurvy you know

No. 2097981

File: 1721539405421.jpg (61.69 KB, 600x800, Sorbetto di Limone Dressed Up …)

Thanks nona. i'll stock up on my drugs tomorrow. but why is this happening to me

No. 2098095

I was supposed to join this picnic (or well, I said it was a huge maybe that depended on the weather), I was sort of excited because I've been feeling lonely. Of course I couldn't sleep all night so I'm a mentally broken mess that has too much anxiety to take the 1 hour trip there. Like I can't bring myself to get ready because I'm an anxiety bomb.
I know there will be a next time, just sucks.

No. 2098105

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Washing machines broke, so I'm hand washing my clothes in the bathtube. Listening to some medieval lofi beats to really nail the 18th century scullery maid aesthetic.

No. 2098116

>message Amazon seller to tell them I once ordered one of their products from a different Amazon account, but one of the parts broke
>they immediately agree to send me a completely new product with no request for any kind of proof
It's that easy kek? I'll be surprised if I actually receive it and they didn't just say yes to get me out of their hair. It's true that I already owned their product btw, I'm not trying to dupe them

No. 2098123

They put crack in those, I’m highly convinced. Every time I eat a lemon bar it makes me feel like I want to do the fentanyl bend with your legs and drone out like a zombie in a euphoria

No. 2098154

Why have I been living without a portable air compressor in my car. I highly recommend everyone purchase one

No. 2098270

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I'm going to break gender roles and stereotypes about father issues by going after a man that is exactly like my mother

No. 2098276

Turns out I might miss my first class today and tomorrow as I'm still feeling horrible- a little bummed about this but I don't want to be coughing in class or dry heaving up the campus stairs. I don't know yet! It's 2am and doesn't start til 1pm I will see

No. 2098294

Finally feeling motivated to draw after months of not feeling it. Doing stupid pen sketches in my journal of things on my desk made me realize drawing is fun again

No. 2098315

Cute nerdy youtuber I kinda like turned out to be as old as me and is dutch-canadian so he has a cute accent. I wish I lived near him so I could somther him with my pussy.

No. 2098316

i hope he bumps into you when he's in your state for vacay or vidcon or smtg

No. 2098318

No. 2098322

pls report back anon, how was it

No. 2098333

My weird cousin is staying with us in this old bed in a room adjacent to the kitchen. Yesterday I was in the kitchen at like 3am and when I found the soda that I had hidden, I started cackling like a mad witch. I then heard him moving in bed and I ran away to my room…

No. 2098347

idky you would read that post and assume a sex-haver made it

No. 2098412

Aw that's so nice of you, but we live on 2 different continents all together kek. I'll just watch his videos until I move on from him.

No. 2098444

Thinking of the time when I was 17 and I was casually having a fling with this moid because I was sad and needed the dopamine, and then he mentioned men age like wine when they're older. He didn't say women age like milk or hit their prime at 25 or anything at least. But I shit you not he started complaining about losing hair at the age of 20. He also got into a motorcycle accident being the retard he was and broke his two front teeth and looked like a grandpa. Probably should throw this into the loser ex bf thread

No. 2098445

Whenever I see an image of anyone with overfilled cheeks I imagine the fart meme song and it has made my mundane day.

No. 2098474

BRUHH we are getting some crazy ass, house shaking thunder. I love it.

No. 2098478

The power button of my pc broke and now i have to dissasemble the whole thing and either switch the power button with the restart button or see if i can find the problem and fix it. God so tedious.

No. 2098479

Kinda yelled at a little girl today because she was hitting pigeons with a long stick lmao

No. 2098490

there's a pimple on my fucking lip how unlucky am I

No. 2098503

I HAVE TO PISS RIGHT NOW(dumbass shit post)

No. 2098549

like 50 I keep in a collapsible stack

No. 2098605

I kinda miss being a teen/young adult so I could shamelessly write passive aggressive shit on my social media whenever I feel shitty or lonely, now I have to mature, and take the high road, and internalize everything and shit.

No. 2099018

I had a romantic dream about my coworker the other night and freaked out because I didn’t want to crush on someone who was already married and had kids. Then I had another romantic/sexual dream about an old classmate of mine. Then another last night of me having my own harem of men willing to cater to my every need. I think I’m just sexually pent up.

No. 2099070

I was just thinking this today. I was so cringe on my social media as a teenager but it felt good to vent my mental issues honestly. Having to keep up an image of a respectable person is not for me.

No. 2099292

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Just found out my sister in law's husband of 7+ years is divorcing her after her multiple sclerosis diagnosis because he wasn't expecting to have to raise a "disabled family" (they have 3 young kids that are somewhat autistic but not retarded or anything like that). So he's jumping ship and leaving her in an ill state with kids that need extra care after playing the "father" role for a little while.
Im surrounded by normies at work who are married to moids/want children and they've been making me feel left-out/abnormal recently, but i feel thankful to be moid-free right now. Imagine trusting and marrying a moid and even having children with him just for him to leave you at your most ill when he feels too "burdened". Many such cases.

No. 2099298

Is your sister going to be okay?

No. 2099306

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males cant love

No. 2099311

Im having a full fledged retard moment after working 14 hrs today. But I meant the sister of my sister's husband. So I guess not my sister in law. But im not really close with her to know but Id say shes better with him gone if he was going to treat his family like a burden anyway. Shes staying with her parents now, so I think she's ok. Hopefully she will meet someone better as well.

No. 2099320

I seriously cannot believe cats are real. They are so beautiful, they make me so happy. My only dream in life is to live with one that i have befriended.

No. 2099390

Just got out the shower. Every time I wash my butt, I always think about that anon who said the vagina and butthole are NOT a mere 1-2 inches apart.

No. 2099401

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What is it about college just having the most duplicitous bitches for faculty?

No. 2099476

Never regret being single, it will always be better than being in a relationship with a moid who could betray you any day.

No. 2099555

I love harassing moid supporters/dickriders on instagram

No. 2099638

Please please please let me have my periods today or at worst tomorrow, I don't want to travel while inconvenienced.

No. 2099656

I'm finally almost done with my balcony and I LOVE it! Been trying to go for this kinda greenhouse-ish aesthetic, with some kinda faerie cave vibes? I guess? But since I have a cat it's been a struggle to find fake vine plants and wisterias that would look good and not overly cheap. Now I just need to find a decent carpet I like and put up drapes, and then I'm probably done! Maybe add a couple of fairy lights, but we'll see how it looks when fall season rolls around

No. 2099663

Not trolling, you need to have sex or masturbate for several hours today and tomorrow. The lubrication will move blood out more freely, and the vaginal contractions from orgasm will push out a ton of blood at once.

No. 2099664

I already masturbated this morning to help but I have other shit to do unfortunately, I'll try again tonight, currently drinking some raspberry leaves tea just in case. Also I'm celibate so no sex for me kek.

No. 2099665

maybe exercise a ton?

No. 2099666

samefag, because the strain on the body can start the period i think

No. 2099761

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my male coworker always wants to gossip, at first I found it entertaining because who doesn’t like a lil bit of workplace tea, but he is gossiping literally for the entire 8 hours of our shift. It’s so faggy and I don’t even entertain it anymore, I just give him the pic rel face

No. 2099777

Nonna, raspberry tea alleviates period symptoms, it doesn't induce it. Drink ginger tea for that.

No. 2099787

what happens if she drinks both?

No. 2099792

a nuke will go off in her uterus I’m afraid.. many such cases

No. 2099826

What the hell, somebody in another thread told me to do that to induce period… Well I'm not going out again to buy another tea, it'll happen when it'll happen now.

No. 2099835

Men who like to gossip are gay and want to be Regina George so bad. He probably gossips about you to other people as well

No. 2099841

Do you have aspirin?

No. 2099842

She's so adorable

No. 2099887

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No. 2099941

I am so angry, a retarded popular youtuber i hate hinted at making a video on one of my favourite niche comics. Now all his tranny watchers are going to latch onto the nerdy mc.

No. 2099968

went for a really nice hike yesterday but now i'm so tired today. i just want to sleep but i can't because i'm at work and i have to sit here for 6 more hours. ahhhhhh

No. 2100023

I hate that I almost like journal videos made by males more than ones made by females. I got into journalling this year, and really into watching journal videos, and I find that while women make gorgeous setups, and I love the creativity, I just vibe more with how to-the-point and messy the men's journals are. I'm not super creative with my journals and seeing someone just use a notebook to write shit down, without being anal about how it looks, feels more natural. I find older women's journals are like this too but so far I've encountered more men with these types of journals.

No. 2100071

Been having a shit day but it's the start of Leo season so I did myself up nice just to get groceries and tobacco. I turn 34 in September and when I asked for my usual tobacco brand the little old dear went I'm sorry love but would you have ID on you and I handed it over and she just went "haha. Yeah okay must be nice" and gave me my tobacco. There was also a big line and another lady went oh you look lovely. I found my curling wand last week and I think society wants my hair to be wavy thank you for reading

No. 2100103

I wore make up for the first time this year, and got all dressed up cute, and I'm never leaving the house without make up again. Everywhere I went, everyone was so nice and gave me so many free things. Went to boba, and the cashier gave me a free size upgrade because "your shoes are really cute." Went to a waffle bar, and I got a free extra waffle "so that I would have a GREAT Monday!" And then I went to my orthodontist prepared to argue with him about how I need new trays, and he didn't even argue with me like every other time, just agreed completely with me and ate the extra costs that it would cost him to reprint my trays.
I don't care if I get labeled a pick me, I've discovered pretty privilege is real and I'm getting in on it.

No. 2100147

kek what anime do you live in

No. 2100216

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I don't know, but I'm never leaving. I hope I find the princess school next.

No. 2100225

wish I could do this but I look like a pig with lipstick. I've never liked makeup (hate how it feels on my skin) and I'll just look like a pig with lipstick anyway.

No. 2100255

Pretend you’re a YouTuber and tell me what you nonnies Day in the Life would look like

No. 2100256

are you model pretty or just lying?

No. 2100258

drink orange juice, cranberry juice, soda, exercise a bunch, eat hotdogs, hamburgers, raw cranberries, or cranberry sauce. idk if i just get mine more easily or what but it's literally always after any of these things, consistently

No. 2100268

>Wake up at 7:30 next to my cat and give him pets
>Make and eat breakfast. Take meds and supplements. Play wordle and connections
>Check calendar for any meetings later in the day, catch up on emails, and get some work done
>Go for an hour long walk on a trail nearby my house, then take a shower when I get home
>Eat lunch and browse lolcow
>Attend meetings or work more if needed, otherwise read in my hammock
>Make dinner while listening to podcasts. Eat dinner and have a glass of wine
>Wind down around 10 with my nighttime routine of stretching, skincare, and reading in bed (book or more lolcow)
>Goodnight to all my amazing followers and the nonnies watching this ♥

No. 2100281

i am a youtuber but a failed ngmi one my day is crying and drawing and wishing i was born more intelligent and without an ugly accent

No. 2100283

>wake up
>wish I was dead

No. 2100290

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My insurance terminated me over documents and my phone service is cut off because I can’t log into my account to pay the bill because I’m not the account holder so my dentist will just have to assume that I died or something. I’m not even mad. All of this is very comical

No. 2100317

I cut my hair and I love how obvious the generational split is lmao. Everyone about ten to fifteen years older than me tells me to part my bangs and curl the ends inwards, and also layers would've looked great, while everyone my age tells me to keep blunt bangs, to keep the ends straight or slightly outward and that having it all the same length was the right decision lol.

No. 2100324

>wake up
>get food
>contemplate what to do for rest of day
>start or do minor bits of projects that never get finished
>have at least one crying panic attack if alone for too long
>think about texting people but dont
>watch tv a bit
>write diary entry or two
>possibly cut myself if I'm feeling down
>doomscroll more
>pass out tossing and turning

No. 2100344

>wake up
>lament my existence and having to wake up to begin with
>go to the bathroom to dress up because my sister is sleeping and the air conditioner is on
>come back to the bedroom to brush my hair and wear my socks
>unplug phone from charger and collect my backpack and all my stuff
>go to the kitchen and make breakfast
>have breakfast
>driver arrives downstairs
>go to work
>enter the elevator shaking and praying it doesn't fall with me in it or get stuck
>arrive at floor 9
>go to office
>work for 4 hours
>driver is outside
>go down elevator and pray it doesn't fall or get stuck
>arrive at the ground floor
>go home
>have lunch
>take a break
>pretend I'm so gonna do the rest of my work after this break
>take a nap
>wake up
>waste time scrolling reddit and lolcow
>make AI images
>watch youtube videos
>scroll snapchat spotlight until I get a ragebait video and click off
>look at cool archived websites
>play dress up games
>have dinner
>go to sleep
>repeat until weekend

On weekends:
>wake up in the afternoon
>have breakfast and watch cartoons
>surf the internet
>take a walk after sunset
>have dinner
>surf the internet
>get bored and go to sleep
>maybe go to the mall with family if possible
>take a shower
>maybe cook something fancy and elaborate if not too braindead
>do any remaining work from the week days if I don't feel too braindead

No. 2100360

>Everyone about ten to fifteen years older than me tells me to part my bangs and curl the ends inwards, and also layers would've looked great, while everyone my age tells me to keep blunt bangs, to keep the ends straight or slightly outward and that having it all the same length was the right decision lol.
What would either look like?

No. 2100380

Help should I go buy ramen noodles now? It's 10pm and I really want some noodles rn. The store closes in one hour

No. 2100385

Flipped a coin and it said no.

No. 2100387

Ok. I will boil regular pasta at home instead. Thank you

No. 2100397

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Reading over it again, I understand how it would be misleading.

No. 2100414

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I finally accepted i might never become a good artist so i just enrolled in college. Accounting seems kinda fun so i am looking forward to it, even if i am retarded at math.

No. 2100527

I believe in you nonnie! Get those accounting bucks

No. 2100658

File: 1721686950753.mp4 (1.09 MB, 574x334, Mr. Beast contacting Kris Tyso…)

This year has been amazing for drama. It feels like it keeps getting better and better. I love to see mr beasts pet tranny get cancelled and take mr faggot with him. Now hes going to have to break his fake wholesome persona to adress the dear tranny he vehemently defended for years.

No. 2100661

I did the same nonny. I got so discouraged as an artist that I dropped it completely and went into IT. Now I'm earning a good income and doing art on the side, the job kills my soul because I'm only in it for the money and I really wanted to continue doing art but it's way better than begging for emergency commissions or settling with grindy industry jobs.

No. 2100662

It really is a pain to be an artfag nowadays.

No. 2100686

Maybe it will secretly be a blessing. I have a sister who works in what she loves and it killed all her passion for her art, because she has to work with it all day. Some things are best left as hobbies.

No. 2100709

True, although its less about working as an artist and more just not being good enough to work on my comic/art projects yet.

No. 2100713

Sorry to ask for spoonfeeding but tl;dr on the tranny drama? First I'm hearing about it.

No. 2100714

its on the moid farms but tl;dr: they dug his lolicon shadman tweets and also he got accused of grooming by some 14yo boy

No. 2100716

Thanks nonna. The fallout will be glorious. I'm curious to see how normie social perception clashes with online influencer culture, so many moms I know have moidlets obsessed with Beast and his faggy cronies.

No. 2100723

File: 1721691085443.png (4.86 MB, 1536x1650, mrbeast-i-hired-100-lawyers-to…)

hes probably going to do an stalinand sweep it under the rug he doesnt have the balls to adress it in front of all his fans and admit he was wrong for endorsing a troon

No. 2100772

I love garlic but the aftertaste and after-breath is terrible horrible no good I hate it.

No. 2100776

Tbh I kind of like to breath in my mouth with my lips shut to taste it kek

No. 2100780

this is one of those things that's disgusting whenever you hear other people do it but you do it in private kek
i used to blow bubbles with my phlegm as a child when sick and gross everyone tf out but it was kind of fun

No. 2100783

Bunnies are so cute. I wanna pick them up and kiss them. Kith them. Cuddle them.

No. 2100784

Holyshit NTA but poor kid. I can't wait for this entire shit to get dragged. Every single online persona/influencer is a predator until proven innocent.

No. 2100844

Could you imagine if bunnies had a temperament of a lovable cat? They need to be evolutionarily ready for domestication so it becomes ethical for me to hug them

No. 2100878

Just give them little pats and kisses

No. 2100987

No. 2101002

Chace Crawford you better hide in a bunker when the world ends because otherwise you're going in my basement

No. 2101116

>currently watching Lolcow Live stream about boogie
>Foodie beauty randomly appears in the chat asking if he's been kicked off the show
Wtf? Weird cow crossover

No. 2101120

There was a hulking 6'4" moid on campus today holding a huge "end abortion" sign and arguing with people in the middle of the mini centre field about how our arguments are invalid. I'm from a country that's super chill and has legal abortion. I fucking hate moids. No uterus, no opinion

No. 2101141

I hate moids like this in particular because they're personality leeches, they only hold those opinions because American/Russian scrotes (who would probably be xenophobic towards them) told them to.

No. 2101146

Nona most of them already do, you just have to give them attention. My bunny binkies (dances) after we have a cuddle and nudges my face with his nose just like my cats do

No. 2101170

I hope boogie gets the tattoo

No. 2101175

A fren invited me to drink boba tea! i am so happy, i have never tasted it before so i am excited. I cant believe i found a scrote thats actually willing to pay for me on dates, i thought i was too uggo for that.

No. 2101177

I find it so funny and cute how they express displeasure by stomping kek

No. 2101193

This recipe looks so good. I know it's just presentation, but it's so pretty and appetizing.

No. 2101201

I had to do that for like two years and it sucked. Now I have a washing machine. And on one hand, I throw them in and forget it and it's fantastic. On the other hand, compared to hand washing, washing machines and dryers do a terrible job. They leave a residue that slowly builds up, they stretch out clothes, they make clothing fade faster, and even on gentle cycle, they create little holes. Can't wait to be able to live somewhere with a clothes line again.

No. 2101206

why's 2024 full of celebrities or influencers getting exposed as child diddlers. is it that hard to find someone your own age smh

No. 2101209

I checked out my cringe cover channel from when I was 16 after a long time and somehow it's gone up a tad bit with 3K subscribers compared to the last time I checked it which was around half. I haven't uploaded anything in like 6 years, odd. Maybe I should get back on it

No. 2101218

Academia is so cut throat that it weeds out anyone who isn't a back stabbing sociopath.
I wish you could post pictures of it, this sounds so cute. If you're going for a fairy vibe, you should consider music sheet flowers. They're relatively simple to make, but out of all the fake flowers they look really good.

No. 2101239

I always thought I was pretty, but I dress in large shapeless clothes with a severe hairstyle and an angry glare, so I'm very unapproachable.
This will probably be the reason I don't actually follow through. I hate the time commitment of make up and selecting an outfit, plus all make feels awful on your skin and you constantly have to worry about it it looks or messing it up.

No. 2101329

first ayrt, that is exactly what that bitch is, i wanted to see her at college for advice on some designs for an re-exam i was gonna have due to low attendance in that subject, and she already agreed the day before but then, as if by divine intervention, i messaged her in the morning if i could come by her office at 11 and she just says not available.
Another time she cussed out our entire class bc we showed up to her office for submissions at the time SHE agreed to and she couldn't have her lunch, why'd you agree to it then?! And the reason why i have a re-exam is her fault in the first place too! i asked her to correct my attendance for her subject for some day and by the time i noticed she still hadn't fixed it, it couldn't be fixed anymore(bc corrections for a class can only be made within the week it happened, after that, there's no fixing it).
These placements better be worth it.

No. 2101416

Why do people get long haired cats and shave them (dogs too but usually people try to make their dogs look nice, cat shavers just butcher their cats). It makes me so sad. I feel like the person is just too lazy to brush them.

No. 2101728

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Knowing that my birth date and my graduation date are engraved on two gravestones of family members feels weird. Maybe I'm cursed or something.

No. 2101744

File: 1721757400443.jpeg (342.52 KB, 828x1300, IMG_2969.jpeg)

nextdoor is so funny because it's just full of boomers who don't understand social media

No. 2101798

Chewing on the side of my mouth, I really need to fucking stoppppp.

No. 2101870

Isn't it for the same reason as dogs? Long hair just keeps growing and it over grows to the point of making their life worse I would think.

No. 2102277

I went on a date with a scrote and this dude bought me a really expensive manga out of nowhere. wtf. Is this normal? we have known eachother for 2 months

No. 2102294

yes it's normal to get expensive gifts from males but only if youre hot or at least significantly more so than him

No. 2102305

its the first time i get treated this nicely by a scrote he must have really low standards.

No. 2102307

see what other expensive items you can get from him nona

No. 2102311

File: 1721787804415.jpg (12.23 KB, 320x320, 1648460346207.jpg)

he already hinted at getting me an aircraft model kit for my birthday. Meanwhile my scrotoid best friend didnt get me shit for my birthday last year. I am glad i told him i didnt want to date him because i was busy with college last year.

No. 2102319

hell yeah girl, he better get you that aircraft model kit

No. 2102325

I love taking hot baths in the summer. It’s 24°C in my apartment and I still took a hot bath for 30 mins and just read and sweat and I look glowing afterwards and chug a bunch of room temperature water. I feel so calm it too, it just completely empties my head and I usually end up crying in a very cathartic way. 10/10 would recommend if you don’t get easily overheated.

No. 2102327

sick, and which aircraft? sucks about your friend though, hope your birthday this year is better

No. 2102330

when i tried doing that i almost fainted kek

No. 2102454

Thinking of that asparagus fortune teller lady who predicted 2024 having a female US president and I'm not a burger but I hope that happens, just so she's correct
Asparagus is also very good

No. 2102484

I can't sleep

No. 2102487

me neither, i will take melatonin

No. 2102578

>Walk across the market
>Overhear two middle aged ladies loudly talking as I walk by
>1: I generally get along better with men HAHAHAHHA
>2: Yeah me too HAHAHAHA
>1: Yeah they're just easier to be around, less whining HAHAHAHA
They were dead serious despite the loud giggling after every sentence. I can't believe the pickmeism at 51 when you're out shopping with your female friend.

No. 2102593

>less whining HAHAHAHA
factually untrue, men are whiny little retards

No. 2102609

two pick mes talking. one of the girls says to the other girl "i get on better with boys", they both laugh.

No. 2102617

i'm ginger tea pilled

No. 2102625

These types of women are projecting so hard kek. They're always so loud and passive aggressive when they're in a female friend group and when they notice they're making everyone uncomfortable they flip it around like "GIRLS ARE SO DRAMATIC AND THEY BULLY ME" but in a way where you can tell they haven't actually been bullied.

No. 2102643

Trying so hard to not spend my money on perfume right now

No. 2102644

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Me after the antidepressants finally kick in after 2 weeks of side effects, rejecting a bunch of moids on a dating app and pretending like I didn't want to kms a few days ago and crying on the kitchen floor for 20 minutes like Trisha Paytas on my 150$ session with my therapist because I'm a high value woman.

No. 2102668

File: 1721821182795.webp (131.15 KB, 1920x1248, A-1H.jpg.webp)

i want a p40, a spitfire or a douglas. As long as its american i will love it, they got the best planes.

No. 2102669

File: 1721821332177.png (169.8 KB, 1023x682, 1623613614591.png)

queen shit

No. 2102671

Took some online tests to get credits for a virtual lab, so I can practice what I learned in a course. I scored 60 out of 100 in the 4 quizes about what I actually studied in the courses, but tbf the questions contained stuff that weren't even covered in the course anyways. Then I took the last 2 quizzes of the challenge for the free credits, which were about AI, I worked on an ML project so I had some experience, and I got 70 in one and 80 in the other, all because of my knowledge with bing dall-e and all the coom material of my husbando that I created with it kek. I didn't even take any AI courses before the tests or in my uni classes, I completely winged it. I feel kinda proud of myself for this.

No. 2102681

Being widowed so young is super horrible and I would trade anything to have him back, but I did have the most amazing moment the other day because of it.
I took my car to the mechanic and the mechanic made a joke about my nice car "Did you steal this from your husband in the divorce? hurr hurr hurr" and I got to look him right in the eye and sadly whisper that I'm a widow while letting my lower lip tremble. The look of shame and horror that swept over his face will keep me warm for years.

No. 2102692

I'm sorry for your loss nonna. At least you're guaranteed to keep that moid awake at night for the next 10 years.

No. 2102703

>getting something i don't deserve
>not through hard work but through sheer dumb luck and the right circumstances
>proud of myself
sorry but this is dumbass logic. not saying you don't get to be happy for good things happening to you but there is nothing to be proud of.

No. 2102788

I hate eating, sleeping and showering. If I didn't have to do those things I would have time to do things I liked. This is a lie.

No. 2102829

I finished work and now I sit with a beer on my couch and listen to some metal albums with mu puppy

No. 2102834

File: 1721832748803.jpg (58.96 KB, 600x431, 2f4147f9a5c2f1bb46c6334a63b05f…)

I'm sitting in my greenhouse, just finished my coffee. Got a tiny thorn stuck in my finger and it's sore af. About to get dressed so I can go work in the yard before it's too hot. I've been burning incense and it's making me really excited for autumn for some reason. But I kinda want to speedrun the rest of the year so I can get past all these firsts without my dog around.. Miss you baby girl. Also realizing I gotta sweep in here.

No. 2102865

File: 1721834854682.jpeg (21.78 KB, 291x173, IMG_4103.jpeg)

I'm manifesting that my ex husband's business venture fails spectacularly and he's left broke and in debt. Wishful thinking, but I'm still praying it comes true. He's wronged me one too many times.

No. 2102878

A friend of mine asked if I and someone else want to plan something with her on Friday. I really want to refuse because I'm tired, depressed and lazy and the last time I was hanging out with my friends one of them was complaining all the time in a passive aggressive way about something none of us can help her with and that's partially her fault. I was excited to see them again after nearly a month of not seeing them and they annoyed me so much. I'll need to find a pretext to refuse.

No. 2103019

I tell this to myself but I know I'm lying and that all that's wrong with me is the fact that I'm too retarded to function.

No. 2103026

I put some cucumber in plum la croix and it's great.

No. 2103065

Happy that you have a greenhouse, is it big if you're able to sit in it? Sorry about your dog.

No. 2103067

i feel like i am more productive at work when i have a hot drink and snack, usually banana bread and macchiato

No. 2103085

>peeling shrimp that's supposed to be deveined already
>see a little bit of vein in the tail of some of the shrimps
>pinch the tail off
>Poop squeezes onto my finger

No. 2103088

so I've been eating shrimp poop this whole time..

No. 2103089

according to redit thats just a vein, not the poop track

No. 2103109

It's the digestive tract. So it is poop

No. 2103119

File: 1721844913651.jpeg (77.91 KB, 632x651, crying chinese hamster.jpeg)

All of the torrents i want to dl have no seeders.

No. 2103140

File: 1721845668839.jpg (26.74 KB, 735x855, 387f48501c117da66de578cfdc209a…)

maturing is realizing superglue isn't all that super

No. 2103205

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Seizing the day with my Italian sunglasses panties.

No. 2103208

No. 2103218

Did you miss the part where I actually worked on an ML project? I already know 60% of the info the test asked about by pure practice without studying the theoretical parts.

No. 2103237

the nicest girl in my class is dating the fucking scrote that i hate. i hope their break up is nasty

No. 2103345

Black guys are super attracted to me today for some reason, like 3 black guys have walked up to me
I hope their breakup is shitty but just for him not for her

No. 2103423

Your wish came true! I thought he would get it bigger though lol. I would post a pic but keemstar made him delete it

No. 2103426

File: 1721863091278.jpg (706.18 KB, 878x483, boogie.jpg)

Samefag, actually here's a picture

No. 2103510

Can't believe this stupid fat fuck isnt dead yet.

No. 2103533

ham pink nonna is hilarious

No. 2103584

He needs that tipples tattoo on his forehead now

No. 2103722

I find it odd whenever people tell me languages with different alphabets like russian are hard because at least they just have 1 or 2 pronunciations and aren't a phonetic clusterfuck like english

No. 2103959

My city is going to be such a clusterfuck tomorrow that my boss gave us our day off, I'm going to clean up the apartment and prepare my suitcase for Sunday's trip.

No. 2103960

Shouldn't have started the day with the news thread, blood pressure is ob its highest immediately

No. 2104037

I keep getting banned from subreddits for harassing bpdcunt moids and it's glorious

No. 2104046


No. 2104379

the ginger guy in happy days has such a fat ass i cant stop staring

No. 2104689

Samefag, I ended up receiving the item (a ceiling light) in the mail today! They just sent it to me without me actually ordering it through Amazon so I didn't expect it to come so fast. Nice.

No. 2104702

Ron Howard?

No. 2104717

hell yeah hes really cute

No. 2104719

It was just raining and I saw a black dog in my backyard. I hope it found somewhere to stay dry. It was walking kinda funny but it has something green around it's neck that I assume to be a collar, so I think it's owner must be around. I wish people wouldn't let their dogs roam free though. Not only is it dangerous for them but I'm scared of animals. One time around thanksgiving, there was literally a turkey in my yard from my neighbors so I couldn't go outside

No. 2104796

File: 1721940592910.jpg (135.01 KB, 1300x1161, funny-bicolor-black-white-cat-…)

I saw a cute cat on the way home on the weekend near my house and I had my boyfriend pull over and I rolled down the windows. The cat and I meowed at each other for a few minutes in a little conversation. It was really cute. I would have liked to take the cat home, but we don't have room for a second cat. It's a shame. It was such an adorable cat, he was white with a splat of black in the middle of his face, sort of like picrel.

No. 2104849

Been feeling sick every evening for a while now, like I feel nauseous (occasionally to the point I'm on the verge of throwing up), have a slight headache, slight ache in my throat and ears. But I feel completely fine during the day. Idk if I'm about to get sick so my immune system is working overtime during the evening to prevent it, or if it's the weather because we've been in desperate need of a thunder storm for weeks now. The air is so thick I get a cold sweat just walking to the store, and it's hard to breathe because of how we barely get any wind, so everyone is pretty messed up atm.
But ngl, a part of me wouldn't mind getting a bit sick. Like, I hate being sick and I haven't done anything but written summer course essays all summer, but I think I just want an excuse to get an extension on the last one and just not have to think about anything for a few days except recovering. I want to be a sick, dumb bitch for a few days doing nothing but play video games and cuddling my cat and not worry about how to write an analytic thesis without sounding like a high schooler.

No. 2104865

It's only took me months, but I finally got my CV updated and will start applying for new jobs tomorrow. Tonight was my first time using ChatGPI and it is actually amazing, if only it could do the job interviews for me

No. 2104897

File: 1721945990758.gif (289.43 KB, 220x165, 60c74006a77dffb74b4e325a_220_1…)

Just wanted to make you ladies smile with this gif.

No. 2104900

You succeeded.

No. 2104903

Love it. Loved seeing it on the front page too.

No. 2104907

Feeling kinda impulsive and bored… can't change my hair right now… but I could bleach my eyebrows.

No. 2104926

I think it's so silly that I'm confident IRL but am so anxious with online communication. Like I refuse to use comms because I am so nervous and I've never known whyyy…

No. 2105139

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I love washing my feet in the sink, it's really fun and great for stretching my legs

No. 2105206

I can tell my period started while I was asleep and I'm scared to get up

No. 2105207

Very cool

No. 2105244

File: 1721971389483.gif (3 MB, 498x418, 1649658972462.gif)

I am really fucking sleepy but i gotta stay awake for two more hours to play a vidya event…

No. 2105256

File: 1721972128487.png (688.44 KB, 1160x898, garlic.png)

I spent like 200 euros on nail stuff because I've been watching press on nail businesses videos on YouTube and it looks so much fun… I don't think I'll ever start a small business myself but just making and designing sets, testing out new techniques and getting creative etc. seems fun. I'll probably regret this soon.

No. 2105263

I hope you have a fun time with them nona and discover a whole new hobby for yourself!

No. 2105308

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I ate a sushi sandwich and it was so good until I reached the tomato. You know how the seaweed can become soggy and sometimes the protein inside if crumbed, well yeah it was that (cus I bought it like 4 hours prior after class) and when I got to the tomato the texture became so rank!!! I love tomata usually but ewwwww textures are very important it made it mushierrr

No. 2105309

File: 1721975100903.png (384.09 KB, 612x568, ugf.png)

I thought this was Kirsten Dunst for a second. It's actually Zendaya.

No. 2105321

So did i

No. 2105338

I too, fell victim to the Dunst imposter

No. 2105343

I'm the same, I love talking IRL but online communication scares me.

No. 2105369

File: 1721982946660.jpeg (1.3 MB, 1080x1350, IMG_5913.jpeg)

this show is dumb fun, I really am enjoying it

No. 2105429

Really into the colour orange lately. But I don't own many orange things, I kind of want an orange shirt kek. Maybe I'll go buy one.

No. 2105473

File: 1721995698671.jpg (Spoiler Image,70.81 KB, 864x972, IMG_20240726_150700_445.jpg)

just got accused of being a shotafag online solely based on how i look. why does this keep happening

spoiler for degen meme

No. 2105478

My friend lent me her suitcase but since she left it in a bassement it smells strongly of mold, I've cleaned it the best I could, sprayed some white vinegar on it and letting it outside for fresh air, hopefully most of the smell will go away, otherwise I'm scared it might transfer to my cloth.

No. 2105521

Use bleach, it's a surefire way to kill mold. Or the better option, get a new one if you can.

No. 2105543

Do it. I saw this girl wearing light orange sandals and a purse with a vintage t-shirt and jeans. She looked so fucking cool and I'm still thinking about that fit

No. 2105544


Thread has reached 1100 posts. The thread will be locked and you will be unable to post in it shortly after it exceeds 1200 posts. Please begin preparing a new thread and post a link to it when it's created.

No. 2105551

I accidentally turned my mom into a cat lady but it's for the better. Took care of some orphaned kitten living in our yard, and now mom goes to feed her and give her water everyday, then she sits there and watches over this now grown up cat who has 2 kittens of her own, and my mom enjoys watching them play together. Even her tiktok feed is getting flooded with cat videos and she enjoys them kek.

No. 2105616

Just ordered Popeyes for delivery and I'm kind of embarrassed because the delivery driver is a woman that's delivered to my house a lot on the past lmao. I wonder if she even remembers how many times she's delivered here.

No. 2105660

Based. My Nigel is the complete opposite of my dad. Physically and mentally.

No. 2105734

i just ordered somethng worth 11500 pesos and i only have two bills of 10k to pay, this sucks

No. 2105759

Interesting flavor creation. I wonder if you could incorporate this combination into a dish. Like a plum and cucumber salad or glaze.

No. 2105762

I love burnt orange. It's a shame burnt orange doesn't love me.

No. 2105763

I've been absolutely poisoned by this site, read that as bleach is a surefire way to kill moid.

No. 2105770

File: 1722013605237.jpg (41.63 KB, 640x350, 3cd44ecc6cb99ca2c62d2c7c480942…)

There is a book that has touched my heart so deeply I want to minister it to anyone who will listen, basically. It's fiction but the message is so human, so real, and I feel like it's very needed in the world right now. I know it's just me being a tard and loving this story so much, but truly, I've thought about going to read to elderly people at a home, or starting a book club. It's amazing how much a good story fulfils me, gives me hope, makes me all choked up. Maybe I should start that book club.

No. 2105780

You can't leave us hanging, what's the book?

No. 2105800

File: 1722015076613.jpg (120.34 KB, 1280x1280, 61utqaDxlML._SL1280.jpg)

Just bought picrel. If it's really super sweet like people say, it'll be too hot to wear it right now but fall is coming soon so it's a good time to break out the gourmands.
Amyway, I'm gonna go do some work. I have some stuff to design.

No. 2105802

I really, really need to stop procrastinating.

No. 2105805

Well… share with the class then

No. 2105807

The hardest part is starting. You know that. I'm studying right now (on my break), join me in being productive anon! I still have another 3 hours to go after this break

No. 2105809

I literally cannot stop twirling my hair, I know it makes you look retarded or whatever but I have this one perfect curl that twirls in a loop perfectly and its so smooth and feels good to twirl. It's hard to explain.

No. 2105819

I love twirling my best friends curls because they're perfect, it's soo satisfying, I would unironically buy her the hair products she needs to keep her curls pretty and bouncy just so I can keep doing that.
Honeslty, looking at other's pretty curly hair kind of makes me want to try having curly hair again, but it's such a pain to maintain.

No. 2105821

Aw. It's really sweet that you twirl your best friend's hair, nonna. Curly hair isn't so hard to maintain, if you mean naturally curly hair. You just need some product. I'm not sure about curlers or a perm, never tried it.

No. 2105913

nta but am also a naturally curly hair haver and it takes two hours to comb through mine kek

No. 2106001

File: 1722021226087.webp (136.26 KB, 700x393, hanako-14.png)

i'm using so much super glue i think i'm going to get brain damage from the fumes

No. 2106024

File: 1722021592061.jpg (30.69 KB, 563x519, hmm.jpg)

speaking of, i got a bit of superglue on my lower two teeth and tongue(bc i licked it thinking it was condensation from my glass) and google really had me thinking i'd have to see a dentist to extract it, bruh it came off in three brushes

No. 2106269

I have no idea where I've put one of my band shirts, I don't think I've forgotten it somewhere since I didn't change clothes anywhere outside of my home (aside from my parents' 3 months ago), don't think I've thrown it away either… no clue and it's annoying me.

No. 2106316

File: 1722027636781.jpg (7.56 KB, 225x225, 7ff96775-e8dd-46d1-8afa-809b90…)

i drank so much cough syrup, my tummy feels icky

No. 2106407

I fell of my chair and my ankle snapped. Hope I will be okay, I really want to go to a music festival with my friends.

No. 2106445

I hope you know I’ve been thinking about this all day and I hate you for not sharing the goodness

No. 2106447


No. 2106449


No. 2106473

Mosquitos have been devouring me this year, I even got bitten on my face which usually never happened.

No. 2106476

File: 1722031776165.jpg (34.26 KB, 295x374, 7ff96775-e8dd-46d1-8afa-809b90…)

nonnie what? no, i just drank lots of cough syrup bc i have an assignment in two days that im still working on, i just wanted to be relieved of this cold quickly

No. 2106595

I tried creating an instagram account (on browser, I'm not downloading an app), don't know if the internet connection or their system was buggy but I couldn't make it work, I tried registering a name, it didn't work when I pressed Next, so I tried a different username each time and my account ended up deactivated when I tried logging in again. I don't even want to use instagram, but it's often the only way to follow some artists (especially tattoo artists), make reservations to restaurants and art galleries, and my friend keeps sending me posts.

No. 2106604

I did it again, I feel unstoppable and my legs are nicely stretched

No. 2106663

i had the same problem except they flat out banned me while making the account (like after putting in the confirmation code or something i don't remember) because they wanted me to put in a real name. apparently they have a rule against making up a fake identity

No. 2106666

File: 1722041018101.jpg (592.74 KB, 1536x2048, 1000004114.jpg)

Whenever your go-to insult on here when it doesn't apply or correlate is "fat retard" you kind of make it obvious you're a fat retard yourself

No. 2106765

File: 1722046645604.png (39.78 KB, 386x480, IMG_3118.png)

I'm 23, dating a 46-year-old scrote. Today as I was sitting down and thinking, I had the epiphany, he was literally my age when I was born. Now I'm disgusted. I think it's time to break up, not sure why I thought dating an old moid was a good idea…….

No. 2106793

Im the fat retard who lives behind the konbini shelves and gobbles everything down in the darkness

No. 2106837

what motivated you to put up with dusty geriatric dick?

No. 2106882

Love that for you habibi

No. 2107027

Maybe they banned me for that reason too, I put a fake name as well. How do they even know what's your real and fake name, miss me with that shit.

No. 2107039

Sometimes veggie is just better. Veggie gyoza, veggie spring roll, veggie samosa…

No. 2107049

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I have a huge fetish for men with glasses and my ex would wear them at night and one of my biggest regrets is not making him adjust them like picrel in front of me, one of the sexiest things a man could do.

No. 2107050

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I met a big fat black lab with the same birthday as me and I am content

No. 2107052

I've been there and me and my mothers relationship is even worse than me and my fathers

No. 2107077

The most stereotypical TIF sat next to me in the bus today, she was wearing an MCR shirt with colors suspiciously ressembling the ones from the troon flag, had a pseudo satanist pendant, a troon symbol pin on her bag and had testosterone induced acne. I always get jumpscared when I see them in the wild since troonery is not too big in my country (and I'm too old to run in the same circles as them).

No. 2107117

ayrt, personally my relationship with my mother isn't the best, but it's miles better than me with my father's, plus, between him and her, she's the far more admirable person, he's obese and barely survived Commerce and neither of his two children like him all that much, while she's got a Bachelor's, a Master's, and a PHD and more fit than him, he just looks down on her because she comes from a poor upbringing and has a weird complex about her caste and background. it's awful, bc i look up to my mother, but i'm just not like her.

No. 2107180

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Honestly agree when that suit guy on twitter talked about how personal style should derive from culture, and then attempt to accommodate your body and personality. That being said, I think I should probably wear tracksuits and basic stuff like that because, even though personal style is about ‘being your unique self’ but realistically I don’t want to stand out and just appear like a relatively normal urban person, and technically Ice Spice’s the boys a liar outfit fits how the people local to me dress just Juicy instead of Adidas, fits my kibbe type and my ingenue essence

No. 2107185

How long is your hair, nonna? My hair literally takes me 2 minutes or so to comb out but tbf my hair is fine and thin, somewhere between 3A and 3B and about breast length. I use a wet hair brush in the shower with a little bit of leave in conditioner and I detangle from bottom up.

No. 2107212

Im gonna make sausage, eggs and blueberry muffin mix for breakfast. I hope y'all are having a good Saturday morning so far. I anticipate today being very productive for me.

No. 2107228

Ice Spice ruined that song.

No. 2107237

Help my workplace pedo is blasting Eminem on his speaker

No. 2107242

What song?

No. 2107248

She's so adorable and her short videos are very intriguing.

No. 2107255

i thought of a good bait just now to post on stupid question thread but i have forgotten what it is

No. 2107279

You should chuckle meanly whenever you pass by and glance at the speaker. Like you know how when you see something really cringe and retarded and you hate the person too so you wanna be petty and you walk past and laugh like a mean 14 year old lmao make him feel shame in his shit taste

No. 2107285

Samefag, I am pretty sure I shamed a moid out of going to the gym at my time slot bc I would laugh at how much weight he put on the thigh abductor when I’d pass by (much less than me) women should laugh at men more provided the environs are safe to do so

No. 2107300

He wears fucking demon slayer and jjk merch (down to the hanafuda earrings), bro has no shame.

No. 2107307

I wish I could see that specimen

No. 2107319

It’s a sight to behold

No. 2107528

i'll be on the lookout, ready to hit the report button

No. 2107989

Having diarrhea in a small apartment with other people is a humbling experience

No. 2108039

File: 1722125614164.png (294.76 KB, 635x471, IMG_8702.png)

>Girl from HS broke up with long term bf several months ago
>They still follow each other
>Immediately gets new moid who resembles him
>Starts plastering him all over her social media, making him cut his hair/dress like her ex
>Suddenly changes pfp to awkward sexy outfit and makeup

No. 2108093

File: 1722128246874.jpg (7.74 KB, 252x212, 1000046094.jpg)

I'm such an idiot, I couldn't enjoy wearing my saturday underwear because I was too lazy to shower.

No. 2108206

I'm trying to not let a break up effect my mental health so anytime I ruminate over it I'm going to say a meme to myself and maybe I'll find nirvana or something

No. 2108304

I can't believe I have to work the first 3 days of my period in a row I wanna scalp myself

No. 2108465

I'm short as hell. I might as well start shopping in the kids' section. Also I can't reach anything in my house and I hate it.

No. 2108488

Are you the same girl who asked for motivation to go shower?

No. 2108579

Sometimes I see girls/acuaintances that I know for sure are “sugar babies” and I know
I shouldn’t care but they’re also having children with these 40+year old scrotes

No. 2108811

His videos are very entertaining and interesting to me, but his moobs are killing me.

No. 2108864

I had a cold and I'm still kinda phlegmy, and sometimes after I blow my nose either my throat or nose makes a squeaking noise. Weird.

No. 2108868

No. 2108885

File: 1722185417463.jpg (55.07 KB, 625x1000, 61+weQ3blQL._AC_UF1000,1000_QL…)

I'm not sure why, but Spotify recommended picrel to me. I didn't even really know they had audiobooks, I thought it was just podcasts. Im gonna listen to it while I clean.

No. 2108904

I have the same birthday as Pixyteri and her birthday ramblings always makes me laugh so hard. We have the same degree too. I hope I don't end up like her kek

No. 2108912

found an old ushanka and it's my new sleeping cap cause fuck this thing is warm and comfy. maintaining a pixie cut during winter isn't so bad anymore

No. 2108930

I am in SHOCK. There's also this one called 'old thot' or something that sent me with the title. I love having internet connection
Also, have you heard of chuck tingle?

No. 2108940

I'm going to make a new stardew valley farm because the original save I made has too many memories I don't want to revisit

No. 2108944

His face is absolutely murdering me kekekek, it's like a mixture of disappointment and "the audacity"

No. 2108957

Beavis and Butthead is fucking hilarious

No. 2108959

The movie is amazing, one of my favourite movies ever. I AM THE GREAT CORNHOLIO.

No. 2109087

I think I woke up still slightly drunk and I’m doing my damndest to avoid a hangover. Sucking down caffeine and about to go see Deadpool, I kind of don’t want to but oh well. Wish me luck nonas, I hope it doesn’t suck and I hope I don’t have bubble guts in the middle of the movie

No. 2109088

Fuck yes, based beavis and butthead enjoyers. We should watch it for one of our LC moovie nights

No. 2109184

File: 1722198674056.jpg (32.39 KB, 333x500, 51OGZXtZMtL.jpg)

thanks for expanding my horizons

No. 2109189

I need a suit for my career and finding women’s workwear today is fucking impossible. The $160 suit jackets at Express were barely higher quality than the $35 ones at H&M, but H&M’s pants were considerably cheaper looking and most have the ugly elastic waistband. Most blazers were oversized “casual” ones, or had big silver hardware on them which seemed weird to not have neutral hardware so you could wear gold or silver jewelry with them? Or weird half-sleeves. This was even at department stores, not just millennial fast fashion places. J Crew, The Gap, and Banana republic only had summer suits, like linen or white or striped suits. Do people not work in the summer? This is maybe the most mundane grievance I’ve ever had, I’m definitely not old enough for this kek.

No. 2109234

i ordered some custom bamboo earrings that say 'skyrim' and matching t-shirts to wear with my dad when i visit Florida in September. usually dont treat myself with new stuff (especially if we've spent money recently on other things) but im entering my yolo era, ready 2 heal, i can feel it.

No. 2109246

There are some years where stores just don't have work clothes for women, it's all expensive casual or date night shit. I hate how low end brands also all became maternity cut clothes, tights, jeggings, elastic waistbands, and shapeless tarp tops and jackets.

No. 2109247

nonna I need a review

No. 2109286

File: 1722204491776.jpeg (113.73 KB, 894x1160, IMG_1977.jpeg)

>the voices
imagining a kino summer thriller about a white female tradwife that goes bananas and takes out her scrote ole yeller style like the dog he is

No. 2109289

File: 1722204595587.jpeg (165.1 KB, 507x562, IMG_1978.jpeg)

egg apron egg apron egg apron egg kil apron lhim

No. 2109300

File: 1722205111738.png (27.57 KB, 132x131, chroniko.PNG)

I wanted to continue zeta gundam this evening but I got busy and now it’s late and I need to sleep

No. 2109306

Randomly got a video recc on youtube about sashiko zokin so I made 2 (very shitty).

No. 2109307

Is there a secondhand luxury retailer anywhere near you? Or even a decent secondhand store? I've found secondhand designer work clothes for the same price as extremely shit new polyester work clothes, sometimes even cheaper. You can also find amazing deals on eBay, they're not full of scalpers like Vinted.

No. 2109317

Update: I lived and the movie was funny

No. 2109339

Anon. You MUST come back and give us a review when you finish.

No. 2109346

I'm glad you were okay and could enjoy the movie
One part made me laugh out loud which surprised me
At the grocery store they had nice butter on sale for a stellar price but by the time I saw it all the salted butter was sold out :( so I just got store-brand(emoji)

No. 2109357

Can someone give me a QRD of these people? I’ve just seen they’re from the “Ballerina farm” and she’s supposed to be the Tradwife Queen or something but I keep seeing stuff about some kind of drama with them

No. 2109375

Ayrt and same. All of the fourth wall breaking and the 20th Century Fox jokes got a big laugh out of me

No. 2109378

Andrea Yates came close in that she was a tradwife who went insane because of her husband and murdered her five children.

No. 2109424

File: 1722214111967.gif (236.51 KB, 200x133, 1000046594.gif)

I think it's fucking happening.

No. 2109426

File: 1722214204259.png (226.95 KB, 1014x1160, rt234676.png)

there was an interview in the uk times where it's pretty clear the husband is walking all over her
https://archive.ph/GopzZ (without paywall)

No. 2109444

Microwave vinegar and water to clean it

No. 2109449

Are these the people with the 35K stove?

No. 2109466

I hate these white woemn who lowball their crazy ass selves. Imagine not setting him up to get arrested for his guaranteed tax fraud/money laundering/drug dealing and usurping his assets, like just imagine not setting him up to not be killed in a police standoff because you managed to get him entangled in his dirty dealings. These women are so boring and I barely feel any empathy for them but just amazement in this day and age they truly think some billionaire psycho is going to see them as a human being kek, she needs to meet him at his disgusting level to win what happened with white women with being insane??

No. 2109471


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No. 2109650

i shoulda taken a shit in the morning damn

No. 2109672

I am glad the farms are finally turning on that grifter Turkey Tom. Kiwi moids are so quick to suck the cock of youtubers that acknowledge them and are safe edgy.

No. 2109674

i took a shit in the college restroom, worst shit of my life

No. 2110090

i would like my mundane shit 22 now please

No. 2111542

The university allowed us to make our own schedules this semester since it's our last. I made myself one where I go on 3 days and stay home on 2, yeay. And managed to make them all start at 10 am or 11 am so I don't have to wake up early and worry about the bus anymore.

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