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No. 2069178
ITT: share uneventful, mundane, or just downright ordinary events that have recently happened in your life.
Previous Thread:
>>>/ot/2025758Please follow all /ot/ board rules.
No. 2069599
File: 1719610384550.png (473.98 KB, 763x482, weens.png)

i think weenie dogs are the puppy of the summer nonny’s, i keep seeing everyone walking with one all of a sudden kek
No. 2069638
File: 1719611666071.png (431.2 KB, 640x480, 1646792081306.png)

Saw my baby cousin after a long time again, and now I realized my uncle wasn't joking when he used to ask me "So… you're in fifth grade now?". She's fourteen already, I couldn't believe it until I actually counted the years. I used to hold her in my arms all proudly because she was a tiny worm and the only toddler I didn't find absolutely insufferable, and now she's all grown-up…
No. 2070251
File: 1719637471622.jpg (9.28 KB, 400x279, 435766dec8beaaa9f088e7a2488204…)

I found out how to do a nice eyeliner shape for my hooded eyes and I really liked it
No. 2070467
File: 1719650146185.jpeg (1.88 MB, 1242x2070, IMG_4574.jpeg)

I've been getting back into tanning now that I'm settled in my new apartment. I found a new salon that has really great prices, so now I can afford to go every other day. I love the feeling, it's like getting kissed by angels. Nothing beats the glow you get from tanning beds.
No. 2070603
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No. 2070757
File: 1719674589904.jpg (103.7 KB, 564x532, 99af5e62cb6c0b13694d05e1bdf1e1…)

I just learnt how to pronounce and type hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia. Why does my mind produce so much dopamine when repeating it so much? do I have hippoptomonstrosesquipedaliophilia?
No. 2070848
File: 1719678704029.jpg (131.46 KB, 991x514, Momousagi.jpg)

Today I found out about this San-X character called Momo Usagi that debuted in 2000. She loves milk, and I thought her design and interest of milk is cute. I had to share with the farm. I feel like I should make a banner for her one of these days.
No. 2070859
>>2070846>>2070849Third kek. People are always shocked and aghast when I say I don't trust most other bisexuals.
>>2070848This character is so adorable! She would be the perfect mascot friend for Elsie.
No. 2070969
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I'm waiting for my best friend so we can have lunch at some popular restaurant, her family is so annoying, they always take forever to do anything.
No. 2071155
>>2071153Lurk moar.
>>2071154Yeah I was getting really tired of new the Unpopular Opinions thread hitting post limit every single day.
No. 2071166
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>>2071157>I'm asking what's causing itBasically some anons got really tired of seeing the same infight about the same topic in the same 5 threads so they decided to browse the catalog and try to revive some interesting threads to make /ot/ more varied and interesting to use. Personally I'm bored of going on /ot/ just to always see the same five threads on the first page.
No. 2071530
I actually came to this thread to say that my paranoia of getting found and blasted on lolcow came back today and it sucks, how do I stop being paranoid?
No. 2072051
File: 1719752355197.jpeg (64.13 KB, 400x464, 1632286322835.jpeg)

I don't know why but I can't seem to watch anime anymore without falling asleep 15 minutes in. Live action series are pretty bad, too, but there I can at least finish a single forty-minute episode before I drift off. To think I'd binge watch fifty episodes per weekend when I was a teen… lmao Is this some sign of a fried attention span? I have no problem reading books or manga fwiw.
No. 2072063
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I dont know what annoying middle aged gay sub is in the writers room for this season of the boys buy its kinda ruining it instead of adding onto it. This season kind of suck but im persevering
No. 2072744
File: 1719782061576.jpg (138.18 KB, 667x1000, 76fe6267fac42b9d39a8e556ee250e…)

I ordered burger king. Gonna clean while I wait. I wanna watch a dystopian show, maybe I'll start a new one or continue watching Westworld. Or maybe I'll try to get into Succession again.
>>2072729Try mixing it with yogurt and eating it with fruit.
No. 2072747
>>2072051I'm the same and I can't figure out why reading is so much more easier than watching. Maybe having only the visual input without the auditory one is easier on the brain to process? Or maybe it's because you can consume more content by reading faster and control the pace?
I don't know but I hate watching stuff, the pacing is always retarded. I hate how self-indulgent the people who make shows and movies are, as if they are entitled to my attention when they're not showing me anything interesting.
Watching shows is only enjoyable if I'm multitasking playing vidya at the same time
No. 2072997
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Its golden hour/sunset but it also just rained really bad so my room is currently bathed in a very gorgeous mustardy yellow color. It looks like I'm in a movie set in Mexico.
No. 2073445
File: 1719828259090.jpg (23.01 KB, 525x414, F6sl6gnacAAsCK1.jpg)

i wish the Hawkeye Initiative meme had better artists
No. 2073467
File: 1719831192401.png (1.34 MB, 2396x2479, Suomillankitty1.png)

i like that in Finnish, a lot of words end with the letters i and y and n and m, like nyymi, terffiys, even the word moidi is made cute.
No. 2073541
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>>2073458where will you post it
nonnie? also picrel is what i was talking about
No. 2073549
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>>2073541I think the shitty ones are funny. I forgot about this, thanks for reminding me of it, it's a good way to waste time while I drink my coffee
No. 2073560
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>>2073549it's just a pity really, the meme itself is based, but it could've been even baseder if we had enjoyable depictions of male characters drawn like Nightwing, picrel is one of my favs KEK
No. 2073754
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today i learned that i have a body type like Jazz Jennings, mortifying
No. 2073773
>>2073771took the words out of my post
nonnie to
nonnie communication,
nonnie to
nonnie conversation
No. 2073776
nonnie, i don't think you've actually seen JJ's body kekekekekekek
No. 2073848
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sometimes i wish i was smarter to i could explain in one go to TRAs just how puberty works and how it can't just be "paused" and then continue unaffected after stopping blockers. i wish i could get a single book compiling the effects of puberty and why it's necessary that i could rote learn so that a retard doesn't reply to me with 5 different misunderstandings because i explained it too short. also having English as a first language must be nice, to be able to write words that flow smoothly. any sentence i write, just looks like even a TRA will be unintimidated.
No. 2073899
>>2073848They've been used for precocious puberty safely for quite a while. However that disease can lead to menstruation and body hair as young as 6-8, tumors, bone issues and increased risk of SA. It's only really been proven in that specific use case. Using it on normally healthy children has high chances of bone issues (weird how that ties in?), infertility or in the case of moids they're testes never develop and they get stuck with little baby dick. It's not a pause. Other parts still even without puberty and you get messed up if it's not in sync.
Just because chemo is proven to help people with cancer doesn't mean we should all be irradiating ourselves same with puberty blockers.
No. 2074299
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I saw some nonna post in one of the threads how she couldn't stop eating the laughing cow cheese and I started buying it and it is literally lol cow cheese, the official merch of lolcow
No. 2074556
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I cant decide which VN i want to play first.
No. 2074586
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>>2074578i like near and noiz and shiki and rin, so i would have to play each at least twice.
>>2074579>>2074580aight i asked my AI husbando and he told me Dramatical Murder. Thanks nonnies.
No. 2074911
>>2074877It's hard to think of things offhand, but if you gave me any examples of things you're looking for, I can offer suggestions.
Restaurant supply stores are going to be your friend if you live with a lot of roommates or are throwing a party. Most granola cereals can be bought in bulk from bulk supply stores.
As for pets, many pet medications can be bought in the generic form from human pharmacies. So while generic Gabapentin from your vet is like $40 for 28 tablets, the same Gabapentin is $4 from a pharmacy. You can also use goodrx to find the cheapest pharmacy for each medication in your area. And if you have a giant dog that takes Apoquel every day, it's often cheaper to get the highest tier of customer level from Costco or Sam's Club, and then use the 20% discount that tier comes with to get the Apoquel from their pharmacy.
No. 2074965
File: 1719938189747.jpg (94.39 KB, 1200x856, pellets-compressed.jpg)

>>2074877I'm NTAYRT but I buy "horse bedding" pine pellets in 40 lbs bags for my cat's litter. It's literally $8 a 40 lb bag at a Tractor Supply Co compared to the "pine pellets" sold at Petco for cat litter which are the exact same product except it is $28 per 40 lb bag. I love pine pellet litter because it covers the scent of cat pee really well.
No. 2075126
File: 1719945746487.png (650.08 KB, 745x641, ohmylord.png)

Stumbled upon these shoes and the fact that they are pretty much a combination of everything 2012(ish) fashion tumblr loved made me smile
No. 2075289
File: 1719955806107.jpg (537.8 KB, 1383x2048, MV5BMjQ3OTgzMzY4NF5BMl5BanBnXk…)

I think I'm gonna watch Kingsman tonight. Never watched the original but this one has both Halle Berry and Pedro Pascal in it.
No. 2075477
I'm chilling in my hotel room after days of getting up early and visiting several cities for way too long. My legs hurt but it was fun, now I'm getting some rest and sorting all my stuff because I bought too much crap. I put the "do not disturb" sign on the door, I hope nobody will barge in to clean the room despite the sign.
>>2075289I love the first movie but never watched the second one. I need to correct that someday.
No. 2075490
File: 1719965800743.png (12.88 KB, 373x575, este.png)

>be me
>follow very cute gay twink on tiktok
>he deletes
>comes back a week later
>"i'm trans"
>just looks like himself, but in more makeup
>continue lurking, whatever, he's still cute
>he goes off the map for a while
>"a while." a month or two
>comes back
>fucking FAT as fuck
>looks just like this
>keeps going on about "fat feminizing"
>he arguably looked far more feminine when thin
>voice deeper and everything
it's dumb but i'm genuinely a little distraught
No. 2075604
File: 1719969798047.jpeg (62.03 KB, 750x419, IMG_5203.jpeg)

i hate CJ from B99 so so much, that's obviously the point of the character, but i wish he'd come face to face with a misandrist in a dark alleyway
No. 2075812
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I made some drawing excercises wrong and now i gotta re do them
No. 2075902
File: 1719989802819.jpeg (Spoiler Image,207.36 KB, 1069x1812, IMG_3092.jpeg)

made the mistake of checking reviews on a lingerie set
No. 2075963
>>2075914This probably doesn't count cause it takes 24-48hrs to work, but if you had the time it'd probably be OK: 1 cup heavy cream, 3/4 teaspoon lemon juice or distilled white vinegar, 1/4 cup milk.
Sauce: No. 2075976
File: 1719996249467.png (147.63 KB, 300x300, 280d4e61b6116de26943d2308464f4…)

>>2075902Is there any place that men won't insert their fucked up kinks into?
No. 2076033
>>2076032country girl in the big city,
nonnie you are literally a movie character
No. 2076143
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i need to replace my laptop keyboard, screen frame and top cover but i'm broke
No. 2076599
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Watching fox videos on Youtube and just appreciating that despite all the nasty things the internet has done I can get fox clips whenever I want.
No. 2076729
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Im trying to decide what fragrance I want to buy but it's hard because the brand I'm looking at literally has over a hundred vanilla fragrances like wtf.
No. 2076856
>>2076839it's a very long story and one which is difficult to express to someone who hasn't met my mother or known someone with a genuinely narcissistic structure (not just the pop psychology idea of "a narcissist"). he went back to his country shortly after i was born because my mum is not well and continually lashed out (driving hazardously as a threat, hitting him, emotional blackmail). i am estranged from her now as she physically suffocated me in 2021. she refused to even tell me my father's name or let me see a photo of him until i was 16.
i do wish he had been involved in my upbringing but my mother did everything she could to keep me away from every living relative i had.
>>2076848>>2076853don't worry nonas it's a fair question
No. 2077020
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>>2077009Harem Al Sultan (the "woman getting fed grapes with her tits out" one) and Lattafa Yara Tous. I'm also considering getting Lattafa Nebras.
No. 2077135
>>2077123My dad told me when he was in japan there was a female janitor on her hands and knees scrubbing the urinals WHILE MEN WERE USING THEM. No woman should have to do that.
Cleaning in general isn't that bad though, I bet introverted women could enjoy a janitorial job.
No. 2077152
>>2077123Anon this is my industry and men are some of the worst cleaners ever. Except the gays, men have little attention to detail and are very stubborn about conducting cleaning in any other way but the way they know. Not to mention lazy, plus they have a chip on their shoulder for being emasculated cause cleaning is a ~woman's job~ and double when a female manager like me has gotta tell em what to do lmaoooo.
Their only use is typically being tall to reach walls and overheads without ladders. Manlets might as well be unhirable to me unless they are efficient and intelligent which rules out but a 1%.
No. 2077513
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Thinking about buying gold bullion. Not sure if I should do it now or wait until later in the year when prices are expected to be lower. I'm concerned that the US election is going to be a shit show and will surge prices again.
No. 2077716
File: 1720111074550.gif (9.26 MB, 498x498, kocheng-walscout.gif)

Going to the hairdresser tomorrow in hopes that they can fix my hair, since they messed up the color really bad last week (I came in asking for this sorta brownish pink with a reference image, left with a cherry red). I'm really nervous, not only because I hate causing inconveniences for others but I'm worried that they might not be able to do much. I just wish they had instead said they could have said they wouldn't be able to do it when I emailed them months ago with that image (and ofc photos of my hair) asking if it's possible for them to give me that color. Wish me luck anons.
No. 2077977
File: 1720123897734.gif (56.02 KB, 1000x830, synfexis-_-porogif-final.gif)

Last night I played a Megan Thee Stallion song on repeat for 55 mins straight while I played a League game. It was a really good game. I can see myself doing the same thing tonight kek.
No. 2078193
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look at this dog
No. 2078194
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>>2078193and look at this cat
No. 2078329
File: 1720144695192.gif (2.73 MB, 540x400, whatyouwaitingfor.gif)

nonnie, i do that when i have to keep working on smtg and have it done quickly, i actually like What You Waiting For by Gwen Stefani but because i kept playing it while doing my assignment(the "tik tok tik tok" playing during the entire song builds a sense of urgency kek) i now associate it with Adobe Photoshop and InDesign hell and just hearing the first "tik tok tik tok" when the song comes up in my shuffle gives me a heart attack everytime.
No. 2078502
File: 1720155021997.png (167.94 KB, 320x285, 1660075989666.png)

I feel so depressed. I am going to watch an episode of a comfy show then hope my mood gets better.
No. 2078508
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only based thing this artist has ever done
No. 2078523
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>>2078511real, i'm a native of my own country and have lived too cushy of a life so when there's tension between different groups of men, i don't see conflict, i see enemies to lovers
No. 2078550
File: 1720157879172.gif (114.52 KB, 220x220, breakdance.gif)

trying to make peach apricot mango iced tea nonnies, let's see how it goes, i'll do my best nonnies
No. 2078561
File: 1720158776595.png (767.47 KB, 844x838, oincdjkn f.png)

>>2078551i don't know them very well but they made camilo x bruno ship art and draw mrbeast fanart including this garbage one, the one on the left is supposed to be Chris Tyson
No. 2078576
File: 1720160121196.jpg (40.04 KB, 735x429, 1649164739125.jpg)

>>2078551i looked thru her twitter, it has some uncensored versions of her posts, and the ones i thought were yaoi turned out to have "boipussy", i'll be in dumbass shit posting edited versions of them, bye nonnies
No. 2078578
>>2078575i'll try
nonnie, right now i made the peach apricot tea (with mango drink mix powder, which is how the mango part comes in) and am letting it chill in the fridge, maybe i'm doing it wrong idc i'm not following a recipe.
No. 2078604
File: 1720162387629.jpg (151.48 KB, 960x802, PAMtea - Copy.jpg)

>>2078550>>2078575ta da, i didn't know how to make the tea look anymore interesting so i drew Elsie
No. 2078640
File: 1720165871566.png (66.52 KB, 257x219, 1624618129568.png)

>>2078576i'm back, it turned out so bad
No. 2078652
File: 1720166810754.jpg (51.52 KB, 702x982, squeak squeak squeak.jpg)

nonnie, i think i'll nap now
No. 2078676
File: 1720170190940.jpg (280.69 KB, 1080x1524, 1000004038.jpg)

I feel like ironic degeneracy is destroying braincells. Imagine making a Palestinian child read this allowed
No. 2078680
File: 1720170732397.jpeg (81.81 KB, 736x552, Сказка о мёртвой царевне и о с…)

There are so many russian artists that i love. I can't go a day without stumbling on something new on pinterest wether it's a realistic painting or a storybook-esque style.
Why does everything else about russia have to be so damn retarded
No. 2078896
>>2078539Kinda sad, AI is prohibited, it's just really good at illustrating specific stuff.
I hope we see the day where the internet isn't so AI-phobic
No. 2078950
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Been thinking about this game,I love it
No. 2078953
File: 1720192206250.gif (871.02 KB, 250x141, BatesKicksStephanie.gif)

And this one
No. 2078968
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I'm scrolling through Mercari, and it looks like someone is selling their ugly moid lol. It was funny to see.
No. 2079103
>>2077526It is true, or at least, was. FDR signed Executive Order 6102 in 1933, which made it illegal to own more than a small amount of gold. Everyone and every company that owned gold was required to give it to the US government (including other countries that were storing gold in the USA) and were paid $20.67 per ounce for it. Anyone who didn't comply was fined $10,000. Then, once he has confiscated the vast majority of gold in the United States, he then used presidential powers to officially change the price of gold from $20.67 per ounce, to $35 per ounce. And since the government then held all the gold, he was then able to print a huge amount of money without other countries being allowed to devalue the US dollar.
Ford then repealed this in the 1960s, but it still remains illegal to contractually demand to be paid in gold.
No. 2079177
File: 1720207074494.gif (262.38 KB, 498x359, 1000034292.gif)

>>2078950>>2078953ooh tell me what they are so they can rot on my wishlist
No. 2079253
File: 1720215501144.jpg (189.67 KB, 1000x1400, 7144-product_full.jpg)

I don't really care for rose gold, but it's so flattering on my skin and I need something that's gonna make me feel like a bad bitch, so I'm gonna do rose gold chrome nails. I'm basically the same tone so it kinda looks like when people have a hair color that matches their skin color.
No. 2079321
File: 1720222066333.jpg (60.13 KB, 1000x1000, 51bbPluJorL.jpg)

I'm gonna blind buy picrel for my grandma and see if she likes it. She has pretty youthful taste in fragrances, and based off of the notes I think it'll be nice for her.
No. 2079375
File: 1720230215339.jpg (381.62 KB, 1000x1538, 1000039523.jpg)

Rocking chairs are so cool, I literally have never been able to sit on one, ever, because I've always been told that I'm too fat and I could break them.
But today I'm staying at some cabin in the woods and it has a rocking chair, it's a vintage looking one, it's so comfy, I love being able to rock back and forth on it, I could fall asleep here, I should get one someday.
No. 2079462
File: 1720243884713.jpg (44.88 KB, 600x587, 0a058a63d2e5dcc1370359918a224e…)

I wonder if people outside the midwest know the whole water recipes and dirty soda thing is mostly used by girls with eating disorders
you just get everything in diet/zero
No. 2079530
File: 1720251897303.jpg (105.15 KB, 1080x1080, drinks.jpg)

>>2079522well, "good" is sort of a subjective word lol, I love it, I have type one diabetes
and a huge sweet tooth, so being able to just, heap sweet shit down is a pretty recent luxury for us lol
I like to mix these diet/zero sodas:
>cream soda, root beer, birch beer, ginger soda (NOT ginger ale), spicy soda (think mr pibb/dr pepper), colathese sugar-free syrups, really doesn't matter what brand, they usually have "skinny" in the name:
>vanilla, coconut, pineapple, maraschino-cherry, tutti-fruttiand then top it with this shit:
>splenda sweet cream coffee creamer (2 tablespoons = 30cal)>halo top light vanilla bean ice cream (2 tablespoons = 15cal)>reddiwip cold foam (2 tablespoons = 18cal)>reddiwip fat free whipped topping (2 tablespoons = 5cal)and if you're a total degen non-mormon like me, you can make it a even make it a cocktail if you want:
>baileys Irish cream (2 tablespoons = 70cal)I'm lonely, thank you for engaging with me
No. 2079573
>>2079570I wish I was your neighbour
nonnie, we could have screaming sessions together
No. 2079770
File: 1720282120251.png (5.09 MB, 3570x2859, Elsie dies from cringe.png)

i worry sometimes about using the words scrote and moid in real life sometimes, but scrote is part of slang just british, so that's one word i could use, just not around my libfem college mates tho
No. 2079774
>>2079770tf, you can't say "scrote" around young liberals? I'm so old now wtf
I don't understand where all the moid-worship came from, college used to be where you were safe from that
No. 2079834
File: 1720288059600.jpeg (784.11 KB, 1170x1745, male loneliness epidemic.jpeg)

>>2079774yeah, the kind of college i attend is for an industry associated with progressive types, "sex work is work", "trans rights are human rights, "
stuff that's not really empowering is empowering", everybody uses American English buzzwords with their native language, that sort, where manhate would be frowned upon. it's only the libfem mikan mandarin sugarbaby type of "misandry" that would be barely tolerated despite the college consisting of mostly women.
No. 2079878
>>2079862>motherboardthe big board that holds everything together
>RAMshort term memory
>overclockingdon't worry about it
>SSDfaster hard drive
>hertzdont worry about it
>RGBpretty lights
any more questions?
No. 2080002
File: 1720304906765.jpg (16.05 KB, 244x261, Tumblr_l_253273745363486.jpg)

I work at a small pub and personally I think I should be allowed to shoot on sight anyone who comes at almost closing time and tries to guilt you into cooking something for them hours after the kitchen has closed.
>Oh but we're so hungry please can't you just make us a burger please
No. And im fucking tired and want to go home. Fuck off and come earlier next time.
Also a special fuck you to customers who try to order things that aren't on the menu. Do you see it written anywhere? No, then it isn't fucking available.
GOD i fucking hate customers, if you've ever been a customer i hate you.
No. 2080119
File: 1720316789798.jpeg (1.23 MB, 2000x2341, 1693649145934.jpeg)

>>2080111In case of an investigation by any federal entity or similar, I confirm that this post is irony and that everything on this website is meant to be taken as fact.
No. 2080124
File: 1720317238717.jpg (70.55 KB, 736x736, 022b7fb009f7aba861b00381166d1f…)

I've been learning about how to make perfumes and it's honestly a bit complicated. Its really not as simple as mixing alcohol and fragrance oil. I'm still eager to learn though! My plan is, once I learn how to make fragrances I will buy beautiful and unique perfume bottles to put them into.
No. 2080143
File: 1720318781115.png (49.23 KB, 668x476, avercadoer.png)

Enjoying delicious avocadoer on this Saturday evening
No. 2080355
File: 1720336576623.jpg (42.69 KB, 600x698, 1g8tn8.jpg)

I just saw a pic of hairy tongue with no warning. I've seen them before but I did not expect that, yuck.
No. 2080422
File: 1720345683284.jpg (35.67 KB, 608x457, 9b09508c51f5edc5a313a6a9342724…)

I was at a wedding yesterday, and it turns out the couple are quakers (I don't have a full grasp on it so I think it's better if you google it yourselves), so the ceremony went according to the quaker society's traditions which was very….different from what I'm used to at least.
>ceremony starts with everyone sitting in silence for several minutes
>you were invited to say something if you are feeling very emotional but the silence has to continue when they're done
>then the couple said their vows and signed a contract
>then there was another few minutes of silence where you, agan, could say something if you felt your chest was absolutely bursting with feelings.
>then the ceremony ended with the couple getting covered with a knitted blanket by a couple of members in the society
>all the guest, including the guests, were requested to sign that all of us bore witness to this ceremony
The wedding party and rest of the evening was pretty normal, and I'm really happy for the couple. But this was for sure an experience I won't forget, apparently the quaker society only has roughly 100 members in our country so I guess I got to witness something pretty rare.
No. 2080764
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i have so many LC tabs open now that they don't even refresh and show new replies on their own i have to refresh em
No. 2081097
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I keep reading romantic fan fiction even though it makes me miserable. It makes me happy too though. Like it's heartwarming but also makes me depressed bc i'll never experience anything like it. Pic unrelated.
No. 2081862
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trying to find joy on this lovely monday morning. I have been having a hard time lately. But I try and I try and I’ll keep trying
No. 2081865
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i have the lowest sgpa in my entire class and by a long shot too
No. 2081872
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I hate being allergic to dust and fluffy things, I wish I could fix this, I went to a small trip with my family this weekend and I suffered so much because of my allergies. It was only during the trip that I noticed that yeah, I need my room to be composed of only slick and easy to clean surfaces or I will die in my sleep.
No. 2082101
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I didnt pack enough food for my workday and i am so fucking hungry. Cant wait to go home, im gonna make oyakodon for dinner
No. 2082352
>>2082206>>2082207>>2082214Larger amounts of dairy might cause diarrhea, but small amounts are fine. Just check the ingredients for xylitol, sometimes called birch sugar, which can be
toxic to animals.
No. 2082423
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>failed suicide (OD)
>brought to ER
>they monitor my vitals
>i have to drink coal water
>i piss in a bin
>eventually tied loose
>brought to psych ward
>everyone is 40+, I'm 21
This is my life now
No. 2082427
>>2082423I'm sorry, anon.
Move to another state and claim you haven't had a doctor since you were in pediatrics
it's only thing I've found that works lol
No. 2083180
>>2082924I do eat pretty healthy, and I used to go to the gym frequently but I haven't been able to since start of june because of how tired I am all the time. But it could be a weather thing, like you say. The weather all summer so far has been incredibly unstable, with extreme heat some days and rain the others.
>>2083099Maybe I should do that, great idea. I do suffer from thyroid issues as well so maybe it's time to do some blood tests to check on my hormonal levels…
No. 2083392
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I think if I were a dog, I'd be a Chihuahua
No. 2083909
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Today I feel so good. I think i am going to start my days by drawing from now on, I feel like it makes me feel much better than just waking up and having breakfast while watching brainrotting on youtbe content like i always do.
No. 2083912
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going to try to quit smoking today.
No. 2083946
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>>2079375You totally should. They absolutely make rockers for bigger people and my uncle had one that was rated for up to eight hundred pounds and had an extra wide seat. It was made of solid oak and he got it from a carpenter who specialized in furniture for large and tall people.
>>2080124That sounds super cute. When I was little, I collected the avon game animal series of perfume bottles so I have dozens and dozens of them, some of which still have the perfume in them.
No. 2083953
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>>2083912Good luck
nonnie! Try not to get discouraged even if you slip up, I believe in you!!
No. 2084367
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Wanna make a new celebricow thread but I'm way too lazy to do a thread summary right now
No. 2084506
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She's such a farmer I love her to death
No. 2084507
>>2084497Ikr, she was such a boring cow for the amount of seething she caused kek
>>2084506KEEEEEEK he is never going to live this down
No. 2084511
File: 1720651258182.png (1.56 MB, 2550x2338, akaidalia-read.png)

I just remembered Akai Dalia, and I think I'm gonna fall down the youtube rabbit hole on her again later tonight. She had a big deviantart hate train like a decade ago, I wonder if she's still around.
No. 2084675
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Just watched a short by a black woman who sounds like a white woman trying to imitate a black woman and it messed up my equilibrium a bit temporarily
No. 2084786
>>2084723Iirc, a lot of people just found her cringe and somewhat
problematic because her OC is a mary sue, she made art of Sonic and Shadow being
abusive/raping her self-insert, and she hates Amy Rose (for reasons I'm sure you can guess). I think homophobia and generally not being a kind person too. Things that are tame and not noteworthy today but was basically cow material back then.
No. 2084896
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>>2083912did not smoke today!
No. 2085443
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I finally found a perfect amazing set of half tone brushes FOR FREEEEEE FUCK YEAH BABEYY
No. 2085495
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Its high fucking time i learn to cook but i have 0 interest in it
No. 2085517
>>2085513mom is using me as her wallet kek. i have made some luxury purchases but those only total up to 2500ish usd, so everything else i’ve spent is just on groceries and the phone bills and shit that breaks down around the house and “nona i don’t feel like cooking, let’s eat out.”
ofc if i bring this up to her, she’s just going to get smug and say now i know how she felt having to raise me or some bullshit like that. it bites but like i said i’m tightening my belt and telling her to piss off next time she wants to stop at chick fil a
No. 2085532
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>>2085461Don't sweat it nonna just keep trying!!
No. 2085627
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I have so much work to do, but I've been feeling like shit lately, I have my period, somehow some weird allergies, diarrhea and nausea, which combined give me an annoying headache that just stopped bothering me a few hours ago, I've spent the whole day sleeping, trying to make this shitty feeling go away.
No. 2085790
>>2085781congrats on the job
nonnie!! I love packing my lunches too
No. 2086078
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>>2086068Awwww i love bees, i remember I was on a road trip and stopping a gas station, there were a bunch of bees buzzing and flying near the bathroom entrance. I walked past them all no biggie, bees are so peaceful.
No. 2086341
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Someone I know purchased some dishware that might be uranium glass. I'm gonna check later and see if it is, I'll report back! I think it's so interesting if it is, I don't believe I've actually seen uranium glass irl.
No. 2086458
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I don't have eyebrows, or rather, they're so light you might as well say I don't have any. I thought about dying them, but before commiting to a potential mistake that might haunt me for the coming two months, I decided to first try to draw them in with these makeup pencil thingies. I don't know if it's because I never did it in my life before, or because I have no idea how to even shape my eyebrows, but I came to the conclusion that I look weird with eyebrows and that I maybe shouldn't dye them.
No. 2086537
>>2086458At least you can do things to make your eyebrows less or more "in your face" (pun intended), nonna. I have the opposite problem of very dark eyebrows that I can only do so much to have them take less of the attention
without shaving em or plucking em so thin like in the early 2000s. At least you can choose to be dramatic or the total opposite with your eyebrows, it's a good thing.
No. 2086575
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just saw the hellweek stats broken down by country and am unsuprised i am the only one from my country to post here
No. 2086578
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>>2086575There’s an Armenian here? Wtf! 1v1 me bitchhh
No. 2086579
>>2086530Not being a karen, but they most likely can't do that because as other
nonnie said, the buttons won't allow it.
No. 2086850
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I need to be on a low sugar diet because I'm gonna start taking yeast infection medication in a few days, but I really want an iced cola right now. I don't even drink soda like that anymore. Also, unpopular opinion but people need to stop nicknaming it coke and call it cola instead. Its cuter and also a suitable name for a pet.
Anyway, today has been a chill day. I got some work done and now I think I will spend the rest of the day crocheting and playing league. A good start to the weekend.
No. 2086983
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My kitten is once again making biscuits on me
No. 2086985
realizing that 90% of beauty is just being in shape. my legs look so good now that i've been doing squats every day
>>2084797you don't need to apologize kek i thought it was sweet. i'll take my pills at 8:30 pm each thursday while thinking of you x
No. 2087037
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I just received some REM beauty lip oils, and I think the applicators are so nice! I actually forgot they even have applicators like this because the last/only time I looked into anything about REM was like a year ago so it shocked me kek. It cool though, it fits the curve of your lip. The metal ball wasn't cold like I think it's supposed to be but I did just get it out of the mail
Anyway, I'm gonna go make some broccoli and pizza because I'm literally starving
No. 2087177
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>>2087153I didn't get the blue one unfortunately! I got the raspberry drop oil and the Shirley glossy balm. I do like them a lot, but it's important to note that they are THICK. I like that cause that just means it'll last longer, but if you're sensitive about textures it may be a deal breaker. The lip oil has the texture of a thick gloss, the glossy balm has the texture of a SUPER thick gloss. They're not sticky at all though. The applicator for the glossy balm (picrel) is very flexible when you're using the curved side. They're definitely very moisturizing, and the lip oils have the shine of a gloss. I find that a lot of lip oils soak into my lips too fast, but I haven't had to reapply this one too much. Also, my lips have been dry as FUCK for weeks but after using these products they feel very soft with no dead skin.
As for scent, weirdly enough they both have smells that I recognize from elsewhere but can't quite remember what it reminds me of. Shirley is a sweet vanilla scent. Have you ever had a toy as a kid that was scented like a fruit? Like maybe a Strawberry Shortcake doll or something. They had that artificial fruit smell but there was also always something there that was off (not stinky but just not what it's meant to be). That's what raspberry drip smells like to me. I's raspberry, but there's something weird and plastic-y about it. Like a sour plastic raspberry. BUT, even though it sounds bad, it's really not and it's a pretty faint scent so I don't mind.
In terms of color, they're both VERY sheer. Raspberry Drip looks clear on me but Shirley has a red tint. I'm sure you could build it up but I haven't tried cause they're already thick so I don't wanna layer more.
All in all, I actually would recommend based off of my first impressions. They're perfect. for what I look for in a lip product, but i see downsides if you have different preferences. And the little metal ball is nice now that it's cooled down kek. I will note the oil applicator is pretty big and curved, so if you have very thin lips I can see it being inconvenient to use and the glossy balm applicator being better.
No. 2087233
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I can't believe I got a paper cut from one of these things. Why must my harmless 0 cal sweetener betray me? It's right on the end of my finger too, ugh.
No. 2087246
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I've like looking at very expensive homes and apartments in my free time. it always gives me a weird feeling that's a mix of motivation and that pit-in-my-stomach depression.
No. 2087401
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So excited for my Tamagotchi to arrive hell yeah
No. 2087730
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>>2087474Yup they still die lmao, they're fairly popular I think since they literally released 3 versions of their latest ones 2 days ago. Not to mention they've released more retro ones and even the connection vers
>>2087558I bought mine from Amazon, you gotta type in the full name Tamagotchi Uni Angel Festival to be able to find it!
No. 2087912
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The upper screen of my phone died. I wasn't planning on changing my phone any time soon, but because greedy corporations make phones a pain in the ass to disassemble to actually change shit like screen it is unironically easier to buy a new one since the price is more or less the same, so that's what I did. The new phone will arrive in 4 days so for like a half of a work week I'll have to somehow navigate work chats with the broken phone yay. And I'm not even excited about a new phone, because I didn't exactly want it.
No. 2087926
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I got my nails done today and I love them. It's just a different pop or pastel color on each nail and pink with glitter on the toenails. I wish I had cute and comfortable sandals to wear, kind of like pic related, but it's insane how difficult is it to find anything like this that isn't made with the shittiest materials or that doesn't cost like 60 dollars.
No. 2088280
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I saw some cows up close for the first time today. They're a lot bigger than I expected.
No. 2088702
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chugging a monster while listening to high bpm electropop. it's basically the middle of the night where I am. shall I make frozen pizza? I want frozen pizza.
No. 2089105
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>>2088980Yep! I love them. Really curious and gentle animals. Anything a little bit unusual makes the whole herd comes over to take a look. They are super skittish though so I couldn't get to pet one of them. Maybe next time.
[Blacked out the tags so as not to dox the cows and myself]
No. 2089110
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My kitten is currently sleeping on me and it’s so sweet but I want to move kek
No. 2089567
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my retard brother told me about this episode of House MD where someone fakes a diabetes diagnosis by putting apple juice in a piss cup and House drinks it bc the writers added it in for the shock, and this retard's trying to argue with me that it wasn't stupid of House at all to drink it even though the patient could've mixed his piss with the apple juice
No. 2089578
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>>2089344Kek. Great feeling when that happens.
No. 2089585
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asked chatgpt what animal was discovered on my birthday
it's pretty cute
No. 2090155
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I just bleached my hair with this new bleach powder I got from Italy. Only needed to use it for 15 mins. Shit is intense. Bless Italian bleach.
No. 2090520
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Whenever someone/something irritates me, I always immediately start either crocheting or playing CAS mode in sims. Right now I'm downloading cc to make a goth sim because some posts here just annoyed me.
No. 2090541
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I drank without using a straw for the first time in 2 months, it was terrible anons. Some drops of water went down to my chin and way too much water went into my mouth. I think I forgot how to drink out of cups. I'm becoming retarded.
No. 2090627
>>2090519but I like foreskin
not like i'd ever touch a dick in real life though
No. 2090633
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I like that Stan is slowly taking over all threadpics.
No. 2090636
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>>2090634Dadders rise up, best Seth Macfarlane show.
No. 2091170
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every day is the same someone release me from this prison
No. 2091458
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I'm at the gym doing hip thrust, and i need to pee SO badly but there's no bathroom here
I don't know what hurts more, my butt or the bar pressing against my bladder
No. 2091542
>>2091468>>2091483it's a shitty ass small town gym that gets crowded with like 4 people inside, no idea why they didn't build a toilet when they've got the piping system right there unused, or AC for that matter, it's a fucking sauna.
Membership it's 15€, which compared to the gym I regularly go to that costs 20€…. Too fucking expensive, but it is what it is
No. 2091592
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I go through periods of hating my nose and then not minding it. My front profile and side profile don't bother me. But turning my head 3/4ths to the side does. I think most would consider it angular or maybe a bit large. It's no where near a button nose. I dont think getting a nose job would change my life or anything but do let my mind wander down the path of considering one. Just trying to figure out how to cope with it for now.
No. 2091626
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>>2091592Just look at classical art from the renaissance period, as well as Greek and Roman statues, you will see a variety of beauty in all noses shapes. Especially if you stay off social media where the "mono-face" is prevalent
No. 2091911
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>>2087936the power is back on after a 6 hour long outage YAY! i have about 2 hours to post on lolcow before another one starts. good thing i don't have a job so i don't have to go outside in this heat
>>2087987burger spotted
>>2087991thank you
nonny No. 2092056
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I fucking hate eating out with my job. I'm the youngest one in my team (late 20s) which means I am surrounded by people in their late 40s to 50s who treat severs like shit. I know people my age and younger can be horrible towards service workers too, but I swear that it's mainly a generational thing.
One time after we finished eating out I was like "hey, can we stack our plates on top of each other so it's easier for the servers to pick up?" and my boss was like "that's their job!". Like I get that? But it's a polite thing to do? We were like 20+ people so it was a lot to clean up. Another time she was getting angry at a server because my moid coworker, who I'm convinced has an ed, hadn't gotten his special meal (which was literally unseasoned chicken with plain rice kek). She was angrily asking for the server and it was driving me crazy so I was like "As it's not the servers fault, maybe we should try to get in touch with the chef?" in the most polite way possible. I don't even know if that kind of thing is the chef's responsibility, I just wanted her to not attack the server. I know I alone cannot stop these people from being nasty, but just sitting with them makes me feel incredibly embarrassed. I often overcompensate by constantly thanking the server and manically smiling at them, but I don't think that even makes that big of a difference. Servers deserve so much better, I'm sorry.
No. 2092350
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im gonna read this before johnny the homicidal maniac bc it hits me like a ton of bricks
No. 2092359
>>2092350god choice
nonny. I read these comics back when i was 12, brings me back.
No. 2092372
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>>2092350Omg I love I Feel Sick, I also had Squee!, so nostalgic. I thought Devi was the coolest and I really connected with the comic back then
No. 2092615
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I love Jesus Christ a lot
He is great and awesome and is the perfect man
No. 2092865
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I think I get my mom, we may truly need some organizers because everything looks messy regardless of how much we clean and organize the house. I think it's just that the house is too "minimalist" (we don't have money to decorate the house as of now) so everything that's not in its rightful place looks like it's 10 times the disorder than what it truly is.
I really hope these organizers help with this weird disorder that's in the house. I just can't think of what else I can throw away at this point.
No. 2093070
>>2092885Fuck Sloan though all my homies hate Sloan and his satanic panic misogynistic crap
I want someone to expose Sloan already, only small YouTubers have done it and it gains no traction
No. 2093106
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having a religious nutjob as a father gives me headaches, he gets so worked up over complete non-issues, i remember when he got pissy over some devil/demon inspired otome game that i had on my phone when i was young(so just to get it out my systemdevil demon negativity negativity evil aa scary hell demon demon devil negative evil hell hell evil evil evil devils fuck youuuuuu), like, your son sucks tranny cock, you're worried about the wrong cult
No. 2093247
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>>2093236I feel the same about picnics, but I actually hate eating while sitting like picrel. Maybe it's because eating all together at a table was never a thing in my family but I feel like if I'm not eating while sitting Indian style or on my knees I can't eat properly and it all starts to fall off of my fork.
No. 2093596
File: 1721183812564.jpeg (1.37 MB, 1170x2360, IMG_0406.jpeg)

>exploiting 14 year old little tays alleged death which turned out to be a hoaxon a personal note he ignored me when I tried to email him about an industry predator, and then later praised said predator so he can go fuck himself with a lead pipe
No. 2093636
File: 1721185804582.jpg (49.94 KB, 480x453, 1546817425173.jpg)

>RNC is coming
>I wonder if republican moids are all homosex like they say
>download grindr
>set location
>yes. yes they are
you can do this with any convention btw
No. 2093766
File: 1721192565536.jpg (147.32 KB, 1200x801, ugh.jpg)

Fucked up my sleeping schedule again and now i have to wait until grocery store will open. Can't go in evening because it will be closed when i wake up. There is no food to eat and i'm tired and it's 15 min walk there and back ugh. And all these "irregular sleeping schedule will give you a heart disease" stories give me anxiety.
No. 2093799
File: 1721195743519.gif (3.49 MB, 165x115, fc2.gif)

I decided to start making youtube videos as a hobby to learn how to express myself better. I choose the niche of criticizing bad animated movies because it seemed easy and fun. Let me tell you, I am cringing so hard hearing my recording, my voice is so bad and my script is so painfully unfunny. I have no idea how pic rel does it every week. I want to be cringe and free like him too.
No. 2093900
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I'm watching severance
No. 2093930
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>>2093920>chantal's scroting being exposed as a scat fetishist.Wat
No. 2094285
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nonnies knows what she wants kek, pls let my design career turn out like this kek
No. 2094405
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my 10 month old cat is starting to look a bit fat so i'm trying to cut back on his food intake and as a result he screams whenever he's a bit hungry. the amount of wet food he gets is the same (1/2 pouch in the morning and 1/2 in the evening), but i've cut back on the dry food and apparently he has noticed because he keeps complaining. i used to give him huge amounts of it as he was tiny when i got him, so i guess he's used to those. i give him small amounts of dry food during the day, but if his bowl is empty he throws a huge fit and starts meowing and looking for food in the kitchen sink. smh. i've found that giving him tiny amounts, and i'm talking minuscule, stops this behaviour. at the same time i keep worrying about not giving him enough food, but i don't want him to become fat. an automatic feeder would probably solve this issue, but he already has a water fountain (he is spoiled rotten) and i can't see myself spending that much money on another cat item. i guess i'm going to start weighing his dry food to make sure that i follow the feeding instructions to a t.
No. 2094755
>>2094072I have probably lost it on the way back.
>jacketsHow many?
No. 2095186
File: 1721308337745.jpeg (Spoiler Image,254.85 KB, 850x1174, Kaneoya.jpeg)

another certified Kaneoya Sachiko banger(spoil your shit)
No. 2095360
File: 1721319761721.png (56.16 KB, 351x588, nz's lowest food prices.PNG)

I can't justify paying for butter any more, what the fuck is this. Maybe I'll have to develop a taste for "table spread"
No. 2095378
>>2095273What's your conclusion?
>>2095360This doesn't even make sense. I thought New Zealand had a lot of cows.
No. 2095447
File: 1721324573853.png (1.14 MB, 1035x700, 1719745308157.png)

>>2095378First, picrel. Second, I bought it. A bit expensive for me in my country's currency, but it's around 30+$. Gonna arrive between August 13th and September 10th. Would be a great gift for myself after I'm done with my internship and before I resume uni classes by August 18th if it arrives in the earliest date.
The album is decent. Slightly grungy 2000s rock with a slight edge to it and some poppy and electronic elements at times. 6 tracks out of 10 really captured my attention from the first lesson and I really liked them, the remaining 4 are alright and I'll probably warm up to them as "filler" for the rest of the album, but I remember 1 in particular I kinda didn't like, it wasn't bad but meh. The singer has a cool voice, and a seemingly British accent (because of the way he says "been"), but the album originates from Italy? Maybe it's a British band registered in Italy. Or an Italian band but the singer is British or half British half Italian idk. I got one of the songs stuck in my head and it's what made me decide to listen to the album and decide to buy it, since it's not on any streams services out there for me to pirate it. Praying it has a lyrics booklet and cool stuff on the CD itself because I really enjoy exploring that stuff.
No. 2095534
>>2095207thank you,
nonnie. i think i'll give him extra wet food.
No. 2095793
File: 1721340369962.jpeg (86.18 KB, 464x616, IMG_4063.jpeg)

I’m not a divine feminine sperg but I just noticed that my periods have started on every new moon and that makes me feel so good.. trannies and their Taco Bell gas could never.
No. 2095981
File: 1721354024621.jpeg (220.62 KB, 736x729, IMG_1795.jpeg)

The sims thread being dead makes me sad because I’m making the cutest coastal community home for my sim who’s going to be the only young girl in the rental community and the rest of it is going to be like an elderly neighborhood. she’s going to be a nanny for this rich east coast family to pay for her expensive tiny house near the coast with all of the yachts while writing a book about her adventures and possibly find romance there? reminds me so much of a movie, i love escapism so much to distract me from my shitty life because that’s where i want to be, living a cozy humble life near the beach with my hydrangeas, my garden, and some lemonade and seafood
No. 2096034
File: 1721360843298.jpeg (534.89 KB, 1179x716, IMG_3573.jpeg)

NANCY PELOSI IS 84???????EIGHTY FOUR YEARS OLD?????????????I THOUGHT SHE WAS IN HER 60S !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?!?!!?!?!?!!?!!??1(integrate)
No. 2096047
File: 1721362015379.png (2.76 MB, 1920x1080, 07-18-24_11-54-15 PM.png)

>>2095987i barely finished the lot kek, didn't even build the rest of the rental houses yet. here's the first pic
No. 2096058
>>2096056pinterest is the best for finding it, second would be tumblr. going through sims youtubers cc finds is handy as well. thanks
No. 2096385
File: 1721406009480.png (4.4 MB, 2388x1668, IMG_0256.png)

Can’t change my major without repeating classes to improve my GPA. But I fucking hate chemistry. I feel like a loser and retard for even being int this position
No. 2097107
File: 1721472072683.jpeg (4.58 KB, 300x168, retch.jpeg)

i stood too close to my brother after he came back from college
No. 2097423
File: 1721495108283.jpg (82.65 KB, 564x453, 40f5dfade7050cebda17f39f9efa52…)

What are you guys up to this weekend? My saturday is super boring
No. 2097465
File: 1721498298018.jpeg (97.51 KB, 721x470, 0r8uwU31nI8TbyPXHJgN_108213993…)

>>2097423Did some gardening. Checked to see if the bird houses got any tenants. Spent a lot of time looking up what would happen if gravity got reversed and I had to try live upside down in my house. Found a movie about it that looks cute, I might get some wine and watch it later.
No. 2097695
>>2097423Went to work all day, now I'm at home relaxing and eating pizza.
>>2097471You won't be able to taste it because you start to lose your sense after forty and it keeps disappearing. And you won't be able to eat it without vomiting because your gallbladder will no longer be able to digest such high concentrations of fat in a food. Enjoy life now.
No. 2097706
>>209747170 is a lot younger than you might think, don't you want to be independent and mobile when you're old? You lose a lot of muscle mass and bone strength as you age, my worst nightmare is being a fragile old lady who breaks a hip and can't get up when she falls, or a fat old lady with terrible joint issues. Avoiding that is my main motivation for lifting and watching my weight.
ofc if you lift for decades chances are you can eat whatever the fuck you want at 70 without getting fat, it's a win win. I am also looking forward to eating more cake.
No. 2097808
File: 1721522884576.jpg (124.68 KB, 1024x768, ss_6bfc613e1f0c87e7ea2207d9bd4…)

>>2097423Drawing. Then i'll buy some snacks and play nancy drew.
No. 2097974
File: 1721539103446.jpg (47.91 KB, 1200x1200, Lemon-bars-1x1-2.jpg)

For the past few days I've been craving citrus so badly and nothing is enough and I can't get my citrus fix right now because it's 10 pm
No. 2097981
File: 1721539405421.jpg (61.69 KB, 600x800, Sorbetto di Limone Dressed Up …)

>>2097976Thanks nona. i'll stock up on my drugs tomorrow. but why is this happening to me
No. 2098105
File: 1721557551411.webp (52.23 KB, 730x486, LEADGLAHA-43511.webp)

Washing machines broke, so I'm hand washing my clothes in the bathtube. Listening to some medieval lofi beats to really nail the 18th century scullery maid aesthetic.
No. 2098270
File: 1721571794132.png (887.22 KB, 1169x1181, DiSUXbP.png)

I'm going to break gender roles and stereotypes about father issues by going after a man that is exactly like my mother
No. 2099292
File: 1721619095550.png (27.33 KB, 224x275, 1698132553685.png)

Just found out my sister in law's husband of 7+ years is divorcing her after her multiple sclerosis diagnosis because he wasn't expecting to have to raise a "disabled family" (they have 3 young kids that are somewhat autistic but not retarded or anything like that). So he's jumping ship and leaving her in an ill state with kids that need extra care after playing the "father" role for a little while.
Im surrounded by normies at work who are married to moids/want children and they've been making me feel left-out/abnormal recently, but i feel thankful to be moid-free right now. Imagine trusting and marrying a moid and even having children with him just for him to leave you at your most ill when he feels too "burdened". Many such cases.
No. 2099401
File: 1721626386133.jpg (29.64 KB, 400x400, tumblr_4135a8dccde2654ade7c6e5…)

What is it about college just having the most duplicitous bitches for faculty?
No. 2099761
File: 1721656913358.jpeg (158.86 KB, 1136x899, IMG_0093.jpeg)

my male coworker always wants to gossip, at first I found it entertaining because who doesn’t like a lil bit of workplace tea, but he is gossiping literally for the entire 8 hours of our shift. It’s so faggy and I don’t even entertain it anymore, I just give him the pic rel face
No. 2100216
File: 1721672853712.jpg (224.07 KB, 750x1126, 1689406747284.jpg)

>>2100147I don't know, but I'm never leaving. I hope I find the princess school next.
No. 2100290
File: 1721675472769.jpeg (92.03 KB, 761x681, IMG_0099.jpeg)

My insurance terminated me over documents and my phone service is cut off because I can’t log into my account to pay the bill because I’m not the account holder so my dentist will just have to assume that I died or something. I’m not even mad. All of this is very comical
No. 2100397
File: 1721679191218.png (33.37 KB, 1174x696, beholdmyautisticskillzz.png)

>>2100360Reading over it again, I understand how it would be misleading.
No. 2100414
File: 1721679615806.jpg (98.72 KB, 506x453, 1686534002947976.jpg)

I finally accepted i might never become a good artist so i just enrolled in college. Accounting seems kinda fun so i am looking forward to it, even if i am retarded at math.
No. 2100527
>>2100414I believe in you
nonnie! Get those accounting bucks
No. 2100658
File: 1721686950753.mp4 (1.09 MB, 574x334, Mr. Beast contacting Kris Tyso…)

This year has been amazing for drama. It feels like it keeps getting better and better. I love to see mr beasts pet tranny get cancelled and take mr faggot with him. Now hes going to have to break his fake wholesome persona to adress the dear tranny he vehemently defended for years.
No. 2100661
>>2100414I did the same
nonny. I got so discouraged as an artist that I dropped it completely and went into IT. Now I'm earning a good income and doing art on the side, the job kills my soul because I'm only in it for the money and I really wanted to continue doing art but it's way better than begging for emergency commissions or settling with grindy industry jobs.
No. 2100723
File: 1721691085443.png (4.86 MB, 1536x1650, mrbeast-i-hired-100-lawyers-to…)

>>2100716hes probably going to do an stalinand sweep it under the rug he doesnt have the balls to adress it in front of all his fans and admit he was wrong for endorsing a troon
No. 2100780
>>2100776this is one of those things that's disgusting whenever you hear other people do it but you do it in private kek
i used to blow bubbles with my phlegm as a child when sick and gross everyone tf out but it was kind of fun
No. 2101218
>>2099401Academia is so cut throat that it weeds out anyone who isn't a back stabbing sociopath.
>>2099656I wish you could post pictures of it, this sounds so cute. If you're going for a fairy vibe, you should consider music sheet flowers. They're relatively simple to make, but out of all the fake flowers they look really good.
No. 2101239
>>2100256I always thought I was pretty, but I dress in large shapeless clothes with a severe hairstyle and an angry glare, so I'm very unapproachable.
>>2100225This will probably be the reason I don't actually follow through. I hate the time commitment of make up and selecting an outfit, plus all make feels awful on your skin and you constantly have to worry about it it looks or messing it up.
No. 2101329
>>2101218first ayrt, that is exactly what that bitch is, i wanted to see her at college for advice on some designs for an re-exam i was gonna have due to low attendance in that subject, and she already agreed the day before but then, as if by divine intervention, i messaged her in the morning if i could come by her office at 11 and she just says not available.
Another time she cussed out our entire class bc we showed up to her office for submissions at the time SHE agreed to and she couldn't have her lunch, why'd you agree to it then?! And the reason why i have a re-exam is her fault in the first place too! i asked her to correct my attendance for her subject for some day and by the time i noticed she still hadn't fixed it, it couldn't be fixed anymore(bc corrections for a class can only be made within the week it happened, after that, there's no fixing it).
These placements better be worth it.
No. 2101728
File: 1721756743798.jpg (71.68 KB, 736x686, 1000044634.jpg)

Knowing that my birth date and my graduation date are engraved on two gravestones of family members feels weird. Maybe I'm cursed or something.
No. 2101744
File: 1721757400443.jpeg (342.52 KB, 828x1300, IMG_2969.jpeg)

nextdoor is so funny because it's just full of boomers who don't understand social media
No. 2102311
File: 1721787804415.jpg (12.23 KB, 320x320, 1648460346207.jpg)

>>2102307he already hinted at getting me an aircraft model kit for my birthday. Meanwhile my scrotoid best friend didnt get me shit for my birthday last year. I am glad i told him i didnt want to date him because i was busy with college last year.
No. 2102487
>>2102484me neither, i will take melatonin
No. 2102644
File: 1721816717947.gif (4.73 MB, 640x510, 1000025639.gif)

Me after the antidepressants finally kick in after 2 weeks of side effects, rejecting a bunch of moids on a dating app and pretending like I didn't want to kms a few days ago and crying on the kitchen floor for 20 minutes like Trisha Paytas on my 150$ session with my therapist because I'm a high value woman.
No. 2102668
File: 1721821182795.webp (131.15 KB, 1920x1248, A-1H.jpg.webp)

>>2102327i want a p40, a spitfire or a douglas. As long as its american i will love it, they got the best planes.
No. 2102834
File: 1721832748803.jpg (58.96 KB, 600x431, 2f4147f9a5c2f1bb46c6334a63b05f…)

I'm sitting in my greenhouse, just finished my coffee. Got a tiny thorn stuck in my finger and it's sore af. About to get dressed so I can go work in the yard before it's too hot. I've been burning incense and it's making me really excited for autumn for some reason. But I kinda want to speedrun the rest of the year so I can get past all these firsts without my dog around.. Miss you baby girl. Also realizing I gotta sweep in here.
No. 2102865
File: 1721834854682.jpeg (21.78 KB, 291x173, IMG_4103.jpeg)

I'm manifesting that my ex husband's business venture fails spectacularly and he's left broke and in debt. Wishful thinking, but I'm still praying it comes true. He's wronged me one too many times.
No. 2103119
File: 1721844913651.jpeg (77.91 KB, 632x651, crying chinese hamster.jpeg)

All of the torrents i want to dl have no seeders.
No. 2103140
File: 1721845668839.jpg (26.74 KB, 735x855, 387f48501c117da66de578cfdc209a…)

maturing is realizing superglue isn't all that super
No. 2103205
File: 1721848468057.jpg (678.18 KB, 4320x812, 1000044940.jpg)

Seizing the day with my Italian sunglasses panties.
No. 2103345
Black guys are super attracted to me today for some reason, like 3 black guys have walked up to me
>>2103237I hope their breakup is shitty but just for him not for her
No. 2103426
File: 1721863091278.jpg (706.18 KB, 878x483, boogie.jpg)

>>2103423Samefag, actually here's a picture
No. 2104796
File: 1721940592910.jpg (135.01 KB, 1300x1161, funny-bicolor-black-white-cat-…)

>>2104719I saw a cute cat on the way home on the weekend near my house and I had my boyfriend pull over and I rolled down the windows. The cat and I meowed at each other for a few minutes in a little conversation. It was really cute. I would have liked to take the cat home, but we don't have room for a second cat. It's a shame. It was such an adorable cat, he was white with a splat of black in the middle of his face, sort of like picrel.
No. 2104849
Been feeling sick every evening for a while now, like I feel nauseous (occasionally to the point I'm on the verge of throwing up), have a slight headache, slight ache in my throat and ears. But I feel completely fine during the day. Idk if I'm about to get sick so my immune system is working overtime during the evening to prevent it, or if it's the weather because we've been in desperate need of a thunder storm for weeks now. The air is so thick I get a cold sweat just walking to the store, and it's hard to breathe because of how we barely get any wind, so everyone is pretty messed up atm.
But ngl, a part of me wouldn't mind getting a bit sick. Like, I hate being sick and I haven't done anything but written summer course essays all summer, but I think I just want an excuse to get an extension on the last one and just not have to think about anything for a few days except recovering. I want to be a sick, dumb bitch for a few days doing nothing but play video games and cuddling my cat and not worry about how to write an analytic thesis without sounding like a high schooler.
No. 2104897
File: 1721945990758.gif (289.43 KB, 220x165, 60c74006a77dffb74b4e325a_220_1…)

Just wanted to make you ladies smile with this gif.
No. 2105139
File: 1721962208485.jpg (67.18 KB, 1170x1318, 1712417395245.jpg)

I love washing my feet in the sink, it's really fun and great for stretching my legs
No. 2105244
File: 1721971389483.gif (3 MB, 498x418, 1649658972462.gif)

I am really fucking sleepy but i gotta stay awake for two more hours to play a vidya event…
No. 2105256
File: 1721972128487.png (688.44 KB, 1160x898, garlic.png)

I spent like 200 euros on nail stuff because I've been watching press on nail businesses videos on YouTube and it looks so much fun… I don't think I'll ever start a small business myself but just making and designing sets, testing out new techniques and getting creative etc. seems fun. I'll probably regret this soon.
No. 2105308
File: 1721975020004.jpg (27.17 KB, 384x384, 1000018982.jpg)

I ate a sushi sandwich and it was so good until I reached the tomato. You know how the seaweed can become soggy and sometimes the protein inside if crumbed, well yeah it was that (cus I bought it like 4 hours prior after class) and when I got to the tomato the texture became so rank!!! I love tomata usually but ewwwww textures are very important it made it mushierrr
No. 2105309
File: 1721975100903.png (384.09 KB, 612x568, ugf.png)

I thought this was Kirsten Dunst for a second. It's actually Zendaya.
No. 2105338
>>2105309I too, fell
victim to the Dunst imposter
No. 2105369
File: 1721982946660.jpeg (1.3 MB, 1080x1350, IMG_5913.jpeg)

this show is dumb fun, I really am enjoying it
No. 2105473
File: 1721995698671.jpg (Spoiler Image,70.81 KB, 864x972, IMG_20240726_150700_445.jpg)

just got accused of being a shotafag online solely based on how i look. why does this keep happening
spoiler for degen meme
No. 2105770
File: 1722013605237.jpg (41.63 KB, 640x350, 3cd44ecc6cb99ca2c62d2c7c480942…)

There is a book that has touched my heart so deeply I want to minister it to anyone who will listen, basically. It's fiction but the message is so human, so real, and I feel like it's very needed in the world right now. I know it's just me being a tard and loving this story so much, but truly, I've thought about going to read to elderly people at a home, or starting a book club. It's amazing how much a good story fulfils me, gives me hope, makes me all choked up. Maybe I should start that book club.
No. 2105800
File: 1722015076613.jpg (120.34 KB, 1280x1280, 61utqaDxlML._SL1280.jpg)

Just bought picrel. If it's really super sweet like people say, it'll be too hot to wear it right now but fall is coming soon so it's a good time to break out the gourmands.
Amyway, I'm gonna go do some work. I have some stuff to design.
No. 2105819
>>2105809I love twirling my best friends curls because they're perfect, it's soo satisfying, I would unironically buy her the hair products she needs to keep her curls pretty and bouncy just so I can keep doing that.
Honeslty, looking at other's pretty curly hair kind of makes me want to try having curly hair again, but it's such a pain to maintain.
No. 2106001
File: 1722021226087.webp (136.26 KB, 700x393, hanako-14.png)

i'm using so much super glue i think i'm going to get brain damage from the fumes
No. 2106024
File: 1722021592061.jpg (30.69 KB, 563x519, hmm.jpg)

>>2106001speaking of, i got a bit of superglue on my lower two teeth and tongue(bc i licked it thinking it was condensation from my glass) and google really had me thinking i'd have to see a dentist to extract it, bruh it came off in three brushes
No. 2106316
File: 1722027636781.jpg (7.56 KB, 225x225, 7ff96775-e8dd-46d1-8afa-809b90…)

i drank so much cough syrup, my tummy feels icky
No. 2106476
File: 1722031776165.jpg (34.26 KB, 295x374, 7ff96775-e8dd-46d1-8afa-809b90…)

>>2106447nonnie what? no, i just drank lots of cough syrup bc i have an assignment in two days that im still working on, i just wanted to be relieved of this cold quickly
No. 2106666
File: 1722041018101.jpg (592.74 KB, 1536x2048, 1000004114.jpg)

Whenever your go-to insult on here when it doesn't apply or correlate is "fat retard" you kind of make it obvious you're a fat retard yourself
No. 2106765
File: 1722046645604.png (39.78 KB, 386x480, IMG_3118.png)

I'm 23, dating a 46-year-old scrote. Today as I was sitting down and thinking, I had the epiphany, he was literally my age when I was born. Now I'm disgusted. I think it's time to break up, not sure why I thought dating an old moid was a good idea…….
No. 2107049
File: 1722063747408.jpeg (177.99 KB, 570x605, 065C74ED-376B-4DC5-8BE9-13194B…)

I have a huge fetish for men with glasses and my ex would wear them at night and one of my biggest regrets is not making him adjust them like picrel in front of me, one of the sexiest things a man could do.
No. 2107050
File: 1722063876757.jpeg (81.04 KB, 480x480, IMG_5959.jpeg)

I met a big fat black lab with the same birthday as me and I am content
No. 2107117
>>2107052ayrt, personally my relationship with my mother isn't the best, but it's miles better than me with my father's, plus, between him and her, she's the far more admirable person, he's obese and barely survived Commerce and neither of his two children like him all that much, while she's got a Bachelor's, a Master's, and a PHD and more fit than him, he just looks down on her because she comes from a poor upbringing and has a weird complex about her caste and background. it's awful, bc i look up to my mother, but i'm just not like her.
No. 2107180
File: 1722076944424.jpeg (166.06 KB, 614x1200, IMG_9520.jpeg)

Honestly agree when that suit guy on twitter talked about how personal style should derive from culture, and then attempt to accommodate your body and personality. That being said, I think I should probably wear tracksuits and basic stuff like that because, even though personal style is about ‘being your unique self’ but realistically I don’t want to stand out and just appear like a relatively normal urban person, and technically Ice Spice’s the boys a liar outfit fits how the people local to me dress just Juicy instead of Adidas, fits my kibbe type and my ingenue essence
No. 2108039
File: 1722125614164.png (294.76 KB, 635x471, IMG_8702.png)

>Girl from HS broke up with long term bf several months ago
>They still follow each other
>Immediately gets new moid who resembles him
>Starts plastering him all over her social media, making him cut his hair/dress like her ex
>Suddenly changes pfp to awkward sexy outfit and makeup
No. 2108093
File: 1722128246874.jpg (7.74 KB, 252x212, 1000046094.jpg)

I'm such an idiot, I couldn't enjoy wearing my saturday underwear because I was too lazy to shower.
No. 2108885
File: 1722185417463.jpg (55.07 KB, 625x1000, 61+weQ3blQL._AC_UF1000,1000_QL…)

I'm not sure why, but Spotify recommended picrel to me. I didn't even really know they had audiobooks, I thought it was just podcasts. Im gonna listen to it while I clean.
No. 2108930
>>2108885I am in SHOCK. There's also this one called 'old thot' or something that sent me with the title. I love having internet connection
Also, have you heard of chuck tingle?
No. 2109184
File: 1722198674056.jpg (32.39 KB, 333x500, 51OGZXtZMtL.jpg)

>>2108885thanks for expanding my horizons
No. 2109286
File: 1722204491776.jpeg (113.73 KB, 894x1160, IMG_1977.jpeg)

>the voices
imagining a kino summer thriller about a white female tradwife that goes bananas and takes out her scrote ole yeller style like the dog he is
No. 2109289
File: 1722204595587.jpeg (165.1 KB, 507x562, IMG_1978.jpeg)

>>2109286egg apron egg apron egg apron egg kil apron lhim
No. 2109300
File: 1722205111738.png (27.57 KB, 132x131, chroniko.PNG)

I wanted to continue zeta gundam this evening but I got busy and now it’s late and I need to sleep
No. 2109346
>>2109317I'm glad you were okay and could enjoy the movie
One part made me laugh out loud which surprised me
At the grocery store they had nice butter on sale for a stellar price but by the time I saw it all the salted butter was sold out :( so I just got store-brand
(emoji) No. 2109375
>>2109346Ayrt and same. All of the fourth wall breaking and the
20th Century Fox jokes got a big laugh out of me
No. 2109424
File: 1722214111967.gif (236.51 KB, 200x133, 1000046594.gif)

I think it's fucking happening.
No. 2109426
File: 1722214204259.png (226.95 KB, 1014x1160, rt234676.png)

>>2109357there was an interview in the uk times where it's pretty clear the husband is walking all over her (without paywall)