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No. 2110705
Previous Thread:
>>2076380 She who conceals her sins will not prosper, but whoever confesses and renounces them will find mercy. - Proverbs 28:13
No. 2110850
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Aw man I was about to make the next thread
No. 2111050
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>>2111032>i’m not lesbian, underage, on birth control you’re right, it’s only one thing
No. 2111106
>>2111075Youre like
bj chan but in reverse KEkK. Perhaps you are her.
No. 2111123
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>>2111120you want a cup of tea nonna
No. 2111126
>>2111120Nta but yes please
>>2111121autopedophilia, i bet you are/were one of those coquette girlies as a teen
No. 2111128
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>>2111121me fucking my sexy grandpa nigel while the ugly man psyop hussy sits in her cuck chair
>>2111126no, this is just a feeling that arises out of me because of my incompetent father that i barely have a relationship with
No. 2111142
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I want a male coquette anakun pickme bf and it pains me everyday they arent a real thing.
No. 2111159
>>2111148Yes but normal straight women exist
I hope and they’re certainly not saying they want an old man to dominate them, own their body, be a father figure and treat them like a little “nymph”
No. 2111200
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why are you literally trying to ruin the fun. THIS IS THE CONFESSIONS HIDE THE THREAD
No. 2111218
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>>2111212Me too nonna all this talk got me thinking about Jared from subway
No. 2111223
>>2111200L is the only good sub, he altered my taste in men forever
>>2111209i'm going to imagine this too for my sanity
No. 2111231
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>>2111204they always come in here with their sociopolitical takes and it’s deeply upsetting me so much that I feel it’s necessary to post obligatory hot grandpa painting. this is why these bitter nancies are getting coal for christmas
No. 2111236
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woah. the way he looks at me, water fall
No. 2111239
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>>2111231Umph did Tim Alan as the santa clause turn you on too?
No. 2111241
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>>2111226his mannerisms and hand movements remind me of a millennial tif, that’s probably why it’s so funny
No. 2111246
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>>2111218what's your favorite sub toppings i like turkey and swiss cheese
No. 2111265
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>>2111245Siri, post straight woman orgasm statistics
No. 2111269
>>2111264bjchan has never posted a sentence that made any sense
>>2111265does your nigel not give you orgasms anon?
No. 2111275
>>2111269Nta but
>implying it’s a win to be stuck with a moidAre you one of the anons? Do you also like feeling like you’re a widdle submissive breedable female to be controlled by your big, dominating scrote?
No. 2111302
>>2111298youre making me feel fat again why do you need to do that
nonny how does it benefit the argument youre attemtping to make
No. 2111315
>>2111306Idk who the bishit sperg is but she’s probably not as sexy or based as me
>>2111272Wait, what is this argument even meant to be kek? Are you trying to say lesbians beat women more than scrotes do?
No. 2111320
>>2111313>g-spot stimulation is straight God this really is the other side of the "it's gay to let your gf peg you" shit men say
Do you think trans men are men because they "simulate" men? Answer quickly
No. 2111327
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>never fall for the “post (x) or gtfo” trap or you’ll end up like her
No. 2111343
>>2111315bishit anon is
>>2111289. she's usually in the female fantasies, lesbian general, and recently bisexual general on /g/
No. 2111353
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grandpafag face reveal
No. 2111398
>>2111386Because “mimicking” men is as simple as not having demure body language/speech/personality and performing retarded femininity like makeup.
And why do fags mimic women? It’s just being GNC tbh
No. 2111418
>>2111408Sometimes, when there are two different women, they can like different things, and present themselves differently. Truly bewildering, I know.
>>2111384>having sex with women is cuckedHey if you're the same anon upthread do you think fags who do anal are basically straight because they're penetrating a hole and "imitating PIV?"
No. 2111559
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i'm a lifelong blue voter but i really think i'm going to vote for trump this time
No. 2111787
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>>2111142Same nonnette. Wish I was 20 years older and intelligent and ambitious enough to be a girlboss, give me those retarded eyecandy coquette-kuns so I can be their dusty splenda.
No. 2112742
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>>2112723>whats the longest you spent writing a lolcow postprobably 30 seconds
No. 2112761
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>>2112723Whenever I post something here that someone thinks is funny, I get a genuine dopamine rush and I get, like, “the zoomies” and I have to get up and walk/skip around the house smiling and I keep coming back to look at what I posted kek
No. 2112778
>>2112723i can't remember the exact number but probably around the same amount of hours as you. usually if i'm making a vent post, asking an overly specific question or fangirling hard about some celeb in /g/
>>2112737same. ik this is a short reply sometimes i'm bad at getting my thoughts together, just wanna say i understand the passion too
No. 2112862
>>2112723If I'm spending longer than 5 minutes on a vent or confession I will delete it because it's usually an absolute mess of insanity.
On cow boards it can take time to gather my sources but I don't think I've spent that long on a post in all honesty and I don't agree with other anons saying just post shit to get replies. Make sure what you're writing invites replies.
No. 2113393
>>2113331Really wish women at large would normalize not having sex with males until either said males have gotten the snip or made a lasting commitment and are trying for a baby. More men would gladly give up their virility if it was making them sexual pariahs.
>>2113348Guys absolutely get progressively lazy with condom use. Baby trapping is very real and it's caused by men who want to remove their girlfriends' options in life so she has to resort to staying with his ass. If you don't want kids then at least one of you (pref. him) should be surgically sterilized. I've had a tubal, but I don't tell men that, I expect them to take responsibility and either get a vasectomy or mosey along to date some other hapless lady.
No. 2113937
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I'm keeping my friends cat at his apparement but i'm such a fatty i had to put dishwasher detergent in his nutella to be sure not to eat it i'll buy a new one when i'll leave his place don't worry
No. 2113950
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Anyone who says they believe in god is just pretending
No. 2114226
>>2113937one of the cats did something my recently deceased cat used to do and now i'm crying on my own because none of these fuckers came to comfort me like he would have
fuck i miss him so much
No. 2114480
>>2113384I've heard that copper IUD can cause heavier periods and also that the insertion process is horrifically painful and many women throw up or pass out. I already have possible endometriosis and deal with contraction-like pains on my period and with some bowel movements that leave me incapacitated so the idea of making that worse in anyway seems like it would just actually kill me
The immense pain I was in when I had to have a pill abortion because my scrote lied to me and said he was infertile and I was a moron and believed him is something that haunts me and I can't ever go through again
Anon who talked about men baby trapping is right because that is what he tried to do
Do you guys think in my next relationship a guy will be willing to get a snip if I explain my hang-ups? I really enjoy sex and would love to be able to just fuck all the time especially when living w someone but that experience has made me terrified and the anxiety of "what if im pregnant" is so bad that it's not even worth having sex.
No. 2114648
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I feel guilty for liking Alice in Wonderland. I know it was probably made by a nonce but I just really love the story and the aesthetics, it’s way too relatable on how I view life.
No. 2114917
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I love posting like a moid to bait nonnies into scrotefoiling me.
No. 2115151
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I was reverse searching a picture of myself on yandex and browsing through "similar results" and I tell you they were not flattering
>obvious tims
>obvious tifs
>people with the most retarded "hurr durr" expressions
>multiple stranger things characters
>ashley the lich queen
No. 2115165
>>2114929Because it's likely the cp posting blaine tranny, he loves to make autistic image edits like this and thinks he's an evil black haired red eyed anime girl. Thank god we can also ban evade shitty bans just like he does his
valid ones.
No. 2115493
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I flick my bean to Toby Fox's music
No. 2116261
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Sometimes I don't know if I'm afraid of getting a job because I must be an incompetent loser, or if I'm afraid of getting a job because I'm scared of going outside.
I just hope I get this job anyways, then I will see what's my problem and if I can stop being anxious all of the time, maybe a job is all I need to get fixed.
No. 2116286
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Kek I sent a retarded picture to my mom on pinterest so pray for me, so I don't wake up tomorrow, it wasn't anything too cringe, just a silly crossover picture, but I'm the womanchild faildaugther of the house so, yeah.
I think I will just go to a protest this saturday and hope to die, at least I will be considered a martyr and not a duchess of cringe.
No. 2116372
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this pic makes me giggle just a tiny bit
No. 2116373
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>>2116369I'm sorry for confessing it but it's true
No. 2116430
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i've gotten so much bad news lately that i've resorted to playing runescape again after 7 years just for the teensy bit of happiness i can get from seeing my skill levels rise
No. 2116968
>>2116916Don't you know anon? The narwhal bacons at midnight.
Edit: Oh my god thanks for the updoots and medals guys, I showed this to my evil bitch wife and begged me for forgiveness for daring to not get my chicken tendies on time. Women, am I right guys (coffee emoji)
No. 2117421
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>>2117395Anon just said that!
No. 2117632
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at least once a year, I hook up my fucked up Laptop to a projector and go on "Write a" me and my siblings, look through profiles and play a game where we "Guess" what the moid did. It's not funny, it's morbid, but it really opens my eyes when you see a moid going
>Hey my name is Moid Scrote, I'm a good man with a good heart. I'm looking for a good woman to build with and chill with. I love to paint, write poetry and walks in the park. I had a Cat and I teach young men the word of god. Hit me up if you want to see what i'm cooking.
then you click picrel and it's
Then we google the name and find out they killed their pregnant girlfriend. Then sometimes we'll see straight up moids in the "female" section or troons. I think what gets me the most is when you see a profile with a granny/grandpa and we think they probably robbed someone in their younger days but they either committed/or aided sex crimes agaisnt a minor. I wonder if these prisoners every get mail from strangers cursing them out after browsing the site.
No. 2117720
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>>2117673Do it to all prisoners
No. 2118064
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>>2118049KEK. Thank you for your concern anon. Actually my blood pressure is below normal kek. I just got that psychic energy
No. 2118299
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I like to take little sips of soy sauce
No. 2118873
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>>2118299i eat nutritional yeast sometimes
No. 2119239
>>2119226Anyone can be bj-chan. Personalityfags aren’t real but at the same time they do, we’re all personalityfags in spirit. What’s stopping a
nonny from being a stanfag, carreyfag, boyegafag, bpfag, pakifag, tradfag, etc. all in one hour?
No. 2120206
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I never want my friend who I have a crush on to get better because I don’t want him finding a girl he likes or something. I want him to continue being a neet and spiralling and relying upon me for female interaction. I want it to be like stockholm syndrome basically. He needs to love me. I want him to view me as his saviour as he gets more and more depressed and useless. I don’t want him to be happy when he starts college. I hope nothing works out for him and he has to rely upon me. I just love him too much, I need him to be mine and only mine.
No. 2120456
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her design is super cute to me. god I wish this series weren't coomershit written by a fucking pedo
No. 2120458
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>>2120456also her design is cute sans the gross hentai size boobs
No. 2120468
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i used to have a crush on flint lockwood as a kid
No. 2121168
>>2121126Because I'm a control freak who hates when things go off the rails or just unprepared, and being asked out is one of them. Also men who are into me are ugly.
>>2121141That too I guess.
No. 2121200
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Cats are my reason for living
No. 2121310
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I know absolutely no one's thinking of it, and it's not like it's really stopping me or anything, but I always feel a bit self-conscious buying pineapple because of that one South Park episode.
No. 2121567
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I love being a normie, I love being a weirdo, I love being a casual baiter, I love being a troll, I love being a serious poster, I love being a husbandofag and then being a husbando hater, I love having favorite ugly men to post in the ugly attractions thread and then posting in ugly man psyop pretending I agree with anybody else there when I don’t care about anything. I love when anons think I’m underaged because of the way I type and tell me “you have to be underaged to post here” (tbf that only happened to me once). I love being retarded it’s straight up fun. I love when anons take things seriously and I love the anons who don’t take things seriously as well. I encourage all of you to retardmaxx once in awhile to get some serious stress off your backs
No. 2121594
>>2121562I'm a manager and I love
fucking the hot employees I hire. Though it's blown up a couple times, silly rumors I can deny, it rocks to be the boss wheeeee~
No. 2121595
>>2121587just don’t take it to seriously and it won’t
>>2121594why are you larping like this anon
No. 2121604
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>>2121598>>2121598Mods said no retardposting you have to be sincere and genuinely butthurt all the time to post here
No. 2122539
>>2122526Oo, call me that again?
>>2122181It’s not actually that, honestly it’s more like I hold my piss for way too long. Usually because it feels good, but also because I drink a lot of water and getting up is so…
No. 2122866
>>2122717I’ve been told I smell pretty good actually, at least I keep the pissing in my house. It’s not like I completely let go
>>2122673Kek I’ve survived until now. I’ve heard getting yeast infections is really common for women but I haven’t gotten one of those yet either. My hygiene must be ok
No. 2123114
>>2123110sshhh nonna…you didn't see anything
yes, we can make this into a rufflepussy rap and put it in the lyrics thread
No. 2123127
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Sometimes I flick the tip of my makeup sponge and pretend it’s my husbando’s nipple
No. 2123672
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>>2123664It's in settings, under general settings, and then dashboard preferences. I circled the ones you should turn off if you only want to see posts that are reblogged by blogs you follow on your dash. Hope this helps.
No. 2123696
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The high I get from not posting on social media for years, posting one single thing once, and then never posting anything again for a few more years is so amazing that I could sell this shit bottled as a premier grand cru ultimate attention that's been matured for decades.
I get views from a bunch of people because no one expects me to post anything at all, and it brings me an immeasurable amount of joy, but because I know that if I post too many things, I become a routine to others, so I stop myself from posting anything and just continue with my life.
No. 2123720
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Sometimes I click on the Finnish thread when I'm bored and read aloud the posts for a laugh because the language sounds kind of silly to me.
No. 2123750
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I think I’m really beginning to hit that get serious about having a baby phase because I saw a very graphic video of a woman giving birth where she piss and shit everywhere and it was gross but it didn’t really phase me either.
No. 2124089
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i genuinely believe in the evil eye. telling people your dreams/achievements/goals, no matter how close you think you are, will lead to you failing.
i've stopped telling my "friends" everything after a certain plan fell through (which was essentially the last straw after many other failed plans) and now things are finally starting to work out again. keep everything to yourself.
No. 2124303
>>2124089It's just a statistical probability that most plans will fail and most people won't accomplish their dreams.
You just shouldn't outwardly say much so you don't cow yourself and give people your failings to gossip about.
No. 2125803
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>>2125792Just curious, did you watch this show too? It’s
No. 2125819
>>2125803>It'sit's what?
did anon get switched while posting?
No. 2125824
>>2125812Yeah, it was quite fanciful. Oddly one of the only TV shows my mother would watch, so that we’d torrent it for “family time”.
>>2125819My bad, I was going to elaborate on a thought and then accidentally didn’t delete the whole thing.
>>2125818Lol, better safe than sorry I guess? Did your parents keep the baby socks?
No. 2125848
>>2125828It's about power games and who gets to sit on the ugly ass throne to become emperor of the continent. There are many very disgusting sex scenes and the majority of main characters die because plot armor doesn't exist in this series.
>>2125824They definitely kept some socks but I'm not sure if they are the ones she made.
No. 2126303
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I told my friends about how this psycho moid who was weirdly obsessed with me got molested as a child and I kind of feel bad but not that bad because he threatened to rape me as a “joke”
No. 2126431
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i have doxed at least 1 celeb and it's really not that hard to do
No. 2126573
>>2126568How many std ridden moids have you let fuck you?
>>2126569I hate tradwives as well as any women who tries to pander to moids
(infighting) No. 2126604
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Being told as a child that everything I like is stupid has made me unable to actually, deeply enjoy what I like. Which yeah, I like cringe shit like otome games and magical girls, so I kind of deserve being mocked by others.
But it still hurts because I don't really like sharing anything that I do with anyone because I know I suck at everything that I try, that I never make sense when I try to do my best and that I just never truly go deep in my hobbies like those internet autists that can cite random bits of media.
It makes me feel like I just try to do something but I end up doing nothing because I don't even know if I truly enjoy the things I "like" because I've always been told that what I like is retarded, so it makes me wonder if I like the things I like out of spite, but no matter how hard I try to be more "normie" I can't stop glancing at the stuff I "like".
I'm beginning to think that this is why I have such a hard time going to sleep and also enjoying the stuff that I supposedly like, specially when there's people at home, I feel a huge sense of shame whenever I notice that I'm enjoying anything and I always have to force myself to stop smiling because it attracts attention, when that happens I try to explain what I'm doing and everyone just doesn't understand or I get called stupid/idiot and then others explain whatever I like/see/enjoy to me as if I didn't understand what I'm doing.
It's really tiresome, this is why I feel like I will never get a job, I can't even understand why I like something nor what I like, so how can I even understand something slightly more complex?
I also end up feeling like when I talk about "work" related stuff, I don't know what I'm doing, like I space out and my mind is completely blank, when I'm working, it's like my brain just shuts off and I can't remember what I did or what I said unless asked about, I don't even want to think after a day at work, I just want to shut down and boot up the next day.
I don't even know what to do, at all, everything that I do or say is dumb, useless, boring, nonsensical, a waste of time, annoying.
I also space out when I'm supposed to be having fun, like when I go to some anime convention or when I'm playing DnD, I always end up thinking "what the fuck am I doing?" But I also feel the same when I'm traveling or going to a museum.
Now that I think about it, the only times that I don't feel like this is when I'm working out or when I'm just completely alone.
Maybe I should join some convent/cloister where I can workout daily and be in complete solitude in the mountains or by the coast, maybe that's how I'm supposed to be happy.
I feel like such a retard for feeling like this at 27 years old, I hope I don't wake up tomorrow, like every night when I go to sleep, I always hope I never wake up the next day.
No. 2126631
>>2126612i think i recognize this..
the abusive comedian that shan't be named right? what website/program did you use? i want to try something with my celeb crushes
No. 2126636
>>2126631It's him kek
i can't believe I used to think his voice was cute. hearing it raw it sounds so nasally! and his accent is so Canadian in the worst way. sorry to any CanadiansI used There are probably other alternatives and it gives you a chara limit for the "free version" but I'm just dabbling. If you want specific celebs I'd just Google their names + ai voice generator
No. 2126697
I really like the idea of my pleasure being the center of two hot guys’ attention. I think three would mean even more pleasure
No. 2126752
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Part of me wishes I was fat again, just because of how invisible I was to most moids. You never know what you have until it's gone. Being seen sexually and perceived as an "option" by moids still pisses me off to no end.
No. 2126804
>>2126706Im the op of
>>2126561 and I’m basing this off shit I’ve observed with my own eyes. There are so many women irl who will dress like hookers and doll themselves up for the ugly nigels they rotate around each month. And judging by how defensive you’re getting, you’re one of these women
No. 2127058
File: 1723137485878.jpg (356.27 KB, 1280x1409, gangreen gang.jpg)

>>2126993teenage-me would do snake from gangreen gang and i blame seeing art from tumblr for that
No. 2127145
>>2127058There was always a group of autistic girls simping for ace especially after he appeared in gorillaz kek
but snake.. I would tie him to a chair in a dark basement then shove my underwear into his mouth. Then i would put piss on him and look at him as he is whining and struggling in wet clothes… Then i would become good and loving again and i would put him in a shover and wash him and and feed him doughnuts for dinner. kek.
No. 2127224
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I am an emotionally abusive attention whore and I want to change but I don’t know how. I don’t know if this is relevant but I have bipolar and PTSD. I’m 18. A couple years ago I got into a relationship with a bisexual girl who was later diagnosed with BPD. She was very “hot and cold” and I noticed that every time she’d go to a concert together she’d spend a lot of time talking to random guys instead of me. She was also in a bunch of group chats with guys I didn’t know, and I wasn’t in them. Instead of communicating with her, I made posts on social media about the situation and she eventually found out and dumped me. She got a boyfriend within a month after we broke up. This made me angry so I told everyone I knew about every little thing she had ever done that mildly pissed me off (such as insinuating that I had to take my shirt off in front of her because she had done it before even though I was uncomfortable with it, openly stating that she preferred skinny guys knowing that I struggled with eating and body image issues, etc).
More recently I got into a relationship with a guy who was still obsessed with his ex. He would bring her up all the time and posted about missing her so I gave him an ultimatum and threatened to break up with him if he kept doing it. I withheld affection from him after this and didn’t tell him I loved him. After we broke up, I found out that he had been cheating on me. I became obsessed with ruining his life. I did so many things to get revenge on him that I can’t even name them all here. That wasn’t enough for me so I sent him a long paragraph consisting of all the most vile insults you can possibly imagine and told him that he made me want to kill/harm myself.
I am sick of losing control and stirring up drama. I’ve been single for a couple months. I’m in therapy and taking medication but I don’t think I’ll ever be able to be in a relationship ever again. I’m like Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, I’m terrified myself and the capability I have for hurting other people. There’s this part of me that actively waits for someone else to hurt me so I have an excuse to hurt them.
No. 2127230
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>>2127158Yeah, there's an arc in the band's lore that Ace temporarily replaced Murdoc (the bassist) when he went to prison kek
No. 2127403
>>2127393i had a friend i could have done this with, but i thought running off with a moid was a better idea at the time. I'm an idiot
>>2127386glad I'm not alone. my moid is a decent man, but i still can't shake the feeling.
No. 2127927
>>2127911thats how i feel too, everyone wants to start drama and "expose" someone for being "
problematic" like you're their personal cow.
No. 2127990
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I am aware of the effect I have on men and take full advantage of it
No. 2128217
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ive loved tcoaal since the first chapter, and it makes me sad that people just see it as "incest meme game" when the incest is just a small part of the story, it genuinely conveys a fucked up codependent relationship (and a female narcissist) in such a real way ive never seen in another media
No. 2128268
>>2127999Just roleplay as poor and apply for IBR. The interest on mine is ridiculous but they aren't knocking down my door asking for a monthly minimum. I never updated my income info from when I was a legit poor and my monthly minimum payment on the bills I get states $0.00 lmao.
Don't pay em. You're right that it's better to gamble to see if it will be forgiven.
The most red-pilled advice I can give is that most rich people don't pay back debts, they aren't even taxed appropriately. Only sheeple repay debt. Debt is imaginary. Debt is only a problem for the fools who gave away the money and now seek to draw blood from stones–but even that's ok, cause others in their pools pay back in interest well over the worth of the original charge.
Fuck them and debt sympathizers.
No. 2128709
>>2128261>>2128227well if you have recommendations thatd be cool
>>2128258i dont really know one of the endings being incest proves any point.. you can literally avoid it if you think its gross but still like the story
>>2128603i dont because women should be allowed to write stories about whatever fucked up shit they want
>>2128262yeah although ive seen a lot of guys like it too kek
No. 2128733
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sometimes i go on edtwt just to giggle at all the bitter seething anachans. i lost a lot of weight due to stress and it's making me insecure but knowing there are people who would kill to look like me feels good. sometimes i feel a little bad for them but then i see them publicly shame fat women and use their pictures as "fatspo" and my guilt evaporates. also all anachans i knew IRL were insufferable manipulative attention whores who used their condition to gain sympathy. maybe i'm biased
No. 2128808
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I look down on people who denounce writing in cursive.
No. 2129094
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>>2128808>>2129068I can’t write in cursive and I can hardly read in cursive. It’s like a foreign script to me, like Arabic or Cyrillic. I’ve never had to write in cursive but I do remember having to read 1800’s cursive when I was looking through old family documents and it was a struggle kek
No. 2129177
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>>2129086tcctwt is particulairly fascinating to me. wonder why we dont have a thread on discussing true crime fan culture (not in the podcaster sense). i do believe for most of these often reclusive and clearly autistic teenage girls obsessing over specific figures isnt a matter of hybristophilia as ppl say rather than a weird parasocial/vicariously living through them power trip seeing as they often try to almost imitate? the criminal in question (wearing the same clothes , listening to the same music , being TIFs etc) and how 90% of the time you only ever see this obsession for mass shooter autist types and never , say , dahmer or gacy
No. 2129196
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I decided to download Roblox just to play this game, and it's actually pretty fun. I feel childish playing it kek
No. 2129241
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>>2129223because it’s fun and it’s a dress up game competition game, kind of like the one from that moviestarplanet game from a few years back where you dress as a particular theme and other people vote for the best outfit. it’s funny because i’ve seen a bunch of videos where a bunch of crayon munchers don’t even stay on theme and end up voting for the most basic pinteresty aesthetic outfit even though the theme is like “space robots from the victorian era”. it’s always been a popular game on roblox, it’s just little kids and grown adults like anon
>>2129196 making it slightly more popular
No. 2130052
>>2128808my cursive writing is unintelligible so i started writing in a mix of printed and cursive letters the moment i got out of school. separating letters made my notes look so much cleaner. tbh this could be due to me holding my pen the wrong way.
i'm not retarded, just unique and special>>2129532maybe your handwriting is just shit kek
>>2129933i hate that shit it hurts
No. 2130080
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>>2130002>Normal bodyIdk about that
No. 2130124
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I don't feel like I feel any meaningful attraction to men and it fucks me up. They've always been NPCs in my mind, like all I want you to do is eat my pussy and give me money or do some other favor for me and if you're doing anything else get the fuck out. It genuinely makes me feel like an alien because in my mind I don't think I see men as real human beings and instead pawns to siphon things from. But I'm very attracted to and love women, but at the same time I don't feel worthy of the attention and affection from other women. I've since stopped but I used to go after pathetic men and screw with their emotions just to feel something and to feel in control for once. It got so far even as a teenager I'd fantasize about violently murdering this older moid I met as a teenager. Even now I have violent fantasies of killing, torturing or removing the genitals of moids. I would never genuinely act on them, but getting older makes me realize how much of a fucked up person I am. Realizing other women really don't feel this way and that's It's actually not normal and kind of fucked up. I don't feel like a based stacy, I just feel like a genuine freak.
(Yes I have a history of physical and sexual abuse stemming from childhood)
No. 2130134
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I cannot remember whether or not I showed people explicit photos of my cheating ex or not. I was talking to my friends about how he literally sent me arch pics but I don’t remember if I sent them the photos or not and driving me insane. I remember in the pictures he was clothed but still. I don’t know if this is an OCD thing or not. Help me nonnas I don’t want to get arrested for revenge porn
No. 2130179
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Whenever I'm extremely bored and somehow horny I go on disboard and look for random people to do erotic roleplays with, they're always the most retarded plotless bullshit ever.
Once I'm done I ghost the person and move on, sometimes they get clingy though, and it's honestly annoying but whatever.
I have tried using AI bots but I get shy, I don't get why, but I just close the tab and die of embarrassment, meanwhile with random people I have no issues explaining the most retarded scenarios, I guess it's because I know I can just block/ghost and move on, meanwhile if I roleplay with a character I like, whenever I see the character I will remember the shit I did with the character and then I will stop breathing for a few seconds.
No. 2130228
>>2130216I join any RP servers and befriend random losers, since I only care about NSFW roleplays, I look for ERP tags and try to join the least cringe servers and servers without ID verification because I don't like showing my face to anyone, specially because I would basically doxx myself for 15 minutes of talking to some rando kek.
As long as it says that you have to be 18+ and that it doesn't have some elaborate plot, it should be okay, in the end it's anonymous.
Also make sure you have some account (that doesn't have your name and stuff) that's old enough for servers where they ask for you to have a week old account.
No. 2130800
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>>2130772Omg this reminds me
I follow this girl on TikTok and everyone was like “hnnnng you’d look so much better with long hair” and now she’s growing it out. It’s so weird how short hair is hated on women lmao
No. 2130808
I do not mind reading dark romance books that include 'problematic' behavior from mcs. Problem is, most of them are absolute dogshit, with Wattpad tier writing and same tropey stories. "He kidnapped me, but he was so hot and sexy" or "he looked at me and I shivered…but not from fear" Unironically, most of them are written like this. And reviewers only fixate on problematic relationship tropes and 'glamorizing abuse!!' or are shocked when the MC who's described as 'an alpha bad guy billionaire' does assholish things, and not the piss poor writing itself. This genre can be executed very compellingly, and when it's done well it's very entertaining to read it. Cute and fluffy, 'healthy' romances bore me, as because the characters are so perfect and unproblematic, the only way to get any conflict is to write in a stupid misunderstanding, who gets solved in like 2 minutes anyways.
No. 2130817
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My favorite type of whump scenario in fanfic is one where a weak, pathetic misogynistic scrote reeees about women being whores who deserve what's coming for them, but eventually it's revealed that he's just projecting and it is he who got raped by some other scrote, meaning it's he who is the whore. I love it, I love homoerotic violence. Too bad most whump content is shit so I need to write it myself.
>inb4 reee belongs in /g
Not posting to the fetishes you're ashamed of thread because I'm honestly not even ashamed of this.
No. 2131844
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I was trying to post some fanart but accidentally attached this image instead
No. 2132101
>>2132096 women being
victims is so common in fiction to the point where it's boring, it's very good when you get to see a woman in control of the situation manipulating and abusing a moid.
No. 2132105
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Anons obsessed with raping men make me so uncomfortable kek. I’m not going to moralfag because I don’t care about scrotes but it doesn’t stop my stomach from turning over. /g/ is so bad too because I could totally see it just being weird faggots even if it’s not.
No. 2132127
>>2132105 I guess for me it comes from a sense of revenge, not giving to men what they want.
Be it rape, manipulation or torture… Or simply dumping him when you get bored of him.
(But of course, all fiction, comments like these aren't nice because we are talking about a real person. Even if they don't care, we shouldn't get to their level.)
No. 2132129
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I enjoy cute anthro designs but it makes me feel like a furry to like them
No. 2132159
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I don’t sage in threads I’m interested in so they stay on the first page.
No. 2132431
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>>2132105>n-noooo that word is scary i tink we womyn should nevarrrrr want to rape it’s stooping down to a man’s level we hate rape when it happens to men as much as it happens to womennnn teheee i’m such a good respectable girl everybody loves me i would never dare make jokes like that tehee >oh you said “rapeable” under a woman’s pic?? nooo that’s fine that’s fine what time is our date going to be? sincerely shut up, if you have cocks for dinner you shouldn’t be interjecting your hypocritical beliefs on to anyone
No. 2132460
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nonnie… look…
No. 2132551
>>2132541he looks so cute nonna, he is lying on the floor helplessly, his embarrased and shameful expression, the bruised cheeks and saliva on his face and his slim, toned yet soft back, so cute
No. 2132568
>>2132553>>2132546Apologies for the obnoxious question but am I like the only one itt who doesn't think about the logistics or like realistic consequences of coom? I get the occasional
"wtf was that" shame and clarity but I don't care how realistic it is kek
No. 2132594
>>2132566and then what? like
>>2132546 >>2132553 said, you are the submissive subservicent role, a moid can forcefully inseminate you and make you carry a child for 9 months against your will with 0% chance of being able to fight back. Caring about morals as a woman is retarded because men and even women do not care about what happens to you. They dont care about your physical or mental health, you facing discrimination at the workplace, yo being objectfied in pornography or getting deepfake ai porn made of you, nobody cares because what are you gonna do about it? you can get raped and murdered and your perpetrator wont even face jail time. women dont matter.
No. 2132610
>>2132592So? If the accusations are baseless and wrong, just enjoy what you like anyway. People who are actually comfortable in their moral correctness don't care is a stranger doesn't agree with their personal choices.
>>2132604I'm not OP. I don't care if some lady wants to be a cringe ryona queen, I just find it weird that they feel the need to defend themselves just because some rando on lolcor thinks it's cringe.
>>2132594This kind of fatalistic self loathing isn't healthy. Please find yourself some strong self-loving women to show you the light.
No. 2132621
>>2132616nta but i love when anons infer completely unrelated things from posts like this
anyway i'm gonna draw nasty disgusting guro porn or something fucked up of my anime husbando number seven just for shits and giggles
No. 2132625
>>2132572This site stopped being for weird autistic women a long time ago,
nonny. Nowadays you cant say you like anything with more violence than sanrio without being called a scrote here. Summerfags are insufferable, but they will go back to school eventually. Hang in there.
No. 2132633
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>>2132625Fuck off I’m a sanriofag who also likes seeing anime moids get beat to death
No. 2132640
>>2132610>Please find yourself some strong self-loving women to show you the this point
strong and
woman is an oxymoron. You are weaker, smaller, slower. What is being a strong woman?
No. 2132654
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Admins should really bring back post reveals and apply them as soon as the poster starts the same infight for the 3rd time.
No. 2132670
>>2132663That has literally nothing to do with what I just said, I actually agree with that statement as well but again,
>>2132621 is right
No. 2132677
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>>2132572This is so true and you’re real for saying this. I hope we press the right button on the lolcow remote this time
>nonny NOOOO DONT MORALFAG>clicks the red button >time abruptly stops >rewind>travels back in time to the very second before anon placed her finger on her keyboard >”hmph there was something i was forgetting? what was it i can’t remember it”>nvm lol >goes and scrolls hot gorey pics of anime men being sexually tortured>”yo girls doesn’t this look sexy?”>anon gets another chance to get it right No. 2132682
File: 1723483589299.png (3.16 MB, 2732x2048, 1654602026194.png)

She would be so dissapointed reading all your comments saying women cant snuff men.
No. 2132687
>>2132683I just like to see them in pain
>>2132684The only man who lives 24/7 in my head is my anime 2d man because I am a loyal lady like some of these anons upthread seem to want. I am utterly superior
No. 2132723
>>2132706i dont agree with pedophilia but its more so the
fact that:
>men commit 90>% of all crimes>all men watch porn>men dgaf about any of your rights, only the right to be a prostitute>1723457450298 cases of gang rape, trafficking, physically and psycologicaly torturing women and girls with no repercussions for the perpetrators>male rape victims dont suffer nearly as much in comparison to women No. 2132725
>>2132700Riding your horse through the forest when a handsome prince crosses your path. Your beauty bewitches him and he asks for your name. You are charmed by him and notice there is something different about this young man. The two of you are the same age, but he appears wise and respectful, unlike the men of your village. He offers to ride home alongside you, but you decline. It’s too soon for such a thing… Perhaps you could meet at this same place tomorrow? The following day you and your horse venture out to the place that has now become a meeting point. Before you arrive, the young man is there. You descend your horses and chat, getting to know each other better… He is [insert trait you like e.g. wise, insightful, creative, clever, shy, clumsy, boyish, charming, eloquent] and [insert trait you like]. His [insert description of his appearance]. Then the fantasy can go on as you like… maybe you guys play games together or go swimming or he takes you to the royal palace or you two are simply animalistic and sleep together in the river in secret but only because you are too ashamed whereas he wants you to come to the royal palace and marry him but you refuse to become royalty because you feel loyal to your village that some believe have historically been oppressed by the prince’s ancestor but what is the prince’s opinion and how would he reign, does he need you perhaps to change the rule of the kingdom or possibly is there a conspiracy against the royal family? You could of course also switch and have yourself be the royalty while he is a peasant boy, or the two of you are royal… There is so much customization possible, the point is that a healthy fantasy entails loyalty, virtue and true love.
No. 2132736
>>2132735And they call
us the degenerates.
No. 2132743
>>2132737Because that’s not healthy, which is what you asked for. To disordered people, healthy
is frequently considered boring, which is why they tend to stick in unhealthy relationship cycles and then ask themselves “why is the world out to get me?! Everybody else is at fault but I.”
No. 2132758
>>2132754>implying there are men who arent coom brainedoh poor
nonny, bet you think your nigel is NLOB
No. 2132762
>>2132743 that is true for some, but for others it's just fantasy, exploring in your mind something you wouldn't want to do irl.
I can also see the appeal of books like 50 shades of grey, since the guy is supposed to be handsome and charming.
The only problem is when people can't separate fiction and reality.
No. 2132779
>>2132775they dont want to
consume pedophilia
nonnie, they want to become the object
of it. they want to become the lolis. moids are so ugly, a lot of women are autosexual
No. 2132791
>>2132700>how can women be strongdon’t be a fatty, work out, if you live in a state or country that allows you to carry and can afford to get a gun/practice it get one, never hesitate hurting a moid, disable him and never try to get into an equal fight with him
>what normal fantasies should a woman have slapping and beating moids, female supremacy fantasies (not the gross femdom that’s based on men getting off to them willingly being able to turn off their violence mode and think it’s a reward for the woman to larp as a higher status than a scrote)
No. 2132830
>>2132818 said. You can also customize stuff like randomization, making the LLM "think" before it responds (so it doesn't lose track of plot, chars, etc.). You can practically turn it into a CYA rp too. Also you can add music, iirc.
No. 2132999
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I love Emma Roberts. That's my confession.
No. 2133080
>>2132975as a short woman this kinda makes me sad. I’m also young looking (don’t come for me it’s not a brag) and it’s hindered me mostly in professional settings. People especially men don’t take me seriously and often talk down to me. I saw a large, tall woman the other day and the way she walked into the room and commanded attention and respect was so badass. I would love to experience that. Like Brienne of Tarth style. Grass is always greener and all that.
One time I heard a short guy say he wants a tall wife so that they don’t have short kids, I thought that was kinda funny, manlet showing his insecurity kek
No. 2133095
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>>2132975as a 5ft10 woman i consider being tall a blessing. it helps me get taken more seriously. sure i get a reputation as aggro/ bitchy but moids will always find something to dislike anyway. height is an advantage, midgets stay salty.
No. 2133131
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>>2133076In like 2019 during filming of AHS. Reading what the dude said she did is so funny and I hope it's 100% true
No. 2133144
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I wish they would legalize violence against men. I would slap so much ugly bastards on the street and grab their wallets and render them completely broke
No. 2133202
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>>2133052Me too, she's my favorite bitchy celebricow.
>>2133131>>2133133 Also kek not only did she call the tranny a man in front of everyone but she also imitated his voice by dropping her voice "several octaves", lololol based mean girl
No. 2133470
>>2110705i don't know if I'm bisexual but I'm very sexually attracted to white women with pale skin and rosy lips and big slightly saggy boobs, but i feel like a man for it, i wonder if I've been conditioned to liking it because of male gaze media or if it's because my first girl crush at 8 years old was like that
there's this e-whore i follow who is a retarded gendie but never made any effort in looking more androgynous, she's dumb and did onlyfans stuff with her even more retarded boyfriend, but I can't stop but wish i could make love to this stupid bitch whenever she pops in my social media, i literally have had erotic fantasies with her in my dreams
sorry for bad grammar and stuff I'm a little high
No. 2133696
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When I got back into working and going outside, I've come to the secret opinion that black women are disliked for a reason. I used to think it was because of unfairly racist beliefs, but my own two eyes taught me that it's less one sided than that. There's always going to be those people at your work or at other places that act like bull-headed morons or fools that never emotionally aged past middle or high school, but of all those people I've dealt with at work, most of them have been black women that came in with dogshit attitudes and genuinely think that it's everyone else trying to start a fight with THEM. Even online, I find them to be among the most annoying converse with, of all people. Consistently and in general with talking to black women in online spaces and even here, they seem to be the worst at understanding anything you try to explain no matter how crystal clear you may put your words. It almost scares me. I rarely meet a black girl online that's actually able to understand the simplest opinion or even mere statement I can lay down, as their reading comprehension is the worst I've ever seen of all online users. Can I mention hoe black women also like to tear down other black women or black people for speaking proper fucking English just because they "sound white"? I hate that they act like perpetually angry twats in public without caring or even being aware of all bad they're shitting up their own image to the rest of the world. They complain that whites, asians, mestizo latinas, and other nonblack women are seen as more gracious and friendly, yet black women regularly act like it's a challenge to be a fucking adult when they leave the house—which ironically leads to politically self-aware black girls and women being depressed that the world doesn't like them. It's been this way for virtually my entire life of living all over America, meeting, and socializing with all different races, ages, and both genders. Black women are among the hardest for me to get along with even though I always. fucking. TRIED. and what makes this confession nightmarish is that I'm admitting all of this as a half-black woman myself. I wanted to be a warrior for black women by repeatedly bashing mixed people, black men, and whatnot but it's time for me to be honest: black women are the demographic that I actually have one of the most problems with seeking peace from. Even though white women's cattiness snd immaturity is almost identical, even they still managed to be easier for me to get along with than black women ever were for me, and that's even though black women will repeatedly try to warn everyone about white women and paint them as the boogeyman. I'll take my racebait. I just wanted to get that off my chest after a work altercation for a reason you can probably guess.(racebait)
No. 2133706
>>2133696Not reading your
victim-mindset poorme bwack women are ebil rant.
No. 2133714
>>2133696I read this as “coal is mid”
I gotta stop going on that place
No. 2133787
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>>2133779I really thought it was going to be a weeb rant because of the ganguro
No. 2133819
>>2132950A lot of male models get raped by moids in the industry, and probably got treated weirdly or outright abused when they were young.
Unsurprisingly, getting a taste of the treatment many women and girls get does not bode well for a lot of men.
No. 2133848
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I have a crush on Jeremy Fragrance
No. 2133850
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>>2132975You’re a stupid fucking idiot. You should actually be forcibly sterilised.
No. 2133896
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>>2133884I think the only cats that are seriously at risk from foxes are kittens and severely sick/disabled ones who (hopefully) wouldn't be let outside anyway. Ofc it's happened occasionally but foxes are quite cautious and usually won't fuck with anything bigger than a rabbit.
No. 2133918
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Did you mean adapt to catte? Kek. But yes what you wrote is true.
No. 2133924
>>2133884Look, I'm from europe and I think that if you really care for a cat and it's born domestic you need to keep it inside. We do have bird populations that are at risk because of predators like cats, sure they may not be flashy and interesting like some australian species but it still shouldn't happen.
>But cats are native here!They are but so many domestic cats roaming around hunting and having a lower risk (but not zero!) of being caught by another predator is a big fuck up for the ecosystem. It's not natural because they're not feral cats. It's like saying that because dogs are native, then they should all be allowed to roam free, kill random animals and then you take them back home when they're safe. It'd be like supporting wolf-dog hybrids because they're both native species, but that would be idiotic.
>"They'll get hit by a car"This is true, especially because most people can't afford a huge isolated farm and instead live in small houses or apartments in cities where there are tons of cars.
>"They'll be killed by predators"Also true. Foxes can go after cats, and wolves/dog wolf mixes can come close to rural towns. There are bears that roam in cities too. You think your free roaming cat only walks a few blocks a day? They can go very, very far. And anon, I've had free roaming cats as a kid, I've lost count of how many just disappeared or came back severely hurt, most of them got into serious fights with other cats (yeah, cats are also predators and they're not all friends, especially the unneutered males) or with dogs because they enter their yards/enclosures. Keeping your cat inside IS taking care of it, it's your pet after all.
It's sad reading this because it's been a few days that two ladies in my neighbourhood keep going around yelling their cat's name because it got lost. They're putting up papers everywhere and it's sad because things like these are fully preventable.
No. 2134163
>>2133884>We have no endangered animals targeted by catsYou are wrong, very wrong. What country do you live in? In UK there are certain species of birds that are endangered as well as species of rodent like field mice. Either way many places in Europe are nature depleted, even ONE bird killed by a pet cat is too many. Pets are a luxury, not a right, so if you have the means to keep your pet indoors, with an enclosed outdoor space (I personally think it’s cruel for cats to live their
entire lives inside. They should be allowed outdoor time) OR take it out on a lead (might sound ridiculous but many people do this and the cats get used to it) if you are not doing this you have no cause for seething.
No. 2134167
>>2134007No YOU are a retarded fag and YOU are dramatic
>waaaa how dare you expect me to care about the effect my pet I CHOSE to get has on the environment! People are allowed to think you’re in the wrong. Instead of just owning up to your bad choices you have to throw a tantrum and force people to accept them. If you don’t care then that’s up to you but no sense denying reality.
No. 2134338
>>2134210>If you area is safe then I dont see whats so wrong about it. It's just rare any area could be considered safe. Most people are content calling a dog owner who lets their dog out irresponsible, but cat owners rarely get called that. Other loose cats, dogs, people, and cars are all huge risks. Your cat can easily catch diseases from other cats if s/he isn't vaccinated and imo heat is not a nice experience for female cats. I knew several men growing up who would kill cats for fun, so I consider people really dangerous if you live in an area other people live nearby. Obviously if you live on a secluded farm, that's a unique scenario most don't find themselves in.
>Making an animal stay indoors 24/7 is more cruel and disgusting imo Cats are made to be outdoorsThis argument is poorly constructed. Is it limiting for a fish to be in a tank? Is it limiting for a pet tarantula, guinea pig, or hamster to be in a cage? Why is the fact the cat is "made" to be outdoors a good argument for why it should be outdoors and free to roam? Dogs are "made" to be outdoors and we don't let them outside, even if they're small dogs that could not cause much harm to other people or dogs. I mean, people weren't "made" to be indoors and yet we live inside and it's arguably whether we should or shouldn't be outside.
>Eating birds and other small animals is part of their natureCertainly
>Im not gonna block itYou seem like you're using a naturalistic fallacy to justify not being a responsible pet owner.
>You want to ACTUALLY fix the bird killing problem? Ban cat ownership.Most people here are more concerned with responsible pet ownership which includes keeping cats indoors and spaying/neutering them. The problem is that many people just want an animal to pet without actually considering the ramifications of owning one.
No. 2134356
>>2134338>Most people are content calling a dog owner who lets their dog out irresponsible.Maybe because they pose a greater threat to other animals and HUMANS?Just a thought.
>Your cat can easily catch diseases from other cats if s/he isn't vaccinated and imo heat is not a nice experience for female cats.Never had a problem. They can get neutered and like you said, vaccinated
>Is it limiting for a fish to be in a tank? Is it limiting for a pet tarantula, guinea pig, or hamster to be in a cage?Cats are not as simple minded as a tarantula/fish and not as vulnerable and fragile as a guinea pig/hamster.
>to justify not being a responsible pet owner. Where I am from, indoor/outdoor cats are the norm. Unless you live in a big city then sure, keep it inside but my neighborhood is quiet and safe and there is nature around it so my cats are free to roam wherever they want. Plus most of the indoor/ outdoor cats my foamily had lived in their 20s.
>The problem is that many people just want an animal to pet without actually considering the ramifications of owning one.You can't have it both ways. If you deeply care about the bird population then the best and quickest way to eliminate the problem is ban cat ownership since a lot of people abandon their pets and arent really responsible cat owners right?
No. 2134371
>>2134359>if I'm out and see your Mr. Mittens.Where I am from that would be considered animal cruelty and a criminal offense.
Better euthanize all of them and ban cat ownership all together. Why dont you advocate for that instead of being a whiny retard?
No. 2134397
>>2134356>Muh threat to humansI doubt a chihuahua could be a threat to anything, but even if you're talking about big dogs, by your logic it's in their nature to hunt animals/small humans so we shouldn't block it.
>My cat is totally less simple minded than fish/insects/birds and not fragile like guinea pigsGet your head out of your ass, stop humanizing your cat which can get mauled by the first slightly bigger predator or even bird of prey it encounters in your so-called safe nature uwu.
You can do whatever you want with "your" (it doesn't stay inside so it's hard to call it yours, is it even registered?) cat sadly, because cat owners get special treatment and their luxury hobby is allowed to decimate species, but don't be surprised when someone or something harms it and it never comes back. Caring owners my ass.
No. 2134430
>>2134397>I doubt a chihuahua could be a threat to anythingDoubt it either but I guess the obvious exception to the argument means that suddenly dogs in general are not a threat to humans? Cause when someone points that out, we all think of chihuahuas ripping someone's arm off? The reaching is insane.
>by your logic it's in their nature to hunt animals/small humans so we shouldn't block it.If you value bird life more than human life then sure.
>stop humanizing your catStop drama whoring. Nobody gives a fuck because its not an issue. Just admit that you want to shoot cats cause you are an unstable brute.
No. 2134456
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I hate both cat and dog haters. I'm not convinced any of them care about the environment, or birds, or any other animals. They are just degenerate and deficient husks.
No. 2134649
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I have a wig mannequin like picrel and sometimes when I'm walking past it, I tear it's wig off just to pretend I'm snatching someone's wig. And if the wig abduction wasn't enough to knock it over, i make sure to give it a good Chun Li karate kick. But my victory is shortlived and I feel like a loser because I have to pick it back up and put it's wig back on.
No. 2134955
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I saw my ex being active (as recently as a day ago) on a small online forum for a video game series, which we both used to be active on as kids. This is unsettling because he was a violent, screwed up man who beat and nearly killed me, and has made pedophiliac remarks in the past on multiple occasions.The site is mostly populated by preteens and teens. When we were still together he popped in from time to time and made offhand comments to me on certain users being cute but I didn't think much of it at the time, now I don't feel right seeing him interacting with those girls on the site. The forum has an ephemeral chatroom so I can't really see the extent of which he's talking to others, but every time I've popped in I've seen recent messages left by him.
I don't know if I can really do anything about this. Technically he likely hasn't done anything wrong since every conversation I've glimpsed has been basic and boring. Also, it's not like I have any proof of him being a bad person, since that's stuff I experienced irl, and I don't exactly want to vent my private traumas to some random forum moderator, so I can't tip anyone off in a way that matters. I've been risking it but I also really don't want to show up online in the user list at the same time as him, I just don't want him to perceive me anywhere or any time and I've been trying to maintain a "disappeared off the face of the internet" appearance for my own safety. But yeah… It's creepy. All these people (including kids) are talking to him casually and they don't know what I know.
No. 2134964
>>2134955samefag to add that I admit I've considered using a different IP to make a dupe account and integrate into the community with a fake personality to keep an eye on him and gauge his current behavior. I know this is unhinged and obsessive and unhealthy, and I don't even know what I could stand to gain by basically e-stalking and fake befriending him, but… I dunno. I guess it's my own issues. On one hand I know I really gotta just move on with my life (I'm getting married in a year, after all… I shouldn't think about my ex so much) but on the other hand it unnerves me to think about how he's just out there in the world after all the stuff he's done and nobody knows about it like I do.
I wish just I could do something. A few months ago I heard he was briefly arrested for threatening a woman and I feel awful about it… if only I had some way to warn her, or had been brave enough to document and report all the abuse back then. He abuses his dog too. I have no evidence of anything and we live in different states, and it's been years, so there really isn't anything I can do…
No. 2134990
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>>2134963ok so I’m really stoned right now, and the idea that there's a nonzero chance LC could very well just be like, 20 of your different personas and I’ve just been here talking to you in an otherwise empty room (board) is kind of fucking me up right now kek
No. 2134995
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I hate-watched Helluva Boss because I heard it was cringe and I wanted to make fun of the character designs but I ended up liking it
No. 2135033
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I want to buy a dildo but i am afraid my mom will find it. And how will i sneak into the bathroom to wash it? We dont have much space (apartment). I dont really like these innocent looking vaguely phallic shaped pink ones, i would like a more realistic one. Thinking about getting a picrel tho.
No. 2135122
>>2135075we'll argue for hours about stuff like his views on women
he is trash
No. 2135466
>>2135075the moment you "lose" is when you have sex with him. to be honest, you're already losing by engaging with his fuckery. scrotes do not think like us. he will not be heartbroken by you fucking and ghosting him, he will think that
HE "won"
No. 2135532
>>2135519sorry for being a downer
nonnie, I’m probably fine. I’ve been drinking a lot of coffee recently so maybe that has unknowingly made me lose weight by suppressing my appetite. I love the taste of hazelnut creamer too much kek
No. 2135636
>>2134998i am too. but then again, the housing market is shit and they know it (i have cousins in their early 20s trying to move out facing pretty much the same struggles i'd face if i was serious about it), and i help around the house a lot, i cook and do chores and stuff so there's that.
>>2135002i work in IT for an overseas company. everything i do is over the internet and my meetings are zoom/slack/teams so all i really need is a laptop and good wifi.
>>2135232right? sometimes we butt heads over stuff but our relationship was never bad or strained in any way, and even though sometimes they ask about it and kinda push they either like having me around or know i'm staying for good and have just plain stopped insisting
No. 2135651
>>2135643it probably helps that i'm not from US but…
look for remote only or remote first postings.
learn about programming (pick something that's actually in use and go for the "oddball" stuff on your own time), learn about automation and qa. alternatively learn how to manage cloud services (like MS stuff, or containers. this has never been my area of expertise though).
None of this is going to happen overnight, i've been working in IT for like 20 years now and i've worked in offices a lot as well
No. 2135805
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No. 2135903
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>>2135878We won’t tell if you do.
No. 2135917
>>2135892Meh I knew it was a risk but idc
>>2135903Kek thanks nona
No. 2136109
>>2136071I like listening to it because it sounds like shit and I need something to listen to when I feel like shit but don’t feel like listening to good music kek
>>2136081Kekkk I like it though
No. 2136150
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I hate vtubers yet I work for them..I used to love them at one point but now it feels like a loveless marriage..especially after I got to know my oshi personally
No. 2136483
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I just realized people can see into my parents house from the road behind us… damn yall Ive been walking around shirtless for years when im housesitting and alone.
No one could send an anonymous letter letting me know? I really though the trees blocked it kek
Im so embarrassed but also find it really funny that ive been holding a show every few months.
No. 2136485
>>2136150How'd you get into the business? And how does it pay? Is it worth it or not?
I've considered trying to do something for YouTubers and seeing if it paid better than my stupid wagie job
No. 2136654
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i'm saving myself for marriage partially because i'm a husbandofag who despises 3d men anyway and partially because i feel immense guilt revolving God and feel as though i must do anything i can to repay him
No. 2136735
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>>2136729I'm just really bad at makeup and styling and in my mid-late twenties so I don't know if that'd be mortifying at my age. Also when my boyfriend admitted he doesn't wash his hair enough… I gagged tbh
I was emo-goth in middle school (wore a lot of black or scene style clothes, raccoon eyeliner, anti authoritative attitude) and still embody some of those traits but I didn't have the time nor money nor parental permission (my mom would've kicked me out if I bleached my hair) to put effort into it.
If I did it now I just think people would look at me weird
No. 2136846
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I feel so empty. I'm not even ovulating. I am so lonely and touch-starved. I am having strange urges to use chat roulette sites and have weird sexual interactions on there. Usually if I take a nap I wake up with clarity and regret of even wanting to do so. Right now I'm talking to the only guy that I've ever found attractive (online). But he's a poltard.
No. 2137186
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>>2135075>>2135878>>2136735>I think he might actually be special needs. His takes make me angry and we'll argue for hours about stuff like his views on women and mental health issues.>My chubby boyfriend is a good partner and marriage material, but I want to have experience with someone who is objectively attractive and fit.>Also when my boyfriend admitted he doesn't wash his hair enough… I gagged tbhI have no words
No. 2137307
>>2137303Samefag it was actually funny for me because he was like
> WHAT IF I BOUGHT THE WEBSITE RIGHT NOW SO I COULD SEE WHAT YOUR DOING> you can’t because someone else already did And then I got to tell him about Joshu kek