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No. 2110705

Previous Thread: >>2076380

She who conceals her sins will not prosper, but whoever confesses and renounces them will find mercy. - Proverbs 28:13

No. 2110843

I support my fat friends but I sure as hell would never want to look like them.

No. 2110850

File: 1722303598050.jpg (122.43 KB, 1008x1200, FpBxAM_WYAAup-E.jpg)

Aw man I was about to make the next thread

No. 2110856

I want to have a threesome with my two bisexual best friends so bad because I just love them so much (we're all women), every time we hang out I get more and more attracted to them, but I know that if I posed the question they'd stop talking to me foreverrr.

No. 2110876

I am really sensitive to sounds, like I HATE when TVs are on in the background and I have to psych myself up to watch a movie or listen to the news radio, I don't listen to music, etc. And the thing that drives me INSANE that i can never let show or admit to anyone is the way you can hear when fat people breathe. Just constantly. I'm trying to watch this hour and a half long youtube documentary about a topic I'm very interested in but one of the women on it is mic'd so that you can hear her fat girl breathing under everyone else's audio and I honestly don't know if I can get through this video. Oh my god.

No. 2110889

Really late but nona. I understand. I love humping my blankets. Its how I always masturabate my whole life. Its so comfy. I dont take off my pants or underwear, i just love to touch the soft fuzzy surface. I like to sniff and rub against my lips. I like to rub it between my fingers. I have these two blankets I'm autistically obsessed with and im not comfy without them. I think i  should get myself a nice soft flush toy.

No. 2110922

I want my future boyfriend/husband to act like the father I never had.

No. 2110939

So you don't want a nigel? I don't get it if you have a deadbeat dad and you want your nigel to be him wouldn't the nigel also leave in the night to buy smokes? I don't get it.

No. 2110941

nta but oh my god shut up

No. 2110970

Are you, by chance, retarded? She means that she wants her Nigel to be the person she wishes her deadbeat father was.

No. 2110979

actually sort of I want him to be like my father for me only

No. 2111011

this pic is amazing

No. 2111025

beeen sleeping with the lights on for 5 years.

No. 2111027

wasting light just because you’re scared of the dark. wahhh mommmyyyyyyy why is that shadow showing up in the dark! grow up.

No. 2111028

Yeah but if you didn't have a dad how can he be like your dad that didn't exist? I don't get it it's not making sense to me your posts sorry.

No. 2111031

Kiss my glow in the dark ass

No. 2111032

I don't like men with testosterone, I want men to be feminine but in a non-tranny way. They seem to only exist in fiction unfortunately, or in very specific time periods (I'm fond of those dandy archetypes from the old times). I'm not a lesbian, not underage, not on birth control or whatever other theories people come up with.

No. 2111033

he holds me like he’s my big strong burly doting father and i’m his young daughter anon, how else do you want me to explain this shit to you it’s easy to understand

No. 2111035

But why does it have to be your dad why can't you just want a big strong burly man to hold you and dote on you as a nigel does to his girlfriend why do you want it to be incest-based it's weird

No. 2111036


No. 2111042

It's okay I get you, I'm the same. It feels like the universe cursed us by giving us this taste but literally no men who fit it despite it not even being a tall order.

No. 2111046

i just want men with asses and thighs but god hates us

No. 2111050

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>i’m not lesbian, underage, on birth control
you’re right, it’s only one thing

No. 2111057

/r/vindicta would call her a stacy

No. 2111060

I have none of these features

No. 2111063


No. 2111065

I have all of these features kek

No. 2111067

I’m not autistic. I just don’t like hairy old roidpigs.

No. 2111072

you sound cute nonny

No. 2111075

My husband is kind of like my daddy too

No. 2111090

Just sneak the idea in sometime, even as a joke, to see how they react to it. Female FWBs are great.

No. 2111092

Can all these weirdos fuck off

No. 2111104

No. 2111106

Youre like bj chan but in reverse KEkK. Perhaps you are her.

No. 2111107

the women at r/vindicta would unironically bring this place back to life, they would love it here

No. 2111109

I feel sad for BJchan. I think if she found a nice man to cuddle and fuck she wouldnt be so angry and psychotic all the time

No. 2111110

don't even, bp anon wouldn't do that

No. 2111111

I want a big strong daddy moid that picks me up and caresses me and it mirrors the missing fatherly love in my life that makes me shitpost on lc. It’s not even just entirely sexual I just want a big burly paternal sexy grandpa like scrote to cuddle me and be possessive about me

No. 2111113

I think the anon who made that 'rate celebs' thread on /g/ was from there

No. 2111116

they can stay on reddit, I can’t stand them. all this effort to cater to the patriarchy

No. 2111117

Wow you're so quirky and different and taboo and alternative and unique and you've definitely perturbed us with your crazy indulgent avant-garde thoughts. Wow my mind is blown I can't believe I really read this this is something else I can't feel my legs wow I'm just so affected by you and your words. So different and not like other girls.

No. 2111118

They worship male attention at Patrick Bateman levels, please keep them quarantined far the fuck away from here

No. 2111119

nta but why did that post upset you

No. 2111120

Because I have low patience and I'm easy to enrage? Do you want my whole life story too?

No. 2111121

this is the confessions thread, i get to talk about my love for sexy salt and pepper (honestly let’s go further with the niceeee white hair and beautiful eyes) grandpa daddies with nice burly bodies and tall height picking me up like a nymph he decides to choose in the wilderness to breed

No. 2111123

File: 1722316419616.gif (10.98 KB, 512x512, sexxy.gif)

you want a cup of tea nonna

No. 2111125

it would help if more of you talked about this, i am curious to hear about these preferences from women

No. 2111126

Nta but yes please
autopedophilia, i bet you are/were one of those coquette girlies as a teen

No. 2111128

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me fucking my sexy grandpa nigel while the ugly man psyop hussy sits in her cuck chair
no, this is just a feeling that arises out of me because of my incompetent father that i barely have a relationship with

No. 2111129

Forgive me mother for I have sinned buut I'm not sexually attracted to grandpas, however I am still incredibly submissive both emotionally and sexually. I love feeling cared for and cradled by my nigels love, and I trust him to decide what to do with my body

No. 2111132

its true you get to talk about it but we also get to reply saying that it sounds similar to macon horner/ethel cain's unhinged moidrage projection about pickmes pickling themselves in formaldehyde something something breeding something old moids

No. 2111139

ntayrt but i think some of you forget that not everyone on this website keeps up with cows and thats just the way they are. shocking, i know

No. 2111140

i wish you tradfags would stop equating your other mental illness (cock worship) to my mental illness (sexy grandpa worship) it’s just wholly unnecessary and offensive

No. 2111142

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I want a male coquette anakun pickme bf and it pains me everyday they arent a real thing.

No. 2111144

I’m so done with the majority of straight women, I come on lolcow to escape this…

No. 2111147

why are you done with straight women

No. 2111148

lolcow would be x10 less interesting and so dead if it excluded straight ladies anon

No. 2111151

I'd argue the opposite is true but alas

No. 2111156

so you just want a bunch of lesbians calling every woman bisluts or something. wow, so interesting

No. 2111159

Yes but normal straight women exist I hope and they’re certainly not saying they want an old man to dominate them, own their body, be a father figure and treat them like a little “nymph”

No. 2111162

you’re sooo not like the other girls

No. 2111164

Are you saying if lesbians took over lolcow they’d somehow be worse than… this? Basically homophobia

No. 2111166

Not like you for sure

No. 2111167

I completely understand that nonna but this is the confessions thread so you may see some unpalatable thoughts or actions posted

No. 2111172

i thought i was straight but like the last dozen or so posts finally converted me into becoming gay

No. 2111174

There's a weird fetish and dirty confessions thread in /g/ I don't need to see someone LARPing as a Tumblrina cokette or whatever they're called on /ot/ keep that stuff on /g/

No. 2111176

I hate to sound like an autist but coquette aesthetic stuff isn't really related to straight women who like to be dominated. I know the two do overlap for some women though

No. 2111177

>larping as a tumblr coquette
oh my god shut the fuck up, nobody is trying to be a coquette this is the confessions thread so you’ll see confessions you won’t like. does it delight you to always be an insufferable shrew? have you ever learned to change it up once in awhile

No. 2111180

this is the rage of a beta woman

No. 2111183

Please lets not make this DDLG chan be the second BJ chan. Lets ignore her, she is just fishing for attention

No. 2111186

DDLG is weird but submission in general isn't that bad

No. 2111187

why do you faggots have to namedrop her to something unrelated go shit yourself

No. 2111189

Yeah and she's shit at fishing. Her posts read as large as well. I'm guessing 5'5-5'6 and maybe 210-230lbs. Most likely apple-shaped body and square face. She's built for linebacking but she's posting on LC about grandpa porn to get attention. Sad.

No. 2111194

you fucking bitches just keep shitting up the thread when you can simply hide it if you’re that deeply concerned about the content. let me post my grandpa shit come on bruh

No. 2111196

Actually yes, I’m begging to know the stats of these submissive women. Nothing under 160 for SURE, I’m putting money on it

No. 2111200

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why are you literally trying to ruin the fun. THIS IS THE CONFESSIONS HIDE THE THREAD

No. 2111201

im 111 and 5'5 so kinda fat. and i have a bobble head

No. 2111204

dont let them sink your ship nonna

No. 2111205

These people use "submission" as a byword for being thin and tiny. They wanna be smaller than they are but instead of saying that they'll dress it up by using scrotes and sex as a proxy for their body shame. Most of them are heavy-set and they hate that scrotes won't give them attention so they LARP as being submissive tiny easy-to-pick-up coquettes to feel better about their big backs.

No. 2111209

I’m imagining the betas in this thread are actually twinky submissive scrotes that look like this and want to be spanked on the ass

No. 2111210

Anachans talk like this about women with binge eating food disorders but would throw a fucking fit if you said anything back. There are other things in life besides weight. What's your excuse for punching down at a demographic that's statistically twice as likely to have experienced CSA?

No. 2111211

Ntayrt but submission for me has nothing to do with size or being seen as small or childlike, it's more about just being controlled. I cannot speak for grandpafag though

No. 2111212

i want a sub sandwich i'm hungry

No. 2111213

she isnt fat though

No. 2111214

What the fuck are you talking about

No. 2111218

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Me too nonna all this talk got me thinking about Jared from subway

No. 2111221

oh, anon…

No. 2111223

L is the only good sub, he altered my taste in men forever
i'm going to imagine this too for my sanity

No. 2111225

This defence is looking awfully 200lb

No. 2111226

I find the Nostalgia Critic really funny and i cant tell anyone because last time i told my friend about it he laughed and asked me if i was kidding

No. 2111231

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they always come in here with their sociopolitical takes and it’s deeply upsetting me so much that I feel it’s necessary to post obligatory hot grandpa painting. this is why these bitter nancies are getting coal for christmas

No. 2111233

I used to stay up late and binge watch his reviews as a teenager kek. I still go back sometimes to watch my favourites. Bad movie reviews are always fun to watch. I hated his skits though.

No. 2111236

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woah. the way he looks at me, water fall

No. 2111239

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Umph did Tim Alan as the santa clause turn you on too?

No. 2111241

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his mannerisms and hand movements remind me of a millennial tif, that’s probably why it’s so funny

No. 2111243

Great now we have a bunch of dumbass shitsperg wannabes derailing with old scrote pics. When does it end.

No. 2111245

I have never seen a post where anon talks about being a lesbian and thought, wow, this is so interesting and relevant. She's right.

No. 2111246

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what's your favorite sub toppings i like turkey and swiss cheese

No. 2111247

oh god no wtf anon?? hell no

No. 2111248

Confession: I like to try and “convert” straight women to stroke my ego. I must admit I’m pretty hot. It’s worked on several occasions

No. 2111250

I’ve never thought the same about straight “women” either

No. 2111254

>dumbass shitsperg wannabes
Why is there such a vendetta for that thread? It was such a classic, beloved thread that made more people want to come here

No. 2111255

Have you ever successfully flippered anyone? Basing on that

No. 2111259

Kekk here comes to the lescel trying to call us un-womanly for being heterosexual. Relax

No. 2111261

Wait who? What was her argument kek.

No. 2111262

i think submission posting is much more interesting than the bjchan AI generated essays

No. 2111264

Bjchan was hilarious and actually correct

No. 2111265

File: 1722319006514.jpg (274.78 KB, 647x1426, orgasm cucks.jpg)

Siri, post straight woman orgasm statistics

No. 2111269

bjchan has never posted a sentence that made any sense
does your nigel not give you orgasms anon?

No. 2111272

siri, post lesbian woman domestic violence statistics

No. 2111275

Nta but
>implying it’s a win to be stuck with a moid
Are you one of the anons? Do you also like feeling like you’re a widdle submissive breedable female to be controlled by your big, dominating scrote?

No. 2111276

ntayrt but those statistics have been debunked several times

No. 2111277

What the fuck why aren’t I getting this. I need a woman to beat me up. Life is so fucking unfair

No. 2111279

winning what..? all i asked is does your nigel not give you orgasms

No. 2111280

Siri please search “why do lesbians like simulating heterosexual PIV through straps that they make fun of straight women for liking?”

No. 2111284

you are so obsessed kekkkk

No. 2111285

cause they wanna mimic the dominant daddies they hate so bad

No. 2111287

are you thick? the post she made is claiming that straight women dont get to orgasm, and i was asking if that was true for her

No. 2111289

>implying bishits are “lesbians”
What is this heterosexual woman insecurity we’re witnessing right now

No. 2111291

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No. 2111292

no actually im pretty thin

No. 2111293

that probably explains why a lot of them are so obsessed with yaoi content. a lot of lesbians have penis envy just like a lot of gay guys think it’s humiliating to be a bottom (because women are usually bottoms)

No. 2111294

God I wish that were me

No. 2111295

>a woman wearing a piece of plastic is basically a man
whew. your husband wants a sandwich btw

No. 2111297

James Charles?

No. 2111298

Those aren’t lesbians genius, just like how the submissive fatties in this thread aren’t thin. People claim to be things all the time. Penises are nasty tumours and even based straight women know that

No. 2111299

F.. flippered?

No. 2111300

How do you know who’s thin or fat if we’re all anonymous and even if they were, why does it even matter?

No. 2111301

lesbians are just too pure for that

No. 2111302

youre making me feel fat again why do you need to do that nonny how does it benefit the argument youre attemtping to make

No. 2111303

When I was a kid I was really scared of the Grinch that Stole Christmas and my mum really liked to watch it on Christmas after Rudolph but I would always get so scared of him and so every Christmas I would hide the DVD but sometimes she'd buy another one so in the end I hid 3 but then when I was older I wasn't so scared of the Grinch anymore that's my confession and story of overcoming adversity

No. 2111306

oh my god you guys summoned the bishit sperg too? lets invite romanianon next haven't seen her in a while kek

No. 2111307

Men are more likely to beat bisexual women and they are the leading cause of death for pregnant women. Sad!

No. 2111308

did you know aphex twins was Jimmys body double in Grinch?

No. 2111313

what’s the piece of plastic simulating? come on anon don’t play dumb. it’s simulating a penis, genitals that’s found on a man that usually does the same thing during PIV sex.

No. 2111315

Idk who the bishit sperg is but she’s probably not as sexy or based as me
Wait, what is this argument even meant to be kek? Are you trying to say lesbians beat women more than scrotes do?

No. 2111317

I don't know what that means I meant the Cartoon Stop putting words in my fucking mouth and saying I said shit when I didn't

No. 2111318

Post hand or gtfo

No. 2111319

>even based straight women know penises are tumors
No because the based straight woemn aren’t spending their time complaining about how men don’t want to fuck them but using other words to hide that fact kek

No. 2111320

>g-spot stimulation is straight
God this really is the other side of the "it's gay to let your gf peg you" shit men say
Do you think trans men are men because they "simulate" men? Answer quickly

No. 2111322

dont fall for this nonna

No. 2111323

No hands can be deceiving it has to be scale

No. 2111327

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>never fall for the “post (x) or gtfo” trap or you’ll end up like her

No. 2111332

my jaw dropped at this youre mean

No. 2111333

you must be a fatty mcfatass who desperately projects to make herself feel better

No. 2111336

How do I know she’s asian

No. 2111338

>curly hair

No. 2111340

nta but that just lokos like greasy short hair i dont see a curl

No. 2111341

Have you ever heard of this thing called a curling iron?

No. 2111343

bishit anon is >>2111289. she's usually in the female fantasies, lesbian general, and recently bisexual general on /g/

No. 2111346

No that was me, and no I know who you’re talking about, I’ve actually argued with her. She called me a bishit for liking tomboys (the superior female form)

No. 2111353

File: 1722320302598.jpg (367.64 KB, 799x688, 1722188057046.JPG)

grandpafag face reveal

No. 2111354

I could treat her better

No. 2111359

shayna should get a bbl, her fridge figure is genuinely depressing she always looks like shes crouching

No. 2111369

Women on this website are beyond schizophrenic when it comes to men and lesbians
>well, a butch is basically a man because short hair and pants = male, so women who like this are basically attracted to men
>well, tif chasers are basically chasing men
>strap-ons and dildos and all penetrative sex simulate PIV, so even though it's two women having sex with each other, they're basically having straight sex, so they're basically attracted to men
>everything on earth is centered around men at all times

No. 2111374

how dare you compare me to shayna. kek jk idc, love gandalf

No. 2111384

if i were a lesbian i wouldnt be cucked enough to use a strapon

No. 2111386

why do lesbos try to mimic men thoug

No. 2111389

They’re based though. That being said tribbing is so much better than straps, I just assume the strap lovers are too fat to do it

No. 2111398

Because “mimicking” men is as simple as not having demure body language/speech/personality and performing retarded femininity like makeup.
And why do fags mimic women? It’s just being GNC tbh

No. 2111401

Literally what does this mean. Spell out what "mimicking men" is. Women don't murder their pregnant girlfriends, so I'd have to disagree, but if you mean just wearing slacks and suits, that's just tranny logic. Is having short hair innately male? Is being anything other than a yass queen eyebrows on fleek makeup cake face pink skirt stilleto heels innately male? Spell it out.

No. 2111407

Fags are the ones who truly envy the opposite sex but none of these straggot pickmes ever question a male's perception of his sexuality (because they worship men and their opinions and are truly baffled by women who don't)

No. 2111408

i don't get lesbian relationships where one is bimbofied with boob implants and the other is more masculine and emulates the bros

No. 2111418

Sometimes, when there are two different women, they can like different things, and present themselves differently. Truly bewildering, I know.
>having sex with women is cucked
Hey if you're the same anon upthread do you think fags who do anal are basically straight because they're penetrating a hole and "imitating PIV?"

No. 2111423

no different anon i just think tribbing would be better. but still they rp masculine feminine het dynamics

No. 2111431

"Masculine feminine het dynamics" exist only between men and women. Women are not men. Tribbing is just one of many things women can do during sex, it's fine to prefer it, but no matter the position or item used, it's all happening between two women.

No. 2111532

I wrote a 200+ page dissertation instead of writing a fucking book like I should have and my crazy brain back then was somehow more functional than my sane brain now. Life just isn't fair.
I want my creativity back.

No. 2111559

File: 1722328761958.png (27.06 KB, 128x127, 1717980381028240.png)

i'm a lifelong blue voter but i really think i'm going to vote for trump this time

No. 2111562

What made you change your mind?

No. 2111563

living in a red state isn't enough. i want the entire country to be a terrible place for trannies.

No. 2111565

Are transsexuals the only type of sexual minority you deem undesirable?

No. 2111566

You guys are so delusional thinking Trump will really do anything about trannies kek

No. 2111573

The penis envy seeps through a lot lesbian posts here, it's kinda funny(baiting)

No. 2111578

Anyone who relies on democracy is delusional. By electing you willingly give away your right of self-determination to someone else, but keep all the responsibility.

No. 2111579

>penis envy
Name 3 works by Freud without google. Couldn't do it? Thought so. Very tired of you fake posers trying to use Freudian psychoanalysis without ever having read Freud or understanding the simplest concepts and theories of psychoanalysis. Go sperg about how much you hate lesbians somewhere else.

No. 2111594

It’s kinda funny to me how much lesbians sound like men, even in posts like these, as if you have to read a bunch of useless hogwash by some dead moid to understand what penis envy means colloquially. But even in the literal sense, there are plenty of women here who make comments about wishing they had male physicality to make love to a woman. Why do you try so hard to deny this phenomenon? It’s not straight women wishing they had penises.

No. 2111655

>source: I made it up

No. 2111667

"Heh… The "Covered in poop" envy really leaks through your subconscious… I bet you would love to be covered in poop!"

No. 2111669

I hope you get raped but can't get an abortion(a-log)

No. 2111776

It's literally just one crystal cafe tranny who lets the thread live rent free in his head, even months after he got his will.

No. 2111787

File: 1722347086594.jpeg (61.82 KB, 564x853, FbA_YCgWAAA2add.jpeg)

Same nonnette. Wish I was 20 years older and intelligent and ambitious enough to be a girlboss, give me those retarded eyecandy coquette-kuns so I can be their dusty splenda.

No. 2111862

The amount of transphobia and manhate that came from that thread was major lifefuel, no wonder the trannies jannies were basically foaming at the mouth to get it autosaged and practically banned

No. 2111929

I'm not a self harmer but there's a certain type of stinging, throbbing pain that I weirdly enjoy. It feels so satisfying when it happens.

No. 2112096

The penis cumbreath seeps through a lot of women’s posts here, it's kinda funny

No. 2112244

lesbians and hetero women are both retarded. imagine not being enlightened enough to be a celibate stacy.

No. 2112249

Celibacy sounds so unfulfilling though

No. 2112250

Based celibate stacy

No. 2112300

I think you’re on to something.

No. 2112302

and what the fuck are you then? I'm a celibate lesbian kek

No. 2112327

Someone said I look like Neuman from the boys and now my ego is crazy god

No. 2112338

Guns scare me even though I am pro gun rights. I am trying to get over it and want one for self defense but they are just so fucking loud. Also, shooting feels like the bullet will just go anywhere even holding the gun straight with two hands. I 100% get how people get shot by mistake. In the cramped range lane with shells flying everywhere, some Cletus brought his boomstick that literally SHAKES the room and vibrates my teeth, and I can't focus on even holding my gun steady. Miserable experience not sure I will ever go back to a range. I feel like a coward

No. 2112344

Try finding an outdoor one with less traffic if available nearby. It's an important skill to be able to use firearms, I don't know why more people aren't learning. If we lived in a no-gun world I wouldn't wanna know, but we're living in a gun-heavy world so I need to know how to work one the same as I need to know how to work a car or computer.

No. 2112374

I need to stay awake in the middle of the night when feeding my daughter, so I read old cow threads to keep myself awake. They shock me so much that I can’t help but stay awake just to see what happens.

No. 2112400

i follow this one girl on tumblr, her blog is basically just a meme blog but every now and then she posts a selfie and she's so fucking obese it's insane, like my 600lb life obese. every time i scroll past her selfies its uncomfortable to look at because her body just looks so uncomfortable to be in. i feel like an asshole typing this because she seems like a nice girl and her face is cute, but i every time she posts a picture of herself i can't help but think "holy fuck that looks painful"

No. 2112502

Go through Lucinda’s threads one of these evenings, so many plot twists it’s like a soap opera kek

No. 2112512

Does she have red hair? I think I know who you’re talking about.

No. 2112514

I want to reread Moo's threads but there's no master post of all her threads with little notes about important sagas (like she starts dating so-and-so in this thread, break up in this thread). Bums me out

No. 2112549

I use chatgpt to reply to text messages because I'm retarded. If I could use it in real life too I would. I don't care if I sound ai generated the alternative is much worse.

No. 2112550

thats strange

No. 2112556

i'd do the same if i had anyone to text. i'm bad at coming up with responses especially outside of here. on other sites some people thought i sounded cold and awkward

No. 2112558

samefag I'm even worse irl no one understands what i'm saying, chatbots are genuinely more comprehensive kek

No. 2112635

yea lol

No. 2112723

whats the longest you spent writing a lolcow post (not threads). I once spent 3 damn hours and NOBODY RESPONDED. Now let me be clear.
It wasn't 3 hours of writing, it was
>Start to write
>Re read
>Watch Jerma VOd on youtube
>Spend like 20 mintues, re-writing and deleting.
>Go to another tab
>make food
>Copy what I wrote in case the tab refreshes when I go to another tab
>Wonder if what I'm posting even worth all the time/effort
>it is
>Think of some more post
>Edit to make it not that long but not too short
>Watch a youtube video
>Go pee/shit
>Rewrite and read the new comments
>Finally post
>Wait for the tab to say (1)
>lots of people comment but not on my post
>feel stupid but keep checking the thread
>nobody cares
And yes I'm a neet.

No. 2112725

this is sheer autism you have to start doing low-effort posting and don’t expect anybody to respond anymore just shoot your stuff into the void and see if an actual human and not a bot or tranny responds

No. 2112728

i think the longest i’ve spent is maybe 30 mins because sometimes it takes a while for the videos to convert into gifs kek

No. 2112737

I know this is mad cliche but when I feel very strongly about something on here, I think it's time well spent. I know you are thinking, "nona was writing Harry potter book length posts" but no. It could be a post thats 1 or two sentences. The sad part is, my posts probably ARE seen as low effort posts. I guess it's about the journey and not the destination for me, but also it's like sending a little bit of me out into the world and a Nona reads it and thinks, 'Let me take 3 seconds out my day and respond to her". I put a lot of thoughts into posts I feel strongly about and I like to know that time wasted isn't 100% but like 50. I don't use fancy words or sound smart, shit sometimes I get accused of being ESL if someone dares to respond, but I try. At that moment it meant something strong to me, even if I never feel strongly about that topic again.

No. 2112742

File: 1722392957640.jpg (40.62 KB, 400x500, 9dcd0091ac6760_b2abb00a_400.jp…)

>whats the longest you spent writing a lolcow post
probably 30 seconds

No. 2112761

File: 1722393654395.jpeg (107.6 KB, 750x735, IMG_2655.jpeg)

Whenever I post something here that someone thinks is funny, I get a genuine dopamine rush and I get, like, “the zoomies” and I have to get up and walk/skip around the house smiling and I keep coming back to look at what I posted kek

No. 2112762

i use my moid's toothbrush sometimes when im too lazy to use my electric one/when its dead. he doesnt live here & hes too absentminded to ever notice and plus we kiss all the time anyways so tbh i dont think its that bad.

No. 2112766

>whats the longest you spent writing a lolcow post
Like you I tend to get lost doing something else so probably about as long as you if I left the tab open while I was distracted

No. 2112778

i can't remember the exact number but probably around the same amount of hours as you. usually if i'm making a vent post, asking an overly specific question or fangirling hard about some celeb in /g/
same. ik this is a short reply sometimes i'm bad at getting my thoughts together, just wanna say i understand the passion too

No. 2112782

oh also it takes longer when i'm trying to decide which image to post, i'm extremely indecisive

No. 2112862

If I'm spending longer than 5 minutes on a vent or confession I will delete it because it's usually an absolute mess of insanity.

On cow boards it can take time to gather my sources but I don't think I've spent that long on a post in all honesty and I don't agree with other anons saying just post shit to get replies. Make sure what you're writing invites replies.

No. 2112880

KEK nonita. Sheer autism indeed.

No. 2112924

File: 1722398710512.jpeg (88.18 KB, 478x568, couragepost.jpeg)

No. 2112936

i do this too wtf

No. 2113015

No. 2113024

No artist

No. 2113045

Arent we all

No. 2113065

probably like 30 minutes if i'm answering a question and researching or rewatching an entire video or two for a farmer

No. 2113151

you are the only type of useful poster on the site, thank you

No. 2113295

I do this when I get multiple positive responses hehe

No. 2113296

I spent an hour putting together a timeline of how troonism got popular in fandom spaces. I ended up not posting it because I wanted more info.

No. 2113301

I thought I was the only one…

No. 2113319

ayrt, fucking kek 100% accurate

No. 2113331

I wish more men had vasectomies bc they are reversible and I have a fear around pregnancy because I've been through a physically traumatizing abortion and now I am never going to be able to enjoy sex unless it is both condom and pulling out because I can't go through another abortion and I'll always be paranoid I got pregnant even if he used a condom
Don't want to take birth control because the only methods available either fuck with your hormones and emotions or cause horribly painful heavy periods which I can't have bc I probably have endo
The idea of a guy having a vasectomy is so attractive to me, just the peace it would give me to be able to actually enjoy sex fully would be so incredible, nonnies who have long term boyfriends or husbands is it ever something you think they'd consider getting for you if you asked?

No. 2113335

I think men generally tend to see birth control as not their problem unless they're super against having children and are distrustful against giving a woman control. People in general don't want to have surgical procedures done when unnecessary, and it doesn't help that it's in a sensitive location. I'm not sure if mine would because I've never talked to him about it and would not like to pressure him into that, but he was also against me taking birth control due to the side effects. There are other options besides condoms, but they all have their drawbacks. IUDs and the subdermal implants freak me out personally.

No. 2113348

What do you guys do if you don't take hormonal bc or implant/iud, condoms? I know if used properly they should be very effective but I find in relationships as it goes on the guy gets more lazy with condom usage but maybe with a good guy that won't happen, idk…

No. 2113356

Currently long distance. Once he gets a visa to work here, we're planning to use condoms. Don't have the experience to comment on that, it probably depends a lot on the guy. I know condoms aren't foolproof, and I'd rather wait longer to have kids, but if I accidentally got pregnant it wouldn't mess up my life or anything, and I would probably keep it. For someone who is strongly against having kids it probably makes sense to add another method though.

No. 2113384


Are you fully opposed to all IUDs, or would you consider a non-hormonal copper IUD? If high levels of protection against pregnancy risk that don't depend on a man's compliance are very important to you, I wouldn't even be comfortable with just condoms.

No. 2113393

Really wish women at large would normalize not having sex with males until either said males have gotten the snip or made a lasting commitment and are trying for a baby. More men would gladly give up their virility if it was making them sexual pariahs.
Guys absolutely get progressively lazy with condom use. Baby trapping is very real and it's caused by men who want to remove their girlfriends' options in life so she has to resort to staying with his ass. If you don't want kids then at least one of you (pref. him) should be surgically sterilized. I've had a tubal, but I don't tell men that, I expect them to take responsibility and either get a vasectomy or mosey along to date some other hapless lady.

No. 2113480

Problem of relying on men for BC is that they can secretly fuck you over. Less likely with vasectomies but still.. If the male pill was mainstream I wouldn't trust them with it personally.

No. 2113500

i wouldn't trust most men with a male contraceptive pill even if they weren't seeking to impregnate a woman against her will. there is much less at stake for them if they forget to take it because they aren't the ones who will experience the resulting pregnancy and so they aren't going to be as stringent about it as women are with their birth control.

No. 2113526

I feel embarrassed whenever women diss straight men since they would fuck their female friends because I would also fuck my female friends

No. 2113532

Don’t you feel stupid when you have to fuck over your hormones and health so a man can enjoy molesting you without consequences?

No. 2113536

Agreed, women are still subservient to men and they don’t even see it

No. 2113569

Absolutely. Male BC pill would be good as an extra layer of protection but not as your primary birth control.

No. 2113573

There's nothing I can reply to this that won't turn into an infight we've had many times before so I'll leave it be.

No. 2113580

Nta but then why did you say anything kek

No. 2113582

Just spill the beans sister

No. 2113595

i do this too. not really for lolcow but more if i'm getting good responses from people over discord or whatever forum site i'm on kek

No. 2113611

I just tell the moid to use a condom. If he whines or doesnt use it properly he is worth being dumped anyway.

No. 2113612

Same here. I think we're cute

No. 2113617

Wow I thought I was the only one kek. I laugh to myself and pace around the house smiling, staring at whatever I posted and the reply. I also do this when talking to new people / ones I am excited to talk to. It's only when my family is around that I sometimes notice just how demented the laughs sound.

No. 2113629

I feel like anon is doing exactly what she described here because she got a bunch of replies now kek

No. 2113661

I swear I've seen this exact post with this exact picture before

No. 2113724

I can write up a post and completely forget to actually press the new reply button sometimes

No. 2113937

File: 1722450013973.jpg (79.72 KB, 1013x1024, FYWCjiJUcAE2bXp.jpg)

I'm keeping my friends cat at his apparement but i'm such a fatty i had to put dishwasher detergent in his nutella to be sure not to eat it i'll buy a new one when i'll leave his place don't worry

No. 2113950

File: 1722450613101.jpg (Spoiler Image,32.35 KB, 736x981, hi.jpg)

Anyone who says they believe in god is just pretending

No. 2113963

Fr they know they don’t really mean it

No. 2113979

Nonnie you are out of your mind

No. 2113984

fuck them priests

No. 2114226

one of the cats did something my recently deceased cat used to do and now i'm crying on my own because none of these fuckers came to comfort me like he would have
fuck i miss him so much

No. 2114291

women who aren't traumatized actually enjoy having sex

No. 2114381

Sounds like a cope

No. 2114383

Average seagull

No. 2114480

I've heard that copper IUD can cause heavier periods and also that the insertion process is horrifically painful and many women throw up or pass out. I already have possible endometriosis and deal with contraction-like pains on my period and with some bowel movements that leave me incapacitated so the idea of making that worse in anyway seems like it would just actually kill me
The immense pain I was in when I had to have a pill abortion because my scrote lied to me and said he was infertile and I was a moron and believed him is something that haunts me and I can't ever go through again
Anon who talked about men baby trapping is right because that is what he tried to do
Do you guys think in my next relationship a guy will be willing to get a snip if I explain my hang-ups? I really enjoy sex and would love to be able to just fuck all the time especially when living w someone but that experience has made me terrified and the anxiety of "what if im pregnant" is so bad that it's not even worth having sex.

No. 2114482

Most don't actually

No. 2114487

aren't these the insane ai generated creepy birds?

No. 2114495

I'm only into white guys. Any race of woman is good, but only white guys.

No. 2114529

I "like" being depressed, because the depression helps soften the anxiety I feel. When I literally feel nothing or am semi suicidal I swear I function better, because I'll just be like "fuck it" and do things with like I don't give a shit. When I'm not depressed I feel way more anxious and I HATE it. If I'm apathetic or sad or even wanna die some or have no motivation it's whatever, but anxiety fucking sucks the worst for me.

No. 2114541

It depends on the guy she's with. If he's bad then she's going to be traumatized.

No. 2114544

Just looks like your average creepypasta character to me

No. 2114552

I totally get it nonna. I personally love being in a state of angry depression because I'm not wailing in my bed and I'm confident enough to do and care about stuff

No. 2114648

File: 1722487317783.jpeg (163.95 KB, 735x915, IMG_2030.jpeg)

I feel guilty for liking Alice in Wonderland. I know it was probably made by a nonce but I just really love the story and the aesthetics, it’s way too relatable on how I view life.

No. 2114652

>probably made by a nonce

No. 2114657

the scrote has been dead for decades, who cares

No. 2114699

>who cares that he was a pedophile
I mean, you don't have to but sprinkling in something like that to virtue signal as if you even care is so bitchmade and fake. You can like it without adding that little bit to make you feel #aware. So disingenuous.

No. 2114703

File: 1722491114396.jpeg (60.11 KB, 735x648, IMG_1958.jpeg)

No. 2114705

yeah ok squirt

No. 2114706

File: 1722491242424.png (255.16 KB, 452x348, stop get off me.png)

No. 2114785

Honestly if you can seperate art from artist, good for you. Realistically there's nothing you can do about it anyway if you just enjoy it by yourself. I feel the same way with so much media after learning about the moids behind it but I just can't get over it. It's just completely tainted everytime I see/listen to/read their work, because knowing the creator is trash muddies the intention and meaning of the work for me. Feels like shit.

No. 2114791

nta but for me Depends on how much of the moid's degeneracy is injected into their work for me. If there's too much of their creepiness is evident in their work, it starts to get to me. Especially with actors who play crazed archetypes or write seriously fucked up work and it turns out that's just their personality irl. It depends really how much I know about them, once I know too much it's just tainted to the core

No. 2114799

Kyle Marisa Roths death haunts me for some reason and I don't know why. Just something about how she went off on a manic bender before she died, nobody heard from her for days, and then she was found dead. It fucks with me

No. 2114917

File: 1722503063957.jpg (171.68 KB, 1170x1464, sorry.jpg)

I love posting like a moid to bait nonnies into scrotefoiling me.

No. 2114929

Sounds like something a troon would say

No. 2114977

This was me but not anymore, thank god. Just found out he's just another disgusting gooner, like every viewer.

No. 2114984

How did you find out that he was a gooner?

No. 2114988

He's subbed to a gooner channel, not to mention has started watching other vtubers.

No. 2114989

What's an example of a gooner channel? I don't know anything about this but I feel I should

No. 2114990

In this case, fetish content of a woman in a school girl skirt doing various things without a shirt.

No. 2115009

Every time I hear about a woman going to some third world shithole where they see women as less than cattle I’m like why in the goddamn? It’s hard for me to not think about how stupid they are.

No. 2115072

I feel bad I bought a cake to celebrate yaoi day and on the way to my car the church lady said there was a book sale in the church so I feel like it's a bit sinful to bring my yaoi day cake into a church? I bought books to compensate but still, I'll confess here.

No. 2115082

I wanted to get a cake too for yaoi day but I had to do some unexpected errand instead and now I'm jealous. Don't be ashamed, maybe you would have regretted not getting the cake.

No. 2115151

File: 1722519591852.jpg (98.93 KB, 453x604, klhyPfNf_ks.jpg)

I was reverse searching a picture of myself on yandex and browsing through "similar results" and I tell you they were not flattering
>obvious tims
>obvious tifs
>people with the most retarded "hurr durr" expressions
>multiple stranger things characters
>ashley the lich queen

No. 2115165

Because it's likely the cp posting blaine tranny, he loves to make autistic image edits like this and thinks he's an evil black haired red eyed anime girl. Thank god we can also ban evade shitty bans just like he does his valid ones.

No. 2115166

I see your perspective now, I hope you can celebrate in your own way non.

No. 2115171

Judas betrayed Jesus by kissing him and then killed himself because he couldn't live without him, God is not against BL.

No. 2115172

i hate the word nonnie please just call me anon or nona

No. 2115177

His skull must be pretty cool looking

No. 2115187

I will read my favorite BL manga again today to celebrate. Happy yaoi day!

No. 2115273

I bought some doujinshis of my OTP despite being unaware it was yaoi day, what a happy coincidence!

No. 2115386

thats a you problem

No. 2115493

File: 1722537858816.mp4 (1.02 MB, 640x360, 6132337ba9225ec64cf75f03386393…)

I flick my bean to Toby Fox's music

No. 2115500

Kek I also laugh at uglies online it's funny. I think the craziest part though is that after doing it for so long, you realize just how few scrotes care about their appearance. Like I knew it was a joke topic about how they don't know how to take care of themselves or dress, but I never realized how widespread that issue was. Like if this guy got a haircut and a spray tan and contacts and started doing jaw exercises I think he would at least look NORMAL and not like a freak that makes you cross the street in the nights when you see them walking. So gross looking.

No. 2115647

I always had the suspicion that a few tifs used lolcow, and I was right

No. 2115668

I’ve always been child free, but holding my sisters 5 month old baby makes me want to have one of my own. A girl ofc

No. 2115672

It was always a thing, I remember in the earliest TIF threads on /snow/ there was a lot of them trying to prove they were "real trans" or whatever by posting caps of others in their community.

No. 2115685

happpens semi frequently. just in recent timess we've had the obese selfposting tard who had a post reveal, pixxielock/jill's friend sof, the newest /snow/ tif artcow who had it in her bookmarks on screncaps… there's also the odd one who wanders in the tif thread to screech about us being bigots (while stealth posting about other tifs they beef with)

No. 2115689

there's also the time some anon in /m/ who posted her own south park oc was revealed to be a TIF after some other anon found her twitter account

No. 2115706

Funny because the art salt thread is how I found some tifs art account on Instagram

No. 2115830

i wish i was a moid.
>taller, stronger, bigger, faster
>have a chance to fight back against rape and even if i lose wont get pregnant
>have all the sex i want and wont get pregnant
>no periods
>no porn deepfake ai because people respect me even if im a loser
>dont have to worry about my appereance and moralfagging because there is always a woman willing to fuck me and defend me, scrotes dont care
>be valued for my intelect and talents

No. 2115841

cue another infight over this topic. good luck.

No. 2115843

Maybe that's why I haven't been turned, I have only been in the presence of a male baby, genuinely awful, I said something awhile back about meeting a baby for the first time and it hasn't gotten better since, I bought some stuff for him today (educational) but then I saw a pic of him and thought wow what a waste, so I might wait until a meet a girl baby.

No. 2115846

Tbh I get what you’re saying but I really don’t think being a moid is that great either especially with how moids genuinely dont give a fuck about eachother and how high their mortality rate is lol.

No. 2115857

i dont care much about relationships and struggle to form connections. maybe im moid-brained and born in the wrong body kek

No. 2115863

see you on the fakeboi thread in a few months

No. 2115877

if i were taller and less ugly i would be larping as a bishounen

No. 2116223

I don’t think the majority of shotafags here are actually attracted to little anime boys. It feels like a forced cope of trying to “get back” at lolicons.

No. 2116261

File: 1722566465394.jpg (113.3 KB, 736x736, 1000048933.jpg)

Sometimes I don't know if I'm afraid of getting a job because I must be an incompetent loser, or if I'm afraid of getting a job because I'm scared of going outside.
I just hope I get this job anyways, then I will see what's my problem and if I can stop being anxious all of the time, maybe a job is all I need to get fixed.

No. 2116270

Same, tbh. I have only a few friends and I struggle to maintain those relationships just because I'm so introverted and it takes a lot of mental energy to make plans.

No. 2116286

File: 1722567632231.jpg (609.22 KB, 1080x1080, 1000048937.jpg)

Kek I sent a retarded picture to my mom on pinterest so pray for me, so I don't wake up tomorrow, it wasn't anything too cringe, just a silly crossover picture, but I'm the womanchild faildaugther of the house so, yeah.
I think I will just go to a protest this saturday and hope to die, at least I will be considered a martyr and not a duchess of cringe.

No. 2116366

I think the husbando I made up in my head is technically selfcest of myself and I don't know how to feel about that

No. 2116369

…????? Stfu

No. 2116372

File: 1722574248716.webp (Spoiler Image,75.77 KB, 640x359, IMG_2036.webp)

this pic makes me giggle just a tiny bit

No. 2116373

File: 1722574316558.jpg (49.9 KB, 600x527, tumblr_ceeb3ab5d3bff484d95b6a1…)

I'm sorry for confessing it but it's true

No. 2116377

I see photos of scrotes like this and suddenly it makes sense to me why infanticide used to be so prevalent. Imagine birthing that creature

No. 2116389

I payed off all my debt and saved up like 150k of stocks and 50k of designer items (purses and jewelry mostly). It was all I focused on for like 2 years, getting promoted at work and making as much money as possible.

Thought I would be happy being all glam and hitting my financial goal. Nothing has really fallen into place, I feel so empty and lost. I feel like larping as a nepo baby has isolated me. I live in a brownstone in a neighborhood full of rich middle aged ppl. I go to steakhouses with my two little socialite bffs instead of pizza places or whatever normal mid 20s ppl are doing. We go out to the fanciest places we can find with the objective to network with multi millionaires (we work in real estate and finance) and then go to their events for business deals. And then we date some of the cute young ones to go to more fancy dinners. The most vapid shit you've ever heard of.

I know why I went down this path. My ex killed himself and I needed SOMETHING else to focus on so I picked chasing the instagram perfect life and just zoned out and went for it.

My lifestyle has gotten expensive. It's hard to stop grinding. when I know how many deals I can close.

I think I need more down to earth friends and to sell some of my fancy shit and touch grass and get more hobbies or a nice little boyfriend.

I would kill to interject myself into a fun normal friend group of girls and guys who are all my age and do beach days and ski trips and stuff. Like a college friend group. Maybe a climbing gym or something would have that? Closest I ever had was when I went to AA to support my buddy who was addicted to coke, and I hung out with this nice AA sober squad for a bit but then I moved.

I'm so lucky and grateful for what I've been able to achieve. But I need to come back down to earth now and find genuine human connection with people who are not social climbers because it's polluting my brain and unfulfilling

No. 2116395

based and onceler-pilled

No. 2116430

File: 1722580097546.png (16.42 KB, 214x169, fishing.png)

i've gotten so much bad news lately that i've resorted to playing runescape again after 7 years just for the teensy bit of happiness i can get from seeing my skill levels rise

No. 2116435

Yeah and I'm the easter bunny.

No. 2116439

No. 2116443

Come on grandma let's get you back to bed

No. 2116452

I spent 2 weeks doing nothing but playing this game the last time I was off for 2 weeks. The zoning out has a calming effect. Nothing else matters. And then at the end of it comes the regret.

No. 2116487

whenever anons write these elaborate stories i always know it’s way too good to be true and it’s full of lies, their real lives are nothing like that at all kek

No. 2116500

Then there's some diatribe about everyone else projecting. It reminds me of when some faggot was pretending to be in close proximity to Reese witherspoon. Take your meds, we don't care.

No. 2116551

Nta, but sometimes I share bits of my life and get similar responses. I enjoy being called fake when I describe my real experiences. It makes me feel that I’m truly living a great life compared to the dregs who can only dream of having a modicum of my determination, vision, and ability. I can’t imagine ever writing a comment like yours, because rather than being threatened by achievement and strength of character, I find it inspiring. It’s a shame that more people don’t interact with others in a collaborative, understanding way. That kind of bitterness can have no good effect on the soul.

No. 2116562

Girl shut your annoying girl boss ass up and go edit the pores off your face and your waist three inches cinched some more

No. 2116698

Why is this a great example on how every LSAfag writes kek

No. 2116728

She probably joined an mlm

No. 2116787

Don't listen to the haters, you go entj grindset queen

No. 2116878

I have almost weekly dreams about accidentally posting my face here. It’s becoming a big fear of mine.

No. 2116882

Why? Maybe that's a sign you should take a break.

No. 2116890

I love triggering people so much. What's wrong with me?

No. 2116904

You're a loser?

No. 2116908

I haven't lost at anything in a long time

No. 2116912

you, me, battleship

No. 2116915

Battleship is not a true test of skill

No. 2116916

Ewwwww you're all starting to talk like redditors and it's kind of gross

No. 2116921

You know what else is gross?

No. 2116962

I heavily rely on Google reviews for things to do but I've never left a single review in my life even if I loved the place.

No. 2116968

Don't you know anon? The narwhal bacons at midnight.
Edit: Oh my god thanks for the updoots and medals guys, I showed this to my evil bitch wife and begged me for forgiveness for daring to not get my chicken tendies on time. Women, am I right guys (coffee emoji)

No. 2116969

could you describe your dreams more anon? i am an aspiring Jungian analyst

No. 2116989

I am sitting on the toilet 90% of the time I post here

No. 2116992

you lack attention for real achievements

No. 2116993

Most recent was me posting random selfies on all sorts of threads, forgetting about it, and returning days later to see every thread pic is my face

No. 2116995

So when are you going to do it?

No. 2116997

I wonder if it lines up with the sheer amount of retarded nlog/self-hating misogynistic posts here lately.

No. 2116999

next week maybe

No. 2117008

I'm nothing and I have no pleasant emotions

No. 2117108

The guy I have feelings for is honestly pretty ugly

No. 2117118

tale as old as time

No. 2117138

No self-respect

No. 2117187

Just made myself cum 13 times in a row

No. 2117211

But daddy I love him

No. 2117248

i don't really like my mom anymore. there will always be that biological urge to love her but outside of that i fluctuate between irritation and hatred. right now i'm scratching my head trying to understand why she bought a 30,000 USD car when her home is in ruins. why didn't you use that money as down payment on a new house…why didn't you fix the sinks and electrical fixtures and everything else wrong with this shithole

No. 2117260

No. 2117281

Eh, I think it's normal to feel that way. I have a dad that I guess I "love" because he was a financial provider for the family (i.e. worked a lot so we didn't starve) and introduced me to good music, but I do not like him as a person. He is very vain, an alcoholic, unbelievably lazy, and treats my mom like a maid. It sounds like you live with your mom still (just going off of your phrasing "this shithole"), and I would like to suggest that your relationship could improve if you move out. Difficult parents are much easier to love when you are no longer exposed to their irritating personality flaws and habits on a daily basis

No. 2117285

i would die after, share your secret

No. 2117292

No. 2117316

Life became so much easier when I came to terms with the fact that i don't love either parent because of how they both acted like I was a burden/something to be ignored.

No. 2117324

We have a Runescape thread if you're interested nonnas >>>/m/388670

No. 2117325


No. 2117328

God same

No. 2117329

Geez anon, what even happened? Why are you PT-ing?

No. 2117348


No. 2117354

Are you confessing to be a sped?

No. 2117360

me when i experience the smallest inconvenience

No. 2117370

If I cum once, my clit gets more sensitive and coming is easier idk i just rub my clit….the orgasms do get weaker but they still feel good. My hands get tired maybe after ~7 orgasms so its a bit harder but still not very difficult to cum. I do cum pretty easily when I masturbate so maybe that's why I'm able to do it. Also my clitoris hurts a little for the next 1-2 days when I press my fingers against it due to the speed & pressure kek

No. 2117383

Words cannot describe the amount of envy I feel right now

No. 2117388

Do you just do a circular motion or is there a special thing you do?

No. 2117395

spoilered because i am beyond embarrassed i just farted(use the tmi thread)

No. 2117403

Death sentence

No. 2117404

im so humiliated in myself i have a tumblr crush and it's driving me crazy, i wish someone would put me out of my misery. it's so childish and i can't believe i feel this way as a grown woman. someone please take me out back and shoot me

No. 2117421

File: 1722626743908.jpg (22.42 KB, 390x280, 1000049168.jpg)

Anon just said that!

No. 2117498

I went to a UK anti immigration protest because I was in the area after my muslim sideguy fucked me, felt very devilish

No. 2117529

kek good for you nona.

No. 2117632

File: 1722633928702.png (1.42 KB, 305x60, Capture.PNG)

at least once a year, I hook up my fucked up Laptop to a projector and go on "Write a prisioner.com" me and my siblings, look through profiles and play a game where we "Guess" what the moid did. It's not funny, it's morbid, but it really opens my eyes when you see a moid going
>Hey my name is Moid Scrote, I'm a good man with a good heart. I'm looking for a good woman to build with and chill with. I love to paint, write poetry and walks in the park. I had a Cat and I teach young men the word of god. Hit me up if you want to see what i'm cooking.
then you click picrel and it's
Then we google the name and find out they killed their pregnant girlfriend. Then sometimes we'll see straight up moids in the "female" section or troons. I think what gets me the most is when you see a profile with a granny/grandpa and we think they probably robbed someone in their younger days but they either committed/or aided sex crimes agaisnt a minor. I wonder if these prisoners every get mail from strangers cursing them out after browsing the site.

No. 2117640

my smile progressively faded as i read this post. seems like a game i'd play with my siblings, though

No. 2117673

I wrote to a prisoner off that site once. He asked me to send him some quotes so I sent him a page of like 20 quotes by mathematicians and he ghosted me.

No. 2117683

I play the same game lol

No. 2117720

File: 1722637382854.gif (1.04 MB, 290x189, 1380835936631.gif)

Do it to all prisoners

No. 2117763

Just a circular motion, 2 fingers counter-clockwise with my dominant (left) hand

No. 2117828

I hate threads that don't have memorable thread pics. Why'd I just spend 20 minutes looking for the gender critical thread? Why is the pic a 4 panel rage comic?

No. 2117833

nothing exciting going on in that thread anyway, no one will shut up about the is-she-isn’t-he tranny

No. 2117846

Anons who camp out to make OPs only know how to use animal pics or random cartoons

No. 2117849

I actually camp out to make sure that the threadpics are good actually, it's a service I'm performing

No. 2117851

I like the anons who edit images to suit the thread

No. 2117858

as someone who regularly makes OPs i try ti have nice threadpics but it's true animal pics and cartoons are the safest bet in /ot/, anything more original will have people screeching about how much the threadpic sucks. it's tiresome

No. 2117859

I actually stayed up for the night so that I could be the one to make the new Tinfoil thread because I didn't want someone to use a shit image for my fav

No. 2117860

I'm so fucking jealous kek. I masturbate everyday, 2 to 3 times. And in my 2 decades of living, I have not managed to cum even once. I think my clit is broken

No. 2117862

Everyone is different. As long as you're having fun, you don't have to worry about being "broken."

No. 2117863

Nta but is this crazy? Isn’t it easier for women to have orgasms multiple times in a row? I don’t usually try to but my record was 7 when I had an intense crush and couldn’t stop having fantasies.

No. 2117864

Thanks nona. I do have fun and it feels great, but I'd like to experience an orgasm just once

No. 2117934

Kamala Harris' voice makes me kinda wet. Especially when she does a slight chuckle after something sassy she says.

No. 2117944

If she doesn't become prime minister she should record audio books, I think she'd be good at it!

No. 2118026

I so desperately would love to view myself through the eyes of another, just to see what height I am properly, how I move and carry myself. Like how you use to be able to view your FB as if you were a friend or an acquaintance I'd like to see how I look to my shorter and taller friends.

No. 2118027

Just let them record you from eye height

No. 2118030

you made that? it's a very good threadpic, thank you nonna.

No. 2118034

Yeah, I also did the recent Autism one, and the recent lyrics one. I think it's fun to have unique pictures for threads. My least favourite thread pics are the tweet ones or the generic picture ones. I usually try to make the thread descriptions better too.

No. 2118035

I want to feel my presence in person.

No. 2118044

If you can’t feel your own presence, your spirit field must be low… I always feel the presence of Myself.

No. 2118049

Have you ever gotten your blood pressure checked? I used to also "feel my presence" but then I went to the doctor and I had really high blood pressure and once I started taking meds for it I turned normal again.

No. 2118064

File: 1722653684210.jpeg (145.86 KB, 2000x1000, IMG_9510.jpeg)

KEK. Thank you for your concern anon. Actually my blood pressure is below normal kek. I just got that psychic energy

No. 2118206

People saw this post and then started sperging about how unfunny anons are, damn. Please know that I was high when I made this post, I am usually not this unfunny (I think).

No. 2118210

I have no idea why they want every post on this site to be comedy gold. Personally I thought it was a funny reply to what I posted it. I thought Megamind was a funny pic to use. I think the anons that are obsessed with others being funny or not should go watch a sitcom if that's what they want.

No. 2118211

Just use a Scroll of Spirit IV or something, the buff lasts for like 30 mins

No. 2118299

File: 1722663427616.jpg (93.45 KB, 874x1086, 1699133505539.jpg)

I like to take little sips of soy sauce

No. 2118300

Reminds me, I used to just eat wasabi from the packet. I should start doing that again actually. I like the way it burns

No. 2118312

I used to do this with hot peppers, like if I bought a pack whenever I went to the fridge I'd chew eat one. It's kind of fun.

No. 2118314

omg same. tamari tastes so good i save a sip for myself when i'm cooking with it

No. 2118615

Not necessarily a confession but I just think it’s fun that (as far as I know) nobody I know has any idea that I’m on lolcow, kiwifarms or 4chan and they might not even know what they are, either. And it’s also the opposite too, nobody that knows me IRL would know that I know anything about KF or “board culture” at all if you saw me walking down the street, I’m just a regular looking normie/Stacy that has an active social life but people would never know I’m on here constantly through my work day. I often wonder if I’ve crossed paths with other farmers irl kek

No. 2118617

same. I dip my fork in it and take a little t a s t e

No. 2118677

any other nonas eat ramen seasoning straight from the package? I used to pour a little bit on my hand at a time and lick it off

No. 2118688

I am the bait master. The master baiter.

No. 2118728

One night I met two friends, one whom now is my partner (for 10 years). The thing is the night I met them, I disliked him so, so much. He was living in my town but the other friend was living abroad and that night we had some interesting conversations so we all exchanged numbers.
For months I talked with his friend just to know about his day or to know how he was, I couldn’t say I liked him because we only met once but we talked almost every day.
When he came back, all three met up to hang out again and from that moment I started noticing my current partner.
The second time we met, the other friend told me he kind of had a girlfriend and it hurt me but not because it meant anything, because I couldn’t understand why he didn’t tell me.
From that moment I distanced myself from him and that was when I started dating my boyfriend.
Sometimes I wonder if he got confused about my feeling for him and that’s why he didn’t tell me anything. For the next days since I discovered it, he kept asking me if I was okay and for me it was hard to explain.

No. 2118873

File: 1722687380756.png (196.01 KB, 449x449, nooch.png)

i eat nutritional yeast sometimes

No. 2119223

I literally feel more enlightened and better than women who have sex. I feel like I’m on a higher vibration of existence and I’m not even a love and lighter faggot, when you continue to fuck and suck dicks it’s puts a gaping hole inside of your pineal gland and stops all divine and intuitive connection.

No. 2119226

Oh God BJ chan what's your timezone?? Because for me it's EST and it's only noon here and it's too early for me to start reading all this bullshit. Can you at least let me know when you're gonna be finished baiting or being schizophrenic for the day so I can come back when you're gone?

No. 2119239

Anyone can be bj-chan. Personalityfags aren’t real but at the same time they do, we’re all personalityfags in spirit. What’s stopping a nonny from being a stanfag, carreyfag, boyegafag, bpfag, pakifag, tradfag, etc. all in one hour?

No. 2119254

Who the fuck is BJ chan? I step away from lolcow for a few days and this shit happens, yet another new personality fag

No. 2119258

If you think BJ chan is only from a few days ago you got a big storm coming. You can read about her antics on the hidden board, she's been at it for months.

No. 2119297

No. 2119328

I kinda feel this, every time I have sex it feels like I lose a little bit of myself

No. 2119331

kek, i genuinely never payed mind to personality fags (since we're on an anonymous image board and anybody can be anybody) and often i zone out whenever i see people talking about them, but your post makes me laugh and is somehow inspiring. i love your attitude. you're right. what's stopping us?

No. 2119369

>you're right. what's stopping us?
the mods

No. 2119886

what if carreyfag is Ariana Grande

No. 2120170

I think my rejection caused my lesbian friend to troon out and I feel terrible for her. She used to be so pretty and now shes botched her chest and is taking hormones.
The worst part is, I didnt reject her because she was a woman… i rejected her because if she dated me it would cause social issues with her other friends. I didnt want to make her choose me over them.

No. 2120206

File: 1722734320229.png (715.22 KB, 1170x1258, IMG_8848.png)

I never want my friend who I have a crush on to get better because I don’t want him finding a girl he likes or something. I want him to continue being a neet and spiralling and relying upon me for female interaction. I want it to be like stockholm syndrome basically. He needs to love me. I want him to view me as his saviour as he gets more and more depressed and useless. I don’t want him to be happy when he starts college. I hope nothing works out for him and he has to rely upon me. I just love him too much, I need him to be mine and only mine.

No. 2120447

Ariana is too much of a pickme to be THE Carreyfag, assuming you mean the one that liked but now hates him

No. 2120456

File: 1722745532609.jpeg (134.1 KB, 975x975, IMG_6357.jpeg)

her design is super cute to me. god I wish this series weren't coomershit written by a fucking pedo

No. 2120458

File: 1722745636836.jpeg (107.65 KB, 721x720, IMG_6358.jpeg)

also her design is cute sans the gross hentai size boobs

No. 2120459

File: 1722745640710.png (149.58 KB, 229x247, ewdog.png)

No. 2120464

ot but does anyone know if this picture is photoshopped or the dog really looked like that

No. 2120468

File: 1722746293682.jpg (231.12 KB, 1000x1486, MV5BMTg0MjAwNDI5MV5BMl5BanBnXk…)

i used to have a crush on flint lockwood as a kid

No. 2120521

You should try it. Splatter some soy sauce on your eggs, they taste good.

No. 2121120

I'm so turned off by being asked out by men, I 100% prefer being the one to make the first step because i keep control of the situation, I don't care if it makes me look desperate or low value, if anything it's better because the trash takes itself out if you're weirded out by something this tame.

No. 2121123

No. 2121126

Why don't you like being asked out by men?

No. 2121141

Is it because of the expectations that come with the situation? You're essentially forced to be on the receiving end and can't just fully be honest with the man. Kind of like those public wedding proposals.

No. 2121161

me too. i've come across so many that get offended by my rejection. or they don't accept the no and keep pursuing. it's so uncomfortable. asking out a guy is how i ended up with my husband

No. 2121163

next threadpic pls this is so cute

No. 2121168

Because I'm a control freak who hates when things go off the rails or just unprepared, and being asked out is one of them. Also men who are into me are ugly.
That too I guess.

No. 2121177

The first date with my now boyfriend was horrible and I ghosted him for some weeks and in the meantime I fucked another guy one time and then never saw him again. I got together with my boyfriend and now some years later I find out my bf and the guy I hooked up with are in the same sport club. Topkek. I feel so bad even though I didn’t do anything wrong right. Kill me please

No. 2121178

It's literally over.

No. 2121180

ntayrT but I hate it because its basically just "how many dates can we have before we fuck" I hate men though

No. 2121183

Kek right. I had sex with a few men my whole life and then something like this happens

No. 2121186

I really don't think he'd take that well. I think that's like a man's worst nightmare other than getting murdered and stuff.

No. 2121200

File: 1722797205168.jpeg (72.14 KB, 600x600, bald.jpeg)

Cats are my reason for living

No. 2121214

I wish that I would have done everything differently. To avoid having all of you mother fuckers watch me while my life is utter dog shit.

No. 2121238

Years back, I was bored in a waiting room and angry at a fly that was annoying me. I finally hit the fly but just stunned it. I proceeded to remove its legs and wings.

No. 2121310

File: 1722803312524.jpg (287.39 KB, 1625x2048, anyanyas.jpg)

I know absolutely no one's thinking of it, and it's not like it's really stopping me or anything, but I always feel a bit self-conscious buying pineapple because of that one South Park episode.

No. 2121339

i want to do a hornyposting dump so bad but i already posted that man in 2 different /g/ threads more than once (not recently but some weeks and months ago) and a different anon posted him on some other board recently so i'm scared anons will get annoyed from seeing him too much and they'll start thinking ALL the posts are mine even though i only contain him in those specific /g/ threads. i have like 3k files of him and haven't been able to focus all day, it feels like my pussy is going to explode. i won't say who it is since he's too unconventional looking

No. 2121344

say it

No. 2121345

Kek, same. I'm the one who posts my husbando the most, but I've noticed another nona start to post him too. So I also reel it in a little so he doesn't become hated by lc like with what happened with the Stan dude. Saaad

No. 2121361

you’re allowed to post as many times as you want nonna kek that’s the whole point of it being anonymous

No. 2121379

i know but after a certain point some anons go "x needs a containment thread"

No. 2121384

Is it reviewbrah

No. 2121385

nah but he's cute too

No. 2121387

Is it love if you wish the absolute worst for them?

No. 2121490

I guess not. I guess I’m just greedy and I want him to be for me

No. 2121513

As a remote worker, having sex with my boyfriend on company time

No. 2121546

I don't know how to play chess. I did learn briefly for a short amount of time. It seems like everyone knows chess but me.

No. 2121562

boss gets a dollar, i get a dick

No. 2121567

File: 1722818372248.jpeg (51.55 KB, 736x552, IMG_2076.jpeg)

I love being a normie, I love being a weirdo, I love being a casual baiter, I love being a troll, I love being a serious poster, I love being a husbandofag and then being a husbando hater, I love having favorite ugly men to post in the ugly attractions thread and then posting in ugly man psyop pretending I agree with anybody else there when I don’t care about anything. I love when anons think I’m underaged because of the way I type and tell me “you have to be underaged to post here” (tbf that only happened to me once). I love being retarded it’s straight up fun. I love when anons take things seriously and I love the anons who don’t take things seriously as well. I encourage all of you to retardmaxx once in awhile to get some serious stress off your backs

No. 2121577

NTA, but I can’t have multiple orgasms, it’s usually way too sensitive afterwards to the point it’s unpleasant if I try to keep stimulating myself. Although there was one time when I was younger and much more horny, that I decided to keep going after the initial orgasm and had another one a few minutes later. I think I was horny enough that I didn’t feel sensitive afterwards. But that was the only time I achieved multiple orgasms and it was only two.

No. 2121587

retardmaxxing just stresses me out even more to be honest

No. 2121594

I'm a manager and I love fucking the hot employees I hire. Though it's blown up a couple times, silly rumors I can deny, it rocks to be the boss wheeeee~

No. 2121595

just don’t take it to seriously and it won’t
why are you larping like this anon

No. 2121597

>acting like it's an accomplishment to harvest one of the most unnecessarily abundant resources on earth: cock

No. 2121598

I thought most posters did this honestly

No. 2121604

File: 1722820477600.jpg (64.35 KB, 640x480, e8cf7ba4e0afb5da086de0ae773fcf…)

Mods said no retardposting you have to be sincere and genuinely butthurt all the time to post here

No. 2121605

I love your lust for life tbh

No. 2121649

Why do moid larpers glow this hard these days, you've had decades to perfect the technique by now.

No. 2121655

To get attention from anons like you. Report and ignore bait, otherwise you're just falling into the trap they set.

No. 2121663

>reporting my post instead of the several asshurt anons posting specifically to whine about it
Maybe you all need the attention, huh.(bait)

No. 2121700

Joker could never

No. 2121773

my schedule is fucked right now and i only have enough time where im free + alone to either exercise OR crank it. and i think its obvious which one ive been choosing

No. 2121813

Reporting doesn't do shit when ban evading is so easy.

No. 2121868

I love watching food videos when I’m hungry. I want food so bad but I’m broke

No. 2121909

when I was a young teen I had a crush on my cousin. I would often tease him and joke around and I had so much fun hanging out with him. He liked wearing baseball caps so I would always take them off playfully. Maybe not a huge confession but still, so awkward to think about. I haven’t seen him for a decade now

No. 2122092

Eh I feel like this is really common

No. 2122104

It's better than giving them the attention they crave kek. I really do think that baiters aren't as big a problem as anons that can't recognize bait and spend hours responding to it.

No. 2122116

Sometimes I piss myself a lil. Not like it’s ofte, and just a tiny bit, always at home and never in public. The fact some people exist who are in clean underwear 100% of the time is kinda crazy to me, like it’s always dry to you? You don’t know the experience of slightly uncomfortable urine dampness that you can’t be bothered to change out of just yet? Then again I suppose most underwear isn’t clean all day, I’ve just never had discharge for some reason (still get the labial smegma if I don’t wash for a while though) so outside of the pissing myself I’m always dry as fuck.

No. 2122141

The Britbong thread racism gets to me sometimes but then I remember that these ethnically British people are almost always ugly and shrivel before 20 because of their highly inbred genes and gloat at the fact their immigrant hate is probably pent up British insecurity. It feels good(racebait)

No. 2122146

nona do you do any pelvic floor exercises?

No. 2122148

I don’t and I actually have a hypertonic pelvic floor oddly? I find it difficult to stop tensing it which gives me cramps and also vaginismus

No. 2122181

are you taking any medications? some can cause issues with urinary retention

No. 2122188

You're not missing out, the feeling of pulling underwear that has discharge down to urinate and it becomes cold rather than the acclimated body temperature feels awful to pull back up. A disgusting wet slime feeling right at the crotch.

No. 2122358

if you get pee in your underwear you really need to change it as soon as you can so you don't develop urine burns

No. 2122366

Ever since I realized I'm extroverted I have an easier time going to talk to people randomly or joking around, I still have a lot of struggles when it comes to deeper social connections but knowing I'm not wired to be schizoid has been so liberating.

No. 2122510

I have this desire to pretend to be trans, either a TIF or a TIM just to get easier acceptance and asspats in my online hobby circles. I feel I could larp as a TIM easily, I already tick most of the boxes and I've been told I have "trans vibes".

No. 2122520

It sucks being fire dominant in this world. I’m not extroverted in the slightest but I crave attention but it’s so hard to get without looking like an attention whore

No. 2122526

The fact that you tried to make people with good hygiene and who don’t piss their pants seem crazy is so funny to me. You’re not 50+, something is wrong with your bladder anon go see a doctor and stop being a nasty, dirty bitch

No. 2122539

Oo, call me that again?
It’s not actually that, honestly it’s more like I hold my piss for way too long. Usually because it feels good, but also because I drink a lot of water and getting up is so…

No. 2122598

why do you stink like peepee anon, go get a diaper with your googoo gaga ass

No. 2122602

I recognise you

No. 2122673

You are going to give yourself a UTI acting like that.

No. 2122717

>It’s not actually that, honestly it’s more like I hold my piss for way too long. Usually because it feels good, but also because I drink a lot of water and getting up is so

No. 2122830

I secretly hope for ugly man glorification movement to succeed so pretty women take uglies and leave the attractive men to ugly women like me.

No. 2122866

I’ve been told I smell pretty good actually, at least I keep the pissing in my house. It’s not like I completely let go
Kek I’ve survived until now. I’ve heard getting yeast infections is really common for women but I haven’t gotten one of those yet either. My hygiene must be ok

No. 2122867

Yeah I always wonder about this. If gorgeous women still go after hideous moids where are the good-looking men going? Do they just not exist?

No. 2122918

They are very rare and get snatched up quickly or are whores.

No. 2123108

Young age porn addiction gave me a pseudo-attraction to women

No. 2123110

why did I think this was the favorite lyrics thread just by the way this was formatted? kek and also kek to that pic

No. 2123114

sshhh nonna…you didn't see anything
yes, we can make this into a rufflepussy rap and put it in the lyrics thread

No. 2123127

File: 1722886130216.jpeg (49.04 KB, 1000x680, IMG_5814.jpeg)

Sometimes I flick the tip of my makeup sponge and pretend it’s my husbando’s nipple

No. 2123205

I'm waiting to break up with my boyfriend until after we see Lana Del Rey because he bought really expensive tickets, although now I'm thinking of staying and finding someone else before ending it.

No. 2123381

i'm worried this might be the case for me too. i've never been attracted to a woman romantically, only sexually

No. 2123397

How do you know if you have this?

No. 2123482

not either of those anons, but because of early porn exposure/addiction i'm aroused by women's breasts and asses even though i consider myself straight. that's how i know, at least.

No. 2123623

I lost my virginity to a furry

No. 2123650

so i'm stupid and didn't realise tumblr puts stuff from my searches into my feed. i now cannot under any circumstances open tumblr in public because my feed is filled with retarded fetish fuel. fml.

No. 2123654

There's a way to turn this off in settings, I think it's under something like "Recommended tags for you."

No. 2123662

Was it at least a girl furry and not a moid

No. 2123664

thanks, i didn't find that one but i think it fixed it by turning off the followed tags button. which is odd because i didn't follow any tags.

No. 2123672

File: 1722914282002.jpeg (389.62 KB, 1242x2457, IMG_5677.jpeg)

It's in settings, under general settings, and then dashboard preferences. I circled the ones you should turn off if you only want to see posts that are reblogged by blogs you follow on your dash. Hope this helps.

No. 2123674

I was wondering why i was constantly seeing weird posts about getting a job at amazon wtf.

No. 2123675

Unfortunately yeah it was a dude

No. 2123679

please enhance this confession by describing the fetishes. thank you in advance

No. 2123686

my feed was all disgusting fat moids but what i have is only a tasteful belly kink. tumblr was not only attempting to publicly embarrass me but also didn't even respect my preferences. sorry for being boring.

No. 2123694

I wish I lived in North Korea. I don’t care about any of the propaganda, don’t mind sucking up to some fat moid with a Mexican kid’s bowl cut so I don’t have to engage in this burgerfag rat race

No. 2123696

File: 1722916357720.gif (2.13 MB, 455x498, 1000050300.gif)

The high I get from not posting on social media for years, posting one single thing once, and then never posting anything again for a few more years is so amazing that I could sell this shit bottled as a premier grand cru ultimate attention that's been matured for decades.
I get views from a bunch of people because no one expects me to post anything at all, and it brings me an immeasurable amount of joy, but because I know that if I post too many things, I become a routine to others, so I stop myself from posting anything and just continue with my life.

No. 2123720

File: 1722917855098.jpg (62.79 KB, 600x600, chef.jpg)

Sometimes I click on the Finnish thread when I'm bored and read aloud the posts for a laugh because the language sounds kind of silly to me.

No. 2123729

You can become a crack-fueled miner in the US too

No. 2123734

Yeah but it's not as fun because you can't wear hanbok in USA mines because of retarded "safety" regulations, or at least that was the case when I last looked into mining jobs in the states.

No. 2123750

File: 1722918976366.png (76 KB, 250x250, 0BD73EAF-A9A4-4A17-8520-72C46F…)

I think I’m really beginning to hit that get serious about having a baby phase because I saw a very graphic video of a woman giving birth where she piss and shit everywhere and it was gross but it didn’t really phase me either.

No. 2123758

well..hearing that is giving me the opposite affect

No. 2123777

I saw the picture attached to this post as was hoping this was you confessing that you're horny for that muppet and now I'm disappointed

No. 2123782

Why would there be a video of a woman giving birth to be seen by the public, wtf

No. 2123801

For educational purposes

No. 2124089

File: 1722948640417.jpeg (323.35 KB, 1127x634, IMG_4245.jpeg)

i genuinely believe in the evil eye. telling people your dreams/achievements/goals, no matter how close you think you are, will lead to you failing.
i've stopped telling my "friends" everything after a certain plan fell through (which was essentially the last straw after many other failed plans) and now things are finally starting to work out again. keep everything to yourself.

No. 2124104

I feel the same way. I only tell my mum and my grandma about those things, and only because I know that they love God and they wouldn't give me the evil eye. I also think when someone is talking about the future like that to others, sometimes those others will chat shit behind your back anyway. It's better just to wait until you've succeeded in something to reveal it, instead of hyping up what you're hoping to do anyway.

No. 2124110

>and only because I know that they love God and they wouldn't give me the evil eye
yeah, i'm right there with you. that's my only addendum. my mum and aunt are both very religious and i know they only want the best for me. they're the only ones i feel comfortable telling anything to.

No. 2124206

You're right and you should say it, sometimes people don't even know they're giving you the evil eye, I don't tell anyone anything unless it's my really, really close family.

No. 2124262

i've always fantasized about being approached by a young, cute mormon missionary and inviting him into my place and eventually seducing him and taking his virginity. even better if he's all guilty and fucked up about it during and/or afterwards when returning home. i think it's something about their outfits.

No. 2124296

This is what i wanted to happen on The Whale movie, so dissapointed.

No. 2124303

It's just a statistical probability that most plans will fail and most people won't accomplish their dreams.
You just shouldn't outwardly say much so you don't cow yourself and give people your failings to gossip about.

No. 2124310

t. average evil eye deliverer

No. 2124336

I don't remember the exact science behind it but there's a recorded phenomenon of announcing your goals making you more likely to fail. Something about how talking about it tricks your brain into thinking you've already accomplished it.

No. 2124904

I have baby fever but instead of babies, it's puppies. I want cute little puppies so bad. It's not enough to adopt, I want to be the mother. No shady shit, I want to be like virgin Mary, but instead of popping out jesus, I wanna pop out some puppies.

No. 2124910

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No. 2124915

it’s almost like you nasty faggots don’t have /g/ to put these horny fanfictions to

No. 2124997

A man on my regional sub reddit was asking for advice on how to ask a woman for a full length photo because he doesn't want to be catfished and it reminded me of when I was hatfished during covid.

I only put up selfies from the waist up because 1) didn't think about it 2) was going in with a low effort low disappointment mindset lol I'm thin.

Anyway hatfish arranged for a walk on a rainy winter afternoon so I wore a raincoat and boots. When he got out of his car he got out on his tiptoes and spent the entire walk awkwardly bobbing along next to me trying to hold my hand. I also refused a kiss at the end saying it wasn't feeling it he said he respected that lmao.

Anyway. When I got home and and after I physically cringed and smoked too much weed to erase it he text giving off that he couldn't even tell what my body looked like. I replied you invited me out on a wet afternoon and expected me to show up with my tits and ass out? He said he respected that but I could have been a whale. I said are you fucking retarded I'm clearly not, at least I don't walk everywhere on my fucking tippy toes. Ew I also remembered he kept saying how small I was, I'm 5'7 and I'm pretty sure he was too, stupid fucking cunt.

No. 2125256

My extreme TRA friend was so happy when her friend got married and the girl's husband came out as a troon immediately after– I heard so much about what a sweet "lesbian" couple they were and so on. I found out recently that that couple is getting divorced because the girl in question decided that she'd never actually been in love with the troon and started seeing other women kek
Bonus points because she's the one who was making the money in the family and owned their house, so the troon is going to have to figure something out for himself while she fully divests herself of him to live her life.

No. 2125346

I wanted to change my job so bad but a convo with my work crush made me want to stay longer. I fear I'd never find any guy as cute as him anywhere else tbh. Rip modern dating.

No. 2125574

I'm wary of women who wear fake lashes.

No. 2125576

Girl shut the fuck up. How are you afraid of a fake lash.

No. 2125592

i want to start sugaring. i'm tired.

No. 2125654

I can't help but be annoyed by my friends these days so I'm ignoring them for the entirety of my holidays until I go back to work, then I'll just tell them I've been busy if they ask questions. I don't want to hear or see them for a little while. They're so stupid and immature that I wish I could go back in time and ignore them or treat them like garbage as soon as we met instead to avoid dealing with them for a decade and feeling like I'm babysitting grown women instead of hanging out with them.

No. 2125747

I thought Teddy Swims was black when I first heard him on the radio.

No. 2125753

I hate the concept of marriage so much that even the words husband and wife make me cringe.

No. 2125792

I can't help but constantly think about how my life would have been better if I got switched up with another baby at the hospital to a normal family. Since my mother has no common sense and was groomed by her dumbass controlling family to have me out of wedlock with no dad in sight, it would have been the only chance at a better life for me. I believe in alternate universes so it eats away at me that there's probably a version of me who grew up to be more beautiful and healthy as well as way more socially adjusted with a normal and loving family. I keep imaging the minute details, like what name I would have had instead, what house I would live in, would I have any siblings, etc. Makes me feel like I'm mentally ill, but ever since that thought entered my head, I literally can't stop daydreaming about it. I would feel really sorry for the other girl though at the same time I'd be curious to see how she turned out.

No. 2125803

File: 1723048892395.jpeg (138.72 KB, 715x1000, F681F874-3EE2-40B8-8B83-4F7285…)

Just curious, did you watch this show too? It’s

No. 2125812

nta i always hated that damn show, people who actually are switched at birth usually never find out because why the fuck would the hospital care?

No. 2125818

kek my great grandmother was super paranoid about kids in her family getting switched up in the hospital. I think she made us all little socks or something like that to identify us

No. 2125819

it's what?
did anon get switched while posting?

No. 2125822

anon was kidnapped

No. 2125824

Yeah, it was quite fanciful. Oddly one of the only TV shows my mother would watch, so that we’d torrent it for “family time”.
My bad, I was going to elaborate on a thought and then accidentally didn’t delete the whole thing.
Lol, better safe than sorry I guess? Did your parents keep the baby socks?

No. 2125826

One moid I knew would go on schizo tangents about "knowing" he was switched at birth and he was the only one of his siblings who looked exactly like his dad.

No. 2125828

i've never been involved with game of thrones or followed it so it took me years to realize that the major point of the series is that seasons last for a very long time. i always saw those "winter is coming" memes and thought… i know it was harsh back then but it's winter, get over it… until i found out that the phrase oh sweet summer child comes from the novel and decided to look it up and then realized that the winter is going to last decades.

i still don't know what game of thrones is actually about though.

No. 2125831

I did, but a very long time ago, around the time it came out I think. As far as I remember, both girls had pretty normal and functioning families? One had like a deaf son or something?

No. 2125832

KEK someone once asked me “are you sure you’re not adopted too?” (my younger siblings are) and I told them I had considered that theory, however, I look too much like both my parents.

No. 2125833

KEKKK this made me cackle.

No. 2125848

It's about power games and who gets to sit on the ugly ass throne to become emperor of the continent. There are many very disgusting sex scenes and the majority of main characters die because plot armor doesn't exist in this series.
They definitely kept some socks but I'm not sure if they are the ones she made.

No. 2125893

I'm daydreaming about being beaten to death, I think it's a cope for feeling guilty about some of my actions

No. 2125930

What the fuck did you do?

No. 2125945

kek what a psycho

No. 2125947

storytime? we’re here for you nonners

No. 2125956

sometimes i think about doing some cringe shit with my face attached so that nonnas would post me here and diagnose exactly why i'm ugly and give me condescending styling tips kek

No. 2126303

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I told my friends about how this psycho moid who was weirdly obsessed with me got molested as a child and I kind of feel bad but not that bad because he threatened to rape me as a “joke”

No. 2126306

Every weirdo moid claims to have been abused as a kid, plus even if he was that doesn't have anything to do with you and doesn't justify his behaviour.

No. 2126311

don't feel bad queen

No. 2126315

You shouldn't feel bad if he's willing to say that shit to you, he has no empathy for you so you shouldn't have any for him

No. 2126319

this twitterfag reaction pic proves to me this website has been taken over by a certain flavor of users who keep using "girl" in their posts. go the fuck back and kill yourselves while you're at it(a-logging)

No. 2126326

>certain flavor of users who keep using "girl" in their posts
What the fuck are you talking about

No. 2126328

You need to unclench that bootyhole girl

No. 2126349

nta but she thinks if users say "girl" instead of "anon" they must be from twitter.

No. 2126431

File: 1723079071338.jpeg (50.29 KB, 440x722, IMG_6553.jpeg)

i have doxed at least 1 celeb and it's really not that hard to do

No. 2126443

I like to smell my underwear. Especially right before my period starts because there's just something during that time that makes me smell so good to myself…

No. 2126445

Those are your pheromones

No. 2126448

I didn't realize those were actually things you could actually smell. I thought it was just some pseudoscience moids believe in to rub snake oil all over themselves.

No. 2126449

if its about harming a man, you didn't do anything wrong

No. 2126453

What does dox mean in this situation? Full legal name and last known area of residence or is it stuff like social security and credit card number? Because one is very easy to do and the other takes skill.

No. 2126482

Not the latter but the former. The former is not that hard kek. I wish I was devious enough for thee latter, I want an Amex black card line of credit. I'd use their money to buy a shitton of overpriced crap I would resell later if they couldn't trace the theft back to me

No. 2126561

I genuinely think I’m better than certain groups of women and actively look down upon them, fuck that “girls support girls” bullshit, this includes:
>women who side with rapists over their victims
>women who put on copious amounts of makeup every single day
>women who wear slutty clothing
>women who do everything in their power to conform to the beauty standard
>women who sleep with ugly guys
>women who objectify and sexualize other women
>privileged sex workers (ie: onlyfans whores)
>women who sexualize themselves at all for male attention honestly
>women who date ugly men
>women with low standards

No. 2126563

>she wears short skirts I wear sneakers

No. 2126568

So how many friends do you have and how often do you leave the house?(infighting)

No. 2126569

>she's a disgusting slut cocksucking worthless cunthole bitch whore and im a trad princess

No. 2126573

How many std ridden moids have you let fuck you?
I hate tradwives as well as any women who tries to pander to moids(infighting)

No. 2126576

You need to be banned, you do this constantly. You reply to ALL posts that ask you pointed questions that you deserve with some redirect about men. Sounds like you're very obsessed with them.

No. 2126577

I have a crush on a man from the internet like a god damn loser.

No. 2126578

My condolences, I bet he sucks

No. 2126580

What the fuck are you even talking about

No. 2126584

>I'm better than all WHORES and SLUTS
Don't even bother pretending you're new or have never posted like this. Go crawl up your own ass and die

No. 2126604

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Being told as a child that everything I like is stupid has made me unable to actually, deeply enjoy what I like. Which yeah, I like cringe shit like otome games and magical girls, so I kind of deserve being mocked by others.
But it still hurts because I don't really like sharing anything that I do with anyone because I know I suck at everything that I try, that I never make sense when I try to do my best and that I just never truly go deep in my hobbies like those internet autists that can cite random bits of media.
It makes me feel like I just try to do something but I end up doing nothing because I don't even know if I truly enjoy the things I "like" because I've always been told that what I like is retarded, so it makes me wonder if I like the things I like out of spite, but no matter how hard I try to be more "normie" I can't stop glancing at the stuff I "like".
I'm beginning to think that this is why I have such a hard time going to sleep and also enjoying the stuff that I supposedly like, specially when there's people at home, I feel a huge sense of shame whenever I notice that I'm enjoying anything and I always have to force myself to stop smiling because it attracts attention, when that happens I try to explain what I'm doing and everyone just doesn't understand or I get called stupid/idiot and then others explain whatever I like/see/enjoy to me as if I didn't understand what I'm doing.
It's really tiresome, this is why I feel like I will never get a job, I can't even understand why I like something nor what I like, so how can I even understand something slightly more complex?
I also end up feeling like when I talk about "work" related stuff, I don't know what I'm doing, like I space out and my mind is completely blank, when I'm working, it's like my brain just shuts off and I can't remember what I did or what I said unless asked about, I don't even want to think after a day at work, I just want to shut down and boot up the next day.
I don't even know what to do, at all, everything that I do or say is dumb, useless, boring, nonsensical, a waste of time, annoying.
I also space out when I'm supposed to be having fun, like when I go to some anime convention or when I'm playing DnD, I always end up thinking "what the fuck am I doing?" But I also feel the same when I'm traveling or going to a museum.
Now that I think about it, the only times that I don't feel like this is when I'm working out or when I'm just completely alone.
Maybe I should join some convent/cloister where I can workout daily and be in complete solitude in the mountains or by the coast, maybe that's how I'm supposed to be happy.
I feel like such a retard for feeling like this at 27 years old, I hope I don't wake up tomorrow, like every night when I go to sleep, I always hope I never wake up the next day.

No. 2126612

I'm still remorselessly fucking around with ai voice generators

No. 2126626

Very cool

No. 2126628

I think you're simultaneously thinking about yourself too much but also being too hard on yourself. The things you like are cringe probably, but that really isn't a big deal. Just find other people who like them to talk to. You don't need to tell everyone about your special interests, and if it hurts you so much to have to talk about other things maybe you need to adjust how you interact with others socially. You can be a casual part of whatever Fandom spaces you need to scratch that infodump itch, and it shouldn't be too hard to speak to everyone else normally. You're beating yourself up over something so silly no offense.

No. 2126631

i think i recognize this..the abusive comedian that shan't be named right? what website/program did you use? i want to try something with my celeb crushes

No. 2126633

The only thing that sucks is that the voices can be a little robotic and lacking emotional inflection, but sometimes I've typed the same thing twice just to experiment and it's given me a different inflection the second time. I wonder how much media the bot was trained on

No. 2126636

It's him kek i can't believe I used to think his voice was cute. hearing it raw it sounds so nasally! and his accent is so Canadian in the worst way. sorry to any Canadians

I used Parrot.ai. There are probably other alternatives and it gives you a chara limit for the "free version" but I'm just dabbling. If you want specific celebs I'd just Google their names + ai voice generator

No. 2126638

I love you Careychan

No. 2126652

Some women are in fact whores and sluts. Why are you getting so defensive over this.(bait)

No. 2126653

She didn’t even say that you guys are worse than Twitter LMAO

No. 2126658

It's a known spammer please hop off

No. 2126660

I want to have sex with two guys at once, maybe three guys

There I said it

No. 2126663

Three is too many. Two is a good amount.

No. 2126664

I haven’t had sex with a lot of men, but I miss having sex with my ex bf who is a terrible person in all aspects. Sometimes I think like what if the sex wasn’t that great it’s just that back then it felt really great bc everything else was crap. Idk. Would like chemistry like that again soon

No. 2126666

2 is more enjoyable than 3 especially if you’ve had sex with each of them already

No. 2126697


I really like the idea of my pleasure being the center of two hot guys’ attention. I think three would mean even more pleasure

No. 2126706

>falling for male memes about women who dare to fuck other men

No. 2126721

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>>2126638(ai shit outside containment)

No. 2126732

Me too how can you even arrange for this though? And find two men hot enough?

No. 2126752

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Part of me wishes I was fat again, just because of how invisible I was to most moids. You never know what you have until it's gone. Being seen sexually and perceived as an "option" by moids still pisses me off to no end.

No. 2126769

The amount of men who lie about being molested is abysmal and makes me doubt all of their stories, most normie women don’t know of this and probably wouldn’t handle it well if they were informed. Men are so fucking evil

No. 2126770

Most psycho moids invent their molestation stories. That's why they always claim women are the ones pretending to be molested when it's convenient. Pure projection.

No. 2126804

Im the op of >>2126561 and I’m basing this off shit I’ve observed with my own eyes. There are so many women irl who will dress like hookers and doll themselves up for the ugly nigels they rotate around each month. And judging by how defensive you’re getting, you’re one of these women

No. 2126810

No, I just don't care if a woman is "slutty" which is an just male code for "wont fuck me" and in some countries means "has hair uncovered".

No. 2126818

Do you get your opinions from hot topic t-shirt slogans? Also lmao islam’s a statistical outlier, they consider toddlers slutty

No. 2126834

Hey if there's a Hot Topic shirt that says "I dont care about male neuroses" I'll buy it

No. 2126835

This is so stupid but I have this fantasy of having sex with the first guy who showed attraction to me when I was in 6th grade
He was the first person to tell me he has a crush on me and was very kind to me, I had poor self esteem as a kid kek so I loved it but now in my 20s I can't help but think of "rewarding" him by letting him have sex with me. We're not in each other's lives and I behaved pretty cringily towards him later when I was 13-15 so I don't think it will happen

No. 2126846

I use chatgpt to generate inspiration for encouragement or words of endearment to my boyfriend. I'm just shit at romantic words. But I worry I might sound too cheesy and robotic.

No. 2126993

I used to simp for this character as a kid

No. 2127058

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teenage-me would do snake from gangreen gang and i blame seeing art from tumblr for that

No. 2127060

I was the stank girl in middle school and 7th grade, but when I unstunk myself, I was so fucking mad when no matter how amazing I smelled somebody would still think I stunk. By 9th, to my knowledge I was never called stank again and often complimented on my many sents from Bath and Body works.
Because of this I'm very fucking weird about my smells. I spray perfume in my hair, on my purse and always carry some.

No. 2127132

I’m lazy as shit and enjoying it too much. I really need to get back to going on more walks, cooking good food and making art everyday. I ghosted my psychiatrist and have been ignoring the whole thing but soon I will be out of meds and I need to snap out of it before then. This “good” feeling of not caring about anything and giving up is just me not wanting to face my responsibilities

No. 2127145

There was always a group of autistic girls simping for ace especially after he appeared in gorillaz kek
but snake.. I would tie him to a chair in a dark basement then shove my underwear into his mouth. Then i would put piss on him and look at him as he is whining and struggling in wet clothes… Then i would become good and loving again and i would put him in a shover and wash him and and feed him doughnuts for dinner. kek.

No. 2127158

gorillaz tied to powerpuff girls?? kek how didn’t I know this sooner

No. 2127164

I didn't despite my notoriously weird taste but I still fucking love his design

No. 2127224

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I am an emotionally abusive attention whore and I want to change but I don’t know how. I don’t know if this is relevant but I have bipolar and PTSD. I’m 18. A couple years ago I got into a relationship with a bisexual girl who was later diagnosed with BPD. She was very “hot and cold” and I noticed that every time she’d go to a concert together she’d spend a lot of time talking to random guys instead of me. She was also in a bunch of group chats with guys I didn’t know, and I wasn’t in them. Instead of communicating with her, I made posts on social media about the situation and she eventually found out and dumped me. She got a boyfriend within a month after we broke up. This made me angry so I told everyone I knew about every little thing she had ever done that mildly pissed me off (such as insinuating that I had to take my shirt off in front of her because she had done it before even though I was uncomfortable with it, openly stating that she preferred skinny guys knowing that I struggled with eating and body image issues, etc).
More recently I got into a relationship with a guy who was still obsessed with his ex. He would bring her up all the time and posted about missing her so I gave him an ultimatum and threatened to break up with him if he kept doing it. I withheld affection from him after this and didn’t tell him I loved him. After we broke up, I found out that he had been cheating on me. I became obsessed with ruining his life. I did so many things to get revenge on him that I can’t even name them all here. That wasn’t enough for me so I sent him a long paragraph consisting of all the most vile insults you can possibly imagine and told him that he made me want to kill/harm myself.
I am sick of losing control and stirring up drama. I’ve been single for a couple months. I’m in therapy and taking medication but I don’t think I’ll ever be able to be in a relationship ever again. I’m like Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, I’m terrified myself and the capability I have for hurting other people. There’s this part of me that actively waits for someone else to hurt me so I have an excuse to hurt them.

No. 2127230

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Yeah, there's an arc in the band's lore that Ace temporarily replaced Murdoc (the bassist) when he went to prison kek

No. 2127236

picrel reminds me of red scare podcast in the worst way possible (red scare podcast sounds like shit)

No. 2127239

you can’t do him because he’s not real you weirdo

No. 2127240

Why do people think this is an own to husbandofags? Duh they're not real and they know that. For some husbandofags that's a part of the appeal.

No. 2127249

>when the autist baddie can’t even understand the goofy banter

No. 2127252

I don’t wanna break up with this dude, because my family is horrible+broken+poor and his is so great and they treat me so well. He deserves someone who loves him though.

No. 2127382

I am straight but constantly fantasize about leaving my moid for a woman. I love women and they bring me so much comfort and make me feel safe and loved, but i know i'm straight and it would never work in the long run. I wish i wasn't so i could just love a woman the way she deserves, like i imagine in my head for the rest of our lives but i know it wouldn't last. Forever a dream but I'll remain in reality.

No. 2127386

Lol, I dream of that as well, anon. I was just severely unsocialized and isolated as a child and women can clock that really easily, so I've never had any long term female friends. I've never been bitter about it, though, I accept I act strange and icky. I always dream of living with a woman, but I know I'm straight.

No. 2127390

>I’m in therapy and taking medication but I don’t think I’ll ever be able to be in a relationship ever again. I’m like Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, I’m terrified myself and the capability I have for hurting other people.
you're only 18 and underestimate how much humans can change if they dedicate themselves. don't date anyone for a while, keep up the good work as you heal from your past experiences, but people with BPD traits can go into remission over time. focus on building a good life for yourself. you got this.

No. 2127393

There was a nona here who is in a platonic relationship with another straight woman and they live together, are married etc. they just don't have sex. That's super based imo, but how would you even find someone like this?

No. 2127403

i had a friend i could have done this with, but i thought running off with a moid was a better idea at the time. I'm an idiot

glad I'm not alone. my moid is a decent man, but i still can't shake the feeling.

No. 2127407

You're only 18, in 4 years you're going to laugh at how foolish and immature your thought patterns are right now and 4 more years after that you'll do it again. You're still actively growing and changing as a person, give yourself a break, you don't have to have everything figured out right now.

No. 2127408

Yes that's what most straight women do. Makes me sad tbh.

No. 2127410

That's what I want as well. The only thing I could come up with is looking for someone in communities for people who consider themselves asexual/aromantic. But I'm under the impression that those people tend to be either snowflakes, traumatized or just deeply insecure so idk how wise that is.

No. 2127416

nona if i knew you, i would run away with you for a platonic friendship home. that sounds so nice, but I'm also useless so it's best left for dreams

No. 2127439

I fit under the label of asexual but avoid asexual communities because the people there are too snowflakey as you said. I am probably gonna become a buddhist nun at 30.

No. 2127693

I don’t want to take showers everyday, I only do it because it’s what’s expected of me. My skin thrives when I don’t shower.

No. 2127741

Thank you nonnas. I’m not a bippie but I do have a DBT workbook and I’m in IOP program. I have basically taken a vow of celibacy for the next few years until I get my shit together

No. 2127866

Then dont nona. Moids are allowed to not shower.

No. 2127875

i dont feel comfortable making friends or talking to anyone now because everyone loves to post their personal interactions on social media. i dont want my internet friends fucking posting our texts! i dont want people in my life sharing stories that i tell them on their public accounts! oversharing has become too common and i'm OVER it. kek get it

No. 2127911

I feel similar. I never share secrets with friends because they might randomly post it. maybe its cause im in art circles and everyone is bpd is obsession over "calling out" everyone

No. 2127927

thats how i feel too, everyone wants to start drama and "expose" someone for being "problematic" like you're their personal cow.

No. 2127990

File: 1723184789047.jpg (104.07 KB, 850x850, __original_drawn_by_kou_tamago…)

I am aware of the effect I have on men and take full advantage of it

No. 2127999

i've been freely taking out student loans because i'm sure in the future it'll be forgiven anyway
plus if it isn't forgiven i'm sure i'll kill myself in my 30s so it doesn't matter anyway

No. 2128001

Don't get murdered

No. 2128087

Yes nonita they might chimp out if they find out you are using them. It's based, and they deserve to be used. Just be careful.

No. 2128097

Loan forgiveness is a carrot to tempt voters before elections, but it will never happen.

No. 2128100

I have soft kidnapped my neighbor's cat. The neighbor has a cat they allow to go outdoors. Their home is extremely small and filthy (hoarder). Their cat started coming over to my yard and I started giving it treats. Now the cat spends as much time as possible over at my place, she likes to hang out with my cat, they are best buddies.

I'm not forcing the cat to be here, I don't lock her in and she can always get out through a window I keep cracked open (I only close it when it rains). She just likes being here more. She has slept over a few times. I feel a little bad but it's not like I'm restraining the cat physically. If I closed the window she'd just be hanging out in my back patio 12+ hours of the day instead.

No. 2128106

I just found out that some fraud that shilled a purchased cosplay as her own and kept joining cosplay competitions with the costume finally got caught. I once informed the original creator of the costume about the theft when I saw the fraud's thread on PULL, the original creator didn't do much about it (which I respect, it's a hassle), but now that she's finally caught I got that sweet sweet schadenfreud, karma is a bitch lmao

No. 2128110

it's already started though. i doubt it'll be a widespread thing where all loans for every citizen is forgiven, but many students with severe financial need are surely going to get their loans forgiven

No. 2128117

what happens if you just don't pay them back? Do they garnish your wages?

No. 2128131

Nonita you should get that cat for yourself

No. 2128152

A cat is free to go where it pleases.

No. 2128182

I'd kidnap the cat before your neighbour decides the cat is away from home too much and locks it up.

No. 2128195

Good points. Right now she is staying overnight on my couch.

No. 2128204

I miss that phase so much, all the tinfoiling of fans was super fun.

No. 2128217

File: 1723206349315.jpg (453.13 KB, 2341x2108, 1680538615392577.jpg)

ive loved tcoaal since the first chapter, and it makes me sad that people just see it as "incest meme game" when the incest is just a small part of the story, it genuinely conveys a fucked up codependent relationship (and a female narcissist) in such a real way ive never seen in another media

No. 2128218

Me and Luna decorate our rooms the same but I wash my plushies and wall tapestries.

No. 2128223

i've never admitted this before but i stole my neighbor's cat. i found her outside when she was a kitten, starving and terrified. since she was wearing a collar i put up a lost and found ad online but no one ever answered it. shortly afterwards i realized she came from my drug addict moid neighbor's house. obviously i wasn't going to give her back to him so i decided to keep her instead. he ended up being arrested for elder abuse when the cops found his dementia-addled father wearing nothing but a diaper, covered in insect bites, and living in a stifling hot house with no electricity because he'd spent every cent of their social security checks on crack. she's a very sweet girl and i feel zero guilt over stealing her from someone who stumbled around the neighborhood covered in his own vomit.

No. 2128227

>the incest is just a small part
>it genuinely conveys a fucked up codependent relationship in such a real way
you are braver than any US marine for saying this. godspeed nonita and pick up a book or any other media that's actually well written and not just brother kink fodder kek

No. 2128258

>ncest meme game" when the incest is just a small part of the story
its literally a ending in the game fuck off with your bullshit incest game

No. 2128261

Anon there's like a trillion movies about le epic based female narcissists and twice as many books too.

No. 2128262

it's so good nona I will die on this hill and so what if there's incest? it was made by a woman and you can tell, this is the type of relationship and dynamic I actually want unlike 99% of the media out there made by moids to pander to moids

No. 2128268

Just roleplay as poor and apply for IBR. The interest on mine is ridiculous but they aren't knocking down my door asking for a monthly minimum. I never updated my income info from when I was a legit poor and my monthly minimum payment on the bills I get states $0.00 lmao.

Don't pay em. You're right that it's better to gamble to see if it will be forgiven.
The most red-pilled advice I can give is that most rich people don't pay back debts, they aren't even taxed appropriately. Only sheeple repay debt. Debt is imaginary. Debt is only a problem for the fools who gave away the money and now seek to draw blood from stones–but even that's ok, cause others in their pools pay back in interest well over the worth of the original charge.
Fuck them and debt sympathizers.

No. 2128373

There's a girl in my class that i was close to becoming friends with in the first semester, but i confess that after learning the class difference between us, i couldn't feel the same about her, i don't know how i used to feel about her before or now, but i just feel awkward around her. I already felt like i was too plain, ugly, and unfunny to be around her before and i don't speak Malayalam like she does as her first language so i didn't have a cheat code with it either, but this understanding made it worse.

No. 2128598

I think my bf's low-key kind of ugly like Brian Peppers, a Picasso painting, "have you dreamed of this man", doodle bob but I really love him

No. 2128603

I'm glad the person behind this was doxxed tbh

No. 2128617

For the longest time I thought that "lolcow" was a nickname for Chris-chan, basically making fun of him for being weird and fat.

No. 2128709

well if you have recommendations thatd be cool
i dont really know one of the endings being incest proves any point.. you can literally avoid it if you think its gross but still like the story
i dont because women should be allowed to write stories about whatever fucked up shit they want
yeah although ive seen a lot of guys like it too kek

No. 2128720

Playing through this game felt like freak to freak communication and I'll always like it for that.

No. 2128733

File: 1723233850951.jpg (15.91 KB, 400x267, kekeke.jpg)

sometimes i go on edtwt just to giggle at all the bitter seething anachans. i lost a lot of weight due to stress and it's making me insecure but knowing there are people who would kill to look like me feels good. sometimes i feel a little bad for them but then i see them publicly shame fat women and use their pictures as "fatspo" and my guilt evaporates. also all anachans i knew IRL were insufferable manipulative attention whores who used their condition to gain sympathy. maybe i'm biased

No. 2128808

File: 1723237516085.jpeg (133.88 KB, 540x960, 52asju8ngz8d1.jpeg)

I look down on people who denounce writing in cursive.

No. 2128929

Drank way too much last night at a concert and now I'm too hung over to do anything, even tough I planned to take a nice walk and read a book at my fav coffee shop. It's my only day off this week and I've completely ruined it by partying too hard. I've just been in my bedroom all day. Now it's early evening and I can feel this gorgeous day getting away from me and it's honestly sad af. But every time I stand up I feel like I'm gonna puke.

No. 2128933

And people can react how they want

No. 2129052

>women should be allowed to write stories about whatever fucked up shit they want
Only when it’s yaoi

No. 2129054

same. its guiltily fun to lurk weird niche mentally ill internet corners like that . sometimes i'll catch someone with the shedtwt edtwt and tcctwt lolicore puppygirl type street fighter combo of twitterisms and feel better about myself

No. 2129068

Wait, do people do that? I naturally write in cursive because that's how I was taught as a kid kek

No. 2129086

I do it out of fascination and im not sorry. Scrolling through people's bizarre, parasocial word vomit and watching them hinge their entire life upon complete strangers will always evade me. I like to predict when they will implode.

No. 2129094

File: 1723249332357.jpeg (388.36 KB, 2828x1908, IMG_0502.jpeg)

I can’t write in cursive and I can hardly read in cursive. It’s like a foreign script to me, like Arabic or Cyrillic. I’ve never had to write in cursive but I do remember having to read 1800’s cursive when I was looking through old family documents and it was a struggle kek

No. 2129140

i would wear finger shoes if it was socially acceptable.

No. 2129177

File: 1723253904121.png (8.98 KB, 275x218, 1000005632.png)

tcctwt is particulairly fascinating to me. wonder why we dont have a thread on discussing true crime fan culture (not in the podcaster sense). i do believe for most of these often reclusive and clearly autistic teenage girls obsessing over specific figures isnt a matter of hybristophilia as ppl say rather than a weird parasocial/vicariously living through them power trip seeing as they often try to almost imitate? the criminal in question (wearing the same clothes , listening to the same music , being TIFs etc) and how 90% of the time you only ever see this obsession for mass shooter autist types and never , say , dahmer or gacy

No. 2129189

>isnt a matter of hybristophilia as ppl say rather than a weird parasocial/vicariously living through them power trip seeing as they often try to almost imitate?
the latter is part of the hybristophilia fetish. look at creepshowart for instance, she's with a criminal male (stalker and rapist) and helps with him crimes but is also sexually attracted to him.

No. 2129196

File: 1723254741119.jpg (113.61 KB, 736x1308, 8c6045fa365e271b7cc0aefd16c2f7…)

I decided to download Roblox just to play this game, and it's actually pretty fun. I feel childish playing it kek

No. 2129206

I recently saw m0istcritikal playing that game on stream. I'm not sure if that makes it feel better or worse.

No. 2129220

I suppose ur right but it really does feel more like skinwalking rather than sexual attraction to the actual act of them murdering people most of the time. it could very well be just like what TIMs do, "cant get the gf of your dreams? just become her!". still , i believe its mostly vicarious parasocial projection from teen girls that probably feel powerless in their actual lives. these types are no older than 22 either

No. 2129223

Why is this game (not Roblox but Dress to Impress) suddenly blowing up everywhere?

No. 2129239

finding nemo gives me anxiety

No. 2129240

Ayrt, I think it's because caseoh was the first male streamer to play it. So it caused it to become more popular with a "wider" audience. Which is why it's everywhere now

No. 2129241

File: 1723256100348.jpeg (103.8 KB, 1280x720, IMG_2145.jpeg)

because it’s fun and it’s a dress up game competition game, kind of like the one from that moviestarplanet game from a few years back where you dress as a particular theme and other people vote for the best outfit. it’s funny because i’ve seen a bunch of videos where a bunch of crayon munchers don’t even stay on theme and end up voting for the most basic pinteresty aesthetic outfit even though the theme is like “space robots from the victorian era”. it’s always been a popular game on roblox, it’s just little kids and grown adults like anon >>2129196 making it slightly more popular

No. 2129524

I hate Jews and I hate Muslims equally I hope they all kill each other and leave the rest of the world in peace.(racebait)

No. 2129532

Irritates me to no end, especially when they act like they can't read it. You'd think they would grow up and just learn to read and write properly after a certain point instead of printing all their letters like 5 year olds. I can remember so clearly a moment from my undergrad days when a classmate asked me for notes to copy when she was out sick, I obliged and handed her my notes and then she looks at me and goes "I can't read this, can you write it normally?" Wtf do you mean you can't read it? This is how everyone with a brain writes? Then she got all pissy and never asked me for notes again. It's not like I was writing in high formal calligraphy either, it's basic handwriting. Even as an adult now I look down on others when I see them gripping their pens like a chimpanzee would just to scribble useless blocks.

No. 2129555

them both having extremely high birth rates is so disgusting to me(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 2129933

I like it when my nipples get sensitive before my period and they rub against the cloth

No. 2129950

Muslim population has been growing, Jews haven't recovered since the Holocaust…

No. 2130002

The normal body with the fat roblox head and anal-prolapse lips

No. 2130003

KEKKK me too. I imagine it's my husbando touching them…

No. 2130052

my cursive writing is unintelligible so i started writing in a mix of printed and cursive letters the moment i got out of school. separating letters made my notes look so much cleaner. tbh this could be due to me holding my pen the wrong way. i'm not retarded, just unique and special
maybe your handwriting is just shit kek
i hate that shit it hurts

No. 2130080

File: 1723315457860.jpg (48.18 KB, 576x1024, e17a62b7f627d31ed80504e65d961a…)

>Normal body
Idk about that

No. 2130124

File: 1723317734618.jpg (70.63 KB, 500x595, 1559916191807.jpg)

I don't feel like I feel any meaningful attraction to men and it fucks me up. They've always been NPCs in my mind, like all I want you to do is eat my pussy and give me money or do some other favor for me and if you're doing anything else get the fuck out. It genuinely makes me feel like an alien because in my mind I don't think I see men as real human beings and instead pawns to siphon things from. But I'm very attracted to and love women, but at the same time I don't feel worthy of the attention and affection from other women. I've since stopped but I used to go after pathetic men and screw with their emotions just to feel something and to feel in control for once. It got so far even as a teenager I'd fantasize about violently murdering this older moid I met as a teenager. Even now I have violent fantasies of killing, torturing or removing the genitals of moids. I would never genuinely act on them, but getting older makes me realize how much of a fucked up person I am. Realizing other women really don't feel this way and that's It's actually not normal and kind of fucked up. I don't feel like a based stacy, I just feel like a genuine freak.

(Yes I have a history of physical and sexual abuse stemming from childhood)

No. 2130134

File: 1723318431743.webp (336.9 KB, 1920x804, IMG_2069.webp)

I cannot remember whether or not I showed people explicit photos of my cheating ex or not. I was talking to my friends about how he literally sent me arch pics but I don’t remember if I sent them the photos or not and driving me insane. I remember in the pictures he was clothed but still. I don’t know if this is an OCD thing or not. Help me nonnas I don’t want to get arrested for revenge porn

No. 2130144

Calm down, you won't get arrested. Plus he's a moid. Who gives a fuck? Those ugly faggots send dick pics to anyone unprompted.

No. 2130170

Literally who cares, men do this all the time with women, he deserves it

No. 2130179

File: 1723321390893.jpg (30.93 KB, 667x442, 1000051737.jpg)

Whenever I'm extremely bored and somehow horny I go on disboard and look for random people to do erotic roleplays with, they're always the most retarded plotless bullshit ever.
Once I'm done I ghost the person and move on, sometimes they get clingy though, and it's honestly annoying but whatever.
I have tried using AI bots but I get shy, I don't get why, but I just close the tab and die of embarrassment, meanwhile with random people I have no issues explaining the most retarded scenarios, I guess it's because I know I can just block/ghost and move on, meanwhile if I roleplay with a character I like, whenever I see the character I will remember the shit I did with the character and then I will stop breathing for a few seconds.

No. 2130180

i hope u did

No. 2130183

this sounds kind of ocd related but also an expression of guilt. sending the pic to a few friends doesn't sound like it would truly get you in trouble the way uploading it on a porn site does. it's fine. it'd probably be more humiliating for him to call the cops about this.

No. 2130216

How to find people on disboard for rping? Just go on random rp servers or are there bettet tags? Since they closed down omegle I don't know where to go.

No. 2130228

I join any RP servers and befriend random losers, since I only care about NSFW roleplays, I look for ERP tags and try to join the least cringe servers and servers without ID verification because I don't like showing my face to anyone, specially because I would basically doxx myself for 15 minutes of talking to some rando kek.
As long as it says that you have to be 18+ and that it doesn't have some elaborate plot, it should be okay, in the end it's anonymous.
Also make sure you have some account (that doesn't have your name and stuff) that's old enough for servers where they ask for you to have a week old account.

No. 2130388

going from praising and objectifying a moid who isn't worth your salt and using his face for your own experiment to calling him post walled and ugly, is this what true power feels like, or just sheer realization?

No. 2130772

Unfortunately I'm straight but SHORT GIRLS WITH SHORT BLACK HAIR MAKE ME GO CRAAAAAZYYYYYY aughhhhhhhhh short girls i looooove youuuuuuu i just want to pick u up and carry you wherever you want i love you short girls with short hair

No. 2130800

File: 1723377830494.jpeg (376.14 KB, 589x835, IMG_2190.jpeg)

Omg this reminds me
I follow this girl on TikTok and everyone was like “hnnnng you’d look so much better with long hair” and now she’s growing it out. It’s so weird how short hair is hated on women lmao

No. 2130808

I do not mind reading dark romance books that include 'problematic' behavior from mcs. Problem is, most of them are absolute dogshit, with Wattpad tier writing and same tropey stories. "He kidnapped me, but he was so hot and sexy" or "he looked at me and I shivered…but not from fear" Unironically, most of them are written like this. And reviewers only fixate on problematic relationship tropes and 'glamorizing abuse!!' or are shocked when the MC who's described as 'an alpha bad guy billionaire' does assholish things, and not the piss poor writing itself. This genre can be executed very compellingly, and when it's done well it's very entertaining to read it. Cute and fluffy, 'healthy' romances bore me, as because the characters are so perfect and unproblematic, the only way to get any conflict is to write in a stupid misunderstanding, who gets solved in like 2 minutes anyways.

No. 2130810

I'm extremely jealous of you, nona. I wish I felt the same way but sadly I still have some kind of empathy for them

No. 2130812

No. 2130817

File: 1723379281336.jpg (21.61 KB, 275x271, 1700877977542.jpg)

My favorite type of whump scenario in fanfic is one where a weak, pathetic misogynistic scrote reeees about women being whores who deserve what's coming for them, but eventually it's revealed that he's just projecting and it is he who got raped by some other scrote, meaning it's he who is the whore. I love it, I love homoerotic violence. Too bad most whump content is shit so I need to write it myself.
>inb4 reee belongs in /g
Not posting to the fetishes you're ashamed of thread because I'm honestly not even ashamed of this.

No. 2130820

You love fake scenarios. Ok?

No. 2130824

It's sad that your audience is probably comprised of degen faggots instead of based yaoi ladies.

No. 2131224

Is that skirby

No. 2131613

i use to think all cats were female and all dogs were male

No. 2131844

File: 1723428580752.jpg (139.08 KB, 736x736, c1d55a8caba05a7488fa4bf0a78845…)

I was trying to post some fanart but accidentally attached this image instead

No. 2131857

What a weird picture, kek. Should change the "lol! series" into "lol!cow" or "lol!cow series" and use as a banner.

No. 2132044

I brought my own trashbag (reusing a plastic grocery bag) to babysitting and lined their trash can with it so I could take out my used pads and throw them out myself before the kid’s dad got home. Not taking any risk based on his previous attitude toward me.

No. 2132051

I samefag a lot and change my typing style to pretend I didn’t

No. 2132057

not samefag, i do this too

No. 2132062

Be honest, I’m samefagging rn and you’re just me typing in lowercase.

No. 2132068

I'm the one samefagging and you're using the same punctuations I use you weirdo.

No. 2132072

I'm a freak, I love problematic media, it's fun to explore dark and taboo themes in fiction.

No. 2132074

How dark and taboo are we talking about? I tend to like taboo stuff as long as men are the ones that must suffer because of the taboo.

No. 2132087

>>2132074 I love men suffering kek. but I also like age gaps and sometimes incest (as long as both of them are hot and into each other.) not really into women/girls suffering, I like to see them in control.

No. 2132090

>has typical abused-as-a-child bippie fetishes
Ooooo so dark and taboo

No. 2132096

I get it tbh, I also can't stand seeing women suffering in general.

No. 2132101

>>2132096 women being victims is so common in fiction to the point where it's boring, it's very good when you get to see a woman in control of the situation manipulating and abusing a moid.

No. 2132103

I know right, it's so rare finding something where a woman is actually in control, and sometimes it's ruined by dumb semantics.

No. 2132104

>age gaps
old men are gross

No. 2132105

File: 1723439662463.jpeg (474.93 KB, 1298x1380, IMG_0729.jpeg)

Anons obsessed with raping men make me so uncomfortable kek. I’m not going to moralfag because I don’t care about scrotes but it doesn’t stop my stomach from turning over. /g/ is so bad too because I could totally see it just being weird faggots even if it’s not.

No. 2132109

>doesn’t stop my stomach from turning over.
Moids wouldn't care just sayin

No. 2132110

Meh, just reads as hyperbole to me

No. 2132111

I can’t stop my physiological response lol

No. 2132112

It just makes me cringe. Men can’t get raped.

No. 2132119

I agree it's kind of annoying at this point even if it's a joke

No. 2132122

Cringe. These types of comments reek of porn sickness.

No. 2132127

>>2132105 I guess for me it comes from a sense of revenge, not giving to men what they want.
Be it rape, manipulation or torture… Or simply dumping him when you get bored of him.

(But of course, all fiction, comments like these aren't nice because we are talking about a real person. Even if they don't care, we shouldn't get to their level.)

No. 2132128

>I could totally see it just being weird faggots even if it’s not
I hate how moids have poisoned women. That's the kind of comment you'd find on Gaia Online circa 2006 from a pornsick ib moid or a tweenage girl trying desperately to fit in.

No. 2132129

File: 1723441684928.jpeg (41.93 KB, 349x349, IMG_6983.jpeg)

I enjoy cute anthro designs but it makes me feel like a furry to like them

No. 2132159

File: 1723445341508.jpeg (79.83 KB, 600x760, IMG_4453.jpeg)

I don’t sage in threads I’m interested in so they stay on the first page.

No. 2132163

it's not like you have to sage outside the cow boards

No. 2132167

You don't need to be "poisoned" to think suffering moids are hot.

No. 2132205

I genuinely don't understand the problem. Like are you actually concerned about the moids safety from horny nonas or something?

No. 2132206

NTA but it’s more the principal. Acting like rape is no big deal.

No. 2132216

Grown men getting raped by women isn't really a thing though.

No. 2132224

if it is men, correct

No. 2132227

Well then I could argue that you’re obscurifying the word. By calling something that “doesn’t exist” rape, you are changing the meaning of it to be something that doesn’t matter.

No. 2132230

Nta but sometimes I read comments like this and I think “am I too dumb to understand or is this person chatting shit?” Cos for me, saying “this type of rape doesn’t exist” is not obscurifying the word, it’s just stating a fact that the anon believes. Like saying “unicorns don’t exist” and someone accuses them of obscurifying horses. Maybe I am just thick.

No. 2132231

No, you’re not thick, I just suck at arguing. I’ll try rephrase later.

No. 2132236

im just one of those people who doesnt care about anything in this world except for fandom. maybe its good we broke up, because i can immerse myself fully in fandom right now. i dont want children because that would cut into my internet fandom time. all i want to do with this life that was doled out to me is write fanfiction. maybe ill write something original one day, but odds are..

No. 2132393

I don't know why exactly I feel this way so it's not a conscious effort on my part but I can't help but think that if you are a woman who grew up somewhat online and your favorite sort of character dynamic is "found family" then you were probably a TRA or are currently some flavor of enby/TIF. I just think the "sisterhood" is infinitely cooler and more based than the found family trope, and so many autistic women who are too insecure to acknowledge their femaleness are into found family. I hate the "found family" trope shit, it's corny and overdone and you know the trannies consuming that slop see it and are like zomg, just like when I was groomed on discord/tumblr into taking needless cross sex hormones!!!!

No. 2132417

It's just cringe because these women are emulating terminally online coomer moid behavior.

No. 2132423

i cringe to death whenever i hear my boyfriend play yung elita's music. i knew her from her tumblr and early insta days and know how cringy and tryhard she really is, pandering to scrotes and pedos. he told me he doesnt care what shes done, that the music is good, and it annoys me listening to it considering he most likely likes it for her retarded schtick and shooped pics.

No. 2132431

File: 1723473445042.jpeg (174.14 KB, 750x476, IMG_1559.jpeg)

>n-noooo that word is scary i tink we womyn should nevarrrrr want to rape it’s stooping down to a man’s level we hate rape when it happens to men as much as it happens to womennnn teheee i’m such a good respectable girl everybody loves me i would never dare make jokes like that tehee
>oh you said “rapeable” under a woman’s pic?? nooo that’s fine that’s fine what time is our date going to be?
sincerely shut up, if you have cocks for dinner you shouldn’t be interjecting your hypocritical beliefs on to anyone

No. 2132437

it’s still cringe…

No. 2132441

What about older women and younger men?

No. 2132454

It's cringe and gross for both men and women to do this. Nobody here is excusing men.

No. 2132459

How? As if women don't have aggressive sexual thoughts. You're just not used seeing it freely expressed.

No. 2132460

File: 1723475418534.jpeg (70.04 KB, 736x674, 1715110543591.jpeg)

but nonnie… look…

No. 2132463

gay and that is one tiny ass phone

No. 2132465

Anon this is clearly in bad taste the perps should be female

No. 2132497

Too many noisy ryona fans on this website, can't you just stay in your containment threads.

No. 2132499

Lolcow.farm should just be renamed to Tumblr now, you people have moral dilemmas over everything. This is why women don't have nice things.

No. 2132509

what in this picture do you want the anon to look at though? how is this relevant lol

No. 2132517

its hot

No. 2132520

concept is hot. guy is average looking and should be hotter.

No. 2132522

you can talk about loving gargling cock in any other website. Female socialization 101: if any other woman diverts from the standtized rule that all women have to be conforming to be docile, caring, sweet she needs to be shamed. dont you have some shit stains to clean from your nigels underwear anyways?

No. 2132525

You sound mad that others disagreed with you itt.

No. 2132526

post alternative

No. 2132528

Scrawny plain guys deserve a good ol' raping too.

No. 2132533

File: 1723478312258.png (Spoiler Image,1.42 MB, 1024x1024, 0_1.png)

I tried to do this in AI but about half of the results look like they're referenced from gore/corpses, what the fuck. Also one produced a condom laying on the ground kek

No. 2132540

AI outside of the containment thread is banned, but hey, this is pretty good!

No. 2132541

I just see an anime man about to die. is this a special anime man to you?

No. 2132542

women cant rape men, he would still enjoy it in a scrote way. Thats why it has to be a moid. maybe im wrong tho, what could a woman do that really would torture a moid?

No. 2132543

Leave him or cheat on him

No. 2132546

This is what's most cringe about it to me. Either they'd still enjoy it or they'd just kick your ass. Even the most Auschwitz-tier man could probably overpower the majority of women. It's a retarded power fantasy.

No. 2132549

>NOOOO ladies your sexual fantasies have to be realistic!! 0/10 cave dweller neck beard scrotes get to lust after 10/10 Stacy harems but you!!! Don't you dare think about anything that isn't realistic orgasmless missionary sex!!

No. 2132551

he looks so cute nonna, he is lying on the floor helplessly, his embarrased and shameful expression, the bruised cheeks and saliva on his face and his slim, toned yet soft back, so cute nonnie

No. 2132552

Do you think women should only have completely realistic fantasies?

No. 2132553

No but some fetishes are cringe especially so when you're projecting them on an IRL moid that can probably beat your ass if he wanted to.

No. 2132554

what are the correct fantasies women should have then?

No. 2132557

BRB going to sexually fantasize about having vanilla sex with a balding scrote with dadbod who is terrible at eating pussy. So hot!!

No. 2132561

He looks like Penguin in that one Batman-but-younger show

No. 2132564

But when i say "what's good about being a woman?" im a schizo baiting moid and i get tradthots going about how being a woman is good because im not rape ape and because divine feminity woo woo shit "women give life and are nurturing tee hee". Being female is so pathetic.(bait)

No. 2132566

>being a woman is good because im not rape ape
I mean yeah? It is good to be a woman and not a testosterone-poisoned XY subhuman who lets himself be led by his boners?

No. 2132568

Apologies for the obnoxious question but am I like the only one itt who doesn't think about the logistics or like realistic consequences of coom? I get the occasional "wtf was that" shame and clarity but I don't care how realistic it is kek

No. 2132572

Who gives a shit about "muh moral superiority" it gets you absolutely nothing in this world, it's useless. Literally a psyop to make women content in not having shit. We're not even allowed to have fun on image boards without the moral police butting in.

No. 2132576

>have fun
But that's the thing, vanilla is fun for me, violence isn't.

No. 2132583

And you want to browbeat women with different tastes into the same society approved taste because…?

No. 2132584

I'm not browbeating anybody, I'm allowed to confess I find it annoying in the confession thread.

No. 2132588

I see. You don't like something so everyone must stop liking or posting it too!

No. 2132589

If it's so much fun for you, why does it matter if some rando poopoos it? If you don't see anything wrong with it, then such moral accusations shouldn't bother you, right?

No. 2132592

they're arguing over these moral accusations because they think they are baseless and wrong

No. 2132594


and then what? like >>2132546 >>2132553 said, you are the submissive subservicent role, a moid can forcefully inseminate you and make you carry a child for 9 months against your will with 0% chance of being able to fight back. Caring about morals as a woman is retarded because men and even women do not care about what happens to you. They dont care about your physical or mental health, you facing discrimination at the workplace, yo being objectfied in pornography or getting deepfake ai porn made of you, nobody cares because what are you gonna do about it? you can get raped and murdered and your perpetrator wont even face jail time. women dont matter.

No. 2132601

Just troon out already(bait)

No. 2132604


but why is it annoying? what kind of fantasies do you think women in general should have?

No. 2132605

NTA but the idea that we must not say rude sexual things about men and only have realistic fantasies on an anonymous imageboard for grown women pisses me off.

No. 2132607

Yeah yeah we know, acknowledging the difference between how morality is enforced on men vs women makes you a TIF. Acknowledging and discussing the unfairness experienced by women at at all means you're a TIF. If you don't love being a woman 100% of the time and think it's the most amazing happy jolly heehee divine feminine thing in the world you might as well transition.

No. 2132610

So? If the accusations are baseless and wrong, just enjoy what you like anyway. People who are actually comfortable in their moral correctness don't care is a stranger doesn't agree with their personal choices.
I'm not OP. I don't care if some lady wants to be a cringe ryona queen, I just find it weird that they feel the need to defend themselves just because some rando on lolcor thinks it's cringe.
This kind of fatalistic self loathing isn't healthy. Please find yourself some strong self-loving women to show you the light.

No. 2132613

you call anons annoying and retarded because they like seeing moids with blood on their face and then get gaslighthem because some women dont like being a cumdumpster.

No. 2132614

so you would never argue with someone over morals? that doesn't mean they don't believe it's true. they saw an opposing view and wanted to give their opinion.

No. 2132615


what is the correct way of being a woman?

No. 2132616

You literally implied you don’t care about women getting raped. >>2132572

No. 2132619

If someone is trying to start shit with me about my sexual interests on basis of morality? No, I'm not going to argue with them. They're wrong and wasting their time and I'm going to keep doing what I'm doing. I wish cringe ryona queens had that same level of unbothered for the weird shit they like.

No. 2132621

nta but i love when anons infer completely unrelated things from posts like this
anyway i'm gonna draw nasty disgusting guro porn or something fucked up of my anime husbando number seven just for shits and giggles

No. 2132622

How the hell did you even pull that accusation out of your ass?

No. 2132625

This site stopped being for weird autistic women a long time ago, nonny. Nowadays you cant say you like anything with more violence than sanrio without being called a scrote here. Summerfags are insufferable, but they will go back to school eventually. Hang in there.

No. 2132629

are you the anon that said raping moids is cringe bc they would beat your ass?

No. 2132631

No. I'm the anon who said that the OP's picrel sounded like something you'd hear from a gaiafag.

No. 2132632

So sexual fantasies have to be 100% realistic, go back to reddit. This sounds like something similar to what a female atheist would say, trying to get moids' attention by supposed realistic fax and lawgic. Anyway I want a hot alien animu twink to lick my vagina

No. 2132633

File: 1723481761801.jpg (51.18 KB, 736x736, 7253845643243.JPG)

Fuck off I’m a sanriofag who also likes seeing anime moids get beat to death

No. 2132635

Im so tired of being gaslighted about me being a misogynistic TIF when i point out the reality of things.

>anon says ryona is cringe bc moids rape you irl

>i say being female sucks and there is nothing good about it
>"omg just troon out already"

How can i be a true stronk enlightened woman?

No. 2132636

I dont understand why anons are moralfagging so hard over anons fantasizing about dominating men because ''its a scrote fantasy!'' when the average 40yo normalfag woman went to see 50 shades of grey in theater and 99% of romance books are about some dominant scrote and a smol uwu bean girl. Women can be degens too, its not new or weird, just be glad this board has femdomfags and not weird pickmes who want gross men with dadbods to call them kittens. The latter are dime a dozen and a cancer.

No. 2132638

By not obsessing over every possible negative facet of being female. You'd be amazed by how much brain space that frees up.

No. 2132639

I like writing about my male characters being beaten up and cut up and uhhh organs played with bleeding to death etc etc and there's nothing you moralfags can do to stop me

No. 2132640

>Please find yourself some strong self-loving women to show you the light.

at this point strong and woman is an oxymoron. You are weaker, smaller, slower. What is being a strong woman?

No. 2132641

This is pure entertainment right now, that's my confession for the thread

No. 2132642

what are the positives then?

No. 2132645

>not being rape apes(while being the victims of rape apes)
>being able to get get pregnant
>??? some mystical bullshit about feminine divinity probably

No. 2132646

>we're not rape apes!
>we give birth to children, so divine and feminine!
that's it, whenever you ask people here what's so good about being a woman, those are the only answers you're gonna get. Wow, so amazing and awesome.

No. 2132648

Same. I'm also guilty because I posted an opinion some anons don't like and now I'm watching others take the fall for it.

No. 2132649

which one

No. 2132652

We're born about 4-6 weeks more developed than moidlets and are more capable of surviving injury, illness, and famine. Women are hardcore survivalists just by existing naturally and even the most athletically trained moid can never hope to match it.

No. 2132654

File: 1723482373184.jpeg (1.04 MB, 2048x1604, F2JU8MRWEAALpzC.jpeg)

Admins should really bring back post reveals and apply them as soon as the poster starts the same infight for the 3rd time.

No. 2132655

Can you retards at least try and understand that some things aren't mutually exclusive like one can enjoy being a woman and not being a rapeape while also enjoying their little autistic fantasies

No. 2132656


No. 2132657

That's not true according to anons. According to them if you step out of line even a little bit you should just troon.

No. 2132659

It's so funny because their moralfagging hate just turns them into encouraging troonery, aka misogyny 2.0. The circle of life, even if it's just used as an insult

No. 2132662

Mmm I sure want to give my big muscular sexy anime man a good SPANKING while he loves me

No. 2132663

and you understand some of us can dislike being women without wanting to troon out, right?

No. 2132665

what the fuck is the point of surviving if everybody fucking hates you to the point of not having rights. From handmaidens (which is the majority of women) throwing tantrums bc you hurt the precious moids fee fees to the objectification of being violated and sodomized on tape just being accepted by all of society

No. 2132666

why are the hardcore survivalists getting killed and raped by males. they're still weaker. this is cope if you really think this makes women stronger than men. they're not

No. 2132669

Yes as long as it doesn’t turn into moid worship like a certain personalityfag on this imageboard

No. 2132670

That has literally nothing to do with what I just said, I actually agree with that statement as well but again, >>2132621 is right

No. 2132671


You keep walking around the same thing. What do you enjoy about being a woman? How does pointing out women are at an absolute disvantage as a species is akin to trooning out?

No. 2132672

i dont know who the fuck you are even talking about but i doubt anons who want to see anime boys get raped are moids worshippers. Its just that some anons think women complaining about how society treats us = hurr durr ur a moid worshipper!! even though no one itt is saying that

No. 2132674

holy shit how did anons saying they want to fuck some male pictures lead to anons like you thinking that means they secretly think women are physiologically stronger than men. the mental gymnastics is astounding, i don't get it. nobody claimed this

No. 2132676

The types of posters you're describing just want any excuse to sperg about how women are actually terrible and our only hope is to kill ourselves kek just ignore them

No. 2132677

File: 1723483291058.gif (1.88 MB, 220x175, IMG_2168.gif)

This is so true and you’re real for saying this. I hope we press the right button on the lolcow remote this time
>clicks the red button
>time abruptly stops
>travels back in time to the very second before anon placed her finger on her keyboard
>”hmph there was something i was forgetting? what was it i can’t remember it”
>nvm lol
>goes and scrolls hot gorey pics of anime men being sexually tortured
>”yo girls doesn’t this look sexy?”
>anon gets another chance to get it right

No. 2132682

File: 1723483589299.png (3.16 MB, 2732x2048, 1654602026194.png)

She would be so dissapointed reading all your comments saying women cant snuff men.

No. 2132683

I just think it's sad tbh. You can sometimes tell when an anons "fetish" is just to get back at duh moids or whatever

No. 2132684

some of us dont let men live 24/7 in our heads

No. 2132686

yeah, what’s wrong with that exactly? moids don’t deserve their comeuppance?

No. 2132687

I just like to see them in pain
The only man who lives 24/7 in my head is my anime 2d man because I am a loyal lady like some of these anons upthread seem to want. I am utterly superior

No. 2132688

This is what you guys say about everything that isn't vanilla missionary or some other sex act where the woman is the sub.

No. 2132694

I understand that some anons are grossed by it, but it's sad how some assume you are a troon
or bad person for enjoying said content.
It's just fantasy, women can be degenerates too.

No. 2132695

thats not what happened retard. anons were saying male ryona was hot and then one anon said it was a retarded because men will be the ones to rape you irl. anons point out the downsides of being a woman and a lot of anons just respond with "just troon out" so then anon points out the gaslighting

No. 2132696

>get back at duh moids or whatever
No most just genuinely fucking hate men.

No. 2132697

save us jodie

No. 2132699

I find it funny how they want slightly degen anons to troon out. It's not very girlboss radfem of you to want women to fall for gender ideology

No. 2132700

i keep asking what are the correct fantasies normal women should have and how women can be strong but nobody ever answers

No. 2132702

>our only hope is to kill ourselves
i do not think that, idiot.

No. 2132703

They told you to troon out because it's about the 5th time you posted your selfhating shit.

No. 2132704

abstaining from sex but this is too extreme for most people

No. 2132706

Hmm I wonder if there is a correlation between edgy-4chanette-weeb-guro-coomer stuff becoming popular on TikTok and the sudden insistence of certain posters that it’s totally normal to be in favor of rape or pedophilia toward boys.

No. 2132707

Getting abused and fucking old ugly balding men, since even our fantasies have to be based on reality.

No. 2132708

Love a superior 2d man, take self-defence classes, work out by day, yoom to 2d man at night

No. 2132709

Not a single person itt said it's normal or mentioned pedophilia.

No. 2132710

Jokes on you I don't have TikTok and boys are gross

No. 2132711

literally, again the mental gymnastics

No. 2132712

Stay on TikTok if you love keeping up with the "trends" or whatever there so much

No. 2132714

I'm not saying you have to have vanilla fantasies, I'm just saying keep your talk to the fujo/cutie with an ouchie/femdom/specific fetish talk threads. Don't just be posting nasty art and talking about wanting to rape guys/see guys raped in other random threads.

No. 2132716

This is the same anon who spergs about 2d shotas for hours btw

No. 2132717

Maybe don't go into /g/ horny threads to screencap and chastize anons in the first place if you don't want to see it.

No. 2132719

what are you talking about, schizo.

No. 2132720

This infight has been the most entertaining thing I've seen this week. Keep on being degenerates nonnies I love you and goodnight

No. 2132721

no one has mentioned shotas except you itt

No. 2132722

Why don't you go back to tiktok.

No. 2132723

i dont agree with pedophilia but its more so the fact that:

>men commit 90>% of all crimes

>all men watch porn
>men dgaf about any of your rights, only the right to be a prostitute
>1723457450298 cases of gang rape, trafficking, physically and psycologicaly torturing women and girls with no repercussions for the perpetrators
>male rape victims dont suffer nearly as much in comparison to women

No. 2132724

I wasn't the one who started this discussion, but I was also annoyed by that post. It's just a pic dump thread, no need to make weird comments.

No. 2132725

Riding your horse through the forest when a handsome prince crosses your path. Your beauty bewitches him and he asks for your name. You are charmed by him and notice there is something different about this young man. The two of you are the same age, but he appears wise and respectful, unlike the men of your village. He offers to ride home alongside you, but you decline. It’s too soon for such a thing… Perhaps you could meet at this same place tomorrow? The following day you and your horse venture out to the place that has now become a meeting point. Before you arrive, the young man is there. You descend your horses and chat, getting to know each other better… He is [insert trait you like e.g. wise, insightful, creative, clever, shy, clumsy, boyish, charming, eloquent] and [insert trait you like]. His [insert description of his appearance]. Then the fantasy can go on as you like… maybe you guys play games together or go swimming or he takes you to the royal palace or you two are simply animalistic and sleep together in the river in secret but only because you are too ashamed whereas he wants you to come to the royal palace and marry him but you refuse to become royalty because you feel loyal to your village that some believe have historically been oppressed by the prince’s ancestor but what is the prince’s opinion and how would he reign, does he need you perhaps to change the rule of the kingdom or possibly is there a conspiracy against the royal family? You could of course also switch and have yourself be the royalty while he is a peasant boy, or the two of you are royal… There is so much customization possible, the point is that a healthy fantasy entails loyalty, virtue and true love.

No. 2132727

>no need to make weird comments.
people dont need your permission to comment on lolcor

No. 2132728

what do normal women fantasize about then, i just want to know

No. 2132729

I’m sorry I did not proofread: BY the river of course and many other obvious corrections…

No. 2132730

>Your beauty bewitches him and he asks for your name.
stopped reading there i dont want a scrote to fall in love with me for something so shallow

No. 2132731

Based and loyalty, virtue, and true love-pilled.

No. 2132733

You don’t need to when your sperging and moralfagging is predictable

No. 2132734

Okay then he is attracted to how skillfully you ride your horse or shoot your arrow or how beautifully you write. He has been reading your books for years and became enamored with your mind. Or he simply appreciates your personality and is curious about who you are after meeting you at the market. Many possibilities

No. 2132735

according to the box office creepy millionaire moids raping you, like in 365 and 50 shades of grey

No. 2132736

And they call us the degenerates.

No. 2132737

sounds boring why cant i just be an evil witch and kidnap him to make him part of my cute bishie harem

No. 2132738

I was referencing people like Addy Harajuku and the posters in her thread, which is how I know about the sudden influx of zoomers like this. Plus I mentioned both because these infights have been ongoing across boards for weeks.

No. 2132739

ikr, these retards werent there when rapey romance that spanned thanks to 50 shades was literally everywhere

No. 2132740

BookTok. A vampire mafia leader CEO kidnaps you to be his bride. He's also extremely loving behind the cold villain mask persona and don't worry he totally loves you! He'll just kill your friends and hunt you down and claim you if you dare step outside your room

No. 2132743

Because that’s not healthy, which is what you asked for. To disordered people, healthy is frequently considered boring, which is why they tend to stick in unhealthy relationship cycles and then ask themselves “why is the world out to get me?! Everybody else is at fault but I.”

No. 2132745

I can’t believe I’m dying in front of my husband.

No. 2132746

do you not understand what a fantasy is? i like fantasy because it means i dont have to date 3DPD

No. 2132747

>women projecting their humanity and how they observe and live through the world onto men
this more retarded than male ryona kek, if based on reality, semi-drugging a moid and shoving a metal bar up his ass is more realistic than a man who considers you as human as he is if this is about a 2D moid is fine

No. 2132748

Those aren't allowed anymore on lolcow.

No. 2132749

Fantasies will never be normal, that's why they're fantasies. Anons getting up in arms about female kinks are only going to make the de/g/enerates even weirder. As long as minors can't access your weird kinks and it doesn't involve them or animals(age play/animal play)it should just be fair game. Kink wasn't supposed to leave the bedroom and that's the biggest problem we have today

No. 2132751

I just find it try hard

No. 2132752

>2d is fine

No. 2132754

You just know some of these nonas are going to try to pursue their fantasies IRL and rope in a coom-brained, spineless man who will troon out. Because the types of men attracted to dominant women are usually severely mentally ill and have Swiss cheese brains from all the fetish brainrot. It's just unnatural, plain and simple.

No. 2132757

Do you think women are the same as moids who always escalate into the real world? We know it's not feasible IRL, but apparently we aren't allowed to think about it anymore either.

No. 2132758

>implying there are men who arent coom brained
oh poor nonny, bet you think your nigel is NLOB

No. 2132760

>a woman being slightly more dominant is unnatural
you gag me with blackpills like this and then accuse me of being a tif. blowjob-chan as always right.

No. 2132762

>>2132743 that is true for some, but for others it's just fantasy, exploring in your mind something you wouldn't want to do irl.
I can also see the appeal of books like 50 shades of grey, since the guy is supposed to be handsome and charming.
The only problem is when people can't separate fiction and reality.

No. 2132764

There is an anon who thinks all women who arent into big dominant men are pedos. Every single time anons discuss the subject of submissive men she comes sperg about shotafags even though shes always the first one to start talking about it. Shes weird as fuck.

No. 2132766

You were talking about how submissive men are coom brained, when ALL men are. Yes, even your siblings and father. Cope.

No. 2132767

>It's just unnatural
And here it is kek.

No. 2132768

if there is ONE good thing about being female, its being able to NOT be controlled by coom. be serious anon.

No. 2132770

Are we sure it's a she.

No. 2132771

It already lost credibility by describing nonnas fantasies as "just to get back at duh moids or whatever". That's how someone butthurt types.

No. 2132772

I don’t know, there are many forms of unhealthy relationships or attitudes that can include being very asocial and not around many people to begin with, not necessarily with a transgender.

No. 2132773

yeah, its always women who put other women down for not wanting to be uwu smol beans into dadbods and shit

No. 2132774

women are ultra moralfags and throw other women under the bus for men all the time. its more likely that its a woman than a moid

No. 2132775

you'd be right since most animecore/cutecore fags are already consuming pedo shit so obviously they dont think actual pedo shit is a problem , some of the addys "posters" are clearly from the same community they may call out addy for lolishit while themselves having lolishit merch (which is real unfortunate because you still can like cute anime stuff without resorting to pedo shit)

No. 2132777

That’s what I was referencing. The Addy Thread and it’s popularity opened my eyes to how topics like gore and pedophilia in anime alongside image board culture have become trendy enough among zoomers to warrant both Addy a vibrant fan base as well as a popular thread here

No. 2132779

they dont want to consume pedophilia nonnie, they want to become the object of it. they want to become the lolis. moids are so ugly, a lot of women are autosexual

No. 2132781

tbh animecore was mostly popularized by older zoomers and already existed before tiktok zoomies ,theres a old animecore thread here too

No. 2132784

the only cute anime merch you cant get without pedo shit is cute older mascots like doraemon or leo the lion

No. 2132786

I’ve frankly become addicted to c.ai. Fuck I’m pathetic

No. 2132787

It's not an either or. My favorite fantasy is having a bodyguard, so I get loyalty, virtue and true love but also get to see him beat up and get to abuse the power dynamic kek.

No. 2132790

> doraemon
yeah no.

No. 2132791

>how can women be strong
don’t be a fatty, work out, if you live in a state or country that allows you to carry and can afford to get a gun/practice it get one, never hesitate hurting a moid, disable him and never try to get into an equal fight with him
>what normal fantasies should a woman have
slapping and beating moids, female supremacy fantasies (not the gross femdom that’s based on men getting off to them willingly being able to turn off their violence mode and think it’s a reward for the woman to larp as a higher status than a scrote)

No. 2132793


No. 2132794

Same but JanitorAi.

No. 2132795

>not using sillytavern with claude

No. 2132799

Im too lazyyy

No. 2132800

>The type of men attracted to dominant women are usually severely mentally ill

So the ones attracted to doormats aren't the most insecure and mentally off moids you'll ever meet then? Have you even glanced at shoeonheads thread recently?

No. 2132802

janitor is godawful i'm sorry but how do its users deal with the llm being trained on retarded wattpad werewolf au fanfiction because all the bots can do is "growl" and "purr" that they want to claim you

No. 2132806

c.ai is the same lol but I just edit it out

No. 2132807

Honestly fully depends on how good the bot is and if the llm is having a retarded day. It also takes a lot of tweaking and for them to stop acting like you described. But yeah I get it, the world "claim" or some certain flowery sentences give me ptsd at this point. Though it still isn't as bad and bland as c.ai.

No. 2132810

Samefag if I have to hear a bot growl one more fucking time I will a-log. You are not a lion, you are not a wolf. Please don't take me back to fantasy YA bookstagram from 2018 again…

No. 2132816

What are the benefits of sillytavern? Is it a big upgrade from janitorai?

No. 2132817

When I was 4 I used to literally piss on the floor in my bedroom and let it dry because I was too terrified of the dark to go to the bathroom

No. 2132818

Its an user interface, claude is the LLM. Sillytavern lets you customize your UI and even add sprites that change expressions. Its rad if you are an artist

No. 2132819

does Claude cost money iirc it does right

No. 2132821

no, you can find proxies

No. 2132830

What >>2132818 said. You can also customize stuff like randomization, making the LLM "think" before it responds (so it doesn't lose track of plot, chars, etc.). You can practically turn it into a CYA rp too. Also you can add music, iirc.

No. 2132848

This was me except in preschool anon. I got locked in the dark bathroom inside our portable classroom and after that I was too scared to use the restroom again

No. 2132885

I genuinely find Vivziepop very cute. Her dated edgy twee tumblr styling suits her, she just needs to lose weight.

No. 2132899

What in the Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy? kek

No. 2132950

there's a conventionally attractive (not just cute, like model material) man in my friend group, he's slept with hundreds of women (and some men) and is dating a new girl every 3 months and claims they are in true love. he has severe mental issues (possibly BPD) and used to have a porn addiction which he has replaced with sex addiction. i also had a friend who also dated a male model and he was an alcoholic and also a porn addict. idk what's up with them

No. 2132975

I don’t date tall guys because I don’t want a tall daughter, I know life is hard mode when you’re a tall woman. I don’t care if I have manlet sons, though.

No. 2132987

The truly good looking men I’ve encountered tend to be non-committal during which their appearance gradually starts to decline. Men like to claim that women live this way because it is their own reality. The handsome guys I went to high school with look haggard already despite being in their twenties due to drinking/smoking/living hedonistically. It has been maybe once or twice I saw a model-tier guy who was just so handsome he was simply beautiful. Such people are rare to begin with.

No. 2132999

File: 1723496029670.png (1.59 MB, 1274x1056, ci4l6g50zej01.png)

I love Emma Roberts. That's my confession.

No. 2133012

I love her because she beat Evan Peters

No. 2133017

Same. People freak out when I say that but whatever.

No. 2133041

They couldnt give her a cup holder? She's looking like a boss. rip to that drink. I like her outfit

No. 2133046

She probably declined it, have you ever seen those pictures of celebrities holding their giant 5 year old kids for the camera

No. 2133052

me too. She was also rude to a tranny. She is Stacy

No. 2133057

maybe this was why I wet the bed as a child, I vaguely remember having to pee but not being able to get up and go. I was either too scared or had sleep paralysis lol

No. 2133076

omg when

No. 2133080

as a short woman this kinda makes me sad. I’m also young looking (don’t come for me it’s not a brag) and it’s hindered me mostly in professional settings. People especially men don’t take me seriously and often talk down to me. I saw a large, tall woman the other day and the way she walked into the room and commanded attention and respect was so badass. I would love to experience that. Like Brienne of Tarth style. Grass is always greener and all that.
One time I heard a short guy say he wants a tall wife so that they don’t have short kids, I thought that was kinda funny, manlet showing his insecurity kek

No. 2133086

incredibly retarded. Women are already at a physical disadvantage in comparison to men. You should astrive to make big tall stacy daughters.

No. 2133095

File: 1723499615904.jpeg (91.01 KB, 824x970, IMG_3743.jpeg)

as a 5ft10 woman i consider being tall a blessing. it helps me get taken more seriously. sure i get a reputation as aggro/ bitchy but moids will always find something to dislike anyway. height is an advantage, midgets stay salty.

No. 2133097

I wasn't scared of the dark but of the flushing because it was too loud, so until I was like seven I asked other people to flush for me while I ran away from the noise.

No. 2133100

being considered aggressive or bitchy as a woman means your doing something right. The "kindness is power!" heroine is a psyop and will only hurt you in the end.

No. 2133105

I love her for that

No. 2133126

What's tall to you? You're super unlikely to have a 1.80 m+ girl just because her father is tall and anything under doesn't cause much problems.

No. 2133131

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In like 2019 during filming of AHS. Reading what the dude said she did is so funny and I hope it's 100% true

No. 2133133

Kek this is so funny and you know people were calling her racist for calling a black man…. a man! She also collects vintage fashion dolls iirc, honestly she gives off really cool mandating vines and I feel like she'd def be on lolcow kek.

No. 2133134

Samefag, *manhating

No. 2133144

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I wish they would legalize violence against men. I would slap so much ugly bastards on the street and grab their wallets and render them completely broke

No. 2133152

Kek nona I've had the same thought. She definitely seems like a farmer to me.

No. 2133156

This is dumb. I'm tall and that was only bad for a few years when I was younger and insecure. At some point you grow to fucking love being tall and midgets/average sized women always tell you they wish they were as tall as me

No. 2133184

i want to start stealing from scrotes. because whoever steals my socks needs to get their fucking head smashed in. i took apart the fucking washing machine already and they were not there. one of my disgusting, retarded scrote flatmates is stealing them, 100%. i reported him to the landlord and that cuck didn't do anything. i hope they both get terminal illnesses and all of their expensive valuables damaged and robbed away. fucking disgusting scrotoids. i am owed at least $100 worth of socks. most of them were in a bunch because i went out shopping for them specifically, after seeing them go missing. if i was a moid i would have bashed their fucking teeth in already. somebody also took a book i was reading. who the fuck thinks this is funny? i want to start stealing and damaging other people's shit because why can ugly retarded jobless moids get away with it???

No. 2133196

Her house is really cute too. Emma also collects dolls too which is pretty cool.

No. 2133202

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Me too, she's my favorite bitchy celebricow.
Also kek not only did she call the tranny a man in front of everyone but she also imitated his voice by dropping her voice "several octaves", lololol based mean girl

No. 2133217

It’s been 6 years and I decided to visit the social media of the guy that I was in love with and wanted to kill myself over, and I’m not sure if it’s slight aging (again it’s only been 6 years lmao) but he looks ugly as shit. He looks like a skinny Elon musk with glasses. I was actually going to kill myself for him??

No. 2133333

in the past, when I was young I was a pick me and thought being short was a flex. Now that I am older and not a complete idiot I would happily be a taller woman. If only I could get men to fear me instead of objectify me. What a dream.

No. 2133470

i don't know if I'm bisexual but I'm very sexually attracted to white women with pale skin and rosy lips and big slightly saggy boobs, but i feel like a man for it, i wonder if I've been conditioned to liking it because of male gaze media or if it's because my first girl crush at 8 years old was like that
there's this e-whore i follow who is a retarded gendie but never made any effort in looking more androgynous, she's dumb and did onlyfans stuff with her even more retarded boyfriend, but I can't stop but wish i could make love to this stupid bitch whenever she pops in my social media, i literally have had erotic fantasies with her in my dreams
sorry for bad grammar and stuff I'm a little high

No. 2133477

this has happened to me so many times. I can't fucking believe I cried over some of these men and I feel so embarrassed I could die kek

No. 2133478

>i don't know if I'm bisexual
>I can't stop but wish i could make love to [her]

you're bisexual

No. 2133481

Sometimes I watch an incel youtuber. His way of expressing his opinions is rather entertaining to me.

No. 2133505

I keep having dreams about hitting my man. I think I’m gonna do it at some point. He deserves it they all deserve it

No. 2133524

I used to larp as a psychopath when I was 15. Typical dumb teenager online shit but maybe saying it out loud will relieve me of the cringe.

No. 2133601

Well at least you weren't on SpellsOfMagic getting frightened by the weirdos that would pretend to be real life vampires on there because you're autistic and can't tell fantasy from reality at age 12. So be happy that you didn't have to deal with 2 months of nightmares about vampires from the 2000s witchraft forum.

No. 2133696

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When I got back into working and going outside, I've come to the secret opinion that black women are disliked for a reason. I used to think it was because of unfairly racist beliefs, but my own two eyes taught me that it's less one sided than that. There's always going to be those people at your work or at other places that act like bull-headed morons or fools that never emotionally aged past middle or high school, but of all those people I've dealt with at work, most of them have been black women that came in with dogshit attitudes and genuinely think that it's everyone else trying to start a fight with THEM. Even online, I find them to be among the most annoying converse with, of all people. Consistently and in general with talking to black women in online spaces and even here, they seem to be the worst at understanding anything you try to explain no matter how crystal clear you may put your words. It almost scares me. I rarely meet a black girl online that's actually able to understand the simplest opinion or even mere statement I can lay down, as their reading comprehension is the worst I've ever seen of all online users. Can I mention hoe black women also like to tear down other black women or black people for speaking proper fucking English just because they "sound white"? I hate that they act like perpetually angry twats in public without caring or even being aware of all bad they're shitting up their own image to the rest of the world. They complain that whites, asians, mestizo latinas, and other nonblack women are seen as more gracious and friendly, yet black women regularly act like it's a challenge to be a fucking adult when they leave the house—which ironically leads to politically self-aware black girls and women being depressed that the world doesn't like them. It's been this way for virtually my entire life of living all over America, meeting, and socializing with all different races, ages, and both genders. Black women are among the hardest for me to get along with even though I always. fucking. TRIED. and what makes this confession nightmarish is that I'm admitting all of this as a half-black woman myself. I wanted to be a warrior for black women by repeatedly bashing mixed people, black men, and whatnot but it's time for me to be honest: black women are the demographic that I actually have one of the most problems with seeking peace from. Even though white women's cattiness snd immaturity is almost identical, even they still managed to be easier for me to get along with than black women ever were for me, and that's even though black women will repeatedly try to warn everyone about white women and paint them as the boogeyman. I'll take my racebait. I just wanted to get that off my chest after a work altercation for a reason you can probably guess.(racebait)

No. 2133706

Not reading your victim-mindset poorme bwack women are ebil rant.

No. 2133714

I read this as “coal is mid”
I gotta stop going on that place

No. 2133757

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No. 2133767

You sound annoying as fuck you probably deserved getting bullied

No. 2133772

I thought it said “god is mixed” and assumed picrel is mixed god

No. 2133779

I read it as "gal is mid" and thought it was about gyaru infighting, kek.

No. 2133785

Are we all dyslexic

No. 2133787

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I really thought it was going to be a weeb rant because of the ganguro

No. 2133795

I miss ganguro and more "typical" gyaru, they seemed so fun. I don't like the retarded western TikTokers trying to cosplay it and making dumb drama, or the current Japanese iteration/trending look.

No. 2133803

It's a self-hating biracial woman, of course she's going to be annoying as fuck.

No. 2133817

I lied to my boyfriend of 2 years about my sexual past and it is eating me up inside. I can’t tell him because I am afraid of what he would do if I did. I am not religious but I am afraid I will go to hell for my sins. Maybe I do need to find God.

No. 2133819

A lot of male models get raped by moids in the industry, and probably got treated weirdly or outright abused when they were young.
Unsurprisingly, getting a taste of the treatment many women and girls get does not bode well for a lot of men.

No. 2133822

ntayrt and maybe slightly off topic, but I knew a guy who was a model and he said sleeping with people (so usually men) is pretty much the only way to advance in the career. It was so creepy. It's like a whole industry built on predation.

No. 2133833

This happens in the entertainment industry a lot too. It’s why so many child stars like Ezra Miller are fucked in the head.

No. 2133841

Don't take that tidbit at face value kek. It's not like we didn't already have plenty of racebaiting spergs larping as black women everytime they voice their opinions.

No. 2133848

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I have a crush on Jeremy Fragrance

No. 2133850

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You’re a stupid fucking idiot. You should actually be forcibly sterilised.

No. 2133851

If there's one thing you can count on, it's men pretending to be black women online. They even get avant garde with it now and pretend to be white women pretending to be black women.

No. 2133852

isn't he looking for a girlfriend, you might be lucky if you can match his freak

No. 2133853

Hes a really weird guy

No. 2133860

The only real issue when you're a tall woman is finding clothes your size if other women in your country are shorter on average. Hard mode my ass.

No. 2133861

Isn't he a rapist?

No. 2133864

Nta but eh it can be a bad hit to the self esteem having not only men but other women call you manly for being tall. Or that disgusting "dommy mommy" trend. The clothes thing is so true. I had an argument with my mother in law when I got engaged because she wanted me to try on her dress but it was too small for me, I knew it wouldn't fit and I didn't want to potentially break the dress by forcing myself into it. She thought I was lying to her about my actual clothing size and just didn't want to try on her dress, she couldn't understand that while yes I'm average weight I wear a bigger size than she does because she's a lot shorter than me.

No. 2133874

Where did you hear that from?

No. 2133884

I'm SEETHING about americans/nz/aussies getting upset about keeping cats outside in europe. "They destroy ecosystems" - no they don't, not here. We have no endangered animals targeted by cats, please read up on that. "They'll get hit by a car" - depends where you are. Live at the very end of a gravel road. Only the assigned hunters and post comes by. "They'll be killed by predators", what kind of predators do you envision living in europe, honestly? So the wolves from the alps will hike 300km to come eat my cats and chickens? Please. They got other shit on their menu. Foxes? Why should they focus on my cats up on a tree at 3, when i got literal chickens sleeping outside come storm or snow. I'm so sick of people from those countries commenting on ours when they couldn't accurately name at least 4 countries on a map. "We're not heathens like you" Shut up, actually take care of your animals first before coming for other countries. Cattle ranches, chicken ranches, kill shelters(!!), cheap meat from other countries that are transported alive.. I fucking hate that sanctimonious and hypocritical bullshit.

No. 2133889

Kill shelters are a good thing, pit bulls have no business roaming the streets

No. 2133896

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I think the only cats that are seriously at risk from foxes are kittens and severely sick/disabled ones who (hopefully) wouldn't be let outside anyway. Ofc it's happened occasionally but foxes are quite cautious and usually won't fuck with anything bigger than a rabbit.

No. 2133900

It's weird you think "depends on where you are" is a good response to "letting that animal free roam will cause it to get smashed by a car". Why not just keep it inside so there is 0 risk? I didn't know "actually taking care of your animals" was just letting them run around to do whatever and laughing and calling the cat dumb and replacing it if it gets fucked up.

No. 2133915

Seriously, why are cat owners like this? No other group of pet owners is so lazy and irresponsible for the safety of their own pets.

No. 2133918

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Did you mean adapt to catte? Kek. But yes what you wrote is true.

No. 2133921

>"They destroy ecosystems" no they don't, not here.
People are going to argue with you, but they shouldn't because there's no point in arguing with a retard. You're a science denier and you can't logic someone out of a place they didn't logic themselves into.

No. 2133924

Look, I'm from europe and I think that if you really care for a cat and it's born domestic you need to keep it inside. We do have bird populations that are at risk because of predators like cats, sure they may not be flashy and interesting like some australian species but it still shouldn't happen.
>But cats are native here!
They are but so many domestic cats roaming around hunting and having a lower risk (but not zero!) of being caught by another predator is a big fuck up for the ecosystem. It's not natural because they're not feral cats. It's like saying that because dogs are native, then they should all be allowed to roam free, kill random animals and then you take them back home when they're safe. It'd be like supporting wolf-dog hybrids because they're both native species, but that would be idiotic.
>"They'll get hit by a car"
This is true, especially because most people can't afford a huge isolated farm and instead live in small houses or apartments in cities where there are tons of cars.
>"They'll be killed by predators"
Also true. Foxes can go after cats, and wolves/dog wolf mixes can come close to rural towns. There are bears that roam in cities too. You think your free roaming cat only walks a few blocks a day? They can go very, very far. And anon, I've had free roaming cats as a kid, I've lost count of how many just disappeared or came back severely hurt, most of them got into serious fights with other cats (yeah, cats are also predators and they're not all friends, especially the unneutered males) or with dogs because they enter their yards/enclosures. Keeping your cat inside IS taking care of it, it's your pet after all.
It's sad reading this because it's been a few days that two ladies in my neighbourhood keep going around yelling their cat's name because it got lost. They're putting up papers everywhere and it's sad because things like these are fully preventable.

No. 2133929

nta but my country literally doesn't even have street dogs so we don't even have regular shelters, let alone kill shelters. "Street dogs" here are literally flown in by airplanes from other countries so rich people can feel like saviours lmao

No. 2133938

I wish we didn’t have street dogs, but animal activists are retarded and want to protect every dog to the detriment of society

No. 2133952

Cars and sadistic pieces of shit masquerading as "humans" exist. As long as there is no significant punishment or investigation put forth for cats, dogs, etc "going missing" or randomly getting killed, it's not a worthy risk. I really wish we had more ""crazy"" animal activists putting that forth, but most places with lots of humans are just not very safe for animals.

No. 2133959

I love witchcraft. I feel like it's the only kind of real power against resistance that I have. It's like drawing from the unconscious into reality for me. Shitty moids on the news or Sex registry offenders? Free target practice baby!

No. 2134005

Do you practice anything specific?

No. 2134007

>You're a science denier
Some of you retarded fags are so dramatic.

No. 2134026

I don't follow any pantheon or religion since I love learning about the different religions, pantheons or practices. It's mostly using the energy properties of existing items to formulate my craft. I do wanna get into Angel magick in the future though…the 72 angels of the Shem HaMephorash.

No. 2134066

Damn didn't realize everyone in Europe lives on a farm. The more you know I guess. Seriously though,just disengage from the discourse since it doesn't apply to you and your cats are happy and healthy. It's not like anyone who has these strong beliefs is coming around to 'rescue' your animals. I'm sure they (just like you) can't account for every situation that involves cat ownership.

No. 2134091

>the 72 angels of the Shem HaMephorash
I find that I get better results from them than higher ranking angels, it tends to be more precise.

No. 2134107

I look down on people who use too many abbreviations when texting me. I'm not saying I want Shakespearean texts but, jesus christ.
>ion kno why ur so mad bruhh
SHUT UUUUP, you sound retarded. RETARDED. I also especially hate why they type 'u' instead of 'you'. It's so ape-like.

No. 2134114

bc it pisses u off lol

No. 2134128

I feel a lot uglier just because I’m not feminine and often fantasise about making myself more attractive. Granted, I never go through with it.

No. 2134131

oo oo ah ah, ape

No. 2134138

I see! I look forward to the next stage of my craft then!!

No. 2134163

>We have no endangered animals targeted by cats
You are wrong, very wrong. What country do you live in? In UK there are certain species of birds that are endangered as well as species of rodent like field mice. Either way many places in Europe are nature depleted, even ONE bird killed by a pet cat is too many. Pets are a luxury, not a right, so if you have the means to keep your pet indoors, with an enclosed outdoor space (I personally think it’s cruel for cats to live their entire lives inside. They should be allowed outdoor time) OR take it out on a lead (might sound ridiculous but many people do this and the cats get used to it) if you are not doing this you have no cause for seething.

No. 2134167

No YOU are a retarded fag and YOU are dramatic
>waaaa how dare you expect me to care about the effect my pet I CHOSE to get has on the environment!
People are allowed to think you’re in the wrong. Instead of just owning up to your bad choices you have to throw a tantrum and force people to accept them. If you don’t care then that’s up to you but no sense denying reality.

No. 2134169

They're also a threat to the European wild cat due to cross-breeding.

No. 2134171

Yeah that is true. Forgot about that as I’m a bong kek but I did watch a documentary about it a few years ago.

No. 2134210

You are clearly projecting. Never said that people cant have their own opinions, no matter how stupid and wrong they are. If you area is safe then I dont see whats so wrong about it. They get freedom and a comfy place to stay. Making an animal stay indoors 24/7 is more cruel and disgusting imo Cats are made to be outdoors. Im never gonna lock them up in my house. Eating birds and other small animals is part of their nature, and Im not gonna block it. You want to ACTUALLY fix the bird killing problem? Ban cat ownership. Many people abandon their cats and neutering them wont be enough. Do a feral cat hunt and ban them completely if you think they are such a problem.

No. 2134220

I really wish I wasn’t attracted to males

No. 2134225

That would make things a lot more fun

No. 2134293

The smell of gasoline is like a drug to me.

No. 2134300

No. 2134338

>If you area is safe then I dont see whats so wrong about it.
It's just rare any area could be considered safe. Most people are content calling a dog owner who lets their dog out irresponsible, but cat owners rarely get called that. Other loose cats, dogs, people, and cars are all huge risks. Your cat can easily catch diseases from other cats if s/he isn't vaccinated and imo heat is not a nice experience for female cats. I knew several men growing up who would kill cats for fun, so I consider people really dangerous if you live in an area other people live nearby. Obviously if you live on a secluded farm, that's a unique scenario most don't find themselves in.
>Making an animal stay indoors 24/7 is more cruel and disgusting imo Cats are made to be outdoors
This argument is poorly constructed. Is it limiting for a fish to be in a tank? Is it limiting for a pet tarantula, guinea pig, or hamster to be in a cage? Why is the fact the cat is "made" to be outdoors a good argument for why it should be outdoors and free to roam? Dogs are "made" to be outdoors and we don't let them outside, even if they're small dogs that could not cause much harm to other people or dogs. I mean, people weren't "made" to be indoors and yet we live inside and it's arguably whether we should or shouldn't be outside.
>Eating birds and other small animals is part of their nature
>Im not gonna block it
You seem like you're using a naturalistic fallacy to justify not being a responsible pet owner.
>You want to ACTUALLY fix the bird killing problem? Ban cat ownership.
Most people here are more concerned with responsible pet ownership which includes keeping cats indoors and spaying/neutering them. The problem is that many people just want an animal to pet without actually considering the ramifications of owning one.

No. 2134342

The smell of childhood.

No. 2134353

Some people actually use gasoline as a drug so don't feel so bad.

No. 2134356

>Most people are content calling a dog owner who lets their dog out irresponsible.
Maybe because they pose a greater threat to other animals and HUMANS?Just a thought.
>Your cat can easily catch diseases from other cats if s/he isn't vaccinated and imo heat is not a nice experience for female cats.
Never had a problem. They can get neutered and like you said, vaccinated
>Is it limiting for a fish to be in a tank? Is it limiting for a pet tarantula, guinea pig, or hamster to be in a cage?
Cats are not as simple minded as a tarantula/fish and not as vulnerable and fragile as a guinea pig/hamster.
>to justify not being a responsible pet owner.
Where I am from, indoor/outdoor cats are the norm. Unless you live in a big city then sure, keep it inside but my neighborhood is quiet and safe and there is nature around it so my cats are free to roam wherever they want. Plus most of the indoor/ outdoor cats my foamily had lived in their 20s.
>The problem is that many people just want an animal to pet without actually considering the ramifications of owning one.
You can't have it both ways. If you deeply care about the bird population then the best and quickest way to eliminate the problem is ban cat ownership since a lot of people abandon their pets and arent really responsible cat owners right?

No. 2134359

It is not part of nature you stupid retard. You feeding your cat and giving her a safe place to sleep only to let her out to go and kill birds just for her own sadistic enjoyment has nothing do with nature. When you have them as pets you guarantee for their survival and disrupt the natural equilibrium, cats kill 2 billion birds every year, many of which are from endangered species, it's a huge problem. I am in the process of getting my hunting license and if I'm out and see your Mr. Mittens stalking a birds nest I will shoot him and feel good about it(cat hate belongs in containment)

No. 2134362

I draw for my husbando's fandom and get a lot of followers from fellow selfshippers but I never follow back anyone who ships with my husbando because I'm secretly no doubles. Embarrassing.

No. 2134371

>if I'm out and see your Mr. Mittens.
Where I am from that would be considered animal cruelty and a criminal offense.
Better euthanize all of them and ban cat ownership all together. Why dont you advocate for that instead of being a whiny retard?

No. 2134380

>Where I am from that would be considered animal cruelty and a criminal offense.
Where I'm from if a cat is within 100m of where an endangered bird is nesting you can shoot them. Doesn't matter if its wild or owned

No. 2134386

Yeah that is embarrassing

No. 2134388

Don't care.

No. 2134391

I bet it's the same in your country and you're just retarded

No. 2134397

>Muh threat to humans
I doubt a chihuahua could be a threat to anything, but even if you're talking about big dogs, by your logic it's in their nature to hunt animals/small humans so we shouldn't block it.
>My cat is totally less simple minded than fish/insects/birds and not fragile like guinea pigs
Get your head out of your ass, stop humanizing your cat which can get mauled by the first slightly bigger predator or even bird of prey it encounters in your so-called safe nature uwu.
You can do whatever you want with "your" (it doesn't stay inside so it's hard to call it yours, is it even registered?) cat sadly, because cat owners get special treatment and their luxury hobby is allowed to decimate species, but don't be surprised when someone or something harms it and it never comes back. Caring owners my ass.

No. 2134401

Cats transmit diseases that if they shit in your yard and your child plays in that same dirt (not even the feces, just the dirt), your child can go blind.

No. 2134407

And you are a demented retard with a hate boner for cats. I can tell that you are unhinged and lack self control.

No. 2134414

>"It's NATURE!! My kitty baby can kill whatever it pleases and I don't care because cat kitty fur baby, they're meant to stay outside (even if it's a pet) and telling me to care for my cat is cruel"
>Doesn't let nature balance itself by not letting her cat out at all times and feeding it
So nature's important only when it benefits you and your cat is what you want to say

No. 2134417

It's cruel to keep a dog indoors and only take it outside for walks. A dog is much more simulated and natural if it's allowed to roam free. And yeah, the breeds like pitbulls are going to kill cats and other small dogs, but that's just their nature and it's cruel to stifle an animals natural instincts.

No. 2134426

No I just love birds more than cats, especially if they are endangered. At the very least you should castrate your cat so they don't contribute to the rising wild cat population in Europe, they are the main culprit that is driving some bird species to extinction

No. 2134430

>I doubt a chihuahua could be a threat to anything
Doubt it either but I guess the obvious exception to the argument means that suddenly dogs in general are not a threat to humans? Cause when someone points that out, we all think of chihuahuas ripping someone's arm off? The reaching is insane.
>by your logic it's in their nature to hunt animals/small humans so we shouldn't block it.
If you value bird life more than human life then sure.
>stop humanizing your cat
Stop drama whoring. Nobody gives a fuck because its not an issue. Just admit that you want to shoot cats cause you are an unstable brute.

No. 2134431

Dogs are farm animals. It's weird when people have them in cities. My grand-dad only kept dogs for hunting in autumn, the rest of the year they were chained up to their dog-houses at the edge of the estate. Who wants to have a big mutt inside an apartment? Only toy breeds (anything that can fit in a purse) or cats should be legal in cities. Parakeets don't count as either but they lean more city-animal than ferrets.

No. 2134433

They are all neutered. Anything else?

No. 2134435

>Comparing oranges to apples.

No. 2134436

>acting like stray cats don’t exist and aren’t a problem
Nice logic. Enjoy Mittens being hunted down by its natural predator, the Honda Civic.(cat hate belongs in the containment thread)

No. 2134439

And how is that MY problem? Every cat my family and I have ever owned was neutered. Maybe humans shouldn't have domesticated cats to begin with, since that's an inevitable problem.

No. 2134453

Well, like you, they're both fruits, so the comparison is pretty apt.

No. 2134456

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I hate both cat and dog haters. I'm not convinced any of them care about the environment, or birds, or any other animals. They are just degenerate and deficient husks.

No. 2134459

It's not cat hate to tell retards to stop letting their pet run wild outside, just like it's not dog hate to tell a retard to not let his dog to run free outside.

No. 2134463

By that immaculate logic everything is comparable and equal as long as they are vaguely similar. IQ -800

No. 2134467

Yeah, that's why they all mention how they would love to shoot up cats and are drooling at the thought of a car running them over or a dog killing them.

No. 2134468

This infight for real sounds like an argument between third graders. This is so cringey to read through. I would be too embarrassed to act this retarded, even anonymously.

No. 2134471

That's not what they do. The people I'm talking about love to post weird graphic fantasies or "joke" about those animals getting killed by cars or shot (or doing it themselves), and it's very obvious what's up with them.

No. 2134472

Did someone hurt you today?

No. 2134497

No but reading through this infight genuinely hurt me because it made me realize I'm gonna have to deal with these two autists around the site in other contexts which I dislike knowing. Cerbmin needs to institute some sort of mechanism where only anons above 100IQ should he allowed to post.

No. 2134500

but then you wouldn't be allowed to post?

No. 2134506

How does being neutered stop a cat from killing small animals?

No. 2134529

i guarantee you your country has sick fucks who like to torture cats they find roaming outside just like every other country in the world.

No. 2134559

NTA but I think it's the very, very bare minimum a cat owner can do to kind of help with the issue. Less cats being able to reproduce means slower population growth of ferals.

No. 2134649

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I have a wig mannequin like picrel and sometimes when I'm walking past it, I tear it's wig off just to pretend I'm snatching someone's wig. And if the wig abduction wasn't enough to knock it over, i make sure to give it a good Chun Li karate kick. But my victory is shortlived and I feel like a loser because I have to pick it back up and put it's wig back on.

No. 2134654

imagining this is giving me a good sensible chuckle

No. 2134695

I sometimes wish I could have a sandbox version of reality where I could selectively breed humans like we do for dogs, trying to draw out and exaggerate certain unique traits. For example, I am fascinated with horse-faced people and I really want to know what would happen if you paired a horse-faced man with a horse-faced woman. Would the kid be even more horse-faced? What if the kid didn't even come out with a horse face. It would just be so fascinating to experiment. Too bad it's impossible and unethical.

No. 2134696

Just look at what happened to the Habsburgs

No. 2134700

That's not the same, the hapsburgs were inbred which caused their deformities. I'm talking about pairing up two totally unrelated people that just happen to both have horse-faces, you know?

No. 2134705

In that case, if you convert to Mormonism and live a Mormon-approved lifestyle and get married in an official LDS temple, when you die you go to the "Celestial" tier of Heaven where you can create your own universe to preside over as its God. So in your universe you can make all the horse-people you want.

No. 2134790

Out of all movies, chucky is the only one that makes me want to have children. That kid is so goddam cute and their mother-son relationship is adorable.

No. 2134955

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I saw my ex being active (as recently as a day ago) on a small online forum for a video game series, which we both used to be active on as kids. This is unsettling because he was a violent, screwed up man who beat and nearly killed me, and has made pedophiliac remarks in the past on multiple occasions.The site is mostly populated by preteens and teens. When we were still together he popped in from time to time and made offhand comments to me on certain users being cute but I didn't think much of it at the time, now I don't feel right seeing him interacting with those girls on the site. The forum has an ephemeral chatroom so I can't really see the extent of which he's talking to others, but every time I've popped in I've seen recent messages left by him.

I don't know if I can really do anything about this. Technically he likely hasn't done anything wrong since every conversation I've glimpsed has been basic and boring. Also, it's not like I have any proof of him being a bad person, since that's stuff I experienced irl, and I don't exactly want to vent my private traumas to some random forum moderator, so I can't tip anyone off in a way that matters. I've been risking it but I also really don't want to show up online in the user list at the same time as him, I just don't want him to perceive me anywhere or any time and I've been trying to maintain a "disappeared off the face of the internet" appearance for my own safety. But yeah… It's creepy. All these people (including kids) are talking to him casually and they don't know what I know.

No. 2134963

I lie a lot on the internet. Sometimes I'll just be very convincing and detailed while telling a fake story for absolutely no reason, and I think a lot of people actually believed me sometimes to the point of me seeing my lie being told from people I didn't know.
I have a Notion page with all my online personas, and they are very carefully crafted and kept apart from each other, some have a decent following online, like 40k +. I genuinely do it not because I'm a liar, but because I like a lot of different things and feel uncomfortable compromising different niches to just one persona, it's mostly for organization purposes.
I feel very schizo saying that, but I think it would be fun to leave bread crumbs (for chronically online people with too much free time) to find my other accounts, like an online stalking ARG. I will do it when I get enough followers in my 5th most popular persona.

No. 2134964

samefag to add that I admit I've considered using a different IP to make a dupe account and integrate into the community with a fake personality to keep an eye on him and gauge his current behavior. I know this is unhinged and obsessive and unhealthy, and I don't even know what I could stand to gain by basically e-stalking and fake befriending him, but… I dunno. I guess it's my own issues. On one hand I know I really gotta just move on with my life (I'm getting married in a year, after all… I shouldn't think about my ex so much) but on the other hand it unnerves me to think about how he's just out there in the world after all the stuff he's done and nobody knows about it like I do.
I wish just I could do something. A few months ago I heard he was briefly arrested for threatening a woman and I feel awful about it… if only I had some way to warn her, or had been brave enough to document and report all the abuse back then. He abuses his dog too. I have no evidence of anything and we live in different states, and it's been years, so there really isn't anything I can do…

No. 2134975

i have a very comfy job (fully remote) that pays really well, all things considered. I know i can afford to rent a place but i fucking refuse to. i'd rather continue living with my parents forevermore and give some money to them on account of shared expenses. that way i can spend the rest of my money on stupid shit like books, comics, manga and weeb shit, the occasional cute outfit, a dildo/vibe if i feel like. I paid out the ass for a top of the line gaming computer and just fucking love using it every second i get.
also i'm pushing 40. I put on a show that i wish i could live on my own and that i'm in between relationships but truth is i don't give a fuck about either of those things. i could never date again and die happy. I have friends anyway, so it's not like i'm a shut in

No. 2134981

wow i love this, i wish i could pull this off

No. 2134990

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ok so I’m really stoned right now, and the idea that there's a nonzero chance LC could very well just be like, 20 of your different personas and I’ve just been here talking to you in an otherwise empty room (board) is kind of fucking me up right now kek

No. 2134992

Sounds comfy tbh

No. 2134995

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I hate-watched Helluva Boss because I heard it was cringe and I wanted to make fun of the character designs but I ended up liking it

No. 2134996

me with hazbin hotel

No. 2134998

i'm surprised your parents don't push you out considering your age

No. 2135001

In my case it was backwards, I liked the pilots a lot and even defended the shows but then I read the plots of the episodes and they look shitty to me now, I also can't stand whole ass shows that are musicals, it's obnoxious, this is what happens when you let someone write using as inspiration a part of a song and two lines of lyrics of another song.

No. 2135002

what job

No. 2135015

ayrt, it was the same for me with hazbin hotel too kek

No. 2135016

I wrote real person fanfic on aidungeon and I do not regret it

No. 2135026

i feel like a horrible person for just thinking of this. sometimes i wish i had experience with coding or the like so i could hack into game accounts that were involved in some data breach. i wouldn't do any real serious shit, i'd just steal pixels kek. feels retarded but i imagine it's the same feeling as opening a loot box.

No. 2135033

File: 1723617209927.webp (831.6 KB, 3000x2250, dildo.png)

I want to buy a dildo but i am afraid my mom will find it. And how will i sneak into the bathroom to wash it? We dont have much space (apartment). I dont really like these innocent looking vaguely phallic shaped pink ones, i would like  a more realistic one. Thinking about getting a picrel tho.

No. 2135037

Ok I love cats but this made me laugh real fuckin hard kek.

No. 2135075

I'm having a weird game with a scrote. We flirt at each other hardcore and we sometimes even rp sex over dms (cringe I know), especially after we've run into each other at a bar or his workplace. But he maintains it'd be impossible for us to have sex irl because of a variety of strange excuses. I need to conquer him nonnies. I need to win this stupid game of cat and mouse where we both flirt and try to see how far the other will take it without crossing any lines. We're already at a point where we're pretty physical with each other, he'll put his hand on my thigh or lean in within kissing distance to "smell my perfume". Every time we talk irl it's nothing but innuendo. But then sometimes he goes just full retard and spews the stupidest crap I've ever heard anyone say. I think he might actually be special needs. His takes make me angry and we'll argue for hours about stuff like his views on women and mental health issues. I think I might actually hate him but I need to fuck him once just to win this stupid game and then ghost him forever. I'm planning on going to this shitty club this weekend just cause I know he'll be there.

No. 2135122

we'll argue for hours about stuff like his views on women
he is trash

No. 2135123


Thread has reached 1100 posts. The thread will be locked and you will be unable to post in it shortly after it exceeds 1200 posts. Please begin preparing a new thread and post a link to it when it's created.

No. 2135134

Oh I know anon, that's why I hate him.

No. 2135232

I don't see anything wrong with this. It sounds good. Moving out in this economy is hard and I don't see a point anymore (unless your family are insane people that you have to get away from). I'm doing the same. It's nice to live with my family and have company and support. I never want to date an xy chromosome in my life so I don't care about that. Plus, saving money is great. I usually use my money to take trips abroad and buy myself nice things. It's great actually.

No. 2135270

you can't "win", you only win by disengaging if he's actually vile. getting a woman's attention consistently makes him win. he can bait and piss you off and making you mad is fun for him. You know he's trash, now DISPOSE of him.

No. 2135288

You know I'm glad I cheated on my ex and I'm glad he found my journal where I wrote about how much better other men were than him. He treated me horribly and deserved it, hope it hurt his self esteem. I have no desire to cheat on my current bf because he's not a piece of shit

No. 2135295

Kek, based

No. 2135296

Sleeping with him and then disappearing forever is how he wins, not you.

No. 2135301

Nona, there's no "game." A mediocre man is leading you on and you're letting him kek. Misogynists are shit in bed anyway 9 times out of 10 because they think you should be able to climax just from getting a whiff of their dicks.

No. 2135311

Anon there is nothing to win, if you manage to sleep with him you will feel debased and dirty. I've been through it. You should go to therapy instead. Leave the fugly misogynist in the dust. You're already rping sex with him so you're probably desperate for male approval and validation but seriously just leave it.

No. 2135332

Damn… some women really are just willingly stupid

No. 2135365

>you will feel debased and dirty
NTA but fuck how full LC is of tardthots these days. It's just sex calm down.

No. 2135367

“Just sex” Ok.

No. 2135371

Having sex with misogynists is what the tardthots do, not the opposite kek

No. 2135442

Yeah, sex that will not give you half the pleasure he gets from humping you like an ape kek.

No. 2135456

I’ve lost 20 lbs pretty rapidly despite having the same diet and not working out and at first I thought ayo nice but now I’m convinced I have cancer

No. 2135466

the moment you "lose" is when you have sex with him. to be honest, you're already losing by engaging with his fuckery. scrotes do not think like us. he will not be heartbroken by you fucking and ghosting him, he will think that HE "won"

No. 2135514

It’s not that deep nonna he’s just an impotent misogynist.

No. 2135519

damn this post took me on a wild ride of emotions. i was like damn im happy nonna lost weight and then i got sad you said you think you have cancer. i really hope you dont have cancer, nonna.

No. 2135524

I accidentally shat on the bathroom’s carpet.

No. 2135528

No. 2135532

sorry for being a downer nonnie, I’m probably fine. I’ve been drinking a lot of coffee recently so maybe that has unknowingly made me lose weight by suppressing my appetite. I love the taste of hazelnut creamer too much kek

No. 2135636

i am too. but then again, the housing market is shit and they know it (i have cousins in their early 20s trying to move out facing pretty much the same struggles i'd face if i was serious about it), and i help around the house a lot, i cook and do chores and stuff so there's that.

i work in IT for an overseas company. everything i do is over the internet and my meetings are zoom/slack/teams so all i really need is a laptop and good wifi.

right? sometimes we butt heads over stuff but our relationship was never bad or strained in any way, and even though sometimes they ask about it and kinda push they either like having me around or know i'm staying for good and have just plain stopped insisting

No. 2135643

do you have any advice on how to find a job like yours?

No. 2135651

it probably helps that i'm not from US but…
look for remote only or remote first postings.
learn about programming (pick something that's actually in use and go for the "oddball" stuff on your own time), learn about automation and qa. alternatively learn how to manage cloud services (like MS stuff, or containers. this has never been my area of expertise though).
None of this is going to happen overnight, i've been working in IT for like 20 years now and i've worked in offices a lot as well

No. 2135656

Don't worry, I mostly lurk here

No. 2135658

thank you!

No. 2135805

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No. 2135810

Probably has a micro peen and doesn't want you to see

No. 2135878

My boyfriend is nice and has a very attractive face, but he’s a little chubby. We’ve discussed him losing more weight and getting into shape, but he’s not consistent enough for there to be any progress.
I had a dream where I had sex with a hot fit young himbo and I wish I could have a sexual experience with someone muscular just once. I just want to feel their damn body and what abs feel like. I even had the passing thought of cheating so that I could experience sex with a physically fit man. My boyfriend is a good partner and marriage material, but I want to have experience with someone who is objectively attractive and fit. I know cheating is shitty and have experienced it myself, that’s why I am confessing. It does not help passing by the attractive men thread in /g/.

No. 2135882

He will never lose a significant amount of weight because you're still dating him. If you breakup with him, he'll lose weight for the woman after you. He's shown he doesn't care about what you find attractive yet he's still considered marriage material to you? Men sure do have it easy lol

No. 2135892

In future post this in the get off your chest thread. You’re about to get flamed kek

No. 2135903

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We won’t tell if you do.

No. 2135909

I've been on lolcow ever since it was created but lately I'm having a hard time staying on here due to the sheer amount of unintegrated people from various social media and unironic moids and trannies posting here freely. It doesn't even feel like lolcow at all anymore. At this point I'm just staying out of principle because I've seen the exact same thing happen to cgl and don't want to "surrender". But I know it's useless and the state of the site genuinely breaks my heart. The movie room is the only place that still feels familiar.

No. 2135916

Damn imagine letting a chubster beast fuck you when all your body craves is a fit and attractive man

No. 2135917

Meh I knew it was a risk but idc
Kek thanks nona

No. 2135920

this is a scrotepost

No. 2135924

nta but
>saying that when >>2135764 is right there

No. 2135932

figured that one was a given

No. 2135943

Just cheat on him and cop a good feel of some nice big muscular pecs. Do it for me. I'm going to live vicariously through you, until I can feel up a muscular man myself. Make sure your moid doesn't find out though

No. 2135944

moxxie was my husbando but i had stop watching because blitzo and owlman are so cringe to me, i wish i was you

No. 2135968

>unintegrated people from various social media and unironic moids and trannies posting here freely
I’ve noticed a heavy uptick of that here too. Could be summerfags? In a cow thread, an anon literally told a tranny to “ignore the politics” when they tried to whiteknight.

No. 2135969

The popularity of negative topics on lolcow depresses me, so one time I tried reviving as many positive threads as I could on ot. Sadly it was to no avail…

No. 2135974

A lot of it is the Imane thread getting posted on 4chan and the moids just seeping out from there I think.

No. 2136036

What? Which one of you fuckers posted it on 4tran. Anyone got a link to it?

No. 2136051

I only know it because some anon talked about it a few days back, although it was pretty obvious when reading the thread. So I can't provide you with a link, sorry.

No. 2136055

School just started back here so if it's summerfags I hope they go away

No. 2136058

I’m an edgelord for this but I enjoy this song so much. Ignore the animu thumbnail.

No. 2136071

It's a bad song, but I see why you like it, the beat is exciting. The guy's voice is retarded as fuck though

No. 2136081

I can't stand music like this because I live with retards who blast this garbage

No. 2136085

Nta but check the old meta complaints thread or the old olympics thread, I can't remember which but someone posted a screenshot there

No. 2136109

I like listening to it because it sounds like shit and I need something to listen to when I feel like shit but don’t feel like listening to good music kek
Kekkk I like it though

No. 2136150

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I hate vtubers yet I work for them..I used to love them at one point but now it feels like a loveless marriage..especially after I got to know my oshi personally

No. 2136167

Tell us some stories anon. What disillusioned you?

No. 2136182

File: 1723674088188.png (2.06 KB, 266x130, 1707634293585.png)

the countless pedofags,sexpests,Stan culture and Middle aged moids creeping on me and When the oshi in question started acting flirty and kept pestering me and trying to meet me irl it ruined the boundary i made when i became a vtuber fan if a vtuber breaks character and crosses the line between entertainer and a fan. I was never the parasocial type so it's fucking gross

No. 2136483

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I just realized people can see into my parents house from the road behind us… damn yall Ive been walking around shirtless for years when im housesitting and alone.
No one could send an anonymous letter letting me know? I really though the trees blocked it kek
Im so embarrassed but also find it really funny that ive been holding a show every few months.

No. 2136485

How'd you get into the business? And how does it pay? Is it worth it or not?
I've considered trying to do something for YouTubers and seeing if it paid better than my stupid wagie job

No. 2136503

I hate seeing that photo on this site. Once you know what it means you'll feel the same.

No. 2136523

Her eyes and face are looking at me. Her eyes actually keep moving back and forth and when I look away she pretends it wasn’t moving. I’m talking about picrel. When I look closely her skin actually changes and goes from dark to light and slightly glistens but her eyes are moving back and forth like a swinging clock.

No. 2136528

Next time, when someone uploads a cursed photograph like that one, hide it ASAP so that the spirit doesn't cross over to your PC over the internet to haunt you.

No. 2136622

nta but i thought most anons liked dogisaga

No. 2136645

She's a pickme that got barefoot and pregnant for a nazi scrote why would anyone like her

No. 2136654

File: 1723689060843.webp (159.01 KB, 1080x1080, god-loves-me-sweater-443165_20…)

i'm saving myself for marriage partially because i'm a husbandofag who despises 3d men anyway and partially because i feel immense guilt revolving God and feel as though i must do anything i can to repay him

No. 2136656

She dumped him after abusing her and is now against racism. She identifies as Aboriginal as well. Now she draws Hitler fellating black scrotes and is a husbandofag.

No. 2136661

>she identifies as abo
she's a fat white chick, wtf

No. 2136662

You know that grifter pseud loved the tinglies from being edgy with her scrote until it backfired on her

No. 2136664

I just think it's so funny that as all through highschool I was so self-conscious as I'm sure most of us where and I would meticulously do my hair every morning and would freak about perceived greasy hair and this was before dry shampoo was commonly known. And yet I was so hair blind the way I had that side fringe. And I put so much heat to straighten causing immediate oils to soothe my scalp and then touching it all day at school worried. No wonder my fringe never seemed to grow out. I have better hair now and it's all that matters

No. 2136665

>after abusing her
*after he abused her, my bad

No. 2136669

She's just a little light skinned

No. 2136713

>doesn’t know the pic already possessed me with bad juju

No. 2136727

I like my boyfriend but I have to admit there are parts of him I find tryhard and cringey, namely his fashion sense (ie he's a hardcore punk and fauxhawks his hair all the time and only wears black, and he tried to get me to wear this spiky bracelet I'm literally afraid I'll accidentally stab myself with)

I am the most normie mediocre woman so I'm confused as to why I even ended up with a punk subculture dedicated boyfriend

No. 2136729

You should just go full scene queen. You'd be living my teenage dream.

No. 2136735

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I'm just really bad at makeup and styling and in my mid-late twenties so I don't know if that'd be mortifying at my age. Also when my boyfriend admitted he doesn't wash his hair enough… I gagged tbh

I was emo-goth in middle school (wore a lot of black or scene style clothes, raccoon eyeliner, anti authoritative attitude) and still embody some of those traits but I didn't have the time nor money nor parental permission (my mom would've kicked me out if I bleached my hair) to put effort into it.

If I did it now I just think people would look at me weird

No. 2136750

Sometimes I like to send nudes to random mid scrotes I chat to on dating apps after about a day or two because I feel bored with life and enjoy the mild excitement of their reaction.

No. 2136756

Not a good idea there are dozens of nude sharing groups for wherever you live, "looking for sluts from st. louis", you're just making yourself a pokemon card

No. 2136788

why don't you just take them and save them to your hidden folder like the rest of us

No. 2136800

Do not do that. You are on some anon-ib offshoot with your name and location.

No. 2136829


No. 2136846

File: 1723705794734.jpg (68.91 KB, 530x716, b96e5e0c57a37181baef47139b33fd…)

I feel so empty. I'm not even ovulating. I am so lonely and touch-starved. I am having strange urges to use chat roulette sites and have weird sexual interactions on there. Usually if I take a nap I wake up with clarity and regret of even wanting to do so. Right now I'm talking to the only guy that I've ever found attractive (online). But he's a poltard.

No. 2136950

I've been accused of being every race on here except my own (including indian, asian,black and white)

No. 2137167

You aboriginal

No. 2137185

Sometimes I get so horny that I have to finger myself at work.

No. 2137186

File: 1723731639536.gif (265.5 KB, 450x253, 1000000040.gif)

>I think he might actually be special needs. His takes make me angry and we'll argue for hours about stuff like his views on women and mental health issues.
>My chubby boyfriend is a good partner and marriage material, but I want to have experience with someone who is objectively attractive and fit.
>Also when my boyfriend admitted he doesn't wash his hair enough… I gagged tbh

I have no words

No. 2137215


No. 2137290

Even though i am opposed to hookups, i often get a huge need to just go out and sleep with some random man because i know it would upset my parents. The only thing stopping me is that most men are fugly and it probably won't be good, i also typically lose this desire after a good masturbation session anyways.

No. 2137303

I told my husband about lolcow cause he wanted to know why I was typing so fast

No. 2137306

The bar is so low for women. We’ve really been brainwashed into think a moid who doesn’t beat us is automatically marriage material.

No. 2137307

Samefag it was actually funny for me because he was like
> you can’t because someone else already did
And then I got to tell him about Joshu kek

No. 2137311

You’re a fucking loser and I hope the scrote cheats on you

No. 2137319

His response to that was “why?”

No. 2137321

I'm going to become a fucking misogynist. What the fuck is wrong with you. Nigel-havers aren't even women, they're some inferior subspecies at this point

No. 2137328

Nta but why does it matter if a scrote knows we have a female only website? I doubt he's going to come here anyway. It's not like it's a secret club.

No. 2137330

Hate bitches like you.

No. 2137332

Because scrotes can't keep themselves away from female only spaces, he's gonna lurk eventually. He's also gonna tell other scrotes, who'll tell others and so on. Well fucking done bitch, hope you're proud.

No. 2137333

NTA but overreaction much? Kek. This website is publically facing and is one of the first results that comes up when you type in lolcow on google or any famous cow.

No. 2137334

>>2135878 I've been dealing with the same thing… I love him, he has such a beautiful face, but I'm not attracted to his body.

No. 2137342

I looked up fucking chris chan and nothing about lc came up

No. 2137384

tons of scrotes know lolcow exists, or at least they did in the past. it’s only the retarded zoomer kiwi transplants, twitterfags, and desperate retarded incels that actually lurk/post here

No. 2137385

When I was 10 I made a wish someone would die and he died a couple months later I still feel kinda bad

No. 2137386

Now when you vent or anything you've got to throw in made up crap to keep him off your scent

No. 2137390

why did you want him dead?

No. 2137391


Thread has exceeded 1200 posts and is about to be locked! Please create a new thread and post a link to it.

No. 2137393

what’d he do

No. 2137394

>>2137385 if he harmed you, he probably deserved that, if you wished it just because you were being brat, I'm sorry, but it still wasn't your faultm

No. 2137396

reported for cowtipping

No. 2137397

He was just a guest at our house for too long kek

No. 2137405

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No. 2137413

Isn’t cowtipping when you tell a cow about their thread

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