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No. 2117466
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why would i choose art as my career path everything i do is useless and my skills are worthless. i contribute nothing to society. in an apocalypse i'd be eaten first and i'd deserve it.
No. 2117493
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i'll be alright
No. 2117494
>>2117492>Why the fuck is scrotefoiling banned?Because then every discussion on this god forsaken site would just be
>anon has an unpopular opinion>KYS SCROTE!!!But yeah I agree with the rest of your post
No. 2117514
Blogpost vent, but I found a baby bunny nest in my yard earlier this week, and I’m having a really difficult time not being an absolute basket case about it. I know how emotionally “disregulated” this is of me, but I tend to get really wrapped up in worrying about animals. As in, it sometimes can completely ruin my day/week. I contacted a rehabber who suggested I cover the nest with a laundry basket, which I did. Mom has been coming and going every morning and evening for feedings, and I can see the babies moving under the grass when I check on them. But I can’t drop this feeling of absolute dread. It has been incredibly hot, and there are storms coming this week. I know very few bunnies make it to maturity to begin with, and to make matters worse my neighbors insist upon having several very aggressive outdoor cats who constantly kill animals in our yard. I can’t even have my dog outside unsupervised without worrying about her finding one of their “gifts” and rolling around in it. And now I just feel like I’m serving them a baby bunny buffet. I’ve already had several other animal emergencies this summer and honestly I’m just getting so overwhelmed, and I’m starting to feel like my panic about the situation is abnormal. I can’t even sleep because I keep having horrible nightmares about animals dying, and I’m so mad at my neighbors for being so irresponsible (both about their cats and the local wildlife).
No. 2117517
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>>2117502>>2117504ntayrt, i'm
>>2117493 but i assume she meant picrel
No. 2117535
>>2117519So nobody could ever find me again and I'd be free of everything that was ever placed on me.
>>2117517Will not be opening this thread until this post is buried so I don't have to see this picture I'm trying very hard not to look at it because as soon as I read the words I cry every time.
No. 2117546
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I know this is going to sound pathetic but it makes me really sad that I don't seem to fit in with any online female friend groups. I try and interact with some but I get ignored. Some of the girls I follow and try to interact with will repost my random memes but they won't follow me back or anything. Literally feels like they're giving me the picrel look when I try to interact and be friendly.
All my online 'friends' are male, and I know most of them are just hoping to fuck/get nudes eventually and will ditch me when they find out I won't deliver so it doesn't feel real at all but I'm desperate for friendship so I go along with it in the meantime. Feels like shit honestly and I'm really upset about it today.
No. 2117606
>>2117588it was so vile it made me want to cry
>>2117591i saw that too and it made me laugh. i have no idea how they got away with that thumbnail
No. 2117686
>>2117672I think trannyism is more complex than people say. Like, just because JK Rowling says she's a
TERF, I'm not gonna worship her or believe her for it. I don't support troons, but in the case of the boxer it's very obvious that she's competing in the right category for her. Assigned female at birth in an Islamic country, raised a as a girl and grew into a woman in an Islamic country, has participated in the Olympics before with no issue, everyone that knows her considers her to be a woman, etc., I don't think she's anything besides a woman. I think it's funny because sometimes, people will be so troon-obsessed that they'll make everything about troons. Like, okay if Imane has a genetic condition that helps her gain muscle, why is that so bad? Why is it that only mutant freak WOMEN are chastised and cast out of the Olympics, not the mutant freak men like Phelps? It's weird, but sometimes people will be sooo against troons online that it crosses over into being against women.
No. 2117729
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Link one website that actually cites an official source for the claim with test results specifying what her condition is and how she didn't pass. The test results were never published, and there probably are none. IOC has gender tests in place and she passed them two times already, the only time she "didn't pass" was when she defeated a Russian opponent during the world championships led by IBA, a corrupt organization at odds with IOC and an organization boycotted by multiple countries around the world because they're ran by Russians and run extremely dubious and shady conventions at their competitions, and she was suddenly disqualified and only NOW it's suddenly being claimed by telegram rumors that it was "her having XY chromosomes". Make of that what you will.
Have you never seen female boxers before? Even picrel looks more masculine.
No. 2117761
>>2117743>"Sorry, it's hard for me to talk about, but I grew up in a cult and I'm not familiar with X. I never got taught about X, so I need some extra help if that's okay?"This line has saved me a few times. Only use it for people you're sure you won't meet again. Usually it persuades them to treat you more cordially as well, and to do more for you. I.e., when I needed a credit card cancelled and the bank teller told me I had to go online and spend a few hours with call representatives, I acted confused about what "online" was and started crying saying I'm unsure of what to do, she ended up doing it all for me in 5 minutes. (In my head, I thought: so why didn't she just do her job from the beginning? Why does it take me crying to spur her to do something so obviously simple?). It also works if you buy a cheap 20-30 dollar flip phone to use as a burner, and act like that's your "main" phone, so people are more ready to believe your lie. The only thing is you have to be really good at acting confused or unsure of yourself, if you act like you're anything besides a down on your luck retard they'll see through it.
No. 2117853
>>2117840Yep! You got me. They sense I'm full of shit but societal convention restricts them from calling me out. It's perfect.
>That is, unless, you revel in the coddling and attention.Not only do I revel in it, I adore it.
No. 2117913
I hate how hard it is to budget as a single person who wishes to live alone in a modest house and not a flat/house share. I don't even spend much on my hobbies(except for the cats and occasional domestic travel), but trying to save anything to pay off my loans, get a car and put something away in savings seems impossible.
>>2117902That's just misogyny innit?
No. 2117920
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I got a job through a friend, not to sound ungrateful but I really hate it mostly due to the fact that I really can’t acclimate to the work load well, another thing to mention is I was so socially awkward after a long time of being a neet it’s difficult for me to get along with people well. A week in and it felt like everyday was hell, deep in my mind I knew this job wasn’t for me at all after a couple of days of probation, even though my coworkers are very nice and helpful but I just couldn’t catch up. My biggest dilemma is that my mom was very proud of me and was rooting for me to get the job, the second reason is job market is very grim rn and I don’t have a backup plan of what I should do next. We had a meeting today and my senior told me to pick up the pace, and I felt like shit all day. I can’t quit but I don’t wanna stay either, my life is sad. I just wanna be happy. When will this end?
No. 2117921
>>2117902Goddamn your mother had something busted with her eggs/father’s
toxic sperm if she came out with two spergs kekk
No. 2117937
>>2117927Yeah it is awful. I wouldn't even say women are better at masking, it's that we were forced into learning how to mask or else risk non-stop bullying, and in some cases that did not help because others can 'feel' that there's something off about you. Whereas with men, people, especially women, tend to give them a pass for their behaviour. It sucks and I'm sorry you have to experience it, especially since they will probably expect you to look after them once they grow old.
>>2117921kek anon
No. 2117974
>be involved in a weird reenactment type cult
>originally brought in cause I used to date a weirdo
>earn my keep, apparently
>take offer into sekrit kool kids klub cause I want to have friends and do cool shit
>do cool shit
>at cost of realizing these people only like me cause I'm useful and a bitch with a purse
>once they get what they want they go back to being distant and expect me to do legwork, like a cult
>don't fall for the bait so the times I hang out with them is less often and only if I am in the area for work and have nothing better to do
>I'm still kind as fuck to them cause I am a good friend like that
>recently came into money to the tune of thousands
>excited and wondering what nice things I am going to do for myself that I have waited decades for
>they catch wind of this
>leader invites me out to see deadpool at bar theater place, I agree cause I do not have to pay for tix and I am out that way for work already
>leader wants to discuss "business" with me
>meet up with everyone
>ask one friend how she liked her bday present I got her since I was not around when friend gave it to her
>catch up with friends
>lead pulls me aside
>I order everyone a round of drinks (gee, how nice of me..)
>he is telling me he is investing in crypto and mining and how he is exactly thousands of dollars away from his $30k investment goal and other people already invested in the crypto and they all just wanna earn passive income and how I could totally see a return with this…
>"Are you asking me to give you the money I just got? Unfortunately no, I was going to spend this money on myself for something I have dreamt about for decades. It's so volatile, I'm concern for your guy's investments. Even property would be better and make more sense, in fact, if you're already saying you have tens of thousands in cash already, then why not?"
>don't even tell them no completely, offer a few hundo but no more which even then is generous
>they show me some bullshit calculation for supposed return per month and it would be higher than the investment so bullshit
>I could tell they expected my compliance
>they didn't get it so now they are blowing me off on my movie night
All because I didn't want to invest in their crypto LOL. Cult shit.
No. 2118120
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I really hate modernity so much. I hate AI, i hate trannies, I hate incels, i hate porn, i hate modern anime, i hate modern geek culture, i hate smartphones, i hate the modern internet, i hate zoomers, i hate modern gaming, i hate esports, i hate livestreams, i hate pickmes, i hate the modern art community, i hate modern fashion trends, i hate modern music.
I just hate everything so much, i would kill half the population to live just for one year in the 00s. Everything around me is fucking depressing.
No. 2118251
>>2118241It kinda sounds like you're just making stuff up based on how you feel. That's okay, but I'm not gonna take it seriously.
>Imageboards all share the same cultureI've never been on another IB (for any substantial time otherwise) besides LC so I'm not 100% sure, but I'm gonna go on a limb and say LC has a different culture than 4chan. Maybe they had a similar culture in 2014, but after a decade apart I think our userbase is different from the one on 4chan.
No. 2118287
>>2118283What pattern do you mean?
>>2118282I'm in a similar situation where I try to help take care of my grandmum and part of that is making sure my degenerate uncles don't manipulate her. It's a lot of work, and I empathize with your situation. It's good of you to have helped her out though, you should just focus on that and remember that your grandma will always be grateful for the help.
No. 2118288
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>>2118120omg, this cosplay is of the mc from the first manga I ever read at 11 years old. I loved this manga so much even though it was clearly a sloppy amateur first work for the author in hindsight. I still have a beat-up (from carrying it around everywhere in middle school) copy of volume one sitting on my bookshelf
No. 2118293
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>>2118286Samefag but being hunched over your phone scrolling and scrolling and scrolling your 10 second dopamine shots is bad enough on its own, but seeing how its made people act is just disturbing. Trying to be a "vlogger" or "influencer" is just…strange. Constantly setting your phone up to record yourself before doing things, meticulously planning how to act in these sponsorship tiktoks/videos so that your audience feels more inclined to listen to your suggestions, posting about your personal life constantly to strangers who do not know you, posting your
children from birth. Don't even get me started on smartphones and tablets being given to small children, that'll be taking the cork off the champagne bottle.
No. 2118303
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>>2118120I know this is gonna sound stupid but, I really believe the world can change. the current era that we're living in is obviously unenjoyable for everyone who is alive. Small children who are being neglected by their parents in place of a tablet and a bottle of formula, teenagers watching porn and videos of people getting murdered, getting addicted to vaping and drugs, having sex, adults pretending that they're children. I really cannot fucking stand the
I'm a 22 year old teen UwU shit.
No. 2118304
>>2118293I'm the opposite, I don't mind the influencers themselves because there's always been annoying narcissists, but I do hate everyone that isn't one yet is still obsessed with social media. I have a cousin that's 2 years younger than me, but it's like there's this huge gulf between us because she speaks exclusively in TikTok and Twitter references that I either don't get or that I don't find funny. I think the most annoying type of terminally online social media addict is the Dollar Store Dasha Nekrasova wannabe. You know the ones; everything is depressing, everything is ironic, everything sincere is bad and should be laughed at, everyone should want to kill themselves, etc.. Maybe it's because I'm older and I was never interested in social media even when it first came out (I was one of those people that hated MySpace kek), but it surprises me when I hear about people spending HOURS on TikTok or Twitter everyday. How can anybody, even the biggest loser out there, spend more than 30 minutes at a time on TikTok? I've used it before and there's some funny videos, but to use it for more than 30 minutes seems asinine.
No. 2118325
>>2118304>she speaks exclusively in TikTok and Twitter referencesFucking disgusting tbh. And I've always felt as though influencers were a little bit cuckooo because why do you want an audience watching you all the time so bad? And I think children posting their whole lives on social media is dangerous, not just the
posting part but also the accessability to strangers and adults. Teenage girls these days are always posting oversexualized shit trying to get attention from men, and its just heartbreaking
No. 2118393
i tried reading a fucking webtoon called "one room TA" which is a yaoi/BL/whatever because my friend wanted me to read it because "it's so funnie and wholesome ecks dee it's my favorite!!!" and i'd do anything for her she's so precious, but it's got absolute shit storytelling with a k-on-but-male looking art style, under-developed characters, and drawn out drama with no actual pay off (it just fizzles out like the author has never written tension in her life). i check the star rating and it's over 9 out of 10 stars. i check the comments and they're all saying how original and not-stereotypical and how funny it is. i know the comments section is full of 14 year olds but i'm losing it nonnas my friend has shit taste.
>>2118304>speaks exclusively in TikTok and Twitter references that I either don't get or that I don't find funny.>How can anybody, even the biggest loser out there, spend more than 30 minutes at a time on TikTok?you reminded me how one of my nephews is a consoomer at 10 years old. i went round last month and he showed me the things he'd bought: makeup, a shein wig, tubs and tubs of slime that have all gone flat, bracelet beads spilled all over the floor, "bad bitch" juice boxes(??) and waterbottle smellies (like rings you put over a water bottle and they smell nice while you drink? but they only fit one waterbottle so you have to buy the bottle to put them on). he doesn't use any of stuff he buys, he just collects them and then does his homework and plays roblox on his laptop which he uses with a light up mechanical keyboard and mouse he plugs in(????) and then later goes on tiktok.
at least he's not a porn addict (<- i checked) redpiller moid at 11 tho and just sticks to "safe(r)" girly tiktok while his parents ignore him. although to give credit where it's due his mother did teach him about stranger danger and internet pedophiles and it's actually saved him a few times.
anyway he showed me a 25 minute skibidi toilet compilation and i pretended to laugh at the whole thing just to give him some familial connection. then we made funny videos on one of his ipads and drew each other on ibis paint with his apple pen. i feel insane just typing that out. i think i need to kidnap him and take him to a theme park.
No. 2118457
>>2118425unfortunately his parents. my nephew's dad is a manipulator (the whole family sees it) and i'm pretty sure is in competition with his son's mother for his attention (a boydad??), so when his mother gives him pocket money the dad gives him extra money or buys him whatever he wants immediately instead of just hanging out with him or teaching him life skills like how to
save up money. so as a result my nephew has developed this happy-go-lucky no-brains attitude to purchasing whatever tiktok influencers are shilling as the current product-of-the-month.
No. 2118613
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Maybe I don't have hyperhidrosis, maybe I'm just a waterbender that hasn't learned to control its powers just yet
No. 2118644
>>2118613>HyperhidrosisSeeing this word makes me shudder. I hate this stupid disease. If it's any help to you, the Botox treatments help a lot and if you live in a place with nationalized healthcare and have your doctor write you a note about it, usually the Botox treatment will be covered. If you don't wanna do the Botox treatment, I'd recommend Drysol or another very strong antiperspirant. When I was younger, I was thinking about getting the nerve-severing procedure, but my doctor told me usually when they severe the nerve of the problem area, another area will become the problem area and the sweat will just reroute to there. So for now, it's just Botox and Drysol for me. The other thing I recommend is if you have anxiety, try to get that treated too. Once I started treating my social phobia, I noticed my hyperhidrosis symptoms decreased a lot as well, not all but at least a 40% reduction.
No. 2118696
>>2118693I agree, and I've also stopped using Twitter recently and I feel a lot better. But
>and the schism bothered meWhat is this about? Like what does that lady wanting you as a granddaughter bothering you have to do with Twitter? Sorry I'm retarded
No. 2118726
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Terrible news nonas, the women in my apartment complex hate me. I've always had trouble making friends because I'm very quiet and mildly autistic, but I figured since I've never interacted with anyone in three years, that I would have a clean slate.
The one autistic girl invited me to the pool party they were having but when I went down and sat beside them, everyone but her literally got up and moved to the other side of the pool. No one but her talked to me for the hour I was there.
And I think it's because I had to call the cops on my neighbor when her moid beat her unconscious and I thought she was dead last year, because I've seen her often hanging out at the pool with them, and she got back together with him after she got out of the hospital so she probably talks mad shit about me.
No. 2118734
>>2118695Its because I use it to post art, I just put a <10 minute time lock on it so I will hopefully only be able to post and reply to comments. Your post about smoking resonated with me, it's stupid for me to realise just now but it's literally just ragebait so I keep looking at ads. Like if someone was peeling another guy's face off on top of a McDonald's billboard so I would remember $5 McDonald's happy meal deal forever. I will at least attempt to not allow my misery to
be monetized if not for any other reason
>>2118696>>2118699Sorry I didn't explain it coherently. I was feeling doomerish and irritated about the quality of humanity because of twitter and am socially isolated so it's my main perception of human behaviour. I was taking a family member to the doctor and she was very nice to me so I thought 'ah maybe something's wrong'.
No. 2118745
>>2118726100% if they’re all hanging out together including the moid then she told them a completely fake version of events. Women who go back to abusers end up telling everyone around them total fabrications constantly to cover for the moid, either to increase their own safety and avoid attacks from the moid, or because they are so insane they will gladly do anything to maintain the relationship. Everyone I know had to give up on helping a woman we know in an
abusive relationship because apparently she was hiding that she knew he was a rapist, was preying on teenage girls and so on, because covering for him made it so she could continue her delusional relationship. She was saying other women made everything up and were all after him and crap like that.
No. 2118801
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>>2118746>>2118757I honestly feel like shit and borderline retarded rn so I can't even attempt to argue online at the moment. Here's a drawing of a cow may everyone be well
No. 2118804
something life altering happened 2 months ago, highlights after that (mostly sober, and previously only moderately schizo if under major stress):
at one point i was convinced i was going to be sexually enslaved and subject to extreme torture for people online to witness
for weeks would question reality, think i was stuck in coma, have constant "realisations", synchronycities (that was cool), forgot how a washing machine worked etc
randomly for some reason came out as trans to a close friend, declared that trans is "past, present and future", cryptically mentioning nikola tesla, david bowie and imagine dragons as explanation
would sometimes feel like i was at the edge of "enlightenment" or a major breakthrough in science
and tons of other stuff, now i am back to "normal"
No. 2118808
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I always think I'll never get over it or recover, but I always do in the end.
There's still one person I still dislike, and another I feel iffy about, but I don't have the obsession or "if only"/"what if" feeling anymore. I didn't really notice it before or give myself the credit, but the scars really did heal. Feels nice.
No. 2118862
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I'm so hungover once my parents leave in an hour I'll make myself a big plate of pasta or rice and smoke a joint, I feel miserable but not for long nonnies.
No. 2118933
>>2118393>waterbottle smelliesI think something is wrong with me because I laughed so hard at that
>he showed me a 25 minute skibidi toilet compilation and i pretended to laugh at the whole thing. then we made funny videos on one of his ipads and drew each other on ibis paint with his apple pen.This is me and my little brother, word for word kek. I feel bad he has such a lame childhood
No. 2118958
>>2118941It sort of went like,
>I tried this new lotion, it's really nice.>"Oh, what's it called, I was looking for a new one.">It's this one>"Oh, send me the link I want to buy that on pay day.">If you're gonna buy it anyway, want to use my Prime? Just pay me back when you get the cash.>"Oh, great! I'll add my shipping details now"She was going to buy it, or so she said, I was just trying to be nice and get her same day shipping. She did pay me back, but it was after like 10 minutes of her awkward grumblings and it felt like I was forcing her to pay me for something she didn't want. Which is weird because she was the one that typed in her shipping detail on my phone. My vent is more about how I don't think $20 is expensive and I think it's cringey that she did all that theatrics over $20, and how she tried to pretend like she had buyer's remorse.
>>2118953>>2118935I know, I know, I offered, but we've been fake friends for like 2 years now and she's usually good for paying me back quick like if we get dinner or something. I'm more annoyed at her response and reaction and pretending like she doesn't have $20 to spare when I know she just got paid and she's about to buy two ounces.
No. 2118986
>>2118958in your original post you said she asked you for it two times but you're the one who offered. and she payed you back? what are you complaining about.
what sort of vent is this
>i offered something to my "Fake" friend and she made excuses she couldnt pay me back >why'd she ask me for it i'm only doing what she asked>she payed me back anyways>what's her problem, i did what she asked, 20 dollars isn't expensive
>My vent is more about how I don't think $20 is expensive your vent mainly sounded like you were mad that she asked when you're the one who offered. $20 dollars is expensive to some people. just go find some rich friends, or actually you should just decide to have no friends since you're referring to people as "fake friends" after years of knowing them. i really have no sympathy for you.
>>2118975i absolutely don't get what you mean. you sound superficial as hell, i'd hate being friends with you. sorry that some people are poorfags, boohoo
No. 2118998
>>2118993i'm not "psychoanalyzing" you, i'm commenting on the details that you yourself provided.
i often have sympathy for the nonas who post in here but i have trouble finding anything to sympathize with you
No. 2119013
>>2119004because your vent was basically a long winded "poor people are soo annoying i need to get better friends" even though you set yourself up for this.
i don't know how you expected to not be criticized. plenty of vents in here get shit on, and i've had more sympathy for many of those posts. some anons come on here and have some really dark shit to vent about and you're on here complaining about your "fake" friend who you offered to pay for them when they were gonna buy it themself. just go into the "Get it off your chest" thread if you don't wanna be scrutinized for your superficial problems
No. 2119190
>>2119153normally i would encourage travelling over buying something, but in this case, 100% the doll
>>2119186KEK nona, agreed. i love this idea
No. 2119196
>>2119187It's really not a good lotion and I only recommended it to her because we're fake friends, but it was literally Jergen's moisturizer lotion, the cherry scented one. Literally bottom tier inexpensive lotion, I only use it when I run out of my good stuff, but I thought she'd appreciate it because she's broke so it's good value for the amount of lotion you get.
>>2119194What the fuck kind of retarded comment is this? Kill yourself.
(infighting) No. 2119213
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>>2119204Well because on every other Wednesday after yoga I have 3 hours of free time and she lives two blocks from the yoga studio so what else am I gonna do for the rest of the day? I think we're both pretty aware that we don't like each other at this point.
No. 2119216
>>2119213semen-chan having
toxic sperm spilling out of her while nonsemen-chan chills enjoying the rainy weather and sipping tea with no dick worship in sight
No. 2119220
>>2119196>>2119202>>2119213kek, here comes the high and mighty anon who "doesn't want to infight" and doesn't think she's some hot shot for wanting to surround herself with people who think $50 is expensive and not $20
you're showing your true colors
nonnie, have fun surrounding yourself with fake friends your whole life acting like your shit don't stink. you're the shitty friend btw, not the one you're complaining about. people who don't like each other normally don't spend time with each other by the way, because that's the sane thing to do
No. 2119230
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>>2118958this is why I limit the amount of female friends I have. too much yapping and drama over nonsensical shit like lotion kek, who gives a shit you sound like an unbearable person
No. 2119261
>>2119240i didn't mean high as in drugs, but i see what you're saying. understood. i'd rather not infight you either. i still think you're a horrible friend though.
>>2119252>a bunch of anons got angry at me for not being broke and knowing how to handle money I guess? that's not at all what they were angry about and you know it. don't pretend like it wasn't explained to you why you're the asshole in the situation several times. you just don't want to recognize you're the problem. by the way if you have no one to hang out with, try being alone sometime. learn some self-reflection, maybe
No. 2119267
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>>2119252not crucifying you at all. i just think you should learn to enjoy your own company instead of deliberately having fake friends. you're a grown woman acting like a middle schooler. have a good day
No. 2119269
>>2119185>>2119182>>2119164>>2119186>>2119190>>2119190Jesus christ, I didn't realize it would be so unanimous.
>Why doesn't your boyfriend pay to meet you?He is, the plan is we go dutch and pay for our own flight fees because we're meeting inbetween rather than one flying to the other.
>Ask him to send you 900 dollars for the trip but then just block him and buy 2 of the dolls so your first dolly can have a friend.There was someone else I was dating before this bf that I would've done this to after the shit he put me through, but I really genuinely love this boy. He is a keeper.
>>2119220No they're not me and you are schizzing the fuck out and making an asshole out of yourself. I respect the choice of not getting a bf if you don't want one and being independent. That's cool. Idk why you blew up and decided to tell me I'm stinky because I decided I don't want to be alone anymore and finally met someone that adores me as much as I adore him. You can definitely be independent and happy, but being bitter when people talk about having partners is a sign that there's something deeper going on that you should work out.
No. 2119275
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I know is part of the recovery, but I don't think I can deal with the diet I have to follow up my surgery.
No. 2119279
>>2119269>No they're not me and you are schizzing the fuck out and making an asshole out of yourself. i don't know what you're talking about but that was meant for the shallow anon with her shitty lotion who's bitching about poor people aka "fake" friend who she voluntarily helped and then backtracked on it
i'm not involved in whatever you said and i have no idea what you are talking about. if i accidentally quoted you, my bad.
No. 2119284
>>2119261>I didn't mean high as in drugsYeah, I know, I was playing with the words to have a bit of fun. That's part of my vent, that she went ahead and dropped $150 on drugs for the week the same day she was haggling with me over $20.
>>2119265Yeah I'm calling the anon, the one that called some other anon's pussy stinking like fish, a retard. If she wanted to a nice reply she should have been nice. Sooo tired of anons acting like assholes here and then getting confused when people respond calling them assholes kek.
>>2119269She said you were stinky because she's a retarded asshole that wants to bait and infight and it's really not any deeper than that. I told it to kill itself because it pissed me off when it attacked you and called you stinky.
No. 2119287
>>2119279I have no idea either, I looked away and there was a ton of replies with
>>2119194 randomly thrown in as well as
>>2119211 and some other anon telling them off for me, which I appreciate even though it's not necessary. Having a bf is definitely scary and most men are not worth it.
No. 2119293
>>2119287>Having a bf is definitely scary and most men are not worth it.i agree with you nona. that's why i say get the doll. but yeah i have no idea what was happening either, i was also pretty confused.
i recognized the lotion-poster (the one defending you) and called her out, i'm sorry if you thought that was meant for you. best of luck and i hope he treats you well
No. 2119348
>>2119326Thank you! If she didn't want to buy it, why'd she deadass take my phone from my hand and put in her shipping address and tell me she'd pay me back the day after! And then to go and say you're too broke to spend $20 on lotion but you're gonna go out and buy 2 ounces for $150? Come on.
>>2119335Girl I'm begging you please re-read what I typed because in my OP I very very clearly wrote, and I'll even quote, "I can buy it and you pay me back," I wouldn't have ever offered to buy her shit and she knows that, she knows I don't like her enough to spend money on her, so she knew well that she was gonna have to pay me back. The whole vent was because she was acting like she had trouble paying me back when the time came and acting like $20 was big girl money when it's not even enough for a McDonalds meal? And then to go and buy $150 worth of loud!!! That's why it irritated me.
No. 2119360
>>2119348>Girl I'm begging you please re-read what I typed because in my OP I very very clearly wrote, and I'll even quote, "I can buy it and you pay me back,"yes
nonnie, i understand. i read your post. i also just read this post you just wrote in which you again told us that you OFFERED. she never asked for you to do that. she said she was going to get it herself. you refer to her as a "fake friend" in your original post and you were playing it up like she asked you to do it when she never. asked.
if it matters to you this much, just don't offer next time. a simple solution to a very superficial problem. just don't offer if you're this upset over her being slightly stubborn about paying you back when YOU OFFERED.
you're spending time with people you don't like and offering to pay for them, with the expectation they will pay you back when you yourself claimed "i don't think she likes me either." come on. she payed you back and gave you a little trouble over it, big fucking woop
No. 2119363
>>2118910Sorry that happened to you. Speaking as someone who also seems to have poorfags gravitate towards me (because I am often generous; people tend to think I am more successful than I really am) it's just their nature. It's hard not to take it personal. Don't presume she even had a "payday" cause otherwise paying back $20 isn't shit and most decent people would do this in a heartbeat…if they had the money. Unless this person brings some sort of fun or benefit to your life, expect that they will keep treating you as a resource. Humans aren't so far removed from animals and most will seek to exploit where possible. The key is to have strong boundaries and a set of excuses as to why you can't front and buy things for them left and right.
Gift them what you can without any inconvenience to you, and draw a line when you feel the ask or implication is too far.
No. 2119370
>>2119358>>2119360I don't think she doesn't like me, I know she doesn't like me. Listen, if you can't handle the politics of fake friends, that's fine by me it's your life! But it works well for me, because this is my life. Furthermore, it was an OFFER. She accepted the CONDITIONS of my offer, which was payment when item was received. If she didn't want that shit or was gonna act foolish over it, she didn't have to accept my offer, she didn't have to do all that. The only reason I offered to begin with is because I'm a good Christian but apparently this is how people repay kindness. The whole thing that irritated me to begin with is her acting like we didn't have a 15 minute convo about lotions and that she didn't agree to buy it and how she couldn't afford it and making all those gay excuses. All over $20! And finally it's PAID it's been pissing me off since you first said payed but the correct form is PAID. We're not on a boat.
>>2119363Thank you for the advice. Just to be clear I've known this flop for 2 years and I'm aware of her bank statements and pay-days because she's an over-sharer. That's how I know she just got a check for $1500 and why I know she just spent $150 on weed because she spends either 150 or 200 on weed every week that I've known her. Usually I never buy her shit because I don't like her, but in the past when she's asked me to use my Prime she paid me back no fuss about it. I hope your post doesn't
trigger more poorfags to start crying. I hope you have a good day, thanks for responding to me and offering advice.
No. 2119378
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bought a $100 jacket and the left sleeve is sewn on completely wrong at the shoulder, it's so uncomfortable that i can't wear it. i can't return it either so i have to sit here and seethe about my shitty financial decision that could have instead gone into something useful.
No. 2119382
>>2119370>I don't think she doesn't like me, I know she doesn't like me. Listen, if you can't handle the politics of fake friends, that's fine by me it's your life! But it works well for me, because this is my honestly doesn't sound like it's working for you. genuinely to me that sounds like a miserable existence, and i'd rather be alone than play pretend with other people.
>Furthermore, it was an OFFER. She accepted the CONDITIONS of my offer, which was payment when item was received. If she didn't want that shit or was gonna act foolish over it, she didn't have to accept my offer, she didn't have to do all that. of course she's going to say yes. you offered her free shipping on something she was going to buy anyways, she could save a few bucks. saying she didn't have to accept your offer is absolutely foolish. you simply just shouldn't have offered if you're going to get this bent out of shape about it.
>The only reason I offered to begin with is because I'm a good Christian but apparently this is how people repay, really? i never would have been able to tell. this is the exact attitude you people have towards everything. you think you're being kind when you're being awful and deceitful.
>And finally it's PAID it's been pissing me off since you first said payed but the correct form is PAID. We're not on a boat."Minor spelling mistake. I win" girl stfu
No. 2119383
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last night i had a rare opportunity to go to a rave with all my closest friends at the same time. my dear friend / ex gf was djing at this rave, my best friend who lives in japan is back home on holiday, and my boyfriend also had a ticket. we decided to have predrinks at mine and i drank so much prosecco because it just tasted like sprite basically and i had no idea how fucking drunk i would get. ended up throwing up four times and started crying about my fucked up family and how i miss my mother who i am estranged from. boyfriend and best friend looked after me until i fell asleep and then they went to the rave and had an amazing time. i woke up 4 hours later alone and discovering that i'd missed my only opportunity to hang out with them all together for probably at least another year since my best friend lives in japan. i'm beyond devastated i'm heartbroken and it's probably partly because i'm hungover but jesus christ. i can't believe what i've missed. my ex is my FAVOURITE DJ OF ALL TIME she is unbelievably good and we had mdma and everything but i just fucked it. by total accident! i rarely drink alcohol so i had no idea what i was doing. lesson learned. i am fucking retarded. they are all being so kind to me and looking after me but nonas it fucking sucks.
No. 2119388
>>2119370You really shouldn't offer to do nice things for people who dislike you. I understand your reasoning completely I've also tried to be a "servant" to people around me but if they don't like you they will just shit on the nice things you did. You are basically offering to do something that requires a high amount of trust for a person who doesn't trust you so it just puts you both on edge.
If she had asked you to buy the lotion with your prime subsscription you should have 100% done it, but offering just makes you seem like you're trying to hard, makes the other person think maybe you're trying to fool them or you're better than them or something…
No. 2119395
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>>2119382>"Minor spelling mistake. I win" girl stfuNo dipshit I brought that up to help you because again I'm a good Christian, I specifically brought it up because it's an easy tell for when you post, kind of like how I could immediately recognize this post in picrel was you based on 1 word and the typing style. The post where you're replying to another retard talking about how baiting as a personalityfag is fun and how you wanna try it or whatever. It makes you look fucking dumb and I don't want you looking dumb because I'm nice, so I tried to help you out and this is how you act.
>The only reason I offered to begin with is because I'm a good Christian but apparently this is how people repay kindness.Jesus and Judas were literally the first fake friends. Way to out yourself as a protestant.
>genuinely to me that sounds like a miserable existenceIf you seriously sit there and think up and dream and imagine the type of person I am based on a few select excerpts of my vents, that's on you girl. Nobody else is that retarded enough to do all that. I'm not sitting here saying your life is xyz because you're infighting with me. We're both on LC girl, we're both fucking misfits, what's not clicking for you?
>>2119388Lesson learned. To be clear though I
do think I'm better than her and I try to make that abundantly clear through my interactions and conversations with her.
No. 2119397
>>2119370You're welcome, I don't know what's going on with a lot of millenials and zoomers but I noticed people are starting to act entitled towards other people's money. It's rarer to see paybacks, it's almost like taking advantage of your trust and friendship is seen as "good" and expecting decency is the true "evil." They'll claim you're the one being deceptive and holding shit over their heads when the reality is they have already won by getting the resource from you and are darvo'ing when you dare ask where the promised return is.
They make you responsible for their feelings around their taking, like some weird parentification, which absolves them from feeling guilty for not thinking about you.
Idc, you can be a poorfag yet have integrity and show gratitude. There is something seriously wrong with people right now, their morals are in the trash.
No. 2119402
>>2119390i'm obsessed with her when she's literally taking screenshots from other threads and claiming their me kek
>>2119395i stopped reading after the first few sentences. you are a deranged christian, not a good christian. there will never be sense knocked into you, and i'm not the only anon who called you out on your bullshit. take care
No. 2119407
>>2119390Her and my fake friend should just team up and call themselves the broke baddie squad at this point because anon is obviously in love with my fake friend.
>>2119397Yeah, I get what you mean. This is also a part of it, like when she was on the phone with me coming up with excuses it was like she was trying to get me to just say "oh forget about it" but no I don't care if I look like Scrooge girl you're gonna give me back what you owe me or I'll just call an attorney I don't give a damn like that.
I'm honestly surprised my vent got that strong of a reaction out of people, I thought being annoyed at people not paying you back was normal, but then I forgot most of the userbase is the person that asked you to pay in the first place
No. 2119420
>>2119415Girl just say its you. The truth will set you free.
>>2119408$600-$800 on weed a month, rent is $700, payday is only $3000 a month… That's what I'm talking about. So many people act broke and pretend to be poor when really they're just shit with money and don't have any self-control. Especially the pot heads. Spending more money on drugs than your rent is crackhead territory.
No. 2119430
>>2119407Fake friends are super common and I can't help but to think anons having the reaction they do towards posts like yours know they have been guilty of the same behaviors and know they probably aren't very good friends themselves. Hey, it's ok, we've all been selfish before but don't excuse the shit behaviors, right? Most grade school children know this sort of 'friendship' is wrong.
Here we are anonymously venting our frustrations about bad friends and their inconsideration–which harms nobody–yet anon's vitriol and animosity is directed towards you at a greater level than people who objectively took from you.
No. 2119436
>>2119420>Girl just say its you. The truth will set you're pathetic. genuinely. i mean that 100%, and i've never argued or baited on this thread before. if you apparently know my typing style so much you'd know that. i called you out and you doubled down. it's annoying to see people like you pretending you're doing favors for people and pretending to be nice when you're fucking shallow and deceitful as hell. i'm done replying to you now.
>>2119423there's like 10 people posting today, i'm not worried
No. 2119446
>>2119428KEK that's why I told her and instead she's gonna get pissy that I called her out because she's a little pansy that can't take the heat.
>>2119436Idc just know that the correct form is "paid" not "payed," and if you continue to use very specific typing styles with the same misspellings across the board, it becomes easier and easier to identify you with each post made. That's why we all try to talk the same here.
>>2119430That's what I mean, I don't take it so seriously honestly like I'm secure enough to admit that I'm not the best person and that, yes, I do have fake friends, but that's just part of life? And for some reason because I posted a vent I'm the bad one or something. It's whatever
No. 2119604
>>2119586>>2119591Where I live it’s pretty necessary owning a car because public transportation is horrible here but I can’t understand how people can be so conceited when I’m driving them to places all the time.
When I didn’t have my license and I depended on others I wouldn’t have DARED to be an asshole to others? Like, when I got directions wrong I said sorry instead of trying to make me look like I wasn’t the one who did a mistake.
I always tried to make things easier to people who drove me places and this one friend basically expects a taxi to take them everywhere all the time. Of course I’m not doing it but still, pretty ungrateful.
And you’re right anon, they always try to make it look easy and not a big deal but they’re the one always searching for excuses about not having a license yet. I had terrible phobia about driving and also I was broke and I still did it, I get if they don’t want to drive because of whatever but still, they try to make it look like it’s their choice and I’m sure it’s not kek
No. 2119629
>>2119599It really is the same thing. Both tech have been around for roughly the same frame. Both tech are incredibly important in society. I don't know why Europeans pretend like not knowing how to drive a car is a good thing, I don't know if it's an ego thing or what but it always come off as so stunted.
>>2119616>Grrrrrrrrr no!!! You shouldn't be allowed to drive… Only walk or take train… You don't have train? POORFAG!!!!!That's how they always sound to me kek. Maybe I don't wanna spend an extra hour waiting around for buses or trains and maybe I have enough money to afford a car and gasoline.
No. 2119769
>>2119750>Crimea was takenHeard it was mostly populated by Russians that were obliged to not even speak the language
Moids conflits come from two sides and the Ukraine army and politicians are just too dumb
No. 2119772
>>2119750i remember staying up watching it on television when i was 18 and my mother came in and said
"normally i would want you to go to bed, but this is your cuban missile crisis, i did the same when that happened"
No. 2119804
>>2119797No shame I was there too girl, I was spending half my cheque on drugs, but then I realized I was acting like an actual toddler and I smacked some sense into myself. Sometimes when we're so caught up in shit we don't even realize what's up.
>>2119795In Belgium, some of them speak French, and some of them speak Dutch, but they're all Belgians. In Ukraine, some of them speak Russians, and some of them speak Ukranian, but they're all Ukranians. Does that make sense?
No. 2119936
This might come across as silly but I feel so lost and left behind. I’m jobless, floundering, and I have no idea what I’m going to do. One day I say I’m going to keep studying for this corporate job, the other I say I’ll keep trying to get this tech job. Sometimes I just say fuck it, pursue your childhood dream of becoming a writer. It’s what you wanted to do as a kid. But then I feel so lost - where to start? What to do? There seems to be a Process to everything in this world - interactions, job, relationships - but I feel like I’m actively locked out of it. I don’t know how to do anything that actually translates into something concrete. I feel pathetic because I’m in my early twenties and I still live with my parents and I’ve never even dated. My classmates have moved out. They have well-paying jobs that afford them good lives. They have relationships. And I don’t, I haven’t had any of these things for the past 5 years, and I’ve been trying. I’m trying not take every person’s well-adjustment to life personally but every time I see one of these normal people I want to shriek. Or go off the grid completely: become homeless and run an mp3 blog, sleep in libraries, end up somehow homeless in Peru. And I’ll probably cry about it then too because I wan’t fresh wipes and a nice shower.
No. 2119989
>>2119936>But then I feel so lost - where to start? What to do?To go forward we have to go backward. Imagine walking backwards, so that you're back is against the direction you step. When you're walking towards adulthood as a child, you can't be sure of what's in front of you. Once you're an adult though, you're already familiar with the road you already traveled, so walking backwards towards it is much easier. It's strange but as an adult I realized the one thing I actually wanna do is still the same thing I wanted to do when I was 8 kek.
>I’m in my early twentiesYou have a good 50 or 60 years to figure it out. Everyone's early 20s is shitshow and everybody goes through shit times and comes out on top. You will too. Don't stress too much about life just go with the flow. A healthy person never goes to the doctor and asks "oh but why am I so healthy?" they only go when they are sick. In the same vein that a person that's living should not question "why am I living?" If you have to ask why you live then it's might be indicative that you aren't really living. Sorry if this was rambling I just wanted to reply because your post reminded me of myself when I was younger.
No. 2120105
My life is so stagnant and disappointing. I have no ambitions, I'm too autistic to manage basic human interaction most of the time, I'm too fearful of going out to the point where I procrastinate on getting groceries when I'm starving and turn down good opportunities all the time. I'm unemployed, living with my overbearing parents, I have no car (and not allowed to drive their car because it's new and expensive), I have about 4 friends that all have much better lives and live in different cities than me. I find myself even missing high school sometimes because at least I got outside, socialized with people every day, had a couple good friends, and had actual career goals and assignments to focus on. Now it's all gone and I've just been sitting here for what feels like months straight doing absolutely nothing besides staring and feeling sorry for myself. None of my old interests or hobbies bring me joy anymore, none of the online groups I was in are active anymore, everything reminds me of how sad my life is at every point.
No. 2120270
>>2119370>>2119388>>2119395>>2119407fucking yap yap yap blah blah blah who gives this much of a fuck over lotion you are so fucking insufferable. you sound like you find ways to make everything in your life into a problem yet can't figure out why you have drama.
>>2120166>envious over porn standards skill issue. dinner plate tits are for those of the most highly discerning palates. give me baseball sized cedar brown fat fucking saucer tits or give me death.
(infighting) No. 2120339
Someone close to me just found out his friend has been on estrogen since January. This guy was super intelligent, capable of critical thinking, over 6 foot, perfectly good dick, etc., started dating a troon, now he wants a vaginoplasty. In response to concerns about surgery prospects he's like "oh you don't know, the technology is really good these days". When asked what's motivating him, the only thing he can say is he's dissatisfied with his face in the mirror, particularly his nose, as if estrogen does anything to your nose, but he has genuinely deluded himself that it does. What the fuck.
No. 2120354
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Small birds keep dying in the yard of my new house and it's making me depressed and anxious. A few hours ago I found one struggling on the ground squeaking before it died and it's made me so fucking upset that I've just been sitting on my bed feeling like crying but nothing is coming out my eyes just hurt. I should clarify it's only been two but I don't know seeing native animals die fucks me up really hard
No. 2120360
>>2120354Samefag it's also super unlucky to have birds dying around your vicinity so maybe it's also
triggering my OCD esque superstitions and that's why I feel this awful suffocating sense of doom
No. 2120370
>>2120360You have to
trigger OCD esque superstitions that cancel out the first superstition. Throw a handful of salt behind your shoulder with your right hand on a walk and don't look bad at it, all your bad luck will be cured. But also, if it's hot where you live, you could set out a dish of water for the birds in your area to be a bird bath? I know for the past couple years, the climate changed so much where I am that now seeing squirrels and birds killed by the heat is very common in summer times, so maybe if you set up a place for them to cool down and hydrate it could be beneficial for both parties?
No. 2120395
>>2120370I'll try that later, thank you very much for the suggestion. Superstitions are really strange to me, I know they're a bit silly but also they're so nerve wracking.
Also, I do have a birdbath set up but it's also the tail end of winter where I am so I doubt it has anything to do with heat (it also doesn't get that cold here either). Very sad that your summer has been killing smaller animals, birds are incredibly sensitive animals and I feel like a lot of people don't realise it.
No. 2120420
>>2120395Don't worry, it's not silly that you believe in superstitions. It's easier to believe in superstitions than it is to believe that some man in the 1960s went to the moon. But some retards still believe the latter. Just be content in your superstitious lifestlye and keep hopping over the cracks in the sidewalk. Life is too short to not have a little fun with it.
>Very sad that your summer has been killing smaller animalsIt's really sad tbh. I like to hang around with the squirrels and I always feed them because we all love each other, so when I see them falling out of trees dead of heat stroke it hurts my heart. I don't need to see graphs or hear scientists talk about climate change, I'm living through it. If you told me when I was 10 that by the time I was grown, it'd be so hot for so long that animals would drop dead left right and centre, I would have been so scared and sad. Now it's just the new normal.
No. 2120561
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>try and get off lolcow and use cc
>cc shit up by baiting moids from /pol/ with obvious antisemitism and pedoshit
>back to lc I guess
I should just leave all imageboards but then where will I go? back to reddit with the circlejerking and bots? the vacuous imagewhoring on instagram? the site elongated muskrat only ruined further? god every form of internet media feels so limpid and dead
No. 2120574
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>>2120561antisemitic moids oh antisemitic moids
don't pretend to larp as women
leave our spaces be
fall into a boiling vat of lava I beg of thee
No. 2120579
>>2120576I'd need to be a lot more organized than I usually am with more female friends
believe me when I say I've trolled 4chan individually many times, but I can only take so much of reading their mind numbing bs before I need to detox
No. 2120653
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Decided to stop describing movies or songs/albums as "fun" because it's currently become synonymous with "this really isn't good but um im bored and it's listenable". Anytime you see someone on twitter being like "omg it's so fun" it's about something that REALLY sucks but they want to support the artist. No more. Other people can be spineless and praise absolute garbage just because they're afraid of rocking the boat while their faggot tasteless mutuals watching but im so tired of it. Im tired of watching grown adults pander so desperately to teenagers and sacrificing any talent or potential they have to chase algorithms and look a fool. Peter pan syndrome is played out.
No. 2121085
>>2121044the lack of gratitude pisses me off the most
to add to what I said because I need to vent about this too, I asked the guy if when he'll have a wife, will he hide and avoid conflicts and discussing problems too? his answer was "there won't be any conflicts because there will be someone who takes into account what I say too" , as if I never took into account his (childish) takes. The absolute naivete that a relationship doesn't have conflicts, holy fucking shit.
istg nonnas, some man are manchildren for fucking life, run and never look back
No. 2121107
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Starting to slip back into anhedonia/depression again. I start things to drive my thoughts away from feeling miserable only to drop them because they don't hold my attention. I have to force myself to do my hobbies basically. I can't wait to leave work because I'm bored beyond belief but when I would finally have the time to do something sensible and meaningful, I literally just lie down and scroll because anything else takes too much effort and/or my inner critic rips apart any of my creative efforts. I feel like I will never be happy
No. 2121228
>>2121224drink up a bit
No. 2121265
>>2121107> I can't wait to leave work because I'm bored beyond belief but when I would finally have the time to do something sensible and meaningful, I literally just lie down and scroll because anything else takes too much effort and/or my inner criticI can relate a lot to what you've written,
nonnie. I think it's hard because even if you ever DO have the creative spark to do something, personally, I'm drained from work or school. The only thing I can say is try not to beat yourself up about it. Whether you're working part time or full time, having to deal with stressful things all day really takes it out of you. I think it's hard not to feel anhedonia when you have a list of things you have to get done, and when you get those things done you just feel so drained.
No. 2121451
>>2121416Wet your hair thoroughly, massage conditioner into it, and very slowly brush it out starting from the bottom. This will take a while, be patient. You might want to cut the bottom 2-3 inches of hair off straight off the bat if it's too much to handle and work on salvaging the rest. Make sure your hair is wet as you work through it, add more conditioner and water as needed, you want to lube your hair up as much as possible for this.
Once you brushed out as many tangles as you can handle, wash the conditioner out, gently dry your hair, and continue working on it another day.
No. 2121524
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sick of having hair sick of losing hair just wanna shave my head so fucking bad reeeeeeeeee
No. 2121532
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Lmao, my friends are such sly ass grifters I can't even blame them for their shit
>friend invites me to advanced concert tix
>not gonna say no to free tix
>have to drive, agree to buy her merch
>end up also buying her food
>realize she got tix for free from another friend
>just got the free food, merch, and transport from me
>bitch didn't pay a dime for shit
No. 2121670
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I feel like i am unhealthy about my niece. Two years ago I disliked children and had a stress free NEET life. But now i’m constantly paranoid about my niece every single time shes at my brothers place and not here at home being baby sat by me and my mom and dad. i don’t know if shes safe or happy at whatever shit apartment my brother and his wife live at. I am scared that she might get kidnapped because she is so tiny and vulnerable or that some scrote like her uncle will abuse her. I cry thinking about her and wish she can always be here at home playing hair salon with me, watching Bluey and being safe and happy. She’s my world and if something bad happened to her i would kill myself.
No. 2121694
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I keep snacking and eating at inappropriate times,I feel like such a fatty.Gotta reset my diet and start over,pray for meee.
No. 2121916
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I only got sober because I noticed that my friends started drifting away due to my addiction, but now those friends are gone forever and so is my ex so I have no reason to stay sober. Fuck this is agonizing
No. 2122100
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i wish there was more fan artists drawing in a cartoony and semi realistic cartoony style because i am so fucking sick of seeing anime literally everywhere. fucking hell where is the originality and diversity? everytime i feel like i should just quit drawing i remember that if i do i won't be able to have the kind of content i want to see more of. want something done right gotta do it yourself but god i wish i didnt have to.
No. 2122132
I think my friend's is messing up her own life and idk how to cope. I know I can't save someone from themselves but I also can't just abandon her and watching her life make no progress is painful and annoying.
She's an autist who lives with her elderly mother. We grew up in the same neighborhood so I've known her since we were kids. She's gotten obese in resent years (after being very skinny her whole life until then) and has a food/sugar addiction. She says she now has trouble focusing and just can't do literally anything on her own but refuses to think it has anything to do with her rapid and massive weight gain. She says she wants to lose weight but then begs me to buy snacks for "us" to try with any excuse she can (it's on sale, it's rare or exclusive to this far-away store, new flavor, limited edition…) and bargains with me to let her eat more snacks (I have literally no control over what she eats!). Pretty sure she's at the very least pre-diabetic.
She's now a neet and lets her mother do absolutely everything despite her being in her 70s, she plans to live on disability support but has been denied it many times already. She's a shopaholic with the tiny amount of money she has, she gets new money by sexually pandering to/scamming men (who have a fat fetish, but she refuses to admit that).
I think the most annoying part is that she infantilizes herself so much because it's the only way she gets pity and attention. She now can't cook, clean, care for her own pets (2 cats and 2 family dogs, one of each are "hers"), nor can she drive or do any shopping unless it's for herself, so snacks and expensive brand fashion she can't afford. Because I knew her since she was a kid I think I'm one of the few people currently in her life who knows she's not really like that. New people assume that it's just how she's always been because of the autism or something, so they let her get away with it and on occasion even judge me for being so judgmental of her because they expect nothing from her unlike I do. I want better for her than to keep falling down this pit.
No. 2122147
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I am not allowed to think my thoughts transcend reality. I am not allowed to think my thoughts transcend reality. I am not allowed to think my thoughts transcend reality. I am not allowed to think.
Everyone is in my mother fucking head. Everyone is in my mother fucking head. Everyone is in my mother fucking head. Everyone is in my head. They hear my thoughts.
Everyone's getting married. Having friends. I have to deal with 16 years of suicidal depression completely alone. The whole world is calling me a black dog.
The whole world is calling me a black dog. The whole world is calling me a black dog. The whole world is calling me a black dog.
No. 2122411
>>2122318Some people are so privileged and entitled. She doesn't realize how good of a friend you are. I'd love to be able to have a connection with a friend who can refer me to
three different jobs. With the way the job market is, beggars can't be choosers. Better set up a gofundme on the bird app, huh?
No. 2122446
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death to canada for waving its treasures in my face
No. 2122822
My brother is dating a chick that could be in the
>>>/snow/2011789 trad carnivore whatever larp thread. I was kind of excited to meet her because I do think modern living has a lot of shitty baggage and we’d do better to stay away from processed food, be outside more, use natural products, etc. Come to find out she just buys “natural” products that are trendy and expensive and ship from Canada (we’re in south USA…) She makes most conversations about herself and had an illness when she was young that she clings to for identity. She did an allergy test and claims to be deathly allergic to lemongrass essential oil but then put crystal light in the beer she was drinking…like what? I’m also sort of insufferable about what’s bad for the planet (oooooh organic beef tallow from Canada, when we have beef farmers down the street) and the ails of modern society but she’s like next level. Lol.
No. 2123107
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No. 2123315
The woman I loved with all my heart, the one who rescued me from the worst domestic violence I’ve ever experienced and helped put my abusive partner in jail just slapped me in the face. Not a playful one either, she pulled her arm back and everything. The worst part is I’m not even mad at her for hitting me, I’m mad at myself for being stupid. She’s right, she’s the one who rescued me, she’s the one who gave me a baby, and the family I never thought I’d have, and I’m just a leech on her resources at this point. It’s so fucked up. When she loves me, she’s the most affectionate, cuddly, giant teddy bear of a woman you’ll ever meet, but when she’s angry, it’s like a nuclear bomb. She’s threatened to hurt me a lot, but this is the first time she ever actually did it. I don’t want to admit it, but I’m starting to get scared of her. I’m so guilty, why am I scared of the woman who rescued me? If she didn’t rescue me, my abuser would’ve murdered me, I’d be dead if it wasn’t for her. I love her so much but I’m so scared.
No. 2123331
>>2123315Someone can do a good thing, even
many good things, but that doesn't automatically make them a good person. You escaped a terrible situation once and survived, I believe you're strong enough to do it again. If you've got a baby it means you have to leave even more. This abuse WILL escalate over time, take it from someone who was raised with
abusive stepdad, they're
always nice when it benefits them but it doesn't mean a fucking thing. The good things she's done for you in the past won't make the present or future pain go away.
No. 2123356
>>2123315So you swapped a shit partner for another shit partner.
She helped put your last partner behind bars. How much does she hold that over your head? Does she let you know that you'd be dead if it wasn't for her? Does the threaten you and then tell you it's nothing compared to what you went through before? Does she belittle you because you needed her help to leave? Do you feel anxious to keep her around because you feel helpless without her as a shield? Did the abuse start during pregnancy, when you were stuck?
Do you think she went for a frightened lonely woman for a reason, and it's time for you to leave?
No. 2123367
>>2123318I think the reason I stay despite her being mean is that I’m afraid that I’ll lose custody of my kid once I’m homeless, and she’s a legal guardian, since we’re married. So far, she’s been amazing with my daughter, sometimes I think the kid likes her more than me, but I’m terrified that if I’m not there to be the one she takes her frustration out on, she’ll start taking it out on the child who looks exactly like her old punching bag.
>>2123331I know logically that I have to leave, but it’s almost like she planned for me to be with her forever. My family loved my ex, so they cut me off the moment I reported him to the police. I wanted to get out of the shitty little town I lived in, so we moved to another country and got a nice house for half the price it would’ve cost in my home country. I thought she was being a kind and providing savior, but I’m realizing how bad the situation really is now. I don’t speak this country’s language, and I’m on a marriage visa. I’m scared to leave, I have no idea what’ll happen to me or my kid.
>>2123349She’s normal, but I’m not surprised you think that. She’s told me all of the relationship that she has “male behavior” but I assumed she just liked masculine things.
>>2123356She does all of those things, but only when I’m being stupid, like accidentally breaking something, or embarrassing her in front of her English speaking friends. I didn’t realize it was this bad. She’s a woman, I never thought a woman could abuse like this.
No. 2123378
>>2123367If you're scared she could hurt your child, that means you absolutely need to leave no matter how hard you have to fight. I wish I could give more advice on what steps to take but that's such a tricky situation. Try to see if a women's shelter can give you resources for legal guidance.
>She’s a woman, I never thought a woman could abuse like this.Someone's relationships with women hurt the most. You're not being stupid, she's just an asshole. When someone actually loves you, things like doing something embarrassing is never enough to hit or berate you.
No. 2123380
>>2123367> she’ll start taking it out on the child who looks exactly like her old punching bag. So she's your biological kid?… anons the court system will probably be very much in your favor, what court is going to allow the
abusive lesbian step-mom to see the kid of the woman she was abusing.
No. 2123405
>>2123394Same, I feel like a huge bitch about it but I live in a HCOL area full of rich techie couples who practice "gentle parenting" and I seethe every time I see them. They also tend to live in nice homes and get spoiled rotten as a bonus. I just got mocked for wanting to try hobbies my mom didn't like or told I'm a liar when I said I did my homework or got a good grade. If I ever asked for any toys I'd get a sarcastic "suuure" and an eye roll.
I'd never take it out on anyone or anything like that, the seething is purely internal and personal. Just stings that I went through all that bullshit for no reason and I'll never get any good memories like these kids will.
No. 2123532
>>2123367>She does all of those things, but only when I’m being stupid, like accidentally breaking something, or embarrassing her in front of her English speaking friends. That's verbal abuse, you don't deserve to be insulted because you made a mistake.
You need to talk to a domestic violence org in your country/state|province/city. They can help you develop a plan to leave and a plan for how to deal with her until you can leave. Because if nothing changes, she will hit you again, and again, and again.
Until you can talk to someone, pick up these books.
Why Does He Do That? by Lundy Bancroft
pdf: I Stay or Should I Go? A Guide to Knowing if Your Relationship Can–and Should–be Saved by Lundy Bancroft
Free pdf: verbally
abusive relationship : how to recognise it and how to respond
pdf: No. 2123548
>>2123541That’s the problem. No one can help. The people who care have their hands tied.
Mine are extra tied.
My family doesn’t give a rats ass.
Idk what 2 do. I just want someone to come get me.
No. 2123614
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>Mom watching retarded propaganda
>One of the guys unironically used the word inter-dimensional
I wanted to scream "the merge" so badly
No. 2123692
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i need to break up with my nigel because i still love my ex-boyfriend (who’s probably committed suicide) more than him and i’m not sexually attracted to him but he’s obviously in love with me and a very kind guy, so i’m very opposed to hurting his feelings
No. 2123730
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How do I stop feeling like life ends here? I’m 22, but I feel so old. I was an online high schooler and went for an 18 month college program online that didn’t work out, so I never had a real high school or college experience. I feel a little jealous and some longing for that real college experience. It feels like everyone around me is so much younger, especially on the internet it feels like literally everyone is like 16-18. I feel like I’m not allowed to be stupid or cute or silly, I have to be a mature grown up woman, all the while I’m sitting playing Roblox. It feels so over…how do I get over this?
No. 2123869
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>>2123730>I’m 22, but I feel so oldIf you feel old at 22, you need to start talking to real old people. I'm being serious too, I learned a lot from older people in their 40s and 50s when I was in my early 20s. It's easy to feel "old" when you're only surrounding yourself with people your age or younger, it's much harder to do when you're confronted with the reality of older people being much more experienced and wiser than yourself.
>I feel like I’m not allowed to be stupid or cute or silly, I have to be a mature grown up woman, all the while I’m sitting playing Roblox.I was curious so I went to look up stats and I found out that 41% of Roblox users are above the age of 17, so don't feel so bad about playing Dress to Impress or Natural Disasters. I bring it up because a lot of mature older people still have "childish" hobbies or interests, it doesn't make them any less mature it's just they're able to compartmentalize their interests instead of letting them take over their lives.
>How do I stop feeling like life ends here?Start thinking about your future in a serious way. You're 22 now, you're not a teenager anymore, you need to figure out what you want in life and how you can achieve what you want. When I was your age I was going through all the same things, I think it's just part of being that age, but I sat down one day and really thought hard about what I wanted in this life - then I went about figuring out ways on how I could get what I wanted. Life is long, it's almost 80 years for most people now, and sometimes it really can take all those decades to achieve the things we want. You're finished the first 1/4th of your life, now it's time to figure out what you're going to do for the next quarter. If you can't figure out what you want for your life, just think about what you want for the next year - do you want to improve your health, or work on a talent, or hone a skill, or travel somewhere, etc., etc., and focus in on that.
>on the internet it feels like literally everyone is like 16-18 If you spend more than 4 hours online a day, you could consider yourself addicted to the internet. Scale back your computer and mobile phone use by focusing on in-person hobbies and interests, join some local clubs, do some volunteer work, explore your area, just find a way to get out of your house and into the world because the world is where we live, not the computer.
No. 2123881
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That is it that it is. This is the final straw. I am calling a new fucking therapist this week despite my fears to set up a consultation because I'm so fed up. No. Begone demon, begone forever, I just want someone to help me, no more judgment, towards strength, maintaining actual friendships, having better hobbies, trying my hand at finishing school and finding a better job. Peace. Stability.
The camels back is broken. I am sick and goddamn tired of chopping myself up into oblivion
No. 2124021
>>2124018Shut the fuck up. Imagine telling someone with severe suicidal depression to watch gay drama. I'm not gonna argue with you and shit up the thread tho.
There's something obviously wrong with you.
No. 2124032
>>2124027No. I don't want some pity replies. Shut the fuck up. I don't want to be told to watch gay drama when my suffering has transcended anything that a human being could comprehend. It's the vent thread. I don't see why I can't vent about wanting to end my own life.
Yea, go outside and take a breath of fresh air. No? I'm struggling with extreme panic attacks and mental illness and have been on endless mendication. Just take a breath of fresh air and go outside. Go on a walk. Watch some gay drama. It will surely fix it.
I've never seen a depressed anon vent about wanting to take their own life and being told to watch gay drama. What the fuck do you expect me to say after that?
Thanks for deciding it for me. That I want some "pity" replies.
No. 2124038
>>2124032Get that angry dopamine rush nona it's good for your heart
>>2124033She's so Nigel obsessed maybe a husbando pillows could work
No. 2124058
>>2123896OP anon. I feel for you. I wish I could offer some comfort and help but man idk for myself. We can be in a weird boat together. IG.
>>2124043 vent is a good platform. Not a lot of users and a lot of people who use it then never again. Would be hard to be found on it. I used it for a long time and have been considering picking it back up. I used it for legitimate years. You can lock your account also and just be screaming into the void. I really recommend it.
No. 2124205
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Sometimes I wish I did like a lot of my friends did right after high school/early-to-mid 20's and studied in Japan or South Korea for a while.
Then I remember how much I was struggling with getting my feet on the ground and extremely unstable mental health until my late 20's, so objectively I'm better off with it as a "could've been" fantasy rather than how badly it could have possibly ended up if I had actually moved there the way I was back then.
God, my life would have been so much better if I had just gotten the right help earlier, but at the same time idk if perhaps maturing with age also possibly helped me to get to where I am mentally today.
No. 2124257
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Stayed 6 days at my long distance boyfriend of 5 years house and he didn't have an urge to have sex. All I did was suck his dick and I feel like he thinks I'm ugly now. Is it over for me?
No. 2124314
>>2117686"I think it's funny because sometimes, people will be so troon-obsessed that they'll make everything about troons"
"sometimes people will be sooo against troons online that it crosses over into being against women"
couldn't have said it better myself anon. I have resigned from actively getting in in-fights here, but the hyper-accusatory trans-panic bitches ruining every thread with "LOL OK TRANNY" when a woman doesn't match their assumptions about being a woman is so played out and old.
No. 2124512
>>2124432Cmon anon it's the fourth time you mentioned
whole planet already. I don't know you so maybe you're exaggerating things?
No. 2124519
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i wish i had more money…. i'm currently hopping from one min-wage-job to another to escape fast food and do something more chill, but still the pay is so bad. i'm tired of having to hunt for discounts to be able to buy food. i want to be able to buy whatever fruit and veggies i want without having to look at the price. i want to buy nice things without having to wait for them to go on sale. i want to be able to eat out more often.
also the only part-time jobs that i can do while also going to university are shitty min-wage jobs, at least in my area, everything else isn't compatible with my classes time-wise or isn't worth it because it's too stressful.
No. 2124583
>>2124554i apologize, i deleted to fix one tiny retarded mistake lol. unfortunately i dont know if this would work because they know i bring my phone everywhere with me, and would be super
sus if i "forgot" it, they would probably have a conniption fit lol. and im not in charge of my own finances.. i have considered this though and wonder if i could make it work. but thank you so much for understanding nona- usually when i try to talk about this people are like, well at least you have family who cares lol. but really it is so suffocating, i don't even feel like my own person who can actually do things most of the time. i don't think they understand how agoraphobic and depressed they have made me. when im in my room for days its fine, but when i want to leave the house and go to the mall alone, everybody start freaking out..
No. 2124585
>>2124512No. I am not. Weird shit is happening to me that I wish nobody would have to go through and nobody would believe that this crap is happening to me either way. The weirdest part is that normal people are doing this to me.
I genuinely wish that I had schizophrenia so that I wouldn't have to actually go through this.
The whole world is calling me a black dog. They made a band in Japan where they are depicting me as an ugly dog in front of everyone. Hundreds of thousands of people are going to concerts of a band that is dehumanizing me in public. They are using all of my messages and placing things that I am genuinely experiencing within my life into songs while I live with my batshit dad in a moldy apartment. I don't have one single friend and I struggle with severe suicidal depression.
Quite literally the whole world is dehumanizing me and I do not exist as a human being anymore.
No. 2124645
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>>2124613They are called Petit Brabancon. They are degrading me in public and depicting me as an ugly dog in front of everyone.
>>2124618Everyone in society has been abusing me ever since I was a kid. It is happening in front of everyone. Nobody cares. I just get told "we are sorry this is happening to you" "go to therapy" "get help". Or I get turned into a lolcow and have my problems down played. My therapist might call me a black dog if our relationship wasn't pay walled. I've been struggling with severe suicidal depression ever since I was a kid and nobody has been taking me seriously. To this moment. I don't have friends. A boyfriend. I have nobody.
This is about me. They are depicting me as an ugly dog in front of everyone. That is supposed to be me. Hundreds of thousands of people are paying for tickets to go see the band. They are using and objectifying all of my problems. The DM's that I have sent him. I've been told them repeatedly that I want to commit suicide. Everything that I do or say. They turn it into a product.
I am watching an ugly ass incel get 20 million views on a a YouTube video and get a beautiful wife. While I wake up and go to sleep in the ugliest apartment in the world with my batshit insane dad struggling immensely with both my mental and physical health and then I have to hear some tranny talk about their problems and gender identity while I am being degraded in front of hundreds of thousands of people. Depicted as an ugly dog. There are millions of pieces of merch where I am being dehumanized and depicted as an ugly dog pushed out. They are acting upon my impulses in public.
While I just wake up and go to sleep in a shitty apartment with my batshit insane dad. On the verge of homelessness daily with no friends. No boyfriend. Nobody.
To this moment everyone is acting like none of this crap is about me even though it is and I get sent to therapy. Even though in my situation it is impossible to access mental health resources.
Imagine being depicted as an ugly dog in front of everyone. Dehumanized in front of everyone. Having hundreds of thousands of people partake in your dehumanization and having it monetized.
To this moment everyone is screeching at me and telling me to go to therapy or people are straight up laughing in my face. What is happening to me…is extreme. It would basically turn anyone into a criminal or it would be turned into a huge internet thing.
But to this moment people are acting like this is not happening to me. That this is not about me. That this has no emotional impact on me.
Again. Imagine being portrayed as an ugly dog in front of hundreds of thousands of people. Having hundreds of thousands of people pay tickets to partake in your dehumanization. Having your genuine experiences and problems used in lyrics.
Anyone would commit suicide. People do not have empathy for me.
I cannot step back into society after this. Also, I know that I won't receive justice nor empathy. That everyone will ignore it and pretend like it isn't happening to me. Because basically everyone is partaking in it.
What hurts me the most is that the people doing this have normal amounts of empathy. Including him.
No. 2124657
>>2124655Sending him DMs of what? Did you send him your face or something?
You said no one believes you when you tell them this, so how are you being humiliated if no one even knows that dog is supposed to represent you?
No. 2124658
>>2124652No. This is actually happening to me. I wish it didn't. I wish that I had schizophrenia. I don't want to be degraded in a band where I am depicted as an ugly dog in front of everyone LMAO.
I genuinely wish this wasn't real KEK. It is unironically happening to me.
Imagine being depicted as an ugly dog in front of hundreds of thousands of people and having that monetized.
I just wish that none of this crap would have happened to me. I'd be at peace with my situation. I wish that all this shit was a fanfic.
No. 2124723
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>>2124697It is impossible to step back into society and my only option is suicide. Imagine the whole planet has crossed all of your boundaries and that you have turned into a public urinal. I cannot attempt to reintegrate into society after all of this.
I could have been living in Tokyo. Struggling with both my mental and physical health alone. Being in the same situation as at home. Living with my batshit insane dad. I wouldn't be able to go outside anymore. Attempting to get a regular job while walking amongst people that are wearing merch where I am being degraded.
I do not have dignity or integrity anymore and I cannot attempt to reconnect with society when normal people with regular levels of empathy are humiliating me. I can't step back into society.
Again, I could have been in Tokyo.
Hirofumi Takamatsu is a normal person with regular levels of intelligence and empathy that I'd like to be friends with and he is in a band that is degrading me in public.
Basically I have been denied access into society and everyone is partaking in my abuse. This is how it's been ever since I was a kid.
(take your meds) No. 2124730
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Hirofumi Takamatsu is someone that I would like to believe is on the same level of intelligence as me and someone that I'd like to be friends with. Yet, he is degrading me in public.
Simply. I cannot step back into society anymore. It is over.
No. 2124820
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I hate my camwhore neighbor so much holy shit why do they all have the worst boundaries? don't fucking text the groupchat with me and my nigel in it (that solely exists for us to split the shared internet bills between our households) about your relationship problems stemming from you being a massive fucking whore. she's not even hiding it, she complained about me knocking on the door to drop off misdelivered perishable groceries in 90 degree weather because she was "streaming", then had to bring it up when we ran into her only to act coy and say "oh you dont want to know!" when I asked what she streams, right in front of my nigel?? Literally just lie or something, anything. And now I feel like shes purposefully walking around in her house in her camwhore lingerie with the blinds up (our house is less than 100 ft away, with our bedroom window pointing towards their living room window)
No. 2124872
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I'm just floored seeing nonita in here saying they'll vote for Trump just because Kamala isn't anti tranny. Like, I get it, fuck their "rights" but I want my right to my own bodily autonomy back. That should take precedence over your hatred of agp men. You stupid bitches need slapped…
No. 2124876
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>>2124872I looooove kamala but I kind of recognize it’s impossible to change a trump supporters mind, same goes for supporters of like every candidate ever. I’d rather focus on the moderates and those who don’t want to vote at all, although seeing so many women cape for a man who was on epstein’s island is a little depressing. But it’s whatever
No. 2124967
>>2124950If you think there is any chance at all you will attempt, please go to the hospital. I know the psych ward isn't the best place to be, but I would rather you be alive then dead, Nona.
If you can keep yourself safe (and be honest to yourself about this), then there are outpatient options you can look into depending on where you live.
No. 2124974
>>2124967Outpatient has done nothing but screw me over. Not on drugs therefore they don’t care. If anything they are why I’m set up for this. No one cares about me.
I just can’t do this anymore. I wish I had a physical support system. I wish my family loved me like I tried so hard to get them to. I wish my friends weren’t so far away.
No. 2124995
>>2124967>>2124946>>2124925Same anon. I just don’t know what to do. I can’t ask my family without it being made into a huge mess (and being held over my head + shamed). My friends and boyfriend can’t do much of anything. I’m terrified of calling anywhere because I know I can’t say anything that won’t get me brought somewhere. I don’t want them to send EMS and police. I will willingly get into a cop car and drive away before the whole shebang. My step mom’s best friend is my neighbor. If she sees I’m the reason the ems and cops are here she will call that nosey annoying cunt. I rather have to ask for forgiveness as to why I’m in the ER and no one knew until last minute and lie about a welfare check. I almost want to have someone call one in so I can at least have that card to pull when my step mom and dad look at the police scanner report on Facebook. My case worker will be so pissed at me.
During all this I think my cat is getting sick? I have to take her to the vet tomorrow. I can’t go. I have to take her.
. I don’t see a reason anymore. I don’t know what I’m supposed to do
. Everyone is just letting me drown :
No. 2125016
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Men will never humanize women the way these retarded pickmes humanize men
No. 2125072
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I just found out my manager dates one of his employees and he already got her pregnant. And he's like 10 years older than her. I'm so god damn uncomfortable with this.
No. 2125155
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A judge mocked me in court today because he accused me of filling out my small claims form incorrectly. I am not a lawyer; sometimes I represent a small company when the owner is traveling.
He said my totals for monetary damages were incorrect- but they were exact. I asked him to elaborate so I could adjust it in that moment if I was in error.
He spat back “If you are going to act like a lawyer at least do your research”. This coming from the man who was just joking with the male attorney before me about the fact he cant spell “monetary” damages… a judge who went to law school…
He ended up siding with me and I won the case. I went straight to the ladies over at the clerks office and asked what I did wrong- they couldnt find a single issue- and they process several of these forms a shift.
Then one of the clerks asked me if it was Eric- the bald judge and I said yes! Thats him. She rolled her eyes and said he was a dick and her coworker nodded.
This is not the first time I have dealt with an asshole judge, and of course the other was a male. All the female judges? Fantastic, patient, understanding of small errors.
Its like they see a woman holding her own without a law degree and they lose their shit.
I hate men; I hate how condescending they are the moment they are in a position of power. Such little dick energy. For now on Im requesting a continuance any time a male judge is in court.
No. 2125158
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I ripped up every single one of my tarot cards and threw them in the trash. It was felt so cathartic. I’m done believing in bullshit, good riddance
No. 2125179
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>>2125158Good on ya, nonna, might as well just be reading goat entrails
No. 2125267
>>2125228My dad became like 95% less insufferable after I started to regularly call him a faggot when he started shit with me
Because really why is a man beefing with a girl? That’s gay as hell lmao
No. 2125653
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I have no money atm, I’m sick with a scratchy throat and stuffy sinuses, hungry but not hungry because the sickness is messing with my appetite, everything is bothering me, my birthday is coming up in a few days and the only thing i want to do is just kill myself to relieve this pain. i didnt get any of the jobs i interviewed for which made me sad and depressed and idk if i can get a job soon and it’s scaring me so bad i desperately need money and help but i have no one. i’m so royally screwed in every way i just want this to end. i’m hungry for ramen too yugh
No. 2125674
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No. 2125744
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I don't think I was meant to have friends. I feel like a dog groveling for friendship/human interaction no matter if I try either offline or online to make friends.
I'm truly my happiest when I'm alone and I think I'll just stay alone. Enjoying my hobbies alone and focusing on work/school alone.
No. 2125758
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>>2125472theyre nice but they cant give me a hug or kiss…
No. 2125781
>>2125768>>2125768right?! my parents and boyfriend have all been sick of her for a while now but ive always given her the benefit of the doubt because she's always been nice to me. i literally helped her with tying up her bathing suit last night before i went upstairs and noticed the cat. i have 2 cats of my own that stay in the basement with me and i'm scared for them too. as far as i know she hasn't been mean to my cats but i feel like its only a matter of time. i'm literally worried she's going to poison one of them or something.
i really hope my parents kick her out or my brother dumps her.
No. 2125806
>>2125750Truly psychotic behavior
I don’t think I’d wanna live in the same house with someone like that
No. 2125847
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I'm trying to get so much off my shoulders but it hard to get my mind off all of the past bullshit I've experienced with her/ my group.
She is nothing but a user, she always was. I kept being friend with her and helped her out thinking that I was doing the right thing and that she would appreciate it and reciprocate eventually. That never came.
She would skinwalk so bad, lying about doing activities that I did, taking and retelling my jokes/phrases. Whenever she could be called on the lie, she would just gaslight until I got top tired to continue.
She never had any consideration for me. Would ask to borrow money that I would never get back. She would demand I draw for her channel but would take 6 month to pay me for my work. She's always late or would only stay for like 20 during a planned event. And worst she gave my covid twice, after lying about having it before coming on long trips. That was before a convention and a comedy show. She doesn't care about putting anyone else's health at risk.
For the last month I've been trying to get something back from her. She had my portable phone charger after the trip to the comedy show and would make no attempt to give it back. I contacted her multiple times to ask whenvwe could meet up. Eventually, I just broke down and said that I'd go to her place to get it. She cancels, because she decided to go to a street festival on a whim. It was one that is close to my place, and of course she conveniently forgets to bring my charger… I couldn't let it go. I didn't want to leave anything remaining before I cut her out or it would drove me crazy.
I remember the day before I went to her place, she had the audacity to ask if we were still "cool", after everything.
No. 2125913
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Why is someone still able to leave me a voicemail after I blocked their fucking number. Leave me alone.
No. 2125917
I have another rant about a similar person. This toxic ass woman keeps calling my job and harassing me and my coworkers. We've blocked her number but she can call the operator and get connected to us. We're working on changing our system, but until then, this bitch calls us for about an hour straight (we always hang up on her before she gets to start in) before finally doing something else with her life. And I know a lot about this bitch, because when she first started calling, I actually tried to work with her (big mistake). I know her family, I know her boyfriend, I found her social media, I've seen her tiktok, and I know her "real" name, and not the fake one she gives us, and I have her e-mail address and phone number. She calls us and goes 'SHAME! SHAME!' into the phone, or requests random people to talk to like a fucking freak, or calls us cunts or bitches, or says that we want her dead because she's autistic. No you stupid bitch, I want you to stop taking out your anger on people that didn't do anything.
If I ever find a better job, or leave this job, I am going fucking ape shit on this person. In my darker moments I've fantasized about showing up to their house and scaring the shit out of them (idk how I'd do that but it's a great thought). I've thought of contacting them directly and telling them exactly how I feel, and letting them know that if they want to keep harassing people I know who they are and where to find them. But that won't do anything. She is too much of a narc to understand that she isn't the most victimized person in the world.
No. 2126098
nonnie, I already got the charger back. I couldnt stop until I had it back. And now I'm trying to cut all ties. It's hard because we're in group chats with other friends (who arent bad, but im not as close with), but I think I may need just scrub everything. My ex friend is the type to turn a group and out a person that she doesn't like… I don't think it's even worth it to try
No. 2126099
>>2125971That's why I mentioned it is undesirable. You don't want to stay at a place that treats you like shit, anyway.
>My mom worked at a place for 15 years and then was suddenly let go with little explanation.Was this a layoff? Because I specifically mean cases where you are considered the one at fault.
>What does help is making sure your workplace needs you by knowing a skill nobody else does. Then they'll value you because it'll be too much of a pain to replace you.Assuming someone has been at their job that long and isn't completely incompetent, that should go without saying. Most people, after working for somewhere that long, usually have in-depth knowledge of at least one or two internal processes that the company knows would be too expensive and time-consuming to train a new hire on. This is why they tried a back-handed way to let my mother go by cutting her hours instead. They would rather force you to quit than deal with firing you at that point.
No. 2126219
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I hate when my mom cuts up fruit with the same cutting board and knife as she cut an onion and then acts like I am an ungrateful person for not eating watermelon (or whatever fruit) that tastes like onions. She’s been doing this since I was a kid and it’s the bane of my existence. Is this a mom thing or is it just my mom? She’ll be like “I RINSED THEM OFF” and act like I’m crazy even though I can taste the onion plainly even though I didn’t see her cut it and couldn’t have known ahead of time to hatch my evil ungrateful daughter plan of pretending fruit tastes like onions
I’ve been wanting watermelon so bad this summer and we finally get one and she ruins the whole thing with onion. I am devastated
No. 2126245
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>noo anon what you researched is not what I wanted please let me give you the information
>ooops anon i dont have a computer please let me send you screenshots my snotty boyfriend sent me and put it in a document tee hee
eat shit and die
No. 2126272
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Boyfriend said he'd move on sooner or later if we broke up, I'm not sure I'd move on, I think there's a chance I'd kms. It's making me want to get with this other guy while we're still in a relationship
No. 2126295
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>>2126272>another woman worrying over a nigelkek, straight women
No. 2126400
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I haven't done ANYTHING this fucking summer, part of it is because of the unstable fucking weather that I react harshly too but also because taking on two summer courses was too much for me so I've been pretty exhausted.
But it is also because I realized I lost a lot of friends. A couple of years ago, because of a couple of incidents, I fell into a deep depression so I didn't have the energy nor motivation to be the one to arrange activities and most of my friends were so used to me being the one to get in touch first they just sort of… forgot about me, I guess? And it took a huge toll on my confidence, because you start thinking "is something wrong with me? Did they ever actually like me?" etc. It has sort of messed me up to the point it's gotten really hard to reach out to the friends I still have, I still have to take the first step if I want to do something but the relationship at least feels like it's going both ways. I don't blame them or have any hard feelings, they have their own lives and issues to focus on. If fate wants us to reconnect then it will do so.
But because of my insecurity I have created a dumb fucking cycle that makes me miserable, and I don't know how to get out of it. I want to bring it up to my friends, not in a way to guilt them into anything or whatever but more because I want support in breaking this cycle. But at the same time I feel like I'm in a glass box - even if I try to reach out, will they really, truly understand exactly how lonely I am? Exactly how stuck I am? Or will they take it as an hyperbole and wave it off? I say I want support, but what if it turns out I don't actually know what I want or need? Maybe I haven't actually recovered from the depression, my emotions just got temporarily redirected because I got a cat that has helped my mental health a lot.
Help me anons, I don't know what to do. I'm in a hell of my own making.
No. 2126418
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Got a tooth removed and pain in my ankle where I can’t put my full weight on it, I just want to go back to the gym nonnas
No. 2126437
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Who the fuck would decide suicide is a sin, no matter what, except evil fucks who want to ensure labor and get away with callous mistreatment? It's evil to create an atmosphere of guilt and shame behind suicidal ideation. This is just one of many reasons why abrahamic religions are fucking cursed, and I resent the fact that so much bullshit has shaped the world. Non-abrahamic religions are full of shit, too, and that's because people are evil and full of shit. Not a single one that just teaches to be a good person without some bullshit. All of them have some psychopathic faggot who raped women or kids or animals at the helm, and their acolytes do the same. Non-religious systems (like governments) are the same. I hate this shit.
No. 2126485
>>2126151Smelly people are low empathy and lack observational awareness. Being a rancid fuck is not something you should want to subject others to.
>>2126159Make accounts online that can't be tied to you and do it to them back.
No. 2126488
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>not interested in soymoid at all
>give him the bare minimum and one word replies
>leave soymoid on read, hopefully he leaves me alone for the rest of the week
>30 minutes later get a "so wat r u doing :p" message
No. 2126506
>>2126400ok yeah idk if it's sleep deprivation or whatever, been crying all night. I think I'm definitely still depressed after all, and I can't bring myself to ask for help. I don't want to be the friend that drains the energy of others with their rambling and self wallowing. If it wasn't for my cat I would have killed myself, and I'm on the verge to undo all the progress I made in therapy a few years ago and start cutting again.
Maybe I'm spiraling, idk. But the feeling that I could go out into the forest and never come back and nobody would take notice is so real. So so real. Everything hurts. Yeah, I'm spiraling. My existence if futile, worthless. Every little thing have always pointed towards the fact that I shouldn't exist, I've always known that. It's always in the back of my head.
At least I have the cat. At least I have my beloved cat.
No. 2126516
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I should have bought the jeans I really wanted because NOW THE SIZE IS GONE. fuck
No. 2126554
I am stuck in life. I am surviving and have a job where I sit at a desk and that's all, and I mean literally all, I have going on. I go to work, do the same repetitive low-level tasks I do every day, then come home and watch youtube videos until I go to bed to go to work again in the morining. My commute is 2.5 hours a day. It honestly doesn't matter though because the only thing I'd do with the extra time is watch a couple more youtube videos.
My life is just over the line to be considered not an abject failure by family and society, but that's it. I know I will be pitied (and am, to anyone who's figured out how empty my life is) if anyone gets to know me because I let it get this bad, so I don't let anyone get to know me, and there's no way out of this. I didn't realize this was even a trap I could fall into until I was in it. Like, oops, you failed to make friends in college and now you will have nothing and nobody for the rest of your life because making friends as a working adult is a myth. And I've gone so long by myself now that I lost the desire to even interact with others at all so I don't enjoy talking to people or socializing anymore even if we get along, I just count the minutes until I can leave and go be alone eating dinner in front of youtube again. I want a redo that rewinds back to age 18 so I can do this over and not get stuck this time, because its too late for me now.
No. 2126735
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receives $200 from parent
>spends some at the local grocery store
>alredy down to $130
>decides to spend a little to get myself a birthday present which wasn’t technically too expensive just $15
>pays $7 of the subscription fee just so I can get the item in time
>goes to sleep thinking nothing will go wrong
>wakes ups be checks email
>payment declined??
>wonders why
>checks bank account
>$25 taken because i borrowed a cash advance i couldn’t even pay back because i’m going through dire financial times
>forgot to cancel the subscription for the stupid thing as well
>has to take $25 more out of the $105
>not even eligible for another cash advance anymore
>back down to $81
>almost back to being broke again
I almost want to cry. First world problems I know, but goddamn they couldn’t have just waited a little longer on their greed of course not. Why is the universe working against me lately fuckkk
No. 2126868
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it's been a few months since i've finally weaned myself off my medication after 3 years of taking them and now my anxiety is killing me. i can't stop worrying about everything and i'm not sure how i coped before medication, but I don't want to take them anymore. i finally feel like myself again, but at what cost?
No. 2126909
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i'm so fucking annoyed that charli xcx has proved so easily that you don't need to be talented, particularly good at music or marketing, but gen z'ers and gay men are literally so retarded if you can come up with a concept consumable enough for them they will latch on to it and make it a success. ITS LITERALLY JUST THE COLOR GREEN WHY IS EVERYTHING "BRAT" NOW I'M EVEN SEEING IT ON THE NEWS I HATE IT!!!!
No. 2126959
>>2117414Anon you should have ended the friendship when she literally didn't care about fucking your literal rapist. What the hell for fucks sake doesn't that already led on her damn character to you?? She didn't even care about you getting sexually assaulted, hell! Get some self respect!!!
Literally wtf is wrong with some of you anons in this website you'll excuse literally anything a fucking pickme does just because she has a coochie too no matter how vile and misogynistic they can get. Some of y'all should gain some awareness that the world is a misogynistic shithole and most women are sadly enablers in it and we need to focus on protecting our pace and that of little girls who are the most vulnerable to misogynist abuse. Bleh.
No. 2126961
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My boss contacted me earlier this week about being promoted to a new department and scheduled a meeting for today to go over the position but I just learned that I’m actually competing with five other people for the position and it wouldn’t come with a pay raise. Instead I’d be “gaining knowledge and experience” instead. I feel so fucking stupid. I really don’t want this promotion now - what’s the point in taking on added stress if there’s no fucking bonus or pay raise in the end? I don’t want to come across as a bad worker or ungrateful if I turned it down but I’m so pissed off.
No. 2126965
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I fucking hate how jobs are allowed to treat employees like garbage or in my case a prospective employee. I don’t care anymore, I refuse to give any job any single atom of effort cause they don’t give a fuck about wasting my or anyone else’s time. I went in for an interview and they kept me waiting in the lobby for 15 minutes without saying a single word to me. Also the employees talked about me as if I wasn’t there. I knew this job was gonna suck cause the recruiter called me and was definitely in the Philippines or something which is a bad sign but this put me over the edge. Just fuck my time right? I have nothing better to do but sitin this lobby. No warning call no email, nothing. At this point I would rather make less if I didn’t have to deal with middle management ever again. FUCK ITS RAINING TOO. I JUST NEED ONE MORE PART TIME JOB TO NOT BE STARVING. Ugh stay in school nonnies…..
Pic related cause I want to go back to when the dog was the most important thing in my life.
No. 2127030
>>2127029Samefag but I recently moved into my mom's basement so I guess with that he thinks he can be as loud and
abusive as he wants. Charging me rent for this shit too in a bit.
No. 2127085
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>Can't sleep before 5AM without medication
>Get vivid nightmares with medication
No. 2127227
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>At a festival last weekend.
>Chilling in the campsite blaring tunes and getting wasted before going Natasha Bedingfield.
>I asked a friend if could play a song and she gave me her phone
>She snatched it back instantly but I could see lolcow on it
>I wanted to tell her you're not alone
I'm not going to out her but like I want a terfy or at least nerdy friends…
We were near blackout drunk so I think she'd prefer none of us remember it
No. 2127303
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>>2127235Our friends are all very lefty. If I get drunk and blag everything about us being terfs I can see why she'd be worried. Also this is supposed to be an anon site, I'm breaking the first rule. Anyway if you're here S love you
No. 2127463
>>2127432Nona, NO.
BAD NONA. I'm telling you this for your own good, this is a terrible idea. No matter how much you love your ex, she is your ex for a reason and you deserve better than to be hurt by everyone in your life. Don't become accustomed and desensitized to misery.
No. 2127649
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Pharmacy was out of stock of my meds and won’t be able to fulfill my script until next week. Meaning I will be unmedicated during my vacation. Why is nothing ever easy.
No. 2127816
>>2127813Ayrt, any stories you got
nonnie I'm all ears.
No. 2127834
>>2127816One time I was supposed to access a storage room to get some stock out and shelve them, but no one told me the code to get in, so since everyone was so spread out, I took the opportunity to fuck off in one of the changing rooms and take an edible. I managed to successfully slack off for a few hours. I had my vpn on, so I could watch some stuff on those kissanime type websites on my phone. It was fun, but my cotton mouth was killing me. I eventually came out to get back to work, and when my supervisor asked me where I was, I told her that I didn’t know the code (truth) and that no one was around to help me (lie). I got away with it because no one gave a shit. There were times where people would tell me to do something that I had never done before in my life with no instruction, and would yell at me when I asked for help, thus solidifying my hatred of moids. The women were undoubtedly nicer to me, even my boss, although she was a snarky, manipulative, greasy and pimple-spackled hambeast.
No. 2127890
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My bunny died today
No. 2127891
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>>2127890I am so sorry. They are hopping in bunny heaven
No. 2127916
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>>2127425I can't keep a secret to save my life and I know the second I get drunk I'd spill the beans to the whole group.
>Oh yeah me and S are part of this whole funny terfy fringe internet site based off 4chan. You gals should all join. This isn't weirdI'll try drop some hints but for now I'm I'll keep quiet unless she approaches me. It's better this way. Cows are solitary creatures by nature after all.
No. 2127920
>>2127890aw im sorry
nonny ♥
No. 2127922
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>just found out hamletmachine drew furry-futa on female bestiality rape with knotting and called it "girlfriend werewolf knot"
i can't STAND her she's a huge fucking retarded piece of shit, i swear to god when the average shitter artist isn't drawing bubble-thighed china doll lolis holding hands they're just drawing male on female rape and calling it FeMsLaSh. the "femme" looks like a fucking tranny too because the hips are narrow as fuck. HM is like if a yaoi artist became a massive fucking pickme. the ultimate fall from grace. i only even know of hamletmachine because my exgirlfriend bought her starfighter comics from a con 10 years ago. i KNEW the moment HM posted that fucking "MiCkEy AnD jEsSiCa" shit in 2017 it was over. an artist with a rape fetish will only ever draw rape. male/male, male/female, female/female. the characters are just mere tools to project a fetish onto. there's no authenticity. there's no affection. there's only predators and violation and i can't STAAAAAAND it. mickey is meant to be a ~butch lesbian~ but looks like a fucking broad shouldered-narrow hips 6'4 moid. jessica is meant to be a ~femme~ but looks like a 5'5 narrow hips tranny. WHY fucking bother drawing women when you make them look like the male characters you secretly wish you were actually drawing you fucking cuck. and then on top of that making the ~butch~ a retarded looking anthro wolf with an omegaverse rape rod attached, almost like that mentally challenged sped isn't actually attracted to women and has to dehumanize a butch woman and her "femme victim" as much as possible to muster up enough horniness to warrant drawing that absolute foul abomination of a lesbian couple. i thought i blocked HM on twitter but NOOOO. a (now blocked) ""sapphic"" mutual retweeted that shit and went crazy on my timeline saying "THIS IS THE HOTTEST FEMSLASH EVER. AND IT'S NONCON TOO. BASEDDDD." Fucking SHUT the fuck up you're all so fucking braindead i swear to god if i shot you in the head none of you would even flinch you'd all still be posting futa rape and yelling BAAAASEDDD on shitter like primitive fucks with undeveloped brains and no self awareness. and WORSE, I'D end up seeing you do it jeeesus fuck.
No. 2128013
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My BF and I got approved for WFH so we moved out. Went rural. Get that nature life. It fucking sucks. There's only so many hikes and nature walks you can go on. I know I'm vapid and petty but I miss dumb city shit. I want my London. I'll never be able to afford a flat but I want my city shite. He loves it here but I am dying. I'm not knocking rural people but it really isn't for me.
No. 2128050
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I was drinking with my roommates heavily last night. Woke up this morning and went into toilet hugging mode. Roommate is gone but I'm pretty sure she heard me puke and her new BF said he'll cover for me and made me breakfast. What's his game? I'm lesbian af, I'm not subtle about it and he knows that. Somethings up. I'm still wasted but I don't trust breakfast men
No. 2128071
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>>2128052We ate together. I had like three bites then excused myself for aforementioned toilet mode. During food he asked how much he should revolut me for the bag we shared. He seems decent but in a way too much decent way. Patrick Bateman vibes. I'm going to stay in my room until he leaves. I've never had this level of house terror before.
Please just fuck off dude. Let me smoke and puke in peace
No. 2128096
>>2128079Yeah it might be that. He's leaving now. I always get paranoid af when I'm coming down from MDMA. I'm gonna keep my peepers on him though. Breakfast men are always suspicious kek.
Looking back I hope I didn't seem bitchy.
No. 2128302
I‘ve been struggling with anxiety, agoraphobia and depression since I was 14 and barely am able to live on my own. I have no friends and am highly dependent on my parents. Especially when it comes to things like doctors appointments, because I can’t use public transport (bc of my phobia). (Cabs are really expensive here and Uber or similar doesn’t exist.)
My parents are on vacation this week and they really need this. I want them to have some time for themselves.
However, now yesterday for some reason my teeth randomly started hurting really bad. I had this before and it went away the next day, so I just took an ibuprofen and went to sleep. And it did stop hurting, but this morning I woke up with a fever and my cheek being bright red.
Since it started with my teeth hurting I wanted to go see my dentist. Which would be a struggle as it is, since getting there alone is a huge struggle. But to make things worse, my dentists office is closed for vacation for two weeks anyway. The replacement office is … bad, to say the least. Me and two of my family members have been there for emergencies before and they only made things worse.
I tried to find another dentist near me but they all refuse to take any new patients and tell me to go to that emergency-office I mentioned.
As I was really desperate, I called my parents and asked them for at least some advice. They told me to go see my GP instead of a dentist, since it might be something non-teeth related as there is no swelling and my teeth don’t hurt anymore. So I tried but they’re on vacation as well. The replacement praxis was closed already.
Now I consider going to urgent care. Which is an awful thought because not only is getting there by myself a huge ordeal, but my anxiety is already through the roof because I‘ve never been there.
It sounds so pathetic, but I could need my parents right now. I feel so alone and overwhelmed with the whole situation, on top of already feeling like shit due to whatever is going on with my body.
I‘ve broken down twice already and had a panic attack. I‘m exhausted.
Part of me just wants to pump my body with more ibuprofen and hope for the best until my parents are back on Monday. But who knows what might happen until then.
I feel so pathetic bc there are people my age having families and all that shit and I‘m here crying for mommy like a little kid.
God I hate myself.
No. 2128308
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Pinterest has been completely overrun by AI
No. 2128341
>>2127803I relate to this so much nona. I've had to hear everything from any apartment I've ever lived in. Having to hear neighbor's sex is especially bad because it freaks me out. One time the banging on my wall was so bad it woke me up in the middle of the night and I thought someone was trying to tear it down. I didn't know what was going on until I heard the moaning. Another time an unhinged neighbor seemed to have some psychotic episode because I could hear him keep screaming and throwing shit at the wall. It was probably because I tried to bang on the wall myself to let him know to be quiet, but I guess you have to be careful if you don't know whether or not the moid next to you is insane. lol
Anyway they probably don't even notice or care, but I've liked to switch the name on my WiFi to shit like "Hey loud sex neighbors" to try and embarrass my current neighbors. That can keep me anonymous so I don't have someone possibly unhinged coming after me once they know what I look like, while still letting them know they're annoying pieces of shit.
No. 2128363
I used like looking at comfy cottages and now it’s all ai slop
No. 2128468
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Fell down the stairs last weekend like an idiot and broke my foot, I was going to go Sziget (third biggest Euro festival) so now I'm living vicariously through my friend's posts and Sziget's live stream. Everyone looks hot as fuck and and I'm stuck in my bedroom. Kill me.
No. 2128522
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i almost always look sickly and dead because i have problems sleeping and a blood autoimmune disorder, i just want to not feel ugly for once without concealer under my eyes..
No. 2128526
>>2128480If they're inconsiderate enough to be making noise like that in the first place, I have no hope that people like this would stop no matter what you say. I could call the cops on them but they're black so I don't want them to get shot or some shit.
Honestly wish before signing a lease somewhere you could have a trial run of living there one or two months. Or that landlords wouldn't be so predatory and at least let you sign month to month instead of only per year. Or that serious screening (Are you moving in with a moid? Do you have dogs or kids? If yes, then get the fuck out.) was done to determine how quiet a tenant will be and that landlords actually took noise complaints seriously. Renting somewhere you hope is quiet is always a cointoss.
No. 2128539
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>>2128526>I could call the cops on them but they're black so I don't want them to get shot or some shit.Can’t relate, I called the police on my black neighbors a couple of times already
No. 2128576
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>>2128539It's grown up baby sinclair
No. 2128577
>>2128538>they're probably keeping the other neighbors up as wellTo be fair, I'm misophonic and just hate living near other people so I don't know about this one.
>Call the non-emergency line if your landlords blow you off, that's what it's there for.Might go straight for that non-emergency line and not bother with the landlord at all then to be honest. No landlord, in my experience, has ever done anything anywhere else I've complained to them at. They really only care about collecting your money and that's it.
No. 2128680
Sometimes I want to live in one of those small nation states where there’s no race riots, none of the people who make politics their personality traits, no mass shootings, no culture wars, etc.
No. 2128761
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Decided to quit drinking for a while. Waking up with bits of vomit in my hair, bruises on my hands and knees and another missing phone was taking a toll on my life. I've managed 3 weeks, longest since I was 16. Yay! I was meeting with a friend for coffee yesterday and I told her I won't be at Xs thing tomorrow
>You're not that bad, Y is way worse (I am and it's not a competition)
>You can come and not drink (I will)
>You're being kinda selfish by not coming (I guess I am but like do you want a bitch who has a 50% chance of pissing herself there)
I wish as an adult there was more social stuff to do besides drinking. Drinking works for some people but I'm a complete mess when I'm drunk. I'm going to join a running club on Monday. Maybe I can be a mess at that.
No. 2128776
>>2128761As a
nonny in her 30s, I will tell you that there is a nearly mutually exclusive divide between the people who hang out without alcohol ever and the people who ONLY hang out to drink. Very few are in the middle (brunch drinking doesnt count), and going sober and not fucking yourself up regularly makes a lot of people lose interest in you, like a circus monkey that stops performing.
The athletic hobby club idea is good, sounds boring and normie but there are good people out there who care about health and provide good motivation and companionship.
No. 2128784
>>2128761Keep it up!! I need to take a break, too. I quit for 2 years so I could devote myself to finishing my degree. And when I got it, I started drinking again. It was fine at first, but now instead of 2 beers after work I'm drinking more and more, my life is getting sloppy again, and I'm feeling more and more depressed. Please know that life can feel super hard when you're sober but it's destined to be even harder if you are bad at controlling drinking! I believe in you!
Also, your mental and physical health is more important than the opinions of others. Friends will tell you that "you're not that bad" but they don't live inside your head and they don't actually know how bad it really is. Like, don't dump your friends or anything, but remember that you have to brush a lot of stuff off when it comes to people who can't understand.
There are people who want to do fun shit without drinking, and it looks like you're willing to try new activities, which will definitely help meet people who can socialize without drinking.
No. 2128797
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It makes me kinda irrationally angry when I post a cutie in the unconventional men thread and some anons see that the thread is bumped and post their fat ugly internet dude for the millionth time… No i don't care who he is. No i don't care.
No. 2128800
>>2128761>>2128596I feel both of these. I currently live in a bumfuck nowhere desert city and it’s so unbearably, blistering hot outside. There’s nothing to do and nowhere to go and you can’t even walk outside in nature because 1. There is no nature or trees and 2. It’s too FUCKING hot to live! Even my pepper plants I tried to grow on my balcony stopped flowering and won’t fruit because it’s too fucking hot.
The “night life” here is pretty ghetto and unsafe for women, there are literally no meetups (all of the websites/groups for these are old and out of date), majority of the population here is overweight and unhealthy, and I started getting fat too since moving here.
Drinking and watching TV is the main form of entertainment here, and it’s so hard to resist it when there’s just nothing else to do.
No. 2128845
Thanks everyone!
>>2128776Yeah I'm 27 and I can see divide. Ironically the biggest mess (besides myself) is the most succesful. Weird how that is. Still though everything is either small coffee dates or getting wasted. I'm going to really try at the running. I've set a goal with my sister to be able to run contunously 5k before Xmas
>>2128784Honestly some of my friends are cool but some are
toxic. The same girls who say I'm not that bad are the same ones asking the boys to get a bag at 9PM. They're nice people and I love them but like we need to get our shit together. I'm trying but I can't make them.
>>2128800I'm from bumfuck too. I live in a village just shy of 2k people. 7 bars and nothing fucking else. It ain't hot but it rains constantly. I'm mostly here because rent is cheap and I'm close to my fam
No. 2129120
I'm closer to 30 than 20 now and I know I want a child in my future. I was SA'd in my own childhood, groomed and tiffed out years ago, but when I detransitioned my breasts were already gone. Everything in my reproductive and hormonal system is back to normal now, so I know I'll be fertile when the time comes, but I'm scared that the time will be coming fast (many very close relatives are already old and it's painful to imagine having a baby and said baby never meeting those people). And it hit me I'll never be able to breastfeed my child. Of course I'd thought of that at the time but I didn't give a shit because I was a fucking retard. I never thought I'd ever want a child. I thought of holding my baby and feeling it reach for a breast that isn't there and the grief and the guilt are incommensurable. When I see people advocate for teens to cut off their healthy breasts it doesn't just make me sick to my stomach because I disagree, but additionally because I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy this feeling of total grief and helplessness that you won't be able to connect with your baby in that way. That this is an experience you'll never, in any way, be able to live and share with the baby. I wish I could scream this, that I didn't have a career and that I could say it on TV, I just wish no one else would have to go through this. And yet it keeps coming and coming, teen girls hit their early 20s, come to their senses and lose everything. Some days living in a world where we continue to allow this makes me lose interest for life. I just wanna cry or drink.
No. 2129231
>>2129120I don't know how to tell you this but saying to girls who already hate having breasts and being female
>b-but how will you connect with your future babies!!and thinking that would help is possibly the most retarded idea I've heard in a while.
No. 2129244
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I'm so fucking sick of my shitty friend group and my friend's gf. I finally brought up to the "nicer" girl/her sister that their clique is so fucking shitty and mean about/to people - "we're an inclusive group" my fucking ass. We had a 4th of July BBQ and I realized that if it wasn't for a nearly unrelated guy bringing his army of dudebros over, we'd have like 5 of us left. No other friends came. Everyone that used to hang out with us slowly left except for the worst girls. I still hate seeing people, mostly other girls, get trash-talked, and then suddenly invited to everything as if nothing's happened, and it's obvious 2 of the worst ones are hiding that they want to say awful shit. I don't think my friend's gf has ever really liked me or anyone that comes around, she just happens to get along with people for periods of time and then is a huge bitch again. Apparently they all used to be a lot worse, but eventually went to a professional about it. It's kinda worse since the core group, my high school friend, her parents both have cancer and I swear the gf is just turning into some vulture looking to take over the house. Everyone we had before has just been replaced by her friends and aging parents, and people I mutually knew from high school have been pushed out. Fucking hurts.
Fucking hate these girls since I'm pretty sure they set me up with the biggest asshole they could find (mutual friend who hangs out with other, unrelated asshole women, somehow), lied to me that he was decent and "checks all the boxes" and made it into some huge joke that we're "together." We've gone on a few dates and I cannot stand him anymore, I'm mostly biased by the friend set-up bullshit, he's decent in some ways but I hate how he talks to people. It shouldn't surprise me given how the girls in the group talk to him and how funny he finds it.
Thinking of how to word a breakup message while I have to return a stupid thumb drive to the group 1 last time. I don't want to nuke everything and then still have someone's shit in my house even though it's inconsequential. It's obvious the sister thinks he's a piece of shit, I couldn't even bring up anything nice or cute or funny without her jumping down my throat, so I stopped talking about him. The gf has my phone number but won't text me, goes through my friend to ask "how's your date lmaoooo" and acts like I'm so much closer to this guy than I actually am. She really obviously thinks he's stupid and I hate how she's talked about him anyway. I don't want to date him but I feel bad for him in a way too. Fuck these people.
I thought I was finally getting some decent female friends since it's been a few years of knowing these girls, but everything just went upside down after my high school friend started dating the main girl, the rest invaded, and the parents having cancer ordeal started. Fuck.
No. 2129320
>>2129231That's a good point. I know it's retarded, when I posted it was a completely personal thing I just thought of today (that didn't even matter that much to me in the years since I detrooned). I know when it was told to me pretty much word for word at the time it only comforted me in the idea that I was just not meant to be a woman since I hated those breasts and didn't care for their "purpose", and eventually I went through with the surgery. Which is why I feel really powerless and frustrated. I wish there was any way I could say anything and change things but I know that's not possible, it's cult mentality, the more you try to convince someone out of it the harder they go into their belief. It's part of what adds to the sinking feeling of watching a slowmo car wreck. You only realize what was being said to you at the time mattered once it's too late.
>>2129259>>2129134It does help actually. I didn't know all that. I've been seeing my sister nurse and raise her baby since last year and though I'm very happy for her, it made me think too hard about all this, I started feeling a little sad about my possible future and I ended up not talking to her much about any of these topics. I still hope I can bond with my child any other way, I'm sure a lot of mothers who can't breastfeed for one reason or another do it all the time, but feeling robbed of an experience unique to womanhood just because I was groomed into an ideology at 13 is a specifically terrible feeling. Especially when no one knows the details and will easily say "you did this to yourself". I see some of it in the tif threads sometimes and I don't think many people see the nuance in the decision making process when it's an obviously traumatized teen girl doing this to herself.
No. 2129487
>>2129386Me too nona! I also have a friend (also nearly 30 too) who is messing up her own life and I'm so tired of watching it. Albeit she is doing it in the opposite way to your friend and is a neet living rent-free with her loving mother. She has given up on even trying anything but sugaring for creeps or attempting to find a new boyfriend to "save" her.
>i know i should be more sympathetic because this is low self worth at play and stuff but i’m so frustrated with her lack of improvement that i’m kind of burned out on feeling sorry for her.Exactly how I feel too when my friend comes back time and time again telling me she's either trying to scam another sugar daddy for money or she talked to some weird guy on a dating app after telling me she wouldn't do it anymore.
I truly honestly wish she would meet someone exactly like herself, but with the positions reversed so she could finally see how pathetic her actions are, how they hurt people around her, and that she could change it all and have a better life if she only decided to try.
No. 2129521
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>try doing deep breathing because of my stress levels are terrible, even the tension is painful and seem to be making my sleep much worse
>start yawning and hiccuping a lot more afterwards; often lasts an hour
I mean I know I'm exhausted but this is just weird and annoying.
No. 2129530
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I was at a shop earlier, got in line to pay and noticed all these pins on the backpack infront of me. By first glance I was like "Oh it's just a weeb" then I noticed a ze/zer trans pin. Then I scaled back and it was this large honkin middle aged man with bright red lipstick in a light pink dress and a shitty wig. I thought how fucking gross then he turned slightly and was holding the fucking Ikea shark. I'm disgusted by these fucking troons waltzing about like this. The only trans I see are the terminally online stereotypes so you know they're just absolute degenerates. Fucking disgusting. I really hate them kek.
No. 2129564
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It's so funny when I get on here and the only reason anyone is replying to posts is to be as condescending as possible. Starting to seem like it's the only reason some of you post at all
No. 2129567
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My coworker in his mid 40s is such a fucking weirdo. He's one of those men who feel like they've been wronged by the world because they've been loser nerds their entire lives. The two of us were talking about being abroad and overhearing people who speak our native language talking shit about others, forgetting that someone there may understand them. And then this disgusting ass moid is like "I have a story! When I was young, me and my friend were standing in line. And in front of us there was a girl who had a very… well.. fine butt. And my friend kept talking about it, and after a while the girl turned and was beet red of anger because she understood everything we said." Nonnies I cannot put into words how disgusted I felt as he told me this. That poor, poor girl, she must have felt so objectified and awful. Apparently she told his friend to fuck off, but I told him that she should have knocked him out, but he was like "what he said wasn't that bad". Absolutely revolting. Luckily, most of the men at my job are sweethearts and many of them cannot stand this incel kek. I barely see him around, but he seems to like me and always comes up to me and says hi when he's at the office, I'm considering using this as an opportunity to neg and bully him.
No. 2129583
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>close friend asks over chat how I'm actually doing after I mentioned feeling anxious a couple of days ago
>after a few hours of thinking I decide to be honest for once and fully admit I'm doing really, really bad and why
>also explain that I find it hard to really make others understand how much I'm struggling, making it feel like there is a glass wall between me and others so it's easier to just minimize what I'm feeling or joke it off but I can't handle it anymore
>pretty much admit between the lines that I'm suicidal
>marginally mentions x thing to explain that how I'm feeling and what I'm thinking is not related to it
>friend's response is only focused on x thing and doesn't even touch on anything else I opened up to her about
>why do I even bother opening up to people
No. 2129629
>>2129620rooting for you nona. Do you like animals?
>>2129623we need Yahoo Answers back. In all seriousness I do think lolcow can be surprisingly good there's just not enough activity.
No. 2129636
>>2129583Fuck this thing actually made me feel so much worse and I can't stop thinking about it. It's not her fault, it's hard to deal with friends that are in a really low place and she meant no harm. She is probably just a bit confused or just skimmed through everything until the last part. Maybe a lot of my explanation sounded like schizo ramblings even though it all makes sense to me.
But it really defined that glass wall I was explaining, I can be transparent and tell people how I'm doing but I can't reach them. It's like they're hearing what I say but not actually listening, but perhaps I am also the one covering my ears because I'm too busy looking for validation that my existence is futile. She, I, and a few other friends are supposed to have a picnic today but I'm not feeling it anymore.
No. 2129638
>>2129477Do you have the phone number of anyone else she might be with or have regular contact with? With some sleuthing you might be able to get the number of her landlord or her boss. I would be calling them non stop. When they finally look at their phones they might have a little freak out (serves them right).
>>2129120Your children will be OK. My aunt is allergic to dairy, it's more common than you think, and she did just fine with formula. It's one thing to feel sad for yourself but your kids will be fine.
No. 2129646
>>2129640Are your hb levels good too?
Find the thing that causes exhaustion is super difficult because it's a symptom for like 1000 different things and doctors don't really take you too seriously ime because it's kinda vague.
No. 2129673
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I hate working weekends. All my friends are having fun and I have to do my waitress job and pretend to like assholes so I get a better tips. I'm like a trained monkey.
Can't wait to see what crazy fun I can have on my next day off on Tuesday. Wild times on Tuesday.
No. 2129695
This insomnia is making me want to fucking kill myself I can't live like this I'm going insane.
>>2129673I'm sorry
nonnie, I feel you I worked the weekend shift for a long time. Hope you can get out of it some day.
No. 2129994
>>2129989NTA I hate my mom too and I hope she dies kek. Why is it okay to hate an
abusive spouse who tries to kill you but not an
abusive parent.
No. 2130011
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>>2129632There's been enough posts lately by anons getting repeat bloodwork thinking they must have low iron or low B vits or low something and it not being that. I've had fatigue for years and no simple cause to be found. Then muscle and joint aches started that feel exactly like flu without the rest of the flu symptoms. Get that a few days a month (doesn't correlate with any point in my cycle) and I pretend I'm alright because I can't afford to be sick. Caught between feeling dumb for not chasing it up more by now but then not having the energy to attend a bunch of appts when they always had an 'is this even getting me anywhere?' feeling. Kinda ironic how much energy it can require to try and find out why you've low energy.
No. 2130042
>>2130011I'm convinced I have pmdd or something but I don't feel like getting birth control to test it, because I'm already on psych medication. Other than that, my meds can fuckup my sodium levels but those were fine last I checked. The only abnormalities in my blood panel were high hemoglobin and hematocrit, but doc tested iron levels and they were fine.
I was unemployed for 7 months and cycling through psych meds trying to find the right one, but I'm pretty sure my fatigue was an issue before then. I have no idea what's causing it.
No. 2130065
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Tbh nonnas, I'm at a crossroads rn and I just don't know what to do. My friend introduced me to this job and I was ecstatic because it's been a long time since I had a proper job. The interview went smoothly and I passed it with flying colors, but I just can't get used to the workload and the nature of the job. This is the first time I've done something like this because I accepted a job outside my field of expertise so everything is new to me.
You have to take care of your students/clients/teachers after office hours, work never seems to end and I hate taking care of them. The dilemma here is my mom was rooting for me to get this job (I was a neet for a while), I don't have any savings and I don't have a backup plan so this is the only job I have. I just can't quit because I needed the money, my plan is to push through the probation period and actually see if I could do this. I just hate this job so much, it's a shame that my coworkers are so nice and helpful…Not even halfway thru the probation period and I knew this job wasn't for me and it's killing me every day to be in that position, I have so much to lose. Every day seems like hell on earth working there, Idk if I could make it at all.
No. 2130077
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Recently told my abusive mom to kill herself. She kept coming to my boyfriend’s house (who I’m living with) and leaving creepy letters. My boyfriend said it was funny but eh. I feel like this isn’t something I should go around bragging about, even if I am proud of myself. Just wondering if I really did a good thing or nah
No. 2130128
>>2130109I’m working on that but times are tough and I’m a little too depressed to work right now. I’m practicing my hobbies as consistently as I can until I can figure out a way to monetize them, but my boyfriend makes enough money to take care of us both and he doesn’t even make me do housework so I honestly feel kinda guilty Kek.
I won’t brag about my Nigel too much because I know farmers hate that but just to dispel any worries: he cooks me three square meals a day (even if he just uses hello fresh) and supports my dreams by funding them and telling me I do amazing work. He’s also very protective (keeps his arm around me in public and holds my hand in crowds) which is important to me (I’ll admit because of my shitty childhood) and honestly gives me more patience than I’d be willing to give anyone else. So even if I’m reliant on him and would prefer not to be, things could be a lot worse. Thanks for your concern though.
No. 2130177
My dad is generally great. But he doesn't get how much despair I'm in over never being able to afford my own place (still live with him). He used to charged me $300 in rent, but after I got allowed $100 extra in disability support each month (because I'm a stupid autist) and he found out how "much" money I had saved (I save as much as I can and have been for nearly a decade because I really badly want to buy my own house one day, it's still not even close to enough) he raised it to $400 because to him I'm "well off" and "have more money saved than him". Yeah dad because you go on expensive trips regularly, you buy very expensive equipment for your hobby, you already own a car and a house and boats - things I will NEVER be able to afford! Even after saving for nearly a decade!
I can't work full time but I work 75%, which tbf is more than most autists, and I take saving money very seriously so I can one day have my own home. He has a high paying job and doesn't really get that it's a big deal to me and that I would be able to move out and have my own life faster if he allowed me to save more. Worst part was that he's casually told his girlfriend and me that he doesn't want his kids (me and my brother) to inherit his money, he'd prefer if it went to "society" for some "greater good". He acted like it wasn't even a big deal to say it in front of me. My disabled autist brother can't work at all and lives fully on support with staff taking care of him, money could secure his rent so he has somewhere to live for the rest of his life. And the fact that it means dad doesn't even really consider us, his own kids, as part of "society" that is worth investing in hurts really bad. I can't get over it. I can't help but wonder if it's because we're both autistic. We're not even the drooling weirdo kind of autists (no offense to them) but I work hard at a real job and my brother is a walking science lexicon who is a great conversationist who just can't do physical labour very well. Helping us isn't good enough for our own dad.
It's extra hard and confusing because other than that he's a great dad. But this has made me feel so unloved by the person I have unconditional love for. It's not that I expected him to pay for me and I'm sure I sound spoiled and like I just want his money… but I can't help to think that if I was rich I'd spoil all of my family, no questions asked. Their happiness and safety would be a top priority, so for him to not feel the same about us hurts so bad. I'm worried about the future if my brother will be ok and if I'll have to support his living situation, and meanwhile our dad is like "I don't want him to inherit anything". Idk I feel so lost.
No. 2130178
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Waking up all week feeling like picrel. Come on brain, stop being such a bitch and give me some happy chemicals. I went jogging and ate salads. This is the deal.
No. 2130219
>>2130177My dad passed his tism on (and a condition that means none of us can ever drive) then had a strict 'my kids move out at 18, ready or not' rule. My mom would've never let him actually stick to that but then she died so he got his way. Like why have kids? And it's his genes making shit hard. Not a cent of support, no "you can come back if you're ever really stuck or uh homeless" or a free act of help once you're 18. Doesn't want to leave a penny behind him either but he's spending it rather than donating. It feels personal but we never fought. It's just his 'views'
I get embarassed when people ask about my dad if I know their version of a parent is that at 30 they could still could turn to their parents in a crisis whereas I feel almost disowned for no reason. I tend to pretend like I just got really independant all of my own volition at 18 to avoid further questioning. People dont get it and tbh I'm glad most people can't relate.
No. 2130248
>>2129632Have you had your thyroid hormones checked?
>Would weight training help?Yes but don't overtrain
No. 2130260
>>2130252Go check out some capsule wardrobes if you wanna be REALLY inspired to declutter, nothing makes me wanna get rid of clothes as much. And go with your gut instinct about what you really love and will wear or what you won't, the only thing I retained from the Marie Kondo trend is the concept of 'sparks joy' because that forces me to be realistic about my choices.
>>2130255tbh I disagree with this for people who struggle to clean out their clothes. Adding extra time and effort to the task makes it 1000x more likely you'll put it off or decide against it. And when you've really hoarded too much, the best thing you can do is be absolutely vicious about chucking stuff out and not letting yourself second guess it.
No. 2130284
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I will never stop maladaptive daydreaming. I know it has negatively impacted my life. I have been “living” in the same fantasy world since I was 5, however, and I genuinely don’t think I want to live irl without it. It’s not just a crutch to me, it feels like my life’s magnum opus. For better or for worse, it is a part of me forever. I don’t care what mental health professionals say, I’ve never brought this up to a counselor or therapist because I don’t want to be treated for it nor do I want it to go on my “record.”
No. 2130306
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>>2130284Forming my fantasy world is my counting sheep. I think about the history and geography of it most nights. High level it's like Earth and it has massive Saturn like rings that divide the planet. I wish I had artistic or writing talent to get it out of my head and onto something. I don't care if anyone reads or sees it I just want to get it out there.
No. 2130319
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Visiting my best friend for the first time in a year and her moid is such an asshole I hate him. She is constantly on edge making sure she doesn’t upset him over completely benign and minor interactions. She’s already been told to break up with him multiple times by different people so saying anything is pointless. I hate this. I hate seeing her so miserable for just some loser. Ugh.
No. 2130359
I haven't been here for a while, but I'm having hard time and need to vent. I'm visiting my parents for the first time in half year.
Quick backstory: my "mother" was abusive, controlling and manipulative throughtout my whole life, and for the past 3 years I have been doing what i can to have no contact with her exept the minimum needed to have any relationship with my dad. My relationship with my dad is… wierd. We are civil and polite, but there is a rift between us caused by unadressed issues. I still love him very much and I feel that he loves me, but I know if I can save this relation.
I arrived this morning and I already hate being here. During years I was stuck at home I have devoloped some unhealthy coping mechanisms, such as binge eating/bulimia, dysocjacjon and dwelling on suicidal ideation (i was also depressed for almost all highschool). For the past couple years, I have been working to get rid of all of it. Now that I'm back (my mother is awful, as always) it feels like my brain is going back to my old thought patterns. I am lying in bed, I can't sleep, i don't know what to do. My go to behavior is to put on headphones, watch yt videos to disctract myself from everything and eat untill I wont feel anything. This is how I learned to cope, but then this behavior started to destroy my life. I try to resist the urges, but the emotions are unbearalbe, and I have no clue how to deal with them in a healthy way. This is not something that can be fixed by breathing exercises xd(xd)
No. 2130361
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It's 2.45am and I just got home from a 10 hour shift at work and meant to go to go to sleep immediately but now I'm suddenly hungry as fuck. I already brushed my teeth and don't have anything quick to eat because I forgot to buy anything you can prepare in a couple of minutes yesterday. All I ate since 12pm were 2 dry hotdog buns because work was really busy. I'm too exhausted to decide, so can someone please do it for me. Should I get up and make myself a meal or go to bed hungry and eat after I wake up
No. 2130363
>>2130319I will never understand this. I've had a couple friends with husbands that were universally hated by all their friends
and their family but they stay even though they treat them like shit.
No. 2130364
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>>2130322They call it maladaptive daydreaming and im just dreaming of my nonexistent musclepig bf with a cute face and we are riding bikes over a bridge while the sun is setting. Why can't I be happy somewhere
No. 2130366
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>>2130364I'm happy for you and your dream bf nonna but my picrel is how I feel about your picrel
No. 2130403
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>>2130372my maladaptive daydream life is as follows at this point in time
>I elope to another place and live the life of my dreams>someone tortures me and subjects me to gut wrenching horror and trauma until I expire more often the latter than the former given my mental state right now
No. 2130544
>>2130537Please give me advice about this on what I should do, because it now became an argument! I’m sorry for spamming the thread, I feel compelled to because I am restricted due to his mother being here. He ridicules me when I say that everything falls on me, because he said that what I did was “2 second work” anyway. He also says that I simply did not give him enough time to clean the kitchen and that I am impatient. My reasoning is the following: FIRST clean the dirty dishes and take out the trash, create a clean workspace, THEN do whatever extra task if you have time. I am able to clean a kitchen quickly, so I don’t know why he isn’t. He is trying to claim that I do a bad job at cleaning etc because I do it fast, that I “half-ass” it. I don’t even know where to begin with this anymore. I don’t understand how people can think like him. I told him that his reasoning comes from a place of immaturity where there is infinite time. I explained that this is how a child thinks because adults don’t have infinite time like a child. You have to learn to prioritize, and it is appalling that we are the same age but I have to parent him. I refuse to parent him and I refuse to carry the full load of the household chores if we do end up getting married, which is why I am so upset with him. His avoidant attachment solution? Walking out on me. I am on the brink of just breaking up, but that’s impulsive and I won’t. I am extra irritable because I didn’t even get to finish my meal due to this entire ordeal and not having space in the kitchen! I wish his mom beat his ass at times like this because we both have single moms but somehow mine taught me how to run a household and his didn’t teach him jack. We had plans to go on an evening walk with the family dogs and now it’s too late to do that all because this man was unable to get the kitchen clean enough for me to finish the dessert I had already prepared ahead of time. AAAAAGHHHH
No. 2130700
>>2130544 >He is trying to claim that I do a bad job at cleaning etc because I do it fast, that I “half-ass” it. I don’t even know where to begin with this anymore. I don’t understand how people can think like him. I told him that his reasoning comes from a place of immaturity where there is infinite time. I explained that this is how a child thinks because adults don’t have infinite time like a child.Sounds like it's more about differing standards. There's always one person in a couple that's more Type-A about some type of cleanliness and to them theres def such a thing as a job done so fast that it wasn't done and resentment sets in if it's not worked out. Hard to judge through a post but when I'm working and splitting tasks 50/50 I take dishes on as my default task because men speed washing dishes and me finding shit on already cleaned dishes is one of my peeves. I care way less about the standard of other tasks so splitting shit with that in mind avoids most drama.
Assuming you're both working so aiming for a 50 split I would've thought you cooking meant the clean up was on him. If you're not working/50/50 its more complicated.
No. 2130743
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A lot of "anons" on here throw out insults that definitely give off "the call is coming from inside the house".
No. 2130756
>>2130622idk, it's hard to predict how anyone would react. And even if they wouldn't consider it manipulative, I don't want to risk it turning into sympathy which would just make me feel dirty and even more pathetic. I just want someone to listen and feel truly seen.
>>2130707Dunno if I'm feeling better but thanks for the concern (really), at least I'm not spiraling anymore for now. Though I won't get rid of any knives, but I did get rid of the razors since they sucked anyway. Haven't talked to anyone yet, still considering the pros and cons.
No. 2130788
Ghosting my 'friend', all she ever does is complain about how much of a
victim she is or try to make me feel bad about myself so she won't feel so insecure. I've had enough, I'm so sick of acting like I don't deserve to be treated with respect. Better be alone than with people who make you feel alone.
>>2130752He sounds like an asshole, you deserve better
No. 2130805
>>2130732>>2130735Learn to read. Anon works part time. Stop seething and siding with a grown ass scrote stranger because you're butthurt that nobody pays for your NEET ass. Besides, it's a man's responsibility to pay for and support the children he created. Supporting children they create is literally the only evolutionary purpose of moids.
>>2130748Some of it differs by country, when a person is diagnosed with a disability, and whether they're able to work full time to support themselves. In burgerland, you can receive Social Security Disability Insurance as a "Disabled Adult Child", regardless of personal income (so it's different from Supplemental Security Income which does means-test and calculates your belongings as well as income sources), if you were diagnosed with a non-curable disability before the age of 23 and one of your parents is already receiving social security benefits, then you're in the system under your parents' name, SSN, and work history benefits. Means testing for disability is kind of shit in the first place because disabled people (primarily women) are at a much bigger risk of abuse both inside and outside of the home, so yanking a person's benefits just because they have secure housing with someone else is a quick way to make them financially dependent and more vulnerable to abuse.
No. 2130814
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>>2130792Idc I'm still calling it out. Can't say anything without some actual literal retard trying to condescend you when they have no idea what they're talking about
No. 2130910
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My SO and I have agreed that I cook and do the laundry while he does the cleaning and the dishes. Which sounds fine to me in theory but what actually happens is that he constantly tells me that he will do the dishes/cleaning the next day, then the next day, etc until the dishes have piled up and there are literal flies circling around the sink and the trash is also piling up at which point I decide to do everything myself and I feel like a tyrant/martyr. He has a busier social life than I do which means he obviously has less time to do these things because he's out with friends while I'm sitting at home which means I could easily do everything by myself but… I just don't know how to solve this, I feel like either I have to do everything or else the house looks like an absolute shitpile
No. 2130947
>>2130910Wym he has less time to do chores because he has a busier social life? Responsibilities like chores always come before going out. Work before play.
He either genuinely doesn't care about living in filth or he knows you'll just do his chores for him if he puts them off long enough. Either way his behaviour is a problem and you should address it.
No. 2130953
>>2130935born and raised in georgia and i can confirm the education here is horrible, besides the fancy big universities
it sucks because taking college classes has been way more difficult than it should be because in middle/high school the teachers were completely incompetent and basically let everybody pass for free with zero effort, so i didnt learn any good studying/productivity skills
No. 2131183
>>2130805>Learn to read. Anon works part time.that's even worse. people who make $800 a month for a nonexistent "disability" (autism) shouldn't be allowed to work. and if they work, they shouldn't be allowed to make 800 dollars a month on top of the money they make. i don't disagree with their dad, they're literally making two incomes wtf.
>Stop being butthurt nobody pays for your NEET assno, and fuck you for trying to act like someone getting 800 dollars a month for a nonexistent "disability" ISN'T getting a leg up in life that they don't deserve because autism doesn't exist. i hope their dad steals all their government money because they don't deserve it. that person works AND gets fucking money from the government, that should literally be illegal because it's unfair to other people
No. 2131227
>>2131217True, I actually bought one but I’m afraid to use it because it’s so damn big. Does a regular black rain umbrella work?
I might take the material from the parasol and stitch it to the umbrella.
No. 2131307
>>2131305>Anon was talking about women taking testosterone thoughI read the post another 2 times and wtf are you talking about, no she didn’t kek
>it doesn’t stop you from having periodsYes it does, high T women have irregular to no periods a lot of the time. That’s literally what PCOS is.
No. 2131329
>>2131320Sorry you lack reading comprehension. Her being tired has nothing to do with having high testosterone, she said that having high T like those Olympians would make her feel more energized. What’s not clicking?
>I do think fitness is a big part.Fitness won’t stop you from leaking 5-6 tablespoons of blood a month.
No. 2131333
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>>2131227I use regular collapsible rain umbrellas and they're fine. I don't recommend a pure black one though, black absorbs heat. Some umbrellas have UV protecting coating on them.
>>2131229That's awful anon, I'm glad you don't have to deal with that anymore. It's not all the walking that bothers me either, it's all the empty space. Having to navigate this kind of crap is so bleak, and half of the crosswalks in my city don't even work. If your parents couldn't afford to gift you a car like mine, you're just kind of SOL until you can afford your own, and many jobs will turn you down if you don't have a car.
No. 2131339
>>2129535just learned from a mutual friend that she went to the hospital because she self harmed so much she bled a lot. And the worst part is that i don't feel that bad. I think learning to prioritize myself mean holding onto my happiness, i didn't want to see her the day she cut herself and i don't want to feel bad about it. I maybe feel like assuming she was lying she
like all the other times and making fun of her with a friend is kind of wrong but still, i've already been friends with deeply suicidal people and it drains yu so much. I'm so happy with my life right now, i'll join the college of my dream next month, i'll have an international intership, i'm eating better, going out, i don't want to lose that to someone i don't even like that much. It feels weird being so selfish but it feels right
No. 2131340
>>2131329>Fitness won’t stop you from leaking 5-6 tablespoons of blood a month.You do realise that this part is fixed if you get enough iron… I already said that nutrients are the first place to look. I don’t see your point.
>Sorry you lack reading comprehension. Her being tired has nothing to do with having high testosterone, she said that having high T like those Olympians would make her feel more energized. What’s not clicking?You’re either baiting here or retarded so I’m even not going to respond to this part.
No. 2131356
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>>2131199Most of the bus stop where i live have little roof over them, it's really usefull when it rains, snows or when you need shade. Is there a way to join/ create an organization
idk if that's the right word to presure your city to make better bus stop ?
No. 2131409
>>2131376let me convert you nona
I’m joking. It sucks but I genuinely think the hardest advice to give is to straight women who are fed up with moids because genuinely what can you do? The majority of scrotes are genuinely dogshit, even if only secretly.
No. 2131467
>>2131457Surprisingly based but no one seems to agree, probably because it’s “
problematic”, but I don’t see why it should be. Sexuality being psychological and not a physical in-born thing doesn’t make it any less “you”, in fact it makes it more you since your ego is a psychological structure. But it’s the same reason why someone can seemingly go all their life liking one gender and suddenly that attraction is turned off, and vice versa. Most bi women in my experience seem to consider themselves straight for a long time, never ever feeling attracted to women until one experience which opens the floodgates, and
that’s when they suddenly notice attraction to other regular women they come across. It’s not much unlike a drastic change in personality. It happens and can be induced, but you don’t have control over it, so it’s still technically true that you can’t choose your sexuality (just like you can’t just your character traits). I spoke about this in the questioning sexuality thread once like a year who because I’ve experienced this happening first hand in friendships.
No. 2131512
>>2131333Oh no, I have one now. Somehow survived all of high school, college, and every job I've ever had so far, including that internship, without needing a car or relying on rides. Alot of it was very awkward and painful (Taking 2 hours to and back just to get to class at one point, including a rideshare and two transfers. The rideshare because there wasn't even an actual bus stop in my suburban ass neighborhood so I had to use it to actually get to it.). You do realize really just what a dispropriate number of homeless and mentally ill use the public transportation. Creepy and uncomfortable encounters were normal. At least I met several interesting people along the way, including a cool Argentinian guy that guessed where I'm from my name!
>If your parents couldn't afford to gift you a car like mine, you're just kind of SOL until you can afford your ownThey could but they still got me one where I had to pay off half of it myself. They only payed half the car and left me with the rest. When I asked for help with getting my first car, I figured it'd be something I can…pay entirely in cash. Not that would put me in even more debt on top of the one I already have. gfdi I needed only a car, not that shit. Oh well, at least its not alot and something I could realistically have payed off by next year with my current pay.
>many jobs will turn you down if you don't have a car.Yes, it's true. I'm sure at least part of why I was rejected from one job, even if the work had nothing to do with having a vehicle, was because they noticed I didn't drive myself there. I don't have much other explanation because my interview should have gone great and they looked like they were otherwise completely ready to hire me. I also know for a fact that managers look down on you if they find out you rely on public transportation and start assuming you will be habitually late. That's what happened at my internship. I had been on time every single day yet my manager stilled asked me whether I think "this will be a problem" if I were to come on full-time. lmao
No. 2131527
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I found out that even blue light ages your skin. ARE YOU FUCKIN KIDDING ME. Not safe outside, not safe at home.
No. 2131561
>>2131524The adjustment period sucks, but if it ends up working for you it changes a lot and really worth it. Remember it's not a magic remedy, it's simply there to help you stabilize.
The thing is though that there is a risk that you might have to try a few until you find one that both works and doesn't have any side effects/have milder side effects that you don't mind living with. Imo people make it all sound so much worse than it actually is, it's more about patience and communicating with your doctor.
No. 2131562
>>2131524>>2131550It sounds like you actually have a mental illness, if you've had depression for your entire life. So, you'd benefit from trying anti-depressants since there's actually an illness to treat. A lot of people that go on anti-depressants aren't actually mentally ill and they don't have MDD, it's usually just they have shit lives and they're reacting normally to that. It's like, okay if someone loses their job, and then their dog dies, then their relationship ends, of course they're gonna be sad for a while - but, doctors will hear they've been sad for a while and will just chalk it all up to "depression," give them pills meant for actual sick people, then be surprised when the pills cause negative side effects. Sometimes, people just have shit lives and their "depression" is just the normal human reaction to what's going on around them, so instead of pills they need help in fixing their lives and making themselves happier.
No. 2131574
Ended up not talking to anyone today, one of the things I kept my mind occupied with was reading up on the Mr.Beast drama and smile at some of the silly anons in lc threads. Now that it's night and dark I've been lying in bed staring at the wall, and after dealing with a pile of intrusive thoughts I couldn't shake off I was in a place where I couldn't see any other way out than trying to kill myself again and make sure I do it properly this time with better tools. But suddenly I got extremely sick and had to go throw up, which kinda sobered me up. It's not the first time I've noticed this happening when I start spiraling "too fast", so I guess I've somehow managed to condition myself into having this weird allergic reaction to losing my grip completely during the years I've been somewhat stable kek but this ended with me on the floor with my back against the bathroom door, knocking my head against it (not in an autistic rage way, more like a few light what-should-I-do knocks).
I don't want to talk to my family about this, my mentally ill mom will just rage and my older siblings will confusingly flail around trying to figure out what to do which will leave me feeling like an even worse younger sister than I already do. I don't want to put myself in the emergency psych ward again, my previous visit there left me even worse and I don't want to give up what little control I still have nor leave my cat. Getting in touch with a psychiatrist will be hard since there is no guarantee there are any available times right now, and I've always struggled with them taking me seriously because I'm so objective in how I explain my mental state so they mistake it for me being able to take care of myself. The only immediate thing I can think of is calling my best friend tomorrow, she is the only one I feel really understands me since we've known each other half our lives but she is neck deep in preparing to move in with her girlfriend 4 hours away so I don't wanna bring this shit on her too. Guess I'm gonna knock my head against the door for a bit longer while looking over my options.
No. 2131651
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>>2131643Isn't that a devils sacrament type of situation? Anyone who would see you at NA would be there themselves, no?
No. 2131800
>>2131791samefag but it's like if someone said "have a gay old time" is twitter speak just because one twitter user said it or something. it never belonged to any group
>>2131788drag faggots didn't popularize it either. i feel like I'm in another timeline kek
No. 2131801
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im getting over being sick and my sinuses are so fucked up in a way that is hard to explain. my FACE feels uncomfortable!! pulling on my nose or applying pressure to my cheeks provides 1% of relief but its not enough! i feel like im going crazy b/c my face just feels wrong
No. 2131808
>>2131644… I'm not the OP. Are you alright anon?
>>2131788But black women don't say that, or at least didn't before recently. In fact I've never even heard anyone black say it before it became a thing on social media.
No. 2132173
>>2132135>it's like willful ignoranceThis so much. They like the porn aspects themselves, so they pretend to be "intellectualsh hurrdurr" and like they can see beyond your narrow little pearl-cluching mind simply so they can excuse their own behaviours too. Because they know they're telling 14 year old girls "step on me mommy" as a joke and that it would look bad if they admitted it was sexual in nature.
I used to only get males telling me stuff like that, in their cases it would be "actually a bikini is totally the perfect fighting outfit for a woman and it's totally not at all about it looking sexy" like get for fucking real.
No. 2132232
>>2132181I'm not like that, but I struggle with "time" because I have a great memory for fun things I did with friends. So to me a conversation I had 7 months ago is still fresh in my mind like we just hung out yesterday, so my hanging-out-need is still met. Difference there is to me when I see them we never "drifted apart", because in my mind we talked only yesterday!
I think your friend sees you as a "backup" and takes you for granted, you're a toy on a shelf available when she wants it. She probably does care about you, but not enough to consistently want you in her life all the time. That can be an ok relationship, if you're both ok with it. But it's not fair that it's all on her terms only.
No. 2132293
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>>2118120Holy shit nonna I relate to your post so much… sigh. As
>>2118303 said, I also believe the world can change and it will change. Hopefully
No. 2132313
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>Lost 15kgs in total
>Still looks fat
No. 2132324
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had to put my dog down today nonas, about 2 hours ago he passed away. he was my family pet, went to work with my dad since being a puppy due to separation anxiety. he was such a lovely boy. i stayed with him when they administered the sedative and the euthanasia which was incredibly difficult for me to do. im at such a loss right now, such shock, i can't even start to think of what to do without him. i've dreaded this moment since he was a puppy but he was 13 years old nearly and his legs were starting to go. i love this dog so much and letting him go has been the hardest thing ive ever done. my entire family is distraught, my parents were with me during his send-off. i can only wish to see him again eventually. he was my perfect sweet angel and i wish he could've lived forever. april 27th 2012 - august 12th 2024
No. 2132378
Repost from 2X but a few days ago I was approached by a scrote in one of my favorite nature spots. I see the people he was with quite often and I do not want to go back there and risk running into them. He started to touch my back, put his arm around me, his friends made comments about my looks, it's the most unsafe I've felt in a while. It's the only nice way to go from my home to the city but I guess I won't be able to walk there alone anymore. I'm so crushed, besides some errands I've stayed inside since it happened because I apparently can't even go for walks in broad daylight anymore without being harassed. I feel genuinely miserable.
>>2132324I'm so sorry nonna, I hope you are able to take some time for yourself. It sounds like you gave him a great life.