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No. 2118328

>no racebait
>no infighting
>don't reply to bait
>rest of /ot/ board rules apply
>farmhands are always watching

No. 2118329

Fat people shouldn't exist.

No. 2118331

But then who would we laugh at and focus our hatred towards?

No. 2118335

Where is Stan?!

No. 2118339


No. 2118344

You sound like no fun

No. 2118348

File: 1722664978044.gif (1.85 MB, 310x219, my man.gif)

Don't worry nonna. Purin getting abused is much more vulgar than Stan looking sexy as hell

No. 2118356

What exactly is sexy about this picture? Can you circle the parts that are sexy?

No. 2118358

Stop forcing this retarded meme

No. 2118367

I was just thinking about this the other day, it’s genuinely crazy that fat people exist. Like they actively hate their bodies but just… don’t do anything. For years. Self sabotage. I don’t get it, you could eat like one snack less per day and eventually in a couple years you’d be noticeably slimmer. It’s not like you have to loss it all at once. I’ve been losing weight without realising it/wanting to, the fact that people out there want to and can’t even do it on purpose is bizarrely insane to me.

No. 2118391

File: 1722666087554.jpeg (39.96 KB, 457x640, images - 2024-08-03T162059.775…)

It's better than seeing a poor dog being abused every time I go into the catalogue. Why is Mr Chicken Legs McGee over here whipping a small dog? That's cruel, that's animal abuse. Is this the state of lolcow now? Allowing and idolising animal abusers? For shame, I bite my thumb at thee, you're less than a little finger. Those who make them become like them; so do all who trust in them.
Okay but that gif is nasty, please post more tasteful Stans

No. 2118395

It's not a dog. It's a pudding.

No. 2118396

>Allowing and idolising animal abusers?
I knew this was what was happening ever since I saw a post in the vent thread where someone fatshamed their cat.

No. 2118398

Do you think the borzoi threadpics are a meme? Do you think the nun threadpics are a meme? Do you know the difference between a meme and a motif?

No. 2118399

File: 1722666242709.png (466.98 KB, 540x756, 1000049304.png)

It's his kink, anon! Quit your slutshaming of pompompurin.

No. 2118400

Ah they don't understand symbolism anon don't bother

No. 2118408

It's an unfunny meme. Get over it. Nobody cares about American Dad. Nobody ever cared about it.

No. 2118413

For those of you newfags who don't know how to lurk the reason why Stan became the threadpic motif is because one user made a thread with a screenshot from American Dad! and another user posted her opinion that she'd fuck him and other anons agreed thus resulting in some regular Stan worship. It's okay if you don't know the difference between a meme and a recurring theme but thats the stan lore.

No. 2118420

Images must recur in order to become a meme. I've been here for a long time. No one cares about the deep meaning behind American Dad images. It still sucks and is ugly, and that's what really matters.

No. 2118424

File: 1722666744296.png (1018.7 KB, 2000x1456, 1722587143723.png)

I was just being funny please don't fight anymore nonnies

No. 2118429

Thats not really how memes work. Do you think when a photo of a borzoi is made the threadpic everytime that its a 'meme'?

No. 2118433

Repetition is necessary but not sufficient for an image to become a meme
American Dad images are everywhere on this website, not just as threadpics

No. 2118434

A meme is meant to be humorous or satirical though. This is just Stan appreciation..does that bother you?

No. 2118436

it's not "just Stan appreciation" it's a forced meme
yes the forced unfunniness bothers me

No. 2118440

File: 1722667066202.gif (Spoiler Image,2.39 MB, 320x240, puddin-slappa.gif)

I don't give a shit about pokemon

No. 2118441

So…do you feel the same way about the borzoi threadpics, nun threadpics, victorian girl threadpics? I notice you still haven't answered that question.

No. 2118445

do you need a massage or something

No. 2118448

I need you to stop posting American Dad memes. Also I'm not the only person who complained about American Dad in this thread.

No. 2118452

do you know what a meme is?

No. 2118455

I still remember a few months ago when someone posted the "Things You Hate" thread with a pic that wasn't a borzoi and the first 20 posts were oldfags having a meltdown about the fact the borzois were forgotten about kek. You can't win with most of the freaks on here they'll be angry with you no matter what kind of thread pic you choose.

No. 2118458

You're making yourself sound culturally illiterate by calling Stan pics memes? Usually a meme is just a singular image/video and there was a variety of AD tibrutes

No. 2118460

this should be a banner

No. 2118461

do you have american dad trauma or something nonna

No. 2118466

"an amusing or interesting item (such as a captioned picture or video) or genre of items that is spread widely online especially through social media"
"an idea, behavior, style, or usage that spreads from person to person within a culture"
stanfags stop seething

No. 2118468

File: 1722667841989.jpeg (11 KB, 240x260, images - 2024-08-03T164810.679…)

Unfortunately the First Amendment makes it so that is unpreventable

No. 2118470

To use your definitions: Stan Smith is an idea that has spread from one anon to another in the culture of LC, therefore Stan Smith is a meme.

No. 2118471

So do you feel the same way about the nuns, borzois, and victorian girls, if that is your definition of a 'meme'? I've asked this three times now. I'm waiting, nonna.

No. 2118474

I am not an infighter but I have to agree that the American dad OPs outside of the burger thread is forced and unfunny. They don't even make sense in context like nuns for the confessions thread, and borzois have been ongoing for years. Someone tried something similar with Sonic images once and they were banned for being an avatarfag. Let it go.

No. 2118476

I'm not the person who you talked about those with

No. 2118478

File: 1722668096055.png (3.3 MB, 1158x2153, memes.png)

memes are usually the same thing repeated several times, though…not just the same TV show? also, yeah American Dad pics actually still did apply to the unpopular opinions thread because of the original interaction that resulted in it becoming a motif

No. 2118479

At the time the Borzois also felt forced and unfunny.

No. 2118480

the borzoi thing isn’t any funnier. neither are the nuns. or the victorian girls. it’s not meant to be ha-ha funny, it’s just a recurring theme based off the threads history. i don’t see why this is a problem now.

No. 2118484

Ah newfag grasshopper, this is a good opportunity for you to learn how to use the acronym NTAYRT

No. 2118485

Don't call the newfags bugs it's uncalled for

No. 2118487

Newfags getting bothered when they don't find something personally funny KEKK the hide thread button is right there. I don't really think any anons here find the tumblr dom spanking pompompurin to be any funnier than lesbian stan.

No. 2118488

one of them is gonna respond to you with some shit like
>but i wanna use the thread still!1
then get over the threadpic not being something you like, dumbass ♥

No. 2118489

File: 1722668487528.jpeg (63.6 KB, 465x659, images - 2024-08-03T170107.649…)

Don't call anyone a grasshopper anon, you're comparing people to the evil tyrant Hopper from Bug's Life

No. 2118490

Stop fighting my sweet nonnas, let's make a Stan borzoi edit for the next thread pic : best of both worlds.

No. 2118494

ntayrt would be unclear in that post because you were talking to someone else about it many posts ago
quite telling that you have to resort to the weak "newfag" response when I'm merely stating the objective truth that the forced American Dad MEMES are boring

No. 2118495

No, every post on LC has to be approved by a preordained sitcom writing team with at least 2 hit comedies under their belt. All posts are supposed to make me personally kek, and if they don't then they're all posted by the same troon and should be redtexted and deleted.
No but seriously why is everyone obsessed with screaming about "unfunny" tonight? Nobody is trying to be funny so it's not the gotcha they think it is

No. 2118496

It saddens me that i will never draw something this soulful and filled with emotions.

No. 2118497

Stan as a nun walking a borzoi sounds dreamy

No. 2118498

The pompompurin punishment gif deserves to be cherished because it originated on this website.

No. 2118499

yes, please get over the threadpic being something you don't like for this thread

No. 2118500

NTAYRT means "not the anon you replied to". It would make perfect sense in that case, because you weren't the anon I replied to asking about the other threadpic motifs.

No. 2118502

Yeah sorry but no, Purin being abused by a man is something I can't forgive. Stan Smith wearing a princess diaries jacket was more enjoyable than this

No. 2118503

nta but can i ask you a question? do you think the borzoi threadpics are all memes too?

No. 2118504

ntayrt is generally used for post chains where the "ayrt" is only one or two posts above in the chain. either way this "newfag" argument is tired and weak. it does not chage the fact that american dad FORCED MEMES are fucking BORING

No. 2118505

Okay "dumbass ♥"

No. 2118506

I like to think the yellow fat pudding dog is actually swiftly evading each of the belt strikes, so he remains uninjured but in a state of constant agitation.

No. 2118507

How come at this same time of day/night the unpopular opinions thread turns into the dumbass shitposting thread? Is it cause farmhands aren't online during this time or something?

No. 2118508

First of all thats not true…? It has nothing to do with how many posts separate it is. If you're not the anon someone replied to, it is imageboard etiquette to usually add an 'NTA/NTAYRT'. You saying things like this makes you look even more like a newfag. Secondarily, what do you mean meme though? Also oh no, you're personally bored by something. Too bad. Enjoy ripping your hair out when you see the next Stan threadpic.

No. 2118509

no they definitely are awake and watching infights is their TV for the night

No. 2118511

It's been the dumbass shit posting thread for at least 2 and a half months now. Staff can't walk back on the autosage now because it would show weakness, so letting another thread take its place is their only option to keep the dumbass shit quarantined.

No. 2118512

It is true.
I'll be here when it's time to make a new thread. Enjoy.

No. 2118513

You two aren't gonna change an autist's mind about rules they made up in their head, don't bother trying. To her that's the rule and that's the truth and nothing we say or do will ever change that for her.

No. 2118514

nya but
> ntayrt is generally used for post chains where the "ayrt" is only one or two posts above in the chain
this isn’t true…and even if it for some reason would be, this is the first i’m hearing of it kekk

No. 2118515

Second anon, thats geuinely so strange to me kek. But I know we do have some loose screws in this building…

No. 2118517

I know it's crazy but that's just how some anons are, you just gotta learn to placate them. They'll start pulling out random rules that they read in a farmhand post from March 2017 and act like you're the crazy one for not knowing about it.

No. 2118518

So you would use ntayrt as the only response to someone implying that you're someone they've been talking to way earlier in a thread? Because that's fucking dumb and doesn't clarify anything.

"Anon why did you say something thirty posts ago?"

No. 2118519

All you need to know is context is everything and that there's not a specific "rule" for when someone should type NTAYRT or AYRT. People are gonna disagree with you and you can think they're dumb and that's okay because we all think differently. There's no point in fighting about it.

No. 2118520

What? I think you misread my post, I said that you add NTAYRT to the beginning of your response when you're responding to a post that is in response to another post that was not made by you.

No. 2118521

I don't believe it is a rule per se, thats why I claimed that its simply imageboard etiquette to inform someone that no, you're not who they're replying to, but you do still have a response you'd like for them to hear.

No. 2118524

Do you think calling someone a newfag because she didn't use NTYART in this context is justified:
>So do you feel the same way about the nuns, borzois, and victorian girls, if that is your definition of a 'meme'? I've asked this three times now. I'm waiting, nonna.
>I'm not the person who you talked about those with
>Ah newfag grasshopper, this is a good opportunity for you to learn how to use the acronym NTAYRT

Considering the fact that the person in the first post was talking about borzois with someone else much earlier in the thread?
Would my responding with NTAYRT only in >>2118476 have been clear?

No. 2118526

I just hate how when an anon replies to you without saying "nta" you get absolutely dunked on for being a retard for assuming you were replying to the person you were in the middle of a discussion with. But then if you assume that everybody replying to you is a different person, you get absolutely dunked on for being a retard assuming that you are replying to multiple people.

No. 2118527

You're missing something, nonna. This was the post that she originally responded to me with,
In which she should have began with NTAYRT because the post she was responding to tagged the user who was claiming that stan is a 'meme' since it was continuously used as a motif.

No. 2118530

My unpopular opinion is if you're part of an infight and you're acting retarded, and if you then go to /meta/ to snitch on the person you were infighting with and acting like you weren't being just as retarded with them, you're pathetic.

No. 2118531

Catfight on i-5 kekk

No. 2118532

Kek true

No. 2118534

It's just kind of funny like oh no, you lost the infight so now you're gonna go tattle? What are we, 9?

No. 2118535

I feel like its more likely that youre replying to several people. At least I've felt this way since I saw the stats

No. 2118536

You'd use NTYART if you have something to add to the conversation in addition to the "NTYART"
If your post is NTYART and nothing else, that doesn't convey the same meaning as "I'm not the person who you talked about those with", because the expectation when you use NTYART is that you are not the person who the person you're replying to had been engaging in a conversation with, but still have something relevant to add to the conversation.

While the phrase "I'm not the person who you talked about those with" can be used by itself to clarify that you're not the person the one you replied to was talking to, without the expectation that you have anything to add to the conversation other than clarifying your identity.

No. 2118538

sometimes using "nta" doesn't even work because some anons will still believe you're the other poster or accuse you of lying and samefagging

No. 2118540

I always assume I'm replying to different people unless stated, but I've had another nonas screenshot my replies to post in a whole other thread to make fun of me for thinking that I was replying to two different people kek. They were samefagging so I just assumed it was 2 different people because they could just put all they wanted to say into 1 post…

No. 2118543

I think you're really having a hard time understanding what I'm saying so I will be more thorough for you: I am not saying that you should respond saying "NTAYRT". Especially because her post was long and did contribute to the conversation, so yes it would've been very fitting for her to add an NTA. Did you take a look at the comment that I tagged? She joined the conversation when we were discussing what qualifies as a meme, and she responded to a comment I made where I tagged a separate poster who I was asking, for the second time, if the borzois, nuns, and victorian girls are all also considered memes. The anon in turn posted this
> "an amusing or interesting item (such as a captioned picture or video) or genre of items that is spread widely online especially through social media"
"an idea, behavior, style, or usage that spreads from person to person within a culture"
stanfags stop seething

Which she could've, very fittingly, added an 'NTAYRT' to the very beginning of the sentence, considering she knew that she was not the commenter that I had tagged in my post. Because she had responded to my post where I was asking a specific question, and she did not answer it, I once again tagged the comment she had tagged myself in, and in her third response to me was when she decided to tell me that she was not the user who I'd tagged in my comment that she had responded to. This is why I believe that it would have been more efficient and considerate for her to add an NTAYRT, because that was my second time asking the question and she knew she wasn't the anon I tagged.

No. 2118545

Did you read the context provided?
"I'm not the person who you talked about those with" is the only thing contained in that post that the anon who replied to it claims should've been "NTAYRT"

Like I said, NTAYRT has the expectation that there should be more content following the NTAYRT. The post in question did not have anything other than a clarification of identity. It would've been awkward for a post to have "NTAYRT" and absolutely nothing else.

No. 2118546

Nta but I wonder how anyone can win or lose an infight, since both people are posting at an equal amount. I assume if it stops without mods interfering that means everyone got bored or something

No. 2118548

You win if you're the one who doesn't get banned. You lose if you get banned

No. 2118549

No you're right, I misspoke, I meant whoever loses the least. You have to be a loser to begin with to infight, so the "winner" is just the one who is losing the least.

No. 2118550

But what if both anons get banned?

No. 2118551

Also you keep assuming you're replying to the same American Dad hater, which is the source of the confusion in the first place. Someone even implied that she had been asking the same imaginary American Dad hater about borzois multiple times, when she was clearly talking to multiple American Dad haters.

The context is broader than just the same three or four posts mentioned. If anyone were to use NTAYRT to clarify it should've been done much earlier in the thread and not the person you were trying to act like an oldfag to.

No. 2118552

If both banned then the one who had the last post wins

No. 2118555

I think you're really, really confused at this point. Just because i responded to the one comment saying "you should learn how to say NTA" doesn't mean I was saying that she should've said "nta" on that single comment I was replying to. Did you just read that paragraph, all the way through? Because I just succintly explained to you which post she should've added the NTAYRT to. You're hyperfixating on specific comments but ignoring others.

This is the entire exchange, which you neglected to fulfill in your original examples.

> For those of you newfags who don't know how to lurk the reason why Stan became the threadpic motif is because one user made a thread with a screenshot from American Dad! and another user posted her opinion that she'd fuck him and other anons agreed thus resulting in some regular Stan worship. It's okay if you don't know the difference between a meme and a recurring theme but thats the stan lore.

> Images must recur in order to become a meme. I've been here for a long time. No one cares about the deep meaning behind American Dad images. It still sucks and is ugly, and that's what really matters.

> Thats not really how memes work. Do you think when a photo of a borzoi is made the threadpic everytime that its a 'meme'?


> Repetition is necessary but not sufficient for an image to become a meme

American Dad images are everywhere on this website, not just as threadpics

> A meme is meant to be humorous or satirical though. This is just Stan appreciation..does that bother you?


> it's not "just Stan appreciation" it's a forced meme

yes the forced unfunniness bothers me


> So…do you feel the same way about the borzoi threadpics, nun threadpics, victorian girl threadpics? I notice you still haven't answered that question.

23 minutes later, another anon responds to one of my comments tagging another user


> "an amusing or interesting item (such as a captioned picture or video) or genre of items that is spread widely online especially through social media" "an idea, behavior, style, or usage that spreads from person to person within a culture". stanfags stop seething


>So do you feel the same way about the nuns, borzois, and victorian girls, if that is your definition of a 'meme'? I've asked this three times now. I'm waiting, nonna.

> I'm not the person who you talked about those with

> Ah newfag grasshopper, this is a good opportunity for you to learn how to use the acronym NTAYRT

In the final post, where I said she should learn how to use the acronym, I was implying that she should have added that to the beginning of the comment where she joined the conversation and tagged my comment, knowing that she was not the anon I was responding to in my previous post. I really thought context clues were this easy for all people to comprehend, but I did not know that we had this many anons with learning disabilities.

No. 2118557

i think american orthodog kike women who only want eastern european blonde hair for their wigs that their pickme asses worshipping their stupid cult wear should be scalped publicly. it's all extreme mimicry and using MY women for their stupid ass wigs and adding to thousand years of their oppression of MY people. crook kings priveldged kikes and let them squat our cities, when average peasant was a literal slave(racebait)

No. 2118558

I'm not going to read all of that, but let's make one thing clear. About half of those anti-American Dad posters are mine, including the one with definitions about memes, the rest are not. The confusion arises from your assumption that everyone who isn't directly involved in a conversation chain should and does use nta ntayrt etc., which is not realistic.

The assertion that I should've used NTAYRT because I'm not the one who posted the definitions is wrong, because I am. But I am not the person who you or whoever first brought up borzois much earlier in the thread was talking to.

No. 2118560

Nta but I always assume the one who sperges the least wins, whenever I see infights that drag on the “winner” to me is always the one who seems the least bothered or gets the last word in with a post that the infighter has no reply for.

No. 2118567

You're still really not understanding. Wowie. I did not say that you should have said NTAYRT in your response to the post I made where I responded to the definitions you posted, and you would know that if you read my post. What I am saying, for the fourth time now, is that you should have added the NTAYRT to the comment where you posted the definitions, as you were responding to my post where I said
> A meme is meant to be humorous or satirical though. This is just Stan appreciation..does that bother you?

During that conversation, I was discussing the other threadpic motifs, hence why I responded to the comment asking about the borzois, yet again; because in that comment that you responded to I was having another conversation.

No. 2118568

To add:
>>2118471 assumes she "asked" about borzois "three times now" because she assumes she's been talking to the same American Dad hater, even though she was talking to multiple people who didn't like the American Dad forced memes.

No. 2118570

My unpopoular opinion is that it makes the most sense to add NTA to your response if you're not the anon they're replying to

No. 2118572

I did ask about borzois three times though. I made three posts asking if they considered the borzois to be memes too, and since they chose not to say NTA it was easy to deduce that it was a singular anon.

No. 2118574

Stop assuming you know who you're talking to. >>2118448 was also me, so the post with the definitions shouldn't have had NTAYRT either.

No. 2118577

You really can't joke on lolcow anymore without it turning into a infight. Sheesh.

No. 2118581

I can't believe this entire infight is because of people getting bootyblasted over images they do not like.

No. 2118582

Kekking at the op picture lmao

No. 2118584

I'm >>2118335 and I was just poking fun at both the Stanfags and AD haters. I had no idea people would get so angry over pixels on a screen.

No. 2118592

…what? All I said was that I did ask about borzois in this thread three times, which is true. Also, I didn't comment a response to that post, which is something else you'd also know if you read the post I made citing my sources. You tagged my post >>2118433 without adding an NTA in your definitions, hence why I assumed you were the anon who I tagged in the post you responded to, and thus asked about the borzois again. The post with the definitions actually should have had an NTAYRT, and the comment you chose to tag quite literally just proved my point kek.

No. 2118595

The post with the definitions shouldn't have had NTAYRT because the post it was replying to was replying to a post I made. So it would've been AYRT if anything. Your autism about identifying posters on an anonymous imageboard is adding to the confusion when you could just reply to each post's points independent of the imagined identity of the poster.

No. 2118598

You actually responded to a comment that was not responding to a post you made, but I've tried to help you understand this and explained it very generously without calling you a retard so Idk how to help you at this point.

No. 2118600

The nta acronym and the fact that there's more than 2 users on this website seems to confuse a lot of us here itt.

No. 2118601

You are missing the point. Stop trying to identify random posters or conflating multiple people because they disagree with you. I've just demonstrated how bad you are at identifying posters. All this ayrt ntayrt autism to try to act like an oldfag by accusing some random person of being new, lmao.

The post with the definitions, which you claim should've had NTAYRT, if it were to identify the poster, should've been AYRT. I just explained to you why. You are exactly wrong.

No. 2118605

Moms giving up their babies to gas stations and hospitals arent a good thing they're fucking sad. We should have been doing everything we can to keep mothers with their babies instead of telling them "oop it's hard just drop them off to be trafficked by the system". The "shouldn't have had kids" thing people scream over the TINIEST inconvenience needs to end. We're going to be turning into some 3rd world ass country by trying to convince so so many women to just give up their babies

No. 2118607

I was always curious to see the figures relating to foster children in states that allow abortion and those that don't. My guess is that the states that don't allow abortion have higher rates of foster kids. I think we need to re-haul the way we think about the foster system and abortion and how they're tied together in a sick sort of way.

No. 2118609

In the Olympics every athlete whether male or female should be the exact same height and weight so that there's no cheating. They should all be 5'9 and weight 160lbs. If we keep letting athletes compete and they're all different sizes, it's pretty unfair and it ruins sports. If you're taller or shorter than 5'9, you shouldn't be allowed to play sports because you either have a disadvantage or an advantage over the other players.

No. 2118612

if the mom literally doesn't want the baby and it's already born then there's no other option

No. 2118626

It is sad but if the kid isn't wanted, what other choice is there? If she genuinely does not want the kid and couldn't get/didn't want an abortion… what other choice is there?

No. 2118628

It's fucking sad that this is becoming widespread enough for public discussion and there's nobody in the mainstream political spectrum who even cares about this or proposes effective solutions

No. 2118633

I think that every athlete should be forced to dope. I want to see some insane shit nobody could do without drugs

No. 2118638

Yeah anabolic steroids and meth. I wanna see what our species is really capable of when pushed to the max with drugs and other illicit substances. But they'd all still have to be 5'9 and 160lbs.

No. 2118648

Why are you exclusively talking about the mothers here, why aren't you putting half of the responsibility on the fathers?

No. 2118658

eating with fingers is just better. the food tastes better, it's a more enjoyable experience

No. 2118661

meth won't work in general cause they will end up hyper focusing on something else, maybe only for marathons and track and field

No. 2118684

must be the microbiome under your nails enhancing the taste

No. 2118689

thread pic is unfunny, that forced american dad meme is unfunny, all of you zoomers are boring

No. 2118690

your unfunny

No. 2118691

This isn't the popular opinions thread ma'am.

No. 2118694

You said that like an insult, but doesn't the existence of pickles and other fermented foods prove that some microbes can improve the taste of foods?

No. 2118697

If you use X/twitter you are the problem, no matter how "based" you think you are.

No. 2118704

NTA but athletes should be treated like race horses, bred and raised specifically for that purpose, doped up and then put down when they get too old or seriously injured. But that's like a human rights violation or something.
Also yeast. If we had no yeast we'd have pretty shit fucking bread and beer.

No. 2118706

Why not just respond to the anon you're talking about rn instead of posting this itt?

No. 2118709

She could be talking about all twitterfags though. Also as an aside what is even the point of being on twitter anymore? Making yourself upset? Aren't you already?

No. 2118710

Seriously. This is the 2nd anon tonight who has taken someone else's vent into the unpopular opinion thread. Weird as fuck.

No. 2118712

What the hell are you talking about? Anons assuming they know who they're talking to is getting very tiresome.

No. 2118713

I've gotten so tired of it that I'm just gonna start calling it out whenever I see it now kek. It's like lowest tier of bait.

No. 2118720

I'm talking about the anon that posted a vent 6 minutes before you made this post about the exact same topic her vent was about. It's not slick like you think it is.

No. 2118721

I only have this thread and the amerifag thread open schizo. You are so annoying.

No. 2118727

This already happened tonight in the last unpopular opinion thread. Anons read a vent post, not even 10 minutes later they make a reply directly influenced by it except in the unpopular opinion thread. It's not a silly little coincidence. At least wait a couple hours or a day if you wanna shittalk another anon.

No. 2118729

stfu seething twitterfag
twitter has multiple threads dedicated to how annoying it is.

No. 2118737

Right, I'm a seething twitterfag cause you didn't want to directly tell that anon you think she's part of the problem kek

No. 2118740

link me to the post and i'll tell her directly, idiot. no i'm not going to click the slow-ass catalog and wait for it to load. imagine thinking anyone is afraid of some random poster in an obscure anonymous forum.

No. 2118741

NTA but the vent was about a anon with a addiction to twitter and not someone using twitter and saying its fine because they're based like how the opinion was suggesting. I know some anons are cunts and bitch about other anons but I don't think this is the case here. Once is chance, twice is coincidence, three times is a pattern or however that goes.

No. 2118747

You could totally be right. Them getting so defensive right off the bat though just made me think that she was mad she got called out. Just tired of low effort bait to infight imo which is why I called it out

No. 2118750

>Link me to the post
Girl we're not doing this whole pretend thing again where you act like you don't know what you're talking about and then 10 minutes later you come around and say we were right the first time. Literally the posts were made 7 minutes apart at a time when the board is dead and we all know you saw the post.
No I think you are right because of what you just said. It was the immediate attempt to infight on their end that sold it for me.

No. 2118752

>calls someone a shithead
>"shithead" responds in kind
>w-why are you getting so defensive??

No. 2118753

Some self-styled oracles in this thread have been presuming anons to be people they think they know, the whole thread. It's fucking tiring.

No. 2118755

Tinfoil but I kind of think someone is trying to cause infighting between anons by claiming posts are about other anons. Literally someone just went out of their way to link the post from here in the vent thread. Its some sort of weird bait to instigate fights.

No. 2118756

Nobody called her a shithead kek what are you reading?

No. 2118758

Link the post dumbass and I'll tell her directly

No. 2118761

You quite literally already posted in that thread like >>2118755 just said kek.

No. 2118762

Its a hyperbole or simile or something anon, she doesn't literally mean anyone called her a shithead

No. 2118765

This instance could be, but the instance that happened earlier the anon ended up admitting she was in fact directly talking about someone else's vent post.

No. 2118766

I didn't post anything, anencephalus-chan. If I did, I would post the result here to prove to you that I did, because that was the whole point of asking you to link the post in question here.

No. 2118768

Don't try to twist my words kek I did not say the OP posted that

No. 2118769

Okay the anencephalus-chan insult did make me laugh a bit. That was unexpected.

No. 2118771

I'm referring to children that are wanted but mom has to give them up due to lack of support system, financial issues, or just the extreme pressures put on mothers

No. 2118772

I'm not putting responsibility on anyone except whatever pressures are causing people to give up very wanted babies. Economy is in the shitter, we're more anti social than ever and parents are told almost every single thing they do is wrong

No. 2118775

Does that happen a lot? Not being sarcastic btw, I just haven't heard of that happening. I've heard of mothers wanting their babies but not being able to afford to keep the baby, but the mothers originally wanted an abortion due to the financial problems and couldn't get one so they ended up having to give birth and leave it at the hospital.

No. 2118832

File: 1722685317092.jpg (82.13 KB, 800x640, 2567a7ac3b111e4887799c04051a25…)

How come the American Dad motif is okay, but Sonic was banned?

No. 2118843

the sonic poster was avatarfagging

No. 2118845

Because there are more Stan cultists than Sonic cultists. Both are shit.

No. 2118847

stan rules sonic drools

No. 2118853

May sanic smite you where you stand you heathen

No. 2118859

Who are your top 10 hottest male Sonic characters nonny?

No. 2118864

1. Sammyclassicsonicfan.
2-9. Amy.
10. Shadow.

No. 2118866

File: 1722686907221.png (142.02 KB, 300x169, sonic_and_bartleby_sharing_bus…)

my top 3 hottest sonic characters(male because i am not a homosexual)
3-sonic with blue arms
2-sonic with skin tone arms
1-bartleby montclair of dresdin from sonic underground

No. 2118882

File: 1722687845457.png (409.42 KB, 864x1011, 1000031552.png)

Russia's hosting the "World Friendship Games" in September. https://en.wfg2024.com/
There won't be any drug or doping tests. It states that you can't have any past doping violations, but I suspect they truly do not care. Anyway, I admit I'm curious as to what's going to happen over there.

For the non-athletic nonas, Russia has always been eager to experiment with nootropics and different (alleged) performance-enhancing substances for the mind as well. I'm kind of disappointed that with all that research (new compounds and stuff), they don't seem any closer to actually treating or reversing diseases like Alzheimer's. You can go on a fun scavenger hunt to see all the substances they did develop though: phenibut and piracetam were developed in the USSR, and phenylpiracetam is now something they prescribe over there. There's Semax, Selank, Noopept, fabomotizole, a shit-ton of others as well.

No. 2118884

>For the non-athletic nonas, Russia has always been eager to experiment with nootropics
Yeah Russian nootropics are the only ones I trust. In terms of disease research, I don't have much faith in Russia. I think China is the big medical innovator right now. I heard they found a cure for Diabetes recently.

No. 2118889

I like how eyeliner looks when it's smudged.

No. 2118900

Imagine the face of the animator who had to animate Stan's ass clapping.

No. 2118902

It's not going to get any attention outside of Russia and Russia-adjacent countries (i.e Belarus).

No. 2118903

Honestly I’m pretty sure everyone dopes and it’s a competition between doctors not athletes.

No. 2118908

Major lie, it’s funny as fuck. You people have terrible shitty humor that’s frozen in time at around the years of 2014-2017. The American Dad threadpics were fun and enjoyable, of course many anons are allergic to fun because if their lives are miserable they want everybody else to be just as miserable as them on this website. After all of the chronic mass reporting, whining and bitching and scrotefoiling and bpdcunt/manic underhanded tactics that drives away any sensible person from using the website you aren’t tired yet you fucking insufferable ingrate?

No. 2118909

it's not funny and you should reconsider your priorities if you get your panties in a bunch like this over a threadpic

No. 2118911

Yes it is, get over it you miserable bitch kek people enjoyed it and it brought people together instead of infighting. I just know you’re one of those report button abusers

No. 2118912

here we go again with the schizoposting

No. 2118913

>You people have terrible shitty humor that’s frozen in time at around the years of 2014-2017.
It's kind of like how every generation thinks the "best music" is whatever music was coming out when they were teenagers.

No. 2118914

File: 1722689834544.jpeg (173.64 KB, 736x551, IMG_2058.jpeg)

Sanic is an ugly sight to behold, Shadow the hedgehog has way better swag than him. Could sanic even pull off these outfits? I don’t think so.

No. 2118920

I don’t even think they have a sense of humor, these are the types of “posters” who are only here to collect statistics, spy on people, maybe even stir the pot as some kind of internet psychological experiment. I refuse to believe that something like American Dad can be that that dreadful to this already dreadful website kekk, it really isn’t annoying at all and yet they keep insisting on it because they want to damper everybody’s mood and fun. They do this by going into new threads and trying to get it locked.

No. 2118923

That is NOT Francine in the blue outfit to the left that is Sexpun!!! God nonnie get it right

No. 2118937

File: 1722690634666.jpeg (80.71 KB, 735x419, IMG_2057.jpeg)

why did I read your post in the boogie2988 “i will not show my medical charts” voice KEK. sexpun is suchhhh a cutie, thanks for the correction nonny! i didn’t make the pic but it’s good knowledge going ahead

No. 2118945

Seth MacFarlane is cringe

No. 2118946

I'm hiding all pics of that American show. Those cartoons are fucking disguting, like puke inducing

No. 2118947

he did 9/11

No. 2118952

File: 1722691175255.webp (26.47 KB, 504x956, IMG_2061.webp)

No. 2118955

wow whos she is she single

No. 2118956

cute and based

No. 2118959

no, she’s claiming to be celibate but still posts in the ugly man psyop thread lmfao

No. 2118963

Kekkkk that's exactly how I intended it to sound

No. 2118966

Never let your enemies know their behavior bothers you, it empowers them. If you are childfree and can’t stand seeing nigelfags trying to create families to continue to shit out more ugly mini rape apes, just be silent. You know there’s no way their future generations are going to exist in an ecologically unsustainable world and there’s no way to deprogram a male-identified woman.

No. 2118978

There's no way to deprogram a Stan-identified woman.

No. 2118984

she sounds based i want to be her friend

No. 2118991

american dad nonnas living rent free in your mind

No. 2119033

this is the most retarded reason i've heard to make something a reoccuring thread theme. farmers lust over all kinds of strange, random things. stan is ugly and not relevant to the thread theme. i disliked the borzoifag but at least they were cute dogs, and nuns fit the confession thread.

i am pro-pompurim being abused for unpopular opinions as threadpic, it fits the infighting here.

No. 2119041

stanfags pls bully this anon

No. 2119042

do it yourself. no one wants to work anymore, sheesh.

No. 2119043

Definitely a lazy entitled Zoomer and most likely a communist too

No. 2119059

same. pisses me off when grown adults in their 30s try to talk about pokemon to me. you are no longer an 11 yo kid with a ds lite. grow up.

No. 2119061

but nona y-you don't understand… Stan's the thread motif i-it's different from a meme a-and everyone worked hard to make it a motif…

No. 2119066

The "makima groomer!!" sperg is so retarded. Almost every single anime if not all has a teenage female character as a sexualizing mascot, women and male discord leftists will defend sonico and ballon water tit characters as empowered representation, but draw the line at makima, who is explicitly a villian.

No. 2119086

>you are no longer an 11 yo kid with a ds lite. grow up.
KEK. I can relate to you. I'm also an adult that's interested in mostly "adult" things that finds it weird how many people her age are stuck in interests she had as a child. Like okay, I like Pikachoo too, but we are 28 can we talk about something else?

No. 2119094

They claim 70 countries are involved, who knows though.

No. 2119099

kek what???
me when people still talk about anime and collect garbage toys of their husbando who aren’t real. i love being a mentally stable casual anime fan

No. 2119104

tbh "casual anime fans" are the worst
why can't you accept your passion?

No. 2119114

nta i’m not that passionate about anime. it’s a fun pastime to me and that’s it. if i really like one maybe i’ll go online and look at fan art and if i’m reaaaaaly obsessed i might read a fanfic or two before i go to sleep. but that’s it honestly.

No. 2119115

There's only obsession or revulsion with anime.

No. 2119116

Anyone over the age of 21 that still talks about anime as a conversation subject is immediately a red flag for me. Especially with the state of how anime is today (just coom bait basically produced to get around porno laws).

No. 2119120

File: 1722697905420.jpg (67.4 KB, 480x706, df921a738a9fb295c68cdc65f3830d…)

American dad is peak ugly man psyop and its promotion is a form of self-harm. All female community and you choose to be represented by a postwall scrotoid whose chin looks like a tumourous ballsack. I will never hate myself as much as you all do. Praying 4 u nonnas.

No. 2119125

No. 2119127

No. 2119128

Is it not Family Guy? Peter is repulsive and a literal retard.

No. 2119133

It's made by the same guy but a separate show.

No. 2119141

Anime as a medium is good (only boring people and tryhards look down on it), but modern anime is complete shit.

No. 2119142

My thing is I don't get why weebs get triggered when you call it cartoons.

No. 2119148

reminds them of their stunted emotional development

No. 2119165

I think they think anime makes it sound like it's more adult, and I'm sure there are some adult Japanese cartoons, but the ones they watch are always produced with a target demographic of 12-15 and they treat it like it's Tolstoy. They really do not like admitting that they're watching cartoons for kids. At least the Western cartoon nerds admit that the shit they're watching is for kids.

No. 2119170

I agree. But "anime" sounds just as childish to me. I guess they think it sounds foreign, so less chlidish and more exotic?

It looks like some of the more respected anime shows have more underlying or loosely associated themes giving them more "depth" compared to most Western cartoons but this doesn't change the fact that most anime shows are predicated on their appeal to children and teenagers, and are designed accordingly.

No. 2119176

Eh, I disagree. You don't grow out of things that bring you joy just because you hit a certain arbitrary age and it's honestly more childish to judge and mock someone for an interest they're passionate about. I thought I was so grown up because I had grown out of watching anime as a teenager but as you get older you stop giving a shit what people think and just stay true to yourself because life's too short to limit yourself based on the judgement of others.

No. 2119177

>there’s no way to deprogram a male-identified woman
I think it can be done, just that ranting at them and seething about the fact that they're setting all women back isn't going to make it happen. Most of those women have to learn the hard way, and they do. But it's legit great when somebody gets peaked without her life going to shit.

No. 2119205

They feel embolden when you chastise them about making the right choice, they get off to disobeying universal law that when you’re around moids you should never relax. It’s why they go after bad boys who end up raping their own little daughters and beat them, they think it’s going against societal expectations when it’s just going to destroy them in the long run

No. 2119207

It's not that I'm making fun of their interests per se, it's more like I'm making fun of their obsessive choices to include anime in every aspect of their personality and talk about it ad nauseum at an age where most of us are talking about where we're vacationing and what sort of houses we're looking for.

No. 2119221

Which is why you don't chastise them unless you want them to keep ruining their lives. I've personally had more luck peaking women by showing them how awesome my life is without male influence with the occasional half-joke that their life could be just as good without guys. Works like a charm.

No. 2119264

Oh, well that's different. If they're incapable of talking about anything other than their special interest they might be autistic kek

No. 2119365

>its just men have more options than us
What alternate universe do you live in kek

No. 2119367

Women aren’t inherently more loyal in relationships than men, its just men have more options than us which makes them more likely to cheat. It’s easy to be loyal when there’s no temptations. If I lived in a world where most men were hot, they cooked for me, cleaned for me, were sweet and did everything to please me then yeah I’d be cheating just as much as men do.

No. 2119372

Men definitely have more options. Nice/pretty women are a dime a dozen. Hot women barely have any good dating options, so imagine how shit it must be for ugly or average looking women.

No. 2119379

Nonnie I think men are just hornier. I don't think they're gushing about their affair partner's ability to cook or clean while they're secretly fucking her in the car

No. 2119384

Most women aren’t horny for their partners because they don’t find them attractive. If most men looked like models with six packs, women would be more tempted to cheat. It’s just those men aren’t an option for most women because they’re extremely picky or gay. Most women are going to be loyal to the ugly dad bod guy who at least gives them a title of gf or wife, there’s no temptation to go cheat with another guy that is probably worse.

No. 2119389

men would stick their dicks in whatever that's not hideous. it's different for women. most women need some sort of attraction both physical and psychological to want to have sex.

No. 2119396

You can have can emotional connection with a person you’re cheating with, it’s just most men have terrible personalities so there’s no incentive. Most women have a “stick to the devil you know” mentality when it comes to their bf/husband, they know he’s not that great but they know there’s nothing better for them out there but for men there’s a good chance they can find someone better than their wife/gf which is why they’re always dreaming of someone else and it’s probably why young men are so averse to commitment because they always think they can do better.

No. 2119398

the point is women wouldn't cheat just as often as men even if men were more attractive because women are pickier than men in choosing their partners, cheating or not.

No. 2119413

Yeah of course women are picky since most men look like shit. Most women are cute/hot which is why men want to fuck around with more women. Mens reality in dating is kind of like being at a grocery store with tons of delicious cakes and cup cakes and they’re all free. For women dating is like “well I found this slice of bread on the floor and is not molded, I can eat this so I don’t starve to death”. Men have more temptation because they have more options, on an average day I see about 100+ attractive women. I haven’t seen a good looking man in a year.

No. 2119416

Anecdotal evidence (personal experience) is the purest evidence and any reasonable person will put it before others. Especially in a time of AI deepfakes.

No. 2119419

I don't think that's an unpopular opinion

No. 2119421

My anecdotal evidence is that most women are boring. Nah, anecdotal evidence is garbage kek, if you say that then you must accept misogynistic anecdotes from men

No. 2119424

I honestly think a lot of women are moralfags who'd never, kek. But many would cheat, i agree, in circumstances with much better men. Tbh they still should do it with younger moids. And could. But they don't.

No. 2119427

that's more of a problem regarding the interpretation of perception

No. 2119432

I think most women don’t like younger men because they feel less feminine with them. Like men, women associate youth with femininity and they feel their partner should be the same age or older.

No. 2119448

This idea that men don’t have standards isn’t true. I have been rejected by every man I’ve ever wanted. pretty women are just projecting their reality on everyone. I always see women saying “men are easy”, “men will fuck any woman who says yes”, just has not been my experience with men. I’ve been blocked after giving a man my number, looked at with disgust if I go up and talk to a good looking guy…..the same stuff some just complain about from women.

No. 2119453

approaching men will make you appear "cheap." it's better to make yourself appear barely available. unless you're abnormally ugly

No. 2119462

I think if you’re actually hot guys will entertain you, even if they think you’re a whore. They’re not going to just straight up block you or completely shut down the conversation.

No. 2119494

>giving men your number
>initiating the majority of conversation
No, no, no, no, no, dear anon.
Men are driven by caveman psychology. Even if you were a 10/10 they would still be weirded out by a woman making first moves, because they know the order of things and assume there is wrong with women approaching cause they read it as "desperate." You gotta be able to attract, step number one. Ugly girls can do it, i.e. hobbies, be interesting, etc.

No. 2119522

This still goes against the idea that men are sex apes who will stick their dick in anything. If men will fuck anyone why would they care if a woman is desperate or not? I think the “men are easy” stuff women say, isn’t true.

No. 2119529

No it doesn't, they will absolutely stick it in you just can't spook em. That's like the only requirement kek.

No. 2119532

If you approach men they think you're trying to steal their organs

No. 2119544

There's different kinds of "desperate"
>woman getting way too drunk at bar and clearly seeking attention
>"desperate" in a good way because men can take advantage at their discretion and they think its hot
>woman being dominant trying to push her number and force a conversation
>"desperate" in a bad way because you are inadvertently making them feel emasculated and demanding their attention regardless if they feel you earned it yet, they wonder what's wrong with you for violating the social contract

Repost to clarify I don't think "good/bad" desperate is a thing, cause desperate is desperate. I'm just talking about it with terms in relation to what will work to get you laid.

No. 2119691

Youth is not an excuse to be a bad person. Usually people who do bad shit will have those same feelings their entire life, they will just get better at hiding it. That’s why many school bullies just grow up to bully people at work or their kids.

No. 2119693

I think youth is a time of growing and developing. I think it's common for a lot of people to regret certain actions they took in their youth. I think once someone is like 22 though, that's the cut off after that your personality is static and you're not gonna change anything.

No. 2119695

Some men like dominant women who initiate things and know what they want, although that requires a certain level of maturity

No. 2119696

Is threadpic ProJared or was that just a joke someone made once

No. 2119697

A lot of men are also straight up retarded and can't read the signals of a woman. Now someone who shows blatant interest will pick up their interest especially if they're shy and not used to receiving female attention.

No. 2119698

They don't have standards under certain circumstances. Moids would rather fuck anything than not fuck at all.

No. 2119699

File: 1722714711549.jpeg (64.33 KB, 750x507, image0.jpeg)

No. 2119701

Exactly kek.

No. 2119704

I’m not trying to identify anyone, I’m just saying that if you’re not the anon who’s tagged in the comment and you choose to respond, it’s basic imageboard etiquette to say NTAYRT. Not sure why this is making you tic. Also, it was clear that you likely meant to tag someone else considering you tagged my post that was from over 30+ minutes ago at that point, hence why I feel as though it would’ve made the most sense to add an NTAYRT. The reason for this is not to seem like an oldfag or police how anyone posts, its really to just avoid exchanges like “i’ve asked about the borzois three times now” “i wasn’t the anon you were talking to about that”.

No. 2119720

File: 1722715647881.png (1.32 MB, 1108x838, my girl .png)

I still find it funny that for some reason anons hated the American Dad pics but are unable to come up with a response for how the borzois, nuns, and victorian girls are all threadpic “memes” as well. A meme is usually the same thing repeated regularly. Think of the “bait used to be believable” meme. Think of the “Hawk Tooah” girl shit. Think of that overly attached girlfriend from like 15 years ago. A meme is not to be confused with a motif. A motif is simply a recurring theme, not a specific recurring image the way a meme is.

No. 2119731

You know the baiters are having some rough patches when they can't think of new material to infight about so they start picking up fights from 12 hours ago.

No. 2119740

It does especially in states where abortion has little to no access

No. 2119743

I can't stop cringing at how unfunny and desperate that second post is

No. 2119752

Moids have standards but their fear of dying alone trumps all so they’ll pursue and lead on women they don’t like that much then resent them for not being what they want.

No. 2119756

I consider growth stuff like getting away from substance abuse, gaining confidence, learning how to defend yourself. People who do stuff like bullying, sexual assault, get joy out of violence etc most likely won’t grow out of it.

No. 2119758

Oh well pardon me for falling asleep and then rejoining the conversation? I didn’t know that that’s suddenly unwelcome here. Also I don’t really see how this reads as bait.
It’s not meant to be funny? Did you actually read the post? I was explaining what a meme actually is, and posted an actual, definite ‘meme’ to give you an example of what a meme is. And not only that, but, “bait used to be believable” is something that would be considered a meme. A motif is a recurring theme it seems like for some reason you think I’m baiting when I say this but I am being genuine. You know how the nun threadpics, even though they’re not always the same photo, it is still the same theme; nuns? Thats what a motif is. That wouldn’t be considered a meme. Much like how the different AD pics are also not memes, because it’s a motif. I don’t really know why this requires so much explaining…you can google what a motif is if for some reason you are having a difficult time believing me.

No. 2119761

nta but it doesn’t read as satirical to me? some of you really do have very slow brains

No. 2119779

Why is "everyone who works should be able to afford to survive" such a controversial take in the US? It seems like saying that variation of that anywhere in America will get you screamed at

No. 2119780

You're so boring, just wait for the better baiters to take the lead instead of your pathetic attempts at dumbass shitposting.

No. 2119785

I’m sorry but the things you keep saying just continually reveal yourself as a newfag. Eloquently explaining your side of the conversation is not ‘baiting’, nor is it dumbass shitposting. I encourage you to actually read the old dumbass shit threads before writing off any post that you are too lazy to read as being ‘bait’.

No. 2119788

men really have low EQ and empathy and get so pissy when you mention it
god why did I even bother with this fucking idiot, he's a lost cause
my first and last "I'll try to make him see the error of his ways"

No. 2119793

Ntayrt but dumbassshitposting is when you make actual dumb posts in attempt to derail the thread. and usually those posts aren’t paragraphs explaining the difference between motif/meme

No. 2119808

I've been here longer than you were alive. I see the newfag tactic nowadays is to jump the gun and accuse others of being newfags. Just know that you've already been mentally defeated as soon as you do this.

No. 2119814

The responses you keep posting are vindicating the points I’m making…you’re clearly unfamiliar with several aspects of this website, and you somehow don’t even know the difference between a meme and a motif. In the Amerifags thread, are the Alfred thread pics a ‘meme’? Of course not nonna kek, it’s a motif. Also I’ve gotta be honest ‘I’ve been on here longer than you’ve been alive’ sounds like something a like 20 year old would say KEKK

No. 2119865

Just how ugly are you?

No. 2119893

Men take what they're given, and also try to take advantage where they can. Them saying "2/10 would not bang" to any and every woman online is their way of coping with that, not how they actually live.
If a woman goes after a man, a lot of them feel like there must be something wrong with her, because they feel she shouldn't have to do that under normal circumstances. They wonder why other men aren't chasing her, and become concerned they're getting the "worst pick".

No. 2119897

I hate Pokémon so much. I grew up being autistic about it but the older I got, the more repetitive it became to me and I just got tired of it. I have friends in their late 20s who are still obsessed with it and waste so much money buying merch. I had a friend who recently dropped over $100 on booster packs and I imagine she may have already wasted hundreds more, possibly thousands, on this useless hobby. It boggles my mind why anyone would waste so much money on pieces of card stock. Pokémon is such mindless consumerism on a wide scale that I can't help but be annoyed by it.

No. 2119901

>I've been here longer than you were alive.
Damn this is something my grandma would say to me when I pissed her off kek.

No. 2119915

I always wonder if they mean they think anon they're speaking with is less than 10 years old or something, kek. Or did she just mean she was alive for longer than anon. What does she mean by "here"?

No. 2119930

Nta but anon…a hyperbole.

No. 2119944

Kek, sorry, sounded strange to me. Maybe for native english speakers it sounds normal.

No. 2119974

No I'm a native speaker and it sounded strange to me too kek.

No. 2120007

I really really don't mean for this to come off as spreading an infight, but does anyone else here boxing and wrestling in general are weird sports?

I never understood how people could be interested in watching two people beat the shit out of each other and disfigure each other. I thought Stallone was kind of hot in Rocky, but if that was real life after 5 years of being punched in every part of the face, his face would look like a pile of trash. Broken noses, black eyes, knocked out teeth, etc. etc., why do they do it??? It just seems like it fucks them up and gives them brain damage from the repeated impacts. Is there a rush to beating people up that I'm unfamiliar with? I just don't understand how boxing is still popular or even really legal. The worst is just the fighting kind when they're not even wearing gloves they're just actually trying to kill each other live on stage. If I was alive in Roman times I would not have gone to the colosseum I would have stayed far away from there.

No. 2120014

We should kill them.

No. 2120018

I'm ok with the ones that keep to themselves and don't try to convince me they're healthy tbh. HAES/muh fatphobia types need a beating though.

No. 2120036

I've always thought this as well. It really grosses me out that people (mostly men) enjoy watching violence so much.

No. 2120057

It’s true that straight women can’t be “”femcels””. But lesbian women can be.

No. 2120058

Age gap relationships get a bad reputation because of men but men are abusive to women of all age. Women shouldn’t apply the experiences they had with older men to women in their 30s who want to date guys in their 20s. I’m not a predator or a bad person just because I’m 32 and my bf is 22.

No. 2120059

Good idea, let’s hunt them and then feed their meat to starving children. The fatter they are, the higher their bounty. Could tactic to keep people slim and healthy, even if they can’t lose weight they’ll have to run off all the hunters.

No. 2120081

wish there were more lesbians like you, no older women will date me

No. 2120087

No, they’re both awesome. Men getting beaten up while their cocks and ass are vacuum sealed in sheer clothing? Sign me UP! You should watch junior fights instead if you don’t want to see broken noses and ugly haggard faces. As you said, it is a personality thing and there is a rush to beating people up. I would love to attend the colosseum, for example. I can see myself boxing another woman and enjoying it because I have an aggro personality and enjoy showing prowess. But I could never truly get into it because I don’t normally hate other women. I don’t actually enjoy hurting them. Most scrotes fucking despise each other so they don’t care at all kek. They’re lucky in that aspect, I would love to get paid to beat them up.
Tldr it’s a personality thing. For example I get angry whenever I watch football (very rare) because they’re not allowed to punch each other and I want one of the guys to break his leg so the game stops being boring

No. 2120088

Anon she is not a lesbian. Her boyfriend is the younger one. Reading comprehension.

No. 2120089


Is this bait…i don't like fatties either but these posts are a little extreme.

No. 2120094

Yeah I think the ayrt meant that like… she wishes more lesbians were like the op… as in she wishes more older lesbians would date her…

No. 2120099

I hate how it is seen as a deviant thing just because it is less common than an older man with a younger woman.

No. 2120109

No anachan zoomer's lana del ray, slim cigarette, coquette, woongyung thinspo compares to the stuff you'll get here. Unpopular opinion, but I like it and it helps me go to the gym as imagining that hatred fat people get here inspires me to work harder on keeping my body slim and toned.

No. 2120122

Someone's been baiting about fatties across /ot/ for a few weeks now. Honestly its the most boring type of bait which is why no one's been biting as much

No. 2120125


No. 2120126

Yeah I wish the baiters would workshop some of their material to figure out what lands and what doesn't.

No. 2120138

Maybe it’s because I’m a chubber myself but I don’t really get the violent hatred ana chans have for fat people, I don’t hate them.

No. 2120141

It's because they hate themselves more

No. 2120142

Basically it boils down that they hate themselves and they hate fatties because fatties get to eat and they can't

No. 2120143

is that why so many of them troon out

No. 2120148

I'm not even asking in a snarky way. I'm just curious and I'm starting college, so I wanna make new friends this year. I don't wanna scare them off with cringe talk about videogames and kiddie interests. What kind of stuff are you into/ like to talk about?

No. 2120150

How is my post bait lol HAES/fatphobia people are insane and always say stupid racist shit. Like I said I don't hate every fatty out there. Just the delusional ones.

No. 2120153

I agree. I only want to see hotties like alfie

No. 2120159

The american dad pics are funny though, idk why people are mad. They should be mandatory for the USA thread for sure.

No. 2120163

once i hear the word "liminal" come out of a persons mouth i immediately give up on them. i wish anyone who has ever talked about "liminal spaces" a very pointed GET A JOB

No. 2120167

True. Homophobic society gets in the way, transbians get in the way, fakebians get in the way, you're not most girls' type because they all either like butches, tiffies, or the stereotypical blonde stacies and you're not any of those things. Sad existence

No. 2120175

NTA but who cares? I hate Pokemon and wish people had better taste but if you love cringe things, you're likely going to find others with similar interests. Cringe interests are so widely accepted nowadays anyways and you're not going to get far with making friends if you fake your interests to try to fit in. The only way I can see it really being a problem is if you're super autistic about liking actual baby shit like Bluey.

No. 2120182

I hate Pokemon too kek. And Bluey. Anyway, I don't want to fake interests, I just want to know what kinda 'mature' stuff people in thier early 20's are into, to check it out and see whether or not I like it too. I could be missing out on some good stuff. I'm not gonna fake liking anything because that's pathetic and a waste of time

No. 2120187

I'm the ayrt. Obviously 28 is different from college aged, so our lives and interests will look different. To give you advice though, try looking into common hobbies. Things like films, books, music, sports, etc., it's easier to make conversation when you have a lot of subjects to choose from. When you actively engage with these hobbies, it also makes you a more interesting well-rounded person in general, and people are mostly interesting in talking about "new" stuff. It's not that I find Pokemon annoying as a topic in itself, but hearing it as the ONLY conversation topic from someone is boring and annoying. It's best when you can talk about things that are relevant today, but subjective enough that you can share your opinions and hear others'. Try to keep up with stuff that's happening locally too, stuff like markets or concerts too, usually it's fun and it gives you a lot to talk about.

No. 2120197

I hate when youtubers make videos including their bfs/gfs, like, respectfully, they are not as cute as you think they are and i do not see what you see

No. 2120200

It's really embarrassing when they break up too and they still keep the videos up but edit the titles to mention "EX!"

No. 2120215

If you're going into college there will be anime/videogame/kpop clubs to be as cringe as you want and meet new people in. Or you can do more normal stuff by checking out places near your school, getting a part-time job, joining other clubs etc. I think anons are being a bit harsh because I'm older and IMO people get pretty boring when all they talk about is their kids, nigel or whatever HBO shows they're binging

No. 2120217

>I'm older and IMO people get pretty boring when all they talk about is their kids, nigel or whatever HBO shows they're binging
NTA but I wish the pandemic didn't fuck up my college relationships, now I'm 28 and I have nobody and starting from zero sounds haunting

No. 2120218

No. 2120267

There are no down sides to being pretty as an adult but there are down sides to being a pretty little girl. Being Brooke shields level pretty under the age of 18 is dangerous in so many ways. Boys and girls who are conventionally really pretty at too young of an age of are at risk for so much exploitation.

No. 2120279

i have two little girls and it genuinely makes me sick to my stomach seeing men look at them and make weird comments about how pretty they are.

No. 2120315

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Women like ballerina farms and Simone biles are why if a woman has a toxic scrote, just leave her alone and let her love him. At the end of the day they’re just going to see you as pathetic and annoying for trashing their man.

No. 2120320

NTA I tried joining a gaming club in college to try to make friends. They didn't play shit (only some online Pokemon game) and it was more of a bros club if anything. The only other two girls included a pickme and a very annoying TIF. Also everyone teased the vice president and no one thought it was a big deal, it was kind of a running joke, but whenever I as a woman tried teasing him once, he reeeed and got all upset and I had to leave the club.
I tried to join one in high school too and same deal, all they wanted to play was COD or other shooter games and were total assholes. I made 1 guy friend and it's only because he was attracted to me.
Anon can check out her local gaming club but mileage may vary. I'm very much into horror games and know a lot about them, but even the most popular series Resident Evil none of those guys knew what I was talking about. Losers.

No. 2120322

Justin Bieber is like Elvis

No. 2120365

Justin Bieber is a pedo?

No. 2120374

For hobbies that are dominated by males, always check to see if there's a women-only group rather than co-ed. 9/10 the co-ed club will just be full of insecure moids trying to one up each other on who can be the weirdest and most misogynistic. If troons are an issue in the female-only club, just try to make friends with two or three of the girls there and after a while start inviting them to play hang out on their own. Clubs aren't really the goal, it's meeting people through the clubs that's the goal.
No I think she means he got fat from prescription drugs that aren't prescribed.

No. 2120377

No I mean he’s an iconic musician stop being mean. I really can’t think of anyone else who’s been as famous since him

No. 2120386

Nobody on the internet would call those unfunny American Dad memes a "motif" except you and maybe a handful of weirdos here.
Besides, you appear to keep assuming that "motifs" can't be memes, but they're not mutually exclusive concepts.
Also, you keep assuming you know who you are talking to, lol. I see you are still resorting to calling random people newfags when you don't even know who you're talking to. Get a grip.

No. 2120412

Taylor Swift

No. 2120422

File: 1722744364137.jpeg (25.65 KB, 812x377, images - 2024-08-03T165357.395…)

NTA stop dragging this infight like a dog with a rabbit it can't let go of. I couldn't care less what the threadpic is as long as it isn't AI generated feces or not a nun in the case of the Confessions thread. AD haters are keeping the "meme" alive by screeching about it, if you hate so much then ignore it and it will fizzle out by itself. Also stop debating subjective definitions, nobody is anyone's changing minds

No. 2120507

American Psycho is Mean Girls for men. Patrick Bateman is their Regina George.

No. 2120508

Anon, a motif is just a recurring theme. The American dad threadpics are a motif. Please, google the definitions of words before trying to sound smart.

No. 2120509

I'm so used to the /stan/fags that whenever I read American now my mind puts Dad after it. I read this like American Dad is Mean Girls for men and I was confused.

No. 2120519

Omg that’s so true kek

No. 2120533

Everyone knows what a motif is retard. Motifs and memes are not mutually exclusive. What's so hard to understand? I'm expressing this in the simplest way possible.

No. 2120863

Your anime husbando would be butt ugly if he actually existed in real life and would be made fun of in the ugly man psyop

No. 2120869

I think it’s ok to judge white teens for being racist, if old racist tweets are discovered then they should be rejected from jobs, colleges etc. Sure they’re young but no one cared that the minorities they were harassing were young. The minorities they’re bullying at school and physically attacking are going to deal with that trauma the rest of their lives and they should deal with the consequences too.

No. 2120877

I used to think differently until I learned that a lot of people who were very racist as teenagers still do/say the exact same things as adults. It was a choice then, and it's a choice now, so I can't really care.

No. 2120879

Who hurt you

No. 2120889

yea people will say "they were just a teenager" as if its natural for teens to be racist. all they learn as they grow up is to reserve their racism for the right audience.

No. 2120896

teenagers are retarded but I hate how people think they have the same mental development of a toddler, they’ve reached a point where they discovered their actions have consequences. teenagers are deliberately malicious and know how to manipulate people, they know how to intentionally act like evil cunts their prefrontal cortex just hasn’t developed yet for them to balance this decision-making act on whether to continue being evil or to balance itself. i have a spiritual tinfoil for this but because they are midway from being a child, usually the purest form of humanity but close to losing their spirit and soulfulness which would mean adulthood. it’s almost like they are weirdly the most chaotic and vulnerable because these two playing fields exist and they have to choose between heaven or hell knowing they will always have to choose hell. when you hit middle school and become a young teenager it’s almost like you become automatically evil or you develop something wrong, I don’t believe any teenager existed where they haven’t done anything reprehensible. it’s like the testing field of being an adulthood where you’re completely stripped empathy, compassion, understanding but you still have the childhood memory of sainthood and purity

No. 2120901

I mean I was a teen once and I wasn’t racist or a bully, any of the toxic shit I did only affected myself. Them being shitty people has nothing to do with their age.

No. 2120942

Yes, also what >>2120877 said. And I’ll add that they cause trauma to their victims that will take years if ever to resolve, meanwhile for them it was just a bit of fun. I did just fine not being racist in my teens and it wasn’t hard.

My unpopular opinion is that most people don’t change that much and their past actions should absolutely be used to judge their character. The only exception are acts of desperation where a person had to do something questionable in order to survive. Even if they supposedly changed their ways, it was never voluntary. They only seem to remember that being a gross racist bully is wrong if they fuck around and find out.

No. 2120955

"Girly"= fruity.
"Manly"= hardboiled.
I think that's what both words basically amount to when people say them. When a man is "girly", he's a sensitive fruit. When a woman is "manly", she's stoic and hardboiled.

No. 2120964

Oh absolutely, I would never date him irl. His type of personality integrated into modern society would either troon out or overall just be really obnoxious. Also mine would be creepy looking and I find it hilarious

No. 2121037

you can’t make a woman see that her man is trash. she has to realize that for herself, even if he is embarrassing her in front of millions. Keke Palmer did the right thing and left but for every Keke there’s at least five Cardi Bs, Simon Biles, and Halle Baileys.

No. 2121041

I agree with you. Not to try to sound special, but I grew up in an uber conservative household and my parents tried really hard to instill fear and hatred of black people and other Latinos into me. In second grade there was a black girl in my class and it took all of ten seconds for me to realize she’s a girl just like me and we became friends. I could maybe see being a little scared at first as a kid after all the fearmongering, but if you harassed another child as a kid it’s because you were an asshole.

No. 2121089

BMI is inaccurate, but not in the “not accounting for muscle” way (excess muscle is also linked to health problems so being a bodybuilder isn’t healthy either, obviously). BMI is too lax on the “overweight” end - eg people had a higher risk of dying from COVID at a BMI of 23 for white people + people see an increase in metabolic health going down to a BMI of 20. And too strict on the underweight end, because most of the “risks of being underweight” come from symptoms of malnourishment and is applying generalisation from anorexia, digestion issues or wasting diseases that cause people to be underweight. BMI was made by a mathematician, and for men, and I think it should be smaller for us too.

No. 2121098

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No. 2121100

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Kamala shoud get a harem with hot bishounen fags(not an opinion)

No. 2121117

I read somewhere once BMI was more accurate in the past because people back then had more muscle mass than we do nowadays or something like that

No. 2121208

But they’re not memes and you’ve now admitted that you understand they’re not memes so I don’t really get why you were trying to argue that they weren’t the threadpic motif

No. 2121210

I remember when Clint suckers were doing all this hype around Hillary and then crying over their computers on election night 2016 kek

No. 2121212

you can't into logic. just give up

No. 2121218

nta but
>you can’t into logic ♥
so eloquent nonna kek

No. 2121276

It’s only ever fatties reeeing about BMI anyway. The ones who are at 27 swearing up and down they look skeletal if they lose 5 pounds. Overweight starts so much earlier than most people think because it’s so normalized. It’s even spread to pets and now there is a “pet weight” category kek

No. 2121277

KEKKKKKKKKKK imagine if that happens all over again this year, will be drinking those tears mixed with a little apple cider

No. 2121285

there is actually a "new bmi" where they take height into account, it's less forgiving for shorter people

No. 2121289

It’s not even just muscle. When you realise a 22 inch waist was common in the past for perfectly healthy people you realise this.

No. 2121301

You’re a sperg if you care so much about BMI. Nobody gave a damn about BMI before it was created. Just don’t be fat and eat healthier, fuck off with this shit

No. 2121306

there is also the fact that even when hot women do get into a relationship, more often than not, the man ends up with even more options due to other women being jealous. for some reason, women think that stealing a man from a hot woman is mogging them in a way. it's over for hot nonas

No. 2121411

Polyglotplatypus Is the best and most interesting cow on snow right now. She reminds me of a worse gimpgirl

No. 2121415

For the nemu girlie's for sure but most interesting? Not really but I'm glad they're enjoying the milk after being so milk deprived from nemus absence

No. 2121425

Yes most interesting because most cows on snow are boring as fuck. Like who wants to read anons sperging out about Shayna’s body or some random fat egirl photoshopping herself. Not even empathchan is that interesting because all she does is be edgy and assault people. It’s getting as dry as /w/ out here.

No. 2121426

Liberals being pro Islam is the funniest shit ever. They’d rape and burn those they/thems with an only fans and blue hair alive if they stepped foot in their culture.

No. 2121428

Samefag also people being pro Islam just shows that liberals don’t care about poc women. They act like Mormons are the worst people ever but don’t care about the kind of abuse Islam inflicts on women.

No. 2121430

Not only that, most women are taught from day one that looking good and having a husband is the most important thing in the world for them and their job is to support their pet moid. In addition to this, most males are pieces of shit so when a woman finds an ugly man who can mask his degeneracy for longer than an hour and pretend to be a caring bf she clings onto him for dear life. A man can always find a nice and decent-looking girl to marry if he puts in the barest minimum of effort, not the case for women.
Moid parents also get praise and have their balls licked clean if they so much as spend 5 minutes in the same room as their own child, meanwhile mothers can't do anything without angry retards chimping out at them.

No. 2121436

Nah I just searched it to see what it’s all about, it’s mainly about a fat, ugly sweaty TIF with mental health issues so 90% of the thread is just alogging just like the shaynafags still boring. Browsing cow threads would be interesting until you found out that all of the people who are mainly focused on forcing milk out of these cows are essentially just like them without the infamy. I rather just browse the regular boards at this point

No. 2121467

A case similar to addyharajuku. A cow whose thread you follow for light stupidity and the slapfights they get involved in but the anons in their respective threads ruin them with weirdly personal a-logging and trying to force milk in places it doesn't exist.

No. 2121641

She’s a racefaking white TIF with an incest fetish, creates entire LARPs about how her boring Dad was actually secretly her favorite comic author this whole time!1! and pretends to have sex with him, and her new comics are two self inserts where sh’e promotes domestic abuse and pedophilia. She’s a fucking freak and is a milky as hell. Not what a-logging means btw.

No. 2122166

i dont think the women not men who speculated on imane being a man or woman aren't in the wrong, all of this shit wouldnt have happened if troons werent accepted in womans sports it makes sense why they're so vigilant on speculating and keeping it fair but i do think its retarded on their part they dont take in account a athlete origin and the cultural nuances are, imane has a very masculine face and it isnt her fault she was just sadly the scapegoat for all the shit westoids sport moids have done.

No. 2122189

The underlying problem is that we can't trust organizations like the IOC to enforce even the most basic rules anymore.

No. 2122216

Same, nona. I am fully enjoying a new cow for once. Also I miss gimpgirl, what happened to her?

No. 2122243

i am convinced people who defend her and think she isnt milky share similar fetishes with her. Only a freak would think being FGM fetishist TIF who larps as an uwu dainty smol asian grill while being morbidly obese isnt milky. You need to be legit pornsick to not be repulsed by her art.

No. 2122269

>People who defend her
Ever since someone uploaded that photo of her desktop that showed LC as one or her first bookmarks, I believe sure those anons that say she's boring are just her kek. God knows how long she's been browsing (or posting?) on the "salt mines."

No. 2122316

You dont need to be in solidarity with other women to be a feminist. I think women are as annoying as men but I still want us to have rights.

No. 2122320

Now I'm curious if she ever has done any art in the art boards…there was also "someone" trying to prove laika and null are completely different people

No. 2122325

There were also a lot of suspicious anons defending Null when anons were discussing making a thread on her. Its already been proven she lurks the ''Salt Mines'' and she privated her youtube videos mere hours after they were linked in her thread. So she definetly lurks.

No. 2122425

She chose such an unfortunate online handle, my mind constantly jumps to KF Null everytime I read her thread.

No. 2122426

Men are so damn ugly

No. 2122428

Every once in a while there are big cases of migrant related crime rings (like that one with the grooming gang) and then there's claims going around about how the police actually knew about it for ages but they didn't do anything because "they were afraid of being called racist". My unpopular opinion is that that always feels like bullshit to me. The police is perfectly fine with doing fuck all about sexual abuse on any kind of woman every day of the year, but yeah, sure, this time the widdle uggu cops were just shy and were scawed that the internet meanies could possibly call them racist, they totally didn't just want an excuse to not bother with actually doing their job/save face after a very obvious case of not doing their fucking job, and they totally would have absolutely cared enough to actually do anything if the perpetrators were white shavs.Same goes for sentences. White moids get slap on the wrist tier sentences for sexual assault all the time. White minimoids get off scotch free despite being 100% guilty because of minor status all the time if they even get to court, which circles back to the police doing it's job.
It pisses me off because it's basically giving the cops/court sythem an excuse (they're just afraid of getting boolied) and not addressing the bigger issue moids as a whole.

No. 2122430

I was rewatching Hotel transylvania and honestly i dont feel like mavis and the ginger had any sort of romantic connection, they barely spent time together in the movie. The ginger should have ended up in a gay romance with dracula.

No. 2122441

I get where you're coming from but is it like this when it's nonsexual crimes too? Like drug gangs, stealing? Because where i'm from police were indeed afraid to be called racist because of gypsies, some years before the migrant crisis hit Europe. I remember that everybody was frustrated in my country, especially my very gypsy town, that gypsies weren't given lawful punishments for rapes but ALSO setaling, vandalism and drugs. That's why it seems kinda logical to me that the same happened with the migrants elsewhere. Everybody saw us as super racists but actually the system was much nicer to gypsies than it is today, when it came to police dealings. It was like a span of 10 yeras that this was happening.

No. 2122453

police aren't scared to get called "racist" they're being paid a tithe to keep quiet and otherwise probably indulging in the spoils of crime

No. 2122478

I fucking hate silent people. Calling yourself an "introvert" is arrogance, someone talking to you is trying to entertain you & be friends. Staying silent and nodding makes you look like an arrogant piece of shit. You'd rather "stay at home and watch TV" because you're not INVITED anywhere. I love surrounding myself with fun loving, talkative people who actually enjoy interacting with other humans. I love kicking out silent losers from my social circles. I can't believe they think shutting the fuck up makes them mysterious or cool. I'm sick of everyone being too edgy to talk. Us normal people need to stick together and remove antisocial retards from social life entirely. If you're going to hide in the corner during my birthday party you don't get to eat cake. KILL YOURSELF! I love talking and I will never stay silent even if you give me a bombastic side eye. I will rip your eyes out with my bare fingers. Moron

No. 2122480

careful nonnie, some anons don't like us talking bad about migrants

No. 2122481

you sound insane

No. 2122482

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These are the same people who would die alone in their apartments if it weren't for their "chatterbox" friends checking up on them btw

No. 2122484

you are the reason people stay silent, you sound like the edgy one
> even if you give me a bombastic side eye
are you old enough to use this site? or are you just retarded

No. 2122487

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> if you give me a bombastic side eye.

No. 2122489

>I love kicking out silent losers from my social circles.
you sound like you are living your mean girl fantasy.

No. 2122490

You've got to be terminally autistic to not realise I used that phrase to bash the people using it. Anyway, I fucking hate introverts and I enjoy watching them become miserable losers when their extroverted handlers abandon them.

No. 2122491

I think the far more likely excuse is that the cops are racist/misogynistic too and don't give a fuck about disadvantaged women being preyed on until there's pressure to do something about it.

No. 2122492

You've got to be terminally autistic to not realize that you used that phrase in a way that absolutely didn't sound like you were bashing the people using it.

No. 2122495

> I used that phrase to bash the people using it
no you didn't anon kek

No. 2122498

File: 1722870413180.gif (59.85 KB, 220x122, 1722549139839.gif)

We all know you cant even go up to a mcdonalds and order

No. 2122499

Maybe people are silent around you because you are unlikeable and annoying

No. 2122503

>afraid to be called racist
>because of gypsies
I'd find it more likely that they're afraid to get ganged up by the criminal's whole extended family kek

No. 2122514

These summerfags are getting out of hand. Isn’t school starting soon, why are you still here? Grow the hell up, not everyone wants to talk to you. Extroverts have to be the most narcissistic, energy sucking demons I’ve ever come across and this spergy rant continues to prove it

No. 2122517

what if they’re only silent around obnoxious people. it makes no sense for people to interact with obnoxious subhumans with no self awareness.

No. 2122518

Extroverts are so threatened by people who don’t want to talk like typical energy vampires kek, do you want them to bask in your presence and worship you or something? Get over yourself

No. 2122524

No. 2122525

You type like you're ugly

No. 2122528

You're one of those insufferable people who'll says something deeply retarded and unfunny then shit and piss youself because all you hear is crickets

No. 2122531

Nta but I do this when I’m alone, am I retarded like them

No. 2122533

>bombastic side eye
please go back to tiktok

No. 2122534

File: 1722872083227.jpeg (32.63 KB, 416x403, IMG_1970.jpeg)

>us normal people
>on LC
Kek, top quality bait.

No. 2122535

>Us normal people
lmfao you can't this here of all websites.

No. 2122536

oh yeah this paragraph is totally something a normal, well adjusted person would write

No. 2122541

On the contrary to what other anons are saying, I’d like more maladjusted walls of text, actually. I need more manifestos.
People who say shit like this are always ugly. Like wtf are you talking about? How would you rate yourself? Let me guess, like a 6 at best?

No. 2122545

>How would you rate yourself?
An unironic 10

No. 2122547

nya but i’d rate myself a solid 8

No. 2122552

Uh huh. I’d believe it if you posted it
>inb4 ohhh but I can’t because that’s against the rules!
Posting on VPN then deleting clearly bypasses this but these kinds of anons can only larp as Stacies anonymously on the internet - even though no one believes they’re “um akshually an unironic ten!1!”
You think you’re more attractive than most celebrities?
So… why? Did you want to share with the class? Kek

No. 2122555

why on earth would I post myself here of all places
you sound unhinged like that sperg "extrovert"

No. 2122556

I think I finally understand why my mom says that it's better to stay silent and be thought an idiot rather than open your mouth and remove all doubt.

No. 2122558

File: 1722873165754.jpg (70.01 KB, 612x461, IMG_20240805_225818_668.jpg)

Why do extroverts not understand what the fuck a introvert is and always assume that we're all asocial speds. Its not that we don't want social interaction, it's that our energy gets sapped from it more quickly, I just had a hour long conversation with someone and I'm probably going to take a nap now.

No. 2122560

actually I just don't want social interaction with that person you replied to

No. 2122563

Kek, because that’s what they all say. I just think it’s cringe when people larp as attractive on the internet because they’re sad and ugly IRL and that’s how they get a crumb of happiness. Even more when they use it like some kind of punchline like, “Haha, I bet an ugly person wrote this!!!” as if they’re aren’t most likely 200lbs themselves. We know.

No. 2122565

that's retarded
it's 2024 everyone uses the internet

No. 2122566


No. 2122569

Books like Harry Potter and Percy Jackson are harmful to children because they give them delusions of grandiosity/superiority/specialness

No. 2122570

uh did you forget other anons are allowed to respond to you? stop being mean

No. 2122571

Extrovert donkey pissing on ambivert pig and introvert cow, keep up.

No. 2122573

I wonder why you have that on your computer or phone kekkkk

No. 2122575

Nta but, I’m technically an introvert. Like, wayyy introverted, as in I can not see anyone in years and not crave interaction, and I need to recuperate after spending time with most people. However, I have definitely noticed what anon was saying. People who call themselves introverted are almost always schizoid, overly anxious people who you need to tiptoe around or just simply don’t give a fuck about people. 90% of my “Oh I’m such an introvert tehe” friends were not there when anyone in our group needed help. Their “mental health” is so delicate that it somehow justifies them being, honestly, just assholes. They would always subjugate other’s problems to their own inescapable, debilitating “”introversion””.
Simply being an INTP or Ixxx in like MBTI or whatever is not what this person is talking about. Obviously simply getting energy from time alone isn’t inherently evil.

No. 2122577

no offense but the whole introvert/extrovert energy thing sounds weak and whiny. like do you really need a nap just because you talk with someone for an hour? does an extrovert really need to surround themselves with people every day so that they don't claw their own skin off? why are such people so unable to mediate their social regulation? and why does it only seem to happen to people who call themselves introvert/extrovert?

No. 2122578

Sounds like "you're ugly" comment hit a nerve, retardigrade-chan
Are you sure you're not ugly?

No. 2122579

kek, I have a co-worker like you, I don't talk to her because I dislike her very much and people like that don't understand that silent people aren't always silent, most of us just don't want to waste their time with idiots and know that people like you love the sound of their own voice more than anything else in the world.

I love that picture, is it from a book or something (not that I understand any Finish)

No. 2122580

introverts act like they’re special needs

No. 2122581

Crazy how you can clock people from their retarded typing styles. You’re the one who samefagged in that other thread. I just realised and god I hate it when I know I’m talking to a minor, it’s like emanating stupidity.

No. 2122582

pete buttigieg isn’t actually gay

No. 2122583

Mental illness

No. 2122584

he literally has butt in his name, he is gay

No. 2122585

ntayrt but anon there’s more users on this website than you think

No. 2122588

this is some spiritual shit none of you would understand. leave introverts alone, damn

No. 2122589

then why does he have a baby?

No. 2122591

because gay men loving baiting straight women into marriages to hide the fact that they’re gay from everyone and then eventually cheat or leave them with the baby. i hate faggots

No. 2122592

You thinking straight and playing up for woke points, or bi and too much of a coward to admit it publicly?

No. 2122593

>donkey piss art
i think i know why people dont talk to you

No. 2122595

I’m actually pissed because I am attractive IRL and I barely see anyone who is considered an “8” let alone an “unironic 10” KEK. I’ve never seen anyone boast that online who actually was. It’s so fucking cringe, you see these people irl and they’re like literally tubs of lard or have crusty skin or look like idk fucking Shayna. If I was a little less mentally sane I’d probably try to doxx them so everyone can see how ugly they are because it’s actually hilarious.

No. 2122596

ma'am the witchcraft thread is thataway

No. 2122597

Oh, and I’m not the introvert sperg, “you’re ugly” is just a middle-school level insult.

No. 2122599

Every LC lady is an unironic 10 Stacy. Facts.

No. 2122601

>I am attractive IRL
Prove it or stfu you lying sack of lard. The audacity lmao

No. 2122604

I’m not the one calling people ugly on the internet, like it’s an insult. But if she revealed her face, I would, kek.

No. 2122605

how are you gonna dox a fucking anonymous user on an imageboard when you can't even guess people right you future scientist

No. 2122606

I dont know where the pic is from, I saw it earlier today, thought it was funny and thought it applicable here. Sweetest of dreams nonas.

No. 2122607

And "extroverts" needing constant attention and socialization also sounds weak whiny and needy, learn how to be at peace with yourself

No. 2122608

youre so gorgeous nonna youre so attractive that your beauty blinds all and makes them puke blood the world cant glance at your gorgeous face it must be covered to save humanity my god how can we ever compete with this goddess of beauty so much we should put you in a stone coffin and lay you in the ocean so heathens like us can never look at your beautiful face again

No. 2122609

Having short hair makes you feel more free, lovely and confident. I feel like having long hair as a woman is a psyop and it’s much more maintenance and energy you’re putting into it to look fuckable and feminine, it’s like a physical handicap for women just like those long hawk nails, butterfly lashes, heavy makeup and heels.

No. 2122611

Damn, you write like an uggo.

No. 2122612

I’m genuinely curious post a pic of yourself and show us how astoundingly beautiful you are. I bet you’re beautiful anon

No. 2122614

Hurhur, and which one are you?

No. 2122615

i mean i literally asked about extroverts in my post. i think both of them are weak and whiny which is why i asked about both?

No. 2122616

All IRL guys are ugly to me so true. I would rather get isekaied to his world than have him in mine.

No. 2122617

So when are you going to post your face? Surely you won't act like an ugly "tub of lard" who boasts that she's attractive online. That's so cringe.

No. 2122618

no face reveal

No. 2122619

people with BPD are scary and mean…they should be in mental institutions

No. 2122620

Careful, anons might start lesbianfoiling you now

No. 2122622

I hate how it's perfectly acceptable in normie spaces (mainly twitter) to make fun of someone for shit they can't change like a weak chin, fivehead, fridge body, etc. But the second you say that Lizzo is fat (something she can change) or that Erin Moriarty fucked up her face (something she chose to do) you're a mean bully.

No. 2122623

File: 1722874539805.jpg (31.83 KB, 427x427, LKNFE_44.jpg)

My bad I only read the begining of your post tbh, this shit about introverts being weirdos for not needing constant attention is so pervasive online.

No. 2122626

Didn’t I just said I would if the one who was calling people ugly did? Damn. If you want to see me so badly then post, you self proclaimed “10”.

No. 2122627

Medium-long hair is the true psyop. Once it goes past your back it's easy to just put up into milkmaid braids and forget about it until you're ready to go to bed. Hair that's long enough to get in your face but too short to put into an effortless updo feels miserable and I don't know how people deal with it. I have to buzz it all off once I feel it on my neck.

No. 2122632

>only reading half of the post before replying
well now i understand why lc is more combative as of late. still love you nonna, but maybe please don't do that?

No. 2122633

This is a crazy opinion to have as someone who goes on imageboards kek

No. 2122634

You're the only one here claiming that pretty people wouldn't call others ugly on the internet and that anyone who claims to be pretty on the internet is ugly.
You're calling people ugly on the internet while claiming to be pretty. You are the only one who needs to post face to prove that you're not lying. I have not said anything contradictory. Let's go ugly lardass.

No. 2122635

So many infights wouldn’t happen or would be half of anons didn’t do this kek I’m sick of it.

No. 2122636

What the fuck are you talking about? One anon said they’re a 10 and another said they’re an 8. All I said is they’re probably not because no one that says this shit online is, especially when they try to diss on an anonymous user because they’re allegedly so much uglier than they are (they’re not). If you want to see me, post yourself! I have nothing to lose, and yes I’m objectively pretty if that fucking matters and you want me to prove it KEK. Just give me an equal exchange, shouldn’t be hard for someone who’s a “10” - which I never claimed, I’m probably a 9. So when you post yourself, and then I post myself, I should be uglier right? We’ll see. Go on then.

No. 2122638

>Kek, because that’s what they all say. I just think it’s cringe when people larp as attractive on the internet because they’re sad and ugly IRL and that’s how they get a crumb of happiness. Even more when they use it like some kind of punchline like, “Haha, I bet an ugly person wrote this!!!” as if they’re aren’t most likely 200lbs themselves. We know.
>I’m actually pissed because I am attractive IRL and I barely see anyone who is considered an “8” let alone an “unironic 10” KEK. I’ve never seen anyone boast that online who actually was. It’s so fucking cringe, you see these people irl and they’re like literally tubs of lard or have crusty skin or look like idk fucking Shayna. If I was a little less mentally sane I’d probably try to doxx them so everyone can see how ugly they are because it’s actually hilarious.

No. 2122641

Also you sound fucking retarded. Why would people dox themselves because they said they're attractive online? You should post yourself though because you claim to be something that can't exist on the internet, ie someone who's attractive who uses the internet and someone who's attractive who calls people ugly.

No. 2122643

you're right. i love being sassy and argumentative as much as the next nonny but i hate when anons have to misread a post (accidentally or intentionally) in order to do it.

No. 2122645

It’s almost like it’s bait posted by a bored shitstirrer and it absolutely worked.

No. 2122646

lmao pls post more schizo-y and strangely aggressive rants guys it's funny as shit

No. 2122651

>If you want to see me, post yourself!
I'm not sure you understand the purpose of an ANONYMOUS image board.
repost since the damn post didn't tag, sorry

No. 2122653

that's a zebra you fat retard

No. 2122654

No. 2122655

Kek, then don’t post yourself, and prove my point. But if you really want to see me then you’ll have to stop being a pussy, I’ll even give you my instagram.
>you claim to be something that can't exist on the internet, ie someone who's attractive who uses the internet and someone who's attractive who calls people ugly.
I never claimed that. But attractive people who say
>You type like you're ugly
>An unironic 10
Are either 6s or not attractive at all, 90% of the time. Either way it’s cringe and hardly an insult, you’re not better than someone for being pretty.

No. 2122663

File: 1722875810114.jpeg (99.93 KB, 736x684, patrisse.jpeg)

>One anon said they’re a 10 and another said they’re an 8.
>All I said is… no one that says this shit online is
>I’m probably a 9
Let's go with the selfie or you're lying and fat

No. 2122671

I said that in response to the anon who said I was the anon they were replying to / ugly and coping (because that makes sense?), I’m not the one going and claiming to be literally top 0.0001% of attractiveness on an anonymous imageboard to dunk on the fuggos who hate introverts kek. But I won’t repeat myself. Even if you can post and delete I get wanting to “”respect the rules of the site”” or stay anonymous for other reasons kek

No. 2122674

excuses excuses
bye fatty

No. 2122680

Let me guess, you weigh more than 100lbs but get off on calling people fatty on the internet because you’re an ana chan who thinks starving to get from BMI 26 to 23 is an accomplishment, I’ve seen your type.
Kek. I’m ready to take a selfie with the paper and everything? I’m waiting on you nona. Don’t disappoint me.

No. 2122683

I am fully open to the possibility of attractive people claiming they're attractive while being mean online. You are not, and you claimed it never happens. I'm not contradicting myself. You are. So prove you're the exception. But you won't, because like I said, you are lying.

No. 2122687

You’re misinterpreting what I said, backread if you must. This is a matter of reading comprehension. Goodbye, I’ll be back if you post the selfie Miss “10” kek

No. 2122689

>reading comprehension meme
Your own words fatty

No. 2122693

Kek how did some anon sperging about how quiet people send them into a foaming narc rage turn into anachan powerscaling

No. 2122696

we must be in peak lich lord hours

No. 2122719

wym no one says that online? if i google “rate yourself” right now hundreds of articles/websites will come up with people rating their own attractiveness. i’m personally not an insecure little faggot, i know i am good looking based off the treatment i receive and the opportunities ive been given because of my appearance.

No. 2122723

Greentext is from >>2122636

No. 2122738

Looks like I have hurt some feelings in the introvert community… narcs always act out when their validation supply is cut off. >>2122558
You are weak and would not survive a day in the wild. Imagine being chased by a tiger but you have to take a break by curling up and crying because your emotional energy got sapped. Typical intronarc.

No. 2122741

who are you agin

No. 2122756

I’m the OG poster. Just checked in after an hour to find the lonely losers still seething about it.

No. 2122760

og poster of what? you made this thread with the crappy threadpic?

No. 2122764

No. 2122773

Someone's projecting.

No. 2122795

girl if you're so cool and extroverted and popular why are you on lolcow refreshing threads

No. 2122804

File: 1722879465141.jpg (6.35 KB, 220x164, dangit.jpg)


No. 2122909

This thread should be renamed infight thread

No. 2122913

Yeah I agree, that’s why I come here though

No. 2122915

sounds like fun

No. 2122982

File: 1722882650342.jpeg (75.68 KB, 400x408, IMG_2485.jpeg)


No. 2123008

I like the feeling of wet socks

No. 2123013


No. 2123036


No. 2123043

Women should be disgusting, if we were disgusting everyone would respect us.

No. 2123048

As a disgusting woman this is literally true btw

No. 2123055

File: 1722884113072.jpg (255.15 KB, 1920x1080, 1000006257.jpg)

Personally I'm gonna tinfoil that we've been discovered by a bipolar-chan in her manic phase.
Anyway, my thread tax unpopular opinion is that a lot of anime styles are kind of ugly, and I'm saying that as a weeb. Inb4 "cartoons need stylization", I just don't think it's necessary for every show to give the characters HUGE foreheads or to have no middle ground between huge/nonexistent chins kek. The side profiles in particular always look retarded, like why does every anime draw them like this regardless of the front-facing style?

No. 2123060

they have the weirdest pointy noses, like some sort of sinister creature

No. 2123090

>bipolar-chan in her manic phase
Are you talking about the "extrovert" chan?

No. 2123126

Bullying each other is never necessary unless someone’s actually saying something horrific

No. 2123131

you’re ugly

No. 2123134

it’s not bullying if you’re right though nonna KEK

No. 2123139

aw cmon I’m sure you’re not that bad

No. 2123150

Shut up queer

No. 2123161

I got so ticked off by lolow bullying I started crying in a public place. Sure I had other stuff going on but still. Bullying via text on lolcow kinda sucks.

No. 2123165

I hate to admit this but same

No. 2123170

Most of the time the "bullying" is being done to someone who was intentionally being aggro and annoying though. I agree that some anons have a kneejerk anger reaction when it's not warranted though and it's better to just laugh at the retards than let them occupy your headspace.

No. 2123171

but why.. just turn off the phone

No. 2123174

Im not even joking, Bullying on lolcow nonnie to nonnie style *Is a big problem right now. I imagine a lot of nonas have been bullied and pretend they don't care but I know some do. My tears dripped into my drink that day and someone asked if I was okay. I wanted to say, "No because someone on my favorite site is bullying me" but I know it'd make me look retarded. It's a real problem but because it happens so iinfrequently it slips under the radar. When it's not nonnas trying to cause drama N2N bullying is quite serious to some nonnas.

No. 2123176

I can't turn off my brain and emotions

No. 2123179

yeah it is very easy to take a break for the day, but it doesn’t feel good when you come back the next day and people are still being just childishly mean to each other

No. 2123180

Ngl I met some really irritating anons but to the point of crying?No.

Were you being too personal about your life and didnt like someone criticizing it?

No. 2123182

i’m so sorry nonnie. i wish we could all just have fun together instead of being all no1currr or telling suicidal anons to commit suicide in the vent thread.

No. 2123186

Nicolas Cage was very attractive in the 90s

No. 2123189

File: 1722887899179.jpeg (109.59 KB, 1242x951, IMG_9784.jpeg)

Yeah, that’s the solution but sometimes it gets you before you switch your phone off. Granted my mental health isn’t decent besides so it’s probably just that on top of that. For me it was when I was trying to escape from an event IRL so I go onto lolcow but have a shitty experience there too kek. It’s not like I rationally take it seriously since it’s trolling or bitter people, but sometimes that doesn’t matter I guess.
Maybe I’m the problem but I feel like in a good 75% of conversations I get piled on for something, the more you try to explain the more anons join in. I’m not agreeing to change it though because this is an anonymous imageboard and women shouldn’t be policed more on not hurting others feelings, that happens enough IRL.

No. 2123265

Who's that?

No. 2123267

Nvm I scrolled up and saw it.

No. 2123288

I agree, I liked their dynamic

No. 2123295

I 100% agree with you but now the absolute retarded mentally ill NEETs are gonna show up and try and defend their honour instead of just ignoring. That's how you know your opinion is correct tho; when the NEET losers start to have tantrums like they are itt

No. 2123298

you would agree with yourself

No. 2123299

The original split is just "do you recharge your batteries by talking to people or resting alone?" but like most things it's become an astrology offshoot for people who want excuses to talk about themselves. Most people aren't firmly introverted or extroverted anyway.

No. 2123328

Slang isn't too retarded as long as it's only used by children, it's only cringe when anyone over 18 years old uses it because I think it feels sinister and just wrong, not because they're making fun of the dumb children, but because I just don't trust moids, like why is a 30 years old interacting with someone that says skibidi toilet or rizz (whatever the fuck all that means) unironically, to the point of him using it too? It's weird as fuck, if anything, people should assume those people (moids) need to get their hard drives checked.

No. 2123330

rizz is charisma. cha rizz ma

No. 2123343

Wow so we can’t even use slang now. Not my fault you’re rizzless.

No. 2123358

Stop trying to bait me to alog it's hard to resist

No. 2123361

Just chillax dawg, we have our own fetch slang!

No. 2123368

how can you explain skibbidi toilet though

No. 2123379

i've been using slang my whole life, and I hate that "Ya'll" became twittard speak because I'm black and not country but I've been using, "Yall, Aint, Mad, Finna, 'bout" my whole life in informal settings.

No. 2123384

NTA but the skibidi song existed years before skibidi toilet, skibidi is scat music which came from early 20th century jazz which originated from the American African and Creole population via blues music. The animation features a head in a toilet scatting the skibidi song, thus skibidi toilet. Scat also means poo which is a nice play on words because the character is a toilet. Hope that helps

No. 2123385

I don't like crimped wigs in cosplay

No. 2123391

The platypus milk isn't forced. If you think she doesn't have milk at all there's something wrong with you, and I think that >>2122243 is right.

No. 2123404

You sound angry.

No. 2123410

File: 1722899268726.jpg (57.7 KB, 750x398, Round-Face-Shape-Men-Celebriti…)

I don't like this face shape.

No. 2123423

Neopets is ugly and bad.

No. 2123425

Agree, even young Leo looks ugly to me.

No. 2123428

skibidi toilet is used by younger retarded gen alpha and rizz was originally a term used by primarily by black moids, many “slang” is derived from black people on the internet nowadays

No. 2123429

File: 1722900199541.png (4.57 KB, 150x150, images (13).png)

I hope you get abducted by Dr Sloth

No. 2123430

Pete Bootygay

No. 2123435

same, it's too 'neotenous' looking or something. like a little round doughboy head, gross

No. 2123437

Finnish people what does the text in the image say?

No. 2123438

File: 1722900449123.png (69.22 KB, 710x534, Screenshot 2024-08-05 at 4.27.…)

No. 2123439

sameanon also the "8888888" was "Ssssssss" which I think was supposed to be an onomatopoeia of him peeing kek

No. 2123440

damnnn ugly as fuck, looks like one of those toilet bowl cleaning tablets

No. 2123453

wigs in general make most cosplays hideous to me. it would be better if people didnt try to recreate an animated characters hair 1-to-1

No. 2123470

What's worse with this is now if you use these words anons will call you a twittard for it.

No. 2123500

I'm highly convinced every man is gay. They worship cock, love cock, admire cock owners, they are completely uninterested in anything that resembles a woman. They sneak around their own girlfriend and wives just to get a taste of a dick. Men are either meant to be sexless eunuchs or homosexual, they should not be marrying, dating, or having children with women at all.

No. 2123508

I don't think men have sexuality like we do. They'd fuck anything, even a goat or a McChicken, because to them sex is just coom and not an experience.

No. 2123523

i think men genuinely don't just comprehend anything beyond chasing endorphin highs. that's why they're more likely to be addicts, they're more likely to gamble, they're more likely to speed or commit police chases, cheat, commit murder, etc etc etc. they're obsessed with their dicks bc it gives them the most pleasure consistently.

No. 2123553

i was just about to post this. I truly believe 90% of men are gay, I don't believe in bisexuality with moids anymore. If you like men of any kind in my eyes you are gay. I do not want to date a bisexual man and because so many men seem to be so fucking gay these days, with femboys, trannies and whatever, I'd rather remain single than chance dating another troon chaser. They also tend to be extra sexually deviant and careless with their dicks.

No. 2123559

Part of integrating is making sure your posting style doesn't stand out, though. That applies to vernaculars as well. I use similar language irl because my family is black and Southern but I've never used it here.

No. 2123565

They don't. A lot of men don't consider troons women, but they also think it's not gay because, "Anything vaguely female shaped with a hole is a woman" or they'll think, "Well I don't want to date a man, so fucking one isn't gay as long as i'm the top" or "If no one else knows I'm not gay". They think with their dicks. There are very few true straight men left. Especially since porn addictions are so regular, look at porn addicted moids interviews. They'll claim they could never get turned on by someone with a dick, but after jerking it to everything in the sun, gay porn/troon porn is the next step before trooning out or darker stuff.
Men can't do anything right, can't even be straight right. Most of them love dicks.

No. 2123615

Girls who cosplay are embarrassing, their hobby isn't like being a fashion designer, cosplaying is a the Disney adult version of playing dress up.
No, people don't like cosplayers because they are interesting people or because of their skills to make costumes, people like cosplayers because they are attractive and often times 70% naked.
And the less we say about how these kinds of "girls" who are into this sort of thing get enough money to keep doing it, the better.
Grow up, get a job, read a real book without drawings.

No. 2123618

Agree except this is only true for scrotes that cosplay. I think you were having a stroke so you typed "girls" instead or something.

No. 2123681

Non-cow gossip/drama have the best, most enjoyable milk and you couldn’t convince me otherwise. I love searching up content creators/influencers/celebrities who present as normal in their content but you end up with tons of reddit and other forum threads with shitloads of milk and it feels so fun to read and browse them I did this with Mikey Chen/Strictly Dumpling because I was genuinely curious, that is where the real enjoyment is not those half-baked /snow/ threads. LSA is also really great for this, PULL used to be good for this too but we already know that website was culled years ago

No. 2123684

Agreed. I like to browse FauxMoi and check gossip on certain celebrities and influencers.

No. 2123689

cosplay is cringe as hell

No. 2123691

Their cosplay is always 99% to cater to porn-addicted men and it’s always hypersexualized

No. 2123695

I don’t think being an actor or actress is something to strive for. You’re basically a Jester

No. 2123697

i’m not posting any photos of it but when i think of cosplay i immediately think of Eugenia’s anorexia fetish cosplay portfolio

No. 2123700

I hate the subreddit for it because it’s always full of retarded libfems and I can only handle the celebrity fart-huffing for a few minutes.

No. 2123701

Literally, especially now that you can just hire whoever is trending (not even pretty, unless it's an actress because they HAVE to be pretty for moids) and still sell your movies and series because everyone is bored to death and has the attention span of a goldfish with dementia and ADHD.

No. 2123719

wasn't PULL just full of boring weeb nitpicking and moralfagging?

No. 2123726

It depends on the cow, some threads on PULL were really nitpicky but others rivaled LC in terms of humour and observation. The problem with PULL (and any gossip forum) was that because posters weren't anonymous and you could react to others' posts, some users got addicted to moralfagging or nitpicking because it'd get the most positive reactions from others. I miss PULL tbh, I was really sad when it shut down even though I was only really a lurker on there. The shut down spurred me to use LC more frequently, so it wasn't all bad I suppose.

No. 2123740

There were some hilarious threads but the ones like SimplyKenna were almost entirely nitpicking. You could almost diagnose users purely on how they analyzed cows.

No. 2123759

>You could almost diagnose users purely on how they analyzed cows.
This made me laugh, it's very astute. It's even worse in the PULL discord. For example, one of the more popular users that posts in the Pixielocks text-channel has "DID" and used to make a lot of posts on there about how "from a real DID perspective" Jill was faking it. It's now mostly just a K-pop server, I'm pretty sure everyone that was interested in PULL for drama either migrated to here or some other gossip site.

No. 2123855

The blackpink channel in the PULL servers was constant nitpicking that I remember it got so fucking insufferable

No. 2124119

Dark chocolate > Milk chocolate.

White chocolate isn't even worth mentioning. It's bottom tier food. I'd rather eat over-cooked calimari than white chocolate.

No. 2124132

when people talk about chocolate they're really talking about the sugar in chocolate
"omg I luv chocolatz so much!!" no you don't, you'd never eat chocolate by itself without the sugar

No. 2124133

No I was talking about chocolate not sugar. Other people have different minds than you so sometimes we mean different things than what you think.

No. 2124134

>omg I luv chocolat so much!!

No. 2124137

Oh okay then

No. 2124147

I loved lurking the Knightmaya thread, it was hilarious, nobody cared about her after PULL closed down.

No. 2124162

Is your IQ 80 nonna?

No. 2124173

80 out of 100? yes

No. 2124238

I miss the cosplay community from 15-20 years ago. Most of them were harmless cringe weirdos who made costumes of characters they liked so that they could have fun with their friends at cons. These days you can just buy a shitty premade costume of most current popular characters and most are coomer fetish gear shoddily sewn onto a catsuit. The lax security at cons and the general sex pesthood of fandom moids drove out most of the self-respecting women so most of the ladies left are hired booth babes and costhots who have yet to be burned by male attention.

No. 2124338

as a non-feminine but otherwise gender conforming woman i enjoy the rare occurrence where i get "sir'd" at my job. i know theyre not misataking me for a man so it makes me feel very dominant, like i held so much authority that they defaulted to "sir". idc i get a kick out of it

No. 2124340

Marcia Kjellberg is not cute and the baby voice she does PISSES ME THE FUCK OFF!

No. 2124355

I find her very pretty, especially after her surgeries but also before.
The decline started with Jessica Nigri and Yaya Han, more Jessica than Yaya because Yaya actually made some impressive costumes that took crazy skill before she sold out.

No. 2124385

i don't think you should say the word 'moid' or 'scrote' if you have a nigel genuinely. or if you still obsess over men in some fashion, ugly male psyop nonnies writing up fanfic about men or kpop fans count of course. i mean you're still centering men, you're just doing it in another way

No. 2124389

I think some of you just take this site way too seriously. You can barely anyone from using a word, this is an anonymous imageboard.

No. 2124395

File: 1722964382360.webp (20.49 KB, 300x300, IMG_2501.webp)

Music fans are significantly worse than artfags

No. 2124397

rym and redditors are fucking awful and they all listen to the same shit and have the same shit tastes

No. 2124398

Men hate us call us horrible sexist names and fuck us and don't think for a second about it thought police chan. Using the word scrote does not imply you are a lesbian femcel get over it

No. 2124427

File: 1722965849643.jpg (28.47 KB, 563x370, 30ad8e74ecb9adfdcca0556a8eb837…)

>policing women over male hate

shut up retard

No. 2124433

File: 1722966291296.jpg (131.68 KB, 1504x801, 896451156564849.jpg)

Don't worry no one has a nigel, everyone just has scrotes

No. 2124485

They're our main problem now who never leave us alone, how do you not "center" them in some capacity, lmao? Let's talk about this after we eviscerated them all, then you'll make more sense.

No. 2124737

wearing a camisole with nothing over it is trashy and DISGOSTANG

No. 2124762

Don't gatekeep. I shall hate as I please.

No. 2124792

Please allow a transvestigation tinfoil thread, I would go so hard in that thread

No. 2124801

Maybe try in meta nonna

No. 2124814

>Please allow a bait and infight thread, since Unpopular Opinions isn't moving as fast these days and less people are responding to my bait. I would bait and infight so hard in that thread.

No. 2124874

It seems you subconsciously think they're somehow better than you. Stop projecting, it's not that deep. Some people are quiet and shy

No. 2124944

I agree, it's strange. Not enough clothes, literally underwear.

No. 2124957

Late but GOATed threadpic

No. 2125087

anon it's 100 degrees farenheit and I don't want my pits and tits to sweat like a pig

No. 2125149

File: 1722996311603.gif (58.53 KB, 450x500, 1722970084426053.gif)

I kind of agree with that one cow whose parents think all men are pedophiles and want to fuck their kids. I think it's a good thing they don't win primary custody most of the time they are freaks and should only be around for hallmark moments not primary caretaking

No. 2125156

how the fuck do you people even find shit like this

No. 2125168

I hate men. I honestly think the fact that all moids are pedophiles shouldn't be surprising, my tinfoil is that whenever they try way too hard to get the child custody, it's because they are pedophiles and desperate for a child they can easily have access to.

No. 2125185

Literally WTF is this shit? How deranged are some moids to make this? I really feel like this person actually has a kid that did this even though that would probably be really painful for the kid. For as far as I know the Dad/son incest / DDLB / Male DDLG stuff is less popular than the Dad/Daughter stuff though, if for no other reason than men are scared beyond all belief of being seen as gay, maybe even more scared of that than being exposed as a pedophile. What the creepy men will do is sexually abuse a female kid and teach a male kid how to abuse women, probably physically abusing the male kid in the process. You do have to worry about abuse from the moid either way but it’s different usually although some moids are deranged enough to mix it up and actually do that shit to the male kid even if it’s rarer or will just shame the kid for everything they do if they don’t do one of the above

No. 2125190

Yknow this is probably one of the worst things I’ve seen on this site.

No. 2125208

File: 1723001560798.gif (74.62 KB, 450x512, 1722969927096728.gif)

Men think not having their fetishes allowed is censorship, mild "excusable" shit like this isn't even on their radar. This is a man with a successful industry career

No. 2125216

>This is a man with a successful industry career

No. 2125229

i dont know whats wrong with my eyes today because the second photo looked like a baby getting a boobed shove in her mouth

No. 2125257

>This is a man with a successful industry career
Who?? I want to know who’s making these vile comics. If this is real I hope that kid is ok.

No. 2125286

I have trouble respecting women when they decide to become mothers not because I think pregnancy and birth and childrearing are necessarily degrading, but because in 99.9% of cases it's them signing their life away to raise a family for their scrote that will do NOTHING to deserve it or lend an equally helping hand. particularly because every time they are convinced that their husband is actually going to lift his portion of the load because he told her so, despite the fact that pretty much no one on earth has ever seen that happen irl. The delusion that comes with the decision of becoming a mother is so off-putting and creepy to me.

No. 2125358

i mean i thought it was obvious and we just repressed it to not kill ourselves? look at all the popular actors and male singers of the 50s and how all of them were openly pedophiles.

No. 2125377

I'm gonna blow your mind rn, a lot of women know this and just really want a kid anyway. Not everyone wants to wait around for Prince Charming to show up. My dad is no prize but my mom was almost 40 and simply didn't have the luxury of waiting about for a good man to materialize in the 1990s in rural Oklahoma. But something is telling me you know this and just want to shit on women anyway.

No. 2125398

Drink bleach

No. 2125415

Every time there's male youtuber drama, it's because he was a pedo. That alone has convinced me that most men are pedos.

No. 2125442

Agreed, even the fathers shouldn’t be trusted alone with their kids. When I was around 15 or 16 I was really into finding strange, niche sites online, and in that pursuit I found a lot of disturbing ones I wish I hadn’t seen. Nothing like cp but one of the sites I found was for dads who had attractions to their own kids. It was like a support group but they would also encourage each other to do degen shit like spy on their kids, rake through their underwear drawers, get them to sit on their lap. The worst post I saw was some man saying he was putting some type of oil on his toddlers legs because she had a bad sunburn and he got a boner so he took his dick and like rubbed it between his toddlers oiled thighs to climax. Some of the men were horrified but most of them were gassing him up, telling him he’s a genius and that she probably liked it, asking him questions about it and saying that if they did that they wouldn’t be able to keep themselves from raping her. It fucked me up so much I reported the entire site to multiple different internet safety sites and the FBI child exploitation report page and never went back. I can’t remember the name but I’m sure it’s gone by now, I hope all those fathers died or got caught. I think the url was like blanket or dot blanket or something like that.

No. 2125452

jesus fucking christ, you're awesome for reporting that.

No. 2125607

I find it funny when people (typically moids) will send vague/cryptic messages or online posts for the purpose of seeking attention (typically from women) just to find out no one cares or they ran their weird vague shit into the ground and most of us had a line of "mysterious" moids who were just attention seeking babies so no longer care about the millionth vague crap

No. 2125630

put men in a prison and let them find their way out (almost none of them would they would all stay there because they’re disgusting bastards)

No. 2125639

Unless you're referring to women pre 1990s/ women who come from cultish backgrounds like Mormonism this mindset makes no sense. Most women nowadays who have children and a marriage do so because they want marriage and children
>99.9% of cases it's them signing their life away to raise a family for their scrote that will do NOTHING to deserve it or lend an equally helping hand.
Why look down on women unless you know for a fact that's the case? The anti-mom crowd is so weird for this. Like do you just see a woman walking her baby and start thinking she's degrading herself for a useless husband?

No. 2125684

if its not being an actual pedophile they end up just pimping their kids out. I find it so fucking odd moms will get accused of trafficking for posting their kids face online (excluding actual pedo baiting situations like wren) but moids will actually follow influencers that encourage pedophilia while having daughters or allow their red flag friends around their children. Moms are held to super-human levels of childcare before you can be considered a good mother but dads can be as careless as possible and they're good parents just because they're there. It's ridiculous

No. 2125691

Have you considered some women just want children? And even if their scrote is useless at least they get financial support for that. Yes it is pathetic if you do it only for your moid/relatives/societal expetations but this is not everyone.

No. 2125700

>what happens when your whole worldview revolves around what men want

No. 2125704

Its because moids can only be cancelled for something serious, unlike women who get torn apart for the most insignificant shit ever 

No. 2125705

No it’s usually from places like r/breakingmom or just… talking to them, ‘my husband is useless’ is pretty much the most common complaint. It’s not really anti mother to point out that their husbands are useless either.

No. 2125708

I gave up on normie women long ago. 

No. 2125721

Reddit women are typically in relationships with fellow reddit-tier moids though, who are typically video game and porn addicts and are bound to be useless. Chances that the lady you see at the zoo with her kids isn't posting on reddit complaining about her husband, similar to how if you go ask tiktok moms they'll encourage smoking while pregnant but tell you toddlers shouldn't eat strawberries and you need to rear face forever but the chances of running into someone like that irl is zero to none. If your really want your revenge against moms then you already got it since most mothers, even with good partners are ripping their own hair out daily since they're being told everything they do is wrong, and now on top of that just having kids alone is wrong

No. 2125729

I don’t really see how pointing out that it seems to be a shit deal and that men frequently don’t pull their weight and in fact often wait until the child is born to show their true colours is “seeking revenge against moms”. Women pretty much always do the lions share of childcare. And this complaint is ubiquitous, idk why you think someone taking their kids to the zoo cancels it out or means it’s not common (or even that their husband isn’t useless when it comes to non fun activities).

No. 2125736

Do you feel the same way about lesbian mothers or women in relationships that the men do a good part of child care?

No. 2125742

I don’t really feel any way about mothers in general. Those examples are far from the average experience though.

No. 2125755

Unless you know for fact the woman is continuing to reproduce with a useless man there's no point in harshly judging mothers over your own (possibly false) assumptions. Mothers in society get judged a good bit, no point in adding fuel to the fire, especially over something that isn't even true for a lot of moms

No. 2125757

LC has a lot of unironic woman haters

No. 2125760

My ex use to do this kek. Fell for the bait cause I was a naive teenager, once I got tired of his antics and didn't stand around begging for context over every "I see" or "…" guess who'd come crawling back begging to talk more

No. 2125762

sounds kinda funny tbh

No. 2125764

It's true and why I don't take the radfem and man hating stuff here serious. Its just annoying cause some anons treat this like it IS a feminist site.

No. 2125773

What are you talking about? “Wanting revenge against mothers?” This is the other reason I can’t stand most moms. Unfortunately I live in reality where it’s not just “low value reddits moids” who don’t pull their weight in child rearing (what kind of cope?) it’s 99.9% of them. If you were honest with yourself you’d admit that you’ve probably never seen a husband pulling his weight in child rearing, but you can’t be honest with yourself because you have to be neck deep in cope to survive your cognitive dissonance. Which is yet another reason why I struggle to be friends with mothers. They basically all have to construct elaborate cope versions of reality so that they don’t have a breakdown (usually some version of “but my husband isn’t as bad as those guys so everything is great”, in your case you used reddit moids as scapegoats, predictably). It’s just depressing to witness and I just can’t really deal with it.

No. 2125784

Do you live in a conservative area? I'm in a fairly liberal area and both parents are very participative

No. 2125785

Fathers can do a fourth of the work that mothers do, yet somehow receive twice as much praise for doing it at all. Anyone who thinks a man is doing enough to raise his children is wrong because unless he's a single dad doing it all by himself, he's not doing enough to raise his children and the bulk of the work is going to his wife.
>inb4 "oh but my mom is a piece of shit and my dad did so much"
The exceptions prove the rule. Also impressive how the male defenders always come out to claim that not all males are lazy fathers, but I often wonder why they feel the need to do that. Shouldn't those exemplary men be able to defend themselves through their own continued action?

No. 2125790

How am I judging them though? It’s a general statement. It’s not like I’m saying they’re bad or stupid. I’m saying the situation sucks.

No. 2125794

>it’s just Reddit moids
>it’s just moids in conservative areas
>it’s just XYZ moids
Considering I don’t play this game with mothers irl, I’m not going to do it here either, because it’s exhausting. Not to use an overused phrase, but it’s really gaslighting to pretend that men not doing an equal share of child rearing isn’t pretty much universal regardless of demographic. In fact, if you get mothers talking to each other, they will admit this and complain about it freely and frequently. But if they talk to other people they change their tune for some reason, I guess to save face or something? It’s just weird. You’re free to continue pointing to other groups of scapegoat moids and gaslighting people who point out the obvious, but I’m not interested in bearing witness to it anymore, like I said it’s just depressing and exhausting.

No. 2125809

>Dads are bad
>So I'll make 95% of my posts about moms being bad, and only 5% to bad dads
Of course

No. 2125815

Sorry to piggyback off your post but I wish we could examine and criticize someone's situation so we can learn from it, without it supposedly meaning that we're also criticizing the people in that situation. We're never going to be able to do anything to balance the unequal labor load between mothers and fathers because every time we try to talk about how motherhood is often a raw deal for women (absent of the bpers ranting about dick brain or what the fuck ever misogynistic drivel they cooked up this week), we get accused of piling more shame blame onto mothers when most decent folk just want other women to suffer less.

No. 2125910

International couples who don't learn each other's languages are so fucking weird. Pewdiepie and Marzia are the best example of this, they've been together for a decade and they didn't learn Italian/Swedish
or japanese lol

No. 2125915

I agree. My coworker's wife is Japanese and she wrote his name in katakana on his lunch bag and he asked me what it said. They've been married for like 20 years and katakana isnt even hard to learn(let alone your name?) so I was appalled

No. 2125931

bro wtf you can learn katakana in a day
moids are extra gulity of this

No. 2125934

They are rich af and have enough free time to access the best private tutors. I don't get how they haven't learned japanese. What's the point of moving to Japan if you're just gonna have the tourist experience?

No. 2125967

thats not even true kek not going to cap for a moid but there was a whole ass video of him learning Japanese

No. 2125972

People who say they are cat or dog people are retards. I don't fucking get it. "I was always a dog person but now I've warmed up to cats" what the fuck does that even mean? How are you indifferent or disliking an entire species of animal? Because they don't directly serve you or your desires in some way? The fact that it exists and is so cute and beautiful isn't enough? People who don't like horses, rats, snakes, they're all retards. If you have arbitrarily decided you dislike or are 'indifferent' to an animal, there is something malfunctioning in your brain. Like you don't feel emotions properly. You're sick in the head.

No. 2125978

I like all cute animals who like me back owo

No. 2125979

Imo I don’t give a fuck unless someone goes out of their way to hurt the animal or watch animal gore of the animal they hate like the monkey hate people. It’s psychotic.

No. 2125986

I love dogs and cats but I prefer cats because I grew up with them and find their presence more calming. Dogs startle me with their barking and I've had packs of (not small ones either) them chasing me when I go for a walk or ride my bike.

No. 2126004

I kinda get what you're saying but do you feel the same way about mosquitoes and cockroaches?

No. 2126009

File: 1723058741032.jpeg (1.62 MB, 1284x2035, IMG_3745.jpeg)

feminists have a hard time comprehending that not all women are white and straight. Feminists low key are only thinking of white women when they’re trying to defend their cause and they tell on themselves sometimes like pic related.

No. 2126010

File: 1723058765225.jpg (64.96 KB, 1080x1080, 6ec03ec953d465b650d3fef47a52e7…)

Mosquitos are blood suckers so they're literally evil and deserve to be hated. Cockroaches are pretty cute, like this Madagascar hissing cockroach.

No. 2126011

this might be crazy, but most feminists are not white

No. 2126015

I think most feminists are white from what I’ve seen

No. 2126019

There's way more feminists outside of the USA

No. 2126022

NTA, the loudest ones, certainly

No. 2126024

In places like Africa or Asia? I don’t think so kek

No. 2126029

Nonnie there are like 192 countries on our big blue marble

No. 2126030

File: 1723059408933.jpg (104.33 KB, 1024x683, 37747893054_af100ba23b_b.jpg)

Check our domino roach, very pretty but tricky because they climb glass. I call them velociraptors of roaches.

No. 2126035

white centric feminists always tell on themselves.

No. 2126039

she’s implying that black women aren’t women, just like trannies. she deserves to get beaten for this implication, just like trannies. inb4 “scrote” can’t i just be an anon full of female rage?

No. 2126041

But back men were able to vote first in the USA, for instance, I don't see how this is totally true? Men love to use the term "white feminist" to be misogynist. Obviously black homosexual women are going to be more oppressed than white straight women and they're going to have different struggles. I'm just not sure why this is controversial when white faggots are some of the most misogynist (and racist) people I know and they are glorified by society.

No. 2126043

File: 1723059639071.webp (26.95 KB, 636x400, glowing-roaches.webp)

That's a handsome roach right there, check out this little dude, he can glow!

No. 2126045

She should read Sojourner Truth for starters

No. 2126052

is that supposed to be its eyes? looks like an owl from a far kek
does it look she would even care about her books kekk. she seems like one of those white libfems who still thinks it’s the 1840s for some reason and reads the handmaid’s tale like a bible, they’re completely clueless and uninterested in anything new

No. 2126062

It's like the same purpose as those moths that look like owls! It's to spook their predators.

No. 2126072

it looks like a create made of radioactive material, ewww. that’s still pretty interesting though

No. 2126139

File: 1723062773684.jpg (324.44 KB, 2560x1479, fight-against-rapists-scaled.j…)

>There are no feminists in Africa or Asia
That's a really ignorant claim and I'm embarrassed for you. Spend more time learning about the world. There are feminist movements in India, South Korea, Nigeria, and many other nations.

No. 2126141

I never said no poc feminists exist there are just more white ones

No. 2126180

>Unironically using the word poc

No. 2126218

how do you know this

No. 2126223


No. 2126229

I think it's funny when nonnies get seriously assblasted over threadpics kek. It happens like every other thread now. God bless the Stanfags

No. 2126230

You know the US is only 4% of the global population right? And only 16% of the world is white? I wonder what the other 84% of the world's women are doing if they don't like being oppressed, knitting perhaps?

No. 2126260

Feminist movements outside Europe/NA usually don't get far because non-western cultures see feminism and even women's rights in general as a foreign imposition from the west

I have a friend who is an Egyptian feminist and she gets called a traitor by moids from her background because they see "their" women adopting feminism as seeking white validation or some nonsense like that

No. 2126378

4chan is a better place to discuss media than lc because there’s not some moralfag in your ear screeching about how problematic everything is (with “radfem” wording)

No. 2126381

Half the userbase here would be happier on Tumblr, I swear.

No. 2126385

Kek exactly, it’s crazy just how many people you can tell were ex tumblrites just from moralfaggotry alone

No. 2126388

I feel like genuinely talking about stuff like anime in a completely straightforward plot discussion sort of way is becoming more difficult everywhere tbh.

No. 2126401

Just admit you’re lolifags and go away.

No. 2126406

It shouldn't be illegal to kill people who abuse animals.

No. 2126408

>t. tumblrfag

No. 2126413

Don’t you have some little anime girl pantyshot scenes to watch

No. 2126414

File: 1723078003942.png (27.75 KB, 852x304, if they're just drawings then.…)

I think having some morals, even over media, is good. Depends on how extreme someone goes with their morals.

No. 2126420

Even if you want to talk about sowmthing like fucking Naruto, you either have to choose between coomers that spam porn while going "plot? The only plot I care about are titties", mainstream fags that only care enough to bitch about how anime looks like shit, and tumblrfags posting how you're basically a rapist for wanting to talk about Sasuke and spamming shit like >>2126414

No. 2126426

>posting how you're basically a rapist for wanting to talk about Sasuke
No one ever said that. The most recent infight was over monogatari.

No. 2126428

I don't think talking about Sasuke makes anyone a rapist and don't see what my post >>2126414 has to do with Naruto. Why must everything be so black-and-white?

No. 2126429

>I wonder what the other 84% of the world's women are doing if they don't like being oppressed, knitting perhaps?
Kek this is so dumb, careful with this argument because people will just reply "you're right, women probably like it if they're still oppressed in 2024 and not fighting it much". Women who live somewhere where they barely have rights, are controlled by their fathers/husbands and are brainwashed (either with religion or shame) are not gonna be able to gather and discuss feminism much. Typically in countries where moids themselves are still lacking some rights and experience violence, you know it's even worse for women and not easy to protest it. So a bigger population doesn't always mean a bigger amount of feminists, though I guess it also depends on how feminist is defined.

No. 2126439

This was a reply to >>2126388

No. 2126444

But the end of anon's post says
>and spamming shit like >>2126414
was that a misquote? spamming shit like…?

No. 2126451

Spamming shit like random posts about how some rando is a pedo when any anime is brought up because they believe it doesn't matter what anime it is, any anime is automatically pedo.

No. 2126452

>any anime is automatically pedo

No. 2126454

AYRT. I agree, I was just pissed off with the other anon. Feminism is definitely a lot smaller in places where that would get you beaten up, killed or worse but that doesn't mean it doesn't exist in those places a lot of the time. It just annoys me when people say feminism is a white women's game, I agree it's way, way easier to be one in the West than it would be anywhere else but I also feel like it's disingenuous to the feminists that do exist in places like South Korea, Saudi Arabia, China, the Congo etc.

No. 2126459

Well, there you go. Guess it is black and white.

No. 2126461

Well I don't think any anime is and didn't see any specific anime mentioned ITT, since the OP just said media and the other replies referenced loli so I thought that's what you all were talking about, is that not it?

I think morals in that context is fine since lolicons keep getting outed as real pedos (shadman and his friends is another example). Even in the post I made >>2126414 I said "some" and that it depends.

No. 2126464

This anon >>2126452 isn't me btw

No. 2126476

Facing the reality of this is so blackpilling. A lot of women who grew up around the internet and went through the weeby rabbit hole or just consuming well known media knows that it 99% surrounds the demographic of scrotes. Making you more lenient on topics like fan service or ugly moids while the opposite happened for scrotes making them more entitled. For me personally I have a soft spot for Ichigo Mashimaro because I watched it when I didn't really understand how lolishit pervy it was and just enjoyed the comedy of it, and honestly you could interpret animes or shows (depending on how bad) that way if you wanted to. Though that doesn't mean there's room to defend it even if you personally enjoyed it which from what I've seen gets a lot of people

No. 2126480

Ok I get it nonna. Of course feminists exist in other countries and it's much harder for them. Being a feminist in the West is easier now but Western women also fought for it though. Sad that many women bring race into it, it just divides us more.

No. 2126483

I want to see women use A.I. technology to humiliate men the way men have tried to use it to humiliate women

No. 2126493

File: 1723084338823.jpg (Spoiler Image,28.59 KB, 266x382, 8386549374748.jpg)

stan will forever be sexier than alfred

No. 2126496

too small

No. 2126497

you’re not real

No. 2126498

File: 1723084835773.png (28.1 KB, 533x575, images (11).png)

Ew it's so disproportionate. I support Stanfags but I don't support showing his tiny scared looking turtle

No. 2126500

Samefag, I just did the maths. Stan's height is 6'0ft and so he has a shoe size of about US 12 which is 11.3 inches, his penis length compared to the length of his foot is about a third of that so he has a mirco penis of about 3.7 inches flaccid. Which maybe grows into a 4.2 or 4.5 at most when erect.

No. 2126526

Stan is my daddy, but I’ve never been into anime as a whole

No. 2126528

Next thread should have a Sonic OP image

No. 2126530

god no. the sonic threadpic era was even more annoying than the current american dad shit

No. 2126533

Triggered tumblrtard spotted, not even a lolifag either. Continue to police women on content for them while moids happily jerk off to blue archive porn and no one cares

No. 2126536

>Continue to police women on content for them
Idgaf if you like yaoi what are you talking about

No. 2126544

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I don't really care for either tbh
You reminded me of this episode

No. 2126550

No. 2126820

I’ll take my ban for racebaiting but African American (usually men, not how I said aa and not black fans as a whole) in weeb communities are a cancer. They only like the most mainstream of mainstream shounenslop and screech at the top of their lungs in Ebonics if you think a 16 year old anime guy is hot while being the most unapologetic coomers who make art of naruto or jjk girls with ridiculously huge boobs and ass. Outside of coom and tribespeak I see them only talk about ebic shounen fights and powerscaling, truly a cancer.(racebait)

No. 2126828

mexicans and any other brown skinned community is like this with shounen anime nonnie, but ok

No. 2126832

I don’t even consider most Mexicans anime fans since they just sperg over their previous pedoslop dragon ball and nothing else. You’re right though I do think it extends to brown skin people in general

No. 2126839

>weeb communities are… truly a cancer.
I agree. Not an unpopular opinion though.

No. 2126861

Yes, the other weeb, anime obsessed men are so much more sane and bearable

No. 2126864

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>weeb communities are cancer
Even the Japanese agree with you

No. 2126867

>describing mexicans with evangelion and dragon ball z
are you one of those black-hating mexicans or something? kek

No. 2126886

I’m white and didn’t mention evangelion

All weebs are annoying, but black male weebs sport a particular kind of annoyingness(ban evasion)

No. 2126891

File: 1723124450474.jpeg (48.64 KB, 500x672, IMG_2129.jpeg)

>refers to african american vernacular as tribalspeak
>is white
>probably looks like one of those fat white girls that used to have haikyuu buttons on their backpack in middle school
>wonders why commenting on a whole ethnicity’s way of speaking wouldn’t be offensive
we know black moids are obsessed with shounenshit but i shouldn’t have responded to this bad quality bait. bye

No. 2126898

The joke is that that anon probably likes slop like Violet Evergarden, Oshi No Ko and Dungeon Meshi (anime-only) and thinks it's any less obnoxious. I hate shitweebs, current anime and anime fans are so bad now.

No. 2126901

There are a lot of weeb anons now who make it really REALLY obvious that they have puddle-depth taste but still wanna act like connoisseurs looking down on the plebs kek

No. 2126907

I mean she’s right. No matter what race males anime fans are a cancer to some degree. At least now with anime’s popularity less of them are like “OH YOURE A GURL INTO ANIME? NAME 3 RIGHT NOW”. That’s more of an old weeb thing.

No. 2126910

When I used to go to the movies to watch capeshit films I realized how similar the value and quality anime was to these movies and it’s amazing because capeshit is usually heavily criticized by weebs but the same tropes exist in their favorite anime. I honestly think all anime isn’t great at all and we should just enjoy it for the entertaining colorful foreign slop that it is and expect nothing more from it

No. 2126915

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>but black male weebs sport a particular kind of annoyingness
Yeah, they're fucking annoying as shit and are more likely to be undiagnosed autists but they're significantly less likely to be creepy fucks compared to white male weebs. I have yet to see a male black weeb lolicon coomer. They have relatively less coomer-ness because they're more focused on the cool manly shit in anime and trying to emulate it. If you asked me which one I'd rather be in the presence of, it would be neither but if I had to choose I'd pick the black male weeb. Just ask them
>who would win, Goku or Vegeta
and then go to your happy place. Granted, I am bias because the only black weeb I know is my father and while he watches shounen and isekai slop he actively calls out the coomer-ness and pedoshit of white and asian weebs. He just short of calls most non-black male weebs faggots when we talk about anime.

No. 2126917

>dungeon-meshi (anime only)

Oh is that one better to read? I heard that anime was boring kek but I see it all over twitter feed. Also I’m surprised anons didn’t mention JJK since it’s the one new anime fans flock to for some reason.

>the only black weeb I know is my father and while he watches shounen and isekai slop he actively calls out the coomer-ness and pedoshit of white and asian weebs.

No. 2126921

Tbh I don’t think Twomad was a lolicon but he was definitely a degenerate coomer. But I see your point.

No. 2126924

Influences talking down on big PR boxes for having too much cardboard is just so silly to me. They created this "problem" to begin with by making haul videos, and the amount of PR boxes that goes out isn't that large anyway? Like even if they sent 1000 PR paper boxes it isn't much compared to the millions of products they'll sell without them, and they're bio degradable unlike plastic. I highly doubt sending out slightly too big PR boxes is where companies actually harm the environment

No. 2126927

Lmao aren't influencers basically consoom culture taken to the extreme? What right do they have to complain about waste?

No. 2126929

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OT but he is incredibly based. He makes me sandwiches on command and frequently gives me sweets just because. I remember scrolling through Crunchyroll and him seeing the thumbnail of pic-related and him going
>"Why the fuck do they gotta give girls the faces of children but bodies of thirty year old women? Shit's so weird."
Or when he said it's gross that POV anime exists and then went on a rant that it's for faggots and how in his day he would go out and find women. He isn't perfect as he wouldn't let me watch moe anime but he was fine with me watching stuff like Soul Eater or Panty and Stocking so. I think his logic was ecchi shit with grown women = good and ecchi shit with young girls = bad.

No. 2126933

>I think his logic was ecchi shit with grown women = good and ecchi shit with young girls = bad.

It’s honestly so devastating and blackpilling that this isn’t the default for most male weebs.

No. 2127014

>"Why the fuck do they gotta give girls the faces of children but bodies of thirty year old women? Shit's so weird."
Tell him it's because whoever is responsible for this doesn't know how to draw. It's almost always the real explanation here. Whenever there's an anime adaptation of some moe shit series and I check the original manga the art looks terrible because the artist is incompetent. I'm still shocked that this Dragon Maid manga was even allowed to be published after seeing what it looked like compared to how the anime looks. A 5 years old could do better.

No. 2127067

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You have a point with the bad art. I hate the anime but it's definitely and upgrade compared to the art in the manga. I don't understand how people are attracted to these characters, they look so bad

No. 2127161

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I think navy, pink and white are a better color palette for "cute" stuff instead of the usual light pink, white and light blue color palette.
It makes the items look nicer and just overall cuter than with the light pink, white and light blue color palette.

No. 2127172

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I like it because it looks retro, but personally mint green/pink is a way cuter palette than pastel pink/blue/white.

No. 2127175

very good opinions

No. 2127394

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I believe 100% in this. If you put no effort into making yourself look good or being better then you don't deserve love, you demand it. I lost a chuck of my nose to a pitbull attack (total lovely cuties) rather than wallow and demand love I worked on myself so I could be someone deserving of it. Women who sit around waiting for a prince to pop in and solve all their neurosis are just selfish af

No. 2127434

Most women who put in all that effort still end up with unloving, shitty, ugly men so it's pointless.

No. 2127633

I love both of these so much. >>2127161 is the colour scheme of my outfits and >>2127172 is the colour scheme of my bathroom, kek. BASED NONNIES

No. 2127638

picrel only applies to moids

No. 2127662

some of the absolute worst people I've ever met were really good looking
it's like they could get away with being horrible because they were good looking

No. 2127687

while I don't agree with the fad diets/anti medicine people it shouldn't be shocking it's the natural consequences of the food and medical industry not being very trustworthy, especially for women in America who pay loads of money just to get gaslit about their pain, about their hormones and everything else

No. 2127689

a lot of the fad diet people previously suffered from chronic illnesses that doctors couldn't diagnose or fix and got gaslit into thinking their problems are unfixable or they need to add more pills to the piles of pills they'd been taking

No. 2127690

it's interesting you mention, I feel like most horrible people I've met are average looking, like 5-6/10s and that they get away with it because they fit in so well so people don't keep a close eye on them

No. 2127691

what do men do for women?

No. 2127833

Holy shit this is like the exact colour palette of my bedroom from my teen years kek, I agree with you and I’m glad I chose cute colors kek

No. 2127863

You have already baited on this topic with this picrel, kek. Worked worse this time.

No. 2127869

Women love tearing each other down about what other women do/don't deserve. Why do you care?

No. 2127871

nonna thats just not being shallow, you actively choose to be beautiful on the inside

No. 2128042

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They could never make me hate her

No. 2128043

i love ugly fat women for making moids and stacies seethe

No. 2128045

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Modelling, acting and pop music are disgusting industries. Nothing but sucking and fucking hideous old men for chances and cash.
I think it was hidden better in the past. Young girls would just see pretty women and girls "making it" and look up to them, but nowadays, with news of people like Harvey Weinstein, Dan Schneider, how the kpop industry works, etc everyone knows it's a bunch of fat ugly fucks with 95 year old sperm pulling the strings. I feel like the reason so many women are okay with it is because there's some kind of mental disorder that makes them happy to sleep with the most hideous creatures on earth in exchange for money and/or validation.
Millenial and zoomer women who dream of the "model lifestyle", being a Hollywood actress or being a pop/kpop star are honestly no better than ddlgroids to me. Wanting to be beautiful, wealthy and make art is one thing (which is why the indie/outsider artist routes exist), the actual lives of those people is another. If any of it appeals to you even with the knowledge of what goes on, you might as well say you are (or want to be) a dd/lg lifestyler.

No. 2128049

Directing the aggression toward women and young girls who dream about having a career in entertainment seems deranged though. Why does everyone hate and blame these girls and not the execs who use and groom them

No. 2128055

I'm not directing any aggression toward young girls. I'm pointing out that grown women who idealize these industries knowing what they entail are mentally disordered. Like, you have to be deranged to be okay with fucking an old man so you can be in a TV show or movie. There's nothing natural about it, it comes from something beyond just pickmeism.

No. 2128066

Samefag, at least with many young girls, they didn't know, or were pushed into it by their shit parents. I don't know how well the information I'm talking about travels to young girls nowadays, but it feels practically inescapable if you're a teen or older. If a person still thinks that path is aspirational after hearing how it actually works, there's something wrong.

No. 2128074

>there is something wrong
Obviously there is something wrong, but women are not the perpetrators of this cycle just because they have hopes and dreams.

No. 2128084

I'm not saying they are the perpetrators. I'm saying they are mentally ill. On that note, though, if you do know what it is, and you facilitate it, going on to sell the same false image to other women and girls, you definitely do perpetuate it without needing to be the cause. That might actually make them worse than most dd/lgfags. Some of them are literal female pimps directly selling out younger women to these men after a long career of indirectly doing so.
>hopes and dreams
You can still pursue these hopes and dreams without doing any of that shit. You won't be world-famous in all likelihood because the aforementioned men gatekeep that level of exposure, but you will be recognized and loved if your work travels far enough.

No. 2128088

>you will be recognized and loved if your work travels far enough.
This is some "you'll be successful if you just work hard enough" bs. Delusional.

No. 2128095

Yeah, indie musicians, actors/actresses/film-makers, artists, models and photographers are all fake. You need to suck the decrepit dick if you want your work to ever mean something to anyone. Totally not a psyop lol.
What is it you actually want? Red carpet events? To get mobbed by paparazzi on the way to the next trick and have strangers call you fat, broke and friendless for gaining 5lbs and not being seen with one specific in-group for a week? Levels of fame that don't entail that are very much attainable.

No. 2128189

I don't find her ugly at all, just obese. I like her personality, she's very funny and bubbly. She's a mess, but it's kind of understandable given her upbringing.

No. 2128209

Most women who take those career paths are narcissists so it makes sense. Look at all the degrading shit people like Sydney Sweeney and Sabrina carpenter are willing to do just to be popular.

No. 2128211

I don’t understand why women question how men can date women a decade younger etc by saying “what would he even have to talk to her about?”. Women have been dealing with men for centuries and you still haven’t figured out they don’t care about your personality? As long as you’re nice, attractive and do what they ask, they don’t even care if you can speak English half the time. That’s why it’s easy for them to date a 22 year old at 35 because they don’t care about what you’re talking about anyway.

No. 2128229

Literally just searching for a walking fleshlight

No. 2128231

Oh my god some of you hate women in ways that are utterly pathetic. Boo hoo Sabrina carpenter wears stupid leotards. Get over it. You're still blaming women. Fuck off.

No. 2128232

NTA but are you 15? This is such an embarrassing post, that anon isn't woman-hating kek

No. 2128237

Men will bond with women if they choose to bond. You can have the best personality in the world and the moid would never know if he chooses to ignore you except when he wants sex, attention or to nitpick to argue. I've seen so so many women in failed or miserable relationships and the man blames her for it, even though it was him actively choosing to never attempt to bond

No. 2128238

It’s not even just the leotards. It’s her whole sexy baby routine, shes desperate to be famous at any cost. People who crave fame usually have personality disorders, the men and women. The men are sucking and fucking old men for roles, just as much as the women.

No. 2128239

It actually isn't childish at all. I don't consider what they do "female empowerment", but crying about sex scenes or a stupid leggy stage leotard is reductive. If it weren't them, it would be other women. The attention is still being put on these women as if it's all their fault that they are trying to benefit from their careers.

No. 2128240

I have never once thought of Sabrina Carpenter as a minor and I dont think other people do either.

No. 2128247

>If it wasn't me pretending to fuck a dog for "humor", trying to come off as childish and bringing up being "short" and "petite" and "still a kid" 24/7, and talking about porn shit like "BBC" or worshipping balls in the songs I perform at what are meant to be family-friendly events, it'd be someone else
Stop it. No one puts all the attention on them, it's just that women aren't automatons and do have culpability in their actions. You won't die if you don't become famous lol.

No. 2128249

I’ve never seen her as a minor either. I wouldn’t expect someone with no critical thinking skills and just calls anyone woman hating for pointing out when a woman does something bad to understand what I mean by “sexy baby act”. What I consider the “sexy baby act”, are people like Marilyn Monroe who have a cute, innocent, persona but at the same time they’re still slutty.

No. 2128250

>I have yet to see a male black weeb lolicon coomer.
Someone post that video where a woman brought an anti lolicon sign to a con and a black auist started sperging.

No. 2128257

>I have yet to see a male black weeb lolicon coomer.
you havent heard of this pedo have you

No. 2128275

Can we just collectively sigh at how many zoomer women have fell for the "free the nipple for female empower" thing, holy shit being a zoomer is embarrassing.

No. 2128283

didnt the millennials start that?

No. 2128286

I think Billie Eilish is extremely attractive and I like her style. I don’t understand why anons have such a hate boner for her

No. 2128289

You're just jealous because you're sweating in a bra kek

No. 2128293

Free the nipple and other similar movements was a millennial thing. In fact all the "nudity and sex work is empowering" thing was started by millennials

No. 2128307

What is the issue with this

No. 2128325

Hippies are back?
I'm pretty sure it's a 1970s thing.

No. 2128333

Has been a thing even before millennials. So everyone is wrong kek

No. 2128371

i remember specifically the creators of the free the nipple movement were two moids who were revealed (by one of the women who spoke out against them) that they requested topless photographs to see if the women were hot enough to "protest". aka moids wanted hot young naive women to run about topless with their faces covered under the guise of progress. which they did actually convince a number of young naive women to do because the moids made a video and uploaded it. dehumanising, degrading, and humiliating. all millennial men deserve prison rape for that one alone and i've thought that since i was 15 when i first saw it.

No. 2128835

I don't care who started it and if it's been that long since it began, then zoomer women should know better.
No nonna, i don't want moids to look at my nipples all the time, unlike you, i don't enjoy that kind of attention
>The creators were moids
no shit, i didn't need to research the topic to know that.

No. 2128841

Well now I know why the free the nipple shit never made sense to me

No. 2128862

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Not even a fan of her work and I'm also a depressed suicidal bitch but these types of memes are so fucking disrespectful and unfunny

No. 2128881

That's exactly what I thought as I was passing this, just assumed it was posted unironically til i read your caption. The Bambi ed ddlg cunts are so insufferable

No. 2128893

I haven’t really seen many (or any) gen z women doing campaigning to ‘free the nipple’. So I doubt it’s a big movement like you claim. Of course you just want to stir up inter-generational drama and shit on gen z.

No. 2128917

kek i made this gif

No. 2128986

Southern american accents are so fucking hot.

No. 2129002


No. 2129046

File: 1723246961698.png (2.76 MB, 1170x1911, you’re a loser .png)

i think people who make posts like this about “cow” adjacent internet personalities like ballerinafarm are just jealous

No. 2129047

I think trying to be an internet personality or influencer at all is inherently cow behavior

No. 2129048

Taylor Rs entire thread basically

No. 2129050

As a brit I fully agree kek. They're the best American accents by far.

No. 2129059

The definition of Bitch Eating Crackers comments

No. 2129332

It can be but it's annoying we have threads dedicated to milk and it just gets clogged up with the same copy and paste crap I can find on most peoples facebook page. I want cringe, i want drama, i want milk, i dont give a shit some woman in her 30s is eating pizza with her family

No. 2129377

Being a zoomer should just be a medical condition at this point, but no financial compensation will be dispensed. They'd just spend it all on Roblox and Discord Nitro anyway.

No. 2129392

Kek milky behavior consists of wearing white pants as a mother of a kid near her period.

No. 2129412

>which is why the indie/outsider artist routes exist
scrotes in indie scenes do the same shit

No. 2129420

having hopes and dreams doesnt mean that those hopes and dreams need to consist of sucking and fucking disgusting scrotes.

No. 2129423

I dont think anons hate Billie that much especially since she's growing out of her pickme boob obsession crap/essentially got replaced by Sydney Sweeney

No. 2129425

I feel like it should be acknowledged Gen Z girls are putting an end to all the moid-favoring libfem propaganda. They're the first generation to call out and shut down age gap relationships and men sexualizing teenagers, they call out kink crap and porn way more than the previous generations did as well

No. 2129428

That’s great and all but they’re still the biggest pushers of tranny stuff.

No. 2129434

That's another thing they got from millenials kek

No. 2129437

I hate trannies but they're like what .001% of the population? Majority of girls are way, way more likely to encounter pedos, moids being creepy, moids trying to disguise sex work and such as female empowerment, etc

No. 2129441

so many gen Z girls are either fullblown troons or some kind of monstrous gendie. why not just be the beautiful woman you're born as!!!!

No. 2129445

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Quietly leaving people who consistently disrespect you is the worst punishment for them. It’s satisfying to cuss someone out but really a lot of the times these type are so ego driven that any sort of reaction from the person they’re abusing justifies that abuse in their mind. They want you to react badly so that they can twist the truth and use it as a reason for their actions. If you just quietly and kindly exit, even if they don’t deserve it, it’ll fuck with them so hard. They may still try and make you look like the bad guy but without any super negative reactions deep down they’ll know they fucked up and they’ll rot from the inside because of it.

No. 2129459

You're giving way too much credit to awful people. They don't care.

No. 2129462

I agree with you anon. They'll remain bitter and wonder what happened to you. Even if they don't give a shit and go onto the next person to use, you can still sleep soundly at night knowing they're out of your life forever now.

No. 2129465

Nta but they absolutely do care. I've had a number of people act disrespectful and be abusive then when I stopped giving them attention they were crawling back and changed her attitude real quick. People vastly underestimate how much men specifically act out for attention

No. 2129467

In my experience, quietly leaving a narc and not engaging with their attempts to garner your attention totally destroys their sense of self worth for a while kek. Some bitch sent me death threats for weeks after I stopped talking to her. It was so, so weird.

No. 2129475

I did that to a friend, she was super pissed and then a couple years later I reached out to get my stolen belongings back. I pretended to be nice and then she blocked me everywhere as revenge lol. I kinda regret reaching out as it didn’t solve anything.

No. 2129478

I remember seeing like three different anons talk about doing just this in the vent threads, and then "other anons" jumping in to bitch them out and tell them that they must've been the real problem. It was very weird, and just confirms to me that what you're saying is true. Weird, bitter pieces of shit who get off on treating others like shit can't handle just being left behind by their punching bags. It's actually funny.

No. 2129481

I did that to some former friends who bullied me and I don't think they gave a single fuck. They stayed besties with each other and lived their best life as if I never existed and as if they never called me an ugly dyke and pissed in my shoes during gym class.

No. 2129501

Resident rage baiters. It's not just in regards to ignoring narcs but they just like finding random anons venting and turning the situation why the anon is actually the problem. Been happening since 2017

No. 2129678

it's been particularly rampant lately. i think some posters spend a good chunk of their day parked in /ot/ just waiting for a sad or angry nonna to vent so they can upset her even more and get some attention for themselves.

No. 2129771

Heart Shaped Box just sounds like a shitty version of Down in a Hole.

No. 2129793

I love Nicole Dollanganger. I think she had potential like Melanie or Lana but its like she is stuck in 2012 forever and doesn't realize that times change. Jazmin Bean or whatever her name is just a Melanie's yet another rip off and her little fame is over. The tranny copy cat of Nicole is only popular because he is a tran and its something new in the sad baby doll sphere, and wont last for long either probably dies from drug abuse or some thit

No. 2129821

This is a psyop by TBS and Hulu

No. 2129850

It isn't racist to hate only men of a race. Whenever men call hating Muslim men or middle eastern men racist, it makes me wonder. I have nothing against MENA or Muslim women. Isn't it more "racist" to defend the men who abuse Muslim girls simply for being born Muslim? It feels like they view women as collateral for men in every culture, and getting angry on their behalf is "racist" because men are the arbiters of culture. Whose culture is it that rapes little Muslim girls, forces them to hide their bodies, kills rape victims? Not the women's culture. That's men's culture. I wish I had a better argument against liberal cockmonkeys who call hating MENA men racist. I wish women were more outspoken about the abuse that non white men of their culture inflict on them. I know a few Muslim women who fucking hate Muslim men kek, they should start a podcast or something

No. 2129852

>I wish women were more outspoken about the abuse that non white men of their culture inflict on them
they do but sadly they get either killed or silences like the saudi arabian woman activist who fucking got jailed and probably raped because its haram to kill a virgin woman for her advocacy for women drivers

No. 2129857

Same, but I don’t feel like her music is really stuck in the past. Maybe with the themes of her lyrics but her newest album seemed very different from her old stuff and I’m obsessed with it, I hope she makes more stuff similar to it.

No. 2129882

>I feel like it should be acknowledged Gen Z girls are putting an end to all the moid-favoring libfem propaganda. They're the first generation to call out and shut down age gap relationships and men sexualizing teenagers
Not true. I'm not American which makes me neither a zoomer nor millennial, but I'm born 96 which is considered right in between the two and I was a terminally online tumblerina as a teen, girls OLDER than me started all this so it went mainstream. Meaning millennials. Zoomers are merely continuing what millennial girls started, and don't for a second think they were less rabid and annoying about their causes. And first to call out age gaps? Absolutely not, most women have found that fucked up for centuries but nobody listens to women. Girls always insist they're so much better than the women who came before them for some reason.

No. 2129889

Millenials were also the ones to start all that libfem and age gap bullshit on Tumblr and make it popular so don't get too attached to this war

No. 2129895

I've noticed a lot of lolcow zoomers really have it out for millennials for some reason, saying everything is our fault when these things were set in motion way before most of us were even born. Sometimes I read some autistic zoomer screeching about muh millennial women and wonder if my boomer mother accidentally found this site kek.

No. 2129897

What libfem and age gap bullshit exactly? Both of those were a thing way before the internet existed.

No. 2129903

Nonna please pick up a history book.

No. 2129917

It's because the zoomer vs millennial shit is being really ramped up on tiktok since earlier this year with zoomies out for blood and some millennial women acting incredibly cringy.

No. 2129922

>Girls always insist they're so much better than the women who came before them for some reason.
They fall for the male psyop of aging is bad, older women is bad, being an older woman is being a hag is bad, etc

No. 2129931

>I wish women were more outspoken about the abuse that non white men of their culture inflict
Half of my current youtube feed is black African and American women showing viral examples of shitty moid behavior and stitching tiktoks together for commentary. Like divestment content is a whole genre, it's great.

No. 2129957

megan thee stallion mamushi lyrics and music video was cringe. I hate the way she pronounces Japanese words.

No. 2130009

I agree. I sometimes see South Asian girls making videos of brown moids and how much they hate their behaviour. And then the moids and pickmes chimp out in the comments calling the girls 'self hating' or 'whitewashed'. KEK. Retards. How are we self hating when we're talking about MOIDS?

No. 2130013

I love ariana's new "Style" i just wish she'd gain some weight and dye her hair back it's normal color, otherwise lately she's been looking slightly better but her styling is really cute to me.

No. 2130018

>age gaps started with millennial women
kekk anon i hope for you that you're trolling

No. 2130021

Agreed, I hate the cringey weeb lyrics in her other song too. Honestly artists in general need to stop using geek references in their music.

No. 2130038

I find her corny and overrated honestly.

No. 2130066

honestly even if they didn't invent the concept they were the first ones to plaster it all over the internet. most of the crazy shit written on livejournal was written by older millennials

No. 2130085

Lol shut up already. Pedo musicians didn't write whole songs in the 70s and 80s about fucking underage girls for you to just up and point the finger at millennial women of all people for writing fanfics on livejournal. Ease up with your vendetta and touch some grass.

No. 2130103

blowjob-chan deserves an apology

No. 2130107

No. 2130115

>I don't care who started it and if it's been that long since it began, then zoomer women should know better.
It seems more like you were trying to cause a generation argument because if not you would've complained about all the generations that took part in it and the men who started it, not just one specific generation of women

No. 2130116

She was always correct but the cock addicts here get their feefees hurt when they hear the truth.

No. 2130236


No. 2130313

File: 1723333906857.webp (13.21 KB, 474x334, World.webp)

Big countries shouldn't exist.

No. 2130315

I agree, demolish them all but leave the sexy one

No. 2130318

get rid of all the horizontally challenged ones, no need to punish the anachans

No. 2130321

I did not think Kazakhstan and Algeria were that big. Good for them.

No. 2130325

File: 1723334713993.png (161.38 KB, 944x555, greenland3.png)

Hold up. Where's Greenland? That massive island of nothing should be right beside Canada.

No. 2130326

i hate greenland because plague inc

No. 2130331

All of them are shitholes.

No. 2130332

You're right to hate it for that and the Dane's should hate it for being a waste of good kroner but I'm suspicious of this whole map now. Mongolia should be in this. I'm a paro nona but what's going on here?

No. 2130334

Skill issue. I started in Greenland once and somehow managed to take over 80% of the world before I was stopped kek

No. 2130336

I recently heard that the way world maps are drawn is actually inaccurate and it's fucked with me ever since.

No. 2130339

Maps kinda work off the Europe and US lines. Once you go a bit above or below that is gets all wonky. Like Australia is a little bigger than the US or Madagascar is like 5 times the size of Britain

No. 2130345

Women going to therapy is a psyop to keep them drugged and docile. If women are at constant dehuminization, objetification, physical health being overlooked and the possibilty of easily becoming another rape and death statistic with no repercustion for the perpetrator all while having to do emotional labour for retards, of course they are going to become BPD-chans and troon out.
Antidepressants sedate women causing them to feel dead inside so they adapt crazy fetishes like hypristobhilia, ddlg and play the martyr to feel something, but those things are mysoginistic so of course they feel crazy but they cant find anything else because misogyny is at every show, every corner, so they need more antidepressants and the cycle continues. No matter how much libfems preach, all that pornography and its shilling is taking a toll on their brains and when they feel depressed they think something is wrong with them when its just misogyny.

My resolution? start killing moids, start abusing
moids. I dont understand how in a country like USA women dont make up 90% of buyers. Start externalizing your problems because they ARE external. Start shaming moids for being ugly. Women do something problematic? bury it, ignore it, unless it harms women and benefits scrotes. Stop moralfagging unless it benefits women. Become hostile.

No. 2130346

Holy shit you weren't joking, Madagascar seems massive now kek

No. 2130351

Offtopic but the fucking OP image sends me every time I look at it. The fucking bed slapper guy and the pudding is so funny and I can't explain why. Then the anon calling it animal abuse to slap dog-shaped pudding made it even funnier. Help me

No. 2130378

>Brazil is almost the same size as the US

No. 2130414

Same, and this one >>2118440 one of the little things that brighten my day I love the nonna's for posting these!

No. 2130417

GNCs hate themselves as much as TIFs, they aspiring to look like a man resembles a healthy, normal mind totally not harboring any resentment towards the female species or femininity definitely not(bait)

No. 2130423

whats wrong with resenting femininity? i want women to be strong and not docile.

No. 2130424

Fucking kill yourself baby Hitler nobody cares about your evil schizophrenic rage

No. 2130428

>Woman is when makeup and long hair

No. 2130433

I feel more annoyed by beautiful women who date ugly men than vice versa. Of course a uggo is going to shoot higher if they can, the pretty person has no excuse.

No. 2130460

acting like a roidrage "rape moids!" is not being strong. You can be strong and still be kind and feminine.

No. 2130466

I don’t want to look masculine. I just want to dress practically.

No. 2130467

why do you want to be a man?(infighting)

No. 2130468

What exactly do you mean by GNC?

No. 2130469

Go frolic in a sundress conservitard

No. 2130470

Lolcow has fallen

No. 2130471

No. 2130473

I'm not going to wear a skirt because I dont want to have to pay attention to the way I sit all the time, I don't want to waste time and energy on my fucking hair, make up feels like shit on my face, I am too lazy to shave.
Thinking that if you don't do these things you must hate being a woman is not normal.

No. 2130474

This too

No. 2130477

Schizophrenia is beating your ass faggot(infighting)

No. 2130482

women that are obssesed with looking like men

No. 2130483

Define "obsessed."

No. 2130489

What does that mean though? Like buzzing your head and wearing T-shirts because it's comfy, or trying to look like a tweenage boy and telling people that's your style inspo?

No. 2130498

This is me too. I don't give a shit about wanting to look like a man and just prioritize feeling comfortable. I also don't want to go out of my way to act out femininity due to bullshit societal expectations.

No. 2130514

we've come full circle folks. nevermind the fact that women are human beings, if a woman doesn't wear a skirt, shave, or wear makeup, that means she wants to be a man. According to this anon at least. First we were obliged to look acceptable for men to fuck us, then quite literally faced systematic violence for not wanting to play the role of "woman" cooked up by men. Now we're back with this bitch on lolcor saying that not wearing makeup or shaving is being obsessed with men.

No. 2130516

It's all just faggots and glowies. Easy to report and ignore.

No. 2130519

Who actually wants to rape moids? We want men to be attractive not ugly. I think thats the gist of it. They expect so much for us they damned well be pretty too. I think mental toughness and ferocity is more important than anything and femininity is a psychological damange, its not that i hate feminine presenting people. Being psychologically femininine is a death sentence and ruins your life.

No. 2130522

>Being psychologically femininine is a death sentence and ruins your life.
This is true for most people. It doesn't matter what gender. Men impose feminine psychology on women, so they're easy to coerce and bully into sex. All by pretending to be good to them all while living most of their lives as emotionally stunted turds.

No. 2130534

usually I would say "agreed" but I'd rather just call it out so any impressionable anons don't think there's validity in their statement

No. 2130541

>the sexy one
which one is that

No. 2130548

I think it’s a trad thot or at least a right leaning ~embrace tradition~ retard. I actually know one irl who posts here or at least used too and she’s the exact type to say shit like that. Her moid always cheats on her with younger, thinner women so I think she sort of takes her anger out on women because of that.

No. 2130594

House of the dragon cgi looks like shit and im tired of pretending otherwise

No. 2130631

Also that retarded otaku girl song. If literally anyone else made a song like that they'd be laughed at for being a retarded weeaboo but she's cool I guess. The Gojo references were horrendous

No. 2130647

This is why I don't give a shit when cops kill black men. In most cases they were abusers in some way (like involved in drug dealing which hurts women of color) and insisting they're innocent won't fix anything. I'm all for hating white men but I will not hate them for being racist against other moids because I don't care. I hope they would all kill each other.

No. 2130649

Sexual trauma, gaslighting, double standards, of course people go crazy. Therapy replaced religion

No. 2130663

Most haunting crap is actual schizophrenics. I say this as someone who believes in ghosts too.

No. 2130687

See this is why I don't like you bpdfags, no other mentally ill type reacts this way when diagnosed, always swearing on your mammas everyone's incorrect about calling you crazy and refusing getting help, hell, some of you don't even believe BPD is a real diagnosis but a "patriarchal creation" even though y'all act the same and display the same damn symptoms every time. BPDfags rather die than literally just admit they are in the wrong, just take your damn meds like the rest of us wackos

No. 2130688

I don't think you should be expected for Uber to be your full time job. Car, car maintenance, and gas alone wouldn't make it worth it for Uber to be a full time job.

No. 2130760

Are you following the drama happening with the owner of 'the conjuring house' atm? It's a perfect example of it. I hope she gets help before she legit harms someone.

No. 2130797

I genuinely believe that if infighting was allowed, the quality of threads would Ii increase

No. 2130809

it would only attract more attention whoring scrotes.

No. 2130957

saturday and sunday are genuinely the two worst days to have off work

No. 2130961

Infighting is a good way to practice grammar and reading comprehension

No. 2130963

NTA but whats going on?

No. 2131020

Sugar AIN'T that good nor tasty, sweets and desserts are extremely overreacted, people are just addicted and big backed. Shits repulsive when you don't consume it in high amounts 24/7. Savory meals ftw

No. 2131029

Best back-ache/pain remedy is to sleep on the floor. It's so good every once in a while it genuinely feels like it resets my spine. You don't need some weird snake oil pillows or Chinese wholesale food inserts you need to sleep with your back on the floor.

No. 2131030

Anthropomorphization is not a significant problem when it comes to how people treat animals. In fact, it's the exact opposite. Many humans overstate their differences from non-human animals, and use it as an excuse to abuse and exploit them.

No. 2131032

I consider anybody who consumes large amounts of sugar on the regular to be subhuman.

No. 2131044

I prefer to drink sugar and eat salt

No. 2131065

Yeah, I understand how giving your pet "human" food (food with spices and other stuff that they can't digest/are allergic to) is a bad thing, but other than that, it's kind of silly how everyone gets offended by anyone giving their pets any treatment that isn't leaving the animal outside and maybe, and only maybe, petting the animal once in a while.
It's like those people are envious because a cat or a dog has a better life than they have.
I don't think my cat will suffer a heart attack if I put a silly hat on her or if I tell her that she's a cute girl.

No. 2131072

i have a herniated disk and this post filled me with terror

No. 2131088

I can hardly sleep on a bed what makes you think I can tolerate the floor

No. 2131102

Thread request:

White Girl Problems
White Girl General

And all the posts are just tweets from black girls constantly bringing up and putting down white women kek

No. 2131115

go fuck yourself bitch. im not even a bpdfag but if women get constant violent pornography and emotional labour for the same people that abuse them of course they are going to turn out crazy

No. 2131130

File: 1723396370691.png (36.67 KB, 364x395, hC4D7E706.png)

I know people it works for. I've tried it coz why wouldn't you try something free n easy to test out.. still love whoever invented beds, some ancient egyptian ig

No. 2131138

You guys are doing it wrong. You can use a pillow and lay down a bunch of blankets on the floor too. The point is that the floor doesn't give to pressure points. You aren't supposed to side sleep, that'll be worse because typically women have more fat on the hips so the spine will be a bit off center that way. You need to sleep on your back when in the floor. I had a back ache for a whole week and it disappeared the morning right after I slept on the floor. Give it a try noññies.

No. 2131148

I have rods in my spine, I'm just gonna accept that I'm not in floor fix gang.

No. 2131150

Empathy as a virtue is a psyop. Empathy is real phenomenon, but like you think. Empathy is an ability, something people posses much like your teeth hurting after biting icecream. Empathy is also a tool, it makes you smarter because it allows you to think of different ways something could manifest itself. There is a difference between being empathetic and acting on said empathy which transforms into kindness.

No. 2131181

Men are way more obsessed with reproducing than women are

No. 2131195

It's because their only goal in life is to spawn children and then die in a war or attacked by a wild beast or something. They're such a primitive species that they have yet to shed this biological drive. Then they project this onto women, and they have been doing this for centuries. Now first work women have a chance at taking control of their biological functions like men have had historical lyrics and of course as soon as this happens men start blubbering about declining birthrate.

To be a man is to be the lowliest, most desperate, most pathetic slut. Coom drives them and XY chromosomes were made to deteriorate.

No. 2131231

I hate trannies more than I care about feminism.

No. 2131241

It's crazy how women will fall for what moids say and internalize it so hard when in reality, everything that moids say is just a projection of what they think of themselves.
>le women fuck animals
>le women are more racist
>muh women are pedophiles
>muh women only care about money
>duh women fuck trannies
>duh women are violent
>deh women abuse children
>deh women are narcs
And so on, yet it's always the moids that are all of those things, and then you have other women going
>omgz wamen are soooo dramatic
And that's not the truth. Why does it takes everyone so long to understand that in the end, it's moids that are obsessed with women's behavior because all they do is project themselves on women?

No. 2131242

Why do you hate trannies if not because of the sexist ideology they follow and spew like brainwashed cult members.

No. 2131248

>le women talk all the time
when in fact it's moids who tend to monopolize conversations. or whining about "babytrapping" like it isn't moids who do that far more

No. 2131250

because anon hates gnc people

No. 2131254

I think most women know this is bullshit even if they do internalise some of the more "minor" accusations, but vocal ones online will go out of their way to affirm these stereotypes on other women just so they can be seen as "one of the good ones."

No. 2131257

Foolish. I just see trannies an an extension of moid behaviour (TIFs are annoying and sad but not as much of an issue)

No. 2131284

Same but mostly because feminists tend to have a no-fun allowed vibe to them.

No. 2131302

I unironically think female supremacism should be a way bigger thing than it is (is it even a thing???) but for some reason women can’t help but cling to moids. It’s weird because straight men have no problem being attracted to women and hating their guts + seeing themselves as superior so why do straight women act like wet rags who flop over for their moids, sigh

No. 2131306

It’s because women give birth to scrotes, it’s gonna be hard for you to hate someone who is or will be growing in your belly for 9 months and then you have to have a brutal near death experience giving birth to them

No. 2131311

If moids think that girls’ brains mature early (justifying men dating younger but not women) why don’t women get more freedom earlier? Voting ages, driving ages, etc should be lower for women, little scrotes should be in school for longer, and young women should have more financial opportunities than young men as they’re obviously more capable at that age.

No. 2131312

This exists for women who aren’t mothers, nona.

No. 2131315

samefagging but especially in countries where girls have a lower age of marriage/consent than boys, yet are granted other legal privileges at the same time….

No. 2131322

Wrong, men hate their daughters and routinely kill them for not being men. Women can hate their shit scrotelings if they want and tell them their mommy's worst mistake and force them to cook and clean for the entire family every day if they want to, fuck it.

No. 2131328

Men don't birth their daughters.

No. 2131348

Are we really going to pretend like it matters. Women should be able to hate their scrotelings like men hate their daughters. If he rapes a girl or has premarital sex it should be allowed to drag them through the street and set them on fire ala honor killing style.

No. 2131410

even more reason to hate them. imagine going through disgusting body horror and then horrific pain pushing out so you are born often giving leaving you with discapacities physical or mental or both and then having to breastfeed it with the resources of your own body. Women are fed the whole divine femeninity woo woo shit so they dont take into consideration all the fucking sacrifice they make yet men act like theyre being forced to put centipides on their ass by having pay child support.

No. 2131421

>Millenials were also the ones to start all that libfem and age gap bullshit on Tumblr
Nonnas please learn to read before getting triggered. We were all there and saw what you were posting kekkkkkkk

No. 2131428

I wish everyone even thought about antinatalism a little bit more. There should be a limit on how many kids a family can have.

No. 2131442

This should be the norm, males aren't controllable otherwise. At the very least they need beatings. But, nonnie, >>2131306 is right, they're biologically pozzed by their male fetuses. I sadly predict that we'll never be able to control male population if we give women a free choice of birthing or not birthing their scrotelings, the majority'll always start to feel sorry for them. We really need more firm women.
We all know exactly why.

No. 2131454

Explain women who don't and still act like that though

No. 2131455

And if it were true, men shouldn't be in positions of power since women are so obviously more mature.
The answer is that it's not true, it's just some bullshit they made up to justify their predation lol. What enrages me even more is when older women victim-blame young girls and tell them they tried to "lure" those men to them. Like, you were a little girl once yourself, you stupid fuck. Were you thinking of "tempting" ugly old men at the age of like 7+? Kill yourself

No. 2131458

Older women who victim blame young girls make me so sad, I experienced that as a child and I didn’t even understand what was going on… ma’am your scrote is a pedophile.

No. 2131460

nta but most women are raised in some way by boymoms, if not their actual mothers, then their grandmas, aunties, teachers…. every woman who says shit like "boys will be boys" "he's only teasing you because he likes you" and similar things to little girls is just reinforcing the message to excuse and sympathize with males so that even women who aren't biologically poisoned by male dna will still be as lenient on moids as the women who are.

No. 2131466

a lot of conservative women have a cognitive dissonance where they know most men suck and have misandrist feelings but also rely on the men in their lives to survive with "not all men/not my men" thinking

No. 2131474

Nta but this is true. I've known a couple of conservative women who think this way. They can foster connections with other women and won't be put off by more liberal women complaining about men, and often times will join in with them, but will still spout the "the man is head of the house I would be nowhere without one" type of rhetoric. It's weird and very much a whiplash type of personality.

No. 2131507

it's the same reason why they hate their daughters, women whose husbands treat them well, or successful childless career women. basically it's
>grr it's not fair that i was treated like shit, pressured to get married to an asshole and have kids even though i didn't want to, so now i will do the same to you because it's not fair that you have it better than me

No. 2131513

I will defend the most delusional of TIFs before i defend the most normal gay man. I always side with women no matter what

No. 2131518

Gay men are demonic and none of them are normal.

No. 2131520

>Women do something problematic? bury it, ignore it, unless it harms women and benefits scrotes. Stop moralfagging unless it benefits women. Become hostile.
I wish nonnies understood it finally, we're in no position to be "fair", especially because it never ends up exactly fair and women are punished severely while men are getting away with everything.
Kek, wtf. Pls lurk moar, hope this site will change you into being less retarded.

No. 2131521

there’s no such thing as a “normal” gay man, they’re all severely disturbed. even if they’re just gay from social conditioning and not getting raping/grooming as a youth

No. 2131522

Based, “femininity” is just subservience. That is the concept it was created around.

No. 2131552

People who complain about other’s food waste really annoy me. Shaming others for not saving their scraps of food isn't going to solve global hunger or climate change. It’s not like you can donate opened food or unfinished meals. A way bigger problem is people overeating food just to avoid throwing it away without recognizing that's even more wasteful. With the way modern food is designed, and human instinct in general, it’s hard for some people to control their eating. Sometimes tossing something is just the best option. You can blame corporations and governments for food waste/the environment/hunger/food deserts, not someone throwing away sandwich crusts or a binge eater tossing leftover chips instead of doing even more damage to themselves.

No. 2131584

I had some dumpster diving activist actually seethe over me throwing out some leftover crappy white bread given out by the school cafeteria. Sorry I didn't want to consume nutritionally devoid calories. Maybe if the shitty cafeteria food was more nutritionally dense, I wouldn't have thrown it out. Overeating is a much bigger problem too since obesity is putting a strain on healthcare.

No. 2131602

You're gonna offend the gender crits who think that all gay men are dindus totally as oppressed as lesbians

No. 2131607

No one here likes gay men. I will say there seems to be a lot of lesbian haters on here though.

No. 2131609

A lot of pregnant women or women with children are so retarded. Whenever I see them in public they’re always clasping for dear god to their parasite holding them in their arms and that all that matters, their brain functioning has withered down to the “mama bear” survivalism that only cares about getting impregnated and nothing else. That’s why men love when they get a woman pregnant, they know how it makes a woman virtually retarded, helpless and hyper-dependent which makes them easy to take advantage of.

No. 2131616

It's hard to say if the majority of women are male-subservient by default, but women will never be free because they dont want to. Too many women cant NOT protect, defend and please anyone possesing of a phallus no matter how ugly, how stupid, how evil they are. No matter how many statistics, videos, studies, even men admitting themselves who they truly are, they will sacrifice themselves for male attention and to have a male in their lives.

No. 2131618

I have to try not to go in /g/ because of the threads where they are able to freely blogpost bout their disgusting ugly husbands and their disgusting dicks pretending they get orgasms from it

No. 2131677

Lately I’ve been finding kiwifaggots more bearable than the schizos that have made their home here. You’ll find extreme retardation on both sites, but at least you can see someone’s post history on KF and immediately clock them as a retard and then simply leave an “autistic” react on their braindead takes. I wish we had an “autistic” react here because some nonnies really do need to get out more and touch some grass

No. 2131683

Honestly my only crutch of sanity is that half of these are probably gay scrotes/trannies.

No. 2131704

Why do we need to “go out and touch grass”, because we don’t want to fuck scrotes? Lol
Sometimes it’s pretty obvious. The tif wk’ing also makes me nauseous, /g/ lesbians will fuck anything with a vag and a schoolboy haircut

No. 2131713

The fact that you projected your obsession with fucking scrotes onto my post that neither mentions nor implies any such thing is the perfect example of the room temperature IQs and lack of reading comprehension that populate this site lol

No. 2131725

>projected your obsession with fucking scrotes
Rightttttt it wasn’t about that at all that you were hung up about kekkkk

No. 2131738

? It’s not anyone’s fault that pretty much every GNC woman is a TiF now. stfu

No. 2131741

It's either a genuine schizo or a baiting trannoid/moid.

No. 2131743

Least schizophrenic lolcow user

No. 2131771

>/g/ lesbians are attracted to women

No. 2131796

Your worth will always be determined by other people. Self-love is futile because you’re believing in something that’s was never there.

No. 2131797

We know Mother Earth you love pussy. I meant many of them on that board have very low standards and expectations for the women they lust after

No. 2131812

john mayer is trash but I do jam to a few songs from continuum sorry

No. 2131819

women proposing to men is actually embarrassing

No. 2131820

You should become a neet hermit.

No. 2131826

Idk who told charli xcx that she embodies being cool. I don't think twinks and genderspecials know cool or have taste. You can't actually seriously call yourself cool when your fanbase is that. Maybe 10 years ago she was fresh and cool but to me a long time fan that's not feeling this brat summer and finds it all cringe and gay it's not cutting it and it's not cutting edge. True Romance came out a decade ago why are you sitting on Britney broskis podcast is that cool. Is gabriette and the 1975 cool. I understand why marina could not be bothered with charli

No. 2131827

heterosexuality is actually embarrassing(bait)

No. 2131828

The woman I know who proposed to her man is constantly being cheated on AND she is the breadwinner. Embarrassing is an understatement

No. 2131830

can you specify who you find schizoprenic? who is the fag?

No. 2131833

heterosexuality is a disabilty

No. 2131838

let me guess hes also insanely ugly, right?

No. 2131840

is he beautiful at least? he should die either way

No. 2131845

agreed and i'm a heterosexual but i'm planning on never marrying or having kids #celibacyftw

No. 2131848

I agree with you a bit, I don’t think it’s solely determined by others but in part it’s determined on relationship to other people. Because how much worth does a person have if they’re a piece of shit to everyone around them and actively makes others lives worse? So that part makes sense to me. But I’m confused about the second part.

>Self-love is futile because you’re believing in something that’s was never there.

Do you mean the self isn’t there without others acknowledging the existence of the person or do you mean the worth isn’t there at all? Or are you doubting the existence of self love? This is where I disagree because I think a person can love themselves and also have worth outside of their relation to other people but again I think it’s in part determined by one’s relationship to the people in their lives. So not totally but definitely a part of it, unless the person is like an off grid neet who doesn’t ever see or speak to anyone, cause they would have no way of having their value determined by they’re relationship to others because there wouldn’t be any.

No. 2131870

File: 1723429614898.gif (1.84 MB, 500x281, 1000001194.gif)

Dyke-infested site. Gross.(bait)

No. 2131872

I could treat you better than any scrote anon

No. 2131873


No. 2131886

For real, although i can't imagine actually wanting to be in any romantic relationship tbh. I just want to be left alone.

No. 2131888

I’ll take annoying dykes over psychopathic scrotes from 4chins any day.

No. 2131898

File: 1723430718298.gif (17.1 MB, 524x640, hatsune-miku-miku.gif)

The average men cant grow a skull correctly, bald by 25, have the audacity to be fat even tho they dont get pregnant and carry a child for 9 months, dont give birth and dont have to breastfeed, are porn addicts, are so misogynistic to the point where a man not refering other women as bitches or whores is "green flag", only have empathy for other moids, are ∞- in emotional maturity, emotional/relationship understanding, and morality in comparison to women but im the crazy one because i choose 2D

No. 2131901

File: 1723430778964.png (1.82 MB, 1050x1803, ugleeeee.png)

average moid vs average woman

No. 2131902

Wrong thread nonna as this is just #facts

No. 2131907

The lack of visible post history (unless you become rita levels of bad) and lack of reaction stickers is why I actually strongly prefer lc over any other site, even with all the retards here. I'd genuinely leave if we got those features.

No. 2131908

How many gfs have you had nonny

No. 2131925

Um… three, why?

No. 2131942

Kiwis will follow you around the site and try to dox you if you say shit the scrotes don’t like or mock their internet daddies and null can’t do shit about it. Women on that site invite fucked up men into their lives and no good can come of it

No. 2131952

You’re ascribing worth to things that aren’t the truth. There’s realistically nothing to love about yourself, you’re always subject to change. If you have tons of people who care about you, you have more worth than other people, if you’re alone with no one to care about you then you have less worth than the other person. No amount of self-love and individualism can develop the support that many humans in a group can.

No. 2131960

Some of you are so, so sad.

No. 2131968

I hate kiwifarms and their gay-arse reaction stickers and reddit karma system. Why do people come onto imageboards and whinge that it isn’t like a forum?

No. 2131990

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This song is absolute ass (not in a good way)

No. 2131991

Again I half agree, because the more “likeable” a person is the more people who ascribe worth and value to them, so naturally the worth of the person is higher. I agree with that, but at the same time look at pedophiles and rapists, they have no worth or value. But other rapists and pedophiles would like them, so even though they might have many people ascribing value to them, they are still worthless. So imo it’s kind of half and half. Half of it is based on relationship to others, and the other half is about self worth and one’s ability to create value within themselves. Like how we judge others actions and personality traits, we judge them as either desirable or undesirable, and we do the same thing to our own actions and traits. If I see someone say something rude I can see that’s an undesirable trait, and that makes the person less valuable to me as someone I would like in my life. And if I were to say something rude I can judge my own actions as undesirable and understand how that might make me less valuable to others. I think it’s about seeing yourself how you see others, not as totally devoid of value right off the bat but as something that can change in worth and value to others and themselves based on actions and traits.

>There’s realistically nothing to love about yourself, you’re always subject to change.

I agree everyone is always changing, but that doesn’t negate one’s own worth. If I change for the better I am improving my value to myself and others, if I worsen as a person I am lessening that value. But I think everyone can love or hate certain things about themselves, it shouldn’t just be based off nothing though. Again I wouldn’t want a rapist to have inherent self love, and if someone is actively doing bad things then self love would only hinder their capacity for improvement. But everyone can at least love the positive traits they have, if someone is kind and generous that is a trait worthy of self praising. But if someone is callous and selfish that’s a trait that would benefit from being self critical. No one can improve as a person if they don’t judge their own actions and traits, and loving or hating them is just part of growth, we can’t change something we see nothing wrong with. And we can’t improve if we don’t see value in desirable traits that we recognize in ourselves or others.

No. 2131999

It is but I can’t help but be happy I can hear gay shit on the mainstream (even if it’s fake gay)

No. 2132002

Charli xcx is such an ashtray that it's poisoned her ability to discern something retarded from camp. Girl you're not being avant garde or iconic you're pandering

No. 2132010

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Experiment: try having self-worth and interact with human beings daily and you’ll understand how easily it’s broken down no matter how much you try to prescribe yourself mantras and accept it. People at an older age just get tired and don’t care what others think not just from jadedness but their egos transmute from the struggling phase which is practically half if not more of our entire lives and that is only because they’re approaching death kek. >>2131991
No, it has nothing to do with how we view ourselves, it’s all about how people project themselves on to you and you follow suit, like animals in a herd. We’ve come up with so many dumb and delusional concepts to hide from this fact, we are only here to drive each other like an ebb and flow of a river. The possibility of self-acceptance is like planting a seed in the middle of a field that’s been exposed to nuclear fallout, it’s nearly impossible because your ego is always changing and always subject to outside forces because it’s what drives you to survive in the world and it only settles once your body becomes into a psychological state where it’s starting to accept death. If no one talks to you, you don’t matter. If no one notices you, you don’t matter. If no one cares about you, you don’t matter. It’s kind of disturbing and unsettling for my mind to live in a world where these rules are taboo but it’s practically what everybody believes and operates on, you don’t matter but you’re somehow supposed to go out in the world and pretend you do, I can’t live a lie like everybody else does.

No. 2132027

Okay I get what you are saying, and I see your point more clearly now. I agree that blind self acceptance and self love mantras are pointless, but mainly because no one should just be accepting themselves based off nothing, they should be prioritizing accepting desirable traits and working to dispose of negative ones. But where I mostly disagree is how you said people don’t matter if no one cares about them or talks to them, because I’m not certain who gets to determine one’s value or worth. I feel like it’s different to everyone, for example Andrew Tate. I would consider him very low value, worse than worthless because he actively makes the world a worse place, but he has many fans and people looking up to him, so to those people he would be considered valued. I think that’s the part where I start to disagree, just because worth and value can have very different meanings depending on who’s attributing them. Not to mention the worth and value of those attributing them, like Tate fans, I don’t see them as worthy or valuable at all. But others might, so who’s to say which side is correct, is it solely based on the amount of people and no other traits or actions of the person? Because if that’s the case then I don’t see value or worth as very important at all, I’d rather just try to be a nice person and be of value to the ones closest to me.

No. 2132035

it's true that he matters more than you do though, because a large number of people are aware of and influenced by him. you can disagree with a world leader's actions but they're the ones leading over nations. they have more power over other humans, they will have a greater effect on the world, and they will be remembered after they die in a way that you can't achieve.

No. 2132042

>If you have tons of people who care about you, you have more worth than other people, if you’re alone with no one to care about you then you have less worth than the other person.
That one moid who killed pedophiles and wrongly rots in prison for it is infinitely more worth than any famous Hollywood predator.

No. 2132052

But what determines mattering? Like just people knowing a person and liking them? Because I would consider that more so fame, popularity and notoriety rather than matter, I feel like value and worth is going to differ from person to person so it’s hard to ascribe one meaning to mattering. Especially because it depends on who’s judging the persons matter, like my family would think I matter more than Andrew Tate kek but Andrew Tate fans would see me as worthless and him as extremely valuable. I get what you are saying in the last part though, but I still don’t think I would call that value or worth. Because again people like Hitler will be remembered for changing the world and having great power but it won’t be for anything good, so I don’t think a lot of people will say he has worth or value, just notoriety for having been such a significant figure in history.

I don’t know I feel like that’s the extent of my argument, but I appreciate your replies and I agree with your point more than I did when I read your first post. I miss having conversations like this itt where it’s a back and forth of ideas and doesn’t resort to infighting, thanks for sharing your point of view with me and I get where your coming from.

No. 2132054

You can’t dispose of any negative qualities, then you might as well deny half of your humanity. Your example proves there’s nothing moral about where we place our values because they’re all varying, I wasn’t coming from a moralistic point of view I was just being matter of fact about reality. If most people don’t care about you, there’s no reason to believe you matter at all therefore there’s nothing to like about you, there’s no “arbiter” of anything, it is just what it is like the solution to a math equation. My thought process sounds like a bpd-chan’s but it makes total sense. If people really cared about you, would they really let you suffer? Would they go days without talking to you? Would they let you get raped? Would they let you get killed? It’s unfathomably impossible to care about anything or anybody in this world and when you think about it it’s impossible to have attachments to family or friends, because you will always know this fact. how am I supposed to exhaustingly be a “good” person with worth or value if I’m supposed to narrow myself to becoming self-involved and through that self involvement I can’t care about anything because it will always exclude others, it will always leave others suffering, it will always leave others isolated and alone. You can’t have both so don’t even mention you can do both at the same time, to maintain the self you sacrifice others and vice versa, you can never have both in this world as much as you try.

No. 2132055

It's just Fe-doms/aux unable to exist on their own, without attaching themselves to a group and their beliefs.

No. 2132063

This isn't a fact, it's literally just an opinion. And concluding that not being hugely perceived(so more people care about you) means you're unlikable is a massive stretch.

No. 2132064

Omg, can we have an MBTI thread? I need to hear MBTI discussions on my lolcor. Would be better than the astrologyfags god I fucking hate the, with their retarded schizo ramblings talking about how Pisces zap their life force or whatever.

No. 2132067

samefag but are you the person who said there's no female solidarity and that she doesn't care when women get raped because they wouldn't help her either?

No. 2132069

No. 2132075

No. 2132076

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>doesn’t get it

No. 2132077

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Very xSxx of you my narrow-minded brethren. An intuitive type would never respond in such a way.

No. 2132078

>thinks MBTIfags aren’t as insufferable as astrologyfags

No. 2132080

Eh it’s not the same, I need the same level of entertainment from shitting on certain types of people like the astrology retards do.

No. 2132083

Oh they are, but they’re markedly less schizophrenic. Some people are generally so woo woo they think the position of the moon is what gave you anger issues kek

No. 2132084

>less schizophrenic
tell me your birthday and i can prove you wrong you annoying skeptic twerp kek

No. 2132086

Late February.

No. 2132088

kek yeah I wish it was more active but it seems like astrology is more popular. If only we could drag all the shitposting and infighting from this thread into the mbti thread. Like you said, it'd be way more fun.

No. 2132089

hmmmm seeing gay, badly painted nails

No. 2132091

Gay with badly painted nails or gayly painted nails?

No. 2132102

I knew mbtifags and I found them way worse than astrologyfags, I lost a friend to the craze when she started dragging me into joining mbti servers and she became so pretentiously insufferable

No. 2132106

Honestly I’m the mbtifag itt and those servers are full of disgustingly pretentious people who don’t even read the original theory anyway.

No. 2132107

hmmmm just badly painted nails, you know how lesbians do it to make fingering easier but this one is just short and badly painted

No. 2132120

>You can’t dispose of any negative qualities, then you might as well deny half of your humanity.
I guess I meant try to change or work on rather than dispose of, like for example I’m really lazy so I’m trying to work to change that. I wish I could just dispose of it kek.

>If people really cared about you, would they really let you suffer? Would they go days without talking to you? Would they let you get raped? Would they let you get killed? It’s unfathomably impossible to care about anything or anybody in this world and when you think about it it’s impossible to have attachments to family or friends, because you will always know this fact.

I don’t really understand this because again it depends who were talking about, like people in general might let someone I care about get killed or raped but the odd person might try to step in. And I obviously would do whatever I could to stop someone I care for getting hurt, because they matter to me. But if someone like Andrew Tate was about to be stabbed I wouldn’t do anything, because he has no value to me and I hate him. So it depends on the people and how much they matter to them I guess.

No. 2132162

#3, #5, #9, #14, (maybe #21?,) #23, #26

No. 2132169

What was her mbti though

No. 2132171

why do you need a discord server for this shit?

No. 2132271

People use depression as an excuse to be nasty and have a dirty house. No, your house isn’t disgusting because you’re depressed, it’s that way because you’re lazy and just don’t give a shit.

No. 2132273

Ew what the fuck why

No. 2132274

I think it’s pathetic when women are complaining about relationship problems and they’re broke. Shouldn’t you be getting your money up instead of worrying about a scrote? You’d think not being a bitch broke bitch would be on the top of their list of priorities and not hanging on to an abusive relationship.

No. 2132286

I wish I could be this out of touch

No. 2132288

Depression is a privilege. If most people "bed rot" they get evicted, lose relationships, get their kids or pets taken away, etc. if most people get so depressed they can't work or anything they'll end up on the streets

No. 2132292

Dickmatized women can’t be helped

No. 2132295

worrying about scrotes is a luxury for well off women because they have nothing important to think about. If you’re a broke bitch with 3 dollars in the bank you look like a loser crying over scrotes.

No. 2132303

a lot of depressed people would genuinely feel better if their living space was cleaned up. obviously a tidy room isn't going to cure their depression but focusing on a productive task like cleaning and then being rewarded by sleeping somewhere that doesn't look like a dump is beneficial in multiple ways. it's impossible to talk about things like this though because anytime you suggest something small that overwhelmed depressed people can do to help themselves, even if you suffer from depression yourself and speak from experience, you're told that you're just shaming them and nothing works but swallowing ssri drugs. there's little point in humiliating someone over a mess that's already been made but continuing to fester in it is a choice.

No. 2132309

This post doesn't really make any sense because you can care about more than one thing at a time.

No. 2132312

If the woman is in a situation to do so then you have a point. A lot of women often get baby trapped if not actually trapped and their partners don't let them work, steal their money, etc. Personally I've seen a lot of shit in the world so I can't imagine every single low income woman who has an abusive scrote is in the exact situation you describe

No. 2132315

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The most boringly dystopic part about the economic collapse will be the fact that more people will be focused on silencing everyone who speaks about the effects of it
>Moneys low? Maybe get a better job! Go apply in person, actually no apply online actually no do this and that actually no
>Can't find a job? Maybe you just suck
>Got laid off? Maybe you just suck
>Housing expensive? Just move somewhere cheaper! Clearly you living in that torn up trailer with 2 roommates was a luxury
>Grocery bill tripled? Just eat ramen and vienna sausages! Clearly you're just a bougie spoiled bitch who wanted lobster and steak nightly
>Childcare expensive? Go back in time and undo having children then!

It's just something so hard hitting that now not only are we facing economic issues, we're gaslit and treated like we're retarded children for falling victim to the economy

No. 2132321

The economy is never going to get better because it doesn’t benefit the rich to help the poor. I got sick of being poor so I became a nurse(I make 50 dollars an hour now) and I avoid having kids. Poor people in America can make their lives work but they’d prefer to just wine and pop out more babies with their scrotes. Instead of going to fruit markets or meat markets they’d prefer to just buy tv dinners from Whole Foods and then complain that food costs too much.

No. 2132322

Not you going on to prove the point

No. 2132323

>t. actually middle/upper class woman

No. 2132327

Telling you not to live in down town la or nyc does not mean telling you to live in a worn down trap house. Poor people need to get it I their head that the rich do not care about them and find ways to make their life comfortable. The government would prefer making assisted suicide legal because it’s cheaper than helping out poor people.

No. 2132328

This but actually though, nursing school can be expensive and if you're not being financially supported through school you're forced to work full time if not more hours to put a roof over your head and pay for school. If you aren't getting a free place to live someway somehow a lot of people end up dropping out because it's unaffordable to go to school while trying to sustain yourself financially. It's also delusional to think every single person with financial issues is there because they pop out kids and shop at whole foods as if childfree singles who eat nothing but ramen aren't complaining about the same financial crap everyone else is

No. 2132330

It's already like that. I've already heard half of these statements irl (mostly by retired people) and even on here.

No. 2132333

I wished I lived in your reality where the only people struggling financially are downtown girls who want a million children and whole foods

No. 2132336

Get loans and financial aide then and pay them back when you graduate but I might not be the best person to have this conversation because I owned my own house before even going to school to find a career, so I didnt pay rent. Also, I think adults who are so poor they live on ramen just don’t know how to cook, a bag of 10 potatoes is 4 dollars, 10 drum sticks is 5 dollars and the ingredients to make a salad are gonna be less than 5 dollars. If you’re living on ramen you might just be dumb.

No. 2132337

>Just get loans and financial aid
Financial aid is stingier than ever now, and unless you're going to a university most loan programs won't pay for community college
>I own my house before going to school
Ah yes, the average poorfag representation

No. 2132339

"Eating ramen" is just an exaggeration of just eating cheap meals, not that people are literally eating ramen every meal. Grocery prices are still inflating anyway

No. 2132341

I deeply wish people like you would jist appreciate their wealth for what it is instead of falling into the gigacope of "actually the others are just lazy and dumb". Unironically check your privilege kek.

No. 2132342

I was a poor fag though with no help from family, working pay check to pay check. I got a house because it was cheaper than renting. Other poorfags will scream at me until they’re red in the face claiming it’s impossible or I live in a run down home kek. Most of the people complaining about being poor aren’t even trying.

No. 2132343

the fact an anon went to prove her point is uncanny

No. 2132345

kekk sure jan

No. 2132346

Oh you're shitty house anon. Didn't you get permabanned for non stop larping and multiple anons proving you wrong and pointing out your inconsistencies? Just move on from the rage bait farmers

No. 2132348

I’ve never met a poor person who is doing everything in their power to get out of that situation. I asked a poor fag friend to come live with me and go to nursing school and her response is “I’m scared to give shots”. Huge babies.

No. 2132350

Samefag I’ve also met a lot of older poor fags who will refuse to work fast food or retail because they feel those jobs are beneath them. They’d prefer to be unemployed making no money at all.

No. 2132351

No cause she claimed to work like 5 different jobs within a year, that 10k wasn't a lot of money,and that "people would show up to her house and tell her she rented and didn't own". Also claimed she was super frugal but bragged about dropping thousands because her floor was ugly

No. 2132352

What’s wrong with eating cheap meals? Most home cooked meals taste better than restaurant food anyway.

No. 2132353

Reading comprehension is important

No. 2132354

old people who haven't had a job in decades and are massively out of touch with current events love to present themselves as an all-knowing beacon of financial wisdom and shit on anyone who has less than they do, then they wonder why none of their younger relatives want to be around them beyond tolerating them out of obligation and cry because they're so lonely. they're obsessed with living in the past because no one likes them in the present.

No. 2132355

At first she had a roommate in her previous derailments, now it's actually a house she "got" before studying kek.

So this is what it's really about? You're venting about your poor friend?

No. 2132356

You have to be literally the only person to ever exist to report this cause that is definitely not even close to what I've seen or seen other people claim

No. 2132357

No one believes this

No. 2132358

You're right and it's so frustrating.

No. 2132359

No because kek. I find it so funny to watch them kill themselves slowly because they had to return to work at cracker barrel on their death bed when they constantly told young people we weren't trying hard enough when they could've just let us riot. No one actually understands how extremely harmful it is to shut down discussions to improve the economy until it comes back to bite them. Essentially leopards ate my face of economics

No. 2132362

Kek and now she is somehow a $50 an hour nurse a few months after making 18 an hour at Walmart (and somehow consistently getting full time hours on the dot). She also claims to live in Michigan where the average nurse pay is 30 an hour, only 50 if you have years of experience

No. 2132363

It’s possible for poor people to find ways to become wealthy in unconventional ways. Just because you can’t do it, doesn’t mean it’s impossible. For example this girl working two fast food jobs to save 100k, other poor people would call her a Kia or or tell her to give up.

No. 2132364

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Making 50 an hour as a nurse in Michigan is definitely possible. Also, it only takes 2 years to become an rn. Poor people open up your minds to other possibilities.

No. 2132365

No one said they can't, just that you in particular are extremely inconsistent. Also this girl in particular has her profile of her going to the spa, frequenting foreign countries for years, buying expensive stuff and going to expensive concerts, etc it's fair to say she didn't start off as a poorfag

No. 2132367

Show us the 7 more items don't be shy

No. 2132370

A lot of poorfags have the opportunity to do it. Especially young poor fags who live with their parents and don’t have the responsibility of paying bills. If you’re a bed rotting neet there’s no excuse why you shouldn’t have at least 50k by 25, if you don’t have parents hounding you for money.

No. 2132372

If they live with their parents then yeah, but that isn't reality for a lot of Americans obsessed with hyper individualism

No. 2132374

Did you even look at her profile? She's a major influencer getting sponsored by multiple banks and other financial programs, but on her FB profile if you look back further she is clearly from a rich family

No. 2132375

And here we go with the autistic screenshotting again

No. 2132377

It’s hilarious when people think social mobility is easy. You’re likely going to be a poorfag forever while they continue to eliminate the middle class and then we have retards here denying it because everything is your fault, so let’s just continue to let the elites shit up the planet and turn us into zombified slaves, sounds like a planet ahhh yes humans are so smart!

No. 2132380

Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious is not hard to say

No. 2132381

Both sides are unbearable. There are absolutely poor people who are too stupid to get out of their situation but it's definitely not the majority of them and denying economic issues has a long, long history of coming back and biting everyone on the ass

No. 2132382

>just work hard, see this random influencer? You can do it too!
It's like you're trying your absolute hardest to check every stereotype for out-of-touch richfag kek.

No. 2132384

Nta but to be fair, if she's working two jobs she's likely not an influencer. An influencer isn't the same as a regular person just posting videos.

No. 2132386

Band together with all the other poorfags and go against the government but you aren’t going to do that. What you’re gonna do is keep working, paying 2k in rent etc. most poor people can’t get out of their situation because doing something other than paying rent and working scares them.

No. 2132388

She gets thousands a month from tt and straight up admitted to it, and even more from sponsorships from chase and chime . Her channel is financial based so the whole "two job save up" project could be a whole show, she went to a bougie private university in the Philippines for a business degree and it's not like influencers staging projects is unlikely or anything

No. 2132389

Even if she’s an influencer. What’s the difference between her using fast food jobs to save up money and a poor fag? They’re getting paid the same thing.

No. 2132390

Literally it. Too many poor people want to point the finger about how much better they are at being poor when it catches up fast

No. 2132392

Because of consistent dishonesty? She had her parents pay her way through business school and became an influencer after, tiktok essentially pays her entire rent and other bills. If the said poorfag got a free ride and housing to a bougie expensive school, then went onto having an app pay their living bills entirely then you'd have a point. Most poorfag who have to work these jobs have to spend most of their paycheck on bills

No. 2132395

Huge financial aid as mentioned upthread, likely previously existing investments and support from family and friends, an entire background of connections and knowledge from the start, all the other appearance- and location-based shit that provides opportunities etc etc.

No. 2132396

There are plenty of poorfags who live with other people and don’t pay bills. They just don’t understand anything about budgeting or saving because they were raised by poorfags. Being poor is also a mindset.

No. 2132398

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If my parents paid for me to go to a bougie private school and then foreign vacations my entire 20s, and then I used said business degree to have TikTok pay my high rise in San Francisco I wouldn't be poor either

No. 2132399

Oh ok, my bad then.
I will say, when I was young it was super hard for me to even get one job for a long time because no reliable mode of transportation. There wasn't even public transport in my area. Sometimes not getting a job isn't completely anyone's fault.

No. 2132401

Location is a huge one. My first job I had to drive an hour away for $100 a week because there was quite literally no jobs in the area, yes I applied to every single gas station, DG, factory, etc. it became easier to find a job when I moved but I can't imagine not having a car in the first place. If you're in a rural area doing everything from scratch you're being set up for failure

No. 2132402

Doesn’t matter. If you live at home and your parents aren’t making you pay bills you can have 100k saved by 30. I know plenty of young zoomers in this situation who blow all their money on clothes/food or they can’t keep jobs because they feel superior to the job and don’t have the threat of being homeless lingering over their head.

No. 2132403

Why do you keep insisting we're talking about people who were allowed to live at home with no bills? It was pretty obvious we were talking about those having to sustain themselves from a young age

No. 2132408

>I know zoomers who–
I know millennials who are actual liars online, I knew a woman who is unemployed, not trying to get a job and mooching off her parents in her 50s bragging about how she worked 3 jobs to get rich on FB. It wouldn't surprise me if the situation was similar

No. 2132412

If your poor you probably only have those two jobs as your sources of income which means that money has to be used for food, housing, transportation, school, children if you have them, etc.. If she has parents that are supportive and at least middle class they could be helping her with bills and since she has other gigs she might not even need to use any of her fast food cash. I'm not saying it's impossible to save if you're poor but things get different when you have to actually worry about paying bills.

No. 2132413

Tbh I’m kind of glad most poorfags wouldn’t try my methods in life for financial stability because if everyone’s doing it, then it becomes over saturated. If the government picked up on people working 2 or 3 jobs to save up for houses etc they would for sure probably make it illegal to work more than one job or some shit.

No. 2132416

What? You think the government doesn't know how many jobs people work? Also you're missing my point where she was unemployed and never actually worked all those jobs to save in the first place, just claimed to for the sake of bashing poor people on FB and whining about "no excuses" even though the same exact day she would beg her kids for money for Subway

No. 2132419

Most people don’t use those jobs to buy anything to give them power, they’re using those jobs to pay for rent for the homes owned by big businesses or day cares owned by big businesses. They’re not using that money to save or buy any property, if they were the government would definitely come up with some kind of laws blocking it. That’s why I’m glad most poor people wouldn’t take alternative routes because it’s good for people like me.

No. 2132421

The Internet just allows people to create whatever fantasies they want without having to prove anything they say. I've caught multiple people I know IRL who aren't doing well financially at all bullshitting online about how they totally have all this money and everything else. They'll quite literally post about how their trade made them 15k that month while waiting in the food pantry line. Take every single anonymous "rags to riches" claim with a grain of salt.

No. 2132422

They know people are working multiple jobs to pay for houses, cars, school, etc. why would they cut labor when they can just make those things unaffordable even with 2-3 jobs? Cause that's exactly what ended up happening

No. 2132428

my dad used to be a little out of touch on this topic. then then company he worked with for 25 years laid a bunch of people off. that was scary, tbh. then he finally got a really great job somewhere else. then that company went under without much warning. he was trying to do independent contracting for a little while after, then realized it wouldn't make ends meet, and got a fast food job on the side. lol, let's just say he's much more empathetic now, even after finding a better job again.

No. 2132432

Similar happened to my dad. Never shut up about how people with financial issues are just lazy, etc. got laid off cause the new boss was racist (he's middle eastern and actually thought it would be a good idea to support work at will laws ???), joined every other young person complaining about how they applied for months and never heard anything back and never cried about lazy poor people again

My MIL on the other hand is exactly the "bootstrapper liar" like being described. Lazy, unemployed, has everything handed to her but tells everyone she worked so hard unlike the lazy poor people nowadays

No. 2132433

>poorfags who are a few paychecks away from being homeless talking shit about other poorfags
kek being behind a screen makes you larp as so many things. this is why the friend finder thread exposes so many of you little retards

No. 2132435

I consider having less than 20k saved as a poor fag. This probably wouldn’t be most poorfags definition of poor though.

No. 2132444

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No. 2132452

Honestly besides everything already mentioned itt, just living in poverty and growing up poor already makes such a big psychological difference. All the stress inevitably fucks with your physical health too. Some shady tiktok influencer larping as poor while sitting on their family's money and selling dreams is able to avoid that easily.
I'm central european but my entire female linage were nurses all their life. They still lived in poverty just trying to raise children, despite multiple instances of reeducation through the years. My mom worked overtime constantly, ironically so she could afford to pay for childcare in her abstinence. Nursing was already a stressful job bit after the economy crashed in my country, she was working 3 jobs at the end until she got a stroke that almost killed her. Now finally in retirement, she has to take 8 pills a day just to survive normally. This shit is insane and so are the delusional boomers and upper middle classers defending it.

Are you going to sell us an mlm next?

No. 2132455

At least during economic crashes you can have conversations with friends and family as a bit of a vent and you feel like you're not crazy, now if you try to discuss the economy some asshole will come shut you down and blame you for everything while lying their ass off about their situation all the way through (as proven by the conversation)

No. 2132457

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This is why american dad will save the world:
1. Awesomeness
2. Stan?? Moar awesomeness
3. Heccin cool bean Francine
4. Sexpun!???
5. Stan beats Alfred in the election??
6. Area 51 epic sauce
7. Good morning USA I got a feeling that it’s gonna be a wonderful day
8. Francine lesbian marriage at Martha’s Vineyard

No. 2132462

Bipolar is barely different than BPD. The only difference is abandonment fears.

No. 2132466

Tfw the global economy crashes and they’ll still be retards here telling you “why didn’t you save 20k?? all your fault” and these rich people just go on their super fancy cruise ship while everything burns to ashes. The common man is the enemy of the proletariat

No. 2132467

I love Skyler and Francine more than words can say

No. 2132468


Thread has reached 1100 posts. The thread will be locked and you will be unable to post in it shortly after it exceeds 1200 posts. Please begin preparing a new thread and post a link to it when it's created.

No. 2132470

>francine lesbian wedding at Martha’s Vineyard
to Jenny, by the grace of God

No. 2132472

Which Jenny? Jenny Fromdablock? She’s a teenager you freak

No. 2132473

No. 2132478

Nope, this queen kek

No. 2132481

Omg how could I forget, Jenny! I ship it so hard

No. 2132482

I wish we got more of her!! Seriously their best one-off character kek

No. 2132488

Agreed, I hope she makes a comeback. Her scene kills me every time

No. 2132489

it's rly not similar at all. bipolar is over diagnosed. if you go to a state ran mental hospital i'm 1000 percent the bipolar patients are doing one flew over the cuckoo nest kinda shit. bpd isn't nearly as physical

No. 2132492

louis vuitton BADDIE

No. 2132501

In Central Europe being a nurse is a job for poor fags. For a single women living in the USA with no kids it’s a great job. Most women in America are broke because they’re usually wrapped up with kids and scrotes taking all their money. Tell them to keep their legs closed and stop pumping out crotch fruits, then they’re goin to accuse you of eugenics/sexism.

No. 2132537

Liked subscribed and turned notifications on!

No. 2132567

It doesn't matter if you had sex if you're broke.

No. 2132577

Putting sex on a pedestal is a salty moid thing because cooming is the most important thing in their life for them. It really isn't anything special.

No. 2132581

What does that mean?

No. 2132599

What are you talking about?

No. 2132637

I think forced abortions are ok for people under the age of 18. If a parent wants their kid to get an abortion, they need to get one and get over it.

No. 2132647

is this a bot post?

No. 2132651

I think anon meant to reply to someone but forgot to link the post kek

No. 2132783

I enjoy working and doing my job correctly. I think negative people who don’t wanna work bring down the work environment so much. If we were all just positive and wanted to get the job done it would be so much better.

No. 2132803

In the dating world women pick and men choose. Men choose the women they want and women pick out of all the scrotes who like them. Woke get very little choice in what they get.

No. 2132825

What's with the weird obsession with forbidding poor women from having sex lately?(off-topic)

No. 2132834

It's a weird anon and their harpies that parrot whatever the original anon says. Pay no mind to them.

No. 2132835

do people think having sex makes you rich now?

No. 2132836

Shame and remorse is a disease that can literally kill you, very quickly. Don’t ever feel remorse or regret for anything you’ve done.

No. 2132841

ok sociopathchan

No. 2132844

>>2132836 Shame and remorse means you grew as a person, it's a good thing, you just shouldn't let it dominate your life.

No. 2132845

nah shame is a vital component to the human condition, the no shaming culture is how we got troon freaks and pedos everywhere

No. 2132852

Poor women always become pregnant

No. 2132854

feeling shame and thinking about things that i’ve done has not helped me grow as a person, it has done the complete opposite. my health is destroyed, i’m incapable of having a flashback to my old crimes without suffering from a seizure or stroke. I thoroughly believe that feeling “shame” isn’t necessary or healthy for any human. Shame kills.

No. 2132857

Oh my god troons, pedophiles, murderers deserve to experience shame. I’m talking about normal women lmfao dumbass

No. 2132859

your "shame" over your old crimes prevents you to doing them again nonna you've grown as a person when you realize this. a bit of shame for over things that youve done wrong is important because it teaches you not to repeat the mistake but shame over things out of your control isnt.

No. 2132862

youre right, it does prevent me from doing them again because i’ve become physically disabled by my shame. I guess that’s Gods plan

No. 2132863

Birth rates have been dropping rapidly anon come on now. This isn't the 1990s trailer park

No. 2132870

Birth rates are mostly dropping due to personal interest not financial insecurity

No. 2132873

Good. You probably deserve it.

No. 2132875

you’re right, i probably do. But i still stand by the opinion that no woman should experience remorse/shame/regret over shitty things we’ve done.

No. 2132876

Stupid opinion. >>2132845 is right, shame is required because 60% of humans are selfish apes, and without social shaming they do whatever they feel like.
Skill issue. Shame is like a fever. You only allow it to go high enough to kill the virus, you don't let it let it get high enough to boil your brain.

No. 2132881

I just find anime men really ugly and deformed looking at this point. Even if real men are ugly, I can't go back to fangirling over deformed dorito chins

No. 2132882

I think there’s a big difference between shaming perverts, pedophiles, criminals, and feeling self inflicted shame

No. 2132888

Nta but the seizures have probably caused you brain damage because I can't image an average iq, non brain damaged person saying this shit.

No. 2132890

i don’t have brain damage but this is the unpopular opinions thread so

No. 2132891

You should feel shame if you do something bad. You don't have to be a pervert, pedophile, or criminal to skip your daughter's dance recital so you can scroll tiktok, but you should still feel shame if you do.

No. 2132895

thats a really specific situation? did that happen to you nonna? and if it makes you feel any better i can’t have any children because of my disability so that kind neglect would never occur

No. 2132896

File: 1723491502167.jpeg (32.34 KB, 493x660, Alfred F_ Jones.jpeg)

Francine should be our lesbo matriarch dictator and Alfred the representive visual of the country and sperm donator. Stan will be sent to die in war and horrify any potential opponents with his grotesque and disgusting visuals.

No. 2132898

Can Stan at least be honored postmortem kek

No. 2132902

i could say anyone that hurts women should feel shame, but its too broad of a principal. I agree that mothers should feel shame of neglecting their daughters, but should not feel ashamed and moralfagged over becuase of voicing out their opinions that may hurt others unless it hurts women as a sex class and benefits moids.

No. 2132903

what is "postmortem"?

No. 2132905

post = after
mortem = death

No. 2132907

as long as you dont get horny over him (bestiality) its fine

No. 2132910

good thing i’m not muslim, babygirl

No. 2132911

i'm nta just popped in to 'splain some english

No. 2132912

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being a stanfag and stanning ugly men is illegal btw

No. 2132915

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Stan is the opposite of ugly, he’s prime burger. Watch your words!!!

No. 2132923

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He is beauty, he is grace, he is MR UNITED STATES! I need his American sperm straight from the source. I'd betray my country for him

No. 2132928

I never claimed the reason why birth rates are dropping, but claiming people are poor now because they're all having kids is simply inaccurate since most single people are struggling too. Its also dismissing the amount of people who were doing well when they had kids but are not doing well currently because of the economic decline. The sad part is that when given the option, a lot of people get their rocks off on shaming poor people so much that if they had to choose between a better economy or no longer having a hate boner for poor people, a lot of these people wouldn't pass up the chance to continue shaming poors

No. 2132933

A man with a tumourous ballsack chin is by definition of ugly and claiming otherwise is a sign of mental illness, in your case: pickme (deadly illness), and a hatecrime against natural sex selection. Assigning such false claims as him being and i quote "the opposite of burger, he's prime burger" counts as conspiracy theory, brainwashing and hatespeech and you classify as a handmaiden which is terrorism. You will be flown into an woman only island for 3 months and forced to study STEM and then you will be introduced to hot, young, fit, neotenous features having males as conversion therapy.

No. 2132936

You’re right I’m sorry

No. 2132942

Why are poor women held to such strict standards over poor men in regards to finances?
If women are poor
>Don't spend a single dime! You got a 5 dollar coffee once a week? Wow clearly that's why you're millions in debt
But no one would dare tell a moid who spends 20 bucks on gas station food daily to stop
>Don't have sex, relationships or anything else if you're a poor woman!!
I don't even think people would ever consider telling this to a poor man
>Roommates this, sublets that, live in your car this, get a torn up RV of Facebook marketplace that
Never once have I seen people advocate for men who are struggling financially to do anything of these things despite the fact it's more dangerous for women to do them. Why are people telling women to go live with a bunch of strange men in a torn up house but it's never expected for moids to lower their lifestyle standards?
>Being exhausted is a luxury!! You better get up and do crack after work and spend the little free time you have cleaning and cooking
Again, an exhausted broke moids wouldn't ever dare to be expected to clean, cook and everything else after work(off-topic)

No. 2132945

Based queen.

No. 2132951

File: 1723494412412.jpeg (42.96 KB, 500x419, 673b3a3c-4d34-443e-9309-1481cd…)

lolcow flood detection is a hatecrime against natural sex selection. how dare you not let me spam the thread with alfred

No. 2132952

File: 1723494434373.jpeg (20.39 KB, 500x375, descarga (1).jpeg)

i want to milk his alfredo sauce like a cow and make USA into the number 1 alfredo sauce capital

No. 2132965

>Its also dismissing the amount of people who were doing well when they had kids but are not doing well currently because of the economic decline.
Idiots who aren't financially prepared to have kids but keep accidental pregnancies anyway always use this excuse, but they still weren't ready even when the economy was doing well. That, and
>"You're never really prepared to have children!"
Okay, that true, but that doesn't mean that your 22 year old, unmarried, minimum wage earning, renting ass should keep Brad's "I'll totally pull out" accident.

No. 2132968

Women are held to a higher standard over poor men because it’s just more dangerous and risky to be poor as a woman. As a man you can have several baby mommas and live on the streets and can fend for yourself. Living like that as a woman puts yourself and your kids at risk for murder or violence. For women money is protection. Nothing is more scary than being a vulnerable poor woman. Sorry, the world ain’t fair

No. 2132977

>Idiots who aren't financially prepared to have kids but keep accidental pregnancies
Not really, we're facing an economic decline and the middle class and being priced out. My parents were doing very well as a kid, two cars, three bed house, pets, vacations, never had an issue getting food or school supplies, etc even during 08. With housing price increases, huge tax increases, HOAs, companies laying off then rehiring everyone for lower wages, etc having a kid would destroy them financially. Not the first family I've seen in similar financial situations and my parents were lucky enough I moved out before the economy went on a down spiral. I'm not doubting there's people who are like you describe but as everyone else said, denying economic issues will come back to haunt you

No. 2132980

Nta but people back then were blind sided I guess but if you’re having kids now, knowing how the world is you’re retarded.

No. 2132981

I don't disagree that those kind of people exist, but the vast majority of poor people who have kids, purposely made their financial situation worse by not being prepared before having children.

No. 2132982

Modern day poetry

No. 2132983

>it’s just more dangerous and risky to be poor as a woman
If it was from a concern about women's safety these morons wouldn't be suggesting women to live with complete strangers or work in jobs surrounded by men, yet that's often the first advice I seen be given to poor women, and if it was also about safety they wouldn't constantly advocate for women to decline their own health via lack of proper sleep/rest. We all know being extremely sleep deprived is the equivalent to being drunk and you want women to walk around the streets extremely sleep deprived as punishment for being poor? Like come on laundry doesn't have to be perfectly done on the dot everyday if it means women can get rest. Also don't women need more sleep than men anyway?

No. 2132991

At the end of the day you’re a grown woman. If people are telling you to fuck for money or not sleep and you listen that’s on you. I’m 32 and I’ve been hearing all my life I should find a rich man to fuck etc and I never listened. If you fall for the brainwashing that’s your own bed to lay in.

No. 2132995

There's really no way to describe a single situation of all people in that financial status. I've seen poor people budget well with children so they always have three healthy meals, a clean house and water, etc and middle class people have a fear of food insecurity every month cause they couldn't say no to Lululemon and trips to Disney and Xbox gear. The mystical poor woman who's having loads of children with zero money is just blown up more often than it actually happens. Another thing is that the middle class people who are being pushed to lower class don't have the same budgeting skills as poor people who've been poor all their life, most poor people already have fully stocked pantries, a paid off trailer and their meemaw is their childcare and step dad Terry is their free mechanic. Most middle class will have to pay people loads of money for what poor people get for free in trailer parks, don't know how to make cheap meals, don't know how to say no to toys and activities, etc

No. 2132998

most poor people are poor before they have kids and then even poorer after. They'll say that "you're never really truly ready for a kid" but it's justified a flimsy excuse for them because they know they fucked up reproducing when they don't even have a pot to piss in. Poor people should not have unprotected sex period. Condoms and birth control will always be cheaper than a baby

No. 2133001

I wasn't referring to sex work/marrying rich, just terrible advice sometimes from other anons. If you're a woman paying a little more for a studio alone is way way safer than living with whoever the hell is advertising on Craigslist but I only ever see women suggested to get roommates. I also only ever seen women get screamed at to keep their house pristine and Nara smith their own meals after working 2-3 jobs but moids aren't ever held to the same standards when they even just work full time

No. 2133002

We're referring to people who were doing well financially and then are suffering from the current economic status no?

No. 2133005

No one outside of TikTok knows nara smith or cares what she’s doing. If youre triggered by that you’re terminally online.

No. 2133011

>paid off trailer and their meemaw is their childcare and step dad Terry is their free mechanic
People truly underestimate how much a support system can make or break your finances, people who obsess over individualism and independence end up drowning in debt unless they're super rich. It sucks people are biting the propaganda that we should never ever help each other and instead spend thousands on services that your neighbor could do for free.

No. 2133013

Your autism is showing, it was a figure of speech on my part. My shade wasn't towards Nara smith it was more about the advice to make everything you possibly can from scratch, given to people who often have very very little free time as it is

No. 2133015

Nta but many people who are dead beat parents, also had dead parents. Why expect people who were dead beat parents to be good grand parents? Most good parents have no problem helping their grand kids out

No. 2133016

Idk anyone in real life who cares about the stuff you’re talking about unless they’re religious and even if they do, you don’t have to listen…what’s gonna happen if you don’t? They’re gonna beat your ass?

No. 2133023

That's the issue and a bit of a privilege poor people tend to have the middle class doesn't. Most poor communities are close especially if they're family. If you break down in a crappy apartment complex some family in a fucked up Honda Odyssey will stop and give you a jump where as a middle class neighborhood will call the cops and accuse you of a trafficking scheme

No. 2133025

I don't think you understood my point anon please re read

No. 2133026

Your point is that women are expected to make meals from scratch etc. this doesnt happen in real life unless you’re mormon or muslim. No one outside of that cares if you make boxed mac and cheese.

No. 2133031

That’s kind of true. In poorer neighborhoods people come out and talk to each other but in upper middle class neighborhoods the streets are deserted. Not even kids come out to play.

No. 2133062

This made me start thinking. My neighborhood no longer has any kids around. I still live with my family, we weren't in a poor neighborhood but it wasn't the upper class neighborhood. But with all the people moving during covid, my neighborhood became the #1 place everybody wants to be so effectively all families got priced out. Only middle aged people with adult children or 30+ years old couples with no kids/don't want kids can move here. It's so weird because growing up we knew all our neighbors, people were always doing something outside in the neighborhood. Now we don't know anybody, and trying to get to know people they act like you're insane for saying hi or bringing them leftover homemade food.

No. 2133124

OT but I love thread gif, it makes me giggle every time I see it

No. 2133150

It's not about religion it's just a lot of advices given to poor women to save money. No one would ever expect a man working 60-100 hour weeks to cut corners by baking bread, preserving food, etc but women are marked as lazy and stupid for not doing such

No. 2133157

It's a money saving trick too, a poor person with a secure support system should have children more than someone who is middle class and sucks at budgeting and zero support system.im probably middle lower class and definitely see this. You got more connections for cheap things like child care, mechanic fixes, home maintenance, etc where as an upper middle class person who doesn't have a system would be financially fucked if their car breaks down or their HVAC needs to be replaced. I can't feel bad though watching how badly they foam at the mouth at people asking for/needing help and now are shocked their wallets are run dry when just a few years ago their buddy and then would've happily replaced their fridge or something and now they got to pay randoms a couple of grand to

No. 2133163

No one would expect a woman to cut corners by baking bread either because bread is like 1 dollar in most places. If you think people telling you that knowing how to cook basic shit means they’re telling you to be Nara smith then you’re just slow lol

No. 2133167

“Irl yandere” men need to be sterilized and sent off to labor camps.
“Irl yandere” women, however, are kinda based.

No. 2133168

People who think food is expensive just don’t know how to cook

No. 2133174

File: 1723505648373.jpg (89.01 KB, 550x473, Ffffffffff.jpg)


I just want sense and good reason to return. Bless you Alfredstan nation Alfred will never be dethroned by ugly imposters.

No. 2133175

File: 1723505687523.jpeg (12.23 KB, 225x225, images-1.jpeg)

No. 2133191

No? I've definitely seen people imply women are lazy for not making everything from scratch to cut corners. Glad you haven't

No. 2133193

Record inflation and you'd rather cry about poor people instead of the blatant price gouging kek

No. 2133197

Most people irl don’t cook most things from scratch. I don’t know a single person who can bake bread. Idk where you live that women are scorned for not cooking things from scratch but it’s probably not the USA.

No. 2133198

Yea food is expensive if you only eat instant meals and fast food

No. 2133211

Being a brunette compared to blondes will never be colorism and I don’t care how much you try to make it seem so. Even if you look at it through that lense it’s more of like, “eww I don’t want to be compared to nonwhites that’s icky I want to be apart of the club” viewing as being compared to nonwhite ethnicities as a major insult, not because they’re entirely against colorism kek

No. 2133212

I’m black and I kind of see it as colorism lite. Blondes are seen as more childlike/innocent and fun because blonde hair is rare into adult hood. Most men fetishize blonde hair because they connect it with youth and cuteness, it’s kind of the same reasons scrote love white skin.

No. 2133213

I have nothing to do with this conversation but baking bread is actually very easy! Put in ingredients in the dough maker, then pull out the dough and put it in a bread pan and bake in oven. My brother bakes bread multiple times a week

No. 2133222

I've literally never seen brunettes be compared to being nonwhite kek wtf?

No. 2133223


Thread has exceeded 1200 posts and is about to be locked! Please create a new thread and post a link to it.

No. 2133225

Samefag basically I think all races have their own form of colorism against women, including white people

No. 2133232

>>2122478 >>2122490 >>2122558 >>2122577

Really this mentality was one of the worst things to come from my generation. Millennials really shit the bed with this one and the younger generations took it and ran. It's just another ingroup/outgroup dynamic that morons latched onto so that they can feel superior. This shit is as retarded as taking astrological signs seriously. Everyone has introverted and extroverted qualities. While they may express at different degrees, most people are pretty damn similar.

No. 2133236


Nice try. No way you're fucking black, sis

No. 2133245

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I can see how the people who created colorism in the black community would have the same beliefs towards their own women. Blonde hair and light eyes is associated with youth, fun and purity for a reason. I’m just saying I can kind of see the correlation that white people have with hair color, in what I see going on with black people.

No. 2133455

You think inflation is exclusively affecting instant crap and fast food? Do you even actually cook or just whine about the poor people on the Internet?

No. 2133457

It's not a competition anon

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