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No. 2119058

A thread for all of us nonnas who were delusional enough to fall for the gendie propaganda and want to talk about it in a personal way. Talk about the funny, the infuriating, the lousy, the mock worthy, the chunnibyo, etc. Examples included but not limited to:
>Characters you wanted to look like or act like
>Pinterest / Tumblr induced ""gender euphoria""
>Bad friends or friend groups pushing you to transition
>Internalized misogyny, nlog-ism, pickmeism, etc
>Cringe haircuts and fashion choices
>Nonbinary, agender, demi-boy/girl and other gendie ideology crap
>Retarded labels and pronouns
>Things you regret looking back on it
>Why and how did you peak
For a more serious discussion about detransitioning, use the following thread thread:
>>>/g/230474(use the gender critical thread)

No. 2119060

I feel like this is kind of a duplicate thread and isn't distinguished enough from the one on /g/

No. 2119071

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>be me
>be depressed due to personal life circumstances
>read all of tokyo ghoul
>"Omfg I want to be kaneki"
>cuts hair short and boyish and wears binder
>eventually falls out of love with the manga and genderism, sells the volumes to a classmate
>classmate suddenly becomes gendie
>classmate gets female and male symbol tattoos on her wrists because she's committed to the cause
>mfw not sure if I caused this to happen

In all seriousness though why do gendies love kaneki?

No. 2119073

This one is about the cringe and funny moments, that one is about detransitioning and the serious effects of taking hormones. Not all gendies transition anyway

No. 2119076

i never fully identified as a tim but i had a phase back in like 2017 when I was a kpopfag and wanted to be like a kpop boy and gave myself a jimin haircut in college. but i was fat so i ended up looking like an auntie instead. i don’t regret it though, it made me discover my love for short hair.

No. 2119077

if you ever fell for this shit, you're extremely mentally ill(baiting)

No. 2119079

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Post characters that made you want to transition

No. 2119080

I really don't get posts like these. It always comes off as some anon high on her own farts that wants to play victim blame game.

No. 2119082

I hope you meant tif and not tim

No. 2119083

>muh "victim blaming"
shut the fuck up you whiny mentally ill detrooner. it's not my fault you cut your fucking tits off because you are so stupid you once thought you could become a man(baiting/infighting)

No. 2119087

I agree. Having this thread is basically enabling their degeneracy, there was something wrong in the milk if they honestly fell for their shit to begin with and even if they detransition you can tell there’s absolutely something wrong with them where you want to stay away from them, they’re gross as fuck and brimming with instability they still haven’t solved to make them a proper member of society

No. 2119091

I think the extremely hilarious thing is that I was the exact opposite of the fujo-to-tif pipeline. Was fujo in middle school and a non-gendie normal girl. Start highschool, suddenly in yurifag phase and troon for some reason. Graduate HS, back to fujo and untroon and learn about radfeminism.

No. 2119093

I wanted to be a jock so bad, I got a buzzcut and started wearing my older sibling's letterman jacket to school. I wasn't even in sports. Anyway, I never got far because the pandemic happened and my intrusive thoughts about wanting to mutilate myself stopped.

No. 2119095

yes, autocorrect. lol

No. 2119096

i mean it should be obvious. atleast anons have the insight of getting better from it now

No. 2119098

>>2119077 this much is certain

No. 2119102

>thread pic
I miss when fangirls were confident enough to admit 2D is "sexy", rather than the autism behind calling things "gender". His body proportions are definitely male, a man that actually puts in effort is gonna look more like this than a TIF.

>why do gendies love kaneki?
Tbh it reads to me exactly the same reason why TIMs troon out because of yuri; they're attracted to a fictional character type that doesn't exist in real life and offers a moment of escapism for the harsh reality of sexism and the way society looks at the sexes. For TIMs, it's because women IRL aren't vapid morons with zero social nuance that men can relate to/traits that anime girls have that draw in low value males. For TIFs, it's twinks, feminine men, and men who are open about their feelings, because too many scrotes are severely lacking in them/assume they're women and should troon out if they feel any less than macho emotion at all. It leads some TIFs to want to be the men that actual men are failing to be for us because they're on about trying to "become women" instead of trying to be better men.

I'm very thankful that puberty made it impossible for me to even consider the TIF route, and a lot of "TIF" characters are just pretty boys I would kiss if they were real.

No. 2119103

Girl I'm not even a trooner, it's just not everyone has to bully women all the time to feel something.

No. 2119110

It's probably some summer retard that discovered lolcow from a tiktok video and now wants to enact their very own mean girl charade, don't even reply to their bait.

No. 2119113

You're right, thanks for catching me slipping

No. 2119143

once i got out of my fujo phase i never went back but actually a lot of TIFs i followed on social media preferred yuri to yaoi once they trooned out, i guess because it offered something "different" and ive noticed a weird trend in TIMs preferring yaoi now too

No. 2119146

Thread locked due to infighting in 3…2…1 lol.

No. 2119151

> ive noticed a weird trend in TIMs preferring yaoi now too
i have literally never seen this unless you mean trapshit, which isnt yaoi

No. 2119160

>I've noticed a weird trend in TIMs preferring yaoi now too
I interpret this as they think since women are known to like yaoi they'll just pick up up to LARP as us or something. Like they think being a fujo makes you more womanly or something.

No. 2119168

> ive noticed a weird trend in TIMs preferring yaoi now too
they only pretend to like it to larp or groom girls and women since its a well known women hobby, and most are fags into bara NOT bl

No. 2119175

I don't know. Babby's first sensitive manga boy? The (relatable) crawling in my skin/self-harm factor?

No. 2119181

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i never understood why tifs liked crybaby kaneki and this fagtard, is it edgyness or is it just misplaced attraction?

No. 2119184

Ayrt, I was mostly bringing it up because it was a funny coincidence for me because my TIF phase was a result of body dysmorphia and trying to fit in with gendie friends rather than having a sexual insecurity. My shipping preferences and troon arc were basically independent events that overlapped chronologically in a funny way. Speaking of, has anyone else done some introspective analysis and figured out why they fell for the koolaid in the first place?

No. 2119195

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It's interesting because Mutsuki, the canon tif, is right there

No. 2119197

>Speaking of, has anyone else done some introspective analysis and figured out why they fell for the koolaid in the first place?
For me it was a combination of chunnibyo like the OP says and living in a macho society

No. 2119206

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>i'm the smartest person in the room heh… that'll show em…
no way, seriously ? don't think anyone would have guessed without your help.
>inb4 triggered, i've never been been anywhere remotely close to tiffing out

No. 2119217

My parents are homophobes and while I'm bisexual, at the time, I had a huge crush on a girl and I subconsciously at the time thought they'd accept me if I was a tif. Of course, my parents are also massive troon haters so I'm not sure why my brain was so retarded. Consequences of not having a fully developed brain I suppose. Also probably societal issues with women being seen as less than dogshit if they stray from the norm.

No. 2119234

a combination of growing up in a religious sexist jihadfag community and my lack of interest in performing femininity

No. 2119250

I've definitely seen it. Back when I was younger, there were always a few comments by males on bl doujins if there were any tags involving anything related to crossdressing. I don't think they're doing this as a genius ploy to groom tifs, I think these were moids into "femboys" that stumbled on yaoi on their hentai sites

No. 2119260

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>characters you wanted to look like or act like

No. 2119288

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I think a few years back when I realized I wasn’t a tif was one of the most cathartic experiences of my life and I’ll never forget it. I realized I was just a gender non conforming girl and that’s perfectly fine. The fact doesn’t make me a male, it makes me, me.

No. 2119291

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i remember wishing my body was more androgynous as a teen and thinking this must mean i might be nonbinary. i didn't go full-on gendie because i
>a) did some soul-searching and realised what i felt wasn't gender dysphoria
i didn't hate my body and its sex characteristics. i actually liked the way it looked. i just hated the unwanted sexually charged attention my female body brought me and
>b) had more importand things to do instead of getting fixated on my identity and how people percieve me

even though i didn't fall down the gendie rabbit hole myself i was still very accepting of trannyism. it was easy to do so because i never interacted directly with trannies and their spaces and had an idealised view of them pushed onto me by intersectional feminist bloggers and influencers
>Things you regret looking back on it
i regret being openly libfem-leaning and leaving this impression on some women i used to be friends with. i don't like thinking that's how they remember me lol
>Why and how did you peak
i realised my acceptance of gendieism was based solely on emotions (be nice, accept people for who they are just because it's a good thing to do, not doing so is evil and bigoted) and decided to "listen to trans people" as they always say kek. as a result saw gender ideology for what it is and never looked back ever since

No. 2119311

>The fact doesn’t make me a male, it makes me, me.
so true nonnie. i'm happy for you

No. 2119347

i remember wanting to have a dick when i was like 12 but that was before trannyism was normalized. when i saw the result of srs i was like 'thats fucking gross' and snapped out of it kek

No. 2119429

pretty much went through a similar thing as you nona. thought i was "nb" for a while before realizing most of my motives for trooning out were peer pressure and hating other people's perception of my body. despite desisting i was still relatively troon positive until my run in with a TIM who was an narc and extreme sjw did i realize all trannies, specifically TIMs are the same. it was only then did I realize my only impression of 'trans people' were the TIFs i was acquainted with and ive never met a TIM outside of the constant shill of TWAW. actually seeing how they act and behave around women truly was eye opening.

No. 2119468

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This is the mentally ill bpdchan autist femcel website. if you want normies go back to facebook.
Anyway, for me, it was being a tomboy. I've noticed there's two pipelines for the gendies that a lot of us ex-gendies fall into, and one is the one that has dysmorphia, or is discontent, or wants to fit in with friends, gets too much into yaoi… and the other where I fall into is someone who struggled to connect to female peers and was bombed with the message that she was "failing" at being a woman (kek) and transgenderism offered a very convenient explanation for that, especially as a black and white thinking autist. Oh well, if I don't "act like a woman", that must mean I am a man!… I was raised in a sexist conservative culture, am ESL, and got exposed to tumblr.

>Characters you wanted to look like or act like
>Bad friends or friend groups pushing you to transition
it was fucking dave strider, embarrassingly enough. Though he came in late. I was so depressed I hardly ate, just mentally ill enough to believe in retardation like otherkin when the transgender explanation "made sense". Happened to have a brush with the homestucks and they enabled it. I had even picked a name and clinic to go to before I gave it up. I notice the want to be a man delusions spike whenever I'm depressed or smacked again with ~not acting womanly~. But I am now actually capable of stopping those thoughts for the most part.

No. 2119472

I'm very happy for you nonnie, it's one of the best feelings in the world.

No. 2119473

>this is the mentally ill bpdchan autist femcel website
God I can't wait for summer to be over

No. 2119513

>this is the mentally ill bpdchan autist femcel website
LMAO if anything it's the stacy larper website, but going by zoomer lingo use of femcel, I guess that's the same thing.

No. 2119542

Femcels ain't real buddy

No. 2120188

Moved to >>>/2X/30600.

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