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No. 2146125

Continue to discuss news stories that upset and disturb you more than usual, crimes, disasters and events that stay on your mind, stories of criminals, victims and survivors that you want to discuss etc. Try to post relevant pictures, names, links to articles, websites etc if you can, so that people can look up the cases for themselves easier.
Previous thread >>2028583

No. 2146212

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Indian crimes have been trending a lot over twitter and not surprising to some of us who intimately know the men are pretending THEY are the real victims and that rape reports are made up.

No. 2146232

There was allegedly a lot of complaints about the new IndiGo policy of women being allowed to choose not to sit next to men on the airline, but luckily when I got to the post it was drowned out by positive reception overall

No. 2146237

What's with all the attempted kidnappings this week lol

No. 2146262

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I've seen that too and surprise surprise, scrotes gotta make themselves the victim but yeah a lot of people are for it including me and not just on india airlines either.I remember when I was going to sri lanka and the moid next to me was manspreading so much it looks like he was training for the olympics doing the splits

No. 2146283

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Sadly not a surprise this happened with the case of 2012 bus assault case (warning you now, if you go watch the documentary called "India's daughter" which is banned in India it goes into detail about what happened to the victim and I didnt even know that was possible to do that its vile and disgusting) and also other cases involving children who were assaulted and killed, indian moids also were searching them up on these sites.

A lot of them have access to porn but also they are exposed to it by their parents. When I was in primary school (which was before the internet was about) I and others had to stay away from the indian moids in our class because they had a habit of groping the girls.

wtf are you talking about dumbass there is no instagram reels here.

True but in the UK there isnt really any hate towards them but they try to claim racism whenever they can.

No. 2146288

>hurr durr give me a choice to not sit next to women!1!1!
This is not the own he thinks it is. That's a win to any woman who'd be unfortunate enough to be seated next to him before he chimps out and demand not to.

No. 2146295


No. 2146339

Fuck good point would pay extra to live in an all woman neighbourhood.

No. 2146345

Same. My dream has always been to win it big and buy an apartment to rent out only to women. However, my greatest fear with sex segregated housing is that it would become an even bigger target for attacks.

No. 2146359

Thats why we need snipers.

No. 2146420

It's only on flights in India.

No. 2146422

I just came here to post this screenshot. Absolutely, 100%, it's all men. All the time

No. 2146889

Gonna sage this as its just a general comment but stories about mexican cartels in general fuck me up and have really opened my eyes to the brutal violence out there.

No. 2146960

Not blaming women at all, but idk how indian women haven't organized a mass rebellion or sex strike like in south korea already.

No. 2147045

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No. 2147054

Literally same
You have to start from somewhere you pessimist. This also isn’t a new concept because they started creating women-only passenger trains in Japan and other places in the world, I really do hope those SK feminists start advocating for sex-separated spaces and retarded libfems find the concept “kewl” enough before they realize it excludes trannies.

No. 2147057

There is,many women try to be celibate but sadly these moids don't understand "no" and considering the rape rate.. for a longtime martial rape wasn't even considered rape but a right to the scrote in india.

No. 2147073

HELPPPPPPP he looks exactly like this greasy incel i know in real life thw only difference is that guys eyes are brown i think.

No. 2147078

Just fucking lock up or euthanize these moids ffs
>Man with wife and daughter starts becoming ill with a particular form of dementia
>Has had an episode before where he talked about suicide and wandered off for 8 hours
>After that he's still allowed to live at home with his wife and caretaker
>He wakes up one day and dismembers her
>Even if he's severely ill with dementia and thin, he still conveniently has the strenght to brutally dismember his wife, who fought back, with a pocket knife
>Scene so brutal the cops vomit
>He later mentions he had a lot of hatred because of his illness, then he dies before trial
And of course it's the female relatives and caretakers who pay for it. He was suicidal but he made sure to kill his wife in the most brutal and dragged out way possible instead of just killing himself. Very ill and "not there" but awake enough to dismember a person with a small knife. Right. Moids should get gassed the moment they show a sign of instability because then it's only a matter of time before they take it out on a woman.

No. 2147170

To be fair, South Korea is a little bit more civilized than India. I can imagine retaliation would hit Indian women way harder than it does in SK.

No. 2147183

Yeah South Korea has awful misogynistic scrotes but atleast they don’t shit in the streets and rivers and force their daughters to marry men decades older than them. They are actually civilised and most are nice looking.

No. 2147188

I watched this earlier. And when I googled him, there were obituaries about how lovely he was. I know it was a disease but still.

No. 2147278

Weird how women with dementia don't snap and murder like this

No. 2147290

I'm not defending the scrote at all, but these diseases majorly fuck with people's minds and personalities. Brain tumors, dementia, and some types of head injuries can turn a previously normal person into a monster, and if treatment is possible, and they're treated in time, the person reverts back to their usual self. It's like Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde. Dementia also has the added bonus of paranoia and hallucinations. He should NOT have been allowed to live at home with his wife and caretaker- even ancient dementia patients are crazy strong and frequently attack staff.

No. 2147308

crazy how the scrote blames indian women for their poor reputation

No. 2147329

I know it's a desease but it's interesting how he snapped at his wife and not himself, since he was suicidal. Kinda crazy that he didn't just attack her in fear like a crazy paranoid person would, he dismembered her with a pocket knife. I don't know if you understand how awake you have to be to do something like that. Maybe I'm just looking too deep into it.
I fully agree that he should have been locked up the first instance he did something extreme.

No. 2147340

> Affected by laws
And how exactly is this rule gonna affect him kek? Mayhaps there is a reason this ape would feel more comfortable sitting next to a woman than a strange roided yeti?

No. 2147808

A lot of indians live in villages, dont have access to internet and are bound by the cast system. One of the reasons the 4B movement took off was exposure, its a reason men demonise "gossiping" because when women start talking to each other things happen. The majority of India is very poor and women (and in most cases, underage girls) dont know any different.

There are at lease a dozen documentaries about girls forced into prostitution, this is one of them.

No. 2147868

Its not really a shock when you see how they are raised.
Quite a few cultures, specifically Asian are very patriarchal and see men as being worth more than women but none have taken it as far as India where new born babies were/are drowned or buried alive if they are female. Their religion is the oldest in the world and their cultures is one of the oldest but has not progressed at all.
There have been campaigns and charities who have fought for decades to change how indian society views women to little avail as seen in the continuing SA crimes against women and girls.
Also nonna's may not know a lot of indian families, middle class and higher caste have servants and seeing how, especially male children treat them is horrific. And if its not already obviously, pretty much all of them are women.






No. 2147871

some women in india literally go into prostitution because they believe that this work will give them a higher caste in the next life, that's how fucked up the caste system is

No. 2147873

The women in the red light district essentially offering themselves as martyrs makes me so sad.

No. 2147884

Males don’t do anything but rape, murder, be bisexual, be on they playstations and gaming pcs, stick their dicks in tranny wounds and lie.

No. 2148027

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Its not just Indian women who suffer-no woman should be visiting there its amazing the propaganda has shielded women from the truth until now.

No. 2148033

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Indian moids are the ugliest inside and out.

No. 2148075

….kind of sucks realizing that the reason all the Indian women I have encountered in life have been very cool, good tempered, and hard working is likely because they are forged in the fires of actual hell.

No. 2148156

I remember when that Daily Mail article was going around and all the responses were disgusting western men going "Lolol what did the stupid whore expect." Like people know that this is the sad reality over there but the second you criticize it suddenly it's #notallmen

No. 2148305

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Too bad. Indian moids are uncontrollable everywhere. They are rape apes.

No. 2148307

>Their religion is the oldest in the world
I'm pretty sure various forms of animism and ancestor worship are the oldest religions.

No. 2148309

I'm desperately holding myself back from a-logging

No. 2148316

>propaganda has shielded women from the truth
'mansplaining' saved my life

No. 2148319

how so?

No. 2148332

I used to be a hardcore SJW. Polfags showed me the light.
A lot of the outrageous predictions regarding demographics, multiculturalism, sexuality, religion et cetera that originated there have gaining relevance in the normiesphere due to global trends that are now hard to deny.
We should have listened.

No. 2148334

>A lot of the outrageous predictions regarding demographics, multiculturalism, sexuality, religion et cetera
Polfags cope by blaming everyone but men. We would live in a literal crime free utopia if all men died tomorrow.

No. 2148339

How was she supposed to vet a boyfriend to potentially be her husband if she can’t leave the house with him for dates and hanging out? Is she supposed to marry him the second she meets him so she can leave her house with him and then just hope it works out? They’re literally so fucking stupid and empty eyed I struggle to see them as human

No. 2148344

But what does moids making correct predictions have to do with mansplaining? In the beginning this word was used inflationarily by sjws when it didn’t apply and and now I only hear anti-sjws complain about it in even more inflated ways not even the sjws were using it in. Of course the moids would sometimes better predict what other hateful and violent moids will do, because they know what they themselves would do if they could. It's projection, just that it applies in that case.

No. 2148374

Arranged marriages.

No. 2148448

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See attached. A lot of Indian girls are married off well before they are 18, not all are child marriages a lot of them happen when they are teens.

FFS its one of the oldest in the world that still practiced today by a significant number of people, you happy now? Point is its regressive, hasnt changed much since then and the reason they use to treat women like shit.

No. 2148483

>not all are child marriages a lot of them happen when they are teens.
A marriage involving a teenager is still a child marriage.

No. 2148515

>"We should have listened"
You fat worthless retards will never give up and never acknowledge the biggest elephant in the room, that the biggest problem globally turns out to be men and unchecked male hegemony. This is why you call for bullshit like white sharia and complain about multiculturalism. You love the destruction, you just wish it was you doing it and that it was in your name.

No. 2148521

haha no..not at all. youd be surprised how subhuman arranged moids are after marriage because most of the time its a boymom trying to marry off her son and they always hide key details

No. 2148522

dont most polfags want to keep the vulnerable women in these shitholes as sex slaves themselves and larp as lel nazis? how are they any different from those indian moids?

No. 2148538

Why would you brag about this lol? You haven't actually grown at all. The same exact lack of critical thinking that allowed you to get sucked into SJWism is what also led you to believe polfags.
the root problem is men and >>2148334 and >>2148515 speak the truth. 1st world moids and incels on 4ch dream about the exact same system that 3rd world moids implement. 1st world moids go to poor countries all the time to rape women, children, and animals.

No. 2148539

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Eternal reminder that this is what the white sharia-worshipping ubermensch of /pol/ looks like kekekek

No. 2148545

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>britanny venti and her greasy manchild ex
She's so pathetic holy shit, even shuwu never stoop so low.

No. 2148549

i'm south asian, with arranged marriage type of cultures it's the parents who are supposed to be doing the vetting of the groom and his family. but many families are extremely poor or hate their daughters so they basically pimp them out to whatever guys propose.

No. 2148647

Most of the time I wish I could just fly all girls and women out of India and then just nuke the entire place (including Pakistan) but then I come across terrible indian handmaidens again, e.g. unironically blaiming the american woman who was chained and nearly starved to death by her indian husband. There also are videos with millions of views glorifiying arranged marriage and the definitely female comments going all "uwu so romantic and better than love marriages" about it. It's bleak how deep the brainwashing can go.
Sometimes I wonder if it's Bollywood shit that keeps them this way, similar to how k-dramas managed to make millions of foreign women fall in love with korean moids.

No. 2148799

speak of the devil. topic brought up in last thread. of course she almost always targeted women. i feel so bad for women in prison with her, a retard who would already have 3 meals and would brutally attack you if you refused to give her more.

No. 2148817

>Sometimes I wonder if it's Bollywood shit that keeps them this way
I doubt it, Bollywood movies are usually about defying their parents and arranged marriages to have a love marriage. It used to confuse me as a kid because why the fuck do they love watching these movies about characters falling in love, not giving a shit about their family's backwards traditions, and eloping with their lovers…. But then turn around and say they hate love marriages and that arranged marriages are the 'moral' and 'right' thing to do. So fucking weird.

No. 2148820

if this isn't bait i see where you're coming from, but be reminded that /pol/moids will always blame women for buying into propaganda that the world is a safe haven instead of blaming men for being vicious attackers.

No. 2148892

But some of the most popular ones are super sexist about brutal machos and the age gaps between the male and female lead… plus no matter what the plot is, they still always have a happy ending in which a moid and a girl get together, instilling in the female viewers that having a husband is the biggest luck and happiness. It's not just India, most backwards countries with no rights for women have mostly romance movies, making it seem as if this is your only option in life.

No. 2148902

I cringe so hard at seeing Venti there smirking at the camera like this isn’t the most embarrassing thing a person could ever do kek

No. 2148985

>We should have listened
I'm not going to listen to men who also spam child porn on a morning Tuesday

No. 2149019

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Something about her death just fucks with me. Wasn't it also days before she was found? I know it was originally speculated to be suicide and she was acting manic in her videos in the weeks leading up to her death and lamenting about how she couldn't pay her bills, but no matter how she died it will always be sad to me

No. 2149173

As expected the comments are all pitying him or talking about how horrible dementia is, completely forgetting the woman.
It's interesting that the sister right in the beginning mentioned that this is the same type that Robin Williams had - who killed himself before it got too bad. If this is an illness already known to cause violence, then why continue living with the wife and nobody else?
Very few people with even less likes called out how clear and sinister he sounded:
>he himself states he was "building a fake person" over the years and "finally lost it." Plus showed no signs of forgetting anything. He may have other issues, but I do not think this man has dementia like they claim.
>"There’s no help for me, I already died."
This sounds so conscious, is this really a person who turned wild because he keeps forgetting everything?

No. 2149250

Yeah you're right. I fucking hate the age gap shit. Actors who are 60 fucking Salmon Khan playing the main male lead while the female leads are new actresses who are 20-30 years old. And Tollywood/Kollywood (South Indian) movies are even worse because almost all of them have brutal rape scenes for some reason. They glorify gangster life a lot too. Barf. The guy also always harasses the girl until she eventually gives in.

No. 2149317

It doesn't correlate at all, probably a channer or a glowy.

No. 2149363

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People are saying she talks about information not covered by the media in this video and that it's informative but I am worried that if I watch it I will hate her even more because she always pretends she knows the thoughts and feelings of victims and adds in dialogue that isn't real and it's so annoying and weird.

No. 2149367

> Adds in dialogue that isn't real
Genuinely what the fuck, why would you ever do this about real crimes

No. 2149392

Watch one of her videos. She literally reads about tragedies like theyre fanfic. I have tried so hard to like her but she's the worst of all of them and creates entire inner-monologue fanfic of every single victim she describes

No. 2149399

I don't like this bitch. She's so phony. Also her bfs voice in some of the videos is annoying af

No. 2149406

I was wondering how she was getting that much personal info, makes sense if it's largely made up kek. I still like her videos though, there's clearly a lot of research done so I don't mind sitting through the melodramatic tangents. Not a big fan of the way she always sounds and looks like she's about to cry though

No. 2149414

She really just makes up entire narratives out of her ass, describes emotions and feelings that victims have completely fictitiously out of her imagination. I don't understand how she has the gumption to regularly report about women who are heinous murdered and then describe their inner monologue. She's fucking nuts lolll

No. 2149427

Her advertiser friendly language is also crazy. "Gang-SAed", "thoughts of self exiting" what the fuck kek if she cared she'd get by with patreon alone the way dreading does

No. 2149428

Didn't she used to be a mukbanger?

No. 2149431

Yes but people found stuffing your face while talking about real murders and other crimes to be somewhat disrespectful kek

No. 2149437

talentless people have to find something new to exploit

No. 2149470

I hate that shit SO much!! It's like watering down a real life tragedy because you dont want to get demonitized instead of just using synonyms. Why are these youtubers allergic to a thesarus?

No. 2149471

The fake wide-eyed melodrama is too much. I hate all true crime face-fronted youtubers at default but she is just… truly the worst. It's one thing to describe it but to create entire fake dialogue is insane. I hate how exaggerative she is, like she's telling a spooky camp story. Ma'am those are real people

No. 2149475

That was my comment you replied to. Apologies for deleting it. I will state again that she needs to stick with a new way to telling news, because it all feels like it's for views and she doesnt give a shit about victims. She was going off about some woman who scammed other rich people by pretending to be a man and she kept going on about how this woman didnt 'represent the trans of LGBTQ++' community. just shut the fuck up.
Like she's always trying to pander to her stupid gen z audience and not get 'canceled'

No. 2149490

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The comments on this video from women in India are genuinely so heartbreaking.

No. 2149504

>repeatedly used the term "SAd" instead of rape throughout the entire video
If you're this fucking greedy and worried about being demonitized that you're using censorship to describe horrific torture and femicide, you are a cunt

No. 2149539

Especially because "Rape" is already in the title, what's stopping her from using it in the video as well?

No. 2149540

This is so sad, I wish these women could move somewhere else. The men don’t deserve medical care, I wish all the women could leave and the the men would just slowly die out.

No. 2149544

Why did she put gang rape in quotations? And what’s with her expression in the thumbnail? It looks like she’s smiling slightly or posing, she’s so weird and insensitive. I wish her career would die already.

No. 2149558

I wish the men would quickly die out

No. 2149569

Kek me too but I thought slowly would be more painful for them

No. 2149755

I don’t like the threadpic(take it to meta)

No. 2149756

>I used to be a hardcore SJW. Polfags showed me the light
Those men are all pedophiles and so deeply misogynist they may as well be white Muslims. You fucking dumb cunt. Go back.

No. 2149771

No. 2149783

Nta but she’s right. Her sharing an opinion with moids doesn’t make it wrong. Some cultures are absolutely evil to women and we should be allowed to talk about that, but any time we say we don’t want to import men who think it’s acceptable to gangrape women, we are accused of having racist beliefs. Why is your immediate response that a woman who is trying to avoid harm is bad?

No. 2149794

No one on Lolcow calls women racist for not liking male gang-rapists. If you think /pol/fags are correct when they like gangrape, but are mad because the "woke feminist" laws are stopping them from doing it, you're something else.

No. 2149803

No. 2149827

Well that is basically a death penality, at least.

No. 2149836

Are you new? The guy shuwu is with now is worse kek.

No. 2149839

Me too but India is now has the biggest population on the planet. I hope the women make it out and hopefully the moids can stay there.

No. 2149842

>Why is your immediate response that a woman who is trying to avoid harm is bad?
Sucking up to misogynist pedophile porn addict incel polfags is not “trying to avoid harm” and you know it. Way to beat around the bush. They deserve to die along with the Muslim rape gangs. They want to make it so you can’t vote and become private property and they want to rape young girls.

No. 2149849

Yes, I said that in case I get my head bitten off by picky nonnas again.

No. 2149913

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He doesn't have any visible wounds, Miss Cow didn't work hard enough
>We sent him to hospital because he was injured on his bottom, but he went crazy at the hospital and the doctors would not admit him, so now he is detained at our police station.
I love that Thailand always posts the faces of criminals, they don't deserve anonymity lol
Hopefully Russia gets him fast because he seems like the type of guy who hurts his ex gf, he was crazy enough to ask Putin and Trump for help to get her back. Imagine the shame she feels, everybody knowing that her formerly completely normal looking bf tried to fuck a cow in Thailand (of all places, with so many and such cheap prostitutes…)

No. 2149957

>>2149771 Absolutely horrible. She sounded like a really wonderful woman in the community and now that's all been fucked up in the most traumatic manner. I wish that moid could be caught by surprise and violently ended as he did to her.

No. 2150261

>injured on his bottom
Did the cow rape him back?

No. 2150263

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>moids never beating the raping animals and dead corpses allegations

No. 2150279

This is such a classy reaction gif wtf

No. 2150301

What compels a moid to want to fuck a cow, or any animal in general really, but like, a cow?? Why? How? How can someone wake up one day and be like
>today I'm so going to fuck a cow, I can't way, I will get butt naked to fuck a cow
That shit is just natural selection, they should've let the cow kill him.

No. 2150595

14 years old moidlet livestreamed himself raping a 21 years old woman.

No. 2150601

No one is defending pedo moids. Get your head checked.

No. 2150610

I never trust moids, even minimoids those fuckers are strong even when young this is why I don't believe in shit like
>he was just a kid! He was like 14 years old when he was wwaped by a woman uwhuu!
Those fuckers are strong, they don't deserve any sort of pity or support even. When have you ever read of a 14 years old girl raping a moid? Never, fucking never, it's always moids raping women and girls or other moids.

No. 2150611

read some other article about this. good on the judge and good on the victim's mom for saying he doesn't deserve forgiveness. this isn't even his first rape. apparently he also tried to rape another woman at 12, ripped out her teeth and kept it as a souvenir. can't believe the defense tried to argue for just 6 years, can't believe his parents still had the audacity to cry that they didn't raise him like this.
anyway, sorry for ranting but I fucking hate how lenient sentencing can be for minors who commit heinous crimes. Leniency for minors is understandable for actual dumb teenager shit like shoplifting or trespassing, not rape or murder.

No. 2150619

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Samefag but that's what you get when you mix the psychopatic nature of moids and porn.

No. 2150621

If I was his mom I'd just kill him myself to save my honour

No. 2150622

friend should also have been thrown in jail

No. 2150627

Someone walking free with 8 violent priors is absolute insanity. My heart breaks for this community and for the victim’s family.

No. 2150635

Even moidlets man. This is why I never leave my fucking house unless it's to go to uni. Then I go straight back home. I don't give a fuck about about minimoids kek. They stop being kids to me once they're 11-12. After that, they're just fully grown beastly mutations. No mercy on them.

No. 2150636

India hates women so fucking much

No. 2150660

>polfags have shown me the light
LMAO. Polfags are one of the most weakest pathetic excuses for men. The only thing those lazy NEETs can do is complain on 4chan all day. They can't even be bothered to clean their room or work a regular job let alone do something about any of their grievances.

No. 2150749

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They describe him as well-off. He's literally just a regular looking 26 year old dude. It really is all men.

No. 2150751

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If we are lucky, this picture implies possible genital mutilation. Yay!

No. 2150758

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Comment section proving yet again that men are not human

No. 2150763

It says he attempted to rape a woman at knifepoint at age 12 and ripped out her tooth as a souvenir. He only got 18 months in juvenile detention. This kid was genuinely going to be an actual serial killer.

No. 2150770

>completely normal looking
anon he looks like slavic frankenstein

No. 2150789

Lol exactly i remember /pol/fags seething over the UK making extreme misogyny a form of terrorism. But yeah they totally care about women getting raped. No, they only care if it's apart of their cuck fantasy (See: Minority man raping white woman). You don't have to agree with /pol/fags to think some cultures treat women worse than others, it's just common sense. Also /pol/fags hate minority women so I don't understand how agreeing with them is helping women

No. 2150802

Can't believe I almost got reported for carrying a knife by an adult woman (had to lie and say I'm not carrying anymore, I also wear a hair pin now) yet these rapists exist and are just walking about. No one knows how difficult it is for young women. It's like because scrotes stop sexually harassing older women (as much) that older women forget how bad it is out there. That's not even getting into moids telling me "not all mehnnnn" like stfu you retards lol go tell your fwiends to stop watching porn and maybe I'll believe you.

No. 2151068

this is why i dont believe men can be raped by women.

No. 2151123

I'm late but adman Britton was also caught with CSAM, so I think his sentence is justified

No. 2151155

I wish death upon all Indian males. all of them. Canada was beyond moronic to let so many of them in

No. 2151157

Agree, especially since SA is not even correct in describing what happened to that poor woman. She wasnt just SA'd, she was raped to death by various men using inanimate objects to fatally injure her. stephanie soo is a money loving bitch who is making profit off a woman's pain and suffering instead of telling a horrific story to spread awareness.

No. 2151160

wtf at 12 and 14?! jfc, there is no reason to ever have a son. Kill all men. Abort them all

No. 2151544

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Speaking of, a teenage girl who killed the man who paid to rape her when she was underage and sex trafficked is getting 11 years. Actual rapists don’t get this much time, some murderers get less time. Women aren’t actually allowed to defend themselves or kill dangerous men. Too bad because rapists should always live in fear of women kicking their doors down. Then we should throw a parade for her bravery and her good deed to improving civilized society. The justice system essentially gives men a free pass and it’s because most moids feel a kinship with even the worst type of man but women are punished for being anything but a perfect victim.

No. 2151736

Lets live in reality
Men aren't going to all die tomorrow, and if our men disappear then the other men from much worse backgrounds will take their place
If I have to choose between the flawed but tolerable men in western civilization versus India, Africa, the Muslim world, or even East Asia, I'm going to pick the west
And this is about more than just personal feelings, if western countries go down due to mass immigration changing the demographics, women's rights will be lost everywhere else
We've had several blessings to get to where we are in the first place, with western civilization being strong enough to defend itself and also allowing ideas like women's rights and feminism to develop in the first place
There's no reason to assume if we go the way of Rome that the same circumstances will happen in a future Chinese, Indian, African or other civilization(autistic polsperg)

No. 2151771

That anon was retarded or baiting IMO, everyone knows what a dog rapist/torturer will do (if they haven't already).

No. 2151782

I’ve seen men who kill women in what’s obviously a sex based hate crime get less time (halved due to good boy points for not killing any women while in jail, i guess) i don’t want to be a doomer, but it really feels like the justice system everywhere values male criminals and their lives over women (law abiding or not) a worthless trafficker and rapist’s life is more important than hers? Than the other women he was doubtlessly raping and abusing, the others he would have gone on to do this to? Let her fucking go, killing your trafficker should be considered killing in self defense.

No. 2151783

Some of those comments underneath the video are really harrowing to read.

No. 2151802

Except /pol/fags don't want to protect any of those blessings. They blame women's rights, feminism and lack of access to child brides/virginity for all the problems, and their "solutions" include stripping women of their rights to abortion and employment, killing off non-white males not because they hate what they've done, but because "You took mine", and raping both "local" and "foreign" women and children with impunity. They already do the latter when they go on "vacations" abroad or are "soldiers training".

No. 2151821

They hate on this poster because she speaks the truth in a board full of liars. As if ANYONE on here would not care or even prefer being alone in a train with a subhuman ape or a guy who shares her background. Ignoring facts and statistics in order to be "on the right side of history" will always only end in gaslighting women into becoming easier targets and failing to avoid actual danger.

No. 2151832

Who disagrees that some cultures of men are evil? We're saying no one's falling for your retarded "I told you foids so!!!" because we've already seen what you want for western civilization, and we're aware of how you treat women, children, animals and even dead bodies when you're given free reign. You want us to acknowledge the facts that make you feel good and ignore the ones that rightly show your behaviors when you aren't kept under the control of those "evil feminist laws", and politely pretend not to see your "grand plan" for all women. Kill yourself.

No. 2151844

Stop scrotefoiling kek please accept not all women are as inclined to brainwashing and denial of BIOLOGICAL realities. No, it's not that the subhumans can be re-educated and join the correct culture. It is and always will be ingrained into them to have absolutely no problem raping, assaulting and murdering women or anyone they can. To reduce this to an absolute minimum by expulsing those criminals from society has to be done on a large scale and yes while being generalizing and accepting of actual reality that these simply are incapable of higher human traits such as empathy, self-control, wish to follow orders etc.

No. 2151857

Yes, we all know the truth about you. You'll even try to rape a cow or an infant, and then kill the latter if she doesn't "go to sleep fast enough". The rope is waiting, increase that number. You can even make good on your insistences that it's about "cleaning up criminals" and not deranged rape ape mate-guarding if you go exterminate a few first, but we know you're either 1) too cowardly or 2) unable to resist taking out your incel rage on innocent women and little girls just like the moids you claim you're so different from.

No. 2151862


NPC brain doesn't give you a script to reply so you just start randomly sperging like a botched AI? Amazing. Seriously outside of stating I'm not female as if it was a fact, you completely forgot any actual counter argument.
Anyways here is another example to awaken you before the farmhands censor me.
Why would you tell women to not go into a bathroom with a tranny? Because there is statistical danger attached to it. But as soon as it goes about how some kind of moids are much worse and dangerous than other types of moids because of their race, then you are an ebil raycis person and have to be shunned and silenced b-because muh we have to pander these poor immigrants, r-right??!
Make it make sense. You are endangering women by continuously acting like this isn't the case.

No. 2151871

>ESL moid chimps out at getting identified
>starts reddit-spacing and babbling about "NPCs"
Classic. I actually do hope all shitty, worthless rape apes mow eachother down one day so that women can have peace. All I've learned from watching them is that they'll point fingers and cover up their own crimes eternally, like when you see Indians on Twitter blaming Pakistanis for the same heinous rapes they commit, or Elon and Trump panicking because they don't want all the Epstein documents leaked.

No. 2151872

Nonnie can you please share the statistics you speak of?

No. 2151898

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Literally just use google please the search prompt is (civilized country) + crime by nationality.
The most bleak one I found after 0.1 seconds is this one, child sexual abuse by nationality in Germany

No. 2151903

>India, China and Brazil less than the UK
>USA worse than Bosnia
Incredibly suspicious.
Anyway, it is a fact that immigrant moids are rapists and killers. What /pol/faggots do not like to hear is that regardless of demographic, in every part of the world, it's also a fact that men are violent, abusive and rapey. They also hate to be reminded that we know of their collusion with each other when they aren't in sexual competition, the universal ease with which they've sold women and young girls of their own group(s) to eachother for centuries, how fast they are to victim blame and side with rapists, their love of global sex trafficking and pornography. When you remind them that it is their own demographic of men who sold out Canada and Europe to immigrants, they try to redirect you to "The Jews" and swear "real white men" would never. Then they waffle when you ask them to show you their hard drives.
The men who aren't like this are literally a percent of a percent, and they never side or identify with /pol/faggots, even as they recognize the immigrant problem and how it's been made "un-PC" to talk about.
Paul Joseph Watson making videos titled "This is why the Muslims Hate Us" complaining about muh feminazis and blue haired lesbians, right wingers cheering about American women losing their rights to abortion, their refusal to outlaw child marriage in the southern states of the US, the Dutroux affair, their actions in literally every country their militaries occupy, the list goes on. You literally have to be brain dead to fall for the /pol/tard psyop.

No. 2151904

>being alone in a train with a subhuman ape or a guy who shares her background
Men from my country are subhuman apes, and I am from a western country. Kys rapist ass kisser.

No. 2151908

>Hundreds of men take their own lives because of face cases
you fucking retard, most real rape cases aren't even fucking reported and somehow there's hundreds of false ones making you kill yourselves? i fucking wish, bring back that mass male castration thing that happened, i dont give two shits if it was 5 or whatever times more than how many the Nazis did, good fucking riddance. You deserve the worst.

No. 2151912

women that are poor and told to fuck themselves by the government are too afraid and not allowed to be educated enough to criticize and women that aren't and have access to resources are also too afraid and too busy trying to sound more PC, and have to put their minds into stop Indian scrotes from going into rape ape rage mode trying to make them see the appeal in feminism(shit like "rape affects everyone", yk the type)

No. 2151920

definitely, people tend to look away from certain sexual topics, no matter how important, my father scolds my brother from reading up on the Kolkata case but then warns me to avoid the general coaches(no fucking shit, i been doing this for this very reason long before you've told me retard), they're only understanding enough to warn their daughters but not enough to wrangle and correct their sons.

No. 2151929

File: 1724500323715.webp (14.97 KB, 550x309, killhim.webp)

>dont have access to internet
they do, there was an explosion of retarded content on tiktok from Indians before it was banned, usually from really poor and living in villages, and also scrotes use it for all the wrong reasons, the way the suspect behind the Kolkata case was found was bc his bluetooth headphones were on the scene and porn was found on his phone. You keep making India out to be this backwards shithole and invertedly end up giving them excuses, they've had more than enough resources and chances and time to fix themselves.

No. 2151945

and that one Indian scrote in a doc about prostitution in diff countries saying that he's glad for the brothels bc then women wouldn't be able to go outside makes me angry

No. 2151946

>and if our men disappear then the other men from much worse backgrounds will take their place
Nta but she clearly said she wishes all men would die not just ~our~ men. So in her utopia there would be no worse men to take their place because they’d all be dead, let her dream.

No. 2151947

i hate that so much, Western conservative males proclaim their superiority over other scrotes and pretend that it's bc they're civilized and kind and then mock a woman raped by an immigrant saying "that's what she asked for" without even knowing her political standing, if it takes government intervention to make you behave yourself, how tf are you a good person?

No. 2151949

Well of course men will be even more retarded when they get access to the internet. Moids all over the world are beyond help and no amount of education, money or understanding will ever change that. The problem is there are still women who make up excuses for them because they're more loyal to their nationality than their own sex. Men don't work that way no matter how much they preach nationalism. You still see mostly male refugees because they are cowards who just try to better their own situation (and ruin other countries in the process). Women will stay behind and believe their obligation is to make it better for moids who ruin their lives.

No. 2151957

Honour killing men should be legal.

Too mad even 8 year old moids kill and rape younger children or female peers. I don't feel sorry for moidlets, as soon as they can talk and walk they're a potential danger.

No. 2151966

in the "ideal" scrote world, yes. Nowadays, it's a bit more lax, but a woman's family will have other families visit their house with their son, and then when they find a "match"(which is decided upon by considering the male's class and social standing and some other Hindu astrology woo woo shit and maybe the girl's opinion), they'll get engaged and get married with all those ceremonies, now imagine this process happening way way back, they used to just send a photo of the girl to the male's family for him to decide ffs. He wants women to be chained to their houses and then after marriage chained to their husbands houses.
Love marriages are rare, Indian girls may date a few scrotes before they graduate college and then have to undergo this shit.

No. 2151967

I think a majority of Indian moids could be diagnosed by western doctors with antisocial personality disorder (basically means you’re a criminal asshole with no empathy or morals).
>You still see mostly male refugees because they are cowards
100% they wouldn’t feel nearly so bold if they didn’t roam in packs

No. 2151970

exactly this, they want their own Indias and Thailands just with their first world comforts only extended to them.

No. 2151976

that's why Indian marriages are so crazy and all done up pretty, to distract them from the reality to come and to almost make it "worth it". It was the richer part of my family that had the largest, cooler, and most expensive wedding for their daughter that had the scrote cheat on her when they already had a kid.

No. 2151983

why should we make it out? the problem with other countries is that they too have scrotes, Indian scrotes should be dumped into the ocean.

No. 2152039

How is becoming a doctor supposed to factor into that in his opinion do you think? Is she supposed to just not become a doctor and be a housewife instead? Or is she supposed to just not leave her campus at all and just solely focus on being a doctor without any social life? I hate men who think this way, they’re like hardcore conservatards but worse.

No. 2152091

its a scrote, nothing he thinks about is rational, moids detest women having a life beyond them and having human traits, he thinks that she should "like a decent girl" just go to her classes, immediately come back home and just stay and only go outside when accompanied by her male family, and when she graduates, should marry the first scrote her family shows her and then should somehow balance wiping scrote ass with her doctor duties. So much for detesting Pakistan and Muslims, when Hindu scrotes are exactly like them.

No. 2152096

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speaking of the Nirbhaya case, what a conman had to say was that if she'd just prayed the rape away, those six animals would've miraculously stopped.

No. 2152107

File: 1724511029558.png (21.82 KB, 1122x85, Screenshot 2024-08-24 201604.p…)

oh boo hoo, our degeneracy having made international news cost us millions of dollars and vict-, i mean, tourists!
also, "small incident", it involved 6 men and a woman broken and battered, "small incident", scrote was a fattie too, and he died of cancer, exactly as he deserves.

No. 2152126

>spiritual guru
i cant wait the world to expose the pedo rings these fuckers have, i still havent forgotten these gurus taking in orphan children and then trafficking them. the day will come when these gurus will burn

No. 2152135

It's amazing how a nation can have so many beautiful women and so many ugly moids. It's most likely because of the arranged marriage system that gives ugly moids a chance to reproduce with help.

No. 2152139

File: 1724512659223.jpeg (81.2 KB, 1200x675, TH---PTI4252018000033B.jpeg)

i just looked up that scrote, he's in jail for having raped a teen girl just 6 yrs after this >>2152096, and another one in 2023. fucks sake, and then whines that he's so sick and old and should be let out of prison, wah wah, maybe the hare krishna hare ram can fix you.

No. 2152146

he's also raped a woman in 2002-2004, and some witnesses of both these cases have been attacked and died. It's appalling the level of influence we'll let religion have this fucking country.

No. 2152150

Tbh I welcome the forced castration laws I see passing for criminals like this.

No. 2152152

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cow crossover??

No. 2152153

>chad indians
>for watching free porn instead of buying it
retard kek

No. 2152163

>rapes of men
I don't know, maybe moids should stop raping each other then? I remember this documentary from Pakistan where they explain that since women can't hang out with men, the men start raping little boys. And if they can't rape kids then they will do it with animals.

No. 2152189

it's a huge issue here, even boys and dogs aren't safe from the men in our countries, who would have thought misogyny, paedophilia and bestiality would be related

No. 2152194

If they can't control themselves they need something to be done. Like seriously. Their sexual deviancy is a plague.

No. 2152197

Same in Afghanistan. It's called 'bacha bazi'. I watched a documentary on it once. They dress young boys as girls and they go to these rooms full of old men and dance for them. Some old dudes even left their wives for some little boys. Damn

No. 2152201

They also beat women and children and did their own type of raping.. It was not.

No. 2152207

believe me I know, but it's easier to deal with 100 abusive rapist then 100'000 and I wish to god this wasn't the reality we had to live in

No. 2152211

it's almost the logical conclusion of woman hatred, "women are disgusting vermin to be locked away at home and be human broodmares" and so sexual desire is for little boys, until those boys grow facial hair and only then does it become "gay" to have sex with a male, in their minds two adult men having consensual sex is unIslamic but it's natural to rape children

No. 2152233

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there was actually a Pakistani serial killer who raped and murdered over 100 young boys specifically to make the mothers of pakistan cry. his motivation was that he was accused of raping a runaway boy and although no charges were filed against him, the stress of the case gave his mother a heart attack and she died, so he wanted to take revenge on society for his mother (he literally claimed in this in his defence, that he did this for his mother) his victims were all orphans and street beggars, he'd invite them into his home, drug and rape them and then strangle them to death, dismember the corpses and dissolved them in acid
the day before his execution he committed suicide in his cell

No. 2152237

I remember this case. This moid enraged the country so much they wanted to do a public execution also he didn't commit suicide he was found strangled

No. 2152242

They always blame the society for their degenerate behavior… Here a moid makes excuses that since his job makes him stressed and many moids fear other moids' violence, it's their right to visit brothels with little girls.

It would be for the best if some environmental catastrophe caused major infertility in these countries. There are too many moids whose worth is absolutely nothing and they won't stop reproducing unless they have to.

No. 2152260

It was described as abnormally violent porn as well. I believe that India is held back significantly and purposely kept in poverty but there is no way they can flourish if this is how they treat women. I don't think you can advance as a society if this is what continually comes out of your country. I don't even know if it can be called a chicken or egg situation because I don't believe it's abject poverty that causes men to rape women, children, and monitor lizards. I think there is a culture allowed generationally among men that will continue to destroy their country. I don't know what to say except that women and children at large do not deserve this and it's horrible that so many bright, beautiful young people with so much potential are crushed under the evil that surrounds them.

No. 2152262

>accused of rape
>"reee I'm not a rapist!"
>rapes 100 boys to prove it
This is some Ouroboros level retardation.

No. 2152276

I noticed they never show the men's faces in these documentaries. Here's another one. They literally wrap themselves in blankets to hide their faces. Yet these same fucking cowards ripped off a woman's clothes and raped her. Death to rapists

No. 2152285

Probably more retarded then anything, a lot of people don't know paraphilias overlap ig

No. 2152317

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There was just this case of a spiritual teacher making very young girls watch porn and then raping them, scaring them by saying he could unleash a bad genie on their parents.

No. 2152325

Men are point blank, genuinely retarded and have the STUPIDEST riddler justifications for their wrongdoings. Most people know at least one man who has been like "well i figured if you were going to accuse me of it THEN I MIGHT AS WELL JUST DO IT", simultaneously lying and trying to shift the blame on others. Their ape brains grasp at straws, anything to try to gotcha everyone else and blame them for their own evil

No. 2152387

this is probably retarded, but my idea as to why India is like this is because it's one of the oldest civilizations, making people stuck in the ways of their religion and completely unwilling to consider anything else, making a lot of their people devoutly religious, and to be so unquestioningly devout, you have to be really retarded, and what does retardation create? rapeapes and their handmaidens. Plus, it just has so many people, that when it could get criticized, the public pushback would be just too much, and no criticism means no self-awareness.

No. 2152447

I don't think it is fair to call Indian women handmaidens and it completely discredits and trivializes the traumatic experiences they endure just by birth. Indian women who defend Indian men know nothing else. They don't know a world where they are treated like human beings. All of their lives they are prepped and groomed, often molested, isolated, abused. They want to have pride in the beauty of their country and lineage but they know not that they have been treated like garbage because they have no other experiences to go off of. Indian women who abuse their DILs do so because they themselves endured a life of the same cruel and horrific abuse and now they believe it is their birthright to do so.

No. 2152454

I could give an in-depth answer if your interested?

No. 2152473

Some countries in the middle east are quite advanced and wealthy despite still treating their women like shit. As much as I like to hope that regressive countries tend to do terribly economically due to their treatment of women and will stay that way unless they change, I just don't think that's true.
Also, how are they kept purposefully in poverty? If anything, Western countries are bending over backwards to give money, jobs, and opportunity to them because they're butthurt about China. We literally changed geopolitical terminology to make them feel good ('Asia-Pacific' to 'Indo-Pacific').
Speaking as an American, I think we deserve a teensy bit of the blame though again I don't think there's a conspiracy to keep them as shithole countries. I believe our media's been covering up how truly dire the situation was over there for decades because the US wanted them as allies so badly. India ultimately needs internal pressure for change before it can actually change. However, there's zero external pressure for them to change either. Instead developed, Western countries keep telling it it can do no wrong.

No. 2152525

South Korea is advanced country and they have the same moid problem. The only explanation is that men are retards by default and unless you threaten them to behave, they won’t. Indian government doesn’t give a shit so the problem won’t be solved, they could e.g. take Visas from the rapists.

No. 2152632

I think western countries’ governments don’t want to give up cheap labor and profits from diploma mill scams. There are hundreds of millions Indians to exploit

No. 2152693

The fact we can't even talk about protecting our own safety in our countries here is grim.

No. 2152740

We can, though? You're getting banned because you can't help but play pickme for other rapist men.

No. 2152760

I have never once defended rapists. You equate anyone who isn't politically aligned with you as being some rapist sympathizer. How about cutting the bullshit? No one is allowed to talk about the realities of immigration and its effects.

No. 2152773

Exactly this. "What do you mean Indians are kept in poverty" what do you mean they arent kept in poverty? Western countries exploit their labor and pay them $2 an hour or less even to do $20 an hour work in the states. They operate all of the call centers. It's no wonder so many call centers also host scams.

No. 2152793

You're the only one bullshitting and getting mad we're not fooled, cry harder.

No. 2152802

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lol remember when /pol/tards seethed over the UK making extreme misogyny a form of terrorism after those little girls got murdered? they won't remember that. White moids are evil like every other kind of moid. /pol/sperges are so annoying. hate immigrant moids all you want but these /pol/moids only "care" about women when it appeals to their cuck fetish

No. 2152803

I'm not going to let your stupidity ruin my country and my life. Fuck off.

No. 2152811

Exactly, they only want women to focus on one kind of moid while they victim blame, minimize and cheer about "their own kind" doing it.

No. 2152821

This country is based beyond imagination for releasing these photos. It’s going straight to my moid hate folder.

No. 2152843

>comments crying about her being a bad mommy and only claiming her daughters by pretending to forget about her son
>according to this article the police doesn't even think she was present when her child was dead
>who killed the scroteling?? a gun in the house her kid somehow found
she was probably lowkey happy she her bratty, annoying son was gone and can finally be happy with only her daughters

No. 2152846

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scrote taking the opportunity to bitch about project his problems with his mother on to others muh evul mothers daring to not give every fiber of her being to the little scroteling under the video

No. 2153018

The UK government can't even define what a woman is. It's more than likely going to include troons as women and any legislation will be used against terfs.

No. 2153183

File: 1724560112174.webp (38.67 KB, 1080x727, amarjeet-sada-worlds-youngest-…)

Not sure if this story has been brought up before but learning the worlds youngest serial killer was 8 years old is horrifying

>Murdered 3 baby girls aged six-month-old, his eight-month-old sister and nine-month-old cousin.

>He bragged about how he killed them

>Despite this he was set free at the age of 16 and given a new identity to protect him from the public

>He looks fucking posessed

>India should be quarantined and studied as to why it produces the worlds worst scrotes

Details in link, warning they are very upsetting https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/worlds-youngest-serial-killer-made-33507895

No. 2153191

Oh god.. he's out there somewhere now. He'd be 27 according to the report as he was released when he was 18.

No. 2153207

>Laws protecting women from getting femicided
>Um!! It's gonna be used for trannies!! Trannies I tell you!!!! What is a woman???
You know that's not why /pol/tards were chimping out over it. I know that too. A lot of them deny femicide is even real. stop using trannies as some boogeyman for everything that could possibly benefit women as a whole. it's better to have laws with loopholes for troons that also serve for protecting women than none. I do not care as much about trannies than I do some anti-social autist moid going into a taylor swift workshop and killing little girls

No. 2153667

Kill it with fire.

No. 2153703

I saw this video, I honestly felt so bad for that mom. You can tell she’s trying her best to be a good mom for her kids, I can’t imagine how she felt coming home to one of her kids being dead. I don’t know why she didn’t immediately report it but I do feel for her, seeing her shaking at the table was really sad. And knowing her family will be separated and her daughters placed in foster care to potentially be abused broke my heart. I hope she doesn’t do very much time and can rebuild the life she had before this, and I hope her daughters are okay.

No. 2153870

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My hatred for moids keeps growing and growing. I don't give a shit when I hear a Muslim scrote in Palestine being killed because it's just another moid who most likely is responsible for making some womans life living hell. The more moids kill each other in their holy wars, the better.

No. 2153875

Sounds like trashy people shit, her name is Sushi kek.

No. 2153882

A religion of peace they say.

No. 2153928

never forget America helped these barbarians..

No. 2153949

After school I used to attend this 'Islamic school' run by a Muslim preacher and his wife. I remember her always telling us the most ridiculous things and one of them was about how women shouldn't laugh too loud in public because it would attract scrotes…. and also that perfume wasn't allowed because that would attract scrotes too, and no high heels because the sound of the heels would attract scrotes. Absolutely diseased religion full of psychotic subhumans. The teachers also hit and bully kids, often humiliating them in front of the entire class. This was in a European country by the way. I don't know why these things are allowed to be run. They need to be shut down asap.

No. 2153964

my little cousin goes to these types of schools and its so disheartening and soul crushing to see i come from a very liberal desi family where most of the powerful family members were matriarchs and none of them ever put a foot in a islamic school shes only 7 and is veiling herself (mind you her mother doesn't veil at all and her moid brothers attend private schools) theyve taught her she doesnt need to learn english at all since she will also become a "hafiz" anyways and will be married off and this is a 7 year old child mind you.. these mullahs ruin everything i fucking hate them

No. 2154003

I don't even blame religion. Sure, it gives them an excuse, but the true reason is that moids are rotten to the core. If they didn't have religion to lean on, they will think of something else.

No. 2154052

The UK government gives no fucks about women. They allowed muslim gangs to rape teenage girls for decades and rates of rape in the UK are now the highest in Europe. Men are given community service for raping women. If you think that the UK government is suddenly cares about women, you are fucking deluded.

No. 2154128

lol again that’s not why poltards chimped out over those laws. They don’t see femicide as real. Same with alot of other moids, they just see it as “muh white Waman!!! I’m getting cucked!!! Boner!!!”.

No. 2154194

Anon, I fear you don't know how British laws or the government work. It wasn't the Senate refusing to arrest them because they thought doing so would be perceived as racist and it wasn't giving them bullshit sentences, that was the courts and the police who are separate entities, that's called the separation of power which every country that follows the Westminster system has. The Senate is probably trying to fix the other's fuck ups which is what they're supposed to do.

No. 2154226

Praying every day that countries will start banning these ugly subhuman motherfuckers, their retarded religions and laws. They all deserve to be raped by animals.

No. 2154276

Why do Muslim men want to be prison gay?

No. 2154279

same I don't give a flying fuck about Palestine simply because of the scrotes

No. 2154281

ive tried to talk about this before but ive been told I'm a /pol/fag because I hate scrote migrants

No. 2154298

I realised this when I listen to incels who are mostly atheists.

No. 2154560

This sounds like yet another moid that just went to an Asian country to get an "easier woman". You can be a literal 3/10 awkward, weird white guy very unpopular with women back in his home country and still find a Japanese girlfriend. I don't know why so many Japanese women gravitate so easily towards weird, ugly white guys. Maybe it's because they just tend to lack enough street smarts (Can't exactly blame them, their country is generally pretty rare on such violent crimes) or are too polite. Or because their country is already so sexist that they are used to all forms of mistreatment and moid superiority being expressed - (That would likely be where the real "submissiveness" comes from).

No. 2154564

>Japanese women gravitate so easily towards weird, ugly white guys. Maybe it's because they just tend to lack enough street smarts (Can't exactly blame them, their country is generally pretty rare on such violent crimes) or are too polite. Or because their country is already so sexist that they are used to all forms of mistreatment and moid superiority being expressed - (That would likely be where the real "submissiveness" comes from).
Are you a fucking polfag? You seriously can't believe Japanese women are so retarded they fall for these "leftover men" and they're totally submissive. Did you overdose on yellow fever?

No. 2154588

Do you even know what a polfag and yellow fever is? Polfags and people with yellow fever are exactly the type of women to want a "qt 10/10 asian housewife" and then go and kill her. You should look up terms before you use them, dipshit.
>"leftover men"
You should learn a bit about Japanese culture. There's tons of reasons they could go for leftover men. Divorcees woud literally marry a white guy if it means not being seen as a "leftover woman". Japanese girls get asked what they want to be when they grow up and they unironically say "housewife" when a girl in the west would have said something like "astronaut" or "doctor". They might think a life with a white foreigner would be more freeing for them. Or they're a minority among Japanese people that has a particular fascination with foreign culture, which this woman seemed to be. That group still tends to be pretty sheltered though because it's literally how the education system grooms them. No one there is telling them to watch out for sick fuck moids, foreigner or not. Especially not foreigner.

No. 2154592

>I'm not a polfag
>continues to describe Japanese women as if a polfag would
Japanese women aren't helpless groomed women from Afghanistan who don't understand moids,they're learned and educated women.

No. 2154602

I'm someone that knows Japanese and literally lived in Japan, moron.
>learned and educated women.
You think that affects historically colonial, cultural and societally rooted perceptions? If so, you are completely dense.

No. 2154614

you still aren't Japanese you gaijin.im sure the Japanese women would love to hear your opinion of them

No. 2154617

Not to racebait, but from my experience it's usually because they want mixed kids

No. 2154622

Yeah idk what the coddling is for, it literally is just because even if a white moid is ugly whiteness is seen as superior. Obviously most of the women don’t think this but definitely the ones who date moids like that.

No. 2154641

Many previously vocal atheist moids started turning into religion because they noticed it gives them more power to hate women. Moids never have any serious convictions they just jump from ideology to another so they could avoid personal responsibility. The only core value they will ever have is their inability to see women as human beings no matter what they believe in.

No. 2154871

>I don't know why so many Japanese women gravitate so easily towards weird, ugly white guys.
Anon…the same is true for women in his own home country, of his own race lol

No. 2154882

It wasn’t just the government. The police force in general hates women and girls, especially ones from working class backgrounds, especially if they grew up in care. It was them that called the victims of grooming gangs “little slags”. It was them that were CLIENTS of some of the girls and young women forced into prostitution. The truth is our white police and government do not care about women and girls.

No. 2154890

>It was them that were CLIENTS of some of the girls and young women forced into prostitution.
I remember hearing it mentioned and people glossing it over, it's fucked and not surprising at all. The whole "They were scared to be called racist" excuse never rang true to me. They don't care about poor girls or women. They also don't give a fuck about helping girls or women from minority backgrounds, but of course that's ignored in favor of the "They're sooo hyperlib and favor the brownies" narrative.

No. 2154899

>/pol/fags chimped out
The amount of fucks that I give about what men say online is so small it needs to be viewed under a microscope. Protection from shit opinions on the internet is irrelevant when the risk of women being seriously harmed in the real world is increasing.

>british laws and government
It sounds like you don't either

>the courts and the police who are separate entities

Who enforces the laws created by parliament? It's the courts and police.

No. 2154912

I was reading an article the other day about a Muslim woman who had lived in the uk for 20+ years and still hardly spoke English. She got married at 17 and abused for years and years and her husband ended up beating her within an inch of her life. She was advised to drop the charges by a police officer. They hate women full stop.

No. 2154914

Samefag it’s relevant that she hardly spoke English because she was so badly controlled by him she was hardly able to leave the house. She didn’t even know what the area immediately around her house looked like, what shops, what bus links, she knew absolutely nothing and was totally sheltered. Police took advantage of this to do a half assed job the way they always do. There’s nothing I hate more than British police.

No. 2154915

> I don't know why so many Japanese women gravitate so easily towards weird, ugly white guys.

The passport bros that come here, end up here fucking the same women, because gaijin hunters fuck foreigners in a rotation style. Gaijin hunters are the leftovers that Japanese men didn’t want, they run through foreigner dick and then marry a LBH (like the ones who post frequently in the r/japanlife sub) when they hit the wall.

No. 2154926

>when they hit the wall
Get lost, moid.(scrotefoiling, report suspected moids and do not respond)

No. 2155252

Honor violence in general is not taken seriously enough anywhere in Europe. Authorities say religious community leaders should show example to the rest of the people as if they are not part of the problem. It takes huge courage for a Muslim woman to come to authorities and tell about her fears yet they act like it’s more normal and acceptable some insane scrote is threatening to kill her if she comes from certain community.

No. 2156350

Oh fuck off with that bullshit.
Too many young girls have died in this slaughter, they didnt ask where they were born. Just say you're a heartless bastard stop pretending its because "scrotes".(unnecessary child gore)

No. 2156355

Tbh, this wouldn't happen if moids of both sides just fucked or killed themselves already.

No. 2156362

File: 1724769854970.jpg (31.88 KB, 505x583, HotelScrote.jpg)

>woman goes on holiday to Spain with her child
>hotel employee asks for her number and to take her on a date; she declines
>he delivers wine to her room “to apologise”
>she gets suspicious and sets up her son’s iPad to record in the room when they’re away
>she reviews the footage and finds him letting himself into the room to rummage around her belongings
>he finds a pair of her used panties
>he huffs on her panties
>he steals her panties
There is literally no place or context on this godforsaken planet where a woman is safe and I cannot be convinced otherwise.

No. 2156370

>After firmly rejecting the man, Ms Armstrong discovered a few hours later that he'd subscribed to her OnlyFans account. She suspects he used the details from her hotel booking to look her up.
Sex work is just work, amirite?

No. 2156374

Anon who posted the story here: I didn’t read as far as the OF reveal to be honest but he’s still disgusting and shouldn’t have done any of what he did. There is no excuse or mitigation for that.

No. 2156375

Nta but I also don't care because they're muslims. If you let muslims live and reproduce, taliban always happens. It's unfortunate that they're caught in a scrote war but it can't be helped.

No. 2156379

Nta, I don't think anon says that to excuse him but just to say that people who promote sex work as "just like any other job" and totally safe aren't telling the truth. But obviously he's a gross creep and probably would've done it either way, the onlyfans stuff just adds another layer to it.

No. 2156384

My mom stayed at a hotel on a vacation island when she was a teenager, and some hotel employees came to her room, opened the door, and flat out told her and her friend that they were going to rape them. She managed to lock herself in the bathroom and they eventually left.

No. 2156868

What the actual fuck nona that is horrendous. I’m so sorry your mom and her friend experienced that, they must have been absolutely terrified. I like to go on holiday alone and I always take an additional room lock with me that I can attach from the inside because… well, men. I’ve never trusted purely electronic card swipe doors that don’t have a physical bolt on the inside too: too many places are set up like that.

No. 2156880

Given that the UK just explicitly defended Muslims in their crackdown on chavs rioting, I don't see much point in hoping the political and legal system will work to protect women
It seems to only work when the man in question is the right skin colour and ethno-religious background

No. 2156883

The original post was literally about how /pol/fags don’t give a fuck about women, not about the UK government

No. 2156924

File: 1724792628160.jpeg (98.87 KB, 649x906, GV5KIKIX0AAxPkI.jpeg)

This. I get upset when I see women and girls involved, I dont care if moids wanna kill each other just leave little girls out of it.

Not all Palestinians are Muslim, also they said its because scrotes I was pointing out it isnt all scrotes, most of the victims are women and children.

>I also don't care because

>It's unfortunate
>it can't be helped.

Stop with this disingenuous bullshit. If you think kids getting blown up for whatever reason is acceptable then you're a shitstain too. Stop trying to minimalize it or pretend you care about women and girls.

No. 2156957

Agreed nona. Palestinian women and girls are being murdered, tortured, and abused on a massive scale. It is horrific. Nothing will ever justify that.

No. 2156987

What are you talking about? Islam is the leading religion in Palestine, nearly all of them are muslim.
I'm not pretending, I already told you I don't care about muslims dying, even if they're women. That doesn't mean I can't recognize it's objectively unfortunate that women have to die because scrotes chose to make war.

No. 2157033

It's a very small number compared to Muslims but they do exist. And there's bound to be a few ex-Muslims in there too. What about them?

No. 2157042

Exactly my point ty nonna

Yes, we know you dont care about women and children being killed. This attitude is one of the reasons its happening. So what if the women are muslim, you never heard of ex-muslims theres a huge thread here dedicated to them. That doesnt excuse them being killed.

Most likely doesnt give a shit maybe a /pol/tard we had an influx of them here shilling for Israel

No. 2157046

retarded racespergers will see women and girls get raped and killed and will still think "LE BASED EPIC MUZZIE DEATH!!!". You can't truly hate islam for being a misogynistic religion if you can't sympathize with muslim girls. Many people talk about muslim women as if they choose to be muslim lol. Many women are retarded and prioritize their race/religion over caring about other women, it shows ITT. They can hide it behind "hating immigrant males" but you ask them further and they'll say "WELL IMMIGRANT WOMEN BREED TOO MUCH!!!!!". Weirdest shit ever. Fuck third worldie moids and immigrant moids but also fuck every woman who hates little girls that were forced into a religion for their "save europa" larp. Idpol doesn't belong in feminism because it always brings in tradthots who can't sympathize with little girls just because they live in a different part of the world.
I hate /pol/tards but they don't usually shill for israel, most of them hate israel.

No. 2157056

Yeah I mean, you think about Afghan girls and women. Should we not care about their plight because they are Muslim despite the fact they clearly want education and rights?

I mean I hate all religions-I hate hinduism but I really, really feel for Indian girls after all the stuff thats been exposed of what they do through. And lets be honest here it really is the moids who create this problem-the reason most moids in these countries do not want "their" women emigrating is because THEY KNOW when they enter a western country they pretty much give up all these customs when they enter especially if they are younger. I live in a multicultural part of the UK but everyone shares the same culture here (not saying this country is perfect) but I just think using the excuse of "its ok for the women and children to die because religion" is a retarded excuse.

Also thanks nonna, I didnt know that.

No. 2157203

The only people I have a single shred of empathy for in Palestine are the women and children. I've been a staunch anti-Israel person since I learned what they do to Palestinian women, but i don't feel bad for the men suffering, just the people suffering for a man's war.

No. 2157412

You people are way too obsessed with spamming and shocking people with gore of children. It’s borderline sociopathic.

No. 2157457

I don't agree with being callous towards the situation these women are in but I'm more interested in protecting what we already have here
Multiculturalism is just ethnic warfare through other means, eventually one ethnicity wins over the others and drives everyone else out
There are no-go zones in Sweden, UK and France because these Muslims and other groups have established ethnic colonies where their social norms are the law
I'm happy to help these women but it needs to be done in their countries, rather than us importing them here
Woman only refugees would not be permitted because those countries will just prevent women from leaving, as you said they know what happens when they allow women to enter Western countries(global rule #7)

No. 2157480

File: 1724834702461.png (Spoiler Image,142.08 KB, 1158x582, pedo1.png)

NSFL pedos discussing their favorite child sexual abuse material

i'm losing my mind over those screenshot from a pedo hunting documentary.

No. 2157481

File: 1724834726873.png (Spoiler Image,220.03 KB, 1155x582, pedo2.png)

No. 2157482

Same faggot posting "Multiculturalism is licheral white genocide" horseshit again

No. 2157483

File: 1724834841423.png (Spoiler Image,289.42 KB, 1162x585, pedo3.png)

Supposedly these are from a deebweb pedo forum called "Elysium" that was closed last year, two admins and one moderator were germans.

No. 2157489

What documentary is this? Did any of those people get arrested after the site was closed? They're admitting to committing crimes, I know it's the dark web, but surely, they must've let some personal info slip.

No. 2157490

That's really sickening. I feel bad for the children.

No. 2157491

This is the documentary, but I believe it's only available in french and german since it's produced by Arte. And yes arrest were made in France, Germany and they talk a little bit about the Phillipines towards the end.

No. 2157497

nta but maybe I'll watch it later. Arte's documentaries are so good, I think this one will disturb me a lot so I'm not sure I could stomach the whole thing, but I'm glad these men got arrested at least.

No. 2157509


No. 2157512

They always are..why the fuck is German child safety laws so shit

No. 2157542

I hate germans so fucking much. After living in their country I'm not surprised at all that so many of them are pedos. I can't wait to leave this shithole.

No. 2157561

File: 1724846001996.jpg (1.67 MB, 2893x1929, WXNRPNHWXBLL3MYBJN6XXT6G3I.jpg)

Deepfake sex crimes surge among teenagers in South. Korea

>Students have created and shared a list of schools affected by deepfake incidents, known as the “Telegram deepfake victim school list.” Updated on the social media platform X (formerly Twitter), the list included 477 elementary, middle, and high schools nationwide as of 6 p.m. on Aug. 26. It has not been confirmed whether actual incidents have occurred at all the schools on the list.

>The vice principal of High School A in Gyeonggi Province, which is on the list, told the Chosun Ilbo, “We have confirmed that deepfake sex crime materials have affected our school,” adding, “Given the seriousness of the issue and the involvement of other local schools, we have decided to cooperate with the police through the education office.”

>On the same day, the student council of High School B in Gyeonggi Province shared on their Instagram account, “Personal information and deepfake composite photos of our students are being distributed through Telegram,” urging, “Please remove any personal photos uploaded to Instagram to prevent further damage.

>The number of teenagers committing deepfake crimes is also on the rise. According to data from the National Police Agency obtained by People Power Party lawmaker Cho Eun-hee, teenagers make up 69% (194 cases) of those booked for creating and distributing false videos over the past three years. Under the Act on Special Cases Concerning the Punishment of Sexual Crimes, creating or distributing deepfake sex crime materials is punishable by up to five years in prison or a fine of up to 50 million won. However, teenagers, who are accustomed to social media and photo sharing, often do not recognize that creating and sharing deepfake content is a crime.

>Some students have even created deepfake sexual content using teachers’ photos. According to data from the nationwide education offices received by Democratic Party of Korea lawmaker Baek Seung-ah’s office, the number of pornographic deepfakes targeting teachers created by teenagers surged from eight cases in August 2022 to 30 cases last year, and 35 cases in the first half of this year.


No. 2157562

> South Korea
To the surprise of absolutely no one.

No. 2157566

File: 1724846374571.jpeg (65.91 KB, 363x900, GV1iyUIaIAEVa2L.jpeg)

Korean boys and men are also posting pictures of their mothers and sisters on those chats… This has become a big issue in Korea because the police there are doing nothing about it so now Korean women are asking for help from foreign news agencies to spread the word

No. 2157569

The more I read about South Korea the more I want to rescue the women because genuinely what the fuck. I hope the scrotes at least feel embarrassed by the international attention.

No. 2157585

I don't think they can feel any sort of shame tbh, south Korean moids seem to be evil as fuck, soulless even, they're like Indian moids.

No. 2157598

File: 1724849216664.jpg (69.63 KB, 720x489, bruh.jpg)

Modern day genghis khan

No. 2157612

sounds lot like bullshit. is he a sperm donor?

No. 2157629

Just what the world needs, more autistic sociopath genes from scrotes who are okay with child rape and baby animal torture if it generates them income.

No. 2157731

This is breaking my fucking heart, this is clearly a set up. This woman is getting the death penalty for something she was CLEARLY framed for. A PhD student and daughter of a cardiologist molests and murders a little boy? Fuck off. She's innocent. The twisted fuck father did this and the family is blaming her. Disgrace.

No. 2158051

nta but yes he is

No. 2159715

File: 1726052845463.jpg (4.12 KB, 195x258, hjhjhj.jpg)

Affaire de Mazan

A 70 yrs old man from Mazan, France, is accused of enlisting strangers to rape his drugged wife
This has been going on for AT LEAST the last 10 yrs

>70 yrs old woman from Mazan, France believed for years she had a mysterious neurological illness, she get a battery of test to no avails, her husband blames her symptoms on general fatigue due to taking care of her grandchildrens, her own childrens believe she’s at the beginning of Alzeimer’s disease.

>Some days it gets so bad that she behaves “zombie-like”, is drooling on herself and unable to walk straight, she can’t remember things she did just just the day before, she explains that one morning she woke up to find herself with a brand new haircut she didn’t remember getting and upon calling her hairdressers learned that she had gotten her hair cut the previous day.

>It gets so bad she stops driving, stops taking the train to visit her childrens in Paris and basically stops living a normal life because she’s so afraid of putting herself in danger.

>Her husband, Dominique Pélico is arrested on Nov 2 2020 after filming up the skirts of a bunch of women in the local supermarket. Police finds images and videos of an unconscious woman being raped on his phone, then 20 000 mores images and films of that woman being raped almost a 100 times on his computer.

>It’s his wife

>She’s devastated to lean of the abuse, she had no recollection of those rapes since she had been drugged “almost to a state of coma”, she said her first thoughts was that she should kill herself (which broke my heart)

>Her husband would crush sleeping tablets and anti-anxiety medication and mix it into her evening meal or wine. He would then recruit men on an online chatroom to rape and sexually abuse her.

>Immediately recognize his guilt, said “I put her to sleep, I offered her, and I filmed”

>There’s 86 different rapists in those videos but only around 50 have been identified. Some of these men are local councilors, nurses, journalists, police officers, prison guards, soldiers, firefighters and civil servants, most of them lived in Mazan, a town of just about 6 000 inhabitants, they were between 26 and 73 at the time of the arrest.

>Most of the accused deny the charges and claim they had no idea she wasn’t a willing partner and that they believed they were participating in a BDSM roleplay with a consenting woman, they accuse the husband of tricking them. One of them said “if her husband is okay with it, why not?” a young dad at the trial cried out loud “I didn’t know she was being raped”

>In the videos the woman is limp, she’s snoring very loudly and the husband can be heard saying “shhhh don’t wake her up, you can’t speak, not even whispers, we can’t wake her up”, they hide away when she looks like she’s waking up before going back to the rape

>He also told them to not wear perfume, not smoke to not leave suspicious smells, park their car 200 + meters away from their house, warm their hands and body up, and call him before showing up.

>Some of theses men visited the house to rape her up to five times

Some more infos

>Claims he started drugging and rapping her because his wife refused to practice anal sex and swinging and he wanted to “punish her”

>He gave some men in those online chatrooms instructions on how to drug and rape their wives, only one other victim who was drugged by her husband and rapped by his friend was identified.

>One of the rapist was HIV positive and raped Gisèle up to six times

>Only 1 third of the people who where offered to rape her declined

>Because of the repeated rapes she contracted 4 STIs

>Pictures of his clearly unconscious naked 30 yrs old daughter have been found on his computer

>CSAM of his daughter was found

>Of course they found a ton of CSAM in his computer

>He had been previously arrested in 2010 after being caught filming upskirts

>Had raped a woman in 1999

>He’s now the main suspect in the cold case murder of a woman in 1991

No. 2159728

His mugshot looks cursed in itself, like you can feel evil radiating from it. Poor grandma, I hate how everyone just believed her creepy husband instead of maybe entertaining the possibility she was in danger

No. 2160023

Somebody rope this rapeape, and all of those involved in the abuse. "I didn't know" like fuck you didn't know something was off about the whole thing?? More like they didn't care as long as they could get their nut. Men are absolutely vile to the surprise of no one.

No. 2160146

Child influencer accounts, reminds me of the women obsessed with Ian Watkins that LET HIM abuse their kids. What the fuck is wrong with these women, how do they not feel a sacred bond with their children? I also got this NYT article for free and wanted to make it available to as many people as possible, supposedly anyone with the link can also read without being paywalled: https://www.nytimes.com/2024/02/22/us/instagram-child-influencers.html?unlocked_article_code=1.J04.0GO9.I74-hYs6MS0g&smid=url-share

No. 2160154

never understood why nyp news are paywalled but damn once i clicked i understood why, thats some pretty cool graphics

No. 2160171

this isnt even the first time this happened. There was a similar case in singapor. Men are so fucking vile.

No. 2160199

Thank you for sharing this, although I couldn’t read the whole thing because it made me sick to my stomach. These mothers should be in jail. I feel so bad for that 17 year old girl who thinks her only option for the future is onlyfans

No. 2161157

File: 1726105437014.jpg (34.83 KB, 1140x641, b2025bcc-353b-46e9-8371-583030…)

>ALPHARETTA, Ga. — A daycare worker has been arrested and charged with child molestation, according to Alpharetta Police.
>Tulsi Patel, who is 22, was arrested on July 26. On July 25, Alpharetta Police responded to Kids R Kids Academy on Webb Bridge Road and met with the vice president of field operations.
>Alpharetta Police said a parent had made a complaint that a teacher had molested his 4-year-old daughter. The girl was taken to the hospital for medical evaluation.
>The investigation led to Patel's arrest and is still ongoing.
>Kids R Kids released a statement in response to the arrest, condemning Patel's "egregious misconduct." They have provided video evidence to police and the Department of Family and Children Services and are making counseling available to the affected children and families, according to the statement.
>"The safety and well-being of the children and families impacted by this are our highest priorities, and we will continue to assist in the investigation to ensure that justice is served," the statement said. "We want to assure you that we will remain vigilant in our efforts to protect our students. We will not tolerate any form of misconduct, and we are committed to ensuring that the teacher involved is prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law."
>A spokesperson with Kids R Kids said they are taking "every possible measure" to prevent more incidents like this and are reviewing their policies and procedures.

No. 2161162

Who is "you people" that was the only post I made with that image and I did it to show what certain nonna's here were supporting. You are more angry at people trying to raise awareness of this then those who support it. Supporting that crap because you hate religious moids is whats really sociopathic.

No. 2161173

NTA but people were protesting Vietnam in 1965 before a lot of the horrific footage and photos were shown to the public. I think it says a lot that some people think posting gore is going to make anyone who already don't feel sympathy for the simple fact that war is bad suddenly become so. I personally think it's also really fucking disrespectful to use dead children to further your talking points.

No. 2161276

I will never trust a man to live with me, I will never marry a man.

No. 2161360

If the men in this town ever want to earn the trust of women back they’d find all those men and rip them limb from limb.

No. 2161366

NAYRT, I’m who originally said “you people are obsessed with spamming gore of children”. Why would you imply I don’t have empathy for these people?

No. 2161368

Nothing is more blackpilling than realising how many WOMEN are involved with the exploitation of kids, usually their own. This world is fucking awful. It’s easier to just declare “men bad women good” but that’s not the case, everyone is evil. Men are worse but we can’t automatically trust women either.

No. 2161379

I didn't be the one to bring it up but this case has haunted me. Poor Gisele, and I feel for the rest of the family that has been affected by this man's cruelty. They'd been married 40 years before this had started too, there's no length of time that guarantees your trust is deserved and there's no 'aging out' of this risk.

That so many of the men were recruited from such a small area is especially blackpilling. There were that many men that depraved that they all figured out how to get onto the darkweb and interact with each other? The site wasn't on the clearnet. I don't think any woman should be travelling to France, it is not a safe country.

No. 2161572

So according to you its fine there are anons laughing and hoping this country gets completely wiped out, no words for them, but you suddenly have an issue with those upset by that and trying to remind them there are kids dying in this war? I would totally be fine if you condemned the both of us, but the fact you are outraged over this "talking point" and not those wishing it on saying they deserve it says more about you and your lopsided outrage.
Show me posts where anons are saying the Vietnamese deserve it and hope their race goes extinct.
Maybe not but you sound like the OP who was dismissive of war in general.

No. 2161575

Is it possible you can remind people without posting dead decapitated children? Because I doubt you actually care. You’re just a gore whore who gets off on being shocking.

No. 2161599

their daughter wrote a book about the fallout from discovering what a monster her father was. she fears that she too was assaulted without knowing and unfortunately it's entirely possible that happened.

No. 2161898

Look up what spamming means before using it again.

No. 2161901

So now you are just lying. I was responding to this >>2154279

I was really upset when I read her story and thought showing what happened to her would make nonnas care, not I realise it just summons sanctimonious cunt like you who make up shit for some reason. How about you lot stop being edgy little shits who gloat you are glad these kids are dying in war.
Yeah I absolutely dont care despite posting clearly triggered responses here about this war. Stop projecting.(infighting)

No. 2161962

File: 1726170729188.jpg (39.13 KB, 480x480, 1000011013.jpg)

This is both fucked and uplifting so
>Viareggio, Italy
>Poor excuse of a moid is very well known for robberies
>Italian police and law isn't doing shit (this is the fucked up part) because he's illegal and MOST likely has a fake id
>He robs like it's the most normal thing for him
>Goes to a 65 year old, points a knife to her throat, gets her bag
>Stacy McBased hops on her car
>Blocks him with her car, she wants her bag back
>He's blocked to the wall and still doesn't let go of the bag, like a shitbull with its prey
So what does she do?
>She squashes him to the Wall even more
>Moid still doesn't let go of the bag
>She lets him some rooms
>Runs over him FOUR FUCKING TIMES. This moid got ran over three times and still thought he could run away, it took the fourth one to die and let go of the bag.
>At the last time, he looks directly in the car, dies on camera, she gets off, gets her bag and leaves.
>Full video is on major news outlets.

It's sad that we had to reach the overkill point to defend ourselves from moids, people are calling for her head because "that's just a bag!!" ignoring that the man could simply…not rob?
We are tired. She's our Patron. Bless her.

No. 2161968

Does anyone know the Asha Degree case? There’s some talk in her local community that there is progress being made and even a potential discovery of what happened to her. There was a big law enforcement presence and FBI search in an area near where she was last seen.

No. 2161971

File: 1726171351170.jpg (277.03 KB, 1074x1043, yuck.jpg)

Sadly after seeing this story all over my timeline women really do need to start getting more violent with these apeshit moids because the reason they are like this towards us is because they think they can be.

No. 2161977

Wow thank you for the full story on this, the way he was stealing up until his dying breath just proves my theory that thieves are inhuman. Kek at how the pic looks like she's grinning at the smushing

No. 2161980

He was valuing more a bag than his life. He didnt get scared and let go of it to save his ass, despite getting multiple injuries before dying, the bag was still tight in his hands. Proof he didnt value his life so why should we care? Let her go, she took off a criminal off the streets, he will not rob in hell.

No. 2161982

Okay this brightened my day actually

No. 2162000

I love how insanely strong this woman is, forsaking her privacy to make this trial public and shame them all. She also showed us that yes, it's indeed all men. A 100 caught alone in a small town of maybe 2000 adult moids…
She already felt like suicidal when she found out what he did to her, now knowing that he was also after her daughter must be extra devastating. The death penalty should be in order, otherwise victims have a too slim chance of healing.
On a side not, I read that her doctors also fucked up big time, she was always dazed, her genitals were sore, she mysteriously got sexual diseases as a married grandma and you thought she's simply old and mentally declining…?

No. 2162005

I hope she didn't damage her car

No. 2162019

No. 2162026

wow this made me tear up i need to stay away from this thread holy shit

No. 2162041

>On a side not, I read that her doctors also fucked up big time, she was always dazed, her genitals were sore, she mysteriously got sexual diseases as a married grandma and you thought she's simply old and mentally declining…?
There's a possibility he was one of the rapists and covering himself.

No. 2162053

Here is one article
There’s more info on the subreddit dedicated to the case. Some of her family members have made Facebook posts asking for privacy during this time.

No. 2162055

One of the men who raped her repeatedly was her fucking neighbor who would talk to her normally in public and even visited her home. Some of these men are married and have kids. This case has changed me, I will never trust any man again. I come from a 3rd world shithole and I used to think these kinds of evil souless men only existed here. But no, it's all of them.

No. 2162067

I hate this so much, I've heard it a week ago and it still lives rent free in my head. It's truly a horror scenario where you can not trust a single fucking xylet. Like another nonna said, I wouldn't be surprised if the doctor was onto it too. It really is all fucking men as soon as the opportunity to get away with it presents itself.

No. 2162119

If only the police had done their job, this poor woman wouldn’t have had to murder anyone and this stupid scrote may have naturalized in prison where he learnt that, weirdly, there are consequences for threatening to kill someone in order to steal from them. If there’s no justice how can they hope to uphold the law.

No. 2162189

this is so sad. i hate this world

No. 2162223

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Yeah. On the brightside a lot of people have come out in support of her, I think she's been very brave I hope she gets justice.

No. 2162490

You really are such a fucking loser aren’t you. No, I don’t believe you actually care. How many dead kids do you have saved to your camera roll? You’re fucked up
It’s like you’re talking to yourself.(infighting)

No. 2162608

File: 1726220252320.png (776.01 KB, 750x886, whoah.PNG)

Can't tell if this makes Captain Sweden happy or sad.

No. 2162612

Who is Captain Sweden?
t. Swede

No. 2162630

retard, women arent commiting 99% of rapes. Pickmes like these wouldnt exist if pedo moids werent so abundant

No. 2162634

File: 1726222556158.png (101.37 KB, 790x757, giga stacy.png)

>At the last time, he looks directly in the car, dies on camera, she gets off, gets her bag and leaves.

No. 2162652

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No. 2162657

An old meme, progressive superhero who's only weapon is tolerance.

No. 2162661

She's a hero.

No. 2162726

Hell, I'd offer her a nice meal to congratulate her. What an absolute stacy. More women should be like her, that way failmales who decide to steal will think twice about it.

No. 2162737

It doesn’t matter. They’re selling their own children to be raped. You think that’s less evil just because they’re not raping them themselves? Dick worshipping women are evil.

No. 2162744

>"that's just a bag!!"
Easy for others to say until you remember that most women use their bags to put their keys, wallets with money, important documents, credit cards, their phones with all sorts of personal data with sometimes no other places where these data are stored for one reason or another and sometimes with apple pay or google pay, etc. For all we know the guy just wanted her credit card and cash inside the bag but he could have been a crazy stalker and tried to steal her identity with whatever document she kept in her bag. I don't know about Italy but it's safe to assume she has a unique ID or social security number that can be used to identify her and create fake ID cards or passports under her name and to get a loan with a bank with these fake documents. It happens more often than you think.

No. 2162796

You wanna know the most laughable part?
People are saying "Well! Why didn't she just call the police?"
Aside the fact that police never did anything with this piece of shit, that's why he was so confident in stealing, her phone was in the bag. How the fuck was she supposed to call the police? What do lefties expect us to do?
"Oh no an illegal immigrant just took my purse with my phone, wallet, ids, emotional items and in general, my fucking shit, let me just go to the nearest phone booth and call the cops!"
No, by stealing you signed your sentence, they can rot in hell.

No. 2163112

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Cops rescue 402 children in raids at charity homes, 171 arrested

>Police rescued 402 minors from alleged exploitation in a major operation across two states today, codenamed Op Global.

>The victims, aged between one and 17, were allegedly exploited at 20 welfare homes in Selangor and Negri Sembilan.
>Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Razarudin Husain said the victims, who were locals, had endured various forms of exploitation and abuse including being sodomised.
>The 201 boys and 201 girls from 18 charity homes in Selangor and two in Negri Sembilan were rescued between 6am and 11am.
>The victims allegedly suffered punishment with heated metal objects and inappropriate touching under the guise of religious medical treatment, Razarudin said.
>"They were punished using heated metal objects when the victims commit mistakes and the suspects touched the victim's body parts by claiming it was part of the religious medical treatment," he told reporters during a press conference at the Pahang police contingent headquarters here today.

over 400 kids brainwashed and sexually abused under the name of religion. no fucking surprise which one it is. wish i could be more vocal about my distaste, but i'd be arrested and fined for "inciting religious conflict". considering how increasingly radicalized my country is getting, i'm hoping this case will be a wake up call, but it's obviously wishful thinking. disappointed but not surprised

No. 2163129

Non un’italiana su lolcow lol

No. 2163253

File: 1726262403202.jpg (501.86 KB, 2472x1370, war.jpg)

Speak for yourself. Pic releated is the attitude you are perfectly okay with and a few of us was speaking against. Links below are the Palestinian gofundme's I've donated to (unfortunatley not a lot because I dont have a lot of money but every little helps) and if any nonna's want to donate and link more it would be appreciated.
Palestinians have been posting pictures of their dead to show the world they are not just numbers because of attitudes of pic related as an attempt to humanise themselves to the world (which they shouldnt have to) I made the mistake of doing the same once in a reply to posts in pic related. I could also list the twitters I follow of Palestinians themselves who are documenting whats happening but that would have to be a separate post as its very long.









No. 2163266

I guarantee none of these are legitimate. You’re an idiot throwing money down the drain, it’s hilarious. Either that or you’re not actually donating because you’re uwu a disabled enby with long covid and chronic fatigue and autism. People like you are absolute parasites and all of your so called social activism is just your nerds revenge because you’re beneath everyone and nobody likes you. It’s a way to put yourself above others because you’re not smart, attractive, funny or charming. Boo fuckin hoo Gaza. What about Rwanda bitch. What about muh heckin uuygurinooos. How quickly you people forget because these things are nothing but fads to you and you think everyone else can’t see right through it. Wake up! Did your go fund me and gore spamming solve the other genocides? What about your little corporation boycotts? NO.(infighting)

No. 2163300

File: 1726264910929.jpg (837.2 KB, 1204x3902, tired of this.jpg)

I cant remember a week where I haven't come across a moid raping a baby, i'm getting tried of hearing about it.

No. 2163357

File: 1726268200289.gif (1.06 MB, 498x278, hoe-love-and-hip-hop.gif)

>Be in the news stories that fuck with you thread
>Start fights with nonna's who are upset about news stories that fuck with them in this thread

No. 2163445

File: 1726274297055.jpeg (Spoiler Image,315.73 KB, 1125x1563, GWy9DS0awAA_ifD.jpeg)

Fuck charlie hebdo why do people support this rag? Giving moids free speech was a mistake

No. 2163446

File: 1726274408698.jpg (231.13 KB, 1908x1146, 248C604C00000578-0-image-a-2_1…)

Guess one office bombing wasn't enough

No. 2163450

>jew nose
So he drew an explicit, "satire" cartoon of the rape ape who had his wife raped hundreds of times and gave the scrote a big ol' jew nose to… say that Jews are behind it? Or is it Muslims? I'm confused.

No. 2163453


I just thought thats how they draw all men but now that you say it you maybe right.

No. 2163458

>Goes to a 65 year old, points a knife to her throat, gets her bag
Serves him right.

No. 2163459

File: 1726275245094.jpg (40.93 KB, 1184x138, Capture.JPG)

It's funny 'cause it doesn't anything about being misogynistic or making fun of rape victims. I hope the woman sues them for every penny she can get out of them.

No. 2163460

Now that you say this, everyone seems to have a jew nose, so maybe the muslims were right about him after all.

No. 2163465

I'm surprised cause Viareggio is a tourist hotspot, you'd think the local politicians or police would wanna stop him so that he didn't single-handedly ruin their tourism. Based fucking woman.

No. 2163471

that's just how cartoons are drawn in europe you stupid ameritards, not everything has an islamic or jewish agenda

No. 2163478

What is the point of drawing this? Where is the joke? How is this funny or "satirical"? I hate men so much it's unreal.

No. 2163482

Thats the point there is no satire here this rag has been called out before for just being straight up sexist/racist/disgusting etc.

No. 2163784

File: 1726285979942.webp (50.76 KB, 1000x575, OPADNFBnYJ2mUfRGBdS7Ff8-szLL-P…)

> After an ordinary night out with her friends, Alison Botha drove back to her apartment in Port Elizabeth, South Africa. But as soon as the 27-year-old parked her car. She reached toward the passenger seat to grab her bag of clean laundry to take inside. A man with a knife had opened the driver’s door.
> “Move over, or I’ll kill you,” he said. Terrified, Botha did as she was told. The man took control of the car and soon sped away. “I don’t want to hurt you,” said the man, who identified himself as Clinton. “I just want to use your car for an hour.”
> Clinton — whose real name was Frans du Toit — then traveled to another part of Port Elizabeth to pick up his friend Theuns Kruger.
> Frans du Toit and Theuns Kruger told Alison Botha that they were going to have sex with her. They asked her if she would fight them. Clearly trapped and terrified for her life, Botha said no.
> The two men, who had a history of violence against women, both raped her. And they were soon determined to kill her as well. At first, they tried to suffocate her.
> They stabbed Botha at least 30 times in the abdomen. Botha later recalled that du Toit specifically wanted to mutilate her reproductive organs. But somehow, the attackers missed those specific parts of her body.
> When Botha’s leg twitched, du Toit and Kruger decided the job wasn’t quite done yet. They then slit her throat — 16 times. Botha’s mind struggled to make sense of what was happening to her. “It felt unreal but it wasn’t,” she said. “I felt no pain, but it was not a dream. This was happening. The man was slashing my throat.”
> As the men finally stepped back, Botha heard them admiring their work and speaking in Afrikaans. “Do you think she’s dead?” one of the attackers asked. “No one can survive that,” the other replied.
> Du Toit and Kruger drove away. But little did they know that Botha was still breathing.
>  “I had to at least leave a clue about who did this to me.” She decided to write the names of her attackers in the dirt. Then, beneath that, she wrote, “I love Mom.” In the distance, she could see headlights streaking through the bushes. If she could just manage to get onto the road, someone might be able to help her.
> When Alison Botha moved toward the headlights, she realized the full extent of her injuries. As she pulled herself up, her head started to fall backward — since she had nearly been decapitated. Meanwhile, she could also feel something slimy protruding from her abdomen — her intestines. She had to use one hand to keep her organs from spilling out and the other hand to literally hold on to her own head.
> Botha recalled, “As I struggled forward my sight faded in and out and I fell many times but managed to get up again until I finally reached the road.”
> A young veterinary student named Tiaan Eilerd, who was visiting Port Elizabeth on vacation from Johannesburg, saw Botha lying in the middle of the road and stopped. He used his veterinary training to tuck Botha’s exposed thyroid back inside her body. Then, Eilerd called emergency services for help.
> Alison Botha was rushed to the hospital, where doctors were stunned by her horrific wounds. Botha was on the brink of death. But she managed to pull through — and she also remembered everything about her attackers. She was soon able to identify them from police pictures while she was still in the hospital.
>  Both Frans du Toit and Theuns Kruger pled guilty to eight charges, which included kidnapping, rape, and attempted murder.
> They were both found guilty and sentenced to life in prison in August 1995. But after serving 28 years, both were granted parole in July 2023 and placed under supervision. On her Facebook page, Alison Botha wrote that “The day I hoped and prayed would never come. When I was asked ‘How will you feel if they ever get parole?’ – my immediate answer was always – ‘I’m hoping I’ll never find out.'”

No. 2163788

It's a miracle that she's alive. the human body can endure so much, especially the female body. I feel so terrible for her now that they're free from prison. This story always fucks with me

No. 2163806

Bet men freed him because men probably thought he was in there long enough for the "petty" offense of rape and attempted murder. Men love men

No. 2163840

It's supposed to be Macron. For the last few weeks he has been teasing the next prime minister but won't select someone from the party that won the elections, the ''joke'' is that he's bringing all those randoms men that haven't been choosen by the french people to rape Marianne (incarnation of France) it is lame and incredibly mean but it doesn't have anything to do with jewish people.
Charlie would actually never joke about ''le evil jewish people'', they've been riding their dick hard lately

No. 2163849

You weren’t there but she repeatedly posted gore of dead children while infighting with other anons. It got deleted.

No. 2163907

News stories that make you smile

No. 2163910

Stacy McBased indeed. I hope her actions makes moids more scared of targeting older women instead of seeing them as easy targets. I just saw that she has been arrested, come on police, release her.

No. 2163917

News stories that you fuck with

No. 2164095

makes me sick that the paper got so much sympathy over their attack only to turn around and take delight in a woman's suffering and make a mockery of it. i guarantee if the muslims who shot up their offices had gang-raped the men first before murdering them these pornsick goons would be outraged if someone had made artwork gleefully depicting it.

No. 2164311

I've been here since the beginning of the thread as I created it and posted most of the India stories, so I know that's a lie. One picture was posted and reported and it got removed. It was in response to other post saying they do not care about the people killed in the conflict. There have been several infights with posts saying they do not care about the stories here so I will say again hoes, why are you here? Just hide the thread. If you are the one who posted that embarassing autistic rant you need to get a life or go back to tumblr.

Do we have a thread like that? I know theres a general happy thread, maybe we can have a "fucked up news stories with happy endings" I really like seeing women get justice/revenge after all the horrible stories about women being killed by scrotes recently.

No. 2164317

File: 1726334130548.jpeg (Spoiler Image,320.67 KB, 1098x1443, GW5jz9bXIAASwgW.jpeg)

Like I have huge questions about wtf is wrong with france or should I say french men. So much of their cinema is about making pedophilia "palletable" and they have a fucked up view on women in general. Another pic of charlie hebdo on the case, like you said one bom wasn't enough.

No. 2164501

As a cartoonist myself with a cartoonist father I think the Hebdo attack was justified.

No. 2164661

File: 1726352597759.jpg (105.22 KB, 1600x800, epic_handshake_meme-e153413696…)

No. 2164802

You're in the wrong place. This is the thread you want nonna >>>/g/378181(infighting)

No. 2165069

The thread sucks btw. You completely ruined the theme of attractive vintage looking women reading newspapers. You should be ashamed of yourself.
You’re a newfag who should lurk moar.(infighting)

No. 2165101

a genuine question: all of these, if they are real, are made by scrotes. There's one that's allegedly written by a woman (Sama) but every other one is a scrote (Sama's is probably a scrote too). You included a Yemeni boy in the links and listed one of the Palestinians twice. I refuse to believe that you can't find some initiative run by women to support instead of funding men. I'm well aware of the "cultural issues" that mean women aren't supposed to be photographed or whatever, but god at least find something that isn't "scrote needs money allegedly for his giant family." I'm sure that there are plenty of fundraisers where this money goes directly to the military. Guess I'm off to see whether even one gfm fundraiser has gotten someone out of Gaza.

No. 2165110

Careful. If you question it the Palestinefags will call you ugly and racist and spam you with images of dead children.

No. 2165114

I guess she should have used telekinesis to get her phone back from her bag from a distance and then called the police! What an idiot, why didn't she think of this earlier! When I got my phone stolen it wasn't just my phone that was missing, I lost the latest pictures I took with it because I wanted to save them on my laptop as soon as I could go back home including the last pictures I took with my grandma before she died, I had to do crazy shit with my friends' phone to block my sim card so the thief would call foreign numbers and make me pay a shit ton of money for it with my data plan because they always do that shit, it was late so I couldn't take a uber back home myself and slept at a friend's place for like 3h that night even though I still needed to recover from surgery, I spent a lot of money on a new phone, etc. And it's still way less terrible than losing an entire bag. You can block your credit card with your bank app if your bank is closed for the night or weekend if you lose it or someone steals it, but that woman wouldn't have been able to do that since her phone was inside the bag. She would have been in some deep shit in the long run if she didn't kill the guy, and the guy deserved it, so I don't feel bad for him.

No. 2165124

It’s always the worst posters that use the ugliest thread pics.(infighting)

No. 2165199

This is always my issue with fundraisers, and especially in a place like Gaza where terrorists will use the population's resources, how am I supposed to believe this money goes to women and children directly? It doesn't help that a lot of them sound like scams.

No. 2165208

Exactly and then they try to hijack the whole thread to serve their own agenda. Newfags on a power trip.

No. 2165233

I'm very wary of some of the GFMs because there was one I saw reblogged frequently for a woman that appeared to be completed, but the person made another GFM asking for even more money than the first

No. 2165253

I’d say almost all of them are bollocks.

No. 2165361

File: 1726410584004.png (81.92 KB, 995x345, Screenshot 2024-09-15 162623.p…)

tbh I don't trust a damn fundraiser out of that area and I do care about children who are injured, orphaned, or needy. It's best to donate to charities that are thoroughly vetted, but even these are few and far between. If I give money, I don't want it funding weapons or propaganda.

I found one whose family raised 20k to leave Gaza for Egypt. The kid promptly started a new GFM to get to Canada. Okay then.
>Under a parallel, informal system, however, Palestinians can pay travel brokers in Egypt to get on a list of people approved for permits to leave. The fees for evacuation are often exorbitant sums ranging from $6,000 to $12,000 per person, and those looking to flee must also navigate scammers and misinformation with no guarantee of success

Yeah it's really unclear to me how they even get out, if they do. I guess it's not really like smuggling, just bribery. I wonder where all that money goes, that's a hell of a lot of money per person.

No. 2165374

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No. 2165421

Fucked up that child's guardians let the rapist anywhere near again. Why wasn't he excommunicated from family?

No. 2165427

Son worship is a global pandemic.

No. 2165731

File: 1726435026060.jpeg (261.49 KB, 1290x1643, GWu8G1ZX0AAwnnI.jpeg)

Moids are a fucking plague


>Samefag contributing nothing to thread but talking to herself as a wierd, pathetic cope.

Again, you dont have to be in this thread your absence will not be missed. If this thread bothers you take it to /meta/.

No. 2165754

File: 1726437045081.png (1.23 MB, 1202x2494, sick.png)

The amount of scrotes that were defending this waste of space after seeing what he did to Mercy is sickening. As a wise woman once said, men need to start in jail and earn their way out.

No. 2165806

if there's any justice in earth, someone will find them and beat them both to death.

No. 2165816

What is with anons these days and accusing everyone they disagree with of being the same person?

No. 2166013

I disagree with a lot of posts in this thread but it's easy to tell which are from the same person by the way they post. Nice try tho.

No. 2166022

KEK and she thinks she has the right to kick people out of the thread. Like she thinks she owns it because she made it with an ugly stock photo and then spammed it with stories about jeets that we all see on Twitter 1000x a day. Pathetic. Newfag on a major power trip or what?(infighting)

No. 2166041

File: 1726471246422.jpeg (1.21 MB, 1170x2225, IMG_9267.jpeg)

It’s still early days so we don’t know much about what happened yet but this 18 year old male killed his entire family. Mother and two siblings.

No. 2166113

A lot of families will look past that issue or think that it was just a "mistake". A friend's cousin was found with a massive stash of child porn, and before he was sent off to the secure prison away from the general population inmates where he currently resides, aka nobody will be able to hurt him, he was at my friend's massive extended family Christmas party. She said that all her uncles and aunts allowed him to be the designated babysitter for the big party, he was at the children's table looking after all the children while parents drank and shit. Horrifying. She said her whole fam just thought "oh it was all a mistake", that there was just no possible way he could ever do something like that and must have accidentally clicked on a bad link leading to downloading a shitload of child porn. I really fucking hope that the sick fuck did not do anything to those poor children at that party, I do not believe their parent's would believe them if anything happened.

No. 2166114

What is it with anons these days talking to themselves in this thread because they cannot control what other people post?

No. 2166129

What’s with anons these days who think other anons disagreeing with them is them attempting to control what other anons post?

No. 2166178

Of course the ugly man killed the handsome man.

No. 2166186

as usual he is either batshit crazy or pretending to be
>On June 30th my sister decided to make the incorrect choices on episode one of season one of the Walking Dead games, and for that her face will be mutilated further than necessary.
>I also recall a video by Living Echoes on YouTube, ‘Best of Lee and Clementine, definitive edition’, it was a compilation, and he decided to kill Larry in front of Clementine, and then I later learned he decided to kill the St. Johns in front of Clementine.
>I am the chosen one, chosen by Clementine. I am guided as Christians are guided by Jesus Christ, and there will be no more killings of Larrys in front of Clementine, no more killings of St. Johns in front of Clementine, and overall, Clementine’s content will be preserved, maximised.
>That’s the message I want to give out.

No. 2166926

Why does it not surprise me that this happened in India?

No. 2167939

Because Indian culture is about dominance/submission, not giving a shit about each other, and raping women

No. 2167963

Careful, you’ll catch a race ban for having the audacity to say anything bad about Indian men.

No. 2168102

On second thought, after the Indian ministry of tourism reached out to me, I’ve decided that all news stories about rape in India perpetuate racist stereotypes and therefore should be disregarded. Yes, these rapes happened, but do you want to be labeled a racist by admitting that? Please, come to India, which is very safe for women. (If you do get raped, remember that Indian culture is sexually repressive, so you should feel sorry for these rapists.)

No. 2168533

File: 1726607742941.jpeg (834.16 KB, 1170x1162, IMG_6039.jpeg)

Hang her. If this was my child, I would do it myself

No. 2168713

There's a lot of stories like this from India, its always been that way. They are getting more attention now after recent events going viral.

You have to be over 13 to post on this site.

No. 2169288

File: 1726644341380.jpeg (733.77 KB, 1170x1702, IMG_9358.jpeg)

Heartbreaking. Reminds me of the murder of Emily Jones. She was just scooting around having a blast like little kids should and got stabbed by a paranoid schizophrenic woman. Having kids must be terrifying. They’re so fragile, your whole world can just be ripped out from under you in an instant by one insane stranger.
I’m guessing this woman is also a schizo since she’s not standing trial.

No. 2169289

I want to believe it isn't innate but they just can't help themselves.(racebait)

No. 2169290

File: 1726644589535.png (100.81 KB, 912x830, guillotinenow.png)

Watching the video in the link and seeing the row of masked rapists makes me furious, they shouldn't be allowed to hide their faces. Let the public see them. France also needs to dust off the old guillotine.
Gisele, however, has my total admiration. Ovaries of steel.

No. 2169294

I deleted my post because it was bordering on racebait but it’s something I’ve been thinking for a while. Children who are subject to violent punishment are more likely to grow up and respond to situations with violence, they are more likely to have anger issues and aggression, something that is prevalent among SOME but not all black people and also white people of a lower class (who are more likely to be smacked by their parents, unlike middle class kids. It’s a cycle). Children who are smacked and hit every time they whine and act out grow up to be violent. I think it’s not inherent, it’s cultural. Black people who aren’t raised like that are different and white people who are raised like that are just as short tempered and violent.
It’s so normalised among black people. If there’s a video on the internet of a child acting out the comments are full of mostly black people just itching to smack and terrorise a tiny emotional child because they were all beat as kids themselves.
A lot of black people just hate white people too and this hatred extends to children.

Of course the opposite can be true. We have all seen what happens to children who face no punishment at all (usually little boys) they grow up to be entitled bullies and can also become violent, so it is still important to punish children and set rules and boundaries, just not violently. I don’t believe in smacking at all.
I was smacked as a kid myself so sometimes I get the same urges when I see children being really horrible but I try to challenge those thoughts.

No. 2169311

File: 1726648560892.jpeg (399.52 KB, 1170x1010, IMG_9359.jpeg)

He seems to have had a moment of clarity.

No. 2169312

scary as fuck that he managed to find 72 men willing of doing this disgusting shit

No. 2169331

He knows that he will be found guilty so he doesn't want the other moids to go free either. It's likely pettiness but a good thing in this case.

No. 2169334

Every man is a repressed rapist

No. 2169344

kek that is exactly right

No. 2169347

I know a guy who did this to his gf (both early 20s at the time). He was never charged and they're still together afaik.

No. 2169355

NTA. What do you think might explain primarily white people from upper or upper middle class homes who most likely weren't hit as kids, but are obsessed with torturing children and animals? I'm thinking of the boomers in the "baby monkey hate" community in particular. There are a fair share of lower class "white trash" types (those tend to be the younger people, especially moids), but it's honestly shocking the amount of ordinary-looking mothers and sweet-looking grandmas with their names and faces out talking about wanting to see baby animals get tortured, having YouTube playlists composed of human babies getting injured or crying, etc.
Also, the AYRT seems like the same racesperg who posts bad bait every now and again. They just want to shit up the thread and push a retarded ideology. They always conveniently pretend they don't see and drop the "Violence and cruelty are innate to race" cope when people start posting cases of fucked up white women abusing black/non-white (or even white) children and/or helping their moids do it, or when historical events come up. That's the only time they comprehend that individuals or even certain political parties can do deranged and evil things without that applying to every single person of the same race.

No. 2169403

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Some of the rapist's courtroom behavior :

>Physically threatening journalists when they're filmed one is heard saying "I'm going to break your camera"

>All of them are masked in a pathetic attempt to hide their identity

>A kinship has blossomed between them, they crack jokes, laugh, take cigarette breaks together, high five each others in the morning, etc

>They're regularly booed when they enter the courthouse one of thems jokingly answers "all that just for us, thanks, that's too nice !"

>A woman's right activist scream at them "shame on you" as they leave the courthouse one of them answers "keep going and I'll rape your mom" when she points out he just threatened to rape someone he answers "well yes, but you asked for it"

You can see on some videos, Gisèle walking into the courthouse right behind the nasty moids, she's unbelievably strong

No. 2169408

of course these faggots have become friends. rape is a bonding act for many moids.

No. 2169421

We should really legalize experimentation and torture on rapists as punishment. It's the only way they'll ever be somewhat useful.

No. 2169451

Some individuals really are just born evil. I don’t think any race is inherently evil or stupid, I think different cultural factors can affect their beliefs and behaviours. This is true among upper to middle class people as well. We all know about the specific brand of sociopathy prevalent among upper class frat bros and Eton college boys, they’re raised with a sense of entitlement and superiority which leads to a narcissistic outlook and a belief of others inferiority, meaning they don’t mind raping or abusing other people and animals because they see the world as their own personal playground and everything in it their playthings. Their bad behaviour in youth is dismissed because their parents’ own narcissist beliefs extend to them. They always have an excuse ready when they fuck up and they have the means to shield their little angels from consequence.

I don’t know what’s the deal with these baby monkey torture lovers, it just seems like pure sadism to me. The only way they ever justified it was to say the baby monkeys were ugly, selfish, stupid and annoying, therefore a worthless pest that should be gotten rid of. I guess all humans have violent and sadistic tendencies to different degrees, I have them, when I see some of the criminals in this thread i wish suffering on them because I have justified within myself that it’s necessary and morally correct, for example. I feel like I could stab them myself sometimes. Idk what im trying to get at, it’s just interesting to think what exactly drives people to cause harm to each other and to behave the way they do. I believe it’s a mix of nature and nurture.

No. 2169453

God they’re such stupid fucking mindless animals. This will for sure come back to haunt him.

No. 2169455

This why innocent until proven guilty is a thing. It’s only ever used to protect men. Doesn’t matter if they go full mask off even in the courtroom, it’s b-but muh due process! Muh words aren’t actions!

No. 2169462

These moids should be sold to moid prisons to be prison rapped and kept in pig stys. if you rape someone your human rights should be taken away let them experience the hell they put the woman through but I'm sure these soulless demon moid spawns would love to get raped by moids

No. 2169613

I wish people would gather to rip their masks off and film the scum.

No. 2169752

i really hope the woman is okay. this is really disturbing to read.

that's bleak

No. 2170307

Men will say "but wrongful convictions" and "that makes us as bad as them". I don't care.

No. 2171086

This is the most blackpilling case ever.
>married to a scrote for decades who appears to be good and loves you
>turns out was actually destroying your health by drugging you and inviting your friends and neighbors to rape you and give stds
>100 men in a village of 6000. Assuming there is like 3000 men, thats like 3.3% of all men. Who knows how many would do it if they all knew about this
>the men who bailed out never said anything
>not even one person felt bad enough to tell her.
>most of the men were married
>lots of them had CP
I am never talking to a scrote ever again. No friends, no boyfriends, nothing. I am never giving a homeless scrote any money. Infact, i may just spit on them. Scrotes are not human. We need a scrote killing bio weapon asap.

No. 2171088

To add the that, this isn't even some 3rd world shithole with a women hating culture. When the opportunity to get away with rape presents itself, all men do it.

No. 2171091

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Ex CIA sentenced to 30 years drugging multiple women and girls over the course of 14 years.
Not even having a good respectable job can save scrotes from being degenerate retards.

No. 2171104

I read that only 3 of them were from the same city, but the rest lived nearby anyway so it ins't any better.
But yeah it's truly blackpilling. It was due to news like this one that I decided to no longer help men or feel sympathy for them. If a see a moid struggling in public, I never help them. I only help women.

No. 2171113

her husband is also a bifag who fucked the men before they raped her. bifags hate women more than any other sexuality.

No. 2171235

Zionists ARE ugly though.

I really think its a bit of both. There are instincts that people are born with but its nuture which is why most crimes are committed by moids because they are allowed to get away with that shit. I think if both sexes were raised the same yeah men would still make the majority but overall violent crimes worldwide would decrease by 90%

No. 2171792

They never get punished for their evil deeds. Coddled through life as if they were worth anything.
>A Cambridge student who burned a £20 note in front of a homeless person will return to university this autumn after sending a letter of apology.

No. 2172033

men often don't even help each other. look at that college kid who died earlier this year after his shitty moid buddies left him alone super drunk and he ended up stumbling into a river. could have been completely avoided if they'd even halfway cared about his safety. women are far more likely to look out for other women because we know that as long as there are men around we are all in the same danger.

No. 2172038

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'He wanted to play doctor on us'
>In 2019, married couple Brittany and James Campbell, along with their two sons, moved to a quiet suburb in Hawaii.
>One day, Brittany found their unpacked boxes in the garage tipped over, spilling their contents across the floor.
>She called James, but they realized nothing was missing. After asking their children, who denied responsibility, they assumed one of their pets had caused the chaos.
>A few days later, while Brittany was home alone, she heard the front door slam shut after James and the kids had left. She called out but received no response and found no one in the house.
>One night, Brittany woke up to the sound of doors opening and closing downstairs.
>She grew paranoid and insisted to James that strange things were happening, but he dismissed her concerns, believing she was suffering from anxiety.
>More incidents of doors being opened and closed occurred, and items began to go missing. Brittany would wake up to find her webcam on, leading her to doubt her own sanity.
>James suggested a week-long vacation, thinking Brittany needed a break to adjust to their new home.
>Upon returning from vacation on September 20, 2019, they found James's bike outside, even though they hadn't left it there, and their garage had been vandalized.
>Brittany called 911, and when James entered the house, he discovered a stranger wearing his clothes.
>Police arrived and arrested 23-year-old Ezequiel Zayas.
>The house was in disarray, with pots and pans piled up, James's musical equipment scattered, and medical vials on the floor. In the bedroom, a towel lay on the bed with knives next to their laptop.
>It turned out that Ezequiel had sneaked into the Campbell home months earlier.He lived in the crawl space above the bathroom. And he came down from time to time to observe the Campbells.
>They found numerous notes and a manifesto titled “Omnivore Trials,” which described their family as "rat people". Zaya was stalking them obsessively and knew very personal details about them. He was planning to do several surgeries on the family like limp amputations and gender reassignment surgeries.. They also found a video the intruder had recorded on Brittany's computer, appearing to be naked, sitting in her office chair.
>After his arrest, Zayas was charged with burglary but was released shortly after. He was arrested again for allegedly vandalizing a Buddhist temple.
>In 2020, while in a correctional facility for that crime, Zayas allegedly killed fellow inmate 62-year-old Vance J. Grace.
>He was charged with first and second-degree murder in fall 2020 and pleaded not guilty. Currently, he has been deemed “unfit to proceed” and is at the Hawaii State Hospital, awaiting trial.

No. 2172053

I’m sure they are all super traumatized by this but it’s a really interesting story. The most fucked up part is that all he was charged with was vandalism. Wtf?

No. 2172067

It’s so horrible, I hope this man and everyone involved is punished and have their lives ruined. French moids are on a whole different level.

No. 2172080

> After his arrest, Zayas was charged with burglary but was released shortly after. He was arrested again for allegedly vandalizing a Buddhist temple.
>In 2020, while in a correctional facility for that crime, Zayas allegedly killed fellow inmate 62-year-old Vance J. Grace.
>He was charged with first and second-degree murder in fall 2020 and pleaded not guilty. Currently, he has been deemed “unfit to proceed” and is at the Hawaii State Hospital, awaiting trial.
What is it with the legal system and wringing their hands over obvious lunatics?

No. 2173108

>One night, Brittany woke up to the sound of doors opening and closing downstairs.
>She grew paranoid and insisted to James that strange things were happening, but he dismissed her concerns, believing she was suffering from anxiety.
This makes my blood boil, why can’t men ever take their gf/wives’ concerns seriously?

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