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No. 2149139

>no racebait
>no infighting
>don't reply to bait
>rest of /ot/ board rules apply
>farmhands are always watching

previous thread

No. 2149155


No. 2149159

So tired of the American Dad crap. I hate forced memes.

No. 2149163

I didn't know a tv show was now a forced meme. At least we aren't the people who think Jojo's Bizarre Adventure is funny

No. 2149164

> memes
do you know what a meme is? AD is just the thread motif.

No. 2149168

Threadpic complainers are only encouraging them, it's only ever worked against AI threadpics or the threadpics that break the theme of the thread

No. 2149172

File: 1724365373701.png (412.5 KB, 665x1201, 5C97C9E5-8012-4AC0-9CD7-0ACEE3…)

Based threadpic.

No. 2149175

Francine Smith is the best Seth McFarlane mother.

No. 2149183

File: 1724365847465.jpg (113.81 KB, 827x1251, lois_griffin____by_camuskillle…)

I prefeer lois shes funnier.

No. 2149188

Not to pull a "you're that kek bitch", but whichever bitch that just discovered the word motif and keeps using it needs to STOP. I swear I've seen it like a million times these past few weeks fuckkkkk.

No. 2149190

beautiful motif

No. 2149191

sorry Loiscels, her voice is annoying and she fell for the ugly (fat) man psyop. Francine is our bimbomaxxed slay queen

No. 2149193

i would watch the entirety of sailor moon if she was a character in it. move over sailor venus

No. 2149194

stan is just an ugly roidpig, hes def gay

No. 2149202

File: 1724366799539.png (997.82 KB, 827x1318, stan_smith_and_francine_smith_…)

>she fell for the ugly (fat) man psyop
Holy shit, you're right.
>Donna married a fat faggy loser
>Lois married a fat retarded loser
>Linda married a fat depressed loser
>Marge married a fat even more retarded loser
>Peggy married a skinnyfat autistic loser
>Janice married a fat ugly loser
>Nicole married a fat downsyndrome'd loser.
>Sue married a fat mental loser.
Francine's loser is at the very least somewhat fit and takes care of himself, he even cared so much about his body he gave himself anorexia and damned his soul to hell just to be with her. I believe the only person close who hasn't married a fatass is Bonnie, but Joe is a cripple.

No. 2149223

Anon has it ever occurred to you that anons will see a word be used and then adopt that word for themselves? I remember that happening with the word “egregious” keeekk

No. 2149225

File: 1724367578520.png (658.01 KB, 697x1130, mama.png)

I just relate more to Franny

No. 2149227

hank is great

No. 2149229

Me using the word bleak constantly, kek

No. 2149231

He has no ass. Men need to have some ass.

No. 2149244

File: 1724368290588.jpeg (146.61 KB, 640x640, IMG_0026.jpeg)

True, its way asker for men to build muscle, including glutes

No. 2149252

File: 1724368631749.jpg (73.3 KB, 480x640, baseball ass.jpg)

These guys are flat, if you want ass look to baseball

No. 2149260

File: 1724369042821.jpg (192.05 KB, 1920x1200, 1634047976088.jpg)

Puppies are cuter than babies. Babies are fucking ugly and fat

No. 2149266

Wrong. Snakes are cuter than your heckin pupperinos

No. 2149269

Dog people are so insufferable

No. 2149271

These guys are flat, if you want ass look at [attach pics of Olympic cyclists]

No. 2149274

Babies smell better than puppies though

No. 2149280

Relaaaaaaaaax, the babies being fat and ugly part was a joke. I just think puppies are way cuter.
Puppy breath is heavenly, I don't know what babies smell like though. And whining puppies are cuter than crying babies

No. 2149285

File: 1724369988711.png (1.59 MB, 2000x1125, 4986752547904.PNG)

Wrong. Both dogs and babies are ugly.

No. 2149288

Second ayrt I can understand why most people hate baby crying sounds because of the audial stimulation but it’s crucial for the development of their lungs and vocal chords nonny

No. 2149289

File: 1724370023599.png (212.88 KB, 626x417, girl-cringe-as-seeing-somethin…)

>Puppy breath is heavenly

No. 2149290

Samefag I forgot to add that babies smell so good because they smell like nothing, just clean baby. It’s hard to describe kek

No. 2149294

the only reason we find cats and puppies cute is because they remind us of human babies

No. 2149296

Why were you too lazy to share

No. 2149304


No. 2149306

yeah but human babies don't have soft fur and sweet little paws, I agree with the other anon

No. 2149307

I've never had a puppy shart on me.

No. 2149309

Babies don’t have cute pointy ears, wiggly tails, and soft fur. Checkmate.

No. 2149310

She's mateguarding.

No. 2149311

Baby animals in general are cuter than human babies. There are a lot of ugly human babies out there.

No. 2149315

No. 2149318

Kittens are sort of cute but puppies rule!
Yeah but then why don't I find human babies cute?
I'm not kidding. It's a real thing, look it up. Their breath is sweet because they only drink milk and eat no food.
I know, it's not like I wanna kill babies and make them suffer. I just don't find them cute and don't want any, damn. I just love the sweet sounds puppies make, their wagging tails when they're happy, their beautiful big expressive eyes, and their cute little 'smiles', cute tongues, the panting is adorable, they're so fluffy. Looking at puppies makes me tear up and looking at babies doesn't. I can't help it

No. 2149323

>their breath is sweet because they drink milk and eat no food
Are you confusing puppies for babies?

No. 2149326

Not liking kids or babies isnt a personality trait. You dog people are weird af.

No. 2149330

File: 1724371055287.png (2.29 MB, 961x1282, baebye.png)

Kittens, puppies, and babies can all exist in cuteness harmony ok!

No. 2149334

File: 1724371118454.png (29.22 KB, 1058x196, puppybreath.PNG)

When the fuck did I say it was a personality trait, you retarded faggot. Can't even say you like shit anymore without some low iq ape jumping down your throat. The weird one is you.

No. 2149335

Animals are gross. People who fond over them are equally so.

No. 2149337

Ohhh you’re talking about puppy puppies not just doggies across the board KEK

No. 2149338

File: 1724371247674.png (46.83 KB, 360x474, 1000006542.png)

Brb, gonna plot revenge for being left out of the cuteness equation

No. 2149340

Bitch you’re gross

No. 2149344

How could I forget???

No. 2149347

>human infant
All disgusting inbred mutants

No. 2149349

those aren’t pugs those are frenchies!!

No. 2149364

Nah, cause I don't like animals and artificially inflate them with humanity they don't have.

No. 2149366

>finds animals cuter than other humans
zoophile-chan betraying her own specimen for a bunch of mini shitbeasts

No. 2149369

>men need more ass
what is with women adopting homo-faggot preferences for men?

No. 2149373

File: 1724372048296.jpeg (145.18 KB, 1242x1675, IMG_4363.jpeg)

Ok now you had to go and make it weird, you gross bitch

No. 2149374

So like em with flat pancake asses?

No. 2149378

There's a cool thread on this board that you should check out
Retard moment

No. 2149391

I've always understood (KEY NOTE: DO NOT APPROVE OF THOUGH) why some parents become sexually interested in their kids when they get older, because they look like your spouse who you're already attracted to. Like it just kind of seems obvious why that would be a problem. I'm honestly surprised it isn't more common of an issue. But maybe I just don't get why it doesn't actually work like that because I don't have kids

No. 2149396

With the way anons talk about animals, it makes me surprised there aren't more female animal abusers

No. 2149398

File: 1724372885457.jpg (117.57 KB, 992x1024, 1000006934.jpg)

Anons will even infight and be neurotic about silly little animals now kek

No. 2149422

File: 1724373739970.jpg (85.77 KB, 500x800, 94a87a46831d690abc9642576a84b0…)

Snakes eat puppies,so no.

No. 2149444

>Look like cute when born.
>Look elegant and can be made into even more elegant looking goods
>Some breeds of female snakes kill their male mates for shits and giggles or to eat them
>Come from eggs
>Cool scales
>Look like wrinkly balls when born
>Smell bad
>Some breeds of females dogs are not biologically hardwired to kill their male counterparts.
>Cannot be made into goods
>Grow even fatter hairier and smellier

No. 2149511

I suspect that a lot of the anons in those threads are moids tbh.

No. 2149520

File: 1724378458241.jpg (30.55 KB, 500x392, main-qimg-73c3f8c14650ec6c0125…)

>Sweet eyes
>Little '3'-shaped mouth
>Boopity snoot

>Sweet eyes
>Little '3'-shaped mouth
>Boopity snoot

I love them both

No. 2149524

Dogs also eat snakes sometimes (though it depends on the breed). When I was small, my mom's dogs would team up to catch bullsnakes: one would scare it out of hiding, and the other would catch it. I'm surprised they never got bit tbh. Some dogs are also really good at catching mice.

No. 2149525

i love lolcow

No. 2149547

Controversial yet brave

No. 2149566

File: 1724381088784.jpg (20.6 KB, 519x492, FsVK8e2XsAAQ8c6.jpg)

>I'm honestly surprised it's not more common.
Is this bait?
Because even if babies look like their parents they aren't clones of those people. Like they're are so many reasons this isn't common?

No. 2149575

No. 2149597

>I've always understood (KEY NOTE: DO NOT APPROVE OF THOUGH) why some parents become sexually interested in their kids when they get older
What kind of life do you lead where this has been a topic you've had to think and form an official opinion about? Like is this a recurring breaking news tabloid in your area or something?

No. 2149614

File: 1724384046803.jpeg (66.94 KB, 640x480, images - 2024-08-23T133229.656…)

You're all wrong, chicks and chickens, and ducks and ducklings are far superior to any mammalian baby.

No. 2149624


No. 2149673

This is 100% true, moids playing video games is peak unattractive, beyond red flag, like dealbreaker zone, It's weird that so many scrotes don't get this.
And I'll tell you this, if you know any girl who's into videogames, beware, the chance of her trooning out gets higher everyday.

No. 2149675

Your kid probably looks like your mom or dad too so that would be very off putting

No. 2149676

I despise troons and have played video games before I learned how to read. What do I do nona I'm incredibly at risk??

No. 2149680

You had me until the second part

No. 2149686

yumes are mentally ill

No. 2149688

yes and

No. 2149689

Don't mind that anon, anona, it's just bait.

No. 2149692

the real mental illness is dating 3d men

No. 2149718

If she plays Sims she’s definitely going to troon out, gotcha. I feel you though on the last part, women who play those weird scrote game where it’s always alcohol, beers, sex, tits, guns or some contrived mythical lord of the rings rip off with some action make me side eye them a bit. There’s almost no appeal to those games, don’t even get me started on the moids who love to play those country/military simulator games it makes me want to bash them in the back of their heads, makes my pussy evaporate faster than a drip of water in the Mojave desert

No. 2149729

Sims is like the most normie womens game in the world, I'd like to smoke whatever you're having.
Sure it's full of troons playing it but that's just because it's popular among tumblr millenials as well because maxis always appealed to the kweers.

Can't believe you're actually going with the "cars and blue are for boys and dolls and pink are for girls" rhetoric too, what has happened to lolcow?

No. 2149730

Nta but maybe I can see her point with sims 4 specifically. That game is just a pandering mess at this point. Deleting boyfriend/girlfriend and turning everyone into partners, the whole stupid shit of "this sim can get another sim pregnant, this sim can only use toilet sitting" and now the dumb polyamory shit is so retarded. The other sims are all fine though

No. 2149732

>If she plays Sims she’s definitely going to troon out, gotcha.
Pretty sure this is a joke meant to be questioning the post it's a reply to, other anons.
Though there's a lot of handmaidens who play it, and they all end up half-trooning out by changing their pronouns to she/they.

No. 2149735

Girl-coded media is cute, wholesome, even the violent female media is still cute and wholesome and very soulful, shounen a male-coded genre tries desperately to encapsulate the same soul and feminine joy through it’s meat headed, low quality storytelling and art just like those sex, guns and ogres video games. Barbie horse games and Bratz games etc. is more historically important and relevant than those shit games will ever be, so yes, I made that point, so what? These genres are an extension of what’s already there, it’s not society creating them it’s society finding names for these natural things that exist.
Sims is based, who cares if a couple handmaidens play it, it’s a classic.

No. 2149742

File: 1724395046153.jpeg (19.93 KB, 995x308, images - 2024-08-23T162833.186…)

So true anon! When I play RPG Maker games and (normal) visual novels it awakes a urge in me to become a true man called Victor Von Worm and I desire to be rid of these chest tumours and carve a masculine organ from my very own arm. Yes, thank you anon for realising my true purpose in life. Toodles ladies, for I am not longer welcome here for am I man you hear, a man! Thank you RPG Maker Horror games where 60% of the time you're playing a woman or girl…
Okay but for real this is so stupid, I play FPS games and Isaac as well and I've literally never wanted to troon out kek. In fact most the TIFs I know don't play any video games, and if they do it's like creative mode in Minecraft.

No. 2149748

Samefag, I do sort of understand the point though, most people who play games for very long periods of time are usually terminally online and/or desperate for escapism and troonism and spicy straightism is just another form of escapism where you can still play pretend but it's in real life instead (or you pretend it's real life)

No. 2149768

>women who play those weird scrote game where it’s always alcohol, beers, sex, tits, guns or some contrived mythical lord of the rings rip off with some action make me side eye them a bit.
Kek, any examples of these games? I can think of stuff like GTA or something. Those games are really shitty and I don't get why anyone would play them. Moids have the worst taste in games. The tifs I know have no taste in good videogames. They just play shitty kiddie Nintendo games like Animal Crossing etc, and Stardew Valley. And like everyone else said, Sims. People who like Sims are gendies most of the time. Good games are stuff like Bloodborne, Final Fantasy, Silent Hill, etc.

No. 2149775

Why is it that dog haters are always unironic projecting zoophiles? I feel like roughly half of them are porn addicts whose brains got broken from watching bestiality porn and deciding "Women would rather sleep with dogs than me"/"dogpill". Cat haters also tend to feel "cucked" by cats and complain about women's attention going to them, claim that random cats are trying to "colonize their territory" by like, walking on a sidewalk, etc. I've found that animal haters in general tend to be creeps with poor impulse control, violent fantasies, obsessions with shit and the anus in general, abandonment complexes, etc.

No. 2149784

idk nona, I just enjoy the gameplay of some scrote games. There are genres that almost exclusively exist in the context of male demographics. Not too many FPSs aimed at women.

Sims is a normie game but now has a well deserved reputation for appealing to genderqueer people. I guess the game has a special escapist element for people like that.

No. 2149785

Honestly this seems like the most plausible explanation, moids being moids i.e. having their brain controlled by sex. Girl likes dog more than him, he must be being cucked by the dog taking a potential mate away from him. Thus, moid hates dog.

>I've found that animal haters in general tend to be creeps with poor impulse control, violent fantasies, obsessions with shit and the anus in general, abandonment complexes, etc.

The more I think about it the more obvious it becomes. Actual jealousy of animals receiving more gentle attention than them while they got their asses beat by mommy as a kid.

No. 2149788

PT makes good art

No. 2149790

Nintendie kiddie games/Stardew/Sims: FTM
Bloodborne/FF/SH etc: MTF

From my own personal observations in the scenes kekw

No. 2149807

Uh oh you two are sounding kind of masculine, you need to play some Bratz games before you troon out…

No. 2149866

As if I'd ever wanna be the inferior sex kek
The mtfs I know aren't into FF or SH, thank god. But yeah, some of them do like Bloodborne sadly. The troons I know like those violent visual novels like Saya no Uta, Maggot Baits etc. They also love fnaf, undertale and that incest game called Andy and LeyLey or whatever.

No. 2149887

File: 1724407779880.jpeg (Spoiler Image,389.45 KB, 2048x1133, 1724270282175.jpeg)

… I think she looks better than she did before.

No. 2149902

The mouth area looks a lot better but seeing those pics of her from the side… oof. She pretty much deleted the bridge of her noise, reminds me of like a pug

No. 2149905

Who the hell is this

No. 2149908

How did she fix her lips?

No. 2150104

No. 2150108

File: 1724423374737.jpeg (1.01 MB, 2666x4000, xz2w4ro.jpeg)

gay men being more attractive then straight men and having better fashion sense then straight women is a lie, hell I think it's propaganda gay moids use to feel better about themselves, the vast majority of gay men are rather ugly, they have better grooming standards but that's about it, fags are also overwhelmingly tacky

No. 2150114

File: 1724423521205.jpg (63.61 KB, 560x793, 1701113279335.jpg)

when women talk about gay men looking better they meant gay sexy models like pic rel, not the ugly, fat rocky horror show drag queens

No. 2150118

marcus schenkenberg is not gay though, gay men run fashion but most of them don't ever "participate", coco channel talked about this in her autobiography

No. 2150122

>only married pamela anderson for a year
kek yes sure he isnt gay at all nonny, totally straight

No. 2150127

oh yeah, he pretended to be straight his whole life in the gay run industry…..
either the way the point still sands, gay men are ugly asf on average and don't have good taste in fashion or design

No. 2150131

Women who undergo wax are braindead pickeme whores with no self esteem and deserve all the pain in the world.(bp sperging outside of containment)

No. 2150132

kekk sensitive ass bitch you got burned didnt you kekkkk

No. 2150146

I dont resort to self harm for moids' approval. You need to be low IQ for this. I hate the bitches who do it because now everyone expects women to self harm for moids' pleasure, while I, superior Stacy, look at them with disgust. You want to be doormats, fine, but i am too good for that.

No. 2150150

I just think that straight women are braindead, that it. Its like its their life purpose to kiss moid's gross feet. Yall kill and torture yourself for the attention of bare minimum balding scrote. Yall deserve no respect.(bp sperging outside of containment)

No. 2150152

armpit hair is unhygienic

No. 2150174

are you sexually attracted to your son or something nonna?

No. 2150175

do you think head hair is unhygienic too nonnie?

No. 2150183

its annoying how the americans keep using fran from american dad as the thread pics

No. 2150187

Super unpopular opinion but I think everyone should be like a shaved potato, no hair, no eyes, no skin. Fuck all that shit, just straight into the dumpster! It’s all unhygienic, we should be shrink wrapping ourselves in plastic at this point. We’re already part way there with the microplastics, let’s get maximum sterile.
What other insights do you have for further sterilemaxxing?

No. 2150192

File: 1724426911177.jpeg (109.58 KB, 371x514, IMG_2294.jpeg)

tranny jannies banning manhate, typical

No. 2150193

Keep hating nonny! We have no choice but to love our first lady

No. 2150194

NTAYRT but black pill posts are supposed to be in the corresponding /2X/ thread that’s probably why she got redtexted

No. 2150204

what’s blackpillimg about man hate though. i wish they weren’t such a newfaggot using the “y’all” slang though, please just already integrate y’all-chan we don’t use that language here

No. 2150212

Y’all wrong about that!

No. 2150246

Bp posters often derail conversations and attack other posters who they deem aren’t “pure” (moid-free) enough. They’re unpleasant, toxic spergs

No. 2150274

what is first lady about fran? she guzzles the most american of american man dick and is a housewife, literally just the stereotypical thing that "blackpilled" women here hate.

No. 2150278

Bp’ers are toxic and unpleasant but not your ugly ass moid and his sperm le kek

No. 2150281

Lick mine for me so it's clean?

No. 2150282

>anyone who doesn't like Nigel is a bee pee dee THOT trying to steal me man! (infighting)

No. 2150284

She’s not real and is fictional while irl women believe and commit to something that is purely comical when translated in fiction in their real lives. I’m pretty sure it’s a satire on the burgerfat nuclear family, Stan works for the government and is a glowie

No. 2150286

Bp stands for blackpill not BPD you stupid bitch(infighting)

No. 2150290

What an emotional explosion. Are you sure you don't have a cluster B personality disorder? Would cleaning Nigel's crusty smegma with your teeth help you calm down?(infighting)

No. 2150292

these nigelfags went on crystal.cafe and a few of them said man-hating anons are jealous of their ugly pet males kek, too rich

No. 2150293

No. 2150306

insert anon’s nigel pic with the construction helmet and clutching his chest here

No. 2150307

because she’s sexy. primo Americana

No. 2150309

KEK nonna you gotta lurk a little more

No. 2150311

File: 1724431843202.gif (319.28 KB, 500x500, Amerifags.GIF)

Nobody can dethrone my queen

No. 2150371

Eh. I wax my face because otherwise everyone at work will think I’m subhuman I have PCOS. Women are so fucked.

No. 2150397

YAAYYYY MORE FRANNY <3(no emoticons)

No. 2150423

Those are the silliest looking badonkadonks

No. 2150431

Husbandofags should be possessive over their men. If you willingly share your husbando you're a cuck

No. 2150433

This better be the next thread pic for this thread or the US thread

No. 2150438

File: 1724436346758.jpeg (318.41 KB, 1587x2048, IMG_5375.jpeg)

only correct opinion on this imageboard

No. 2150443

Not if we gangbang him together.

No. 2150449

>Willingly being a sisterwife

No. 2150451

what about yumes who send me requests to draw their husbandos? isnt that pseudo prostitution?

No. 2150462

He is a brotherhusbando anyway, all the cool yumes have a harem.
That's a kinda hot idea.

No. 2150468

Ngl I can't work up the energy to be possessive of my husbando because I just imagine some kind of multiverse thing going on and no sister yumes = dry well of art and fanfics (I know I can make my own but it's nice to go out to eat sometimes you know?)

No. 2150524

I agree kek I don't even get upset when I see other yumes of my husbando because they always have 100 more on the side and they claim to love him… you don't in the way I do. I've only seen 1 other person yume him and him only

No. 2150531

I agree. Plus it's rare to openly see other yumes in the wild for him in the first place so I can't help but be happy about it, especially if they make content.

No. 2150537

Will you draw mine?

No. 2150539

File: 1724440747049.webp (35.54 KB, 800x800, Small-Pet-Dining-Chair-Natural…)

Bunnies beat out basically everything on the cuteness scale, except for maybe Chinchillas.

No. 2150540

Ew, a rat!

No. 2150544

pay me or put in a request in the art request thread ♥

No. 2150548

I think people who make these claims about gay men are just using selection bias tbh. Of course the gay guys they see on reality TV are going to be attractive, but the average gay guy is the same as the average straight guy but with his shirt less buttoned kek.

No. 2150549

File: 1724440934133.jpg (35.7 KB, 500x376, 1000006948.jpg)

I'm glad there are other snake appreciators on lolcow, I love them so much. Picrel is an albino Dominican red mountain boa, just LOOK at this little cutie.

No. 2150550

File: 1724440966799.jpg (89.03 KB, 735x775, 1000006949.jpg)

Samefag, this is another example of the species.

No. 2150551

How dare you? Have you ever even petted a chinchilla?

No. 2150554

File: 1724441082296.jpg (23.69 KB, 552x487, 1000006950.jpg)

Aha, but rats are ALSO part of the kingdom of cuteness! They will literally get depressed if they don't have any friends, how can you not be at least slightly moved by that.

No. 2150556

File: 1724441215335.jpg (68.01 KB, 924x924, ug_baby_west_african_egg_eatin…)

African egg eating snakes are my favorite, but it's really hard to find one that you can be 100% wasn't wild caught because the babies are tricky to raise in captivity. I think it's hilarious that they have such tiny heads, but they can stretch their months SO BIG to eat eggs.

No. 2150561

File: 1724441441407.jpg (91.96 KB, 900x600, 1000006951.jpg)

I love their big eyes! I know what you mean about their mouths kek, I know the black mamba is one of the most dangerous snakes ever and all that but I can't take these "menacing" pictures seriously at all, it looks like it's laughing at a bad joke.

No. 2150570

File: 1724441644291.jpeg (147.39 KB, 1200x972, IMG_2142.jpeg)


No. 2150579

File: 1724441830825.jpg (584.34 KB, 3024x4032, 01ld6bsxblq01.jpg)

i like hognoses

No. 2150591

every time my septum shifts and it makes that weird gross smell i can't help but find myself enjoying it. sorry.

No. 2150592

Clean it and get better jewelry

No. 2150599

If I didn’t have a cat I’d have a rat, they’re so freaking cute and I bet I could train it to come to its name. I’d carry it and a little litter box everywhere kek. I think most people have issues with things like rodents, snakes and insects because they had no exposure as a kid. I grew up raising mice and my friend had snakes, so I figure most of my visceral reaction has worn away with exposure.

No. 2150620

>See other yume (fake fan)
>Browse her gallery
>Save pieces I like
>Block her
>Object permanence. She doesn’t exist anymore.
>Delude myself into thinking I drew that art

No. 2150629

File: 1724443970762.jpeg (85.96 KB, 735x592, IMG_2301.jpeg)

Jodi Arias, Aileen Wuornos, Valerie Solanas, etc. I don’t care what crimes they’ve done, the motivations behind them and how petty and trivial to serious they all are all I know is that I know exactly how they feel and they refused to become a victim. I understand that doing the extreme is the only option to relieve yourself of those unwelcome feelings that women feel guilty for having, honestly it would benefit so many women if they had angry, aggressive thoughts. Like suicide, it’s a refusal to be a victim to your shit circumstance in life and they chose the path to being a “criminal”. I know Jodi Arias is a female “sociopath” but these very traits are always continuously punished in women while you see it thrive and grown in the male part of the species, more women would benefit from being selfish, sociopathic and evil. Sometimes the only option is the extreme and socially detrimental and destructive.

No. 2150639

I love Jodi. I think I have whatever she has wrong with her because I genuinely don't see how what she did was so bad kek. Sometimes I fantasize about getting sent to the prison she's at and become close friends. I feel like we'd be two peas in a pod.

No. 2150640

KEK I'd do the exact same thing, but thankfully I haven't seen any other yumes of him. I've seen people on tumblr draw him but even that makes me mad if they make him too ooc. I've also seen people make 'boyfriend imagines' or shit like that but they do it for every other character from his show, so whatever. I'm the only one who REALLY loves him. He's my one and only

No. 2150641

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Samefag Jodi is completely different in this circumstance I’m talking about but honestly besides her weird obsession with her ex-nigel and “victim I cannot hate her, she’s interesting and idgaf about moralfagging

No. 2150642

Stop wearing septum piercings, this isn't Tumblr in 2014 and you look like a retard.

No. 2150644

It’s what cheating moids deserve.

No. 2150645

I want someone to invent a rat that lives as long as a dog. The only downside of rats is that their lives are so short.

No. 2150646

I know some people who used to write and videocall her. They all said she was really friendly and positive.

No. 2150647

I remember watching this interview of one of her ex-prison mates just plain snitching on her to the annoying scrote interviewer. Muh “she doesn’t care about anyone but herself!” you’re in fucking prison dumbass, why wouldn’t you be interested in your own self-preservation? Kek some of the commenters under the video are saying she might have had a crush on her and she’s just bitter

No. 2150649

Damn, I wish I got to do that.

No. 2150653

Why do these reports make such a big deal about her and what she did?
>whether she should be sentenced to death
All she did was kill one guy. Big fucking deal. How come school shooters, or guys who rape and dismember girls/kids/animals don't get death sentences?
>one of the most ruthless killers of our time
Puh-lease. They're trying to make her look as bad as moid criminals. She's not as evil as the 'least evil' moid out there.

No. 2150659

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Good taste. They're one of the "classic" pet snakes for a reason, even if they're not quite as placid as ball pythons. Anyway my animal related unpopular opinion is that the "scary" sea creatures are fucking awesome and I would love to see them in their natural habitats. Picrel is a chimera shark.

No. 2150664

Kek if she wasn't a physical threat to other inmates then all other complaints are totally void. She apparently draws/paints pictures for some of her fellow inmates too. I just find her really sweet and I feel like her type of crazy is my type of crazy with like 0.5 less impulse control. I feel like I'd really understand her feelings and motivation towards things.
>got multiple tattoos from Jodi
>allowed Jodi to tattoo her name onto her ankle
>she'd flip her hair and FLIRT with correctional officers for tattoo equipment!!!
>she turned away her parent's visit to visit with MEN!!! THAT SHE WAS MANIPULATING!!!!
>reads letter from Jodi, including how Jodi loved her
This woman 100% was in love with her and didn't handle rejection well. Jodi was probably manipulating this woman as well for something, but it's fucking prison KEK. Like of course, and she killed her boyfriend. Was this woman expecting someone with a normal sense of empathy? She got close to a sociopath and now she's shit talking her because Jodi wasn't into her.

No. 2150675

>why don’t these XY reprobates get the death penalty
you know why, men are easier cheap labor and it’s to set an example for women if they’re every thinking about doing an uno reversal on the male violence. imagine if women just woke up one day and for some unexplained reason they just started toetagging and shooting a bunch of men at random, their empires would built on male scrub labor will crumble. i hate men so she did nothing wrong, compared to men who were laughing and sharing around that aussie mass shooter who live-streamed himself killing a bunch of random muslims in a mosque, a holy place
Real, she could never be a lame BPDfag she probably has rage issues which can lead to impulsive violent situations if unchecked. I feel like Jodi would definitely be a farmer but I feel like she would be a personalityfag that anons would surprisingly love and praise compared to the ones we have kek (except for boyegachan and carreychan we love you)

No. 2150750

could anyone give me a qrd on this woman? i’m too lazy to google things for myself

No. 2150764

slightly ot but this woman passed away a few years ago from suicide

No. 2150800

Slightly ot but that was a New Zealander, not an Australian. Australia was the Port Arthur massacre. Speaking of which they should have brought back the death sentence for the guy who did it.

No. 2150906

I hate that these days there are no popular female singers who aren’t sluts

No. 2150909


No. 2150929

Wah wah wah

No. 2150938

I hate that these days there are no popular female singers who aren’t sluts

No. 2150941

File: 1724452859245.webp (32.92 KB, 610x458, IMG_2309.webp)

this would be based if you weren’t a scrote(scrotefoiling)

No. 2150943


No. 2150944

This but with men

No. 2150948

Is this a Melanie Martinez album leak?

No. 2150958

I hate that these days there aren't any good male musicians who don't groom children

No. 2150962

Sexxy Red's lipgloss line or something like that

No. 2151059

I really want to

No. 2151074

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Even though I'm not a fan of fags IRL, Yaoi is better than Yuri because male-on-male sex and relationships just feel more real than the other way around, and I say that as a woman. I wouldn't even say I like yaoi more than yuri because of writing or the fanart. If I had to pick between bad yaoi and bad yuri, I would still pick bad yaoi because again, yaoi just feels more simple and yet more "heavy". Is that an unpopular opinion? I just know it's gonna piss some of you off, so here it is.

No. 2151078

You sound straight. That's not unpopular.

No. 2151091

Wrong thread

No. 2151092

>males have more emotions than women
this is seriously how they cuck women, into believing that men have what we have: soul. they don’t, drop that yaoi shit and read better stuff

No. 2151112

I don't think the issue is as silly and dumb as yaoi /fujobait is "deeper" I think a lot of yuri manga have a problem of being too… yuri, if that makes sense. Yaoi and even most het have slow burn stages of going from "not gay/not into them" to "Okay fine I guess I do roll that way".
A lot of yuri (that I've read) tends to throw itself too fast into already established happy lesbian attraction.
There's a reason why romcom slop ends when they get into a relationship.

No. 2151130

i know mitski sucks mad

No. 2151145

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No. 2151163

I don’t listen to male singers. Is it so bad I wanna go back to the time I could watch a popular music video or live performances that aren’t soft core porn?

No. 2151166

Samefag also a woman like Macy gray would never have mainstream success in 2024. Even the ones who are supposed to be unique like Chappell roan and Olivia Rodrigues humo the stage in front of their preteen audience and always have their ass out.

No. 2151168

Straight ships are the only ones that feel realistically loving to me. I agree that yaoi > yuri though, for the simple reason that lesbians creep me out, much like ugly men do.

No. 2151175

This is hilarious to me

No. 2151177

GNCfags and autistic women think they have it bad, try being a woman who does not care about their friend’s boyfriend or husband and doesn’t care about men at all and isn’t a lesbian

No. 2151184

>that lesbians creep me out, much like ugly men do

No. 2151189

I felt this way ever since my schooldays and I had a friend confess she liked women to me. The way she talked about women felt so gross to me. I guess I feel a sense of kinship with other women, and a feeling of safeness around them, but women who sexually desire other women don't have that safe feeling about them.

No. 2151195

Well that's incredibly sad.

No. 2151239

There are you just have to look further than the pop stars that get shilled

No. 2151433

File: 1724475422104.webp (10.44 KB, 600x600, depositphotos_56794325-stock-i…)

ooh picrel makes me want to troon out so bad
you're just straight

No. 2151444

stop memeing yourself into thinking men are "deeper" than women, this is misogynistic logic and it's not cute when women buy into it and project that onto their fujoshit either

No. 2151577

File: 1724482624473.jpg (270.05 KB, 1528x2048, GE_2C6zbgAAIqTG.jpg)

you know that one poster who said the ugly psyop thread was psyoping anons into having pedophilic preferences? well she might've been right considering the state of that thread

No. 2151579

Pfft so? Men have been raping child brides since the time of that pedo prophet. So what if some women like twinks?

No. 2151581

so you stoop to the standards of pedo moids, what makes you any different than them then?

No. 2151582

Twink =/= child. Stop being a retard!

No. 2151587

File: 1724483554506.jpeg (17.37 KB, 250x395, 1722378918355.jpeg)

>say they have pedophilic preferences
>"Pfft so?"
>"Men have been raping child brides since the time of that pedo prophet. So what if some women like twinks"
sure….like you didnt allude to it…

No. 2151620

Unless you're blind, no one in that thread has ever mentioned wanting to fuck little boys. You're throwing the word "pedophilic" around hoping it means something.

No. 2151792


Most women think dating people like 2 years younger is pedophilia. I’ve seen women saying they can’t date men even a few years younger because “they’re just babies”. But some how the men they date being a few years older are never pedos, they’re truly slow individuals.

No. 2151801

“Most women” do not think that, anon.

No. 2151804

File: 1724493031748.jpg (48.62 KB, 412x442, 1000017734.jpg)

Oh, look at that. Normie women are so mindfucked by everyone telling them to be all motherly and empathetic, that they run into the problem of infantilizing the men of what's basically their own age group. Women feel like they can't even date other young people because they're that whipped into babying as many people as possible. Meanwhile moids will date barely legal women that are young enough to be their grandchildren, and normie women will think that's more okay. I fucking hate normies and for the sake of saying it, I think twittertards or immigrants from that app should be shot on site.(alogging)

No. 2151820

I dont feel safe around you nagging bitches. Moids do the vilest shit to you and yall will love them to death. Plus, the classic "evil lesbians want to fuck me REEEE" from narcissistic straight women. Calm down, you arent that attractive.

No. 2151839

as a woman who has read and liked Yaoi on and off since i was 14 (im 30) this is such a stupid take. For starters most BL is written by women for women so that's why it feels "deeper" to you. It's women writing these stories most of the time. If gay men wrote BL i doubt you'd end up relating to it nor would it be as popular among women as it is today.

Yuri personally turned me off when i was younger too but it was because a LOT of the Yuri back then was written by men for men. Real Yuri is just as deep as BL if not more because they dont have to rely on rape scenes to make you feel sympathy for a character's situation. Nor do they make CSA the main explanation for why someone is gay. But to say Yuri isn't as deep as Yaoi just shows you never actually tried to read Yuri because you never cared to get to know a woman's story that isn't centered around needing to be with a man. Please stop making us BL readers look bad lol.

No. 2151846

ALso OP >>2151074 you are a self admitted homophobe of coure you will like to see gay guys fucking over 2 girls fucking because you don't like women more than you hate gay people. At least with Yaoi there is a man you can project on to. With Yuri you are just faced to face with your internalized misogyny and your blatant homophobia. So of course you will choose Yaoi over Yuri you lack the courage to face the reality that you are a terrible human being because only a terrible human being would ever think a relationship between 2 men could be "deeper" than a relationship between 2 women. Cartoon or not.

No. 2151852

Opinion discarded

No. 2151855

oh no southerners cant exist on this site. Bring in the dancing lobsters!

No. 2151863

>I'm not a transbian
>I would prefer to fuck an AGP

No. 2151865

I've never had a pasta salad that tastes good. It's a cold dish of sadness and I'm so tired of my friends offering to make or bring one to our gatherings when it always ends up just sitting there barely eaten among the other snacks.

No. 2151868

File: 1724497593694.png (73.49 KB, 512x512, proxy-image.png)

you'd prefer what?

No. 2151869

If you like dick you aren't lesbian

No. 2151870

I gazed into my scrying orb and can confirm that the malding anon calling women bitches, ugly and saying how she “doesn’t feel safe around us” because we
>think lesbians=rapey transbians
Is not a southerner.

No. 2151874

I make really good pasta salads. they’re different each time, but I can share some with you next time I make some. Then you will know good pasta salad.

No. 2151876

But its true. Yall treat us the same way. Straight women loooove to pretend that lesbians are just as dangerous as men.

No. 2151878

Yeah the ones with dicks who larp as lesbians are.

No. 2151880

But what if its attached to a greasy transbian? What about that huh?

No. 2151881

I am cis

No. 2151882


No. 2151883

I’m a lesbian and I’ve genuinely never seen this in my life.

No. 2151886

how about this one bitch here

No. 2151887

Nta but what’s your point, if she’s not a southerner?
Honestly the straight women on this site are reminding me of why I keep to my fellow gay women, no way I’d fuck an AGP but honestly think I’d sooner hang around trannies than straight women now, jesus christ. Your true colours really show. And lmao @ the retards saying they feel unsafe around lesbians? Unsafe? Unsafe for what? Like actually. Do you think they’re gonna rape you or…? Because straight women seem to forget they’re literally attracted to dangerous rape apes. Fuck off with that. They also think they’re more desirable than they are because they think since men show interest in every woman lesbians will too, no, we’re just as picky as you are.

No. 2151889

Post hand

No. 2151892

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No. 2151893

Why are you retards replying to the most obvious bait, like, ever. Stop that

No. 2151896

Women cant have unpopular opinions in the unpopular opinion thread now?

No. 2151900

You're too sweet, perhaps my pasta salad hatred can be cured one day after all

No. 2151918

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You sound hurt that yaoi just feels less complicated and yet more likable without any of the vanilla flavor and sense of pretentiousness that always comes with yuri. Like I said, I would take bad yaoi over bad yuri because yaoi always feels more believable for the characters, and that makes it more interesting. When two female characters are shipped, it always feels forced and try-hard to me.

No. 2151933

Its because 99% of female-made yuri is made by spicy straight women who pretend to like it for various reasons. When yuri is made by actual SSA women everyone is screeching about how problematic the characters are and cancel everything. Only male characters are allowed to be flawed and interesting, because straight women wont ever allow female characters to be nuanced. I dont why. But thy tho?? If you dont like it just dont watch, why all the fuss and whining…

No. 2151951

We should stop saying the word trans/tranny altogether. It implies a distinction between men who like wigs and those who don't. We should simply refer to them as men and not even mention their kink. The guy walking outside in high heels shouldn't even be seen as a tranny, they don't deserve to have a unique category.

No. 2151953

Yuri made for female audience is such a tragic topic because only lesbians can handle complicated female characters, but lesbians are 0.01% of fandom. So most non-porn yuri is made for straight women, and for them female homosexuality is merely a "saphic" aesthetic. They will be disgusted if a same sex attracted woman will show sexual attraction to another woman. So all we get is fakey and boring stories about uwu perfect girls holding hands.

No. 2151954

What about passing HSTSs?

No. 2151975

Are you implying gay men are less of a man than straight men? Homophobia moment. There's zero social, hormonal or sexual difference between Joe Rogan and say, Blaine White. Both are dudes who like prostate play. Manly men with balls and such

No. 2151990


No. 2151993

Nona, do you have any recommendations for good yuri? I'm sick of the trash out there and I don't care about yaoi anymore except for one ship kek

No. 2151997

This gif mesmerizes me

No. 2152022

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TS4 is the ugliest game of the entire franchise. I remember when the CAS just came out, a friend sent me a screeshot and I was so shocked, saying those are "surely just placeholder character models and will be replaced by release, right???" because I couldn't believe they'd downgrade this bad afer that much of a hype.

No. 2152025

I think 3 is the ugliest, which is a shame because 3 is also my favorite gameplay wise. TS4 isn't that bad if you use mods. The customization you can do with mods is way better with CAS that previous games. You can really make it look like a different game if you hate the art style.

No. 2152029

sims 2 is gorgeous

No. 2152031

sim3 looks like a humanoid cat

No. 2152034

Sims 3 had the best gameplay, but sims 2’s character looked much better

No. 2152037

I use to think the sims 3 sims were ugly as fuck but after playing the sims 4 again for a bit I couldn’t bring myself to zoom into what they were doing because they are visually unappealing without cc. The clay hair with textured clothes makes no sense, especially now that there are so many packs out with new items. Sims 2 hair was bouncy and moved while sims walked, how do we downgrade 20 years later. There’s something about the phone game vibe they had leftover from project Olympus that doesn’t pull me in like the previous games visually. I can’t get attached to my sims and it makes it kinda boring to play despite the “diversity” your sims can have now. I will also forever have beef with them adding tranny sims, I always turn Morgan from a tif to a Tim and kill or delete the others.

No. 2152049

sims 4 is so soulless, sims 3 was ugly but at least it didn't look as corporate. sims 2 had the most style..

No. 2152068

Cats are easier to train than dogs

No. 2152077

they added tranny sims? wut?

No. 2152082

It's less ugly than The Sims 3 for sure. I'm okay with The Sims 4 as long as I have CC.

No. 2152086

Psychologists and therapists should be required to disclose any disorders or traumas they have to their patients in order to prevent conflicts of interest. Same goes for criminal records or large life events.
For example, a man with NPD who cheated on his wife has no business offering therapy to a woman who's dealing with being cheated on. That sort of thing should be prevented.

No. 2152088

i thought you weren’t allowed to be a psychiatrist/therapist if you’re mentally ill because it compromises the legitimacy of their diagnostics?

No. 2152089

They should ban all cluster-Btards from working with vulnerable people imo. When my mother's favorite punching bag got away she immediately started working with special needs children

No. 2152090

File: 1724510382818.jpeg (130.43 KB, 1200x800, IMG_3292.jpeg)

Yep and specific trans items including but not limited to binders, the flag, and of course zipper tits. The high school years pack has a tranny teenager who has his own basement room area and is the “fashion” sim with danger hair you saw in the trailer, realm of magic got a tif after the update who is the sage of untamed magic, and the growing together pack added another tranny man with a husband and family they adopted, and I think another tif who also has a family. Tranny in growing together still has the capabilities to get sims pregnant so he’s always the first to get chucked into the bin.

No. 2152093

I really feel like it would be easier to ostracize troons than a lot of us believe. I think if people started coming out more saying that they disagree with dudes LARPing as women it’ll lose its popularity

No. 2152094

Depends on the clinic IIRC, but in most cases, you can as long as you are "recovered".

No. 2152097

I think that’s weird cause you can’t ever really “recover” from something like BPD or narcissism

No. 2152100

I've always been mildly confused about this cause, while the tif characters do make sense cause tifs like this sort of representation, the realistically ugly tim wouldn't appeal to the tims, they'd prefer an actual female model. Not that I'm sure tims even play the sims to start with, the clothes don't even look skimpy enough for that.

No. 2152105

there are tons of sex mods for the sims 4 as well as pronouns and shit now, faggy males love the sims 4 even if they don’t admit to playing.

No. 2152117

Tbf there were even a shitload of sex mods for The Sims 2

No. 2152119

Yeah, but no one wants to be the first one saying it and lose their jobs over it. Can't believe it's gotten to the point that stating reality gets you kicked out of your fucking job/uni/whatever.

No. 2152134

hmm, i wonder who our anti-troon Jesus will be…

No. 2152138

Dickies are incredibly useful and should have never gone out of fashion. I would have already knit customized ones for everyone in my life if they were smart enough to utilize them. I just went on a 20 minute long pro-dickie rant and my husband just laughed. Get rid of useless shit like thongs and bring back DICKIES!! Bitch! Everything is so backwards and wrong. Dickie manifesto.

No. 2152140

When you come to America you become AMERICAN! Leave your weird cultural shit behind in the country you left because you clearly hated it. I’m not having 300 people live in my house because it’s just “your culture” go back to fucking India.(racebaiting)

No. 2152142

But that just makes official tim character more redundant

No. 2152145

My honest to God opinion.

No. 2152156

I’m listening to 360 and it syncs so well I love it

No. 2152161

True. I wish I could go to America instead of them. I'd be the Americanest American ever.

No. 2152164

Well I think the problem is all the anti-troon Jesuses are alt-right. So the normal ones of us obviously don’t want to follow them. Someone that is popular, but casually realistic about gender ideology without thinking that homosexuals are demonic, children can consent and lynching Jews should be legal is what we would require.
>>2152119 is also true. Most people willing to lose their jobs over this are usually already kinda crazy too and are probably saying other shit that would get them sacked.

No. 2152165

Wow, boths bongs and burgers hate Indians. Damn, I feel bad.

No. 2152177

Don't worry anon even indian nonas hate India.

No. 2152179

The men not the women

No. 2152183

i agree. When you come to live in another country, you adapt said country's way of life, etc. When in Rome, do as the romans do

No. 2152193

Are there nations who don't?

No. 2152195

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No. 2152199

>just the men not the women
>just the scrote faggots not the lesbians
Lies, always lies

No. 2152200

I think it’s fascinating that the Indians who came to America first are called “Native Americans” when they’re not native to America.

No. 2152213

indians?? werent they descended from the mayans? also are you saying that the indians are more native to america than the bongs who came there?

No. 2152216

Jesus, anon, no they weren't descended from de Mayans what the fuck. What the other poster means is that native Americans came from Siberia around 100k-200k years ago so they aren't "actually native" to the Americas, but that can be said about every other human group outside sub-sahara Africa so she's just fucking stupid.

No. 2152222

Well, I don't know about other anons but I ain't lying. I hate the men only

No. 2152225

Nope, the first immigrants didn’t come from Russia either nonna kek. The first came from Mexico via New Mexico, but they’d also immigrated from Northeast Asia to Mexico and slid into Burgerland via the south. That was the way that the majority of Indians made it to the U.S.. According to apparent archaeological evidence, they claim that Indians were in the U.S. for upwards of 30,000 years before Bongs but I don’t believe that.

No. 2152227

The women who have those thick bushy eyelash extensions, possibly the migrated lip filler and struggling eyebrows look genuinely disturbing without makeup and I feel bad for even saying it here. I used to wear a full face daily and even I had the same sickly and irritated skin look whenever I did go barefaced somewhere, it's not even about having acne or whatever, I'm talking about vibes. It's most jarring whenever you see the women who self tan their body and the face is pale as shit and just raw, i felt awful today for just having to look away because they just look unwell.

No. 2152229

my point may be that they shouldn't get that shit but the unpopular opinion is that these people can't really even just cut out makeup all together because they look like shit

No. 2152231

Sorry but what’s a Dickie? Google gave me very mixed results and I’m confused, are they shoes or underwear?

No. 2152235

Samefag, Vikings apparently didn’t travel to America until 1,000 CE and Eurocolonization didn’t begin until around the 1500’s

No. 2152236

Nta but Indian women don’t gang rape and murder people so yeah, I have no issue with them. Just the moids. And lesbians and fags aren’t interchangeable, I hate all men so that includes fags. Lesbians are fine.

No. 2152243

I don’t think that you have to stop your cultural practices just because you moved, but god Singaporeans are the most insufferable about this. They’re constantly going on about how retarded everyone in America is, how poor and ugly everyone is, how everything under the sun is superior in Singapore because rich Singaporean Asians are the master race. Go the fuck back please.
>reee muh American university degree
I thought Americans were dumb? Surely Singaporean universities are better then eh? As a Singaporean an American granted degree should be worth a middle school gold star!

No. 2152248

You're such a retard, stop spreading this meme
You don't actually read as much yuri as you are pretending to, if at all.

No. 2152250

>Vikings apparently didn’t travel to America
there were vikings in america????

No. 2152272

This is such a retarded take. By this logic, no one is native to any continent other than Africans.

No. 2152293

First, do you even like female characters? Second, what type of romance stories do you like? If you hate most female characters just stop reading romance altogether if you're already tired of yaoi, because yuri would be painfully boring for you in this case.

No. 2152340

File: 1724521164967.png (302.43 KB, 1170x1467, early colonists .png)

I think “native American” or “indigenous people” are both dumb terms because indigenous means originating. Indians did not originate in the U.S. Mexico or Canada. They’re just early colonists.

No. 2152345

Mods are mad that I don’t want 36 family members living in my home unnecessarily

No. 2152346

Of course indians didn’t originate from those places. Indians are from india.

No. 2152411

Toddlers are cuter than babies

No. 2152491

freshly born newborns are much cuter imo, there's something about how fragile they are

No. 2152527

i love all children but toddlers are little monsters kekkk

No. 2152534

source of the pic????

No. 2152544

I think fetuses look cuter…well atleast at the first week

No. 2152590

Sims 4 is my favorite because of the CC. Sims 3 was terrible though, it was straight up impossible to make the models look normal.

No. 2152597

>By this logic, no one is native to any continent other than Africans.
Bingo. The concept of nativity is solely a tool to claim ownership of land. There's 8 billion people on the planet, and growing. When whole continents become unlivable, I bet they won't give a shit about being indigenous to those regions suddenly.

No. 2152604

People with autism should automatically have any children they have taken away from them. They don’t have the capacity to care for a child. It’s just guaranteed abuse and neglect.

No. 2152641

I searched through the trenches just for you nonnie and all I could find was that it's an unknown korean artist.

No. 2152754

You're right. Newborns look deformed from the birthing process. They're cuter when they have hair and real faces.

No. 2152924

The US elections do not matter to anyone outside of the US besides like Mexico or Canada because the US is still going to do what it usually does regarding their agendas they have for other countries. From what I've seen, the only real difference between the candidates is that Trump has shown to be better internationally while Biden is better domestically (during Biden's presidency he's also escalated the Ukraine War and tensions with China), and I don't think Harris is going to be much different.
If you're worried about climate change, as soon as green energy becomes highly profitable that's when all the zero emissions policies are going to finally fall in place because the US is going to want to compete with China for their ego. I'd be more worried about third and second world countries who are going to continue to use coal.

No. 2152930

Well, duh? Why would Canadians or Mexicans care about American politics?

No. 2152940

>The US elections do not matter to anyone outside of the US
Well shit, I couldn't tell because non-americans seem pretty damn invested in our country and politics.

No. 2152941

Because they're close neighbours and the outcome might effect relations and trading (probably won't 8 times out of 10). The average Canadian or Mexican doesn't need to hyperfixate on American politics though.

No. 2152946

I was in Europe recently for vacation and would turn on the tv news from my hotel in the evening. American election news was on every time kek

No. 2152972

I'm not following this conversation but I saw this question on the main page and I want to say, I'm Mexican and American politics are way more important than you might think for us. We follow things like elections and important events closely, we have space in our tv shows and news outlets for stuff happening in the US. We're not only neighbors, but my country's economy depends a lot on the choices the US makes. We also have a lot of families with members living in the US. And people living near the border need to be specially careful, people from El Paso or similar places have lives that include working (legally of course) in the US for the day and then sleeping at home on the other side of the border. It's more complicated than it seems. And there's also companies and stuff like that, they come to Mexico with their factories to make their products here for cheap so they need our countries to have some type of cordial relationship. When the US economy suffers so does our economy. The mexican peso goes down if the dollar goes down, things get more expensive over here when things get expensive over there, people don't come to Cancun for spring break if there's no money for it, etc.

No. 2152976

all of you reddit bitches cannot possibly ALL have adhd

No. 2153007

File: 1724550829665.png (165.26 KB, 500x464, 1365450081130.png)

Are you Mexican living in Mexico? If so where from? I live in CDMX.

No. 2153029

gotta be Monterrey or Guadalajara considering their USA obsession

No. 2153045

File: 1724552720228.jpg (27.77 KB, 584x525, 8vq8tykire4b1.jpg)

I love Peggy Hill.
People online act like she's a monster, but she is wrong just as often as anyone and does face consequences. She is also is a very sweet and loving mother who protects her flock.

No. 2153046

i don’t think this is an unpopular opinion nonna

No. 2153049

in the online KOTH community and on /co/, it definitely is.

No. 2153059

Well, that's because that community is filled with retarded people and sexual deviants as well as social degenerates and junkies. So their opinion doesn't really matter in reality. It's like asking a schizophrenic meth-head homeless man his thoughts on the theory of relativity. His opinion won't matter.

No. 2153087

I’ve seen redditors unironically call her a narcissist and it’s so funny how sheltered they are. They legitimately think she’s abusive.

No. 2153131

File: 1724557571990.jpeg (31.32 KB, 464x660, IMG_8066.jpeg)

Mundane opinion but I like when a show has a laugh track. People love to hate it but some of the most successful and widely recognisable shows have used canned laughter; I.e Friends, Seinfeld, Big Bang. Not that I am a fan of any of the above but a laugh track, yes.

No. 2153133

>friends, seinfeld, big bang
Of course you named the most unfunny possible shows

No. 2153134

I think the laugh track is cool too, and I liked learning about the history of it. It's a fun Wikipedia article to read through. I also think that there has been a void of sitcoms lately, it feels like most stuff on TV now is drama-based. Like no offense, but when I'm watching TV I don't wanna see stupid drama that I grew out of at age 21. I wanna just laugh along to semi-funny jokes and be entertained. TBH, most of the time I'm watching Just For Laughs, the hour-long programme that features different stand-up comedians.

No. 2153135

No, only two of those are unfunny. One of them is the best show ever made.

No. 2153139

I’m glad that you laugh easily nonners

No. 2153140

Missed the point nona. If laugh tracks are supposedly universally hated, the why do normies love these shows so much?

No. 2153143

because it’s something to consoom

No. 2153146

You make it sound like normies would eat their own shit if it was on a plate in front of them

No. 2153154

They do and it’s called podcasts

No. 2153165

No. 2153211

File: 1724561766895.jpeg (320.03 KB, 1365x1958, IMG_7304.jpeg)

So-called “prudes” and “sluts” (I don’t like either term, but I am referring to women who identify with one of these terms or a synonym) both think they are defeating the patriarchy by practicing some behavioral set they believe is “empowering” and attacking the other group of women mercilessly. The fact is that it’s just the Madonna attacking the whore and vice versa, both groups easily slot into a male-centric worldview and neither group will ever win. The true Stacy move is to cut contact with all outside sexual influence, get to know your own body intimately, and meditate on your true desires versus your false or patriarchy-induced desires as long as you need to to define your true path forward sexually. And when you find your path, do not deviate from it for anyone ever. That is the self-actualized woman.

No. 2153212

File: 1724561815135.jpeg (28.43 KB, 669x458, images - 2024-08-25T145555.993…)

Father Ted had a laugh track and it's one of my faves so I'm obliged to agree

No. 2153242

I don't drink it anymore but warm, lightly sweet Koolaid > cold, super fucking sweet koolaid. That goes for sweet tea too, except sweet tea is best cold. It's gross to me when people dump a pound of sugar in sweet tea. And I say that as a country girl with a sweet tooth.

No. 2153336


No. 2153351

I actually didn't want to watch Father Ted because it has a laugh track, but maybe I should give it a chance. I'm so glad modern shows don't have them.

No. 2153356

Only big bang theory sucks, the other two are great.

No. 2153385

unfathomably based. pic made me want to get up and do some pushups brb

No. 2153456

You tune it out after a couple episodes to be honest

No. 2153495

Men are genuinely not attracted to women, only performative femininity.

No. 2153516

File: 1724583462621.jpg (33.7 KB, 736x584, 1000015910.jpg)

This is why I have the theory that women are the only people of the human race that can truly be straight. Scrotes are so fucking gay in everything they do. Even when scrotes are racist, homophobic, or hate each other, they always make it look so homoerotic. Like those white guys who are so obsessed with hating black men that they can't stop thinking about literal black dicks. How can you be racist and make it look so fucking gay? Just be a man, apparently.

No. 2153529

Disagreed with this up until I got into an argument with my male cousin about whether or not it'd be gay for a man to have sex with Buck Angel. I said it wasn't for the same reasons it's not gay to fuck an ugly or masculine looking woman, and he flipped his shit.
Men are basically bisexual, they see the pussy as another accessory. Sometimes an important one, but an accessory nonetheless. That's probably also why the tranny shit was allowed to get this far. They'll mindbreak themselves that it's not gay to get fucked by or fuck another man in the ass if he's wearing a skirt and a wig lol. Now whenever I call a man "straight", it's just a performative little thing not to hurt his feelings, but I don't think actual "straight" men exist.

No. 2153531

it's not even just white guys all nonblack guys are obsessed with black men's dicks they literally fantasize about "their women" being fucked by a black man. ALL of them get together and talk about black men's dicks ad naeuseum. Its bizarre as hell but also shows the innate inferiority. The way men talk about black men's bodies is so disturbing. Not even just with regards to dick sizes. They will literally be like "black men are born with 6 packs so working out is easier for them" LIKE HUH? If you listen to racists talk long enough you'll understand very clearly their racism is just disguised inferiority mixed with lust.

No. 2153636

No. 2153682

I always and forever will be disgusted by the idea of dating a single dad and will never do it. Why is there this thing in society where single parents try to date childless people? It makes no sense. If you’re a single parent, especially a single father, shouldn’t you opt to date other single parents so that you two could be more understanding to each other? Not someone with no children, who could possibly be child free and not like the idea of having children in the first place. My personal thing is, single fathers disgust me the most because I just feel like it’s some moid who wants to date a young childlesss woman just so she could become like a free nanny to his sperm spawn.

No. 2153691

If men are so gay, why not they leave us women alone and live on their paradise islands where they can fuck all the barely legal femboys they want? at least then a femboy understands what a man truly wants.

No. 2153702

They're getting off on the IDEA of being "men." It's the acting out of the misogynistic fantasy that turns them on.

No. 2153712

It's so fucking funny and is such a uniquely male trait too. White female racists don't think 24/7 of WOC's genitals. God, I wish there was an academic study on non-Black men's obssesion with Black dicks.

No. 2153713

what about men who are attracted to vaginas though

No. 2153715

What about the easter bunny??? what about the tooth fairy????

No. 2153718

I mean that’s also what started the ricecel meme on 4chan

No. 2153724

Men are only evil from a female human POV, not universally. It's kind of like from your POV both male and female cats are super cute, but from the female cat POV, the male is a hellish rapist with a barbed penis meant to hold her down and tear into her. The female mammal body is extremely flawed and inevitably gets abused through reproduction (or the male taking opportunities for it). I don't remember where I've read it but somebody said that males impose costs and females bear them.

Nothing wrong with males, they're acting in their own best interest, which is all you can ask of a person. Everyone exists for themselves first, and for others later. It's the females that are derping around with wanting to tear their pussies through childbirth or play prostitute by willingly becoming "wives", and then complain when this already obviously retarded action comes with negative consequences. If females were intelligent, there'd already be mass demands for artificial wombs otherwise they'd refuse children altogether, instead of this horror show that we call human reproduction. Misogyny gets the blessing of women to perpetuate itself on the daily, males are not responsible for the choices of retarded females.(blackpill outside of containment)

No. 2153726

Bait used to be believable now all we have is shit like this. Yawn.

No. 2153727

Kek seriously it's just pathetic at this point. Always the most boring on the nose bait. Yaaawn.(samefagging)

No. 2153728

How is this bait? Can you even refute a single point I made?

No. 2153730

No. 2153739

File: 1724597189642.jpeg (24.25 KB, 695x441, brotherly_love.jpeg)

Why do men have to be so tsun tsun towards each other? They could do picrel and leave us alone but they're too retarded to do it.

No. 2153741

stop wasting your time they don’t want to hear the truth let them live in their delusions

No. 2153752

No. 2153755

this doesn’t acknowledge my post so i’m not sure why you responded, so i’ll ask again; what about men who are attracted to women/vaginas?

No. 2153756

92% of fatal dog attacks are by a male dog. they are statistically more dangerous to be around. yeah it's not their fault and they can't help it etc but male animals are consistently more aggressive and badly behaved than female animals. it's in self interest to only get female pets

No. 2153758

They’re only attracted to the vaginas of a woman who performs femininity… That was actually my main point, not the femboy stuff lol. They’ll settle for less, but they only want women if they doll themselves up.

No. 2153760

Read my post again and maybe you'll understand it this time. Keep reading it until you do.

No. 2153781

Circumcision is a good thing and one of the few good American customs. I don't care if it was popularized with the intent of stopping moids from masturbating, that's honestly a good thing.

No. 2153811

tomcats are ugly as fuck though

No. 2153935

It literally isn't even good for women. This isn't an opinion, it's a medical fact. You chose to be wrong and for what.

No. 2153977

the fact that this sped had to samefag is so funny to me

No. 2154012

looped back to choice feminism. incredible

No. 2154053

/ot/ is the most useless board and should be wiped. just a bunch of nerds complaining into the void. the actually funny threads like celebricows can be moved to /snow/.

No. 2154067

Rape is a bonding subject for men. They bond over enjoying it, fantasizing about it, committing it. They derive homosexual pleasure from this bonding experience. It's essential to the male social experience. Every single male is a rapist. Yes, even your nigel. Yes, even your brother. Yes, even your father. Yes, even your gay friends - they get off to the rape of women too.

No. 2154074

I guess it's pretty funny how moids seethe over having their dicks perpetually exposed and dried out. I'm convinced it's something that makes them more prone to mental illness and violence though so I am not convinced of it being any good.

No. 2154078

Its easy to refute you're just a bitter moid trying to astroturf a female board because you're lonely frustrated and dont want to be beholden to women. you hate that you have to be. Its easy to be a happy female if you pass on ugly moids and only seek out at least halfway submissive men. The fact that i know you're going tto turn around and tell me i cant be be happy having non-heteronormative sex further proves youre a bitter male spending tons of energy

go back to begging for scraps, outnumbering women on a dating app scrote.

No. 2154079

I hate nigelfags too but imagine defending males. Can’t be me.

No. 2154081

They're talking about moid circumcision

No. 2154084

Rape is the source of their existence. Their dysgeic, mediocre forefathers wouldnt have existed without it.
If we could flee men as easily as birds can, our males would have evolved to be obliging, beautiful, elegant, performing, home-tidying, and useful as the birds of paradise. They'd be happier too under 100% natural female selection. As is now they are only useful for further pushing the cogs of modernity- inventing new tools for wage/soul slaving and then demanding we thank them for it; "thank us for smartphones and clocks, with which you can rise unnaturally early to slave slave slave". Thank you so much. Not to mention the average naked male is hideous to look at and I say that as a full heterosexual.

No. 2154086

then why do you care this much over women having different opinions on sex than you? scrotefoil all you want.

No. 2154088

something like 50% or more of fathers want to rape their daughters

No. 2154093

Where is this statistic coming from?

No. 2154101

Heterosex is degrading, but you literally justified rape.

No. 2154102

The most honest stats about males you will ever get are not through surveys but porn habits.

No. 2154103

women could've been in positions of power, if we lived under a matriarchy right now our societies wouldn't be possessed by soulless technological advancements that destroy earth. men are self-destructive aggressors.

No. 2154108

i wasn't OP. i don't think it's apologism.. men hurt women for selfish reasons. what matters is, who can assert their will over the other? women need to be strengthened so they don't have to be controlled by power-hungry males. we can't expect men to be better, they will continue to act in their self-interest, it's inevitable as long as they're in power.

No. 2154117

Matriarchies are still male-centered. There was a blogpost deconstructing this but it’s been privated.
>Nothing wrong with males, they're acting in their own best interest, which is all you can ask of a person.
That seems like justification to me.

No. 2154120

maybe she meant it wasn't unnatural for them to act that way. like, when i say that it's inevitable, it's just what i expect from any male in a position of power. i genuinely didn't think she doesn't find what they do morally wrong, but who knows, maybe you're right.

No. 2154125

So we're gonna be living in mud huts with no internet just sewing gear? No malice against you nonna but I'm genuinely curious how advancements would change in a matriarchy?

No. 2154130

There needs to be a female radical movement that matches the level of male depravity. I’m talking groups of female serial mutilators slicing off men’s penises and displaying them hung up to make a statement.

No. 2154133

i meant soulless, greedy corporate shit, not all technological advancements that would better us.

No. 2154340

File: 1724626275356.jpg (138.57 KB, 540x662, tumblr_inline_ojvgkx2KuY1rdzgl…)

Broad shoulders are attractive.

No. 2154346

Xena is so gorgeous..

No. 2154363

What I’ve found is that “”masculine”” features are often attractive on women it’s just that women focus on trying to downplay them (read: like every female fashion advice community ever), which makes it look worse since it ironically makes it more obvious than if you embraced it.

No. 2154385

this picture is tempting me to cut my bangs right now

No. 2154428

her shoulders are not broad, they’re average

No. 2154461

If your family has been in America for more than 2 generations you should be able to take a DNA test and have it say 100% American

No. 2154505

Maybe in Europe, but I would consider them objectively broad. Broad shoulders =/= V shaped, her hips are very wide too so she still looks balanced / hourglass since they’re just broad, not proportionally big.

No. 2154511

Not getting romantic attention from your peers during to developing years can fuck your self esteem up

No. 2154512

No. 2154516

My family has been here since the 1600’s and I’m waiting to evolve different features but nope still look the same. How long is this gonna take?

No. 2154520

I find Sheldon Cooper to be the most tolerable male character in TBBT. As far as I know, he's just nerdy, autistic and kind of smug? I finally watched some caps and tbh I still don't get the hate towards him, I do have very weird tastes but I'd rather interact with him than the other men in the cast tbh. I think he's funny, well-spoken and obviously smart despite zero social awareness, it seems he's not usually genuinely evil, but that's just the early seasons I don't know about the rest

No. 2154526

I hatenames like kayden/hayden/jayden/kaleigh/heleigh/emileigh/bayleigh so fucking much, it’s so lazy

No. 2154529

File: 1724637058732.jpeg (143.48 KB, 686x386, IMG_2328.jpeg)

I think hating the creators behind Sillypoo is retarded. Scrotes who make these kinds of animations are coomers, degenerates, lolicons, etc. with a whole host of terrible stuff associated with them but I always see anons praising their “artistic prowess” despite that but if two females on the internet don’t have a perfect internet history you’re ready to throw them aside? It makes no sense to me. I hope this doesn’t come off as self-posting from them because I’m neither of the sillypoo creators and just a regular poster, it’s an unpopular opinion I wanted to post but I forgot to. It’s actually kind of ridiculous when you think about it these are the same types to give their useless nigel a million chances but again never give their female friends/relatives/people they admire a second chance, interesting

No. 2154531

Okay Sillypoo we get it you want us to watch the video. I liked the video it was funny. I don't like seeing you post about it every 2 or 3 weeks to try and plug it discreetly. It makes you look cringey and tryhard and like you don't actually believe in the quality of your work.

No. 2154532

BAYLE? Like the dragon?

No. 2154538

My apparently unpopular opinion is it's weird to post photos of 15 year olds' faces on here to prove a point or make fun of them.

No. 2154547

Kek I’m not them anon, I just remembered when another anon told me about their history and it made me not want to like them but now I appreciate them

No. 2154555

>two females on the internet
And a moid. Seems like whoever told you their history wasn't being honest

No. 2154557

I really don't understand how someone can be above the age of 18 and enjoy watching video game streams or YT videos about cartoons or anime or shit like that. I actually struggle to understand how an adult could be entertained by this. Whenever I've tried to watch any of these streamers or YTbers or whatever I just feel so endlessly bored.

No. 2154558

its because they tried to be le based lolcow youtubers but they never got rid of their alt rightoid pickme past. They are still alligned with rightoids.

No. 2154561

File: 1724638181778.jpg (59.8 KB, 678x696, fatfuck.JPG)

This is the man they worship btw

No. 2154567

We can rebuild them, fix them
There’s plenty of conservative women on this website though
I forgot who this was kek, wasn’t he some political cartoonist? Peter griffin looking ass

No. 2154569

>There’s plenty of conservative women on this website though
and i dont support them either

No. 2154571

I support them, they have the right to their opinions. If I have to support nigelfags I’ll support them as well

No. 2154572

File: 1724638655354.jpg (73.69 KB, 577x512, stonetoss1.jpg)

stonetoss being a hispanic guy named hans was so fucking funny. This year has been amazing for drama, never laughed harder.

No. 2154573

good for you, but i dont want to support women who hate me just because of my race. I dont owe them anything.

No. 2154576

Those aren't equal to the 4channer polfag pickmes who change who they support in a second because its considered "based". but I still like some art they make I may not align with the artists attention whore antics but I can appreciate some of the art

No. 2154593

What is it with Hispanic men always being huge chuds? Pretty ironically funny considering Trump’s policies against Mexico kek

No. 2154595

We are so cucked. Maybe the blackpillers were right.

No. 2154599

my opinion is that cybergirlz vid should be watched daily

No. 2154600

Oh please you realize DESPERATE rw women make up 2% of the population? But then they always end up cheated on, dumped, financially screwed, hemoraging multiple children. Rw women are a joke.

No. 2154601

I just think they’re pandering and have no real beliefs… as well as proof of the terf to tradthot pipeline

No. 2154606

Wait do you have links to their REAL social media? I'm dying to internet stalk these two. I never really got aroudn to it. Help me

No. 2154608

Somebody post sillypoo's social media. I mean thheir REAL social media profiles. Please please please

No. 2154610

Oh…. ouch

No. 2154611

Can't believe my post got overshadowed by these retard's ugly drawings, fml

No. 2154612

Fr, why do they always reply to the mediocre opinions…

No. 2154618

Anytime sillypoo comes up I think it's self posting

No. 2154619

Have more niche opinions then.

No. 2154620

Wouldn't it be the other way around? Is there a term for heavily right wing/tradthot to pretending to be a terf

No. 2154621

Could you actually explain the appeal if you don't mind?? I don't mean to be judgemental it's just I actually don't understand how these kinds of things can be entertaining for adults.

No. 2154624

File: 1724640453983.jpeg (268.21 KB, 1481x1242, 1723596680945.jpeg)

This guy looks like a fucking lizard

No. 2154625

Ngl every "conservative" post on this website always reads like the most heavy-handed scrote bait imaginable. I really don't believe there are conservative "women" on this site.

No. 2154626

>what's the appeal
Autism and crippling loneliness. atleast I get paid for it

No. 2154627

Ppl seriously thought this guy was cute? I mean, sure, he's not a total asshole, but that's the bare minimum.

No. 2154628

Idk, it’s just enjoyable. On streams, I love playing video games, and if I like a video game I like to see others experience it especially if it’s story heavy or they’re funny. That being said now that I think about it if I clicked on most streamers’ videos I’d be bored too, I have a select number that I gather across the years who actually offer interesting perspectives that add to the experience and/or are really funny and enjoyable to watch. Also sometimes I haven’t got the game and want to see it anyway, that’s how I first got into them as a broke teen.
For things like anime related videos, well that’s just enjoying consuming anything related to my interests. Suppose the same could be said about video games as well tbh.

No. 2154630

His long nails creep me out but otherwise he is a sweetheart

No. 2154634

File: 1724640814110.jpg (155.86 KB, 700x701, 1636952580852.JPG)

Lizards are way cuter

No. 2154635


No. 2154636

How is this creature even real

No. 2154637

File: 1724640924695.webp (26.93 KB, 542x552, A04E86EF-15F4-4939-8B9D-47BB15…)

But lizards are cute and dope nonna

No. 2154638

i know, i’m pretty cute, huh

No. 2154642

Some of you have a bad sense of humour. You don’t find funny things funny and find unfunny things funny. Even worse are the autists who can’t even tell if something’s a joke, so you have to explain that no, you were not serious, after they’re sperged a 1000k essay.

No. 2154651

What kind of "history" exactly? Did they groom a minor like your typical YouTuber?

No. 2154661

I need to buy 50 of these and turn my living room into their sanctuary

No. 2154668

Lmao are you reading my mind?? Because I've thought about this exact same argument at least a couple times

No. 2154711

my unpopular opinion/conspiracy is bugs got it right on what to do with their male counterparts. Mammals fucked up. We should've been taking notes from black widows and praying mantis' etc using these men only to procreate and then killing them!

I watched a whole hour video about 3 types of bears trying to survive in the wild. Why were they all single momma bears trying to stave off being raped and their babies eaten by their would be rapist so another male bear can't stake his claim in her womb. Daddy bear never came back after dropping his load btw. So that whole males hunt and gather is bs.
Basically if you look at the animal kingdom most male species are useless rapists. YOu can say rape isnt a thing in the wild but i really dgaf i know when someone doesn't want something being done to them and it being forced on them anyway. I only like male species that are known for mating for life or some shit like penguins. But yeah fuck male bears. I only like them when they are babies and even then they bully the sister in the group.

No. 2154777

I think at first glance a lot of people don't even know they lean that way ideologically unless they're very familiar with all their content. surface level stuff like the girl burger video and the picrew aren't necessarily indicative of their deeper views.

No. 2154900

It's not an unpopular opinion, it's a fact, it's just that the people who downplay it are those who never had issues getting into romantic relationships (ie most anons here).

No. 2154903

Same, the others are basically sex pests, Sheldon just infodumps at inappropriate times kek

No. 2154905

I also hate it when nonnies ree about derailing/shitting up threads after like 1 or 2 unserious posts instead of just ignoring it, ironically that derails the thread way harder than whatever they were mad about kek

No. 2154925

I'm actually glad that Telegram's CEO got arrested. Shit platform rife with extreme animal abuse and CP trading that they do absolutely nothing about when it gets reported to them. The more glowies in control of it now and cracking down on the shitstains of the planet, the better. It also has enough security holes that I do not see any inherent value in it for actual politically relevant whistleblowers. It's primarily filled with bots, low-level pieces of shit, NFTcucks and scammers. Hoping some faggot zoosadists in China start freaking out and hanging themselves.

No. 2154928

What of the piracy though?

No. 2154932

If you're asking from a pro-piracy standpoint, there are so many other platforms for getting movies, music, games, software, books, etc, it's unreal. It isn't special for that.

No. 2154937

im not.. i stole so many good chinese art courses from there.. besides you really think zoosadists care? as if they dont have their own forums PROTECTED BY CLOUDFLARE or operate on twitter Chinese ones use baidu anyway its retarded to think its because of telegram they come there. telegram is a good resource for many countries that dont allow the same freedom as America, you'll find criminals all over the safe net and messaging apps does that mean all those social media sites should be closed because zoophilies and pedos have accounts there?

No. 2154940

Use vk for courses. And yeah, if they deliberately don't do shit about pedophiles and animal torturers, they deserve to be shut down. I don't give a shit. With Cloudflare, trannies have proven that if you bring them enough bad press, they will concede and drop the sites they protect, so it's really a matter of getting the public involved there (which is easier said than done, but still better).
At least shit like Baidu is easier to get tracked on by other Chinese nationals/authorities (from what I've heard) and even without explicit laws against certain things, they can face public exposure and have their lives ruined in other ways (especially for the extortion/kidnapping for ransom and revenge porn shit they do), they specifically use Telegram because it doesn't have Chinese glowie eyes on it but is easier to disseminate content and find international "buyers" with. Twitter actually takes down animal abuse and pedo shit when enough reports are filed. Telegram doesn't care because they don't just make $$$ off all the drug trafficking, scams and garbage spam, they also get it from the sheer number of Indian and Eastern Euro moids sharing photos/videos of themselves raping their little sisters, Chinese inbreds hammering nails in kitten's eyes, and worthless pedo-boomers from the USA looking to pay gormless thirdies $5 to recreate Daisy's Destruction on baby monkeys.
All thirdies without free speech who have an IQ above 50 have already learned how to pirate, keep themselves safe enough to avoid trouble and securely contact each other without Telegram. Criminals and scammers don't because they're retarded and impatient, and they will rightfully suffer.

No. 2154947

>Telegram because it doesn't have Chinese glowie eyes on it
it does though..and it has helped give out alot of info about anti china "activists" to them as it did with russia in 2020. the site glows but regardless its clear that france isnt doing this because they care for the children or animals (theyre french come on and the pedolympic proved it) but because telegram wasnt giving them user data to farm. mastodon is still up despite having one of the largest cp rings on it and so is furraffinty who has protected zoos and pedos..why? simple theyre from protected countries. countries want your data they dont care about protecting anyone, as much its disgusting to think about this type of content will never go away. why? because moids are rape apes and they will always try to find places to do crime, deleting apps where they can do this in open and get tracked and doxxed and preferably be done in by cartels its better than them doing it in secret forums or dark net sites where its harder to locate them. privacy can be a double edged sword

No. 2154993

>it has helped give out alot of info about anti china "activists" to them as it did with russia in 2020.
That's why all actual political dissidents doing anything of value know not to use it. That just leaves the low-level scum who know if they make it a "hassle" (Chinese police have literally told people they can't do anything if another Chinese citizen is holding their pets for ransom on Telegram because they can't track them down) they won't be caught because no one's going to wake up the whole government unless it's domestic terrorism (which is currently the only way to get Telegram to even blink). This leaves it up to activists to engage in vigilante justice and track them down, or cartels, which I'm not against, but the process if far too slow and the availability of these platforms helps the abusers too. They know they're being tracked, but the public aspect helps them too. The fewer platforms predators have to disseminate content, the harder it will be to find customers and/or attention they crave, and the lower the incentive will be to monetize/spread their garbage. They don't want to solely hide on the dark web because it costs money to host their own site(s), and will bring in far fewer customers than just having both. They may always find a way, but we can always make it harder, less worth it and more punishing if they get caught. As vile as this sounds, I have seen pedos complain about how "hard" it is to find "good hurtcore" anymore, and I'm convinced that's because it gets far more attention when reported (even from the uncaring authorities) and comes with the heaviest sets of penalties.
You're right about Mastodon being a problem, but again, unlike with Telegram, all the more known pedo instances typically get shut down when reported for illegal content. Even the piece of shit FurAffinity owner warned the zoophiles he was protecting not to post their shit on his site even if he supported it (glad he's dead, many more to go). If these apps are tracking us all anyway, I'd rather they fuck over the people who actually cause harm, and face punishment if they refuse to do so. If something like Twitter knows everything about me and will ban me if I call someone a tranny or sell me out if my country goes to war, they better not spit in my face by saying they "can't do anything" about an open child rapist. CEOs should be sweating because they're farming data and selectively pushing "rules" in the wrong direction entirely.

No. 2155010

Can someone tell me their unpopular opinion is that they prefer large areola so I can feel better about not having dime size pink puffies

No. 2155013

Large areolae are beautiful IMO, especially when they're either dark/reddish brown or very light. Never feel bad about them, nonny.

No. 2155017

>You're right about Mastodon being a problem,
I know about everything else discussed in the last few posts, but I only vaguely know about Mastodon. I thought it was a cheap Twitter rip off. If you don't mind, could you explain what that's all about?

No. 2155022

nothing to be feel less about nona!, I personally prefer large areolas myself since I have them kek I think they look better than small ones.

No. 2155024

I think I have large aerolas and only b cups. I like them cause they're the most common nipple type I see kek small nipples seem weird to me.

No. 2155031

Small nipples are objectively masculine. Oestrogen snd progesterone enlarge and darken the nipple. That being said, puffy nipples, and bumpy nipples (montgomery glands), are also both feminine.
Despite this, I think you need to learn how to not aspire to porny body standards.

No. 2155033


No. 2155034

Basically, the way the fediverse is set up lets people start up their own twitter rip-offs. This means that pedophiles can make their own spaces ("instances"). The good news is that the bigger pedo ones tend to get blacklisted from more "normal" instances and eventually taken down once they're reported to whoever they're using to host them. The pedos always throw a shitfit when this happens, start new instances, rinse and repeat. Some of them subvert this by making their instances invite-only, which is another issue, but they seem to go dead eventually, either because they got reported behind the scenes (which would be the ideal), couldn't afford to keep running it, or had some personal drama.

No. 2155036

pepperoni is one of my favorite charcuteries, nonna

No. 2155047

All areolae are good but big ones are my favourite ♥

No. 2155114

large areolas are normal, what are you looking at? stop getting psyop’d by porn and shooped influencer thots, nothing wrong with your boobs ignore everyone and rock those large areolas

No. 2155118

yeah I don’t go to female artists and want them to strictly align with my values kek their art is so cutesy and nostalgic for me. there’s plenty of female celebrities who are handmaidens and even were pictured hanging out with known pedophiles and pieces of shit but these anons are willing to go to their concerts, buy their stuff, listen to their music, it makes no sense, oh no young girls going through their cringey chronically online phase!!! scary!! women are always strictly moral policed by other women and it’s strange, morally policing a bunch of women for being right wing retards while not moral policing the males who think it’s fun and hilarious to be nuisances and disruptions to your living environment and even preying upon you and your children hmmmm

No. 2155156

this is why we equip with great cc, all the sims games were ugly as a mf

No. 2155158

Drawing manuals and books don't help you learn to draw, most of it is just intuitive learning and memory.

No. 2155171

Yakuza is one of the most misogynistic game series and I don’t understand how it’s so popular without any criticism on certain parts of it (in regards to this).

No. 2155180

Tell us more, I wanna know how misogynistic it is so I can avoid it at all costs

No. 2155185

In the future major religious will be classed under mental illnesses. Institutions will look back in history and kids in classrooms will learn in horror thinking “how did humans do this? if I lived back then I’d never” just like how they look back on slavery, moid war crimes, believing in spirits and not thinking germs exist.

No. 2155186

>believing in spirits

No. 2155190

I don’t know the story so thoroughly I can accurately explain it but the way women/girls are treated and regarded is really… uncomfortable to me.

No. 2155191

Oh dang, I was just thinking of getting into it as my next game. How bad is it?

No. 2155196

Drawing, writing, or talking about sex will never be the same as consuming pornsick media that rots the soul. Why do some moralfags get their jimmies in a twist when a rando on the internet writes a wholesome vanilla story about a couple holding hands and being intimate then likening it to explicit abuse material? God help you if it's gay because liking gay couples to be people is a fetish apparently.

No. 2155202

That's probably why scrotes like it so much, damn. I never played it but you never know so I'll just avoid any content surrounding it (yt vids, commentaries, /m/), thanks for the heads up

No. 2155221

>young girls
They're in their 30s and are racist failed tradthots lmao. Nobody is trying to "police" them, we just don't have to lick their asses just because they have no real culture besides trying to impress neckbeards online and want to worm their way into being "le based lolcow radfem" when they aren't. Shoe0nHead's an annoying pickme too, and the same thing will be true about her when in 5 years she attempts the same grift and starts pandering to us when LC is considered coolgirl internet culture or whatever the fuck. We don't have to like her just because it was her orbiter that ran the site for years, and we don't have to like sillypoo just because they made some animations kekk. We don't owe them anything. And yes, we hate the males too. The difference is that no one comes in here to complain about us not liking ugly faggots like Sam Hyde, Null or Stonetoss.

No. 2155234

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No. 2155237

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>get into an argument
>too intellectually lazy to participate in own argument
>try to pass off own retardation as something quirky and funny.
Summerfags, get off your phone and pay attention to your teacher.

No. 2155243

this is an imageboard + it’s a particularly retarded fight to start with who cares about being intellectual

No. 2155247

Go away, newfag.

No. 2155250

I don't get the argument that if women are complaining about other women, then they are suddenly ok with men. That's simply not how it works, they can dislike more than one thing at the same time.

No. 2155267

I’m happy I was born American. I’m broke as fuck, I couldn’t rent but if I go to school for a career that’s stable and not pop out any babies I can live a comfortable life. It could be worse, I could’ve been born in afghan and have no right to even speak in public. I’m happy I’m American.

No. 2155281

how is this a unpopular opinion? did you post in the wrong thread?

No. 2155313

go back.

No. 2155317

Nta but sometimes you guys call out the dumbest shit kek

No. 2155320

No. 2155323

they're always looking for the opportunity to infight kek, nobody is a newfag for using a symbol available on everybody's keyboards. ridiculous

No. 2155325

Not a newfag/summerfag, I just don't care.

No. 2155327

Nta but I mean in the context of the anon go “”umm this is an imageboard”” but have a bit of an unintegrated typing style is a little ironic.

No. 2155372

I was broke most of my life, went to school for a stable career, and now live comfortably. No one said it was supposed to be easy, but I'm sure glad I had those opportunities here. The journey was worth the struggle, the trick is having pride in yourself for the little things. You can do it, anon.

No. 2155420

There's no way there are three separate admins. If there are three separate admins there's no way they're all women.

No. 2155454

What about -

No. 2155468

Don't even get me started on -

No. 2155489

Hearing europeans make fun of americans for their obesity rates is ironic since all first worlders are fat as fuck

No. 2155503

americans are literally called burgers on here kek

No. 2155520

European countries obesity rates range from 8% to 21%. The US is at 42%.

No. 2155527

File: 1724702686873.jpg (30.83 KB, 547x525, EG4PC6AXkAMteBR.jpg)

You talk like such a zoomer, I can practically smell the newfag scent off of you through the screen, and I haven't even really been here in months. It's just that clockable. Newfags always say they aren't newfags, but they never fool anyone.
another obvious newfag based on your replies, good lord they just never leave. I can already predict that you and the other tards are gonna try making "womp womp" a little quirky retort on here. Oh, but then you're gonna say "it's just an imageboard, calm down" the minute you're clocked again. we're doomed.

No. 2155540

My theory is that this is infight bait and this poster doesn't actually care.

No. 2155582

No country should have an obesity rate over 0.5%

No. 2155595

For real, it’s literally so easy to not be obese too it’s actually disturbing. Npcs

No. 2155611

Even in starving African countries, rates don't get that low.

No. 2155660

i don't care how much you swear at me for this, but moids going to the gym is an ultra red flag. if they're unable to look ok just eating normally and be satisfied with that then it's a vanity problem and i'm not trying to deal with that.

No. 2155663

>terf to tradthot pipeline
Go back

No. 2155664

They are look like melting candle wax. I have literally never seen an attractive euro (mainly talking about Britbongs)

No. 2155666

Literally everyone should be working out IDC, skinny-fatness is genuinely disgusting, especially when they're waxen and pale because they never leave the house. Like go lift some weights flabby weak-bones.

No. 2155669

They literally selfpost on 4chan to get attention. It's just pathetic.

No. 2155670

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Midget-lite women look silly wearing super tall heels.

No. 2155677

Sabrina Carpenter is a strange attraction for me. She's not my usual type because I usually like stems/masculine, toned/buff and taller women. I don't agree with all of her style choices and in photos, while she's definitely a pretty woman, I don't find her "fucking goddess" Beyonce levels of beautiful. But then I see videos of her and I know for sure I would likely fall for her if I met her irl. Something about her dimple and smile and voice is just so charming to me.

No. 2155698

Pickle juice is delicious and prefer it over pickles.

No. 2155705

They don't look too bad if they have slimmer legs, it looks more proportional, but I can't in my right mind encourage another woman to look emaciated just to wear some heels.

No. 2155727

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Gym bros are dogshit, fat greasy bastards too and skinny-fat are subhumans. My prince eats and shits once a week like a boss and I can break his fragile neck easily if he misbehave. Show your bones or die scrote.

No. 2155736

It’s great when you get to the point of no longer being angry at scrotes because you don’t want them or care about them. Anger still means you still want scrotes in your life.i don’t care what scrotes look like, who they date, what they fuck or how they act because I’m indifferent to them.

No. 2155776

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>goddess beyonce levels
lesbis being biased again

No. 2155791

You could make the same argument about the woman you think is goddess tier if you purposely posted an unflattering picture too. This is literally her only unflattering picture aside from the one time she got those ugly ass mini bangs for whatever reason, idk to me that puts her into goddess tier.

No. 2155792

>cherrypicking photos of someone making a face while dancing from a decade ago to prove that they're ugly

No. 2155797

It's the fact that Lillee Jean is taller than her that gets me. I don't know why, but just knowing LJ would be looking down at Sabrina makes me laugh.

No. 2155817

no she's meh

No. 2155831

It’s pathetic to be unable to cook as an adult, starting around age 19, though cooking should be taught from a much earlier age. I’m not talking about having advanced cooking skills or a varied repertoire, but you need to be able to prepare a simple dish of oven-baked chicken and mashed potatoes or steak and roast vegetables. Substitute whatever your culture’s equivalent is. It’s vital to have basic recipes under your belt and to be familiar with kitchen staples. All my life I have been surrounded by people who are only able to cook spaghetti or order take-out and it makes me want to rip my eyes out since I’m the designated chef despite not having a passion for cooking. Their complete inability to cook makes them view my cooking as phenomenal even though it’s very basic. I was not brought up to cook either but had to learn it if I wanted to be a functional adult, so I cringe when others use this excuse. I’m not a chef, I just follow recipes step by step and that’s it. It’s incredibly privileged to go through life not cooking and I really look down on it. You’re not an adult if you can’t cook, irrespective of gender. Sorry for the vent, it drives me nuts when it really shouldn’t lol

No. 2155833

Ngl I never discuss this, isn’t cooking common sense? Like, I’ve never cooked chicken but it’s not difficult to just throw some in the oven with seasoning. If it’s something you don’t get just look it up… how can someone “not cook”.

No. 2155841

So these girls used to be the Hehesilly people right?

No. 2155859

Trust me when I say that I have numerous friends/family members/coworkers who live off food like macaroni and frozen pizza, take-out or just fasting. They are never in the kitchen and the fridge is always empty or the ingredients spoil. Yes, many of them are in debt. It is indeed remarkable to the point of parody

No. 2155862

Oh… well now I feel better for being a NEET, because at least I don’t do that… It seems… unsustainable

No. 2155885

I can cook but once I start making good money I’m going to eat prepackaged meals and out at restaurants 90% of the time

No. 2155903

Beyonce has one of the best voices in pop history.

No. 2155912

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No. 2155913

Kanye was right. I can’t find one live performance where she sounds bad.

No. 2155916

Nobody wants to cook after wageslaving for 8-12 hours retard, stop having this fucking infight the millionth time nobody cares

No. 2155919

Because those are all lipsyncing to prerecorded vocals and she's a very skilled lip syncer, when you focus heavily on videos of her performing it becomes easier to detect, her vocal ability is also very annoying where she thinks growling and hollering equals depth and soul. Her white fans are truly so gullible.

No. 2155920

It's cooking. It takes like 20 minutes to prepare everything then 20-40 to wait for it to cook in the oven. If you're lazy, like that's okay. Nobody has to be perfect. But why pretend like you're not lazy if you are? Just admit it and be confident in yourself.

No. 2155922

What proof do you she that they’re prerecorded?

No. 2155924

>if you're lazy after working hours at a job where if you decide to sit down they tell you to immediately get back up and stand because it makes you appear lazy to others
bait used to be good back in my day

No. 2155930

Sorry you have a shit job nona. It's okay to just admit you're lazy though. Why is everyone so afraid to admit they have a bad habit or two now? It's okay if you're lazy, that's fine. But don't try and make it seem like cooking is this great grand feat of endurance when it can be as simple as pre-heating an oven and sticking something inside it.

No. 2155933

>if you're lazy after working hours at a job where if you decide to sit down they tell you to immediately get back up and stand because it makes you appear lazy to others
am I having a stroke? what does this say?

No. 2155935

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Go look up most of her recent performances, the biggest one I can probably say is a good example is her Dubai performance before her pre-scat session with her buyers and afterwards she mysteriously appears with her legs all bruised up. How would she appear that tired after a performance of her just standing around in a gown pretending to sing prerecorded vocals??? I didn't care about Beyonce but knew she was full of shit but surrounded by many psyop'd by her PR team for years, it's so easy to see through all of her bullshit and lies and her hideous husband who's definitely abusing her and cheats/cheated on her with tons of women and even after all of that, she still stays with him because these female celebrities are all pathetic, mentally unstable pickmes. Sorry for sperging I just followed underground gossip about her like how we follow milk on /ot/

No. 2155937

Most of Beyonce's fanbase is black, and you can tell when she's singing live (which is pretty often).

No. 2155939

Go back to LSA. None of this even has anything to do with vocals.

No. 2155941

Nope, she barely sings live. You people are so easy to convince kek
This is the unpopular opinions thread. I'm giving an unpopular opinion. This is also an imageboard. I'm sperging like how you would usually sperg on an imageboard. Do I have to break this down slower for you both or are you going to add absolutely nothing interesting to the conversation and just want to infight?

No. 2155946

AYRT and I never posted this before. I am the “wageslave” who works full-time and I have to cook because I cannot afford not to. It is a spoiled attitude not to take care of yourself. This is part of why I find it pathetic when adults refuse to cook regardless of their circumstances. There is no excuse, not even when you work. When you have nothing to fall back on, you have to make do, which is how it should be. Adults should be able to take care of themselves.

No. 2155947

I agree with you. It's so annoying seeing zoomers act like working 8 hours a day is this herculean effort that destroys the rest of their life… as if nobody else is working 8 hours? When I was working 12 hour shifts I was still cooking for myself on the regular. It's not hard at all. So many zoomers are spoilt brats it's hard to take any of their complaints seriously.

No. 2155948

Look I was on the “cooking is easy” side but I do think it’s a little sad that it’s considered being a spoilt brat to feel exhausted being a wageslave. A 12 hour workday… I couldn’t do that, I sleep 12 hours…

No. 2155951

Her having ashy knees etc has nothing to do with her voice. She’s a queen. She could be 80 years old with a wooden leg and still sound amazing.

No. 2155953

It's not being a spoilt brat to be exhausted, it's being a spoilt brat when you pretend you're the only person on this earth that has to do deal with that. It's spoilt brat behaviour to have blame all your problems on the fact that you have to work. Everyone has to work.

No. 2155957

Well of course, but the point wasn’t about not working was it…? It was about it exhausting people

No. 2155959

You're not even posting opinions, you're just something about stuff unrelated to her ability to sing. There are a lot of videos from her last tour where you can hear the change in volume and her mic cutting out from her moving it or moving her head. Also lots of videos where you can hear the difference between her voice and the backing track. Not even saying she never lips because of course she does like ALL singers, but it's just false that shd never ever sings live
>are you going to add absolutely nothing interesting to the conversation
Yes because your posts are sooooo interesting

No. 2155960

Her voice is lovely overall but there were some parts that got really goofy and ISTG she sounded kind of off at some points but was quick to rectify the mistakes, did anyone else notice that?

No. 2155961

I think it’s weird that straight-haired people have curly pubes and curly haired people have straight eyebrows.

No. 2155966

Samefag this performance is also an example. Skip to 6:30 and onwards. This whole performative has a lot of random adlibs that aren't in the song and volume changes.

No. 2155969

Should we have curly eyebrows?

No. 2155974

No, but I think they should have straight pubes.

No. 2155991

This woman is literally a goddess

No. 2156014

It’s not spoiled to be exhausted! I occasionally will heat up a frozen meal when I come home after a long day of work myself. It’s spoiled to live a life where you don‘t cook for yourself. The conversation has completely devolved from the original point, which was that not being able to cook as an adult is pathetic. You have to be able to take care of yourself no matter what, period! It’s essential for living as a functional adult to know your way around basic recipes and kitchen utensils. That’s my unpopular opinion, at least.

No. 2156023

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I know a lot of anons here hate her but I legit think Sabrina Carpenter is gorgeous. I know nothing about her outside her music though and don’t particularly care to find out. So please don’t tell me what a horrible person she is, I just think she’s hot as fuck.

No. 2156025

Her face looks botched

No. 2156029

she looks like a doll, but more because her face looks plastic. It’s a shame, she is naturally pretty

No. 2156032

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Plastic surgeon's edit of Tuesday Weld with blue eyes is how Sabrina looks to me.

No. 2156058

theres nothing wrong with how she looks. its just that shes a pedo baiter

No. 2156071

Can we stop calling every short woman a pedo baiter?

No. 2156080

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Regina was actually the kindest and most considerate character in the book. Even if she talked shit with her close friends in private, she still made an effort to make other girls feel good about themselves.

No. 2156089

>I’m full grown but I look like a niña
>Then, I’ll take you somewhere that has no hair

No. 2156119

>in the book

I think I speak for 99% of us when I say I have not read the book and constantly forget there even is one

No. 2156129

You're the same creepy faggot obsessed with bashing that singer's daughter, too. Go back.

No. 2156213

A lot of female bitchness towards each other would be lessened if jealousy was considered an acceptable emotion. People deny jealousy and it turns into hate. I’ll admit there are people I stopped being friends with only because I was jealous of them lol. Jealousy is natural.

No. 2156221

So it's the reverse compared to Miranda in The Devil wears Prada then? Because she was an insane piece of shit in the book but just a ruthless businesswoman in the movie. How different is the book compared to the Mean Girls movie?

No. 2156230

I'm pissed off now because my phone woke me up with a stupid emergency AMBER alert. Here's my unpopular opinion:

AMBER alerts should be saved for abductions NOT INVOLVING FAMILY. Every fucking AMBER alert I get is like "JOHN SMITH AGE 8 ABDUCTED BY JOHANNA SMITH, HIS MOTHER" like what? Families going thru shit divorce and bitter child division need to settle that shit in court, don't put out AMBER alerts when your kid gets "abducted" by their PARENT. So fucking annoying it's not what the system should be used for.

No. 2156233

Hmm I had an amber alert of a similar situation and the baby girl turned up dead. It has its use.

No. 2156236

Well that's sad but at the same time why do I wanna be woken up to that? Why don't the police just do their job instead of making it the public's problem?

No. 2156239

I don’t understand why actually talented woman can say thank you to her fans but mediocre artists like Chappell roam and Doja cat can’t do it

No. 2156244

I’ve been gaming since the year 2000 and I have no desire to jab my ass with testosterone

No. 2156256

She’s more annoying than based
I want this woman and Suki Hana to be put to death for ghettoness

No. 2156258

I’m both and I get death glares all the time

No. 2156262

you've never heard of a moid abducting and killing his own children to punish their mother? familial abduction can be an extremely dangerous situation, especially if men are involved. sounds like your real problem is with amber alerts inconveniencing you.

No. 2156264

Just call it white/rich kid nonsense, and most people would agree with you

No. 2156267

exactly the same problems as exmuslims, can’t talk shit without being lumped in with those right wing freaks

No. 2156290

I don't really understand why upper or upper middle class people tend to get mad when other people say they're privileged or rich. The most pathetic thing is when they lie or make up a struggle for themselves or their parents.
Being poor doesn't automatically make you a better person. It just fucking sucks.
I also think it's dumb to seethe at random strangers solely for being born into rich families. It's not even some noble class solidarity thing if you're a first worlder with money to waste on Netflix subscriptions, daily Doordash and Disneyworld trips.

No. 2156294

They seethe because mommy and daddy told them they were very special and they got where they are because they're very smart and hard working. They see how much praise a rags to riches story gets and try to copy that in hopes of getting attention and praise too.
>I also think it's dumb to seethe at random strangers solely for being born into rich families.
It is, but I think it's justified in cases like the above where they swear they used to live paycheck to paycheck but leave out the fact that their dad paid their rent and expensive private college education.

No. 2156313

I used to date this hippy artist chick who was always talking about how she is soo poor, having to buy second hand and make her own things to survive. Turns out she is from a rich family, has been to private school and her parents still sent her money and gifts at 30 years old. I grew up as an actual poorfag and had to work to get where I am. And I still consider myself privileged for living in a country that has given me free education, cheap therapy and goverment bucks at times when I was unemployed. In a lot of places this would have not been possible. Nothing wrong with being rich, but dont claim this didnt help you in life or larp as poor for an aesthetic.

No. 2156318

I grew up with almost only people like this as a poorfag and it made me wonder if I was just insensitive or rude or even retarded when everyone around me kept getting upset when I had completely normal reactions whenever they told me about their rich people's lives and habits. It was weird as hell. Then the majority of my classmates in uni say they were broke students but could afford now clothes, their own flats or dorm room, expensive cigarettes, alcohol in bars once or twice every week, a year in an exchange program in another country and looked at me like I was a dying animal in the street for saying I can't afford to do any of that, bit at least they had the decency of not taking it as a personal insult against them.

No. 2156328

Yeah I don’t get it either. I went to a private school with a lot of wealthy students and some of them at least had the self-awareness to own that they grew up rich without being a dick about it or trying to larp as poor. But then there’s the faux broke hipster types and as someone who actually grew up lower middle class it seemed bizarre to me for them to want to be perceived as poor.

No. 2156337

Women into male K-pop stars lack all self-respect. Korean scrotes are some of the most misogynistic and violent men out there, I don’t know how them putting on makeup and singing and dancing changes that.

No. 2156348

The rich folk that like to LARP as poor and bitch about having two whole jobs!!!!! When their parents own three houses and two vacation homes are my absolute least favorite. Any time they complain about their jobs it's just like okay then go live at one of your six houses bitch and give up the wagie LARP.

No. 2156358

Luxury beliefs, they will never have to experience first hand the depravity of these scrotes. Distance allows them to delude themselves and make up a narrative.

No. 2156361

This argument ended so fast once videos were posted kekkk

No. 2156387

People who care and think about celebrities and think they are gods are low IQ and would have been growing and picking grains to make loaves of bread with on their little field owned by feudal lords. You can’t even be anti-celebrity without their zombie flocks and paid promoters bombarding you with generic compliments about their “fave” singer/actress/model/etc.

No. 2156391

dang I never listened to one of her live performances but she sounds almost pitch perfect here. that's some seriously impressive vocal control.

No. 2156406

Kek true, I had to leave two cults in my life. The cult of Islam, and then the cult of gendies. Many similarities between the two which made it easier to realise how ridiculous it all was.
"you were never a true muslim/tranny anyways!!!"

No. 2156447

I was never into her music but now I want her to cover goodbye horses.

No. 2156512

Silent Hill is such a shitty misogynist game series and I hate how so many people like it just because of the "AeStHetIcs!1!1!!11"

No. 2156546

>misogynist game series
>people like it just because of the "AeStHetIcs!1!1!!11"
You described a multitude of games

No. 2156557

They deserve hate as well

No. 2156575

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I don't think there's nothing wrong with talking about some hobby when you don't know or don't have the same skill as the people into that hobby.
Just because you can only make doodles doesn't mean you don't understand how to analyze a picture.
It's the same with music, dance and even sports, sometimes the naive eye can see things that the experienced eye disregards and sometimes a person can know more about the history or even techniques used than those that focus only on one style/technique or even medium.
Plus, if it wasn't for those who appreciate the art but can't do art, artists and many others would sell even less because then anyone who appreciates a skill and can execute it as exceptionally as the seller can just do it herself/himself.

No. 2156578

I thought Silent Hill 3 was pretty solid and not misogynistic

No. 2156582

The first and third games were great and not misogynistic, they were an overarching story about a young abused girl freeing herself from her retarded spirit worshiping abusers. Silent hill 2, and all its derivatives, is misogynistic as fuck though. Silent hill 4 as well.

No. 2156639

It's not. SH1, SH3 and SH:Origins are great games that aren't misogynistic at all, with a plot that revolves around a little abused girl that's handled very well. SH:Downpour is kind of garbage but not misogynistic either. SH: Homecoming is some yeehaw ahh nonsense but not misogynistic either, from what I remember.

SH2 is specifically about a sexually repressed weirdo going to look for his dead wife, and SH4:The Room is about yet another sexually repressed weirdo who is a peeping tom. But it's what, two games out of however many there are.

No. 2156640

Whoops meant to reply to >>2156512

No. 2156693

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i shouldnt have to work nothing makes me special before you ask i just would like to not do it because i've done enough. This is unpopular because everyone would disagree with me and call me a lazy person but we need lazy people so the driven people have someone to look down on as motivation and i'm just the gal to do it. Let me be your motivation to be a tax paying cog by leaving. I honestly should get paid for it. Just me though otherwise it would start to be unethical.

No. 2156725

The image combined with the post reminds me of those “cutecore” tumblr blogs that annoying terminally online zoomers like to make kek.

No. 2156732

I think it’s impossible to make the word zoomer sound harsh. Angry millennials need to understand zoom zoom, zoomie or any variation sounds cute

No. 2156738

I don't really get how SH2 is misogynistic when it doesn't represent these aspects in a positive light. James is a POS, we're not quite meant to sympathize with him. Saying SH4 is misogynistic is also quite a reach to me, given that it was what, only one scene where Henry's is looking through a newly found hole in his wall that leads to his female neighbor's bedroom, but tbh, I think anyone would have gotten curious and peeked through the hole (as holes/portals are a big theme in the game). It's akin to saying Persona 3 is sexist because Junpei is a gross horndog who pervs on the female cast at times. I do prefer SH3 out of the original 4 mainly because Heather is such a great character, though.

No. 2156753

I was thinking that too kek. Lc got posted on tiktok recently so expect more retardation from now on

No. 2156754

SH2 is misogynistic purely because of the weird myth with the scrote following that Mary was a mean nasty rude prudish cunt bitch and she deserved to die because of it.

No. 2156799

I didnt even know there was a book. I want to check it out now.

No. 2156817

nonna, you're valid for your opinions about the games, even if I slightly disagree on some of them. but I'm really autistic for the silent hill series so I just have to say this:

I don't necessarily care for sh4 or Henry (I find him really bland and boring actually) but he's not a peeping tom. the peep hole you find in the game wasn't made by Henry. when you find it, he has a "what is this?" response. it was actually made by the detective that lived in that apartment before Henry, who was investigating the murders committed by the villain of the story, Walter Sullivan. although you never see Eileen (the woman that lives on the other side of the peephole) naked or in any suggestive situations through the peephole, you can still argue that it's objectifying a female character. so I will give you that. however, I do like that there's a scare later on in the game that subtly judges the player for using the peephole. so you could also argue that the game isn't condoning this type of behavior. also, Henry never acts inappropriately towards a female character. there's a scene where Henry is outright offered a sexual favor by a character named Cynthia. he really doesn't respond to it. (he hardly responds to anything tho. that's how bland he is.) I think the only misogynistic portrayal of women in sh4 is Cynthia.

No. 2156820

It's called Queen Bees and Wannabes. It's a self help book for mother's understanding their teenage daughters though. There's not really a plot.

No. 2156827

I think Eileen could have been less sexualized tbh, but I agree.
Since the devs said there are no canon endings and only one of them puts James in a slightly better light, it didn't bother me. Most endings he's stuck living the consequences of his action or dead. I never liked the more happy ending of him leaving, I just ignore that ending. I understand some people dislike it, specially since a bunch of fans failed to see how James was the villain and somehow fail to understand the complexity of Mary, but write long essays defending James.

No. 2156828

>Persona 3
Nta but I… I think P3 is overrated and moidy, sorry. I was never able to take the deaths and "heavy themes" seriously when the game has characters like Junpei, horny hot springs and beach scenes, horny possession scenes where the girls suddenly want to fuck, and the girls all behave like uwu shy embarassed schoolgirlies with the protag. All the modern persona games have this shit, it's sexist and I hate it.

No. 2156838

Nta but correct me if I'm wrong, but was Eileen wearing the sexy dress and heels because of Cynthia? Something about walter merging his ideas of a mother into her?

No. 2156841

It doesn't help that some people really can't handle jealousy well at all and act out because it triggers their fear/rage responses.

No. 2156843

Sorry I'm a retard i meant to say movie not book KEK

No. 2156851

Oh in that case I completely disagree but I guess that is the point of this thread.

No. 2156858

While people really do end up growing out of stuff, it really is more of a shame of no longer having the youthful energy and attention to keep up with stuff anymore.
At one point, you lose the spark to play with toys, you lose the energy needed to play videogames, you stop wanting to keep track of stuff, you just get tired and want to sit down.

No. 2156859

I won't let this happen to me, I've made it this far, I'll be a goofy goober for life

No. 2156861

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if you're talking about the purple dress, then no. that has nothing to do with Walter. in the beginning of the game Eileen mentions several times that she's getting ready for a party. so in the 2nd half of the game, she's in that dress because she's about to go to said party. but I just remembered an extra outfit you can get for eileen for completing the game at a certain condition (I forgot what you have to do exactly) and yeah this one is pretty gross and hideous. it's a sexy nurse costume.

No. 2156863

>sounds like your real problem is with amber alerts inconveniencing you.
Well duh? That's what I said.

No. 2156867

File: 1724790117823.jpg (495.29 KB, 810x1014, 1000011501.jpg)

here is the purple dress that's in the base game. if anyone cares.

No. 2156875

Damn nona why are you so cold

No. 2156878

Yeah, I remember this costume and the lingerie for cynthia, too. I just tried remembering if there was a lore for her purple dress or if it was an intentional choice. I think the design choices for Eileen and Cynthia were deliberate and more fanservicey than what Maria was. There was really no need for these costumes, and compared to Heather's alternative costumes, they were a downgrade. I still like SH4, but wished these details weren't there tbh.

No. 2156879

I still like the same core things from when I was a teenager but I do get obsessed with random things for a couple months before I get bored. Weeb till I die, tennis until next month.

No. 2156881

She can be my ice queen

No. 2156886

Is that not what amber alerts are for idgi? Lots of crazy ass parents abduct and kill their kids when a divorce/ relationship sours. Amber alerts could save that child's life. Most kids aren't getting abducted by complete strangers. Like sexual assault, the perp is usually someone they know.

No. 2156888

No. 2156908

Being a coomer is never okay for anyone. And most female coomers don't do it at the expense of men. It's always women, even if they're straight (see all of those hetrosexual women with anime weeb rooms filled with female hentai figurines).

No. 2156933

>you lose the energy needed to play videogames
not me tho cause my idol is the skyrim grandma

No. 2156979

>you lose the energy needed to play videogames
Absolutely, I hate that I can't nolife ffxiv like I used to.

No. 2156984

No. 2157097

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Is there anything more pathetic than being a proud female kiwifarm er? atleast tradthots are promised resources kek

why are women simping for a dysengenic racist. I know it is a good archival site but that does not justify the delusion.

No. 2157142

I don't see what's wrong with this, I'd wear that minus the bandages.

No. 2157143

I used to be friends with a woman who used kiwifarms so much I could tell straight away it had warped her worldview. She would watch this scrote's streams too, I don't think she posted though just lurked. She was completely insufferable and honestly, she turned into my personal cow. I only put up with her for as long as I did because I had no other female friends at the time. Never going anywhere near that fucking site

No. 2157166

The irony of making a website to doxx fat autists while being a fat autist yourself

No. 2157193

They simp for him because he is one of the few conservative scrotes who doesn't detest women and they also probably enjoy his edgy sense of humor. Sadly, there are always going to be women who fall for the "bad boy" persona even though he's a fucking hamplanet who won't stop eating like a pig.

No. 2157195

>who doesn't detest women
he is misogynistic on his streams, you cant see it on his posts cause barely writes on the threads outside of failed zoomerspeak/stolen jokes/lukewarm takes due to being slow

No. 2157228

He's misogynistic towards non-white women. On his streams, he often goes out of his way to defend white women and radfems in order to gain brownie points from those groups but he'll make snide remarks at non-white women for how they look.

No. 2157395

>simping for Null

KEK Who the hell would simp for that fat retard? Then again the kiwi farmers that have had their photos revealed are even uglier than Null like Otto, her fat bf and that goblino looking fuck CIANigger. (Inb4 racebait, that’s his username).

No. 2157622

I heavily dislike, almost borderline hate women who keep shitting out babies. I can’t stand women with baby frenzy and their disgusting, groveling maternal behavior they call “mom brain” trying to cutesy up their lowered intelligence and brain functions. You could never market real pregnancy in this world to any sane woman so that’s why they always psyop it as some joyous, beautiful moment praised for letting some foreign object hijack your uterus, your mind, your sanity and your will to ensure it survives more than you. I can’t stand the look of the bellies either, it’s like watching women walk around right after they were abducted by aliens and injected with whatever extraterrestrial goo to get them to carry that alien’s child, it creeps me out so much.

No. 2157627

Being a thin adult is not “looking like a child”, and the fact it’s so common to say that is retardation. An adult skeleton is an adult skeleton.
On that note, I (and a lot of others) are anorexic because we think delicateness is more beautiful and/or are unlucky and have fat faces at a normal weight (and/or a small frame that holds fat badly). Just because cows on here are autopedophiles doesn’t mean everyone who wants to be thin is too, and it sucks being told since I’m an anachan I must want to attract pedo scrotes espeically if I’m a lesbian.
Agreed, this is such an accurate description of how it feels. It’s like Stockholm Syndrome and it intensely disturbs me but I have to suppress this and pretend I find it normal. And then they turn around and act like you’re the freak for not wanting the same, fucking cultish handmaidens

No. 2157628

> Go out of his way to defend radfems
Interesting. For some reason I feel like this is either some moidbrained fetish or because he doesn't want to incite anything with this site kek

No. 2157632

I think men get jobs they're not qualified for with way less effort than us. Which then of course equals better income for financial stability because they were able to get a foot in the door.

No. 2157639

I don't use Kiwifarms because I find the UI and design so incredibly ugly, it makes my eyes bleed

No. 2157641

I find the users absolutely insufferable. Some of them take themselves and the cows way too seriously too. 

No. 2157642

Same, I hate how kiwifarms looks, I prefer lolcow but only if I can keep using the girltalk theme, I love pink shit.
Unironically I don't even mind seeing the long ass retarded blogposts on cow threads because the theme is cute, I do hate when it mentions moids' opinions though, that's an instant stop.

No. 2157647

I hate seeing friends that I’ve known forever turn into some baby frenzy demon after popping out a baby.

No. 2157648

I’m pretty certain he frequently lurks on here. He’s also mentioned that the girl boards on his own site are some of his favorite to browse, so take that as you will

No. 2157651

He hates troons and wants to keep good relations with anyone aligned with him on that issue. Plus, one of his goals in life is marrying a white woman and having a child. I can't help but think this is all part of some dumb strategy for him to eventually achieve that.

No. 2157657

I feel like being bombarded with children propaganda since my friends starting having theirs.
Not gonna lie I hate when others have it better than me so I try to bring them down to my level, my friends are doing the same. I'm not surprised, their life always sounds so miserable.

No. 2157662

I know there are female farmers (on both farms since our userbase overlaps) who would sink that low.

No. 2157671

He's claimed numerous times he won't date anyone from his own site and has higher standards than that. Laughable especially since he struggles to lose weight and most normie women dislike racist edgelords.

No. 2157674


Still misogynistic and lieing thru his teeth whenever he pays lipservice.


ew no why

No. 2157684

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No. 2157686

That’s hilarious. The owner of a gossip site thinks he is above the users of said gossip site.

I didn’t claim he wasn’t. Just that he participates in female focused communities routinely for whatever reason

No. 2157691

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Live laugh love is a good slogan and is only hated and ridiculed because older women like it too.

No. 2157696

Isn’t he still living with his mother too?

No. 2157703

Now you're just projecting.
As of 2023 he lived in Serbia and he used to live in Ukraine.

No. 2157705

So sad to see some anons simping for him, only Sam Hyde is worse when it comes to disgusting rightoid moids.

No. 2157706

Lol no, I don’t really keep up with him so it was genuine question.

No. 2157707

Kek such delusion. Higher standards? Does he really think he is an attractive option for women? His only options are one of the edgy pickmes from his forum.

No. 2157708

I think it’s probably worse that the foetus hijacks your brain

No. 2157720

It's okay nonna, I won't hold it against you. Junpei was insufferable for sure, but main protag Yuki was pretty twinkcoded. I don't recall Mitsuru fitting the shy or embarrassed description throughout the game (save for the times she was a bit awkward from being a somewhat sheltered rich girl), she was a solid, strong, badass character. Yukari didn't take shit from any of the male characters, much to the ire of moids who complained she was "too mean", romance route aside. Chihiro definitely fits your description, but aside from how bland and timid Fuuka was, I found the female characters likable if not tolerable, and besides Junpei and Ryoji (who make me fucking gag) felt alright about the main male cast (and am still mad they did my boy Aragaki dirty. Why couldn't it have been Ken??). FeMC from portable was also pretty great, not timid at all with her dialogue choices. Then again i'm a Personafag who cried at the end of one or both of the Arena spinoffs, so my opinion is a bit more positive.

No. 2157721

Seriously. He has facial proportions of a man with dwarfism or incredibly inbred trailer trash

No. 2157723

Why should anyone take a moid's opinion seriously? That's them projecting their warped view of women. I will say that I hate some of the SH2 reboot memes i've seen about reboot Maria not looking enough like "an evil temptress succubus bitch that'll suck your soul out", which I actually do find offensive, gross, and sexist. I actually liked the softer look and think that they could have had her expressions switch more subtly during scenes where she's digging into James' emotional wounds like he deserves, for a real mindfuck. Speaking of character redesigns, there was that whole fiasco with Angela being "ugly" but I don't disagree that the design was kind of off, mainly, the eyebrows need to actually frame her face and not look like someone drew them on with a sharpie.

No. 2157755

Part of his reasoning for this is because most e-famous people who date their own fans end up suffering consequences from it so he doesn't want to suffer the same fate. It's a smart move tbh but at the same time, I can't imagine him being with any self-respecting woman.

No. 2157833

Half the reason why men don’t like women is because it’s just in their nature to think weakness is annoying/iritating and they see women as weak mentally and physically

No. 2157836

They hate women for being weak but lose their minds when a woman isn’t dependent on them. Their egos are entirely based on how much better they think they are than women.

No. 2157844

And yet he lets troons use KiwiFarms. That should tell you all you need to know about him.

No. 2157987

I heard he sucks at taking care of the website, is this true?

No. 2158008

>wanting to be malnourished instead of a roidstacy

No. 2158011

Fatties failed to even take care of their own damn bodies, you expect them to be able to take care of anything else?

No. 2158025

Reminder he stuffed his face due to "stress eating" when CloudFlare took away KF's Ddos protection KEK.

No. 2158042

I don't agree with how correlated age is to how much empathy a victim deserves/gets. Like a 12yo girl vs an 18yo girl getting murdered would bring completely different reactions in people, as if those extra 6 years of life experience change much. I also think people(men) decide how disturbing a rape is based on how excusable it is in their eyes. That is why often men who rape 14+ get lighter sentences, as laws are mostly made by other males. And don't come around saying it is about the physical or mental damage done, 'cause it is really not about that, and I don't want to get into gross details. Same with why men tend to be more disturbed with elderly women being raped - it's just more difficult for them to put themselves in the shoes of the perpetrator. They still don't care much regardless kek. Anyway, I think it is slightly more understandable for women, because they usually do it because they think of their children or relatives in the place of the victim. I still really disagree with it though.

No. 2158052

I can't wait until a wealthy, powerful sperg comes his way and sues him for all he's worth and the sperg actually wins. Moids would have to go pick up a hobby besides screaming at their ShitBox360 and missing showers

No. 2158057

Meghan Markle and her husband are insanely boring and the fact that people hate them so much is baffling to me

No. 2158060

> her husband

No. 2158062

I dont get the /g/ hatred, I use this board indiscriminately with /snow/ /m/ and /ot/ and I don't see much difference between the users. If anything /ot/ has the most obnoxious users to me because there are too many normies compared to the other boards.

No. 2158069

"The ginger haired one"
Prince Harrie

No. 2158071

Anorexia comes with jealousy, persecution complex, narcissism, competitiveness, and viewing thin women as inherently better than fat women (male brained "ugly women are bad people" thinking), and a lot of other repulsive personality traits. If you just prefer being thin or a little underweight, that's not really the same thing.

No. 2158123

Reminder he tried a diet to make fun of ethan Ralph and quit 1 day later
Another user tried a broccoli diet for a week to lose weight and ended up gaining five pounds these people have a new form of downs

No. 2158127

The threadpic for Amerifag General #13 grosses me out because it's taken from a gag that panders to the straight moid gaze that fantasizes about lesbians/straight girls turning lesbian. Hoping the next one is better because it's such a cringe-y eyesore every time I pass by that thread.

No. 2158132

Imagine not being able to out-diet the Gunt himself. It isn't that hard to lose weight. He just needs to eat less and he can't even achieve that. Pathetic.

No. 2158144

The American Dadanon has been going around making thread ops for all sorts of shit. It's annoying as fuck.

No. 2158161

American Dad is gross and isn’t funny. Making it such A Thing is really tryhard

No. 2158162

American Dad is gross and isn’t funny. Making it such A Thing is really tryhard

No. 2158230

I heavily dislike dogs/most outdoor cats but some of the anons in the animal hate threads are actually psychotic. There are some valid criticisms in those threads, such as pitubulls being dangerous and outdoor cats being bad for native wildlife, but some anons get downright sadistic about it. I don't need to hear your fantasy about how you want to torture stray cats, or how you wish every dog is sadistically murdered. Calm the fuck down.

No. 2158269

ntayrt but make the thread before the stanfags do if you hate it so bad kek, it seems to be popular with the burgies

No. 2158280

I mean, that's kind of avatarfagging, an anon got banned after using too many sonic pics in a row for different threads.

No. 2158289

It's the same single sperg. Most started that thread to vent about apartment dogs barking all day not to circlejerk animal suffering

No. 2158299

Thats because it was 1 anon, it looks like the AD! threadpics and threadgifs have been made by multiple anons (probably Amerifags kek). Usually when someones avatarfagging and trying to monopolize the threadpics it'll be banned/redtexted as such but I haven't seen that happen yet and its been going on for a few months now

No. 2158312

Oh cmon nonna you dont wanna flipper Franny? You sure?

No. 2158328

They scream about burgers being xenophobic and ignorant but they're being xenophobic and ignorant of burgers for not understanding why we love American Dad.

No. 2158446

I don’t get how people can complain about groomers and be a Lana stan. In a way Lana is a groomer, she groomed a generation of women into that Lolita shit

No. 2158467

Her music is garbage, too.

No. 2158472

Her songs are catchy if you ignore the lyrics

No. 2158496

A lot of male groomers have catchy music toon

No. 2158530

Summerfags can be college students as well. That’s probably why this website has been so slow lately, the high schoolers and college students started their summer semester kek

No. 2158531

Shit samefag I meant *fall semester not summer

No. 2158619

Where? They are snooze inducing.

No. 2158666

I find the whole constant "women write men like psuedo woman" to be annoying.
Bet if even characters like Naruto were written by women people would say the same shit and nitpick every thing he did as some sort if gateway into a woman's (who probably hates other women) mind. How "only a woman can write a male character that would collapse and feel emotions over another man, as real men don't write or do such things."

No. 2158733

Grow a bigger pair. I’m laughing at how retarded your “opinion” is, there’s nothing annoying about it, just close your eyes, hide the thread, then your imaginary problems will all go away.

No. 2158900

God forbid someone express an unpopular opinion in this thread. What's funny is how you're seemingly more bothered that someone considers it an eyesore to the point that you felt the need to reply instead of just moving on. I don't see where it says in the post that it's such a problem, just that it's unfunny and obnoxious.

No. 2159050

Euthanasia would solve so many problems, but especially in letting people die with dignity instead of letting them rot and becoming a burden to the systems and their loved ones when they eventually end up with compassion or caregiver's fatigue. It's extremely depressing to me that most elderly, disabled, or otherwise chronically ill people get dumped to be someone else's problem and end up abused by their own relatives or by weary, sadistic caretakers. We can't change society to have enough people willing to care for the vulnerable to rotate between so that the individuals are well cared for and the carers can avoid fatigue. Everyone eventually ends up having to prioritize themselves and other things in their life, and starts to resent the person that is unable to support themselves and be nothing but a burden. Of course, there are still things that need to be worked out with euthanasia like making sure it's done with full consent, which gets tricky when the person is in a state of mental decline, but if we could change the attitudes around it, it would help more people go gently and willingly. There's so much stigma surrounding death though because we see it as some ultimate end. Loss makes us anxious, fearful, and morose. Sometimes we become selfish and unable to understand why if life is so good for us, or, if we made it through certain circumstances, why can't someone else have the same?

I'm also a proponent for euthanasia for people suffering extreme and debilitating mental illness to the point that functioning is an endless struggle and again, they end up burdening a system or their loved ones. I think that if people truly loved others, they wouldn't want them to suffer. They wouldn't want that sort of life for them. Instead, death is "the end, scary, bleak, and bad". I think that violent and meaningless death are bad, but otherwise, it's part of the natural order and should be respected just as much as life is. Perhaps we should have age restrictions. I do think there should be thorough background checks and psychological evaluations before we let someone decide, or have a loved one decide, because it can easily get turned into selfish people pushing their loved ones to die without ever having tried to make things better for them.

No. 2159188

Honestly agree, but the married women being tenderly sent to heaven by their loving husbands after 'falling down the stairs' would never be addressed.
I think that better training, background checks, and pay for carers would go a long way towards helping the elderly and severely disabled have a better quality of life. And so would the normalization of abortion of fetuses who have severe disabilities and birth defects. It's not fair on the kids who spend their short lives in horrific pain, and it's not fair on the parents to have to give up their lives to look after a child who's a ticking clock with no hope of getting better. It's especially not fair on any other kids who get treated like carers and expected to parent their siblings. The Hartley Hooligans come to mind, those girls should have been aborted instead of being used as photo props for their insane parents.

No. 2159217

Dating a new man after divorce is extremely selfish if you have a young daughter, especially if you bring him to your home. It's not her fault her mother got babytrapped to a man she didn't like but now she must endure it. It's extremely traumatic to go through pubert and live with a stranger man in your home.

No. 2159222

File: 1724958579215.jpg (257.48 KB, 600x900, 1000057455.jpg)

Mixing food is great, actually, I think that only people with a good relationship with food mixes it, instead of eating it all separately, because you get to enjoy the flavors better and maybe even discover new combinations.
But when you don't mix your food, you're just turning eating into a boring and calculated experience.

No. 2160179

You should be treating lolcow moderation like how you treat the media and the government by never listening to or believing their lies and bullshit. Everything they say is just straight lies and coverups for their incompetence that is provided by their lack of transparency. They don’t want you know the actual truth at all. I wish websites were tan by robots or AI at this point, I can’t trust humans running anything anymore

No. 2160193

I just find it really fucking insane that an hour past before any mods noticed something was wrong. Like, seriously? We’re capable of more than this

No. 2160195

>I wish websites were tan by robots or AI at this point
why, so we can have senseless CC-tier autobans with no appeal system?

No. 2160209

Spending a lot of money on a wedding is low IQ behavior.

No. 2160210

Do the mods even help with the technical aspects of the website? I thought they were just internet cops who spend more time banning people they have vendettas towards than actually moderating
Not like instagram or any surface web social media I just wish it was just a free-for-all with no lies, no censoring, no autobans, no scrotes, that’s my dream that has almost no chance of happening kek

No. 2160234

I feel the same way; funerals should really be the only event where you go all out

No. 2160345

true, put the extra money to use for a honeymoon and domestic life

No. 2160370

NTA, but why?

No. 2160376

NTA but you'll be dead anyways, might as well use it all now that you're dead

No. 2160382

I think dying is a bigger event than getting married tbh

No. 2160415

The world would be so different if we all existed in our natural state, no alterations. One example is I believe way less women would be exclusively heterosexual OR more women would be ebephophiles. Almost all moids grow moustaches and/or beards after puberty, both being disgusting. I think I’ve taken for granted how men look naturally and forget they literally have to shave every day to not look gross. Also if we walked around naked, we’d be exposed to men’s hairiness and more of us would be disgusted by the fur on their bodies and see them as animal-like. Of course there are some women who like facial hair just like there are some women who like baldness so who knows, maybe some would get psy-opped into it

No. 2160417

File: 1726081390502.jpeg (60.76 KB, 767x207, IMG_3318.jpeg)

So what’s the consensus? Can or can not women rape moids? Because whenever I see this shit (like the ‘built for rape’ anon from attractive male bodies) I just find it so ridiculous, you’re not going to rape a moid.

No. 2160419

men would turn all gay, and start buttfucking eachother. They are attracted to commodified femininity. I think most men would choose to fuck a tranny over an unshaved woman without make up.

No. 2160421

Can't you stick something really big and/or sharp up their ass?

No. 2160422

anon its a joke its not so serious, most anons dont want to be in close proximity with a moid let alone fuck them

No. 2160423

these are de/g/enerates so I don’t know why you’re giving them the benefit of the doubt
>most anons don’t want to be in close proximity with a moid let alone fuck them
my experience in the lc bunker tells me this is a big, fat LIE kek

No. 2160424

Its actually fairly simple to rape a moid. Most moids are pussywhipped so just give him a crumb of attention, slip something into his drink, bring him home and once he's passed out, sodomize him with a metal pole. The fact that women never do this speaks to our superior character.

No. 2160432

i dont think it has anythign to do with our chracters, most men arent worth a life sentence. They fucking ugly. Now if the average scrote looked like brandon lee they would call me jeffreyna dahmer.

No. 2160433

>most anons dont want to be in close proximity with a moid let alone fuck them
Most anons here are straight and in relationships with moids, nigelfags (unfortunately) outweighs the volcels, I think we can be counted on one hand.

No. 2160436

i dont think the nigelfags are the ones hornyposting about anime men

No. 2160445

wow a heckin pupperino enthusiast who also hates cum trophies? you’ve earned yourself some reddit gold!

No. 2160468

File: 1726083311330.gif (3 MB, 500x281, 1000016420.gif)

>mommy-chans of lolcow as soon as you say one (1) thing not positive about children

No. 2160470

Your baby is UGLY

No. 2160478

I don’t have a kid. nice try faggots

No. 2160493

No one believes you

No. 2160494

File: 1726084181917.jpeg (75.09 KB, 320x320, IMG_6001.jpeg)

This girl group is so cringe. The aesthetic, dancing and singing is too tryhard K-pop.

No. 2160498

Curious as to if mods allow this or not

No. 2160499

Why not? Kek

No. 2160503

Their clothes are so tacky and ugly to me, and I can't even describe the science of why.

No. 2160505

Where’s the anon who said Asian girls only pull this off? I wanted to reply and say that this is probably just off mental association.
Technically Kpop, they’re HYBE, no? And there is a Korean member right?

No. 2160506

Hybe has no clue how to style non-east asians.

No. 2160507

They are a "global group" and sing in English so i think its fine?

No. 2160515

This reminds me of what men think women think is stylish but is really just what gets their dicks interested

No. 2160517

They're based in Los Angeles and managed by Hybe America AND Geffen Records, so two American labels. Only one member is South Korean. It's essentially an American girl group with a seal of approval from a K-pop company. I don't think it counts as K-pop.

No. 2160519

True, but the reason mods banned Kpop isn’t because they don’t want anyone to talk about Koreans KEK it’s because the fans of these groups are rabid.

No. 2160525

bighit always wants to make their young idols look even younger

No. 2160528

? What? They are styled normally

No. 2160529

This is also why moderation has been slow.
Yup. I wish this wasn't unpopular. Retards in /meta/ are throwing a fit because some anons are questioning Cerbmin.
Pictures started disappearing around 9:00PM, anons in /ot/ noticed and talked about it around 9:10PM, anons brought it to /meta/ by 9:35PM, Cerbmin first responded at 10:06PM, and site was closed before 10:30PM. But Cerbmin says that it started at 9:00PM and was resolved within an hour.

No. 2160530

They aren’t singing Korean.. how is it kpop. And it’s true. Only East Asians can pull this off well, it just seems fake

No. 2160533

Cringe if they are calling themselves kpop, you know they only have American fans

No. 2160538

Racebait or not. It is nice to see a black singer not performing like a hooker.

No. 2160544

This seems to be an American thing. Pinkpantheress would never have become successful if she were American, and you want to be successful as a black person in America and keep your dignity the media won’t push you.

No. 2160548

You have no idea how obnoxious you guys sound with your dumb ass “dogs are better than humans!” shit, maybe if nona said cats i would agree but dangerous slobbering smelly beasts will never ever be cute(please keep dog hate in the containment thread)

No. 2160550

I think if they were anachan they’d look normal to our eyes kek, even the Asian ones don’t look “kpop” to me, even though wasian idols do

No. 2160697

City pop is boring shite

No. 2160698

God I love this thread pic

No. 2160773

Nah, i think it's race. They're slim enough, and the second girl from the left looks pretty kpop. Everyone else looks like an american girl group form the 2000s.

No. 2160799

This tacky shit looks good on no one

No. 2160801

Wasian idols still seem “”kpop”” though, but these girls don’t. Plus the 6th girl is asian and I’m pretty sure the 5th girl is wasian too.

No. 2160810

File: 1726093718698.jpeg (129.42 KB, 736x1104, IMG_2493.jpeg)

i’m too lazy to scroll up but I seriously hope you bitches aren’t talking about my bae fatou and the other gals (i’m not a newfag just too lazy to type properly)(kpop)

No. 2160816

I think they're cute

No. 2160825

File: 1726094097525.jpeg (228.07 KB, 736x821, IMG_2494.jpeg)

samefag oh my god I want to fuck them all, they’re so beautiful

No. 2160835

File: 1726094389685.jpg (3.85 MB, 7986x4499, KATSEYE-Photo-Credit_-Cody-Cri…)

The fully asian one manages to look kpop on some photos too, and the wasian one can look half it. I think it's race + matching the kpop idol facial "mask", if you get what i mean. Only the one i mentined looks fully it and would not stick out in a real korean group.

No. 2160839

fatou appreciaters rise up

No. 2160845

Samefag, only the girl i mentioned is korean, maybe that's why she manages to work 100% with the k-pop aesthetic. Not sure.

No. 2160846

File: 1726094661356.jpeg (135.92 KB, 735x1130, IMG_2495.jpeg)

i want fatou as my lolcow mascot oh please!!!!!!! i also vote crusty white dog coded doja cat as second

No. 2160849

Aw this is so cute, they kind of remind me of Winx Club! I really wish people who aren’t Korean would stop being intimidated by people of different skin tones being in the limelight.

No. 2160853

Yep, this styling suits Yoonchae best since she has the typical k-idol look already, either way, i think the make-up looks good, the silhouette of the clothing is fine. They just need to work on finding colors that suit the other members more, that's the only problem. There are more "cool" type girls in the group that "cute" type and they should account for that. And hairstyles, dye-jobs. I fucking hate k-pop style hair, get them a hairdresser who actually knows how to do professional looking dye.

No. 2160864

File: 1726095323171.png (1.67 MB, 1944x1084, gay is okay.png)

doja please. she's based and i'm convinced she's a farmer considering she made that tweet that referenced a post on here which compared her face to a bicycle seat kek

No. 2160865

interesting, for me i think it’s the “type” of faces they went with. like the other asian girl looks Korean enough but her face would not be picked for a Korea-marketed gg. Hoyeon Jung is fully Korean and would not look correct in a girl group. i also think it’s the lack of plastic…

No. 2160866

she’s the one that tried to take lolcor down…. she was holding the site for ransom

No. 2160868

Also samefag, but its really nice to see Manon (the black member) get acknowledged a visual!

No. 2160871

Yeah, even the full Korean member looks less plastic compared to the average k-pop idols, they even let her keep her monolids.

No. 2160873

God they're so cute. New crushes.

No. 2160875

I don’t understand, can only some races do some aesthetics? It’s not like we say non-white women can’t do aesthetics inspired by American pop kek

No. 2160876

File: 1726095656625.png (407.58 KB, 341x712, Screenshots_2024-09-11-19-00-0…)

Not gonna lie, she's looking a bit like Joji in this pic

No. 2160880

why would you point this out KEK I find her and Manon so pretty though

No. 2160881

I'm sorryyy kek once I saw it I couldn't not say anything

No. 2160885

just ignore them, they’re blatantly just being racist as fuck and trying to gatekeep something that ripped off many american/eurofag concepts kek

No. 2160891

It's not. Different clothing looks good on different people. They look objectively better in more elegant and cool styling.

No. 2160897

You’re acting like K-pop idols don’t get styled like this all the time lol… it’s not all cutesy kawaii stuff.

No. 2160900

it’s trendy styling, it’s literally not going to hurt you ever just close your eyes and don’t look at it and your problem is automatically solved

No. 2160901

it's the unpop opinions thread, if you don't like hearing opinions you don't like just close the thread.

No. 2160904

i shared my opinion though kek, welcome to the internet!

No. 2160912

They look so awkward in the photoshoot you can tell theres no chemistry between the members it looks disjointed and forced.

No. 2160916

Literally this, kek.

No. 2161021

Is the average age in this thread 14? Who cares about some dime-a-dozen girl group that will be disbanded within a year or two.

No. 2161074

I love that this triggered "that" demographic, based puppy liking anon kekkk

No. 2161097

Is it really necessary to start an infight over a post that was made 20 days ago?

No. 2161149

Why is penetration with an object always a must for rape committed by females? By that logic women can’t rape other women.

No. 2161156

Yes, rape technically necessitates penetration of some sort, no penetration gets classed as sexual assault.

No. 2161273

Chris Chan sort of passes as a troon. He is ugly but he does pass as a obese ugly women to me. Even his voice passes. Even troons less deranged then him are worse at passing(Dylan).

No. 2161348

What infight did I start? A poster earlier than me started one, while I was just positive toward that anon.

No. 2161450

"female gaze/male gaze" = straight womens version of madonna/whore complex

No. 2161458

This is so true. Yesterday I found out that the "female gaze" is not sexualizing and objectifying men and I am confused. "Male gaze" is sexualizing and objectifying women, but "female gaze" is lalala deep connection everybody is beautiful on the inside emotional empowering shit? It makes no sense to me.

No. 2161462

I don't think ancient cultures have to be preserved. Aspects of them should be kept but the misogyny, abuse and other barbaric shit like sacrifices and cannibalism deserve to go. I'm tired of moids going "it's their culture and they're happy with it, we shouldn't bother them". It's the stupidest take ever. Yeah the stupid cavemen moids may be happy with having 10 child brides and 20 slaves, but does anyone ask the women and children if they're happy with it? Did anyone ask the women if they like being treated like cattle and birth machines? No matter what some old ugly moids say about muh culture and happiness, these types of cultures deserve to be destroyed, their sick moids with them.

No. 2161602

I would rather eat human shit that perform fellatio

No. 2161608

get your eyes and ears checked nonna

No. 2161612

File: 1726146521720.jpg (94.79 KB, 597x457, 3123464596294854564.jpg)

I'm not sure what you're all talking about, but that's not how I see it? Isn't the concept of 'male gaze' based on what men find attractive personally and what they think women find attractive, whereas 'female gaze' is about what women actually find attractive? For example, a super buff guy with a beard versus a lean athletic man with pretty features."

No. 2161635

not to kpopfag but I hate it when kpop artists take over western award shows. they already have bazillion asian award shows and stages where they can perform the same choreos over and over again while lip syncing. let real artists perform please

No. 2161650

korea's k is fading away

No. 2161651

Based and correct. Considering the abysmal state of male hygiene, you probably would be eating shit if you put dick in your mouth.

No. 2161655

I always find it funny how "muh history" moids want to preserve shit like slavery and child marriage, but never the important shit those cultures could contribute to the rest of the world like esoteric knowledge about plant medicinal properties. Makes me wish all of them would spontaneously teleport to the no-go regions of New Guinea and then see how much they crow about cultural preservation.

No. 2161669

my body my choice makes complete sense. life is the choice of a woman

No. 2161691

what do you mean

No. 2161723

I think I hate gay moids more than I hate troons, especially the flamboyant, twink types. They're two sides of the same coin but their misogyny manifests so differently. I seethe at the fags who are able to make successful careers out of women's misery.

No. 2161725

Poop is quite hygienic and aesthetically pleasing compared to p*nis(do not censor yourself on lolcow)

No. 2161728

The only moms this bitter are the ones with cleft palate learning disability babies. No successful parent with a healthy child gets offended by baby haters kek

No. 2161750

File: 1726157132659.jpg (54.81 KB, 449x339, 43567529716.jpg)

I hate summer and summer people.
People think I’m crazy for not enjoying summer, but what exactly do these low-tier homo sapiens find appealing about it? Do you enjoy the humidity? The wasps harassing you? The stupid heat? Do you enjoy sweating buckets and feeling dehydrated? Or being assaulted by the direct sun? Who even actually enjoys working or sleeping in 90-degree heat? Summer depresses me. I turn into a total hermit, just wanting to stay in bed with my air conditioner as my life support. When it hits over 100 degrees and people are out saying how “nice” the weather is, it makes me want to throw them into a pit of fire. Seriously, they deserve to feel the flames. Summer is so overrated, it’s almost a crime.

No. 2161753

Summer is only fun if you don't live in a shithole.

No. 2161755

I fucking HATE summer and the stupid fucking summer sun, 2-3 months when I have to stay indoors until 8-9 pm because of fucking heatwaves and the stupid ass sun.
I live for autumn and winter but rn I'm so pissed because temperatures are around 25 degrees, IT'S MIDDLE OF SEPTEMBER FUCK OF WITH YOUR SUN ALREADY. I want rain, clouds and cold.
no it's not

No. 2161756

I love the summer, enjoy your frost bite winterfag

No. 2161761

>do you enjoy the humidity
Yes I love that summer swelter ngl
>the wasps harrassing you
when a bee flies up to me it makes me feel like I got picked ♥
>the stupid heat
I hate 100 degree days so, so much. It just feels so unnecessary. But being sweaty isn’t enough to make me hate being under the sun
>who even enjoys working or sleeping in 90 degree heat?
I hate sleeping at night during the summer though, if I could stay awake through the entirety of summer and not be covered in a bucket of sweat when I wake up? That would be ideal KEKK

No. 2161765

Have fun drowning in your own sweat and chasing skin cancer.

No. 2161767

I missed you bitches so much

No. 2161771

I can't explain it but summer is for loudfags, anybody who enjoys that season is someone who is annoying to be around. Winter/Autumn/Spring feel much more reserved and peaceful to me, especially spring. You still have some lovely sunshine but it's not in your face, the heat is pleasant, and the nature coming back is refreshing. I love reading a book in my garden while my flowers bloom again. I have a cat and he suffers in the summer heat, so I hate it tenfold for putting him through that.

No. 2161772

im visiting florida because my normie brother and his wife decided to start their family down here, and he loves to talk about how gorgeous it is and how the weather in florida is always tropical and sunny. in reality it feels like walking thru soup outside and every time i go in and out of a building or car my glasses fog up. the heat makes people aggressive and slow. cant wait to get home where the seasons are starting to change and it actually gets cold at night. winter rulez, summer droolz

No. 2161795

nayrt but I understand, the most annoying extroverts I've known love summer and hate winter

No. 2161814

I used to hate summer when I lived in a city. Now I live in the middle of nowhere I like summer because I get to spend time outside with my poultry and tend my fruit and vegetable garden.

No. 2161818

The main reason I absolutely LOATHE summer is the people. I am very lonely and seeing (and hearing) everybody else being out, partying, laughing, having fun, etc., meanwhile I am alone in my room is the biggest suifuel there is. Loneliness is painful

No. 2161819

Nah, we were just talking about why it "breaks" some people looking at these girls, but not with the kpop girls. It's just that they're accustomed to the asians doing this. But >>2160885 is right, americans/eurofags were doing it first.
I understand what you're trying to say, but imho their clothing looks a bit stupid on everyone, KEK.
Nonnas, do you live in places where winter is not dirty af or something? Summer and winter are kind of both not enjoyable often. I liked summers back when they were more mild. They a bit suck now.

No. 2161827

I hate summer but I don't like winter either, I feel like most winterfags are neets who don't need to pay energy bills and go to work when it's dark in the morning and evening. Best months are April/May/June imo.

No. 2161979

Seasons vary so much from year to year especially now with climate change, idk how anyone can say one is better than another. This year we had a cool rainy summer, last year it was extreme drought and heat.

No. 2162046

I hate when women use ppd as an excuse to be abusive to their children and pets. Most people who get ppd were already nuts to begin with but they some how thought getting pregnant by a scrote who won’t help them will make the situation better. Most of the women I’ve met with ppd already had a history of mental illness and there were signs they can’t handle motherhood but if you told them they shouldn’t have kids due to their mental illness theyre gonna scream about eugenics.

No. 2162071

Is this even that unpopular? Most people I know absolutely hate summer, only people who seem to enjoy it are people who can afford to take vacations/trips every year.

No. 2162080

The only good thing about summer is taking a nap after lunch so you can skip the hottest hours. But it's not like you can even do that anymore kek have fun working at 40C without AC

No. 2162108

I mean that differentiation makes sense in America where its more temperate but my country has the seasons completely change every year and it's very unpredictable. It's probably better to say like "I liked summer/winter this year" than as a whole, summer has been kinda shit the past few years because its been non stop flooding until this year and now all the houses are moldy but I remember summers that have been really nice despite the hole in the ozone.

No. 2162155

i truly believe that many of the moidhating posts are written by men. not all of them, but the ones that go into detail about how they want to castrate moids or enslave them or whatever scream fetishistic male to me. ofc if you say that they're odd the poster screeches that you must be a moid lover. but my gut knows the truth.

No. 2162163

I can understand where you're coming from but come on, now we must be pious in our hatred? A man will jerk off to knees and wonderbread, they will literally fuck hotpockets and mcdonalds apple pies. Maybe some anons just want to sperg and not think about the male species' sexual retardation.

No. 2162168

File: 1726180885509.jpg (260.86 KB, 1080x1489, tumblr_d37a5231a3c0557cbd048c6…)

i relate to what you're saying, but at the same time, it's not all moidhate that i believe is fetish content. it's a very specific genre that reads as being obsessed with moids is a hypersexual way. are there female sadists? yes, of course. but something about some posts gives me the same vibes as picrel. i don't know, you either get it or you don't.

No. 2162172

Why is it hard to believe that any woman could hate moids that much? I can see how some moids could use lolcow for their fetish playground, but how common do you think such a fetish is? It wouldn't even be hard for moids to find such content off this site, why would they even bother coming her when they can get similar content on twitter? I say this because often times those posts are made in direct response to really awful true crime stories or events, they aren't ever random. Plus, some anons are really just that passionately mad at scrotes and can only rely on lolcow to get it out of their system without other women to tell them to stop being mean to men. We never have to question if anonymous misogynist online is made by a self hating woman when the world is filled to the brim of these types, yet self hating men are much rarer since men are incredibly full of themselves and feel the need to correct everyone all the time.

No. 2162184

you don't seem to know what types of posts i'm referring to, and that's fine. i am not talking about 'wow i wish all men would just die' in response to a story about child sexual assault. i'm talking about 'man i hate men so much… anyone else wish they could tie up mens balls and crush them under the heel of their foot? that would show those disgusting males. they need to learn about female superiority!' in response to almost nothing. if you have not seen it, that's fine, but i've talked to other nonas who have noticed this too in the past.

No. 2162186

also kek at 'how common is such a fetish' and 'why would they come here and not twitter?' the answer is extremely common, and because they know actual women who truly hate men use this site and use it to jerk off. there are a huge number of fetish orbiters on radblr as well, for the exact reason, who send anons with similar fetish plots in an attempt to get actual misandrists to agree, not knowing that they're indulging in a moids fetish.

No. 2162196

NTA but the "I wish we could have TOTAL TRANNY DEATH and beat all the trannies to DEATH" posts always trigger that gut feeling. I'm not saying they're all men but there's something off about that style of writing. I wish men were treated like roosters on a farm but I'm not going to write a weird fanfic about it unprompted.

No. 2162230

I have 0 white guilt also little to no interests in other cultures or countries. I'm american and that's my life and I basically only care about my white american area(racebaiting)

No. 2162233

White guilt is freaky as fuck

No. 2162247

Ok…? Congratulations you’re like most people. I don’t know if this is an opinion.

No. 2162248

Got your panties twisted

No. 2162250

Same I feel fine as a whitoid no cap

No. 2162251

nta but anon kek i dont think most white people feel guilt for random races

No. 2162258

You have never had the displeasure of being around another white person making white people jokes just feels incredibly uncomfortable. Also hate when nonwhites make racial jokes around me like calling themselves slurs. I'm not laughing along at your internalized racial hatred go tell it to your diary and stop killing my vibe

No. 2162264

i understand not wanting to be around that, but why not distance yourself from obnoxious people instead of feeling guilty for the butt of the joke?

No. 2162265

I still think the album Brat sucks and glad I had my early 20s during the True Romance era and before fags and trannies took her from the girlies.

No. 2162270

Early Charli was so much better she’s so faggy now, I didn’t listen to brat

No. 2162290

Did you mean to reply to me? I agree, “white guilt” doesn’t exist outside of the people who act like they care about political issues to seem like good people. No different from the save palestine in bio folks, I even heard some people talk about BLM like, “Remember that trend!” KEK
You’re either baiting or retarded. My panties are in a twist because I think this is the norm?

No. 2162307

>It doesn't exist because the people that do it don't count to me
Ok kiddo

No. 2162310

The problem nowadays is that common sense is considered an ideology and feeling disgusted by reality is somehow a form of extremism that should be stopped at any cost.
Like you can't say that women should have careers and be successful, because everyone will jump at you to say that you're a feminist, and you can't say that men are disgusting and that you don't trust them beva that makes you a misandrist.
To the point that I may as well be called a feminazi man hater than to be compliant and say that whatever a man says must be true, pure and logical.

No. 2162311

File: 1726189259952.jpeg (115.44 KB, 736x736, IMG_2508.jpeg)

Sex is disgusting. I’ve never been sexually abused as a child and I’m not asexual, your mind can reject how inherently nasty, disgusting and unhygienic but your body can’t resist its biological programming unless you consciously go against it. It’s just plain disgusting and something so unflattering and gross being brought to the surface and encouraged in our society makes me hate it even more. I hate the oversexualization women, I hate porn, I hate sex, hate the idea of it, hate that my body wants to engage in this activity just like I hate my sexuality. Sex is purely disgusting and too shilled.

No. 2162312

I liked Apple

No. 2162386

File: 1726195311714.png (204 KB, 414x338, Screenshot 2024-08-21 205301.p…)

I've been seeing videos bashing crumbl overconsumption and i think it's not that bad. I like overconsuming on crumbl, keeping up to date with what interesting looking cookies I should try. It's just to bad that the past two week have been duds so i haven't bought anything from them. i just want them to release the key lime pie cookie again, it was their best one.

No. 2162431

Don't know much about these cookies but I don't see how you can overconsume them in the same sense you can overconsume items. The worst case is you gain some pounds and get a stomachache kek unlike shein and plastic slop where it actively destroys the planet, will never decompose and can be hoarded

No. 2162443

I'll be intrigued when people start showcasing their limited edition Olivia Rodrigo cookies in a cheap ikea cabinet, but god let me get diabetes in peace.

No. 2162444

The Kentucky Butter cookie is the best.

No. 2162556

>people spend $5+ for one underbaked, excessively sugary cookie
Lol, lmao even

No. 2162582

As my jewish friend says: "If you're surrounded by fools you would be a fool not to use it."

No. 2162693

food waste

No. 2162761

i believe some cows can be transformed by finding a boyfriend from the 0.01% pool of good men. no, im not at all saying women need men, but take shayna for example. its highly unlikely shed care what a female friend would say. if they were supportive, shed continue her shit. if they advised her to go a different direction, shed cry victim. but if it were a male who showed genuine interest and put up with her bullshit long enough to help her? i think shed listen. ah who am i kidding its shayna…

No. 2162764

They're fucking disgusting and as a baker I side-eye anyone who actually likes them

No. 2162766

It worked for Trisha paytas. She finally found a man willing to actually marry her, take her seriously and have kids with her and she became a totally different person over night. If she never met Moses she probably would still be doing drugs and being a mess. Women like that aren’t going to be able to change unless they find a man who will make them a wife.

No. 2162772

I don’t feel bad when elderly people get scammed out of their money because it’s usually deserved. They’re stubborn about learning to use basic technology and they don’t listen when their family tries to warn them about scams. If grandpa and grandma are going to act arrogant and get scammed out of their life savings oh well. If they have been in this earth all these years and still can’t use common sense that’s on them.

No. 2162780

to be fair nonna our ability to detect scams/fraud increases with age

No. 2162783

I hope when Gen alpha grows up they bring in music that’s less sexual. I’m tired of seeing pussy and ass all the time. Everytime I turn on a music video or concert someone’s always shaking their ass and camel toe at the camera, damn we get it! Enough is enough. I’m sure at this point even scrotes are burnt out from all the pussy, tits and ass they’re bombarded with on the daily.

No. 2162811

Orlando's face at the end kek

No. 2162820

>I’m sure at this point even scrotes are burnt out from all the pussy, tits and ass they’re bombarded with on the daily
they are, this is why they're getting more and more degenerate. tits/ass/pussy just don't do it for them anymore because they're already everywhere in mainstream media. bleak

No. 2162821

Gen Alpha is already worse

No. 2162832

i don’t even understand what the point of this is. this doesn’t make the music sound better, this isn’t an attractive or invoking performance

No. 2162836

File: 1726240162471.gif (1.18 MB, 220x162, karen-carpenter-lead-sister.gi…)

insane how there isnt a single(maybe outside of mitski) female mainstream singer who isnt hyper sexualized. Even the supposed ''lesbian'' chappel shakes her ass and tits for moids. I am going to keep listening to the queens of the past that didnt need to talk about their ass and tits and were actually talented.

No. 2162837

We should start calling government and officials who pander to TRA nonsense exactly what they are: pimps. They think women under their care/stewardship are props they can sellout for male sexual gratification. Think about it, women who are exploited in the “porn industry” often talk about how their autonomy and consent was never sought before being sexually assaulted/raped so they figured they may as well charge for it. This is exactly that, pimps in power want to create a generation of women with no boundaries who can’t say no to men. They’re getting kick backs for selling sexual access to us without our consent.

No. 2162878

My favourite singer is like that. I love her. I would tell you nonas about her but I'm too saddened by the moids and trannies and newfags that come here. So I will have to gatekeep her.

No. 2162881

omg nonna i'm literally watching a karen documentary right now! kekk

No. 2162889

Getting made fun of for things you can change feels worse than getting made fun of for things you can't.

No. 2162901

the eternal question is, who controls the music industry… someone answer me.
Besides, how hard is it for a woman to get there and become a musician?? I'm a rock musician from Poland.

No. 2162908

Men. Women make up just 3% of producers in popular music.

No. 2162911

Rapists and drug addicts thats whom

No. 2162913

Latinas can be white and that woman is white

No. 2162916

argentinians can be white

No. 2162917

>restricting womanly love with claims that certain races together are racist
and we circled all the way back

No. 2162921

File: 1726244817624.jpeg (1.17 MB, 1284x1349, IMG_3996.jpeg)

Sorry you’re white

No. 2162925

waht was the name of that /pol/ shooter who wrote a manifesto where he claimed argentina was the only white country left kek

No. 2162939

File: 1726245775070.png (434.2 KB, 1085x920, media2FGXHuULgXcAIXSQK.png)


No. 2162944

If your home is clean, wearing outdoor shoes inside is disgusting. Are you even human?

No. 2162947

As soon as I moved out of the outdoor-shoes-inside house I grew up in, I mysteriously stopped getting sick every other week. But I'm sure it's totally unrelated.

No. 2162948

There are some cows who I think don't deserve to have threads and actually feel legitimate sadness for when I see them on the catalog

No. 2162966

I hate that weird looking quadroon so much, they need to lock him for good.(racebait)

No. 2162985

That's a Mexican band and the three women are sisters. If you think only one of them looks white and the others don't then you're retarded. The blonde one very obviously dyes her hair. If you look up vids of when they did covers as children they look like your average spiclet girls.(racebait)

No. 2162992

They all look white to me

No. 2162996

File: 1726248146970.jpg (55.68 KB, 547x360, the-warning-trio.jpg)

Sure thing m8

No. 2162997

I’ve seen white people who look like that(Ezra miller, Taylor lautner). Not all white people are blonde with blue eyes.

No. 2162999

You've seen white people who are brown? Woah. Guess I'm white now. Too bad your government won't recognize me as white just for the sake of "winning" an internet "argument".

No. 2163279

File: 1726263877867.png (228.8 KB, 323x440, UNOLrNl.png)

There’s absolutely nothing wrong with an older woman dating a younger man or woman, but it is always fucked when an older man is in a relationship with a younger man or woman. picrel is louis partridge who began dating sydney chandler when he was 17 and she was 25, they had a healthy relationship before they eventually broke up. If louis had dated an older fag, he would probably have ended up fucked up and If the genders were reversed and louis was 25 and sydney 17 then sydney would have ended up fucked up.

No. 2163403

Agreed, plus i'd be worried for an older woman more than for a scrote in this relationship.

No. 2163444

I think male identical twins should fight to the death when they come of age I don't even have any reasoning I just think the idea of two men who look the same living life is abnormal and a crime against nature.

No. 2163449

those two identify as white but neither of them are entirely european. ezra is iirc a quarter asian and taylor has some native heritage.

No. 2164018

Nope, Ezra is Jewish on his father's side and German-Dutch on his mother's, while Taylor's Native ancestry, if it even is real, is absolutely negligible and only was conveniently dug up, if not made up, to justify him playing Native American character Jacob Black. And even if they were, so what? Why are we still clinging to the one drop rule and treating "real whiteness" as "pure"? If people can be "mixed black" or "mixed Asian" or "mixed Latino" etc then why not "mixed white"? White people are not special.

No. 2164020

There should be a dedicated times at swimming pools where only fat people are allowed. Fat people wouldn't have to feel embarrassed about being fat because everyone else there is fat. It might encourage fat people to exercise and not be fat anymore.

No. 2164023

But what would the cut-off for fat/non-fat even be?

No. 2164067

Fat people at night and skinny people in the morning/day light hours

No. 2164076

I think older women and younger men make people uncomfortable because they see women as protectors/moms. They think older women should be mothering younger people, not fucking them.

No. 2164139

No, I mean how fat would count as "fat"? Even in HAES communities they always have infights over "smallfats" and who counts as "actually fat"

No. 2164143

Bisexual women are lesbians with internalized lesbiphobia that make them want to date scrotes(infight bait)

No. 2164148

older woman x younger man is superior

No. 2164153

do you think straight women are lesbians too nonny

No. 2164155

Sorry if this is mean, but if someone's that self conscious about their weight, it's a personal flaw and fatty friendly swim hours aren't going to help. Only way forward is to stop giving a fuck about other people's opinions long enough to enjoy the pool.

No. 2164157

no they’re sadly just born to love dick but bisexuals have seen the light so why do they keep choosing darkness?

No. 2164159

hi fatty

No. 2164160

hi nonny

No. 2164162

I really think we should make bullying troons (both male and female) to the point of suicide popular again because our society has no use for them and I’m tired of constantly encountering them

No. 2164166

>bullying male troons to suicide
based and correct
>bullying mentally ill women to suicide instead of encouraging them to detrans and get their life together

No. 2164167

i hate tifs and i hate the nonnies who have a soft spot for them, they’re apart of the problem

No. 2164169

ntayart fuck the female troons, they don’t deserve sympathy at all

No. 2164171

NTAYRT but those women made their bed, chose to side with men, now they get to lie in it.

No. 2164172

oh no nonny i feel so bad!! get a fucking grip kek, if they’re so fucking mentally delayed to the extent where they’ll shoot themselves up with T and mangle their bodies then i don’t really think it’s our job to rub their backs and stroke their hair and say Shhh it’s okay because no kek! what they do is not fucking okay!

No. 2164174

we're never getting out of the patriarchy if moids keep exploiting ways to turn us against each other. tifs are cringe and some of them are completely unfixable, but most can be deprogrammed out of the damn cult

No. 2164177

I don’t really think it’s our job to “reprogram” them though, I think these people should not exist, period.

No. 2164180

And samefag I’m not just talking about TIF’s, I’m talking about troons across the board. They all need to be exterminated.

No. 2164181

Bands like My Chemical Romance, Pierce the Veil and Sleeping with Sirens have been hated because most of their fanbase was female and not because of their music

No. 2164182

Absolute truth.

No. 2164185

I remember people not liking MCR because they thought Gerard was gay and they kind of ended up being right kek

No. 2164186

no, sorry, some women can be really fucking dumb

No. 2164188

I don't agree with bullying women to suicide but I still don't see the point in trying to fix those who don't see any problem and don't want to fix themselves. Same for tradthots and other pick-mes

No. 2164192

tradthots and pickmes deserve wedgies and crumpling their homework up, fuck those dorks!!!!!

No. 2164196

So do TIFs and especially gaydens. Pick-mes are pick-mes and come in different flavours, no point in favouring some over others.

No. 2164200

exactly, i fucking hate all them and they’re all, including the detransitioners, are too arrogant and prideful to admit they’re retarded and naive for believing in tranny delusions in the first place. most little girls are not stupid enough to waver to the ideology so they are just a special kind of autist who thinks they’re better than other women and now they’re regretful for falling for ideas that fed their ego of being better than women and can evolve womanhood and become “better” like a male tranny, it’s sickening they will always hate women (and themselves) no matter what they identify as

No. 2164213

3%?!?! that actually shocked me. thank you for informing us. what the actual fuck.

No. 2164289

I don’t have a ton of sympathy for men who get in industrial accidents. Especially because they usually blame it on the mean old companies forcing the poor innocent men to work long hours. When men HATE being told to work less.

In the 70s, the government introduced legislation that limited the number of hours truckers could drive, ostensibly to PROTECT them from being overworked (and to stop exhausted truckers from hitting people). And you know what happened? Truckers were fucking PISSED. They called the logbooks they were required to keep “swindle sheets” because they felt they were being cheated out of work. So no, the companies are not forcing men to work overtime.

No. 2164314

not all young women who date older men are manipulated into it, there are a lot of women who genuinely just find old men attractive. A lot of them get off on the older man/younger woman dynamic just as much as the men do. It’s a fetish for them as well.

No. 2164320

oh lord here we go again, enjoy your cremated ash sperm

No. 2164321

I think everyone knows this, it’s just more harmful than say, cougarfuckers, and also more romanticised despite being shit and these women will regret not fucking young scrotes more when they’re older kek

No. 2164330

I’m not a man and I’m not even attracted to older men but I know there are a lot of women who get off on the dynamic of being the younger person in the relationship and infantilizing men their own age. I’ve seen plenty of women like this going on and on about how men their own age are just babies etc

No. 2164341

Moses filmed a bunch of onlyfans vids with her including the one with her mom and sister.

No. 2164342

Nta but woah. I didn't know that. What a fucking pig

No. 2164343

Exactly. It's a fetish and should not be pushed and normalized to mentally sane woman.

No. 2164344

A lot of these women are kind of short sighted because what do they expect to happen when they’re the old scrotes age? Start dating men in their 90s when they’re in their 50s?

No. 2164347

they have crippled pickme brainrot, theres no saving them. Just move on nona

No. 2164353

And made fun of her body while sexting girls behind her back.

No. 2164356

This is how I feel about Lana kek

No. 2164362

They'll have to turn to necrophilia at some way.

No. 2164367

Not everyone needs friends to be happy. For some people friends cause more trouble than any good.

No. 2164370

I think you need at least 1-3 really good friends or else you will go crazy.

No. 2164371

Tbh, I am pretty jealous of people who are happy alone. I wish I could go one fucking day without socializing and not go crazy, sometimes terminal extraversion feels like a brain disease

No. 2164372

I’ve NEETed for 5 years and tbh it’s not that difficult to go a year not talking to anyone. But it’s definitely comforting to know I have 2 internet friends I can dm anytime and we can chat for hours or play video games all week or whatever.

No. 2164377

I like it when people are jealous of me. I don’t understand people who don’t get an ego boost from jealous ppl.

No. 2164382

I think when people talk about how good their friends are, I see it as how women talk about their scrotes being fantastic. I always see how horrible the dynamics within friendships are but the people in them can’t.

No. 2164383

Trueeee but I want more female friends.. nonnas it hurts

No. 2164387

Most of them suck. They’re either jealous or using you as a punching bag/loser friend to boost their ego.

No. 2164388

I think it’s cringey when people degrade feminine guys or “failmales” etc. Because whenever they do, they always use insults that are almost exclusively the kind that are used to degrade women and “femininity”. He’s a little bitch, incompetent, a pansy, a pussy, etc. On the other hand women who are degraded for being masculine are just considered “undesirable”. No misandrist insults thrown at them, no, still misogynistic.

No. 2164439

Not at all conservative or trad, but I do believe in a literal sense that women are naturally more nurturing than men. That’s not to say no man is nurturing but generally, women are more so. For this reason, they make much better teachers for young children.

No. 2164442

I thought he just fujo-baited. Did he leave his wife?

No. 2164443

You don't need friends, just regular friendly interaction with the people in your community.

No. 2164452

File: 1726340767079.webp (413.83 KB, 2048x1610, 23A35482-7DE7-4064-89CC-C1423E…)

crumbl cookies are disgusting

No. 2164454

>misandrist insults
go back, failmale faggot

No. 2164459

i kind of agree with you but moids should always be insulted so we should just call them faggots

No. 2164461

i would vore the shit out of these bad bitches

No. 2164463

Yeah sorry but my urge to eat really stupid and probably bad gimmicky food is too strong.

No. 2164466

those cookies look scrumptious as hell

No. 2164470

hetero relationships are a power struggle and too much worshipping of moids will cause them to chimp out their inner ape eventually no matter how "good" he is. If i were president, pickmes would be deported to a female only island.

No. 2164476

Hard agree. The one time I got them it was a wrong delivery and Uber eats didn’t want to hear about it and told me to keep them. Disappointing despite appearances. Not at all what they’re cracked up to be. Common thread for confections in the US, everything’s heavy and the texture is awful. Follow that up with the lingering too sweet taste, yuck.

No. 2164480

File: 1726341952253.jpg (298.14 KB, 1284x1686, 20230721_073952.jpg)

Fandom threads should be banned and only allocated to their designated app threads because it attracts the lowest iq userbase like picrel who don't bother integrating

No. 2164483

how does the fandom thread attract gay furfag whores?

No. 2164486

Most of them want to be famous since they don't on their normie sites so they try to become lolcows and many lurk and post their own drama like that invader zim furfag

No. 2164489

what are you even talking about the invader zim furfag wasnt a farmer nor a fandom thread user, she's from one of the /snow/ industry animators threads

No. 2164491

…do you seriously think she left the site nonna? just look at the furfag apologists in the fandom thread.

No. 2164492

I don’t think Paw Patrol is fascist, I think the dogs just have stereotypical action packed jobs that are easy for children to understand. They aren’t going to understand jobs like Petroleum engineer or accountant, but police, fireman, and construction worker are simple to understand and have obvious visual signals. All cartoons for very small children feature jobs like that, Resuebots is another clear example or Doc McStuffins and Handy Manny.

No. 2164534

>I don’t think Paw Patrol is fascist
stopped reading there how terminally online do you have to be to think paw patrol is fascist how is this even an unpopular opinion

No. 2164538

>just look at the furfag apologists in the fandom thread.
i dont know if you are trolling because i dont remember a single furfag from there

No. 2164541

Paw Patrol is great

No. 2164569

i love these, i get what you mean though. They are like cosmic brownies where they kind of taste like playdough and you can tell they’re stuffed with sugar i wish i had a better palate but unfortunately i will always enjoy shitty food

No. 2164574

I could never get into handy manny

No. 2164589

You’re very lucky to be away from twitter leftists, they hate paw patrol

No. 2164621

I wish there was a way to kill off maybe 90% of all males to get them under control. The remainder will be castrated, forced to wear a scrote collar like in the original Zootopia and they will be chipped. They will only be used for slave labor in the jobs no one wants to do(trades, cleaning sewers), or will replace the animals in animal testing.
They will be housed in prison like buildings where they can be monitored. The ones with the best genes will be used for sperm donation. Once a scrote stops being useful, it is killed. Assuming artificial wombs are possible, all wanted babies will be born as female only. Scrotes are only produced by a select few people and are used for labor.
In this society, women will have to constantly be reminded WHY we had to lock scrotes up and keep them under such control. They are violent monsters and every single society run by them is dangerous for women and turns to shit. retarded Pick me "mens rights activists" will exist. They are dangerous and will be jailed for holding retarded opinions.

No. 2164628

File: 1726349192381.png (308.64 KB, 455x457, kasanetetosynthv.png)

I know this is old news but it still pisses me off; Kasane Teto's new SynthV voicebank sounds so shitty and I don't understand how someone could prefer it over her original. The operatic nasally head-voice sound is so odd and it doesn't help that every song i've listened to with her new voice bank puts unecessary vibrato at the end of every line (but i think that might just be a problem with hobby tuners in general). I wouldn't even had known it was supposed to be an updated Teto from voice alone, it's like a completely different vocaloid at this point

No. 2164645

Unfortunately pick mes would have to be jailed or killed in this world because they will be secretly be conspiring with men

No. 2164647

Are all women gonna be lesbians in that case? Like there's some kind of state mandated lesbiamism so women won't be lonely? What of the gnc women? Not saying their men, but wouldn't their traits remind some of a scrote?

No. 2164649

>I don’t think Paw Patrol is fascist
Anyone who uses Twitter should be executed on sight.

No. 2164650

I agree. I know for me it's nostalgic reasons but I can't stand her new voice either, not my Teto. Yes it sounds much less robotic and more realistic than her UTAU banks but that was her charm to me and it's been lost.

No. 2164651

99% of women love men too much for this to ever happen. If you wanna fix the male problem you gotta get rid of all the women that cocksuck men first.

No. 2164655

State-sanctioned husbando bodypillow

No. 2164662

You'll have to genetically engineer women if you want this to work in any capacity kek

No. 2164665

Realistic robo husbandos

No. 2164678

Exactly! I hate how some vocaloid fans online think "more realistic= better" when the thing that attracted me to vocaloid in the first place was the robotic quality, it was endearing and interesting. If you want "realism" then just go listen to music sung by a real person kek, the new wave of realistic SynthV/AI UTAU voicebanks makes me sad… #NotMyTeto

No. 2164679

File: 1726353191983.jpg (70.04 KB, 309x352, 1504313666511.jpg)

Need a lesbillionaire to start funding the genetic engineering of human females and Arizona whiptails to turn all women into lesbian lizards.

No. 2164680

Ice cream is overrated. It's just frozen cream and the texture sucks ass.

No. 2164685

No. 2164699

I hate it too nonnie, especially the chemical strawberry ones they make me vomit.

No. 2164718

Idk I think it depends on the industrial industry. The mines where I live are huge and employ hundreds of people, have a bunch of safety features for the multiple shafts, and the company completely let the emergency/2nd shaft go to shit and employees were still required to use it. The company only fixed it before a deadly accident because the over-arching mine safety company was doing a quarterly inspection. It took months to fix and the mine had to close at the time.

No. 2164731


No. 2164754

File: 1726356990879.jpeg (12.88 KB, 225x300, bullock.jpeg)

He's much sexier than Stan will ever be.

No. 2164775

Ugly ass bald ass hairy ass man psyop

No. 2164779

looks homosexual

No. 2164782

my first thought

No. 2164785

Did you even read my opinion or are you just jumping at the chance to infight? I specifically pointed out that it isn’t misandry, it’s misogyny. I fucking hate you illiterate fucks.

No. 2164793

I love that he voices hiself

No. 2164843

It’s Picard, so yea.

No. 2164844

Seeing moids reverse engineer diet culture but also make it as chuuni as possible so they can feel alpha wolf about not eating cake is the funniest shit to me.

No. 2164901

>What of the gnc women? Not saying their men, but wouldn't their traits remind some of a scrote?
Isnt a gnc just a woman with short hair and neutral clothing? Makeup and dresses isnt women in their default state.

No. 2165145

Every day I see women wearing outfits that make me sound like an old victorian man yelling about ankles. I don't care if someone likes alternative fashion, even if it's the opposite of my taste, but I'm talking about (American) normie fashion. Like what do you mean your (skimpy) gym clothes are what you wear as your daily clothing? Why are we acting like going to an event wearing a crop top/sportsbra and the tiniest shorts you've seen in your life is normal? Is this all some massive psyop so men can see women wear as little clothing as possible? Because I cannot imagine a sports bra and tight shorts being the most comfortable thing someone can possibly wear.

No. 2165158

I get what you mean but personally as a curvy girl the only people ive ever seen dresssing in gym attire on the reg are skinny women with no curves lol. All the curvy girls at least in my side of town were taught at very young ages to hide our curves in a way girls who never had curves didnt. Maybe that's why? I used to get written up in school if my shorts were too short but there would be a girl with shorts just as short as mine but because she didnt have a big butt she didnt get written up lol. I think it stems from that lol. Those women were never judged for how they dressed so they think they can get away with it as adults. But this is just speculation

No. 2165201

File: 1726399080908.jpeg (85.83 KB, 1080x592, mr-electric-is-the-best-worst-…)

The term "USamerican" is equally as retarded as the term "Latinx", and anyone who says either deserves the same amount of bullying

No. 2165205

The default state is androgyny not being gnc. Being masculine takes just as much effort as being feminine, maybe not as much, but hair doesn't recede when you don't take care of it? What you're left with then, is a hairy woman with long hair.

No. 2165218

I will never understand the appeal of drag and drag queens, nor of gassing up obnoxious hateful gay men. Legit, what's so entertaining of watching a man in clown makeup and outfits that are not made for their bodies, lypsincing to songs sung by women? Wouldn't you rather watch the original female singer? Maybe for the humour of it then, and they can be witty at times but more often than not it's gross, hateful and misogynistic. And I don't understand how these men get away with saying things like how they'd 'beat up a bitch' referring to women. Isn't that just male violence? All the glitter and makeup they put on doesn't diminish their male strength and testosterone.

No. 2165220

I really don't understand why women are so nice to gay scrotes anyway. Do they ignore the fucked up shit fags say about women, or do normie women just not know?

No. 2165226

I have seen videos of these verbal takedowns of women by gay men, where they sass them about something (typically their appearance) and comments full of women gassing the guy up. They don't dare to do this sort of thing to a man, bcuz they know they'd get beat up, so they do it to women, the cowards. It's no different than incels spewing hatred about women, except make it cunty™ I guess.

No. 2165229

Some of them legitimately don't know (esp if they don't have close gay moid friends and only know gays through drag race or w/e). Others do know but think gay moid misogyny is okay because they don't think it comes from the same place as straight moid misogyny. Some of those women that do know are misogynistic nlogs themselves and befriend gay moids because she'd rather hang around a man who says shitty things about her whole sex than dare entertain an equal friendship with another woman.

No. 2165240

I never had to hear gay moid misogyny, I have two close gay friends and they are very sweet guys, probably because they are not part of the fag lifestyle.
>inb4 you don't know what they sy behind closed doors.
Yeah I know, you never truly know, but the way they act around me makes me cautiously optimistic.

No. 2165243

Your friends sound nice nonna, I hope they stay sweet forever.

No. 2165244

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They need to let Courtney Clenney out of prison. She doesn’t need to be there and she needs to be let loose so she can go murder more black men who talk shit about black women in favor of white women. Every black man who claims black women are ugly/not submissive need Courtney Clenney in their life. Free her and Jodi arias.

No. 2165245

>probably because they are not part of the fag lifestyle
I wish more of them were like that.

No. 2165246

Me too. My brother is gay but he's disgusted by the gay lifestyle and doesn't like pride month kek. He's a sweet kid and I've never heard a single misogynistic thing from him.

No. 2165254

>kills moids for insulting women in their race group
holy based batman
unironically yes. gay moids are fine but the "(male) gay lifestyle" has been damaging to gay moids and everyone else since at least the 80s and probably earlier

No. 2165257

She obviously didn’t kill him because of that nonna kek. Are you daft?

No. 2165258

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She didn’t kill him because he insulted black women. She killed him because she’s an alcoholic with bpd. It’s just ironic that he would post about how aggressive/ghetto black women are and then got with a white woman and let her stab him numerous times, does porn, does drugs and beats him everyday. She was his karma and she needs to be let out to do it again.

No. 2165261

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That story made me look at that woman with some awe because that kind of shit genuinely reminds me of when moids hook up with women they KNOW are BPD or women they believe are sex object "upgrades", just to get absolutely destroyed either mentally, financially, or literally. Picrel is footage of a BPDchan emotionally destroying her (now) ex-boyfriend by rubbing her cheating in his face 100x more painfully than any moid can possibly accomplish with his own anxiety about getting cucked.

No. 2165263

op said
>she needs to be let loose so she can go murder more black men who talk shit about black women in favor of white women
so I thought that's why she offed him. my bad. hope other women take after her lead though, the audacity of moids these days is excessive

No. 2165287

the animal hate threads is filled with zoo sadists

No. 2165289

I agree. It was just a domestic argument that got out of control, I think he was even physically abusive to her which makes it worse. She shouldn’t be in jail.
It’s just ironic that he was killed by a white woman after delegating black women in favour of him. Tole paid kek.

No. 2165290

>100x more painfully than any moid can possibly accomplish

No. 2165295

This is so based holy fucking shit. Made me laugh my ass.

No. 2165312

single most disturbing threads on this site

No. 2165314

why are he words so mild? she didnt even call him a faggot

No. 2165329

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I keep every "hate" general thread on /ot/ collapsed except for "things you hate". my mood while browsing is far better. they are not healthy for the mind

No. 2165331

Strawberries aren't that good. They should taste better, considering how pretty they look. But they're just alright.

No. 2165337

Some terminal gayfaced breadtuber had an over hour-long video about the alleged "double-standard" of older female-younger male relationships, claiming they are just as bad as older male-younger female relationships, there's a whole section about how horribly pedophilic and misogynistic ancient societies were proof that being "gay and queer" were totally valid, and then a section about how society stigmatizes queer men too much, relates it to how black men are perceived as predators and concludes the world is completely at fault for this assumption

No. 2165430

ayrt, and agreed. So many of the outfits I meant are the peak of "is it a fit or are they just skinny?". Like yeah no shit she has the flattest stomach, A-cup boobs and perfectly proportioned hips with a thigh gap. She could wear a burlap sack and it'd look good.

No. 2165441

The tables have turned on skinny girls since they often lack an ass. They look bad in leggings because of this.

No. 2165447

I think you're vastly overestimating how much that matters. Skinny has absolutely never been 'out' or the tables turned whatever. Skinny girls in leggings has always been some of the most popular thinspo around.

No. 2165454

There are no power imbalances if a 30yo woman dates a 18yo moid. But men are desperate to be seen as victims too so they start sperging about it as if its even remotely comparable to a 30yo man who weights twice the amound of a woman dating a 18yo girl he can easily overpower.

No. 2165456

When it comes to older women dating younger men, men usually think it’s hot or don’t care. It’s usually women who get butt blasted about it because of their bad experiences with older men or they think women dating younger is weird.

No. 2165461

It’s also gay men, like the faggot complaining in the video. I’m sure you can guess why.

No. 2165462

>I think you're vastly overestimating how much that matters
Nope. It matters a hell of a lot to moids and by default moid identified women.

No. 2165463

This man also made a video on how the bbc blacked fetish is a way for troons to realize they're troons.

No. 2165465

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Faggots have a reoccurring jealousy towards women, and one of the reasons is because women are the vast majority of men's main targets for dating and sex. Of course faggots would be jealous of a fine, older woman who managed to snag a hot, young male–to fags, that would be the 1937476828374758485585th time a moid has picked a woman over a faggot.

No. 2165483

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that's why there are all nonces. Someone mentioned in another thread that gay men are rarely ever attractive and I'm actually starting to believe it. I just think there's something about being gay that makes you facially hideous and have shit taste

No. 2165489

They groom themselves better than straggots but well groomed ≠ attractive.

No. 2165624

People who watch internet streamers should be taken and executed with a guillotine

No. 2165674

Saturated fat and sodium aren’t unhealthy

No. 2165676

No. 2165677

unless they're watching them ironically in order to make fun of them huh, hypocrite?

No. 2165741

Nail art counts as a hobby.

No. 2165747

Does anyone think it doesn't? The definition of a hobby is "an activity that someone does for pleasure when they are not working".

No. 2165761

Another reason to be a childfree woman is so you don’t eventually birth an ungrateful gendie/tranny child who’s so hellbent in believing the social contagion. It’s almost unavoidable, it’s almost like they want to feel more pious and holier-than-thou than these parents that reject it kek

No. 2165774

honestly, the older i'm getting the more i agree with this. i feel like if i were to have a kid, i would be fighting the whole world to prevent my kid from drinking the tranny kool aid. it's almost impossible to give your children any form of normalcy.

No. 2165807

i'm not a burger but it's so annoying seeing nonas make "america bad" jokes every ten minutes. hurr american fat, american woman ugly, fat stupid american. very funny.

No. 2165810

I only do it if burger nonas are making fun of my country, otherwise it's a bit silly to be mean to people for no reason.

No. 2165817

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Wearing full face make up to the gym is so retarded. It looks so uncomfortable. The grip it has on some women is so depressing.

No. 2165818

this but with the people who actively give them money.

No. 2165821

That’s just how it is, anons make fun of people from every country, especially Germans, Brits and the French. Why should Americans be exempt?

No. 2165824

Ntayrt but I don’t really see people making jokes about other countries that often? America is almost always the target of that type of humor kek

No. 2165830

To be fair you don't see many "haha your children are getting shot" jokes directed to those countries. When Americans make those types of jokes about my country (which is rare because noone gives a fuck about my country except for our minerals) it pisses me the fuck off so I don't see why the opposite can't be true and is also really unfair. I say this as someone who hates America because it gutted my country but its not the burger's fault their government agencies are psychotic control freaks.

No. 2165834

ayrt, i have seen some making fun of other countries so i'm sure it happens, but 1. it's far less frequent and 2. it's usually at least in the context of talking about that country. people make burger jokes apropros of nothing and do it constantly. burgers deserve to be mocked but the randomness and repetitiveness of "american fat" makes it grating imo.

i am really curious about what country you're from now.

No. 2165835

The US is so present everywhere in an annoying way that I think it's kind of like women making fun of men. Just gotta deal with it.

No. 2165837

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The country with way too much self importance kek.

No. 2165843

yeah i hate the misogynistic "american women are ugly" jokes. but even as an american…. americans are too stupid and fat. that is a very real thing.

No. 2165848

The usa is super polarized, you either have sucessfull, beautiful, educated, in shape, rich women or poor, uneducated, fat women on the other side; plus the dating culture emphasize the hot bimbo trope, many women dumb themselves down to make men feel more comfortable even though they themselves speak more than 3 languages and are in double licences. In europe (as an european) being educated in humanities is considered as an attractive trait and is quite romanticized, at least i like to believe so i think we tend to pass as more educated overhall?

No. 2165849

Intentionally wearing full face at the gym is quite weird, but sometimes i end up at the gym with my make up of the day and it's quite annoying bc it does just melts away i don't necessarily carry wipe with me so i just keep it on

No. 2165856

because there’s a lot of fat and ugly americans in our country anon and also making fun of us takes off the attention of their ugly, retarded and mutated creatures that are born everyday in their own countries, the only thing they can brag about is having fresh clean water and banning red40 while their governments are full of evil, corrupt retards who won’t let them retire until 80, we’ll practically all in the same boat but i guess eurofags in all of their psychopathic glory will cheer on little kids dying in school shootings just to feel better in the moment

No. 2165860

Yeah, they just make jokes about knife crime and the rape rates of other countries. I don’t like any of these jokes but I also don’t see why Americans in particular need to have their feelings coddled.

No. 2165868

Not so much coddling but the inherent smugness of being the bigger person. I'm all for America bad jokes in response to those disgusting ones but to do it unprompted makes you look like you're seething, especially when it's directed to burgers and not the government who keeps sticking it's fingers into other countries buisness for retarded reasons among other things.

No. 2165967

Dreadlocks are so fucking ugly

No. 2165968

do you have a license to be writing these posts bruv?

No. 2165974

straight hair is so fucking ugly

No. 2165979

File: 1726458240741.jpg (326.49 KB, 984x1024, 3466848558_400ebcee64_b.jpg)

Dreadheads are cool

No. 2165981


No. 2165999

I’m not British.

No. 2166000

craving pizza badddddd

No. 2166008

oh shit wrong thread kek

No. 2166018

Worst opinion I've ever heard. I curse you to seven days of heavy rain.

No. 2166028

Nobody ever says American women are ugly? Wtf are you talking about?
You wouldn’t survive one day as an English woman kek.

No. 2166030

Only a scrote would say it doesn’t. Scrotes, in case you have forgotten, think VIDEOGAMES are a hobby.

No. 2166047

Tom Holland looks like a Street Shark character

No. 2166054

Same definition applies.

No. 2166096

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Posts like this come off as strange and passive-aggressive to me. It's not any more fetishistic to be attracted to red hair than blond. In fact, in certain shades, red and blond hair can be quite similar.
I feel like people in this day and age care less about blond hair (unless they're Indian men, or naturally brunette women with complexes from the y2k Paris Hilton/Britney Spears era), and that's lead some male-identified women who enjoyed being the "trend" back then bitter toward other women, like they want to put them in "their rightful place" or push weird copes about those who don't fall in line like "They're just weak men scared of real stacies". The stupid thing is that no one even thinks blond hair is ugly or anything. It's just not really prioritized above others anymore because corporations and moids will always seek out novelty, but there are still catty comments and behavior.
I also hate the eye color and skin color squabbles so many women get into. Seeing any women bashing their own features or attacking others' just makes me sad. I think at best, having rarer/less common coloration can make you stand out more if you are already attractive, especially if most other people surrounding you don't have the same look, but it doesn't define anything (and if you're unattractive, it won't help unless someone actually does have a fetish).

No. 2166101

There are some posts where you can tell the anon has some weird complex about their appearance and it's embarrassing kek. Laughing at the retarded things moids fetishize is one thing, to try and psychoanalyse which feature is "better" and another. It reminds me of looksmaxxer rhetoric.

No. 2166221

Moids have way less excuses than women to be unemployed/living at home/etc. blue collar is hugely in demand and most moids can walk into a construction site and make enough to support a family where as women will get denied before even being able to prove their skills, and if children are in the picture it advances mens careers/pay horizons cause "he needs to support his family" yet women get fired as soon as they get pregnant or during maternity leave + it's even harder for them to find a job if they have kids because it's often assumed they're the default parent and clearly those pesky sick days sure are costing the company literal trillions. The fact that they're dropping out the workforce in higher numbers is insane to me and even more ridiculous since it's usually women that have to support the lazy moids

No. 2166227

Fat women in America are typically either old or lower class which is why the rates are so off since america is mostly old people, plus isn't the obesity rate only like 15% for young women in the US? That's barely anything
>Inb4 hur durr 15%
That's damn near half as much as south korea, a country known for being skinny, obesity rate
Like walk into majority of retailers that cater to young women in the US and you're not gonna find a single fat bitch there unless you're in a plus sized store. The constant hate boners around american women was passport bro propaganda to begin idk why anons are even spreading it

No. 2166243

ooooo the white girls are having a mid off!(infight bait)

No. 2166254

I know a bunch of moids who are self-defeatist out of shape incels/troons who claim they can’t do any blue collar work like all the high-paying factory job offers open near us because “muh conditions” like complaining about standing hurting their ankles while being 350lbs.

No. 2166264

I think in the USA it’s pretty easy for women to get on their feet but they need to be willing to stay away from abusive scrote and not have kids, which seems like almost impossible for the average woman to resist

No. 2166274

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>naturally brunette women with complexes from the y2k Paris Hilton/Britney Spears era
I don't know elsewhere but women bleaching their hair is an epidemic in the USA. There is so many brunettes who spend thousands of dollars upkeeping blonde for no reason. I'm a brunette and I don't believe it's right

No. 2166280

It rarely looks good either. Either the shade is wrong and doesn’t work with their complexion, or it just doesn't work with their facial features and looks uncanny.

No. 2166286

I'm an aussieboo so I care ♥

No. 2166308

I don’t think it matters if it looks good or not. Men see blonde hair and love it and they don’t care if its fried, dyed and laid to the side and that’s why women keep doing it even if it looks bad.

No. 2166316

This post has the same energy as the other one. Strange, passive aggressive and envious.

No. 2166358

A friend of mine is traumatized by blond hair kek, she once told me that she had a nightmare in which everyone was blond, she woke up crying.

No. 2166369

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Overlining your lips never looks good. It just looks like you smeared lipstick all around your mouth like a retard.

No. 2166376

I long for the time when this was still collectively seen as ridiculous.

No. 2166386

It will be soon. The same way massive drawn on sharpie eyebrows are now.

No. 2166407

very common in central Europe and UK, I can't speak for other areas. It's weird. I can't judge them for it and I never say anything to them, but I really think they would all look better with either their natural color or some more subtle highlights.

No. 2166422

Tbf women doing this for mens attention are fine because men are retarded and don’t understand or care to understand makeup. That said I hope makeup of any kind stops being a trend during my life time at least for a moment.

No. 2166510

>I think in the USA it’s pretty easy for women to get on their feet
Probably because most countries are shitshows for women. If you're referring to other first world countries, it's a bit on the bottom of the list
>but they need to be willing to stay away from abusive scrote and not have kids, which seems like almost impossible for the average woman to resist
Not holding men accountable just creates more abusive scrotes. Hell if I lived in a society where the immediate question if I abused and ditched a man with our kids is why he was ever with me, and nothing towards myself I'd abuse men too.

No. 2166517

You can’t hold someone accountable who doesn’t care, men know being abusive is wrong but they just enjoy doing it. The only people who can hold men accountable is other men and that’s never gonna happen.

No. 2166518

This always gets me, or if they piggy back off of other men to shut down women "uhh women don't do labor work!! It's sooo hard!!" As if we don't know majority of blue collar work is done on fucking machines now. Like no you're not gonna convince me you're working yourself to the bone for standing in a forklift and pressing buttons, they're already trying to devalue women take care of children, which can sometimes be more physically laborious than most blue collar work.

No. 2166520

Interesting how you won't say anything about abusive men because "they don't care it's a waste of time" but not women getting in relationships? You already think those women are too stupid to help themselves so why shame them too if it's not gonna work then?

No. 2166524

Getting in relationships and having babies is a waste of time and so is trying to convince scrotes not to be abusive.

No. 2166535

women en masse catering to men's fetishistic, porn preferences it's crazy

No. 2166540

Britbong here, in my area it shifted into dyeing your hair an awful brassy colour that literally no one likes kek. It looks a lot worse irl than in pictures.

No. 2166541

while lolcow was down I spent a lot of time on kf and I can say with confidence, when it comes to politics/"Whataboutism", Kf is just like reddit. The same extreme conclusion jumping, the same,
>yeah he did this but what about "X" group that I hate doing that THAT!"
The same overblowing shit, the same over explaining tiny details or irrelevent shit. Same unfunny jokes, just different targets. With that said I do enjoy the selection of cows/information the threads are just a slog to get through..just like interesting reddit threads.

No. 2166584

Agreed, they're basically racist reddit. I appreciate them for the same reasons as you and for their work against zoosadists, though.

No. 2166591

KF is only good for the doxxing of bad people. Otherwise it's literally just circlejerking for their own version of upvotes and awards with a sprinkle of personalityfagging.

No. 2166609

Moids have no standards nonna it really doesn't matter

No. 2166730

Honestly every site full of loser failmales will devolve into this kind of shit as soon as politics are brought up. Males just can't have proper discussions. Sometimes they sound like schizos on their ramblings.

No. 2166731


Thread has reached 1100 posts. The thread will be locked and you will be unable to post in it shortly after it exceeds 1200 posts. Please begin preparing a new thread and post a link to it when it's created.

No. 2166744

A cartoon drawing is not and never will be equal to real csam involving real children. If you treat fictional characters as if they were real people you are mentally ill.

No. 2166748

Okay, but I'm still going to treat anyone looking at those pictures like they're a creepy nonce and not trust them around irl kids. Better safe than sorry.

No. 2166754

File: 1726522066426.jpg (111.07 KB, 750x896, 1000005080.jpg)

Yeah but I'll never trust a lolicon under any circumstance.

No. 2166758

I used to feel this way until I saw people calling drawings of 17 year old anime characters CP and seriously discussing tipping the FBI about it.

No. 2166761

No. 2166763

So? Naive cringe idiots wasting the FBIs time has nothing to do with me socially shunning lolishitters.

No. 2166765

Like I said, a drawing is not CP

No. 2166770

Whenever they say shit like “it’s not real” it sounds super gaslighty because these moids don’t like it for no reason. When people don’t have eyes on them they’re quick to say they’d actually rape kids, i’ve seen it in action. of course i get how people calling it really cp sound insane because it’s not. but there’s a reason moids jerk off to this shit, it doesn’t exist in a vacuum. Tired of people trying to autisticly debatelord this

No. 2166771

I can shun whoever I like nonnie, that's the point. See >>2166754 picrel if you're still confused as to why I and others want to shun someone like that.

No. 2166774

It's not cp because it's not real. But also it is disgusting to get off to drawings of children. Both statements can be, and are, true.

No. 2166775

Yes, this exactly

No. 2166779

> This opinion posted in this thread about 20 minutes ago
> While someone also sperged unprompted about how people were just so mean to lolicon artists like Mossa in one of the art threads

No. 2166794

You know lolicon is illegal in some countries for a reason right? No coincidence that lolicon is prevalent in CP stashes, that male manga artists with CP and serial killers in Japan love lolicon. What about child gravure? Interesting coincidence that toddlers in swimsuits also make up a lot of lolicon art. Pedophiles also use that art to groom kids. Weird right? It's not CSAM but the people who jerk off to it know it's a drawing of a child and oftentimes it references or is traced off CP.

No. 2166803

>child gravure
This is what stopped me from believing the average lolicon isn't a pedophile. If you say the name "Laura" around them they'll 100% know who you're talking about

No. 2166816

nta but why are people incapable of having nuance when it comes to lolishit?. You either think loli is the exact same as actual children getting raped or you are a lolicon pedo who diddles kids. Black or white mentality is fucking cancer and all it does in the end is give lolifags a valid reason to excuse themselves and their degeneracy.

No. 2166828

I said it's not CSAM because it's nowhere near how horrible that is, but it doesn't it doesn't mean it's not disgusting. Every thing I've said in my post are either actual cases or things I've witnessed first hand after being a retarded child and thinking everyone deserves second chances.

No. 2166831

they're going to excuse themselves and their degeneracy anyway why are you so butthurt about it

No. 2166840

File: 1726525959759.jpeg (113.76 KB, 736x736, IMG_3858.jpeg)

The drink industry should be more popular and creative. It seems like the only popular areas are alcohol, and then dumb sugary pop that isn’t even that good. Most people don’t get enough fluid intake and less people would be fat if they could enjoy flavours from hydrating, less sugary drinks that actually have effort put in to taste good and filling not fuel a sugar addiction so the customer buys more. Why aren’t there more drink bars with the good atmosphere and everything?? Like the one from that Vallha11a game or however you spell it. People are so fat and alcoholic we never get anything new and interesting. They could even get creative with vegetable juices/teas too since they taste good in drink mixes and most people don’t get enough vitamins/antioxidants either. Don’t care if this doesn’t make sense this is straight from the dome and I’m .2 seconds from collapsing from exhausation

No. 2166843

because it just shits on real victims of csam. ''loli isnt equal to cp'' and ''lolicons are pedos'' arent mutually exclusive statements. I wish people would shift the criticism from ''um ackshually this equals a real crime'' to ''if you like this shit there is something deeply wrong with you''. Its the same excuse BDSM shitters use.

No. 2166862

Lolicon artists often use real children as references or subjects of their art. This is why the content is reacted to as if it were "real" CP.

No. 2166870

That still doesnt make it cp though. People will keep siding with lolitroons until they start changing the tactics in which they approach loli discourse. If you compare cp to loli a lolifag can easily pull out the ''so is gore in movies murder then?'' but if you ask a lolitroon ''why do you get off to loli if you arent a pedo?'' they legit freeze and cannot answer. This also applies to any other degenerate moid kink like rape/choking/bdsm/somnophilia/abdl etc. They all use the its not real/illegal/its consensual card because its an easy way to deflect from the real issue, which is them getting turned on by inflicting pain or viewing drawn depictions of gross stuff.

No. 2166882

…What is this argument even about? This is such a retarded argument, isn’t this just semantics?

No. 2166911

I can't help but feel a bit bad for Taylor Swift, people have such crazy hate for her, there's constantly someone trying to rain on whatever she does, when there are male artists 20 times more annoying, degenerate or criminal that get by without a peep

No. 2166919

I just know taylor swift breath stank since she's always mouth breathing

No. 2166933

If you can't understand my argument then have fun endlessly fighting with lolipedos over the legality of cartoons so they can keep deflecting and making this a matter of censorship instead of a matter of moid degeneracy.

No. 2166937

What the fuck is this schizo spiel? Kek I haven’t mentioned loli since the cucquean bunker. I just think your argument is retarded.
Some of you need to take a breather and go outside, I feel like this can’t be healthy.

No. 2166946

just because you cant read it doesnt mean its ''schizo''

No. 2166950

I’m saying I just got here, genius. I’m not involved in your little argument. So yes, you’re schizo, and yes, you’re illiterate, congratulations.

No. 2166952

no one thinks that

No. 2166954

You can have a opinion on someone else's opinion without wanting to start a debate. Like you can think that it's not equivalent but someone else can also think soylitas are CSEM because it's traced off CP. You're making circular arguments and while I do see where you're coming from you also have to understand where others are coming from. Not everyone here is seeking out lolicons to take them down with epic facts and logic, most anons here will express disgust about it and not interact with these people.

No. 2166956

Another debate about loli? Urgh

No. 2166961

Right? Such a weird thing to be arguing about. “Don’t treat them like real children” kek well duh, are we calling CPS? What do they even mean?

No. 2166962

File: 1726531585048.jpeg (337.9 KB, 1536x2048, IMG_4023.jpeg)

Abusive, cocky assholes who look like pic related is usually what normie women find attractive.

No. 2166964

>calls me a schizo
>while involving herself in a discussion that wasnt even about her
newfags who throw buzzwords without understanding them are so obnoxious

No. 2166967

*gay men

No. 2166972

Women too. A lot of normie women want to be with someone who makes them feel like a kid so the gravitate towards loud mouth big assholes.

No. 2166973

Moid-like take

No. 2166974

No matter what political end of the spectrum you fall upon it’s hard to deny that surviving multiple assasination attempts is pretty badass kek

No. 2166975

I wanna disagree but my mom's dating a wigger who looks like this so maybe

No. 2166977

Chet Hanx vibe

No. 2166978

It’s moid like but it’s reality. Most normie people (men too) want to be with someone who is a little abusive because stability is boring for them. Normie American women also like big obnoxious assholes because they feel less feminine around anything else.

No. 2166980

Where are all these cringe and uninteresting takes coming from

No. 2166981

Wouldn't it also apply to say it's worthless to shame women for getting into abusive relationships since they won't listen? It goes both ways, sounds like you're just looking for excuses for your misogyny. Misogynists typically enjoy of shitting on women who are already down

No. 2166982

This makes me metaphorically suicidal as a lesbian. I am tall and have superior autist genes.. it's so hard mogging moids daily and getting no reward… sigh
>but if you ask a lolitroon ''why do you get off to loli if you arent a pedo?'' they legit freeze and cannot answer.
YES this works very well. Loli is legal for the same reason bdsm is legal it's just all misogyny. Moid degeneracy is moid degeneracy, period. The law will always be in favor of moids so i don't understand debating legality

No. 2166983

This is the unpopular opinions thread, anon. You’re going to see unpopular opinions. The bullet just barely skimming his ear was seriously insane kek

No. 2166984

People confuse confidence with arrogance which leads them to fall for the wrong persons, they also want to delegate decision making because it's less mental charge or they want to emulate the rocky unstable environnement they grew up with and have only ever known.

No. 2166987

I hope this isn't an unpopular opinion here, but I wish people saved doxxing, stalking, etc for legitimately dangerous ""trolls"" and controversial online figures. They'll jump through hoops to dox some lady if she made pasta wrong or something, get her fired, get her kids taken away, etc yet moids can straight up brag about raping children and people can act like fucking lunatics sending death threats over nothing consequence free

No. 2166988

Shame is a result of doing something wrong/stupid. If they feel shame then it’s because they subconsciously know what they’re engaging in isn’t right. You can’t feel ashamed of something that isn’t shameful. If a woman feels embarrassed by someone telling them not to date shitty scrotes, it’s because they know they shouldn’t be doing it.

No. 2166989

the first one was survived by sheer dumb luck, the second one barely even qualified

No. 2166992

Great tools are as bad as they are good usually, think about Telegram for example. It helps resistants from liberticide governements to communicate, but it also protects the worst kind of humans… shame.

No. 2166995

To shame is not the same thing as feeling shame, although one can cause the other, you know that right? If you "shame" a kid for eating a pie, it doesnt mean eating the pie was shameful.

No. 2166996

Most women who've experienced abuse only encounter the shaming from unstable people who legitimately hate women or are abusers/enablers themselves and are trying to silence them, shaming them and claiming you out of all other people actually have "good" intentions and care about them by displaying the same behaviors as those who want them hurt isn't doing anything. The issue is that too many people have the mindset like yours so nothing comes from it
>But but he doesn't care!!
We know he doesn't care. Men need to be afraid of being outted as abusers, they need to lose their jobs, lose friends, lose connections, etc. constantly sweeping them other the rug and portraying the woman as the actual bad guy hasn't and isn't going to accomplish anything, if this behavior ever accomplished anything majority of 3rd world countries would have women fleeing in mass since most people there victim shame using the same shit you are

No. 2166997

Kek this is funny and probably satire but I know this girl who is genuinely extremely handsome and pretty that trooned out in high school because people treated her better than a woman who didn’t conform (despite not really passing) it’s funny to see people get their hopes up that she might actually be a rare pretty boy until they hear her speak. I enjoy it because it makes me glad to be a lesbian. She’s 6’0 too, I would be embrassed to be an ugly short man next to her ngl.
>it's so hard mogging moids daily and getting no reward… sigh
I’ve always said the only true femcels are lesbians. Attractive choosing bald ugly fat moids who abuse them is genuinely blackpilling. I am ashamed to say it makes me grit my teeth a little

No. 2166998

If people are making dumb choices they should feel embarrassed/shamed. If you choose to stay with a scrote knocking you to next Tuesday every other day because you’re “ in love”, you should feel embarrassed because that’s embarrassing.

No. 2166999

I'm gonna tap out and assume this is a male pretending to be a female.
>dumb females like abusive assholes
>they should be ashamed of being abused
sounds like a shitty incel on 4chan kek

No. 2167000

This is a simplistic take. Shame can be the result of just caring about your image or reputation too much, while still not acting against your inner moral compass. I have done many things that would be no big deal now but felt shameful in the past because I had low self-esteem.

No. 2167002

In order to avoid doxxing or "shame" and such online you simply just can't say controversial opinions out loud, which I'll happily take if the moids spamming little girls comment section with "bubblegum pink" type shit get their asses whooped and end up homeless

No. 2167005

attractive women* but kek the fact that men like elliot rodger exist when all they have to do is wash their ass and pretend not to be a pedophile is proof of male retardation

No. 2167008

"Actually you're the male!!" Idk who you think you're fooling if you're trying to convince people anything I said was a chantard take. This reminds me of the poor ass "you're the pedo!!!" comments on people calling out CP

No. 2167009

"no u" typa answer kek. You are spotted.

No. 2167014

Can you provide me an example of women getting shamed for being abused working at all? From what I've seen it's counterproductive since it just silences them from speaking out/leaving cause they'll feel like they did something wrong from "not spotting it soon enough"… In fact this is quite literally what happens. Look at how many women stay in shitty relationships and even let their kids get beat or whatever because if they come out people like you will shut them down saying "wow you shouldn't have ever let him do that in the first place you stupid woman!"

No. 2167016

The first time I saw Elliot Rodgers on the news I thought "oh what a cute boy". But of course he would look at a Pakistani like me in revulsion. Just like trannys, incels literally jack themselves off into mental illness.

No. 2167017

You aren't going to convince anyone with braincells "abusive men should be punished and women should feel safe exposing said abusive men" is a moid take. Not a single person

No. 2167018

I don’t care if shaming them works or not. I think being in an abusive relationship by choice is cringy/embarrassing and childish, especially if you have kids with the scrote. I’d never say that to a woman in that situations face but that’s how I feel about it on the inside.

No. 2167019

I didnt say that are you retarded? I was calling out the person saying normie women are dumb and are purposefully looking for abusive partners then doubled down saying they rightfully feel shame.

No. 2167022

>Loli isn’t gross
>Trump is badass
>Women only like fuckbois who beat them
>Women who have been abused should feel ashamed
Gee, I wonder who could possibly be behind this.

No. 2167023

Right? So obvious

No. 2167024

There’s in a retard in this thread and possibly in some other threads who is absolutely pointless arguing with. Basically a personalityfag at this point, illiteratechan

No. 2167026

Sounds like you just have unhealthy views on women or are out of touch with how abusive relationships work. If you fail to educate yourself on abusive relationships, moid manipulation tactics, etc why do you think your opinion matters? You just don't want women speaking up and exposing moids, likely because you either are one or are protecting one. I always see women who get in relationships with known abusers pull the "you're stupid for letting it happen!!" card, just look at Wade Wilson's simps

No. 2167031

Eh, I've unfortunately seen my fair share of women trying to silence women who've been abused by calling them stupid or shameful. As mentioned it's typically women trying to protect the abusive man, they'll pull the "but he still is bad!" card even though they clearly don't actually believe it

No. 2167034

Illiteratechan kek that's a good one. It's crazy how some nonnas deform everything you say, "so you say you hate waffles?" lmfao

No. 2167037

Every relationship with a man is toxic. It's like picking which cancer you want. 4b for life

No. 2167038

That's interesting, my first thought is that he's likely holding her in a situation that's hard for her to leave and he needs to be held accountable. You should probably seek therapy if your first thought is to immediately simp for the abusive man by putting down his victims, because that isn't a healthy mindset. As I've mentioned I've only seen that behavior in women who are simping for the abusive men

No. 2167039

If I see a woman over the age of of like 20 in a toxic relationship my first thought isn’t “awww she needs to be saved”, my first thought is “she’s very immature and needs to get her life in order”. Maybe that’s some internalized sexism or whatever but that’s just my honest feeling about it.

> "you're stupid for letting it happen!!" c

Unfortunately, when you make stupid choices there are always going to be callous people who don’t care and will judge you for past mistakes. But if you’re in a good place and working hard on yourself you shouldn’t care what some asshole thinks about your dumb past. Just accept you made a dumb choice and grow from it. I used to be an alcoholic and then one day I decided to get my life together but I understand there are still people who will judge me for my pathetic past but I don’t care.

No. 2167041

I don’t think that anon was saying Trump himself is badass, more the act of surviving several attempts on your life

No. 2167043

So you're the callous asshole of the story?

No. 2167044

Just because I think women choosing to be in abusive relationships doesn’t mean I’m saying men shouldn’t be held accountable. Two things can be true at once.

No. 2167045

>deleting comments minutes later over minor/zero corrections
Ayo it's the same troll shitting up lolcow for almost a year. Report and ignore

No. 2167046

And there's the "but he's also bad!!" response. If that's how you truly felt you wouldn't put so much energy and trying to shut down others or convince us it's totally a waste of time to allow abusive men to face consequences. No one who thinks someone is bad would do that lmfao

No. 2167047

No because I wouldn’t judge a woman for speaking out against her abuse or trying to leave but I will think women who are actively in those situations are childish/silly. I’d never say that to their face though.

No. 2167048

ayrt and to be honest I was half joking kek. I've always had an extremely hard time talking to women IRL and i've just come to terms with that fact I'm probably never going to find a girlfriend in real life so it's just better to edate or something. It's better to joke about it than to seethe about it for the rest of my life. A lot of lesbians troon out because they can't get a girlfriend despite being good looking imo I've seen it happen in real time
>I’ve always said the only true femcels are lesbians.
Yes i always get a little bothered when people say "femcels don't exist" because the "well femcels can't exist because moids fuck anything" sentiment REALLY doesn't apply to lesbians. You could be the most attractive lesbian ever, and fit most women's standards, and still see women choosing ugly manlets over you. Plus it's very possible to be involuntarily celibate as a lesbian due to how small the pool of SSA women actually is.
>Attractive choosing bald ugly fat moids who abuse them is genuinely blackpilling. I am ashamed to say it makes me grit my teeth a little
I don't know how osa women find beauty in those things and i never will

No. 2167050

Because telling men they shouldn’t be abusive is a popular opinion, saying women who choose to be in those relationships for love are dumb is an unpopular opinion which is why I said it.

No. 2167051

i know a lot of the rhetoric used during arguments like this is often similar (because stupid people often parrot each other kek) but i truly believe there are more of these baiters than we think, especially after seeing the hellweek stats

No. 2167054

It is not only unpopular it's dogshit

No. 2167055

Welp that’s what I believe. If you’re willing to put your life at risk and even your kids lives at risk for love, I think you’re stupid.

No. 2167056

It's very weird out of all the things you could think in that situation your immediate reaction is about what the woman did wrong. Please seek therapy for your mommy issues

No. 2167057

Choosing to stay with a guy whos treating you like shit is dumb as hell and you should be ashamed of yourself if you think that a dude who abuses you somehow "loves" you, though

No. 2167058

That’s true, it’s just that it’s being posted at the same time as the other things which makes me think it’s a male.

No. 2167059

Tell that to girls like Madeline Soto who lost their lives because their mom loved a scrote more than them. Maybe she could’ve grew up to have mommy issues if she got the chance to live.

No. 2167060

File: 1726534446555.jpg (75.58 KB, 736x642, 672bb235306e07f929efe40b399594…)

All discourse about abusive men needs to accept the following as indisputable facts:

>most men are abusive in their own way

>men lure and trap, often waiting until kids or marriage to drop their mask. "She should have chose better!!" can be also said of males crying about alimony.
>males were abusing women for all of history and burning us alive like 200 years ago and thus deserve to be abused themselves, preferably in the cock and balls. It can be consensual if they want.

No. 2167061

Not only that but actively comment on how women like "abusive chads" kek it's definitely a male

No. 2167063

What hell week stats? The sites analytics have been posted multiple times, we get anywhere from 40-100 visitors just in /ot/. You're not gonna convince me that multiple people flood lolcow with the same exact arguments who all delete posts to repost the same thing a few minutes later, that's a very specific style that is only ever displayed in bait. If it was regular anons you'd see it more frequently in normal posts

No. 2167064

Do you think you’re just talking to one person anon kek?

No. 2167066

Use an extreme and uncommon example to judge a very common experience = genius

No. 2167068

Or the scrote could've not abused and killed her? Did your mommy sell you to John's or something which is why your hate boner is for women and not for the moids doing the abusing or?

No. 2167069

Ntayrt and I can’t be bothered to dig for the posts to tag them but I recall us being informed that there’s like 6,000-7,000 lolcow users over the course of just that week alone

No. 2167074

An average of 24 people per minute are victims of rape, physical violence or stalking by an intimate partner in the United States - That person even admitedly said he/she used to be an alcoholic and that he/she doesnt care about being judged because people will judge without realizing that the necessity of not caring is because it hurts to be shamed for mistakes a lot of people will make in their lives.

No. 2167075

Anonymous now No. 2167072
Her mom is just as much to blame as her. Most women with common sense aren’t going to tell a grown man to sleep with their preteen daughter every night. Only a stupid woman would do that, which is why I said some women in abusive relationships are stupid.

>did your mom sell you to John’s

Even if that’s true isn’t it ironic you can have empathy towards grown women who choose to be with abusive men but don’t care if their kids rightfully grow up to hate them?

No. 2167076

The mental gymnastics scrotes have to do to offload male crimes onto women is insane. Blame the child molesting murdering y-chromos actions on his mommy next.

No. 2167077


Thread has exceeded 1200 posts and is about to be locked! Please create a new thread and post a link to it.

No. 2167080

File: 1726534784176.png (259.91 KB, 1620x906, februaary 2024 stats.png)

this is the spreadsheet with our statistics from just hellweek, which also happened during a pretty slow season for us (February) and it looks like we received posts from about 6,000 devices. i can't imagine how many more there could be during summer kek https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1uhqiT5lglC_gwrKlGrkREKzigkQPInP1RcZac-4fjwQ/edit?gid=0#gid=0

No. 2167084

It's strange because a lot of women don't develop features they claim to like until later in life
>Muh big ass and titties
Fat distribution gets way more flattering as you get older. Even girls that are flat growing up end up getting more flattering bodies as they approach their 30s
>Muh skin
Skin gets better in your 20s-30s since you're growing out of hormonal acne and women often learn to use sunscreen, take care of their skin better, etc
>Muh fitness
A lot of girls gain weight during puberty in their stomach,arms, etc and it doesn't distribute until they're older. Where do they think the term "baby fat" comes from? Plus older women typically have more time to work out and aren't relying on school/college lunches and carby/sugary vending machine food for energy at college or whatever
>Personality though!!
Young girls are typically emotional and jealous, which they claim to hate
Last excuse in the book, most of these moids don't care about fertility and it's just a piss poor excuse to be a pedo

No. 2167088

>Her mom is just as much to blame as her
You know you fell bad for the "askhully it was women who are bad" propaganda when you start blaming literal children for being raped and tortured by adult men

No. 2167089

On other boards yes, on /ot/ no. /ot/ is a fairly dead board

No. 2167091

Hmm idk what you’re talking about because not one time did I say any of that.

No. 2167092

Not according to our recent statistics, it looks like /ot/ is actually the board that receives the most traffic >>2167080

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