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No. 2168422

A thread to discuss the dislike of dogs, their owners and dog culture in general.

Dogfags, this is not the place to defend your mutt. You’ve got your own thread here: >>>/ot/936145

Follow the board rules and don’t infight, derail or reply to bait.

Previous thread: >>>/ot/2081586

No. 2168426

Did you purposely choose the cutest dog you could find as your thread pic? kek

No. 2168428

it’s white with a black mustache just like hitler

No. 2168434

Agreed, thread pic is cute unlike all those other scary pitbulls on earlier threads

No. 2168443

Well, it happened again. Yet another person posted in my city's subreddit that they were out for a walk to enjoy the beautiful weather when they were suddenly chased and mauled by a pitbull that had its leash/tie-down dragging on the ground, so they had to spend the weekend in the hospital. We can't even fucking go outside without the threat of these things showing up to ruin your day (or end your life). Why the fuck aren't pitbulls banned?

No. 2168444

No such thing as a cute dog.

No. 2168576

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>Cutest dog

No. 2169338

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And the lies just keep coming. Top from Twitter, bottom from shelter.

No. 2170757

how do you not alog when it comes to these shitbeasts? i wish some scrote would be depraved enough to round up everybody’s animals and dump them in a radioactive pound , nothing of value lost with these creatures

No. 2171108

I think rottweilers can be pretty cute with the lil eyebrows but this dog looks evil as fuck u can see it in his eyes

They should put down dogs that have a problem biting people. My uncle immediately put his dog down when it bit a girl, idk why other dog owners insist on letting theirs live despite the obvious risks

U can't rehabilitate a dog that's already aggressive u gotta just let it die

No. 2171277

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It really is poes law with dogfags

No. 2171280

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What a crock of shit

No. 2171318

Always love a fuck around, find out video

>Little yappy shit barking and trying to intimidate cat at top of stairs

>Runs like a little bitch and screeches on sofa like hes been shot when the cat chases him

Top kek.

No. 2171484

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While cat homes can easily get that rancid and deep smell from careless or irregular owners, I've never been somewhere with a dog that smelled redeemable, even houses with daily house keeping. Even just touching a dog leaves a film on the hands and when you bathe a dog, they smell WORSE.
They get excited over nothing and do pretty much nothing else except asking to be exercised/fed( which many lazy owners project as impossible personality traits in order to get out of taking them on a measly walk ) or barking and disturbing the entire neighborhood because a water bottle crinkled or your neighbor parked a car and shut their door a little firmly.
As for being protective, they are completely useless and if they have the kind of attitude to attack a killer they will more likely be mauling the owner first instead. Lastly, they're all hideous and move like demons, including their soulless eyes. Multiple strange dogs have bit me and even torn my clothes. Ive never been injured by a cat where it wasn't my fault in some way. Dogs will charge at you from the street. Take a wild dog vs a stray cat. Why are one of these things considered "domesticated" when they all need to go through months long expensive training as PUPPIES otherwise they literally cant be salvaged, and even then. They can't even poop in a box and almost everyone in their lives will step in their poop at some point.
Also dog owners are the worst on average, whereas a bad cat owner is usually either psychotic, overworked or some other kind of mentally ill at worst. Dog owners by default will be taking those beasts out in public and get mad at other people for being bothered, and then they do a garbage job at cleaning up the beasts dinosaur sized messes!

No. 2171828

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No. 2171919

the look of the dog's face at the very bottom. I get that it's panting, but it looks like it's smiling at what it did. my god. It's an animal, animals don't have the same psychology or even intellect as humans, but I wonder if animals have their equivalent of members with psychopathy (like how cats have their own version of ADHD).

No. 2172349

god not only is it retarded it’s fugly as shit, if only it was sentient enough to kill itself

No. 2172535

kek at the threadpic

No. 2172790

i watched a documentary about dog fighting in some third world country the other day. the interviewer asked the guy who ran the fights and bred the dogs how he could justify the dogs fighting and dying and he was like what the fuck do you mean? they want to fight, it's what they love to do. and it's messed up but he was literally right. all the pitbulls in the kennel were frothing at the mouth to kill each other and would wag their tails when they finally got to maul another dog to death.

No. 2174031

Looks like its mixed with pit, the face is too narrow amd sloped for a male rottweiler. And a pit rottweiler mix should not exist

No. 2174706

I was going to say the same thing, Rottweilers can be cute, this aggressive beast definitely has some fugly shitbull in it

No. 2175935

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No. 2175940

The “don’t bully my breed” crowd are absolute degenerates. All they care about is money and status.
These types of dogs are so often abused because they attract the worst kinds of sociopaths.
At the end of the day it’s a mindless animal, it’s blameless. It’s been bred for violence and that’s what it does.
Either way this is still better than no ban.

No. 2176009

I agree with the ban obviously but I would be very worried about the kind of people who straight up decapitate and torture the dogs instead of just euthanizing them. These are actual psychopaths.

No. 2176016

I mean the only people who willingly own these monstrosities are psychopaths so it’s really not surprising in the slightest (assuming they’re the ones disposing of them). I really don’t care about the mutts themselves but having people that actively participate in this kind of behaviour is cause for concern

No. 2176079

Who wants to bet that this is the fault of backyard breeders, dog fighting rings, and scrotes who sell to them? The one good thing about pitnutters is that they genuinely love their dogs. This is deranged, disgusting scrote tier shit. Most of the truly horrific damage was probably caused by other dogs in fights, and the decapitation and drowning were probably just to ensure that the dog was actually dead. I can't imagine anyone managing to do that shit to a living pitbull, it'd tear the person's throat out.
I don't think it's a new thing either, breeders and dog fights have killed and maimed thousands of shitbulls. Now that they're a banned breed they're not so careful when they dump the remains.

No. 2176171

their dogs are banned so they mutilate and behead them??? what??? this is deranged and retarded

No. 2176568

My gf had to babysit her dad’s dog this weekend, and it was an unfixed male shit-zhu. I thought I could deal because it’s 10lbs, but oh my god. It humped literally everything it could mount. It humped a towel in the back seat on the drive back. She thought I would have it in my lap during the drive but it was just so repulsive, I couldn’t. She and I were cuddling on the couch watching a movie, and it came over to lay on us. I thought it was cute until it literally started humping her knee. I was in genuine shock. And she kept making jokes about calming him down by offering her hand for him to mount?? What the fuck is wrong with dog people? Thinking about breaking up with her based on this.

Yeah they don’t give a crap about the animals themselves, they just want to make money off of them. If they can’t make money off of them, they begin torturing them to death.

No. 2176644

There are like 6 new "service dogs" on campus this semester. Please help me. One is a husky, 3 are pits. I am suffering so much. Dog allergies kicking my ass.

No. 2177145

Jfc, I would have lost it. Not neutering your pets is so fucking irresponsible. People always say that you’re either a dog lesbian or a cat lesbian, I’m a no fucking animals in my house lesbian.
Huskies and shitbulls are the absolute worst breeds to be “service dogs”, how does anyone buy this shit?

No. 2177212

Pitbull breeders are very much like the breed so this isnt a shock.

No. 2177222

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Trying to palm off a dangerous animal like this aggressive aberration is straight up evil, how is it even legal?! It should be an instant euth situation

No. 2177232

Exactly, no sane person would own one of these dysgenic shitbeasts, this kind of behavior is very on brand pity the ban doesn’t extend to moids as well

No. 2177255

Agree, a real pity (no pun intended lol)

No. 2177437

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Looking at a list of XL bullies that were granted exemptions from the ban after their owners failed to register them. I can’t stop laughing at the names. I swear 80% of them are called either Zeus or Luna.

No. 2177455

The downplaying here is insane.
>got in a conflict with resident dog and brought in by police

A “CONFLICT”?? Nothing to see here, just a little conflict that the police had to respond to

>may have killed the other dog, or seriously injured it, idk, details unclear

Jesus Christ

No. 2177494

Right? What they post on twitter compared to what is posted on the shelter listing is fucking insane. The people retweeting this shit and saying “uwu save this precious baby” are either legitimately retarded or they’re not reading the shelter adverts. Or both.

No. 2177565

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That’s just not true. I don’t like most dogs but some are very cute.

No. 2177967

Turn down the audio because it has a shitty AI narrator.
The fact that there are dogs stronger than pitbulls is terrifying.
>A random shitbull attacks an Anatolian shepard(or kangal) and the kangal immediately rekts it.
>another kangal easily rips the bumper off a fucking truck

No. 2177973

kangals were breed to kill bears and wolfs so of course a shitbull wouldnt stand a chance.

No. 2177985

Even though this breed is stronger than a pitbull, i never heard about it killing or mauling people or random pets. They were bred to be intelligent, to guard livestock and to only attack or kill animals that threaten their owners or livestock. Pitbulls on the other hand are retarded dogs bred to be indiscriminately aggressive towards anything. Thats why they have no problem attacking their own owner.

No. 2178083

Yeah theres quote a few dogs that can take down a pitbull, pitbulls are not know for their intelligence and will attack other animals that can kill them instantly. Also any moid who owns a pitbull is trash and should be left in the dumpster.

No. 2178140

what third worlder shithole is this? tiger in a jail cell being yapped at by a shitbull? should drop a nuke on whatever country this is

No. 2178141

That wouldn’t be fair on the tigers. Evacuate them first.

No. 2178155

Why are you guys watching these animal abuse videos tf. Please don't post this shit I don't even want to see the thumbnail.

No. 2178156

there are a few videos of pits being kicked to death by horses and donkeys that keep attacking. any other dog would have ran away with just one hit, but pits are literally bred to fight to the death and have no sense of self preservation, they are completely unnatural

No. 2178165

The video cuts off before you see anything and it's dumb moids sticking their pitbulls on other animals mostly.


No. 2178170

i agree, it's not nice to see a miserable country with miserable people doing things to also make animals miserable.

No. 2178179

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The fuck is up with dogfags making excuses for their murdermutts being psycho?!

No. 2178899

>being psycho
A dog is a predator. It’s a dumb animal. You’re as bad as the dogfag claiming the dog was upset when the rabbit family was dead. They see small animals and they kill them, the same as cats do.

No. 2178937

Cats do it for fun too, dogs don’t torture animals the way cats do. They’re both fucking vermin. The way dogfaggots ascribe human emotions to their filthy mutts is beyond retarded, like when brain dead pit nutters think their stinking shitbeast being a resource guarding ticking time bomb is them being a “nanny dog”. People like that shouldn’t be allowed to breed.

No. 2178960

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Funny how the twitter pitfaggots never state why these abominations are repeatedly returned

No. 2178971

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Giving an ugly ass aggressive stray shitbull a name like “Mr Sweetness” is deranged

No. 2178976

>neutral with strangers
>observed to lunge towards members of the public with a tense body
How do they get away with these lies, anyway?

No. 2178978

No. 2178998

Many large shepherd type dogs are stronger than Pitbulls. However they have very stable behaviour and high intelligence, they're almost always raised with the herd they guard so that they'll see it as its family and will learn to defend it against predators or humans (thieves, hunters, trespassers). They're dangerous obviously but they won't just snap out of nowhere like Pitbulls do.

No. 2179605

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Owners are just as trashy as their dogs, they all should be banned from society.

No. 2179611

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Story behind picture

These dogs have been terrorizing the neighborhood for months. AC either can't or won't do anything. An older man in his 70s was sitting on his porch with his 14 year old cat. The dog ran up and was mauling his cat when the owner shot him and another dog he was running around with. The rescue came in, vilified the old man, and have so far spent about 6k on these two dogs recover from the gun shots. They are constantly fundraising for the two pits.

So basically dog is a murder machine but we are supposed to feel pity and uwu its getting therapy now what a fucking joke.

No. 2179741

These women have some kind pf psychosexual attachment to these dogs tbh and use them as a replacement boyfriend/husband figure

No. 2179765

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>dog lesbian or cat lesbian
If it doesn't work out with this girl I'm seeing, I'm gonna start lying and saying I'm allergic to dogs, where are the cat exclusive lesbians all the ones around me seem to be dog or both cats and dogs
She lets him sleep in the bed and it's hard for me to feel sexy because of the smell.

No. 2179824

God they’re such fucking ugly creatures, literally nothing redeeming about them

No. 2179827

Anyone who lets any animal near their bed is dirty and disgusting, I’d be noping the fuck out on the spot without making any excuse.

No. 2180141

I hate huskies almost as much as I hate shibbles, just look at this fucking ugly neurotic demon, why would you want to own an annoying aggressive mutt like this?

No. 2180162

Please don't go near people who let their cats sleep in the bed either. Unless you want to bathe in shit, piss and hair.

No. 2180170

Why can't you be honest with her? My boyfriend has dogs and I told him that they're not allowed in his room when I'm over and he needs to de-hair the bed before I come over and he does kek.

No. 2180288

Kek i got banned last time i voiced these suspicions. It's just that the wording they use to describe how they feel about their dog is so weird.

No. 2180293

Pitfags need to be euthanized alongside their dogs. These dangerous moid dogs are NOT pets. They are fucking weapons. Thats what they were bred for. This isn't steven universe. You cant turn a n aggressive dangerous dog into a UWU soft boi.

No. 2180294

Im a bird lesbian kek

No. 2180296

Once again, this is another case of normies thinking that any dog=pet. Huskies are not pets, they are working dogs. If these retards want a companion then they should get a dog that was actually bred to be a pet like a cocker spaniel or yorki. But no, they need a cool "aesthetic" dog.

No. 2180306

I’m a bunny lesbian. The non-dog and non-cat lesbians should stick together. But seriously though, nona whose gf has the obnoxious mutt needs to put her foot down. Dogs and cats in the house, much less in the bed, is absolutely repulsive, degenerate shit. Just thinking about the stench of dog in my personal space makes me nauseous

No. 2180324

Based, a shame birds tend to be hurt by other pets (dogs and cats) so much.

You got banned because you keep masturbating to the idea that women want to fuck dogs.

No. 2180339

or maybe just maybe they just think of them as just children? will you fuck off with your dogfucking shit?

No. 2180497

I’m actually allergic to dogs and it doesn’t do a whole lot. Lots of dog lesbians will just lie about having or liking dogs and decide that you’ll like them enough to change your mind, or you haven’t met the right dog yet. Very scrote-like imo, I try my hardest to ignore them. But they don’t care in the least. So go ahead and try to say you’re allergic, I hope it works out for you better than it has for me, genuinely.

No. 2180509

Nah if you’re keeping a cat, you better keep it inside where it’s not an environmental hazard. This is the dog hate thread btw, you can keep your retarded faggy cat hate to your containment thread.

Speaking of dog hate, I hate it when people who like dogs hate pits and post in this thread. Like ok, your worthless mutt “kangal” can totally whip a pitbull, that actually sucks. There’s all this doggy facts about how x dog is erm achtually so super special and way better than a pit. They are all nasty, they are all able to destroy a person or a toddler (besides obvious non-threats like extremely small dogs). A pit is the ultimate dog, expresses all doggy traits more strongly than other dogs, but every dog can be a pitbull. Tired of this dumb “working dog” meme. There’s no good dogs, they’re all shit.

No. 2180733

Oh shut up, no one here is saying dogs are super speshul. It's an objective truth that some dog breeds are used to assist human working, and they do it well enough that people continue to use them. If you have a problem with this seek a way to cope with it idk. It's also a fact that pitbulls have been bred in such a different way that they actually don't behave like regular dogs anymore, so no not every dog has the potential to snap and tear you apart without ever stopping like pitbulls do. Istg some retards here are so hellbent on hating everything resembling a dog that they deny the reality that some of them as essential in some jobs.

No. 2180739

I wouldn't date anybody who owns a dog. It's like dating a smoker.

No. 2180754

Well they weren't his dogs originally, he just ended up having to care for them after they were pretty much just pushed onto him once his family were bored of them.

That's another reason to hate dog having culture. Dog lovers will buy dogs because they love the idea of having a dog as part of their family but once they understand that having to actually care for this fucking living, breathing, high activity animal every day they end up pretending like the dog don't exist anymore. They're also retarded and don't understand that a large, aggressive dog shouldn't be living in some small-ass home or apartment. They're all braindead freaks. They ooohh and awwww over these dangerous animals like they're children but then have 0 empathy once they get tired. It's basically fast fashion.

No. 2180837

I agree with this 100 percent.

No. 2180869

It’s the dog hate thread, not the “kinda dislike some dogs” thread, get a grip.

Dogs just as bad as pits: rotties, huskies, gsheps, malinois, many others. Any dog breed that’s strong and strong willed has the capacity to take human life. Go read some case studies on livestock guardian dogs, they’re completely useless. Dogs were used because they were the best we had, but those times are gone now and good riddance.

No. 2180872

Most dog owners never clean up after their mongrels properly. My boyfriend wanted to get a dog and I said absolutely not, so he didn't. If a guy chooses a dog over you, he is so not worth it.

No. 2181207

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Eww, wtf

No. 2181319

AYRT I have mentioned it, and she washed the dog after I told her he was smelly, she washes the sheets when I come over, but I think the humidity in the area just makes the wet dog smell never really go away. I did have her sleep in between me and him though kek. He's old too so pretty set in his ways. The worst thing is he's not even obnoxious otherwise at all, he just sits quietly and you don't even know he's there EXCEPT FOR THE SMELL.

No. 2181432

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I dunno why you guys are getting so pissy. Im not a scrote and im not just talking about female dog tards. Scrote dog fags can be even weirder about their dogs. Letting an animal lick you all over your face and sleep on your bed is disgusting and weird to me.

No. 2181529

Dogshit blogpost incoming
Had to cross through some grass recently with sandals on and accidentally kicked a dry dog turd into my shoe. I haven't worn them since I was so disgusted.
Also I sadly live near some ghetto apartments that I inevitably pass on my daily walk path. Every other person there owns a shitbull and lets them crap all over the sidewalk. Infuriating. I'm considering printing some anti pitbull meme stickers and putting them on the dog bag dispensers they're too retarded to use anyway. Open to suggestions for this

No. 2181582

Hide small posioned dog treats around the area.(alogging wtf is wrong with you)

No. 2181762

I dont think we have surpassed the need for working dogs like guide dogs, bomb dogs, seizure alert dogs etc.

No. 2181763

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>any suggestions?
If a shitbull is displaying aggression towards your own child (or any other living creature) there’s only one solution and you shouldn’t even have to ask

No. 2181781

of course you have that picture on your computer you sick. You probably have worse stuff on it too. This thread is filled with mentally ill posters and moids. Don't get me wrong i don't like dogs but some of the posts here smell like scrotum.(scrotefoiling)

No. 2181804

Yeah but it's not like the terminally online anons here know about that, they don't step outside their houses.

No. 2181821

saw this shit while scrolling. kill yourself(a-logging)

No. 2181908

I hate rabbits. I hope yours all get myxomatosis. Do you have those disgusting incontinent things running around your house, expelling shit pellets all day, or do you leave them outside to be terrorised by wild predators? Those are the two types of rabbit owners and they’re both dirty and disgusting. I seriously can’t understand how you can ever love such a dumb creature that’s stupider than a rat.
I think people should go back to eating them. Dumb and useless animals.
Can we open a bunny hate thread?(derailing)

No. 2181916

is this bait? bunnies are just cute thats all. couldn't imagine hating bunnies so much.

No. 2181985

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It’s bait, nona. I’m the bunny lesbian, I don’t actually own one because having animals in the house is gross and keeping rabbits outside is cruel and irresponsible, like yourself I just think they’re cute. I don’t know what it is about this thread that attracts the derangement not only of some of the more extreme dog haters but also dogfags, catfags and zoosadists in general.
>seizure alert dogs
Unless it’s like this shitbeast that ate its owner’s face when he had a seizure and was then put up for adoption, you cannot make this shit up

No. 2181989

My retarded sister got a rabbit and used to let it roam all over the house leaving a mess everywhere. It was foul. I hate pet owners so much.

No. 2182001

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Me too, they are all unhinged. Get a load of this. Pure fucking insanity.

No. 2182008

All of these have sky high failure rates. Not that you would know that, because you think with your feelings like every other dog fag instead of facts. Every kind of service dog has a better non-service dog solution. Every kind of service dog has an absolutely abysmal failure rate. Get educated. Stop fagging up the thread with your muh doggy nigel.

No. 2182044

>All of these have sky high failure rates
Really? Where’d you hear that from?
>Every kind of service dog has a better non-service dog solution.
Like what? Blind people use seeing eye dogs to navigate the world around them and maintain a degree of independence (not having to rely on another person to travel) what’s the better solution?

No. 2182049

I guess next time you can crawl on four legs and successfully sniff out bombs from underground, you can go run after a criminal doing parkour to evade, or you can sniff every bag at the airport to tell which one has illegal substances. Or maybe you can run fast enough to herd sheep and cattle in open fields or stay with them 24/7 to make sure predators don't harem them. You can also dig under snow with your own hands when people get lost on mountains, or you can sniff out skin molecules of missing people. You can hate dogs all you want and that's fine, but you don't need to pretend that they're completely useless because many practices in our society rely on them and they're successful enough that people, actual professionals, keep relying on them.(hide threads you don't like)

No. 2182057

That wasn't an actual service dog because pitbulls can't be service dogs. It's just a regular shitbeast who happened to have an owner who suffered from seizures, and it mauled them while they were having one. You can't say seizure alert dogs maul their owners' faces and then post a normal dog that sadly mauled its owner.

No. 2182065

There is no ban on what kind of breed a service dog can be. Pit bulls can absolutely be service dogs. They only requirement is they do two tasks in relation to the disability of the handler. They don't even need to go to a special trainer for that. They can be self-trained and still be considered legitimate service dogs under the ada. Anyway it sounds like this isn't the right thread for you. It sounds like you should go to the dog love thread because you don't know what the fuck you're talking about. So that's a thread for retards. Go ahead and go.

No. 2182068

Every single case study I've read on service dogs every single report I read on service dogs. Go ahead and look yourself. It's literally a Google Search away. And every single blind person I know uses a cane. There is no blind person I know who uses a dog.

No. 2182071

This is either bait, or that one retarded nonnie who admits she comes on /ot/ only to start fights because she's understimulated in her day to day life.

No. 2182076

Your breath stinks of dogcock. Total delusion just like scrote humpers(infighting)

No. 2182081

What the fuck is wrong with you? Relax. You sound like those dogpill moids. Oh wait, this thread is filled with moids.(scrotefoiling)

No. 2182223

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No one in their right mind would even think about this in any capacity

No. 2182226

Most of the stats I can see about the success of seeing eye dog training has the success rate at anywhere from 50% to 70%. Your personal experiences of knowing blind people that don’t use a guide dog doesn’t discount their usefulness to blind people, as every blind person has different needs and some need a guide dog and some don’t.

No. 2182273

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Nta but their failure rate out of training has nothing to do with their effectiveness in guiding the blind.

Personally I think guide dogs are the only valid service dogs at this point. They're usually not self-trained, they usually go to proper training programs period I think they're the least common, too.

Every other kind of service dog is total bullshit though. This screenshot is from a systematic review of seizure detection methods. The dog part is all self-report. This is not tested or proven at all.

No. 2182292

what the fuck

No. 2182372

These retards who own pitbulls are probably so used to abusive relationships that even their dog has to be evil.

No. 2182376

Imagine not knowing if your dog is happy or wants to kill you

No. 2182384

Dog growls sound demonic. Even cute little 15lb dogs sound like hell hounds when playing with each other.

No. 2182400

this dog is extremely cursed but i don't see what i should hate about this. it's so cursed that it goes back around to being funny.

No. 2182496

I see blind people with guide dogs all the time what are you on about? You can hate dogs and also live in reality at the same time

No. 2182625

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This is tragic, some people really dont deserve to have kids.

No. 2182634

Oh shit sorry I guess I forgot burgerland isn't the entire world. In non-retard countries seizure dogs are strictly selected and are trained for their whole lives. So no a Pitbull would never be able to pass tests because they're dumb and impulsive, and no rescues because they need to be trained from the first months of life. But good job on finding a single case of a wrongly labeled dog mauling a seizure patient! The usa really is full of mentally delayed people unable to handle dogs, sad!
>You state facts that go against my retard rage, so you must belong to this other place go away ree!!!
2 digit IQ right here. Take your meds and chill out.

No. 2182643

Yeah I've also never heard of a pit being a service dog especially as they are banned in certain countries. Like you say some here think america = entire world. Also I dont understand how pits can even be reliable because every story i've heard of them is they are fine until one day they decide to snap and maul their entire family.

No. 2183048

It's a tweet from bully watch usa. What the fuck are you guys talking about? Of course Ada laws are pertinent to the discussion here. Honestly sounds like you guys are just looking for a stupid dunk at this point. Plus, lots of countries that technically ban pitbulls allow other bully breeds that are practically the same thing. Like bully xl, ambully, cane corsos, doggo argentinas, there are a ton of pit breeds that are allowed in.

Maybe burger land is really that much of a pit, but I have seen several pit service dogs. Especially the self- trained ones. I'm glad you're not having this issue wherever you live at, but it's not a non-problem elsewhere.

No. 2183080

What kind of Chernobyl ass place are you nonnies living in that you see multiple blind people all the time? I can count the number of blind people I've seen on one hand. The fingerless hand. Because I live in chernobyl. And I have seen zero blind people.

No. 2183111

Alright goodness calm down. Just saying I haven't seem them, in fact only serive dogs I've seen are labs and some small breeds. I guess it's just not common.

No. 2183281

That makes no sense. Not every dog breed is the same and only specific breeds can be trained well enough to be service dogs. fuck, I hate amerians and their obsession with shitbulls.

No. 2183297

this made me laugh out loud so hard.

No. 2183303

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Hey, I'm plenty calm so idk what you're talking about. I'm just sharing info about how fucked the service animal situation is in the US.

Maybe that's the issue that's leading to these misunderstandings? The ADA and the US is really nuts with service dogs. Like really all you need to do is go find some mutt in the pound and teach it two things in relation to a disability. That disability can be something as mild as anxiety. And you don't need to be on disability to qualify, it can just be anyone– literally anyone– with an anxiety or depression diagnosis. I don't think a lot of people realize this about the usa, but munchies definitely know and take advantage of it. So you can get a mutt and "teach" it something fake and gay like "keeps me grounded during anxiety" which is basically being a good pet, and something like "alerting" when "x" which is untestable for someone who's asking the two questions we're allowed to ask. The worst part is that under the Americans with Disabilities act, these "service dogs" are completely valid. Picrel, someone's trumped up ESA was banned from Hobby Lobby's shipping dock and got reamed for it, even though it's perfectly reasonable to ban a dog from that kind of area. There was also a service dog malinois who bit someone on an airplane, and a lot of people suggested it was a fake service dog, but it may actually be a real one if it fits the requirements There really needs more restrictions here. Take a look, they don't even require them to be housebroken.

Anyway, I was actually thinking that maybe Americans in this thread could try something to deal with the ADA? Like talk to our Representatives or something? I don't even really know where to start. Usually when someone hears service dog they think of a dog that's actually trained well to serve an actual purpose instead of some flea bitten cur picked up from the pound with no training, so there could be pushback just based on that. Maybe once enough Munchies find out about this we will have a service dog paradigm shift. I'm allergic to dogs and there are no accommodations for people with allergies when it comes to these service critters, so it's something that affects my day to day. I personally think a registry would be great. Some kind of license? Oi mate, got your shitmutt loisonce? In a perfect world.

No. 2183313

My bad nonna, this info is appreciated.

No. 2184105

I’ve heard a lot of stories of people being mauled by their dogs while having a seizure, usually bully breeds. And no they weren’t specially trained dogs, just the persons pet.

No. 2185189

File: 1727569992457.jpeg (929.24 KB, 1151x1012, IMG_2237.jpeg)

These twitter dogfaggots are such fucking liars, and that fucking eye roll emoji, the ugly mutt wasn’t surrendered “for barking and being too active”, it’s aggressive and it bit its owner

No. 2185224

i'm not even a burger but i can't deal with all the tiktok comments on videos about hurricane helene of people spamming how they're more worried about all the dogs/pets than the people

No. 2185687

Dogs are mortal danger to people who are unwell. Dog owners = Nazis.

No. 2185990

Tiktok is awful for comments about how horrible people are for not wanting a muderous shitbeast in their house.

No. 2186018

File: 1727617445092.jpg (571.59 KB, 2421x1535, 58545545.jpg)

After learning about how shelters lie about the history of their dogs (especially pitbulls that have previously killed) I get really cynical when I see stuff like this especially people who have gofundmes for pitbulls because tiktok is full of idiots who believe in "dog racism"

No. 2186481

I love when cats scare the shit out of dogs, they can bully humans but they can’t bully cats that will smack the shit out of them with their claws

No. 2186488

It’s typical that pet shills are sociopathic and love dehumanizing the very species they belong to. It’s so extremely ungrateful too like their shitbeast isn’t the one who’s going to help you if their house is flooded and you’re stuck under rubble, it’s likely going to be other humans risking their lives to do their job to save people during these natural disasters. I hope all of these dog nutters jump off a bridge

No. 2186492

Anon I'm not so sure about them not being able to bully cats… if that dog was aggressive this situation would have taken a very different turn

No. 2186512

There’s so many videos of them being pussies around actual pussies though (pussy cat)

No. 2187124

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Both of these dogs look demonic and sound like they act it too why tf are they being called "babies" ugh.

No. 2187478

They regularly maul cats to death. I’ve heard people say “a cat will always win against a dog” and it just isn’t true. It’s only true if the dog is good and submissive and gentle with smaller creatures.

No. 2187494

sounds like they were referring to a litter of puppies, like actual baby dogs

No. 2188644

I’m stuck dog sitting for my housemate because he abruptly took a job in another state and hasn’t been able to move his small zoo yet. There’s 4 dogs: 3 are small and super old but one is a young shit bull mix and i hate that obnoxious motherfucker so much and I don’t get why you’d get such a big, energetic dog while you already have small elderly dogs. He’s always stomping all over them and seems to have no idea that he’s 5x bigger than them. I’ve never been a dog person but this is really solidifying my hatred of dogs and most dog people.

No. 2188894


> adopt pitbull

>put in washing machine to fuck it up
>set up go fund me to help and "abused stray former fighting dog uwu pitbull recovery"
> get sympathy shekels
> pitbull "sadly" dies from "health complications"
>have moneys now

No. 2188907

File: 1727753538366.webp (10.79 KB, 260x360, IMG_3654.webp)

I want to hear the cries of despair from dog retards as i throw their dogs into a burning pit of fire. Then the dogfags will be thrown into that same pit and burn to death with their precious furbabies.(alogging)

No. 2188948

File: 1727756304861.jpeg (761.81 KB, 1144x895, IMG_2243.jpeg)

Ugly shitbeast that bites, sorry, “mouths” shelter workers and breaks skin earns “2nd best behavior rating”, I hate these lying retards so much

No. 2188950

Disgusting fugly creatures

No. 2189009

>ugly untrained shitbeast who will hump and bite you and also has an expensive medical condition
it'll sit in the shelter for 3 years and then get put down

No. 2189038

There is no point in keeping these dogs alive. At least roaming stray cats keep city rodent infestation in check. Cats can also be adopted by anyone, no matter their experience, age or living conditions.

No. 2189050

Jfc, how the fuck do you share a house with someone who has one mutt, let alone multiple? I’d lose my shit. You’re a much better person than I am for taking on his responsibilities (typical moid behaviour, dumping you in it like that). Having any kind of shitbull mix with other animals is a ticking time bomb.

No. 2189051

>“a cat will always win against a dog”
yeah, it's such a weird thing to say 'cause a bigger dog can and will fuck up a cat if it really wanted to. sure you can point to a video where a cat bullies a gentle, well-trained dog, but there's a reason why you don't see videos of the opposite: it's because you end up with at best a poor distressed prey animal, and at worst a dead bloodied cat, and no sane person wants to see any of that shit.

No. 2189052

God it’s so ugly

No. 2189053

These posts give “I’m scared to ask the waiter for ketchup” energy.

No. 2189351

File: 1727794142536.png (2.02 MB, 1170x1835, ugly.png)

>shitbull awareness month
Unbridled mental illness

No. 2189369

And ignored by their parents, too.

No. 2189371

File: 1727796032849.jpg (275.26 KB, 1184x1390, fucking dogfags man.jpg)

>Dog is scratching at Prarie dog trying to dig a hole
>Prarie dog is clearly distressed and wants to be left alone, is biting dog
>Idiot dog owner does nothing just continues recording
>Idiot replies like "aww this so cute" "doggy wants to play!" "Dog is trying to HELP him"
I fucking hate dog culture and excusing dogs for harassing other animals

No. 2189376

There's a similar video of a dog trying to bury a fish in a couple of inches of water and all the comments are from absolutely demented people bawling their eyes out saying stuff like "AWW adorable pupper saving the fish from drowning" No it is literally trying to save a meal for later it does not know that the fucking fish can't breathe air. It's beyond anthropomorphizing, it's delusional.

No. 2189377

>found chained in a yard
I hate the humans who do this much more than any dog, but it sounds like the old owners did that because he got aggressive so quickly. Plus he has dental disease, any animal with dental pain, especially easily overstimulated shitbulls, get very aggressive very quickly. It's possible that he bit or scared the old owner so badly that the owner didn't want to approach him at all and left him tied up. Fucking wastes of space, both of them.
Why don't they upload a video of the doggo mouthing away at the staff? It sounds so harmless and adorkable, it'd generate such good publicity.

No. 2189395

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>objectively extremely handsome
It’s so fucking hideous. This aggressive mutant sounds like it would make a great pet, lmao. These retards truly must bank on people not reading the actual listing on the shelter site

No. 2189398

Of course it’s an ugly ass shitbull too, if I saw a dog doing this to any other animal it would be blap blap on sight

No. 2189549

I wish there really WAS a shibble awareness month in the same way there's breast cancer awareness kek. Like a whole month to educate people on how dangerous they are and promote behavioral euthanasia as an acceptable solution.

No. 2189576

… as someone who lives in a town full of stray/free-roaming cats and regular rat infestations, I disagree kek. Stray cats may catch a few mouses for fun once in a while, but they won't actively hunt down rats or other land pests, they're much better at catching small birds but no one really wants that. Most of them are fed by humans too so they don't even need to hunt for food which would encourage them. Dogs would actually be more effective at hunting down rodents like rats and other small mammals (pitbulls and terriers exist to hunt down small animals after all). The civil thing to do would be to keep pets inside your property though.

No. 2190058

Entitled little shitbeast

No. 2190112

He needed help with rent after his wife died at the beginning of the year and I desperately needed somewhere to live. The animal situation is not good (way too many, he has 4 dogs and 3 cats but luckily the dogs aren’t allowed out of a corral in the living room with access to the backyard) but it’s still better here than living in a shitty motel or with strangers. Luckily I only have a few more weeks of this before he starts moving his zoo and my sister and I just signed a lease for a house together.

No. 2190475

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I hate huskies so much, this one sounds like a fucking nightmare. I really hate the word “zoomies” too, your shitbeast doesn’t have “zoomies”, its an untrained, over stimulated menace

No. 2190481

I live in the middle of the fucking desert and the number of these things I’ve seen come out of nowhere is wild. It’s also a predominantly Hispanic area and Mexicans are absolutely terrible dog owners (don’t come at me, I’m Mexican myself) so I’m sure by next year half of them will be dumped in the desert. I hate dogs but come it sickening that every other day there’s a story about assholes driving to the outskirts of the city to abandon their beasts and getting caught.

No. 2190499

No I get what you mean nona, as much as I hate dogs mistreating and abandoning them is disgusting. Not just because it’s sociopathic behaviour but because it causes problems for other people, animals and the environment. Is there a shitbull problem where you live too?

No. 2190501

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The lies are interminable

No. 2190504

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Got what it deserved, you love to see it

No. 2190505

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No. 2190512

I’m not sure if I should post this here or the vent thread since I do like most dogs and am actively trying to find an adult medium sized herding breed or mix but I hate pits and I hate shelters and rescues. I feel like my shelter has some kind of under the table deal w rescues so all the sweet dogs are taken and the crazy dogs w behavioral issues and dangerous dog breeds are left behind. I just adopted what looked to be a sheltie mix by my eyes signed the papers and paid, was told to wait to pick her up. I went to get her day of and they said they transferred her to a rescue instead! Several days after my adoption contract. What’s more they haven’t refunded me so I’ll have to put up a stink. They gave excuse after excuse I can’t believe a word that comes out of their mouths, how can you? They’ll say pits are the best family dogs in the same breath and try to guilt you into taking one as they slowly die in their cages dreaming of the day where they can fulfill their breed instinct. If pits were banned there’d be more normal dogs and rescues wouldn’t be charging these fucked ass prices and essentially flipping dogs. That’s why there’s a lobby. It’s good business and it’s def a racket. I’m so mad and sad I spent a couple months looking for her

Oh and a rescue also stole my friends’ dogs and told her to apply to get them back. They were charging $500 each. Not purebred(derailing)

No. 2190513

YES! The shitbull problem is bad. There was a scandal a few years ago where the local humane society hired some retarded, completely unqualified Pit daddy as the director and it made things way worse. Once his credentials were revealed to all be fraudulent he was fired but the roving gangs of dogs in unincorporated areas predated him and have continued after him. At least that retard was arrested for fraud. I’m pretty opposed to no kill shelters because they just play hot potato with problem dogs at a huge expense.

No. 2190518

I know it’s not quite the type of dog you mentioned but what about a greyhound who washed out of racing? Some never even race, if they don’t take to it they’re retired pretty much immediately. I’ve heard they’re super chill dogs but absolutely cannot be let off leash at a dog park because they’ll bolt and generally aren’t compatible with cats or other small animals since they’re sight hounds and will chase them. Dog racing has a bad reputation but they seem more on the up and up than current day rescues. Unfortunately I’m pretty sure they’re in high demand because they make good pets so there’s usually waitlists.

Rescues and shelters have started “laundering” problem dogs with bite histories or other behavioral issues so I 100% do not blame you for not wanting to adopt from one. I’m a lifelong cat lady and hate most dogs and dog owners but recognize some can be great animals if they have proper owners who meet their needs.(derailing)

No. 2190547

Ty for the suggestion! My sister has a cat who I also love and take care of from time to time so I’ve already eliminated sighthounds. As well as retrievers, pointers, terriers, hounds and spitz due to size or prey drive. I already own a herding breed and want to stick w them bc they’re super obedient and more manageable at smaller sizes. He’s been attacked by other larger dogs several times before so I don’t like to take him to daycares or dog parks or even on walks these days. He also is a bit too big for the small dog section and can rly only look at them but one time he was attacked by yorkies as well. I just don’t want him interacting w other new dogs anymore so I will keep looking but she was our Goldilocks.

But yeah I mostly wanted to seethe on these rescues bc I’ve never been in the crosshairs of their shadiness before until now. Tbf I’ve never had to interact w them much and this was my first exp w one

No. 2190552

>They’ll say pits are the best family dogs in the same breath
Scam centres should be ruined financially, not supported.

No. 2190564

I don’t blame you at all for being picky! Maybe you can keep an eye out in local groups for people who have to rehome their beloved dogs for financial reasons or life circumstances? Some people also might get herding breeds then realize they don’t have the energy for them so definitely keep an eye out. It unfortunately does happen and I’m sure they’d love that their dog was going to a good home. There’s also breed specific rescues but I don’t know much about them and from what I remember reading in the past they can be very selective and expensive.

The current big business of animal rescue fucking sucks and makes me even more glad I’m not a dog person but you strike me as a competent dog owner so I really hope you find your next Goldilocks. Most of the cats I’ve had throughout my life simply showed up and refused to leave and the two others came from animal control (I was able to somehow talk them into handing over a 2.4 pound kitten when I was 15 and now I’m 30 and she’s my African Queen) and the local humane society (my sister’s mean girl) so unfortunately my advice might be shit lmao

No. 2191654

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This is actually fucking terrifying, firstly why the fuck is that shitbeast in a shop? Secondly, the way this retard not only has no control over the thing is a good indication that he has no business owning a dog but the fact that he is reinforcing the violent behaviour by repeatedly saying “good boy!” is absolutely deranged. Imagine if it didn’t have a muzzle on. https://x.com/raindropsmedia1/status/1840041466795606507

No. 2191714

Dogs can get muzzles off themselves. I've seen videos of it.

No. 2191754

They can if they're not fitted properly and you give them time to take it off by squirming and using their paws. Typically if the owner has them on the leash they won't be able to take it off, that's why muzzles are very effective with dog attacks.

No. 2191942

Anyone have recommendations for an outdoor camera? I have a long driveway and as I was walking to my car this morning I saw this lady with a small, black dog halfway up my driveway. She was obviously snooping around my garage and front yard but I was carrying so much stuff I regretfully didn't say anything to her. After putting my stuff in my car I turn to her but she's GONE. I walk to the end of my driveway and of course….. dog shit. I'm honestly just in disbelief this happened right in front of me. I know what she and her mutt look like in case I see them again at least.

No. 2191971

The noises it makes are so cartoony demonic they sound like added sound effects

No. 2192436

I have a Blink doorbell camera and an additional outdoor camera I never set up. They’re really affordable and I like that you can plug a flash drive into the little receiver thing instead of paying for the cloud subscription.

No. 2192946

>Cats may eat rats, but they also deter rats from coming near by, as cats mark their territory, not with urine, but by simply rubbing up against things. Even this scent of a cat can make rats scatter.
>When the cats are put in place, they’ll kill off a lot of the rat population, “the other rats will get a whiff of (the cats’) pheromones and bug out and leave the area,” Nickerson said.
>“As far as rodent control goes, it’s nearly 100% effective,” Houtz said. “It’s the only long-term, permanent solution there is.”

No. 2193004

Idk this is bullshit. Unless you have A LOT of stray cats then it may affect rat populations (but not 100%, that's ridiculous) but I've seen rats chase cats away anyway and it's not like you can let so many animals roam around free, it's going to lead to dirt, illnesses, dead animals from fights or accidents and so on. Maybe it's different in different in parts of the world.(derailing)

No. 2193039

unless the cat is bigger than the dog. Big cats, like jaguars, lions, caracals, can turn the tables and leave the dog a bloody mess. Also the regular domestic cat probably knows that looking scared around a potential predator will just bring out the predatory nature of the dog all the more. Sort of how its good to not show signs of fear around moids….

No. 2193167

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No. 2193508

Saw this before and it pissed me off. This guy trying to show he's alpha but commentors point out he's enforcing the dogs behaviour, when that dog takes his face off one day it will completely his own fault.

No. 2193573

File: 1728073992858.jpeg (729.93 KB, 1134x938, IMG_2277.jpeg)

How HOW is it legal to rehome an aggressive piece of shit like this? Ugly mutt should have been shot on the spot

No. 2193574

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No. 2193579

Based shitbull killers. They really need to round up every single one and dispose of them, the fact that people can apply for exemptions is retarded, no wonder people are claiming the ban is ineffective

No. 2193614

File: 1728076596253.png (3.02 MB, 2182x4778, xl bullies.png)

Over here they are spending money on these waste of resources.
There have been domestic abuse shelters closed because they havent had enough funding, we have homeless families on the street but councils here have found £100,000 to spend on these dogs that should just be put down. What a joke. Shitbulls are the moids of the animal world and their owners are temp room IQ.

No. 2193821

this woman in my apartment complex has this giant dog, i think it's a mastiff or something and it's unfixed and it's so fucking revolting. my stupid apartment complex doesn't have any breed restrictions so all the shitbull owners must have gathered here. basically every shit breed you can imagine: german shepherds, plenty of shitbulls, dobermans, suspicious mutts, huskies… i'm so tired of seeing women getting pulled along by these giant dogs they can't control. it's especially scary since i have a toddler, i'm stuck always picking him up when we walk to and from the car cause i don't trust these retards to even properly hold a leash.

No. 2193880

One of the few things that women do that infuriates me. Getting a fucking huge dog but not training it so when it's loose you have no recall power and it ends up mauling people.

No. 2194138

You need plenty of pepper spray.

No. 2194161

>shitbulls are the moids of the animal world
This 1000 times. That's partially why they're so popular because they're hideous like a moid and moids see themselves in shitbulls.

No. 2194181

File: 1728112771528.png (228.53 KB, 702x1022, dogkillscat.png)

nonnie i'm not sure why you felt the need to bring up big cats that live in the wild when we're all talking about domestic animals here. of course a 300lb jaguar made from lean muscle used to eating crocodiles can fuck up an 80lb pampered domestic pooch. you might as well have said, "unless the cat is a panzerkampfwagen vi tiger ii, not even a shitbull is a match for its 8.8cm cannon".
the original post posits that 'they can’t bully cats that will smack the shit out of them with their claws', which is just absurdly untrue that it borders on delusional. search 'dog kills cat' in the videos or news tab of google and then come back and say that with a straight face.(derailing)

No. 2194254

I’m in complete agreement with this too. Useless humans, useless animals, the world would be better off without them
Having any sized dog in an apartment is absolutely retarded. In my city if you’re renting you need to request permission from the landlord to have any pets on premises, I don’t know anyone who lives in an apartment where pets are permitted and a lot of houses will prohibit it too (of course people completely disregard this and do whatever they want, but prohibiting pets in apartments is nice in theory). I live next to a dog park and pretty much everyone on my street has dogs, most of them are ridiculous “designer” breeds and purebred small breeds that are yappy and annoying but thankfully no shitbulls, huskies or other retarded breeds that cause trouble. And thankfully people are really diligent about cleaning up after their dogs too, so it could be worse insofar as being someone who dislikes dogs and lives in such close proximity to a dog park in an area that has a high density of dogfags

No. 2194324

This is actually based I want to do it to a scrote

No. 2194879

If you think shitbulls are bad just imagine a shitbull on meth and cocaine.
>Three pit bulls involved in a deadly attack on another dog last month in Kamloops, B.C., tested positive for methamphetamine and cocaine, and the city is going to court to have them put down.
>Kamloops community services manager Will Beatty said the drugs were found in the dogs' systems after they hopped a fence and mauled a 13-year-old border collie to death on Sept. 8.

No. 2194961

File: 1728166933827.webp (2.44 MB, 4284x5712, g2vfspbgossd1.webp)

Dog nutters are as bad as their dogs, think they do no harm when they are just a plague on the general population.

No. 2195487

File: 1728207317486.jpeg (873.29 KB, 1170x1338, IMG_2283.jpeg)

the jokes write themselves

No. 2195488

File: 1728207402580.jpeg (906.62 KB, 1170x1674, IMG_2282.jpeg)

>cutest pup around
even as puppies these useless mutts are fucking hideous

No. 2195603

If I kept and raised a dog for 13 entire years only for three ugly drugged pitbulls to mindlessly maul it I would slit their throats and hang them on the owner's fence.

No. 2195684

File: 1728220228075.jpg (1.16 MB, 1170x1992, lmao.jpg)

Jesus Christ these people are genuinely insane

No. 2195686

Not a border collie, they are so beautiful and smart. Breaks my heart.

No. 2195844

>meat trade
Kill it and feed it to her.

No. 2196338

I don't get how people keep their dogs after they bit someone. My little brother used to go over to his friend's house almost every day until her stupid shitbeast snapped and bit him out of nowhere. The thing actually was skulking around the yard eyeing my brother before the attack happened, my brother was 8 at the time and the bite mark was huge and clamped right down on this thigh. All the girl's dumbass parents could say was "oh he's never bitten before he's a sweet dog!" and they had the audacity to shame my little brother and mom when he didn't want to play with their daughter anymore. It's crazy, do they just not care about their own small child?

No. 2196831

File: 1728265654318.jpeg (595.14 KB, 1143x815, IMG_2314.jpeg)

More shitbull lies that are going to get someone maimed or killed

No. 2196832

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No. 2196834

File: 1728265781556.jpeg (889.69 KB, 1146x1003, IMG_2316.jpeg)

And the worst of these three, trying to shill this fugly violent mutt that has already bitten two people

No. 2196853

is that a pibble? looks more like a boxer

No. 2196976

Psychopathic dog.

No. 2197003

That’s the first time I’ve seen them say bite instead of snap or mouth so you know it’s serious.

No. 2197005

This is so funny, wtf do they mean a large soul?

No. 2197106

Definitely a Pitbull mix. My aunt had Boxers and their heads are not as wide and the eyes are less beady. You can always tell when there's some Pitbull in a dog because the eyes get beady and the jaws are huge.

No. 2197314

My neighbor has a pitt and today it just lunged at me as I was trying to exit our apartment building. Why are they like this.

No. 2198421

File: 1728384595120.jpeg (946.64 KB, 1170x1499, IMG_2327.jpeg)

Posting comment in picrel in response to this is genuinely fucking retarded. These people are actual retards.

No. 2198624

Trash dogs for trash people.

No. 2199245

'Nami is nothing but gentle love and sweet affection!'
Yeah, maybe now, but within a year someone will be calling Animal Control after Nami's jaws clamp onto their leg.

No. 2199298

It’s so fucking ugly, lmao. The way that fat retard is speaking to it is creepy, pitfaggots and dogfaggots in general are genuinely deranged. I hate shitbulls and their owners so much it’s unreal.

No. 2199593

File: 1728435784618.jpg (1.27 MB, 1170x1564, restinpiss.jpg)

>23 mutts exterminated because no one wanted them on account of aggression
>21 were shitbulls
You’d think that would give them something to ponder, alas

No. 2199657

And the other 2 were a rottweiler and German shepherd, 99% odds neither had been to obedience school, no big surprise.

No. 2199817

File: 1728458405328.jpeg (1.13 MB, 1170x1646, IMG_2330.jpeg)

These kill shelters really are doing the lords work, if only this applied to all shitbulls and not just the “mouthy” ones

No. 2199831

File: 1728459636428.jpeg (858.21 KB, 1170x1234, IMG_2331.jpeg)

This is so unhinged

No. 2199883

File: 1728464610579.jpeg (158.33 KB, 1125x1024, IMG_6928.jpeg)

i cannot stand dog or pet owners in general and their attitudes toward yet another severe hurricane coming to burgerland. i feel like it's common sense that resources such as room/space, water and so on should all be preserved for the people who need to take shelter at hotels etc during life threatening hurricanes and god knows how many people will need it. that and the fact that pet allergies exist should imo just negate the whole possibility of bringing a pet into any kind of emergency shelter. any other viewpoint seems insane to me.

No. 2199886

Imagine being a child fleeing from a hurricane and being evacuated to a hotel, surviving all of that, and then you get your jugular chomped into by a shitbull named Zeus owned by two quirk chungus millennials in their early 30s

No. 2199888

fucking kek. and imagine being so fucked in the head that youre in a literal life and death situation for a large number of human beings but your priority is useless domesticated vermin that pose a potential threat to people seeking shelter from said situation. these petfaggots are genuinely retarded.

No. 2199889

This legit makes me angry, just when I thought I couldn’t hate pets or their owners any more than I already do. These idiots are proof that natural selection has failed us.

No. 2199952

Does anybody else feel very uneasy when seeing people picking up their dog's shit? The other day I saw a woman with a big dog, the beast decided to poop in the base of a tree, which was covered in leaves, so the woman had to search for the turd in the foliage for a while. Idk, it's not just disgust, there's something about seeing people bowing down to pick their dog's excrements up that makes me feel like something's wrong, I don't get how they sign up for it, especially with big dogs.

No. 2199958

File: 1728472437040.jpg (369.04 KB, 1170x919, shitbulls.jpg)

Just fucking round up every single last one of these dysgenic shitbeasts and incinerate them, I never thought I could have such a violent, burning hatred of another living creature but here we are. Shitbulls are the most disgusting abominations to ever walk the earth (besides moids, obviously) https://nypost.com/2024/10/08/us-news/babysitter-charged-after-baby-mauled-to-death-by-pit-bulls/

No. 2199978

>The teen took the baby to a bathroom to try and save him, but the dogs were able to get in there too. After grabbing her phone to call police, the teen made her way to another bedroom, barricading the door with her body until help arrived — with photos showing how the dogs ripped large chunks off the door
Jesus they really demons. They wanted to kill the baby no matter what.

No. 2199981

File: 1728474487702.png (204.3 KB, 639x358, 1E3S3Ly.png)

they literally bit through a locked door and pushed through barricades just to kill that child. I can't even imagine the terror and mental trauma the little girl is going through and that poor boy was literally mauled to death in the worst way possible

No. 2199993

>The three dogs were seized by authorities, despite Rodgriguez’s protests.
>“For her to be more concerned with the dogs that have proven to be involved in the attack, she is more concerned about keeping them from us? That is cause for concern. It will definitely be taken into consideration when we decide what to do with this (woman) moving forward,” Salazar said.
What a piece of shit. As expected of a pit owner. Putting her dogs above her daughter.

No. 2199994

File: 1728476472277.jpg (37.72 KB, 744x413, 1-year-old-texas-boy-91235560.…)

She had the ghetto gladiator subtype, too. There's no way you buy something this nasty and aren't aware of what it is.

No. 2200038

File: 1728478681770.png (1.34 MB, 1091x1364, Pitmommy.png)

The people who own these dogs sure do have a phenotype, the resemblance they have to their hideous demon creatures is uncanny. Every fucking time.

No. 2200040

regardless of race, they all appear to have very low IQ

No. 2200041

why does she look like that one funny fat German woman?

No. 2200046

What a putrid piece of shit this waste of space is, there should be an exception to the a-logging rule for subhumans like this
>The fatal attack was not the first time police had responded to Rodriguez’s residence about her dogs, according to News4SA
>Rodriguez was cited by police for having her dogs unleashed after they trapped an individual in their car.
>She was allowed to keep her dogs after that incident
And the authorities are fucking unless retards too

No. 2200047

There's a tinfoil that these owners are intentionally trying to kill people for whatever reason (e.g. that guy who made his mother watch his five pitbulls was trying to murder her for inheritance). I'm thinking this might be the case with this woman. Why else would she want the dogs back after they mauled her daughter?

No. 2200050

It wasn’t her daughter that got mauled, she left her 13 year old daughter alone with the baby she was supposed to be babysitting. Her daughter did get bitten too, but not mauled. I think she’s just a fucking psychopath and/or an actual sped (she sure looks like she has a intellectual handicap)

No. 2200058

File: 1728479755486.jpeg (708.5 KB, 1135x936, IMG_2333.jpeg)

Faggots like this who shill these repulsive creatures need to be dealt with in the same manner as the mutts they cape so hard for, this is wilfully endangering people

No. 2200234

god i'm so sick of retards using fictional animals to virtue signal. dOeS tHe DoG dIe?? but then they're fine with things like gore, rape, child abuse, ect. people project so much humanity onto dogs but refuse to do the same for other people, especially kids. people will literally say psycho shit like 'i don't care of the child character dies, but if anything happens to the dog i'm out!!' how do they not realize how absolutely insane this makes them sound?

No. 2200241

shitbulls aren't aggressive they're fearful!! they're just poor scared little babies in a big mean world! why adopt a normal dog from the shelter when you can get one that comes with a warning and can't be around children? this dog will escape, kill someone or their pet, and will be described as showing no previous signs of aggression. maybe this is a wild take but if your dog is dangerous it should be put down before it has a chance to attack anyone. dogs that are consistently showing aggressive behavior (LUNGING AT PEOPLE) shouldn't be given a chance.

No. 2200303

Why don't those shelters extract all teeth of dangerous dogs? A dog can eat and live normally without any teeth.

No. 2200372

god I fucking hate pet culture. I miss the days when dogs very much had their place (outside) and got put down if they showed aggression or shat themselves.
>literal natural disaster incoming that is a genuine danger to human lives
>but but what about mUH dOGGiE!!!! mUH pUPPERIno!!
all faggots like this have brain worms

No. 2200558

File: 1728514954498.png (2.12 MB, 1133x1434, Retards.png)

Resisting the urge to a-log these petfags

No. 2200570

this situation doesn't happen in america, just other countries that have big cats prowling around who regularly make meals of pet dogs.(derailing)

No. 2201012

File: 1728556088196.jpeg (79.25 KB, 640x640, IMG_2336.jpeg)

Fucking kek

No. 2201017

lmfao nona. It's crazy how murderous they are to be able to kill anything from an infant to a grown-assed adult. A 57-year-old woman was recently killed in my state by some off-leash pitt for the crime of… walking home from her neighbor's house.

I hate these retarded shitbeasts. Most dog owners struggle to act remotely normal as is (see: weird mouth-licking), but my god the pitt/bully breed tards are the absolute worst. I remember busting out laughing watching the Barbie movie when a friend said "The Barbies are lucky Ken got obsessed with horses instead of pittbulls."

No. 2201026

It's like a humiliation ritual.

No. 2201074

Y'all are overthinking it. The main problem is assholes NOT picking up their dog's shit. I know we have a few "all pets must die" people in this thread but let's be real. When you get any kind of pet–dog, cat, hamster, goldfish–you're gonna be picking up its shit one way or another, unless you yourself are a neglectful piece of shit.

The "letting dog french kiss me" thing is definitely a result of something deeply psychologically wrong with a person imo. I do not, however, believe that cleaning up after your animal is indicative of anything other than bare-minimum not being a POS. The dog does not give AF what you do with its shit (other than being disappointed it can't eat it, perhaps), it's not like the situation described upthread where nona's GF's dog was humping her leg and the GF joked about "offering it her hand instead." That's a humiliation ritual, so is the whole "Honey can you scooch over, Fido gets jealous when we cuddle for too long!" thing. But picking up shit is just being responsible for your shitbeast imo.

No. 2201154

Yeah, obviously picking up your dog's shit is the bare minimum. With other pets I don't see it as annoying for some reason, maybe because excrements are smaller and are usually contained in one place. But having to pick up big warm stinky turds from big ass dogs (with your hands), that's something else. There's something wrong, but not in a "humiliation ritual" way, it's more in a "are you retarded? why did you chose this?" way. Add that where I live most people live in apartments, but most dog owners have midsize/big dogs, which makes the whole situation even worse.

>it's not like the situation described upthread where nona's GF's dog was humping her leg and the GF joked about "offering it her hand instead."

God that's so fucking gross

No. 2201169

Having to clean up after stinky animals is just disgusting full stop, like why would you sign up for that (literal) shit, but I’d imagine dealing with a large carnivore would be especially putrid. That said, I have more contempt for retards who don’t clean up after their animals or just neglect them in general. Don’t own an animal if you’re not prepared to do the bare minimum, it’s not a toy, plus dogs running around shitting everywhere affects other people too, it’s selfish, lazy, low IQ behaviour to not clean up after it

No. 2201299

File: 1728576166213.jpeg (889.35 KB, 1170x1673, IMG_2342.jpeg)

Giving a shitbull a “spa treatment”, absolute mental illness. And of course its name is Luna

No. 2201311

AYRT, and I think the "why did you choose this?!" take is a much more reasonable one. I do think dogs are unique in that they're the only pets whose shit you'd have to pick up publicly, whereas I can scoop my cat's litter box in privacy with a scooper, without having to feel a warm turd touch my hand through a plastic bag, and it also only needs to happen like once a day/every other day as opposed to multiple times a day like with a dog.

I know this is impossible for some folks to grasp for some reason, but many people here find that non-dog pets bring joy to their life, and decide that scooping a litter box a few times a week isn't a high price to pay for the companionship of a sweet, cute, quiet animal that grooms itself and doesn't try to murder your mailman/partner/infant. Do we have an "all pets are disgusting shitbeasts" containment thread for the nonnies who can't stand any animals at all? Either way, I think we can all agree that dogs are the worst offenders in terms of both grossness and danger to human life.

"Or does your pitbull own you?" kek we all know the answer to that one.

No. 2201354

… anons, you don't have to scoop up your cat's shit publicly because you don't walk it. If it free-roams then it'll be leaving shit and piss everywhere but you don't see it. And dog poops can also be picked up with a scoop when they're not walking… picking up dog poop is actually very good but not many people do it and that's the issue. The anon who sees it as some humiliation ritual is creepy, actually cleaning up after your pet isn't humiliating, it's good for everyone and it's part of caring for it. Also remember that almost all pets at some point will need more help from you that will look uncomfortable but I hope you'll be able to do it anyway and not think that it's "humiliating".

No. 2201521

I'm fully aware why I don't have to scoop it publicly lol I agree with you. Cats shouldn't really free-roam outdoors for health reasons anyway. I agree though, anyone thinking that cleaning up after a pet (shitbull or otherwise) is a "humiliation ritual" is delulu. I hate shitbeasts, but if you must own one, the least you can do is keep its shit off my lawn.

No. 2201991

File: 1728602943382.jpg (407.92 KB, 1079x1085, 1000005639.jpg)

Too many dog owners are irresponsible cunts they alow their shitbeasts to cause havoc and ruin people's lives I wish there were sentences for these offenses.

No. 2202005

Jesus fucking Christ, losing one pet would be traumatic enough but FIVE? I mean yes, the cats shouldn’t be outside unsupervised so the owner is a retard but anyone who lets a murderous shitbeast loose like this needs to be locked up or blap blap along with their fugly violent mutt

No. 2202351

Wearing a harness. Wouldn't be shocked if the leash broke. This is why leash laws don't matter. We need no shitbeast laws.

No. 2202697

Didn't mean by humiliation ritual you shouldn't clean after your pet (dog in this case). I just think the ~vibes~ are off kek, it's nothing too convoluted. If I owned any animal I would clean after it, duhh. Thank god I don't own dogs, I've cleaned enough their shit in this lifetime anyway.

No. 2202793

File: 1728650699116.jpeg (640.13 KB, 1145x896, IMG_2348.jpeg)

The fucking dishonesty, Jesus fucking Christ

No. 2202797

File: 1728651008671.jpeg (593.17 KB, 1138x706, IMG_2349.jpeg)

“Mouthy” and “accidentally nipped”

No. 2202802

Imagine people with horses

No. 2202840

I cross on the other side of the street whenever | see people with pitbulls, we didn't have them here years ago but because ugly manlets want to be seen as macho, it's become a market now
also why the FUCK would a 50+yo woman own one, I keep seeing her walking in the evening, it got to the point where there are already 2-3 around and I have to plan my short walk to the supermarket every time before I go.
This shit breed should be put out.

If I were american I'd take my gun and shoot that dog dead, jfc

No. 2202962

File: 1728661155683.jpeg (729.21 KB, 1139x1230, IMG_9733.jpeg)

Jesus what the fuck happened to that poor thing. That’s the face of a shell shocked soldier.

No. 2202964

They literally just let the horse shit all over the place, I live in a rural place and there’s always fat lumps of horse shit all over the road. It’s not really a big deal cos although they’re large they don’t stink like a carnivorous animals shit and they’re so large you’d have to actually be blind to step in one.
I don’t care about people leaving dog shit around, what I hate is when people bag it up and then leave it on the ground or hanging from a tree. People who do that should be shot.

No. 2203032

No. 2203281

i'm surprised shitbulls are that common outside of the US. i remember i saw a reddit post about some guy trying to bring in his shitbull to japan and laughed imagining how japanese people would react to a creature like that. their default dogs are corgis

No. 2203409

>"Chowder is currently at risk due to behavioral concerns."
Translation: "Chowder is currently A risk due to behavioral concerns."

Fucking liars. The way they have to write whole wish-fulfillment fanfics about these shitbeasts to pawn them off on the general public is so disgusting and pathetic. These posts are what moid dating profiles would look like if prior assaults and arrests were automatically disclosed on them.

>"I'm not violent, I'm REACTIVE. I'm so traumatized that I reacted to my last girlfriend telling me to get a job by breaking her arm uwu, pity fuck me please!"

No. 2203683

File: 1728700607650.jpg (452.06 KB, 2285x988, maul your owner to save them.j…)

Yes this DOES sound like satire but with the rest of the comments, and how we know dogfags are low IQ I can well believe that idiot is being serious.

No. 2203702

>covid vaccine vaccinations are more dangerous than pitbulls
holy shit that's the most facebook boomer take i've ever seen

No. 2203859

Pitbulls are just protective nanny dogs, just be careful they don’t rip off your limbs by mistake while they’re doing so….

No. 2203862

File: 1728714026497.jpeg (1.3 MB, 1170x1856, IMG_9736.jpeg)

This woman lets her dog treat her baby like a chew toy while giggling like a retard. The comments go absolutely feral on anyone who says it’s not appropriate

No. 2203866

File: 1728714732839.jpeg (337.94 KB, 1170x1160, IMG_9740.jpeg)

Not wanting a dog to drag a baby on the floor by its foot makes you retarded and smooth brained. The dog only wants to take the babies sock. As if it has the fucking right to do so in the first place.

No. 2203868

File: 1728714843281.jpeg (100.45 KB, 1170x451, IMG_9738.jpeg)

No. 2203887

Ugly fucking shitbeast shouldn’t be anywhere near the baby, much less doing this. Any parent who encourages or even permits this shit ought to have CPS called on them.

No. 2203888

The irony of these literal retards insulting anyone elses intelligence. I hate dogs and their owners so much, jfc

No. 2203890

these people's brains are wired incorrectly, it's crazy how callous the average person has become towards babies. of this was a video of a toddler dragging a puppy around by it's leg no one would think it's funny or cute.

No. 2203892

Dogfags and catfags, specifically the ones who call their stupid animals “fur babies”, have a sociopathic hatred of children, it’s genuinely concerning

No. 2204238

You’re absolutely right. I saw this one vid of a little girl about 5 years old resting her feet on a dog on the beach, and it was quite a funny video cos the the dog stood up and started kicking sand on her and trying to bury her. People were fucking outraged. How dare she do that, what a brat, she deserves a smack/bite/head cut off. But she was literally being far more gentle that the dog in the video with the baby. So you’re absolutely right. If a baby did that to a dog people would be so mad.

No. 2204648

File: 1728767027308.png (762.23 KB, 1076x1460, Deranged.png)

lmao this is so cringeworthy

No. 2204655

File: 1728767650971.jpeg (698.41 KB, 1170x1726, IMG_2359.jpeg)

>Meanwhile the owner of two of the animals spoke to media, revealing that one of her canines had recently eaten its own puppies
>“Sook ate a couple…because they don’t separate them … he’s male, that’s what they do,” she said.
Pitfaggots are legitimately the most low IQ useless human beings. These “restrictions” on certain breeds are an exercise in futility, they need to be completely outlawed.

No. 2204662

File: 1728768023383.jpeg (1.09 MB, 1170x1975, IMG_2361.jpeg)

No. 2204668

File: 1728768303219.png (1.55 MB, 1106x1766, Retards.png)

Presented without comment

No. 2204677

File: 1728768854963.jpeg (1021.14 KB, 1170x1986, IMG_2367.jpeg)

At least this one got what it deserved

No. 2205055

File: 1728793848539.png (4.22 MB, 1170x2383, oh shut up.png)

What is it with demented pit mommies trying to make their murderous shitbeasts the victim all the time?!

No. 2205063

>we have not given up on her
why do these people put so much of themselves into these dogs? you could literally go adopt a nice senior dog and give him a happy home but instead you waste all your energy on a dog that hates everything.

No. 2205064

File: 1728795477144.jpg (47.12 KB, 673x476, 4546546345.jpg)

Oh FFS I thought the "dog racism" was bad enough now we have "dog autism" wtf is it with dogfags humanising dogs? What a joke (if you are wondering, I searched "shelter dogs" to get this result on tiktok)

No. 2205067

what on earth

No. 2205176

File: 1728808930862.png (586.99 KB, 1170x1989, Autismspeaks .png)

lmao, this is so retarded

No. 2205181

I will never understand why, of all the breeds of dogs on the planet, “pit mommies” choose these fucking hideous, violent, retarded, dysgenic liabilities to cape for. There is literally nothing redeeming about them. Is it the same pathology that makes some women obsess of school shooters and incarcerated serial killers? Either way, it’s pure mental illness

No. 2205186

File: 1728809592820.jpeg (483.12 KB, 2008x1572, IMG_2358.jpeg)

The right kind of shitbull awareness

No. 2206028

based lol, did you make this or find it somewhere?

No. 2206231

I saw it on twitter, thankfully there are some sane people amongst all the retarded outrageous who shill these abominations

No. 2206238

File: 1728865697796.jpeg (801.77 KB, 1147x922, IMG_2372.jpeg)

Look at this hideous fucking demon, I swear the lies are becoming more egregious

No. 2206245

Huh, that's encouraging. Also kek at "So yes, we are VERY AWARE of pitbulls." Love whoever made this and love you for posting it, nona.

I s2g these dogs have dead eyes like the dudes in the ugly man psyop thread. Nothing there but a lust for violence.

No. 2206549

File: 1728887491646.jpeg (831.82 KB, 1147x935, IMG_2380.jpeg)

>actively aggressive shitbull with bite history advertised as “social with strangers” and “second best behaviour rating”
Actual insanity

No. 2206550

File: 1728887553588.jpeg (485.29 KB, 1145x712, IMG_2381.jpeg)

More dangerous dishonesty

No. 2206552

File: 1728887653033.jpeg (725.83 KB, 1117x828, IMG_2382.jpeg)

I hope someone sues these scumbags

No. 2206601

File: 1728890875108.jpg (416.41 KB, 2644x2482, dogautism.jpg)

This has been a thing for a while and there are some retarded rescues who will use it to try to get people to adopt their shitbulls.

No. 2206617

>Rockie has been observed to jump up and bite the leash
Sounds like it needs a good right hook to its skull

No. 2206619

>has lived w/ kids
>adult-only home

What can I say except yikes

No. 2206621

>Is it the same pathology that makes some women obsess of school shooters and incarcerated serial killers?
Yes. It feeds their Disney Princess syndrome to act like they and only they can control and understand their shitbeasts.

No. 2206636

I'm currently vacationing in France and was visiting Paris. Even there, I can't escape shitbulls. I ran into an unleashed shitbull on the sidewalk and saw way too many young women walking these awful shitbeasts. I thought I could escape this shit in Europe but I guess not!!!

No. 2206639

the language they use to hawk these deformed murderous abominations makes me want to alog

No. 2206641

it needs a lot more than that

No. 2206645

Funny how it’s always mentally unstable fugly hambeasts who own these monstrosities too, the antithesis of a Disney princess

No. 2206646

lmao what a hideous piece of shit, hideous and volatile, truly a winning combination

No. 2206772

File: 1728906926255.jpeg (247.67 KB, 1057x1878, IMG_2386.jpeg)

And deliberately using a picture of the fugly shitbeast from when it was much younger too, this is what it looks like now, revolting. I hate these lying faggots so much

No. 2206799

It's the same women who have an "I can fix him!!11" mentality when their scrote is abusing them. They think they will make these dogs less violent by virtue of owning them.
There's also women that just think owning a pitbull makes them look cool or tough, and not retarded.

No. 2206807

even in the pic where it is younger it looks evil. demonic creatures.

No. 2206899

>8 years old
Is there anything they don’t lie about on these things?

No. 2207027

LMFAO an AUTISTIC DOG????? This is even better than vegan cats!!

No. 2207032

I'll admit that 96 people in almost whole year is…… an incredibly insignificant number.

No. 2207035

"Autism" is already fake when diagnosed in humans (real autism is a very rare and severe condition)…. so what's to stop them to diagnose the fake disease on dogs too? They could also diagnose it on trees, since it's not a real thing.

No. 2207098

That’s just deaths nonna. It’s not counting injuries, they can be severe and life altering.

No. 2207107

It's also not counting the 100,000s of other animals killed by pits.

No. 2207545

File: 1728958670125.png (774 KB, 1386x1660, gbazgfktjsud1.png)

Oh boy where do we start with this one…

No. 2207680

What an evil looking shitbeast. Personal service animals other than seeing eye dogs are total bullshit, they’re just accessories for obese rainbow haired they/thems who hate children and want to feel special/superior.

No. 2207700

File: 1728973416971.png (1.81 MB, 1124x1898, inbreeding.png)

Typical pitfag phenotype. When are people going to realise that the “ban” isn’t enough? Every single last “bully breed” mutt needs to be wiped off the face of the planet

No. 2207831

File: 1728984244623.jpeg (473.31 KB, 1162x1353, IMG_9757.jpeg)

They should be billing the owners of these things if they want them kept alive in kennels while appeals go through the court. They should also be made to pay for the court costs too. That might get them off their ass long enough to seek an exemption or at the very least lead to more being put down because these bottom feeders who get these dogs can’t afford it. Sorry you failed to pay for the kennel so Zeus and Luna need to go nightnight forever now kek.
If you can’t pay then it’s happening as soon as it’s taken off you.

No. 2207867

Low IQ behaviour raising a future child killer and more low IQ comments encouraging it. I can never get over how disgusting these things look as puppies

No. 2207949

I keep going back to this pic in disbelief, who the fuck would want such a scary, hideous beast in their own home? Not even wild rabid wolves look as scary as that ugly mutt. The swollen distended skull with its tiny bleary shark eyes make my skin crawl. Hideous.

No. 2207993

File: 1728996776156.jpeg (159.15 KB, 785x1000, IMG_9761.jpeg)

They’re even worse when they’re grey because they look like gargoyles

No. 2208084

Nah it still looks cute as a puppy. They could simply breed teacup shitbulls and they'd be too small to do real damage if the appeal was just the look, but of course they like that their dogs could eat a child

No. 2208210

File: 1729008826309.jpeg (43.76 KB, 800x717, IMG_9785.jpeg)

>teacup pitbulls
breeding teacup breeds is sick twisted and cruel. Just get a chihuahua, they’re basically a small pitbull with their aggressive asshole personality . You already have disgusting “pocket bullies” what more do dogfaggots want? You have enough deformed and suffering congenital freaks in the world to be your brood parasites why do you want more?

No. 2208553

I want to feed it to crocodiles.

No. 2209048

File: 1729043604852.jpeg (490.83 KB, 1144x642, IMG_2401.jpeg)

The twitter lies continue to get increasingly insane and dangerous, if they weren’t linking to the shelter listing you’d think they were talking about two different mutts

No. 2209060

File: 1729044006716.jpeg (874.72 KB, 1144x1019, IMG_2399.jpeg)

>poor sweet shibble heartbroken and doesnt understand why it was abandoned by fur mommy and daddy!
>was brought in by police after multiple bite incidents
This is fucking deranged, in what world is it acceptable to do anything other than euthanise a creature this this?

No. 2209062

File: 1729044102678.jpeg (783.88 KB, 1137x950, IMG_2402.jpeg)

>snuggly little man!
>bite history with other animals and aggressive towards humans

No. 2209078

File: 1729044580176.jpeg (778.96 KB, 1138x889, IMG_2400.jpeg)

And this fucking hideous thing, “redirected towards their abdomen” is shelter speak for “tried to bite”. Piece of shit should have been euthed on the spot, trying to rehome it is beyond fucking reckless

No. 2209145

nta but my hatred of chihuahuas is second only to my hatred of pits, they are hideous little gremlins

No. 2209148

lmao no its not, it is ugly as hell. all pitbulls are repulsive, no matter the age or size

No. 2209177

kek, based

No. 2209232

I see pitbulls everywhere now. When I go for walks on the trail I see at least 5 pitbulls every time, some are even unleashed. This is bitchy of me but I always performatively give the pitbull and their owner a wide berth when I see them because I don't want their dangerous dog fucking barking at me. Literally some insane zoomer girl around my age brought one inside a Walmart. What the fuck is wrong with people lmao
I never even hated dogs until people started treating them as surrogate children. Sidenote but it's so antisocial to bring your clearly non-service dog to the grocery store, cafe, and other public locations that don't allow non-service dogs. I'll never forget when I worked at a grocery store a few years ago and I saw a bunch of people crowding around a baby stroller and cooing and when I got closer there was a goddamn DOG in the stroller. A few weeks ago there was this one person with a gigantic dog that took up the entire aisle. It's like everyone expects that they live in la-la-land where they're the main character and everyone loves their hecking pupperino. I feel bad for non-dangerous dogs with crazy owners

No. 2209253

Small dogs are pricks. I hate their personalities. No they’re not sassy and brave they’re literally obnoxious bullies. I was with my mother once just walking through town and we passed these two dachshunds that started yapping away, and we ignored them of course, and one of them literally bit her as she passed. I wanted to wring its pathetic little neck there and then. The owners were pretty shocked and scolded it. And my boss has this asshole Jack Russel that he brings in and it yaps at us while we try to do our jobs. Genuinely when these rats get mauled by bigger dogs for being fucking assholes it’s what they deserve. They’re like manlet scrotes finally getting leathered in the face after a lifetime of being an obnoxious bastard.

No. 2209465

Chihuahuas and terriers like the Jack Russells are usually insane I don’t understand how Mariah Carey owns I think 8 of them. Poodles, Malteses, Bichons etc tend to be a lot calmer. They’re considered “boring” even though they’re prob as much as most ppl can handle. There’s a lot of variation between terriers as well like border terriers aren’t too bad but most of them are working breeds who are still used for ratting on small farms. Then they were used for bloodsport ratting in pits. Pitbull terriers came from this lineage just bred larger for larger targets like other dogs or bulls. Terriers are super high energy and even w proper exercise they could still be aggro just less intense. Dachshunds are similar to terriers. There’s companion line dachshunds now but unless you’re shelling money for it… They’re also just poorly bred that long back is abusive

No. 2209469

Dachshunds have a long back btw bc they’re basically regular sized hounds on short legs. At the expense of their spines. Imagine paying for something you supposedly love to have future back problems bc you like the way they look more than their overall well being. But that’s why they’re similar to terriers, similar purpose

No. 2209702

They've unfortunately become something of a standard issue dog to a lot of people. Labs used to be the standard issue dog before that. This normalization of the shitbeasts as regular family dogs is putting everyone in serious danger. I'm seeing them more around my town too, would explain a few of the missing cats around here (while the owners definitely should have kept them inside, I wouldn't wish the fate of being mauled by a shitbeast on anyone except the owners themselves). The other day I saw a man walking a grey, unfixed shitbeast with his wife and children and got really tense, then noticed the wife had a baby in a stroller and a toddler walking alongside them so breathed a small sigh of relief because there was no way it was going to turn its attention to me with its favorite snacks in tow kek. Feel bad for the kids though. Obviously the family got the stinking mutt pushed on them by a shelter who probably lied about the bite history.

No. 2209707

These wastes of space deserve nothing less than the force of a steel toed boot directly to their hideous skulls.

No. 2209901

What the actual fuck

No. 2209905

File: 1729110915935.jpeg (284.74 KB, 750x931, IMG_2819.jpeg)

Whichever anon who pissed off this dog nutter farmhand is based asf kekkk

No. 2209917

>sweet smile
>beautiful face
the person who wrote this is legit psychotic

No. 2209920

based nonita

No. 2209922

>dog nutter.

No. 2209926

This isn't "dog hate" this is promoting poisoning animals which is zoosadist shit. Yap all you want about dogs or cats but do not promote killing them personally you dumb fuck.

No. 2209931

This is one of the ugliest things I have ever seen why would anyone want a pet so nasty

No. 2209935

How do these nutcases get away with telling such blatant lies? This could lead to another person or pet getting seriously injured or even killed. I think it is actually evil to be this dishonest and knowingly put other living creatures in harms way. This type of irresponsibility should be a criminal offence

No. 2209940

What an ugly demon beast, imagine getting it as a present lmao, the person who received it should have immediately taken it to a kill shelter

No. 2209943

I hate small dogs so much, they are all extremely ugly and annoying

No. 2209993

File: 1729115033070.png (2.14 MB, 1856x1278, oqikzpkes4vd1.png)

Kek I missed that. I ended up coming across more of that style of pictures on a story of this pitbull advocate, she was mauled to death by pitbulls at a shelter recently.


No. 2210103

There is at least one zoosadist in this thread and it's a shame. No wonder anons from other threads think we're sociopaths

No. 2210171

Last year at the grocery store I watched a man approach the seafood counter with his non-service dog next to him. As the guy was talking to the clerk his dog proceeded to lick all of the clams for sale in the display below. He then walked away. Leaving the dog-licked clams still for sale.

No. 2210197

Nah disagree not all. Breeds are a thing for a reason and the average person shouldn’t get a working line breed of dog small or large much less several. Chihuahuas are an anomaly

No. 2210208

My friend worked at a Target and she told me someone's non service dog took a huge dump on the floor and she had to clean it up. A craft store I frequent has had the same dirty ass paw marks on the floor both times I've gone. Imagine bringing your dirty mutt into a store and giving no fucks.
I breathe a sigh of relief when I see stores that have NO PETS signs. That should be everywhere.

No. 2210217

I use to work a wagie job at a pet friendly store. There was actual dog shit multiple times that needed to be cleaned up. A fight broke out between two different customer’s dogs another day. I lost it the day a woman came in with a parrot and I had to clean up parrot shit.

I legitimately do not understand this visceral need to bring your pet everywhere with you. Especially if you know you will just be leaving them in the car for hours.

No. 2210241

This was the reason I stopped going to my local farmers market.

No. 2210245

I've been to a pet supply store with birds available for sale, and saw dog people happily egging on their dogs to look at and bark at the birds, who were freaking out. I think there must be a form of psychopathy there, the kind that compels them to tell you things like "oh my dog could destroy that cat".

No. 2210254

I bet it was about poisoning a shitbull. Yeah that isn’t zoosadism, if you think we give a shit about praising puppers and think they have equal value to humans then you need to get the fuck out of the thread and stop shitting up. I don’t get why we have to be positive in the FUCKING DOG HATE THREAD, shut the fuck up you retarded bitch you’re not Mother Teresa or an environmentalist for having a yapping shitbeast.

No. 2210264

No one cares, this is the dog hate thread

No. 2210345

Why cant you just say animal abuse? zoosadism makes me think of furfag shit and I dont think they are, they just hate dogs.

No. 2210376

True but imo there’s diff levels of hate. Just adding relevant context as to why there’s this pervasive dog culture rn. I hate that the most. Owners who should be knowledgeable abt what they own fundamentally misunderstand any given breed’s nature and purpose

No. 2210437

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>listed many times now
GEE I WONDER THE FUCK WHY. Stop wasting precious money and resources and put the ugly vicious mutt down already

No. 2210859

My younger brother got attacked by 3 shitbull mixes yesterday. He has some gnarly wounds and found a lawyer fast, but the owner could give less of a fuck. The owners of this breed are just as soulless and retarded it's insane.

No. 2210877

Jesus, sorry to hear nonacita, I hope he is okay. Glad you got lawyers onto it though. Can’t say I’m at all surprised that the owner doesn’t care, typical pitfaggot. Were they running loose or was it on someone’s property?

No. 2210917

ty nonna. He is okay thankfully, just some really ugly and painful bites. The shitbulls were loose but it happened technically on private property (he was there for work) which makes police useless since they labeled it a 'civil issue'.

No. 2210967

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Gas it. Send it to Auschwoofz. I don't understand people who keep nightmare tempered lap dogs. The breeder scammed you.

No. 2210981

Owner seriously sounds like a massive retard which is par for the course for shitbull owners. Hope they get fucked over in court.

No. 2211007

How do people find these bug-eyed creatures cute?
I'm so sorry nonnie. I hope your brother can get justice

No. 2211449

I really don't get the appeal of toy breed dogs. They just seem like annoyingness incarnate and aren't cute. Like if I owned something like this, it's a reflection of myself and that reflection then is a stupid-looking, yappy thing. If I had to own a dog (which I never would since they smell horrible and are high maintenance), I'd want something that at least is competent-looking.

No. 2211790

Little dogs being yappy is real but the fear of wanting to seem weak or an annoyance owning one is why dog ppl get huskies and German shepherds and other such dogs they can’t handle. I wish they liked lap dogs enough to at least encourage the breeding of quieter behavior like a shiba who rarely barks instead of becoming an active danger to their environment. But I get the feeling they like being a threat

Teacup sizes got the name from being able to fit them in a teacup full grown. They have lots of health issues and are actually retarded. Should be illegal like pits. Brachycephalic dogs too

No. 2211880

No lie I would be terrified. I dont think anything will be done though if the owners already have 4 warnings and nothings been done.

Also kudos to one of the anchors calling out shitbull propaganda, I imagine the station might get some stupid pitmommies writing into complain.

No. 2211902

That's ridiculous, the animals should've been rounded up and humanely euthanized the first time.

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