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No. 2175616

A thread for the daft, the dim, the silly, and the merely confused.

prev thread: >>>/ot/2155504

No. 2175622

Does the Sonic Totem actually answer your questions?

No. 2175626

No. 2175639

Has anybody around you comitted suicide before?

No. 2175645

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where's the line between a cute girlcrush and a creepy skinwalky obsession

No. 2175647

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What do you think of tourist ad anime and what do you think one of your hometown/city would be like plotwise?

No. 2175651

Have you ever had experience of people talking about practice partners for sex? My follow up question is what are people practicing for? Sex should be a shared intimate moment. I don't understand the concept. Who are you practicing for? Oh thank you so much for fucking people for practice I'm glad you can do to me what you practiced so well with others like fuck off

No. 2175709

How else is a virgin gonna learn about proper sex acts and how to do them in pleasurable ways?? Also, not all of us are into the relationship, romance, dating and married stuff just to get to have sex with hot people and orgasm.

No. 2175712

The only thing that would make sense for my home town is a gritty drug drama kek

No. 2175720

Probably a farming drama like Silver Spoon. Or a college slice of life with a b plot about sports.

No. 2175721

can some nonna(s) bully me into working on my homework?

No. 2175739

How do I stop my cat from being racist? She really hates white people, especially white men and children. My best friend has a white husband and a white looking kid who my cat routinely bullies. She's a really sweet cat who's super cuddly and usually really good with children, but she just hates white people.

No. 2175741

Yes! and it tends to be right, surprisingly.
Yes. I’ve seen a few people commit suicide.

No. 2175742

I had a cat that was racist to black people

No. 2175743

HEY! Do your homework or I’m taking your lunch money, nerd.

No. 2175744

How was it seeing someone else commit suicide?

No. 2175745

Upsetting, to say the very least. I watched a livestream of a boy committing suicide when I was a teenager and overhearing the sound of his mom finding him was definitely traumatizing.

No. 2175746

How should I fix the stale smell in my room? I think its coming from my bed

No. 2175751

Flip your mattress over. Open a window for about ten minutes every day to air out the room. Spray the mattress with diluted vodka to kill bacteria. Make sure you let your sheets air out before you make the bed. Don’t get into bed gross. Wash your sheets regularly.

No. 2175754

i only heard men talk about doing this, they use the term "practice girl"
>How else is a virgin gonna learn about proper sex acts and how to do them in pleasurable ways??
by having sex normally? kek

No. 2175786

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Why is my computer about to fail when I only had it for three years? It's brand new wtf. Anything else I should do besides backup? And why is this happening with a new PC in the first place?

No. 2175797

was it shuaiby?

No. 2175798

thank you for humoring me. i made some progress, but i also realized i'm so exhausted today of course i put off working. but also, being tired and doing work now is better than freaking out later when i don't have it done.

No. 2175804

Having sex isn't confusing. Dick and vaginas don't all come in one standardised setting either. I honestly fretted more over kissing and freaking out about that. Once I realised it's a shared activity and not all on one person other acts come much more naturally. Obviously people should be trying these things with people they trust and respect. The concept of practicing just sounds fucking retarded, like whens the big event going to happen do you get a medal if you score high enough.

No. 2175806

I get out of work tonight at 10 but I have zero $$$ to my name at the moment and I need to get on the bus. It’s embarrassing but do I just ask if I can get on for free? I always paid and never got on for free but I have no cash and lost my debit card today. I’m going thru it right now kek

No. 2175808

I used to act like I was searching for my card/coins on my bag then apologize while looking sad, most times they would let me go inside or someone else would offer to pay for my ride. I wish you luck nonnie

No. 2175810

Yes. All were men who offed themselves to get out of consequences for their actions and now I cackle at the male suicide rate. One was an estate lawyer who was about to go down for all sorts of illegal money shit and two others were about to be outed as child molesters. Now I assume when a man kills himself that he did something really fucked up.

No. 2175811

How does a 20 year old woman have VERY saggy breasts? No history of weight loss. Can any mednonnas can chime in?

No. 2175813

A moid in high school shot himself in the head over a girl. This was like 10 years ago and idk I feel like he was a retard to do that. Imagine ending your life over a teenage heartbreak. He would’ve been 27 now.

No. 2175815

What a fucking retard. To be fair, we all do dumb shit as teens, but damn, killing himself? At least he didn't harm the woman for rejecting him or something

No. 2175821

I don’t really understand high school suicides at all tbh, your life hasn’t even started lmao
Thank god he didn’t light the rest of us up though loool

No. 2175825

No. 2175827

You know how young children get upset over super benign things? Like that chili peppers are spicy when they think they shouldn’t be? It’s because they’re experiencing a lot of emotions for the first time and have no idea how to cope with it. It’s the same with teenagers. You and I know four years is nothing in the grand scheme of things but when you’re 16 that is 25% of your life. Combined with no impulse control and experiencing big emotions for the first time leads to teenage suicide.

No. 2175831

It’s easy to say that as an adult but can you remember how intense everything seemed as a teenager? Like when you lack life experience everything seems like a huge deal. Fuck that guy though, he probably killed himself to try to hurt or punish the girl.
You said it way better than I did.
Just genetics. Are they actually saggy or just low set? Pretty sure Coopers ligaments support the breasts and many factors can cause them to loosen like smoking, having very heavy breasts, and of course weight gain/loss. I had really sad saggers as an 18 year old because i lost like 70 pounds when i was 17. Don’t worry about it.

No. 2175833

Thanks eek guess we’ll find out now lol

No. 2175835

My best friends sister jumped in front of a train when we were 11, ot really fucked her up.

No. 2175837

Ok somehow I had money on an old bus card that I haven’t used in months, phew

No. 2175840

I 100% get where you guys arecoming from, but I was also going through it in high school and I didn’t off myself. I actually remember getting doxxed on 4chan (I was chronically online at a young age) and just going to school, tanking it, pretending that nothing was wrong. Meanwhile this guy killed himself because a girl dared to end things with him. Perhaps I am just built different? Yes yes, perhaps.

No. 2175850

No. 2175851

Sure there are plenty of people in better or worse situations that don’t kill themselves as teens, there are a lot of factors that can contribute to a suicide. But the temperamental nature of being a teenager makes it more likely than I think a lot of people really realize.

Fun fact, teenage suicides are over represented in low income areas and high income areas. There is a teenage suicide rate four times greater than the national average in Palo Alto, California that demonstrates this. This is an interesting article about it:

No. 2175867

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>doxxed on 4chan
I've heard a lot of nonas say this happened to them and now i want to make my stupid question
how many here have been doxed on 4chan?

No. 2175868

If you were built different you wouldn't have been doxxed in the first place

No. 2175872

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Why did fiona turn into a shrek? She was just a normal human

No. 2175874

You can google rhis

No. 2175876

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she was le cursed

No. 2175878

watch the movie to find out

No. 2175880

young zoomer / old alpha fingers typed this

No. 2175881

nta but you'd have to be a zoomer/alpha to be dumb enough to post info about yourself on 4tranz in the first place, which is usually how doxing occurs

No. 2175882

Whats with everyone responding to questions with shit like this lately?

No. 2175884

in my case it was an internet friend that I had a falling out with who doxxed me, idk who actually does on 4chins and posts and posts identifying info lmao.

No. 2175885

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Right?? I will never google anything, do not tell me to google.

No. 2175887

google it

No. 2175890

Yes that’s one theory. I don’t even believe it’s necessarily the fault of the parents but just the natural result of growing up in a bubble like Palo Alto. It was probably exacerbated by the introduction of social media at the time and access to a very effective method of killing yourself with Caltrain. When you are growing up in an environment where having perfect SAT scores only puts you in the top quarter of the class, it’s easy to lose sight of the forest for the trees. Which is just to say teen impulsivity and high emotions can lead to unfortunate outcomes no matter the life circumstances you find yourself in.

No. 2175915

Do you guys let your boy pets see you naked? My mom always says it’s weird how I use the toilet/bathe/change in front of my boy dog but I think she’s a weirdo because does she think my dog views me in a sexual way? I can’t believe I am typing this.

No. 2175916


No. 2175920

sorry nona your mom is a furry

No. 2175921

Yes? I have a male cat and he sees me naked/shitting/chaging etc.

No. 2175922

whenever i take a long shit my moid cat comes to the bathroom to sit on my lap and keep me company during the trying times

No. 2175924

One of my cats love to watch me masturbate.

No. 2175929

I trained my now late cat to sit on the toilet tank while I did my business and to jump on my back when I was ready to wash my hands. I also slept spooning him naked.

No. 2175938

First month in my new company and I already took a sick leave will they fire me? I’m really sick and it’s kinda expected because I work with children. But I’m scared.

No. 2175979

this is gross, anon.

No. 2175981

Slept with a full face of makeup on and I feel awful about it.

My skin looks okay, but since I had false lashes on when I fell aslepp there's this red line on my right eyelid, on top of my lashline.

Anyone know anything that would help take the redness away?

No. 2175989

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is running 3 times a week enough to lose weught by february? i am very limited in the workout i can do because i have back problems, i got scholiosis

No. 2175991

Calories are more important if you're only looking for weight loss. Running will definitely add to results though.

No. 2175992

as in eating less? i dont eat much but i am still fat god hates me kek

No. 2175997

If you are actually fat and not an anachan calling herself fat: track your calories, at least for a few weeks or months. You might be eating more than you think. If it's not that, it might be a health issue, in which case you should visit a doctor.

No. 2175999

Find out your bmr with an online calculator and try to eat 200-400 calories less than that. It's pretty easy to keep track of what you're eating if you get an app like myfitnesspal. Don't eyeball things though, get a scale.

No. 2176003

nah i am 160cm 70kg which is fat.
thanks i will try!

No. 2176006

Anon BMR is the minimum amount of calories needed to sustain your body just sitting around doing bodily functions for that day before you factor in exercise or even regular everyday activity. You're not supposed to eat less than your BMR for prolonged periods of time.
Most health experts recommend eating at your BMR, but adding more physical activity. If you eat the same as you already do but add running, you'll lose weight unless you're somehow eating more than you're burning from an extra 3+ hours of exercise per week.

No. 2176015

I'm going to Maastricht next month and while weed is forbidden to foreigners magic mushrooms are not and I want to bring some back, what is the likelihood my bag is going to be inspected in France?

No. 2176025

whats the name of that long boomer faggot people ship with ben shappiro?

No. 2176030

Jordan Peterson?

No. 2176045

You can get doxxed here? (that's my stupid question)

No. 2176059

You can get doxxed anywhere if you're stupid enough to give out enough details

No. 2176076

yeah? ofcourse your ip will be different since most of the time isp providers are in different cities, they can cross reference your posts to pin down your location thats how i know where pakichan lives since she tmi's alot

No. 2176105

what was the name of the autistic pink rabbit drawn by the obese schizo tif? and where can i read those comics.

No. 2176113

My phone glitched out a while ago and when I turn it on it still has a really faint outline of the image on screen when it happened. I wanna get it repaired but does this mean the repairers can see what it was if they adjust something? I dunno, it was extremely embarrassing and I’d rather never fix my phone if that is a risk

No. 2176121

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No. 2176130

dogisaga is the tifs name. cat soup mogs btw

No. 2176133

ngl i like dogisagas schizo comics aswell as nekojiru

No. 2176137

Should I date a vegan or no?

No. 2176139

Kek I love seeing schizos bitch about bippies.

No. 2176151

Yes. If (s)he doesn't force you to do anything you don't want to do, what's the issue. (S)he just doesn't eat meat and loves animals. (S)he may even cook for you a lot to make you try plant based food, that's a bonus!


I never saw an anon admitting that so I guess it's only in specific threads, I'm guessing threads on OF cows attract anons in the same situation or larpers?

No. 2176152

only if you are also vegan

No. 2176153

i don't see why not

No. 2176160

Depends. Is he young? I personally don't see anything wrong with dating a virgin but some nonnas think this is a sign that he could be a porn addict and an incel, especially if he is older.

No. 2176166

I'm vegetarian and I'm a bit iffy about dating vegans, meat eaters are a big no but vegans are on thin ice.

No. 2176169

Wtf does this mean

No. 2176221

It's pretty annoying if you're not a vegan yourself. You have to compromise often when going to restaurants or having meals together at home.

No. 2176234

You could try but mind what
>>2176221 said. Also if you are not a vegan he must respect your life choices like you do with him.

No. 2176324

Anyone know how and where to meet crazy-ish women who love partying?
Let me give a simple explanation: I have friends, they are near and dear to my heart, but none of them know how to party. I'm at the age where I feel the great urge to "be at the club", as the phrase goes, but I'm just kind of stumped at how to meet women who I could feel safer with in a bar full of strangers.

No. 2176327

I had a miserable time, if he's a vegan man run

No. 2176331

Bumble for friends is where I met all my drinking/crazy club friends

No. 2176337

normiefag gtfo

No. 2176344

Oh nonny being up at the club is not nearly as fun or fulfilling as Disney movies and commercials try to make it seem

No. 2176351

I've had all nighters a few times, but those were at house parties, so maybe the atmosphere is different - I don't think I'd ever like clubs, but I think a bar with an open mic/small musician gigs would be better.


No. 2176356

Depends, with friends it can be really fun

No. 2176357

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Do any of you have an IUD for treating endometriosis? I'm scared of them. I want to know if it's normal and I'm overthinking it, or if there are substantial reasons for my fear. I'll still do my research, but I tend to freak out over the worst possibilities even if they are extremely rare.

No. 2176362

You're asking an imageboard where to find friends to party with kek

No. 2176367

yeahhhh, but I think you'd be surprised at how well-adjusted a lot of the posters here are.

No. 2176382

Did someone post lolcow on tiktok or some shit? Why has there been so much spam and backhanded responses

No. 2176416

Seriously, there's so many passive aggresive or outright aggresive comments lately, ofc it wasn't a peaceful haven before but it's gotten pretty bad. The vent thread is a mess, like just let people have their catharsis without being a cunt, why do you need to make an attempt at a clever quip as if you were a marvel character? There's no upvotes or likes here so what even is the point?

No. 2176434

It's not your whole computer nonnie, just your drive, SSDs need to be replaced every couple of years, a good SSD can in theory last about 5 years but mine always die around the 3 year mark. You should def do semiregular backups on an different drive and be ready to get a new one when this one kicks it. SSDs don't normally get completely fried jsyk, once they fail you won't be able to boot from them but your data will be stored, they just become read only. If this is a laptop when it fails take it to maintenance and ask for a drive replacement (they usually also offer to do OS installs, but they're really easy to do yourself, just buy a pendrive and format it with the OS installer, windows has a guide, it's super easy, I recommend you do this before your disk fails, and it's never a bad idea to have a pendrive you can boot from anyways, just in case), if it's a built pc they're extremely easy to replace yourself.

No. 2176436

The farm is name dropped at tiktok and tumblr since years now. That's why we are infected with permanent newfaggotry

No. 2176438

I really fucking hate when I see someone respond to vents with shit like "kill yourself". And the influx of responding to stupid questions with "google it" pisses me off too!! Like the whole point of this thread is not using google but asking your nonnies for their answer

No. 2176445

Also! You should check your warranty just in case

No. 2176447

I’m 28 and experiencing irregular period for the first time and I’m convinced that I have cancer. How do I my doctor to run more tests. All I got was a Pap smear.
>2 periods in a month
>normal period the next month
>period now delayed a week and still no sign of it
I’m not pregnant and not on birth control or anything else and I’m soo nervous
I’m not in pain or anything but I’m pretty close to going to the emergency room and faking that I’m in pain so they run some on the spot screenings.

No. 2176451

I don't have endo but a friend is on a special pill that completely stops her period, it's worth looking into it if you don't want an IUD.

No. 2176459

You told your dr all that and she didn't want to do any more tests than just a pap smear? Not even an ultrasound? Can you change drs? I don't think it's cancer but maybe you have a fibroid or a cyst, either way it's 100% worth looking into

No. 2176466

Don't let doctors ever dismiss or make light of your problems if you don't feel like they are. Get another gynecologist to look at you. I don't want to scare you but i also had irregular periods before i got diagnosed with leukemia although i was a teenager and it was more of a lack of periods. Get a blood test and see an hematologist because leukemia is a diasease that doesn't show many signs. Do you also have other symptoms like bruises, fatigue or weight loss?

No. 2176467

How often do you nonnies get banned? kek

No. 2176469

Any interesting cows that are not OF whores?

No. 2176473

tbh I think I have main character syndrome so I kind of jumped the gun and assumed it’s cancer when it’s probably good old hormonal imbalance kek, I hope it’s that.
I’m a people pleaser and she was so nice that I didn’t even really press her more but I’m definitely going to seek out more tests now.
Sorry you had to go through that, I did lose weight but no bruises or skin changes. It could very well be coincidental but it feels very ominous.

No. 2176479

Is it the norm to stay in touch with your friends from elementary school? Or is this rare?

No. 2176483

Only if you stayed friends past that point.

No. 2176485

I don't get banned because my posts are just that great.
I did get a month long ban for posting cowball. I wasn't even the original cowball poster, it was a first time offence.

No. 2176492

Is there an open-world mobile game like Genshin except the guys are hot? All the female characters in that game are wearing revealing outfits but most of the guys are fully clothed and unattractive. And the most "sexy" one is supposed to be a little boy.

No. 2176498

Soren Hayes

No. 2176526

I moved a lot as a kid so no, I'm insanely jealous of people who stayed in the same place for their entire schooling (minus university).

No. 2176565

wtf is wrong with you?

No. 2176578

Does anyone know why parents pretend there’s a santa clause for there kids? Also, why do some retarded kids get sad when they find out santa clause is not real kek?

No. 2176583

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Funny you mention kids believing in Santa, there was a time when nobody liked me in elementary school because I already knew there was no Santa. It was too retarded for me to believe. Ofc no1currs but your question reminded me of that.

No. 2176584

You are gross.

No. 2176587

does anyone else remember bob bylan dying in like 2016?

No. 2176589

This is the second anon who's said something weird relating to their cat

No. 2176592

I was almost out of the Matrix as a kid because, while I did believe in Santa, I innately knew that every depiction of him and the actors you could "visit" in public were fake as fuck kek. Once when I was little, my family tried so hard to convince me to go inside a Santa's Grotto that was set up in the local shopping district and I furiously refused because I was terrified of the imposter.

No. 2176597

It gives them something to look forward to, it's also used to make kids behave during Christmas time when used properly and can even teach them that good things aren't some that you can get whenever you want.
And kids get sad because ~the magic~ stops being real, you're probably edgy and don't believe in anything because you're really cool, but it's like, idk, being told all of your life that if you do your very best at work, you will get a raise and everyone will love you, and then, after a few years of really doing your best and working hard, being told that it was all a lie and that from now on you won't get any bonuses because you suck.

No. 2176600

I still do but I live in a pretty small town so I dont have a lot of options

No. 2176606

Why am I allergic to my own hair when it's dirty? I stop washing it for more than 2 days and I get a runny nose, itchy eyes and itchy ears. Isn't this my own body? Why would you be allergic to yourself?

No. 2176610

I think you can still teach your child this without coming up with some weird fantasy about an old man visiting you guys in the night though. You can teach your child that you won’t get a gift for christmas if they misbehave by simply not buying them a gift, not by dodging accountability and saying “oh no you were naughty this year, that’s why Santa didn’t bring you anything!”. And I think you can still give them something to look forward to by just being realistic about what receiving Christmas presents really is. My parents tried to do the whole “Santa” thing with me and my siblings but it didn’t really work on us because we were exposed to media (television/radio/movies/internet) so we learned very quickly that Santa wasn’t real and that it was just our parents spending their hard earned dollars on gifts for us for Christmas, which I think is something that kids should be aware of. I think it would make them appreciate what they receive a lot more, as opposed to thinking it’s some magical mystery fat guy who eats your cookies and drops off presents then leaves.

No. 2176617

I don’t know anyone growing up including myself that ever got sad about finding out Santa doesn’t exist. You kind of just learn overtime.

No. 2176619

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I mean, yeah but it's fun to let kids get surprised by magic and shit since pic related, and that's kind of what normal parents want to see.
A happy child that's all full of wonder because of something mysterious that's good to her/him.
You can do anything you want and teach your own kids however you want, don't celebrate Christmas because it's ~muh religious/pagan party~ or whatever, but I really hope you're not going out there just telling any kids that whatever they believe in isn't real, sometimes it's the only thing they have that gives them a sense of security or happiness even.
Having ridiculously serious children isn't exactly cute tbh, I can see why some parents would prefer to keep them, well, with an intact childlike wonder, they can only experience that safely at home if you think about it, and it's so easy to just break the illusion that it's kind of sad, no one feels wonder or illusion the same way after the childhood part of our lives is over.

No. 2176622

I remember taking it as a huge betrayal, I was intensely disrespected and it hurt my little feelings

No. 2176634

What's a normal amount of nightmares to get? I used to get them pretty regularly but it's becoming 2/3 a night now and it's really effecting my ability to fall asleep. Not on any real medication.

No. 2176638

Why are people suddenly using != in internet speak, is everyone suddenly a programmer now? Is this a retarded zoomer trend?

No. 2176641

Why would an exclamation point mean internet speak?

No. 2176642


=! Is "not equal" in a few programming languages. Nonnie is saying she is starting to see it everywhere so it's becoming interner speak.

No. 2176646

This shit has been used since forever. It was regularly used on 4chins like 10 years ago, I'm sure they've kept using it since.

No. 2176650

Are you a suburban

No. 2176652

This isn't that strange. Irregular periods can be common in women if you skip >3-6 months or greater you should be concerned but I've skipped 1 or 2 and then they went back to normal monthly occurrences. Obviously the pill will stall a period, illness and a weak immune system can make periods irregular if you have a autoimmune disease or endocrine disease this could be a reason. If you've gotten influenza or a virus or bacterial/fungal infection recently. The shock to the immune system/homeostasis can cause this including any sort of stress cellular or psychological, mass weight loss for example anorexic/malnourished women have irregular periods and those severely below healthy BMI.

The COVID vaccine made me miss my period by a few weeks, I started bleeding but went down hard after it and it just shut itself off kek. If you are concerned see a GP who can refer you to a gynecologist/endocrinologist depending on what you think the cause is.

No. 2176802

Why are gorditas such a rare food in Mexican restaurants? They're like the best thing to order in general.

No. 2176826

Because they make you gorda

No. 2176856

But they're so good….

No. 2176858

I agree so much. Now I'm craving some

No. 2176999

Does anyone else clench/tighten their jaw when having too much black coffee? I had a black coffee with espresso and my jaw is feeling tight

No. 2177014

It's typical with stimulants iirc.

No. 2177150

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It’s not that you’re allergic to your hair but your hair is trapping allergens and dust which are making you itchy.
They’re rare? Pretty much every Mexican restaurant here has them unless they exclusively sell burritos. There’s even restaurants where the menu is mainly gorditas. Wish I could send you a rajas con queso dita!

No. 2177192

Why am I being farmcow.lol’d help I’m so dizzy. This is making me realise if I woke up and the whole internet was like this I would probably bave a break down and cry

No. 2177244

Do the “gay” aidens feel attracted to fellow “gay” aidens or…?

No. 2177290

There’s a decent chunk of them who only date each other.
Generally that only happens when you’re banned.

No. 2177297

Weird, how come I could post then? Also that’s so interesting, so are they straight or bi or lesbians? Kek

No. 2177300

some are straight women trying to live out a "gay" fantasy with their nigel or whoever they find on grinder, some are prison gay, and some are actually gay/bi. so all of the above depending on the circumstances.

No. 2177438

People with cats, do you keep the litter box in the bathroom?

No. 2177443

No. 2177447

As an ex tif, I used to call myself a gay man and only dated other tifs my age. Now despite also dating a few nontranny women before, I still unfortunately remain attracted to tifs kek. I feel like a giga chaser but at least I'm aware now that I am just a lesbian and not a "gay man"

No. 2177475

Does the term "full-figured" mean fat? In all my life I thought it was a term for a woman with large boobs and wide hips. Not fat, but an "hourglass" shape. But I just read that it's an insult because it's a "polite" way to call someone fat?? Which is it? I honestly thought it was kind of a compliment but now I'm confused

No. 2177510

For the sake of curiosity, while you were a TIF did you think of yourself as a man and other TIFs as men too? I mean true men. Were you attracted to men too or only TIFs?

No. 2177511

yes, it means fat.

No. 2177513

if you want to give a compliment, you give a clear one, like "you have the perfect shape" "you have a small waist" "I love your hourglass figure" etc. But if you see a fatso and want to be polite you give compliments such as "I love how you dress" "full figure" etc

No. 2177524

Any of the body related compliments would make you sound offputting and gay.

No. 2177528

Well this is a horrible revelation. I have mistakenly told other women throughout my life that they've had a really nice full figure before… I genuinely meant they looked good and had a nice body, fuck.

No. 2177533

Even after a top surgery and endless hormone intake I was still weirdly self aware in a way that I'm still a biologically female and my fellow tif friends and tif girlfriend were all women too. The thought of being a "gay man" with an actual man was pretty repulsing and uncomfortable to me and back then I even knew why, it was because they have male bodies and I was only attracted to female ones despite being a "gay man". It did trouble me for a long time though, I felt very transphobic and awful for thinking that way and every trans friend I vented to were saying I should stop being so bigoted and sleep with a "cis" man to battle my transphobia kek. Ended up detransitioning 3 years ago and now I'm just vibing like this I guess. Sorry for blogpost!

No. 2177540

why are people mad about nikocado getting skinny

No. 2177548

is there an archived version of kaitlyn jenner legendary thread?

No. 2177549

i forgot the name, it wasnt kaitlyn jenner

No. 2177555

Why do black cats tend to have a tuft of white hair on their chest?

No. 2177566

For you to pet them there. It's the best petting spot

No. 2177567

I’ve heard it’s called a “priests collar” and supposedly exists because black cats with any white on them weren’t mass killed back in the witch trial days? Only full black cats were. But I have no idea if this is true. It’s an interesting idea since it’s weird how even totally black cats still have some white hair on the chest.

No. 2177609

Who is this 'Blaine' anons keep mentioning? Yes this is a spoonfeeding request

No. 2177624

File: 1727180416656.jpg (2.26 MB, 4624x3468, 1000013586.jpg)

True that.
Interesting theory, mine only has a few white hairs but it's still the same place.

No. 2177634

Her mouth reminds me of those Sylvanian Family baby rabbits who had a hole in their faces so you could put a pacifier in it kekk

No. 2177638

Because now we can't laugh at him anymore

No. 2177641

Is this your cat? I recommend you delete this picture because we can see you even if it's just the hands.

No. 2177643

Yeah, you still have time.

No. 2177659

no one is gonna dox her from the back of her hands, calm down. it's not like it has location in the exif data

No. 2177698

do you think the people working at the grocery store will notice if i show up wearing the same shirt 4 days in a row

No. 2177701

Yeah this is my cat, I didn't even see my hands until you pointed them out lmao, it's fine, I may have already posted them some other times.

No. 2177703

kekk poor guy looks shell shocked

No. 2177710

They see so many people a day they won't remember shit like what someone wore and when.

No. 2177758

Unless it's a memorable shirt with a weird design no they won't.

No. 2177867

Nta but well done for getting out of it! And sharing insight into the psychology of TiFs too.

No. 2177924

Why don't more cows from /snow/ get moved over to /pt/?

No. 2177945

/pt/ is for legacy cows and not many flakes deserve that title
There needs to be a long lasting presence and truly memorable moments
Imo not even everyone already there deserves to be, like Cyr's Dasha. Unlike Luna and Onision who obviously deserve it

No. 2178003

Are American celebrities endorsing political candidates a normal thing? I see people upset that Chappell Roan isn't endorsing Kamala Harris, does she have to? It's not like she said she was for Trump, and quite frankly the two party system is kinda dumb.

No. 2178018

Why is "anonymous" written in dark blue on some posts and green on others?

No. 2178020

saged posts are blue unsaged green. spend more time here

No. 2178027

Back to tiktok

No. 2178029

Nah i've been here since 2022, I'm just retarded

No. 2178034

what is rosh hashanah even for? it passes by every year and it feels like the purpose of the holiday changes every time

No. 2178040

Ohhhh nonny. Going back to twitter might do you some good

No. 2178046

If I was exposed to someone yesterday who just tested positive for COVID today am I supposed to stay home? I feel fine obviously and idk what the expectations around quarantining are in 2024

No. 2178110

If women don’t watch porn, what do they get off to…? As a teen I watched it but after becoming cognisant enough to realise how bad it is to women I stopped. I used to be a fujo too but ai was shocked when I found out people actually flick the bean to it, literally surprised pikachu moment, like seriously I was reading ao3 smut for the character interactions KEK. So what, am I just meant to sit there and lay back all bored just masturbating to nothing? Is that what women do? Can’t imagine a straight woman watching porn either because what is there for them…

No. 2178113

i use my imagination…??

No. 2178119

How is it surprising that some fujos masturbate to sex scenes?
Most bl doujinshi are just sex scenes.

No. 2178121

How do you think people masturbated 2000 years ago?

No. 2178127

I do watch porn from time to time but only cartoon porn because irl porn is disgusting in many ways, I also use my imagination the majority of the times because it's better.
How do you even masturbate? How old are you anyways?

No. 2178128

>unga cavewoman
>unga bunga hormone makes you feel horny
>rub thing on your vunga
>"vunga feels good"
>keep rubbing
That's how

No. 2178148

I'm a massive degen gooner for all intents and purposes but I only masturbate like once a year. Female sexuality is just like that.

No. 2178149

I love how no one else seems to know either

No. 2178161

File: 1727211432026.jpeg (17.65 KB, 249x288, 2FBF71F5-C4B5-4B7B-9423-72C645…)

Is this moid too afraid to approach me or am I just retarded? He’s always looking at me either directly or out of the corner of his eye, sits somewhat near me even if it means not being next to his friends, whenever we leave lectures he seems to try and time it so that we’re leaving at the same time. I make eye contact with him a lot but I’m kind of a sped and really shy so I don’t act flirty. I’ve been hoping he would approach me but no dice. Thing is there’s another girl in our program who he hangs out and talks to and she seems really in to him but he seems more friendly. He talked to her a lot today but spent the entire morning sneaking glances and mimicking my body language during our lecture. Everyone is telling me to just approach him but honestly whenever I’ve done this in the past it seems to emasculate the guy and I end up running the whole relationship. I feel like the least moids can do nowadays is approach women.

No. 2178167

never approach a moid as a woman, men are naturally predispositioned to pursue what they want. if he's interested he will approach. i've had the most shy, terrified little boymen cold approach me. they will get over it if they want you

No. 2178168

…he seems stalkerish..

No. 2178189

It’s not surprising now but at 14 I was shocked.
Right, the imagination thing seemed like the most reasonable option but the common sentiment seems to be that masturbating to someone real is disrespectful to the person because you’re sexualising them “without their consent”. It was mostly women expressing this opinion too. Unless it’s just a made up person you conjured.
>do you even masturbate
??? I said I used to watch porn.
>Female sexuality is just like that.
I mean… once a year is an incredible feat. I’m not sure that’s degenerate gooner territory though

No. 2178193

Whoops, I read that wrong. I use my imagination these days but I’m a perv about it and assumed it wasn’t normal.

No. 2178194

thats around the time twitter and tiktokers arrived. god i hate pandemic era anons

No. 2178196

It's dumb, we're sexualized for existing the moment we're 8 years old, it's not like we're going to tell the person unless it's some BPD-chan that needs to tell others shit like
>I masturbated while thinking about you lol
Like the average moid.
I stopped giving a fuck once while traveling to another country, I was like, why should I give a fuck if I imagine this random waiter naked and moaning in pain? There's no mind police.

No. 2178212

They're not obligated to, it's just that it's hypocritical that Chappell didn't since she tries so hard to paint herself as turbo progressive. If she didn't have that kind of image no one would care.
There's other celebs who's opinions no one cares about because they don't try to pander to any group, so there's no expectations.

No. 2178223

Not really, he’s very calm and charismatic with other people but gets really nervous around me. I know I give off super closed off vibes but I try and be polite and personable when people do talk to me. At first I thought I was creeping him out but he keeps coming into my orbit and his friends look at me and tease me. I’ve been single for awhile because no one’s interested me and he’s the first attractive moid I’ve met since then but this is annoying.

No. 2178429

Is battered wife syndrome actually real? How much of it is just an abused woman dissociating and humiliated in front of pig-headed retarded cops who had to witness and break up violent abuse who you know have like negative actual empathy. I can imagine being shellshocked in that situation but why is it its own diagnosis?

No. 2178450

I'm trying to find a half-remembered fanfic from an old 2009 kinkmeme community. All the old bookmark sites they used to catalogue tags are dead and they also didn't have any filled requests megathread. Is my only option here to ctrl+f or skim read literal hundreds of thousands of comments?

No. 2178481

How the hell do I un-constipate myself. I'm about to be on my period so it feels 100x worse. Help.

No. 2178501

Stool softeners (docusate sodium) are a safe, gentle method if you can wait a few days. I take them almost nightly to try to stay on top of severe constipation issues. If you need to go by the morning and can potentially risk a bit of cramping milk of magnesia works well. If you need to go IMMEDIATELY try a glycerine suppository (like Fleets) either solid or liquid.

I’ve been hospitalized for bowel impactions twice and must force myself to stay semi regular.

No. 2178508

Samefagging to add there’s no need to waste your money on brand name Colace or Dulcolax. Generic docusate from Walmart or wherever is perfectly fine as is generic milk of magnesia. Be sure to drink plenty of water!

No. 2178523

File: 1727228679889.webp (29.56 KB, 720x1280, 1000021135.webp)

Eat papaya.

No. 2178531

File: 1727229175095.png (2.73 MB, 1049x1417, smooth move.png)

Magnesium glycinate tabs, smoothe moove tea, doing squats or massaging your belly clockwise can sometimes shake up your guts and help stuff slide out

No. 2178548

nta but this is so retarded i hate it

No. 2178549

Senna tea is totally unpredictable and i wouldn’t recommend it. Milk of Magnesia or magnesium citrate work way better than mag glycinate tabs. Stool softeners (docusate) are still probably your best bet and won’t cause any urgency. Trust me, I’m an unintentional expert in constipation.

No. 2178550

chase him

No. 2178560

Males are stupid don't hate her for saying what's what. If he wanted to he would. Men are chasers we are selectors

No. 2178568

Chase is a bit excessive but there is some potential in the situation for sure.
It's completely understandable that he is charismatic towards the people he had no deep feelings for but is awkward towards towards the people he really feels for.
Be gentle though

No. 2178570

who gives a shit about norms or nature or whatever
go for what you want

No. 2178572

how do you tell the difference between someone with herpes and someone with acne/shitty skin

No. 2178573

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No. 2178575

This picture is freaking me out for no damn reason.

No. 2178578

Herpes is specifically on the lips, acne is wherever on the face
It's the stupid questions thread

No. 2178579

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The differences are pretty obvious, herpes is nasty boils, zits are usually more chill

No. 2178582

NTA but you can have herpes on other parts of your body besides the jenny’s/mouth

No. 2178589

File: 1727231256284.jpg (98.42 KB, 806x479, hmmme.jpg)

so is it specifically clusters like that? the guy i saw on tiktok just had a big kind of zit on his lip but it kind of looked like a bug bite. is it always that obvious??

No. 2178590

I know about herpes zooster because my aunt had it
I kinda don't think think about it when people say herpes
I guess because it's less common, but you're right

No. 2178598

Usually active herp sores are big and booming like that one, that looks more like a big fat cold sore. A bug bite would be more red and would have the X over it but that looks more like herpes

No. 2178602

There are like thousands of varieties of herpes. There's no sweat/hair glands on the lips (they're just inverted mucuous skin) so it's definitely not zits.

No. 2178603

To me that looks like someone who bites their lips.

No. 2178610

If you had the chance to erase one of the following celebs and their work from public knowledge forever, who would you choose and why? The ones you don't choose will become 10% more obnoxious as a result.

>Sabrina Carpenter

>Chappell Roan
>Red Scare women
>Charli XCX

No. 2178613

Charli XCX, this "brat" era has been so annoying and totally tainted her previous work for me. Also is this a self post by one of the RSpod hoars kek?? A and D are not nearly as popular or well known as the actual celebrities mentioned

No. 2178616

The red scare girls now count as one entity kek

No. 2178625

I wouldn't pick to erase them. My wish for 2024 is they do a casting couch-esque thing to get Trump on the podcast and it comes out before the election

No. 2178640

I don’t know who any of these people are except the red scare gals who I’m only vaguely aware of.

No. 2178645

Interesting to recognize the least famous people on this list first

No. 2178653

I’ve only heard of them because they’re talked about here. Is it that Dasha chick who thinks she’s cute but is rather homely and the one with dark hair whose name idk? That’s the extent of my knowledge about them. I don’t watch TV or use social media so I’m retarded about pop culture.

No. 2178663

sabrina, i hate adult women who larp as babies

No. 2178671

I unironically wish Ariana would swoop in and start dating Barry just to spite her and show her who Boss Baby is

No. 2178679

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No. 2178690

>show her who Boss Baby is
kek. a 3v3 fight between sabrina, ariana and melanie would be awesome.

No. 2178742

File: 1727238401179.jpeg (92.44 KB, 611x632, IMG_2597.jpeg)

Red Scare women, I would take them under my wing into one of my assassin programs if I was ever a three letter agent. I would entirely brainwash them with repeat stimuli of Chappelle Roan’s retarded drag queen outfits while playing Charli XCX music for the high frequencies while high on euphoric drugs while having Azealia Bank’s anti-faggotry tweets sidescrolling into their eyes at all times, their eyes are left wide open with tongs. I will reprogram them to become super soldier assassins sent to kill any the rest of these people off and when their mission is complete they kill themselves.

No. 2178813

How do you get a first retail type job? Literally nowhere will hire me. I’ve applied to every McDonald’s near me, a small liquor store chain (they actually interviewed me but I was rejected), hotel housekeeping and front desk shit, and gas stations (almost got hired at circle k but parents will cut me off if I work there because “too dangerous”). I’ve worked before but as a classical musician and it’s been years. Now I’m in school again changing careers but desperately need a job. I’m 30 and flat fucking broke why will no one give me a chance reeeeeeeee

No. 2178823


It's probably because you're 30. Most retail jobs require their wagie slaves to be either teenagers or in their 20s as they're easier to dispose.

No. 2178831

It’s not like they can ask my age and there’s plenty of boomer looking people working at these places. I’ve literally only had 2 interviews and have submitted countless applications so I haven’t been seen… I live on the border and am not bilingual but I regularly encounter employees at all sorts of businesses who literally don’t speak English so I hope to fuck I’m not being passed over because I don’t speak Spanish. I’m ready to fucking die living is too expensive.

No. 2178832

If a man feels emasculated by being approached then he's not worth your time anyway. Ignore the woman prey man predator larpers in this thread and just approach him and like ask him about whatever setting it is that you share, be casual.

No. 2178837

>I feel like the least moids can do nowadays is approach women.

Ugh, please no. Being approached by a rando is the last thing some women want.

No. 2178850

up to two bottles of bourbon a day

No. 2178853

My thoughts are that this reads like fake drunk typing and if you were actually trying to get feedback on your alcohol consumption you’d be more specific than “two bottles” considering there’s many different bottle sizes.

No. 2178854

fat wash your bourbon. instant taste elevation
but also slow down girl that's a lot at once

No. 2178863

Uh does anyone else remember a rapper named Pashernate going on tour with insane clown posse? I hate when people exist or something happens and then it just disappears as if it never existed.

No. 2178877

If I felt like moids actually went into most relationships in good faith with women I would but that’s not how it works. I have initiated the vast majority of relationships that I have been in and trust me starting off the dynamic like that means I’m always acting like the man. If a moid can’t take the initiative to actually talk to someone he’s interested in then he probably can’t do a lot of other things it takes to have a successful relationship. A scrote who is okay with the woman approaching tends to be passive in every other area too. I’m not some tradfag I’ve just been with too many losers to count and want a moid who actually reciprocates my efforts.

No. 2178881

File: 1727249412542.jpg (4.24 KB, 225x225, 1655309868167.jpg)

Oh my god this post opened my eyes, this explains my dating history and all the issues I've had perfectly

No. 2178896

Is it normal for pediatricians to do bimanual pelvic exams on prepubescent girls during normal checkups? I’m kind of afraid mine was just a pedophile because I can’t think of any legitimate reason to do that.

No. 2178902

i had to go to a gynecologist at 14 because a problem with mine and they outright refused to give me that procedure because they said it would be traumatizing. Did you have any preexisting problem?

No. 2178908

I’ve known women who have had issues and needed to do exams as children but at most would get sonograms instead of an intense pelvic exam. Even if faced with the probability of cervical disease they waited until there was more symptoms which would appear way later in life anyways. Sorry anon maybe you can ask for your medical records incase there was a reason like if your family has a high possibility of cervical cancer and that’s why they needed to give you an exam at such a young age

No. 2178920

Sorry, I should’ve specified in my original post that I had no issues and was really young, like early elementary school age. He did it to my sister too and stopped by the time we approached puberty. We’d have our mom leave the exam room because we were embarrassed. Like at every single yearly checkup. I’m 30 now so I don’t think his office is still required to have my records at this point and I doubt he’d chart a pelvic exam that wasn’t necessary. Fuck men.

No. 2178945

shut up retard
>fat wash
what do you mean by this? also it's totally over. no need to slow down now.

No. 2178987

Literally no, I read your other post and if you’re being real then yeah you were molested I’m so sorry male doctors for women and children shouldn’t even be allowed. My pediatrician was a woman and she only ever did the clinical swipe between the legs to check everything is normal. No fucking pelvic exams esp not when I was under 10

No. 2178989

Samefag, your mother should never leave the room if you’re under teen aged in a doctors appt. What the actual fuck why did she leave tho wasn’t she concerned about leaving you alone w a man?

No. 2178993

Would just sewing a "V" on the back of my leggings be enough to make them smaller at the waist? I still want to make them go over my butt, would that make them too tight?

No. 2179033

Fat washing is when you let your alcohol rest in some kind of fat so the molecules can exchange. You end up with alcohol-spiked fat (butter, bacon fat, etc.) that you can use in cooking, and alcohol that has a smoother and rounder taste. These guys try it in vidrel about nine minutes in and explain the process.

No. 2179055

File: 1727268466582.png (8.26 KB, 284x177, images (1).png)

Is Shimeji extension safe?

No. 2179071

no it installs mining software on your pc and a spycam

No. 2179082

am i dumb for being happy that people still ask me if i’m in highschool/just starting college (i am 25). i thought i looked old and haggard but just the other guy some guy was trying to recruit me to the military instead of college kek

No. 2179096

Nah, that's pretty harmless. Take the happiness where you can, but don't let it go to your head or stake your self worth on it.

No. 2179154

I'm 28 and people do the same to me, but it makes me feel really bad because I don't have a cute baby face so they probably just assume I'm young because I come across like an immature retard kek

No. 2179160

could be enough for sure, we call them darts

No. 2179168

File: 1727278000755.jpg (20.81 KB, 236x372, 1000016876.jpg)

What constitutes as acceptable and unacceptable timeframes for answering a message? Is it ever okay to respond to a message like a day later?

No. 2179176

This kind of makes me mad because i don't like playing the doe eyed submissive femininity manipilator what is wrong with moids

No. 2179178

Society is so fucking cooked, it should be normal to take up to a week to answer to messages that aren't urgent

No. 2179186

Based. I hate the advice from men "just approach us first!!" Of course the vast majority of men would love that because they want women to deliver themselves to him, without him putting in any effort or facing the possibility of rejection. Any women that approaches a moid would probably be a net benefit to his life, while dragging her life down in the process. It's just not practical for women to approach men first because the men who let themselves be approached are lazy and want to put in as little effort as possible. And that's in the best case scenario, at worse, they can be abusers.

If anything, it puts you in the position to reject or accept his advances, so you're in a position of power. You can literally crush his self-esteem and confidence with a couple of words. In this case, femininity is not weakness or submission. We are meant to be discerning, we're the ones who choose and decide. If you want to walk up to a moid and claim him, fine, but make sure he contributes and you're not doing everything for him like a mommy bangmaid. For example, if you initiate, and he offers to plan the date or add on to your ideas instead of making you do everything on your own.

No. 2179199

a year. be mysterious people like that

No. 2179260

File: 1727284786025.png (374.6 KB, 1170x966, 1738.png)

It’s been two weeks since we vacated /shelter/, how are we feeling since lolcurrs return my nonnies?

No. 2179289

Definitely being real, I wouldn’t make something like that up and I hate people that use lolcow just to make things up because I like responding to anons questions and problems earnestly. He’s still practicing and I feel the need to do something but idk what.
Too many people have blind trust in doctors. My mom was the type to never use baby sitters or leave us alone with anyone so she’d be pretty devastated.

No. 2179332

File: 1727289505561.jpg (261.55 KB, 913x1036, 1000018237.jpg)

>Seen yo pretty ass soon as you came in the door!
Pretty good, nonnie. More grateful of this place than ever since the outage, really.

No. 2179362

PLEASE tell me Whatsapp doesn’t notify the other person you tried to screenshot their profile photo? I see they have blocked screenshotting profile pics in an update, if it also sends a notification im gonna kms kekkkkkk

No. 2179455

Do cats dislike when people hold them by their armpits?

No. 2179457

Do autist ever fixate on "normie" things, like idk hip hop or something

No. 2179465

I think I might know more fashion and music autists than I do niche special interest autists. Both are strong draws because there's endless information you can learn about them, and they're sensory as fuck

No. 2179474

Does anyone else get weirdly obsessed with some women out of like admiration/adoration? I swear I am not a lesbian. I just hate the stupid men she picked and think she deserved to burn the world.

No. 2179478

They're called gay men

No. 2179489

It's uncomfortable for them because there's no support for the rest of their body.

No. 2179494

lol yep

No. 2179496

Does talking to a psychologist helps with not wanting to kill yourself? What if I look for ways to kill myself daily? I just don't want to get referred to some psychiatrist and then get told to take meds, I'm functional after all, I just want to kill myself whenever something doesn't go well, whenever I'm too happy or having too much fun and whenever I'm bored.
Can I tell a psychologist that I don't want to take meds nor be referred to a psychiatrist? I plan to go to a psychologist behind my family because they don't believe in psychology but at this point I should do some about this.

No. 2179498

I used to be suicidal for years and attempted once. I never interacted with mental health professionals or took pills and the feeling went away on its own eventually.

No. 2179500

I did the same thing and I regret it terribly, could've potentially saved myself so many wasted years and misery if I'd just looked for professional help. Don't recommend.

No. 2179504

Did you do something? Like, idk, go to some spiritual place or something? That helped my friend but I've done that before and it isn't working, I consider myself spiritual enough but whenever I think of killing myself I don't think about God and such, I just think of killing myself.

No. 2179512

>A scrote who is okay with the woman approaching tends to be passive in every other area too. I’m not some tradfag I’ve just been with too many losers to count and want a moid who actually reciprocates my efforts.
this is exactly it
sorry the guy you liked didn't approach you

No. 2179516

Nta but the real solution is to get away from what makes you so upset you want to kill yourself. Otherwise, nothing will ever change and no other way would help.

No. 2179521

But I have to work, and when I can't work, I want to die as well.

No. 2179533

That makes 2 of us

No. 2179559

Pretty sure the goal in therapy is to remove suicide as an option because if you go “lol time to kill myself!” when things get rough it’ll disincentivize you from improving your life or developing decent coping skills. I’m absolutely not a fan of psychiatry or psychology but think talk therapy (with a good therapist or psychologist but most are awful) can be useful for some people if they have a specific issue they’re trying to deal with. Unfortunately a lot of doctors won’t work with actively suicidal patients because they’re a liability but it sounds like you’re dealing more with suicidal ideation which isn’t as radioactive. In the meantime, don’t allow yourself to entertain suicidal thoughts and actively push them out of your mind. Tell yourself taping out of life isn’t an option and you must find a way to deal. Sounds dumb but it’ll help.

No. 2179835

File: 1727323018060.jpeg (1.06 MB, 2032x1170, 3B9A6698-CF28-41F0-97E3-5501E3…)

What do you anons use to stitch images together? I’ve been trying to make long posts for fanny’s comics but it’s my first time trying to do something like this and i’ve been unsuccessful.

No. 2179856

for pc or phone?

No. 2179861

>I'm functional after all
>I just want to kill myself whenever something doesn't go well, whenever I'm too happy or having too much fun and whenever I'm bored.

No. 2179867

Can I become model tier skinny even if I'm naturally very stocky like Lilleejean through dieting? Like if I starve myself enough can I become sticc?

No. 2179869

Phone, but PC is fine too

No. 2179874

Eventually yeah but I definitely don’t recommend it. I’m very bottom heavy and tall (personally I feel like Tuna but even when I was obese I was never that big) and my legs were only kinda slim when my BMI reached underweight. I looked and felt awful. You could see pretty much every bone from my hip bones up but my legs were still big and flabby.

No. 2179892

I have the same body type. Even when i was underweight my legs were still sticky.
I advise that anon to instead love herself because you can't change your body type no matter how little you weigh

No. 2179893

I made cringy audio messages in a chat 5 years ago. What are the odds that any of them are still saved on somebodys device? Everyday I dread somehow getting found out.
Nothing was illegal, just embarrassing. I didn’t know any of the people in the group irl, haven’t heard from them in years either.
I was a retard who didn’t think you could save audios, until one person forwarded an old audio I sent for the lols. After that I nope’d out of the group and haven’t interacted with any of them since.
Is is likely that they’re still saved somewhere? idk why, I suddenly started to panic tonight when I thought about it.

No. 2179897

Fuck i meant stocky not sticky kek.

No. 2179903

Yeah not worth it. You can’t starve away your body type. I literally wear the same pant size whether I weigh 135 or 165 (am 5’11)

No. 2179911

How do i stop overeating? i eat out of comfort even if i am not hungry and i can eat a lot and never feel full

No. 2179915

Are you eating enough high protein/fat foods?

No. 2179917

Physically stay away from food. Stay out of the kitchen. If you cannot do something (like watch TV) without a snack stop watching TV for a while. Sit down and write a list of when you start to snack and the type of foods you’re most likely to overeat. Avoid those activities (or don’t eat at all while doing them) and don’t buy food you have no self control over. Do you have a problem with grazing, eating huge meals, or both? You need to identify your specific problem and work from there. I was straight up obese until I was 17 (am 30 now) and have maintained a low healthy BMI since then. I still struggle with occasional binge eating but it’s gotten way easier. Some other tips are to eat real meals while sitting at a table and actually taste and enjoy your food. Only drink water with meals and take your sweet time. Really think about what you want before you eat and identify if you’re actually hungry before you make the decision to eat something. I personally like to imagine myself eating whatever it is I’m craving as it helps be realize whether I really want it or not. If you eat huge portions definitely start measuring actual servings and recording calories at least until your eyes get used to what a normal serving looks like. You’ve got this!

No. 2179919

sadly yeah i know the reason why i overeat. I normally do it when i am frustrated or want to avoid something. I will tell myself i will grab a snack and then do the chore i have to do. It sucks.
i dont know but probably not

No. 2179923

Samefagging to add are you sure you don’t feel full? In general it’s best to eat until you stop feeling hungry, not until you feel full. You should not feel uncomfortably stuffed ever and you SHOULD experience actual hunger pangs at least occasionally. If you regularly eat way too much and drink lots of carbonated beverages your stomach is probably stretched out and that can lead to not feeling full with adequate portions. It will shrink back down and you’ll start feeling full again if you stop overeating.
Damn, I actually do that too and I haven’t learned a trick to force myself to stop yet.

No. 2179925

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>It will shrink back down and you’ll start feeling full again if you stop overeating.
wow i had no idea! thanks for the kind words. I became a balloon when i turned 15 because my family could finally afford food(lived off rice and water through most of my life) and my mom felt guilty so she would buy me all the snacks she couldnt when i was a kid. I felt like i never learned how to properly eat, i went from being underweight through most of my childhood to becoming overweight. I got pretty bad stretch marks at 16 for that too.
>Damn, I actually do that too and I haven’t learned a trick to force myself to stop yet.
wagmi nonny! i think something that slightly helped me is using a time tracker to track what i do. Ever since i started using toggle track i stopped binging as much, but today i overate again because i was feeling frustrated with drawing ugh.

No. 2179932

Same nonnie, in high school I got mistaken for a teacher once because of my weird for the area 2012 hipster tumblr style and now I get mistaken for a teenager because I dress like Adam Sandler when I'm too lazy to put any effort into dressing well. I also think it's the fact that I don't wear any makeup that makes me look comparatively younger because women my age are still obsessed with the baddie 2016 youtuber MUA makeup.

No. 2179936

It’s true, I promise! I was a fat little kid because I would always sneak treats but my mother was super healthy eating focused and I’m still not really sure how I got as fat as I did. Probably over indulged whenever junk food was around or something. I also have stretch marks too but not from rapid weight gain, just from getting huge hips with puberty so you’re definitely not alone. You can absolutely learn to have a healthy relationship with food, I believe in you anon!

No. 2179938

Picsart (use the freestyle option instead of the pre-set layouts)
BeFunky collage (choose 'create your own' instead of the grids)

No. 2179972

I'm gonna assume you're a teenager;
Realistically, if the clips were at all sexual in nature, if you sent it to 10 people, two of them have it saved to a device that's still functional and in their possession
That isn't inherently that bad, hoarders save terabytes of junk files without looking at them again
The main concern here is whether or not you released identifiable information in the audio; think name, address, school, any numbers attached to your birth name
If you didn't, then don't worry about it, everything else is plausibly deniable if someone were to somehow find you again, which, you should be careful about
Don't duplicate your old persona, you're on lolcow already, so you know there are eyes everywhere, you'd be wise not to post your voice again anywhere
Just be careful from now on and you should be good; reverse-search engines have all fallen to shambles thanks to AI, and remember that if you ever get completely cornered, you can try to call deepfake

No. 2179974

are there sclera-lenses made to look like jumbo circle-lenses yet? if there are, source please?

No. 2179986

Depends. If people around you treat you like a retarded spoiled brat with as much disrespect as possible you shouldn't feel flattered. Speaking from personal experience, plenty of people treat me like a little retard who's skipping school when I do anything even remotly adult like, like doing errands at the bank, doctor, etc. without my parents until I show my ID card and then they do a 180 to compensate for their shitty attitude with me.

No. 2180100

what makes someone a normie?

No. 2180119

Someone who doesn't know anything about online spaces like
>obscure memes that aren't just trends
>obscure fashion depending on where you live: J-fashion, Juggaloo, gendershit
>doesn't know shit about the gendercult and isn't affected by it in any shape or form
>has a job that keeps them occupied but isn't related in any shape or form to arts, any geeky shit, influencers or anything that could potentially make them use the internet too much
>has friends
>spends little to no time online
>doesn't know or just doesn't acknowledges anime, cartoons, dramas and such
>doesn't know anything about internet/influencer drama
>never heard of anonymous forums
>has outdoor hobbies or hobbies that are common and with actual irl communities
And probably more, it's basically like, the less time you spend online, the more normie you are.

No. 2180138

God I wish that were me

No. 2180186

this is literally me

No. 2180215

Since not many others are putting in their input I’ll go ahead; /shelter/ and early CC was definitely fun but I know that we all belong here kek

No. 2180219

This definition is out of date.

No. 2180252

People who've mostly gone down the normal/expected path in life reaching most if not all normal achievements and milestones (finishing school, making friends, relationships, settling down etc.) when expected, have no background with trauma or mental illness and have always fit in well in normal social circles. As a consequence of being that normal they're not familiar with more obscure internet spaces.

Normies spend ginormous amounts of time on social media.

No. 2180255

NTAYRT ooo so If I don’t use social media that means I’m not a normie? Well that’s reassuring

No. 2180257

What do I replace smoking weed with that isn’t eating food

No. 2180265

brewing and drinking herbal tea

No. 2180270

Thats what I started with, I started making my own cold brew tea and it just made me sleepy kek

No. 2180271

I think this is not relevant. The normies I have worked with all were aware of specific tik tok memes and trends. A lot of information that used to be "niche" isn't anymore. My niece who is 14 and has multiple friends (& is sociable) has casually mentioned looksmaxxing and pretty privilege and other information within that sphere. She also claims she has autism and is into normie anime. I think anime is pretty normie-tier now. Last year my co workers were all talking about color seasons and whatnot (probably from TikTok) and I would regularly hear people talk down about genderspecial stuff. I did not work in an "artistic" or "nerdy" profession by any means, this was all corporate. Everyone at my work spent time online and even the women my age who didn't watch anime were aware of it and found it creepy if a man watched it. I feel like everyone spends so much time online now that you need to narrow the focus of what normie is. I'd see people watching anime on their breaks. All this "nerdy" stuff is way more mainstream than it used to be.

No. 2180274

Always, nona, always…

No. 2180280

> think she deserved to burn the world.
Sorry for sounding retarded but what is this metaphor supposed to mean kek?

No. 2180498

Is retinol known to heal scars? I have a small but deep acid burn on my cheek and ever since I started applying a $5 retinol I got from Marshalls on clearance it has been healing so amazingly. I thought retinol was for acne and wrinkles. The scar is now the same level as the rest of my skin. It’s still pinkish but I don’t mind just applying a small bit of concealer to hide that, it was the indent that was so gross for years lol

No. 2180514

Why doesn't it work when I embed a tiktok link? I'm following every instruction of the rules board. tiktok.com, @user, video, id (19 numbers) but it just tells me it doesn't work and to do what I already did

No. 2180623

Whats with all the lesbian hate lately?

No. 2180631

Possibly someone posted lolcow on /ttt/ again and it's troons and moids seething

No. 2180663

God we need PP back in /ot/ so moids who visit here can rope themselves.

No. 2180714

Have any of you nonnies created and sustained a nice, cozy discord server? How did you do it? I need advice dearly. My dream is to have a server that has weekly/monthly planned dates to play minecraft/watch movies together.

No. 2180728

why would troons be seething? arent they heckin valid transbians? kek

No. 2180732

PP? Penis people?

No. 2180734

How is no nonna not getting the phrase "deserved to burn the world"?

No. 2180736

Why does no one like bands anymore? They used to be so popular.

No. 2180747

The west is too indivualized. They always break up because one wants to be the star.

No. 2180755

I'm not talking about pop acts, I'm talking about stuff like rock/alt bands and whatnot. They used to have such a big presence in the culture but then poof…where did all of bandom go? What happened?

No. 2180760

Kpop killed western boy bands/groups.

No. 2180765

Rock and metal fell out of fashion after the 00's. Not sure why. I've read theories about how after people stopped purchasing CDs it became hard for bands to make money. But I feel like mainstream music in general became very bland and uniform.

I feel like rock and metal has been getting bigger again lately, though not necesarrily on the mainstream

No. 2180768

this..its such a shame really.

No. 2180775

What I want to know most is what kind of music are the gen alpha edgelords/sadbois/sadgirls listening to if it's not rock/metal.

No. 2180776

How many boy bands did we really have before kpop became popular though? One Direction? 5 seconds of summer? Jonas Brothers? Tokio Hotel a decade before that? Backstreet boys in the 90s? That's about all the big names I can think of. Boybands were never that mainstream popular.

No. 2180786

I rolled on sonic totem if I should double text a guy and it said yes basically three times. Nonas I'm scared. Should I??? I don't wanna come off as a desperate loser but I still wanna show him I'm interested.

No. 2180795

The Wanted, New Kids On The Block, Boyz II Men, Menudos, N Sync, New Edition…

No. 2180820

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How do you summon a demon?

No. 2180824

Send him a shitty meme and say "lol literally me"

No. 2180826

Hell no. I feel like it led to constant raiding bc scrotes see it as bait.

No. 2180827


No. 2180834

God I hate the way this is rendered. Looks like they're oily and unwashed.

No. 2180839

It has so much retardation I thought I was going to develop Down's Syndrome.

No. 2180877

I sure hope it is

No. 2180878

you need a special lolcow autobahn pass for that.

No. 2180922

You need to unfluoridize your pineal gland nona.

No. 2181037

soundcloud rappers, shit like bladee and juice world

No. 2181107

Is one of the 100gecs members a troon?

No. 2181109

No. 2181118

Damn I'm sad. I never looked at any pictures of them until today and assumed "Laura" was a woman before it.

No. 2181136

someone else tried to apply for an apartment in my name. ive already froze my credit at the 3 major institutions and changed my email password. what else do i do nonnies??

No. 2181204

See what identity/theft protection services your bank offers, turn on text alerts for all purchases. Maybe check old emails on haveibeenpwned also

No. 2181235

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What is with these fucking new tiktokfags finding this website? The male worship is off the charts and it’s lowkey annoying me

No. 2181239

Wonder if that's why there's so many chappiggy WKs

No. 2181242

Thanks cutiepie, I didn't know.

No. 2181253

I didn't. I'm such a fucking coward. I keep imagining him seeing a message from me, rolling his eyes and saying "god not this boring annoying chick again ugh." Yes I'm very insecure and have very low self esteem.

No. 2181259

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Do you guys ever make a post (not here specifically, just in general) and have people responding with total non-sequiturs?? I'm so confused. I made a casual "hey has anyone else noticed this?" post in a community and people are responding as if I wrote something totally different, and really negatively. I have no idea where people are getting these ideas from.

I'm feeling really disillusioned with the internet in general because it seems like I always either get totally ignored or responses with wild misunderstandings where they reply as if I said something else, even if I specifically write "btw I don't mean x, I mean y". Like not just minor misinterpretations like people having different definitions for biscuits or something, but replies where I literally don't even know what to say besides asking if they replied to the right post.

I want to find more community and make friends since I have a tough time irl. I can't tell if it's just the internet bringing out weird stuff in people or if I'm insanely bad with words… anyone else deal with this?

No. 2181270

Go to ST.

No. 2181273

No. 2181276

Are you ESL? Sometimes I'll write something that sounds right in my head but I misunderstood an expression or word.
If that's not the case, maybe they're memeing or making a reference you don't know. Reddit does that a lot, especially with in jokes (which I find very annoying).
As for being ignored, I get that too. Usually there are stretches of time where everyone seems to completely ignore me even in anon spaces.
People replying angrily to benign comments, that idk.

No. 2181277

Like 95% of those times, it's the internet brainrot talking from the mouths of people. They're not looking for actual conversation, but rather grabbing onto the closest related talking point to then cite the feelings they absorbed from their TTT feed onto you to feel better about themselves.
Or it could be bots.

No. 2181286

I considered that that might be part of it but a lot of the repliers seem like real people, or are at least specific and prolific enough that it seems really odd that it could be a bot. Maybe they're weirdly complex nowadays though. I just feel bad about writing it off as though every naysayer isn't a real person
I'm not ESL but a lot of people think I'm autistic or "talk like a man". I have known one person who was extremely critical of my communication skills and made very specific criticisms… I don't trust that guy since he was seriously an awful person all around, but sometimes I think back on his comments and start feeling a bit worried that he was right all along.
I hope so. I have noticed many people seem to just read the title or first few phrases and latch onto them even if I clarify something later on

No. 2181298

That's me irl, I say something and then people come up with completely different topics and/or get mad/confused.

No. 2181317

Oh bots have infested the internet these few couple years and they can be pretty convincing.

No. 2181338

The whole story of this site is insane. Still can't believe it wasn't all a fever dream. Fucking shoeonhead, god damn.

No. 2181366

When lolcow is eventually overrun by tiktok babbies where tf do we move?

No. 2181371

Your job?

No. 2181386

I miss the days of aggressively chasing off tourists

No. 2181391

What does saar mean?

No. 2181395

If you're talking about what I think you're talking about, it's to describe the way indians say "sir"

No. 2181399

What i can’t believe is the fact that she still tries to maintain a public persona KEK

No. 2181403

Ohh thanks

No. 2181407

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What determines whether a personalityfag is labeled a -fag or a -chan?

No. 2181416

Announcing themselves, constantly arguing about the same topics, reposting photos? I could be wrong but that’s what I personally think constitutes someone as a personalityfag

No. 2181418

I always thought the "-fag" was like "that one" while the "-chan" is to call the personalityfag by name.
>that kirbyfag is annoying
>I hope Kirbychan is doing well!

No. 2181419

-chan refers to a personalityfag who is more fun to laugh at while -fag refers to a personalityfag who's more annoying than funny. I don't think it holds that much weight, though.

No. 2181420

I think it's just whatever sounds better with the first half of the name.

No. 2181421

In addition, I think really irksome personalityfags get referred to as (thing)fag due to dislike and annoyance, and to be called (thing)chan regularly is a sign of tolerance and sometimes like.

No. 2181428

Does anyone else masturbate to "nothing"? Like I'll be studying or watching a random show that I don't find arousing, but I'll still have my vibrator between my legs. I don't think if anything sexual when I do it. It's kinda like nonsexual masturbation.

No. 2181429

Whichever one sounds better with their name.

No. 2181443

I wanna make a thread about deep / existential thoughts. Does one already exist before I do just so I don’t end up accidentally making a duplicate? I couldn’t find any in the catalog but I’m just double checking

No. 2181492

Are there any good chill websites/online activities with no nonsense? Sometimes I just want to relax on the internet and I'm really tired of social media, I can't manage to make any friendships that stick, nobody engages with me most of the time, and a lot of stuff frustrates and unnerves me. I have ptsd so specific things really affect me and in general I get random hate a lot (and don't know why). I just wanna have fun on my computer…

No. 2181503

Why is suicide such a big deal? Whenever I try to look for information about it, I keep getting shown the retarded hotlines that I can't even call because I'm not American.

No. 2181510

Because killing yourself isn’t something you should feel like doing, but I think the suicide hotline is a total scam. I’ve called it so many times and was just on hold forever.

No. 2181519

It completely goes against the instincts of every living species. We are all wired to survive, imagine if a cat decided to jump off a cliff, we wouldn't see that as normal. It explains why so many humans have so much will to live even when it doesn't make any sense. Also, almost everyone who tries to commit suicide and survives regrets ever trying to kill themselves, i got that information from reading about people who jumped off the golden bridge in San francisco and survived, then were surveyed.

No. 2181522

don't know if this counts to you, but Cat Bounce, Long Doge, Long Horse, and Koala To The Max are good, relaxing time wasters.

No. 2181532

Ntayrt but I once read a news article about how people who survived jumping off the golden gate bridge realized that basically all of their problems were fixable as they were falling

No. 2181540

Wait, does that mean committing suicide can open your mind? It could be kind of a win-win situation, if you survive and don't end up crippled, you get to have a clear mind, if you die, you die and everything is solved.
If you end up crippled then the only thing left is to try again I guess.

No. 2181544

Do you think any documentary, especially one on suicide, would have the balls to admit that some don't regret trying to die or regret living afterwards?

No. 2181558

Do your stores have pepperoni? It’s weird how no matter the city I can’t seem find this pizza sausage anywhere except the store where you required to show id lol

No. 2181560

it is extremely traumatic and it’s not something you can talk about with people, almost dying. i was very young when i got very close. now that i’m an adult and am not abused and have my own space, shockingly i do not want to die. wanting to have forfeited my life because of the actions of others is a strong drive now to make the rest of my life pleasurable and about myself and what i want though. i would try to take the lesson that once you are in control of your own life you will not want to die and skip the traumatizing yourself part. it is terrifying not knowing what is happening to you when doctors are trying to save you and waking up in a hospital not knowing what happened, let me tell you.

No. 2181561

idk, a lot of anons disliked pakichan but she still got the chan suffix even when being insulted kek

No. 2181564

She doesn't just sperg about Pakistan though, it's more of a name to encompass her retarded entity. Pakichan was also the (c)rapper poster, she also Vargfagged, so she's notorious enough to earn the "chan".

No. 2181571

am i a retard what happened to the fandom thread

No. 2181580

Nonas outside of North America, are there a lot of millennial and zoomer aged women self-diagnosing themselves with Autism or is this more of a NA phenomenon? Maybe I'm not on the right parts of the internet, but I never hear about Bongers or Bongaroo women doing this.

No. 2181581

I’m from NA but the Bongs definitely do it too. There’s even some talked about here in the pro ana and cluster b threads in /snow/

No. 2181619

all british people have autism by default, all northern europeans do in general. its a white people thing.

No. 2181633

I've never encountered it irl

No. 2181689

She got that nickname while she was considered to be a decent poster. For a while everyone knew her as that poor girl from pakistan that's been trying to get out of it desperately and her life sucks. Only later did people turn on her because of her antics getting kind of revealed.

No. 2181773

Only the ones from rich families influenced by American culture do this here.

No. 2181905

I'm tired of feeling sad and angry. What should i do to make others feel sad and angry?

No. 2181919

if my throat is sore and all day I can only breathe through one nostril, does this mean I'm sick?

No. 2181926

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We finally smiled at each other. I think for whatever reason we both make each other extremely nervous. He’s very chatty with others but when talking in a group together he could barely speak. He’s super attractive too. I feel kind of retarded getting so giddy over a moid I don’t know. It scares me because all of the moids I’ve been with have all turned out awful in one way or another and I don’t want to get my hopes up too high again. Maybe since he’s more normie he won’t pull any extremely stupid shit on me like my nerdy exes. Moids always pull some shit but so many of my exes barely had any dating experience and would just do the most asinine things out of anxiety.

No. 2181957

>mimicking my body language during our lecture
fucking kek nonna
Love yourself and focus on your studies, what are you doing staring at some guy instead of focusing on the lesson?

You need to find out why you keep dating losers before you start fawning for another one. You thinking he's copying your body language when he doesn't even talk to you is incredibly concerning.
Why aren't you seeing the red flags?
A normie guy will only have different asinine behaviour than a nerd. Him being a normie means nothing

No. 2181959

why dont we have our own word for creme fraiche

No. 2182010

Cream fresh

No. 2182011

I think in burger it would just be fresh cream kek

No. 2182037

You are experiencing limerence. Stop writing fanfics in your head about this moid you don't even talk to, for all you know he proudly jerks off to gang bangs

No. 2182038

Nor a burger but isn't it just sour cream?

No. 2182100

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I keep seeing people saying "Goth is inherently political like Punk, you're either a liberal/ communist or fuck off", is that for real? I know it's not only an aesthetic but a subculture and lifestyle that opposes any establishment, but that sounds at tad far to me. I'm from a failed communist dictatorship, I'll never make peace with that ideology because in my context it means the complete opposite of freedom. I'm also not really super conservative, but not full-on commie neither, I'm not the type to bring up politics in general because of my complex background

What are your thoughts on this? What's the actual "story" of Goth on this issue? I hear y'all

No. 2182108

Those people probably don't know what goth is

No. 2182110

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native english speaking nonnies, what tense ought the orange paragraph to be in? i've tried it in past and in present and both sound wrong to my esl ear. i've left the rest of the scene in for context if it helps. i feel legit retarded rn kek, like why am i struggling so much with this

it's set in 1882 in new york, if that makes any difference (why would it? maybe noo yawkers have their own grammar, who knows)

No. 2182137

Why yes, you're not a real rebel, non-conformist, free thinker unless you do what the media conglomerate, government and big corporations tell you to.

No. 2182175

since the paragraphs depict events that took place in the past and you used past tense for the stories about their recollections of meeting one another, i think it would be more fitting to use past tense rather than present.

No. 2182280

thanks babes

No. 2182341

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Nonnies help, if I wanted a laptop to
>discord chat
>play the sims 2, full EPs, modded
>Maybe Minecraft
>photo editing
>digital art
Which laptop should I get? The HP ultra light one has windows 11 in S mode btw.
If anynonny can reccomend me a great laptop about 250 or under that can reliably run what I need with no issue, preferably under 250, please do!

No. 2182398

Is it hypocritical of me to still be a virgin but not want a virgin partner?

No. 2182403

i cant tell specs on the lower one but the first one seems pretty okay for what you are looking for. What art program are you planning to use? i think ps might run a bit slow on it

No. 2182412

Kek something's telling me you are the anti-commie sperg from the goth thread! Get rekt retard!

No. 2182418

I'm a painttool sai user!

No. 2182452

how do you personally define normie? for me it’s anyone who’s obviously from wherever they’re from or otherwise is just full of echoes from tiktok or instagram or whatever socmed is popular right now

No. 2182525

No. 2182526

this was already asked

No. 2182549

I never read a detective novel I started reading Sherlock Holmes like twelve years ago though. Are they usually written in a way that you as a reader can possibly solve it before Dr. Detective or are you more of a bystander just looking at what's happening from the sidelines? Guess you can't generalize like that, but maybe there's some general trend.

No. 2182563

My boyfriend keeps shaving his head and I hate it. How do I convince him to grow luscious locks?

No. 2182577

is it gross to wear the same two pair of pants to work throughout the week? I wash them but they’re two black leggings and idk I’m worried people will notice. I don’t wear jeans and in my own free time I wear shorts/sweats.

No. 2182582

what do you do when you find yourself getting annoyed at everything?
i try to contain my annoyance at work but people can still tell that im pissy. does anyone have tips for completely switching gears or getting out of the "this is annoying" mindset?

No. 2182597

First, make sure your basic needs are met. Have you bathed, eaten a full meal, drank water, and got enough sleep for the day? If not, make sure to check all of those off your to do list. Next, I know it's easier said than done but take a fake it untill you make it approach. Don't take anything too seriously, adopt a carefree persona at work where nothing matters and let a little whimsy into your heart. It helps if you have something you're looking forward to or a daydream to occupy your mind. Finally, be patient with yourself and realize this change will not happen overnight and that you are still going to have bad days where you're in a sour mood, it happens but I know you can make a change for the better. Good luck anon!

No. 2182601

He won't do shit unless he fears you might leave him. Point out men with long hair and call them handsome, watch shows with long haired guys in them and swoon over the actors, find an instathot with the PRETTIEST hair and lowkey show your moid pics of him "would you like these shorts for your birthday?" but he needs to be a recurring character in your conversations. He needs to feel cucked by the long hair guy

No. 2182606

Why does he do it in the first place? Is he balding?

No. 2182612

How long should you be able to stand still in one place without blacking out? Standing still as in, no bouncing on your feet, no hips swaying side to side etc. Moving your arms is okay.

No. 2182613

He's not balding, he's ex military and he says he's just more used to it. I hate the cropped hair look though. He would look great if he just grew it out.

No. 2182615

You need to chill, I'm not the anon you're talking about as this my first time posting about goth at all at LC, it's a recent thing for me. Plus, I just said I literally live on a communist dictatorship and best thing you could come up with was to call me an anti commie as if I'm not justified because of my trauma wtf

No. 2182655

After Scooby-Doo eats his Scooby-Snacks,
Does he Scooby-DooDoo into the Skibidi-Loo?

No. 2182665

Ok I think I’ve asked this before but does anyone else remember Bob Dylan dying in 2016? I swear to God he did

No. 2182671

You’re probably remembering him getting a lot of magazine covers and shit when he won the Nobel Prize in literature. That was in 2016.

No. 2182680

You’re thinking of Dob Bylan

No. 2182757

File: 1727469622013.webp (57.15 KB, 600x629, IMG_5921.webp)

Aren’t they the Menéndez brothers?

No. 2182765

how do you make a yellow dress look good on skin with yellow undertones? i end up looking monochrome kek

No. 2182766

If yellow is "fusing" with your skin tone is washing you out. Try something more contrasted or darker

No. 2182773

No, that’s Siegfried and Roy

No. 2182823

Does Benedict Cucumber look more human-ish nowadays or did I just get used to his face?

No. 2182904

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What name do you know these by? I just learned the name I’ve known them by all my life is not something they’re called anywhere else but the area I live in.

No. 2182916


No. 2182926

>>2182904 Bounce house?

No. 2182933

My entire life I’ve known of them as jumping balloons but when I googled “jumping balloon” it was almost exclusively results for things in and around my city. My mind is blown. I’ve heard other names in media but always assumed jumping balloon was just as common as bounce house or bounce castle or whatever but apparently not!
The inflatable party rental kind that are common at little kid birthday party’s. You jump in them. Do you really just call them castles?

No. 2182942

nonny nonny nonny nonny
Does anyone have the chud dirty dancing with black girl while nasty plays in the background video? It's hilarious the way he throws it back is embedded in my mind please someone anyone send me the video Please
nonny nonny nonny nonny(learn2integrate)

No. 2183055

that video has been posted a billion times nonny kek here >>2173028

No. 2183176

I recommend mini pill instead

No. 2183638

could a moid ever truly love a woman?

No. 2183722

Does this woman look like Shayna to anyone else or am I just autistic

No. 2183730

How do I message someone on Kiwifarms? It sounds retarded but I literally can't seem to find a way to do so.

No. 2183744

No you're right, this is like if shayna continued through her grunge phase

No. 2183749

please disregard the negative replies and update us nonna. stay safe tho


if they're just black leggings, people shouldn't even be able to tell it's the same two pairs, you could have 5 pairs. but either way it's fine. would be weird of your coworkers to care imho.

No. 2184011

Can I post a picture of my nose? I need advice

No. 2184024

No. 2184025

No. 2184036

You might get face doxxed.

No. 2184046

No I just have a small cropped pic of my nose from the side

No. 2184048

I thought this was Shat at first glance kek

No. 2184068

So I inherited my grandma's wedding ring and I'm not sure what to do with it. It's too big to wear. I could get it downsized but I'd feel like then it's no longer the real thing. It's also gold and I only wear silver so I'm afraid I wouldn't end up wearing it after I got it permanently altered. But I've tried wearing it on a chain as a pendant and I'm not sure if I like that either. What would you do?

No. 2184087

Take some silly pics with it or something. Maybe one sipping on a cup where you can see it on my hand and then sell it or trade it for something I actually like and would wear

No. 2184147

Does any anon have the image of a white kitten looking at a cake in a pink box? I could be remembering parts wrong

No. 2184155

I downsized my grandparents wedding rings, I don't see why it wouldn't be the real thing anymore, resizing rings is pretty common and accepted. Since you wear silver only though, I'm not sure if I'd recommend that.

No. 2184164

If I want to open a new thread for a topic that doesn't have one yet, can I just… do that? Sorry for the newfag question, I swear I've been here for 7 years kek

No. 2184181

No. 2184196

People resize their own rings all the time for various reasons, don't worry about it, your grandma probably upsized it after her pregnancies.

No. 2184207

What’s the best way to ask someone if they’re mad at me/if I did something wrong without coming across as immature or annoying?
It’s someone I’m not very close to, not a longtime friend or relative.

No. 2184216

I want to buy a Wii. I can’t understand the modding stuff. I thought it would give you unlimited Wii games but It just sounds like you can download mods and customise the home page so is it worth doing all that if all I want to do is play games?

No. 2184219

I would ask them about life, and mention that they seem somewhat stressed. Maybe asking “Is there anything I can do to help?”

No. 2184279

as a pendant, but if you don't like it like that either, then you can also just display it somewhere

No. 2184358

You can download games. When I did it I downloaded games to an usb and played them from there.

No. 2184362

It’s worth modding your wii because its not just wii games, depending on the model wii you have you can also download gamecube roms and be able to play it. Its great because you can avoid dealing with shitty resellers who have grail games being sold for $100+ online when you can just pirate them all for free, would recommend looking and downloading roms fast though. Lots of game companies are cracking down on emulations so tons of sites have gotten torched and popular games from nintendo are hard to find without looking through archives.

No. 2184393

hypothetically how hideous would it be to wear a pair of sandal heels with black tights???

No. 2184397

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What's the color and style of the sandals?

No. 2184399

whats the color of the heels?

No. 2184400

Are they the wooden kind

No. 2184405

File: 1727541466679.jpeg (279.05 KB, 998x1382, 6C6B2A68-4AC2-44CF-8E23-69ECA2…)

You can wear neutral colors and take inspiration from twiggy/60s fashion! I think tights and open toe heels can look really cute like picrel

No. 2184411

light pink with laces rather than thicker bands- more of a type you'd wear in summer but I would like to wear a short dress and I'd just die without tights
Nope, I don't know how to describe it– kinda velvety to touch? Not high heels it's like 5 cm

No. 2184417

Late but it's basically a New Year/first harvest celebration

No. 2184517

Why are some people masochistic? Or have rape fetishes and the like? Does it necessarily come from sexual trauma?

No. 2184527

Mental illness, primarily, which yes is borne via sexual trauma for many. I don’t understand where it comes from for people who haven’t been victimized in the past though.

No. 2184543

Porn brainrot

No. 2184547

Seconding mental illness and trauma. Being raised in a patriarch society alone can fuck you up enough to make yourself get turned on by these things. Girls are being groomed from a very young age to sexualize themselves, and fetishes can manifest from a very young age when kids are the most impressionable. Double that with people telling you that your rape fetish is totally healthy and normal, it's hard to unlearn without serious therapy.

No. 2184552

I think a lot of it can also come from sexual shame. At least for me I was very sexually repressed growing up in a very religious environment. Having rape fantasies etc. was a way to maintain your theoretical innocence by resigning your own sexual agency. That mixed with self-hatred and porn brainrot.

No. 2184559

That's a really good explanation too. A lot of women in more repressed cultures make up these scenarios where they get taken totally against their will to be able to enjoy sexual stimuli without the shame that comes with actually wanting it.

No. 2184562

No. 2184565

That is really fucking strange..

No. 2184572

the reasons vary per person. i'm of this opinion generally >>2184547 and that a lot of them (speaking on women here) don't want to be seriously "raped". a lot of "rape" fiction that involves m/f couplings is just bodice ripper stuff, or a guy they'd happily have sex with being kind of mean and forceful about having them cum – from my experience women into this are just virgins or clumsy about sexual expression and want someone else, i.e. a hot dude, to take charge.

No. 2184587

For me it's low self-esteem and being a control freak.

No. 2184593

The pain processing part of your brain is very close to the pleasure part for some reason so for some people it registers as pleasure. I laugh when I get hurt, probably because of that, though it isn't pleasurable for me.

No. 2184600

no it doesn't necessarily come from trauma. "rape" fetishes are surprisingly common. i put rape in scare quotes because actual rape is not really what's being fetishized. instead, the fantasy is that some guy you are into but must turn down for whatever reason is so madly sexually attracted to you and in love with you that he HAS to have you. women also frequently have kidnapping fantasies for the same reason. actual rape, where you are not secretly into the guy back and are scared you could be killed the entire time, is not what they want. but these pseudo-rape fantasies are the byproduct of a culture where women view their own sexuality as how much men are attracted to them, not what men they find attractive. as a side note i've had rape/kidnapping fantasies for basically as long as i have had sexual thoughts. i was molested but i don't believe it has anything to do with that. it had more to do with being attracted to the bad guy and seeing lots of media where women get tied up or kidnapped. actually experiencing sexual violence as an adult made these go away. so despite what incels claim, rape fantasies don't mean women actually enjoy being raped.

No. 2184636

Very good point. However I see a lot more women nowadays admit to wanting to be seriously humiliated, slapped, spit on and hurt by an ugly man who doesn't care about them, so I think porn culture has affected many women who originally just had the soft bodice ripping fantasies, which is sad. I will however say that a woman masturbating to fucked up stuff being done to her in her imagination is not the part that worries me, my hatred is towards the men who now can use BDSM and kink to act out their abusive tendencies. I think women can think whatever crazy stuff they want, but not allow a man access to do it to them under the guise of kink.

No. 2184673

why are people so weird about parents giving their kids unusual names? how're we gonna have the sci fi movie future where everyone has cool & fun names if we keep naming kids brandon or alexa or something. what happened to making the wacky sci fi utopia happen

No. 2184685

KEK we’re not gonna get the cool sci-fi utopia. We’re gonna get the boring dystopia where Khaleesi is the nonbinary dipshit making your chai latte in the morning and X Æ A-Xii gets busted for grooming a bunch of kids on some Minecraft server.

No. 2184693

Because the modern take on unique names is shit like Lakynnleigh

No. 2184717

or shit names with an apostrophe (e.g. La'kynnleigh) and the parents complain when the daycare worker fucks up the pronounciation.

No. 2184747

I have a weird hippie noun name and got a lot of shit for it about being unemployable, like they don't know you can just change your name on your resume. I don't even use it professionally outside of tax documents well after hiring. Gives me a buffer having a fake professional name so I don't take work angst personally.

No. 2184878

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i've broken my foot, how long should i stay at home ? it hurst like crazy but i don't want to miss to my classes and i suck at catching up lessons. I also live more than 1 hour away from my university and taking the subway on crutches

No. 2184904

It's a question for your doctor

No. 2184919

completely agree with what you said about male vs female fetishes not even being on the same level at all. i was thinking about it and even with the stuff you mentioned that's really horrible, a woman can never have a true rape fetish. being raped = not wanting it. if you have a fetish for it, you DO want it, necessarily. so even within the subset of women with rape fetishes, there's part of them that does not want to be actually raped–the only 'rape' they're into is the kind that isn't really rape at all. on the other hand, a man with a rape fetish actually wants to rape people. they don't fantasize about the rape really being consensual on the part of the woman. it's just not the same thing at all.

No. 2184933

I got texts with the caller ID from my "mom" but the texts were clearly from a pedo trying to get selfish from minors.
I blocked it, but is there anything I should do about it?

No. 2184945

Idk man, they look like Lyle and Erik to me

No. 2184946

Would you fuck an anon on here? Have you fucked an anon on here? How many anons would you/have fucked like a nunchuck could chuck wood?

No. 2184949

>have you fucked an anon on here?
>would you fuck an anon on here
If they were able to be kind of normie-passing and weren't NEETs or schizos or annoying personalityfags, or was really into anime (just can't relate) but if she was into vidya, then I think that's cute. If she frequented any of the threads I have made or frequent myself on /m/, then I would absolutely fuck.

No. 2184964

What does y/ncel mean? I thought it meant lesbians but you don't spell it "yesbian" for it to be the y? What does the y stand for?

No. 2184967

It's "your name", I'm pretty sure it's an insult for yumes.

No. 2184968

your name here + incel, some retardation ntyfag invented

No. 2185000

Could a kind nona link me to Lucinda's latest thread? I ctrl+f'd both /pt/ and /snow/ (I forgot which it's in) and for some reason my browser's just not finding it. I'd like to know how our unicorn's doing.

No. 2185006

I think she died nonnie

No. 2185016

Oh I see… I'm going to cross my fingers and hope they just took her phone away. There are enough dedicated farmers that I think someone would've tracked down her obituary for a final locked thread. Thank you nona!

No. 2185023

Nonny she just posted on twitter 14 hours ago

No. 2185038

oh good so she is not dead, I checked sometime ago and there was no movement so I just assumed the logical thing

No. 2185043

you’re literally posting on an imageboard full of weirdo women, it’s the pot calling the kettle black

No. 2185051

Masochists are run of the mill pickme pornrotted with low self esteem. sadists are based.

No. 2185074

Probably low self esteem and male worship

No. 2185113

I’m glad her thread seems to have mostly died. The Twitter retards who flocked to it and refuse to accept Lucinda is a manipulative retard are insufferable.

No. 2185201

Is there a reason Amberlynn Reid hasn't gone on ozempic or something similar? I would expect that she makes enough 'toobbux to cover it.

No. 2185203

She’s gone on and off it like twice. Most recently she had a compounded version but I think she had the actual brand name previously. Amberlynn doesn’t actually want to lose weight and likes eating enough for a small village so she quit ozempic and got fired as a patient from bariatric clinics. Now she’s dating a feeder. Her KF thread is active fyi.

No. 2185213

>dating a feeder
Wait, Tommy???? I'm not caught up with Amberlynn's lore yet I'm still in the beginning of the Becky era. That's crazy. She could definitely manage to raise enough money for skin removal surgery if she actually lost the weight. She is so insane.

No. 2185219

how do people actually feel after break ups? i just got out of my first real relationship (6 months) and i was upset the day after we broke up but now i'm pretty alright. it's kind of making me question how much i really liked him kek. or if i just got over it quick in general

No. 2185222

Anon it was only 6 months.

No. 2185226

oh yeah i know, just thought i'd be more upset since it's my first legitimate breakup.

No. 2185242

Yeah, her real name is Emily and her last girlfriend died not too long ago. I’d highly recommend saving where you are and jumping forward to the (very boring until now) Oklahoma saga so you can enjoy her current bullshit in real time.

No. 2185331

how to escape male centric (BL included) media as much as possible online and how to escape it IRL? how does one stop “worshipping” men? i am genuinely curious nonnas.

No. 2185344

Wondering this too. Even on lolcow too we can't get away from the subject of Men. MALES are mentioned in the lesbian thread Even though it's clearly not a space intended to talk about them.

No. 2185362

so sad & so true unfortunately, i felt like i’ve had enough and just decided to ask. maybe someone can enlighten us and share the knowledge — i desperately crave actual advice. i’m sick & tired of MALES, fictional or otherwise.

No. 2185384

That's a tough one, even magical girl shows have moids as supporting cast and such. Even barbie movies have moids, Hello Kitty shows and movies too.
I'm trying to think of stuff I like and it's impressive how there's always moids. Even yume nikki has moids.

No. 2185399

How do I find a therapist for anger issues? Last time I got therapy, I actually started it for my anger escalating but I never actually ended up talking about it directly in therapy. They had lowered while I was in it though. I stopped for external reasons, but I had wanted to continue going even with the issues. Am I supposed to tell the therapist I start muttering under my breath and then deal with them being confused when I'm otherwise composed? I really do have such little faith in mental health professionals and my ability to communicate my issues. If I get frustrated and start calling her a fat retarded cunt who should kill herself because she's too incompetent to be a therapist is she actually going to be able to direct me to manage my anger better?

No. 2185402

>how to escape 50% of the planet.
The answer, like it or not, are cgdct shows where zero men exist onscreen and the worst you'll get is a dad that's working overseas.

No. 2185403

make friends who also don't really care about males or hang with women who like female centric media, I feel like women into Chinese lesbian couple content is one kind of place with fewer males. Or western womyn's land type shit. These places have their own kinds of dysfunction though and men who want to infiltrate.

No. 2185505

What does Italian sweet cream creamer taste like? Is it just vanilla?

No. 2185517

Kind of but more buttery tasting

No. 2185524

Do you think you're gonna go? Heaven or hell?

No. 2185525

No. 2185527

most everything bad i've done to another person has been online. words on anonymous imageboards or in someone's tumblr ask box aren't actually causing harm, so probably heaven

No. 2185531

You're going to purgatory or limbo. Farm good karma to reach Heaven

No. 2185544

slightly tangential but I once read a Catholic saint (i think?)'s account that she had a vision where she saw her friend was in hell, so she asked for her to be moved to heaven, but the friend hated heaven and was in so much pain that she went back. And the moral of the story was like, you aren't sent on a Santa-esque basis where if you're good you get rewarded and if you're bad you get punished, but that you're placed wherever is most merciful and that heaven would be the tougher option if you're aligned with evil. I wish I remembered the name of this person because the concept has intrigued me for a long time. I kinda imagined hell as pure loneliness as opposed to the active pitchforks 'n lava punishment and the idea is like if you love God then you enjoy heaven but if you hate God then you'd hate heaven, so you'd just stay out of it and be on your own. Dunno how accurate that is but at least it's a more interesting system.
i think i am a fairly optimistic person because i can imagine good qualities in most anyone i've known and don't really want anyone to suffer endlessly, especially women. But I hope the really nasty people go through some serious trial by fire stuff and take their time learning the hard way, for good reason, so they can see the harm they did. I guess that's the idea of purgatory. To answer the actual question I don't feel like I'm a good judge of myself but I like to think of myself as someone really, really flawed who's trying to be oriented towards being better. Sorry for the disoriented pseudo-blogpost, just never had a context to talk about this

No. 2185652

Don’t consume modern media. I haven’t really watched television since I was in elementary school except for a brief period in college where a (male) friend of mine insisted on binge watching Netflix shows. Shows are dumb and predictable or completely unrelateable. I don’t label my sexuality but have mainly dated women and don’t relate to love plots or whatever the fuck else is presented in popular shows and music. I’m a classical music weirdo so I absolutely consume things made my men but that doesn’t bother me at all. Avoiding it irl is harder as so many women act perpetually boy crazy but if you prune your friend group way down it’ll be easier to redirect conversations away from men. It’s sad, I ditched a few blossoming friendships during college because the other girl only wanted to talk about tinder hookups and short term boyfriends and now I’m 30 and completely friendless lmao. Don’t be like that and do try to tolerate a bit of scrote talk. It is hard though when it makes you feel like an alien from another planet.

No. 2185701

Got on a higher dosage of antidepressants and I don't feel anything. When does the happiness kick in? Pls

No. 2185718

In my extensive experience, never. Enjoy

No. 2185722

How do I accept my face? I wish I had a cute warm face. But my face is literally the opposite: cold and sharp. And I wish I could accept that and embrace it. Cries.

No. 2185738

Can one still be considered mentally healthy while planning suicide if things in life go south?

No. 2185740

Please put a TW: Suicide before writing suicide, I just slit my wrists because of you

No. 2185746

Omg pls censor that s word don't you know it can be triggering for some!!! What a bigot!

No. 2185949

File: 1727615098846.jpg (122.52 KB, 800x800, mybabekimigasakininemurumade.j…)

When turning on my GBA SP, I have to flip the switch several times until it turns on. Once it turns on, it works as normal, I can play any game and the sound plays normally, too. Once I play for a bit, I can turn it on normally for a few days afterwards, but if I leave it off for some longer, I'll have to try several times again. First I thought it's a battery problem, but both of my GBAs got the same issue arount the same time, and it doesn't seem to make a difference depending on how much they're charged. I put them the same place as I did for the past twenty years, namely a box in my shelf. Do I have to worry about them dying on me in the coming few years?

No. 2186011

File: 1727617280664.jpg (57.08 KB, 574x346, 1712805577707.jpg)

im trying to buy a bicycle off of craiglist. what are red flags to look for? contacted the guy..he wants cash 85 bucks for a road bike and to meetup at 6 pm today. pics look to be in good condition and he posted this like 22 hours ago.
>trying to convince my mom to drive 1 hour with me to a relatively sketchy area..and shes like ooooh i dunnooo…can u even trust craigslist…anddddd its not safe down there…blah BLAH.
>i have no car and bus is unreliable..plus im broke and cant wait any longer. i need this thing.

No. 2186045

You should make websites and post it on neocities or download flashpoint to play flash games.

No. 2186067

take it apart and see if there is any gunk in the pcb where the switch is

No. 2186140

i feel insane because people have been seeming accepting of furries lately. this is coming after seeing a female furries thread on cc btw but i also had a friend say something that implied it was like bigoted to be hateful towards them. but like. they straight up want to have sex with animals while they pretend to be one right? everything ive ever seen which is basically just furry art on tumblr has either been horny or sexual. you’ll see them make a meet my oc picture that sometimes isn’t horny but half of the time they include their kinks there too. isn’t the non sexual part just to meet other furries to leave with and then have sex with lol? like why are people saying we have to accept this???

No. 2186147

is this weird? I am only one of the few girls in the office and we have two unisex bathrooms and I always have to wipe the pee and pubes on the rim of the seat because theyre disgusting and can't pee normally or notice their mess like normal humans? I just realized they might notice the wiping and wonder who it is thats wiping it because how could they not notice?

No. 2186150

Where the fuck do you work, that's insanely abnormal
And if they're not noticing the piss and pubes they're certainly not noticing it being cleaned

No. 2186157

Frankly I'm still in the "it doesn't have to be sexual" club, but like 85% of the times it is sexual nowadays. I feel like furries back when I was a preteen, around 2008, were more likely to have been the sfw kind than nsfw (or the nsfw shit was kept tightly under wraps) and then somewhere it took a turn. Some of that cringe and free innocence from back then stayed in me and so I still give them the benefit of the doubt here and there, if they're women.

No. 2186188

Why are so many women, gay men and even straight men obssesed, devoted and servant to cock and men, but so few lesbians and women who don't cape and support other women the way men do for other men?

No. 2186195

Because they have internalized misogyny they desperately don't want to deal with and confront so they project it onto other women by forcing them into strict, sterile boxes.

No. 2186202

because most of them hate themselves and desperately project it onto other women

No. 2186205

No. 2186214

thanks for your valuable input kek

No. 2186219

>provides a valuable perspective.
Lmao. Lol.

No. 2186220

It's an equal amount of projection.

No. 2186221

how is it cope?

No. 2186224

who hates themselves?

No. 2186228

Anyone who doesn't coddle them.

No. 2186230

things not going your way in the unpopular opinion thread I see

No. 2186235

>who hates themselves
>literally every other post on this board is some blackpiller whining about being a woman
can't even post the screenshots because the mods already deleted them from the vent thread kek

No. 2186236

I think they were just trying to hide it until people let their guards down, people were less accepting then of sexual deviance.

No. 2186238

lesbians are a minority even smaller than gay men, and growing up they are abused by straight girls so while most are feminist they'll have their issues with straight women's homophobia.

it's a psyop that it's in women's interest to be male-aligned, they get brownie points from society even though in reality they get treated like shit by most men, but at least they aren't labelled irrational man haters. it seems like it's necessary to psychological survival under patriarchy, which feminists don't discuss enough.

No. 2186240

well said, nonnie.

No. 2186242

You mean vents about the shitty parts of womanhood, like being surrounded by male-centered women?

No. 2186244

no, i mean the posts where anons literally talk about wanting to troon out and mutilate their genitals. it's literally been an issue on this board for months now because of the new bp crowd.

No. 2186249

You're referring to the schizo containment thread. The personalityfag breached containment and shitted up the vent thread. Does that mean every person that vents about womanhood wishes they could mutilate their genitals? You're completely exaggerating. Anything else?

No. 2186254

File: 1727627503236.jpg (56.34 KB, 923x700, BR5D-aAAAH2C.jpg)

How do you know if something traumatized you?

No. 2186256

Being excluded from the tribe causes death. Being excluded from the tribe deprives you of necessary food. Women operating under patriarchy are in a survival mindset they're not even aware of but are actively executing upon within themselves and in the environment they surround themselves with. Makes sense considering we literally didn't have any rights, we couldn't get a education, we didn't own any land, we had no autonomy due to men. We had to sell ourselves practically as prostitutes (in marriage, which is a social construct created by men within itself.) In order to survive because males limited our rights so much because their egos were threatened by us and still are. We're seeing 1984 shit play out in modern-day 21st century that SHOULD'VE been iced out a long time ago but no, men are too weak and fragile to deal with the consequences of their shitty actions (us pulling out from marriage, from violent sex with them.) And are trying to enforce a government-ruled restriction on our bodies.

No. 2186259

while i don't think ever woman who vents about womanhood is some bp nullfag, i think it is unlikely that there is absolutely no overlap between those posters and the rising misogyny of the current userbase

No. 2186260

When you dread thinking it or something just freezes you. self sabotage can also be a sign of trauma since the brain is unconsciously trying to shield you from trauma

No. 2186277

Only trolls and some other personalityfags, who are identifiable by their typing styles alone, post there. Everyone else, especially active /ot/ users, avoid that thread like the plague.

No. 2186313

There's a few ftm femcels that have been posting misogynistic stuff and getting constantly banned but nothing stops them cuz whenever they post bait a ton of anons reply

No. 2186325

Im not a lesbian nor identify as radfems, but if you you've been long enough on this website you would be exposed to moids depravity and at least notice a pattern, so for the anons here who are aware of all this, geniune question: do you still want and pursue relationships, have sex, will get married with men and do you believe that these men are actually good, kind and they actually/geniunely respect like as human and they would a man?

No. 2186341

No. I think if you have actual hobbies that require time and effort its very easy to avoid men. In the time i would waste hopping from frog to frog trying to find a prince i could use it to improve my art and draw hot husbandos. The 4B movement is also interesting because it proves normie women can become aware of the evil of men and decide they don't need them to live a peaceful life.

No. 2186352

i think that if being with a man in a heterosexual relationship makes a woman happy, then she should do it. i believe that women have their own agency and sexuality cannot be denied. just as lesbians feel innate attraction to women, straight and bisexual women cannot help being attracted to men. that being said, i believe that most modern heterosexual relationships are not worth it and the average woman in a cycle of shitty heterosexual relationships should seek fulfillment from within than from a moid. the reality is that not every man will kill you and abuse you, but each woman should consider if the risk of trauma from being with moids is worth it compared to being alone or simply having platonic friends. tldr it depends, i personally witnessed my mom decay when she swore off of men after my father died. she was so lonely and let herself go and then she met her new husband and he seemed to be a net positive for her but i've met many women who also improved substantially after swearing off men and dumping their trash boyfriends. it just depends on the moid and the person.

No. 2186406


No. 2186420

Would anons be interested in an indie/outsider music general in /m/? Just a thread for random, unknown music we've found.

No. 2186429

>do you still want and pursue relationships, have sex, will get married with men
No more or less than I already did. I'm ambivalent when it comes to relationships and don't want to get married unless I have a good prenup that protects my assets. What the boards have done is given me a more accurate view of moids, and ironically made it easier to find the "good" ones (inb4 no such thing as a good moid, we get it) by filtering out everyone else. He watches porn? Gone. Plays video games or watches anime? Treading on thin ice. Participates in social media? Gone. Says anything bad about his ex girlfriends or calls her crazy? Gone. Has an IRL hobby? Cautious optimism pending on more information. You get the idea. It's not foolproof (foolproof would be avoiding moids 100% of the time, but that's not always possible), but it's reduced the amount of frustration I have with the opposite sex.
>do you believe that these men are actually good, kind and they actually/geniunely respect like as human and they would a man?
No. A "good" man is about on par with the average woman, morally speaking. This does not make him good nor moral, but it does elevate him compared to other men. However, this half-morality vanishes the instant said man thinks he's better than the others, because then he will gradually excuse himself into worse behavior. Every time.

No. 2186442

No. 2186447

yes pls. sounds interesting

No. 2186453

Does anyone else has different reasons for your non participation in heterosexuallity than "moids this moids that wah wah way" I don't relate to this "yasss kweeen" normie FDS talk, and I'm wondering?

No. 2186464

I naturally have a high standard for men in terms of actions and opinions when it comes to attraction, though looks has very little to do with it. I can't even help it, if a man says even 1 sexist thing I legit find him unattractive no matter how hot he looks. I truly can't help or control it and it's an instant effect that seemingly can't be reversed in my brain. I can still be friends with them or work with them, but as soon as they've said it it's like they become asexual beings of another species to me. I don't ever tell any man of this though. I know most would be offended and hurt if they knew, and I don't want them to think they can trick other women into thinking they're not sexist by just shutting up. I act unbothered around men so they let their guard down and say even more stupid shit than they normally would around women because they see me as safe and more chill.

I don't think there's a single person who is fully good or bad, I've still chosen to date a man who I judge as mostly good and who at least for the many years I've known him hasn't said anything gross or sexist, even before we ever dated.
In all honestly my most pornsick friend is a female autist fujo I've known since we were kids. Her whole hobby life revolves around thinking about gay men fucking and violently raping each other. Which she will happily share with people even if we don't want to hear about it. She writes and reads fanfics, she only watches a show, listens to bands, or reads anything to imagine which males would fuck each other. Hanging out irl results in her whispering "he's such a twink uke" over real men, sometimes over teenage looking boys… Even though I will never ever see a fetish/sex-obsessed female as being as bad as a man who does the same, being close friends with a long time pornsick fujo has put things into perspective.

No. 2186466

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does anyone know what this symbol means? it looks like a heart but it has the extra > on the other end. i keep seeing people use it and i can't figure it out. searching online yields nothing. is this a tiktok thing?

No. 2186468

i don't even understand what you're asking nona

No. 2186470

>i keep seeing people use it
in what context?

No. 2186473

No. 2186477

Makes sense. Won't elaborate.

No. 2186479

arent "non participation" and "fds" mutually exclusive

No. 2186494

I just prefer being single because I like the independence

No. 2186495

I meant "are there any women who don't participate in heterosexuallity for other reasons than "mEn mAke hET rElAtIonShips sHiT" if that makes it clearer, because these reasons sound like fds normie talks to me, and everyone always gets mad when my reasons aren't men and men and men

No. 2186504

i've seen it used at the end of compliments AND death threats. hence my confusion. if it's just a heart but in a zoomer way, then the dual usage makes sense (sarcasm) but i'm not sure

No. 2186513

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there's whole groups of them.
cheeky answer aside, yes, lots of women are celibate or febfem for reasons other than moids.

No. 2186516

seems like blowing a heart kiss? or maybe sm else

No. 2186556

> and death threats
?? why are so many anons here being sent death threats all the time

No. 2186565

nona i think nona meant on other sns and not lc

No. 2186571

I want to become a nun but I look like a satanist and I'm afraid of the sexual harassment

No. 2186580

I’m not really sure where I’m gonna go, personally. I started reading Divine Comedy and it occurred to me that, yeah, that could be me. I could be stuck in a sea full of people moaning and wailing for eternity. And to think about people who committed suicide…they turn into fucking trees??

No. 2186595

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Does anyone know what happened to Brittany?

No. 2186609

nah, they were threats directed at me. i get them regularly for being a feminist and manhater. the messages only come from disgruntled underage tifs though, which is why they say things like <3>

No. 2186614

Not interested and I want my free time all to myself, don't want to bother with an additional source of stress. Also I'm a control freak and I don't want to show myself as vulnerable.

No. 2186646

For people who have two other siblings (ESPECIALLY if you are the youngest), do you feel like the third wheel sometimes?

No. 2186714

Me and my middle brother were always super close and still are. When our youngest brother was born, I didn't give a fuck about him. Still don't. Me and middle brother always excluded him because he's fat and retarded (but lately middle brother has been going soft and hanging out with the fattie more and more). I don't see the youngest as my actual brother, just some kid that lives in my house. I don't feel a bond with him (maybe because he's gen alpha) and don't care to spend time with him. It feels like a waste of my time kek. I guess he feels like a third wheel.

No. 2186725

Yes my sisters always excluded me from everything and cut me out of family photos because they're besties, made me feel like a freak of nature. Was treated more like the family creature than a sibling. Still not over it, not gonna lie
If only you knew, kek.

No. 2186739

No, I’m the youngest so I’m my parents’ little baby. I always get everything and I used to lie about my sisters picking on me to get them in trouble. I’m the center of the universe in my family and honestly I wouldn’t have it any other way. Having siblings sucks enough without them also taking your shit and demanding attention.

No. 2186748

No, as adults my older siblings got a bit less close and with me more close. Also I'm used to muscling my way into their conversations.

No. 2186750

>I feel like furries back when I was a preteen, around 2008, were more likely to have been the sfw kind than nsfw (or the nsfw shit was kept tightly under wraps) and then somewhere it took a turn.
oh innocent nona…there's a reason why they got into so much drama back in the 2000s and came up with terms like "fursecution". and there's that guy who took his obsession with Gadget too far and that other guy who harassed and stalked the VA of Babs bunny from Tiny Toons (which was part of the reason why the show got cancelled), etc. they were always like that

No. 2186763

No because I’m the favorite and i think the others are third wheeling. Like I feel like an only child sometimes. I have no relationship with my siblings either apart from holiday wishes.

No. 2186766

samefag also the Babs furry allegedly sent letters asking to see the character naked. this was during the 90s btw.

No. 2186781

yeah, my sister and brother are very close in age and have a different dad so i've always been on the outside. they have a bond and talk to each other all the time (as adults) but neither of them reach out to me.

No. 2186847

Every social media site that uses real phone numbers can also get the data from your phone to recommend your profile to others in town. Its why places like facebook and instagram seem to randomly recommend people close to you in area codes and people who’s number you have saved on your contacts. Most of the time they don’t ask either, they just sync your data anyways. Just use google voice for fake phone numbers and vpns whenever you log in and use the website

No. 2186851

Why do stripes look so good on pregnant ladies?

No. 2186857

My older brother is usually the third wheel tbh. Not his fault, he's 5 years older than me while me and my brother were basically raised as twins, being three years apart.
That being said, it switches. There's things only they do together and things I only do with my big bro (we watch taskmaster together).

No. 2186861

Thanks for your answers. Tbh I'm asking because I've been thinking a lot about how many kids I would like in the future. 3 sounds nice but I was concerned about one being left out. Even the anons who say they feel like an only child and not a third wheel, it still sounds like you're distant from your siblings.

No. 2186867

I'm >>2186725
and 3 is honestly a terrible number. My parents even agree, looking back on our lives. I'd say do 1 or 2. It'd be cool if we could be the Powerpuff Girls but realistically, it's usually 2 against 1.

No. 2186883

Im an only child and would like my hypothetical future children to have siblings, so that only leaves 2 and 4. I'll probably just have 2, 4 is really pushing it.

No. 2186890

i left frozen fish out for two days, is it inedible?

No. 2186892

it's prepackaged frozen battered cod

No. 2186899

Out like on a counter? Yes, throw it away.

No. 2186905

you will die if you eat it lol

No. 2186912

rip nonny

No. 2186916

My mom had two, my brother and I, about 3 years apart, and we have never fought. Like literally never. We get along well and since we are different sexes there was never an issue with taking each others things really either or feeling like someone was getting more than the other. I never envied my friends who had the three sibling dynamic, I think 2 is the way to go kek

No. 2186930

Do not eat that nonny

No. 2186934

My eyes are yellow. Not like the white part, like the color part. I'm like the bully in A Christmas Story. What do I do?

No. 2186935

Get treated for jaundice

No. 2186991

Is there a place where I can stream or download life tv shows without bending bending backwards to find something interesting for free? Like with a catalogue of airing episodes or whatever. I can find normal series on my own easily but idk where I can look through reality tv and other shit like architecture, gardening shows etc??

No. 2187001

Im confused what you mean anon, like being able to flip through channels like you're watching TV? I know Tubi has a live television section with channels you can swipe through. Most free streaming sites will show you popular and new films and shows on their front page.

No. 2187003

>like being able to flip through channels like you're watching TV?
yeah, but I'm an eurofag so tubi doesn't work for me

No. 2187010

Could it work with a VPN?

No. 2187011

Woah really? Even with a VPN?

No. 2187012

If they take of their shoes in Fight Club, shouldn't it be called Feet Club?

No. 2187014

it should be called gay club because a bunch of shirtless men beating the shit out of eachother is pretty homosexual

No. 2187016

Thanks it works with VPN! do you recommend anything maybe, I'm up to watch anything so bored

No. 2187026

best games on nintendo 3ds?

No. 2187027

all zeldas, i also like the kid icarus game

No. 2187043

animal crossing new leaf

No. 2187049

imo its really boring, i regret buying it

No. 2187063

So are protein drinks, creatine and all that a scam or do people just misuse them? Cause everyone and their mothers and their dogs are using those and I see no difference

No. 2187072

protein works if you're lifting regularly with progressive overload. creatine helps increase muscle strength if taken regularly and is probably the best researched supplement available. neither will do anything unless you are regularly training with progressive overload so for people who drink them and expect them to work by magic no, they don't do anything at all.

No. 2187084

thank you everyone for your answers i will kill myself now

No. 2187087

Anons are crazy, I’ve eaten meat that was on the table for 3 days. Multiple times. Never gotten food poisoning in my life. Fish can’t be worse than that

No. 2187092

if it was frozen before then you will die

No. 2187093

But I’m here

No. 2187095

did you eat it? and was it on the table or in the fridge?

No. 2187104

Most people don’t need extra protein and get plenty from their diets, vegetarians included. Idk what’s up with the people convinced they need like 150 grams of protein per day but it’s kinda gross and likely unhealthy.

No. 2187113

if you're an athlete or strength training you need more, something like 0.75 grams per pound of body weight. otherwise most people need way less protein than they think.

No. 2187118

Does anyone think WW3 is around the corner? I know there's always shit going on in the world but recently to me I feel like somethings shifted and some people in power are itching to start it now

No. 2187120

No. 2187121

Nah everyone is too tired and addicted to social media

No. 2187126

for those of you who know about the monkey hate/monkey torture communities: why do you think so many of the participants are seemingly normal middle aged or elderly women? somehow this is one of the most shocking parts of the whole thing for me.

No. 2187128

I keep aloe vera plants on my kitchen windowsill. One of them flowered this year and my friend told me that I was a bitch because aloe plants only flower if they're in distress. Is this true?

It's not so much that it's a scam, it's that it's marketed to people that don't need it.

Protein drinks - the idea behind this is that people doing exercise routines need more protein for muscle repair and whey powder is a cheap and convenient way of consuming protein. This isn't true anymore. Protein powders are more expensive than ground beef and eggs.

Creatine - Improves athletic performance, aids recovery and gives a bigger pump (this is muscle swelling achieved after working out due to micro tears in muscle tissue). Research indicates that it may also enhance brain function.

Unless someone is doing a exercise routine, it's all useless.

No. 2187163

What is the monkey hate/torture community? It could be men pretending to be women, I can’t imagine why something involving torture would have a lot of women participating

No. 2187185

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>It could be men pretending to be women
I wish that were true

No. 2187192

I honestly think some people just naturally hate small "annoying" things. They see the way it behaves and it makes them seethe enough where they want it "punished". It's not just monkeys who get this treatment, cats/dogs/babies and kids have some pretty dedicated haters too

No. 2187203

Small monkeys can kinda remind you of babies so maybe that's somehow connected? I personally don't like monkeys, they are the animals I don't find cute at all and rather unpleasant to look at but I would never torture an animal.

No. 2187208

>some people just naturally hate small "annoying" things. They see the way it behaves and it makes them seethe enough where they want it "punished".
It's exactly this. Monkeys are likely the prime target because they're intelligent and can understand what's going on better than other animals.

No. 2187215

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homo sapiens were at war with other primate/great ape and neanderthals for many many innumerable years. brutally hunting and eating eachother. The sight of a small monkey may bring back a primordial blood instinct to "squash" the threat before it grows, like an insect.

pure conjecture, but trying to come up with food for thought

No. 2187302

Does anyone have the well edited female Elliot Roger pic?

No. 2187309

I was thinking about this but… is there a way we can run a study to see how many ACTUAL lesbians are on this site??? Like excluding the bis, febfems.

No. 2187310

If you wanna post a poll feel free

No. 2187317

I'm more so thinking about going into a deep dive in the questioning sexuality thread and seeing how many lesbians vs bis vs febfems there are

No. 2187318

Can you grow tall even if you've been deprived of food when you were younger

No. 2187323

i've been reading that thread since the first one was made and nearly everyone, with like maybe 3 exceptions max, was bi

No. 2187327

Like by simply reading the posts? How would you tell anons apart? Not to mention that not everyone who uses this site has posted in that thread

No. 2187348

No. 2187353

i grew an inch when i recovered from anorexia

No. 2187366

I've read a theory that female sadists aren't as interested in sexual sadism as males, so they're attracted to monkey torture which doesn't feature as much of it. It's definitely strange since other zoosadists who've been exposed (e.g. the furry zoosadists who kill dogs and the Chinese zoosadists who kill cats) are almost all male.

No. 2187383

Dumb body questions. Are you able to feel your ovaries from the outside? I think I can feel them on either side of my mound. It used to freak me out a bit, they’re marble sized. Also what is normal breast tissue supposed to feel like? I’ve felt enough pairs belonging to others that are soft and squishy. I think I have firm lobules or whatever it is. There’s some fat and squish to them but deeper in feels firm and lumpy. My ex gf even said she thought I had implants at first cause of how firm they are.

No. 2187392

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what hair product is best for these drier looking updoes? mousse, clay, dry powder, texture spray, hair spray? my hair is medium-thin and straight but minorly wavy stuck in a ponytail for my job.

No. 2187393

Idk about feeling your ovaries but breasts come in a variety of densities. Some women have very dense breasts and they can even have fibrocystic breasts which are exactly what they sound like. Totally benign but iirc standard mammograms aren’t as effective on that type of tissue so ultrasounds are better.

No. 2187493

What were the conclusions for the 3 exceptions?

No. 2187495

That's what I was thinking of doing. Just reading over what nonas thought of other nonas sexualities and then compiling it. I'm not too sure… it's hard to tell nonas apart.

No. 2187531

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Does Discord notify people when you unsend/delete images and messages? I want to delete messages from a chat with an old friend who iced me out, because I don't want my personal details shared with her anymore. It would be embarassing if she got notified.

No. 2187539

There's no notification for deletion. If you send a new message and delete it before it's been read that notification will stay though.

It's not only hard but impossible kek even those that use "nta" and "ayrt" could be lying. And I feel like actual lesbians would be posting in the lesbian threads instead

No. 2187561

Please censor the tw suicide before replying to my post about suicide nona. Smh my head

No. 2187585

File: 1727697721198.gif (40.18 KB, 100x100, hehehe.gif)

I used to be obsessed with the game Yakuza when I was younger and would always steal Majima's line "what a kick in the dick" to express disappointment. I don't want to talk about dicks anymore, so should I say "what a hit in the clit" or stop being retarded and just shut up altogether?

No. 2187596

The second option.

No. 2187642

Maybe just say groin

No. 2187644

Many actual lesbians and actual bisexuals stop using their respective threads after one too many retarded infights that take 4chin raid bait for 50 posts straight.
>t. actual les

No. 2187657

Do people still call sexual content in fanfics "lemons"? I thought it was an old internet term but recently I saw someone use it to describe sexual content casually.

No. 2187665

Why is it even called a lemon anyway

No. 2187667

omg you’re taking me back so much kek the nostalgia
what kind of stuff were you reading? i feel like lc users were all over yaoi and gay youtube ships. i was a ‘w-what if blackpink were your girlfriends?’ reader lol

No. 2187705

how many servings of fruits or vegetables do you eat in a day? for the purpose of this question, assume that a smoothie is counted as only one serving regardless of what goes into it.

No. 2187715

At least 3 servings a day, two servings at lunch and one at night, if I'm feeling hungry I eat two servings at night, sometimes I try to add at least one serving of vegetables in the morning because I always feel so much better after having a meal with plenty of vegetables, specially when they're raw, it really doesn't feel the same when they're cooked or in a smoothie, idk if it's because I've always been told that they don't offer you the same benefits blended or cooked, or if that's true and my body knows that too.

No. 2188004

Do you guys think Jesus and His dad ever say "what the hell" to themselves when they're watching us?

No. 2188010

Jesus would never.. god? maybe. I'm sure God thinks about smiting us all every second

No. 2188022

Is it true american tv cant show or make fun of mohammed? South park made like 4 episodes about it so i always assumed trey and matt were pissed they cant make fun of the child rapist

No. 2188045

literally how can you go around comfortably talking about lolcow on social media when you know thats against this nature

No. 2188051

it's a generation of newfags who don't give a shit about integrating or respecting the culture of an internet space they're trying to occupy

No. 2188052

No because everything is god and everything is karma

No. 2188053

about 200-250 grams is enough for 1 day

No. 2188054

They're newfags who want attention for being on the "edgy femcel website" or whatever tf gets said about here

No. 2188057

Zoomers idolizing imageboards while knowing nothing about the culture is so funny to me

No. 2188065

zoomers were raised on the corporate nuweb where they do not get the appeal or importance of anonymity

No. 2188088

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Apparently it's from fans of a hentai called "Lemon Cream" that had a mailing list for erotic fanfic they called the lemon list. Then the term spread to other fandoms and someone else invented the citrus scale based off the understanding that lemon = sex

No. 2188096

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Is it autistic to love watching journal/planner videos? I don't know what is it about watching women talk about their plans and showing off their planners but is so satisfying to me. I think it's part me being nosy and part me liking to see how creative people get.

No. 2188105

Anon it's not autistic because autism is a neurological disorder. I also like watching journaling videos and sometimes I'll even backseat commentate the journalers' aesthetic tastes and page composition. Great fun.

No. 2188161

Is the "women shouldn't lift weights" and "you'll get huge muscles and look like a man" and "cardio is the only valid workout for women" propaganda that we've been fed since childhood a psyop so we would stand no chance against an average moids assault? I've been weight lifting for so long, no huge muscle in sight

No. 2188171

Right. Also astounds me is that women’s strength to lean mass ratio is very good. A woman and a man who can lift the same amount will have vastly different amounts of muscle.

No. 2188177

YES YES YES i could sperg about this all day but im busy right now. Being small is desired so were weak, cavewomen used to be much much stronger. They want us weak so we can rely on moids. Women are not naturally ana-chan weak. I got into weight lifting to be attractive to women but i got more into the actual strength part of it later. Anytime a woman whines about how lifting will make her look bulky (shes not even taking supplements or anything) i just laugh because it reeks of brainwashed. I think every women should lift a bit or do a sport casually. Either way women need to stop relying on moids for "protection". even a little muscle is good muscle.
We also have good endurance, women do great in marathons and distance swimming.

No. 2188189

i like purse closet tours. specifically purses. i usually own the most boring basic black purse and that's it. i just love them idk why. it's nice to see successful and happy women showing off their stuff.

No. 2188253

Why do I get so horny when I'm in a crying session?

No. 2188276

Probably your body just trying to release all emotions, or making you horny in an attempt to relax you/distract from the sadness.

No. 2188315

i think the beauty standard of women looking weak and frail is because of what you mentioned. the weightlifting thing is more from people who have no idea what weightlifting makes you look like and assume it will make you 'bulky.' it's marketing to sell retarded workout programs to women who are scared of looking like men.

No. 2188329

can cats have friends? sometimes my cat hangs out with a stray

No. 2188331

They can, cats are not asocial, they form loose connections. I'd be worried about diseases though.

No. 2188332

No. 2188334

he's fully vaccinated and fixed. I am trying to catch the stray to fix and vaccinate it too.

No. 2188350

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I'm going to visit my family during Christmas and be gone for about 48 hours. This is the first time ever I'll leave my cat alone for that long all by himself and I feel awful about it. I'm going to get a sitter to visit him several times during the first day, and gonna try to get one for the second day. Worst case scenario is that he's alone for 24 hours. He's 1 year old and I'm sure that he's going to be fine, but it fills me with so much guilt. He's 1 year old and he loves me so much, the thought that he's waiting for me by the door makes me so sad… How do I think about this in a sane way? KEK I feel like I'm losing it.

No. 2188368

my fat ass cat loves it when we arent home because he can sneak into the master bedroom and sleep in my parents room every single time we come back after leaving for a few hours hes snuggled on their bed kek

No. 2188373

He won't notice. Promise.

No. 2188374

also, by saying this i am telling you to assume he's going to be a rule breaker and jump into every single place you tell him not to while you are home. I normally take plant pots out of high places because he loves to throw things out of shelves. So be mindful of that.

No. 2188404

He'll notice and will miss you, but it's ok. Hell be super happy when you come back.

No. 2188412

Why does everyone suddenly act like stealing is cool and nbd? It's really trashy and ugly.

No. 2188423

because you get free shit. it's only bad if you don't steal from big businesses.

No. 2188428

Are veiny boobs ugly.

No. 2188435

No. 2188436

No. It was weird finding out how big of a fetish they are.

No. 2188437

What is the best way to download a youtube video to your laptop/PC?
I am technologically retarded. Thanks in advance

No. 2188438

Nah, only if they are on a man

No. 2188441

Type "YouTube video download converter" into Google.

No. 2188461

I saw some weird edgelord posting about how she stole from a yard sale and when people called her out on it she just doubled down by saying that she's stolen a ton…? as if its somehow a thing to be proud of kek? i just think it's so weird. i've never felt comfortable stealing even when i was extremely poor.

No. 2188469

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If this is about the piracy debate in celebricows, piracy is not the same as stealing actual physical items from normal people who might need them kek

No. 2188488

They feel entitled to things they can’t afford and emboldened because “capitalism le bad.” Greedy retards contribute to stores raising prices and keeping everything under lock and key. Fuck them. People like Tuna who steal a ton of random unnecessary cosmetics are trashy and seem like a weird version of cargo cultists imo. Like they think that if they own the makeup or skincare they associate with a certain “type” of woman they will become like her.

No. 2188504

Wait cargo cult definitely isn’t the term i was looking for but oh well.
NTA but i agree with you. Piracy is copying and copying isn’t theft. Pirating an album doesn’t result in fewer albums being available for purchase.

No. 2188512

I never understood the rising of product prices due to theft. Wouldn't that just result in more theft because the price is so high no one can afford it?

No. 2188523

what’s the worst thing you can get away with doing to a rapist?

No. 2188532

Bollock removal?

No. 2188536


No. 2188578

delete your post before it's too late

No. 2188631

No? Most people obey the law and are morally opposed to theft and would probably only resort to stealing if they were absolutely out of options and couldn’t afford basic necessities. Wide scale theft leads to price increases so stores can attempt to remain profitable. A lot of retail thieves aren’t stealing for themselves but are either resellers or are working for resellers and they target high priced and/or popular items. Those that are stealing only for themselves seem to have a habit of stealing way more than they could ever actually need, like Luna and her dozens of lip glosses or gals that steal thousands of dollars worth of makeup on a regular basis.

No. 2188647

Are there any important women in the gaming industry? After finding out the creator of DTI is a TIM my hope's been thrown out the window.

No. 2188652

yeah Napple Tale is a game made by a woman-only dev team

No. 2188656

I said important. Game looks cute though.

No. 2188686

how is a shitty roblox game important

No. 2188690

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It's a weird history, women actually pioneered the early gaming scene and had equal representation to men and in the point-and-click adventure and mystery genres, there were more women than men. but as the '90s came around, the shooter genre became widespread and incredibly financially successful. The genre of adventure games as a whole declined in popularity and gaming shifted male. That said, women still have an impact in the AAA scene as art designers, creatives, and writers

No. 2189016

is orange is the new black worth watching?

No. 2189021

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is it actually true that one drag off of a vape pen is equal in nicotine content to an entire ciggy? i heard this fact a few times back when vapes first became a thing, but after seeing so many people around my age (3rd-4th year university students) sucking on those things like their life depends on it im finding it hard to believe. are they just doing the equivalent of smoking an entire pack? or did they reduce the nicotine content in vapes?

No. 2189028

No. 2189032

Not unless you want your heart broken in season 4.

No. 2189049

Nicotine on its own is not as harmful as the act of breathing in the smoke created when smoking a cigarette, which doesn't happen when you vape.
It's a completely different experience for me, I don't like smoking cigarettes because of the effect but I can use vapes

No. 2189091

Any opinions on donating eggs? Is it worth doing if I qualify?

No. 2189096

Why the hell would you do it? To me it sounds like all pain no gain.

No. 2189123

donating plasma is more convenient

No. 2189127

sell them to farmers market youll get more money

No. 2189152

What time do nonas usually get up at?

No. 2189156

Have started to set my alarm at 7.30am, usually I wake up a bit earlier on my own though.

No. 2189157

I need to wake up at the ass crack of dawn on workdays, between 5:50-6:10 am
On weekends it can be anything from 8 am-12 pm

No. 2189162

The average lil 600 puff disposable is equivalent to a pack of cigs if not closer to 2. There's alot of talk about bringing in new regulations where I am for disposables (making the packaging boring, taking away bright colours or banning any flavours that might appeal to young people) but they never seem to bring up that the default nic content most of them have is a bit much for anyone to require, young or someone with a built up tolerance

No. 2189169

Is there a stupid gay reason uk network tv puts most of their politic shows on when everyone but retirees and unemployed ones are at work? Politics is honestly so gay. Let's make sure we reach the boomers and unemployed fuck those that are actually a part of society I'm an out of touch tv person and most likely a pedo because I have no qualms working in a company with so many pedos. Gay bastards

No. 2189172

8am on working days and 9.30am on off-days, but I'm trying to get up earlier to do more stuff.

No. 2189194

6am for work. Naturally wake around 7 on my days off and if I don't get up the first time I tend to feel worse off anyway

No. 2189196

Don't advise because there are a lot of possible complications (which they usually don't disclose in favor of just pretending it's ez money) and it fuels an immoral industry where rich gay men force a (usually poor, disadvantaged) woman to make a baby for them

No. 2189209

-A bunch of money
-Chance to have a bunch of genetic children with none of the hard work
-Self administered injections everyday followed by outpatient surgery to remove the eggs
-The chemicals you're injecting can permanently mess up your health and will increase your chances of reproductive cancer. Unfortunately there are zero studies on how common either of these two side effects are, because the companies that make money from you doing this don't want to know the side effects or else they would have to report them.
-You're not allowed to have any sex during the one to three month process

No. 2189212

Is it not normal to place stuff in between your thighs? I’ve always done it but I just found out it’s a coomer trope and now I feel retarded

No. 2189221

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One of my favorite managers at work is heavily pregnant, and her request for different time off was denied (she was originally due in November but the baby is coming any day now). I don't know anything about childbirth but I told her I'd be there for her no matter what. I work security at our job and will call 911 as soon as necessary, but what other stuff should I have on-hand in case she goes into labor at work? Towels?

No. 2189224

Do you mean like setting things there when you're sitting down?

No. 2189228

Labor normally takes a very long time. She may go into labor but the baby not arrive for another ten hours. In the rare event event she's crowning, you're going to want some clean towels and a pair of clean plastic gloves to catch the kid.

No. 2189236

No. 2189240

How do I build more self-confidence? especially for standing up for myself in relationships in a mature way. I tend to yell and cry until I get what I want. Literally how do I stop doing this?

No. 2189248

Thank you anon. I'm going to put together a bag, with towels, gloves, and a clean pillow in case she needs to lay down before the paramedics arrive.

No. 2189287

Why does bad memories of people being mean to me comes to me from time to time? How to stop it? How to forget it permanently?

No. 2189291

you simply must counter those thoughts by remembering bad things about those people and realizing that they had no right to be mean to you. same with people who talked down to you. just rip them apart mentally and your brain won’t be giving you anxiety about not pleasing them. they’re assholes so it’s okay to do.

No. 2189292

You have to practice! Whenever you’re in a situation that requires confidence, ask yourself what a confident, self-assured person would do and do that. You’ll get good at it with age, and eventually it’ll be your natural way to handle conflict. It helped me to imagine that like… I was a different person when acting more confident. Like I was suddenly overtaken by the soul of a girlboss.

No. 2189299

How did taxi drivers do before the invention of GPS, especially inthe big cities? Did they know all the streets, even the tiny ones, by heart?

No. 2189301

Thanks, it's working! Feels easier

No. 2189304

Yes. You would also have paper maps that you can reference if you're in an unfamiliar area. And sometimes if the area was particularly niche, your passenger would tell you to head towards a landmark, like "I live by Southside Church." and you would head there and then they would direct you down the smaller streets to their exact location.

No. 2189316

Yes, part of the hiring process to start working for a dispatcher was (and still is) proving you can navigate around the area with ease

No. 2189319

Iirc they actually had to pass pretty insane tests proving they knew how to get around the city before they could become cab drivers.

No. 2189339

why is the celebricows thread in /ot/ and not /snow/?

No. 2189431

Lately it's been around 8:30-9 AM, but that's because I messed up my sleep schedule. I prefer to wake up at 6 or 7.

No. 2189448

Does skin whitening soap actually work? I need to get rid of my ugly ass farmers tan. I just want to attack my arms and my current strategy is not working.

No. 2189450

I have no idea, I remember waking up one day and it being moved to /ot/

No. 2189473

Yes. Use kojie san soap and then moisturize with amlactin.

No. 2189555

My mom brought it up when I was talking about how I wish I didn't have a period and that I know I'll never use the eggs anyway lol. The pay sounded good so I got curious, but all the google results were from donation centers themselves so I wasn't really sold
I figured as much. I already do it every once in a while for the money and calorie burn kek
Didn't know it was all that dangerous and complicated. Thanks for the info and responses, guess I'll stick to plasma

No. 2189660

Lol anon you responded to the wrong post but I want to add onto this. The soaps definitely work but can be extremely drying IME. I had bad backne when I was a teen and the soap I used helped with spots but it left me so dry I felt like my skin was going to crack open.

Lotions and serums containing arbutin are my go to for evening out body skin tone these days. I’m Hispanic and tan (and burn) very easily but I was really surprised with how quickly the Hada Labo whitening toner lightened where I used it. I haven’t used that specific toner in years so I’m not necessarily recommending it as I’m not sure if the formula has changed.

UV protective arm sleeves look a little silly but they’ve prevented me from getting a farmers tan in years. I keep a pair in my car and a pair in my purse.

No. 2189709

i think i accidentally ate raw sausage is it over?

No. 2189721

No. 2189754

prepare to get parasites

No. 2189776

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Is the following passage of Dazais No Longer Human meant to be funny? Because I found it very much so.
>The ensuing days were imprinted with my anxiety and dread. I continued on the surface making everybody laugh with my miserable clowning, but now and then painful sighs escaped my lips. Whatever I did Takeichi would see through it, and I was sure he would soon start spreading the word to everyone he saw. At this thought my forehead broke out in a sweat; I stared around me vacantly with the wild eyes of a madman. If it were possible, I felt, I would like to keep a twenty-four hours a day surveillance over Takeichi, never stirring from him, morning, noon or night, to make sure that he did not divulge the secret. I brooded over what I should do: I would devote the hours spent with him to persuading him that my antics were not "on purpose" but the genuine article; if things went well I would like to become his inseparable friend; but if this proved utterly impossible, I had no choice but to pray for his death.
Either way, very relatable lol.

No. 2189779

The meat in cased sausage is already cooked even if it isn’t prepared, so even if you eat it cold you’ll be fine

No. 2189794

Everytime I click on lolcow.farm it redirects to farmcow.lol and everything looks reversed unless I go to private mode. Does anyone has this issue?

No. 2189806

im gonna hold your hand when I tell you this…you were banned

No. 2189868

You’ve been lolcow blacklisted and we have your location, its too late anon

No. 2189885

Time to enter my villain arc.

No. 2189887

Why is it so rare for there to be underwear with legs (like boxers or boxer briefs) for women?? I can't be the only one who's autistic about needing my entire backside covered and either way, surely there's people who prefer the style or don't care about looks? I think it looks the best. Even a lot of allegedly "full-coverage" or "boyshort" underwear is still cropped to have some of the butt peeking out.
>inb4 just buy men's underwear
I do but it still doesn't make sense why boxer briefs are nearly never marketed to women when they're so much comfier. also I usually have to buy kid sizes

No. 2189894

nonnies where do you get your daily supply of cat (or any cute animal) pictures/videos. I used to just follow a bunch of twitter accounts but once they get popular they always start advertising OF shit.

No. 2189910

I could have sworn there was a company called lady boxers that does make boxers and boxer briefs for women.

No. 2189912

There's a lot of simple cute creature content on tumblr, a lot of them just take content from other sources and some are people's own pets. With big blogs they might occasionally drop an ad but it's unlikely to be an OF ad, usually the ones I see are for cheap gimmicky Temu-esque home products, which isn't as offensive. Small bloggers might veer into trying to soapbox but filtering tags like #trans or #palestine helps cut out slacktivist content

No. 2189952

yeah i get that vapes are slightly "better" for you than cigarettes (how much better i dont know, i havent seen many studies on this) so its not going to destroy your throat and lungs the same way chainsmoking a whole pack would, but the nicotine content IS the same then? it just seems like a lot, even if nicotine itself won't really hurt you
thanks for confirming the amount, that is very surprising to me given how often i see people taking hits every 2 seconds. yeesh

No. 2189967

Shop online to find them. I've bought some online that are cotton and loose and very long, reaching mid thigh.

No. 2190099

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I had a dream that my boss gave me the OK to do something and didn't realize it was a dream (was feeling sick and fairly out of it…) Later got asked what's going on and I said it's ok, boss approved it. Later realized that she didn't, and boss sent me a message basically saying "uhh you can't be telling people I approved you for something we never talked about?"
How do I salvage this without looking stupid or like I'm making up dumb excuses? I swear I wasn't intentionally being careless about it, I just really vividly dreamed that we had a clear discussion about it…

No. 2190111

gaslight her into thinking shes the crazy one that forgot she gave you the ok, there is no other way to get out of this not looking like a massive dummy

No. 2190114

Agree with >>2190111 you’re gonna have to go really hard with the gaslighting here nonna kek

No. 2190116

They’ve become really common now. Pretty sure even Hanes makes long boxer briefs for women now. I’m not sure about availability in stores but I’ve seen them online. Random gibberish brands on Amazon make them too.

No. 2190129

Can one you (or all of you, fuck it) shame me out of doing drugs?

No. 2190133

you're better than that. and you'll make babushka elsie sad if you do it.

No. 2190134

Samefag to make it easier: I’m a stoner and I want to stop but it’s so like. Widely accepted? Where I live that smoking multiple times a day everyday isn’t seen as an addiction or a drug problem in my state. It’s just seen as normal behavior. Pls someone step on my neck for it

No. 2190135

Imagine being so retarded that you need to do drugs to feel an ounce of happiness. Pathetic.

No. 2190143

Just do hallucinogenics instead like lsd or shrooms.

No. 2190144

You're apart of the same demographic of r/gooners

No. 2190146

Kek nta bit that hits hard.

No. 2190149

thats still drugs though nonny

No. 2190153

They're non addictive so it's better than anything nonna might do.

No. 2190154

There are /shay/tards who managed to quit weed. Are you worse than a fucking shaytard?

No. 2190179

> Uhh uhh uhh booly me I'm too much of le quirky weed smoker
It's too late for you tbh. Go date a moid who wacks it to tranny porn like all the other attention whore stoner girls instead of blogging about your lack of spine.

No. 2190271

Where does that old blue and white striped underwear in anime trope come from?

No. 2190279

Use your brain nonnie, there is a nonzero chance it's from children.

No. 2190291

its because it makes asses look fatter supposedly.

No. 2190300

You don’t need to shame yourself. You just need to take a tolerance break; 30 days minimum, several months preferably. It’ll help you see you function better when you’re sober like 90% of the time. Also it makes the occasions you do get high even better because you haven’t built a massive tolerance from doing it every day.

No. 2190325

>Want to make a horror game
>Can't even decide if I should make it 2D or 3D
What should I do? I can draw but I don't don't want to make a fucking pixel rpg so idk what to do.

No. 2190326

I've never seen a Loli or child character wear them though

No. 2190327

NTA but I quit cold turkey months ago after smoking daily for years and it turns out weed wasn’t making me lazy and apathetic, I’m like that all on my own. Now I just cry myself to sleep every night because weed made it so I could fall asleep the second I laid down and now I actually have to think about how much I suck at life lmao.

Also anon never specified weed. For all we know she’s a crackhead

No. 2190345

>I don't don't want to make a fucking pixel rpg
Why not? They're amazing when they're good. Plus they're simply a classic medium.

No. 2190350

>For all we know she’s a crackhead
KEK ok that’s fair, I definitely assumed weed. And sorry to hear that, should have specified that what worked for me won’t necessarily work for everyone.

No. 2190356

Make it a 2d horror game that looks like vid related, but make the story where you're trapped in a convention center during a hurricane and get locked in a building for 30 hours full of the following people:

Pick up artist convention
Furry convention
Child beauty pageant and they're all creepy little shits
Foot surgery convention (bad end = no feet, just a cartoon bone at the end)

No. 2190368

If a doctor asks me if I'm sexually active, do I say yes or no if I'm intentionally abstinent long-term but over a year ago I had sex 3 or 4 times? They were traumatic experiences with an abuser, does the doctor need to know about that or can I just say I'm definitely not having any sexual contact with anybody anytime soon and leave it at that

No. 2190372

>over a year ago
you say no

No. 2190376

Why are ugly dog breeds so popular? Dogs are expensive and many of the most expensive breeds are objectively ugly, on top of having respiratory issues due to their deformities. So what makes them so popular? Is it just the millennial/boomer instinct of thinking an ugly faced animal is peak humor? I don't like stay mongrels either but they're way cuter than a pitbull or a pug, plus you can adopt them for free

No. 2190381

>grouping pugs with shitbulls
Take it back, now.
Also pugs are super long lived, most to 12-16, which is normal for little dog breeds. They just "look like they are suffering" to people that don't know dogs and want to feel like they know something. Do you cape for german shepards and cocker spaniels fucked by breeding standards too no ok just the flat faced ones alright. Also mutt hardiness only works if the og breeds weren't fucked, goldendoodles are cancer bombs and any shepard mix will have hip displaysia

No. 2190382

>Pick up artist convention

ngl that sounds absolutely terrifying and like a great idea for a game also would go viral

No. 2190386

Do you consider Chihuahuas ugly? Because they're my favorite

No. 2190389

do i spend money on stretched canvases or unstretched canvas cloth that i just nail to the wall

No. 2190391

Kek calm down nonnie, I just think they're ugly. And I actually do think most if not all pedigree dogs are genetically fucked up, just that some are uglier than others on top of that. German shepherds included btw.
I'd say they're kind of a mix between ugly and cute. I don't like their faces and the fact that they're kind of annoying, but they're small so that makes them cute. The fluffy long haired ones are very cute, though. I guess I just like cats so I like the dogs that resemble cats the most kek

No. 2190403

I'm just tired of them. I want to make something different but I can't into 3D
Wow, okay, your idea is scarier than mine, kek

No. 2190405

who the fuck is Oloff

No. 2190412

Is Viktor Tsoi the only rock artist that had an actual tragic death that didnt involve alcohol or drugs?

No. 2190422

Jeff Buckley?

No. 2190453

Is it possible to have spyware on your phone that makes it possible for another person to see what you are doing? How would I know if I have something like that on my phone?

No. 2190454

Maybe Elliott Smith? Not necessarily rock but he was definitely sober and had been for a while when he either killed himself or was murdered. Unlike with Kurt Cobain I do think it’s possible his girlfriend killed him but he was also such a whiny depressed sad sack that a lot of his friends had stopped talking to him and assume he killed himself.

Oh, and Buddy Holly.

No. 2190466

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Please explain why multiple anons on here admit to finding this thing sexually appealing

No. 2190470

My gums started bleeding, what could it be? plese tell me its fixable.. i havent gone to a dentist since i was a teen because i cant afford it

No. 2190471

People tend to be more honest when anonymous

No. 2190474

It’s not a great sign and you should really try to get yourself to a dentist. Even a yearly cleaning is better than nothing and will be under $100 (mine are $80 out of pocket without X-rays). Do you live in the US? If yes see if there are any Federally Qualified Health Centers available in your area that do dentistry. If not is there a dental school anywhere near you? They typically offer cleanings at a heavy discounts because it’ll be a student working on you.

Don’t freak out especially if they just started bleeding but you really don’t want to wind up with periodontal disease or some shit. Look into all resources available to you or try to save up to pay out of pocket for a cleaning and checkup.

No. 2190477

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>Periodontal disease, also known as gum disease, is a bacterial infection that affects the tissues surrounding the teeth, including the gums, periodontal ligament, and jawbone. It is a leading cause of tooth loss in adults.
jesus fucking christ its so over i am sure i have it because the bleeding has been going on for a while holy shit

No. 2190482

Why annoys me so much when people send voice notes? And I mean close people, like friends and family.
Anyone has the same problem with voice notes? It's so petty but sometimes I even don't respond for a while like why they don't text it or better call me. I don't fancy that in between.

No. 2190485

No no no, it’s not over! You have time! That’s not something that usually happens until you’re much older. Don’t freak out, just make getting a cleaning and a checkup a priority. You’ll be alright, anon.

No. 2190488

is it possible to reverse it? i have been telling my mom to take me to the dentist since i was like 18 to no avail i wonder how much damage i did to my teeth, fucking hell

No. 2190498

Idk about reversing but periodontists are literally gum doctors that deal with serious periodontal disease. My mom had to get a bone graft and implant a few years ago but it’s unlikely you’re in that position. Again, are you in the US? If you’re low income federally qualified health centers can likely help you get a cleaning depending on the state you’re in (no dentists in my red state but I border a blue state and my personal dentist actually volunteers at one in the blue state). Dental colleges are also an option as is private pay. If you’re not in a big major city it won’t be exorbitantly expensive and it’s absolutely worth paying for regular cleanings out of pocket to avoid future issues. Even people with the most fastidious oral hygiene need cleanings and some people just have genetically shitty gums. I’m assuming you’re at least 18 since you’re on lolcow so you can always call around and make your own appointment. Make sure you use a soft toothbrush and aren’t applying too much pressure in the meantime.

Here’s a list of FQHC just in case https://data.hrsa.gov/data/reports/datagrid?gridName=FQHCs

No. 2190515

Don't be a womanchild and take your damn self to the dentist

No. 2190519

Thanks for being the bad cop to my good cop, anon! Bleeding gum anon, LISTEN and make an appointment. You can do it!

No. 2190522

If only i had money

No. 2190523

thanks anon, no sadly i am not in the usa. I havent had health insurance since forever and public hospitals in my third world shithole have rats crawling on the floor.

No. 2190524

Rob someone then, lol

No. 2190525

>"Man, I'm so lonely."
>Random person tries to engage me in a conversation
>"Man, talking to someone is socially exhausting."
>Eventually leaves out of frustration for my lack of engagement
>"Man, I'm so lonely."
>Lather, rinse repeat ×9000000

What's wrong with me?

No. 2190528

Break open your piggy bank or simply stop buying unnecessary shit for a bit and save up. It’s really not that expensive. Donate plasma if you’re desperate; you’ll given get a free checkup out of it and one time will be more than enough to cover an appointment. You’re not helpless.

No. 2190534

open up nonny its for a good cause

No. 2190546

Okay and? You either now know you have gum disease and will figure out a way to do something about it, or you'll make up excuses til the cows come home - from rats, to lack of money, to abusive mom, whatever will stop you from fixing the issue while still getting asspats. Poor you, bad teeth and a bad life, time to do something about it.

No. 2190563

How do I stop feeling like my friends don't actually like me and are at most tolerating me and are only hanging out with me out of pity?

No. 2190565

I have a different stupid dentist related question: wdyd if you actually can afford a dentist but the dentists themselves refuse to do any work on you because you don't have the specific insurance they want? And you already tried calling a dozen other places too and none of them accept it either? Like pretty much no place in town nor nearby.

Where I live you can't really just walk in and ask, not even for emergencies. It's like "no sorry we only cover Limeadecare" but you only have Lemonadecare. Is there a way to change insurance or something?

No. 2190566

Without knowing what country you’re in it’s hard to help.

No. 2190568


No. 2190569

Why are so many sons being born? All the top female artists/celebrities like Rihanna, Nicki, Katy, Hailey Bieber, also in baby related media in Korea and i guess Japan they always feature boys but almost never girls

No. 2190573

I feel like everyone around me is having boys too. My sister had a boy recently and I'm secretly a bit disappointed it's not a girl. One of the many reasons I can't have kids is my shameless bias against boys. wtf would I even do with one? Play sportsball and videogames all day until they get into porn and hide in their rooms all the time? No thanks

No. 2190584

Awesome. Is it a marketplace plan? There’s a shit ton of miscommunication with those ime and a lot of dentists are listed as taking certain plans but when you call they say they don’t take it at all or aren’t taking any more patients on that plan. It’s a pain in the ass. Look at your plans EOB and see exactly what’s covered on your plan if it’s a specific procedure you’re being told isn’t covered. The marketplace plans suck for anyone over 18 (at least the cheaper ones) and cover practically nothing outside of routine cleanings and even then both myself and my sister (on different plans) were not able to find a single local dentist who would actually accept our insurance. I wound up canceling my plan and just pay the dentist I’ve had since I was still on my dad’s plan through his work out of pocket. The insurance I had paid $20 towards cleanings if the dentist was out of network like mine but $20 off an $80ish dollar cleaning wasn’t worth the $14 per month copay when the plan doesn’t even cover fillings.

I’m sorry you’re dealing with this nonsense too but I’m kinda glad to know the impossibility of finding a dentist that’ll accept certain plans isn’t because I and my sister are retarded lmao

No. 2190594

If your first kid is a son it’s your karma and it means the mother is probably not a good person or a girls girl and you named 3 women who are not good people or girls girls. And no Rihanna doesn’t care about other women otherwise she wouldn’t have had a baby with a known colorist gang banger

No. 2190596

This is all a headcanon but I’m telling you the worst women you know had sons first I don’t make the rules. And if they had a daughter first best believe they kept trying until it was a boy hence why so many older sisters exist. End of conspiracy

No. 2190607

How much of a red flag is it if a man likes female pop stars?

No. 2190621

What you can do now until you go to the dentist is start flossing. I had bleeding for a bit but it when away after I started flossing regularly. You'll be fine.

No. 2190623

Everyone I've known in the past 5 years has had a baby boy. In total it's 6/8 babies are male in the people I know with 2/8 being girls. It seems really weird.

No. 2190630

If he just likes the music, it's whatever. If he's invested in her personally there's a 100% chance he's sexually attracted to the artist.

No. 2190633

lol calm down why are some of you so aggresive here

No. 2190638

How can I identify male narcissists on the first date?

No. 2190639

I think there's like 1 or 2 honest kirbyanons and the rest of them are joking

No. 2190641

You need to floss more, once or twice per day. It will stop.

No. 2190651


what do you think about this then? >>>/ot/2190473

No. 2190655

When you brush your teeth, make sure you're hitting your gum line. If you haven't been brushing or flossing as well as you typically do then it's possible that plaque has built up. When there's bacteria on your gums and you disturb it, it irritates the gums which makes them bleed, and if there's plaque then you may be ripping off small pieces of your gums when you brush/floss. Just keep brushing and flossing really well consistently and the bleeding will lessen.

No. 2190659

It's brilliant, nona, I need these games

No. 2190663

it's always so jarring to see "sage your shit" redtexts in celebricows.. there's no rule about saging in /ot/ and the thread would be better fit for /snow/. i just don't get it

No. 2190682

It's a red flag as it means he's gay.

No. 2190692

it's a gay flag, even more so if he's extra invested in her (male pop stans want to self insert/skinwalk the woman rather than fuck them). see if he has a twitter account

No. 2190744

NTA but i don't understand this. If men don't listen or "stan" female popstars why are they THIS oversexualized? I can understand women liking britney spears and rihanna, but female artists these days are no different than hookers and gay men are a small minority, so why do female singers act like this and why do women like it?

No. 2190763

Men do sexualize and jerk off to them all the time. They just won't call themselves fans or be active on groups discussing them.

No. 2190764

What's the name of the character from Red Dead Redemption that was a meme on here some years back because of hornyposting? I only remember that being the game he's from

No. 2190768

Arthur Morgan I think

No. 2190769

Yes that was it. Thank you nonners

No. 2190777

Celebrity women are just high end prostitutes.

No. 2190832

Because they get paid for it of course

No. 2190932

What could be causing a burning sensation in my perineum? It started when I bought a cheaper brand of pads, could it be that? I don't think so because my period ended a couple days ago and it still feels sore. I don't have sex so it can't be an STD.

No. 2190957

How can I befriend people at the gym? What are some good conversation starters? I'm so retarded it feels like I forgot how to socialize unless I'm approached first

No. 2190978

I'm not sure if this will help but here's some things I use to make conversation with people I don't know when I don't have anyone else I know with me:
- Start with small talk. You don't have to be creative about it.
- Ask about the person you're talking to. Pay attention to their replies, don't just pretend to be interested.
- Engage with what they said. If they mentioned their sister, mention you have a sister too. This is still small talk, so don't get too deep into it
- After you talk about yourself a bit, let them talk about themselves again. Try to balance how much you talk and how much they talk.
- Again, be genuinely interested in what they have to say, even if it's superficial. People like being paid attention to and talking about themselves.
- Read the person. If they aren't responding to you, not looking at you, seem bored, etc, they don't want to talk. Don't insist.
Edited to add some other points:
- Let them finish talking, don't interrupt.
- Don't listen just to reply. This is hard to define, but basically, try to stay on topic with what they said
- Alternatively, if they won't let you get a word in or are talking to you just to reply, or they're simply boring, just give up on the conversation. Disengage with something simple, like "Well I gotta go" or "I'm gonna go get a drink". It's possible the person doesn't want to disengage. In that case, good luck lol.

No. 2191059

It could be the different pads, or maybe different laundry detergent, underwear with irritating fabric, tight-fitting pants, spicy/allergenic food, strained too hard while pooping, sat on the toilet too long (unhealthy for the anal area), or just a random non-STD infection

No. 2191084

Cast some enchantments. Humbly introduce yourself. Smile. Offer some drugs. Tell a joke. Confess your loneliness and beg for charity.

No. 2191131

This reads like modern poetry

No. 2191178

What kind of retarded reply is this kek

No. 2191227

Is calling North American Roma people 'Gypsy' a slur like it is in other parts of the world? From my cursory knowledge of them from reality TV, many of them seem to happily self ID as such.

No. 2191236

File: 1727906367007.png (194.9 KB, 550x396, Whyisshesowide.png)

Why is Pearl so big? I've seen her next to her sister, and that made her look brolic because she's both tall and wide, but this is her next to significantly tall, large men. It feels photoshopped, but it's not.

No. 2191278

Idk who this is but some people are just built like that.

No. 2191283

I think she is wearing heels here.

No. 2191284

File: 1727908223303.png (475.15 KB, 768x1404, Ring-Size-Chart-768x1404.png)

how do you determine your ring size? i tried doing the string & measure way but i'm getting like 66mm as my measurement and according to this chart that means my fingers are almost fatter than an average mans. i have chubby fingers but i dont think theyre THAT big? am i just in denial? i'm trying to order a nice ring online so i can't just try it on to see.

No. 2191291

>Tfw you pickme so hard that you start looking like a man

No. 2191297

Go into a jewelry shop nearby and ask them to size you, they don't charge.

No. 2191298

File: 1727908538351.png (149.69 KB, 355x244, fgfdfd.PNG)

Just get one of these. If you don't feel like it, ask to try out someone else's ring that knows their ring size, preferably someone with fatter fingers. That should give you a good idea on where you stand, and if you measurements are correct.

No. 2191305

If a cow or celebrity you hate came to you asking for a favor only you were capable of completing, would you do it for them? Personally I would take pride in being able to say no to lana del rey or Onision, but I’d also love to extort them

No. 2191318

I think Americans in general have much lower awareness that it's even a slur and not just what the group is called. I have no skin in the game but every time it's been relevant for me to mention to someone, I've always gotten the reaction of "wait what? What are they actually called then?" It may technically be insensitive but 99% of the time someone says it in NA they aren't trying to be mean.
string method is hard to get a precise measurement from, you're likely going to overmeasure. I'd also ignore stuff that tries to guess a ring size based on your height and weight. As the other replies mentioned you can buy a ring sizer or ask in a jewelry store

No. 2191329

getting the same 3 numbers in a row on the sonic totem pole is a yes, right?

No. 2191344

File: 1727911114539.png (2.45 MB, 1730x1867, Screenshot_5.png)

Does anyone know if these holographic pendants have some specific name? They used to be everywhere and cheap in the 90s and 2000s and now I can't find them anywhere but on Etsy for ridiculous prices. Did they stop making them?

No. 2191415

File: 1727913895045.jpg (1.64 MB, 2753x4096, 3273849638041.JPG)

I don’t think they have a name. No idea they sold for 80+ usd now! I bought this same one at earthbound for 15 bucks back in 2016 even though the listing claims it’s authentic 60s kek.

No. 2191440

Damn I hope they become more available. I would think its something that would be all over aliexpress or something but no luck. I'm sure I have a pendant like that somewhere from childhood but idk what was in it. I want one with Mary lol

No. 2191459

File: 1727915815808.webp (126.78 KB, 1200x1600, s-l1600.webp)

Wow, I tried to find them too, but no dice. I wonder why they're seemingly not being made anymore

No. 2191495

do you think kpop is ever getting unbanned?(no)

No. 2191497

Just go to heolkek

No. 2191529

its not the same, they suck too much dick there and a post with more than paragraph will get you banned

No. 2191551

Why is it banned?

No. 2191610

File: 1727929566516.jpeg (2.96 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_1477.jpeg)

Do I have neutral undertones? I have never been able to tell, but I think I might.

No. 2191615

i thought this was a dick pic

No. 2191633

kek, I'm sorry nona I can see how the photo looks phallic, like an uncircumcised penis with a gaping urethra.

No. 2191640

I’m more concerned about your lack of wrist…? Penis arm.

No. 2191644

It's impossible to tell because lightning and camera settings can affect the colors in a photo. Also, don't post yourself.

No. 2191651

How do i know if i am bi without hurting some other woman's feelings? i find pussy very appealing but i am a virgin. I want to experiment but i am scared i might not like it and hurt some girls feeling for being selfish. Sorry for the cringe question feel free to booly.

No. 2191659

You could try hooking up.

No. 2191672

>what if my groomer fails to groom me(bait)

No. 2191704

In a lot of novels, when two characters part ways there'll be a passage about how Character X didn't turn around once as they were leaving. A personal cow I used to follow some years ago also said the fact that she never looks back when she says goodbye to someone makes her so uneek and kewl. Is this really something people pay attention to?

No. 2191707

Just be honest about the fact that you only want to experience and be stern about it not being anything serious. You'd be surprised, there are women who will still be open to hooking up with you. If you're upfront about your intentions it's nbd.

No. 2191710

Assuming this is true to life in terms of colour, I'd say you have cool undertones

No. 2191940

Whi is Wi-Fi no freely available on planes? It's weird to get (shitty) free internet on the train but not on the expensive long haul flights.

No. 2191943

Lol, cunts literally cannot take a break. If they stop making fun of others for a single second, they die.

No. 2192015

why do femboys creep me out?

No. 2192017

They're AGP trannies who can't commit to the bit. They coom and goon to lolis with dicks so much they think they can become the loli with a dick just because they're skinnyfat and still have hair left. They're all misogynist racists too.

No. 2192018

they look like prepubescent sexualized girls + grown men, how couldn't they creep you out?

No. 2192090

because theyre a pedophilic fetish you are supposed to be creeped out by them

No. 2192095

Why do people eat ass? Does it feel good to have yours eaten? Two guys tried to do it to me and both times I could barely feel anything and I couldn't stop thinking about how unsanitary it is.

No. 2192097

It feels good along with other stimulation but not by itself from a female perspective, my boyfriend told me the same for himself lol

No. 2192101

You mean you ate your bfs ass?

No. 2192111

Yes anon believe it or not, women eat ass

No. 2192125

For me butthole stimulation doesn't feel like anything on the actual hole, but it gives me a pleasurable "pit in my stomach" feeling (as opposed to like, clit stimulation where you feel it directly in the vagina). I don't know if that's the same for other people but that's why I like it.

No. 2192130

Samefag but I don't think "pit" is the right way to describe it. It just feels good somewhere deep in my stomach, it's probably my lower intestine kekkk

No. 2192181

That’s really disgusting I’m not even joking

No. 2192190

Ayrt honestly I'm not gonna judge you, but I knew other nonas would lol

No. 2192200

why are people so insistent that squirt is "just pee" when it obviously isn't (besides their only exposure to it being porn where they actually are just peeing or hearsay) and why do people simultaneously ignore that semen and pee literally come out of the same hole in penises

No. 2192202

I think it's because most women don't squirt so they don't realize that it doesn't actually come out of the urethra. I don't watch porn though so idk if that's noticeable in porn.

No. 2192217

That’s fine. I’m comfortable with it lol
So glad my personal sex life causes you so much grief anon, I cant imagine being that pressed over someone else getting laid

No. 2192225

It doesn't feel good or bad, but one time my boyfriend asked and I said yes, but once his face was in there I clamped my cheeks as hard as I could and he legitimately got stuck while I laughed. So the moral of this story is that eating ass is gay, but you should squats daily in order to humiliate bottom feeders.

No. 2192226

Nta but stop being weak and maybe just walk away from the computer if it's too distressing. Licking moid asshole is retarded and gross but don't throw a tantrum, jesus.(report, do not reply)

No. 2192231

No. 2192242

Anon you’re forgetting you are the one being judgmental over randoms sex life, you’re pressed and raging because I literally said I ate my boyfriends ass once. Crazy thought but it feels good for him and I’m willing. You’re projecting your own insecurities, you getting called a prude is none of my business. Now stop sperging and most importantly, GET LAID!

No. 2192251

I really like thread image. Why is it so cute?

No. 2192258

Bj-chan please take a shower you haven’t bathed in six months(report, do not reply)

No. 2192259

Keep raging kek. Eat ass = not feminist. You look ridiculous. I clearly hit a nerve simply telling you that yes, you judging me for doing something to please my partner is your own insecurity and not my problem. You call yourself a feminist but literally shit your pants because a woman wants to eat ass? Lol talk about a sensitive miserable human being. You’re so pressed about being called a prude your whole life you just cannot even imagine a woman enjoying sex, or wanting to please a man, because YOU have unresolved issues. This isn’t a “feminist” issue this is about you being a miserable retard

No. 2192268

Does anyone have that video of turkey tom wrestling some random guy on the floor? It was very short.

No. 2192278

ok ntayrt but are you saying women troon out because that anon doesn’t eat ass?

No. 2192279

You are both retarded

No. 2192282

lol… shitlicker

No. 2192283

I'm OP of that question and I can't believe they're still talking about it. Inflighting on the whole site has been increasing a lot. Is it newfags? What's going on?

No. 2192285

oh that's a good point actually. i wish it was generally better understood rather than being some mystery of the female body

No. 2192289

LMAO do you really think you can escape womanhood by trooning out? Do you really think you'll actually become a man?

No. 2192292

> I want to kill myself or troon out because I hate being a woman and the anon I replied to
Stop right there. An infight is making you want to either end your life or harm your body?

No. 2192295

ntayrt but anon you really do not want to kill yourself. going to hell for suicide is fucking terrifying

No. 2192297

I didn't read all your messages. What dishonesty are you talking about?

No. 2192298

im not even trying to be backhanded or mean nonna im being for real you should not kill your self

No. 2192302

guys stop giving the schizo attention

No. 2192304

Dude if an argument about me saying I ate my boyfriends ass makes you want to kill yourself, please get off of here. I didn’t say anything out of line to you. But seriously, I don’t want you taking mental damage because I heavily disagree with the things you said to me. Like I said, your problems are not my problems but I recognize you aren’t well. And I encourage you to get help.

No. 2192305

We need not insult nonas for tonguing their Nigels tooters, nor blame our supposed troon urges on them, nor tell them they have penis arms. We must be kind to one another!

No. 2192307

Kek ok you lost me there. BPD using suicide as a manipulation tactic. "I'm gonna kms and it's all your fault I hope your happy now grovel and apologize."

No. 2192308

How do you expect random anonymous strangers to know your triggers?

No. 2192310

I can't believe I live in a timeline where I would be called insecure and sexless because I find licking your nigels butthole disgusting.

No. 2192314

Eating ass is disgusting in itself but to do it on a rape ape of all people its just degrading and prostitute tier
>inb4 "my nigel is one of the good ones"

No. 2192317


No. 2192319

You are being manipulative. I don't doubt you're feeling mental pain, but you need to learn how to deal with it in a less harmful way. You need to reach the source of why your triggers exist and recontextualize them. Putting your life in the hands of other people will not solve anything, it will only make you feel worse because you have no control over others, only yourself. Unironically and kindly, seek therapy. It can help you understand yourself and your pain.
But having real pain doesn't excuse being manipulative.

No. 2192325


No. 2192326

File: 1727987600390.jpeg (83.24 KB, 828x625, mvnbykgev3xc1.jpeg)


No. 2192327

>woman rightfully finds eating out of a man's shithole degrading
>unironically gets told she just needs to have sex to get over it

No. 2192329

I'm trying to help you jfc. Victimizing yourself will only make your pain worse. You need to take responsibility for yourself, your actions and your feelings. You think being a victim puts in a comfortable place of not having any responsibilities. You need to go through discomfort to reach happiness.(report, do not reply)

No. 2192333

I struggle with suicidal ideation to this day. For decades it was a daily occurrence, but I did what I'm telling you to do and I'm much happier and more functional now. I'm trying to help you because I understand you.

No. 2192337

open your eyes bjchan if you go to therapy and eat a mans ass you can reach happiness like her

No. 2192340


No. 2192342

Nobody cries that society calls women prudes? Kek what is this thread right now
Back to the stupid questions: is it gay that my partner and his moid friends compared muscle sizes. If so, how much homoerotism is acceptable before I am allowed to openly laugh

No. 2192348

Is a man secretly gay if he lets the woman eat his ass?

No. 2192349

File: 1727988334544.png (220.16 KB, 568x838, kek.PNG)

No. 2192353

Ayrt, kek thanks now I'm sad. Damn that's true

No. 2192354

is this from a book or something written by someone who’s never had a nigel who actually wanted them or what

No. 2192357

Nta but its pretty reasonable to be depressed or feel hopeless over the state of womanhood. Women are mass raped, abused and tortured by moids, their ideas and concerns are not taken seriously, endless sexualization, their spaces get infiltrated by moids, yet women always choose to put their moids first and engage in ridiculous beauty standards, dangerous sex acts, give them families, their time, money, emotional labour and any criticism is met not only by men but by women shitting you down, women rather women keep getting abused than men's feelings getting hurt. Men engage in pedophilia, bestiality, necrophilia, make ai porn of random women but if women call a man in a dress a man she losea her job and is ocstracized by her peers.

No. 2192361

I forget where I saw it explained but basically the normalization of females eating male ass was always a psyop by dl men so they can get their booty fun from all sources. I think it's true especially since many famous have been exposed as dl gay

No. 2192368

I'm so sick of nigelfags ruining every conversation on this website with "omg haha just get dicked down kek lolllll my nigel LOVES ME btw" nobody gives a fuck, nlog

No. 2192369

is cult of the lamb worth playing

No. 2192370

File: 1727989600859.jpg (541.66 KB, 1000x1000, d4XEAEh19A.jpg)

Question for the 18 to 21 year old nonnies: Would you think it's weird if a woman in her late 20s wanted to be your friend? There's a super sweet intern where I work, and I'm thinking about asking for her number when she's leaving us tomorrow. We didn't spend all that much time together because we worked in different teams, but we had some nice conversations and share multiple interests. I just don't know if it would come across as odd or make her uncomfortable if I asked to stay in touch since I'm at least 7 years older than her.

No. 2192371

This is giving me war flashbacks to the "women's history" class I took in college that was changed after years to a "women's and GENDER history" class with a soy christian scrote who made us read this and then the 70's intersex "female" tennis player that was outed for having XY chromosomes. Having PTSD now THANKS nonnie

No. 2192374

there is no shortcut to feeling proud to be yourself beyond working to be the best version of yourself, and a capable and confident person that you're proud to be. the reason there are various pride and education campaigns to highlight the achievements of minority groups–gay pride parades, black history month–is to counteract the efforts of social propaganda that says they're worthless. schools don't tell you about marie curie in march to say that being a genius chemist-physicist is "what's good about being a woman." they do it to counteract the efforts of all the tradwives trying to make a profit by telling you that you're biologically destined to be nothing but a mother. nor is the message that you have to be a genius chemist-physicist to be worthwhile; the message is that you are capable of achieving things, if you try. the bad news is that there's nothing good about being a woman, in the sense that if you feel like there's nothing good about you, then you won't be able to meaningfully fend off that feeling by just tapping into your already existing womanhood and suddenly feeling superior without doing anything to earn it. the good news is that there's everything good about being a woman, in the sense that you're capable of everything and anything that could possibly matter. you can learn, you can create, you can become smart or strong or popular. "but I'll never lift as much weight as–" yeah yeah I've seen the blackpill posts (that were probably written by men pretending to be mentally ill women anyway). as soon as you define your own power in comparison to other people instead of appreciating it for what it is, you lose. "but women get judged so much more harshly for–" sure, but that's out of your hands entirely, so let it go. you simply need to do your best. and I believe in you!

No. 2192376

Yours doesn't even give a shit about you, he's probably cheating om you as we speak. You're delusional.

No. 2192379

>someone who’s never had a nigel who actually wanted them
No you retard. Criticism of men's retarded behaviour doesn't mean you acksually want them.

No. 2192381

Kek I've had the (dis)pleasure of meeting farmers like this on discord and they could never be quiet about how perfect their nigel is and then a few months later come crying about how they caught him watching porn/cheating on her. No joke, I am completely serious.

No. 2192384

> is this from a book written by someone who was in an unhappy relationship
> omg i’m sick of everyone saying “just get dicked down lel!!!!”
Did we read different sentences or something anon

No. 2192386

> a few months later
That’s really fucking sad. It’s one thing to be incapable of fostering long term healthy relationships but it’s another to find out that someone you loved watches porn

No. 2192387

yeah it's fun

No. 2192389

so is it authored by someone who hasn’t had a relationship with a male…at all? i’m actually asking because i am curious and i don’t see a name attached to the screenshot so i can’t really google to do research on my own sorry

No. 2192390

Seriously. Bashing the women of course not the men ruining their relationships lmao. You guys love to pretend to be on womens side and hate men and then you make fun of the chicks on here getting cheated on?

No. 2192391

I just want you to know that I see what you're doing and I kek'd

No. 2192396

can you explain to me what you think i’m doing because i was asking a real question? does anyone know the name of the author so i can do independent research

No. 2192401

no i wouldnt find it weird at all

No. 2192403

it's by Marilyn Frye, she is a lesbian, however if you think men can only bond with their bangmaids, and that lesbians don't have a say in this, because they don't have a nigel, says a lot about how you perceive relationships with men.

No. 2192407

The funny thing is how they keep making everyone listen to their relationship stories as if it's so exciting, act superior and make him out to be Mr. Perfect to intentionally make nonnas jealous, straight up go "not all men" when they talk about him and constantly indirectly brag about having a boyfriend to nonnas who aren't interested in dating or struggle to do so. It's not some uwu poor women uwu thing but more about how majority of farmers who can never stop bragging about their boyfriends on here are a bunch of pickmes who don't care about female solidarity or whatever, they just want to rub their relationship in your face. I have no empathy for them once their relationship ends after a few months kek

No. 2192408

No thank you.

No. 2192410

File: 1727990753173.png (166.16 KB, 250x355, nyt.PNG)

No. 2192414

Kekkk E coli ass mouth

No. 2192422

Because it is mostly urine with a marginal amount of other fluid that comes out of the urethra.

No. 2192423

> can you tell me someone’s name please?
I know infighting has been really rampant lately but come on

No. 2192424

isn’t the comment in the screenshot about heterosexual relationships though?

No. 2192431

Kek my favorite is when they talk about how nobody has ever treated them as well as their current scrote does… then they announce that he's been cheating for half the relationship… and soon after that they rebound with some other retarded moid who they also idealize. Rinse and repeat. And they do all this while pretending to be man-haters, of course.

No. 2192434

File: 1727991449402.jpg (326.58 KB, 1118x1613, 1727988299405926.jpg)

What necklace is this, or more broadly, what kind of necklace is it? Like, what it's style would be called.

No. 2192439

Moids are so bad at making women orgasm most of us never fully get to understand our bodies. Of course it’s possible to do through masturbation but much harder. Once you actually experience it you know it’s completely different.

No. 2192440

That's so sweet. If an older woman wanted to be my friend, I'd be ecstatic. 1. The fact someone wants to be my friend is great. As long as she's an adult, age doesn't matter to me. And 2. It's nice to talk to someone more mature and with more experience in life. I'm tired of all my fellow zoomers…

No. 2192441

Nta, don't be obtuse. That anon your ayrt replied to was implying you'd only observe and criticize moid's behavior if you couldn't bag one, and there's no other reason why you'd do so otherwise. Basically that anon missed the point of the book quote, which to me at least says it's pointless to get in a relationship with a man because they only form these with other men rather than with women.

No. 2192442

it's still not just peeing though

No. 2192446

Yeah the body involuntarily does it. I don't think anyone should be grossed out about it

No. 2192448

i think the fluid fills in the bladder so can include any pee in there but it looks and smells different, boldly stating it is mostly pee and only marginally something else is false

No. 2192453

festoon necklace, i think?

No. 2192455

No I read a study where it was tested and it was majority pee? I don't think anyone should be grossed out about it though, it's involuntary.

No. 2192456

actually no, the question that i asked was “was this written by someone who’s never been in a heterosexual relationship” because it is a statement alleging that males basically aren’t capable of forming romantic relationships with women, and the answer to that question was yes. sorry, but i don’t really take the words of someone who has not ever been in a decade long relationship with a male very seriously.

No. 2192457

Oh, that's a good lead! Thanks nona!

No. 2192463

the shay ass eating infight where 5 anons posted their boobs was way worse than this
can i at least call their nigels closet fags

No. 2192464

Wtf is the name of those bras that have no shoulder straps or sides around the chest? It's just like two little pads on the boobs.

No. 2192466

I'm not gonna lie, this is just sounding like you're salty about other people being in relationships KEK.

No. 2192468

Adhesive bra?

No. 2192469

but what does it mean, if this specific quote is very popular within heterosexual/bisexual circles of women, and they relate to it? are you going to say they haven't "been dicked right" too? I personally don't care who first said it, it is about how close to home the quote hits for a lot of women.

No. 2192470

I'm a lesbian so you're just being delusional lmao

No. 2192472

You can be single and resentful regardless of sexuality.

No. 2192475

Nta but I don't understand, if it's not pee then where is it coming from? and sometimes pee can look clear and odorless if you drink enough water, how does anyone tell the difference?

No. 2192477

Thanks stinky!

No. 2192478

My bad, should've clarified that I am in a relationship too. Inb4 "no you're not you're lying no1 curr"

No. 2192480

Nta but I'm currently in a 9 year long relationship and I agree with her.

No. 2192481

File: 1727992603553.jpeg (2.31 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_3277.jpeg)

The woman sitting in front of me smells SO fucking bad like chlorine mixed with b.o mixed with generic musk
If I stay where I’m sitting will the smell rub off of me?(don't post irl pics)

No. 2192482

ayrt, it doesn’t matter to me who the quote is “popular with” anon i was asking about the author specifically…

No. 2192485

>goes on anonymous image board
>akschualy I was just asking who said it……….
I'm not talking to you specifically, because I do not know who you is, anon…

No. 2192486

No?? Maybe she just came back from work or the gym so that's why. It's unfortunate but you have to tolerate it for a while

No. 2192488

i think you might be misunderstanding what i was asking, i wasn’t asking for an anonymous user to reveal their identity to me kek…i was asking who was the author of the quote in the screenshot that was posted…

No. 2192490

My biggest fear with these stinky people in public is how others around us might think the smell is coming off me when I'm just an innocent, decent smelling person

No. 2192492

> are you going to say they haven't "been dicked right" too?
i really don’t understand these vulgar responses when someone asks a question.

No. 2192493

ayrt, I just meant that this quote is valid, because it is relatable to a lot of women. I have no way of knowing if you are genuinely a part of this infight or not.

No. 2192494

Samefag, follow up question: do adhesive bras actually hold the titties up or are they just big ass pasties?

No. 2192497

>how others around us might think the smell is coming off me when I'm just an innocent, decent smelling person
Kekk do you look like a person who'd stink?

No. 2192498

This is genuinely the worst non-poopy smell I have ever smelled
Someone else started coughing it’s so bad

No. 2192499

somebody already replied to you >>2192403 but what does being in a relationship with men have to do with anything? It applies on a societal scale.

No. 2192500

Not really nonna, I look like your average scrawny white woman but I have social anxiety so I am always overthinking everything lmao

No. 2192501

i just don’t take the opinion of someone who hasn’t lived through a long term heterosexual relationship very serious, even if other women (who have a new boyfriend every 6 months) claim to “relate” to it. if the men you’ve involved yourself with weren’t capable of forming a relationship with you, that could potentially just mean you were likely not supposed to be together. not that the entire XY sex is incapable of adhering emotionally to his female counterpart.

No. 2192503

I think these anons might be confusing squirting (which is either women suffering from incontinence during intercourse or porn actresses pissing themselves on purpose) with female ejaculation (thick fluid coming out of the Skene's glands after a woman orgasmed). There has been research done on "squirt" and it was like 99.9% piss in addition to the tiniest bit of Skene's gland fluid

Don't post pictures from your irl you fucking retard

No. 2192505

> quote is about heterosexual relationships with men
> but what does being in a relationship with men have to do with anything?

No. 2192507

science doesn't really bother with studying female-specific biology, so there's no real way to say either way rn. a single study can't give conclusive proof on what it is, and iirc the study said it contained urea which doesn't = urine 1 to 1. i think it will vary depending on how hydrated one is. but in my experience bedding waiting to be washed that has been peed on smells much different to bedding that has been squirted on kek.

No. 2192509

Yeah I think you're right. Squirting comes from urethra, is majority pee. Sorry to be weird but I've never squirted, but when I orgasm my fiancé says I get a looot "wetter" so it's obviously coming from the vagina

No. 2192511

Honestly it doesn't even matter if you're actually in a relationship. The stuff about anons being insensitive to people who can't get a partner by talking about their bfs and intentionally making other sons jealous just sounded like salty singleness. It was just funny to me kek.

No. 2192516

Why would anyone be salty about being single when being single is obviously the superior lifestyle? Nigelfags are always mentally ill and never normal, competent or capable, that's why they need a boyfriend and would vaporize without one.

No. 2192517

Ask them not me.

No. 2192518

ntayrt but because some anons unironically keep saying that whenever relationships and sex gets criticized, even really shitty/nasty relationships/sex acts

No. 2192522

Even if women's bodies are understudied, I think we'd know if there was an organ that randomly produces a large amount of fluid that comes out of the urethra but somehow isn't piss.
>bedding waiting to be washed that has been peed on smells much different to bedding that has been squirted on
That's probably because squirting outside of porn happens when a woman is well-hydrated and can't fully hold her pee in while she orgasms, so obviously it wouldn't have a strong urine smell since it would be mostly water. Your sheets were pissed on anon and that's ok

No. 2192525

that's my experience and my thinking too, don't want to sound like a schizo doubting studies but i genuinely think it's kinda dumb and reductive to say it's just peeing and we've seen "studies" turn out to be wrong or misinformed or poorly carried out time and time again, especially regarding women's bodies. it feels extremely different to how peeing feels (and to how being unable to hold in your piss feels). it's kind of frustrating to have people who've never experienced it (or aren't physically capable of doing so) say over and over again that it's just peeing lol

No. 2192530

The quote is literally true, i don't care about your anecdotal nigel, but the almost if not all the people men respect, admire, look up to, support, listen, are willing to be empathic, nuanced with other men. It's like men saying being a bald roipig is peak masculinity and attraction but a lean pretty boy with hair is gay when it is what women find the most attractive. Men see women as things to have sex with first and foremost. If he finds ypu sexually attractive maybe he will be willing to treat this human but you being sexually attractive and having sex with you is hia first priority.

I meant that a woman doesn't have to be in a relationship with a man to make this observation.

No. 2192538

NTAYRT and I'm sorry to butt in but I do kind of concur it is hard to take the opinion of someone who hasn't actually experienced love from a moid with anything but a grain of salt, because if you haven't experienced it, then of course you're gonna think it doesn't exist and that the entire sex is incapable of love kek.

No. 2192539

> your nigel could never respect you he only cares about fucking you and is secretly gay for other men
what do you have to say about relationships where sex isn’t really the top priority though?

No. 2192541

>the entire sex is incapable of love

No. 2192545

nta but did your dad not love or appreciate you too?

No. 2192549

I'm actually sorry for any trauma you've experienced.

No. 2192571

Sheesh, lolcow truly is going through some rough times.

No. 2192598

Nta but the "your daddy never lived you" excuse is so retarded because even if your father is nice to you that doesn't mean he respects other women and doesn't hold misogynistic beliefs.

No. 2192604

nta both men and women harbor issues with the opposite sex and their own sex too. there is not a single person alive who doesn't do this. letting it get into your head and going crazy about it isnt healthy for anyone. some of yall need to get a grip

No. 2192614

different anon but nobody is going "crazy" about it. plus at least women have a more justified reason for their views on men

No. 2192619

See you in the vent thread crying about how your nigles turned out to be horrible and you feel used for sex because he didn't "love you" yada yada yada

No. 2192626

This is a sad projection, believe it or not there are normalfags in this world capable of long term happy relationships with each other anon

No. 2192629

i might be straight but dont base my worth or happiness on men loving me and i'm realistic about the nature of people and relationships in general- they're self-preserving and thats everyone on earth, men and women. you will still find something in this to be angry about though

No. 2192632

> what about relationships where sex isn't a main priority?
> seeing you in the vent thread crying about feeling used for sex

No. 2192636

I hate you all for turning a question about ass eating into this. Male obsessed!

No. 2192638

I've never been in a relationship because I am superior and don't need it, it's you who'd end up that way and would lose your mind about either being in one or not. People who chase after relationships are never happy and never find peace in life, because they're chasing a false reality.
So it was never about "love" after all, interesting. Sorry you need someone to preserve you and can't preserve yourself on your own I guess.
>relationships where sex isn't the priority
That's called friendship. The whole point of a relationship is sex and the supposed love. If the relationship doesn't involve sex in any way, it's not a relationship by default.

No. 2192639

Would much rather talk about this than ass eating kek. Besides the original question already mentioned men.

No. 2192641

the answer was yes by the way. if a man lets a woman eat his ass he's a fag no ifs ands or butts (lol)

No. 2192642

Don't most boobs naturally face away each other? Why is there so much urge to make sure they're facing forward or together

No. 2192643

i didnt say doesn't involve sex period, i said isnt a huge priority. these newfags really do not read posts word for word. but yeah my 15 year long marriage is totally jus friendz lol!

No. 2192646

File: 1727999752695.png (1.81 MB, 1037x927, for you .png)

> I am superior and don’t need it

No. 2192649

Nona I am so confused by this. You'd think so, but then you see men and women make fun of other women for having boobs that face away from each other. And then on the flip side, I've seen men and women make fun of women who have boobs that face straight forward. I don't get it. You get made fun of either fucking way. It's the same thing with men and women making fun of a woman for having sagging breasts, but then when a woman gets surgery to lift them she is also made fun of. There is no fucking winning

No. 2192651

alright since this is related to the earlier discussion, is there actually any women that men look up to the way men admire online grifters, andrew tate types, and such? i'm genuinely curious not trying to infight. and are there any men who willingly try to cater towards women's interests the way some boy bands used to, without needing a whole team to tell them to do it? i just wanna see examples or if it's even possible because i literally never see it.

No. 2192652

I know that red scarefags drool over those women for nothing in return and basically just camp in their replies and pat their ass about how they're soo right all day long, do you think those men count?

No. 2192654

>both men and women harbor issues with the opposite sex and their own sex too.
Yeah and men's issues with the opposite sex were so vast that thet decided slave them for more than a millenia and subject them to rape, beatings, abuse, sex trafficking that are still happening today. Women's issues with men are NOT comparable.

No. 2192659

>not being into relationships means you're a newfag now
Why are you even acting like your experience is the rule and not the exception? Seems like you're trying to dismiss all the other anons' experiences because YOURS was "good". It's like it stroke a nerve for you that some people prefer not to fall in that trap.
As if being retarded enough to not be able to survive on your own isn't the real stupidity lol. Not only that, but you're getting with someome who has issues with you and you have issues with and both of you resent each other for stupid reasons and give each other the stupidest headaches in existence over the most stupid shit ever. I will never understand this mental illness.

No. 2192665

Nowhere near the extent that women go through to humanize and defend moids they like. Women get cancelled for saying something mean but men can beat and abuse women and still have careers. You also see this in fandom spaces, even if women are cooming to their husbandos they psychoanalyze and try to empathize them most of the time, this is blaringly apparent in fanart, women just draw their husbandos attractively, waifu art looks like fetish art i guess because it is. Even with real people, no matter how talented or smart a woman might seem they always have to point out how hot she is, their blinded by their dicks.

No. 2192673

first anon, i didnt say that not being in a relationship makes it obvious youre a newfag. your behavior is what makes it clear you’re a twitterfag who uses lolcow to seem edgy

No. 2192686

Why do incels think that every attractive woman has had sex with at least like 50 different men? The prettiest women I know have been with like 1-3 at most. The less attractive women I know were the ones who slept around. Is it because they watch porn and think that all women are like the porn stars they jerk off to?

No. 2192691

why arent we allowed to alog? sometimes i find it more weird not to.

No. 2192693

because its just obnoxious

No. 2192695

Why do my hands feel grossly chalky after petting someone's dog or cat? Is that the dead skin?

No. 2192696

I haven't used Twitter in 4 years, but sure, keep calling me random terms because you disagree with me. I'm pretty sure it's not very lolcow culture to be obsessed with a nigel and brag about relationships anyways, it goes against the woman-only spirit of the site and the feminist leaning ideals. Being in a relationship isn't very feminist since it constitutes sharing your life with a man and might end up with marriage, which is a very patriarchal thing that holds women down. Also, gotta love how saying I'm above relationships makes me edgy, lmao, it's not like I insulted your race or something, nothing is edgy about this at all, sorry you have an inferiority complex over your own life choices and can't help but get offended by anyone who disagrees with it and criticizes it.

No. 2192700

whats wrong with being obnoxious?

No. 2192708

they produce oil to maintain their fur just like humans do. Could also be misc dust that accumulates and sticks to them

No. 2192711

> I'm pretty sure it's not very lolcow culture to be obsessed with a nigel and brag about relationships anyways
NTAYRT but the conversation wasn't even bragging about relationships, the original post that was being responded to was something like "Well obviously if you haven't experienced something you're more likely to think that it doesn't exist" and thats just a basic fact kek.

No. 2192735

>Inb4 the oldfags start sperging about how lolcow was never feminist and A MAN gave us our rights- I mean lolcow

No. 2192780

True, but that anon (and I think some others) used the topic as an opportunity to brag about their nigel and pull the classic "your dad didn't love you and that's why you're not obsessed with being codependent on men like me!", so here we are now. And it seems the anons who disagree with the quote do so because their experiences negate it, and they refuse to take into account that other anons' experiences confirms it, and instead of accepting it might be true, they just go with the "you just haven't found the ~one~ yet!" thing instead of listening to those anons or ya know, just scrolling past the topic if nigel bashing or man hate offends them so bad on behalf of their nigel.

No. 2192788

Actually no, the logic isn't "they haven't found the one yet" it's more that it just makes sense why they'd think that love doesn't exist if they haven't experienced it kek. Thats not to say that they should seek it out or something, but their personal emotions based on their trauma or their inability to maintain a relationship doesn't really negate the lived experience of women who actually have been loved

No. 2192792

Sure, they're not messing out on much either way.

No. 2192793


Thread has reached 1100 posts. The thread will be locked and you will be unable to post in it shortly after it exceeds 1200 posts. Please begin preparing a new thread and post a link to it when it's created.

No. 2192796

I just remembered, the "arguments" about their supposed traumas were used as insults rather than actual discussion though. What's that's about? If they don't have to seek love if they don't want to, then why insult them by using their trauma for not believing in it/wanting it? Why even take issue with that to the point of feeling the need to insult them and argue with them about it to begin with? It kinda sounds like you (or the married anon if it's not you) are shilling it or something.(continuing the derail)

No. 2192799

Can you tag the insulting posts?(continuing the derail)

No. 2192804

it's true anon. Plus those podcasts that have onlyfans girls humiliating themselves that are popular with men do not help either.

No. 2192810

All she said was "yes" and they lost their minds and wrote fanfics about her already. If you don't see how these are supposed to be insults for daring to disagree with them, I don't know what to say.
And the one that started the whole argument >>2192354
Because saying man bad=secretly wanting man or whatever, the concept of a woman who doesn't care about relationships with men is unfathomable to them. The author being a lesbian doesn't matter, because some straight women agree with it and sense it in their lives, so it must have some truth to it, regardless of why. I also want to add that saying "your dad didn't love you/you were abused" to shut the discussion is really shitty and placing the blame on the women being victimized rather than the men who hurt them, and it's acting like their experience seem shameful and it somehow makes them less of a person, therfore their opinions should be discarded or something. That's not a very good look for nigelfags and kinda makes it seem like they'd pick men's side over women's anytime, jumping for their defense at every opportunity.(continuing the derail)

No. 2192830

It's not nigelfags it's larping moids baiting in multiple threads and your heartfelt reply is wasted in the retard.

No. 2192854

Oops, maybe you're right.

No. 2192859

I don't see how extending an apology to someone for having negative life experiences is seen as being insulting? I know that a lot of the interactions and posts on this site are purposefully negative but sometimes words do just mean what they say, they aren't meant to be some passive-aggressive message.(continuing the derail)

No. 2192880

File: 1728018917207.jpeg (287.33 KB, 1074x1161, GXnk9q8bUAA-Mm8.jpeg)

what happens when you mix Zoloft with alcohol?

No. 2192884

I think it can be poisonous

No. 2192885


No. 2192893

Because you're a retard. The anon didn't even mention a negative experience in her post, she just answered a question with 'yes' and it was enough to trigger some whore to assume the worst about her to invalidate her post that literally consisted of one word only.(continuing the derail)

No. 2192957

has anyone here succesfully gotten rid of their acne scars?

No. 2192986

You get wasted quicker and have a worse hangover

No. 2192993

What does it mean if I'm thoroughly disgusted by any PDA shown in movies, books and TV? I'm okay with hugging, since it's platonic, but anything like kissing (even a peck), snuggling, sex, etc is extremely off putting and I drop whatever I'm watching/reading if it happens. I can enjoy wholesome romance like dates, hand holding, marriage, but too much of it will put me off. I have no explicit "cause" like trauma to explain it and it's always been like this for me. It sucks because I miss out on a lot of potentially good media, I haven't heard of others having this problem before.

No. 2193002

you're normal

No. 2193025

They're just big ass pasties. If your girls naturally sag, the only thing an adhesive bra is going to do is keep your nipples from showing.

No. 2193087

The only thing that helped me is that mother of pearl soap, I got it from Walmart

No. 2193126

How can I stop being a loser? I’m really cringe and not in a cute endearing way. If you met me irl you would think I’m medically retarded. I don’t even want to be cool just normal.

No. 2193129

Have any nonnies been in jail? The six months kinda ones.

No. 2193132

File: 1728050866423.png (32.48 KB, 275x259, 1722502265188.png)

What are some signs that you might be getting laid off? I'm concerned.

No. 2193144

>Tasks with low impact
>Manager stops asking about goals
>Most expensive person at your level
>Permissions stop getting renewed
>WFH gets denied and OOO is really easy to get. Depending on where you are they have to pay off excess OOO
>You've been PIP'd

No. 2193147

If you suddenly start getting fewer and fewer assignments, that’s one sign. But also keep an eye on the company overall. Do they like to spend extravagantly on events and outings? Are they hiring a ton of new people in a short time? Have certain projects been canned or kicked down the road? If so, their finances are probably a train wreck but they still want the image of being a successful company. They’ll have to start laying people off to get out of debt.
If it’s none of those, then a big sign is your supervisor randomly singling you out for little one-on-one “chats”.

No. 2193151

>Permissions stop getting renewed
Oof, this one is what caused me to ask the question. Pray for me, anons.

No. 2193154

Do non american countries have a word like the n-word that is socially unacceptable to say?

No. 2193156

If it makes you feel better that happened to me and it turned out to be an issue with having a ' in my name.

No. 2193172

The word "gypsy" in Eastern Europe is technically a slur, and you won't really see it in media or TV. Roma people here experience a lot of discrimination, but people still commonly use it and it is seen as a derogatory word. It won't really get you cancelled or ruin your career, at least in the way the n-word would in the English-speaking word.

No. 2193186

File: 1728054458858.png (628.91 KB, 844x1017, gypsy-king.png)

I don't think it's on the same level as the n-word. Not eastern europe but you'll see rags like the daily mail say it openly in the UK. I think nonna was trying to get at something you'd never see printed or said.

No. 2193191

I really need some help understanding something I‘m apparently too autistic for.

Hypothetical scenario:
I‘m making plans to go see a movie with A.
Then the next day B invites me to their birthday party, which is on the same day as the plans with A.

Now everyone keeps keeps saying that declining B‘s invitation instead of rescheduling with A would obviously be the right choice to make. But I disagree. I‘m not ditching A in a way that I would replace them with B. For me, rescheduling my plans with A to go to B‘s party also doesn’t mean that I like B more than A or something. The plans with A simply allow for way more flexibility than B‘s party. I can go to the movies anytime, so can A. B‘s birthday party on the other hand is a 'once in a year' thing and I obviously have no control over the date of the party.
And I like both friends equally.
So to me it’s just logical that I reschedule with A because it’s possible and literally doesn’t make a difference. We could even meet the days before the party.

So why does everyone say doing this would make me a bad friend/a bitch? I genuinely don’t get it. It’s not like the plans fall through. They’re just happening on another day as originally planned? Literally nothing else about the plans changes?

No. 2193200

Etiquette dictates that whatever plans you made first, you should honor. If birthday girl wanted her friends there, she should have planned out her plans out further in advance to ensure that everyone could be there.

No. 2193202

Abbo, bong, leb, chink, wog and seppo would probably make you lose your job quickly if you said it in the office.
Please don't ban me.

No. 2193204

do any of you ever wonder if you’ve encountered someone you’ve talked to on lolcow before irl and just don’t know it?

No. 2193205

why do poor people have so many kids? I've seen some explanations but for some reason they don't really click. my sister in law is so poor her and her baby daddy almost get evicted every month because they can't make rent payments and she's on her sixth kid. she was in the same situation when she was on her fourth kid and told us she "really wanted a girl" (her first 4 are boys). and it's like, why? I just saw a tiktok on this and apparently it's not a unique situation. her baby daddy is of course a shit person too.
some people said you're more likely to get a lot of tax breaks and other benefits but how does that apply when she's clearly struggling regardless? their family has grown up in poverty, they have 6 siblings total.
one is poor with four kids, one is barely making it doing 70 hr work weeks with two kids, another is poor with two kids, one is finally comfortable but was poor with 4 kids, one is poor with 4 kids,the other 2(including the one I'm married to) are too young for kids but we've been getting pressured despite being early 20s. do people really think "it's because how it was for me growing up" type of logic? like are people that stupid and prone to social pressure?
I legit think I'm too autistic to understand

No. 2193207

no you’re right and i would question if the people telling you otherwise had some sort of ulterior motive like not liking the birthday girl or something. obviously a birthday party that comes up would take precedence over something like that unless the friend you’re going out with idk. lived across the country and you see her once a year or her dad just died and it was a comforting thing. i would honestly just see if the girl you’re going to the movies with can come to the party? people on here are going act autistic like YOU CANT JUST INVITE SOMEONE ELSE TO SOMEONE ELSES HOUSE but like. ask the birthday girl. i’ve been to parties as a random and had people come to mine like that and everyone was just like yay more cool people lol.

No. 2193209

Sounds like your surroundings are weird, I don't know a single person who doesn't think the same way as you do.

No. 2193210

You're right and they're wrong
>So why does everyone say doing this would make me a bad friend/a bitch?
I find this really hard to believe. Is "everyone" two dumb weirdos you know?
Or maybe there is some history here we are not privvy to.

>Etiquette dictates
There are nuances, like birthdays taking precedence over movies

No. 2193212

People who are saying to honor the movie plans with A over B's party come off as overly sensitive, like a birthday is only once a year and you could literally catch a movie with A any other day of the week, or you could still hang out that day and do something before the party and then meet up sometime later for the movie, or even bring them along to the party.
The thing to keep in mind I think is open communication because if you totally ghosted A for B's party then you would be a huge bitch. If you told A that you had to reschedule the movie time then it's just normal.

No. 2193213

It becomes clear when you realize that, for these men, women and children are treated as currency. They exploit their wives, forcing them to bear as many children as possible, take care of the home, and serve the men and children. Then, they exploit the children, making them work to earn money and eventually care for the scrotes when he is older. Those women and children are forced to live in a cult where the man exerts absolute control over his family.

No. 2193215

do you wanna maybe bring A with you to the party so you guys can all hang out together?

No. 2193220

Low IQ

No. 2193235

>There are nuances
There are, but if that was such a consideration, then OP should have notified movie friend about the possibility.
"Hey friend A, I'd love to go to the movies with you. Just so you know though, B's birthday is coming up and I promised her I would go, even though she's still trying to find the day that works for everyone. So let's plan for Friday the 14th, but would you be able to reschedule if that's the only day B can have her party? I'm so sorry my schedule is unsure right now."
Then, that gives A the ability to decline being a back up plan to your preferred birthday party plans. So it was still rude to pretend that the plans were solid when OP was really just waiting for her invitation to the preferred event.
I also agree with this. Can you invite A? This would be the best option if everyone is cool with it.

No. 2193245

How do you get rid of back acne?

No. 2193268

Dr bronners soap helped mine a lot but if you have sensitive skin get the baby soap version. The peppermint one is amazing and feels good but has fragrance so I know for some it’s irritating

No. 2193279

Poor people find joy in fucking carelessly and purpose in having kids, they have nothing, so having a kid makes it up somehow . It’s the same reason why a crazy woman can sleep around like a public bus and have 5 children from 4 different fathers. It’s a retarded mindset.

No. 2193296

it’s because abortion is a profitable business and so is poor people churning out more wageslaves to go and work in minimum wage jobs while riding their entire lives in debt culture or going into the prison industrial complex system where they will do slave labor for basically free while generating tons of money. women are fucked, we should encourage these women to just close their legs

No. 2193298

I use this coffee exfoliating scrub from Costa Rica: https://biosferaproducts.com/products/premium-coffee-body-scrub

No. 2193303

what is the difference between lampshading and gsalighting?

No. 2193304

Lampshading is when you have to change the physical shade on your lamp because its dirty or old or even broken but gaslighting is making someone question their sanity or ability to think through manipulation

No. 2193306

They’re extremely stupid, that’s why they built their own shitty lives and then impose it on others too.

No. 2193311

What do people do before concerts of a band they like? Do they listen to their catalogue or, on the contrary, not at all? Do you pregame or what? It's been so long I forgot how to act kek

No. 2193324

Lampshading is when they tell a ridiculous lie and they point out how stupid it is and because it's so stupid it must be true
>I took your purse? No a monkey took it. It's bananas I know, but it happened. Why would I lie about a monkey?
Gaslighting is lying about the whole event and are implying your crazy.
>Your purse is missing? You didn't even bring a purse. Have you been drinking again? You're not making sense. I haven't seen you with a purse in ages.

No. 2193327

I dyed my hair magenta and it was a mistake, I don’t like it and it bleeds on literally fucking everything. Like EVERYTHING. My favorite shirt? Ruined. Pink on the collar just from me sleeping in it. I’m so agitated and I want to just dye it dark brown now but will a dark brown dye cover the pink semi permanent? I had bleached hair previously. I dunno what to do. I don’t know why I thought a fashion color would suit me when I’m such a plain jane

No. 2193330

There’s no difference.

No. 2193332

When did you dye it? It sounds like you didn't rinse the dye out completely

No. 2193335

Either way is fine. Most people I know listen to the albums on the drive over. Personally I’m torn between getting hyped and saving the music for the actual live performance.

No. 2193337

It depends. If it's a band I really like I get in early and don't drink so I won't have to pee during. If it's one I kinda like and the warm ups suck it's pregame until they are on and try find a spot I can see things. Assigned seating/sections will make a difference. I listen to the band for a week or two to give myself maximum hype either way.

No. 2193338

I dyed it over 3 weeks ago! I have washed it 5 times since then and every time it bleeds like crazy. I stained my bathtub so bad I don’t know if I will get my security deposit back. I used iroiro brand dye so I don’t know if it’s more of a complaint with the brand specifically or what. But it also doesn’t look like it’s fading anytime soon.

No. 2193373

>I stained my bathtub so bad I don’t know if I will get my security deposit back.
Powdered. Bleach. Get a cup, splash water around tub so it's moist, then pour a bunch of powdered bleach on it and let it sit for like 15 minutes, then scrub that shit and rinse. Voila, white tub.

No. 2193377

Hey nonnies are there any ways to further customize your OS experience? Specifically windows 11. I have a cute custom cursor and custom folder icons, but is there anything else I can do for customization? I am not going to install Linux lol.

No. 2193378

Should I make an instagram? I became more social recently and people I meet always ask for my insta. I say I don't have one bc I don't want to post about my life online and they always say it doesn't really matter, it's just so people can follow and talk to you. It sounds reasonable to me, but I feel like I would get sucked into it.
Related question, how do you nonas use insta?

No. 2193387

I made one only to follow my friends and have an easy way for them to contact me. Have exactly 0 posts.

No. 2193419

I use insta but only to follow a couple of artists/crafters. I keep in contact with people on whatsapp, idk why you'd use insta for that.

No. 2193423

Am i a fatty (answer with your visceral reaction, uninfluenced by any image of myself)

No. 2193432

Ayrt I also use whatsapp for conversations but I think maybe people think asking for your phone number in order to contact you is too personal. With insta you just need the username. Still, I wish people would just stick to one single mode of communication. I do not want to install the app on my phone and then have to check insta and whatsapp.

No. 2193433

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No. 2193435

how long do you bake a purple potato for? all of the recipes say something different

No. 2193453

You type like a gorgeous woman.

No. 2193458

I hate being over emotional, a crybaby with a terrible temper.
Any tips on pushing those emotions down? I don't want to let any of it out.

No. 2193463

put a pin in the emotions in the moment, and let them out into a journal or voice notes when you have time. practice cbt-ish strategies also to catch emotional thinking fallacies to not overindulge yourself

No. 2193464

i don’t recommend ever pushing your feelings down or ignoring them because it can be detrimental to your health, crying is always okay and if your body feels the urge to cry you should let it

No. 2193469

Are you baking it whole or chopped? Chopped needs less time than whole. How big is it? The larger the potato, the longer to bake, especially if not chopped. Is it the purple Japanese sweet potato variety or more like the regular baking kinds? The answers to these questions will change the time needed.
Assuming you're baking a whole, medium-sized purple potato, here's what I'd do. Set the oven to 425 degrees and check around 40-45 mins to see if fork tender. Cook longer if needed depending on the size of the potato.

No. 2193485

I'm a bit sad because the stuffed toy that my best friend gifted me gives me allergies, is there any way for me to make it "hypoallergenic"?

No. 2193491

Same I can't argue or express my feelings if they're negative IRL because I will just start crying… I just stay quiet over everything and take out of my anger online

No. 2193503

Did you already try washing it?

No. 2193507

I think it's important to note that if you wash it, you gotta find a way to dry is thoroughly and fast because mold can form in the center, where it stays damp longer.

No. 2193519

Why do all of the most annoying people in the world happen to have coeliacs disease

No. 2193521

I think I will do that, and since I can remove the filling it should be okay, it has a zipper on the back.

No. 2193523

Seconding this, I only wash my stuffed animals on a hot and sunny day for this reason. Wash them and let them bake in the sun.

No. 2193532

The out bleeding from the colour is unfortunately normal with hairdye like this. Wash your hair a few times with head and shoulders shampoo, works wonders with getting some of the dye out. Afterwards when colouring it brown use a colour that has some form of the "opposite colour" (just look up the colour wheel) of the remaning color in your hair, e.g if your hair is still kind of red use an ashy tone of brown to neutralize it

No. 2193540

Thanks nonnies for saving my ass today

No. 2193543

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Why do I feel like I don't have to shower when I'm depressed? I went 3 days without showering and only showered because I thought it would make me feel better and society compelled me. If it wasn't for that, I wouldn't have showered and this isn't even depressive-brain speaking since I smelled myself and didn't smell dirty at all. Do you become nose blind when you're depressed? I didn't even feel especially dirty either. What is the explanation for this?

No. 2193547

Why are some women so transparent in that they are attracting males even tho they act they aren’t? like come on

No. 2193561

What do you mean?

No. 2193565

Do you think that thrift stores wouldn't have ever become popular if not for macklemores thrift shop song or would it have gone that way anyway because everyone's poor now?

No. 2193569

When I'm down I don't care to shower because showering is part of the ritual of presenting yourself to people. I don't want to present myself so I don't shower. I don't really feel a stink until day 3 but if I'm changing my pjs I don't think it gets as bad. My hair does get really greasy after day 5 after not showering though.
Nose blindness is a real thing though. I didn't think I stunk that bad when I hit 21 days during Covid and my roommate had to tell me to shower or she was calling the landlord.
I think diet is more important. I eat little meat and mostly grains and veggies. If you eat a lot of dairy, alcohol and processed stuff you hit the stink zone quicker. Then again I'm I could be noseblind so idk

No. 2193576

I want to take out my vertical labret piercing because I’m so tired of it and it gets in the way of everything and the skin around it gets dry/chapped and looks gross. But that mf twisted the ball on TIGHT and I cannot get it off. Nonnies is there anything I can try to loosen it? I really hate piercer dudes

No. 2193581

Bathing requires forethought and effort, something that isn't in great supply during a depressive episode.
It would have been inevitable with the rise of tiktok and the dissemination of lesser known information. I do think he sped it up though.

No. 2193585

How recent is the piercing? If it's tight because of swelling or sebum I'd just leave it until it heals. You're asking for an infection.
If it isn't get wrap some duck tape on your fingers or get some latex gloves and twist anti clockwise.

No. 2193591

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If you could only have one topping for the rest of your life what would it be? I love pickled onions

No. 2193594

We have a thread for these questions >>>/ot/2030872

No. 2193597

nta but it is kind of a stupid question so i guess it counts kek

No. 2193598

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Does anyone else hurt sitting on hard chairs because their cheeks spread apart and your weight starts resting on your butthole?

No. 2193600

I have no ass so my ass bone hurts

No. 2193606

I apologize nonny I kind of forgot it existed because this one is always bumped

No. 2193611

Oh I feel you nonnie. Longest I've gone was 8 days and I could only tell by my extremely funky hair.

About nose blindness, I'm originally from a frequent bathing culture but I live in Yurop now and the stinks I catch when I go outside are insane. Most of the time they come from well-dressed, seemingly well-groomed normes too. This is why I can't believe I become nose blind to my own scent because as soon as I go outside I'm reminded of what real rank is. I hope I don't let myself get to that point when I spend 2 days without showering in winter, depressive episode aside…

No. 2193612

Those chairs are the devil. The ruin paint on the walls they rest against as well as asses. Dado rails were made for those evil fuckers.

No. 2193641

On your butthole? I never knew this was even a possibilty.

No. 2193651

This might be a very niche question, but - has someone ever experienced certain videos showing up in your Tiktok likes, but the videos have 0 likes and you don't remember liking it? I can also only see it when I view my likes from somebody else's account - but when I open my likes from my account it doesn't show up? It's freaking me out lol

No. 2193660

theyre unto you. run

No. 2193661

I honestly wouldn't care if it wasn't a titty video kek

No. 2193662


Thread has exceeded 1200 posts and is about to be locked! Please create a new thread and post a link to it.

No. 2193665

tayrt its most probably your account is being used for bot likes try to private it for a bit to deter them

No. 2193670

This just popped in my head. If reincarnation is real, what if we can only ever be born on the same day at the same time everytime? And therefore you can track who you were based on if you know the birth date and time of you and said person, aaand you cant have been alive at the same time?
Idk nonnies. Been mind numbingly boring at work but i still think im onto something.

No. 2193685

So I will always have a libra in mars forever? Fuck this.

No. 2193688

You should get into numerology. I think you'd find it interesting.

No. 2193726

Told a few of my coworkers that I think my ex is actually gay because he told me he watched gay porn after we broke up (7years together), should I not have shared this? They found it amusing and will never meet him but I'm wondering if this is bad karma on my end.

No. 2194133

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