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No. 2178436
This thread is dedicated to all and any fandom discourse. Global rules apply: don't infight, report and ignore bait, etc.
Current topics include, but are not limited to:
> Proshipping vs Antishipping> Ao3 Censorship and TOS> Slapfights between slash, femslash, and het shippers> Carrds, DNIs and Call-out Threads> Whitewashed/blackwashed/colorist fanart drama> ‘[Insert Sexuality/Gender]-Coded’ Characters> Debates over death of the author> Stalking/harassment experienced by actors/creatorsRelated threads:
Fujo vs. anti-fujo discourse:
>>1978406Fujocoomer cringe:
>>1959358 Previous:
>>2154883 No. 2178441
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Only two (or three if you're into elves) of the few guys are actually attractive…
No. 2178448
>>2178444>to be self insertsProbably mostly this
>or for faggotsNot much of this, gay guys are more into like bowser and shit.
No. 2178454
>>2178449Bronies probably
Sonic fans maybe, it seems like it would be hard for them to actually fuck hedgehogs.
No. 2178466
>>2178441is it just me but are furries becoming increasingly common with men? 5 years ago furries were not as common and most people just bullied them but now furries have kinda got accepted or atleast tolerated because i see them everywhere and almost every coomer moid i know is now becoming a furry too.
Save the animals omg.
No. 2178467
>>2178466Furries draw a lot of porn and most guys looked at it even when they bullied furries over it (ie: lola bunny)
Guys just see boobs and it's enough for them.
No. 2178476
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>>2178466lola bunny was already a thing in the 90s and you do not draw big titty sexo faced furry women if you arent at least a bit into it. Also tex avery and tezuka. I think men have always been furfags. I really wish the male mind could be experimented on because how the fuck do you develop a fetish for women turning into cars in the 60s before the internet was even a thing?
No. 2178479
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>>2178441alright, so I counted
>31 adult woman>43 furry/animals>5 underage boys>22 underage girls>1 adult male(spiderman) No. 2178483
>>2178479>1 adult male(spiderman) Kinda depends, sometimes he's as young as 14.
A lot of Naruto r34 depicts him as an adult from what I've seen anyway.
No. 2178525
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>>2178522He seems normal.
No. 2178527
>>2178525Eh, he's mildly more handsome than your average self insert protagonist.
Even then though I'm not entirely sure why they got mad.
No. 2178532
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>>2178527>he's mildly more handsome than your average self insert protagonist. Most aren't usually bad looking, generic at most.
No. 2178533
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>>2178532Guess it just depends on the genre, most of the ones I see don't have fuckin eyes.
The one in your pic is a QT though, what's he from?
No. 2178566
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>>2178551It’s a shame such a cute character is wasted on such a trash story
No. 2178577
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>>2178551Fuck, this is why we can't have nice things. I remember being similarly disappointed when playing Tears to Tiara, the protag seemed like a cool demon king guy I could yume but then he went around fucking everything that moves (while his designated virgin waifu wannabe daydreams about him), iirc the worst moment was when he fucked a mother daughter pair but it's been like a decade so my memory is fuzzy.
No. 2178580
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>>2178535Does this count?
No. 2178584
>>2178525>>2178577>>2178533kek he is not even hot, he is ugly to averege. Im begging anons to get better taste and self-esteem. This is like the 2D version of ugly male psyop.
Anons will complain if 2d men look too much ''kpop'' but then they will simp over generic looking seinen/shounen men that rape women and children.
No. 2178599
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>The guy from Mushoku Tensei is more handsome than all the guys in love and deepspace sorry not sorry.
meanwhile this is the guy
No. 2178619
>>2178607The issue is that the standard of "sexed up bimbo" is super extreme in many farmers' eyes, she's called a big titty whore unless she is wearing sweatpants or something.
That being said, personally I do not like the short pants in that picture posted previously (the one reeing about men in burqas) and find it too exposing, but it's not a LnD specific thing (and the LnD vids I've run into twitter have shown me that mc wears longer skirts majority of the time?). There is an annoying trend in many media that female version of outfits == short pants/skirt. We need to call out this trend as a whole
No. 2178622
>>2178615It's so unbelievably fucked, entirely meant to serve men and not the women actually having the fantasy. Imagine how cucked and low self esteem someone has to be to think they aren't hot enough for a
drawing, this is why the only based yumes are the ones who do faceless shit. Good job not caring wtf you look like and dedicating your energy to sexualizing moids instead of crying about your elbow angle.
No. 2178636
>>2178607i feel like there is a HUGE difference between someone wanting to look good and someone who will only accept a female lead if she has a 1 centimeter waist with basketball sized boobs, child face and anorexic looking hotdog arms and legs.
There is a huge problem where people (im guessing you too) rage if a female lead dares to have short hair, dares to have small boobs, dares to NOT wear lingerie while shopping at the supermarket. Like cmon i want to look good for my hubby too but the current weeb fandom standards for how a woman should look are literally a weird mix between blowup doll milf fetish and loli girls……
No. 2178641
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>>2178607I don't mind an attractive female MC, but attractive doesn't mean boobs and ass spilling out and hyper sexualized. Just look at stuff like most shoujo manga where the relatable female lead is obviously supposed to be cute and pretty, but overall looks like a normal human being and not a sex object.
No. 2178657
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>>2178656wanting to be "cute and pretty" is still needing to look good and fit into a generic "woman" mold though. male mcs (generally) look plain and boring because the ultimate male fantasy is being loved by a hot girl period – women need to be attractive on top of that. that's why a lot of fem protags are indistinguishable from female love interests in male-centered media, even if they are plain janes. men set the standards for what cute and pretty are, women just lean into it
No. 2178659
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>>2178567>The kind of men incels homoerotically describe in looksmaxxing manifestosMatsuda?
No. 2178660
>>2178641The question isnt "what level of attractiveness is ok?", it's "why does the thought of how attractive you are in
your own fantasies even cross your mind?". What bearing should the attractiveness of the female self-insert have on the satisfaction of the female reader?
No. 2178667
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>>2178656ummm anon have you ever looked at het smut content made for women because if you have you will understand what i mean….
No. 2178695
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>>2178681Even crazier to me is that she drew BL
No. 2178699
>>2178536>writes out all women except for one>he made that one look like the spitting image of his husbando>character is also constantly compared to that male character >his favorite characters are relatively rippedlets outline more facts about random jjk women
>exceptional healer that jujutsu society wants to protect, never see her heal, also a rude smoker>one girl’s whole personality is being useless and simping, became irrelevant and written out>loud obnoxious girl who was pretty competent gets written out to come back very last secondyeah i’d say so
t. jjkfag
No. 2178702
I don't get why Bayonetta is the exception though.
No. 2178704
>>2178678Most of the authors are virgins whose only "experience" with sex is getting traumatized by watching hentai manga.
They don't know how their own bodies work and just copy what they see in moidslop.
No. 2178747
>>2178664No. I don't even get what 'self-insert' is supposed to mean outside of blatant Y/N material. Is relating or occasionally identifying with a shojo heroine self-insert? Even if you think of her as separate?
>>2178607Right? It's not necessarily about matching certain standards, it's that many women like the back and forth of wanting a love interest
and being wanted, shojo vs. shonen romance is a very good example of this. It's not about 'crying about your elbow angle' (???). Those same women may also enjoy faceless/voyeuristic genres like BL. I don't get what hating a normal part of female sexuality is supposed to achieve.
No. 2178752
>>2178747Have you even seen the state of male romance. They are
not the chasers in their fantasies. Their fantasy is to have 10s delivered into their laps without having to lift a finger or do anything to change themselves.
No. 2178756
>>2178752I would say rather than them not improving at all, it's more that the female lead is what gets them to improve.
The female character also being a "mother" is probably worse, though.
No. 2178772
>>2178760nta but the point is most BL characters behave just like the most
toxic heterosexual archetypes, and people genuinely try to pretending it's "boys love", and It seems a bit silly to avoid a straightforward heterosexual romance in favor of this elaborate pretending
(fujo infight bait) No. 2178778
>>2178768As someone who reads slop, naroukei and harem and romcom, male mcs are basically similiar to the "shoujo mc cute" ideal.
They are usually described as either handsome, the "takes off glasses and is handsome" type, or at least generic and could be handsome if he took better care.
There's not many that are described as straight out ugly and stay straight out ugly.
No. 2178783
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>>2178770my dad used to watch a lot of action movies and I remember that the male leads were never blading, flabby or weak, the male fantasy was included being their idea handsome but still handsome nonetheless, nowadays as men become fatter and more uglier, they seem to abandon traditional fantasies, opting instead self-inserting as the the ugly monsters and rapist, who indulge in degeneracy
No. 2178785
>>2178772idgaf about your derailing or you wanting to have your fujo vs anti-fujo infighting in this thread. We are having a discussion about something else and that's the sexualization of women in all media and that includes even media for women. Either stay on topic with this thread or go back to your containment thread.
>>2178775very true sadly.
No. 2178790
>>2178779Doesn't really matter if you don't like the design, I'm going by how its written.
As a male power fantasy, it still goes into describing that he is handsome and pretty and has big muscles and cooks food better than women.
No. 2178792
>>2178664No. I just like seeing pretty pictures.
>>2178747I don't think you'll get your point across when many you're replying to have already made assumptions about you and think you are suggesting that ITS TOTS FINE FOR WOMEN TO SLUT THEMSELVES OUT TRYING TO GET MEN rather than the milktoast opinion of "it's normal to want to be desirable to your partner".
Personally, I used to read a lot of shoujo or josei (sfw and nsfw) when younger, the average quality seemed better (Renta has oversaturated the genre with low quality stuff now) back then. There was issues with sexualization of the mcs back then too, but the "all hetshit is trash" screeching by some farmers show that they 1. Ragebait themselves by intentionally going into websites dedicated to coom 2. Ignore everything about stories to rationalize their opinion, even the most respectful vanilla marriage consummation gets an mc called a whore if the panel shows her naked body at any point. You cannot communicate with people who are not interested in listening.
No. 2178795
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>>2178783i agree that it was better back then but the men in your picture are either bland self-inserts (like jackie) or they are rough faced steroid monsters.
>>2178788funny how that ''sex appeal'' is something only women are judged on…..
No. 2178800
>>2178760>explore their sexuality without being sexualisedWhat? Did you miss the part about 'not matching certain standards'? There are heaps of Y/N fics out there where the self insert is a carbon copy of the author and her ''flaws''. I'm not saying it's biological or 'natural', it's that it's so common you can confidently call it normal. Why are you so worked up over female sexuality being different from male sexuality? Of course it is
>they pretend to be a manDid you miss 'voyeuristic'? I'm saying that this tendency of wanting to be desired can exist alongside fantasies that don't involve a woman being perceived
>>2178752Correct. There is still a noticeable difference in that male MCs just get to enjoy the cute women, without all the dramatic/emotional weight put on the woman liking them back. Overall they care less about the female characters' perspective. I could be wrong though because i haven't read shonen romance/smut in a long time
>>2178792Thanks kek i really thought it was clear that i'm commenting on a female tendency, not saying it's natural and good for women to self-insert as bimbos straight out of porn or something
>Ignore everything about stories to rationalize their opinion, even the most respectful vanilla marriage consummation gets an mc called a whore if the panel shows her naked body at any pointIt's so strange
No. 2178802
>>2178792This isn't about "being desirable to your partner" it's about why women feel the need to perform even in their own fantasies where no one is looking, especially not men. Genuinely, what does
your attractiveness have to do with you finding
someone else hot? Why do women prevent themselves from experiencing the latter part without it being predicated on their personal attractiveness. Why do you people insist on pretending this is healthy?
No. 2178816
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>>2178441I'm surprised at how high up there Lara Croft is, I didn't think she was still so popular. She's very normie taste which I guess isn't so bad compared to the rest of the list, she's a pretty cool character.
I truly do not understand Pikachu being there, at least the other furry characters give off an impression of being female or have gijinka forms. Tracer being so low is also kinda weird. The only other real surprise is the delta between Starfire and Raven, guess Raven really is much more popular.
No. 2178818
>>2178816Some guys pick their waifu at age 10 and literally never change it ever, it's the reason why Tifa is in the top spot.
>I truly do not understand Pikachu being thereMascot of a series already known for furry porn
>guess Raven really is much more popularShe's goth.
No. 2178820
>>2178817That's still a thing in a less head on way, people in the tumblr/twitter 'selfshipping' community just demand that you don't interact with them and block on mass.
Goddamn though can you imagine if people were still fighting over Sephiroth in 2024?
No. 2178822
>>2178818Do you think the Larafags might be guys in their 40s/50s? She's a character from the 90s afterall, probably a lot of teenage boys and adult men checked out her games because of the promotional illustrations and comics.
Also I guess I can't say you're wrong, I'm still like Leon even after all these years. Those early years are so impressionable.
No. 2178833
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>>2178412I love Bayonetta myself but if you can't deal with the cheesecake don't bother with the games. The games are super campy and while some people may find that makes the sexualization tolerable other people will find it all the more cringe. There's a narrative there but it's a mess so if you can't enjoy Bayonetta from a surface level impression you will never enjoy the games. Personally I love the Bayonetta games and love Bayonetta herself but it's a hard sell.
The fandom is pretty cringe too. I think the chapter has closed on the character though.
No. 2178852
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>>2178846I like Matsuda as much as any other fan of the game but don't false advertise. Matsuda is only chad if your definition of of chad only depends on moids beating each other up. He's more of a
"people pleaser overworked salaryman who consensually gaslit a closet gay ikemen mc into thinking butt stuff is totally common but went into unfair rapeape rampage on the poor mc because of his issues with other ungrateful retards blaming him for shit. Also if you played the fandisc, you would know that he
gets nightmares about accidentally murdering one of those retards and the mc he raped now has to comfort him through it, and breaks down in tears to find out the truth that someone else was actually the murderer. That's pathetic in an endearing way. His behavior is fun to psychoanalyze but nothing is cool about it.
No. 2178885
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>Female characters fujos actually like
Starting with an obvious one
No. 2178901
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>>2178607All of these "but I WANT to be a sexy big titty bimbo because I want men to like me!!!" people always, always fail to realize that the issue is the lack of selection for women who want more diversity in female characters. The only options have always been made palatable to men in some way and whenever they're made even remotely not traditional the internet goes up in flames screeching about a female character being some tranny agenda because she's not wearing a full face makeup and thus "looks like a man". For example I want a muscular, competent female power fantasy because I want to be fit and strong but the only options I'm given are obviously made for a male fetish often in a very cartoonish way.
In simpler words, male characters always get away with being made only appealing to men only while female characters ALWAYS have to be appealing to men as well. We never get female characters that are made for women to be enjoyed as they are, and I'm not talking about "for women" as in, "to be enjoyed by women looking at them through male lens". Picrel.
No. 2178924
>>2178919Not who you're replying to, but isn't that the main issue - that fandom has been reduced to nothing but shipping and/or gooning? You could argue that it's always been porn focused, but I do honestly think that it has gotten much, much worse in the past five or so years. Now people are dropping their sexual fantasies of fucking/getting fucked by an imaginary character in any kind of fandom discussion as if it's the most normal thing to do to share these things with randos who might not want to know about what you're flicking your bean to. The cancer has taken over fandom and if you say you care about other things than smut you're immedately labelled a prude,
TERF or whatever.
No. 2178930
>>2178904The hullaballoo is stupid but I do think her design in the second game is a bit messed up. Her hairline in the second game looks so fucking weird, once you see it you can't unsee it. Her eyes have also been modeled to resemble the likeness actress, problem being that the actress has aged in all the years since the first game was made while Alloy has aged less than a year in the story so her eyes shouldn't be so hooded yet.
Is the game any good otherwise?
No. 2178932
>>2178919This, it's completely bizarre to think that watching a romance is "cucking" you in any sort of way. You are not involved, you don't exist. You are not "in a relationship" with a fictional character and that character is not in a relationship with you.
You are not and cannot be cucked by fictional characters, they aren't real.
No. 2178935
>>2178924It is so aggravating when younger zoomers or alphoids push back and insist that fandom has always been this way. I was there! No that isn't true! Fandom
was not all about shipping and cooming before! I miss how balanced things used to feel.
No. 2178944
>>2178935Exactly, nonna. I remember the days where LJ was the place to be. Does it mean there wasn't lots of trash in fandom spaces? Does it mean we didn't have inane shipping wars? No, we had these things, but it wasn't all just all just about fucking. It's like
>>2178931 said. Normies invaded and most of Gen Z and Alpha learned everything they knew about sex from porn and pornified fanfic. I can't count the number of fics where the smut reads like straight from some hardcorn prono.
What's worse is that the majority of fandom now thinks YOU are weird if you want to discuss and read about characters other than who and how they're fucking. It's just so tiring. Reading/writing smut doesn't require you to know anything about the fandom in question. In many cases, you could safely change the name of the characters without anyone noticing.
No. 2178948
>>2178919NTA but am I the only one who read that differently? it's not a fetish to her, but she's using retarded terms to describe what she does.
>>2178664No, they're just stories I read or watch to entertain myself.
No. 2178951
>>2178935>>2178944Shipping has always been a big part of the fandom experience and I was definitely one of the teenage fujos in 2003 screaming about them with my friends but usually people had one or two OTPs they were obsessing over in the fandom but kept brain space for other things. Now we have the influx of fans who
need to ship every single character with someone, even friendships are called "platonic asexual ships". Everything else in the source gets ignored and they don't want to talk about things that exist in the lore because a lot of them don't even consume the original source. They don't even give a shit about the canon, they ship based on aesthetics and vibes instead of actual character interaction. Crack ships existed since forever, yeah, but they were a niche, not the norm. We still have the old-fashioned fans who dissect and pick apart each interaction and write essays about how meaningful their ships are but they're definitely being drowned out by the noise. It's a direct consequence of normies being introduced to fandoms and there's no denying it. I'm a coomer for sure for being a NSFW artist for one thing, but even I've had enough of this mindset dominating the mainstream narrative.
>>2178948>it's not a fetish to her, but she's using retarded terms to describe what she does.That's the issue. Everything has to be explained using fetish lingo because the consumption of media revolves around sex now.
No. 2178952
>>2178951The "who cares, anime/books/cartoons are stupid I'm just in it for sexy stuff" mindset is basically everywhere.
It's considered uncool and stupid to think that something like anime has more to it than sex.
No. 2178955
>>2178941Never said it didn't exist before, just that it wasn't the end all be all of fandoms the way they are now.
>>2178944>>2178951I guess there's no going back, there doesn't seem to be an easy way to change fandom behavior. At least I'm too stupid to think of a way to nudge behaviors in a different direction. The only thing that seems to help is to just abandon a trash fandom for a better one. Ones with older people seem to be a bit better because I think they still retain old norms. I do think aesthetics makes a difference in the type of fans it attracts and fandoms based on source material with more grounded aesthetics seems to be a bit better too.
No. 2178956
>>2178948kek yeah i described it using retarded words so i'm not offended anons took it sideways.
>>2178951 is right though, it's so hard to convey what i was thinking of through text but i feel like people understand things so much better now if it's in porn terms. the word "cuck" specifically seems to be tightly woven into the collective consciousness of the internet
No. 2178962
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>>2178919>>2178924>>2178932>>2178951I don't have anything to add, I'm just happy to see smart nonnies with a grip on reality. Love you all ♥
No. 2178980
>>2178957OK so I've been thinking about it and these are some of things that caused the change in fandom
>fandoms used to be text based because the internet was more text based in generalMeaning this filtered out the lowest common denominators who couldn't be arsed to read. There were obviously still images and videos being uploaded it was just less for various reasons. Consequently this led to:
>less fanartCheap tablets, phones and drawing software meant there was less fanart. Lots of fanart was still made traditionally which entailed a deeper level of appreciation for the source material. Patreon also changed things a lot where now people were making fanart (especially coomshit) to make money where before it was just because they liked the source material. Fanart was lower quality on average lol so you win some lose some. This meant fewer people were being attracted into a fandom based on fanart, they had to get into based on engaging directly with the source material or reading (reading filters people)
>internet was mostly laptops and desktopsI don't want to be rude but I do think tech being less accessible (often for cost reasons) meant it filtered out a lot of kids because parents weren't able to give them cheap phones to spend time online with. Kids were still online but they spent less time because they didn't have pocket devices.
>internet communities were often smaller and locally organizedAs in you had an adult that ran the forum and paid for the servers or whatever so there was a greater interest in policing behavior.
>kids hid their power levelsNo one wanted to be known as a minor and act as a minor that was embarrassing.
>twitch streaming and YT Lets PlaysThis kinda ruined video game fandoms specifically tbh when they used to be more chill, games are higher effort than comics or movies/shows so if you were in a fandom you genuinely liked the game and put in the effort to beat it. Being able to watch it meant game fandoms lost a major filter
No. 2178988
>>2178980Relatedly this means fandoms that are more likely to be low quality are more likely to center on source material that:
>has distinct, colorful designsthat lend themselves well to fanart and cosplay. Source material with grounded aesthetics seems to not have it so bad. And if the source material has really complex designs or high quality artwork that also seems to discourage fanart.
>large casts of (preferentially young, attractive and single) characterscharacter gacha has a better chance of nabbing people who will glom onto a single character and if there's enough of them that enables shipping more easily. You dont
need a big cast but it definitely helps. I've noticed that media where there's a lot of focus on established relationships often doesn't have as much shipping fandom, though that's no guarantee
>easy consumptionI'm less confident on this one but at least in the past it seemed to hold true, tv fandom felt distinct from fandom for books or games
>ongoing with frequent releasesBooks, games and movies are infrequent releases and it might be years before you get a continuation and I think that affects how people behave in the fandom compared to something with more frequent releases. Lots of the more ill behaved people want to be in fandoms where something is always happening and lack the patience to enjoy themselves with something long term when the next time they get more canon content might be years away. On the other hand maybe you have to be really mentally ill to stick around long term kek
The most obvious sign that something will attract low quality fans is how exaggerated the body language and facial expressions of the characters are because that attracts poorly socialized people and people with autism. This is why they like anime.
those are all my thoughts
No. 2179024
>>2178980>>2178988I agree with all your points, but I would add that I think the general "sex positivity" including "every kink is
valid" mentality that spread online is also why fandoms became the cesspits that they are now. I'm not discounting that smut was always a thing as were gross fetishes and fantasies. However, nowadays you have to be accepting of everything, no matter how violent and degenerate. Of course this opinion spread into fandom too and the more people shared gross art/fics, the more normalised did it become. The same young people who think choking is a normal part of a loving relationship now write that kind of stuff for their ships, while anything vanilla is frowned upon. During my brief and very regrettable stint in an rp I came across several people agreeing that writing romantic smut focussing on emotions is gross and makes them uncomfortable.
In this way fandom is just a reflection of reality. Porn has fried too many people's minds and they no longer know what having an actual emotional connection to another human being is.
No. 2179026
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>>2178980NTA, but 10/10 essay.
Part of me wants games and such to be accesible in the sense I want others to experience something I enjoy to spread the love, but it also diluted fandoms' quality a lot.
The way media is now a part of your personality to people, the same brands are, also helped. Some people jump into games or series just because they think it will make them cool, or thinking that what you enjoy has to align 100% with your morals so they spend weeks barking and making up stuff on why XZY is soooo left/right-wing. They see media as an extension of themselves.
I think we see the past in rose-tinted glasses, there was still a lot of dumb drama and shit going on back then but as you said it was a bit more contained. Now all it takes is someone making a stupid statement for everyone quote-rting it for 3 days and only talk about that or making a callout about it.
>Patreon also changed things a lot where now people were making fanart to make money where before it was just because they liked the source material.This especially hurts me, I love when people make their own merch, but we have reached a point where people see media/characters as just "new stuff for my shop" even if they enjoy said media. It made lots of fanart worthless to me because they're made to be sold, not because the OP actually wanted to drawn that or out of love.
In a way I wish copyright laws in the west were as strong as Japan's so that way even the stuff you sell is more genuine since you only can do so in a certain days and/or with a price limit as you can't make profit of it. I buy lots from JP and CN artists and it's a whole new world, they're half as expensive as west fanmerch and they're actually made to spread the artist' love for whatever game/character, there's lots of love and care put into them.
No. 2179037
>>2179028Game fandom was my favorite, I preferred the slower pace of it and wow it makes me sad to think about how untainted my playthroughs were. Everyone in the fandom was so genuine about loving the games, they went through all the work of beating the game before entering the fandom and that really made game fandoms unique relative to others because it had the highest barrier of entry compared to other mediums. Sounds kinda silly but lol sometimes I wish I could go back in time to spend time on the superior internet kek. There were fun fandoms I missed out on participating in.
Of all things I recently discovered Call of Duty has a bustling fandom producing fan content and I wondered where that came from and apparently it was tiktok edits. Turns out this is how many younger fans get into fandom now, tiktok edits and summaries. I can understand that something like CoD can be very difficult to get into if you aren't already a gamer but it's rather disappointing that people do that for something that's already easy to enjoy, like a comic, manga, show or movie.
No. 2179048
>>2178935>Fandom was not all about shipping and cooming before!Yeah, shipping has always been present, but it wasn't the only thing fandom was about. And also, coom has been getting more explicit and prominent at the same time that porn has become more accessible, common and openly accepted in the mainstream.
>>2178951>Crack ships existed since forever,What's more, crack ships existed as inside jokes and they only made sense to those who actually knew the source material.
>>2178919It's like people are starting to forget that media isn't just for self-inserting and masturbating (including shipping). I've seen arguments here where anons fail to understand the frustration other anons feel when there are few good female characters, they think these anons are mad because they don't have enough coom material, or because they want to self-insert as a reverse harem protagonist, but actually most of us just want good stories featuring female characters with little to no romance and where the women aren't sex objects. Is that so much to ask? Is it bad to want to relate to the main character in any way? I'm a yume but don't consume romance media because I think it's boring (I play games and watch shows that I just think are fun or are about other topics I like, and if there's any character I want to fuck I just treat it as a bonus), there's anons who consume romance or ship het but don't self-insert (or don't do it that much). Not all fujos are uninterested in anything where they can't ship yaoi, either.
You can be a yume, a fujo, a femslash fan or a hetshipper/otomefag and still consume media for reasons other than being a yume/fujo/hime/hetshipper/otomefag/husbandofag/whatever. What the fuck do people not understand?
Yes, there are anons who have confessed to wanting to self-insert as a loser that gets all the hot guys, and being unable to enjoy any sort of media that doesn't feature a self-insert as pathetic and ugly as them (legit one of the times I saw one of these specimens here, she said that's the reason she consumes yaoi), but they honestly belong to the same category as those who accuse others of "wanting to be the main character" (for wanting better female characters), who either are projecting or do the other thing which is that they only consume media for the coom (fujo shipping). There's also the few lesbians on here that, understandably, want more and better female-led media because they are attracted to women but then also proceed to shit on non-lesbian women because they can't believe a non-lesbian could ever enjoy a female character without wanting to fuck her, it's the same mentality as the straight fujos accusing others of wanting Mary Sue self-inserts. It's as if they don't understand what could possibly be appealing about good female characters or female-led stories, if it doesn't have fuckable/shippable characters. If their only interest in any kind of media is shipping and porn because their brains are fried by their fandoms ok, fine, but not everyone's mind has been ruined to the point they're unable to enjoy non-sexual and non-romantic books, games, shows… hobbies. They probably don't have other hobbies aside from shipping/yaoi/self-insert porn and desperately need to touch grass. This is why all those infights happen, both groups (the pathetic self-inserter coomers and underage fujo coomers) see everything in terms of being a yume or being a fujo, or in other words, in terms of porn and sex, and do insane amounts of projecting on those who are less pornsick.
Also, romance has always existed and there's nothing wrong with the genre by itself, not even if it's supposed to encourage the female reader to self-insert a little. Yeah, there's more erotic and trashy stuff in the genre, but that's not all the romance that exists.
Also, YES, you can read/watch straight romance, or ship a man and a woman without self-inserting as the woman, you dumb fucks.>>2178816>>2178964I don't mean to invalidate your love for the character, and I'm sure she's one of those cases where she has good traits but unfortunately she's also sexualized, but I don't think it's right to defend the original Lara as a better option when she was specifically designed with coom in mind (we all know the story about her breasts). A lot of the female characters on that list are also cool as fuck in some way but suffer from coomer elements (to varying degrees).
>>2178408>A lot of these girls are autistic and straight, they probably don't connect to the male gaze way hetero ships in mainstream media are written with.Sorry nona, what do you mean by "autistic"? Isn't it normal for women and girls to find moidshit "romance" (sexualized female characters for male audiences) naturally repulsive? Agree with the rest though. They probably turn gay ships straight because they're sick of shit sexist/misogynistic tropes in mainstream hetero romance, although often they end up doing the same with genderbends.
>>2179024>several people agreeing that writing romantic smut focussing on emotions is gross and makes them uncomfortable.Literally how
No. 2179066
>>2179056NTA but yes, whenever the female lead has an unnatural hair color and the male lead has normal hair, you can tell right away who the target audience is, or who made it. Even outside of the obvious moid-oriented harem/fanservice anime. It's basic manic pixie dream girl design.
>>2178607>"sexualized female lead in female-centered" seriesIt's "female-oriented." "Female-centered" means that the main cast is female.
No. 2179074
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>>2178476>how the fuck do you develop a fetish for women turning into cars in the 60s before the internet was even a thing?Japan has a history of shapeshifting mythological beings and many of them were attractive women who would end up having children with men, like the Inari, fox spirits who could turn into humans.
Tezuka was also fascinated by metamorphosis on a deeply autistic level and in his work you will find non-sexual transformation too, on both female and male characters (picrel); his fetish for it and for alien/furry women is just an extension of his obsessions for metamorphosis and nature, but he wasn't exactly proud of the sexual side of his fixations.
The picture you posted was actually found hidden locked in a desk and said desk also included more creepy unseen fetish art and some studies from some of his more psychedelic animated movies (including adult-only ones), so he actually had shame unlike a lot of nerds and authors today.
Tezuka is a very interesting author to read because everything is naturally connected to the themes of life and nature in his works.
So his love for big ass sexy women turning into animals/cars/furniture can also be linked back to them kek– he was into domineering motherly figures (not unlike
mother nature) and he loved the idea of them using metamorphosis to seduce shy men. It's actually a recurring theme in many japanese myths to have alluring shapeshifting women seduce shy men and Tezuka loved anthropology so there lol, back to where I started.
No. 2179077
>>2178395No, those you have to buy with paid gems. I actually complained about this in the two surveys I've answered, especially in the second one. There's an outfit that they released alongside Sylus that has the MC wear a cool women's suit, but it's ruined by the retarded stiletto heels. I had been waiting for a cool, non-hyperfeminine, non-sexy outfit and this is the best I got. It was pretty bad when we didn't have this outfit, but this little detail really
triggered my autistic rage (this one is available for free with in-game currency btw). I don't mind most of the outfits being super girly or even "sexy" for those who like that, but at least give us ONE outift where I'm both fully covered, wear normal shoes and my waist/hips aren't emphasized.
I don't give a shit if the guys normally wear what other retards call "burqas", I just want my character to be equally covered up WHILE LOOKING COOL instead of showing skin for no fucking reason in random places like she does with her default outfit FOR FUCK'S SAKE. I hate this tendency among otome fans to """simp""" for the protagonist (different from just liking her design/personality, mind you) as if she was meant for you, a male-attracted woman, to lust after her and not the pretty boy cast that gets romantically involved with the
player character. Most of them are not bisexual and even if they are, they probably aren't actually turned on by the protag. It's so fucking fake, and also annoying because they're missing the point of otome games entirely (vid related). It's so fucking performative it hurts. You don't see scrotes doing the same with galge protagonists, unless they're joking.
It's great that the guys get special revealing outfits but it fucking pisses me off that the female protagonist wears revealing stuff by default. That's the problem. Retards should quit crying about other women finding fully clothed anime men attractive because that's not the problem (news flash: women don't have to like the opposite sex version of what moids find attractive just to "get back at them"). Yeah it's unfair that female = half-naked and male = fully covered, I support complaining about that bias, but why target the women who enjoy or just don't mind the latter? Everybody here has a problem with the former. I don't know why we infight about our preferences in husbando clothes when we should be shitting on men and whoever thinks women should show skin but not males. Go insult
their taste instead, don't try to bully other women into liking the exact things you like. Plus the people who like the normal outfits are probably the ones that actually like the characters beyond just treating them as le based misandrist fap material, it's a romance simulation game after all you dumbass. They're likely to want
both the conservative outfits and the slutty outfits.
>>2178378>>2178380Are you blind? Because the characters in Nikke not only are 2D vs CGI, they're your average coomershit designs made by gross otaku that don't know how clothes or anatomy work. Only a scrote would think those characters look better. Maybe you meant "better" as in "more retardedly horny"? I get that it's frustrating that moids get those openly coomer designs but women never do, but please understand that most women aren't used to, and therefore don't like, retarded slutty male designs that much (when it's slutty but well-designed yes, but not when it's retarded like the Nikke designs/female anime designs).
And why does it matter what western TikTok thing the LADS designs remind you of? Not everyone has been traumatized by whatever it is you're talking about, and certainly not the Asian audience and the Chinese devs. Not your cup of tea, fine, doesn't mean they're ugly. Can't we have just 1 CGI otome game with idealized, perfect, semi-realistic Asian boys? I just see it as the male equivalent of female designs like the ones in Japanese games such as Dead or Alive among countless others, where they make their faces look realistic but still stylized and super smooth/soft looking. I've had friends tell me LADS looks like a Final Fantasy game so it's not like pretty boys in CGI is anything new.
Late reply, I know.
No. 2179090
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>>2179029> loincloths and sarongsI would prefer something more flashy.
No. 2179094
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>>2179078It would be a world without my doctor husbando and I do not want it.
For the record Tezuka would have probably spent his life making family friendly saccharine comics if it wasn't for the rise of gekiga and more shocking and violent manga that basically forced him to tread other grounds.
So whatever normies or clueless furries will say about him or his influence as an author have no idea why Tezuka was influential. He also wasn't the only important mangaka of his times and only recently people started to care about his weird fetish.
Honestly, it's funny to see that a relatively chaste author like Tezuka, who often self-censored and whose sex scenes were almost always alluded by or hinted at, is now basically only remembered for a weird fringe part of his stupidly big lifework that he was ashamed enough of to hide it in a desk closed with a key he hid kek
No. 2179103
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>>2179036>scrote looks like a kirito recolorI started reading picrel yesterday, but I couldn’t make it past the first chapter because the ML looks so painfully bland.
No. 2179175
>>2179056>>2179066Ngl I actually love black hair, it sucks when you see a nice character and all the comments are moids claiming that he's literally them because the mc has black hair, and talking about them is hard because he has black hair so he must be nothing but a kirito clone with no personality whatsoever.
Most people saying this don't even know what Kirito even is at this point, they just know Kirito bad.
No. 2179261
>>2178988Going to add that Ao3 is also indirectly responsible for fandom’s current state in being dominated by romance and porn. There was an extremely noticeable shift in fandom once AO3 supplanted FFN and other fanfic sites and this shift happened extremely quickly. The tagging system is basically the same as you’d expect of a porn site. Tags are useful in the context of porn and romance where people have very specific, granular preferences and turn offs. Tags don’t really make sense for genfic; if you want to read a drama or adventure story tags easily function as spoilers for the story you want to read/write. I think tags change how people interact with and relate to fanfic and reading in general (tags seem to be bleeding into original fiction too, and imo this entails fiction becoming increasingly formulaic).
I don’t remember the term ‘genfic’ even existing prior to Ao3, why would you develop such a broad term for every genre of story when non-romance stuff was often the majority of what was being produced?
No. 2179290
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Scrotes will not tolerate female protags existing in games unless they look like sex dolls kek. Doesn't matter how well made the game is.
No. 2179321
>>2179274There is something terribly demonic about Twitter fandoms
You become a very spiteful and hateful person, I refuse to believe any of these people are having fun
No. 2179405
>>2178441>all of the Mane 6 are there Total Brony Death but why is Twilight so high? Is it because she's the nerdy one and all the nerdy men coom/self insert as her or what?
>Loona is higher than Harley Quinn and Wonder WomanHQ and WW have been coomed over for decades and the goffick furry bait from a web animation that came out five years has more coom material than both. I'd be impressed if I wasn't so disgusted.
>Ankha and IsabelleI know moids sexualize them but it still hurts my heart to be aware of it.
>Powergirl being low on the chartShocking.
No. 2179449
The new Class of 09 game was so disappointing. I enjoyed the first 2 but the Flipside was just torture porn for the sake of torture porn. The OG and the Re-Up were edgy sure but they had some kind of modesty and knew when to not go too far. The fact that there’s an entire ending about the characters having a mommy dom and feet fetish has just made it so now the franchise’s entire legacy will be “that edgy anime game with a fetishy final installment” I heard there were allegations against the developer of racism and even worse, getting nudes from fans on Discord but that’s all alleged and I’m unsure how true it is, it really wouldn’t shock me given all the YandereDev flashbacks this whole thing gives me.
>>2178441The worst part of this is that the male characters are mostly only here cuz they’re used in faceless art for the moids to self insert into
No. 2179515
>>2178678>you can only feel pleasure if someone touches your peepee or your coochiethere's plenty of other erogenous zones in the body,
nonnie, be serious.
No. 2179528
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>>2179290Scrotes are already sexualizing the GoY protag
No. 2179548
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I love that most of the characters posted don't even look like their moms, they just have the same art style
No. 2179590
File: 1727306167767.png (271.62 KB, 580x590, milk.png) milk on the creator of class of '09. This guy would go on skype just to bully autistic kids, funnily enough he sounds autistic himself being 20 throwing baby insults at 13 year olds kek. It's funny that the fanbase of his game is now autistic lesbian kids who make yuri art of his characters, that clearly makes him seethe and is probably why the new game tries too hard to scare them off.
No. 2179596
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>>2179590NTA but the rest of the thread. at this point he is just yandev 2.0
No. 2179602
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sonic fans are always at the crime scene
No. 2180625
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this whole heathcliff "roma" discourse is honestly eye-opening about wokies, It they are more retarded than even the craziest conservatives when it comes to anything, they really think all gypsies are just unchanged dark-skinned Indians and It's telling that they're all posting random Indian actors instead of an actual modern western gypsy
No. 2180635
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>>2180625this is what a modern western gypsy actor looks like btw, usually they are very similar to the ethnicity of the country they live in or slightly more tanned than the general population
No. 2180660
>>2180625Isn't there a whole discussion what race Heathcliff is? I think some people are posting Indian actors because of this quote “You’re fit for a prince in disguise. Who knows but your father was Emperor of China, and your mother an Indian queen”
It's hinted in the book that he is mixed race "A good heart will help you to a bonny face, my lad, if you were a regular black”. No one in your image even mention him maybe being of "roma orgin". Other people in the book call him gypsy, but that term is ambigious from what country he could be from.
Really dont want to defend twitterfags, but i have reread the book recently, and yeah he is very obviously non white (again very vague, but so i the book about explaining his origins.
No. 2180666
>>2180651NTA but the Romani came to Europe from India 1500 years ago and spread from there and got mixed with locals over centuries. A Roma person born in somewhere like Northern Europe would be much more white passing than someone who spent their entire life in the Balkans.
That said, it's a
valid point to bring up that a basic Tall Brown Haired Nigel with blue eyes is a pretty shitty pick for a character that's explicitly described to be exotic-looking. I wouldn't go as far as "brown", but he
is said to be described as having darker skin.
No. 2180692
>>2180667>people also call him Spanish, Italian and a Moor"a little Lascar, or an American or Spanish castaway". Lascar meaning a sailor from India or SE Asia, the castaway is probably also emphasized for a darker complexion of his skin.
>the fact that his son looks completely white indicates that he's probably more CaucasianI think it's more likely that it that he is mixed, half european, and half southeast asian. Back then Indians where also considered as "Blacks". Heathcliff his discription and race has been discussed for a long time.
>>2180666>That said, it's a valid point to bring up that a basic Tall Brown Haired Nigel with blue eyes is a pretty shitty pick for a character that's explicitly described to be exotic-looking.Yeah it fine if they really want to cast a white guy, but he should atleast look exotic. However I guess they won't have any of the characters call him a gypsy or black since that would maybe offend people.
No. 2180929
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>>2180625>>2180692>>2180731the 1939 adaption managed to portray him more accurate
No. 2181073
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in case anyone wanted some metrics, this is the absolute state of "f/f" thanks to futashit. a whopping 77.9% of the people who will claim to enjoy "yuri" want to see dicks involved, think about that for a second. by the way, blanked out red name is the most "dominant" and """gnc""" amongst the women (3+) involved, which obviously means she must have a dick. ancient greece levels of gender roles, we truly did never move on.
No. 2181233
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>>2180660>>2180625>>2180651picrel is a better explanation
No. 2181254
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>>2178816>>2178964Lara was one of the first overly sexualized characters in video games that I remember, there used to be a PlayStation magazine that featured her as a sex symbol and the ads for her early games were filled with innuendos. Even if they don't advertise her as such nowadays, she's still an attractive character with ideal proportions using clothes that feature and reveal her body. I haven't played the new games, but I don't remember her having a love interest, so it's the perfect waifu for them to project safely their fantasies. It's hard to erase the background built around the character and pretend she wasn't coom material to begin with. I can't blame the fandom for sexualizing a character that the creators heavily sexualized from the start.
No. 2181280
>>2180660Lol alot of woke twitterfags are the same as right-wingers. Right-wingers lose their mind when a character that was supposed to be white gets turned brown/black and wokies also lose their mind when a character that was supposed to be brown/black has a lighter actor.
Literally the same type of people juat inverted.
No. 2181509
>>2180666if heathcliff was white passing he wouldn't be getting called slurs. Nonnies saying he was mixed are
valid because he was definitely a bastard that got adopted
>>2181280its not like the uk has a shortage of half white/half south asian or arab actors anyway
No. 2181515
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>>2179290>Because of course it doesThis scrote fails as weaboo if he doesn't know the stories behind Onna-musha.
No. 2181517
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Vivzie's still coping about Helluva/Hazbin being an "adult" show. If you swapped a Vivzie script with a CW teen drama no one would notice a thing. Literally 90% shipping with 10% swearing to bump the rating up, its chilling tales of sabrina but animated
No. 2181541
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>>2181233Find it weird that “dark skinned in aspect” is treated as a metaphor but “white as the wall behind him” is taken seriously. He may have been dark for English standards (medium skin tone) which would still allow him to have a light skinned child. His origins are pretty ambiguous so you can read him a lot of ways, I think he was never elaborated on as a sign that he’s always on the outside of society. Whether he’s Indian, gypsy, Spanish, etc. doesn’t matter as much as him being obviously different from the rest of them. His foreignness (especially his black eyes) is commented on a lot during the novel, so I’m inclined to believe he had a clearly exotic (to the English) look.
Picrel is from stackexchange, where they also have a theory on where Heathcliff came from based on the timeframe where he was picked up. No. 2181670
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margot robbie being cast is so stupid. sorry but she has a very 'fierce', strong, 2020s stacy face and it just doesnt suit that time and era. the victoria era was all about softer looking women with very oval, gentle, cherubic innocent faces. margot looks so hard and slutty.(samefagging)
No. 2181680
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>>2181670seriously margots big square victoria secret model block of cheese head and thick lips would just look so weird in period drama settings. if you look at any portraits from the 1700s/1800s and even up to the edwardian era it was always about long, oval faces, delicate small lips, large innocent eyes, very placid expressions. margot is the opposite, always looks like she's smizing, seems sly, bitchy, knowing, worldly and hard. her phenotype doesnt fit with beauty standards of that time she's going to look so weird in victorian aesthetic.
(samefagging) No. 2181685
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sorry but this is just not cathy and never will be(samefagging)
No. 2181710
>>2181263That's tragic, I didn't know that. Reminds me of a mangaka that the publisher pushed for him to draw his character with bigger tits.
>>2181515You give them too much credit by even considering they would know any history and not only the action movies they watched as a kid.
No. 2181753
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and people who are pretending certain looks dont fit certain eras are coping.(derailing)
No. 2181764
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>>2181753yeah it’s true. I watched this random new Bollywood movie on Netflix that came out this year and the main lead has such an iPhone face. No way she’s from the 1800s, it’s just not convincing
No. 2181952
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>>2181764>>2181772This has been an issue in Indian cinema for decades, where actors from minority ethnic groups are often chosen based on their perceived attractiveness
>Bollywood promotes racial hierarchies in their films, often featuring actors who do not resemble the great majority of Indians. This is not news, and really, is not even the fault of Bollywood, which is simply reflecting the (unfortunate) South Asian preference for fair skin and sharp features.>Actors from the Indus Valley, particularly Punjabis, dominate the Bollywood elite. This is not surprising, given Khatri families like the Kapoors are prevalent in the industry. >While Bollywood Actresses tend to have more general Indian ancestry than their male counterparts, this ancestry is extremely skewed towards Brahmins. Brahmins are the traditional elite of India, often known for being relatively fair skinned in comparison to their neighbors, due to their elevated levels of Eurasian Steppe ancestry from the ancient Aryan Invasion. They comprise between 5–10% of the Indian population on average.imagine if ethnic groups that made up less 2% of the entire population were the only representation in film and media, that's bollywood
picrel is an actual Indian prince vs the actor who they get to portray him
No. 2181999
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>>2181952I googled "bollywood men". They do all that and the moids are still ugly??
No. 2182124
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picrel is why pandering is a stupid decision, nothing you create will ever be "woke" enough. In fact, it will be judged even harder for not aligning with their ideas
this is about the actors not being roma or jewish btw
No. 2182130
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>>2182023there are roma here in the uk. most of them look white or just white with black hair or whatever. they become whiter from mixing with irish travellers, who are just irish white people who started becoming nomadic in the 1600s. pic rel is a irish gypsy (male) and romani gypsy (female) couple lol.
the romani ive seen in northern and eastern europe were much darker and looked much more indian.
No. 2182150
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>>2182138Seriously, just because link is short doesn't mean he's a hurr durr femboy, I really hate that shit of the fandom nowadays, I miss when Link existed to make cool fanart of.
Nowadays people basically draw Zelda and slap a dick on her, then they call her Link. It's literally pic related but they don't even remove the eyelashes or change the hair too much.
No. 2182247
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>>2182138>>2182150link is a femboy because he’s a feminine/androgynous guy; the term applies to any dude who isn’t conventionally masculine. it doesn’t always mean broken hip flat-cheated venus body and it’s in fact regularly applied to like. regular twink/bishonen characters or any dude in a dress. every guy posted in the maid thread on /m/, for example, is a “femboy”
>b-but!! nope. i hate the term because of the culture that surrounds it, e.g. reddit bisexuals and “boykisser” types, but that’s just facts
(fuck off) No. 2182256
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>>2182138link has always been an underage boy or teenager, the male porn addicts or slash shippers who portray him as this pseudo-feminine figure just reveal themselves to be the pedophiles they are, picrel was caught with "femboy link porn" and what I imagine most moids who are into "femboys" look like
>>2182247I know what you are
No. 2182266
>>2182260yes because all teenage boys are automatically androgynous and feminine, you retard
>>2182252i’m not saying these characters are meant to be feminine or andro, but rather they appear that way in the eyes of westerners who aren’t used to bishonen or pretty boys in their media, hence they get the term applied to them. if you place a character like sephiroth against typical western villains then yes he is notably more androgynous
No. 2182277
>>2182266Just because men
think they are femboys doesn't mean they are. Stop coming here and perpetuating their brainrot and then getting mad when we call you out on it.
No. 2182286
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>>2182281Even the rock himself would get called a femboy by that sperg just because of that one movie where he wore a dress.
No. 2182293
>>2182285what do you think of roidstacies. Are they tomboys despite wearing thongs, long hair and make up to bodybuilding competitions.
>>2182290just because you and men are pornsick it doesnt mean everyone has to agree with you. Men call everything gay and feminine so why play along?
No. 2182294
>>2182290We can back read the thread you mong
>link is a femboy because he’s a feminine/androgynous guy; the term applies to any dude who isn’t conventionally masculine. it doesn’t always mean broken hip flat-cheated venus body and it’s in fact regularly applied to like. regular twink/bishonen characters or any dude in a dress. every guy posted in the maid thread on /m/, for example, is a “femboy” Go back to /cm/ where you belong and don't come back.
No. 2182308
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>>2182300>igOoh we have a twitterfag baiting!
No. 2182378
>>2182335Anon is just admitting that femboy is a porn category used to describe underage guys that just because of their age, are considered "feminine" and "androgynous" simultaneously for some reason.
Because everyone knows that young = feminine and attractive and old = masculine and unattractive. Therefore being into kids is the norm, nonna, don't you know this? The Greeks and Romans did it too!
No. 2182422
>>2181254Oh I don't deny that Lara was sexualized in the past, I'm objecting to how she is characterized in the newest games. Instead of a charming and confident rogue she's introduced as a meek girl that gets brutalized by her environment. The games delight in how they kill and torture Lara, a conscious decision to make the player feel 'protective' over her. It was bad enough in the game itself, made worse once you read the reasoning per interviews and my opinion was permanently skewed negative when I saw the Conan tv spot where he played the game (with one of the gamedevs). Even when she became more capable across the subsequent I thought her personality fell short, the new trilogy seems to fetishize her vulnerability and I found it distasteful.
In the old games she was sexy but at least she was cool and capable. The games didn't linger on her death scenes.
No. 2182438
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I'm a new player of enstars and I love this little idol raising game because there's so much to do and the beat maps keep me on my toes, but why are so many fangirls batshit about Arashi. Everywhere I go they call him a tranny and say his pronouns are she/her and we should respect that!!1! Despite the Japanese voice actors within the English version of the game referring to him as "Narukami-kun" or just calling him by his male given name "Arashi". There are actual traps in the game and yet Arashi is the one who gets the tranny treatment. Why. He's already nonthreatening. Why all the eunuchmaxxing from western fangirls.
No. 2182453
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>>2182422Wtf why are so many comments like 'not my proudest fap' or 'new fetish unlocked'
No. 2182462
>>2182438Isn’t Arashi called “she” in the english ver? I think their VA talked about their identity struggles and even from the first original game Arashi was always referred to as “big sister”. and openly talked about gender issues in the japanese script. Not saying any of this is good, but there actually is canon long running reasons why Arashi gets the troon treatment.
t. massive Reifag
No. 2182488
>>2182438Arashi is just a lost cause among the EN fanbase. Like
>>2182462 says there are canon reasons but I just drink the milk from his rabid fans, they're always so predictable and entitled.
t. massive Mikafag
No. 2182493
>>2182485That’s true, it is confirmed by Japanese speakers that he does speak like a really feminine gay man. However, there is the entirety of the gray area where he calls himself a woman in several “official” and non-official translations (what the english speaking fanbase relied on for many years). It is definitely undeniable that Arashi struggles with gender conformity though and doesn’t like to be seen as manly.
>>2182488>MikafagBased and agreed with what you said. Arashi’s interpretations vary hugely with both sides of the fanbase.
No. 2182494
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>>2182465Thank you for putting this hideous collage together. A nona said that Lara probably had a lot of porn from people reusing the 3d assets but the base game alone works well enough for a lot of guys evidently. I think its worse for a man to be cooming to nu-Lara for the specific way she gets sexualized in the new trilogy.
>>2182478Exactly. And if you ignore the ads the old games were really not that sexual in and of themselves and the death scenes are not nearly as bad (generally quick, many are bloodless or are 'off-screened'). I would feel comfortable giving the original ps1 games or the ps2 games to a little girl.
I was trying to find any footage or scenes from the old games that felt as grimy as the newer games and wasn't having much luck but I did find this from the Tomb Raider forums. Poor Clare.
No. 2182500
>>2182465God everytime I think men can't be worse, they make sure to prove me wrong.
Ib4 they back their sickness with "it's just fictional!!", which would be kinda believable it they weren't getting off to snuff in HQ graphics. They look too realistic to not believe they wouldn't seek out actual real-life images (or worse, do it themselves)
No. 2182516
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>>2182465I feel bad for these things' mothers. I hope they all kill themselves.
No. 2182630
>>2182422>Conan tv spot where he played the game (with one of the gamedevs)Conan O'brien? If so, that wasn't one of the devs, that was one of his crew members. Either way it showed how she was still supposed to be a sexy object for men. Just because they changed the flavor or sexualization by sprinkling gore and a different personality, doesn't mean her previous fake girlboss persona was more respected. It's not surprising to see her on the list, differently from pokemon which were never meant to be sexual, she was and still is designed to appeal. It's not a fandom issue more of a misoginy on video games.
>>2182443>>2182494The original games were made for Playstation 1, not 2. They were so close to treating her like a playboy bunny back then. You might think it's better, but honestly, I wouldn't put past them for doing the same if they had the technology, they sure were eager to advertise that. It's insane we would even have to pick what type of misoginy we can take and applaud one over the other. Men are insidious and a cancer, but before being appaled by their reaction to gore porn in the game, who put that in the game to begin with? This isn't a fandom problem, sorry.
No. 2182683
>>2182443The mix of fetishism with the anti-feminism thought that was starting to pop up at the time of the game's release
>>2182465 really comes together to create a cesspool of a comment section. Men are a disease upon this world.
No. 2182756
>>2182630The original trilogy was for ps1 but they made another for ps2. The advertising for the ps2 trilogy wasn't nearly as bad as it was for the first one (though the technology was there for finally give her cleavage). You're free to disagree but I was able to enjoy those games because the games themselves (separate from advertising) are fairly clean, midriff crop-tops aside. The games in the ps2 trilogy all had a T-rating which is why the violence and death animations are so soft.
And you are correct about the Conan interview, it was his friend not one of the devs but uh their comments are still crass and gross. I will post the interview with Rob Rosenberg (one of the producers) in the next comment.
No. 2182763
>>2182756>In the past, Lara Croft didn't need protecting. She was a fearless daredevil, a crack shot in short shorts with enough attitude to scare off a pack of bloodthirsty gorillas.
>But in the upcoming Tomb Raider reboot, things will be different. She hasn't become that woman yet. And executive producer Ron Rosenberg says you'll want to keep her safe.
>"When people play Lara, they don't really project themselves into the character," Rosenberg told me at E3 last week when I asked if it was difficult to develop for a female protagonist.
>"They're more like 'I want to protect her.' There's this sort of dynamic of 'I'm going to this adventure with her and trying to protect her.'"
>So is she still the hero? I asked Rosenberg if we should expect to look at Lara a little bit differently than we have in the past.
>"She's definitely the hero but— you're kind of like her helper," he said. "When you see her have to face these challenges, you start to root for her in a way that you might not root for a male character."
>"The new Lara Croft isn't just less battle-hardened; she's less voluptuous. Gone are her ridiculous proportions and skimpy clothing. This Lara feels more human, more real. That's intentional, Rosenberg says.
>"You start to root for her in a way that you might not root for a male character."
>"The ability to see her as a human is even more enticing to me than the more sexualized version of yesteryear," he said. "She literally goes from zero to hero… we're sort of building her up and just when she gets confident, we break her down again."
>In the new Tomb Raider, Lara Croft will suffer. Her best friend will be kidnapped. She'll get taken prisoner by island scavengers. And then, Rosenberg says, those scavengers will try to rape her.
>"She is literally turned into a cornered animal," Rosenberg said. "It's a huge step in her evolution: she's forced to either fight back or die."
>It's some dark material, the type of content you might not expect from an action-adventure game like Tomb Raider. But Rosenberg isn't worried about alarming people too much. He says players will see right away that this is a darker, "more mature" version of Lara's story. He compared it to the origin story of a comic book like Spider-Man or Batman, saying he thinks it "has that feel to it."
>"We're not trying to be over the top, shock people for shock's sake," he said. "We're trying to tell a great origin story."UGH. Now you too can experience the controversy that got fans riled up in over 10 years ago.
No. 2182779
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I don't know if this belongs here, but I always find it funny when asian artists either draw white people as super demure and ethereal creatures or as giant monstrous beasts(both are done for fetish reasons). They can't ever just depict them as normal people who maybe a bit taller than asians
No. 2182794
>>2182756I pointed out it was made for ps1 because of how limited the console was compared to nowadays. They put real effort into making her tits. I wouldn't trust their depiction of previous versions as better, because who knows what else they would have done, actually the ads hint on what they would have done. The ending of Tomb raider 2 was her in a robe getting ready to shower. The intent was always there, even if hidden by some joke. I'm not here to argue about women enjoying the games or not, I grew up with games from this era and enjoyed many of them which looking back were probably doghsit. I'm not judging you or other women who liked Lara or saying it's right or wrong to like her because each person has their unique experiences and point of view and I respect that. I'm just criticizing the decisions around the characters and pointing that the advertisements were part of the creation. We didn't have acess to the internet the same way we do now, these magazine ads were releveant at that time. These issues for Tomb raider come from the creators themselves, they fueled this misoginy and sexualization, this is a good discussion to have in the sexism in video games thread imo, not as much as a fandom issue.
>their comments are still crass and grossThey absolutely were. I agree with you. I think he was hyping up a perv character for the comedic effect, but it's the same as putting Lara in a robe to take a shower as a ending scene. People will say it's just a joke.
>>2182763I was very much around at this time and these were the reasons I didn't play that game. I think you could bring these posts to the sexism in videogames thread, it suits the discussion better than the fandom thread. As disgusting as the 'fandom' (the allegedly fans that are just horny men) is, I think they are reflecting an issue present in the game and the official content around it. Just being clear, I'm not saying her having cleavage in the earlier games is the same as soft gore porn, I'm just saying it doesn't surprise me they couldn't help but keep sezualizing her again and again. I don't want to derail this thread when we have a better thread for it, nonna, but I agree and empathize with your sentiment of how depraved it was to turn her into a helpless woman being brutalized and that it's a downgrade from sexy girbloss to that.
No. 2182807
>>2182801I'm sorry, this was around 2019 and so you're going to take my word for it, but there are tons of 'chinese/korean foreigner' interviewers and they always seem obsessed with the looks and height of white people (especially if they're white kids)
No. 2182832
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>>2182763Apparently the rape mechanic was used to market the game. Based off the reviews online, the long and torturous scenes did fulfill their purpose
No. 2182852
>>2182832Ngl I do this sometimes with male characters.
Moids think a male character is a super fag if he's crying when he gets stabbed to death though.
No. 2182861
>>2182832In the game she wasn't actually raped but there was an implication it could happen, if you failed the check the enemy would just shoot her. In isolation I don't think that scene was bad, but given the context of the luxuriously animated death sequences and the producer's comments that attempted assault scene comes across very badly. It's even worse when you hone in on
>"we're sort of building her up and just when she gets confident, we break her down again."The reception might have been different if it hadn't been Lara but an entirely new female character. But it wouldn't have been as hot to the devs apparently, because tearing down a confident woman was the appeal. I don't have any hope for future Tomb Raider games unless the IP is given to a different studio.
No. 2182878
>>2182794I think it fits in the context of this thread if only to compare how her fandom has changed. People that liked the old Lara dislike the newer games, the character is completely different and so is the gameplay. I wonder how successful the approach actually was, the new trilogy saw sales decline with every game and any online discussion of the trilogy is plagued by people complaining about Lara's characterization.
>>2182852>>2182856I do think this is a thing, 'hurt/comfort' exists after all. My impression of the games however is that there's no comfort. The games (and the marketing) focus so strongly on the hurt, seeing Lara suffering
is the appeal. It's also just a really weird direction for an escapist fantasy character. I'm not sure if 'protectiveness' is something that you can easily do in a character action game anyway, people bitch endlessly about escort missions where the whole goal is to protect another character.
No. 2182917
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>>2182899Old Japanese art of white westerners are something
No. 2182978
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>>2182899not all so monstrous but in death note, the american spk has some examples
No. 2182994
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>>2182917I meant something more modern lol but this is pretty funny. I like how the guy on the right is just a Japanese person with a beard. Here’s one where the white guy has a hilariously long nose.
No. 2183053
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>>2182994nta but shounen series portray white characters with hyper-realistic details and often depict them as super buff. I think it's mostly because shounen authors main exposure to white people was from action movies
No. 2183145
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>>2182994japanese feudal hairstyles are beyond ugly
No. 2184507
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this isn't really discourse i guess but the ranfren author has it made. if i ever get the stuff out that i want to create, i also hope any fanbase i cultivate is purely eastern-based. no trannies, no moralfaggotry, just fanart and fun as far as i can tell
No. 2184531
>>2184507One of the videogame fanartists I follow had to lock her account because she tagged one of her tweets wrongly.
She got a comission from a Vtuber to use on her said videogame streams, artist tagged the comm as the Vtuber name rather than the dedicated fanart tag.
She received a bunch of hate mail and people complaining under the post, eastern fandoms are super autistic when it comes to tagging, CWs and such. Also over plagiarism, do something with a similar pose as another art and they will harass you as well.
No. 2184588
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>>2184537a famous ranfren artist called @Luca_LoveSeb was harassed by ranfren gendies who equated picrel to being "pedophilia" despite the artist clearly stating she ages up the characters the funny part of all this that most of them were shotafags themselves calling her out kekk
No. 2184660
>>2184507Being completely honest, the cutest/closest female fandom I've seen was for an isekai.
It was a very niche crowd so not much drama outside tracing for other more popular franchises is possible.
No. 2184741
>>2184727Ntaryt but I'm guessing it's because men who are pretty still keep their dignity as men. "humiliation" for many means they should look actually look pathetic, lower than human.
Looking graceful and dignified even if they're meant to be lower than dirt, humiliated and pathetic, can be seen as a trad thing.
No. 2184754
>>2184752Should add, *seperate from a fetish.
They can fetishize the later so while it's "humiliation", it's something they can also get off to.
No. 2184763
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No. 2184765
>>2184755Stupid retards like you try to slap the tif label on anything they like forgetting that shit is also what
women like because you forgot tifs and women somewhere along the line. Kaneoya probably has more non-gendie fans total but one retarded section of the fanbase is enough for you to start bashing the whole genre of art.
No. 2184767
>>2184758And pretty boys attract tifs as much, also wouldnt they be safe horny too?
The only thing that wouldn't be safe horny in this context is the ryona/gore option and "pretty boy" shota.
No. 2184782
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>>2184773True, I interpreted as more of a pain thing than a sexy thing though. I guess something like picrel would be comfortable and practical, but also painful for the moid on the receiving end.
No. 2184792
>>2184786That wasn't because they were pretty nonna, it was because they were gay. Self insert harems like Bakemonogatari has the pretty boy mc getting disemboweled by chicks and they think that's fine. This one
>>2178532 gets ED humiliation and gets beaten up by the female characters. They think it's hot but if you bring up how the mc actually looks like on the inside they get really mad and defend about how he changed and looks pretty now.
No. 2184807
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>>2184799>>2184799Come on now, if they were in a not gay show nonna here would call them generic.
No. 2184808
>>2184777Okay but male gaze high heels that ruin the spine isn’t sexy.
>>2184782 is way better.
No. 2184813
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>>2184807Compared to pic related and
>>2178532In a gay show it would be all "men could never"
No. 2184814
>>2184807compare them to kirito and they have 10 times more appeal, also the free guy is fit and kirito's a skinnyfat
No. 2184820
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>>2184814Kirito is also a 14 year old boy. Even then, they're basically clones at different ages in life.
No. 2184849
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>>2184838Well, the tall part counts.
No. 2184871
>>2184853Ichi the Witch looks nice, at least.
Hopefully it won't die.
No. 2184889
>>2184882The other stuff aren't great either so I'm still hoping it pulls through into being great.
I want the artist to make it after losing the chance at an anime because of that shitty pedo moid.
No. 2184890
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>>2184853Only if you only read JJK, sure.
No. 2184895
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The audacity of men and their insistence of invading female fandoms grows by the day. There are already scrotes pissed off that Nikki can't be upskirted in the upcoming game.
No. 2184901
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>>2184897So you don't actually read it, got it. He goes back to being skinny in a lot if not most of his fights.
No. 2184903
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>>2184849The watercolor style brushes gege uses really does his art a disservice, gojo's face looks rubbery, not like skin. Can't believe this and picrel are both official
No. 2184912
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>>2184903It also doesn't help that his style has simply degraded a lot over time. He went so long without consistently drawing Gojo that he literally forgot how to which is why he looks so much like a frog during Shinkuju Showdown to the end. His fights got pretty sloppy too around this time.
>>2184905You're missing out. Sakamoto isn't even the best character and there's better more relevant men in the series.
>>2184906>Me when I read Shounen Jump (it is literally all fightfaggotry)Dorohedoro is a better version of Sakamoto Days anyways and it's actually written by a woman. I would recommend Dorohedoro over SD any day of the week but it's not SJ.
No. 2184940
>>2184906>>2184912You could try Kagurabachi? The art isn't fantastic but he's clearly trying to appeal to female readers. Yumejo housewives basically saved the manga from getting axed early on. It's actually pretty good, ignore the memes.
>>2184871Ichi the witch is beautiful but I fear it will become a harem series. The character designs are also really feminine in a way where I don't think it will be engaging to male readers to submit votes for. Ichi's design feels really girly. I hope it gets better though, the female MC is really funny.
No. 2184947
>>2184882I have faith in it. The writer and artist have had past successes, and wsj just lost two of its heavy hitters. The writer's main manga, Iruma-kun is crazy popular so I have hope in this being successful two.
It's also the only female artist-writer team in WSJ, and has a cute MC on top of that, so I want it to do well
No. 2184951
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>>2184913Based nonna! I hope you end up liking it. It has a bit of a mundane start but it gets good around 50 and on, which doesn't take long since the chapters are short. Every arc is getting better and better for sure. I hope you end up liking my boy in picrel.
>>2184925I hate how fast SJ cans shit. It feels like nowadays SJ is the equivalent of what shounen is to trends in the sense that if the reader numbers aren't immediately huge it gets axed. The Hunters Guild: Red Hood is a good example of something that was promising but got axed within months. It was really depressing and it only adds to the awful mangaka work culture.
>>2184940Kagurabachi is on my list and I've heard great things. I find it funny how fujos saved it because it is undeniable how fujos put in way more fandom work than male readers by buying merch, fanwork, etc. Now that a couple of big past gens just ended like MHA and JJK there will definitely be more eyes on the series.
No. 2184971
>>2184951At the beginning it was definitely adult yumejos, the MC is one of the few recent MCs that actually has a husbandoable personality. Women were buying multiples of the first volume copies to give out to friends and family. Fujoshi came in around the second arc when the mangaka added in another male character for the MC to interact with. Yumejos and fujos comprise the majority of fan creators making content like art and fanfic and fan merchandise and are the majority of the people buying multiple official goods for stuff like ita-bags and character shrines.
I think it is very good, the first arc is a master class of an opening arc. Biggest downsides being the relative lack of SoL and the art being rough (the mangaka only started drawing manga during the covid lockdowns). The one downside I can see being a nonstarter for people is how the manga is so tightly focused on the MC; I think a lot of modern audiences are used to 'character gacha' with large casts but Kagurabachi is laser focused on it's protagonist so if you don't like him it isn't the manga for you. I'd say to at least finish the first arc which is only 18 chapters before deciding if you want to continue.
>>2184956>>2184960iirc shoujo magazines developed tighter and tighter focuses over time. The magazines chose to stop publishing many of the sorts of stories they used to publish in favor of branding themselves around romance. This has been to the magazine's detriment in many cases but apparently Japanese people don't take the demographic labels as seriously as Westerners do. So something like Black Butler is technically published in a shonen magazine but Japanese people are aware mostly women read it.
No. 2184976
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>>2184906Gokurakugai might be for you then. Honestly I could read it for the art alone, but the character interactions are cute as well. I like alma's antics
No. 2185042
>>2185037Not a reader but if it's
>>2184976 saying it then she might like the "bratty" sort of character.
No. 2185044
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No. 2185077
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>>2185037>>2185031there’s definitely an age gap fetish in the series, considering the author’s age is the same as the female main character, while the male character is realistically drawn as a 15-year-old boy kinda makes thing obvious, I'm not against this btw, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with an older woman dating a younger man or woman
No. 2185121
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>>2184895…hmmm idk anon i do agree that scrotes like invading female fandoms but i haven't seen this happen for the Nikki franchise. Seems like you've seen one or two scrote there and now you have selection bias. Most Nikki game players are women so i don't understand what you mean by your ''actual audience'' meme…
Either way has any anon done beta testing for the infinity nikki game?
I love platformer and open world games so i may try it out i just hope they don't go crazy with the in-app-purchase features….
No. 2185128
>>2184976 here. I remember a few of the old hag and boob jokes, but they are few and far between, especially after chapter 7
No. 2185135
>>2185125oh i didn't know about it, that sucks since Nikki is made for women and young girls. I hope scrotes don't take over it just like they have taken over other things like mlp.
That's disappointing….
No. 2185143
>>2185121>your ''actual audience'' meme…NTA but that's obviously not her own picture, she got it from somewhere else. Meaning that there are some moids out there that played this game and made their own little community with their own inside jokes about it.
>>2184824I've seen a pic of a disgusting moid cosplaying a Kaneoya piece (male pickme?). I don't enjoy thinking about it one bit.
>>2184772>Drawing [any character I don't personally find attractive] is safe and boring.>NOOOO YOU MUST MAKE SURE TO ALWAYS DRAW THINGS THAT WILL MAKE SCROTES SEETHE!!!Seriously? This deserves derailing the whole thread? You don't even understand the difference between a weird girl drawing an ugly character in a way she finds cute, and a scrote making guro-tier ugly bastard hentai where all the focus is on the woman. If you don't understand that, you don't even have a right to fight over which pretty boy in anime is "objectively" ugly or attractive.
No. 2185173
>>2185156We have resident spergs who argue over the same points on repeat.
>>2185168Kek yes, even among the bishies there's no consensus, but there's no point in stating the obvious. Every time this was said someone would go
>I think it's same to assume x is widely liked!Then 10 minutes later someone is sperging how x is actaully ugly or boring and so on.
No. 2185302
File: 1727574233159.jpg (170.39 KB, 1024x1280, lara.jpg)

Larasisters, we fucking LOST.
Amy Hennig, THE Amy Hennig, previously worked for Crystal Dynamics (Tomb Raider devs) and made her pitch for the Tomb Raider reboot and was rejected. She then left Crystal Dynamics to join Naughty Dog to become the head writer and creative director of . . . the Uncharted series.
FUCK FUCKING FUCK imagine how GOOD Tomb Raider would have been under Amy's directorial vision! We were fucking ROBBED. Instead of the based Amy Hennig Lara we got the guro porn joyless Lara.(integrate)
No. 2186269
File: 1727628026840.gif (1.49 MB, 1500x1500, 1723117646045.gif)

>>2186252>stupidly got caught looking up naked pictures of Justin Timberlake kekkkkkk
No. 2186386
>>2182494I've played TR1 and 2, I'm playing TR3 right now and nope, I can't recall any scenes in the games where I've felt that Lara was either sexualised or a damsel in distress. Anytime she gets caught, she (or better you as the player) rescues herself and continues on her journey. If you switched Lara with a male character, the game would barely change which for me indicates that her sex doesn't actually matter.
What I really liked about Lara is that she's SELFISH. She goes on adventures because she loves it (and writes about them, that's how she makes her money lol). Not because of a guy, not because she wants to save the world. And funny enough, she does "save" the world but only because she fucks up before lol. Her appearance is just the cherry on top, I'm more delighted by her sarcastic nature. She's tough, she gets shit done, she'll kill you when she needs to but she's never sinister. And tbh, if her breasts are such a distraction, they could have made them smaller and that's about it. In the end, she's a power fantasy character, not a real human being.
The classic lara would never say "I hate tombs" no matter the context. The nu lara is just another coomer bait for moids who are fantasizing about a YOUNGER Lara who is helpless and gets killed in the most cruesome ways. Whoever decided to make her death scenes so gory in the new triologie needs to be shot. This person definetely has real gore on his harddrive and needs to be eliminated.
/sorry for any spelling mistakes
No. 2186501
>>2186480>>2186476Somewhat hypocritical, considering this site is a safe space from the internet as a whole.
If it wasn't, men would be able to post.
No. 2186525
This thread always gets derailed over the same subjects, incredible.
>>2186480nta but given that many lurk the thread for screenshots, I think some anons don't want to be material for other threads or risk becoming a husbando-chan.
>>2186501You have absolutely no idea what you're talking about.
>>2186503Every thread can have rules, it's not an admin's grace. You newfags are insufferable
(derailing) No. 2186539
>>2186520No ugly men have been posted or talked about in this thread.
Frankly, it's not even shitting on drawings that is annoying. It's this retarded defense that men are totally disgusted by pretty boys so that makes them based.
No, men are jerking off to that as much as you are.
No. 2186548
>>2186527You don't even understand the basic terminology of the ib and you want to act like you know anything.
>>2186528They didn't ban maleposters to make it a safe space.
(derailing) No. 2186554
>>2186551Yes? That is whole the point of my post. Pointing out the newfags is acting like admin came down to husbandofag thread and granted a special rule.
No. 2186557
>>2186545Men don't moralfag at all, that is correct.
>>2186553They absolutely do. The other cycle in these shit threads is complaining about female characters.
No. 2186581
>>2186573You seriously think no man didnt make humiliating artwork of Abby getting fucked? Abby has a sex scene in the game itself.
How come if a man makes humiliating artwork of Abby, he's clearly objectifying but if a woman makes humiliating artwork of an "uggo" she's "uwu they are ackshually super inclusive!"?
No. 2186589
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>>2179590the creator of classof09 actually seems way more unhinged than I thought. apparently the entire game is just some bizarre wish-fulfillment fantasy against people from high school No. 2186594
File: 1727639801404.mp4 (1.97 MB, 480x360, nN_5IkrL9WbQX9dq.mp4)

here he is bullying random autistic 14 year olds while being in his 20s
No. 2186610
>>2186589Another way the game is wish fulfilment is that Nicole is basically his waifu. This interview
(I can't take screenshots on my shitty laptop please don't redtext me) is him talking about the girls from his school that he OBVIOUSLY never got over. No. 2186624
>>2186615its not about kaneoya its about
>>2184741 i just find it funny
>>2186616you werent there when the arthurfag posted her unhinged manifesto
No. 2186629
>>2186624KEK, I already feel like I already know
exactly how this went even though I missed it.
>>2186623The fact they're portrayed as passive and non-threatening probably helps, too.
No. 2186633
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>>2186623I think she just likes the idea of a man breaking down.
The man isn't even ugly, he's tired and sad and doesn't shave. He's "ruined" and thats what's she's into. It isn't some stupid Japanese society brainwashing, it's a fetish.
No. 2186637
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>>2186629even when they are in an 'active' or dominant role, 99% of the time they are expected to represent a japanese man(this is true for shoujo and bl works). The same goes for korean works, although there are a few instances where the man is meant to represent a non-Asian person, I'm assuming inter-racial relationships are more of an option in korea
No. 2186664
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>>2186645They aren't ugly. Stinky? Sure, but not ugly
No. 2186672
>>2186645How is that not just a fact?
Being clean with good hygiene and great skin care with no eye bags is dignified and respectful. Not having good hygiene is shameful.
(derailing) No. 2186681
>>2186664They look a bit rough in some pictures but yeah, most of the time they're not ugly. I think some people just take issue with anything that's not drawn in generic uguu anime style, which would be fine in itself but they need to remember what the word "opinion" means kek
>>2186673Agreed there, he looks walled.
>>2186676If we're still talking about Japan this isn't really the case there. They take cleanliness VERY seriously there.
No. 2186698
>>2186693It reflects more than just
your life.
No. 2186809
File: 1727645675202.jpg (57 KB, 540x553, 20240929_232952.jpg)

This resurfaced and now I'm deleting Xitter. The DR fandom's got a gendie infestation… every other post is shit like this
No. 2186971
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>>2186809Just a few years ago everyone knew he said that because he's a pervert and wants to get closer to women to oogle them. Now, though? A man being a sex creep means he's tooootally transfem u gaiz!!! I can't wait for this stuff to bite them in the ass.
No. 2187238
File: 1727665346902.jpeg (Spoiler Image,820.39 KB, 828x1055, IMG_3527.jpeg)

>>2179125Would you please share with the class nonna? I don’t know (many) artists who do female self insert. But I follow “aeritea” (gentle femdom) and “yunonoaii” (self insert and female pleasure with male focus) on twitter, which is close enough.
No. 2187409
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No. 2187481
>>2185445Eh with Amy Hennig I think the speculation is warranted. Nathan Drake was called out for being 'dude Tomb Raider' when the games were new and with the context of Amy's career in mind it really makes sense, she just recycled a lot of the ideas she had for Tomb Raider into a new IP. I don't think it's outlandish to think Amy's take on Lara Croft would be better than what we got or that it would share a lot of similarities with Uncharted.
On a related, more positive note, the similarities between Uncharted and Tomb Raider have apparently led to a cross-over pairing fandom shipping Lara and Nathan. There's more videos like this than you'd expect kek.
>>2186386The selfishness is the funniest thing about her old characterization. I'm guessing you are playing the Remasters that came out this year? I think the IP owners are revving up to soft reboot the franchise. Wonder which fandom they will cater to this time.
No. 2187554
>>2187485from what I've watched in his videos, he appears to be one of those pretentious white hipsters who thinks he's better than other white people for having "real rap taste," which makes his disdain towards anime really funny, because black people love anime and the only reason he got any popularity was because of his abridged series (this is where this meme comes from) and he just stopped doing them once they gained popularity and attracted fans that he disliked
>>2187526the awfulness of the male teenager characters felt less about rage against men and more about the fact that these types of guys were popular, something he never got over
No. 2187707
>>2187583It's for women who see moids as uwu harmless sensitive little babies who need to be coddled. They always whiteknight for ugly/obese moids and troons.
>>2187702But nonna, that's
problematic! Femdom exists to lift up and worship men.
No. 2187751
>>2186987>He's the only male character that's shown EXPLICIT attraction towards other males Eh, you kinda have to be drinking serious cope juice to not think Komaeda and Ouma are gay
It’s why I never get women who husbando either of them, they’re gay dude.
No. 2187758
>>2187755Utena is canonically bi though?
I’m not saying you’re forbidden from husbandoing a homo character, but it also won’t stop me from saying ‘they’re gay and would never love you’ to someone who does.
No. 2187778
how did this thread went from criticizing underage twitterfag mroalfagging like
>>2187772 to attracting that type of poster?
No. 2187782
>>2187751>>2187762>>2187775What's with this kek? You can want to fuck whichever character you want regardless of how gay the character seems to be, hell it doesn't even matter if the character is actually gay.
Why do we have to give a fuck about the sexuality of a fucking character? I may be autistic as fuck but I at least don't let fiction and headcanons of randos rule my fantasies.
How old are you people?
No. 2187789
>>2187770A lot of husbandofags are just "he's hot", "At the moment, I like him", "I have 10 male characters I love, but he's my fav", "I just think he's interesting and I can sperg here ig"
There's a reason why there's one husbando thread for doing this and a seperate one for fr serious husbandoing.
No. 2187799
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>>2187788It's just a character, I don't get what's the big deal. At least the woman isn't imagining herself fucking a child like your average moid.
Here's some spooky yume fanart of Kaworu.
No. 2187804
>>2187792Didn't she also self insert
as him?
No. 2187809
File: 1727713290083.png (208.92 KB, 658x816, does-the-japanese-script-imply…)

>>2187787>>2187797>>2187801I blame fanfic for this shit.
No. 2187826
>>2187792It's almost like woman aren't a hivemind.
Some take husbandoshit seriously. Some just use it to mean "favorite character" Some just use it to mean "character I think is sexy right now". That one went full "I want to be him".
It's entertainment, not all of them are legitimately exchanging vows of monogamy.
No. 2187833
>>2187817those aren't a thing in yaoi.
>>2187820ok? i know plenty of fujos who are not. even a lot of bl has characters who say they arent gay and only like one single person who happens to be male
No. 2187845
>>2187836You could say there's a
rancid smell.
No. 2187857
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No. 2187867
>>2187851I don't moralfag about cuntboy, I just hate it outright.
I'd bury them in a mass grave and then set it on fire. I'd make the holocaust look like a joke.
No. 2187914
>>2187901the first one is a husbando oshi and
the second one is a yume
No. 2187940
>>2187914>husbando oshiNever thought of thinking of it that way lol, thanks.
I follow a few because I like reading what they say and never knew what to call them.
No. 2188194
>>2188179You are a cuck when you give your time and money to company that isn't going to make shit for
you in return.
No. 2188346
>>2188150Admittedly I can see where they are coming from, the characters have a lot of similarities given that Nathan was inspired by Lara and both were inspired by Indiana Jones. But I can’t see it ever being a real long term relationship kek. Lara has never had a long term love interest in the games so her staying single and adopting a bunch of cats or kids or both seems like a sensible endpoint for her character.
You’re right about these weird crossover pairings being less common I wonder what happened? It’s like people take shipping super seriously now and don’t know how to have fun with stuff that won’t ever be canon.
No. 2188703
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>>2186589>>2179590also this is what he looks like
No. 2188917
File: 1727753973521.jpeg (60.68 KB, 750x451, IMG_0734.jpeg)

Nah she a (fujo) terf
No. 2189290
>>2189242They'd get sweaty and smelly and look kinda fucked up so that would be gross with blood and scars on their back.
They should stay clean and pretty.
No. 2189314
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>>2186610Got a screenshot.
No. 2189493
File: 1727804759094.mp4 (1.36 MB, 854x460, XlF7HT2.mp4)

This is from an official dub
No. 2189511
>>2189493Is she supposed to be some type of Zoomer? It's the only explanation I can think of, especially for saying
No. 2189527
File: 1727806843172.png (1.99 MB, 753x3969, img_4399.png)

>>2189493the responses to this are just as cringe, wokies are so obsessed with proving the "chuds" wrong that they will praise an objectively awful and shitty dub for the sake of seeming progressive
No. 2189666
>>2189511People of all ages use
unalive to get past censors, it's not exactly "gen z slang."
No. 2190047
>>2189666DA some kids have used
unalive in school papers kek
No. 2190147
>>2187555Glad you like this artist then! You’re welcome nonnita!
>>2187583>>2187610I get what you all are saying, but it’s pretty hard to find artists, comics, porn, media etc catered to women. Who also makehardcore porn aimed at guys or anything truly made by women for women.
I also recommend Sadistic beauty and Make him cry by Ant studio and there will always people bitching about fictional males “that’s abuse” “that’s wrong” “while worse porn comics exist or even real life women are abused and dare to whine about that. But I don’t give a fuck about those retards.
>>2188160Yeah it’s too bad she had to make it gentle “femdom”…that’s not true female domination if the guy is being a mommy and the woman doesn’t get pleasured (only some of her art has female pleasure done by a guy.)
>>2189242Fuck yeah, I just want raw true femdom and male focus without it being made by a guy and made for women. And not for dumb moids with depraved mommy fetish or their retarded sissy shit they like for whatever reason.
No. 2190583
>>2190516Okay, but I don't want to write shit on a man's body because that's goofy, most BDSM that isn't
abusive is just kinda lame
No. 2190799
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Breaking news, Jack Skellington ikemen from twisted wonderland discussed in the last thread is canonically 16. It's hilarious watching everyone scramble while sitting back because ultimately, he's lines. Also very cute in the game itself.
No. 2190991
File: 1727893763725.png (605.31 KB, 614x1361, mizuki.png)

Does anyone here play Project Sekai? I only have a few times and the writing really doesn't appeal to me, but I'm curious how this will pan out. I feel like Mizuki was just supposed to be a crossdresser, but the writers can't really do that with their current audience. It seems like they've kept his identity vague for a long time (his gender is just marked as an "?"), even though he's definitely meant to be male.
Even when I tried searching about his gender in Japanese (DeepL), I found an article that an "x-gender" identifying player wrote saying he shouldn't be called an otokonoko. I've seen other Japanese players call him that, but I think it was when the game was newer, because these days they seem to just go with "Mizuki is Mizuki."
I doubt he'll be confirmed as a transwoman, but they're clearly going to have the 'reveal' for his next event. I'm expecting it to go like "I just wanted to be… me," in a way that the writers can still keep it vague enough to please everyone. Whatever it is, the gendies will run with it anyway. I wish he could just be a cute boy.
But I wonder how much they're going to lean into the LGBT angle, like if there's anything to the event starting on National Coming Out Day. Western fans also love pointing out how Mizuki's profile picture has the trans flag colors. Could any of that really be intentional? I know the company has caved to those fans before (when they got accused of blackface, and when the EN server skipped an event that fans called racist).
sorry if I sound too autistic
No. 2191105
>>2190991National Coming Out Day… national referring to where, exactly? The United States? Even if they do confirm that this character is a gendie or TIM rather than a crossdressing boy, do companies in Japan really care enough about some LGBT holiday not observed there to schedule the start of a JP event for that date specifically? It feels just like a coincidence, imo.
Sucks that the fanbase is so rife with underage gendies that would have meltdowns if this event confirmed him as anything other than trans. Why do female weebs love calling male characters transfem or whatever if they show even the slightest bit of femininity? They've probably never interacted with an actual TIM in their lives. I miss the days when GNC characters could just exist peacefully.
No. 2191186
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>>2191105I don't know, it actually seems pretty plausible now that I've seen the reaction from the JP side. And apparently some events were skipped so it could be scheduled like this. I'm interested in seeing what they're gonna go for here (since they could still make him come out as a boy)
No. 2191844
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>>2187409now, the opposite end of the spectrum
No. 2191893
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>>2190991tbf pink = girl and blue = boy is universal symbolism that existed long before troons came up with their flag; in the case of trap/gnc characters it literally just signals that they embody both male and female aspects, that’s it…or so i’d hope, in mizuki’s case it very well could be troon pandering because most of the eng fandom, like you said, thinks he’s a transfem. they seethe really hard at any insinuation he’s a feminine guy lol. it sucks to be a western fan but all the jp accounts i follow just see him as a spicy crossdressing dude, so i can cope
No. 2191949
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>>2191893Some of the comments from JP players are giving me more hope that he'll just end up admitting he's a boy… I like Mizuki from what I've seen of him, so if it ends up like that I might get more into the game
and he'd probably become my favorite because I really enjoy crossdressing anime boysAnd I just found out that Mizuki's event has been delayed to the 12th, lol. Seems like a big shame if they really went through the effort to have it start on the 11th.
No. 2192121
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>>2192086The Japanese Wikipedia article for Coming Out Day mentions these controversies. If it was their original intention for it to be on that date (I think it probably was and they meant to focus on the 'confession' meaning), then it makes sense if they postponed it to avoid the same misunderstanding and association with LGBT rights
>>2192072I shouldn't care about it but I'm autistically invested now No. 2192199
>>2191949>>2192086Being a fan of crossdressing in Current Era is suffering because troons ruin it. I'm a fan of the Mulan type, myself.
Hell, I'd argue that the acceptance and gays and bisexuality have actively started ruining the fun of heterosexual crossdressing romances. It's stops being
>ml is so into his bro fl that despite being straight he likes ((him))And turns into
>ml is bi so he'll fuck anything with a hole, his friend fl has always been just another piece on the menu and is nothing speacialThe exclusivity and taboo was part of the appeal dammit.
And now if the character crossdressed they get co-opted under the troon flag. It's all so tiresome.
No. 2192290
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>>2187409I think this is the only part of any importance. You think he's talking about something deep and profound, something thought provoking
but no
it's just loli and anime shit but he's hiding behind queer art
No. 2192484
>>2192290I wonder if this guy is aware that most people who consume taboo shit don’t actually care about the topic beyond fetish fuel. I remember some Japanese man recounting how a fujo in the anime/movie industry reacted with disgust after finding out he was gay lol.
>>2192474Ah. Yeah no, don’t do that lol especially since that’s shitty and it sounds like they have an online presence and someone will notice eventually. What’s the fic?
No. 2192582
>>2192256She sounds like the type of neurotic asshat that would delete her art off the internet on a whim anyway, or would get turned onto by the woke mob, repost her shit under a burner account because fuck her.
But then again, I am evil, take what I say lightly.
No. 2192722
>>2192718Who cares if they like shipping for the sex. They harassed a fan artist and called her a pedo until she locked her account because
>OMG HE WAS ONLY 17 YEARS AND 364 DAYS OLD YOU SICK FUCKI hate moralfags so much.
No. 2192726
File: 1728004160625.jpeg (384.56 KB, 1394x1756, FKRwoBKagAAfDv7.jpeg)

>>2190991inshallah he will look at the camera and go "i'm sorry…but i'm a boy!" i want to see all the tras melt down
No. 2192741
File: 1728004787651.png (644.83 KB, 902x1185, IMG_6215.png)

>>2191867by their logic, you're literally a bigot if you're even disgusted
No. 2192767
>>2192760Troons(faggot in picrel is probably a troon) dramatize everything that harms their coom. Making fun of coomer artists, who are usually straight males, for drawing everything the same isn't even close to "puritanism". You're not even being made fun of for being a coomer you're being made fun of because you can't fucking draw. Do you notice how trannies also try to group in everything degenerate with anything gay? They use the gay community as a meatshield for their coom, which is why they're calling making fun of shit (heterosexual) artists "hays code".
>>2192741No trannies, you cannot debatelord people into thinking your coom isn't degenerate. This is exactly how they made troonism mainstream too, they just debatelorded it into existence because most normies do not care (and are not autistic enough) to argue with them over it.
No. 2192816
File: 1728011072521.jpg (184.62 KB, 593x418, heFpaQk.jpg)

do you think the smiling friends creator's thought husbandofags would be his main fanbase
No. 2192844
File: 1728015475052.png (480.94 KB, 673x679, IMG_3346.png)

>>2192816Oh he knows.m That faggot knows EXACTLY what he’s doing with making Pim kiss everyone and putting Charlie in this outfit. Also there’s lots of fanart already of him having sex and kissing his Oneyplays co workers so they definitely know.
No. 2192961
>>2192484>I remember some Japanese man recounting how a fujo in the anime/movie industry reacted with disgust after finding out he was gay lol. If it's who I think it is I think he didn't just say "I'm gay" but annoyed the fuck out of her and then acted like a poor littme
victim on twitter, the same way most SJW at work tend to annoy their coworkers who usually don't care if you're gay or a minority.
No. 2192975
>>2192965>Reminds me of that one gay American voice actor who was begging for roles in BL anime dubsYes I remember this bum like it was yesterday. And then his clueless friends were trying to defend him when he kept shit talking fujoshi by saying "how dare you attack a brave, stunning and strong queer gay
poc voice actor!?" over and over again. He eventually apologized but I blocked him before that happened because I don't need some American guy insulting people who are the reason why he has a job on my tl.
No. 2193027
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This discourse is actually infuriating. I do agree that the original post was retarded (mlm ships are popular because fandom is a female space and women like hot anime boys, it isn't any deeper than that), but the idea that only shipping mlm or not caring about female characters (especially in slop media which is what most of these people consume) is misogynistic is even more so. These are the same people who think that criticizing the sexualization of women in media is puritanism like in
>>2192760, or who will call you a
TERF and cancel you for having the most milquetoast feminism 101 opinions, why the fuck are they acting like they care about misogyny? I swear to God the only times I see fandom people talk about feminism nowadays is to call women misogynists for not being invested in anime characters, they don't give a fuck about real misogyny. Not even gonna get into how most of this discourse is spearheaded by AGPs because I might end up alogging if I do kek
No. 2193030
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I don't know anything about Bridgerton or why it's there but I feel like for almost every other show you can easily explain why there's such huge backlash with fans
Or maybe not with the Boys idk people thought it was mocking "all sides" and were annoyed when they realised it was just mocking right wingers, but it was kind of obviously just mocking them? and at most "starbucks leftist" types as well.
I remember a few threads ago nonnies said that Acolyte's hate is a myriad of reasons like the actress making a diss track and the show itself just being boring and not respecting the previous lore.
I feel like for House of the Dragon I could write a whole essay but the fact that GRRM wrote one long ass blogpost talking about one element of the show already explains why fans are so bitter, but the show itself is just not good and was doomed to fail from S1 anyway since they don't want to focus on the actual story and the show runners are obsessed with the idea of "2 women trying to find themselves in war" with 2010s tumblr ideas on feminism instead of 2 entitled siblings fighting to sit on a throne and everyone sucks.
Is that the female Doctor Who? Judging from how even tumblr ignored it i'll have to assume it's boring af
No. 2193031
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>>2193030There's something really funny about this quote. Do exces go demand changes mid project because someone on reddit and twitter threw a temper tantrum? Doesn't that just make the end product shit and disorganized?
The only example i could think of is sonic (if you don't believe that the entire thing is a marketing stunt anyway)
I wonder what shows and movies received this treatment
No. 2193035
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>>2193032Racist fans apparently
I'm a bit shocked, Bridgeton doesn't come off as a serious show I thought everyone was aware that it's a very silly show you watch to see "hot people" making out in period clothes
No. 2193048
>>2193031what's the selection criteria for these 'superfans' though? so many people claim to be massive fans of things, especially legacy properties (eg star wars), but then seem to have a seething hatred or disrespect for core components or turn out to be the kind of person who just wants to bend the property into being about their interests and revolve around their characters (often blatant self-inserts/classic fanfic mary sues kek), rather than what originally appealed to audiences, let alone fans, in the first place (and I'm not even going to rant about the political/ideological bent these types tend to have, but it does make them seem like grifters looking for an easy in with something with brand recognition). Also it doesn't take a fan to be able to learn lore and work out what the essence of a given story is, especially not these days when you have a wiki for everything and video essays breaking that shit down for free, the only things stopping people from making something competent are ego, disinterest and/or a severe lack of skill.
does anyone else feel like the fandoms that often get brought up like this as being '
toxic fandoms' aren't what you'd really describe as one as someone who actually spends time in fan spaces? it always feels like a shitty attempt to deflect criticism (or get some attention on something that's main problem isn't vocal, angry fans but an absent and indifferent audience), not acknowledging widespread shitty/unhinged fan behaviour.
No. 2193058
>>2193048>what's the selection criteria for these 'superfans' though? Yeah I was thinking about that, I came across people who's entire online persona is a bizarre "influencer" for some kind of franchise but they seem to lowkey not understand what makes something good.
> it always feels like a shitty attempt to deflect criticismIt does honestly that whole article reads out like that. If you spend any time in these fandoms they're calling out (except Bridgeton idk why they're mentioned) you kind of understand why the fans are annoyed and it just boils down to "don't mess with the story/core parts of the franchise" but because these studios have a culture of "making the thing your own" it will always clash.
I do agree that some fans are
toxic and want to blame their slop being slop on a woman,
poc, or gays but sometimes slop is just slop. Anything post Lucas in Star Wars was never going to be good the only good show seems to be Andor because it's not trying to one up the previously established characters like every other movie or show has. Andor is just playing in it's little cornor, same as that Star Wars game with the ginger character. No one cares that the antagonist was black the story was good and fun and that ginger guy wasn't pushed as being better to pre-established characters.
Idk man it's just…not that difficult.
If these executives are so scared of fans in legacy media why not just make original shows? or at least pick a book/series/franchise that's actually shitty. can you imagine people writing essays defending a slop adaptation for Colleen HJoover?
No. 2193090
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>>2193027>complex male characters lmao
No. 2193099
>>2193027Not that there isn't a problem with how female characters are portrait in a lot of media, but there comes a point where I start to wonder why won't people read a book if they want good female characters so much.
>>2193059>I do think it's much deeper than just "womenz like hot menz yoaiz" But that's unironically the most dignified stance to take.
No. 2193119
>>2193059>I do think it's much deeper than just "womenz like hot menz yoaiz"Ayrt and how much deeper can it be, really? The most I can say is that women turn to BL instead of, say, yume content because BL allows them to fantasize about men without having to deal with the fact that their husbandos would be misogynistic pig moids if they were real and could actually date them, but at the end of the day it's all about watching hot boys doing hot things.
Which is fine, btw, I wasn't trying to be disparaging or criticize fujos when I said that's why women like BL. In fact, I think it's based of women to sexualize anime boys and make them kiss each other, and I think it's even more based when they do it to the characters that moids like. It doesn't need to be deep to be, as the wokies would say,
valid kek
No. 2193130
>>2193115Given how Kirara and Hakari act around each other and how the very last chapter ends
with Sukuna holding Uraume's hand and wanting to be reincarnated with him because he loves him or whatever and how Gege revealed that Uraume was a guy all along but reincarnated in some woman's body in the volume 28 extras but couldn't put it in the manga because he had to rush everything before or after getting surgery I'd say that's a lot of mild baits here and there.
No. 2193140
>>2193090>white queersAs if
poc or westernized queers are any different
These people all consume the same mid and tame shit
No. 2193145
>>2193032>>2193035It was based on books and the couple that was most popular was a widow and a hot guy but they introduced the hot guy as some black woman.
So this couple that had fans because it was about finding love after loss turns into just some queer story that appeals to a niche audience of 8% instead of the fans.
And of course they only cast a black actress to deflect any criticism to
>how dare you be racistwhen the real argument is that the writer fundamentally ruined the story to suit her niche interests.
No. 2193175
>>2193090the people calling their shipping fan content "queer art" are just enabling bitch baby antis like this. i wish women would stop trying to rationalize their own entertainment for once, just enjoy it ffs.
>to white queerswhat?? lmfao these retards love to infantilize nonwhite people and act as if they're a monolith consisting of mormons clutching their pearls at anything spicier than PG coffee shop handholding fluff between het characters or heartstopper tier ships.
No. 2193240
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>>2193090This image made me die laughing, how the fuck does some unnamed piece of cardboard have over a thousand shipping fics.
No. 2193261
>>2193240Samefagging, meant to reply to this one
>>2193027Also, apparently she was referring to HP fanfiction IIRC. I’ve seen characters from there that have never interacted have a large amount of fanfics purely based on headcanon so I’ve never understood why the same wouldn't apply to female characters if people feel like they’re too “flat”. Just say you like two men kissing.
No. 2193287
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the girl that twitter is convinced Xilonen's idle was based on has been convinced by these retards to try and sue hoyoverse even though a) she doesnt own the dance moves b) xilonens idle was chopped up in the video to fit her video better and c) the idle has actually been changed in the live version so hoyoverse can get her for viewing/spreading leaked beta content. 14 year olds on twitter are going to get this girl bankrupt kek
No. 2193347
>>2193315>>2193322Second biggest sin, because here's this diva asking the one question most normie m/m fans have been holding back on asking out of fear for "cancelation". Maybe the tides are finally turning on the pastel menace in fandom spaces.
No. 2193420
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>>2193347i hope she peaks because damn there are some reeal retards in her comments.. also interesting that one commenter points out that the "cuntboy" genre gained popularity specially after the troon boom and tifs started harassing fujos after it..ive also noticed it in chi/jap bl communities that more and more fujos are open to tif cuntboy now too strangely? when i asked one jp fujo she just she sees it as a extreme gender bender genre and not anything lgbt?? i wonder how much of this has spread unto chi bl communities aswell
No. 2193431
>>2193420>when I passed the best as a man in high schoolWhat?
>getting compared to bottoms cause rounder featuresAgain, what? Does she think bottom gay men have a phenotype?
No. 2193450
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>>2193420Okay I went down a rabbit hole and it looks like he tiktok kiddies are starting to fight back against this bullshit
No. 2193479
>>2193031At that point, why not just produce an original IP. The executives get to be free of fan expectations, which I wasn't aware was something they worried about this much.
The director and writers get to avoid dealing with fans who want you to be caught up on years of lore and meta lore as well.
No seriously why adapt franchises in the first place if these nutcase executives want to allocate a whole marketing team to make sure their movies/shows don't offend people AND appeal to fans. How will they decide what a "super fan" is. You can't just roam on reddit and pick people. For some properties you have the Main Subreddit which usually sucks and is filled with people who are happy to take whatever they see on screen then you have the crazy fans which form subgroups and it can go in either direction.
I know these MBA executives don't have time to venture into autistic fan spaces, no one really should but really just…make an original IP at this point instead of wading into shit flinging Star Wars competition
No. 2193494
>>2193479They don't make original IPs because Hollywood has adopted the extreme risk aversion approach in the last 10 years. If it's not guaranteed to sell, they won't make it. There is no innovation in Hollywood anymore. That, and the writers are extremely narrow and narcissistic in their approach to writing. I watched a video a while back basically explaining how modern writers have forgotten that the purpose of entertainment to to
entertain an audience, and they instead use their work as a personal diary to broadcast their neuroses and beliefs onto the world.
No. 2193596
>>2193494There's no innovation unless it comes to adapting pre-established stories then all of a sudden "we want to make it our own!" pops up.
> use their work as a personal diary to broadcast their neuroses and beliefs onto the world.I'd like to watch that video, plz share if you remember it
No. 2193818
>>2193733Female sexuality tends to be much more complex and tied to the society around us, not comparable to scrotes just cooming to whatever meme fetish they conditioned their dick to, and it's worth analyzing why some women are drawn to BL because fujoism is still a niche in the grand scheme of things and most women are only into straight content. Like
>>2193797 said it's not worth drawing moral judgment from or much less weaponize against women because it's harmless fun, but it's an interesting topic that has a lot more nuance than just "two men hot" since there are a lot of BL series with no sex at all or only a minimal amount of it while the focus is heavily on other traits of the relationship.
No. 2194235
>>2193145Everything I hear about the show feels like it's made by a bunch of ex-tumblrinas.
>Love interest is fat and has several sex scenes>look at how heckin progressive we areIt was literally all people talked about when she was introduced. One of my flat mates kept raving on about how much of a Good Thing it was and she kept urging me watch Bridgerton
No. 2194243
>>2194159It won't be as bad as pre-established works, you're not baiting an inbuilt fanbase then pissing them off. That's where the '
toxic fans' come from.
>you can fuck up pre-established lore between sentences That's going to be because of bad planning. Usually the creators of shows have a "bible" guide for their show or something similar. Any failure here is the result of creators who aren't exactly passionate or who didn't plan out their story/world that much.
If you don't like Viziepop's shows you just move on and find something else, raging about how she's not portraying demons in a certain way becomes unhinged it's her story.
Same for other shows like idk RWBY and the Dragon Prince. People just move on lol
I remember when the Dragon Prince came out people got bored and moved on, not many stuck around to complain and rage and because it's a new IP you didn't develop a
toxic fanbase even though it ticks the boxes for what these idiot executives and marketing people would expect would attract the fans they're apparently terrified of
>diverse setting>racially/ethnically diverse kingdom>trans elf>black coded elvesetc etc, yet no one cares, it would be unhinged to complain about that you just move on to something else (which is what happened)
>or can make a story uninviting by being too focused on your own wants and interestsat that point that's just bad writing or the concept itself not being interesting.
That's different from say taking a story about a family in a dynastic civil war and turning it into "two women trying to find themselves, queer edition" while having the characters spout modern sensibilities despite the pseudo-medieval world they live in and having previously established moral standards in the book and sequel.
The article itself is very mild and imo fails to even properly talk about what or why there exists
toxic fans, it's also quite idk 'one sided' in how it talks about it. The fandom i'm most familiar with is House of the Dragon and the reason it's in the article was because of the episodes which had 2 women kissing received a lot of negative reviews. The scene itself was very jarring (and borderline disturbing but it's not framed that way) and it's not even clear whether the kiss was scripted or not which made fans even more annoyed. The article completely omits any mention of how the actors get harassed, stalked etc (esp the actors for the "bad side" in the show) but that doesn't fit into the thesis of the article which is "white fan(boys) are fragile and executives are scared of fan(boys)".
No. 2194287
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>>2193027somewhat related
No. 2194290
>>2194271That's an interesting idea, but how do you differentiate between a fandom dying down because its fanbase grew older vs it dying down simply because it stops getting official content?
Hetalia comes to mind as a fandom that was insanely big 15 or so years ago and then just kinda died (it still has its dedicated fans, it's just tiny compared to the behemoth it once was), though I don't know if it's still getting content these days. I also don't know how much of that decrease in popularity is due to people growing up and how much is due to the subject matter not being considered appropriate anymore in the current turbowoke fandom ecosystem.
Regardless of the reasons, I think overall people move on from fandoms much quicker these days. Used to be that people would stay in the same fandom for years and years, now people hop from flavor of the month to flavor of the month instead. Probably has a lot to do with the monetization of fandom (artists who live off commissions have to constantly chase the newest trends to maximize their income). That's also probably part of the reason why fandom interpretation of characters is so shit nowadays, people don't have the time to get used to the source material before moving on to the next fandom so they just reuse the same headcanons regardless of them not being appropriate for their favorite character of the month.
No. 2194307
>>2194271It depends? Some fandoms just do not die off
I don't understand how or why Gravity Falls still has an active fan base? Is it because of the ugly man trend being a thing in art circles?
No. 2194317
>>2194307Gravity Falls recently had a book about the triangle come out, so that reinvigorated the fandom in general, but it's also had other peripheral media and lore/puzzle titbits since the series ended, so fans can stay casually engaged with it despite there being no major new content. I think it was also a show that greatly benefited from coming out in the right time and place, as it was really big on tumblr and reddit in a way that created a good foundation for long-term interest– people theorising, decoding the ciphers, combing through episodes for single frame clues and backwards messages, meta, shipping, silly/edgy AUs, and cross appeal to people interested in broader 'fandoms' eg cryptids. It is interesting though that it seems to have outlasted its contemporaries, even the ones with large and active fandoms at the time.
No. 2194350
>>2194290You're right that there are more factors to it than the fans' average age. Homestuck's fandom died down considerably due to the Giga-Pause and the fandom did also grow up and leave it behind during that time. Plus, of course, people's changing attitudes affects this too. It's also interesting to think about how much the fan works affects how fans view the official work. Homestuck was kept alive for a bit during the Giga Pause by fan works but that alone wasn't enough to keep people's interest.
I've been thinking about how small-scale creators can gain success from fandoms and constantly creating content is definitely a huge key. I've wondered before like nona here
>>2194307 how Gravity Falls still has a dedicated fanbase and this
>>2194317 is very insightful.
Ranfren has a interesting fandom to me that seems like it will suffer a similar fate to Homestuck's fandom. Its creator suffers from mental issues and hasn't even updated the comic itself in over a year. I see it fading out in a year or two since comic itself is pretty shallow and I don't see the creator making enough content to keep it engaging.
No. 2194471
>>2194350In regards to the homestuck fandom, I think part of it dying down also had to do with how the perception of the fandom became quite negative as bad/bizarre fan behaviour at cons and online started to become popular stories to bandy around about the fandom, and, at least from my outsider perspective, internally the fandom seemed to have a lot of issues that made it unpleasant for people to be in if they were normal fans (many of which spread to other fandoms and changed their cultures, as has been discussed in previous threads). So it was no longer cool or fun to be a part of (something similar happened with Voltron, where it went from a big, popular fandom to one that was outright maligned– never forget previous fans referring to the show as 'the v slur' after its final season aired kek, or how it became well known for crazy fan antics like attempting to blackmail the studio over a ship, klance truthers/the klible/general ship wars, bizarre and aggressive discourse, and harassment of other fans and staff).
I think fandoms and their eventual deaths are much harder to gauge now, as many that look like they'll have long lives turn out to just be a a rabid, flavour of the month frenzy before the fans pack up and leave for the next shiny thing, rather than large communities interested in mulling over the piece of media for the long haul because they just like it that much.
No. 2194509
>>2194471Fandoms are also dying quicker because the media isn't getting any better.
I think the biggest Fandom I've seen into "new" stuff has been the Genshit Fandom, it still lives, but because the writing gets shittier and shittier, the Fandom has been dying progressively.
It's the same as more "obscure" stuff like Toilet Bound Hanako, that shit would've been like Crack for young adults and teenagers back in 2010, but because all manga editing companies want to create the next one piece or the authors drop like flies, they make too much filler or the stories get odd pacing after the anime is released.
Then you have people trying to make stories on the western side, but they all get sucked into the social media void where if shit doesn't go viral you're fucked and if it goes viral you're fucked too because everyone will try to pick at the flaws or invented flaws that whatever you're making has.
No. 2194558
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a few weeks back, I saw picrel (fanart of female laios) go viral, with some people commenting that this was more accurate to how female laios would look and act compared to ryoko kui's version. they didn't realize that kui's gender swap actually considered how much gender and social issues matter in a person's development, laios was born in an extremely conservative village, he was was only able to leave because he was a guy, As a daughter, he wouldn’t have had that option, instead he would have been either arranged to be married or pressured into it as for his appearance being thinner, girls are also more likely socialized to be more socially aware and to bottle up all of their "weirdness," so I can imagine someone like that being very cynical and withdrawn. It's the same reason why male falin would end up looking almost identical to laios just a little softer
No. 2194562
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Been off Twitter for 2 months & I'm catching up. The bar is so low nowadays, I can't stop laughing at this tweet; "No one cared more about Palestine" (read: retweeted dead children for visibility instead of actually helping), "Actual creeps" (people shipping some guy with a monster). I love how no one there has actual problems.
No. 2194575
>>2194558Both versions are
valid though I'm leaning more towards knight tomboy laios. I just want more werid gnc women in the weebshit I consume.
No. 2194587
>>2194558Yeah, Ryoko Kui was making a point, if a sad one.
I do think the fanart where female Laios manages to escape and become a tomboy knight are cute and hopeful though.
No. 2194592
>>2194558I get you anon– the fan genderbend design isn't bad or wrong or anything, but the attitude of putting the creator's version of a genderbend
AU down in order to prop up this design is just dumb and also ignores that Ryoko Kui came at the concept as a writing
and design challenge, so Laios ended up different beyond just being female (as it should be when playing around with 'what ifs', the result shouldn't be 'basically the same but with a different skin', they should tell you something more about the world/characters). She's actually showing off how well she
does understand her characters and story world by going the extra step of figuring out what being born female would have actually meant for Laios, and I wish the fans saying otherwise could realise that their preference for buff lady knight Laios does not equal it being more accurate or whatever, they just like it more than the rather dour logical conclusion Ryoko Kui came to (which is fair, of course).
No. 2194601
>>2194509I feel like anime and TV show seasons being shorter and often getting dropped all at once plays a big factor as well. It's harder for people to stay invested in a fandom long-term wehen there's only so much story to work with and it may be years between seasons.
A lot of the more consistent fandoms I see lately are weekly manga fandoms, since those get new content every week for years on end.
>>2194290>I think overall people move on from fandoms much quicker these daysI think a big part of that is that for a lot of trendy fandoms, people care less about the specific content of the source material and more about the experience of being in a big bustling fandom and understanding all the injokes and references. When people lack deep attatchment to the source material, they move from one series to the next pretty quickly.
No. 2194656
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Handmaidens and tifs loosing their mind in the comment section of picrel because “it’s a child” when it’s literally ADULT daniel radcliffe. There was a countdown website for when Emma Watson turned 18 but no a poor grown man being sexualized is the end of the world. It’s weird but I don’t really give a shit considering moids so far worse.
No. 2194671
>>2194656I was scrolling by and I thought this was some random guy from a TV show. Doesn't look like Radcliffe at all. It's an ugly af tattoo regardless.
>>2194661Daniel is still loved because he's the most pro-trans out of all the cast.
No. 2194734
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>>2194721>moidsis this bitch lurking here? lmaoooo
No. 2194831
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>>2194812Do rec some if you find any,
nonny No. 2194869
>>2194812Lel I like femdom but I fucking hate the twitter take on it. It's always "she pegs him" and bland dommy mommy shit. I'm one of the biggest artists for a ship in my fandom where the woman is a bit more dominant and I keep getting zoomers making pegging and mpreg jokes on my art. Like dude I'm posting sfw stuff here, I don't want to hear your sex HCs.
I'm starting to prefer both characters in a ship to be equal because honestly annoying Twitter zoomers are less likely to act like retards about it.
No. 2194901
>>2193347very interesting how you never see this with men reading/fetishizing yuri/lesbians even though thats a way more widespread issue.
No. 2195101
>>2194812With het ships, I've seen some insane obsession to push dominance/submission. Why is there a need to have a power imbalance in every het ship? Is there nothing in their personalities that people can pull from? I'm sick of both the girlboss and the daddy dom stuff, both used in such generic souless ways that just water down every possible character and ship into some boring repetitive trope.
>>2194869If they didn't push it in such a reductive way into all ships, then maybe I wouldn't hate it now. I would like a femdom ship, but they push it so far, if a guy is submissive he's suddenly a total retard and they keep saying shit like "he's so breedable!". Sorry you have to deal with that shit in your art, I would snap if it were me.
No. 2195250
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>>2195114>>2195101I don't think it's outright misogynistic. It most likely comes from relating to a male character to the point of obsession and then projecting yourself onto them
No. 2195450
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>>2194287the original post
No. 2195462
>>2195458thinking domination has to be about penetration/impregnation is moid-centric rhetoric
>inb4 "but it's unrealistic!!"as if mpreg is realistic. says a lot how so many people in fandom claim to be transgressive and subversive but cannot think outside this one box
No. 2195464
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>>2195114Bless you
nonnie, I've been searching for the right way to describe this and you nailed it.
Also, the ora ora get pregnant meme is garbage and I'm so fucking tired of my fandoms being flooded with it
No. 2195471
>>2194287People just can't be normal about it in fandom spaces it's really weird.
What happened to "I think they're cute and they give me fuzzy feelings"
No. 2195474
>>2195470I agree that it's not mpreg propaganda
Still unfunny and lame af
No. 2195485
>>2195476And men don't get pregnant in real life so I don't understand this "but muh realism" thinking
>men crave pussyWomen don't crave dick the way men crave pussy yet still deny it and project it on women. It actually makes more sense for a male to be a "pussyslut" than for a woman to be a "cockslut"
No. 2195486
>>2195483then you arent really into dominating men. Men put their dicks into their gfs poopers because they like to see them feel pain and suffer, they dont give a fuck about their dicks getting shit on.
>>2195484are you okay anon i never said that
No. 2195490
>>2195485i dont know why you are talking about mpreg, i wasnt talking about that. I also dont understand what you mean by your last sentence? its humilliating for a woman to suck dick, yes, its not humilliating for a man to eat pussy. There is a reason why female rapists get convicted for sticking shit into their bfs asses without unconsent instead of for putting their pussies in his mouth. If you dont believe me you can check male rape
victims testimonies, all of them claim their gfs stick shit in their asses kek
No. 2195496
>>2195486>then you arent really into dominating men. Men put their dicks into their gfs poopers because they like to see them feel pain and suffer, they dont give a fuck about their dicks getting shit on. Nta, but no, males just don't care because they're less disgusted by things because they're scrotums.
>>2195491>The only way I know femdom would actually work would be if the pleasure came from mental control and degradation rather than physical restraint and contact.I agree. There's unfortunately a need for a woman to use other men as tools/actual tools to humiliate a moid.
>>2195492Kek, true, that ugly matron bastardess manga was disturbing and actually worked.
No. 2195498
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>>2194558speaking of fans misinterpreting dungeron meshi, to this day there are thousands of retards who believe laios was meant to be autistic and his own creator is simply unaware of it
No. 2195527
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studio clamp is overrated
No. 2195528
>>2195456I think the meme-like pegging fixation is in part due to a lot of fans being into slash/yaoi to some degree, where anal is often portrayed as the pinnacle of sex and pleasure for men (all smut over-exaggerates things like orgasms and even plain ol' kissing, which is fine of course, but can give kissless virgins the wrong impression kek, and these posters often seem young or inexperienced) as well as usually slotting into a dom/sub or seme/uke dynamic, so when they're faced with a het pairing where the woman is taking the lead (and therefore often needs to now be 'the best at sex' as well because that's often how whoever's in charge is portrayed, hence why giving pleasure is given a lot of importance over other things like humiliation etc), they default to more familiar territory that's also seen as positively subversive amongst their peers
(some people will obviously just like the idea of pegging as a kink, but I don't think they're the ones shouting about it on random artist's sfw posts kek)
No. 2195558
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>>2195528Beautifully put, nona.
No. 2195562
>>2195543when it comes to representation type stuff being confirmed as canon, it feels like what these people want is a 'gotcha' or superior score compared to similar media that don't have that canon rep. For example, Dungeon Meshi can't just be good on its own merits, it also needs to be better than other anime because it eg has a canon autistic lead, so when it turns out that it doesn't, it loses points (for something it never had in the first place) in these people's eyes, and makes them look not as enlightened for liking it over other anime (because enjoying it for idk narrative, character, or concept reasons isn't cool or something, it's a pretty brain-broken way to gauge your enjoyment of a piece of media). It can also feel like a personal attack for it to be denied as the rep in question is usually an aspect of themselves that they're projecting onto the media, so the author saying no is them also saying no directly to that specific fan that put a lot of stock and feelings into that thing being canon.
tl;dr mental illness strikes again
No. 2195567
>>2195502>Female sexuality is so fucked upmore like internalized patriarchal perceptions of female sexuality are so fucked up, not that female sexuality is somehow naturally like this
>>2195528>I think the meme-like pegging fixation is in part due to a lot of fans being into slash/yaoi to some degree, where anal is often portrayed as the pinnacle of sex and pleasure for menand even that perception exists from the patriarchal view that penetration is the pinnacle of sex and pleasure, in m/f smut and real life as well women are expected to not just orgasm but have the best orgasms from being penetrated. real life gay moids too have internalized the perception that penetration is the pinnacle of sex and pleasure, even with all the risks and the unsanitary factor. actually a lot of "bottoms" have to take poppers to stomach it but still do it because "it's real sex and the best kind of sex". it's not fujos who just made up the seme/uke dynamics on their own, they're just applying real life patterns of sexual roles that already exist among both straight couples and gay men because We All Live In A Society.
if anything I'd say the pegging fixation comes from wanting to "reverse gender roles" in general but in a very lazy way that still frames penetration as the ultimate form of sex and pleasure
I think it does require more "outside the box" thinking to create femdom content that is not just "reverse maledom", which pegging basically is and the actual reason why it's getting so shilled, the first step is at least trying to let go of the pervasive notion that penetration whether m/f or m/m or even f/f is the sex of all time. Crazy how people make up all kinds of weird niche kinks but somehow non-penetrative vanilla sex that counts as proper sex on its own and not just "foreplay" is too out there and unfathomable and female domination that actually emphasizes the superiority of female genitalia even more so.
No. 2195593
>>2195582from wikipedia
>recreational drugs belonging to the alkyl nitrite family of chemical compounds>Poppers act as muscle relaxants, causing involuntary smooth muscles relaxation in tissues such as the throat and anus>Said physiological effects and other effects such as mild euphoria has led to use cases related to recreational drug use, in some cases, party and play (chemsex), to help facilitate anal intercourseImagine taking drugs to handle "Real Sex" instead of just blowjobs/handjobs/frotting that are more comfortable and pleasurable to both parties. moids are so retarded and penetration is the ultimate psy-op
No. 2195671
>>2195648>straight is the default>Straight people are the ones making all the kids Sure, but even for hets piv does not have to be default and contrary to what religious propaganda says, sex is not solely about reproduction, far from it, it's also another way of socializing. People still keep wondering why does same sex attraction or the female orgasm exist if they are ~not needed for reproduction~ but still are unable to reach the conclusion that there has always been a lot more to human (and even many animal species!) sexuality than just procreation, and this has always been inherent to us in some way or another. Focusing on reproduction as the basis and end-all of sex has always been the main tactic to repress female sexuality and perpetuate homophobia.
>You still have vaginas or dicks shoved in because the author has no clue what sex between two men or women looks like?It's gettting worse and worse lately, fanfic writers are becoming more obsessed with penetrative sex and inherent dominant/submissive dynamics to the point that regular homosexuality is now also seen as "too boring" and "lacking flavour". Personally I also blame this on live action porn and hentai for moids being considered more and more acceptable in fandom/nerdy women spaces, because moids have pushed and later libfems have internalized as well the idea that live action porn and smutty fanfiction are equivalent, and being against one but fine with the other is "hypocritical" and "not real sex positivity". It also explains why so much smut fanfic nowadays is getting increasingly pornified in the tubesite porn way or the hentai way, more fanfic writers are using those as inspiration because apparently they're all literally the same and should be equally acceptable anyway. Notice how in the attempt to be more and more "different" and "pushing the envelope" they just circle back to the same old heteronormative patriarchy but on steroids.
No. 2195694
>>2195671>why does same sex attraction or the female orgasm existthe latter I understand as sex is another means to bond but the former far complicates an otherwise complex issue surrounding SSA. We don't know for sure why gay and bi people exist, they just do, at least in my view. There was a time when people weren't use to this fact considering religions often other thoses outside their doctrine, but now that being "queer" is mainstream now, everyone and their grandmas want a piece of that pie without dealing with the scrutiny gay/bi folk had to for years. even centuries.
> Notice how in the attempt to be more and more "different" and "pushing the envelope" they just circle back to the same old heteronormative patriarchy but on steroids.Maybe this is why femdom looks so cringe to be, at least the the kinds made for men. The women is often taller and stronger, acting in many ways like a scrote but with boobs. Dominance is physical instead of mental, and she does things that would be uncomfortable if executed in real life such as high heels, tight leather, unrealistic body proportions and what have you (don't forget the dick). And when asked to try something new, these people act like you killed their family and burned their house? There's nothing positive for reinventing heterosexuality, but safe horny people pretend to be visionaries for going against the cishet patriarchy by…having some femboy get dicked down by a muscle mommy tomboy? This is just being straight with extra steps. How is this even transgressive?
No. 2195699
>>2195476>>2195491This is why the real answer is erotic asphyxiation.
Just choke the shit out of him.
Not irl, of course but this is anime drawings where you won't go to jail so it ok.
No. 2195702
>>2195694>We don't know for sure why gay and bi people exist, they just doTrue, ultimately it doesn't matter
why same sex attracted people exist, but the existence of SSA people is indeed yet another argument that human sexuality is and has always been more than just reproduction and has always had a deeply social element to it. If it really was as simple as just reproduction we wouldn't have all these various (for better or for worse) sexual practices and interests and taboos around them, because no one would be thinking of those anyway.
>safe hornyis that not just a buzzword used by furries and maledomfags to pretend they're oppressed
No. 2195705
>>2195619I feel like one of the main things that makes het smut feel unbalanced is that every action often occurs at the behest of or by the male lead, with the female lead just going along with things or being outright manhandled throughout. She often doesn't ever do anything for herself, either, not really, even if it's just to touch the man how
she pleases, or to touch herself to benefit herself. Porn unfortunately ascribes to the 'magic dick' philosophy of the ideal man being one that swoops in and pounds you so effortlessly good you don't have to do anything, which sure that's a fantasy some people like, but it does get dull and silly and makes the female character feel disconnected from the act and at the guy's mercy, rather than an active participant with her own goals and desires she wants to play out during the scene. Then there's all the other stuff like cringe, possessive and demeaning dirty talk and controlling behaviours both in and out of the bedroom on top of that.
Published smut is also generally quickly churned out pulp that doesn't care about anything other than chasing popular trends and making a quick buck, where copy-paste-tier sex scenes are all they need to get by, so unfortunately it's mostly going to involve the more exaggerated, modern evolution of a bunch of tropes and cliches that have been mainstays in the genre for close to a century, with the added rancidity of more recent online porn and hentai tropes.
No. 2195718
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>>2195527The artist responsible for the gooner art of Geass is Takahiro Kimura who was infamous for animating a lot of porn and sexualizing just about every single female character he drew that wasn't too old. A lot of his "sexy" art was humiliating and full of degrading poses and situations, even in his supposedly SFW work for Sunrise like GaoGaiGar FINAL.
CLAMP have drawn sexualized women before and they made a yuri manga about a cute girl ending in a version of Wonderland where every character of the novel is a sexy woman (picrel), but it's far different from Kimura's degrading art. As much as CLAMP love their pedo agegaps they never, ever drew humiliating gooner art for its female characters.
The closest I saw them draw that sort of thing was sexy art of Kamui (a guy) from X 1999 but that's like the raciest thing they ever drew and it never got to Kimura's goon levels.
No. 2195723
>>2195498i understand why people found this interview cringe, but asking her about cooking (its a manga themed around it, its supposed to be a cute question to relate to the content matter), assuming she plays DND (especially since she plays a lot of video games inspired by it), and even bringing up popular fan theories and asking what the creators think about it is pretty standard for nerdy interviews.
find any other interview for a content creator, and it will be pretty similar. she honestly answered everything with such non-answers i would see why people would be annoyed, but all the performative "shes based!!killed the western fandom!!1!" is cringey as hell, and while people shouldn't have convinced themselves laios is on the spectrum in canon, i honestly don't see why people seethe about it as much as they do. when i watched the first few episodes, i even thought he was supposed to be.
No. 2195735
>>2195724I've always seen that term in a complaining context, as in maledomfags whining about "cringe safe horny femdom" while acting like "fragile uwu girl getting abused by fat ugly daddydom" is somehow the actual "subversive empowering" option and femdomfemboyfags oppress them in particular.
>men self inserting as cute boys is past us nowConsidering the increasing popularity of "ugly bastard" and even "beastiality" shit in tandem with "femboy femdom" shit I'd say modern moids are so repulsive and deep down they do know it that they can't even bring himself to self insert on honorable decent looking heroes in general anymore, let alone cute boys. They either want to be "femboys" being babied by "girlboss mommies", or "ugly bastard" creatures that punish the women they hate through pain and degradation. Either way both types hate women, the former are just more insidious about it, while the latter are very blatant.
No. 2195782
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>>2195496This one?
>>2195616>Agreed. I dislike the idea that the male sexuality/depravity is the standard and we have to stoop on their level to be considered anythingI don't understand why it's so hard for anons here to accept that women can be degens and like men in depraving situations outside of "owning the moids", it's very sexist.
No. 2195794
>>2194465I hate self inserters so fucking much. Like, I get yume and stuff, but it's another thing to say "this character is literally me" and projecting this all over everything and everyone.
I've seen these retards call people who. Read romcoms and don't self insert cucks. It's not cucking to enjoy seeing a happy couple without projecting you're damn self, tf.
It also makes any sort of genuine effort of understanding a character as
a character because every fucking time they're just nonstop shipping who they would like to fuck and what they would want to do in any given setting.
No. 2195851
>>2195794A bit more controversial, but people who believe anything a writer does write is saying something about either themselves or the audience. Yeah, sometimes they are, but not every author who writes a loser character is saying you are a loser, not every story about a
toxic relationship is saying that that's the author's ideal.
No. 2195855
>>2195782Ngl, I don't take female degeneracy as seriously as scrote degeneracy because women are widely better at telling the difference between reality and fantasy, but yes, insisting that your fetish is actually an important political statement is cringe 4chan/Tumblr behaviour.
>>2195711Seriously. What is it with coombrains and writing mental wankfuel about their interests when nobody asked kek. Even the "safe horny" "I love hideous fatties uwu" pickmes do it and they're honestly even more annoying.
No. 2196092
>>2195782Kek, yes, this one. TA.
I never saw anything like this before or after, it's one of a kind, actually feels fucked and i felt sorry for him, even if he's the one inserting and impregnating her. But i'm suspicious that if it wasn't a shota, it might've not worked at all, to be quite honest.>>2195567>"it's real sex and the best kind of sex".>where anal is often portrayed as the pinnacle of sex and pleasure for menPenetration is simply the most visceral. No wonder people think this way, honestly.
No. 2196193
>>2195870This is such a leap of logic I'm not even gonna bother with a response kek
>>2196130Yeah, I think some people are following this logic and tbh I completely understand. Unfortunately they underestimate how easy it is for men to get memed into enjoying the most degenerate things.
No. 2196212
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>>2196198Shrink: Psychiatrist Yowai.
Reminded me of other manga about autism, pic related is about a mother's struggle to raise her low functioning son and there's also That's My Atypical Girl, a romance between two autists.
No. 2196336
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>>2195464I probably just have moid sense of humor but I think it’s pretty funny.
No. 2196448
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Has anyone else seen an uptick in people in fandom spaces that are out and proud about being on lolcow but are also zoomers or underage? Picrel is just an example, but apparently they're only fourteen and a self pro-claimed "proshipper lolicon". Is this what the youth is doing now, and is that why being a loli defender is barely seen as cow-behavior outside of cow-threads? I feel like the demographic of this site is just turning into zoomers who want this place to be "female 4chan" instead of using it for milk. I've seen so many of these type of girls pop up, and somehow half the ones I see are tifs.
No. 2196484
>>2196448> Underage TIFs are using LolcowUnironically that explains
so much.
No. 2196628
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>>2194656>>2194672It took me a while to realize it's a quidditch ball being used as mouth gag, no a mouth gag itself.
But again, I have seen tons of hentai tattoos, this one doesn't surprise me.
No. 2196690
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>>2195592Yaeklore as in the gendie girl with mid art and mid music some anon was even alogging herself, forgetting this it/he must have rich connected parents who let her do those projects, in the art thread?
I'm still reading but it seems like she doesn't want NSFW art of her characters, some of her fans are harrassing people writing fanfics or something.
No. 2196730
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>>2196690>>2195592Samefag with a shit collage but it seems like people are mad about Yaelokre expecting her clearly underage audience to report the NSFW material, pulling an Anne Rice and also not condemning her fans being deranged and making threats
No. 2196749
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>>2196448Of course it's a Gorillaz fan kek, self-proclaimed edgelords flock to that fandom like flies to shit but will cry the minute they see muh transphobia.
This is bleak as fuck though. She denies being groomed but there's no way a kid gets to this point any other way, the shitty chickenscratch art compared to her posts is funny though kek. When it gets this bad the only solution is bullying, you can't talk someone out of this level of brainrot.
If TIFs like her are now the userbase of LC no wonder the site is going to shit. No. 2196767
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>>2196730Sorry for samefagging but I did some more digging. Clearly this woman isn't cut out to have her shit be popularized. This screams genuinely delusional behavior. What about the people who are creating genuine SFW content because they're interested? I imagine the NSFW is only a minority of what fans of this basic gendie shit make
No. 2196785
>>2196730The unhinged Ao3 comment was from August of this year so I wonder how worse it’ll get. Is the fic even there anymore?
Either way that’s a sure fire way of torching your own fan base to weaponize your fans against each other. I get the feeling of not wanting disgusting shit about your creation being made but it really seems like this lady ought to not have published her anything if it gets under her skin like this. I could’ve sworn some author a long time ago managed to make places like ban any mention of her novel or something, maybe she’ll try to do that next.
No. 2196793
>>2196767Then why did she post them publicly if her OCs are
that personal?
No. 2197023
>>2197016Anons complain about being spammed with annoying mpreg jokes
>That didn't happen.("you have paranoid farms brainrot!")Anons post examples
>And if it did, it wasn't that bad."you are joyless and bitter and just jealous!" Anons elaborate and give recent examples
>And if it was, that's not a big deal. "It's just husbandofags, everyone else doesn't care cuz I said so"Accept that others dont share your lame sense of humor, narc-chan. Aren't you the one who is taking people hating a meme as an excuse to play armchair psychologist?