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No. 2200110
You are nothing but a retarded whore unable to live without a dick in your mouth. You leech the money and energy from everyone around you. You should be sterilized you neglectful piece of shit. You can't take care of an animal, let alone a human being. Ok so happy your cat pissed on your textbook, it's not like you were using it anyway. I doubt you can even read. I think it's so funny that you brought it to class with and you couldn't even smell it until you got in the building. Do you know what that means? Your so nasty and disgusting it's hilarious. There is a reason you can't make friends. You pathetic piece of shit. How would you react if mom and dad cut you off? You refuse to hold down a job, you won't even do gig work. You just expect mom and your boyfriend to pay for anything and everything. Soon enough he'll get tired of providing for a skilless bpdchan. I hope he takes your cat's you don't deserve them. You won't boy them food, feed them, pay for their vet visits, you can't even clean the litter box. Your disgusting. Your nothing. You will always be nothing and unless you get brain damage and your personality makes a 180, you will never even realize how pathetic you are. You don't realize it do you? How much you cost our parents by refusing to work at your big age. Do you even realize how much money you could be saving by simply having a job? You don't because you are selfish and stupid. I always try to be nice to you because I know it must be tough to have pealed in the fifth grade, but really you shouldn't bite the hand that feeds. I hope your cat pisses on your bed next lmaoooo. You didn't care when it ruined everything in my closet, or moms, or all her rugs. The only reason we don't rehome it is because mom would feel bad if she made you sad. Really she always tells me how did she go so wrong with raising you, I always tell you that you made the conscious decision to be this way. You've always admired prostitutes and you've always been eager to please males. Never your parents, always a boyfriend. I will not support you when you are old. I will not support any children you shit out. I hope that when you realize how stunted your intelligence is, you remember me trying to help you. I want you to remember how you refused help.
No. 2201382
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>>2201378just woke up from my nap
(vain bitch) No. 2201532
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I'm really afraid I have bipolar or something because I just continually fuck shit up around me and the way I act cannot be explained. I always tell myself it's just because I'm an overthinker and have a lot of time to myself. Relationships are such a nightmare! They start and end within a few hours or days, I've only been able to date online because I'm so repulsive IRL apparently even though I think I'm just fine looking. I feel like everyone is lying to me. I feel really bad for blowing up at Alex but I just couldn't do it anymore, it just starts and stops and repeats and I hurt him and I feel like shit all the time and I swore that I'd start dating when I got to college but it isn't happening. What is wrong with me! I'm not normal, and I want to stick to something, but I have nothing tangible to stick to. Being online brings out the worst in me, I don't act like this in real life, I'm just anxious and sad and paranoid. I literally just want shit to be over and I hurt people in the process and it doesn't even work because they try and come back anyway. I have a boyfriend, I can't talk to you but I feel terrible for leaving you alone!!!!!!!!!!!
No. 2201661
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I can't understand a single sentence of your word salad. All you do is aggressively sperg online about shit no one cares about. You can't have a proper conversation with someone, not once have I ever seen you express gratitude or concern over another person. You're just another narrow-minded, self-centered autist and you think you're so funny but really you're just annoying. No wonder no one likes you and you have no friends. Get a clue and learn how to socialize because no one likes to be talked at. I'm not your mirror but you sure do try to treat me like one.
No. 2203690
I miss you guys. You weren't perfect, you were pretty freaking retarded, actually, but you were my friends. You watched me get abused and sat back, but now that I've been free for a while, I understand. You watched an angry unhinged man rampage and you felt bad and uncomfortable, you knew it wasn't right, you felt yourself getting hit by strays in the crossfire and you didn't know what to do. So you laughed things off awkwardly, you tried to believe that it was okay, your friends were okay, your friend isn't a cruel maniac and your other friend isn't suffering, it's all okay. It's okay. I understand. And you know what? If I think about it, every single one of you did stick up for me at some point. Not in grand heroic stands, but in small ways you cared for me and defied his tyranny. I love you all.
No. 2207421
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please help i've reconnected with a cute nerdy guy from high school and i feel like my feelings for him (romantic but mostly sexual) have resurfaced but i refuse to have sex with a man. I've fantasized about blowing him multiple times but i know that actually doing it would mean i gave pleasure to a man and that disgusts me. I need you to remind me how much men, especially nerds, suck. Don't tell me to go for it, i will just regret it, once i have sex with him i will forever have to live with that. Not having any experience means i can read y/n ff of my husbando and imagining having a good time, once i put that chubby, stinky, disgusting lumps of skin in my mouth i know i'll regret it and i will always think of that unpleasant feeling when masturbating.
No. 2210323
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>>2210318The first one was saying "there's more than two of us the autism stuff isn't even about me" or something like that, here are the two other deleted posts, shit collage cus I'm on mobile.
(do not reply to posts in gioyc) No. 2210339
File: 1729125605595.jpg (90.99 KB, 949x264, 1000011526.jpg)

Another deleted schizo post. The Dr poopy skittles anon is in on it too??
No. 2210403
>>2210301I have absolutely no fucking idea why you linked my
>>2210276 post to the random schizo rant below it, or what the fuck went on in this thread after it, but you all should be heavily medicated. What the actual fuck.
(do not reply to posts in gioyc) No. 2210408
File: 1729128491977.jpg (898.3 KB, 933x3662, 1000011544.jpg)

To confused anons, there are apparently two anons antagonizing a rape victim they know IRL. I've been screenshotting posts like crazy but this is the most relevant one. Their names are Rhiannon and Janelle and they're apparently very schizo and harrass newfag nonnie outside of her house over her telling her friends the moid they're obsessed with raped her.
No. 2212547
I don't understand how you see anything physically attractive or beautiful about me. I was botched, and will likely need surgeries and other treatments to counteract how my face has little to no definition now, how I have a weird slight double chin, the strain the misplaced fillers put on my jaw causing bulging neck tendons, the long philtrum (which i've always had but looks worse with my botched features), etc. I look like I have downs or something. I guess it's because you're still young and in your idealistic phase where you can accept or at least not mind ugliness in your partner and see them with rose colored glasses because you love something about them that's not their face. I'm sure you'll wake up someday and realize you weren't that attracted to me after all, and will wonder why you were ever with a 2 like me when you could've pulled an 8 or 10. You insist that you find me beautiful but to me it comes off as part of your virtue signaling personality where you feel you're supposed to say or think those things. I don't know how i'll ever afford the surgeries or corrective treatments without taking on a second job, and that in itself stands in the way of me marrying and moving in together with you and finally closing the gap with this LDR for good. Men have it so easy. You could be as ugly as I am and still pull 10s, but you're actually beautiful, making me feel like a beast in comparison. I love you so much and want this all to work out, but i'm on the verge of feeling hopeless and suicidal again thinking that i'll have to continue living like this because for women, looks determine their success more often than not. You keep saying "You can just quit your job and fly over here, i'm making enough money to take care of us both easily, I just want you here with me" which is sweet, but unrealistic. I wouldn't feel comfortable not making my own money, even though lots of other women would jump at the chance. I fear that you'll meet someone else more cunning and charming than I could ever be, and i'll lose you forever. So should I really just throw caution to the wind? If I weren't so ugly, then i'd be a different person. I remember myself before. I was at least a 7, not outstandingly beautiful, but average cute. The girls you tend to find attractive look like I used to. I wonder if you still see some of that in me.
No. 2212697
If I could go back to 2013 knowing what I know now, i'd have never gotten involved with your Nosferatu looking hobosexual ass. Wouldn't have spent all that money trying to keep you and buy your affections, I would've been done with you the second your ass had the gall to open your mouth to me and string me along like all the other girls who fell for your shit. I wasted so much money and time trying to make you happy, to make you love me more, when I should have loved myself the most. I wouldn't have gotten the irreversible fillers, I would've gone to a dentist who didn't fuck up my teeth, would've gotten braces sooner, would've opened a high interest savings account, and been so much better off for it today. A decade later I have almost nothing to show for it all but problems upon problems that I can't afford to solve. I hope you're miserable but I know that you probably have another victim somewhere. Wonder when they'll catch onto you posting the same 4 pics of you from when you were 18 lol. You bald ass raggedy bitch. Talking about how you hate humans when you're the one who fucked over anyone who showed you any kindness or leeway by continuing to be a useless POS bum who lovebombs other girls online while leeching from a partner. No, mania is not a fucking excuse. Some people are just fucking rotten and need to be under the ground like the compost filth that they are, at least then you'd serve a purpose, you fucking thumbdicked faggot of a pedo. You're one of the most disgusting scrotes i've ever had the displeasure to know.
No. 2215399
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Don't fucking talk to me anymore. I'm done trying so hard for you and you and you. It's obvious you don't want to be in my life so I no longer give a shit.
No. 2216279
I'm watching you post about your new clone girlfriend so your last clone ex girlfriend will read it and seethe. My god dude, you are 40 years old! I've never been so grateful to have noticed your behavior before even stepping a foot into it. I noped the fuck out of there despite being your youngest target. I have no idea how these women fall for it, you couldn't be more transparent and predictable. I still love to watch it. It's funny to see in the similar cycle, my name will come up in yearning as if we knew each other and you speak to others like we're lost soulmates. That is SO WEIRD. I will always just watch from the shadows with my popcorn and you will never hear from me again. I mean it's already been 6 years, when will you have enough longterm exes to forget us speaking? You are retarded. You're like if any alcoholic episode from Intervention was given millions of dollars. It was also really nice to see you get fired from the space program. It's satisfying to see it all from a very far distance. You will always miss me because I am exclusive, I have set standards and no amount of money works because I don't want anything. DEEESGUSTAAANG
Reposted to add: YOU ARE BALDING SO BADLY HAHAHAHA oh my god! You could have infinite money and there isn't a thing God could do to fix that. It bothers you to wits end, you go to extreme lengths to hide it and if anyone brings it up even jokingly, you sulk for a week. I hope you cry every time you wash your hair and more comes out into your hands. EWWWWWWWW! One of the things you kept saying, as if touching male hair isn't disgusting and makes me retch, is "how soft it is". It's soft because it's thinning, you foul beerpig. Good lord you are going to be the most liquishit-type dude in his 50s. You will die 25 years before your father did. You will die yellow and in pain because of your drinking. The amitriptyline will eventually do nothing except affect your heart further. You will die fat, ugly, alone, bald, and poor. Every women between our meeting will revel in your death similarly to how I will. You are a stinking, rotting tooth loser. This has to be my favorite irl TLC show by far. Keep it comin', man.
No. 2217368
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wouldn’t it suck if you were a rapist and a rape defender and everyone knew who you were and what you did to your victim? even when you were wearing masks because you got called out and have to hide your ugly faces?
No. 2218616
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No. 2218837
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it’s begun
No. 2220822
>>2220263She sounds based and you sound jealous. Nothing wrong with a woman using a moid as a workhorse so she can do nothing all day. That's their intended purpose.
You should aim to emulate her instead of being a pathetic hard working pick me.
(vain bitch) No. 2221394
File: 1729798809497.png (2.15 MB, 1242x2688, IMG_6083.png)

janelle wilkins no one needs to lie about you. you and your rapist boyfriend are openly posting degenerate shit on instagram. am i supposed to pretend someone that is into their boyfriend dressing up as a dog and doing that shit in bed isn’t beastiality? is that why you’re dating a man who rapes innocent little virgins? because he was the only person degenerate enough to tolerate you? you know you would freak out if someone forced you to lose your virginity while you were crying and whimpering and trying to get him to stop. you would never be okay with that, so why are you okay with it happening to me? why does a woman in her mid thirties get to smugly talk about how she benefits from a man abusing me when i was twenty and getting it out of his system so he could be whatever you want to claim that five foot tall deadbeat is as a partner to you now? what kind of mental illness is that? why do you think you can call me a liar and then benefit from him needing to treat you well or you’ll confirm my story? do you not understand that everything you have is built off of my corpse? i never agreed to lay my life down for you people. my life is mine. my body is mine. you do not get to rob it and then benefit from that robbery forever after. i’m not a punching bag a stress ball or a flesh light. i am a person.
No. 2221666
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Stoners should be stoned. Your opinion does not matter hippie
No. 2222268
>>2210408You mixed up multiple people. The @jessi_rihanna, @poopyskittles, and @drsweety303 accounts were, indeed, burner accounts made initially with the sole intent of harassing a single woman. The entire story is extremely convoluted but the proof I received were enough. There is a reason those three accounts have never been attributed to a single living person in spite of their popularity and followings, and had you followed them or seen many of their often quickly deleted tweets with pictures or screenshots of their browsers, they ran their accounts from virtual machines and only used messaging chats like signal. Many of the posts you saw were not hers and were just being pinned on her. I know it's easy to see a lot of this and just throw it all into a melting pot, but I have had conversations at length with the purported schizo and she was telling the truth. The entire debacle is very sad and disturbing actually, but it all originates from one man who gathered some extremely like-minded, sociopathic online friends. A ton of posts were wrongfully attributed to her, and the guy who created the JR account posts here as well, and surely doesn't intend to stop. The woman, who is by all accounts telling the truth, has had many parody posts made deliberately mocking her situation. I still talk to her, albeit not frequently, but she does not post here about her situation anymore at all and a scroll through the last couple threads and a brief message correspondance confirmed this to me personally. Her explanation of the sequence of events that led to her finding out she was genuinely stalked, entirely unbeknownst to her for multiple years, definitely fragmented her for awhile I believe but she is doing much better especially now that she has the missing pieces of what happened. The whole thing is nauseating. I don't really know how to end this rant except to say that there are more posts mocking and parodying her than there are posts she's actually made. I am not her keeper (or her speaking in third person, if any of the resident schizobaiters try to accuse me of that) but in passing I saw so much inaccuracy that I couldn't help myself. That woman is not arguing with any of these confusing spergs. She is absolutely a
victim and as an advocate I suppose I felt the need to defend in her absence. It isn't my story to explain and all of this is likely meaningless to you or anyone in passing, but I work in opsec and I have seen a few cases like hers before and it's a wonder anyone who has been violated in such a way can go on after a man has dedicated years and many hours to hurting them. That's all I have to say and sorry for replying.
(vain bitch) No. 2223111
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your faithfulness is undeniably a bit romantic
No. 2223120
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My mom was wrong, all her "whorish" sisters ended up marrying rich dudes and living lavishly and now travel around the world while her righetous, save-myself-for-marriage self will likely work until her death whilst living in a shitty house because she didnt want to be a golddigger. And she hammered that mentality into my brain since I can remember. Growing up I was grateful she never forced me or even recommended sticking to any feminine beauty ideal other than basic hygiene and grooming, but in perspective she wanted be to remain as different as I humanly could from her more feisty sisters who slept around, this is why she lost her shit when my younger sisters were into fashion and makeup and dates and bullied them not to be "whores" and stick to working/studying. Even the most sucessful self-made women in my family dont live even a fraction of the luxury my gold diggers aunts have, its so fucking depressing
No. 2223389
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>>2223377my leo is in venus i like buying things for people
(vain bitch) No. 2224387
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You are a human trash bin
No. 2225487
You're such a dumb fucking asshole and I cannot believe I still hung out with you and wasted my breath on the psychopaths you call "friends" and make excuses for. You call your "best friend" from school dumb because she's really monotone and quiet. You let her idiot boyfriend move into your house that you treat like a cult compound, then you were shocked when you could barely kick him out without grief from your mom when he started leeching. You dated a nasty bitch who hated you SOMEHOW, for 9 fucking years, you never could tell that she was awful, she tried to isolate you from family/friends, then yeah she cheated on you and you now waste your time stalking her reddit page. Your new girlfriend is infinitely fucking worse. Sure, she has friends and a social life, she's outdoorsy and screams at men! She's so cool! She won't isolate you right? No, she claimed your fuckin house as hers, moved her damn family in, and her sister is just as catty and horrible as her. I am so utterly sick of their bipolar nonsense - one day they're all nice to you and talking about how much they love someone, and then the next they're talking about how lame and stupid and shitty someone is, how much they hate people's boyfriends or girlfriends, and endless dramatic shit. Your inability to filter out drama and spinelessness when it comes up is disgusting to me. You have a chain of people who have all come to the same conclusion: they're done with the shit-talking gossip group, they have some meltdown ONE TIME because one of the two girls goes after them, and then they're excommunicated because your bitch girlfriend stops liking them and blocks them everywhere. I cannot believe you're this fucking spineless.
No. 2226117
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this could be us kicking his ass but you’d rather be schizophrenic
No. 2226130
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I hate driving. Everyone is an asshole and doesn't respect they are driving two tonne death machines
No. 2226149
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>>2199864I'm a hobbyist photographer, and while I think my stuff is pretty good, it's hard to get recognized for it among people that aren't peers. Idgaf about Instagram numbers, but it's odd, I feel like there should be more to the presentation of my work, than me just uploading it online for my friends.
No. 2226531
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You won’t know how much you fucked up until it’s too late. You may forget about me and what you did but one day you will wake up and realize that the emptiness you have been running from all your life is a gaping chasm now. And the trite interactions and distractions you have been using to fill that void won’t be enough anymore. In that moment you will become painfully aware how there is nothing left for you, and everything in the past that could have filled the void you yourself pushed away. You will always be miserable. You will not know happiness. You only have yourself in the end. And I cannot wait for that moment to come
No. 2226534
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i can’t wait to see my friends again later this week we always have such a good time together. it was so fun partying with some of them this weekend and i’m so happy about all the different plans i have this next month. it’ll be so fun on halloween and this weekend and then another party the next weekend then friendsgiving and holiday stuff. yay!!
No. 2226662
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I left my ex who was a year older than me for a man who is 9 years younger and I have no regrets KEK I’ll never feel bad for this decision or for fucking younger men. The seethe from losers sustains me.(vain bitch)
No. 2226724
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Shut up already
No. 2226809
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I don't know about you, but I don't invest in any energy at all into creating conspiracies or armchair diagnostics about everyone I've ever encountered and pretending they're all unhappy or something. Being vain and annoying is something I've just accepted as the human condition.
No. 2227584
File: 1730113140353.webp (72.57 KB, 915x514, IMG_5628.webp)

You and me, alwaaaays foreverrrrr
No. 2228924
You always complain about people being inauthentic and ascribe that to liberalism or being neurotypical. Coupled with this complaint is telling people that you're always trying to be more authentic even if people react negatively to it, whatever the fuck that means, and say that your blunt nature is because you're neurotypical. You are once again, for like the thousandth time, complaining about how this is a personal and collective culture of avoidance. Oh, how are we supposed to do the work if we aren't authentic, if we don't have tough conversations? Can you be any more transparent, you stupid bitch? I know what you're doing. Here's the deal: I think you are the most inauthentic, fake person I have ever met. You are not autistic. It's just a convenient excuse for your incredibly shitty behavior. Your unempathetic ass goes around calling yourself an empath. That's psychotic considering you're the most self-centered bitch I've ever had the misfortune of meeting. That's why I'm avoiding you - because nothing good will come from interacting with you. Yes, it's unfortunate, but you are a liar and a snake. I think you like smelling your own farts and get off on tricking people into thinking you're so deep and intellectual. You're a liar. Stop marketing yourself as a spiritual guide. You act like you're above the religious household you left, but this pseudoscientific woowoo garbage, lying to people and saying you have dreams about deities and see your ancestors and have psychic visions - ? You're adjacent to religious nutjobs, not separated from them. Stop abusing your twink boyfriend and stop stealing spices from the grocery store you stupid bitch. And stop acting like you give a shit about genocide, you barely can feign interest for people that actually exist in your community, you selfish freak. Think about it - you want me to say this to your face? Because the cat's going to be out of the bag if you really coax me into saying exactly what I want to say. You don't know what you ask for when you ask people to talk about difficult things. You seem to think that the reason people don't do this kind of emotional work with you is the other person's error. No, it's intentional. Nobody with any self respect would try and forge a bond with a self-obsessed liar like you. Especially after you've already thoroughly lied to them by embellishing your own personality. I would be a fool to even consider giving you another chance in hell.
No. 2229532
I stopped contacting you because you are exhausting. You scream when you speak, you cry at the drop of a hat, you are a grown woman with two grown sons and you still act like this. Of course your son treats your pickme ass like shit, you're a woman too you retard, it's a miracle the other one is normal with how insane you are. It's not normal to order a sharing platter with other people and then season the food on the platter to your preference without asking, that's why nobody wants to share with you, retard. It's not normal to have hysterics in the bathroom because the bus driver didn't say hello. There's no mystery here, you drive others away. You clearly have several deeply rooted mental health issues and it's great that you're working on them but editing yourself on Tiktok to look like a blurry 16 year old and getting into fights with other mentally ill retards online isn't exactly helping you address your issues. I've met less exhausting and more emotionally mature toddlers. I can see why your husband snapped and I hope you leave his drunken retarded ass behind but I know you won't, and that makes me worry, but there's nothing I can do to make you see sense, so I might as well stop speaking to you altogether before you treat me to another 3+ hour rant about how your in laws are mean and ugly and stinky and wear old fashioned clothes and that's why your perfect moid husband beat you and accused you of cheating. I'd give you a pass if it only happened once, but it hasn't, and I'm not equipped to deal with that. Fun get togethers should not involve unannounced therapy sessions being screamed out at the top of your lungs in a public place while you comment on other customers' clothes, children, toilet visits and food in a similar tone. Shut the fuck up for once in your fucking life and see if that helps you brain switch on.
I'm not here to play messenger to your other friends either. Speak to him yourself about how annoying he is or shut up and bear it. I'm not a therapist. You don't get to decide what I want for myself, you don't get to poke fun at my insecurities and laugh at me then cry when your retarded sped brain misunderstands something I said. Bitch, you were unbearable back then and I stuck with you, that's how you fucking treat me? If you didn't have the emotional skills of a brick I'd have left you high and dry long ago. I've had good times with you but a lot of it felt like babysitting. I'm done now. Until you can act appropriately with your friends in a public setting, I am fucking done. I wish you all the best but holy shit do you need help.
No. 2230100
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I think it's funny that white racists will sperg that black people bad because something something loud on subways and public acrobatics in Japan, while pretending not to see the evil shit they do the moment they have free reign in any part of the world. It's also funny that it's comfortable for some anons to throw women of other races under the bus for cheap laughs, but the moment things go south, "Woah! Woah! Too depressing, don't bring that up!". Absolute clown world shit.
No. 2230616
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Self comparisons to Kfed… Rose… Papi from the proud family… meanwhile, the disgusting invalid was really just
No. 2230755
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the more anons complain about dick the more i feel like talking about it. i'm going to start horny posting more often now.(vain bitch)
No. 2232485
>>2231206Unless anon was confirmed moid I don't see why they should be redtexted in this thread
I will never understand mods
(take it to /meta/) No. 2234321
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I want to bite my moid's balls like a rabid chihuahua
No. 2235512
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Glad i still live in your mind rent free kekkk
No. 2235557
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This is sooo you circle jerking with your imaginary friends around fabricated content that you beat like a dead horse. Gincel shit.
No. 2240477
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The vote-bots shilling in the Amerifag thread freaks me OUT and I HATE THE INTERNET!! I'm so close to quitting, this is the last site I check before dropping the internet altogether. It's like when you're down from smoking two packs a day to a single cigarette with morning coffee. Slowly but surely I will just be having coffee. Then maybe, just water.
No. 2242242
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My mom owes me $20,000 AUD, she says she's holding onto it for me and she's arguing with my Dad to borrow money, same fight formula every single couple weeks.
My mom argues that my Dad sees my brother as a paypig and my dad acts extremely close to that except I'm pretty sure that's the only way he knows how to live being first gen, it's depressing. I'm too scared to ask for my money back, my mom yells a lot.
I want to go somewhere far away but my mom wouldn't have someone to parent for her sake.
I'm trying to save myself, I'm recovering NEET and started studying fulltime, 6 months next year to immediately get employed. Fingers crossed, everyone ily.
No. 2244396
>>2242242Anon, my mom was like this. She was a narcissist and loved having control over me. Do not live your life for her. Demand your $20,000 AUD back or go to the police. That’s your money and she knows it, she just knows you’re too weak to assert yourself.
Get your money and move far away and start living your own life. I’m 33 and did this way too late in life and regret it massively. You are your own person, put yourself first and be your biggest advocate. God knows your mom only thinks about herself.
(vain bitch) No. 2250510
You were the worst thing to ever happen to him, but now he seldom thinks of you. Lying about poking a hole in a condom to try baby trapping him to cover up for yet another impulsive one night stand so you could say the child was his, literally every time you slept around you spun it into an assault even though you kept going back to the club nightly to hang out with the dude who apparently assaulted you while you snorted coke together?? Sleeping with your married neighbor after 420 blazing it, then spinning yourself into the victim again saying you felt you had no choice?? Too bad, you didn't get to trap him into being a caretaker for your BPDemon ass. Saying having children was your dream, but partying while pregnant and taking loads of pills?? You couldn't pay back what you owed to the hospitals for your malingering suicide baiting, leaving him stuck with the bills and apologizing on your behalf, but now that he's finally paid it off and reported you to the authorities, you've been banned from entering the country lol. You had enough money to order your cheap DDLG fetish gear though, just some real bippie bullshit kek How's your polycule working out, btw?
No. 2253731
File: 1731231384322.jpg (44.34 KB, 452x678, 1000146576.jpg)

I want to be an object of envy a monument that invokes inferiority complex to whoever sees me, I want to make people seethe, I want to make people think they're worthless, I want to make people hate themselves, I want to make people kill themselves, I want to make people see me, hear me, feel my presence, I want to be unavoidable, I want to see people failing to run away from me, I want to be inside people mind, in control of people, in control of everything, burn dowan and tear up anything in my way, throw other people away like the trash they are, and maybe finally there will be nothing to prevent me to be in control of myself. Finally no one will expect something from me, and I have nothing to expect from myself because there's nothing to set an expectation from.
No. 2254440
I know you never told me directly, because the culture of your stupid friend group is pure gossip and assuming everybody just KNOWS shit because nobody can keep their mouths shut, but I know your dad is going to die. I cannot help but not give a flying fuck from how awful your increasingly small "friend group" is and how quickly you drive people away. It's funny to me the house goes to your mom and not you, even though you're beyond old enough to take care of it. Is it any wonder to you why the tenants are going to move out? It always seemed like some stupid secret hideaway you don't let anyone come to, and your bitch gf and her sister and her parents did that to you. YOU were always generous, THEY started being gatekeepers. I'm going to laugh when your mom sells the place out from under you guys and your shitty little gossip club blows up just from nobody being around anymore. None of you can afford to move out and 99% of that dumb property wasn't made up to code at all. Whatever, not my problem, I'm not going to be in the blast radius when everyone starts fighting over it and finally finishes taking your life over. I was right about the last bbq too, all you idiots talk about there is people who slighted you, except for me because your gf screaming at me was embarrassing to you. My only wish is that my bf wouldn't go to your shit anymore, but at least he understands that she is insane and not kind to anyone. Fuck your stupid house, I hope your mom sells it just to prevent it from being a bargaining chip for your psycho gf. Fuck you.
No. 2256623
File: 1731369240689.jpg (187.59 KB, 1500x990, Aron Wiesenfeld3.jpg)

there are so many living pieces of shit in "human" skin that deserve to be tested on more than some rabbit or monkey or dog. i want to destroy property. i wish i could unlock cages and blow labs up, but i am just one person. i can't stand this disgusting world. we harm innocent humans, we maim animals and we even wreck the fucking land. for what? vivisection is nothing but fraud and no one needs all this stupid plastic slop. i get so angry when i think about the state of the world that sometimes i can't do anything but wish for the human species to just die off.
No. 2261288
File: 1731635446696.jpg (20.55 KB, 529x505, 1000000299.jpg)

HdifidosihzhshagaffafafGhxkvllflrkem stfu uac. whak.
No. 2262262
File: 1731709513661.jpeg (26.27 KB, 210x210, IMG_4131.jpeg)

No,you’re sedentary. I go to the gym to specifically choke slam dumb retards like you
No. 2262389
File: 1731716544654.jpeg (92.36 KB, 828x818, IMG_3149.jpeg)

Really hope it’s because you appreciate my effort and not because of feelings or something. Hoping I’m seeing things and this isn’t real. Can’t wait for the term to end
No. 2263410
File: 1731787310050.jpg (50.9 KB, 640x807, 1000000369.jpg)

There's an archive of all the ones you've made, actually. Unlucky for you
No. 2263735
File: 1731800649441.png (969.88 KB, 800x800, 1000000387.png)

You're actually fucking retarded dude. To say your life is worthless is an understatement.(ai outside containment)
No. 2264519
File: 1731856522306.jpeg (49.93 KB, 600x600, IMG_1455.jpeg)

why was anyone ever mean to me that shit was so weird but i’m glad i’m free now
No. 2264751
File: 1731872686682.jpeg (44 KB, 217x233, IMG_1464.jpeg)

life is but a dream
No. 2265457
File: 1731910859408.jpg (102.15 KB, 1002x720, 1000000431.jpg)

Type shit.
No. 2270031
File: 1732165247518.gif (1.3 MB, 400x200, IMG_1500.gif)

would not even be a choice for me
No. 2271092
File: 1732220580399.webp (Spoiler Image,62.72 KB, 1061x800, IMG_1509.webp)

listening to my heart and allowing it to guide my decisions will never fail me. other people still might, but as long as i am guided by light and stay pure and true, i will be protected and it will be okay in the end.
No. 2271344
I miss you more than anything in the world. More than my health, more than any family member or friend who has died, more than any memory of anything in my life. You’re the only person I’ve ever met who is like me, and I couldn’t help but fall in love with you. I’m sorry for not understanding what you were going through, I think it was because I didn’t even understand what was going on with me. I’ve been hurt again since then, in tremendous ways that would break most people, but even after nearly ten years, I still can’t fully shake the utter despair I feel, knowing that we may never be that close again. I’ve done everything I can to fill the void, to find some semblance of revitalization, but nothing has worked. I really don’t think I’ll ever love anyone as much as I loved you, and that makes me so angry with myself. I don’t know if there’s a God, but when I was sick, really really sick, I used to pray that I’d get to see you again, so in a way, maybe there is a God. Nowadays, when I pray, if ever, it’s that you’re happier than I remember you as.
No. 2272945
File: 1732337284232.jpeg (172.7 KB, 1242x886, IMG_1536.jpeg)

denial about you was one of the hardest stages to get through but it’s also mercifully difficult to regress
No. 2273918
File: 1732397407858.png (731.06 KB, 828x621, CF63093E-32E0-4846-9F4E-FA3772…)

One day I’ll die and nothing I ever did or didn’t do will ever matter to me or anyone else alive on earth. What is the fucking point? I don’t help anyone I don’t do anything.
I should just kill myself
No. 2276154
Things are running smoothly at your job, you go home on time without being forced to work severe OT, you get paid good money, but you still complain that you'd rather spend your days leisurely on an island or surrounded by nature as if you don't have it better than most people in the workforce right now. Would you rather go back to being the broke bastard you were a year ago, struggling to make ends meet and relying on other people to pay your way? Shit's about to get real with a global recession and localized economic depression in some countries so you better fucking start appreciating having a good job when so many are getting taken over by AI or being made obsolete/unsustainable in other ways. These days when you complain that you wanna die when set off by the slightest thing, it just screams entitlement. Do you really want to die, or do you just want to run away? You are really bitch made sometimes. It makes me question your reliability. I'm not going to be able to float you so much cash here and there between jobs like I used to. Maybe that made you take things for granted, because you thought i'd always be there. Secondly, it says a lot that you never consider how it'll affect me if you're gone. Here you are waxing melancholic about how having a deskjob makes you wanna die, completely throwing our plans for the future together to the wayside. It's really insulting how little you think of me. I'd understand if you were clinically depressed or going through real shit, but you're being an entitled baby right now and I really wish you'd just shape up.
No. 2278602
File: 1732684252733.jpg (140.39 KB, 720x716, 1000000113.jpg)

It's so funny when someone gives a fake name with negative intentions of deceit but you already know their real name
No. 2278701
File: 1732688634445.png (536.23 KB, 1179x737, IMG_1580.png)

sometimes there is so much hatred and anger in my heart
No. 2286049
File: 1733105027060.png (1.56 MB, 1280x720, IMG_1643.png)

oh it just makes me sick. he knows he’s in the wrong and he didn’t mean to he totally didn’t mean to it was just an accident that ruined my life but he’s not sorry he’s not sorry not sorry not sorry not sorry not sorry. not. sorry.
No. 2286054
File: 1733105400427.png (1.81 MB, 1200x900, IMG_1642.png)

i got caught compiling
i got caught compiling
i got caught compiling my own news
i never lose
and who’s the benefactor?
and how to move without touching every interactor?
when there are things
behind things
behind things.
and there are rings
within rings
within rings.
No. 2286077
File: 1733107256687.jpg (74.09 KB, 678x960, 12a07ba748bbcf3d25cb3529e804a1…)

goku fanboys seething coping and shitting their pants because my mans is stronger and has always BEEN stronger and won the fight. kys retards!
No. 2289027
The planet is an absolute shit storm and always has been. women and men are just as fucked as the other. no one seems to fully understand each other, and we all make harmful assumptions based on biased. Every single human on the planet is convoluted with trauma and propaganda. at the end of all arguments, we are all arguing for our version of a eutopia. we can't even communicate effectively because of a language and cultural difference. thank god for the internet so we can finally start to breach the gap because of easily found definitions and explanations. i could scream into the void for hours and days on end and there's no real response. does anyone have any fucking thought anymore? hello, hello, hello, hello. what the fuck are we doing? and if you find anyone that is intelligent; to start to form a thought, it's still covered in self-severing bs. we live on a floating rock in a void that apparently wasn't even the first rock created in 13 billion years; and we can't even figure out how the fuck we got here. there is an island of people that have never seen a car (the Sentinelese) and yet, we have nuclear bombs that can kill us all. not to mention the internet itself is a whole new fucking planet we have created and don't have a real grasp on. its a never ending repeating void of suffering and bullshit over an over and over. but then there is a saving grace of music, connection, the ability to create, express. the ultimation of actual freedom, nothing is actually stopping of us from doing anything we want, except death. you can do anything you want at least one single time before another human comes and stops you. im begging anyone who takes the time to read this absolute shit storm to try harder to question every thought that pops into your mind. >>half the reason we can't agree on anything is because we are a constantly evolving species that's trying our best to suffocate the evolution. every single day we progress in some way and there are other humans actively killing any thought of progress. try to blame it on an ancient Un progressed country, its just as fucking stupid. you are blaming the suffering, its not an idiots fault they are a fucking idiot. >>we are stuck in a never-ending loop of the slow progression that we are frustrated with. trust its progressing, if only we could have a bit more faith in each other.
No. 2294141
File: 1733568911967.png (427.43 KB, 1290x2796, IMG_5339.png)

Guys is this healthy (I mean the chat not the behavior)
No. 2298657
File: 1733727006947.webp (320.6 KB, 851x1079, 1000000186.webp)

Spending so much time being creepy and trying to seem intimidating to overcompensate for what an obsessed loser you are won't transform you into anything besides pathetic. Try as hard as you do.
No. 2299640
File: 1733774635857.webp (34.35 KB, 503x640, IMG_6501.webp)

you asf lol
No. 2302050
File: 1733851753327.jpg (52.89 KB, 645x648, IMG_1389.jpg)

I cannot stand this guy. He makes work so stressful for me, I literally DREAD coming to work and having to sit near this fucking creep for 8 hours. His personality is the worst I have ever come across, it's fucking insufferable. He's like if an NLOG was a fat moid. He's extremely threatened by other men and tries to make himself out to be the big top dog in every situation when it's very clear he's insecure. Refused to hire a girl because "the guys will flirt with her" meanwhile every single man here is married and just here to do a job. They're not flirty, they don't ask to hang out outside of work or try to hit me up on my days off. He is the only one here who treats work like a dating app.
He made a comment to me about "those guys who think the waitress likes them don't realize her job is to be nice to them" which blew my fucking mind because that is the exact situation I am in with him. I'm only nice because I am at work. If we were not employed by the same company I would never even look at you you old fat fuck.
He should have been fired after he crossed the line with the last girl who worked here, picked her up at her house while she was drunk and took her out for dinner and then to his house. She never came back to work after that and he managed to play it off by saying her boyfriend was abusive and he was just simply rescuing her from the situation as always. He's the hero of the story of course.
I cannot wait for the day I never have to see him again.
No. 2302459
File: 1733863625337.webp (15.44 KB, 1600x1200, IMG_1935.webp)

i don’t think any of you had room to judge.
No. 2303573
File: 1733905171867.gif (1.18 MB, 220x220, i am smiling!.gif)

Every day I think about how you're an obese divorced diabetic TIF bpdemon with no friends, no family, and now no tits. And I am smiling!
No. 2305019
File: 1733984430041.webp (50.28 KB, 600x338, IMG_2002.webp)

woaw the sculptures looked alive
No. 2308160
File: 1734229261277.webp (154.51 KB, 1080x1338, IMG_2069.webp)

wicked is a woman with a will.
No. 2308905
V, I will never respect you. You screwed up once with me and that's all you get. The last time I gave someone like you a chance, I was in a miserable relationship for five years. People like you don't change. I don't want to hear your reasons, because you imply that your reasons should supercede how you made me feel. You think that explaining things will make me forget how you treated me? You want to threaten suicide to manipulate people into showing concern? I have none. He did the exact same thing to me, and unfortunately, he's still alive. You called me "queerphobic" because I brought up how uncomfortable your comments made me feel. You seem dead set on assuming I have sexual feelings for women, and because I rejected you, you're digging your heels in and saying that if I ever find a woman that I love, you won't be mad at me. Fuck you. I want to spit in your face. If you were a man, the entire friend group would have let you go already. You have BPD. Manage it, stop pretending you have autism or EDS or some other shit.
No. 2309597
File: 1734321392282.webp (25.36 KB, 473x570, IMG_2099.webp)

you cannot be serious you CANNOT want to fuck this. stop it right now oh my GOD?
No. 2309932
File: 1734369278403.jpeg (1.73 MB, 1242x1796, IMG_2103.jpeg)

this is an interesting sexual fantasy. for sure. you want to fuck the god or be god? both?
No. 2309968
File: 1734371729982.jpeg (70.13 KB, 800x533, IMG_0494.jpeg)

I’d like a potato salad, Vienna style. Give it to me! I can’t wait to go back home for Christmas and make it, I can’t do the shopping right now because I’m leaving in some days.
No. 2315143
File: 1734658036910.jpg (37.15 KB, 600x444, 053a1c01af3f0e8ffc81673dcbf391…)

still coming to terms with how i was in love with your potential and not you. so much wasted time. you disrespected me to the fullest and you don't even realize it. i hope one day you will but i highly doubt it. at least you were a decent lesson for me to learn kek
No. 2315690
File: 1734707572421.jpg (9.41 KB, 187x269, 113ccabc-ed71-4da0-960b-5b587b…)

I don't understand. I'm genuinely such a fucking idiot who keeps piling on and on to my lie spiral, making inexcusable retarded mistakes…and everything is just fine. The universe has just given me yet another save. Is someone or something looking out for me?? I'm scared of whatever karmic debt I owe, because no doubt the chains on the scales are creaking.
No. 2316156
File: 1734733630179.jpeg (1.18 MB, 1242x2424, IMG_2199.jpeg)

nikolas parent i cannot wait for you to try to be a content creator. you have literally no idea how badly i wish you weren’t a hideous retarded manlet with no skills or talent and could actually become popular enough that you being a rapist becomes something you care about. i cannot believe nik’s nature nook just uploaded a video where he tried to look badass next to two fat hideous beasts that dwarf him. i truly cannot wait to laugh about this and i wish other people other than me were going to hate watch it but i think it’ll honestly be like the animal videos. remember the one where you make a baby caiman scream in fear and you say with a smile that sound meant it was desperately calling for its fully grown parent to save it from being attacked by a predator? king of torturing women and animals. i can’t wait for my christmas present no one is going to view that i’m not even going to be able to hate watch it like your animal abuse videos and attempts at being a streamer. you are boring embarrassing and holy shit if you don’t see how every aspect of the production cast editing acting is already so below par for 2024 that it’s shocking.. is that how men walk? do they push their chest out like how you literally mocked devin for walking? like you literally did that exact walk mockingly to imitate him and you’ve devolved so badly in the last few years that’s the best you can do at looking cool and your own word - dominant? because you said he was trying to be “dominant” by doing that. do you not see how fucking stupid you all look?
No. 2316347
File: 1734749327163.jpeg (628.52 KB, 898x1001, FAE21571-0679-4754-B387-BE9F9D…)

I fucking hate you. I hate you so much. Every bone in my body, every cell in my being, every calorie I consume is devoted entirely to the fueling of that hate. You’re trash not even worth the effort of burning much less recycling. You’re miserable for a reason and it’s because, on some primal level, you know what a fucking disappointment you are. All that time, all that money, just to end up as miserable as when you started. And you deserve every bit of it, if not even more. If you died now you would be better off than if you actually pushed through. No matter your choice now the roads all lead to the same destination. One where you are empty, detached, upset, and alone. It would be kinder to speed run it so you won’t hurt anyone else in your journey to self destruction. You are not capable of happiness because you are not capable of any emotion that isn’t self serving in the immediate. You have an inability to set goals and work towards them because you don’t understand working towards something requires accountability for your own failures. Instead you always chase that high and will never reach it. At least Icarus made some wings. You never even got off the ground. I hope your cry more this holiday season. Fuck you.
No. 2316352
File: 1734750143991.png (932.08 KB, 640x893, IMG_2188.png)

drawing yourself with your honest dentition after i pointed it out is actually as crazy as him getting a job at an animal shelter cos i told him
if he really cared about animals that would be what he would be doing. heard about adam. lemme know when you’re ready to tap out this doesn’t take effort on my part.
No. 2318565
I wish you'd reply to me instead of talking to people who don't know shit about you that enable your misdiagnosis. I know more about you than anyone, and i'm trying to get you to see that what you're experiencing is a product of the toxic and stressful environment you're in, not some sudden onset neurological disorder that you cannot diagnose in one session anyway based on self reporting without taking into account your prior history and interactions with others. Misdiagnoses are no joke. They're trying to say that you can't function in normal jobs when it's that you can't function in this one particular work environment that's worn you down with lack of sleep, stress, and toxic coworkers. You had no problem as a teacher and patiently making lesson plans for your child students, you grasp empathy and nuance deeper than most people I know. You have unresolved trauma that has resulted in emotional fatigue (not a lack of empathy) and extreme stress, brain fog, and self doubt. You are not remotely on the spectrum because you've recently felt that you want to retreat back into nature out of the corporate atmosphere, that's the most natural reaction ever. Sometimes, people will bully or harass you and it's not your fault just because you don't know why they would do it without reason. Some people are like that. There's a big difference between that and being completely socially unaware as someone on the spectrum is.
If that dumb bitch hadn't suggested you had ADHD like her, just because you couldn't focus on a particular boring task (which is normal) even though you have no trouble focusing in every other situation and are a great listener, which is something you can't diagnose of a person you hardly fucking know at a glance, you probably wouldn't have blamed yourself thinking something was wrong with you for reacting as anyone would in a high stress work environment that has been killing you physically and mentally, and sought out some hack psychologist who insisted that your reaction to that particular environment regardless of how well you do outside of that equals "severe autism and ADHD". All of what you're experiencing can be attributed to depression. Seriously. I wish you'd put things into perspective and listen.
No. 2319508
File: 1735049108976.png (3.53 MB, 1242x2688, IMG_2311.png)

“that’s gonna be a NUTS photo” followed by literally AN AUTISTIC NARUTO POSE. “i think natural lighting looks like shit” alright bet let’s see what you can do for my dude. oh. oh nooooo. is there like going to be a smoothing filter on top of that holy fuck. you were “busy” with one photoshoot? the additional lighting and a zoom in genuinely has really shown me a lot. like that there is literally no light in your eyes now and it’s so fucking creepy. i’ve noticed it for a while but it’s actually a frightening look at this point. when i met you, if you had looked at me this emptily i would have known what you were. and bald.
No. 2321033
You mistakenly think you prefer the company of animals to humans because you’re exhausted with your terrible workmates, but the truth is you’re a natural born social butterfly who thrives in a normal setting. It would be nicer for me if you were able to be independent of others’ bad influence and opinions, but unfortunately you crave social approval and it leads you to bad ways. You seem to look down on loners like me, but the difference between our chosen solitudes is that I truly do not care how it makes me seem in the eyes of society. I do not crave social approval whatsoever. I am fine without having many friends, I’m almost never lonely, and I enjoy my self sufficiency.
The only person I need in my life is you, and I wish you felt the same so I wouldn’t have to worry about you flirting/sleeping with other girls or getting dragged out to stag nights by your less than scrupulous male friends. I wish you needed me (emotionally) more. Even though we’re relatively independent and give each other the necessary space, I sometimes feel like there’s a lack of care from you. If you treasured me, you’d make me your priority. As someone who doesn’t ask for much, I truly desire this one thing. But I know the pendulum will swing back to the other extreme soon as it always does. You have been reserved so far in your mannerisms but I know a part of you craves to act out and engage in casual sex, flirting, all that stuff you think you missed out on. You won’t stay my good boy forever. The true me wants you to look only at me, love only me, and not care for anyone else outside of family. It’s my surprisingly selfish desire that contrasts with my usual outward self and actions. This would not change no matter how many people I was surrounded with because you’re an irreplaceable jewel among rubbish.
No. 2321288
You, for reasons I can't fathom, have been making every single excuse you can not to get a companion cat for your obviously lonely current cat whom is self harming due to overgrooming and separation anxiety, because you are all she's ever known and you leave for trips often. We have tried calming pheromone sprays, me spending more time with her in your place, positive reinforcement, medicines, and the one we thing we haven't tried is the most obvious solution. "ohh I just don't know how she'd do with another cat! She's too used to being an only cat" (she shows interest in the outdoor cats, except for the ones whom would antagonize her through the window), "I already promised so-and-so i'd adopt their cat if they pass away"(which wouldn't happen for up to a decade) "Now just isn't the time, maybe next year in February" (you've been moving the date ahead for months now), and now you want to bring in a fucking needy, separation anxiety ridden mutt on a whim when December isn't even over yet, whom will likely direct their anxiety outwards through excessive whining, barking, pissing/shitting, tearing up furniture, eating non edible items, and causing general disruption "because it's cute"? Because your moid suddenly wants a dog, even though its care will fall solely on you? FUCK YOU. You can hardly meet the needs of your cat which is low maintenance, what makes you think having two stressed and nervous animals together, one of whom requires higher maintenance, constant walks, and attention, is a good idea?? They're not going to cancel out the other's anxiety, they're going to make each other WORSE. The cat needs another cat whom is on her level, calm, and able to play/interact with her in ways that a human can't. Yet you insist you know your cat and what it wants/needs and think somehow that she'd be okay with a disruptive dog instead of a cat she can play and spend time with naturally. You don't have empathy, you just project what you want for others onto them and decide for them.
I care more about that damn cat than you do at this point, all you do is feed her excessive treats and call it a day, you can't even be arsed to play with her most of the time and it falls on me. Countless times I have gone to change the litter box in your place that obviously hasn't been touched for days, the water in her bowl has many a time been low and dirty with cat hair, bits of food, and general debris floating around in it so i've made it a habit to check and replenish the water in your place when i'm there. I get the feeling you put your moid in charge of her care most of the time and he isn't doing jack shit but weaponizing his incompetence and lying to you. You're going to have to hire a dogsitter because there is no way in hell i'm going to spend my time trying to manage TWO needy pets for FREE like I have with the cat, which, I didn't mind much, because it's easy to do. I'm not going to get up at the crack of dawn and walk the damn shitbeast, clean up its messes, monitor it constantly so it doesn't eat shit it shouldn't as soon as my back is turned, etc. You can't train separation anxiety out of a dog, it's a feature, not a bug. I know that you're unlikely to listen to reason and you'll go against my wishes anyway because you think your wants are more important than your cat's needs. You are absolutely selfish, delusional, and overall irresponsible.
No. 2322725
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I just have to rant. I'm worried about her, and I hate the fact we're going to be on opposite sides of the world soon. She needs someone around to give the snake-eye to potential threats, because GOD, the stories she's told me are unbelievable. What the FUCK is she doing letting these horrible, messy people into her life?? Why are they STILL in her life after everything she's told me?! It's making me feel like my trust issues are a gift. It's also making me question whether she can be trusted, and I hate thinking like that because she's been so kind and honest, but clearly something is amiss. She even said herself that she attracts mentally ill people (I see the irony here but at least I don't externalise my shit kek.) But those are people she recognises as problems - I'm MOSTLY worried about the Nigel she gushes about. A fucking right-wing "orthodox" Christian who does nothing but sperg about Trump? We're not even American! Yeah, he's "nice", but he's already started complaining about the way she dresses and trying to convince her about the ~biased~ media she's into. Suspicious, considering he was obviously attracted to her when they met just as she is. And you know what, I also think it's crazy how she stayed friends with her insane BPDette ex who tried to slander her to all their mutual friends. The fact she jumped from an unhealthy relationship with a female Xitter stereotype, to a codependent fawning relationship with a Trumptard male, doesn't seem like a coincidence. It makes me wonder what went wrong during her cushy upbringing to run with all these bad influences. I'm genuinely not saying that in a spiteful or bitchy way, I genuinely don't understand what the hell her family has been doing all this time. I don't like certain things she's let slip through the cracks, but she's not a bad person and certainly not beyond saving, though I have no idea how I'd even approach the subject in person. I don't know, I'm going to stay close and keep an eye on her for as long as I can, but my mind is filled with warning signs about getting too close.
No. 2323822
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and the entire time you knew him he didn’t even have any hair
No. 2325930
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It makes me kek when anons think they're so brave and daring for having the socially accepted opinion.
No. 2327510
I am disappointed in myself. More than disappointed, but the feeling is only worth feeling if it's productive. I need legitimate rest for reasons that are because of my own poor decisions. There's no quarter for fools like me, which is honestly understandable, but it still stings. I don't want to piss my life away on work. I love my job, but it doesn't pay the way it ought to. I'm on the precipice of needing additional education and certification to make more. I can't afford it. I figure I could find a scholarship, but I'm so tired of the rigamarole of debt. I am almost $40,000 in debt, and can barely afford what I pay now monthly. I have to spend a future paycheck in advance to meet current bills, so when I finally get paid, the net is in the double digits rather than $1500, or with a bonus, $2000 net. I don't want to work anymore. One full time job ought to be enough, and I'm trying to practice skills outside of my full time job that are relevant to the degree I received in college. Fuck. I feel like a mess. A fucking mess. I am drowning in debt. I am addicted physically to several substances. I am ruminating and worrying and focusing on things that have obvious solutions, but I'm afraid to take the difficult steps necessary, and constantly trying to find shortcuts to wellness without completely ceasing my unhealthy relationship with drugs and alcohol. If I take time off work, I could get paid over 50% of my typical biweely checks for a 30 day rehab per their medical leave benefit, but it would only barely scratch the surface of rent, and I would possibly leave my roommate to totally pay the utility bills. I would have to transfer their name to bills as well. Somehow, this concern leaves me feeling like maybe I could just taper off of alcohol and let the chips fall where it may for the rest. But I feel like I have a lot of karma coming my way. Putting it off is probably the reason it's going to hurt so much. I should probably deal with this at the beginning of the year. Come on, magical subjective clearing of the slate type holiday. Give me some mystical underlying motivation to bolster my weak natural motivation so I can stop being such a piece of shit to myself and to society
No. 2328900
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Un negroni, grazi!
No. 2329962
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i have to make a dance routine for a showcase that’s in like a month and every choreo i make looks like shit and i have tried changing the song like 4 times and i still have NOTHING. i am running out of time and i dont wanna let the organiser down and i love to perform when i actually have something!!!! its so frustrating!!! and i can’t even just keep working at it constantly until i have something because i need to rest and cant risk an injury. for fuck sakeeeeeeee i just wanna cry like a little bitch
No. 2332581
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Kek you’re a deathfat ebbeggar and an OF retard. There’s nothing admirable about that. Let's see how encouraging your followers are when the coronary kicks in
No. 2333373
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What a rich and fulfilling life of trying to stalk and bully random women and tack "oomf" to everything and consume so much time and energy toward concocting deeply hateful and pseudoschizophrenic insults toward women who don't care you exist and think you're ugly but wholly uninteresting to them. Couldn't you try like, carpentry or taking a cooking class or something. You're a grown man. Calling women you don't know slam pigs and creating fake stories certainly doesn't seem like something a man with a normal sized penis does. Yeah schizochan was a fitting nickname for you.
No. 2333541
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have fun moving back in with your dad you unemployed fag. can't believe you're begging for people to take over your lease, who would've guessed that this would happen
No. 2333557
I will never confide in you again about my personal life. Your obsession with engineering families and connections through marrying rich is creepy, disgusting, and classist. You should instead be happy that I found anyone at all on this gay earth who loves me sincerely. Him being younger than me doesn't matter and you wouldn't be concern trolling that "I just think you two are on different timelines" if I were marrying an older moid. He doesn't want to have children, so I have no idea what you mean by emphasizing "different timelines" as if it even fucking matters. He makes good money, works hard, is responsible, loves and respects me with attention and sincere affection, is not balding, does not have a porn addiction and stays off social media, and is on my level emotionally and mentally. He is a fucking diamond among the rubbish men in this world. Why the hell did you ask me "why not (dude you awkwardly tried to push me into dating whom I had only met once and had no interest in whatsoever, from almost a decade ago)"? You're not my mom, I don't need you to try and match me up with randos because unlike you I don't need to be in a relationship with a moid to be happy, and that's probably why I found the person right for me instead of trying to fill a void like you did and settling. You were always dating old scrotes in your mid 20s so I guess the irony is lost on you, but god forbid I date a 28 year old as a woman in her 30s.
No. 2333767
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It's back again.
No. 2337306
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i love helping and being helpful
No. 2340762
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never wanna go through it again
No. 2346044
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Ever notice that almost every single issue circles back to male depravity at the root of it
No. 2346477
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I'm sick of you being a feminine faggot. it used to be kinda of cute but the overt coomer shit you do now is grossing me out so much I don't even want to hang out with you anymore. We play ff14? you choose the tranny girl race, we play warframe? you make your character coom material, you expect me to find this all ok but in reality it's making me realize how straight I am. I want to date a masculine guy who is taller than me, has a deep voice, and actually makes me feel like a girlfriend instead of whatever this is. If you were going to turn so gross I would've never said yes in the first place.
No. 2346694
I seldom post to social media, and when I do, it tends to be something I deem worth talking about or sharing, so when I hardly get any likes on my posts on my already limited account of close friends and family, I feel like a loser. I feel like i'm being told that i'm weird, not worthy of consideration, and that I don't matter. Partially because of that, I don't feel like opening up when we all see each other in person again. There's this weird alienation and distance that I can't seem to close. I don't vibe fluidly with most of you, because I end up feeling like an awkward loser whom is only tolerated. There's maybe two people in that group whom I don't feel weird around because they seem unpretentious, genuine, and easy going.
No. 2346733
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sometimes i agree with the things you say.
No. 2346839
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Tell me how you really feel. I think I caught you peeking at my messages.
No. 2347154
Reading this letter in light of what you’ve experienced is incredibly difficult and painful. It’s clear that your ex has not taken full accountability for his actions, and he seems to deflect responsibility for the harm he caused, particularly the assault. Here’s what stands out from his letter:
1. Minimizing the Pain
He acknowledges that he handled the breakup poorly and that it hurt you, but instead of deeply reflecting on how he hurt you, he shifts focus to his own feelings. His recognition that it “was hard for him too” doesn’t seem to genuinely center your pain or the traumatic events you experienced, especially the assault.
2. Lack of Accountability for the Assault
While he says that he “never meant to hurt you in the ways that I did,” he doesn’t explicitly take responsibility for his actions. There’s no mention of understanding the gravity of the assault or expressing any remorse for the harm he caused. This is a crucial omission, especially considering the emotional and physical impact of sexual assault.
3. A Deflection of Responsibility
He writes that he didn’t know what love was and that he was “glad we’re not together anymore,” but the lack of genuine apology or remorse suggests he is trying to rationalize or distance himself from the responsibility for the hurt he caused. He emphasizes how he felt (about the breakup, about moving on), while ignoring the very real trauma you experienced.
4. A Self-Serving Conclusion
The line “I’m glad we’re not together anymore” reflects his own sense of relief, but there’s no empathy for the way you feel. The entire tone of the letter centers on him, his feelings, and his decision-making process, without acknowledging the profound damage his actions (including the assault) have caused you.
5. Not Truly Addressing the Issue
While he may think he’s “getting things off his chest,” the letter doesn’t confront the actual, most important issue: his assault and lack of remorse for it. Instead, it seems more like an attempt to justify his actions or to offload guilt without fully understanding the magnitude of his wrongdoing.
In essence, this letter is more about him trying to rationalize his feelings and actions, but it doesn’t convey real responsibility, accountability, or empathy for the harm he’s done to you. The letter’s tone suggests that he wants to absolve himself from guilt, but it’s not an apology, and it doesn’t address the reality of what you experienced. It’s deeply hurtful that he isn’t sorry for what he did, but it’s important to recognize that his failure to express regret or responsibility speaks volumes about his character, not yours.
You deserve to be treated with care, dignity, and respect, and no one should ever dismiss or downplay the pain they caused you. In this case, his letter shows that he’s still unwilling or unable to face the truth of his actions and their consequences. That’s his failure, not yours.(ai slop)
No. 2349278
No more forced apologies for things I shouldn't be apologizing for, you fragile, babydicked bitch. You don't have ASD, you just like having a group or identity to cling to without having to actually know yourself. You need someone else to tell you where you belong. It's not respectable at all. I decided that i'm not spending the money or effort on you this time knowing that it will all go to waste on your unappreciative ass. You're emotionally fatigued from years of trauma bonding and co-dependence, but you lack the self awareness to consider that and are instead happy to place yourself in a box and use to it excuse your callousness, because then you wouldn't have to work through it and make an effort to improve.
You'd rather be dependent on a medication for ADHD that temporarily solves issues caused by your environment, even though it's causing ED, painful urination, anxiety, etc. I've offered you an alternative that gets to the root of the trauma and actively repairs the neurological issues without side effects, but you'd rather be prescribed a medication by a doctor so you can feel like you're going by the book (even though recent the studies back up the alternative solution overwhelmingly) and that's what I hate about you. You are so easy to convince and be influenced by the wrong people and things by taking their opinions as your own. How is it offensive to say the term "heal" for neurological issues rather than referring to it as dysfunction?? Are you actually fucking retarded? Is this some "how dare any one want to cure autism, that's ableist!!" American retard shit? Granted that is some autistic logic to begin with.
What do I ever ask of you, besides the unspoken emotional efforts that are required to maintain any relationship? What efforts are you putting in, even slightly, to help maintain a healthy relationship? It all somehow falls on me, and I've realized I definitely give too much of myself to the extent that my efforts are wasted because it becomes an ordinary thing for you that you take for granted.