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File: 1728575827296.jpeg (71.67 KB, 1080x478, 02CB6E10-A8BD-4E62-815C-BC034D…)

No. 2201280

Continue to post all the dumb shit you see on Tumblr.

Previous: >>>/ot/1606262

No. 2201323

Trans girls need to give me $20 instead for all the harassment

No. 2201338

File: 1728578009016.jpeg (823.74 KB, 1170x1679, IMG_1802.jpeg)

Late but someone tipped off the moonmoon girl.

No. 2201344

File: 1728578101310.jpeg (325.75 KB, 1170x1356, IMG_1803.jpeg)

tfw she doesn’t know she got posted to kf

No. 2201453

File: 1728583006714.png (10.02 KB, 530x141, kf.png)

>tfw she doesn’t know she got posted to kf
She does know

No. 2201469

Sorry for spoonfeeding request but I'm a tourist in this thread. Who is this girl?

No. 2201476

No one. She has a very small tumblr blog and has mentioned lcf a few times. The most remarkable thing about her is that she likes an ugly streamer

No. 2202019

she sure loves the attention

No. 2202112

I don't get why this one keeps getting posted. Do any of you have beef with her or something? It reeks of vendettaposting

No. 2203388

I don't think it's necessarily vendettaposting. I think she has a few followers that see her as a lolcow and want to post these screenshots here because they mention the site and are more interesting/relevant than her myriad fat bald man posts.

No. 2204764

File: 1728773080340.png (785.44 KB, 1954x3064, 1000018972.png)

I can't tell if this guy is trolling or not. I suspect his basic alt right views are genuine but he also acts histrionically on purpose for attention.

No. 2205020

I love this guy. Agree with you in that the alt-right views are genuine but the rest is just a bit for notes

No. 2205191

who is this? I also can't believe a real man would have a pfp like that

No. 2205227

File: 1728815027723.jpg (659.48 KB, 540x1514, average tumblr moid apologist.…)

I was about to post him(?) too, absolutely deranged lol.

No. 2205670

You haven't met a lot of men online then

No. 2208379

File: 1729016569426.png (Spoiler Image,41.15 KB, 1056x318, rapistgirlcock.png)

i hate this i hate this i hate this i hate this i hate this i hate this i hate this i hate this
sorry for doubleposting i forgot to spoiler

No. 2208450

File: 1729018406350.png (74.68 KB, 390x619, Screenshot 2024-10-15 134945.p…)

For context the reblogger is aflo who is a gay guy. The tag is so fucking creepy to me like wtf. If you were attracted women you would be a "bad person"? He is a furry sex pest so I wouldn't be shocked that if he was straight, he would be a predator to women, but it's surprising to see him be aware of this lmfao. https://aflo.tumblr.com/post/764430649612533760#notes

No. 2208451

File: 1729018464559.jpg (Spoiler Image,602.09 KB, 1280x1707, tumblr_p4mj0junDA1w38bhho1_128…)

Samefag by the way this is what he looks like. Yes he is a furry who has a dog…. Spoilered just because I think he is that ugly

No. 2208822

There is a really specific alt right type that are like. Asexual gender confused men who were homeschooled by fundies. He comes off that way to me.

He looks like empath-chan

No. 2209019

look at his dead eyes. devoid of light. devoid of life. chilling

No. 2209023

File: 1729041916855.jpg (397.93 KB, 2000x1601, caroline-ellison-ftx-ceo-alame…)

Looks familiar

No. 2212516

I am so tired of people falling for those e-beggars coming in people's inboxes and I'm glad Tumblr staff mentioned them as a form of how scams operate on the site. My blog is only viewable on app, I have zero political posts, I only made a new account to talk to my female friends who don't use other sites, and yet every day I have some sob story using fake photos of dead children in my inbox but the location of the GFM is in America because it's not available in Gaza.

No. 2214088

>Tumblr staff mentioned them as a form of how scams operate on the site
Do you have pics of this? I can't find the staff post you're referring to.

No. 2214092

File: 1729373759050.png (203.36 KB, 538x1636, counter revolutionary.png)

>I've been raped and I didn't call the cops because that ~legitimizes the government~ and is ~counter revolutionary~
This is a theyfab lives in the United States, for the record. I'd bet money that she's lived in a suburb her whole life and has never actually had an encounter with a violent homeless person. This is just a small sample of all the unhinged shit she's saying in the notes. "Abolish the police" is a textbook luxury belief that most non-white Americans don't even support.

No. 2214155

This shit pisses me off so badly. I have a former friend who went absolutely pants-on-head retarded with woke shit within the last 4 years and is a full on themby now. She and her boyfriend (also a "they" now) actually DID have a violent homeless person trying to break into their house (downtown area of a large city). Some crackhead they've never seen before went up to their house screaming "I'm gonna kill you!!!" and started banging on the door, trying to rattle and open the front door handle and slamming his hands on their windows, and then went around to the back to try breaking into the back door/window.

The reason I know this is because they were LIVEPOSTING ON FACEBOOK AND IG ABOUT IT and asking people for help to see if anyone had ideas of how to calm him down and URGING everyone to not call the police because "he's obviously in distress and at-risk" and they were worried about the fact that he's "mentally ill, and black, and would be unfairly targeted and gunned down" by the police. They were literally more worried about a violent crackhead than they were for their own house, their cats, and their own lives. Absolute fucking retards.

No. 2214200

Where do all these coomer wannabe communists come from? It's like they're made in a factory.

Seriously though, I doubt that anyone who thinks like this has ever lived in a high homelessness, high crime area because they are just so out of touch. They don't have to deal with constant break-ins, car thefts, and muggings (in broad daylight no less) in a city where the police do virtually nothing and only the rich people who can afford private security are actually safe. They don't have to see people passed out with needles in their arms in the middle of a public park or walk by people tweeking out on meth and threatening strangers on the street. They don't have to see homeless women being prostituted out of a broken down rv or tent on the side of the road. They don't have to walk in the middle of the road to get somewhere because both sides have piles of garbage, piss bottles, needles and literal shit making the sidewalk unusable. They don't see how the policies they advocate for further impoverish the already struggling communities that are most impacted by homeless encampments and all the problems that come with them. All they do is shame people from the comfort of their (parents') suburban homes.

No. 2214207

i hope a homeless man pours a bucket of his saved up shit all over her (this happened to a poor random woman before)

No. 2215631

You call the cops on anyone who's being threatening! You don't get them to fill in a survey before you decide if they're dangerous or not! What the actual fuck is this logic? I love how blatant-nepotism is the only one with any common sense here kek
I hope your living situation is better now nonna, that sounds horrific.

No. 2216241

File: 1729519353719.jpeg (1.38 MB, 1079x4527, 3upsyie03zvd1.jpeg)

I sincerely wish for tumblr users to grow out of writing "and everybody clapped" tier stories even if it takes another decade

No. 2216331

And Hephaestus limped his way to her to give her his hammer.

This was an exceptionally cringy one, topped up with extreme NLOG.

No. 2218369

This is why I'm getting increasingly sick of ACAB and communists online. Call me a "liberal" but the police are not going away, I'd rather the system be reformed and the bad actors discharged than live in some lawless anarchist land where degen men can assault people all they want and just "be rehabilitated" and go back to doing what they always do scott free. The fact she's bragging about not calling the cops on a rapist (thus letting the rapist walk free and have more victims) makes her dangerous.

No. 2219090

File: 1729648368305.png (142.95 KB, 580x1047, 1728455943915.png)

I saw this in another thread and I just want to say this;my hatred for fat men is just growing even stronger and ill insult them even more now thanks.

No. 2219103

I hate all fatsos, I hope OP feels better about this. Probably a TIF who draws all her favourite characters as "salt and pepper" hairy fat moids.

No. 2219201

These people are probably anarchist-aligned, not marxists. Marx wrote about the lumpenproletariat and was not a fan of them. Also there's nothing more feminine than this kind of try hard appeasing behaviour to prove you're one of The Good Women (or rather Good They/thems)

No. 2220300

Did Nemu write that post

No. 2220312

She's trying to manifest herself a harem kek
>cum rade
Yeah this is either a tranny or a LARPing thot

No. 2224147

WTF happened to Tumblr? I remember a decade ago even the libfems were big on misandry and "male tears", now it's a borderline female MRA site.

No. 2224185

Same thing happened to society in general.

No. 2224296

Trannies happened

No. 2225266

File: 1729979388768.jpg (59.28 KB, 900x900, tumblr_7cbaa6f52d7788fec1166da…)

I hate that even general aesthetic blogs evangelize about hrt like it's some fun and subversive counterculture thing. I was on it and it fucking ruined my life.

No. 2225270

To the surprise of absolutely no one a lot of trannies are drug addicts kek

No. 2225641

thats like my nightmare scenario

why is it always for the men lmao? (actually i know dont answer)
what the fuck is a love handle?

No. 2225920

Fat men deserve nothing kek, they’re always assholes who shit on fat women and criticize other women and want bombshells, fatso you don’t even deserve to look at a woman in the first place.

No. 2226375

Those were always on Tumblr even a decade ago. Even the TIFs would talk about hating "cis" men, now everyone worships them.

No. 2235895

Their reasoning is that nearly any criticism of regular men is an admission on bias against other male-adjacent groups like trannies. Men are creepy? You just othered a closet tranny in your friend group. The neckbeard at work you made fun of online? You genocided all tims and libfem allies because they're balding neckbeards too. The site's rhetoric was taken over the same way it tends to start in female groups. An extreme focus on terminology, not "othering" hypothetical people, and too much accommodation when uncomfortable. Their martyr complexes like upthread >>2214092 kick in as well. Sometimes they'll say it's because yadda yadda just like racism but even people on tumblr fall for that one a little less now.

No. 2249960

File: 1731041996447.png (483.7 KB, 1170x2532, 1657855517828.png)

No. 2249964

This person must not have too many friends.

No. 2250122

Is this a tif? kek

No. 2250192

Least obsessed nigelfag.

No. 2253642

File: 1731219947742.png (57.62 KB, 475x556, IMG_2189.png)

No. 2253684

They're right though what's the issue with the image?

No. 2254613

Excess flab around someone's waistline. Moid term. Because "when you're makin' love, that's where you grab onto"

No. 2254915

File: 1731286290482.jpg (311.17 KB, 1080x965, Screenshot_20241110_194235_Chr…)

Why was editing someone else's post ever a thing tumblr allowed? I know its been years since they got rid of that feature, but it still baffles me anytime I remember it.

No. 2254926

Facts though

No. 2255210

Imagine hanging out with the girls and your token tif virgin nerd friend is there and you see a hot guy in an ad on tv and you say "wow, he's cute" and the outraged tif is like "WHAT? that's IT? did you SEE his arms and chest and body? If you were REALLY into him you'd be hopping up on the table and shouting AWOOGA. personally, I want to LICK and SUCK this man and I don't think you're even capable of being as horny as I am. it's like you don't even like men or something!" and you can't do anything about it because you don't know how to tell an adult woman that her mom should have told her when she was very young that it's socially inappropriate to touch yourself in public

No. 2255364

What's the problem?
Average "trans boy" if not a fag. Nice job getting throat stds

No. 2255415

File: 1731305490408.jpg (865.63 KB, 1079x1479, Screenshot_20241111_010546_Chr…)


This is John Green the author. Decade old milk, but what happened was on Tumblr you could literally just edit someone else's original post and thats exactly what happened here. Basically, you could say "I love 1D!" and someone could reblog and delete that and replace it with violent political extremist statements and make it look like you said it.

Back when it was a feature, Tumblr was primarily meek nerd girls, so this didnt really happen, but this feature existed for several years and never made sense.

No. 2255422

It was hilarious, that's why! Being serious though I don't know why, I think David Karp was just mildly retarded. I miss those times. People just used it for jokes as seen in the screenshot, but then John "Is this the first book where the girl kisses the guy first?" Green had to get all butthurt about it

No. 2255458

File: 1731306919355.png (295.93 KB, 640x756, 1708535652926.png)

and picrel is what he acted like most of the time

No. 2255470

File: 1731307917419.png (268.96 KB, 531x610, Screenshot 2024-11-11 004918.p…)

He was a menace when it came to cringeposting. I'm glad to see someone else remembers it, people still engage in John Green apologism even pretending it was "sexual harassment" that drove him off the platform, when he was just very hateable. Picrel is the post I was talking about, these are his characters making out in Anne Frank's house kek

No. 2255481

he also couldn't talk like a normal person, like he would reply to the cock edits with shit like
>"Um sweetie, there's nothing wrong with two men having sex, you're just exposing your own homophobia"

No. 2255620

File: 1731320322157.jpeg (51.35 KB, 681x450, IMG_4055.jpeg)

>mildly retarded
Just one look at his face should tell you that he has a full blown case of the tism.

No. 2255622

People who open their eyes wide like this piss me off so bad. Just because you're stupid and think it makes you look like you eyes are bigger doesn't change the fact that most people automatically register all of your eye muscles contorting into this ridiculous bulging psychopath expression. Hate this shite triggering every time

No. 2255623


No. 2255627

Tumblr cadence still puts me in fight or flight mode, I've always hated it in an unreasonable and almost violent way

No. 2255630

Kekkk. More likely scenario is that you say "wow he's cute" and the TIF gives you a dirty look while spending the rest of the movie's runtime silently seething because she could treat those actors better than the cissies could, dammit

No. 2255689


No. 2261863

File: 1731686133361.jpg (173.11 KB, 715x715, 20241115_095023.jpg)

No. 2261875

File: 1731686957478.mp4 (5.11 MB, 576x1024, d253996b0547b3d06a7f54a9b3fe4b…)

They talk about this idea like it's thrillingly great, but it just seems very dystopian unhinged. I'm gonna leave this video to say it all for me.

No. 2261876

Why weren't people abusing this feature more when we still had it?

No. 2261878

File: 1731687079893.png (429.18 KB, 1066x637, hmmmmm.PNG)

No. 2261879

After peaking this shit is hilarious, I hope more women wake up to their bullshit. Yeah it actually is zoophilia.

No. 2261883

samefagging. whats dumb about this

No. 2261890

It's also funny how melodramatic they are about their first world problems.
>Waaaah waaaah people on the internet laugh at me for my fetish
Like kek get over it maybe? If low-functioning DeviantArt autists who draw MS Paint inflation porn can shrug it off then so can you jackass.

No. 2261903

original poster, my problem with this post is that it implies that if men actually lived by 'trad' ideals, they would be fine to date. It's something I've seen online being pushed by right-wing types and actually trying to psy-op in feminist spaces and it actually seems to be successful

No. 2261906

i've never seen feminists accept the tradwife bullshit

No. 2261969

She has either never stepped foot in a metropolitan area in her life, or is the crazy bitch that people call the cops on. There is no in between.

No. 2261996

who even gives a fuck. these people need to get a job asap

No. 2262047

Nah being trad is cringe no matter how you spin it.

No. 2262764

Ah yes because this totally wouldn't be abused if it was possible and tims didn't die of sepsis. This totally wouldn't cause more women and girls to be trafficked for their wombs if it was possible…

No. 2262815

>rehome their uterus
the level of pure ignorance these people have about human biology, anything biology, really cant be overstated. shuffling organs around your queer found family and getting elective surgeries i parts of the body close to viscera, deep arteries, and/or the brain has no possible undesirable long term consequences and youre high key transphobic if you think these procedures should be limited in any way

No. 2263077

File: 1731770602876.jpg (574.37 KB, 1080x1740, Picsart_24-11-16_10-22-58-041.…)

This is the dumbest thing I've read in a really long time

No. 2263082

Trans “girls” need to get a fucking job but that would mean they would have to start being normal and admit they aren’t women.

No. 2263088

the first post is half correct though, it's all preformative and not driven by any kind of actual desire

No. 2263107

Over half of my timeline seems to be filled with artists who think otherwise. To me, the post is saying that sexualizing men is merely reactionary and therefore insincere, which I completely disagree with.

No. 2263121

>Implying I don't actually want to see my husbando oiled up and shirtless and it's just "reactionary"

No. 2263262

>Genuine lust for women is when bimbo mods
No it's not kek, THAT is about moids wanting to see women sexually degraded. It has nothing to do with lust and everything to do with hatred and fetishes combined.

No. 2263449

File: 1731788698211.jpeg (914.06 KB, 1170x1695, IMG_0728.jpeg)

as soon as i saw this i was like “lmao a palestinian did not write this shit”. i cant believe it has like over 10k notes. its so obviously fake

No. 2263578

One of my old personal cows was a fake Palestinian before it was trendy, never would have guessed how popular it'd become

No. 2264128

File: 1731819874249.jpeg (306.86 KB, 1179x1739, IMG_9701.jpeg)

Tumblr has been eating up obvious fake Palestine posts, especially spam bot fundraiser ads. They genuinely know nothing about Palestine kek

No. 2264143

if "people" (scrotes) "just" have genuine lust for the female characters, why do they need to degrade them with a misogynistic porn category that goes completely against the original character's design and personality?
also aren't the people who make the slutty mods for male characters usually gay moids?
i really doubt women who draw/mod those characters with a tramp stamp or whatever do it just because they find it funny, though. it is a porn trope of course those women are doing it because they think it's sexy due to the association with porn and prostitution. it'd be "just funny" if it was a straight moid doing it.
>dungeon meshi senshi panty shots aren't fan service
i'm not familiar with the manga but doesn't the author have an ugly man fetish or something? depending on the creator it could be purely a joke or a horny joke. when it's "just a joke" it usually happens in media created by/for scrotes that contains a lot of straightforward female sexualization.

>transmisogynistic joke

oh for fuck's sake

No. 2264233

Love the intentional lowercase to make it seem like the person can't type well, but then uses perfect english and gendie lingo which I'm sure is very popular in Palestine

No. 2264304

Also: Palestinian is capitalized, but Allah isn't. No muslim would ever make that mistake.

No. 2264397

The Dungeon Meshi mangaka has said that she based Senshi on a weird old guy who used to do his laundry in his underwear when she was a kid. She wanted Senshi to be someone who did his own thing and didn't care what others thought, so him being unbothered by flashing his undies wasn't meant to be fanservice. In the manga it's played for laughs, in the anime the animators really amped up the fanservice. The weird thirst for Senshi is a case of TIFs latching onto a short hairy moid in an attempt to convince themselves that a fictional cartoon dwarf is transition goals. It's nothing like what scrotes do to female characters, who they see as nothing more than porn fodder.
And that poster is wrong, sexualizing male characters does work. It makes moids seethe. Making mods to de-uglify Astarion, thirsting over Leon, making shirtless mods for any male character, all of that harmless stuff makes scrotes freak out to an extent that they leave women alone to go scream at fellow moids on Reddit about how their nonexistent girlfriend is cheating on them because the man in the game has abs. It won't stop female characters being sexualized but it does give women eye candy and drives scrotes out of spaces that aren't meant for them.

No. 2264760

Amen to that. Also kek at calling cloud strife a "traditional macho hero"

No. 2265997

File: 1731953864461.jpeg (233.69 KB, 1123x1256, BA419D2B-9394-4B5E-BCD1-506363…)

hate following someone who seems cool then i’m blasted with shit like this

No. 2266002

>Emu Otori pfp
Why does she attract so many degenerates

No. 2266006

If you wanted more girls in the world, you'd be fighting against female infanticide and domestic violence deaths.

No. 2266035

Wtf is a "plural girl?"

No. 2266045

I'm guessing it means girl that has DID?

No. 2266820

I have DID and I wish the disorder would stop being tumblr-ized like this because it makes people think this disorder that is genuinely extremely crippling isn't real or is just freddy fazbear living in someone's head

No. 2266941

how many minecraft youtuber alters do you have

No. 2267001

File: 1732022780964.png (93.48 KB, 1375x687, e0WruyJ.png)

No. 2267009

>I have DID
>in the tumblr hate thread
Yeah I don't know about that anon.

No. 2267012

>I have DID
>in the tumblr hate thread
Yeah I don't know about that anon.

No. 2267016

>I have DID

No. 2267030

>I’m not like the other zoomers
Yes you are kek

No. 2267144

post medical diagnosis or gtfo

No. 2267184

She relates to the megamind incel guy?
Lmao no you don't.

No. 2267592

The halimede pun is the first (very big) warning sign, and unfortunately, that Dungeon Meshi girl as a pfp is also a warning sign. This is 100% a TIM reblogging another TIM. They're everywhere on Tumblr now.

No. 2268102

thanks for proving my point as to how these fuckers have poisoned peoples minds and why i can't talk about it to anyone. it's a mental condition forged under extreme conditions that bpdemons co-opt for internet brownie points in an extremely dramatic fashion so i honestly can't blame any of you for reacting that way however
i'm not doxxing myself but i promise you i fought the fact that this is what was happening me extremely hard for 2 years precisely because i didn't want to be like those weird ass tumblrinas until i was forced to accept it.

No. 2268157

NAYRT, I remember knowing of someone who had it, he wasn't a tumblr user, he was actually an artist who would teach classes, he said when he was younger he didn't know he was "switching" until the people around him brought up how he would act and say shit he never remembered, he basically grew up in an abusive home because his dad was foreign and got bullied at work so then he'd abuse his wife and son. Then he got groomed by his teacher. Anyway, he said that people recognised his "splitting" before he did, especially because he would become hostile at random times which was out of character for him. I had a friend who struggled to research DID seriously because of all the fakers who turned DID into kinning 2.0. TBH I was there on tumblr when the gendie crowd started off claiming they had "MPD" to ship "problematic ships" like agegap and talk shit about others (basically using it as a get out of jail free card), but then many got called out for using an actual fake disorder so then the gendie crowds appropriated DID because it was "legit" so they could say "I don't remember saying [thing] because it was a different version of me at the time [so pls no cancel…,,.]" idk how it is for you but is it similar to what I described? The only other person who described DID to me was a woman who said when she was abused as a child it was like it caused tears in her brain and any personality she had was just a mimic of what the abusers had already said before, which made people think she was lying about her abuse because she would apparently act like she had enjoyed it when it was not "her" saying those things. I've struggled to be able to research actual DID because of fakers and now google is becoming increasingly more commercial and asks if I want to buy DID. How did you learn about it and come to understand yourself to accept it? Hope you have a good week Nonna

No. 2268176

thank you for believing me, that honestly sounds somewhat similar to my experience, DID is an extremely covert disorder and often goes undetected into adulthood, as it's a disorder formed to protect you from things you can't handle and keep you sane and functional when you're in an environment so chaotic that there is no resting for you, you need to be on guard all of the time. being an overt or extremely dramatic disorder like people on tiktok try to illustrate is counterproductive to the point of DID. the switch between alters is not as dramatic as gendies want to illustrate, it very often feels like a subtle switch in attitude and often done subconsciously because your brain has deemed THAT mental state to be the one best suited for the situation at hand. blackouts are also extremely rare and would be counterproductive to the whole "discreet" part of the disorder, for me i experience extremely heavy amnesia, but it's not immediate for the most part, i find that i'm able to retain memories of the past few days, but it quickly begins to dissipate and be suppressed.

honestly, the memory issue is how i noticed, i had just gotten out of an extremely abusive relationship and when trying to recall it to others, i realized i had absolutely zero ability to recall the 3 years i had just experienced. furthermore, i began to realize almost my entire childhood was lost to me as well, and when expressing concern about this to a friend, she mentioned i might be dissociating. upon looking it up, i got results for DID and immediately closed the browser because i had seen that shit during my combat years on tumblr and had chalked it up to roleplay, much like the others in this thread. in 2015 i was friends with a lot of people who were faking DID, including an extremely infamous user who caused a lot of drama throughout the website, so needless to say my mental image of DID wasn't good. i ignored it until i realized i was losing recent memories as well, people kept telling me about things i did or said and didn't remember and i could physically feel my demeanor switching all over the place, as well as my intentions, the people i liked, my dreams for the future. i couldn't get my story or my memories straight, i felt so confused, it was much like how that woman described it, like a tear in my brain, though i often feel like my brain is akin to scrambled egg. even my thoughts become jarbled and all over the place and i can't tell where my thoughts begin and where they end. i would try to force myself to stay in one state mentally so i could just live a normal life and make normal friends and have normal career progression, but it just doesn't work that way. i would continue to switch out. i saw a professional and she agreed my dissociation issues were pretty bad and i needed to just accept it and work on it if i wanted things to calm down and find whatever sense of normalcy i could.

looking back, my DID went dormant when i was a teenager due to stress dying down, and as an adult it came back due to a few other extremely difficult things i went through on top of the abusive relationship. i'm hoping it can go dormant again with proper care, i married someone who also has DID and is taking really good care of me and understands the symptoms and wants me to get better so i hope we can both improve together.

No. 2268387

how do you post a medical diagnosis on the internet without doxxing either yourself or your doctor?
nta but I can recommend 'the haunted self'.
ntayr, I believe you too. most people don't believe it because to develop it needs worse adverse childhood experiences and nobody wants to believe children when they tell about what happened to them.
DID influencers are the worst to me.

No. 2268510

you wouldnt happen to have a joseph smith 'alter' would you topkek

No. 2269811

thank you, i think a lot of things that fakers, especially influencers, don't understand is that DID is EXTREMELY covert. even when i had my ex telling me i suddenly seemed like an entirely different person or that i was realizing during 2020 i couldn't recall anything about the summer of 2019, it wasn't something i considered at all. i can look back on certain things on my past now and go "ooohhhh, so that was the disorder…" but because it forms during early childhood, living with the disorder is your normal. everything about is just normal. you don't question it, because why would you? you've lived this way for as long as you can remember.

i think a lot of kids who get swept up in the trend of faking DID do it because they see some of the symptoms and think it applies to them, especially if they are developing BPD related symptoms. if you're a 13 year old little girl nerd who is bullied at school with parents who don't get along and can only find solace in people on discord, and those people happen to ALSO think they have DID, i can easily see how that's a rabbit hole one can fall into, especially with how teenagers will do anything to fit in, but i can't help but be frustrated that situations like that lead to people like >>2268510 thinking what they're saying makes them seem cool and smart for being enlightened and able to see through the psyop.

No. 2270284

you're absolutely right. It's extremely covert and the one that's to be deceived foremost is the self, because of memories/experiences that cannot be tolerated. It's not a funny or dramatic way to live. It's extremely exhausting, since every day stuff can trigger a flashback and in turn a switch. For some that means losing hours or even days. The good thing is with adequate therapy it's possible to get your memories together and even become 'one'. But you have to be able to face the memories 'the others' hold for you. Even just knowing about and accepting what happened can lead to significant betterment. Because your brain learns it doesn't have to hide it anymore.

No. 2270621

File: 1732199566737.png (2.95 MB, 1080x2690, Screenshot_20241121-091557.png)

>I painted my fiance and his girlfriend

No. 2270777

>mermaid princess
I like how these people can't even follow their own rules and just "misgender" themselves for funsies. The pronouns are purely ornamental.

No. 2271157

reading that sentence caused me physical pain

No. 2271184

From my own experience with the tumblr gendies spanning 10+ years, I know for a fact the purple haired he/they woman is probably an insufferable, hypersexual BPD nutcase.

No. 2271343

File: 1732230864256.jpg (607.79 KB, 1074x2174, 1000011838.jpg)

Holy shit in hindsight I should have guessed that Le Ebic Normie On T Butch Lesbian cator99 was actually a terminally online tumblrina through and through. I fucking knew it. Kek during the shutdown there were retarded radblr lesbians in the bunker threads le trolling people and bragging about following her. She was literally on some meth addicted gendie bullshit just a few years ago.

No. 2271348

Lol I've seen her blog, yeah the larp is really funny compared to her gendie history

No. 2271349

The they/them girl at my office often wears a hat that says “Cat Mom” and it takes all of my efforts not to say “Uhmm shouldn’t that say ‘cat parent’?” They don’t follow any consistent logic but they expect YOU to kowtow to their gender whims.

No. 2271355

File: 1732231559602.jpg (425.54 KB, 750x1080, 1000011839.jpg)

Samefag but holy KEK this is hilarious. That one retarded radblr lesbian in the bunker threads got insanely triggered when I said cator99 definitely knows what lolcow is. Here is the fucking proof. She definitely knows what lolcow is and she LURKED. Possibly still lurks.

No. 2271389

File: 1732233927289.jpg (823.5 KB, 1282x2280, 1000035147.jpg)

>I should have guessed that Le Ebic Normie On T Butch Lesbian cator99 was actually a terminally online tumblrina through and through
It seems a shame cuz I used to lurk her blog for like a year because I wanted to analyse her deal ("how did this woman become a roided lesbian who hates trannies but still takes T?") And I felt like I came to understand a lot about her and am now pretty sympathetic about what she's been thru now she's mellowed out from her insane gendie phase, but one thing I noticed is that she would make random posts about lcf every so often but then I think she'd delete them because several of her mutuals had no idea wtf she was talking about and the jokes fell flat. Picrel.

No. 2271407

I honestly can't wait for when uterus transplants happen. The last time it was attempted on a TIM he ended up dying from it, I can imagine the media hyping this up as an affirming scientific intervention only to realize how stupid of an idea it is when it's too late.

No. 2271428

I would be interested to hear your analysis on her. Also yeesh that post and comment reply are incredibly cringe, I feel like she feels threatened when she's not the most clueless authentic normie around kek.

No. 2271431

Holy shit, how did you connect that this is cator99?

No. 2271450

It's all in the TIF thread on snow.

No. 2272211

File: 1732298757384.jpg (573.65 KB, 750x1180, 1000011855.jpg)

Coming to post this here, to all radblr lesbians thirsting over cator99, here's her admission to fucking/sucking/dating a moid and admitting that dick is "awesome" KEK. They're all the same I swear. I really doubt she's touched a single pussy in her life, seems her entire perogative is to LARP as a faggot to land bisexual moids posing as genuine faggots.

No. 2272234

wasnt she also self posting in the thread too

No. 2272252

is that a reference to a specific blogger because i think i know who youre talking about

No. 2272437

who was it? palipunk? it's so funny how she changes ethnicities to whatever's trendy at the moment. She's claiming native, irish and sudanese now too. as an actual person from that part of the world, it's pretty cringe.

No. 2272442

She popped in to defend herself by saying she never claimed to be a poorfag kek. She 100% lurks confirmed. So much for her retarded "normie blue collar butch lesbian on T" facade.

No. 2272601

I swear gendie women are all crackheads

>They're all the same I swear. I really doubt she's touched a single pussy in her life, seems her entire perogative is to LARP as a faggot to land bisexual moids posing as genuine faggots.

Not true because I backread her blog when I was bored (I used to enjoy lurking on radblr orbiter blogs) and she has been with multiple women but just of the ftm variety, and she respects pronouns so she calls these women he/him, it was jarring to read but she is genuinely SSA. As for the ig post I'm honestly surprised because she has never come across as bi. Does this mean she's been febfem since that scrote kek? Them again gendies will do anything to belong and aren't exactly known for telling the truth, I wonder if he even existed or whether she was just making shit up to fit in.

No. 2272797

> I wonder if he even existed or whether she was just making shit up to fit in.
What is this literal cope kek. If anything she could have been lying about fucking FTMs and might have just been fucking real men all along.

No. 2272880

AYRT I was the one who backread her blog and not you so my thought processes are going to be different due to me having more information on her life. She didn't mention scrotes on her blog at all even when I was hundreds of pages deep, so that's why I'm confused. I'm assuming she either did have sex with a guy and it wasn't actually that "awesome" so she just never spoke about it again, or she lied about having sex for attention on the internet—something gendies are notorious for because they're chronic attention seekers and up the ante whenever they feel attention is shifting away from them. Even her mutuals she knows irl who would banter with her never once mentioned an ex bf which is why I'm confused (I e-stalked them a bit too).

No. 2273131

File: 1732358947014.png (406.28 KB, 719x1280, 3b1a2c01-7d7a-5eed-8534-2cf303…)

No. 2273163

I love absolutely retarded people like this, they become so stupid they read like puppies to me.
What do you wanna bet she's white?

No. 2273166

>aspects of Asian Asia culture

No. 2273167

It's almost like korean women have bigger fish to fry.
>women of color
Is that not what korean women fall under? Kek, just say black women if that's what you're picturing.

No. 2273189

File: 1732365687759.png (132.01 KB, 720x824, shoppingcart.png)

>silly men helped me with my shopping cart, how can you think they're bad?
It's crazy to look at this shit and remember the man vs bear question was only a few months ago.

No. 2273190

wtf would women in korea have to say about "white feminism"? there is no white majority there, so what benefit is there in using up their time and resources for criticism on an obnoxious faction of one group of women? there's also more to gain from allying themselves with women in the west, and the west is still (shock, horror) majority white.
by the way, feminists in nigeria and india don't waste time complaining about "white feminism" either. i'm not talking about the ones living in the USA or the UK, who enjoy certain privileges and have allowed the race and trans topics to overtake the sex topic to the point where they excuse male rapists/abusers in their own communities. women are dying, who gives a fuck about "the karens" lol? the people behind these posts are so much less global than they think.

No. 2273195

>be lucky enough to have never been physically or sexually assaulted by a man
>male violence cannot be real. All these women claiming it is are lying
These people have a defect in empathy.

No. 2273200

women fold so easily.
>some men helped me get a shopping cart? assault can't be that much of a problem lol
where do men make posts like this about women?

No. 2273234

it's always the self-centered racists yapping about racism online
>how dare japanese people not be offended by what i decided they should be offended by? so clueless!! they need to be educated!
>how dare korean women in korea not care about american id politics? sure they're fighting for their rights but it shouldn't take precedence over what we care about, like trannies and race!

she's so right, this one 30-second encounter in a busy parking lot says so much more than crime stats, women's instinctive fear of men, and history all over the world! libfems are so clever like that ♥

No. 2273289

File: 1732373384631.gif (13.13 KB, 400x352, classes.gif)

she does know that actual radical feminism uses class analysis, men are the oppresser class, just like the bourgeoisie, there can be individually good men/bourgeoisie and shitty women/workers, but individuals don't matter, it's the class structure of men that oppresses and exploits

No. 2273294

You can basically stop reading after the first sentence when this person claims that feminism wasn't a thing in South Korea until now. It's really mind-boggling how these people think the rest of the world needs to be like the US. What will they demand next? Centering trannies in the liberation of women in Afghanistan?

No. 2273300

I fucking hate identity politics
Feminism grew out of the unifying communist labour movement. Communists were the first to recognise the scope and importance of women's unpaid labour
Identity politics does nothing but divide, and it started taking hold right after the Occupy Wall Street protests, when big corporations were bailed out while the workers were left to suffer the consequences of economic collapse
It's a classic divide and rule tactic:
Oh no, no, it's not the banks and capitalists that are your enemies, you are each other's enemies!
Pitting white against black, woman against man, rural against urban, anyone and everyone against each other except the ruling class

No. 2273306

divide and conquer* tactic
sry, made a mistake there

No. 2273311

File: 1732375296749.jpeg (341.14 KB, 1290x1124, IMG_3393.jpeg)

she’s really overrating the significance of this interaction. men jump at the chance to “help” when it’s a chance to play the hero and stroke their own ego. it’s got basically nothing to do with empathy.

No. 2273325

Kek at picrel you're so right

No. 2273743

It feels really fucking disrespectful. Like have they never heard of the Korean Comfort Women and what they went through?

No. 2273744

This truly makes up for all of mens wrongdoings throughout history! We’re saved, girlies!

No. 2273852

File: 1732393967057.jpeg (332.77 KB, 1124x1767, IMG_7136.jpeg)

I misspelled barometric and wound up in the fat fetish community

No. 2273856

And then they went home and jerked off to rape porn like all men do, but they're good boys because they helped me with a banal side quest!

No. 2273859

show the username

No. 2273867


I had typed in "bariatric pressure" and it's all incredibly cringe fat fetish fiction.

No. 2273872

The AI-generated face makes this even more unsettling

No. 2273886

What did you even misspelled that it showed you this? Also, I thought porn was banned.

No. 2273890

>i thought porn was banned
not after troons cried about it

No. 2273899

I'm having a barometric migraine and put bariatric instead of barometric

No. 2273902

Apparently it's a "cis woman" but I highly doubt that. I went to her page and she's reblogging posts made by scrotes jerking off to real women expierencing painful or traumatic births. I fucking despise men so much.

No. 2273910

>I usually like long and difficult hospital births but there is also something really appealing about sudden, accidental public birth. Like just having my baby drop down into my cunt while I am grocery shopping and having no choice but to squat and start pushing. My screams of panic and pain draw a crowd and finally the check out lady has to help get my leggings off so I can crown my baby in the produce section. I just lay there screaming and moaning a huge head out of my hairy pussy while the other shoppers take video and blush about what a scene I'm making. By the time the paramedics get there I'm laying on the floor barely conscious with a big baby on my breast in a puddle of birthing fluid. I'm spread eagle, my brutally gaped and bleeding pussy bared for the world to see, and moaning about how bad it stings and that I don't want to plop out that placenta while I'm lying on a cold floor under the cantaloupe display."
Yeah, no fucking way this is a cis-woman.

No. 2273945

File: 1732398508261.png (561.54 KB, 960x540, 1000016581.png)

>while I'm lying on a cold floor under the cantaloupe display
What an oddly specific detail. Is it because they look like labias? Most definitely a tranny obsessed with vaginas. Fucking gross.

No. 2274190

Absolutely insane that this site went from recognizing that sporadic acts of kindness from men don’t mean much in the discussion and 'not all men' is bullshit because they ultimately still hold power over women and benefit from the patriarchy, to circling shit like this with over 10k notes. We need to bring Buzzfed male tears mugs feminism back.

No. 2274862

>while the other shoppers take video and blush about the scene I'm making
Yeah, troon confirmed.

No. 2274891

Do these retards think evil men are cartoont disney villians? Most serial killers got away with murder for ages because they could mask during daylight.

No. 2274940

This is what pissed me off. As if Korean women didn't know they were oppressed until they copied white women's homework? Korean women's movements started in the fucking 1800s and existed in less formal ways long before that. I can't stand these retards cloaking their condescending racism with psuedo-woke word salad.
If you replace "radfem" with "feminazi," you start to see the perspective they're actually coming from. They see radical feminism as mean and unnuanced because they don't engage with it directly, only with the strawmans constructed by disgruntled men. Radical feminism insists on lucid material analysis rather than being palatable and nice. And as always, women who value men's approval will agitate against their own interests to secure it. They are only "feminists" if that feminism doesn't compromise receiving attention from men–it is much easier to say "I'm a feminist and I LOVE men!" than it is to say "men comprise a class that is, by design, oppressive to women, and this system must be dismantled, even if it is to the detriment of men."

No. 2274951

>Even her mutuals she knows irl who would banter with her never once mentioned an ex bf
This is kind of a late reply but honestly the type of tumblrina cator99 was and is means she probably ditches the scene as soon as her current identity no longer produces the same hits of validation. Read the TIF thread and read the loooong reply she answered an ask about how she met the people she partied with, she disparages the "greasy theythem" raver demographic when she was literally a greasy theythem raver once upon a time. She's the same exact cluster b as every other tumblr gendie, just because she realized how embarrassing it is and reigns it in a bit more doesn't mean shit.

No. 2274959

File: 1732472312422.png (239.09 KB, 1073x506, fgfghhg.PNG)

People who have bragged about using lc on Tumblr before are reblogging this. Fakebois and their adjacents love the farms! I'm not a radfem but I think it's funny how they brag about being an edgy farmer and then cry at transphobia.

No. 2274961

>aidens hate LC yet keep coming back here
they're so close to just closing the fucking tab and leaving us alone.

No. 2274963

They're sick of their own communities but refuse to consider different perspectives or respect any culture other than theirs. It's why nothing changes for them.

No. 2274964

No shit it isnt a woman. Fetishizing birth is a single degree of separation from pedophilia

No. 2274965

tbh that comment is so true. I constantly see "they're so close to getting it" when they post the aiden "deep" thoughts, but honestly I've never met a successful nor mentally well aiden, so no, LC, they will never come close to getting it. Ever.

No. 2274974

>Under the cantaloupe display

No. 2274993

they are literally reblogging and thirsting over actual videos of women giving birth. imagine giving birth, recording it to save the moment, and it ends up on some weird pregnant fetish side of tumblr where people are gushing about it, getting horny over how much it would’ve hurt and writing fanfics about it. i really hate moids.

No. 2275181

shes right. one of the worst habits of radfems is jumping to spit on ftms immediately. were all women first and foremost.
obviously i love laughing at gendie freakshows as much as the next person but the generalising is really antithetical to furthering the cause of female class solidarity. like, 29 yr old service worker normie jake is probably down to talk about being a woman in the world, and is likely acutely aware that even if she passes at a glance she isnt treated like a "man" by those who know her or structurally in the world. she suffers the exact same things we all do. even 19 yr old nonbinary faggot womb tattoo haver xander, who is obviously an annoying moron straightoid whose actions and behaviour are an embarrassment for all women, is still just a young woman.

No. 2275306

Ngl I think some of them do actually get it but are stuck in a land of nlog cope.

No. 2275769

tumblr users will parrot "kill the rich" "fuck cis people" till they're blue in the face but suddenly when it comes to men the concept of class analysis is lost on them

No. 2275785

ty for this

No. 2275947

>one of the worst habits of radfems is jumping to spit on ftms
Idk, radfems don't seem to do it more than other groups, probably much less actually. No one is surprised to see libfems insult/mock tradwives or TERFs, but radfems' frustration with TIFs is always a sign that they turned into a hateful, bigoted group. It's interesting because radical feminism is already inclusive of TIFs (whereas libfems'/TRAs' "feminism" seeks to erase sex-based rights and promote porn/prostitution, so there's not an ounce of female solidarity and compassion anywhere). Don't get me wrong, I am not in favor of bashing TIFs especially when it's obvious that they are young. It's just that TIFs and TRAs spew a looot of misogynistic bullshit ; their discourse can be straight up dangerous when it comes to HRT and surgery. So they can probably take a "you're so close to getting it" here and there.

No. 2276051

TIFs notoriously spew misogyny and are always ready to boot lick TIMs so sorry for not being soft with them either. Even if you’re female if you’re anti woman then you can fuck off as well.

No. 2276053

>jumping to spit on ftms immediately.
And those very same ftms are the ones ready to say “kill all TERFs” so I don’t really get your point. TRAs do much worse.

No. 2276209

Honestly just because TIFs are women doesn't mean they should be exempt from being spat at. A great majority of them are misogynists that wish you dead and defend men at all costs.

No. 2276581

that self admitted agp whos the most popular poster on tumblr rn, charlott2n is finally getting his balls chopped off in january so thats good news

No. 2276634

File: 1732574634447.png (22.23 KB, 530x196, fd09g7d7gsdf890.png)

Screencap of what >>2276581 is talking about

No. 2276657

I have never heard of this man in my life

No. 2276873

His annoying horny posts seem to end up on my timeline all the time, even though I try to avoid following trannies and people adjacent to the gender community. If we're lucky, this will eliminate his sex drive and there won't be any more of these posts.

No. 2276906

Lucky you. I rarely manage to scroll through my dashboard without coming across at least one of his posts per day

No. 2277011

Google'd orchiectomy and it really is just a ball chop… Holy kek why would anyone do that? Is it just like a softcore rotpocket for poorfags who can't afford the entire chop? He's gonna look fucking ridiculous. At least rotpockets make an attempt to get "normal" looking genitalia (despite how monstrous the results actually end up being), but what's he gonna do with a dangling shriveled up estrogenized limp penis and no balls? He's just gonna castrate himself and not even to try to pass. Holy fuck this is awesome. Eagerly anticipating the his post-op meltdowns.

No. 2277019

It lowers their testosterone production a significant amount. Honestly if you ask me bringing back eunuchs makes way more sense than this rot pocket stuff that has people’s intestines and feces exploding out of their ripped crotches. A lot of these dudes would also be so much better off mentally if they accepted that their status or outcome is just a eunuch.

No. 2277021

For half of them it's because they want surgeries like a REAL trans person would get, but they're too scared/love futa porn too much to flay their dick. For the other half it's to stop testosterone production, I've read conversations where trannies talk about how HRT has done nothing and other troons will tell them "you should try getting an orchi!" like getting your balls cut off is no big deal.
What's even better is that after an orchiectomy, most troons report feeling physical pain whenever they try to get hard KEK

No. 2277072

File: 1732597632087.png (73.99 KB, 558x637, 16778.PNG)

funny to see one of my personal cows posted here. that post is unsurprising given the fact that she's extremely mentally unwell and has posted in the past about wanting to go on T herself (picrel). she's also a self-professed "lesbian supremacist" who hates OSA women and is buddy-buddy with gay guys irl. interestingly enough she's also acquainted with cator99, another radblr orbiter who has been posted about a lot recently, so i wonder how she is taking the news that her based lesbian ftm bestie actually loves dick.

No. 2277520

anon, don't you know that she herself was with a male before and rees that real lesbians knew their sexuality without deciding to date a man? I don't really care about cator99 but parallaxia has a holier than thou attitude towards other lesbians while ironically not even being one

No. 2277522

anon, don't you know that she herself was with a male before and rees that real lesbians knew their sexuality without deciding to date a man? I don't really care about cator99 but parallaxia has a holier than thou attitude towards other lesbians while ironically not even being one

No. 2277615

i actually didn't know that, so i guess i'm more of a casual fan than i realized. i only knew about her obsession with pat califa/samois, various passionless hookups, and desire to be sexually tortured. now i wish i'd saved more screencaps.

No. 2278096

File: 1732666058881.png (228.68 KB, 1080x768, Screenshot_20241126-150201.png)

hes getting the rotpocket too i guess this is step one of the procedure. not sure why hes bothering getting a vagina as a slimy brick basement dweller. not like anyone wants to fuck it

No. 2278127

i get so happy when i see them talk about getting the nut chop. hell yes youll never reproduce and youre gonna have osteoporosis before youre even 40! have fun!

No. 2278218

File: 1732671108647.png (1.07 MB, 1080x1113, Screenshot_20241126-150305.png)

he is so gross and all he talks about is forcefem and in this retard baby babble style of posting.

No. 2278226

Is that A G Cook

No. 2278450

Cook would pass better

No. 2278720

File: 1732691235254.gif (593.93 KB, 276x480, shein-shein-halsey.gif)

I don't even have to check the post to know that g*ngermaggot newfag is one of them.

No. 2278863

Not to wk but get your maggot lore straight. She's openly transphobic

No. 2278897

>Maggot lore
Who cares about some nobody. Get over yourself

No. 2278900

>who cares about some nobody
She keeps getting mentioned in this and other threads. Ask that to the farmers who bring her up
>>Maggot lore

No. 2279106

File: 1732724277459.png (457.23 KB, 640x725, IMG_6946.png)

These people are so fucking annoying

No. 2279111

File: 1732724567150.jpeg (434.64 KB, 1125x1003, IMG_6947.jpeg)

Samefag but og post these people have the same mentality as devout Catholics tempted by lust

No. 2279118

I see someone's mom took away her PS4 controller.

No. 2279134

I love this. These people will talk about killing the cop in your head but perpetually monitor themselves to ensure they don't accidentally commit terrible thought crimes such as thinking kids are annoying

No. 2279182

File: 1732727572945.jpg (67.59 KB, 1076x672, Screenshot 2024-11-27 113323.j…)

she keeps getting posted here for a reason, retard. because she's a massive cow who keeps posting lolcow caps and exposing us to normies. she has a tweet from that disgusting scrote idubbbz as her header image for fucks sake.(selfpost)

No. 2279201

The amount of selfposting and orbiters itt

No. 2279325

Posting this user and their ilk brings in orbiters and self-posters because then they see themselves here and go brag about it to their followers and mutuals. As someone said in the junkuchan bunker this retard does not have as much of an impact as some users think she does. Posting lc caps is annoying but ultimately harmless. None of these tumblrtards has a big blog
Yes. The overlap between the current lc userbase and these radblr-orbiters is huge

No. 2279335

Isn't that the complete opposite of "killing the cop in your head"?

No. 2279342

White woman has always been used to refer to the dominant group of women's feminism who overlook the struggles of women from less privileged or smaller groups.
So yes Korean feminists in Korea are going to unintentionally overlook the interests of non-Korean women.

This happens literally everywhere around the world. It's why feminists who are often highly educated are always stereotyped as being stuck in an ivory tower and out of touch.

>Japanese women didn't mind scar jo

Because it's absurd for a country to think how foreigners depict them when they themselves satirize the shit out of Americans and have their own media anyway.

No. 2279349

No Arab would say "Allah's love is for all".
Lowkey feels very British Muslim (South Asians) because they always avoid just saying God but Arabs don't do that.
I feel like it started off as a joke but now it's not especially when people draw nsfw fanart that's clearly horny and not just a wjoke

No. 2279538

>she's a massive cow
Post milk
She's kind of right but not in the way she thinks. A tif saying something feminist doesn't mean she's close to getting anything, because they're all fucking idiots.

No. 2279566

>post milk
Look at the icons next to the username, this drooling retard posted this herself and is clearly baiting. Just report and ignore.

No. 2279604

Holy shit I hadn't noticed
Lmk how you got that screenshot when you come back

No. 2283430

File: 1732942002696.png (171.44 KB, 1089x969, 9gf7h9fd87j9807j09d8.png)

I fucking hate this user. I know there's nothing offensive about any of these posts but something about their aura irritates me. They're just so tryhard and unfunny and narcissistic.
>oh my god guys look at me i'm such a quirky edgelord girl i post self-harm pictures and call myself an autistic retarded faggot incel xdd im sooo crazyyy and malebrained and horny too lol
She's unbearable to me but everyone else seems to love her and it drives me insane. I feel like I'm the only one who feels annoyed every time I encounter her on the dashboard

No. 2283522

This level of edgelord retardation would make me lose my shit kek also she is coming off like a TIM with how coomer and stupid she sounds. The Ed Kemper username really seals the deal.

No. 2283802

File: 1732972633668.jpg (200.83 KB, 1079x932, 1000022296.jpg)

which one of you is this

No. 2283806

I can smell this person through my screen.

No. 2283833

It's a mega newfag who still doesn't know how to use the site, by her own admission. She posted screenshots of the cator99 milk saying she finally found it or something so I think that's what lured her into LC.

No. 2283837

this faggot cant even pretend to lurk the site

No. 2283853

>Finally found it
Kek this retard can't even use the search bar or the catalogue?

No. 2283870

File: 1732975723998.jpg (364.27 KB, 1079x1373, 1000022301.jpg)

She's literally posting from a psych ward that she's been in for a year

No. 2283883

Publically showing off about being an unintegrated tourist is cringe, but the psych system is fucked, why assume she's the one in the wrong for this.

No. 2283886

File: 1732976432809.jpg (725.17 KB, 1079x2003, Screenshot_20241130_111856_Tum…)

No kek

No. 2283890

>This milkmaid gets it!

No. 2283899

>completely straight woman
She had sex with a girl at her summer camp tf.

No. 2283950

smh this is a very irritating and unstable user, im pissed off shes posting caps because it will attract more retarded newfaggots. also she is a "hindu" (convert, shes white) but says christianity is irredeemably misogynistic kekkkkk

No. 2283958

I mean let's be real, lc now is already like 60% spergs from Twitter or Tumblr who use this site to feel edgy or to vendettapost about other spergs they get into drama with on those platforms. We should have gatekept better and now we can't go back.

No. 2283965

She's not gonna bring in any newfags, she has no followers. Posting about cator99, which she was bound to see because she's a lurker and then post about on her blog to her many normie followers, will bring in newfags however

No. 2283970

File: 1732979470928.webp (7.63 KB, 600x337, now i am become chuck.jpg)

yeah thats what i mean. cator99 already reblogged her post.

No. 2284002

File: 1732981874167.jpeg (119.88 KB, 1170x372, IMG_2716.jpeg)

She’s retarded. What did you expect?

No. 2284005

Samefag, oh so she’s extremely retarded. Sad!

No. 2284203

ngl calling nonas milkmaids is extremely funny to me i migth start using it

No. 2284334

File: 1733001036222.jpeg (280.33 KB, 1170x1123, IMG_2752.jpeg)

This user is a male who identifies as nonbinary and he's so annoying kek
He's the one who said not wanting to see people fuck in public is discrimination of homeless people and whatnot (can't remember if it ever got posted here), lately he's been crying about how hard it is to be nonbinary and how even leftists don't accept and make fun of polyamorous people. He even scolded a female user who identifies as nonbinary because she reblogged his waaaa its so hard to be NB post with a joke

No. 2284337

>Gender essentialism is a fucking dangerous game
Good thing you're only surrounded by "extremist" women and not men, isn't it, retard? THEN you'd be talking about danger.

No. 2284447

Isn't this the same guy who started the public sex/masturbation drama a while ago? And then when people said "kids shouldn't see that" he called them pearl clutchers and said that kids need to learn that sex is okay and not shameful/scary or something.

No. 2284455

Yeah this is the guy and many agreed with him too kek

No. 2284470

File: 1733009065185.png (Spoiler Image,770.11 KB, 401x843, eek.PNG)

youre gonna share that random retarded also pointless fully skim milk collage and not things like that?(spoiler)

No. 2284482

>TCC retard
>Posts self-harm pictures
Every single time
> fully milkfree collage
Somehow the other posts are more annoying to me than this but at the same time this IS much more milky. I might go scout her blog for more of this later

No. 2284489

File: 1733010436241.png (236.46 KB, 1064x736, Screen Shot 2024-12-01 at 12.3…)

Same circle as Ed kemper. Another 4chan obsessed tryhard retard. Can these girls wipe out from the internet already

No. 2284572

File: 1733016842568.png (32.87 KB, 521x379, fd80g7d98g76df.png)

I didn't feel like clicking on the read more. Here's another retarded and pointless skim milk post to supplement your contribution

No. 2287963

File: 1733232074968.jpg (86.27 KB, 1079x458, 1000022389.jpg)

Does anyone else not understand why this person is so popular? All her posts are this unfunny.

No. 2288004

Because tumblr culture is deeply unfunny and just a bunch of nerds note farming. I can't believe it's still going I thought it died in the yahoo takeover

No. 2288176

Tumblr popularity is achieved by saying unfunny "lol so random xd" fake quirky shit but without any of the charm that the early 2000s "lol so random xd" trend had. If it's retarded and unfunny then it's gonna get over 5k notes every time, even if it's a post that's been made by 10 different blogs.

No. 2289094

File: 1733300001087.jpg (91.81 KB, 1079x723, 1000022424.jpg)

She used to be alt right but now she's trying to pretend it never happened even though most of her follower base still seems to be from then. So the answer is that she has thousands of followers from when she was a neo nazi freak and alt right men flocked to try to make her their tradwife.

No. 2289230

Post proof

No. 2289254

File: 1733320356703.jpg (517.31 KB, 1080x2966, 595563d2-43ff-43f3-905b-e70b85…)


No. 2289258

File: 1733320683480.jpg (781.23 KB, 1075x2058, 1b9d8f0f-062c-4e82-9198-2cb3d6…)

No. 2289271

AI out here making garbage fetish art for scrotes when it could've been used to close this tab because it detected i was having dinner

No. 2289277

dumbass, does she really think it's that hard to be two-faced? i snitched on a classmate for smoking in our travel bus and then the next day was helping her with an assignment, and that was some mundane shit, imagine if a scrote had enough working synapses to realize that if he gawks at women's asses too often, he won't be able to gawk at all.

No. 2289304

It took 3 adult men to unstick a shopping cart? Right. And then everybody clapped.

No. 2289467

File: 1733334244664.jpg (254.32 KB, 1080x953, 1000012531.jpg)

>we live in the uk
>the average person is just blissfully unaware of real life hellworld situations
you'd think a self-described working class faggot would say this about the cozzie livs or the absolute state of the labour party, but it's the harry potter lady as per usual for people without actual problems in their lives… some people have war in their countries.

No. 2289473

>real life
I dont think she can talk about caring about real life if she unironically believes in the retarded shit that people has said about JK Rowling.

No. 2289564

Are you Parallaxia? I remember seeing her make posts about this user in a similar way to these posts, and then when I went to that girl's blog and the first thing on it was her answering an anon calling her alt-right kek. I don't care either way, I'm just noticing patterns.

No. 2291430

File: 1733429087102.png (72.01 KB, 532x829, 444.png)

I have never seen someone miss the point of music so hard. The kind of music a person enjoys is a personal, almost primal thing, but no, let's fucking try to give people a Moral Ranking based on that, too. Martha Wash was my most-listened-to artist this year, but I'm pissed about this anyway. Why does EVERYTHING have to be quantified in these culture war terms, especially when it comes to an app that under-compensates artists anyway?

No. 2291434

as someone whose top artist was in fact black, this is so fucking annoying lmao it's a bunch of white people trying to prove to each other they aren't racist

No. 2291438

The top billboard songs on the radio are literally filled with black musicians constantly. Every normie who listens to pop and rap has plenty of multimillionaire black artists on their list.

No. 2291439

why are they asking specifically black artists, what if i listen to indian artists because i am indian? White usamericans on tumblr always think they're the defult person worldwide.

No. 2291442

File: 1733429648032.png (279.43 KB, 945x494, 76576.png)

The person who made the poll is, in fact, a white woman whose blog is full of elderly white men.


Learn to read.
>Martha Wash was my most-listened-to artist this year, but I'm pissed about this anyway

It's funny you mentioned this, because my #5 was Abhi the Nomad and I don't know whether he "counts."

No. 2291445

>"real life hellworld situations"
>twitter drama about JKR that no normal person cares about

No. 2291452

these people are so sheltered, there are people dying

No. 2291496

I'm increasingly convinced Tumblr is some sort of social experiment to see if mass moral OCD can be induced through wokescolding. For people who are always screaming about how you should "kill the cop in your head," they sure do expect you to obsessively scrutinize every single mundane aspect of your life to scan for thoughtcrimes and self flagellate until you're more perfect and pure. It feels like some original sin type shit, very culty.

No. 2291585

Music is one industry where black people aren't underrepresented/unpopular, no? Plus if someone only listens to kpopshit what are they supposed to do about that. This is just retarded virtue signalling.

No. 2291659

i really cannot take all the people posting about angry birds porn. maybe the worst thing to become one of this websites culture war flashpoints

No. 2291689

This poll is retarded and last year she started malding and calling people racists because they were saying they listen to other non-white artists like Kpop etc. However she's not white, I remember seeing her selfies and she's either black or mixed. Most of her idols are white men tho

No. 2291708

File: 1733445630960.jpg (471.7 KB, 1125x1749, alien theory.jpg)

Samefag. Imagine having to preface the most random bullshit with "too bad everything is racist"

No. 2291736

stonehenge being built by aliens is also a popular conspiracy.
Most people know that these conspiracies are false, the ones who believe them are a small group. I dont doubt that a racist will say that aliens built the pyramids because of racist reasons, but you should be able to make lighthearted jokes about conspiracy theories without adding several disclaimers. Imo the jokes will only highlight how the conspiracy actually is. No alien pyramid truther is going to think that this tumblr shitpost was made by someone who genuinely believes this

No. 2292011

That post reads like someone who only recently found out about the racist underpinnings of ‘outsiders built this’ theories regarding ancient monuments and wants to show off how woke they are. When European armchair archaeologists declared that Angkor Wat must have been built by Alexander the Great because they couldn’t imagine Cambodians doing it that was obviously rooted in racism, but like anon said, you don’t need to be racist to enjoy alien conspiracy stories. People didn’t love Stargate because they genuinely look down on Ancient Egyptians but because it’s just fun.

No. 2292019

File: 1733474282453.jpg (195.53 KB, 1080x1449, 1000022594.jpg)

No. 2292066

File: 1733481424985.jpg (62.98 KB, 1080x611, FVIbCK8XEAESgM1.jpg)

No. 2292086

File: 1733484886702.jpg (39.42 KB, 512x234, unnamed.jpg)

What most people don't know is that the ancient aliens schizos also don't think the pyramids in Xian or Tenochtitlan were built by people. And as mentioned in one of the quoted posts, Stonehenge.
Egyptian pyramids are the most famous and biggest so of course they'd be the center of attention.

No. 2292813

Beyond parody

No. 2292886

Kek it's like that meme about the angry activist girl on Twitter who calls herself kweer but is dating a generic white guy IRL.

No. 2292889

Humans create art based on the sparkly things they see in the sky, who'da thunk.

No. 2292907

File: 1733514244434.png (44.02 KB, 400x400, races-Nashville-Davidson-TN.pn…)

Nashville isn't even a "boring, white," city anymore. This person was probably getting "looked at funny" because they're some shade of gender weirdo and/or they dress like a retard.

No. 2298574

File: 1733723715918.jpg (317.01 KB, 1080x1036, Screenshot_20241209_001744_Chr…)

I usually dont entertain posts with barely any notes, but this take is just wild.

Yeah having a roof over your head and running water is a luxury not everyone has, but that doesnt make someone """"the rich"""" and even in poorer non-western countries plenty of regular civilians still have at least that much.

Also if you steals someone like Kylie Jenner's phone, she can easily buy a new one and it wont set her back in life at all, but if you steal some random person's phone, they could run into legit financial complications replacing it since having a phone is basically essential in today's world.

No. 2298620

File: 1733725300584.png (89.03 KB, 1170x382, SXwOhV4.png)

No. 2298631

Tranny alert

No. 2298691

"baby"? i'll bet you anything this moron is a zoomer burger with a college education

No. 2298697

Retarded take. The financial divide between the lower class in a wealthy first world nation and the 1% is way larger than the divide between poor people. Also, lower and middle class people in 1st world countries don't have anywhere near the sort of political power or global impact that a 1% CEO would.

No. 2298708

As someone who used to repeat the same sentiment I kind of lost track when I realized that I have a better quality of life than a good percentage of the first worlders I was actually seething about

No. 2298714

If we were to talk about global poverty wouldn't this same type of person just call us white saviours or something anyway? Feels like the main point of the post is for OP to look like the most progressive person in the room

No. 2298821


All I see is a based take (a rarity on tumblr).

No. 2298830

Kek they deleted, what was it

No. 2299148


No. 2301023

What was the based take?

No. 2301031

nta but this is just how people normally talk and type and it's dumb as fuck to nitpick it

No. 2301087

Nta, this is internet brainrot. The singular use of they existed before the gendie shit.

No. 2301704

Anon was trying and failing to respond to >>2298574

No. 2301755

The vast majority of people on Earth have running water and smartphones. And why "Western"? Japan isn't rich compared to Ghana? Russia isn't rich compared to Papua New Guinea? What an ignorant self-flagellating white savior retard.

No. 2304030

File: 1733937911934.jpg (375 KB, 1079x1446, Screenshot_20241211_142413_Tum…)

God I fucking hate this aids infected shitdick

No. 2304042

This reads like an AGP using wokespeak to seethe about how easy the evil femoids have it.

No. 2304226

I'm so fucking sick of the Palestine grifting. I've gotten several asks this week alone begging me to reblog their gofundme links. How the fuck do they keep finding my blog? It's not like im popular

No. 2304584

Super petty thing to complain about, but back when I was a kid and had a ship I liked, I'd login into Tumblr and find some cute fan art and posts thirsting over the ships. I started revisting the hashtags of these ships recently and I was disappointed with all the moralfagging posts instead and the fan arts disappearing. Manged to find the specific fan art I wanted to see on Pinterest albeit in low quality. Sad times for young autistic shippers, the only ones allowed are the "safe horny" ones with ugly old men or/and transwashed and racebent characters.

No. 2304617

I worked at a government job once and saw 3 trannies on week 1. Fuck this gay earth

No. 2305090

he's annoying. "think trans women invented oppressing women" somewhat related, i saw a post on tumblr once that was like "porn didn't invent misogyny" yeah but you're inventing these talking points because no one said that, just because porn and trans women didn't "invent" misogyny doesn't mean they don't perpetuate it

No. 2306081

File: 1734050580391.jpeg (240.09 KB, 1125x734, IMG_7082.jpeg)

Tumblr is now the tranny pornrot site

No. 2306121

File: 1734051820508.jpeg (373.87 KB, 1125x1149, IMG_7083.jpeg)


No. 2307964

File: 1734213751970.png (248.36 KB, 495x626, 0lvV0SG.png)

do people on tumblr who still 'uwu-fy' greek myths and history? i think it was just inescapable a few years ago, but I've seen more people point out that "greek homosexuality" was just men raping little boys because of misogyny, like even in the story mentioned in picrel specifically involves child achilles(and was written centuries after)

No. 2307971

It's almost like there is comparrision when it comes to shitty female designs that are overly sexualized. I really cant think of a male version at all.

No. 2308411

Kek, the most racist white boys you know have Kanye, Kendrick or Drake in their top 3 artists every year.

No. 2308416

I would have replied "skill issue" again kekekek

No. 2308543

have you made a post recently that got popular and a lot of notes? that’s how I started to get those asks.

No. 2309538

File: 1734316670981.jpeg (820.88 KB, 1125x2019, IMG_7127.jpeg)

Tumblr loves doing public sex discourse once a week

No. 2309541

Weird how they describe how disgusting public bathrooms are in almost gratuitous detail and yet they still want to have sex there kek

No. 2309546

The website full of virgins loves starting sex discourse because it's the closest any of them will get to getting laid

No. 2310945

File: 1734405191400.png (1.43 MB, 1080x1699, Screenshot_20241216-221211.png)

No. 2311020

saying that the haters of public sex are "capitalism brained" as if that shit would fly in a communist regime

No. 2311101

She's never met a homeless crackhead beating it in public to a child.

No. 2311122

The difference is that you likely wouldn't be able to know that the sloppy sex sounds are coming from 2 consenting people.
No one is possibly being assaulted by their feces or pee.

No. 2311130

No. 2311161

Is this person a woman who has had her brain rotted by engaging in the porn industry or a troon? That bald spot is telling me troon, as is the soy "joke".

No. 2311196

ur funny af

No. 2311231

Words can not express how much I hate the phrase “brown and black civilisation.” I understand all Europeans are very closely related so they can be identified as one being but like… you did not just put all those unique races under one category lmao. The civilisation of browns sounds like something out of a sci-fi book. Just say non-white

No. 2311341

File: 1734434817559.png (25.57 KB, 652x209, Screenshot 2024-12-17 112601.p…)

Must have missed it in the annual convention for terfs

No. 2311347

I listen to Drake and Kanye on repeat.
Now what

No. 2311351

File: 1734435550229.png (43.67 KB, 663x357, Screenshot 2024-12-17 113806.p…)

So it's a trend!
Also kek at tumblrinas trying to conceive of a normal person

When was gooner ever used to reference women? It always refers to men

No. 2311357

i mean he's kinda right. Betty boop was basically our ancestors waifu.

No. 2311360

Personally, this screams troon to me. Referring to himself as a "girl", the oversexualized writing with detailed gross bathroom information, mentioning some earlier soy boy scene, etc. Even the face looks creepy with the psychopathic dead eyes.

No. 2311424

Who was our ancestors first husbando? Jesus?

No. 2311426

Was anyone wanting to fuck Betty Boop or was she literally just a stylized portrayal of a woman the most men wanted at the time?… now compare that shit to freaks getting off to loli porn and bestiality, like what is so sexy about that? You obviously know what it's referencing, so like is the real life equivalent sexy as well??? Fucking weird as fuck.

No. 2311455

This degenerate faggot even made his own imageboard named after himself. Trannies love to shit up the internet.

No. 2311467

It’s literally them who are quick to call any ounce of real feminism as terfy kek. As always they’re projecting.

No. 2311487

TIM: talks about his crippling child porn addiction and girldick no worky
Tumblr: so based queen so valid
A random woman: I think women should have some of their own spaces…
Tumblr: kys you terf jk rowling slut bitch whore cunt get raped

No. 2311525

This is retarded logic. I wonder if OP be cool with other forms of use that might upset people, like covering cubicle walls in transphobic graffiti. Don't be afraid, there's locks on the doors so you're safe from the terfs!

No. 2311540

Older. Likely a god like Anubis or Hermes

No. 2311543

I always think it’s weird when one tribe accuses their rival tribe of 5d chess but seeing this post made me laugh because no tert ever thinks like that.

The women on that british mum website definitely don’t. The gender critc subreddits were mostly venting. The “uh i think sex is real” babyterfs aren’t thinking “hmm how do i poison the well in online discussions”

It’s literally just women who felt guilty and feeling like “bad feminists”. Tumblr-tier feminists lose it when someone says “makeup isn’t feminist” because “uhhhh my eyeliner is empowering??? Slay”

No. 2311545

It wasn’t normal and not something you would casually bring up was it

No. 2312313

File: 1734496511516.jpeg (105.64 KB, 828x342, IMG_1921.jpeg)


No. 2313768

File: 1734586697610.jpg (Spoiler Image,551.23 KB, 1080x1499, Screenshot_20241219_070528_Chr…)

I hate this dude so much.
really now?

No. 2313793

File: 1734587857967.jpeg (134.97 KB, 1078x746, 0F90AC00-B72A-49C5-8751-658280…)

I hate trannies so much it’s unreal.

No. 2314105

Do any terves actually say terf is a slur though because all I see are troons claiming we think it's a slur like we're Karens

No. 2314329

I don't think anyone thinks it's a slur. It's a funny word and sounds kind of cute kek. But it's annoying. "Trans Exlusionary Radical Feminist" is like saying "Non-meat Eating Vegetarian". Of course vegetarians don't eat meat. And of course radfems fucking hate trannies.

No. 2314337

I'm confused. Did he really make up a fictional vagina mascot to get triggered at? And then presented it for a COLLEGE final???

No. 2314346

>trans women
>social media

No. 2314357

File: 1734626136477.jpg (322.78 KB, 1357x1828, Tumblr_l_151282049429840.jpg)

I had to check what the faggot looked like and holy shit, he's beyond fugly. No wonder he hates women so bad, he'd be the most hideous hon if he ever tried to troon out

No. 2314548

He looks like a younger Cosmo Kramer.

No. 2316047

If I were his professor, I'd give him an F for this and also an F on some other random assignment just for good measure.

No. 2316052

What is he, forty? What is this fag even doing on Tumblr, trading CP?

No. 2316054

File: 1734725423412.jpg (56.58 KB, 680x1020, lowenman2.jpg)

Lion Man obv

No. 2316171

File: 1734735187225.jpeg (35.03 KB, 555x552, IMG_3941.jpeg)

Remember when college was prestigious

No. 2316439

I hate him because he stays tracing old Akio Watanabe art and people who don't know anything besides ANIME CUTECORE ART KAWAII eat it up.

No. 2317204

if this south park looking mascot was actually an irl thing in 2024 i imagine most people would just think it was a dumb meme and anyone genuinely offended or seeking an apology would be chronically logged on and made fun of

No. 2317309

why does he look like a pixar dad KEK

No. 2317319

>how can you blame 1% of the total population, you're so lost!!1
but if we were talking about wealth/capitalism, this person would have zero issue blaming 1% of the population for the rest of the world's suffering. + no one is blaming trannies alone for misogyny & violence, they're just part of the group that's responsible for it (men). so retarded.

kekk real

No. 2317756

File: 1734889149004.jpg (68.1 KB, 530x900, blorbo poll.jpg)

there is no way this was a typo

No. 2317848

they could've just posted that poll with no explanation and it would've had more comedic value than doing this disney sitcom tier fake typo bit. tumblr users are terminally unfunny

No. 2318298

File: 1734929560471.png (76.61 KB, 476x594, 555715.png)

Tumblr is such a deeply retarded place sometimes

No. 2318355

Most of these tumblr BDSM shills have never had sex

No. 2318372

To be fair I was playing a public lobby video game once and everyone was explaining their tasks on the island and I accidentally said fisting and cooking instead of fishing and cooking kek

No. 2318452

>anneemay was terminated
Finally, what a nice way to end the year

No. 2318650

File: 1734980776170.jpeg (279.01 KB, 1125x1041, IMG_7363.jpeg)

Supposedly she was banned for posting how people outside of the US can get American library cards to use libby, so now they're all reeeeeeing about the evil yanks gatekeeping their libraries

No. 2318684

Not saying this isn't weird but why are 5 different people sending him anon asks about him being trans when he reblogs borderline gay porn and talks about dating men? Has he said he was trans before?

No. 2318699

What the hell is a treatler? I also struggle to imagine anyone on Tumblr giving a fuck considering the numerous pirating guides on the site. Why would any liberal/left-y type person care about non-Americans getting American library cards to access Libby? Are they just making up Americans to get mad at?

No. 2318736

He literally just answered an ask recommending "transfem books", and apologized for not having any recs about TIF books so it's pretty clear he's a chaser/egg who has enough self awareness to recognize he'd be the most horrific hon if he trooned out so he doesn't. All moids who cape for trannies are hailed as gods no matter their identity or ulterior motives, especially on troonblr.

No. 2318768

whose anneemay?

No. 2318773

Kek at him taking the picture in shitty lighting to hide his ugly walled skin.

No. 2318814

this is somebody’s father, what the fuck is he doing on tumblr? he looks like woke BAP kek

No. 2318820

No. 2318873

I knew one of you morons would say this

No. 2318951

kek at the “holier than thou” cope for a virtue signaling retard rebloggling fake gofundmes. what activism!

No. 2318960

File: 1735005973490.jpg (82.69 KB, 540x630, stop where you are.jpg)

No. 2318961

File: 1735005980929.jpg (122.2 KB, 779x1000, 8103XIqJvuL._AC_UF894,1000_QL8…)

>he'd be the most hideous hon if he ever tried to troon out
that's probably the only reason he still didn't

he looks like lupin the 3rd

No. 2318972

Do they just use a random word generator to come up with their next big controversies?

No. 2319324

He's gay jsyk

No. 2319385

File: 1735040218470.jpg (13.62 KB, 288x372, hhh.JPG)

it has to be the explanation because how do you compare (violent) sex with eating sour candy or reading a book. plus if someone derived sexual pleasure from boxing or watching horror movies, they would be considered in need of psychological help too.

looks like coraline's father to me kek

No. 2319544

File: 1735052828555.png (1.32 MB, 1125x971, IMG_7246.png)

>jorks his peanits
>chappell roan’s internet

No. 2319547

I love their terrible attempts at "we're not mad, YOU'RE mad" kek

No. 2319588

what's worse? real people, including human trafficking victims & minors, actually having violent sex & role-playing incest/rape/pedophilia (because the top search is not, in fact, "big boobs"), or fictional written stories? the latter of course! women are such gooners!! people this retarded should not have access to the internet.

No. 2319608

Ah, so that must be why straight girls commit 99.6% of sex crimes!


No. 2320187


No. 2320597

Thank god no hapless woman will never end up dating this retard

No. 2320598

That's with the stupid water filter? Someone already posted a readable version of this in the MtF thread

No. 2320722

isn't chappell's riskiest lyrics about eating someone out in the car? how is this in any way comparable to the songs popular among males? jfc, these brainwormed losers don't live in the real world.

No. 2321075

File: 1735205102366.jpeg (398.39 KB, 828x1117, IMG_5589.jpeg)

i hate this disgusting freak

No. 2321076

File: 1735205172187.jpeg (663.34 KB, 828x1330, IMG_5590.jpeg)

No. 2321083

>0 notes
how did you even find him

No. 2321267

I was following him, not sure why. I thought this was a woman.

No. 2322198

Next time go for something requiring a security clearance. It's the only safe space left.

There were two trannies at my job. I managed to fire one of them.

For best results, get corporate counsel involved early on.

No. 2322201

No you did not x2, you self posting faggot

No. 2323808

Do men have comically huge tongues? This pose would look cringe on a woman too, but men always look like they’re choking on a piece of meat.

No. 2325745

File: 1735561597226.jpeg (116.78 KB, 1125x422, IMG_7313.jpeg)

Imagine getting triggered by Harry Potter merch

No. 2325749

Oh my god…this person walked into a store filled with Harry Potter merch and survived?! What a hero. They should write a book about this harrowing experience to usurp JKR once and for all.

No. 2325756

Imagine if women acted this way towards misogynistic content.

No. 2326985

why are you selfposting your retarded face here, you look like a special eddy, if you thought people from lolcow would go to your page and evilly leave bad comments for you to be the victim of, literally noone here will do that. Learn how to chew food and tie a noose.

No. 2327375

File: 1735673470795.png (124.58 KB, 1080x943, nastyzoophile.png)

Uh?what the fuck?the fact that they want to be vored by their own pet cats is sickening and fucked up.zoophiles should all die.someone please take their cats away from this zoophile because holy shit.

No. 2327383

Late, but due to the way digital libraries work it would harm the community actually paying taxes for the library if anyone could use it from anywhere. Unlike a pdf or whatever that can be copied infinitely, Libby ebooks and audiobooks are bought on special licenses that only allow the book to be checked out x amount of times before expiring or they auto delete in x timeframe and the library needs to purchase another license. It would actually mean less access to books for people if too many were let in to any one public library’s libby database.

No. 2330860

File: 1735916468973.jpeg (697.56 KB, 1125x1667, IMG_7346.jpeg)

Free yourself woman

No. 2331724

File: 1735954915131.png (65.3 KB, 1080x434, 3-193106.png)

This is the most retarded shit I've ever read.what??those trans identified white men are not untouchable lol they are privileged as fuck and huge creeps and known to be racist and sexist against women of color but please go on about transmisogyny which doesn't even exist.retard

No. 2331730

No you aren't. Which trans women are being sex pests on the tl, threatening violence to women, posting diaper selfies, and being put into solitary confinement in women's prisons for raping female inmates? It isn't the non-white, predominantly hsts, that's for damn sure.

No. 2331750

Lmao. I don’t doubt that it’s easier to get hired if you’re pretty in certain jobs (I.e. waitress) but “manicures and [salon] haircuts are NECESSARY FOR SURVIVAL” is so retarded

No. 2331798

Guarantee you this asswad sticks "white" or "cis" in front of "women" to get away with misogyny in the exact same goddamn way. They're a-okay with these kinds of retarded word games until it affects them personally.

No. 2331823

White troons act like this like they aren't collectively known for having incest fetishes and being former nazis

No. 2331870

Genuinely the neonazi hipster to trans woman pipeline is extremely real and too common to be coincidence

No. 2331898

Any nonnas here are Tumblr users that peaked tf out? I still use Tumblr and I tend to check if the users I've reblogged from are trannies or not so I don't accidentally like them lol.

No. 2331904

I am. I guess I'm crypto or whatever. I removed the pronouns from my bio a while ago, and no one's said anything about it. I block mtfs, especially the ones with the "animalgirlpenis" names and I'm open about hating the weird freak porn troons are into.

No. 2331967

yes, I used to be crypto, especially because I was mutuals with + followed a lot of users who had TRA views but posted funny and aesthetic stuff. eventually I got kinda fed up with it all and embraced how I felt. nowadays if a blog on my feed seems pro-trans I just block them, lol. most of my mutuals now are self-proclaimed terfs and it's a lot more comfy that way

No. 2332004

Yeah, they just plagiarized the point we make about men saying “white women” to get away with misogyny and stuck “trans” in front of it.

No. 2332022

I still have an active blog where i only reblog ~aesthetic posts and classical art (so no text oosts at all) and one where i strictly post about fandom and fandom only. i avoid mtfs like the plague but it's impossible to avoid tifs completely. So i guess i'm crypto but then again i have like 20 followers so no ones cares.
I used to have a disvourse blog ca. 2014 (so prior to the troon wars) where i got into fight with spicy straight asexuals and they really were the blueprint for today's kweer activists. i got tired if it and deleted after a year though, at the time I thought it was just silly inconsequential internet slapfights and i was wasting my time. i had no idea they'd be soon taking over irl gay and women's rights movements.

No. 2332059

Funnily enough I saw a blog called "catgirlforeskin" the other day—typical male behavior.

No. 2333547

File: 1736052021140.png (155.83 KB, 1184x530, IMG_7386.png)

Tumblr used to be the misandry site

No. 2334174

Yes i'm crypto though kek I have no pronouns in bio, don't reblog troon shit, usually unfollow people who post generic "terfs die" stuff and reblog from terfs which sometimes makes anons accuse me of being a terf and when you search my username there's terf allegations but I never reply to the accusing asks kek and I suspect some of my mutuals are also crypto (and some are loudly trans critical which I appreciate)

No. 2334212

File: 1736104836442.jpeg (180.84 KB, 1170x795, IMG_3013.jpeg)

This user is muslim, lesbian, South Korean, communist, tranny apologist and originally from North Korea

No. 2334214

File: 1736104928726.jpeg (216.5 KB, 1170x715, IMG_3014.jpeg)

Somebody saying "all governments lie" is "incredibly western and capitalist centric"

No. 2334215

File: 1736104978414.png (Spoiler Image,201.23 KB, 700x394, 1000030951.png)

Has…has the Ancient One returned?

No. 2334216

File: 1736105035983.jpeg (451.56 KB, 1170x2195, IMG_3011.jpeg)

Wishing death on TIFs while caping for male trannies

No. 2334218

File: 1736105063647.jpeg (450.9 KB, 1170x1960, IMG_3012.jpeg)

No. 2334220

>Have them be DOXXED and BOOLIED and ATTACKED by trans men
I'll give this TIM one thing, he's emulated the rage and victim mentality of South Korean moids perfectly!

No. 2334222

I peaked and my account became terfy kek. I still post my usual stuff. I get the random hating tranny from time to time, but who cares.

No. 2334242

Is this that girl from the Midwest that LARPs being a mixed race man living in South Korea that was born and raised in Pyongyang, North Korea?

No. 2335141

"Socially murdered" is so fucking funny. First world MtFs have zero problems.

No. 2336810

kek anon what do you know about this user? ive seen her a few times grace my dash but know nothing about her history on the site.

No. 2337009

Not this bitch again. I’m tired of her radfem to incel pipeline rhetoric, she had a rant comparing incels to radfems and it was just a nothing burger with a word salad on the side.

No. 2338515

File: 1736337485713.jpeg (169.36 KB, 828x460, IMG_2082.jpeg)

a tumblr user pretending it’s completely ridiculous for an abuser to transition to get access to more victims

No. 2338519

File: 1736337761162.png (197.82 KB, 1186x534, IMG_2083.png)

(what she is referring to) i mean, it seems believable enough to me that men would invade women’s spaces and that women would take the mens side against their own self interest. this is not that crazy.

No. 2338522

The term he's looking for is "unpersoned" which, ironically enough, is WAY more likely to be done by his fellow deranged trannies kek

No. 2338524

You can tell by the way they talk about this ~Nazi phase~ that they think it's a quirky relatable experience or even take pride in it.

No. 2339660

Armadillos don't commit 98% of rapes

No. 2339663

I still use it for fandom stuff. I just have troon-related keywords filtered out.

No. 2339802

File: 1736413924366.jpg (520.48 KB, 1080x2126, 1000025459.jpg)

Can anyone else not stand this person? All she does is complain endlessly about how overrated/bad every single lesbian artist is meanwhile she's been "working on" a webcomic for 2 years that doesn't have a single page or even a description of what it's about.

No. 2339932

Omg I used to know her on discord, she's a massive cow but she manages to completely hide it on her blog somehow. She would speak with a put-on Trans-Atlantic accent in voice chats and go into screaming meltdowns whenever someone disagreed with her about anything. She's a kissless virgin but constantly polices lesbians about sexuality. She spent Christmas bitching about Max Graves on discord and she also very obsessively hated cator99 and parallaxia on tumblr for some reason? I remember her posting one of cator99's selfies in the server in like August trying to get everyone to agree that she was super ugly and no one did lol. In general she's just a huge sperg. She's a Homestuck (despite pretending to hate fandom media and have nothing to do with it) and I don't think she has any friends irl at all. She's pretty overweight from the pictures she posted too which is probably why she attacks other women's appearances so often. Maybe this is all better suited for the personal cows thread? Oh well, I'm just surprised to be jumpscared by her here when she barely posts anymore. But yeah I can't stand her either. All she does is sloppily sketch her OCs in dumb memes while acting superior to fandom artists who do the exact same thing.

No. 2340245

File: 1736446970526.jpg (447.5 KB, 1080x1188, Picsart_25-01-09_13-21-15-363.…)

Ive been on Tumblr for well over a decade but the level of reach gendies manage to attain will never not surprise me

No. 2340260

you know, maybe there is hope for TIFs

No. 2340735

File: 1736474268458.jpeg (137.07 KB, 1125x453, IMG_7453.jpeg)

Anyone who doesn’t approve of my puppygirl foreskin posting is a fascist

No. 2340738

Parallaxia is racist she might be right on that.

No. 2340957

I read this four times and still couldn't understand what this person means

No. 2341359

i want to see the milk on this person bc i think i'm blocked kek

No. 2341367

It's hilarious because it's blatantly false too, trannies cannibalize each other. The biggest "fascists" they'll ever face are their peers no matter what flavor of paraphile they are.

No. 2341417

Greentexting on fucking tumblr and doing it wrong too. What a tard.

No. 2341436

>Sexual deviants are safe
Meanwhile it's always a sexual deviant that sexually abused these kids and leads them to hate their own bodies because they think their body was what "attracted" the sexual deviant to begin with. It's such a cope.

No. 2341457

She (I think she's actually a woman and not a tranny, at least she doesn't claim to be one) apparently deleted her blog after people criticized her for calling black americans "amerikkkans"

No. 2341541

I agree with some of her takes on queer media but I unfollowed because all she does is tear into lesbian media without even posting her own art. Her art is decent but she barely posts more than a few sketches so it's hard to care about her webcomic that's totally better than everyone else's art.

>virgin and polices sexuall active/open lesbians
>hateboner towards two non-radfem lesbian bloggers
Every fucking time, kek. I can get finding cator99 annoying and parallaxia is a huge racist and conservative (tho she's been more quiet about it since joining the Navy), but I also noticed her constantly vaguing them and deleting it. Just block them, you're supposed to be drawing a webcomic that's going to blow our minds.

No. 2341567

>parallaxia is a huge racist and conservative
caps ? anons keep saying this

No. 2341597

I thought parallaxia deleted for good

No. 2341635

File: 1736547249419.png (218.83 KB, 666x1207, How-do-you-reconcile-your-cons…)

NTA I don't disagree with all of her conservative beliefs, but she also has had a weird complex over black people on her previous urls (missouriangothic/gynoid). When she started befriending some radfems like kittyit I notice she stopped posting about her right-leaning and American nationalist views, maybe being in the Navy made her more normal.

No. 2341851

File: 1736557102266.png (1.06 MB, 1080x1337, Screenshot_20250110-195800.png)

the operation was a…… success? lol.

No. 2341856

File: 1736557259116.png (235.16 KB, 1080x641, Screenshot_20250110-200026.png)


No. 2341868

I know this gets thrown around a lot, but the resemblance to Chris Chan is actually uncanny. Is it just the autism and greasiness that makes them all look like that?

No. 2341932

File: 1736562524928.jpg (278.85 KB, 828x1261, tumblr_98c3786a7594d60af63510b…)

She used to be missouriangothic and you can search that in tumblr to find remnants. She used to associate and be mutuals with alt-right white nationalist trad tumblr. But at some point she must have chilled out. I remember reading a post on one of her old blogs years ago saying she changed her mind on black people. I lost track of her/stopped paying attention but when I came across her again she seemed be a normal blogger and no longer associating with those types.

No. 2341934

Kind of a tinfoil but I've been wondering for a bit if the person who keeps posting non-milk and claims without proof about cator99 on the tifs thread could be mitziholder tbh. I noticed awhile back that she calls people "nonna" on her blog.

No. 2341938

I can see it. She comes off a covert Farmer.

No. 2341943

Is there actual proof that this missouri person and parallaxia were the same person tho? I haven't seen anything that connects them other than the word of a couple nonnas and they seem pretty different to me personally.

No. 2341960

I don't know if missouriangothic and parallaxia are the same person or not, but missouriangothic was definitely racist, and not just towards black people. Imo you can't just keep being friends with and staying in touch with white power types and then turn around and say you're an "ex white nationalist" kek she made her bed she should lie in it. I also specifically remember her sperging about moms and calling them blown out whores with saggy tits. Shameful representation for Missouri

No. 2341968

Sorry, its just hearsay as I never bothered to cap something like this, but Parallaxia has posted about being from Kansas City, Missouri before on her newer blog.

No. 2341978

Shocking twist: King Critical got fat and trooned out.

No. 2342220

They are, she acknowledged it before and her url was missouriangynoid when she joined the Navy. I think she did become normal or at least keeps her conservative views to herself now

No. 2342230

Post proof

No. 2342260

File: 1736598334570.jpg (259.34 KB, 1079x941, 1000025626.jpg)

Some of her media criticism is good but a lot of it is so stupid. She said the reason DTWOF is bad is because Mo has negative personality traits, and apparently a piece of media is only good if every character in it has an arc in which they improve as a person.

No. 2342363

DTWOF is a slice of life humor comic, I don't find it that funny but do you really expect a four panel comic to have arcs where her self insert gets "punished into changing" when the humor is based on her doing stupid shit? Mo isn't the only character that isn't a complete angel either. That's borderline children's show tier morality.

No. 2342596

i miss her og blog so much, she used to be one of the genuinely smart and funny tumblr TERFs. nuked on women's day too. i check her current once in a while, and yeah she complains a lot.

No. 2342863

she had good anti-prostitution takes and her askbox was fun, but ever since she decided to ~make a comic~ she's gotten so nitpicky and boring

No. 2343033

yeah, especially that the comic is nowhere to be seen. i don't even have an idea what it is suppposed to be about besides main characters being evil. sucks because i do like her art style and find her ocs hot.

No. 2343093

she posted a summary on her old blog before it got termed, IIRC it takes place during the 70s and is supposed to be a satire on feminist politics back then on top of the main couple being evil. her art is pretty good even if her personality is insufferable, i was totally willing to read it anyway just for the art but she never posts anything more than a meme while complaining about how all other media sucks

No. 2343104

I'm just wondering why she as an undersocialized 20-something internet addict who has presumably never been involved with irl activism feel qualified to make a satire of 70s feminism? Hasn't that already been done many times by people who actually witnessed it?

No. 2343109

late reply, but this is such an obviously fake backstory on par with the hiv positive lesbian blog. oh bored teen girls, never change

No. 2343118

Funny coincidence, I was about to bitch about how ugly this man is while he's made comments making fun of the women he used to live around. Based nonnas getting to it first. I hope this ogre is a mental trainwreck because he can't be a kawaii uguu magical anime loli

No. 2343264

shes super chill now, i think its pretty unfair to judge her by her behaviour during an actual psychotic episode. shes not annoying or obnoxious online, doesnt start stupid drama, just lives her dyke life. ill always remember her for exposing that alt-rightblr user who had tons of bizarre sockpuppet accounts where he larped as kinky conservative russian lesbians topkek, that shit was hilarious

No. 2343463

File: 1736678654512.png (835.75 KB, 809x1775, SlfwO4j.png)

No. 2343478

they really tell on themselves, they troon out just because they think being a woman is degrading. I hate them so much.

No. 2343513

>>2343463 projecting and rapey-ness,typical for tranny sex pests

No. 2343621

Tbf the original post is pretty retarded.

No. 2343622

In a perfect world the degrading clothing would be for men kek

No. 2343677

File: 1736695363417.jpeg (412.51 KB, 1125x1103, IMG_7472.jpeg)

Former radblr orbiter turned wannabe tradwife having a daily chimp out over childless adults

No. 2343678

File: 1736695416623.jpeg (421.77 KB, 1125x1370, IMG_7473.jpeg)

How much you wanna bet this isn’t the whole story

No. 2343831

The trannies who should have been left behind

No. 2344012

Honestly it sounds completely believable to me as someone who's friends with women who have kids especially if there are immigrant relatives. Millennials are obsessed with calling parents abusive/neglectful for random shit.

No. 2344020

File: 1736712087371.jpg (118.39 KB, 1079x666, 1000026346.jpg)

Nvm you were right. It wasn't her kid.

No. 2344702

File: 1736746006282.jpg (377.81 KB, 1311x1080, Picsart_25-01-13_00-23-17-937.…)

Batshit insane thing to have this in your pinned post while obsessing over a male genshit character that you call a woman

No. 2344745

why not just call doordash? if you're being paid to babysit why take risk with someone else's child like that?

No. 2344847

idgi was she criticized by strangers on the street? how does she know they're childless? and if she's a professional nanny confident in her decisions why is she having a mental breakdown over it. at the end of the day, it's the parents who employ her who decide if she's allowed to bring the child outside or not

No. 2344908

Idk who that is or why she is malding over this but what risk? Is taking a toddler outside for a walk not a normal thing to do somewhere?

No. 2344980

> how does she know they're childless?
Ikr The majority of adults have had children. She is antagonistically fixated on childless people, I think she is secretly seething over not having any children yet. Anyways she’s a massive cow, she’s always going on about how superior she is compared to her selfish protestant in laws, because she was raised catholic so she is more altruistic. She also thinks being raised catholic prevents her from being indoctrinated into cults

No. 2345366

Literally every blogging platform is full of these "straight girls who call themselves lesbians so other straight girls don't make fun of them for being straight and being into boys." It's so bothersome cuz I cant find real SSA women to interact with kek. Lesbian is the new bisexual with how many straight girls are identifying as it. Wish this kweershit trend ended already, I want a weeb gf.

No. 2345744

>thinks the thing keeping you from getting a gf is fakebians on tumblr
>"I want a weeb gf"
have you considered the real reason you're a virgin might be how lame you are?

No. 2346032


No. 2346091

>radblr orbiter turned wannabe tradwife
why is this so fucking common

No. 2346236

File: 1736820266577.jpeg (104.17 KB, 1125x382, IMG_7487.jpeg)

Miserable and unpleasant person accuses other people of being miserable and unpleasant

No. 2346352

why did you put that in greentext when the ayrt doesn't contain that

No. 2346353


No. 2346355

Sheltered women from secular backgrounds not having enough life experience to know that culturally conservative men's promises to protect them are lies.

No. 2346358

lol what? I just asked why you made up something crazy no one said to respond to

No. 2346362

>be you
>have severe autism(infight bait)

No. 2346673

AYRT I just saw this kek, you're so mean to me, nonners. It's like you projected someone onto me though so I will clarify that
>"I want a weeb gf"
was tongue in cheek phrasing and not meant to be taken seriously. I have no idea what you imagined about me kek, but if it's any consolation my bff has told me before that her ex-bf got groomed by trannies and he went prison gay with another troon so it's not just lesbians suffering in the animanga communities.

No. 2346988

File: 1736905559910.jpg (396.88 KB, 1079x1286, 1000026434.jpg)

How many "the radfems were right again but here's how they're still evil" posts can they write before they figure it out?

No one cares retard

No. 2347120

File: 1736914868405.png (429.78 KB, 1080x467, Screenshot_20250114-231932.png)

what could he possibly mean by this.

No. 2347139

He is so annoying, just everything he says and his stupid soulless anime girl art.

No. 2347384

File: 1736942887841.png (26.82 KB, 657x197, penitentwoman.png)

I did a double take when I saw my personal cow posted on here, didn't know that others found her milky. However she's definitely not a tradwife, she regularly posts her feminist opinions.
Nannies take the kids they're looking after out to the park all the time, it's not a big deal. It would be weird if they just stayed cooped up in the house the whole time.

No. 2347397

File: 1736943925599.jpeg (326.59 KB, 1125x967, IMG_7498.jpeg)

This is a black pill feminist who is extremely defensive of organized religion and hates atheists. The cognitive dissonance

No. 2347402

I find it hard to believe that she is a manhater when she regularly mocks women who feel unsafe by homeless men sexually harassing them. She is a really entertaining cow though

No. 2347461

After scrolling her blog for a bit I honestly don't get what you find milky at all. It's just some normie woman posting pictures of her pets and stuff. "It's bad to hate parents/kids" is an average opinion and there's a lot of weird claims being made without proof here like "she mocks women for being scared of sexual predators." Smells like a vendetta to me honestly. Are you the psycho ex roommate she met on tumblr that she mentioned in a couple of posts?

No. 2347470

Keep scrolling and you’ll find posts of her mocking women for wanting to be safe on public transportation. And thinking she’s superior for being catholic

No. 2347472

Also her claiming to be Andrea Dworkin incarnate because she’s posted pdfs of radfem books. Also claiming that she doesn’t know how to socialize with men outside of work because she was on radblr as a teenager

No. 2347473

She’s also an extremely entitled dog owner who thinks she should be able to bring her dog into any establishment that she wants. And if her dog pisses and shits every where it’s nbd

No. 2347482

Post proof. Not seeing any of that.

No. 2347484

Sorry I don’t have screenshots of posts of a cow who frequently deletes her account and remakes

No. 2347600

File: 1736954824195.jpeg (313.26 KB, 634x531, IMG_0769.jpeg)

No. 2347630

"no yeah i would LOVE to help your cause but some of them are icky (no source to back this up beyond some posts made by sex pests) sorry stay strong"

No. 2347637

The parents probably wonder where they went wrong to have an AGP son.

No. 2347662

>Woman is when eyeliner and limp-wristed gestures and long hair

No. 2347704

good. stay away from us

No. 2347722

the dad probably has been emotionally neglectful and the mom overcompensated kek, seems like a pattern with trans types

No. 2347725

this thread has been so void of proof lately that i almost forgot i was on an imageboard.

No. 2347832

Pure insanity,he honestly should have been aborted instead.

No. 2347841

Sounds like someone’s going to join the 41 percent real soon

No. 2347847

File: 1736970767131.jpeg (388.92 KB, 1125x1204, IMG_7500.jpeg)

Ain’t nobody trying to see your skid marks

No. 2347849

do I even wanna know what that's supposed to mean…

No. 2347898

File: 1736973880507.jpeg (970.54 KB, 1125x1556, IMG_7501.jpeg)

No. 2347929

Her current account is 6 months old and you're claiming she does this stuff "constantly."

No. 2347958

File: 1736977779175.png (53.41 KB, 516x314, IMG_7503.png)

No. 2347972

I know what I know

No. 2348097

This is the "post dumb shit you see on tumblr" thread, not the "make baseless claims about tumblr users you don't like with zero evidence" thread.

No. 2348151

File: 1736984609161.png (550.81 KB, 1158x1718, IMG_4439.png)

>Are you the psycho ex roommate she met on tumblr that she mentioned in a couple of posts?
No, I’m not even American. She just overshares about her life constantly and it has me hooked. She’s a very low-stakes cow. To be honest I kinda have second hand embarrassment from the other anon’s sperging out over what is one of her most mild opinions.
She just likes being holier-than-thou and if that means dismissing women’s concerns about their safety then so be it.

No. 2348180

I will feed our local hobo a poop sandwich for each post this bitch makes about this topic

No. 2348307

I've lurked on her blog a few times, and she is quite entertaining in a way. She's basically if a young woman had half of her mind filled with the judgemental tendencies of the typical South Asian or Arab auntie (religiosity included) and the other half with some form of blackpill feminism

No. 2348378

File: 1736997648601.png (18.63 KB, 473x187, 8274242.png)

Ah yes, believing in sex-based oppression and supporting the existence of the state Israel are crimes on the same level as… let me check my notes here… forcing women to eat shit and drink piss after repeatedly raping them. Okay.

Inch resting how supporting Israel and sex-segregated spaces are beliefs held by countless famous men, yet it's somehow only sacrilege when JKR, a woman, holds them. Hmm.

No. 2348406

File: 1736998684934.png (526.52 KB, 511x613, primate grimace.PNG)

These kinds of posts are why I have at least 45% of all active accounts on Tumblr blocked at the moment

No. 2348703

File: 1737030739567.jpeg (107.86 KB, 1125x507, IMG_7505.jpeg)

No. 2349180

File: 1737056971559.jpeg (728.08 KB, 1170x1497, IMG_6419.jpeg)

Jihad on the zero note black pill femcel sphere

No. 2349396

> I will have died doing what I love and that is serving the people who need it most. That is literally my purpose in life it's actually everyone's purpose in life you'll find that it's also yours if you look into your heart….
She’s either full of shit or on drugs

No. 2349467

You can always tell when she takes an adderall

No. 2349613

As one of those pathetic ex-Muzzies she complains about and the poster of >>2348307, I'm gonna have to sperg out for second nonnas

This is definitely an individual who needs to take her troon-derangement syndrome goggles off and see who the real threat is. Her precious religion has never stopped women part or not a part of her religion from being treated worse than dirt, nor has it even stopped troonery from existing. If she is a British-Paki (I haven't clocked what her ethnicity is, but if I had to guess it would be that), then Pakistan has had its own brand of troons who are basically effeminate males that are most certainly not adhering to "responsibilities" of a man laid out by Islam. Pakistan even has its own red-light district (Heera Mandi) that predates the so-called "fall of religion" she claims has occurred.

Hell, baked into the religion she thinks will keep moids at bay is one of the worst features of it, the ability for polygyny. You're going to tell me some delusional troon is more of a threat to her than a typical male with a sense of entitlement and the cultural and religious backing to spearhead it? Please. Being atheist is not anything besides the lack of a belief in God, but this kind of active shilling for Islam is shilling both the good and bad, no cherrypicking.

No. 2351850

File: 1737202751483.jpeg (705.12 KB, 1125x1847, IMG_7574.jpeg)

I really dislike the trend of difficult people posting like everyone else owes it to them to treat them kindly/respectfully/etc despite their shitty, unlikeable behavior. With all the news about Gaiman being a horrific sex pest who would refuse to respect women's boundaries one of the first cards he tried to pull was "buT I'M auTiStic" and I'm seeing the same behavior in these kind of posts. Yes, you might be autistic but that doesn't give you a pass to be a narc, be an asshole, or dump other negative attributes on others.

No. 2351861

in which country is healthcare only granted to likeable people? i swear they just make up random shit to sound clever. i know in some countries they let poor people die but self-diag autists? who cares kek

No. 2351945

God for real, these people never want to even attempt to take responsibility for their own behavior. They just project it on other people and whine in vent channels on discord all the time driving people mad.

No. 2351966

My personal tumblr cow also posted on this saying their parents called them spoiled, selfish, sensitive, gifted etc but could not bear to call them autistic when that was their core trait. Girl…you're all of those tied up in a bow of autism. Stop being an asshole to everyone else for the sake of othering yourself.

No. 2353903

File: 1737304363920.jpeg (786.71 KB, 1125x1905, IMG_7522.jpeg)

You people can’t do anything

No. 2353921

File: 1737305434159.jpeg (222.99 KB, 1144x495, IMG_0866.jpeg)

If you uttered the words “endogenic system” to anyone offline they’d look at you like you were insane.

No. 2353924

It's so funny how they happily and obliviously tell on themselves like this. Why do they think a regular gay man or lesbian is never at their "queer groups."

No. 2353925

File: 1737305660050.jpeg (104.65 KB, 1157x340, IMG_0868.jpeg)

No. 2353959

File: 1737306820957.jpeg (244.05 KB, 1174x626, IMG_0870.jpeg)

No. 2354025

not the anglo-greek neologism argh

No. 2354035

I'm sorry I gotta know, how does someone intentionally develop multiple personalities?

No. 2354071

File: 1737310052946.jpeg (622.93 KB, 1162x1218, IMG_0873.jpeg)

Some people in these communities talk about tulpamancy. its all very confusing.

No. 2354127

Ayrt, where to even begin…
>transDID, cisDID
>brainwashing yourself to develop amnesia
>intentionally make your personalities racist and homophobic
>lying much as possible to get the diagnosis you want instead of the one you actually need (munchausens)
Please post more of this kek this is peak comedy

No. 2354224

File: 1737315286326.png (197.83 KB, 720x1333, 1000004894.png)

Apparently there are accounts that create alternate personalities so that you can manifest them into your head or something like that.

No. 2354227

>grooming gendie handmaidens into peaking by claiming it's okay when their alter/DID does it

No. 2354265

File: 1737316511665.png (118.7 KB, 720x1111, 1000004901.png)

No. 2354294

>logging off is too hard because of loneliness, fomo, and boredom
Leave the house, watch the news, pick up a hobby, and talk to people about the news or your hobby. Holy fuck.
They have an overwhelming, stressful amount of fomo about the newest 5-minute meme, but a negative level of fomo about their local community and events.

No. 2354308

This post is true kek

Why do you keep censoring the OPs of these posts?

No. 2354313

For some I couldn’t fit the full post and name at the same time. That one has the name of the account in the post.

No. 2354318

File: 1737318147090.jpg (727.61 KB, 1080x2412, Screenshot_20250119_222052_Tum…)

So from what I can gather this is just some really edgy white kid kek

No. 2354436

File: 1737322541079.jpeg (643.69 KB, 1125x1744, IMG_7527.jpeg)

No. 2356609

why did you put that in greentext when the ayrt doesn't contain that

No. 2356958

Kek how are you still this upset about getting called a loser on an anonymous imageboard where no one even knows who you are multiple days ago? I sense the birth of a personalityfag.

No. 2357238

You talk like a faggot

No. 2357612

File: 1737462505717.jpeg (609.36 KB, 1125x1577, IMG_7542.jpeg)

The dick riding is unparalleled

No. 2358339

Who even cares anymore. Both of those religions are always going to hate and try to kill each other without American intervention.

No. 2361616

File: 1737624246102.jpeg (Spoiler Image,447.4 KB, 1170x1614, IMG_2667.jpeg)

gingermaggot (now mergetips) critiques the recent school shooter. not to defend him in any way, but he has probably used imageboards more than she has ever pretended to be le epic esoteric disaffected disturbed autist. this will be her next post trend for the next couple days until it becomes uncool again, same with the trump shooter. in general, people are posting the manifesto because it has a lot of slurs. this side of tumblr will have a post be reblogged many times for having the word ‘retard’ in it. there is no commentary being made, the shock is ornamental to the ‘feel’ of the blog and tumblrinas don’t realize how obvious it is. i suppose that’s the point of a blog, to curate things to get your personality across. it embarrasses me that a soyjak party poster of all people is peak edgy to these people, you almost feel bad for their naiveness.

No. 2361631

I really hate those clunky badges attached to the usernames, especially those multiple verification badges, why does that even exist

No. 2361706

stop selfposting no one cares

No. 2361723

Good. Exterminate these desert cults.

No. 2361785

Every time this user is posted there is no milk. If you have personal issues with her I recommend you discuss them with her directly like adults. We don't care.

No. 2361850


No. 2362261

she posts herself kek

No. 2362311

she doesn't. even the post upthread that got redtexted wasn't her. it's someone who dislikes her and keeps trying to use the anons here as her personal army

No. 2362322

Quote the post you're referencing newfag. You can see the edit blog palette symbol only visible to the literal who that owns the account. >>2279182

No. 2362367

i am aware of how tumblr works. that is not her. you can edit that on ms paint in less than 1 minute. or do you think this person has been posting herself here, the cuckquean bunkers and cc when she has nothing to gain from it? she probably doesn't even know about the cuckquean ib. it's an obsessed anon

No. 2362790

File: 1737691200085.jpg (132.47 KB, 1079x753, 1000026935.jpg)

I genuinely can't tell anymore if transmascpetewentz is a troll or not.

No. 2362847

File: 1737693663796.png (37.9 KB, 477x343, false equivalence.png)

I already posted this in the gender ideology thread, but it fits here too. What the fuck has Tumblr become, giving thousands of notes to Reddit-ass takes like these?

No. 2362854

This is just straight-up propaganda

No. 2362869

File: 1737694669123.jpeg (587.64 KB, 704x2018, IMG_2670.jpeg)

I hate this new feature, no matter how many time I click the “not interested” button I keep getting posts from this community.

No. 2362901

There was a mass Reddit migration to tumblr a few years ago and the handmaidens infantilized the redditors and welcomed them with open arms. It became a lot more intolerable and male on there after that.

No. 2362906

this is awful LMFAOOOO

No. 2362910

Worms for brains

No. 2363181

This person doesn’t believe a word of what they are saying. If they actually do, they are extremely sheltered

No. 2363277

I wonder if they're capable of talking about literally anything else

No. 2363546

There'd be a lot less "transphobia" if these people had any other interests or personality facets besides their gender. It's hard to not automatically dislike them. Not even the gay people I know talk about being gay this much.

No. 2363551

Saturday morning cartoons have had songs with better lyrics than this, kekkk

No. 2365022

You have zero reading comprehension. No one said they were doing any of that and the post isn't about going to the doctor for stress, it's about being instructed by doctors to "reduce stress" that may be contributing to basically any health issue at all. It's 100% true that people can't just zap stress out of their lives. People can't just quit jobs they depend on or get rid of their kids. You literally had to decide that post says a bunch of crazy shit it doesn't say like "YOU HAVE TO ARGUE ONLINE FOR FIVE HOURS A DAY" in order to have a problem with it.

No. 2365148

File: 1737794529225.png (383.48 KB, 1440x750, XYqXzW8.png)

No. 2365164

this is a good post

No. 2365206

Are there any popular users who really annoy you but everyone else seems to love their posts?

No. 2365218

All the trannies

No. 2365528

demilypyro and every other Tumblr troon
vampireapologist was annoying as hell but I think she deactivated

No. 2365767

File: 1737836029629.jpeg (234.6 KB, 1125x898, IMG_7579.jpeg)

This was in response to people calling out troon misogyny (from Ethel Cain)

No. 2365817

i used to like pure/medicine before she went full maoist

No. 2365866

File: 1737839183812.png (27.8 KB, 426x219, firefox_Nnvx6AsTOB.png)

Will American liberalism forever remain in a perpetual state of "Be Gay, Do Crime" nonsense? You would think with the recent uptick of conservatism it would make these people wake up and see that their little internet "protests" mean and do nothing in the real world.

No. 2365926

File: 1737842102944.jpg (343.68 KB, 4320x1320, 1000030559.jpg)

What? If anything most actors are ugly.

No. 2365939

This outed Ethel as an incel to me before I even saw the angry gun-toting incel photos and the name WHITE silas

No. 2365947

Any of the popular offensive meme accounts run by gay men like bruntalist and throathole. All you need for your meme account on tumblr to get reposted is to mention you’re a real gay man and post things that go against the tumblr sjw stereotype. There was this one meme account run by this bisexual troon chaser that would receive flirty and sexual anons but he was probably sending them to himself, I think his url was something like gorillaretard. Pharma-serf and his orbiters I cannot stand. Puchiko and any other account that seems to churn out slop humor on a daily basis. Yonicfemcel, not sure how popular her account is but she always ends up in my feed. That one gay user with the green amongus crewmate with a peeing penis.

No. 2365948

File: 1737843080564.jpeg (716.64 KB, 1170x1367, IMG_2686.jpeg)

I refuse to believe a male runs this account.

No. 2366118

That takes me back kek, she was everywhere. The tumblrspeak and endless virtue signalling pissed me off. Looking back she wasn't nearly as bad as some of the retards who are still there. Thebibliosphere gives me similar vibes, except she's more annoying. I block anyone I don't like but these two were inescapable, I'd get bombarded with their posts from retarded mutuals that I didn't want to unfollow.

No. 2366129

>bruntalist and throathole
But I agree although I enjoy yonicfemcel occasionally. Every gay funnyman on tumblr is annoying and they make up most of the popular accounts
Seems pretty male to me. Lots of normie faggoty men have this type of online image

No. 2366248

The fucking Family Guy kin accounts like loiswasadevil who make annoying posts and talk about troon shit constantly
>meme account run by this bisexual troon chaser that would receive flirty and sexual anons but he was probably sending them to himself, I think his url was something like gorillaretard
I hate that I know exactly who you're talking about. He apparently has severe autism and some other disability (?), I always found him gross
I swear he made a post (maybe on his old account) complaining about straight women caring that their partners watch porn

No. 2366294

Any username with foreskin or smegma in it.
I hate posts like this, male actors are fucking hideous now. You can tell this person doesn’t have any original thoughts and regurgitates stupid opinions they see online.

No. 2366321


No. 2366583

File: 1737866724753.png (582.4 KB, 1020x1315, cutecipher.png)

I am sick to fucking death of seeing rickybabyboy.
Firstly the guy who runs that blog isn't taking proper care of his cat, Ricky is obese and that really fucks with a cats quality of life, second it's like he didnt get the memo that "heckin puppo birb" meme-speak is old and dead, and last, because the man who runs it (cutecipher) is an incredibly fat incredibly ugly incredibly insane lifesucking melodramatic troon who is trying to make "the new internet" with a bunch of other trannies. I hope they all join whatever the hell that's supposed to be and leave the rest of the internet for everyone else forever.

No. 2366648

File: 1737870020068.jpeg (189.08 KB, 1125x1334, IMG_7595.jpeg)

This is so fucking weird, why would you even post this

No. 2366672

They’re offensive for tumblr demographics. Also, how can you enjoy yonicfemcel? She’s one of those tryhard ‘femdom’ misandrists that tries to signal her racism discreetly. Despite being one of the outsiders of radblr orbiters she comes off as a mega nlog that would stab a fellow woman in the back for nazi validation.

No. 2366720

Did Pharma leave the white supremacist trad thing behind? When I knew of him years ago he was very much an open far right racist who posted "13 do 50" memes and such but lately I keep seeing him pop up saying relatively inoffensive stuff and reblogged by normies.

Thebibliosphere reminds me of the "smug fauxtellectual liberal who uses British vernacular online despite being American" types you'd see on livejournal or forums in the 00s kek.

Reminds me of the intrusive thoughts people I've known with OCD or PTSD have. She probably needs meds.

No. 2367105

Kekk I kind of feel bad for her if her abusive off-grid-parents and dead brother backstory is real. She seems very mentally ill and low IQ >>2365947
>bisexual troon chaser
Chimpanzeedotcom/tvrded? I know he's obsessed with searching his name. He kind of reminds me of memufacturing actually I wouldn't be surprised if something similar happened to him I put up with following him for longer than I'd like to admit because I thought his posts were morbidly funny and he posted about music and art/lit I like, but the anons and troon chasing are rancid. He's definitely an /lgbt/ lurker. Right before I unfollowed he started posting really desperate thirst traps and encouraging parasocial anons

No. 2367137

yeah he's larping as a death to amerikkka type nowadays on account of converting to orthodoxy and moving to serbia. actually a bit funny to see him act like he has a justified ancestral blood feud against germans now.

speaking of death2america, i wish that did larper would stop remaking, her shitass reddit reposts are annoying as fuck and keep showing up on my dasboard.

No. 2367168

I just like some of her posts, she's kinda funny to me. I don't care about her politics.
>abusive off-grid-parents and dead brother backstory
>very mentally ill and low IQ
Isn't her entire account just a bit?

No. 2367179

I really did think loiswasadevil was a troll for a long time but she's so committed and consistent and her description of her parents abusing her was so eerie, I'm afraid she's real. There are a lot of people fucking with her and making family guy rp blogs so I feel like it's a sort of Chris Chan situation.

No. 2367443

File: 1737929129612.jpeg (357.1 KB, 1125x1079, IMG_7597.jpeg)

God forbid I’m free use with my partner.

No. 2367603

I unfollowed that blog because of the constant troon ebegging and fake palestine donation posts, I had no idea the person behind it looked like that kekk. Also I do feel bad for the poor cat, it's very cute but also very badly needs to be put on a diet.

No. 2367758

Yep, that’s the one. Gorillaretard makes a way better url. I don’t doubt that some of the anons he receives are real but why send thirst anons to a meme account with no personality besides being a tranny chaser? He also has a redbubble and all the designs are related to being a tranny lover and hating terfs. He was pretty vocal about it in his posts so I was surprised that gender crit accounts reposted him.

No. 2367777

File: 1737947044475.jpeg (447.32 KB, 1170x1851, IMG_2696.jpeg)

What’s this dude’s deal? He posts surface level radfem shit but is a plushie fucker/troon fucker/4tran lurker/furry/‘fujo’. It’s like he wants to be all the divisive things on tumblr at the same time. I get second ah d embarrassment from his account because he tries to appeal to both terminally online tims and tifs which is something I’ve never seen a person do. He’ll post tranny rat furry porn in the same minute as he posts faux 00s 4chan art style fujo school shooter ships.

No. 2367824

>why send thirst anons to a meme account with no personality besides being a tranny chaser?
Is this your first day on the internet? He's a bisexual male who makes safe edgy posts and simps for trannies while also throwing in a few male feminist textposts for good measure on tumblr of all platforms. He's a magnet to maladjusted retarded tumblrinas. It wouldn't surprise me if he's sending those anons to himself, but it's also very likely that they're all real.

No. 2367833

I don't think it's that complicated, these are moids who fail at being men, lacking both attractiveness or charm that appeals to majority of women. many of them have chronic porn addictions and gravitate toward radical feminism because they see it as opposing the natural order. In their minds, this order favors attractive men who get the women they believe should be with them. andrea long chu is the most famous example, he's really into solanas and openly expresses a desire for a society where men are feminized and live under a femdom fetish society

No. 2367846

I see him a lot on my feed, I mostly just saw the sex related ones so I thought he was one of those joke/humor fetish scenario accounts.

No. 2367867

i want to save ricky so bad

No. 2367939

he's larping as a femcel. a lot of troons attached themselves to the label when it become sort of a trend for them about two years ago, i thought it would have died out by now but for a while it was like being an anti-egirl and got coomerfied

No. 2367970

Why is he larping though if he states that he identifies as a male? I would understand why if he was a troon but he somehow hasn’t become one. I wonder what this guy looks like, I know he’s English. I’m imagining the most white bread potato faced male with a side lisp and a giant forehead.

No. 2368012

straycatj, I don’t find accounts where owners role-play as their pets to be charming.

No. 2368019

Usually I would agree but I find the broken English charming…

No. 2368022

i followed her for a few years but i got annoyed and unfollowed before the last time she deactivated or got termed. sometimes she said very obvious things like "i've recently learned when you talk to people you're supposed to ask them about themselves too" at the age of 26 but she has low empathy due to trauma so it makes sense i guess. tbh i believe her larp because she does seem like a traumatized girl. the main thing that made me unfollow i think was during the "men turn right wing because women are mean to them" she was like no it's their mother's fault. and also she had a braindead post about how "porn didn't invent misogyny" yeah no shit, it perpetuates it though. the failson posting annoyed me as well. sorry for the wall of text anon i just never get to talk about her

hate seeing this mf on my fyp. i was seeing segamascot around a lot and thought it was a woman based on the posts, then one day he posts an underwear selfie (skinny man with glasses).. saw it on my fyp and blocked him immediately.

txttletale and all other "baeddels" who write thinkpieces about transgenderism and bend everything to make women into the oppressor

No. 2368026

File: 1737967169709.jpeg (82.58 KB, 735x703, The.jpeg)

> plushie fucker
>we fuck plushies here sir

No. 2368035


No. 2368042

LMAO tumblr fyp… the average age of lc users is getting lower every second

No. 2368078

File: 1737972472529.jpeg (Spoiler Image,399.89 KB, 2048x1365, IMG_9559.jpeg)

Do you guys think they’re plenty of radfems or users who have peaked on Tumblr? It feels like all of the user base are all tras or handmaidens

No. 2368135

File: 1737978633987.jpeg (505.08 KB, 1125x1059, IMG_7602.jpeg)

Everyone moved on from tumblr almost a decade ago and pretty much all the people left are losers (save for some). This why there are so many pink mra posts now

No. 2368145

I don't believe the larp of death2america sivia/aili for a second. She changes her story all the time. She reminds me of old school pt-tier cows.
I remember she used to say her bio father raped and abused her mom, and obviously that's a traumatizing environment for a child, but now she claims she was sexually abused by her father for the csa trauma points. She started claiming she was sent to a troubled child reform camp back when Paris Hilton was speaking out against them and it was popular. Worst thing about her, besides being a massive pick me is that she used to brag about scaring her family with knives or threatening to kill them. She would go on long rants about how she hated her brother and was jealous bc he's a normie in college.

No. 2368178

Isn’t it actually called that on tumblr though too?

No. 2368200

ayrt, there's a for you page on tumblr and that's where i see those accounts because i don't follow them

No. 2368217

kek wait where is pharma-serf from originally? i assumed he was born in serbia from the way he talks about it

No. 2368422

File: 1738000944641.jpg (236.21 KB, 1080x1779, bafkreif5qfkcwqsi6t73bz4viw6q7…)

the truth hurts I guess?This shit is so cringe.im sure none of them have been in the real world for more than 10 minutes.

No. 2368430

kek I remember seeing my ex-bff rb this and it was hilarious bc she was a massive asshole

No. 2368490

he is a regular degular burger american, no ethnic connection to any of the balkans at all. he admits to as much inbetween seething like nato bombed his family's house in belgrade lmao.

No. 2368503

What's the joke even supposed to be here. Like they're using the format of Joker explaining how he got his scars, I understand that much. But the idea is that someone got mad about the gender of their door dash delivery person? What?

No. 2368505

There are definitely clusters of GC/TERFs on Tumblr. I'm not mentioning them by name because troons lurk here, but yes, they exist.

No. 2368658

No. 2368718

Yes they do kek I see it all the time

No. 2368780

Not educate anyone on tumblr of all things but it’s called a dash. is it worse to have tumblrinas posting on LC or to have people that don’t know what a tumblr dash is?

No. 2368795

File: 1738018898182.jpeg (835.55 KB, 1170x1285, IMG_2697.jpeg)

Most of the people reblogging/liking this probably don’t know where the original cap is from but the OP most definitely tried to be slick by changing the default theme.

No. 2368797

Not to out-akshually you, but Tumblr now has both a dash (with your follows and such) and a fyp.

No. 2368798

File: 1738019134869.jpeg (482.29 KB, 1170x924, IMG_2698.jpeg)

I had to check out who was sneakily posting lc screen caps and look who it is

No. 2368855

It's even funnier when you remember that the real world straight up does not give a single shit about their self inflicted, made up 'problems'. The world isn't kind or unkind, it's confused as to why anyone would think that being a normal white American is something to be ashamed of.

No. 2368858

>Most of the people reblogging/liking this probably don’t know where the original cap is from
You're retarded. Everyone in that person's circle knows about LC

No. 2368905

If the $20 is for the troon to kill himself, I'd be more than happy.

No. 2368910

There's an entire radfem community on Tumblr, although it skews equally retarded as the TRAs and it overlaps with the conservative side too much for my liking. There are plenty of cryptos too, when looking through the notes of GC posts I always see normie or fandom/art/aesthetic blogs that make no mention of gender in the likes.

No. 2368918

Unfortunately they're more like the cringy "just doing it because it's edgy" crowd. Same with a lot of "radicals" of anything really.

No. 2368928

I’m not saying that none of them know, I’m saying that despite this getting posted, people will just reboot anything with an IB format post. There was that one tumblr account reposting caps from lc, farmercaps, that would get reposted with tags like #4chan #i don’t condone 4channers but this is so funny! #shit 4channers say

No. 2368943

I always wondered who was running farmercaps lol

No. 2368971

Im kind of happy that the screenshots are tagged as 4chan, I would hate to have people discover this site that way

No. 2368978

File: 1738025366562.png (11.67 KB, 636x186, tumblr fyp.png)

No. 2369027

nta yeah there's a for you tab but it'd usually either be referred to as that, a tab, or just For You. fyp is very obvious tiktok-specific lingo. this is dumb anyway

No. 2369079

I don't know why they created these tabs, they are useless and show the same content. Tumblr algorithm/suggestions generally suck, it's so hard to find interesting or just relatable blogs on there

No. 2369085

I've never seen anyone on tumblr call the fyp anything other than the fyp and it's been there for like 2 years

No. 2369086

i wonder if it's one of the mcveighfags on /g/

No. 2369099

Kragehund-est. Her posts are so preachy and annoying.

No. 2369130

Yeah everyone calls it the fyp even though it's a tab. These anons are just embarrassed that they were wrong after acting so smug so they're trying to be right on a technicality

No. 2369517

The algorithm is retarded. I’ll like one single post from a show and then the entire fyp thing is all from that show and I don’t give a shit. Sometimes on mobile I won’t even realize I’m on the wrong tab. Putting that thing there was utterly pointless bc I just want to see what my friends post. That was the one good thing about tumblr.

No. 2369521

I agree. I joined tumblr in 2011 in my early twenties and the fyp isn’t the same as the dash. It’s stupid terminology but it is kind of confusing to call it the dash. Just saying it’s not all zoomers defending it or whatever. Whatever people want to call it, it’s a stupid and useless feature.

No. 2370516

File: 1738119544710.png (135.47 KB, 480x528, incest.png)

Posting this one mostly bc the absurdity of it made me laugh.

No. 2370552

File: 1738122116541.png (Spoiler Image,123.53 KB, 2355x616, Screenshot 2025-01-28 213521.p…)

That dickhead is being disingenuous. Either earlier this month or last month, there was this minor discourse about women feeling uncomfortable when male gig workers would use female names and pictures, presumably a wife or girlfriend's, in place of their own. Lefty MRA's twisted this into "Hysterical bitch Kamala shitlibs are scared of heckin' undocumented male immigrantarinos doing the only work they can, boohoo." instead of "Women don't want to see Billy and his Sanpaku rape stare at the door when the app said Belinda would be coming". Because as we all know, men that do gig work are notorious for being paragons of good behavior.

No. 2370589

File: 1738125184536.jpg (216.94 KB, 1080x399, Tumblr_l_62138036589299.jpg)

Tumblr users will say the most absurd shit kek

No. 2370659

nona did you take this screenshot on an old tv set

No. 2371091

nta people tend to put a filter over their screenshots on tumblr now, this anon grabbed it from a post that's going viral

No. 2371603

File: 1738190613342.jpeg (149.72 KB, 1125x605, IMG_7618.jpeg)

They will do anything not to support actual women.

No. 2371647

>it embarrasses me that a soyjak party poster of all people is peak edgy to these people
He shot up a school and killed people
They're more likely to just be normie women who are genuinely sick of trannies than what you're describing and it's easy to tell looking at the way they post. They wouldn't be out of place on twitter or instagram. None of them care about looking edgy.

No. 2372087

Why did you draw on this image?

No. 2372134

File: 1738221247420.jpeg (210.85 KB, 1170x1271, IMG_2712.jpeg)

No. 2372140

Hard to believe this is the same site that did "eyeliner sharp enough to cut a man" once upon a time

No. 2372141

File: 1738222730338.jpeg (406.79 KB, 1170x1116, IMG_2713.jpeg)

This one is really a treasure trove.

No. 2372153

I love americans so much

No. 2372331

Truly they are the gift that keeps on giving.

No. 2372526

Tumblr is still the faux-activist website even in 2025, how heartwarming.

No. 2372544

Its shit like this that makes me want to look at troon suicide and homicide "victim" rates as a palate cleanser.

No. 2372576

Does anyone know if this is a real woman or a tranny?

No. 2372612

File: 1738252881085.jpg (148.03 KB, 479x850, Screenshot 2025-01-30 075551.j…)

>AFAB transfem server
I don't remember tumblr being this based! Finally, a space for Kikomi.
How long before this gets taken down or de-blazed?

No. 2372629

File: 1738253195258.jpg (114.35 KB, 1080x658, Screenshot_20250130_180505_Tum…)

looks like the account was deleted but I looked up the username and found this, could be some edgy pickme girl like natalie rupnow

No. 2372669

File: 1738254678721.png (44.84 KB, 781x450, girl94.png)

That entire circle's whole gimmick is just 'rape is funny'. I don't get it.

No. 2372930

My personal cow is a nonbinary woman and she unironically calls herself transfem because she presents herself a hyper feminine.

No. 2373428

"guys these people post jokes online!!!!!!111!!!!!!!" who cares lol go be triggered somewhere else

No. 2373644

File: 1738283838190.jpeg (131.67 KB, 1125x425, IMG_7628.jpeg)

One of these things is not like the others

No. 2374021

File: 1738297879297.jpeg (205.95 KB, 1065x601, IMG_2740.jpeg)

I have seen this inaccurate post plenty of times but I never realized it was made by this unfunny faggot. Has he ever listened to goth music? Give me one 80s goth band that made a song like this. The clang part would be industrial but he wouldn’t know the difference. Everything is about sex with him.

No. 2374035

>afab transfem
kikomi sisters it's our time to shine…

No. 2374040

He stopped at Depeche Mode and never looked further

No. 2374043

depeche mode isnt even that besides 2 songs or so, most of their songs are depressing lyrics with happy clanking and boops.

No. 2374045

The take of a zoomer whose entire understanding of the 80s comes from Stranger Things. They think Bauhaus is just a Windows font.

No. 2374046

Honestly, the average song by the Cramps is basically just "I like to have evil sex," but they're psychobilly, not goth rock.

No. 2374116

File: 1738305910917.png (132.94 KB, 720x873, gross.png)

I'm so fucking tired

No. 2374117

Depeche Mode isn’t goth, like I said the clang clang is more industrial. Also, they had max 4 songs about ‘evil sex’

No. 2374633

Male ally defending porn? I'm shocked.

No. 2374645

Why are you surprised that users on a website for women are upset about rape jokes? And why are you getting so angry over it?

No. 2374769

No sorry I interrupted, please continue crying and shitting yourself over it. That'll really show them.(infighting)

No. 2375085

Bogleech is so fucking irritating. His KF thread is an interesting read, I still have no idea how he went from being 4chan/Something Awful adjacent and running a forum where politics were a banned topic to being the soyest little boy on Troonblr and making sockpuppets to win arguments all day.

No. 2376053

4chan moids trolling for female attention on tumblr have always been a part of site culture there. although tbh it's never been as bad as it is right now…we really are in a dickriding pandemic.

No. 2377044

men who "joke" about things like that always turn out to be genuinely into it (see every edgy musician/comedian getting sexual abuse charges)

No. 2377200

i'm pretty sure a lot of them aren't men

No. 2377392

File: 1738469795452.jpeg (343.93 KB, 1125x989, IMG_7640.jpeg)

No. 2377399

The term human puppy sounds like he’s talking about children,tumblr is too lenient on pedos

No. 2377401

File: 1738470941032.jpeg (Spoiler Image,855.62 KB, 1125x1541, IMG_7641.jpeg)

In your dreams

No. 2378055

File: 1738520393671.jpeg (279.79 KB, 1170x878, IMG_0993.jpeg)

Greta TERF queen? from penis to vaginaaa

No. 2378064

Wasn't there a troon in the Barbie movie?

No. 2378065

Ayrt, they think having one wasn’t enough apparently

No. 2378072

Huh? Are they mad the tranny didn't win enough awards or something?

No. 2378078

oh my god why does this person have the craziest takes on trans allies?? this was also the person trying to say fucking bechdel is a terf. the woman whose comics were reposted and discussed as like the first big trans activism posts on tumblr in the early 2010s. i saw that bathroom comic everywhere. how are giving trans people awards and casting them transphobic? i swear this person is undercover and trying to destroy communities because they’ll witch hunt anyone who disagrees with either take. it’s disingenuous and in bad faith. there’s no way a real person actually has these takes and the people jumping on the bandwagon i feel have some sort of vendetta against two successful feminists who advocate for many many peoples rights.

No. 2378087

Because they’re men’s rights activists

No. 2378431

karma for ugly kens

No. 2378457

which one? all of them are trash, this is a good post.

No. 2380406

File: 1738618607513.png (362.92 KB, 655x796, 879897980890.PNG)


No. 2380414

I mean the fat part is pretty achievable kek

No. 2381389

File: 1738670091350.jpg (196.44 KB, 1079x755, 1000027364.jpg)

Using a rape case to humble brag about having a viral Tumblr post. Classy.

No. 2381893

>”I always knew that guy was bad news.”
Heard it so many times.

No. 2381894

File: 1738691069788.jpeg (647.51 KB, 703x1812, IMG_2777.jpeg)

Get a grip. Losing the currency of youth? At 21? Fiona Apple was right.

No. 2381896

Meanwhile I was scared of not getting a good career at 21 kek. Pedoshit has really rotted women's brains

No. 2381904

>waaaah pedos will be mean to me now!
who cares

No. 2381905

Praying for the day that the Tumblr users peaked once again…

No. 2381908

you’re a dumbfuck. hope this helps

No. 2381909

Can’t relate, I’d never let dick opinions dictate my self-worth. I’ll be over here happily hagmaxxing and living life

No. 2381912

No you’re just mentally ill.

No. 2381914

How do retards like you stumble across this site. We should raise the age to 20 to use this site

No. 2381922

If you ask both men and women which celebrities they consider attractive it's always women in their 20s and 30s, not teenagers. Get real

No. 2381923

Girl isn't even a full fucking year into her 20s and already knows how the rest of the decade is gonna go.
I do agree, 20s sucked tho. Loving my 30s way more
Only men and pickmes hit the wall. You could look like a mountain troll at age 3 and if you don't give a shit about what moids think about you, you will be a turbostacie until the day you die

No. 2381924

>Women and men are attracted to same things in women. Everyone knows whos a pretty gitl or not, let not lie
Nta but damn you're primitive minded. Go back to finishing your high school finals

No. 2381968

Stop projecting your pedoshit.

No. 2381986

stopped reading at "females"

No. 2381991

Stop replying to the obvious baiter you retards

No. 2382004

>Age does not exist, really
Yes it does, age is marked by different cognitive and developmental milestones.
>People dont see letters and symbols when they look at someone
Yes they do, people make immediate associations based on observable information. I think you might actually be slow.

No. 2382007

Jesus Christ, get a grip.

No. 2382049

look up fallacy of the beard and gtfo already

No. 2382622

File: 1738719814056.jpeg (173.27 KB, 1125x599, IMG_7670.jpeg)

A reminder

No. 2382663

Literally don’t know any of these people, thought this was a different language. I didn’t realize until I re-read heritageposts. What was the privilege calculator? Was it like the robot test from /r9k/?

No. 2382858

File: 1738734630064.png (142.9 KB, 372x475, privilege-372x475.png)

ntayrt, but im pretty sure it's referring to this pic

No. 2383139

File: 1738758186314.jpeg (155.57 KB, 1125x441, IMG_7674.jpeg)

Why are tumblr users obsessed with making up problems

No. 2383151

>Unborrowed grief
To be fair if I read a post containing this stupid ass phrase I'd also alog about it

No. 2383327

She's right. Good post

No. 2385826

File: 1738890609472.png (1.02 MB, 1035x1139, ChrisChan.png)

No I won't and I hope he painfully dies.

No. 2385829

This nigga raped his mom what apology do we owe him?

No. 2385870

we should've bullied him more

No. 2385877

There's a weird amount of CWC apologism on Tumblr especially among TIFs

No. 2386029

Stockholm Syndrome

No. 2386567

File: 1738940530834.jpeg (251.23 KB, 1284x693, IMG_5260.jpeg)

No. 2386573

I'll be real the terf hate on tumblr feels so tired kek, oh nooooo you called us white women!!! Middle-aged even!!! Like okay kekkkk

No. 2386582

It's literally just misogyny. They just put "white" in front of everything as a snarl word. To them, "white" means "everything I perceive as wrong with the world".

No. 2386583

The "middle aged" is so telling. This retard bought the idea that women have a best before date and let them keep the change.

No. 2386584

Trannies be like "white women!!!" and then they'll go on Xitter or 4chan to say the most racist shit you've ever heard in your life.

No. 2386586

The fucker raped his own dementia-ridden mother. I don't even fucking believe in hell but that's what he deserves. He may be autistic but he knew full well what he was doing. I hope the subhuman who bailed him out of prison shares a place in hell with him.

No. 2386587

>violent bigotry
Last I checked, moids are the ones murdering troons.

No. 2386589

I'm a burger and I have no idea what she's talking about. People sometimes say "good grief" as an expletive, but that's all that comes to mind.

No. 2386590

>innocent minority
They’re straight white men who are even more sexually deranged than normal

No. 2386594

>At least four times since we've been permitted to have our own bank accounts
??? Which genuine struggle is he appropriating here?

No. 2386607

And you are a white male lilith

No. 2386617

It feels like a fad that has run its course. Even the word "terf" feels outdated.

No. 2386793

just came here to post this. i feel like i'm going insane.

No. 2386886

Aren't there way more woc terfs statistically?
This. I wonder what they have to say when they find out a lot of TERFs are in their "fuckable prime" or hell, even minors (yes I know they're mostly cringe larper xitterkids with bows in their bios but I'll count them for this kek) or whatever troons call us?

No. 2386948

this reads like a man wrote it and btw jane is about 27 on that pic

No. 2387596

File: 1738984103569.jpeg (460.52 KB, 1242x1214, IMG_9976.jpeg)

Absolute retardation

No. 2387602

File: 1738984454258.png (511.31 KB, 565x800, cartoonsfromhell.png)

this is their art lol

No. 2387616

is that a kid?

No. 2387907

blog said they go to school. honestly they are probably like 14-15

No. 2387909

Tumblr girls trying to be very unique because they are very boring irl "mom, it's not a phase!"

No. 2388120

In that case honestly who cares. It’s weird to post some kids’s stuff on here even if it’s cringe imo. It would be milky if they were over 18.

No. 2388397

>Aren't there way more woc terfs statistically?

radical feminism has more traction in 2nd/3rd world countries, yes. even in america i notice more black women are snapping from being compared to tims so much

No. 2388890

File: 1739059980072.png (674.12 KB, 1169x1523, B4ZtkNz.png)

(wrong thread)

No. 2388897

Wrong thread babe!

No. 2389304

>Aren't there way more woc terfs statistically?
Sex being immutable is a known fact in all countries, only in the US and parts of Europe is it considered "terfy" to admit it. Trannies go after "white women" because it's the only demographic they can expect to play along & accept being insulted. His post would be too ridiculous (even for tumblr) if he was calling 99% of women on the planet "violent bigots" kek.

No. 2389444

File: 1739081903336.jpeg (458.89 KB, 1170x1795, IMG_2829.jpeg)

there’s no point in hiding it on tumblr because they’re too far gone

No. 2390118

File: 1739106908251.jpeg (68.83 KB, 704x833, 1737743102557.jpeg)

11k notes on this shit, when you're so boring in real life and have no personality that you start to roleplay as angel

No. 2390120

Tumblr is full of retards.

No. 2390193

>the horniest person I know is a man

No. 2390220

kekk. groundbreaking

No. 2390278

Absolutely wild to coopt the "nooooo you're not old!" thing that women do when you're a tranny prostitute and you're talking about another tranny prostitute who's old enough to have grandchildren (who shouldn't be left alone with him).

No. 2390964

File: 1739142270930.png (47.5 KB, 438x495, NIuTbf6.png)

I need cîs women to limit their use of the word "women" as much as possible tbh

No. 2390977

>everyone apart from cis men faces discrimination because of misogyny
Yeah, maybe because you're WOMEN and keep trying to run away from it? (Minus TIMs of course)

No. 2390990

File: 1739142737484.png (86.26 KB, 446x860, WU0cN0j.png)

No. 2391003

How you alienate yourself and ensure no one takes you seriously!

No. 2391005

World is healing

No. 2391034

So did you guys hear about Yimra

No. 2391052

He needs to learn to type first before anybody can entertain his delusions


No. 2391072

ofc the horniest person they know is a "john, 50" mtf stereotype

No. 2391075

I know him, what happened? His account is gone and some blogs are saying he was exposed for beastiality?
I used to be mutuals with his ex-girlfriend who vented about him cheating on her with a girl that fucked her own dog so it would add up…I think my ex-mutual got back together with him after this kek

No. 2391096

File: 1739146293274.jpg (104.47 KB, 887x1920, 1000027226.jpg)

I don't really want to save all the caps to my own device kek but here is a post compiling them, and a preview of what you are in for. It is indeed turbo-degenerate beastiality stuff, pedophilia, the works. Honestly pretty standard fare for racist bisexual males, but disgusting nonetheless.


No. 2391097

File: 1739146356328.jpg (254.8 KB, 891x975, 1000027228.jpg)

Samefag this made me laugh out loud though. What the fuck

No. 2391101

Spoiler ugly ass moid feet please

No. 2391127

“Cis people can reblog but no arguments please” KEK. These people really need to get a diary instead of broadcasting their opinions on social media if they don’t want to hear differing opinions in return.

No. 2391194

I remember it used to be very common back in the early 2010s for TIFs and soon-to-be TIFs to do this on Tumblr (ie "XYZ allegedly privileged group of people are allowed to reblog but don't comment") and it's kind of crazy to think about how guilt is currency among young women online to keep each other in line.

No. 2391413

File: 1739159739576.jpg (67.8 KB, 887x1920, tumblr_476b0115139502b0318e024…)

This is no surprise, everyone in that circle of alt right tradfag retards inevitably ends up having degenerate skeletons in their closet. But this is so fucking funny
>dog ruin me
I'm in tears

No. 2391884

File: 1739196204863.png (123.73 KB, 1080x422, IMG_7712.png)

Over 7000 notes

No. 2391898

I've said this many times, but it's so ironic how troons are even more outwardly scrotey than most regular men.

No. 2391920

It's because unlike scrotes they don't even have to pretend to be civilised at all as they can use their transness to shield them from any and all criticism. You really can't get any more stereotypically male than that.

No. 2392346

Like this doesn't happen all over Tumblr, at least the "Tradfags" make some attempt to police themselves. I don't think it is fair to shit on them for actively trying to out and excise these people.

No. 2392430

That's so gross omg fucking degenerate

No. 2392511

What the heck does this even mean kek

No. 2392679

Are you familiar with Adam and Eve from the Bible?

No. 2392746

Tradfags are usually the ones saying teenage pregnancy is normal and are the ones that fixate on women's youth. They're also the ones who advocate for lower AOC usually. I say this as someone who used to be 14-16 in these spaces.

No. 2392751

File: 1739233726657.png (614.66 KB, 1080x3395, Untitled75_20250210192820.png)

No. 2392778

extremely sad to think shes just getting taken advantage of sexually by her so called 'friends.' i'm sure they're all totally gay and bi and not just looking for easy access pussy.

No. 2392782

File: 1739236144912.png (221.82 KB, 1460x1172, Screenshot 2025-02-10 at 5.06.…)

>there's like 3 trans people in the world
Wow, only 3? Did they all take turns rotating out to rape all of those children and women? Must have been busy!


No. 2392787

>all these men fucking me are my friends!!1 this is our culture!!
least delusional TIF. this is probably her only way of coping with being used for sex, but she's making it hard to feel sorry for her since she wants ""the youths"" to think this is normal. her bio reads like satire.

No. 2394755

No. 2394787

Obviously fake.

Uhhh. I hate to break this to you but fwbs and casual sex are normal things for young adults to do in real life. The only weird thing here is the straight woman calling herself a fag.

Trad where? Yimra is an openly bisexual drug addict with an onlyfans.

No. 2394906

File: 1739363302168.jpeg (Spoiler Image,931.87 KB, 1125x1905, IMG_7729.jpeg)

No. 2394985

Tbh I'd rather pick up a dirty pad than have to see a hulking TIM in the restroom.

No. 2394990

God forbid people don't want to have sex.

No. 2395766

File: 1739396188478.jpeg (440.3 KB, 1125x1222, IMG_7733.jpeg)

There are tradwives on tumblr

No. 2397361

File: 1739454313682.jpeg (464.04 KB, 1125x1097, IMG_7739.jpeg)

>like speaking as someone who personally LOVES porn. a LOT.

No. 2397370

>69 people actually care about this
All that whining just to find a roundabout excuse to sperg about formula milk kek

No. 2397379

Kek I hope this retard never gets the chance to breed. If a mother feeds her baby the milk from her breast, that's breastfeeding. There's even a separate term for nursing a baby: "nursing a baby".

No. 2397756

File: 1739474218914.png (19.25 KB, 539x203, derp.png)

she's pregnant and I think she already has a kid

she is a huge sperg against hospital births and c-sections and is one of those tradtards that thinks all medical intervention of pregnancy is inherently bad, because "muh body is designed for childbirth" yet as far as I've been able to tell she's having the shittiest pregnancy ever

sage for slight blog but people I follow on tumblr reblog from her semi-frequently because she makes unhinged posts about the evils of homeschooling and modern maternity care. I don't think she's wrong to be suspicious of the American healthcare system but she is a retard who acts like women never died or had complicated pregnancies before male doctors got involved in the process

No. 2397768

she happily shames other women for how they parent their own kids (up to how they give birth to them lmao) so it's not surprising she's mad at attempts to stop mom-shaming kek

No. 2398447

File: 1739501427121.png (76.98 KB, 640x425, IMG_7741.png)

No. 2398599

File: 1739508913007.jpg (180.12 KB, 1125x1475, tumblr_8cdb0f20a9363eea2cad6ca…)

No. 2398780

>evils of homeschooling
Now this is a new one, tradfags tend to be the biggest homeschooling shills and they can't stop ranting how school is evil because it brainwashes kids and breaks families apart, is there any reason why she doesn't like it?

No. 2398782

trump ending the department of education

No. 2398783

it's funny how there are more actual fascists on tumblr than on 4chan

No. 2398837

File: 1739534697473.jpeg (125.94 KB, 905x1203, Fq0ZzaoWwAERTq3.jpeg)


No. 2398856

I fucked up, I meant the evils of public schooling kek

No. 2398907

Kek I should have known.

No. 2399390

Most homeschooling parents are control freaks who want to isolate their children from the outside world and indoctrinate them into their fucked up worldview.

No. 2399450

yep they bitch all the time about public schools indoctrinating children but are, at a fundamental level, completely fine with indoctrination… so long as it's stuff THEY approve of. they are also afraid of their kids being around other children who will negatively influence them. but it's like it never occurs to these people that you are supposed to parent and guide your children and you can do that without controlling them 24/7. they just jump from one extreme to the other, it's either zero parenting or over-parenting, apparently there is no healthy middle

but I've noticed a lot of women on tumblr drawn to the trad lifestyle are not well-adjusted in the least, there are the control freaks and then there are those with other issues. some of these women suffer from severe anxiety to the point where just thinking about working outside the home gives them panic attacks (so they say kek) but they think they can effectively raise children? I don't think a lot of them are bad people necessarily but a plenty of them are pretty stupid and short-sighted

No. 2400440

>being against sexual exploitation/prostitution and human trafficking is a common fascist position
just a few more years and these retards will whine about how nobody takes words like fascism and genocide seriously anymore

>they are also afraid of their kids being around other children who will negatively influence them
ngl this is a valid fear considering how being exposed to porn or tranny ideology can fry your child's brain. the solution isn't homeschooling of course but even good parents can lose their child to something like this.

No. 2401774

File: 1739670593298.jpeg (731.06 KB, 1125x1238, IMG_7762.jpeg)

If I found out my babysitter kept saying my daughter looked like a murder victim I would file a restraining order against her.

No. 2402739

File: 1739719471975.jpeg (175.47 KB, 1125x630, IMG_7774.jpeg)

I don’t get a shit about adhd being real or not but trad adjacent pseudo radfem tumblr is insufferable

No. 2402741

File: 1739719593228.jpeg (432.89 KB, 1125x1686, IMG_7775.jpeg)

No. 2402749

Why'd you crop his url, the guy who posted this screencap is a pillhead who has nonsensical spergouts a lot

No. 2402807

>pseudo radfem
Aren't both of these users men?

No. 2402847

File: 1739727461065.jpeg (519.66 KB, 1813x1455, IMG_7359.jpeg)

The polar exploration fandom is having a bit of a nuclear meltdown because one of the larger blogs, called "antarcticconfessions" run by a German, was accused of "blorbo-fying" Nazi polar explorers. They ended up baleeting their blog from the face of the Earth. Although I didn't really find antarcticconfessions to be particularly problematic or Nazi-glorifying (they usually called it out excepting that one iffy post), I don't necessarily disagree with the OP's argument; but I think there is a bit of cognitive dissonance occurring given that the entire polar exploration/age of sail community is literally devoted to blorbo-fying imperialist, racist, and sexist moidlets without pushback. Just full of performative virtue-signaling trannies, TRAs, and spicy straights who are too busy fetishizing gay men and performing mental gymnastics to argue that a white heterosexual couple is really secretly s00per trans and +°+gay+°+ and ~queer~ /<3 I don't actually care if anyone wants to coom to dead racist misogynist retards, but it's hypocritical to get on someone else's case for stanning dead racist misogynist retards that you don't like. It's this kind of shit that reminds me why I dislike tumblrinas.

No. 2402850

No. 2402852

my conspiracy theory is that adhd is a real thing but its rare and most people diagnosed with adhd are just severely mindfucked from extreme internet exposure and unchecked bad habits

No. 2402866

cpagliahater is female unless you have intel that she’s a man pretending to be a woman

No. 2402876

trad adjacent and one of them is a femcel and the other is trans lmao k

No. 2402886

File: 1739728656566.webp (61.01 KB, 762x515, IMG_3701.webp)

It’s very obvious Americans are mutated creatures who keep talking about “aliens” and “ufos”, no my fellow burgertard, we are the aliens who’ve had our genetics basically destroyed and altered and made us super retarded. Weak, crippled, selfish, short-sighted and fucking crazy filled to the brim with environmental toxins and genetic changes that probably resemble a Nagasaki victim, that’s what defines the burgerfag existence. There’s no different between picrel and burgers, there are already zombies and the undead among us

No. 2402934

Femcels arent real

No. 2402942

File: 1739730826867.png (50.13 KB, 193x261, images.png)

ntayrt but femcel is such a moid thing to say it makes me feel gross seeing it used unironically ew.
kek at picrel being so obviously drawn by a man and he gave himself a combover and greasy hair in his ‘girl mode’ fanart

No. 2402982

why do people in this thread just make shit up and expect everyone to go along with it kek neither of these people are even remotely trad or radfems

No. 2403024

Who cares they’re both lame af

No. 2403523

Cpagliahater is a woman
Her post makes no sense because America is not the only country where ADHD is widespread

No. 2403738

File: 1739759636873.png (48.31 KB, 529x441, shut the fuck up.PNG)

I like how they use men as the example in this point they're trying to make. As if they don't just use women as a masturbation tool either way whether there's a body attached to it or pixels on a screen

No. 2403748

File: 1739760041303.png (89.2 KB, 521x707, kill yourself.PNG)

>imagine just walking into work for the day and then just being told to disrobe to begin having rough strenuous sex with your bored co-worker who hasn't started acting yet
News flash retard, women are expected to do this in porn without having to arouse themselves hence the fact most sex work & porn is rape

No. 2403902

the reality is that those porn stars are not watching other porn. the men are popping pills and the women are just rubbing lube onto themselves. these “directors” do not have time for these “actors” to sit down and pull up pornhub so they’re in the right mood for their scenes. especially the women. no one in the porn industry cares if their vaginal walls are torn bc they’re not actually into getting jackhammered by five guys in ten minutes. but i guess that truth goes against tumblr’s shallow sex positivity.

No. 2403930

File: 1739775018409.jpg (270.16 KB, 1080x1372, afabchest.jpg)

I'm tired, nonnies. Women's attempt at using pc language to talk about the misogyny they face is useless. Tags such as "terfblr" and "radical feminist" are filled to the brim with shitposts and bots. One thing worse than experiencing misogyny is not even being able to call it as such. We live in a dystopia.

No. 2403935

File: 1739775418776.jpg (200.52 KB, 720x1504, Gj7xOohW4AEV18f.jpg)

>Tags such as "terfblr" and "radical feminist"
Not even just those tags actually! It's tags like #misogyny and #feminism. They think all feminism is le terf rhetoric. it's fucking disgusting. we should start shitting up their tags with screenshots of them being violent, especially the TIF ones so they realize the tranny scrotes hate them lol. It's so pathetic

No. 2403940

File: 1739776375027.jpg (496.39 KB, 1080x1707, when they say misandry isn't r…)

>It's tags like #misogyny and #feminism.
I never go in these tags because they're filled with "trans inclusiveness" and "men suffer under patriarchy too" but I guess even that center women too much for their tastes. I hate men so much.

No. 2403947

File: 1739777169626.jpeg (160.23 KB, 857x828, IMG_8868.jpeg)

>twans women superior and mog cis w*men
Kek mental illness is real.
Sorry for spoonfeed request but Does anyone have that one infamous image of multiple ugly trannies sitting at the table?

No. 2403949

An ugly woman will always look better than a tranny in 99/100 cases kek. I don’t care about looks in the first place, but it’s hilarious how they cope by calling women ugly or saying that they secretly want to fuck them, they operate just like males. You are copying the blue print retard.

No. 2403950

There are many nonna. When there’s a congregation of TIMs they all look greasy and smelly kek.

No. 2403951

These people have no clue what bioessensatialism mean.

No. 2403960

Every time I see this guy I feel compelled to redirect nonas to this post from the MTF thread that documents how much he fantasizes about raping lesbians >>>/snow/1873842 along with all the other rapey TIMs who scurry around Tumblr like roaches hiding behind "transmisogyny" to get away with being obvious predators >>>/snow/1873908. I miss the "eyeliner sharp enough to stab a man" era of Tumblr, it may have been cringe and retarded but they would have never let these men strut around unchallenged the way they do now.

No. 2404026

>I miss the "eyeliner sharp enough to stab a man" era of Tumblr, it may have been cringe and retarded but they would have never let these men strut around unchallenged the way they do now.
TBH I think the "eyeliner sharp enough to kill a man" era led to what we have now. I used to have so many libfem friends on Tumblr a decade ago and for every "misandry" and "men suck" post they would say in the same breath that TIMs are valid women. Libfems let TIMs walk all over them and repeated their talking points because they wanted to be "intersectional" and believed these men were more oppressed than them.

No. 2404041

theres a lolcow caps account that keeps getting reblogged. i fucking hate normies

No. 2404110

>the polar exploration fandom
Never fails to make me laugh

No. 2404227

According to him and other dolls, bioessentialism is simply acknowledging that misogyny exists.

No. 2404354

I keep getting jumpscared by people I follow reblogging from farmercaps. I hate seeing my own old ass LC posts on tumblr. at least its not as bad as the time I saw my own lc hornypost on tumblr while going through the tag for the person it was about But the silver lining is that at least people think it's 4chan so they're not directed here.

No. 2404516

No. 2404534

nta but farmercaps.tumblr.com

No. 2404541

Same it disgusts me it feels like stolen valor. The girls that lie about using this site for edge points are bad enough, we do not need tumblrites actually starting to come here

No. 2404546

If it's any consolation I'm sure a bunch of them won't be able to integrate if they flock here and will leave quickly

No. 2404549

But have you seen the state of /ot/ recently? Plenty of proudly unintegrated screeching retards calling nonas boomers.

No. 2404553

This site has been declining for a long time so I struggle to notice a more recent decline when the decline is consistent and everpresent

No. 2404564

Fully agree, in fact I was going to say the same.
> t. anon who fried her brain with excessive internet exposure

No. 2404568

Yeah it's obvious because some of the people diagnosed with adhd talk about how they get high from their meds when they do the opposite for someone with actual adhd

No. 2404815

god most of these are so painfully unfunny

No. 2404959

File: 1739829995738.jpeg (246.82 KB, 1170x1301, IMG_3441.jpeg)

Yimra's girlfriend comments on her boyfriend fantasizing about dogs, incest and pedophilia

No. 2404963

File: 1739830034339.jpeg (87.64 KB, 1170x567, IMG_3440.jpeg)

No. 2404974

File: 1739830389874.jpeg (115.15 KB, 1157x625, IMG_3443.jpeg)

No. 2405051

never knew they were a thing

No. 2405219

because this website is being ruined by vendettaposters and schizos from tumblr and twitter. shit tier posts need to be called out.

No. 2405405

Not a burgerfag but my theory as to why Americans are weak and retarded is because they kept culling moids with good genes by drafting them into wars and it meant my poor sisters across the Atlantic were left with children sired by the weak/undesirable moids, and after generations of this you have the average American

No. 2405427

american men never recovered from the vietnam war. and by that i mean the good ones died in a meaningless war, the useless ones got left behind, and the rest came home hooked on drugs and mentally fucked.

No. 2405739

Me neither but I actually remember 6 months ago or so, Julia was beefing with some other girl online who was saying that her boyfriend wants to fuck dogs. I ignored it back then because there really are vendetta liars on tumblr just saying whatever but looking back, it means Julia has been aware of this for a long time.

No. 2405971

It’s not that serious.

No. 2406172

wtf i always assumed he was gay kek

No. 2406471

There's not a lot to work with.

No. 2407401

File: 1739979369880.jpg (725.08 KB, 1079x2483, 1000005152.jpg)

>it's all about me me me

No. 2407463

They make literally everything about gender shit. Unable to comprehend anything without saying "this is so gender" or "trans allegory." I wonder what it's like to lack creativity to the point of filtering everything you see through the same trite, stereotyping lens. I could never live that way.

No. 2407476

A natal woman can't possibly be interesting or have believable troubles on her own, she has to be some sort of gendie first.

No. 2408564

I can't stand these fucking Gaza accounts begging for donations. It's one thing to get an ask, it's another thing to get a dm begging me to donate to a paypal link. I've already reblogged your fucking post, stop guilt tripping me to give you money I don't have.

No. 2408581

Aren’t those scams?

No. 2408583

Probably, I've ignored plenty, but I've seen them start tagging people and publicly shaming those that don't reblog their posts. I'm paranoid and I don't need tumblrinas jumping down my throat and accusing me of being the next hitler for not reblogging some scam

No. 2408587

If I were you I'd close dms and asks and change settings so that no one can mention me. Ever since I've did that it's been smooth sailing.

No. 2408592

Who caaares. Nobody who actually needs help would post on tumblr. And people who actually care should do their own research for places to donate, not some third party.

No. 2408594

I've seen people ignore them when they reply to big posts. Just ignore them. I wish I could block and delete their comments without catching attention though lol. Genuine or not, tumblr is a women's shitposting blogging site, theres other places more suited to reach out for financial help when you're not even gonna interact with female hobbies.

No. 2408633

Yepp kek. Grifters who come to mind are fluoresensitive and her friends, like rosyish.

No. 2408672

Browsing the tags for western media I like on Tumblr is hell. There's nowhere else for any fan content other than DA and Twitter, and it doesn't help that these are really obscure pieces of media I like. And yet, all the posts are lghdtv+ "headcanons" and similar politisperging using cartoon characters as mouthpieces. The fan art is 50/50, some is ok or even nice, some is straight up the bad art thread and autism thread tier shit. The crossovers and fetish accounts are also very annoying. I was expecting to read some theories but man was I wrong. It's all "x is aroace!!!" when x has a love interest, or shit like "this gigantic big muscly dude is actually trans" or "this dude who has neck length hair is sooo feminine and babygirl malewife". Kill yourself.

No. 2408707

I agree and it’s so fucking boring. I think what bothers me most is that fandom is so narcissistic nowadays. Everyone just uses characters as mouthpieces for their own opinions or to project their own gender issues or whatever on to. I hope it’s just a phase or something and that it passes because it’s hard to tolerate. I’ve left fandom spaces for the last few years because I don’t want to talk about American politics 24/7 in relation to what should be fun, escapist fantasy.

No. 2408721

Exactly. And there's barely any fan art or/and fanfiction worth sticking for anymore. Just like you said, it's all so narcissistic even the fan work is centered around the "fan"'s interpretation of the media in the most bad faith way possible rather than actually engaging art work.

No. 2408799

if any creature is an allegory for trans people, it's that human walrus abomination from Tusk.

No. 2408910

>Uhhh. I hate to break this to you but fwbs and casual sex are normal things for young adults to do in real life.
Hookups I understand, but FWBs pretty much always blow up in your face and anyone who does them is lowkey retarded. Either have a relationship with someone or be their friend. This quasi-open-relationship shit only ever creates drama, especially if you're blowing up an existing friend group to do it.

No. 2408928

The word we use here is "TiM"

No. 2408946

I report them for spam and move on. Simple as.

No. 2409045

yet they will either get cremated or buried instead of walking into the woods but I'd feel bad for the trees absorbing the unknown diseases inside this tranny.

No. 2409636

He's not even that fat in the game

No. 2409649

NTAYRT but I've seen you use "TiM" and "TiF" a lot. I don't know if you're the only one that does it, but it's just TIM or TIF. The "I" stands for "Identified." You can capitalize all the letters, not just the first and last.

No. 2409887

Why do tumblrtards act like east Asian people with light skin aren't POC? Every time they make fan art of an east Asian character, they make them as dark as possible, as if being a non-white person with light skin makes them an honorary white person or something. It's kinda racist in a way. I know there are tan east Asians, it's just that they're rarely as dark as tumblrtards draw them.

No. 2409901

To be honest, being a very pale asian does make you a honorary white in the eyes of some insane nazi retards.

No. 2409917

File: 1740089245114.jpg (37.56 KB, 998x628, Screen_Shot_2018-03-07_at_2.08…)

I know I'm late as fuck but where can I find more milk on Bogleech? I liked his stuff the last time he was on my radar and I am morbidly curious about his lolcow credentials.

No. 2409938

Search his name.

No. 2409947

I've heard east asian countries can be weirdly racist to their own race just for being tan, there's a reason skin whitening is popular there. Maybe they think they're being anti racist activists by drawing tan east asians or something

No. 2409950

They are not racist, light skin is just seen as a sign of being rich, because it means you work indoors. It's a very common beauty ideal around the world and it was the same in Europe and North America before being tanned meant you were wealthy enough to go on vacations and became the beauty ideal instead.

No. 2409960

samefag. of course it doesn't mean you are rich anymore. many east asians have indoor jobs nowadays, rich or not. but the ideal stuck around

No. 2409972

Yeah, I'm aware of that. Maybe you're right about that, but the character fan art that made me write this post is of a Canadian Chinese character going to a public high school in a fictional Toronto-eque city with futuristic technology and she lives in the suburbs. Why would she be tan? And this applies to many rich Chinese American/Canadian characters fan art. It doesn't even make sense regarding their canon writing. I'd understand if it's an east Asian character who works on a farm on the sea like that Daisuke dude from that mouthwashing game who works on a ship.

No. 2410158

File: 1740097774396.png (337.75 KB, 640x908, IMG_7853.png)

No. 2410229

This is so retarded. I grew up in extreme circumstances and I don't need cartoons to teach me fucking morals. Why do people who watch baby shows get defensive when you point out they're for children?

No. 2411081

This is XXI century,maam

No. 2411371

File: 1740170291651.jpg (48.82 KB, 527x524, 1000046548.jpg)

Personal cow of mine. Not very milky but extremely psuedo-intellectual, degenerate, and misogynistic. Essentially your average troon erotica writer.

But genuinely what the fuck is he talking about here? What is it with troons and using overly-wordy language in everything?

No. 2411380

One sentence in and my mind brushes it off as AI. Surprised it's a person kekkk what a loser

No. 2411382

They're forcefeeding ChatGPT fetish scenarios now, that poor robot

No. 2411400

They all have this obnoxious purple prose-y way of writing. No one talks like that. Not even the most cartoonish of sci-fi villains talk like that.

No. 2411423

File: 1740172572087.jpg (73.43 KB, 638x960, 1000046550.jpg)

Ignoring the fact that Godzilla is largely popular in Japan, who have no issue watching him destroy entire cities… has this person actually seen most Godzilla movies? Most of them are campy as fuck.

No. 2411428

File: 1740172888392.gif (1.75 MB, 400x170, 1000033047.gif)

They're right though, when I watched this scene I totally imagined myself as Godzilla kicking a Japanese person in the face

No. 2411431

whats his explanation for that movie where godzilla beats ghidorah in space, is ghidorah meant to represent a japanese 3 headed person

No. 2411433

File: 1740173393315.gif (1.89 MB, 498x408, heisei-heisei-godzilla-2291165…)

God, I love Heisei era Godzilla

No. 2411538

nah i just wanna see big monster destroy

No. 2411687

no. they're just racist. not that there's anything wrong with that.

No. 2411873

File: 1740194527821.jpg (137.01 KB, 538x721, kingkong1933.jpg)

It's always the ignorant racists calling others racist. Giant monster causes chaos is not a concept exclusive to "Japan and other parts of Asia". Also it's not "white people" in general if this (retarded theory) only applies to Americans old enough to see Japanese people as war enemies.

No. 2411883

clocked him by that writing style alone kek

what makes scrotes think they are intelligent? all they do is navel-gaze and come up with the most incomprehensible word vomit. not even unique to this generation of scrotes

No. 2411996

File: 1740205534788.jpg (326.84 KB, 1111x706, tirf.jpg)

>I wish gendies peak soon!
>A monkey's paw curls

The word is colorist or classist.

No. 2412021

despite the fact that imperialist japan deserved what they got, i’ve never seen anyone so consumed by hatred for japan that they watch movies set in japan made by japanese people just to get their kicks. seems like you could just watch actual war footage.

No. 2412106

Yeah that’s a new form of ‘cope’ if ever I’ve seen one. I have and used to have old family members who were traumatised by the Japanese from WW2 and they just boycott all things Japanese, including any media.

No. 2412144

Yeah no people under 80 is going to think about Pearl Harbor when watching fucking Godzilla.

No. 2412585

File: 1740250555062.jpg (187.76 KB, 1079x1126, 1000039091.jpg)

Average lolcow user in 2025.

No. 2412945

It can't be that hard to read the rules and at least try to integrate before posting. These tumblrinas are so lazy and retarded.

No. 2412954

people who post about lc to look cool/edgy are so fucking embarrassing.

i don't think civilians deserved to be bombed and the us is also an imperialist country but otherwise, good point.

No. 2412963

>person posts reason for ban to complain about how retarded it is
>essentially decries LC for being uncool and restrictive

No. 2413051

good. we need longer bans and more nitpicky rules like this to keep tumblrfags and redditards off this site.

No. 2413230

Her blog is full of lc screenshots and she also made a post saying anons copy their "4chan boyfriends" too much. What the hell

No. 2413242

File: 1740274595908.jpeg (Spoiler Image,576.7 KB, 1288x1883, 53DABE55-266E-4963-8DA2-192430…)

NSFL. It’s impossible not to hate them at this point

No. 2413263

How old is this tard

No. 2413268

21 or younger, maybe even under 18

No. 2413303

Don’t even fucking rope me in with retards like that, that’s definitely an 18 year old at best. You old 30 year old faggots need to go and get a life instead of being extremely bitter about women in their early 20s who browse this website. You didn’t learn a goddamn thing being a 27 year old bitch, you’re just bitter and torn to pieces by life, you know nothing(bait spree)

No. 2413319

File: 1740278497042.gif (2.35 MB, 376x480, gorilla.gif)

No. 2413333

File: 1740279251597.jpg (19.46 KB, 534x378, 1000130536.jpg)

No. 2413338

I think you need to take a nap or something

No. 2413344

I'm not the only one you types it that way. You don't capitalize parts of acronyms that come from hyphenated words. It's "trans-identified male," so the i is lowercase. Look it up.

No. 2413359

File: 1740280240734.png (24.5 KB, 537x228, Screenshot 2025-02-22 220709.p…)

How dare this broad say such a thing?? I have been running up and down the school playground saying retard and faggot before 4chan even existed. I just don't understand what such people find appealing about this site.
Stop being so fucking triggered anon, you know anons have a point and it's one that been well documented with proof. Tell you peers to follow the rules and stop being so mad that anons dare to be 30 and can be arsed to follow basic rules. You can always use other websites if you don't like it.

No. 2413361

the retard who was complaining at nonnas for using kek took it to her blog kek love to see it

No. 2413364

The most insulting thing about this is that she thinks any of us would have met our Nigels on 4chan

No. 2413369

meeting a male from 4chan is like going at a cesspool for fresh water.

No. 2413371

I love being able to tell from a user's post that they got banned for another few hours kek

No. 2413379

Why did you get so fucking triggered kek

No. 2413394

Perfect example on why the age limit should be raised

No. 2413417

Kekk, to what? American drinking age?

No. 2413434

No. 2413448

Please don't kick me off, nonnie, I don't infight and know when to put the phone down, I promise

No. 2413606

Yes? It’s common on tumblr for users to post about how they use imageboards to seem edgy. Even when they complain about it.

No. 2413668

No. This is just something you wish was happening. The retard who posted those screenshots seems like the opposite of edgy and I can't imagine her trying to get cool girl points off using this site, because she doesn't think this is a cool site in the first place.

No. 2413693

>This is just something you wish was happening.
Anons wish lc was mentioned more on social media? Your newfaggotry is showing
>she doesn't think this is a cool site in the first place.
Kekk she told you perhaps? Back to tumblr retard.

No. 2413973

>Your newfaggotry is showing
Every time a tumblrtard gets posted here for talking about LC, they are always complaining or explicitly making fun of the site in some way, and yet farmers continue to claim these people just want to pretend to be cool and edgy by posting LC caps. Considering that none of them even imply that they think LC is cool and even say the opposite, this insistence on farmers' end comes across as wishful thinking.
>Kekk she told you perhaps?
On one screenshot posted itt she's talking about how farmers say slurs because they're copying their 4chan boyfriends, and thinks that's pathetic. She obviously doesn't find this place cool and I don't need to talk to her to see that. It's also the first time I see this person, because I don't have a tumblr account. Nice cope though.

No. 2414208

If she doesn't find it cool why is she using LC terms on Tumblr and posting a bunch of screenshots that the other Tumblrina newfags who brag about LC are liking. Also who even cares about her intentions anyways? At the end of the day she still looks like a sped

No. 2414289

She thought the site was cool enough to post on it, and only started to "hate" it when she was banned. In reality it's just sour grapes, she would've kept posting and not complain if she wasn't banned.

No. 2414335

these moids need to be put down

No. 2415183

Idgi, do you expect them to caption their screenshots with "lc is so cool" and "I'm cool and edgy"? One of the retards posted itt literally had a screenshot of lc as her banner at some point. It's all about seeming cool and underground for going on ib or sites like kf even if you act critical of it. Why does this idea offend you so much, never met a teenager before?

No. 2415618

File: 1740393567559.jpg (50.78 KB, 328x450, fd8127121b31b997364013723bf223…)

Massive amounts of art and philosophy are devoted to discussing physical changes during the course of life. Have these people have ever thought of anything that wasn't in a Tumblr post or video essay?

No. 2417855

File: 1740470395424.jpeg (618.57 KB, 1170x1510, IMG_4463.jpeg)

not sure why I still get on here, not even the stupidest thing I’ve read. The funny thing is this person is not even an American and practically no one except maybe very religious people from certain areas of the world gives a fuck about premarital sex.

but my question is WHY do so many of these kind of people bring up the craziest things like, puritanism, American culture/propganda, facism, supremacy, accuse you of trans/homophobic, and all the other bs THE MOMENT they are called out for their abnormal degeneracy. they behave like doing this shit is liberation. it’s insane.

No. 2417890

>cis people think their bodies changing is unnatural trans people know its inevitable
Oh really? It's the people who aren't mentally ill retards who think it's unnatural to go through puberty? Trannies are the ones who accept this bodily change as inevitable? Are we sure

No. 2417954

Don't be fooled by this common troon tactic anons: first they lure you in by acting like they're merely complaining about bigots against premarital sex, then they immediately jump to defending piss, incest and age regression fetishes like that's on par with premarital sex and being gnc. Usually you would call this manipulative but this time it's so fucking obvious and ridiculous I'm not even mad kek.

No. 2417982

kek how many gay people are out there getting mad at fucking premarital sex? I get some people are retarded but cmon in most countries gay marriage is still illegal, op is probably just making shit up to complain about it. Also atp whenever I read the words puritan facism etc. in this context my eyes just glaze over

No. 2418003

File: 1740486025449.jpeg (170.17 KB, 1125x586, IMG_7893.jpeg)

No. 2418049

Do they pretend other parts of the world with no history of "American puritan culture" like Russia or China are any more tolerant of their bullshit?

No. 2418511

they are leftists who think they are progressive and diverse yet know nothing of other countries history and people and america is all bad

No. 2418649

retard and faggot are rather mild slurs on the internet, it's not like we regularly throw hard r around here. funny how every thing that's not pc according to tunglr is automatically Very Bad 4chan Shit to them

No. 2418667

it's common with 4chan on reddit. they act like it's A Very Bad Site, but also try to sneakily let you know they know their way around it. lc is definitely not above being made fun of, but usually it's other speds posting caps and performatively hating on it.

No. 2418823

File: 1740520397676.png (602.59 KB, 1125x651, IMG_7897.png)

No. 2419121

File: 1740528287477.jpeg (129.67 KB, 1125x619, IMG_7900.jpeg)

Tumblr users do their own version of transvestigation.

No. 2419179

In a world where everyone like this seems to want to be autistic, I think Tumblr is still the last bastion of genuinely autistic sjws.

No. 2419354

it's so funny that no matter how bad of takes you see on twitter or tt or even this site, tumblr will always have worse takes.

No. 2419855

>they act like it's A Very Bad Site, but also try to sneakily let you know they know their way around it
Exactly, you explained it better than I could.

No. 2420001

It's just cringey to me to insist that they think this site is cool and underground when majority of these users seem to come here exclusively to hateread. It comes across like some anons are coping that people offsite think they're lame. But whatever, this is off-topic at this point and maybe I'm just too old to get it.

No. 2420121

File: 1740597289181.jpg (489.44 KB, 1080x1738, 1000028032.jpg)

Big fat guy troon complains that his excess weight causes inconvenience to his life. I can't understand people who fully admit their weight is a problem and yet refuse to shape up and become healthier. Terminal fucking laziness

No. 2420128

File: 1740597505097.jpg (98.17 KB, 1079x594, 1000028035.jpg)

He's fucking 6'2 and fat as hell and chimping out because anime girl clothes don't fit him

No. 2420164

Why do they always conflate being gay with extreme fetishism? What does incest roleplay have to do with being gay? I swear Tumblr is like a case study on horseshoe theory.

No. 2420165

>the majority of doctors refuse to do surgery on fat patients
Yes, because the anesthetic could kill you, idiot. The dosage you need to be knocked out is much higher, but higher dosages are more hazardous in general.

No. 2420183

File: 1740600163219.png (138.18 KB, 476x906, 8118605.png)

Aiden gets literally molecules away from understanding that misogyny is inextricably linked to female physiology, only to snap right back into her retardation the second someone points it out to her. It's pure cognitive dissonance at this point. Interesting how they take the word "erasure" extremely overly literally in a willfully obtuse way when it's convenient for them.

No. 2420213

I wonder how fat he must be to be this bent out of shape over thin people existing.

No. 2420269

File: 1740601741184.jpg (986.82 KB, 1074x1900, 1000028037.jpg)

So big that he apparently shredded his programmer socks and had to get a replacement pair

No. 2420277

This is disgustingly. Fat men should all die. How are you a male and have a fupa kekkk.

No. 2420280

They’ll do anything but lose weight kek

No. 2420283

>I’m an evil trans men with a fat pussy
Goddess gracious. This is why I don’t give a fuck about TIFs, they can all get crippled from brittle bones and die.

No. 2420292

File: 1740602156431.jpeg (917.41 KB, 1125x2167, F010FD46-C453-4E85-A5BF-508604…)

I’m phone posting so can’t cap the whole thing, but he admits to being about 400lbs. Of all the made up problems to have he chooses both being a tranny and being fat. I would say get off the cross, we need the wood, but he would probably break it if he could climb up there. Insufferable.

No. 2420313

These people regurgitate the same shit again and again and again. Its like there's a script you have to memorize once you become a troon and you just repeat that until the end of time.

No. 2420324

Mentally I put them in the same category as Republican women. I think society should be made better for women, even for the retarded women who don't deserve a better society.

No. 2420550

>maybe I'm just too old to get it.
It would seem so, yes.

No. 2421398

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No. 2421465

>anons are coping that people offsite think they're lame.
Lame you say? I thought people offsite would think we are terf neo-nazi bullies for being against troons and prostitution and making threads about cows. I'm so relieved to hear that minors on tumblr don't hate us that much, us completely anonymous posters. I was really worried about their opinion for a sec!

No. 2421553

File: 1740672141035.jpg (689.71 KB, 1080x2571, 1000007535.jpg)

This is so dramatic.

No. 2421565

I mean… she’s right though. A lot of young leftists are more miserable than ever and there has never been a less of a sense of community and understanding amongst the left. We are very eager to eat our own for the smallest transgressions or divides in opinion.

No. 2421570

>We are very eager to eat our own for the smallest transgressions or divides in opinion.
That's the narcissism of small differences

No. 2421579

ngl if he made fun of me for 'being thin' (I'm smack dab in the middle of healthy bmi) it would make my day.
Also how the fuck do you end up obese at 6'2? I've had bad days where I've easily eaten over 3k calories and I'm over a foot shorter than this guy.
>Boo hoo I will never get a rot pocket because finding my fupa enveloped microdick under my 5 million lbs of eaten feelings is damn near impossible
KEK. Fat men are pathetic.

No. 2421596

No. 2421607

>threatening to sue the doctor
This is why I don't know if I could go through with being a nurse. It's people that this that would make me fight myself NOT to tell them to get the fuck out and go die on the street.

No. 2421626

Kekkkk how does that even make sense, isn't it always easier for fat troons to pass since the triple chin hides their adams apple and they already come with moobs?
There's always a fatso claiming fatphobia is "intrinsically linked to" transphobia/racism/misogyny/etc and they just list off ways in which being fat is generally an inconvenient way to live. Which it is. Your lungs arent "fatphobic" for leaving you out of breath, you just lead a cripplingly unhealhty lifestyle as a result of being a bigback.

No. 2421627

This is why i ended up dropping friends a few years back. It's also almost impossible to make new friends because every single thing is viewed under a microscope. You're either extremely political or you're under scrutiny. It's very unfortunate that the left does this when we should be uniting and trying to over throw actual issues like anti abortion and anti women on the far right, but no.. You didnt put a watermelon flag on your IG profile, now you're the worst person and literally hilter.
I've also noticed the left loves to virtue signal, but doesnt like to fact check or leave their echo chamber. It becomes exhausting when every single thing, even in fandom remains political with them.

No. 2421633

They're too stupid to consider that fat people have to lose weight before getting gastric bypass surgery or else it could kill them. I hate fat men so much. "Oh noo, i'll never be a cute loli because i'm a 6 '2 hulking man"
Hope he kills himself.

No. 2421645

She’s right

No. 2421799

Yeah same. I feel bad for kids and teenagers who were pulled into this stuff by their Munchausen parents or who just don't know better. Adults? Whatever. They can inject all the poison they want into their body. Most of them are pieces of shit anyway and have it coming.
For example. I fully encourage doctors to disregard their oath of ethics and cut off his dick.

No. 2421814

>vast majority of doctors refuse to do surgery on fat patients
that's totally because doctors are oh so evil and fatphobic and not because operating on a fat fucking piece of lard increases the already high probability of complications. even skinny trannies get their inverted dicks botched, imagine everything that can go wrong with a fat one. i'm so tired of these lazy retards putting all responsibility on doctors and refusing to at least try and put in any effort themselves. you need the mutilated rotpocket designer tailor-made pussy - you work for it. and it's not like SRS butchers surgeons are the most ethical bunch ever - you can always find a particularly money-hungry one who will be glad to dig your shriveled up micropenis out of your fat folds to turn it inside out (as long as you sign a bunch of papers promising you won't sue them later when it all goes necrotic)

repost for formatting

No. 2421845

It's a pretty salient observation, but I'm concerned that this person is only arguing this point as a means of prescribing Jeezus as the solution.

No. 2421854

I took that post to mean that secular lefties are really just another type of religious zealot, even if they’re “secular.” I’m not familiar with OP though so I could be wrong.

No. 2421877

>400 lbs
>BMI = 51.4 kg/m2 (Obese Class III)
Jesus Christ that's a ham planet. Why did he bother transitioning, he was a shapeless blob that no one could tell what he was to begin with.

No. 2421882

Kill yourself. Why do lesbians have to suffer?

No. 2421933

I wonder if this one has a feeder fetish, there are a lot of tims in that community on tumblr

No. 2421950

This weird seething doesn't help your case.
It is very dramatic but it's also true.

No. 2421966

y'all know that one very fake story kids would share about that kid who ate a watermelon seed and a watermelon grew in his stomach? yeah, this hamplanet looks exactly like this to me KEK

No. 2422069

You need to let it go. If you’re not familiar with what we’re describing that’s fine, but you don’t need to keep insisting that we don’t know what we’re talking about. Unless it’s hitting a little too close to home?

No. 2422079

Definitely under 18. Thinking the only people who use "slurs" (god) are 4channers is a new thing. People were saying faggot and retard in daily life in the 2000s and I'm not even 30 yet.

No. 2422081

Even when trannies try to be funny they are nothing short of revolting, even if they don’t intend to be. Very sad

No. 2422088

I think the anon who keeps getting weirdly defensive whenever anyone points out Tumblr users post screenshots of here because they think they're cool and edgy for finding LC is the retard in the screencap or someone who used to do the same thing. Many such cases. There's no other reason for getting all weird and whiny about kids doing this, which has been documented many times. That or anon is extremely socially retarded and cannot grab basic context clues kek.

No. 2422097

Kek he wants to get laid so badly
Trans person not sound like a rapist for minutes challenge. Difficulty level: impossible

No. 2422100

File: 1740700553011.png (67.71 KB, 516x550, jesus.png)

Nope, I was right. She had an ulterior motive and wants people to go back to church. Seems like nobody is intellectually honest enough to just acknowledge problems for the sake of improving society and not just furthering their own agendas.

No. 2422129

She can be a shit person and still make a decent point.

No. 2422138

I agree, that's pretty much what I said in my first reply.

No. 2422148

Ayrt, damn that’s disappointing. I think I was too generous with my reading of the post because I agreed with the general gist, but I should know better kek.

No. 2422170

I do know what you're all describing, I've seen it happen many times. I just don't think that's the case for most of these people. But I'll let it go, serious this time.
Broken clock. Many such cases.

No. 2422176

>Tradthots on tumblr
I am so fucking tired. Remember when Tumblr was just for the weird/artsty/aesthetic/fandom teen girls and young adults? How did it become a cesspool for the worse type of retards that got run off of other, more active social media? Now trannies, tradthots, nazis, coomers and anti-sjws are easier to find than pretty blogs that post cool content are. All these retarded vermin should go back to Xitter where they belong.
And how the fuck are you an "orthodox pro-life married christian mommy" on Tumblr with an anime icon? Bitch, go milk a fucking cow or feed your child and tell your husband to go chop up trees instead of sitting on his ass hitting reblog. Fucking embarrassing, a man having a blog is such faggot activity in the first place.

No. 2422192

do tims only buy one pair of thigh high socks. this has been fucking with me ever since I put it together, but do they not have the common sense to buy multiple pairs? in their endless journey of "femininity", why are they so eager to skimp on grooming habits and hygiene? it's maddening

No. 2422242

Imagine not only being a pro-life christian tumblr user who calls herself mommy but also being married to another christian orthodox larper who is also a Tumblr user. I'd kill myself

No. 2422312

whenever someone online brings up young people being miserable, it's to lure them into something else. everyone has ulterior motives on the internet.

No. 2422354

I'm kind of wondering if it's just two weirdos RPing their fetish. Or maybe one person with two socks RPing a fetish.

No. 2422357

>how the fuck are you an "orthodox pro-life married christian mommy" on Tumblr with an anime icon?
The anime icon and use of "mommy" are pretty good indicators that it might be a LARPing moid.

No. 2422696

File: 1740733794025.jpg (266.26 KB, 1066x828, 02EA4B81-6757-4008-9D13-123682…)

tumblr keeps occasionally reminding me that 'communities' are a thing now, letting us observe even denser populations of these (hopefully underage) individuals.

No. 2422708

Oh god. Now it's gonna be like Facebook.

No. 2422735

Ohh, but aren't you excited? Maybe we'll find some new cows!

No. 2422789

All the real ones are on Instagram and Twitter. Tumblr ones are all fetishists.

No. 2422790

Cows are incredibly boring these days. The best you'll get is some 0.0001 seconds of milk from some absolute random nobody on the internet

No. 2422820

File: 1740747126986.jpeg (76.55 KB, 1125x263, IMG_7927.jpeg)

Almost 30 years old and bragging about your boyfriend buying too big of condoms.

No. 2422938

File: 1740755769165.jpg (809.75 KB, 1080x3095, 1000007634.jpg)

No need to get this defensive, I don't like rap because it's a very lyrics focused genre and I'm one of those retards who can't understand anything when people are singing ni matter what type of music it is (especially in English since I'm ESL).

No. 2423606

This is so autistic but the art style for the icon looks shoujo manga or fashion illustration-ish, it also looks like it might be a picrew. This is not the type of anime girl profile picture a man would pick.
Combined with the fact that if you check what the account is posting aside from the tradshit it's all reylo fanart and taylor swift I'm gonna have to say that this is unfortunately likely a woman.

No. 2423873

no that user is a real woman, she is a huge pick-me with a really duplicitous church lady personality

No. 2424060

she's right though

No. 2424244

It’s a screenshot from the video game Fashion Dreamer.

No. 2424343

For me, separating the art from the artist is hard when their art consistently insists on the degradation of women. White rappers usually sound just as trash when they cover the same topics too. Obviously this is present in any genre, but it's usually the worst in rap if we're talking mainstream genres.
I also don't find the lyricism all that poetic most of the time, and I speak English as a first language. You're not missing much. Listening to rap is more like listening to a beat and hoping the general cadence of the voice sounds good with it.

No. 2424417

File: 1740841088753.jpeg (766.61 KB, 1125x989, IMG_7938.jpeg)

There’s an easy solution to this

No. 2424426

The only correct way to reply to these people is to say "I hate rap because I'm racist" and then leave them to seethe.

No. 2424459

File: 1740843504715.jpeg (418.45 KB, 1125x1449, IMG_7942.jpeg)

People handout antinatalism accusations to anyone

No. 2424928

File: 1740864551313.png (210.68 KB, 523x930, there really is no hope for wo…)

>Women are literally not allowed to daydream about living in a cottage and picking wildflowers without tumblr chicks screaming at them
There really is no hope for us.

No. 2424942

Holy shit, I didn't know living a farm life or even having a small cabin as a house always goes back to slavery. People who have casual lifestyles like that need to apologize to the imaginary 250 slaves in their fruit garden.

No. 2424953

Didn’t know people still gave a shit about this, it’s a very 2020 thing to care about

No. 2424960

It's so funny how they're accusing everyone else of being white supremacists while centering their entire worldview around america. Maybe i wanna have a cottagecore fantasy where im back in my grandmas köy? Are you saying that savages from places other than the US are incapable of farming? I genuinely hate white usamerican tumblerinas so much, they try to overcompensate for their racism instead of actually not being racist.

No. 2424971

Where I live, the only things natives farm are tobacco, guns and casinos.

No. 2425110

Show me female rappers who shit on men and viciously berate them for their short comings and receding hairline, then have them Astro-turfed into mainstream media the same way Kendrick Lamar is. Then I may start considering the genre as a valid form of art.

No. 2425140

Check out Doechii, you might like Denial is a River. Wish she hated on men harder though lol

No. 2425146

File: 1740876354745.jpeg (172.82 KB, 1170x1058, IMG_3503.jpeg)

Excuse the Tiktok but your post reminded me of this image kek

No. 2425168

snow tha product is a former pickme who turned lesbian. she has several songs shitting on men. Gaslight, Waste of Time, Tell You Like This.

No. 2425189

I loved snows music growing up (and still bump it from time to time) but she is def still a pick me. I watched her podcast till like a year ago and she still shits on other women but she does it in a weird like Im-not-like-other-girls-Im-one-of-the-guys kinda way. She was complaining about how she wished she had more guy friends one time and said something like "bro why do guys hate on me for me being gay I gotta deal with these bitches too! We're on the same side!". I literally stopped watching her after that she's not about what she raps at all

No. 2425219

ugh i didn't realize her podcast was like that. i've seen clips where she's funny but podcasts are not my thing. that really sucks.

No. 2425555

Can’t even dismantle the absurdity and maliciousness of propaganda like this without being hit with the racebaiting red text on this gay ass website. Really makes you think.

No. 2425595

Mental take. She is legit wondering why the website of shy nerdy chicks might not want to listen to a genre of music where almost every song is exclusively disparaging to woman and glorifies violence in a tasteless, vulgar manner. “Why wouldn’t woman want to listen to that??” Lol. There are plenty of good black artists who aren’t rappers. Rap is just genuinely one of the most saturated genres out there, and it doesn’t take a lot of talent or creativity to be a rapper.

No. 2425605

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No. 2425607

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No. 2425612

ofcourse its a yuritroon

No. 2425901

File: 1740925500207.jpeg (167.64 KB, 1125x465, IMG_7948.jpeg)

At least they do something, unlike you boosting fake gaza scams on a dead microblogging site.

No. 2426138

Didn't happen.

No. 2426473

both are stupid and performative

No. 2426965

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This is about jd vance

No. 2426968

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No. 2427273

wasn’t his username 'roundo' or something like that before? with the same balloon dog avi but colorful one. his posts used to circle in gc spaces because they were vaguely critical of modern queerios and men until he went off about hating terfs and loving troons. he went full retarded i see

No. 2427289

That’s him. He’d be a grifter if he wasn’t a tumblr nobody

No. 2427313

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It’s a fucking sandwich

No. 2427587

File: 1741043624904.png (136.64 KB, 1189x608, 1741039815747.png)

its crazy how literally all of paraphile tumblr is trans people. every single person on there talking about how they want to rape kids and animals is trans. we need an archive of these sort of posts it would be so easy to peak normies with this

No. 2427593

The pediverse is identical to paraphile tumblr

No. 2428251

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No. 2428270

Genocide is when they decide to kill themselves because their delusions didn't pan out like they thought, and erasure is when someone literally makes women vanish off the planet like a serial killer. Words mean whatever you want them to, matador lynch Rambo basket. That last part was actually super insightful if you only understood it, maybe you should eDuCaTe yourself.

istg at this point I know more about trans shit than most transpeople do and it's bECAUSE people told me I 'just needed to educate yourself, do your research', but everything I have read after years and years has only convinced me that the concept of transgenderism is pure mental illness and social contagion.

No. 2428276

It's bizarre how these particular degens think being pro rape is somehow subversive and leftist, as if most of the politicians who want to keep child marriage legal in the US aren't republicans, as if child rape isn't practiced and justified in ultra misogynistic environments ranging from ancient greece to current day afghanistan and as if epstein's island didn't exist with plently of people in power like politicians and celebrities getting away with raping children. Sorry for the rant.
t. someone who lost a dear friend to these paraphile circles

No. 2429205

File: 1741142654305.png (730.79 KB, 1080x568, Screenshot_20250304-214247.png)

this faggot

No. 2429209

This feels like a fetish.

No. 2429214

this is that muslim guy that draws tons of coomery anime girls right,?

No. 2429284

Women don't use gloryholes outside of fictionalized porn. That's gay moid shit.

No. 2429286

The fuck is dancehall

No. 2429354

This better just be a minor themselves I swear to god. Wtf.

No. 2429648

File: 1741178694719.jpeg (326.33 KB, 1125x1108, IMG_7972.jpeg)

They are so triggered by milquetoast shitlibs

No. 2429878

Tumblrtards are the reason I never believe anyone online claiming to be a native kek. They can't even name a single tribe they're supposedly from, much less speak their tongue. Even the rare cases where they do have 1/16th native blood, they're so far removed from their supposed culture they're just regular degular white people claiming to be cherokee. Imagine being so bored you're still claiming reblogging pics of cows and fields somehow makes you a white supremacist in the year 2025, it's been a whole decade of this shit already. Kill SJWs.
Unfunny AIDS having faggots fail so hard to project their own insecurities onto random women. YOU'RE single because all faggots want to do is exchange STDs. YOU'RE childless because you cannot reproduce with a shithole and need to rent a womans womb to achieve it, sir.

No. 2429949

Kek this is kind of funny though, those be gay do crime "punk queer activists" do act like this.

No. 2430607

File: 1741219011171.jpg (485.41 KB, 1080x1313, Picsart_25-03-05_18-54-01-818.…)

>Tranny having a meltdown because people are saying Gushing Over Magical Girls is gross and has BDSM involving middle schoolers

No. 2430614

Whenever some one criticizes a pedo anime for being pedophilic theres always a troon running defense for it..wonder why hmmm

No. 2430633

Whole lotta words to whine that he feels persecuted for being a man who likes women (and obviously underage girls but mostly women guyz I swear!). Why are trannies like this

No. 2430763

The post was already bad enough with him saying actual misogyny is not as bad a racism or “transmisogyny”, but him acting like it’s equivalent to discrimination for people to not like a BDSM anime about middle schoolers (there’s also an 8 year old who put a diaper on another character, yuck). If he was going to complain about people hating women’s media he could at least talk about how shoujo is treated compared to shonen. But the only Shoujo this TIM has ever touched is yuri.

No. 2430831

all this babble when saying "i'm a pedo" would do the job

No. 2430933

Do I lack reading comprehension, or am I just not that chronically online, because I didn't understand a word of this trannybabble

No. 2430950

I wasn’t familiar with the show and watched one episode. It’s just porn, it has no artistic merit at all. I can’t imagine caping that hard for being allowed to talk about your fetish in public, very male behavior.

No. 2431266

they're accused of being pedos so often that they had to make up a word for it "pedojacketing" and are somehow taken seriously when they complain about it. it's crazy

No. 2431517

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No. 2431694

If you go to the original post and check the replies and reblogs it's just full of trannies backtracking
>I wasn't talking about real life what made you think that!?!?!?!?
>um no of course I don't think all tomboys are actually transmen where are you getting that? T would totally save them tho

No. 2431780

File: 1741283335106.png (36.98 KB, 556x687, alwaysjust.png)

Like clockwork. I had to fix something which if why I deleted it.

No. 2431919

File: 1741289551309.jpg (337.92 KB, 1495x1080, Picsart_25-03-05_18-48-22-471.…)

KEK that comic is literally their exact talking points, I love the random handmaiden interjection to back him up too.

No. 2431964

what the fuck does this even mean

No. 2431965

kek this is amazing nonny, someone needs to post this on tumblr

No. 2432537

File: 1741319339899.png (444.42 KB, 1080x1752, Screenshot_20250306-224717.png)

the fatass tif handmaids on tumblr actually annoy me more than the tims or anyone else

No. 2432747

That's a lot of words for someone who has lots of hentai cp on their computer for sure
Genuine question, have these TIFs ever met TIMs? Because every time I see a gaggle of troons, it's always exclusively one or the other alone. Again, TIFs have fantasy land views of reality which is why they cosplay as hot animu boys but them thinking TIMs are endangered is just hilarious

No. 2432777

>"communist" tranny openly defending pedophilia while pretending it's for the liberation of children
Of course

I hate how these people use so many fucking words just to say "women who like yaoi" and "males who like anime pedobait" to hide the problem from potential readers that would find them creepy if they knew what's being talked about. It's so annoying. Imagine if this tranny were describing a PornHub category as "works that celebrate or aestheticize parts of womanhood" kek

No. 2432817

>Genuine question, have these TIFs ever met TIMs?
I really don't think they have. They're all terminally online in female dominated spaces, and TIMs are basically the cool gay accessory that every TRA faghag needs to complete her look. They run in very different circles.
To be honest, meeting TIMs might make TIFs even more determined to fully troon out, because they can tell that the TIMs sex pests and they're determined to never have to use the girl's bathroom alongside Pissgina Periodcummies and his gaggle of AGP friends. TIFs also love to self flagellate, so writing drivel like >>2432537 can be their way of atoning for wrongthink about pedo moids who put cameras in their sisters' rooms.

No. 2433293

>have these TIFs ever met TIMs?
No, not really. For TIFs, men are a purely theoretical concept and the trans identified ones are included in this.

No. 2433296

File: 1741381935038.jpg (225.49 KB, 1080x1157, Screenshot_20250307_195830_com…)

… What is it implying? Jk Rowling isn't an human being? What does Harry potter has to do with ai?

No. 2433298

Generally no, especially the fandom TIFs because their spaces and interests don't align. What's odd is that they'll basically perceive TIMs the same way normies do (HSTS/turbofaggots) but at the same time, straight = bad for them so they also apply this to AGP transbians. The tumblr user looks like a furry though so honestly she probably does interact with TIMs but they're all super degen so they excuse each other.

No. 2433304

Normies don't know or don't care about JKR's opinions on feminism or transwomen or both topics at the same time, they just read or watched the books or movies years ago, found them fun and wouldn't mind reading or watching them again for nostalgia's sake. Deciding to actively avoid everything related to HP just because of who wrote the story is a typical terminally online behavior.

No. 2433380

> Genuine question, have these TIFs ever met TIMs?
No, they have not.

I can’t stress enough that there is no meaningful distinction between them, and trad pick-me’s. They are all fighting an imaginary battle for an imaginary man, just like conservative woman who are taught that men can do no wrong, they are taught similarly about the TIM’s they defend tooth and nail. Like an ignorant little girl who pulls in the disease-ridden cat off the street and cries when her parents tell her they can’t keep the filthy thing. Lauren southern did the same shit. She was gassed up by other conservative men for affirming similar alt-right platitudes, she didn’t even fully understand herself. What happened to her, by the way? The chick who defended traditional relationships tooth and nail, and put her life on the line for men? Oh yeah, I remember.

Her ‘trad’ husband with a government job divorced her and abandoned her with their 1 year old son in a country where she had no citizenship, family, or money. He utterly abandoned his family.

To this day, she is living in a trailer park looking after her infant son by herself and receives no child support from her husband who has completely severed ties with her. That is where her blind faith in men got her.

I imagine the outcome of aligning with a leftist man is much worse, if you’re a handmaiden. He’s a monster in the relationship, a complete dysfunctional mess, gives you an STD, then claims you were the abusive one and leaves you to rot in hell as he rips apart your social circle and everyone you ever knew is accusing you of being an abuser to the innocent trans woman. Essentially the psychological version of an acid attack and you are without support or help. That is what these woman are signing up for.

No. 2433451

It's not that they're related, these are just all pet topics that terminally online people have opinions on and believe everyone else should have equally strong aversions to.

No. 2433458

To be fair, when I hear someone rave about ChatGPT in real life it triggers that little voice in my brain which says "you need to speak slowly and use less syllables around this person"

No. 2433539

From what I've witnessed, when TIFs and TIM actually interact online, they start to infight. TIFs will criticize TIMs for their very male behavior but they won't call it male. It's funny but frustrating to watch because it makes you wanna scream at them that the reason trans "women" behave that way is because they're nothing but entitled males.

No. 2433565

File: 1741393285021.jpg (1.39 MB, 1079x4511, Screenshot_20250307_181635_Tum…)

More harry potter derangement. You just know 6 years ago they would've been cheering this on

No. 2433752

>have these TIFs ever met TIMs?
On Tumblr specifically, the venn diagram overlap has gotten a little wider post-Reddit migration. In furry/kink and tankie circles, they're more likely to actually engage with one another. Still, most TIFs only ever engage TIMs through text posts and as a political concept. Because Tumblr fandom circles are still wildly female dominated and fandom wards off TIMs. Those TIFs have next to zero exposure to TIMs. In fact, this is frequently a point of discourse.

No. 2433780

doesn't all of that make sense in 1970s britain???

No. 2434020

File: 1741412636989.png (32.51 KB, 470x553, 6118.png)

TiMs are so fucking predictable topkek

No. 2434029

>Moid throwing a mantrum over how terrified he is of "false allegations"
In other news, bears continue to shit in the woods.

No. 2434054

Was he described as ugly? I only remember "hooked nose" and maybe one or two mentions of slightly greasy hair. I was way more preoccupied with how mean he was when I was reading these books as a kid kek

No. 2435069

I’m a bit confused, are you upset they’re against the casting?

No. 2435666

I don't care how they feel about the casting, I just think it's funny

No. 2435791

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No. 2435794

Someone needs to bully this faggot very hard.

No. 2435805

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No. 2435827

File: 1741479276049.png (111.47 KB, 720x874, bogleech.png)

everyday I grow more increasingly tired of him.

No. 2435961

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No. 2435966

>Every once in a while, males attempt to take over a niche subculture and pretend they invented it, and then invariably the fact that they were only there to be sexual predators gets exposed, and the whole group suffers for it. Once the subculture has become de-trannified, women take part in it once again and it makes moids seethe and whine about muh double standards
In a way he's right, I've seen this situation happen over and over again kek

No. 2435986

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Checked on her blog and I literally gagged. Also why the fuck does every seemingly-innocuous Tumblr user end up reblogging posts from her? Sick to death of this virtue signaling idiot and her human centipede-esque tim polycule

No. 2435987


Thread has reached 1100 posts. The thread will be locked and you will be unable to post in it shortly after it exceeds 1200 posts. Please begin preparing a new thread and post a link to it when it's created.

No. 2436115

>trans women create and are internet culture weather we like it or not
Trannies saw online black people get away with "every single thing you like was culturally appropriated from black people" discourse and are trying to steal that style of discourse for themselves now?

Also, what does this guy even mean by "missile strikes"? Does "locale" mean socmed and missile strikes just means they got banned? Or does it mean getting #cancelled?

No. 2436277

Let's be honest HP adult fans are in the same league as Disney adults where they mindlessly consume the same slop on repeat.

No. 2436302

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I hate this way of thinking. Why should I, or anyone else have to put up with other people being inconsiderate towards others in public?

No. 2436333

I don't want "community" when I take the bus, I want to move from point A to point B without wanting to slaugther someone. You're not gonna die from putting on earbuds, staying quiet for a little while, or not blowing your disgusting drug smoke in other people's faces. Act like a civilized human being, not a low inhibition chimp.

No. 2436339

People in the notes are even defending sex dolls. Tumblr is a full blown MRA website now.

No. 2436398

they're not wrong though. once I stopped taking on that emotional labor, being out in public got a lot nicer/easier. it's just such a waste of energy to be annoyed by every rude person in the world

No. 2436429

There's a difference between "stop letting rude idiots ruin your life" and "people shouldn't be allowed to shit up the public spaces we all need to exist in". Public nuisance laws were made for a reason, and I don't care how interesting the videos your tiktok algo feeds you are, stop watching that shit in the movie theater.

No. 2436458

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No. 2436467

So you just lack reading comprehension skills? The post doesn't say "this behavior is acceptable" it says "you're going to encounter this behavior." You can disagree with the conclusion "isolating yourself to avoid it won't improve your life" without pretending the rest of the post says something that it doesn't. It's kind of like how encountering illiterate spergs with dumb takes is the price of using kolców.

No. 2436473

Tumblr is full of tim chasers and I genuinely think they’re some of the most rabidly misogynistic females on earth. Sad that that website used to be at least somewhat feminist, but now they’ll just call you a terf for not getting down on your knees and sucking girldick. You know, like all good females are supposed to

No. 2436492

>tim chasers
I swear four out of five Tumblr handmaidens are just this.

No. 2436495

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It is so fascinating; wasn't there a horror game who had a killer that was trans (clearly) and they didn't like that too much?

No. 2436496

You can wear earplugs if you're so sEnSiTiVe. At some point you gotta grow up and stop expecting the entire world to cater to your SeNsITiViTiEs. Nobody likes listening to other people watching tiktoks on the bus btw, that's normal. Being annoyed by annoying shit is not a disability.

No. 2436497

It's still comical that this faggot died right in the middle of the controversy that he rode on.

No. 2436498

This whole Tumblr post is annoying. Some people are sensitive to noise and lights and still need to use public transport, this is just an asshole and inconsiderate thing to do. Who the fuck checks their phone at the movie theater. I understand you have to pull up with these assholes because that's just how life is, but in general, society should aim to correct these asshole behaviors.

No. 2436499

Guys not polemically but what's the difference between a fleshlight and a dildo really. Both are sex toys imitating body parts

No. 2436501

KEKK HE FUCKING DIED!?!?!?!?! That is absolutely wild.

No. 2436504

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This person annoys me for various reasons but this one especially annoyed me. She doesn't even have the ability to think maybe there's a reason the hairdressers hesitate to cut her hair short except misogyny despite every one of them have a story about someone freaking out about their hair afterwards.

No. 2436508

File: 1741533771117.jpg (460.99 KB, 1080x2126, 1000020536.jpg)

Yup. It's like god said, "you know what? I'm sick of this tranny shit" and just shut it down for this faggot.

No. 2436509

Good riddance kek

No. 2436518

I wasn't talking about myself, I was thinking of special needs children and their families, but okay.

No. 2436522

did you write the post or something. stop being obtuse. if they felt the way you're claiming they would be telling the other side they need to learn to be more considerate. they're saying that because they're the inconsiderate asshole. an adult smoking weed at a festival is so specific she wrote it about herself kek. the whole tone of the post is telling people to expect and accept the mediocrity of others because you being inconvenienced is inconveniencing her. you're such a tone deaf retard.

No. 2436533

was thinking the same thing honestly. i'd much rather some scrote goon off in one of his 50 fleshlights shaped like his favorite porn star's pussy rather than going out and raping real women bc he's getting bored of just using his hand

No. 2436558

I used to watch his voice training videos to get a deep voice kek. Who would've thought that fucking up your body and hormones while having a brain disease would lead to death.

No. 2436662

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When will tumblr call a spade a spade

No. 2436664

The concert one is valid or at least hard to argue against but the rest are just prime Western individualism.

In Eastern countries where collectivist and shame mentality are strong, you wouldn't be caught dead watching tiktok without headphones. It's such a rude thing to do.

No. 2436668

Only the first 2 sentences are "normal" the rest is insane.
OP sounds like she's describing a tech bro.

No. 2436669

That's a really weird thing to say. You know men who are sex pests/ porn addicts are more likely to engage in violent sexual acts, not less?
I wouldn't say they necessarily imitate body parts (I'm thinking any dildo with a clitoral stimulation bit, and maybe stuff like Tengas). But you're right that they're both similar in that aspect.

No. 2436670

They'll also stand by and do nothing while a grown man gropes a little girl right in front of them. People suck everywhere.

No. 2436674

Wait he's a gendie??
he always came off as a very bitter gay man that was overly self-aware and made crude jokes at the expense of everyone

No. 2436683

are they actually chasers? i think they just look for validation from moids and thats it

No. 2436702

JKR doesn't bow to TIMs=JKR is not classed as a human.
Your picrel is a terminally online retard who doesn't understand how to have a conversation IRL with normal people who don't go nuclear over internet hot topics.
Why are they acting like someone held a gun to this guy's head and forced him to sign a contract? He got the role because he wanted it. Tumblr will go to any lengths to pretend all non-white men are frail helpless retards with no agency.
I think it just means that several of the biggest names were outed as pedos/rapists etc in quick succession and then the whole group of kiddy diddlers was forced to seek refuge elsewhere because their handmaidens didn't step up.

No. 2436723

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>See an annoying as fuck post
>Visit OPs blog
>Annoying as fuck bio
TIMs are so annoying and late to the party on Tumblr shit like this, TIFs paved the way for racefaking and DIDfaking and its all very 2015 now

No. 2436728

A lot of them do have a fetish for transvestite men, even if they are not upfront about it. There's this turbohandmaiden I used to be mutuals with for fandom-related reasons who headcanons nearly all her husbandos as TIMs.

No. 2436741

I basically agree with this but it also feels like something someone would say right before their alt right/trawdife arc

No. 2436748

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Pic unrelated but pangur-and-grim irritates me too. I like her cats but she talks big game about being so "queer" and randomly taking testosterone but has a boyfriend she posts sometimes and by all accounts looks and acts like a woman. I think she has a point about women policing each other to make sure they're being feminine enough but framing it as a gender thing is lame.

No. 2436819

Your picrel is so funny because the supplement industry is largely unregulated and exploits people's lack of health literacy to push substances that, at best, do nothing and get pissed out, and at worst, have devastating health consequences (like B6 toxicity). There are people who benefit from supplements, but the vast majority of people taking them don't need them and are only doing it because of psuedoscientific marketing campaigns they saw online that promise eternal youth, strength, vitality, etc. This is why many doctors are extremely judicious with supplements and advocate for harsh crackdowns on the industry. So, actually, not a bad parallel, but it's not making the point he thinks it's making. Yes, supplements, like HRT, have a very narrow scope of medical utility and are being wildly overused because greedy CEOs know if they funnel money into Tiktok propoganda, they can meme people into throwing away their money to chase impossible dreams.

No. 2437286

It's called a joke.

No. 2437344

Jokes are funny.

No. 2437414

File: 1741562849714.png (1.92 MB, 1080x1978, Screenshot_20250309-192631.png)

imagine getting your nuts chopped off when youre built like this. the two keyless carabineers. kek

No. 2437547

funko pops in the background lmaooo moids can never hide their autism

No. 2437601

He needs to wash his hair yesterday

No. 2437604

The crusty socks lying on the ground

No. 2437957

>Citric acid is fine for my body but sulfuric acid is not

No. 2438241

Genuinely wishing for a second Tumblr exodus to take place just so all the fatass TIMs and their handmaidens fuck off. I know it's too much to ask for but it got close last year with the Predstrogen drama.

No. 2438639

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The reach.

No. 2438724

I just don't think kids being loud or some wageslave watching dramas without headphones on the bus warrants law enforcement action.

No. 2438884

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No. 2438891

Did I say it warranted intervention by law enforcement, or did I say there's a reason public nuisance laws were implemented?
And at this point I wish they were fined $20-50 every time I had to listen to their retarded social media feeds in public.

No. 2438913

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No. 2438917

The sister fetish thing TIMs bring up all the time is so crazy because it is such an obvious tell they're lifting it from anime. There is no English equivalent to onee-chan/imouto-chan and so they're left with this weird, stilted fetish speak that makes no sense unless it is contextualized as weeby prison gay AGPs reenacting hentai dialogue.

No. 2438922

Why do trannies, speficially autistic communist weeb ones, keep saying these weird newspeak words like "unpersoned" and "pedojacketing"? Where did it come from? But then you take a look at the context and "unpersoned" just means made fun of for being a degenerate pervert.

No. 2438924

>Trans women calling each other sisters while fucking will burn the United States to the ground
Idk trannies gay men have been doing that for years and the US is very much still there

No. 2438977

The Narcissist's Prayer in one image
>it didn't happen
>okay maybe it did but it's not a big deal
>okay maybe it is but if you have an issue with it then you're the problem

No. 2438981

The point is that unless you have a button that immediately explodes every single rude annoying person in the world right this instant, you will have to tolerate rude assholes sometimes. Powerlessly going 400% REEEEEEEE mode inside your head every time you have to hear a giggle two rows behind you at the movie theater is just gonna exhaust you.

>an adult smoking weed at a festival is so specific she wrote it about herself kek

Potheads don't like to admit this, but most people aside from potheads agree weed fucking stinks. If the OP lives in an area with legal weed it's believable that "pothead smoking in an area with a bunch of people and stinking up the place for everybody" would crop up in her head as a common example of rude behaviour.

No. 2438993

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>an adult smoking weed at a festival is so specific she wrote it about herself kek.
I think it's in response to pic rel which has been doing the rounds and getting roasted

No. 2439003

NTA but it's exhausting that anons are pretending people are upset at others breathing and living around us, like your example of "giggling in a movie theater". There is a clear difference between that, and actively rude and self centered behavior like watching videos or listening to music with no headphones and the volume turned up to hear it over everyone else in the space you're sharing. Taking phone calls on speaker. Playing on your phone in a space that relies on everybody being quiet and the room staying dark.
That this needs to be outlined for you is concerning.

No. 2439008

And girls in 2015 tumblr were doing this at the age of 15, this dude is in his 20s. We truly mature faster huh

No. 2439059

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Well since nobody else is gonna say it, I guess I'll be that person. She must have a really easy life if she's complaining about weed and not worried about getting groped or dry humped by a random scrote.

No. 2439065

Nta but both stoners hotboxing the whole area AND creepy scrotes groping me have pissed me off at concerts. The amount of times some dude has walked into me with his boner "on accident" or some drunk dumb fuck spilled beer on me or some retard blew smoke straight into my face, you wouldn't believe. Multiple groups of people can be antisocial and obnoxious at the same time

No. 2439127

The original poster (on tumblr) is conflating normal things like giggling a movie theatre and babies crying with people being rude, inconsiderate pieces of shit, like smoking weed in public, not using headphones when watching videos and being on their phones at the movies. No shit you have to deal with people being annoying but it doesn’t mean we can’t complain about it or tell people off for being rude.

No. 2439193

LATE twenties at that

No. 2439225

They need to put a character limit on bios too. This is an eyesore to read

No. 2439610

> enforcing public nuisance laws is not law enforcement intervention
so who would be collecting those fines??
it would be like deputizing the HOA

No. 2440721

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Do you guys ever like, not complain my dudebro man.

No. 2440731

these people would never, ever, ever in their lives give anything near the same weight to female discomfort. women are worthless to them. it is only because men have taken ownership of the concept of womanhood that it suddenly begins to matter as a category.

No. 2440738

They want to be called girlie pop because their egos are so fragile.

No. 2440739


No. 2440825

Why do lgbtards like to use things like sexuality/gender identity interchangeably with personality?

Is it because they want to feel different/special from normal people?
This guy looks like he would chase after me if i was walking home alone at night. Creepy

No. 2440827

ive made it this thing where if i see a tranny online (and sometimes irl, i havent met any yet) i will make it my duty to use words like “dude..” “bro, did you _” and “man.. homie thats so fucking gnarly” as if i was talking with a macho man. id also pretend to call them “him” to others and claim it was by accident. id tell him that i couldnt tell that he was “trans” so my mind just “defaults” to the correct pronouns.

lmao, its the cherry on top

No. 2440830

Mentally ill people love to flip to script. I hate mtf trannies with every cell in my body I swear to god

No. 2440835

The first two I don't care about but the third? Yeah, most mtf troons end up being child predators. So yes, I am obligated by law to call them out

No. 2440850

kek isn’t that the critical role goblin?

No. 2441019

there's something very telling there about not caring until it suddenly affects you. i guarantee they don't put this much effort into protecting any women they know

No. 2441186

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Not sure if this belongs in this thread or Ebegging cringe thread but I feel like I see some variation of this post every other day by her.

No. 2441215

Definitely compile a few screencaps and write a little blurb about her to post in the e-begging thread

No. 2441802

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No. 2442617

>wearing my gf’s underwear every day
… …

No. 2443181

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Hate when tumblr users try to sound smart

No. 2443717

>17th century
kek never change tumblrinas

No. 2444385

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Why is it everyone else's problem when a fat troon is too broke and anxious to buy clothes? Dude, spend less money on food and save it for fitting clothes.

No. 2444436

>#and massively stressful for me!!! i literally cannot do it alone!
These people can’t do anything.

No. 2444832

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No. 2445816

Washing your battle jacket to get rid of pot smoke LMFAO these people are such massive losers and posers

No. 2447102

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No. 2447454

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No. 2447459

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No. 2447460

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Yes, trans “women” have the rape organ, and therefor they are 4x more likely to commit sexual assault crimes like their fellow man.

No. 2447478

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hes a retard for acting like hes any different from a "cis" penis-haver

No. 2447479

i hate when woke troons say “dyke” under the pretense they can “reclaim the slur” even though they are just fugly entitled men who want to have an opinion on womens issues

No. 2447486

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also appearantly this troon victor has been posting since 2016 to 2h ago today
just mindlessly pressing the repost button on braindead word salad memes everyday for his 6 followers who barely even interact with his shit
tumblr is a bleak echo chamber

No. 2447487

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samefag, i hate how tumblr posters talk, they just combo random words that make no sense trying to larp being some poet for an audience of no one

No. 2447497

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every annoying tumblr post about something along the lines of “waaah im transwoman and im so genocided by terfs!” the first thing that comes up when you click on their account is that theyre a homeless ebegging bum

No. 2447501

I should have realized this thing "kins" Vriska. Explains so much about their shit tier personality.
Kek, this faggot is working soooo hard on not being homeless by wasting all their donations on alcohol. Typical ebeggar.

No. 2447504

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samefag. he has a webpage too with links to his other socials. his twitter account is just as retarded

No. 2447509

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wow his professional work email is embarrassing

No. 2447510

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He also has the fugly TIM furry artstyle too lol

Holy fuck I hate homestuck autists so much. Also from looking it up, that character is trannybait for other mentally ill troons to latch onto. Go figure
Even his website reeks. Who is reading the blog of this nobody? I genuinely think hes going to ack before 2030.

No. 2447520

File: 1742157650666.jpg (87.3 KB, 720x889, 1000002172.jpg)

telltaletypist is a trans identified male with a lesbian fetish btw

No. 2447712

Wtf… I’ve seen this user a few times in passing and always assumed he was female

No. 2447713


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No. 2448045

I’m sick of seeing this word EVERYWHERE on tumblr. Half the time they don’t even use it right.

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