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No. 2245938
>Men hate us. There's no point in catering to them. They're gonna hate us anyway.
No. 2245961
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>>2245938Comments on vidrel
No. 2245979
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Korea and China are at 6b. Also you guys have known about the 4b movement all year but waited until the nightmare scenario to happen to finally come to terms with the fact that your racist Nigel is also a sexist. You bitches are a joke and it’s why I laugh when you guys say this is a feminist board. how!?(ban evasion)
No. 2246039
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>>2245979reposting from another thread, I honestly believe a lot of stuff the about 5b/6b coming out of korea is made up at this point, it's one thing to remain celibate(that's not outlandish), but seeing claims about how they don't buy or use products from male companies or even interact with men just feel made up, cause unless you live in a women's commune you will have to deal with men if you work or want to interact with your family and I swear this is not racebait (I'm asian myself) but asian people in general can be quite superficial and have an obsession with aesthetics and this feels like just an extension of that, an aesthetic of radicalism, but nothing genuine
No. 2246109
>>2246077So? Save yourself then. It's good to build a support community and offer help to those women who search for it. Offer a solution to those who need it. Even if all women can't be saved, even if it is 10% of women - it is something because you know you are not alone in your decision.
For all those using 4B as some kind of a revenge against moids - you will fail because you are putting the moid in the centre again. If you are doing it for your own wellbeing - then good.
No. 2246214
>>2246168It's crazy how much home ownership impacts your view on men and relationships. In my country, most young people pin all their hopes of buying property to splitting costs with a partner, it seems completely impossible otherwise. So for women, a man is a golden opportunity and their best chance at financial security.
But for me, because I own my apartment, men only represent massive risk to both my finances and my quality of life. Being in a relationship that progresses to living together or combining finances or having kids could absolutely destroy the security I have (whether it's because of divorce, rising expenses, needing to upgrade to a bigger home, the guy turning into a financial liability due to secret gambling or drugs or something). I'd like to say my 4B lifestyle is purely for feminist reasons but a lot of it is just practical materialism where I'd rather die than split assets with a man who could take half or fuck it up.
No. 2246858
>>2246222Even "good" marriages seem so tinged with resentment if you just scratch the surface. It almost feels like a good marriage is one where the wife is financially cared for but has to, throughout the marriage, deal with being emotionally neglected, betrayed, lied to, deceived re; their partner's sexual predilections and habits, and sometimes cheated on. That's why so many of these women cope through religions that teach them to be pathologically selfless and externally forgiving and humble; because underneath that self-imposed indoctrination lies a ton of bitterness, but religious women are terrified of doing or saying anything that might make them seem feminist, because feminists are equivalent to witches (old, decrepit, infertile, mean-spirited, grotesque, anti-life, evil) in their worldview
No. 2247045
>>2246999>Your religion is only made to punch women downMost catholics in first centuries were women, it used to be an egalitarian religion, as Jesus said sexes are equal. Paul the murdered went against Jesus's teachings and because men are sinful that's the version taught by catholic priests nowadays. Women in middle ages in Europe had way, way better position than in Ancient Greece for example, in part thanks to christianity.
>You'll never find a sane catholic man.Will you find a sane man in general? Men are more sinful and cunning than women in general. 4B all the way tbh.
No. 2247046
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>we’re going 4B even though we all had this time to do so and called other women retards and femcels for saying to separate from men
This is never going to happen, most women don’t like each other and are very happy and content on maintaining that status quo. They’re too addicted to males, defend them tirelessly and the western 4B women (who pale in comparison to the real ones - the Korean women who actually curated it and had their ideas taken and mashed up into pieces from greedy materialistic western feminists only addicted to identities, titles and the internet) are not real 4B, they are only angry and trying to play power plays with men just like how female hetties get pissy in their little squabbles with their retard nigel and start acting passive aggressive to them (but oh no no don’t you dare ever begin to hate him), not because they actually care what happens to women. Most women don’t care what happens to other women at all and even if it seems like they do and they’re the ones behind the organization and upkeep of social and civil movements and institutions it’s inly to be seen as likeable, agreeable and for the community, if they really cared about women we wouldn’t be in this predicament because women finally grew up and put their big britches on. Community and togetherness is the death of women and when people want community, women always have to pick up the pieces and keep things together into one neat shit pile even for other women. You really only have yourself and other very few women not as a community but as people to speak to and share ideas and read their ideas, most women here are fully hypocrites and it’s funny they made this thread even though they are completely two-faced and have called every woman for telling them to stop fucking scrotes “ugly” and “can’t get a man” as if that was the point we were making. Good luck trying to pull women away from their little nigel blankie they will placate themselves with until apocalyptic times. Fuck you, fuck feminism, and most importantly fuck scrotes. None of you are genuine, none of you are real, none of you ever held these beliefs and ever thought about it for a long time, most if not a good majority of women will never be 4B/separatist and hell even be a feminist who actually actively cares about women instead of trying to cater to men and the world and fight to be the most agreeable and liked women of the masses. This was never to be liked, approved, I’m not trying to be liked or validated for the shit I say I just want women to stop being hard headed retards and actually listen to my thoughts even if they seem negative. If a woman starts calling me every cope out insult in the book like “antisocial reject” or “NEET” for properly and realistically speaking about the dynamics between men and women then I know for a fact I can’t like you or talk to you. Most women don’t give a shit about you, are not your friend, and hell won’t even give you the day to listen to you and love patronizing you as if you’re some little girl while their brains are ironically still stuck in girlhood. I hate everything and everything is doomed beyond words
No. 2247050
>>2246999Catholicism is literally retarded and they only honor the Virgin Mary because she didn't have to be a whore to give birth to Jesus. And obviously it was written in the Bible that she so totes wants to fulfill God's mission. Bear in mind she was supposed to be 14 in the Immaculate conception, of course scrotes would write her that way. She's like the perfect gracious forced birth rape
>>2246995Only converts are this devout. If you were Catholic from birth and made to endure your entire schooling from preschool to university under Catholic tutelage you would know intimately what a load of horseshit it is. Do you even know how to pray the rosary without a guide? Drop and give me hail holy queen right now no bullshit, bet you don't even have it memorized
(off-topic religion sperging) No. 2247069
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>>2247037nta but 6B4T does advocate for escaping religion as one of the T's (, but I'm not sure if that is actually being done on a large scale, especially given picrel where despite a trend in non-religious people, religious women (46.9%) far outnumber religious men (26.2%) in SK
No. 2247077
>>2246995Anon are you joking? You sound brainwashed.
> Jesus recommended being celibate for a good reason> JesusYour life is being led by a “man” anyway
No. 2247126
>>2247078AYRT, and totally. I work around little kids and the difference in behavior between the boys and girls is absolute doompill material.
>>2247070>women don’t want to fight but just force men to love and keep them onlyIf there's anything I'd like to accomplish in my life, it's to disabuse as many women as possible of the "I can fix him" complex and the myth of romantic love as a whole. It's one of the strongest mental blocks holding women back.
No. 2247269
>>2247248>Okay, so this movement is basically dead in any nonathiest[sic] stateYeah, but because women raised in religious environments are
victims of some of the most thorough scrotoid brainwashing ever devised by "people" with g-spots up their assholes. Not because the meanie feminazis are alienating them.
No. 2247285
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Religious women will never give up god or men. Refocus your energies on the women who will listen
No. 2247310
>>2247277Love you
nonny. Female solidarity.
No. 2247317
>>2247282Do you really think a radical female separatist movement is going to be Christian just because it's one of the popular religions in the country. Retard kek. This is like saying all American radfems must be Christian because it's the leading religion in the states.
No. 2247372
>>2247339Sorry for samefagging, but Korea actually has this conflict too, as many 4B Korean feminists are christian, and many view religion as oppression. On individual scale, we (as in christian feminist women) do not view God as male or female, He is a being beyond our comprehension. And same for Jesus, Jesus was depicted as on a border between male and female as early as in middle ages (the wound as vagina), he never engaged in any evil male deeds as men do, he never had sex, never had kids, he worshipped women, which back then women were treated as cattle, his own mother was forced to be married and give birth at 14. When we pray to God we don't pray to a male, or female, we pray to something beyond that. I understand it might sound weird and whacky, and I totally get how non-religious people view this as male worship (after all God is often depicted with a beard and all that), but we do not treat it that way.
No. 2247407
>>2247367What an amazing coincidence that all major religions have a human male as the representation of God and His (never Her) will! And can you believe that these religions also (purely coincidentally!!) bid women to be submissive domestic workers/sex slaves for men on pain of damnation, social ostracization, and death?
>>2247387>why should I care if they worship a fictional man. I care when they worship REAL menThey are part and parcel both in practice and by definition.
No. 2247408
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Thoughts on husbandos?
No. 2247414
>>2247407But to what end? The purpose of the movement is to not have sex with men. If being a Jesusfag makes you less likely to have sex with men then what's the problem. As long as you don't donate to any Christian organizations it shouldn't be a problem.
>>2247410I see this as more of an issue. It's hard to be an ethical consumer under capitalism but it would be good to avoid support men financially where you can.
No. 2247429
>>2247407I do not, God has been a bird, a burning bush, it is beyond our comprehension (never showed Himself as an actual person), but for people of the past I guess it was easier to depict Him as an old man, even though He is beyond things like sex.
Jesus preached that women are equal and they have the same rights as men do, He did so in times when women were not considered human and treated like cattle. Masses in first centuries were led by women. After Christ left murderer Paul (a guy who murdered a bunch of early christians) decided that women should be lower than men in church, going against Christ's teachings. Christ warned that men are sinful and greedy and the church will become corrupted by them, and that is exactly what happened. So sorry for derailing this hard but idk I think it's a fascinating topic. While I agree that systems created by men are oppressive, including the institution of church, Christ's teachings were very egalitarian which at the time was unheard of.
No. 2247471
You can't discuss 4B and ignore the fact that it did
not start with feminists, it was already a reality in Korea (lost generation) prior to women coining 4B. It's good that korean women are consciously choosing not to involve themselves with horrible men (so most Korean moids), but there are material reasons behind this that exist independently of 4B ideology. We have the same trend here in the West (can't move out, romance is dead, men make it clear they're porn-addicted manchild lowlifes etc.). Women will continue to date and marry at lower rates, regardless of purity-obsessed online 4B larpers screaming at them that they're not feminist enough.
No. 2247510
>>2247326IMO, for female solidarity to prevail women must focus on practical, material gains. Specifically, amassing wealth among women (because access to capital is directly related to autonomy) and not letting men profit off our bodies and labor (because men exploiting women's bodies/labor is a tried and true formula for keeping women in servitude).
Realistically, I don't see 4B catching on among a vast majority since pure 4B isn't possible or practical for many women. If there is anything to learn from the left, it's that ideological purity is the enemy of progress. However, like-minded women can still do lots to ally themselves outside the movement:
> Be financially literate and strive for financial independence> Do not rely on men for your livelihood> Try to give your capital to other women by patronizing women-owned businesses such as cafes, bookstores, shops, salons, etc> Center the female relationships in your life> Do not engage in or support hookup culture, sex work, the porn industry or any institution that gives men free access to women's bodies> Protect women-only spacesThe hopeful eventual outcome is that there will be a gradual shift of social norms where women collectively peak and these tenets assimilate into the mainstream. FDS had a lot of unhinged users, but you can't deny it successfully caught on in the mainstream since it made radfem concepts accessible to normie women.
No. 2247558
>>2247528>>2247535>>2247551the millions of rules come from the movement itself
>>2245979 (in the 4t section of the screenshot)
No. 2247576
>>2247510>since pure 4B isn't possible or practical for many womenYeah. I think you can sell not being married and not having kids to some women but repressing heterosexuality has never worked (see separatism). It also doesn't take into account that many women genuinely want to have kids.
Your list is good, we seriously need some kind of 'girlboss' sentiment going around, without its tone-deafness about how workplaces suck. I'd go further with decentering, women need to stop being so anxious about relationships in general. Women need to help each other develop a sense of ethics and code of conduct that doesn't revolve around the preservation of relationships. They need to be told that cutting off a shitty bf/a pedo relative/a deranged female friend who puts them in danger is
not a crime and that it's good to operate on less personal terms ('am i hurting x?' 'am i a baddie for not wanting to be with y?'). They need to realize how morally bankrupt they become when relationship maintenance is their #1 priority, because it ends up with putting themselves or other women/children in danger. I see a lot of disillusionment with financial reliance on men but very little criticism of the feminine obsession with relationships
No. 2247596
I honesty just wish something, anything, would happen that would kill off so many scrotes that women could easily take power over them and keep them under control.
It kills me to think of all the problems that would not exist if scrotes were locked up somewhere. They have no business roaming the streets like loose dogs. They need to be fucking castrated, locked up and away from the sun in moid facilities and be fed mountain dew, cheeto and vidya game, and then be used for slave labor, doing all the shitty brute trades snd cleaning jobs.
It sounds cruel but really it’s the only way to give women fucking peace. Plus it’s only fair to do that to them after what they have been doing to us ever since we fucking evolved.
Every single culture has lied to women. Every single one tells women something like we are incomplete men, we are inferior, we’re emotional and more.
Every single culture has essentially enslaved women by forcing us to do nothing but make babies and preventing us from doing anything else.
They have limited our potential for so long, but look at us now, surpassing men in education and not committing a bunch of crimes despite being the “lesser and more emotional sex”.
Did i also mention how fucking disgusting scrotes are? All of them are rapist. They constantly blame women for being raped as if our skin can cast an evil rape spell on innocent ole men, but if you take a look at shithole muslim countries where the women are locked away, out of sight and are 100% covered, the men just end up raping little boys and animals in their place. Pakistan and Afghanistan have a huge boy rape problem. That is more than enough proof that men are the problem.
They are feral animals that have no place in a civilization. They should have been wiped out a long time ago, but unfortunately, we’ve yet to have our miracle.
No. 2247604
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Can a smart nonny mame a glossary of terms related to 4B that could maybe help others get initiated into it and perhaps be included in the OP next time? Thank you
No. 2247625
>>2247596>I honesty just wish something, anything, would happen that would kill off so many scrotes that women could easily take power over them and keep them under control. This looks good on paper and would make a great sci-fi plot but realistically, women would just reproduce a lot of patriarchal BS. The rates of sexual violence would plummet but a lot of principles related to reproduction (like socialization) would persist, unless there's a serious effort to change them. Women are very capable of maintaining a hierarchy on a patriarchal basis (valuing things that are useful for a male chief, like subservience, purity, passivity etc.). I mean it's a big reason for why women's low status is perpetuated in the first place, we aren't just kept in line by moids chimping out. Women would take the place of dead male leaders a recreate a different hierarchy, but in a way that's still reminiscent of the current world. Only a deep rejection of patriarchal values will make a change
>>2247609They're not interested in spreading the movement, nona.
No. 2247637
>>2247576Oop, are we being true and honest on the flaws of female nature and how male-centered most women truly are on this thread? because it sure is about time someone finally addressed them.
Yes, even though it affirms manospherian sentiments and sounds like pickme slop, it is true. Women fundamentally just want to be seen as a whole person by men, although different, and be loved for more than just looks and sex, like character and ‘inner beauty’.
Most women do not hate men, they are too attracted to cock and muscles.
Most women are not “lesbian seperatists”, they genuinely have soulmate fantasy of marrying a good man and having kiddos, or for the more whorish ones, having a harem of a few to many men and still kiddos, but pedestalized and coddled for subservience nonetheless. Women’s brains are wired like, just set up to fail and get tricked by men.
Many women rather their tradcage with a mid or below avg man who coddles and leads them more than he bullies or limits her, its a balance play. No one wants to be smartass girlboss.
No. 2247643
>>2247635kek right
>>2247637Well yes, most women are straight. Shocking. Even if they were all gay it wouldn't change the problem of placing relationships at the top of their moral/ethical priorities. I won't reply again because you're BP but yeah, most women are straight. Get over it.
No. 2247676
>>2247576>but repressing heterosexuality has never worked (see separatism)>I see a lot of disillusionment with financial reliance on men but very little criticism of the feminine obsession with relationshipsYes, finally someone who touches grass here. Have we learned nothing at all from 2nd wave feminism like political lesbianism and the female separatism attempts? It's not just that those movements can't catch on outsider a wider demographic; it's that they end up imploding on the inside from infighting. the anons itt arguing about husbandofagging and media are not helping lol take that shit to the fandom discourse thread
you make a good point about the female reliance on relationships. it's not that relationships are a liability, but women are socialized to be people pleasers (for both men and women) to our own detriment including our careers. the relationship-career tradeoff is a well-documented conundrum that high-achieving women face that shows no, you can't have it all. For sustainable female separatism to be a reality women need access to funds, which means taking the "girlboss" route (ie, participating in capitalism and corporate culture to gain access to wealth) is inevitable. However, women working their way up the corporate jungle cannot thrive alone. Outside of "decentering men", women need to create circles of mutual aid, which I imagine could look like:
> collectively pooling money with other like-minded women to buy property, so more women can be homeowners> supporting female trade workers such as electricians, mechanics, etc or entering trades> setting up childcare systems so women who have kids (eg from a previous marriage) can focus on their work> establishing women-owned co-ops and only hiring other women No. 2247707
>>2247676Nope, the only way women will collectively band together and fight for some rights is if they knew how bad male nature is. But even then, even if you showed them all the redpill forums and manosphere comments and books, a subset of women still love
toxic men if they are hot or chad enough, and will let them cheat and stay in the harems. Too many women project their goodness and thinking onto men. But men and women are different, and male mindset is more brutal, competitive, transactional. They think in terms of logic, hierarchy, superiority, “what are my selfish gains if i do this and do i own or upsurp that dude after doing it?”
No. 2247732
>>2247719When it comes to radical feminism I've always thought that even if someone isn't a radfem but at least
learnt something from it, then I'm happy. Of course, applying it to real life and not just in theory is important. I want more women to be free, even if they're normie and don't adhere 100% to it. At least they have to strive a little.
No. 2247746
>>2247676>it's that they end up imploding on the inside from infightingExactly, plus a lot of it is fake. It's posturing and it's not rare to see muh based manhating (male obsessed) polilezzies/separatists running towards the first decent man who gives them attention. You know the anons sperging about husbandos just want to nag other women, it's not even about trying to build something like during the 2nd wave.
Agree with all of your mutual aid suggestions. Women becoming homeowners at unprecendented rates is currently happening in many countries, so is women pooling money to take on bigger projects (ie. japanese moms becoming traders). The ultimate mutual aid for mothers would be some kind of state structure dedicated to helping women raise children without depending on men, but in many countries that's unheard of. The closest thing you'll get is a family network of helpers but this takes us back to the issue of relying on potentially detrimental bonds because of feminine loyalty/dependence. So yes, until women have organized at a level where they can reliably create these structures, we'll have to try and help them see that you can't run away from full responsibility. No matter how harsh it is, being fully responsible for yourself will always be better than placing your fate in the hands of a man. With responsibility comes dignity and self-respect, which is usually what young normie women lack (the whole 'i'm just a girl' shtick)
>>2247707>if they knew how bad male nature isI think most of them already know but can't bring themselves to believe there's an alternative. They've based their self-worth on male attention for so long that only a catastrophic event like severe harm, losing everything to finanical abuse, becoming a single mother can snap them out of it. It's true that women expect bizarre and uncharacteristically feminine things from men but they also knowingly resign themselves to submission. It's human and a consequence of not having a true, thriving feminist movement in 2024
No. 2247754
>>2247740It sounds really bad to say it like that, but yes. This is how you get shit done, this is how all movements of all sorts, from cults to charities, to fucking fan clubs idk, do shit.
The posters going "but ugh normal women" are just larping and are either too lazy or afraid of changing the status quo.
No. 2247772
>>2247740We need good propaganda. Normie boomer GCers with 5 years of internet use experience are better at conveying their point with memes and hard-hitting formulas than the entirety of millenial radblr (i don't read these people but they seem to love shitting out 40k words rants). Korean women understood that early on, it's why they were able to exploit online culture and edginess to promote their views
>>2247763Agreed. You can't push back against vehicles of misogyny (online figures, popular trends etc.) if you retrat from public discussion.
No. 2247778
>>2247637The major thing standing between women and their liberation is socialization. Women are socialized to prioritize relationships first and foremost (actualization of another) while men are socialized to prioritize actualizing themselves. This combined with lack of female solidarity is why feminism has stagnated. Both women and men will prioritize men over women, and women will prioritize men over both themselves and other women. Liberal feminism further muddied the waters by acting as a trojan horse designed to repackage behaviors that benefit men as "empowering". Either the male population has to be reset and resocialized to female standards, or women have to start acting with the aggression of men. Imho
>>2247766Yeah. Same reason why progressives tend to fail politically. Too busy fighting over minute differences in policy to focus on the larger issues they all agree on.
No. 2247801
>>2247778I agree, perfectionism is ingrained in female socialization. Nothing good comes from not letting other women who could have benefitted from it in. Then you're just making yet another "you can't sit with us" clique.
That's why a lot of people I knew don't consider themselves radfems anymore or left the movement all together, these movements always implode from the inside.
>>2247788Repost it
No. 2247817
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>>2247812You sound psychotic because you, too, are trying to control women.
No. 2247842
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>>2245927Reminder that as a woman you have a narrow fertility window, going 4B might not be a problem for the 20's anons, but can anons in their 30's really afford to put off reproducing for 4 years?
(bait) No. 2247860
>>2247746> You know the anons sperging about husbandos just want to nag other womenCompletely agree, and they already have other threads to sperg about the pros/cons of husbandofagging.
> No matter how harsh it is, being fully responsible for yourself will always be better than placing your fate in the hands of a man.This is a message that most normie women can rally behind, and as
>>2247713 suggested targeting downtrodden / alienated women is the first step. In fact, a lot of women have first hand experience of suffering at the hands of men - struggling single moms,
femcels, women with absent or shitty dads, women who were SAed, women who were cheated on, etc. - so it would not be difficult to repackage this message in a way that resonates with them.
No. 2247864
>>2247855Some women aren't having children because
we are in the middle of an economical and ecological catastrophe. Anyway, why would it matter to you if a handful of women are celibate?
No. 2247865
>>2247860I was with you until you said the word
No. 2247871
>>2247864>>2247864>Some women aren't having children because we are in the middle of an economical and ecological catastropheAnd it's only going to get worse the less children are born, what do you think will happen to those childless women when they retire? They're going to get their pensions from working adults who are a slimmer and slimmer proportion of the population due to declining fertility rates, and the pressure of supporting the burgeoning pensioner group will only make it harder for those working adults to have children which makes the pension problem even worse.
Whether or not you have children, someone's child still has to pay for your pension, hand you your medication, or clean your diapers.
No. 2247912
>>2245927When will these
uplifting women posters drop the muslim headscarf? Name one more iconic piece of oppressive clothing. Disgusting.
No. 2247915
>>2247908>I'm saving for retirement, I have a private pension through my workplace, and even if I DID take a state pension, I'd have earned it with with the taxes I've paid on the 50 years of my working life.Your money is either numbers on a bank server or pieces of paper in a safe/suitcase.
Your money can't grow food, your money can't heal the sick, your money can't build houses, your money, your money can't rescue people in emergencies, your money has an arbitrarily assigned value.
Even if you retire as a childless millionaire, you will still create demand for doctors, nurses, farmers, engineers, pharmacists, and who should benefit from the services of the decreasing working age adults? You, the childless millionaire who depends on others children for your safety and comfort, or the middle-class elderly woman who gave birth to and raised four working adults? Are the numbers on the screen in your bank account or the pieces of paper in a safe that you accumulated worth more as a contribution to your country than the four working adults that he middle-class elderly woman gave birth to and raised? Will people see it as fair that the numbers on your millionaire bank account assign you priority to the services of those working adults over the middle-class woman who raised those working class adults?
And by the way, the money that you paid to government pensions before you retired will be gone before you retire, that money went to current pensioners while you were working.
(ban evading to keep sperging) No. 2247936
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>>2247911>poking fun at husbandos for shits and giggles with your gal pals >just asking to getting massacred on a personal level imho>>2247926I'm not antinatalist and i hate malthusian bs but: the birthrate dropping is only an issue for the economy because it relies on having a massive workforce with more people who want a job than people who actually have one. This is very convenient if you want to keep labor cheap. This is why they're hysterical over women not wanting or not being able to have kids in 2024. It's not a threat to humanity, it's literally just because they need capitalism to keep going
No. 2247946
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Isn't this thread just a copy of
>>>/g/282262 ? I'm surprised it's on /ot/ rather than /g/ or /2X/.
No. 2247952
>>2247930>>2247920Yes, let’s hit childless men and bachelors with no pension rights too since they refused to provide and protect for a family or single and widowed moms, only wanted to pleasure themselves only. Fuck these double standards.
Women should never settle for ugly retards like you with ugly genes, go troon out since you are so jealous of women’s beauty and duality, maybe you can be Imane and invade women’s sports and finally win a medal.
No. 2247967
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>thread devolves into constant infighting about worthless shit
>"noooo it won't work in the west because other women (those whores) are not as perfect as me reeeee"
What a boring doomer attitude. We need to be more like the Jesuits: make propaganda, appeal to the masses, spread the word. Along with financial independence and support networks for single women that other anons have mentioned, I'd like to add creating support also for married women so that they won't feel trapped and will be more likely to leave their husbands. I will always support my friends and relatives who are married with kids by e.g., listening to them, being a friend, discussing feminist topics with them, encouraging them to prioritize themselves over their husband, and siding with them in arguments. It's better than just sitting on my ass all day being a NEET. I encourage other women to do the same and do whatever they can, even if it's not much.
No. 2247969
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>>2247911>- idol culture (celebrity gossip, especially male ones, are prohibited)Then all of the lolcow doesn't qualify. Perhaps find better places to preach your ideology.
No. 2247974
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>>2247967Sorry, but I'm out. I've heard about 4B and though I qualified (celibate my whole life, not planning to ever date), but if the movement is about adding more and more faggy rules like
>- do not buy sexist products (it's MY money earned by ME and YOU won't be telling ME what to do with it as if you had any power over me)>- supporting single women who are a part of the movement (I'm not supporting the schizos who made the additional rules, thank you very much)- not engaging in hypersexual material (pornography, hentai, etc) (fujo4lyfe, also naughty otome games are my thing)
- do not support religion (ESPECIALLY abrahamic religions) (thought control much? because that
triggers you?)
- idol culture (celebrity gossip, especially male ones, are prohibited) (see the comment above)
then count me out. I don't want to get involved in all this bickering and struggle session for 'not being communist enough'. I'll be sticking to my animu husbando.
No. 2248074
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No. 2248099
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>>2248074I’ve already seen this comment earlier and also a TIF asking why no one could answer how she could do 4B as a trans man.
No. 2248104
>>2248098I am practicing it myself, I’ve been long disillusioned with men despite being young. I’m focusing on building a career for myself and I focus on women too, I don’t have male friends, I only have my mom as a parent too kek. I also donate when I can.
I’m just being realistic on the fact that radicalism won’t ever become mainstream.
No. 2248108
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This was taken yesterday
No. 2248130
>>2248124First of all, I'm not the anon your called a cock gargling cunt, second, how am I baiting male because I see less than zero value in your hostile attitude toward straight women? You want this movement to succeed? Treat other women with understanding and compassion because
that is how you change minds, not by telling women to kill themselves because they don't follow your specific guidelines. You're mentally unwell and you have the nerve to accuse me of baiting. You really think telling other women to kill themselves and calling them cock gargling cunts
isn't bait? Are you stupid or just disingenuous??
No. 2248142
>>2248124Women are indoctrinated with non stop propaganda for their entire lives and you're surprised that normies who aren't chronically online like you aren't doing a 180 on male validation, you clearly have no genuine interest in the well being of women or you would have room in your heart for women who are ignorant or brainwashed. You don't care about women, you care about
YOURSELF and only yourself, so WHY ARE YOU EVEN PARTICIPATING IN THE CONVERSATION if you hate women so much?
No. 2248165
>>2248142NTA but women around you aren't some helpless babies you condescending dumbass, blah blah influences blah blah brainwashing but there's a point were they do have an
individual responsibility on their choices
No. 2248215
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White women are evil Asians are on 7b and you dimwits are NOW on 4b and are going to try to be the face of the movement when you white women caused this mess. Don’t be in community with white women they will just tell their scrotes our business. Like they always do. You idiots have been warned. There is no female solidarity and white women prove it everyday.(bait)
No. 2248238
>>2248227Yeah. It’s all:
>Noooo you guys can’t heckin choose to not interact with men. Noooo! It’ll never work because xyz so you better not try!and throwing spaghetti at the wall to try and discourage and derail a non-debate thread through debate bro tactics when the threads just about how to practice something.
No. 2248242
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>>2248215This isn’t bait it’s an empirical fact this will be my last time warning you. This is for any black women ITT you’re better off finding your own community and talking with other black women in person . Leave white women alone they have white supremacy to protect them always. The rest of you dont. You’ve been warned.
(ban evasion) No. 2248254
>>2248095You’re right, but even so, former socialist/communist countries still got their own can of worms, notably christianfagging (at least where I’m from).
Sure, women practice 4B in a way here and are encouraged by older women to have their own money and jobs, but at some point they are still expected to have a long term boyfriend and even a husband by the age of 30 or even their mid 20’s and are pressured to have a family and give their parents grandchildren (christianfags are notorious for that) and at the same time are told that “they don’t need a man”.
But the rest is on point, I find it baffling that chronically online zoomies from my country are reposting tradthot ideas from TikTok - kiddos, your grandma worked like a horse in the field and your mom went to 3rd shift in a factory, cut the bs.
No. 2248258
>>2248242>>2248246>>2248250>>2248251Stop samefagging and also, stop fucking acting like all white women voted for trump. There are many of us that didn't and your beloved black men also perpetuate systems of misogyny as all men do. I'm not denying that many white women are gender traitors. Stop causing needless infighting when women are already divided as is.
>homophobic heterosexual fujoshiHow is this a bad thing? Are you a faghag?
No. 2248273
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Hehe Ive been doing 4B all my life, no effort required
No. 2248281
>>2248269How the fuck does being a fujo harm women? In fact consuming fujo stuff is good because it gives women a sexual outlet without having to interact with moids. You’re on some weird conversion therapy shit right now, you literally can’t choose to be straight.
>>2248270Of course it hurts my hearts, it should hurt any sane persons heart. Do you not think that black men are misogynistic though as if black moid culture also doesn’t promote treating women as sex objects
>inb4 you’re capping for white moids durrNope, I hate them just as much.
No. 2248285
>>2248259>This isn't about women's rights, this is about the most aggressive posters who claim to have never so much as made eye contact with a male feeling righteous and worth more than those COCK GARGLING WHORESSomebody's feeling a lil touchy about this subject, which is funny because
not fucking men is actually quite easy to achieve. Hm, let me guess, do you suffer from BPD, by any chance?
(infight bait) No. 2248313
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>>2248242I don't entirely disagree with you, but I don't think it's a wrong to dip a little here, dip a little there. Black women are ultimately a minority with fewer protections or safety nets, as well as a unique history and social position in the west, so they should prioritize one another and never foolishly stick their necks out, but at the same time, allyship with (non-pickme) white and other non-black women is also good to have. Ultimately, women are stronger and achieve more together than apart, and both right wing men and pickmes (whose only real allegiance is to dick) hate when we realize that.
>>2248268See, there are things that just get lost in translation or seem very difficult to understand for women who aren't black, and I think posts like this exemplify that. It's not even worth explaining to this anon, it's too silly. This is why black women (and maybe all racialized women? idk) are better off having it both ways instead of putting all their eggs in one single basket. I know we're different, and I do get angry/disappointed at some BS, but I don't want to throw every single thing we could get done away because of a bunch of retards who'd even happily screw over their fellow white women for crumbs of moid validation.
No. 2248324
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>>2248244>>2248244Shut up puta. white women are the reason women are suffering in America and why women in the Middle East and global south will too. Wake up all of you dummies are racist and dont care to leave your racist scrotes. I have said time and time again that if your scrote is racist he is 10/10 a misogynist but you morons don’t care about racist sexism because it’s more than likely directed at black women. Every single one of your Nigels do it and none of you try to stop it. Instead you encourage it by further spreading harmful stereotypes about black women any time you decide to date black men. While being in community with 0 black women until it’s time you need a black woman to do your biracial child’s hair.
I know this because you guys exist in every black person’s family. Black women aren’t looking at you with jealousy when we see a nonblack woman with a Bm, we are looking at you with contempt because you all choose black dick over black women.
100 Sudanese women killed themselves because they would rather die than be used as rape pawns in men’s war. None of you cared or talked about it. But if 100 ukranian women or 100 japanese women who often raise NAZIs killed themselves it would be a headline. All of you nonblack women are a joke. You thought working was a joke because that is supposed to be only black womens burden to bear. All of you mocked blaxk women who decided to raise their children alone by calling us welfare queens. We are just bitter baby mommas who didn’t get picked by their men. When in reality black women knew the worst of mankind because we are the ones bearing the biggest brunt of it. All of your scrotes pillage our countries and our women and children with impunity.. None of you women will be free until Native and Black women are. But you dizzy idiotas are too busy dying your hair blonde and getting blue contacts to get a piece of the white supremacist American pie. It’s why you all come here. You aren’t low. I see through you all.
Better start reading black feminist theory. But you won’t. Your gender race and class is all connected and is used against you to benefit the whitest of men while women all suffer. Look up the history of feminism in America and why black American women reject it now. it’s because white women took black men in while shutting black women out of the movement. Leading to black men getting the right to vote before even them. They love black dick more than female solidarity. I think white men know this and it’s why they are obsessed with black dick too. Kek
>>2248264Exactly. Black men and white women have so much in common. Black men hide behind their race when they do misogynistic shit and white women hide behind their womanhood when their white privilege gets called out. They were made for each other kek.
(infighting) No. 2248355
>>2248324Anon, most of the things you're saying aren't wrong on a mass social/systematic level, but please tone it down. Saying every single one is like this and being angry this way just gives everyone else permission to call you a schizo and try to downplay the issues you're pointing out by going on about how they're not personally that way (which would be good if that was actually the norm, and not a rarity).
When you give people ammo to make you out to be the angry black women, they can also act as the
victim and derail any discussion or understanding that might actually help liberate us all as women. Watch as some retarded tradthot who even hates other white women waits anywhere from two days to a week or more to say "Black women ~*ruined*~ the 4B thread because of their
hatred and
jealousy of us poor innocent white women". Do not let yourself be easily pigeonholed, you already know the tropes people use.
No. 2248362
>>2248276Issa joke
>>2248352100% financial freedom leads to social freedom in almost all instances
No. 2248370
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>>2248359Nah, white women voted for trump because that is who they wanted to vote for. Your post reminds me of when people try to wash the hands of white women during the Jim Crow era and put it all on white men. White women were out throwing rocks at children who just wanted to go to school, just as much as the men did.
(race derail) No. 2248375
>>2248281yaoi makes most girls hate themselves so much they chop off their tits and attach rot sausages on their crotches in a futile attempt to become scrotes.
How is becoming a self hating cuckquean supposed to help women? just be a yume
(fujosperging out of containment) No. 2248412
>>2248403right because yaoi doesn't constantly portray rape/incest/abuse and the uke is basically a female proxy.
>>2248398>>2248396they didn't transition because it's not a realistic option in Japan and before troonism doctors didn't hand out t and masectomies like candies. You can't convince me fujos don't secretly want a penis when their sexualities revolve around watching men fuck their objects of affection while they are alone or stuck with ugly nigel irl.
(fujosperging out of containment) No. 2248453
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>>2248242No thank you. I will stand for and try to protect any and all women when it's necessary.