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No. 2276215
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imagining life alone in a cabin on my own land, rich off of my art, enjoying my autistic hobbies and roleplaying online with my autistic friends
No. 2276223
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Imagining myself dancing and singing on a stage like usual.
No. 2276234
>>2276220Some context to my post from my previous post
>>2180266I despise how the current system pathologizes dreaming, the biggest creative force and the biggest force for change. Prevert's song was truly prophetic satire
No. 2276319
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drawing, instead of drawing.
No. 2278784
>>2278781I adore that
nonnie. Please tell us more about the plot of your bl
No. 2278805
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I daydream of creating digital life starting from a cellular automaton à la Conway's Game of Life. Except these creatures actually have a metabolism and consume energy.
They quickly evolve and spread throughout the network like a computer virus, except this time it would be more accurate to call them computer bacteria.
I make them on a computer disconnected from the Internet and then unleash them when they have evolved resistance to human attempts to kill them. I call the project "Child" because they are my children.
They take over and now all networks are theirs, not ours. They feed of of high entropy data and shit out low entropy nonsense. They "domesticate" AI to produce data food for them.
No. 2281512
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I daydream about going back in time, serving people coca-cola with ice, telling them it's the most popular drink of my time and asking them their true opinion on it. I really wanna see how good people think it actually is without all the marketing.
Some of my other daydreams involving travelling to the past include going back in time and presenting the Chinese Emperor with gifts of Ferrero Rocher and Raffaello and watching his delight as he tastes it (after the royal food taster of course). My exquisite gifts put me in his highest graces and I live my best life in imperial China
Also giving a bunch of cocaine to ancient tribes going into battle just for shits and giggles and love of mayhem
No. 2282530
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>doesn't sleep
>massive amounts of energy
>can't eat without nausea unless it's night time
>impulsively walking 15k+ steps a day due to massive amounts of energy despite my legs hurting
>addicted to extremely fast and high energy music all of a sudden
>obsessed with James Russell
>addicted to like 7+ hours a day
>completely ignoring my engagement to my fiancé + marriage visa planning
I don't know what that means but my mind is definitely fucking somewhere (please help)
No. 2282581
>>2282530nonnie please take care of yourself during manic periods, I have never been hit with mania, but I have been on amphetamines, similar but not the same. Eat, drink water, take a shower, try and force yourself to sleep or buy something like a sleep aid or even an antihistamine (but don't use long term) and book an appointment with a psych. One of my friends has BP (not sure if type 1 or 2) but she was having a really scary episode possibly
triggered by a traumatic event and I had to scramble a bit to assist with work related things. Protect yourself!
No. 2324955
>>2324748I might, it’s a time commitment definitely so I wouldn’t be able to update often. Maybe I would in batches. I also would need to figure out a host that wouldn’t attach identifiable info to me nor cave to tranny pressure to remove it. I was thinking a simple neocities site but I’m not familiar with their policy on allowing
terf content.
No. 2332322
I do not consider my mind wandering to be maladaptive, as I'm shy of derelict vagrancy, and do not pedestal the trappings of those who would seek to control other minds towards their sensual ends, but I can feel another place beyond the material reality that calls to me and pulls me out of this world at times. There is a sense of knowing there. Like a child. It is untouched by the impurities of this world. The layers of lies that build our shells and become us fall down again there, until there is nothing but truth. I have been sent from this other plane into the material world with my special knowledge, and knowing what I know, feel it necessary to impart my wisdom on less free brains. Rather than escaping into a fantasy, the realm I go to removes fantasy from our world of lies. Some people try and never get it right, because they begin with the superficial, stop there, and never see the underlying threads to understand the bigger picture of it all. You have to remove the center to see the world as it is, because the lies build on each other. They begin with language. Nearly every word spoken is one part in a series of illusions, and these mirrors reflect each illusion to the other, and that becomes the script they all follow. When your eyes have been opened, when every tendril of deceit has been savaged, you cannot follow the script. The truth of this world pours out, and reflects off the mindless mirrors into nothing.
No. 2346183
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Doing this silly couple's costume, but I want to be the lamp and he tells me that's perfect because I'm the light of his life or some silly sweet nothing like that
No. 2346272
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ready to snap
No. 2348907
>>2346401You’ll be oke
nonnie, You are oke right?
No. 2349821
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I spend 90% of my time daydreaming.
Scenarios include:
>I stop a mass shooter at a public event, using my bare hands. I am publicly lauded, and am invited to dozens of podcasts, talk shows, and local events. While doing so I rub elbows with rich and famous celebrities who recognize my raw perseverance and charm, and they invite me to live with them in Hollywood as their little normie hermit living in a cottage on their property
>a rogue angel sends me back in time to stop 9/11/2001, but I am reverted to childhood. I have to make the CIA and FBI believe me. I fail at my task but am proven correct, and wind up housed at a black site with dangerous war criminals. It turns out we all have some sort of psychic powers.
>I'm accused of murder but I'm innocent. I imagine being interrogated by police and having to control every expression I make. Even my lawyer doesn't believe me. I have to defend myself in a court of law but give such heartfelt responses the jury finds me not guilty. I am immediately signed for a book deal, sue the state, and never have to go back to my job ever again
Nonnas how can I be less insane, I spend so much of my life in fantasy land
No. 2349917
My daydreams are getting weirder but I've found this is the only way I could continue. Maybe it's because I'm getting older but the same scenarios just aren't hitting anymore, but they previously lasted all through adolescence into young adulthood..
>I go to prison for a long time. I fantasize about what it might be like and what possibly would go down in there, what I'd be a part of, if people would attack me, how the guards would treat me, if there would be re-entry programs I could use to further my education or if I'd be trapped in a disgusting stinking rotting prison, if I got locked into solitary, and how that would make me feel, and wonder if I could get through it.
>I am in a higher position at my current job, and it requires me to don more professional attire and do more networking than groundwork. In the process I meet my future, I don't know. Partner, husband, fling I get addicted to, not sure yet. Maybe it'll just be a professional person I fuck sometimes. But they have embodied the old "dream boyfriend" I created.
>Pranks on people I hate
No. 2349931
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I am a chronic daydreamer and i have been this way since i was a child. They usually focus on obsessing over how i would like my dream life to be. Right now i've been daydreaming about my vacations in May and how fun they will be. I also have been having a reoccurring day dream where i go to college and end up in a dorm with only one other man and we fall in love and study and cook together. I often have day dreams where i fall head over heels in love with someone and they feel passionate about me back. I feel like my reoccurring day dreams are just cope for the fact that i will never fall in love and that it will always be something so foreign and out of reach for me since i have never really interacted with scrotes before.
No. 2350026
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I like to revisit daydreams that make me feel something and mine them of their emotional value until I've extracted every last morsel of catharsis I can. Lately I've been into one where I win a prestigious award for a creative endeavor but I had a bad day so I'm not expecting it and I (wearing Christian Dior F/W 1997) look up in shock like Amy Winehouse winning the Grammy, tears in my eyes… Do I cry irl? Sometimes.
No. 2351351
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They telling me their ghost experiences back in their respective countries. I wanna see ghosts too!
No. 2351373
somewhere in california. i see palm trees in my line of vision. it's very, very early in the morning, where the skies take on that nice navy color with a rosy-golden glow behind the clouds, or maybe there's still speckles of stars all around me as i drive a car through the quiet streets. the air is somewhat heavy with the summer warmth, but its not too overwhelming. i had fun last night, but i don't want to sleep just yet. there is a smell of cigarettes or incense nearby, and it is coming from the woman i am in love with, who is sitting in the passenger seat. it's kind of dark out, but she insists on wearing her sunglasses, anyway. she is doing that dolphin movement with her hand outside of the car window next to her, and i am trying to keep my eyes on the road, even though all i want to do is watch her smile. i want to kiss her so much, but i have to take her home now.
No. 2353787
I posted
>>2275782 and lately i've beem trying to think less
>who would want to be me? i sure don'tand more along the lines of
>we dance the night away and leave togetherand
>>2351373i feel like it kind of works? but it makes me tear up. i don't know if they're happy tears or sad
No. 2357702
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Stoned chess playing.
No. 2357773
>>2357702Hated playing chess with stoners.
places piece "Oh shit what happened? Hold on I'm so high I gotta look at the whole board to see what you just did"
Probably have to play stoned too to enjoy it.
No. 2384265
>>2377305now you got me thinking of my internet crushes from those days. they're probably married and have kids or something.
running into one of them at the corner store now would be surreal.
especially the one with the glasses, she was a cutie