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No. 2285513
ITT: share uneventful, mundane, or just downright ordinary thoughts or events from your life.
Previous thread:
>>>/ot/2261898 No. 2285529
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>>2285518did the image of silly frogs hurt you nona?
No. 2285538
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>>2285513>>2285518This, it's literally us
No. 2285548
>>2285538You horrible monstrous animals!!!!!!!!
No. 2285549
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>>2285518Nonnie would you like a calming tincture
No. 2285582
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My YouTube recommended page is going hard af
No. 2285665
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>>2285518>to sit on top of some scrote’s desk>scrote’s deskNonita, I have some terrible news about my hobbies and what I do to small animals I encounter before I release them. Also, you can't eat most toads, they're poisonous.
No. 2285698
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Some time ago I posted about half of my face going paralyzed, well, good news it's better now. My tongue is still kinda weird but I can taste stuff and feel temperatures again. Everything is going back to normal. It did get worse before it got better though, I couldn't close/blink my right eye properly for a while and that was probably the worst part of it.. and being unable to suck from a straw.
No. 2285820
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Just spent like 15 seconds baby talking to a piece of cholla wood because I thought it was my gecko.
No. 2285839
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>>2285529sugimoto would eat the frogs
No. 2285848
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>>2285839He would not want to
No. 2285861
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>>2285848but he would do it for survival
No. 2285985
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>>2285861Asirpa would want to eat their brains
No. 2286010
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>>2285985i think we can both agree on that
No. 2286012
I had friendsgiving today. It was a lot of fun. We had Grand Mimosas for "brunch" and a lot of weed, spiced apple cider, homemade bread with olive oil and spices to dip, watermelon mint and basil salad, a roasted turkey, whipped mashed potatoes with chives and a LOT of butter and what tasted like sour cream, glazed corn and carrots, and then someone brought peanut butter and chocolate chip cookies from a local store. I'm so full. We had a lot of fun playing games and listening to good music. The only downside is that I had the worst period cramps of my life randomly rip through me in the last hour of the party, and this is on the "third" day of my period. Like hot flashes, nausea, full burning taint to kidneys. But nothing could spoil those mashed potatoes. Nothing.
No. 2286256
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I don't want to work tomorrow
No. 2286530
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>>2286521I don't get what the bog deal is. My retail job made me scream and puff my body up bigger and I still had to go to work every day. Do frogs think they're better than me? Do they think that life is just a free ride?
No. 2286556
>>2285518Unironically based
>>2285890I also love casually asserting my authority over men in daily conversation and making them suffer. I like to show them that I have no respect for them and that they are beneath me. Either they enjoy it and essentially bow to me or they are offended and I get to make them angry and take their inflated ego down a peg. I think all women who are intelligent, put together, and wealthy should at least lightly lord it over men, since men are conditioned to go around lording over everyone and women are conditioned to smile and be palatable. I’ve actually noticed that the most successful and hot women I know are very mean to men and very kind to women.
No. 2286576
>>2286556Based, I wish I could be you. I can never think fast enough to say anything intelligent or cutting.
On a positive note even though my boss is a man, the rest of the people I work with are almost all women anyway. There aren't many men in my daily life, it's pretty great.
No. 2286598
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was playing skribbl and someone drew this for "cheese" and drew the cheese last smh
No. 2286658
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At work, playing with husbandos on company time, talking about random stuff with my coworkers and thinking about what else I'm supposed to do now.
I will make a list because I genuinely can't think of anything.
No. 2286695
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I just got the Glinda's pink potion drink from starbucks. It's really good.
No. 2286766
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Just witnessed my gecko step on his logs of pee and poo like 3 times. All moids, regardless of species, are the same: disgusting. but "he's" unsexed so I actually don't know if he is truly a he kek
No. 2286862
>>2286852This happens quite a lot with "cute" animal videos.
Back to frogs, there's a video floating around "frog lover" communites with a hundred or so frogs in a very cramped water pool jumping at a human's hand. It's portrayed as something cute "hehe stupid froggie mistaking hands for food" but it's actually a frog slaughterhouse, hence the extreme cramping and the animals over-reacting to visual stimuli (underfeeding, likely).
Same with the "pacman frog cute scream" videos.
No. 2286868
>>2286862you'd like reading about "ethical exif" if you haven't heard of it's really just one guy doing it but it highlights this very problem and I actually think it should be legally required by all cute animal accounts online, sick of this shit
No. 2287115
>>2286868What I will never understand is, where do we draw the line on how much stress is immoral for any animal to undergo? Like, if your goal is the absolute least amount of suffering, isn't it more moral to murder all cats until they are extinct? Because all cats murder, and they do it for fun, and they often torture and play with their prey before killing it. So if it is so immoral to do something like stress a snake out for a photograph, then it is our moral duty to not stress the snake out. But taking that to its conclusion, it is also moral to remove as much animal suffering as possible, and so to extinct predators, especially ones like cats that kill inefficiently and that play with other animals' lives before killing them.
But obviously, that is completely ridiculous. That natural interactions between species are not only normal, but are a polishing tool used by evolution to determine if a species is fit for its environment. But I also agree that you shouldn't walk outside and stomp any animal you see to death, because that's immoral as well.
No. 2287265
nonnie I’m sorry, I just meant in my free time I’ve been consuming mindless media akin to junk food because I’ve been so anxious, stressed, and hard working otherwise. I do enjoy the arts, but I am someone who struggles with doing things I enjoy and I am just looking to break this habit I have formed is all. I simply meant now that I will have more control and time, I’d like to stop automatically going to things that upset me because its quick dopamine for my brain.
No. 2287270
>>2287251Crochet or knitting. One, yarn is surprisingly cheap, a ball of cotton yarn from Walmart is $2, or a higher quality cotton yarn from Hobby Lobby is $2.49 on sale. Two, easy to completely lose yourself in the stitches while also watching something relaxing like a video of someone walking the English countryside. Three, make dish washing clothes and give them away as gifts for Christmas. Your broke college friends will love having them because then they won't have to spend money on buying plastic sponges.
You can also try quilling, which is the art of rolling paper into little patterns and then making a picture out of it.
No. 2287275
>>2287251instead of consuming art, why not make it yourself? if you've got the skills to do so, i would suggest doodling, sketching, painting, sculpting something tiny, and so on. when i have some moments to myself between the stress of university, i just go and paint something. it really helps to de-stress and i always feel super proud of my growing skills. plus, it exercises the brain when you sharpen your skills like this, which is just what you need for your school work. if art isn't for you, you can try writing, taking up a musical instrument, or even help someone build something like a bird house or fixing something in their homes.
No. 2287588
>>2287115>Like, if your goal is the absolute least amount of suffering, isn't it more moral to murder all cats until they are extinct? >But taking that to its conclusion, it is also moral to remove as much animal suffering as possible, and so to extinct predatorsThis is a strictly utilitarian mindset and it is not compatible with animal ethics. Besides that, predatory animals usually have an ecological niche barring edge cases of "invasive species" (cats, rats, pigeons, other animals) which are
always caused by human involvement.
>So if it is so immoral to do something like stress a snake out for a photograph, then it is our moral duty to not stress the snake out.Yes.
>That natural interactions between species are not only normal, but are a polishing tool used by evolution to determine if a species is fit for its environment.I would argue that humans have already broken all "natural" evolutionary rules for not only themselves but for other animals as well, for example, selecting cows so that they produce
much more milk than is needed to feed to their calves, resulting in grotesquely distended teats which
do hurt if not milked - that's the entire goal of (factory) farming. Pugs and other "decorative species" are another widely known example of artificially bred animals deeply unfit for wild, natural survival.
>>2286868Thank you for sharing this. I hope this or similar initiatives would get more wide adoption, too.
No. 2287946
>>2287588Thank you for answering.
>This is a strictly utilitarian mindsetWhich is the same thing that people who think that we should never pick up a frog have.
>and it is not compatible with animal ethics.Can you explain why exactly?
>predatory animals usually have an ecological nicheHumans are predators, therefore if other predators are moral in engaging in natural predatory behavior, it is also moral for humans to engage in their predator behavior. Besides, although a cat is an invasive predator in most of the world, it still displays the same behaviors in its natural habitat. It still plays with its prey and tortures it before killing it.
>artificially bred animals deeply unfit for wild, natural survival.I would argue that when it comes to animals, humans have not broken anything "evolutionary", because we are part of evolution. Evolution selects for the fittest, and we selected for what fit into our environment the best. A pug is no more suited for living outside a city than a panda is suited for living within one. In fact, a panda cannot survive in any habitat outside its extreme ecological bamboo forest niche. Yet you wouldn't say a panda is unsuited for natural survival.
I'm sorry, but I don't think your argument is consistent. Either it's all okay, and therefore fine as a natural human animal to poke a snake, or else it's not okay, and a predator such as a cat is an "evil" creature that we should morally eliminate to reduce suffering.
No. 2288226
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i miss him…
No. 2288378
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sometimes i consider posting in some advice or beauty thread about my eyebrows and how i should shape them but then what if nonas call me an eyelashlet eyebrow chad?
No. 2288392
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Anon with the cancer sick friend again, I promise I DO come in here to post a lot about other stuff too, I just don't wanna bother my irl friends too much with my pointless word vomits kek.
Invited her to my birthday party this past weekend, I expected her to say no but I wanted her to know she was welcome. She replied that some people are worth the risk and that I am one of those very special people, so she would try. It took me almost an entire day to reply because I would tear up whenever I opened up the message.
Sadly she didn't turn up, but I really didn't expect her to either (she messaged me today and apologized, I told her she honestly don't have anything to apologize about and that I'm really just happy she gave the possibility a thought). I had also sent out a message to people that someone with a compromised immune system would possibly come so "party like it's 2020", which sadly meant a lot of people opted to stay at home due to a nasty cold that is running in my town right now. I'm sad it meant just a few friends turned up, but I'm happy it meant that people respected the situation well enough to know to stay away a couple most likely just used it as an excuse to not go, and I don't blame them - my lazy ass would probably have done the same kek and everyone that did come made sure to wash their hands properly when they came in just in case.
I still had a very good time, got too drunk on wine and spent the day after reflecting on what I said during the night, since I felt a couple of those nights showed where I am mentally right now and how I should better my mindset. Everything is okay!
No. 2288481
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I've broken free of the first chain that binds me.
No. 2288488
>>2288483It's unfortunate that there's no alternative to youtube so I can't be completely free smh
No. 2288497
>>2288493Yeah it's super easy, firefox opens the import data screen right away after install. Took less than a minute.
>>2288491Yep, going through it right now.
No. 2288545
>>2288499huh? did you mean to reply to another post?
>>2288378 is me
nonnie No. 2288587
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Queen Never Cry
No. 2288590
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>>2288587that's why she had to die, she wasn't worthy
No. 2288642
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nonnies i cant believe it took me so long but i finally made a bookmark containing the threads i am allowed to lurk, one hour each evening! i would just get bored, open up the farms, and go to x hate thread, or celebricows, or bad news stories and i couldnt figure out why, it made me feel so terrible each time yet i felt like i had no control, it was some odd quick dopamine and i grew used to that negative feeling.
i discovered that m has so many good threads, that there are so many threads for hobbies i used to have…i feel like ive uncovered a secret side of lolcow that my chimpie brain couldnt bear to seek out due to the fear of joy itd bring.
i named the folder "barn" and i am excited to scroll with intention from now on. also we need a fairytale image/media thread but that may fit into an existing one
i could host movies, too! oh this is exciting. having the courage to drop the restraints of negativity is delightful. one step at a time nonnies, the best of my mundane life is near
No. 2288896
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I wonder when my effort will pay, or if its ever going to pay.
No. 2289153
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>>2289150Yeah and then out of every 100 there's maybe 15 you genuinely really like but you aren't gonna get them until you spend all your money and feel intense post dopamine regret
No. 2289302
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I got something similar to picrel as a gift and it's supposed to be a purse but I couldn't treat that like a purse. It's a plushie but it's a baby. I will remove the strap/chain, put it on my bed and love it like a child instead.
No. 2289313
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i'm noticing, my mother responds to me quicker if i "dull" my voice or lower the pitch of it when calling for her, interesting
No. 2289666
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I finally bought some cateye polish, It's so pretty! I'm excited to paint my nails with it.
No. 2289685
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>>2289679I think so. The glitter in the polish is magnetic, so you can move it around to make all sorts of designs. picrel is another example of it. I totally agree with the witch vibes.
>>2289683I actually got the polish from a different brand, that pic is just the closest and nicest I could find to the one I have.
No. 2289807
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I will be nice to newfags. I will help them integrate. I will not reply with aggression. I will not post negativity. I will be the change I want to see on lolcow dot farm.
No. 2290643
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Trying to keep cool and not shit up /m/ too much as the only anon who is actively talking about the series I just finished.
No. 2290787
I want to have short hair or a bob but my hair is really thick so i know it will just end up looking like a helmet yet i keep saving pics of cute hairstyles
>>2290643Which series nona? Ill listen to you sperg
No. 2291266
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In one of my courses I'm learning pedigrees and when reviewing them and finding out if the trait is X-linked recessive/dominant is seeing if the affected father gives it to the daughters then it's dominant, and if the affected mother gives it to the sons then it's recessive. One of acronyms is Father Daughter Dominant (FDD) and to remember it I connect it with DDLG, and the Mother Son Recessive (MSR) I connect it with specifically the femdom thread
No. 2291323
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I quit social media and I feel so fucking happy. I don't have online friends anymore, aren't in any discord groups, don't follow fandom drama and don't give a shit about flavour of the week anymore. I've never been more isolated but somehow I feel less lonely than before. I only browse LC, YouTube and some 4chins video game generals. I genuinely feel like this has healed me mentally in many ways.(ai art outside of containment thread)
No. 2291499
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I have only had my braces on for a few months and they're almost perfect straight now. I literally thought I would need to have a tooth pulled or something to make room but now I've actually got a gap. The gap will eventually close but it's just insane to me how I went from overcrowded bottom teeth to having a whole gap in there.
No. 2291533
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Ever since I found out you are ranked by xp in Duolingo it's made me feel extremely competitive. All I want to do is go home and crush out a few lessons and gain xp and beat everyone in my league
No. 2291923
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>>2291860ah shit it was so fucking cute! I am fuming that Moana 2 made more at the box office than this masterpiece. I am so tired of Disney/Pixar bootlickers when most non 2D movies they have made are absolute fucking garbage and they have been stuck to the same soulless formula for decades. Dreamworks might make corporate garbage like boss baby, but at least they put that money back in more experimental productions. Fuck Disney/pixar, seriously.
No. 2291927
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How I’m sleeping tonight because I found out I passed the class I was struggling the most in. Thank god it’s all over!
No. 2291972
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Learned today that an awful person from my past gained a ton of weight, looks hideous, got a divorce, and moved back in with her parents this past year. Feels good nonnys.
No. 2292000
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Infinity nikki is stuck in checking resources fuckkkk i want to play my comfy adventure game
No. 2292024
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Old Hollywood gossip is my latest hobby. The newer ones lack that mystique.
No. 2292035
>>2292032for the sims 3 you can try the fitgirl repack the games4theworld repack, both worked for me and are clean installs based on the steam edition of sims 3 with all packs
No. 2292084
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I love her.
No. 2292342
File: 1733501564024.png (3.13 MB, 1685x938, beaconpines.PNG)

Gonna try making mulled wine and cozy up with picrel for my day off. Never made mulled wine before, so please wish me luck!
No. 2293234
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>teach in an elite private college
>job is great but not rewarding
>autistic boy takes a shining to me and tells the special needs lead that he really likes me, my voice and enthusiasm and that im his favourite teacher
>feel slightly less like an irredeemable piece of shit husband-beating murderer
thanks, kid
No. 2293371
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>>2293353Yes nonna I just need you to sign a retainer. as you can see it’s very official. I am not a cat.
No. 2293389
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>>2293371I want that other anon perma banned and I want to have a gold star on all of my posts from now on, win me this case and you've got yourself a seal of anonymous approval for life
No. 2293411
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>>2293410idroppd i dropped ahhh
No. 2293472
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Nonnie, it appears that you didn't only drop your image, but also your professionalism with your distasteful display. You seem to have forgotten this is a courtroom, not a playroom.
No. 2293495
>>2293396God it's been like 10+ years since I watched it. It's not
great but it's imo definitely one of those "must see" animes that will stay with you in some ways. So worth a watch, but it's not something you really binge if you are like me and easily emotionally affected by some of the concepts it presents. But like what
>>2293479 said, it doesn't end on a very strong note.
The manga apparently goes pretty damn deep into existentialism and humanity's place in the world, and the mangaka apparently hated the anime adaptation because it didn't go deep enough with it's philosophies kek No. 2293808
File: 1733540592374.webp (320.6 KB, 851x1079, kanyewest.webp)

It's silly but I decided to try a Discord server made for venting, just to air out my grievances and hopefully get some kinder advice (nonnas in the vent thread here can be weirdly hostile..) just to be told I have to wait 30 minutes after the last vent and I immediately stopped feeling upset and started looking at my screen like picrel. I mean, it worked I guess, now I can continue on with my day but I'm not using Discord again
No. 2293860
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>>2293849I’ll believe it when I taste it
No. 2293891
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>>2293873Ricotta and the freshest of mozzarella faggot
No. 2293928
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An online friend that I lost touch with got back in contact with me after almost five years. The time we spent together meant a lot to me then and still does now, I think of her often even so many years later. I’m so happy to know she felt the same way too.
No. 2293982
>>2293920It's weird, this happens to me sometimes but most of the time not. Ask your gyno, maybe? And then report back on what she says. Or maybe I'll ask mine and get back to you in a few weeks KEK
>>2293977Finally we've found you… main character chan…
No. 2293995
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its racebaity as shit but the tyrone x nick fuentes sperging in the amerifag thread is making me kek
No. 2294043
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I was going through an old file and had this saved for some reason
No. 2294156
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Wtf is this shit? 50$ for a god damn mug? It looks like those metal mugs too, which I always understood to be cheaper (coud be wrong). I was expecting the sweater to be like 80, so it being pricey isn't as much of a shock, still way too much, probably cheap as shit materials too. The only time I've seen mugs so expensive is if they're made by an expert ceramist. Anyways I will NOT be treating myself to this.
No. 2294172
>>2293561It was the Alcest show in Paris, however the interlude songs rarely have much in common with what the bands are playing (especially in medium/big venues), there was a lot of rap and techno that night.
>>2293638True that, outside of context it can pass off as some kind of opening song for a neoclassical dark darkwave album not unlike vidrel, but when you know you know.
>>2293682Most fakedeep shit ever, the manga is even worse.
No. 2294235
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my gf came over and used my computer and i usually don't mind when she did that because i'm pretty sure there's nothing weird on my computer. but then just now she was showing a meme that i have saved and was asking me what does it mean. where the fuck did i even get this from. picrel.
No. 2294290
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Going to the grocery store and PetCo. Do you guys want anything?
No. 2294454
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Consumerism won again this time.
No. 2294467
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>>2294459look what you did.
No. 2294489
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>>2292342Update: Mulled wine is so tasty! I brought a mug of tester batch over to my neighbor, and she really liked it. Then went home and drank the rest myself (it's non-alcoholic wine, so I got sugar high instead of drunk.) Forgot how good the game was since I last played it a couple of years ago. It has so much heart, and the narrator has fun with her lines, I love it. Okay, that's my mundane update, love you nonnas. Mwah!
No. 2294490
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I'm reading Chiikawa right now and some of the world building is unexpectedly dark lol.
No. 2294522
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>>2294489So happy for you and your pleasant night
nonny. You inspired me to make some wassail tonight while I watch shitty hallmark movies, thank you.
No. 2295070
>>2295047Tinder is a cesspool and hookup culture isn’t worth it when the scrotes don’t even make you cum. It gives easy access to men who don’t put effort , they won’t even take you on a date nonna, they’ll want to duck straight away kek , zero compliments too.
The only nice date I had was with this moid, he was handsome, knew many languages and a bit charming too. I spent like four hours (didn’t have sex or anything) and then we parted because he had to go to Milan , we chatted for a while and he had said that he wanted to to go out once more once he came back a week after, but he ended up not contacting me for the time or place when he came back and when I ditched him he said that he was coming in my city at midnight with some friends kek as if I was a random booty call. Went on some other dates but they were so mediocre and boring that I ended up deleting the app altogether.
Men on dating apps are not serious at all even if you’re pretty. I’d even say that their objective is to actually humble beautiful women, at least that has always been my impression.
No. 2295076
>>2295072Happy birthday
nonnie! Hope you have a wonderful day! Have you planned anything?
No. 2295081
>>2295070Like it’s not even fun to just go and pick drinks with scrotes either because they’re so surface level most of the time, they dump on you and they don’t even get questions. I feel like a therapist most of the time kek.
I have more fun with my friends or my mom, genuinely.
No. 2295148
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I don’t know anything about music and don’t listen to it. I am almost 30 years old and learned Bob Dylan isn’t a black man but a pasty white boy today. I’ve been picturing and thinking of Jimi Hendrix this entire time when people mention Bob Dylan….
No. 2295161
>>2295148Not really related, but my work is now playing 80s music on the radio speakers, and it feels like almost every single classic fucking bop from that era was either released by a British singer or a British band. Why did the bongs dominate the 80s
so much?
No. 2295333
File: 1733614415881.webp (102.52 KB, 1428x1080, Bubbles'_Coloring_Song.png)

I've spent the entire day painting, drawing, coloring, and writing in my journal while watching old episodes of CSI Miami and eating homemade chocolate chip cookies.
No. 2295663
>>2295333how do you let yourself do this
nonnie? i spent three hours this morning doing nothing and it ruined the whole rest of the day for me, so much so that i didnt let myself do anything enjoyable because i couldnt transition into positivity. im so glad you could have such a lovely day, i feel ashamed enjoying myself, id love to learn what helps you?
No. 2295726
File: 1733627742617.png (731.52 KB, 999x630, New Project.png)

I try not to consoom but I've been putting a Mercari JP order together as a little treat. It's been a long year and the exchange rate is still pretty good
No. 2295742
>>2295663NTA, but you should try feeling entitled to enjoying yourself. You are an extremely unique creature who happened to be born against all odds, and to spend your extremely limited amount of time on this earth slaving away in the name of "productivity" is an undeniable shame. Your ancestors would hate to see you not enjoy yourself after all the work they did to bring you here.
Also scrotes have no problem gooning all day and hyping each other up for it. I'm not saying we should all be scrotes, but at the very least don't let retarded moids enjoy life more than you because of unresolved guilt over watching movies or relaxing in bed and feeling good. What the hell is it all for if I can't lay in bed with my favorite blankets and doze.
No. 2295764
>>2295663I am pretty self-indulgent by nature, for one thing. I figured out long ago that am not particularly ambitious and have no intention of spending my life being "productive" and have worked to set my life up accordingly. At minimum, I try to begin and end each day doing something that I enjoy. In this case, I knew that I had completed all of my work for the week (I'm self-employed) and there was nothing that I needed to do today and also I don't have any hangups about housework or personal chores not getting done on a particular schedule. So I was able to relax and enjoy it in full without thinking about anything else.
TL;DR - I am a lazy slacker and have arranged my life so that I can lean in to this aspect of my personality. I wish I had something more profound to share with you, but that's pretty much it.
No. 2295815
This has 3.5 million likes. How are people this fucking retarded and believe this is a real, unstaged video. I'm a literal idiot and even I know this is staged.
No. 2295900
>>2295831what r they
i like looking at myself in the mirror, im sexy
(Integrate) No. 2296154
File: 1733648613714.png (290.38 KB, 1312x535, .....png)

i saw this on front page and bc my eyesight is shit i thought it was a bunch of dookie kekekek
No. 2296192
I hate nick cannon. I love Candace Owens.
No. 2296308
File: 1733666630688.png (12.94 KB, 284x284, 1645284839148.png)

I already spent 2 usd on this new gacha game. In my defense i am going thru shit irl
No. 2296353
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I got my nails done and I love them so much, I think I'm addicted to getting my nails done, the feeling I have after they're done it's tye best shit ever.
The funny part is that I don't even get cool stuff, I like to get really simple stuff done.
No. 2296365
>>2296360That's not me in pic related
nonnie, my nails are wider actually, which is funny because my hands are small.
No. 2296375
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>>2295218banger colonialism
No. 2296405
File: 1733672262910.jpeg (1.21 MB, 1284x1274, IMG_8734.jpeg)

Nonnas which vintage coach bag should
I buy? Need something timeless and versatile and I can’t choose. I’m leaning towards the 5th
No. 2296445
>>2296405personally prefer the ones without the logo all over them so I would go with either 1, 3, or 6.
I think #3 looks the nicest that's what I would probably pick.
No. 2296475
>>2296470The humble air fryer is, no joke, the most game-changing invention for ADHD/ bitches
ever, bar none. The air fryer does more for the ADHD community than Adderall and Vyvanse ever have and I mean this without an ounce of bullshit. No longer must we tolerate soggy nuggies and fries in the microwave nonas (we are obviously not using the oven)! Nutrition is finally in reach!!!
No. 2296506
File: 1733676020157.jpg (35.93 KB, 640x542, 1703033639680.jpg)

>>2296475So true, i know that when i am hungry and feel lazy my air fryer got my back. I am currently making fries.
>>2296495why do you type like those soypedos
No. 2296511
>>2296502Only moid-brained women play video games and I bet it’s not even the best ones like the sims, she probably plays scrote shit
>>2296506Ewwww no fuck you motheruckeerririrkrk
(bait/integrate) No. 2296530
>>2296485You should! The difference in crispiness vs a microwave is noticeable. They're not terribly expensive either, a small one works fine if you're not making large meals.
>>2296495Are you ok nona? There is no need to be this mad kek
No. 2296652
File: 1733679356286.jpg (553.62 KB, 2560x1814, front-porch-on-lake-of-the-isl…)

>>2296642I'm sorry, anon, hope you have a peaceful sunday at least. I wish we could exist on this porch in some other dimension.
No. 2296658
>>2296642Me too
nonny, please try to remember we’re all here for you thou
No. 2296711
File: 1733680768353.gif (607.19 KB, 220x220, knitting-rhian-gallagher.gif)

I finally knit a sock and got the construction right.. I'm not kidding this took me 3 months of trying different patterns and repeatedly starting over. It's not actually wearable because I knit it with the wrong yarn and needle size and didn't bother making it long enough but I'm still happy. I'm going to get nice-ish yarn next saturday to make a "real" pair of socks
No. 2296796
>>2296754You just said you were kek
>>2296778>suicidal does not mean someone is ready to leave and finding out ways to do itUhhh that’s exactly what being suicidal means kek
>>2296787You’re acting like she has no agency and if she does she’ll finally be free of her pain, unlike tards like you who think they should carry on with their lives with no guarantee of a bright or positive future, that is actually the most cruelest thing guilt tripping people to stay alive because it makes
you feel happy not them. People are so fucking selfish
(infighting) No. 2296829
>>2296730Nonnita, you’ll most likely end up giving yourself brain damage, don’t listen to this bullshit please.
Seek help, get out of lolcow too at this point.
I was suicidal too, I still am sometimes, but you can learn to cope and process it, it doesn’t have to end.
No. 2296859
>>2296820I don’t really care
>>2296827Why do posters like you always call certain uncomfortable viewpoints and opinions “bait”? It’s not bait, so shut the fuck up already and accept it like a grown woman, some people just straight up want to die and her not sleeping for hours is a clear sign that she wants to die.
>>2296829Stop trying to shove your life-saving propaganda towards them, it’s hilarious that you think I don’t understand what that poster feels and honestly I would feel super fucking annoyed having others try to treat me like a child who needs to be held with kiddie gloves about some bullshit sanctity of life. If life mattered then so many wouldn’t be ignored, ridiculed, censored, and struggling and fucking powerless and helpless to do anything about it. Coping mechanisms taught in therapy is to ignore and escape, not face the legitimate reality of people’s situations, let her be suicidal and let her make that choice. Fuck off with your moralfaggjng
No. 2296920
>>2296878Suicide isn’t murder, shut already and go cry about it.
>>2296879It literally isn’t
>>2296892Pretty much. Attention whoring about suicide is useless, people don’t really care or don’t have the resources or empathy to help you so just consider the options of the end
No. 2296944
File: 1733683911801.jpg (115.7 KB, 524x524, FePcMFZUUAANTrA.jpg)

report and ignore bait
No. 2297075
File: 1733685528545.jpg (122.23 KB, 1000x619, bb585210f8e8d0fb605d96ac457b98…)

>>2297032>>2297028>>2297022>>2297021Could it also be possible that the mundane thread on an anti-troon image board
isn't a hugbox support group and that most other anons come here for
exactly that reason?
No. 2297086
File: 1733685960709.png (17.87 KB, 625x626, IMG_8737.png)

>>2297075“Death of a moid possibly tranny baiter” discourse.
(scrotefoiling) No. 2297100
File: 1733686216675.jpeg (1008.28 KB, 1125x1610, 9423B2A4-EA4D-493B-A3F8-2FF40C…)

I’m going to target today do you nonnys want anything?
No. 2297151
>>2297135Was this replying to the wrong person or do you think I was baiting with that, is that bait? I'm just expressing the first thing that came to my mind as I ate my dinner
>>2297138Sounds good, hot as in spicy or you just finished making em? Hope you enjoy, that would hit the spot right now. lol
No. 2297157
File: 1733687284629.jpeg (20.7 KB, 229x220, IMG_8738.jpeg)

>>2297151Whoopsy daisy! I didn’t mean to respond to you. Enjoy your ice cold water, I’m drinking some as we speak.
No. 2297162
>>2297147ntayrt but i wish admitting that you're gonna kill yourself didn't immediately get written off as suicidebaiting, the idea of a
nonny writing a post and then killing herself does make me scared and sad
No. 2297215
>>2297195The hugbox, Heliumfag and the anon pretending they didn't know this post
>>2296642 would cause a reaction were all equally annoying to me
No. 2297361
>>2297339It's not "mean" to notice this anon might have an intellectual disability, if they aren't a child
>>2296736 but I guess I should have used the word 'special' instead of 'wrong'
No. 2297524
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>>2297100I’m back. They were out of almost everything I went to get and I saw a group of young teenagers with those therian masks meowing next to the kitchenwares. I bought gingerbread scented hand soap for my guest bathroom however so it wasn’t a total waste.
No. 2297596
>>2296711Congrats, anon! I'm so jealous I finally feel comfortable enough to try socks but I need to get rid of all my old shitty yarn first. Only 7 more boxes to go…
What pattern did you end up using?
No. 2298259
File: 1733709138229.jpg (204.35 KB, 640x556, 11516702483_0c0465d29b_z.jpg)

sometimes i want to say "women do x and y and z but men are a and b and they do c and d" but then i realize i don't fucking know. i don't go outside. the only person i talk to IRL on a daily basis is my mother. how can i have any opinions if i barely even lived? i don't know anything. i just stare at the screen all day
incredible how immediate access to information from all across the world makes people feel more isolated. even this is not an original thought i just read it somewhere
No. 2298269
File: 1733709413482.jpeg (1.7 MB, 1249x2214, IMG_8748.jpeg)

She’s getting paid triple what I do to be hideous on live.
No. 2298282
File: 1733709777631.jpeg (709.57 KB, 1284x2216, IMG_8749.jpeg)

Why the literal fuck did this seller block me? It says I can’t buy, message, or sell to her anymore. I did nothing wrong…
No. 2298301
File: 1733710149381.jpeg (432.85 KB, 1284x829, IMG_8750.jpeg)

>>2298288No shit. She then blocked me right before I was willing to buy it at her original price. I tried to send a message and it said this.
No. 2298429
File: 1733715590957.jpg (97.65 KB, 1024x684, 1000019402.jpg)

When I read posts on LC, my mind picks the three voices of the Kanker sisters. When I read posts on KF, my mind picks the three voices of the Ed, Edd n' Eddy.
No. 2298450
File: 1733716994356.png (26.14 KB, 885x195, Screenshot 2024-12-09 035933.p…)

>>2298446It's an African loanword for peanut I guess. It recently picked up steam on the Heather thread on /snow/, which is great btw if you're into the cow part of the board.
idk how to approach the 'never use that word again' topic with my MIL. Hopefully I don't need to
No. 2298451
File: 1733717011013.webp (Spoiler Image,107.17 KB, 1200x800, 2365228216.jpg)

>>2298435I use that word to describe picrel and similar because they remind me of the word itself. Maybe your MIL probably meant 'Gerber'?
No. 2298482
File: 1733719343215.png (320.49 KB, 1000x1000, chamoyinfusedchilicoatedgusher…)

I went out shopping the other day and couldn't find what I needed. I did get a bunch of food though including a baklava sampler. and some chamoy gushers which tasted very meh. seeing the stuff all over TikTok mix it seem delicious (I've also had a chomoy pickle kit with gushers in it and that was really good). they give you so little and the gummies taste plasticky. feasted on this and some salt & vinegar kettle chips yesterday because I have no appetite to due to a sore throat.
I hope the rest of The orders pertaining to my new hobby arrive within next week. also waiting for a package from your style that I ordered like 28 days ago. My last package from them that contained more than one thing did not take this long…. kinda sux man
No. 2298525
>>2297596This one: luck knitting socks!! Post an update in the knitting thread in /g/ if you can/want!
No. 2298534
>>2298510Man, I don't want to give you spoilers, but I would say temper your expectations kek the game is not all the hype it's been getting
Unless you've barely hit adulthood and you're used to twitter sensibilities then maybe it will hit the stride you're hoping for
No. 2298535
File: 1733721887530.jpg (97.72 KB, 750x600, d1njlbe-29251941-8c4c-4296-849…)

I've been pondering about it, and although I appreciate lolcow and enjoy posting on the site, recent complaints about anime and fandom related threads here made me think about a fangirl-chan; a women's only imageboard related to fandom themes, with separate boards relating to hime/yume/fujo content and /gen/ for general fandom discussion like discourse or drama. It would be nice to have a place to discuss nerdy topics without gendies and moids speaking over women plus we ought to have solidarity between fangirls instead of moralfagging about which is the superior fiction trope. If this already exists it would be neat to have a lead to direct to, otherwise a loser nerd can dream about an all-womens space to sperge freely…
No. 2298554
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>>2298435SpongeBob used it in the first movie and Goobers can be found in the candy aisle. The Andy Griffith show which had a character called Goober Pyle on it.
No. 2298572
File: 1733723341312.jpg (29.34 KB, 412x351, 1000019421.jpg)

I feel bad for anons who are virgins and unhappy about it. I remember my preteen years of wondering what sex is like, then experiencing it for the first time when I was sixteen. I remember the previous years of feeling impatient with growing up so I can experience what movies, shows, and even fanfictions meant by "aroused, thrusting members". Sometimes I wonder if I would still be as frustrated and dying of curiosity if I never lost my virginity at sixteen, and just kept aging without that experience. But hearing nonas vent about how painful this sexual frustration and curiosity is, it makes me pitifully empathetic that they still have my immature self's frustration with the lack of knowledge, but grateful that I know what sex is like (even if my first time was of both of us not knowing what we were doing). I can't control the minds of cute, young moids and make them magically interested in the virgin nonas who want to know what sex is like, so it's almost like watching a disaster knowing you can't do anything about it. Just hoping that perhaps some higher form of being has a plan for these anons and will answer them soon enough.
No. 2298592
File: 1733724418873.gif (114.95 KB, 950x866, dance.gif)

mobilized forces with my mom and bullied my dad into paying for the internet so i can keep posting with you nonas
No. 2298602
File: 1733724798194.jpg (51 KB, 500x379, e2998e7dc5b4b26f17cd0a329fb94c…)

>>2298572Idk anon, I'm sure your intentions were pure with this post but it really comes across like your dms are always open to these vulnerable anons who might be ~looking for someone experienced~ to confide in kek
No. 2298633
>>2298572how old are you now
>>2298602>>2298611but she didn't solicit stories or anything. I think she sounds young.
>>2298632delete it again and don't repost it
No. 2298679
File: 1733728999098.jpg (Spoiler Image,44.36 KB, 1037x1920, 000d747a-c7d1-401f-8ed1-e052cd…)

This is a drawing my bf did of me
No. 2298686
File: 1733729734413.jpg (Spoiler Image,43.01 KB, 728x546, 685939.jpg)

>>2298679Beautiful artwork nonna, he must be very mature for his age
No. 2298718
File: 1733732042276.png (2.11 MB, 1405x2248, 1000000193.png)

>>2298699Does he take requests
No. 2298744
>>2298737Okay well best of luck, I hope you find a way to work through this seething resentment with your 'Arab friend' and her naughty secret photos
>>2298727>she was also a horrible friend who used me for years only to dump me as soon as she found someone better.kek I hate when my friends do that
No. 2298814
>>2298726this. men online routinely seethe at women for having academic accomplishments or for daring to be visible at all. begging for validation from that is just demeaning. sometimes I think women forget that men oppressed them for literally thousands of years. women were effectively chattel about a hundred twentyish years ago. maybe when you're in middle school and you have no fucking idea how the world works you romanticize relationships but at some point you realize that not being near man is actually better for your physical and psychological health. many women are very happy and fulfilled being celibate while men turn into raging chimps because some women out of their league won't have sex with them (as was the case with Elliot Roger). idek, knowing that men routinely ignore their health and don't get vaccinated and that sex is how women contract HPV and eventually cervical cancer does not make men attractive in my eyes.
being a pickme for moids is just sad. penetration isn't the end all be all. and just the thought of having sex with the deranged misogynists that are a dime a dozen out there prevents me from seeking that shit. I have years and years of experience with men and over time I felt no significant desire to go near them. they have a tendency to be senselessly cruel and I don't forget or forgive.
No. 2298835
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>>2298679is it the same boyfriend who drew this?
No. 2298887
File: 1733749016958.gif (1.8 MB, 254x196, 7ff96775-e8dd-46d1-8afa-809b90…)

>remembered the time i was in middle school and me and my friends were playing this game "king, minister, thief, sepoy" and i guessed right that this dark skinned girl was the thief, and i just said it was because she "looks" like a thief.
No. 2299078
File: 1733762682520.jpg (89.54 KB, 402x640, 05bfe567c3862a42a779e1fa142a4b…)

I love short hair on women. I love masculine/butch women with short hair. I love feminine women with short hair. I'm happy to live in a time where women can wear whatever hair styles they want for whatever reason.
No. 2299238
>>2299205kekekekekek, i'm seeing a lot more stories coming out about men getting beat up by their girlfriends, i like this very much and feel this is very much needed, regardless if one's willing to be a husbandbeater or not, because men seeing women get brutalized and victimized so often in media, whether it's horror, thriller, historical, revenge flicks, has made them get cocky, think that they're something above human, and they need to be reminded that they too can't survive a blow to the head.
No. 2299499
File: 1733772696519.jpeg (41.96 KB, 348x430, FzBWF6gWIAAcCsP.jpeg)

Nonas tell me how it feels like it's been my birthday for ages when it's only 2 pm kek. This is the slowest of Mondays and I'm Garfin' out over here. My partner has 8-12 hr work shifts for the next couple days so she's not here and won't be tomorrow either. I never make a big deal out of my own birthdays. It's just particularly gloomy, rainy, and cold out and I wish she was here to watch shitty reality TV with me and drink peach soju kek (sidenote: we've been together for 8 years and recently got engaged, I love my fiancée so much and I'm always so proud of her and I'm beyond grateful for the life we've built together).
I'm perfectly okay having a quiet day in alone on my birthdays and have done so many times out of personal choice, I just rly love my soon-to-be wife. Also as I was writing this my mom texted me offering to take me out for Japanese food for lunch tomorrow so that's a plus, and I'll also get to try out a cute new outfit I've been dying to wear!
No. 2299632
>>2299604nta but a few years back when my depression was really bad even coughing could
trigger my gag reflex, i noticed this change at the time but never looked into what might be causing it
No. 2300280
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>>2300171He's cute (besides the eyebrows) and the complete opposite of an incel. What the fuck are you talking about?
No. 2300454
>>2300441I'm having fun with it too but you're annoying the masses
>>2300440You're probably hot nonna. I think I'm going to steal a bottle of unhomogenized milk today. Wait.. how the fuck do you steal a giant bottle of milk?
No. 2300502
>>2300487make sure to line up your grocery visit with
>>2300477 so you can cram 10 bags of pistachio in your bag without getting caught
No. 2300524
Nonnas this is my favorite video on the internet at the moment. Please enjoy.
No. 2301132
File: 1733800757236.jpg (69.93 KB, 686x386, hq720.jpg)

>>2301073Huge Roblox mouse pad
No. 2301178
File: 1733801925756.jpeg (725.87 KB, 1179x1091, IMG_1649.jpeg)

>>2301073roblox kicks. its fine if they are too big
No. 2301255
>>2298535Just use fujochan.
>>2298572I'm lucky enough to be attracted to women so that would do for me, one day.
No. 2301379
>>2301255But what about yumejoshis/himejoshis or fangirls who dont ship in general? they deserve a place to sperge freely about fandom topics too.
although theres threads on lolcow, the site is a drama/gossip centric first and foremost and normies often go to fangirl threads to instigate drama or ridicule their interests. as comfy FC is currently, it would be nice to have a similar site for broader fandom topics since /ot/ on FC is still primarily BL centric
It would also be nice to have a place to content dump since going on booru/r34 sites for female targeted media is like going through the perfume department in that one spongebob episode
No. 2301420
File: 1733808342051.png (140.98 KB, 354x208, 15309321.png)

>>2301379>normies often go to fangirl threads to instigate drama or ridicule their interests>in a normie thread inserting anime fangirl interestsI'm not trying to scrotefoil or infight but anime posts are indistinguishable to me from troon comments outside of lc and that's probably where the ridicule keeps coming from. People who don't like confusing anime things shouldn't go into your threads to make fun of you though, that's really pointless and dumb
No. 2301576
>>2301420>in a normie thread inserting anime fangirl interestsyou got me there kek, i couldnt really think of any other thread to bring it up since it was a passing thought I had during lunch. Its a shame that being into things like video games, books, dnd.etc automatically flags you as suspect tranny/moid cause what
would be an alternate hobby for women?
not directed at you, but its a bit sad we get ridiculed by moids for being into a male dominated hobby, and ridiculed by women for indulging in "scrote media" sigh
>>2301430I might end up just taking the initiative once I manage to find a stable job to fund the site. Ive had experience with moderating IBs in the past along with mitigating cp/gore raids and I would be willing to take the brunt of it if it means there could be a space to openly be nerdy without the expectation to pander to anyone, especially scrotes.
im so tired of seeing women having to suck up to moids invading our spaces lest they risk social death, even freaking hobbies arent safe from this.
No. 2301591
File: 1733820762843.jpeg (279.56 KB, 1500x1500, IMG_5610.jpeg)

I tried shin black ramen for the first time today since I’ve seen it highly recommended. I usually like spicy food but this just burns the back of my throat instead of tasting spicy. It tasted good though probably because of the msg. I’ll stick to maruchan because it’s not worth the price. Is budak any good? I don’t like the ugly ass mascot on the package he looks untrustworthy.
No. 2301597
File: 1733822169880.jpeg (27.76 KB, 168x300, IMG_7070.jpeg)

>>2301591I was just thinking about Shin ramen today, it’s so good but both the black and red ones always makes my stomach and butt hurt.
>I don’t like the ugly ass mascot on the package he looks untrustworthyfucking lmao (but also I know what you mean, look at this little asshole)
No. 2301681
>>2301591I've never tried either of them and from what I've heard I never will.
I'll just add a few drops of hot sauce to the normal ramen if I want it a bit spicy.
No. 2301766
>>2301685It was pitiful curiosity that they're still going through that sexual frustration
even as an adult. It's like watching a worm squirm in the sidewalk. Of course its pity, genius. Pity and compassion are different emotions.
No. 2301884
>>2301881You can do it
nonny! Think about how good it's going to feel once it's done and you won't have procrastination weighing you down.
No. 2302108
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I'm watching Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire and genuinely wtf is the entire school's problem
No. 2302327
File: 1733859535817.gif (238.55 KB, 275x210, IMG_6659.gif)

The gyoza place was closed
No. 2302399
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>>2302361Oh I understand this feeling. I’m not really spiritual but I do think there is something to items gaining our emotions and energy the more we interact with them. It’s amplified if I actually make the item since in effect I have seen it through from its inception. Creating something is ultimately much more intimate than just wearing or displaying. That item reflects not only what we think and feel but who we were at that point in time. It’s understandable to mourn that when it’s done.
No. 2302480
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I love her, because there's nothing they can say to diminish her. She riles troons up so much because she is the glaring reminder of what normal, non-handmaidened women really think about them. She's attractive, intelligent, accomplished, so they can't throw any of those insults at her. The best they can come up with is "racist!" or "moldy ceiling lololol!". She really is an icon.
No. 2302721
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>lamenting to myself that the Lidl brand yogurt I bought is too runny
>"Ah, it's ok though, yogurt is yogurt and it will be good with fruit and granola either way"
>Literally right as I'm thinking this and trying to put the yogurt container back in the fridge, i tip over my plate which makes yogurt spill
>"Ah it's ok, it was just a little spill"
>Set down the yogurt container in the fridge so I can put the plate down
>Turn back to clean the spill from the plate
>The yogurt container is tipped over on it's side and there's now a huge puddle of yogurt in my fridge
Had I bought chobani or even other store brand yogurts, this wouldn't have happened. Lidl, pls make your yogurt thicker.
No. 2302946
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Why isn't Yakult on here. I love Yakult.
No. 2303099
I wasn't sure whether to post this here or in the Books thread but I just stumbled on this video, I've never heard of Anne Carson before but I think I love and admire her
No. 2303171
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>>2303165Apparently so, kek. She has a new fan over here
No. 2303379
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I bought the audio drama I’ve been eyeing up lately and another one I put in my cart months ago… the next few evenings are about to be fun
No. 2303488
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>I want the Jojos to gangbang me raw
makes me kek every single time I see it
No. 2303509
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Can’t fall asleep but can’t focus to do anything productive either. To live is to suffer.
No. 2303521
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Nothing is funnier than seeing "User has been put out to pasture" at the bottom of a post. It's so fucking hilarious and I don't even know why. It's the user not knowing what's to come plus the wording of the ban and the fact that it's in red. I audibly laugh every time.
No. 2303695
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thinking about how i'm lowkey homophobic, because i buy Billie being a lesbian more than Chapelle being a lesbian, but maybe because Billie does sing about her relationships with women so, but then again Ashnikko, so.
No. 2304003
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I have a final exam today. I’m nervous, please wish me luck nonnys.
No. 2304007
>>2304003Good lucky
nonny, you'll ace it and reward yourself with something nice after!!
No. 2304049
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i'm going through the liminal spaces thread and remembering how i tried to take my own of my relative's house in Gujarat, just for it to look like photos for some AirBnB or PG listing taken by an old person.
No. 2304080
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womp womp
No. 2304192
>>2304174definitely far from vegan for most of my life and incredibly difficult because i struggled with both ends of the eating disorder spectrum. it took some time but now its just a habit, like anything else can become. veganism has helped me practice more compassion and consistency because i stick to a value. healthwise i was lactose intolerant and again had that unhealthy relationship with food. being vegan allows me to make healthier choices and try new foods because i cook more when i crave an alternative! its also cheaper for me in the long run. sometimes it sucks if im starving and tired, and i can always grab some quick vegan meal or snack from the store, but i try to limit that because its mostly processed. im very grateful to have the time right now in my life to be vegan, it might be harder in the future but ill just have to meal prep or something. thank you for asking
No. 2304211
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I've worn these thick-rimmed hipster glasses for like 15 years now obviously not the exact same pair, but similar designs and I've recently bought these cute round ones to use as my computer glasses now that I've started suffering from frequent headaches.
And honestly? I thought I would look a bit silly with my new ones but once I got used to seeing myself with them I think I look pretty cute so I've been wearing them more and more as my regular glasses. I always thought I would only look decent with my old ones, since the first thing my mom said when I tried them one way back was "finally something that balances your face out, now it it actually looks like it fits your wide head".
No. 2304245
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Last month, painless periods for the first time ever. What did I do right? I ate sardines everyday. This month, back to debilitating cramps. What did I do wrong? Stopped eating sardines. It all makes sense now
No. 2304277
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Living rooms like this always had a weird fresh ozone smell and I love it
No. 2304298
>>2304245Nonna you may be low on iron or potassium.
For anyone wondering, here’s what’s in sardines according to googles AI;
Omega-3 fatty acids: Have anti-inflammatory properties that may help prevent heart disease
Vitamin B12: Helps your cardiovascular system and gives you energy
Vitamin D: Helps your body absorb and retain calcium and phosphorus, build healthy bones and teeth, and reduce cancer cell growth
Calcium: A good choice for those who are lactose intolerant, allergic to dairy, or need more calcium in their diet
Iron: Increases your energy levels, promotes better athletic performance, and supports your daily body processes
Potassium: Supports normal blood pressure, assists muscle contraction, and helps maintain fluid balance in cells
Protein: Essential for building healthy bones and muscles
Phosphorus: bone and teeth health, good for cell repair
Selenium: good for thyroid and heart health, helps immune system
Zinc: good for immune system and metabolism function
Choline: helps reduce blood pressure
No. 2304434
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>>2304007>>2304011Thank you!!! I won’t know my full grade until later but bare minimum I got a high B. Got a fancy coffee from the cute coffeeshop afterwards as a treat
No. 2304493
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Need something to do while I work, so I'm trying to make a dish for my kojic acid soap. Pinterest has a lot of cool inspo, although I'm not talented enough for any of it.
No. 2304651
File: 1733964561193.gif (935.97 KB, 200x190, rage.gif)

>check my gmail
>''noticed of deleted item from your search history''
>read the email
>''we have hidden [page] from all users because it doesn't follow google's content policy''
>search whats [page]
>its some lolishit hentai page
>''if you wish to explore any legal options that may be available to you, please consult your own legal counsel''
>suddently remember i left my google acc on my old computer at my mother's house with my 16yo brother
Holy shit i swear if this faggot gets me into legal trouble for fapping to lolis i am going to beat his skinnyfat ass. Remember that boy=aboytion nonnies. I am praying that last part on google's email is just legal bluff and not a fucking threat that i should lawyer up.
No. 2304660
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>>2304651Forward or screenshot it to him and parents and make him piss his pants. He's also probably a pedophile so don't feel bad.
No. 2304790
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I really just spent my money to buy fucking roaches.
No. 2304837
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Moroccan friend gave me this keychain as a souvenir from her vacation in Morocco. I'm an honorary Amazigh now (not really).
No. 2304999
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i want to get into watching women's wrastling but i dont know where to start
No. 2305016
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>>2304999not sure if you mean pro wrestling (like the kind with the costumes and storylines) or real wrestling, but when it comes to the former I started following some WWE women by pirating recent pay-per-views to get a sense of what wrestling styles and rivalries stood out to me
No. 2305018
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I just played Neva… it was… good. But I can't help but compare it to Gris and I feel like this studio just made a more boring version on Gris but with some combat. Still worth the play through, but it just felt the same but with less charm. But instead of collecting colors in each section it was seasons. I want Namada to keep making games, but hope they're more creative.
No. 2305039
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My hearing has been 200% these past few days after being like 80% for a while now. I love having this super hearing where I can hear every intricate detail of a song and it sounds super loud, louder than usual.
>>2305013If you're ok with the goofy cheap look, Aliexpress and Shein have some funny looking ones, picrel. If you want something good quality, I can't point you to any specific store or person because I'm too broke for that, kek. But I know of people who do that stuff, so give it a try, you never know.
No. 2305232
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the jewsperging in the psyop thread is honestly making the thread entirely unreadable to me, mainly bc i go on the thread to see Barry Keogay get called an ugly faggot and not to read paragraphs and paragraphs about jew power. i don't really know what a jew is to begin with.
No. 2305264
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found out i need at least a 31% on my exam today in order to get a B- in the class. i can't believe i'm actually going to get a decent grade in this class
No. 2305277
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Please help me decide if the tyla x Stanley cup is cute. Swore I’d never buy an overpriced Stanley but I like tyla and I think it’s mostly cute.
No. 2305392
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>>2305277I like Tyla, but I'm kinda split on this cup. I like the tiger design and that it's metallic, but I think the colors are slightly off. Like the brown of the background is too close in tone to the stripes. Or maybe the brown is too cool or light? I don't know. But, if you like it and you're actually in need of a new cup, I would say get it.
No. 2305676
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found a y2k discord group from r9k (4chan), joined it, made a comment about how much i hate racist nerds, got removed. not even 24 hours. Lmao, what did I expect?
No. 2305816
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Whats your favourite all female or mostly female cast media? for me its these two. I wish there was more female only shows that arent moeslop or boring sol(no shame to those who like them, they just bore me). I am still waiting for the day japan releases female spokon that isnt borderline porn shit.
No. 2305863
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>>2305816I know this sounds childish but I unironically enjoyed Shera and the Princess of Power. Something about both the hero and the main villain being women in a friends to enemies to lovers arc really stood out to me. It also made me a bit emotional since it's the sort of show I wished I could have as little girl. There's only a 2 plot relevant men in it. And I think there's 1 enby/troon character so it's similar to OITNB in that regard, which is also a favorite of mine. My favorite character was the nun kek.
No. 2305870
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>>2305816>Asobi Asobase (retarded girls doing retarded things)>Keep Your Hands Off Eizouken!!>Arcane>We have always lived in the castle>MadoMagiI feel like I've seen way more than this but I can't think of anything right now kek
No. 2305962
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>a couple of days ago
>felt nostalgic and in the mood for trash
>youtube kept recommending me family guy clips for some odd reason
>guess that's my sign
>watch a few episodes from one of the newer seasons
>actually had a good chuckle every now and then
>last night
>had my first steamy hot sex dream in several months
>it was about motherfucking quagmire
>I swear I'll never watch that shit ever again
No. 2306549
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>camera model is one of the new cheap shitty ones that don't even fold down
Zoomers really get the worst shit and think it's just baseline but it isn't
No. 2306596
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I have 287 unread emails from this semester. Wish me luck to clear all this shit out… hopefully I didn't miss any important deadlines, appointments or emails
No. 2306631
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really sad to me how Hatshepsut is considered one of the best pharoahs egypt had yet everything about her was erased and credited to other pharoahs not long after her reign ended. Women make extremely good leaders, but we don't get shit in return
No. 2306809
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I really want to smoke a cig and drink some coffee. it's the best combination but I'm trying to not smoke as much…
No. 2306933
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I need to go to the grocery store but I woke up much later than I planned today so my whole schedule is ruined.
No. 2306975
>>2306972thank you sweet
nonnie. i feel silly but sometimes you need another person to encourage you to go against what the bad mood prefers. its for a winter ballet performance! i guess i wont say much else lest it makes me less anon
No. 2307000
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>>2306989The Nutcracker is so much fun. Let us know which is your favorite in the parade of nations, I’m always partial to the mirlitons. San Francisco Ballet does a cool version of the Tea performance with a dragon, picrel.
No. 2307032
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I bought picrel as a blind buy and as soon as I smelled ot I let out a laugh. Every single person in the r/bathandbodyworks subreddit (I don't participate, I mostly hatefollow) would describe this in such an unflattering way. It's all
And spoiler alert it is the tamest, plainest "musk" scent. I wouldn't even call it masculine. It's quite feminine, really. Just a slightly feminine musk scent, nothing complex (it is bath and bodyworks kek so of course). It's quite nice, no idea why every single person in that sub thinks this is the most repulsive and masculine scent around kek.
No. 2307041
>>2306915I did my masters on cannabinoids. It's non
toxic and we have an entire biological system within our bodies that has receptors just for cannabinoids. I hate the stigma against weed that's the only reason I stopped and the black market. No harm to you but I just think people are wild ignorant saying shit like that. I was a chronic smoker for 13 years and no one knew unless I told them. I did all my driving lessons high because I knew that was going to be my normal lol. Passed first time and driving instructor told me I was an exceptional student. Wouldn't have got through uni without it. I have cptsd and all other legal medications I've been given by doctors have had a wealth of side effects and left me worse off. Why not use a non
toxic substance that I know gives me the results and motivation to live my life well. Nicotine was the worst thing to get addicted too but I honestly haven't craved it at all.
No. 2307063
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I have lived for over 20 years and only now I find out that couscous is not a grain but actually a type of pasta because it's made from flour. For some reason I can't accept it
No. 2307071
>>2307041You don't have to power-level. I was a chronic smoker for 8 years and I worked in the cannabis industry for 6+ years in both the black market and the legalized market. I campaigned heavily for it's legalization, which involved meeting with politicians and hosting rallies and campaigns. Looking back on it now, I regret my actions and wish that I focused my efforts on decriminalization instead. Legalization was a disaster for the society in which I live. When I quit weed I was in a very strong state of denial about my addiction to it. It wasn't until I was 6 months sober that I could actually think straight and evaluate with honesty how cannabis affected me, and only after a year sober could I come to terms with how that addiction negatively impacted every facet of my life. I used to drive high too, but looking back I wish I had been arrested or my license taken away because every time I drove high I was endangering myself and everyone else around me, and I didn't want to admit that at the time because my addiction completely controlled me. It worries me that you drive high, not just for your sake but for the sake of people that you could maim or kill. My entire 20s are a blur looking back because of the mental side-effects of cannabis, and I'm still dealing with the consequences of my addiction to this day. It's so strange because I also told myself "nobody knows unless I tell them," and I see that idea repeated my chronic stoners all the time, but it's so far from the truth. Believe me when I say people know, they're not as stupid as we'd like to think. I've seen you time and time again, I know how you think because I was you, so I know that eventually you'll wake up and smell the roses. It's only a matter of time. I wish you well.
No. 2307098
>>2307090You can keep labelling me an addict but I stopped smoking in November of my own violation because of the expense and the black market. Would an addiction be able to quit cold turkey? I'm seeking professional medical advice on using it legally to manage my symptoms and am happy to wait for the process and make sure everything is as guilt free as possible. At my heaviest usage I was using 25g a month, people are getting prescribed 60g and 80g which I think is mad just on cost alone but again, doctors are prescribing for it so who am I to judge someone. My dad has MS and won't touch it even though Jack Osbourne went into remission using various therapies and cannabis, hopefully with me accessing it legally it might help him choose another avenue to best manage his symptoms.
I didn't make any baseless claims, you just said you worked in the industry and were a chronic smoker for less time than I was and you regret all your choices. As I said, glad you feel better now and hopefully when I get my script I can have a peaceful night's sleep.
No. 2307119
>>2307098You made baseless claims about me, and insulted me too. You said that I was ignorant, that I was like Elton John, that I was a fearmongering about gateway drugs. Read your posts back. You then deflected and brought up legality, your family life, your family's illnesses and addictions, your mental illness, your studies, your drinking habits, for what? Why would you bring all that up unless to justify it? Why do you feel the need to justify it unless you know, unconsciously or not, that it's wrong? I used to deflect when I was an addict too, because it's easier to deflect than it is to reflect and admit that there's something wrong. Again, I'm wishing you well. I hope that you can move past whatever it was that gave you CPTSD and stop relying on substances to make you feel better.
>Glad you feel better now.You're missing the point. I felt "better" when I was high all the time because weed makes us feel good. It makes us feel comfortable. When I was high all the time, I made choices that benefited my addiction rather than myself. I made mistakes, like driving high, which I still regret to this day. Cannabis started a crutch for me because I couldn't handle the stresses of daily life, but in the end it became a block that held me back and that paused my personal growth and development. I don't want to feel good all the time, I don't want to numb myself and my emotions just to avoid the difficulties of life. I developed healthier coping skills and did a lot of personal reflection and therapy, and now I realized that I never needed a crutch to begin with. I was malingering because I was immature and selfish. Eventually, you won't need this crutch either.
No. 2307136
>>2307119Yeah well you're acting ignorant and doing an Elton john whereas your individual experience is h9w everyone experiences weed. I already addressed everyone experiences it differently I started smoking in my 20s, I don't have a blur of memories or regrets. I wouldn't have finished my education to a post graduate level without using cannabis as a crutch so we have completely different experiences. I suffered insomnia since a child and the first time I smoked weed on holiday in Amsterdam I had the best sleep of my life and when I got back to the UK statyed researching it and found a dealer. 3 years later I had left a physically
abusive relationship, got my own place and enrolled into university after dropping out I initially when I was 19 because I couldn't handle it and started working. As I said people have different experiences. Glad you did what you had to do for yourself and I'm going to do me!
No. 2307165
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I'm looking up car insurances and why are they so expensive please I'm jobless and broke I can't afford to pay +500€. That's literally all I have on my account atm
No. 2307192
>>2307182I'm just looking for a basic plan, but since I'm still considered a new driver (got my license on may '23, here you need at least 3 years of experience to stop being considered one) and this would be my 1st time getting insuranced, companies take advantage of that and the prices are so, so inflated it's insane.
I'll probably just hit up a local agent like I did last year and have them sort it out. Can't be arsed to deal with this headache and make a thousand phone calls
No. 2307200
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my mom is starting to smell like an old lady and it makes me so sad…. i'm never telling her though
No. 2307264
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The way I screamed
No. 2307505
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A friend of my mom has a teenage son, and he got caught catfishing horny moids by using filters to make himself appear as a Korean woman. He racked up hundreds of dollars from just leading on horny scrotes. Of course, his mom is angry with him, but I gotta say that was impressive.
No. 2307531
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Indian men are so pathetic, how are you an 48 year old man powertripping your 19 year old daughter?
No. 2307556
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>It's 3:00 in the morning, I'm just starting to fall asleep after a long night of facetuning photos of randos to make them better-looking.
>Eyes slowly closing.
>Hear my kitty start screaming and yowling and hissing.
>"ohmygod she's hurt she's dying what's going on?!?!"
>Jump out of bed.
>Rush outside to the living room, trying to locate my snarling kitty.
>She's nowhere to be found.
>She suddenly yowls incredibly loud, followed by a strong hiss, and I follow the noise to her.
>She's behind the curtain of my sliding glass door that leads to the backyard, only her tail is visible to the eye.
>"Kitty what's wrong?!? What's out there?!?"
>I pull back the curtain.
>My jaw hits the floor.
>I see him.
>I scream.
>It's Big Joe.
>My kitty is still hissing and trying to attack him from behind the glass.
>I pick her up and scream out:
>His smugness is almost overwhelming as he looks up at me.
>Kitty and I stare him down and see only depravity looking back at us.
>He turns around.
>He slowly walks away into the darkness of night.
>I close the curtains and take kitty into my bedroom.
>We are both stunned and speechless.
Tonight has been such an emotional roller-coaster for my kitty and I and we're still grappling with the fact that he is alive. I haven't seen him in 2 years I thought he was fucking dead. I don't know how to cope with this or handle this. What am I supposed to do if he keeps coming back??? He got so much fatter and uglier and stupider since the last time I saw him. My kitty has been traumatized by this and I don't know how to help her because she doesn't respond well to therapeutic interventions but I worry for her mental state. Big Joe I hate you I hate what you did to me I hate what you did to her I hate what you did to our family I hate you. I'm praying to God that I never have to see him again.
No. 2307638
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>squeez boby
I'm never looking at comment sections again
No. 2307835
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I'm considering ordering home some ruby chocolate to make hot coco with, but because of the price I'm trying to find more recipes with it since I enjoy baking and making candy, but I'm struggling to find something that appeals to me…
No. 2307843
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today i learned what it means to call someone a "bunny"
No. 2307849
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I'm washing hair extensions (like picrel) but I forgot to braid the bundles beforehand so now they might be tangled…fuck me.
No. 2307906
>>2307618>>2307622Big Joe is my kitty's ex-boyfriend and the deadbeat father of her kittens. They were on-and-off again for 4 years because they kept having fights so they kept breaking up but Big Joe would always come back and gaslight her and manipulate her into reconciliation. It was a
toxic relationship. My kitty has Asperger's Syndrome so during their relationship she didn't understand that Big Joe was using her and that he was a manipulative sociopath and that she should dump him because he was just using her as a booty-call. He disappeared 2 years ago after my kitty had her second litter of kittens. She was showing him the kittens in the backyard and he stepped on one (abuse) and so she punched him in the face and then he ran away and never came back so she had to raise the kittens virtually all by herself and they grew up without any father-figure. I thought that Big Joe got eaten by a coyote or something, but I guess he was just biding his time. Now that he's back I can tell my kitty is depressed and upset because of last night because she is still traumatized by their unfair and evil relationship so I just pray that Big Joe dies for real before he can come back tonight and try to emotionally abuse my kitty again.
I call him "Big" Joe because even though he's a stray tomcat, he's the fattest cat that I've ever seen in my life. Sorry, I forgot to mention it at the time in my OP because I was in a state of severe shock.
No. 2307950
>>2307939No she is my kitty and she is spayed now and stays inside now. When she was younger I let her go in the backyard because she likes the sunshine and I wanted to expose her to the germs outside so that she didn't end up allergic to things or immunocompromised. I didn't spay her until she was a bit older because she really wanted to be a mother and I didn't want to rob her of the chance to accomplish one of her goals. This response sounds like you are
victim-blaming my kitty when really it's Big Joe that you should be harassing not her. My kitty is my best friend and she doesn't deserve any online hate or vitriol. I know that she made a mistake when she got together with Big Joe the first time but she's learned and grown a lot since then and now she knows that moids aren't worth shit.
>>2307930Thank you for your kind words. I am going to keep her inside my bedroom tonight so that she have the chance to see him if he does come to the door again. I hope that she doesn't ever have to deal with what he put her through every again.
No. 2308022
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>>2308018I would normally assume it's pixielocks stan-fic and kek but there have been several self-proclaimed bpd's roaming lc and posting similar bait
No. 2308029
>>2308011You probably meant to post here, but anyways, wanted to say try making a homemade version. I watched many recipes but didn't like how they did it tbh, too much dairy products imo. But if that's ok with you, I've seen people using butter, milk and cheese to create the sauce iirc, and then add the boiled elbow pasta, then the breadcramps and extra shredded cheese then in the boiler for a bit to give it a crust. I think using a real type of yellow cheese, not the processes stuff, and milk or cream is enough for the sauce, with some pasta water for starch and to thicken it up. Or make it like a bechamel sauce. Vidrel is a nice recipe imo.
No. 2308032
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My first purchase as soon as I get my braces removed.
No. 2308044
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>Learn about the lizard man of Bishopville, South Carolina
>Proceed to watch YouTube videos on the lizard man for the entire day
>All of my recommendations are now about signs of autism in women
What does it mean nonnys
No. 2308045
>>2308044KEK well I have some news
No. 2308050
File: 1734220644928.mp4 (1.27 MB, 1452x1080, 0930.mp4)

>>2308044It means the algorithm has gotten really good.
Also, video is loud so watch out.
No. 2308110
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I think i want to make a few Christmas cookie boxes this year for my family and friends but whenever I bake I always find a way to fuck it up so idk.
No. 2308111
>>2308029I will try this because I love trying new food, but I specifically bought box mac n cheese because that's what people were nostalgic about
I have my own quick n easy macaroni recipe that uses macaroni, milk, egg, butter, cubed peppers and tomatoes all mixed in a deep fireproof pot and just let to cook in an oven until the macaroni soaks up all the liquid
Curiously it tastes as if it has cheese but it doesn't
No. 2308145
>>2308129This! Think of all the malding moid memes where the evil bitch Stacy rejects our poor downtrodden hero and years later he's driving ten fancy cars and wearing a Rolex on his dick when he runs into evil Stacy, who has twenty kids (mixed race, of course) and she begs to have him back.
Pregnancy and children are a moid's way of inflicting violence when they decide not to murder. If evil bitch Stacy could legally get rid of her twenty mixed race kids, and managed to move on with her life, how would the moid in this totally real scenario feel? He'd feel sad, and that's a crime.
No. 2308233
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They’ve played Holiday Touchdown: A Chiefs Love Story every single day since it premiered on the hallmark channel, sometimes multiple times a day. It isn’t good even by hallmark standards and they spent the entire budget on ugly football player cameos. I desire garbage but even I have standards hallmark.
No. 2308245
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After ages of using girltalk, i've switched over to Futaba light as the style, it looks so sweet and nice, it's less straining on my eyes too.
No. 2308393
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Nonnas what’s your favorite banner? this is mine.
No. 2308495
>>2308453Me too
nonny, good luck! I will put my cellphone on the other side of the room with podcasts playing and hopefully forget to mess around with it
No. 2308614
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I am trying to design a character for a game i am working on and picking pleasant color palettes is so hard. My attempts either look too boring, dont match the character personality or are stolen from better designs.
No. 2308633
File: 1734280865552.webp (474.18 KB, 1200x1200, Chocolate-Covered-Strawberries…)

>>2308614Colorpick images that look nice, preferably one with contrasting colors. Pick three colors from the image and do the 60 30 10 rule (60% of the design is one color, 30% is the second, and so on). For those three colors, make sure that only one or two is saturated. So you could do a bright red with a desaturated green. Theres a little yellow here too so that could be your accent color. Neutral colors like grey or skintones of the characters dont count for the three color rule but make sure to pay attention to the values of those and try to break up your values. (Light on dark and vice versa is good)
No. 2308636
nonny this is very helpful, i have been trying something similar but i still struggle knowing if it looks good or plain attrocious.
No. 2308686
>>2308259>>2308274And then you have that than
nonnie married to a fitizen
No. 2308742
>>2308259I know a handful of women that used cgl when they were younger, I even made a friend in the friend finder thread, but I don't think any of them still use it
I wouldn't trust a man that actively uses 4chan as an adult, but also don't want to make friends without anyone that is open about using this site. If people use these degen sites it's important they at least pretend they don't
No. 2309003
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I somehow slept until 4pm today, my cat didn’t even wake me up to be fed. Now I’m so disoriented and I have no idea what to do for the rest of the day.
No. 2309052
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I want to say thank you to the kind nona that recommended some overnight oats recipes in the CC bunker thread back when LC was down. I’ve been making overnight oats almost every day since then; it’s saved me so much money and I rarely snack during work now (unless a colleague brings in some home baked goodies!). I always think of her when I’m mixing them up the night before.
No. 2309100
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>>2309021A pleasure making your acquaintance nona
No. 2309198
>>2309058My favourite recipe I’ve tried so far is:
50g rolled oats (any brand is fine)
200-250ml milk of your choice (the less milk you add the thicker your oats will be, keep this in mind if you add other ingredients such as yogurt or fruit)
1tsp chia seeds (optional but makes for a creamy consistency)
2tsp pumpkin seeds (optional)
A few generous scoops of strawberry yogurt (optional)
Frozen berries (as much as you want!)
Try cocoa powder with berries for a cake flavoured treat. Peanut butter is great with cocoa powder for a “Reece’s Pieces” breakfast, or keep it simple by just adding a scoop of raspberry jam. I hope you have fun trying out different oat combinations!
No. 2309266
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I have the perfect image for that nona in unpopular opinions that was complaining about the hetalia amerifag threadpics but the moment has passed and she wouldn’t see it. I’m posting it anyways, this one’s for you nona.
No. 2309275
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>>2309100Omg! I just woke up and it’s 4:30 pm. It was almost pitch black out and I thought it was like 6 am. Even though I went to sleep at 6 am kek.
>>2309249Of course nonnia. I have that expensive breville espresso machine as well as a nespresso as well as another espresso machine and this instant coffee compares. I hate instant coffee but this one is bomb.
No. 2309527
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Every time I remember this movie exists I get chills in a bad way. This is a truly cursed kids movie what were they thinking. Also for some reason it reawakens some repressed religious trauma
No. 2309533
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Do you guys think he actually pissed here? I thought it was just the print. Also, there’s a new wave of people saying it’s been proven it’s not him but are showing no proof. I won’t go into that in fear that this is going to be considering going outside of the containment thread so just give me your thoughts on the pee pee scandal.
No. 2309542
>>2309527I don’t really remember much about this movie, why does it
trigger religious trauma for you?
No. 2309556
>>2309527Ironically, the annoying nerd kid who everyone makes fun of is the only non-terrifying part of this movie kek. It kinda makes me wonder if they were forced to write him into it so they could at least
kind of pass as a real kid's movie.
No. 2309569
>>2308891This happened to me once
nonnie. After the cornstalk grew, crows started attacking my belly. I walked around with a scarecrow for a bit. Luckily its winter so yours may not even grow.
No. 2309589
>>2309275Thank you
nonny for your expertise, I am og bad coffee anon so I will look for this and see if I can get it in my country
No. 2309632
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Just tried a new finishing method on my cross stitch pieces and it turned out lovely. All the info online makes you finish it by hand resulting in a bulky and inconsistent finish, my method can be done by machine and looks much better imo. I’m so pleased.
No. 2310045
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r/rance? more like r/rancid kekekekek
No. 2310091
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Got a couple of recipes I'm gonna try making this week and I'm so excited. I actually did the first one yesterday and it was a huge success! Probably hadn't even given it a second look if the slow cooker reddit wasn't so obsessed with it, getting that multicooker is slowly getting me out of my comfort zone
No. 2310576
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Blood flow super heavy today (is talking about periods TMI for this thread? I don't think it is) so I'm not sure if I should just play Infinity Nikki all day, draw or study. I know I'm slowly becoming a boring adult because recently when I play video games I keep thinking that I should be doing something more productive. I'm really stumped on the background of my current drawing so I'm procrastinating it.
No. 2310791
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>>2310780Proud of you! Fuck them for firing you though. I hope that whoever fired you is made a paraplegic in a car accident. So mote it be.
No. 2310824
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>When I have to draw anything vaguely anime instead of my usual style
I promise I'm better than this…
No. 2310845
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You know it's is good when
No. 2310855
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I think the design i am making for a project is coming along well, but it might be dunning krueger also. Once i am done i will post them here so i can get shit on by anons, i know most anons dislike getting mean replies in the rate my art thread but i love it because it kepts me from becoming too blinded to my mistakes.
>>2310824What do you usually draw?
No. 2310867
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>>2310855AYART. Picrel isn’t my art but imagine something very similar to it. I rely too much on references imo and it’s difficult for me do anything super stylized. I’m traditional only and draw for fun mainly, currently working on a Christmas present.
What are you designing nona?
No. 2310873
>>2310870nah the most was when the very first photo of ken from the barbie movie was posted, can't find the cap now but i'm sure someone else remembers.
wait actually it might have been the time an anon stole a GET with a big chungus meme
No. 2310899
>>2310874Oooh, what language are you programming in? That sounds so cool
nonny I hope you post updates as you progress.
No. 2310934
>>2310899Godot uses GDScript so i need to learn that one. Jumping from python to a complex language is going to be rough, but i hope it pays off in the end.
>That sounds so cool nonnythanks
No. 2310970
nonny for the hopefuel. I also know it has nodes and i have a bit of node knowledge thanks to blender.
No. 2311057
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I should be drawing but instead i am looking at cute obscure japanese mascots. These things are so cute.
No. 2311088
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>>2310791Thank you,
nonnie, you're really kind.
No. 2311137
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regret having just trash taste in music and listening to nightcore as a kid because i can't see the word "wolf in sheep's clothing" without thinking "CUZ A WOLF IN SHEEP'S CLOTHING IS MORE THAN A WARNING", cringe, absolute cringe.
No. 2311144
>>2311137at least you werent like me. Instead of listening to ''nightcore'' i would search ''
insert popular song alvin and the chimpmunk cover'' its literally nighcore but somehow cringier
No. 2311190
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I love huffing nail product fumes. I just got picrel and it smells so bad it's good.
No. 2311197
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>>2309745Yeah same except I never grew out of it ever and I ended up like your friend. Some amount of age regression is normal in young children, but emotional neglect can make us need "baby things" (i.e. unconditional love and attention) more strongly. You can heal from the trauma through healthy relationships and improving your self talk. I still play pretend like this, I have an imaginary parent and everything. It's basically just self love with an extra step.
>>2309803I think anon is concerned because pretend games are usually more exciting, like idk playing astronauts or pirates. Most kids want to grow up quickly. They dont aspire to be infants.
No. 2311203
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>>2311153The old comments are great
No. 2311206
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How did they make lois look so hot here even with her huge nose
No. 2311208
>>2311192Young is actually the name of the owner
>>2311198It's not like my braincells are worth anything, I'm already retarded.
No. 2311210
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>>2311206She's unironically kind of cute.
No. 2311224
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i've been reading Wonder Cat Kyuu-Chan lately, everything about it i like, the story is a simple 4koma, kyuu chan is actually sweet and adorable, and i really like the art. it's very simple and basic, but i like the style, and i love the colouring, i like when everything is shaded in with pink, like those idealized romantic illustrations of women that are always set in Paris or London and with the Eiffel Tower or Elizabeth Tower respectively in the distance, and they always have tons of huge shopping bags too.
No. 2311271
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the skin on my blister accidently peeled back to reveal pale white skin underneath, looking at it is terrifying christ
No. 2311509
>>2311496it's already been rebotted kek it takes a good fucking while to wake up and function like a normal laptop, perhaps it's just like me in the mornings.
nonnie i now have a NASA graded computer, how did I not think of that before??
No. 2311820
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is this AI generated what the fuck is wrong with boris karlovs face??
No. 2312179
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>>2312135One setback day isn't the end, it's still part of the beginning.