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No. 2286981
A thread for the daft, the dim, the silly, and the merely confused.
Previous thread:
>>>/ot/2271605 No. 2287043
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How do you guys read threads? Do you go top-to-bottom? Bottom-to-top? Do you follow a single chain of replies to its conclusion, read all the replies to a post before reading any of the replies to those replies? Just read posts in the order they were posted and reference the quoted post number to keep track?
No. 2287046
>>2287043Why are you making me analyze this.
But I read from top to bottom sometimes and sometimes I read from bottom to top, depends on how old is the thread. But also sometimes a reply catches my attention and then I follow the chain of replies.
No. 2287143
>>2287132If they're married or have a serious relationship and you have their address, write out a love letter to them. Make sure that you write it in a way that's different enough from your own handwriting. In the letter, refer to previous dates that you went on with them, while avoiding specific dates or times ("I had so much fun with you last time we were together, I can still feel your lips against mine," etc.). Put the letter in an envelope addressed to the moid you want to take revenge on, but under his name write something like "sexiest man alive" or some other flirty thing. Make sure you don't add a return address to the envelope. Apply red lipstick, and kiss the outside of the envelope so that the stain of your lips is there. After you kiss it, take a cotton swab and lightly brush the mark so that it's a bit "blurry" (your lip print is unique like your finger print, so you want to blur out the creases and groves so it can't be traced back to you). Pop the envelope in an outgoing mail box: don't go to the post office with it. I did this twice before and both times it ruined their relationships. Sometimes you have to send more than one letter, since the goal is for their spouse or girlfriend to find the letter and to read it.
No. 2287327
i can’t decide my stance on yaoi / bl. more specifically, i can’t decide what i feel towards women, especially SSA women, who enjoy yaoi. on the one hand, i think it’s not inherently bad or anything, even though certain shippers can be annoying or cringe. if a woman is happy, reading content made for women from another woman, then sure, i am happy too. but on the other hand… how is it different from just consuming porn? is fiction ≠ reality? i genuinely don’t understand, not trying to start a fight or anything. genuinely curios, how is it different from males reading hentai for example?
No. 2287348
>>2287327>how is it different from males reading hentai for example?Do women commit %98 of all sexual crimes? No. See how it's different for women to engage in their lust and it's not
problematic because we're simply not rapeapes or pedos?
No. 2287349
>>2287327it is just as harmful as pornography imho. it rewires the brain to be turned on by things that may be harmful for the person seeing it, such as depictions of violence, sexual assault, ~bdsm~ bullshit, and so on, which a lot of yaoi content tends to be saturated of. porn also makes people, especially very young ones, very confused on how they look at other people, and it's why you see scrotes becoming sexually violent after viewing porn, and women thinking that they're asexual or are a certain sexual orientation but they're really not in the end. back in the olden days of the 2000s, majority of yuri stuff was unrelatable to the female audience and more geared towards males instead, so yaoi started taking the reign in popular media consumption. that said, there is a slow increase of very good gl stuff out there, especially made from korean artists.
No. 2287364
>>2287362Allegedly, but most of them aren't actually lesbians/bi, just say that because otherwise it's "
problematic" for a straight woman to fetishize the poor mlm achilleans
No. 2287365
>>2287348>>2287355fair! i don’t know why i didn’t come to the obvious conclusion. women’s sexuality is way different from men’s.
>>2287349also a fair opinion i agree with, thank you for answering honestly
nonnie. i’ll definitely check out those gl works too, if you have recommendations, maybe drop them in a rated thread in /m/
>>2287362yeah… i think so!?? i’ve seen some nonnas on here and just all around internet, so…
No. 2287375
>>2287340Ignore her, this is the stupid questions thread.
Other anons have already thrown their 2c in, but personally I don't believe fiction is reality. We would have run into a lot more problems beforehand if it was.
I also think written/drawn porn is different than filmed porn. I've read a lot of accounts from porn actresses where they were abused by costars or directors, but 0 from fictional yaoi men because they are not real. Hope this helps.
No. 2287387
>>2287371this was NOT a bait i swear. i’m autistic and don’t understand many things, i’m sorry, if i caused mischief in the thread, but i was genuinely curious to hear opinions from other women, this is the only place i can ask this sort of question… yeah
>>2287375thank you! i am grateful for a real answer. i think now i can form a coherent opinion about it and move on.
No. 2287419
>>2287387You didn't do anything wrong. There are a lot of dorks who come to this site to start infights because they don't like fujoshis. One of the main arguments that sets off infighting is whether or not fujoshis can be lesbians, because yaoi is two men having sex.
It is the responsibility of anons to not infight or take bait, and to report infighting or bait posts. You don't need to apologize for using threads correctly, just ignore any obvious infighting and know when to step away from a thread.
No. 2287423
>>2287419Yeah, but the farmhand has been MIA for the past 5 hours. Most days now, they're only active for 3-4 hours at most.
>>2287421There's no point in even pointing it out nona, the shitflingers won't listen and the newfags won't know what you're talking about. Let them integrate on their own time.
No. 2287424
>>2287327Of course lesbian fujos are
problematic but the OSA women on here won't tell you because they would never experience the heartbreak of bihetdemons who pretend to be gay for a legitimate lesbian only to leave them in the end for a man.
No. 2287433
>>2287423You're right, I just feel I should try and help earnest autists integrate sometimes since nobody responds to questions in /meta/ anymore and admin is so absent. It would be easier for them to integrate if moderation was consistent, but I see so many anons left unbanned. I've even reported alogging and nothing has been done. So it seems no newfags will be able to understand what infighting or bait is, and all the most aggressive anons being left unchecked will lead to the newfags eventually get chased off the site. But this is counterproductive because we need a steady influx of newfags to sustain the site population.
I don't know, maybe anons are right and the farmhands are trying to slowly kill the site.
No. 2287439
>>2287433Yeah, I get what you mean, but you have to remember that it's not our job to help newfags integrate. It's their responsibility to lurk, and it's the farmhands responsibility to moderate. Unfortunately, everyone has begun to shirk their responsibilities. Even as we're having this conversation between you and I, retards are flinging shit around us for no discernible reason. This site has gone to the dogs because farmhands refuse to do the jobs that they signed up for, but we're all supposed to be peachy keen about it. It's frustrating for everyone.
>the farmhands are trying to slowly kill the site.If you check out the LC hate thread on CC, something interested was posted there about this.
No. 2287444
>>2287439Truly, and I almost gave in to asking them to stop kek. It's so frustrating because I really enjoy the conversations I have with anons but everything is constantly derailed with retarded spergouts and vendettaposting. Somebody mentioned the site was so different when you look at old threads, and I do miss that degree of politeness and unity. Now modern socmed antagonism has started permeating everything and it filters out the more stable anons. It really sucks.
I remember when "cerbmin" first took over and opened farmhand apps, a lot of anons were reporting back that they were not contacted at all, despite admin saying they did not have enough moderators. But I remember looking at the form and didn't see anything that should have been filtering so hard.
Thanks for the heads up about the thread btw, I will check it out.
No. 2287454
>>2287444Yeah, even just comparing 2024 to 2023 LC you can see how much its slipped. I knew it was starting to get bad when we were denied the chance to have town halls. It's really just too bad because it feels like the latest admin is squandering the site's potential. The problems with LC are really easy to solve, but no matter how many times they're pointed out, we're met with silence.
>Thanks for the heads up about the thread btw, I will check it out.Yeah, there's no point in talking about it on LC because the conversation will always just get derailed by shitflingers. CC has its issues, but the LC Hate thread is important because it's a place where we can honestly discuss the issues that we're having without being met with decorative red letters on the bottom of our posts.
No. 2287464
>>2287457>every time we bunk the same nonnas that I talk to here just magically become nice?The thing is, it's not the same anons. The bunker threads are always really chill at first because it's only the anons that genuinely care about the site and community that know about the bunkers and seek them out. The people that use this site to bait, fling shit, infight, etc., they aren't the ones that know about the bunkers. It's why for the first few days of the last long outage, the CC bunker threads were so friendly and fun, because none of those retards knew about it yet. Then after a few days they started showing up, out of desperation that they had been unable to troll for so long, but because the mods on CC don't play around with bait, they weren't able to derail the bunkers with their bullshit. You're 100% right when you say that the farmhands enable the worst posters on here to continue to in their retardation.
>>2287462Try to go back through the threads and read them. There's a lot of information posted about Cerbmin and the moderation team that is usually censored and deleted here. Not everything posted in those threads is interesting, and there's a bit of bullshit, but it's easy enough to discern which ones are important.
No. 2287466
>>2287457>every time we bunk the same nonnas that I talk to here just magically become nice?Nta but this is hit or miss ime, at least when I was on the cc bunker when the site was hacked.
Got dogpiled just for saying "milquetoast" when discussing seasons kek>>2287462Pretty sure she means the big sciencey post there several posts above that one
No. 2287468
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Is stupid/pointless/too zoomer make a thread in /m/ for memes about female insanity?
No. 2287473
>>2287468Maybe? You should probably just post that in the already active images/memes thread.
However, you could make a thread about films/media about "female insanity" and the memes could also go in there. But you would have to post and discuss the media on its own or it will probably get shut down for being a useless thread.
No. 2287770
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Australians should be awake right now so I'll ask: what kind of animals do Australian zoos have? I just can't imagine there being like, kangaroos, or spiders, or koalas, or emus, since you can (presumably) just walk outside and see them. It would be like an NYC zoo having pigeons and rats.
No. 2287778
>>2287770Haven’t been to a zoo down here since I was a kid but my recollection was it was really like, African themed? Like Rhinos and Lions and Elephants and stuff. And there was a separate enclosure for reptiles and crocs and the like.
I remember there being a Koala exhibit I think cause they’re kinda rare to see in the bush, but yeah I don’t think there were any Roos.
There was a whole smaller place that did have all spiders and lizards and snakes and stuff though, went there on a school trip.
No. 2287895
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Amerifags, do you have something like this in the States? If so, what is it called?
No. 2288535
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>>2288523Constant comparison to other women, succumbing to patriarchal fantasies (le frail nymphette), rooted in other mental issues, call for attention, tumblr/pinterest aesthetic obsession, and body dysmorphia to name a few
No. 2288599
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>>2288536Long term effects of extraneous estrogen in men is not fully known or studied. Because until recently men had no desire to take these drugs. Many report feelings of “euphoria” initially but it inevitably leads to a crash. Moob growth, ED, increased risk of blood clots and breast cancer. The worst outcome I have heard is a man having a stroke due to the blood clots that HRT caused. Otherwise the worst outcome for them is that it does absolutely nothing at all.
Keep in mind when you read things like picrel or men complaining about their moobs hurting that it’s just an act they play up as part of their fetish. And even though they are at an increase risk for developing breast cancer, it is still not comparable to the risk women have for the same disease.
No. 2288665
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>>2288658Angered him to the point of frustrated tears and had him on his knees begging me to believe that he loves me because I kept twisting his words and starting fights about him not caring about me
No. 2288672
>>2288658Called him a coward because he was living with a his scrote buddy and buddy's girlfriend and their relationship was so
toxic she told him she was cutting herself and he didn't tell her his buddy was constantly talking horrible shit about her CONSTANTLY, even about small shit like how she said "I love you". Kek, the thing is that I ended up regretting saying it but now? Fuck that I was right, you ARE a fucking coward, L.
No. 2288688
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>>2288546Try switching to spray-on deodorant. You might have sweat rash which is more likely to happen with stick deodorant. Also try to choose one that's all no bad ingredients blah blah blah to avoid potential sensitivities/allergies as well.
Source: had issues with bumpy rash in my armpits I couldn't get rid of forever, switched to Bravo Sierra spray-on deodorant and don't have that problem anymore.
No. 2288712
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Grammar nazinnoas please tell me which one is right, am ESL.
Is it "Jess's birthday" or "Jess' birthday"?
Is it "S-S-Stuttering speak" or "S-s-sttuttering speak"?
Is it "punctuation marks should be italicized?" or "punctuation marks shouldn't be italicized?"
Should it be "'Cause I said so" or "'cause I said so"?
I need answers, thanks.
No. 2288717
>>2288639Thank you
nonnie ♥
No. 2288742
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>>2288712Le real answer because I like grammar
>Jess' birthday>No idea what you mean by this, probably the first one>Include the punctuation marks, yes>no capitalization needed, in the middle of a sentence>>2288734I swear one year in middle school I learned it was Jess's birthday, and then throughout the rest of the years it was Jess' birthday. It probably doesn't matter.
No. 2288786
>>2288758No, s with the apostrophe after denotes ownership to multiple things. Examples:
It's the cat's bed. It's a bed belonging to one cat.
It's the cats' bed. It's a bed belonging to many cats.
It's my parents' house. It's my mom's car. It's the students' classroom. It's that girl's shoes.
No. 2288797
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>cs degree
>middling talent here but i know enough python + javascript to get around most issues with some googling and plan to have at least one cert (i'll decide on aws/azure this friday, need to tell current company) soon
>by march of next year i should have about 12k saved up
would it be completely retarded to just move cities regardless if i have something lined up? i'm incredibly miserable in my state. deep red, hyper conservative, absolutely nothing to do. deathly hot in the summer. i want to go to syracuse or chicago or somewhere in ohio
No. 2289003
>>2288987>t. someone who isn’t anorexicSo what about the lesbians that are anorexic? They’re doing it for men too? I just think it’s so bizarre that for this mental illness specifically people are obsessed with calling them pick-mes. Wtf? If anything there are more anorexics who want to desex themselves and not be seen as sexual. Both cannot be true at the same time. You don’t aspire to a BMI of 12 to be attractive to men you retard. I fucking hate how people love to make shit up about anorexics. The “”anorexic”” (self-proclaimed) attention-seeking cows are not representative just like how the autistic cows are not representative of autistic people.
>2010s when in 2009 Kate Moss did her most famous line that's lasted till nowLiterally no one knows that including me kek. That’s not exactly what people think of when we think 2010s beauty standards.
I’m saying this as a formerly anorexic person, who has been in ED spaces before anorexia started to become trendy on TikTok recently, anorexia is about control, and when it’s to do with vanity it’s almost always about how clothes fit or certain subcultures. People who are sexually abused often resort to restriction to make themselves
less sexually attractive and proclaiming the opposite and shaming them for being pick-mes is absurd. BMI 20 coquette girlies who listen to Lana Del Ray are not anorexic even though they say they are just like the zoomers who claim they have ADHD or Cluster B aren’t, so why are you feeding into their fantasy? It’s the people who are getting hospitalised who are. And it’s disturbing to me how people love to shit on anorexic people specifically, then turn around and say they have it easier than fat people/people with binge eating disorder. Yeah right. Women have unnecessary vitriol towards you by default for some reason and men either shame you for your body or see you as a freaky fetish.
No. 2289044
>>2289040Don't put yourself out, but I wouldn't mind if you posted for the dorks who keep insisting it's a way to desexualize and protect the self. If only they would run into ~shedtwt~ occasionally kek
Are we getting posted on tumblr or something? A lot of these arguments feel familiar in a dumb way.
No. 2289215
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>>2288967That’s a lie it’s because Brit’s don’t get any sun exposure and they have terrible diets that’s why they look like that. Just look at what they eat. They put French fries on white bread and call that dinner luv
No. 2289252
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>>2289244I dont understand why they're so content with doing that to their bodies. I'm not saying they should be as obsessed with their looks as South Koreans, but goddamn would it hurt the bongs to care
just a little bit more? And I keep hearing about their heavy makeup, what is it about them and the heavy makeup?
No. 2289386
>>2289265Not if you live in Northern England or Scotland. It's still everywhere here, and only seems to be getting worse in many ways.
>>2289252>I'm not saying they should be as obsessed with their looks as South KoreansActually, they are already on track to this kek, except the trend here seems to be to intentionally look as unnatural as possible. Lip fillers are so prevalent among women now, at least where I used to live and currently live, that it's probably almost as common as the amount of women with plastic surgery in Korea. Lip fillers and other cosmetic procedures, often invasive ones, are now standard practice in random beauticians and hair salons here. It is becoming a huge problem, vidrel goes into it in more depth if you're interested.
No. 2289409
>>2289336Writing, drawing, journaling, exercise, cooking… pretty much everything. Unless you need specialist equipment you can do it at home.
Any hobby will have expensive things you can buy, and cheap alternatives which are still pretty decent quality. You're going to need to be more creative if you're a poorfag, but isn't the point of a hobby to get creative and have fun?
>>2289252It's like a plastic surgery uniform. Overfilled everything, cellulite everywhere, botched tits and ass or just ass if it's a gay moid, atrocious hair, the ugliest nails to ever disgrace the planet, awful clothes that too revealing while being frumpy somehow like utra-cropped tracksuits ten sizes too small, and the same shitty makeup.
It's social contagion. Nobody with an ounce of functioning brain can look at this and think it actually looks good.
No. 2289437
>>2289003>People who are sexually abused often resort to restriction to make themselves less sexually attractive and proclaiming the opposite and shaming them for being pick-mes is absurd.exactly this. i thought this was well known as being the real cause, which i thought was where the other anon was going with the blaming it on men thing. they haven’t read studies, they’ve been taking the attention seeking internet posts of girls with bpd as lived experience and pretending they read it somewhere respectable instead of lurking those communities.
>BMI 20 coquette girlies who listen to Lana Del Ray are not anorexic even though they say they are just like the zoomers who claim they have ADHD or Cluster B aren’t, so why are you feeding into their fantasy? the only person i knew irl who was pro ana was exactly this person and she picked up the habit after years of other attention seeking posting online. this is why i am kind of bitter about them changing the bmi requirements, why do we have to treat girls like that that don’t even have an underweight bmi like they have the psychology of someone who was sexually traumatized and avoidant and ACTUALLY QUIETLY DYING. denial about having an eating disorder and trying to hide my eating habits was literally as significant a part of my diagnosis as being under a bmi of 14 and losing my period longer than three months.
No. 2289442
>>2289332>>2289339honestly bless your hearts i wish this was true. men are out here asking for a BJ and then grabbing women’s faces and forcing their heads down and going “deer throat it. a little deeper. DEEP THROAT IT IT ISNT THAT HARD.” they don’t ask for that they just get a woman to offer or agree to oral and start physically abusing her during it.
>>2289344assuming most women are doing this voluntary and it’s not being forced or thrown at them mid act with implied social consequences if they don’t comply…
No. 2289461
>>2289446literally actual studies state that anorexics who are subconsciously trying to look more child like are trying to halt sexual development they blame for getting molested TO MAKE IT STOP AND MAKE MEN LEAVE THEM ALONE. i truly have no idea where the men are attracted to pre pubescent children thing and anorexics are catering to them even came from. normal men are not attracted to children who aren’t old enough to even have periods. that is not as common as being attracted to a sixteen year old which is still being a pedo. men were literally repulsed by me when i had an inverted ass and my hair was falling out. that was the point. the women who post ddlg coquette shit online don’t meet any of the criteria for anorexia and most of them look downright plump. they’re larping as having the psychology of being a molested child using anorexia to cope with rough sex from older men they are fantasizing about and seeking, and you can tell that’s the case because the switch to the aesthetic and online larping predates any contact with these men or weight loss. that is not the same as having an actual eating disorder. pursuing older men and advertising to them they are into that shit is not being groomed and it is definitely not starving yourself to avoid being sexually abused. they’re women with bpd making this new thing their entire personality because they’re into bdsm and this is the newest way to be a sexual degenerate while also allegedly getting to play innocent naive uwu 30 year old teenage girl even though by the very fact of their self awareness and pursuit of these sexual acts they tell men they want, it makes them not innocent or
victims. the you’re not dolores, you’re humbert post rings so true. they don’t have actual anorexia. i would love to see a woman like that with an actual bmi below 14.
No. 2289471
>>2289461Fair enough, you make
valid points. The minority where they do it for a kink still exists though from experience and yes there are moids who get off to girls being too skeletal to even walk, met quite a few when I was a teen who would encourage girls who were actually anorexic from photos/bmi to starve even further. I do agree plenty of them are sick larpers but the minority does exist. Though they're an odd mix of genuinely having the disorder but having the kink as well, it's weird.
No. 2289579
>>2289442I'm the second anon, it wasn't clear in my reply but yes, it's obviously violent and nonconsensual most of the time, every time i hear about this practice the woman mentions she wasn't warned and she didn't even think to 'try' it out. I assume some will do it because of libfem/porn brainwashing but the effect is still very damaging. It's like anal, a lot of women are p much raped by their partner for the sake of novelty but then
some women consent to it, often for unhealthy reasons.
No. 2289586
>>2289580Embrace it, revel in it.
>>2289569She said she loved to talk to people online, vague statement but I couldn't help assume the worst. Grooming
victims love being groomed because well, they were groomed. Endless cycle, it's sickening.
No. 2289593
>>2289234>Do any other countries have as shitty a diet as us? Even Americans eat better than we do.Americans eat just as bad as we do, their food is so overprocessed and filled with byproducts that legally can't be called food in Europe, but we are mini America and so we import it and copy them. Brexit is doing a great job of eroding what legal protection we had from our own pathetic instinct to eat garbage.
In fairness a lot of our traditional unhealthy food was meant to be eaten before doing manual labour in shit weather, not in front of the tv after sitting down all day. I cannot defend our modern transgressions like the chip butty, we are a fat and lazy nation. A great climate for growing vegetables that we won't eat.
No. 2289609
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>>2289215My favorite culinary contribution from the UK is picrel personally
No. 2289613
>>2289588This is so sad I’m so sorry that happened to you, made me feel sick to read.
>>2289579I guess I’m in the minority, I was just curious if I could deep-throat when I did it. But I guess it wasn’t really “throat fucking”, that’s specifically rough I’m gathering, and he has to grab your head? I react very negatively if anyone grabs my head for any reason (past trauma) so I would not be able to put up with a guy doing that, I’d flip my shit
No. 2289657
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Can someone explain what the big deal is with that Hannah Kobayashi lady is? From what I understand, she told her family she was going to Mexico, so what's the big whoop and why is everyone trying to "find" her if they know where she is? And why did her dad kill himself over her going to Mexico? I'm just so confused.
No. 2289853
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What free sites do you guys use for streaming movies? pls help a gal out x
No. 2289877
>>2289044>Are we getting posted on tumblr or something? A lot of these arguments feel familiar in a dumb way.It's the retards from ed twitter communities, they probably found lolcow from searching for a ~based female 4chan community~ to compliment their uwu malnourished
femcel aesthetic, at least the bone rattlers from here didn't hide that they starved because they wanted to look pretty.
No. 2289908
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>>2289044>Are we getting posted on tumblr or something?Now that you mention it, I've noticed an uptick in the LC references on Tumblr lately. Here's an example of it happening. Usually how it happens is a Tumblrina is posted on here, they see it and freak out and talk about it on their blogs, then other tumblrinas see that and check out LC to read the drama, then they post about it on their blogs. Either that, or random
femcel-LARPers post about LC (either just namedropping or sharing screenshots of posts) to look edgy.
No. 2289927
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>>2289908Since we’re on the topic, I sometimes search lolcow farm on X and came across this recently
No. 2289928
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>>2289927And also this, this one even has “any pronouns” in bio
No. 2289957
>>2289928Finally, and don't come back
>>2289908>I still don't know how to fucking use that site>>2289933I used to hallucinate during this stage
No. 2290189
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>>2290138I snooped her blog a bit, she's genuinely some kind of low IQ autist. She openly identifies as a "female supremacist" in her bio and uses "troon" in her posts. Hates radfems though kek.
>My age is old I'm almost a hag. 30s looking close.Typical tumblr retard. I'd take more screenshots but I'm never sure where to post this shit kek.
No. 2290857
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If gay and SSA people in general make up a tiny portion of the population then why are there tons of gay/bi people in hollywood? Why are so many supposedly "straight" people outed as gay or have like 500 "alleged" stories from witnesses about them doing gay shit if it's apparently uncommon?
No. 2291015
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So I have a problem with my insta. Mind you my account is private and I only follow 5 people. For like a month or so I get suggestions for other accounts in my Story feed
To clarify: I see my own profile on the left side then I see the stories of the few ppl I follow and then I see like 20 other accounts. I don't see their stories just their profile pictures; I guess Insta is telling me to follow more accounts but I don't want to
HOW do I get rid of them?? I searched for answers but none of them are working. I hope someone can help me…
No. 2291052
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How much would you judge a friend if she bought something from Bad Dragon?
No. 2291142
>>2291052What, like because they suck as a company? A dildo is a dildo, I don't really care if she bought from a bunch of fags who are tearing themselves apart over internal drama. You can't do moral consumerism or whatever the fuck they call it. I guess you could always look up and recommend small businesses to her if you want?
I mostly recommend tantus to my friends because they put a really big emphasis on body safe silicone, and their guides on cleaning and maintaining products are straightforward and easy.
No. 2291282
>>2291259I don't believe in "acting masculine". I think that women will attempt to behave like men, but there is no inherent masculinism or femininity when a woman performs certain actions. For example, I don't believe programming or weight lifting or construction to be "male behaviors". I think those hobbies or professions can be male
When someone says gender non-conforming, I understand this to be a visual/presentation related description. A woman who knits, cooks, tradwifes, whatever people consider to be excessively female will still be gender non-conforming if she cuts her hair very short, wears no makeup, and dresses like a butch. Does this make sense? Conversely, a loud mouthed woman who is aggressive and gets into physical fights would NOT be considered gnc if she is dressed in clubwear and heels.
And it's not quite "this one thing = gender non-conforming". For instance, there are republican women with very typical short hairstyles who are not gnc. You mention a strong "protector" woman who is strong and quite tough. I fit your description when I wear a dress, but I shave my head and wear no makeup, so I'm instantly gnc to others despite wearing the dress.
Did I answer your question or is there something else I am still missing/did not cover? Other anons will probably have a different opinion than me, of course.
No. 2291312
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>>2291282>>2291283okay, totes
what about women like ilona maher?
>>2291307have you ever gone outside
No. 2291339
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>>2291326i think they are super hot and awesome too!! i do consider them to be gnc, even with makeup and hair done. they are so cool…
No. 2291347
>>2291339Ayrt, that's a bit too much for me anon KEK but I meant being really into the women that aren't waifs but have some weight to then while also having some obvious muscle, like picrel
>>2291312 here. I do respect the dedication it takes to achieve the results in your picrel but seeing her muscles so clearly makes me think her body fat % is super low and that sort of unsettled me. I like my muscle ladies with some body fat, it's so attractive.
No. 2291362
>>2291312Yes, unlike you I have. Show me a single construction worker getting a pretty dressed smeared in cement that isn't just some photoshoot. There's a reason these jobs require practical and comfortable clothes, you absolute autist.
>what about women like ilona maher?That is a gender confirming woman with muscles. Next.
No. 2291371
>>2291312I don't know her. What about her?
>>2291326It is kind of funny to me that I am in this strange place where I'm much stronger than most people I interact with including men. But because fat doesn't melt off me I am considered an overweight whale who will roll over and die soon kek. It doesn't matter that I weightlift, the bodyshape and size makes people ree. It's why I always think it's so funny and a little sad when I see someone get so mad they start slinging "fatty" in an infight. Like ok. What does that have to do with anon's post KEK.
Sorry, this is all to say. I am physically very strong, but because of the stomach and thigh fat, I guess people think I don't LOOK strong. A male relative was trying to pressure me into ozempic and finally shut the fuck up when I let him know I was using 280lb as a slow "cardio" training kek. I miss going to the gym now, damn.
No. 2291375
nonnie you sound kinds
HOT sorry kek. Physically strong looking women are soooo attractive I hate how society memes women into starving themselves and neglecting their muscles. Fuck that, thighs should be touching and women should aspire to be strong as hell.
No. 2291388
>>2291362>>2291372yes, i never stated this woman wearing a frilly pink dress and acrylics at her construction job… lipstick is incredibly possible to wear in construction..
now i pose the question, is a normal-looking dude into girly stuff and acts completely femme gnc?? (may i reiterate, he looks like a normal dude)
No. 2291389
>>2291372I know you're a braindead mongoloid and this
is stupid questions, but you could at least lurk to get the context instead of being this much of a sped.
>Why on earth would a woman be wearing a frilly pink dress while at her construction job?That's what
I'm asking
>>2291259 retardnon. She literally said:
> a woman who dresses quite feminine but acts quite masculine. she likes to knit and wear makeup, but she also likes working construction and doing other traditionally masculine activities. she is a protector and quite tough and physically strong, in a dressDid I explain it enough for your mentally challenged brainlet or do I need to use apples, oranges and finger puppets next time?
(infighting) No. 2291394
>>2291388You literally said
dresses femininely AND wears make up, not just wears make up. Construction is a job often done under the sun, you think your make up obsessed femme is gonna stand around letting herself get sweaty and having her foundation melt off her face, instead of running to touch up her sunscreen, foundation and powder? kek sooo realistik. Bet this hypothetical woman also kicks men's asses in 11 inch heels and her eyeliner is sharp enough to kill a man too, huh?
No. 2291402
>>2291375Kek thank you anon, you are very sweet.
Tangent, but I think that's why it's sad to me when people are so black and white about bodyweight and sperg about the way people are shaped. My individual thighs are bigger than my head, but because there is a layer of fat over them the anachans would kill me for being deathfat kek.
With the gnc thing, I think it is not useful as a general category, so much as a way to discuss social dynamics. There's another thread getting overrun with infighting right now over anons who are attracted to "gnc" women. Other anons are saying being attracted to certain "gnc" traits is the same as being attracted to men, but I think "gnc" can't really apply to sexual preference, if that makes sense? Many traits exist at an intersection, and I think "gnc" as a whole should be used to discuss society forcing regressive roles onto people.
No. 2291405
>>2291402nona, thanks for being so intelligent with your responses
> I think "gnc" as a whole should be used to discuss society forcing regressive roles onto people.i would love to hear more about this idea
No. 2291450
>>2291405I can certainly try. Let me know if anything I say is confusing, please.
In terms of "gnc" we were listing individual traits earlier such as not wearing makeup or having short hair, or not wearing dresses. But even signifiers like this exist along a spectrum. I would never call Hillary Clinton gnc, but there are right wing aligned people who I consider very extreme who would say she is extremely mannish. Consider when a woman wears "natural face" makeup and moids are cooming over her natural, no makeup face. But when a woman who is butch and not in a dress wears the same style of makeup, the makeup does not save her from being "gnc". Another example can be Anok Yai who many people see as mannish for modeling suits with her slim figure and short hair, or Serena Williams who was widely considered mannish for her muscles. I remember even lesbians were saying any woman who found Serena Williams attractive was "definitely straight"! But to me, both are very attractive and unmistakably women. Even in other non-American cultures, long hair on men and short hair on women are not considered "gender non-conforming". So really "gnc" depends entirely on whose perspective you are looking at the person from. This is useful to us because we can say "the average American male considers a woman gnc if she does not want to be pregnant and do full face makeup every morning and do her nails every weekend and maintain elegant waist length hair. The average American male is retarded."
The annoying idiot shitting up the thread with low effort aggressive bait brought up a woman "wearing frilly pink dresses" at a construction site. This is obviously stupid and a strawman, but this shows that even the same woman could be considered "gnc" in some situations just by wearing worksafe clothing and pinning her hair back at her job, but considered extremely feminine in situations outside of it. It's funny, does "GNC" apply at home when I am naked?
That's why I think it is useful when talking about the way others perceive women in relation to the gender roles expected of them. But you also have to define the demographic you are talking about, otherwise you descend into retarded troonerism like
>>2291398 mentioned. Trannies love "gnc" as a stupid gotcha to convince people that what they are doing is perfectly normal. "See how even CIS people are gender nonconforming? Sex is a lie because women can wear pants!" It's a pathetic cope. Yes, men can wear dresses if they want, but that doesn't make him a woman and never will.
>>2291388I hope this answers your questions as well? Let me know. Or were you asking for examples of what can be considered gender non-conforming traits for men? I can try to list some of these out as well.
No. 2291477
>>2291450you're the best nona
i would love to hear some examples of what you think gnc men are, too!
No. 2291518
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What the actual fuck is this? Why is it not called the $3, $4, and $5 menu now?
No. 2291520
>>2291518inflation is fucking crazy. My only loophole is getting a remote job in a nother state where salary is higher to accommodate the cost of living.
Anyway, I got a small coffee and a small bowl of broccoli cheddar soup today and it was 12 dollars. America is retarded.
No. 2291535
>>2291477This is much easier because males are extremely insecure. Almost anything can threaten their masculinity. If something would get a man called a faggot, then you can consider it a signifier of "gnc". So: "long" hair, wearing colors that are not neutral, any makeup (note how they must call it "guyliner"), any hobbies that are not to do with computers or aggression, tight fitting clothes, hygiene, flowers, jewelry, expressions of affection. The list goes on forever and ever.
This is also why anon mentioned this way lays troonery. Compare trends in male fashion before the modern era and the etymology of the word "dandy". They constantly move the goalposts in order to maintain a sense of superiority over each other, lest they are found to be metaphysically sucking dick. This is why some men will go so far as to not wipe their asses for fear that any interaction within the vicinity of their own anus is the equivalent of shoving a vibrator up their ass. There is a reason some anons believe all men are faggots to a degree, because they are always posturing for other men.
Consider reading up on the "metrosexual" trend, which will enlighten you to the depths of male mental illness in their quest to avoid being seen as "womanly". you see why gnc, already precarious as an identifier, falls apart completely once you take the male sex into account? I hope this helped your curiosity, and also explained my position a little better.
No. 2291541
>>2291512It depends on what you're looking for. If it's a compression sports bra for exercise, many of them need elastic to compress. Otherwise, the problem is probably your price range. Companies have been making cheaper and cheaper products to maximize profits, which includes replacing natural fibers with plastics. You're also fucked if you have bigger or strangely shaped breasts because then all you get is plastic bullshit.
>>2291522Oh, yeah, also since "sports bras" mean exercise/mobility, cotton is less used than plastic because it is not as stretchy.
No. 2291629
What Americanish is this
>>2285621? As in, what dialect?
No. 2291632
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Reposting from /g/ because advice thread is slow:
Is it worth it to make a separate blog or sideblog specifically for my art? (I know other blogs just add "-art" to the end of their main) I planned on making one and reblogging to my fandom sideblogs, but will posting art directly to my main be easier and/or get more recognition?
It's filled with random posts and vents right now but I have some small funny engagement, I want to post cute fanart but also want to draw nsfw of my husbando, is tagging everything appropriately and putting nsfw under a read more alright? I would prefer not to make another separate art blog just for posting yaoi doujins,at least not yet kek.
I'm guessing it's not the smartest idea to post videos to my personal YT if I want to keep my identity private , but won't it eventually be found out if I take commissions and collab with others? I'm also worried about people who know me from the past seeing me active and giving out my identity because of stupid drama and one is a catty moid, should I just not care?
No. 2291829
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If you have a cat, do you think it would be gay if it were a person?
No. 2292085
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>>2292081Click the thing I highlighted in blue, upper left corner. Sloppy edit bc I'm mobilefag kek
No. 2292170
>>2292129That's all there is on Bluesky. IIRC, there was a period of time a year or two ago when Bluesky was an invite-only site. During this time period, troons, furries, and losers were invited en masse. These social degenerates would become the backbone of the site, accumulating the most prestige and sway. Bluesky is not a place for
us, it's an echo chamber for
No. 2292563
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Who is this?
No. 2292796
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I have a lot of very thick pubic hair and it gets uncomfortable if it's too long, so I use a trimmer sometimes. However, I have the feeling that whenever I use it, my vulva gets itchy and sensitive. I'm not sure if I'm making up the connection, so I'd like to know, is it likely that there is a connection? And is there a way for me to keep trimming without feeling discomfort?
No. 2292826
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Legitimately diagnosed anons with Antisocial Personality Disorder, at what point in your life was the initial wake up call that something is wrong with your sense of empathy?
No. 2293038
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>>2292826There are no ASPDs on lol cow farms
No. 2293243
>>2292826It’s rare for people with ASPD to get diagnosed unless they’ve committed a severe crime or it’s comorbid amd they were evaluates for something else. Especially for women, sociopathy is a “male” disorder (like BPD being
female”). You’re not going to get answers.
No. 2293401
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i haven't drawn anything in a long time and i have the urge to doodle but no inspiration at all
what should i doodle nonas?
No. 2293516
>>2293398NTA but plenty of tp followed by baby wipes followed by blasting with the handheld showerhead followed by bar soap. I should be clean before the soap gets anywhere near me, so theoretically a rag or something would be fine. But I use a loofah mainly for limbs and torso because it covers more surface area, and bar soap for pits and bits because it's more precise, less rough on my skin, and I feel like soap stays clean more easily than the loofah, since lathering removes the top layer entirely.
Anyway arguments about hygiene are frustrating because calling someone dirty is so below the belt that everyone gets aggro over it. It always devolves into one side claiming others don't do enough to be clean, then the other side saying you must be extra dirty if you need to do more to be clean. If you aren't getting sick, have no ph or skin issues, and don't have any reason to think other people find you smelly or gross, it's probably fine.
No. 2293552
>>2293235Cool! So you should absolutely get some hobbies. It can be hard to "get into" something if you weren't "taught" how to, but you can do it. Probably the biggest obstacle will be discipline, but you can work on that.
The main thing is setting time aside for whatever you're doing. You can start with an hour a day. If you find you aren't delivering on that hour, you can schedule it (for example, one hour at 2pm, one hour after breakfast, etc).
The next step is to actually DO the hobby. I assume you're asking questions here because you aren't sure what to do. You can go about this in two ways: identify something you want to produce, or find an activity you enjoy doing. If you're in the Sarah Spaceman thread and think "why does she suck so bad? She clearly knows sewing basics, if only she tried a little harder or worked to improve" look up sewing basics and tutorials! If you see a cute granny square heart sweater on etsy, look up how to crochet. If you're watching a YouTube video and like their outro art, you can start learning to draw. Alternatively, you can do an activity because it is fun. I mostly play guitar because it is physically fun for me to do, not because I necessarily want to be a songwriter. Many people don't start blogs to become professional writers, but because writing your thoughts down about the things you're going through can be cathartic or satisfying. And the same can be said for the anons in the smallweb thread! A lot of them just enjoy working with html and experimenting with their pages/sites.
There are plenty of resources out there for beginners and hobbies in general. There are a lot of good youtube tutorials for casting on when knitting and signing up for ravelry is always a great idea. If you read the op for the Art Salt thread in /ot/, they link resources for learning how to draw. There is a yarn arts thread and a sewing thread in /g/ that you can look at to see what other anons are doing. And there are lots of hobbies I haven't covered, like scrapbooking, photography, keyboards, server hosting, tatting, beading, miniatures. The list goes on! Let me know if you have any other questions and I can do my best to answer them. Or if you need advice for other related isses you didn't mention.
Quick aside, I do not and will never recommend hiking as a "beginner" hobby. This is one of the most common things I see on lists of activities, and I really wish people would stop listing it. I'm not talking about walking, walking around your neighborhood, city, or in parks is great. I am talking about hiking in the wilderness. So many people do not know basic wilderness safety, and this is not their fault, but it makes the activity so much more dangerous. Yes, you should never approach wildlife. But I'm also talking about safety like never ever leaving the hiking trail. So many people are found only feet away from the trail and it is a horrible tragedy every time. Many people don't know the best thing you can do when lost in the woods is to STOP MOVING so rescuers can actually find you. If you do want to hike or spend time in the woods, then I urge you to take safety and training seminars and follow their instructions. The woods can be fun and really beautiful, but they are literally the wilderness and can get you killed much more easily than people think.
No. 2293572
>>2293516I'm the anon who unintentionally started the infight about how people wash themselves yesterday and it was so frustrating kek. There's always some weirdo who needs to hop in and start shitflinging. I feel like people who brag about infights should be banned it's so annoying. I wish mods would ban aggro losers and people who respond in kind.
I agree, so long as someone doesn't smell and uses soap they're probably fine. I do much the same as you, except I apply liquid soap onto my hand or loofah (I do not use a loofah between my legs.) and scrub. Don't you feel a weird film left on your skin after using soap bars? That's why I don't use them. Maybe it's just me?
The bait about letting water run over your feet is funny to me because you clearly said high pressure water. If they came from a country with bidets, then they would know the difference and not have asked this question. A lot of people who use toilet paper don't realize debris is always left behind even if you can't see it, that's why it's important for us to shower often even if we don't wash our hair.
No. 2293653
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For Christmas my dad really wants to get me something that I can physically open. I think I'm just gonna ask for clothes because I need some. I doubt he'd know how to do proxy stuff even if I explained, so no weeb clothes for me. What are some good online clothing stores that ship to the US and aren't too expensive?
No. 2293664
>>2293641Oh, okay! So I would ask for what your hobbies are so I could get more specific, but another two ways are logging and planning.
You can log what you're doing in order to keep track and help your motivation. I made a knitting "log" where I track my knitting projects and list details out (like which size needles I was using…) so it's easy to remember and go back to them without starting over. And for the more complicated ones, I attach a file where I've been writing down my progress or what I'm doing (here's the knitting pattern, here is how many rows in the sleeve I am, here's the video I used to make buttonholes…)
By "planning", I mean plan your improvement. So identify areas you want to improve on and then make a plan to get better, and then break that plan down into even smaller steps so it doesn't feel overwhelming. Like if I wanted to improve my embroidery, I'd identify needing to improve my drawing skills, and then I'd need to identify why what I draw isn't coming out the way I want, and focus in on that.
Honestly, the most straightforward answer is to spend more time on your hobbies. If you find yourself turning away from them, they may not be stimulating enough on their own. For example, some people watch tv while they crochet, but I can't so that, so I listen to a podcast instead. Or try a new hobby!
Was any of this helpful?
Respectfully, it also sounds like you may have self-esteem issues? I know what it's like to want to spend a lot of time with someone to the point where it feels embarrassing, but you mentioned work and school. So unless you're taking the bare minimum of classes and shifts, it seems like maybe you already spend a lot of time doing other things? I don't know the specifics of your situation obviously, and you would know best if you were actually being excessively needy. But it is healthy to want to be around people, so I would look into why you feel as though you're being clingy. Maybe instead of trying to be
away from people, you spread your attention over multiple friends so the single friend doesn't feel overwhelmed, if that is the problem in the first place. You will never be rid of your need for companionship, and trying to will only harm you in the long run.
No. 2293696
>>2293664Yes, it was very helpful, thank you nona. I haven't really been planning my hobbies as much as I plan for school or routines but I am very fond of lists and schedules and such so maybe it'll help me. I specifically enjoy drawing, painting, reading, creative writing and hope to also get into scrapbook journaling next year if that helps. The rest of my hobbies seem to be outdoors and it's too cold for them.
>self esteem issuesYeah, I'm trying to work on it and not to vent here but lately I feel like I sometimes am too desiring of attention from this one friend of mine to the point they have joked about me being needy and there's an ongoing thing about me being their little puppy.
>>2293669I mean I enjoy my hobbies a lot, I have been drawing and coding all day, for example. It's just that eventually I guess my desires for projects or stuff relating to the hobbies are really ambitious and the amount of work weighs on me when I start and I become distressed because I really still want to do that project but it takes me multiple days and I'm impatient (like a long animation, for instance) I want to like my hobby like other people like their hobbies, to where they go all in and create so much, like there's this one artist I know who made figures of their characters for example.
No. 2293763
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What does tamarind taste like? Picrel was gifted to me and I'm a little nervous to try it. Tamarind sounds like a spice, like cinnamon or nutmeg.
No. 2293778
>>2293774She's probably a different size than you kek
>>2293773Better to buy a dildo than deal with a moid who flips out on you for a small comment. So what if he loses his hairline, that's like malding about getting wrinkles. What a retard kek good riddance, anon.
No. 2293828
>>2293777That really sucks, I'm sorry to hear it, nona. I wouldn't put so much weight on virginity if I were you. Yes, first times can be special and memorable, like the first time you went ice skating or camping. But it was one instance of sex and you will have positive experiences with other people in the future.
On the one hand I understand why it can be important to women, but I also feel like giving it so much weight is giving in to moid insistence on virginity being something special and irreplaceable. I don't know, my mom obviously isn't a virgin but it doesn't affect the way I think of her.
Sorry I can't be more helpful, nonna. I hope you feel better soon and find a new boyfriend who treats you well and is better in every way. I guess maybe we should be glad he revealed his true colors now instead of later.
I know your cousin hasn't left him, but I hope she recovers in full and her piece of shit husband goes to prison for the rest of his life.
No. 2293838
>>2293809You should make the sandwich
I wish I had sandwich stuff in, I would have prosciutto, salami, spicy chicken and mozzarella with sriracha. But it is also 3am so I can't get it right now, so eat for us both
No. 2293921
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Is it an overreaction to feel wary and to think it's weird that people with oral herpes are…okay with giving it to their own kids? Don't babies get sent to the hospital because of oral herpes infections? Why do people with herpes keep saying, "oh, but it's rare of babies to get that sick with herpes. They'll be fine"? Or this idea that it's not fucked up just because the kid is contracting it from a parent? I'm aware that most people in this world have some form of herpes, but is it normal to still find it weird that people are okay with kids getting it too?
No. 2293926
>>2293922People often get annoyed and offended (aka insecure) around those who make good lifestyle decisions like sobriety and vegetarianism. Such women are trying to advertise that they are cool and unbothered, unlike
those dumb bitches who think they're better than me.
No. 2294047
>>2293922I do it.
Mostly to let people know that I actually eat and am willing to eat. I know it sounds stupid but Ive had to deal with so many people with eds who just dont eat it drives me crazy.
So it just become like a feeler thing tbh, because they'll either stay away, be normal, or not mind but sit there while I have a bit of everything from the buffet and dessert too while they eat a small salad and half a pizza.
No. 2294075
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Where can I read books online for free?
No. 2294094
>>2294066Can I ask which country? Sorry I assumed you were burgerfag, I thought it was a troonstate getting out of hand. Forgive me, euro nonna.
The way your old gym operated seemed way more in line with what I consider appropriate. I think you need to switch gyms, walking out of the shower to some random moid is a disgusting surprise.
No. 2294136
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Which is grosser: showering in the gym's moldy bathroom or walking home sweaty and showering at home? The gym is like an 8 minute walk from home
No. 2294201
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Is compatible music taste a normal/reasonable standard for a potential partner, or will that just needlessly limit my options?
No. 2294212
>>2294144Not acceptable, don't go out with him again.
>maybe lost himself in the heat of the momentSo what will he do next time in the heat of the moment, rape you? Use common sense, you don't have to give anyone a second chance, ESPECIALLY when they cross your sexual boundaries.
No. 2294584
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Where can I find an attractive older man? I just want a hot older man who takes care of me and calls me cute so bad
No. 2294623
>>2294610That's still 20 years of life experience he has on you. Like that moid would've graduated high school before you were conceived. But more importantly if you want this
>I just want a hot older man who takes care of meYou definitely don't want an older man. Like sure, right now you're 30 and he's 50, but in twenty years you'll be 50 and he'll be 70. He's not going to be taking care of you, you'll be taking care of him. Way easier to find a sweet doting moid your age who has the potential to grow into a silver fox.
No. 2294888
>>2294610Baby why are you wasting your years on a man who is soon going to the hospice and shitting his diaper, leave these predators alone please! They’re not mature, they’re not handsome either, let them go.
If you found a 50 year old with hair and who was mature and good he wouldn’t date in you in the first place.
No. 2295091
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Does BoA fall under jpop (okay) or kpop (b&)?
No. 2295691
>>2295386Save up your period blood, you'll need about 10-15mL. Next, get a pair of his underwear. The underwear has to have been worn by him without having had been washed before you take it. Wrap a red string around his underwear for however many months you've known him, so for example: if you were introduced to him in October and it's December now, you'd wrap the string around his underwear 3 times. Tie the string tightly so that the knot can't be undone easily. Put his underwear in a glass jar, and pour your blood into the jar. Make sure that the blood is soaked into the fabric of his underwear. Put the lid of the glass jar on, and on top of the lid light a long candle made of red wax. Let the candle burn completely, so that the red wax has covered the seal and the lid can't be opened without breaking the wax. Then, bury the jar in a place that he is often nearby, like the yard of his house, or nearby his place of work. It will keep him tied to you for as long as he's around that jar. If he should move away, or be far from the jar for long, it will stop working, so you must choose a good spot for it to be buried. If the jar is disturbed or broken, it will stop working, so make sure you dig a deep enough hole that it won't be found.
No. 2295788
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>>2286981>>2295750I feel like no one is getting my point kek. I get it, I'm socially retarded. But usually people with intense social anxiety are like sweating and stuttering and desperate to leave social gatherings and or are self analyzing the whole time. I just think my symptoms are strange.
No. 2295797
>>2295788I'm the one suggesting an as needed anti anxiety to help you with your pre-social outing anxiety
>>2295722I had to go to medical appointments. I would start panicking because of the nature of these appointments. On my drive to them, I would take the med, and it would let me be reasonable enough that I wasn't freaking out. I can also use it if I'm anxious about leaving the house or having a difficult conversation.
Yes, what you are describing does not sound like avoidant personality disorder, because as far as I understand those people are still pants shitting while actively in a social situation. Either you are not being fully honest about your symptoms, or the psych may have been mistaken and you should see about reevaluation with a different doctor.
I understand what you're saying just fine. This is all the advice I have for you. Sorry if it is not what you are looking for, consider speaking to a medical professional about symptom management instead of anons on lolcow. Good luck.
No. 2295804
>>2295788No anon we're getting your point.
>You have Avoidant Personality Disorder>Avoidant Personality Disorder is characterized by social phobia and fear of social situations.>You struggle with anxiety and fear prior to social situations.>Your symptoms are congruent with the diagnosis of Avoidant Personality Disorder.Avoidant Personality Disorder means you want to AVOID social situations and encounters, not that you can't be good at socializing.
No. 2296175
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Any nonnas here who barely wash their hair?
I was researching historical hair care and decided to try to lengthen the time between hair washes as much as possible. I have curly hair so before that I'd wash my hair every 6-7 days, with 3-4 days of good hair days in there. I also suffer from sebhorreic dermatitis my entire life, and after 6 days my scalp is full of crusts that itch like mad, so I'm almost constantly scratching my scalp and wounding the skin.
Well I stopped washing my hair and started brushing it every day instead. Something about distributing the scalp oils along the length. This allowed me to go around 9 days without washing my hair, and fixed my dry ends problem. Except that I've been sick for a couple of weeks and I just realized that I don't remember the last time I washed my hair anymore. It must have been over two weeks ago. Yet my scalp doesn't itch at all, and doesn't feel dirty? My ends are a bit oily, but nothing too serious. What is even going on?
No. 2296194
>>2296190There's a personal cow thread somewhere around here, right? Or was it locked? You can always try posting it but sage your post so you they won't accuse you of vendettafag.
Maybe another anon can give better advice, I'm not 100% on the rules in /snow/. Every time I think I understand them, I see another confusing redtext kek
No. 2296206
>>2296199I posted links to figure out if you had a heart event
>>2295747Go eat something and make an appointment with your doctor already instead of asking anons to diagnose you off stupidly common symptoms.
No. 2296222
>>2296184That's amazing nonna. Do you wet brush it every day? When you wash it, do you use shampoo and conditioner? How did you figure out you could wash it only once a month and be fine?
>>2296205I also have very fine hair nonna, and curly too so it breaks like mad. All the hair around my nape is much shorter than the rest from too much breakage. Do you wash it every day even when it's short? It must dry so quickly, that's nice.
No. 2296877
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Why are 3DPDfags so obsessed with this guy? He looks like any moid you see on the street.
No. 2296900
>>2296877You know very well he does not look like the average moid, also to be honest I don't think that image is him
>>2296889The guy who shot the healthcare CEO in New York
No. 2296955
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What does this picture mean
No. 2297066
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when is this disgusting pig going to kill himself?
No. 2297217
>>2297063I have no clue how serious the conditions you have in mind are, or how likely they are to be passed down, so this is probably a whole lot worse than anything you're thinking about, but please look through the ASD/ADHD and conditions you can't deal with threads, and if you have a strong stomach, the Hartley Hooligans threads, to get a better idea of what this hypothetical child might go through.
>>2296921I'm going to sound like a bitch, but please get therapy for your insecurity and BDD before you botch yourself irreversibly.
You're used to seeing your lips with filler, so they look small to you now. You're seriously considering buying mystery fluids from some shady website because the seller paid influencers to shill their product and has pictures of shooped lips on their website.
What's so wrong with your lips that you need to risk possible hospitalization to 'fix' them? Why do you need to risk necrosis and permanently distended lip skin to look like a photo edit?
Get some lip plumper from a well known brand with trusted reviews from the brand's official site and learn to live with lips of human proportions.
No. 2297292
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Where does the big spoons lower arm go?
No. 2297474
>>2297417Destabilize your government so they kill eachother
We can discuss further on the collapse thread
No. 2297664
>>2297642Not really. It does, but only marginally. I would say the only way it makes me more productive is that I can take a break and clear my head. Nothing relaxes as much as a cig and some peace and quiet. It's also similar to people biting on/fidgeting with their pen when deep in thought. Doing something (in that case taking drags) can slightly help with focus.
I guess… that's all.
No. 2297678
>>2297647I noticed it lately especially on 4chan lol. "A-actually, I just want to start a family and have kids with an average and down-to-earth girl".
It's another tactic on their part. Amongst the misogynistic men it's very in right now to paint women as promiscuous and hypergamous (which is actually more true of males), so in turn, they paint themselves as those le wholesome guys who just want a loving wife, that's all.
It wouldn't fool anyone, of course, as we know that men will cheat given thr possibility.
It also has to do with them being disillusioned with "whores", so they imagine this dream scenary of their perfect trad wife. They don't think long-term (like actually being loyal and committed and raising kids), it's the idea of a married woman that is appealing. Kinda like a fetish. Same with them wanting kids. It's less a desire to have kids and more a twist on breeding kink. If any man says he wants a family, it's probably a fetish to him. A fetish of having a submissive woman and breeding her. The family life is just part of that sexual fantasy.
No. 2297709
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>>2297647It is for this reason I especially wouldn't trust a moid who says he wants a family, but doesn't believe in marriage by law. If it's that serious, you would make it official instead of letting your "wife" stay being what's technically a girlfriend, and letting your own children be bastards. If she's your wife instead of a girlfriend, her right to see you in the hospital can be protected by the law if the rules are strict. But you don't want to have the law recognize your relationship because "marriage is just a piece of paper"? You want commitment from a woman to have your kids, but you can't commit to signing a goddamn paper to make your relationship official? Fuck out of here.
No. 2297733
>>2297647Because they see it as ticket away from loneliness and a purpose (not exclusive to men tbf), because as
>>2297649, the conditioning and need to live a derivative aspirational life, also to add to this point
>>2297678 many men believe that if they magically get le perfect tradfu with the white picket fence and kids, that they'll be fulfilled and somehow overcome their misery when that's not true at all. If anything, since reality doesn't match fantasies, they'll become even more miserable. The idea of the "traditional marriage" that they imagine is also flawed but that's another topic.
No. 2297801
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What’s with men thinking that wearing their pants at the correct height is faggy?
No. 2297980
>>2297927I know or know of people who are into or making stuff relating to incest with shit siblings/parents, great siblings/parents, no siblings/parents, siblings/parents but no relationship with them whatsoever, and good relationships with siblings but bad relationships with parents or vice versa. And everything else on the scale.
What I've found is they are never thinking of their actual family members, their own family members are not what arouses them. I somebody who isn't into it sexually, per say, but likes the drama that comes from sibling relationships, like its fun for her in the way a soap opera might be.
The people who are truly aroused by their own family members (and not just attention whoring about it on the internet) are typically in a dysfunctional family and every time I've heard of it, they were molested. I'm sure there are exceptions, but typically there was sexual abuse involved.
No. 2298057
>>2297993>So it's like some kind of power dynamic kink like people who are into dom/sub shit?Nta but as someone with terrible daddy AND mommy issues, yeah it's something like that. I get aroused by the idea of someone having authority and power over me, and who can have more of that than a parent? I also have a teacher fetish and was obsessed with mentor relationships, I had a crush on my female teacher in middle school and then on my male teacher in high school and I actually confessed to him kek, I was this desperate. I was lucky the guy was decent and turned me down, although I saw that he was hesitating for a moment and at first he actually gave me a hint of hope, like saying we would "go back to it" after I graduate, but after a while he straight up refused. I imagine my older men crushes as my adoptive parents and shit, I know it's gross. I never acted on my fantasies and I'm still a kissless virgin, but I'm afraid I will never get rid of those fantasies, it's something that turns me on to the core
No. 2298112
>>2297993AYRT Yeah, that's a good way to put it! That's how I understand when it has been explained to me. I've asked a couple of friends who are into it, and that's what I've read when I've seen people talking about it online. And a good portion also like focusing on the "taboo" accent of it, like that's fun or thrilling to them.
To be clear, this is about WOMEN, I should have specified that. Moid sexuality is so twisted and degen at times, and I've seen them saying nasty shit about women in their houses all the time.
>>2298057I choose to believe your teacher was a good man and pretended to "give you hope" so you would leave him alone and he could firmly turn you down after graduation kek. But then you kept asking him and he had to be direct.
No. 2298454
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What started the current trend of animes having super long titles that's basically just a synopsis of the plot?
No. 2298460
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>>2298454Sorry for Reddit source, but long stupid titles for light novels used to be the only way to advertise on a text-based website. By now this practice is outdated but everyone's used to it (like using a floppy disk as a save icon)
No. 2298465
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Okay so we all know what racial fetishes are, but let's get high and think about Zootopia. In the world of Zootopia with dating and shit, which species do you think would be the most fetishized?
No. 2298788
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what is the proper name for these? smiley faces, emoticons, or emojis? posts with these getting redtexted as 'emojis' feels wrong to me but i dont really know
No. 2298825
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What do you think it would feels like to have a tail?
No. 2300034
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Why does my "gunky" areas smell sweet? I mean like asscrack and belly button, sometimes my vagina/crotch too. Or even if I just wear a bandaid for too long, that kind of gunky area. Remembering from being a literal child and picking my belly button it sure didn't smell nice at all, but lately I've notices I smell what I can closest describe as almost fruity and sweet. Despite the smell being "nice" it feels like a bad sign to suddenly smell differently
No. 2300143
>>2300068I don't WANT to die at all nona. Male doctors have always been terrible to me since I was a teen, I don't trust them at all anymore and I'm seriously just too afraid of them. One even broke the law by spreading personal information about me as a teen.
>>2300076Well I have no increase in thirst nor peeing… yet
No. 2300711
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Am I the only one that gets piss fetish vibes from these Air up ads? No. 2300741
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>>2300711Nobody cared when you posted this on CC and nobody here cares either
No. 2301157
>>2300143do a fast and see if it fixes itself
>>2301029put a rubber band on your wrist and flick it against yourself to unlearn unwanted behavior when engaging in it lol
No. 2301735
>>2301728It's simple and you pretty much already answered it yourself: get real hobbies.
>i don’t know how to even begin to approach that…It's very easy, think of anything that sounds fun and look up where to join a class or team for that. Sports, crafts, writing, drawing, painting, martial arts, baking, knitting, just find anything you like and try to involve yourself in more off-line activities. Good luck,
No. 2301985
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>>2301952I'm also lactose intolerant and already ate such little meat that I ended up going vegan years ago.
I use avocado and olive oil instead of butter. I use an oat milk that has only three ingredients (oats + water + salt). Picrel is my fave though it's pricey. Oatly has one that's good, too. Some people swear by soy and almond, but I haven't found one I like yet. Just make sure to avoid any that have a ton of additives and oils.
Personally, I don't eat a lot of imitation cheese, ice cream, or other dairy products because they're full of seed oils and other crap. I'll make my own cheese sauces using nuts and banana nice cream at home (you'll need a good blender for that). When I do indulge, I like Bandit cheeses if you can find them (they're US-based). They're as close to the real deal as you can get.
I'm not sure if you're trying to go vegan or just get help with GI issues, so I won't sperg out on all the other non-meat alternatives. This is by far the easiest time to find good non-dairy options!
No. 2302095
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Since wild axolotls are going extinct, could we somehow un-domesticate captive axolotls and raise them to be able to survive in the wild?
No. 2302161
What does "don't talk about people behind their backs" really mean? Are you supposed to not speak ill of anyone ever, or just not to people that are in the same group that could potentially interact with the spoken-about person?
>>2301988You could try the drugs thread on /ot/, though a new thread needs to be made soon.
If you need growing tips, I'd visit, seems like the place to ask. I make sure to only visit with a VPN or on Tor because I'm paranoid kek.
No. 2303170
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i have some cash to spend from work. There's stipulations like it can't be something "consumable" like food or clothes. I could buy like a massage, spotify subscription or something like that. I was thinking about getting online coding courses (want to get better). I'm thinking either frontend masters or educative because it's within the budget. But I'm paralyzed by all the choices. What should I do nonnies??
No. 2303326
>>2303170Do a tech course that gives you a cert instead maybe? I know Google offers them
>>2303308For Jfashion Yahoo Japan Auctions or Mercari JP probably
For the US vintage theres garage sales, estate sales, storage auction sites or raghouses
No. 2303499
>>2303459That would depend on the nature of the stories. For example, constant lying about a friend that makes them look bad could become a problem, but the child could also not understand the implications or ramifications of certain lies. Kids have never lived before, they don't have a lifetime of experience to turn to like adults, and sometimes they need to hear something in plain terms ("This thing you say your friend did could result in XYZ consequences for them, are you
sure it happened?") before they fully understand.
No. 2303818
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Guys what thread would this fit best in? I want to post about this weird ass deviant art account the reminds me of David Dees
No. 2303871
>>2303818If you have a good list of reasons about why they're a cow you could try the personal lolcows thread:
>>>/snow/2033887But it's pretty dead thread for sustained discussion.
No. 2303941
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What's the difference between sympathy and empathy?
No. 2303998
>>2303842I don’t think so but that’s a fun idea. Maybe a moovie room
nonny would be interested in hosting something?
No. 2304124
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>>2303941You feel empathy. You give/show sympathy.
So for example autists tend to lack (or have misguided) empathy but not sympathy. Meaning they lack the innate ability to see that a person is upset, they don't mirror the emotion and get upset that the other person is upset. Or they see that a person is upset, but they don't understand why or how it happened and can't relate. However if you tell the autist "I'm upset because of this and that reason" they're able to show sympathy by going "oh I had no idea, that really sucks, sorry you have to deal with that".
A person who has empathy but lacks sympathy would react to you saying "my beloved pet died last night, I'm devastated" by getting sad and crying as if it was their pet who died, taking the day off work to recover while offering no or little support to you but instead taking it personally. It's more emotionally driven.
Of course most people are a mix, but you can lean more towards one or the other and it's good to know which way you tend to lean. Therapists should be proficient in showing sympathy rather than have too much empathy, you don't want them to burst out crying from sadness when telling your tragic life story. You instead want them to be able to recognize your struggle and support you through it with sympathy and understanding.
No. 2304135
>>2304097You are responsible for yourself, if someone uses a medical term insultingly and you suffer medical issue it’s on you to be offended or not. If someone’s too retarded to understand I can accept the responsibility of not
triggering someone with a child’s mind into feeling bad but it’s on their tard wrangler to contain them from out and out violence, not mine to hold my tongue.
Like you said, new words will crop up regardless of what we do. The answer is in handling our own emotional responses like adults, why would anyone want to give some rando that level of control over their day? And if the social convention shifts and words fall out of fashion because they become offputting, that’s fine. I’ll accept people thinking I’m a jerk for casually using retarded because again, I’m an adult and am responsible for my words/actions/feelings. Will I stop because it might offend someone not present? No! That said I’m not going to run around calling people who are retarded retarded as an insult or downsies retarded, that’d be retarded of me.
No. 2304144
>>2304132>>2304128Adding to that, an internally underdeveloped and immature person will automatically become hostile towards anyone whose behavior makes them question their own values and standards, because they integrate these behaviors and appearances into their ego and feel them as part of themselves, something that defines them and often that gives them value rather than an action they are taking. A person who makes them question something they've built their identity on is seen as potentially damaging. Some people even literally feel like they are going to die when their ideas about themselves are put into too much question or proven not real, or they go into hardcore denial. You can see this everywhere, not just in this specific group of women. Please now keep in mind that a lot of people don't even reach emotional maturity in their lifetimes and often people in their 60s are very underdeveloped.
>>2304143I didn't ask for your advice.
No. 2304157
>>2304116Thank you
nonnie, you seem really knowledgeable on this.
No. 2304159
>>2304130Puzzles, highly recommend. Set one up somewhere out of the way and just do it whenever you’re bored.
Memory games, start with 3x3 and time yourself. As you become consistent or bored increase the amount of cards. You can probably even find an app for this.
Poetry, make a little notebook to keep on you and write. You just want to rhyme and spell, encourage those centers of your brain.
Conversation. If you’ve got people in your life just hold convos, you can use your little notebook for this too. Take notes after the convo to see how much you can recall.
Practice recall. Just practice remember what you did that day, conversations you had. Use you’re little notebook to jot things down. Recall positive things frequently to encourage your brain to view remembering things as a positive experience.
No. 2304176
>>2304173I make a habit tracker on this website it out and keep it around so I can always see it. I also use an app called Simple Time Tracker.
No. 2304180
>>2304173You’re not “falling off”, you’re failing to and/or forgetting. I found half the challenge of sticking to a routine was in not treating it like this do or didn’t do thing when in reality it’s more like a reverse recovering addict.
The goal is to just keep doing the habit again once you remember you were trying to get in the habit. You want to practice saying to yourself “I’ll do it now”, instead of “I’ll do it later”. Like the reverse of an addict.
Once you learn to cajole yourself into the habit you can start fitting the habit into your day, make it even more likely to happen by associating it with good things/thoughts. You have a sip of water; “that was so refreshing, I love this, I’m so glad I can drink water whenever I want”. You’re brain will eventually start picking up what you’re putting down and you’ll find yourself wanting to do it.
No. 2304181
>>2304173You could fill up a big water bottle and generally keep it near you, so that you're reminded of your new habit every time you happen to glance at it.
I keep a post-it note on my bathroom mirror for good habits when brushing teeth (brush the tops, sides, gums area, use floss and mouthwash).
No. 2304193
>>2304176i'll check the app out, the planners look really nice too. thank you
>>2304180it'll take a while to get used to but thank you for laying it out like this, especially with the tip about associating the tasks with the positive rather than the negative. i think this might help a ton since i usually view these rather simple things as a chore
>>2304181oo, definitely! reminds me that i got to buy a proper drinking bottle to carry around, thank you as well and i will try incorporating all 3 replies.
No. 2304210
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>>2304173Eat super spicy food so you’re forced to drink more water. Tape a picture of someone with meth mouth to the bathroom mirror next to your toothbrush. Get into a wreck and total your car so you have to walk everywhere.
No. 2304244
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Has anyone here gotten good results from an internet group meetup, like ones based around hobbies or just a general ideology/"vibe"? As in, have you had any positive experiences with them, like a new friend, a genuinely good time or a new interest/book, interesting conversation, etc.? Or is it the type of thing you should never do even if you're quite lonely?
No. 2304272
>>2304244I’ve definitely had good results with Meetup, in fact I think most of my current friend group can be traced back to groups around our hobbies. It’s very hit or miss though because it all depends on the organizer of the group, not the app itself.
I would never go to a meet up of people from an imageboard or Discord or something like that though, simply because they’re more anonymous and there’s no way to quickly glance at the attendees to get a feel for what kind of people are going to show up.
No. 2304300
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>>2304295Chicks are nourished by the yolk while they're inside an egg. The parents just have to keep her babies warm so they can keep generating cells and growing.
No. 2304306
>>2304244Yup, many good times and friends made!
>just a general ideology/"vibe"? That sounds odd and culty though, unless you're meeting with a fellow
terf group kek
No. 2304310
>>2304270I just want to have a fun time, gaining friends is just an added bonus.
>>2304306Interesting, could you tell me more? Also, the group isn't culty, it's just hard to describe what it's theme is
No. 2304594
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>>2304352>>2304379>>2304381KEK I am having visceral flashbacks to high school biology class witnessing several people learn that grocery store eggs are unfertilized and one girl blurting out “EGGS ARE
No. 2304603
nonnie that’s why it’s hilarious
No. 2304711
>>2304710Hell no, I want to be able to not react when someone screams at me
in the moment, not cuddled afterward
Apparently scientologists are trained to not react that way though, so maybe not
No. 2304727
>>2304310I used to meet up with an anime fan group as a teen, and have met art and gaming groups as an adult.
Some of the anime people were cringe and weeby as all hell, but I made some friends I still know to this day and they all grew out of the cringe when we stopped being teens, we're just casual occasional anime enjoyers now. I have seen a few of the people who were already adults at the time and they're still the same cringe weebs tho kek
The gaming group is focused around a certain game/francaise and has been full of well-adjusted adults from the start so I really enjoy hanging out with them. They're just the right amount of nerdy and fun. Art groups hung out in an art space doing art together, that was really nice too. Wish we could do that more often but we all live too far apart to make it a regular thing.
I also semi-regularly go to local anime/gaming conventions where they typically host various meetups for whatever fandoms, I sometimes go to those and it's been enjoyable too. Sometimes weirdos turn up though, there's an infamous autistic transbian going to a lot of conventions around here. He doesn't even try to pass and is not only fully brainwashed with woke, he has his own bonkers conspiracy theories that he fully believes are true and is addicted to lesbian porn. Whenever I see him I honestly just hang around in the distance to make sure he doesn't bother any teen girls because I think he's actually dangerous.
And the reason I don't think hanging out in an ideology based group is simply because they're always batshit fucking crazy people. It's one thing to just casually hold a political belief, but the ones who seek others out and get group validation from it always turn into weird extremists who cannot handle a single "wrong" opinion from anyone else. See the above transbian guy for proof.
The exceptions are if it's a support group, or if they're a legit organization that works to make changes to the world, such as the LGB alliance trying to stop the trans ideology from mutilating more kids.
No. 2304731
>>2304726That's the training part
You need to receive enough cuddles to internalise them
No. 2304754
>>2304678There is actually a way, and it's to alone watch horror movies and/or playing through horror games. This lets you in a safe and secure environment get used to jump scares and high tension scenes. Eventually you will get used to it and you'll get less jumpy as a result.
Any time you get too scared you can pause and take a few deep breaths. Think about how it's just a movie/game and it's not real. Afterwards when you've gotten through it all you reflect over how you really did it, you made it through, you survived and you didn't react outwardly to any real person. You're still safe in your home. If a scene jumpscares you so you scream, verbally or physically react - watch it through and pause it. Immediately go back and watch the scene again a few times until you can watch it without having a physical reaction. If you're not used to horror movies and they make you feel sick from portraying scary kinds of violence then don't forget to take breaks, maybe aim for one movie a week.
No. 2304757
>>2304752Yes I know, I was kidding kek. I'm terrified watching videos of them on youtube
>>2304754Thanks for the response nona
No. 2304964
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I don't know how steam chat works. Months ago I sent a friend a message on steam web chat on Firefox on my phone. I just checked and my message is gone as if I never sent anything but I definitely did. Does steam web chat delete unread messages after a while? Is it just not showing me?
No. 2304966
>>2304964Never mind I think I found the answer here't delete my question in case any other nonna wonders the same
No. 2305094
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How can I find Elsagate videos? I've tried searching for "Elsagate" but it only brings me to videos talking about Elsagate, not actually the videos themselves.
Do they still exist? Did they actually ever exist? They sound like a hoax but I chose to believe that they exist because I've seen Elsagate tier games on those free online game websites (picrel)
No. 2305098
>>2305094>How can I find Elsagate videos?If you search elsagate and go on playlist you can find reuploads like vidrel
>Do they still exist? Frozen isn't popular with kids anymore and spider man only gets brought up occasionally, but weird kids content is rampant on YouTube still just with stuff like minecraft
>Did they actually ever exist? Yes, I remember there were multiple channels that made live action Elsa and spiderman videos. Alongside other properties like Disney or Peppa pig
No. 2305099
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>>2305094There was an entire channel with them but I forgot the name. Reposted cause I found a cap of some of the video titles, they were on the "youtube kids" app
No. 2305103
>>2305097100-250 was around my guess as well. i know some consider this place slow but i've posted on other super small altchans before and lc definitely has more than 25 daily users
>>2305100i did before posting but it only shows totals, we'll never truly know
No. 2305348
>>2305324Humans didn’t cause genetic and mental illnesses. God is also capable of intervening and yet never does, even when thousands of people are suffering from famine in third world countries. God created this earth and any human capability to be evil, and yet he never eventually cuts them off from continuing when it’s gone too far.
>>2305337Nonna I’m scared. I JUST thought this earlier (that god created earth but checked out in some way and hasn’t been paying attention). I don’t actually believe that, it was more of an intrusive thought.
No. 2305357
>>2305348You're asking God to be a eugenicist. I would think that all the way through before latching on to the idea that God
should control the population by selecting desirable traits.
WE are the ones capable of intervening to help the poor and hungry. God gives us strength and intellect and opportunity to help those around us. Others suffer and starve because of US, not because of God.
No. 2305367
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>>23053001st of ask God. Work on your relationship with God. Understand what God is and what you and other people are in relation to God. Start working with God in your life and you will understand it's not some external figure in the skies or puppet master lol. Do not follow dogma. Everything is karma. You are asking the wrong questions.
No. 2305396
>>2305375"the ultimate source of all love" would be more accurate tbh since good and evil are human made concepts. And God loves everything in the universe. So also being sick and suffering is part of it.
>>2305378It generates all possibilities and experiences. It's a generative force. So there will be extremely lucky people and people who have the most hellish existance you can imagine. All are loved by God and will return to God after the run. Our fates are already decided before we join this reality. Our role is to bear them with grace and learn to navigate and co-create this reality with God. Once a person elevates and goes beyonds the confines of their ego, they can work with God and change their circumstances within certain boundaries. Some people do, some do not. It's part of the experience that God is experiencing itself.
No. 2305397
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>>2305375What makes you think the word God means good? It's hard to pin point a word that old, and it is debated.
No. 2305403
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>>2305396this also means that Demons are nice since they are part of God so you can make your pacts with them ladies, don't be shy they are very helpful lmao
No. 2305417
>>2305357Well stated, I agree. It strikes me as a beautiful concept to imagine God or Brahma (Which roughly translates to "first consciousness born in a freshly created, otherwise empty universe") as a child during the cosmic millenea before life evolved on a planet en mass.
From this perspective, God doesn't necessarily have any more knowledge about the cosmic order than we do. As our society evolves, so to does the understanding of this being. What we knew of God in the past may have been that being's best attempts to understand and communicate to an impossibly small fraction of the greater universal consciousness. So then, we all represent a "facet" of existence, either as a force of creation, destruction, or the flux between the two. In that way, not only do we have free will, but it is exactly the use of our free will that defines the moral and ethical nature of the greater body of which we are a limb.
No. 2305765
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>>2305753she looks like a true old chihuahua.
No. 2305799
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How much difference is there in how much you hear from your neighbors in a townhouse vs the-ones-I-forgot-the-name-of-that-aren't-horizontally-connected-but-vertically?
No. 2305838
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where to discuss picrel
>>2305826no, you can find someone attractive and not be attracted to them for other reasons (like being monogamous and having a partner or just not being compatible). but sleeping over at a potential sex partner is always
sus, but it's a case-by-case thing
No. 2305944
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Okay, we all know this happened, but what im wondering is how is this physically possible? If she went to sleep for 8 hours, she basically had sex with a man every 10 minutes. That's not including breaks. I'm genuinely curious (and concerned) about how this went about
No. 2306006
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>>2305944Her response here gives me an idea of her mindset. Either she's faking it or sex ed is really terrible in the state she grew up in
>>2305999Anal and blowjobs are worse in a way. Even if she used lube, that many guys could have opened up risk for anal fissures. Large amount of oral sex is linked to throat cancer
No. 2306176
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>>2306115The risk is from the unique way HPV is transmitted. Moids have a higher rate of STDs than women, and anti-STD measures are more commonly targeted at women so cunnilingus is more likely to be safe
No. 2306298
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Please, show me an indian irl bishounen.
I remember some old Bollywood movies, but the guys there were more of a shounen fighter type, than a shoujo prince. Maybe an elegant retro singer or a history figure… I'm just curious, who inspired old shoujo manga artists
No. 2306393
>>2306383All men are, to me he seems like he believes in some right wing talking points on modern women and men's "place" in society like a Rogan / peterson type of guy
he also seems to prefer Asian women(?) so I'm leaning on that
No. 2306508
>>2306498I'm high on life
>>2306503And the internet I guess
No. 2306575
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>>2306298No idea who they were inspired by but got this from a quick Pinterest search. Modern Indian actors don't look like this, maybe it was different back then
No. 2306744
>>2306634This could have two meanings, but one is more likely that the other. The first, someone is concerned about the rat in their kitchen and they are going to fix this rat problem by reforming the rat into a better person so it won't do rat things like poop in the house or chew holes in the food. This is the more likely situation of what they meant, and is based on the joke where someone will see someone evil (normally a cartoon character) and say they can fix them.
The second possibility is to fix an animal means to neuter it, so they'll fix the rat so it doesn't produce more rats, but this meaning is highly unlikely.
Fucking hellmas, eat a dick. I constantly have my VPN on because I don't browse the internet without it, so I keep having to pause it every time I want to respond to someone. Can't wait for this to be over. No. 2306751
>>2306739Probably because the lighting in your bathroom is above the mirror. When light comes directly from the front you can't see nasolabial folds, but when the light is coming from any other angle they're more obvious.
t. Have a small face and a slight overbite so I've have them since I was 16
No. 2306774
nonny i have had them since i was a child too, we are cursed
No. 2306797
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I've been seeing people reference Pou here and on other places recently. Isn't it a 10 year old mobile game? What kickstarted this Pou resurgence?
No. 2307020
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why are these called bald eagles when they aren't bald???
No. 2307107
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Anons in the friend finder thread, when someone contacts you, how do vet to be absolutely sure if you're talking to a woman, or a moid?
No. 2307212
>>2307173Hoarding disorder often is
triggered by experiencing a traumatic event. It’s exacerbated by an inability to cope with your stress and grief, manifesting in the hoard itself. A common example is that after the loss of a loved one, hoarders won’t want to throw anything away that the loved one even touched like trash or leftovers in the fridge. I think people who already struggle with coping with big emotions like this are naturally attracted to religion and the promise of answers and order to what is ultimately the unknown. If someone has hoarding disorder it isn’t necessarily indicative of OCD, but they can be comorbid conditions.
No. 2307528
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Is this really worth the hype? I want to make a garlic bread with it but I don't want it stinking up the fridge for months.
No. 2307758
Can you nonnies help me out? I think I have a bit of an existential crisis here.
Anyway, I feel depressed since I was like twelve, I guess? So, for a long time now. A lot of my family members on my mother's side were, including my mom (several committed suicide).
I thought about fixing stuff, you know, finding a meaning in life and be happy. Anyway, I was venting about my frustrations with my mom, about how I feel a bit lonely and bored and usual depression shit, you know. She told me that I better get used to living like that, and doing anything else besides pursuing my career is a waste of time, so wanting a bf or friends or hobbies is a bit naive.
Although, I talked with a therapist and he started drawing charts and graphs and told me that I need some shit besides my job, like having hobbies or friends ot whatever.
But idk. I feel conflicted. Isn't it how 99% of people live? Like, wake up, go to work, go back home, do nothing, sleep, rinse and repeat? So, what's wrong with that?
I don't know if I'm being an idealistic fool and my mom is right or maybe the therapist is right. I think having some fun once in a while is fine, but I bought a guitar recently to learn to play it and I feel guilty as fuck for wasting money.
Please no bully, it's a stupid question but I want serious answers.
No. 2307775
>>2307758The time passes regardless. You can go home after work just to eat and sleep or you could use the free time you will get anyway to have some fun with a hobby. Of course most people do
something else with their time. They watch shows they like, read books or play games. Or they just scroll through social medias but I think that would only make your situation worse.
It sounds like you want to do something so just do it. If it doesn't interfere with your career you shouldn't worry about anything your mother says. Don't worry about the money you spent either, you can always resell the guitar to at least get some of it back.
No. 2307784
>>2307758No offense but your mom sounds like a miserable killjoy from what you told. Or just extremely jaded. Yeah, people do live like that - go to work, come home, mindlessly kill time. And they're also probably depressed and unfulfilled because they probably hate their jobs, and the free time they do have is unmemorable. That's no way to live. So yeah, your therapist is right. The truly well adjusted people of this society that try to make their lives worth living in this shithole of a system try really hard to make it liveable and enjoyable - they make friends, find hobbies they like, find things they care about.
That guitar might be the best money you've spent if you enjoy learning guitar, playing and writing songs on it, you'll feel so much better pursuing active hobbies than rotting after work. Basically, fuck those jaded squares that say there's nothing to look forward to, they've never tried, and theyre mad now because of all the times they could, but didn't.
I sound like a boomer, but if you really want to be happy (and I've had to do this), you have to grab life by the pussylips and beat the serotonin out of it like it owes you money.
No. 2307793
>>2307758Sometimes our parents give us bad advice. It could be as a means of control or projecting onto us or genuinely not knowing any better and having given up themselves.
It's great to have friends and hobbies, I hope you have fun with that guitar
nonnie! Don't feel guilty, that shame doesn't really belong to you or is actually targeted at you. Maybe it's redirected anger that's originally at your mother for not letting you have harmless fun and always trying to kill your vibe. It's insane that she's pushing you to do nothing but work. That's literally the bad end scenario that anyone who works tries to avoid.
No. 2307844
>>2307831Excellent question
nonnie, I have 2 theories. Either you're so scared and your bowels are reacting to the fear therefore you shat yourself and are now shitless or you got so scared you're constipated and now you can't poop therefore you're shitless.
No. 2307944
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Is it still possible to make a comfortable life for myself with a bachelor's degree from a community college?
I had to withdraw from my 4-year due to financial issues. It sucks because I'm a senior, too.
I'm going into a """high paying field""" but I still feel like a degree from a prestigious college like my last one is so much more valuable…
No. 2308072
>>2308048Confirmation bias may be playing a role here. You’re looking for this mistreatment and finding it. Whereas others aren’t looking for it so probably brush it off as someone having a bad day, being an asshole, or they’re just so used to it it doesn’t ping them as rude. I’m not saying it’s not happening, just that if you’ve put this much effort into finding it/recognizing it chances are if you could quantify the problem you’d change right? So it’s not you.
And like you I have had a myriad of experiences where people condescended and were needlessly rude to me, as you get older you realize some people are just like that and no matter how proper you are it’s never enough.
No. 2308205
>>2308176For 20-odd years, I always thought of myself as a person first and a woman second; Every time I would yearn to raise a family, the kids were adopted, or they were cats, and the sex of my partner was always a non-issue. I dated men, but I never saw a future with them, nor was I ever physically attracted to them. I tried dating women to the same effect. I did not have sex with any of these people, nor did I want to, so I never had to worry about having condoms or birth control. At 27, I met a guy through a mutual friend, and right when I shook his hand, I knew I wanted him to end up on top of me. It was the first time I'd ever actually wanted to have my own kids, and suddenly I was worried about genetic diseases and mental illnesses and reproductive health (which I did not care about until I literally fucking had to; I first went to the gyno at 28). Holy shit I just refreshed and everyone else is taking "woman" to mean "independent adult" and not "female human", maybe I'm actually "autistic"?
No. 2308223
>>2308220Ayrt, sorry if it sounded like "I became a woman the first time I fucked" kek, it was more like I became a woman the first time I realized I
wanted to be one and didn't
have to be one.
No. 2308265
>>2308263Anon I just ctrl + F "autis" in celebricows and found your post I think. You've had to sage in celebricows for years, that's on you. Honestly the fact you didn't know that kinda screams newfag so I'm
sus you deserved your other bans too tbh
No. 2308271
>>2308265You’re joking right? Why are you concluding that’s me. Do you know how many people on here use that term? I never post celebricows EVER.
>>2308267I swear. I’m going to find it just need some time as it’s been a few days.
No. 2308281
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>>2308276Nonna….nonna that’s me. I was wildly drunk that night after hanging out with friends and I think I thought I was in unpopular opinions. Wow.. please don’t reply. But I STILL stand by my ban for posting a Luigi pic being unlawful. I seriously wasn’t thirsting and even other nonnas were confused when they saw the red text.
No. 2308284
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>>2308282>>2308281I was the one who reported both of you
No. 2308285
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>>2308282Nonna everyone was confused by your post that night. The call is coming from inside the house.
No. 2308287
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>>2308284I'm also a newfag and felt dumb taking the bait so it served its purpose as a future deterrent. I respect you stasi-anon
No. 2308314
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>>2308312Great summation. The first time I saw this on Bill Nye, it made no sense but that was during his coke binge years so he just kept rambling about how grass grows and I didn't get it
No. 2308448
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>>2306402samefag, turns out the goodreads part was true!
No. 2308460
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No context nonnas, I’ll share why I’m posting this after I get responses and I hope to god that when I do no one thinks I’m baiting, because I’m genuinely not. What do we think of this photo?
No. 2308464
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>>2308461>>2308462Kek I’m falling asleep so I’ll just respond now. It’s a tranny and it’s the one time in my entire fucking life that I didn’t immediately notice. I only find out because of a comment and lost my mind. The good news is in every other photo of him it’s beyond obvious, so I think I get to keep my trandar. I was scared they were evolving but rest assured real women win again.
No. 2308536
>>2308468I think most people can achieve
a lot of things if they’re willing to fail over and over, but not
anything or everything. I know plenty of people who majored in something not even remotely related to their career who are still pretty successful. But you still have to be realistic about things too. Like you’re not going to become a nuclear physicist with a degree in literature.
No. 2308813
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>>2308689Why not just scowl at him and roll your eyes? You've done that already right?
No. 2309102
Most of you won't understand, but still… Why do so many muslim tatar women have bizarre fetishes? What is it about them? Btw by bizarre fetishes I mean real outlandish shit like furry inflation, cub porn, exaggerated proportions, futa, fat fetish. I swear I didn't pull these examples out of my ass, I've known these tatar women who mentioned at least once that they are into that or advertise their accounts with this kind of content and do commisions for other degens like them. Develv sisters are a nice example, but they are actually not that bad… Just two girls into eunuchs who basically look like women.
I can't say a lot about arab muslim women, but to me it seems like they are mostly the same as white women. They might be into disgusting shit, but it's always something basic like bdsm with males being dominant and women submissive, you know.
No. 2309236
>>2309102My hypothesis as an ex-muslim arab woman is sexual repression and frustration. And it's a bit of a loophole thing because technically fetishes aren't "sexual/porn" so they can't 100% get in trouble with Allah for it I guess, since it's not real actual penetrative sex out of wedlock with a man or straight porn, which have explicit texts saying it's haram.
Also exposure to yaoi since an early age. It was many straight Muslim girls' introduction to sex and porn and probably had tons of that stuff. It's also another "loophole" thing despite homosexuality being haram, there's no explicit text against looking at gay sex specifically, just looking at sex that is the "default and norm", i.e. straight sex, that is actually haram.Another factor is probably being Eastern European/Russian, I noticed those countries love being edgy for shock value online or just because they're actually that conry and tacky, and they like that stuff genuinely thinking there's nothing wrong with it.
No. 2309358
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>>2309344I use a bidet you bitch.
No. 2309370
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>>2286981Trying to find the name of some guy. He was an edgy twitch streamer who I think was friends with turkey Tom years ago. He vaguely looked like quackity. I remember a nonna years ago mentioning either in the unconventional male attraction or femdom threads that they wanted to dom him, and film it so he couldn’t deny that he was acting like a bitch. Also he was white and vaguely twinky
No. 2309401
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>>2309239Okay, basically: there's only ONE reputable source to get these fungal extracts. Every other company is bullshit, every other source is dogshit, every fungal supplement manufactured from anywhere else besides this golden company is horseshit. I have to preface with this because a lot of times when people get into fungal supplements, they end up spending money on crap products that don't actually work. A lot of fungal supplement manufacturers only test in-house, so all their research is skewed in their favour, and because there no checks and balances, inferior useless products are the norm in this market.
The one honest and true company that you can trust is called ORIVEDA. Their prices reflect the high-standards of their company and the quality of their products. They have online store fronts for a variety of different markets around the globe, but their main website is: you're interested in learning more about medicinal mushrooms, you can check out this website: There's a lot of really useful information on this website regarding the most commonly used medicinal mushrooms. You can read through the different pages about different mushrooms to gleam basic information about them. I spend over $2500 per year on medicinal mushrooms, both for myself and for my mother. They have improved the quality of my life immensely. Medicinal mushrooms aren't miracles, they won't make you live forever, but they do have very important benefits for our overall health and well-being.
No. 2309425
>>2309416I used to go to sleep at 1am every night and then wake up for classes at 6-7 am. The past two weeks, I've gotten worse and have been sleeping at 3-5am and waking up at midday
and not going to college at all. >>2309417Thanks nona, this sounds interesting. I'll try this right now. It's already 1am for me anyway. Hopefully it works.
>>2309418Thank you too nona, I'll do this if the other plan doesn't work
No. 2309429
>>2309425As a
victim of this, you have to just stay awake until nighttime. I promise you there is no other solution.
No. 2309439
>>2309414I did over 150 hours of research before I began taking medicinal mushroom supplements. I read consumer testimonies, I browsed dedicated online forums, I read research papers, and over and over I kept seeing the same thing:
the majority of companies are scams, Oriveda is the only viable option for medicinal mushrooms. Oriveda is the
only company that out-sources their products for research at non-affiliated (and non-biased) facilities, every other company does the tests in-house and most of them keep the results secret. You can read the research yourself. I'm not trying to advertise this company, but it's just every other company in the market is scamming consumers with inaccurate research and inferior product, so I wanted to give you an honest answer of where to buy your medicinal mushrooms so that you avoid being scammed.
>Have you taken them yourself?As I said, I spend ~$2500+/year on fungal supplements from this company, and I've been using their products for 5+ years. After the first year, I started buying the products for my mother too because I care for her health as much as I care for mine.
No. 2309456
>>2309442they can post without the tag if they don't log in iirc
t. selfhosted vichan like once
No. 2309463
>>2309448Yes, some medicinal mushrooms can help mental clarity, improve focus, and alleviate symptoms of low-level depression or anxiety. For me personally, I used to take an atypical anti-depressant during the winter months to help with seasonal affective disorder, but once I switched to medicinal mushroom supplements I didn't have any of the symptoms that I suffered with before like brain-fog, low energy, or depressed moods. If you want to try it out, I recommend either the cordyceps or the reishi supplements from Oriveda for dealing with low-level depression or anxiety. If you want to try medicinal mushroom supplements, keep in mind that it takes up to 2 months of regular every-day use to see the full benefits. When I started taking cordyceps, I noticed an improvement within a week, but only after 70 days did I see the full effect.
If your mental illness is so severe that you had to do ketamine therapy, your illness might be too strong for medicinal mushrooms alone to help you. You can always give it a shot and see if it helps improves your quality of life.
No. 2309602
>>2309580Youd be a neet if you quit your job and school to rot at home. Taking breaks especially on holidays is totally normal and doesnt need a niche internet label
>>2309463Thank you nona for explaining all this. It feels like fate that I stumbled onto your posts today. I wish you nothing but the best
No. 2309605
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ok is it weird to give alcohol as a gift? It's for my coworkers, we're all adult women, last years' office christmas party was at a fancy cocktail bar. For christmas this year I was going to make little "spa bath" gift bags with bath bombs, soaps, and a mini bottle of this nice rose I found. but is that weird? am I overthinking it? I could swap the rose out for something else idk. I grew up in an "alcohol is evil" type of family so I really don't know what's normal socially
No. 2309793
>>2309735>Use a robot to do your work for you to show that you're a good worker!This is horrible advice. Most hiring managers are familiar by now with how AI platforms create text and know the patterns to watch out for, but even so, they also have access to anti-AI tools that can verify whether or not something was written by a human or a robot. If someone is applying via an online portal, there are now features that immediately scan the resume or CV that was uploaded to check for AI-use, and if detected that application is immediately rejected. Seriously, why would any professional in their right mind use AI in any capacity? It's so lazy and disingenuous.
Also, if you're gonna shill a robot, at least know the robot's name. It's ChatGP
T. It's not ChatGP
No. 2309804
>>2309797This is NOT the place to asking this kek, so many anons sperging about all women everywhere being soulless, evil pickmes because they were teased in school. But yes, I think it is in fact just a human thing. I think the reason why bisexuals get any push back is because it's literally almost impossible for people to understand an attraction to
both, it's incredibly hard for people to not create a false monolith. It's harder to understand nuance than it is to give into the black and white thinking.
No. 2309817
>>2309804>This is NOT the place to be askingAs opposed to where? Twitter?
>I think the reason why bisexuals get any push back is because it's literally almost impossible for people to understand an attraction to bothWhy do people act like bisexuals aren’t biggest group after heterosexuals. They don’t “get so much pushback” they are the majority of the LGB, especially bisexual women.
Regardless, this has hardly anything to do with anons question. Why are you bringing infight bait here? It seems like you just wanted to talk about this.
No. 2309881
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What would happen if I snorted my mood stabilizers
No. 2309941
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Any tips for gaining weight for someone who can barely eat without feeling really full and getting sick? I have been trying to gain weight and I’m losing it instead. I feel like I’m going crazy as my face gets skeletal looking and my clothes get baggy. My pants keep falling down and nothing fits me because I’m already kind of a narrow bodied person.
Do ensure drinks help at all? Really want to fix my face so it doesn’t look so skeletal
No. 2309958
>>2309955Thanks but clothes aren’t fitting me because I was already a 000/00 begin with (I have narrow hips). I have no idea where to shop.
I think 5 pounds would probably do me some good between my face and my body. My boobs are so deflated now lmao.
>>2309950>>2309952Ty for the advice, I think I might go to the doctor just in case. I have no idea why I’m so sick lately whenever I eat../
No. 2309961
>>2309957It could be depression, put on those clothes and go walk for 30 minutes outside even if's cold and dark
It doesn't do any good to scroll on a phone for hours a day
No. 2309995
>>2309990nta but then how come juice isn't a "soft drink"?
No. 2310036
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No. 2310125
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Who is this guy? His facial structure is similar to my husbando's and he's ginger, too that I NEED to know. I can't believe this kind of jawline is actually possible irl. Reverse searching the image shows me mogging memes only.
No. 2310333
>>2310303I don't think you can consider yourself a feminist unless you take real life action (e.g. volunteer, protest, even just arrange or take part in groups for like-minded women) so no. I'm in a stage of my life where I'm too concerned about making life work for me to be doing any activist work. I will say, I am a first worlder so I realize in more oppressive countries the parameters for calling yourself a feminist will change. I just don't like feminist being a lousy term people just tag on themselves, like what a lot of "feminist" men do. It waters down the importance of being a feminist.
Also, I don't ready any theory and I still take part in societal expectations for women. I think I'm more someone who heavily agrees with some idea of feminism rather than a feminist.
No. 2310360
>>2310344No for the cow boards because
(image board), for off topic boards it depends.
No. 2310582
>>2310547It doesn't matter. God will judge us accordingly on the day that last trumpet sounds. When I'm singing in heaven with all the angels and saints and martyrs, standing in perfect harmony with the Lord, those that rejected His message of undying love and mercy will be falling, forever, across the empty seas of time and space. They will be alone, forever, and naught will save them. All the impurity and uncleanliness of this world will be forgotten by me, and I will be subsumed into total unending glory, crowned with a coronet of stars and cloaked in the robes of comets. I will not think of that which had sullied the perverse and the cruel, for that was their sin and their sin alone: they destroyed themselves and betrayed themselves for nothing. They rebuked the mercy that was their birthright. Only then, when it is too late, when they are in total darkness, when they are removed and cast out from all that ever was or will be, only then will they cry out. Their echoes will become the most sincere of symphonies.