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No. 890025

A new thread was overdue so decided to make one to chronicle the shenanigan's of the now second place Ostrenga sister. for unfamiliar farmers see https://lolcow.farm/kiki

previous thread >>>/pt/818510

last thread:
>Kiki continues on her quest to find love. recent conquests include:
>Hottie bugatti >>818572
>Some russian >>830001
>Sweater fag >>840038
>Drug dealer >>845927
>Cosmic cowboy >>848262
>White guy with dreadlocks >>851598
>Homeless surfer (more on him later) >>865088

>Writes and publishes a recipe e-book about how to put almond milk, an overpriced fruit and bananas in a blender. Page layout designs are new age geocites website level of busy >>826633

>More waxing eloquently about being raped >>838327 >>837347
>Bad self induced haircuts >>827974 >>840395 >>854900
>Announces New music project called deathxbyxdopamine, never releases any music and abandons it within 5 months >>834670
>Went back to school, supposedly full time and claims to also be working full time >>844318
>Creates tiktok profile @mmmkikikannibal, posts 3 vids and quickly abanbons >>847708
>makes unintelligible joke about periods. then proceeds to facetime a few people while covered entirely with fake blood, joke lost on all >>849470
>Posts about Neighbors dad being a peeping tom, claims neighbor responded that he couldnt control himself because shes so attractive >>853348 >>853426 possibly the same neighbor supposedly breaks into her apartment to try on her amazing vintage wardrobe. LOL he cant help it shes a dainty fair skinned trampoline athlete with a toned booty flaunting her goods! >>862436
>purple prose about being heartbroken >>855488 >>859323
>Falls for and messages a Matthew Perry catfish on hinge >>856017 quickly unmatches with him because hes just too pervy for her >>856896 >>856895
>multiple posts about how her toxic exes keep reaching out to her because shes so irresistable. Not this guy though he recognizes her exceptional comedic and acting talents in this totally real message >>877100
>Now claiming Jared Leto gave her his number and hardcore pursued the ethereal Orlando beauty she is when she was 14. >>873030

24 year old surfer boyfriend who lives in a van saga:
>New boyfriend who draws on her ass with sharpie >>865088 >>865095
>Takes him to get a tattoo in what looks like a pawn shop for his birthday >>866734
>Just kidding guys hes abusive and emotionally unavailable just like all the others! >>875766
>Posts cryptic hospital photo about being such a fragile sick bean even morphine isnt helping with the pain! >>869043 Continues to humble brag how much pain shes in by posting a photo of an opiate sticker on a random pill bottle >>869062

>In a 17 page Instagram story she finally reveals the reason she was in the hospital was due to complications from an abortion >>882474

>Also reveals that about a month before that she was in the hospital for a kidney infection caused by her hobo of a boyfriends dirty dick. It was so severe that she had a fever of 103.9, her lips turned blue and she almost died!

>On February 8th she finds out shes pregnant, but mean abusive boyfriend threatens her life and coerced her into getting an abortion. Abortion pill caused so much pain she couldn't stop retching and heaving, but mean old boyfriend and his texan mother berated her and dumped her on the side of the road near her obgyn clinic literally bleeding everywhere! She was in labor for 12 days and on day 4 had to be rushed to the ER by ambulance.

>Always the fragile victim, a mean brown nurse slut shamed her by telling her “shut up you did this to yourself!” and didnt give her morphine (despite posting before that the morphine wasnt strong enough for her pain).
>Since her abusive boyfriend bailed town, her neighbor (possibly peeping toms son?) picked her up from the hospital while shes still bleeding everywhere. Later goes to her follow up appointment and, in typical sperg-chan fashion, doesnt skimp on the gory medical details and photos of blood clots

Twitter @mmmkikikannibal
Instagram @mmmkikikannibal
Youtube @mmmkikikannibal
tiktok @mmmkikikannibal

No. 890028

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Is this the same hobo she claimed was so abusive?

No. 890030

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Never change Kiki.

No. 890054

>syringing your flesh pocket with probiotics
is that even a thing?

No. 890056

are they smoking a bong in a car

No. 890060

Everyone joked about her shacking up with homeless but she really did that, and did much worse than expected for even her, huh.

She and Koots truly aimed for the stars and failed to launch at life.

No. 890085

It's really unfortunate that someone as pretty as her decided her goal in life is merely to fuck literal hobos and then post about how it went wrong on Instagram, get some goals and dreams gurl

No. 890089

Yeah. Makes me think she has chronic BV or yeast infections. Makes sense given the raw dogging of unwashed van specimens.

No. 890102

Shes gonna be 30 in a matter of weeks and all she has to show for it is a sense of humor that never grew beyond vagina and period jokes and a homeless boyfriend with a dirty dick. She was claiming to be working and going to school “full time” but I’ll believe it when I see an actual degree.

No. 890159

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Imagine spending 3 weeks being mad that ig flagged her unfunny meme repost

No. 890160

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No. 890171

The way she nonchalantly talks about the beheading/torture videos reminds me of her spergouts here when she posted gore. This makes me believe she actually seeks out gore videos to watch them for entertainment.

No. 890177

yeah it's not really unheard of. a lot of edgelords always brag about watching gore or not being bothered by them for entertainment. most of em grow out of it when they gain the self-awareness to realize they sound like psychopaths.

No. 890178

Karen Kannibal would like to talk to the manager

No. 890508

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Nothing sadder than complimenting yourself and bragging about it on social media.

No. 890509

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Oh and adding the caption for those who are curious in her tits post : “fighting the feminine urge of forming a band solely comprised of the local musicians I’ve fucked”

Then there’s this masterpiece. Publicly announcing how desperate you are to drive 2 hrs for D? You’ve truly lost it, keeks.

No. 890526

>being picky
Sure, Jan

No. 890532

Driving to Escondido for dick is not being picky, it's being desperate

No. 890639

Admitting to driving for some cock is like. Something you should have to be waterboarded to volunteer.

No. 890654

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I'm new to the thread, but did she have an abortion?(unsaged, spoonfeeding)

No. 890655

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She made another IG account too

No. 890878

How're you picky, but driving +2 hours under 105 degrees for dick?

No. 890884

biology anon. she's hitting her peak libido

No. 890923

Honestly Amtrak would take 3 hours and at least has ac. It would have been easier.

God himself (Himself? Idk) would not have gotten this out of me. Even Guantanamo interrogators would have just had to kill me first.

Kind of sad to see the fall off. I remember all of the efagz stuff/MySpace and I knew she had no “readily apparent stage talent” at that point, but it is still shocking.

No. 892130

Happy late 30th to Kiki.

Let that sink in!

No. 892283

She should be banded from dating apps, for the sake of her future “abusers” and “rapists”. She should probably be banned from instagram too. Then she’ll finally have to deal with herself.

No. 892679

how is banning kaka gonna help her? anon? you good?

No. 892831

She's 30 now?! She truly peaked at like 17. In looks and "achievements"

It's like the people who peak in high school but she never went to high school.

No. 893010

Sorry for OT but where is the newest Dakota thread?

No. 894233

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Back on the same old shit, she never learns.

No. 894239

Is that the dirty dick hobo again?

No. 894344


Lmao, no. But of the same breed as per Kiki's lack of standards

No. 894357

If the chest was more full I would have thought it was a cali surfer lesbian myself.

No. 894388

cheap scratcher tattoos. disgusting. did he get these in prison? she is turning into a dirty hobo herself. she obviously lets these degens raw her. what an STD ridden dog

No. 894391

Her “date” can’t even afford wet wipes???

There is a lot going wrong in this image

No. 894392

you could get hepatitis just from looking at this pic

No. 894816

It’s so funny she doesn’t even actually live in LA yet pretends

No. 894826

Grotesque. She's pretty much announcing her HIV/Hep status if she lets this hobosexual hit raw.
What a broken person she turned out to be.

No. 894835

Lmao she doesn't? Where does she actually live?

No. 894856

She somehow turned out more broken than I expected.

No. 894913

she’ll blame everyone else, and certainly her parents didn’t help, but she could have simply… found a job

No. 895061

Trying to bump CP off front page.

No. 895632


no caps but she posted about looking for love addiction services in the LA area. good on her tbh

No. 895764

no goals, no aspirations, no future, just fucking homeless dudes until she gets a sexually transmitted or bacterial infection. how does this bitch make money? lol(no sage)

No. 896103

she doesnt, her parents fund her life

No. 896393

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Do you whores think that Taylor Swift looks likes kiki?(moid)

No. 896396

No. 896420

When I saw the video thumbnail it actually did remind me of Kiki a bit but because of the styling. This is what Kiki looks like in her head but in reality she looks like a washed up crackwhore.

No. 896448

Her parents are poor and always have been. Spergchan said she was on disability so it's probably that.

No. 896546

If her parents were poor, they would have downsized and sold their 750k McMansion.

No. 896552

Doesn't the house belong to the grandparents though? They were leeching off of the grandma.

No. 896601

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"why buy the cow when you can have the milk for free" - pastor youth, purity ring ass mentality

bitch you're fucking hobos but thirst follows is where you draw the line?

No. 896604

It wasn't theirs. It was the grandma's. She's dead now but housing is cheaper in Florida than a lot of states (up until recently anyway) so it's a good place for poor people.

You must be new because it's a well-known fact the Ostrengas were/are poor.

No. 896611

It's called common sense ffs

No. 896623

The house belongs to Cathy and Scott and the zestimate is hovering around 750k. Since it’s in a decent area of a major city, it would probably sell for more than the zestimate like most houses in Florida have been. It’s a seller’s market here.

I’m not gonna post screenshots cause I already got banned for asking if I should on kota’s thread kek. But if you wanna find em, I posted about how I found the info on the kota thread.

No. 896644

Bump to get off CP.

No. 896684

You're wrong and delusional.

No. 896689

She got knocked up by a homeless surfer bum who was oh so abusive. Every other guy she's posted on her social media is equally scummy and dirty looking. Any sane person would take one look at them and say no but she lets these scaggy hobos raw dog her and suddenly she's seeing red flags? She'll be posting about her next abusive potential and her heartbreak in a week.

No. 896705

Of course it's under their name now that the original homeowner, the grandma, is dead. House is probably already all paid off thanks to grandma.

No. 896737

Not to mention the value went up recently because America is having a housing crisis, especially Florida, where housing went up by a ton. That's why I said they're wrong and delusional.

No. 896744

bump don’t scroll (CP)

No. 896919

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Looks like she's abandoned the pure natural uwu fairy goddess look. I hope so. Blonde with bangs looks better

No. 896938

this look good in the picture, and she looked good with it back in the day

but I still feel like she'll ruin it with the sideburn mullet haircut
and all-white clothes

No. 896962

in what world does this take 10.5 hrs from her natural colour…

No. 896965

I’m hoping for a scene Kiki comeback era. It’s having a resurgence amongst zoomers on TikTok. Maybe she can finally find herself somewhat relevant again?

No. 896996

Why is she always posting pics of her with makeup smeared like she's cried? Take some uwu vegan fairy makeup remover and wipe your damn face. It'll take 15 seconds.

No. 897004

She crying over her 30th homeless man that didn't wanna commit & how deep of a person it makes her. If I was a normal dude that saw some chick posting selfies of her crying, I'd run

No. 897005

Yeah I feel like a short blonde bob with some edgier clothing would look so nice. Black would make her eyes pop and make her look more mature.

No. 897033

at 30 she def should be out of her posting crying pics phase omfg how does she not see how pathetic she is?

No. 897040

I would think she was crying over the hairstyle result itself? Idk sometimes 13 year-round girls cry when they make a drastic hairstyle change, and that's Kiki's mental age, so.

No. 897088

Histrionics retain the emotional maturity of 5 year old spoiled brats their entire lives.

She scares all the men away because she’s batshit insane and not pretty enough to compensate for it, the juice ain’t worth the squeeze.

No. 897089

Lol this. Light brown usually takes one 45 minute bleaching session to take it to bleach blonde, maybe two at most. That’s like 2 hours tops. Holy shit she exaggerates everything.

No. 897092

It’s so funny how she always orbits these laidback free spirit hobo skater/biker dudes, yet scares them off with her HPD and inane unfunny ranting EVERY SINGLE TIME. This is like the 30th time she has managed to completely repulse a moid and make ghost her within a week. She blames it on their ‘commitment issues’ or ‘attachment styles’ to absolve herself of the fact that she is an annoying insufferable cluster B mentally draining sperg.

She will never be the laidback fun nice hippie surfer/skater chick these guys wanna be date and be around. It’s worrying that even dumb ass moids can quickly see through her bullshit and decide to bounce.

I’m starting to think her breath or pussy stinks or something, it’s genuinely not normal for 30 guys to ghost you within a week or two in a row.

No. 897098

>>896965 also hoping for a scene kiki comeback too, a lot of people still reference her old photos as inspo and yeah the zoomers would eat it up. She could do a comeback with that cause everything else has failed

No. 897106

I don’t think it would work as she looks her age now. I also think it’s only having a relatively small resurgence online among teenagers, like gyaru. She would look really mentally ill and outdated irl if she were to try scene again now, because she is no longer youthful and only kids can really pull it off without looking like weirdos.

That said the bleach blonde suits her way more than her natural dishwater grey-brown hair.

No. 897111


Agreed, old people in scene is cringe. She wouldn't come back to anything but being mocked.

No. 897130

This is why I hope she tries for it. I’d rather watch the scene desperation train careening down the tracks as opposed to the hobofucking std adventure she’s been on.

No. 897131

it's either that or fucking std-filled hobos much younger than her, posting abortion pictures, etc. I think the zoomers would fall for it.

her hair is stringy and thin, so maybe bleaching with low volume developer (takes longer) or the stylist needing a break from the 30 year old asking for "LOTR-japanese princess elf hair"

No. 897139

That hair looks totally fried and damaged. Considering how thin her hair already was, it will likely start falling out from that much bleaching.

No. 897212

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No. 897253

She's too old for this hair color. She's not 17 anymore.

She's going to end up looking like a washed up old hooker.

No. 897291

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Kiki why don't you also address how sheep need to be sheered regardless cause overgrowth will kill them? (Hopefully spoiler mark works, on mobile)

No. 897292

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No. 897293

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>>897292 didnt mean to spoil the previous image too, oops. At least actual animal product can properly break down unlike 90% of shitty "vegan" products that are just straight up plastic. Clearly big brained per usual

No. 897295

a lot of peeps probably don't know? does this delusional whore think she has that many new followers? guarantee her whole follower list might have new @s but they're all the same people who followed her for years. they're for sure aware that she's vegan since it's been her personality forever. it's the one moral "i'm better than you" stance she tries to take. the single thing she has that makes her "special" but it really just makes her insufferable lmao.

she already looks like a washed up hooker so this is fine. i think she looks like the tiger king.

No. 897314

Uggs are made of sheepskin, not just the wool. They don't survive lol

No. 897315

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lol she has been making veganism her entire personality for 22 years

Image related: she's a full blown red flag. Imagine being straight up with some girl and you end up in her stories

No. 897316

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lol sure is not your combo of big nose, large forehead and receding hairline

No. 897323

The first message he sends is "honest and perfect" because now she's got another emotionally unavailable std filled hobo to fall in love with. I can't believe she's 30 and posts this kinda shit.

No. 897342

opening with 'i'm emotionally unavailable' in any sort of new relationship, romantic or platonic, seems like an up-front excuse the person is making for treating you like shit and throwing it back at you like 'i was honestttttt'

No. 897452

Bump - CP on main page

No. 897514

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> "I can see that being your natural hair color"

idk, I'm an asshole but this should count as bullying

No. 897518

The fact that she still talks like a retard

No. 897536


On the last thread ppl were discussing were she peaked in her looks and someone posted a pic of her with this white hair as her most beautiful era.

She's actually making life decisions based on what is said here. Why am I surprised? This is spergchan afterall. She just keeps creating new lows for herself. It's like she turned 30 and accepted her role in life is to barely get by on her tugboat money and fuck as many bums as possible. Remember when she was claiming all those years of bleaching her hair had put tOxInS in her body. I guess if youre getting raw dogged by whatever is biting on skid row it doesn't really matter anymore.

No. 897545

I don't think that had anything to do with it. Since olaplex every other bitch goes through a post-breakup platinum phase.

I also remember her saying hair bleach and skin products got toxins inside her body lol it's such a shame she gave up youtube

No. 897710

You'd think she'd grow out of this vegan bullshit by now or just live her lifestyle without trying to push it on other people. Clothes and shoes made out of animal products last longer than the plastic chinese bullshit. Leather and suede can last for decades if taken care of correctly.

I doubt the homeless bums she fucks are vegan or care about any of this shit kek.

No. 897806

She'll never set those standards for the bums she fucks. She was always preaching about how the guys she dated in her scene phase were uneducated, did drugs, and smoked and they weren't any good yet she still fucks crusty guys who smoke and do drugs and are obviously smooth brains jsut like her.

No. 897897

I don’t think it’s us. She’s just desperate to be the chick she was 15 years ago when she was cute and teenagers made her feel like she mattered.

No. 897974

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I wonder if this is the emotionally unavailable guy she posted about earlier. So cringe that she posts these guys on her story after they bang. I'm assuming she has family members and coworkers that follow her? Constantly harps on fuck boys but posts her next body count for the week. No self awareness.

No. 897979

it’s funny dakota is in and out of japan doing weird modeling shit and kiki spends her daily life fucking grimy california homeless surfer trash

No. 897982

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lol she probably paid for his apple cider n donuts

No. 897983

>still taking pics of people and posting them online

Whether it's Taco or whoever she has 100% not grown at all, and now that her looks are fading and she dyed her hair to keep up it's only going to get worse.

No. 897992

Tbh I'm impressed at how well she hides that beak. It's not even that bad of a nose but the way she hides it throws me off in photos that aren't taken by a potato

No. 898002

Kiki is a prime example of someone who peaked at 16

No. 898132

with her tardbux lmao

No. 898145

This color is amazing on her

No. 898199

idk why kiki is letting her self spiral so low ya'll are gonna h8 me for saying this but she could literally get signed at any modeling agency and make $$$ like… tf kiki just be a nice person, stop. following this thread n live ur life and stop focusing on bummy guys ok bye

No. 898200

She's not ugly by any means but she's 30 and 5'4 so that ship has sailed. She might have had a chance as a teen but she focused on bangin scummy dudes and community college

No. 898216

first I thought it looked great, but she also kinda looks bald…? That's still way better than natural, hope she goes for bleached brows and leans more into looking like an alien

No. 898241

the resemblance is uncanny and i'm not talking about dakota fanning

No. 898250


It's leaning more toward looking bald. Her baby fine hair was already so limp that it looked glued to her scalp. It reminded me of gollum. Making it transparent didn't help. You can tell it looks like ass IRL. Since she got it done she hid for the first week after, and now she only posts very few careful angles of it.

On another note, her latest ig story where she's screech/laughing like a lunatic at nothing while pretending to play the piano made me cringe into my shirt. She really believes she's the most talented, most original human to ever walk the earth. She's accomplished nothing. Did she even graduate from a community college in 15 years?

You guys called it, peaked at 16, and zero self awareness. Her two true personality traits. It's scary to know her next plan is motherhood when she couldn't even sort her own shit out first. Now she's just going to pass it down. I wish she could realize how average and predictable she is.

No. 898257


Her, ALONE, laughing maniacally at herself being bad at the piano was so weird. Sounded like in the Stickam days too. Very Joaquin Phoenix's Joker moment.

No. 898264

looks great keeks!

No. 898265

kooter hasn't had a job in japan in years

No. 898269

Koots just recently had a job… I think she probably just gets really small jobs that go unnoticed because they aren’t advertised online or on her profiles.

She just needs to let her bangs grow a little and lighten them brows and she’d be set. She’s currently giving simple jack vibes. I really feel like the two sisters have really given up these past few years, like the realization finally kicked in after 10+ years that they’ll never be famous. Kinda makes sense why she’s spiralling.

No. 898284

File: 1668803226570.png (584.03 KB, 1080x1922, Screenshot_20221118-172403.png)

Ok nana let's get you to bed

No. 898313

This is something an autistic 12 year old would announce on some shitty battle royale to a bunch of strangers. I know she never grew out of being "xD so random" but this is a whole other level.

No. 898468

Fucking kek anon. Im surprised the family hasnt tried to claim copyright infringement. (Don’t worry, I’ll see myself out for that)

I hope she never has children. She’d put her daughters in situations set up to get them hurt just so she can prove that everyone’s a predator and she’s a victim.

No. 898841

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Oh how the mighty have fallen. Is this really what she chooses willingly to hook up with. Oof, no wonder she never shows his face in pics. ( sorry for the collage I didn’t want to double post ).

No. 898886

Kiki is an attractive young woman living a carefree life in LA fucking Cali surfer boys, bleaching her hair and whatever else. Ya'll wish you had this lifestyle, jealous bitches lmao(bait)

No. 898891

hahahaaa i looked this up too. i'm glad you posted it, cos fucking yikes.

No. 898893

having casual sex and frying your hair isn't admirable

No. 898901

He looks like Berry Oakley from the Allman Brothers

No. 898904

File: 1669330547140.jpeg (33.03 KB, 612x408, CBB48B6E-DE4F-4C19-B51B-525718…)

>be kiki kannibal
>peaked at 16
>30 years old, no ambitions, no goals, no life
>unmarried, childless, old and haggard
>failed “social media influencer/public figure” that nobody knows or cares about anymore
>no eggs.jpg
>younger sister is more successful than me
>not relationship material, nobody wants to wants to wife up or make as a girlfriend
>fucking homeless surfer dudes that don’t have any plans on marrying and gets slapped around by them
>gets a literal fucking severe kidney infection from dirty junkie dick that killed my fetus and made me possibly infertile after getting purposely pregnant to trap them
>is secretly having an early midlife crisis at 30
>still single

No. 898911

yes to most of these things but subscribing to the no eggs meme, as a woman… moid brainwash successful

No. 898912

Imagine thinking being child-free and single means failure or that 30 is “old and haggard”, get the fuck off this board with that misogynistic bullshit, handmaid

No. 898915

whoops, are you 30? sorry about that, go have some kids nonna stop being offended

No. 898921

Gottem, nona. Being 30: not even once. Have fun being a young woman forever and finding a man to give you purpose. Just make sure you keep those eggs moist so you don't lose your value.

No. 898961

this is more of an attack on kiki anon. she is very desperate to have children, evident in her ig stories.

No. 898994

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It's so funny when a rando thinks Kiki is an independent, sexually liberated boss girl when she has to smell used men's socks to make sure who it belongs to

No. 899019

she's so hypersexual on social media. is she going to have an onlyfans era

No. 899024


Highly doubt it, with shit like this

No. 899044

Those stick and poke tattoos are hideous. Kiki is so vain, how does she always end up with these guys that purposely make themselves look as ugly as possible? And of course her and that guy post some anti thanksgiving vegan shit yesterday. And she's bragging about smelling some homeless guys socks like?? How do brag about eating all clean, treating your body like a temple and then let these std hobo infested guys leave stinky socks in your closet. Jfc.

No. 899051

she got triggered from seeing the sock (probably thought it was from one of her abusive exes), and had to smell it like a a human scenthound to find out whose was it

I think the top is worse with the cut off bits she did herself at 13. Like, bitch download SheIn.

No. 899140

She has a father and a brother…I don't mean that in a creepy/gross way it's just the facts. I mean.. she does have men in her life (NOT IN THAT WAY & NOT LIKE THAT), just saying.

No. 899142

It's really disgusting how her mom&dad pimped her out to predators/child molesters on myspace. The night she was molested/sexually-assaulted/raped- SURPRISE! SURPRISE! IT WAS UNDER HER PARENTS ROOF! WHEN SHE WAS A CHILD! I can go on&on but that shit is absolutely unbelievable. How didn't child protective services NOT STEP IN?!

No. 899147

> Doesn't want men she's interested in following thrist traps
> shows off booby shirt to dudes following her

No. 899148

Florida and USA in general happened. Kiki/Kota vs Mama called the cops on each other once during a fight and nothing came of it.

No. 899150

Are you having a stroke

Again? We been thru this same boring stale discussion…

No. 899163

40 will hit her like a ton of bricks. She hasn't invested into anything except exploiting her pussy. Imagine purchasing boob tape with your welfare check

No. 899165

when I saw >>898886 i remembered some of the fucked up shit kiki airs on Instagram (raped 2x or more in LA, forced abortion that lead to infection etc), and my first thought was if that's a case where she should be in a conservatorship"… But then I remembered that.

What a fucked up situation.

No worries anon! She'll be just fine recycling diy edgy 2013 tops she made herself, the welfare check tape is just for when she's feeling fancy

No. 899175

Sure. If giving a fuck about people and actually caring is-AAHH I GUESS I AM HAVING AN ANEURYSM RIGHT NOW!!!

No. 899189

You have a mental catalogue of unwashed hobo feet funk, keekz. But yeah, tell everyone.

No. 899254

File: 1669593185367.jpeg (683.75 KB, 1170x2004, B6FDC1B5-BDE5-4BE9-8B6A-85386F…)

Anyone follow whatever she does on Twitch? Looks like she has a schedule and everything.

No. 899297

A while ago she streamed for like, less than 5 min. Sounded and looked like Stickam, with the retarded laugh

No. 899320

kek why does she have the same icon as grimes did at one point?

No. 899327

that would require actual effort on her part, and we all know she is lazy af and expects everything to be handed to her. A shame really, because I could see her doing moderately well on OF if she actually tried. Also, I kinda remember her dogging on one of her ex-scene friends for going into the porn business. I believe it was Hillary Haywire//MyCherryCrush.

No. 899328

lmao manifesting pregnancy by rich man

No. 899375

Going by her stories she doesn't do anything except "disassociate" and lay around her "depression bedroom" 24/7. She and Dakota must watch Taylor's vlogs and just rage. They could've gone the same path but they have shit personalities and thought their looks would be enough to get them by forever. Taylor's husband is an ugly big headed frog looking asian, but at least she married rich. I'm so curious to see how these two antisocial freaks end up

No. 899401

They both don't seem capable of long term relationships or friendships. They've become niche hasbeens who still believe a future of being rich and famous is just around the corner.

No. 899406

File: 1669801811254.png (678.93 KB, 1080x1783, Screenshot_20221129-211551.png)

> Going by her stories she doesn't do anything except "disassociate" and lay around her "depression bedroom" 24/7

She's also a nut conspiracy theorist, anon.

No. 899485

File: 1669861282792.png (167.56 KB, 1080x1646, 20221130_201736.png)

What the fuck does this pick up line even mean? Also of course she falls for it.

No. 899523

imagine posting compliments you receive

imagine posting compliments to yourself

No. 899542

holy shit this is like when she used twitter to compliment herself with weird "XYZ meets ABc" humble brags.

She either sent this herself or the guy picked up on her retard way of talking

No. 899568

I actually find it real easy to believe she found some guy stuck in the same era of retard she's in. He's probably early 30s lives in a car and uses these lines on all the girls who think they're indigo special babydolls. In a couple weeks we're going to get another heartbreak story of her smeared makeup because she's got a dirty vagina from raw dogging all the time and he didn't want to commit because she's an easy lay.

No. 899629

File: 1669924323572.png (791.07 KB, 1080x1923, Screenshot_20221201-154503.png)

God himself couldn't waterboard this out of me

> "This is TMI but we need to talk about it"

Nobody else is fucking unwashed cock like you, Keeks, that's why nobody talks about it

No. 899639

Girl really thinks she has to tell us not to fuck homeless dudes without protection LOL girl it’s just you…..respect yourself for just a moment.

No. 899643

Lmfaooo and there I was thinking nonnas were just exaggerating with the rawdogging and UTIs from various hobos.

No. 899662

Rofl "God himself couldn't waterboard this out of me"
OMG SO RELATEABLE GURL, everyone's almost died from rancid bacteria cock(sage your shit)

No. 899676

lmao anon her last 4 boyfriends or more have all been homeless, dirty looking dudes that she admits to fucking without condoms so there is no exaggerating. it's straight from the horse's mouth. it makes me laugh because her and kooter were both such homophobes but i guarantee there are same-sex couples having much cleaner sex than this nasty skank.

No. 899694


Her unique blend of stupidity, arrogance and delusion is truly something to behold.

I'm really starting to believe they were raised as feral backwoods florida hillbillies. Their behavior and critical thinking is just too bizarre. Fucking 30 years old and you can tell she's patting herself on the back while typing that gross shit out and thinking she just unlocked a huge secret about ass washing. Somebody a few comments up said her breath and pussy must stink and this shit proves it. The delusion she has about thinking she's a fairy alien barbie vs. reality has to be mental institution worthy.

"I've had my fair share of jizz" she makes me sick! Somebody get grandma to bed.

No. 899697

Or she could like…use condoms? Jesus Christ she is so disgusting I’m gagging

No. 899698

There's no way this isn't a form of self harm what the fuck

No. 899699


The things she thinks are flexes….. Kiki, they’re not even paying for you to be their dumpster. Fucking at least charge them the price for std treatment or stop crying about nearly dying cause you choose to sleep with garbage.

No. 899700

She claimed in some hour-long video that she's allergic to latex lol

She's doing it for free, and she's notba "sex with no strings attached" hoe (even then gagging on unwashed dick would be embarrassing). She wants actual relationships with semi-homeless dudes.

No. 899717

File: 1670002873843.jpeg (29.03 KB, 640x241, 4FF295BB-1AA5-4A61-9085-AE91A0…)

Me every time I try to read Kiki’s turbo sperg tangents

No. 899755

They're homeless, anon. How are they to pay her for her services?

There are latex-free condoms out there or she could just tell them to wash their fucking dick. She can't even blame them entirely for her infections, because she knew it was dirty and it came with a chance of infection but she still went for it. No normal gal sees/smells dick cheese and shrugs it off before sex.

She's been raunchy since day one… I will never forget that time she waltzed around on camera with period blood dripping down her legs thinking it was cool/funny.

No. 899761

You just unlocked a memory of Stickam teen Kiki saying she had had Chlamydia, and a recent YouTube video saying she almost had unprotected sex with someone who had an incurable STD…

That's easily 15 years of STD's and infections. Fuck.

Don't blame it on the Rockefellers, Kiki.

No. 899768

the way she's just going on about this proudly like yeah i chew their smegma as a vegan cheese appetizer though. no one should know this about her. absolutely no one!

No. 899838

Anyone remember the Kira Kira Kaka in Nippon Era where she had a whole box of expensive latex-free condoms and lube shipped to her and Taku so she could preach about her kawaii cancer-chemical-free sexxytimes?

No. 899842

LOL i remember that

She was an entirely different person - especially her taste in men

No. 899897

She probably only got the condoms because Taku probably refused to stick his dick in that now confirmed dumpster smelling vag unless they had protection.

No. 899976

File: 1670216942420.jpg (281.65 KB, 1617x1163, taku interpal profile old.jpg)


sage for complete autism. i went digging into kikis old threads going back into the nippon glory days and found takus old interpal profile that was posted 7 years ago.

his user was "matsu0331" and if you google it today, on the first page a rakuten review profile comes up

here there's a review for a mask he bought online last year - it says he bought it for his 9 year old son…..so if it's him - which it probably is - who would use the same random user name - taku would've had a toddler around the time he was supposedly with kiki in japan.


No. 899977

File: 1670217001088.jpg (105.67 KB, 1404x725, takus review.JPG)


the review post from rakuten after searching his user name in google - matsu0331
saged for complete autism speculation

No. 899978

same fag
maybe that's why they broke up coz she was indeed the side chick and she found out about his kid and/or japanese wife

was a nice trip down memory lane with a few keks on the way

No. 899984

Wow, what a twist to the end of Taco's story!

To think we thought it ended with Kaka pretending he was in Florida and with her at Disneyworld or something.

No. 900007

File: 1670244453245.png (748.55 KB, 1080x2170, Screenshot_20221204-182451.png)

> "I Neva watched it"

Imagine complimenting yourself and lying while you're at it

No. 900008

File: 1670244763039.png (359.93 KB, 1080x2137, Screenshot_20221204-195613.png)

Part 2: Imagine wearing the most bland, depression room smelling top, to try catching dick at fucking erewhon of all places

Holy shit anon, nice find! That explains so much about the taco era.

No. 900037

i remember her making a video where she said the relationship ended because he was hiding a huge secret and she didn't know if she'd be able to talk about it

No. 900061

Does veganism rot your brain? "Neva, da, got dayum, doe, scurred, foreva, dey, n" A normal person can take one look at her grammar and recognize her retardation immediately. She's doomed to "dirty biome dick" due to being a card carrying retard sponging off the government.

No. 900071

This was a very specific era of net lingo that most people moved on from but Kaka peaked at that time and has never had any friends beyond that to help her evolve.

No. 900072

see, that's how you realize she could be an influencer with some relevance but chooses not to
> Story time: ex scene queen moved to Japan 1/3
> Story time: he had a BABY??? baby emoji shocked emoji Part 1/7
> story time: LA boy gave me a WHAT? sick emoji part 1/5
She could milk the shit out of it on TikTok

Her brain is stuck in 2006

No. 900084

lol she's out here telling everyone for free on her ig stories instead of using it to make bank. if you're going to suck scummy dick you might as well get some coin.

No. 900116

File: 1670307234587.jpeg (224.81 KB, 1400x1050, 5D6B7CF8-C9DE-48D0-9AED-DAA101…)

>I neva watched it
>U brought da receipts

No. 900128

File: 1670321114247.png (1.16 MB, 1080x1914, Screenshot_20221205-205858.png)

Weirdest "I'll call corporate" ever

No. 900145

all this over some incel murderer’s BROTHER…what does she expect them to do? “Sorry, you can’t use our app because your family member committed a crime.” Dating apps (and men tbh) are sketchy at times but it helps to up your standards to like, guys with jobs and homes.

No. 900156

how would she have even found that out? unless the guy was like straight up coming out and saying he supports the brother why does it matter!? it honestly seems like a straight up guy kinda thing if he was like "hey just so you know if you google my name you'll find out my brothers a murderer and like i dont condone that shit" and idk what kind of guy but a mass
murderer himself would say he supports some mass murdering brother? but like maybe she really is just dodging a bullet here but why tell your whole following this? she can't read men at all.

No. 900170

She's acting like it was a registered sex offender with a fake profile on Hinge. Like, yeah, it's sucks. That's why you don't give personal info online, so you can block him and move on. There's literally nothing Hinge itself can do about the guy's brother

Also, "the amount of times I've been SA'd by guys I met on Hinge is insane." First of all, how many times? I'm genuinely curious. 2nd, it's never the victim's fault but you have to realize you need to stop using Hinge if you've been SA'd by guys from there multiple times.

No. 900184

This girls life is tragic and fucking sad… all these guys make taco look the most normal relationship she’s ever had… she’s always talking about standards and in the same breath dates bums that offer her absolutely nothing. As she learned nothing from her sister?

No. 900185

But why does she brag about her ran through pussy

No. 900186

Just show us anons That she’s hot and desirable unlike us uglies

No. 900188

I’m sure after Dakota heard her abortion story she was high key embarrassed to be her sister and I’m sure her parents don’t feel any different what shame..I would’ve had respect for her if she would’ve left the relationship and actually had the damn baby.. she probably caused so much damage by that abortion.. it’s likely she won’t be able to conceive anymore..I was actually very surprised she was able to get pregnant considering her shitty diet and how skinny and underweight she is… I must’ve been going at it like rabbits 24 seven(learn2sage)

No. 900190

is this pro-lifer bait or are you actually retarded, you believe the bullshit about abortions making you infertile? It's not true. Why would you respect Keeks for keeping the baby if she had no intention of changing her lifestyle? Letting hobos she met on tinder look after her newborn isnt respectable, she can barely look after herself and best case scenario it's taken off her. Worst case scenario she recreates her own pedo upbringing and uses her kid for money/fame, just like her parents did.

No. 900193

Ah, yes Kiki, it was definitely Hinge that caused you to be assaulted and not your own shitty choices in men

No. 900274

The LAST thing this woman needs is a baby. Having an abortion is the most resectable thing she did. The only shame is that she's still fucking with these men who don't give a shit.

No. 900283

Let's not forget she aborted because she was on birth defect causing antibiotics (for a kidney infection from the same stinky cheese dick that impregnated her) during the entire but short 5-7 week conception/formation. She's way to vain to have a 2 headed scaly bird baby. She admitted in that ig post she would've probably kept it other than that. She's even incapable of loving a "toe headed", blue eyed, angel face baby if she had one, a deformed one stands no chance with such a shallow monster. The woman is a psychopath. Her parents must have worshipped dakota for her baby cherub features and white hair, and kiki was their dishwater blonde, average punching bag. Why else is she so in loathe with herself and trying to find a white blonde, blue eyed hobo to procreate with so she can try to repeat history. Her iq is too low for her to realize she needs to do a lot of inner work on herself first and foremost. She would rather put on a spiritually enlightened hippie personality than put any actual accountability on herself.

She recorded a dude harassing her yesterday and put it on her ig stories. She was feeding into a predators trap so scary easy. " I'm a girl all alone" she was laughing and encouraging the behavior because it was feeding her histrionic disorder but she's lucky she hasn't been murdered yet. She told him "I'm a girl all alone" WHY would you say that?? Shes in one of the crime ridden cities in the states. And she was laughing and gave him a "burner number". engaging him 100%. She could have said my 245lb boyfriend wouldn't approve. Or anything to make herself more safe. I almost feel bad because she seems like an abused, homeless puppy at times, but then I remember what a horrible person she is so it's just her karma.

No. 900293

Oh Jesus how retarded can you possibly be to think the RIGHT thing for Kiki to do in the case of a pregnancy would be to go through with it? Having an abortion is the most compassionate, selfless, and respectable decision Kiki has ever made. I’m sure her family and sister are proud of her for not breeding.

No. 900297

It's not like you've lead to Danny's death or anything,Kiki

No. 900299

> Her parents must have worshipped dakota for her baby cherub features and white hair, and kiki was their dishwater blonde, average punching bag

Au contraire, anon. Kiki was the MySpace star, Dakota was the chubby sidekick.

No. 900304

File: 1670444693132.webm (5.54 MB, 1080x608, 10000000-485658190324290-25987…)

lol this is hilarious, her Casey Anthony ass voice, "i gotta assess you out", "is this some eyes wide shut typa shit?", "I'm just a small gorl uwu" she actually speaks IRL like the retard she is online

She was lowkey bragging he was stopping the traffic with his car and keeping the conversation going. I get playing nice with weirdos, but just give your fake number and end the convo, don't tell the guy you're all alone, you dumb bitch.

Plus, "sex trafficker vibes". Yes, because all sex traffickers make sure to attract as much attention as possible in public.

She's a narc kek

No. 900310

it’s scary to be reminded that she goes to sleep every night acknowledging that she fucked some emo dude and watched him fall to his death. imagine you had a son and he turned into a emo, austin jones scene tween groomer and he dies jumping off a roof trying to run from the cops

No. 900337

God her whole personality is showing us all that she has sex and men find her attractive. It’s really sad.

No. 900367

While we're on the trip down memory lane, what's the long-haired actor guy she shacked up with during her LA health influencer Lilou Vos era up to nowadays

No. 900370

Sounds like she’s attracting fags, maybe they mistook her for a tranny

No. 900371

File: 1670465050355.jpg (132.07 KB, 1050x1500, 1670345618498102.jpg)

Her parents are to blame for why keekz is a cum-dumpster & is a dumpster-fire of a human being living her bio-hazard type life.

No. 900373

Biome nazis are a trend I didn’t expect. A bit late now keeks, you’ve swapped spit with just about every homeless junkie in LA.

No. 900374

I genuinely think her pussy stinks irl. That’s the only feasible reason I can think of as to why so many dudes bounced almost immediately after porking her. Even if you’re as annoying and insufferable as keeks, most manwhores will at least put up with that shit for a while. Meanwhile Kaka got ghosted by like 5 different hookups in a month. That’s definitely not normal. Maybe she has an extremely grotesque looking vagina or butthole, but I’m leaning more towards the bad smell.

No. 900376

Men literally fuck car exhausts, raw liver, livestock animals and newborn babies. Getting super gonorrhea from couch-surfing hobo scrotes looking for a free meal and place to crash for the night is NOT something to brag about.

These dudes would literally fuck an obese tranny landwhale with a mustache just to get a place to sleep.

I genuinely cannot believe how mentally stunted a woman must be to publicly brag about hooking up with smelly user loser tinder scrotes at 30 and posting creepshots of them all over her social media before they ghost her the next day.

No. 900439

tbf I'm glad people are talking about this because I had no idea dicks could smell bad until I actually encountered one (and the guy took good care of himself so it was just the natural stank)

No. 900440

girl have you ever smelled a man. they just smell bad as is and don’t bathe unless they’re forced to.

No. 900452

What sort of hillbilly pigsty-living hobos you two been fucking?

No. 900464

NTA but there are some men out there who just naturally smell fucking disgusting. Had an ex who just fucking stank all the time, even right after a shower (he was washing properly with a rag and washing everywhere, I watched him cause I didn’t believe he was bathing properly kek). God he smelled. He smelled worse after a shower than my current partner smells after going 2-3 days without bathing.

Everyone has a natural body odor to some extent. Usually its men whose natural body odors are unbearably disgusting, but it certainly isn’t exclusive to men.

No. 900520

lmao she was milking this for her huge ego, she gets off on this shit

She's 30

Bad parenting ducks you up but a lot of adults own up to their actions and change

No. 900552

I legit couldn’t even get thru the whole thing, her voice is HORRID. You can tell from her psychotic teenage style giggling that she’s LOVING the attention. It’s embarrassing as fuck that she’s 30.

No. 900579

She loves the attention - that was straight up flirting, followed by saying he was a sex trafficker as soon as she was alone

She loves attention and being the victim so it was a perfect match

No. 900594

who posts this shit? getting hit on as a girl is a boring experience that happens to all of us. how is this important at all

No. 900608

File: 1670684319771.png (483 KB, 1080x2147, Screenshot_20221210-094621.png)

LMAO imagine her being hit on with her beak, special needs bangs, decade old clothes that have never been properly washed, thinking she's special

No. 900609

This. Maybe an anon can dig out the old pics of them together but Koots looked like a troll beside Kiki whenever she wasn't photoshopped to oblivion.

The parents always doted on Kaka and even made her a little fake corporation because they truly thought she'd be famous.

It's so obvious she rarely ever gets hit on. She's literally shacking up with homeless and even they don't want her.

No. 900625

File: 1670698805782.jpg (75.75 KB, 480x960, 1m8sbf.jpg)

>she'd be famous
No. lol. They thought "myspace FAME" was legit 100% real tinsel town-marilyn monroe-esk -tier FAME!

No. 900629

File: 1670699284791.jpeg (10.13 KB, 320x237, images (5).jpeg)

Kiki always looked like a man in a wig (picture for reference), Dakota always had half of her face on camera like a good sidekick

You see shit like >>900608 that's supposed to be a good angle. IRL she's a Florida 5 and a minus-whatever in LA so you know she must be losing her mind over that

No. 900632

File: 1670700127931.jpg (28.79 KB, 348x480, x_b2afe0c4.jpg)

Did she get work done? Is that photoshop?

No. 900633

File: 1670700201448.png (503.48 KB, 448x745, 167069995218586942.png)

>randomly came across this site

…for those who feel like taking a trip down memory lane..

Here ya go.


No. 900634

File: 1670700260347.jpeg (174.28 KB, 500x375, 56B51C39-5806-44DA-974D-080D21…)

Good sidekick= looking like a hobgoblin to make keekz look better by default.

No. 900636

File: 1670700660729.jpeg (424.93 KB, 600x811, E0E951E5-D94F-497E-A04E-E43939…)

Even when kooter was peaking/doing her alien shoops, she was still second tier to keekz looking like a hooker in borrowed clothes. Imagine this being your glory days. I’d be so fucking embarrassed.

No. 900637

File: 1670701229836.jpeg (205 KB, 348x500, 91A45A6F-C1C7-4D2F-9704-2CB7F3…)

Those tops were hideous then and they’re more hideous now. I couldn’t put my finger on what she reminded me of but it’s fucking Margot wearing Venus’s old clothes vibes. Same desperate psycho energy.

No. 900638

> Peak the shirt
O wait THOSE were her raver days?

No. 900640

"Mathew Lush" looks evil af in that pic-those crazy eyes!

No. 900643

File: 1670702850784.png (453.56 KB, 396x533, 167069995218586942 (2).png)

Her parents were just looking to score some MOLLY on the side while they pimped-out&sex-trafficed their child.


No. 900648

She says it like she was a 3 days no sleep popping LSD hallucinating dragons raver, not a 13 year old going to raves with mommy and daddy

No. 900664


Now I see why she's been hiding her hair. The ends are a different shade. I bet she was dying her hair all that time pretending it was her natural color. She's trying to hide the length which lifted a different color than the new growth around her face

No. 900670

Her life and looks peaked at 17 and she has never gotten over it

No. 900671

It’s weird I used to think she was soooo pretty when I would see her back then but now she just looks kind of average to slightly above average. Most of her beauty was just makeup. And she had such a horrible personality that it automatically cancelled out anything good about her appearance anyway.

Also retarded sidenote but I want one of those retarded diamond necklaces lol

No. 900672

Was he fat by any chance?

No. 900673

No she hasn’t had work done except braces since then, her features haven’t changed and she still has her same toucan sam beak, though she lost some weight around her face after becoming vegan and it aged her a lot and made her look haggard.

No. 900674

That haircut and style is doing absolutely nothing for her. She needs to go on one of those makeover programmes and actually learn to make herself look presentable.

No. 900675

Eating shrimp is murder but she still gets abortions LOL yep that’s a typical vegan for you. Somehow I doubt it was her first one either and she probably pops morning after pills like skittles. I’m not even pro life but at least be consistent with your bullshit ‘harm no living thing’ beliefs.

No. 900686


I hope op answers, I was wondering the same thing for own research purposes. I'm collecting data about sewer bodies.

No. 900693

File: 1670749218783.jpg (170.92 KB, 1000x1500, MV5BOTlhYTVkMDktYzIyNC00NzlkLT…)

>sewer bodies
Omg. You know.

This is the apocalypse. Jesus.

No. 900694

File: 1670749652050.jpg (74.72 KB, 982x499, 1670649785754281.jpg)

Pls tell me that her & her family are working with the government to bust pedo's and BTFO them! That guy who tried to was killed cuz he got Chris Hansen-ed by the police before he could touch her. This is all starting to break my mind. It's all too fucked up.

No. 900698

sorry this is a huge cope. not saying kaka isnt a huge mess and failure at 30 but to deny that she is pretty is a denial of objective reality

No. 900701

She wasn't dying her hair mousy brown. It just looks yellow-ish with bad lighting.

I have seen at least two people with hime hair that looked good and they were both on social media/models. Everyone else, including those white triplets, looks like straight up retarded weebs.

kek ok anon, you like men in wigs, that's fine

No. 900704

File: 1670766398190.png (509.7 KB, 1080x649, Screenshot_20221211-104440.png)

Beak gone

No. 900705

File: 1670766455849.png (475.94 KB, 1080x642, Screenshot_20221211-104458.png)

No. 900706

who does she live with? surely she doesnt live alone in an apt in beverly hills, how could she afford that with no job

No. 900707

File: 1670766578290.png (440.14 KB, 1080x648, Screenshot_20221211-104540.png)

No. 900708

I think she probably has a job, no roomies because she's a schizo, and spends all her money on overpriced erewhon/whole foods shit (what plenty of LA natives make fun of), but I doubt that's Beverly hills. Like, in the other thread she was crying throwing up over a neighbor looking through her windows in what looked like a bungalow in the city outskirts

No. 900709

what job is she qualified to do that would allow her to live independently in any part of CA most service workers live in their car or with parents

No. 900712

lol that's why I said outskirts

A good few threads ago (right after the Lilou vos fiasco) she mentioned turning down entry level jobs that paid $15/hour. In the last thread, she was whining about working/being a full-time "science" student so maybe she caved in, got an entry level job, and now her wage + parents pay for $19 smoothies, pseudoscience scam courses, Richard-Ramirez-victim-level housing and food (nothing but matcha and herbs).

It's not like she's using purple shampoo or olaplex or has more than 5 pieces of good clothing.

No. 900715

She looked older as a teen than she does now

No. 900716

File: 1670774875158.png (695.74 KB, 1080x783, Screenshot_20221211-120218.png)

I beg to differ, Lauren Handy.

She's mourning the clump of cells her hobo bf forced her to get rid of. Remember she claimed she was bleeding all over the doctor's office and checked herself out to be treated by her herbalist? She made up such a horror story she probably agrees with your backward, anti-choice POV, deep down.

No. 900720

ayrt, I’d known the guy for a number of years before we started dating long term. I actually dated him for a couple weeks in high school when he was a stinky but skinny bean pole. Then years later he was still just as stinky but also fat.

I think he may have lost the weight but I know that motherfucker still smells horrendous even if there’s slightly less surface area from which the stench can emanate. His main hobby when he wasn’t being a rapey sex pest or eating tendies was smoking stinky ass hookah for hours a day as though he was a professional chimney impersonator. stinky scrote also wanted to do pee play and recreate terrifyingly violent porn shit like “skull fucking” and wanted me to sob so he could jack it to me crying. I’ll stop and get a diary now sorry for the blog nonnas

No. 900722

She never looked young, but cope lol.

No. 900723

Jesus Christ nona sorry but what were you thinking? No woman should ever have to date a stinking porn addicted scrote with tonsil stones and crotch rot.

No. 900724

Kooter was young and still developing, her features were still very squashed in and troll-like at first because she was still a kid but she definitely became prettier as she matured and her face evened out. She has better features overall than Kiki and also took better care of her skin and stuff, not stunning but definitely had that whitebread slavic girl look that Asians obsess over. Kiki just kind of looks like Florida trash plus she has an insanely large forehead and hooked beak nose, her eyes are too close together too. She pulled off the quirky scene style decently but the only thing she really had going for her is that she was thin. She’s just a very average woman who happens to be slightly thinner than most American women. Not being obese in America puts you at like 75th percentile.

No. 900728

Nonna wtf.

Lol yah. She hides her beak now. ATP she should embrace looking like a man, having cringe unfunny humor and start posting like morganpresleyxo

"Trailer trash" is right, but I think not being a landwhale only matters in states from the Midwest and shit.

No. 900768


Omg Nona I'm sorry. Unfortunately that type of guy seems to be the majority. Glad you are now with a better smelling partner <3

No. 900769


I swear she got the tip of her nose shortened and thinned out. You never see her nose looking this big now.

No. 900773

No idea how old Koots was in those old pics but I thought she was close in age to Kaka?

Maybe that's how it became beak-like? It probably grew out weird after she had a refinement.

No. 900778

It’s called facetune

No. 900782

File: 1670841025324.png (199.08 KB, 325x716, 167083757224735462 (1).png)

Holy shit. That website is like a internet ghost town time-capsule AO COOL! HAPPY HOLIDAYS EVERYONE!!

No. 900832

she's still buying into the pseudo science and "spiritual guru" shit. People who fall for that have delusional disorders and a god complex. they enjoy thinking they are chosen, enlightened and special when they're just gullible and below average.

No. 900845

Dude, in every single picture and video? I would just permanently go into debt for a nose job, straight up.

Cathy believed her and Kota were indigo children, Kiki always believed she's an actual empath, I'm surprised she hasn't joined a new age cult yet.

No. 900982

too narc to follow a cult leader, yet too executively dysfunctional to lead her own cult

No. 901132

File: 1671133963989.jpg (383.93 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20221213-165724_Ins…)

She will pop up pregnant again…

No. 901140


Nobody says this type of shit to someone they have been talking to. There has to be some kind of buildup.

Kiki is into cream pies and breeding, there's no other way

She's gonna get pregnant or have another infection

No. 901157

i doubt it. it’s just words of nothingness. kiki is an ugly tramp yet gets the strangest texts ever about somebody wanting to knock her up or marry her and take her off to europe. i’ll give thousand bucks to a homeless man if she actually was able to find a smelly surfer mcgee on hinge or tinder or any of these sleazy hookup apps and marry them.

No. 901160


You have a point. What is up with every one of these dudes sounding exactly the same? They all want a contract of no legal responsibility for the child? They all beg and plead to impregnate her? Ime horny guys don't even think all that far. Pregnancy just happens if either party is irresponsible. Is she really able (subconsciously) to keep recreating an identical dysfunctional bond with anyone she meets or is the psycho talking to herself.

No. 901182

if she was born in another time she would have been one of charlie's girls for sure

this has to be a humiliation kink where she just humiliates herself at this point

No. 901193

File: 1671198029298.png (1.08 MB, 1080x2013, Screenshot_20221216-103959.png)

She would be slipping some weird "you look like got meets final fantasy" compliments if that was her

She just finds lowlife hobos to shack, and hints on her impregnating kink

No. 901198

Scrotes are really just typing all their dumb thoughtless selfish shit out in the open now instead of keeping it inside their head like they used to. She definitely humors them too since she uses men as some form of self harm.

No. 901239

I mean it wouldn’t be out in the open if keekz wasn’t obsessed with proving that she’s sexy in the eyes of lowlifes and hobos. I’m sure that dumpster fire of a man wouldn’t have sent that if he knew it’d be blasted all over insta.

No. 901250

Has she been wearing these same tops for like 10 years now??

No. 901263

It's hilarious to me that someone who has been in and out of college for half of her life according to her has no degree to speak of and is dumb as shit. She never says anything intelligent, just spouts some fufu fake medical fairy nonsense and is weirdly proud of taking dirty unwashed hobo dick. Her occupation is literally being a cum dumpster for these people. I thought she would've had higher standards and respected herself more from the persona she tried to project on Stickam.

No. 901280

The best we can hope for at this point is that she has rendered herself infertile by keeping her pussy infected since she was 14

No. 901282

have you read like none of the other posts? she literally had an abortion recently.

No. 901285


It's never been that serious. At this rate she probably has a raging case of chlamydia rn.

No. 901374

No, she definitely didn’t have a nose job and I have no idea why people even say that. She still has a downturned beak. Webcams in those days just made everyone look strange plus it’s also looking down on her from an angle which emphasizes her already quite hooked nose and makes it look wider and even longer.

No. 902031

I don’t understand why she is still in LA.

She has no friends, no job or a relationship (besides fucking junkies) there. She doesn’t even seem to like it. Nor does she actually do anything there too

No. 902066

You're right she does have nothing. But she's in LA. That means a lot to big losers. A big loser in LA feels way more important than being a big loser back home.

No. 902157


She seems to be making la girl her whole personality. She loves mentioning the neighborhoods her scrotes are from, oh and dont forget erewhon! She eats at erewhon everyone!! But you never hear anything about fla anymore. She's so polarizing, which is common for the mentally ill.

I guess even the shithole that is California is a step up from the cesspool known as Florida. But keeks will always be Florida white trash in our hearts.

No. 902188

Not her whole personality, but she fits with narcs that went there for stardom and got in new age scams

Now all she has going for her are complaints about the traffic and the dating pool

I really wish she'd vlog a day in LA for her, walking around looking like trailer trash

No. 902207

File: 1673289315840.jpg (319.76 KB, 1400x933, GettyImages_1215182349.jpg)

she fits in perfectly

No. 906433

File: 1673354113788.png (1.34 MB, 1080x1908, Screenshot_20230110-075302.png)

She would not last a week in NY, because NY does not give a single fuck (plus how the crazy rent prices). She'd have her fake empath shtick kicked to a curb

ATP she might be better off back in FL or in Chicago/Illinois (doesn't she have family there?)

No. 906458

File: 1673384156881.png (3.06 MB, 1080x1911, Screenshot_20230110-141526.png)

Bitch just buy a good vibrator, how many kidney infections will it take for you to chill out lol

Sick drawing though

No. 906465

we don’t want her in chicago

No. 906488

This is basically it. She failed to start, it's been years since she tried with those acting classes, waterbottle name and hooking up with hobos.

Keeks would get laughed out of everywhere much worse in NY than she was in LA. Her dad probably couldn't afford to get her a cheap apt there anyway. She'd become Kaka from the block in Brooklyn.

No. 906524

File: 1673463149938.png (1.09 MB, 1870x1600, Screenshot_20230111-155019.png)

lmao >>900128

"Let's see what happens!" Haven't you seen enough?

No. 906539

she has to have some kind of brain damage at this point because wtf who would keep doing the same thing over and over? she should be in therapy. she is the issue and she needs to learn not everyone who fucks her is in love with her. i would bet most of the hobos she bangs aren't.

No. 906564

This woman is pathetically thirsty. I'm so embarrassed for her. 99% of her posts are regarding how badly she wants a relationship. Like, damn girl.. Do you do anything else besides act retarded and scout for dick? You are mentally ill. You are the problem. Get professional help now. I fucking cringe watching her post pseudo enlightened spiritual guru shit. That makes it really easy for predators to see how weak minded and gullible she is. You will surely attract the next twin flame with that shit.

No. 906585

File: 1673611019527.png (1.07 MB, 1616x1600, Screenshot_20230112-104617.png)

Taylor's chipmunk face is living off elbow-san money with a baby in tow while Keek is making up this shit up and posting 50 instastories a day

Must sting

No. 906599

this just shows she has no friends to show this stuff to. it's so fucking embarrassing posting these sorts of things and she does it all. the. time.

No. 906602

Technically, she has Kooters if she wanted to send someone as a laugh

She posts this shit as a flex

No. 906610

Her self esteem must be rock bottom. She laps up hyperbolic compliments as if she's some hideous fat chick who's never even talked to a guy. If she gets her shit together now, she could still nab some rich older guy, ensuring a life of neethood. But instead she's donating her vag to the homeless and diseased. noble.

No. 906632

why tf we’re most of our replies deleted? god the owners here are shitheads

No. 906641

She always did that, all the way back. The difference it was on Twitter, now she's making this shit up on the gram

No. 906649

File: 1673717538132.png (1.39 MB, 1080x1897, Screenshot_20230114-123138.png)

No. 906651

File: 1673728491472.png (440.79 KB, 1080x1921, Screenshot_20230114-163353.png)

lmao my guy saw her clusterfuck ig and still sought her for an open relationship

Married men are an upgrade from homeless though.

Still no proper picture of this bleach job. It must be fried.

No. 906653

omfg he's obviously trying to get her into a 3way because he knows she's slutty how is she this dense?

No. 906688

How she posts these for validation is so sad

You’re not hot, keeks.

Are you patrolling elementary schools in Glendale to fuck dads or something?

No. 906728

File: 1673875829185.png (625.34 KB, 920x1629, Screenshot_20230116-093826.png)

> Peep the missing chunk of convo where he found out she's vegan

No. 906729

File: 1673875878847.png (303.52 KB, 896x1195, Screenshot_20230116-095134.png)

a real winner though, the fact she carried a Convo with him speaks volumes

No. 908071

Her bio on IG now claims she's a writer. This one might suit her, chaps. She always did like to make shit up.

No. 908161

> Kiki kannibal korporation
> Musician/Dj/music engineer
> 2012 YouTuber
> 3 months in Japan for god knows what
> e-commerce store (lilkitten?)
> Actor/Patreon
> Recipe book/Self fanfiction "writer"

No. 908265

Was she really 3 months in Japan? It's so hard to tell because she only had a carryon, literally two outfits and didn't go anywhere or do anything.

No. 908283

I reckon she went to an university, and some anons guessed it was a 3-month language course, then she got sexually harassed by a Aussie student who the aussie females students supported.

That was it, i guess

No. 908302

File: 1674453633198.png (5.15 MB, 2500x1647, image.png)

her latest fanfic is just… pls why has no one posted this yet LOL

No. 908303

File: 1674453944991.png (4.25 MB, 1744x1756, 11image.png)

imagine being proud of your DV jfc

No. 908311

File: 1674471119323.png (Spoiler Image,1.8 MB, 1080x1324, Screenshot_20230122-160359.png)

I don't think it's DV otherwise she'd be throwing a mega pity party lol

No. 908312

File: 1674471421378.png (Spoiler Image,1.62 MB, 1080x1340, Screenshot_20230122-160421.png)

Very edgy, keeks

No. 908313

File: 1674471481372.png (487.6 KB, 1080x1333, Screenshot_20230122-160346.png)

That's what she meant by "writer" ig

No. 908315

TOPKEK is she posting her self harm pics ? like a teenager on twitter? girl, youre 30.

No. 908316

Looks like an accident lol she just took the pics while an overworked health professional stitched it, and posted on IG with the "poetry"

2012 tumblr teen vibes lol

No. 908339


Wtf, is this really preferable to just bumming it at her parents place back in Florida? Did they kick her out or something?

No. 908345

The parents seem to have given up and probably just send enough money for basics. She's like 30 and banging dirty homeless dudes for quite some time. Maybe she will go back to Florida like Koots did.

No. 908351

lmao what in the diaryland

No. 908370

File: 1674604928207.png (639.71 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20230124-172942.png)

She really needs to let go of the stripes and her first rape/relationship, just revisiting past trauma. Also don't the new age fags believe you attract the shit you watch?

No. 908378

Kiki's in her Jenny Schecter era. Wait until she starts writing about her morbid diathesis and variety meats.

No. 908384

My God you'd think being 30 she'd stop retraumatising herself. Then again this is Keeks we're talking about.

No. 908422

She mentioned a new influx of followers, she's just re-victimizing herself for them

No. 908574

File: 1674861787970.jpg (69.78 KB, 1178x495, IMG_20230127_182028_248.jpg)

sorry this is technically OT, but i have a friend who keeps getting anonymous messages about dakota. she's never reblogged anything about her in the history of her blog, and she doesn't really have many followers, either. what do you think, could it be her/keekz? really weird.

No. 908611

Eh, probably or their mother, sounds very boomer-ish, "stop hating on dakota rose living doll" it's been a hot minute she stopped resembling a doll

No. 908622

this is soooooo 30 year old who's never had a job

No. 908980

File: 1675439800799.png (600.98 KB, 864x1211, Screenshot_20230203-124059.png)

barf. and your hair is brown, Kiki.

No. 908992

Wonder what happened to her yellow fever

Also wtf with her wanting kids?

No. 908997

Kiki as a mother is a frightening thought.

No. 909004

I think if you replace kids with "tax deductions/welfare checks" then you'll find your answer as to why the lazy bitch who doesn't want to work a job like a normal productive member of society wants kids. Just like mama and papa Kannibal.

No. 909038

She just wants one because Taylor has one

No. 909040

she said she wanted them back when her foreign language friendfinder aka dating profile was found though

No. 909055

Her impregnation fetish is showing. Also funny that she wants kids but Taco was hiding having a kid from her so she claims. I guess she only wants em if they slither out of her disease infested crotch.

No. 909083

I wonder if that fetish is related to the woo stuff she claims to believe in. I firmly believe she would harm a child by trying to raise it vegan and not feeding it properly.

No. 909087

she's a "fruits and almond milk in a blender" vegan, anti-vaxx, and has a thing for always being a SA/DV victim.

Can you imagine how vulnerable her kid would be

No. 909138

She's not built for parenthood in any way.

She's subconsciously wanting to right the many wrongs of her own traumatic childhood through having children of her own. Doesn't work that way - never has and never will. Heal and accept yourself.

She would fuck a child up tremendously. She's as unstable as I've ever seen, and she can barely keep herself alive.


Kooter had white blonde hair as a baby. Because of that kaka wants to find a blue eyed, platinum dude to increase her odds of her precious "towhead" that she's obsessed with. The fact that she is that obsessed with her imagined child's appearance is already a huge waving red flag.

No. 909322

What is it with ‘empaths’ calling everyone they date narcs? If every man you manage to attract is trash then the problem is you.

No. 909323

Why did she black out her messages to him? Doxxing people for not being vegan psychopaths, classy Keeks.

No. 909324

Waiting for her nazi phase

No. 909417


No. 909504

projection and assists in the narrative they are the fawn. every self-titled empath i've ever met is the actual narc

No. 911497

File: 1678895065133.png (293.68 KB, 1080x1213, Screenshot_20230315-101337-355…)

lol she posted like, 10 desperate selfies

No. 911504

Did she finally go back to blonde? Good for her, the mouse brown was so unflattering. Gj keeks

No. 911506

Microdosing shrooms? Would explain the tweaker crack whore angles. Kek

No. 911513

I'm hoping for 2023 keeks scene girl photos!

No. 911518

File: 1678908075707.png (271.47 KB, 1080x605, Screenshot_20230315-101148-492…)

This shit is so embarrassing, not even OF, it's myspace meets will suck your dick for $10

No. 911724

lol her nose looks like a small penis. nobody is fapping to this.

No. 911910

This was the first thing I saw when the page loaded and I thought she finally started doing porn.

No. 912393

File: 1680026355002.png (641.48 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20230328-142749.png)

So she's been in FL in the last 2 months because of that?

My exact thoughts, those pictures reeked of SW

No. 912474

She sure is thirsty in general and for fame. I guess that's one way to become a star. Sad.

No. 912476

It has work in it, she'll not touch it with a 10ft pole

No. 912512

I'm so confused about the hand injury. Was it self harm? Did she do it twice? She posted a pic of it on stories again a few days ago. Is her life really that boring and uneventful she milks a booboo for 3 months?

No. 912523

It was the same, she just needs the attention. I am confused why a 30 year old would go back to her parent's house in another state because of a hand cut.

I get it, I love my ma, but I have a job and 3 months of rent due, I can't just fuck off to another state for 3 months

No. 912664

kiki doesn’t have what you have- a job

No. 913350

File: 1681770546294.jpg (347.98 KB, 1080x2280, Screenshot_20230411-073505_Ins…)

How many times has she been sexually assaulted jfc

No. 913363

how can you be on lolcow and not know that sexual assault is common?

No. 913366

If only she could stop being a massive pickme and admire other women instead of sex pests

No. 913375

She mentioned this in a video, but only the nipple twisting part, the "grabbed by the pussy" is new.
It grabbed my attention because how tf is she such an easy target for cults.

No. 913376

File: 1681832842709.png (1.17 MB, 1080x1919, Screenshot_20230418-073416~2.p…)

> be in a bad teen relationship
> +10 years go by
> your ex posts your face online because she can't let go of her glory days

No. 913377

File: 1681833075990.png (645.61 KB, 1080x1934, Screenshot_20230418-121850-280…)

This post has a ton of iFunny style voicemails from guys she banged looking to "catch up"

So, she lives off SA experiences, '07/'08 exes and fuckboy voicemails

No. 913391

myspace potion seller

No. 913417

Her, vik and others are stuck in "whatever happened to baby Jane"- MYSPACE EDITION!

No. 913419

Every other day she "finds" an old hard drive, she's either a hoarder or spends the whole day going over old pictures

No. 913426

Moid take. Don't pretend a teen in heavy makeup with dyed hair unregulated by common parental rules is not an easy target for sexual abuse, no matter how seemingly insignificant it is to you. Don't start this shit.

No. 913445

i'm wondering where she found it. is she back in fl with scott and cathy? i don't know why she'd pack that up to move to ca but then misplace it. i also feel like cathy probably would have held on to this as "evidence" just like the massive hoard of screenshots and things they were compiling to expose people who trolled kiki and dakota. they should get rid of it and let go of the past.

No. 913467

she was in FL for a while >>912393
so probably got it from their hoarding because they can't let go of the glory days

Lmao #7 "you like good dick and have positive coping mechanisms"
this thread is her riding homeless dick and having bad coping mechanisms

No. 913623

Just stopped by to vent that her David bowie fixation is telling. Idolizing a dead abuser while simultaneously handing out unsolicited advice about men and relationships. Kiki, the call has been coming from inside the house all along. will you answer it and finally heal your trauma? Lying to your new therapist won't work either. My God, is self reflection really that painful and unbearable for you? ppl compare you to britney spears and baby jane…I mean…do something while you still can.

No. 913625

No. 913665

Do you feel better after writing her a letter, Stan?

No. 914048

File: 1683304511592.webm (16.41 MB, 480x852, Untitled.webm)

Kiki was live on Instagram. The video is 1 hour long, but I hope you enjoy this low quality clip. Kiki talks about living in LA. She has a cat which she can't show on camera because celebrities don't show their kids.
>moving to LA was difficult. The living cost, the stalkers…
>unable to make friends
>works monday to friday.
>is being groomed to do Sex work.
>is getting mansplained about OF by crypto bros

Why does she have to make weird noises? What is her job?

No. 914052

File: 1683306970093.webm (19.73 MB, 480x852, Keek.webm)

Someone asks Kiki if she still DJs. She tells about traumatizing experience she had in Japan. This woman is emotionally damaged. Her hair is damaged too.

No. 914053

Sounds like Kaka is a waitress or something again. No way she has a regular desk job.

Also wow she and Kota are like legit balding more than ever. Truly hair deficient.

No. 914097

she probably meant lolcow in "stalkers" lol

her dates saying she'd make a killing on OF, does she realize how hard it is on OF for those hoes? she sounds like she thinks she'd make good money

> can't DJ
> bombs it in japan
> professional radio men in business suits take her to dinner, one of them asks to sleep with her and then gets on his knees, drunkenly apologizing

sure, keeks

couldn't look away from her hair, how did she fry it so bad when her hair was on the lighter side

No. 914102

she looks hot with her hair and makeup like that again. if the mods ban me for posting this i will face god and walk backwards into hell

No. 914110

I don't think she meant farmers when she mentioned the stalkers. She is paranoid as fuck. The live starts with her being scared because she thinks some bad man is outside her door. She believes everyone who recognizes her irl from the stickam videos wants to fight her. She mentions panic attacks and anxiety. She says she doesn't want to be famous again. Why live in LA then?

She had a hairdresser bleach her eyebrows too. The hairdresser was against it, but Kiki insisted. The result was so bad she couldn't even post pics online.

No. 914111

File: 1683375267851.webm (16.92 MB, 480x852, Kiki.webm)

Kiki talks about getting recognized by some hot guy at a grocery store.

No. 914113

she probably looked hot with bleached brows

desperate and weird she'd fight him while thirsting over the guy

she mentioned driving 3 hours for a guy that got mad she didn't think he had adhd ( >>890509 ?) and followed up with "if you're watching this call me" lol

No. 914137

How can you browse lolcow and not know that HPD cows like Keeks lie about being raped and assaulted for attention constantly?

Poor Kiki can’t even leave the house without being raped.

No. 914317

Really what the fuck does she do for money? You can tell she doesn't work. I don't care what she says. She tells on her unemployeed ass all the time. First of all she never leaves ig constantly posting unfunny shit. And she openly admitted her days revolve around trolling for peen 24/7 at skateparks and boardwalks.

I couldn't get through her live. The weird noises and spastic facial expressions were barely tolerable when she was a child but now? Hell no. Grow the fuck up

No. 914322

She's probably on disability.

It's honestly really difficult to get on disability tbqh.

They don't just let anyone come along and get a government cash grab-so I don't want to read any of that leeching off the system bullshit, okay.

No. 914326

no it’s not, you just need a lawyer. I could 100% see her parents filing for bankruptcy for the Nth time to pay for a lawyer to get their retarded daughter a tugboat.

No. 914327

How is she disabled? Is the tugboat enough for covering living costs in L.A.?

No. 914328

>no, it's not
Yes, it is. Unless you or someone you actually care about has jumped through all the damn hoops-STFU!

No. 914329


YOU shut up. It sounds like your life's dream is to get "disabled" stamped across your ass and join welfare check day. Just like kaka.

No. 914331

Doesn’t she get tardbux for her ADHD/autism?

No. 914338

You know what, anon.

Shut the fuck up.

I hope you say something unsavory to someone today and they slap you across the face irl.

Get a life, asshole.

No. 914343

I literally do know people who’ve both gotten it, and been denied. the ones who are denied don’t have/can’t afford lawyers. the ones who have disability, hired disability lawyers. you sound bitter that you keep getting denied kek. spergchan bragged about her disability check.

No. 914344


Get a jawb, miserable hobo.

No. 914345

File: 1684090853261.jpg (132.27 KB, 1080x1501, Screenshot_20230514-145836_Ins…)

Does another picture of Kathy Ostrenga exist? I swear both keekz and kootz only post this one 30 year old side profile pic of her for every occasion. Such weirdos.

No. 914347

File: 1684092831556.png (676.93 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20230514-163314.png)

I've known disabled people that would only get disability if they stayed below the poverty line, it'd be impossible to survive in LA on disability.

It's the only Cathy pic where she looks good/sane. The only other pic of her around is with weird dreads to take 13 yo kiki to a rave* with their grandma, from here >>900637

Pic related*

No. 914358


Noticed that too. Proceeds to tell a story about a man-child douchebag she dated and follows up with, "if you're watching this, call me." What a mess.

No. 914363

Kaka bragged about getting checks and didn't the Ostrengas already have tardbux locked down because of one of their siblings? They totally know how to work the system. They're absolute grifters and would do anything for a quick buck.

It's their only normalfag looking pic of her, and they don't want to show how she currently looks in this century.

No. 914367

So, not only she drove a long for his dick, she's begging for this man child attention publicly lol

No. 914409

File: 1684247238794.webm (8.35 MB, 500x886, Kiki.webm)

Yes. Let's archive that part too. Kiki also tells why she has a thing for surfer dudes.

No. 914410

>poverty line
It's literally for people that have sever problems and need to get by. It works as a safety net. If a person gets on their feet and becomes fully independent-they pull back and help them transition into getting their legs and adulting(this is the ideal situation). If that person gets really sick again and can't function-social security steps back in. They don't just toss a person out into the world and are like here you go BYE! It's very difficult to get onto,a lot of documentation,hoop jumping, you have to be literally handicapped (physically, mentally,ect). It's just super frustrating when SOME people think ANYONE can get on it. You don't seem like a hater, however and I appreciate you for that. Everyone is dealt different cards and lifes a bitch. Take care.

No. 914411

File: 1684248253522.png (74.23 KB, 1440x1163, Screenshot_20230516-094436.png)

No. 914431

he got mad for the stupidest reason and made HER leave lmao he didn't want her coochie and keeks didn't realize that

> "Liking surfer dudes got imprinted on me when I was 14"

So, it's official she was only chasing japanese dick in hopes of a visa?

No. 914446

I always thought her chasing Jap dick was about competing with Dakota. Koots made it to Japan so Kaka had to follow. I wouldn't be surprised if they both like surfer guys too. They have a weird attachment.

No. 914464


Waiting for the Ursula and Sabina Eriksson 2.0 - washed up internet celebrity edition

No. 914472

Looks like Keekz is gaining some weight. Karma.

No. 914477

I noticed that too lol, although I'd say it looks more like bloat and definitely not enough to be considered fat.

No. 914494

She has always been skinny fat, imo she's just showing more breast

No. 914567

File: 1684625419080.jpg (102.51 KB, 1080x1920, 347465377_1756897831434040_661…)

I'm not sure if I understand what she is trying to say with this word salad, but it seems like Kiki has been searching for love in the wrong places.

No. 914592

The "avoidant attachment" is relationship pseudo science, like the "love language" stuff. It just means she's clingy and dramatic, and the guy is not.

No. 914606

Not only does she date homeless losers but they treat her like shit too. Lol pick a struggle

No. 914648


Her parents must have treated her like shit. she is seeking relationships that mirror that. She is also developmentally stunted. She acts 13. She needs years of therapy but will probably never break the cycle. She's beyond help.

No. 914659

File: 1684785517721.webm (1.15 MB, 646x1148, Oh no cringe.webm)

Speaking of acting 13. Do you want to cringe?

No. 914682

I feel slightly more retarded after watching that. Ffs get a job kiki.

No. 914683

File: 1684854090640.png (673.54 KB, 1152x1808, Screenshot 2023-05-23 at 11.01…)

why does she have such hairy arms? isn’t she a ~natural blonde~

No. 914687

I'm shuddering in secondhand embarrassment, my god

She's a "used to be blonde as a child" blonde, you can tell by the bleach fried hair

No. 914688

From a financial standpoint she has everything handed to her and taken care of. Emotional probably I mean what sane and living parents let you have a bf that's 20 when your like 14/15, also what sane and loving parents take soft core pics of you to post on the internet.

No. 914708

It’s genuinely scary how often she gets dumped and ghosted tbh. I’ve never seen it before to such a degree. And it’s even more embarrassing that she puts it on blast all the time.

It’s like guys can’t stand to be around her for more than a couple days (not that I can blame them) I think I said this before but I genuinely wonder if she stinks irl or something. But more likely it’s just because she’s the most annoying person on the planet. You’d think at least some chump would be willing to put up with all her shit, but her pussy game sucks and she can’t retain even shit tier moids interest. She’s had dozens and dozens of two day boyfriends and they always disappear on her. Bleak.

No. 914709

Where is their brother? You never see him or hear anything about him.

No. 914710

He has autism and works for UPS or something.

No. 914750

She tries to come off as "unhinged", passionate, horny whatever in her stories, so that's what these guys are expecting. They get to know her more, turns out she's just a weirdo with 15 year old clothes reeking of cat piss, 24/7 on ig

No. 914864

File: 1685130005782.png (242.66 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20230526-144812.png)


No. 914886

It’s painfully obvious she wrote all of those to herself kek

No. 914887

Even 500lb landwhales have men thirsting in their comments and writing shit like ‘Hnnnng step on me mommy fertility goddess you are my Ishtar’
Scrotes being thirsty is not a compliment, they will get horny from a 20 pixel closeup of a woman’s ankle

No. 914904

It's what anon said she crafts a dating profile to make her seem all those things, and when she doesn't deliver, the guys ghost her

No. 914929

Looks like she traded in her addiction to attention from general social media to addiction to attention from men on hinge.
I actually wouldn't be surprised if she actually was telling the truth about being assaulted so much because she seems to be open to any man that gives her attention which is pretty dangerous. Yet she was always so paranoid about random people on the internet coming after her.

No. 914955

I truly hope she's infertile. and shut up - I know about her TRAUMAT7C ABORTION. Doesn't mean she can carry a healthy a baby to term. this god forsaken creature has no business with a child. And she seems desperate and hell bent on finding a willing sperm donor and wallet

No. 914956

I truly hope she's infertile. and shut up - I know about her TRAUMAT7C ABORTION. Doesn't mean she can carry a healthy a baby to term. this god forsaken creature has no business with a child. And she seems desperate and hell bent on finding a willing sperm donor and wallet

No. 914985

My biggest concern is knowing that Kaka is unable to hold down a relationship with a man for more than a month or two, seemingly has no boundaries and is constantly opening herself up to predators, AND the fact she exclusively dates slimeballs and loser hobos. No doubt she would end up introducing dozens of unsavoury characters into her young child’s life before he/she even turns 5, which puts the child at heightened risk for abuse and assault. And if anything awful did happen to her child, just like Kathy she would probably parade it, try and turn it into an attention venture and pity party and use the sympathy to feed into her own ego.

No. 914996

I can easily picture Kiki in 10 years shopping an article around to The Rolling Stone or anyone who will take it like, MY SLEAZY HOMELESS BUMBLE BF RAPED MY DAUGHTER — HERE’S WHY THAT WAS SO TRAUMATIC FOR ME

No. 915016

She really has become her mother but even more unhinged. Kind of like the Venus situation.

No. 915036

File: 1685462004682.png (588.74 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20230530-090854.png)

Well, she's a """writer""" now (pic related), maybe she'll pitch a pity party article of her own

No. 915039

>half broken hymen
shut the fuck up, Kiki.

No. 915042

How do you half break a hymen?

No. 915053

That’s exactly what I had in mind unfortunately. Shudder.

No. 915148

File: 1685827930510.jpeg (29.52 KB, 1080x1920, aHR0cHM6Ly9pbnN0YWdyYW0uZmV3cj…)

No. 915164

It's so dumb

> I scare men rawr xD

> Boohoo they ghosted me!!! Time for a healing journey with matcha and herbs

No. 915170

ugh i love kiki, she’s kinda stupid but i’m also a pretty borderline who can’t keep a man. My queen …(no1curr)

No. 915174

File: 1685900103321.png (334.73 KB, 1080x1743, Screenshot_20230603-185106~2.p…)

Brace yourselves

No. 915175

File: 1685900160345.png (165.7 KB, 1080x1747, Screenshot_20230603-185110~2.p…)

From yes to of course, how likely is it she wrote it herself

No. 915178

Lol she 100% wrote this herself

No. 915179

File: 1685904662429.jpeg (90.51 KB, 1080x1920, aHR0cHM6Ly9zY29udGVudC1ib3M1LT…)

No. 915180

File: 1685904707804.jpeg (159.37 KB, 1080x1920, aHR0cHM6Ly9pbnN0YWdyYW0uZmV3cj…)

I wonder who are the "respected" men who date Kiki

No. 915185

File: 1685909960086.png (535.66 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20230604-155218.png)

lmao you're not intriguing kiki

Remember she exposed some hobo that gave her shit for being vegan? This is probably Dakota helping her make up scenarios.

No. 915196

Both the Ostrenga sisters like to roleplay being desired by men, yet the only takers have ever been hobos and old pervs who pump and dump. It's no wonder that spergchan happened.

No. 915291

File: 1686133747271.jpg (150.8 KB, 1080x1920, 351741003_959164378756818.jpg)

Kiki has new bf?

No. 915296

Likely, she always does

The meme is about her dating guys born after 1997, they don't know about her internet """lore"""

No. 915310

bitch you’re 30

No. 915320

File: 1686177792921.jpg (159.06 KB, 1080x1912, Screenshot_20230607_184320.jpg)

No. 915334


I think she both reeks and is an irritating person. No one can stand her. In her 20 second clips she's constantly screeching and forced ugly laughing at nothing. It would drive anyone insane after less than a week

No. 915368

da way she always types like dis in a pathetic attempt to cling to her fleeting youth. embarrassing

No. 915376

"The public would be shocked" Then name them kiki. It's fucking 2023 we are naming and shaming now especially for the safety of others. But she won't because she makes this shit up or wants to be a pickme

No. 915378

Doubt a man would compare any girl to Shelley Duvall,Grimes or Uma Thurman. This is very fake.

No. 915389

Unfortunately true, those are girl icons, they aren’t conventionally attractive enough for scrotes

No. 915412

Plus, i never heard of people saying "huh you're a mix of x, y, z…" Especially men. Like, nobody but Kiki talks like that.

She used to this all the time on twitter ("i was told I look like XYZ anime girl, and a final fantasy character, and a dominatrix together!")

No. 915536

Psychologically and trichologically damaged

No. 915591

I don’t see Kaka having a kid for at least another 5-10 years or so, so I don’t think nonas should worry about it for now.

Cluster b chans generally only decide to procreate once they’ve maxed out every other single source of supply. Keeks seems to be still fully immersed in her delusions of teenage relevancy, still riding off the pity party of Danny’s death 15 years ago, is still being enamoured by her hobo harem of imaginary orbiters, still skiving off the government for a living and still being coddled by Cathy so I think she’s good for now.

No. 915765

i doubt we’ll be seeing any kid from her anytime soon. she dates and fucks bums and idiots that legitimately shouldn’t be having kids. commence the encouraging though but she’s far gone, and she probably knows she’s too mentally ill for children. imagine thinking you’ll find the “best father of my dreammssss” by surfing hinge and tinder.

No. 915772

File: 1687108310540.webm (3.1 MB, 576x1024, tiktokdownload.online_16871069…)

Hope she stays on TikTok. It's the perfect brain rot social media for her

No. 915776

File: 1687109524972.webm (7.46 MB, 405x720, tiktokdownload.online_16871069…)

No. 915780

> she probably knows she’s too mentally ill for children

remember how eager she said she was to be a "single mom with a full time job and student" before her ex (according to her) forced her to have an abortion?

there's zero self-awareness, she then made up a what-if scenario where her ex comes back with a manipulative gf to take the kid away

she lives life longing for the next time she's the victim

No. 915796


Blows my mind that a 30 year old has still yet to discover true confidence and self-worth. So she keeps being a nice kiss-ass to people for no reason and being chronically frustrated that they don't return it? When people do that it means they are the ones that are so devastated all the time from being hurt so they try make up for it. If we can even believe that she's actually like this. But maybe. Since she's constantly a victim.(sage your shit)

No. 915797

Sorry but I can't take her seriously with her goofy little haircut

No. 915813

She got the bangs, she got the bleach, she got the edgy makeup…And she still looks goofy.

She's spewing social media therapy talk with cheap ""'feminism'"" talking points dusted in an attempt at humor ("it's a triFUCta! They're running train on your nice girl ass!")

No. 915814

The hacked up hime haircut cups her oblong skull nicely

No. 915889

believe you people still talk about kiki im not a whiteknight but youre all beating a dead horse she has no milk and is just some girl online at this point(sage your shit)

No. 915961

Indeed, milk has dried out. RIP sperg-chan you'll be missed

No. 915969

File: 1687487690882.jpg (119.64 KB, 1080x1948, lol.jpg)

No. 915995

I watched the first 10 minutes of her live. Some sap asked what mascara she uses, she didn't answer saying it was too expensive while her internet connection kept fucking up lol

No. 916007

lol in other words it's not uwu vegan

No. 916008

she made it sound like it's the veganest uwu $70 mascara lol

No. 916016

she always has. in one of her old q&as someone asked what makeup she used and she went on about how hard it is to find vegan makeup and that she was going to make a video all about it. she never made it. when she's asked what she uses she always avoids the question with flowery words and distraction but never answers. veganism is just a quirky part of her personality and a way to act holier than thou. she probably doesn't care that much and is using benefit or whatever like everyone else.

No. 916023

bro imagine spending the time sending this shit to yourself, screenshotting it, compiling it into a story, and actually posting it. now imagine you’re still doing this at age 30+

No. 916061

Are we sure these aren't just her and Kota talking to each other? They used to do this back in their MySpace/stickam days, but more cringey and hype/ott. It would explain why these always sound so weird, and she never posts a hobo when she posts these. Could be Kota making her feel better about not having a new bum boy toy, the compliments are the same kind of weird compliments Kaka likes to receive. No way a man wrote those to her lol

No. 916063

They all sound like kiki to me. Probably talking to herself. None of these sound like a man wrote them, and kota isn't going to write that shit to her washed-up sis

No. 916143

LMAOOOOOO nah it’s 100% Keeks sending them to herself lmao

No. 916218

Imagine finally moving to LA after dreaming about it since you were a kid just to end up doing less than you did from your bedroom in bumfuck, Florida.

No. 916298

When she tried being a youtube beauty guru, she was mostly using urban decay and tony moly and stuff like that. So yeah, she's always just used the same things everyone else uses but that doesn't make her feel special and different enough.

No. 916468

File: 1688768813992.webm (6.07 MB, 720x1280, 937577a.webm)

Kiki's insta story. Why is she hanging out in some dude's car in front of this store? Her sense of humor is giving me brain damage.

No. 916476

Getting 99 cent condoms at the 99 cent store to fuck another hobo in a car

No. 916479

Kaka and her sister keep seeming to hit below rock bottom in life as the years go on, especially when it comes to men. Guess their parents completely gave up on bankrolling them because they're both probably 30 by now.

No. 916576

Her sense of humor is so fuckin retarded

Yes, Kiki's definitely 30

No. 916591

Did she only post the steamed up windows to show that she fucked this guy in his car??? Lmfao Jesus christ this is high school shit

No. 916610

in kooter's defense, we have actually never seen anyone she has dated. Keeping that private is probably one of her better accomplishments.

No. 916612

I must be an oldfag because I only remember her simping for Hiroto from A9 lol

No. 916642


honestly her sisters example probably put her off entirely

No. 916696

koots has a nonexistent dating life and seems to have only fucked old men for some cash a couple times

No. 916732

cringe or not she looks hot as fuck with the platinum blonde hair again

No. 916782

The only thing I will concede for kiki is that all that vegan shit and not doing a days work in her life has kept her youthful in a world where zoomers look 40 at 20.

No. 916848

She looks the same as she did when she tried being a beauty guru BUT when we had the FL Walmart pictures, she looked kinda rough.

Maybe not being in FL + not working is the true recipe

No. 916954

File: 1689799948870.png (461.48 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20230719-122019.png)

ok grandma let's get you to bed

No. 917037

File: 1689964934055.png (472.24 KB, 861x1144, Screenshot_20230718-003027.png)

forgot to post this the other day. She's so fucked up and her new obsession with getting pregnant is disturbing. She doesn't even care who impregnates her.

No. 917038

I was hoping there would be a video of this fuckery. Looks like she put Christmas ornaments on her hair.

No. 917063

Kiki is so expressive and emotes with her face, always doing stupid "silly" faces, squeezing her fucking cheeks for no reason, that I wouldn't be surprised at her having some deep frown lines that she edits out. Every fucking video she posts of herself she's always doing something stupid to her face: opening up her mouth with her hands, stretching her cheeks, etc.

No. 917094

I think it’s the other way around, she emotes so hard to try to hide her sunken face. and also to look sO qUiRkY

No. 917172

i swear she was 22 in 2011(sage your shit)

No. 917423

It always intrigued me why she didn’t get knocked up by Taku we all knew they fucked and she was so desperate to stay in Japan despite doing nothing. Remember she bragged she and Taku used vegan condoms or whatever fuckery she made up?

No. 917449

She probably thought she didn't have to resort to that yet bc she was so blonde and exotic that she expected JP men to keep falling all over her.

Remember, she had to settle for Taku because she burned through any decent connections she could've made through Kota- she fucked Fangophilia who is good friends with many big name Japanese and Western celebrities like Marilyn Manson. Kooter's dad also had ties to New Lex Tokyo and Taka Masuda the owner since she moved there, and Masuda knows everyone & makes a point to post on his IG with random, young white models who are randomly in Japan.

TBH I think the only thing Kooter ever really accomplished by going to Japan was making it easier for white girls to lie and screw their way over there via social media filters and random selfies with notable people.

No. 917462

I think that all this sudden desperate pregnancy posting is because like many female narcs, she’s aging out of what she sees as the “hot girl” window and she is desperate to a) force a moid to stay with her and b) be relevant and maybe get some online fame again. Any child she might have would be doomed as fuck. I personally hope she can’t ever conceive as she’d be a horrible mother. Also belated kek at how bad her nasolabial creases are even in the left side filtered threadpic. She knows her “value” (in pickme terms) is pretty much gone.

No. 917516

Would love another candid outing of what she really looks like now. Shes so careful about what she allows online. She looked horrendous at wally world in fla and that was years ago now. With her malnutrition she must look 45 without all the face scrunching and filters

No. 917517

For someone who constantly posted about him and lied about getting engaged to him and their two day Disney trip I find it hard to believe. He was her ticket to japan and he dumped her

No. 917566

File: 1691100084035.jpeg (177.72 KB, 1080x1920, download.jpeg)

Don't go there Kiki! Honey badger is a political symbol.

No. 917572

its been 10+ years and yall still talking about this girl lmfao she has no milk neither does kota move on theres other cows(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 917578

It's also Formula 1 driver Daniel Riccardo's nickname… I'm not sure what point you're trying to make.

No. 917666

Taku wasn't her ticket to Japan, she met him in Japan while enrolled in a language school and sneaking around with Kota. Taku was her last attempt to cling to a JP guy after Fangophilia and a couple of other guys she scared off by being a cringetard. She made up the story of Taku going to Disney with her bc that's when she had to leave Japan and had been dumped by him at that point. She had "Kiki-nyan" and "taku-nyan" printed on their Disney pass bracelets but never once showed pics of him after leaving Japan. I think her parents took her to Disney and helped her get the bracelets to make her feel better about being the only white girl to fuck her way out of Japan just by being terminally dysfunctional.

No. 917695

her sperging about how she and taku were "exploring whether marriage is right" for them was so unhinged. I miss that crazy time.

No. 917701

File: 1691366357936.webm (442.9 KB, 720x1280, Fitvids.webm)

Yass Kiki! Make the fit vids. Show the haters who is the scene queen.

No. 917765

I love that here she implied she's getting a) her picture taken for "LA street style" pictures 2) she's not paranoid and runs away from the first person that looks her way

No. 917875

Does she not shave her pits anymore?

No. 918113

She looks exactly her age nona. Nothing wrong with being 30 but you’re making it out like it’s some decrepit old age. And veganism certainly doesn’t make you age better kek.

No. 918114

The Kooter and Kaka Japan mess era was the last good milky times we had. Since then it’s been a long boring fade into obscurity.

No. 918115

Narcs loving having kids because a) you get more attention around the pregnancy and birth from family, friends, random ladies on the street, healthcare workers etc and people give you stuff and b) a kid is basically a 18 year insurance policy for narcissistic supply. You’ll very rarely find a narc who doesn’t have or badly want kids.

No. 918128

What does looking her age have to do with not shaving her pits? Between that and her haircut she looks like a trailer trash meth addict.

No. 918313

its hot. she looks so good w blonde hair

No. 918332

File: 1692731334484.png (1.29 MB, 864x1513, Screenshot_20230821-150427~2.p…)

Kiki just never learns. Posts a guy's bedroom on her IG. What is wrong with her?

No. 918333

File: 1692731486261.png (1.1 MB, 864x1505, Screenshot_20230821-150443~2.p…)

I wasn't sure if it was an actual bedroom photo she took but there's no watermark from somewhere else and picrel immediately followed it.

No. 918336

Well at least she's moved on from guys who sleep in their car to guys who live with their parents kek.

No. 918459

The woman who claims to be raped every time she walks outside is totally cool with sleeping in tinder randos beds.(sage your shit)

No. 918477

dakotas modeling in japan and keek is still hooking up with idiots from hinge. does this chick have a career path? a goal?

No. 918478

Kiki is too old for a career path.

No. 918485

Lmao you must be real real young. Plenty of people in their early 30s can get their lives on track. Definitely not Keeks, but normal people/people who actually do therapy and take their meds kek. On topic, she’s really trying to find her perfect dirty NEET baby daddy huh

No. 918559

i don't understand how someone who has thought so highly of herself for years has no standards at all. you would think she'd be trying to land guys with good jobs or a job at all but she fucks homeless, jobless, uneducated bums. it really sets the example she doesn't about a long term partner in the end who will take care of her and she's getting older. if she can date these scummy dick cheese scrapings she can get a job at mcd's.

No. 918570

she probably works at mcdonald’s or a shitty laborious job for all we know. how is she supposed to afford california’s crazy ass rent and daily erewhon shopping sprees just to pick up smelly vegans

No. 918572

File: 1693172318382.png (777.85 KB, 1110x984, 20230828_003731.png)

Kiki's instastories.

She mentioned "tech bros" on her instalive. Couldn't she date one of them?

No. 918576

Kiki has a weird romanticized vision of her and her homeless fuck boys as long as they're blonde, she won't date tech bros lol

No. 918592

mte she doesn't want to date tech bros, she wants to date these homeless rats with smegma for days and let them nut in her.

No. 918617

Her self worth has always been tied to guys wanting her. She had her dad taking underwear pics of her at 13. She probably values having any guy into her bc in her twisted pickme mind it's still better than being a single old maid.

No. 918640

File: 1693344719586.png (473.1 KB, 1131x982, 20230830_003208.png)

It's over already? Can't say I'm surprised though. Maybe she'll find someone new next month.

No. 918643

california surfer/skater dudes are the biggest shitheads ever. i don’t feel bad for her regardless. she’s better off going back to florida and marrying some homeless bum begging for change on the interstate near an abandoned strip mall. it’s funny that she wanted an asian kid, and now she’s in her “aryan nazi” phase and wants some dumb towhead to give her a blonde kid.

way to show your internalized racism, kooks

No. 918645

File: 1693347775203.jpeg (438.69 KB, 801x1138, IMG_6968.jpeg)

samefagging but i think she should let go of the extreme bleaching. early onset balding at 32.

No. 918660

Nah she was balding before she started bleaching it

I really wanna know what happened for her to make an U turn on her yellow fever phase

No. 918687

shes never had high standards. it was all talk and one giant cope

No. 918723

Is she going to end up as an old gross pedo? The guys she goes for seem to be getting younger, as she's getting older. It's starting to give me the ick

No. 918760

That'd be the world's biggest uno reverse if she did but not pedo, these younger guys are the only ones looking to stick their dick in crazy

No. 918815

File: 1693782885772.webm (5.33 MB, 720x1280, Basement dwellers .webm)

This might be the same guy as >>918333 I'm not sure what's going on here. Looks like a basement. The guy has many knives. Kiki proceeds to show her groceries on the next video.

No. 918865

LMAO he does not give a single fuck about her. Pretty sure it's the same guy.

Looks like a high school junior growing out his hair lol

No. 918888


honestly, probably her sisters success lol

No. 919220

Sounds like it's outside on a concrete patio, they're splitting kindling to make a fire. Backyard camping. He also is obviously not that into her, lol. Kiki strikes me as the type to spam a guy with messages until he agrees to hang out or blocks her for being annoying. All she knows how to do without someone else around to spaz at is take selfies and post on IG.

Also this dude seems younger than her.

No. 919221

Her yellow fever was fake, it only existed while Koots was still with Bravo/Popteen because all Kiki knows how to do is cling to a man for anything. I genuinely don't think she has a preference, just anyone that benefits her or gives her time without blocking her or running away. She's an easy enough lay that even literal hobos have a chance.

No. 919471

File: 1694902814572.webm (7.91 MB, 720x1280, Fight .webm)

Either he is not into her or he doesn't want to be on Kiki's videos.
>This is how we fight.

No. 919472

File: 1694902884954.jpeg (156.22 KB, 1080x1920, Peace1.jpeg)

>Peace offering.

No. 919474

File: 1694903024608.webm (9.49 MB, 720x1280, Peace2.webm)

>Another peace offering.
The guy is giving her pieces of fruits. Her standards must be really low.

No. 919504

at least she's moved on from dudes who live in their car to dudes who still live with their parents. baby steps, keeks.

No. 919510

I thought the keekster was one of them militant vegans. Why is she ingesting honey?

No. 919515

She annoys this guy so much lmfao, good thing she's the easiest lay in America. Notice how hesitant she was to admit she was recording & almost pit her phone down, as he started asking why she needs tonrecord everything. I think we see why Kiki can't keep a man, she wants to show him off too badly & they get sick of everything being recorded.

Also does Kiki eat anything other than fruit&sugar? No wonder she always looks sick, that's the diet that gave Steve Jobs pancreatic cancer lmao

No. 919516

Oh she posted a video cooking with honey way long ago, it's special honey that doesn't harm bees so she gets a pass.

Literally feeding her scraps

He sounds so done with her lol plus her recordings are just random.

I don't think she eats anything but matcha , fruit and almond milk.

No. 919525

this 30-something woman will never have anything to “show off” other than whichever high schooler she’s raw dogging this month. really embarrassing

no such thing as vegan honey, Kiki

No. 919526

Bird eggs are just eating their unfertilized ovum that it expells, which would be more vegan than taking a pivotal portion of the bees' habitat, but I think her nutrient deficient brain cannot grasp that.

No. 919527

considering her secrecy around which makeup she uses and the way she practically gets off on posting animal gore, I’m convinced she’s not really vegan in the first place, it’s just something she says so everyone thinks she’s a pure ethereal uwu angel fae sprite or whatever she’s currently labeling herself

No. 919528

Lmao she took the video down but it was when she was with the mustache Asian guy. She showed an "organic ethically made" whatever honey.

Like, sure. You might as well eat organic eggs from ethically bred chicken lol

Dude i can't stomach the gratuitous animal cruelty in her stories when she posts it. Her hard drive is probably full of this shit.

No. 919529

in one week, she's going to post a story of her with mascara tears saying she was once again raped and sexually assaulted by this Goldilocks looking guy (in reality, he pumps and dumps her because he wants to keep it casual and in her mind that means they're going to be husband and wife, so when he dumps her, she regrets the unprotected sex she was throwing at him and considers it rape). then she'll post a sneaky pic/video of some other guy, rinse and repeat. she's so predictable now. she has a bottomless desire to feel validated by men, and her only goal and motivation in life is to fill the void with some guy's dick, it's so sad

No. 919577

File: 1695066879262.mp4 (3.33 MB, 720x1280, Happy bees.mp4)

Is she lurking? Kek

No. 919578

File: 1695066921338.jpeg (155.24 KB, 1080x1920, Hbd keek.jpeg)

Happy birthday, Kiki!

No. 919579

LMFAO wtf is this shit

No. 919583

Kota definitely likes Asian guys. She was pretty obsessed with several VK bandomen and would often tweet at them iirc, I think trying to appeal to the Asian market, dress in kawaii dolly style and land a rich handsome Japanese husband was a big part of her motivation to go to Japan. I think Kiki was kind of just copying her at the time tbh.

No. 919584

Liking blonde surfer guys and liking hipster Asian men aren’t mutually exclusive lol. People can have multiple tastes in moids nona, and wanting a blonde child doesn’t make her a Nazi nor does wanting a hapa kid make her yellow fever, calm yo tits.

No. 919585

>implying techbros aren’t even worse than rich kid beach hobos

No. 919602

Lmao that was definitely written by chatgpt. I'm guessing they typed: "write a birthday poem about a vegan named Kiki. Make comparisons to herbs, grace and fashion."

No. 919604

Please go back to twitter with this room temperature IQ zoomer shit

No. 919610

She posted that on her insta stories. I don't think she is employed. Probably a chat gpt joke or something.

No. 919648

Even if she was employed, if this was actually her boss, she'd be crying sexual harassment

No. 919654

shush retard(sage retard)

No. 919680

ban me you pussy mods(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 919854

File: 1695502290386.mp4 (2.52 MB, 720x1280, Cooking.mp4)

>domesticating him
Does she mean she is trying to make the dude get used to being filmed and posted online without asking consent?

Militant vegan Kiki eating blueberries and strawberries with honey again. But don't worry guys. It's probably happy bee honey like >>919577

No. 919871

Nice LARP, at least. That's his parents house lol

No. 919874

nobody cares about your short-term FWB kiki. why don’t you go get a job, or even better, stop disappointing your parents. no wonder your little sister is more successful than you

No. 919878

He looks stinky and his hair needs to be brushed

No. 919931

File: 1695674588170.png (727.13 KB, 1108x974, Its a match.png)

From Kiki's insta stories. What do y'all think? Is it a match made in heaven?

No. 920002

it doesn’t matter how much weeb shit you post your sister will always be more successful and better than you

No. 920108

Did she pick him up on the highway?

No. 920262


She means grooming him. And she even fails at that because I think he already ran away. She started posting those victim quotes about her love being to much and guys pretending to like a gurl just to smash

No. 920674

He looks like he reeks and is a no-pooer, hope it was worth the bacterial vaginosis Keeks.

No. 920777

Cringy pick me lmao

No. 921159

File: 1697662102369.png (1.34 MB, 3840x2160, 20231018_234410.png)

Kiki found out about Britney's abortion and made it about her. Surprised?

No. 921203


only difference between those two is one is a has been the other is a never was. Both are riddled with mentall illness and regressive childhoods

No. 921359

File: 1697922964436.mp4 (11.1 MB, 720x1280, Prank.mp4)

Kiki's boyfriend spits juice(?) on her. Such fun! Seriously, what is that and what is the guy carrying? Are they trick or treating?

No. 921402

it's a container of the candy in his mouth, fruit jellies. they were a trend on tiktok for a while because they pop when you bite into them the way he did and splatter everywhere. tbh i'm surprised she's still with this guy, that he hasn't dumped her already and she cries rape.

No. 922042

That is the long haired blond bully from Hocus Pocus. No one survives Hollywood…

On that note doesnt la have the highest concentration of serial killers? Cant fucking imagine the police do anything especially in skid row/homeless areas. How is she existing in such a high risk place? Why in that city instead of another west coast town where the "jizz isn't rancid and radioactive" or whatever dry heave inducing adjectives she chose for her semen consumption as the high vibrational indigo child she is.

No. 922158

File: 1699097230430.png (866.6 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20231104-112243.png)

NO. There aren't """chemicals""" that make you bleed more.
Tampons MAY block some menstrual flow, which COULD extend the duration of bleeding. this same dumbass reel said tampons make cramps worse, which is a blatant lie.

I swear, kiki will believe vaccines gave her brother autism if someone says it on IG.

No. 922297

She worries about tampons but not the rankest diseased wieners in the most sensitive and receptive parts of her body.

Most tampons really do have an alarming amount of chemicals, reactions like excessive bleeding or really anything else would make sense and be different for everyone, we are not designed to accommodate that manmade product. There's a famous model who had to get both legs amputated because of a reaction to a popular tampon brand, she's an outspoken advocate now and you would think more people would start caring after seeing the damages. The only thing I like/tolerate about Kiki is her refusal to feel shame about having a period. Idk go off it's normal.

No. 922477

Lauren Wasser? I thought toxic shock syndrome was from leaving the tampon in too long and forgetting it was in there, not from the chemicals in the tampon itself…

No. 922487

File: 1699520229853.png (90.37 KB, 863x277, Screenshot_20231109-094428.png)

she didn't leave the tampon in too long, though, until her body completely collapsed. She was changing it while showing symptoms of TSS. Synthetic materials can greatly increase your odds of getting TSS, especially if you are a natural carrier of staph (20% of people are). The tampon industry somehow got away with blaming "high-absorbency" tampons and women instead of the substances used in their tampons. Most women don't know that using 100% cotton tampons is much safer because we assume it's caused by leaving a tampon in too long (i.e., the woman's fault) instead of materials that act as a petri dish for staph (i.e., the manufacturer's fault).

I've never read that synthetics make you bleed more, so that part sounds unfounded to me.

No. 922488

File: 1699520746635.png (Spoiler Image,512.52 KB, 864x805, Screenshot_20231109-093145.png)

Separate post for milk. Kiki posted a series of photos showing off her bruised and stitched-up hand (picrel spoilered for gross stitches). She doesn't appear to be wearing a top (she's covering herself with her arms as usual though).

Does she think this is cool? In usual Kiki fashion, she doesn't say what happened. I know it's not self-harm, but the way she is so eager to show IG her battered hand reminds me of people on tumblr showing off their cuts back in the day.

No. 922492

File: 1699537128897.png (1.38 MB, 1080x701, Screenshot_20231109-063101.png)

She updated her pfp too lol

No. 922494

Idk if related to all this but, koti and Kiki have unfollowed each other these last few weeks and have been v quiet from socials. Somethings happened lately clearly.

No. 922496

You have to wonder why she felt the need to repost this >>908302 without any further context?

No. 922499

oh god, sorry, I completely missed that it was a repost. I feel sheepish now.

No. 922521

Of all the things she could tbt she chose this one. Why does she want to relive the worst moments of her life? Aren't pics like this against insta's community guidelines?
She truly loves gore.

No. 922538


She's obsessed with that cut on her hand. She's reposted it with no context for what feels like years.

Their family is so dysfunctional. They're never going to get it together despite their best phony pretending from time to time.

It's actually scary to think about the psychotic shit that must go on behind their closed doors. Absolute psychopaths

No. 922645

Oh, Nona, there’s no need. I think posting she is reposting, even when she doesn’t give it context, is worthy of at least a mention as it emphasises and confirms she’s starved of attention (which she seems to crave)

No. 922658

You must mean the remake

No. 922664

File: 1699738024012.png (1.05 MB, 1080x1587, Screenshot_20231111-182714.png)

lol the stripes

No. 922676

She's taking the Madonna route

No. 922679

File: 1699802370253.png (1.02 MB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20231112-121555.png)

They're still feeding each other's delusions somewhere else. yes kiki, you have strong Mia Goth (an actual actress with a button nose and roundish face) vibes.(sage)

No. 922685

did she ‘shoop these in, just like the good ol’ days?

No. 922705

It's crazy that she finally caved & bleached her hair to cling to her ~blonde~ status. Imagine being so devoid of a personality that your whole identity is centered around that + the city you live in.

No. 923150

given the lack of stories being a retard I'd say they're shooped in

No. 923368

File: 1700773593734.png (Spoiler Image,6.03 MB, 2880x2880, Nymphy edge lord.png)

I hope you enjoy this collage of Kiki's latest insta post.
"nymphy edge lord circa 2004"
I love how someone is wishing her happy birthday in the comments.

No. 923402

> nymphy
> 2004
Bitch weren't you 12

No. 923926

Does she have a job? I can't imagine her having "real job"lol

No. 924046

fuck no. she gets tardbux

No. 924155

At this point, I really hope she does shit out an unhinged book about all her traumas and schizo monologues. We could have the best lolcow.farm book club meetings if we all read it together. There's something really wrong with her and yet she's still in LA and alive, being a NEET without any identifiable way of supporting herself. It's unsettling to think about how she manages to do this. before anyone snarks back at me, yeah, I know there are ways, I just doubt her ability to live in LA only off disability checks (and what disability does she claim then).

No. 924394

I would literally give her money for that

No. 924596

Is she pro israel? She hasn't said shit. Just keeps posting animal abuse vids while remaining silent on whats happening in gaza.

I wouldn't be surprised if she's a zionist or supported by one in some way.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 924819

File: 1702764247150.mp4 (10.16 MB, 720x1280, Why Kiki.mp4)

Are they drunk or high? Why does she post this shit?

No. 924820

File: 1702765019673.png (1.13 MB, 2500x1034, Career woman memes.png)

She totally has a job. Just look at these memes she posts!

No. 925241

there was no need for this redtext, jew janny

No. 925315

Ok but if she's on disability isn't she not allowed to work? Like, just bc she says she works doesn't mean she does, she's been caught lying about the most innocuous shit before, of course lying about working while leeching off the government wouldn't be beneath her (nothing is apparently).

No. 925316

Between this & the Kota thread I am 1000% convinced an Ostrenga is a janitor censoring their threads. Nothing else makes sense after their threads being so unhinged for so long.

No. 926633

New upload on TikTok.

No. 926650

Seems she and her sister have moved to tiktok but are doing the same old things. They really don't get why they aren't able to grow a new following or relevancy.

No. 927037

She looks so mannish

No. 927273

I think tiktok is actually a great platform for kiki and her spergy xD randum mannerisms

No. 927638

If she wanted to get some views she should do like “recreating my scene fits from 2007” type shit, she could make it as thirst trappy and cringe as she wanted, it would prob do well. It would be even better if she’d saved stuff so it was ~authentic~. She could even do like videos on the different sub types of scene that existed back then (there were definitely several vibes within the style). Idk why I’m giving her advice kek

No. 927779

File: 1707263875989.png (1.24 MB, 1080x1912, Screenshot_20240206-192552~2.p…)

Bitch was live yesterday and threw a festival of shit that never happened:
- COVID messed up her acting career because now they only cast influencers with big followings
- she had so many producers want to make documentaries about her, but she will only do it with pay and if she's one the producers
- says "there was corruption within myspace", doesn't elaborate
- doesn't keep contact with other scene queens because they were adults that bullied her off camera (as if she was friends with any of them)
- these scene queens did documentaries about being a scene queen and she didn't want to be associated with them so that's yet another reason she refused to do a random documentary about being scene
- was 14 in college doing a theatre major (that's just a lie lol)
- her COLLEGE teacher told the entire class that Kiki "is 14 and gets straight A's in this class, why are you adults struggling"

At some point, she was shocked Instagram put a random filter on her face (image related). She also talked about bleach destroying her hair, and now she's growing it out. The special needs hat is probably to cover the breakage on top

No. 927804

File: 1707342986117.mp4 (3.03 MB, 720x1278, Oh wow kitty cat.mp4)

Sounds promising. I'll try to find the parts you mentioned and upload them here later.
Is this how she ended her live? "Oh wow. Kitty cat".

No. 927821

Lol yup. Most of this shit was in part 1. I skipped around part 2

No. 927846

File: 1707418182229.mp4 (18.76 MB, Acting college at 14.mp4)

>was 14 in college doing a theatre major
>her COLLEGE teacher told the entire class that Kiki "is 14 and gets straight A's in this class, why are you adults struggling"
She would have gotten an A too if it wasn't for her live streams. Does she think someone actually believes in this shit? Kek

No. 927849

File: 1707419264493.mp4 (19.95 MB, 576x1022, Covid and acting.mp4)

>COVID messed up her acting career because now they only cast influencers with big followings
They cast nepo babies not influencers, Kiki. You mention family connection yourself. It's so easy to blame Covid for not having an acting career. Lillee Jean does that too.

No. 927854

File: 1707420086766.mp4 (16.87 MB, 576x1022, Skinwalker myspace.mp4)

>they were adults that bullied her off camera
Who is she talking about? Adult skinwalker with a personal army bullying Kiki on MySpace.

No. 927882

she's back! I am sorry I missed it. Can't wait to watch these clips, nona. kek she didn't seem too concerned about her career when she was driving 4 hours one way for sex

No. 927883

LMAO who's she talking about

~im such a loner lmao literally get over yourself you were out of acting jobs since forever

Didn't she go to a super shitty college too?

No. 927889

File: 1707493722937.mp4 (18.67 MB, 576x1022, Boyfriend-Girlfriend-Stalkers.…)

Kiki talks about her boyfriend. She calls him her girlfriend because of his long blonde hair. The guy hates that.

Bullying is basically Kiki's love language. No wonder she can't keep a man. She is obviously jealous of his hair because she bleached her own hair to death.

No. 927890

File: 1707494832006.mp4 (19.77 MB, 576x1022, Boyfriend and kota visit.mp4)

More info about the boyfriend. Kiki claims he has "black cat" energy which can be a bit difficult at times. According to Kiki, she has "golden retriever" energy. Her sister visited her about a month ago.

There is nothing golden retriever like in Kiki's personality. The boyfriend could also have a more positive attitude, if Kiki didn't bully and ridicule him all the time.

No. 927941

Idk how to explain it but she suddenly has a very specific cigarette mom face now. I feel kind of bad for her scrote, but in the end he’s still a moid choosing to associate w her.

No. 927954

lmao kiki he's mortified and embarrassed of a full grown woman going "that's my galfwiend" because he has long hair

Anyway if she cut her hair short and he went "that's my boyfriend!you're such a guy!" She'd call it abuse

No. 927962

the whole relationship sounds abusive because kiki negs every bf and if they match her energy they are monsters

No. 928013

99% sure it's Audrey Kitching

No. 928604

Thank you so much for the clips nona. She's truly deranged and still stuck in her teens, the way she talks in weird accents and tik tok zoomer lingo is disturbing

No. 928676

Not Taku tho. She only worshipped him because he was her ticket to Japan

No. 928728


It's all I could focus on.

She also looks bloated. I hope it's due to birth control and not pregnancy. A pregnancy at her age would cause this sudden aging too. This weenie of a dude has no idea the hell that awaits him if he knocks this psycho up.

No. 928840

nah i'd bet even taku. when they broke up she said he had a really big secret he had been hiding from her so i bet they had problems too.

No. 928990

File: 1708921877489.jpeg (305.66 KB, 1170x2138, IMG_0209.jpeg)

Sage (maybe) because this isn’t directly related to Keeks herself…

Is this her brother Kyler?? Looks like he recently made a LinkedIn. I remember the very quick flashes of him in the video of the whole fam at Orlando was it? This is the first photo of him I’ve seen. The resemblance is astonishing.(do not post family members unrelated to the drama)

No. 929015


He ugly

No. 929016


golden retriever energy kekk shut in loser. isolated in section 8 apartment. no friends. only goes outside to drive 8 hours for smegma coated homeless chode.

Her bf is a shrimp. Hopefully his balls drop soon so he leaves her butch lesbian ass and she has her final mortification meltdown

No. 929060

Did anybody else notice she went on a privating spree again on YouTube? All but 3 videos are gone. The description in the Mr. Roboto video is cracking me up.

No. 929085

File: 1709066402718.png (660.38 KB, 1080x2153, Emo Jackie.png)

This is an imageboard.
You mean this video description?

No. 929111

What the shit is this sped doing? her followers are even more stupid than she is.

No one cares about reviving coontails or that dumb, tacky plastic jewelry either. Brad mondo and other big names are not going to collaborate with a walking liability who has no following. He and anyone else dumb enough to collab with her would be losing money. It's the reason she's been irrelevant for decades.

No. 929112

File: 1709076960320.jpg (258.54 KB, 1080x1231, 1000016375.jpg)

No. 929186

lmao well at least she's admitting she needs a "professional" to do them because she never actually had them. they were created entirely in ps. brad mondo is a hack.

No. 929598

He looks exactly like Scott… I thought he was special needs?

No. 929602

trying to relive her teenage glory days is just sad.
And I see scene and emo kids all the time. They're just a different generation.

No. 929614

File: 1709991875165.png (1.13 MB, 1080x1761, Screenshot_20240309-104156.png)

LMAO trying to get people to convince a hack stylist to help you relive your glory days is just sad. I see drama in the future. He'll fry her hair off like he did with Snitchery.

FYI this is her hair now, she went live today and this is what it looks like after she HAS stopped bleaching it. Girl has 5 strands of hair.

No. 929617


Woah I missed this post about Kyler. Yeah I thought he was special needs as well. Maybe he has an unseen disability.

No. 929618

Nonnies who are better versed on Ostrenga lore correct me if I'm wrong, but I think he has autism?

No. 929629

Aspergers I thought, I mean he is working so I guess he functions well enough. Better than Kaka!

No. 929663

Funnily enough, I do from time to time see kind of viral tiktoks of girls doing a coontail. I bet it makes her seethe to this day.

No. 929738

Yes, autism.

I guess the "special needs" sibling is doing the best out of the three since it appears he is at least trying to find employment and hasn't ever embarrassed himself on social media. Kek.

No. 929868

I always thought the reason every man pumps and dumps Keeks is because she’s obsessively clingy and annoying but now it’s evident she constantly negs emasculates and bullies all her bfs. No wonder they all leave her.

No. 929871

Based of her tbh

No. 929905

Has Kiki ever hinted what she does as work? I mean, she does something, right? I haven't been able to catch her lives, was wondering if she mentioned even the most basic thing (like "I go to an office" or some shit)

No. 929982

she looks so haggard nowadays. guess the personality is catching up to her.

i love the nasal whining exacerbated tone of 'she comes to visit ME' as if that's a flex in any way, shape, or form.

No. 930029

It's a bit sad Kiki never made another trip to Japan, her times there were fountains of milk. Each day she was there, she found a way to do something more retarded than the day before. I vaguely remember her wearing the same clothes and bragging about leaving her old crusty makeup on for days at a time.

No. 930725

her japan era was so milky. she never left her airbnb/apartment except to bragpost about her japanese bf or hanging with dakota. she never hit up any clubs that gaijin go or had a host phase.

No. 931254

I miss her larp that every japanese citizen was fawning over her and asking if she was a model. I have some of those tweets screencapped on my old hard drive. The "kawaii fetishwear." Pretending her hotel with Taku was an apartment. ah kiki, go back to japan. LC was great during that time.

No. 933909

No. 933915

Holy filters, she looks a lot like Lori here with the fried and bleached hair.

No. 933917

Why is she try to do a Matthew Mcconaughey impression

No. 933922

you kinda need money and a well paying job to go to japan, dying influencer status won’t get you a ticket

No. 933951

her claiming she has a 4-year degree in polsci because she was going to law school and not being approved for a depression clinical trial because she's too ~traumatized~

wtf lol never change keeks

No. 933954

Addendum, her words about not being approved for a depression clinical trial: "THEY really wanted ME in the study" lol like the people conducting a study would be particularly invested in her

Also: the first time bleaching her hair, "the lady fucked up" and it turned out orange because… according to 23andme… she's irish and her hair has too much red pigment lmao

She wants to be special soo hard

No. 933962

She is conventionally attractive to me but the shit comes out of her mouth just makes me so uninterested her. You just know after awhile she has nothing of substance to say and she’s just over analyzing anything she does because it’s prophetic to her. If she could just make a video with a normal functioning speech pattern and not making weird faces in between I would watch it.

No. 933966

She did this so consistently that I'm wondering if she over-accentuates a Florida accent now??? To be a Southern manic pixie dream girl?? I'm not the best with American accents so I might be wrong here but this is my tinfoil.

No. 934155

wait i thought it was a britney impersonation lol. it’s weird because sometimes a california accent pops out in between this weird southern accent.

No. 934165

skinwalker shit

No. 934193

Is she skinwalking someone in particular tho?

No. 934615

File: 1717247902563.png (1.04 MB, 864x1505, Screenshot_20230116-140155.png)

I found this while searching for a photo on my phone. It's a screenshot from Jan 16, 2023 and was never posted here. She doesn't usually tell anyone she's vegan? lmao. Why do I doubt

No. 934723


That was nearly an impossible watch for me. Her face contortions and weird voice changes every 2 seconds triggered my flight or fight response. I felt like i got a glimpse of what all her hobo boyfriend's see before they leave her in the dust. Her mind is slipping. She can't even babble pseudo intellectual bs anymore. If you take a shot every time she says "corporate america" you will die of alcohol poisoning.

No. 934930

Kiki posts an unwatchable instagram reel reaction video. Reacts to a million cat videos. She's probably trying to do what sssniperwolf does so successfully. But it's not going to work because the whole point of the schtick is to react to ragebait vids. No one wants to watch you go "Haha cute cat haha" for 30 minutes.

No. 934946

privated already kek. she refreshes this thread constantly.

No. 935339

Kek she seems even more unhinged and crazy eyes than usual. Turning 30 was not good to her.

No. 935340

It’s actually because of her disgusting chronic vaginal infections from fucking literal surfer hobos and beach bums
Autism/ADHD spergs like Keeks tend to have particularly fetid nasty pussies(sage your shit)

No. 935341

kiki you’re so crazy but so hot hi(hi cow)

No. 943871

File: 1727774010416.png (1.69 MB, 1289x1291, Screenshot 2024-10-01 at 10.11…)

7 years since this pic was taken of her at the grocery store. I wonder how badly Kaka has walled now.

No. 943872

File: 1727774189118.jpeg (233.33 KB, 1912x813, BB15E5C6-94EA-40F0-BD2B-59EF62…)

It's a shame you didnt inherit your moms profile Keeks. You got your dad's Toucan Sam nose and recessed chin.

No. 943943

She looks like a sickly vegan here but it cracks me up that she somehow looks more youthful than she did in her scene days. The way she styled herself back then really emphasized how long and mature her face is.

No. 943946

This was such an amazing thing to witness.

No. 943962

actual female Ethel Cain. kek

No. 944776


No. 945529

The taco/taylorR meltdowns and lilou vos "acting" clips also were fantastic. Kota got flack for editing her whole face into an infant for years, but walmart Kaka showed us how they both go heavy on filters. They really look like their parents.

No. 945616

File: 1729306580148.png (1.31 MB, 1080x1766, Screenshot_20241018-061727.png)

If anybody still gaf Kiki's full blown living her glory years. Again.

She was on a live talking about:
- going back to FL and have her mom do the stripes because she wanted to go full circle
- people in FL think she's a stripper
- people in LA go feral because they think she's an artist because of her unique style

No. 945617

File: 1729306656510.png (748.4 KB, 1080x2006, Screenshot_20241017-220108~2.p…)

She posted a 20 pictures dump with 2006 stuff she "found" on her laptop. Including this video of an ex from when she was a teen.

No. 945618

File: 1729306746470.png (801.76 KB, 1080x1504, Screenshot_20241018-061329.png)

She also posted a random "hate" comment she got in 2006 from a random girl talking shit about her in a myspace bulletin board

Nearly 10 years and she's holding on to that. Props to kaka

No. 945619

File: 1729306812463.png (1.51 MB, 1080x1513, Screenshot_20241018-061504.png)

And ofc her claim to fame.

No. 945648

Is that the guy who had a case against him for being a groomer and when the police came for him he jumped from the 2nd story or something and died? I forgot his name

No. 945654

No, it's another dude that's probably still around living his life

No. 945764

I still don't understand how Kiki is still none of those things in the slightest. You see old scene queens like Brokelle Bones be successful influencing. Even her own sister had a sham of a career but still people cared enough to put her on magazines and get her a gig every now and then. Still nothing for Kiki. So many nobodies getting brand deals, podcast interviews, modeling opportunities from Tiktok. That must drive her up the wall every time she sees a new viral sensation get a career that she could have easily done.

No. 945773

Wow, she's really going into full midlife crisis mode… I want to laugh but it's kinda sad.

No. 945837

shes too bpd. still hot tho

No. 945890

Bringing back this video of Mr. MySpace showing his Kiki tats.

No. 945891

I’m honestly surprised she hasn’t gotten any fillers at all, she seems like exactly the type to fall into that trap, and they aren’t THAT expensive. I’m sure she could get a little…

No. 945901

File: 1729791791130.png (255.61 KB, 680x468, IMG_2009.png)

>still hot
are you sure about that? see >>943871

No. 946092

File: 1730040342442.png (1.25 MB, 1080x1606, Screenshot_20241027-114521.png)

She included that in her "I used to be relevant" dump lol

No. 946093

It is weird. Especially if they know how to use TikTok, and it looks like she is trying to get some relevance she's just too incompetent.

No. 946214

No. 946230


It's probably a good thing he died. Those tattoos are so fucking stupid.

No. 946315

I noticed. How bizarre it is to include your “rapist” picture.. and not only that, but for her to have kept it all these years??? Like…wtf(sage your shit)

No. 946317


she's written an unbelievable amount of fanfiction of herself, made many videos, given interviews about this one guy who allegedly raped her and then got killed and years later she posts pictures of his chest with her name on it as a memento of her long lost internet fame? weird weird weird

No. 946369

FWIW I agree keeks is hot as hell. She's just nuts but I don't think she can help it

No. 946387

I actually didn't realize until I saw it here… And nobody in the comments said anything (or she deleted/blocked them)

Why have pictures of the guy that (you claim) raped you when you were 14? Not to mention she already posted the video of some dude who's probably alive and has forgot about her. Or some girl that said shit about you on their bulletin board in 2006 lmao >>945618

She'd have a meltdown if someone did the same with her.

No. 946638

whos he, sorry newfag here(spoonfeed request)

No. 946646

I believe he was called MrMyspace, a scene king who dated Keeks back in her Myspace days. He was at least 4-5 years older than her iirc (legal adult while she was a VERY young teen).

He got with someone else and she got mad MAD, called the police, and she and her mom set up a sting operation on him at a mall. I think he was selling a 14 year old coke?

He was being arrested, handcuffed, and they escorted him to a police car on the roof of the mall. He tried to flee, jumped off the roof, and died.

This is all from over ten years ago, so details are hazy. Maybe another nonna can give a proper summary.

No. 946671

No. 946822

File: 1730798751982.jpg (745.33 KB, 3195x2400, 1000036830.jpg)

I suggest everyone take a look at Kiki's stories today - she is threatening to run for office. Is "rosebud" about her anus?

No. 946823

Sage for autism, but she means the Sims cheat "rosebud" which gives you free money, "motherhood" is "motherlode" autocorrected which is also a Sims cheat for money.

No. 946831

she has been doing this for years. "someone said i should do this thing but i won't do it because some reasons to justify why i'm a pussy who never commits to anything." this was the way she and koots promoted their failed gofundme and her failed kiki mimieux music project as well as the excuse for why she wasn't going anywhere when she tried to be an actor. her whole life has been her saying i can do that i just don't want to. it's a way to claim to be politically involved without ever declaring any stance because she probably doesn't have one. ummm but could you imagine being this retarded hahaha?

No. 946841

oh thank you, sorry, I never played the Sims! I'm sorry for assuming it was about anal sex to avoid pregnancy top kek

No. 946842

Her therapist would be the last person to advise it. If she does go to ond, at most, they probably tossed it out like "oh you could do this thing since you bring it up every session".

She's +30 and can't find a way around health insurance. That's what it boils down to lol

No. 946867

File: 1730843317336.png (1.92 MB, 1080x2069, Screenshot_20241105-184629.png)

She needs antipsychotics. Badly.

No. 946868

File: 1730843348189.png (1.14 MB, 1080x2064, Screenshot_20241105-184646.png)

Astronomically bad.

No. 946880

maybe they were gay? or shocker but not into you that way kaka.

No. 946899

NTA but kekkkkkk nona no it’s safe no anal references

No. 947288

youre beautiful keeks(non-contribution post, WKing)

No. 947820

File: 1732045295001.png (266.97 KB, 864x1629, 1000037871.png)

Keeks is re-releasing her cheap gaudy jewelry line.

No. 947822

File: 1732045599139.png (558.98 KB, 863x1163, 1000037874.png)

announcement on IG
It's serious mental illness, as usual from her. I'm sure she will charge exorbitant prices no one will pay.

No. 947824


No. 947827

she's making those huge diamond necklaces again? i remember when kassi kandi bought one and made a video talking about it being a cheap piece of shit that broke kek. i guess she's trying to bank on zoomers because not even the most nostalgic of millennials is going to wear that unless it's to some emo night event

No. 947828

She sounds manic af

No. 947851

>once ya jot down your deets
she’s so tacky and boomer lmao
the self-portrait has a cute heart-shaped face but her real face is so long and horsey

No. 947853

File: 1732065488764.jpeg (328.36 KB, 1433x751, Image.jpeg)


No. 947857

>self portrait
Looks more like her sisters work

No. 947858

File: 1732078063237.jpeg (31.08 KB, 236x314, IMG_6099.jpeg)

It looks similar to the art Risa Mehmet did for Nicole Dollanganger

No. 947859

It's almost a direct plagiarism lol

No. 947864

I can't believe she stuck with the KKK shit. She's so fucking stupid.

No. 947865

File: 1732116985749.jpeg (424.49 KB, 1179x1619, IMG_2190.jpeg)

especially because ‘couture’ has a really specific meaning, and her shitty pieces of plastic-encrusted plastic are not that

No. 947883

who cares honestly. juicy couture did it. but she should have just rebranded as kiki kouture to avoid the KKK backlash

No. 947916

I have an alarm set for the drop. I always always wanted one of these as a 12 year old but I was too late to the party. I hope they're not $100.

No. 947921

File: 1732216570331.png (1.95 MB, 3592x1477, Screenshot 2024-11-21 at 19.15…)

$200?! what the fuck Kiki. I really wanted one of these, I'm so gutted.

No. 947922

Didn't mean to sage

No. 947924

Those prices are outrageous! Who does she think is going to pay that?

No. 947927

If they were $80 I would pay NGL.

No. 947928

i like the bat one but i'd never pay that much for it and i can't imagine many other people will

No. 947930

she says the diamonds are sold out

No. 947941

File: 1732233417626.png (1.68 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20241121-205525.png)

My God. The orchid one is atrocious. Who was stopping her, asking for business cards, grandmas?

No. 947942

she’s selling one item at a time

No. 947943

File: 1732234250151.jpeg (244.63 KB, 1179x2096, BBFF4C6E-6188-4036-A7A5-37CBC4…)

kirsten pls

No. 947946

Straight from Tarina Tarantino>>947943

No. 947950

Tarinas jewelry is high quality and lasts a long time though. I still have one of her necklaces from 2008 and it looks perfect still

No. 947951

File: 1732262003297.png (1.09 MB, 3002x1438, Screenshot 2024-11-22 at 07.52…)

No. 947953

File: 1732268421304.png (187.1 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20241122-063822~2.p…)

No. 947954

File: 1732273453186.jpeg (809.38 KB, 1090x868, IMG_2225.jpeg)

No. 947955

She's really learned fuck all from the last time she tried to peddle wholesale jewelry as her own designs, kek. Remember lilkitten?

No. 947956

Definitely, not knocking the quality, I was looking at TT jewelry recently as I really want one of the Alice Cameo pieces from way back and saw TT’s orchard collection. (I actually purchased one of KK pink diamond keychain/cell charms , not sure where it is now but it was a quality piece as well(for what it is) I’m also by no means a KK fan girl—met her once back in the day with a close friend of mine and I can’t recall how it transpired but I was complimented then insulted by her on MySpace on the same night ) memories unlocked finding this. Board lol(multiple unsaged posts)

No. 947957

I will buy the KK necklace if you come through with the depop link, Nonny.

No. 947970

How much could one of these plastic necklaces cost to make. Even charging $80-100 sounds like an insane profit margin.

No. 947972

If I find it, I'll let you know.:) I t was the small Cell phone charm/keychain but you could easily make it a necklace.(emoticon, sage your shit)

No. 948034

lol for real she's squealing about healing her inner child selling +$200 necklaces, meanwhile we all know she used to spam this board with gore

No. 948056

>$250 including shipping(sage your shit)

No. 948206

Not to mention almost $400 for the orchid, which no one will buy because that price is so self indulgent omg. Remember Dakotas acrylic strawberry necklaces? They were blue and pink, are they lost to time because I can't find images to share

No. 948223

I don't know who she thinks is going to buy that expensive af necklace. The bats and diamonds (that I don't think she actually made, I think they're leftovers from MySpace era) are one thing but she def already tried selling more expensive jewelry and her sister's "art" on her website for hundreds and it failed for a reason. Just because nostalgic tweens are adults with adult money doesn't mean they're going to spend it on this garbage and I feel sorry for anyone who does. If you went into your adult job wearing a bedazzled bat eveyone's going to point at you and ask if you're retarded.

No. 948286

Sadly, there are many adults who are so stupid they willingly pay for overpriced tacky/gaudy resin/acrylic jewelry when they could have bought real gold or gems. Keekz is just being a grifting, opportunistic loser as usual.

No. 948579

Damn imagine going hysterical over selling overpriced, shitty diamond necklaces again, like it's a milestone. A legacy
She's finally taken a step that anons adviced her to before, and maybe it's a good idea to sell jewellery, but not this. Not for fucking 200$. Nobody's gonna buy it. Zoomers may like collecting random deviantart emos cyber camera pics, but they usually have no idea who's Kiki Kannibal. she could try push this for tiktok idiots, but she need to approach it from "scene nostalgia" angle, less narcissisitc self promotion. And lowering the prices damn. This shouldn't go for more than 50$ and even that's too much.

No. 949536

File: 1734110091531.png (814.18 KB, 1080x1940, Screenshot_20241213-141157.png)

lol she found an idiot that paid $500 for the ugliest shit I've ever seen. Keep girlbossing Kiki

No. 949580

Succulent decolletage…(thirstposting)

No. 949883

File: 1734631941649.png (2.39 MB, 2421x2086, kiki.png)

Not only are these very expensive, almost $300, but people are buying them and they're buying them FAST. I wish I could afford one I actually really like them.

No. 949884

File: 1734633204243.png (1.24 MB, 1843x1354, soldout.png)

Sold out almost straight away.

No. 949886

my guess is there's probably only one each, not that these necklaces are in high demand(learn to sage)

No. 949913

Babygirl please you’re making me cry, they are not worth 300$ when you can order the mold, glue and gems yourself and make one for like 20$ or less

No. 949919

Feels like I remember her selling them what… two decades ago?

No. 949920

I have looked everywhere and I really can't, the only dupes I can find are very small and the 3.5 size is a big part of the fashion statement.

18 years.

No. 949927

Well are they patented or copyrighted or what? Anyone with access to a 3d printer could make the mold, and rhinestones can be found in abundance, both in-store and online. Even with a patent, which I doubt she has, printing one at 3.6" would make it a different product. These are not worth $300, neither for time or materials, unless the chains are actually gold and not gold-plated (in which case the pendant is still worthless, and the chain is $300 kek).

No. 949928

I've contacted a laser cutter in my country for a quote, will update nonas if I go through with it, I am absolutely desperate for one (or more) of these.

No. 949929

You don't have to keep us updated cause we don't care

No. 949931

No. 949958

You are… Desperate… for this tat?

No. 949977

Not desperate enough to spend $300 but yeah, the nostalgia is really powerful.

No. 949998


No. 950185

Those exact plastic diamonds are on etsy, shein, and aliexpress. Do a google image search using one of her stock pics are it will show you all of the places you can buy them. Some have gems and some are blanks.

No. 950208

Yeah, but they're all half the size tho.

No. 950214

Try looking up websites that do custom acrylic keychains/stands in your country like Zap creatives or something. You'd be able to get the diamond silhouette cut out whatever size you want.

No. 950233

Just placed an order, I hope it's actually what I asked for.

No. 950339

Only an idiot would pay $200-$300 for these. I wouldn't be surprised if she's marking some of these as "sold out" to build hype, or just making one of each.

No. 950399

right after some of them sold out,kiki said on her stories she'd "finish them during the weekend and ship them on Monday" or something like that

They're not ready for shipping until they're bought

No. 950891

File: 1736444231053.jpg (219.54 KB, 960x1440, Photo on 09-01-2025 at 17.34.j…)

Thank you so much for this info Nonna. Why is Lolcow the best source for information of any forum? I love it and it was only $20.(blogposting)

No. 951990

I’m looking for the video of when Kiki’s garage was tagged, “Regal Slut” if I’m not mistaken?
I’ve actually visited that house since I live close by and other keek landmarks. Please let me know if you have that video, or a screencap or any other milk(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 952006

Why do so many people get banned here?(read the rules before posting)

No. 952641

These looks so tacky and cheap. Like someone in 4th grade made it.

No. 952861

Is there still an existing video of Danny being arrested at the mall?(sage your shit)

No. 953197

File: 1739947001491.mp4 (14.72 MB, 576x1024, 1000107491.mp4)

This just popped up on my feed, apparently Kiki is putting out copyright strikes on anyone who's selling those diamond necklaces

No. 953201

Is this not a 40 year old woman

No. 953203

The person in the video? Who is she?

No. 953219

no, I think she's in her 30s but that's just a wig, she's saying that Kiki has been copyrighting people who also sell diamond necklaces like Kiki's so more affordable ones are gone now and her $200-300 ones are the main ones out there and Kiki is also blocking people who would call her out on it, especially this girl(sage your shit)

No. 953243

this is a dangerous game for kiki to play. people are going to start posting videos circulating her and kooter's racist, ableist, homophobic past again. a past she's never confronted or apologized for.

kiki is almost 40. scene is old.

No. 953246

No one is going to give a shit.

No. 953261

besides kiki(sage your shit)

No. 953267

Maybe I'm uncultured but… these look so cheap. Like if you told me you spent 300 dollars on this I'd laugh. I swear I saw these at walmart for 8 bucks.
So what's stopping people from buying a diamond pattern and bedazzling it themselves? She doesn't own shit.

It's sad that Kiki refused to get a basic job for her whole life and chased fame, failed for over a decade and is now chasing fame she had from almost 20 years ago when she was a teen. She could have TRIED to be a part of the alt scene but left it to be a dolly elf to compete with her sister.

No. 953349

She wouldn't have to do this if she just charged a fair and reasonable price for them. Kiki…just make them $70 and no one will have to buy knockoffs.

No. 953395

she's probably not going to be able to actually keep that up this time. the sales landscape has changed for this kind of thing. people want knockoffs and don't care about authenticity just cheap consumable items.

No. 953396

Eh, that's not necessarily true. I think her target market is her actual long-standing nostalgia fans or zoomers wanting to recreate Y2K scene fashion who are purchasing because they want it made by an OG scene queen.

No. 953426

if this trog knew anything about scene culture like she is pretending to, she would know that kiki has always been like this

No. 953510

zoomers are the ones who don't care about it being authentic. they don't care about substance, just aesthetics.

No. 953544

if her profile is accurate she is 26 which means she was a child still when kaka was ruining her life on stickam so probably too young to know all the drama. the ostrengas saw to it that a lot of it was lost and buried too.

No. 953551

I'm 25 and I know the drama intimately.(no1curr)

No. 954491

Kiki stole the design herself. The first people to make those acrylic diamond bedazzled necklaces were LB&B who were British. In fact Kiki made a video in her scene days called 'Jewelry Truth' about potentially getting sued by them.
t. oldfag who remembers well

No. 954537

are u serious? kaka made a video called 'jewelry truth' admitting she stole the designs that she's been filing copyright claims for other people using since 2008?
thats believable. more than likely a fabrication made by kaka to make it seem like it is that easy to get sued how she will do.
there's all kinds of milk that is irretrievably lost but for like 20 different peoples basement. but the tip of the iceberg is her privated youtube videos. the wayback machine wont play any of them but returned the title "Vadalism". maybe the stunt where she got her house spraypainted was a tribute to Vanessa Vadalism.
inb4 oldfags does anyone have some of this more surface level milk or?
i think spergchan needs to unleash her fury on the tiktok disney adults who are surprised she is the way she is

No. 954822


Just wanted to jump on to clarify.. Love bites & bruises was a fake company with a fake website that was built to trash Kiki’s jewelry. They never made those diamonds and was pretty much a smear campaign.

I remember being a fan of Kiki back in the day and have personally bought her jewelry - really didn’t understand the hate and fake smear campaign people made around it. They poorly photoshopped fake “cracks” in the strawberry jewelry, saying her pieces broke in the mail etc. I could’ve done a better job at photoshop lol.

Drama aside, her pieces are thick acrylic pieces not resin. I still have mine from 17 years ago and it still looks great(sage your shit/whiteknighting)

No. 954847

So much is lost to time. I passively followed the ostrengas because they were everywhere at the time, they had these super long buzznet pages that lagged like crazy. I searched for the strawberry necklaces and couldn't find them anywhere now, I remember discovering Kikis sister only because I thought they were super cute, obv couldn't afford them as a preteen. I remember a lot of random deleted stuff, I thought they were so cool because I was 11 but it makes me chuckle now. I wish someone could find the strawberry necklaces, they were pink and blue. I knew one girl who bought the diamond necklace and everyone ooohd and aaahhd because that was so richie rich. The thing broke really quickly. I completely forgot about them by the time I was 14 and when I saw them again, Dakota was photoshopping herself into an anorexic football and trying to sell those disturbing digital paintings for like a thousand dollars

No. 954956

It's in the first thread. >>16375

No. 954998

That one's different. The ones I'm thinking of were way smaller, maybe people were converting the phone strap version into necklaces.

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