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No. 2296666
>>2296624AYRT; but sex is for the purpose of conceiving?
kek I love this threadpic too
No. 2296687
>>2296674Absolutely, ultimately the objective, from a nature perspective, is procreating and perpetuating the species, that’s the main reason why it feels good. If sex felt like torture no one would have it except those who really want children. But humans are social beings too and sex is often used in different ways, from binding, to stress relief, even extortion.
I just find it annoying when retards come here and say that sex is stupid ,that PIV is rape or other dumb shit like that. I feel like we could be able to have compelling arguments sometimes but we simply don’t. It doesn’t bring us anywhere and hardly tackles the real problems on why straight relationships are currently what they are.
No. 2296690
>>2296683Way too expensive for me. I can just bulk cook one meal and eat it basically all week. If i ordered in everyday on apps I'd be spending three times as much per week. I recommend people get into meal prepping or just get used to eating the same thing everyday for most of the week.
>>2296666Yes, the primary purpose of (hetro) sex is procreation. Pleasure is secondary to procreation, it's to incentivise you to want to continue the human race.
No. 2296695
>>2296693Breastfeeding also isn’t very arousing for your nipples
nonnie kek, at least a clogged duct isn’t very titillating
No. 2296707
>>2296695The baby suckles quite hard though kek, I don’t think they’re much comparable , there are also two different contexts too.
With that said my nipples aren’t sensitive apart from when I’m menstruating and when they are they just hurt, even the shirt is uncomfortable, I would hit someone if they suckles on my titties while they’re like that.
No. 2296709
>>2296700So you consider hetero sex as the only one with a purpose? Then what are those other types of sex kek?
If PIV is your only experience when having sex then you’re simply having mediocre sex, if you don’t get foreplay then I can understand why you think it’s rape kek. All women should get their pussy ate before PIV, it’s common courtesy.
No. 2296719
>>2296704>At the same time, there are people who practice "adult nursing relationships" where they deliberately induce lactation and have their partners breastfeed them just for the pleasure of itAgain, adults sucking on the nipples of other adults gently or at a rate that's basically guaranteed to be pleasurable for their partner is different than a teething baby damn near biting your nipple off.
>. I've also read complaints from mothers about feeling arousal from breastfeeding their kids and being disgusted with themselves about itThese women are in the minority. I won't deny that this happens but for the most part breastfeeding is painful for the mother. That's like saying that just because 20 percent of women enjoy anal sex, the vast majority who say its painful are lying or something. PiV sex is for procreation. Gay sex and foreplay are for pleasure. What's so hard for you to understand?
No. 2296720
>>2296706No one said they were the same, wtf? If sex was only about procreating, women wouldn't be able to orgasm from clitoral stimulation alone. Even if you only want to talk about nipples for some reason, there are also women who can orgasm just from nipple play.
My whole point is that all the extra pleasure points in the human body are kind of pointless if we subscribe to "it's just for procreation" mentality. We also wouldn't be bothering with oral on either end, and cum going anywhere but the vagina would be considered a waste of time.
No. 2296727
>>2296719>Again, adults sucking on the nipples of other adults gently or at a rate that's basically guaranteed to be pleasurable for their partner is different than a teething baby damn near biting your nipple off.Why would we feel anything? They are baby-feeders, you can't get pregnant from having your nipples sucked on, so it's pointless.
>That's like saying that just because 20 percent of women enjoy anal sex, the vast majority who say its painful are lying or something. >PiV sex is for procreation. Gay sex and foreplay are for pleasure. What's so hard for you to understand?The argument was that sex itself was for procreation, and you probably consider pleasure to be in service to procreation. Procreaton as the primary purpose would dictate the ultimate pleasure to PIV, but data disagrees. Also, ancient methods of contraception indicate people have always felt the drive to have sex without reproducing.
No. 2296731
>>2296720PiV sex is PRIMARILY for procreation. The pleasure aspect is secondary so people actually want to go have the sex and continue the human race. Two things can be true at once. Sex can both feel good and PRIMARILY be for procreation. You're not supposed to just have sex willy nilly because it feels good. There's too many risks for that. You need to be mature with a sound mind and understand every possible outcome before you have sex. That's why the age of consent in the U.S is 18. That's an age where you
should understand what happens when you have PiV sex, especially without condoms.
No. 2296738
>>2296734Way to invalide lesbianism kek. And I’m saying this a straight person too.
Thinking that sex=penetration is just male centricism.
No. 2296741
>>2296738I’m not saying that’s what I
think, I’m saying that’s a scientific fact. Heterosexual sex is technically the only real kind of “sex”, gay sex and lesbian sex is just a play date
No. 2296742
>>2296737Yes, it does. You're as much of a dirty slut as any OF het woman who gets around because you both bow down to dick. You do it mentally, while she does it physically.
Other women can be free of both, but you don't know how.
No. 2296743
>>2296725Why would my on lesbian sex matter when we're talking about hetrosexuals? If a woman sucks a man's dick, she didn't have sex with him. She sucked his dick. That's foreplay. There's a difference.
>>2296735Tradwife because we're acknowledging that the primary purpose of having PiV sex is procreation because that's literally what the human body was designed for? Are you braindead?
No. 2296763
>>2296738NTAYRT but no one ever claimed that gay sex was
valid nonny, careful
No. 2296771
>>2296759. The projection is crazy, this is why you're being called tradfags.
Why would he need to occupy his hands when it so clearly belongs in the vagina in the mentality of "procreation first"? What's the point of that, and why can women orgasm just from that alone?
Additionally, why can women even orgasm without men cumming inside them?
No. 2296779
>>2296773She can't even answer why gay men and lesbians exist. She'll default to "It's an aberration" because
again, she's a tardthot and refuse to explain why the male G-spot is tucked right into the anus, kek.
No. 2296781
>>2296266Sometimes I just have to laugh because I'm not quite sure if these types of anons realize that they themselves are a product of pregnancy and that this isn't just anti natalism and misanthropy hidden under the guise of women's rights and health kek. Of course pregnancy is terrible to your body and can have long term affects, that isn't going to stop a woman if she wants to bring another human into this world because the trade off seems worth it to her.
>>2296279>breeder Opinion immediately discarded
No. 2296790
>>2296776But it’s not the sole purpose and it’s, en large , not the reason why straight people engage in it, which is what you’re trying to say.
Don’t know if you’re the original nonna, but saying that faggots and lesbian have pointless fake sex (since PIV is apparently the only real sex you can have) while heteros have a purpose us just stupid and also invalidating to sane sex attracted people.
No. 2296791
>>2296777You're not arguing to simply avoid sex, you're arguing that the point of sex (which most people engage in for pleasure, as has been the case throughout history and nature) is solely reproduction because it makes you upset to think of women deciding they don't want kids even though they took dick.
The fact that you assume a woman has to be some sort of straight sex addict with a Nigel who can't make her cum to see why that's nonsense just implies that you went from one extreme to the other, and assume every other woman must be the same. Tradfags are insane.
No. 2296803
>>2296795You’re gonna have to take that one up with God
nonny, I wasn’t the one who invented the process of reproduction
No. 2296809
>>2296801>sometimesNo, this is biological fact. An anon talked about it in the last thread. It's not a coincidence like slipping on a banana peel. Childbirth is traumatic. If it was the only reason for humans to exist, that would not be the case.
>>2296797If that were the standard for the whole species, by now, we'd have world peace.
>>2296803So you're a tradfag, thank you for being honest so we can move on.
No. 2296812
>>2296791Nyart but this is some crazy projection. Humans have sex because it feels good yes, but the primary purpose of sex is reproduction. If sex didn't feel good, most people wouldn't have it because of the risk of unwanted kids, stds, etc. i doubt anyone here outside of a stray lost radfem gives a shit about women taking dick and not getting pregnant. Personally? I'm happy for all nonnies here who are being dicked down the way they want to be, but, the primary biological function of PiV sex is procreation.
>>2296789BC helps women with conditions like PCOS and Endo, but yes it was also invented so people could have sex without making kids they can't afford to care for. Idk who Virgin anon is, but if she's the one who keeps saying PiV is rape, I don't agree with her either. It strips women of the ability to be horny and consent to sex.
No. 2296821
>>2296806Gays don't have PiV sex, which is what i was talking about. The original debate was about hetrosexuals so that's who I'm referring to. Lesbians can't get pregnant by eating each other out, they have nothing to do with this conversation. Lesbian sex can be as
valid as it wants to be, but my only point is, the primary purpose of hetrosexual PiV is reproduction. Pleasure is secondary.
No. 2296826
>>2296814If humans solely existed to make more humans, homosexuality would not exist, having children would be the highest pleasure and sex itself would be entirely different from how it is now. We also wouldn't have humans striving for other things in such high numbers.
Something being possible doesn't mean it's the entire point. I get that it's hard to live life without imagining some kind of simple meaning or "mission" to it, but you have to mature sometime.
>>2296815>I'm not even a tradfagSure Jan
No. 2296869
>>2296845>not having kids is murderClassic trad bullshit, kek
>>2296851>You're projecting big time here bud. You can enjoy all of the creampies you want, you just shouldn't be surprised if one day you end up pregnantNope, you are. Again, it's not my fault you're such a whore you're addicted to getting creampied and need insane copes about God to curtail your hypersexuality. Not all women are like you, we don't need to be sex addicts or even have it to know that having kids isn't some ultimate meaning of life, or the only purpose behind sex.
Babies will be aborted, women will do things besides reproduce, and you will seethe.
No. 2296876
>>2296848It's funny how you use terms you don't understand and can't explain in a way that doesn't contradict your own argument when you're
triggered. But yes, please, let's move on from the tradthots raging ITT.
No. 2296896
>>2296869Yeah, you're confused as hell. I've been saying this whole time i don't give a shit about what grown women do with their vaginas. You're conflating me saying that the primarily biological function of sex is procreation to mean "if you're not having sex solely for.the purpose of reproduction you're living life wrong" pull your head out of your ass for ten seconds babe.
>>2296875This was always my original argument. I know its hard to believe but more than one person thinks anyone who's denying the primary biological purpose of sex (procreation) is an idiot.
>>2296881And why do you need to "pull out" because if you don't, you run the risk of getting pregnant, aka the primary biological function of PiV sex. Pleasure is
secondary. But people like feeling good, so they'll do anything to continue the feel good friction without running the risk of an unwanted pregnancy.
No. 2296907
>>2296896Why try to move the goalposts after chimping out at
>>2296826? You know we can scroll up, right? This isn't TikTok.
No. 2296914
>>2296855This is getting embarrassing. Don't fuck men if you don't want to become pregnant but don't turn infanticide into based girlboss sticking it to the nigels. unhinged
>>2296856>What are you guys having for dinner today?Its actually Monday morning in the southern hemisphere so maybe a softboiled egg with rice.
No. 2296939
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>>2296906So this is the following:
-I poke the breast chicken to flatten it with a fork and then I lather it with oil (I use olive oil but neutral oil is okay too) and garlic (I cut it in half and just smear it on the chicken and then throw it away)
- I prepare on a separate plate breadcrumbs, salt, parsley (even the dried one is okay, that’s the one I use) and paprika
- coat your breast chicken well, the oil will make everything stick
- either cook it in the air frier or even better a stir pan, like the one in picrel.
- you can pair everything with a quick salad too.
No. 2296946
>>2296868I like corona beers because they kinda taste like a flatish ginger ale to me. Very refreshing with lime. The other beers are usually too "heavy" for me.
>>2296935So why are you lumping me in with other retards if you're acknowledging I'm the only retard saying PiV? That makes you more retarded than any of us really.
No. 2296985
>>2296970I love balsamic sauce! You can either buy it or even make it with balsamic vinegar, you just have to reduce it on a pan and add sugar, but it takes time kek.
Ketchup is fine too and I guess sweetchilly sauce too. You can add anything you like.
No. 2296992
>>2296984You linked 3 posts, only 1 of which had any baby hate, and were made by at least 2 different people if you read the replies to the thread.
I guess I was right that you're a newfag. You'll learn soon.
No. 2297082
>>2297068It's a thing on sites like Twitter and LSA to bring up food and eating to derail a thread that's irritating you, or try and pretend you're "nonchalant" even if you're still invested and don't want to stop replying.
The infighters we have here are most likely newfags, so they think we do the same thing here.
No. 2297090
>>2297082ntayrt but i think theres a difference between retarded infighting and responding in a civil and normal manner with reasonable thoughts and thats kind of what was happening
>>2297085>you're the one whos fixated on this even though i'm coming back to continue an argument after 10 minutes i think its time to drop the egg basket
No. 2297103
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>>2297094What unpopular opinion is here…
No. 2297381
>>2297235You can barely see his face though
>>2297236To some, I'm sure, but how can you get past that mutant skull?
No. 2297768
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The only reason people dick ride chappig so hard is because she isn't superficial and is pretty average. If she was a plastic mess they'd all be getting on her for her "progressive" lesbophobic antics. But they don't because she looks normal
No. 2297771
>>2297752In an household isn’t the laundry mixed anyway?
I honestly think that in this day and age being with a hobo who can’t do anything in the house because it’s not manly is stupid and counterproductive. If you’re working and bringing money in too and paying bills it’s natural to divide chores too. Men want to go 50/50 when in reality they want you to be the maid, the sexdoll and you also have to pay rent and utilities bills too KEK.
No. 2297791
>>2297771when i bring this up w/ people ive seldom heard that the couple combines their laundry.
>>2297772thats it. its such a simple task idk why a man would ever ask for assistance. in theory he did his own laundry just fine before his wifemaid moved in
No. 2297822
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>>2297809ayrt and i think she's ugly, but people on this site think she's hot for some reason. Plus by superficial/plastic i mean sabrina carpenter
No. 2297853
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>>2297822Her face kinda reminds me of Theda Bara for some reason
No. 2297866
>>2297843Here comes the
victim game , the two nonnas rightfully called you out. I don’t really care about women who are with men , I hope they get treated well and are safe, but I can’t take them seriously when they complain about how men are dirty, gross and stinky while still laying besides them every night, smiling too probably. Your man is way too gross to mix laundry but you willingly hop on that dick and lay in the same bedsheets? Please kek.
No. 2297874
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Low set ears in men are a red flag.
No. 2297884
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>>2297874another degenerate with low set ears
No. 2297909
>>2297876This kek, I’m not even a radfem but spewing misandry while cozying up with men is just funny. You’d rather focus on being an independent woman while still being in a relationship and support other women, you don’t need to “hate” scrotes in order to be a feminists.
Misandry is based but I acknowledge that it is a very small sentiment out of niche spaces, it’s okay to still want to be with your Nigels nonnasas, you don’t have to prove anything.
No. 2297915
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>>2297848She closes the corners of her lips together tightly when making her red carpet face most of the time but I found picrel and answered my own question. It's obviously not permanent and probably because she's self conscious about her wide smile, you can see her straining her mouth in older pics too
No. 2297956
>>2297922Like filler migration that forces her to constantly purse her lips in a weird and noticeable way? It was brought up in the last Celebricows
>>2276839 her smile just looked fake to me before other anons pointed it out
No. 2298033
>>2297833>>2297834You don't understand. When we are naked, in the flesh, we are like animals. Male and female, united in one.
When things like clothes come into the equation, we're talking about uniforms and rules. I can't mix my dresses and camisoles with his clothes. I want to smell a man in my bed, not smell like one when I'm out in the world lmao. I don't need to live in a transgender way to enjoy companionship as a straight woman.
No. 2298064
>>2298043He smells nice in a male way. Why would I want to smell nice in a male way? I'm a woman and I don't have gender dysphoria lol
>>2298037And lesbianism is insane to a lot of straight people, so what?
>>2298052He's healthy and clean, that's part of why I'm attracted to him. I just don't want to mix our clothes because we're still a man and a woman.
No. 2298127
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>>2298118>the people who tried to derail this into being about sex with menIf you have to explain…
No. 2298129
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I know Adam Lanza is dead, but if he wasn’t he should have been publicly executed and every parent of a deceased child should have had a chance to torture his fucking ass. Normalize killing killers. Normalize torture for those who inflict it.
No. 2298192
>>2298182Not sure if you’ve seen Baby Reindeer but what about that guy in Baby Reindeer who seemed creeped out by that woman? Like maybe there is genuinely a type of woman who makes them feel unsettled and disgusted? However I could see the moids weaponizing the experience to get
victim points just like the Baby Reindeer scrote did.
No. 2298258
>>2298138"AI art" should be called something else, the terms are kind of paradoxical to me. "AI generated image" is fine.
>>2298150I went on this AI generator hosting site and the front page was full of LoRAs tagged with "cp". Killing myself.
>>2298170Sorry to break it to you but some women can be capable of evil and abuse without moid influence. Is it like some dirty secret to say you were even slightly hurt by a woman now?
No. 2298260
>>2297762Of course a retarded nigelfag had to reply.
>>2297772You know you still have to spend time separating the clothes, folding it, and putting it away? Have you ever actually done your own laundry?
No. 2298291
>>2298283Men are smart enough to do what they need to do to stay on top but they definitely do not like or care about each other. Look at how men act towards male sexual assault
victims, they cheer him on for being a stud if they fucked and older woman and if they got raped by a man they laugh at him for being a faggot. Men don’t give a damn about other men.
No. 2298302
>>2298291Such a small minority male sexual assault
victims like who cares. It's almost fun and games here nona pretending women could be as callous and cold as men but in the real world they're actually devils and do their most to keep women in their place. We are treated like second class citizens. Honestly fuck men. If we were to segregate the sexes there'd be an absolute miniscule amount of women that would be as hateful and violent as men and we would just kill them out right. I don't give a fuck
No. 2298335
>>2298291but these same men will then cry and band together when an "outgroup" points this out, using these men they "hate" as a cudgel against women when we talk about our own issues.
They realize, whether consciously or not, that they have more in common with other men than women, and they all benefit from maintaining a hierarchy where even the "weakest" male is still at the top.
No. 2298363
>>2298336It rarely happens and when it does its usually a dumb pickme. Either way obviously she should go to jail, but it leaves a bad taste in my mouth when both men and women jump at the opportunity to be openly misogynistic. And no it's not just "well everybody hates murderers".
No. 2298741
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Repo! The Genetic Opera is a dogshit musical. The world building and aesthetics are top-tier but holy shit the music had to have been co-authored by some emo 12 year old deviantart account. I honestly struggle to believe whoever wrote the music ever went to a song writing/creative writing class. Just the absolute worst kind of musical storytelling I've ever seen. I can't believe it used to be a requirement to like it years and years ago in the goffick/alt communities on the internet. Fuck all the internet users who pushed me to watch that slop kek. The only good song is literally the one song everyone references. Fuck Repo!
No. 2298912
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People are usually worse parents to boys because they think since they’re male they can do all kinds of weird shit they’d never do with a girl or they think they don’t have to parent at all because he’s male
No. 2299065
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I hope he cheats on her one day
No. 2299071
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What do you guys think about this video?
No. 2299073
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>>2299065Her face though… she looks like a chameleon. Oh yeah is that the “pookie is fire” rich kabbalists?
No. 2299191
>>2299173The reality is that you don’t have to be attached to a scrote. At least that would be my advice to women that want to be with men. Sure find someone you love but never let them have more power over you, you’re always supposed to be your own n1 priority. Don’t put them on a pedestal and think “oh my nigel would never do this!” You don’t know.
There are men who cheat on their pregnant wives, there are men who cheat on their sick wives, they’re men who cheat on business trips, boyfriend who cheat at parties because they had the opportunity. No you can’t recognize them because even a “good man” has the same chances of cheating on you.
If they stop making your life easier and just give you stress and problems leave, you don’t need to give second chances.
If a man cheats you shall just walk away, it isn’t a reflection on you or your character at all. It’s hard , but it’s the way.
No. 2299194
>>2299188Again you don’t know nonna. I hope your relationship is good for your sake, but don’t put this man on a pedestal.
A man who wants to cheat will cheat regardless if he has little time. CEOs cheat, blue collar workers cheat, jobless hobo cheat, doctors cheat too kek.
No. 2299219
>>2299199There are some exceptions I think although they’re rare. I dated a guy and pored through all of his stuff, his phone, computer, all his accounts, and all of his anonymous accounts were just helping people solve complex math problems or talking about extremely specific random historical political events from other countries. Not gonna say it’s just because of autism he wasn’t sex obsessed, because most autist moids are pathologically entranced with hentai and fetish content. But his whole personal life and private time was truly just spent on reading about math and history and he was mostly asexual and would refer to sex as something sort of animalistic and enjoyed the most by dumb people. I do think most moids are lying and hiding porn usage though, but interestingly enough, statistics show that porn addicts vastly overestimate how many other men are doing the same things. I think they have an overall culture of assuming they’re all doing that, so the few decent ones fly under the radar and they also rarely openly talk about condemning it because it’s so normalized.
I think a lot of women are also actively choosing to be dumbasses when it comes to ignoring all the signs and the ways men are engaging in degenerate behavior or hiding porn addiction or infidelity. But there are some patterns you can pick up on that indicate a genuinely good psyche and lack of disturbing behavior too if you actually hold those standards.
No. 2299220
>>2299207Literally nothing in your post solidifies that he is 100% loyal lol.
>I feel like a lot of anons have trouble not seeing things in black and white.It's called being realistic and cautious. Definitely more useful than putting all of your trust to a man.
No. 2299246
>>2299227Yeah some women are basically evil and will make the choice to place their moid at the center of the universe and willfully ignore their abuse and evils, not only harming themselves but their children and others around them. I’m very jaded though. I don’t believe in the perfect
victim and I know how
abusive moids create a psychological trap for their
victims, but I’ve seen so many actual cases throughout my life where women are massive enablers and work extremely hard to ensure that the moid abuse can continue forever, so that they can keep their precious Nigel. Whether it’s a guy abusing their child, or being a serial rapist going around sexually assaulting other grown women in their area while cheating on the wife, there are tons of women who turn a blind eye. But if you have actual standards and self respect it’s typically easy to see what’s going on. Most of the women I know who have come to me crying in shock that their moid cheated actually willfully ignored years of indications that the dude was a sociopath and instead built up a fake fantasy narrative that he was some magical perfect romance protagonist who made their life amazing and worth living, meanwhile it’s always just some ballstink malding rando who obviously barely gives a fuck about them.
No. 2299247
>>2299218>>2299218Just a heads up, 'not noticing' is often (not always) code for 'i knew but chose to ignore'. I hate to use Pelicot's example for this because no woman can expect to endure what she went through, and she was a hero in the end, but her daughter reported that she ignored her father's degeneracy for years and years.
>>2299231That's the thing, they mistake women's tendency to ignore blatant red flags for true naivety and it makes them anxious, paranoid because they start underestimating their own spidey senses. But they're not wrong that you can never fully trust a man not to do abhorrent things, it's just self-preservation
No. 2299256
>>2299242>Why do retards are so certain they know moids in their lives when there's been thousands upon thousands of cases where women thought the same and they turned out to be rapist? The anon I was replying to literally mentioned women not knowing their husbands are rapists, I was responding to that post, not jumping to an extreme lol
>>2299247I see your point. I agree on never 100% trusting anyone, especially men, but trying to convince people blindly that their nigel/dad/insert family member here is a secret pedo/adulterer/rapist also isn't right. How would some randoms on the internet know more about the men in your life than you do?
No. 2299261
>>2299252I' the anon with the boyfriend that I trust not to be cheating on me and this is exactly how I look at it. I do have measures and fallback plans I've come up with in the case he
is cheating on me or we have to break up. I love him dearly but I know he's only just a man, and men have such a high chance of not being good people, but I can also understand that plenty of them aren't mindless psychopathic drones and they can absolutely form emotional connections, that being said they can also really fuck up relationships so just like you said it's so important to have backup plans on what to do, and to never solely depend on a moid for housing and money.
No. 2299264
>>2299252Exactly, there's a difference between this attitude and living in a world where every single man is a psychopath. I know a few women like this and weirdly enough they are always boy crazy, it confused me until i realized their paranoia filled a gap (being persecuted is better than being alone or feeling unwanted). Not saying that anons are like this but the difference between justified suspicion (growing up around violent moids, statistical knowledge etc) and paranoia is obvious if you know where to look
No. 2299278
>>2299231I don’t believe that. I believe that every single man is capable of that, which is different. Misogyny is so deeply ingrained on males, that even the seemingly good ones are still largely driven by it nonna.
I’m realistic.My life is still smooth because I don’t prioritize males in my life. This isn’t the gotcha you think it is. And before you sperg I’m not a lesbian and not a virgin either kek.
No. 2299296
>>2299273It seems to come down to the mentality of whether you believe men are innocent until proven guilty or guilty until proven innocent. I personally can't afford to think all the men around me are secretly evil in some way or else I would probably lock myself in my room. I'm too mentally weak for that.
>>2299278Why would I sperg or call you a lesbian? It was a genuine question. I think it's nice that you don't prioritize men in your life.
No. 2299345
>>2299339? I didn't say farmers can't get normie bfs, the anon I was replying to obviously didn't believe it. I was saying that it was possible. I know this is lolcow but c'mon
nonnie you could do a better job at baiting. I don't want to fight with you I just find your paranoia interesting and a bit pitiful.
No. 2299351
>>2299345No one’s fighting with you. I just said your bf is most likely trash and you have no idea that he’s not. If you’re
triggered about that get over it lol
No. 2299357
>>2299351I'm not
triggered? I haven't been insulting throughout this entire conversation. If you think the words representing my boyfriend itt is trash, you're more than welcome to believe that. I am the one living my life though and I'm confident in our relationship kek.
No. 2299367
>>2299357You’re the one who has been claiming the whole thread that anyone who doesn’t have “trust”, are mentally ill and paranoid, or engage in hook up culture and that only low grade people cheat. The idea that you’re scrote cheats must be
triggering to you if you make such bold claims kek you might think I’m paranoid but I think you’re a dumbass
No. 2299543
>>2299540Life is always more warm when you have other like-minded people to support you and cheer you on. Never doubt the power of a good friendship
nonnie. There are plenty of girls and guys out there who love stacking dough, hopefully you get to connect with them some day.
No. 2299557
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Seeing people prop up that insurance CEO shooter guy just makes me cringe. I don't disagree with what he did and I really couldn't give less of a fuck about the CEO (picrel), but at the end of the day he is still a violent scrote. He, like most men, probably cares about the women directly related to him but would have no qualms with hurting an unrelated woman. And it's embarrassing to see anons being disappointed over him allegedly being a right-winger. Male has bad opinions…who is shocked. I will say though, at least he decided to use his barbarian male nature for something good, but he is still not deserving of so much praise.
No. 2299559
>>2299547It's okay
nonnie, one day you will find company that makes you feel good to be around.
No. 2299656
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>>2299557He’s got a nice body tho. Better than anything you could get fr
No. 2299743
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>>2299699He’s not only handsome but also educated
No. 2299744
>>2299071Am I the only one who doesn't believe how much money they make? I can't imagine they're earning millions and millions of dollars just by being e-whores
The worst part is that they trick naive women into making porn because "it's so easy and you can get rich so fast!!"
No. 2299834
>>2299824Wishing you find love, peace and happiness soon
No. 2299860
>>2299853Sure, anon. And he's definitely talking to 4 different 13 year olds and is also spending hours of his day at the same time downloading massive files of child porn without a VPN on Firefox kek,
No. 2301389
>>2300971I actually agree with this and I love orchestral music, when it's done right. Oftentimes in a video game franchise when they switch to orchestral music I just end up thinking the old music was better kek, it's just so mid and uninspired and it's got nothing on actual classical orchestral music
It's even worse in movies, even more generic somehow
No. 2301426
>>2301389Ayrt, and if I'm not mistaken, according to some autistic guy I know who's obsessed with movie OSTs, it was the fault of one specific show and movie OST composer whose style got so big and every other movie and show OST composer started copying him ever sense and it just became a trend. His name escapes me though but if iirc it could be the guy who did the Toby Maguire Spiderman movie OST.
I'd also like to add to my opinion that some Japanese composers get it right when they go with jazz, jazz fusion, rock/metal, metal/rock/jazz/electronic/orchestral all mixed up together etc., makes the OST actually worth listening to and more interesting, fresh and original. I feel like the pure orchestral sound is restricting and that's why it sounds so bland and generic, there's only so much they can do with the genre. Also vocal songs OSTs >>>> instrumental OSTs unless the instrumental has a good melody line equivalent to a good vocal line.
No. 2301856
>>2301828NTA also but
>Never going to take the supposed "misandry" on this site seriously now.There was no "imply" kek, if anon didn't want to come off as taking an imageboard seriously, she shouldn't have used the exact word "seriously".
No. 2301982
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/m/ is the best board because all the cow boards are ass and /g/ has its charm but I don’t like being jump scared by ugly old men mentally ill anons want to fuck.
No. 2302101
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Axolotls are not cute. The cute art people make of them is like an ugly amphibian psyop. They are still deserving of love though, of course.
No. 2302109
>>2302101>Axolotls are not cute. The cute art people make of them is like an ugly amphibian psyop. REEEEEEE WRONG KYS.
>They are still deserving of love though, of course.Oh, never mind. Carry on, even if you have bad taste in amphibians.
No. 2302120
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>>2302101Thoughts on rain frogs
No. 2302134
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>>2302120I actually love them a lot. If they were more captive-bred, easier to take care of, and having one wasn't basically like having a tank of dirt, I would probably get one.
No. 2302160
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>>2302109Just be honest anon, this is cute? It looks like a mini blobfish.
No. 2302184
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>>2302160Samefag but it literally looks like Sam Hyde when he does those retarded faces like picrel
No. 2302205
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>>2302160Anon, you googled “hideous axolotls” didn’t you? Like is that literal shit on its head??
>>2302184Reporting this to the cyber police for defamation. How dare you compare these precious little lake dwellers to Sam Hyde.
No. 2302211
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>>2302205Samefag, I even find the adult axolotls cute, though they are a bit scary looking…
No. 2302247
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>>2302184Does he also have the lil bootie though
No. 2302262
>>2302101Non-dysgenic axolotls are black/brown and look ugly, yes. These white/pink albino axolotls are bred for their color and are essentially blind, retarded, dysgenic, defective and have zero chances of surviving in the wild. They are bred for some faggot to keep in their small ass "aquarium" until it perishes. Conservation groups in Xochimilco are having trouble reintroducing axolotls into the wild because a lot have been bred with the dysgenic ones and they just fucking die in the wild, so now they need to breed out the shitty genes out of them. Stop buying these retarded designer animals for fucks sake.
t. Mexican
No. 2302290
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It's funny as fuck to me to find out 90% of warped tour bands ended up being shitty people because they all had a fanbase of elitist idiots who think their idol would do no wrong. They all hated on BOTDF and made them the laughing stock when their favorite band was doing the same exact things as them, but it was only found out later. Most of these bands threw them under the bus when Dahvie was outed because they were pedos too. People are ready to dismiss them for making shitty music but they're ready to defend their own pedo/rapist/nazi artist when it comes out years later. Melanie Martinez's fanbase is a prime example of this going on today, with people trying to hold onto a shit covered rope defending still being a hardcore fan of a rapist. Too bad so sad, your favorite band is just like shitty ass BOTDF. Maybe worse.
No. 2302972
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>>2302262>look uglyThese are adorable?
No. 2303186
>>2303059I live somewhere with nationalised healthcare and I don't want
my taxes to pay for that shit.
No. 2303368
>>2303235Psychopaths choose their
victims based on their gait, there are studies
No. 2303417
>>2303410Okay I respect this opinion but how are cashews
No. 2303446
>>2303417Cashews are so buttery and rich and it's kind of unenjoyable.
>>2303433How beneficial are omega 3's now that you've mentioned it. I'm meant to be taking them because apparently they help with adhd symptoms.
No. 2303503
>>2303445abusers cry all the time when you tell them they are
abusive. people often regret things and then do them again. people cry for reasons other than remorse. they fear getting caught as well as being bad.
No. 2303676
>>2303648This is true . Peoooe always chase that thrill , novelty and high. Hence why women love “bad boy/“ and men love crazy women kek.
A steady person who listens and tries to be better with you and loves you calmly is never appreciated , at least that’s what I’ve seen.
No. 2303681
>>2302907What about girls that are raped though? I don’t think it’s so much a matter of clothes, but opportunity. Men rape because they have the opportunity, it’s simply that, they rape children, animals, ugly women, women dressed modestly and women dressed immodestly too.
A woman being raped at a party is simply a matter of opportunity, it’s much easier to rape someone when there’s alcohol, chaos, night, clothing that is easy to remove on your side. A scrote will be more motivated in this context rather than raping a woman in the middle of the day and who isn’t intoxicated, doesn’t mean that they won’t do it though.
No. 2303809
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Sophia Richie is not black and idk why she gets mad when people say she’s not. Idk what it is with mixed white people wanting to obsessively claim the 13% black side of them, she knows if she woke up as a dark skin black woman with an afro she would be gagging, throwing up and crying. These people don’t even want to be black so I don’t get it.
No. 2303847
>>2303837because she is biracial and it erases actual monoracial black women who are already disappearing in media and everywhere else.
>>2303841I agree with this but I also think that this is the issue. Because the average black/white biracial woman does not look like me yet I as a monoracial black woman have to accept her in a way a monoracial white/nonblack woman doesnt have to because her skin is slightly darker and her hair a little more curlier than her nonblack family. Meanwhile her hair texture is different to mine too and her skin tone is not the same either. Its just insane how the 1 drop rule works. Black people have to claim everyone but everyone gets to reject even the whitest/asianest/latinaist passing person if they have a drop of black DNA. crazy how racism works.
No. 2303910
>>2303898You are literally misunderstanding my point you fucking retard. I’m saying American wiggers doing hip-hop is no different from a black African non-American appropriating hip hop or potentially even more sensical. My point is
literally that people think any part black person regardless of what country they’re from can “claim” black American culture, which I disagree with. I fucking hate having to converse with braindead shitheads who can’t fucking read and assume everything you’re saying is whatever they personally have a stick up their ass about. Read a fucking book.
No. 2303964
>>2303676Aka compulsive reenactment. If someone seeks to repeat a negative situation they are likely to get a negative outcome. Acting confrontational is a way to achieve that, because the desired outcome of that behaviour is setting up a similar course of events to figure out which move they could have done differently. They are essentially pulling you into a roleplay that you did not sign up for, and neither you nor them are fully conscious of it.
Victims/survivors of abuse tend to have a harder time with relationships like knowing how to get along with people, and find it difficult to regulate their emotions on top of that so they act out. All they know how to be is what they've been taught how to be. They will repeat this until the outcome changes and they discover something new about themselves.
What needs to happen is for them to recognise how they have contributed to the drama, and then understand that they did not cause the origin of the pain. And then change their own behaviour so they are not igniting drama. That does mean choosing to behave in new ways that are essentially uncharted territory for an abuse
victim and very scary. But it is also 100% necessary for growth. That does actually include giving up the "high" that comes with drama, as many survivors do not feel "alive" if a relationship is not intense. Also, often, silence for a survivor feels like the "calm before the storm." They have to acknowledge that there is no storm coming their way.
No. 2304015
>>2303964i was an abuse
victim before i got into the relationship that ruined my life and i was attracted to him because he seemed the opposite of the men who had harmed me. he was in the military and in half a year was going to be out, in school, and living in a city in an apartment they paid for. he had been working several years towards this goal and had even almost gotten married. he seemed stable and he wanted to know what i had been through and help me not only with recovering mentally but with physically removing me from the situation i was in. he raped me and abandoned me instead. but he was sweet to me and making me promises and not any of the things you described before he raped me. there wasn’t any warning or any drama. when i wanted to talk about it he refused. he wouldn’t even fight with me he would just turn into stone.
No. 2304018
>>2303951You think hip-hop is African? Kek
The Korean example isn’t exactly accurate, this conversation was started in regard to how biracial people are treated. I used black American culture as an example because there is a J-pop group that features Japanese raised half-Nigerians rapping hip-hop style like they were raised in the American hood kek. Whereas the blasian anon rightfully brought up that people will frown upon her wearing a kimono or embracing her Asian side, claiming to be Asian. A half-black person claiming to be their other half will always be criticised. A half-white person, whether half black of half asian, who claims to be white will be treated with even more vitriol. I’m a black British person - for someone to suggest that hip-hop culture is just as much my culture because of my skin tone honestly feels slightly racist to me. This is what I mean by it feeing like an American perspective. I am not much different from any other 2nd generation immigrant in Britain.
No. 2304019
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frantz fanon sucked
No. 2304107
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I love how much this couple pisses normie women off kek
No. 2304118
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>>2304112A lot of the comments were women saying they hope he’s fucking his step daughters and aren’t those girls barely legal and underage….this is how I know most normie women don’t care about age gaps, they just hate seeing a woman do it
No. 2304336
I just don't buy the whole "I need anti-depression pills because my brain chemistry is fucked up" anymore. I think for a very small minority that's true, but for most people normal life sadness doesn't mean your brain is suddenly "fucked up" and unable to bounce back on its own. I really think anti-depressants are just placebo with negative side effects to most people.
And it's never from "actually" depressed people, I'm sure they really do feel like they're suffering (I did), but they're still managing their lives pretty much fine. They're never the people who literally don't get out of bed, don't eat for days, and fail to perform even the most basic tasks and so on. I can believe people who can't get of bed may have fucked up brain chemistry at the moment, but I still don't buy that it's necessarily permanent for them either.
I was on anti-depressants for like 5 years, and it was mostly due to placebo and fear. Taking something felt like I was "trying" to get better. I feared that "if I feel bad now on the drugs, then I must be even worse off them" so I didn't dare to stop. But I wasn't really less depressed because my life and my thoughts were exactly the same. And in the end I mostly just felt hopeless that even on anti-depressants I was still depressed, so I must be a lost cause who can't ever feel good. I eventually ran out and just didn't bother to pick up more and quit cold turkey. There wasn't any difference, so when I realized that I never got back on them.
Flash forwards and I've been consistently happy and content for over a year now. Things that would depress me before just don't affect me the same way. My brain chemistry was never the issue, it was never flawed or fucked up like I had been convinced to think. What I needed was to talk to people and make real friends and connections, have good life experiences, feel like I had a future and most importantly to grow up and mature. What's fucked up is being told I needed to take drugs because I was "broken" instead of getting help establishing a healthy normal life.
No. 2304510
>>2304462Sorry, I don’t take issue with anons wanting to suck Luigi’s penis even if it grosses me out personally. In the instance I’m talking about someone pointed out that even in her fantasy he wouldn’t willingly want to eat her out - it’s meant to be just one example but this in context with the other things fangirls are saying, does feel like anons trend to slightly self-degrading behaviour when they thirst over scrotes. This isn’t the only case. Like anon above said it comes across as handmaiden-y too rather than pure thirst. As I said simply being horny does not bother me and I’ve come across a lot of degenerate hornyposting on here and just found it funny.
>>2304496>this is why people don't believe lesbians when we say we are homosexuals and unable to be attracted to men, because it seems that the only way to be a lesbian is to be contrarian against straight womenSo bizarre. Why is every answer to a disagreement something to do with claiming someone’s behaviour indicates they’re a lesbian secretly attracted to men? This has absolutely nothing to do with what I was saying and I am not seeing the connection here. I never even stated I was a lesbian. It’s like anons are just constantly itching to say it.
No. 2304536
>>2304431White men get loved by people instantly if they are at least ok looking. I'm white but I noticed this. It's super sad since he isn't even hot and is ugly to me as well.
>>2304466This. A lot of hivemind shit goes on here and it's honestly annoying. Reminiscent of the women here who think they are edgy for "dominating" (catering to) some coomer male with a fetish for being submissive in bed. This users on this site aren't as based as they used to be. Watching everyone melt into some fangirl is super weird and cringe.
No. 2304546
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>how life feels when you can simply hide threads instead of shitting your pants at every mildly unorthodox hornypost
No. 2304556
>>2304553To be fair, I will
never complain about all the gingerbread.
No. 2304563
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>>2304554This, kek. You can't convince me this post wasnt written by the same virgins she's talking about.
No. 2304565
>>2304554If you criticise it you’re apparently either:
>A, angry “lesbian” suppressing attraction to men>B, angry virgin mad because she hasn’t had sex with menaccording to anons itt kek
No. 2304606
>>2304599of all the things you criticize of straight women, such as them letting their nigels be homophobic (bad and should be called out), keeping family secrets even if it's hurting their own children if the father is beating or raping them (bad and should be called out), or caping for men even when it turns out that the man in question is now in hot water after the discovery of their domestically abusing their own wives or gfs (bad and should be called out).. them ogling at an italian schmuck is the most pressing issue here? really?
i don't care if straight women are turned on by a man, i care if they're partaking in upholding the patriarchal structure. being attracted to someone and expressing that =/= patriarchy.
No. 2304649
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Lolcow’s real husband. 3DPD weegeefags can fuck off to Twitter.
No. 2304696
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>>2304649Politely disagree.
No. 2304703
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>>2304696Unpopular opinion, I know, but I don't like how the amerifag threads use him as the threadpics so much. What's American about some Japanese-made twink? I kind of miss when we had thread pics of our retarded politicians or bald eagles.
No. 2304720
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>>2304703AYRT, why not have both? Though I just lurk Amerifags because I'm not from freedom land.
No. 2304751
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>>2304723I like when the hetalia characters are threadpics, especially when newfags have to ask about their relevance kek.
No. 2304767
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>>2304583Being an adult and claiming you're cyberbullied is so retarded. And it's never anything serious, like having nudes leaked or doxxing that leads to irl trouble. It's always "some mean girls online called me fat so now I'm the biggest
victim ever" I just want to send them this image so bad
No. 2304772
>>2304763So, religious people are more effective than vegans with their Friday fasts?
Kinda, there are more of them, but even with all the weight of tradition behind them not many people follow these dietary rules
No. 2304773
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>>2304763did a quick look up and apparently 84% of vegetarians and vegans abandon it eventually. vegans are seething about it on reddit but its reddit so who cares kek. the former dieters said that they believe that spreading the message of cutting down on animal products instead of eliminating it completely would have been more successful so you're right. if something needs convincing or a shit ton of "willpower" to stick with something, it's probably because it's unnatural. human beings typically don't need to be convinced to eat a nice steak for a reason.
No. 2304902
Women are never going to be free. The only reason women have any rights at all is because the government and the elite want more wage slaves. Seriously, thousands of years and only a hundred years ago women finally got their rights? It's honestly pathetic. There is nothing good about being a woman. You are smaller, weaker, slower than half of the population whom are sociopaths, have to bear the burden of reproduction alone literally disabling you for 9 months and then for the rest of your life and can scrotes can easily rape you and leave you like this, but the worst? The way women ignore all of this and still rather defend and support scrotes than women. Countless evidence of moid depravity and hatred of women, degradation from verbal to literal horror movie tier torture, yet they still go about their day going "yipeee haha" while women get raped, abused and degraded en masse. They will always put everybody else above themselves even when they need it, and the people who they cape so badly for never reciprocate and even abuse them back, yet they will do mental gymnastics and find a justification why it's their own fault anyways. Women's opression is 50% their physical disadvantages and 50% their inability to be selfish. I don't believe it's socialization anymore, no matter what is the trend at the time, across all cultures, women side and participate in misogyny. The extremely small sub-set of us who are true male repulsed misandrists are an anomaly, an abnormality even, women on average, almost all women are pickme scrote serving brained.(blackpill outside of containment)
No. 2304950
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>>2304932>pick me adjacent Wrong again fool, I don’t have a problem with it because I know that being born a woman is a hell of a lot better than being born a moid. Even the worst female cows on here aren’t as bad as the male ones. I go out of my way to help women IRL and there are plenty of other women doing the same. I’m not gonna go the doomer black pill route because that literally helps no one. Just because you’re giving up doesn’t mean I am.
No. 2304954
>>2304939That, despite the trials and tribulations, the societal factors and detriments stacked against me, and other shit that come with being a woman I still exceed, succeed, and fight despite it all. It fills me pride that I can do it compared to a man who gets it all handed to him. Yes, it's a shit deal, and yes it's unfair at times, but I still choose to enjoy the spiritual, social and lived experiences of being a woman. Cause, it's something only women can experience and it's something only women can find the beauty in and that gives me a sense of comfort. Plus, women are just better in general tbh, why would you want to be a moid who's given everything on a platter and still end up a fucking loser than a woman who fights against all odds and succeeds? I'm going to say this but you're the one who's makes a woman this a herculin fate of pure suffering and it's going to eat you up inside if you don't change your mindset.
No. 2305154
>>2305146Samefagging but anons always talking about being “smaller and weaker” and like the other anon upthread said I’ve just found I’ve been attacked by more women than men. Obviously it’s a real threat but doomposting like this if you live in a first world country is crazy to me. Being a lesbian and
POC are two things that have caused me more problems. Maybe I just hate men so much I can’t see anything about them in a positive light kek, I’d cry if I woke up as one
>>2305151? This speaks more about you than anything else. If the men aren’t being shamed for helping out you are being disrespected. I never get people like this, are you really so conflict-averse?
No. 2305170
>>2305166Sounds like someone who has to spend all their money on basic needs and can’t buy anything.
>you’re miserable that’s why you use lolcow What’s the difference between lolcow and any other social media site?
No. 2305336
>>2304810>>2304833It worked for me, but then again we were miles apart and it's not like they were going to hop a plane just to beat my ass. They preferred trying to blackmail me by contacting my friends and family with made up bullshit and risque photos instead, so I had to have everyone I know block their multiple accounts. Feeding them attention gives them what they want, gives them more power over you, and access to you so they can keep terrorizing and stressing you out until you get ulcers. Ignoring and blocking them from all access to you is still the best strategy because you have to slowly starve them off, but sometimes they are persistent for up to a decade plus. As for physical violence, most of them are cowardly pussies but some are actually dangerous, and you should file a restraining order against them and get some kind of physical protection if need be,
>>2304820That's… what you're doing though? With no intention to re-engage. Who gives af if it hurts their fragile little narc feelies.
No. 2305338
Dealing with bad customers >>>>>>> having shit coworkers and managers
I worked in the fast food industry, and yes there are bad customers from time to time, but most of them were respectful, maybe kinda shy, or maybe confused about what they wanted to order. Not everyone is a fucking asshole, I noticed a lot of them were in fact a bit anxious and didn't want to be rude. Dealing with the rare karen or pissed off moid never gave me any sort of the trauma, even though they are annoying as fuck and you want to punch them in the face. They come and go, you don't need to spend an entire day with them. Now having coworkers and managers criticizing your every move, and constantly belittling you? The same people you have to work with almost every day? Having to witness shitty drama, and hearing people shout and having tantrums hell no. HELL NO. I think there's too much focus put on customers being potentially mean to cashiers and fast food/retail workers, and not on the fact that the coworkers and the management are the ones that make or break your day.
No. 2305383
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>>2305370Based off every tiktok I see of him with his step daughter that just turned 18, the women in the comment section are hoping he gets with her….even though their age gap is just as weird as he has with his wife and he raised her
No. 2305468
>>2305448I meant to reply to this post but the last digit got cut off
>>2305125>>2305427This is what I don't understand about American women. They act like they're living in such oppressive patriarchy that need to do a cost hanger abortion or something
No. 2305555
>>2305532Nta but from what I've heard, there are some parts in her documentary where she talks about dissociating and such during it. I'm not saying that it's the same as being raped, but that's why some people are saying it was rape and why rape
victims are equating their experience to hers.
No. 2305558
>>2305555i am a rape
victim and i have that disassociation problem during normal sex now. she might have been a
victim before too. but either way it would be impossible to not disassociate during something that traumatic. sex with one man can be literally life ruining.
No. 2305604
>>2305130>>2304971This is something I struggle with. I cut off every moid friend i had two years ago, but it was nice being able to say whatever you want without worrying about being morally correct all the time. With my girl friends I'd get cancelled and dropped for saying retarded or saying someone I hate should kill themselves jokingly.
Of course I have no desire to befriend moids because I hate them and they just want to fuck you in the end anyways, but I do miss some things about being friends with men in that regard.
No. 2305619
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>>2305297The only reason she’s sad is because she’s ruined her chances at ever finding a man. That’s the only reason she’s crying.
No. 2305626
>>2305172Nta, I don't think that's necessarily true. It depends on what you're buying/consooming though. I personally love buying clothes and jewelry, and I wear them all the time and never throw them away even if I have lots of clothes and jewelry. When I don't want the clothes anymore, I donate them, and when the jewelry breaks or something (which never happened to me so far) I'll probably try to fix it first, but if that didn't work, I'll have to throw it away.
I also like buying things for my hobbies and interests and some hand crafts, like phone charms! I also like commissioning stuff with my favorite characters to decorate my room and just because it makes me happy. I also love buying and collecting rare CDs, so rare that nobody bothers to price gauge and they're very affordable. Therr are many ways to enjoy purchasing stuff as long as they're stuff you actually like.
No. 2305660
>>2305655she had enough intelligence to get into college in the first place. what happened to her there that made her turn to this?
>>2305646i agree fully. i also don’t buy she only did it to get drinks. i think if anything is an act, these women acting like it isn’t a big deal is the act. it’s not a big deal to be slutty. it’s not a big deal to sell myself. it’s not a big deal to let strangers touch me. biggest deal in the world actually and if any of them let themselves feel that, they would lose their shit and stop.
No. 2305705
>>2305297I’m not super inclined to feel sympathy for this particular person but this does make me curious about how feminists should deal with the existence of thoughtless women as a whole. so much of what gets talked about by radfems hinges on personal responsibility but aren’t some people just legitimately too dumb to assess the consequences of their actions? don’t women like that deserve some amount of clemency?
I watched a crime reality show a while ago where a cop was following up with a woman whose intellectually disabled daughter had gone missing while running errands. they found out that a man had engaged her at a bus stop and convinced her to have sex with him and all his friends. the distraught mom couldn’t convince her daughter to press charges because she wouldn’t admit that the men had taken advantage of her slowness.
I can’t hold someone like that responsible, and there are a lot of people out there who are partially or wholly compromised to that degree. sometimes I think it makes more sense to be overly generous with sympathy , even when it’s someone like this porn woman or shayna.
No. 2305714
>>2305699>>2305707>>2305702i agree with all of you. men are forcing society to a sicker and more sexually degenerative direction and then acting like
victims who porn groomed. as if they don’t also contribute to how extreme porn has become by clicking and giving them views and money. they did this and shaped porn into this. the men watching make these rapes happen. they would not happen if they weren’t watching. i think of an ex friend who watched hard core porn from a young age telling me in his twenties he was a
victim and then posting years after that that christian’s were trying to get porn banned. so it wasn’t your fault and porn did this to you but fuck anyone who tries to get it banned. i think his name every single time i see a porn star get raped. i think “tyler did that to her. tyler made this happen.” i want those 100 men doxxed.
No. 2305726
>>2305696A college aged woman choosing to join onlyfans to pay for something as retarded as drinks isn’t the same as a girl who was trafficked into porn at 15. It probably was her idea.
>>2305691We all know that men are shit and evil. But when you have women this retarded and clout thirsty you have to drop them at some point, they’re throwing the rest of us under the bus
No. 2305767
>>2305743You can literally make friends by going on Twitter and talking about some musician or piece of media you like with others, or messaging someone you knew in school if you're that desperate. Someone will chat with you, even for a bit. Sex is a whole ordeal of getting ready, inviting the person over or going to meet up with them, ensuring they're even safe (if you care), etc etc.
Even if you can't keep friends, it's more harrowing to literally let 100 (and then 1000) strange men have sex with you of your own volition than it is to just have solitude. Like, this isn't something to "be stopped from" or an automatic impulse, it's a very measured and retarded act.
No. 2305776
>>2305745>Doesn't onlyfans have some weird ass bonus if you get someone to sign up? It's so casual, if that makes sense.Yeah it works like a MLM scheme, you get a cut of whoever uses your code. One OF camgirl was raking in $14k a month this way.
A old friend of mine is male and antiporn (and has been since he was 11 and heard on the news that a man pimped his female friend out instead of helping her, on top of that he witnessed the rising degeneracy of his peers in school, and the lolibait belle delphine trend). Anyway a few years ago we were talking on the phone after work and he was telling me how the topic of OF came up, and he had said how OF is exploitative, but his female coworker said OF is good and empowering. I asked if she was the overweight coworker and he said yeah, so I said I bet that she got a code from a friend and wanted to use it for sexual validation but no one bought it. He didn't like the way I'd said it but we snooped through her social media anyway and actually did find her advertising her (since shut down) OF account. Literally these codes are given to anyone who will take them. It is indeed very casual and treated like a girls club or some shit. It's disgusting.
No. 2305801
>>2305786Ignore that anon. Some people really just out here using others as an outlet for their shopping addictions or challenge the not even serious status-quo of getting
everyone a gift instead of just being like “sorry anon, I don’t know you well enough to gift something you’d like!”. Instead they are assigning you a chore
No. 2305831
>>2305783I wish people would just buy me fancy chocolates as a gift, it's seriously not that hard. I keep trying to tell my family this but they insist on trying to buy me new shoes because they don't like the shoes i have now, even though i practically wear crocs exclusively right now.
>>2305793I have this issue when trying to get gifts for my parents. They are wealthy and own everything and i never know what to buy them, but they get mad if i don't get them anything or if the gift is cheap. I literally have barely any money to spend on them, they piss me off.
No. 2305848
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Pickmeism and handmaidenry is a coping mechanism for women who subconsciously realize, but cannot face the fact that males are our natural predators. Because of this we shouldn't be deviating resources to changing their minds (near impossible, like trying to force a drug addict to get clean) but we should cut them some slack and keep focus on destroying and eradicating the enemy, violent males.
No. 2305966
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>>>/ot/2305944Is it an unpopular opinion to say that I feel indifferent about this woman's mental anguish?
>"omg, I slept with at least one hundred fucking men in one day but I NEVER knew that you can get HIV from sex! OMG!"You ever see or meet a person who uneblievably stupid that you can just tell they're not destined to live a full lifespan? If you are this fucking retarded, you simply do not deserve to live a very long life. I see people like this, and unironically think "survival of the fittest" when they naturally die or suffer HARD from their own actions.
No. 2305972
>>2305848While I agree that fawning for males approval is a massive cope, I don't understand the thought process behind cutting them some slack. Do you mean we should shun them or what? I advocate shaming them but also letting them know that if they can break through the conditioning and change their minds and radicalize they will be welcomed.
But idk, I'm a newrad, and it took me so many god damn years to get over my handmaidenry. Only a combination to exposure to based radfems ideologies and peaking got me over my internalized misogyny. A lot of these girls needed to feel welcomed and were traumatized by being shunned in middle school or having a BPD mom or whatever
No. 2305993
victims who become hyper sexual as a protective response couldn’t have been bothered by being raped that much
No. 2306016
>>2306007What really gets me is when that Bonnie Blue OFthot said she was gonna travel to fuck every freshly 18-19 year old scrote for free, an
ENTIRE fucking country joined forces to ban her entry to protect muh innocent impressionable boys. But now that this very young girl clearly being pimped and/or having some sort of awful mental breakdown is getting raped on tape by 100 men in a single day, it's crickets. No petitions to help her, nor get the disgusting scrotes who lined up to rape her deported or criminally charged. Nada. People hate women so fucking much, holy shit.
No. 2306027
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>>2306021Samefag but of course people have an issue with her fucking barely legals…
No. 2306042
>>2306007There needs to be a case study done on how EVERYONE infantalizes white women when they are skinny blue eyed and blonde. It’s actually mind boggling. This grown woman spelled in so many words that she is a rage baiter. She single handedly raised the bar In the worst possible way for children and women who are actually sex trafficked into this shit that this is what you now must do in order to really “make it”. This is how far women’s bodies can go fellas! Leading up to it she had so many women and girls making think pieces about why she shouldn’t do it. And she just went on dude bro podcasts to be the ultimate pick me and laughed at them for being concerned. It’s just crazy that you guys have all of this empathy and compassion for this woman who willingly put herself in this position for clout and clout alone and you guys fall for it hook line and sinker because you see her boohoo crying after being faced with the consequences of her own actions. It’s just interesting which women get to be martyrs and
victims of the porn industry and which women get to be seen as “lol cows” forever stalked and mocked. This girl gets treated with kid gloves because she documented herself crying because she knows white women tears get people going. Meanwhile you same women feeling sorry for her are camped out on a website whos main function is to nitpick and make fun of actually mentally ill trafficked sex workers but because they are plain and or fat with ACTUAL documented personality disorders they deserve their fate. This pretty fit blonde didn’t deserve but that shayna lady deserves to have her entire life documented down to the tiniest pubic bump because while she is also mentally Ill she had the audacity to be fat and ugly. You bitches are a joke.
No. 2306050
>>2306042Right. If a
poc did this, no empathy would’ve been shown lol
No. 2306120
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>>2306076Speaking of animal-related topics, I feel like I'm the only one who doesn't really like it when people go out of their way to hunt down and kill foxes specifically for snatching up some farm chickens. As you probably already predicted, no I'm not a chicken farmer. I just think it's stupid to get mad at a fox for finding a fault with protection equipment and naturally seizing an opportunity to feed itself and its cubs at the den. and yeah, maybe I do like foxes.
No. 2306152
should be separate to focus on women, but you really can’t deny that animals are exploited based on the reproductive roles in a way that eerily parallels women
No. 2306164
>>2306120Most people who have fox issues with their chickens probably do a shit job protecting them.
I've had livestock for years and the only predator Ive worried about is hawks and you can scare them off pretty easily
No. 2306179
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I really like overdesigned gacha trash designs like pic rel. Maybe its because i am a late zoomie and grew up with boring simplistic garbage like adventure time.
No. 2306326
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I feel like nona's picrel
>>2306179 sums up in an image (sorry to trash a design you like kek) why I hate gacha. It's a million things shoved into your face at once, but for what reason? Especially when, to most, it looks plain bad.
It feels like everything has a trillion characters, side games, spin off shows etc nowadays. I know gacha is made to be an infinite money printer, but why is there so much of everything? There should never be more than 30 or so main characters in a franchise. It feels like vidya, anime and whatever else made in Japan (or desperately wishes it were) is overwhelming. From the amount of content, characters, stories… There's too much, I cannot bring myself to care. I don't see how anyone can actually kek.
The only instance where I feel like otherwise is with Muv-Luv and anything similar (like Terraformars where a lot of people die and get replaced, and in the case of Muv Luv, the series spans over more than a decade). It's like newly made gacha can't help but try to be established IPs straight from the get-go. It's inauthentic, and in the end, worthless slop. Established IPs are beloved because they've been around for decades and have added quality content in that time, not because they shoved incomprehensible 2/10 side stories down consumers throats the moment they open the app.
No. 2306336
i understand that personal accountability is important, and that at the end of the day, only you can control yourself and your life. but at the same time, i really dislike this notion that the world has where it's like. yeah we're okay with bullying other people, we're okay with traumatizing our children, we're okay with socially ostracizing people for whatever reason that may be, we're okay with abuse if we think the victim deserves it, and once its all done and over with, its up to the survivors to clean house and take ALL responsibility of the mess left behind. i don't like that the world says things like, there's a reason why someone doesn't have friends and once you find out you'll leave them too and that's okay. as if the worst people on earth don't have a bunch of friends, as if some of the nicest people i know only has a very few or pretty much no one in their lives, and it's for reasons that are dumb like "oh she's nice but she bores me idk". people don't even tell you when you've done something they don't agree with, they just use that as the reason to push you out and it's up to you to magically find out and not to do it next time, all without anyone tell you anything at all. and this goes beyond what happen to autistic people, this happens to non-autistics too and i just hate that it's normalized. i also hate how people say that sometimes bullying is fine because it can create amazing actors or artists or whatever the fuck. sure but someone who goes through life without getting hurt severely by others could also end up talented? also smart? also invent something incredible? like why do people have the itch to destroy people and think that's okay?
No. 2306353
>>2306336I’m not really sure I grasp 100% of what you’re saying, but I resonate with some of these points. Been thinking lately about how some people really are just screwed from day one — shit parents, shit neighborhood, shit friends. And somehow they’re just supposed to learn how to not be shit from….where exactly? Their shit schools? And then you dump them out into the world where they inevitably fuck up repeatedly, but people hold them to the same standards as someone who grew up in….whatever the opposite of shit is. And yeah after a while, once you’re an adult, it’s your responsibility to change, but…there’s no guidebook on how to do that. People throw around “therapy” as a catch-all solution, but people on this site are well aware there are a lot of absolutely useless if not outright harmful therapists out there. To say nothing of how prohibitively expensive it is. So basically there are just a bunch of broken people out going on to break more people who go on to break other people.
I don’t know what the answer is either.
No. 2306389
>>2306353ayrt and honestly, thank you for putting it into words that i couldn't when i sperged out there. i also get heated when some retard utters the word "therapy" with that smug look on their face, its like they know how expensive it is but hey, your mess, you clean it up! i mean its one thing for a previous
victim to go on to become a rapist or a serial killer, like yes at that point you are no longer a survivor and you're just meant to be locked up forever somewhere. but many just go on to just die on the inside everyday and just kill themselves slowly via drug use, alcoholism, undereating/anorexia or obesity, self harm, etc, or just end up committing suicide eventually. and then faggots go OHHH I KNEW THEM THEY WERE SO NICE HOW COULD THEY DO THIS. and then no one learns anything and continue to hurt the next generation of people being born. like what i'm trying to say is that the world is pro abuse in every sense of the word. the depp and heard case is one pretty famous example of it in the recent years, just the way amber now has to not only come to terms with the abuse she suffered from him, but the fact that she has lost basically her entire career and now can't work as often anymore, and the thing is, no one outside of some small groups that can't help her anyway give a flying fuck. she just lives a life where most of society continue to traumatize her with their callousness or cold indifference to her. but again, her mess, she cleans it up.
fuck i'm angry. i don't know the answer as well and it kills me that this human handicap we're under is only going to get so much worse in the near future.
No. 2306454
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Hear me out, nonnas. I hate troons, however, I think TIFs can more or less become pseudo men due to progressing where the development left off from when we were all fetuses. TIMs can never be women (pseudo or otherwise) because you can’t develop backwards. Sorry, I’m having trouble articulating my thought process here.