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No. 2306842
Mine is that any time a woman has sex where she doesn't orgasm but the man uses her body to orgasm, it should be considered assault. Or at least something just a step down from that, if we want to call this something else. It's some kind of sexual abuse for sure. If you have sex and a man uses your body and you don't cum, the dehumanizing slimey feeling is similar to getting assaulted, just smaller. You are not getting what you signed up for which is sexual pleasure and some kind of basic respect. It's still getting used as a fleshlight with no thought given to your humanity and needs, and if you didn't cum you obviously didn't want to be used that way, so how is that really consensual? What you consented to was getting to cum and feel appreciated and you got the complete opposite, so in my opinion the consent no longer applies. No really consensual sex makes a woman cry because she is ignored and unsatisfied at best, and feeling used and disgusted at worst. The only exception is if both people don't cum, that's just a draw. We should start acting like leaving your female partner unsatisfied is assault, why should men get to brutally use our bodies for pleasure with no consequences? We think women not cumming is a fact of life and just "bad sex" yet men see sex and orgasm as synonyms for themselves. Only for us is sex divorced from whether or not we cum and that's why you have women coping acting like they don't feel downright dirty and crushed when their rapeape cums time after time and they don't. Being treated like that is dehumanzing whether the woman is brave enough to recognize that or not. We should be preaching this more so women know its not just "kind of rude" for a man to not make them cum, it's a moid directly shitting on your sexual dignity and humanity. I rest my case kek
No. 2306858
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Standards for men are so fucking low. He's mid at best.
No. 2306872
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>>2306870Only haggard when he is emoting
No. 2306977
>>2306958>Like two people consistently really want to try for each otherYou could look at it this romanticized way but if there’s a repeated pattern of poor treatment from one or both parties (and if you dig deep enough, there often is) then it’s really just codependency. Particularly if they got married in say, the 1950s when they were both in their early twenties. Anytime I see that I just silently think, “how many times did you hit her, gramps? What was your secret out of town girlfriend’s name?”
I’ll admit that yeah, never having a relationship longer than a year is a red flag too, but I would rather people leave relationships early and often than waste decades of their lives on a sunk cost fallacy.
No. 2307058
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>Karolina Shiino, winner of Miss Japan.
Never liked her, she's both ugly and a cheater. When the controversy started I kinda feel bad for her but once I heard about the cheating scandal it was the final straw. No wonder why I felt like there was something wrong with her.
No. 2307149
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>>2307058It's weird how some westerners defended her winning when she's not even slightly Japanese, but seethed about this woman winning because she's half-Japanese.
No. 2307153
>>2307149She's waaay cuter than the other woman.
>>2307152Based as fuck anon.
No. 2307193
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>>2307186Agreed. I also side eye people who have children knowing their genetic deformity will most likely be passed on to them as well, like picrel.
I was born with a physical defect that isn’t genetic or inheritable. Even though it only really effects my appearance at this point it seems incredibly cruel for me to inflict that on another No. 2307277
Hispanic guys are the hottest genre of guys
No. 2307285
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I never understood the appeal of those ear spacers. I attached a picrel of what they are, but I spoilered it because it's kind of gross (nasty). They look goofy to me. It's always the people that try way too hard to appear alternative or cool too that wear the spacers too. You're not Buddha, you'll NEVER be Buddha, stop trying to have big huge ear lobes for nothing.
>>2307129KEK I knew it…
No. 2307309
>>2307277Why do you think that
No. 2307311
>>2307306Okay sorry for having autism then.
>>2307308I live in a place where a lot of people have them and they usually get called cool and so I thought it was unpopular to say that I didn't like them. Sorry again that I messed up the thread.
No. 2307317
>>2307314I never even thought about the smell before but there are so many comments online complaining about them being stinky unless they get cleaned multiple times a day
>>2307311It's ok, I'm surprised they're still a thing
No. 2307321
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>>2307320And my plug out. I don't sleep in them and my ears get washed every morning and night otherwise they stink like shit. I would never go bigger than 10mm
No. 2307333
>>2307320Omg a
nonnie selfie
>>2307323It looks heart shaped to me but upside down kek
No. 2307349
>>2307186i agree with this plus wrt things like severe mental disorders or being neurodivergent, for the lack of better terms. the world is absolutely horrid not just for the physically disabled, but to the mentally ill and those who have autism or some kind of learning disorder. it doesn't get better when one gets older, either. we are more susceptible to being abused and be
victims of domestic violence much more than people who were born without any abnormalities. the social isolation doesn't ease up even after high school graduation, either. frankly, if there was a test many years ago that told my mother that i would be born with a lot of anxiety and such.. it would have been the greatest act of love for her to abort me. she can have another normal child. i can never have a normal life now that i'm here.
No. 2307350
>>2307348Oh no that really narrows me down in a population of 60 million plus lol
>>2307333Lol i have never took notice of my inner ear
No. 2307380
>>2307378there are country tags included in exif data for samsung, this one returns UK. what I don't understand is where
>>2307363 gets 2 million from when there's no gps information, unless they're saying that's how many of those devices there are in the UK.
No. 2307385
>>2307285I wanted these so bad in college and thank god everyday I didn't go for it. No offense to the
nonnie in this thread but I don't think this piercing hits the same post-30
No. 2307416
>>2306834Nah. Jumping in and out of relationships clearly shows your worth. Being serious about it also means not entering a relationship easily and carelessly. People like that
1. Can't be not in a relationship for whatever mentally deficient reason, often not even their own feelings but social expectation.
2. Is not fit for a true relationship. Doesn't understand what it entails. Faking being in relationships essentially.
None of this is so bad if the person is open and honest with themselves and others as to what they want, what they understand a relationship to be, but that isn't the case generally because people who are serious would then avoid them.
No. 2307450
>>2307058i don't care if women cheat because like men do and who gives a rat's ass but she looks very plain to me.
>>2307277They are, but not the modern ones, I miss when everyone had slickback hair and not those fugly ass edgar haircuts I like them 5'7" morenos and uncut. huge manwhores though
No. 2307617
>>2307423Idk about Niji or other companies but Hololive they're very selective about who they hire and the talent do travel to work and train so they are doing singing and dancing themselves
>>2307413Sometimes depends on the system
Better off cropping, lowering resolution just enough to pixelated details and then deleting the EXIF data in another program before posting, screenshot is a bad idea
No. 2307910
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Quitting pornography is the easiest thing you can do and I genuinely do not believe people who claim to be "addicted" to porn as if it were a drug with real effects and withdrawal from not looking at it. However, I do agree that it is difficult to re-wire, remove, and change the influences porn has on one's own self both psychologically, sexually, mentally, emotionally, and physically. I wish porn sickness was used more than porn addiction because I don't think you can be addicted to porn but you can absolutely get a sickness from over-usage and early usage to it.
No. 2307914
>>2307910Quitting porn is piss easy especially if you’re still allowed to masturbate, like it will have to real hold on you whatsoever, you can cum without it sorry to people who swear you can’t but that’s not true
Unlearning the weird ideas you get from porn much harder though yeah especially if you don’t even know that’s why you have them.
No. 2307952
>>2307096>>2307129I've only read the comments. I'm sorry but an ugly woman winning a beauty contest will raise eyebrows. And she's stupid as fuck to fuck a judge and think she can get away with it. Everyone bitching about why no one is coming after the man is equally stupid. She entered the contest REPRESENTING a country, he's a nobody. She wanted attention and she got it, leave married men alone and be a hoe somewhere else.
>>2307149I was rooting for her! She's so beautiful, not only her face but she had a very nice figure too. She looks like the perfect mix of both worlds lol
No. 2308127
What I don’t understand about women is, a young scrote could be a sex offender, a total whore who sleeps with numerous women, has kids but suddenly when he’s with an older woman “he’s just a little kid being taken advantage of”. I’m sorry but if a 19 year old boy can do that he’s not innocent anymore. Idk if anyone’s up to date with the ash Trevino situation but people are being over dramatic because she went on a fake date with a 22 year old. He’s literally a convicted rapist, going on a pretend date with a 36 year old woman isn’t that big of a deal.
No. 2308331
>>2307910Porn is so fucking boring. There's nothing more unsexy than watching two below average slobs fuck each other.
>>2308005So true. I can only get off via my imagination like a normal person. You know…imagining myself getting fucked by a sexy stranger. UNF
No. 2308378
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When the neuralink becomes available to all , im getting it.
No. 2308428
>>2308419I agree with you. I can't tell if they actually are genuinely unhinged, or if they just know incels seethe over all the women simping for him so they are really laying it on super thick incase an incel is browsing the thread and gets
triggered. Either way it's too much for me.
No. 2308429
>>2308428It's a combination of both I think, people are posting a lot of screencaps of suicidal incels. I have a high tolerance for hornyposts and think most of them are funny
and I also literally do not care about the "rape threats" sorry but some of the posts to come out of it are still making me react like "jesus christ" kek
No. 2308430
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I hate how modern dating makes it seem like if you’re not in constant contact 24/7 then they’re not interested. I think people are so addicted to constant instant gratification they have no idea how to form genuine connections anymore. Dating apps have really taken away the fun of meeting someone because it’s just too easy. When I’m getting to know someone I don’t want to get to know them over text. It’s so much more rewarding getting to know someone fully in person but that takes time so people don’t do it. I do get nervous in the sense that most moids will do the bare minimum but I also personally am fine with just a few texts or memes a day and leaving the rest to real life.
No. 2308433
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>>2308419Shut up moralfag
No. 2308436
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>>2308430so true nonita… it's a bleak world out there as the result of every single thing being dumbed down for maximum instant dopamine. i sound 70 years old saying this but the best thing truly is real face-to-face interaction and keeping texts minimal
No. 2308474
>>2308463You're pretty naive if you think you had the same upbringing as the kids around you growing up.
Definitely nurture over nature.
No. 2308488
>>2308463If someone doesn't have a good support system (money, family to support them, opportunities) and have never been shown that they can live differently then it's hard to escape the same traps their parents are in
There is some genetic and family stuff for sure but opportunities, education and financial stability can change a lot
No. 2308555
Women have greater social ability and decision making skills than men, on a biological level. It makes more sense for women to be in positions of social power, politically or economically, while the males do heavy work and follow orders. Imagine a world where all the greatest powers were women, there would be so much less retarded shit, if only men took their heads out their asses and acknowledged that women are more rational in the end. Still, it’s not just men at fault here - a lot of women have this self-belittling, self-infantilising attitude. It’s why so many women truly see female political candidates as less capable. It makes me laugh - it is proven that men are less rational, have less emotional control, and worse cognitive empathy to other people - how do you think this makes men a more capable political figure? That literally directly opposes the truth. It’s just like the weird subconscious belief that men are smarter than women too, despite the fact we can all recall it being proven throughout our lives that girls tend to be a little smarter than boys. Yet this belief propagates everywhere, by women and by men who genuinely think they understand everything and women are dumb bitches despite it indubitably being the opposite. How a stereotype holds water surrounded by evidence opposing it is beyond me (and I do think this delusion is better held by the fact after puberty women try to dumb themselves down for the men they feel attracted to).
No. 2308564
>>2308552Does this black female physician:
1. Work in my area,
2. with available appointments within 2 months,
3. and specialize in what I need? Or if she's a GP, is she able to direct me specifically to other black female medical specialists,
4. who are also in my area,
5. with available appointments?
No. 2308658
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>>2308644I saw a woman on tiktok whose husband molested her daughter when the girl was 8 and she still emphasized how important it is for girls who experienced that not to blame all men and don’t teach them to be scared of men. Even in the worse situations women are going to take the time to “not all men”, they’re lost causes lol I only care about myself.
No. 2308681
>>2308662I never went to America so I can't say I have an opinion on the matter.
>>2308669I'm taking notes for the next time I'll visit the UK.
No. 2308683
>>2308658Holy shit this woman is an evil retard. My mom was
violently assaulted by a stranger who she is 99% went on to be a serial killer from our area and she raised me to have FEAR of men. Because of that, I avoided many dangerous situations. Some of those situations I was vindicated like IMMEDIATELY after as well. I hate women who simp for the enemy.
No. 2308700
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>>2308661The roasted dinner is bomb too
No. 2308728
>>2308592I don’t know if it’s just me but scrotes who are so obsessed with “big titty goth gf” just end up being porn addicts and anime watchers kek.
By the way I watch anime too so I guess I’m an a hypocrite , but I never say it around because of how fucking weird fandoms and scrotes are. I wish it was still lame to watch it like when I was 10 watching Elfen Lied kek.
No. 2308730
>>2308709Is it really popular though or is it just us being too much in our eco chamber? 4B isn’t that much widespread and the reason the birth rate is so low is mainly due to economical reasons.
Women en masse can’t ever give up men and it breaks my heart to say this, but so many women participate and contribute to their own oppression, look at religious women, libfems. Being a die hard feminists requires effort that so many aren’t willing to put and I can’t blame them anyway, it’s easier to just think that “my choice is feminism!” than to properly analyze and digest how misogyny is so conjoined to society and how women are systematically held back, even in first world countries.
No. 2308733
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Tilapia is the best sweet water fish, it’s soft, not fishy and even has a sweet aftertaste. Are there any African nonnas here? I only ever tasted the one of my country though (picked from lake Victoria)
I don’t live in Africa but in Europe and I sometimes have these crazy cravings for tilapia kek. When I’ll go on holiday I’ll make sure to eat that every damn day.
No. 2308751
>>2308730Every movement had its humble beginnings, nonna. I've had boomers in my life who heard about 4B, even if it's not widespread yet it's spreading, and I'll take everything we can get.
It's true that most women participate in their own oppression, but again this is because they don't even know the rights that they have and have been groomed by their fathers and mothers on ancient values from when women couldn't open a bank account or purchase birth control without their husband's signature. However the economic crisis of the last two decades is becoming so bad it's simply not possible for middle class women to revert back to being enslaved SAHM pumping babies nonstop doing unpaid labor for a scrote when they're allowed to earn their own money and control their own reproduction now. If we give people rights it will take a while before they feel confident enough to use them as we are fundamentally animals afraid of deviating from the status quo even when it actively harms us.
No. 2308757
>>2308744 do you mean only the faggots ? I too think that males shouldn’t ever be in contact with little girls alone. A male or a male in a faggot relationship should never adopt a child. Sperm plus sperm is useless, they have no right.
Two lesbians though? Hell yeah, having a mother is far more important than having a father and two women can nurture and raise a child, better than two scrotes (and even a scrote and a woman sometimes).
You might ask “nonnita but two females can’t make a child” I know, but they both have eggs and an egg is far much more important than stupid sperm.
No. 2308902
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i think soyjaks are funny and i like making them
No. 2308969
>>2308434That’s literally what the anon said though. I hate saying it here, I don’t care if women want to rape men because men deserve it, but. Still “theoretically” it
technically is hypocritical to criticise rape by moids and then shill rape by women. If it’s a “deserved” I get it but isn’t the whole point that Luigi is a “good one” (why they want to fuck him in the first place) so other men would be more deserving of it surely? Lol. But whenever anyone tries to have an intelligent discussion about shit like this everyone just alogs
No. 2308993
I know it's kind of a meme at this point, but I think BPD is overdiagnosed. Or at least, is the first thing suggested when there's probably something more complex going on. The symptoms seem so vague, and you only need 5 out of 9 to qualify for a diagnosis, so it could present very differently in people even if they both have BPD. And it makes me a little skeptical that many women who were diagnosed with it end up finding out later on in their life that they are neurodivergent. For me, I think unless someone is the kind of stereotypical presentation where they behave chaotic, extremely reckless and hurtful to others, I wouldn't think it's fair to slap the bpd label on someone. It feels like so much stigma, like it's not even a helpful label to have, that it's not worth it. For example, someone who only experiences difficulties regulating emotions could potentially be treated the same as a deeply manipulative person who probably has a criminal record, just because of a diagnosis.
No. 2309274
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i personally think the VPN ban should stay forever
No. 2309300
>>2309291a captcha is
slightly too much for me, kek. unless if it was a one time per session thing, then i'd be for it!
No. 2309325
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>>2308738>>2308694all the articles about her especially the bbc one try so hard to make her seem evil and to make her pedo rapist husband the sympathetic one. excluding her reasoning entirely or vaguely referring to it as “after hearing a rumor” or “after a family row” and not even mentioning what that rumor or row is. in a facebook post everyone was cheering for her but the people in the judicial system are all pedo sympathizers. it’s sad that she confessed to her neighbor;
women shouldn’t be made to feel bad for killing pedos
No. 2309328
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>>2309322>>2309321>>2309319Yeah it's a joke. A Christmas joke.
No. 2309343
>>2308430I’d also like to say that dating apps and social media have given us the illusion of abundance. We weren’t supposed to be able to be in contact with this many people. Back in the day you had things like my space maybe , but regarding dating you tended to meet people organically and you weren’t getting blasted with ig models and photoshopped pictures.
I feel like everything has just turned shallow and boring, there’s no space to actually get to know someone because no one lets you. Everyone is dating just for the sake of dating and passing time mainly, they don’t see another person in front of them, just a “hook up” , a “situationship” or a “let us fuck first and see where this is going”. People are just full of lust and are ready to pounce on you with little to no courtesy and then leave without even telling you anything.
No. 2309402
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A very large portion of random e-girls (this includes people like Pinkpantheress) and FtMs are objectively more attractive than every single female Hollywood celebrity right now. There is no hollywood celebrity that would not be "mogged" by any e-girl I could find by scrolling on twitter or tiktok for 5 minutes.
No. 2309412
>>2309404Yes, she's objectively more attractive than Sabrina Carpenter
>>2309409I'm sorry that everyone that doesn't have extensive plastic surgery and drag queen makeup looks like a child to you
No. 2309428
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>>2309420Yorkshire puddings suck. Just soggy bland bread. I never thought to eat a classic English toast dinner while I was in England, shame. Btw London has shit food and England was by far the worst European country I’ve been to. I actually wanted to go home early. The afternoon tea was amazing though, I had it daily because it was fun and yummy.
No. 2309431
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>>2308163Its crazy how nonchalant they are about it
No. 2309440
>>2309431Men getting to fuck an older woman is totally different, that’s why. Thats why women should stop getting
triggered on men’s behalf. Maybe it’s because a lot of women got abused or groomed by older men and they see women as “protectors/nuturing”, so they get
triggered by an older woman fucking a young guy because she’s supposed to mentoring him and not sucking his dick.
No. 2309464
>>2309283ntayrt but you're so whiny
>>>This physically made me sickshut the fuck up you moralfag no1currs. Should we get you a hot towel and a glass of water or something? Imagine crying over rape fanfiction that isn't even possible to reproduce 99% of the time, you're physically sick at the idea of some anon trying to force some limp gummy dick inside her and calling it rape while the
victim that's taller and stronger than her whimpers "no it hurts" and covers his face in shame? Does that even sound threatening to you at all or just plain ridiculous? You know the answer so don't be an idiot, whether as a joke or threat it carries no fucking heat.
No. 2309472
>>2309423Looks wise, I like some of the cute pre-T ones too.
Not the fat, hairy, balding, roided up ones. Barf. But their mental illness and delusions fucking disgust me. They're insufferable and have no personality at all.
No. 2309499
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>>2309464That sounds hot
>>2309469I'm gonna rape him till he pees! I'm gonna rape him till he pees! Nananana!
No. 2309560
>>2309493Anons on this site do anything
but defend Sabrina Carpenter. SEVERAL of the celebricows threads are full of (rightful) criticism towards her. If anything, I've seen more anons tripping over themselves to thirstpost about Chappelle's ass.
No. 2309564
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>>2309472>>2309423I agree with you both, pre-T TIF's online are sometimes so sexy especially when they're alternative. I need to go to the ftm thirst thread but they make such hot masc women it actually sucks that they're almost always het women with a wolfcut. This emo tif makes me so horny I'm glad she's at least dating a girl
No. 2309586
>>2309573Nope, e-girl
is a 2019 aesthetic, not whatever you think it means, retard-chan. Inhale your copium and shut the fuck up about this already, autist.
(infighting) No. 2309599
>>2309402>random e-girls and FtMs are objectively more attractive than every single female Hollywood celebrity right nowwell yeah. technically an actor's job is to act. it's not just a beauty contest.
quoting because my real unpopular opinion is that the difference between pretty, average, and ugly isn't that big and is hugely influenced by non-physical factors. ceo killer is, like, fine. he's fine. but he's just a fun excuse to fangirl over a hot guy for the people involved. if he was a random guy in your college class then you wouldn't be losing your mind to fuck him the way some people are in /g/. it's the same principle as with boybands, he's someone you can safely gossip about and work yourself up over. I think that it might qualify as "safe horny" (in all-female social groups only, moids get furious when women are horny over anything that doesn't baby their egos like, i don't know, dad bods and sexy wrinkles).
No. 2309654
>>2309579>>>What is this curse of the inescapable phallus on this site lately? Now not even the lesbians think of clits first when they see a woman they just think of this.fair nona you got my ass
>>2309582ok other point cause I feel like gay tifs might identify more than het tifs do, with like a strap-on so it made sense at the time.
No. 2309691
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>>2309493>>2309497like the other anons said, most anons dislike all three at once. but 'appeals to the masses'? pretty much all her fans consist of gendies and a handful of fags, not a general audience. even the anons who are attracted to her and like her music admit that they find her insufferable kek.
who wants to bet this is carrey-chan yet again No. 2309862
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Most male's political ideologies derive from their fetishes, especially if they're extreme. Racism is apart of a cuck fetish (obsession with minority moids raping and breeding with their women) and most commie males want to rape women in their imaginary revolution. Trannydom too, it literally is a fetish all by itself.
No. 2309969
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The witch is more attractive
No. 2309974
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>>2309969You set her up. Aquiline noses can be beautiful, but also ugly too.
Picrel is a better example.
No. 2310011
>>2309862I always find it funny when people say a male gynecologist would NEVER go to medical school for years and work that hard just for sexual gratification.
Women are alarmingly naive(or just really in denial) to the extreme lengths many men will go solely to coom.
No. 2310105
>>2310011I just don't think most men have that type of long term thinking + planning + execution
I think most are lazy opportunistic coomers and are more likely to turn whatever they're doing into coom material, rather than the other way around. men meme themselves into fetishes all the time
so I don't think he became a gynecologist because it was his fetish, but because he's a coomer male he turned his study topic into his fetish.
No. 2310122
>>2310118I went to the cemetery for every death anniversary of my grandma except the tenth when my mom got into her head that everyone should make a speech without consulting anyone if they're comfortable with it.
Sorry mom and grandma, I will mourn and pay respects my own way
No. 2310474
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Anyone who practices Buddhism is clinically retarded.
No. 2310940
>>2309631I mean, it's nice but it's nothing special
People 'rediscover' some plain normal food and it becomes a fad for a while then it's off to the next fad and it stops being overrated soon enough
No. 2311035
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>>2310922read this as
>people who don’t have terminal illnesses should get euthanised too.kek you're not as edgy as I thought anon but I agree with you
No. 2311176
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i used to think that people were sorta nuts for saying that they hope their parents would hurry up and die already. that is until what happened earlier this morning with my own parents and now it's like, i get it now. hell yea. here's to hoping all the horrible parents who are incapable of loving their children a very speedy death coming at their doors.
No. 2311213
>>2311209mine was a “pagan” and got a tattoo of the chakras on his arm as if he was enlightened and all of them weren’t blocked by
toxic sludge. spiritual men are always the worst. i personally believe he will be reincarnated as me and it will be a funny cosmic joke for me.
No. 2311317
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>>2311311Zeeerooo accountability kek
No. 2311340
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>malnourished sheltered woman who bends over backwards for moid attention voted for trump
Color me shocked
No. 2311477
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>>2311411Zero accountability
No. 2311480
>>2311477"Caring for your partner" isn't serving their every childish
abusive whim.
No. 2311513
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Chocolate ice cream is way too messy and it isn’t anything special
No. 2311518
>>2311477God forbid
victims of abuse talk about their experience kek. It’s funny that when it’s “narcissist” (which are very rare by the way) then you can totally shit on them and call them all names under the sun.
BPD chans always act as if they’re being as stigmatized as those with narcissism when they get their asses coddled 24/7. The reality is that all these people with personality disorder are an anomaly and a risk, stay far away from all of them.
No. 2311600
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I think autistic men are more sexist than regular men, every time a sperg describes his ideal woman it's either mommy 2.0 or a cartoon cut-out of womanhood that doesn't exist in real life, and for that reason I hate them more than normal males.
Even a neurotypical "tradcath" man understands that he has to provide for his slavewife. Autistic men expect to be pampered without offering ANYTHING in return. They just want to play vidya all day uninterrupted, someone else can pay the bills and clean up their pig-sty bedrooms littered with anime figurines. They don't care! They never had to do anything for themselves, so why start now?
They don't even contribute to niche branches of science anymore, they just hyperfixate on anime and factorio and groom kids online. If anything they're a net negative. Fuck autistic men.
No. 2311683
>>2311661I don't think it makes women look "moidish", but I've yet to see a woman who can pull off an entire stereotypical biker sleeve.
Tattoos are lame, anyway.
No. 2311731
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At some point radfems who say "femininity was invented by men" need to start addressing why so many women appear to take active pleasure in applying makeup, styling their hair, doing their nails and obsessing over fashion, despite the fact that all of that stuff was supposedly invented and imposed on them by the patriarchy. Not all women are into these things, but fashion/cosmetics is a topic that's interesting to a huge number of women and those women clearly enjoy it too much for it all to be a mere societal obligation they have to perform through gritted teeth.
The fact that effeminate gay men (who are biologically feminized compared to straight men) seem also instinctively drawn to cosmetics and fashion, despite having the luxury of being freed from patriarchal expectations regarding appearance, is also a pretty damning to the idea that it's all just male-invented social engineering. Fashions and trends may change, but I don't think "beauty culture" will ever go away, because majority of women simply don't want it gone.
No. 2311806
>>2311786Yeah you can, lemme see what you got.
We'll argue against you but you'll only get banned if you're being retarded or go against site rules.
No. 2311812
>>2311774>Men have to be trained OUTI'd love a world where men were naturally inclined to do more (or fucking anything) for their looks, but their behavior suggests they simply don't have the same intrinsic interest in their appearance that women have in their own.
Take the whole HSTS vs. AGP question. One of the reasons why the former ones tend to pass (relatively) better than the latter ones is that they have innate interest in makeup and fashion and make an effort to learn the right techniques and styles. Heterosexual AGPs smear some eyeshadow and lipstick on their faces, dress in clothes that remind them of the goth girl they wanted to fuck in high school and call it day. They don't bother to do stuff like learn how to contour their faces to make them seem less masculine, because fashion and makeup holds no real interest to them outside of the function of giving them a boner.
No. 2311899
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>>2311661not true. You can have different styles for a sleeve.
I dislike tattoos on myself and I generally like my partners to have none or very few. But I like good art kek.
No. 2312052
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>>2312041it fits the definition
No. 2312102
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there should be a smoking section on planes. we can’t vape for obvious reasons but i think smoking cigarettes/joints and cute matchbooks need to make a comeback
No. 2312150
>>2312143What? What does being a pilot have to do with this? If you start a fire in an enclosed space thousands of feet in the sky there is a slim chance you’re surviving. There are hundreds of people on the plane. You can go four hours without damaging your lungs nonna, I believe in you.
>>2312142 the air in airplanes is extremely dry though, but I am just now realizing that I’ve seen people drop cigs before and it was fine. Still, this sounds like a lawsuit in the making for both the company and the smoker.
No. 2312327
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>>2312321I get the same sick feeling when I think about that show still being on as when I see those frozen climbers on Mount Everest from the 80s/90s. I'm glad you are enjoying yourself though, anon
No. 2312349
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>>2312336I think he's there forever or until technology is advanced and cheap enough that retrieving him won't be a big deal. I'm pretty surprised he wasn't taken down during the early/amoral reality tv era
>>2312339kek glad you liked it, anon. The climbers are a repeat topic on Kendall Rae-type yt channels and places like reddit, so plenty of lukewarm info and commentary out there if you're interested in learning more
No. 2312357
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>>2312354Nothing about his story makes sense. Professionals tried to remove him and give him a respectful burial, but claimed his body was fused into the ground and frozen. Then, he was moved and it was theorized the wind blew him in that direction, not humans. Now it's being hypothesized that mountaineers buried him somewhere. Why no one has come out to share that they buried him is strange, so I don't think that's it. I'm pretty sure he didn't climb alone, his friends abandoned him. How sad. On another note, mount everest is covered in shit, literal shit. There are also huge crevices that can only be crossed with a horizontal ladder and the videos of it are absolutely terrifying. The sherpas who have to create a safe path for climbers have such a scary job. Poor guys, it pays nothing too.
No. 2312371
>>2312366ntayrt but we’re at a point in history where we could have legitimately separate sections, like separate rooms with fully closed doors so that non smokers and children arent exposed to any smoke in the plane not just rows separated by curtains
>>2312370ok i know that smoking weed and smoking cigarettes is bad for you but i don’t think it’s as bad as the porn/sex trafficking media industry
No. 2312372
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>>2312366It's a smooth ride through flavor country. Why not relax with a cig and enjoy it, tense-anon?
delete/repost bc I want it to be clear I'm encouraging anon to smoke
No. 2312392
>>2312371It’s stupid to compare them because they create different problems. Smoking is so bad that it was able to increase the percentage of lung cancer (it’s the number one leading cause of death by cancer) and also the percentage of it in women (before it was men that had it more, now it’s the same), it’s also strongly correlated to other diseases from hypertension (which increases heart disease by the way), diabetes, BPCO and so on. It also makes you reek and age faster.
Smoke your cig but you’re retarded if you downplay the long term consequences, we don’t live in the 60s anymore.
No. 2312476
>>2312397I never said that smoking is worse, just that it’s stupid to compare them because they pose different risks.
Smokers are so funny because they swear up and down that their shit fumes should not be a big deal kek.
No. 2312535
>>2312367Trust me you do kek. I can always smell someone who smokes habitually, especially those who smoke a full packet everyday or those who roll tobacco , from their breath to their clothes too. And yes even if you apply perfume, I can still tell.
If you’re smoking like one cig a day or just when you’re out on the weekends no I can’t smell you.
No. 2312554
>>2312530Idk maybe it varies from people to people? There are periods where I shave and periods where I don't and when I'm sweaty I smell regardless. That said I don't have a bunch of hair on my armpits.
>>2312531Men are on another level. I think body hair is beautiful and charming but only if it's like when women have it.
No. 2312563
>>2312560I’m not a drugchan but weed is honestly a non-issue unless you obviously drive under the influence or something like that. Stoners are retarded but they aren’t criminals.
Heavy drugs are a big no though, look at what happened in the cities where they were legalized kek, you have drug addicts roaming and ruining the streets. I don’t feel sorry for any of them , sort from maybe the ones who got addicted to pain killers due to an injury. Taking drugs is a choice, sure you don’t choose the addiction, but from the moment you pick up and snort or smoke that stuff it’s on you.
No. 2312576
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I am honestly angry that many women both here and on other social media like instagram and X are sexualizing and turning the CEO killer Luigi into some type of husbando while in reality he was just an angry incel ex-fuckboy. His nose is very big he looks like pinnochio and he is also balding and has a normie personality, if he was a woman no man would waifu him up like women are husbandoing luigi up. It's sad how men can be total monsters and get a pass for everything. I also don't think he cared about society he was only angry because he could not keep banging stacies because his spine is totally fucked up. I will get attacked for my opinion but this is how I feel about Luigi.
No. 2312599
>>2312591Ok now that I think about it they would 100% fantasize about raping Luisa and forcing themselves on her since the spine problems would make her have pain during sex. Moids would love his genderbend version you are right TMD.
>>2312583He gives me arrogant frat boy vibes in all his photos it seems nonnas are having mass delusional hysteria.
>>2312593I mean it's good he decided to kill an evil CEO instead of innocent citizens but he only did it because it affected his ability to have sexual pleasure. He is not robin hood he is just a coomer boy.
No. 2312639
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>>2312599Yeah the pain never bothered him at all, it was all because he couldn't have sex the same way anymore. The fact that he was in pain had zero to do with it at all. I know all this because I'm a knower. What kind of a gross coomer cares about having a sex life anyway?
No. 2312698
>>2312694Don’t be delusional nonna. Most of the people are straight, both men and women. You can appreciate beauty without feeling attraction.
I have a very gorgeous friend who I have a deep platonic relationship with, but it’s just that. When I think about pussy I don’t think anything.
No. 2312714
>>2312672>kamikaze the buildinghe said he didnt want to hurt innocents
>But what did he gain in the end?lolcow harem, bunch of people admiring him
No. 2312729
>>2312718>you think a normal peron would go on and kill and ceoNot a normal person, but a person who is profoundly dissatisfied with his life or who is in chronic pain and wants to take revenge to the embodiment of who ruined his life? Yes.
If Luigi didn’t have any back problems he would have been your usual rich frat boy, maybe left leaning, but a regular ole scrote all the same. You’re acting as if he did this out of his holiness, when it’s not that.
No. 2312777
>>2312718>>2312752>>2312764Oh damn, you're retards. You assume that it's normal to not give a shit about something if it doesn't affect you when that's the most moid brained take ever. I care about many things that do not affect me because I'm not some rich psychopath spewing trad shit on twitter. And you believe he's so holy that no one else could possibly do something so important as he did (which honestly didn't solve much, you think CEOs are going to bend over because one of them got shot? We live in a world where pedo rapists are presidents) when so many other people (especially women) are trying to change tne world in meaningful ways (and with less money than Luigi boy) but they don't have a cock and a butter face so of course you don't care.
>>2312766Again, do you honestly believe CEOs are doing anything besides doubling security with the huge amount of money they got? Luigi will rot in prison and will get his ass blown out because he did the moid thing and decided to shoot a CEO over pain and not fucking instead of doing something far more meaningful in the long run with all the money from his rich ass family. Did he do something cool? Sure. Did he do it because he cares about any other person besides himself? No. Is he ugly? Absolutely.
No. 2312806
>>2312764Sorry I don’t go around killing males and shooting up meetings what do you want me to say.
I care about not going to prison, shame on me! I also donate to charities so I do not feel that bad when you lecture me kek.
No. 2312817
Being a ghetto hood rat is the new emo/goth for white people. It’s a way to get attention without having any redeemable qualities(especially if you’re a woman because you can go in those spaces and get the kind of attention/admiration you’d never get in white spaces) and piss their parents off. I always wondered why there are so many white people like this now and then I realized that emo/goth culture has died out a lot and now the people who wouldn’t been a rocker in the early 2000s for attention, now have to resort to being hood rats(example: wearing wigs, stripper clothes/makeup, dating dangerous black guys who are in their 30s/40s)
No. 2312828
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>>2312777I'm not even that invested in the topic, but the "hot takes" I see here are hilarious
>what you pickmes need to understand that it wasn't a divine calling, the moid had personal reasons to be angry at the state of health insurance companiesWOW REALLY?
No. 2312848
>afraid to go to prisonSo why are people wrong for admiring someone who isn't afraid of that, and who directly punishes evil/shitty CEOs, risking their "freedom"?
>he did it for the wrong reasonsOkay? A win is a win. I don't care if a hundred men start targeting actual monsters in human flesh because their pee-pees don't work anymore. That is a net positive.
No. 2312935
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It's wrong to judge a population's looks by edited images/clips or celebrities and other people with surgery. The before photos re: surgery and images of random people on the street are more reliable. Koreaboos and other kinds of fetishists are like Butters in that South Park episode where he kept looking at a shooped photo of his girlfriend and talking about how she was hot.
No. 2312965
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>>2312942Not all are that extreme, but Koreans generally have more rectangular/square faces and bigger chins.
No. 2312983
>>2312966>>2312966Not just netizens. Even Asian tourists (including SEAs and EAs with brown skin) get harassed by randos on the street in Korea. Just a
toxic and vapid culture all around. If it weren't for America pumping money into SK they would have stayed as a third world shithole like the SEA countries they hate
No. 2312992
>>2312957Idk who did Lisa nose job out of blackpink but their documentary on Netflix there's a few zoom ins on Lisa's face and her nose just looks awful. Some of the nose jobs look like they've literally molded plasticine and placed it on the face. It's very jarring.
>>2312946I agree with this. I think it's so fucking unnecessary and medically unethical. I'm just glad there appears to be a counter culture finally forming against the beauty industry and fillers and surgery. Natural will always be classic and classic is always timeless and timeless beauty is omega.
No. 2313035
>>2312777I dgaf what he looks like, but people like you will always move the goalposts. What could he have done instead? Those companies have the real fuck you money and deeper pockets than any nouveau rich could ever dream of having. They control the laws, buy off our politicians, get into positions of power, and do all sorts of unscrupulous shit because they're so out of touch with the average person. Luigi is young and has nowhere near enough influence at this time to have gotten anywhere through just paying his way in, plus he'd have to kiss ass and suck up which might've been against his personal values. We are reaching a point where the billionaire class is practically untouchable and those standing up against them in any way will be crushed for even attempting to speak out, like the woman who was hit with the 100k bail. Trump plans to free and pardon the Jan 6th rioters who placed pipe bombs at both the Republican and Democratic HQ, stormed the capitol with guns and riot gear, threatened to hang Pence and harm other political bigwigs, all over some falsified claims of election fraud by their dear leader. Yet people like Luigi are somehow the terrorists for going after a shitheel CEO that no one would miss, all because they have the most money and can dictate the laws.
No. 2313054
>>2312935I wish I could do an internship in Korea kek, I want to learn. They’re pioneers regarding plastic surgery.
I mainly want to focus on reconstruction though, not necessarily cosmetic.
No. 2313061
>>2313035Geez calm your titties kek.
No one here is really saying that he did something wrong , just that we need to be realistic than jumping immediately onto idealization. Maybe use the momentum to properly demand change in the healthcare system since this fact actually brought many people together, even those from the right. Protest, maybe use even violence too, but thinking about sucking his dick doesn’t really matter.
No. 2313097
>>2313068I think you’re looking into it way too much. Platonical relationship can be passionate too you know? You don’t need to have sexual tension to have chemistry.
I had a gay best friend in high school and we were super close, he wasn’t really out yet, but at a certain point he confessed to me that he had a crush on me when we met for the first time since he found me really beautiful. But nothing came out of it obviously. Does that make him 98% gay kek?
It all comes down to a matter of eating pussy or sucking dick, things have become way too complicated nowadays with people wanting every labor for their retarded micro-identity.
>if you’re appreciating the beauty and envy the beauty of someone you just be attractedOk would you eat her pussy or rub your clit against hers? No? Then you aren’t interested and no you aren’t a bisexual gynoaromantic mascfem.
No. 2313110
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>>2312880Imagine paying money to be harassed by porn addicted coomers on the streets, men that only like women with super tiny noses are pedophiles and if you have children with your desired moid they will have nose like your old nose and he will get angry at you. I don't know how big / crocked your nose is but wouldn't it be better if you found a man who loves the real you over plastic? It seems cucked to go through plastic surgery to be sexualized by men, most women get sexualized for everything.
No. 2313115
>>2313097>>2313068I also have another gay friend that always praises me (not in a crude manner) and he’s touchy sometimes, is he 96% gay nonna kek? I took a picture while I was on his lap once , did his gayness decrease in that instance?
Your argument is so silly nonna, not in an insulting way mind you, just it makes me chuckle.
No. 2313116
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>>2313109dont fall for it nonas they lurk among us
No. 2313172
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>>2313147You can sexualize any celeb or history moid but to sexualize an italian fuckboy fratboy who murdered a CEO because he could not bang stacies is stupid, get better husbando taste because Luigi is obviously a normie. Also another unpopular opinion but having elliot rodgers as husbando is also cringy because he was an annoying boy with a shitty personality and im sure most nonnas who would stumble across him would friendzone him because of his personality alone. Ted Kaczynski mogs these faggots because he actually had a good reason to do what he did, ER and Luigi only killed because muh sex.
No. 2313174
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>>2313147If it were solely about objectifying him or raping/having sex with him it would be okay but women's sexuality involves humanizing, caring, trying to understand and sympathize for that person so that's why it's straight up retarded and even bleak when women basically "love" these scrotes and later on protect and defend them when said scrotes would never do the same. Picrel for the first paragraph for the point im trying to make but the second paragraph also illustrates your point as well. I guess this opens for a larger conversation.
No. 2313178
>>2313115>>2313097This isn’t about gay men who have an incentive to try and be straight though. It’s about heterosexuals that have no reason to explore any sort of small attraction to the same sex. Straight men and straight women alike do this. From my own experiences/what I’ve seen, I would estimate that about 50% of people are bisexual with a preference of the same sex and very rare attraction to the same sex. You say “96% gay” in jest but there are plenty of women larping as lesbian that would be crucified for having an exception - just because it’s an “exception” doesn’t mean it doesn’t make you bisexual.
>It all comes down to a matter of eating pussy or sucking dickDoes it though? Sexual attraction is the act of being sexually attracted to something, committing sex acts is another thing. There are numerous variables than can affect the likelihood of either. There are plenty of bisexual women who wouldn’t suck dick. On the other hand there are plenty of gay scrotes who have fucked and had children with women without being attracted to them.
No. 2313217
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>>2313195>You think the anons on lolcow would actually fuck some right wing tard IRL you're insane.Women of this website have admitted to actually dated/seeked out attention from 4chan and r9k
>Do I think women writing about these things actively harms society and the women around them? Also no.You're retarded then
No. 2313234
Moralfagging over what a woman gets off to is just another way to direct anger toward men towards women kek, sorry you cannot change my mind.
>>2313217>comparing some women encouraging pseudo-parent incest of real people to anons who want to cuddle and suck the dick of some moidYou fake internet radfems are such a disappointment to the women who actually wrote and discussed theory and advocated for our rights kek. You will never be Andrea Dworkin.
No. 2313242
>>2313217All the dumb hags in those comments salivating over dd/lg age gap fantasies and seething that their crush would marry an older woman should hang.
I don't understand idiots who mald over who a celebrity is dating. Did you think you had a chance, or do you just think it's part of some contract that they get with someone you can self-insert on? Actual subhuman mentality. Even the early australopethicus editions of mankind probably weren't this fucking stupid.
No. 2313276
>>2313266Stupid women like in the image here
>>2313217 should also be sterilized
No. 2313279
>>2313257I worked with a bought woman from the Philippines and I completely disagree. The only funny thing out of the situation was she was cheating on her husband with any man younger or fitter.
However I'd love a man from california to want to marry me and let me get a green card I also just love the accent. I had a moid friend I knew since I was 13 and last time I got dumped we were sexting each other and I thought we were bantering about him flying out and then he sent me photos of him getting a passport like a week later and I wasn't into the idea of him staying in my shitty apartment so I ghosted him. He should have invited me to his shit hole home idk how many times I have to tell potential suitors I have a rich dad that just wants me settled so he doesn't have to be the main man in my life. He wants me to emigrate too and hates this gay country as much as I do
No. 2313344
>>2313279LMAO I think I know that scrote or one similar. The one I know ended up flying out even though he’d been ghosted to, idk, run through the streets screaming your name? I never found out what happened to him, lol.
My coworker has a wife that he says was a mail order bride and it somewhat skeevs me out. She’s real nice though, and she and I sew for the same charity. She’s had two kids by him. He’s a pretty ugly scarecrow so I feel bad for her on that account. I hope the kids take after her.
No. 2313365
>>2313261They have made such political and social strides because they hate, degrade and actively endanger women. It was never built on equality, it's the other extreme of right wing ideology, instead of reducing women to a baby factory and housekeeper slave, gender ideology reduces women to self-objetification rituals and being a bimbo sex doll. The problem with feminism both liberal and radical is that they try to push the equality narrative when men do not want to be equal with women. Radfems did emphasize that feminism is for women's liberation, however they never have degraded and reduced or even taken away men's humanity like men have done to women. They brought light to women's struggles and made progress for their rights and their roles in culture but belived and still belive that men are just "socialized" to hate women when they are like this by default, men are just predators. "Socialization" is yet another coddling and coping for men, just like libfems defending crackheads, porn addicts and trad women defending their
abusive controlling men, they think that if they are understanding and nice enough he will change his ways. It doesn't matter if men are suffering from poverty, racism, war, they all can get together agree women should be the dirt under their boots. Even if they don't explicitly say it they all engage into some kind of degradation of women whether it's porn, unconcious bias, calling women bitch, whore, slut, cunt and treating it like it's part of normal vocabulary. No matter the situation men always other men's side. You can't even get women to agree that men are dangerous without an avalanche of pickmes telling you that you're literally genociding them. Movements that include men advance because they put themselves first and no one else. Succesful women's movements are already hard on their own because half of the population doesn't give a shit and wants you below them, so women only have themselves. The problem with so many of these trad and rape fantasies is like i said in
>>2313174 is that women always end up humanizing these men and then they bring that into real life, trying to "understand" and sympathize with these scrotes in an attempt to "fix" and help them only for these men to, surprise surprise, abuse them and use the space and attention that women gave them to turn it into a breeding ground for misogyny. It's the female version of men not being able to separate fiction from reality. If women kept it inside of Ao3 and books, keep men out of their spaces and actually acknowledge men are predators it would be one thing but given we live in a culture trying to normalize and encourage rape and women's subjugation, and women actively playing the sacrificial hero trying to empathize and fix abusers both in fiction and in real life, your bangmaid dark romance fetish does in fact hurt women.
No. 2313371
>>2313061Protesting does jack shit except maybe bring awareness to something, and right now there is almost no one unaware of how much of a scam American health insurance is. What we need is action and there are few actions that we average citizens can take because only money speaks to these reptilian fucks. All that protesting for Palestine did absolutely nothing but soothe the egos and consciences of people moralfagging about a problem bigger than them that they have zero influence over.
Speaking of which, my unpopular opinion is that Aaron Bushnell was a useless faggot for thinking setting himself on fire was going to change the minds or influence the people responsible for the genocide to stop; instead, the clips of the incident became radicalization fodder for tankie fringe groups and radical Islamist groups looking to recruit from abroad or at least sow more division among bleeding heart leftists.
No. 2313393
Women are still seen as possessions to men, and their sexuality is something “owned” or “pilfered”. Now this might be obvious but I don’t think people realise how much they feed into it. A young girl/woman belongs to her father - it’s the same reason why the implication of a sexual relationship with a boy or man is seen as a transgression towards the father. It can be seen in what surrounds the usage of “Daddy” and there are a lot of jokes that reference this “battle” for the ownership of the female in question often in a jeering manner like your daughter calls me daddy too etc. Another thing that males often say is “imagine this being your daughter” “imagine how her father feels” in regard to a women’s promiscuity or “sluttiness”. Disregarding the obvious primarily layer of misogyny involved it’s interesting how the father is always referenced. There is no equivalent to this; no one ever says, imagine how her mother feels, how his mother feels, how his father feels. Nope. It is just daughters, and fathers. It feels borderline incestuous and even though most fathers aren’t (I hope) they still often have these inappropriate feelings of owning their daughters, more than they do their sons and more than the mother does, and it’s not just some sort of familial psychological phenomenon because it’s specifically sexuality and relationships that trigger this. You can even read stories on reddit about fathers venting about not being able to get over it, for some fucking reason.
Later on the role gets transferred to the husband or boyfriend ie “imagine your wife” “imagine how her boyfriend feels” - both of these are treated like a “cucking”. The “cucking” is the threat of your ownership of a possession being taken. It’s like the primitive pissing on your territory. Men see girlfriends and women like this in general, even just in innocent relationships, things to be passed between each other, won from each other. Male heterosexuality is a homosocial game in which the women aren’t even the players; no, they see the players as other males, and the women are the chips. When they see a woman they first see what she is an extension of, whose property she is (ie which male owns her). Even the most “feminist” moids subconsciously do this. (And I wouldn’t be surprised if some women did too)
No. 2313451
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>>2313424>I only tolerate people talking about them because it scares moids awayA lot of the time they'll pretend to like it or actually do because moids love to talk about themselves and the BPD reading their fortune is saying complimentary things about them, while she gets to larp as a superior and magical celestial pixie. Most of the time you'll just end up with a moid shouting "no way! that's fucking crazy!" over and over or the conversation goes on for even longer because they're both getting high on each other's narc fumes
No. 2313538
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if you ever wanna find out if someone has a personality disorder go look at their dogs kek. years of experience has taught me that people who has, especially within the cluster b personality disorders, tend to have aggressive dog breeds. especially pit bulls. they love to be the witness of violence because they're fucked in the head due to that type of mental illness. every narcissistic psychopath i've ever known owned a shitbull and every borderline failed abortion has a rottweiler or similar breed. sure someone can be crazy and have a sweet dog breed, but its usually what i described and usually the crazy idiot ends up abusing the sweet dog while letting aggressive dogs kill everyone around them for shits and giggles. one time i confronted a shitbull owner about the statistics backing up about those types of dogs leading the numbers for murder rates and she laughed and said i shit you not, "okay and what do you want me to do about it?" idk bitch maybe kill yourself?(dog hate outside of containment)
No. 2313623
>>2313582nta but hating shitbulls is natural, not psychopathic at all. What's psychopathic is how pitfags continuously
victim blame and gaslight themselves and others into thinking it's how you raise them when you can't train the aggression out of a bloodsport breed. Plenty of people have raised them as puppies from birth in a good home, run them through expensive dog training classes, only to have them snap out of nowhere because they're fine until they're not. Then they say "shibby's never done this before, I don't know how this could've happened". It takes a particularly mentally deficient and/or sadistic individual to cape for shitbulls. So yes, nona's probably run into quite a few disordered individuals who own this particular type of dog.
(dog hate outside of containment) No. 2313624
>>2313583That game sucks. I'm tired of hearing about it. Just another game where there's one female character and oh she is a rape
victim. And she's pregnant! Great the two only character traits that a woman is allowed to have in fiction. Loving that. Oh and it's a shitty walking simulator? wonderful! I saw someone else say that the creator modeled the woman character after Shelly Duvall.
No. 2313687
>>2313684also i think people may not necessarily get reincarnated as humans at all if they bad next. maybe they get eaten by a bird as a worm for 100 lives next. maybe
victim is the last life before nirvana.
No. 2313688
>>2313680>karmic punishmentSame. My parents were Buddhist but it was just praying to Buddha for good things in life and the occasional food on the shrine and I'm thankful for that, but their friends and family members would be blaming their own kids for being bullied or assaulted.
>>2313683Shit like this happens all the time in my mother country. Personal experience mainly
No. 2313919
>>2313679My mother's religion doesn't involve reincarnation but she and her family always come up with similar bullshit. She's always coping with having a genetic chronic illness that only strated being a problem in her 30s with "god is good so I must have earned it somehow" but deep down she knows it's unfair that her genes are all fucked up and she always suffers. The only difference is that she and everyone else thinks they're always getting punished for things for their current lives but since this is nonsense, they start getting paranoid and assume any little normal thing could have angered god, like having a normal argument with their
abusive parents or having bad grades in school, putting bread on the table on the wrong side, not helping relatives committing a crime, etc.
No. 2313955
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>>2313161Dick is a fine name, it reminds me of Nightwing.
No. 2313970
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>>2313957She reminds me of Macauley Culkin when he looked like picrel. It's weird how much both of their faces changed, I wonder who she will look like next
No. 2313972
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>>2313957She looks like the moon emoji
No. 2314029
>>2312935This reminds me of the last time I went to pay a parking ticket at court, one of the lawyers working there was full blooded korean and looked like the asian version of an aryan poster. 6'3, super chiseled jaw with a big aquiline nose. (He had very stereotypical narrow slanted eyes though.) Not even my type of guy but he blew me away with how attractive and chad he was. Your image is kind of insulting but I've seen a similar before/after of a woman with really handsome, symmetrical features, attractive deep set eyes, and strong jaw, like she went from angelina jolie to a polly pocket. Like I swear south koreans make the rest of east asians look utterly soycucked by comparison and they just throw it all away to look like coomer anime figurines, its so disgusting I can hardly describe it.
Oh yeah while we're at it, a big nose is better than a small nose. Noone would care about Luigi if it wasn't for the ugly schnozz.
No. 2314081
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>>2312965Always funny seeing people (read weebs and kboos) discover that the asians they idolize are in fact normal average people too. Worshipping an entire race is fucking weird and always will be
No. 2314134
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just found out luigi has yellow fever how are nonnas still simping for this sexpat pig?
No. 2314145
>>2314140he was trash talked here yesterday but we are discussing how he is a sexpat freak today
>>2314139yes but only the brainrotted coomers and weebs
>>2314141does he truly have african mix on his DNA?
No. 2314159
>>23141431.Asian women have a higher level of neotenity and that's what men are attracted to
2.Asian women benefit from massive MASSIVE glowups with the right styling and makeup and angles and plastic surgery, I mean just look at all the douyin chicks who are extremely average in reality but on cam they look like goddesses. Their face is like a blank canvas and you can paint anything on it, it doesn't have all the edges of non-asian women.
2.And the most important factor, there's an entire history of fetishization at play here!
No. 2314168
4.Asian media is highly intertwined with nerdy, gaming spaces. You can notice here a difference between men who grew up spending too much time on the pc and phone and men who mostly played sports. The chronically online white men have higher rates of yellow fever and like all sort of asian aesthetics and alt women (for some reason liking asian women and alt women goes hand in hand even though the majority of asian women are NOT alt at all, which just shows their brains are fucked from too much anime), while the jocks want a blonde cheerleader or a hot latina or idk, madison beer lol
No. 2314257
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>>2314029Because Korea is kind of a cucked country. All conquered and buckbroken countries hate their own natural features to an insane extent, associate them with ugliness (no matter what) and pedestalize the features of those who conquered them. They have a massive inferiority complex toward the countries that bested them, and are also often hostile toward everyone else (especially on the basis of skintone or race) to try and forget their feelings of lowness.
I don't understand how Korea and China aren't embarrassed to see their own kind complain about how western brands using Asian models with strong Asian features (or even just freckles) is somehow "making Asians out to be ugly". Picrel is supposed to be an "ugly" woman who's "bad representation" for China. Stupid moids hate their own genetic stock and identify so much with failure/defeat that they want nothing but makeup-covered women with surgery on their jaws, eyelids and noses on both a local and international level, especially those who can pass as mixed or hapa (ironic because they treat mixed people like outsiders anyway). Like, imagine wanting pornface, fake-cutesy bullshit and incel-pandering aesthetics to represent your whole demographic. This isn't a matter of "preferred" looks, it's outright erasure. Where are Asian women with actual ancestral features supposed to go? Hell? Kek
Like, they keep insisting it's "racism", but don't acknowledge the fact that the fashion industry also doesn't try to erase white people with strong European features like Kelly Mittendorf, Molly Bair or Lindsey Wixson. They don't even block out mannish-looking women like Rain Dove. They uplift them for being unique, even quirky because they're eye-catching. Even black people don't run around trying to cancel people like Grace Jones, Naomi Campbell or Adut Akech because "reeee why don't they look like porn stars". I'm pretty sure this is because in spite of all the racial conflicts both past and current, neither group are actually lying when they say they love their own features/people. I don't get why Asians (and MENA people tbh) identify so much with their historical losses that they can't be the same way, but it's cringy to watch.
No. 2314271
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>>2314268I'm convinced they'd be fine with the filled lips if only she'd also had her nose smashed with a hammer, her eyes cut up to fold a certain way and something done to her jawline. They were mostly upset about her eyes being "too slanted" and "stereotypical".
No. 2314321
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black women or any other race of women complaining about scrotes not liking them is pathetic. what makes it even more pathetic is trying to compete with the other races of women. grow some spine and stop embarrassing yourself(racebaiting)
No. 2314356
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>>2314341They look like awkward kids next to her.
No. 2314368
>>2314349NTA, this sounds like a comment coming from a place of hurt. I don't think it's right for that anon to have said that, but it's weird and unhealthy for everyone that Asian women with facial surgery are so often pushed as the "Asian image" and made to compete with women of other races with naturally pretty faces. Whenever these race fights come up, it's always kpop idols vs random white women, black women, etc.
Black men just love fat women, so I don't think their opinions are important.
No. 2314371
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>>2314364youre going to lie to me and say the asian one looks better?
No. 2314382
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>>2314368as if black celebrities are totes natural beauties kek even regular black women go under knife to get dangerous surgeries on their bodies like bbl
No. 2314393
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tan japanese women are so hot
No. 2314409
>>2314382Even then, surgery rates for the black community globally and even in western media are nowhere near as high as for the Asian community, and the pressure to go under the knife is much higher for the latter because of Asian moids and their constant browbeating while looking ugly as fuck (all while still shaming those women for getting surgery).
I agree BBLs are bad, but black women en masse aren't pressured to get their entire faces and bodies cut up because their eyes are somehow considered "unfriendly" and their jaws "not small enough". It's saddening. I've never heard of groups of black women having identification issues because their passports don't match their faces or getting sued by their partners for their kid looking their pre-surgery selves, but I can't say the same for Asian women. It's like East Asian men put women with surgery on a pedestal and ignore or insult the rest, but also get off on degrading them for it.
In general, beauty contests are a waste of time, you're trying to fight over dick like a street hooker. It's better to address the way women are forced to pander to moids.
No. 2314416
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>>2314393I never got the hate for tans, it looks good on a lot of people. Hapa women look really stunning when they inherit light eyes but dark hair, mylene jampanoi was so pretty in martyrs
No. 2314426
>>2314412China is just as bad. The passport article I'm talking about happened to two separate groups of Chinese women. Japan isn't as bad, but I'm already seeing Japanese moids complaining about Asian women who don't look like kpoop showing up in western high fashion, kek. This woman is gorgeous
>>2314393 but since she doesn't look like an anime character with a V-line face, there are probably swathes of ugly Japanese soyjak lookalikes calling her a troon or talking about "unexpected jaw meat". The Japanese modelling industry is just as cutthroat about women looking "cutesy" and not "strong", and Jpop idols are already either made to get surgery, or "graduate" the moment they age out of looking 16 because the men don't like it.
No. 2314437
>>2314431It mattered for my scholarship
I payed only a third of the price because of my grades
No. 2314457
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>>2314402Korea considers itself the most hideous of all and deflects on other people for sport. It brings nothing to the international table but bad copies of Japanese pop culture, white pop culture and black pop culture. Nearly every time I see a stupid online racial argument that includes Asians, South Korean moids or pickmes are somewhere on the scene being the cringiest of all. They can't stop.
The entire country should just be shut down for 50 years and forced to re-develop its own internal beauty standards, music and aesthetics. No more hand-me-downs and factory produced garbage.
No. 2314466
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>>2314460NTA's worth remembering the peak of her fame was in the early 2000s, and nowadays she filters her photos to look like this. It was a huge mistake to let the nonces, otaku and kpoptards win.
No. 2314467
>>2314081Racebaiting over looks is retarded, but the self-imposed standards are very odd. Jung Hoyeon is miles more attractive with her naturally more Korean features but for some reason the features most common in their ethnicity than others (monolids, square faces) are literally considered the least attractive traits while less common features (big eyes, high nasal bridge, small jaw) are the standard. It’s not just exoticism because I don’t see any phenomenon like it. I find asian women very beautiful nut the depictions in media are closer to an alien race than the average asian women and it feels like the elephant in the room that people ignore.
I do think it’s interesting that yellowfever scrotes shill them as more feminine when they have a more “”masculine”” facial structure (not that that matters). Just goes to show stereotyping is always bogus.
No. 2314504
You’re overthinking is, lesbians are just more feminist on average than other women so obviously there is a higher proportion of lesbians than straight women vocalising about women’s rights.
No. 2314739
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>>2314127Nta but how did you never hear of Timmy Chlamydia
No. 2314751
>>2314747CC just one of the offshoots of LC that survived
I was here when anons decided to make it
If you search you can find the discussion on what to name it and stuff
No. 2314754
>>2314747Real. I feel like cc is made up of troons and teen
femcels these days. The only thing cc has going for it is cece, biochan, and a more relaxed feel. I wish it had actual moderators.
No. 2314764
>>2314757>they're almost anti-fun in a way. There's this really negative, serious tone on CCOh god yes
Everything there is srs bsns
No. 2314786
>>2314783 said we haven't been this bad in the past (been here for years and years). The tone on LC now is kind of shit, but there's still some fun to be had and interesting conversations to have. The problem now is literally just baiters and fake internet radfems who came straight from tumblr who still have the tumblr morality police within them.
No. 2314890
>>2314878>thinking that thinking scrotes are mostly shit = I think they all need to be exterminated>thinking straight anons on this site are polilezes who have given up sexual attraction out of some autistic man hate>get angry when anons aren't a monolith and are GASP attracted to MEN>sperg about how all women attracted to some man are EBIL WHOORES WHO WANT TO BE ABUSEDIt must be really hard to be this retarded and genuinely autistic bit here is something that might help you: anons on here are different people with different beliefs. This isn't a radfem site, we don't all believe in your retarded fantasy separatism land. Go back to CC, you will fit in much better there
No. 2314898
>>2314883You're actually the one who sounds like massive sperg, which is probably why you get "dogpiled", not because of your opinions.
No. 2314914
>>2314841Exactly. I was in the thread too saying he's ugly and no one cares because I didn’t explicitly phrase it to cause ab reaction. Aka
>Sorry nonnas but he's an uggovs
>Of course all of you would suck his ugly dick but criticise any other female murders, you stupid hypocritical whores No. 2314937
>>2314926Idk an imageboard with an official set of opinions to have sounds gay, sorry
Either that or we just have dedicated schizos spamming the boards like 4chan so that way everyone leaves which isn't really optimal either
It's just a part of posting on an anonymous site
No. 2314949
>>2314937That's not true kek. If you go to any 4chan board or thread with a strong opinion, refuse to integrate, insult all posters and state the exact opposite opinion, you often get banned and your thread eventually gets deleted for bait.
>we just have dedicated schizos spamming the boardsThat's already the case and happened specifically because these posters started to feel comfortable here due to lax moderation.
No. 2315009
It takes a very self-absorbed, detached, and narcissistic person to say they actually enjoy doing OF as a profession. To have no problem with ugly, stinky scrotes jorking it to your body; could be a male relative, a coworker, or some creepy inbred moid for all you know. I just don’t understand how a normal person is comfortable with that. I guess because it really tickles their ego that someone finds them momentarily attractive and therefore they claim it’s empowering. I would understand if one cultivated an audience of cute twunks or whatever strikes your fancy but the truth is all that cheap admiration comes from the lowest dregs of society and is worth nothing. You will never be truly respected and loved, especially once the novelty wears off for them. It’s only empowering to those who lack self confidence which isn’t dependent on the male gaze, ironically. I hate to see so many women cheapening themselves for a worthless thrill. On one hand I feel a twinge of pity, and on the other, disgust for what they willingly put themselves through for male validation. If more women were raised to have a strong sense of self and accomplishment independent of men we’d be better off for it. Men should be the ones working their asses off to appeal to us instead, since they have a very minimal sense of shame or dignity compared to women. Men are the cheap ones by nature, not us. We should hold ourselves to higher standards.
No. 2315037
This Alabama barker situation just confirms that normie women don’t care about pedos, they only care when they can’t benefit from it or a woman is doing it. Alabama was 17 and that man is 30 something and it makes no sense why the hate train is on her.
No. 2315089
>>2315037She’s 19, but he’s still a creep and in my opinion she’s getting way too much shit while no one comments on that lowlife woman beater, even Bhadbabbie kek. Women who dogpile on the mistress while remaining with the cheater are just ridiculous.
I wonder why her father doesn’t do much, girl seems lost and desperate for attention, it’s sad.
No. 2315171
>>2315130Sure bjchan was the 15 year old
femcel shooter
No. 2315258
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>>2315163>People who argue against the existence of free will almost always turn out to be predators or sociopathsWhat is it about them that causes this?
No. 2315417
>>2315414A lot of normies act like any woman who does OF will be instantly rich and it bothers me because only a very small fraction of women make substantial money on there, and those that do already had fanbase before they even started OF. The average OF woman will make less than $200 a month, about $2,000 a year. That really is not that much money, you make a lot more at McDonald's (at least where I live). Idk it just really upsets me that there's so much misinformation about OF and it tempts women to go into it only to make far less than minimum wage (again, at least where I live). Which leads women to feeling bad about themself, wondering well they must not be pretty enough because nobody is subscribing. Not to mention the most money you will make on there is within the first month due to novelty. A new girl is exciting, therefore gets more subscribers and overtime the novelty wears off and people want to see someone new. Also as a side note, the whole concept cheapens women's achievements because people see a rich woman and just dismiss it as "Oh well she must be spreading pussy online since she has money, women have life soooo easy" ignoring the fact that the vast majority of women will hardly make any money on there, the ones that do already had some amount of fame to begin with.
No. 2315466
>>2315445It’s not even that nonna. Some men fantasize about children and animals.
Centering your life around being attractive to men is time wasted.
No. 2315469
>>2315467Any time a man does something for you it’s because he expects to receive something in return, always. They never treat pretty girls well because they’re so appreciative and love contemplating beauty kek.
When a man is courting you, buying gifts, taking you out for dinner at a restaurant, even paying your rent or something like that it’s because he expects something back and that something is your pussy. In these times you don’t even get that kek, they don’t do shit and treat you like a rug and still expect you to open your legs.
No. 2315500
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Racists are responsible for the race-swaps in live action adaptions of animated movies. They are the ones doing free advertising/publicity everywhere they can and going to hate-watch it. They also create a base of leftist people who go to watch it specifically as a "fuck you" to them, which just adds to the pond of normal people who would've gone to see it either way.
It's clear to me that the seething around the HTTYD adaption is performative. The actress for Astrid is a natural blond, has the same eye color as the character and is the only one in the cast with recent Scandinavian ancestry. Her being 1/4th black doesn't cancel any of these facts, it's really just a matter of hating black people. With the exception of Mason Thames, no one else in the cast resembles the original characters even slightly, but people who insist they're "just concerned fans" somehow don't care about that.
If Dreamworks decides to have her tan and make her hair dark for the movie, it'll be that much more obvious that they're just leaning into Racist Coin and triggering right wingers for easy money/views. If they keep her blond, the same thing will happen, except those complaining will look even more schizophrenic. In all cases, I feel bad for her and all other actresses who get dogpiled by freaks because companies want money (funny how it's always actresses getting flack).
No. 2315612
>>2315531Men in particular like to act as if they're helpless little waifs who simply have
no choice except to open up their wallets for those eeeevil succubi harlots kek
No. 2315631
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>>2315610To be fair very pretty women still get cheated on and date the ugliest moids possible, and if you wanna take the trauma thing into consideration we could say the model industry is pretty
abusive and fucked up. Society is very cruel towards beautiful women when they turn old like Brooke Shields, but if you are "invisible" to the eyes of society they won't care if you age or not because you were never pretty to begin with. So it does not matter if a woman is a 10/10 bombshell at 20 because when she turns 35 moids will throw her under the bus for another young model, the span of beauty privilege is short because moids are pedophile scumbags. Pretty privilege is real but it comes with a dark price.
No. 2315656
>>2315535nta but while that's great for you, your anecdotal experience is not the norm. As someone who experienced 'pretty privilege' (and didn't recognize it as such as the time because I was still insecure) and then started experiencing the reverse, personality can help some people but it didn't do shit for me because the way I treated people didn't change, just my appearance did. The benefits of pretty privilege are well documented, it ties in with a social phenomenon called the halo effect, so completely dismissing it is kind of stubborn. You're probably average, maybe not particularly pretty, but certainly not all that offensively unattractive. Lastly, it doesn't all have to do with male attention, when you're attractive (as subjective as that can be in terms of a personal assessment) and people treat you better, you feel better about yourself and more worthy. You can play confident and tell yourself that everyone else are the ones who are wrong for treating you badly but it still creates bitterness.
No. 2315671
>>2315535To give my own anecdote, I've got a weird face where people think I'm either pretty or ugly with no in-between (I have nice features but they're wonky kek) so I get on both sides of this fence regularly. From my experience, pretty privilege is definitely real. I can tell when someone is looking at me with barely concealed distaste. It's not caused me any
massive issues, luckily, but the sheer awkwardness and shame is real.
No. 2315676
>>2315670>Would love to see the world you're living inI'm the same anon as
>>2315671 and while this
kind of happened to me (my pickme "friends" would gang up on me out of jealousy whenever I got scrote attention) I also saw how viciously the awkward ugly/plain girls were treated, and it's not even comparable. Is it really so hard to believe that misogyny comes in different forms?
No. 2315681
>>2315670That's also a thing, and it shouldn't happen, but there are still more advantages to being pretty if one utilizes them well. Scrotes are gonna scrote, but i'd rather have girls be jealous of me because they feel inferior than have them be mean to me or dismissive because they see me as beneath them and like some sort of punching bag.
>>2315674This. Another trip is having those same women who were bitterly jealous of you start treating you less worse when they don't perceive you as a threat anymore. It's not exactly kindness but it still feels hollow.
No. 2315707
>>2315705Nta but no one’s life is perfect. There are still pretty women who end up in
toxic relationships, broke etc because being pretty won’t save you from being stupid but society still is going to treat them better than a ugly woman in the same situation.
No. 2315712
>>2315707Yep. Being pretty gives one more options and leverage but you still have to put forth the effort to navigate situations wisely. It's not going to save you from getting into a
toxic relationship, for example, but it will bring you more options to choose from because even the most outwardly non shallow people have a subconscious positive bias towards people whom are easy on the eyes.
No. 2315749
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>>2315746There are a lot of people who don’t experience being poor, sexual abuse etc but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. Just because you don’t experience it or don’t notice it doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen. The world doesn’t revolve around you kek
No. 2315757
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This formula looks hideous
No. 2315762
>>2315749Oh, I experienced being poor and sexual abuse, but I wasn't handled roughly for being ugly, I was handled roughly because my parents were
abusive. But in my experience, most people are good, my experience where I live is abnormal.
No. 2315766
>>2315762My experience with
abusive parents that is.
No. 2315774
>>2315771It's like you just want to be a
victim. Seems like your life is a mess and you're a failure and you can't accept that it's because of your own mistakes, so you'd rather blame it on your dog face and prettier women than your own actions.
No. 2315801
>>2315742>Ashkenazi are closer to other Jews and share more Levantine/West Asian/North African genes than they do European. Source?
Ashkenazi Jewish people also openly place themselves above Mizrahi and Ethiopian Jewish people based on phenotype. The entire reason racists go back and forth and get off on accusing eachother of being Jews, and why Ashkenazi Jewish people living in the US so commonly flit between calling themselves white and not doing so is because Jewish people of European descent are very clearly white.
No. 2315808
>>2315805I reject your attempt at doublethink on this topic. I've seen and experienced what I mention with my own eyes. Attempting to inflate ME ancestry doesn't erase what's visible on a societal level and mass scale. The next argument is always
>noooo but the genocideWhite people have committed genocides on eachother since forever. I know a certain class of people have it within their culture to piss in your eyes and call it rain, but no one cares anymore, sorry.
No. 2315822
>>2315812I like how you try to attack a complete stranger and accuse them of "racial confusion" (something you clearly suffer from, I'm not the one confusedly babbling about non-existent unity in response to someone stating a fact) while insisting they're the "real" racist, kek. Transgender-tier projection. Transracialism really is the new frontier.
Btw, can you acknowledge the forced sterilization of Ethiopian Jewish women? The suicide rates? I'm aware there's an excuse for everything, but it's always funny.
No. 2315863
>>2315858>racial controversies*racism
White Jews are not the same as other Jewish people. Yes, there are white Jews. Everyone knows this but hand-wringing gaslighters and non-Jewish people who are afraid to offend when even others say it. If you live life as any typical white person would up until you want the minority card, you are white. Give it up and fill out the awareness checklist.
Better yet, go tell your shitty grandparents and aunts/uncles to quit bullying Mizrahi girls for their brown skin and curly hair, or Ethiopian girls for being black. Time to pay the ashkenormativity tax, bestie.
No. 2315878
>>2315873>it doesn't matter what you "identify" as or how often you try to brush off what non-white Jewish people go through.Samefag as
>>2315875, but I’m curious if you’re actually a non-white jew describing racism you’ve actually experienced, or your just projecting in order to spout a certain narrative.
No. 2315880
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>>2315858Anon don't bother, anyone who does diligent research knows ashkenazi jews are a roughly 50/50 mix between levantine and Southern italian.
No. 2315886
>>2315880>Past research found that 50 percent to 80 percent of DNA from the Ashkenazi Y chromosome, which is used to trace the male lineage, originated in the Near East, Richards said. That supported a story wherein Jews came from Israel and largely eschewed intermarriage when they settled in Europe. [The Holy Land: 7 Amazing Archaeological Finds]
>But historical documents tell a slightly different tale. Based on accounts such as those of Jewish historian Flavius Josephus, by the time of the destruction of the Second Temple in A.D. 70, as many as 6 million Jews were living in the Roman Empire, but outside Israel, mainly in Italy and Southern Europe. In contrast, only about 500,000 lived in Judea, said Ostrer, who was not involved in the new study.
>"The major Jewish communities were outside Judea," Ostrer told LiveScience.
>Richards and his colleagues analyzed mitochondrial DNA, which is contained in the cytoplasm of the egg and passed down only from the mother, from more than 3,500 people throughout the Near East, the Caucusus and Europe, including Ashkenazi Jews.
>The team found that four founders were responsible for 40 percent of Ashkenazi mitochondrial DNA, and that all of these founders originated in Europe. The majority of the remaining people could be traced to other European lineages.
>All told, more than 80 percent of the maternal lineages of Ashkenazi Jews could be traced to Europe, with only a few lineages originating in the Near East.
>Virtually none came from the North Caucasus, located along the border between Europe and Asia between the Black and Caspian seas.(this is an imageboard) No. 2315892
>>2315883>it didn't happen>it's all in the past>some ashkenazi jewish people not being racist means there is no racism at all Again, you're brushing off day to day realities because it doesn't fit what's comfortable for you in a western context. A minority of mixed Jewish people do not mean racism is "over". Ashkenazi people acknowledge themselves as white in positions of power, this isn't tenuous, it's well-documented. There are still garbage moids running around spitting on black children in Israel. That's just life.
Denying this is what makes you a weird racist, because racists love to play ignorant and gaslight.
No. 2315896
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>>2315886>conflating maternal dna and Y-dna lmaoSeriously how retarded you? No shit, jews were taken as slaves to modern Italy and married the local italian woman.It's even reflected in the genetic breakdown of ashkenazi jewish dna>>2315863>quit bullying Mizrahi girls for their brown skin and curly hairHave you seriously never seen an ashkenazi jewish person before??? Curly dark hair and dark med skin has been used to identify ashkenazi jews throughout history kek.
You're in for a treat No. 2315899
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>>2315896You realize bringing up that there are Ashkenazi Jews with similar features just makes it more egregious that Mizrahi Jews are shit on, not non-existent, right? Especially when it's on the basis of who is considered swarthier and less white-adjacent? Kek
No. 2315910
>>2315899Shat on by who? The russian woman who drew this because of her negative experience with uncultured mizrahi men? I live in israel, I'm slavic and come from a mostly christian background, my family made aliyah here during one of the large immigration waves in the 90's on the grounds that we have distant jewish relatives, and I know damn well it's not ashkenazi jewish women bullying mizrahim. Its Russians, and the feeling is def mutual. Mizrahim fucking hate us for not being practicing jews and vice vera. I've been called a dirty russian by mizrahim more than i can count. They literally make up the majority of this country and you think they're somehow persecuted against lol???
Also,I bet you only think jews are white cause you've seen blonde jewish women who are mixed with northern euro ancestry who like Alicia silverstone, meanwhile if you look up photos of her father you'll see he is far from traditionally european looking
No. 2315915
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>>2315910Russians also being racist and having tension with Mizrahi Jewish people doesn't erase Ashkenazi Jewish people being racist as well. I don't know why you're trying to derail to religious arguments.
>They literally make up the majority of this country and you think they're somehow persecuted against lol???Yes, and black people in South Africa were never persecuted against because they make up the majority of the country. Do you know how retarded you sound?
And no one serious is looking at Monty Silverstone and insisting he can't be white, fucking kek.
No. 2315916
>>2315902I didn’t say all racism is in the past, I said it’s not as huge of a problem today as it used to be and Jews largely face racism from outsiders, not from other Jews. Seeing outsiders trying to pretend we are all divided is quite annoying when it is 100x worse in the outside for us.
>>2315904This was historically true, and there are different political leanings today as a result of that, but part of it also has to do with how Mizrahi Jews were treated in Arab countries. They prefer more defensive and militarized policies as a result. But it’s more of a generational issue, that is more true of older Mizrahis and less true for the younger generation which is more integrated.
No. 2315920
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>>2315915Maybe i'm colorblind but you cherrypicking photos that are filtered to hell doesn't change the fact that he doesn't look white, sorry.
No. 2315922
>>2315915>They literally make up the majority of this country and you think they're somehow persecuted against lol???Yes, and black people in South Africa were never persecuted against because they make up the majority of the country. Do you know how retarded you sound?
My bad for double posting again i'm on mobile and my finger slipped, but can you please give me modern examples of mizrahim being persecuted against despite making up over 60% of this country? Thanks
No. 2315927
>>2315920Filtered how? Those are from way in the past lmao. I regret to inform you that white people can also tan, even when they're not Southern European. Not everybody burns easily.
>>2315922Literally talk to Mizrahi Jewish people about how they get treated, look at the existing wage gaps, etc.
No. 2315928
>>2315915Yeah that anon is not making her point well, I’m sorry to say
>>2315922I mean, has there ever been a mizrahi president of israel? I feel like the lack of political representation could be representative of institutional inequality
No. 2315932
>>2315913For context, it’s not secular vs. religious so much. I’m also from the US but lived in Israel for several years and have family from there also and what the other anon described is more tension that those with some Jewish ancestry who are not halachic Jews are coming to Israel for economic or other reasons and then often have little connection to the land or people. I don’t feel that way myself, just explaining why some Mizrahim have a chip on their shoulder. I myself am secular and I have not experienced that, most of the country especially younger people are secular, and even those who identify as religious are not always so and may identify that way for family reasons. I get along with Jews of every background, secular, orthodox, Russian, Ethiopian, Haredi, Ashkenazi, Sephardi, Yemeni, Bukhari, Kazakhstani, and have also met some very kind Druze and Arab Israelis. People are a lot more willing to engage when you treat them well.
No. 2315937
>>2315928Babe I talk to them every day. Israel caters to them and sometimes it feels like it's exclusively and only to them. Israeli culture is predominantly arab, add the 20% of arab muslims and Christians to the 60% of arab jews and you get an overwhelming arab majority. If you think mizrahim are treated poorly you should talk to my russian family who are treated like trash every day. The only "positive" is the overt sexualization of russian women in mizrahi communities. Believe it or not, but I have personal input into israeli society, probably because I have first hand experience with it!
>>2315927Yes there actually has been and hes been indicted on rape charges KEK. Mizrahim hold lots of seats in the current knesset, maybe even the majority in the current coalition. To claim they're somehow persecuted against is ludicrous and has no basis in reality
No. 2315947
>>2315483It’s not that. Women in
abusive relationships get used to that dynamic, it’s been proven that it alters your brain chemistry too. You have to also remember that they’re often in love with these men, they have probably spent time with them, maybe they’re financially dependent or worse they have kids together. Abuse isn’t also just straight up beating,
abusive men use tactics in order to make their
victims complacent and obedient, from keeping money, to shattering their self esteem (no one will love you, you just have me etc..) to even threatening to hurt their children. It’s not easy.
Abuse doesn’t start out of the blue otherwise it would be much more easier to leave.
I’m usually a hater when it comes to stupid women, but not in this case, abused women aren’t stupid and they sure as hell don’t walk into it, have a bit of empathy nonna.
No. 2315950
>>2315937>Yes there actually has been and hes been indicted on rape charges KEK. Mizrahim hold lots of seats in the current knesset, maybe even the majority in the current coalition.I see, I’m not that knowledgeable about israeli politics, so I wasn’t aware.
>Israel caters to them and sometimes it feels like it's exclusively and only to them. Israeli culture is predominantly arab, add the 20% of arab muslims and Christians to the 60% of arab jews and you get an overwhelming arab majority. If you think mizrahim are treated poorly you should talk to my russian family who are treated like trash every day.I’m sorry your family has been treating trash, but doesn’t it make sense for israeli society to preserve mizrahi and arab culture? As you said, they’re the majority. And their culture has deeper ties to the middle east. Perhaps over time, russians will become better integrated (I assume your family immigrated in the 90s?) and tensions will fade.
No. 2315953
>>2315476Sometimes race plays a significant role though, you’re probably not
POC, hence why you say that.
I’m black and I live in Europe and the difference is evident. I don’t make my race my only characteristic and I certainly don’t blame it when I have my own shortcomings, but I can realize that my race influences the way I navigate the world I live in.
No. 2315967
>>2315944Nope no bias at all, believe it or not but im friendly with everyone, mizrahi or not. Just trying to clear up some misconceptions, there are very high rates of intermarriage between mizrahim and ashkenazim in fact id say over 50% of jews here have mizrahi and ashkenazi ancestry. The hostility is not between mizrahim and ashkenazim. Now i'm not saying russians/Christians are totally innocent, slavic men tend to really hate mizrahi men because they share the sentiment that the mizrahi men are stealing their women(using such words as mizrahi/arab bull and the like) because many russian women tend to gravitate towards them over russian men (who have high rates of of alcohol abuse and schizophrenia so no shit) and ashkenazi men. but mizrahi men being sexpests is a whole phenomenon, especially morrocans, there's no excuse for being vulgar and gross and i'm not gonna feel bad for them and not call them out just cause they might be dark skin sorry
>>2315950I guess it does, but not while excluding other jewish communities.
No. 2315977
>>2315962I’m not wrong just because white poor people exist kek. There are very rich
POC people too, but that doesn’t negate the fact that race plays a role in the world you live in.
I also never stated that being white automatically grants you the best position in life, read better kek.
No. 2315982
>>2315962NTA but I don't think you understand what that anon is saying. No one thinks the average white person lives like Alabama Barker, but there are social allowances and privileges afforded to you when you are white that you wouldn't have if you were black or brown. That's just how it is. Poor white people exist, but you are statistically more likely to be poor if you are black or Hispanic, and it will be more difficult scraping your way up than if you were white (and also not an immigrant, or child of immigrants).
>ironically Asians in America on average do better educationally and economically than whites do, with Indian-Americans being the most successful groupThis is because most East Asian and Indian immigrants are rich, and even then, on an interpersonal level, they face racism and aren't given the benefit of the doubt as individuals the way white people typically are. I agree it's less than what other minorities face, though. The girl in the TikTok was just saying if she was rich and white, she'd have conquered the world, and yes, rich white people do pretty much do whatever they want. If you were rich and white, you'd be able to do it too.
No. 2315992
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>>2315986Essentially what's been said in this thread? It's not uncommon to be bullied or excluded for their features or stereotypes of their behavior, thrown under the bus, etc. This isn't extinct or rare, don't lie.
No. 2316298
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She'd still be massively disliked for obvious reasons, but I can't help but feel like she'd be less hated if she were a man. I also hate when people think her brother is totally innocent and just manipulated by her when he's arguably worse. I just know that people wouldn't make those excuses for him if he were a female character. I need more unapologetically evil female characters and Ashley is exactly that.
No. 2316319
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I don't think rape is always or even entirely about power like how people always say it is. I think a lot of it boils down to lots of moids really having too much sexual frustration and not wanting to keep their dicks in their pants. Basically, I don't believe all rapist moids even put that much psychology and thought into rape as if "I'm going to control and rape this person so I can feel power in order to feed my sociopathic, BPD, NPD, square root of my machiavellian brain", I think it's honestly just often that moids are simply way too horny to the point of it being revolting and dangerous. I'm not sure why people even try to make rapists into this deep psychology topic about power and shit, I think it's often really just some people being too horny and naturally revolting. I know I keep repeating the same point, but basically rapists are not that deep.
No. 2316351
>>2316319Even if it's not about power it's childish logic to force sex on someone because you want it and you should be put down like a dog.
>rapists are not that deep.Men outlaw homosexuality because they don't want rape happening to them, meanwhile rape within marriage is still legal within several countries because of what reason? I'll let you figure it out. Rape doesn't seem "deep" because it's so ingrained within the global culture that it's more like it's poisoned water and we're all just fish swimming within it completely unaware. We need a consciousness raising thread or something kek.
No. 2316355
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I think a lot of young girls are going to get groomed into doing onlyfans. Social media really glorifies these of users and the glamorous lives that they live and I've seen girls fall for the pipeline thinking it was a good idea to get naked on camera and valuing this over honest work. Years ago it was frowned upon to do these kinds of work and now seeing how degenerate our society is I don't think its going to end well.
No. 2316381
>>2316351men say it’s more degrading to be a male
victim because it’s usually something that happens to women and emasculating. as if it’s only supposed to happen to women and not that big of a deal for us. just like how they think “blue balls” is a thing and a bigger deal for them than not being in the mood for us. i hate men.
No. 2316437
>>2313711>>2313711we do, in leftist/liberal spaces. A part of me wants us to get serious about creating new programs and getting into finances to ride out the century. Sick and tired of seeing rap discourse and SJW screeds
>>2308498it sucks, but there's no other place
No. 2316447
>>2316319In a lot of situations, rape occurs because men simply CANNOT bear the thought of depriving themselves of a sexual encounter. Not having sex is the worst outcome in the world to them, so if a man hooks up with a woman and she tells him to stop, he might not (depending on his risk tolerance). Men constantly defend each other and justify rape by saying they can't tell if a woman really wants it or not - the obvious solution being that if she doesn't seem 1000% enthusiastic and into it, you simply stop - but that is not a solution for them because they literally can't tolerate the thought of not getting laid. They would rather play dumb and roll the dice that they might get away with it.
Sometimes it is also about power depending on the moid, but men live and die for the coom and much of the time it's that simple.
No. 2316450
today I came up with the theory that pedophilia can be inherited since retarded children is usually a result of the father being older when he reproduced. I think there's a link between fathers who actively seek and have children with younger women (teenagers in some cases), low IQ and pedophilia, at least in men. We know that low intelligence leads to pedophilia, rotten sperm causing mental retardation and autism, but if the father was a pedophile himself, the chances might be higher.
I've also come to the conclusion that a lot of pedophiles are autistic and have actually lower than average IQ, some are even retarded. It makes me think of the many pedos who say retarded things and act in retarded ways on social media where everyone can see them. Retards like Mad Thad and Nick Bates.
>>2316355Becoming redpilled on the way society treats women and girls after being exposed to radical feminism and becoming antiporn makes me feel like shit. I pray that I don't end up becoming a mass murderer of scrotes someday, because when I think about shit like this that most people don't even properly acknowledge it almost makes me lose it. I hate being full of female rage.
No. 2316460
>>2316319No the steps to make a rapist are that deep. It’s not about the immense need to have sex, I’ve been horny and never raped anyone. Let us not act like men are this rabid animals who can’t control their dicks, they don’t want to.
It’s about power because they feel entitled to a woman’s, when you rape you do it because you feel entitled to it. And why does it happen to women on a much bigger scale? Because men think of women as objects and especially objects of pleasure, they erase our humanity. It is really that deep.
No. 2316576
>>2316574I indeed really liked it as a 12 year old new weeb
and one of the characters was my first waifu but yeah, I agree with you about the long-term fans. Magia Record's existence hasn't helped. I do think people have always overstated the ePiC BrUtAlItY of the franchise but it's still pretty moid coded kek
No. 2316588
>>2316562Madoka was written by by a moid who also wrote an infamous loli "horror" eroge and the characters were designed by a woman with a creepy high school girl fetish. Madoka is moidgaze, it wasn't made with women in mind. I still love it though, the coomershit is limited to Mami's breasts being kinda big and that one scene in the final episode, even if the designs themselves have major moe/loli undertones but thankfully it doesn't go further than that which is why it originally amassed a huge female audience. I didn't keep up with the franchise and spin-offs after the movie which is probably the case for many of the other women who got into Madoka back then.
I don't know what you mean by "moid coded" though, it literally was made with a male audience in mind, so it's not exactly a secret
No. 2316779
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>sheboons and negresses want our menz!
this is the 21st century, not the 1800s. Secondly, can I use this thread just be honest and say that I don't find white moids that attractive? They're universally hyped, but I'm at the point in my life where I just no longer see much of the appeal. I don't know if it has to do with me getting older, or being outside of my house more than the past few years.
No. 2316816
>>2316806Yeah but what can you as a WW even racebait about? If we were to bait about power and status BW are the most matriarchal race out there and if you were to bait about some moidy shit like desirability politics then you are officially a retard.
If you were to bait about whose men are better than whose then you may have a point but WM have caused the anthropocene so theres no need to even die on that hill
No. 2316822
>>2316816>If we were to bait about power and status BW are the most matriarchal race out theremaybe in the countries of africa but i don't see that here in america
>if you were to bait about some moidy shit like desirability politics then you are officially a retard.all men are ugly to me since i'm not attracted to them anyway, but even so, and i hate to sound like a child, but beauty truly is in the eye of the beholder and people will have their preferences so it's not an important topic to me
>If you were to bait about whose men are betterlet's stop right here kek. men aren't good, period, no matter their race.
>but WM have caused the anthropocenei'm retarded, what does this mean?
No. 2316825
>>2316779Ugly white scrotes are given much more grace than ugly non white men and the standards to be attractive are abysmal, they don’t need to do anything.
It’s just like white women and non white women, not that I’m saying that white women are ugly mind you, many are very beautiful in fact. It’s just that in order for a non white woman to be considered as attractive she needs to have X, xX, X^2 and %X, 2X and what not.
No. 2316942
>>2316928My uncle was a white man who was racist as fuck and called black people monkeys, he was
abusive too. My aunt is a black woman from Africa and she met him because he bought a fucking house in our country kek. And he had a baby with this “monkey”.
No. 2316964
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>>2316940This is one of the things I hate about the black girls thread. Even though it's supposed to be about black women, they still play captain "save a nigga" for black scrotes and even think something must be wrong with you if you don't find black moids attractive in general for how they carry their behavior and appearances. Even the
normiefaggot, unintegrated jannies will try slapping you with a ban if you say anything "racebaity" about black scrotes, even if they know you're a black and and doing it in the context of pointing out how they hurt black women. Really shows you what kind of faggots are running this site now.
No. 2316973
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>>2316953I would choose neither, but if I HAD to pick one of them, I would choose the white scrote just because IME black scrotes are more likely to hit on me because they assume I'll be okay with it just because I'm black too. Normally at most, passing white guys will do that thing where they give you the googly eyes and think you'll fawn over them just because they're eye-fucking you.
No. 2316989
>>2316981Even troons can be artistic. It’s not really sinful to that. But they are still retarded.
If you dig into his whole persona it’s basically him fetishing the abuse of religious women kek, he was actually obsessed with a girl from his church and I bet she’s basically his muse. He’s simply faking.
No. 2317002
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Jim Carey was mildly hot in the first sonic movie. I didn't realise this until 5 minutes ago when my friend said he's not ugly he's just not goth enough in his day to day life
>>2316989Ayrt I lurk his thread because he's definitely milky but I'm willing to put my pride aside and admit that some of his songs aren't half bad. I think part of it is the younger me who liked Nicole Dollanganger back in the day when I was a retarded teenager is still part of me kek