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No. 2309056
>>2309047 is still here my ex friend that i was referring to was a woman kek
No. 2309060
>>2309056i meant to reply to
>>2309041>>2309051im both of those anons KEK. And while Luigi may have done
one good thing it doesn't cancel out him being a scrote, which is the point of the argument. Scrotes hate women as a default and he is no different. Do you believe in the socialization meme as well?
No. 2309065
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>>2309060He did other good things. He gifted ice cream. That's two good deeds.
No. 2309068
>>2309034ok let’s get you to bed grandma
>>2309040he verbatim wrote in his itinerary about how he had no desire to harm or kill innocent people though? what are you talking about
nonnie No. 2309081
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goddamn i hope i get a boyfriend next year.. have never had one and i have so much love to give and it hurts!! live in a middle of nowhere town so anybody near me would have to drive like, an hour to see me, and who would want to do that for me.. so its like my only option is e-dating, which no sane guy my age wants to do unless we can meet easily. i just want a guy i can hug and kiss and go to places with and make gifts for and cook for ugh i hate my life
No. 2309098
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i just wanna say that the perpetually bored nonas that come to thread and screech about others talking about men in any form are still contributing to the very thing they're complaining about and it seems like jealousy of the men themselves which is insane to picture and i hope you get better soon. meds etc i find you type of posters very annoying
No. 2309099
>>2309065>>2309068he is still a scrote and scrotes don't give a shit about you no matter how nice they appear.
>>2309075>>2309072because of the other gross anons talking about gross bodily fluids of a violent scrote? you camp all day talking about how much you hate men and then you talk about wanting some conservative's semen so of course im going to call you a retard
>>2309094it's just kind of retarded seeing women make a thread about him. he isn't even particularly attractive.
No. 2309104
>>2309099>too ugly for a threadBut there were threads for that one living corpse guy, then again people got mad at that too. Just hide the thread.
>>2309101This. Now
those are conservatives.
No. 2309110
>>2309099the thread was only made because he was getting posted too much in other threads and other anons didn't want to see him, otherwise we would've stuck to the unconventional thread
>>2309106if you don't use it then why are you bothered by the thread?
No. 2309139
>>2309134nta but to vent? that's what the thread is for
>>2309136normie women are gigapickmes
No. 2309140
i think it's dumb to clutch your pearls when you come to a website for women and encounter women being attracted to men. thats just human nature
>>2309132maybe on lolcow, but IRL there are millions of ways you can bond with other women and form new relationships with them without involving men
No. 2309154
>>2309145i don't think we need to turn every discussion we have into an argument about abortion rights, cause jesus fucking
christ it sounds like it would get exhausting being upset about things all the time. do you ever cut loose anon?
No. 2309155
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>>2309145Not the "female nature" spergery again.
No. 2309169
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>>2309154cutting lose is for straight women duh. but seriously pic related is basically the mentality of anons here
No. 2309172
>>2309140>>2309144Nta but i wonder how long this will last. The goal for many women is to get a boyfriend and then a husband and a family. When i'm 40 years old and older what are you going to do? who are you going to talk to? Even in their 20a, women get a boyfriend and dedicate their entire existence to said moid, it's a dream and a goal for them. And it's not just that but they subconciously defend and protect moids and misogynistic culture. They love defending makeup, skimpy clothing, being meek and submissive, being the perfect bangmaid for your scrote and even pretend it's empowering. They never miss the opportunity and even take joy to shame and berate women who critize or don't engage in these expectations.
>>2309154>>2309155what's untrue about what she said though? it's a fact.
No. 2309176
>>2309072Why do women love to insist that everyone must love cock kek. This is like the favourite response on this site
>>2309069It’s interesting to see this flip because I don’t think any woman has ever been defended this hard here tbh. No one’s saying he’s the worst guy on earth but truth is we just don’t know this guy, but for some reason he’s getting special treatment with benefit of the doubt. The flip with anons now saying ooh we’ll be get called pickmes or handmaidens! Is kind of crazy to me because like a month ago they were probably sperging about pickmes and maidens. Makes the “feminism” on this site feel fake
>>2309132True. I think this is more upsetting to me than anons simply just getting horny kek, since I’m not straight I have no opinion on the thirsting over Luigi because I feel like I have no say here (different perspective) it’s more that it kind of reminded me of how women only seem to congregate with the common theme of men. Even with this defence women just put in 10x more energy for men for a fraction of the equivalent for women. If the genders were flipped the men would be thirsting while still hating the woman as a person, as if they’d defend her… Guess women are just different. The fangirling is cute though, maybe I just feel left out or something
No. 2309180
>>2309172Saved blog but I'm
>>2309144 and about half of my friends do already have boyfriends, in my opinion they just don't come up too much in conversation unless something noteworthy happened. Maybe it helps that we all have a lot going on at the moment, but still. It is possible.
No. 2309186
>>2309150Is it though?
>>2309179Nta but women irl are this to an even larger degree? Like are you serious, have you
been around normie women?
No. 2309194
>>2309182Learn to realise you’re talking to different anons. Since I replied to multiple past posts I’m obviously not some cock sperg and if you
read (anons don’t like doing this apparently) I’m not even against the horny posting. I literally said I have no opinion
because I’m a lesbian thus it’s not really relevant
>it’s not a feminist websiteYeah, I know, and that’s my point. Anons will sperg about moids but they don’t really mean any radfem shit they say
>ovaritWhat even is ovarit like anyway? Is it normie?
No. 2309200
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>>2309192>posts every 2 seconds>obsessed with getting replies even when they're not directly addressing you>shits up every single thread complaining about women> muh "normie" womenfuck it. i know what you are
(scrotefoiling) No. 2309203
>>2309193I lowkey hope it comes out that he hates women or something to prove to anons not to trust men when they have little info. It’s like muh Nigel is different but it turns out he’s not all over again
>>2309195What is your reading comprehension? No, because I refuse to be friends with normie women. But truth is most women are like that. You can’t really deny that…
No. 2309217
>>2309203>i refuse to be friends with normie women, so i have no idea what they discuss or bond over, but i'm going to make confident statements about what they spend their time bonding overwell actually nona i do spend time with normie women
and kind of consider myself to be one LMAO and i can say with wholehearted assurance that all women (including wives and mothers) have more going on in our lives and much more to talk about than just the men around us
No. 2309219
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>>2309201>>2309200>>2309205why is it so difficult to comprehend being frustrated with how other women act? is it a lie that women at large defend and protect scrotes even when they commit awful crimes, degrade and sexualize women at any opportunity and threaten to take away their rights? at every corner where you look there is misogyny and most women make excuses for or argue how rape kinks are normal and they're the ones actually in control.
No. 2309231
>>2309219go back
on the extreme off chance you're a woman, you need to be forced to join one of those tard group homes and go on outings selling girl scout cookies and volunteering at church soup kitchens. you would need a cage soldered to your spine that keeps wifi signals from working within 5-10 feet of you to even begin to address this level of perma-online brainrot.
No. 2309233
>>2309225and its so dumb to argue about this in the first place, if they
really hated anons sperging about luigi (or tucker or fuentes or any moid) so much then they wouldn't have brought him up in a separate thread and continued discussing the topic kek. they'd just talk about something that makes them happy instead.
No. 2309235
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It makes me sad that so many people will never experience the joys of Arabic food, either because they don’t know it exists, can’t access it, or judge off of looks. Have some mansaf on me nonnas.
No. 2309251
>>2309226I had female friends who were lesbian and bisexual but only dated women, also I was friends with celibate straight women who were a little older than me. No sexually active bihetties, thank you
>>2309224>be unable to accept that some women are not male centered and hate male centered women>call then menWow revolutionary nobody here did it before you anon
No. 2309271
>>2309231what's wrong with what i said?
>>2309260it's misogynistic to be uninterested in bonding over scrote pandering
No. 2309279
>>2309269im very sorry but pls spoonfeed
who is that and what is the gist? celebrity dad and daughter are fucking each other or sum?
No. 2309284
>>2309272>>2309273I’m not generalising, I’m saying this is my experience with most women. It’s not like I’m saying I hate them, literally my only point is agreeing with the anon who said most women’s lives revolve around scrotes kek.
>disingenuousThere’s a reason why that thread about not getting along with women exists. I personally don’t relate to it but this shit starts in school and continues into adulthood. It feels more disingenuous to pretend like it’s not a thing.
No. 2309285
nonnie because a women talked about having a boyfriend in my general vicinity and some strangers on an anonymous imageboard fantasized about a man I must become a raging misogynist you don't understand
No. 2309299
>>2309285How on earth is this “raging misogyny”. Do words even have meaning. I’m friends with “normie” women and more feminist women alike, but I don’t think acknowledging the truth of my experience is misogyny. And this is nothing to do with fantasising about Luigi so I don’t see why you’re bringing him into this
>>2309292I didn’t say they don’t have lives outside of men…? Of course women are beating men in academics, I literally made a point about that in unpopular opinions today. You are arguing against something else my friend
No. 2309301
>>2309265>preoccupied with performing femininityare they performing
nonnie, or are they just naturally feminine because they're women?
>when they don’t have a boyfriend mostly talk about scrotesbut why would they be talking about males if they don't even have a boyfriend or any man in their life? they just discuss the whereabouts of…random men?
No. 2309320
>are they performing nonnie, or are they just naturally feminine because they're women?Trying to be attractive to men. I don’t even know what you mean by the last part kek
>what would they even be talking about…Men? Often romantic interests that aren’t good enough for them (sometimes blatantly misogynist or racist)
>>2309303Yes? That was not my argument. I don’t understand if people aren’t following the conversation or…
>>2309305Thank you you’re making me feel insane kek. I swear I’ve had an intelligent conversation about this on this site like literally yesterday, why are we pretending like women don’t subjugate themselves for men on the regular? I wish this didn’t happen.
>>2309308>>2309311This feels like bait at this point and deliberately misinterpreting the content. This clearly isn’t what anyone was getting at. Why are we putting words in people’s mouths
No. 2309331
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>>2309289insecurity imo. It's kind of sad because some of them are clearly into conventionally attractive dudes but won't openly say it. Can't blame them tho. Moids chimp tf out when you thirst after a moid who isn't fat/balding/old like America's favorite Italian.
>>2309313Also this. When I see it happen in the wild, the women want to seem "accepting" of ugly moids so they don't seem like "shallow bitches" (even though men would never do the same for them kek)
No. 2309333
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The entire year of 2024 has been a whirlwind of slightly alright and then mostly absolutely dreadful and easily the worst year of my life. The only thing keeping me going is taking care of my cat and a potential job opportunity in 2025. I try to distract the worst of my thoughts nowadays by going to the gym and pretending I'm not a broke bitch. I really hope 2025 is better. I have learned a lot about myself but there's only so many lessons a 27 year old can take. It feels like I have not lived, or smiled in a long time.
No. 2309341
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>>2309334Me bonding with u and other anons by defending women from ayrt
No. 2309347
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>>2309340they will get it soon. newfagism is temporary but peaking is forever.
No. 2309360
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>>2309354slay nonni your post was on fire fr fr nocap on god kween. and that's the tea. peridot
No. 2309362
>>2309246If people could treat sex like a normal thing we wouldn’t have this so called repression sure. Now it’s just “your body ! Your choice!” Which is yeah a good motto, but promoting being promiscuous as being liberating is just ultra stupidity. I feel like we just devalued sex and we are currently in an hedonistic time, where as long as “it feels good and there’s consent” anything under the sun is okay, even getting banged by 100 scrotes in a row or playing pretend rape.
Also a woman you barely gain anything by having casual sex with multiple men, you expose yourself to the risk of violence , even rape sometimes, STDs (because I doubt any of these retards give oral with an oral dam kek) and pregnancy. And for what? The orgasm gap speaks loud and clear. The hookup culture is just a psyop made by men and Libfems in order to give easy access to men with zero effort and commitment.
I’m also straight kek.
No. 2309367
>>2309363Do you have baby fever or do you actually have a plan to have a child? There’s a difference in these two things.
Just watch video of baby crying and throwing tantrums, it will go away kek.
No. 2309369
>>2309360I know you're mocking me but people on Imageboards unironically talk like that just with different lingo. Who gives a shit
nonnie nonna bleak ayrt NTA but >implying glowie fag annoyingchan
No. 2309376
>>2309362Samefag here
>And for what? The orgasm gap speaks loud and clear.The objective of casual sex is supposed to be pleasure with no strings attached but women aren’t even getting that. Then what is casual sex for? Validation? Anyway I just find it sad all together and I can see how pervasive it is between people my age (20s).
No. 2309445
>>2309443You know what you have to do.
>print it out>place it where he can see it>say nothingIf all goes well, the shame of knowing that someone close to him knows will be enough to get him to cut that shit out.
No. 2309502
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>>2309443I’m the nona that talks about her older, autistic AGP troon brother. Confronting him won’t do much, but if he ever progresses to “coming out” the best thing you can do is basically not acknowledge it at all.
>I’m trans and a woman now! I use she/her pronouns and my name is now AliceOkay Brandon. What do you want for dinner already.
>It’s soooo hard finding femme clothes in my sizeOk. Brandon how is the job search going?
They want attention and validation for their fetish, not acknowledging it at all deprives them of that. Sprinkle in a couple of “but why do you need femme clothes? I thought clothes were gender neutral?” “But what makes you believe you’re a woman? Isn’t it reductive to equate women to makeup and long hair?” And you can plant the seeds of doubt.
No. 2309510
>>2309360KEKEKEKEK. Seriously they need to leave the twitter speak at home, integrate and blend in stop trying to stand out.
>>2309354>>>I've been here since 2015 get better materialbeen here since 2015 and you still sound like a newfag? maybe you're just slow then
No. 2309518
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>>2309505Second ayart. Thanks
nonny, it sucks but I’m thankful somewhat my dad passed and didn’t have to see him devolve like he has. LC has been a great support for me the past few years. I cope by posting on here and subtly
triggering my brother’s dysphoria whenever he visits home.
No. 2309624
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I was watching a true crime documentary and there was a part where law enforcement got involved and was able to track a person down based on his IP address. Given that it is technically possible to track down your location and identity based on your IP address alone it made me even more paranoid about internet safety. If you live in a country without strong free speech laws, there has been cases where women have been jailed for speaking out against troons (picrel). Granted, these are cases where women were posting with their names and faces on social media, but if LC gets branded as a radical hate site in the future, what THEN? LC is hosted in the UK where these "hate speech" crimes have happened on numerous occasions. The admins would have no choice but to comply with police and hand over the IPs of all its users (this has actually happened before on 4chan in certain incidents in the past where moot had to hand over the IPs and post history to the feds). I guess I'm just glad I live in the Greatest Country on Earth where I know I'll never get jailed for speaking out against troons but I can't help but feel bad for all the eurononnies where these "hate speech" crimes are always happening.
No. 2309633
>>2309628What? No,
nonny that's not too old to go to a uni or college. Who gives a shit if you're a little older than the dumb eighteen-year-olds you might have to attend classes with? Do whatever you want, don't think 22 or older is somehow too old.
No. 2309636
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Have been bursting into tears randomly for nearly four weeks now and have no idea why. I’m average at my job but being average at my job has never upset me this much before. I feel like a square peg in a round hole and like I’ll never be what I want to be in life.
No. 2309675
I just want to sob. I have to rehome my dog. I’ve only had her a small portion of her life, but she’s a senior dog (already was considered a senior when I adopted her) and not a purebred and a bit difficult to place cause she’s bad with other pets and kids (not like gonna kill or maul or even leave a mark on another pet or kid, but jealous and gets nippy/snarly, it can be scary). My mom doesn’t understand that I can’t rehome my dog within a couple weeks and that it’s gonna take time. She’s being so dramatic and acting like her life is ruined just because my cat sized dog is living in her house with me in my room. She wants to just give her away to the first suspicious rando who expresses vague interest. I don’t want my dog being abused for some weird content, she’s small and old and vulnerable and the only people who have come forward wanting her have been extremely shady. Rescues aren’t being much help. She’s healthy and happy but there’s a decent chance I’m gonna have to euthanize her simply because my mom can’t stand her and nobody wants her that isn’t a blatant sketchy walking red flag for animal abuse.
I’ll probably be able to get a place of my own by like mid 2026 but my mom refuses to even entertain the idea she might not get adopted. She literally has stated she wants to kill herself and wishes she never had a child because it was a mistake and now her life is ruined bc of a dog and it’s only been a few days. This dog is a good dog and she hasn’t been taking care of the dog at all, no responsibility has been thrust upon her. The dog hasn’t destroyed anything, hasn’t gone to the bathroom in the house, hasn’t been nuisance barking, and the only cat she has snarled at is MY cat anyway. For context my dog was a somewhat sketchy foster fail that felt like a hard sell, I was told she was younger and liked other dogs and cats and found out quickly that she was documented as years older and that she chases cats/snarls/nips them if they approach her or look at her in some way she dislikes. I also adopted her with the understanding that my ex would take her if we ever broke up bc she wouldn’t be allowed at my parents house. Well my ex was like eh nevermind no dog for me, he was just going to drop her at a kill shelter. so I was trying to get her rehomed before the date he set, didn’t work out, my mom said okay she can stay here until she finds a home, this isn’t your fault. Bountiful gratitude from me, very apologetic, etc. anyway it’s just been constant guilt from her since I’ve had my dog here. I could understand if she was horrible but she’s not even. She’s well groomed, she’s not gross, she doesn’t jump and lick people.
>inb4 it’s a shitbull or crusty white dog or demon chihuahua
No, she looks like a tiny smooth collie, and basically is based on her dna test kek. She’s not a monster and even in a house with cats she can be trusted in a room to not destroy anything and as long as she’s not alone with a cat unsupervised she won’t terrorize the cat in any way. She’s crate trained, housebroken, walks well, sweet and cuddly and spayed, no heartworm or fleas or parasites, vaxxed, she’s not some nasty street dog or an annoying yappy thing. I just wish my ex could have not turned out to be such a piece of fucking shit and that my mom could stop the constant complaints and literal scream whining. What I really wish is that the housing market wasn’t so fucked up and I could get a place and just KEEP MY DOG but man this just sucks. The only thing keeping me going rn is my dogs sweet face and happy attitude, she is so happy to be with me and I’m happy to have her with me.
No. 2309704
>>2309682Basically what my current plan is. Take her for walks, and let her hang outside of her crate as often as possible (whenever my cat is either just chilling in her cat tree in my room or when my cat is allowed to run around the rest of the house, or be out on the lanai). I love my sassy old dog. It’s sweet and kinda sad how fucking happy she is with so little. I don’t think my ex was taking care of her very well or being very nice to her the past few months he’s had custody of her before he decided he didn’t want her anymore and was gonna leave her to just die in a shelter (they’re overcrowded and an old dog like her would be basically instantly put down and that’s way sadder and more stressful than if I were to take her for euthanasia at a vet and be with her… which holy shit I can’t even contemplate fully without freaking out, euthanizing a healthy sweet dog that I am bonded with would lead me to a very very bad place mentally).
Ultimately I really want to keep my dog, she’s not so old that she’s likely to be dead/dying by the time I could move out even though it’s a bit over a year away. Finding a GOOD HOME would be difficult but I’d be capable of coping for sure, I just don’t see that being a likely outcome considering she’s technically hard to place with her limitations, most people don’t want a senior mixed breed dog that doesn’t get on well with other pets. I love this little dog and she brings me so much joy. It’s also just sad that her presence upsets my mom so viscerally. At least I’m not moving children into her house like damn. I know I’m a fuck up but at least I’m not a single mom, I just have 2 well behaved elderly rescue pets that love me and I love them. Her saying she wish she never had a child and wanted to kill herself was hurtful too. I could have ended up way worse off than I am and made way shittier choices with way more lasting impact. I wonder if she’s just frustrated with the fact that the economy sucks and my health sucks and she had no control over either of those things. If the housing market wasn’t shit and if I was healthier this wouldn’t be an issue because I wouldn’t be stuck moving in with my parents. She wanted to give me a better life than what she had, and she managed to give me a much better childhood than what she had, but most of my adult years have been a lot worse than how she was faring at the same ages. But I’m also a much better pet-parent than she and my dad ever were at my age (they didn’t take great care of their pets until the past few years due to me encouraging them and setting good examples). It’s probably hard to have expected your kid to have better opportunities and outcomes as an adult than you did only for that not to be the case. She is not the most emotionally mature person, so I could see the statements she’s been making as unhealthy coping mechanisms to deal with something so out of her control and so depressing (the state of the world now vs the state of the world when she was my age). I think all she ever wanted was for me to be happy and have a place of my own to call home.
No. 2309736
>>2309650I mean if you got diagnosed with TERMINAL cancer it would probably affect your mood for the worst. Also if it’s terminal this person is probably depressed af in a way no one but other cancer patients can understand. Maybe you should pull more weight to pick up this persons slack you know cuz they are DYING. Like I understand taking care of someone who is not a perfect
victim of their circumstances is hard. But terminal cancer has to be a mind fuck to be diagnosed with. Please be more understanding to this person
No. 2309770
>>2309736I’d probably crush out and become bitter and angry if I was diagnosed with terminal cancer, also depending on the type it can also be painful. Expecting someone who is actively dying to be a picture perfect happy person is stupid and to keep ahold of the house chores too is stupid and you’re setting yourself up for disappointment.
Give them space and remove yourself if you can’t handle it for a while. At that point it’s better not to give any support.
No. 2309776
>>2309311>oh no some women are OF models and camwhores, oh no some women throw their female friends under the bus for men and then they go to women for support when those men fuck them over, oh no some women still date men who don't clean after themselves, oh no some women still have kids with men who don't take care of the kids, oh no some women still date men despite countless red flags, oh no some women still vote republican, oh no some women still thrist over serial killers, oh no some women still defend sexist actors and rapists because they like their music, oh no some women still ruin their health with the pill because their boyfriends/husbands want to dump their cum inside of them, oh no some women still waste hundreds of dollars on make up products from companies owned by rich men, oh no some women are still obsessed with diet culture, oh no some women still defend porn, oh no some women still defend their sexist familiy members, oh no some women still treat their sons better than daughters, oh no some women pander to pedophilesI could go on and on. It's always only "some" women. Only a few people and I'm the bad one for judging the collective of women for the sins of the "few". And for some reason, the patriarchy still exists… I wonder why women allow this, hmm
(bait ) No. 2309799
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Waking up, working my job for an evil multinational. I think if younger me saw me we'd do a cool stylised sodoku. I can't do that so I have to do the one thing I'm good at so I can support the people I care about from the people I hate.
Finance is a shitty field that breeds shitty people, including myself
No. 2309836
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I fucking hate that I just decided to become an adult in this day and age. I’m in a workplace that makes me feel suicidal at times and severely stressed as of late and I don’t think I have anymore hope in getting a better job, I might as well just kill myself.
I don’t wanna do it tho, my parents will never recover from this and I feel so guilty even for contemplating suicide again, I have a really good relationship with them and they don’t deserve that.
No. 2309849
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Tired of this shit. Tired of being mentally ill. Tired of what dealing with the reality that it will rob me of so much and already has. Why do others get to have it so easy. Every area is okay and or amazing. “Everyone has their problems.” Eat my anus. You know exactly why that’s a dumb fucking thing to say.
No. 2309912
>>2309650If I had cancer I probably wouldn’t give a shit about being responsible, respectful, or nice either. “Oh I didn’t do laundry this week? Whatever,
I’LL BE DEAD SOON.” Sorry they’re a pain in the ass to live with, and this is going to sound fucked up, but…it’s not going to be for much longer. You could try talking to this person and telling them that it’s hurting you, but like….eventually it’ll stop being a problem anyway.
No. 2309947
i don't know. i don't know if it's because i'm hormonal and due for my period soon, but.. just this morning, my mom was telling me about some exercise videos she found online that she thought would be beneficial for me. especially to shrink down my hips and thighs and what not. i'm not uber slim but i'm nowhere near obese either, i'm pretty much a medium sized person. my mom is what a lot people call nowadays an almond mom; she's basically that person who wants everyone to look at how little she's eating and how she could totally survive off of salads forever if she was forced to. i understand that she's been through a lot in her younger years because, especially giving birth to me and my other siblings, she did ended up quite big. so she worries, i guess, that my sister and i would end up like her. and i get that.
so, out of asshurt feelings, i was like, "so mom, when exactly are you going to be satisfied with me? when i'm a size 2?" and well, she got quite unhappy with my tone. said that if this is how i was going to react, then she should have never showed me the videos. that she was only trying to help. the whole nine yards. and i felt so sad about my own reaction and i ended up apologizing to her, and to please share the video with me when she has the chance.
i also am taking this a bit hard because i just celebrated completing my degree studies and i thought we had a great time celebrating together as a family the other night. so just put this on me all of a sudden.. i don't know. all i know now is i just want to cry for the rest of today and be pathetic.
she always takes some type of issue with me. if it's not my body, then it's the way i walk or talk. if not that, then it's my skin and how i should care for it, make sure i don't age as much as i can. always, always something. i guess i just need to accept the fact that, even if she loves me as someone who maybe makes her happy sometimes.. or as a daughter who has tried to help her with her issues back then.. that ultimately, i'm not the child she ever wanted deep down. when it comes to my brothers, though, they're all successful, handsome, fit, amazing people in her eyes.
i'll never catch up.
No. 2309965
>>2309947Honestly I don’t think you should have apologized in this case. And you especially shouldn’t have told her to share the videos anytime if that’s clearly not what you want. I think there’s definitely a measured and thoughtful way to tell her she’s upsetting you, but like
>>2309962 said, you’ll probably never get her to treat you how you want to be treated. She’s probably always going to be this way. Just do your best not to take it personally and live your life how
you want to.
No. 2309975
>>2309962thank you so much for this. i'm already crying like a baby lol but i think my heart and my mind both have finally realized, enough is enough. i've tried. i've tried for so many years. i've tried to meet her halfway, i've tried being her safe space, i've tried being so much for her. but it's never going to be enough, and she's never going to love me the way a mother is supposed to love a daughter.
i've accepted and i'm going to let go of this burden once and for all. i don't mind talking to her casually here and there, but i think maybe this is a sign of finding a mother figure elsewhere. i don't know who that will be or what it'll even look like, but i don't deserve this. i realize that now. what you said about the internalized misogyny is so real, too, because she definitely has so much horrible things to say against other women who are not related to us. i mean, i'm talking calling women whores for dumb things. i guess i can't be surprised she's like this with me if she sees unrelated women as the absolute enemy to her.
>>2309965woman is going to hit her 60s soon, so yeah, i don't think she's ever going to change at this point. i absolutely want to get healthy starting today, because studying super hard plus working for the past few years has put a wrench in my exercising and healthy dieting plans. (doesn't help i got hospitalized and went through surgeries for unrelated reasons, which definitely didn't help.)
wow i rambled, but thank you nonnies. i guess this can't be fixed and i am going to set myself free now.
No. 2310075
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There's a yume doujin of my husbando I've been really looking forward to buying (they are EXTREMELY rare) but I can't because booth no longer accepts foreign cards for R18 items and there isn't a buyee button on the page. I could use buyee's form to see if they could still do it for me but I'm guessing I'd just get "this item cannot be purchased because it is R18" as a response because it's a card issue not a shipping issue. It's not even explicit imagery I don't think, most of it is fanfic.
Really could just kill myself right now.
No. 2310085
>>2310078>>2310079the friendship ended because she kept ghosting me even after I told her several times she hurt me and even after she promised me she would change so i decided to block her (which i regret), she also never checks any of her messages so it's basically impossible to reach out to her
i know you're probably going to say that it's for the best then cause she sounds like a bad friend but i don't care anymore, i'll take anything i just want her back
No. 2310088
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Pinterest is in 9 fucking days
No. 2310089
>>2310087well I've been "having no one" for the past two years and it's still painful, I've made new friends and still haven't gotten over her
again I don't care anymore I just want her back
No. 2310097
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>You're credit score has changed, Anon
I know. Don't remind me.
No. 2310111
>>2310075I bought a R18 doujinshi on booth through Rakuten Pay a few years ago, I don't know if you still can do it though.
Now on my side I need to apply for an Amex to buy doujinshis, no way am I going back to using a third party. A friend is sponsoring me because I tried to do it the regular way and I got rejected for some reason even for the cheapest card.
No. 2310119
>>2310111I saw that method but it was for digital purchases, I don't know how it would work for a physical purchase. I'm trying a different proxy but I expect to be rejected there too.
All this for fap material in a language I can't even read (I was gonna use google lens on it)
No. 2310131
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My sleep schedule is so fucked. I like to take naps during the day but then that makes me unable to sleep at night. Being unable to sleep at night then makes me so sleep deprived during the day that it's really hard not to take another nap. I keep being stuck in this vicious cycle.
No. 2310272
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I saw a scrote wear this, I think. I saw the same exact anime girl eyes but he was wearing a zip up so I couldn't read the words. Wtf
No. 2310559
>>2310515Go out and grab some snacks
nonny, you’ll probably feel a tiny bit better with a bit of fresh air
No. 2310654
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Got a relative in the middle of a crisis staying with me and my family indefinitely, and while initially I was happy because I haven't seen him in forever, holy shit am I at my wits end after just a week. Just nothing but coddling and letting him do/say whatever bc of his mental health at the expense of our own mental health
No. 2310722
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>>2310695Idk just do the three things everyone says, repent, be humble and ask God. If you're searching for spiritual truth, it's a noble pursuit and door won't be slammed in your face if you're willing to lay down the angst during the experiment. If you want to feel mad at the world or sorry for yourself, it won't work and you win the conversation
No. 2310757
>>2310541Like nearing 30s blonde skinny fat
5'9 scrote
No. 2310837
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>>2310763Following God means not doing horrible and unspeakable things but if that's the only reason you're not doing those things, you're a the bottom of the hierarchy. I'm not trying to be intentionally vague or mysterious about this, "knowing God" in a very simplified way means understanding dichotomy and why it exists (and is necessary for existence itself)
No. 2310971
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I was going to put this in the 'stupid questions' thread but figured my thoughts and feelings on it were too long for it. Is penetration the ultimate form of submission and surrender? I feel like I've seen both men AND women treat it as such, and I think absorbing those ideas in society combined with a history of sexual harassment and abuse stemming from childhood has given me vaginismus, I think, from the time I could remember. My vagina has always felt 'closed' in my mind and in my body. Due to the way people talk about having one and it being pentrated. To the point I refused to engage in any sort of sexual interaction until my late 20s and at 30 years old have never engaged in PIV. Literally even trying to put a finger inside on my own is incredibly painful. I guess I'm just wondering if I'm just a traumatized crazy person overthinking it or what. Like even now when I'm trying to overcome these feelings, I'm feeling even more negative emotions coming through and wondering why this has to be so fucking hard for me psychologically and physically.
No. 2311040
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>talking to older gen mother who just doesn’t get it
my mother would be the greatest lolcow baiter ever because how do you go from acknowledging men are shit and saying men need women, what causes this?
No. 2311120
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I am going to start college in frebruary and i dont feel ready. I am having a panic attack over it. I am too retarded, so i am very scared of not passing. I was a retard in hs so why would it be different in college? i am scared of both being socially awkward and retarded and flunking, its also going to take at least a year until i get my ADHD meds. I feel so hopeless. I have been crying and hyperventilating all week. I dont want to go, i know i will fail, but my mom threatened to kick me out of the house if i dont study. Shit, why did i have to be born so retarded. Everyone i have talked about this fear, both my mom, therapist and friend tell me i am being dramatic and that i am intelligent, but it sounds so condescending. I hate it, wish people would stop lying to me. I was born to be a parasitical hermit, i am not fit for normal life.
No. 2311126
>>2311120is there a way to do college in a way that's not traditional? what i mean is, you don't have to take a full time study course every semester if it overwhelms you too much. you can go part time. you can go hybrid or fully remote if the school lets you. you can do one semester on, the next semester off, the next semester on, so on so forth. you can go during off seasons like summer and winter if smaller classes are more of your speed. you can do it
nonnie, i believe in you. and just because you did badly in hs doesn't mean it'll translate the same way in college; lots of people hated hs but do well in college because the setting feels differently, in a good way.
No. 2311143
nonny. You can do what you said, but i feel it will just prolong my depression and uncertainty. Ine of the reasons i feel bad about starting college now is that i started too late(just turned 23). Which i know its not super late, but everyone around my age already finished their studies, and my mom keeps making fun of me telling me if i had started earlier i would already have a degree. I am scared i might stand out next to the freshly turned 18s who have their life ahead and didnt fuck it up like me.
No. 2311165
>>2311143>I am scared i might stand out next to the freshly turned 18s who have their life ahead and didnt fuck it up like me.Nta, I started at 22 and had the same feelings of standing out. You won't. There will be all sorts of people from different age ranges there. No one will really ask anything to do with your age, and giving your age I doubt people are going to think you're old. They will probably think you're one of these fresh faced babies you're talking about.
Also replying to your first post now, I also had a lot of panic attacks leading up to going to uni. It will get a little easier but I went after covid so my first year was online.
I don't have much to add on the anxiety part cause I was wreck during my time at uni, but for the retarted part I will say that you should really ask your teacher as many questions as you can if you're falling behind. Don't be afraid to look dumb to them by not knowing something, it's better to just email them with your questions. I also had a personal tutor whilst I was there, it was just some lecturer on my course that gets assigned to be a guide for my duration of uni. Not sure if you'll have something like that, but utilise any resource like that too if you feel like you're struggling due to ADHD. They can help assist you. There should be a mental health department that you can contact for resources and assistance as well
No. 2311178
>>2311143Nonita my nigel is going to uni at 29 to get a second degree sponsored by his company, nobody is gonna care about your age, a lot of older people go to college for an x number of reasons.
And honestly you can't tell the difference between someone mid-20s and those 18 year old college kids that are partying so hard that they look like they're rotting.
No. 2311181
nonny, i guess its part of being a zoomie and see people 10 years younger than me be better and everything or be set for life that makes me feel this way. I will try to ask as much help as possible.
No. 2311183
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I want to be an unabashed shameless weeb I want my room to have my favorite manga on the shelves I want to build gunpla and proudly display my hard work I want cute nendroids on my desk I want to go to events but I was cursed to be born into this family where privacy and respect does not exist, where mockery and belittlement is natural, where emotional incest has been infused into you from young and you cannot unwire the brainwash anymore and the circumstances dont even give you the option anymore, I was cursed into poverty and eternal solitude both online and offline and I will likely die a pathetic death
No. 2311189
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>be lesbian
>try to befriend guys
>scared they're going to think i'm flirting with them
>try to befriend girls
>scared they're going to think i'm flirting with them
No. 2311308
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Vent, but also looking for some advice so I can calm down and not do something reckless. Unfortunately therapy isn’t an option for me at the moment and neither talking with family and friends (don’t wanna worry and/or annoy them).
How do you manage suicidal ideation and irritability? This past month I felt like shit, besides my anemia worsening, thoughts of how should I kill myself have popped in my mind quite often (even started to imagine myself how I would do it). Even yesterday I said out loud I should hang myself, I’m not ok with that. Not to mention my anger issues and outbursts - since this summer you could’ve asked me a question and I would get angry and pissy the next second, I haven’t used to be like that and it’s not ok, I’m in my mid 20’s, don’t want to know how I’ll be when older.
Also, when I’m a bit alone, I start to cry for no good reason, and I feel the need to isolate even more lately.
I wanna cry in one of my friends arms and fall asleep like that but that would be so fucking embarrassing of me to ask a friend for that, that’s pathetic
No. 2311392
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I hate my job and when I'm at work I keep thinking of the things I'd rather be doing but on the weekends I have this thing where I feel like I have too many options and 'what should I do with my day?' soon becomes 'what should I do with my life?' as I spiral into an existential crisis and end up doing absolutely nothing but lying in bed, doomscrolling, feeling depressed and craving the structure of work. Then Monday comes and the cycle starts all over again. I hate the way I am
No. 2311402
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>>2311393Non-British anon here but read this in the news and it made my blood boil. That poor girl was failed by everyone.
>Just let these Muslim men die off and do the world a favourAmen
No. 2311406
>>2311402The judge is right. I’m not even joking, MOST homeschooling is done because normal people would be upset at what the parents are doing to the child (abuse, neglect, radical teachings, etc.) and the parents want to avoid scrutiny. The percentage of parents who are honestly giving the child a better education than they can receive at school with no abuse is vanishingly small, and the percentage of homeschooled children who can integrate into society once they grow up is near zero due to lack of socialization. Homeschool is the perfect cover for
abusive parents. It should be illegal or highly restricted.
No. 2311583
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>be put on a five for three taper of prednisone for my eczema
>it works great, skin is amazing as if I never had eczema in the first
>however, side effect is increased hunger
>get so hungry all the time
>get so hungry that my stomach hurts all the time and I eat anything and everything in sight
>hunger is so bad its painful
>stop prednisone mid-taper before starting the three days of two 10mg dosages
>skin gets slightly red and irate again
>fuck fuck fuck fuck
>go back on prednisone
>call up dermatologist and admit what I did
>she's understanding and tells me to just continue with the same dosage I had left off on and that I'll be fine
I have two more days of two 10mg dosages and then three more days of one 10 mg dosages. I'm shaking because I worried I've fucked my skin over, possibly causing steroid withdraw. I can't find any other sources or ancedotal experiences online of people who did the same thing and what happened. My skin isn't terrible looking, a little irritated but it's noticeable. The worse is that I developed a tiny mark of red on my philtrum that's stinging slightly and I have really tiny bumps all over my face. I might ask her to be put on another course afterwards just to be safe. Fuck. Why did I have to be born and why do I have to be retarded. I should've just dealt with the intense hunger. Literally causing me to doom-spiral into thoughts of killing myself so that maybe I'll be born without a fucked up immune-system and skin disease.
No. 2311601
>>2310971Yeah, it feels contradictory, like you're getting all this messaging from society that sex is totally empowering, safe and cool, but then simultaneously seeing males calling women sluts, using the most degrading and violent words possible to talk about penetration, and seeing sex as the ultimate way for them to make you surrender to them or whatever. Which for me when I first started learning about sex as a teenager always just
triggered the response of, okay then I don't want you to have any power over me so I don't want to be penetrated, I don't want to be called a slut, etc and I always felt like I must be defective for this when every other woman was doing it so easily and accepting that as their role so to speak. When in reality it was just a reaction to what I had absorbed from being exposed to porn and the way men and women talked about it, self preserving and not wanting to engage with men like that who just wanted to dominate women and nothing else. Not to mention how it's invasive, could easily be painful if it goes wrong, and is a vulnerable position to put yourself in especially since you could get pregnant. So I don't think you're crazy especially if you've been through sexual harassment and abuse in your childhood, that could definitely intensify those feelings.
No. 2312077
>>2312057>i "feel">now having a disorder is edgier than having onesorry ur retarded anon kek thats an edgy disorder too
also fuck you u have no idea what im going through even today.anyway stay bitter>>2312058thank u nonna
No. 2312095
>>2312023>i have in the back of my mind that this is kinda "not like other guys" behaviour, but it was still nice.That's how he
should make you feel ♥ I hope you both get to spend more time together on the run up to Christmas! Have fun, Nonna.
No. 2312115
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>>2311583Relatable, my antidepressants messed my brain up and made me turn into a binge eater and i don't know how to cope with it either, other than by trying my best to starve and exercise for a while just to gorge on food a few weeks after. Calm down like she said you'll likely be fine it's just prednisone don't kill yourself over stuff like this, also Harry Mason is better and James Sunderland sucks.
No. 2312120
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needing advice to push away the shred of hesitance i have with cutting off my close friend of almost 5 years.
She's been a close friend of mine since the very start of 2021, she's lovely, but i just can't see myself being her friend anymore.
She's extremely jealous and insecure, to the point where about 80 percent of what comes out of her mouth when she's talking to me is just her 'jokingly' mocking my accent, my nationality, and my height (because i'm shorter than her. not even significantly.)
It's funny the first few times but she's dragged it on so much that i feel like she's just attacking me and playing it off as a joke. I talk to her - she 'bullies' me. I join her stream when she has 0 viewers and i want to support her and keep her company - she just drags on making fun of me and pretending it's playful.
We play an MMO together, and she just shits on my character's outfit, her race, and she just boasts and brags about the in-game gold she makes by writing ERP. which is a really gross thing to be proud of, and i have never ever found myself interested in ERP at all, so she's just making up one-sided competition.
she's a massive victim as well. to the point that it's become detrimental on the rest of the group. she has 2 dogs that live with her parents, they belong to her, but she can't keep them because she lives in an apartment (which her parents pay for, she's unemployed) that doesn't allow dogs.
She absolutely loses it when her parents ask her to dogsit her own dogs for a week or two at a time and just mopes and complains. She's gotten so worked up over it that she's now losing that apartment in May next year because she stonewalls them when she has to dogsit, refuses to get a job, and fumbled an interview for a job she could've done at one of their workplaces that pays super good, so her dad is just refusing to pay for it anymore.
Her smoke detector was beeping, and instead of taking it down and replacing it, she complained about it for a whole week. We kept telling her to just take it down and take the batteries out. just to be told "nooo, i can't. i'm just too stressed about the dogs."
I just don't want to deal with this kind of loser behaviour anymore. I've never acted this way back with her or lashed out at her for how she treats me, i'm about to now and just drop everything.
The only reason i'm hesitant is that she's nice and still really sees me as a friend. But i have nothing in common with her and a lot of these issues she has are things I can't help her with.
No. 2312131
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Its been a month since i was dumped by an avoidant. I never want to fall in love again nonnies but I crave romance and sex so bad it aches. Ughhhhh
No. 2312149
>>2312120>about 80 percent of what comes out of her mouth when she's talking to me is just her 'jokingly' mocking my accent, my nationality, and my height (because i'm shorter than her. not even significantly.) So she’s a racist.
>she’s niceGeez nonna grow a pair, you sound like those women from Reddit who have partners who treat them shitty and still praise them by saying “oh but he treats me well apart from that!”. Please reread loudly what you wrote and then ask yourself what you would tell someone in your situation.
No. 2312161
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>>2312120just te constant negging is enough reason to cut her off. someone who treats you like that is not a friend.
life is too sort to stick with people that make you feel like shit.
No. 2312162
>>2312139OP don't listen to
>>2312144 estrogen is not magic candy beautification pills that turns you into a barbie doll. If you don't have any actual illness or condition other than cosmetic reasons, do not take it. I don't belive femininity or masculinity are real and if you are a biologically a woman you are already feminine but for the sake of the argument i'll ask, what is it that makes you feel unfeminine? Personality, interests or appereance?
No. 2312163
>>2312151Have you tried dressing more into a relaxed style. You don’t really need to put particular types of clothing, you don’t have to wear tight clothing necessarily. For example I’m really into baggy jeans and cardigans right now, I put a tshirt under and I only button the upper botton of the cardigan and then wear a pair of sneakers. You can try putting baggier things on top and more right things on the bottom.
If you want to appear more feminine you can add jewelry too I guess, get an haircut too.
I used to have a friend who was very tall (6’00) and she had a blockier body, but she was still gorgeous.
No. 2312178
>>2312120>She's extremely jealous and insecureand that's a wrap. if i've learned anything at all in my life and if i'm bringing a life lesson with me in 2025 onward and what i'm hoping you will bring in to your own life as well, it is this: insecure and jealous people are absolute deal breakers when it comes to platonic and romantic relationships simply because they are innately narcissistic. this is not me saying they all have full blown NPD, but rather just have the traits at a level severe enough to cause pain and suffering to everyone around them because woe is them. they're fucking pathetic and they love to pretend to be these relatable underdogs, but if they had more power or privilege in life, they would 100% wield it to keep thousands of people down in the worst way possible. simply put, they are not good people.
dump her fucking ass. she doesn't like you. how could she if she doesn't even like herself? truly confident, happy people don't waste their precious time putting people down because there's no use for it. they are happy with themselves and as such, enjoy making other people happy. you deserve healthy friends like that.
No. 2312216
>>2312197do this every day
nonny, it will help
No. 2312217
>>2312178You're 100% correct and I hope
nonnie listens to you. If you are an adult and do not need to suffer someone's company especially if you can feel the envy radiating from them, don't interact with them. They will just pull you down to their level
No. 2312221
>>2312149>>2312178i cut her off for good. I wrote a message explaining why. she had a big sob about it with the whole "oh but i love her, she's my best friend!" thing in the chat about it, claiming she wasn't trying to be negative and all that bullshit.
and i would've talked to her about this, but i didn't, because she has profoundly fucked her own life up because of her
victim complex. i cannot in good faith, hash out my thoughts to someone who can't even keep her own housing and take responsibility for two of her dogs when she barely has to lift a finger to do so 85 percent of the time.
as i mentioned, she is extremely ungrateful to her parents, i can't expect her to hold up her own end if she can't even manage things that have much higher stakes. I don't want to talk to someone about working towards something when they've never felt the need for responsibility in their life.
No. 2312222
>>2312219I feel you
nonny, I don't remember more than half of my life. Spent nearly 30 years in survival mode, didn't get to develop any useful skills or have formative experiences. Until recently life felt like a bouncing ball in a pinball machine
No. 2312278
>>2312149also I didn't really take racism into account, moreso to not subject myself to the mental gymnastics of 'black people can't be racist to white people' discourse, but she's a black american. I'm a white non-american.
I don't know if she's dealing with some kind of internalized racism or it's just her obvious self hatred, but that's for her to figure out.
No. 2312405
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I have so many things I need to do and the energy to do absolutely none of them. I might be setting myself for an impending doom.
No. 2312537
>>2312405You’re just like me nonna. I’ve been down for like a full month. I had an exam tomorrow but I cancelled it.
I kid you not I’ve been just on bed sleeping like a log and the hours have passed so quickly.
No. 2312539
>>2312428Based nonnita. Your mom is probably one of those who think “he knows where home is!” Kek.
Unless you’re super poor there’s honestly no need to be with a scrote for money if you’re independent. Most of the time they don’t even give you money too and they often use it as leverage and throw it back at you during arguments.
No. 2312542
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>>2312346Horrible life circumstances on his part I guess? You should have broken up kek, four months are nothing and you didn’t owe him that kind of commitment yet.
Never be bob the builder for no man.
No. 2312545
>>2312228He’s your husband just ask gosh. You have had his penis in your vagina and he has also seen your asshole, it doesn’t get more embarrassing than that.
If you can’t tell your Nigel what you’d like to try , then how can you even communicate?
No. 2312646
>>2312178>insecure and jealous people are absolute deal breakers when it comes to platonic and romantic relationships simply because they are innately narcissisticDang anon, it took me many years, many discarded friendships, and a whole ass divorce to figure out this wisdom and I'm never going back on it. Low self-esteem people with high anxiety who are clingy are actually dangerous because they lash out at you at random times when their neurosis/jealousy acts up. Being controlling, overly sensitive, and twisting narratives so they're your
victim. It's awful. I only surround myself with people who can handle their own problems and have a healthy view of themselves. It's for my own self preservation because I've been put through the wringer by those whose insecurity makes them insanely selfish.
No. 2312710
My moid makes terrible life choices and I hate it. He's selling his car which would take less than $2k to fix for $2750 and he wants to buy a used truck. He doesn't "need" a truck, he just wants one. I've told him that when we move out, we can…borrow someone else's truck. Shocking, I know. Or you could rent a truck. But no, it's like he is just desperate for a truck.
He also worked for his parents and I kept on telling him that it isn't sustainable to try to support his parents' retirement since they don't have savings, but he basically did not believe me or heed my words until I actually started working there and fixed their accounting system and wow, would you look at that, I'm right. They have a huge personal spending problem and now my moid is looking for other work. But it's like, I could have saved us at least 1-2 years. Why do I have to be instrumental in all of your personal development? I understand it's hard to view your parents a certain way, but you're 30 and should know by now after claiming you can view your parents more objectively. It's so weird to be around an adult who blindly worships their parents. He literally has to be burned in order to be affected. I hate it. I can't communicate in a way that doesn't express how much I don't trust his personal decision making skills. I feel like I need to be the one to do that. My dumbest decisions are when I tell him what will happen (and it happens), but I follow him because I feel bad. I'm so angry right now.
No. 2312747
>>2312723I met him in college. He seemed fine at the time. I didn't have an issue with him working for his dad even when he graduated because he could make a large salary off of that profession elsewhere. The issue was that he wanted to take over his dad's business and I would get guilted into working for their business, too. He'd always tell me that he "needed my help". Eventually, I decided to leave a job I disliked and I worked for his family. Mind you, I voiced my concerns regarding their retirement plans multiple times before. What I found while I worked there confirmed my fears. I am glad he's willing to pivot when confronted with facts because there are people who won't even do that. My issue is that he doesn't listen to my advice well before something happens. I also counseled him to keep his car and not sell it, but he wants to sell it. I feel like this is a mistake given we will be driving to separate workplaces and I'd rather pay a few thousand than have him locked in a car payment.
What makes me the most angry is that he would believe when his parents wouldn't make money that it was his fault for not working hard enough. You can't be so naïve. It was clear their spending issues were always a problem. I can't stand his naivety.
>>2312734My hope is that he learns from this experience, but even that is asking too much. I need to be able to make all decisions for us as a unit because he's too naive.
No. 2313048
>>2312534kek thanks, nonna! I'll try.
>>2312537That is exactly how I spent most of my time, I hope we find a way to break the cycle.
No. 2313065
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i always wonder how people manage to not go insane in everyday normal life. like, what is the balm you use to soothe the hurt of constantly working, either physical labor, mind-numbing tedious tasking, or otherwise unsatisfying work? you come home to a family, is that enough for you? is it really just looking forward to disneyland or a new movie or drugs/alcohol? i cannot imagine a life that i am not constantly pushing myself in order to go above and beyond for a bigger purpose, but who knows whether that will happen despite my best efforts, if those efforts will ever actually happen, or if it will feel like "enough".
in the downtime i really wish i knew what people did to actually pacify themselves, because playing video games doesn't seem like it would keep anyone from walking into traffic after a period of time. i know for men this is generally just sex and cheating on their significant others, but what is it for women? i think of my grandmothers and what they enjoyed, their hobbies, how they got joy out of life before being burdened by the never ending responsibility of motherhood and keeping a household functional. what did they want out of life? what do i want out of life? i'm hungry. i want a pb&j not an existential crisis
No. 2313069
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>>2312710I can clearly see the future here. Hobo husband who prioritizes his hobby and thinks he’s always right, despite having spent his whole life in the same job with zero progress, you nonnita, who is also working and somehow also taking the burden of the household because poor man, he can’t do anything if you don’t give him clear instructions each time! God forbid you even have kids.
Bob the builder nonnita, the person you should be angry at right now is only yourself. If you want to do so much good in the world start volunteering at a shelter, it will be more rewarding.
No. 2313074
>>2312735Be firm honestly, fuck playing good. Say specifically that the chocolates are for ENOUGH for everyone, if he eats them then shame him
>oh! [coworkers] I had brought enough for everyone! But it seems someone was a bit too happy And you look at him. Who cares if you’re bitchy.
No. 2313077
>>2312745Nonna have you tried going to the gym? If you tone your body you’ll feek better mentally and You’ll see mire change; and if you don’t want to go you can buy a stepper to use everyday at home, maybe even some elastics, cardio does wonders.
Also you don’t need to be model skinny to be attractive, if you’re healthy it’s okay, chubby is cute too. Take your time , don’t stress too much.
No. 2313081
>>2313065I honestly live like a slice of life anime , I like doing my little tasks. Studying mostly since I’m in university , read a book if I can , make yummy meals , going to the movies or to restaurants with my friends, that or visit my mother during the weekend.
Simple life is nice.
No. 2313111
>>2312428 >he's a good man! I remember when I was younger I used to worry about whether my parents would like the people I date. It's opposite land tho. My mom has passed since but my dad auto thinks they're still great even if it went down in flames. There's just this perma 'ex was a great guy!' line that persists afterwards no matter what. Said like its nostaligia to him to remember them. I wanna say.. remember when I disclosed to you that shit got soo fucking bad behind closed doors and that's why we ended?
I tell myself he's forgetful. It's a cope
No. 2313131
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>>2313081I’m now imagining nonna as an MC, 12 episodes of her doing nothing remarkable but rather mundane, but she’s quite peaceful.
No. 2313214
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the cashier at wingstop was generous and gave me a bunch of extra chicken pieces when i only ordered 4 tendies and i ate it all too fast and now i have a stomach ache
No. 2313262
>>2313237just original hot but i asked for light sauce cause sometimes they’re a little too wet
>>2313250keek ♥
No. 2313270
>>2313175Put some of your grandma's unwashed clothes outside, so the cat can follow her scent back home. Put her litterbox and some toys outside too, but not food- you'll attract other animals.
I'm so sorry that you're going through this. I hope it gets better.
No. 2313272
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I want to fuck this guy from my uni soooo bad hnnnmfgg
No. 2313339
>>2313334Ntayrt but off the top of my head: education, career, hobbies, passions, travel.
Your 20s are supposed to be about having fun and exploring the world and figuring out who you are. Relationships that start in the early 20s rarely ever last because the people we are at 21 is super different from the people that we are at 31.
No. 2313362
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>>2309054a few days ago i had a reunion with my friends from elementary school at a park, and gawd i think i still have a thing for a boy i used to like in 4th grade. we're both older now and he's still cute and got taller and a deeper voice and our dynamic is still the same, he's still so playful ughhhhhhhh i feel braindead. bitch your life is NOT a shoujo
No. 2313425
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>>2313377we have another reunion on january. my time to confess shyly under the sakura has come
No. 2313500
>>2313499i’m so sorry
nonnie. oh my god that is awful. no one deserves that. i hope they already have him and it’s a death penalty state. i hope they let you pull the switch yourself.
No. 2313595
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>>2313065>what is the balm you use to soothe the hurt of constantly working, either physical labor, mind-numbing tedious tasking, or otherwise unsatisfying work?It's probably not the healthy or right answer, but I just try not to think about it. If things are that bad, then silently plotting and chipping towards your escape is more effective than ruminating on shittiness, at least. While I'm doing that, even if chronically depressed, I see nothing wrong with enjoying video games.
>i cannot imagine a life that i am not constantly pushing myself in order to go above and beyond for a bigger purposeIt sounds like you've bought into shit like hustle culture and the "grindset mindset" too much. Those are memes. If someone has already worked really hard at a certain point in their life and now feeling it pay off, it should be ok to just sit back and enjoy that pay off. Whether they're young or not.
No. 2313606
>>2313589i smoke weed literally every day i am a kind of drug addict. your sister didn’t deserve to be killed like that because she needed to escape something. that doesn’t mean a relationship with an addict isn’t very difficult though and it doesn’t mean she was a perfect angel or anything but she doesn’t have to be for it to be devastating. i feel so much for every woman who loses her life at the hands of a man, that could have been me easily. it’s so unforgivable how many women die at the hands of the person they are supposed to be able to trust. i want those men to burn in hell. i hope you are able to get some justice and i’m glad at least he’s not on the run. pisses me off when they put the
victims family though hell evading capture. i hope he suffers for a long time and then kills himself.
No. 2313759
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My mom got in an argument with me because I pointed out that Ruby Ridge preceded Waco. It pissed me off because she immediately got defensive and acted like I was lying.
No. 2314570
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I just made some salmon, broccoli and rice and it tastes like fucking shit. How am I supposed to eat healthier if I fuck up every dish. I follow the recipes to a T and it still tastes so bad, what the fuck is wrong with me? It’d be fine if I was cooking for myself only but my mum also eats my dinners so I want her to enjoy it too while improving her diet
No. 2314619
>>2314590>>2314600yeah i don’t eat fish but i think squeezing it on right before you eat the bite is supposed to make it really zesty and good. i also think you have to get super super fresh fish. if it tastes fishy it’s not fresh is what i was taught. i think also using fresh herbs or more seasoning would probably fix a lot. i’m not sure the air fryer was the way to go with cooking method either. did you not use any oil cos that sounds very dry to me? maybe try cooking it in a pan on the stove with some butter or oil next time?
there are A LOT of ways to season and prepare salmon and it’s a pretty healthy base in the first place so you can be a little more indulgent than if you were eating a steak. gordon ramsey’s pan seared salmon looks pretty good.
with the broccoli i think you’ll like it better if you put more oil on it and adjust the time and temperature you cook it. you can try checking on it midway and flipping them around or adding oil. the tops do cook fast so you really have to get them wet. i also think you should add freshly minced garlic and some herbs de provence, or maybe a little garlic powder/cumin/onion powder or some sort of combination. i add red pepper flakes to like everything. just to give the broccoli some more flavor. i also like to let the top char just slightly cos i think the taste is good.
i also just want to make sure - do you like salmon and broccoli? because if there are foods you just don’t like you’re not going to win against yourself forcing yourself to eat food that you don’t like and takes a while to prepare. if you just don’t like them it might be better to move on to trying to figure out different healthy meals you actually will enjoy.
No. 2314641
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I made a joke about how I would abort every time until I got a girl a year ago, and now it's being brought up as proof how horrible I am because I have the nerve to say my sibling's kids don't listen. I have never once called them stupid, retarded, idiot, rude, disrespectful, undisciplined (where did they get this one from??),held them upside down by their leg to get them to stop doing something, hit or screamed at them. But because I told one to get away from the front door when we didn't know who was there or not, mentioned to my mother how they don't listen because they're not taught to, which the kids and my younger sibling mention to her like it's some secret, and I'm a hateful witch yet again. And I was being recorded secretly to begin with to "show how I'd try to turn her words against her and do a 360 on the conversation"?? What the hell does that prove other than you planned to do this to try and get some sort of leverage against me? Are you gonna post it to your social media and tell everyone how evil and horrible your sister is for internet points? Are you also going to post how you used to molest me and younger sib. too on your bed while our parents were downstairs? I think this is the true breaking point where I really will leave somehow by the end of next year if I can stop being a paranoid autist retard. How do I hypnotize myself to not give a fuck I need it badly
No. 2314655
>>2314641okay what the fuck they filmed you? i’m so sorry to hear your sibling did that to you. i’m
horrified for you - you still live with all of them?? are you safe right now?
No. 2314656
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>>2314640As a certified imageboard doctor I diagnose you with leakitis. You will need to install a new rubber seal down there. Here is my prescription attached
That'll be 420$
No. 2314660
>>2314644I need to wait a few weeks before my insurance kicks in and then I can go, but I'm not sure if I should wear pads (I don't get my period due to bc) in the meantime.
>>2314648>>2314649I'm scared. I've had issues with "tightness" down there before in terms of it always being tense and I've always struggled with anal fissures which I believe stem from that issue. I used to have vaginismus as well.
No. 2314771
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This world is a fuck. There are so many mean people that I just want to be nice to combat it. I try really hard. I wish to be free and enjoy the things I like. Cringe is dead I want to wear cute Shadow the Hedgehog stuff outside at my big girl age of 22. I want to talk about and love my interests. I want to talk to people and share happiness. Everyone will die someday including myself and I must be free.
No. 2314848
>>2314619You're right that I didnt use any oil. I went with the air fryer since I thought it'd be more healthy than pan frying tbh but I'll give it a go next time anyway
>do you like salmon and broccoli? I definitely like salmon and fish, but re:broccoli I'm just trying to get myself to enjoy veggies that I never used to eat so I'm trying to learn how to cook them "right" if that makes sense. Thank you for the advice though, appreciate it. I'll try some of the stuff out on my next go
No. 2315135
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I dug myself into financial hardship and half starved because I paid to travel across the Atlantic. In the end, all I do is work and be bored/lonely. The only affection & connection offered to me is motivated by lust like I'm a piece of meat. I risked making things worse in my abusive homelife to get here and now that I'm here it's very lonely. I don't feel like a person right now and all I can do is block out the idea that it's Christmas because I can't stand the idea of being sad when everyone is thrilled with love and family. I bought my own present to make sure I definitely have something good on Christmas morning. I don't know what to do tonight because there's nothing for miles, I've done all the chores, there's nothing left to paint flowers on, and I can't bring myself to watch anything because it just all blurs into one boring video anyway.
No. 2315185
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Tomorrow is the office holiday party. I'm dreading going. I don't like to eat infront of people especially for the first time. It's going to be so forced and awkward. I feel like they're going to judge me. I don't try to eat at restaurants often, especially if i have to drive to them because I have terrible motion sickness. If I eat, it will only be a little, which will make me look like an ass at the restaurant. The car ride there will make me nauseous and the ride back, especially with food in my stomach, will make it worst.
I wish I was able to backed out, but I don't want to seem like I'm not a team player. Plus I have to deliver a gift for our secret santa. My person didn't even pick a damn gift, but I hope she likes the mug I got her. Maybe this is the sign that it won't matter if I don't show. Idk I still feel obligated. I really don't want anyone to get a bad impression of me. I worked so hard to escape NEETdom, but I'm still bothered by social hangups.
No. 2315207
>>2315191Not dramatic. It was already seeming miserable and like this person doesn't actually care that much about you as I was reading, but once you said you have opposite sleep schedules I knew it really was as horrible as it sounds. I know because I've been in this exact situation almost word for word, including the swapped schedules and waking up to being groped like meat. You sit around all day wishing he weren't spending daytime sleeping, you feel isolated, you resent him, you want to wake him up but let him sleep. Then when you fall asleep he has no issue waking you up for sex just to go back to whatever he had been doing before and you fall asleep miserable. Am I right? Does he even work night shift or is he nocturnal because of a NEET internet addiction?
Is this a trip, or did you move? I hope you weren't planning on this being permanent,
nonnie, but even if you were, it's not the end of the world and you CAN rebuild your life again. I don't know the details of your
abusive homelife, but I'm very scared that you're going to stick with this (presumably) moid (why are you using they/them for a man in that case kek don't tell me you're dating a tranny) solely because you're afraid of facing the world without him as some source of stability. The truth is that he's not making you anymore stable. The only option isn't to retreat back home. You could rent a studio in a cheaper part of your city, you could get roommates (through friends of friends, bumble bff, even discord servers for your local area). My friend recently broke up with her bf and wound up finding a roommate through bumble bff who let her move in instantly and they've had no issues at all.
Regardless of what direction you go in, you gotta be honest with yourself and recognize that this dynamic is draining you of all your life force. You don't deserve to be miserable for someone else's sake, especially not someone who really just sucks even if he makes you happy when he throws you crumbs of attention.
No. 2315241
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How do you stop remembering the bad things that happened recently? I think I'm having PTSD or some shit because I remembered my times at school getting bullied to hell and back and I need to block that shit somehow.
I was working at a shitty school where the kids were fucking shit, I'm talking about kids watching porn in class and insulting the teacher (me) all of the time.
How do I block that? I keep remembering some annoying moments and I'm sick of that already.
This happened until like 3 weeks ago.
I've tried imagining something killing them already and it isn't working like when I was a kid.
And I know that I just have to talk shit about the school and that class so everyone knows that they're retarded.
No. 2315325
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guess i won't be going back to college… i had it coming. i should get a job and finally face the consequences of my actions. half of it (me failing college i mean) was depression but half of it was my lack of discipline and general laziness. when i was like 14 i really really wanted to excuse it with adhd/neurodivergency or whatever and even read a bunch of literature on it but the truth is i'm just genuinely fucking lazy. that's just who i am as a person no matter what diagnosis/label you try to slap on it
the worst thing in all this is that i'm disappointing my mom yet again. she deserves so much better than a deadbeat piece of shit husband and retarded good for nothing daughter. she works so hard and i've been taking it for granted all this time. god i wish she never met him and was happy living her best life
she told me i won't be going back to college and she was right. she said i'd just put everything off until last minute and that's exactly what happened.
i have no one and nothing to blame but myself
No. 2315335
>>2315327how is it "same" if you actually finished your education and even held a job until you quit it. that's the exact opposite of what i described
sorry if that sounded bitchy but you actually achieved things and should be proud of it
No. 2315352
>>2315320I mean, yeah but because of that I got fired too, because they weren't very best friends with me and because I kept them at an arm's length, I was also following the program and just doing my best, being creative and shit. Hell, I even gave them passing grades even though they're retarded and can't write for shit without A.I.
It's kind of funny because this doesn't happen to me with my students from another place, I honestly at this point just feel a visceral reaction whenever I think of that place like when I was bullied at school as a kid.
I just want to block out those experiences, it's shitty, I don't want to remember things like those because my brain likes to give me more reasons to kill myself.
In the end, I'm just mad because I seriously did my best, I was patient as fuck to the point of being a doormat and I was still treated like shit by those fuckfaces and the coordinator who is a fucking retard.
>>2315288Cry harder. I'm still going to talk shit about the students tbh, they deserve it.
No. 2315366
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Wish I was shameless enough to be an egirl and have moids simp and send gifts and money while I’m still young but the risk isn’t worth it and I freak out when I have too many eyes on me.
No. 2315397
>>2315360>almost 30Okay your biological clock isn't ticking
that much nona. You can get pregnant into your 40's, which at that point yes it's riskier, but a healthy baby is not a rarity in your 30's. You have like a whole decade before the clock is actually ticking.
No. 2315471
>>2315360Nonna don’t rush just because you’re in a hurry. Do you enjoy your life right now? Do you enjoy having free time?Have you ever spoken about it with your Nigel? Have you ever seen him interact with children? Are you willing to sacrifice a big portion of time you would otherwise spend as a couple to take care of the child? Are you financially comfortable to afford a child?
Having children isn’t supposed to be the end goal.
I feel like women are just pressured to have them, even when you’re 30 and have a successful career people will still tell you shit and ask you when you’re settling down and having babies kek.
Is it not better to be married though? Being married gives you legal protection and a baby is an even bigger commitment than marriage is. You’re already in an het relationship anyway , it’s not like you’re escaping the dynamics just because you don’t have a ring on your finger.
No. 2315743
>>2315729I told him in the moment how gross that is to say. I'll definitely bring it up again.
>>2315734I fucking hope not, but I doubt it's anything that sinister. They live together and he spends a lot of time and effort doing things for her when he should be building an independent life, and apparently he did not like it when I pointed out that his priorities are messed up if he wants to seriously date.
No. 2315934
>>2315930*Saging this
Sorry about the other typos, im phoneposting. Trying to fix them then delete the original post is probably gonna make it worse tbh.
No. 2316079
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Sometimes I wish I had a driver's license and enough money to buy a house in the woods or something, I love my apartment but I hate loud neighbors. The family below me always plays loud music and plays stupid when I gently ask them to lower it (and gets increasingly angrier as I just stand my ground and politely repeat myself), the wife always takes it personally as if I'm personally attacking her. Lady, while I indeed do not care for your flute assault music, you could have been playing my favorite playlists on max and I would still ask you to keep it down. I feel sorry for their daughter, she is really nice and she always seems really ashamed of her mother's behavior and is always quietly apologizing behind her.
No. 2316157
I'm upset bc I had a fight with my mom over some feminist shit, like I don't care if people have different opinions and I wasn't once mad at her at all. But she kept interrupting me, and being rather dramatic and every time I tried saying "lol, I don't care, whatever, we don't have to agree" she'd interrupt me again and then go on and on about why do I keep bringing it up— when I was literally trying to tell her "you're imagining a fight right now, I don't care" and I'd get like two words in and she'd go off again. I'm just bothered that she won't let me explain, or just finish my damn sentence. Then about how she was standing in the cold while I had a coat— I followed you inside to try and explain, then you kept yelling "I just want to be warm". I let her be bc what the fuck, so she came by 20 minutes later to tell me she was going to sleep. Again I went inside to just explain "you're making a mountain out of an anthill– I don't care. Please don't be upset with me, let me say i don't care." But she keeps interrupting me again, getting dramatic. And i put the blanket more around her, but that annoyed her and then she brought shit up from last night. (We're sharing a room. Last night I turned down the TV three times and she kept just waking up and turning the volume up again. I don't sleep easy anymore.. everytime it woke me up. Everytime I waited for her to fall asleep then she literally fell asleep on the remote. Then I wake up to the loud tv. It's 5am. I haven't slept much, I'm tired, we walked all day today, all day she talks and I nod and say "yes", "sure", "of course".)
"Well I'll be sure not to annoy you with "insertx"" and kept going about how she was so much of a bother. Like no, I'd just rather you don't put the tv on full volume at 5am. Or let me finish a sentence..
Now I'm the one crying outside and considering if 5 stories is high enough, bc I can't do that anymore. My partner is such a copy.. so this is my vacation. Considering where I should just end this because I can't go home and repeat this.
We had such a good day.. why won't anyone ever let me just talk for a moment to explain.. even now I'm not mad. I just want to be gone
No. 2316163
>>2316157I feel your pain nona, my mother can be like that too. I hope you're in a situation where you can put some distance between her and you after your vacation. You're crying because your hitting your head against the wall trying to communicate, you're experiencing
valid frustration. She's hurting you and it hurts even more to understand that she doesn't even know or care. I think you should grey rock her indefinitely. I hope you rest better tonight.
No. 2316258
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Almost loathing the idea of spending Christmas Eve with an extended non-blood related family whose male members for some reason are very disrespectful to me. The women of that family are very kind and intelligent and successful, but the males both blood-related and not are just rude.
Last time I spent 'Eve with them, I forget why but I was introduced to some boy and I shook his hand and I cannot forget the look of pure loathing and derision. I literally do not know him and have not done anything to him.
And one time someone else's son was at this dinner we all went to, sitting in the corner. I was forced to sit next to him since we arrived later and he just looked up at me from his phone, scowled, shook his head, and looked back down. I wish it was normalized to just beat the shit out of people. I would've slapped him. I was told to not feel offended because he's only a 17 year old baby.
And then the random males who ignore me but greet my father who is right next to me, or his fiance who is on the other side of me. Then just does not make eye contact with me and leaves. I am not ugly, and even if I were this behavior is unacceptable. The weirdly hateful glance of the first mentioned male is still stuck in my mind. Maybe because he expected me to smile and be servile? So eerie.
Gifrel but it's random 'extended' non-blood related 'family'
No. 2316285
>>2316279I read lick his ribs and I thought damn
nonny is ovulating
No. 2316289
>>2316195Based post. Based replies.
>>2316204Nta but I always want to do this with moids I dislike. Would I get banned? Where can I post moids I hate to see nonnies shit on them
No. 2316302
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This year will be my first Christmas alone. Completely cut off my mum for over 5 years, keep contact with my dad as little as possible and bfs family live in a different city that I won’t be able to travel up in time with my work schedule. Felt alright with it the past week but now it’s really making me depressed and is brining up a lot of repressed trauma from my parents. I’m just hoping I can sleep through the day and pretend it’s like any other.
No. 2316364
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I'm sick of projection and wish I realized it was such a widespread cope earlier in life. People will really paint you as whatever they need in order to avoid accountability and steamroll boundaries.
also the show "Laid" is terrible. The protagonist is annoying as fuck but the premise seemed really interesting. I'm disappointed but there's nothing else to watch.
No. 2316410
>>2316344you could have been born here lol
>>2316406I get how you feel, just learn that if someone doesn't reply to cut yourself off emotionally and when they reply leave them on read if you want or ignore completely. Do not ever reply again, do not have a meltdown and ask why etc. One time of this should be enough to not attempt more interactions and feed their ego.
No. 2316430
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I'm having an allergic reaction on the skin around my eye. It hurts and the eye can barely open. I took some benadryl and have an ice pack on my eye. I wish it would go away faster.
No. 2316432
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>>2316421>"so exhausted and can't talk to people"weird how even in times of war back then people can still write each other letters to pour their hearts into without missing a beat. this is just the end result of how internet culture has essentially murdered the art of communication, sadly.
No. 2316613
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i have 6 days to do 3 months of work. i had half a year to do it but i chose to fuck around and do nothing instead. i'm genuinely retarded and need to be put down
No. 2316614
>>2316613Hang in there
nonnie and try your best to resist the urge to use AI at least kek. I assume this is about school, so good luck, and honestly try to accept even the worst case scenarios beforehand just as preparation, but don't let it stop you from trying your hardest.
No. 2316616
>>2316614thank you
nonny i'll try my best!!
No. 2316643
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After a very long wait at the ER, the docror assessed me and decided I'm better off getting operated by another doctor at a later date rather than the ER. It's a bummer that I waited for nothing, sure, but I've spent a LOT of time in hospitals throughout my life so I'm used to it. My mother however, who came with me, decided not only to throw a fit and go on an hour-long angry rant in public, but also yell at a hospital staff member who was just following the rules (I had to whisper an apology to her when my mom had her back turned). She then decided to forbid me from going to the ER again, despite me being an adult and her chosing to accompany me herself. I calmly told her that such behaviour wouldn't help things and she just got angrier…
No. 2316671
>>2316658Men don't have loyalty like women do so that's why it's smart to never pay their bills or go 50-50.
Sorry that happened to you anon. My worthless ex fiance mooched off me during Covid for a whole year before we moved into our first house. When I realized what a bare minimum parasite he was it was too late to end the relationship amicably. Then he got his rich daddy to successfully sue me with a high-powered lawyer for more than half of the "split" sale and never acknowledged the help I gave him in the beginning because it wasn't legally applicable.
Look at it this way: It's a great lesson learned and you 100% won't fall for that bullshit again.
Are you married? Lawyer up for spousal alienation since the work colleague could be the paramour and do NOT reveal your legal intent (I made that mistake when I first split and from that point my ex was out for my blood knowing I would not be talked into taking his worthlessness back). Even if you're not married and you co-own property, you might be able to sue him for not giving you half. If both names are on your rental, you might still be able to sue. I took BAD advice from nonnies here a few years back when I vented about my woes and went scorched earth without planning, those were probably larping scrotes in hindsight. Also retain a FEMALE lawyer (avoid lawmoids, another mistake made…).
No. 2316672
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Putting ketchup on bolognese is insane. I can't eat this tomato sauce unless I drench it in worse tomato sauce
No. 2316681
>>2316671>>2316662 Thank you both. Yes it is a self own.. I loved him and it is my nature to make the road clear as possible for those I love. I am going to therapy now to be a better me.
And marriage? Ahahaha not THAT stupid. Oh.. and every bit of thing of value I own. It's in MY name. He can just go start over with her. I had it all set up that way. Leave me? Have fun with no car, no credit, and a bad reputation in a small Christian republican town. Your girlfriend can drive you.. oh.. she doesn't have a drivers license. Womp womp.
No. 2316727
I feel so guilty about quitting my job after a week just because my coworkers were nice to me kek. I have a better opportunity lined up (even if it's not 100% confirmed), and the job just wasn’t the right fit. I feel bad leaving during Christmas hell week, even though it’s not my fault they’re understaffed or that it’s busy. I was optimistic going in, but the job ended up being more than I expected.
I had already planned on leaving before the 1-month mark. Was just holding on for the money. On my last day, the manager asked me about the biggest difficulties, and I told him it was the sales. He started explaining everything to help me, but I went home feeling even more overwhelmed. After talking with my family, I decided to quit and let him know through message. I feel kind of rude for not saying it on the spot.
It’s weird because I’ve always had terrible experiences with colleagues, and now that I finally worked with nice people, I feel like a jerk for leaving. I’m dreading going back to return my uniform. I really don’t want to deal with any awkward conversations or judgmental looks. I’m not worried about burning a bridge, but I hate the thought of seeming like an unappreciative bitch.
No. 2316734
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I’m staying with my mom while I am back in school to save money. After living apart for awhile I remember now why I always had a general sense of malaise growing up. She’s such an anxious person and says such hurtful things like it’s no big deal. No wonder I struggled so much when I was younger.
No. 2316762
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I want macarons, but I'm not even hungry. I just feel this constant, sharp pit of dissatisfaction welling inside me, and I know eating something sweet would distract me from it.
There are so many things nagging at me, and little to nothing I can do.
No. 2316770
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>>2316762An offering,
No. 2316783
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I took a chance last night and gave my number to a friend of a friend who I've met a couple of times and felt I had a good, flirty rapport with. I know he's straight and single and I genuinely thought he might at least be mildly interested based on physical touch and how chatty he is with me irl, but it's been like 19 hours and he hasn't sent a text. I feel so embarrassed and almost predatory for assuming he might be interested, and even more embarrassed that this mild rejection has made me upset when it shouldn't be a big deal. I guess I just feel kind of gross now
No. 2316834
>>2316768As a zoomer I agree. They’re boring, indecisive and spineless. They don’t do anything to cultivate the relationship and yet expect it to be perfect. I think they truly don’t know how to be emotionally mature and interact with women. They quite literally just waste your time.
>I want out with a shared friend after we sort of clicked. He had asked me out and then after bringing me back home he asked me out again the next day because he had to tell me something and that something was that he wasn’t ready for a relationship and that he was still hang on his ex and that his friends were telling him that he was an idiot since I was hot but he wanted to be honest kek. >I went on another date with a scrote who also contacted me and asked me our first. He couldn’t stop speaking, I didn’t really like him that much , but I did my best to have a great time and he was cute. He escorted me back home and told me he had a great time, but then ghosted me kek.>met this other scrote in the library and he introduces himself and invited me for coffee, date went well, he was fun and polite. Went on a couple more dates in the span of three months. I had sex with him and then I got ghosted kek. I got pissed off and just confronted him at that point and his excuse was that he needed some time to think for himself and that I was a really great girl but he wasn’t ready. Mind you I did not ask any of these retards to be their girlfriend or marry me, never put any kind of pressure. I just wanted to get to know them better but was fixed on my own boundaries.
The experiences are either these mediocre dates and ghosting or hook up culture where you don’t even cum. Dating in 2024 is a living shithole.
Also they kind of get pissy when someone compliments you, it’s like they’re in a competition with you. While I was out with scrote number 1 and I got complimented and he got moody for a bit kek.
These men just waste your time and I seriously doubt that I’ll ever find anyone. I’ve kind of let go already and I’m simply focusing on university and my friends. I hope I can become a rich doctor and have my Doberman kek.
No. 2316841
>>2316836When they find out that you’re not insecure and that other people actually find you attractive they get so pissy in a covert way kek. Like duh if you go after an attractive person other people are bound to find them beautiful too?
I also think that the art of seduction is lost on them and they are just filled with lust, they lack any charm or sex appeal. I wish I had a Gregory Peck.
No. 2316924
>>2316909It's porn. They view women as disposable or "save them for later" because this is how they interact with porn, which has become interchangeable to women in their minds. It's completely biological and a conditioned response. I watched porn for a few days and the same thing happened to me but it was horrifying. My interactions all seem weirdly sexual and my brain was perceiving every person (but especially women) sexually before anything else. How moids are retarded is that they'll just live this way, instead of realizing they've been cucked and doing something to change it. This experience happened to me
once and I could identify what was happening with my brain immediately. Men will live in denial while ostracizing themselves from women because their behavior becomes too creepy or porn-brained to ignore. Then sink even further into loneliness and porn addiction since no normal woman will want to be around them anymore. The motivation for men to do things has always been women but now they can get a fake pay off jerking off with increasingly tech-advanced fake vaginas. It's basically a coomer culling but most women seem okay with not having children with them because they've made themselves so undesirable and mentally unwell
No. 2316929
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>>2316836This made me think about nonna kek
No. 2316936
>>2316768>go out with 28 (!) yo>talks a lot about himself and his experiences, barely has anything to say about mine. maybe i just have to speak more?>the date is enjoyable nevertheless, I thought it somewhat went well as we still have similar interests and he's not bad looking >waits for me to get on the bus, but doesn't text back. at all.>three days pass and I torture myself thinking about how shit i am at this. text him first.>he replies but my attraction and interest has died (sorry for my not so girlboss moment but I want to be wanted)>he then asks what im doing for halloween on halloween itself. I kinda get offended not going to lie and tell him I'm with my friends (I wasn't)>he now periodically vents in my DMs about job stuff like I'm gonna pity him and ask to hang out because he's having an hard timeGive it to me straight anons, am I retarded and autistic, or is he? Probably both of us are. But I don't want to hang out with a man just because he has nothing else to do or to listen to him whine.
I'm going to stay single forever…
No. 2316952
>>2316936He’s breadcrumbing you, he thought you would chase after him. He doesn’t really like you that much to offer you proper interest C, but he probably likes you enough to want to spend time with you, but with no “pressure”.
Being 28 and behaving like this is fucking retarded nonna. Don’t chase after people like this one, be with someone who’s actually interested in you and don’t feel ashamed or too much for wanting attention. Dating and courting at the start is important, if one can’t even put effort the first times they won’t later.
If you entertain him you’ll probably end in what we now call a “situationships” aka women giving boyfriend treatment to scrotes who give nothing back.
No. 2316977
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>>2316952>He doesn’t really like you that much to offer you proper interest90s cope. Men aren't interested bc they can't be interested bc they're porn brained. If anything men will use women they aren't interested in for sex and to practice lying and other scroteries. Men prefer to keep women they're really interested in as a fantasy "just out of reach" than to form any kind of meaningful relationship, since that could expose their insecurities and flaws (i.e literal death). Any anon who has snooped an ex's phone or caught one cheating knows men (of all ages) are "interested" in any woman that will show interest in them, not demand too much or have reasonable boundaries and standards. Unless this moid has tons of options and anon
>>2316936 is an irredeemable uggo but I don't get that impression from her non-desperate tone.
No. 2317055
>>2316936>my attraction and interest has died (sorry for my not so girlboss moment but I want to be wanted)It's normal to want to be wanted instead of being ok with a man that doesn't want you at all. When a man leaves me on read for days that just kills any interest I had too and I don't even bother texting him again because anyone who's okay with ignoring me like that clearly didn't give a fuck in the first place.
>>2316905I agree but I feel like at the same time there's been a shift in terms of how men used to think they'll get a virgin trad wife who will birth their kids automatically because women had to depend on them, but now they don't even bother
pretending they aren't terrible during the courting stages a lot of the time. So many of them constantly want to be chased by women instead of doing the chasing, go 50/50 etc and this seems to be increasingly more common, while before the mentality was that they were still shitty but at least pretended to be a "gentleman" first and would try to impress the woman. Porn was also not nearly as normalized as it is now, I've had zoomer men tell me about their kinks and what type of porn tags they like completely unprompted and they called
me an insecure prude if I think that's gross, it's insane. I've seen them justify this by saying women are all whores now so it's not worth it to try to impress them anymore, supposedly. I think they basically took women having any rights as this sign they don't have to fill their role anymore and can just be lazy and passive and not even put on a facade about it anymore. Both old and young men suck but this is just something I've noticed.
No. 2317062
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Today's makeup, hair and fashion aesthetics are uglier than anything in the last century. I'm tired of looking at it. It's basically "I'm having 3 types of allergic reactions and also my hair is dirty: the look". Venting here because I dont think this is a very unpopular opinion
No. 2317067
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>>2317055> So many of them constantly want to be chased by women instead of doing the chasing, go 50/50 etc and this seems to be increasingly more common, while before the mentality was that they were still shitty but at least pretended to be a "gentleman" first and would try to impress the womanYes. Men want to be the princess and the catch, this is a great point
nonnie>>2317062Everything you said + I fucking
hate matte lipstick. I think women like it because they can wear it with lipliner but it never looks good
>>2317063Even in chola culture this look is over but of course the mid-westerners have finally reached this trend
No. 2317133
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>>2317122oooh i'll try the matcha tea, thank you! i wouldn't be surprised if i have pmdd and if you also have endo tbh i think i read somewhere that there's a big relationship between the two, like a comorbidity type of deal. i also legit have suicidal thoughts intensifying before my period comes, are you also the same? i think that's one big sign of pmdd so just wondering. again thank you!
No. 2317138
>>2317133It definitely sounds like you have PMDD then. There's no testing for PMDD, it's just a diagnosis doctors throw at you when you experience pronounced mood swings and other mental/physical issues during your luteal phase when your estrogen sharply drops. Most women don't really even notice the difference in hormonal fluctuations in this time period, but for people who are sensitive to it, it not only feels like you're functioning at half your usual physical capacity, it also feels like you're the most retarded freak on earth kek. It really varies from woman to woman but yeah sudden or increased suicidal ideation is one of the more severe symptoms. I don't get suicidal but it does make my pre-existing (but manageable) issues about a hundred times worse, so I become a massive anxious self-hating mess on top of being so dizzy and weak that I usually don't even go anywhere during the days leading up to bloodshed. I will say though, it's not the most consistent thing, since hormones themselves are hardly consistent. My PMDD peaked in the couple of years following my decision to stop taking BC, and it's mellowed out a lot since I've gotten older. So there's always hope it'll get better. I recommend checking out the PMDD subreddit, but exercise caution since there's a lot of doomposting that can make the diagnosis seem hopeless since only the most severely affected people would feel the need to post in a community dedicated to suffering every day kek
How'd you learn you have endo btw? Not sure if it's even worth it for me to get tested since I wouldn't really consider the options I know are available. I literally can't function on the first/second day of my period because the pain is so severe, and I also get cramps for the whole week preceding my period. I've also always bled way more than normal lmao.
No. 2317142
>>2317135HOA or the super would be your best bet, cops don't care at all about noise complaints most of the time, especially at night. Good luck
nonnie, I know how infuriating and exhausting it is.
No. 2317153
>>2317138>How'd you learn you have endo btw?ohhh girl it is a terrible story so get ready. i woke up one morning around the start of the pandemic with severe pain in my stomach. i thought i was going to die from the pain, and thought that maybe i ate or drank something that just did not agreed with my body at all. i wobbled into the kitchen to fetch pain killers and nearly collapsed on the staircase to get back to my bed. i slept it off miraciolously, but when i woke up, i couldn't move, and the pain crept up until it full on became hell on earth. i was with my parents and my family at this time because the lockdown made us all live together in this house and they all heard me screaming like never before. soon i was taken to the medical center to see if maybe i have appendicitis or something. a doctor said i might and that i have to go to ER immediately. went there, they did their stuff to check me out, and they found a huge growth near my ovary. they suspect endometriosis or maybe cervical cancer. that if something is mangled, that they are going to have to cut out one of my fallopium tube and even the ovary attached as well. i gave my consent, completely floored by this. scheduled me for an emergency surgery maybe less than a week after that ER visit since the painkillers have at least helped. it was weird feeling this balloon-like feeling inside of me of where the tumor or whatever was. the surgery came and when i awoke, they told me the news of my endometriosis and that they took out a huge chocolate cyst along with a tube and ovary since it was mangled around it and was unviable at that point. it was maybe a couple of years later that i went to a specialist for another surgery to "clean up" all the lesions around my uterus, and they also took out my appendix since my endo destroyed that organ as well. at this point i'm sorta accepting that maybe i'm not biologically able to have children, though i have heard some incredible miracle stories so who knows.
if you have a lot of pain and LOTS of bleeding.. like HUGE cloths coming out.. those are glaring signs of endometriosis. so if you have these signs, PLEASE get yourself checked. fight with the docs and nurses if they try to brush you off. i wish i spoke up when i was suffering from blackout type of pain when bleeding as a teenager but was told to get over myself, that being a woman means being in pain. i wish i knew.
No. 2317164
>>2317153Okay maybe I don't have endo kek, I have severe cramps, heavy bleeding, and get tiny follicular cysts on my ovaries have, but I've never had HUGE clots. And I've never been in the amount of pain you described, even though I had many days where I had to skip school as a teenager even after taking 600mg of ibuprofen. God I'm so sorry. I've only really ever had clots the size of a gumball at most and they still "bleed" out normally if that makes sense, like totally malleable and still fluid, just thick. I haven't read much about how the blood is "supposed" to be since it freaks me out and I never had friends comfortable enough to talk about it with. My mom definitely had endo before her hysterectomy though. Somehow she never got diagnosed despite being the most obvious case ever, she was always in so much pain and passing clots the size of chicken eggs. Before she had a hysterectomy, she had the lining of her uterus lasered to reduce her bloodflow which she still says is the best thing she ever did. And hey, she still had five kids before that so I wouldn't rule out the possibility for you. You can actually still get pregnant if you get your uterine ablation performed but I think the chances are far lower and miscarriage chances increase.
I'm so sorry the journey has been so rough for you. Being a woman can be brutal. I'm always so jealous of the women who talk about how they barely even notice being on their period. I can't imagine how traumatic (both physically and mentally) endo has been for you.
Even more reason to never forgive stolen valor trannies talking about their "period cramps" from HRT aka constipation. No. 2317167
>>2317154You're not a fat retard
nonnie, you're not even overweight and you have plenty of time to lose weight. It's okay, don't be so hard on yourself. Try to research the science behind fullness and aim to eat more protein-heavy meals low in calories, like baked salmon with white rice. Protein keeps you feeling full for much longer while optimally fueling your body. Just please don't let the self-hatred outweigh the positive determination to be healthier
nonnie, it might seem like an efficient path to weightloss but the cons are not worth it.
No. 2317170
>>2317153ntayrt but nonna you described my fucking life. first period at 12 i was on the floor begging to die for hours, and it was consistently severely painful every single time for years. nowadays i only have a bad, painful period every other cycle, but its weird. the painful ones go on for 3 days max, bleeding like a stuck pig, dollar-coin size clots, everything. the "better" ones last like 5-6 days and are much less murder-esque and i can actually function during them.
my doctors did the same thing to me when i was rushed by my mom in after my first period. "welcome to being a woman haha!" i've still never gone back, i think i'd actually rip someones throat out if they were dismissive again
No. 2317182
>>2317170>every other cycleI'm the other anon but sounds like only one of your ovaries is messed up somehow and causing the majority of the problems, since they "take turns" releasing eggs during ovulation. Left ovary releases the egg for one cycle then the right ovary releases the egg for the next. I honestly thought the dollar-coin sized clots were "normal" kek.. I do get those sometimes, and my periods tend to be bloody for ~3 days then it's a lot of oxidized blood and spotting for the rest of the week. Do you take ibuprofen during or try to dryknuckle it with a heating pad?
TMI but
the worst part of periods might actually be having to shit. I swear to god, every time I'm in the most debilitating pain, it's because I need to poop and don't even realize it yet and the pressure makes my uterus feel like it's being strangled. Then trying to push on the toilet makes me feel like I'm going to vomit and pass out from pain. I always feel like I've exorcised a demon afterwards. No. 2317200
>>2317182yeah nona… thats what i've theorized myself but i'm honestly being cowardly about it bcus if one of my ovaries has to go i'll freak out. i'm honestly just scared lol.
dollar-size clots seem like they shouldn't be normal? bcus the uterus of a woman who hasn't been pregnant is just the size of a fist. have u heard of decidual casts? they're one of my worst fears ever.
i freeball my "better" cycles- no meds at all bcus i'm so relieved when i get them. a few months ago, on one of the bad ones, i was taking midol round the clock, adding ibuprofen and tylenol on timers to take all 3 of them, finally tried to drug myself to pass out with benadryl and ativan and ended up going to urgent care and left with an oxycodone and instructions to have someone stay the night to make sure i was breathing still due to all of the other meds. its brutal.
on the topic of poop i know how you feel its like adding insult to injury. i'm getting angry thinking about how we have to go thru all this with zero accommodations for work/school No. 2317202
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I tried to drink for fun but I forgot I'm an angry drunk and I hate everyone and I want them to die. I'm home alone so there's no one here t piss me off but my rage is palpable regardless
No. 2317316
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How can you accept that you were sexually abused while growing up? If I think about it makes me want to scream. I live by pretending nothing ever happened and that the way I am today is just because I'm aseksual teehee LGBTQIA! This usually gets my lib friends to stop asking any questions. But the truth is that if I see the beastly look men have in their eyes when they feel sexual desire towards you I want to kill myself.
No. 2317321
words that currently describe my self and my life: lonely, isolated, trapped, empty, unfulfilled, stagnant, wilted, ashamed, pathetic. it all just feels so empty and pointless. i keep just letting things happen, there is nothing in my life that i truly want for myself. i thought i was growing but ive only regressed. i cant even keep a fucking journal for myself or a fucking iPhone note because my privacy isn’t respected. but this is what ive cultivated for myself, this is the culmination of the decisions ive made or refused to make. my life is hardly my own.
No. 2317347
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ive been on ssris on-and-off since i was a teenager and the one im taking now works really well to control my panic attacks but i wish someday that i could just not be on it at all. the emotional blunting and loss of 90% of my sex drive hurts
No. 2317491
>>2317465Here are examples of posts by this
>>2317443 "anon" that took me 5 minutes to find:
>>2312318>>2309128>>2306853>>2307041>>2307098>>2298877What I know about her just from those posts:
>She lives in the UK in an apartment building>She plays the Sims>Her brother has a cocaine addiction>Her father has multiple sclerosis>Her parents are divorced>She has CPTSD & carpal tunnel>She's a survivor of an abusive relationshipThat's all just from the posts that I've linked. There's more that I've recognized and more information that she's posted about herself. If I can identify a user based on one post, then that user has posted way too much identifying information at too great a frequency. It's to the point where she's losing anonymity.
>>2317472If you come on here and post the exact same things again and again, people will begin to recognize you. It's not rocket science.
>>2317482The point is that you're revealing way too much information about yourself and your life. It's not conductive to the goal of anonymity.
No. 2317493
>>2317491And yet you still have no idea who i am. Stay invested
nonnie youre like my guardian angel
No. 2317512
>>2317505It's really not that difficult when someone posts the same vent 5+ times and other identifying information on multiple different threads.
>>2317507Are you also the anon that posted pictures of her ears in the Unpopular Opinions thread? I kind of figured but I didn't know for sure.
No. 2317528
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The detective nonnies will NEVER catch me.
No. 2317536
>>2317491okay now let me try:
you are the same person posting about how easy it is to get a boyfriend at christmas in the stupid questions thread right now. you're bored.
No. 2317590
>>2317579Why did he do that? I don't think that's normal,
nonnie. People shouldn't look through each other's documents unless they have a very good reason to believe there's funny business afoot, but even then, the reasonable healthy thing to do first is talk about it. I am sorry that happened to you, and I hope you communicate to him how humiliating this truly is for you. Very violating whether he intended for it to be or not. Is he always this comfortable violating your privacy?
No. 2317601
>>2317443I'm not any of the other anons who have replied to you so far, but in general, if people are telling you that your anonymity is at risk, you should listen. And that goes doubly in a place like this, I mean look at the most popular boards kek. Image boards are anonymous for a reason and it's to your benefit, and it is your choice to take advantage of how liberating it is to speak freely while also staying safe. A lot of women, like me, can't use regular social media due to being stalked. If you can post here without worrying about such things, you're very lucky, but you're also retarded for not caring about the potential of forgoing your anonymity. And for what? Slightly more attention in a vent thread?
/ot/ is very comfy but don't let that make you forget that there ARE men constantly lurking here, not "normal" men but men from woman-hating communities and far worse image boards with threads dedicated to doxxing, stalking, and harassing random women for fun and sexual kicks. There are also plenty of insane women waiting for an opportunity to ruin lives here too, since most image boards are only really used by people on the fringes of society or aware of those fringes anyway. I have no reason to complain about farmhands, but I'd be even more weary of what you post here because of their ability to see your location along with all posts under your IP. In general, just be more cautious. For Christ's sake, there was a post just a couple days ago by a
nonnie detailing how she keeps a file on everyone she talks to or can identify at all online.
No. 2317607
>>2317605I'm not pretending i asked last week for some posts to be deleted and I'll take a 24 hour ban as a pittance and the NI farmhand obliged and admitted to being a fenian cause I slabbered about GAA and told me to stop being a melt. Admin and other mods that aren't that melt can look into it. Again I don't have social media so if that other NI user wants to suspect every female not smoking in public as being me she can do that. Not my place to tell her how to spend her time. She going to try and
trigger me in public by offering me some weed, oh no
No. 2317618
>>2317615You really just need to take a step back from the computer and stop posting for a bit. You're aggro because several anons pointing out that your posts are highly identifiable and contain a lot of personal information. You confirmed a bunch of information about yourself. This is an anonymous website. The point is to stay anonymous. You having a chimp out and blaming moderation for your own stupidity is embarrassing and pathetic. Get a grip. Stop posting all this information about yourself.
>>2317607>GAA>Gaelic Athletic AssociationSo we can infer that you like sports too? Or that you're a part of this organization? See what I mean? You just gave another piece of information about yourself. You're not learning anything you fool.
No. 2317625
>>2317620yeah I agree she's a retard but all the catholics are inbred as fuck here so it makes sense, I don't feel bad for her at all kek
>>2317615honestly going for the farmhand gangstalking conspiracy instead of just realising you've given away loads of info about yourself and you're stupid enough to keep getting baited into handing out more is hilarious. i love it when new board cows emerge
No. 2317634
>>2317626based tbh but you are still a mong for not taking better care of your privacy
>>2317628she'll go back to it, drug addicts always do
No. 2317649
>>2317640>Posts identifying information about self, including family information, interests, drug problems, health problems>Posts picture of ears revealing general face shape, hair colour, ear jewellery, and glasses>Confirms location and exact phone model>"Wait, anons can figured stuff out about me…? It must be the farmhands! No, it must be the baiters! It's everyone else's fault, not mine!!!"ROFL.
No. 2317717
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>me waiting for the vpn ban to end so i can go posting what i actually want and not fearing about posting here because of my backwards ass country
No. 2317723
>>2317711What you wanna do is reach out to the customer service of the specific airline that you flew with. In the email, make it very clear that you were belittled, bullied, and that one of their employees made you cry. Specify the flight number you were on, the gate that you were waiting at, the airport that you were in, and what time the incident occurred. Most flight companies will have record of who was working the gate. You have to write the email from a voice of concern, include questions on how the airline company can remedy this situation, your feelings from being bullied, how this affects your opinion on the airline, and how his behaviour could damage the reputation of the company in the future.
No. 2317729
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>>2317719you'd be surprised what sites they lurk..
i wish this was a tinfoil but considering the former head of my countrys version of the cia was a aussie and they really like how they handle censorship plus also china No. 2317760
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>>2317744Over my spoiled milk glowie if I go down so will my cow thread OP your choice milk? Or kek?
No. 2317762
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i just wanted to say that the zaza won again and i relapsed because i'm not taking this seriously. it's sad because i realized i really do better and get more creativity/energy when i'm not smoking even if it's for a day, but i can't keep it up. fuck me.
No. 2317794
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i'm reading the "grinch 2" "movie script" some guys dad wrote and it is making me seethe with rage. this man is MARRIED and has KIDS and he thinks the epitome of humor is being a helpless fucking retard and embarrassing his wife in public. it is such a thinly veiled self-insert fanfic of a grown man behaving like a complete child to his love interest and its supposed to be funny? i used to want to get married, i literally feel sick now. if i were married to this man and he actually expected me to read this and so i did read it out of love, i would pour boiling hot sugar water on him while he sleeps afterwards.
No. 2317827
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The book thread on /m/ is one of the biggest disappointments of my life
No. 2317837
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starting to realize why i'm having anxiety around trying a serious relationship again and its because i don't know how to deal with what i like to call 'love opposition' from a partner's friend group, family members, exes, and so on. i had bad experiences meeting a partner's friend or family members and if they decide that they didn't liked me for whatever reason, would start to insult me or conduct a mission to get us to break up and i hate the drama that comes from that. i also hate that there's no way for me to also stand up for myself or say anything about it because society is too quick to label a woman like this as problematic, jealous, or even abusive. the friend or family member or ex always ends up as the victim in the situation and the partner stands by their side while demonizing the other partner and i hate that there's no way to navigate that except to just dump the partner once the water gets too hot, if you know what i mean, instead of fighting for the relationship. i don't know how to get over this tbh.
No. 2317843
>>2317829We simply don't click. Not to generalise because I'm sure there must be some lovely anons in the thread too, but if I wanted to read about classic yaoi ship #341 or whether a book that's over sixty years old is
problematic, I'd just go to tumblr.
No. 2317891
>>2317875I’m in a similar boat
nonnie, and I wish I had any advice or words of encouragement but the job market is just kind of shit right now. Hang in there. Here’s hoping things are better in 2025.
No. 2317900
nonny, I think it's so cringe when BL gets labeled as LGBT+ in the west. I guess it makes it look less weird and foreign and "fetishy" even if I don't give a fuck. I don't want "representation" in my coom games I want to coom.
No. 2317902
>>2317888Yeah, after I posted I realized it sounded cunt-ish. There's nothing wrong with a retail or any service job. It's just scary bc I never did anything like it. Maybe a non customer facing job would be better for me.
>>2317891I hope you get a really nice, well paying and not too stressful job too nona.
No. 2317936
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Not me just learning today that Art Garfunkel's son has been hanging with Joshua Block (austic alcoholic homeless lolcow) and his Pimp Mr.Based, why are the male children of famous men such fail males? Imagine giving birth to a moid (i know) who wants to hang with a lolcow who thought dogs laid eggs,eats his boogers and bites himself in anger, to "build his live streaming career". It reminds me of a friend I have whose brother is the biggest loser neet.
Meanwhile,the sister works and gets treated like she's Shayna or something. When she just decided to do a regular job and not what her parents wanted.
Imagine having all the tools to be successful and not taking advantage of it as a moid. That's all you have to do.
You aren't expected to be attractive as your father, or as talented just to exist. But you have to befriend a Autist and his 60 year old pimp to get clout.
No. 2317954
>>2317933Watch out nona. You'll get jealous farmers here who claim that you are "humble bragging" kek.
I don't see how you're having so many problems with scrotes seeing you as a porn category though. If you're concerned about men checking you out just stop wearing makeup or dress up in ways that straight scrotes don't find attractive.
No. 2317989
>>2317954I hope that doesn't happen because to envy someone who is seen as a literal child by people just reflects how sick, pedophilic, and woman-hating society is. My brain hurts. The porn category comment I made is about how I have been called a "real life loli" since I was still an actual child. And it's continued into adulthood despite the fact that I don't dress or act "anime" and haven't even watched that garbage since I was an actual child. I dumped my most recent ex because I thought he was porn free like he claimed to be but then I found really scary porn featuring women who were adults but looked underage and being fetishized for it (like they were in school uniforms). And recently a guy came up to me in public at night when I was waiting on friends, asked me if I was in high school, then when I said no he immediately asked me if I was looking to "get paid to have some fun." My own mother makes fun of me for looking like a kid.
>If you're concerned about men checking you out just stop wearing makeup or dress up in ways that straight scrotes don't find attractive.This shit happened so much more when I wasn't wearing makeup, is the thing. I only started wearing makeup to try to look older. Do you have any suggestions for style changes that could ward off scrotes? As long as it's not just "become tradgoth" I'm open to suggestions. I tend to dress feminine but business casual. Maybe I'm just cursed and have to learn to live with it but god it sucks.
No. 2317998
>>2317995You're right about the terminally online moid thing, a lot of my friends growing up on the internet were just straight up losers but it's hard to not think back on all those comments when I'm still being creeped on IRL by guys who don't even know what a loli is. But they still creep on me regardless, except their frame of reference isn't anime. I can't really be surprised considering the shit that's popular among pornsick men right now. I have to try very hard to not spiral and think all men are pedos but it's almost impossible to resist that line of thought sometimes.
>>2317996I think I need to buy a pair of fucking pants. It's embarrassing but I've always avoided pants because I find them uncomfortable. Maybe switching up will help a little. At this rate I'll probably even cut my hair, my mental health is taking a toll from this and I feel desperate to do whatever to stop this shit from happening and be seen as an actual adult or at least a human being. Thanks for the advice.
No. 2318002
>>2317989>>2317933I used to have a friend who looked VERY young (like she literally passed as a 12 year old girl when she was 21) and the times I saw her get approached by scrotes made me
so angry and sick to my fucking stomach, because they always made it obvious why they were approaching her. It activated my inner guard dog kek. I fully sympathise with you, nonna. I don't know what advice to give you but stay safe and try not to let moid opinions dictate your life.
No. 2318037
>>2318034she’s doing some weird
victim blamey “normie females get what they deserve for going to such places unlike meeee”
No. 2318038
>>2318019Not at all what my post was describing, what kind of strawman is this? I was venting, in a vent thread, about being told that I look like a child well into my twenties by both men and women in many different environments. I'm regularly mistaken for an actual child by strangers who try talking to me about how their kids are my age before I correct them, plus men in real life are the most common offenders for making weird creepy comments about it (especially when I'm eating alone, and Uber drivers for some reason). I'm afraid you maybe think that I actually am trying to somehow turn this into a humble brag when I feel nothing but humiliated by it.
>>2318014Actually an extremely good idea, idk how this didn't cross my mind kek. I'll definitely do this for when I go out.
No. 2318039
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I've filled up my menstrual cup 7 times today. Last one had a giant clump that looked like I've miscarried (thankfully I'm a lesbian so that's not the case).
No. 2318057
>>2318038in all seriousness
nonny if you still want to appear older, i think these could help:
>get a shorter haircut, long hair is associated with youth>try to stay away from lighter hair colors, blonde hair, highlights and so on because we tend to associate these traits with children>continue with applying makeup, i suggest slightly darker and more muted colors such as black, gray, browns/neutrals, mauve lipstick, that sort of thing, for a more mature look instead of light playful colors>stay away from clothes that screams youthful energy, be discerning with clothes that are in with zoomer high school kids so that you don't look like them. business casual like someone else here mentioned might be your best bet.>confidence is common amongst older women, so if you walk around all shy and shit, men will SNIFF that shit and start to harass you. walk tall, face straight ahead, talk with a deeper and self assured tone.>start buying and wearing understated yet expensive-looking jewelry like watches. i don't tend to see very young women wearing watches. basically, ask yourself what a zoomie or alfie would wear and then do the opposite.>avoid speaking in slang, talk about a complicated book or a seminar you went to recently. most moids eyes would glaze over and fuck off eventually. No. 2318064
>>2318057Thank you so much
nonnie, I would bow to you if I could lmao. I actually grew my hair out because I felt like short hair only accentuated my babyface but I think now that I dress more mature short hair could be my best option. Confidence is my biggest struggle, I am pretty sheepish and it definitely shows in my body language. Also thanks for mentioning watches, I've literally never owned one and generally find them kind of ugly (guess because I'm still gen Z myself) but I think you're onto something with that.
>talk about a complicated book or a seminarThe funny part about this is that I'm literally in grad school for something men pretend to care about but never actually do, so anytime I talk about books or whatever they just brush it off like they know more and treat it like their chance to flex kek. Wish I had friends more like you
No. 2318071
>>2318064ayrt and you are so sweet! its actually funny but i'm definitely older than you and my last suggestion would be to be open to befriending and socializing with older women. we have the wisdom to share with you and this will give you so much more confidence navigating the world as a young woman since we've been there, done that. i echo also what
>>2318060 said because yeah, it sucks that we have to fold ourselves into pretzels just to get moids to leave us be, but we have to make do with what we can. i don't think it's a bad thing to have long hair since i have it too, and yeah it definitely accentuates my baby face too, but i don't care. as long as you work on your presentation in the world like walking straight and looking at people confidentially in the eye, you will go a long way. best of luck to you and believe me, you are definitely being victimized by these men, but try your best to ignore them. the world is your oyster and you have every right to exist without being made afraid.
No. 2318089
>>2318074Sadly my periods are too heavy to make them viable. I do wear them together with the cup, just in case I leak.
>>2318061I'm always worried about this so I make sure to do it properly, even if it's messier at times. Beats the feeling of pads, and I have 0 desire to use tampons.
No. 2318122
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>>23180922025 resolution for all of us is let that shit GO
No. 2318305
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What the fuck, I heard what sounded like something huge falling or an explosion 3 times in the distance outside, on the 4th I woke up my Dad and it happened 4 more times. Then quieter "pops" 6 or 7 times. The dogs are scared walking around and shaking and I'm in the bathroom stress pooping and hiding. Damn this I was about to fall asleep
No. 2318328
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i have 2.13 dollars total in my bank account
No. 2318338
>>2317879I was raised religious with a mother that was very strict.
>>2317881>>2317892Ah, my mother does that thing where she keeps repeating random actions before doing something, I got so used to it as a child that I thought it was just her "thing"… does OCD get passed down?
No. 2318456
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I hate having a crush. We’re just talking and we send each other reels every day but I get caught up in my head when he doesn’t respond. I know he responds to me way more than other people though because our friends at uni say he’ll kinda disappear in their conversations but he still messages me several times a day. I’m fine texting old friends but I hate texting people I don’t know as well because I like to get to know them face-to-face instead. I hate the pressure from online dating advice too about how often you should text someone and if you’re not talking all the time then he’s not interested but I think that’s the one thing people get really retarded about. Texting is a terrible way to get to know someone, especially if you’re romantically interested in them, but I still get insecure when he doesn’t respond. We shouldn’t have this much access to each other.
No. 2318458
>>2318436Maybe try teaching in another place, at first I was teaching at a school and it was hell to me, now I'm teaching at a coaching place and it's great, my students are learning, they get along with me and I even got promoted after a few months working with them.
There's more teaching opportunities than just schools and universities.
No. 2318574
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>go to a Japanese restaurant
>my mom's idea
>I'm offering to pay for my mom and my sister's food
>mom decides to openly tease and make fun of me
>calling me a "wannabe jap" in front of the waiter
>whispering loudly in front of other patrons that I always eat ramen, mochi, and wanna try Japanese beer because she thinks I wanna be Asian so bad and openly joked that I'm "transracial".
>you dumb cunt, we're literally in a Japanese restaurant, ofc I'm gonna wanna try JAPANESE FOOD
>decides to embarrass me further by replying to the waiter in a fake asian accent
>unitonically says "arigato" over and over at the waiter just because he's asian and keeps mentioning that she watches anime.
>pokes me in the forehead and tells me to "be nice" when I'm in the middle of eating my food
Why does she always do this? She even ruined the eclipse day for me earlier this year when she made a huge scene about how I'm such a "science nerd" and "know everything about planets and stars and the moon". I truly hate her personality, I don't know why I cuck myself by doing nice things for her when she loves kicking me down and embarrassing the shit out of me at my happiest moments. From the age of FIVE, I always wished I had a normal, non-embarrassing mom instead of whatever the fuck this womanchild is. Lord, forgive me for calling this woman a blistering cunt.
No. 2318588
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I feel like my entire life has been "I just need to make it through this day" when do I get to take a fucking breather.
No. 2318591
>>2318559Not a marriedfag or a nigelfag, but you can actually roleplay rather than wasting your time being a retard kek.
Discuss with your husband and organize with a sitter. Meet up somewhere , maybe a restaurant and remove your ring fingers, get a wig, make your Nigel shave etc. You’ll play two lovers cheating on their spouses. Don’t break character.
Boredom is bound to happen if you don’t do shit to cultivate your relationship.
No. 2318621
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Tired of seeing people get corrupted by Tumblr. Get these white girls off of fucking Tumblr because all it does is create columbine loving radicals and possibly still creating gendies. Tired of hearing how white girl of the month was in love with Eric and Dylan. I'm mentally ill as fuck I will admit. But I have never understood why these white girls lick the boot of school shooters or killers in general. Get a fucking hobby that doesn't involve reading garbage.
No. 2318686
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Nothings more crueller than realizing that your own sister is a bpdtard and shes been fooling you all this time
No. 2318772
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Jury duty, KILL ME fucking jury duty. I rescheduled, pray they don't call me back. I can't do this.
No. 2318878
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I need my metabolism to get going again,I keep losing/gaining the last ten pounds for fucking months. What do I have to do besides eating less and moving more to reset it? It’s driving me insane,I almost wish I could go ana again for the looks but I was an absolute mess during that time.Ughhhh maybe if I did ozempic for a bit until my metabolism resets and I could do everything on my own again,maybe.Im so fuckibg frustrated aaaaaghhhh
No. 2318932
>>2318927good luck
nonny. Drink loads of water and green tea
No. 2318968
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>>2318916>how do i accept just making shitty things that nobody will seeA pretty big part of learning how to draw is not only not giving a shit what other people do, but letting go of your ego. You have to focus on yourself and you have to accept the fact that not everything you make will be good, and at the beginning, a lot of what you make will be hot trash. This isn't a reflection of you, it's just the nature of creation and the nature of skills. Behind the most talented artists are mountains worth of absolute garbage drawings. The best digital artists online began by drawing shitty Sonic OCs and tarded up anime doodles.
>how do i ever feel like my own approval and joy is enough? Your own approval and joy isn't just "enough", it's everything. It's the only thing that matters in art. YOU are going to see the drawings, YOU are your audience. Practice so that you are capable of drawing all the things inside you that you want to give life to. It doesn't matter what anyone else thinks, don't even show them. They're nothing.
Also ask advice in /m/ so nonnas can give you art tips!