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No. 2324263

No. 2324304

To continue the previous thread, I think it's because of the mid 2010s and the Gamergate (shit, remember THAT?). A lot of young men become "anti-woke" for no other reason than video games. Yeah, not just right wing, just "anti-woke," and only because of vidya. That and because before far right had a prominent internet culture and aesthetics: Julius Evola, fashvawe, even right wing internet musicians, tons and tons of videos on YouTube, memes… for a lot of guys, it was a cool, edgy, counter-culture that also protected their precious bibio games from ugly women and they didn't really cared all that much about economy and other issues. One day they are monarchists when it was popular, then natsoc, then lolberterian (not in particular order). Then, they were pagans when Evola was rediscovered, then le based Catholics, now being Orthodox is in the vogue.
It was a great boon for the right wing movement, since they had an edge online, especially in less moderated places. It's great for a while, but the unfortunate truth is that all those people don't really care all that much. You can see it now even more clear now when the gamer part become even more terminally online since they marinated in their own juices for so long: they pretty much support every left wing policy (NEETbux in the economic sphere, porn and weed when it comes to morals), they just coat it in an edgy chauvinist coat of paint. And so on and so forth.
It all started because a bunch of basement dwellers were passed their video games didn't have big titty waifus.

No. 2324528

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No. 2324533

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it's actually rhetoric like this that makes kids trans, locking preferences and interests behind gender roles, but both sides don't want to admit this. linking the tweet too so you can see the video:


also i don't know if it's the accent, but the moid sounds older than the wife.

No. 2324537

Its to stupid. Gendered colors and clothing for young children was a thing made up by marketers to trick people into buying more clothing that their kid would outgrow quickly.

No. 2324543

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Men really make up their own problems .Over 40 years ago they used to pink was so kakoi and for alpha wolf sigma males like sonny from miami vice and scrotes like elvis used to pay for stylish pink cars.

No. 2324548

how old are these men?

No. 2324551

>this dad just avoided his son becoming "trans"
he didn't avoid shit, just made sure his son turns out trans but in secret and will eventually go no contact so nobody can stop him from the chop, so much for muh leadership and muh legacy.

No. 2324561

35-40 depending on what season that photo was taken

No. 2324650

maybe if he turns out to be gay, he'll most likely just have fucked up ideas about masculinity and grow up to be some kind of butterscotch horseman

No. 2324928

if video games were really trashy, most of these idiots would probably be on the same side as vaush and hasan

No. 2324962

I feel like Native Patriot only posted this because the mom is an attractive woman being hurt and humiliated by a man, this is basically softcore porn for certain twitter users

also agree that the kid is now more at risk of trooning out because of this, if he doesn't transition he will at least learn never to trust his father if his dad's going to throw a mantrum over trivial shit like this. but hey that's what a lot of men seem to want nowadays, to perpetuate the shitty parenting cycle and make boy children "manly" again, lmao what a joke

No. 2325728

what does the father look like?

No. 2325876

The video is ragebait, the 'mum' can barely hold laughter at the end of it. The 100k likes under the tweet is scary though.

No. 2327215

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For context, the official twitter account for Stellar Blade shared some fanart of their character by a concept artist from another studio, and their fanbase of manchildren proceeded to chimp the fuck out because they didn't like how it looked (or because the artist was affiliated with NaughtyDog, even they can't seem to decide which one it is). SB subsequently asks them not to throw a nuclear tantrum over a drawing, and as you can probably infer they did not take kindly to that. This whole thing is mindbogglingly retarded but my favorite one is this dude who casually admitted to neglecting his girlfriend in favor of whining online, and he genuinely doesn't seem to understand how embarrassing it truly is. It's even more ironic when you realize both the CEO and his wife rt'd the post he's fussing about anyway. KEKYPOO

No. 2327219

The fact they're chimping out over the most inoffensive pretty girl drawing ever put to canvas is hilarious.

No. 2327223

>I wonder if Asian devs will ever catch up
>Hope Korea won't have to learn the hard way
Holy shit these people are insufferable. I hope they're happy that this is the audience they cultivated kek

No. 2327316

ayrt, kek you'd think he gave the chick vitiligo and a buzzcut, made her fat etc or something the way these retards are reacting. turns out the big issue is… she was drawn with an angry expression? lmfao

No. 2327850

This is the same crowd who was just calling the Mouthwashing devs based for condemning harassment over fanart (because it coincided with backlash against NSFW art of Anya the rape victim), but now when the type of fanart is SFW it's a problem? Crazy

No. 2327883

Elon changing his display name to "Kekius Maximus". Hello fellow internet kids!

No. 2327884

Did he forget we're not in 2016 anymore and gamergate isn't a thing anymore?

No. 2327886

Why does he remind me of newfags who think posting here is edgy and quirky because LC = deep internet femcel site and make it their entire personality on sites like Instagram and Tumblr kek

No. 2327899

He's exactly the normie version of that, he's a clown and thinks playing Diablo instead of doing his job is soo quirky and nerdy.

No. 2327904

It's not even that bad? Is it because she doesn't look as coomery? What are they even bitching about.

No. 2327928

It's amazing he acknowledges that his gf is "complaining" about this trait of his but he won't get the hint.

No. 2328009

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Stolen from lsa, but a woman posted how she read a bunch of books this year and now people are clowning on her because they're apparently all erotica I don't read so I wouldn't know, I just think some of the replies are dumb

No. 2328010

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No. 2328013

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No. 2328016

I hate how retards think women reading some romance erotica is as evil as moids fapping it to underage rape porn.

No. 2328019

The photoshoot and pose would be pretentious to begin with, but it all being erotica written for the half-illiterate masses does make it even funnier. The suggestion to read a bunch of dudebro “how to win friends and influence people” type junk instead is also funny.
Moids LOVE the idea that women reading corny romance novels with 10 pages of written imaginary porn in it is the same as them jerking off to real videos of girls being exploited and abused.

No. 2328025

Maybe she doesn't need to read about all these topics because she's already knowledgeable in them, duh.

No. 2328030

>adult books
Kek, what a stupid term. God forbid a woman reads.

No. 2328099

They need any excuse to claim that women are just as bad because they want to be the heroes

No. 2328100

They think women's erotica books have rape and pedophilia. I've browsed books like that out of curiosity once and the sex scenes are so tame and comical. One was a woman having sex with a rich scientist vampire and while having sex she pressed a button that teleported her to a haystack on a random farm. That's the shit males are comparing to watching real women and girls get raped on camera.

No. 2328149

Why are gamergate scrotes so attached to this game? There is no need to get so worked up over fanart?

No. 2328154

Does this bitch-hips having retard know books can be different lengths? I bet these dumb asses have not picked up a single book since high school.

No. 2328155

When did women's erotica get start getting called 'goonerbait' for women? It feels like it was pretty unheard of outside of women's circles. I wonder if the popularization of 50 Shades of Grey created this notion

No. 2328158

I hate that people act like enjoying erotica is the same as having an addiction to actual porn. It's not, and books are not the same as actual pornography where real women are exploited in harmed. Plus that vampire person is a Muslim. She shouldn't even be able to recognize the erotica books, she's probably jealous she can't be open about reading them like the woman in the original tweet kek

No. 2328161

Nah this phenomenon happened only recently so it's just an issue of redpill moids with 10 child porn tabs open projecting onto women

No. 2328163

I hate how twitter "radfems" have no understanding of what it actually is. They're so desperate to be based and not-pickme that they end up being pickme themselves. They'll call a woman who cries and has a naturally high pitched voice a pickme like they're six years old and think they're so cool for not throwing tantrums like the other kids on the playground.

No. 2328174

Why are they acting like that's something impossible to do? I'm not saying this to downplay her efforts, it's a great achievement and she has been very consistent (probably because she enjoys reading a lot) but you can easily finish even a longer book in 3 days.

No. 2328197

So much autism

No. 2328248

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No. 2328257

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The retard took “classes” apparently kek

No. 2328278

>Sex suppression is the root of sexual violence
I actually blinked a few times at this. This person probably thinks rapists just are sexually frustrated and can't get laid like no, its way deeper than that.

No. 2328857

>therian symbol
I wish that cringey subculture had died on Tumblr. Now all the most annoying people on Twitter and TikTok have discovered it. Hoping the grapes, dog, and cat emojis don’t mean they want to rape animals or something.

No. 2328874

She doesn't even look ugly, just stylized. Men can still fap to her; men can fap to just about anything.

No. 2328896

Projection. The men who yap about erotica being the same as porn are porn addicts themselves who don't want to improve their lives, and instead, project their shit on women as some sort of self-soothing "both sides are bad guise" cope.

No. 2328951

so that's what it means? i thought it was a sexual subculture like the lolifags with the grape train emojis since all the users i've seen with therian symbols are either degenerates or very young, something that shouldn't be happening in the first place.

No. 2329037

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Yeah, it’s supposed to be an interlocking theta and delta (picrel), but it looks like people on Twitter are just typing it as ΘΔ in their names.

The subculture started on ‘90s Usenet with people thinking they were “real werewolves” and evolved into the concept of feeling spiritually and/or psychologically like a nonhuman animal. Like all navel-gazing, identity-obsessed subcultures, it was big on Tumblr years ago and recently got rediscovered by TikTok.

This type of thing naturally attracts underage autistic girls obsessed with wolves/Warrior Cats, and it was never overtly sexual like the furry community, but I wouldn’t be surprised if it has also attracted zoophiles and the like.

t. former idiot teenage therian

No. 2329041

Forgot to mention that it also has always had a huge overlap with the trans movement, for obvious reasons (though a lot of trans people thought it made them look bad).

No. 2331135

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No. 2331149

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>bdsm spaces are actually known for being better at communicating boundaries and fantasies than typical vanilla/sex negative spaces!
source: https://yesmeansyesblog.wordpress.com/2013/01/22/one-in-three-kinksters-reports-a-consent-violations/ (the study that's being referenced in the article: https://web.archive.org/web/20131023104353/https://ncsfreedom.org/images/stories/pdfs/Consent%20Counts/CC_Docs_New_011513/consent%20survey%20analysis.pdf )
if it makes you feel better anon that's a strawberry kek

No. 2331158

>fun fact!
>continues to say a bunch of made up bullshit based on the biased opinions of peers that are heavily interested in perpetuating false beliefs about their sexual community and behaviors being amazing

No. 2331187

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Words hurt men, nonnies. Remember that next time you read about the local sexual offender on the news.

No. 2331193

Oh so that's the only time moids collectively chose to listen to women?

No. 2331243

Why can’t I say tranny/trannies on Twitter? I thought Elon hated them

No. 2331261

Boo fucking hoo

No. 2331310

No let me get this straight. Moids are beaten, robbed, killed and right, and the majority if instances in which racism and homophobia on men is deadly and unnecessarily violent, all of which is overwhelmingly perpetuated by other men, is NOT what "redpills" moids into becoming butthurt conservatard trad male wannabes–but women joking about hating men is what does it? So males actually being killed means nothing? What matters is what women think? What a flex, thank you Mr. Scrote.

No. 2331441

Jokes mean Jack shit when scrotes are out there killing , torturing and raping women. I’ll never give a damn about men and their feelings, I hope they all suffer.

No. 2331815

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The QRTs to this are seething jap scrotes and weaboos crying racism because OP mentioned the atomic bomb, its kinda funny seeing jp moids mocked for their degeneracy since people tend to overlook it.

No. 2331817

Samefag but there’s something disturbing about the moids using japan’s “low rape/SA” stats as a defence in the quotes when it’s obvious they’re just underreported. You dont have entire train carts and buses for women only if it really is a safe country for women

No. 2331825

don't believe it. I think women openly talking about wanting tall men is what pushed them to the right kek. they're not out there posting STOP KILLING US, they're posting LOWER YOUR STANDARDS AND MARRY AT AGE 19

No. 2331848

Kill all men kill all men
Kill all men

No. 2331853

As if anything we would have said that criticizes them even slightly wouldn't have pushed them to the right, meanwhile women hear the most nasty shit coming from men and still side with them. Moids are so damn sensitive, so much for the "masculine and critical" sex kek

No. 2331936

Cool. Except women dont go around killing men. They just want to be left alone. Meanwhile men will get over emotional and a kill a woman for saying no to dating him. You cant never make me care about men's mental health or their suicide rates. It should be higher.

No. 2334547

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This fucking ad…
I have personalized ads turned off so no one start sperging at me

No. 2334550

I cannot believe normal thin male bodies and attraction to them is being pathologized as some sort of femboy tranny retardation. We live in the worst timeline

No. 2334563

When will these faggots realize they are unable to obtain a female figure no matter how much they work out? fucking hell

No. 2334685

>Normal male body is le feminine masculine is when you're a land whale or a roidpig
Clown world

No. 2334687

Idk those tummies are on the very feminine end of normal. Clearly male tho

No. 2334691

Theres nothing feminine about that, they just have tiny waists likely from shooping which isn't attainable. Even the skinniest male bodies are overtly masculine.

No. 2334982

They said her face looks manly

No. 2334986

Because the game's entire marketing campaign was just "TAKE THAT, LIBERALS!"

No. 2335091

Being skinny isn’t feminine kek. You can pick any lanky 60 kg guy and he’ll have that body.

No. 2336465

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>libsoftiktok is run by a zionist shill who bitches and moans about US aid to ukraine but calls any criticism of the ethnostate she worships so much "anti semitic"
Holy fucking shit kek. It's funny how these zionazis are always racist, sexist, homophobic etc. but draw the line at anti semitism. It's such a weird hypocrisy. I think speaking out against trannies is good but chaya is a weird tradthot who is probably an israel plant.

No. 2336468

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this is what i have to deal on the daily as a midriff enjoyer

No. 2336480

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No. 2336603

It's almost always specifically Ashkenazi Jewish people doing this, too.

No. 2339453

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The average Nazi femboy tranny poster, whose hobby is also sperging about "girl games" like Infinity Nikki and "what real (feminine) women want". He runs a floundering girl games community offsite and I wonder how many real women there would find him repulsive based off his twitter account

No. 2339456

I'm fine with supporting Israel given how much worse everyone else around them is, judging by how their immigrants and refugees behave in our countries. My problem is with Jewish influence in our countries and especially the US that make support for Israel unconditional.

No. 2339506

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I didn't want to originally say this, but I thought it was ironic how many straight men were latching onto this story to say all gay men are pedos, when they themselves also regularly admit to wanting to fuck kids. Well kf found an example of this for me

No. 2339509

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The picture is cropped. But if you've been on 4chan you probably recognize it, a chart implying 13+ girls are the most fertile

No. 2339603

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liberal response to the pakistani grooming gangs

No. 2339608

Absolutely no breed of moid can be trusted, no matter how much they deflect.

No. 2339665

was temporarily suspended for saying
>"I'd like to see someone beat up hasan"
not directly threatening him, but his hurt fans still reported me

No. 2339860

doesn't matter the race, religion, social class, fuck even mental capacity - the ONLY repeating and common factor is the Y chromosome. Men deserve loneliness. Stop building lives with men.

No. 2339895

I am aware of that, but this is something very specific to the pakistani community that isn't seen in other immigrant communities. you don't see sikhs doing things like this

No. 2339903

>they only react like this to brown pedophillies and not the white ones
Tbh it's actually true, Jimmy savil and the royal pedophile prince got away Scott free and so did the British MPs in the elm house case and so many other baby rapists, why the fuck is Britain so lax on jailing pedophile unless they dont want to jail the elite "white" pedophiles too?

No. 2339913

Oh, I agree. Death to all muslim men, no acceptions.

No. 2339914

They protect ALL pedos. White, brown, black. Doesn't matter. Men take priority over women and children.

No. 2339917

I agree. Theres no way they arent protecting these pedos(regardless if they're white or not) when you can get jailed longer for saying a moid in a dress is a moid.not to tinfoil but this feels like some Epstein cover up is going on in bongland

No. 2339933

THIS. It's men protecting men. The government also colludes with gangs for intelligence reasons which I obviously don't agree with but they see women and children as collateral when they can use these nefarious deeds as blackmail against some cunt.

I was hanging around with an absolute cunt in my 20s who introduced me to a real life pimp via drugs. I live in NI and the guy was living in East Belfast. I was mingling with UDA men and UVF men who hate each other and they're two loyalist paramilitaries. I found out about local brothels, heard of men doing drugs in people's houses with children present. Was told by a dealer there was a boy giving fellatio in a barber shop as part of extra services. These gangs still get protection money from businesses so they don't burn them out. Our local government know all about the names, who's in them. I can't speak on republican gangs personally but I'd wager they're all the fucking same since the bars I was in it didn't matter if you were a catholic, protestant, foreign national etc., just as long as you were a cunt complicit. I feigned ignorance to not become a target of any of them and have not been around the scene since before Lockdown. My step dad who died in 2023 was in the old RUC, then the police and when he retired got recruited into MI5 the domestic terrorism agency. When I had finally had enough of being around all that shite I went and touted to him about it all and was like WHAT CAN BE DONE!? And he basically told me nothing, these brothels, bars, dens are all known and allowed to operate so they can blackmail targets for information. My step dad job basically involved listening into bugged phone calls and was told even some fucking public areas were bugged to the hilt. They don't fucking care about women or children. We are collateral. Any man that pays for sex or drugs is complicit in all this nonsense.

I can't speak on GB pedo rings and gangs cause I haven't ever lived there but I'm sure it's more complex than the shitty area I'm from. It's all hidden behind sectarianism in NI. You'll have retards still thinking this is all down to religious and cultural divides, but it's just gangs doing gang shit and cunts in power lining their pockets with hush money etc. GB doesn't have a sectarian Troubles to hide behind so you guys have racisms and classism for smoke and mirrors. That's why the cunts don't want an enquiry.

No. 2339934

What do your acronyms mean?

No. 2339935

ulster defence association and ulster volunteer force

No. 2339936

oh and RUC was the police force, royal ulster constabulary. It's now the PSNI, police service of northern ireland

No. 2339976

The problem is that it is due to religion in this case. It's been repeated a million times but even though white men can be nonces too and do get protected by the establishment (IE saville and Edwards), those white men aren't running around in gangs doing it. I think it's different from the things you mentioned.
Since the 80's we've had gangs of mainly (70% plus) Pakistani, Muslim men - not 'asians' - grouping together, trafficking little girls up and down the country to ply with drugs and rape them. Their were whole families involved and even if a member of the family didn't participate in the rapes, not one of them reported it. If you read the official reports, which survivors and families say don't even scratch the surface (and I believe because some members of the town councils have been prosecuted for being involved), the men were insulting the girls based on the fact that they were white and not Muslim. They are taught to believe by their faith leaders that anyone who isn't Muslim is unclean and that they have a right to do that to those girls. The crimes themselves are largely down to religious/cultural incompatibility whether you believe it or not.
The cover up is a different story. When labour was in prior to this government, they were hell bent on not letting it get out because of the appalling way they treated victims, and in some cases basically gave them back to the rapists. Social workers, police, MPs, they all had something to do with it. Anyone who tried to speak out got sacked. I don't 100% buy the 'they were scared of being called racist' schtick. Conservatives also covered it up, whether it was because those MPs were complicit too or they were scared of the backlash I'm not sure. Starmer is continuing to cover it I believe because he has a history of defending the rapists in the name of 'human rights'.

No. 2339977

I'll reiterate my point, no one is saying white and black pedos shouldn't be discussed, but with the uk pakistani community specifically, this was a multi-generational family operation involving hundreds of family members, including the women, this is actually worse Pakistan, where men do this on an increasingly larger scale

No. 2339980

>those white men aren't running around in gangs doing it
Stopped reading there to actually believe that white moids are so noble not to create child rape gangs is fucking retarded.

No. 2339986

Yes there are white gangs doing it don't be so fucking naive. NI/Ireland also has Russian gangs and Romanian ones as well as their own homegrown white gangs. We've even had known homes like Kincora Boy's Home where male survivors are still trying to seek justice for what male pedophiles did to them because they were orphans. The Royals and the Clinton's have been linked to that home in East Belfast. Literally every demographic of male has a gang of nonces.

No. 2339988

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This human trafficker from NI was found with 39 dead people in a lorry in Essex. I remember this story breaking and people on facebook in NI were saying it couldn't be our Mo etc., and his family knew rightly what he was at. People are complicit as long as they are benefitting.

No. 2339991

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No. 2339999

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you didn't get the memo

No. 2340002

What? You're allowed to actually explain your thoughts. Brexit was one of the worst things that could have happened to Britain so we couldn't work the EU to better manage terrorists instead of now having fucking pointless red tape everywhere that makes it so much harder to do anything.

No. 2340012

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this you?

No. 2340014

Can you only speak with other people's tweets?

No. 2340019

What's the point of focusing on a political compass when all of the y chromosomoids in it want to hurt women and children? That tweet also applies 1:1 for right wingers, moderates etc. as long as they carry the y disease.

No. 2340025

because theyre polfags who actually believe that white moids are different from any other moids that has a different skin color and definitely dont rape little girls in gangs.

No. 2340444

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I come from a muslim country and even other muslims are aware that pakistani and afghan moids are more likely to rape and abuse women and children, no one is saying other races are perfect but there is a massive cultural problem with in the pakistani community that has to be addressed

No. 2340457

Ok, take it to your MENA thread or ex-muzzie thread.

No. 2340521

Well this was eye opening. Ty for sharing nonna.

No. 2341605

Yes, thank you very much for sharing this anon.

No. 2341607

I get that polspergs are annoying, and it is cringe when outsiders speak about issues they're not knowledgeable about, but I don't know why people think it's good to let serious cultural issues go unaddressed just because it's ~impolite~

No. 2341664

cause it's actually hard to talk about specific issues and their nuances, rather than making broad generalizations

No. 2341671

literally six pro-chinese shill accounts started following me, all posting and retweeting the exact same things

No. 2341699

Isn’t she orthodox? What is she doing online? Where are her husband and kids?

No. 2341852

she's a jewish zionist who brags about how great her tits are apparently

No. 2341870

Ultra orthodox jews make their women work to earn an income and take care of kids while men sit around and "study" the Torah. So, they're probably fine with whatever she's doing.

No. 2342310

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threadly reminder this could be your nigel's alt

No. 2342327

these frontpoles should be violently raped instead and we'll see whos the one begging not to be killed. i cannot believe this is the ''rational and logical'' gender, these rapeapes cannot even goddamned control their own caveman-esque urges, they should be castrated immediately

No. 2342333

It really disgusts me how the scrotal entity in the middle proposes that women should be jailed for 'snitching' to the court and disrespecting how he 'mercifully' didn't kill her and instead graciously let her off after satisfying his own disgusting urges. what the hell is wrong with this gender? how in the world have we allowed them to be the 'people' tasked to protect us?

No. 2342344

>the amount of likes on these

No. 2342516

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No. 2342531

>a woman losing weight and becoming healthy again
???(?) Wut

No. 2342545

Jealous troon by the looks of it. She looks incredible.

No. 2342547

People will do anything but put down the fork.

No. 2342561

>jewish tankie troon calling weight loss fascist
Why are jewish political grifters all either tradthots like chaya/libsoftiktok or these kinds of leftist retards? I’m jewish not trying to racebait, but I mostly see these types online and it’s so bleak. It’s like they have to be extremist no nuance lunatics to get the online clout they crave.

No. 2342562

I get beauty standards are insane but being as fat as Barbie used to be is not healthy. Getting mad about this is the fascist thing to do.
>noo celebrities need to stay obese so I get muh representation

No. 2342643

File: 1736624494346.jpeg (126.16 KB, 1125x375, IMG_7464.jpeg)

The fuck does this even mean

No. 2342646

Topkek why is this so funny

No. 2342661

What the fuck even is a girl dad at this point. A man with only daughters or man with a daughter? It’s fucking stupid and I wish people would stop saying it

No. 2342837

cause it's retarded

No. 2342843

This is why women shouldn't be sorry.

No. 2342847

Makes sense, no wonder she excuses so much scrotal degeneracy. Girl moms, rise up.

No. 2342962

she said girl dad

No. 2342963

File: 1736634964185.png (93.83 KB, 748x845, IMG_7468.png)

No. 2342969

>its fine for a moid to rape and kill or burn women if hes any color than white!
Stop infantilizing moids regardless of color you pickme bitch

No. 2342988

Seeing as boymom is a derogatory term for a woman who harbors a specific brand of internalized misogyny that manifests as a weird, borderline incestuous obsession with her son… and Christian girlies are raised with the ideal of being a bride to Christ, and Christ is Jesus, and Jesus is God… my personal interpretation is that she is claiming God has the same borderline incestuous obsessive and possessive love towards his Christian daughters as a boymom has towards her son. Cute

No. 2343002

it's not a pickme, it's a male

No. 2343043

But what if his victim was a woman of color

No. 2343056

she is hot as fuck, she really was the prettiest girl from euphoria cast. glad she's not coming back to this garbage

No. 2343080

I don't think anyone is

No. 2343082

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No. 2343085

Ignore all Ariana stans, I'm convinced they have actual brain worms.

No. 2343430

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No. 2343433

Oh damn what ever will we do…

No. 2343438

They'd start using cultural relativism arguments to excuse the murders.

No. 2343881

File: 1736707296552.jpg (548.44 KB, 1204x1258, 1000012935.jpg)

There's probably an Elon thread somewhere but idk where. He used to just be slightly annoying, i think the ketamine made him mentally regress. This is like the stuff a highschooler says when they still think they're 160 iq philosopher

No. 2343912

Rare Zucc W

No. 2343913

He can't see shit, he isn't the developer of Diablo. Too much gaming gives you delirium.

No. 2344000

He's so autistic kek.
>There's probably an Elon thread somewhere but idk where.
There was a joint Musk/Grimes thread on /snow/ here >>>/snow/2026456 but the most recent thread is just for Grimes. I'm tempted to make a separate Musk thread because he's so milky.

No. 2344057

Where's the good news thread when you need it

No. 2344199

The Elon thread is always bumped to the first page of /snow/ kek did you even look?

No. 2344474

i don't know but i've seen some people headcanon jesus as ftm kek


No. 2344486

File: 1736731261991.jpg (176.95 KB, 1080x1092, 1000000363.jpg)

Men share this meme format all the time now, do they not realize that the "fat ugly angry friend" was personally designated to shoo away creeps? They're so delusional they genuinely believe they are vibing with women on a personal level and that theyre into them–stupid faggots they're the ones who asked their friend to intervene in the first place, tugging their ears and telepathically begging for you to leave

No. 2344492

I remember in high school there was a guy who would not leave a friend of mine alone so she asked me to message him telling him to fuck off. A couple years later I became sort of acquaintances with him (like friendly but not his friend, if that makes sense) and he asked me why I "ruined" his chance with her and I was like dude she literally asked me to do it, she didn't want you and you were scaring her… He couldn't believe it

No. 2344493

I've seen male reddit fiction/ twitter replies where they insist that they were mutually interesting, some even going as far as to create fanfic where the girl was "visibly uncomfortable" with her "jealous landwhale friend" and allegedly trying to make her stop intervening, it's all total bullshit. They are so delusional.

No. 2345387

i get where you nonnies are coming from but i dont think they're saying these things as actual arguments to change society like someone reading this will agree with them, they're just jerking off thinking about their ideal world, like when a moid on incels.is talks about how there should be robots that rape women anally if they're too slutty, he's not trying to make a rational proposition he's writing fanfiction to jerk off. They would 100% want the world to operate like that but i dont think they would defend their ideas in a twitter argument, they're being slightly outrageous on purpose to say that they were making a joke or "being kinky" if someone tries to push back

No. 2345391

then they would kiss the moids feet for murdering her, they don't give a shit about women, especially women of color

No. 2345477

File: 1736794355654.jpeg (452.2 KB, 1165x2050, IMG_0792.jpeg)

So this woman (who is probably in her 60s) was supposed to lift up her disabled 32 year old and somehow escort him out of the house in the middle of a house fire or was she supposed to die in the fire with him to fit the narrative? Retards really expect women to do the impossible sometimes while they would not bat an eye if a man did the same.

No. 2345511

>was she supposed to die in the fire with him to fit the narrative
Yes. Retards are outright saying she should have died with him even if it was hopeless and that she's a heartless psychopath for not doing so. I hope she lives a long life after this just to spite everyone who expects women to willingly die for no reason.

No. 2345677

The asshole deleted their post. Coward

No. 2345920

People hyper-analyzing this situation and trying to point out who and what went wrong or what should've been done are psychotic. Genuinely what is the point in berating this woman for not acting perfectly in an emergency?

No. 2346062

File: 1736812831862.jpg (684.6 KB, 853x3963, harrystyles.jpg)

Not hating on this girl, her boyfriend sounds shitty and retarded, but it’s crazy seeing the love life of a teenager born in 2008 quickly become drama content for over 70k people.
When I saw this thread earlier she had only 200-something followers and now 200 more people followed her, I guess to keep up with this kek.

No. 2346065

This happens with every single tragedy or disaster. People go absolutely fucking loopy whenever they're confronted with the reality of these situations.

No. 2346079

Glad she got out of that relationship, sometimes the internet is helpful like that.
I’d like to say that it’s different when a woman idolizes a musician or an actor than when a man does it. If a scrote has a fixation and even hangs many posters of an artist who is female it means that they’re actively thinking about having sex with them and jerking off to the thought , men’s admiration is always on the side of “sexual obsession and objectification”. Do I make sense kek or am I schizo? I feel like I’m being a bit schizo, but I think I am right.

No. 2346136

File: 1736816127658.jpeg (291.6 KB, 1170x1445, IMG_0795.jpeg)

Speculating in this manner is so vile. Water literally run out, she couldn’t do witchcraft and stop it.

No. 2346392

Elon seriously needs to do a hard ban on eating disorder related content on Xitter, seeing fifteen year olds posting about how they forced themselves to throw up their food and then getting a response to reporting their account from twitter moderators saying that their “account doesn’t meat their criteria for deletion” pisses me the fuck off more each time it happens. I’m not going to post any screenshots of the type of stuff thats been getting recommended to me when I open twitter lately but it is just disgusting.

No. 2346448

I don't buy her story. The way she seems to be smiling while recounting it sounds like she decided to relieve herself of a burden. I'd have a little more respect for her if she was just honest and said she ran, unable to save him, instead of telling some bullshit story to absolve herself of the guilt.

No. 2346451

If i was her i'd refuse to say anything.

No. 2346455

She’s in her 60s while her disabled “CHILD” is in his fucking 30s. Imagine your house is burning and everyone on twitter is mad because you couldn’t haul your wheelchair bound son onto your menopausal bones and save him like some super hero. Of course she’s probably happy as well have you ever had to take care of someone who can’t function without 24/7 assistance and be your own at home provider for 30 some years.

No. 2346462

And to absolutely nobody’s surprise, drooling retards and moids sympathize with the disabled scrote instead of the caretaking mother. They obviously see themselves in the boy

No. 2346475

He would never do it, he's a raging incel who loves when women and girls suffer

No. 2346545

He was in a fucking cottage , not even in the same house, 6’5, 32 years old, he couldn’t move. The water ran out, the cell phone wasn’t working and she had tried to both extinguish the fire (again no water) and went to the nearest fire department (again no water) and when she came back he was dead.
I don’t know what you dumb retards wanted her to do, shit water and become she hulk?

No. 2346547

They just see motherhood as the ultimate sacrifice, as if she didn’t spend 32 years of her life caretaking for him…according to them she should have been a good mother and died burned alive with her son.

No. 2346639

File: 1736887563151.jpg (32.35 KB, 567x121, 5676657658.jpg)


No. 2346653

So he was 32 but they show a picture of a little kid, that's not misleading at all

No. 2346677

File: 1736889454622.jpeg (335.06 KB, 1125x758, IMG_7493.jpeg)

Shut the fuck up

No. 2347002

He was an innocent 32 year old child Anon!

No. 2347018

This. Wtf was she supposed to do? And strangers on the internet judging this poor woman is really pissing me off. They wouldnt do shit if they were in the same situation.

No. 2347026

I’d do the same, tbh

No. 2347403

File: 1736944244352.png (451.4 KB, 640x745, IMG_7499.png)

I want to ship these hoes to Afghanistan

No. 2348242

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No. 2349313

File: 1737062043064.jpg (473.22 KB, 971x2639, knowa.jpg)

I’m finding it really hard to believe that a 13 year old boy would talk like this, unless he received a ton of coaching from his parents. I’m wishing more and more for kids to be banned from social media to stop parents from using them for fame. 13 year olds should not be doing political campaigns or getting into fights defending Biden’s honor online

No. 2349327

File: 1737062532314.png (390.05 KB, 600x751, 173947598347549.png)

pagliachhi is a hypocrite grifter but i think her tweet summarizes all of these "trad" girls pretty well

No. 2349517

File: 1737070465618.png (1.31 MB, 752x3718, IMG_7477.png)

>Italy enforces chemical castrations for rapists and pedophiles
>troons and queers complain this will disproportionately target them

No. 2349523

What the fuck is a para? Paraplegic?

No. 2349524

paraphilic. they wanna fuck kids, corpses, or dogs most likely

No. 2349528

Para is short for paraphile. Usually referring to pedophilia, bestiality, and necrophilia. They will try to split hairs about how any kink or fetish is technically a paraphilia but it is almost always used as a short hand for the above three.

No. 2349530

What the fuck

No. 2349535

I will never not find it repulsive when someone unironically and almost immediately connects "queer people" to pedophiles and rapists. Do they have no idea how laws work? How the justice system works? How fucking executions even happen? Do they think no investigation or verification will happen and that they'll just pick people at random and call them pedophiles and rapists before forcefully chemically castrating them? Like, fuck. You have to assume that these are convicted rapists and pedophiles that will be castrated, not accused.

No. 2350218

File: 1737119928353.png (272.82 KB, 597x627, BTvq81V.png)

>little girls deserved to be raped
absolutely vile

No. 2350241

that line makes sense when you realize that most notorious asian or middle eastern child rape rings are handled by westoid moids especially in the case of india and Philippines, but i would rather it'd be the moids being raped and not the women and little girls..

No. 2350277

if someone's first reaction to pedophiles and rapists being castrated is to cry opression then they're either pedophile and rape apologists or future pedophiles and rapists themselves, simple as. same thing when men cry about the death penalty for murderers and act like it's inhumane and you must be a simpleton if you want it, all you're telling me is that you think these things don't deserve severe punishment and that you probably want to do them yourself. all this "omg the queers will be genocided!!!" and "revenge isn't the answer!!" is just a way to camouflage their real reasons: their own fear of punishment for their actions, apathy towards other people suffering, especially women, and a desire for moral superiority.

No. 2350618


Pagliacci on her other acc (Anna Slatz) is more than a grifter. She posted a video of naked Indian women being dragged off to be gangraped with no qualms about these womens' decency to leverage as shock and outrage bait for her disgusting Nazi tier racism against all Desi and Middle Eastern people and it's funny because she spent most of her online presence posting pick-me body checks and thirst traps shit for 4channers and Groypers online. The Twitter rule of thumb is that everyone possibly involved in any interaction on there is retarded and the whole site is an ouroborous of self absorbed attention seeking ghouls eating each other

No. 2353425

File: 1737274420319.jpg (73.33 KB, 744x748, 6776675.JPG)

This is so stupid and I'm not sure who is worse, the moids or pick-mes replying to this

No. 2353426

I’m sorry but no one should still be a virgin at 36 unless they are a nun.(bait)

No. 2353427

Moid madonna-whore as usual. With a side of financing bang maid mommy.

No. 2353429

You sound like a moid

No. 2353434

File: 1737274860374.jpg (45.54 KB, 720x507, GhmJIjnWsAA1L4C.jpg)

My favorite is the fictional bang maid mommy who somehow has been on the internet since the 90s and is very tech savvy but at the same time needs a younger guy to explain the internet to her.

No. 2353436

THAT'S what you're worried about? Who the fuck's credit score is a low 790 at 36???

No. 2353437

I mean… why not? Better late than early

No. 2353438

File: 1737275036280.jpg (60.58 KB, 730x806, ttr88.JPG)

No. 2353439

Kek some of these make her sound 80 not 40…

No. 2353440

Are they insulting or praising these women?

No. 2353444

good grief. moids sure are obsessed with women who are supposedly walled and shouldn't even be looked at. so much for the whole YOU WILL TURN INVISIBLE AND NO ONE WILL TALK TO YOU REEE.

No. 2353446

790 is not low and credit scores are bullshit and why Americans own nothing not even their house

No. 2353448

I'm sorry your credit score is in the pits. I'll pray for ya

No. 2353449

Who said that? 30s are not even old you bitches just fell for the psyop. You get hit on the most the older you get by younger demographics. Men have mommy issues

No. 2353450

males point with one hand and wank with the other. so, both.

No. 2353451

Don’t pray for me I don’t live in the United States pray for yourself for being a slave to credit score numbers kek

No. 2353454

Thirsting over older women is very understandable but the whole appeal of this image is "downtrodden spinster who will settle for me"… Which is a variation of "ex-cheerleader desperate to marry ugly moid now that she's post-wall". Disgusting, bleak sexuality on display

No. 2353455

Bitch I have dual citizneship kek I'm not a slave to anywhere. Sorry you're stuck as a Europoor though. I'm praying for you extra hard now.

No. 2353457

I don’t live in Europe nice projection though I know it hurts not really owning anything while paying high fees(infighting)

No. 2353458

Heather's moid probably thought he's getting this, lol.

No. 2353459

All moids who thirst after older women are unfortunately like this. That's why I don't understand women who like to pretend to be cougars.

No. 2353460

>seething this hard about being poor
Can't relate.

No. 2353461

You’re literally projecting maam. You’re just upset that you are a slave to credit scores.

No. 2353464

How's living in a third world shithole without any kind of extra citizenship?(infighting)

No. 2353465

I think it's not all of them, a big chunk has a mom complex and/or fantasies that fit nicely with their taste for older women, but yeah it's definitely a super common angle for them. Whenever a man entertains this fantasy i just laugh because you know they're not getting a young gf even if they have decent disposable income, that's why they have to become passport bros or mail order bride autists

No. 2353468

Again with the projection. But of course Americans assume any place that isn’t America or Europe is poor. Can’t wait for reality to hit you when you realize you are the most poor. You own nothing. Businesses own you. You’ll find out in real time come Monday

No. 2353469

I don't care what anyone says, they are all like this. I really have to wonder why they cannot find someone their age and have to fetishize everything. These moids are showing their true colors by what they post online. Degrading older women while wanting a dommy mommy is what they really think of older women. Dating a younger man isn't some sort of catch all based escape from misogyny and no woman should give them what they want.

Are you done thinking about Americans rent free? We don't care

No. 2353471

If that bitch is done projecting if not I can keep going

No. 2353541

I've always been invisible tbh, being 20 or 30 didn't change anything.

No. 2353807

File: 1737299050323.jpg (143.65 KB, 582x753, 8767976950.jpg)

burger moids are sometimes so fucking retarded yes it's such a bad thing that not just any moron can go ahead and built some shitty fire hazard collapse risk electrocuting leaking right into the soil piping septic tank right into the drinking water spreading erosion causing shithole house right next to you and endanger everyone

No. 2354156

Eagerly awaiting the day when he builds himself a shack in the woods and finds out exactly why these permits are necessary.

No. 2357903

I love how they are telling on themselves!

No. 2357928

Nah, that many permits are insane. I get many of them, but it's not like a person can just call themselves a plumber or electrician in California and do the work, they have to be certified. So why would someone who has acquired the permits to work in a particular profession need to acquire additional permits for each individual job they do?

No. 2358569

File: 1737493836762.png (266.65 KB, 613x887, jan6.png)

Well this is one of the most morbid threads I've seen on there. Quotes all cheering this on.

No. 2358595

I don't think it's the plumber who needs to get the permits, I think the landowner needs a permit from the state to put plumbing (or electricity/whatever else) on their property, and then they can hire plumbers once they have their permit.

No. 2358686


No. 2358713

God send this retard to Afghanistan, please

No. 2358826

>his dad
who cares about male on male violence?

No. 2358867

Hope he saved some of that 200k because it sounds like he's going to need it
>Boost me on famous birthdays if you appreciate my work
kek this is so ridiculous

No. 2359055

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No. 2359058


No. 2359073

File: 1737514013329.webp (26.09 KB, 736x736, cait.WEBP)

Caitlyn Kiramman kek

No. 2359160


No. 2359167

No. 2362629

Im convinced after men get tired of all the loli/milf memes they'll be pushing news ones saying how hot and perfect grannies and babies are

No. 2363410

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No. 2363423

Kid reported his dad for being J6er and got him in jail for several years. He had a twitter thread about being scared of being attacked/killed by his dad

No. 2363427

Men should be shot in the head for this

No. 2363447

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No. 2363448

File: 1737734129177.jpg (1.62 MB, 2160x5789, 1000003354.jpg)

No. 2363471

Why do men online act like women in their 30s are all desperate for their cock or male attention in general, I guess it's just wishful thinking for them. Women who are virgins by that age did so entirely by choice because you could be the ugliest woman ever and some man somewhere would still want to rape you, so why would she be desperate exactly if she chose not to fuck in the first place and she still has all these retards thirsting after her despite being supposedly walled. Men online feel like they come in two categories, these retards who want a mommy with no visible signs of aging to baby them forever because they're submissive fags and the other ones who want to rape children.
Imagine calling women hags and still expecting them to want to fuck you. They really think it's some affectionate term now when it still just sounds insulting no matter how positively they try to spin it. The positive being that you should be honored they still want to stick their cock inside you when you're "past your prime".
>what do you call a 35-year-old grown ass man who dresses like this
Ugly and disgusting. He looks so fucking terrible compared to her kek and it's not just about the clothes. That retarded argument going on in the replies is so funny, men really think if men didn't exist that women wouldn't be able to just pick up their jobs and do them instead. Men are useless and society would be better off without them period, women would just take over everything they do and do it even better. Keeping relationships as a woman isn't even any sort of flex, any woman can get a man and keep one if she's willing to put up with abuse, terrible sex and being with a walled ugly faggot.

No. 2363491

Why would you narc on your dad to the government? What possible benefit does that hold for someone? I can see calling the cops if your dad was going to do a school shooting or was going to murder his secretary, but everyone knows the government doesn't care about anyone who helps it so this action only hurts the narc.

No. 2363493

>I guess it's just wishful thinking for them
It's exactly that, they need to cope by thinking women in their 30s are "past their prime and out of options" when no woman is ever out of options. Even the fugliest cows documented here are never lacking in the dick department, men are abundant and have no standards. It's typical negging, and they're too incel to realize putting down women and trying to convince them they're old and haggard will only have the opposite effect and push them away rather than make them crave shimp

No. 2364099

fuck my life and fuck this world. i was just going through the replies of a regular meme tweet (my first mistake, but i wanted to know the context of the picture) and then i found it… a link with a thumbnail that displayed a very young, distressed girl and a man in a bathtub. she looked like 14 or so, i reported it as soon as possible but the image is still burned in my mind. god i don't know how law enforcement does it.

No. 2364119

This is incomprehensible,why are moids so inept

No. 2364527

File: 1737762417888.png (437.1 KB, 598x684, Screenshot_20240809_003446.png)

Most normal Twitter user

No. 2364531

Men are so retarded it's unreal

No. 2364675

>what real fascism is.
Facism got so hackneyed, they have no idea how is living in a fascist country anymore.

No. 2364683

This is so disgusting. Males (and especially white males) love to project their fantasies of superiority over other races and women because they have such fragile egos. I wish this conceited faggot a very bad case of dick rotting syphilis so that he leaves behind no legacies.

No. 2365145

I'm pretty sure they're just surprised to see a white person, it happens even with Arabs who visit africa

No. 2365146

File: 1737794506631.png (414.35 KB, 1179x1041, wxDb5JK.png)

why liberalism failed

No. 2365157

check these man's hard drives

No. 2365161

>an is instantly recognised
they're black children that mostly seen other black people in their life, besides seeing foreigners in a place that wouldn't usually be frequented by tourists is interesting, first time i saw a black couple i was captivated bc what are they doing in this shitty grocery store in this shitty country notorious for how badly it treats dark-skinned people.

No. 2365186

that guy is a misogynistic moron but
>what exactly is he using her for? she's more successful than him, makes more money than him, is more popular than him..
exactly, that's what he's potentially using her for, (more) fame

No. 2366964

File: 1737897675055.jpg (56.01 KB, 719x641, 20250126_152003.jpg)

Imagine being this guy's parents

No. 2366969

It's actually kind of impressive how unfunny scrotoid humour manages to be.

No. 2366987

It's impressive how many men are stuck in 2011

No. 2366990

>I touch kids. I rape. I molested my dog. Funny. Laugh. I am peak male humour

No. 2366997

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No. 2367001

Moids when you joke about male suicide rates, religion, or being forced to serve the military after they joke about raping a child

No. 2367023

File: 1737901282846.png (632.27 KB, 1080x2014, 1000019588.png)

No. 2367025

Can men make it any less subtle they want desperate codependent slaves for partners kek

No. 2367031

Do males stop aging or start lying about their age I'm confused

No. 2367040

I think it's like, which option he would pick. Barring the fact that a 4,000 year old woman isn't real. Males are just retarded like that.

No. 2367043

In order to be subtle, they'd have to attempt to hide it first.

No. 2367046

>I-I-I would take muh 4000 year old elf girl!! Take that women!!
The difference between husbandofags and waifufags is that the former will be happy with her blorbo and invest all her energy into drawing fanart of him, writing paragraphs about his personality and collecting cute merch. Waifufags do nothing except seethe and cope about real women.

No. 2367095

Absolutely correct. Also, how'd you describe everything I do on a daily basis accurately. I live to devote myself further to my husbando

No. 2367366

File: 1737925302228.jpg (159.15 KB, 720x1161, Screenshot_20250126-125941_Chr…)

Another thread just reminded me of this tweet

No. 2367375

I hate retards like this. They'll defend the most violent male offenders but if a woman says trannies aren't women once they want her raped and killed
Pony rapist

No. 2367413

I love how they think that the elf women will want them in the first place

No. 2367622

he's technically right, lucy liu would be considered to masculine in east asia.

No. 2367634

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No. 2367669

This is the equivalent of a kid coming across a weirdly smooth rock.Why are racists getting hard at a video of a child looking at another child and projecting their weird fetish-y sounding race shit onto them?

No. 2367682

When will angry Asian males realize doing this shit won’t make the white girls they’ve been narcing on text them back

No. 2367734

She's so beautiful and impervious to time I would a-log in her honor any day

No. 2367805

Because most of these online racist are also pedophiles

No. 2367954

File: 1737959973248.png (109.36 KB, 657x558, IMG_7479.png)

I hate that any time lily orchard is brought up, people always use female pronouns for him, even though he's obviously a moid

No. 2368181

File: 1737985743774.png (1.27 MB, 1080x1254, 1000019589.png)

>fat anime girls
>look inside
>girls with average weight

No. 2368206

also add
>excessive detail on lower abdomen region

No. 2368207

born to lynch males en masse with my nonnies, forced to call them faggots online

No. 2368215

File: 1737987576870.gif (894.57 KB, 498x379, courage-the-cowardly-dog-ooga-…)

>rape jokes
>bestiality joke in username
oooh so scary

No. 2368226

scrotes make this shit with an "unattractive" woman, make her an moeblob anime girl and then give her bolt ons that are front and center and then screech "see! SEE! US MEN HAVE NO STANDARDS WE FUCK UGLY GIRLS"
don't you see those eyes nonnie? clearly she's retarded

No. 2368319

Why are moids against being with women their own age?

No. 2368868

File: 1738021583943.jpeg (174.7 KB, 1170x870, IMG_0976.jpeg)

Your average male feminist liberal

No. 2368872

Are the replies rightfully bashing him? Men can't show compassion for anyone, its always about sexualization and dehumanization.

No. 2368874

Lucy Liu is cute af and is aging better than most males in their 20s. They need to shut the fuck up

No. 2368880

I fucking hate it. Why are women reduced to objects men can fuck and not human beings. I'm latina and this shit extra pisses me off.

No. 2368883

>The exaggerated facial features of Asians
This is a CRAZY thing to say about a real person. Stop projecting your self-hatred onto celebrities you pathetic fag.

No. 2368885

When will this stupid big booty Latinas meme die already

No. 2368889

Nope , it’s a bunch of retards sexualizing women during a difficult time, it’s so gross.

No. 2368891

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No. 2368900

File: 1738022186121.jpg (142.51 KB, 720x1114, 1000000456.jpg)

Lucy Liu is incredibly beautiful and the way Asia pretended her popularity was "racist" is fucking vile. Will never take to heart anything from a man whose country has engaged in so much cruel and horrific femicide that now the men are crying about being single and alone forever

Oh, it's far worse. There was an Asian model that Chinese netizens were vocally saying was a racist stereotype and that she was ugly with "opium addict eyes". The self hatred is appalling. They were so angry at her having freckles that they were tantruming online by the thousands.

No. 2368901

File: 1738022206573.jpeg (444.09 KB, 1170x1999, IMG_0979.jpeg)

I love it when retards fight against each other

No. 2368904

>personality is screaming into the void
Oh, so close to self-awareness

No. 2368908

God, that is pathetic. That model has a cool and interesting face though so of course scrotes don't get it.

No. 2368909

File: 1738022344872.jpeg (467.35 KB, 1170x1807, IMG_0978.jpeg)

What do trannies understand about womanhood that isn’t related to literal porn and misogyny fetish? Nothing.
Even if I might humor them and believe in TWAW it’s still the same, they don’t have the experience of natural born women. Just like bisexual women don’t have the experience of a woman who is solely same sex attracted.
Gendies and TRAs always act like being excluded by some is a literal genocide, do these people go outside?

No. 2368911

He has the "where's my hug?" phenotype.

No. 2368922

If you spend 20 years being seen as a man by society and being raised with male expectations, you have a different perspective of femininity than someone who was raised female. What's the harm in acknowledging that?

No. 2368927

File: 1738022650378.jpg (316.13 KB, 1170x1704, 2ac14400-5c60-4261-9df1-fb3044…)

Istg every 2 years China will complain about a model or even some fucking employee not being hot enough. Picrel wasn't even Chinese but they claimed apple used him to portray them badly?

No. 2368930

File: 1738022714383.png (27.5 KB, 650x367, 1000000457.png)

I think she's beautiful and has sleek features. The Chinese beauty standard for women is so ludicrously self-hating and rigid. In a similar vein, Japan is the same way about freckles and in a popular show depicted an outcast being accused of being a murderous pedophile as being a normal cute guy with a ton of freckles. What rigid homogyny does to a society where being thin is so common that they have to move the goalposts and invent more hoops for girls to jump through their whole lives.

No. 2368935

Telling on themselves for calling their own non-augmented people "racial stereotypes" and only elevating people with 40k worth of cosmetic surgery.

No. 2368940

>What rigid homogyny does to a society where being thin is so common that they have to move the goalposts and invent more hoops for girls to jump through their whole lives.
It really is that ridiculous isn't it. Men will aaaaalways come up with new ways to be unsatisfied.
I hate this less because it happened to a moid, but it's still stupid as hell. He wasn't even Chinese?? Fucking kek

No. 2369078

In east asia, the ideal" is being thin, pale, and tall (but not too tall) person who weighs less than a child! It's deeply depressing!

No. 2369107

what show?

No. 2369469

File: 1738066792823.jpeg (686.21 KB, 1170x1338, IMG_6826.jpeg)

Burgers thinking Germans are protesting for them gives me such secondhand embarrassment. They truly think the world cares more about them than they actually do

No. 2369478

Kek this is embarrassing

No. 2369506

It’s just fucking annoying. I should not be attacked for wanting to date someone with similar life experiences. Their obsession with complaining about this is downright bizarre.

No. 2369535

File: 1738073575833.png (110.76 KB, 750x997, i3XWVpz.png)

>banning porn is the start of a fascist crackdown on sexuality

No. 2369542

These are opinions of people who live online because wtf. I hate when they bring 'queer' people into the talk. Like what does exploitation of women have to do with fags and TRAs?

No. 2369546

>noooo dont ban my child anime porn noooo
Boohoo troon

No. 2369559

The discussions referenced in the article were mostly on weibo and they were about how freckled skin is cute but it's from sun damage which isn't good. It wasn't an outcry. Maybe 10% of posts were calling her ugly but that's normal whenever a woman is discussed online (look at Sabrina Carpenter). The vast majority of posts were just talking about sun damage kek. Why do non-Chinese people that can't read Mandarin find ways to make issues out of their misconstructions and false beliefs?

No. 2369599

kek how humiliating for them

No. 2369605

KEK. I guess the average American probably has no idea Germany also has their own MAGA-lite movement right now

No. 2369686

File: 1738082681764.jpeg (1.58 MB, 1170x1838, IMG_6830.jpeg)

I’ve been searching this on tiktok and like this scrote says “the whole world right now is protesting for us” oh my god Americans are so arrogant it is unreal and actually laughable

No. 2369858

They love lumping kinks and degeneracy with being lesbian or gays, it’s so gross.

No. 2372256

Reading this from Serbia makes me laugh

No. 2375437

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No. 2375461

>moooom Adam is making his digital dollies again

No. 2375468

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No. 2375485

No. 2375494

File: 1738362640807.jpeg (Spoiler Image,379.47 KB, 1170x1546, IMG_1073.jpeg)

The state of the lesbian community sigh. How can you be so dick centered in a place where you are only supposed to enjoy women. This made me vomit.
“Queers” have really ruined everything.

No. 2375549

do they not realise how depressingly misogynistic it is that even women who have sex with other women because they love vaginas put on some plastic dick to suck which doesnt give neither of them any pleasure but it pleases the male spectator they both have in their head

No. 2375602

File: 1738366282950.png (304.17 KB, 1080x1055, 1000019685.png)

No. 2375607

Yet women choosing to withhold sex and be more picky with who they want to start families with has them running around like headless chickens shrieking about the collapse of civilization

No. 2375610

>men built civilization
Yeah and they also destroy it with all their retarded dickwaving warfare, along with the environment and countless animal species.

No. 2375613

Kek men also destroy civilizations and anything else when they chimp out over small things. Moids are unironically so retarded holy shit.

No. 2375622

Rachel Venning owns a sex shop. She's literally just trying to get people to buy the trash she sells and disguising it as "kweer sex advice."

No. 2375626

This is genuinely so pathetic

No. 2375675

Crazy projection that men still think "penis envy" is a thing when they (who have never created shit in their entire lives) try to co-op the building of Rome or whatever bc "men built civilization." Eternally seething that they can't create a human soul within themselves. Parasites.

No. 2375719

File: 1738373754428.png (303.99 KB, 734x775, karla.png)

i don't get why they feel the need to respect the dignity of a moid that is the walking definition of agp, this time famous and shilled by hollywood. google his name and all tweets are "SHE is sexist, racist, homophobic, all other -ists and -phobics but i will still call HER a WOMAN. terfs are worse than HER".

No. 2375785

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No. 2375790

The amount of Mexicans/Latin & South Americans online that are TRAs is insane. They’re brutally honest in every other way to most USAican/European phenomenon. I don’t know how they can’t connect this TIM’s insanity to a larger trend.

No. 2375792

How the fuck is this fat? Giving me same vibes as people who called Kate fat during her filming of Titanic

No. 2375798

Makes all sense now

No. 2375800

They love trannies in Brazil nonna.

No. 2375848

ayrt, that's not really the case for the countries surrounding brazil tho. i live in one of them and we're really just getting past the casual homophobia. only the americanized are okay with trannies.

No. 2375875

Gdi I hate moids. Men invented war, torture and cruelty. Women creates civilization. While males hunted, we started understanding cultivation. While males killed each other, we invented fabrics.

No. 2376018

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No. 2376058

Twittertards will really say anything, won't they? Oh yeah, watching Friday the 13th is definitely like watching rape on tape. Right, right. Genius. Whatever you retards say to normalize your inevitable erectile dysfunction.

No. 2376133

tbh I do see why someone would put parallels to horror movies and porn though. Slasher and disturbing films usually include raping women, gratuitous nudity, and torturing women as a way to be edgy or scare the audience. The Friday the 13th movies were filled with this when they would have scenes of naked women getting murdered by Jason or how series like I Spit on Your Grave gained notoriety because of the rape and revenge themes it had. I wouldn’t trust a moid that watches porn the same way I wouldn’t trust a moid that enjoys watching women get slaughtered on screen because they truly cannot separate reality and fiction in their rape ape brains.

No. 2377116

File: 1738452260948.png (189.82 KB, 828x653, 2QOpV7v.png)

Imagine being an adult man who makes having adhd his entire personality and then raises his daughter to be an entitled brat and telling her that any bullshit she says has to do with adhd

No. 2381399

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No. 2381541

He was probably violent at home, duh.

No. 2382490

File: 1738714201642.jpeg (169.57 KB, 1124x1610, IMG_7001.jpeg)

I did chuckle

No. 2382904

File: 1738740257435.png (290.58 KB, 587x822, wtffff.png)

for my sanity ill just imagine this is a parody account

No. 2382907

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No. 2382910

File: 1738741062901.png (307.92 KB, 605x967, paki.png)

…this is the "boyfriend" btw, she lied, he's 23
imagine wasting your teenage years being groomed by a misogynist paki pedophile loser on the internet. holy shit, this generation is doomed

No. 2382911

>you can't be groomed as a 16 year old bc picky pedophiles exist
>stopped feeling groomable
being groomed? simply stop feeling like you're vulnerable and your groomer will go away!
has to be a pedo larping

No. 2382912

A very strong example for why anybody underage needs to be banned from going online. Her fucking username too, jfc.

No. 2382914

hey don't blame him, he can't help wanting to play as he is in real life, a hideous balding mentally unbalanced walled man

No. 2382918

File: 1738741579244.jpg (1.05 MB, 1080x2120, Screenshot_20250205_094431_X.j…)

>has to be a pedo larping
behold, her selfie + more shit from her. good god get these kids off the internet

No. 2382923

no anon she was desperately trying to get groomed, silly. it just stopped working at age 16. it's "sweet 16" after all!

No. 2382925

Westernised Asians were a fucking mistake.
>t. westernised Asian

No. 2383198

File: 1738761551266.jpeg (Spoiler Image,836.57 KB, 1179x1397, IMG_7937.jpeg)

gamer l fujo w moment

No. 2383206

You love to see it

No. 2383598

File: 1738782305218.jpg (409.28 KB, 1080x1739, 1000031479.jpg)

People dislike her because she's a grifter fake fakebian and they can see through her act.

No. 2383603

She is literally the embodiment of the sterile heterosexual woman claiming to be a rabid sexy loving dyke kek. She's such a faker it's insane.

No. 2383606

Didn't she date like 4 different men in the past kek

No. 2383717

im straight so im not really into lesbian culture but ive literally never heard of this person…?

No. 2383817

This is gonna be hilarious when Chappell can no longer keep up the lesbian larp and dates another moid

No. 2384018

God how not? You’re so lucky bc she’s literally everywhere. My straight normie friends at work bring her up all the time.

No. 2384152

File: 1738804348936.png (624.33 KB, 720x720, least degenerate Japanese man.…)

I feel bad for SEasians, they get nothing but the worst white and Asian men entering their countries

No. 2384163

wtf, I feel like I'm reading texts confessing to a crime. this is really vile

No. 2384164

Kill him

No. 2384165

I feel like she will date a TIM, in order to keep up the larp.
I predict Hunter Schafer.

No. 2384166

>i feel like i’m reading texts confessing to a crime
yes nonna, that’s what it is

No. 2384170

These bastards also colonize Youtube searches for most SE Asian cities. All I fucking want is to see <insert not as famed city> and get the vibe of that city but no, we get creep shots/disgusting thumbnails of young women who just want to live their life in peace. I guess it's evidence of how much of a contagion passport bros are across all nations.

No. 2384176

I mean he did commit a crime, he regularly posted about having sex with child prostitutes, and told other Japanese men where to find them. Which is why they referred to him as "emperor" super fucking gay honestly his accounts were nuked but I don't think he's been arrested

No. 2384304

Kind of reminds me of the 17 yo Nashville school shooter from last month and his batshit manifesto. 99% of parents wouldn't understand anything if you tried to warn them about this type of internet brainrot on kids, even if they're addicted to the internet themselves

No. 2384322

Chappell Roan is about as lesbian as an transbian, kek. I'm surprised you've never heard of her because she's all over the media and anons take every opportunity to shit on her.
I don't understand why she thinks there is a correlation between being against troons and seeing through Roan's blatant lesbian larp. Being a lesbian in the entertainment industry seems incredibly easy considering almost all that i have observed are either married/have been married or are dating at her age. I don't think being a radfem or gc is going to stop anyone from thinking she makes catchy music.

No. 2384328

Please tell me he got arrested

No. 2384549

File: 1738829115575.jpg (193.15 KB, 1080x1030, 20250206_100256.jpg)

idk much about chappell roan and the drama that surrounds her but this is such a creepy thing to say

No. 2384660

File: 1738840012024.jpeg (216.71 KB, 1170x1018, IMG_1135.jpeg)

Love is love Andrew, go and suck dick at the bath house and leave women alone.

No. 2384661

File: 1738840062302.png (233.19 KB, 751x745, MRZxsUe.png)

the joke is porn

No. 2384664

File: 1738840682235.jpg (942.39 KB, 1170x1648, alfalfa.jpg)

This is what Alfalfa from little rascals is doing now

No. 2384669

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No. 2384746

are we sure she's not being held hostage?

No. 2384820

no its not and its funny that even moids know that shes a larping loser

No. 2385176

Living in the 1900s.
Men will say this shit and swear they're not gay. I mean, it's human, really. We get along with those who we relate to kek

No. 2385330

He's right lol, she's a major fakebian, loves trannies, but her entire family is republican. she constantly speaks for the lesbian community and spergs about the scrotes she used to date all the time. seems like she calls herself lesbians to "get back" at her ex

No. 2385512

'emblematic part of lesbian culture' and she still cries over her ex moid and wrote her songs with him in mind kekkkk

No. 2385523

We should chemically castrate all living males and just start using the frozen sperm until we breed the evil out of them. What the fuck is this.

No. 2385659

He has a point that she’s not lesbian,but he won’t admit that she didn’t start to ID as a one because of Hollywood. But because all the men she was ever with were abysmally horrible lays and never made her come kek.

No. 2385866

Is he aware that in almost all of these cultures men raped little boys? they were all gay pedophiles

No. 2385868

>bath house
So gay sex
>military camps
So gay sex
>tea shops
I think they also did gay sex. He just wants gay sex with beardless boys.

No. 2385891

File: 1738893233387.png (1.2 MB, 1080x1496, 1000008373.png)

Alfalfa from 1994's The Little Rascals is a trad larper. He also once celebrated his first son by calling him his heir and his 4 daughters "dishwashers." He was arrested in 2020 for huffing air duster and being publicly intoxicated.(repost)

No. 2386005

No. 2386017

I had the most embarrassing crush on him in that movie as a kid…

No. 2387945

File: 1739021537006.png (1.56 MB, 1080x1989, zFWsNCg.png)

No. 2388380

File: 1739043717888.jpg (70.99 KB, 597x628, hawk tuah.jpg)

No she doesn't. How does southern accent = Butters? Trivial thing I just hate inaccurate roasts

No. 2388750

Any context?

No. 2389155

File: 1739072538380.jpg (77.57 KB, 596x809, ChappellDelusionaltranny.JPG)

Do they expect her to barge in like that one episode of Jem and the Holograms kek

No. 2389224

File: 1739076890192.jpeg (31.44 KB, 629x367, GZc-5BOW0AAKdab.jpeg)

ntayrt but there's no context kek spaceghostpurrp is known to go on schizo rants and lashing out on randoms he's kanye levels of insane picrel

No. 2390654

>I hate this less because it happened to a moid
actually that's a woman

No. 2394754

File: 1739347365832.jpg (187.87 KB, 1080x770, Screenshot_20250212_100108_X.j…)

>only two of them actually endorsed rape
>only two

No. 2394760

The contrast between the apparent subject of this account and the actual content of the tweet is hilarious, but typical.
These people don't give a shit about politics, they're just looking for a way to justify their sexual perversions. It's like pedophiles who latch onto leftist politics to support their own fucked up shit in public, but claim to be fighting for the "independence and sexual liberation of children".

No. 2394837

The good old myth that virtually all women want to be faked raped…
Let’s even entertain this for a second, why are so many women into this then? It’s because of misogyny and the ultra violence way heterosexual sex is portrayed, which isn’t healthy.
These people don’t really care about women nor consent. They hide behind it in order to do it.
If you’re willing to pretend rape then you’re not any different than someone who actually does the rape. Your brain reacts the same way.

No. 2395338

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No. 2395339

I just know an Indian scrote is behind this.

No. 2395352

And these are the type of accounts JD Vance and scrotes working in the white house read and follow. 2020s is the most cringe decade ever (or yet)

No. 2395356

these are the people who won america everybody

No. 2395358

I never understood the rape fantasy thing. Some women I know have a genuine desire to be loved and comforted during sex but since men are awful, envision it in their heads instead. There's nothing empowering about getting fake raped by an ape but so many sex pos "progressives" tout it as so totes valid instead of an concerning sign of patriarchal brainwashing.

No. 2395379

Anyone with a MAGA anime girl pfp should be shot.

No. 2395411

Can we put weeb maggots in concentration camps

No. 2396405

File: 1739415530610.png (50.03 KB, 893x356, 2025212235036.png)

libfems on twitter are furious about the fictional oppression male children face at the hands of feminists

No. 2396444

>t. an account called misanderist
never ever fails kek

No. 2396445

File: 1739416337213.jpg (448.24 KB, 1170x1315, 927922739.jpg)

tims wish

No. 2396469

I have a theory that the reason some women like fantasy rape is because it allows them to have sex guilt free. Like obviously they don't want real rape. Real rape is scary. But fake rape allows the woman to have sex guilt free. She doesn't have to feel guilty for wanting sex. Because it wasn't her choice. Idk how to articulate it exactly. Just that I think it's a response to the way women are shamed for enjoying sex. Like I'm sure a lot is from early porn use and self hatred too.

No. 2396501

It needs to be said that rape fantasies are NEVER adjacent to real rape and women control the narrative and start/stop it, are not subjected to bodily harm/trauma/disease. People who pretend women want to be raped because of porn or fantasy are insane. Women want to be able to have safe sex and it will never be viable.

No. 2396513

i hate the bisexual women/straight women larping as bi who date TIMs and enable this bullshit by saying how ghey they are. i bet all of these women are your average zoomer into tall as fuck guys as their only standard, and the only way they can get a tall man is by dating these giant TIMs.

No. 2398159

My friend is like this, it's so bizarre. She's only ever dated men then suddenly came out as bi, but only ever thirsts over women online in a very male way and says she wants a girlfriend "with a dick". Is it just special snowflake syndrome? Or some NLOG thing?

No. 2398172

NLOG and feeling boring for being straight. Women who date TIMs are actually disgusting, their souls are tainted and unclean.

No. 2398649

File: 1739512581138.jpeg (398.1 KB, 1170x1789, IMG_1235.jpeg)

4.6 k for this retarded take…obviously a troon would want to erase women kek.

No. 2398675

>women from 50 years ago: We should be treated as humans instead of being seen as The Other by this male society
>this fucking retard: obviously she meant that the female sex class should be abolished so that scrotes like me can fulfill our agp pregnancy fetish!!

No. 2398784

File: 1739526890119.jpg (27.77 KB, 325x499, 1685628661567.jpg)

other than a handful of mostly libfems, artificial wombs were overwhelmingly pursued by males who want to strip humanity away. male scientists and male entrepreneurs have been the biggest supporters of this science, so it's actually very 'male-brained' for him to support this process

No. 2398801

I find it weird more women don’t want to be free of it…

No. 2398874

there's already an option for that; it's called not having children. It's something real feminists have championed, no woman should ever be forced to have a child against her will. artificial wombs are not about that conversation, they are driven by misogyny and ego. the last thing we need in this world is for random moids to have the ability to create children

No. 2398880

Wtf would even be the point of that? If true. Humans are not mice and humanity cannot exist without women.

No. 2398885

Freaking thank you. I don't know why it's not hard to see how women barely have health care to begin with and now they want to try this shit, knowing only women can have children. In every species on earth, only the carrier of XX can have offspring. We have the option not to, and now I see men for the first time scared about declining birth rates. Instead of giving women rights or not murdering them, they want to do this? Women make the world exist. They won't progress
Male scientists are such sexist faggots

No. 2398993

This is my theory for any hardcore fantasy or dynamic that involves submissive women. I think a lot of it is internalized guilt around wanting and enjoying sex and handing over that power allows them to circumvent the guilt or shame in some weird way

No. 2399001

They really think every bi woman has no standards, it's actually insulting. This retard is framing it as bi women taking advantage of the TIMs as if they aren't the ones wishing to take advantage of these women as if they're whores who will be open to fucking anything including them. I hate how they think just because someone is bi it means they would want to fuck a troon, liking men and women doesn't mean you like mentally ill ugly freaks playing pretend. If you're not a retarded libfem handmaiden it usually means you like cock and pussy individually and attached to real men and women who aren't mentally ill larpers.
Interesting theory, I can definitely see this being a thing.

No. 2399020

As a degenerate anon with rape fantasies I can confirm. I don't know if every woman with rape fantasies thinks like that but I would imagine for the majority it is the case.

No. 2399042

/g/-tier TMI but this is why I like similar fantasies in my head. Except that I have to be happy and pain-free and pampered in my self-insert fantasies. Actual rape fantasies are projected onto men in yaoi fantasies because I don't want to imagine women being tortured.

No. 2399110

The point of artificial wombs for women would be to be able to have your own kids without fucking up your body by going through pregnancy.

No. 2399122

and yet they will be used to make women obsolete. The moment we will have artificial wombs we will cease to exist because moids hate us.

No. 2399134

No, I don't believe it. It's the same as the OF/GF thing. Men can buy as many OF but they will still always crave a GF at the end of the day. Same thing applies.

No. 2399146

Because they still need a bangmaid. You also have to keep in mind that it doesn't require 100% of men to hate us, it's more than enough if 1/3 does and the rest just shrugs and coughs up a story how their mommy was rude to them once.

No. 2399156

then don't have children

No. 2399165

Can we maybe get to a point where women's healthcare isn't in the shitter first? Artificial wombs will make it so rich women can avoid pregnancy, but poor women are not going to have that option and I'm not sure a post-AW world is going to care about maternal mortality any more than our current world does.

No. 2399177

Yes, I think literally every womens health issue should come before artificial wombs. The push for them just shows how much moids hate us imo. They rush for the only thing they think they need us for and ignore our suffering. I don't care if there are a few rich tradthots that would also use them, that doesn't mean that they won't be used to further misogyny even more.

No. 2399201

>make women obsolete
you're forgetting about the fact that somebody actually has to raise the child. I promise you men aren't eager to be single dads kek

No. 2399328

Lol. I really don’t see what’s wrong with theoretically wanting children but not wanting pregnancy. That’s what every moid desires by default. Are we really so eager to prolong our own suffering? Mass martyr complex?

No. 2399329

File: 1739557238848.jpg (158.04 KB, 1064x607, Defective.jpg)

> they will be used to make women obsolete

When artificial wombs become possible (if they do), men will likely have already become obsolete first and possibly even extinct. Cloning has existed since the '90s. Scientists managed to create baby mice using cells from two females in 2004. There are species with only females, but none with only males. Also, I hate that the average radical feminist is against science and transhumanism and automatically associate it with misogynistic obese nerds who jerks off to AI porn and want robot sex slaves and being the first pregnant tranny. We should fight back, encourage women to be scientists and work on making moids obsolete instead of going into the humanities and praising "Mother Nature", kek

NTA, but someone can acknowledge that pregnancy sucks and is risky, but at the same time wants to be a mother or at least don't want humanity to become extinct.

No. 2399339

Humanity will certainly not go extinct at the current rate our global population is at.

No. 2399349

Sorry asking nonna but how do you intend for women to be gay for this new reality or our we all doomed to an asexual existence? Also are you a lesbian?

No. 2399355

Why is she thinking about chicken nugget chromosomes while showering?

No. 2399357

>We should fight back, encourage women to be scientists and work on making moids obsolete instead of going into the humanities and praising "Mother Nature"
I completely agree. More women going in to science and work on alternatives so we don't need men either is important. I just think that the sad reality is that most women are way to naive and good-hearted or even just pick-mes to seriously do that. Rich moids pump billions of dollars in to making women obsolete and even if the reverse is easier to accomplish it still needs resources and people that believe in it and women aren't the ones that control information currently either. It sounds crazy but I think the best we can do is hoard wealth and power, study science and found secret societies to research or something. Maybe I'm just too blackpilled on the age of feudalism and information control that I believe will come soon.

No. 2399365

Mass martyr complex is shockingly and annoyingly common among women. Epidurals are an amazing advancement in pain management for pregnant women. And yet women constantly shame and fearmonger other women about it. Imagine any moid going thru a root canal without anesthesia because it's more "natural". Absolute insanity, would obviously never happen. And yet women meme themselves into foregoing pain management all the time. And there's always plenty of retards, including women's own moms and grandmoms, who frequently tell women they're not "real moms" if they used epidurals or that they're being selfish and inconsiderate of the baby instead of just laying back and taking it like a good little incubator.

No. 2399410

she's hungry. showers make me hungry.

No. 2400685

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elon's twitter everybody

No. 2400692

They get so fucking pissy about women just being positive and loving themselves. What an idiot.

No. 2400696

She’s so pretty too. I hate how these retards shit on black women each time.

No. 2400701

nta but i'd say either android husbandos or genetically engineered males maybe

No. 2401704

Ntayrt and no horse in this race but it was debunked? I tried googling but I could only find articles talking about the study, none showing that it was fake

No. 2401839

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>Blocked friend over steak
Why are British people so incapable of taking any mild, inoffensive joke at their expense kek

No. 2401861

goddammit, I thought that was rotten pudding at first glance. Then I realized that it's meat. But you're right. Make fun of a British person's teeth and they're gonna go for school shootings, as if children's deaths are a totally hilarious comeback.

No. 2401865

She's so cute. Just out there loving herself and some dumbass has to make it all about himself.

No. 2402157

I'm done with twitter. I've removed all my followers and set my account to private and am using a tool (Redact) to nuke all my comments, retweets and likes. Have imported/saved my bookmarks with something called Dewey. I would just delete it but then bots can claim your username (this is happening a lot apparently). idk if I will make an account anywhere else. Social media is really boring right now.

No. 2402645

File: 1739712093008.png (137.58 KB, 885x934, T6Ybk1P.png)

>joey mannarino:I'm a gay rapist

No. 2402658

Did you save your data before deleting everything? I do that from time to time in case artists I like decide to nuke their account, that way I still have access to whatever I retweeted.

No. 2402763

is this the guy who started freaking out bc ppl accused him of being the ceo shooter lmao

No. 2402810

What does gay sex have to do with transportation affairs?

No. 2402825

without pete getting assfucked all the planes are crashing now

No. 2403580

Someone has some secret thoughts to share with everyone

No. 2403631

This is why I don't feel bad about anything that happens to men on the internet lol

No. 2403646

Tbf those likes are probably bought. I've been noticing that recently.

No. 2406407

File: 1739920241816.png (154.97 KB, 1170x645, I’m sorry but, what.png)

I understand wanting to give your husband a spa day and shit like that but the foot parmigiano part made me gag out loud. These tradwife types need to drop social media and focus on scrubbing their husbands feet

No. 2406413

ew. i cant imagine doing all of this shit for a man

No. 2406415

Why even brag about this? What's there to brag about? You cut his hair like you're his mother and shaved off his corns like you're his podiatrist… okay? She's literally talking about him like he's some teacup poodle kek. The real reason she hyperfocused on his nasty-ass feet is that it's a retarded Christian meme to wash someone's feet. That's why some fundies forbid women from cutting their hair because the idea is that they'll wash their husband's feet in heaven or some retarded shit.

No. 2406423

Describing your slave duties in detail like its an achievement? Imagine being this psychically ran through

No. 2406424

Next she'll be tweeting about licking his anus clean with her tongue

No. 2406456

Relishing the nutrients of each dingleberry. Silly bitch.

No. 2406636

>smothered his feet in tallow
Oh, thank god she had to mention tallow so we know that his feet aren't tainted with seed oils. It really brings home the whole mental picture she's painting to know that on top of everything else, it smells like foot shavings and beef tallow in that bathroom.

No. 2407136

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The way all “quuers” are straight up MRA rights kek. Tifs are the ultimate retards, no one sees you as a man Alex.

No. 2407166

Yes I did though I doubt I will actually look at it

No. 2407280

Kek this is so retarded. No one actually thinks women can't also be abusive in some way when they say this, it's just noting how much more common it is for males to do these things. "Ciscentric" yeah sorry no woman is gonna be talking about TIFs when they're trying to describe MALE pattern violence and keep themselves safe.

No. 2407394

kek I thought the same thing. Why are the seed oil weirdos like this?

No. 2407520

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The way tradfags talk is so obnoxious, even when saying something normal they have this weird condescending tone.

No. 2407523

Grimes and Elon combined

No. 2407526

It's the same shit with Redditors. Overly wordy to appear "intelligent", when in reality, they're saying the dumbest horseshit ever heard.

No. 2407532

File: 1739987876718.gif (1.87 MB, 245x245, giphy-424120706.gif)

Jordan Peterson started it. Retards never actually listen to what anyone is saying, just how they "sound".

No. 2407555

They want to sound sophisticated like the Greek philosophers they worship.

No. 2407560

What is he even trying to say?

No. 2407568

Moids have been worshipping greek philosphers since ancient greece and they don't pad their philosophies with nonsense ("llamar al pan, pan, y al vino, vino" - before "well ackshuallys come at me bc not greek, this phrase has been regurgitated in every language by moid philosophers and poets for hundreds of years). It's peterson-personified and I've noticed every mid-wit doing it since the early 2010s
>clarify what you want!
…while speaking in circles, about nothing

No. 2407580

Their favorite philosophers were drooling retards with too much free time so they couldn't help but repeat things the average 5 years old girl can notice on her own while saying women are inferior creatures. Fuck them and fuck their retarded fanboys. It applies to all of them, not just the ones from ancient Greece.

No. 2407591

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Diogenes would clown on all these retards. Mf might've lived in a pot and pissed himself but at least he had some level of self awareness

No. 2408065

>the abyoos i faced from my mother
hard to even grasp the scope of the victim complexes so many neets develop after being denied chicken tendies from mommy once as teens

No. 2408728

no nonna you don't get it, one time after she recounted le ebil tendy denial to her witch mom, her mom said "well i must be a terrible mother" one (1) single time which is literally gaslighting narcissistic abuse meanwhile the dad has raped and mentally beaten down the mother for years.

No. 2409150

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Can moids practice common decency for 2 seconds

No. 2409185

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If someone says you look like a TIM it’s an insult kek.
These people are so weird.

No. 2409249

Oh but if anyone else was to call someone an ugly twinkhon or clock them it'll be a neverending soapbox

No. 2409349

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Your average “queer” nowadays.

No. 2409662

I would kill myself if someone said I have "tgirl swag".
I only agree with this for men because men can jerk off to pretty much anything and loads of "straight" guys act incredibly homosexual and also want to fuck troons and little boys. Most men can be memed into wanting to fuck anything if they're exposed to enough porn of it.

No. 2409680

Im not going to post screencaps for obvious reasons since i don't want to give that account attention but there is a account with over 145k followers who posts content of people getting shot to death, stabbed or dying in freak accidents. This isn't the first account who posts this snuff-tier content either on twitter.

No. 2409688

If you witness or observe drunk men in the wild, they almost always display homoerotic behavior. I deeply feel most men are bisexual or faggots who hate women.

No. 2410447

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In a way I agree with him. I think men should be deprived of all their desires. They have been proving themselves for the last millennia that they do not deserve to enjoy anything whatsoever.

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