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No. 2366706
A thread for venting about difficult stuff going on in your life.
Previous vent thread:
>>2356246Follow all the /ot/ board rules & don't reply to bait.
Do not come to this thread to make fun of anons' vents, to demean them, or to try and be funny with some shit snark reply. It's annoying. If you do not have anything nice to say, don't say it at all. No. 2366805
People who don't set boundaries are seriously aggravating and you never know where you stand with them. My ld friend of many years and I were supposed to play games together on my day off, but after barely an hour she says she has to go off the phone and call her mom for 20 minutes. Okay cool, no big deal, that's normal. This turns into her playing telephone between her parents (mind you, we are both in our 30s) for three hours, the latter two of which she didn't respond to my texts asking if she was okay and when she was coming back. No exaggeration. Less cool. There was no emergency, just her mom wanting her to ask her dad for money on her behalf because they've been divorced for almost 20 years and don't want to talk to each other like damn adults. And she wonders why her other siblings never answer the phone when their parents call. She was apparently baffled when I told her that this wasn't okay and that she at least needs to text me when she's going to be gone for multiple hours so I'm not wasting one of my few days off wondering if she's ever going to come back. I'm honestly annoyed that I have to teach someone who is older than me how to set boundaries with their parents and tell them no. Like damn girl, just tell me to my face that I'm not as important as chasing nonexistent approval from your immature parents, I'm fine with that. But don't say that hanging out with me is your top priority and then act like this. She does this so often that I'm genuinely not sure I'm going to have any grace left for when she has a real emergency.
She wants a do-over today. I almost feel petty enough to take her up on it and then fuck off for three hours. But that wouldn't be nice and I'd feel bad about it. But I also don't want to waste another day off on her because she doesn't know how to set priorities (or maybe she does and is doing moid-level weaponized incompetence. Wouldn't be the first time.) It just sucks that we've been friends for over 15 years and I'm literally her only friend, and she still treats me like this because she never learned how to set boundaries or prioritize people she claims to care about. Okay, vent over. Hopefully you didn't read this far, but if you did, I hope you have a lovely day.
No. 2366873
>>2366847Men hate it when you give them a taste of their own medicine. It's deeply engrained misogyny, in their minds it's normal for a guy to stare at beautiful women but women enjoying eye-candy is abnormal (same thing with cheating)
Probably comes from the fact society constantly objectifies women in every piece of media, and more rarely men, but that's just systemic misogyny
It's just a little heartbreaking to me how men systematically enforce misogyny in their relationships, you'd think that a partner should be someone you unite with against the disadvantages society inflicts upon each of you, but in reality they're more about enforcing those disadvantages
Sorry for sperging out, point is the feminist take on this is you should either get your figurine, either have him throw away his, either break up
Or you could also decide that it's a petty issue and not think about it too much while letting him know he's retarded
No. 2366877
>>2366874>Men hate it because they all have cuckoldry anxiety baked into them at the cellular level.I also hate it when my partner is looking at other people, I wouldn't say having cuckoldry anxiety is silly or a male thing like you're implying.
It's bad to be fawning over other people when you're in a relationship. At best it's a sign things aren't going well, at worst it'll kill your bedroom.
No. 2366888
>>2366847You probably already realise this, but if he's the kind of man who plays
victim to your emotions when HE has upset you, prepare for that happening for the rest of your life if you stay with him. This is a man who will never take responsibility, this is a man who will hurt you and you won't be given closure because he doesn't 'like it' when you're upset or angry.
I really can't stress enough how muchbeing with a man like this will destory you. Please dump him. Get your figure first though.
No. 2366963
>>2366847>fianceOh hell no, nona. I'll share a money saving tip for you that'll also spare you any heartache. Buy the $300 dollar figure and dump the man who will waste more money than that. You don't need to be with a misogynistic scrote that jerks off to porn and animu hentai and
whines to you about wanting a cool fully clothed guy figure when he has a shitty big booby One Piece Nami figure. He needs to fuck off. Tell him you want that one yaoi toilet guy figure so he dies of despair next lmao.
No. 2366971
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>>2366847Tell him you've changed your mind and want this instead.
No. 2367086
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>mfw I wanna look like a handsome cool princely woman but I was cursed with a round baby face so I just look like a sickly baby
No. 2367192
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I'm so frustrated with my parents, they have been more than willing to pay for my older sister's groceries, rent, and medical school tuition but when I ask for 100 dollars for two weeks worth of groceries my mother starts berating me. I have been working under them for nearly a decade undergoing all of the below minimum wage shit, I have been paying for my own trips, my own tuition for college, nearly everything. But I feel so broken down when they don't even want to give me money for food. I asked my parents for milk and they told me to buy it myself after I payed nearly three thousand dollars for 4 months of school and they told me to buy it myself. I just want to cry, I have been doing everything right and apparently milk is where it crosses the line. I have taken care of their house after they spent a lavish 10,000 dollar week trip to paris, I have payed for their pet appointments and medication, my mother has payed nearly a thousand dollars on new chair covers and a new dish washer, but milk for their daughter breaks their fucking wallet.
No. 2367198
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i am so sick of men with broken dicks. my boyfriend's dick is broken. like half of the men i've dated have had broken dicks in their 20s. what the fuck. if my fucking pussy was fucking broken i'd starve myself to lose weight and do whatever it took to make it unbroken. how can you not care about your DICK being BROKEN
No. 2367222
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I bought an ear candle when I was in the USA which I just tried to use, except I lit it from the wrong end and ended up dropping a glob of molten plastic right inside my ear. Now I have a blister INSIDE my ear and it hurts so bad I wanna kms.
No. 2367233
>>2367192You sound capable and independent and your parents sound extremely
abusive. If you leave they'll suffer with the loss of their slave punching bag and you'll have freedom and no more regular abuse at home. Idk if you can rn, maybe that's not possible, but I just wanted to illustrate that they need you more than you need them
No. 2367246
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>>2367231Anything leaner than this is gross to me and looks sickly.
No. 2367276
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>>2367233I have one more year under their boot, I've been working hard. Thank you so much for listening and responding anon, it means a lot.
No. 2367301
I'm trying so hard to get along with my coworkers instead of being so offstandish, judgmental, and rigid all the time, but they're not making it easy. The sheer volume of spicy straight women with pansexual pins who fall over themselves to cape for troons is bad enough, but what has gotten me really fed up lately is how they all tiptoe around one of the few moid workers who is, shocker, a complete sex pest. The sort of sex pest so obvious that other women will warn newbies not to be alone with him because he'll try to hit on them. One of my coworkers who seems to like me always says she and I are similar because of my sperg tendencies, but I've always secretly judged her for being a bihet pickme NLOG who wants to play Ramona Flowers to her softboy of the week. I've tried really hard to temper my judgment of her and be more open-hearted, but she spilled a bunch of info about how creepy this guy is and then kept defending him because she HAS to play nice with him for some reason. She kept complaining about him and how he sexually harasses her, but also, I see them talking frequently and her initiating conversations with him. She always calls me over "as a buffer," which kind of pisses me off because the only times he's sexually harassed me were because she facilitated our interactions and I avoid him for a reason. But whenever these things happen, she says she doesn't want me to report him. Well, fuck it, I did. I reported inappropriate things he's said to me and didn't even bring her up. But now she's acting all weird and betrayed. And she told me she's certain that many of the women here will be uncomfortable if they find out I did that. I'm trying so hard to be empathetic, but I cannot fathom why the fuck these women all complain about him, acknowledge something should be done, but then get weird and cagey and upset if you actually try to do something about it. They all trip over themselves to stutter about how he's not actually dangerous and would never do anything, but who gives a fuck? I don't care if he's "dangerous," if he's so annoying and creepy that women don't even want to be alone with him, why the fuck would we trust him around our female customers and why the fuck would we give him the benefit of the doubt? I guess I really am not like them because I don't get it. So many workers there, even ones higher up the chain of command than me, admit to avoiding his whole department, and it pisses me off because he is in a customer-facing role. I feel like an alien from outer space with how much I don't understand. Why are they coddling him like this? Why are they just letting him get away with it without so much as a single report?
No. 2367352
When I started dating my husband, he was a super tall and scrawny nerd and I was way better looking than him. People always told him he was lucky to have me because I was way out of his league. He seemed insecure about those comments, so I encouraged both of us to eat healthy and go to the gym, and now he looks amazing, it's a complete 180. The problem is, I got pregnant, got injured, and then had to take care of a baby, so I ended up ballooning a lot. I see the looks people give us now, I know they're thinking "What is that guy doing with a girl like her" and I'm so ashamed. Sometimes, at bars, women will flirt to him in front of me, and when he says he's here with his wife, they look at me and laugh. I'm embarrassed to be seen now, I feel everyone's judgement and it's made me feel new levels of insecure. He's assured me that he's happy with our family and that he's not gonna leave, but watching people give him pity stares when I'm around is too much. I now have a toddler, which has made squeezing in exercise even harder. I just hate feeling so disgusting.
No. 2367517
>>2367511True, men age way worse kek. This one seems like he'll be bald in a few more years
>>2367512Good idea
No. 2367610
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i wish i could forget about the good times because remembering them and knowing that time is over feels way worse
No. 2367655
>>2367449like clockwork
>uwu am I allowed here?When the sub already has TWAW and welcome in their policy since you can’t say anything else, they just want to get asspats and get coddled. I hate those fucking scrotes.
I wish they sperged about “cis only subs” aka porn subs, where suddenly everyone knows what a woman is kek. I bet that the reddit scrotes would make it possible to silence them , but anyway the trannies are the same scrotes in the porn subs anyway, so it hardly changes.
I only use that site to read AITAH posts and the food subs, anything else is ultra retarded and captured.
No. 2367665
>>2367662So you either get cocky about the fact that these handsome man (your words) is with you and not the other ladies who flirt with him, so what if you are a fatty and ugly? He comes back home with you.
That or you stop being a fatty and get on his level.
No. 2367694
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>be actual diagnosed autist
>have one physically abusive parent, one enabling alcoholic parent
>no friends
>no money
>family hates me
>was bullied through school, is somehow bullied at university and at shitty part time job
>lose part time job
>in debt
>take up drinking too much
I'm so fucking tired nonnies
No. 2367700
>>2367694How do you get bullied in university?
I’m sorry nonnita, I hope things will get better, I’d suggest you cutting down or stopping the alcohol before it’s too late.
No. 2367719
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>>2367694Try going out in nature, when things get overwhelming.
No. 2367727
I stopped giving a shit about trannies because I was overly fixating on them , I still hate them and I hope that the scrotes finally get pushed out, but it’s so bleak to read news about them and see handmaidens praising and supporting the abuse , erasure and violence of women. It feels like a losing battle and I doubt that these retards will ever wake up on the fact that males have found a perfect way to further oppress us. Troonism hasn’t riddled my country, I don’t see many trannies here and it’s not like they’re that much accepted or given special privileges out of their retarded spaces (the LGBTQ is co-opted here too, so I just distance myself from it despite being bi).
I’m still rad leaning since I also focused on other aspects of feminism, so I think I’ll try to help at my local shelter , donate a bit each month in women related causes, I just want to do my own little thing. I might check up from time to time to see if things change , but I don’t want it to consume me. I hope the American, Australian and Canadians ninnies are well, you’re all in my heart.
No. 2367918
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i used lye to clean my drain and i accidently inhaled some of the steam. now my lungs hurt
No. 2367924
>>2367922Is she doing thinks that allows her to be looking at her phone, or is she just lounging around/doing chores. If so, a person who truly likes you will text you consistently, at least in the honeymoon stage.
>>2367907Just went to the theatres, and the way people wash their hands is absolutely disgusting. It'll be the most pretty, put together women using one pump of soap and not doing any scrubbing whatsoever.
No. 2368039
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I generally do not make my profile picture on social media an actual photo of me. Made the mistake of making it a photo of me and within one day my uncle, who is only related to me by marriage, who has since divorced my aunt and I have not spoken to or seen in about 15 years, slid into my DMs. I'm married so my last name is unrecognizable to him, again hasn't seen me since I was a tween, and he's a drunk so he didn't put two and two together. I've never not considered him my uncle even though we are not blood related, so this was extremely jarring. It's been weeks since this happened and every now and then I still feel such disgust I want to scream anyways never doing that again
No. 2368104
>>2367947That's really depressing. I second
>>2368083 it's a nice gesture which opens up a conversation.
No. 2368203
>>2368201Oh trust me, they know. They worked, paid bills,
and partied. I tell them I have work in the morning they go 'so? I partied and then went to work on no sleep' I don't care! That sounds like hell to me.
No. 2368304
>>2367765>developing window shopping as a hobbygo for it
nonnie! you never know if you will in fact find a handsome stranger willing to talk to you
No. 2368353
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I have a downstairs neighbor who will sit on her balcony all day (like starting at 7 am and can go on into the night) chain smoking, blasting tiktoks, or having loud ass phone conversations non stop. I really don’t think she works because I’ve never seen her leave the apartment outside of her carrying groceries on her E-scooter. At night her and her moid blast music and get into drunken arguments but when you confront them they get so aggressive and scream “No English! No English!”. They trash the parking lot and the garden area below their unit and I think they have a kid living there too since I occasionally hear one cry. I had a neighbor and one of the maintenance guys tell me that they’re here illegally from Venezuela. Well since deportations started happening they haven’t made a single peep. I don’t see or hear from her anymore and I’m highkey hoping they got evicted or were sent back to their country. It’s nice that I can step outside without being assaulted by cig smell and looping audio sound bites.
No. 2368365
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The only reason you're able to do all your hobbies and not be homeless is because your boyfriend supports you while you work 2 months max each year. You even acknowledge it, but that doesn't stop you from judging others for not being able to live up to your standards while we work full time jobs.
Also what the fuck do you mean you don't have the time, all you do is play league and go to conventions. But I guess making meals for 2 and cleaning the house(which is something every adult does) means that you're entitled to pass judgement on others.
No. 2368379
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>>2368368You're right, I forgot the Get It Off Your Chest threads exist. Main reason why I saged it.
Context: It's about my sister who thinks I'm a failure for not being in the same situation she is now (she bagged a rich guy who is buying a house and included her in the mortgage). She straight up said that I will probably die alone, all because I'm focusing on getting my life together by working overtime to recover financially after my mother emptied my bank account.
>>2368375Nonnie I would never rant about you
No. 2368394
>>2368379>sister bragging about house built on sandThe difference between you and your sister is one e-girl away anon. Make your own success, not because nothing
triggers an otherwise useless pick-me more than that - but because it will feel good and you won't even think about her after that. There's probably something you're good at that she's not, start with that. Anyways after a couple kids, she won't be bragging anymore because she'll just be another housewife with a husband who spends all his time doing "mysterious things in the basement rec room"
No. 2368434
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ik no1curr, but for posterity, final LC post from my ex's IP before I move my pc back home. i'm a little relieved but also sad. 5 years together and living together. breakups where you're incompatible after all but still love each other are so hard.
No. 2368442
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When my friend won't respond to my messages within the hour because she's shitposting online.
No. 2368451
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>>2368434Congratulations anon! Welcome to the world of mental peace and tranquility. You are not alone here
No. 2368579
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I have no idea why you want to stay with your asexual moid, what is he even good for anyway? Is it that he has a mortgage and a car? I know you two will break up someday, how can you even be in a relationship with a moid that doesn't even want to have sex? I still can't believe you stayed with him when his brother kicked you off of that trip the three of you were supposed to take together after you had been invited for weeks, and that fucking moid was the one to tell you the news. I saw how upset you were. You looked at me with tears in your eyes and asked me "you wouldn't kick me off the trip would you?" and I said back "absolutely not". What can you see in a moid that won't fight for you like that. It makes me angry that I can't tell you how much I dislike that moid, because I know all that will do is push you more towards him. You have this moid, yet with me we always hold each others hands, you stroke my arm you are so physically affectionate to me - so why have you picked this moid who doesn't believe in physicality. I wish I could just be brave and tell you how I feel about you and we could be together. But I know you'll pick him, and whilst I hope we can be friends again eventually - the idea of you telling that moid that I have feelings for you makes me sick. I have no idea why, but it does.
No. 2368580
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I have dead eyes and it scares myself. I record videos of myself and it doesn't matter how animated I am, my eyes are dead. It's uncanny because I will be laughing and acting silly, and my eyes are just unavailable and borderline disturbing. It's like I'm pretending to be human and my eyes are giving away that I'm not.
No. 2368608
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>>2368580Same except mine are like these. I know it's not just me noticing it because people irl keep asking me if I'm okay and speak to me like I'm slow
No. 2368621
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>>2368580I've accepted that I'm gonna have to go through life over compensating and pretending to be happier than I am because I have fucking close deep set downsy eyes that scare people if I don't
No. 2368624
>>2368489Late reply but the whole reason I posted this vent was because she went on a huge rant about how she hates Milo's Lemonade and how people who like Milo's Lemonade haven't tasted GOOD lemonade. Keep in mind she went off about this randomly while I was drinking a Milo's Lemonade in front of her and the only reason she went on the rant is because her (recently) ex-boss loved Milo's Lemonade and the sight of me drinking it fucking
triggered her retarded BPD. Also she was fired for constantly coming in late and calling off and smelling like weed all the time.
No. 2368633
>>2368629>speak like they're slow and ask if they're okay…for liking women that look like that
I'm at work and have the thread open in another a tab, go seethe and chew an ativan
(infighting) No. 2368647
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I have to actually read these research papers I have been putting off all weekend. I don’t want to but I must. To live is to suffer.
No. 2368660
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I am on antidepressants and in therapy for recurring depressive disorder and avoidant personality disorder and no one in my environment suspects a thing. I am doing good. My new boyfriend thinks that I am just taking probiotics and iron supplements in the morning and doesn't question the appointment I have every two weeks. I am doing pretty well with his friends the antidepressants suppress my social anxiety and I am able to participate in conversations and am getting better at it. I do feel proud of myself - a year ago I was at my lowest and unable to do anything. Sometimes I look in the mirror and feel really shitty for not telling my boyfriend though. I don't want him to know what was going on in my mind and that I was getting ready to commit seppuku just a year ago. I am scared that he is going to judge me. I don't want him to see me as weak. The medication and therapy got the personality disorder under control so I guess I'm never going to fucking quit.
No. 2368702
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>>2368698Why are you so mad while simultaneously pretending not to be kek. The original nonna that responded to you just said you're interpretation of a post was retarded. She didn't fuck your father.
No. 2368709
>>2368660Do you have a reason to think he particularly won't take it well or are you just worried in general? Ime people take it well, especially if he already likes you enough to be your bf. He might become worried for a while and change the way he acts to something he thinks will be better for you though which can be annoying but he will realize with time that you don't have to be treated with kid gloves.
If he reacts poorly then that's a red flag. You deserve respect and admiration for wanting to improve yourself and someone who doesn't see that is harmful to you.
No. 2368724
>>2368721Here you go retard, the origin:
>>2368629I'm just trying to fit in and integrate so this is how I post now
No. 2368743
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No. 2368746
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No. 2368794
Extremely first world problems here, but holy shit for some reason I CANNOT get over "the grass is always greener" syndrome and stop comparing my life to other people. My husband and I moved to an admittedly shitty suburban/rural town for his decent, white-collar job and we live in an apartment together. Our apartment is fine but the area itself totally sucks. The weather is so hot, dry and dusty that it's unbearable in the summer. The only social thing anyone does on the weekends is sit at home and drink, or you can go drink with the creepy old men at the local dives. Or, you can just leave entirely and drive 2+ hours to go to the next big city or into nature. The city itself is joked about a lot for being "backwards", boring and full of drunk rednecks and they're not wrong - DUIs are rampant here and it's made me nervous about driving.
Meanwhile holy fuck, I can't check my messages on social media without seeing posts from acquaintances who are living elsewhere in cities that I love and I'm so envious. Green trees, beautiful homes with green backyards - I love it. Cool apartments in "the city" with a view and a busy, bustling social life? I want that, too! Cute brunches, outings to the museums, music shows, nights out on the town, even seeing what nice school districts they're sending their kids to - it makes me so fucking envious. Even my hometown that I always thought was lame is really ramping up and there's a ton of fun new things there compared to where I am now.
My husband is well aware of all of my complaints and I'd love to live in the next "big city" over which is also a huge cultural hub - I used to work in the performing arts and that's the only way I'd be able to do that again, but there's no way we could afford an apartment that's comparable to what we have, let alone a house, there.
I feel so guilty for saying this because my husband is the kindest, sweetest man I could ever ask for and I didn't even know moids like him existed. But I wish I married into money and didn't have to worry about any of this shit and could just enjoy the prime years of my life pursuing my artistic interests and living as a "woman of leisure" in a city I love.
Trying to count my blessings and remember that 10 years ago I would have given anything to have the same love and security that I have now.
No. 2368836
>>2368756Wtf how did she try one-upping you? I hope you're feeling better
No. 2368974
>>2368813Ayrt, I don't know how I forgot to add this, that's actually one of my biggest gripes - the city crime without any of the "city fun". Where I currently live ranks in the top 10 lists of the most dangerous areas in our state. Even outside of the crappy downtown areas, in the "good" side of town where I live there is TONS of property crime, violent crime, gang crime, hearing random gunshots at night, car theft, home invasions, and all of the bullshit people have to deal with in "big cities" but without any of the fun places to go.
Job market sucks here and everyone leaves to go elsewhere - which isn't a problem for me because I work remotely.
Rent and homes are less expensive than the larger city, but that's about the only good thing.
No. 2369022
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im so suicidal i hate my life i hate my ugly art nobody cares about it and i hate being a fucking zoomer literally didnt get to experience any of the world before technology mindfucked everybody. not to mention ovulating and i have no boyfriend and probably never will so just miserably horny god just kill me in my sleep already AHHHHH
No. 2369072
>>2368836Thank you
nonnie. I posted a video of some hotels by where im staying while recovering, and she sent a video back of the view from her shitty hotel with no other words. She literally lost every friend/relationship shes built over the past 10 years due to her cluster b bullshit so i know it's not me. Only people who still associated with her are moids who pay her for sex or other ewhores/"content creators"
No. 2369106
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>TLDR: my moid is out on what totally isn’t a date with his TIF friend
My moid has been pretty much ignoring me since he got off work. He usually calls me when he gets off if we’re not actively hanging out, tonight I just got a handful of texts and he didn’t answer when I called him. I find out he’s out with a friend. Normally that would be fine, but he was supposed to come hang out with me tonight. He said he wasn’t feeling well and hadn’t slept well when I texted him this morning so I said don’t worry about hanging out tonight, feel better. Anyway the friend he’s out with is a TIF and the TIF bought my moid a bunch of drinks and also bought him dinner, but it’s totally not a date! Even though they’ve been out together since he got off work. Totes not a date.
No. 2369115
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Why do I always overshare with my mom who is a controlling, embarrassing narcissist? I just can never put her on an information diet because I'm a self-hating retard with terrible impulse control and a loner with no one else to talk to about anything. I got tickets for a concert that I never should have even told her anything about in the first place but I did because I can never keep quiet. She freaks out at the thought of me driving, especially at night or on highways, so now she won't shut up about driving me there and going with me, because she does not want to let me go alone. The crazy bitch even just told me she took the day off so she can go with me. I don't want to show up to a concert with my fucking mom. I'm 26 fucking years old with my own car. I'm going to throw up and hate how much I self-sabotage myself around her. I hate narcissists and how much like heroin self-sabotage is to me with them. What do I do now? Do I just sell my ticket? No way I want to even be seen at a parking spot with her. I hate her.
No. 2369131
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Sort of vent, sort of drunk journal entry. It's not so much I want to have sex with this guy, I think? I just really want to talk to him again but I feel like he's only going to agree to really sit down and talk to me if he thinks I'll have sex with him. The first time we engaged with one another sexually, I had been drinking a lot lately and lonely and met up with this older man on a whim and felt really comfortable with him even though he was a functional stranger I'd briefly talked to online. When we went back to his place and cuddled on his couch, I just kind of let things happen. I didn't hate it, he didn't take my vaginal virginity or anything, but it was only the second time I let someone see my pussy in all my years. (Late 20s) I was kind of disappointed when afterwards he made it clear he was only really interested in fucking, because I did try to (hopefully not appearing too clingy) talk to him a little bit more but he either ignored me or rebuffed my attempts to talk more by quickly reminding me he wanted to fuck. It's a shame because he's one of the rare men I actually do find kind of attractive. I went into it not expecting anything from him, but I was disappointed he wasn't even really interested in casually talking. Maybe I just seemed overeager to talk more, but even that feels like I'm putting more thought and emotion into things than he did. It's not so much I'm against having sex with him, I'm just not sure if I'm ready even at my big girl age. Especially with someone whose functionally a stranger and made it clear he doesn't have any interest in me outside of being nude in his arms. But at least when he did hold me, I didn't feel disgusted or upset, which is a lot by my standards.
In some ways I feel so alienated from womanhood, growing up I was always friends with boys and bullied by the girls, as I got older I became more of a recluse and all my online friends were kissless virgin nerd girls. I have no idea what is the 'expected' model of heterosexuality, especially as a bisexual. Most of my romantic experience has been with women, men it always felt like a wall between me and them. Even if they were otherwise nice, it always felt like I wasn't getting that deeper connection I'd have with women and any man I came close to it, immediately felt like they thought we were going to have sex. When my mind was as far away from that as possible. In a lot of ways I always viewed male sexuality as a threat, even in my fantasies it was never 'me' there, but another woman I was watching 'act out' sexuality or another man in terms of yaoi. It kind of fucked my head up to realize other women don't approach sex and sexuality and men with such a level of dread and apprehension. All I can think of is all the ways it can go horribly wrong and be disgusting and painful.
It's not so much I think having sex with that man would fuck me up or be some horrible nightmare experience, I guess I'm just interrogating myself on why I want? to do it. What am I hoping to get from it? The experience? To feel normal? To feel close to someone? More like a woman? More like an adult? Just so I can talk to him? To try to overcome my anxieties? I just feel like I probably won't get the chance again to find a man I find somewhat attractive who I can engage sexually with without it being weird or fraught in some way. I don't believe in love with a man for myself. But part of me feels like this is some kind of inherent female right of passage I've avoided all of my life. I've never even so much put a tampon inside. The few times I got a finger inside it was slightly painful and 'intense' I'd describe it. In some ways I suppose facing it, I hope to dissolve some fears of how bad it can be. My brain always going to the worst case scenarios by far. Sex with a woman, my biggest fear is just being rejected. With a man, I just think of all the horrible, horrible possible outcomes that I'll just have to shrug off and move on from.
No. 2369165
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my brother quit his job, he's offering me his position and my mom is pressuring me to take it as she's worried about me still being a neet in my mid 20s. maybe if I was able to land a nice relaxed government job I wouldn't be in this position, going to college for four years was a scam. no one wants to hire me since I don't have 2 years of experience in the field and every job asks for it kek what a joke. unless I suck dick for a position, I'll be forever stuck in this awful predicament.
I feel defeated in a way, as giving in to the latin american permanent wage slave lifestyle for 7 pennies a month is suicide fuel, but it could also be positive for me to establish a routine that doesn't consist of waking up at 5 pm, rotting in bed browsing lc and going psychotic over a moid who doesn't know I exist until I fall asleep again? I can't even lift a 5 kg bag of dog food so I don't know how I would do all the lifting but I'll probably accept it because I have an embarrassingly low amount of money to my name rn
No. 2369245
>>2369131>>2369244Like you made a whole rant shitting on men and showed example of them lacking empathy and not being decent human beings all together (rightfully so) but you still engage with them.
What are you trying to even do?
No. 2369306
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Men are so fucking boring. I don't think truly innovative and creative men exist anymore. They're all a bunch of copycats and plagiarizing dorks now.
No. 2369426
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I have a job from a recruiting agency and I don’t want to go. But I signed all the paperwork saying I will. Only i have bad vibes the lady said they are like a family and have many fires they have to put out. also the fact that they had to hire a recruiting agency makes me think they have a high turn over rate. The last job I worked at that said we are a family had my boss screaming at the top of her lungs every day. I can’t do that again I will jump in front of a subway. I’m so jealous of YouTubers their job is at home. I’m not meant to be a cog in the machine. I’m meant to WFH doing a creative career.
No. 2369431
toxic families exist
No. 2369529
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This cute girl I liked started dating the ugliest man. She's so cute, nice, kind and fun, and he is dumb and looks like he's subhuman. I hate how easy is life for men.
No. 2369571
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My family keeps fucking asking for money so I’m going to drop 200 on a gacha that I’ve been hesitating about because why should I hold onto this money if I cant even use it for myself. Fuck the future and fuck savings
No. 2369678
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I said to my friends I would join them tonight at a little hangout one of them is having but now I’ve finished work I just can’t be bothered. It takes so long to get to her house and I still have to make dinner and I’ve got a stupid crick in my neck and I’m so exhausted and I want a bath. But I do want to go over tonight… but I also really don’t anymore… what do I do… FRICK my stupid baka life
No. 2369695
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In my spiritual/religious circles, I often meet men who present themselves as enlightened leaders. They'll preach to you about selflessness, spiritual discipline, and abandoning the ego to embrace the greater Unity Of It All. Then you go and find out they have a whole porn and/or sex addiction, LOL! Detachment is liberation, but not when it comes to their penises I guess.
This might seem obvious to anyone reading, but it still manages to disappoint me every time.
No. 2369725
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>>2369695>>2369710Biggest hypocrites ever. Haven't met a single religious man who wasn't a piece of shit kek. Most of them are sluts, or are addicted to porn. I remember one of them told me he couldn't drink alcoholic drinks and eat certain stuff because of religion, however he was okay ignoring the part that said he shouldn't be sleeping around.
No. 2370005
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I went to the library today after not having gone in like 5 years. After being there for maybe 5 minutes I got followed from aisle to aisle by a hobo with the tip of his dick sticking out of his pants. I promptly left but wtf Im still so shaken a few hours later. I wish I said something to a staff member but I just wanted out.
No. 2370016
>>2370005What the fuck, ew. I'm sorry nonna. He's probably going to land himself in deep shit someday, but
>>2370009 and
>>2370012 are right, you need to report what happened.
No. 2370029
I was bullied by a very devout religious girl years ago and to this day she still goes around making up horrific stories about me and trying to tell people who know me all kinds of horrible things about me, twisting even some of the worst things I went through in my life and misfortunes I endured into funny derisive stories about how lame I am. She admitted to me years ago that she resented me because she felt that guys liked me more than her and that she'd never get married. Well she's married now, so why is she still going around making fake stories about me? And everyone believes it because she has this saint persona where she's always proselytizing about morality and kindness and charity, even though she does nothing for anybody, but because she talks huge game about being so angelic and better than everybody else morally, then anyone she puts down must be terrible. I can only hope some people see through it because I noticed she would also put down some of the other women we knew frequently over meaningless stuff, wonderful and kind women, just for the sake of taking them down a notch, just not to the degree she was fixated on insulting and slandering me and still is. I feel like the only escape I have is to move extremely far away and lose contact with everyone I used to know.
I tried to save myself by distancing from her in every possible way years ago, but it's like that's only made her angrier and changed her ire from being directed at belittling me in private, to now turning to years of telling everyone who's ever met me that I'm crazy and a moron based off half-true stories where she'll change major misfortunes that happened in my life to secretly have been done by me in some insane way.
No. 2370212
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>>2370192Nta but if you've ever dealt with someone with bpd, you understand. Can't stand them.
No. 2370232
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>>2370210>>2370212i have bpd but am very well treated for it/have been in therapy since i was 4. i will stress that i cannot be friends with untreated bpdchans at all, they are insufferable.
although, i feel like pinning all of a shitty persons behaviour on bpd just makes your point look a bit too bias, people can be good people and have bpd. it’s on the person themselves to get help and not be a shitty person, if they care about anyone else at all
No. 2370236
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Why are you in nursing if you're such a vulgar and abrasive cunt?
No. 2370266
>>2370249Interesting perspective. They probably get diagnosed with it less because it's seen as such typical male behavior. For instance, the risky dangerous behaviors in the criteria–men have higher insurance premiums for this reason. Men are constantly road raging, racing, crashing their cars, fist fighting and shooting each other, beating women, gambling, and so on. But how many men who constantly chimp out and smack their girlfriends, rush off to go get wasted and sleep around town, come back crying with flowers and so on really get diagnosed with BPD? Instead they get avoid accountability, maybe do couples therapy, anger management, AA programs, whatever. However a big difference is probably also that men are so highly empathy-devoid that the correct classification is instead ASPD/NPD which emphasizes the extent of their flagrant disregard towards others' feelings and inability to feel true empathy. Psych is mostly bullshit umbrella terminology though which is why it's all constantly being reclassified.
No. 2370268
>>2370247ayrt and the men are a different story kek, fuck them all.
i’ve only met a handful of bpdchans similar to me but we exist! it all comes down to accountability + self awareness imo
>>2370257yes you’re right, i wasn’t diagnosed until well into my teen years but i already had the right framework to navigate it, luckily
fucking flood detection No. 2370287
>>2370161You're right. I'm literally arguing with a mutual about accusations that have nothing to do with us. It's absolutely insane and I'm done. I thought I couldn't be more clear than saying paraphrased "Here's what X said, here's what Y said: What did they tell you? I want the truth." They're pissed because I told them that I made my friends aware of that accusation.
>>2370192I hate people with untreated BPD who use people and turn them against each other. It's always more complicated than a diagnosis, but it all boils down to untreated symptoms of BPD.
>>2370210Exactly. The symptoms are described as such for a reason. It's a fucking nightmare.
>>2370232I agree with you as the original anon, people with BPD can be excellent friends if they actually focus on treating it. This person thinks they're a psychic and a tarot reader and an astrologer, and will probably ascribe any of the drama that they become aware of to planetary alignments and avoid all accountability.
>>2370247dated one and he was the whole reason I quickly shut this "ex-friend" down. The behaviors are unmistakable.
No. 2370324
>>2370287>This person thinks they're a psychic and a tarot reader and an astrologerHOLY KEK, ayrt and i know exactly what type of woman you’re talking about. i also had to cut the one i knew completely off. good luck! you’ll feel so relieved without that psycho in your life.
(i understand your prejudice against us, it’s justified)
No. 2370331
recently i just want to give up on art and school and taking care of my appearance because it really doesnt feel like itll matter. my life has been shit garbage since i was a preteen. and what do i do after graduating? struggle to get hired because nobody wants to hire an autistic woman? and then live on my own being totally alone, broke and overworked all the time. wow sounds so great!
>>2369883is it social anxiety? i used to have it bad as a kid and i would get bright red around when i had to talk to anybody
No. 2370332
>>2370271*officer lundi
My bad. Oh but also I despise doaks and his botox lips
No. 2370356
I know that this is not the case for most poor people, not all circumstances can be helped etc. I get it, I'm Balkan kek so it's not like anyone in my country was ever rich unless they did something illegal or gets money from abroad.
But it is not totally wrong to say that some people are causing their own misery and you can't help them because they don't want to help themselves. I am tired of my old classmates and former friends seething at me that I got a new job which pays well but they can't, crying about no money and implying I got this job by sleeping with my boss. What boss, the woman in America that hired me to work remotely because I taught myself a valuable skill and got a college degree?
But then they didn't want to go to college because living with mom and dad is nicer and moving to big city is scary, they need to go buy expensive skincare and get acrylic nails every 2 weeks on a Bulgarian cashier paycheck, drink and chain smoke, and date the same loser since high school who low key finds them annoying but he needs a wife to wipe his butt and clean the house and maybe pop out a baby so they can both say they did something. And if this kind of person is a woman, she will drop everything and lay down on the floor to be doormat for any man that is close by and then call you a selfish arrogant bitch if you don't want to do the same, because she ruined her life by being stupid so why won't you.
I am not rich by any means but I live a decent life because I actually think about consequences of my actions. Yes I also had luck, but you can't sabotage yourself and then cry how life is hard kek.
No. 2370417
nonnie, i know it's not a big deal but that made me feel a bit better
No. 2370524
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>>2366706i hope a meteorite hits the earth soon. i'm getting tired of life and of everything. maybe i should just sleep
No. 2370528
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>bf is perfect in every way except for fat
>ponder if he gets ripped if he will be a cheater
>maybe better he's fat idk
No. 2370635
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>finds a female vlogger i like watching
>their videos seem so enjoyable and nice to watch
>gets curious and researches how they make their money to be able to pay for their big ass apartment
>goes down a rabbithole and finds a bunch of milk and gossip about their cowish behavior
You truly can’t trust anybody at all, there’s always something with people:
No. 2370642
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i am going FUCKING FERAL over gong yoo i need to stop i'm losjg my mind i can't stop watching edits please omg(wrong thread)
No. 2370678
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I posted in the wrong thread and now I wanna kill myself. How am I not tired enough to fall asleep but I’m tired enough to post in the wrong thread? I’m destined for eternal suffering in this world.
No. 2370679
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I showed this to my bf (American) and he called it very cringe. Then I said he was my little American, and he replied that they need to invent new slurs for my people. This sort of thing is why China is winning over you, burger nonnies.
No. 2370708
>>2370703you're the one posting twitter art
>>2370706it's that same cringe hetalia/countryball shit from 2014. it's all the same
No. 2370736
>>2369769I think the bones need to be swathed in ligament banding in order for it to gel, because bones themselves don't have all that much collagen in them. Smaller, more flexible bones should have more collagen, spent ribs would be ideal. If they've been cooked beforehand and have a bit of meat left on them the result will be so much better. I really only bother making bone broth out of used chicken carcasses because it's easy and foolproof.
>>2369883Become completely jaded towards the male sex to the point that a celebrity falling in love with you would only spark lukewarm feelings. Go on reddit and try to sway men on womens issues, or better yet 4chan. Expose yourself to the entire demographic (from a safe distance of course.) You may still feel attraction to them but you won't be blushing. I get it though, I have rosacea too and when it acts up I rub an ice cube on my face.
No. 2370856
Yeah so I can already tell I'm about to have a shitty day
>5AM, about to go to sleep
>throw a blanket over my beetle tupperware bowl
don't worry about why the bowl didn't have a lid on it, it's not important
>grab a bowl of cereal
>put finished bowl on floor because I don't feel like getting up to wash it
>like 20 minutes later, get up for something that I don't remember
>acidentally step in the bowl
>milk splashes everywhere
>legs and floor covered in cold, sticky, wet cereal milk
>Stand still for like 30 seconds, seething but trying to contain my anger
>"Why did I fucking do that. Why did I fucking do that. Why did I fucking do that."
>wash off my legs, angrily washes floor and bowl
>"That was fucking awful, but at least I'm dry and can finally go to bed"
>snuggle up in my blanket
>hear my beetles rummaging around in their bowl, doing whatever the fuck beetles do
>"Wait a minute…."
>Remember that beetles can climb on fabric
>remove blanket, surely enough there's a pack of beetles partying on the fucking blanket
>try to shake them into the bowl, not very precise and also kind of hard
>can't find tweezers, have to use disposable bowl and fork to transport them back to their home
I'm mad at myself. It's now almost 7 AM. I don't even know for sure if I got all the beetles, I put the blanket in the washing machine so unfortunately any I didn't catch must drown.
No. 2370861
nonnie that sucks so bad. cleaning milk is the worst and most annoying too. at least you can sleep some of the day away, you deserve it ♥ go 2 sleep and let ur dreams distract u from it ever happening
No. 2370862
>>2370857Another option is lemding money from mom but she is tight on money too, my bf is tight on money. I told him my sitch and it’s about to be his b-day this week so I don’t want to ruin it by asking. I told him my sitch though. Another option is lending through a different program but idk all the ins n out I xan have money next month but I need to know, can I pause the loan if I have a different solution in the meantime. Then after 1 day I have a meeting with my prof about my thesis but this money sitch I hadn’t accounted for so idk.. idk..
My student loan portal said I had one month left to lend, when I called them they said: 0 months left to lend. I tried maxing the portal just in case for that last month. It said that I’d get money next week. Idk if I can trust it, because the office told me it was an error or something and isn’t displaying correctly that I have 0 months left to loan.
So that is a backup but I don’t feel safe at all. There’s this other resource that can give money next month also a loan but idk how much % and if I can halt it if I gind better resource the biggest issue is. My school has to fill in a form. For the other resources one needs a mental evaluation I can’t do that rn last time sucked and not sure if I have to do it again or can use last time’s proof. That one isn’t a loan.
The second resource that isn’t a loan, I have to talk to a dean for it and next office hour is next week. I need a solution this week! Aka january.
No. 2370865
>>2370862I”ll probably go for the loan that can give me money coming month I just have to look for what % it is and if I can halt it.
Then I have to fill in the form and send it to my school and hope for a reaction this week.
No. 2370867
>>2369472The torture continues
I can't wait to slice the cat open and remove a couple of her organs
(unhinged) No. 2370879
>>2369652I don't get it either. Where do they even get that from
>>2370679I sent this to an american and they said yeehaw
No. 2370917
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>>2370916My Shayla. I hope she’s okay at least.
No. 2370934
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I fucking hate getting my period!! I hate having to change my grown ass woman diapies every few hours!!!!
No. 2370990
>>2370971The worst part was when I actually realized that Trump supporters aren't even necessarily pants on head stupid but they're simply malevolent beings who live off the suffering of the people around them. They know Trump's politics are going to fuck first their country and subsequently the entire western hemisphere, and they
don't care. They
want it to happen because they're so mad at some internet wokies ruining their lives when in fact it was money grubbing billionaires enabled by crooked politicians. It's genuinely horrifying to have seen them go mask off post-inauguration and be so blunt and honest about it too. I don't even live in the US but I know your country's collapse will inevitably affect us as well and drive us deeper into a dystopic future where we return to medieval level class societies where middle class will become the peasant class dying of treatable diseases and barely being able to afford housing. The only hope I have is that we'll have plenty more Luigis going around but instead of corrupt CEOs mentally unwell scrotes will always target daycares or schools instead of those who the world would actually be better off without.
No. 2371018
>>2370934Me too
nonnie I've been sitting inside all day watching family guy and browsing lc because my cramps are still too bad to go for a walk. I feel gross.
No. 2371062
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I'm so fucking tired of work. I am supposed to collect receipts, I have to submit them by a certain date every month and yet every single month I am chasing this mf down for them. He is the only one who can't seem to get them to me on time. I give him a 2 week warning before they are due, I even started writing down the due date and giving it to him and yet here I am, on the due date and STILL trying to get them from him. It is not fucking hard. He literally sits right behind me, his pile of receipts is in his truck. GO FUCKING GET THEM!!! I handle this for 10 other people as well and none of them need constant reminders. I swear to God he thinks it's a fun little thing between us where I have to remind him all the time and he's just oh so forgetful tehe oops! I get snarky messages from corporate if I do not have these done on time and I'm going to just start throwing him under the bus. Like sorry, I'm still just waiting on ONE PERSON again! I've gotten to the point where I am going to only ask once and if I do not get them I will just tell corporate I asked and got nothing. I'm so tired of having to ask more than once.
No. 2371094
I’m finally taking college algebra for my degree in my second to last semester. I’ve been putting it off literally until last minute. I’m about to go see if I have something wrong with my brain. I move numbers and variables around without meaning to. It’s always this transcription issues. I’m so frustrated whenever I have to do math it’s unreal. I got a 35% on something I thought I did well in because I did a bunch of shit that wasn’t assigned.
This prof puts like one huge sheet of the homework which is so inconvenient.
Homework 1: 1, 18, 15, 33, 40, 26, 66, 52. Homework 2: 1, 5, 9, 13, 20, 11, 55.
and I apparently wrote down everything wrong and didn’t do the right assignments. I’m so tired of this and it’s 3 weeks in. It just makes me feel so fucking retarded. I’m doing my best here and fucking up. Like why even try if i’m just gonna switch things around like a retard and get it wrong anyway. And whenever this happens ppl just tell me to be careful as tho i’m like doing this on purpose, as though slowing down is actually going to help. I should just drop out and do the retard math class instead of the real person math class, I’m so fuckin done with this shit.
No. 2371139
I work as a custodian and for over a year now there's been this man at work who keeps doing this weird piss trap/stalking thing with me. What he'll do is basically take a piss and leave the toilet unflushed every time he sees I'm going to go to clean the toilets. It's always the same stalls, at same days, same times and so on basically based on my cleaninf schedule. Some days it starts right in the morning, I'll be cleaning the lobby, he'll see if I am not close to the toilets or away to get supplies and goes do the piss trap at the lobby toilets. Then when I am about to go clean the gym dressing rooms, he'll go do the same thing at the gym toilets. When I'm cleaning the offices, he'll do it in the office toilets, the usual piss trap he does. At first I kept thinking it's an accident, but it's been going so long and it always happens in these patterns, and I knoe it's targeted based on how he does this especially when I have had to go downstairs to get toilet paper, towels or other supplies and goes do the piss trap when it hasn't been there when I first started to clean the toilets, like he obviously watches me where I am going and so on to do this. Sometimes he has gotten brave enough to dash to the stall when I am in other stall cleaning, piss and leave quickly before I can see him. I'm 99% sure I know who keeps doing it.
I have told about this to my coworkers but one of them just laughs at it, my superior admits that this sounds annoying but hasn't really done anything about it. I honestly feel crazy to get so worked up over this, because this thing is seriously making me really anxious about going to work because I have to deal with this weird piss stalker sometimes almost daily, it honestly starts to feel like some sort of borderline sexual harassment at this point.
No. 2371169
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I'm at a work function and while everyone is having fun playing games and stuff, I feel like crying. My co-workers are trying to cheer me up but my life is just so shit rn that I can't even enjoy the day with them.
No. 2371185
>>2371169I was in the exact same situation just a moment ago. Sorry, nonna, but any chance that we were at the same company party? (Oh how I’d love to have a
nonnie colleague)
I was actually hoping to stay and have fun but I couldn’t force myself and I left. One of my coworkers even saw me cry in another section of the open space, lmao
No. 2371215
>>2371185Probably not, I also would love to have a
nonnie colleague.
I'm still at the function waiting on my ride and trying to hold it together but knowing I'm not alone in this situation makes me feel a little less sad. I hope things look up for u soon nona.
No. 2371228
>>2371215Thank you, dear
nonnie! I hope you feel better soon, too. Wishing you a good evening (or rest of the day, depending on where you are)
No. 2371264
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>Sperg about something I really like
>Someone spergs back
>Shut them out
I don't know if it's because I'm embarrassed about the things I like. Even when it's not embarrassing I still do it though. Maybe I'm just not confident enough to like the things I like. I'm riddled with overthinking and insecurity. Anon online or irl it's all the same.
No. 2371301
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No. 2371353
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I wish it were more possible to live a life entirely separatist from men. In my dreams, in my day to day life, men are like NPCs. I'm 30 years old and never had a serious relationship with a man. Even my own relationship with my father was fraught and he died when I was in my early teens. I have an older brother who I remember playing with as a child, but that's all. All my interactions with boys and men growing up were fraught and from a young age, too young, I was aware of men's predatory interest. But then it fucked me up as a woman who is capable of sexual attraction to men, because to some degree it feels normal, even if it feels horrible. To the point I don't even like masturbating because I just feel like these traumatic experiences slip in and paint these sexual fantasies. All of my female friends and close relationships are female, but it doesn't help any when every woman around me is heterosexual and inevitably they'll mention a boyfriend, husband or some heterosexual desire of theirs. I know #notallmen are hideous sexual predators, some are normies who would be more than happy with a regular girlfriend they could have vanilla sex with. But even then, it feels like our connection to one another is built mostly on me giving him accesss to my pussy and fulfilling his emotional needs. I may as well be a doll to him. As for me, to him, any man I've gotten close to, I may as well have been talking to someone brain damaged. Not a full human being who can experience the full range of human emotions. I'm not even saying a man can't experience the full range of human emotions, but I feel as though interacting with him as a ""female"" will inherently make him view me as the 'other', a sort of tool to use at his expense than another human being. It hurts, as a woman not completely incapable of male sexual attraction. Like THIS this is what I am supposed to go for, to settle for, to DREAM of. Even if I know the truth of things. No other woman is going to want me, entirely. The pool to pull from is like 1% of the population if even that.
No. 2371363
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send me. The. contract. SEND IT to ME.
No. 2371403
>>2371372>>2371365I'm the anon who is getting bullied, I am studying on a course that is structured like high school where I am around the same people all day every day (it's typical in my country) so I can't avoid them. It's mostly just one woman but everyone else goes along wtih it.
>>2371366kek nona I have a facial deformity and I am very autistic so all of these things are true. I was bullied all through school as well.
No. 2371416
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>get really really into astrology, buy my books, start harassing my friends and co-workers for their chart info
>getting kinda decent at this
>doing older co-worker's chart
>it keeps telling me over and over he has children, there's children/stepchildren/something
>i ask him
>he admits to me about his secret son and that no one knows so do not tell anyone
>my face when
this shit real oh my god
>his moon is in pisces
>sus aspects
>ask him if his mom struggles with addiction
>she used to be an alcoholic
No. 2371422
>>2367231>>2367243>>2367198Who cares if you're an ex fatty? When was the last time you heard of a moid being self conscious about being attractive enough for his female partner? WHY are you dating a non-lean moid? WHY are you wasting your time in a relationship
as a woman with a MOID if it doesn't improve your life? Even if you were Shayna in the face and body, you would be doing him a favor. On top of offering him emotional labour, you are the one who is risking disrupting her hormones, getting pregnant and tearing your vagina open, having to drive out of state or get an illegal abortion and have to pay for it out your own pocket when he can walk away with no consequences. Again, who is having a lonliness epidemic? Who is comitting suicide en masse? Get up nonas, i'm sick of this shit.
(read the thread op) No. 2371502
>>2371493Is not my house so I feel awkward telling him to kick them out. They're supposed to leave soon anyway, at least that's what he told me earlier, but one of them always stays here until late so I guess if he doesn't leave in 30 minutes I'll talk to my moid kek
You sound like a great girlfriend nona, wanna date?
No. 2371591
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The terms “goon community” and “goonette” make my skin crawl. It’s disturbs me so much how porn has an iron grip on so many moids and some women. How did it get this bad and how much worse can it get
No. 2371640
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I realized I'm a lot like my dad. I avoid people, I have trouble making and keeping friends, I have terrible social skills, I'm generally an asshole, and I'm not pleasant to be around. I was bullied by my dad as a child and I was cruel to other kids as well. Maybe it's the depression talking, but it's a pretty consistent pattern in my life. I flake out on people, I burn bridges, I hardly smile or extend a hand for others. I'm just a very miserable and ugly person. I'm a terrible friend, girlfriend, sister, etc… If I was a decent person, I'd have lots of friends and stop using this shitty website. But here we are. Idk I wish I was different but unfortunately I can't help but be a mean, socially retarded person. For what it's worth to the people I've wronged, I'm suffering a lot atm. Pic not related
No. 2371670
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God please give me the grace to not debate brain rotted handmaidens on Reddit about whether or not it’s okay that a pregnant teenager’s shitty boyfriend secretly watches porn behind her back. Pro-porn handmaidens set feminism back 100 years hand in hand with their unproblematic fav porn industry. Just because you’re demented doesn’t mean she has to be.
No. 2371765
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All my favorite utaite end up becoming VTubers.
No. 2371821
>>2371456I have 3 people in line I'm sorry
nonnie, they all take me a couple hours each
>>2371458I haven't finished them yet and I'm still a beginner but
>Astrology: Using The Wisdom Of The Stars In Your Everyday Life by Carole Taylorbeginner friendly, very basic summary of the meanings of the planets, houses, and signs. please get this first so you don't get overwhelmed like me!
>not a book: learn the difference between placedius and whole sign, some astronomy like speeds of planets, rotation, other behaviors.learn what body parts they rule as well as it affects your readings. someone with strong air aspects in a virgo mercury can symbolize anxiety or racing thoughts bc mercury rules the brain and nervous system too. depends on a lot of other stuff too that's just a basic example
>Hellenistic Astrology: The Study of Fate and Fortune by Chris Brennanhe has a YouTube channel too
>Astrology and the Authentic Self: Integrating Traditional and Modern Astrology to Uncover the Essence of the Birth Chart by Demetra George No. 2371848
File: 1738198999325.gif (1.23 MB, 498x278, tired.gif)

I miss my best friend a lot, I'm spiraling, feel like shit, look like shit and it's also my birthday
No. 2371855
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>>2371848>it's also my birthdaySorry about all that other stuff but Happy Birthday!
No. 2371856
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>>2371848happy birthday nona!! i also feel and look like shit but lets take some time soon to do self care
No. 2371974
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>>2371971Yeah who could forget them. Ugh
No. 2371984
>>2371982Maybe if anon was more entitled she would have been with a woman by now and less sad on the internet
>>2371968Anon if this content is doing it for you, TrollXChromosomes will really help you out
No. 2372014
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>fandom thread degrades into just sperging about degrees of lewdity
>have to hide the god damn thread so I don't have to keep reading about the retards who play it for the rape and act like they're superior to the retards who play it blind and get shocked
No. 2372020
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>get prescribed anxiety meds
>take meds
>still have anxiety attack
No. 2372033
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Scrote here
I'm now 29 and have problems getting erections
When I was like 16-22 I got rock hard erections over nothing.
This sucks. Btw I'm drunk and I like Paramore do any of you chicks like Paramore and wanted to be like Hailey when you were growing up?(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 2372039
File: 1738211646056.gif (870.09 KB, 500x280, hitler black woman d1b78a6bdc3…)

Why are you so rude honey(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 2372043
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>>2372033>>2372033>anytime a man’s dick stops workingthis is my design.
(responding to a scrote) No. 2372050
File: 1738212389554.jpg (64.39 KB, 1280x720, 488a4965b86a977a.jpg)

There is a girl at my workplace that talks to me all the time, but I don't really get why, outside of wanting someone to listen to her. We don't have similar interests, and she seems to only want to discuss TikTok videos, work-related topics, other people, and her problems with them. She is not very knowledgeable about subjects outside of her realm of interests, therefore my attempts to broaden the conversation's themes were futile. Although I don't want to be impolite, I do wish she would speak to me less.
No. 2372054
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>>2372050Just tell her your "migraines are back", bring ear plugs and say if you don't wear them you'll have to miss work because they get so painful. You don't really have to wear the ear plugs, just let her see you "put them in"
No. 2372055
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I'm sorry, I grew up in the 2000s and the girls I liked were like this, I'm nearly 30 years old and still mentally stuck in 2007.
I'm sorry, they don't even exist anymore, I would still fuck your voluptuous post-wall woman body.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 2372065
File: 1738213095470.webp (Spoiler Image,34.57 KB, 800x534, COLOURBOX16398035.webp)

Why the fuck are you replying to picrel?
No. 2372079
>>2372052Thank you
>>2372054My workplace forbids me from wearing earplugs. However, I'll use the migraine excuse; it's a decent one. Thank you.
No. 2372100
>>2372070the fact that most of the time it’s their own fucking faults? and their version of sexual dysfunction is cared about more than rape
victims? i hope they all fall off if they got that way from watching violent porn lmfao.
No. 2372119
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the hopeless dream of being, not seeming.
i should probably take a shower, it’s been a week!
No. 2372136
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nnnghh i wanna sperg about him so bad.. he drives me crazy. i love psycho retards.
also eating is so gross rn? i cant stomach food really and i hate doing everything except reading lc and looking at edits of gong yoo(integrate)
No. 2372138
>>2372127By emergency I don't mean 'your life is ruined and there is no solution', I mean you need to address it immediately instead of just passively letting it accumulate so the banks can take more and more money off you. It's urgent and time sensitive. Debt is so normalized and people's perspectives are so skewed, being lax about paying it off is an insane way to waste your money. You seriously don't consider 30k in consumer debt to be an emergency?? Are you so rich that's nothing or so poor that it's normal? How could anyone possibly be financially secure owing that much money (obviously excluding good debt like mortgages etc)?
If you have debt you should be making big changes to your lifestyle and spending habits until it's paid off and only then should you be buying luxuries like figures.
No. 2372154
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>tfw an ex messages me
Makes me literally feel sick, like I want to vomit, but now I'm plagued with a curiosity I never wanted. I don't want to read what he has to say, but if I don't my mind's going to be fixated on what-if's until I actually do. Wish there weren't read receipts enabled.
No. 2372223
>>2372217If you don’t feel appreciated don’t be with him? I don’t get why you have to settle for someone like that.
I get that you don’t necessarily have to be with your ideal partner in terms of looks, but if a scrote has a type (all the women that he dated look a certain way) and he loves talking about his type then it’s safe to say that you should just leave him.
No. 2372242
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Confronted the guy I liked about his weird behavior and our hot and cold dynamic towards each other and it was disappointing. Essentially he admitted that there was something between us, but kept making weak ass excuses as to why things wouldn’t work. Generic shit like he’s busy, he’s focused on other things, blah blah blah. We’re in Uni together and he’s afraid of it getting messy. Really weak shit in my opinion, especially because you kept trying to get closer to me. He started talking about his ex and it all clicked. They were extremely codependent together so OBVIOUSLY that means we would be as well. I get being scared, my last relationship fucked me up too, I’m just so tired of having to pay for the sins of someone’s lame ex. This has been a consistent theme of having a really good connection with a moid, they get scared, and come up with some bullshit reason why it won’t work out because they never bothered to process their previous relationship. We talked for awhile and he made sooooo many very clear excuses as to why we couldn’t date yet still wanted to hear ‘my side’. If you’re so dead set on why it wouldn’t work out why would you want to even hear what I have to say? All I told him was that he wasn’t my ex, and I wasn’t his, and that none of what he said was inevitable. I also told him that we were going to be polite at school but not interact, and he kept insisting that he’d respect my boundaries but also kept reiterating if/when I wanted to talk to him to please let him know. He kept singing my praises and told me all these things that he liked about me but still it’s not enough. I’m just so tired of this, moods creating narratives in their heads over past experiences and not even bothering to talk to me before making a decision. We barely have a few months left in this program anyways, and I’m not even from this country, really if anything goes down then it’s a pretty clean break in my opinion.
No. 2372243
>>2372233If his alcoholic mom knows about his “preference” and is even telling you that means that he is really strongly inclined towards this type. It’s not worth it to invest any more time in a scrote like this nonna, it’s eroding your self esteem for nothing.
Scrotes suck already, get one who worships the ground you walk on at least.
No. 2372244
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>>2372233>Also sorry for being vague about my race,Don’t worry nonnita
No. 2372363
>>2372335Curate your feed with calmer content such as nature videos, slow life videos if you can be bothered with the voiceovers, gardening, cosy style cooking, slice of life etc
>>2372345I miss when everyone from the UK was like this before we learned about self belief
nonnie remember the flip side of almost everyone also being mediocre and sucking is that they aren't above you
No. 2372386
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Had one of the worst panic attacks I've ever suffered last night outta fucking nowhere, got my heart pounding and shit it was so hurtful and I felt like I was going crazy, even screaming and shit
2 hours later my period came, felt normal afterwards
No. 2372404
>>2372386Literally every time I get my period, like clockwork, I will have a sobbing autist tier meltdown with suicidal thoughts the hours before I start bleeding and then it just instantly stops
It's honestly scary
No. 2372425
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> Met a guy, he's cute, smart and a good artist.
> His family is very educated and loving.
> I feel so lucky
> He tells me at some point he's pansexual.
> Realized he has troon friends.
> He admits he has had sex with friends before.
> He also admits he is very sexual active.
> He still thinks about this girl he met years ago.
> I blocked him
No. 2372433
>>2372353This would be an immediate turn off for me. Loose scrotes are fucking disgusting.
If he would be normal he wouldn’t feel the need to brag about his female friends. He has probably fucked each one of them or wants to.
No. 2372436
>>2372353>He then frowned and was super passive aggressive the whole evening.Nonna you should wear protection regardless, having unprotected sex with someone who you aren’t even staying with is moronic, especially if you haven’t even tested. I wouldn’t even have unprotected sex with a boyfriend.
His reaction is also alarming, he is a manchild, I would even be afraid that he would stealth you while having sex.
Ghost him.
No. 2372437
>>2372425You saved yourself from HIV kek.
Scrotes who have sex with other scrotes are automatically disgusting, having sex with trannies is even worse.
No. 2372439
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>>2372437And before I get called transphobic (which I am kek). It’s true.
No. 2372442
>>2372353You did great
nonnie. We all should do it more, I'm tired of men thinking being sluts is something to be proud of, when it only shows how little self control they have. I hate when men equate manliness to fuck every girl they can, I've decided that when I encounter more men like that I'll let them know how weak and lame they are for thinking with their dicks kek.
Anyway, don't even give a chance to men like that, you deserve way better.
No. 2372521
>>2372511Wow anon thank you, I was feeling like shit atm because my period came today as well, thanks for your words
>>2372425Ugh, the more I read the worse it gets. I'm sorry this moid turned out to be so disappointing and degenerate. I'd slap him for admitting to such gross behavior publicly. Good thing you blocked his ass, I hate male hoes
No. 2372522
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My whole life feels tainted after learning about the Telegram cat abuse shit in China. I wish there was more I could do to help the animals. I don't even want jail for those people, I want them to die. Worthless incel pieces of shit torturing animals and posting about how they want to rape babies. I know a good amount of them have been doxed and have their names/faces published, which is a start. I wish I could pay money for them to be physically assaulted.
I hope Telegram starts shutting down their groups now that the app is compromised. I know they've started going after groups for piracy, so CP and animal abuse better be next on the chopping block.
I'm coping with it by donating to my local cat shelter and giving my own cat extra cuddles.
No. 2372575
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Why does every place I rent have a mold problem? I'm so sick of cleaning mold. This place hasn't become wet recently, this should've been solved hundreds of years ago
No. 2372590
Moids will not hesitate to leave you if they truly are unhappy dating you, no mater how much better they are than the average male in terms of personality, that is a common denominator in men, so clearly, your nigel isn't all that bothered by you not wanting to get pregnant. What is the actual issue? I'm not saying that your nigel is necessarily ugly, or unkind, or a fat slob, but the way you put him in such a high pedestal is worrying, especially since it kinda seems by the way you write that you don't think of yourself as anywhere near that (another common denominator in men is that they will never date a woman/man that is uglier, poorer and lazier than them). There's no one as amazing as perfect as the way you describe your nigel, no one, and rather than sounding like you are in love you sound manic. And why are you so fixated in your nigel having children even when he's perfectly content not having them? You honestly sound unhinged nonna and in need of some tough conversations with a decent therapist.
No. 2372923
Even though I graduated from university last year, I'm still waiting for my certificate being issued before I start job hunting. So I'm sort of in this NEETdom limbo. I thought it would be a great opportunity and tons of free time for me to do things I enjoy that I couldn't do when I was busy with university. But since my mother passed away around the time I was finishing university, I ended up taking on some household responsibilities and now I'm so exhausted and swamped with housework, cooking, looking for a stay-in maid (sorry) that can help me with it all, stressing out about finding a job, lamenting not learning to drive yet even though I'm going on 23 but my circumstances got in the way, and ofcourse oversleeping and wasting so much time I don't get to do anything I actually want to do. On top of that, when I get some free time finally, I'm too braindead to do anything I actually want to do and I waste the time mindlessly scrolling then falling asleep. I even neglect brushing my teeth because of this and I already have poor dental health. I barely eat because I'm too exhausted to cook for myself what I actually want to eat. I wish things weren't like this for me. I hate my life and my existence so much. I wish I either were someone else or dead/unborn instead. I deserve a better life than this. Why did it have to be this way. Why me. What did I wrong to deserve all these catastrophes befalling me. If there is a god out there, I'm gonna kill that motherfucker for what he put me through.
No. 2373011
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I had to present a presentation with a team member and I could tell I fumbled it. I am capable of being a good speaker but sometimes I just bomb it and only produce word salad. I didn’t get very good sleep last night and had to present via zoom so it was just all a bit much I guess for my pea brain. I apologized to my team member afterwards especially since I had her take over presenting more, but I just want to crawl into a hole and never speak again dear god.
No. 2373123
>>2369769>>2730736Samefag from the original broth post, I let my broth sit in the fridge for longer and it jelled up! I thought I did something wrong but it just needed to be in the fridge overnight! But thank you very much for your advice
nonny I will apply that in my next broth journey, this one was beef bones, next one will be chicken feets kek
No. 2373275
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Back in the early-to-mid 2010's I was actually a bit excited to see mental illness become normalized. I enjoyed the thought of one day going to the therapist would be seen as akin to going to the gym - you're just taking care of your health and make sure you live a better life. I preferred having someone at work going "you know, I don't think you're crazy for seeing a therapist!" and being smug over how open-minded they are, instead of getting a throughout interrogation about my traumas and mental issues because I don't "act" or "look" mentally ill. I was hoping to see more normies talk about having severe anxiety and dark thoughts. I wanted it to be easier to open up to those close to you and develop a deeper understanding for each other without fear of judgement or weird looks.
But instead it turned into a quirky trait to be weaponized by terminally online losers, used as an excuse to get away with bullshit or be completely emotionally detached towards people that need your support because the illness is used as a crutch to be egotistical. Even if people are in general more open towards the concept of mental illness today, it somehow feels like it's even harder now to open up about it because the topic has turned into such a joke.
No. 2373322
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Today I got the pics of yesterdays coworker gathering to celebrate a coworker from us and jesus fucking christ I look so bad in those pictures. The oily tzone, being mid chewing, the puffy from the lack of sleep and shit food I've been eating lately and so on. I look so horrible and people see me like this everyday? Fuck, truly depressed now.
No. 2373474
File: 1738278411424.png (350.88 KB, 500x475, 1680533914946308.png)

Hate that I am continually asked to help out another manager with his account that's not even mine because he and his employees are so damn incompetent. It's not fair, and I realize the reason why they ask me is because I am the only one who knows how and is able to help, but I don't care. Now I'm stuck going to his account at 2am on a tuesday to train his retards for him because I guess he cannot be trusted as a manager to train his own team? We have to "train" faggots to not lie?? They're falsifying documentation and my fucking company wants to know the "reasons" why and not that the employee needs to be fired and this problem manager replaced immediately???
Meanwhile a mouse farts at one of my accounts and my company's quality management pounces on me over nothingburgers–but this fucking guy has employees falsifying documents and it's being treated as "Oh every employee is bound to mess up if they think they can get away with it teehee~*~" FUCK YOU, YOU ASKED MY TEAM TO SEND SCANS OF PAPERWORK EVERY SINGLE NIGHT BECAUSE SOMEONE FORGOT TO CHECK A BOX AND WRITE DOWN A TIME NOT THAT THEY FORGED AN ENTIRE WEEK'S LOG OF WORK MAKE HIM AND HIS FAGGOT TEAM FUCKING DO IT.
No. 2373486
I have an older filipino lady as a coworker and she’s so incompetent but my boss just always says there’s a “language barrier” whenever you complain about her. the filipino lady has a major chip on her shoulder because she isnt given many responsibilities or asked to help out with projects because she has a track record of messing up and taking forever to explain things to. Even when you take the time to be patient and go slow and try to explain tasks to her, she says she understands but then does actions that show she really doesn’t understand. I work in a team of three with her and whenever me and my other coworker try to collaborate, she listens in and tries to join in on the conversation. Which would be fine but its like, me and my one coworker get in a good flow of understanding something and get cooking with ideas, then she comes in and suggest things that arent applicable or don’t make sense, then you have to kind of stop and explain the whole situation to her, then she either had nothing to contribute or just makes a suggestion that doesn’t make sense. I get that she shouldn’t be purposely excluded, but fuck like, i dont expect to be involved in every conversation her and my coworker have? and i get its cause she already feels useless so is desperate to be involved and help but ugh, im so annoyed and tired of having to deal with the cog in the wheel. there are even processes we cant do because they would be too complicated for just her, even though everyone else would have no issue with it. i guess the main villain is my boss who lets her get away with this shit.
No. 2373519
File: 1738280658877.jpeg (1.92 MB, 1284x2370, IMG_5224.jpeg)

>be tradthot
>started dating a scrote when she was 17 and he was 24
>married him after knowing him a year
>makes tons of videos how she obeys her husbands word no matter what
>now she’s pregnant with a girl
It wouldn’t be so bad if she had a scrote but she’s giving birth to a girl. That child’s life is going to be hell. I think women like this should only be boy moms.
No. 2373561
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>>2373538It’s sad. The only decisions she gets to make are what they have for dinner.
No. 2373591
File: 1738282501847.jpeg (723.84 KB, 865x1280, IMG_5227.jpeg)

>>2373567Last thing I’m gonna talk about her here but she seems happy in her weird relationship so not much I can say but I feel bad for her future daughters who will likely be sexually assaulted or sold off to older men one day
No. 2373616
>>2373561>he would be like "okay that's fine it's your decision"Instead of what, threatening her? Punishing her?
>>2373591That's the kind of woman who would let her husband trade her 9 year old daughter for 3 goats.
No. 2373724
your level of retardation on this site makes me want to never visit here I bet anyone with more self-control just avoid this place so I'd becomes like a little hangout for antisocial losers who all think the same but still.
>>2372632this is genuinely dumb, incomprehensible logic, I'm sorry. I know that nonsensical blackpill shit is pretty fucking common amongst the younger generations on these spaces but you've got to stop buying into the idea that partnering with men and letting men influence you at all is in any way giving it to the man when that's exactly what the fucking world wants. you have a grudge against ugly moids when you could very easily give birth to one. your toxicity will not help you in any way down the line and you can help yourself by not involving scrotes in this shit.
there's plenty of men who have hideous relatives and you could very well just end up birthing a kid with genes from the ugly side of the family (although beauty and ugliness are some degree relative and people on here have ridiculous standards anyway because it's a
toxic space so).
>>2373710this is just ugly and stupid. It's either a
toxic scrote taling out is frustrations at feeling inferior on women or someone with some serious self-loathing. literally no woman compensates for not being properly submissive to a sexist and stupid society, give me a fucking break. no one's looking at their choices in terms of 'Am I submissive to expectations or not?' unless they're a brainwashed fundie of some sort or a teenager from a really dysfunctional household. It's just not a normal behavior and I thought we've moved on from the times when all me I thought it was fun to bully women for literally being human. being feminine is akin to being brain that in my view so I don't understand why anyone would want that. femininity is culturally constructed and saps the life out of you because it's so artificial and it revolves around constraining your behavior. men don't have to constrain the behavior the way women do.
No. 2373754
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>>2373710She’s kind of ugly and aggressive. The typical libfem who wears lululemon and goes to university looks and acts more stereotypically fem.
No. 2373839
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I feel like I am far too obsessive and think too much about too many things, and it has been validated by several people including family members. I am obsessed. I feel like I read far too into certain things. Long story short I am preparing myself to be left with… nobody to rely on. I got in a huge fight with one friend several years ago, and then a huge fight just recently. I just cancelled on an event featuring my friend because I was afraid of seeing the others. I'm such a fucking coward. I am like, passively accepting the possibility that I will lose all my friends because I'm loud and nonsensical and I can never get my point across. I've been so hateful annd judgmental and angry. I'm so pathetic. I shouldn't waste my time with other people because they can telll I will not keep the peace and move on and address it quietly because i'm a fucking moron. The damage is done and it's too late. I don't think I did the right thing by butting in on business that has nothing to fucking do with me even though I was informed about it from someone else initially. I think I just fucked up an entire group of people because my stupid big fat fucking mouth and annoying ass sense of justification for behavior which is retarded and gay. I literally blew something up because I was impatient. And now I'm worrying about whether or not my friend, the one mutual and normal friend, will look at me and think 'jesus you are so retarded why are you getting all aggro over nothing and projecting your hatred everywhere' and leave me. 20 years down the drain, even more. It hurts but I have to accept it. It's the only way I can get through it - accept the possibility that my impulsive behavior will ruin my relationships with the people I care about unintentionally.
No. 2373877
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What's that thing where someone doesn't tell you all the information they have, especially new developments, because they don't want to say everything, even relevant stuff? But they talk to you about their problems all the time, with no time for you to talk about yourself and want different solutions, suggestions etc for their life issues - without giving you the full picture. Unreliable narrator? Narcissist?
Situation's like - my brother has been meeting a girl they set up for his arranged marriage and so far he's only giving my mother and I sparse information. He's not a catch and is a narc most of the time but this is really infuriating. I sound like an idiot after every conversation because he suddenly goes "Oh yeah, the girl said something (piece of info that adds so much context and invalidates the last 20 minutes of my part of the conversation)".
I'm going nuts.
No. 2373905
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i just want to talk and talk to a woman and send a million things back and forth and show eachother all of our interests. i don’t want to scream into the void and look retarded when no one replies to my sperging, i have good things to talk about and i want to hear what other people have to say as well. i love talking and conversing and learning about people, but i’m depraved of it! picrel is me
No. 2373926
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I’m so mediocre at everything. I hate not being as passionate as others, don’t get me wrong, I’m happy as I am, but when it comes to meeting people, there’s nothing I feel I can offer.
No. 2373960
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Got a video of a woman showing how she wished her daughter would dress like (first pic) and what she actually wears (second pic). So many things I hate: first of all the mom likes hideous stuff. The girl looks nice with what she's wearing. Most of the comments are throwing shit at the girl. Fuck the mom for exposing her daughter to shitty people, and fuck the mom for not even using cute pics of what she expected her daughter to wear.
No. 2374014
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I have fantasized about men and my mind's interpretations of the "perfect" man and felt such attractions to those fantasies. But when I look at men in real life, in real time, all I truly feel is fear behind any other emotion. No substantial infatuation, just mainly fear. Is that just my anxiety?
No. 2374025
>>2374014Idk, there are a lot of questions to ask. Are you straight, bi or gay, or do you not know? How is your fear of men impacting your life? Where does it come from?
A healthy dose of fear of men is needed for survival, but it sounds like it's getting in the way of you living a comfortable life. Men are pretty terrible but most of them can be seen as "normal" and "safe", meaning they don't pose a direct threat to you and may even be good people. Most man hater nonnas have safe men in their lives that they trust enough to not feel threatened by and many even have dear male friends, family and nigels. They'll never he as trustworthy or safe as a woman though.
I put normal and safe in quotations because many men live secret lives of misogyny and violence so you never really know, but in order to live comfortably you'll probably have to trust some of them at some point.
No. 2374054
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>>2373960I think my mum is disappointed that i don't dress like the left pic. I am not opposed to feminine clothes, but i refuse to wear any colours except black, white and grey which she hates. She would buy me clothes exactly like that image and i'd refuse to wear it, pic related is the stuff i prefer. She is trying to enforce a dress code for an expensive holiday we are supposed to be attending soon specifically saying no black or white clothing. Fuck that bitch, i will wear what i want, camel toe shoes and all.
No. 2374102
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I don’t think I ever fully got over being bullied. It feels like some of my problems today stem from it. Earlier, I was having a conversation with a friend, and all of a sudden I started ranting about getting made fun of in middle school, lol. It was relevant to the subject matter, but still embarrassing. The worst part is that I didn’t realize how serious and bitter my tone was until afterwards. Then some other days, I’ll look at myself in the mirror and start agonizing about my “ugly” nose or whatever. I’ll snap out of it instantly because I’m an adult and I know it’s pathetic!!!
No. 2374109
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My dog snores, I think it's because he has a very long tongue cause he is not a brachycephalic breed. I hope he is getting restful sleep and that he does not have doggy sleep apnea.
No. 2374110
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>>2374102i don't think any of us do nona. it's good that you can snap yourself out of it, i think i'm at a similar place. i just subconsciously avoid my reflection and overly scrutinising myself but sometimes i feel that inner child coming out and it's a bit jarring. we've done well, all things considered, keep it up!
No. 2374137
>>2374130i will justify them, lmk if these are yours
>>2374107i get this too occasionally, i'm not sure if its related to my cycle because it comes in waves. i am absolutely repulsed by the thought of sex and if i have a nigel during a period like that i'll tell him to go fuck himself
>>2374108>I was hoping to have some ptsd to validate my traumaso you weren't experiencing the symptoms of ptsd, but now when you are feeling better, those symptoms show now? i think i've had a similar experience with mine. just always remind yourself that you're okay and you're safe now, tell yourself how much work you've done to be where you are now
No. 2374139
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>>2374054Based and Stoker-pilled.
No. 2374273
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>my sleep schedule is fucked so now I am cursed to browse lolcow when only schizo racebait anon is posting
No. 2374418
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how do people have goals in life? nothing is interesting enough to me to make it my career and i have no desire to ever start a family. i guess the goal is to be happy but everything is exhausting to me, especially interacting with other people. not saying other people are the problem, i just literally get physically and mentally exhausted from trying to be social for longer than an hour. i don't really have any hobbies because my attention span is non-existent, same for my motivation. my friend makes jokes about me basically being a npc in my free time and theorizes i must be walking around in circles in my room just to pass the time. i am an empty shell of a person. i just wonder how people are able to live fullfilling lives doing things they love, creating things all while positively impacting the lives of people around them, having the energy to be nice to everyone etc. just. how????? it seems so easy to other people but i'm sure it's not and it takes a lot of strength to be a good person. i guess i'm just jealous i'm too weak/lazy to make something of my life
No. 2374534
>>2374137Whilst I appreciate the sentiment nona, it feels a bit embarrassing to go back and do that now, besides I think
>>2374229 is accurate in her take kek
No. 2374604
>>2373896I can empathize with not wanting to live with your parents as it does become intolerable If they have problems or just aren't people you get along with. and plus you can't have a supposedly normal life living at your parents' house and people look down at you for it regardless of what your economic situation is.
>>2373905that said, living with moids you know will be probably more challenging and more dangerous. I would not recommend that.
>On my knees begging for my scrote friends to take me in like a lost kitten. don't. do. it.
>>2374102but I don't understand why people want to tell everyone about their neuroticism. stop being so insecure. I don't give a fucking shit if no one likes me. It's unfortunate that I think that my input is interesting but apparently strangers online don't. oh well their loss. I don't like thinking about shame because I know that this kind of neurotic symptoms from how you were raised and likely people (women) near you shaming and trying to coerce you into doing what they want which is abuse. at some point you have to know what you want and stand firm. It's difficult to do that when you have no power, though. at least don't remind people of that.
>>2374425this is actually pretty good advice. take this nonna's advice. you don't want to end up in a situation that has his own risks that you maybe wouldn't know how to deal with.
>>2374418your are shitty and you need to find new ones. or at least get a hobby where they're not trying to wreck the self-esteem of someone who already seems down. plenty of people don't have any serious hobbies. It helps to count your blessings and whatever advantages you do have. there's museums that offer art classes and those can help you keep your mind occupied and they're pretty chill. or you could getting to hiking which is actually pretty fun. there's websites dedicated to meeting up with people who may be interested in hiking too.
>>2374283you sound like a terrible person please leave
>>2374054your mother is toxicated it is so retro to force girls into uncomfortable, sexist shit. how old are you?
No. 2374648
>>2374607normally I would assume that this kind of perspective is just what lesbians feel but honestly I don't understand how women get off of heterosexual sex either. but it's not because I somehow think that men and their inferior, gross looking genitals are somehow the ideal. I just don't think that believing that you can be happy with a scrote is an actual thing. I think men are inferior to women, I don't like their disnhibition I don't like their lack of emotional intelligence and I don't like their inflated egos or stupid insecurity. Valerie Solanas is right where she talks about them.
I guess we're similar except I don't really care or think about the male perspective when it comes to like being obsessed with piv or w/e. I just think that society is unfair because it's male-dominated and you don't really think about the ways that women are actually physically superior in many ways and the default sex according to nature. my clit is far more effective at getting me off than whatever the fuck men have. lol
>>2374635You're bored or maybe lonely? I feel like I'm geriatric in comparison to the rest of the user base the site and it's kind of embarrassing.
No. 2374651
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Jesus fucking christ BJ-chan, we know you're an autist but you have to stop sperging about it for your own sake. You act like you're SO afraid of the feminine sex role but you are quite literally crating a legacy for yourself where you are known for blowjobs and that's your entire personality.
Also you are truly retarded for thinking it's more "masculine" of you to NOT want to have sex, that's literally the most female coded shit I've ever heard. You're nothing but a sex fixated virgin autist with internalized misogyny to last you a life time.(report and ignore)
No. 2374665
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>>2369022so is this a larp or is this person genuinely insane enough to think that they need a scrub to somehow help them not orgasm and obtain a significantly higher chance of getting a UTI? there's sex toys now. and let's be real, The vast majority of scrolls out there are seriously underwhelming and unattractive. you'll be lowering your standards by going near one.
>>2374615autism is linked to higher levels of male hormones in the womb so it could very well be that you just don't have the patience to do all the laborious crap female socialization expects you to. female socialization is unnatural and uncomfortable to most and unless you're actively being rewarded for it or pressured into it with serious consequence if you refuse to submit there's just no reason to adhere to any of it. autistic and gay girls are both much more likely to identify as trans then the general population and that's because of their difficulties navigating the nonsensical rules of female socialization and what we expect of women. feminine behavior feels unnatural because it is unnatural. feminine behavior has been originally defined under male dominance for thousands of years because it's meant to make women subordinate to men who have the power. It's learned and no one is predisposed to it you just learn to adopt and tolerate that shit as part of your position in the social hierarchy.
No. 2374672
>>2374658Me! Me!
I’m in my early twenties nonna, I’m pretty, at least to myself.I love dressing in a neutral, minimalist , comfortable but feminine way, so I think I’m more on the girly side. I change my hair often, so it will be like being with a different person each time kek, I’ve had my hair buzzed off and blonde, braids, Afro, wigs too. No piercings apart from my earrings and no tattoos because I’m way too indecisive to commit.
I love baking, I love going to museums and taking pictures with my digicam. I look pretty normie from the outside, but I can be pretty lame kek, I can be pessimistic, but in a funny and not annoying way. I love junji ito mangas and shonen , I hate romance because I hate seeing people happy when I’m not kek.
No. 2374733
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I've tried to dress more feminine, even tried to get into makeup because I've always wondered if people would be nicer to me if I changed. However, I look like shit kek and even if I did look good, I feel like a clown, my self esteem is even lower and end up feeling like bimbo. I don't know why this last thing though.
No. 2374746
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>>2374733Just find your style nonna, don’t let stupid Norms hinder you. I hate dresses, tight clothing , heels and short skirts, but I’m still me and a woman.
I like to dress like picrel.
No. 2374781
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I start college on monday. I dont want to go, i only do it because i got no other option. I wish i wasnt born. I tried killing myself already but my family stopped and took me to the looney bin. They dont want to see me happy. If i try to kill myself they get mad, if i try to live a comfortable neet life doing what i love they get mad. I feel like a prisoner. I dont think they like me, i feel she regrets birthing me as much as i regret being born.
No. 2374797
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just when i thought that this horrid week at work can't get any worse my male co-worker asked me out
No. 2374922
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Videos, memes or comments like this. Why can't men just accept they are gay and no one cares?
No. 2374934
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I love my mom but she talks a lot. Currently she is listing every single time she has been to a dollar store, what she bought, and the reason she needed it. If it was a conversation I would be fine with it but it’s literally just her thinking out loud.
No. 2374964
nonnie. I've been going back and forth about having kids but I overthink about this. What the hell should I do to protect them? Homeschooling doesn't sound like the best option tbqh
No. 2375027
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I love my cat to death. I really do. But holy shit this is the fourth time he’s stepped in his own poop and has smeared it on the ground and on my blanket. I would never hurt him obviously but I so badly want to wipe him from existence for this. It’s so fucking disgusting and I’m at my fucking limit.
No. 2375075
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My daydreaming became my only reason to live, so when i get snapped out of it i feel fucking suicidal. I daydream about impossible things, like a cute bf, being taller, pickmes not existing and ugly men vanishing, so its understandable i want to throw myself off a building once i am snapped back into reality. There is nothing else that brings me joy, even art, my only hobby, is about escapism. I draw my self indulgent mary sue donut steels with their manic pixie dream boys that will never exist, i draw cars and houses i will never be able to buy,clothes i will never be able to wear, eras i will never visit. Escapism is genuinely destroying me, but real life is so unbearable. I talked about this to my therapist but she's a normie so she cant understand me. She cant understand that i just cant function like a normal person because i am broken, my brain is wired wrong. I keep telling her i cannot separate looks from personality and she tells me i am wrong. And i know, but i cannot change myself. I am just broken like that. I get no pleasure from being kind to a stranger, i just do it because its what people expect of me. I dont get pleasure from going to college, i just do it because my family wants to. I dont get pleasure from my friendships, i do it because i get something out of them most of the time. I am just an asshole. And i am sadly a woman, so my selfishness isnt rewarded with pretty women, job opportunities and people having sympathy for me. I get nothing.
No. 2375081
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> miserable when the world is good and most people are carefree and happy
> carefree and happy when the world is miserable and on fire and everybody is depressed and struggling
I'm just a natural contrarian, ig
No. 2375109
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>recognized company has a competition
>write your favorite playstation memory and win a ps5
>practically no one follows this company's official youtube so I figured I might have an actual chance
>writes about how when I was a pretty small child (roughly 5-6 years old) I would sometimes go into my older brother's room and watch him play on his playstation
>he would typically put on a soccer game and challenge me, I had obviously no idea what I was doing but he would loudly cheer me on and get us both excited about how surprisingly great I was at playing it
>whenever I would win he would read out "[my name] has won!" on the screen, and being a dumb esl kid I believed him
>years later I would figure out - and confirm with him - that the controller was never plugged in and he was actually playing against an npc. One time he named both teams after me so it would always say I won, just in case I would have learned to read just enough to figure out his bluff.
>it's half a generation between us, so it's always been hard for us to connect, but those gaming moments are dear to me because it was one of the few times we got to be in our own little bubble
>finishing writing this memory down I kinda nod to myself, thinking that yeah, I might have a shot with this
>a few weeks later I check the comment section, out of the 20 or so comments only my post and three others are the ones that didn't get a response from the company
>winner is someone that wrote about how their favorite memory is playing their psp while riding the car to grandma, and how sad they were when they lost it
I am fully aware that these competitions are bullshit, and I've never taken a loss personally. But the fact that my heartfelt and dear memory was worth less than someone misplacing a psp stung in a way I didn't expect.
No. 2375117
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Had a job interview and completely failed it, now I can spend the next 5 years thinking abot it and cringing
No. 2375170
>>2375164Why are you letting yourself be cucked and disrespected in this manner? Grow a spine.
You shouldn’t be mad at the retard, but at your girlfriend who doesn’t have an ounce of respect for your relationship and you.
No. 2375205
>>2375184>off as friends except for the fact that this faggot clearly has disgusting scrote feelings for her, god I hate him so much.How is he a faggot if he likes and FUCKED her kek. If you realize he has feelings then she knows too, yet she’s entertaining him.
This is disrespectful and inconsiderate at best, at worst she’s still fucking him behind your back, that’s what bisexuals women like her act.
No. 2375223
>>2375200What can I do, I don't know. We've had a couple fights because of him and she's remained friends with him so she's not willing to let the loser go, she called him handsome once even, to me, after a haircut. He's not handsome, he's buttfuck ugly. I don't care anymore, she can fuck him for all I give a fuck. I feel horrible. I'm probably making it a bigger deal than it is, she just hung out with him for coffee.
>>2375205She knows, she's told me she knows, and that he was too pussy to actually confess when he actually had a chance so it won't ever happen between them. It is inconsiderate but I don't know, I don't want a stupid fight over him again when I know it's not gonna do anything. And I'm bi too I think, I've never been with a man but I have a husbando.
>>2375208No, he's some straight guy she met in college.
No. 2375226
>>2375223No you are not making a big deal, your girlfriend has eroded your self esteem and has gaslight you successfully into thinking that asking for bare minimum respect for your mutual relationship is asking too much.
You deserve better.
No. 2375230
>>2375223I didn’t mean to say that all bisexual women are like that , I am too kek. Just that her type is the one that plays mind games because they love the attention. They’re the ones who keep past hook ups as orbiters to feel better about themselves and they don’t have any ounce of respect for the person they’re with.
I would never tell my girlfriend that I’m dating that I find this guy that I HAVE ALREADY fucked that I find him handsome and that I know he likes me.
I’m even mad for you nonna.
No. 2375233
>>2375223I'm in a similar situation as you with my boyfriend and
>>2375226 is right. Your girlfriend is hoping that you can just let this go because there's something about this guy that she benefits from, whether socially or otherwise that shes not willing to let go of easily. Bring it up with her again or end it, you can find a partner that respects you and your feelings.
No. 2375238
>>2375233I’m not in any relationship, but I’ve dated and a similar thing has happened once to me.
I just can’t stand being disrespected, it just
triggers a switch into me that feels me with rage. Being played in my face in this manner is just disgusting, because these retards are also betting on your stupidity in believing them. Do you think that they don’t know that they’re being highly inappropriate? Despite the fact that you brought it up several times? They know but they take you for stupid and are selfish.
No. 2375239
>>2375230What do I do, nonna? We have a good thing going, I don't want to lose it. If I make her not talk to him anymore, she's gonna resent me for it and it'll fuck up our relationship.
>>2375233I'm sorry nonna, it's a sucky situation to be in, you feel so crazy. What are you gonna do about it? I feel crazy. She likes him as a friend enough to the point she's let go of the shittier things he's pulled, which she's ranted about to me, till I told her I don't want to her to talk to me about him, which she still does except she says 'guy friend', instead of his name. They've been friends for like 6 years, we've been together for around 2. He's so lame I don't know what she gets out of it.
No. 2375242
>>2375238If you go to a partner and tell them
>babe this x kind of makes me feel sad, could you please reassure me and put some boundaries? I’m not asking you to stop or to alter your lifestyle for me, just be mindful pleaseAnd they reply in a very defensive manner
>what!?! How can you be jealous! I have done nothing! You always behave like this! I swear I have no intentions! Why do you not want me to have friends huh? You’re so controlling!!They are selfish and they don’t care about you
No. 2375251
>>2375239First of all get through your thick skull that you are not in the wrong here. You are asking for the bare minimum. Nonna do you even love yourself?
Since you seem to like this retard I’d try talking to her once more , by saying how you feel neglected and put in second place. See what she says and how she reacts. If she’s still hostile and defensive and you feel like being petty then start gray walling her and spend some more time with your other friends, give her a taste of her own medicine at this point.
No. 2375252
>>2375250How has she been reassuring? Because by what you have told us she doesn’t seem to care and has just dismissed you.
I feel like you are making way too many excuses for this woman.
No. 2375264
>>2375252When we first had a fight about it, she promised me there was nothing between them and that she also had an awkward discussion with him and put up boundaries, she told me he didn't take that well apparently. During some other thing, she blocked him in front of me, then later unblocked him. Last time, we had a plan together, her getting another tattoo but she went with him instead, so I called him a faggot to her which she later made me apologize for, god maybe I am getting cucked here. I don't know, should I be a crazy, paranoid girlfriend over them getting coffee and meeting after like months, because he was away. I do think she likes the attention from him.
>>2375251I love her, I feel like this past year was a whirlwind for us both and we've stuck by each other, I don't want this to end over some man. I'll try to bring it up with her once again, maybe I was too attack-y and emotional before.
No. 2375335
>>2375290He’s obese and the top of his head is bald. Not ugly otherwise imo but I don’t even want a super conventionally attractive Chad. Meanwhile, I’m thin and conventionally cute.
>>2375291KEK actually no he’s not, the Aquarius man I know is actually super generous and always asking me if I’m single or if my bf will let me go on fancy trips with him. If he actually wanted a partner and not just someone to spoil with trips, I’d be dating him. When I told him about my bf troubles he was like wanna fly somewhere fun with me this weekend?
>>2375294I agree and I’m not even getting as much dick as id like to get.
I’ve never been hornier in my life I wanna bang a few times a day I’m lucky if I get it once a day.>>2375300He acts like waking me up with coffee is the most amazing thing ever when it’s just what I expect from a partner. I appreciate it but I also expect it.
Really thought it would be fine to date a broke guy cause I liked his personality a lot but wow he’s just like every broke man ever and then some. I think his exes were all a bunch of pick mes.
No. 2375338
>>2375302Nothing bad or anything, rice with salmon kidney beans, corn, oxheart-cabbage (I had to look that up kek). Delicious but filling and I also drank 2 cups of tea afterwards. Like these days I barely eat twice a day and no snacks. I am too broke for snacks rn.
Since I had a late lunch no breakfast I’m just very full. My bun for lunch and 2 cups of tea added to feeling full now. So I just speed walked my daily calories basically. Ugh I shouldn’t do that again.
It’s bearable just uncomfortable. Ty for your concern. And when I’m drawing I forget about time and have bad posture and then my body aches. So double discomfort. Again thanks for your concernn so sweet.
No. 2375348
>>2375337Stuffed with food nonna here to say
You and me fourth, another day wasted.
Good not to be alone. I did dishes and cooked, that’s literally all I did today.
No. 2375354
>>2375335He’s balding??!! And not even 30 (probably).
Nonna how ?!! the least he can do is have hair kek. If he’s balding at least be skinny, pick a struggle.
No. 2375357
>>2375335Nonnaa omgggg I’m psychic!!!
My bf is an Aquarius but he is in between your current moid and your potential Aquarius moid.
But since your current moid is so spoiled I was wondering, is this a spoiled aqua or no? Turns out you have a potential moid that’s aqua and a provider. Is the aqua cute?
No. 2375372
>>2375027If it makes you feel any better I thought that the cat had a piece of lentil on his tail (I haven't cooked lentils in like a week and a half so I have no idea how it could gotten on there, I thought it could have maybe been something else like dough or a pumpkin seed) so I decided to pick it off and it was his own freaking poop. nastiest thing I've ever seen. had to scrub my hands raw with a nail brush afterwards.
>>2375279dump him
>>2375075tbqh this is just me with The Sims because I have literally nothing else to do. My life has been pretty much empty for like over two decades at this point so. It's all very fun. At the very least with The Sims you can learn how to 3D model and maybe sell something I don't know.
>>2375096this is so condescending. Why do you assume that that's the so-called maladaptive daydreaming when you so little to go off of?
No. 2375373
>>2375354Kek he is at least early 30s so it’s not quite as tragic as it would be if he weren’t. Meanwhile though the fact he’s post 30 and still broke/stingy/doesn’t have his own place is a huge red mark. He’s also only like 5’9 which usually is fine but I mean come on I feel he should be trying harder and more thankful to be able to call me his gf.
>>2375357Yeah the Aqua guy is cute imo, pretty fit and a runner, but is able to enjoy food and isn’t a weird gym fit type bro. He’s also 6 ft tall which is nice. And he actually like has his own home and is still able to afford to do nice things, my moid doesn’t even have rent to pay and is still persistently broke (unless it’s something he wants to do).
No. 2375387
>>2375373So will you dump your current moid for a chance with the aqua guy or no? Do you think there’s potential with your current guy at all?
Because fat, balding, stingy is not a good look.
If he is caring I can see why you’re still with him. But then he still lives at home that’s kinda weird too. Is he saving money to buy a house? Then I can understand.
No. 2375393
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>>2375377That's because it is incredibly fucking stupid. anyone who treats it as anything but a shameful and infrequent indulgence that you tell no one about is extremely embarrassing.
which is exactly what I think of women who go anywhere near scrotes. UTIs and STIs are pretty freaking common amongst the sexually active in the younger generations and I can only guess why.
I'm way too old and bitter to feel comfortable in these threads so I'm going to leave.
>Because we’re wired to believe Astrology, or perhaps more accurately, Astrology is wired for us to believe it. Humans suffer from the Forer Effect, a cognitive bias where individuals will see high accuracy in personality descriptions supposedly tailored specifically for them, but which are in fact so vague and general they apply to virtually anyone. No. 2375399
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>>2375389You can enjoy him while it lasts, go on nice dates , a nice concert maybe; you are clearly not going anywhere with Mr.Krabs over there.
No. 2375429
>>2375404That last part hit deep. I had a mental breakdown recently and had to cradle myself back and forth and it made me cry even more. The touch of my own arms just made me feel comforted but also that I know I felt undeserving in a way.
I had to hug myself to still the pain in my mind and it made me cry even more so I get you nonna. Do you have ways to keep your bpd balanced?
No. 2375487
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Was updating my income for assisted health insurance and my plan went from 140 to 400 despite me making below the poverty line what the fuck …
No. 2375587
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My friend just started seeing a moid and won't stop sending me gross pictures of him and saying "he's so cute!!" when he is seriously ugly as sin. I don't know how to be honest without sounding mean so I'm just going to keep my mouth shut and deal with it
No. 2375883
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Feeling a general sense of malaise all day. I feel like I need to be doing something but I have no idea what that something is
No. 2375901
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I haven't had many friends in my life. So when I make a friend I think is really cool and want to get closer to, I get really obsessed with them. It's totally embarrassing. Like I want to go to her house and look through all her stuff. Usually these girls are more well off and prettier than me and I want to live their lives vicariously. Can't I just be normal and chill out? It sucks being insecure AND self aware.
No. 2375950
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This drunk motherfucker cannot be seriously begging for me to treat her like a gf after a month ago she told me she does not see me as anything more than a friend and does not find me sexually attractive at all. I spent 2 entire fucking weeks not talking or getting outside so I can recollect myself and my dignity and she does this shit. Again, another person who wronged me comes crawling back.
No. 2375988
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I've had a lot of success in my many creative endeavors over the years and I do appreciate that anyone cares enough to give feedback but I fucking despise when someone just starts throwing retarded suggestions at me. I'm not doing that. Stop telling me to do that
No. 2376003
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i love my dad but i seriously hate the acne genes i got from him. i should not have this much acne at 22 jesus christ
No. 2376087
>>2376050Thankyou anon, if such a site exists I’ll find it, been scouring. I’ll admit I feel a bit bad about making an excuse for not reporting but truthfully I feel like I’d be disregarded since I legit have no relation to this dude and not even in the same country.
I would hope that people around him are at least aware and surely someone has raised concerns since he’s so openly posting this. But I feel like if something was actually being done he would’ve had some kind of intervention, idk. Just feels sad, hope he gets help one way or another.
No. 2376092
>>2376087Don’t feel bad nona you tried.
Maybe it’s time to let it go?
I on the other hand, am gathering evidence for this other scenario I talked about and uh yeah I feel like I have to do something. In your case it’s just some adult moid yk just leave it. The military should give him resources to deal with his ptsd or whatever. It’s crazy that no one is intervening.
In my case it’s a teen so I feel some obligation. Not sure if it’s a teenage moid or teenage girl in question, but the least I can do is gather some evidence.
No. 2376101
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I made a separate discord alt so I could send myself voice messages about things I know my work crush likes on my main and get away with it (I don't want to seem like a friendless loser) and I think it's starting to backfire on me cause he just asked me who I keep talking so loudly on the phone with during work
No. 2376103
>>2376092Yeah I’m stepping back, made me realise I’m glad I never pursued psych because i would suck at disengaging hahah. Looks more like bipolar than ptsd and he mentions being targeted and abused, but not sure. Unironically feel like that chick from mean girls that wishes everyone could eat a cake that brings happiness
Wishing you the best with your scenario, a teen is very alarming but I’m very glad you’re looking out for them in whatever way you can. Take care
nonnie No. 2376106
>>2376097Aww nonala don’t feel bad I hope you can find a hairstyle and products that work for your hair.
What hairstyle do you want? Maybe try a curly haircut. I’m struggling with my hair rn too and I just don’t deal with it but also don’t go outside. My hair is tightly curled.
No. 2376111
>>2376103Yeah thanks
nonnie take care as well.
For me I’m glad I never pursued psych because same how do I stop thinking about hypothetical scenarios for cases like these. But being a desk detective doesn’t seem too bad. If I had to pick. I say that now but some cases are really stomach churning so maybe only light cases.
I should use my detective skills for deep dives on celebs as a youtuber only I think. If I had to pick a career. Desk detective is too much after all but I do want to stand up to injustice.
No. 2376114
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This might be an advice thread post but I am not sure how to phrase it without venting so whatever. I have been self harming off and on since I was like.. 11-12. It started off with things like skin picking using sharp objects before escalating to cutting. A part of me knows what I did it back in my preteen and teen years. I didn’t have very good communication skills. The autism will do that. Not to mention health issues. Was dealing with a lot internally and needed a way to make it external. It was helpful to see how I felt have a physical form. It was also just distraction and release. It would make my brain feel better for a while. As I entered my later teens and early adulthood.. it just escalated. The pandemic, being a caretaker for a grandparent, having to drop out of hs due to family problems and an abusive relationship that only worsened me. My scars from that era are quite unsettling. I was quite drugged up on antipsychs and emotionally fucked. Did not help my ex was just letting me, knowing how bad it was. I could have been goring myself but I wasn’t. Thankfully didn’t go coldness in my heart levels even though I tried and wimped out. Now I’m in a better place but I’m still struggling. Have been having recurring health issues again. It’s killing my mental health and I have the likelyhood of a major surgery on the table. It’s not as bad but it’s still not great. Only props I can give myself is that I haven’t needed stitches again. How do I stop after nearly a decade? I just don’t know how. I have tried so many times. The longest was 9 months then i started doing it again. That was years ago now. I feel so stuck. I’m in therapy and am actively looking for a psychiatrist but it’s impossible to find ones that aren’t moids. Have had so many bad moid psychs. Only one that was okay was a student one who looked like Chris Evans. I dunno. I’m really unsure and would like to stop. It just seems all advice to quit doesn’t take into consideration of how long and how severe it is. I try my best but I’m still slipping often. I’m so ashamed. I’m an adult. I dunno. This is too long now. Should I just like do a flip? Idk.
No. 2376164
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Today I confronted my parents on the abuse they subjected me as a child. As I described the details to them, as well as the numerous stances of unnecessary cruelty and unfiltered hatred, they were genuinely horrified of their own actions, looking at each other with shock and shame, asking me over and over for more details and going "wow, we really did that?".
I was speechless, wondering exactly why were they so confused and disturbed, they simply told me "we just…forgot about all that, now that you reminded us, it does sound fucked up. Why did we do that to you, to begin with? Seriously, why? We don't understand. That was wrong…". Next day, they proceeded to apologize.
I don't know exactly how to feel about this, I suppose it's better than what most people get from their former abusers, some don't even get an apology. But for some reason, this was genuinely upsetting to me. Why, you may ask? These two bastards literally just "forgot" years of abuse, like nothing. The worst era of my life, my most miserable moments…these were just simple, mundane days for them, so much the memories of their actions blurred as time passed by. That's genuinely offensive to me, and yes, I do think they're bullshitting me to hell and back, but a part of me knows they are too old to actually remember the full details of events from 20 years ago, so their shock might be slightly genuine after all
No. 2376243
>>2376093How are some women like this? I don’t see how being a side piece is in any way beneficial, a scrote who can’t even “claim” you openly is retarded. Is it the thrill? Is it winning him over his partner?
He also sounds shitty. But what can you do? People like her learn their lesson only when they crash down.
No. 2376244
>>2376003I'm 22 and have acne too.
Benzoyl peroxide daily helped me get it under control. First I did about 4 months of doxycyclin to clear out, now I do benzoyl peroxide. I also take zinc tablets, Idk if it works though… I'd advise you try these. A GP can prescribe all of these.
I put benzoyl peroxide on my face, not on my back (which is also an acne zone for me), and the difference between my face and my back is crazy.
There's also the pill. It really worked but taking it gave me migraines so I had to stop.
No. 2376247
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>>2376093>has obvious klinefelter syndrome, his fat distribution makes him look like he has female hips and is balding, dresses like shitKEKKK, this is why you never give chances to fatties and uggos, because look at how they treat you. Ugly men are the ones who cheat the most, because they open their legs for little validation.
No. 2376260
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>>2376244>>2376003And I’m 22 too! What a coincidence kek.
But I use this one in picrel and I pair the t with the cerave soap. I also want to buy a rice based mask, maybe the one of the “beauty of joseon” brand.
No. 2376286
>>2376244been there done that, benzoyle, adapalene, doxycycline, zinc, etc. my back is still such a mess I can barely lay down without it hurting
I think only accutane can reliably deal with it all, anyone have tried it? I'll try to get an appointment with a dermatologist next time
No. 2376369
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i've been so depressed for so long i've circled around to being normal, i have no desire to do anything and i have zero expectations for other people and for myself. since i don't expect anything from anyone i'm literally never sad or disappointed. i've reached divine indifference, ascended tranquility.
No. 2376394
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>>2375901I've been feeling like this for the past few weeks and I can confirm IT'S THE FUCKING WORST.
No. 2376396
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>>2376389You can still dress while being fat or ugly.
No. 2376435
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>>2376416I've always feared I look retarded with my backpack. Now I know I do it. I'm not into purses though, I'm kinda tomboy-ish and autistic kek so carrying things on only one of my shoulders feel weird, and I hate handbags.
No. 2376447
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>>2376435Look at this one for example.
No. 2376451
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i want to ask my mom for advice but its been almost a decade since i began to feel like ive outgrown her advice. i probably just want the emotional support, but you don't really get the same effect over the phone. ive never been able to open up to friends about difficult things… i think i just need to wait for therapy in 2 weeks
No. 2376462
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>>2376450This one is also cute
No. 2376470
>>2376454that is even more stupid looking and impractical
>>2376435there are sleek backpacks, look up commuter backpacks
No. 2376486
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>>2376470i honestly dont see whats retarded about it unless you feel compelled to dress like everyone else 100% of the time. here is a random pic from pintrest, no one on the street would point this out as even being abnormal
No. 2376513
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>>2376486i misread your post, i thought you meant something like picrel. but still, if anon doesn't like purses, what's the difference between wearing a bag like this and one? and genuine fanny packs can be annoying to wear like that with how they're shaped, and they can drape on the body strangely.
No. 2376618
Tif keeps inviting me to this queer uni happenings and I already told her I have never felt there is an actual community for me there, I'm just a lesbian and I have my own friends and interests. Six months of this shit, I want to block her ass but I have to be able to keep contact for school. Her dialect is also so annoying and something about her smells, even my friends have been asking me if I think it's her breathe or clothes and I'm actively running away from her at school. What is the psychology between tifs and lesbians, because I am tired, why do they always cling onto me? Also to not make it all about troons, today some tourists flooded this makeup aisle i was in, why the fuck do they need to bring their goddamn sons with their backpacks and boba to stand in my way? Got slammed by a backpack and just had enough and yanked him the hell back to the side, he was at least 15 like read the fucking room, I have lip gloss swatches in my hand, this is a delicate fuckinc process, MOVE
No. 2376624
>>2376470>casual urban slings more impractical than fucking BACKPACKSYeah I love having to literally take my huge ass 20l bag off one shoulder and swing it around my body just to open it to get something out, as opposed to simply unzipping a small bag right there in front of me
Backpacks look incredibly dorky for anything but travelling. If you ever see adult retards, they will be wearing backpacks. You can tell who is not retarded because their backpacks don't have cartoon characters on it, but the vibes are the same regardless.
No. 2376659
>>2376637Yeah, like I've never seen my tif classmates
how the fuck are there 4 of them of very varying ages? one is a licensed therapist and keeps talking about how women should build safe spaces for men and i keep almost powerleveling interact in any meaningful way with actual men in my class. I also think there's some complex about me and my lesbian friends at school being almost more masculine than them even though we are just regular ass women. They feel intimidated yet clingy? As for pride, it's a nice excuse to day drink but the actual pride parade is just a place to get glassed by some religious freaks
No. 2376797
I'm so averse to conflict to the point of being a complete doormat. I'm moving soon and I wanted to paint my room because the last resident left it super nasty (suspicious stains, dirty stains where I suspect he rubbed his feet when lying down, glue stains from where he hung posters with tape).
A couple friends told me they'd love to help me out - I didn't even ask them to, they just volunteered. I was so happy, it made me feel loved and I thought it would be such a fun time. We even made a group chat.
Anyway I told them I would do it on (day) at (time)PM and they were like cool see you there. I sent them messages saying I just bought everything, I'm omw, I'm here. No one said anything. So I set everything up and waited a bit. half an hour later one of them said she was coming and would be here in 15 min. Nice. I was tired of waiting so I got started but soon my friend would be there and we would have some fun.
Well an hour goes by and she's not here. The other one (with whom I was having a fling with btw) hasn't said anything so I send her a message directly. She said she would come in an hour.
I sent a message to the friend who said she was coming and she just said again that she was coming. At this point I started feeling really abandoned and sad. I kinda wanted to cry. But I'm just overreacting, they'll be here soon.
Well another hour goes by and at that point I'm covered in sweat and paint splatters, and I really want to cry. I was starting the second coat, all alone. I gave up on contacting them, if they wanted to talk to me and if they respected me enough they would have said something. They don't care.
So another hour goes by and fling sends me a message asking how it's going. I tell her I'm alone, she's surprised because other friend said she would come. I'm like well she didn't. She doesn't reply.
Friend who said she was coming said she was FINALLY coming FOR REALSIES and was gonna stop at the supermarket, do I want something to eat. I just said no. By the she arrives I've just finished. I'm dripping sweat, dirty, my legs, arms and back hurt and I'm so, so pissed. She's like cool when can we start and I say I already finished. She's like oh cool, no indication she's even a little bit remorseful. We sit in silence for a bit, she tries to make conversation but I can't, I'm just too tired and angry. After around 15 mins I tell her I'm leaving, gonna go back to my current apartment because I'm exhausted and need a shower. She's still pretending nothing's wrong. We both go our separate ways.
When I get home I send them a message on group chat that I'm mad and feel abandoned. Fling messages me saying she's sorry but we need to talk about this irl. Her tone isn't remorseful at all, though. She seems mad that I had the audacity to be mad. That messed with my head. What if I am in the wrong here? What if I'm acting spoiled and bratty? I get scared that I'm gonna lose her approval and that we're gonna split up that after about half an hour of beating myself up, I send her a message apologizing for being rude. She's like that's ok, we're good. Still doesn't sound remorseful at all.
Other friend also apologizes but it doesn't feel very sincere. Again I'm afraid of being in the wrong but thankfully I don't apologize, just tell her I accept her apology.
After going though it in my head a bit more and rereading some of the messages, I can't believe I fucking apologized. I'm just terrified of conflict and fighting because I feel like I don't have the right to ask for anything because I don't have any value and as soon as I become demanding, even if it's something that makes sense, people will be like "this useless, idiot bitch already had zero value, now she has even less and I'm just cutting her off." I'm still with fling but I can't help but think her view of me changed and she's gonna start exploiting and walking all over me. I'm acting normal with friend too as if I'm over what happened even though I'm not.
I don't see a way to fix this situation bc it's been a week and I'll look like a bitter dumbass who can't get over things and is unstable and flip flops on a whim. I just wish I was more assertive, had a little bit more self confidence and self esteem, and wasn't so afraid of conflict and abandonment.
I honestly hope I learn something from this and don't just bend next time. I hope I can stand my ground and insist on being treated fairly.
No. 2376961
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I can't wait till most 50-70 year old finally get too demented to speak. Can't take the amount of dumbass/insane/hateful/pickme shit I have to hear daily everytime I talk with an older person. What the fuck is your problem? You are blessed enough to be able to enjoy a retirement with enough money to do whatever you want while your body still works, what are you even seething about?
No. 2376978
>>2376944Evil narcissists often go far in life up until a point, even if that point is dying rich and surrounded by family but essentially hollow. There’s a limit to how long their act remains believable—at least to everyone. Over time, her life will become more hollow because of her own selfishness and cruelty.
Honestly, I personally would say to my family members “I don’t want to hear about her. Due to her cruel and inappropriate behavior towards me over many years, she’s not part of my life anymore.” It’s true many people will still defend this evil shitheads without question and always take the side of the accused without even asking someone who was hurt what happened. People do this for their own convenience, so there are always pros and cons to confiding in anyone. Good people will listen to you. The average person won’t.
However I think letting your sorrow and isolation turn into righteous anger and the knowledge that you have the right to stand up for yourself helps a lot. As someone who was also bullied for years, I hope my bully rots in hell, and she’s going around to this say skipping around playing the saintly empath girl-next-door and people eat it up because she doesn’t look like Regina George (but she sure speaks and acts like her in private). I don’t think I’ll ever stop being angry about it in a way, but that anger finally taught me that I’m not the pathetic, irrelevant loser she told me I was. I’m a human being worthy of life and self-acceptance, I’m proud of my struggles and achievements, I deserve to walk confidently on the earth and throw myself fully at all my dreams without apologizing for my presence, and anyone who doesn’t like me can fuck off because I like myself now.
Remember that the cruelest voices in your head aren’t you—it’s echoes of her voice. Look for you, buried underneath there.
No. 2377004
>>2376944>Sister lies constantly >Still believe she's telling the truth about her current lifePlease get therapy and move on before you die from your sister's psychic attacks.
>>2376618To them you're a weird bihet who's a lesbian for the vibes, just like everyone else in the alphabet soup community. TIFs don't understand women who are GNC, actually lesbian, and still don't troon out. I feel your rage but they're too fucking stupid and way too lost in the sauce to understand why you aren't part of the cult. To them, anyone who's part of the alphabet community has the same cookie cutter personality and interests. They literally can't understand that you're a woman with a personality who's not interested in stim toys and TIMs.
No. 2377070
>>2377032girls are seen as pinnacle of innocence and vulnerability
>>2376944bullies do well in life, i'm sorry to try to burst the bubble
>>2376978 was trying to write. kids in general can be nasty, then the bullies who stay cruel still are more socially adept and know how to work people so they do better. abusers know how to put on a good face to other people.
No. 2377258
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Things aren’t going well. This is my third suicidal spergout this week. I thought I was ok after the first two but this next one hit me like a truck. I’m probably going to get my period soon because I always feel unstable when it’s close. I’m trying so hard to stay positive anons but I am honestly so scared I’m going to go through with suicide sometimes. Get me out of my head please
No. 2377278
I broke up with my boyfriend 2 weeks ago, mainly because of his alcoholism (developed after we got together) and emotional immaturity. We agreed that I could continue living there for a few weeks, until I had enough money to leave. He increased his drinking, and picked a fight with me over something tiny almost every evening, stressing me to the point of skin rashes and digestive issues. Last night he blew up at me because I didn’t want to spend my whole evening listening to his drunk monologues. He provoked me until I snapped and screamed at him, then assaulted me (grabbed my head hard enough to make my ear bleed). I picked up a knife to deter him from touching me again (wasn’t going to use it), he filmed this, and called the police on me. Thankfully they were nice, they saw the blood on my ear, I think they understood i was trying to defend myself from him. I’m now checked into a hostel. All my things are at his place, the police won’t accompany me to retrieve them because no crime is being committed. So I’m forced to go in there alone with him (I’m in a foreign country and barely know anyone) to pack up my things, I feel like throwing up when I think about it. I guess I have to film it, to deter him from provoking or attacking me again. My head hurts, I’m in shock, and completely alone here with no one to talk to. I never thought he would physically attack me, during 1.5 years together it never happened. I want to murder him for provoking and abusing me, then playing victim while filming and weaponising my reaction against me. I want him to die a slow and painful death
No. 2377288
>>2377142Why are there so many retards though? I’m an eurofag and it’s not like here at all. Guaranteed that we have far less diagnoses I think, but I don’t know any “diagnosed” autistic people of my age.
The autistic people I’ve met were severely disabled and needed constant care or were sufficient but you could still tell.
No. 2377312
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One of my relatives could've possibly seen my rose. I want to fucking kill myself. I hope they didn't or that if theu did, they at least didn't recognize it. I'm absolutely fucking mortified.
No. 2377373
>>2377365i am so so sorry nonna. that is awful and no one should have to experience that, especially not your baby.
i hope your baby recovers well, and that baby can have a normal childhood. it sucks that doctors are so fucking vague with stuff and infuriating. you aren't alone, i have you and your baby in my thoughts, stay strong ♥
No. 2377376
>>2377299Thank you for this.
Luckily, he seems to be on a path of self-destruction now.
No. 2377385
>>2366888You are so correct. This is a major problem. If he plays
victim after hurting you, he doesn’t care about your feelings
No. 2377537
i think there's something wrong with my brain and i am ruined. the first real relationship i was ever in, i was kind of settling, and i had a crush on another guy. half way into the relationship the other guy and i ERPed - i had some weird cope that because i knew my bf at the time was going to be moving and leaving me in a few months, it was okay? anyway the bf didn't love me. he told me as much. when i tried to say it the first time (before ERP) he told me it was too soon and he had trauma from losing a friend and the last words being "i love you". i wanted to at least say it before he took my virginity. but he never did, and one day when i tried to say it, a little bit before prom, he told me he didn't love me. i still went to prom with him because i already bought the dress. we fought on prom night because i called his dad a racist when he told me his dad sold confederate flag memorabilia lol. he had some weird thing about wanting to try anal and i always said no. then after i broke up with him because he was too shy to do it himself and just moped and stayed silent around me before moving, i find out he DIDN'T MOVE after all, dated some coworker, DID love her, and she let him do anal (and it wasnt as good as he hoped). i never told him i cheated.
he also introduced me to this girl he was friends with who was suicidal so i could help her "because i know more about that". in between talking to her about it she confessed she thought she was in love with my bf. she would talk openly about it in front of me and my mother when we drove her home sometimes after school. they hung out a lot and i got jealous and thought they were secretly hooking up but i was just projecting and they were just friends. this all happened almost 10 years ago and i still feel guilty about it, like if im in a relationship and i even so much as find someone else attractive, that i am a terrible person. like i have this permanent awful stain on my life from being a stupid and terrible 18 year old.
No. 2377620
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Why the FUCK is everyone I meet on dating apps just… insane?? I have dealt with rude, incosiderate, even violent men. They all seemed nice at first but sooner or later turned out to be batshit crazy. The latest one who I was so hoping to be nice confessed to me on the 5th date that he had been lying about his name, age and home country "for the laughs". I just can't do this shit.
No. 2377671
>>2377620Because they don’t get it in real life nonna. I have stopped using dating apps all together because it’s just filled with people who want to waste your time and who don’t know what they want in the first place at best and at worst they’re schizo who might even assault you.
The time where you could find a relationship with dating apps has long gone.!
No. 2377791
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>download period tracker cause it seems kinda helpful
>asks me a trillion questions about my sex life
>keeps showing me shit about orgasms and sex positions
>im literally a sexless virgin and i put this but it keeps showing me anyways
can anybody recommend an app that doesnt do this shit it just activated my pms irritability so bad
No. 2377822
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I just had the worst morning of my life. I woke up feeling like utter fucking shit. My stomach was burning and i was feeling weak and dizzy. I ended up projectile vomiting and shitting myself for 30 minutes straight i legit thought about roping because of the pain and how bad it felt. I am absolutely never ordering food again, in fact, i completly deleted the delivery apps. I also did the math and i am so pissed and i feel like such a retard that i wasted so much money on food when i could have instead bought a cute book or stickers with the money. Leson learned i guess.
No. 2377887
>>2377791Can I ask why all of you use seriously intrusive data mining apps like this instead of just idk marking a calender, notebook, piece of paper even?
>inb4 I don't care You have no idea the extremely intrusive, comprehensive high-value data package you guys just willfully hand to scummy data brokers and advertisers
No. 2377893
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>>2377887this is a concern with period trackers, drip stores your data locally at least
No. 2377906
>>2377791Stardust is supposed to be encrypted. It’s very astrology woowoo and their push notifications are annoying as fuck to me. I switched to a paper calendar
>>2377887Agree but they can be really helpful if you have a super irregular cycle. I didn’t even realize mine had a pattern until I tried an app. Paper is still best
No. 2378043
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I'm straight and in-shape but gnc in appearance. I joined an all women's gym because I hate gymbros talking to me, but the women at my new gym give me weird looks and the staff treats me a little rudely. I'm trying not to let it get me down, but it feels pretty bad.
No. 2378069
I smell sour grapes.
>>2378043>gnc in appearance>gncgenetically not curvy?
giant nipple combative?
glue nutrition capable?
No. 2378084
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I hate love so much, it hollowed me out. But god I’m lonely.
No. 2378096
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>>2377978Jeez yeah, that should not have done you in like it did. Also I love a good trash meal from time to time but getting that sick over something so average feels unusually cruel. Try to stay hydrated and take some pepto or Imodium if you can keep it down
nonny. Thoughts and prayers, feel better soon.
No. 2378141
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>>2378138>Being gnc is faggoty This you?
No. 2378176
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>>2378138>faggotryI'm literally a straight woman. Not sure I can say the same for you, though.
No. 2378183
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i've lost my black mechanical pencil today, maybe it's the upcoming period talking, but it's really upsetting me, so much so, im cussing out my classmates mentally for not bringing pencils and not responding to my message asking them to at least check if they have my pencil even though i can see how many have seen my message.
I don't know why it's upsetting me this badly, it's not like it's particularly special, most i can say is that it's made in Japan, but i don't even know the brand. it used to be my father's and i just never gave it back, and i put a black ribbon on the end bc some bitch i gave it to for a board exam lost the cap on it's end(i also put it there so it's more recognizable as mine, in the hopes that people don't take it or throw it) and i guess this adds to it too bc i've had it for a long time, and not once has it failed me, it wasn't broken in any spot, and it was a fine 0.7 and i'd use it to draw. And what little hope i had that it was just taken on accident by somebody has been lost bc someone that i thought most likely had it just said they don't have it. i'm hoping its in the classroom, but its fucking Sunday and the last time i knew i had it was Friday, so huge chance the cleaners just threw it out.
No. 2378235
Honestly I don't know how to start this because on one hand yeah, women are badass and incredible, but at the same time women raising the standards insanely for other women it's a BAD thing. Like how women tend to do hard work without complaining, handling pain better than moids, being able to juggle with different tasks, being high achievers, great at academics, providing all for themselves, like this is all amazing but what happens when a woman is unable to get to this level? When a woman is clumsy, messy, slow, sensitive and a bit lazy she becomes a pariah. When she complains about something she's a drama queen, spoiled and rotten. Now notice how men lowered the standards for themselves so much, women are impressed by them doing the bare minimum. And if a woman behaves like a man, she gets hate from everyone, while that man would probably be coddled and people would justify his actions somehow. It's ok for women to be a girlboss, but it's also ok for women to be mediocre.
No. 2378247
>>2377620Dating apps are a cesspool full of ugly, flaky men. At least with sites like OkCupid back in the day men had to put in a tiny amount of effort to fill out questionnaires and writing their profiles to sound interesting. I can't imagine what they're like now especially with the no-effort swiping apps like Tinder, it's gotta be full of weirdos.
It makes me mourn "third spaces" (places to socialize outside of work and home) and it really does women a disservice when we can't see potential suitors in person. It's important for women to see a man in motion IRL and the way he interacts with his environment. We notice their body language and stature, the way he carries himself or talks with others around him, and we can instinctively pick up on tiny signals of whether he's 'safe'. On these swiping apps with just a selfie of a guy in a room and a 2-sentence bio you can't get a sense of those red flags.
No. 2378496
>>2378200Your not a loser, your reaction is completely normal and justified and no you don't need to be "grateful and happy" to be stressed as fuck. It's a shitty situation and in a better society, you'd have plenty of friends and family who'd help you out to ease the workload. I hope you can power through, it's bound to get better soon enough.
Also your nigel should stfu, he's not the one who had to carry and press out two kids.