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No. 2375478

>no baiting or responding to bait
>be a good American citizen
>No Non-americans allowed!

Previous threads #32-22:

No. 2375486

Threadpic is everything I could have ever hoped for

No. 2375491

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No. 2375493

Why are people saying now that war on American soil is inevitable? Is it because we’re such a mess with a petty president who hates all of us that China would feel confident in attacking us?

No. 2375498

I don’t think a war on American soil is likely. More likely would be a war in the Pacific over Taiwan/Chinese expansion.

No. 2375499

omg i’m really loving this threadpic
happy vday alfred ♥

No. 2375502

ok nona when you say people are you referring to just random people online saying it? because if thats the case then i don’t recommend you take their opinions seriously kek

No. 2375508

I read something the other day from people with military and intelligence backgrounds talking about it. Apparently everyone in the federal government is already preparing for whatever is coming.

No. 2375519

Trump’s administration is considered very hawkish towards China. That means they have an aggressive/hyper-vigilant attitude towards a potential war with China. So I agree that they’re anticipating it, but that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s going to happen, or even that it’s likely to happen.

No. 2375523

Depends on the type of war. The polarization between the left and right could still become a hot civil war. A world war would just result in the US becoming a nuclear wasteland after being completely obliterated by Russia's hypersonic nuclear missiles.

No. 2375543

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it’s snowing in florida…..

No. 2375569

i dont know how old you are but, people who were in the military (key word, were) have been baiting people with shit like that online ever since social media became a thing. i remember being online back in like 2009 and seeing some dude claiming to have military experience telling people that WW3 was upon them already kek.

No. 2375576


No. 2375578

snowy days on the beach! 2025 gonna be a treat

No. 2375584

highly doubt we'd go to war with china. a civil war is way more likely at this point

No. 2375588

Thanks nonnies it's my first picmix so I was a little nervous

No. 2375593

Jealous! There hasn't been any snow where I live and it normally snows during the winter here. Can any floridanons pass me some snow? Sharing is caring after all

You did great!

No. 2375650

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Small plane crashed in Philly

No. 2375651

So tariffs are hitting tomorrow. Are all the poorfags itt killing ourselves? Maybe we can do a group suicide livestream together? Just an idea.

No. 2375653

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No. 2375663

This happened about 20 mins away from me. Absolutely fucking insane, can't post screenshots cause I'm talking/reading live with my roommate but heard on the news the plane left Northeast Philly airport and had two pilots, two doctors, a patient, and a parent.

No. 2375664

jesus christ

No. 2375668

God, this is all just terrible. Looks like I'm not traveling by plane in the next 4 years.

No. 2375669

i don't even understand the rationale behind canceling air safety, what was the goal here

No. 2375696

Wow I sure love seeing this shit when I am about to fly several times in the upcoming month.

No. 2375702

Samefag, update is it was definitely just two people. Regardless awful. Sucks to be a first responder tonight, I'm sure all of them were talking about the DC crash.

No. 2375709

fuck, same. I wish i could cancel or just drive to different states this year because wtf is going on

No. 2375710

Does that mean prices are immediately instantly going to go up? I work in a grocery store and I am heavily dreading tomorrow because it’s a Saturday/1st of the month (benefits day)

No. 2375711

i travel a few times a year and now im petrified. i really hope the death was fast and very little suffering was experienced for each crash, which it seems to have been because it exploded, but good god. imagine for one, waiting for your loved ones to arrive at the airport shortly, driving up near baggage claim just to hear that a few minutes ago they all fucking died? or relaxing and feeling so eager to finally be home and dying because a fucking helicopter rammed into you? guess im taking a train for three days or something, until that explodes, too. this is scary how the fuck does it happen again? is it something with imported parts and little safety checks?

No. 2375716

I heard its for the republitards to say "see, the government can't do shit!" And then basically they make it all privatized like our health insurance

No. 2375728

I'm really freaked out about these plane crashes and everything that's going on. I need to log off and stare at a wall for a few days or something but my brain keeps latching on to it and I can't look away.

No. 2375731

maybe to make people afraid to flee the country, idk man's retarded

No. 2375745

privatize everything, also trump is just a genuine tard

No. 2375765


No. 2375769

From all the train derailments, and plane crashes. What is happening?

No. 2375773

People have been saying we'll get the Civil war 2.0 since the Bush Jr years. I will say we seem more divided now than we even were back then, but I still kind of doubt it will happen. the dividing lines aren't as clear cut, territory wise, these days. If you mean war with a foreign adversary, it'll either be like >>2375498 said, or missiles. The US is pretty hard to actually invade in any traditional way during war.
Have they already started blaming it on women and DEI again?

No. 2375783

yeah like the gun nuts and blue hairs are supposed to be kissy kissy friends I'm sick and tired of this kiss and makeup whining

No. 2375805

can we stop DEI hiring moids?

No. 2375808

That's what I'm predicting.

No. 2375810

Literally, men are simply hired for being male, not out of merit

No. 2375813

Jfc, I really don't want to fly anymore this year except to leave the U.S. What the fuck is going on??

Kek. i truly believe males are the true DEI hires.

No. 2375815

Train derailments happen all the time. There's more info coming out about this crash and it was a Mexican plane returning a patient (girl) who was flown to the US for medical treatment in Philadelphia to Mexico. The kid, her mom and 4 crew members were on board. People are guessing if there were any large oxygen tanks on the plane they might have exploded

No. 2375817

This is terrifying and i'm supposed to take multiple flights in the next couple of months. Wtf is going on with the aviation industry.

No. 2375818

Yes, I read that it was a pediatric patient too. Shit makes me wanna cry. Imagine your kid finally gets life saving treatment just to die in such a horrible way

No. 2375826

It will be a keyboard war at best kek.

No. 2375827

The one between the right and left I mean.

No. 2375838

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ayrt I am not even being cute. Moids are the OG DEIs. Why the fuck would you hire moids to operate heavy machinery when you look at fatal automobile accidents. You are far safer with a woman driver than an emotional, testosterone ridden ape who is just testyrical episode away from killing himself and taking you with him.

The "heheheh women are le bad drivers" thing is retarded. The second a woman fucks up it's all of us, but if we actually paid attention to who actually makes the road/air less safe, the scrote tears would flow.

No. 2375858

I’m from the area and im so bummed. I’m wondering if it was possibly weather related around when it happened the viability from the fog and rain was pretty bad. It is a mindfuck watching the news and they’re stressing how this is the city of brotherly love but on my social media there’s tards going around taking pics of body parts and proudly taking home small pieces of the plane which you should never do NTSB need to collect all the pieces of the plane for their investigation no matter how small the piece. If you see anyone making similar posts taking keepsakes from the scene please screenshot it and report it

No. 2375868

I'm >>2375810 and I'm not joking either, you're right. We all know women get better car insurance rates because males love crashing their cars. What's hilarious is when men act like this logical calculation of insurance rates is discrimination against them and therefore evidence that misandry is true and honestly more important than misogyny. What are we supposed to do as women, get in their cars and drive for them? I swear they are retards, 99% of men I know half ass their way through life and then act like failing up means that they earned it.

No. 2375869

that's fucking sick

No. 2375870

In the video it nosedives straight down, I feel like there must be a fault in the machinery for that to happen.
>on my social media there’s tards going around taking pics of body parts and proudly taking home small pieces of the plane
Jesus christ that's disgusting, a child died

No. 2375874

yeah the weather was really shitty in the northeast today, the rain combined with the previous cold temps made a ton of fog

No. 2375877

Yeah, the amount of NSFW content that came out like an hour after it happened is awful a lot of it seems to be from people who were on the ground that got hit. There's a bunch of pictures of severed body parts and a video going around of someone on fire. Idk who is the originator of the content but a lot of drill music thug wannabees are reposting it with the usual skull emoji SHITS CRAZY!!! slop text I hate it it's so disrespectful I know we're a little ghetto but damn

No. 2375888

I guess Orwell got one thing right

No. 2375893

so trump fired all the senior ranking ppl at the FBI. the purge is getting bigger and bigger, and nobody can do anything to stop it. the guardrails are gone.

No. 2375902

It's warming up in the north, how funny to see our weather has flipped.

No. 2375904

If any of his voters are shocked like wtf did they expect? he's a failed businessman whos catchphrase is "you're fired"
If America is still considered a first world country at the end of this I will be floored.

No. 2375907

You guys are pro-spook here?

No. 2375911

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Yes I do a séance every night to ensure Trumps first wife haunts him and whenever he looks at a woman he has to see her face ala pic rel

No. 2375912

Are you pro organized crime and trafficking?
The FBI is a necessary organization they don't go after the 'harmless' little guys.

No. 2375915


No. 2375917

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not really milk but god Karolines so fucking hideous, why'd Trump pick an uglier version of his daughter Tiffany to be his new secretary?

No. 2375918

Can't wait for him to end up dead like that other January 6th faggot who found himself in a police shootout. A bulk of these white trash idiots won't keep their poor impulse control hidden after release and will probably end up in jail again or dead

No. 2375922

Small planes crash more and are more dangerous. Not the same thing as a commercial airline 747 crashing. I'm from Alaska and like 1/2 of our politicians die from small plane crashes.

No. 2375923

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Wow the plastic surgery made her even uglier but the fried blonde hair and the bad tan were always there

No. 2375943

crazy she went for the whoville nose and not just a little lip filler if she was gonna get any sort of procedure.

No. 2375947

I think she did get filler done in her lips it just couldn't build her an upper lip when she had none. Her sixty year old geriatric husband couldn't have bought her a better surgeon?

No. 2375948

Bad plastic surgery is a nouveau rich ingroup signal

No. 2375954

people lack so much empathy. it may be because of the algorithms that desensitize them to this shit, or whatever. it probably is. But it’s all so disgusting, hidden under the guise of “dark humor” and “just showing people the reality of things”. also engagement bait accounts and major news outlets just weaponizing these tragedies against minorities. ugh i fucking hate everything. I’m so tired of it being so kewlll and subverrrsiveeeee to satirize everything. this is all so sad, so disappointing

No. 2375957

Same. I'm sick of literally everything being turned into a meme.

No. 2375964

Same here, I live nearby and could hear the police sirens blaring. My heart goes out to those who lost their lives, especially the young girl who was on her way home after months of trying to overcome her illness. Unfortunately, some people on Twitter are spreading videos of the dead bodies so please be careful when searching it up, I keep having a video pop up of a woman screaming about seeing body parts scattered on the street.

No. 2375967

It was only recently where I realized that I'm in this category of people, and while I do try to keep my mouth shut to remain respectful, It's honestly so so hard to continue having a pragmatic view of the world. Please know people like you who continue having deep empathy and disgust towards others who are uncaring are incredibly strong in my eyes. Hopefully the tides will turn when Americans start realizing how horrific everything is so we can rise up, but right now we all feel so powerless to our country the only thing we can do is laugh.

No. 2375989

I thought tariffs were delayed for a month? Damn.

No. 2375992

nyart but I feel you. As i get older when I laugh at tragedy I find myself hating myself afterwards. I know it's a coping mechanism to try to distance myself from the fact that very real people are suffering but every time I see a scrote make a joke about a woman getting brutalized I use that visceral disgust I feel to try to make me reflect on my own behavior.

I wish there was a law against like ragebait making grifters money and shit. It's just spiritually killing us.

No. 2375993

There's conflicting information so who the fuck knows what's going on. Reuters says the tariffs will be delayed until March 1st but the White House press secretary says they'll go up today

No. 2375996

>I wish there was a law against like ragebait making grifters money and shit. It's just spiritually killing us.
The closest thing we'll ever get to that (well, not during this administration) is a push for internet decentralization. Algorithms like xitter's just want you to be desensitized to tragedy and pissed off all of the time. A few billionaires shouldn't own everything on the internet. we should promote the individual over everything. Hobbyist websites, forums, blogs, blah blah blah. Rich people shouldn't control all of this shit, it's all fucked up

No. 2375997

Jesus Christ I’m supposed to take a flight for a business trip in 2 weeks and another flight back ugh I feel so paranoid

No. 2375998

Why does Trump always pick these blonde plastic bimbos to be his press secretaries? Does he hear the word "secretary" and picture a stereotypical sexy secretary from 70s porn?

No. 2376002

The dude is the king of betabuxx scrotes. Of course he's going to pick whatever his rotting, senile, mcdonalds infested brain thinks is "hot"

No. 2376015

>blonde plastic bimbos
kekkk this homely lipless Shrek lookalike would be so excited by your description. I've never imagined an actual woman feeling euphoric from a gendered insult until now, congrats anon

No. 2376071

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Daily reminder that this is what maga pickme anons voted for. These women are your enemy and are trying to distract you with trannies.

Here is the article:

No. 2376109

Is this some sort of 4d chess to get girls to not want to go to school so statistically boys will do better? Fuck this nasty fugly pedo rapist.

No. 2376126

>rapists enabling rapists
color me surprised. God I swear I'd rather have a reactive pitbull in office. At least it would be funny when he mistakes elonia for an irl toddler and tries to eat him

No. 2376140

He literally had ties with epstein. What did you expect?

No. 2376143

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I thought I'd be okay with watching the US crash and burn – I left the country because I loathe what's happened to the people and culture – but instead I feel a sense of hopelessness and despair as things unravel. It really feels like the America we grew up in, flawed as it's become, is truly dead. The part that truly stings is that a large proportion of Americans are cheering on what's happening. Fuck

No. 2376151

You can thank the retarded rightoid political sphere for refusing free schooling and refusing to fund school districts for the insane amount of retardation, oh and let's not forget the foreign trolling farms meant to divide civillians.

No. 2376173

So my entire family works for TSA. My mom, stepdad, and older sister works for them. They have been freaking out for the past week because Trump has implemented many changes. My stepdad is the head of his department, which is safety, while my mom works in HR. I just read that Trump has apparently recently fired the head of TSA and has fired many of the security admin. I have been seeing a lot of people pin point it on the fact that the pilot is a woman, and I am curious if trump is blaming it on DEI because of the changes he made. I don't understand how people fell for it.

No. 2376182

Watch trumpfags stay silent about this.
>our own scrotes can rape us in schools but we draw the line at foreign scrotes!
Kek, retards.

No. 2376184

>pilot is a woman
The copilot was a woman. The pilot of the blackhawk was a man. Trump just said some retarded late stage Alzheimer's shit as always. >>2372348

No. 2376186

>Children can be raped at schools as long as they aren't mexicans or trannies.
If we ever bounce back from this we need to send all convicted rapists straight to extermination camps.

No. 2376189

Thank you. I was confused because I saw some pages post about it and blame it on her, just very odd. I wonder if it's just meant to take the blame off of him for his impulsive choices.

No. 2376190

Did anyone actually read the article? It doesn't remove consequences for rapists or sexual abusers, it only reduces liability of educational institutions.

No. 2376192

Which means those institutions don't have to gove a fuck if Timmy the football captain is said to be raping girls at parties.

No. 2376197

Putting liability on educational institutions for sexual crimes was always an excuse to prevent students from being judged outside that system. The universities shouldn't handle sexual assault cases. If they're held liable, they have an incentive to bury cases. Removing liability from schools will make them more likely to be prosecuted.

No. 2376210

I highly doubt that and you're retarded if you think that will happen.

No. 2376216

You doubt it because you don't understand the interplay of our systems or how they function.

No. 2376220

Lmao of course here comes the retarded trumpette to make excuses. He and his administration could literally lower the aoc to fucking 10 years and you maga retards would still be here making excuses and strawmanning (well you would probably like that considering the ammouny of maga pedos). Why do you all sound like npcs? Muh Trump Greenland based. Muh Trump rapist based. Muh Trump tarrifs based, muh Trump government spending based etc etc. He is literally worse now than he was in 2016.

No. 2376221

I didn't vote for trump, I just don't doom and gloom every time he does something even if it's good like a retard. Ironically you're the npc who can't imagine not disagreeing with everything the party you dislike does

No. 2376232

Donald is a literal registered sex offender the literal court of law and Judge confirmed that he raped that woman. This is the type of man you are trying to make excuses for. A man that was confirmed by the law to be a rapist and who has acted inappropriate with underage girls. You are purposely acting like a naive retard (typical maga tactic) not knowing the implications of him lowering the school sexual misconduct rules.

No. 2376238

I love not being lead by the wrong emotions. I honestly hope he starts attacking reproduction rights and does all of those “mean nasty evul fascist things!!!!!!” people keep fearmongering about because actually having a strong leader and not allowing his own citizens to head towards a path of self-destruction is “Nazism” apparently kek. People love being weak, cowardly, fearful, ignorant and self-righteous in this country, just wanting big daddy government to get rid of the evil big mean bad guy like this is a Sesame Street episode. I don’t blame any elites for having such disdain for the masses, you process and view things like a child which puts your own age into question. When you act like a child are you shocked that men want to treat you like one? Have some self-awareness please

No. 2376245

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>donald is a registered sex offender
No he isn’t. Apparently the only thing that connects to these sex crimes is a civil suit case, not a criminal case.
>has acted inappropriately with young girls
Lmfao you think he was the only one? And prop for these things laid out on a table connecting every little single piece of information as undeniable proof?

No. 2376246

i'm not making excuses for donald trump lady, i don't give a shit. i'm explaining why this isn't as bad as people are making it out to be. what, do you just want everyone to start sobbing uncontrollably every time he does something? hilarious that you accuse me of strawmanning (bitch where?) then do exactly that. get a life instead of constantly shitflinging

No. 2376257

Lmao you retard I am literally ex-maga and was his supporter back in 2016. I swear you magatards are all still mentally stuck in 2016 with much "emotions" or "tears" meanwhile the incompetent maga nepotism crowd are about to fuck up the economy and country. Also kek at magatards always being ashamed of admitting they are Trump supporters, you would think if you are supporting the GOOD thing you wouldn't feel so ashamed of admitting it…hmmm

No. 2376258

are you the one in the unpopular opinions thread saying that misogyny is acceptable and women who act like children deserve to be treated like one? i don't care about your political views but your hatred of other women isn't so important that you need to spread it all over /ot/

No. 2376262

>he was only found guilty by a judge civilly s-so t-that makes it better.

>So what if Donald is a creep? Other men are too so who cares.

The current state of magatards… bleak.

No. 2376265

>was an magafag
Never said I was a maga supporter so there’s nothing to be ashamed of. I don’t give a shit about politics and your retarded gas chamber bait ass is one of the reasons why it’s a topic to be avoided with a huge mass of uneducated people who live off of struggle/fear porn. This is now your way of feeling better than others, to be against one alleged rapist amongst the sea of many, oooo you’re so badass anon!!

No. 2376266

ok, so you're literally a projecting trumptard who has to fear monger to get over your guilt of voting for him. i never voted trump, i don't give a shit, stfu

No. 2376268

You’re not going to anything about it because you already assume this isn’t a problem that exists within men. You’ll go and be underneath men who act exactly like Trump and do nothing about it, so please stop pretending you ever cared, this is about worthless virtue signaling which makes it even more pathetic considering we’re all anonymous so you don’t even get anything out of it kek. You’re weak and spineless and you’ll die in your computer chair seething about a man who will only be in office for 4 years and even in his previous term nothing “fascist-like” even happened, proving even more burgerfats have driven that word into the grave and it’s almost becoming as meaningless as accusations of racism.(ban evading personalityfag)

No. 2376269

I didn't vote for him either retard, but I was making excuses for him online the same way you are doing now.

No. 2376272

i'm not making excuses for him idiot, i'm discussing one policy. please get your head out of your ass

No. 2376279

Nta but why are assuming the other anon's sexual life? Are you schizophrenic?

No. 2376280

Kek a whole paragraph to just defend your cucked response of saying that all men are the same so we should elect the most hard-core misogynist and rapey ones because it makes no difference to your basement dweller ass.

No. 2376284

No. 2376285

>You’ll go and be underneath men who act exactly like Trump and do nothing about it, so please stop pretending you ever cared

No. 2376288

>a whole paragraph
Jealous I got a better education than you where I can attempt to write more than a twitter word count because that’s exactly where you likely came from. Not my problem you can’t read and focus for more than 5 minutes, also you’re basically asking your father and male ancestors to become presidents then kek
Yup(ban evading personalityfag)

No. 2376290

Are you going to start seething about abortion again? Just stop being fucking annoying already.

No. 2376293

I mean..I was being generous. It's more like a word salad written by bluechecks on X.
Did something i say struck a nerve for you?
You make a lot of mentally ill projections and word salads, I'm guessing not everything is going well with the men in your life? Maybe you'll get picked soon idk.

No. 2376297

Hey so I recognize you, you are the moid who constantly posts on this thread. Last time you were here you were laroing as a old lady with a dead husband lmfao.(scrotefoiling)

No. 2376304

Why would I “seethe” about something you’re already aware is disgusting? You know your sexual habits are disgusting and impulsive. I don’t have to be mad about anything you do because you know it’s self-harm to fuck men and be around them and that’s why you rally for abortion, to get rid of any painful reminder of your shitty embarrassing choice out of your uterus but for some reason you fuckers go to the clinic, come out of the experience and then go for another round with that pathetic shit again, which makes it hilarious. I don’t blame you one bit for trying to get rid of male goo and residue, but it’s hilarious watching a majority of grown women refuse to become active participants in their lives, many of them live on autopilot and it’s clear because they don’t understand their relations to men is what allows so many young girls to get raped and abused including putting themselves in harms way but that has nothing to do with anything we’re talking about. It’s never going to change, men will always be here to rape/kill/destroy and women will do nothing about it because honestly they enjoy it. There’s nothing to “fix” if they enjoy this game, there’s nothing to rally behind, there’s nothing to support, it’s empty and meaningless if their lifestyles and their lives don’t reflect what they’re trying to change. So yeah that was sperging about abortion because it’s because women only care about keeping the fuck machine going, and that’s why abortions really only matter.(ban evading personalityfag)

No. 2376312

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Take your meds and shut the fuck up.(infighting)

No. 2376313

You wish I was a man. Your brain is occupied by always seeking men and needing their presence which is why you’re constantly thinking so many people on here are males in disguise, ready to come out and pounce at you like this is a cat and mouse game we’re not understanding as observers. It’s clearly a game you enjoy and it’s pathetic, you can’t handle women actually being human and having different thoughts so your mind always goes into the same course of thought: “this must be a man!” Retard.

No. 2376317

Ignoring your schizobabble and weak attempts at roleplaying as a BP feminist aside.

This statement in particular is hilarious:
>It’s never going to change, men will always be here to rape/kill/destroy and women will do nothing about it

Because it applies to YOU the most magaretard.

No. 2376318

You should take your own advice if you’re too ADHD/dopamine-destroyed from chronic internet usage to read a paragraph lmfao

No. 2376319

nyart. didn't read. I ship you with bj chan

No. 2376322

>ignoring your schizobabble
>larping as a BP feminist
You’re exhausting and I don’t care. Go yap to your male about it

No. 2376323

Nah I'm not a moid I don't think as much about the opposite gender the way moids (you) do.
I was just there the previous threads when you got banned and saw your posts.
You seem particularly mentally unwell today, your rapist won, aren't you supposed to be happy instead of seething and molding on a image board?(scrotefoiling)

No. 2376324

I'm too busy having my 80th abortion and crushing it up to put in my blunts!!! I'm smoking unborn dead babies bitch!!! Cry harder.(report and ignore)

No. 2376325

Imagine defending Donny the diddler.

No. 2376326

Wdym i already am talking to a xy defect.

No. 2376327

Anyone itt LOVE abortions? Let's get matching ones!

No. 2376331

why the fuck would I match with your inferior ass abortions. I only have unprotected sex with giant roidpigs so the fetuses have bulging bicep veins at 8 weeks.
I'm not gonna twin with your incel abortions

No. 2376332

Do you think your passive aggression is going to do anything? It’s very clear I’m not mentally unwell, psychotic, schizophrenic, but it sure as hell makes your retardation seem fine since you can constantly “other” people with some actual goddamn sense. If a man called you a schizo you would be crying up the hills because you were victimized!!! but if another woman refuses to play along with your wholesome caring person of the world larp they’re a crazy person that must be excluded, punished and seen as weird, feels exactly like witch-burning energy.

No. 2376340

You sound mentally unwell

No. 2376341

>t. Jealous non abortion haver

No. 2376343

This one was also really bad because it was not long after the plane took off, so the massive explosion was a full tank of jet fuel.

No. 2376349

You seem hurt. Being seen as a mentally ill sperg seems to be something you seem to be experiencing irl too. Poor anon getting othered both IRL and on the net. The retard can't catch a break being a unbearable loser.

>If a man called you a schizo you would be crying up the hills because you were victimized!!!

Not really because I'm not you.

No. 2376350

I actually have a special room in my apartment that showcases my abortions

No. 2376352

That's so cool nonnie I need to get one of those! I can't go a day without my morning and night abortion! It's so refreshing.

No. 2376356

I seriously think a lot of them double down because they know they’re idiots. I have a relative and all he posts is “hurr durr we beat the lefty retards” with no critical thinking whatsoever. They’re all a bunch of immature children just like Trump who think that’s going to matter when everything has gone to shit, and even then they’ll still double down because they genuinely lack brain cells.

No. 2376357

File: 1738422930653.gif (1.33 MB, 600x344, 1000003275.gif)

No. 2376359

I love Abortions!! I love anti-natalism!! I love contributing to low birth rates!!

No. 2376360

incitement to violence isn't protected under the 1st amendment

No. 2376365

I don't really believe its jews but rather zionists have a disgustingly tight foothold on shit in America. Zionists have consolidated a lot of power, meanwhile a jew can just be anyone who is a jew, whether they practice the religion or just have jewish blood in their genetics.
Zionists hide behind anti semitism to cover up for the fact that they actually worked with the nazis in the 30s and 40s, and actually had a chance to save a lot of european jews from the camps but opted for american and british jews instead since a lot of the polish/german jews were broke and less educated.
Zionists are fucking shitheads and America needs to stop paying those sociopathic welfare queens.
>t.anti zionist jew who agrees my religion should be free to be criticized like any other. I also think zionism should be as free for the west to scrutinize as much as sharia law.

No. 2376372

no, but "globalize the intifada" is a direct call for violence, they just use arabic words to obfuscate the meaning

No. 2376374

Can they be charged legally for that? I mean, it's both morally and ethically wrong, but this also feels very fucking illegal. Like actual tiktok brain rot at work. I hope these people rot in hell. A mother and child died.

No. 2376377

You sound retarded. And if you receive federal funding, then it doesn’t work like that. Sorry your activism didn’t succeed.

No. 2376378

I recently looked for pics of Caroline Sunshine, and I'm appalled about how plastic she looks now. She was cute in her Disney Channel days and would look really beautiful now, but she's botched, even when she already looked like the stereotypical Trump supporter and didn't need surgery

No. 2376382

I know we all know someone who voted trump in. whether at work or at a family gathering. cut them off. they don't deserve shit (obviously work is harder but do nothing but talk work related stuff. ignore them otherwise) I hope anyone who voted trump genuinely suffers hellfire. They voted in someone who doesnt give a SHIT about women or POC. holy fuck

No. 2376384

>Zionists hide behind anti semitism to cover up for the fact that they actually worked with the nazis in the 30s and 40s, and actually had a chance to save a lot of european jews from the camps but opted for american and british jews instead since a lot of the polish/german jews were broke and less educated.
Please learn your history… this isn’t accurate at all, despite what you’ve been told. Jews sat in camps for years in Europe because no one wanted them. Yes, some zionists tried to save Jews from the Holocaust by bargaining with the Nazis to get them deported to Israel rather than killed in the gas chambers. I feel sorry for you. They’re not going to pick you.

No. 2376385

"globalize the intifada" is a call for violence outside israel dumb terrorist lover

No. 2376386

Anon, clearly you think any Jewish person who cares about rising antisemitism in America is a Zionist shill. Why would I care about your opinion?

No. 2376387

And the middle class

No. 2376393

Kek, typical /pol/ jewsperger. Thanks for making my point.

No. 2376400

Fuck…this thread (and site) really attracts the most mentally ill 4chan rejects.

No. 2376413

No one is victimizing themselves more than you here lol. It must be hard to be the victim of the evil Jews who rule the world!

No. 2376423

I love how you went from "anti zionism isnt antisemitism" to straight up using antisemitic slurs and parroting anti semitic conspiracy theories kek

No. 2376434

anon i'm sorry but hating and generalizing a whole group of people belonging to a certain ethnic group/race is pretty fucked up. i've seen your sperg outs before, I take it you're black? something tells me you woulnd't like it if someone called you a retarded nigger ape who's genetically predisposed to crime, because that would be an unfair assumption to make about you or any other black person for that matter. no form of racism is okay, nothing is black or white.

No. 2376439

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Tennessee passed a bill that makes it a fucking felony for local officials to enact any "sanctuary city" policies (does tennessee even have any of those?). What I find interesting that's kinda been buried in this that it also requires all immigrants, including lawful immigrants to have only temporary drivers license because "voter fraud". Idk how things are done in tennessee, but there are barcodes on licenses they scan to check eligibility, so what the fuck is this bull shit. Like a lot of trump and magatard stuff it might get shot down federally, but they are really testing all angles to see what sticks.

No. 2376443

>makes a solid argument for why racism is bad in all forms, illustrates it by using an extreme example of the type of shit racists say about black people
> ummm not the heckin internalized racism… chile anyway so

No. 2376448

Report and ignore bait. Anyone engaging with it after this warning will also be banned. Giving them attention just encourages them.

No. 2376511

Waiting for his impeachment. This is actually insane. January JUST ended. He's barely been in office 2 weeks

No. 2376560

Like thats gonna do anything. Dude is gonna try to beat his record from last time.

No. 2376564

ayrt. I'd rather be gassed and die with a shred of honor than be a pickme to zionists

No. 2376565

glad im not going on a plane soon. these crashes are fucking terrifying

No. 2376569

I am vent for a second. I am extremely anxious about what is happening in our govt. Like, holy shit.

No. 2376579

This is going to allow teachers to check kids under their clothes to prove they aren't trans. Men are going to use this to humiliate children and get their rocks off.

No. 2376583

>trump bans dei so now female teachers wont be hired
>its all gross pedo moid teachers
>all to discourage women from getting an education.
I cannot stomach any woman who tries to justify this.

No. 2376593

the dei reversal isn't going to stop most teachers from being women, it's a low-paid job that doesn't exactly require high intellectual capabilities(bait)

No. 2376614

The entirety of America lost and only Israel won. This country is gonna decline fast won't it.
This feels sexist but I couldn't tell you why

No. 2376616

Maybe it's the
>doesn't exactly require high intellectual capabilities

No. 2376621

You should be. The guy in charge of loan funds and banks being unwatched for taking advantage of consumers has been fired.

No. 2376626

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No. 2376656

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Should we be planning a mass suicide or what? This shit is getting to be too much for me to handle.

No. 2376660

Not suicide. Never suicide. Mass homicide, French Revolution style.

No. 2376668

My international friends and I have put all our plans on hold because of it. Worst nightmare would be one of us dying in a crash trying to meet up with another.

No. 2376669

File: 1738435211257.png (322.16 KB, 548x331, gitmo.png)

Same anon. This past week and a half has had me so stressed out that I'm probably going to have a self imposed internet blackout. It's hard because I want to know what's going on and be informed, but at the same time it's been so overwhelming. I know it's been brewing since before his time, but it really all started with George W. Bush and the neocon Project for American Century. The news about Guantanamo Bay made me sick to my stomach and I had to go on a walk around my building at work when I read it. All the environmental protections being lifted is also depressing me. I feel for Alaskans, I can't believe the state is going to turn into a strip mine and an oil rig. Florida will probably become environmentally pillaged, I'm seriously concerned about the Everglades. We already have a retarded governor that wanted to turn protected areas into golf courses, we're completely fucked.

I'm having a hard time not turning to complete escapism. Sage for blogpost

No. 2376673

shut up already

No. 2376683

Foreign anon who said I'll plan a trip to NYC this year, fuck that I changed my mind. I'll stay in Europe and hope for the best, I'll feel slightly safer when travelling by train. I hope you'll all be okay because two plane crashes in one week is insane.

No. 2376702

wtf happened to those nonnas who were all riding Tulsi? They disappeared around the election.

ICE is all over where I live. They are camping out at gas stations, stopping and searching cars, and searching apartment buildings and communities where migrant workers live. The streets are 2/3rds empty. I went to a huge mall yesterday and it's normally wall-to-wall people, but it was dead for a Friday night. The bathroom smelled awful and was a huge mess. It probably had not been cleaned in at least six hours, possibly all day. I think people aren't going to realize the effects of this until their comforts and conveniences are unavailable: no DoorDash deliveries, no Ubers, no guacamole at Chipotle, empty shelves at the supermarket. It's going to be like covid all over again. My friend's moid told me Trump cares about the law and that's why he's deporting all the illegals. I'm just making sure I have enough food for myself and my pets. Russians have reported that under the sanctions the price of pet food and supplies in particular have skyrocketed. Having pets will become a luxury.

No. 2376734

ICE is everywhere in NOVA right now. We have a huge population of Peruvian, el salvadorian, etc
I feel sick to my stomach thinking about how so many of my coworkers and people i see every day are affected by this.

No. 2376736

File: 1738438199991.png (608.82 KB, 862x818, wtf.png)

> Her sixty year old geriatric husband
NTA but holy shit you're right. I had no idea she was married to a grandpa.

No. 2376741

Wow. No one else for this thin lipped bitch to marry, huh?

No. 2376747

I normally dont say this about women but she's a picke so fuck it. She looks really old, legit thought she was in her 40s. Being a pickme must drain the soul out of your body.

No. 2376748

If ICE actually shows up to job or something literally 80% of the workplace is so fucked like I think they’d have to shut down our massive store

No. 2376764

My question is how the hell did they even meet and why couldn't she go for someone around her age? Yikes

No. 2376768

Rumors say Matt pedo Gaetz set them up

No. 2376771

Um…I thought she was in her 30's or somethin but she is 27. That's a huge age age gap with a 60 year old man. This is one of those transactional marriages he gets a young maid and she gets to be the botched press secretary.

No. 2376789

File: 1738440283274.jpeg (473.82 KB, 1074x1273, IMG_1052.jpeg)

Call me retarded but I think she is really gorgeous, I love her apple cheeks in this buccal fat removal world kek

No. 2376792

Everything makes sense now

No. 2376813

donald dump finally did one fucking thing, and he failed. i hope to god tiktok actually does get banned for real in the usa

No. 2376832

the press secretary age/appearance nitpicking (not just on here) is pissing me off. she's wearing heavy makeup for TV cameras like newscasters do, but its even more HD. that shit always makes women look older, she's pretty and looks her age

No. 2376836

I hate it too, it’s not like she’s an actress or model. She’s just a regular woman working a job like the rest of us

No. 2376855

am i nuts for feeling like my life is sort of over because of this shit? i'm really never going to be able to move out and live my life unless i get like five roommates am i

No. 2376864

a lot of people are forgetting that the ban is only lifted for 75 days, after that its bye bye tiktok

No. 2376866

i can only pray this is true

No. 2376884

I've been feeling that way too honestly. For other reasons, but current events is really hammering it home.

No. 2376887

I work for a construction-adjacent company and a huge amount of our workers are here illegally. The owners and a bunch of the higher ups are huge Trumpers and they're fucked if ICE starts showing up. As long as I live I will never understand how someone can run an entire company based on the work of illegal immigrants and then explicitly vote to have them all deported.

No. 2376897

do you know if they thought the deportation was real or are they the type of trumpers who thought he was talking a big game and bluffing? The latter would make sense for those types since I could see them wanting to keep illegal immigrants scared and keep their pay as low as possible.

No. 2376899

They want to pay them even less that’s why, if they’re scared and in hiding they’ll probably accept shittier pay as long as they’re safe

No. 2376932

no way out but for him and vance to die i guess. i so rarely pray but i'm praying hard for it, please let them both get bombed or something. legally speaking this is a joke

No. 2376945

Cant vote the way you want now. Pssed the house and senate. We are fucked. Forever.

No. 2376947

No. 2376948

Please tell me their name and I'll call ICE. I love seeing Trump voters fuck themselves over. They only learn when the bad things happen to them too.

No. 2376951

Isn't this the little bitch that whined about not having good vegan options in prison?

No. 2376956

Who are they?

No. 2376973

Nonas I’m flying domestically next week and internationally a few weeks after. I’m just getting on the planes and hoping for the best. Even if I die in a crash atleast I won’t have to live through this timeline anymore and won’t have to go to work every day anymore I guess. I’m also hesitant to put my life on pause, might as well do things that bring me happiness if this is as good as it will get for the foreseeable future.

No. 2377001

As far as I know, most of them thought it was real. It would make more sense if they thought he was bluffing, but no, these people are just dumb as fuck. Tariffs and deportations are going to fuck us so hard.
ICE will show up eventually anyway, I'm sure. Last time Trump was in office I was at a different company, same industry, and ICE would occasionally just show up in the parking lot or parked nearby unannounced. Our guys would just hide in the building all day and we'd have to call all our clients and make up an excuse for the delays to the work that day.

No. 2377012

I work in the environmental sector and shit is looking horrific.

No. 2377015

File: 1738448149771.webp (83.18 KB, 862x575, IMG_2145.webp)

It’s the Qanon shaman guy.

No. 2377019

She's hardly a civilian and was definitely picked for the job because of her age and being a blonde woman with this current admin. As a woman I want to say her appearance shouldn't matter and she doesn't deserve the scrutiny but no one signing up to be a mascot and mouthpiece for our current shitshow of a government is due any grace or solidarity.

No. 2377040

They just didn't think mass deportation applies to them. The vast, vast majority of immigrants in my area are TPS - temporary protected status, meaning they can immigrate into the country and live and work fairly normally, but that status can be revoked at any time. The moid who murdered Laken Riley was TPS, not illegal. The vast majority of the Haitian gang members are TPS or the children of TPS immigrants. They didn't come into the country through the Mexican border; they came on planes, to live with relatives that were already here under TPS status. They think TPS makes them untouchable, but Trump is already revoking their status and beginning to deport them, too. This will absolutely decimate where I live. Venezuelans are first on the chopping block because of Laken Riley and because Trump wants people to forget that he's the one that extended them TPS status in the first place. I can't say I'm 100% against all of it, but the immigrants who voted for Trump (a LOT) of them just think that those "other people" will be deported, not them. Immigrants tend to be more conservative than the general population, not less, and we're seeing the results now. But what the magats don't realize is that they are deporting a lot of their potential voter base, too.

No. 2377075

>being a pickme must drain the soul out of your body
Unironically this is true. It gives you a male soul which destroys natural female beauty. It's like that Rhol Dahl image. But instead of evil thoughts it's male thoughts (same thing)

No. 2377130

I was thinking about getting a government job for long term security and now I'm really not feeling it, unless it's specifically for my state's government because they're blue

No. 2377212

File: 1738457361126.mp4 (745.94 KB, 638x360, ZZYE0Tm.mp4)

>our secretary of health

No. 2377216

What the actual fuck is happening here? He looks like he’s about to explode. Can a medical anon spoonfeed me?

No. 2377223

he is saying obese Americans belong in the circus

No. 2377230

wtf does his gigaboomer ass think youtube is?

No. 2377236

File: 1738458535235.gif (146.33 KB, 220x118, inside RFKjrs head.gif)

IDK but I know RFK actually has a brain worm (specifically a pork tapeworm that ate part of his brain. Look it up).
Pretty sure the real RFK died years ago and what you are seeing is his brain worm parasite controlling him. The covid vax would have 100% killed the worm..

No. 2377238

anon are you ok?

No. 2377241

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No. 2377244

File: 1738458877429.webp (118.24 KB, 1000x2258, MrBoss.webp)

It's bad enough that we have to listen to Trump's droning speeches and look at his nasty puckered anus mouth for the next 4 years, I can't handle having to listen to this Mr Boss/suckling pig hybrid rambling like he's talking underwater through a ceiling fan as well. He had a brain that was so worm infested that it made him literally retarded. So sick of hearing about DEI when they hired a literal sped as health secretary. We live in hell.

No. 2377292

Burger nonnas, do we all need to get vpns? Worried I'll wind up on a list for being active in abortion rights communities

No. 2377318

VPNs will send your shit to the feds without a second thought, if they ask for it. Plus, I read somewhere that they're all owned by the same megacorp which has a shitty track record with handling its user data. We might just be fucked.

No. 2377324

File: 1738465207722.jpeg (567.48 KB, 3072x1924, IMG_3259.jpeg)

We’re really supposed to believe she’s only 27?

No. 2377327

Nicole Kidman if her face was melting off

No. 2377330

Don't worry about your computer, anon. If the government really gets serious about moving against people working on abortion rights, they will infiltrate those groups and/or blackmail or bribe people who are already in it to get names. If you want to protect yourself from a half ass govt investigation, then just use Tor.

No. 2377333

Plastic surgery will fuck your ass up. I saw an anachan who was addicted to plastic surgery. She was like 21 or 23 or some shit but looked 50

No. 2377334

Nicole's face is in fact melting off but she still looks 1000x better

No. 2377335

Oh, wow. I had to google this one to make sure you weren't trolling. I 100% thought she was like a young-looking 40. Oof

No. 2377336

maybe if a 27 year old never drank water or ever used moisturizer. they have incentive to lie about her age

No. 2377357

VPNs do not anonymize you and are not meant to. If you want to be truly anonymous online you have to use tor. As >>2377318 said all VPN providers will send info to law enforcement if asked. That said some VPN services are better than others. Vidrel is useful if you want to learn more

No. 2377406

Forget YouTube, America has become a circus

No. 2377435

what shit should i be buying now before the tariffs hit?

No. 2377437

File: 1738473407088.png (1.13 MB, 998x1012, Screen Shot 2025-02-01 at 9.16…)

I really dont understand why we're having a trade war with Canada???

No. 2377441

File: 1738473892253.png (188.64 KB, 1100x979, 5Gdlngk.png)

china wins regardless

No. 2377442

I’m really confused by the Canada tariff what are even the short term benefits?

No. 2377443

none. its absolute retardation just like when he paused federal funding and then rescinded it. i have a feeling it won't happen

No. 2377444

A car I guess? I think the main impact will be natural gas and like car gas going up

No. 2377445

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No. 2377447

This looks very helpful but do you have a key for all the little symbols

No. 2377448

save your money, you'll need it for food

No. 2377450

Because trump hurt his fee-fees. And wants their land. He's not going to outright say it, but he wants to confquer shit.

No. 2377488

Abolishing the FDIC is in project 2025 btw

No. 2377502

it makes sense because trump believes that the alphabet agencies were behind his assassination attempt.

No. 2377570

That's not even a "young looking" 40. Maybe a "young looking" 50, at best.

No. 2377580

New computer/PC parts, do it now or you're stuck with shitty PC for next 4 years.

No. 2377606

File: 1738493330950.jpeg (487.59 KB, 952x1232, IMG_9854.jpeg)

This is so surreal kek

No. 2377640

This is surreal, but I gotta be honest… I kinda missed the bitchy @WhiteHouse twitter. More official accounts should behave like fandom bloggers with <200 followers.

No. 2377650

Most likely they themselves voted for it.

No. 2377751

File: 1738507227093.jpg (442.63 KB, 1149x1700, 1000007858.jpg)

I'm having such a hard time with all this. I just had a daughter, bought a house, and work in a partially govt funded org that trump already hates but hasn't targeted yet.

I don't want my baby around my family who voted for these fucks - they have been gaslighting me and saying I'm overreacting and my daughter will be fine but I know I'm not (we aren't white). How are we all coping with this? Are you all going no contact (I'm already low contact)? Starting over in another country seems unrealistic as the entire world is becoming more racist and sexist.

I've never felt more bleak, I feel so stupid for bringing a girl into this… I really thought Harris would win.

No. 2377781

You and your daughter will be physically fine. It's very difficult to start over in another country, and I suspect that other countries with a high quality of life will start limiting visas for Americans. A lot of Americans have been moving abroad anyway, even before all this, since wfh became more popular.

Limit your spending and make sure you have stockpiles of necessary food, cleaning and household supplies, and pet food if you have pets. Make sure your things are repaired and maintained rather than buying new. I really don't think the tariffs are going to last long, but you want to hope for the best, prepare for the worst. If these people have their way, there will be shortages, possibly worse than there was during covid.

You're not being alarmist, but you also shouldn't worry about things you cannot control. These people came to power through fraud and theft and those of us that recognize that are just along for the ride, unfortunately. If the tariffs get too bad and too many people are deported, there will be a cascade effect that will affect all aspects of the economy. I don't think Trump and his people are fully prepared for what that means in terms of civil unrest. He can't control the military if he's not paying them, either, and shitting all over them, calling them DEI hires and such. But I really don't think it will get there. Congress has been oddly silent, even the GOP who are normally all over X sucking his tiny dick. They know it's their asses on the line if all this goes upside-down.

Trump is a 78-year-old man with dementia who is being used as a puppet by the worst people in the world. But the good part is that they're not popular and they know it. That's why they have to lie to people, steal elections, and use propaganda. But this isn't the 1930s anymore, either. We do have the benefit of history, and Americans are used to their comforts and are not going to be willing to sacrifice that for some greater good.

No. 2377794

I’m a single woman with no kids but I’ve been wondering the same thing. What can we even do at this point? I was so excited to vote for Harris and dodge Project 2025–I thought most people understood what was at stake with the second Trump presidency. But no, it was all “Project 2025 isn’t real!!!” Kek. And people were actually stupid enough to think that Trump was going to make egg prices cheaper while also overlooking that sleepy Joe Biden did get us out of the Covid mess & and the Fed under him managed to push back a recession. How did people forget how poorly Trump handled COVID and his election loss?
Imo we literally can’t win. All of our data will be more surveillanced than ever because of the tech billionaires now being in direct cahoots with the gov. Look no further than the Russian oligarchs if you want to know about what our country is going to look like. We should be taking to the streets and protesting to save democracy, but that’s also exactly what Trump wants so he can officially declare martial law.
I still can’t believe people voted for the guy who said he was going to fire everyone in the government who was “disloyal” and replace them with “loyalists” aka the Jan 6th “patriots”. How is it that we have the most accessibility to readily see all of his policies and yet people STILL voted for this? For fucking groceries that are going to be more expensive than ever and taxes that will increase for everyone except the elite. Whether it’s stupidity or apathy, this country is so so fucked. I used to want kids but now I can’t see myself having any.
And I’m white btw but am I the only one who got an incredibly sick feeling seeing that Trump barred MLK Jr. day? I know there were other holidays that he barred as well but MLK Jr day feels historical to me (or represents a greater historic feat for our country). Like when I saw that I just knew that this time around they are going full mask-off white supremacist.

No. 2377813

Is anyone keeping up with the illegal federal agency shutdowns? USAID was just shut down. None of the shut downs have passed congress, therefore these shutdowns are illegal. There will be a government shutdown in a few months iirc, they are trying to force all federal workers into resigning. This is insane. Apparently there has already been a suicide due to losing livelihood. I've been following r/fednews like a hawk and it's looking so bleak. Recently a federal program for disadvantaged children under 5 has frozen in my area, and not only that but the workers aren't being paid because their employers cannot access the federal funding for employment due to the freeze. People don't know what to do, children and the elderly are going to suffer so bad from this, as well as the people helping to better society. This is insane.

No. 2377818

Pretty much the same situation here. Having a daughter, bought a house, work for the government and husband is a government contractor. My parents and in laws support this despite… also being employed by the government. My husband still wants contact with them but I'm beyond disgusted and don't really want to talk to them at all or tell them that I'm pregnant. I cried a couple of times already about getting pregnant and having a girl at this time.
We're tentatively making plans. Not necessarily to move out ASAP but to make sure we know what we may have to do if x y or z event happens. We've booked a vacation to a country that allows abortions in the 2nd trimester, in case I need to abort. That's all we can do for now.

No. 2377819

Is there anything that can come of these shutdowns if they’re illegal? Hoping for the best, but he has a lot of people protecting him.

No. 2377823

The people hope-posting in r/fednews says the shutdowns will be turned over at some point, considering they didn't pass congress. They're moving very fast though, and some people have said that with this the lightest penalty would be impeachment. But we know that won't happen. This is so fucked up. There would be droves of people screaming for impeachment if Obama or Biden did this. I really can't believe this shit.

No. 2377848

Not that I'm defending his shitty behavior, but Trump didn't ban MLK day, or Juneteenth, or Hispanic Heritage Month, or even Pride. He just issued a decree stating that they cannot be openly celebrated in federal buildings through flags and banners and parties. Executive Orders like that are of deeply questionable legality anyway. A lot of this is going to court - constitutional lawyers are going to make bank, I'm considering a career change. Trump is not king and our constitution is built on the branches of government working together. Even his beloved Supreme Court won't back everything he's trying to do, or even most of it.

It's okay to be scared, but you also need to put yourselves and your family first. I do not believe we are headed for civil war or even martial law. Look at what just happened in South Korea when their president tried to declare martial law - it only lasted a few hours before he was out on his ass, and arrested a few days later.

Historically, authoritarian leaders who acted too insane were killed by mobs of their own people. I'm not saying this is going to happen to Trump - I think it's likely he's going to have a stroke before anything else - but what is going to bring him down are the people with whom he has allied himself. Bezos isn't going to do well when people can't afford the Chinesium off his website anymore, and we've already seen what has happened with X and Tesla.

No. 2377863

>Look at what just happened in South Korea when their president tried to declare martial law - it only lasted a few hours before he was out on his ass, and arrested a few days later.

They wouldn't even hold Trump accountable for the many crimes he did when Biden was in office. He's not going to be held responsible for ANYTHING now that Republicans control everything. He's been doing illegal shit 24/7 since the inauguration and his fanbase loves it.

No. 2377891

Anon Trump will most likely not die or be killed by a mobile of his own people unfortunately.

No. 2377911

idk why everyone is focusing so much on banning the monthly celebration events still. they are not that big a of a deal. He did a lot more than just that. He's also banning all the employee support groups. like the federal office's women's groups, disability resource groups, etc.,. Workplace discrimination is still rampant and now people won't have the means to organize. That is terrible.
Also. Re:Korea. I have zero hope that your average military grunt is actually going to go against Trump orders. Korea's military's full of conscripts who don't want to be there and are probably a bit more motivated against carrying out illegal orders. Our military is full of volunteers, most of whom support Trump no matter how much he already denigrated them. I don't have faith in them standing up to him. I also have zero hope in the GOP ever standing up to him again. None of them like Elon Musk and yet none of them batted a single eyelash when he invaded our Treasury's payment system. Giving access to Treasury's system (which distributes our tax refunds, social security, disability, grants, etc., etc.,) to some unelected, unvetted, drugged out illegal immigrant and his unelected, unvetted 19yr old cronies would be considered treason in a still-functioning country.

No. 2377916

from what I understand trump is fucking with feds and veterans as well so they're really not happy about it.

No. 2377924

Mostly banning the celebration events is part of the bigger picture, it's to pressure feds to resign so they can be replaced with Elon's world.

No. 2377947

File: 1738515398903.gif (96.5 KB, 220x220, 1000009392.gif)

Ty for this. I only hear alarmist stuff from irl friends or straight up denial. I have already stopped spending but I will take these steps too. I've been doing really good at keeping it together and being the strong one in the family (my husband is very worried) but reading the title it was the last straw for my sanity last night.

We will get through this, fuck project 2025.

No. 2377953

>the entire world is becoming more racist
Why not just move to Africa?(bait)

No. 2377960

Man, why do you have to be like this?

No. 2377972

stop being annoying, jesus fuck

No. 2377982

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No. 2377983

She wants to move, but is worried about racism and Africa is home of black people, that should be an ideal place for her to be, so i don't understand what's your problem. Please explain yourselves.(bait)

No. 2377985

why the fuck would you have a kid in this world? are you that selfish?(infighting)

No. 2377999

Just report retarded infight bait.
Anyway, >>2377982 this stupid orange faggot is fucking up the government so fucking bad. This isn't about beef with our NEIGHBORING countries and our ALLIES, it's about funneling money into the pockets of his rich billionaire cocksucking fag friends. There is NO reason to terminate and force federal workers into resignation other than the sweet savings in his corrupt fucking pocket. Fuck this fag and may the American people wake up from our lazy, complacent state of being.

No. 2378001

Great video about the overarching dystopian plans put forth by tech bros who are within trumps circle

No. 2378007

I'm praying that the tech industry suffers massive, unrelenting blows after this presidency.

No. 2378020

I genuinely hope that enough people are turned off by techbro antics that they unplug from all unnecessary tech as backlash. Unlikely, but a nonna can dream.

No. 2378024

why should a 10th generation American give up her home because of some retard racists? This is her country too

No. 2378062

Curtis Yarvin was a common name in rationalist and EA circles, lots more stuff on him in the /snow/ circle

No. 2378085

I'm not the one who expressed a desire to escape racism, why are you asking me?

No. 2378091

I want all of big tech to be broken up and Musk rotting in jail.

No. 2378099

same. I genuinely believe social media needs to be purged. Unfortunately, it's also critical for organizing purposes. But the big companies like Google and Meta should be subject to stronger monopoly laws. Part of why we've gotten into this mess is that the government has been overly permissive when it comes to tech, giving them huge tax breaks and the ability to borrow money at ridiculously low interest rates. It dates all the way back to the Obama years. Well, look what they've done with it - made people dumber, spread propaganda, indoctrinated kids with tranny and political bullshit, and now taken over the US government.

Amazon has been the hardest for me since they specialize in somewhat obscure items. I'm just ordering from them as little as I possibly can. I still have a few services. I think their main source of revenue now is Amazon Web Services, which apparently controls 30 to 40% of the internet and streaming services now. That shit should not be legal.

No. 2378101

What the fuck do we even do? I have never felt so hopeless before. 4 years is such a long time and by then we might not even be a democracy anymore. It feels like all of my dreams for adulthood are dead.

No. 2378152

File: 1738524411997.jpg (299.43 KB, 3052x1788, GiyiEQ8XYAAov3Q.jpg)

He has lost it for good

No. 2378156

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>We don't need anything they have.

No. 2378161

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these sound like retarded 4chan shitposts

No. 2378173

Omfg I don't want to go to needless wars over issues we don't even have.

No. 2378184

This tariff shit trade war retardation makes me want to kill myself. I can't help but feel doomed by it all

No. 2378186

I know that Mexicans only come to America because it’s the closest country.

No. 2378202

I hope that Kamala Harris is out there living her best life right now

No. 2378209

I hope china wins I don’t care anymore, fuck this country.

No. 2378215

Comments like this always annoy me slightly, if you hate the U.S. so much and want China to overthrow so bad, why not go to China?

No. 2378218

Look me straight in the eye and tell me America is a great country.

No. 2378226

why isn't anyone in the republican party wrangling this guy

No. 2378230

Because they agree with him (at least as long as it keeps their wallets fat).

No. 2378236

they are sycophants and know that the republican base is now a huge portion rabid magatards and fear pissing them off. they might wait til the tides have turned against trump (maybe) but by then it'll be too late anyways.

No. 2378237

Because they all want to destroy our country

No. 2378250

Either they are sycophants or know the plan. Crash the economy, buy everything cheap, print money to bring it back up and then blame it on the the left.

No. 2378273

Kek nonnie. Got a chuckle out of me.

No. 2378276

Canucks better stay strong. I hope they for real just nuke our power and energy. Fuck the orange faggot retard.

No. 2378281

America is a great country and I love living here. If you hate the U.S. so much and want China to overthrow so bad, why not go to China and live the life you’re dreaming of?

No. 2378282

Can canada please annex the Great Lakes region? Please?

No. 2378284

America is going to be in some bad shambles in a fee months, so I don't know anon. Seems like shits only going to start sucking really bad.

No. 2378286

This is the America thread, take any Canada loving to the corresponding thread

No. 2378289

I didn't love Canada I just said I hope they fuck the orange fag in the ass.

No. 2378291

I don’t know how old you are anon, but that is what everyone has said after every single election for the last 40 years. So, I’ve come to take it with a grain of salt kek

No. 2378294

All you retards being willfully ignorant to what is about to go down in this country and still doing the murica act are hilarious. It’s over, just focus on protecting yourself and your loved ones. Stock up, conserve your money and resources, buy a gun if you don’t already have one.

No. 2378296

>what is about to go down in this country
When it’s 2028 and literally nothing has happened for the last 4 years I hope you’re able to breathe a sigh of relief anon

No. 2378299

>focus on protecting yourself and your loved ones. Stock up, conserve your money and resources
Isn't this just commonsense advice regardless of current political state?

No. 2378302

Trump just added an additional $575 in taxes to all taxpayers in my state KEK. HOLY FUCK. I actually know people who voted for him FOR LOWER TAXES including my retarded parents. Holy shit. If my state doesn't swing the fuck around I will be stunned. This is going to fucking suck so bad.

No. 2378303

Which state nona? I googled $575 taxes and couldn’t find any news outlet articles

No. 2378307

You are watching your country get dismantled in real time and still choose to be blind.

No. 2378310

what should I do if I want to get a gun, but have suicidal tendencies and should probably not get a gun?

No. 2378311

What are you talking about though? What is dismantling the country right now? Are you referring to mass deportations or what exactly?

No. 2378314

It's Wisconsin, and my numbers are off it's more equivalent to $520. He imposed a 1.575 billion dollar tax on Wisconsin yesterday, we heavily depend on exports and imports to and from Canada. Northern Wisconsin is going to get fucked up the ass in energy bills since they get all their energy from Canada. Wisconsin is going to be royally, ROYALLY fucked. It's not a joke.

No. 2378315

nayrt but only get a gun after you've sorted your suicidal ideation. been there. it's not safe to have weapons in the home when you're actively at risk of using them on yourself so heal yourself first and then get a gun when you're ready for it. you can do it, i believe in you nonna

No. 2378316

buy a big stick

No. 2378318

nta but probably the trying to force a bunch of federal employees to resign, telling the CDC to stop working with the WHO, the cutting of funding of federal programs, oh and the new tariffs / trade war with Canada and Mexico

No. 2378319

The federal government is quite literally being dismantled.

No. 2378320

seconding this. love my big headbonker staffs and they're hard to use against yourself

No. 2378321

Top kek the typical retarded American being ignorant to the shit happening in their own government. We need free school, school reform, and extra funding for public schools so we can stop this retard epidemic.

No. 2378322

Cause people are getting fired? That happens every year though anon, and we never see anyone throwing a big stink about those who lost their jobs under Obama and Joey

Ah I wouldn’t consider the trade tariffs to be a big deal. That just means stuff you buy from Mexico and Canada will be more expensive than American goods, which shouldn’t be an issue so long as you buy American products.

No. 2378323

Fixing the schools can’t deal with the overwhelming mass of retarded adults unfortunately.

No. 2378327

NTA but I’m aware of what’s currently happening in our country anon kek, I’m just not seeing these changes as things that are dismantling our country or hurting us.

No. 2378330

School reform will take 10-15 years to show effects. There's issues that need fixing now

No. 2378332

Stop baiting, Obama and Sleepy Joe did not try to force federal workers into resignation, they didn't freeze federal workers' salaries, they didn't plan a government shut down to force federal workers into bankruptcy so they can resign. Do not be retarded about this.

No. 2378334

School reform isn’t happening anyway because he’s trying to shut down the dept of education too lmao

No. 2378335

60% of our oil is imported from Canada, hope you don't drive

No. 2378336

NTA, but also read the amerifag threads for more news. Also know people mean trump and the political climate he is allowing. we have avian bird flu decimating our poultry and egg industry and yet federal notices to the public is still paused. rw states are emboldened to try and pass crazy bills like the death penalty for anyone who gets an abortion in south carolina i believe, the anti-masturbation bill somewhere else (i care less, cuz it mostly effects males), not to mention tariffs which will raise prices when one of the reasons Trump got elected is a lot of Americans are still feeling the pinch of the inflation we already have. and that's just what's been going on in the last two-ish weeks of his presidency.

No. 2378338

>Obama and Sleepy Joe did not try to force federal workers into resignation
You’re right they didn’t try to force them to resign, they just terminated them. Do none of you remember 2009-2012? It wouldn’t surprise me if some of you weren’t even cognizant during those years, if you were alive kek

No. 2378340

It has already hurt states DEPENDENT on Canadian exporting and importing. You are fucking retarded. Those states will suffer and it's not hinging on "oh just buy Mexican, retards!" When these Canadian export and import dependent states have been dependent for fucking decades. These people will be hurting, your state will be hurting from the forcing of federal agencies to shut down (ILLEGALLY MIGHT I ADD, it is illegal as it has not been approved by congress). Stop being a fag.

No. 2378341

I personally do not drive cause I live in a super walkable city and I think it’s something Americans can benefit from! Ditch the car. That’s what’s making so many Americans so fucking obese.

No. 2378342

Some people have jobs 30 minutes away with no reliable public transport. Like are you joking.

No. 2378345

What states are fully dependent on Canadas graces kek? Also
>Stop being a fag
A fag is a homosexual man. Being a happy American doesn’t change my sex and sexuality, anon. Kek

No. 2378346

kek ok yeah let me just go rebuild the city I live in real fucking quick. Also you realize most of America is built to be drivable-only because oil companies?

No. 2378347

More of a vent, but the most annoying thing about everything right now is seeing people say "why aren't the democrats doing anything???!!?!?". Hmm, I wonder why the party with no power in any branch isn't doing anything. Very curious indeed.

No. 2378349

You could always migrate anon, when you’re old enough(baiting)

No. 2378350

Legitimate question, what do you propose for Americans outside of large cities? Only one cluster of small towns in my state has a shuttle service afaik, and it's just not feasible to do that for the more isolated towns.

No. 2378352

Oh it’s you again, let me guess you also buy all you produce from the farm next to your walkable city and every product you have ever used in your life is made in America.

No. 2378353

The midwest is heavily, not fully (I know us Amerifags struggle with reading comprehension so I just had to clarify) dependent on Canadian imports and exports. The rustbelt is also dependent on Canadian exports and imports.

No. 2378359

Report and ignore the baiting retard

No. 2378360

By car, the closest grocery store is 17 minutes away and the closest gas station is 8 minutes away. Trust me, if I could walk I would kek.

No. 2378361

Whoops, thought it was real. Sorry and thanks nonna.

No. 2378364

File: 1738531153516.jpg (17.42 KB, 480x360, 303441521-480px.jpg)

Can we get a non-politics Amerifag thread? I wanna talk about other stuff. Like the best state bird. I like Connecticuts.
Making this the politics thread would probably invite /pol/ trolls though.

No. 2378365

If you’re living in a city or town where you’re not happy and oil costs a million dollars a gallon, I recommend moving.
I wish there were farms I could walk to kek, that would be a dream
Which Midwestern states are you referring to? I spent quite a bit of my life in IL and other than Canadian oil I can’t think of any Canadian products I grew up buying and using
Anon, being happy and feeling comfortable and like you’re living a beneficial, productive life in your country isn’t bait. Wanting to discuss other users thoughts with them so I can better understand their point of view also isn’t bait. The original anon I responded to claimed she believed that America is going to be dismantled, and I wanted to understand what was making her (and other nonnies) feel that way.(baiting)

No. 2378368

Damn. Is that what Southern America is like? Kek I’ve never been to Texas or any of the other more fields states so I wasn’t aware that it’s so much harder to live there

No. 2378369

People can't just move, there are people who can't just quit their job and give up their healthcare just to live in a walkable city. Stop being a retarded faggot.

No. 2378370

And when they try to help you understand, you shit on their experiences with "Well why don't you just live like I live??"

No. 2378371

genuine question, do you have a job or any hobby other than posting here? Talk about being a waste of oxygen.
nta but yeah it's that moid who is addicted to this thread, he is also the one who once pretended to be a old lady with a dead husband.(scrotefoiling)

No. 2378372

Robins are such a gorgeous bird, I see them all the time. If I had to pick a favorite I'd say the Eastern Bluebird.

No. 2378373

Anon you’re acting as if you can’t get a new job and get on their healthcare benefits…if you don’t want to put the energy and effort into doing that I completely understand, however you’re absolutely not chained down to any particular state. We’re living in a time where you can do your job interviews over video chat and then move into a new state with a new home and new job where you think your life will be happier.(baiting)

No. 2378374

The anon you're replying to subsists off (you)s, report and ignore

No. 2378377

File: 1738531591397.jpg (143.94 KB, 1200x900, cactuswren.jpg)

Didn't know what my state bird even was. Look at this cute little chirp!

No. 2378378

It's crazy I know, but some insurances don't cover life-saving medication or supplies like insulin pumps or insulin, or inhalers or epipens. There are people who need some medication to live, and some insurances DO NOT COVER that medication or the doctors they have to see to renew their life-saving medication. You realize what a gamble healthcare insurance is, right? Dumbass.

No. 2378380

>Is that what Southern America is like
How would you know what region I'm in?

No. 2378383

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spoken like a true worthless neet moid. Eitherway PSA to other anons to just ignore and report this known thread baiter.

No. 2378385

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I honestly think keeping this all amerifag, politics or no, cuz cute questions like this I think would be helpful for the really stressed doomer nonnies (i say this with love to the fellow ameri-nonnies cuz i understand). Personally I like the Chickadee, cute bird and cute name.

No. 2378386

Yes I do have my own life anon kek, but…it’s also 1:00pm on a sunday, so…most people are just at home right now…also
>pretended to be an old lady with a dead husband
? Where did this come from. I don’t understand why it is that whenever other anons disagree with what someone is saying or suggestions they’re making, especially when communicating in a relaxed manner with a kind rhetoric, they turn their backs and accuse you of either being a male or one of the many personalityfags.

No. 2378387

You know they will.

No. 2378390

So, the reason why you feel as though you can’t get a new job with a new healthcare plan is because you fear that the new plan won’t cover your medications?

No. 2378391

Just moved into my first apartment right after quitting my job. I have been applying to new jobs since

No. 2378392

yes, sherlock with down-syndrome.

No. 2378393

Anyway I think I will go and start volunteering at women's shelters. Recent events have moved me. I don't want to be a loser sitting on my ass and doing nothing when I know I could be doing something.

No. 2378394

>it’s also 1:00pm on a sunday
>PT zone
Oh. The obnoxiousness makes sense now.

No. 2378395

File: 1738531893705.jpg (163.71 KB, 798x1096, TR-Enviro.JPG)

These birds are so beautiful. As a kid I would mimic chickadees because their call is so cute. I miss when America had a real spirit for conservationism.

No. 2378397

Fucking duh Einstein.

No. 2378399

You can always take the time to go over the healthcare plan with your new employer, everyone reading this: please try not to let anxiety about healthcare coverage stop you from living your life or trying to start a new part of your life in a new home.

No. 2378401

You don't get that some people have chronic conditions that impede their life in a way that they can't even think of taking the risk.

No. 2378404

nta but you really are a faggot, gross(infighting)

No. 2378408

i was gonna say its stupid to cut family off because of political shit if they arent abusive but the way you worded it made it sound like they are. um. if its any consolation most people remember nothing about the first 4 years of their lives?

No. 2378409

Ok well my apologies but I only know what anons share in their comments, and when responding I’m usually just imagining an average individual, so when she mentioned inhalers and epipens I didn’t necessarily envision a lady who is so ill she can’t move states or get a new job. And not to sound rude but, most Americans are not so physically unhealthy/so chronically ill that they can’t travel, and again like I said I was just imagining an average American

No. 2378410

im not the healthcare anon you retarded fuck, just bored of your constant baiting and slowness, you're not even a good at baiting and you act like pavlovs dog when you hear the word abortion kek.

No. 2378413

Should all the people in states dependent on Canada's exports move to a different state? Yes or no.

No. 2378414

just because you have no connections or responsibilities that tie you to one place, doesn't mean that's true for everyone. I am begging you to shut up, you really aren't helping anybody itt.

No. 2378415

I wonder why it is that when some anons see an opinion they disagree with (that isn’t even that controversial or unpopular in the real world) you immediately screech
Also what does abortion have to do with this? We’re talking about moving states?

No. 2378417

kek dear god someone please stick this pig

No. 2378418

File: 1738532515976.jpg (594.3 KB, 2048x2048, northern-cardinal.jpg)

I really dislike how popular the Northern Cardinal is. It's a unique looking bird, don't get me wrong, but seven (7) states claim his red pepper looking ass.

No. 2378420

That depends on a wide variety of factors, are they happy living in that state and feel fine continuing to pay for Canadas goods? Then they should stay there, if they so please. But if you aren’t happy where you live and do not want to live there, then you should leave.

No. 2378422

ntayrt but this makes me want to double down and be petty and only buy foreign goods, stop buying American lol

No. 2378424

My posts aren’t really meant to be taken as advice, they’re just my opinion and any questions I have

No. 2378425

How do you feel abortion? I just had my 7th.(baiting)

No. 2378426

you're a shit liar, and you're a shit person too(infighting)

No. 2378427

Uh do you need some herbal tea or something anon

No. 2378429

anon, i want to believe you really are just ignorant but otherwise well intentioned. Depending on the job it can take 5 or more months to secure a new job, lots of jobs will not pay relocation costs, so you'd have to have enough money for moving your belongings, potentially selling your home or breaking a lease, the cost of finding a new place to live, not to mention if you have a family, what a big move means for your own partner's employment, family and support network you have near you, and changing schools for your kid, if you have one. I agree it's not impossible, but also don't be so fucking cavalier thinking it's as easy as "just get a new job", packing 1 suitcase and jetting away, let alone if you (or your family) has specific health concerns so therefore no one should have any concerns whatsoever about what's happening politically.

No. 2378430

there's no way trump isn't getting impeached, right? surely even magatards see how stupid it is to start a pointless trade war with our closest neighbors. like surely they can reason out "ohh okay i thought trump was going to make groceries cheaper but erm actually he's taking steps to ensure shit becomes scarce and more expensive…?" yeah?

No. 2378432

He's pulling illegal moves, the logical thing would be impeachment. But you know American politics.

No. 2378434

it's embarrassing how not a single anon has agreed with your 'opinions' kek

No. 2378436

they're all sucking him off

No. 2378439

Nothing will happen. He got away with Jan 6 and he’ll get away with this.

No. 2378441

>I agree it's not impossible, but also don't be so fucking cavalier thinking it's as easy as "just get a new job", packing 1 suitcase and jetting away, let alone if you (or your family) has specific health concerns so therefore no one should have any concerns whatsoever about what's happening politically.

You’re right anon I probably have made myself sound mildly ignorant to other peoples struggles, and I will keep it real I never really took into consideration how hard it could be to find a new job in a new location because my family has moved around so many times and when I was young my parents never made it sound like it was hard to find new help with their work. Piling the difficulty of finding a new job on top of having a disability/extreme illness wasn’t really what I was imagining when thinking of leaving your state to move to a better home since that was never my experience so I do apologize if I made myself sound out of touch

No. 2378442

I beg fellow american nonnies. We have to impeach this mofo

No. 2378443

I don’t think there’s anything to be embarrassed about, I just never knew there were so many users here who physically aren’t capable of moving or traveling which learning that now does sadden me a bit

No. 2378444

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Thanks for making me look this up nonny. I love quails

No. 2378445

he's not getting impeached, repubicans are in power

No. 2378449

didn't this whole conversation start because you accused a random anon of being black and told her to go back to africa just because she complained about racism.
Also inb4 you deny it like the rat you are when this is clearly you >>2377953 , >>2377983(infighting)

No. 2378452

My first post is here anon >>2378303

No. 2378456

No offense anon but if you're that out of touch with other people, maybe you shouldn't be posting your opinions until you learn more and gain some perspective? Several of your posts come off like trolling.

No. 2378458

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There are supposed to be statewide anti trump protests at capitals across the nation on the 5th, the timing isn't great with some people's jobs, but if you can attend please do. It's 50 protests 50 states and they also have a subreddit. I hope there's a decent turnout

No. 2378460

No. 2378461

File: 1738533750830.jpg (468.26 KB, 1024x1024, Carduelis-tristis-002.jpg)

Never actually seen a goldfinch, guess they're not backyard birds.
Even if they're noisy I like the scrub jays, they're pretty and blue.

No. 2378467

File: 1738533998190.gif (507.06 KB, 360x200, sure-jan.gif)

Just use the gif next time nonnie

No. 2378474

My retarded family knows I have an employer that accepts government contracts and grants, and now they're acting like I'm overreacting for being concerned about my own job.
>oh anon your job is fine, your job is necesary!
No, actually, it's not going to be necessary if several major federal grants are severed from my agency - the agency I work for also helps with resettlement and case management, as well as housing, for asylum seekers, refugees and immigrants when possible, and I'm pretty sure that funding has already been completely cut off. You can't fucking run a non-profit without federal grants, you just can't, especially when all non-profits are just as monopolized as the average corporation. My dumbass family doesn't realize that this job, the job that has paid me the most and provided me with the most security, is most likely going to be reduced to ashes if there is no pushback from the top of the organization. And the most they'll give me for a response if that happens is a shocked Pikachu face and "oh, I didn't know that would happen!" or "why would they do something like that?" because you're too selfish and lazy to do a little bit of homework on the soundbites you get fed to you by the television, retards. I hope they enjoy me moving back in with them.

No. 2378498

my god you are sheltered, the levels of embarrassment I feel for you are unprecedented

No. 2378506

ntayrt but i also didn’t know that lolcow had a lot of physically disabled anons and ive been here for several years lol(baiting)

No. 2378512

>random words being capitalized
Has his account been co-opted by Russian bots? I'm being serious.

No. 2378513

okay why would you?

No. 2378517

it's not just disability. it's also people who have relatives to care for, people who don't make enough money to move, people who have health conditions that require treatment at a specific facility, among others. there's countless reasons why somebody might not be able to just pack up and move and it's really shortsighted for someone to assume that anybody can do so without significant impacts to their life.

No. 2378524

I can not believe you had to type this sentence out for some of the anons itt. How stupid and self-centered do you have to be for these obvious reasons to not cross your mind when questioning why somebody can't move?

No. 2378530

i don’t think it’s necessarily being self centered to not know reasons why someone wouldn’t be able to move. lurked the thread i’ve only saw nonnies bringing up healthcare as their primary reason for not moving

No. 2378540

nonnies aren't some magical separate species though. we've got the same conditions as anyone else in this country. it's just kind of unusual and like >>2378498 said, sheltered, to make it to adult age and not encounter any of those reasons.

No. 2378544

sorry but it is. If you wander into a thread where anons are venting over the recent changes and how it affects them, and are incapable of taking a moment to ask yourself 'why haven't they thought of moving?' before slamming on your keyboard and posting here, one of these VERY common and obvious reasons would have popped into your head and you would have said 'ahh, of course' and stopped yourself before posting. If it didn't, you are either stupid, self-centered, or sheltered. Take your pick.

No. 2378547

i know that anon, but what i’m saying is that the only reasons those anons stated as being why they can’t leave their state is because they’re afraid of losing their medication coverage, not because they had relatives to take care of so it doesn’t surprise me that the other anon didn’t take that into consideration

No. 2378550

It's not the first thing I'd ask but the reaction is a bit over the top

No. 2378552

right here

I've no doubt you didn't ask yourself anything

No. 2378555

K. Enjoy taking out your frustrations on random anons I guess

No. 2378558

kek pathetic

No. 2378559

>VERY common
ayrt, but most Americans aren’t responsible for taking care of sick family members, i know it is something that happens regularly but the majority of Americans aren’t incapable of leaving their homes because of sick relatives

No. 2378560

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No. 2378562

ignore her nona, she’s probably just tired of scooping out creamed corn for grandmas dinner

No. 2378563

says who? you? It's more common than you think. But we all know the biggest factor is money, which you conveniently leave no comment on.

No. 2378565

because i was just responding to your comment about caring for sick relatives? it didn’t mention anything about being too poor to move?

No. 2378566

>i know it is something that happens regularly
Thank you for getting the point.

No. 2378567

saging cause i know this isn;t much of a contribution to the actual topic of the thread but gosh i wish we could have more fun with each other. i really wish amerifags was more fun and chill. i hate seenig catfights about dumb hypotheticals..

No. 2378570

Ditching a car in Texas is Not A Thing. Walking isn't plausible because the heat might just kill you on that longass walk. After I moved up to a northern state, it truly is jarring to know I can walk to stores. Bad habit to break, relying on a car at this point though.

No. 2378572

oh. you actually are retarded.

>one of these VERY common and obvious reasons
>it's also people who have relatives to care for, people who don't make enough money to move, people who have health conditions that require treatment at a specific facility, among others. there's countless reasons why somebody might not be able to just pack up and move and it's really shortsighted for someone to assume that anybody can do so without significant impacts to their life.
>relatives to care for
>people who don't make enough money to move
>people who have health conditions that require treatment at a specific facility

kek, at this point it's obvious she's baiting. Nobody is genuinely this stupid.(infighting)

No. 2378573

This is what I'm saying. I lurked the thread too and it seems like you offered supportive solutions in a direct way? This enraged everyone itt and you got reported? Idk this thread has earned it's reputation that's for sure

No. 2378579

I mean it’s literally just what any very rural place in this country is like. It’s not limited to the south.

No. 2378580

please. she got shit on because she's being willfully stupid, and ignored the many responses to why 'just move lol' isn't at all helpful. also
>seems like you offered supportive solutions in a direct way
smells like samefag because there's no way TWO anons itt are being this retarded rn

No. 2378581

sorry if i misled anyone but i’m not “just move” anon kek

No. 2378582

>there's no way TWO anons itt are being this retarded rn
I wouldn't be so sure nonners. We're around the time of day when the west coasters are getting out of high school.

No. 2378584

i don’t know why you’re calling me retarded, i was just responding to what was said >>2378582
anon, it’s a sunday lmfao

No. 2378587

kek you're right. I'm so used to the retard wave this time on weekdays that I forgot.

No. 2378588

Anon didn't say just move though. That's what I was expecting from this crazy reaction but she was actually pretty tactful with her advice and questions. People do move states for a lot of reasons. Not to sound like a redditor but the ad-hominems and blow-up over a simple question just makes you guys look unhinged and low-iq to anyone lurking. I get why anyone would be devastated about this but this is a lot of sperging for anons going off about ~social retardation~

No. 2378590

you didn't though, because clearly more than one reason was listed. so why did you pretend otherwise?

No. 2378591

nta but i wouldn’t be so sure nona, we never got stats from our most recent hellweek/hellmas but the last hellweek stats we got said that there’s around 6,000 lolcow users; and i’m pretty sure that more than 2 of them are dumb kek

No. 2378596

i didn’t pretend other reasons weren’t listed, i just responded to the accusation that most americans aren’t capable of moving because we have to care for sick relatives which just isn’t true

No. 2378604

>it didn’t mention anything about being too poor to move?

Once again:
>people who don't make enough money to move

Listen, genuinely, I think you have a learning disability. This level of illiteracy isn't normal..

No. 2378606

File: 1738538437278.png (477.33 KB, 548x510, western meadow.png)

can we talk about something more happy now? like lets go back to our state birds, mine is apparently this little western meadowlark

No. 2378607

Oh my gosh I love their little yellow streak. That's so cute!

No. 2378617

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No. 2378622

File: 1738538936494.jpg (65.55 KB, 707x557, California_quail.jpg)

Look at this fat thing from my state.

No. 2378625

Are constitutional violations and oligarchies a usual part of presidential terms?

No. 2378630

Has anynonna seen their state's bird before?

No. 2378640

File: 1738539543983.jpg (1.01 MB, 3072x3072, cardinal.jpg)

Similar here, though in a different field. Some people that are also concerned say "oh your work is important, so it should be easy to get a job in the private sector or overseas". Yeah and I'll be competing with every other American laid off in my field in a gutted private sector. It's also much harder (and is expensive and takes longer) to get a work visa in a European country than they think. So much research will be fucked. The private sector doesn't even have that many jobs right now. I love my job and never thought I could lose it for political reasons.

No. 2378647

File: 1738539645127.jpg (10.54 KB, 225x225, images.jpg)

Turkeys are a secondary state bird for a couple states. Kinda hard to not see one of those. I'm also surprised there's multiples tiers of birdiness for states.

No. 2378655

File: 1738539827677.jpg (270.1 KB, 1276x718, Hawaiian-goose-feature-image-1…)

Not my state but Hawaiian Geese/Nene look really nice. I love the plumage.

No. 2378660

my states bird made a nest on my front door for years! came back every year.

No. 2378661

File: 1738540001664.webp (537.7 KB, 5472x3648, Male_eastern_bluebird_sialia_s…)

Our state bird is the Bluebird but I can't say I've ever seen one before. Perhaps someone else in ny has

No. 2378665

File: 1738540100857.jpg (277.94 KB, 2000x1500, georgia_state_bird_brown_thras…)

i like them and they usually walk around instead of flying which is amusing

No. 2378685

File: 1738540568281.jpeg (413.53 KB, 2400x1590, IMG_3860.jpeg)

My state’s bird is the cardinal. I love when I get to spot them! The males are obviously way more beautiful than the females, but imo even the females have a cute look to them

No. 2378693

File: 1738540756111.jpg (103.56 KB, 800x500, peacock-vs-peafowl.jpg)

Moids could learn a lot about dressing up (or putting in any frickin effort) from birds. Female peacock on the left vs male on the right

No. 2378704

Male peacocks aren't "dressing up" they just look like that. It's sexual dimorphism. The equivalent of beards

No. 2378710

I would like moids to have more attractive beards then

No. 2378719

Moid dimorphic traits suck though. The least they can do is put effort into their appearance. Or build houses as a form of courtship like some birds kek

No. 2378727

Those things on the feathers are supposed to look like eyes, putting the female into a hypnotic trance where she's too dizzy and confused to run away

No. 2378728

Pennsylvania’s bird reminded me of how funny the sage grouse mating ritual is

No. 2378733

i always thought the male peacocks only showed us their peacocks when they’re angry or defending themselves

No. 2378736

So cool, is that just a hollow pouch they're filling with air to make the bubbly sounds?

No. 2378796

Hello fellow California nonner. Proud to have a state bird unique to our state that also makes the most amusing sounds (especially in flocks)

No. 2378828

you gotta think the assassination attempts made him paranoid as fuck and now we are bearing the consequences

No. 2378835

Not exactly, bigger feathers are selected on purpose by peahens

No. 2378836

I'm vacationing abroad right now, and I am so not looking forward to going home. These tariffs are really scary and one of the worst things that have happened in modern American history, imo. My family is going to be ok but this is will be awful for tons of people. The poorest Americans are going to get screwed over for no reason.

No. 2378839

File: 1738543702207.jpg (144.88 KB, 1000x768, 02_-_roseate_spoonbill.jpg)

Sometimes I'll see them on my hikes in flocks. They're super cute. On another note, I was looking at Florida's state bird and it was apparently the Northern mockingbird. I feel like they could have chosen something more unique like the roseate spoonbill considering how unique Florida's ecosystem is. They really dropped the ball there.

No. 2378844

File: 1738543743940.jpg (409.95 KB, 2048x1664, licensed-image.jpg)

My state's national bird is very common

No. 2378853

File: 1738543869460.jpg (65.52 KB, 590x590, asian-style-roasted-quail-11.j…)

I want to try quail

No. 2378857

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No. 2378864

They look suspiciously like eyes and personally I've never seen a peahen look remotely interested in a peacock's "beauty." Male birds are just like every other species, most reproduce via trickery (rape) or brute force (rape).

No. 2378876

These guys are so cute, I love seeing them at the park

No thats just how old people speak on social media

No. 2378879

With his other weird anti-common sense drivel I can imagine how some retarded middle aged sped addicted to Facebook and ragebait could fall for it, but this feels like the first one I've seen that feels kind of… grasping for straws. It doesn't sound very believable. It purely sounds like some canned post made for the type of dimwit as previously mentioned to start espousing. Like he views his supporters as brainwashed minions or something.

No. 2378895

I know statistically it's much more likely you're from NY… but I'm going to pretend that you're a fellow bird-appreciating show-me nonnie

No. 2378906

Their eggs look pretty good

No. 2378920

File: 1738544822211.jpg (102.85 KB, 1000x564, superb-bird-of-paradise-26.jpg)

Birds are pretty different from most animals because they can reject sperm, forcing the males to find other means to spread thier genes.
I've heard of a theory that the reason why peacocks are so flamboyant is because the long colorful feathers are a disadvantage. This makes the males more open to predators, so the biggest and brightest ones that survive in spite of this are selected, despite it being a trait that hurts them. Birds of paradise operate under similar terms

No. 2378926

i keep reading about trump dismantling the FDIC and the banking system as its been since the 1929 crash. wondering what i should do with my money before that happens? do i literally need to start putting cash under my mattress like my great grandma

No. 2378927

>tfw no nigel can ever make an iridescent face out of his tail feathers
why even live?

No. 2378939

File: 1738545164135.png (491.74 KB, 666x418, thoughtless actions.png)

just saw that the 101 freeway in Los Angeles has been entirely blocked off and overrun by pro-immigration protestors…in what world does blocking off the freeway help this situation at all?

No. 2378940

anon, the bird you posted literally has a fake face as feathers. and the female is staring at it. that isn't sus to you? it's clearly meant to disorient and confuse the female

No. 2378948

I've seen that clip before. She flies off nbd so if the goal is to disorient her, it sure isn't working.

No. 2378949

Anon you need to stop pulling things put of your arse.

No. 2378957

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No. 2378962

It's really good anon, I hope you get to live your dream someday.

No. 2378965

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No. 2378967

Can this old man just die? Every social media post he makes is so embarrassing. He has nothing better to do.

No. 2378968

File: 1738545579344.gif (30.44 KB, 168x124, picasion.com_jSL9.gif)

Buy gold and silver.

No. 2378970

>they can reject sperm
So are female ducks just dumb enough to get raped or something?(bait)

No. 2378971

My state bird is the Cardinal too. They're so cute. I love seeing them chirping

No. 2378974

it's just weird to me because the only sexually dimorphic trait male birds have to differentiate them from females is to either have fake eyes or face faces on their feathers, and they display them to females. if it were just "to look pretty," why are they always fake eyes/faces? and why do the females ALWAYS ignore them until they harass her with their feather display and finally catch her eye, and then she stares at it like she's lost? it's like it's designed to be trippy

No. 2378981

Why is this happening in the amerifag thread right now.

No. 2378984

Male ducks will actually gang up on a female to rape, sometimes to the point of killing them in the process. So..

No. 2378987

>the only sexually dimorphic trait male birds have to differentiate them from females is to either have fake eyes or face faces on their feathers
But that's not the only dimorphic trait male birds have? The cardinal pictured above is just more red, there's no eyes or faces there. Some birds are just more colorful or have iridophores.

No. 2378997

File: 1738546491257.jpg (35.12 KB, 634x354, 3A9B2C0000000578-3956444-image…)

Bird mating rituals don't always include eyes or faces, if the point was to disorient the female into mating with him then it wouldn't be a great strategy since most males get rejected. I see it as a method of advertising thier fitness.

Ducks are unusually rapey for birds. They are so rapey that the females have evolved maze-like vaginas to reject the males' sperm after rape, but ducks may gang up on a female to rape her.

No. 2379005

Adding onto this (this is the last of my bird sperging), there is evidence that the loss of the penis in birds made males less threatening as it was harder to rape the female. This could also explain why ducks are more rapey.

No. 2379006

Nonnas no, I love ducks. Sad I can only love the female ducks now. Moids for the L again.

No. 2379009

But swans and geese also have a phallus and aren't rapists.

No. 2379020

It sounds funnier.

No. 2379039

No idea about swans, but some geese species also participate in similar rape strategies as ducks (to a lesser degree). I do know that unlike ducks, when a geese breaks off thier penis, they cannot regrow it if it wears or breaks off so perhaps they don't rape as much in fear of becoming infertile.

No. 2379055

ayrt I'm just razzing you nonna you're good

No. 2379087

File: 1738549100964.jpg (117.25 KB, 1748x1080, 1000000507.jpg)

The world if a rapists penis broke off while trying to rape

No. 2379108

File: 1738550194836.png (2.65 MB, 3000x1687, EbhO9Tq.png)

i feel like trump just wants to mess w canada bc of how trudeau embarrassed him w/ melania

No. 2379119

a lot of people are saying the market is supposed to crash hard in the morning, heres hoping it wont. do any of you invest in stocks?

No. 2379132

I have $42 in my retirement account, so I guess I really don’t care.

No. 2379133

I have some stocks my grandma bought me but tbh I don't even remember which company is holding them let alone how to sell it. It's not enough for me to care though

No. 2379137

I have almost 10k in my 401k, rip to that i guess.

No. 2379149

any reason why?

No. 2379169

Bc collective hysteria and the avoidance of it

No. 2379170

nyart but im assuming the tariffs?

No. 2379173

Ducks are one of the few birds that has a penis. It is gross.
I kill moid ducks and it's my main source of meat

No. 2379174

File: 1738553046424.jpg (354.85 KB, 2048x1897, common_loon.jpg)

I guess, Minnesota is a loon? Kinda lame

No. 2379185

kys instead you aggressive faggot(infighting)

No. 2379197

File: 1738554180104.webp (292.56 KB, 2400x2400, IMG_9095.webp)

What is Trump going to do about this here crackpipe?

No. 2379217

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No. 2379218

File: 1738555182270.png (1.14 MB, 1368x1040, Screen Shot 2025-02-02 at 7.59…)

will there ever be a day with good news?

No. 2379222

i will not stand for northern cardinal slander… i only see them occasionally during the winter where i live, but seeing such a bright bird in a forest completely covered in snow is mesmerizing

No. 2379244

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No. 2379248

My father who I live with works for a US federal contractor and my own job has the federal government as one of it's biggest clients. How screwed is my family?

No. 2379252

I have American and Canadian stocks. I’ll ask how they’re doing tomorrow.

No. 2379253

doubt it will include defense contractors and SpaceX but will include Elon's competitors

No. 2379255

Damn it, I completely forgot about my 401k and it was around 15k last I saw it. I don't want to check tonight or tomorrow for that matter.

No. 2379257

does anyone feel like trump is just speeding up the process for china to become the world hegemony? shuttering orgs like USAID / overseas funding effectively gives up the soft power we've held since the end of WW2. he's destroying relationships with our closest allies via trade war and gutting the federal government completely. it's like he's instituting oligarchical rule in the US, effectively dismantling the entire system from top to bottom. this is nothing like his first term.

No. 2379258

dec 4 2024 was nice…

No. 2379263

I still can't fucking believe he named it DOGE. The department responsible for fucking everything up, shuttering tons of federal agencies and controlling the treasury is named fucking DOGE. The oligarchs couldn't even give it a suitably intimidating or even normal name, instead we're stuck with this redditor retard rick and morty fanboy fucking up our nation. I hate this fucking country.

No. 2379268

No you misunderstood my question, I was asking you if you think it’s sound logic for every single individual living within a state that is dependant on Canada’s exports, to move to another American state. I’m not asking for myself, or for any single anon here. I’m asking you, if you think that it’s economically feasible for every person living in say, Wisconsin, the whole population, to move to North Carolina?
Is that feasible? Yes or no.
I’ll save time, the answer is no. So when that anon stated that trump’s Tariff’s would negatively impact people living on Canadian export dependent states, you revealed your ignorance by hand waving and suggesting they uproot their life and move. Would you give that same advice to all 5.911 million wisconsins? Tell every single one to flee? Or even tell the overwhelming fraction of that population who’ll be affected by the Tariff’s because they’re poor/middle class to move to a different state? No? Why not? Even if your snickering advice of “just move” was possible, it would cripple the remaining American states, if they tried to support a sudden migration of hundreds of thousands to millions of Americans settling down in their state within 4 years. So either way, Trump’s Tariff's poorly affect American society even with American mobility.

No. 2379270

I cannot even begin to understand why they would do this, why they would put teachers and children (and children with IEPS) in such a horrific position. What the fuck. This is fucking evil, and I cannot stress this enough.

No. 2379272

I liquidated all of my non-retirement account holdings last week in light of the deepseek news, though I need that money for a down-payment anyway.
I wouldn't worry too much about a crash unless you need to liquidate within the next 10 years. The market will eventually recover, and in the short term you'll be able to buy stocks at a discount (which is probably why the ghouls in charge are orchestrating this)

No. 2379275

nta but i assumed that they’re pulling federal funding so it becomes funded and more controlled by each individual states government

No. 2379277

Absolutely nothing good will come of this.

No. 2379287

So like, are your overloards trying to break the American economy on purpose?
I'm kind of fucked since I work at an American company, this sucks. Please fix your country nonnies.

No. 2379288

Yes, they are. The plan is to drive everything to shit so Trump can get his chosen to fill in the federal working positions, and so that his billionaire buddies can swoop in to buy up companies for circus peanuts and catapulting us into a proper oligarchy.

No. 2379290

I know this country is going through it right now and it's hard to watch while in the front row seat. But whenever I have my foreigner friends intentionally bring politics into our leisurely hangout online, it drives me up a wall. I don't even want to talk about this stuff with my American friends. Having the foreigners try to weigh in from a country not even affected by our bullshit (yet) makes me want to hang myself.

No. 2379303

literally thought the lobbyists ran this country, if they can't even control trump, who tf can?

No. 2379305

they want to dismantle the public education system altogether and move everything towards a charter school/private model.

No. 2379306

Charters schools are fucking scams. This is bad.

No. 2379319

File: 1738566061889.png (179.27 KB, 677x487, b03d75b1-1153-4c8a-935d-4dd839…)

Musk’s 20-year-old tech incels now have the access to your most sensitive data.

No. 2379324

File: 1738566663862.png (126.43 KB, 900x2000, d3060c6f-034c-4669-a92d-9f8a6e…)

No. 2379335

They want poor kids to do the jobs that the immigrants did.
You know? Like the good old days when the kids would lose their fingers in factories?

No. 2379339

they can be backyard birds! though depending on your location, it may take a lot of time for them to come by. i live in a city near a park; we thought we'd never get goldfinches because we'd only seen them in the countryside, but after years of consistently putting out feed we eventually managed to draw some in. their chirping is very sweet!
hearing brown thrashers sing is both funny and impressive, it's like a sample album of every other songbird around. vidrel, mockingbirds are scrubs compared to them.
i love game birds and how they walk around looking all silly, but unfortunately seeing them is a rare treat here. say hi to your game birds for me nonnas

No. 2379362

That is exactly what's happening seeing as they're now supporting the One China policy. Trump has the audacity to call his opponents Chinese agents but in reality it's just projection. Hope all patriotards that voted for him enjoy the possibility of America no longer being the global superpower.

No. 2379369

File: 1738571625047.jpg (60.48 KB, 640x480, 1000074901.jpg)

Apparently the goldfinch is my state bird and I've never seen it before. Steller's Jay isn't a state bird but they look cool, I've only ever seen one of them though.

No. 2379405

File: 1738577248220.png (80.31 KB, 245x403, Trump's Hair Salon.png)

Trump's Hair Salon

No. 2379452

A return to serfdom in my lifetime, I refuse to have kids .This life is quickly becoming too dystopian for me to bear.

No. 2379480

Americans obsession with pissing other people off as much as they possibly can/anti-heros was bound to fail us. Remember when their biggest issue with Bernie is that he wanted them to afford to survive and go to school affordably? Now they're sitting around attacking social programs that were meant to be a security net so that way they don't have to avoid medical care or starve or anything else if they lose their job - and get this they're against removing the work at will laws too which would force employers to fire people for actual reasons

No. 2379535

File: 1738591413135.png (791.04 KB, 1080x1846, 1000019758.png)

Plane caught fire before taking off at Houston airport. What is it these past few days with planes?

No. 2379539

No. 2379545

File: 1738591839467.jpg (575.61 KB, 2448x3264, fgj7jrs3bnoy.jpg)

>Ducks are one of the few birds that has a penis
Most birds don't have penises? Whut

No. 2379555

File: 1738592033916.jpg (Spoiler Image,206.42 KB, 3072x1988, 1000019759.jpg)

Most birds lost their penises somewhere back in time, so they inseminate females by touching their cloacas together. Waterfowl are some of the few birds to still have penises. Picrel spoiled for goose penis

No. 2379559

Neat and I should not have clicked that pic kek

No. 2379562

No. 2379590

Nonnas need to realize that the republic is dead. There won't be a next election, and even if there were it would be a sham election like in Russia. America is just Russia 2.0 now. We're an oligarchy and the only difference is our oligarchs are "techbros" while Russian oligarchs deal in oil and minerals. There are no laws now, no actual government. These things are just props at best, all actual power is in the hands of the oligarchy. Musk now has more power than the whole federal government ever did. Every move they now make is about reducing costs to line their own pockets while refusing any sort of commitment the US government has made (because this is NOT a political coup and NOT a political change) to our allies. This is why Trump is trying to annex Canada and Greenland and why they explicitly said they'll sacrifice Taiwan to China and why they're trying to force them to give up their chimp manufacturing by transferring it to the US. All these moves and those that were already made and are going to be made make no political sense because politics isn't a concern. America is no longer a state, it's a corporation and it is acting like one.

There is no coming back from this. America is dead.

No. 2379621

>country with some of laxest gun laws in the world and gun ownership written in the constitution
>excuses existence of said laws with muh personal freedoms in the event the government tries to take them away
>government starts taking them away
>oh no we’re doomed! we’re fucked! whatever shall we do!

you know exactly what you need to do, you just won’t and will instead name call trump and musk, thinking you’ve done something revolutionary by being the 100000th person to call him an orange cheeto
this is precisely why american liberals lost, they’re too scared to stand on business for fear of getting bullied and cancelled (by their own kek) but magatards will use every trick in the book to get ahead and don’t care how it makes them look as long as they win

i just want you to know people in several euro countries are protesting against their governments. college students in serbia have been at it for 3 months and got beaten, parents fired from jobs, their pets poisoned and their friends run over by cars and they’re still going at it until the president and his party drop dead. i just want you to know that.
doomerfags are so pathetic.
>oh nooo ive done nothing and things arent looking good, better give up!

No. 2379676

File: 1738598461998.jpg (185.64 KB, 1650x1275, Gi1KIlGaYAAsAIT.jpg)

literally broccoli haired soyboys have all of our social security numbers and bank accounts right now and seemingly nobody in congress except AOC, Warren, and Wyden cares

No. 2379679

Nta but look at the American citizens. They are rooting for this shit. They voted for this and are rooting for this because some rapist cunt told them to. Excuse my zoomie speak but America is cooked, at least for the next four years. Most likely for decades after.

No. 2379681

File: 1738598624961.png (135.27 KB, 1179x414, R3q08KT.png)

trump backed down from the mexican tariffs. i'm thinking canada will probably reach a deal too later today

No. 2379683

Kek I don't know about that after Trudeau's sexy… heartfelt speech.

No. 2379689

glad someone is capable tard wrangler

No. 2379691

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This is all of Trump's first term safety regulation cuts coming home to roost.

No. 2379694

"musks pedophilic techbro gay harem" could be a narrative to spread, maybe itll provoke them into giving answers

No. 2379699

This orange retard has no idea what he's doing. He only signaled to Mexico (and Europe, Canada, China, Taiwan, basically fucking everyone) that America is erratic, unpredictable and cannot be relied on because it changes its everything on a whim. Tariffs or no tariffs this will inevitably push other countries to just work around us. We're like fucking North Korea with the screeching and the autism. It's ridiculous.

No. 2379700

>Trump brought up the issue of the trade deficit that the United States has with Mexico, Sheinbaum said at the news conference. “I told him that, in fact, it was not a deficit, that we had a trade agreement, that we are trade partners,” she said. She told him that the current U.S.-Canada-Mexico trade agreement was “the best way” to continue competing against China and other regions of the world.
well it looks like mexico still prefers a trump america to xi's china

No. 2379701

For some reason Trump has a one-sided viewing of his comradery with Sheinbaum, I'm actually wondering if he's somewhat attracted to her. Remember when he lied about her agreeing to stop migration from Mexico? And then she was like lol I did not say that? I think he has a retarded old fag crush on her. She's pretty attractive and she has an accent, and he's probably hoping to indirectly neg Melania into place or some shit.

No. 2379710

the month buys them time as well to seek alternatives if the US proves an unreliable trade partner

No. 2379713

At this point I wonder if America wouldn’t be better off broken in two. It’s already too fucking big as it is. Far-right conservatives who think Trump is doing a great job already live in a completely different reality, so why not just give them their own country like they want? Don’t know how it would best be divided geographically, but why not just let them have their own facist theocratic paradise like they want?

No. 2379715

this fucker is making sure we can't leave unless it's on a raft. Shit is fucked. Trump voters wanted to get rid of refugees but now we ARE the refugees.

No. 2379718

moid duck murderer here. I am shocked geese have bigger dicks than ducks considering geese exclusively pair bond.

No. 2379719

I'm fucking saying! But let's not get carried away kek, that would be prime time for a second civil war. No way are the MAGA tards going to want to share America with the eebil socialist commie democrats that want to keep social programs for… disadvantaged families and children… and Medicaid insulin price caps. Trump and Musk would wave their faggy pinkies and every 55 year old retard with a hunting rifle would rally in the streets.

No. 2379720

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No. 2379722

This is illegal.

No. 2379723

>Foreign assistance distributed by the agency, which supports health services, disaster relief, anti-poverty efforts and a range of other programs, makes up less than 1 percent of the federal budget. Democratic lawmakers have argued that any moves to dismantle U.S.A.I.D. are illegal, as Congress created the agency and continues to fund its operations.

>“Any effort to merge or fold USAID into the Department of State should be, and by law must be, previewed, discussed, and approved by Congress,” the Democrats on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee wrote in a letter on Sunday to Secretary of State Marco Rubio. The senators pointed out that they had received no advance notice that Mr. Musk’s task force would be entering U.S.A.I.D., or that they were trying shut down operations.

>“That would be illegal. He cannot unilaterally close a federal agency. Another assault on the constitution,” Senator Chris Murphy, Democrat of Connecticut, wrote on social media over the weekend of the administration’s reported plans to shutter U.S.A.I.D.

>Mr. Musk said overnight that he and Mr. Trump were in full agreement that the agency should be shut down. “I actually checked with him a few times,” Mr. Musk said. “I said, ‘Are you sure?’ ‘Yes.’ So we’re shutting it down.” Shortly after his event ended, Mr. Musk seemed to celebrate, posting: “We spent the weekend feeding USAID into the wood chipper.”

illegal but nobody is stopping them.

No. 2379725

What do you think is trumps endgame? Whats going on, like whats the plan?

No. 2379726

democratic party is so fucking pathetic. I hate this fucking country and blame neoliberals for selling out this country and our democracy to wall street. this is simply the fruits of their tireless labor to dismantle the working/middle class. nancy pelosi WILL rot in hell.

No. 2379728

a third term

No. 2379729

Doubt he read any of it

No. 2379730

I honestly can't believe they haven't been kicking up a ("civilized", since they love banking on them not being weird like refugs) storm about this. It's like they let Trump take over almost the entire fucking government and they ran away with their tails between their legs. Next democratic nominee cannot be fucking around.

No. 2379737

become a permanent "president" like Putin is

No. 2379739

You really believe we're going to have any future elections after this?

No. 2379742

Leftists need to start arming themselves. I’ve been saying it for a while now.

No. 2379749

Makes me hate trump supporters more and more.

No. 2379751

it's actually pretty wild that the democratic party is getting stomped on by the same billionaires they catered to for so long. in retrospect, the situation in this country has so clearly been heading towards oligarchy for decades enabled by both parties.

No. 2379756

Yes, I do. I don't think the American government is that far gone. I think we are maybe 2 republican dictatorships away from that, but I do have faith that the American government will be acting upon this bullshit. Things are just happening far too quickly for anything to be taken to the proper courts. I have faith that much of these decisions will be overturned. Soon we will be hearing some pushback. I read that Jim Dennehy, a top agent at the F.B.I recently went on to say that they are in "a battle" with Trump. This is like the first sign that the F.B.I is not okay or willing to do what Trump wants. Obviously they can't stop the shut downs but the shut downs are illegal. I genuinely feel like we are watching the next Watergate scandal happening in rapid succession before our very eyes. It's even crazier because all of this stuff is out in the open.

No. 2379760

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If you're interested in learning more about this line of thinking, I suggest the following books:
>American Nations: A History of the Eleven Rival Regional Cultures of North America by Colin Woodard
>Albion's Seed: Four British Folkways in America by David Hackett Fischer
>The Nine Nations of North America by Joel Garreau

American Nations is the most developed of all three books, but they all deal in trying to ascertain the true cultural elements of the USA. The picrel is a map of the USA per Woodard's analysis and interpretation.

The idea that America is one big culture is a big lie. There are overarching themes, but it doesn't take a genius to realize small town Texas has a very different idea of "American Culture" than small town Michigan. America was settled by various groups at various times, so that variety contributes to distinct cultures.

No. 2379763

I wish doomerfags will kill themselves. We will survive this term and survive to the next election. A lot of people appose trump and even the morons who voted for him will wake up soon. Very few uneducated masses support his politics. I think 2025 will be a massive wake up call for Americans.(infighting/a-logging)

No. 2379764

long shot, but does anynony live in Vegas/surrounding Mojave area? Winters in my northern state make me want to kill myself every single year, and I think I can tolerate the summers (famous last words). My question is, how necessary is it to be fluent in Spanish? I'm going into a super public-facing career and I'm worried no one will look at my resume if I can't speak any Spanish. I guess this question also goes for anyone living in Texas.

No. 2379765

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Samefag, link for anons who don't want to look it up.
>The top agent at the F.B.I.’s New York field office vowed in a defiant email to his staff to “dig in” after the Trump administration targeted officials involved in the investigations into the Jan. 6 attack — and praised the bureau’s interim leaders for defending its independence.

“Today, we find ourselves in the middle of a battle of our own, as good people are being walked out of the F.B.I. and others are being targeted because they did their jobs in accordance with the law and F.B.I. policy,” wrote James E. Dennehy, a veteran and highly respected agent who has run the largest and arguably the most important field office in the bureau since September.

No. 2379769

I do because I'm not a retard like you. We will move forward like we always do. Trump isnt end game.

No. 2379770

We unironically need to bring back the F.B.I that assassinated Kennedy. Come on feds don't roll over and show your belly just yet.

No. 2379772

This is very interesting but I would hate for Colorado to be lumped in with all those other states in the Far West. I don't live there any more but a lot of Denver types have nothing in common with the conservitards of Wyoming and co.

No. 2379779

Don't worry. I'll probably be taking myself out by the end of the month, so you can rest easy.
Former Texan here (take me back home), absolutely would suggest you learn Spanish. It puts you at a higher advantage in a lot of places, especially if you live in a city with a lot of Spanish speakers. Not knowing it is just silly. Disclaimer: I do not know Spanish.

No. 2379782

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It's not really about politics per se, it's more to do with societal differences and cultural mindsets. The Far West has traditionally been exploited by both Yankeedom & the Deep South for its natural resources. I did find a map of the 2016 election that shows country results with an overlay of the Woodard's nations though.

No. 2379792

I wish we could nuke the deep south so bad.

No. 2379796

Yellowfinches LOVE sunflower seeds. I saw a ton of them in my yard this past spring/summer in my sunflower patch. I’d encourage any anons interested in birds to try and provide a food source for them, whether natural or seeds. It’s really rewarding!

No. 2379810

nyart why do you want to go back to texas? They want to kill you.

No. 2379831

I feel like Texan anons have a special breed of self hate. Texas is an absolute shit hole with no redeeming qualities. Women have already died there being denied medical treatments for miscarriage. However, texas anons swear they love it there. Make it make sense.

No. 2379832

I just want the tariffs to keep going because I want USD to go down so I can convert my currency. It would be cool if Canada got annexed but it’s never happening.

No. 2379836

Foreigner begone, we do not need Canada as part of the U.S., they can keep their uninhabitable land and their blubbery, fat genderkweers to themselves.

No. 2379841

We genuinely do not want your shitty country, Canada.

No. 2379843

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I'm partial to the ruffed grouse being from PA. Look at that little hair do!

No. 2379849

I live in America kek. Canada has 1/3 of the world’s water and sends oil/gas to be refined in the states. I agree that Canada is dumb for letting cartels use TD bank and yes that’s legit because they plead guilty in court.

No. 2379853

I don't care what Canada has. They can stay where they are and who they are and we should continue to import their shit to us. We do not need their retarded backwoods French inbreds as part of us. Good on them for cheering on Trudeau for the retaliation tariffs. Whatever, but we don't need them as part of our country. That's retarded.

No. 2379854

>Canada has 1/3 of the world's water
WTF? Canada does not own the Pacific, Atlantic, or Indian oceans. What are you hell even speaking about?

No. 2379861

Canada has 1/3 of the world’s fresh water. >>2379853
Which is crazy to me because a week ago people were telling Trudeau to fuck off.

No. 2379864

greater Appalachia is significantly more useless and deserving of nukes. We could've been a leader in green energy by now if it weren't for politicians constantly pandering to those inbred coal huffing morons. At least the deep south has good food.

No. 2379868

It's almost like politicians earn approval for things they do that their people want them to do, or at least for retaliating against other powers that are fucking up their own country.

No. 2379872

Yeah, but that doesn't matter because we have the technology now to convert salt water into fresh water. Worrying about fresh water is straight out of the 1990s.

No. 2379873

He’s good for standing up but once this is over people are going back to hating him. He’s done so much damage to Canada that so many of us are leaving.

No. 2379875

idk nona, they landed safely. I feel like we're all just really sensitive to seeing anything about planes and any news of mechanical issues becomes a huge news story.

No. 2379880

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>so many of us are leaving
Um…this is the amerifag thread…

No. 2379885

Leaving to America, nonna. I typically refrain from posting Canadian stuff here but since there’s a trade war between two countries I felt it was appropriate.

No. 2379895

Definitely needs around 30 units of Botox to the forehead; lower blepharoplasty; maybe half a syringe of Juvederm Volbella to the upper lip to increase harmony; an eyebrow lift as well to open up the mid-section of the face; subcision of the nasolabial lines to reduce their appearance; a syringe of Juvederm Voluma to the cheeks; potential ear tuck; with all these, then he'd be perfect.

No. 2379898

Go back canuck.

No. 2379902

Literally nobody cares. If you want to complain about Canadian politics, then go do it in the Canadian thread. It's just annoying having Canadians sperg in this thread as if it matters to any of us.

No. 2379919

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>canadians in the murrica thread

trump should of annexed you long ago

No. 2379930

KEK Family Guy never disappoints.

No. 2379949

Not to cape for the maple people but converting saltwater to fresh is very expensive, it's not a great solution at the moment

No. 2379950

I don’t want my primary source of information to be social media, especially with how Twitter has turned into a Trump/Musk propaganda machine. Every time I try to look up news I’m seeing on social media or on this thread, I find almost all the sites reporting on it are paywalled. No wonder it’s so easy for misinformation to spread and for people to be left ignorant nowadays, I actively want to inform myself and get multiple perspectives and it feels like pulling teeth.

No. 2379955

Yeah everything is expensive. So what? If we all run out of fresh water then obviously they're just gonna make salt water conversion plants and pretend like it's always been cheap. That's the way.

No. 2379961

This is the biggest non-issue ever. Paywalls are so easy to get around. You literally just need to have uBlock Origins and that already clears up 70% of paywalled sites. Social media should have never become as big as it has - it makes me cringe knowing that politicians and organizations use social media.

No. 2379963

Anon, Brave has an anti-paywall switch. Just download Brave and turn the switch on, boom, instant no paywall.

No. 2379971

He's too old though

No. 2379983

I don’t want my primary source of information to be social media, especially with how Twitter has turned into a Trump/Musk propaganda machine. Every time I try to look up news I’m seeing on social media or on this thread, I find almost all the sites reporting on it are paywalled. No wonder it’s so easy for misinformation to spread and for people to be left ignorant nowadays, I actively want to inform myself and get multiple perspectives and it feels like pulling teeth.

No. 2379988

Anon you already said this and two people replied to you

No. 2379992

Just download brave ffs.

No. 2380012

>makes up less than 1 percent of the federal budget
For fuck's sake. Oh thank God for Elon, his Efficiency, where would we be without him? Why can't our government just act like a government instead of a goddamned circus

No. 2380034

Texas is the most popular destination for inmigration right now, there’s gotta be something good about it.

No. 2380037

Nta but I'm assuming it's due to proximity to the border.

No. 2380038

The country that thinks every single issue normies face can be fixed by "just moving" or "just getting a better job" ends up fucked cause the elites also expect us to just move or get a better job? No fucking way

No. 2380041

there's a finite amount of "better jos" that no one wants to acknowledge

No. 2380047

If America was smaller I feel like we wouldn't be half as divided as we are now. Of course our retarded nation who can barely read above a 5th grade level will look around and be like "DOIIII JUST MOVE DUM DUM", they're too retarded to understand why exactly it's not feasible for most people.

No. 2380049

both parties were taking the country on this path. leave while you can

No. 2380059

she's jewish and he's israel's puppet

No. 2380061

Also we need to fucking listen to the normies for once. Since Obama everyone's been complaining about mass applying, never hearing back, having to fill out like 800 applications for a handful of interviews, then when you finally get hired it's a 7.25, 15 hours a week position that ends up firing you cause your breathed weird. Then when you discuss it normies acted like you can go to fucking Walmart and just take a "better job" off the shelf. Years of denying issues ever existed ended up biting all of you on the ass, and for those who did deny the issues and were a boot strapper? Fuck you specifically. Hope you get everything you deserve

No. 2380072

good food, cheap living, the major cities are the cultural/financial center of the south. It's hard to overemphasize the urban vs rural split here. Outside of the cities it's boring and people are fat, dumb and full of hate. Overall not bad but if I ever planned on having kids or doing anything that would put me at risk of pregnancy I wouldn't want to live here.

No. 2380143

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Kek sorry for posting this as a standalone thread I had a major retard moment, anyway.
The FBI sent federal employees who were sent a 12 question survey on their role in the Jan 6th investigations a bullet point list on how to answer. The FBI is not happy with Trump's actions this presidency.

No. 2380157

Sorry, I don't really believe a post on Reddit.

No. 2380169

There are links to look up, sped. r/fednews is full of federal employees panicking and running around like decapitated chickens and it's the best place at this point in time to keep up with updates to our federal government. Here since you're too lazy to input some keywords into google: https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/national-security/agents-started-pack-desks-fear-fbi-mass-firings-swirls-rcna190342(this is an imageboard)

No. 2380174

There is no way there will not be significant backlash towards Trump and his committee for the illegal things he is doing to the federal government. There is no fucking way.

No. 2380179

So I'm a sped for not believing a Reddit post? Geez.

No. 2380180

I wouldn't live in texas unless I had a hysterectomy

No. 2380188

Yup, because that's what I said. Anyway I think it's funny how the personalityfags who cape for Trump and Musk itt are nowhere to be seen right now.

No. 2380254

some of them are unhappy but let's be real here. it's a law enforcement agency. a good 40% of them support these fuckers and voted for it all 3 times. just like how there are a ton of idiot vets who voted for it all 3 times even though MAGAs routinely denigrate veterans

No. 2380290

Cheap living isn't so cheap anymore. Stupid ass rednecks thought gentrification was only making ghettos nicer and forgot those "damn Californians" they told to "move to a cheaper area" ended up in their area and now they can't afford a place cause a Californians can easily pay for that 2500 1 bedroom, but John and his 9.25 an hour as Exxon can't

No. 2380292

NTA but there are a lot of Canadian/Americans who hold dual citizenship, it can overlap especially in the Great Lakes region.

No. 2380298

Be that as it may I would rather people not lose their livelihoods due to illegal orders from the retarded president.

No. 2380334

Texas is the most popular destination for inmigration right now, there’s gotta be something good about it.

No. 2380340

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Obviously can’t post it here but Anonymous doxxed 4 of them on bluesky. One of them is a fucking Canadian lol

No. 2380341

lowkey they already tried to kill him. and, they missed.

No. 2380345

im ngl im glad we can talk about this shit here. i hate how all other online spaces for politics discourse is male dominated

No. 2380372

He didn’t face major consequences despite being a criminal

No. 2380382

the main reason why Elon is going so aggressively after USAID is because they have given money to Ukraine. This is the "crime" they committed. Elon is following Putin's orders. And Trump essentially said just a little while ago that he's letting Elon do whatever he wants and isn't going to stop him. Is Trump cucked or what?

No. 2380388

nothing can be done though really. the courts are useless since he packed them and it takes years to process. supreme court is on his side too. democrats are meek and have 0 power at least until the midterms. everything he's doing is because the executive branch has that much power and he has total control over the three branches

No. 2380478

how is killing someone “lowkey”

No. 2380503

I'm surprised Elon and putin don't hate each other more. Eventually one has got to take out the other to be the true god emperor of earth

No. 2380513

its lowkey because nobody really talks about how that failed assassin was definitely a cia/fbi plant

No. 2380514

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The art of the retard

No. 2380561

I really hate this stupid fucking faggot.

No. 2380570


It's like I am watching a documentary about a dictator of Bumfuckistan Nowhereland make dumb decisions and thinking "haha what a crazy country with their looney dictator"…except it's United States of America.

No. 2380581

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I feel like Trump (and his team) is intentionally pushing out the most outlandish onslaught of changes all at once so that we can't focus on what's really happening, even the msm news outlets seem to be having difficultly following the rapid changes.

No. 2380632

This is a deliberate strategy to drown out valid concern.

No. 2380641

Trump should totally continue fucking with the fbi, maybe he should start infringing with the cia. Like, doing a mass pay reduction from le epic DOGE! Yes trump! Keep on doing it! Please continue stepping on those departments in particular!

No. 2380678

He told them he doesn't care about them, that he can shoot somebody in the street and they'd still vote for him and he ended up being right. On top of that years and years of Americans being in denial and not being able to admit the economy is going in the shitter is gonna catch up to people real fast

No. 2380693

>is trump cucked
Always has been. The name of the oligarch game is sucking dick to the man with more numbers to his name, and trump is king.

No. 2380743

yeah elon has got to be sending millions to trump's bank account, no doubt

No. 2380754

I agree with you, and I also wonder if he's trying to get people exhausted with the onslaught of bullshit so that they start to check out and he can pull more shit.

No. 2380763

Exactly how I feel as well.

No. 2380774

That’s exactly the point, it started with the whole remote work ban. However if seems to be having the opposite effect. They’re literally offering them money to not do anything rather than go to work which goes against the whole proclaimed purpose of DOGE.

No. 2380792

EPA is so understaffed already idk what they’re even talking about.

No. 2380798

I thought the "californian texas invasion" was just a meme but half of the people living in my building are now californian and I'm meeting a lot more of them out and about. Funnily though, a lot of my texan friends are trying to move to california or PNW kek. Sorry to any cali nonnies but from the ones I've met they're a bit standoffish… I always try to get to know my neighbors because it fosters community but they all seem totally uninterested which is sad.

No. 2380800

Apparently both of the decisions reached with Mexico and Canada were already slated to happen and agreed upon during Biden's presidency too so he didn't even realize that he essentially accomplished nothing

No. 2380801

They probably think you're a stupid Texan hick that hates the libs and voted for Trump

No. 2380807

nta but i assumed it was the other way around, i thought Trump was the one giving Elon an allowance

No. 2380817

Californians are just like that with a few exceptions. I’m not a texanon but I am from the south too, and generally I have found anyone from the west coast to be very standoffish. It’s surprising given that not a lot of people talk about it compared to a region like the north.

No. 2380819

I don't feel bad. It was them who told people living in expensive areas to "just move" instead of fighting for rent control

No. 2380834

>family guy

No. 2380838

why would they move to a place surrounded by people they hate lol? i swear blue state transplants just make everywhere they move to worse, they're so snooty and refuse to get out of their bubble then act shocked when people steal their progress flags in front on the house

No. 2380839

Trump doesn’t like to pay anybody

No. 2380844

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That’s true.

No. 2380845

dont know what area the nona ur replying to lives in but they should just move to austin tbh

No. 2380847

I agree. I hope the trumptards are fucking happy. Yes troonry is being defunded… but at what cost? All that money is going to be put into giving Elon the welfare queen more money to destroy wilderness in texas and abuse tesla staff.

No. 2380878

If it was the old FBI that did JFK in, they would've had 4 snipers and blamed it on one dude

No. 2380883

Did we or did we not scream at Californians and people who live in other expensive areas to just "move to cheaper areas"?

No. 2380891

move to cheaper areas but don't bring gentrifying bullshit with you

No. 2380892

You got a point there.

No. 2380895

If this is the play that was always bound to reverse, what's the buried news that mainstream media doesn't want us to be paying attention to right now?

No. 2380902

Same. This legit feels like a safe space for both women and politics.

No. 2380904

I misread this as "Our fail 2021 scholars" kek

No. 2380909

I'm just baffled. How is he allowed to do this? He is a man child throwing a tantrum. I cannot believe people voted this man in as a power figurehead of America. I hope we get through this term, because we just started. Who wants to bet he is killed or dies before his term is up?

No. 2380912

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Since Elon's Department of Govt Efficiency was not approved/created by Congress, isn't it a coup? This is blatant control over the govt by a foreign entity, but no one seems to be talking about this

No. 2380914

move to cheaper areas in california ffs, its like they're allergic to not living in a city center so they had to switch from LA to Austin, i live like 2 hours away from the nearest city center because its considerably cheaper, boohoo.

No. 2380921

I swear other Presidents were impeached for less. Do you think he'll get impeached soon? Cuz waking up and wondering "What did he do today?" is mentally draining.

No. 2380922

I'm asking this in good faith because I'm kind of retarded but when things like this happen (a foreign agent, Elon, lawlessly wrecking the government), who exactly is supposed to hand down consequences? The Supreme Court? Congress? The FBI? The people?

No. 2380934

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Title 18 covers rebellion and insurrection against the government, so it would be the Supreme Court that would hand down consequences

No. 2380937

I remember retards saying nothing major was going to happen, like he's literally upending every major and minor government institution and is going to change everything

No. 2381020

Isn't the SCOTUS majority Republican what the fuck are they gonna do about it under Trump?

No. 2381037

im from california and am also stand offish and know more people even moreso. There are various reasons that could be. but imo everyones awkward. kind of feels like being a rat or mouse surrounded by the celebs and billionaires walking with you. Start acting rodenty, for better or worse.
anyone ive known that moved to LA for instance from far away, stood out a lot and people would think they were fake friendly.

No. 2381077

insurrectionists literally stormed the US capitol and now everyone just accepts that it was normal

No. 2381080

Nonnies, what do you think is the most peaceful states with good infrastructure? Like with a city and outside of the city there's a small country/good nature. And crime rate is low, walkable cities/neighbourhoods

No. 2381081

I think he's immune from impeachment now, right? Didn't that whole supreme court ruling make him above the law?

No. 2381085

providence rhode island

No. 2381107

File: 1738649862776.jpg (390.63 KB, 1200x1494, AverageIQbyState_web.jpg)

northeast, especially maine but i love massachusetts too. way less retards there as well

No. 2381109

Vermont and the Dakotas are my ideals as a Midwesterner who likes cold weather & cozy attitudes.

No. 2381116

You gals are so lucky to have a strong leader like Trump(bait)

No. 2381118

i just vomited in my mouth

No. 2381121

gonna catch a ban for saying this but plot this map with a map about population demographics for a surprise(bait)

No. 2381132

>Texas being 100

No. 2381156

I like white people

No. 2381160


No. 2381165

Because not every migrant is a violent criminal and gangbanger but this has been discussed already

No. 2381167

File: 1738653094369.jpeg (682.29 KB, 1179x1476, IMG_4462.jpeg)

Soon you will be able to file taxes on Musk's failing platform X, but only if you buy yourself a checkmark

No. 2381168

>calling Bidens milquetoast government a "far left" government
god these people are too far fucking goners, they're parroting Trumpspeak and politically retarded

No. 2381201

I really wanna make the case for NYC but the rest of the state is a total wash, overall it might be Massachusetts or Vermont? Both states have nature and Boston and Stowe/Burlington (idk which is bigger) as the respective major cities are walkable. Vermont might be safer and prettier but obviously Mass has the better transit system.

Idk it really depends on which of those factors you prioritize most. A less obvious answer might be Utah; it’s extremely naturally beautiful, SLC is very physically safe (Mormons will only hurt you if you join them) and surprisingly walkable, but you’d need a car to enjoy the states.

No. 2381243

NYC is a shithole. It’s filthy, crowded, full of scammers, psychopaths, and various undesirables all crammed into sardine tins

No. 2381255

File: 1738659706487.webp (30.6 KB, 1270x647, blog_crime_nyc_big_cities.webp)

it's alright. depends on the area. it has a bad rep despite having a very low crime rate, especially in manhattan. We can't use "shithole" too loosely, when st louis and columbus are right there
Upstate new york is pretty cool too imo, good colleges up north especially. I do have to say though, i love NOVA and

No. 2381262

Why do I feel like Americans always call cities they aren't from shitholes? And then when you go there the city is completely normal. All cities have this disgusting underbelly and are filthy in poorer areas, because they're fucking large cities with 10000x the population of some hick towns. There are also good parts to NYC. NYC is so fucking large to just say unequivocally that it's shit is weird

No. 2381279

>A less obvious answer might be Utah
Nice try Russell Nelson.

No. 2381427

There is no cheaper areas in Cali anon. I'm not even from Cali but even I know people were screaming at Californians to move out of California just a few years ago, even called them stupid because Californians didn't wanna move to Texas. The Californians did what you wanted and now you're mad because you'll hold everyone else accountable except for the actual problem

No. 2381435

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Holy shit, is this real or is this just typical Twitter retardation? If so, bye bye 1st amendment. All the people cheering this on too, no one would ever do the same for women. This is fucking depressing.

No. 2381469

Anyone in Utah here? How are mormons like, have you encountered them? What do you think of them?

No. 2381470

I just want to live somewhere cheap, where it doesn’t snow AND I can get an abortion if I want. Why is that impossible in America?

No. 2381493

Doesn't this disproportionately affect his own following? Kek the blame the jews for EVERYTHING

No. 2381495

they're nuts. stay away from them. observe with caution

No. 2381496

Most of those pro-palestine people were anti-woman anyways, they don’t really care about anybody else but their preshush Arabs (really the men and children) seeking justice against Israel or whatever. They are also racist as fuck

No. 2381501

i know a mormon kid from utah. he left the church and now is into sissy hypno and drugs

No. 2381505

No. 2381564

Hoping he fucks with the military and one of those psycho moids feels personally wronged and goes rogue…

No. 2381600

File: 1738681071625.gif (1.78 MB, 498x312, sad-rat-crying-rat-1505379889.…)

>mfw trump would see me, a jew, as an antisemite because I'm a staunch anti zionist

No. 2381616

Avoid Mormons anon. I’ve never met a normal one regardless if they’re a current or former member of the church.

No. 2381634

For what it's worth, i would hide you in my basement when next shoah comes.

No. 2381666

Can nonnies give some blackpill about american moids? Are they that bad?

No. 2381679

Yes, they are. What type of bad depends on your region and socioeconomic status though. A techbro in SoCal is going to be a different kind of reprehensible compared to a truck driver moid in the Deep South compared to a middle management moid in a large Midwest city.

No. 2381685

They’ve all got heads full of porn and balls full of microplastics, they eat like shit and they shoot up schools when Stacy ignores them. What do you think?

No. 2381701

Rank them from best to the worst option and why?
All they all coomers? Even normie ones? I mean I kinda get it since it seems there's a lot of focus on sex in american society, plus the whole american hookup culture
There are women who come from 3rd world countries and some of them see American moids as some kind of ticket for a better life and some of them genuinely think that they are good, but the white moids usually use them for cooking, labor and god knows what. Are the moids there incapable of cooking and household chores btw?

No. 2381703

They are also all fat. Moids like to talk about how America has no more skinny women to date, but seriously every other guy I see could use a training bra

No. 2381704

Americans won't be able to face the consequences of their actions. They don't understand that they effectively abolished the republic, democracy AND that their constitution is now effectively been abolished. They are blinded by the false promises and bullshit of the oligarchs and insist that they "Made America Great Again" when in fact they have uprooted and abolished it. They killed America but insist they made it great, which is fascinating.

Trump himself is most likely just a puppet for the actual rulers - the unelected tech oligarch Elon Musk and the radical Christian psychopath Vance. Behind Musk other "techbro" oligarchs lurk, guys like Zuckerberg and Gates, and unfathomable evils and primitivism behind Vance. America is now just a Russia 2.0, where the rule of law no longer exists. Only the will of the oligarchs matters and only their interests are the interests of the "state."

So yes, the coup has indeed happened and America is dead. You are no longer America or a state, you are a corporation and "the people" are merely assets. You listen to the words of the oligarchs about MAGA and based trad Christianity and so forth but pay no attention to their deeds, and their deeds are the deeds of an authoritarian dictatorship, or to be precise the executive board of directors of a corporation.

At which point will the "based" portion of the populace realize that they sacrificed everything America achieved since the days of Washington and the days of Mayflower? At which point will they realize they are pissing on the graves of Jefferson, Lincoln and the Constitution itself? At which point will they realize that their entire history and identity up until this point has been abolished?

They won't. They sacrificed everything "to own the libs" and because boys in dresses gave them an erection, which they couldn't face head on. A mirror was handed to them and they were afraid of their own reflection, and thus went insane and ran away into a well-prepared trap and dungeon. They weren't even bought, they sold their history, country, laws, and futures for a mirage.

So kneel, and kiss the technocratic throne of tyranny that rules you and to whom you belong body, heart and soul. Show me your true nature of a slave.

No. 2381709

American moids are better at cooking than the ones from my mom's country (yes, I am American, I was born here), but that's a low bar, don't expect anything, especially outside of grilling or steak. The normies ones are less coomer but nerds and anime fans tend to be really pornsick

No. 2381712

They're all bad nonna. There is no best or worst option because in all of those groups you'll find the deepest pits of male depravity and a teensy chance of finding a decent maybe-nigel. All you can do is be leery of scrotery in general and keep your standards high no matter what group you're dealing with.

No. 2381713

Who's all going to the protest tomorrow?

No. 2381714

ok kek

No. 2381719

As if Zionists aren't anti-women and cheer for the murder and rape of Israeli women. Fuck off you anti American retard. Zionists are racist towards anyone who isn't a Jew but you aren't willing to hear that aren't you.

No. 2381721

Sperged too close to the sun, meant to say Arabic women but we all know Israeli moids are disgusting misogynists. Either way, this shit directly goes against the 1st amendment and I bet you turn a blind eye when a Jewish or Zionist man is misogynistic.

No. 2381722

What kind of american moids are in your opinion is nigel-material? (You can't pick noone)

No. 2381740

Just stop trying. I came to the conclusion that the reason why men are slop is because there really is no proper threshold or quality control on what kind of male is being born, so they’re all grotesque NPCs being born outside of a real human which is their mother. American moids don’t exist because America is full of various cultures despite what foreigners think we all live under the same cultural umbrella, but all of them equally shit on women, don’t really give a total fuck about even faking chivalry and kindness, fat, ugly, retarded, hideous. It’s even worse whenever you see the semi-normal looking wife next to her beer but beast wearing shorts and flip flops with a crying brat in her arms while the moid ignores his duty of being a parent. Just don’t. Be single, work on yourself, maintain your own space and energy and just stop trying because there is no mystical pony you’re going to find, just one lesser evil male who’s able to hide his subhuman behavior in order to lock down a woman. There is no better male, they’re all shit and the internet has connected multiple groups of males where it has made it quite abundantly clear that all men hate us no matter if they’re black, white and supposedly in racial divisions, woman hate and woman ownership comes first.

No. 2381768

Are there moids from any country that don't suck?

No. 2381771

>Akash Bobba
and vagene

No. 2381781

Hot. No porn, not into video games or sports, respects women but isn't a male feminist, works a good job but isn't a workaholic, hot, actually wants to be around you, hot but doesn't have a huge ego about it, fun to be around, cares about you, can cook and clean, actually listens, encourages you to be independent and not his mommy/broodmare, and finally, hot.

No. 2381789

Did anybody else realize that they started making IDs a requirement to watch porn now? This has been enacted in the United States for about a month or so now I think.

No. 2381808

>no porn
Easily hides it.
>respects women but isn’t someone who believes in female liberation and rights
>works a good job but doesn’t work the amount of hours that would be required for him to even have money especially with the rising costs in america
Good luck babe kek
>actually wants to be around you
Bare minimum for a relationship
>doesn’t have a huge ego
You must not be attracted to men then
>fun to be around
Bleh, something about thinking males are fun puts a bad taste in my mouth. The only thing they do is damper the complete mood and zap the energy.
>can cook and clean
Why are basic human shit being applauded in moids? Horeeeeee shittttttttt we are fucked
Basic human skill
>encourages you to be independent
Even more proof that many het women just want another daddy in their life to fuck and provide for them like… are they your father??? Kek you’re a grown adult it should come natural to you without a male having to tell you what you already intuitively know
>not his mommy
You don’t understand the het contract and it shows. Most women say this but they will immediately cook, clean his shit up, and cater to him like a mother would, because her relationships requires the woman to always mother and baby her male because males don’t give a shit about emotional intelligence and you can’t teach them that.
KEK(infight bait)

No. 2381814

File: 1738688107623.jpg (55.04 KB, 733x596, 3908-3.JPG)

Apparently the reddit sub r/whitepeopletwitter was temporarily banned because people were doxing the people on the Department of Govt Efficiency (DOGE) team


No. 2381818

File: 1738688210430.jpg (89.53 KB, 961x557, 76976969.JPG)

some screenshots

No. 2381828

The thing about Mormons is that yes they're nice but if you give an inch they will take a mile. Once I asked a Mormon friend about mormonism because I was curious and he and his family, AND another mormon family spent the next year trying to convert even though they all knew I was a staunch atheist

No. 2381830

Let me guess, most of that subreddit is used and occupied by whites suffering with intense self-hatred kek

No. 2381831

It doesn't and it pisses me off. My friend missed their flight because of this and thank god I didn't have to take my cat to the emergency vet or something. And you can't say shit about it or complain because "Your inconvenience is nothing compared to the suffering that the immigrants experience every day, we need this to disrupt and spread awareness!"
Doing this in fucking LA is retarded because all they're doing is pissing off people who are on their side. LA runs on immigrants and is strongly pro-immigration in general, it's not like they're changing anyone's mind. Do you think some racist asshole is going to be stuck in traffic and say "Oh wow I guess I never thought of it that way!"

No. 2381837

in my experience they are only nice because they want to convert you. In reality they are huge assholes

No. 2381845

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Pretty much this, I was suprised to come and find it was banned, then I browsed shitter for a bit and found out they were doxing many of the people on the DOGE team. Seems like a very sudden and radical turn.

No. 2381854

It’s thiel’s secular homosexual neo feudalist kingdom, Christianity had nothing to do with it.

No. 2381878

I was gonna go, mostly because I'm in a deep red state and I'll see some familiar faces kek

No. 2382048

Haha good thing people saved the dox info. One of the apartments was actually surprisingly shitty looking. Doesn’t look like it’d have much security… here’s hoping they get Paul Pelosi treatment

No. 2382059

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How fucked is US, really? Are we going to be okay in 4 years? It's depressing looking at Elon and Trump's retardation. I'm worried for what little workers rights we have in the US along with abortion rights. I feel politically homeless but always burnt out with politics

No. 2382061

Only certain states

No. 2382063

File: 1738697281526.png (143.23 KB, 1320x420, Screenshot 2025-02-04 at 11.26…)

Even though we're all dying in this hellscape at least I can get a few keks on the way out

No. 2382096

Should I take my Roth Ira money out? I really don't fucking trust the government with how things are going.. and honestly I don't think I will live that long to see retirement anyway.

No. 2382164

Doesn't matter even if Trump gets impeached. The other people in line taking over are just as bad, some of them worse. I have a feeling he's trying to find a way to legally get Elon as close to the fucking seat as possible.

No. 2382170

>OMG serious post about the government fucking with documentation
>I 110% pass
>Did I mention I'm hot as fuck?
It's such a fetish holy kek

No. 2382183

File: 1738701296748.png (305.06 KB, 1428x1084, Screenshot 2025-02-04 at 12.30…)

They also go on to say that they expect to go to the woman-only onsens (hot springs/baths where everyone bathes in the nude) because they "have a vulva". A tunneled-out hole in your gooch isn't a "vulva", my guy.
>I knowww the private ones are an option - but that feels SHAMEful and I refuse to follow the rules and I absolutely NEED everyone to see my naked troon body!

No. 2382188

Kek I like that he thinks that if his passport had him as female that Japanese people wouldn't immediately clock him as a man. Real women don't need government issued cards saying that they're a woman.

No. 2382206

File: 1738702098405.png (424.02 KB, 749x749, 1732011024315.png)

>and im like real pretty as well

No. 2382210

No. 2382243

File: 1738703531641.jpg (9.06 KB, 259x194, images.jpg)

>The joke page stops laughing

No. 2382250

File: 1738703833600.mp4 (18.7 MB, 576x1024, How women are being pulled out…)

I feel sick reading more news every day. Is this really what's on the horizon for us? I don't believe everything I see on the internet but it's nosediving fast and things I never could foresee happening are unfolding in real time.

No. 2382254

Avoiding the news has been amazing for my mental health this month. I feel like the news media wants us to feel helpless, enraged, and every other emotion in the book and I refuse to let them have any power over me.

No. 2382261

All these types of comments are 30 year old white men, I'll click on a profile and it's a white guy talking about how a Hispanic women should be murdered for voting for Trump (who now regrets it) and she deserves what she got. It's doesn't matter if they voted for or against Trump they're the same for 95% of cases, they're all using everything that's going on as a shield to finally be racist and fantasize about murder

No. 2382276

>the purpose is to pull women from the workforce!!!!
Oh no, no, no, no, no, and noooooooo.
In this economy, what with men demanding we pop out kids AND split the rent?
What people like this woman are failing to realize about the platform is this: They want women to work, and they also want us subjugated under men to lesser our financial status and position. Women having power of finances and family planning is an obstacle to the domination of men over us.
i.e. Woman doesn't get to be a doctor, but she is allowed to be a nurse.
Woman doesn't get to be a lawyer, but she is allowed to be the legal secretary.
Woman doesn't get to be an engineer, but she is allowed to be an associate.
Woman doesn't get to be a manager, she is allowed to be the clerk.
Same argument for illegals if we're being honest. They don't want illegals to have pesky things like resources and rights, but they do want them to work the most undesirable, low-paid jobs for the richies of the country–and yes, even after mass deportations the current government will turn the blind eye again to alllllllll the companies that are guilty of doing this right now.

No. 2382290

They want all the benefits of a stay at home tradwife and all the benefits of a working woman too

No. 2382298

File: 1738705781581.png (1.3 MB, 2048x1366, YIcssOb.png)

why the fuck does everyone just accept his skin color as normal? this picture is insane

No. 2382299

bruhhh wtf i rely on freefile every year for my taxes since im poor

No. 2382300

I think it's funny that despite the discrimination women face in college and the workforce, we are half of college graduates, and this fact makes moids seethe. Moids will accept an oligarchy if it means they get to have a bangmaid.

No. 2382303

I don't know why his MUAs cannot simply…stain the hands and ears so they match? I remember fake tan shit being everywhere years ago.

No. 2382344

sometimes i feel like men literally just want someone they can rape whenever they way

No. 2382383

she's right. i hate moids who cry about cancelers, AWFLs, and HR girlies because women experience the exact same dicking around by employers and the exact same online dogpiling that men experience, arguably more. remember the pregnant bike karen and how there is no equivalent slur for uppity white men? remember how men want to hoard all the high paying tech jobs so much so that they would rather hire mentally ill men in dresses than an actual women, because they hate women that much, even their potential wives and want to hold financial leverage over all women and that will never end. men absolutely use cancel culture and grievance politics tactics too. everyone forgets women have only had rights for a relatively short amount of time and all races of men work together to end women's freedom and financial independence, and a large amount of women work towards this goal also.

No. 2382391

imagine someone saying they would fail all black students who take their courses, it's absolutely insane how there are zero legal protections for women as a class

No. 2382392

they want us to work demeaning jobs and have no access to careers just like how it used to be

No. 2382418

Kek his eye area makes me laugh every time. Is there any intel on how he gets his fake tans done? I imagine he pays someone to come to the house and spray him at home?
Nta but I’ve been working in corporate for a year now and it’s so disheartening how even up until now, the workforce disproportionately favors moids while penalizing and undermining women’s careers. It makes me want to start my own business. I swear every day I see yet another woman on r/WomeninTech who is leaving her job to start freelancing or create her own business because it is really just that bad. Thinking about the future of my career fucking depresses me because I have a lot of leadership qualities and yet it feels like I’ll be lucky to even be a fucking Manager by 50 with the way that people constantly doubt & question me.

No. 2382425

If it makes you feel better no one would care about that either. Black people aren't the litmus test you all like to pretend we are

No. 2382428

He's selling the US out to be allies to dictators and his dog is selling out information for money. We are fucked.

No. 2382437

I took out a book from my local library on how to use smartphones less and it made a big difference in my screen time

No. 2382450

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No. 2382453

File: 1738712708060.webp (18.46 KB, 640x393, ft_2021.11.08_highered_01.webp)

I went to a gun store today because of this shit. We need to arm ourselves now, before they officially strip us of our rights as citizens.
We're actually more than half of college graduates kek, moids are seething because they have stomped us down for eons never letting us into the academic space, and then the moment we get a seat at the table we outpace them. They can't stand the biological fact of their inferiority
Anon that does happen to black people, didn't you see that study that showed that an application sent with a black name is denied far more often than the same application sent with a white name

No. 2382458

Knowing we've been outpacing moids since the 80's/90's, even when regressive shit was being pushed, makes me optimistic. I'll always promote education to younger girls too. tradshit is so embarrassing.

No. 2382464

unless theres an entire overhaul of the government, and we somehow, by some miracle, tard wrangle both the christian fascists and their brainwashed tardwives who want to make us private property, and the gendie troons and their retarded handmaidens who want to make us public property, we are fucking SCREWED.
It was way easier to unite women when there weren't moids in skirts to fuck shit up.

No. 2382466

What was the book called?

No. 2382472

This is why women need to start practicing 4B. None of that not my nigel bullshit. Get your educated, get a career and make money. Women are not here to be baby makers and live at home. It's vile. Dating and fucking men who dont give a shit about our rights as human beings feels wrong.

No. 2382473

File: 1738713720148.png (57.5 KB, 1535x426, moid failing to do what women …)

The best thing you can teach young retarded girls is that while yes, the working world is hard, being a tardwife slave is harder. There's a reason women got the fuck out into the working world as soon as they could.
It's absolutely embarrassing and is a will and testament to how pathetic moids are that they can't compete with women in a world that was literally made for them. They truly are the inferior sex.

No. 2382485

File: 1738714051144.jpg (15.14 KB, 275x271, 1651469536987.jpg)

>It was way easier to unite women when there weren't moids in skirts to fuck shit up.
God this is so true…It's also fucking infuriating seeing all the caping for trannies and how people keep focusing disproportionately on le poor troons instead of acknowledging how much ACTUAL WOMEN will be fucked over by all this

No. 2382497

I truly believe the women who cap for troons deserve whatever fate they get. They should be ostracized by women because they love men so much.

No. 2382504

>Women graduate college more than men.
>But, women work less trades than men.
>Trades offer a decent salary without need for a degree.

This is why I never understood the conservative chimp out re: women versus male college attendance. It's like they fail to realize that a lot of jobs that are traditionally male-dominated don't require degrees, whereas a lot of jobs that are traditionally female-dominated do require degrees. That's why it seems so stupid to me when MRAs sperg out about the college statistics. I wish more people had critical thinking skills when it comes to these kinds of things.

No. 2382529

Assuming Trump doesn't get a 3rd term and the next president is a democrat, they can just undo this right? If Trump can undo it so easily, surely they can undo his undo just as easily.

No. 2382531

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No. 2382536

I hope that the next president is a female so we can trust that they atleast care about women. I will be supporting whichever female decides to run in the democratic primary and i hope other based women do the same. democratic males will gladly throw us under the bus for trannies and cool points from young men

No. 2382541

Trump won't get a 3rd term. About the next election though, I hope the dems will be more aggressive, because being passive is what got us into this hell in the first place.

No. 2382542

Democrats need to throw trannies under the bus instead of women. Why should they care about 1 percent of the voterbase (if that) vs 50%. If harris said "trans women are men" she probably would have won because all the white women would have voted for her.

No. 2382546

I have always felt that gender ideology was a way to dilute feminism and female solidarity, it’s not a random thing that it randomly gained traction right after the #metoo

No. 2382549

This wouldn't work because while there may not be that many tranny voters, there are still a lot of democratic-voters that support trannies.

No. 2382550

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Is there anyone else that likes looking at lobbying reports in politics? I've started doing it in the middle of last year and it's been helping out a lot when it comes to predicting future laws. The republican party has consistently been receiving more funding throughout the decade and elon musk's spacex has donated 282 million in 2024 alone. I just like looking at money numbers.

No. 2382552

If 40% can’t acknowledge what unites us all, aka our sex and how males oppress and hinder us on the basis of that , if we can’t pinpoint ourselves as a class we’ll hardly get to change anything.

No. 2382553

Exactly. imaging not catering to 51% of the popular. This crazy love for trannies need to die

No. 2382554

the fact that we still have a free press and sources of information means that we aren't too far gone yet. i think our country can be saved

No. 2382557

did you know ever since trump set up his crypto currency he's been getting millions if not billions of crypto sent to him, not just by americans but also foreign countries? and there's absolutely no legal protections to protect against this

No. 2382558


No. 2382559

yankee supremacy

No. 2382565

File: 1738717282336.png (1.12 MB, 1340x714, Screen Shot 2025-02-04 at 5.00…)

seems like trump has ideas of turning the gaza strip into the vegas strip

No. 2382572

Its probably inappropriate to be saying this now, but with recent events and nonas coming out about their positions within government related fields I have regained some faith in life that theres at least some hope in the system (albeit for the time being) that dont bend the knee to the troon cult but also not a complete rightoid nut. manifesting best wishes your way nonnies

No. 2382585

Everyone likes to forget that his son-in-law referred to Gaza as real estate during his first presidency, now the libtards who refused to vote for Kamala because muh Palestine get to deal with the consequences

No. 2382602

This is why I am pissed at retards who didn't vote or voted independent because "they both are zionists!!!"
I fucking hate those retards like you wouldn't believe

No. 2382610

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samefag but this is what i fucking mean!!! I don't completely agree with rep crockett here but the person qrting this is an actual tard and probably a pick me. I will say this till the end of time but young white male voters did not shift right randomly during 2016, it was not the democrats, or even the republicans that caused their largely-right shift. It was ACTUALLY the internet, it was algorithms made to piss them off, it was google hiding smaller websites away and promoting bigger and more divisive ones. this is why you'll also notice such a divide in political beliefs comparing men and women post-2020, everyone was on the internet then!! You literally cant not piss off young white male voters without shifting more towards the right, which harms women as a result. Democrats need to go after what's actually shifting young white male voters right: the tech billionaires and the influencers that those billionaires payout. They must fight against the monopolization of the internet instead of trying to integrate with it. The democrats don't have a messaging problem other than a few idpol issues like trannies, democrats just need to put their focus on the tech industry. They need to fight against it's divisiveness and when it comes to idpol, focus on idpol issues that are actually real like women's rights and the rights of racial minorities. The messaging of "stop scaring young white male voters away!!! be more sexist!!" is ironically enough going to scare more women away from them.

No. 2382613

I call upon saint Uncle Sam, give us our second coming of FDR next presidential election. Peace and prosperity to America for one trillion years 2028. Remember to vote this midterm nonas.

No. 2382616

Midterms are super important, we will make it to 2026 nonnies! vagina FDR save us….

No. 2382625

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>3rd term!!!!
read the 22nd amendment, try to pass your high school american history class, and turn 18 before posting here again

No. 2382628

nta but there are retarded republicans who are trying to shove trump into a third term, i doubt theyll get anywhere though

No. 2382675

>Democrats need to go after what's actually shifting young white male voters right: the tech billionaires and the influencers that those billionaires payout
This, becoming Conservative Lite™ won't even appease the moids they are trying to attract, they will still vote republican anyway.

No. 2382679

NTA but I don’t think we’re ever gonna see a female president nona

No. 2382681

I predict a shift to the right in both parties for the future but I wouldn't be so sure nonna, I wouldn't want that mindset to become a self fufilling prophecy

No. 2382682

If we keep running women in the incumbent party sure but after a trump admin i think running a woman will be fine lol. I'm tired of this mindset. We've only really ran 2 women, and one of them won the popular vote.

No. 2382684

File: 1738724131398.png (69.91 KB, 1092x358, usps.png)

You're fucking kidding.

>The United States Postal Service announced Tuesday that it had temporarily stopped accepting packages from China and Hong Kong, hours after an order by President Trump took effect that ended duty-free handling of these parcels.

>The United States imports about 3 million parcels a day with almost no customs inspection and no duties collected — with most of them coming from China. An executive order President Trump signed on Saturday required that, starting Tuesday morning, each parcel must include detailed information on the contents and the tariff code that applies, as well as payment of those tariffs.

>FedEx and UPS move a large portion of those parcels, and now run frequent cargo flights from China to the United States to carry them. Neither company has responded yet to questions about how they will handle the new rules.

No. 2382692

Thats a good attitude to have
>We’ve only really ran two women
This is a nice reminder when I forget how young so many anons are, but no nona there have not only been 2 female presidential candidates in history kek

No. 2382699

aliexpress shipments are about to tank

No. 2382701

TEMU is fucked!!!1

No. 2382703

File: 1738725645296.jpeg (42.08 KB, 259x384, hu1REuF.jpeg)

I feel like this movie is the future

No. 2382704

>there have not only been 2 female presidential candidates in history kek
I’m talking about nominees, Nona. Candidates who have won primaries (or in Kamala’s case, replaced the presumptive nominee) and got enough delegate votes to become the nominee. There have only been two female ones.

No. 2382705

I ordered something from China on Sunday, sooo am I just screwed out of my money now? Fuck me I guess.

No. 2382707

republicans already introduced legislation to allow him to run for a third term (because the first wasn't consecutive)

No. 2382710

He should worry about China invading Taiwan in the next couple years, not letting millions of packages build up every single day. I am an America, it's my right to be free to get fun little plastic stuff on Aliexpress kek

No. 2382712

Why is nothing happening, everyone is reacting slow as fuck to everything. The FBI have just now released a statement saying they are suing the Trump admin for their Jan 6th retaliatory retardation. What the hell. Go and vote for your midterms nonnies.

No. 2382716

i think the method of trump and musk et. al is to overload with vastly overreaching exec orders etc. so the courts can't handle the amount of changes and things go slower. in a way it's weaponizing the bureaucratic process, to ultimately bulldoze everything down from within

it's pretty terrifying when you really think about it

No. 2382719

yall, reading these subreddits is so insane:

I even contemplated applying for an FSO job + had quite a lot of federal job applications lined up (all of which have been cancelled bc of the hiring freeze)

No. 2382722

most of these kids have extremely wealthy parents so the billionaire lawfare that will result when elon eventually tries to throw them under the bus will be very entertaining

No. 2382726

it won't work because their are more tranny billionaires lobbying democratic politicians than there are female billionaires lobbying democrats. the biggest bio female billionaire is a zionist first and last who lobbies trump on behalf of israel, women's needs as a class don't factor into her politics at all.

No. 2382728

women don't see themselves as a class they see themselves as their race or religion and think aligning with moids will trickle down.

No. 2382735

No, you might have to pay custom fees tho maybe? I’m not entirely sure how it works honestly. Thankfully my order from kikagoods arrived on Friday kek. I guess I won’t be buying anything from anywhere for awhile as it seems like prices are about to sky rocket.

No. 2382738

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NTA but posting screenshots. Someone in the foreign service sub mentioned how unsurprising it is for a South African man to have a vendetta against an agency important to ending apartheid, and honestly it makes so much sense

No. 2382752

have only ever lurked here but this thread is a tiny bastion of sanity in this moidified shithole country so thank you nonnas

do you all feel like the internet has been weirdly quiet lately? had a friend who was upset thinking there was zero pushback about everything going on. showed her the banned subreddit and screenshots so she didn't feel so alone in this shit

but then i got thinking, seriously, everything is being scrubbed so quickly over the last week in comments section everywhere, comments i saw hours before that weren't very spicy at all disappearing into the ether, friends getting warnings on social media over milquetoast shit, etc. have you nonnas noticed this too?

No. 2382764

Drop shippers and convention sellers in shambles

No. 2382770

What's the point of female solidarity if success on a collective level has nothing to do with success on individual level? Feminist ideology offers little incentive for hetero women and thus it entered alliance with gendies quite naturally.

No. 2382789

File: 1738730622377.png (42.04 KB, 523x336, s_eC4gnMLxsuFrurJ3aVJy-YUGUKTh…)

this is dumb, female solidarity (hence the feminist movement) has led to things like no fault divorce, voting rights for women, the right for women to own bank accounts without a moid (mind you, this only happened in the 70's lol), the right to wear pants etc etc. like, the state of the economy effects everyone collectively, it's going to effect everyone individually no matter what, just differently than eachother. For hetero-women, succumbing to scrote thought only gives them a false sense of protection from scrotes they do not know, but does not keep them safe at home. it's useless. More and more women have been becoming atheist, educated, liberal throughout the years. Clearly being pro-woman has it's incentives lol. Also, you can't really boil cultural shifts down to "incentives". it's not really the only thing that makes somebody follow a certain thought.

No. 2382816

Can't find a clip yet, but Trump just said he has plans to occupy Gaza.

No. 2382820

File: 1738732021329.png (132.08 KB, 498x277, evil-defeated.png)

now conventions will go back to making good ol' american lasered yaoi paddles from american timber

No. 2382822

File: 1738732209910.jpg (594.9 KB, 1080x1166, 1000000524.jpg)

He's so diabolically ugly he looks british.

No. 2382825

>More and more women have been becoming atheist, educated, liberal
This, feminists and gendies becoming allies was inevitable.

No. 2382840

I really wonder how all the leftists who wouldn't vote for Kamala for being "pro-Israel" feel right now about this

No. 2382842

born yesterday behavior

No. 2382845

Ugh can one of you take care of thst gross fat melting south African pig man

No. 2382868

Tech billionaires managed to make techbros seem liberal back in the 90s and 2000s but any woman involved in the dotcom world back then knows that’s not the truth at all. Silicon Valley was always a rotten pit of misogyny started by men who keep sperm banks in their basements.

No. 2382880

I mean, it makes sense seeing as Google, Facebook et al. have been pushing certain narratives to the forefront – not to mention a good chunk of legacy media being bought out and becoming soft in regards to covering what Trump and his buddies are doing. All the quietness really is the technocratic suppression at play right now and it seems to be doing a good job.

No. 2382926

as if kamala wouldn't be licking evil bibi's boots the same way. she just wouldn't say it this straightforward in front of cameras

No. 2382939

>Why is nothing happening, everyone is reacting slow as fuck to everything.
Because the US government no longer exists. DOGE is the government. Let me explain:

Elon Musk/DOGE are operating outside the legal framework of the United States. Nobody elected him and DOGE has no legal backing of the US government. However, DOGE has power and is superior to the entire US government, as we have so far seen. In legal terms this means that Musk is above the US government and so is DOGE. Musk is superior to the US government, the constitution, Bill of Rights and every law that the US has created over its 200 years of existence. By being in this position of absolute power OVER the US government and having no legal framework in which he operates (checks and balances) Musk is now de facto king of America if not de jure. There is no higher authority than Musk in USA. He controls the governments payment system and all other branches on top of DOGE having the authority to control them and do with them as he pleases. There are no laws or supervision over what Musk is doing - he is the absolute authority. Now, pair this up with his wealth and the fact all other "techbros" are on his side ranging from Zuckerberg to Gates.

I know this is hard to accept so bare with me.

Since Musk is above the law he only theoretically has the rights and privileges agreed upon by the UN (Human Rights) but the US is exiting the UN too. It already exited the WHO, Paris Accords etc. Meaning, Musk is the only true sovereign citizen on the planet and he owns the United States in the same way one might own a corporation. Since his power is absolute and superior/above that of the US government all Americans effectively have no rights whatsoever. Everything from the Constitution onward is effectively abolished. The republic is dead. No American citizen has ANY rights, not even basic human rights. Americans are simply assets in the same way as cows or dogs.

Trump is merely a figurehead. Musk chose him and funded him because legally Musk cannot be the president (at least not yet.) Trump is just a spokesman, a dog & pony show, and this is why he says absurd things. It's all to drive away the attention from Musk gradually but fully hollowing out the US and replacing this or that ministry and position with his sycophants. Given the sheer weight of his money and the backing of… well, Microsoft, Alphabet, Meta, Nvidia and so forth the entire country was utterly ripe for the picking. Manipulation of EVERYTHING was THAT easy when you have everything, absolutely everything.

There won't be another "free" election. The ultimate oligarch is in power. America has a "godking" and Americans are his subjects. The ultimate tyrant unseen since the days of the pharaohs is now in control.

No. 2382943

Can you please make a Complain About Trump thread so we don't have to keep reading your schizobabble in this thread?

No. 2382952

>the same way
It's worse now because not only is Israel getting its asshole licked (which is business as usual) but now our nation is getting absolutely ass raped by foreign invaders and turbo zoomers.

No. 2382954

Most of us don't like Trump deal with it

No. 2382956

Techbros scrubbing the internet? Say it ain't so?

No. 2382962

We can't even complain about the American president in the American thread?

No. 2382964

I think anon is complaining about the tinfoil schizoposting not the topic.

No. 2382967


It makes more sense to have a thread dedicated to the dictator so that we can all discuss him without derailing comments like the bird spergs earlier. We need to organize and make sure that Trump is held accountable for all of his wrongdoings and we need a thread to catalog all the atrocities he has committed against the American republic and the American people. Trump is worse than 9/11 and we need a thread to discuss about him.

No. 2382974

tbh it's hardly tinfoiling at this point

No. 2382975

You can talk more about it in the Trump Hate Thread.

No. 2382982

what foreign invaders? aren't you guys deporting anyone who's 2 shades darker than snow white?

No. 2382990

File: 1738745951865.png (162.65 KB, 748x722, thtv.png)

You fucking retards voted for this.
Notice that the words "male", "trans" and "transgender" are nowhere to be found, but "female" and "woman" are. Reversing women's healthcare in realtime.

No. 2383006

>you retards voted for this.
This isn't ovarit. I didn't vote for this bullshit. I was trying to get a woman in office.

No. 2383012

Think anon was talking about the huge amount of retards in the past threads that mentioned voting for trump just to get back at troons and not caring for women’s rights because they “aren’t whores who need abortions”. Now those same anons who were licking Trumps sack under the guise of kicking out troons from the bathrooms and cheap groceries are quiet itt

No. 2383014

Those people are called trolls. This is an anonymous website anyone can post on that is regularly spammed with porn like please use your head.

No. 2383015

They definitely weren't all trolls, don't cope anon.

No. 2383023

File: 1738747756707.png (153.63 KB, 1914x849, Screenshot 2025-02-05 032518.p…)

You can't search the NIH website for random shit now too, it just redirects to the homepage. For example "racism" in your query redirects you. But if you just misspell it the search works normally. The fucking retard teenaged scrotes Musk hired couldn't account for mispelling banned words, something Club Penguin admins worked out decades ago. What the fuck is even the point of shit like this?

No. 2383029

Nta but a massive portion were. Most of that shit died off when the thread had it's own VPN ban (personally I didn't see any of it while there was the VPN ban, but I can't be bothered to go back and look so I'm just going to say most of it was gone kek)

No. 2383031

holy shit it does redirect from racism. that is insane. haven't found anything else that causes it to redirect; transgender, sexism, and discrimination are all fine.

No. 2383040

diversity redirects to homepage too

No. 2383053

This seems really dumb. What if you wanted to look up a study called something like "diversity of pathogens in XYZ disease" or "cell barrier"? Lots of information gone because these retards have a list of trigger words.

No. 2383059

File: 1738750520967.png (86.67 KB, 604x608, Screenshot 2025-02-05 034726.p…)

This is the post I saw. The fact that the term "transgender" isn't banned but "gender" is is kind of hilarious. That aside, this is really fucked up. The government should never be allowed to delete search terms from research websites like this, it's disgustingly authoritarian.
The retards implementing these changes are not practical or rational, they are sharty-tier moids whose thought processes begin and end with "Own the Libs At All Costs"

No. 2383081

Is it true that American men don't shave their privates or pits?

No. 2383171

File: 1738759798403.png (Spoiler Image,943.5 KB, 1170x3476, IMG_4512.png)

They are still doubling down on it.

No. 2383172

the masturbatory virtue signaling despite doing absolutely nothing but whine on tumblr kek

No. 2383174

What part of "trump is going to genocide palestinians AND destroy America" do these people not register?

No. 2383200

huge cope. at least harris would've done some posturing and negotiation. trump will turn gaza into beach front property

No. 2383203

See y'all at the protest

No. 2383204

Imagine if you told a German image board in the 40s they should "just make another thread and stop complaining about Hitler"

No. 2383211

The wall of text screams guilty conscience kek. Ending it with a smug "and ur RACIST anon" is the cherry on top when this lovely tumblr user didn't vote quite literally in service of their ego, damn the consequences to non-white people in their own country

No. 2383219

Why do they care so much about Gaza? I have never seen this much push against any other war since I've been born. These are the same people that will openly murder women and children because their religious book tells them so. Let the whole gaza/isreal thing stay over there. Because of their virtue signaling bullshit, we got trump as president. fuck, I hate it

No. 2383254

Unironically this. Anyone who passionately picks a side other than "America shouldn't be funding this strip of shit civil war in Africa" is retarded.
I'm an anti zionist or whatever but like honestly I just don't want America giving money to this faggot country when we got our own fucking problems. I get it, the israeli warmonger sociopaths are bombing hospitals but shit son half our country can't even afford to go to a hospital.

No. 2383256

it's not in africa…

No. 2383267

Because the jews own america apparently. I don't understand why the need to give them so much support or why all presidents visit their stupid jewish wall.

No. 2383272

to be fair it is right at the intersection of europe, africa, and asia

No. 2383277

As someone who went to school for CS I cannot emphasize enough this was literally 90% of moids in my program. I knew as soon as I saw their pictures. They're every bit as insufferable as you can imagine. You can't listen to these kinds of douchebags speaking for 2 seconds without wanting to anhero.

No. 2383286

I'm in the same boat anon, every day is like wading through a sea of these exact moids. Sure one or two of them is nice (and who knows how the nice ones really feel?) but 99% of them do not view you as human for the crime of being a woman. And these fuckers are sitting on unsecured copies of our data with control over our payment systems as well as many other government-run systems. They even plan to make a "centralized blockchain" (Lmao) out of our treasury. It's like a really heavy-handed and corny joke about techbros except it is literally happening to us right now

No. 2383306

Any of you going to the protests today?

No. 2383308

What protest? And no, I’m stuck at home in semi-rural Texas with no car or driving capabilities anyway

No. 2383311

its no wonder USAID was the first fed dept to be dismantled, you cant have an international agency promoting democracy abroad when your own country no longer cares to be democratic

No. 2383313

Its less that the news own america and more that the zionists own america. Non zionist jews might we well off in some regards but don't hold a fraction of the political power that zionists hold.
Like Bernie sanders is a non zionist jew and while he's found monetary sucsess in politics he's a small fish in an ocean of zionists and their handmaiden.
It really pisses me off that critique of zionism is conflated with anti Semitism. You can hate Israel and not want America to fund it without being a nazi or whatever the fuck.

No. 2383315

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No. 2383317

File: 1738769340698.png (1.37 MB, 1080x1366, 0jCdZBs.png)

this ones circulating everywhere

No. 2383318

I live several hours drive from the city. Also those protests are always filled with gendies

No. 2383320

>state capitol building
so weird. there's 2 federal buildings right here in my city i dont know why these arent the locations. wtf is the state gonna do?

No. 2383344

>a protest on a Wednesday at noon at the "capitol buildings"
Sometimes it feels like someone is sabotaging these movements because who thought this was a good idea to guarantee turnout?

Also, is the US going to start charging import duties to individuals for Chinese shipments? I saw that the postal service is halting package acceptance for now, so I'm purposefully not buying anything from there for a long time until this all is sorted out.

No. 2383351

Kek at calling other people retarded when you can't even correctly identify the continent Israel is on. I bet when you say "from the river to the sea" you can't even name the river and sea at issue.
Netenyahu and his administration are hawkish monsters. The settlements in the West Bank are a war crime. However, disagreeing with the actions of a country's leadership shouldn't be a justification for wiping it off the face of the Earth. Israel has a right to exist.

No. 2383353

The roe v wade protests in my city were filled with trannies carrying guns & screaming about how trans were most effected. I have not been to a protest since & am not interested in being around emotional & dangerous males with weapons.

No. 2383354

ok ziobot

No. 2383357

I literally do not care about Palestine/Israel. I will worry about their stupid civil war when America is #6 in healthcare like shitsrael.

No. 2383361

That's so upsetting. I'll never forgot when I saw my first women's march 8 or so years back and there were a few trannies there who hated the pink uterus hats. Like, why the fuck are you (a man) at a woman's march??

No. 2383365

File: 1738773030484.png (428.56 KB, 1216x1550, lbsy8j9nmjge1.png)

i can't believe some morons are still harping on that issue, with the current stuff coming up such as the possible destruction of workers rights,plumetting economy, Elon committing a hostile takeover (picrel) etc. To me any burger who still thinks the middle east conflict is more important than what is currently happening in their own country and government is either a commie terminally online neet or paid opposition.

Like hello your fellow burgers are losing their own rights, take the stalin pipe down for a second. Normal americans currently don't have the time to care about israel or palestine.

No. 2383372

Watermelon faggots are terminally online. They are the ones who didnt vote and helped trump get elected as far as I'm concerned. All they do is spend their time unmonitored online while probably living with their parents. They were failed as kids and now worse for it as adults.

No. 2383384

>Watermelon faggots
What the heck does this mean?

No. 2383386

sexual attraction to watermelons, due to the round, pink and juicy nature of watermelons it causes sexual araiusal in some people that they make love to it.

No. 2383392

Nta, it means those retards who put a watermelon emoji instead of a ba'athi flag (Palestinian flag) on their xitter/IG handle

No. 2383394

They don’t need to be sabotaged when most people are fucking retarded already and can’t organize a nationwide protest. There is also the issue of the US being so enormous that most people can’t just flock to DC for a giant federal protest like South Korea had recently. All of us normies just have to flock to our stupid ass state capitols or take an 8 hour flight to DC

No. 2383399

Can anyone explain why the fuck America allows Israel to boss us around and suck their dick when they have never once helped us in turn? This is so fucking embarrassing. It's even worse when you consider one of the prime ministers of Israel even said the Jews control Israel which is as good as true. Trump has even said anti semitic stuff in the past, did he get paid by AIPAC for this or some shit?
With that said, I feel bad for the good, well-meaning, anti-Zionist Jews who are going to get affected by this just as much as non-Jewish Americans.

No. 2383407

Israel is part of why we're in this situation to begin with dumbfuck.
And Zionists aren't chronically online sociopaths? Yeah whatever babykller.

No. 2383408

>one of the prime ministers of Israel even said the Jews control Israel
Well, Israel is meant to be a nation-state for Jews. So the Jews do control Israel, since most people that live in Israel are Jewish, hence most of the government officials there are Jewish too.

No. 2383409

Oops, I meant control America. I'm a dumbass kek.

No. 2383410

Wouldn't it be hilarious if Satoshi Nakamoto pops back up and collects his money and tanks bitcoin down to the seventh layer of hell and brings forth a massive wave of tech-tard suicides, including Musk. God it would be amazing.

No. 2383411

Ayrt, I agree that it's dumb for the U.S. to be wasting taxpayer money on giving Israel weapons it clearly doesn't need when so many of our own government systems are underfunded. Infrastructure, schools, the postal service, the IRS, etc.

No. 2383413

Because Christian nationalism. A lot of evangelicals see Israel as the holy land, Jews are the chosen godly people and Muslims are misled heretics. It’s retarded but it’s usually something like that

No. 2383416

Christians don't like Jews tho

No. 2383418

>when they have never once helped us in turn?
You have a very naive and ignorant understanding of global politics and the global economy. The USA needs to support Israel because Israel is the conduit of American soft-power in the Middle East. The American government has to be Zionist because Zionism directly improves the lives of the American people. Pick up some books that relate to the modern history of the Middle East and you'll learn more.

This is just a talking point that spread in popularity on Tumblr, it's not really true at all.

No. 2383419

It's insane how Zionist politicians who are American care so little about their own people. It's disgusting and disturbing.
Protestantism was a fucking mistake. At least if America were Catholic we wouldn't be caught up in this mess.
I have some news for you

No. 2383420

I'll give you the sincere, boring answer. Israel is an "outpost" of stable democracy and Western culture in a region where most of the countries are religious states or have unstable governments. The allyship is of strategic benefit to U.S. interests in the Middle East.

No. 2383421

no but the jews must be in israel when the "end times" come, evangelicals genuinely believe this. something about the second coming of christ.

No. 2383423

How does Zionism help the US? Fuck off you Zionist shill, swear loyalty to America first, our own country, before Israel.
And you wonder why anti semitism is rising. Zionism only benefits Jews; no, not even all Jews, just Zionist ones who make up a very small portion of the US population. Why are there so many Zionists in this general? You guys are literal nazis who want to kill Palestinian kids.
How does it benefit us? Oh wait, it doesn't.(infighting)

No. 2383424

U.S. allyship with Israel predates the political mainstreaming of Evangelicals, which happened in the late seventies. Biblical prophecy is an element of conservative support for Israel, but the main reason is the thing I said in a previous reply about strategic advantage.

No. 2383426

Clarification: Most American Jews are Zionists, I am implying Jews in general make up a very small portion of the American populace.

No. 2383430

I have a suggestion for you. If you want to scream and chimp out about Jews for the millionth time, there's actually a website for it. It's called 4chan. You can go on there and there's even a whole board to sperg out about Jews. You can go do it there.

No. 2383431

>heckin literal nazis
Go back to Tumblr. Anon asked why the U.S. government is Israel's biggest ally. My answer was not an endorsement of U.S. foreign policy, it was just an explanation; it's of strategic benefit to the pro-democracy interventionist agenda.

No. 2383432

this is american general, not watermelon general

No. 2383433

Don't bother responding kek, it's the most obvious bait in the world.

No. 2383434

No. 2383435

IN my opinion religion is the root of all this issue and its not something the US can solve probably ever, its thousands of years of this shit.

No. 2383437

we were SO close to brokering a two state solution deal though

No. 2383438

I didn’t even mention Jews. I just pointed out how Zionists reign supreme influence over the US. Not every criticism of your grnocidal ideology is naziism.
This is an American general, not suck netanyahus mutilated dick general.
Americas aid to Israel goes beyond that. Why are there so many fucking Zionists here? Can you not understand how Americans suffer because of how much we send to shitrael?

No. 2383439

Joseph Smith already solved it. Utah is the paradise of Earth.

No. 2383440

File: 1738775841497.png (50.96 KB, 404x386, Screen Shot 2025-02-05 at 9.15…)

offering buyouts to federal employees is crazy work. why would ANYONE ever take that when they have so many protections in their contracts?

No. 2383441

>le holocaust bad! never again!
>ethnic cleansing is totally fine when WE do it. we must clear gaza because all palestinians are literal terrorists!(racesperging)

No. 2383444

>zionism only benefits jews
If that were the case then trump wouldn't be interested in it.

No. 2383446

Doesn't it seem like a major security issue to just be getting rid of so many government workers left and right, especially those in the CIA, FBI etc? Do they realize that the government still needs to function…or? I guess we don't need national security anymore?

No. 2383447

He’s basically controlled by Zionism and Israel anyway. Have you ever wondered why Trump made an abrupt shift from anti semitism to worshipping the ground Israel walks on? Because he gets paid and manipulated by them.

No. 2383448

wasnt it originially like illinois or missouri but then joseph smith got kicked out by oppressors (aka he kept marrying other mens women and kept trying to take over the towns)?

No. 2383451

>Americas aid to Israel goes beyond that. Why are there so many fucking Zionists here? Can you not understand how Americans suffer because of how much we send to shitrael?
Again, you're assuming I personally endorse the reason I provided. I don't, I'm just explaining the position of politicians who aren't me. And I'm aware that it's not a good use of our resources. This is something I said in a different reply:
> it's dumb for the U.S. to be wasting taxpayer money on giving Israel weapons it clearly doesn't need when so many of our own government systems are underfunded

No. 2383455

Correct. After he moved his cult to what would later be Utah, the population increased enough for it to petition for statehood. But it would only be granted under the condition that Mormons stop practicing polygamy.

No. 2383457

My bad for assumptions. My point is that in what universe would occupying gaza benefit us? It would lead to economic prosperity in Israel, not us.

No. 2383459

There was no shift to zionism from antisemitism. Trump worships money. He doesn't give a fuck about identity even if he says racist shit sometimes. If you can give him money and power, he will suck you off. If there was a black disabled muslim tranny with neopronouns and alters who had billions of dollars and a shitload of prime real estate, trump would larp as a tumblrina to get on zirs good graces

No. 2383463

It is a security issue. Trump and Musk just don't care. They'd burn down a children's hospital if it enriched them personally. They've gone full mask off and are blatantly screwing over the whole country for their own benefit. The retards who voted for them (more likely to be poor, less likely to be educated, more likely to be elderly, more likely to be living in states with fewer safety nets) are going to be hit the hardest and it's exactly what they deserve. They fucked around and found out.

No. 2383465

Yes, it was because of anti-Latter Day Saints propaganda that unfortunately caused the exodus of real Christians from both Illinois or Missouri. Since Joseph Smith found the golden plates that Moroni buried centuries ago, it is clear that the one true church is not the Roman or Anglican; it is the one centred around the continous spiritual blessings and evocations of the glorious Joseph Smith who led his flock of true Christians with love in their bosoms into the promised land of Utah. Since Utah is the closest place on Earth to Heaven because Utah is the highest point of the Earth, that means that God can more easily and readily hear and respond to prayers. Latter Day Saints invented many wonderful things, like the telephone, astronomy, Weight Watchers, and wheat. That is why the American government wants to destroy Utah using radiation poisoning so that the Latter Day Saints don't have the immense blessings and providence of the Lord God and his angels as well as the continued leadership that vanguards the one true Church of Jesus Christ.(shitposting schizo)

No. 2383466

Nona idk what tumblr talking point you’re referencing but I grew up in evangelical churches most of my life. It’s weird logic but they do see Israel as some holy land whether they like Jews or not. Many evangelicals don’t have issue with Jews, just depends on which churches you go to I guess

No. 2383475

i think what really feels hopeless is the fact that all three branches of government are working for trump effectively.

No. 2383477

>How does Zionism help the US
fueling the war machine kek as sundowner would say, like the good days of 9/11

No. 2383487

Thanks Nona. I don’t know much about the geopolitical strategy that the politicians probably consider when making policy decisions. Mostly just addressing what the general retarded Christian population thinks and hears at their churches
KEK Totally forgot about that piece too. I don’t even know if there’s biblical canon(probably not tbh) for the “le Jews must be alive to enter our eternal kingdom” shit. I remember hearing this shit a lot growing up.

No. 2383492

Speaking for myself, I agree with you. It's of no benefit to us to support Israel's actions in Gaza, and it hasn't been for quite a while now. However, the position of a lot of American politicians is that "Israel has a right to defend itself," and in their minds, "defending" equals eradicating Hamas entirely. This is a fool's errand, because Hamas used to be a political party; its personnel are widely dispersed with varying levels of involvement. Its leadership isn't even physically in Gaza, they're in Qatar. Additionally, there was guaranteed to be a high number of civilian casualties because the Palestinian government never bothered to build bomb shelters: that's your clue that Hamas doesn't give a fuck about Palestinian civilians. They perpetrated the October attacks knowing that Netenyahu was hawkish and would react with the maximal amount of military force. They knew they would never "win," the conflict; the goal was simply to goad Israel into destroying its own reputation on the world stage, thereby weakening its base of support. Hamas wanted Palestinian civilians to die for this purpose, that's what they mean when they call them martyrs. Netenyahu is a fool and Hamas played him like a fiddle while the U.S. blithely helped him because they think giving Israel more weapons helps "the war on terror."

No. 2383493

You're shitposting, right

No. 2383496

How is talking about God shitposting? At least I'm not going apeshit over Jewish stuff

No. 2383498

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No. 2383501

How do you feel about the Urim and Thummim?

No. 2383502

damn it really is like 2010s all over again isnt it? the wars back,detention centers,rapist going free womens rights in the gutter. time is a circle and we're just hamsters spinning in it

No. 2383504

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Going to put together a team of elite BPD chicks to seduce these nerds, destroy them from the inside out, and drive them to suicide. Let’s go girls.

No. 2383506

im just wondering what kind of shit trump and elon has planned while everyone watching the super bowl this weekend

No. 2383510

What are these protests even supposed to do? Trump, Elon, and everyone in support of them are just going to laugh at it. They have no empathy

No. 2383511

It's worse than that.
The US is about to be accused of crimes against humanity if they are seriously about to place 30k human beings at Gitmo. For the record, it's only ever had about ~700 prisoners there at a single time.

No. 2383513

apparently trump is attending

No. 2383517

Is it me or is this worse than his 2016-2020 term? I don’t remember much happening on a global scale, as opposed to what’s going on right now where it feels like the world is ending. I was just a kid back then (10-14), so I’d like an oldfag to fill me in. Between DOGE and us being a vassal state of Israel, I’m terrified.
They need to have French style revolutions instead of peaceful protesting

No. 2383537

So are you gonna go firebomb a Walmart or are you just gonna post online?(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 2383539

Bitch, I'm not firebombing a walmart, last I checked billionaires don't even work or shop there. What are you going to do? Be a bitch online?

No. 2383541

No. 2383543

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there is so much bonkers shit that gets reported that all the newer, less flashy bonkers shit gets swept under the rug. Like wtf is this blanket "10-1" deregulation/regulation shit?

No. 2383544

They got DEI hired for being male.

No. 2383545

It’s very different from 2016. The dems still had some power in 2016 and he had not yet totally converted Supreme Court to conservatives. People in power were fighting against his decisions, and honestly they weren’t nearly as insane as the shit he’s trying to pull now. And of course Musk wasn’t a factor in 2016.

No. 2383547

It feels more or less the same to me. There will be some great outrage over a blasé statement once a week minimum, general ineptitude like Big Macs post Super Bowl or 4 Seasons Landscaping press conference, but largely don’t expect much of anything to be done. The only real difference is that the Supreme Court now is incredibly conservative and we have large swathes of Republican politicians endorsing his behavior. In the first term there were still a few holdouts within the party.

A piece of advice from an oldfag to you, don’t check the news more than is absolutely necessary. I check it once a day and that’s it. I have no power over much of anything that is happening, I doubt you do either. Getting caught in the news cycle and other discourse is actual cancer and will make everything worse. Stay informed but limit how much you expose yourself to it. Better yet, get off social media if you haven’t already and just focus on your personal life. You’ll be better off in the long run.

No. 2383555

how does shuttering american federal agencies, offering buyouts to fed employees and letting unelected billionaires have access to our financial information feel the same to you?

No. 2383561

>Better yet, get off social media if you haven’t already and just focus on your personal life.
Seconding this. Finding offline friends and getting into low tech hobbies are both sanity savers. Self sufficiency skills and a community is also just a plain good thing regardless of whether government institutions are being strip mined.

No. 2383579

Nta but what you don't get is that the retards saying shit like "eh it's not that bad nothing bad is happening" is just coping.

No. 2383587

I pity whichever egirl gets assigned to that goblin creature on the far right

No. 2383591

They're all atrociously ugly.

No. 2383601

She will be awarded a Purple Heart for her sacrifice and service to her country.

No. 2383604

There were also at least a small, tiny handful of people in his personal orbit that had the power to hold him back. Some members of his cabinet used to literally steal particularly insane executive orders from his desk so he wouldn't sign it. Those people certainly weren't patriots or anything but they at least wanted the US to continue surviving. None of those people exist now. All that's left are vultures circling for scraps of power and wealth so they can insulate themselves from the oncoming implosion.

No. 2383607

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Of course she's shitposting, Mormonism is retarded

No. 2383611

I think a lot of what was happening behind closed doors is happening out in the open now. I didn’t say it wasn’t bad.

No. 2383614

I know that you were using it sarcastically, but I don't understand why overly online leftists propose "direct action" like "firebombing a walmart". It would be a massacre of the working class but I used to see people say that all the time on twitter/tumblr. Like how is blowing up a bunch of people buying groceries and shit supposed to help anybody

No. 2383618

He looks too happy. Maybe Guantanamo is actually a really nice resort

No. 2383629

>Like how is blowing up a bunch of people buying groceries and shit supposed to help anybody
It isn't. The people who say stuff like that are either terminally online and suffering from brainrot, or they're bad actors trying to incite violence either to further an agenda or for lulz. It's also easier to suggest violence online than it is to actually make changes that could potentially siphon power away from elites.

No. 2383650

>What are you going to do? Be a bitch online?

No. 2383651

I'm a Texasanon and my car is acting up and I'm a few hours from Austin. I'm sad I can't go but I'll look for a more local one. Also I couldn't drag my friend along. Saw a video of the protesters and they had a decent turnout though. There were older people there too including an elderly woman who'd been protesting since Vietnam who was appalled by trumps pardon of the J6 rioters.

No. 2383666

Yeah I do find it strange how majority of the people who worked with Trump back in 2016-2020 want nothing to do with him now and only have bad things to say about him. He was also a pretty terrible boss from what I heard too.
The people currently in his orbit are the lowest of the low grifters who are nepo hires with just as extreme views.

No. 2383682

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That Luke kid looks like he's 2 seconds away from trooning out

No. 2383686

Is Trumps granddaughter just a bruh girl or a lesbian what do you think?